The Determination of The Overall Heat Lo
The Determination of The Overall Heat Lo
The Determination of The Overall Heat Lo
The Experimental Determination of The Impact of Overall Heat Consumption Coefficient and
Thermal Screens on Heat Saving in Plastic Greenhouses
Ali ÇAYLI1 , Adil AKYÜZ2
1Department of Animal and Plant Production, Vocational School of Turkoglu, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, 46880,
Kahramanmaras, 2Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, 46040,
1, 2
Plastik Seralarda Toplam Isı Tüketim Katsayısı ve Isı Perdesinin Isı Tasarrufuna Etkisinin Deneysel
Olarak Belirlenmesi
ÖZET Araştırma Makalesi
Bu çalışmada, seralarda ısı tasarrufu için kullanılan ısı perdelerinin
etkinliği ve toplam ısı tüketim katsayısı deneysel olarak Makale Tarihçesi
araştırılmıştır. Araştırma Ocak ve Nisan ayları arasında farklı plastik Geliş Tarihi : 05.11.2018
örtü malzemeleri ile kaplı 150 m2 taban alanı olan üç farklı marul Kabul Tarihi : 17.01.2019
serasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sera ısıtmasında sıcak hava üflemeli
ısıtıcılar kullanmıştır. Isıtıcılar zemin seviyesinden 30 cm yukarıda Anahtar Kelimeler
konumlandırılmıştır. Isıtma 08.00-05.00 saatleri arasında Seralar
yapılmıştır. Bitki seviyesi ve çatı seviyesinin yanı sıra dış sıcaklık ve Seralarda ısıtma
bağıl nem değerleri, veri kaydediciler ile ölçülmüştür. Bu ölçümler, Toplam ısı tüketim katsayısı
rüzgâr hızına dayalı toplam ısı tüketim katsayısını istatistiksel olarak Isı perdesi
hesaplamak için kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, ısı perdelerinin ısı kaybına
karşı bir direnç oluşturduğunu ve böylece ısı kayıplarını azalttığını
göstermektedir. Aynı zamanda ısı perdelerinin, rüzgâr hızına bağlı
olarak ısı kaybına etkisi de belirlenmiştir. Seralarda ısı tasarrufu
oranlarının çok düşük rüzgâr hızlarında %8 ile %22 arasında ve 4 m
s-1 rüzgâr hızında %17-36 arasında değiştiği hesaplanmıştır.
To Cite : Çaylı A, Akyüz A 2019. The Experimental Determination of The Impact of Overall Heat Consumption Coefficient and
Thermal Screens on Heat Saving in Plastic Greenhouses. KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280. DOI: 10.18016/
quality and efficiency (Tantau, 1983). In order to due to insufficient sealing and insulation (Çaylı et al.,
increase quantitative and qualitative efficiency, 2016).
greenhouses must be heated when daily average The tightness of a greenhouse and quality of the
external temperature is under 12 °C (von Zabeltiz, covering material is a vital factor. A covering material
1992). Plants usually adapt to average temperatures must possess high transmittance for a photosynthetic
between 17 °C to 27 °C in greenhouse cultivation, and active radiation (PAR) at a wavelength of 400 – 700 nm
their optimal temperatures vary between 15 °C to 20 and low transmittance for FIR at a long wavelength of
°C at night and 22 °C to 28 °C during the day (Castilla 3000 – 20000 nm (Von Zabeltitz, 2011). Double layer
and Hernandez, 2007). Greenhouse heating is one of covering materials are used in greenhouses to prevent
the most energy-consuming activities during winter. heat loss caused by covering material. However, these
Heating in greenhouses increases product yield, are not recommended because they reduce solar
quality and quantity. Especially in greenhouses heated radiation transmittance (Öztürk, 2008). Compared to
in the Mediterranean coastline, two-fold increase in single layer PE, double layer PE covering material
productivity can be achieved. However, the need for reduce fuel consumption by 40% (Nelson, 2003).
heat energy increases in greenhouses where heat Whether normal PE or covering materials with
preservation measures are not taken and an average durable UV and IR should be used is one of the main
of 100 kWh m-2 heat energy is needed depending on issues in plastic greenhouses (Baytorun et al., 1994).
the climate values of the region during the production Materials with high light conduction and low IR
period (Baytorun and Güğercin, 2015). transmittance are preferred in order to keep thermal
Insufficient heating may affect the growth duration, energy in a greenhouse (Hemming, 2005). Baytorun et
efficiency, quality and amount negatively al. (1994) report that the temperature in a greenhouse
(Santamouris et al., 1994). Overall heat consumption with a covering material containing UV+IR is higher
coefficient is one of the main parameters in the by 0.5°C compared to other greenhouses. Another
calculation of heat consumption. It varies depending covering material used in greenhouses is PC sheets.
on structural properties of the greenhouse, covering First used during 1970s, PC materials have become
material, wind speed and external climate conditions. widespread (Noble and Holder, 1989). Produced as
The heat stored by the plants and soil at night affects hard and flat sheets, PC sheets offers a sufficient
the energy balance in a greenhouse. However, a study insulation capacity depending on its width of air gap.
by Teitel et al. (2009) demonstrated that this impact Similar to glass, PC materials are impermeable for
creates a slight difference and can be ignored in the long wave radiation (Waaijenberg, 2004). Although
calculation. Heat consumption is equal to the heat loss double layer covering materials significantly reduce
in a greenhouse. In other words, overall amount of heat heat losses, they also cause aa light block.
transmitted from a greenhouse to the external Alternatively, a moving screen can be installed within
environment through convection, conduction and the greenhouse and it can be drawn horizontally at
radiation must be brought back to the greenhouse, night to reduce heat losses, which saves heat by 40%
which requires the determination of overall heat (Critten and Bailey, 2002).
consumption coefficient (Ucs). The tightness of thermal screen heavily influences
Main decisive factors on overall heat consumption heat consumption (Van de Braak et al., 1997). Qingfa
coefficient (Ucs) are heating system, greenhouse and Jing (2002) compared a greenhouse with a double
covering material, external climate conditions and plastic covering material and a double layer thermal
greenhouse equipment (Von Zabeltitz, 2011; Baytorun, screen (consists of the film polythene and film plating
2016). Ucs value in a greenhouse depends on the aluminum) in terms of their impacts on temperature,
following factors: (1) The condition and type of covering light level and energy saving. They found out that the
material (wet or dry), (2) the convection heat exchange double layer thermal screen offered higher heat and
mechanism at the inside and the outside of the cover energy saving and that heating started one month
(3) Thermal radiation (long wave) transfer (sky later than usual in the greenhouse. In addition, wind
conditions), (4) Air tightness (5) The surface area of the protection is an important factor when it comes to
covering material, (6) Greenhouse type (structure and convective energy losses caused by wind speed in a
geometry) and floor area, (7) The existence of a thermal greenhouse (Kittas, 1986). Thermal screen is an
screen (Papadakis et al., 2000). efficient heat protection method in reducing overall
heat consumption coefficient. Thermal screens can
In view of environment and production costs,
reduce Ucs and save energy by 30% (Geoola et al.,
conservation of heating energy is as important as
2009). However, ventilation heavily influences heat
heating itself. Heat energy saving is about 37% when
saving aspect of thermal screens (Meijer, 1980).
energy curtains are used (Baytorun and Zaimoglu,
Thermal screens mainly decrease heat transfer rate in
2018). But the various theoretical heat saving methods
an environment and offer an additional thermal
applied to minimize heating costs in greenhouses and
resistance (Arinze et al., 1986). Aluminum thermal
to maximize efficiency do not reach the intended levels
KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
screens reduce radiation conductivity (Teitel and the use of thermal screen in three different
Segal, 1995). Thermal screens can help save energy in greenhouses with three different covering materials.
greenhouses. The saving rate is reported as 22% to 30%
by Le Quillec et al. (2005), 40% by Critten and Bailey MATERIALS and METHODS
(2002), 70% by Chandra and Albright (1980), 52% by This study was conducted in greenhouses at Faculty of
Jolliet et al. (1984), 60%–80% by Arinze et al. (1986), Agriculture at Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam
60%–70% by Short and Pang (1990), and 58% by University located at 37° 35' 29.54"N and 36° 48'
Mihara and Hayashi (1979). Baytorun et al. (1994) 10.98"E and 468 m above sea level. The experimental
inform that a greenhouse with an aluminum thermal greenhouses were located at 10 km away from
screen is higher by 3.4 °C compared to a greenhouse Kahramanmaras city center and 1000 m away on the
without a screen. west side of the university campus. Three different
The heat power requirement in greenhouses is defined greenhouses with identical sizes were used in the
as the heat load which must be produced by the study. GH-1 was covered with single layer
heating system in order to provide the desired polyethylene (PE), GH-2 was covered with double layer
temperature value in the greenhouse at a certain PE, and GH-3 was covered with polycarbonate (PC).
external temperature value (Akyuz et al., 2017). Single layer of PE was used for roof covering in all
The heat requirement calculations based on daily greenhouses. The roof covering material has been
average temperature values give incorrect results selected as single layer of PE for high light
when the temperature in the greenhouse is kept high transmittance. The technical properties of the
or low. Therefore, the determination of the heat greenhouses are given in Table 1.
requirement based on hourly values gives more Bonar TF TFE PH-55 aluminum polyester thermal
accurate results (Baytorun et al., 2018). For example, screen was used in order to determine the heat saving
where the average outside temperature is 15 °C, when activity in the greenhouses. The catalogue of the
the temperature in the greenhouse is 15 °C, it is producing company states that the light
assumed that there is no heating requirement for that transmittance, energy saving rate and shading rate of
day. However, when the average daily temperature is the thermal screen is 45%, 55% and 45%, respectively.
15 °C, the temperature can vary between 10-20 °C Thermal screens closed at 07.00 p.m. and opened at
during the day. For this reason, the calculations made 05.00 a.m. in order to determine their energy saving
by using the average values can be misleading rates. They were placed under the roof truss at a height
(Baytorun, 2016). Baytorun et al. (2016) Have of 2.80 m above the ground level on steel wires, each of
developed an expert system that makes calculations which were lined at a range of 2 m. The efficiency of
based on scientific data in modeling and decision thermal screen was tested for two different conditions,
making of heating systems in greenhouses. leaky and tightness (Fig. 1). This study measured the
This study focuses on the determination of saving rates greenhouse air temperature and relative humidity of a
under different wind speeds in terms of overall heat greenhouse as well as external temperature, relative
consumption coefficient of the covering materials and humidity and wind speed.
KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
(a) (b)
Fig. 1 The position of thermal screen (a) leaky (b) tight
Temperature and relative humidity were measured via electrometer, and these values were used for the
HOBO U12 (Onset Corp., MA, USA) data loggers. measurement. The heaters are positioned 30 cm above
Their temperature ranges were between -20 °C and ground level. The heating was done between 08.00 p.m.
+70 °C and sensitivity was ± 0.35 °C. Their relative and 05.00 a.m.
humidity measurement range was between 5% and Overall energy consumption of the heaters was
95% and sensitivity was 2.5%. These devices were considered equal to the energy consumption value (Q)
calibrated by the producing company. The meteorology used in the calculation of overall heat consumption
station (TFA Dostmann GmbH & Co. KG, Mannheim, coefficient. Accordingly, kWh values taken from the
Germany) used for the measurement of external electrometer at certain points were considered as the
temperature, humidity and wind speed was positioned overall energy consumption value to be used in the
20 m away on the eastern side of the greenhouses in calculation of overall energy consumption and overall
order to prevent it from being affected by any heat consumption coefficient (Ucs) in the greenhouse.
turbulences caused by the experimental greenhouses. Overall heat consumption coefficient (Ucs) in a
Anemometer used for the measurement of wind speed greenhouse can be calculated by limiting convection
was controlled and calibrated. The meteorology station and radiation heat transfer if heat transfer rate,
measures temperature between - 40 °C to 80 °C and at surface area, ambient and external temperatures are
an accuracy of ± 1 °C and sensitivity of 0.1 °C, and known or calculated (Öztürk and Başçetinçelik, 2003).
measures relative humidity between 0% to 99%, at an In this study, overall heat consumption coefficient (Ucs)
accuracy of ± 5% and sensitivity of 1%. Greenhouse air was calculated according to Equation 1 given by (Von
temperature was measured via data loggers at a height Zabeltitz, 2011; Baytorun, 2016).
of 1 m above ground level and temperature sensors
positioned at 10 different points on the center of roof
Q = Ucs ×Ay / At × (t i – t o ) (1)
gap. Measurement values of the data logger were
transferred to a Microsoft Excel file. Mean values were Here
obtained separately as plant level and roof level. In Ucs = (Q× At ) / [(Ay ) × (t i – t o )] (2)
order to reach average values, arithmetic means of
In this equation;
values taken for plants at 6 different points at a height
of 1 m above ground level and for the roof height at 4 Q = Overall heat consumption, W
different points at a height of 4 m were calculated at Ucs = Overall heat consumption coefficient, W m-2
an interval of 15 minutes. External wind speed was K-1
measured via wireless anemometer connected to the At = Greenhouse floor area, m2
main console of the meteorology station. Average and
Ay = Greenhouse surface area, m2
maximum wind speed measurement values were
automatically logged by a device at an interval of 10 to = Outside temperature, K
minutes and transferred from the meteorology station ti = Greenhouse ambient temperature, K
to the computer. Afterwards, these 10-minute values Air tightness of thermal screens is defined as Air
were used to convert hourly average wind speed
Tightness Efficiency (ATE) in this study and calculated
values. The energy consumption of electric heaters
via the Equation 3 (Von Zabeltitz, 1988; Öztürk, 2008).
used to heat greenhouses was measured in kWh by a
three-phase electrometer (Makel T510, Istanbul,
Turkey) with non-volatile memory. When the ATE = (t t − t o ) / (t i − t o ) (3)
greenhouses were heated, hourly energy consumption
was monitored by a camera positioned in front of an
KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
Ucs (W m-2 K)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Wind speed (m s-1)
Ucs (W m-2 K)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Wind speed (m∙s-1)
Fig. 2 Ucs values based on the wind speed; (a) Without a thermal screen, (b) With a thermal screen
KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
Fig. 2b demonstrates that an increase in the wind observed in single layer PE greenhouse (0.23) while the
speed does not significantly cause an increase in the lowest level belongs to double layer PE greenhouse
overall heat consumption coefficient. The slope of the (0.07).
line for the greenhouse with a thermal screen is less The results obtained by regression analysis showed
compared to the one without a thermal screen, that there was a significant relationship between wind
indicating that thermal screen prevents heat transfer speed and Ucs value in the case of not using thermal
from the greenhouse to the outside environment under screen (P<0.01). In other words, the value of Ucs
high wind speeds. A regression analysis was performed increases with the increase of wind speed. The
to linearly determine the relationship between wind relationship between wind speed and Ucs value was
speed and Ucs value as shown in Table 2. not statistically significant (P>0.05). In other words,
When the slopes of the lines belonging to the equations the value of Ucs is not affected by the increase in wind
obtained via regression analysis are analyzed, in the speed.
greenhouses without a thermal screen, the changes in Findings show that thermal screen is effective against
Ucs values reach the highest level for PC greenhouse greenhouse heat losses at increasing wind speeds.
(0.72) and remain at the lowest level for double layer Ucs values calculated under different wind speeds for
PE greenhouse (0.27). On the other hand, in the different covering materials in greenhouses with and
greenhouses with a thermal screen, the highest level is without a thermal screen are given in Table 3.
Table 2. Regression equations for overall heat consumption coefficient and wind speed values
Application Equation R2
Single layer PE (Without thermal screen) Ucs= 5.87 + 0.45vw 0.36
Single layer PE (With thermal screen) Ucs= 5.41 + 0.23vw 0.40
Double layer PE (Without thermal screen) Ucs= 5.00 + 0.27vw 0.49
Double layer PE (With thermal screen) Ucs= 3.90 + 0.07vw 0.12
PC (Without thermal screen) Ucs= 4.87 + 0.72vw 0.76
PC (With thermal screen) Ucs= 4.17 + 0.21vw 0.59
Table 3. Overall heat consumption coefficients based on covering materials under different wind speeds
Ucs (W m-2 K-1)
0 m s-1 4 m s-1 10 m s-1
Single layer PE 5.9 7.7 10.4
Single layer PE + thermal screen 5.4 6.3 7.7
Double layer PE 5.0 6.1 7.7
Double layer PE + thermal screen 3.9 4.2 4.6
PC (4 mm) 4.9 7.8 12.1
PC (4 mm) + thermal screen 4.2 5.0 6.3
Various researchers report that Ucs values in a single Von Zabeltitz, 1988; Nelson, 2003; Yağcıoğlu, 2009).
layer PE greenhouse without a thermal screen vary The results obtained in the single layer PE greenhouse
between 6.5 to 9.5 W m-2 K-1 (Tantau, 1977; Takakura, without a thermal screen in this study display
1982; Nijskens et al., 1984; Weimann, 1984; Bailey, similarity with other results in the literature.
1988; Baytorun, 2000) and between 2.8 to 3.7 W m-2 K- However, the fact that values obtained with a thermal
1 with a thermal screen (Bailey, 1977; Mihara and screen is higher than other results in the literature
Hayashi, 1979; Özturk and Başçetinçelik, 2003; may result from inefficient tightness of thermal
Öztürk, 2008). On the other hand, some researchers screens used in the experimental greenhouses. The
report that Ucs values in a double layer PE greenhouse results obtained for the relationship between Ucs value
without and with a thermal screen vary between 4.0 to and wind speed in the greenhouse with double layer
6.0 W m-2 K-1 and 2.5 to 4.0 W m-2 K-1 (Tantau, 1977; covering material comply with those reported by other
Takakura, 1982; Bailey, 1988; Zhang et al., 1996; researchers. Ucs values calculated for PC greenhouse
Papadakis et al., 2000; Cemek, 2002). without a thermal screen are higher than the values
reported by other researchers. When a thermal screen
It is also reported in the literature that Ucs value in a
is used, Ucs values demonstrate that increasing wind
PC greenhouse varies between 3.2 to 4.8 W m-2 K-1
speed is less effective compared to the conditions
(Takakura, 1982; Nijskens et al., 1984; Bailey, 1988;
without a thermal screen. Because the thermal screen
KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
prevents heat losses occurring at the points of junction The impact of thermal screen on heat saving
on the roofs of PC sheets, Ucs value remained at a lower In order to determine the air tightness efficiency (ATE)
level when a thermal screen is used. In addition, PC of thermal screens, the temperatures under and on the
material is produced as a sheet of 2.10 m. Their low screens as well as external temperatures were used to
width leads to numerous joints in greenhouse covering. reach calculations based on Equation 3 when the
Since sealing of joints are not used for the preservation screens are closed. Leaky and tight thermal screens
of tightness at vertical edges of PC sheets in this were installed in the greenhouse during the research
greenhouse, Ucs value may have increased as a result process. However, due to technical facilities, single
of wind speed causing heat loss. layer PE greenhouse was tested under a leaky
condition while PC greenhouse was tested under a
tight condition. Average values and calculations
obtained from the measured data are given in Table 4.
Table 4. Average values when a thermal screen is used in the greenhouses
Wind speed Temperature (°C) 𝐔𝐜𝐬 ATE
(m s-1) 1m Roof External (W m-2 K-1)
Single layer PE (leaky) 2.83 14.09 13.03 9.05 5.98 0.74
Double layer PE (leaky) 1.26 16.23 14.99 10.58 3.98 0.75
Double layer PE (tight) 2.06 17.44 14.86 12.32 3.21 0.50
PC (tight) 3.23 15.33 12.36 10.54 4.47 0.40
(Meyer, 1981) reported ATE as 0.27. The values leakage and decreased the efficiency of the thermal
calculated in this study is higher than that of (Meyer, screen.
1981). This is because, as shown in Fig. 1, the thermal Graphs and equations belonging to the regression
screen was drawn to cover the side wall at a height of analysis for the determination of the relationship
0.50 to 0.80 m. Furthermore, the side walls of PE between wind speed and thermal screen efficiency in
greenhouses may wave under high wind speeds if they Fig. 3.
are not properly stretched, which may have caused air
0,4 0,4
y = 0,1244x + 0,3815 y = 0,3249x + 0,3219
0,2 R² = 0,5394 0,2
R² = 0,6993
0,0 0,0
0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0
Wind speed (m s-1) Wind speed (m s-1)
(a) (b)
0,4 0,4
0,2 0,2
0,0 0,0
0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0
Wind speed (m s-1) Wind speed (m s-1)
(c) (d)
Fig. 3 Air tightness efficiency under different wind speeds (a) single layer leaky PE (b) double layer leaky PE (c)
double layer tight PE (d) tight PC
KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
It can be observed in Fig. 3 that ATE line varies level. On the other hand, regression equations in tight
depending on the tightness of the thermal screen. ATE condition were found negative (-), which means ATE
value of the thermal screen used in leaky condition value is inversely proportional to the increasing wind
changes as the wind speed increases, and it cannot speed. Overall heat consumption coefficients were used
become efficient after the wind speed reaches a certain to calculate overall heat losses as shown in Fig. 4.
Single Layer PE Double Layer PE PC
Without Thermal Screens With Thermal Screen
Fig. 4 Overall heat loss in greenhouses with different covering materials under a wind speed of 4 m s-1
In Fig. 4, the highest heat loss was observed in single studies do not offer satisfactory information regarding
layer PE greenhouse while the lowest level belongs to the impact of covering material, wind speed and
double layer PE greenhouse. Thanks to the thermal tightness of the thermal screen on heat saving. It must
screen, overall heat loss in the greenhouses was be noted that this study clearly demonstrates the
reduced by 36%, 31% and 17% in PC, double layer PE significant impact of wind speed and tightness on the
and single layer PE, respectively. efficiency of thermal screen and heat saving.
Several researchers in the literature reported that a Heat losses in the greenhouses depending on the heat
thermal screen could reduce heat loss by 20% to 70% amount, covering material and thermal screen under
(Bailey, 1977; Mihara and Hayashi, 1979; Chandra different wind speeds are shown in Fig. 5. Overall heat
and Albright, 1980; Fuller et al., 1984; Meyer, 1984; loss varies between 54 to 75 W m-2 under windless
Jolliet et al., 1985; Arinze et al., 1986; Newell, 1986; conditions while this rate varies between 65 to 168 W
Short and Pang, 1990; Pirard et al., 1994; Critten and m-2 when the wind speed is 10 m s-1.
Bailey, 2002; Le Quillec et al., 2005). However, these
(W m-2)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Wind speed (m s-1)
Single Layer PE (Without Thermal Screen) Double Layer PE (Without Thermal Screen)
PC (Without Thermal Screen) Single Layer PE (With Thermal Screen)
Fig. 5 Overall heat loss in the greenhouses with different covering materials under different wind speeds
KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
The impact of wind remained at the lowest level in evaluation of a movable thermal insulation for
double layer PE greenhouse while it reached the energy conservation in greenhouses. Journal of
highest level in PC greenhouse without a thermal Agricultural Engineering Research, 34(2): 97-113.
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different rates under different wind speeds and sistemlerinin modellemesi ve karar verme
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS technological packages for high quality production.
This study was funded by The Scientific and Acta Horticulturae: International Society for
Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium.
Project Number: 113O898) and Unit of Scientific Cemek B 2002. Farklı Sera Örtü Malzemelerinin Bitki
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Determination of the Effect on Greenhouse Heating
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KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article
KSÜ Tarım ve Doğa Derg 22(2): 270-280, 2019 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article