DesignFocusGroupasaControlled ExperimentSetting
DesignFocusGroupasaControlled ExperimentSetting
DesignFocusGroupasaControlled ExperimentSetting
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CSSR 2018
5th International Conference on Science and Social Research
Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu Hotel, 5 – 6 December 2018
Natrina Mariane P. Toyong, Shahriman Zainal Abidin, S’harin Mokhtar, Rusmadiah Anwar
This paper argues the flexibility of focus group in Design research as a controlled-experiment setting to study Designerly Intuition at concept-stage
decision making. This paper outlines the focus group design in terms of the types and structure considerations and the moderator factor. Finally, the
focus-group result gathers dual-mode input from novice Industrial Designers (1) 'as a group' and the intuitive attributes as (2) ‘individual participants’.
Therefore, the focus group design for the data collection setting is established through the research layout and space design that accommodates
both modes of inquiry.
Keywords: Focus Group Study, Design Intuition, Design Research, Controlled Experiment
eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bsby e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC
BYNC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour
Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning &
Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.
1.0 Introduction
This study to uncover Designerly Intuition of novice designers is planned as a two-phased, research collection activities. A total of four
sessions were conducted with eight participants per session. At every session, phase one required each participant to complete an
individual reflective sketching activity. The result, their concept sketches are brought to the next phase which is the group discussion
where the design concepts are discussed, argued, defended and brought to conclusion as a team. The Focus Group method in this
case is considered the best foundation for the study because of its flexibility and various application in contemporary Design
Research. In the design of the experiment set up, the process of uncovering Designerly Intuition through the analysis of designers’
activities is reflected in the research set up, specifically in the space design where the decision-making at concept stage occur. The
focus group study is one-third of a larger study which triangulates the data sets with that of previously conducted in-depth interview of
eight expert-level designers and eight senior-level designers within the same discussion theme of intuitiveness in design. This paper
therefore does not go in-depth on the establishment of the topic of inquiry, instead it will discuss the practical consideration of
controlled experiment design in a focus group set up.
A Designerly
B Design Research
C Focus Group
eISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bsby e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC
BYNC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour
Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning &
Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.
P. Toyong, N.M.,, CSSR2018, 5th International Conference on Science and Social Research, Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu Hotel, 5 – 6 Dec 2018, E-BPJ, 5(SI3), Dec 2020 (pp.79-85)
3.0 Method
session the individual reflective sketching session where each camera is set up to capture two participants. This is done with
consideration of the limited number of video recording device at hand.
However, despite seated next to each other, the participants are separated by dividers on the table to allow them to have their own
space, thus eliminating the natural tendency to look over their neighbouring activity. At this point, participants are only required to
engage in reflective sketching exercise where thought process through verbal narration is not required and no audio are captured.
Fresh sets of sketching materials that are properly labelled according to participants numbered codes are provided at each new
session. Their corresponding sketches, along with the video clips of their sketching session will provide data sets for the first part of
the controlled experiment set-up (see set up in Figure 3).
The second data collection requires the verbalization of ideas during the discussion at sub-session 1: Individual Sharing, where
the understanding and realization of participants’ ideas are built through argument and discussion with the other members at sub-
session 2: Concept Defence. The discussion is designed to be moderated as a three-part discussion. The first two parts require
individual to briefly describe the central idea and concept behind their sketches, upon which other participants can intervene to prompt
for further clarification of unclear ideas. Once all participants have had their turn in individually presenting their concept through verbal
description of their sketches, the group will be prompted to reach towards a consensus on the best possible concept based on the
provided theme.
All the data collection for sub-sessions 1 to 3 happens at Mode 2 where each participants’ individual concept sketch will be shared
and discussed towards building a group consensus in a rectangular table set up with the moderator at one end. There is a purposeful
gap between the distance of the participants with the moderator in this set-up to allow the discussions to happen amongst the
participants as opposed to participants talking or presenting to the moderator (see Figure 4). At this point, audio and visual recording
are captured using a three-audio-visual camera set up backed up by two audio recorders on the table. Due to the dynamic nature of a
focus group discussion, it is important to collect as many back-up data in various format to be able to identify the participants speaking
as well as the sequence of argumentations within the discussions later.
P. Toyong, N.M.,, CSSR2018, 5th International Conference on Science and Social Research, Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu Hotel, 5 – 6 Dec 2018, E-BPJ, 5(SI3), Dec 2020 (pp.79-85)
Table 1. Task Division of Research Team during Focus Group as a Controlled Experiment Setting
Task Principal Researcher Research Assistant
Before Preparation for Focus Group Prepare documents and template, Assist P.A in preparation,
Sends out invitation and follow up
on participants confirmation
During General Role during sessions Moderate sessions, Welcomes and registers participants,
keep time during sessions, keeps participants in holding room,
collect participant consent form, place new document template
provide participation token systematically,
collect document systematically
Mode 1: Warm Up Session Welcome and provide opening, Set sketching materials at Mode 1
remark and explanation of research station,
reset timer at Mode 1 station,
reset Audio Visual Recording Device
Mode 2: Sub-session 2- Concept Moderate session Register and welcome participants for
Defense keep time next session
Mode 2: Sub-session 3- Consensus Moderate session, Contact participants who have not
Building make Closing remark arrived to confirm attendance
30 minute intervals between Reset camera for Mode 2 station, Set sketching materials at Mode 1
sessions reset new template booklet for station,
Mode 2 station reset timer at Mode 1 station,
reset Audio Visual Recording Device
at Mode 1 station,
guides participants from holding room
After Preparation after Focus Group Prepare data for transcription and Assist P.A in data set preparation
The well-coordinated work between the researchers does not only show the effectiveness of having minimal number of researcher
for a focus group study, it allows for minimal interaction of participants with outside of the controlled experiments as there are only to
individuals at site. It further avoids biasness and unnecessary discussion which may affect the information that is fed to participants
outside of the scripted study questions. The minimal number of researchers at site is further enabled with ample audio recording
device and data collection template that are well designed to aid easy cataloguing and documentation for later transcription and
analysis jobs.
In the future, building on the flexibility of the established Focus Group method, applied into controlled experiments setting, further
studies can be done to design better facility set up, specifically for more controlled individual sketching session which can allow
individually dedicated camera as well as audio recording devices for every participant. More forms of data sets can be collected at one
sitting if participants can verbalise their thoughts whilst sketching. Another strong consideration should be to look into moderator’s
fatigue during a day-long focus group session. If the research is replicated to have the exact number of participants and sessions,
having concurrent focus group space can be beneficial. This limits the number of sessions which a moderator needs to preside over.
However, a better moderator’s guide design must be made to not only allow for stricter adherence to the flow to allow validity of data, it
must be balanced enough to also allow for anticipated alternative scenario for discussions to sidetrack and return to its main
discussion. Therefore the moderator factor needs to include preparedness and experienced moderating skills.
4.0 Conclusion
Focus Group research using the approach of the social science field have often been applied into Design research studies, albeit with
limited understanding and depth except for market orientated approach and only recently ergonomics and new product development.
The application into Design Research Methodology is however uncommon especially in its usage to uncover deeper understanding on
Designers and Design practice to build new knowledge which serves as a reflection towards the improvements of future Design
activities. This study therefore outlines practical application of the incorporation of a controlled experiment setting into the Focus
Group Method opening new insights into alternative application into of Design Research, discussed from the focus group types and
structure considerations as well as moderator factor.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the help of the Ministry Education of Malaysia in providing the Bestari Perdana Fund, Project
P. Toyong, N.M.,, CSSR2018, 5th International Conference on Science and Social Research, Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu Hotel, 5 – 6 Dec 2018, E-BPJ, 5(SI3), Dec 2020 (pp.79-85)
Number: 600-IRMI/PERDANA 5/3 BESTARI (111/2018) and Research Management Institute of Universiti Teknologi MARA for
managing the grant.
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