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g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Zn-air batteries (ZABs) are promising electrochemical devices to store energy. Metal oxide perovskites
Received 26 July 2022 mixed with carbon materials are highlighted as interesting materials for this application because of their
Revised 3 October 2022 appropriate bifunctional performance in oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction
Accepted 16 October 2022
(OER). The interaction between both components of the electrocatalyst is important in the bifunctional
Available online 20 October 2022
electrocatalytic activity, and the mixing method plays an important role in this interaction. Then, different
mixing methods have been studied in this work (ball-milling, mortar and manual shaking). The use of dif-
ferent physicochemical techniques such as temperature programmed desorption (TPD), temperature pro-
Metal oxide perovskite
Perovskite-Carbon composite
grammed reduction (TPR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in the materials characterization,
Zn-air battery allows us to conclude that the mixing method strongly influences the particle size and the interaction
ORR between both components, which determine the final electrocatalytic activity. The materials prepared
OER by ball-milling displayed the best performance. Herein, the experimental conditions were optimized to
Bifunctional catalyst obtain electrocatalysts with enhanced electrocatalytic activity for ORR and OER. Low rotating speed, air
Ball-milling atmosphere and low ball-milling time generate electrocatalysts with a small nanoparticle size, more homo-
geneous and with a higher interaction between both components, which enhances electron transfer, and
consequently, the overall oxygen-involved reactions. The best electrocatalyst obtained was studied as
⁄ Corresponding author.
0021-9797/Ó 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
M. García-Rodríguez, J.X. Flores-Lasluisa, D. Cazorla-Amorós et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 269–280
air-electrode in a Zn-air battery and it was compared to a commercial Pt/C electrocatalyst, obtaining higher
cyclability (55.2 vs 51.7 %) for 30 h, and higher energy density at 5 mA/cm2 (764 mAh/g vs 741 mAh/g).
Ó 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
1. Introduction the carbon material through the use of a mortar [26], electrospin-
ning [27], chemical vapor deposition [28] or ball-milling [29],
The use of fossil fuels has increased greenhouse gas emissions, among others. The ball-milling treatment (mechanochemical
making climate change a pressing issue for mankind. The use of approach) stands out among the others because of its simplicity
renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels is one of the most and ease of extrapolation from the lab to industry, which is
important challenges to alleviate climate change [1,2]. However, unachievable with other methods. This method involves placing
these are discontinuous primary energy sources, making the use the different components to be mixed into a vessel that contains
of energy storage devices necessary for their successful deploy- balls of inert material and then rotating the vessel to enhance
ment. Electrochemical energy storage devices are one of the most the contact between the phases. Time, rotation speed and the
interesting for this purpose and they will become critical compo- atmosphere used are important variables that may be controlled
nents of the future energy network to help store and deliver [30]. Depending on the mechanical energy, elastic or plastic defor-
renewable energy [3]. mation can be achieved [31]. If the mechanical energy is not high
Among the different electrochemical energy storage devices, enough, the kinetic energy transferred to the reagents only pro-
metal-air batteries (MEBs) are highlighted as interesting devices vides energy to reduce the size of the particles. However, if the
that store and deliver energy through redox reactions between energy is high enough, the reactants can be chemically modified
the metal and oxygen. These batteries are growing in popularity through the cleavage of chemical bonds [32]. This leads to the for-
due to their higher energy densities than conventional lead-acid mation of new bonds between reactants and, consequently, the
batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, and lithium-ion batteries formation of new materials with significantly different chemical
[4]. Although lithium, zinc, aluminum, sodium, and other metal properties. Then, the ball-milling method can play an important
electrode materials have been extensively studied, the zinc elec- role in modulating the interaction between the carbon material
trode is the best choice for aqueous electrolytes due to its strong and the metal oxide perovskite.
corrosion resistance in alkaline solutions, low cost and large In this work, we propose the synthesis of composites that con-
reserves, making Zn-air batteries (ZABs) a very promising energy sist of a Co-doped LaMnO3 perovskite mixed with a carbon black
storage device [5–8]. material for electrochemical oxygen reactions (ORR and OER) using
Sluggish kinetics and high overpotentials of the electrochemical different mixing methods. Co-doped LaMnO3 perovskites were pre-
oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction viously studied for both ORR and OER [18]. The results showed that
(OER) are one of the important hurdles for the implementation of a low Co content favors the presence of surface Mn4+, which
efficient fuel cells and metal-air batteries [9–11]. Although noble increases the catalytic activity. However, if Co is added in larger
metal-based materials are the most effective ORR/OER electrocata- amounts, changes in crystal structure and particle size occur that
lysts, the high cost and scarcity of precious noble metals, as well as negatively affect the catalytic activity. In this study LaMn0.7Co0.3O3
the non-efficient bifunctionality against the target reactions, have perovskite has been selected since it has an outstanding activity
prompted scientists to look for more efficient and highly stable towards both ORR and OER. Therefore, the main objective of this
non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts [12–14]. work is to compare different methods of materials mixing (ball-
The family of perovskite-type metal oxides AMO3, in which A is mill, mortar, and manual shaking) to investigate their influence
a rare-earth or alkaline earth element and M is a transition metal, on the electrochemical activity. We also provide an optimization
are attractive candidates for ORR/OER bifunctional reactions. This of the ball-milling experimental parameters. The physicochemical
is due to their structural stability and their ability to substitute ele- and electrochemical properties of the different composites have
ments of varying valence, electronegativity or ionic size at the A been analyzed and their performance in a ZAB has been assessed.
and M sites, that permits tuning the structural, physical and elec-
tronic properties of the electrocatalyst [15,16]. However, because
of the lack of proper electrical conductivity, the catalytic activity 2. Experimental
of these metal oxides is limited. One alternative to increase the
electrical conductivity is to introduce a second phase with higher 2.1. Materials and reagents
electron conductivity, such as carbon materials. Therefore, metal
oxide Perovskite-Carbon material composites have been proposed Reagents used were Vulcan XC-72R carbon black (Vulcan)
as potential replacement for noble metal-based materials [17–20]. (Cabot Corporation), potassium hydroxide (KOH) (VWR Chemicals,
According to several studies, the improved OER/ORR activity of a 85 %), ethanol (C2H5OH) (Alfa Aesar, 99.5 %) isopropanol (Acros,
hybrid electrocatalyst made up of a carbon material and a Organics, 99.5 %), NafionÒ 5 % w/w, 1-propanol (C3H8O) (Alfa Aesar,
perovskite-type metal oxide is mostly due to the synergistic 99.9 %), 20 wt% Pt/C (Sigma-Aldrich, 98 %), lanthanum(III) nitrate
impact of the components. The synergistic effect might be associ- hexahydrate (La(NO3)36H2O) (Sigma Aldrich, 99.9 %), manganese
ated with the formation of an interfacial structure which is respon- (II) nitrate tetrahydrate (Mn(NO3)24H2O) (Alfa Aesar, 99. 98 %),
sible for the enhancement of the electrocatalytic activity over cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate (Co(NO3)26H2O) (Sigma Aldrich,
those of individual components. The role of the carbon material 99.9 %), zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn(O2CCH3)22H2O) (Sigma
acting as a co-catalyst can also contribute to this effect. According Aldrich, 98 %), hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)
to the literature, these composites can be synthesized in several (CH3(CH2)15N(Br)(CH3)3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99.9 %), and Zn foil
ways [21]. The most common approach is to first synthesize the (ThermoScientific, 99.98 %). The solutions were prepared in ultra-
metal oxide, which may be achieved by co-precipitation [22], pure water (18 MX cm, MilliporeÒ Milli-QÒ water). Gases, N2
sol–gel [23], hydrothermal [24] or microwave procedures [25]. (99.999 %), O2 (99.995 %), H2 (99.999 %) and synthetic air were pro-
Subsequently, the metal oxide perovskite can be combined with vided by Carburos Metálicos and used without any pretreatment.
M. García-Rodríguez, J.X. Flores-Lasluisa, D. Cazorla-Amorós et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 269–280
2.2. Synthesis procedure (VG Scientific, Sussex, UK) equipped with a hemispherical electron
analyzer with nine channeltrons (passing energy of 2–200 eV) and
2.2.1. Perovskite-type metal oxide hydrothermal synthesis an X-ray source with Al radiation (Ka 1253.6 eV). The bond energy
The hydrothermal synthesis method used to prepare the of the C1s peak at 286.4 eV was taken as an internal standard. The
LaMn0.7Co0.3O3 (LMCO) perovskite was modified with respect to XPS data were deconvoluted using the XPSPEAK41 program; the
that found in the literature for LaMnO3 [33]. In the first step, the experimental curves were fitted using Lorentz-Gaussian functions,
metal precursors were mixed in water in stoichiometric ratios and the background was a Shirley line. The XPS data were obtained
(Co is introduced in a 30 % of the Mn quantity), and the surfactant from the average of seven cycles; the estimation of the uncertainty
CTAB was added in a 1:50 M ratio to the metal content. Then, drops of the XPS measurements is ±5 %.
of 6 M KOH were added until pH 14 was reached, and the solu- Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) studies were per-
tion was stirred for 18 h. The solution was then transferred to a formed by heating carbon-containing samples (approximately
Teflon reactor and introduced into an autoclave, which was heated 10 mg) from 120 to 940 °C at a heating rate of 20 °C/min under a
at 180 °C for 48 h in an oven. Afterward, the autoclave was cooled helium flow rate of 100 mL/min. These experiments were per-
in an ice bath. Then, the material was washed, filtered and dried at formed in a thermogravimetric system (TA Instruments, SDT
100 °C. Finally, the sample was calcined at 700 °C for 7 h under air Q600 Simultaneous) coupled to a mass spectrometer (PRISMA
atmosphere and the perovskite-type metal oxide LMCO was PRO QMG 250 M1). The quantity of CO evolved was measured
obtained. using the 28 m/z line. The mass spectrometer was calibrated using
calcium oxalate and the uncertainty of the measurements is ±5 %.
2.2.2. Metal oxide Perovskite-Carbon material composite Perovskite-Carbon composites were also analyzed by tempera-
The as-obtained metal oxides were mixed with Vulcan by ture programmed reduction (TPR, 5 vol% H2 in Ar (35 mL/min),
employing different methods to obtain the Perovskite-Carbon 10 °C/min up to 950 °C) using a Micromeritics Pulse Chemisorb
composites. In the ball-milling (BM) approach, a Retsch PM 200 2705 equipment with a thermal conductivity detector (Norcross,
planetary ball-mill equipment was used with different milling con- GA, USA). The uncertainty of the measurement is ±3 %, determined
ditions such as time (30, 60, 180 min), atmosphere (Ar and air) and from comparison with other samples.
milling speed (350 and 500 rpm). In all of them, 0.5 g of perovskite Sample morphologies were characterized by transmission elec-
together with 0.5 g of Vulcan and 10 agate balls of 9.91 mm in tron microscopy (TEM, JEOL-2010, 200 kV) and scanning electron
diameter were mixed in the 50 mL agate ball-mill vessel, leading microscopy (SEM, JEOL, 0.5–30 kV).
to a ball-to-powder weight ratio of 14–1. The samples were named The study of the electrocatalytic activity was performed in an
as BM_time_rotation speed_atmosphere. For milling in Ar atmo- Autolab PGSTAT302 potentiostat (Metrohm, Netherlands) with an
sphere, the ball-mill vessel was introduced into a glove box (VAC error in the measured current of ±0.2 %. The working electrode
Nexus Model, California, USA), filled with high purity Ar, for 24 h was a rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) (Pine Research Instru-
to ensure air removal, and it was sealed inside the box. Physical ments, USA) with a glassy carbon disk electrode (5.61 mm in diam-
mixing by mortar was conducted in an agate mortar by mixing eter) and an attached platinum ring, the counter electrode was
20 mg of metal oxide perovskite with 20 mg of Vulcan and grinding graphite, and the reference electrode was a reversible hydrogen
for 15 min (mortar sample). And finally, manual shaking was per- electrode (RHE) immersed in the working electrolyte through a
formed by mixing 5 mg of perovskite and 5 mg of Vulcan in a vial Luggin capillary.
and shaking manually for 15 min (manual shaking sample). Before electrochemical characterization, a catalytic ink was pre-
pared by sonicating a suspension containing 1 mg of Perovskite-
2.3. Characterization techniques Carbon composites and 1 mL of a solution composed of 0.02 vol%
NafionÒ and 20 vol% isopropanol in water. Then, 120 ll of the dis-
Composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using persion were deposited on the glassy carbon disk. The electro-
a Cu a Ka radiation source at a step of 0.05° in the 2h range from chemical characterization was performed by cyclic voltammetry
10° to 80° on a Bruker D8-Advance diffractometer (Billerica, USA) in N2 saturated atmosphere in 0.1 M KOH at a scan rate of
with a Goebel mirror (non-planar samples) and an X-ray generator 50 mV/s. Electrocatalytic activity towards the ORR was studied
KRISTALLOFLEX K 760-80F (power: 3000 W, voltage: 20–60 kV and by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) in an O2 saturated 0.1 M KOH
current: 5–80 mA). The crystallite size was estimated by applying solution between 1.0 and 0.0 V (vs RHE) at different rotation rates,
the Scherrer equation (Eq. (1)) [34]: from 400 to 2025 rpm, and at a scan rate of 5 mV/s. Throughout all
experiments, the potential of the Pt ring electrode was kept con-
kk stant at 1.5 V (vs RHE). The hydrogen peroxide formed on the disk
Dc ¼ ð1Þ
bcosðhÞ electrode is oxidized on the Pt ring electrode. Then, the electron
transfer number was determined from the current of the disk
where Dc is the crystallite size (nm); k is the constant related to the and the ring electrodes as follows (Eq. (3)):
shape of the grain, whose value is 0.89; k is the wavelength of the
radiation source used, which is 0.15406 nm; b corresponds to the
full width at half maximum (FWHM) (radians), and h is the Bragg
angle. To subtract the instrumental broadening factor from the 4Ir
measured FWHM value, a crystalline quartz pattern was used. The ne ¼ ð3Þ
Id þ Ir =N
corrected FWHM value of the sample was calculated according to
the following equation [34]:
2.4. Zn-air battery compensation mechanisms that perovskite metal oxide can suffer
due to Co substitution. It seems that the peak corresponding to
The zinc-air battery (ZAB) was tested using the instrumentation plane (0 1 1) is broader when using ball-milling and that, in some
shown in Fig. S1. As air electrode (positive electrode), the cases, the peak splits into two signals, which may be related to
BM_30_350_O2 catalyst, or the commercial 20 wt% Pt/C catalyst the transformation of the cubic phase to the rhombohedral phase
ink (5 % NafionÒ in isopropanol), was uniformly brush painted on [23].
the carbon paper (QUINTECH, Freudenberg H23C6) until a mass The XRD for the manually shaken sample contains low crys-
loading of 1.3 mg/cm2 was reached. The negative electrode was a tallinity peaks (Fig. 1A), showing the typical peaks of an amor-
polished Zn foil and the electrolyte was an aqueous solution of phous carbon material [35], which seem to hide the contribution
6 M KOH + 0.2 M Zn(O2CCH3)2. The geometrical area of the elec- of perovskite metal oxide. Therefore, the diffractogram of the man-
trodes was 2.8 cm2. Battery tests were performed using an ARBIN ually shaken sample confirms its heterogeneity. This is the first evi-
multi-channel SCTS battery testing potentiostat and the error of dence that the mixing process is critical to produce homogenous
the registered currents is ±0.02 %. Polarization curves were per- electrocatalysts.
formed at a rate of 1 mA/s. In each 10 min cycle, galvanostatic dis- The crystallographic information obtained from XRD is summa-
charge and charge cycles were performed at a constant current rized in Table 1. A crystallite size of 57 nm is obtained for the
density of 1 mA/cm2. In the stability experiment, the electrolyte BM_180_350_O2 sample, which is larger than that for the
was recirculated with a peristaltic pump. BM_30_350_O2 sample, with 30 min of ball-milling (43 nm).
Although increasing ball-milling times may produce a lower crys-
tal size, it seems that high ball-milling times may favor an increase
3. Results and discussion in the crystal size. This should be a consequence of the high energy
produced in the ball-milling process, which can promote nanopar-
3.1. Crystal structure characterization by XRD ticle sintering and a change in the crystalline phase. Additionally,
the ball-milling treatment produces smaller crystal sizes than the
Since the crystal structure influences the electrocatalytic activ- mortar (59 nm), except for the sample ball-milled in air and for
ity of the perovskite-type metal oxide toward the electrochemical the longer times. On the other hand, the crystallographic parame-
oxygen reactions, characterization of the structure by X-ray ters are not significantly affected by the speed or atmosphere of the
diffraction is necessary. Fig. 1A displays the XRD diffractograms ball-milling (Table 1). Finally, the cell parameters have not signifi-
of the Perovskite-Carbon composites, showing peaks at 2h = 23, cantly changed as a result of the mixing strategy used, and they
33, 40, 47, 58, and 68 ° in the ball-milled and mortar-treated sam- agree with crystallographic databases.
ples, which correspond to the planes (0 1 0), (0 1 1), (1 1 1), (0 2 0),
(1 2 1), (0 2 2), respectively. These XRD peaks are characteristic of
the cubic LaMnO3 phase and the Pm3m space group (ICDD 01- 3.2. Morphological characterization
075-0440). Fig. S2 depicts a typical unit cell. It should be empha-
sized that the structure of LaMnO3 is preserved in LMCO perovskite Fig. 2 shows the TEM images of the different Perosvkite-Carbon
because the amount of Co in its structure is insufficient to change materials. It can be observed that the ball-milling method pro-
it; this observation is consistent with previous studies [23]. In the duces a better distribution of both the carbon material and the per-
doping process, charge transfer processes will occur, leading to ovskite metal oxides, and agglomerated particles of sizes between
changes in the oxidation state of the cations and the possible gen- 0.1 and 10 lm are formed, that contain both components homoge-
eration of oxygen vacancies. Fig. S2 shows a diagram of the charge nously distributed (Fig. 2A and B). The observed particle size is
M. García-Rodríguez, J.X. Flores-Lasluisa, D. Cazorla-Amorós et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 269–280
Fig. 2. TEM images of the Perovskite-Carbon material composites of the samples (A) BM_350_30_O2, (B) BM_350_30_Ar, (C) Mortar, (D) Manual shaking.
M. García-Rodríguez, J.X. Flores-Lasluisa, D. Cazorla-Amorós et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 269–280
Fig. 3. SEM images of the Perovskite-Carbon material composites of the samples (A) BM_350_30_O2, (B) BM_350_30_Ar, (C) Mortar, (D) Manual shaking.
M. García-Rodríguez, J.X. Flores-Lasluisa, D. Cazorla-Amorós et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 269–280
Table 2
Contributions of each peak of the O1s deconvolution as a percentage of total contributions.
M. García-Rodríguez, J.X. Flores-Lasluisa, D. Cazorla-Amorós et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 269–280
formed are less stable than those generated under the Ar atmo- with the TPD and XPS results and with the MAOAC interaction
sphere, probably because a higher surface concentration of which is promoted by ball-milling.
MAOAC species can produce some species destabilization due to
repulsive interactions. However, this is an issue that needs further
research. In these materials prepared with a ball-milling time of 3.6. Electrocatalytic activity to ORR and OER
30 min, more than 30 % of the oxygen contained in the perovskite
metal-oxide reacts with the carbon material, showing that the The methods employed for mixing the perovskite and carbon
extent of the interaction reached is high using this experimental materials produced composites with different physicochemical
methodology. properties; thus, the preparation method is expected to affect the
electrochemical properties, and consequently, the electrocatalytic
activity. Electrochemical characterization was performed by cyclic
voltammetry in 0.1 M KOH in a N2 saturated atmosphere. Fig. S9
3.5. Characterization by TPR shows the cyclic voltammograms of the different materials in
which the redox processes at 0.5–0.8 V (anodic sweep) and 0.3–
To deepen into the interaction between the metal oxide and the 0.7 V (cathodic sweep) associated with the redox Mn(III)/Mn(II)
carbon material, TPR technique has been used. This is a widely reaction are clearly observed [18,44]. It can be noticed that the
used technique to analyze the reducibility of metal oxides and dif- mixing method produces changes in the voltametric charge, which
ferent catalytic species. Fig. 6A shows the TPR-H2 profiles obtained is a consequence of the change in the surface area.
for the Perovskite-Carbon composites and pristine LCMO material The different Perovskite-Carbon composites have been studied
and Fig. 5B shows the TPR-H2 for ball-milled samples prepared at in ORR. Fig. 7A shows the LSV curves obtained in an O2 saturated
different atmospheres and times. Significant differences are solution, and Table 4 summarizes the electrochemical parameters
observed between the LMCO perovskite and the Perovskite- obtained from these curves. Differences between the different elec-
Carbon composites. LMCO shows two regions in the TPR profile; trocatalysts are detected.
the first one between 150 and 600 °C corresponds to the removal Regarding the mixing methods, samples prepared by manual
of adsorbed oxygen (150–250 °C) [40] and the reduction of Mn shaking and using the mortar show lower electrocatalytic activity
(IV) to Mn(III) (250–550 °C) [41]; furthermore, the reduction to than ball-milled samples; that is, less positive onset potential (de-
Co(III) to Co(II) is also produced [42]. The second region between fined as the potential at which the current density reaches 0.1 mA/
600 and 850 °C corresponds to the reduction of Co(II) to Co(0) cm2, as reported elsewhere [45]) and lower limiting current den-
and the main peak at 780 °C is associated with the reduction of sity (Table 4).
Mn(III) to Mn(II) [43]. The results for the Perovskite-Carbon com- In the case of ball-milled samples, it can be observed that
posites (Fig. 6A and 6B) show that the TPR profile for the manually milling time has an important influence on the electrocatalytic
shaken sample is the most similar to the LMCO perovskite, indicat- activity for ORR. In this sense, the sample prepared with a ball-
ing the poor interaction between the carbon material and the per- milling time of 30 min (BM_30_350_O2) reaches a more negative
ovskite. However, the TPR profiles are significantly different for the limiting current density and a higher onset potential than the sam-
sample prepared with the mortar and especially for the samples ples prepared at higher ball-milling times (BM_60_350_O2 and
prepared by ball-milling. The main differences observed for the BM_180_350_O2). Then, the electrocatalytic activity decreases
ball-milled samples are: (i) the reduction processes occur at lower with the ball-milling time, and this trend is also observed for the
temperatures, (ii) the large H2 consumption at 790 °C associated samples prepared by ball-milling in an Ar atmosphere (Table 4).
with the reduction of Mn(III) to Mn(II) disappears and (iii) the Moreover, the rotation speed has no significant effect on the elec-
amount of H2 consumed in the TPR decreases. These results are a trocatalytic activity (Fig. S10A).
consequence of the interaction between both components and Furthermore, it is convenient to analyze the number of elec-
the contribution of the carbothermal reduction, which seems to trons transferred in the reaction to determine whether the reaction
be the main process responsible for the Mn(III) reduction [18]. In occurs through a four-electron path to water (the desirable path),
addition, Fig. S8 shows that the rotation speed does not have a sig- or a two-electron path to hydrogen peroxide (the undesirable
nificant influence. These observations are in complete agreement path). Fig. 7B and Table 4 show the electrons transfer number (n)
Fig. 6. TPR-H2 profiles for different materials: (A) representative examples of different mixing methods and (B) profiles for ball-milled samples at 350 rpm at different
atmospheres and times.
M. García-Rodríguez, J.X. Flores-Lasluisa, D. Cazorla-Amorós et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 269–280
Fig. 7. (A) LSV for ORR in 0.1 M KOH saturated with O2 at 1600 rpm. Scan rate: 5 mV/s. (B) Number of electrons transferred in ORR, (C) LSV for OER in 0.1 M KOH saturated
with N2 at 1600 rpm. Scan rate: 5 mV s1. (D) Bifunctional Index.
Table 4
ORR and OER electrochemical parameters obtained in the LSV curves for Perovskite-Carbon composites.
for the different electrocatalysts. In general, ball-milled samples tains the electrochemical parameters obtained from these LSV. It
show higher electrons transfer number than mortar and manually can be observed that the ball-milled samples have higher electro-
shaken samples. Besides, the ball-milled samples prepared at sim- chemical activity for this reaction than those prepared by other
ilar conditions but in an Ar atmosphere achieve a value of n slightly mixing methods. In particular, the BM_30_350_O2 sample presents
higher than the samples prepared in an oxygen atmosphere (for the highest activity with an Eonset (defined at 1 mA/cm2 [46]) of
instance, see n values of BM_30_350_Ar and BM_30_350_O2 sam- 1.60 V, which is lowest compared to the other samples. A slight
ples in Table 4) being in all cases close to 4. It is worth noting that improvement is observed when the ball-milling is performed in
the highest ball-milling time in both atmospheres produces a the O2 atmosphere with respect to Ar. As in the case of ORR, the
decrease in the number of electrons transferred, which can be a rotation speed has no significant effect (Fig. S10C and Table 4).
consequence of the increase in particle size as detected by XRD In order to study the bifunctionality of the materials, the so-
and the decrease in the extent of perovskite/carbon interphase (i. called bifunctional index (BI) has been calculated. This index is
e, lower number of MAOAC species). the difference between the onset potentials for ORR and OER reac-
Regarding the OER activity, the different electrocatalysts have tions. Fig. 7D plots the onset potentials for ORR and OER for the
been studied by LSV in a N2-saturated atmosphere at 1600 rpm best ball-milled samples and the mortar and manually shaken
reaching a potential where the OER occurs (Fig. 7C). Table 4 con- samples. It can be observed that the BI value is lower for
M. García-Rodríguez, J.X. Flores-Lasluisa, D. Cazorla-Amorós et al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 630 (2023) 269–280
BM_30_350_O2 and BM_30_350_Ar samples, with values of 0.73 air cathode carbon paper loaded with BM_30_350_O2 sample and
and 0.77 V, respectively. Pt/C. Fig. 8B shows the discharge polarization curves of the ZABs.
Finally, Tafel plots for both reactions have been calculated The BM_30_350_O2-based ZAB delivered a peak power density of
(Fig. S11). The Tafel analysis is an effective tool for studying elec- 34.6 mW/cm2 at 67.1 mA/cm2, which are both lower than that of
tron rate-determining processes [47]. In general, low values of Pt/C (69.4 mW/cm2 at 110.1 mA/cm2) due to the superior catalytic
Tafel slopes suggest better ORR and OER activities (considering activity of the commercial catalyst towards ORR. However, when
that the reaction mechanisms are different for both reactions and analyzing the charge and discharge polarization curves (Fig. S12),
that different values will be obtained), because small slopes imply the BM_30_350_O2 electrocatalyst shows better stability. Fig. 8C
faster electron transfer reactions [48,49]. For the ORR analysis, it is presents the galvanostatic discharge curves at 5 and 10 mA/cm2
worth highlighting that the lowest value (i.e., 77 mV/dec) was for BM_30_350_O2 ZAB-containing electrocatalyst, that produces
obtained for the sample BM_30_350_O2 (Table 4). In the case of an energy density of 764 and 738 mAh/g, respectively. These values
the manually shaken sample, the value is very high (118 mV/ are higher than those obtained for the commercial Pt/C catalyst (741
dec), which is a consequence of the high heterogeneity of the sam- and 737 mAh/g, respectively) (Fig. S13). Fig. 8D shows the galvano-
ple as well as the poor Perovskite-Carbon interaction. In the case of static discharge voltages at current densities from 2 to 50 mA/cm2. It
the OER, the BM_30_350_Ar sample has a lower Tafel slope can be observed that the discharge voltages of the BM_30_350_O2-
(156 mV/dec) compared to 180 mV/dec for the BM_30_350_O2 based ZAB are stable, which is essential for practical applications
sample. In conclusion, ball-milled samples prepared with a ball- [50]. The discharge voltage is stable at each current density studied
milling time of 30 min ensure a good perovskite/carbon interaction and remains at 0.85 V even at a high current density of 50 mA/cm2.
(with the formation of MAOAC species) and they have the highest Interestingly, the discharge voltage can be restored to the initial
electrocatalytic activity for ORR/OER. The electrocatalytic activity value after decreasing the current density, revealing the excellent
seems to be somewhat influenced by the atmosphere used; with rate capability of the BM_30_350_O2 electrocatalyst.
the air atmosphere being the one that leads to slightly enhanced Fig. 8E contains the galvanostatic cycling test in which each
activity. Again, the number of MAOAC species formed seems to cycle lasts for 20 min. The BM_30_350_O2-based ZAB exhibits
have an influence on the catalytic activity. long-term durability, and it can operate under stable conditions
Considering the performance of the BM_30_350_O2 sample for for 30 h. In the first cycles, the BM_30_350_O2-based ZAB shows
both ORR and OER, it can be a promising bifunctional positive elec- a charge and discharge voltage of 2.03 and 1.26 V, respectively,
trode in a ZAB. Thus, the following section shows the application of indicating a voltage difference of 0.77 V, thus leading to an initial
this electrocatalyst in a rechargeable ZAB, and the comparison with round-trip efficiency (defined as the ratio of energy consumed to
a commercial Pt/C (20 wt%) electrocatalyst. energy delivered) of 62 %, which is similar to the Pt/C-based ZAB.
The voltage increases with the number of cycles and the efficiency
also decreases for both ZABs. However, at the end of 90 cycles or
4. Rechargeable Zn-air battery after 30 h of continuous charge–discharge cycles, the efficiency
of the BM_30_350_O2 ZAB is reduced to 55 %, while that of the
Rechargeable ZABs were assembled and tested at room temper- commercial Pt/C ZAB is reduced to 52 %. Thus, BM_30_350_O2-
ature, using the device shown in Fig. 8A and Fig. S1, employing as based ZAB have better rechargeability performance than commer-
Fig. 8. (A) Photograph of the ZAB. (B) Discharge polarization curves and corresponding power density plots. (C) Galvanostatic discharge curve at 5 mA/cm2 and 10 mA/cm2.
(D) Discharge curves of the ZAB based on BM_30_350_O2 with current densities from 2 to 50 mA/cm2. (E) Cycling performance of the BM_30_350_O2-based ZAB and its
comparison with commercial Pt/C-based ZAB.
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