Documents List

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1. Ship Registry
2. Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
3. Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
4. Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
5. International Load Line Certificate
6. International Tonnage Certificate
7. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP)
8. Minimum Safe Manning Certificate
9. Ship Sanitation Control Certificate
10. Safety Management Certificate (SMC)
11. Port State Control Inspection Report
12. Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
13. International Pollution Prevention for Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS)
14. International Certificate of Fitness for Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
15. International Certificate of Fitness for Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
16. High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate (HSC)
17. Ship license
18. Certificate of survey
19. Ship radio station licence
20. Fishing Licence
21. International Ship Security Certificate
22. Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage
(CLC Certificate)
23. Marine Labour Convention Certificate
24. Document of Compliance (DOC)
25. CLC Certificate (Tanker persistent oil of more than 2000 tonnes)
26. Ship Particular
27. COC of Master, C/O, 2/O , C/E , 2/E
28. Dangerous Goods Declaration

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