1872 Sanskriten 00 Moniuoft

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A WORK of the kind here submitted to the students of Sanskrit must be left to prove
its usefulness by actual experiment. Nevertheless the plan of the present Dictionary is so
novel that I must crave permission to introduce it with a longer explanation than might
otherwise be needed. To conduce to greater clearness I propose distributing my prefatory
statements under the following separate heads :
1. Reasons for undertaking a New Sanskrit Dictionary.
2. Plan and Arrangement of the Present Work.
3. Extent of Sanskrit Literature comprehended.
4. Alphabet -and System of Transliteration employed.
5. Principal Sources drawn upon in the Process of Compilation.
6. Aids and Encouragements received.
7. Defects and Inconsistencies acknowledged.

Reasons for under -taking a New Sanskrit Dictionary.
In the forefront must be placed the growing importance assigned by philologists to the
oldest branch of the great Indo-European speech-stem, of which English is a modern offshoot.
An intricate language destined to occupy the foremost rank throughout Europe as an instrument
of linguistic training needs greater facilities for its acquisition. Some may smile at the idea of
any Oriental language acquiring greater weight as an instrument of training among Occidental
peoples whose vigorous mental faculties require a more suitable discipline for their development.
Be it remembered, however, that Sanskrit is, in one sense, the property of Europe as well as of
India. Its relationship to some of our own languages is as close as to some of the Hindu dialects.
It is a better guide than either Greek or Latin to the structure, historical connection, and correlation
of the whole Indo-European family. It is a more trustworthy authority in the solution of recondite
philological problems. Its study involves a mental discipline not to be surpassed.
Not even the most superficial observer can possibly be blind to the educational movement
now spreading everywhere. Perhaps, however, some of us, trained under the old system, are
scarcely yet alive to the forces which are at work for infusing new blood (if I may be allowed
the phrase) into the whole body of our teaching. Not only must Greek and Latin be taught
more thoroughly and scientifically, if they are to hold their own as the best trainers of thought
and enforcers of accuracy *, but modern languages and modern literature can no longer be thrust
aside or only employed to fill up the gaps in our system of instruction. All the nations of the
* Thoroughness in our teaching of Greek and Latin will never stand its connection with Latin in every part of its grammatical
be effected until we lead our pupils to look more into the inti- structure. I hail such an excellent work as the ' Historical
mate internal constitution of these languages in their correlation Grammar of the French Tongue by Auguste Brachet,' trans-
to each other and to the other members of the Aryan family. lated by the Rev. G. W. Kitchin, as an evidence that we are
To this end Sanskrit is indispensable. French again will never beginning to realize the defects in our present system of linguistic
be taught as it ought to be till our boys are made to under- training.

civilized world are being drawn into closer intercommunion. The rapid advance of science in
England, Germany, France, and Italy has forced natural science upon us as a necessary element
of all mental culture, making also an interchange of thought between these countries indispensable.
Eastern languages too, both Semitic and Aryan, are pressing peremptorily on the attention of
our Universities*. Hebrew and Aramaic must now be studied by all our younger clergy, if they
are to hold their own in the conflict of theological parties or present a bold front towards sceptical
assailants. A knowledge of Arabic is essential to a right understanding of the literature, religion,
and social institutions of the millions of our Muslim fellow-subjects. Some of the dialects of India
must be mastered by all who have communication with the tens of millions of our Hindu brethren.
Lastly, all the branches of the two great stems of speech are now proved to be so closely inter-
dependent, and the permutations of sounds in passing through the varying organs of varying types
of the human family are shewn to obey such curiously definite laws, that a new science has been
established t- This science has for its field of investigation not any one particular language, but
the whole area of human speech, and as it inquires into the laws governing the living organs of
utterance as well as the living organic growth of the actual sounds themselves, may be said to
trench not only on Ethnology, but even on Biology. This ' science of language' might with more
propriety be called ' Glossology ' than Philology. In its method of investigation it has much in
common with the natural sciences, and though its analogy to these ought not to be strained beyond
a mere analogy, yet as a veritable science dealing with one of the grandest distinctive attributes
of human nature, it can no more be left out of any modern educational programme than any of
the natural sciences properly so called. With the ' Glossologist ' every spoken word is like a plant
or animal in the hands of a Biologist ; its birth, growth, transformations, and decay must all be
accounted for ; its whole structure dissected limb by limb ; every appendage traced to its
appropriate use and function ; its deepest internal constitution analyzed.
Will it be denied, then, that Sanskrit is destined to increasing cultivation, as the one typical
scientific language whose structure is a master-key to the structure of all languages, whose very
name implies 'Synthesis,' and whose literature, commencing with the Rig-veda about 1500 B.C.,
extends in a continuous line for nearly 3000 years, throwing a flood of light on the operation
of linguistic laws ?
In point of fact the Hindus may be said to be the original inventors of the ' science of language.'
Like the Greeks, they are the only nation who have worked out for themselves the laws of thought
and of grammar independently. If their system of logic is inferior to that of Aristotle, they are
unequalled in their examination into the constitution of speech. The name Vyakarana, which they
give to their grammar, implies ' decomposition' or 'resolution of a compound into its parts,' just as
Sanskarana implies the re-composition or re-construction of the same decomposed elements.
Every single word in their classical language is referred to a Dhatu or Root, which is also a name
for any constituent elementary substance, whether of rocks or living organisms. In short, when we
follow out their grammatical system in all the detail of its curious subtleties and technicalities, we
seem to be engaged, like a Geologist, in splitting solid substances, or, like a Chemist, in some
elaborate process of analysis.

tic notes on the Semitic and Aryan languages at pp. viii, known lectures, is too universally acknowledged to require notice
ix of this Preface. Cambridge is at this moment engaged in esta- here. I am not sure whether twelve lectures on the principles
blishmg both a Semitic and Indian languages Tripos. Although of linguistic science by William Dwight Whitney, Professor of
our system of • Schools' at Oxford is somewhat different, yet, Sanskrit in Yale College, are quite so well known in this country.
I hope, we shall not be behind the Sister University in our If they are not, I here commend them to all interested in the
encouragement of these languages. study Of language, merely remarking that their excellence is too
The debt which we English scholars owe to Professor Max obvious to require any praise from me.
Mullcr for having first introduced us to this science by his well-
Having said so much in support of an effort to facilitate and generalize the study of Sanskrit,
I have now to state my reasons for having addressed myself to a task like the present.
It may not be generally known that the late Professor H. H. Wilson once intended the
compilation of a Dictionary not wholly dissimilar in character and plan to that here offered to
the students of Sanskrit and its cognate languages. This I have heard from himself was what he
intended by the last words of the Preface to his second edition, in which he stated that it
would be his wish as Boden Professor to offer to the cultivators of Sanskrit 'other and better
It is perhaps also not known that he actually made some progress in carrying out this
intention, though eventually debarred from its prosecution by his other numerous literary labours.
He therefore, about the year 1852, when I had completed the printing of the English-Sanskrit
Dictionary compiled by me for the East-India Company, made over a large manuscript volume,
containing the commencement of his new work, to me, with a request that I would continue it on
the plan sketched out by himself. At the same time he generously presented me with a copious
selection of examples and quotations made by Pandits at Calcutta, under his direction, from
a considerable range of Sanskrit literature. It has become necessary for me to state these
circumstances at the risk of being charged with egotism, because the publication of the first part
of Professor Goldstiicker's Dictionary has made Orientalists aware that Professor Wilson entrusted
the printing of a third edition of his Dictionary to that learned scholar, whose recent death is felt by
all Sanskritists to be an irreparable loss *. From what I have now notified, however, it will, I trust,
be quite understood that the work committed to me by one who was first my master, and
afterwards my wisest guide and truest friend, was not a new edition of his Dictionary, but an
entire remodelling of his scheme of lexicography, consisting of a re-arrangement of all the words
under Roots, according to native principles of etymology, with addition of the examples collected
as above described. Having already completed the English-Sanskrit part of a Dictionary of my
own, I naturally undertook as a sequel the work thus assigned me, especially as the plan com-
mended itself to my own judgment and predilections. Moreover, I actually carried on the task for
a considerable period between the intervals of other undertakings. Soon, however, it began to be
manifest that the third edition of Professor Wilson's Dictionary was assuming, under Professor
Goldstiicker's editorship, almost interminable proportions, so as to become no longer a new edition
of a previous Lexicon, but rather a many-volumed Encyclopaedia of Sanskrit learning, which no one
scholar, however persistent, could hope to carry beyond the letter A. At the same time the
Sanskrit-German Worterbuch of Professors Bohtlingk and Roth, though conducted by two of the
most energetic scholars of the day, and put forth with singular perseverance, appeared to be
expanding into vast dimensions, so as to be quite beyond the compass of ordinary English
students. These circumstances having forced themselves upon my observation, I suddenly deter-
mined to abandon the design of a wholly Root-arranged Dictionary — which could only be useful,
like the works above-named, to the highest class of scholars — and to commence a work on a more
* It is stated in a notice of the late Professor Goldstiicker's needed most, were doing good service at the house of Professor
life, which appeared in a recent number of a well-known scientific Goldstiicker, aiding him day by day in the elaboration of his
periodical, that many thousands of notes and references for the Dictionary, I did not feel justified in interrupting the prosecution
new edition of Wilson's Sanskrit Dictionary and other works, the of so large a work for the sake of any advantage that might have
result of an unremitting study of the MSS. treasures at the India accrued to my own less weighty performance. Moreover, I felt
House Sec., are left behind by Professor Goldstlicker. With refer- that I could not in justice interrupt the continuity of Professor
ence to this matter, I ought in justice to the present learned and Goldstiicker's labours, when I had the use of the Wilsonian Col-
courteous librarian of the India Office, as well as in justice to my lection belonging to the Bodleian, which, however inferior to
own Dictionary, to put on record, that soon after his appoint- those at the India Office in the departments required by a lexi-
ment, Dr. Rost offered to allow me also the use of any of these cographer, were still freely placed at my command by our own
MSS. treasures if I would name any likely to be useful to myself. learned and obliging librarian, the Rev. H. O. Coxe.
Knowing, however, that about eighty MSS., including those I

practical plan, which, although raised as far as my powers went, to the level of modern scholarship,
so as to be a sufficiently trustworthy aid in studying the chief departments of literature, including
the Veda, should yet be procurable at a moderate cost, and not extend beyond the limits of one
compact volume. This leads me therefore to

Plan and Arrangement of the Present Work.
Those who appreciate the value of Sanskrit in its bearing on the philosophy of language will
understand my motive in endeavouring so to arrange this lexicon as to exhibit most effectively that
peculiarity of construction which distinguishes the highest type of the great Indo-European line of
speech. Such persons will comprehend without much explanation the plan pursued by me
throughout these pages in the collocation of words connected by mutual affinities. For the
benefit, however, of younger students, I now proceed briefly to point out the one grand distinctive
peculiarity of the Aryan dialects which the arrangement of the present Dictionary is intended to
demonstrate — a peculiarity separating them by a sharp line of demarcation from the other great
family of human speech usually called Semitic *.
Happily it is now a familiar fact to most educated persons that the Indo-European or Aryan
languages (of which Sanskrit is the eldest sister f, and English one of the youngest) proceeded from
a common but nameless and unknown parent, whose very home in Asia cannot be absolutely fixed,
though the locality may conjecturally be placed somewhere in the region of Bokhara, near the
river Oxus. From this centre radiated, as it were, eight principal lines of speech ; first, the two
Asiatic lines, I. Indian, 2. Iranian, (the former eventually comprising Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, and the
modern Prakrits or spoken languages of the Hindus, such as Hindi, MarathI, Gujarat!, Bengali, &c. ;
the latter comprising (a) Zand, old Persian, Pahlavl, modern Persian, and Pushtu ; (b) Armenian) ;
and then the six European lines, viz. i. Keltic, 2. Hellenic, 3. Italic, 4. Teutonic, 5. Slavonic,
6. Lithuanian, each branching into various sub-lines or ramifications as exhibited in the present
languages of Europe J. Now, if the question be asked, What most striking feature distinguishes all

* I use the term ' Semitic' out of deference to established connected with the Semitic, as derived through the ancient Him-
usage, though it leads to some confusion of ideas, because if yaritic Arabic of South Arabia (Yaman).
' Semitic,' or more properly ' Shemitic,' be used for the languages \ Though the younger sisters sometimes preserve older forms,
of the descendants of Shem, then 'Japhetic' (instead of 'Aryan') J As this is the first Oriental Dictionary put forth by any
should be used for the descendants of Japhet. We cannot, how- English scholar which attempts to introduce abundant corn-
ever, give up the epithet Aryan (from the Sanskrit arya, 'noble') parisons between the various members of the Indo European
for our own Indo-European languages, suited as it certainly is to family, I here append a brief account of the Aryan cognate
that noblest of all families of speech. The Rev. F. W. Farrar languages beginning with the Indian. I. By Pali or Pall is meant
suggests adopting the term 'Syro-Arabian' as well as Semitic for one of the oldest forms of the ancient provincial HindO-i lan-
the other family. Still the name Semitic may well be applied guage of which Sanskrit is the learned form, (see p. xiii of
to Hebrew, Aramaic [including perhaps one set of cuneiform Preface.) It must have been spoken either in Magadha or in
inscriptions, Chaldee and Syriac]. and Arabic, because in the tenth some district not far from Oude. where Buddha flourished, and
chapter of Genesis, Shem is represented as father of Elam (who being carried by the Buddhists into Ceylon became their sacred
peopled Elymais), Assur (Assyria), Lud (Lydia), Aram (Syria), language, and is preserved in their canonical scriptures called
and of Arphaxad, grandfather of Eber, from whom came the Tri-pitaka. Prakrit is the name given to other and later pro-
s— or Trans-Euphratian race, the name Hebrew really vincial forms of Sanskrit, which were the precursors and parents
neaning 'one who lives beyond a river'— and Joktan, father of of the present Hindu dialects, Hindi, MarathI, &c., see note,
eba, father of Himyar, whence came the Arabians. Mr. p. xvii. These latter may be called modern Prakrits. 2. Now
Karrar states in his useful lectures that the Semitic nations may as to the Iranian: (a) Zand or Zend (old Bactrian) is to old
number about 40 milli.,,,,. compared with about 400 millions of Persian and Pahlavl what Sanskrit is to Pali and Prakrit. It
ido-Europeans. Among Semitic races come the people of is that ancient language of Persia in which the sacred books are
c have special languages of tluir own, viz. the written, called Zand AvastS, belonging to the ParsTs lor fugitives
thiopic or Geez, which is their sacred and literary language from Persia scattered on the coast of India, and still believers in the
0 dialects called Tigr^, Tigrina, for the religion founded by Zardusht or Zoroaster). Old Persian is a name
.rth-east, and Amharic, for the centre and south ; given to the dialect preserved in one set of cuneiform inscriptions,
cmg nearer to Ethiopic than the latter, and all being about contemporaneous with Zand. Pahlavl (sometimes written

these languages from the Semitic ? My answer is, that the main distinction lies in the character of
their roots or radical sounds ; for although both Aryan and Semitic forms of speech are called
' inflective *,' it should be well understood that the inflectiveness of the root in the two cases implies
two wholly different processes.
Let me first briefly advert to the Semitic form. A Semitic root then may be described as a
kind of hard frame-work consisting generally of three consonants which resemble three sliding but
inflexible upright limbs, moveable hither and thither to admit on either side the intervenient vowels
and certain merely ancillary consonants, usually called ' servile.' These subservient letters are, it is
true, of the utmost importance to the diverse colouring of the radical idea, and the perfect precision
of their operation is noteworthy, but their presence within and without the rigid frame of the
root is, so to speak, almost overpowered by the ever prominent consonantal skeleton. In illustra-
tion of this we may take the Arabic triliteral root KTB, using capitals for these radical consonants
to indicate their prominence ; the third pers. sing, past tense is KaTaBa, ' he wrote,' and from the
same three consonants, by means of various vowels and servile letters, are developed a number
of other forms, of which the following are specimens : KaTB, writing ; KaTiB, a writer ; maKTuB,
written ; taKTlB, causing to write ; muKaTaBat, corresponding by letter ; iKTaB, dictating ;
taKaTuB, writing to one another ; mutaKaTiB, one who keeps up a correspondence ; maKTaB,
the place of writing, a writing-school ; KiTaB, a book ; KiTBat or KiTaBat, inscriptionf.
PehlevI) is a later Iranian dialect, which once possessed an exten- fixed their language by translating nearly all the Bible ; a remnant
sive literature. A more recent Iranian dialect is ParsI or Pszand, of his translation has been preserved, otherwise this dialect,
leading to the modern Persian which sprang up in Persia not long sometimes called Mceso-Gothic, would have been lost, and with
after the Muhammadan conquest (about A. D. 1000), the earliest it a most important key to Teutonic philology: (b) German,
form of which, as represented in the Shah-namah of FirdausI, has divided into two branches, viz. 1st, Low German, which is subdi-
little admixture of Arabic, while the later is flooded with it. Pushtu vided into four, viz. Saxon (sometimes called Old Saxon), leading
is the present language of Afghanistan, (fc) Armenian is of course to Anglo-Saxon and English ; Frisian, once largely spoken by the
the language of Armenia ; it has two forms, the old Armenian or Frisian tribes (Lat. Frisii) who dwelt on the north-west coast of
literary language, which is dead, and the modem Armenian, said Germany, and closely connected with English ; Dutch, current of
to be split into four dialects containing many Turkish words. course in Holland ; Flemish, spoken in that part of Belgium called
Connected with these is the Ossetic of the Ossetes, a Caucasian Flanders ; 2ndly, High German, subdivided into old, middle, and
tribe. We now come to the six European lines : I. The Keltic or new, the last bringing us to modern German : (c) Scandinavian,
Celtic (of the KcXrot, Herod. II. 33) is the oldest of the Aryan divided into four, viz. Norse, i. e. old and new Icelandic (nearly
family in Europe, and as it has had the longest life, so it presents alike and most valuable as preserving the original structure of the
the greatest divergence from Sanskrit : it has been driven into whole Scandinavian group), Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish,
a corner of the continent, viz. Brittany, by Romanic French, and the two latter only differing in pronunciation. 5. The Slavonic
into the extremities of Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, and the High- comprises (a) old Slavonic or old Bulgarian, being to the Slavonic
lands of Scotland by Germanic English : it has two lines, (a) the what Gothic is to the Teutonic, and similarly preserved in a trans-
principal Keltic or Gaelic (of the Galli), comprising the Irish, lation of the Bible made by Cyril : (b) Russian, divided into
Highland-Scotch, and Manx, of which the Irish is most interest- Russian proper, Little Russian : (c) Polish, with other less notice-
ing in relation to Sanskrit ; (6) the Kymric form of Keltic, in- able Slavonic dialects, viz. Polabian, Bohemian, Serbian, Servian,
cluding Welsh, Cornish (now extinct), and Armorican, which last Kroatian, and Slovenian. 6. The Lithuanian is sometimes regarded
is the name given to the language of Brittany. 2. The Hellenic as a branch of the Slavonic line, to which it is more nearly
comprises ancient Greek with its dialects (most interesting in its related than to the Teutonic ; it is interesting as coming nearer to
close affinity to Sanskrit, and most important in its bearing on Sanskrit in some of its forms than any other member of the Aryan
the original of the New Testament, though far less remarkable family, and as having a dual, like the Gothic, and seven cases ; it
in its bearing on other European languages than Latin), and is still spoken by a limited number in Russian and Prussian pro-
modern Greek, usually called Romaic (infinitely nearer to the vinces on the coast of the Baltic, but is disappearing before
ancient Greek than the Romanic languages are to Latin). 3. The Russian and German; a more modern form of it is Lettish,
Italic comprises, of course, Latin with its Romanic (or Romance) spoken in Livonia: another kindred dialect is <>ld Prussian, once
offspring, viz. Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Wallachian, spoken in north-eastern Prussia, but now extinct.
and Proveii9al ; and includes some old Italian dialects, such as * As distinguished from 'monosyllabic,' like the Chinese;
the Oscan of the Samnites in southern Italy, Umbrian spoken in and ' agglutinative,' like the Dravidian, Turkish, and other mem-
north-eastern Italy and Sabine. 4. The Teutonic comprises (4) bers of an immense class of languages in which the termination
Gothic, which is the Sanskrit of the Teutonic languages, especially is easily separable from the body of the word. These are still
of Low German ; it was spoken by the ancient Gothic peoples who called by some Turanian (from Tur, eldest son of Farldun, to
belonged to the Germanic race, and were divided into eastern and whom he assigned Turkistan, thence called Tiiran).
western Goths ; a part of the latter being allowed by the Romans t For a further insight into these Arabic formations, the student
to settle in the province of Mccsia, near the mouth of the Danube, is referred to a chapter on the use of Arabic words in my ' Prac-
became converts to Christianity, and happily their bishop Ulfilas tifcal Hindustani Grammar,' published by Longman & Co.

An Aryan root on the other hand, as best typified by a Sanskrit radical, is generally a single
monosyllable, which may be compared to a malleable substance capable of being drawn out to
express every modification of an original conception. And this malleability, as it were, arises
chiefly from the circumstance that the vowel is recognized as a constituent part of the radical,
blending with its very substance, and even sometimes standing alone as itself the only root.
Sanskrit exhibits better than any other member of the Aryan line of speech this characteristic
root-expansibility. More than this, it exemplifies better than any other that excessive root-
accrctivcncss (if I may use the term) by which not only terminations and prefixes are grafted upon
or welded into the original monosyllabic stock, but affix is affixed to affix, prefix is prefixed to
prefix, derivative is derived from derivative, compound is compounded with compound in an almost
interminable chain. In illustration of this the student is referred to such roots as i.kri, p. 245 ;
i. bhu, p. 714; i. sru, p. 1026; i. sttta, p. 1145 of this volume.
Hence it becomes evident that the original plan of Professor Wilson, by which every single
word would have been represented in regular sequence, growing, as it were, from its own parent stem,
would have realized the true conception of a perfect Sanskrit Dictionary. Verily if Greek
lexicography has been occasionally so treated, much more has Sanskrit, the great type of linguistic
constructiveness, a right so to be.
I have now to show how far the present work satisfies this ideal. It is sometimes calculated,
that there are about two thousand distinct roots in this language. If it be supposed that there are
about eighty thousand distinct words growing out of these two thousand roots, a Dictionary on the
usual alphabetical plan must have consisted of a series of eighty thousand monographs, each
independent of the other ; and, indeed, such a Dictionary might have been thought most agreeable
to the common notion of a really practical work. It seemed to me, however, that a Dictionary so
planned would have afforded little effective aid to the study of Sanskrit, in its connection with
comparative philology. On the other hand, it must be confessed that the idea of taking root by
root, and writing, as it were, two thousand biographies, each giving a connected history of a distinct
family allied together by a common pedigree was a philological dream too unpractical to be wholly
realized. Some middle course, therefore, satisfying the requirements both of philology and of
ordinary practice seemed most to be desired, and the following publication, though not answering
the perfect philological ideal, is intended as an attempt at combining a partial root-arrangement
with a convenient alphabetical order suited to ready reference.
In unison with this design, the roots of the language — always brought prominently before the
eye by large Nagari type — will be found treated more exhaustively in the present work, both as
regards the meanings given and the forms exhibited, than in any other Sanskrit-English Dictionary
yet published *. It is evident that a great many of these roots, or Dhatus, as they are called by
native lexicographers, are not really elementary radicals, but compounds or developments of simpler
elements. I have not always ventured to pronounce categorically as to which of two or more roots
is the simplest form, but when roots are evidently allied, their connection is conspicuously indicated
in the following pages. Thus I hope to have drawn attention to a point which English scholars
have hitherto greatly overlooked f.

• I cannot sufficiently acknowledge my debt to \Vestergaard 's distinct roots, and the number is thereby swelled to 2490.
Radices. The copy I have had for about thirty years tells Probably, the real number of elementary radicals in Sanskrit
a tale of constant reference. Indeed we have to thank Danish, 'aight be reduced to a comparatively small catalogue. Some
quite as much as German scholars, for what they have done roots containing dentals have been cerebralized or vice versjl, and
towards promoting linguistic culture. both forms are allowed to co-exist, as bhan and bhan, dhan and
•f The number of distinct radical forms in Wilkins' collection dhan; others whose initials are aspirated consonants have passed
is 1750, but as many forms having the same sound have different into other aspirated consonants or retained only the aspirate; and
meanings, and are conjugated differently, they are held to ]>e all forms co-exist in bhfi, dtiri, dhvri, hvj-i, &c. Again, such a

Furthermore, the plan now first carried out of arranging all verbs formed from roots by prefixing
prepositions in their proper alphabetical order and at the head of their own derivatives, will be
noted as a marked feature of originality and individuality. The labour entailed by the simple
process of thus re-arranging the verbs in a language so rich in prepositions, can only be understood
by other lexicographers *. But even this re-arrangement has not caused so much difficulty as
the attempt to exhibit what may be termed the kinship of words, by distributing the greater part of
the vocabulary of the language in families, or rather, if I may so express myself, in family-groups t.
These groups are, as far as possible, collected under roots or leading words, which stand, as it were,
at the head of the family, and are always distinguished from the rest by Nagari type in the manner
more fully explained in the table of directions at the end of the Preface. Such a re-distribution of
the vocabulary has often necessitated the separation of roots and homonyms under two, three, or
more heads, each with its train of derivatives, subderivatives, and associated words, which in other
Dictionaries would be brought together under one article {. An abundant return, however, has been
reaped, if philological precision has been thus promoted, and facility afforded for viewing synoptically
and comparing together the etymological history of the words so collocated.
Besides the obvious advantage of this arrangement to the philologically-minded student, great
saving of space has been thus effected ; all necessity for repeating derivations under each head
being thus avoided, and the power gained of leaving many meanings to be inferred from one or
other member of a group, instead of constantly reiterating them. For it must be borne in mind
that all the series included under the same heading in Nagari type are to be regarded as cohering ;
so that all derivatives, whether primary or secondary, and all compound words following in
regular sequence, may be studied in their mutual bearing and correlation both as illustrating each
other and as contributing to throw light on the modifications of meaning evolved from the radical
idea. These meanings, too, have not been thrown together in a heap, as they have been hitherto in
some Oriental Dictionaries, but an attempt has been made to set them forth according to their
logical development. The further advantage gained in space by the free use of Roman type
will be explained under Section 4.
Conspicuously, again, in an enumeration of the more noteworthy features of the present publica-
tion, should certainly be placed the introduction of abundant comparisons from cognate languages,
which no other Lexicon published by English scholars has,' I believe, hitherto attempted to the
same extent. I must at once distinctly notify that for these comparisons I have not trusted to my
own judgment, but have followed the authority of the eminent German scholars whose names
will be mentioned subsequently.
Another distinctive characteristic of this Dictionary consists in the articles on mythology,
literature, religion, and philosophy, which will be found scattered everywhere throughout its pages.
By consulting Professor Aufrecht's catalogues, Dr. Ballantyne's works, Dr. Fitz-Edward Hall's
writings, Dr. Muir's Sanskrit Texts, Professor M. Miiller's Ancient Sanskrit Literature, Dr. Weber's
Indische Studien, Wilson'sVishnu-Purana, some Oriental Articles in Chambers' Encyclopaedia — written,
I believe, by the late Professor Goldstiicker, — and my own collection of notes, I have been able to
furnish the student with much valuable information on many subjects not hitherto treated of in any

root as svad is probably nothing but a compound of su and root example, it would be very instructive to see such words as share,
ad, and such roots as slubh, stumbh, stambh are plainly mere modi- shire, shore, shears, &c. arranged under ' shear,' to cut off, separate,
fications of each other. Richardson in his great Dictionary has to a certain extent carried
* Why should not Sanskrit lexicons have been brought into out this idea. See on this subject ' Archbishop Trench on the
harmony with Greek in this respect long ere this ? Greek is Study of Words."
almost as free in its use of prepositions, e.g. <rv/iirapa/3aAAiu, J See, for example, the roots i.su, 2.su,j.su, 4. si/, at p. in?,
ov/iimpaitaOffr/iai. and i.ltala, 2. to/a, at pp. 324, 225.
t Even in English this might advantageously be done, as, for

Dictionary. Let him observe, for instance, what is written under the words Vishnu, Siva, Veda,
Manas, Saman, Soma, San-khya, Sauptika-parvan. It will be doubtless said that too many names
of persons, places, and books are introduced. In excuse I have to plead that greater liberty ought
to be allowed to a Sanskrit Dictionary in this respect than to Greek and Latin Lexicons, because
Oriental alphabets have no capital letters. As to the names of books, it may often be useful to
have attention drawn to works, still unprinted, ascertained to exist either in Europe or India.
It may perhaps be objected that there are too many compound words ; but again it may be
urged that a Sanskrit Dictionary must not be tried by ordinary laws in this respect, for here again
Sanskrit stands eminently forth as the grand typical representative of the whole Aryan line of
speech, which is throughout distinguished by its love of composition. To exclude compounds from
a Sanskrit Lexicon, would be, so to speak, to 'Unsanskritize' it. Not only are there certain com-
pounds quite peculiar to Sanskrit, but in the grammar composition almost takes the place of
syntax, and the various kinds of compound words are classified and defined with greater subtlety and
minuteness than would be possible in any other known language of the world. When a student is
in doubt whether to translate compounds like Indra-batru as Bahuvrihis or Tatpurushas, the
Dictionary is surely bound to aid in clearing up his perplexities. Moreover, as few examples are
given or passages quoted in the present work, a limited admission of compounds, under certain
restrictions, serves to illustrate the use of a leading word ; for to such words, let it be observed,
they have always been subordinated. After I had formulated my plan, and a large portion of the
work was in type, the Sanskrit Dictionary of Professor Benfey appeared *, and I was glad to find
that, working independently, I had devised a system supported in some of these particulars by that
philologist. All must agree that as Sanskrit exceeds every other language in its infinite capacity for
composition, no Sanskrit Lexicon, if it admits compounds at all, ought to treat them as if they
were independent entities entitled to a separate existence of their own.
Nevertheless I could never have followed Professor Benfey in placing compound words under
their last member. This method, however philosophical, seems to sacrifice at the shrine of logical
propriety what I have set before myself as a paramount consideration in arranging my own
Dictionary — facility of reference. For a further explanation of points of detail the student is
referred to the table of directions at the end of the Preface. I now therefore pass on to my
third point.

Extent of Sanskrit Literature comprehended.

I have sometimes been gravely asked by men learned in all the classical lore of Europe,
Has Sanskrit any literature ? Such a question proves the urgent need for a work like the present,
which aims at facilitating and making more general the study of a language closely allied
to our own, and still more closely connected with the spoken dialects of our great Indian
Empire — a language, therefore, about whose history every well-educated Englishman ought surely
to know something.
Conscious, then, as my present office has made me of the general ignorance prevalent on
Indian subjects, I may be excused if I preface this part of my Introduction by stating precisely
what I conceive to me implied by the words Sanskrit and Sanskrit literature. By Sanskrit, then,
s not meant any really spoken language of India or even, I hold, any once generally spoken
language. What the word Sanskrit properly represents is, I conceive, a certain form of the
The Sanskrit-French Dictionary of M. Emile Burnouf, which also appeared after much of my work was in type, is an inde-
pendent working out of some ideas similar to my own.

language brought by the Indian branch of the great Aryan race into India, the ancient spoken language
of the Hindus being more suitably styled Hindu-T, just as its principal later development is called
Hindi*. For in fact that happened in India which has come to pass in all civilized countries. The
spoken vernacular of the people has separated into two lines, the one elaborated by the learned, the
' other popularized and variously provincialized by the unlearned t- In India, however, from the
greater exclusiveness of the educated few, the greater ignorance of the masses and the desire of
a bigoted priesthood to keep the key of knowledge in their own possession, this separation became
more marked, more diversified, and progressively intensified. Hence, the very grammar which with
other nations was regarded only as a means to an end, came to be treated by Indian Pandits as
the end itself, and was subtilized into an intricate science, fenced round by a bristling barrier of
technicalities. The language, too, elaborated part passii with the grammar, rejected the natural
name of Hindu-I, or 'the speech of the Hindus,' and adopted an artificial designation, viz. Sanskrita,
or 'the perfectly constructed speech,' to denote its complete severance from the common
tongue (called by contrast Prakrita), and its exclusive dedication to literary and religious purposes.
This of itself is a remarkable circumstance ; for although something similar has happened in
Europe, yet we do not find that Latin and Greek ceased to be called Latin and Greek when they
became the language of the learned, any more than we have at present two names for the common
and literary languages of modern nations. These remarks will perhaps conduce to a right appre-
ciation of the nature of a literature which, although elaborated by a learned caste, is still the only
real literature of the Hindu race, the vernaculars having hitherto produced little worthy of
Sanskrit literature, it should be remembered, embraces two distinct periods, Vedic and post-
Vedic. The former, beginning with the Rig-veda, and extending through the other three Vedas
(viz. the Yajur-veda, Sama-veda, and Atharva-veda), with their Brahmanas, Upanishads, and Sutras,
is most valuable to philologists as presenting them with the nearest approach to the original Aryan
language, its earlier works being composed in an ancient form of Sanskrit, which is to the later
what Chaucer's writings are to modern English. The latter commencing with the Code of Manu,
with its train of subsequent important law-books, and extending through the six systems of
philosophy!, the vast grammatical literature, the immense epics ||, the lyric, erotic, and didactic poems,
the Niti-s"astras, moral tales and apothegms, the dramas, the various treatises on mathematics, rhetoric,
prosody, music, medicine, &c., brings us at last to the eighteen Puranas with their succeeding Upa-
Puranas, and the more recent Tantras, all of which are worthy of study as the great repositories
of the modern mythologies and popular creeds of India. No one person, indeed, with limited
powers of mind and body, can hope to master more than one or two departments of so vast a range,
in which scarcely a subject can be named, with the single exception of Historiography, not
furnishing a greater number of treatises than any other language of the ancient world. In some
* I use the word Hindn-I as a convenient term for the ancient the Hindi! system of logic; 2. the San-khya by Kapila, which is
Bhashaof the Aryan settlers in the neighbourhood of the Sindhu or dualistic, asserting the separate existence of soul and matter;
rather of the Hapta Hendu = so/>/a sindhavas. It maybe thought 3. the Vedanta by VySsa or Badarayana, which asserts the unity
that this Bhashfi was identical with the language of the Vedic of all being ; but of each of these respectively there are branches,
hymns. But even Vedic Sanskrit represents a considerable amount viz. (a) the Vaiseshika by Kanada; (6) the Yoga by Patanjali;
of elaboration scarcely compatible with the notion of a vernacular (c) the Purva-mTmansa by Jaimini.
dialect (as, for example, in the use of complicated grammatical || Some idea of the extent of Sanskrit literature may be gained
forms like Intensives). Pinini, in distinguishing between the com- by comparing the two great epic or heroic poems called the
mon language and the Vedic, uses the terms BhashS and Loka. MahJ-bh5rata and Rimayana with the Iliad and Odyssey, as I
t Of course the provincialized Prakrits, though not, as I have attempted to do in the small volume called ' Indian Epic
conceive, derived directly from the learned language, borrowed Poetry,' published by Messrs. Williams and Norgate. The
largely from the Sanskrit after it was thus elaborated. Maha-bhSrata, printed at Calcutta, contains 107.389 verses, each
* The systems of philosophy are properly only three: I. the verse being supposed to consist of two lines. See also my edi-.
NySya by Gautama, which is the most practical, and contains lion of the 'Story of Nala,' published at the Clarendon Press.

subjects too, especially in poetical descriptions of nature and domestic affection, Indian works do
not suffer by a comparison with the best specimens of Greece and Rome, while in the wisdom, depth,
and shrewdness of their moral apothegms they are unrivalled. More than this, the learned Hindus
had probably made great advances in astronomy, algebra, arithmetic, botany, and medicine, not
to mention their admitted superiority in grammar, long before any of these sciences were cultivated '
by the most ancient nations of Europe. Hence it has happened that I have been painfully
reminded during the progress of this Dictionary that a Sanskrit lexicographer ought to aim at
a kind of quasi omniscience. Nor will any previous classical education, such at least as has been
hitherto usual, enable him to explain correctly the scientific expressions which — not borrowed from
the Greeks— are liable to be brought before him. To pretend therefore that the present work,
although probably containing nearly three times as much matter as any other Sanskrit Dictionary
yet published (excepting of course the great Thesaurus of Professors Bohtlingk and Roth, and that of
Radhakanta-deva), is competent to satisfy the student in every branch of Sanskrit literature, would
manifestly display either ignorance or conceit. Perhaps the departments in which it must be
admitted to be weakest are those of the Veda and philosophy with their respective native com-
mentaries. Still an attempt has been made to supply what has hitherto been almost entirely
neglected by English lexicographers.
In truth, I have felt that no modern Lexicon ought to exclude Vedic words, important as
these are in their philological bearings. I must nevertheless plainly confess that the interpretation
of these words is often so doubtful — often so purely tentative— that I have been sorely perplexed
in my efforts to furnish the student with trustworthy renderings. Of course with the Veda, as with
every other profoundly obscure subject, there is a natural craving for an infallible guide. At the
same time no priestly infallibility is here thought to be attainable ; for although the great Brahman
and Acarya, Sayana, lived about five hundred years ago at Vijaya-nagara, an ancient Indian
capital and seat of learning, yet this eminent authority has been altogether put out of court
by modern philological critics. When, however, it is found that modern scholars themselves
frequently differ as much from each other as they do from that once trusted and certainly most
learned Brahman, it seems hopeless to expect security from error in any particular sect or section
of modern critics and philologists. Notwithstanding these perplexities, I cannot express too
strongly my appreciation of what German scholars have effected in this difficult field of research,
and my gratitude for the aid received from the interpretations of Professors Bohtlingk and Roth.
The authority of these scholars has been generally followed by me, though I have been careful
to give, in addition, the renderings of Sayana (according to Professor Max Miiller's edition*),
feeling, as I do, rather enthusiastically that this great native commentator, even if he occasionally
misleads, ought never to be ignored.
The foregoing sketch of the nature of Sanskrit literature will, I trust, explain the impossibility
of covering its vast area by any Dictionary in one volume. It will also explain my non-admission
into my pages of the ample store of examples made over to me by my predecessor, the late Professor
H. H.Wilson. These would, at least, have swelled out my one compact volume to an inconvenient
size, if they had not expanded it into two. For the same reason I have been obliged, as a rule, to
forego authenticating my meanings by more than a few scattered references either to passages in

* It should be mentioned however, that for the latter part of trust to an imperfect MS. of Sayana's commentary in the
the Rig-veda I have not had the advantage of Professor Max Wilsonian Collection belonging to the Bodleian Library. This
Muller's editorial skill. The first volume of his edition of this is the only Rig-veda MS. of any value that I have had it in my
work, with Sayana's commentary, was brought out under the power to employ, as I have not been able to consult the excellent
patronage of the East India Company in 1849. Three other MSS. belonging to the India Office Library, which others had a
volumes have since appeared, completing as far as the end of the greater right to use than myself. I am informed that a fifth volume
eighth Matidala. For the remainder I have been obliged to of the Rig-veda is about to appear.

the literature or to the modern authorities on which I have depended for guidance. In this I had
better ground for abstention than my predecessor, seeing that the great work of Professors
Bohtlingk and Roth, the completion of which may be looked for in a few years, will provide
advanced scholars with abundant examples and references to every department of the literature.
I should add that as my main object has been to facilitate and generalize the study of a
difficult language, I have of course abstained from complicating the typography of this volume
by placing accents on Vedic words *. For a knowledge of these the scholar must again apply to
the great German Worterbuch.
I come in the next place to a feature in the present publication which, as the four Govern-
ments of India have liberally patronized this work, demands an ample explanation.

Alphabet and System of Transliteration employed.
I fear the great Indian Pandits, if they deem this Dictionary worthy of their notice, will be
somewhat surprised that a work intended as an aid to the study of their literature should exhibit
their venerable Sanskrit clothed in a modern European dress f. Let me then crave leave to remind
them that the Romanized character employed in these pages will be found, if its history be inves-
tigated, to be neither modern nor European, and may possibly turn out to be even more ancient
than their sacred Nagari, and even more suited to the expression of their sacred Sanskrit.
After all, we English are not only Eastern in our origin, but in many of our most important
surroundings. First, we have received our religion and our Bible through an Eastern people ; next,
our language is certainly Asiatic in its affinities ; thirdly, we are known to have derived our
invaluable decimal notation, commonly called the ten Arabic numerals, from India through the
Arabs ; lastly, the written symbols which I am now employing, and by which this useful vernacular
of ours is, as it were, materialized and sent to the ends of the earth, are certainly Asiatic too.
The East is, we must candidly own, the first source of all our light. We cannot, indeed,
localize in Asia the precise spot whence issued the springs of that grand flow of speech which
spread in successive waves— commencing with the Keltic — over the whole area of Europe ; but the
local source of the first alphabet, without which each of these waves of speech must have been in
the end swallowed up and lost in its successor, is well known to have been Phoenicia. The great
centre of the commerce of antiquity naturally gave birth to what was felt to be indispensable to
the intercommunion of national as well as individual life. By the very necessities of trade Phoenicia
invented the first, so to speak, locomotive power which enabled language, embodied in a kind
of material form, to be in a manner exported to distant countries and bartered, like any other
commodity, for language imported in return.
Probably the first Phoenician graphic signs were, like the Chinese, of an ideographic character,
but of this there is said to be no certain evidence. However that may be, it is tolerably clear that
the first Phoenician graphic system, about which we know anything, had not advanced beyond
« See the note on Vedic accents, p. xix of this Preface. which Sanskrit words are transliterated by Roman letters, but
t Though some Sanskrit books— such as Professor Aufrecht's my desire is to see some standard texts accurately printed in this
Rig-veda — printed in the Roman character are much used by character and circulated throughout India. At piescnt the loose
European scholars, it is doubtful whether these have obtained even and careless way in which the Roman alphabet is applied tends
a limited circulation in India. I trust, therefore, that when this to bring the whole system into disrepute. This is exemplified
volume falls into the hands of any great Pandit, to whom one in writing the names of places and persons as well as in books. A
of our Indian Governments may present it, he will not consider little work called the Durga-puja [sic] by Pratupachandra Ghosha
that I am degrading Sanskrit like the man who pollutes cow's has just been received by me from Calcutta. It contains much
milk by putting it into a dog's skin. NaTii putam tyiid go-kshiram useful information, but here we have Sanskrit words transliterated
iva-drilmt d/iritam ; cf. Muir's Sanskrit Texts, vol. ii. p. 53, note without any attempt at exactness, e.g. Devi, Durgn, puja, Pnrana,
97. Of course I know that many native books are printed in aslucimi, Krskna, Savi/ri, and numberless others.

the second stage of alphabetic progress. It was, in fact, essentially syllabic, and even to this day
Semitic alphabets coming immediately from it— viz. the Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic— are very
well suited to Eastern calligraphic -
better than syllabic systems. Such an alphabet then, though
tastes, was manifestly imperfect. It provided chiefly for consonants, as if they were the lords of
sound, instead of its dependents, and often its impediments. The real want for civilized nations,
eager for intercommunication, was a phonetic alphabet, by which neither ideas nor consonants, but
rather sounds should be symbolized. As therefore vowels are the only real representatives of
sound, and indeed the very life of the word which without them would be a mere hard and
helpless skeleton, it was essential to an effective phonetic system of graphic symbols that vowels
should have at least as prominent a position in a written word as their attendant consonants.
This was very soon felt by the Greeks, who no sooner received a consonantal alphabet from
Phoenicia than they began to remedy its defects, and forthwith invented a system by which the
vowel sounds were properly symbolized and distributed side by side with their consonantal fellows
— not as mere appendages, but as close companions. The Greek expansion of the Phoenician
alphabet was still further developed by the more practical Romans, and by them spread every-
where throughout Europe*.
Now, although the Semitic origin of Indian alphabets has not yet been satisfactorily proved,
it is still probable that the Eastern branch of the Aryan stock which settled down in India, derived
their first idea of symbolizing language by written marks indirectly from Phoenicia through some
neighbouring country whose system was borrowed from Semitic models f. They appear also, like
the Greeks, to have felt the defects of a syllabic or merely consonantal method, and just as they
worked out for themselves their own theory of grammar, so they elaborated for themselves their
own ' vowelized ' system of writing. Note, however, how the subtle-minded Hindus, working out
their own ideas in their own philosophical way, have produced an alphabet, not only free from the
defects of the Semitic, but so overdone in its abundance of vowel symbols and its theory of
the mutual relationship of vowels and consonants, that this very elaboration becomes practically
a serious hindrance.
Let me for the benefit of those who may use this Dictionary for philological purposes, without
having acquired a complete familiarity with the Nagari letters, briefly point out the most con-
spicuous merits and demerits of the European and Indian systems.
From what I have before advanced, it will, I think, be clear that it ought to be a fixed rule in
all good alphabets, ist, That every vowel, short and long, should be properly symbolized and
admitted to close companionship with its consonant, no vowel symbol being ever allowed to stand
for any other vowel sound but its own. For example, the ' a ' sound of ' ka ' should be properly
symbolized ; it should not be supposed to inhere in 'k ;' nor should it be represented by a mere dot
or stroke, above or below the ' k,' as if it were a simple appendage to the consonant, as in Semitic
alphabets. Nor should the symbol ' a ' be allowed to stand for different vowel sounds short and
long, as in ' tape,' ' tap,' ' tall,' ' tar,' ' mortar,' in every one of which the vowel ought to be variously
symbolized. 2ndly, That every simple consonant should have one single fixed symbol, and never
more than one. For example, the symbol ' k ' should not be interchangeable with ' c ' to express the
same consonantal power as in 'cap' and 'keep.' 3rdly, That modifications of any particular simple
* The Romans, however, having no proper aspirated conso- tions, and that of Kapurdigiri is decidedly traceable to a
nantal sounds, rejected the Greek 9, <f>, x, and to represent these Phoenician source. Those on the rock of Girnar (Giri-nagara)
unhappily originated the clumsy tli. fh, cli, writing also fs for \fi. in Kattywar, Gujarat, which are said to be most important
t According to Mr. Edward Thomas (Prinscp's Indian Anti- in their relation to the present Indian alphabets, are not so
quities, vol. ii. p. 42), the theory by which Professor Weber has clearly traceable. Mr. Thomas appears to have good ground
sought to establish a I'hirnician origin for the Indian alphabets for thinking that many of the Nagari letters were derived from
is untenable. There are, however, two sets of Buddhist inscrip- the Dravidians of the South.

vowel or consonantal power should not be represented by two letters, but by some modification
of a single symbol. For example, the long form of the vowels «, i, tt should not be denoted by
two letters, as in our word ' hoop/ but by some mark or stroke placed over these vowels (so that
'hoop' should be written 'hup'). Similarly, the aspiration of k, t, p, ought not to be represented
by two letters as in kh, f/i, ph, but by some mark attached to k, t, p ; thus such a word asp/iala
should be written p'ala, and dliana, d'ana ; or perhaps according to the Anglo-Saxon method with
a horizontal stroke above, as in d" for the dh sound of the.
Tried by these rules, the Nagari alphabet shows itself in many respects superior to the old
Roman alphabet, and certainly to our use or abuse of the Roman symbols commonly called the
English alphabet. But tried by the same rules, it will be found, I believe, inferior to the Indo-
Romanic system, by which name I call the modification of Sir William Jones' method of
applying the Roman alphabet to the languages of India, adopted in the present Dictionary.
The fact of the matter is, that Hindu grammarians have so overdone the true theory
of the necessary vocalization of consonants, that they declare it impossible for any consonant to
stand alone without its associated vowel, not only in a single word, but in a whole sentence, unless,
indeed, the consonant come at the end of all, when the mark N, called a Virama or stop, must be
employed. Moreover, the dependent position of a consonant is so insisted on that every simple
consonant must perforce possess an inherent vowel by a necessary condition of its own existence,
so that when it is written without vowel or stop the vowel ' a ' must always be pronounced after
it. Hence, such a word as 'bind,' would have to be pronounced 'binada,' unless a conjunct
symbol be employed, compounding n and d into one letter, the use of the Virama or stop, except at
'the end of a sentence, being an infraction of orthographic laws. Thus it arises that an immense
assortment of conjunct consonants is needed. More than this, the excessive elaboration of their
vowel-system by the Hindus necessitates the introduction of two new vowels, ri and Iri. Again, each
of the fourteen vowels (except a) has two symbols, according as it is initial or non-initial, and the
form of some of these obliges them to be printed before the letter after which they are pronounced
and in various awkward places, thereby exposing them to fracture, and increasing the general
complication. So that with unusually numerous vowel-symbols, with thirty-five consonants and an
almost indefinite number of intricate conjunct consonants, the number of distinct types necessary
to equip a perfect Sanskrit fount amounts to about SCXD (see the table opposite to page i).
Now will any one maintain, that in these days of railroads, electric telegraphs, cheap printing,
and the Suez canal, such an overstraining of alphabetical precision can be maintained much longer
for the expression of any language belonging to the same family as our own, and in any country
forming an integral part of the British Empire ? Indeed Sanskrit ought to be made a potent
instrument for uniting England more closely with India, and a powerful means for exciting more
real sympathy and fellow-feeling between Englishmen and their Indian fellow-subjects ; but on
this very account it requires every facility to be conceded to its acquisition, and every contrivance
to be adopted for harmonizing it with those kindred European tongues whose structure it is
above all capable of illustrating.
Be it remembered that we are not expecting either absurdities or impossibilities. We are not
so foolish as to suppose that the Hindus will ever abandon their own national forms of speech.
On the contrary, we expect that they will tenaciously adhere to them, even as their brethren of
Wales hold to their own separate and distinct branch of the same speech-stem. But because we
cannot change the organs of speech or fuse the twenty-two languages* of India into one common
* Viz. Sanskrit, with its kindred Hindi, Marathi, Gujarat!, Bengali, Uriya, Asamese, Panjabl, Gurumukhl, SindhI, Nepalese,
Kasmirl, the Singhalese of Ceylon ; the Pushtu of Afghanistan ; the five Dravidian languages, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kanarese,
Tulu ; the half Dravidian Brahu-I ; the composite Urdu or Hindustani current throughout India ; and lastly Burmese.
xviii PREFACE.

tongue, are we therefore not to do what we really can to promote intercourse and com-
munion between kindred races united under one government and descended from the same
ancestors ? If our great Indian Pandits are made familiar with our graphic systems, will they
by our knowledge , and to use our
be more likely to study our language and literature, to benefit
numerous appliances for economizing time, labour, and money ? In short, is it fatuous to
our fellow-subjects to imitate us in adopting a common system of symbols for a common line of
ed with our
cognate languages?— a system, be it thoroughly understood, not to be confound
English 'free and easy' abandonment of all system in our treatment of the Roman alphabet— but
a system capable of complete adjustment to the expression of Aryan sounds, whether
Greek, Welsh, English, or Indian, and probably little more different in form from the present
was first
Nagari than that Nagari is from the characters prevalent in India when Sanskrit
committed to writing *. For since the fact is patent, that the further we go back, the more plainly
do the Indian alphabets point to a foreign origin, the power of ancient and sacred associatio
cannot certainly be pleaded for the maintenance of the present Nagari.
Nor can our Indian brethren shelter themselves under any plea of impossibility, when all the
logic of historical facts is against them. Is any nation more tenacious of everything national than
the Jews ? and yet have they not abandoned their ancient character for a more modern form ? Have
not also the Arabs and Persians, not to mention the Keltic and Teutonic races, done the same ?
Have not the Hindus themselves renounced many of their most ancient usages, and allowed the
rigidity of caste to relax under the pressure of steam and other European forces. Even in the very
matter of alphabets the facts of their own history are also against them, for if they deny the
foreign origin of their venerated Nagari, they have confessedly adopted the modern Persianized
Arabic alphabet — a consonantal, if not a purely syllabic system — to express Hindustani. Now,
Hindustani, notwithstanding its flood of Arabic and Persian words, is as much a form of Hindi — the
language of 'pakka' Hindustan — as English with its flood of Norman French is of Anglo-Saxon.
Surely then all must admit that Hindustani, at least, has a far better right to the Indo-Romanic
alphabet derived from kindred British rulers, than it has to be saddled with the consonantal system
of foreign Muslim invaders. For that system, be it noted, is wholly Semitic in its essential features,
and therefore quite unsuited to the fundamental Aryan structure of a Persianized Aryan dialect.
If after whaf I have thus advanced, our great Indian Pandits remain, as I fear some of them
will, unconvinced, let any ordinary scholar who consults the pages of this work say whether they do
not derive much of their typographical clearness from certain apparently trifling, but really
important contrivances, possible in our Indo-Romanic, impossible in the usual Nagari type. One
of these, of course, is the power of leaving spaces between the words of the Sanskrit examples given.
Will any student say that such an example as sadlm-niitrany akuSalad varayanti does not gain in
clearness by being properly spaced t ? Again, the power of using capitals and what are called
italics (to say nothing of ' Egyptian' and other forms of European type) is manifestly an advantage
to be placed to the credit of Indo-Romanic typography. Who will deny the gain in clearness by
the ability to make a distinction between smith and Smith — brown and Brown — bath and Bath ?
And will any one examine the pages of this Dictionary, and then compare those of the S'abda-kalpa-
druma, without admitting the advantage gained in the power of employing italic type ? Lastly, the

* It iscertainly remarkable that the whole Vyakarana of Panini. three centuries B.C. The present form of Nagari is thought to
unlike the Greek grammar or ypamta, appears to ignore written be little older than the tenth or eleventh century of our era.
symbols, as if Sanskrit was never intended to have any peculiar \ What should we think of an English Dictionary which, dis-
gnphic system of its own. In South India Sanskrit is written in daining to aid our overtried vision by any typographical contri-
diffcrcnt characters ; and the first inscriptions found on rocks are vances at the supposed sacrifice of euphonic propriety, should
in 1'ali and I'rakrit, not in Sanskrit. They are referred to the insist on presenting the corresponding example in proper pho-
Jiuddhist sovereigns who possessed political power in India about netic conjunction thus — ' goodfriendsguardfromevil ?'

power of applying the hyphen to separate long compounds in a language where compounds prevail
more than simple words *, will surely be appreciated by all. I can only say, that without that
most useful little mark, the present volume must have lost much of its clearness, and probably half
its compactness, for besides the obvious advantage of being able to indicate the difference between
such compounds as su-tapa and suta-pa, which could not be done in Nagari type, it is manifest that
even the simplest compounds, like sad-asad-vivcka, sv-alpa-kesin, would have required without its
use an extra line to explain their analysis f.
Notwithstanding all my advocacy of the Indo-Romanic graphic system, it is still my duty
to point out that so long as the natives of India continue to use their own alphabets, so long is
it incumbent upon us Englishmen who study Sanskrit in its bearing upon the Indian vernaculars,
to master the Nagari character. Under any circumstances there must be a long transition period
during which the Indian and Romanic systems will co-exist, and however the struggle between
them may terminate, the end is not likely to be witnessed by the existing generation. For this
reason the Nagari alphabet is by no means ignored in these pages. On the contrary, it is pressed
into the service of the Romanic, and made to minister to a most useful purpose, being employed
to distinguish the leading word of a group in a manner best calculated to strike the eye and
arrest the attention.
Fairness, moreover, demands that a few of the obvious defects of the system of transliteration
adopted in this volume should be specified. In certain cases it confessedly offends against philo-
sophical exactness ; nor does it always consistently observe the rules stated in a preceding
paragraph. The vowels ri and rl ought to be represented by some one symbol — such as that used
by many German scholars — though r, T seem to me somewhat unsuitable for vowel sounds. So
again the aspirated consonants ought not to be represented by a second letter attached to them.
In the case of ch employed by Sir W. Jones for ^ and chh for ^ , the inconvenience appeared
to me so great that in the third edition of my Sanskrit Grammar, I ventured to adopt t for ^, the
pronunciation, however, being the same as ch in church, which might therefore be written turt.
Had I dared to innovate further, I should have written K for kh, t' for th, p' for pit; and so with
the other aspirated consonants, c being then employed for ^. The fact, of course, is that an aspirated
consonant is merely a consonant pronounced with an emphatic emission of the breath, much as
an Irishman would pronounce/ m penny, and to indicate this, a stroke placed on one side or over the
letter seems more appropriate than the mark of the Greek hard breathing adopted by Bopp, which
may well be used alone to utter a vowel, but is scarcely suitable to emphasize a consonant J.
I also prefer the symbol s for the cerebral sibilant. Should a second edition of this Dictionary
be ever called for, some of these improvements may possibly be adopted. With regard to the
letter w, I have discarded it, and retained only v, because the Nagari only possesses one character
for the labial semivowel, viz. "5, and to transliterate this or any other single Oriental character by
two Roman representatives must certainly lead to confusion. As to the German method of using

* Forster gives an example of one compound word consisting tating the practical Knglishman in his Parliamentary compounds,
of 152 syllables. I rather think this might be matched by even such, for example, as habeas-corpus-suspension-act-continuance-
longer specimens from Campu composition. Ireland-bill.
t At any rate, it is to be hoped that the hyphen will not be J A hint might be taken from Anglo-Saxon A, as before
denied to Sanskrit for the better understanding of the more coin- observed, especially if A be used for long vowels. The mark ' is
plex words, such, foi example, as vaidHa-manv-adi-pranita-smri- perhaps too much like that required for accentuation. I hope.
li!vat,knrma-phala-rupa-i!arira-(lhriri-jiva-nirmi!atvabhava-matrena. however, that the system of accentuating classical Sansktit will
taken at hap-hazard from Dr. Muir's Texts. We may even express never be allowed. Why complicate a subject already sufficiently
a hope that German scholars and other Europeans, who speak intricate by introducing another element of perplexity which
forms of Aryan speech, all of them equally delighting in compo- native scholars themselves do not sanction 1 Let accentuation
sition, may condescend more frequently to the employment of the be kept for the Veda; and in Vedic words a more upright and
hyphen for some of their own Sesquipedalia Verba, thereby imi- conspicuous stroke might, in my opinion, be used with advantage.

by thus exhibiting the phonetic

K Kh for t tA, and/,/// forjJA, the philological advantage gained
outweighed by the disadvantage
truth of the interchange of gutturals and palatals, appears to me
by similar symbols.
of representing sounds differing so greatly in actual pronunciation
acknowledged, I have no
Notwithstanding the shortcomings and inconsistencies thus fairly
marks and signs now generally
hesitation in asserting that the Romanic system expanded by the
adapted to the Aryan languages
agreed upon and still further to be improved hereafter, maybe
languages of Europe.
of India quite as completely and appropriately as to the Aryan
to dwell thus at length
Having felt obliged by the form in which this Dictionary is printed
Sanskrit and the diffusion of
on a point of vast importance both to the general cultivation of
my sense of the great
knowledge in our Eastern Empire, I must now beg permission to record
of one who has ever been a true
assistance this cause has received from the energetic efforts
the first Indian officer of
friend to the natives of India, Sir Charles E. Trevelyan. He was
education, and the first
eminence who appreciated the real bearing of this matter upon native
writer who in his able minute, dated Calcutta, January 1834*, cleared away the confusion of ideas
by some scholars.
with which the subject was then perplexed by many prejudiced persons and even
about thirteen
He also was the first to awaken an interest in the question throughout England
years ago, aided as he was by the able advocacy d ofmy'the Times' newspaper. To him and to 'the
Times ' I owe the first impressi ons which correcte own prejudices. Since then, many Oriental
have been
books printed on a plan substantially agreeing with Sir W. Jones' Indo-Romanic system
scholars in Europe and by missiona ries in India t, and the form in
published, both by eminent
e of the
which the present Sanskrit Dictionary is now put forth affords, I trust, another evidenc
reality of the moveme nt and of its gradual advance.

Principal Sources drawn upon in the Process of Compilation.
I have now to enumerate the various works consulted by me in compiling this Dictionary.
My only reason for not indicating these authorities in the body of the various articles as they
have been written, has been that the volume— which even* now has outgrown the dimensions
originally fixed — would have thereby lost much of its convenient compactness, and could not
have been produced at a moderate cost. The eye, too, would have been confused in passing
from one meaning to another. Justice, however, requires that before commencing my enumeration,
I should specially record my debt to particular authorities most frequently consulted and relied
upon. I do so with a deep consciousness that nothing I am about to state can add to the
celebrity of any one of the eminent scholars to whom I owe most. Indeed, it is impossible for
me to express adequately my sense of obligation to the great work of Professors Bohtlingk and
Roth. Although I have referred to every other dictionary, glossary, and vocabulary, including
those of Professor Benfey and Westergaard and the eight-volumed Encyclopaedia of Radhakanta-

• This will be found at p. 3 of the ' Original Papers illustra- literated. Let any one compare Professor Aufrecht's one corn-
ting the History of the Application of the Roman Alphabet to the pact and cheap octavo volume with the six massive quartos to
Languages of India,' edited by me at the request of Sir Charles which the Rig-veda will extend, now being edited in the native
Trevelyan in 1859, and published by Messrs. Longman. I com- character. Even if the Romanized edition had the commentary,
mend this volume to every one interested in the diffusion of it would probably not extend beyond two moderate octavo
education among the natives of our Indian Empire. volumes. With regard to the series of valuable Hindustani
t Amongst other publications the Rig-veda itself, edited by works printed in the Anglo-Hindustani character by missionaries
Professor Aufrecht, has been punted and published in the Roman in India, a full account of them will be found in Sir Charles
character; also part of the Katha-sarit-sagara by Dr. Hermann Trevelyan's 'Original Papers' referred to in a previous note.
Brockhaus. Dr. Muir in his Sanskrit Texts has also extensively The whole Bible has been beautifully printed in this form, and
used the Indo-Romanic system, as well as Dr. Weber in the carried through the press by the Rev. R. Cotton Mather; also
Indische Studien, where some of the Upanishads are so trans- a glossary to part of the Bible by his son Mr. Cotton Mather.

deva, commonly called the Sabda-kalpa-druma *, and although I have striven to weigh and verify
for myself all fhe words and meanings given by my fellow lexicographers, yet I have always
considered an appeal to the St. Petersburg Worterbuch as the most satisfactory available means
for deciding doubtful questions.
Naturally, I have kept Professor H. H. Wilson's Dictionary on my working-table, and have
constantly had recourse to its pages. Indeed, I must own that I commenced by looking to my
predecessor's labours as my chief authority. And let me here assert most emphatically, not
only that, considering the condition of Sanskrit scholarship when it was compiled, Professor
Wilson's was a wonderful production, but that, like many other scholars, I could never have
learnt Sanskrit at all without its aid. Nevertheless, sincerity obliges me to confess, what other lexi-
cographers may perhaps admit to be not without a parallel in their own mental history, that my
mind has had to pass through a kind of painful discipline involving a gradual weakening of
faith in the performances of my fellow men, not excepting those of my own venerated teacher.
I began, indeed, with much confidence in the thought that one man existed on whom I could
lean as an almost infallible guide ; but as the work grew under my hands and my sensitiveness
to error sharpened, I discovered to my surprise that I was compelled to reject much of his
teaching as doubtful. Moreover, the truth must be told, that as I advanced further my trustful-
ness in others, besides my old master, began to experience occasional disagreeable and unexpected
shocks ; till now that I am arrived at the end of my work, I find myself left with my confidence in
the accuracy of human beings generally — certainly not excepting myself — rather painfully disturbed.
Nevertheless, I am bound thankfully to acknowledge that my faith in the general scholarlike exact-
ness of the great German authorities already named has never been materially shaken. I ought also
to make particular mention of Dr. John Muir's ' Sanskrit Texts,' which have been constantly referred
to by me, and have been found by experience to be invaluable, both for their general accuracy and
for the judgment the author has displayed in his interpretation of Vedic words.
To these acknowledgments of special obligations I now subjoin an alphabetical list of all
the principal works (not including of course all the mere texts and manuscripts) consulted by
me, or in any way drawn upon for information, during the progress of my labours.

Andrew's (E. A.) Latin-English Dic- notes). Kumara-sambhava (with Brockhaus* (Hermann) Katha-sarit-
tionary. sagara.
Asiatic Researches. lary).
Benfey's Chrestomathie (with vocabu- Burgess' translation of the Surya-
Asiatic Society's (Royal) Journal.
Aufrecht's (Th.) Catalogue of Sanskrit — Sama-veda (with vocabulary). Burnouf
nouf).s (Eugene) Bhagavata-Purana
MSS. in the Bodleian Library, — Sanskrit-English Dictionary.
Oxford. — Sanskrit Grammar. (books I-III, translated by Bur-
- Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. in the Bohtlingk's (and Roth's) Sanskrit-
Worterbuch. Burnouf 's (Emile) Sanskrit -French
Library of Trinity College, Cam-
bridge. Bohtlingk's Indische Spruche.
— Halayudha's Vocabulary. — edition of Panini's Grammar.
— Rig-veda-samhita. Chambers' Encyclopaedia.
— edition of Vopa-deva's Grammar.
— Unadi-sutras. Colebrooke's Amara-kosha.
— (and Rieu's) Hemacandra's Glossary. — Indian Algebra.
Bombay edition of the Maha-bharata.
Ballantyne's (James) various lectures — of the Ramayana. — Essays on the Religion and Phi-
on Hindu Philosophy, and transla- Bopp's . tions).
Glossary (first and second edi- losophy of the Hindus.
— Daya-bhaga.
tions of some of the Aphorisms. — Mitakshara.
— translation of the Sahitya-darpana. — Comparative Grammar (Eastwick).
— Laghu-kaumudl. Bosworth's (Dr. J.) Anglo-Saxon Dic- Cowell's (E. B.) Kusumaiijali (with
Banerjea's (K. M.) Hindu Philosophy. tionary and Grammar.
* A fine copy of this valuable work, now very difficult to procure in its perfect state, was searched for, some years ago, at
Calcutta and most kindly presented to me by my friend Mr. Walter Scott Seton-Karr, Foreign Secretary to the Governments
of Lord Lawrence and Lord Mayo, and Vice-Chancellor of the Calcutta University.
Cowell's (E. B.) translation of the Vi- Lassen's Sanskrit Anthology (with glos- —Stenzler's edition of the Raghu-vansa.
kramorva sl.
— edition of Elphinstone's History of Liddell's and Scott's Greek-English
India. Lexicon. Taranatha Tarkavac'aspati's Dhatu-
Curtius' (Georg) Grundziige der Ludvig's Infinitiv im Veda.
Griechischen Etymologic. Thompson's (J. C.) Bhagavad-glta (with
Dictionary. (James T.) Murathee Thornton's Gazetteer.
Farrar's (F. W.) Families of Speech. Troyer's Raja-taran-ginT.
Moor's Hindu Pantheon.
Foucaux's (Ph. Ed.) Episodes of the
ture.(Max) Ancient Sanskrit Litera-
Miiller's Dictionary.
Vigfusson's (G.) Cleasby's Icelandic
— Chips from a German Workshop.
Goldstucker's (Theodor) Sanskrit -
English Dictionary (parts I-VI). — Hymns to the Maruts.
— Lectures on the Science of Language. Weber's
hita. (Albrecht) Vajasaneyi-sam-
Griffith's (Ralph T. H.) Specimens of
Old Indian Poetry. — Rig-veda-samhita.
- Rig-veda-pratisakhya. — S'atapatha-Brahmana.
— Sanskrit Grammar. — Katyayana-srauta-sutra.
Hall's (Fitz-Edward) edition of the — Indische Studien.
Surya-siddhanta. Muir's (John) Original Sanskrit Texts — Indische Streifen.
— Contribution towards an Index to (five volumes).
the Bibliography of the Indian Westergaard's Radices Linguae San-
Philosophical Systems. Prinsep's (James) Indian Antiquities
(edited with notes and addenda by Whitney's tisakhya.(W. D.) Atharva-veda-pra-
— translation of NTlakantha's Rational Edward Thomas).
Refutation of the Hindu Philoso-
phical Systems. — (and Roth's) Atharva-veda-samhita.
druma. - deva's S'abda - kalpa- — Language and the Study of Language
— San-khya-pravacana-bhashya.
— edition of Wilson's Vishnu-Purana. (twelve lectures).
MSS. notices of Sanskrit Wilson's (H. H.) Glossary of Indian
Haughton's (Graves C.) Bengali Dic- Terms.
Regnier's Etude sur 1'idiome des Vedas. — Sanskrit-English Dictionary.
Haug's (Martin) Aitareya-Brahtnana — Rigveda-pratisakhya. — Sanskrit Grammar.
(with translation.)
Rieu's (and Bohtlingk's) Hemacandra. — San-khya-karika.
Hilpert's (J. D.) German Dictionary. Rder's (E.) Upanishads (with transla- - Theatre I-IV).
tions). of the Hindus.
Johnson's (Francis) Hitopadesa (first — (and Montriou's) Hindu Law. — translation of the Rig-veda (vols.
and second editions, with transla-
tion and vocabulary). Roth'sterbuch).
(and Bohtlingk's) Sanskrit-W6r- — translation of the Vishnu-Purana.
— Selections from the Maha-bharata Roth's Nirukta.
(with vocabulary).
— (and Whitney's) Atharva-veda- Yates'Sanskrit
(W.) octavo edition of Wilson's
Dictionary with addenda
— Megha-duta (ist and 2nd editions, samhita.
with vocabulary). (partly edited by J. Wenger).
Jones' (Sir William) translation of Schlegel's (A. G.) Ramayana.
Scott's and Liddell's Greek-English Zeitschrift der Deutschen morgenland-
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Lexicon. ischen Gesellschaft.

Aids and Encouragements received.
My first acknowledgments are due to the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, without
whose kind patronage this work could never have been published. It does not become me
to commend the efforts these gentlemen are making for the furtherance of education, except
so far as to say that they fitly represent the mind and wishes of the University of Ox-
ford. Nor does the Clarendon Press itself need any monument of my rearing. Let those
who desire proofs of its efficiency look around and note the series of valuable educational
books constantly issuing from its founts, models of clear and accurate typography, in almost
every department of science.
Perhaps, however, I may be permitted to mention specially the name of one who has
recently left us, but who was a member of the Press-Delegacy when the publication of this
PREFACE. xxiii

Dictionary was undertaken, the late Master of Balliol and now Dean of Rochester, Dr. Robert
Scott. He has been one of my kindest friends and wisest counsellors ever since the day
I went to him for advice during my first undergraduate days at Balliol, on receiving an
appointment in the Indian Civil Service. It is not too much, I think, to aver that without
his support, encouragement, and sympathy, — all the more prized as coming from an experienced
fellow-labourer, able to estimate the difficulties of a less experienced disciple, — I could not
have persevered in this work to its termination.
My next acknowledgments must be tendered to the Representatives of the Governments
of Bengal, Madras, Bombay, and the North-West Provinces of India, as well as of the India
Office, for the substantial aid received from them in the patronage they have accorded to this
I have in the third place to express in the most cordial manner my thanks to each and
all of the gentlemen who have aided me in the compilation of this Dictionary.
No one but those who have taken part in similar labours can at all realize the amount
of tedious toil — I might almost say drudgery — involved in the daily routine of small details,
such as verifying references and meanings, making indices and lists of words, sorting and
sifting an ever-increasing store of materials, revising old work, arranging and re-arranging
new, correcting and re-correcting proofs, writing and re-writing and interlineating ' copy,' till
reams upon reams of paper have been filled, putting the eye-sight, patience, and temper of
compilers, readers, and compositors to a severe trial. I mention these matters, not to magnify
the labours undergone, but to show that I could not have prosecuted them persistently single-
handed. This statement may also give an idea of what I owe to the persevering co-operation
of my kind assistants, whose names in the chronological order of their services are as follow :
the Rev. J. Wenger, who is now I believe engaged in valuable literary work connected with the
Baptist Mission in Calcutta ; Dr. Franz Kielhorn, who is now Superintendant of Sanskrit Studies
in Deccan College, Poona ; Dr. Hermann Brunnhofer (whose assistance was not -of very long
duration) ; Mr. A. E. Gough, M.A., of Lincoln College, Oxford, now Professor of Sanskrit at
the Government College, Benares; lastly, Mr. E. L. Hogarth, M.A., of Brasenose College, and
formerly Head Master of the Government Provincial School at Calicut, who has been my
constant and painstaking assistant for about three years and a half, continuing with me to the
termination of the work. I must also thank my old friend Professor Francis Johnson, who
was one of my first instructors in Sanskrit when a student at Haileybury, and afterwards my
colleague as Professor, for the kind interest he has shown in my labours, and the aid I have
received from him at various times, including recently a list of words collected by himself in
preparing a new volume of Selections from the Maha-bharata, shortly to be published.
Finally, I must express my gratitude for the extreme care with which the reading of my
often intricate manuscript has been conducted by the Oriental Reader, and the printing of the
whole book executed by the Managers of the Clarendon Press.»

Defects and Inconsistencies acknowledged.
When some one pointed out to Dr. Johnson the imperfections of his great Dictionary, he
is said to have retorted on his critics that mere fault-finding was often an indication of ignorance.
His work was too large, he affirmed, not to take in errors, and the quicksightedness to these
was a symptom of the dulness which could not comprehend the merit of the performance as
a whole. Without imitating this convenient way of disposing of criticism in my own case,

I may yet request leave to inform any mere Chidranvcs/iin, of whom it may be said cliidrain
iiirupya sahasa pnrcisati, that no one can be more keenly alive to the flaws and defects of this
volume than I am myself. No one, indeed, can be more desirous to criticize it, with a view
to its improvement in a future edition.
If any real scholars — always considerate and temperate even if severe — having had practical
experience of lexicography, will aid me in my efforts to attain greater accuracy, I shall be
thankful- From them I do not fear but rather court criticism. Such critics will quite under-
stand how a compiler's sense of responsibility may grow with the growth of a work like this,
putting him out of conceit with his own performance, and filling him with earnest cravings
after an accuracy more than human. Such critics will appreciate the difficulties besetting the
production of so many closely printed pages abounding with countless dots and diacritical
marks. Nor will they be surprised at inequalities of execution and occasional inconsistencies
in a work representing efforts spread over numerous years. Nor will they need to be reminded
that occasional distractions, trials of health and weariness of spirit, are incident not only to
a human compiler but to his human assistants. Indeed it is no disparagement to those who
have contributed to the detail of this work to assume that a compilation which has passed
through many different hands must reflect the infirmities of all. No other apology will here
be attempted for its errors and inadvertencies ; nor do I ask that the blame be laid at the
door of any one but myself, who alone am responsible. Some explanation, however, of a few
intentional inconsistencies and almost unavoidable defects is here appended.
In the first place, there has not been absolute consistency in the collocation of words
connected by a common etymology. I have not bound myself in this respect by any fixed
rules. Hence some words are given in the usual alphabetical order of the Nagari type which
might be expected to fall under a previous classification in the Indo-Romanic order. Facility of
reference has been my only guide in this matter.
Again, in the arranging of a whole chain of words etymologically allied, some formations
have been placed under compounds which ought properly to have a separate line assigned
to them. Others again have separate lines which ought more consistently to come under
compounds. For example, abstract nouns formed with the affixes fa and fva, and possessive
adjectives formed with vaf, mat, &c. are placed in the order of the compounds, when they are
really not compounds at all. Still it is plain that such a word as svami-ta, ' ownership,' is
really equivalent to svami-bhava, and such a word as srt-maf, ' possessed of fortune,' to srl-ynkta.
In these cases my motive for sacrificing absolute consistency has rather been to gain space.
Other liberties indulged in with regard to the use of the hyphen are noticed in the table of
directions following the Preface.
With regard to the nominative cases of adjectives and of a few participles — such as those
of Parasmai-pada Intensives — and even of a few substantives, I fear this Dictionary cannot
always be quite trusted ; though it may perhaps be conceded that I have improved upon my
predecessor in this respect. In point of fact it has not been possible to settle with certainty
the nominative cases, especially in the feminine forms, of all adjectives. The German Worterbuch
avoids exhibiting the nominative cases of adjectives and participles, and rarely gives their
feminincs, leaving also the nominative cases of substantives to be inferred from their gender.
Although I studied Panini's chapter on feminine formations with great care, I was unable to
discover cither in his Grammar or in any other Grammar or Dictionary a solution of all my
difficulties. My rule has been to give the nominative cases both of substantives and adjectives
in all their genders wherever there was ground for certainty or for a reasonable inference,

and in other rare cases to exhibit only the crude base. Sometimes I have merely given
the nominative case masculine of adjectives, omitting the feminine when that alone appeared
doubtful, and leaving the neuter to be inferred ; but throughout the Dictionary the omission
of a nominative case has been quite an exception. Thus I have endeavoured to increase the
usefulness of this publication even at the risk of occasionally misleading.
Another point requires a few words of explanation. I shall probably be told that mean-
ings and synonyms are needlessly multiplied ; but before the book is hastily censured on
this score, let it be fairly tested by a repeated and extended application to various branches
of the literature. I can with truth affirm that having myself constantly put these pages to
a trial during their progress through the press, so far from having to regret any superfluity
or surplusage, I have too often had to lament sins of omission, and have frequently discovered,
when too late, that some one meaning has been rejected, because thought to be a mere
synonym, when this very apparent synonym was really the precise word required to suit a
particular passage.
With reference to the philological comparisons given throughout this work, I fear that occa-
sional inconsistencies and violations of orthography will be found. For indeed I do not pretend
to even a limited knowledge of some of the numerous languages compared, and my private
library has not furnished the means of verifying all the words. It should be noted that I have
not generally indicated the cognate English words with the Anglo-Saxon, because these are self-
evident, and will generally be found among the meanings. As to other comparisons, I can only say
that when I commenced my compilation, Bopp was considered the chief authority in comparative
philology. I have not generally adopted what more modern scholars substitute for his teaching,
because some of these later writers have themselves yet to undergo the full test of an extended
criticism, which may not always support their opinions. Besides trusting to Bopp, I have generally
followed Professors Benfey and Curtius, and I request that the comparisons given be accepted
on the authority of these three scholars, subject to the understanding that more recent views
have been propounded on many points.
Most of the errors and omissions hitherto discovered, whether typographical or caused by
my own want of knowledge, have, I trust, been corrected and supplied in the supplementary
matter at the end of the volume.
With these explanations I close my present labours, profoundly conscious of their imper-
fection, but full of thankfulness that my life has been spared to bring them, such as they are,
to a completion.
OXFORD, May 1872.

nic type.
THERE are two alphabetical orders: i. that in the Nagari; 2. that in the Indo-Roma
Roots are always in large Sanskrit type.
cal order of the preposition-
Verbs formed by prefixing prepositions to roots are arranged in the alphabeti es, but in its own alphabe
affixed, e. g. anu-kri must not be looked for under the root kri, as in other Sanskrit Dictionari
order, 'as in Greek lexicons, and at the head of its own group of derivatives. See order p. 32, col. i.
All the Sanskrit words in Indo-Roman ic type arranged in alphabetica l under a leading word-
other word in small Nagari type-must be regarde
leading word is always either a root in large Nagari type or some
They must be supposed to form a family of words bound together by a common origin
as mutually connected.
or dependent on each other by some tie of relationship. The derivation or etymology is generally given in a parenthesi*
after the leading word in Sanskrit type, and this etymology is supposed to apply to all the group which follows, unl
are sometimes noticed
a new classification of words is introduced by a new word in Nagari type. Other derivations
when authorities differ in explaining the etymology of particular words.
The Nagari type is thus employed to strike the eye and direct it to the leading word in each group. By tl
means also a repetition of the etymology is avoided.
All the meanings of a word belonging to a group are not always given in full, if they may be manifestly
gathered from its other members ; this applies especially to participles and participial^ formations, e. g. the meaning
'charged with,' which belongs to a-rofita, p. 128, col. 3, may readily be inferred from a-ropa, which stands above it in
the same classification.
Again, all the derivatives from a Radical or Verb at the head of a family are not always given when they may
be readily supplied ; this applies especially to participles, and occasionally to verbal nouns, e. g. under -vi-hins at the head
of a group, p. 952, it is easy to supply -vi-hinsana, am, n. the act of injuring.
Observe, that meanings which appear to be mere amplifications of preceding meanings are separated by a comma,
whereas those which do not clearly run into each other are divided by a semicolon. All remarks upon meanings and
all descriptive and explanatory statements are given between ( ); comparisons, between [ ].
Compound words are always arranged in alphabetical order under the first <word in the compounds, a hyphen marking
the division of each member of the compound, and when the final and initial vowel of two members of a compound
blend, the separation of these vowels is denoted by a hyphen in brackets, (see, for example, kritodaka for krita-udaka,
p. 248, col. i, line 4.) For greater clearness, some words are thus treated, which are formed by Taddhita affixes, supposed
to be added to the whole word, and which therefore ought not strictly to have a hyphen at all.
Compound words divided by a hyphen or hyphens have no etymology given because the employment of the
hyphen makes their several elements manifest at once, so that it is always easy to refer to the separate members
of the compound for the several etymologies, e. g. an-oka-sayin is manifestly separable into an + oka + sayin, to each of
which it is easy to refer for an explanation of the several etymologies.
When no etymology of a simple word is exhibited its derivation is either unknown or too doubtful to deserve
The nominative cases of all nouns, substantive and adjective, and of all participles, are given immediately after the
crude base, except in the cases explained at the end of the preceding Preface. Thus guru, us, -vi, u, means that the
adjective guru makes in its nominative case masc. fern, and neut., gurus, gur-vt, guru; similarly -vi-vid-vas, an, usKl, at
(P- 9'9> co'- 2)> stands for nom. masc. fern, and neut., •vivid-van, -vi-viduslii, -vivid-vat.
Under roots and verbs the 3rd pers. singular of the various tenses is given, other forms being noticed in parentheses.
The names of the tenses are generally left to be inferred, except when an unusual tense, like the Precative, is given,
and the form of the ist Future can always be inferred from the Infinitive : thus the Infinitive being -veditum, the
ist Future jrd pers. sing, will be •vcdita; similarly from dagdhum will be inferred ist Future 3rd pers. sing, dagdha.
When words really dissimilar appear similar either in Roman or Nagari type, the figures i , 2, 3, &c. are placed before
them; see, for example, i. sa, 2. sa, 3. sa, 4. sa, 5. sa; \. suta-pa, 2. su-tapa; I. sam-ana, 2. samana; i. saha, 2. saha;
i. sv-ap, 2. s-vap.
It is believed that few common words or meanings likely to be met with in the classical literature have been
omitted in this work ; nevertheless the Supplement at the end of the volume should occasionally be consulted : thus
in the two pages, 623, 624, one or two words and the common meaning 'affix,' belonging to praty-aya, have accidently
dropped out, but are supplied in the supplementary pages.

[In the progress of a work extending over several years it has been found almost impossible to preserve uniformity in
the use of symbols, but it is hoped that most of the inconsistencies are noticed in the following table.]

A. = Atmane-pada ; the long cl. = class. n. or neut. = neuter gender. Sabda-k.

druma. = Sabda - kalpa-
mark over the A. has been Class. = Classical. gram.
Hib. = = Hibernian
grammar. or Irish.
Naigh. = Naighantuka. Sabin.--Sabine or Sabellian
omitted for convenience tol., cols. = column, columns. Hind. = Hindi. neg. = negative.
in printing. comm. = commentator or Icel. — Icelandic. Nir. = Nirukta. (old Italic dialect).
commentary. Nom. Sama-v. = Sama-veda.
tbl. or abl. c. = ablative case. i. e. = id est. verb. or nom. = Nominal
ace. or ace. c. = accusative comp., comps. = compound, impers. = impersonal, i. e. Sans. — Sanskrit.
case. compounds. used impersonally. Sax. = Saxon.
nom. or nom. c. = nomina-
accord. = according. Impf. = Imperfect tense. tive case. S5y. = Sayana or according
compar. = comparative de- to Sayana.
Adi-p. = Adi-pacvan of the Impv. — Imperative. num. or numb. = number.
Maha-bharata. Cond. or Condit. = Condi- ind. = indeclinable, either an obs. = obsolete. mentator,
Schol. = Scholiast or Com-
tional. indeclinable participle or occ. = occasionally.
adj. = adjective. gree.
JEol. = JEo\ic. cons. = consonant. an adverb or a case used Osc.kan.
or Osk. = Oscan or Os- scil. = scilicet.
alg. = algebra. dat. or dat. c. = dative case. Scot. = Scotch or Highland-
defect. = defective. mood.
Inf. or infin. = Infinitive Osset. = Ossetic (see p. ix). Scotch.
Angl. Sax. = Anglo-Saxon.
anom. = anomalous, irregu- Desid. = Desiderative. P. = Parasmai-pada. sing. = singular number.
lar. dimin. = diminutive. inst.case.
or inst. c. = instrumental Slav. = Slavonic or Slavonian,
p. = page.
Aor. = Aorist. Dor. = Doric. subst. = substantive,
-p. = parvan or section of
Arab. = Arabic. du. = dual number. Intens. = Intensive. the Maha-bhSrata. super!. = superlative degree,
arithm. = arithmetic. ed. or edit. = edition. Ion. = Ionic. Pan. = Pamni. s. v. = sub voce.
Arm. or Armor. = Armorican e. g. = exempli gratia. Island. = the German form Part, or part. = Participle. Them. =Thema or base.
or the language of Brittany . of Icelandic. Pass. = Passive voice. Umbr. = Umbrian.
Eng. = English.
Armen. = Armenian. Ep. or ep. = Epic, i. e. such Kirat. or Kiratarj. = KirS- patron. = patronymic. Unsdi-s.
frecht's= edition),
Unadi-sutras (Au-
tarjuntya. Perf. = Perfect tense.
astrol. = astrology. works as the Maha-bha- usu. = usually.
Kumara-s. Pers. = Persian.
astron. —astronomy. rata, Ramayana, &c. bhava. = Kumara-sam-
Atharva-v. = Atharva-veda, epith. = epithet. Vajasaneyi-s. = Vajasaneyi-
Lat. = Latin. pers. == philosophy.
phil. person. samhita.
edited by Roth and Whit- esp. = especially.
ney. etym. = etymology. lat. = latitude. Vart.' or Vartt. = Varttika.
pi. or plur. = plural number.
Bhagavata-P. = Bhagavata- explet. = expletive. Lett. = Lettish. Ved. = VedicorVeda.
lit. = literally. poet. = poetry, poetic license.
f. or fern. = feminine, Pol. = Polish. Vish.-Pur.
case. = Vishnu-PurSna.
Purana, Burnouf 's edition,
or Bombay edition for the fr. = from. Lith. = Lithuanian. Pot. = Potential. voc. or voc. c. = vocative
later books. Fut. = Future. loc. or loc. c. = locative case. Pr. = proper.
Bhatti-k. = Bhatti-kavya, Gael. = Gaelic. PrSk. = Prakrit.
long. = longitude. = same
, equal,as,equivalent
Calcutta edition. Prep. = Preposition. explained to,
by. the
gen. orgen.c. = genitive case. m, der.
or masc. = masculine gen-
Boh. or Bohem. = Bohemian. Pres. = Present tense.
gend. = gender. + plus.
&c. = et cetera,
B. R. = Bohtlingk and Roth. geom. = geometry. Maha-bh. &c. = Maha-bha-
priv. = privative.
Br. = Brahmana. Germ. = German or High- rata, Calcutta edition. pronom. = pronominal. o long.
denotes that a vowel or
Bret. = Breton. German. mathem. = mathematics. Pruss. = Prussian. short.
syllable is to be noted as
Buddh. = Buddhist. Goth. = Gothic. medic. = medicine. q. v. = quod vide.
c. = case. Gr. = Greek. Megh. = Megha-duta, John- - that a vowel or syllable is
Gram. = A Practical Sanskrit son's second edition. Reflex.
Raghu-v. = Reflexive or used
= Raghu-vans'a.
Cambro- Brit. = the language reflexively.
of Wales. Mod. = Modern. 0 that the rest of a word is
Grammar by Monier Wil-
Cans. = Causal, liams, third edition, pub- MS., MSS. — manuscript, Rig-v. = Rig-veda.
lished at the Clarendon manuscripts. in° after
to be karindra
supplied, e.g.is °ri-
cf . = confer, compare, rt., rts. = root, roots.
Press. N. = Name. kari-indra.
chap. = chapter. Russ. — Russian.


Initial. Medial. Equivalents and Pronunciation. Equivalents and Pronunciation. Equivalents and Pronunciation.

^1 k in kill, seek. ^ d in dice (more like th in this).

*l — a i» mica, rural.
V dh ,, adhere (but more dental).
*3. f1
*H T a „ tar, father (tar, father). Tjf kh „ ink-horn (inkhorn).

l „ fill, lily. ^^ n ,, not, nut, in.

£«^ 11 i ,, police (police).
*\ g „ gun, get, dog.
^T gh „ log-hut (loghut). «J p ,, put, sip.
t?| ph „ uphill.
^ o u „ full, bush. ^* n- ,, sing, king, sink (sin-k).
^5 ^ u „ rude (rude). ^ b ,, bear, rub.
"^6 ,, dolce (in music).
^tt ^ ri „ merrily (merrily). IT ch „ church-hill (durdhill). ^ bh „ abhor.
^ m ,, map, jam.
^£, - ri ,, marine (marine).

^ <2 Iri „ revelry (revelri). ^ j „ jet, jump.

^^ jh „ hedge-hog (hejhog). T^ r7 „j, red, loyal.
yet, year.
^ t^ Iri ,, the above prolonged. X
siN n ,, singe (sinj).
*J e „ prey, there. <vJ 1 ,, luU, lead.
7 t .> true (true).
*C. ai ,, aisle. db 1 ,, (sometimes for 'Srf in Veda).
^ th „ ant-hiU (anthill). OQ£ Ih ,, (sometimes for ^dh in Veda).
"Wl To ,, go, stone. 3d,, drum (drum).
^ V ,, ivy (but like w after cons.).
vll T au „ Haus (German).
<S dh „ red-haired (redhaired). *J S ,, sure, session (sure, session).

f either the true Anu- TJF n ,, none (none). M sh ,, shun, bush.

• j svara, sounded like n
Q or miinFrenchmoB)0rthe
fT t ,, water (in Ireland). T! S ,, saint, sin, hiss.
Lsymbol of any nasal.
, f symbol for the sibi-
•. 9 Uant called Visarga. ^1 th ,, nuthook (more dental). ^ h ,, hear, hit.

* Sometimes printed in the form ^, see pp. 147, 354.

Note — The conjunct consonants are too numerous to be exhibited above, but the most common will be found at the end
of ' A Practical Sanskrit Grammar by Monier Williams,' published by the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, third edition.
For the correct pronunciation of the aspirated consonants, kh, £h, th, th, ph, &c., see p. xix of the preceding Preface.



a, a; i, j; u, u; ri, ri; Iri, In; e, ai ; o, au ;— norm, h; — k, kh ; g, gh ; n-; — 6, dh ; j, jh ;

n; — t, th; d, dh ; n; — t, th ; d, dh ; n; — p, ph ; b, bh; m; — y, r, 1, 1, lh, v; — a, sh, s; — h.
Observe — s represents the true Anusvara in the body of a word before the sibilants and h, as in ausa, ansa, anhati: m as
the symbol of any nasal will often be found at the end of a word, as in danam fa; but may also represent Anusvara, when
final m is followed by initial sibilants and h, and in words formed with preposition sam, like sam-^aya, sam-hata: in the word
Sanskrit the second s is not initial, but introduced into the body of the word, so that we might properly write Sanskrit. Visarga
as a substitute for final f is a distinctly audible aspirate, so that the h at the end of devah must be clearly heard.
a. a-kava6a.

^f i . a, the first letter of the alphabet ; the Aiiiu,l<{, as, d, am, radiant ; (<M), m., N. of the •H <*Ml M W akapwat, an, m., N. of a Rishi.
first short vowel inherent in consonants. — A-kdra sage Canakya.
'* <*(**( rT a-kampita, as, d, am, unshaken,
as, m. the letter or sound a. Ani!ya,
• as. d, am, divisible.
firm ; (as), m., N. of a Jaina saint, a pupil of the last
^t 2. a, ind. an interjection of pity (Ah !).
~^m ans, cl. IO.P. ansayati, &c., = ans.
^T 3. a (before a vowel an), a prefix cor- A-kampya, as, d, am, not to be shaken.
responding toGr. d, a.v, Lat. in, Goth, and Germ, un, ^W ansa, as, m. (fr. rt. am), the shoulder,
Eng. in or un, and having a negative or privative or shoulder-blade; N. of a king; a share, see ania; exempt from tax or duty, privileged ; not acting ; (a),
depreciative sense ; e. g. eka one, an-eka not one ; (aw), m. du. the two shoulders or angles of an altar f. Emblic Myrobalan, Phyllanthus Emblica.
anta end, an-anta endless; patyat seeing, a-patyat [cf. Goth, amsa ; Gr. &trt\\a ; Lat. humerutt,
'5T=tK.<ij a-karana, am, n. absence of action;
not seeing. Sometimes this prefix denotes com- ansa].^Ansa-kuta, tuberance between theas,shoulders
m. a bull's
of hump, the pro-
the Indian ox.
parison. Itis occasionally an expletive. A-karani, is, (. non-accomplishment, failure, disap-
— Ansa-tra, am, n. armour to protect the shoulder ; pointment (used in imprecations, e. g. tasyakaranir
^4. a, the base of some pronouns and pro- a bow. — Ansa-dhri, f. a cooking vessel (?). — Anm- evdstu, may he experience a failure !).
nom. forms ; (substituted for idam. in asya, atra, Sec.) A-karaniya, as, d, am, not to be done.
phalaka, as, m. upper part of the spine. — Ansa~
W g. a, the augment prefixed to the root bhdra or anse-bhdra, as, m. a yoke or burden put vc*^tl a-karuna, as, d, am, merciless, re-
in the formation of the imperfect, aorist, and con upon the shoulder. — Ansa-bhdrika or anse-bhdrika, lentles . —Akaruna-tva, am, n. harshness, cruelty.
ditional tenses, by some considered as connected with as, i, am, or anm-bhdrin or anse-bhdrin, i, ini, victieji^l a-karkasa, as, a, am, not hard,
3. a, and by others as connected with 4. a. i, bearing a yoke.
Anmla, as, d, am, lusty, strong. not rugged, soft, tender.
^T6. a,as,m.,N. of Vishnu (especially asthe ^Toinu a-karna or a-karnaka, as, d, am,
first of the three sounds in the sacred syllable om), also Ansya, us, d, am, belonging to the shoulder.
without ears, deaf.
of BrahrnS, Siva, and VaisvSnara; (am), n. Brahma. anh (allied to angh), cl. I. A. anhate,
A-karnya, as, d, am, not fit for the ears ; not in
a-rinin, i, irii, i, free from debt. -hitum, to go, set out, commence; to ap- the ears.
proach: cl.IO.P. anhayati, to send; to speak; to
••aotuDvi^ a-karnadhdra, as, d, am, without
_u«i ens', cl. 10. P. ansayati, -yitum, to shine. [The rt. anh seems to have had originally
\ divide, distribute ; also occasionally A. another meaning, viz. to press together, strangle ; =
Gr. o-xxw.] a helmsman, destitute of a pilot.
aniayate; also anddpayati. a-kartana, as, m, a dwarf (?).
Ansa, as, m. a share, portion, part, party; Anhati, is, f. (probably fr. the preceding rt., said
partition, inheritance; a share of booty; earnest to be here a substitute for han), anxiety, distress, rt a-kartri, td, m. not an agent; an
money ; a fraction ; the denominator of one ; a trouble, illness [cf. Lat. anyo] ; a gift, (in this sense
degree of !at. or long. ; N. of an Aditya ; the also anhati, f. ) inferior agent. — Akartri-tva, am, n. condition of an
shoulder or shoulder-blade, more usually spelt ansa, inferior agent, a subordinate station.
Anhas, n. (said to be connected with rt. am),
q. v. [cf. Old Germ, ahsala; Mod. Germ, ached; anxiety, trouble ; sin [cf. agha, Sgas ; Gr. t^vvfiai, '•31ori*i*r a-karman, d, d, a, without work,
Lat. axilla]. — Ans'a-karana, am, n. act of dividing. &Xos, &yos]. — Anhasas-pati, is, m., Ved. lord of idle ; inefficient ; disqualified for performing essential
— Antia-bhaj, k,k, k, one who has a share, an heir, a the perplexity, i.e. an intercalary month. — Annan- rites, destitute of good works ; (in grammar) intransitive ;
co-heir. — AnSa-v at, an, m. a species of the Soma plant. vat, an, atl, at, sinful. — ArJw-mut, i; k, k, Ved.
(a), n. absence of work ; absence of essential observ-
— Anta-eavarnana, am, n. reduction of fractions. delivering from distress. ances; improper vrork,crime.~Akarma-bIioya,as,ni.
— Am'a-srara, as, m. the key-note. — Anda-Jiara, Anhiti, is, f. a gift, donation. See anhati. renunciation of self-righteousness ; enjoyment of free-
as, d or i, am, or an&i-hdrin, i, ini, i, one who Anhu, us, us, u, Ved. strait, narrow ; ((is), m., dom from the fruits of action. — A-karmdnvita(0ma-
takes a share, a sharer. — Ans"dn3a (°i!a-an°), an, m. N. of an Asura ; (;(), n. anxiety, distress ; Pudendum an°), as, d, am, unoccupied, disqualified ; criminal.
part of a portion (of a deity), a secondary incarnation. Muliebre [cf. Gr. iyyJis; Goth, aggvus ; Lat. A-karmaka, as, d, am, (in grammar) intransitive.
"Anianii, ind. share by share. — AnSmatarana A-karmanya, as, d, am, improper to be done ;
a narrow slit, anxim,8cc."].
having the — Anhu-bhedi,
pudendum divided. f. having unfit for work ; inefficient.
(°4a-av°), am, n. descent of parts of the deities ;
partial incarnation ; title of sections 64-67 of the Anhura, as, d, am, straitened, distressed ; sinful.
first book of the Maha-bharata. Anhurana, as, a, am, distressing, sinful ; (am), -kala, as, d, am, not in parts, entire.
Ansaka, a*, a or ika, am, having a share ; m. f. a n. sin, distress.
a-kalka, as, d, am, free from sedi-
co-heir, a relative ; m. a share ; n. a day. Anhoyu, us, us, «,Ved. troublesome ; freed from sin.
Aniana, am, n. the act of sharing or dividing. Anhri, is, m. a foot, the root of a tree [cf. ta, f. honesty. ment; pure; sinless; (a), f.i moonlight. — Akalka-
Anfaniya or antayitavya, as, d, am, divisible. aitgliri]. — Anhri-pa, an, m. a tree (foot-drinker). ui=(!<?»i1 a-kalkana or a-kalkala, as, d, am,
Aniayltri, td, tri, tri, a divider, sharer. — Anhri-Kkandha, as, m. a part of the foot between
Aniala. See ansala next col. the ancle and the heel. free from pride, modest, honest.
Anilta, as, d, am, divided, shared. •>ilchc*J a-kalpa, as, d, am, not subject to
ak, cl. i . P. akati, akitum, to move
Aniin, i, ini, i, a sharer, co-heir. tortuously, like a snake [cf. Gr. <ry«4 rules, uncontrolled ; incomparable ; unable, weak.
Ans"u, us, m. a filament, especially of the Soma
plant ; end of a thread ; a minute particle ; a point or 07*01, o.-vK(av, Lat. anyuht>i\. Compare rt. ag. A-kalpita, as, d, am, not manufactured, not arti-
Alia, as, d, am, moving tortuously ; (am), n. pain, ficial, not pretended ; natural, genuine.
end ; a garment, decoration ; a ray, light, the sun ; N.
trouble, sin (also derived from a, not +Jca, happiness). ^nK^T1! a-kalmasha, as, d, am, sinless,
of a Rishi or of a prince. — Aniu-jdla, am, n. a collec- faultless.
tion of rays, a blaze of light. — An^n-dhara, o»,m.the a-kaca, as, a, am, destitute of hair,
bearer of rays, the sun. — Antu-patta, am, n. a kind ^ToF<-HIR a-kalmdsha, as, m., N. of a son
of cloth. — An.lu-patl, i", or -bhartri, td, m. the Dald ; (ns), m., N. of Ketu, the dragon's tail or descend-
ng node, the symbol of which is a headless trunk. of the fourth Manu.
lord of rays, the sun. — Aniu-mat, an, oti, at, fibrous,
rich in filaments ; radiant, luminous ; pointed ; (an), •>a<*<.iecti a-kantaka, as, a, am, free from ^Soti t*( a-kalya, as, d, am, unwell, ill, sick.
m. the sun, the moon; N. of various persons, especially thorns, troubles, difficulties, or enemies. A-kalydna, as, a, am, not prosperous, inauspicious ;
of a prince of the solar race, son of A-samanjas, grand- a-kutthana, as, d, am, not boastful. (am), n. adversity.
son of Sagara ; (tl), (. the celestial river Yamuna ; a iHcM a-kava, as, a, am (fr. I. kit, q. v.),
plant, Hedysarum Gangeticum. — Antfumut-pliala, f. not to be uttered or mentioned. a-katliya, as, d, am, unspeakable ;
a plant, Musa Paradisiaca. — Antu-mald, f. a garland Ved. not contemptible, not bad. — A-kavdri (°va-
ari), is, is, i, Ved. not contemptible as an enemy,
of light, halo. — Anifu-mdlin, i, m. the sun. — Aniu- a-kanishtha, as, d, am, not the or to his enemies, or in his enemies; not having
vdna, at, m. having rays for arrows, the sun. — Aniu,- youngest ; elder, superior; (ftx), m. a deified Buddhist weak enemies.
Itasta, as, m. having rays in his hand, the sun.
Anmka, am, n. a leaf; .cloth ; fine or white cloth ; saint, Buddha. — Akanishtha-ija, as, m. Buddha. •4|oh=H a-kava6a, as, d, am, Ved. without
muslin, an upper garment ; a mantle. a-kunyd, f. no virgin. a coat of mail. B

** . 9 *t i is+fa>
<s^ aksh.
j a-toci, w, w, i, Ved. unwise. dhri (orkudha for kuha = kittra), Ved. going no- a-ketana, as, d, am, houseless.
rhere, coming to nothing ; (Say.) fruitless, worthless. a-ketu, us, us, ti, Ved. shapeless,
T a-kasmat, ind. without a why or
3 wherefore, accidentally, suddenly. inrecognisable ; (Say.) unconscious.
'old a-ktipya,
or silver; n. '(see
any baseam,metal, a at metal,'
not 3.base end.)
a-kesa, as, d, am, destitute of hair.
a-kumdra, as, m. not a boy ; an
causeless, unexpected. — Akdtida-pdta-jdtu, as, d, a-kota, as, m. the Areca or Betel-
am, as soon as born. — Akdnda-iula, am,
dyingattack epithet of Vishnu.
u. sudden of colic. a-kula, as, d, am, not of a good iut palm, (' without a bend.')
A-ltaitde, ind. causelessly, unexpectedly. a-kopana, as, d, am, not irascible.
arnily, low ; (as), m., N. of Siva ; (a), f., N. of
%Nc(ilrK a-kdtara, as, a, am, not down- Srvati. — Akula-td, f. lowness of family. ^ a-kovida, as, d, am, unwise, stupid,
hearted, cheerful, hearty. A-kuKna, as, d, am, not of a good family.
^TaKTO a-kdma, as, a, am, without desire "SToK^T?? a-kusala, as, d, am, inauspicious, 'aotimfi a-kauMa, am, n. want of dexte-
or affection, without intention; unintentional, re- evil ; not clever ; (am), n. evil, an inauspicious or ty or skill ; evil [cf. a-ku^ald].
; grammar) the Sandhi which causes the
luctant (in evil word.
•«<3;l akkd, f. a mother. [Supposed to be
dropping of a final r before a succeeding r; (as), m.
absence of desire or affection. — A-kdma-kariana, ^ a-kusida, as, d, am, not wishing
a term of foreign origin ; cf. Lat. Acm.~\
m, m., Ved. not disappointing desires. — Akdma-tas, or interest or gain ; (also a-ku&da.) ^Hfi I . akta, as, d, am (part, of rt. ah6 or anj
ind. unintentionally, unwillingly. — Akdma-td, (. a-kusuma, as, d, am, destitute of n the sense ' to go'), gone.
freedom from desire or affection or intention. — A- lowers or blossoms. ^I^i 2. akta, as, d, am (part, of rt. anj),
kdma-hata, at, a, am, not smitten with desire or
affection ; free from desire, calm. a-kuha, as, m. no deceiver. smeared over; diffused; bedaubed, tinged, characterized.
Itis often thelast part of acompound word; as, raMatta,
A-kdmin, i, im, i, the same as a-kdma. a-ku-pdra, as, d, am (probably fr. tinged with red or blood ; (am), n. oil, ointment.
a-kdya, as, a, am, incorporeal. akii for u-ku, not bad, not contemptible, and para, Aktd, f., Ved. night.
a-kdrana, as, a, am, causeless ;opposite shore or limit), having a good issue or effect ; Aktu, M«,f.(m.?), Ved. ointment; tinge, ray, light,
unbounded ; (as), m. the sea ; the sun ; the king of star(?); dark tinge, darkness, night.
(am), n. absence of a cause ; ind. causelessly. — A-kd- tortoises, who upholds the world ; any tortoise or turtle. Aktos, aktubhis, ind., Ved. at night.
ranotpanna (°na-ut°), as, a, am, produced spon- A-kuvdra^a-ktir-para above.
taneously. Aktvd (ind. part, of rt. anj}, having besmeared.
A-kdrin, I, ipi, i, inactive, not performing. SHcjr«i a-kiirda, as, d, am, guileless; (as), ^Ifi akna, as, d, am (fr. rt. and), bent.
TH<*HlN?f^i a-kdrnaveshtakika,as,i,am, m. Buddha. i. akra, as, a, am, Ved. violent [Lat. acer f].
not adapted for ear-rings. See karna-vexhtaka. a-kriMhra, as, am, m. n. absence ^Tai 2. a-kra, as, d, am (fr. 3. a and rt. I.
a-kdrya, as, a, am, not to be done, of difficulty; facility.
fcrf?),Ved. inactive, bootless.
impracticable, improper ; (am), n. a criminal action. A-kriMhnn, i, ini, i, free from trouble.
tu,us,us,u, Ved. destitute of will
— Akdrya-kdrin, i, ini, i, an evil-doer; one who ^S^iTT a-krita, as, d, am, undone, un- or energy ; powerless, foolish ; (Say.) without sacrifices.
neglects his duty. performed ;not made, uncreated ; not prepared, not a-krama, as, m. want of order,
»M <* I "*!M a-kdrshnya, am, n. absence of ready, incomplete ; one who has done no works ;
blackness. confusion.
(am), n. an unperformed act ; an unheard-of action
or crime ; (d), f. a daughter not placed on a level with nRr a-kram-hasta, as, n. am, Ved.
^lofclrf a-kdla, as, m. a wrong or bad or sons. — Akrita-kdram, ind. as has not been done be-
not having bloody hands; (Say.) not having nig-
inauspicious time; (as, a, am), unseasonable. — A- fore. —Akrita-jna, as, a, am, ungrateful. — Akrita-
kald-kushm&nda, as, m. a pumpkin produced out jtia-td, f. ingratitude. — Akrita-fntddtii, is, is, i, gardly hands, not close-fisted.
of season; a useless birth. —Akala-kuswna, am, having an unformed mind. — A kritabuddhi-tva, <5 a-kravydda, as, d, am, or a-kra-
n. a flower blossoming out of season. — Akdla-ja or am, n. ignorance. — Akrita-vrarfa, as, m., N. of vydd, t, t, t, not carnivorous, not eating flesh.
akdla-jdta or a-kdlotpanna (°la-uf), as, a, am, an expounder of the Puranas. — Akritatman ("ta- a-krduta, as, d, am, unpassed, un-
born or produced at a wrong time, unseasonable.
dt°),d,d, a, having an unformed mind; not yet identi- surpassed, unconquered ; (a), f. the Egg plant.
— Akala-jaladodaya (°da-urf°) or akdla-meyho- fied with the supreme spirit. — Akritdrtha (°ta-ar°),
daya Cgha-ucT), as, m. unseasonable rise of clouds; a as, d, am, having one's object unaccomplished, unsuc- 'Sffltl a-kriya, as, d, am, without works ;
mist. — Akdla-veld, (. unseasonable or unusual time. cessful.— A-kritdstraCta-ai°), as,d,am, unpractised inactive, torpid ; abstaining from religious rites ; good
— Akala-sa]M,as, d, am, unable to bide one's time. in arms. — A-kritainas (°ta-en°), as, dx,as, innocent. for nothing ; (a), f. inactivity ; neglect of duty.
A-kalya, as, d, am, unseasonable. — Akritodvdha (°ta-ud°), as, d, am, unmarried. a-kridat, an, anil, at, not playing.
^rfcfn^PT a-kih(ana, as, d, am, without A-kritin, i, ini, i, unfit for work, clumsy.
— Akriti-tva, am, n. unfitness for work. a-kriira, as, d, am, not cruel, gentle ;
anything, utterly destitute, poor ; disinterested ; (am),
n. that which is nothing, or worth nothing. — A- A-kfitya, as, d, am, not to be done, criminal ;
kin(ana-td, f. voluntary poverty (as the duty of a (am), n. crime. — Akritya-kdrin, I, ini, i, evil-doer. (as), m., N. of Krishna's paternal uncle and friend.
'SraftV a-krodha, as, m. suppression of
Jaina ascetic). ^^rW a-kritta, as, a,om,uncut, unimpaired. anger, one of the chief virtues among Hindus ; (as,
A-kiiiianiman, d, m. destitution, poverty. — Akritta-riu!J;,k,k, possessing unimpaired splendor.
d, A-krodhana,
am), free fromax,anger. d, am, free from anger ; (as),
'afctifl5! a-kitava, as, in. no gambler. 'ST^rf^H a-krltrima, as, d, am, inartificial,
unfeigned, natural. m., N. of a prince, son of Ayutayu.
•»a ("<*(%<(<( a-kihisha, as, d, am, sinless,
faultless. a-kritsna, as, d, am, incomplete. s,Ta. freedom from fatigue.
7i, is, f. bad repute. -Aklrtti- a-kripa, as, d, am, merciless, unkind. T aklikd, f. the Indigo plant.
kara, as, d, am, disreputable. a-klishta, as, d, am, untroubled ;
a-kripana, as, d, am, not miserly.
'SPSII3 a-kunlha, as, a, am, not blunted a-krisa, as, d, am, not slender or undisturbed ; unwearied. — Akluhta-karman, d, d,u ,
or worn out; fresh, vigorous, fixed. — A-hnitlm- or aklislita-I;ari», i, ini, i, unwearied in action.
<I/ti*Jtnifa, am, n. heaven. emaciated ; strong, full. •• A-krif>a-lakskmi, w, is, i, — AldiMa-vrata, as, d, am, unwearied in keeping
A-kunthita, an, d, am, = akunlha above. enjoying full prosperity. —A-l-risdsva(°sa-at°),ai!, religious vows.
m., N. of a king of Ayodhya. A-klesa, as, m. freedom from trouble.
«i«jrlt^ a-kutas, ind. (usually found in
composition), not from anywhere or any cause. — A «(«JIH iHrt a-krishivala, as, d, am, not ••Hsjitl a-kledya, as, d, am, incapable of
kutOJf-^ala, as, m. not moveable from any cause moisture, not to be wetted.
a title of Siva. — A-kntn-bltaya, an, a, am, not afraic ^jiF n-krishta, as, d, am, unploughed,
or threatened from any quarter, secure. unfilled; not dr*wn. — Akrhhta-pafya, as, d, am, ^iljUJ aksh (probably not a simple rt.,
*• x perhaps a kind of old Desid. form of rt.
A-kutraoT a-kutfd, ind., Ved. nowhere, i.e. astray ripening in unploughed land, growing wild. I. o.<), cl. I. P. akshati, d. 5. akshnoti, dnaksha,
aa-kutsita, ns,d,am, unreproachcd alishishyati, atohyati, dksliU, akshitum or aslitum,
, d, d,a, free to reach; to pass through, penetrate, pervade, embrace ;
a-kudhryuM, an, dhrtfi, ak (ku- from black deeds, guiltless, virtuous. to accumulate (to form the cube?) : Cans, akpkayali,
aksha. akshauhini.
•yitum, atikshat, to cause to pervade : Desid. a(i- m. a judge, i. e. one who sees lawsuits ; also aksha- a-kshdnti, is, f. impatience,
lahishati or afikxhati. drii!, k. — Aksha-pa/ala, am, n. court of law; de-
pository oflegal document. — Aksha-pdta, as, m. an jealousy, intolerance.
\ i. aksha, as, m. (fr. rt. i. as or aj ?),
arena, a wrestling ground, place of contest. — Aksha- a-kshdra, as, d, am, free from facti-
an axle, axis, pivot, (in this sense also am, n.) ; a
pdtaka or aksha-jidlika, as, m. a judge, i. e. ar- tious salt ; (as), m. natural salt. — Akshara-lavana or
wheel, car, cart ; pole of a car ; the beam of a balance akshdrdlaratia, am, n. natural salt ; food that may be
ranger ofa lawsuit. — Aksha-pdda, as, m. a follower
or string which holds the pivot of the beam ; a snake ; of the NySya or logical system of philosophy ; N. of eaten at a season unfit for performing religious duties.
terrestrial latitude; the lower part of the temples
the Rishi Gotama. — Aks/ia-vdta, see aksha-pdla.
[cf. Lat. axis; Gr. &£tav ; Old Germ, iihsa ; Mod. akshi, n. (fr. rt. I. as or anj f Instr.
— 2. aksha-vid, t, t, t, versed in law.
Germ. Achse; Lith. assis^. — Aksha-karna, as, m. akshnd, Dat. akshne &c., fr. akshan, substituted for
the hypotenuse, especially of the triangle formed with 4. aksha, am, n. the eye, especially akshi in the weakest cases. At the end of comp.
the gnomon of a dial and its shadow ; (in astronomy) substituted for akshi at the end of adjective com- aksha is substituted, see 4. aksha), the eye ; the
argument of the latitude. — Aksha~ja, as, m. a dia- pounds, the fern, being akshi [cf. Gr. unao, OKKO, number two ; (i), du., Ved. the sun and moon [cf.
mond a; thunderbolt ; a N. of Vishnu. — Aksha-dhur, for u£o ; Lat. oculus ; Germ. Auge; Russ. i)ko]. Lith. aki-s\. — Akshi-kuta or akshi-kiitaka, am, n.
ur, (. the yoke attached to the fore part of the pole of the eyeball, the pupil of the eye. — Akshi-gata, as,
a-kshana, as, d, am, inopportune.
a car. — Alisha-dtturtila, as, m. a bull, an ox, i. e. d, am, visibly present, seen ; hated. — Akshi-gola,
yoked to the pole of a cart. — Aksha-pidd, (,, a-kshata, as, a, am, not crushed; as, m. the eyeball. — Akshi-jdha, am, n. the root
N. of a plant. — Aksha-bhdga, ax, m. a degree of uninjured, unbroken, whole ; (as), m. Siva ; thrashed of the eye. — Akshi-tdrd, f. the pupil of the eye.
latitude. — Aksha-bhdra, as, m. cart-load, carriage- and winnowed rice which has been dried in the sun ; — Akshi-pakshman, a, n. the eyelash. — Akfhi-
load. •- Akxhan&a (°sha-an°), as, m. a degree of barley ; (as, am), m. n. an eunuch ; (d), f. a virgin ; patala, am, n. a coat of the eye. — Akshi-pat, t, t,
latitude. — Akshdijra (°iha-ag°), am, n. the end of N. of a plant, Karkatasrin-gT or Kankadasrin-gi ; (am), t, Ved. (falling into the eyes), hurtful; (t), ind. as
an axle ; the anterior end of the pole of a car ; an n. and (as), m. pi. whole grain, fried grain. — Akshata- much as could fall into the eyes, a little. — Akshi-
axle. — Akshdgra-klla or -kllaka, as, m. a linch- yoni, is, f. a virgin, an unblemished maiden. l>hu, us, us, u, visible, perceptible, manifest, present.
pin; the pin which fastens the yoke to the pole. Akshi-bheshaja, am, n. a medicament for the
^HJJcT a-kshatra, as, a, am, destitute of the
— Akshd-nah, t, t, t, Ved. tied to a cart or its pole. eyes, collyrium, &c.; (as), m. a tree, Red Lodh.
Kshatriya caste, apart from the Kshatriya caste. — Akshi-bhruva, am, n. the eyes and eyebrows to-
^H!f 2. aksha, as, m. (said to be from rt. I.
^^£*[akshan, substituted foraisAi,the eye, gether. —Akshi-mat, dn, all, at, provided with eyes.
of), a die for playing with ; a cube ; a seed of which — Akshi-laman, a, n. the eyelash. — Akshi-mkunita,
in the weakest cases, see Gram. 1 2 2 [cf. Goth, awj/on] .
rosaries are made (in compound words, like litdra- am, n. a glance, a look with the eyelids partially closed.
ksha, Rudraksha); ashrubproducingthatseed(EIeo- Akshan-vat, an, all, at, having eyes. Akehika or akshilea, as, m. the tree Dalbergia
carpus Ganitrus) ; a weight called karstia, equal to 16 WEp? a-kshama, as, d, am, unable to en- Oujeinensis. See akshaka.
mashas; Beleric Myrobalan (Terminalia Belerica), the
seed of which is used as a die ; (am), n. sochal salt ; dure, impatient; incompetent. — A-kshamd or aksha- •flftsmfi1 akshini, f. (fr. 3. aksha f), one of
ma-td, f. impatience, envy ; incompetence.
blue vitriol (from its crystallized shape). — Aksha- the eight conditions or privileges attached to landed
kufala, as, a, am, skilled in dice. — Aksha-ijlaha, W55fl a-kshaya, as, d, am, exempt from
as, m. gambling, playing at dice. — Aksha-jila, as, a, decay, undecaying ; (as), m., N. of the twentieth year ••afgja a-kshita, as, d, am, undecayed, un-
am, skilled in gambling. — Aksha-tattva, am, n. in the cycle of Jupiter; (a), f. the seventh day of
science of dice. — Akshatattva-i'id, t, t, t, skilled in a lunar month, if it fall on Sunday or Monday ; the injured; undecaying; (am), n. water. — Akuhita-vanu,
us, m., Ved. epithet of Indra (possessed of undecaying
the principles of gambling. — Aksha-d,emna, am, fourth, if it fall on Wednesday. — Ak&haya-guna, as,
n. gambling, dice-playing. — Aksha-devin, i, m. a d,am, possessing imperishable qualities ; (as),m. Siva. wealth). - Akshitoti (°ta-uti), is, m., Ved. epithet of
Indra (granting permanent help).
gamester. — Aksha-dyu, us, m. a gambler, a dice- •• Aksftaya-td, f. or akshaya-tva, am, n. imperish-
A-kshiti, is, f. imperishableness ; (is, is, i), im-
player. — Aksha-dyuta, as, m. a gambler, a dice- ableness. — Akstiaya-tritiyd, f. a festival, the third
player; (am), n. gambling. — Aksha-dyiitika, am, day of the bright half of Vaisikha, which is the first
n. dispute at play. — Akxha-drugdha, as, a, am, day of the Satya-yuga, and secures permanency to ac- perishable.
•^Hfujtlr^ a-kshiyat, an, atl, at, Ved. not
hated by, i. e. unlucky at dice. — Aksha-dhara, as, & tions then performed. •• Akshaya-^puruhuta, as, m. inhabiting, destitute of a dwelling, unsettled ; (S5y.)
or I, am, one who has dice ; (as), m. a plant, Trophis Siva. — Akshaya-muti, is, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva. not decreasing (in riches).
Aspera ; see sakhota. — Aksha-dhurta,as, m. agame- — Akshaya-lnka, as, m. the undecaying world, hea- ^ifSJ1^ akshiva or akshiva, as, m. a plant,
ster, a gambler, i.e. adice-rogue. — Aksha-naipuna or ven. —Akshayd-lalitd, f. festival observed by women
on the seventh day of the second half of BhSdra. GuilandinaorHyperantheraMoringa; (nm),n.sea salt.
•naip unya, am, n. skill in gambling. — Aksha-pard-
jaya, as, m. loss in gambling. — Aksha-pdta, as, m. A-kshayin, t, inl, i, undecaying ; (inl), f., N. of akshika, as, m. See akshika.
castofdice. — Aksha-pdtana, am, n. act of casting Jice. Siva's wife. a-kshiva, as, d, am, not intoxicated,
— Aksha-priya, as, a, am, fond of dice, or (perhaps) A-kshayya, as, d, am, undecaying. sober. See also akshiva.
favoured by the dice, lucky. — Aksha-mada, as, m.
^TBJt a-kshara, as, d, am, imperishable ;
intoxicating passion for dice. — Aksha-mdtra, am, n. akshu, us, m., Ved. a kind of net.
dice, anything as big as dice ; the twinkling of an eye, a unalterable ; (as), m. a sword ; Siva ; Vishnu ; (am),
moment of time. «- Aksha-mdld, f. a rosary, a string n. a syllable; the syllable om; a letter; a vowel, a a-kshunna, as, d, am, unbroken, un-
or necklace of beads, especially of the seeds of the sound ; a word ; speech ; Brahma ; final beatitude ; curtailed, unconquered ; inexperienced, inexpert. — ^4-
Eleocarpus ; a N. of Arundhati, wife of Vasishtha, abiding merit, religious austerity ; sacrifice ; right, Icshunna-td, f. uncurtailed condition ; inexperience.
from her wearing a rosary ; (as, a, am), or aksha- justice ; the sky; water; a plant (Achyranthes Aspera). a-kshudra, as, d, am, not small.
mdlin, i, int, i, wearing a rosary of seeds. — Aksha- — Akshara-ilaiii'ti or aksJiara-<!u,n<!ii, its, or aksha-
rdja, as, m. the king of dice, the die called Kali. ra-tfana or akskara-^ana, as, m. a writer, scribe. a-kshudh, t, f.,Ved. satiety.
— AksliM-vat, an, art, at, having dice, relating to — Akshara-d<.!tuindas,as, n. metre regulated by the A-kshiulliya, as, a, am, not liable to hunger.
dice, gambling ; (it), {. a game of dice. — Akshn- number and quantity of syllables. — Akshara-janam,
f. a reed or pen. — Akshara-jivaJia or akshara- ••.HVSJef a-kshetra, as, a, am, destitute of
vdma, as, m. an unfair gambler. — I. aksha-vid, fields, uncultivated ; (am), n. not a proper field, a bad
t,t,t, skilful in gambling. — Aksha-vritta, us, a, am, jlvika,ae, or akshara-jirin, i, m. a scribe. — Aksha-
what has occurred in gambling. — Aksha-iaunda, as, ra-jnr, ur, m. a sage, one who knows and enjoys field; not a proper geometrical figure. — Aksketra-
d, am, fond of gambling. — Aksha-sutra, am, n. a Brahma. — Akshara-tulikd, f. a reed or pen. jila, as, d, am, or akshetra-md, t, t, t, destitute of
— Akxhara-nyasa or akshara-vinydsa, as, m. array spiritual knowledge.
string or rosary of Eleocarpus seeds. — Akuha-stusha, A-ksketrin, I, inl, i, having no fields.
as, m. Beleric Myrobalan. — Alisha-hridaya, am, n. of syllables or letters, writing ; scripture ; the alphabet. Akxha.it rajnya, am, n. spiritual ignorance.
innermost nature of dice, perfect skill in gambling. — Aktfhara-paitkti, is, is, i, containing five syllables;
— Akshahridaya-jna,as,d,am, perfectly skilled in (is), (., N. of a metre of four lines, each containing vieji£ akshota, as, m. a walnut (Pistacio
one dactyl and one spondee ; also called paitkti or nut ?) ; N. of a tree, PTlu ; of another tree, Aleurites
gambling. — Akxhdrapana (°sha-dv°),am, n. a dice- Triloba. Also spelt aks/ioda, akshodaka, akshota,
hansa. — AkeJtara-lihaj, k, k, k, Ved. entitled to a
board. — Akfhdvdpa or akshdtivdpa (°sha-at°),
as, m. the keeper of the dice, or of a gambling table. share in the syllables (of a prayer). — Akshara-mukha, dkshodaka, dkhota.
as, m. having the mouth full of syllables, a student,
Akthalfit or aJtshika, as, m. the tree Dalbergia ^refW a-kshobha, as, d, am, unagitated,
Oujeinensis. scholar. — Akshara-mnydsa, see akflMra-mjd
— Akukara-das, ind. syllable by syllable. —Aksha- unmoved ; (as), m. the post to which an elephant is
^.aksha,am, n.(fr. rt. I. as?), an organ tied ; freedom from agitation, imperturbability.
ra-itunya, as, d, am, inarticulate. — Akshara-
of sense, an object of sense ; (ds), m. the soul ; know- sa»isthdna,am,n, scripture, writing. ~ AkstMraitga A-kshdbhya, as, d, am, immoveable, imperturba-
ledge, religious knowledge ; the law ; a lawsuit ; (°ra-anga), am, n. part of a syllable. ble ;(as), m., N. of a Buddha ; an immense number,
a person bom blind ; N. of Garuda, of a son of Akskaraka, am, n. a vowel. said by Buddhists to be 100 vivaras.
KSvana, of a son of Nara, &c. - Aksha-darSaka, as, Akiharya, as, a, am, relating to syllables or letters. •fl BJl fjjllft akshauhini, f. an army consisting
r agni-fit.
often antkiuls, or 11,870 elephants, 21,870 chariots, a-guna, as, a, am, destitute of qua-
A-gaUka or a-gatika, a», a, am, destitute of re- lities or attributes (sometimes said of the supreme
65,610 horse, and 109,350 foot. (The anlkinl con- sort or of resources. — Agalika-gati, is, (. the resort
sists of 27 vihinls; and 27 being the cube, <. of one who has no resort, a last resource. being) ; destitute of good qualities; (at), m. a fault.
of 3, it is probable that akshatthini is a compound •fl'lc; a-gada, as, a, am, free from disease,
— Agitna-td, f. absence of good qualities. — AIJU-
from aksha and rah int.) na-vat, an, ati, at, destitute of qualities, especially
healthy, salubrious ; free from judicial affliction; (as),
TS&Q akshnn. am, n. (fr. rt. I. a/), Ved. of good qualities. — Aguna-vadin, i, ini, i, fault-
m. freedom from disease, health ; a medicine, medi-
time ( = a-khanda Schol. to Un-sGtras). cament, drug; the science of antidotes. — Agadan- worthless finding, censorious. * Aguna-s'ila, as, d, um, of a
O^til7r nkshiuiyd I probably the Instr. of l:unt, as, i, m. f. a physician, (' who makes well.') ^PTJT a-gupta, as, a, am, unhidden, uncon-
an obs, word aJmltaa, fr. aiU), ind., Vcd. circuitously , nom. P. agadyati, to have good health.
cealed ;unprotected ; not keeping a secret.
(like a wheel), in a tortuous way; wrongly. — Akthya- a-gadita, as, a, am, untold.
•Ji. -dliruk, I;, k, Ved. seeking to injure in a ^PT^ a-guru, us, u or vi, u, not heavy,
tortuous manner. — vUWtwt-yw fan, d, art, rt, Ved. a-gama, as, a, am, not going, unable
light ; (in prosody) short as a short vowel alone or
going aaoss ; (Say.) going through, penetrating. to go ; (as), m. a mountain, a tree [cf. 2. a-ga]. before a single consonant ; (us, u), m. n. the fragrant
A-gamya or a-ganlavya, as, a, am, unfit to Aloe wood and tree, Aquiluria Agallocha ; the Siia
^n?J5 akhatta, as, m., N. of a tree, be walked in, or to be approached; inaccessible tree; the tree which yields Bdellium, Amyris Agallocha.
liuchanania Lau'fblia. (physically or metaphorically), inapproachable; un- — Agiirn-iin.'lapd, f. the Siia tree, (probably distinct
akhatti, is, m. childish whim. attainable, incomprehensible, unsurpassable. — Aga- words, iiniapd being added to explain agnru.)
mya-rnpa, as, a, am, of unsurpassed form, nature,
a-khanda, as, a, am, not fragment- or beauty. — Agamy d-gamana, am, n. illicit sexual "II?' n-y"dha> as> a> am> unconcealed,
ary, entire, whole ; (am), n. time(?). A-khanda intercourse. — Agamydgamaniya, as, a, am, relat- manifest. ~ Agudha-gandlta, as, d, am, having an
i si is the twelfth day of the first half of the ing to illicit intercourse. — Agamyd-gdmin, i, ini, », unconcealed smell ; (am), n. Asa Fcetida. — Ag&dha-
lunar month MSrgasirsha. practising illicit intercourse. bhava,as,d, am, having a transparent disposition.
A-khandana,am, n. not breaking ; leaving entire; W*TCt a-gari, f. a kind of grass, commonly ^PT»rhT a-gribhita, as, a, am, Ved. not
non-refutation, admission ; (as), m. time. called Deotar, Andropogon Scrratus [cf. oari].
A-l-handita,as, a, am, not reduced to pieces, un- seized or taken, unsubdued. — Agribhlta-fo&s, ii, is,
•fl'l^ agaru, us, a, m. n. Agallochum, is, Ved. having inconceivable splendor ; (S5y.) of
broken, undivided, unimpaired ; unrefuted. — Ai'han-
ditartuf'ta-ritu),u», «j>,«,bearing fruit every season. Amyris Agallocha. unsubdued splendor.
- Alihaaditotsara (°ta-ut°), as, a, am, ever fesrive. a-garva, as, a, am, free from pride. ^TT? a-griha or a-graha, as, m. a houseless
a-khara, as, a, am, not hard, soft. man, a VSnaprastha or Brahman of the third order.
a-garhita, as, d, am, undespised,
a-kharva, as, a, am, not short, not unreproached, blameless. «i*riil a-godara, as, a, am, not obvious,
stunted, not small, not dwarfish. imperceptible by the senses ; (am), n. anything that
^TJIOjfrl a-gavyuti, is, is, i, Ved. without
xHWIrl a-khatn, as, a, am, not dug (by is beyond the cognizance of the senses ; Brahma ;
good pasturage for cattle, barren.
man) ; unburied ; (at, am), m. n. a natural pond or the not being seen, absence.
lake, a pool before a temple. fl'lfw agasti, is, m. (said to be fr. 2. a-ga,
a mountain, and asti, fr. rt. 2. as, thrower), N. of a ^TnfaT a-gopa, as, as, am, Ved. without a
a-khadya, as, a, am, uneatable. Rishi, author of several Vedic hymns, (he is said to cowherd, not tended by one.
have been the son of both Mitra and Varui.ia by ^?*iftsV a-go-rudha, as, a, am, Ved. not
a-khidra, as, a, am, unwearied. — A-
UrvasI ; to have been born in a water-jar ; to have repulsing the cow ; (SSy.) not repelling or disdaining
khidra-ydman, a, a, a, Ved. unwearied in course. been of short stature ; to have swallowed the ocean,
•^f^rt a-khila, as, a, am, without a gap, and compelled the Vindhya mountains to prostrate
complete, whole. —MMlatman ^la-af), a, m. the themselves before him ; to have conquered and civi- S3r*fl'?l a-gohya, as, a, am, Ved. uncon-
universal spirit, Brahma. lized the South ; to have written on medicine, &c.) ; cealable, not to be covered, bright.
AkhUaut, ind. completely. the star Canopus, of which Agastya is the regent ; praise.
a plant, Sesbana (or jEschynomene) Grandiflora. agaukas. See 2. a-ga, col. i.
fl«f<!4 akhetika or akhetika, as, m. a dog
trained to the chase. — Agasti-dru, us, (. a plant, Sesbana Grandiflora. agnayi. See p. 6, col. I.
Agastayas, m. pi. the descendants of Agastya.
Agasti, f. a female descendant of Agastya. agn i, is, m. (fr. rt. ang or ag or aiij ?),
a-khedin, i, ini, i, not wearisome ; fire ; sacrificial fire of three kinds, GSrhapatya, Aha-
Agasttya, as, a, am, relating to Agasti.
unwearied. — Akhedi-tva, am, n. continuous flow (of vanlya, and Dakshina ; the number three ; the god of
speech) ; one of the vaggunas of the Jainas. Agastya,afa. = agasti,N.o! Siva.— Agaetya-gtta,
fire ; the fire of the stomach, the digestive faculty ; the
as, f.pl. Agastya's hymns, forming part of the Adi-
W5>«c> nkhkhala, ind., Ved. an exclama- varaha-Purana. — Agaetya-fara, as, m.the course of gastric fluid ; bile ; gold ; N. of various plants, Semi-
tion of joy. — Alilil;liali-kri, d. 8. P. -karoti, -kar- Canopus. — Agnstya-aam/i itd, f. Agastya's collection carpus Anacardium, Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosca,
tum, Ved. to utter the exclamation akhkhala. (of law). — Agastyodaya (°ya-ud°), as, m. the rise of Citrus Acida ; mystical substitute for the letter i-
Canopus ; the seventh day of the second half of Bhadra. [cf. Lat. igni-s; Lith. iigni-s; Slav, ognj; Goth.
w*qtrl a-khyata, as, a, am, not famous,
unknown, obscure; infamous. a-ga, as, m. f., Ved. not going. auhri-« ; aty^ri and ay\a6s may be related to inju i '.
— Agna-marntntt, m. du. Agni and Marut. — Agnd-
A-khydti, is, (. want of fame ; infamy, bad repute. a-gadha, as, a, am (see giidha), I'ishnii, m. du. Agni and Vishnu. — Agni-kana, as,
— AJthySH-kara, as, a, am, disreputable. very deep, unfathomable, bottomless ; (ax, am), m. m. a spark. — Agni-Tiarman, a, n. action of fire or
^u J I ay, cl. i. P. agati, ago, agitum, to n. a hole, chasm ; (ox), m., N. of one of the five fires of Agni; cauterization. — Agni-kariJid, (. and agnl-
N move tortuously, wind : Caus. agayatt, at fhe SvShSkara [cf. Gr. iya06s and Goth, gtithe, l-arya, am, "• kindling or ieeding the sacrificial fire
-yitvm, to cause to move tortuously [cf. rt. ang]. fr. the crude form gfida]. — Agadha-jala, as, a, am, with clarified butter, &c. — Agni~kdt<ktha, am, n.
I. aya, an, m. a snake ; the sun ; a water-jar. having deep water ; (as), m. a deep lake. Agallochum. — Agni-lcukkuta, as, m. a lighted wisp of
^JmX a-gara, as, am, m. n. house, apart- straw, firebrand. — Aijni-kunda, am.n.ahole or en-
•wi 2. a-ga, as, a, am (fr. rt. gam), unable closed space for the consecrated fire. — Agni-l'iimdra,
to walk ; unapproachable ; (as), m. a mountain, a »«, in. a particular preparation of various drugs.
ment [cf. d-gdra"].
tree; (in arithni.) seven. — Aga-ja, as, a, am, pro- tigina, as, m. the sun(:). See agira. — Agni-krita, as, d, am, made by fire, offered by fire.
duced on a mountain, or from a tree; (am), n.
agira, as, m. (fr. rt. ag), the sun ; — ,4f/Ti{-A-et«,u*,m.,N.ofaRakshas. — Agnl-ltona,as,
bitumen. —Agatmnja (atja-at°), (., N. of PSrvatI, m. the south-east quarter, ruled over by Agni. — Agni-
fire ; a Rakshasa.
the daughter of Himalaya. - Agdvaha (aya-dv"), at, kriyii, f. obsequies or any other religious act performed
m., N. of a son of Krishna and of others. — Ai/auka*
^rfnttSr^ a-glraukas, as, as, as (fr. a -f
(a;/n-oA°), as, m. a lion; a bird; the Sarabha, a ifirii, Instr. of gir and okas), Ved. not to be stopped by means of fire. — Agni-l:r~tdd, f. firework, illumina-
tion ,8cc. — Agni-garbha,as,d,am, pregnant with fire;
fabulous animal with eight legs.
by threatening shouts (lit. 'having no station by (as), m. a gem supposed to contain and give out solar
A-gaffJia, at, a, am, not going ; (a*), m. a tree. heat, sflryakanta ; N.of a plant, Agnijara; (a),f.,N.ofa
a-ganita, as, a, am, uncounted. speech'), epithet of the Maruts. plant, Mahajyotishmatl. — Agni-griha, am, n. house
— Aganitarlajja , an, d, am, disregarding shame. i!PJa-pw, us, HA-, u (fr. jo with a), Ved. desti- or place for keeping the sacred fire. — Agni-grantha,
tute of cows, or of rays; poor; destitute of hymns, ax, m., N. of a work. — Agni-faya, as, m. a heap of
'M'ln fi-y/itii. ns,a, am, not gone; unfre- wicked ; (us), m., N.of RShu or the ascending node. fire. — Agni-tayana, am, n. or agni-fiti, if, f. or
quented; (am), n., Ved. not coming, non-return(?). A-go,avs, aw>, u, Ved. destitute of cows. — Ago-td,
f. want of cows. agni-tttya, f. arranging or preparing the sacred or
A-gati, is, f. want of resort or resource, necessity. sacrificial fire-place. — AgnA-tit, ind., Ved. like Agni ;
(I), m. one who has arranged a sacred fire-place. ?s, m. the sun-stone or suryakaata. — • Agni-mat, an, (d), f. the corner of the sacrificial post which, of all
nil, at, having a fire, enjoying it; maintaining a the eight, is nearest the fire. — Agni-shvdtta or agni-
— Aynii'it-rat, dn,at~i, at, having householders or in- srattu, as, a, am, tasted by the funeral fire ; (as).
habitants that have prepared a sacred fire-place. •• Agni- sacrificial fire, having a good digestion. — Agni-
ja Of agni-jdta, an, a, am, produced by fire, born mantha, as, d, am, producing fire by friction ; (to), m. pi. Manes, especially of those who on earth
of or in fire ; digestive ; (as), m., N. of Vishnu ; a m., N.ofa plant,Premna Spinosa. — Ayin-manthana, neglected the sacrificial fire. — Aijn i-sanskdra, as, m.
medicinal plant, Agnijara. — Agnl-janman, d, m. am, n. production of fire by friction. — Agniman- the consecration of fire ; performance of any rite in
Skanda, the god of war. — Agni-jdra or agni-jd/a, as, thaniya, as. d, am, referring to such friction. — Agni- which the application of fire is essential, as the burning
m. a medicinal plant. — Ayni-jihva, as, d, am, having maya, as, i, am, Stiy. — Agni-mdlhara, as, m., of the dead body. — Agni-mntada, as, d, am, re-
a fiery tongue; (a), f. a tongue or flame of fire; a N.of an expounder of the Rig-veda. — Agni-mdndya, splendent like fire. — Agni-sfin^aya, as, m. preparing
tongue of Agni (who is said to have seven tongues) ; am, n. dyspepsia. — Agni-marut!, is, m., N. of the sacrificial fire-place, see agiMayana. — Agni-
a medicinal plant, LangalT. — Aynijralita-tfjana, as, Agastya. — Agni-mitra, as, m., N. of a prince of the sakha, as, m. the wind. — Agni-stwribhara, as, d,
". mil, having a point hardened in fire. — Ayni-jvdld, S'unga dynasty. — Agnim-indha, as, m. the priest am, sprung from fire ; (as), m. wild safflower ; the
(. glow or flame of fire ; a plant with red blossoms, who kindles the sacrificial fire. — Agni-mwkha, as, result of digestion, lymph. — Agni-sahdya, as, m.
used by dyers, Grislea Tomentosa; another plant with m. a deity; a Brahmana; a tonic medicine; N. of the wind; a wild pigeon. — Agni-sdkshika, as, d,
red blossoms, JalapippalT. — Agni-tap, p,Ved. enjoy- two plants, Semicarpus Anacardium and Plumbago am, taking Agni, or the domestic or nuptial fire, for
ing the warmth of a fire. — Agni-tapas, as, as, as, Zeylanica. — Agni-m ukh i, f. Semicarpus Anacardium ; a witness. — Agnisdkshika-marydda, as, d, am.
hot as lire, glowing. — Agni-tapta, as, d, am, heated Gloriosa Superba. — Agni-mudha, as, d, am, Ved. one who, taking Agni for a witness, gives a solemn
by fire, glowing. — Agni-ta, f. the state of fire. — Agni- made insane by Agni or lightning. — Agni-yuta, as, promise of conjugal fidelity. — Agni-sdra, am, n. a
tfjas, as, a*, o-s, having the power of fire or of Agni ; m., N. of the author of a hymn in the Rig-veda. medicine for the eyes, a collyrium. — Agni-sdvartii.
(ox), m., N. of one of the seven Rishis of the eleventh — Agni-ycyana, am, n. causing the sacrificial fire to is, m., N. of a Manu. — Agni-sinha, as, m., N. of the
Manvantara.— Agni-traya,am, n. or agni-tretd, f. blaze up. — Agni-rakshana, am, n. preservation of father of the seventh black Vasudeva. — Agnisinha-
the three sacred fires, called respectively Garhapatya, the sacred (especially the domestic) fire. — Agni-raja,
am, n. thread as, m.of the
fire son
; a ofgirdle
Agru'sinha. — Ayni-s&tra
of sacrificial grass put.
Ahavamya.andDakshina. — Agni-trd,ds,de,am,,VeA. as, or agni-rajas, as, m. a scarlet insect. •• Agni-
protected by Agni. — Agni-da or agni-ddyaka, as, rahasya, am, n. mystery of Agni, the title of the upon a young Brahman at his investiture. — Agni-
d, am, supplying with fire, stomachic, tonic, incen- tenth book of the Satapatha Brahmana. — Agni-raii, stambha, as, m. the (magical) quenching of fire.
diary. — Agni-dagdka, as, a, am, burnt with fire ; is, m. a heap of fire, a burning pile. — Agni-mhd, f. -• Agni-stoka, as, m. a spark. — Agni-svatta, see
burnt on the funeral pile; burnt at once, without a plant, Mansarohim. — Agni-rupa, as, i, am, &K- agni-skrdttft. — Ayni-hut, t, t, t, or agni-huta, as,
having fire put into the mouth, because destitute of shzped. — Agni-retasa, as, d, am, sprung from the d,am, sacrificed byfire. — Agni-hotri,td,m., Ved. sacri-
issue ; (a«), m. pi. a class of Pitris or those who on seed of Agni. — Agni-rohim, I. a hard inflammatory ficing toAgni, or having Agni for a priest ; see agni-
earth maintained the sacred fire. — Agni-datta, as, swelling in the arm-pit. — Agni-loka, as, m. the hotrin. — Agni-hotra, as, m., Ved. oblation to Agni ;
m., N. of a prince. — Agni-damani, f. a narcotic world of Agni. ™ Agni-vat, an, atl, at, having or the sacred fire ; (an*), n. an oblation to Agni, chiefly
enjoying a fire, maintaining a sacrificial fire, having a of milk, oil, and sour gruel ;— there are two kinds of
plant, Solanum Jacquini. — Agni-ddyaka, see agm'da.
— Agni-ddha, as, m., N. of a disease. — Agni-ditf, good digestion; (rat), ind. like Agni, fire. — Agni- Agnihotra, ohe is nitya, i. e. of constant obligation ;
k, f. Agni's quarter, i.e. the south-east. — Agni- varfas, as, m., N. of a teacher of the Puranas. the other kdmya, i. e. optional ;— the sacred fire ; the
^ifunia, an, i, am, stimulating digestion. — Agni- — Agni-varna, as, d, am, having the colour of maintenance of it ; the placing the sacrificial fire
dlpta, as, a, am, blazing, glowing ; (a), f., N. of a fire ; closely related to fire, hot, fiery ; (an), m., N. on the ground prepared for it, see agny-ddhdna. ;
of a prince, the son of Sudarsana ; (a), f. a kind of (as, I, am), Ved. sacrificing to Agni; destined for
plant, MahajyoU'shmatt. — Agni-dlpti, if, f. active
state of digestion. — Agni-dMa, as, a, am, Ved. strong liquor. — Agni-rardhaka, as, d or I, am, the Agnihotra, or connected with it. — Agnihotru-
having Agni for a messenger. — Agni-dushita, as, feeding or exciting fire; tonic; (as), m. a tonic, havani, f. a ladle used for sacrificial libations. — Agni-
d, am, branded. — Agni-deva, as, m. Agni; a stomachic. — Agni-vallahha, as, m. a tree, Shorea hotra-hid, t, Ved. offering the Agnihotra. — Agni-
worshipper of Agni; (a), f. the third lunar mansion, Robusta ; the resinous juice of it. — Agni-rdna, as, hotrdhuti (°tra-dh°), is, (. invocation connected
i. e. the Pleiades. — Agni-deratd, f. the deity Agni. m. a fiery arrow, a rocket. — Agnl-vdsas, as, as, as, with the Agnihotra. — Agni-hotrin, I, ini, i, prac-
— Agni-deratya or agni-daivata, or agni-daiva- wearing a fiery or red garment. — Agni-vdha, an, m. tising the Agnihotra ; maintaining the sacrificial fire ;
tya, as, d, am, referring to Agni or to his divinity. the vehicle of fire, i. e. smoke. •• Agnwdhu, us, m. one who has prepared the sacred fire-place, or con-
— Agnidh or agnidh, t, m. (fr. agni-idh), Ved. = preceding ; N.of two men, see agni-bdhu, — Agni- veyed the sacrificial fire to it.*-AgnikotroM!iishta
the priest who kindles the sacred fire. — Agni-rlkdna, riniiti'niiii, am, m. the ceremony of lowering the (°tra-uf), am, n. that which is left of the Agni-
am, n. the receptacle for keeping the sacred fire. sacrificial fire. — Agni-visarpa, as, m. spread of in- hotra. —Agnidh (°ni-idh), t, m. the priest who
— Agni-nakshatra, am, n. the third lunar mansion, flammation, pain arising from an inflamed tumour. kindles the fire. — Agnldhra, as, m. = the preced-
the Pleiades. — Agni-nayana. or (tgni-praiifiyana, — Agni-riharetna, am, n. removing the sacrificial ing; N. of two men, see agni-bdkn. — Agnidhri,
am, n. bringing out the sacrificial fire. — Agni- fire from the Agnidhra to the Sadas Mandapa.
f. feeding the sacrificial fire. — Agnindra (°ni-in°) ,
n{ryiat, fix, m. a medicinal plant, AgnijSra. — Agni-rljii or agni-virya, am, n. gp\d. — Agni- aw, m. du., Ved. Agni and Indra. — Agnindhaim
— Agni-nnnna, as, d, am, Ved. struck by Agni or rriiliJId, Is, f. improved digestion. — Agni-ve3a, as, Cni-indhf), am, n. kindling or feeding the fire.
lightning. — Agni-netra, as, a, am, Ved. having m., N. of an early medical authority. — A(/niva,i*!/i(, • Agnl-parjanya, au, m. du., Ved. Agni and
Agni for a guide. — Agni-pakm, as, d, am, cooked as, a, am, descended from AgniveSa. — Agni-farana Parjanya. — Agrii-varuna, an, m. du., Ved. Agni
with fire. — Agni-pada, am, n., N. of a plant or a or agnt-s'dld, am, n. or agni-ftdld, f. house or place and Varuna. f Agni-sJwma, au, m. du. Agni and
m3i\. — Agni-parikritjd, f. care of the sacred fire. for keeping the sacrificial fire. — Aijni-Okha, as, d, Soma. •- Agnlshoma-pranayana, am, n. bringing
— Agni-pai'i<'< '-1'tiflfi, nx, m. the whole apparatus am, having a crest of fire, fiery ; («s), m. a lamp ; out the fire and the Soma, a ceremony in the Jyoti-
used in a sacrifice with fire. — Agni-paridhdnn, inn, a fiery arrow, rocket ; an arrow ; the Saffiower plant ; shtoma sacrifice,— Agni-shomiya or agnl-fhomya,
n. enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen. saffron; N. of VararacTs father; (am), n. saffron,
as, d, am, relating or sacred to Agni and Soma.
— Af/i/i-/ifirU-fhd, {. ordeal by 6re. — Ayni-pan'ata, gold. — Agni-ttiklta, f. a flame; N. of two plants, — AgnlsTiomlyn-nin'd'pa, as, m. making libations
'i*, m. a volcano. — Agni-puMJia, as, am, m. n. Gloriosa Superba and Menispermum Cordifolium. with the cake sacred to Agni and Soma, a ceremony
end or extinction of the fire, lit. tail of the fire. — Agni-intrusha, f. careful atteritipn to the sacri- in the Darsapurnamasa sacrifice. — Agnlshomlya-
— Aipii-purdna, run, n., N. of a Puraiia. — ^jnj- ficial fire. "Agni-iekliara, am, n. saffron. — Agni- padu, us, m. a victim, generally a sheep or goat,
j'l'i'iigama, as, d, am, having Agni for a leader. x'cx/ui, us, m. appendix to the chapter on Agni in the sacred to Agni and Soma. — Agntsltomlyapaiiv-anu-
— Ayi>i-/u-iiiiinjiina, am, n. bringing out the sacri- Taittiriya Sarnhita. — Agm-in, is, Is, i, Ved. visiting shthdna, am, n. the proceedings with that victim, at
ficial fire. — Agni-pranayaniya, as, d, am, re- Agni or fire. — Agni-shtut. t, m. (laudatory of Agni), the Jyotishtoma sa&ifice.-'Agnish&miya-puroddda,
ferring to the bringing out that fire. — Agni- the first day of the Agnishtoma sacrifice ; one day of as, m. cake sacred to Agni and Soma, which must be
/irntlsjtflta, f. consecration of fire, especially the the Sattra Pancadasaratra. — Agni-shhibh, p, m. son baked in eleven bowls. — Agnishomiya-ydga, as, m.
nuptial fire. — Agni-prarexa, as, m. or ayni- of the sixth Manu, C'.ikshusha, by Nadvala ; see the one of the three sacrifices of the Pfirnam5sa. — Agni-
pnmfena, mn, n. entering the fire; self-immola- next. — Agni-Moma, as, m. (praise of Agni), N. of
shomiyaikddaiia-kapdla Cya-eJc"), as, m. cake sacred
tion of a widow on the funeral pile of her husband. a protracted ceremony or sacrifice, extending over to Agni and Soma, see above. — Afjnl-shomya , see
•• Agni-prastara, as, rn. stone producing fire ; flint. several days in spring, and forming an essential part of agni-shotmya. — Agny-agdra or agny-agdrn, «.-•.
— Agni-bdhu or agni-vdfm, it*, m. smoke; N. of the Jyotishtoma ; a passage of the Sama-veda chanted m. house or place for keeping the sacred fire. — Agny-
a son of the first Manu ; N. of a son of Priyavrata at the Agnishtoma ; the first day of the Sattra Panca- alihava, as, m. lack or loss of the sacred fire ; loss of
and Kamya. — Agni-h/in, inn, n. (shining like fire), dasaratra ;a species of the Soma plant ; N. of the son appetite. — Agny-astra, am, n. fire serving as a
gold. — Agni-bhu, u, n. water. — Agni-bhu, us, m. of the sixth Manu ; see Hgnishtwlih.—Agnifhtoma,- weapon, a rocket, fire-arms (?). — Agny-dgdra, see
Skanda ; N. of a teacher, Kasyapa, who was taught yajin, i, inl, i, one who has performed the Agni- agny-agdrn. — Agny-dtmaka, as, d, am; Ved.
by Agni ; (in arithm.) six. — Agni-bhuti, is, m., N. shtoma. —Agni-xhlha, as, d, am, placed in, or over, having Agni's nature. — Agny-ddhdtM or agny-
of a pupil of the last Tirthakara, being one of the or near the fire ; (as), m. an iron frying-pan ; in the ddlieya, am, n. or agny-dMti, is, f. placing the fire
eleven chiefs of the Jaina Rishis. — Agni-bhrdjas, as, Asvamedha sacrifice, the eleventh Yupa or sacrificial on the sacrificial fire-place or ground previously pre-
as, as, Ved. possessing fiery splendour. — Agni-mani, post which, of all the twenty-one, is nearest the fire ; pared. —A gny-dlaya, as, m. C a house or place for
'as), m. an expiator; an cpith. of Vishnu. — Aylta-
keeping the sacred fire ; a cavity with several com- — Agra-Hard, (. a compendious method of counting nishkrita, ax, d, am, freed from guilt. — Agha-
pertinents, for the several sacred fires. ~ Aijmj-altitn, mmense numbers. — Ayra-sena, as, m., N. of Jana- maya, as, i, am, sinful. — Agha-mamltaija, as, d,
<i,, m. one who has performed the AgnySdhina. mejaya's son. — Agra-hasta, as, m. = agra-pdni, am, expiatory, usually applied to a particular prayer
— Aiiini-iit/iatii. >u. m. a fiery portent, meteor, a the tip of an elephant's trunk. — Agra-hdyana, as, daily ottered by BrShmans ; (as), m., N. of the author
comet. — Aijiuj-uMhuritiiK, urn. n. taking the sa- m. commencement of the year ; N. of a Hindu month, of that prayer, son of Madhutchandas. — Aghu-ma-
cred fire from its usuil place, previous to sacrifice. commencing about the 12th of November. — Ayra- Idpaha (°fa-a/>°), as, d, am, removing the filth of
— Ayny-ujxifthdiia, tun, n. worship of Agni, at the harti, as, m. royal donation of land to BrShmans; . — Aylta-mdra, as, d, am, Ved. fearfully fatal.
conclusion of the Agnihotra, &c. — Aijinj-edha, as, and thus given. — Ayranita, see ayra-bhiga. — Agra- — Agka-rud, t, t, t, fearfully howling. — Aglin-cat.
m. an incendiary.
ns'u (°ra-an"), us, m. the end of a ray ofjight, the an, all, at, sinful ; [voc. ayharan or ag/tas, see s. v.]
Agnayl, f. the wife of Agni, and goddess of fire ; focal point. — Agrdkshan, a, or agrdkslti (°ra-nlf }, — Ayha-risha, as, d, am, Ved. fearfully venomous.
the Tretl-yuga. i, n. the fore part of the eye, sharpness of vision. — Aglui-fama, as, d, am, wicked; sin-destroying;
Agnika. as, m. an insect of scarlet colour, Coccinella. — Agrdttguli (°ra-a>ty°), if, m. the tip of the
(as), m. a wicked mzn. — Aghus'ansa-huu, d, m.
Ayiiisdt, ind. to the state of fire, used in composi- finger. — Agrdilvan ^ra-af), d, d, a, having pre- slaying the wicked. — Ayha-itinsin, I, inl, i, Ved.
tion with l-rt and bhu, as aynuat kri, to reduce to cedence in eating. — Ayrdntka (°ra-an°), as, am, reporting <,m. — Agha-luu-<(iM, inn, n. removal of
fire, to subject to fire. m. n. the front of an army, vanguard. — Agrdyaniya,
juilt. — Aglia-hdra, as, m., Ved. remover of guilt,
Agnlya, as, a, am, referring to fire or to Agni, Cra-ayc), am, n. title of the second of the fourteen pious (?) ; or, a wicked (notorious) robber (?). — Aghd-
fiery. oldest Jaina books. - Agropaharana fra-up"), am,
n. first or principal supply. — Agropaharamya, as, d, £va (°gha-af), as, m. a bad or vicious horse ; N. of
am, that which has to be first or principally supplied. snake. — Aghdsura (°gha-as°), n*, m. Agha,
W*l*^ agman, a, n. conflict, battle ; see
Kansa's general.— Aghdha (°gha-ak°), as, m. an
njmati, with which it is connected. Agratas, ind. in front of, before, in the presence inauspicious day, time of impurity from the death of a
of; at the head, first. — Agratah-kri, cl. 8. P. A.
VJJ agra, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt. any, -karotl, -kuriUe, -kartum, to place in front or at relative, &c. — Ayhattyha-marshana (~gha-ogha-),
as, a, am, destroying the mass or whole of sin.
the nasal being dropped), foremost; anterior, first; the head, to consider most important. — Agratah-
chief; prominent, best; projecting, supernumerary, Ag)tala, as, d, am, Ved. evil, sinful.
iara, as, i, am, going in front, taking the lead; Ayhdya, nom. P., Ved. aghdyati, -yitum, to be
excessive ; much ; (nni), o. foremost point or part ; tip ; (a*}, m. a leader.
malicious, to sin, to threaten. » Aijlnl //f, nx, !>*. n.
front ; uppermost part, top, summit, surface ; point, Agrima, as, d, am, foremost; prior, preceding; malicious, wicked.
and hence, figuratively, sharpness ; the nearest end, the elder, eldest ; principal, best ; furthest advanced, first
beginning ; the climax or best part ; goal, aim, resting- ripe; further; (o), f. a fruit, Annona Reticulata. a-ghatamana, as, a, am, incon-
place; multitude, assemblage; a weight, equal to a Agriya, as, d, am, foremost, oldest, best ; (as), m.
pala ; a measure of food given as alms ; (in astronomy) elder brother ; (am), n. the first fruits, the best part. gruous, incoherent.
a-ghana, as, a, am, not dense or
the sun's amplitude ; (am), ind. in front, before, a- Agriya, as, d, am, Ved. same as the preceding. solid, liquid.
head of, chiefly in answer to the question whither ? Agre, ind. (loc. of agra), in front; before; in the
[cf. Gr. Sitfor]. — Agra-lcara, as, m. the fore part presence of; at the head; first; ahead, beyond, ••flUH a-gharma, as, a, am, not hot, cool.
of the hand or arm ; the right hand ; the fore part of further on, i.e. subsequently to. — Agre-ga, as, d, — Agharma-dhdman, d, m. the moon, whose light
rays, the focal point. — Agra-tdya, as, m. the fore am, going in front or before; (as), m. a leader.
part of the body. — Agra-ga, as, m. a leader. — Agra- ~ Agre-ga, as, or ayre-gu, us, or ayre-nl, is, m. is supposed to be cool.
t/nttiffi, as, a, am, that should be counted or regarded vniirn«T a-ghatin, i, inl, i, not fatal, not
a leader. - Agretmn (°gra-lf), d, art, a, Ved. going
as the foremost, best, principal. — Agra-gamin, i. ini, in front or before. — Agre-didhishu, us, m. a man
i , preceding, taking the lead. — Agm-jn, as, a, am, belonging to one of the first three classes, who at his injurious, harmless.
first marriage takes a wife that was married before ;
a-gharin, i, inl, i, not anointing.
or ayra-jd, as, as, am, Ved. born first or earlier ;
(as), m. the first- bom ; an elder brother ; a Brahman ; (us or u, us), f. a married woman whose elder sister a-ghrina, as, a, am, destitute of
Vishnu; (a), f. an elder sister. — Ayra-jaitgiid, (. is still unmarried. — Agre-pd, as, as, or agre-pu, fix, compassion. — A-gkriiiin, ', ////, /, not contemptuous,
the fore part of the thigh. — Agra-janman, d, m. is, m. f. having the precedence in drinking. — Agre- not disdainful.
the first-bora; an elder brother; a Brahman; a bhru, us, m. roaming in front. — Agre-rana, am, n.
member of one of the three highest castes ; Brahma. the border of a forest. — Ayre-vutlha, as, m. hitting a-ghora, as, d, am, not terrific ;
— Agra-jdtaka, tut, or agra-jdti, is, m. a Brahman. or killing whatever is in front. — Ayre-sara, as, dot
— Agra-jihva, am, n. the tip of the tongue. — Agra- (as), m. a euphemistic title of S'iva ; a worshipper
i, am, going in front, preceding, taking the lead. of Siva and Durga ; (o), f. the fourteenth day of the
jyd, (. (in astron.) the sine of the amplitude. — Agra- — Agre-sara or agre-sarika, Of, m. a leader.
nl, it, is, i, taking the lead, foremost, first. dark half of BhSdra, which is sacred to S'iva. — Aijhnrii-
Agrya, as, d, am, foremost, topmost, principal,
— Agra-nUi, is, (., Ved. the first offering. — Agra- best, proficient ; pointed, i. e. intent, closely attentive ; ghora-rupa, as, m. a name of S'iva (' having a form
iluiilii, i, m. a degraded Brahman who receives or nature both not terrific and terrific'). — Aglicm-
(as), m. an elder or eldest brother ; (am), n. a roof. /Kit/un, -ntlias, or aghoni-inan/u, «»•, m. a follower
presents from ?Qdras, or takes things previously
a-grabhana, as, d, am (fr. grabh, of S'iva. — Aghora-pramafia, >nn, n. a terrific oath.
offered to the dead. — Agra-naJcha, as, m. the tip
of the nail. — Agra-ndsikd, f. the tip of the nose. old form of rt. grah), Ved. having nothing which WtflM a-ghosha, as, m. (in grammar) the
can be grasped. hard sound of a consonant; (tit, a, am), hard-sound-
— Agra-nirupana, am, n. determining beforehand,
predestination, prophecy. — Agra-parm, f. cowage, A-graha, ax, m. non-acceptance. — A-gralui or ing ;destitute of cowherds.
CarpopogonPruriens. — Agra-pdni, is.or agra-hasta, a-grilia, as, m. a houseless man, i. e. a VSnaprastha,
a Brahman of the third class. •*|litas aghos, ind. a vocative particle ;
Of, m. the fore part of the hand or arm ; the right
band. -• Agra-puja, f. the first or highest mark or A-grdhin, I, inl, i, not taking, (said of a leech) properly another form for nijluiraii, voc. of ni/lin-
not holding.
act of reverence. — Agra-pet/a, am, n. precedence in rat, q. v.
drinking. — Agru-bhdya or agrania ("ra-an"), as, A-grdh>/<i, as, d, am, unfit or improper to be 'ajjrt a-ghnat, an, ant't, at (fr. rt. /;«/;>.
m. part of the top, &c., fore part ; (in astron.) degree received, accepted, perceived, obtained, admitted, not killing, not injurious.
of amplitude. — Agra-bhuj, i, k, k, baring the prece- trusted ; deserving to be rejected or refused. A-yhnya, as, d, am, improper to be killed ; («*).
dence in eating. — Agra-bhumi, in, (. the place m. Brahmi ; a bull ; (d), (. a cow ; a cloud (?).
aimed at, goal, object. — A gra-mahishl, f. the prin- •flillMl a-grdmya, as, a, am, not rustic,
cipal queen. — Ayra-mdnsa, am, n. the heart; town-made ; not tame, wild. •>$VH a-ghreya, as, n, am (fr. rt. glird).
morbid protuberance of the liver. — Agra-ydna, am, '^J iiyrit, us, m. unmarried ; (it), f. a improper to be smelled at.
n. stepping in front to defy the enemy. — A gra- finger; a river [cf. Zend ayhru]. ank, cl. I. A. aitkate, dnairke,
ydyin, t, ini, f, going before, taking the lead ; (i), (tnkislti/idc, iiitkiluni, to move in a
m. a leader. — Agra-yaran, a, d, a, Ved. going agh, cl. 10. P. aghayati. -yitum, to
curve; to mark; cl. 10. P. nitknitnt!, -i/itinu, to
before. — .\ijm -./•"//./'/,•. ;, m. the foremost man or x go wrong, sin. move in a curve ; to mark, stamp, brand ; (this rt.
leader in a fight ; a champion. — A gm-loltitd, f. a A i/ha, am, n. a going wrong; mishap, evil; mis- is related to aAC.)
kind of pot-herb, red pepper (?). — Ayfii-nja, as, d, deed, afault ; sin ; passion ; impurity ; pain, suffering ;
am, (said of a plant) propagating itself by means of (as, d, am), evil, bad, sinful, subject to passion, '&$• anka,as, m. (fr. rt. anc, but connected
the top; (<(«), m. a viviparous plant, according to miserable, unclean ; («-<), m., N. of an Asura, the with preceding rt. ank), a hook ; a curve or bend ; the
Hindu notions. — Agrn-rl,;i. ««, in. the principal general of Kansa ; (a), f. the goddess of sin ; (as), f.curve in the human, especially the female, figure above
hero. — Agra-satvl/idnl, f. the register of human pi. the constellation usually called Magha. — Agha- the hip, where infants (sitting astride) are carried by
actions, kept by Yama. - Agra-sanakyd, (. early ki'it. I, t, t, doing evil or harm, an eviWoer. Hindu mothers or nurses (hence often equivalent to
dawn. — Ayrn-tara, •», i, am, going in front, taking — A</ka-ihfshta,as,d,am, Ved. hated by the wicked. the English breast or lap); the side or flank; the
the lead; (in Bengill), going ahead, advancing — Ayha-nds'aka,as,a,am, oiay}ia-yhna,as, i,am, body ; proximity, place ; the bend in the arm ; any
"Agra-sdnn, us, m the front part of a table land or aqJia-naiana, as, i, am, sin-destroying, expiatory ; hook or crooked instrument ; a curved line ; a mi-
anka-karana. angarya.
merical figure, cipher ; a figure or mark branded on Angana, am, n. walking ; place to walk in, yard ; of An-ga. — Aitgdnulepana (°ga-an°), am, n.
see s. v.
an animal, &c. ; any mark, line, stroke, ornament, anointing the body. — Angdpun-n (°ga-ap°), am,
stigma ; a number ; the number nine ; a coefficient ; n. effect of a secondary sacrificial act. — Angefoam
an act of a drama ; a drama ; a military show or i. anga, ind. a particle implying at- body.
tention, assent or desire, and sometimes impatience ; (°ga-if), as, m. the king of An-ga. — Ange-shthd,
sham-fight ; a misdeed, a sin ; moving in a curve [cf. as, as, am, Ved. situated in a member or in the
it may be rendered by well ; indeed, true ; please ;
Gr. oyKos and Lat. 7mcws]. — Anka-karana, am,
n. the act of marking or stamping. — Anka-tantra, rather; quick. It is often used (changed to angl, Angaka, am, n. a limb, member, body; (ikd),
am, n. title of a book treating of magical marks or q. v.) to form compound words, as angl-kartum, to f. a bodice, a jacket.
assent, promise ; see under angl [cf. S^x1]-
figures. — Anka-dhdrand, f. manner of holding the Attgin, I, ini, i, having limbs, corporeal, having
body, figure. — Anka-parivartana, am, n. turning 'ZTj? 2. anga, am, n. (said to be fr. rt. am, subordinate parts, principal ; having expedients.
the body, turning on the other side. — Anka-pdda- but rather fr. rt. ang), a round limb ; a member ;
trakt, am, n. title of a chapter in the Bhavishyot- the body; a division or department, especially of Anglya, as, d, am, referring to the An-ga country.
tara Purana.— Anka-pdli, is, f. or dnka-pdUkd, — Angya, see s. v.
a science, as the six Vedan-gas; science; a subdi-
f. embracing, an embrace, — Anka-pdll, f. an em- vision, a supplement ; (in grammar) the base of a v(jj-«u angana, am, n. (a place to walk in),
brace ;a nurse ; a plant, Firing or Medicago Escu- word ; (in rhetoric) an illustration ; (in the drama) a yard, court, area ; see angana below.
lenta. — Anka-pdia, as, m. a peculiar concatenation the whole of the subordinate characters ; an expedi-
ent; a mental organ, the mind; the number six; T^fw angati, is, m. (fr. rt. ag), fire; a
of numerals or numbers. — Ankapds'a-ryarahdra,
nx, m. the use of that concatenation. — Ankapdid- (ae), m. sing, or (as), m. pi., N. of Bengal Brahman who maintains a sacred fire ; Brahma ;
dhydya {^tfa-adh?), as, m. the study or use of that proper, near Bhagalpur, or its inhabitants; in the Vishnu.
concatenation. — Anka-bandha, as, m. branding with sing, it may denote the name of a king of An-ga ;
anga-da, as, m. (fr. anga -f da),
a mark that resembles a headless body. — Anka-bhdj, (as, d, am), having members or divisions, contiguous.
k, k, k, an infant carried on the hip ; forced fruit, — Aitga-kartana, am, n. cutting ofTa limb. — Anga- N. of a brother of Rama ; of a son of Gada ; of an
nearly ripe, earlv ripe. — Aitka--mukha, am, n. karman, a, n. or anga-kriyd, f. a supplementary ape son of Bili ; (d), f. the female elephant of the
the act of a drama which gives a clue to the whole sacrificial act. — Anga-graka, as, m. seizure of a south (or the north?) ; (am), n. a bracelet worn on
plot. — Anka-lodya, as, m., N. of a plant or its limb, i. e. spasm. — Anga-ja, as, d, am, produced the upper arm.
root, ginger, C'inc'oda or Cincotaka. — Anka- from or on the body ; ornamental ; produced by a angana, am, n. (fr. rt. ang, q. v.),
ridya, f. arithmetic. — Anlcdnka (°ka-an°), am, n., supplementary ceremony ; (as), m. a son ; hair of the act of walking ; place to walk in, yard, court,
Ved. water. — Ankdratdra (°ka-av°), as, m. the the head ; love personified ; intoxicating passion ; area ; (a), f. a woman with well-rounded limbs ; any
closing part of a dramatic scene. drunkenness ; a disease ; (d), f. a daughter ; (am), n.
Ankati, is, m. wind ; fire ; Brahma ; a Brahman woman or female ; (in astronomy) Virgo ; the fe-
who maintains the sacred fire. blood. — Aitga-janus, us, m, a son. — Anga-jata, as, male elephant of the north. — Angand-gana, as, m.
a, am, produced from or on the body, ornamental, pro- a number of women. — Artgand-jana, as, m. a fe-
Ankana, am, n. the act of marking, stamping, duced bya supplementary ceremony. — Anga-jvara,
branding, ciphering, wilting ; (as, d, am), marking. male person. — Angand-priya, as, m. (lit. dear to
as, d, am, Ved. causing fever. — Anga-dvlpa, as, m. women), N. of the tree Jonesia Asoca.
Ankas, as, n. tortuous motion, a mark ; the body. one of the six minor Dvipus. — Anga-nydsa, as, m.
Ankasa, am, n. the flanks (?) or the trappings of ceremonyof touching certain parts of the body. » Anga-
a horse. angava, as, m. (fr. angu?, a cor-
pdli, is, f. an embrace. — Anga-prdyafKitta, am, ruption ofagni), dried or withered fruit.
Ankita, as, d, am, marked, branded ; numbered, n. expiation of bodily impurity, especially that arising
counted, calculated. from death in a family. — Anga-bheda, as, a, am, , as, n. (fr. rt. anj ?), a bird.
Ankin, I, inl, i, having an anka, q. v. ; (I), m. a Ved. causing rheumatism. — Anga-marda or anga-
small drum ; (inl), f. a number of marks, &c. angara, as, m.; (rarely am), n.
mardaka, as, m. or anga-mardin, I, m. a servant
Ankl, f. a small drum. (said to be fr. rt. ag or ang, cf. agni), charcoal, either
Ankuta, as, m. a key. who has to shampoo his master's body. — Anga- heated or not heated ; (as), m. the planet Mars ; N.
marsha, as, m. pain in the limbs, rheumatism.
Ankupa, am, n.,Ved. water. of a prince oftheMaruts; a plant, Hitavali ; (as), m.
Ankura or ankura, as, m. a sprout, shoot, blade ; or — AngamarsJia-pras'amana, am, n. alleviation of, pi., N. of a people and country [cf. Lith. angll-s ;
medicine for, rheumatism.— Anga-ydga, as, m.
a hair ; blood ; water ; a swelling, a tumour. a subordinate sacrificial act. — Anga-rakta, as, m. a Russ. ugolj ; also Germ. Jfohle ; Old Germ, col
Ankuraka, as, m. a nest. and colo ; Engl. coat]. — Angdra-kushtJtaka, as,
Ankurita, as, d, am, sprouted. plant, Gundaroc'anT. — Anga-rakshanl or anga-
mkshinl, f. a body-protector, i. e. a coat of mail, m. a plant, HitSvalT. — Angdra-dhdnl or rtngdra-
Ankufa, as, am, m. n. a hook, especially an cloak, garment. —Anga-rdga, as, m. application of dhdnikd, f. a portable fire-place. — Angdra-pari-
elephant-driver's hook; (d) or (I), f. one of the scented unguents or cosmetics to the body, especiallyafter pafita, am, n. roasted food. — Angdra-parna, as,
twenty-fourjaina goddesses [cf. Gr. &yKiffrpof, Germ. bathing ; scented cosmetic. — Anga-rdj, t, or anga- m. an epith. of C'itraratha, the chief of the Gandhar-
Angel] . — Ankuia-grahn, as, m. an elephant-driver. rdja, as, m., N. of Kama, the king of An-ga. — Anga- vas. — Angara-pdtrl, f. a portable fire-place. — Angd-
— Ankuda-durdhara, as, m. a restive elephant. rdjya, am, n. the kingdom of An-ga. — Anga-ruha, ra-pushpa, as, m. a plant, In-gudi; Vulg. Ingua.
Ankurita, as, a, am, urged on by the hook. as, d, am, what grows on the body, as hair, wool, down, —Angdra-manjarl or angdra-manjl, (. a shrub,
Ankuiin, I, inl, i, having a hook, laying hold of &c. — Anga-lipi, is, f. written character of An-ga. Cesalpinia Banducella. — Angdra-vallarl or angdra-
with a hook. valll, (., N. of various plants ; Galedupa Arborea ;
— A>tga-hka, as, m. the country called An-ga.
Ankuyat, an, anil, at, Ved. (ft. a nom. ankuya, — Anga-lodya, as, m. a sort of grass, ginger, or OviedaVerticallata;BhargI;Gunja. — Angdra-s'akatt,
related to anka), moving tortuously (to escape). its root, commonly 6enc5ra. — Anga-vdk-pdni-mat, f. a portable fire-place or wheels. — Angdra-setu, us,
Ankura, as, m. a sprout. See ankura. an, att, at, possessing mind (?), speech, and hands. m., N. of a prince, father of Gandhara. — Angdrd-
Ankusha, as, am, m. n. a hook ; an ichneumon. — Anga-rikriti, is, f. change of bodily appearance, rakshayana (°ra-ai;°), am, n. vessel or receptacle
Ankya, as, d, am, fit or proper to be marked collapse; fainting, apoplexy. — Anga-vikshepa, as, for extinguishing coals.
or counted ; (as), m. a small drum [cf. an-Jti]. m. gesticulation ; a kind of dance with movement of Angdraka, as, m. charcoal ; heated charcoal ; the
ankara,as, m. diminution in music. the arms. — Anga-mdyd, f. knowledge of lucky or planet Mars ; Tuesday ; N. of a prince of Sauvira ;
also of a Rudra ; N. of two plants, Eclipta (or Verbe-
ankota or ankotha or ankola or unlucky marks on the body. — Anga-i'aikrita, am,
n. a wink, nod, sign. — Anga-sanskdra, as, m. or sina) Prostrata, and white or yellow Amaranth ; (am).
ankolaka, as, m. a plant, Alangium Hexapetalum. n a medicated oil in which turmeric and other
(inga-sanskriyd, f. embellishment of person, doing
— Ankolla-sdra, as, m. a poison, probably prepared what is needed to secure a fine personal appear- vegetable substances have been boiled. — Angdraka-
from the plant called An-kola, &c. ance, as bathing, perfuming, and adorning the body. dina,as,am, m. n.a festival of Mars on the fourteenth
vigjircoi*! ankolikfi, f. (a corruption of — Anga-samnati, is, f. compactness, symmetry or of the latter half of C'aitra. — Angdraka-mani, is, m.
unka-jidtikd, q. v.), an embrace. strength of the body. — Anga-sanga, ax, m. bodily coral (amber). — Angdraka-vdra, as, m. Tuesday.
contact, coition. — Anga-skandha, as, m. a subdi- Angdrakita, as, d, am, charred, roasted, burnt.
'JtS'iijiT anktva, ind. (part. fr. rt. anj), Angdri, is, f. a portable fire-place.
vision of a science. — Anga-spars'a, as, m. bodily
having besmeared. contact. •• Anga-hdra, as, or anga-Jidri, is, fn. of Angdrikd, f. the stalk of the sugar-cane ; the bud
the Kinsuka or Butea Frondosa.
S ankh, cl. 10. P. ankhayati, -yitum, gesticulation. — Anga-hlna, as, d, am, mutilated ; Angdrinl, f. a small fire-place ; the region heated
to move slowly, to crawl ; to cling to, to incorporeal ; (as), m. Kamadeva. — Angdngi (°ga- by the sun, though no longer exposed to its rays;
o»°), ind. (lit. limb and limb), jointly or reciprocally,
hold back" in consequence of being related, as one limb to another N. of a creeper.
K ang, cl. I. P. angati, dnanga, or to the body. — Angdngi-td, f. intimate relation, Attgdrita, as, d, am, charred, roasted, burnt;
angitum, to walk, go round (connected as between the limbs, or a limb and the body, or (a), f. a portable fire-place ; a bud ; N. of a creeper ;
with rt. ag) ; cl. 10. P. angayati, -yitum, to walk, the subordinate and the principal. — Angdngi-bhdva, of a river ; (am), n. the early blossom of the KinSuka.
go round ; to mark (in the last sense connected with as, m. existence or working of such intimate relation. Angdriya, as, d, am, fit for making charcoal of.
rt. ank) ; [cf. Gr. iyyts, iyyifa ?]. J — Angddhipa (°ga-adh°), as, m. Karna, the king Angdryd, C a heap of charcoal.
8 angika. ^K aftha.
of a R&Attt.—A&llar-iresklka, an, m. chief of
iinyikd, {. a bodice, a jacket. See five fingers. — Angidt-jMrran, a, n. a finger-joint.
»Artijuli-faii(Jilnitn, //.«, m. produced from or on mountains. — A&tladhipa (°l<i-adh°), UK, m. (king
the finger, i. e. a finger nail. of mountains), the HimSlaya. ~A<*ald-8fi]tt<unt, t.
nwjir, ir, m. (fr. rt. any /), N. of a <>r nitijidiya or airgullyaka, as, am. title of a book in the Bhavishyottara Purana.
Rishi,, who received the BrahmavidyS from Athar- m. n. a finger-ring. a-<f«rw, us, rl, n, not pretty, in-
van, and imparted it to Satyavaha, the teacher of aitgushtha, as, m. (the smallest
An-giras. •fl P<< Jft«ll a-tikkana, as, d, am, not smooth,
Aitgira, a*, or usually nitijirn*. tit, m. (related to ...._, .. or limb?), the thumb ; the great toe ; a thumb's rough.
4-TXf Aos or iy7<voj?),a celebrated mythological name, breadth, usually regarded as equal to an aiti/"ln.
usually ascribed to a Rishi, the author of a number of — Aitgushtha-matm, n*, I, am, or uitijuMha- iNp«|(^ i. a- fit, t, t, t (fr. rt. fit), without
niiitmka, ux, ikd, am, having the length or size of understanding.
hymns in the Rig-veda, of a code of laws, and of a a thumb.
treatise on astronomy; he is said by some to have .\i.:/,'-lilliyii, as, m. the thumb nail. A-tikitnt*, an, wshl, as, Ved. not knowing,
been bom from Brahma's mouth, and to have been
the husband of Smriti, of Sraddha, of two daughters attgiisha, as, m. (rapid in motion, A-dilta, as, d, am, unnoticed, unexpected ; not an
of Maitreya, of several daughters of Daksha, &c. ; he ignorant of.
is considered as one of the seven Rishis of the first fr. rt."a7«; or ag), an ichneumon; an arrow. object of thought ; inconceivable ; destitute of intellect
aitgoshin, i, inl, i, Ved. re- or sense.
Manvantara, as a Prajipati, as a teacher of the Brahma- A-fltti, is, (., Ved. want of sense, infatuation; an
vidyi, which he had learnt from Satyavaha, a descend-
sonant (?), praiseworthy (?). infatuated man (?).
ant of Bharadvaja, &c. Among his sons, the chief is
d, am
as, with (fr. anga), be- 'flfVrl 2. a- fit, t, t, t (fr. fit or fill, a pile ;
Agni, others are Samvarta, Utathya, and Brihaspati ; longing angya,
to or connected the limbs of the body,
among his daughters are mentioned Sinlvill, Kuhu, corporeal, &c. rt. Ci), neglecting the Agnicayana, irreligious.
RIkJ, and Anumati ; but the Rita (or Vedic hymns), i. a-Mta, as, d, am, not collected.
the manes of Havishmat, and mankind itself are ? angh, cl. i. A. anghate, ananghe, 'Sf^K 2. afita, as, d, am (fr. rt. ac), gone.
styled his offspring. In astronomy he is the planet >N anghitum, to go, set out, set about, com-
Jupiter, and a star in Ursa Major, (<wa«), m. pi. de- mence ;to hasten ; to speak hastily, scold, blame. At'iMu, us, us, u, Ved. going everywhere.
scendants oAn-giras
f or of Agni, mostly personifications Aitghn (not in use, but equivalent to agha), evil, •flp^fj a-citra, as, d, am (not variegated),
of luminous objects ; the hymns of the Atharva-veda ; sin. — Aitghas, as, n. sin. — Anghdri ("gha-ari), is,
priests who, by using the magical formulas of those m. (an enemy to sin or evil), epith. of Soma, and of
undistinguishable, indistinct
hymns, protect the sacrifice against the effects of 'ilftl'rll a-cintii, f. thoughtlessness, dis-
a particular altar.
inauspicious accidents. -• A ngiras-tama, as, a, am, Anghi, or better ainjhri, is, m. a foot ; the root
very rapid, especially (like Agni) in devouring food. of a tree [cf. anhrt]. — Atighri-ndmaka, as, m. A-finttta, as, d, am, not thought of, unexpected,
"Angiras-vat, ind. like An-giras; (on, all, at), or aitghri-ndman, a, n. a synonym of anghri, a disregarded.
connected with or accompanied by the An-girasas. roat.-AiH/hri-pa, as, m. (drinking with the foot A-fintya, as, d, am, surpassing all thought or
Anglrasa, as, m. an enemy of Vishnu in his or root), a tree. — Anghri-parnl or aiighri-valli, conception; (as), m., N. of Sin.—A£tntya>Jcar-
incarnation of Parasurama. man, d, d, a, having or performing inconceivable
is, or aiighri-vnUikd, f. a plant, Hedysarum Lago- actions. — Atintya-rupa, us, d or I, am, possessing
Angirasim-ayana, am, n. a Sattra sacrifice. podioides. — Anghri-pdna, as, d, am, sucking his inconceivable beauty.
foot or toes (as an infant). — Anyhri-skandha, as,
angl (substituted for anga in com- m. the ancle.
a-fira, as, d, am, not of long dura-
pound words) implies assent. af (connected with ant, q. v.), cl. tion, brief ; not of long date, recent. —
Angi-kfi, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kar- . I. P. A. afati, anfati, -te, dnanfa, -e, if, f. or atira-prabha, f. lightning. — Afim-praxuta ,
titm, to agree to, promise, confess.
A>tgi-karana, am, n. act of assenting, agreeing,
in'ii'itinu, to go, move, tend ; to honour ; to make f. (having recently brought forth), a cow that has
round or carved; to request, ask; to speak in- recently calved. — Afira-lihds, as, f. lightning.—
promising. distinctly. See :. atXta, atishtu.
Angl-kdra, as, m. agreement, promise. Afira-mrita, as, d, am, recently deceased. — Ai'lni-
Attgl-krita, as, a, am, agreed to, promised. a-fakra, as, d, am, having no wheels ; roils, is, f. or afiranin (°ra-anc), us, f. or afiralili "
immoveable; not vacillating ; automatous (?). (°ra~dbha), f. lightning.
Angi-kriti, is, (. agreement, promise. Adrnm or afirdt or afirenu, ind. not long, not
aitguri, is, or anguri, f. (for mtyiili, •>!<•<< BJH a-fakshus, us, n. a bad or miser- for long ; not long ago ; soon, speedily.
ij.v.), a finger; a toe. — Anguriya or angurlyaka, able eye, no eye; (us, us, us), blind. — A-tukthur- Attra, (. the mother of the Jaina-saint Santi.
UK, am, m. n. a finger-ring ; the ring-finger (?). i-i*i(<i 'in. as, d, am, not or no longer within reach of atishtu, Ved. See under 2. atita.
the eyes, invisible. — Afakshvsh-tra, am, n. blindness.
•wjfrt attgula, as, m. (for rt. ag or aitg), A-fakshushka, as, a, am, destitute of eyes, blind. a-detana, as, d, am, or a-6etas, as,
a finger ; the thumb ; a finger's breadth, a measure a-fanda, as, d or J, am, not of a as, as, destitute of consciousness, inanimate ; (of men)
njual to eight barley-corns, twelve arrgulas making inconsdous, insensible, senseless, fainting, &c.
hot temper, gentle, tractable ; (?), f. a tractable cow.
.1 vitasti or span, and twenty-four a hasta or cubit; A-detdna,as,d,am, Ved. thoughtless, infatuated.
(in astron.) a digit, or twelfth part; N. of the sage ^, a-6atura, as, d, am, destitute of A-t'<iitiu»/rt,am, n. unconsciousness ; insensibility;
C'Jnakya, — Angula-pramana or angula-mana, four, having less than four; not cunning, not dexterous. senselessness, ignorance in spiritual things ; that which
am, n. the measure or length of an an-gula ; (as, a, is destitute of consciousness, i. e. the material world ;
a-fandra, as, d, am, moonless. matter.
nm), having the length of an an-gula.
Angulaka at the end of compounds = angula, i.e. a-fapala, as, d, am, not oscillating
-o many arrgulas or fingers long. -.JJ^g a-deshta, as, d, am, effortless, mo-
or vibrating ; unmoveable, steady.
Anguli, ifi, or angull, f. a finger ; a toe ; the A-6apalya, am, freedom from unsteadiness, tionles . —Ai'eslita-td, 1. loss of motion from faint-
thumb ; the great toe ; the finger -like tip of an ele-
phant's trunk; the measure an-gula. *• Amjuli-to- a-iara, as, d, am, or a-farat, an, ing, &c.
'SH^R a-codas, as, as, as, Ved. free from
n. a sectarial mark on the forehead con-
sisting ofthree fingers or lines shaped like an arch or anil, (it, imraoveable. compulsion or external stimulus, spontaneous.
doorway (toraiia), drawn with sandal or the ashes of a-(arama, as, d, am, not last, not
least. 'STflS i. a-66ha, as, d, am (not shaded in-
cow-dung. — Atfjiili'-trri, run, n. or im/jiili-trana, covered, fr. it + fha for fhatl or Miayii, rt. vliml),
n, m. (V), 11. a finger-protector, a contrivance
a-cala, as, d, am, not staggering or pellucid, transparent, clear; (as), m- a crystal.
like a thimble, used by archers to protect the thumb — AtVlii/'l" (m'r/iii-iiilii), UK, d, am, having clear
or finger from being injured by the bow-string. moving, immoveable; (as), m. a mountain or rock;
~'l" provided with such a a bolt or pin; the number seven; N. of Siva water; (a), f., N. of a river; a covering or garment
ringer-protector. — Ain/nli-mvlcha or ninjuli-m uilm, and of the first of the nine deified persons, called of Vishnu (?) ; (am), n., N. of a lake in the Himalaya
n. the tip of the finger. — A ngiili-miulra or formed by the river AWhoda.
' white Balas' among the Jainas ; (a), f. the earth ; A-tthdya, as, d, am, without shadow, casting no
""!/•' . f. a seal-ring. — Anijuli-iiiiiliiini, one of the ten earths of the Buddhists. — Afala-
'i,n, n. snapping or cracking the fingers. — Ainjnl i- ki/a, (. the eirth.~A<<aln-trish, t, m. the Kokila or shadow.
'luimjn, at. m. contact of the fingers; act of finger- Indian cuckoo. — Ai'nlit-iUiriti, is, f. a metre of four ^Tfl3 2. attha,as, m. (corruption ofriksha),
ing; (as, a, am), sticking to the fingers —/l/n////,'- lines, of sixteen short syllables each, also called a bear. — Affhn-lihfiUa, fix, m. a bear; (liliiil/'i
wmdtia, an, m. snapping or cracking the fingers as Glty3ry5. — ASala-bhrdtrl, td, m., N. of a Brahman
a rign. — Airyuli-»]>hotana, am, n. snapping or from Oude, who became one of the eleven heads of itself means. afcha
' a bear.')
or usually off ha, rarely atiham,
cracking the fingers. — Angull-panfaka, am, n. the Ganas among the Jainas. — Adala-mati, is, m., N.
ind., Ved. to, towards (governing the accusative and
?riT=n^ a-javas.
rarely the locative). It is a kind of separable pre- alyds ; Lith. o:ys] ; the sign Aries ; the vehicle of Ajaka, us, m., N. of a descendant of Pururavas ;
position or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, as in the sun ; N. of a descendant of Visvamitra, and of also of a king of Magadha ; ajakd or ajikd, f. a
the following. Dasaratha's; ofora Dirghabahu's young she-goat ; a disease of the pupil of the eye,
Addha-i, cl. 2. P. -eti, -turn, or addhd-gam, cl. substance kind of rice ; father
of the ; moon
N. of ;a (as),
m. small reddish tumours (compared to kids), protruding
I. P. -gadd/Mti, -gantum, to attain, go towards. pi., N. of a class of Rishis ; of a people mentioned in through the transparent cornea and discharging pus.
Addha-naksh, cl. i. P. A., Ved. -nakshati, -te, the Vedas ; (a), f., N. of Prakriti or Nature, of Maya — Ajakd-jdta, am, n. the same disease of the eyes.
•kshitum, to go towards, approach. or Illusion ; a she-goat ; N. of a plant whose bulbs Ajana, ajani, aji, ajma, &c., see s. v.
Addha-^nai, cl. I. P., Ved. -naJati, -iitum, to resemble the udder of a goat. — Aja-kar»a, as, ID. ?HT 2. a-ja, as, d, am, not born, existing
come near.
a goat's ear; a plant or tree, Teimiualia Alata
Addlia-ni, cl. I. P., Ved. -nayati, -netum, to lead Tomentosa. — Aja-karnakn, as, m. the S'al-tree, from all eternity; (as), m. Brahma, Vishnu, S'iva,
towards or to. Kama; (d), f. Prakriti or Nature, MSyS or Illusion
Shorea Robusta. — Aja-kuld, (., N. of a town of the
(see also I. a/a, s. v. aj and I. ajana).
Addha-nu, cl. 3. P., Ved. -nauti, -navitum or Bodhis. — Aja-kshira, am, n., Ved. goat's milk.
-nuvitum, to call out to, to cheer. — Aja-gandha, as, m. smell of a he-goat ; (an, d, xiTicti^ ajakava, as, m. (etymology un-
Addka-pat, cl. I. P., Ved. -patati, -titum, and am), smelling like a goat. — Aja-gandhd or aja- known), S'iva's bow. — Ajakdia, as, am, m. n. S'iva's
Caus. P. -patayati, -yitttm, to fly towards. gandhikd, f. shrubby basil, Ocymum Gratissimum. bow; (as), m. a venomous kind of vermin, cen-
Addha-vad, cl. l.P.,Ved.-mrfa(j, -ditam, to salute. — Aja-yandhim, f. a plant, also called ajairingl, tipede or scorpion ; (am), n. sacrificial vessel dedicated
Addhd-vad, d. 2. P., Ved. -vakti, -ktum, to invite. q. v.—Aja-gara, as, m. (that swallows a goat), a to Mitra and Varuna. — Ajagara. or ajagdra, am,
— Addhd-vdka, as, m. 'the inviter,' title of a par- huge serpent, probably boa constrictor ; (i), f., N. of a n. S'iva's bow ; the southern portion of the path of
ticular priest or Ritvij, one of the sixteen required to the sun, moon, and planets ; N. of a snake priest.
plant. — Aja-yallikd, f. * goat's cheek,' an infantile
perform the great sacrifices with the Soma juice. disease. — Aja-jiva or aja-jivika, as, m. 'who lives 4{>11M a-jaghanya, as, d, am, not last;
— Addhdvdklya, as, d, am, referring to the AcchS- by goats,' a goat-herd. — Aja-td, (. a multitude of not least.
vaka ; containing the word addhdvdka. goats ; the being a goat. — Aja-tva or ajd-tva, am,
Addhfta (°dha-ita), as, a, am, Ved. approached, n. the being a goat. — Aja-dandi, !. a plant, also T a-jaghnivas, an, ushl, at (perf.
attained. called brahmadandi. — Aja-devatd, as, f. pi. the part. fr. rt. han), not having killed.
Addhokti (°6ha-uk°), is, (., Ved. invitation. 25th lunar mansion. — • Aja-ndmaka, as, m. (named
Aja or Vishnu), a mineral substance. — Aja-ya, as, ^niTT a-jatd, (. a plant, Flacourtia Cata-
•flfisifj a-6Ckldra,as, a, am (free from clefts phracta ; also ajadd and ajjhatd.
or flaws), unbroken, uninterrupted, uninjured ; (am), m. a goat-herd. — Aja-patha, as, m. ' goat's road,'
n. unbroken or uninjured condition, an action free probably synonymous with aja-vithl, q. v. — Aja- ^*\$ a-jada, as, d, am, not torpid or
from defect or flaw ; (etia), ind. uninterruptedly, from pada or aja-pdda, as, d, am, goat-footed. *-Aj(i- stupid ; (a), f., N. of two plants ; see Ajafa and
first to last. — Addhidra-kdnda, am, n. title of a pad, t, m., Ved. epithet of the divinity called Aja.
Kapikaddhu, Carpopogon Pruriens. — Ajada-dhi, is,
chapter of the Taitiinya-iirahmana. — Addhidroti — Aja-^pdrsva, as, m. (having black sides like a is, i, of a vigorous mind, energetic, bold.
(°dra-uti), is, is, i, affording perfect protection. goat), epithet of S'vetakarna's son Rajivalocana.
^T»1*M1 ajathyd, f. yellow jasmin (fit for
— Addhidrodhni (°ra-udh°), f.,Ved. (a cow) having — Aja-pdla, as, m. a goat-herd; N. of Dasaratha's
a faultless udder. father. — Aja-lhakslta, as, m. 'goat's food,' N. of a
plant, Varvura. — Aja-mdyu, us, m., Ved. bleating goats?).
A-ddhidyamdna, as, d, am, uncut, uncurtailed;
like a goat. — Aja-mdra, as, m., N. of a tribe or a •suirf i. ajana, as, m. (fr. rt. aj.), Brahma
not fragile.
A-ddhinna, as, d, am, uncut, uncurtailed, uninjured ; prince. — Aja-mldha or aja-milha, as, m., N. of a ' the agitator ;' (am), n. act of instigating or mov-
son of Suhotra, the author of some Vedic hymns ; of ing. — Ajana-yoni-ja, as, m. (born fr. Ajana, i.e.
undivided, inseparable. — Addhinna-pattra, as, d, a grandson of Suhotra; surname of Yudhishthira. Brahma); N. of Daksha.
am (of a bird, or, in the Vedas, of an altar shaped Ajani, is, f. a path, road ; see also aji.
like a bird), having the wings uncurtailed, uninjured ; ~Aja-mukha, as, I, am, goat-faced; (i), f., N. of
a Rakshasi. — Aja-meru, N. of a place, Ajmir(?). ViH»i 2. a-jana, as, d, am (rt. jari), desti-
having uninjured leaves. — Addhinna-parna, as, i,
am, having uninjured leaves. — Aja-moda, as, m. or aja-modd or aja-modikd, tute of living beings, especially of men ; desert ; (as),
A-ddhedika or a-ddhaidika, as, d or j, am, not f. ' goat's delight,' N. of various plants, common m. an insignificant person.
fit or needing to be cut. Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum
Ajwaen), and especially a species of Parsley, Apium A-janani, is, f. privation of birth, cessation of exist-
A-ddhedya, as, d, am, improper or impossible to
be cut, indivisible. Involucratum. — Ajarshabha ("ja-risK"), as, m. the ence ;ajananir astu tasya, ' may he cease to exist !'
best goat. — Aja-lambana, am, n. antimony. — Aja- A-janya,
born ; unfit as, d, am, improper
or unfavourable to be produced
for mankind ; (am), or
•WflaJTT a-66hupta, f. (not touched by sin), loman, d, m. or aja-laml, f., N. of a plant, Cowage,
N. of one of the sixteen Vidyadevis of the Jainas.
any portent or natural phenomenon unfavourable to
Carpopogon Pruriens ; (a ), n. goat's hair. — Aja-va*ti, mankind, as an earthquake.
is, m., N. of a tribe ; (ayas), m. pi. the members of
"Suss 15*1 aKhotana, am, n. hunting. that tribe. — Aja-vdha, as, m., N. of a district. ^T»ni i. a-japa, as, m. (rt.jap), one who
^T^riT a-fyuta, as, d, am, what has not — Aja-rithl, f. ' goat's road,' N. of one of the three does not repeat prayers ; a reader of heterodox works ;
divisions of the southern path, or one of the three (d), f. the mantra or formula called hansa, which con-
given way or fallen ; firm, solid ; imperishable, per-
manent; not leaking or dripping; (as), m., N. of paths in which the sun, moon, and planets move, sists only of a number of inhalations and exhalations.
Vishnu or Krishna ; also of a physician ; N. of a plant, comprehending the asterisms muld, purvdshddha,
s. v. i. aja.2. aja-pa, as, m. a goat-herd. See
Morinda Tinctoria; N. of a gift to Agni. — Adyuta- and
kshit, t, m.f Ved. having solid ground, an epithet of N. ofuttardshadJui.
a shrub, Odina — Wodier,
used asf.a 'charm
goat's and
Soma. — Adyuta-dyut, t, t, t, Ved. throwing down a remedy for sore eyes, — the fruit resembles a goat's aja-midha, as, m. See s. v. I. aja.
that which is fixed. — Adyuta-ja, as, m. pi. a class of horn. — Aja-stunda, am, a., N. of a town. — Aja-hd,
f. Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens. — Ajd-kripdniya, a-jambha, as, m. (toothless), a frog.
jaina deities produced by Vishnu. — Adyuta-j all akin,
i, m., N. of a commentator of the Amara-Kosha. as, d, am, like the goat and shears in the fable. a-jaya, as, m. non-victory, defeat;
— Adyuta-danta or adyutanta, as, m., N. of the — Ajd-kehira, am, n. goat's milk. •- Ajd-gala, as, (as, d, am}, unconquered, unsurpassed, invincible; (as),
ancestor of a warrior tribe called Acyutadanti or m goat's neck. — Ajfifjala-stana, as, m. nipple or m., N. of Vishnu ; of a lexicographer ; of a liver ; (a),
Acyutanti, though possibly the names refer to two fleshy protuberance on the neck of some Indian goats, f. hemp ; N. of a friend of DurgS ; Maya or Illusion.
distinct persons and tribes. — Adywta-murti, is, m., and an emblem of any useless or worthless object or won at play.
A-jayya, as, d, am, invincible, improper to be
N. of Vishnu. — Adyuta-rusli., t, f. inveterate hatred. person. i-Aja-jira, us, m. (who lives by goats), a
goat-herd. — Aja-tau/ni/i, is, m., N.of a Muni who 'SiR a-jara, as, d, am (rt.jrl), not subject
» Ady uta-i'dsa, as, m. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus
Religiosa. — Adyuta-sthala, am, n., N. of a place lived on the milk of goats; (given by grammarians as
an example of compounds in which the middle term to old age, undecaying, ever young ; (a), f., N. of two
in the Panjab. — Adyutdgrajn ("ta-ag"), as, m. plants. Aloe Perfoliata and Jirnapahjhl. — Ajardmara-
(Vishnu's elder brother), Balarama; Indri. — Adyulo- is left out). — Ajiida (iija-ada), a-p, m. 'goat-eater,'
the ancestor of a warrior Inbe. — Ajddanl ( ja-ad ), rat ("ra-am°), ind. as if undecaying and immortal.
pddhydya (Qta-up°), as, m. = adyuta-jallakin.q. v. notA-jarat,
decaying.an, anti, at, not suffering from old age,
f. a species of ptickly night-shade. —Ajantri ( ja- decay.
aj, cl. i . P. (defect, verb, supple-
x mented fr. rt. vi), ajati, djlt, ajitum, to an "\ {. a pot-herb, Convolvulus Argenteus —Ajd- A-jarayu, its, its, u, not subject to old age or
f>n'f/ns, as, n. goat's mi:k. —Ajd-pdtai'a, as, d, am,
go, to drive, propel, throw, cast : Desid. ajijixliati, to
•ending goats ; (as), m. a goat -herd. — .d/'ariirt (nja- A-jara.*, another form for ajara, used only in
be desirous of driving [cf. Gr. tyu ; Lat. ago]. ai' \ am, n. goats and sheep small caitle. — Ajds'ra some cases.
I. aja, a», m. a drove; a driver, mover, in>tigstor, lo/a-a< ), am, n goats and horses; (CM), m. Pushan
leader; epithet given in the Vedas to Indra. Rudra, or the Sun who has goats for horses •-Ajfrikiiix/d A-jarya, as, a, am, not friable, not digestible;
not subject to old age or decay ; (am), n. friendship.
one of the Maruts, Agni, and the sun ; in later works (aja-ek \ t, m epi'het of Vishnu; of one of the
to Brahma.Vishnu, Siva, and Kama i see also 2 a-jn); tli-vcn
and rams. Rudras. — Ajai/laka (aja-cif ), am, n. goats i a-javas, us, as, as, Ved. not quick,
the leader of a flock ; a he-goat or ram [cf. Gr. olj,
10 Or-jasra. an(a.
covering, &c. ; the hairy skin of a tiger, &c. ; (as),
as, a, am), (ri.jas, ' to injure' ajjukd, f. (in the drama) a cour-
not to be killed or interrupted perpetual. — Ajatram m., N. of a descendant of Prithu. — Ajina-pattra or (cor uption ofarjuka.)
ever, ever. it/iu«-/i<ittri or ajina-jHiltrikn, f. a bat. — Ajina-
or ajanrena, ind. perpetually, for ajjhatii, f. a plant, Flacourtia
phald, (., N. of a plant (t). — Ajina-yon{, «»•, m.
a-jahat (pres. part. fr. rt. ha with (origin of the skin), an antelope, deer. — Ajina- Cataphracta. (Also ajatd and ujaila.)
n), not dropping or losing (used in compounds). cdfin, 7, 4 ill, i, clad in a skin. — Ajina-tan/Uia, ajjhala, as, m. (corruption of
— AjaJiat-nvdrthd, f., N. of a rhetorical figure, an Of, m. (who joins or prepares skins), a furrier. iijjai/it ?), a burning coal ; (am), n. a shield (?).
elliptical use of words in which their original meaning ajira, as, a, am (fr. rt. 07), agile, a-jha, as, d, am (fr. a and rt. jnd),
is not dropped, as " white ones" for " white horses," quick, rapid ; (as), m., N. of a snake priest ; (a), not knowing ; ignorant, inexperienced ; unconscious ;
"lances" for "men with lances." — Ajahnl-liitija, f., N. of DurgS, and of a river ; (am), n. place to run unwise, stupid. — Ajha-tva, am, n. or ajna-td, f.
as, m. (in grammar) said of a noun not dropping its or fight in, area, court [Lat. ager ?] ; the body ; any
original gender, when used like an adjective. object of sense, air, wind ; a frog ; (am), ind. quickly. Ajnaka or ajnikd, (. diminutive form for ajnd,
— Ajira-rati, (., N. of the river on which the town
W3Uo/'a,f. agoat; Prakriti; Maya. Sees.v. Sravasti was situated. — Ajira-Mis, is, m., Ved. an ignorant woman.
I. a/a, where the compounds of nja will also be found. A-jiiata, as, d,am, unknown; unexpected; unaware.
having a quick light, glittering, epithet of Agni and • Ajnata-kula-fda, as, d, am, whose lineage and
^n{\T\T.a-jdgara, as, a, am, not awake, not SoauL. — Ajirdilhir5ja ("ra-adk"), as, m., Ved. an character are unknown. — Ajiiatii-keta, as, d, am,
wakeful ; (us), a plant, Edipta or Verbesina Prostrata. agile emperor, epithet of death. Ved. having unknown or secret designs. — Ajnatu-
Ajirdya, nom. A. ajirdyate, -yitum, Ved. to be bhukta, as, a, am, eaten unawares. — Ajndta-
•?nnf3T ajd-ji, is, or ajd-ji, f. (a/a with rt.
;/ .', that overcomes goats) ; Cumin seed, Cuminurr. agile or quick. yakshma, as, m., Ved. (insidious consumption ?),
Ajiriya, as, d, am, connected (by proximity or
Cyminum ; Ficus Oppositifolia ; Nigella Indica. ownership &c.) with an ajira or court &c. N. of a disease. — Ajndta-vdfa, «•-', d, am, whose
dwelling is unknown. — Ajnata-6ila, as, d, am,
xSi]lrl a-jdta, as, a, am, unborn, not yet whose character is unknown.
a-jihma, as, a, am, not crooked,
bom, not yet developed. - Ajdta-kakud, t, m. a young straight, straightforward, upright ; (as), m. a frog, a Ajiidtaka, as, d, am, unknown, unaware.
bull whose hump (kakiul) is yet undeveloped. — Ajata- fish ; see a-jihva, of which this may be a corruption. A-jndti, iV, m. not a kinsman, not related.
paksha, as, a or i, am, having undeveloped wings. —Ajihma-ya, as, d, am, going straight on; (as), A-jndtva, ind. not having known or ascertained.
— Ajata-vyaAjana, as, a, am, having an unde- m. an arrow. — Ajihmdgra (°hma-ag°), as, d, am, ^HjTTtT a-jndna, am, n. non-cognisance ;
veloped beard.— Ajdta-ryatahdra, as, m. having having a straight point.
his majority unattaiued, a minor, a youth under fif- ignorance, especially (in philosophy) spiritual ignor-
teen. — Ajata-iatru, us, «*, «, having no enemy ; a-jihva, as, d, am, tongueless; ance ;not merely a negative, but an active principle,
having no adversary of equal standing ; (MS), m., N. of which consisting of the three Gunas (fetters or qualities)
(at), m. a frog.
Siva, of Yudhishthira, of a king of Kast, of a son of sattva, rajas, and tamas, and preventing the soul
Samika, of a son of Vidmisara or Bimbisara, and con- ajikava, am, n. Siva's bow. See from realizing its identity with Brahma, causes self to
temporary oSikyamani.—
Ajatiinuitaya(0ta-anv?), appear a distinct personality, and matter to appear a
•eijflin a-jigarta, as, m. (that has nothing
as, a, am, having no regret. — Ajdtdri (°ta-ar»),ts, reality; hence equivalent to Prakriti or Nature, and
m. (having no enemy), Yudhishthira. termed a divine Sakti (power), synonymous with M aya,
to swallow), N. of a Rishi, Sunahsepha's father.
W»rfaf a-jlta, as, a, am (rt. jya usually Illusion; (as, a, am), ignorant, unwise. — Ajndna-tas
^nTPTt^ a-jdnat, an, atl, at (pres. part, of or ajiidndt, ind. unawares, ignorantly, inadvertently.
rt. jnd with a), not knowing, unaware. makes jlna), not faded, not faint. — Ajita-pwnarva- — Ajiidna-krita, as, d, am, done inadvertently.
nya, am, n., Ved. (unfaded and recoverable), N. of a — Ajna.na.-tva, am, n. or ajnana-ta, f. ignorance.
•ilHlfH a-jdni, is, or a-jdnika, as, m. twofold rite to be performed by Kshatriyas.
having no wife. — Ajnana-bandhana, am, n. the bond of ignorance.
A-jttt, is, {., Ved. unfadingness ; freedom from decay,
A-jndnin, i, ini, i, ignorant, unwise.
iHjiMI ajaneya, hetter djdneya, as, a, am prosperity. A~jnds, as, m., Ved. not a kinsman.
(from djdna, djdni, birth, descent), of high breed ; v)Tfl«u a-jirna, as, a, am (rt. jfi), not de- A-jneya, as, d, am, baffling or passing knowledge,
undaunted, fearless ; (as), m. a horse of high breed. composed ;unimpaired ; undigested ; (am), n. free- unfit to be known.
dom from decay, indigestion.
••iMlfo a-jami, is, is, i, Ved. not of kin, ajma, as, m. (fr. rt. aj), Ved. career,
not related; unfriendly; (in grammar) not corres-
A-jirni, is, f. indigestion. march, battle [cf. 07/1*0$].
A-firnin, I, inl, i, suflering from indigestion.
ponding. —Ajami-td, (., Ved. absence of connection, Ajman, a, [Lat.
a habitation n., Ved. career, passage, battle ; a house,
friendliness, or similarity. WrfN1 a-jiva, as, m. (non-life), non-ex-
istence, death ; (as, d, am), lifeless.
a-jayamana, as, a, am (rt. jan), ^Ttilfrl a-jydni, is, f., Ved. undecaying
A-fivat, an, anti, at, not living, destitute of a
livelihood. nature.
not being born, not subject to birth.
aji, f. (fr. aj, q. v.), a road. A-jivana, am, n. non-existence, death ; (as, a, •>J)i^H a-jyeshfha, as, d, am, not the oldest
am), destitute of a livelihood.
o/i*o, f. (fr. ajd), & young goat A-jttani, is, f. non-existence, death; ajlmnis
or best ; having no elder brother. — A-jyeshtha-rrifl i .
[cf. i. aja]. is, is, i, not behaving as the eldest brother ought to
tasya bhuydt, ' may death befal him !'
A-jlrita, am, n. non-existence, death. behave, or (ajyeshtha-vritti) behaving like one who
has no elder brother.
•flfiH a-jita, as, a, am, not conquered,
unsubdued, unsurpassed, invincible, irresistible ; (as), ^r3JJjf"?TrT a-jugupsita, as, a, am, not ^HiT ajra, as, m., Ved. a field, a plain ;
m.. N. of an antidote, a poisonous sort of rat ; N. of blamed.
various persons, viz. Vishnu ; Siva ; one of the Saptar-
cf. a, am), Ved. agile, quick [Lat. ayer ; Gr. ayp6s :
shis of the fourteenth Manvantara ; Mailreya or a future ^RJT a-jura or a-jurya, as, d, am (rt.
Buddha ; the second of the Arhats or saints of the jiir),Ved. not subject to old age or decay. a field
Ajrya, as, d, am, Ved. being in or connected with
or plain.
present (Jaina) Avasarpim, a descendant of IkshvSku ;
•flTjg a-jushta, as, d, am, Ved. not enjoyed,
the attendant of Suvidhi, who is the ninth of those unsatisfactory. ^Tftl'JT
active, agile. ajvin, i, inl, i (fr. rt. aj), Ved.
Arhats ; (as), m. pi. a class of deified beings in the
A-jushti, is, f., Ved. non-enjoyment, feeling of dis-
first Manvantara. — Ajita-keda-kambala, ax, m., N.
of a Brahman. — Ajita-bala, f., N. of a Jaina deity, appointment. i. ant (connected with a6, q. v.),
who acts under the direction of the Arhat Ajita. •ajTri3^ a-jftavya, as, d, am, invincible,
d, I. P. A. an&itl, -te, niimi/'ii, -f, «/i'V-
— Aiilii-rikrama, as, m. (having invincible power), insuperable, irresistible. nhyati, -te, aMitnm, to bend, airve, incline, airl ;
epithet ofkingCandragupta the second. — AjiHifninn A-jei/a, as, a, am, invincible; (am), n., N. of an to reverence (with inclined body), to honour ; to tend,
(°ta-dt ], <'i, it. ", having an unsubdued self or spirit. move, go, wander about ; to request : cl. 10. or Caus.
— Aji' ' lip'), as, m. having an unsurpassed in'ii'iiiinti, -yitum, to unfold, make clear, produce:
•<SH<*m<I ajaikapad (aja-eka"), t, or ajai-
crown ; N. of a king. — Ajitiuilr ii/n (' tn-im/'), nx, Desid. P. A. anfifishati, -te, to be desirous of bend-
a, am, having an unsubdued sensuous nature, whose 1-apaiJa, ax, m. an epithet of Vishnu ; N. of one ing :Pass, anfyate or afyatc, to be bent.
of the eleven Rudras. 2. ant1 (at the end of compounds), turned to, going
passions are not controlled.
or directed towards ; see akwlhryanf, m<dn(, udanf,
••9 fill iijiini, inn, n. (probably at first the and•flits*
sheep. ajaidaka (aja-edeka), am, n. goats
skin of a goat, njn, with the hair on, then any skin dcradryanf, &c. It may also mean honouring, see
which would answer the same purpose); the hairy iH-Wla-josJia, as, d, am, Ved. not gratified,
skin of an antelope, especially a black antelope, not yet satisfied. — A-jonhya, as, a, am, Ved. not Anita, as, m. (only used as the last part of com-
which serves the religious student for a couch, scat pound words), curling, as in romdnta, sensation of
easily gratified, never satisfied. the hairs of the body curling, thrill of rapture.
an6ati. anvt. J1
Anfati, is, m. or anfati, f. wind ; fire. hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed, as if Attana, am, n. a weapon shaped like a discus.
AMana, am, n. act of bending or curving. by a beggar to receive food ; hence when raised to the Attd, f. overbearing conduct (?), excess (?).
Anfala, as, m. (perhaps also am), n. the border or forehead, a mark of supplication, reverence, salutation At/aya (nom. fr. a//a), A. attdyate (meaning
or benediction; a libation ; a measure of corn, sufficient doubtful) , to be overbearing (?).
corner of a garment, especially of a woman's garment, to fill both hands when placed side by side, equal to a
of a veil, shawl. (In Bengali, a strip of country, 41 g I Q$ attain, as, or attalaka, as, m. an
district.) kudava. — Anjali-karman, a, n. making the anjali apartment on the roof, an upper story; (ikd), f.
AnCita, as, a, am, bent, curved, curled, arched, or respectful salutation. — Arijali-kdrikd, f. an earthen a house of two or more stories, a lofty house, palace ;
handsome ; gone, walked in ; reverenced, honoured, doll, making the anjali ; N. of a plant, probably
Mimosa Natans. — Aiijali-puta, as, am, m. n. cavity N. of a country. — Attdlikd-kdra, as, m. a bricklayer,
distinguished. — Aiii'ita-pattra, as, m. lotus with mason. — Attdlikd-ixmdha, as, m. (in architecture)
curved leaves. — Andtapattraksha ^ra-aksTia), as, produced in making the anjali. — Anjali-bandliana, a kind of base.
I, am, having lotus eyes. — AMita-Wvrit, us, f. wo- am, n. salutation with the anjali raised to the fore-
man with arched or handsome eyebrows. — AMlta- head. —Anjall-krita, as, d, am, (hands) placed to- attilika, f., N. of a town.
tdnyula, as, a, am, having a curved tail (as a gether to form the anjali.
monkey). 7*nK atnara, as, m. a king of Kos'ala.
Anjalika, m. n., N. of one of Arjuna's
as, am,ana^'jSS;
anj, cl. 7. P. A. anakti, ankte, arrows; seeJfarna-p (a), a young mouse.
atyd, f. ; see under rt. at.
\ dnanja, arijishyati or ankshyati, diijlt, •^TycR ahjika, as, m., N. of a son of Yadu. ath, cl. i. P. A. athati, -te, to go.
anjitum or anktum, to apply an ointment or pig- See anjnl-a.
ment, smear with, anoint ; to decorate, prepare ; to !•athilld,
a(f' f., N. of a Prakrit metre.
honour, celebrate ; to cause to appear, to make clear, •ft fy f^Tt anjihisha, f. ( fr. Desid. of rt.
distinguish, represent ; to be beautiful ; to go : Caus. anh), desire of going.
anjt, f. a blessing (?). i> to endeavour.
anjayati, -yiturn, dnjijat, to smear with ; to speak,
shine, to cause to go [cf. Lat. ungn\. -wj 2. ad, cl. 5. P., Ved. adnoti, to per-
Anjaka, as, m., N. of a son of Vipracitti ; oC a son anjira, am, n. a species of fig-tree x vade, attain ; various reading for ah (?).
of Yadu. (Ficus Oppositifolia) ; a fig. (In Bengali) a guava.
AAjana, as, m. a kind of domestic lizard ; N. of a (Anjira is a Persian word.) adakavati, N.of afabulous palace
fabulous serpent ; of a tree ; of a mountain ; of a king MJ at, cl. i. P. A. atati,-te, ata,atishyati, on Meru ; also of a city.
of Mithila ; of the elephant of the west or south-west \ dtlt, atitum, to roam, wander about (some- add, cl. I . P. addati, anadda, additum,
quarter ; (am), n. act of applying an ointment or pig- times with ace.), frequently used of religious mendicants : to join; to infer, argue, meditate, discern ; to
ment, embellishing, &c. ; black pigment or collyrium Intens. atdtyate, to roam or wander about zealously attack.
applied to the eye-lashes or the inner coat of the eye- or habitually, especially as a religious mendicant:
lids; special kind or material of this pigment, as Desid. atitishati, to be desirous of roaming. Addana, am, n. a shield.
lamp-black. Antimony, an extract of Ammonium, Ata, as, d, am, roaming, wandering; (a), f. the 1. an, cl. i. P. anati, ana, anitum, to
Xanthorrhiza, &c. ; paint, especially as a cosmetic ; act or habit of roaming or wandering about, especially sound.
magic ointment ; ink ; night ; fire. (In rhetoric) as a religious mendicant.
Ataka, as, I, am, roaming. 2. an, cl. 4. A. anyate, to breathe ;
suggesting the special meaning alluded to in an ex- another form of rt. an, q. v.
pres ion, asin a pVn, &c. — Anjana-keil, f., N. of a Atana, am, n. act or habit of wandering about
vegetable perfume. — Arijana-ndmikd, f. a swelling Atani, is, f. or atani, f. the notched extremity of Aitaka, as. d, am, insignificant, small, contemptible.
of the eyelid, stye. — Aitjana-rat, ind. like collyrium. a bow. Anaklya,, &c.
insignificant as, d, am, connected with what is
— Anjanddhikd ("na-adh"), f. a species of lizard. Atamdna, as, a, am, roaming about, vagabond.
•• Anjandmbhas (°na-am°), as, n. eye-water. Afai'i, is, or atom, f. (place to roam in), a forest. ceum ; see anu.
Anarya, am, n. a field of (anu) Panicum Milia-
Anjanaka, as, m. portion of the Vedas containing country.
— Atavi-s'ikkara, de, m. pi., N. of a people or
the word anjana. —Aitjanakl, f., N. of a medicinal Anl, is, m. or am, f. the point of a needle ; the
linch-pin ; the pin or bolt at the end of the pole of
plant. Atamka,\>elterdtamka,as,m. a woodman, forester.
Atdtd, f. (habit of) roaming or wandering about. a carriage; the corner or part of a house which serves
Anjana, f., N. of Hanumat's mother ; of Pravara-
sena's mother. — Anjand-giri, if, m., N. of a moun- Atatyamana, as, d, am, roaming excessively. for slaughtering; a bound, boundary, limit. — Am-
tain. —Aiijand-mti, f. the female elephant of the At atyd, f. (habit of) roaming. mdnrlarya, as, m., N. of a Rishi said to have been
north-east (or the west ?) quarter. Ataya, nom. A. atdyate, to enter upon a roaming impaled on an ani or linch-pin.
Anjanika, as, d, am, connected with collyrium ; life, to become a religious mendicant. Animan, d, m. (fr. anu, q. v.), minuteness, fine-
(a), f. a species of lizard ; a small mouse. ness, thinness ; atomic nature ; the superhuman power
Atyd, I. act or habit of roaming about as a religious of becoming as small as an atom ; (a), n., Ved. the
Anjani, f. a woman fit for the application of oint- mendicant.
smallest particle.
ments, pigments, sandal, &c. ; N. of two medicinal plants.
Anjala, anjali, see s.v. below. ^ifn, •"Hif^, •>H<JI<J2jl, &c., see under Aniiihtlia, as, d, am (fr. anu, q. v.), most minute.
Anjas, as, n., Ved. ointment, preparation (?) ; at above. Anlyas, an, asi, as (fr. anu, q. v.), or amyaska,
smoothness, sliding, speed (?) ; a good fit, adaptation (?) ; •iHZICtl atarusha or atarusha or atarushaka, as, d, am, more minute than usual.
(according to others, a.s, as, as), level, straight, Anu, iis, us or rt, «, fine, minute, atomic ; (us),
as, m., N. of the shrub Justicia Adhatoda. m. an atom of matter; an atom of time; the
right. — Anjas-pd, as, as, am.Ved.'drinking the Soma •Oirf a-tala, as, d, am, not shaky, firm,
preparation. — Anjah-sata, as, m. rapid preparation solid. 54,675,000111 part of a muhurta (of 48 minutes) ;
of Soma. N. of a grain, Panicum Miliaceum; N. of Siva;
Anjasa,as,a, am, straight, straightforward, honest; alt, cl. i. A. attate, dnatte, attitnm, (u), n. (in prosody) the fourth part of a matra.
(i), f., Ved., N. of a heavenly river. — Anu-tani, as, d, am, very fine or minute, gentle.
to exceed, kill; cl. 10. P. attayati,-yitum,
Aiijasd or anjas, ind. straight on, right, truly, justly ; to contemn, lessen, diminish. -Aim-taila, am, n., N. of a medical oil-A»ii-
quickly, soon, instantly. li-n, urn, n. or aim-td, f. minuteness, atomic nature.
Atfa, ind. high, lofty, loud ; (as), m. top-heavy (?), — Anu-l)hd, {. \\ghtmng. — Anu-maflhya-vijn, mn,
Anjasdyana (°sd-ay°), as, i, am, having a straight exceeding; shaking; injuring; N. of a Yaksha; (ow, n. title of a hymn. — Anu-mitra, as, I, am, having
course, going straight on. inn), m. n. addition to a building, apartment on the the size of an atom. — Anu-mdtrika, as, a, am,
Anjasina, as, d, am, Ved. going straight on, roof, upper story ; tower, buttress, back of a building ;
straightforward. having the size of an atom ; containing the atomic
Anji, is, is, i, applying an ointment or pigment ; (corruption of hutta), a market, a market-place ; elements (mutra) of the body. — Atm-renu, «.<,
(a), f. overbearing conduct?; (am), n. (corruption of m. f. atomic dust (as seen in sun-beams). — Anu-remi-
ointment, brilliancy, unctuous, slimy ; shining, bril- anna ?), boiled rice, food ; (as, d, am), dried, dry.
liant; (iV,i}, m. n. the sexual organ, i. e. distinguishing jd/a, am, n. an aggregate of such atomic dust.
— Anu-recntl, f., N. of a plant, Croton Polyandrum.
the sex ; (is), m. a sender, commander. — -4/i/V-///"'. - AHarpatirltkagikhya-grihn-kntya. (°fia-akh'J),
am, n. business of the house called the market- — Aiiu-veddnta, am, n. title of a book. — Ann-
an, all, at, Ved. coloured, bright, adorned. — Anji-
saktha, as, m. (a victim) that has coloured thighs. master's department (an office in Kashmir). — Atta- rrihi, is, m., N. of a fine sort of rice. -*Aiiu-$ax,
fthalt, (. (site of an atta), a mme. — Atta-hasita, ind. into or in minute particles. — Anu-lihfi, cl. I. P.
Anjin, i, ini, i, Ved. making clear or manifest. -Ithavati, -vitum, to become minute or atomic.
Anjiva, as, d, am, Ved. slippery, smooth. am, n. loud laughter, a horse-laugh. — Attn-lniMi .
Anjinhtha, an, m., Ved. (highly brilliant), the sun ; o.s, m. idem; a name of 3\va. — Atta-kastik<t, n», — Anu-l>/idra,as, m.the becoming an atom. — Anv-
also anjishnu, us, m. m., N. of a shrub, Jasminum Multiflorum or Hirsutum. anta, as, m. a hair-splitting question.
— Atla-hami, i, m. epithet of Sm. — A/ta-hdsya, Anuka, as, d, am, fine, minute, atomic; acute,
clever, subtle.
uhjala (only at the end of com- am, n. loud laughter; a horse-laugh. — Attdt/a-ltdsa
pounds), another form for anjali, q. v. (°tta-att°), as, m. very loud laughter. Ama, am, n., Ved. fine interstice or hole in the
Attaka, as, m. an apartment on the roof. strainer used for the Soma juice.
anjali, is, m. (fr. rt. anj), the open Attatta, ind. very high, very loud. Anm, f., Ved. a finger.
* fan fag ati-prasiddha.
the Champac flower (Michelia Champaca) ; a kind of
anuha, as,m.,N.of a son of Vibhraja. A-tapta, as, d, am, not heated, coo\. — Atni'>n- jasmin. — Ati-;/<iitd/niln. »s m.. N. of a creeper, Pu-
Bl, in., Ved. whose body or mass is cool.
until or nth, cl. I. A. unthiiti: — Alii/ilii-tiiiins, ii", m. whose ascetic austerity has tradatr!.— Ati-ijui'iini", <<-. n. (compar. of atiiju.ni),
. iinnntlir. ,1,,1/ii/iim. in go, move, tend. not been (fully or properly) endured. a higher price. — Ati-<iurn't<t. "-', very
", '(»(, very con-
ceited. — J?/->/<//<"m(, <i*. ii, am. impenetrable.
. ii, nut, gone; pained. A-t'tjii/iniidita, us, d, am, not suffering.
— Ati-yuna, as, d, am, having extraordinary
a, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt. am), an egg, a-tamisra, as, a, am, not dark, qualities. — Ati-ijupta, as, d, am, closely concealed,
a testicle ; the scrotum ; the musk bag; Semen Virile ; not benighted. very mysterious. •— Ati-yitru, us, us or vi, u, very
epithet of Siva, from his being identified with the heavy —Ati-ijo, aiif, f. an excellent cow — Ati-
Brahmanda or mundane egg. — Aiidit-kiitiilni. us, ;, us, us,«,Ved. not languid. f/rdhya, as, d, am, very acceptable ; (a*), N. ot
three successive libations made (or cups filled) at the
m. the shell of the mundane eg&. — Anda-kvtara- a-tarka, ox, m. an illogical reasoner;
puthpi, (., N. of a plant. Convolvulus Argenteus (?). bad logic. Jyotishtoma sacrifice. — Ati-fanda, as, d, am, very
— Anil't-kiisit or iiiii!<i-kii"/ni or aiidii-knthata, violent. — Ati-nifitna, am, n. excessive practice.
<ix. m. the scrotum. — Anda-ja, as, d, am, bora A-tarkita, as, d, am, unconsidered, unthought of;
~Ati-fdpalya, am, n. extraordinary mobiliiy or
from an unexpected; (am), ind. unexpectedly. unsteadiness. ^Ati-fhfiltra or <iti-t*k(ittrak(t, as, m.
bird ; a fish ; a snake ;
a lizard egg ; (as), m. a A-tarkya, as, d, am, baffling or surpassing thought (extraordinary parasol), a mushroom ; (d), {. Anise,
; (a), f. musk.-Andajeirara (°ja-i<r), or reasoning. — Alarkya-mhasra-sakti, is, m. in- principally Anisum
as, m. Garudi, the king of birds. — Anda-dhara, as, comprehensibly endowed with a thousand powers.
or Anethum Sowa ; another
m. epithet of Sm. — Anda-rardhana, am, n. or plant, Barleria Longifolia. — Ati-jara, as, d, am, or
ii-lii/ii, am, n. bottomless; N. of (as a supplementary fonn) ati-jaras, as, as, an, very
aiida-rnddhi, is, f. swelling of the scrotum, hydro-
cde. — Aada-su, us, f. oviparous. — Anddkarshana a hell beneath the earth; (o«), m. Sm. — Atii/it- aged. — Ati-jala, as, d, am, well watered. — Ati-
jara, as, m. extraordinary speed ; (as, d, am), very
Cda-dk°\, am, n. castration.— Aiiddkdra (°da- sparfa, as, d, am, or ataJa-spris1, k, k, k, touching fleet. — Ati-jdgara, as, d, am, very wakeful ; (as),
dk°), as, d, am, egg-shaped, oval, elliptical; (as), the atnla; bottomless ; (or it may be a-tala-sparsa,
m. an ellipsis.- Aaddkriti (°da-dk°), is, is, i, whose bottom cannot be touched or reached.) m. the black curlew. — Ati-Jirna, as, d, am, very
egg-shaped, oval, elliptical ; (is), (. an ellipsis. \ a-tavyas, an, asi, as, Ved. not aged. — Atijinia-td, f. extreme old age —Ati-jlra,
Andaka, as, m. the scrotum; (am), n. a small as, d, am, quite alive, very lively. <~Ati-dni(t, am,
stronger, not very strong. n. extraordinary flight (of birds). *• Ati-tapnsrin, i,
egg. an egg.
Atidara, as, i, am, N. or epithet of a tribe. atas, ind. (ablative of the pronom. ini, i, very ascetic — Ati-tlkshna, as, d, am, very
— Andardya, nom. A. andardyatf, -yitum, to be- base a, synonymous with asmat ), from this, than this ; sharp. — Ati-t'irra, as, d, am. very sharp, pungent
have like an Andara. hence ; henceforth, from that time ; from this (or or acid; (a), f. dub grass —Ati-trimia, a.«, a, nm,
Anddlu, us, m. a fish (full of eggs). from that) cause or reason. — Ata-urdhvam, ind. seriously hurt. — Ali-tripti, is, f. too great satiety.
Andlra, as, m. a full male, a man ; strong. henceforth, afterwards. — Ata-et-a, ind. for this very — Att-tnshnd, f. excessive thirst, rapacity; (as, d,
reason; therefore. — Atah-param, ind. henceforth, fur- am), excessively thirsty, rapacious. — Ati-trasnu,
^TrT i. at, ind. a prefix said to imply 'sur- ther on. — Ato-nimittam, ind. on this ground, for this us, TO, u, very timid, over timid. ~ Ati-dagdlid ,
prise,' probably a contraction of ati, meaning ' extra- reason. — Ato-nya( tas-an), as, d, a*, differing from as, d, am, badly burnt ; (am), n. (in medicine) N.
ordinary.'— Ad-bhuta, as, d, am, extraordinary, this. — Ato-rtham ffas-ar0), ind. for this object of a bad kind of burn. — Ati-darpa, as, m. excessive
mysterious, wonderful ; see s. v. conceit; N. of a snake; («», a, am), excessively con-
_n j WiTBf atasa, as, m. (fr. rt. ^TrT), wind, air;
2. at, cl. i. P. at ati, ata, atishyati, ceited. —Ati-daritin, i, ini, f, very far-sighted. — Ati-
\ itlt, atitum, sometimes A. uttite, &c., to the soul ; a (missile) weapon ; a garment made of the ddtri, td, m. a very liberal man. — Ati-ddna, am, n.
fibre of (atasi ) flax ; (am), n., Ved. shrubs. munificence. — A ti-daruna, as, d, am, very terrible.
go constantly, walk, run ; to obtain. Atn-ii. (. common flax, LinumUsitatissimum ; Sana,
Atana, as, m. a passer on; (am), n, act of Bengal sun used as hemp, Crotolatia Juncea. — Ati-ddha, as, m. great heat; violent inflamma-
tion.— Ati-dlraiia, as, d, am, very long, too long.
passing on. — Atawt-rat, an, m. one who wanders. — Att-duhkhita or ati-dus/ikhita, as, d, am,
Atasi, atka, see s. v. atasi, is, m. (fr. rt. ^TrT), Ved. a
wandering mendicant. greatly afflicted, very sad. — Ati-tlnksaha, as, d, am,
I a-taj-jna (for a-tad-jfta), as, a, am, Atasdyya, as, d, am, Ved. to be got by begging. very hard to bear, qui.e unbetrable. — Ati-durgata,
ignorant of (tat) that, i. e. Brahma and the soul's as, d, am, very badly off. — Ati-durdhamha, as, a,
identity with it. aft, ind. [probably neut.of an obsolete am, very hard to approach, very haughty. — Ati-
adj. atin, passing, going, beyond ; see rt. at and cf. darlambha, as, d, am, very hard to attain or obtain.
•vine a-tata, as, a, am, having no beach Old Germ, anti, unti, inti, unde, indi, Sec. ; Eng.
or shore, precipituous ; (as), m. a precipice; the and; Germ, vmd; Gr. tn, a.vrl; Lat. ante ; Lith. — Ati-dusMcara, as, d, am, very difficult. — Ati-
third hell. dura, as, d, am, very distant; (am), n. a great
ant; Arm. ti ; Zend aiti]. As a prefix to verbs and distance. — Ati-dosha, as, m. a great fault. — Ati-
^ a-tattva-vid, t, t, t, ignorant of nouns, expresses beyond, over ; too far past ; as ati- dhavala, as, d, am, very white. — Ati-dhmu, us,
kramitum, to overstep. — Ati-krama, transgression. MS, n, distinguished for his cows. — Ati-nidra, f.
(i, ill m) the soul's identity with Brahma. When prefixed to nouns, not derived from verbs,
A-tativdrtka-vat (°tra-ar°), an, ati, at, not con- excessive sleep; (as, a, am), given to (or over-
formable with the nature of truth. it expresses beyond, surpassing ; as ati-kaia, past the powered by) excessive sleep ; (am), ind. past (or
whip ; ati-mdntisha, superhuman, &c. ; see s. v. after) sleeping time. — Att-nipuna, as, d, am,
WrtMl a-tatha, as, m., Ved. not such, As a separable adverb or preposition (with ace.),
very able or skilful. — Ati^nlfa, as, a, am, exces-
different ; saying a-tathd, * not so,' ' no/ refusing ; Ved. beyond. sively \ov/. — AI/-iint/iiii. nnthds, m. a better road
careless. — A-tathottta (°tha-uf), as, d, am, not Ati is often prefixed to nouns and adjectives, and than common. — Ati-jiada, as, d, am, (in prosody)
deserving of such (a fate), not thus deserving, not rarely to verbs, in the sense excessive, extraordinary,
too long by one pada or foot. — Ati-paroksha, as, d,
used to this (with gen.). intense; excessively, too; exceedingly, very —Ati - am, far out of sight, i. e. no longer discernible.
A-tathya, as, a, am, untrue, unreal, not really so. katkora, as, d, am, very hard, too hard. — Ati-kathd, — Atiparoksha-vritti, is, is, i, (in grammar)
a-tad-arha, as, a, am, not deserv- (. an exaggerated tale ; (as, a, am), exaggerated ;
having a nature that is no longer discernible, i.e.
see also s. v. — Ati-karshana, am, n. excessive obsolete. — A ti-pataka, am, n. a very heinous sin,
ing that; (am), ind. undeservedly, unjustly.
exertion. •- Ati-kalyam, ind. very early, too early.
A-tad-guna, as, m. (in rhetoric) the use of pre- incest. — Ati-piiriixha or ati-purviha, as, m. a first-
dicates not descriptive of the essential nature of the — Ati-kdnta, as, d, am, excessively beloved. rate man or hero. — Ati-piita, as, d, am, quite
object. — Ati-kdya, as, a, am, of extraordinary body purified ; refined to t\cess.—Ati-pe*ala, at, d, am,
or size, gigantic; (as), m., N. of a Rakshasa. very dexterous or clever. — Ati-)ir<ikti«i<, as, d, am,
a-tantra, as, i, am, having no ropes — Ati-kntslta, as, d, am, greatly despised. —Ati- Ved. very manifest, notorious. — Ati-praye, ind. very
or no (musical) strings ; unrestrained ; (am), n. not I,-n! fi, as, d, am, Ved. too bald.~ Ati-kriMhra, as,
the object of a rule or of the rule under consideration. m. extraordinary pain or hardship ; extraordinary early. — Ati-pranaya, an, m. excessive kindness,
partiality. — Ali-/>i-ii>nidi/n, ind. having pushed far
a-tandra, as, a, am, or a-tandrita, penance. — Ati-kriti i. u«, d, am, overdone, exagge- forward. — Ati-)irtd>andha,, as, m. complete con-
rated. —Ati-kritta, as, d, am, very thin, emaciated.
a*, a, am, or a-tmulrin, >, ini, t, free from lassi- — Ati-kiislinii, us, ii, inn, very or too dark, very or tinuity. — Ati-/irfi,;i in IKI. inn. n. excess in choosing.
tude, alert, unwearied. — Ati-pnn-iini, is, (. issuing abundantly or too
too deep blue. — Ati-kniiliHni. us, d, am, excessively . — Ati-)irarridil/ia, as, d, am, enlarged to
a-tapa, as, ii, am (rt. tap), not hot, not angry — Ati-knishta, am, n. extraordinary cry or
excited, not eager ; cool ; impassible, unostentatious ; wailing. — Ati-khara, as, d, am, very pungent or excess, overbearing. — Ati-pra$na, ax, m. an ex-
unemployed ; (<M), m. pi. a class of deities among piercing. — Ati-ijniiifa. ii". ii, nut, having large travagant question, a question regarding transcendental
the Buddhists. objects. — Ati-iiniiSni/ii, its, d, am, fit to be asked
cheeks or temples; (as), m., N. of the yoga (or such an extravagant question. — Ati-prasakti, is, f.
A-tafxm, as, at, as, or a-tapaska, as, i, am, or index), star of the 6th lunar mansion. — Ati-gandha,
• is, m. one who neglects tap<v> or the prac- as, d, nm, having an overpowering smell ; (as), m. or ati-prasamia, an, m. excessive attachment ; un-
warrantable stretch of a rule or principle. — Ati-
tice of ascetic austerities ; an irreligious character. sulphur; lemon-grass (Andropogon Schsetiunth.es);
prasiddha, as, d, am, very famous, notorious.
ati-praudha. ati-ffava.
— Ati-praudha, of, a, am, full-grown. — Ati- phant. —Atl-vipina, as, a, am, having many forests. ction. — Aty-uTcti, is, f. excessive talking ; exaggera-
praudha-yauvana, as, a, am, being in the — Ati-vilambin, t, ini, i, very dilatory. — Ati- ion ; hyperbole. — Aty-uyra, as, d, am, very tierce;
full enjoyment of youth. — Ati-bala, as, a, am, very i-iirabdha-navodha (°va-udhd), f. a fond but pert rery pungent; (am), n. Asa Foetida. — Aty-uMais,
strong or powerful ; (as), m. an active soldier ; N. of young wife. — Ati-nsha, as, a, am, exceedingly poi- nd. very loudly. — Atyuffair-dhrani, is, m. a very
a king ; (d), f., N. of a medicinal plant (Sidonia sonous ;counteracting poison ; (a), f. a very poisonous oud sound ; a very high note. — Aty-iMata, as, d,
Cordifolia and Rhombifolia, or Annona Squamosa) ; yet medicinal plant, Aconitum Ferox. — Ati-Vfiddhi, am, very imposing, immense, extraordinary. — Aty-
N. of a powerful charm; N. of one of Daksha's is, f. extraordinary growth or increase. — Ali-vrifhti, utgdha, as, m. (in medicine) excessive vigour or
daughters. — Ati-bdlaka, as, m. an infant; (as, a, is, f. excessive rain. — Ativrishti-hata, as, d, am, activity. — Aty-uddra, as, d, am, very liberal. — Aty-
am), childish. — Att-bd hu, us, m. 'having extraordi- injured by heavy rain. — Ati-vepathu, us, m. exces- ilbana or aty-ulvana, as, d, am, very conspicuous,
nary arms ;' N.of a Rishi of the fourteenth Manvantara. sive tremor ; (us, «#, u), or ativepathu-mat, an, all, mmense, excessive. — Aty-ufhya, as, d, am, very hot.
— Ati-bibhatsa, as, m. excessive aversion. — Ati- at, trembling excessively. — Ati-vaidakshanya, am, •« fn <w^ ati-katha or iti-katha, as, a, am,
brahmatarya, din, n. excessive abstinence or con- n. great proficiency. — Ati-mifysa, as, d, am, very )ast tradition or law, deviating from the rules of his
tinence. —Ati-bJtara, usually ati-bhdra, as, m. an adverse or destructive. — Ati-ryathana, am, n. in- caste, lawless; (see also under ati.)
excessive burden ; excessive obscurity (of a sentence) ; fliction of(or giving) excessive pain. — Ati-ryathd,
N. of a king. — Atibhdra-ga, as, m. a mule.— Ati- f. excessive pain. — Ati-vyaya, as, m. lavish expen- Tf(i<*m=!i ati-kandaka, as, m., N. of a
bhi, Is, m. (very terrific), lightning. — Ati-bhishana, diture. —Ati-vt/dpta, as, d, am, stretched too far )lant or tree, Hastikanda.
as, a, am, very terrific or formidable. — Atl-bhrita, (as a rule or principle). — Ati-vydpti, is, f. unwarrant-
as, a, am, well filled. — Ati-bhojana, am, n. eating able stretch (of a rule or principle). •*• Ati-s"akta, as, i. e. rfTfTcR'^r ati-kasa, as, d, am, past the, whip,
too much ; morbid voracity. — Ati-bhru, Us, us, u, d, am, or ati-iakti, is, is, i, very powerful ; (is), f.
having extraordinary eyebrows. — Ati-mangalya, as, or atitfakti-td, f, great power or valour. — Ati^akti- ffir<S'lT ati-kup, cl. 4. P. -kupyati, -kopi-
d, am, very auspicious ; (as), m. a fruit, -^Egle or bhdj, /;, k, k, possessing great power. — AM^anJca, f. tum, to become very angry.
Crataeva Marmelos. -• Ati-mati, is, f. haughtiness. excessive timidity. — Aii-sanara, am, n., Ved. the
— Ati-madhyandina, am, n. the height of noon. dead of night. — Ati-gatta, as, d, am, very excellent. rfrT^ ati-kurd, cl. I. P. -kurdati, -ditum,
— Ati-maria, as, m. close contact. —Ati-mdna, as, — Ati-iukra, as, d, am, too bright. — Ati-iukla, :o jump about.
m. great haughtiness. — Ati-mdnin, i, ini, i, very as, d, am, very white, too white. — Ati-s'obhana,
haughty. — Atimani-ti, f. great haughtiness. — Ati- Prr<J(iPrr ati-kriti or abhikriti, is, f ., N. of a
mdruta, as, a, am, very windy ; (as), m. a hurricane. as, d, am, very handsome, distinguished. — Ati-s"ri,
is, if, i, very prosperous. — Ati-sanskrita, as, d, metre of four lines, each containing twenty-five syllables.
— Ati-mukta, as, a, am, entirely liberated ; quite am, highly finished or adorned or educated. — Ati- •91 Cn <*H ati-krish, cl. I. P. -karshati,
free from sensual or worldly desire ; seedless, barren ; xttkti, it, f. excessive attachment. — Atisakti-mat,
-karshtum or -krashjum, to drag over or beyond.
(as), m., N. of a tree, Dalbergia Oujeinensis ; of a an, afi, at, excessively attached. — Ati-sanfaya, as,
creeper, Gzrtnera Racemosa. — Ati-mttktaka, as, m. m. excessive accumulation, a hoard. — Ati-santapta, lf^ni ati-kesara, as, m. an aquatic
= the preceding; mountain ebony; a tree called as, d, am, greatly afflicted. — Ati-sandheya, as, d, plant, Trapa Bipinosa.
Harimantha. — Ati-mukti, is, f. final liberation (from am, easy to be settled or conciliated. -• Ati-samartha,
PrTa)*? ati-kram,cl. I. P.A..,4.P.-kramati,
death). *-Ati-murti, is, f. 'highest shape,' N. of a as, d, am, very competent. — Ati-samlpa, as, d, am,
ceremony. — Ati-maitftuna, am, n. excess of sexual very near. — Ati-samparka, as, m. excessive sexual -te, -krdmyati, -kramitum, to step or go or get
intercourse. — Ati-mokska, as, m. final liberation intercourse. — Ati-satlhrasa, am, n. excessive fear beyond or over or across ; to pass, cross ; to surpass,
(from death). — Ati-modd, f. extraordinary fragrance ; or alarm. — Ati-sdntapana, am, n. a species of severe excel, overcome ; to pass by, neglect ; to overstep,
N. of a tree, Jasminum Arboreum. — Ati-yam, as, m. penance, inflicted especially for eating unclean animal transgress, violate ; to pass on or away ; to step out ;
a sort of barley. — Ati-yada, as, d, am, or ati-yas'as, food. •- Ati-sdyam, ind.very late or in the dusk. —Ati- to part from, lose : Caus. -krdmayati or -kramayati,
as, as, as, very celebrated or illustrious. — Ali-ydja, siddM, fe, f. great perfection or proficiency. — Ati- -yitum, to allow to pass, to leave unnoticed.
sujana, as, d, am, very moral, very friendly, very Ati-krama, as, m. act of passing or overstepping ;
as, m. 'great sacrificer,' N. of a Rishi. — Ati-yitvan,
ra, tati, or uni, ra, very youthful. — Ati-yoga, respectable. — Ati-sundara, as, d or i, am, very hand- lapse (of time) ; overcoming, surpassing, conquering ;
as, m. (in medicine) excessive union, excess. some, very beautiful ; (as, d), m. f. a metre belonging excess, imposition,
determined onset. transgression, violation ; neglect ;
— Ati-ranhas, as, as, as, extremely rapid. — Ati- to the class Ashti, also called Citra or Caidald.
rakta, as, d, am, very red ; (a), f. one of Agni's — Ati-sulabha, as, d, am, very easily obtainable. Ati-kramana, am, n. passing, surpassing, over-
seven tongues. — Ati-ratha, as, m. a very great — Ati-suhita, as, d, am, excessively kind, over- step ing ;excess ; spending (time).
warrior fighting from a car. — Ati-rabhasa, as, m. kind. — Ati-srixhti, is, (. an extraordinary or excel- Ati-kramaniya, a*, d, am, proper or practicable
excessive or extraordinary speed. — Ati-raaa, f. (very lent creation.— Ati-seed, f. excessive indulgence (of a to be passed by or neglected or overcome.
succulent) ; N. of various plants, as MurvS, RSsna, habit). — Ati-saitrabha, as, d, am, very fragrant; &c.Ati-kramin, i, ini, i, exceeding, violating, &c.
KHtanaka. — Ati-rdjan, d, m. an extraordinary or (am), n. extraordinary fragrance. — Ati-sauhitya, am, Ati-kramya, ind. having passed beyond, behind,
excellent king ; one who surpasses a king [cf. also n. excessive fondness, or the effect of it, e. g. being
s. v.]. — Ati-ru<!ira, as, d, am, very lovely; (a), spoiled, stuffed with food, &c. — Ati-stuti, is, (. extra- Ati-krdnta, as, d, am, having passed or trans-
f., N. of two metres, one a variety of the Ati- ordinary praise. — Ati-sthira, as, d, am, very stable gressed; exceeded, surpassed, overcome. —Atikrdnta-
jagatl, the other also called C'udikd or Culikd. or durable. — Ati-sthula, as, a, am, excessively thick, nishedha, as, d, am, guilty of neglecting a prohibition.
— Ati-rush, t, t, t, very angry. — Ati-rupa, as, d or stout, or big, or clumsy ; excessively stupid. •• Ati- Ati-krdmaka, as, d, am, exceeding, transgress-
or i, am, very beautiful; (am), n. extraordinary snigdha, as, d, am, very smooth, very nice, very ing, &c.
beauty. — Ati-roga, an, m. consumption. — Ati- affectionate. •• Ati-spars'a, a*, m. too marked contact
ffwE^ ati-kshar, cl. i. P.,Ved. -ksharati,
romas'a, as, d, am, very hairy, too hairy ; (as), m. (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation. — Ati- -rltum, to overflow.
a wild goat, or a kind of monkey. — Ati-lakshml, xphira, as, d, am, very tremulous. — Atl-majma,
is, u, i, very prosperous; (is), (. extraordinary as, m. excessive sleep ; (am), n. excessive tendency ati-kship, cl. 6. P. -kshipati,
prosperity. — Ati-lanyhana, am, n. excessive fasting. to dreaming. •* Ati-m-aatlia, as, d, am, enjoying ex- •ksheptum, to throw beyond.
— Ati-lamba, as, d, am, very extensive. -• Ati- cellent health. — Ati-hasita, am, n. or ati-hdsa, as, Ati-kshipta, as, d, am, thrown beyond ; (am), n.
lubdha or ati-lobha, as, d, am, very greedy or m. excessive laughter. — Ati-hrasra, as, d, am, ex- (in medicine) sprain or dislocation of a particular kind.
covetous. — Ati-lulita, ax, d, am, closely attached cessively short. — Aty-agni, is, m. morbidly rapid di- ati-khatva, as, a, am, past the
or adhering. — Ati-lobha, as, m. or atilobha-td, gestion. Ati/-adhhuta,
— as, d, am, very wonderful.
f. excessive greediness or covetousness. — Ati-loma -• Aty-adhran, d, m. a long way or journey, exces- bedstead, able to do without a bedstead.
or ati-lomatia, as, d, am, very hairy, too hairy. sive travelling. — Aty-amarshin, i, ini, i, quite out ati-khya, cl. 2. P., Ved. -khyati,
— Ati-lomadd, f. a pot-herb, Convolvulus Argenteus. of temper. — Attj-amla, as, d, am, very acid ; (as I,
— Ati-lohita, as, a, am, very red. — Atl-lauli/a, am, in. a tree, Spondias Mangifera ; (d), f. a tree, a species -khydtum, to survey, overlook, neglect, abandon,
n. excessive eagerness or desire. — Ati-raktri, d, n, of citron. — Atyamla-parni, (. having very acid leaves,
ri, very loquacious. — Ati-rakra, OK, d, am, very N. of a medicinal plant or creeper. — Aty-alpa, as, d, repudiate,
ati-gam, cl. I. P. -gatchati, -gan-
crooked or curved ; (a), f. one of the eight descrip- am, very \Me. — Aty-as"ana, am, n. immoderate tum, or ati-gd, cl. 3. P. -jigdti, -gatnm, to pass,
tions of planetary motion. — Ati-vartula, as, d, am, eating. — Aty-afaat, an, atl, at, eating too much. overcome, succeed ; to escape ; to pass by, pass over,
very or quite round ; (as), m., N. of a grain or — Aty-asama, as, d, am, very uneven, very rough. neglect ; to pass away, die.
pot-herb. — Ali-vdta, as, m. high wind, a storm. — Aty-ddara, as, m. excessive deference. — .'!
Ati-ga, as, d, am (used at the close of compounds),
-• Ali-vdda, as, m. extraordinary, i. e. abusive lan- dddna,am, n, taking away too much. — Aty-dpti, iff, f.
; ; N. of a Vedic verse recited on certain Complete attainment. — Aty-druilki,is,\,moa\\\mgtoo exceeding, overcoming, surpassing; as dokatiya (°ka-
at°), overcoming grief.
occasions. — Ati-vddin, i, ini, i, talkative. — Ati- high. — Aty-aid, f. extravagant hope. — Aty-dhdra,
Ati-gata, as, d, am, having passed ; being past.
vd/akfi, as, d, am, childish ; (as), m. an infant. as, m. excess in eating. — Aty-ahdrin, i, ini, i, eating
— Ati-vdhana, am, n. excessive toiling. — Ati- immoderately, gluttonous. — Aty-dhita, am, n. great •aifri'm ati-gava, as, d, am, having passed
vikata, as, d, am, very fierce ; (as), m. a vicious ele- calamity ; great danger ; facing great danger ; a daring or surpassed a cow.
14 ati-ffuh. ati-para.
ati-guh, cl. i. A. -yiihate, -hittim, above in rank (with ace.) ; better, higher, more (wilh ati-dris, cl. i. P., Ved. -posy ati,
IT -gadhiiHi, to emerge over ; to rise upon. abl.) ; very much, exceedingly, excessively. IrittlituiH^lo look beyond, look through.
iSfrTrt^ ati-trid, cl. 7 . P. -trinatti, -tarditum, ati-deva, as, m. a superior god ;
?lPrT'K nti-ynr, cl. 6. P., Ved. -yurati,
-ritum, to shout, exclaim to pierce, penetrate. urpassing the gods.
^frTrTTT ati-lrij), el. 4. P. -tripyati, -tarp- ati-dhanvan, a, m., N. of a
^PringT ati-yuha, f. a plant, Hemionites
Cordifolia. tum or -traptum, to be or become satisfied, satiated escendant of S'unaka.
or glutted. •W Prl'Vf^ ati-dhav, cl. I . P. -dhavati, -vitum,
*JiPrlJJ*! ati-fjrnh, cl. 9. P., Ved. -gribhnati ati-trl, cl. I. P. -tarati, -taritum or o run or rush over.
r -iriluinti, -ijrah'ttum, to take beyond or over -tiif'itum, to pass, cross, get over, overcome, escape; fffir ati-dhriti, is, f., N. of a genus of
the usual measure ; to overtake, surpass.
to attain : Desid. -titirshati, to be desirous of crossing
Ati-graha, at, m. act of overtaking or surpassing ; or overcoming. metres belonging to the class AtiMhcnila*, and con-
one who takes or seizes to an extraordinary extent ; sting of four lines, each containing nineteen syllables ;
Ati-tarin, i. ini, i, crossing.
(in philosophy) the same as atigralta.
practicable to be n arithm.) nineteen.
Ati-graha, a», m. object of a graha, i.e. of an Ati-tarya, ag, a, am, proper or
got over or overcome. •wPffl'^ ati-nam, cl. i . P. -namati, -nantum,
ati-tyad, surpassing that ; (a 3 bend aside, keep on one side.
' tongue . fictitious compound coined by grammarians.) •flfrHIIT ati-naman, a, m., N. of a
'mind;' haata, 'hand;' ttaf, 'skin: these have ^PrlWI ati-tvam, surpassing thee; (a aptarshi of the sixth Manvantara.
eight corresponding ati-gralias or objects, viz. *H PrH ISJ ati-nashtra, as, a, am, past danger,
grammatical compound, see the last) ; atitvdm, ati- ut of danger.
apana, 'exhaling substance;' naman, 'name;' rasa, tran (ace. sing, and pi.), him that surpasses thee,
' sap or taste ;' rupa, ' form ;' ialtda, ' sound ;' kama, them that surpass thee.
' desire ;' karman, ' action ;' and sparfa, ' touch.' Prl P«i •*{rl^ ati-ni&rit or ati-nivrit, t, f., N.
Ati-<jraliya, «.s. m., Ved., N. of three successive
libations made (or cups filled) at the Jyotishtoma ^ ati-tvar, cl. i. A., occasionally P., f a Vedic metre of three pSdas, containing respec-
sacrifice ; (very acceptable ; see under ati.) tvarate, -ti, -ritum, to hasten greatly. ively seven, six and seven syllables.
atithi, is, 1, i, m. f. n. (etymology "M Prl r»i <JH ati-nidram, ind. past sleeping
•flfrltl ati-gha, as, m. (fr. ati and rt. han, ne. See s. v. ati.
ncertain ; if, according to native authorities, fr. rt. at,
• very destructive'), a weapon, a bludgeon ; wrath.
Ati-ghna, a*, I, am, Ved. very or utterly de- t would then first mean ' a traveller ;' if fr. a and ^frlP'iB'T ati-nish-tan (-nis-tan), cl. 8. P.,

; f., Ved. a happy state of utter oblivion

structive(F), it/it, the first idea would be ' one who has no fixed
Ved. -tanoti, -nitum, to penetrate.
or profound sleep obliterating all that is disagreeable ime for coming or staying ;' if from ati and sthd,
in the past. one who has the pre-eminence over the members of ati-rii, cl. i. P. -nayati, -netum, to
Ati-ghnya, as, a, am, Ved. overpowering, over- lie household '), a guest, entitled to hospitality ; (is), ead over or beyond, to help a person over anything ;
coming (?). m. wrath ; N. of Agni or an attendant of Soma ; N. o allow to pass away: Intens. A. -neniyate, to bring
of Suhotra, king of AyodhyS, and grandson of RSma. orward.
armies. us, us, «, victorious over —Atithi-kriyd, f. hospitality, as (religiously) due to urn away.' ati-nu, Caus. -navayati, -yitum, to
guest. — Atithi-gva, as, m. ('to whom guests should
••Nfrl'Ml. ati-(ar, cl. I. P. -tarati, ~ritum, to •o'), an epithet of DivodSsa. — Atithi-tva, am, n.
pass or pass by ; to overtake, surpass ; to transgress, :ondition of a guest, hospitality. — Atithi-deva, as, ati-mtd, cl. 6. P. A., Ved. -nudati.
offend, be unfaithful to. a or i, am, treating the guest as a divinity. — Atithi- te, -nottum, to drive by.
Ati-Atra, at, a, am, transient, changeable; (a), fcesha, as, m. inhospitality. — Atithi-dharma, as,
f., N. of the shrub Hibiscus Mutabilis. i. title to hospitality. — Atithi-dharmin, i, ini, i, ^rfK^ ati-ned, cl. I. P., Ved. -nedati,
Ati-Sarana. See s. v. ati. ititled to hospitality. — Atithi-pati, is, m. the host ditum, to stream or flow over, to foam over.
Ati-dara, a*, m. act of passing, overtaking, sur-
or entertainer of a guest. — Atithi-pujana, am, n. or
pas ing ;accelerated motion, especially of planets. atithi-pujd, f. honourable and religious reception of •fl Prl H I ati-nau, aus, aus, u, disembarked.
Ati-farin, t, ini, »', surpassing, transgressing.
a guest. — Atitki-tat, ind. like a guest. — Atithi- ati-pahta, f. a girl who is past five.
satkdra, as, m. honourable treatment of a guest. or a-patikshepa.
•<HPrl-«Jrl ati-crit, cl. I. P. -(artati, -titum, — Atithi-sevd, (. attention paid to a guest.
to stick on, fasten together. Atithin, i, ini, i (fr. rt. at), Ved. travelling ; (i), as, m. omission of removing the theatrical curtain.
m., N. of a king, also called Suhotra and Atithi, q. v.
wfrT^n? ati-6esht, cl. i. A..-(eshtate, -titum, ati-path, Pass, -pathyate, to be
to make extraordinary or excessive efforts. ati-datta, as, m., N. of a brother
of Datta and son of Rajadhideya. proclaimed, named or celebrated.
flPiiflS,'^ ati-Mhanda, as, a, am, past ati-dah, cl. i. P., poet, also A., ati-pat, cl. i. P. -patati, -titum,
worldly desires, free from them.
-dahati, -te, -dagdhmn, to burn or blaze across ; to to fall or fly by, past, beyond, over ; to neglect : Caus.
Ati-iVliandas, as, as, as, Ved. past worldly desires, -)n~ttcii/<tti, -yitum, to cause to fly by; to drag
free from them ; (as, as), f. n., N. of two extensive Burn or distress greatly.
classes of metres ; (as), n., N. of a particular brick in ati-da, cl. 3. P. -dadati, -datum, to away ; to make am,
Ati-jmtana, effectless.
n. act of falling or flying beyond,
the sacrificial fire-place. surpass in giving ; to pass over or neglect in giving. passing, missing, transgressing.
<ifrlHJlrfl ati-jagati, f., N. of a genus of ati-diinta, as, m., N. of a prince Ati-patita, as, a, am, missed, transgressed, past.
metres (belonging to the class AtiMluindas), of four Ati-pata, as, m. passing away, lapse; neglect,
lines, each containing thirteen syllables. ati-die, cl. 4. P. -d'wyati, -devitum, transgression ; ill-usage, opposition, contrariety.
Wn»T«f ati-jana, as, a, am ( past men to play high, lose at play. Ati-patita, as, a, am, quite displaced or broken ;
uninhabited. ••J) Prl P^ 51 ati-dis, cl. 6. P. -disati, -deshtum (am), n. (in medicine) complete fracture of ain bone.
Att-patln, i, ini, i, overtaking, excelling speed ;
ati-jiita, as, a, am, superior to to assign, make over, transfer: Pass, -dist/ate, (ii running a rapid course, acute.
his parentage. grammar) to be overruled or attracted or assimilated. (in medicine)
Ati-dishfa, as, a, am, overruled, attracted, in Ati-patya, an, a, am, fit or proper to be neglected.
•wfrtPn ali-ji, cl. i. P. -jayati, -jetum, to fluenced, inferred, substituted. xSfrlMrT ati-pattra, as, m. the Teak tree ;
Ati-defa, a*, m. transfer, extended application another tree, Hastikanda.
^rfinTfa ati-jin, cl. I. P. -fivati, -vitum inference, analogy, overruling influence, assimilation ati-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate, -pattum,
to survive; to surpass in the mode of living. a rule providing for more than the usual rule ; purlin]
one thing instead of another, substitution ; rufxlti to go beyond (with ace.), jump over,allow neglect, trans-
i Print! ati-tata, as, a, am (fr. ati-tan), far- deda, such a rule as affecting the form of a word gress :Caus. -padayati, -yitum, to to pass by.
Ati-pntti, •/*. f. going beyond, passing, lapse;
stretched, making one's self very big, conceited. (as, a, am), overruling, previously stated.
waa^titi-tap, cl. I. P. -tapati, -taptum l-riyatipatti, the passing by of an action unaccom-
^rfinft'Ol ati-dipya, as, m. (very brilliant) d,
to be very hot ; to heat ; to affect greatly : Caus
'turn, to heat much.
a plant, Plumbago Rosea. Ati-ynnna
missed; past., as, a, am, gone beyond, transgresse
•«) Pn e IT ati-drip, cl. 4. P. -dripyati plished.
xi Pn n «. i»^ ati-taram, ind. (compar. of ati] -da-rptiim or -draptum, to be excessively conceitei ^jPrf^^ ati-para, as, a, am, having over-
come his enemy or enemies ; (as), m. a great enemy.
ati-pa. ati-sandham.
Ati-muTdi, is, f. final liberation. See under ati. Ati-vartin, i, ini, i, crossing, passing ; guilty of a
f ati-pa, Caus. P. -payayati, -yitum, pardonable offence or of pardonable irregularity.
to give to drink in great quantity. Ati-mnfya, ind. part, having dismissed or given up.
Att^critti, is, (. surpassing; hyperbolical meaning ;
ati-mrityu, us, us, u, overcoming
'•Sfrmi^rn'Mfl ati-pddanicrit or ati-pdda- death. (in medicine) excessive action.
ii irrit, t, (., N. of a Vedic metre of three padas, con- v)Pnq^ ati-vela, as, d, am, passing its
taining respectively six, eight and seven syllables. ati-ya, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn, to proper boundary, excessive ; (am), ind. excessively.
iHrrlfilri ati-pitri, -td, m. surpassing his pass by.
•*ifn«4lfil«^ ati-vyddhin, i, ini, i (rt.
own hther. — Ati-pitdmaka, as, m. surpassing his jl*^ ati-yiiyam (nom, pi. of ati-tvam, vycuJh), piercing, wounding.
own paternal grandfather. q. v.), persons surpassing thee. Ati-ryadhya, as, a, am, vulnerable.
^TrrftJ ati-pii, cl. 9. P., Ved. -pundti, •ei frl 4.1 »1 ^ati-rdjan, a, m. an extraordinary •« irt ai S$0 ati-sakkari or ati-sakvari, f. a
-jiaritinn, to purify by overflowing. king ; superior to a king. — Ati-rajakumdri, is, it class of metres of four lines, each containing fifteen
or I, i, superior to a princess. syllables. It has eighteen varieties.
^rfinT ati-prl, P., Ved. -prindti(?), Caus.
Atirajaya, nom. P. atirajayati, -yitum, to sur-
-parayati, -yitum, to convey across. pass aking. ••a fn »l so ati-sakra, as, a, am, superior to
Ati-rajni, f. (a woman) superior to a king.
^rfrTHftfi"rT ati-pra-kit or -tit, cl. 3. A., Ved.
-i-ekile, to be distinct or distinguishable. iHfcHlef ati-rdtra, as, a, am, Ved. pre- ^rfrT^II; at>-sank, cl. i . A. -sankate, -kitum,
wfint^T ati-pra-6yu, cl. i. A. -iyavate, pared or performed over-night ; (as), m. an optional to suspect ;vto be concerned about.
part of the Jyotishtoma sacrifice ; commencement
•<"yotum, to pass by : Caus. -tydvayati, -yitum, to and conclusion of certain sacrificial acts ; concluding '•8 frl 31 <4 atisaya, &c. See under ati-si
cause or allow to pass by. Vedic verse chanted on such occasions ; N. of a son
^rfrnror^T ati-pra-nas (rt. nas), cl. 4. P. ofCakshusha the sixth Manu. — Atiratra-savamya- vi fn ^np| ati-sastra, as, d, am, superior to
\ J us, m. the victim sacrificed at the Atiratra.
-nadyati, -nas"ttum or -nanshtum, to be deprived weapons or missiles.
of (with ace.). ati-ri, neut. of ati-rai, q. v. •sirn^iia\< atisdkvara, as, d, am, written in
vMrimiM ati-pra-ni (rt. ni), cl. I . P. -nay ati, or connected with the Ati-sakvarl metre.
f ati-rti, Pass, -riiyate, to be left
-netum, to lead past. with a surplus, to surpass (in a good or bad sense
O V with abl. or ace.). ati-si, cl. 2. A. -s"ete, -sayitum, to
•flfrlHTrn*1 ati-pra-nud (rt. nud], cl. 6. P. A. precede in lying down ; to surpass, excel, exceed ;
Ati-rikta, an, a, am, left with or as a surplus, left to act as an incubus, annoy.
-nudati, -tf, -nottum, to press a person very strongly.
apart; redundant, unequalled. — Atirikta-ta, f. re- Ati-iaya, as, m. pre-eminence, eminence ; superi-
•w Pit HI iHI ati-pramdna, as, d, am, past dundancy, &c. — Atiriktanga (°ta-an°), as, a, am, ority in quality or quantity or numbers ; advantageous
measure, immense. having a redundant limb or finger or toe ; (am), n. a result ; one of the superhuman qualities attributed to
^rfrlHTCjH ati-prdnam, ind. above life. redundant limb or finger or toe. Jaina Arhats ; (as, a, am), pre-eminent, superior,
Ati-reka or ati-reka, as, m. surplus, excess ; redun- abundant. —Atiiayam or atiiayma, ind. eminently,
— Atiprdna-priya, as, d, am, dearer than life.
dancy; difference; (as, a, am), redundant.
^rfinrfTrT ati-preshita, am, n. the time very. — Atifayokti (°ya-uk°), is, f. hyperbolical lan-
AH-rekin, i, ini, i, surpassing. guage ;extreme assertion ; verbosity.
after the ceremony in which the Praisha Mantras are Ati-iayana, as, a, am, eminent, abundant ; (am),
used. ati-ruf, cl. I . P. -ro6ati, -fitum, to
outshine. ind. excessively. — Ati-iayam, f., N. of a metre of
four lines, also called Citralekhd.
vt Tn o w *i^ati-brahman, a, m., N. of a king. Ati-ru6, k, m. a horse's fetlock or knee. Ati-iayita, as, d, am, superior.
to •stPn
abuse. cl. 2. P. -braviti, -vaktum, ati-rai, as, as, i (' exceeding one's
income'), extravagant.
Ati-iayin, I, ini, i, excelling, abounding.
Ati-idyana, am, n. act of excelling ; excessiveness.
atiliha or athilla, f. (etymology Ati-3ayin, i, ini, i, excelling, abounding ; excessive.
15ffinT^a<t-6Ai(, cl. I. P. -bhavati, -vitum,
to excel, overcome. uncertain), N. of a Prikrit metre of four lines, each Ati-teta, as, d, am, excelling, exceeding ; superior.
Ati-bham, as, m, superiority ; overcoming. containing sixteen Matras. ^rnT^rTrTH ati-sitam, ind. past the cold,
after the winter.
^TfrT>jf»T ati-bhumi, is, f. extensive land ; ^rfrT^R ati-vayam(nom. pi. of aty-aham,
culmination, eminence, superiority ; excess. q. v.), persons surpassing me. ati-sesha, as, m. remainder, rem-
nant, especially of time.
^!lfrT*T^ ati-bhush, cl. 10. A. -bhushayate, •*irnqrl«lf ati-vartana. See under ati-vrit.
-yitum, to precede in adorning oneself. viCn^a ati-sreshtha, as, d, am, superior
^tin^rfon ati-valita, as, a, am, well sur-
^rn*i»i«i'=»ra ati-manushya-buddhi, is, is, rounded or covered (?), full of folds (?), well supplied (?). to the best, best of all. — AtifresJitha-tva, am, n.
i, having a superhuman intellect. pre-eminence.
^ffinr? ati-vah, cl. i. P. -vahati, -vodhum, Ati-ireyasi,
\ ati-martya,as, a, am, superhuman. to carry over or across : Caus. -rahayati, -yitum, to excellent woman.is, m. a man superior to the most
let time pass, spend.
i-marydda, as, d, am, exceeding ^rfrrfe^ ati-slish, cl. 4. P. -slishyati,
Ati-vahana, am, n. excessive toiling or enduring.
the proper limit ; (am), ind. beyond bounds. -Sleshtum, to fasten or tie over.
Ati-vaJiita, as, a, am, swifter than the wind ;
wfrT*TT3 ati-mdtra, as, d, am, exceeding (according to Colebrooke) an epithet of the Sfikshma- wfina ati-sva, as, i, am, superior to, or
the proper measure; (am), ind. or atimdtra-iai, sarlra, also (according to Carey) of the Preta-Sarira, or worse than, a dog ; (a), m., N. of a tribe.
ind. beyond measure. misery-enduring body, which is of the size of a
thumb ; (as), m. an inhabitant of the lower world. wfciHrt ati-shel (rt. sel or sel), Caus. P.
•stlri^T^M ati-mdmisha, as, i, am, super- Ati-rahya, a-*, a, «>», practicable or proper to be -shelayati, -yitum, to make one go to a great
human, divine. passed (as time, &c.) ; («m), n. the passing of time. distance.
Ati-vodM, dha, m. one who carries over or across. ati-shkadvari, f. (rt. skand),
•strnm*^ ati-mdm (ace. of aty-aham, q. v.),
him or her that surpasses me. vi in =( i « ati-vtisa, as, m. fast on the day
(transgressor), a dissolute woman.
•aPriii-M ati-mdya, as, d, am, emancipated before performing the S'raddha. a-tishthat, an, antl, at, not stand-
from Maya or Illusion ; finally liberated. ati-viddha, as, a, am (rt. vyadh),
transfixed, badly wounded. — Atividdha-liheshaja,
^rfrTTIT ati-mdra or ati-bhdra, as, m., N.
as, i, am, curing deep wounds. •4) ing,
frl unstable.
B ( ati-shthd (rt. stha), cl. i.V.-tishthati,
of a prince. -slilTiatum, to excel.
TirTWrT i. ati-mita, as, d, am, over mea- •wrnfqig ati-visva, as, m. ('superior to all Ati-shtha, f. precedence, superiority; (<J«), m. f.,
sured, beyond measure, exceeding. or to the universe'), N. of a Muni. Ved. or ati-shlhdvan, d, m. or atishthd-vat, an,
ati, at, superior in standing, surpassing.
^TrrTwrT 2. a-timita, as, d, am, not moist- vt in =1 rt^ ati-vrit, cl. i. A. -vartate, -titum,
ened, not wet. to pass, surpass, cross ; to get over, overcome ; to ^yT ati-san-dhd (-sam-dhu), cl. 3. P.
transgress, violate, offend, especially by unfaithfulness ; A. -dadhdti, -dhutte, -dhdtum, to overreach, de-
"fa^R ut*-mukta and ati-muktaka, as, m. to pass away j to delay. ceive.
(rt. mail), N. of certain shrubs or trees ; see under Ati-vartana, am, n. a pardonable offence or mis- Ati-sandham, ind. in violation of an agreement
ati (surpassing pearls in whiteness). demeanour. or of the settled order.
16 ati-san-dhdna. atyashti-samagrl.
Ati-san-dhana, am, n. overreaching, cheating. a-tunda, as, d, am, not stout, thin, T aty-anhas, as, as, as, Ved. beyond
Ati-Nin-tlliitii, an, a, m, overreached, cheated. lank. the reach of (or emancipated from) sin or evil.
Ati-san-dhrya, cm, a, am, easy to be conciliated 'ant. a-tura, as, a am, Ved. not liberal,
or settled. ViiqP1'! aty-agni, is, m. morbidly rapid
not rich. digestion, see s. v. all ; (is, is, i), surpassing fire.
ati-sarva, as, a, am, superior to a-tula, as, a, am, unequalled ; (as), — Aty-agni-nomdrka ( ma-arc), as, d, am, brighter
all ; (««), m. the supreme. than fire or the moon or the sun.
m. (destitute of weight), the Sesamum seed and plant.
^ffrlttiqrw*. ati-stimralsara, as, i, am, vitMT'iKln aty-agnishtoma, as, m., N. of
—A-tuJya, at, a, am, unequalled. mony.
extending over more (han a year. the optional second part of the Jyotishtoma sacrifice ;
a-tusha, as, a, am, without husks. the Vedic verse chanted at the dose of that cere-
THfrfUI*-HI ati-samya, f. the sweet juice of a-tushara-kara, as, m. (having
the Bengal Madder, Rubia Manjith. not cold rays), the sun.
^TWIf?! aty-ankusa, as, d, am, past the
•flfrlW ati-sri, Caus. P. -sdrayati, -yitum, tushti,is,f. displeasure, discontent.
to extend ; to exert (?). (elephant-driver's) hook, unmanageable.
Ati-tara, as, m., Ved. effort, exertion. a-tuhina, Ved. not cold; used in •9ii*4j*rt aty-angula, as, a, am, exceeding
Ati-tara or ati-sira, as, m. violent straining at compounds, thus atuhina-dJiaman, a, or atuhina- an an-gula (finger's breadth).
stool, dysentery. raiimi, is, or atuJiina-riuH, is, m. the sun.
Ati-tarntin or afi-earakin or ati-earin or att- v< wCn s«^ aty-ati-kram, cl. I. P. -kramati,
slow. a-tutuji, is, is, i, Ved. not quick, -kramititm, to approach for sexual intercourse.
variit, 1, ini, i, afflicted with dysentery.
wind. aty-anila, as, a, am, surpassing
a-turta, as, a, am, Ved. not in a
to '^rfinpT ati-srij,; tocl. leave
dismiss, abandon 6. P.as-srijati,
a remnant-srashtum,
; to remit, hurry ; not outrun or outdone or obstructed ; unhurt ;
forgive ; to give away. aty-anta, as, d, am, past its proper
(am), n. illimited space. — Aturta-dakalui, as, m., end or limit ; excessive, very great or strong, &c. ;
Ati-sarga, (u, m. act of parting with, dismissal, Ved. having designs that cannot be obstructed (epithet
giving away, granting permission. endless, unbroken, perpetual ; absolute, perfect ; (am),
of the AsvinsJ. — Aturta-pathin, anthas, m., Ved. ind. excessively, exceedingly; in perpetuity; absolutely,
Ati-earjana, am, n. liberality, granting, engaging, having a path that cannot be obstructed.
a gift ; sending out of the world, killing. completely; to the end. — Atyanta-kopana, as, d,
Ati-fi iji/ii, ind. part, having dismissed, &c. ; ex- TNjJUII^ a-trinada (°na-ada), as, m. (not an dm, very passionate, outrageous. — Atyanta-ga, as,
cessively. eater of grass), a newly-born calf. d, am, going or walking very much or very fast.
wfinr^afi-snp, cl. I. P. -sarpati, -sarptum 'JlrJJWl a-trinya, f. a small quantity or — Atyanta-gata, as, d, am, completely pertinent;
short supply of grass. always applicable. ~ Atyanta-gati, is, f. complete ac-
ar"-eraptum, to glide over, get over.
nt ; grammar) the sense of ' completely.'
mPnwi ati-sena, as, m., N. of a prince, •arir^rt a-tridila, as, a, am, Ved, not — Atyanta-gdmin, I, ini, i, going or walking very
a son of STambara. much or very fast. — Atyanta-gunin, I, ini, i, having
fragile, solid, or ' having no holes.'
extraordinary qualities. — Atyanta-tiraikrita-vafya-
ati-sauparna, as, I, am, superior •wijvi a-tripa, as, d, am, Ved. not satisfied. dhvant, is, f. (in rhetoric) a metaphoric or hyper-
Atripnuvat, an, all, at, Ved. insatiable. bolical use of depreciating language. — Atyanta-
to Supama's or Garuda's (vision, &c.). A-tripta, as, a, am, unsatisfied, insatiable, eager.
ofrlf^cl ati-stri, is, is or », i, surpassing a — Atripta-drif, k, k, Ic, looking with eagerness. pldana, am, n. act of giving excessive pain. — Atyan-
A-tripti, in, f. unsatisfied condition, insatiability. ta-vdsin, i, m. a Brahman who perpetually lodges as a
woman ; Gram. 173.6. The feminine may end in j. student with his teacher. — Atyanta-samyoga, as, m.
wPnpWM ati-hastaya, Nom.ffr. ati-hasta), ^TrjfoiT a-trishita, as, a, am, Ved, not (in grammar) immediate proximity. — Atyanta-sam-
thirsty, not greedy. parka, as, m. excessive sexual intercourse. — Atyanla-
P.atlhastayati.-yitum, to stretch out the hands; (fr.
atihastin), to overtake on an elephant. A-trishnaj, k, k, k, Ved. not thirsty. sukumdra, as, I, am, very tender; (as), m. a kind
A-trishya, as, a, am, Ved. beyond the reach of of grain, Panicum Italicum. •- Atyantdbhdra ("ta-
w fn f)f«i«^ ati-himam, ind. after the cold
or the frost. abh°), as, m. absolute
i. alyantika non-existence.
or atyantlna, as, a, am, going
A-trishyat, an, antl, at, Ved. not thirsting after,
Wrft alt (ati-i), cl. 2. P. aty-eti, -turn, not greedy, not eager. much or fast or far.
to pass, elapse, pass over, overflow ; to pass on ; to a-tejas, n. absenpe of brightness 2. aty-antika, as, d, am, too close,
get over ; to defer ; to enter ; to overcome, overtake, or vigour ; dimness, shade, shadow ; feebleness, dul- too near, very close ; (am), n. too great nearness.
outdo; to pass by, neglect; to overstep, violate; to ness, insignificance ; (as, as, as), or a-tejaska, as, d,
be redundant ; to die : Intens. atlyate, to overcome. am, or a-tfjasvin, i, ini, i, not bright, dim, not •wm«< aty-aya, as, m. (fr. rt. i with ati, see
Afita, at, a, am, gone by, past, passed away, all), passing, lapse, passage ; passing away, perishing,
dead ; having gone through, having got over or be- vigorous. death; danger, risk, evil, suffering ; transgression, guilt,
yond, having passed by, having neglected ; negligent ; *utla-<osAamya, as, a, am, impossible vice; getting at, attacking; overcoming, mastering
passed, left behind ; excessive ; (at), m. modem N. or improper to be pleased or appeased.
of a particular !?aiva sect ; (am), n. the past. — Atlla- atka, as, ii, am (fr. rt. at), travelling ; (mentally)
Atyaylka,; a better class. dlyayika, at, d, am, tempo-
kata, at, m. the past time or tense. — Atita-nauka, (ax), m. a traveller ; a limb or member ; (Ved.) water,
at, a, am, landed. liquid ; lightning ; armour, mail ; garment ; N. of an rary, occasional.
Atyayin, i, ini, i, passing, surpassing.
AtUvan ftl-if), (., Ved. (transgressor), a bad Asura. •ilKKlfrT aty-a.ra.ti, is, m., N. of a son of
woman. — Aty-aya, aty-aya, see s. r.
)rt atklla or utk'da, as, m., N. of the
•«mln«B a-tikshna, as, a, am, not sharp, author of some Vedic hymns, a descendant of Visva- Janantapa. •Sii^'lj aty-artha, as, d, am (beyond its
blunt, dull. mitra.
proper worth), exorbitant, excessive. — Atyartham.
nttali, is, m., N. of a man. ind. excessively, exceedingly.
•wrflUrjq atindriya (ati-in°), as, a, am, be-
yond the cognisance o((indriya) the senses ; (cm), m. attavya, as, d, am (fr. rt. ad), fit or wrqc aty-ard, cl. i. P. -ardati, -ditum, to
in the Slnkhya phil. the soul or punifha ; (am), n. press hard, to distress greatly.
in the Slnkhya phil. nature or pradhdna ; in the proper to be eaten.
AM, ii, m., Ved. an eater; f., see also s.v. atta.
Vedanta phil. the mind or manoi. ^TiTf? aty-arh, cl. I. P. -arhati, -hitum, to
Attrl, ta, m. an eater.
excel in worth.
*ri. wrft«n;. See under ati-ri(, ?raT atta, f. (etym. uncertain, probably
a word borrowed from the Deccan, occurring chiefly '3T?rfw aty-avi, is, m., Ved. passing over
•wito atlva (ati-ita), ind. exceedingly, in dramas) ; a mother ; mother's sister ; elder sister ; or through the strainer, which consisted of sheep's
very; excessively, too; quite; surpassing (with the (in Prakrit) a mother-in-law. See ajcka. wool or a sheep's tail (an epithet of Soma).
ace.). Mti, in, or itllikii, f. elder sister. ^Tiinjl aty-as, cl. <). P. -asndti, -asitum, to
attra, &c. See ^T^,
•wrilH a-t'ivra, as, a, am, not sharp, blunt ; precede in eating.
not pungent ••HrUrB aty-ashti, is, f. a metre of four
WJf a-tunga, as, a, am, not tall, short,
dwarfish. ^a( ulna, as, oratnu,us, m. (fr. a«),the sun. lines, each containing seventeen syllables ; the number
seventeen. — Atyathti-edmayri, f. title of a particular
Atya, at, m., Ved. a courser, steed.

being often used for the loc. case etasmin), in fire and Soma; a Brahman ; N. of the priest who is said
i. aty-as (a/i-as), cl. 2. P. -srfi, to this matter, in this respect; in this place, here; at to have been the first to obtain fire and offer Soma and
excel, surpass. this time; there; then. — Atra-daghna, as, I, am, prayers
eldest son, : heasis the represented as a and
first learner Prajapati,
earliestas teacher
^THW 2. aty-as (ati-as), cl. 4. P. -asyati, reaching so far up, having this (or that) stature.
-situm, to shoot beyond or at, overpower (with — Atra-bhavat, an, ati, at, honourable (used chiefly the Brahma-vidyS, as the author of the Atharva-veda,
arrows). in dramatic language, to indicate a person who is as identical with An-giras, as the father of Agni, &c. :
Aty-asta, as, a, am, having shot beyond, having epithet of S'iva, Vasishtha, Soma, Prana ; (d, a), m. n.
Atratya, as, a, am, connected with this place, the fourth or Atharva-veda, consisting chiefly of for-
surpassed. mulas intended to obviate the effects of any mistake
produced or found here. or untoward incident attending the performance of
^fiH^M aty-aham, surpassing me, (a ficti-
tious word coined by grammarians.) •«!<:( 2. a-tra, as, d, am (rt. trai), Ved. not a sacrifice. — Atharvdnas, pi. m. descendants of
enjoying (or not affording) protection. Atharvan, often coupled with those of An-giras and
^TUTjr aty-ahna, as; a, am, exceeding a day
in duration. ^IW 3- atra, as, m. (for at-tra, fr. rt. ad), Bhrigu ; the hymns of the Atharva-veda. — Atharva-
Ved. a devourer, demon; a Rakshasa; (am), n., bhiita, as, m. pi. (who have become Atharvans),
*J)tt|l<*K aty-d-kdra, as, m. (rt. kri), con- Ved. food. epithet of the twelve Maharshis. — Atharva-mt, ind.
like Atharvan or his descendants. — Atharva-nd, t, m.
tempt, blame. Atri, if, m. (etymologically at-tri, fr. rt. ati), a de- one versed in the Atharva-veda (a qualification essen-
r ; of a great Rishi, author of a number of Vedic
»H ft I sfcW aty-d-kran (ati-d"), cl. i. P. tial to the special class of priests called Brahmanas).
hymns ; (in astronomy) one of the seven stars of
-kramati, -kramitum, to walk past. the Great Bear. •- Atrayas, pi. m. the descendants of — Athana-i'eda,as, m., N. of the fourth Veda, which
^T?rmT afy-5<?ara, as, m. performance of Atri. — Atri-t!aturaha, as, m. (the four days of Atri), strictly speaking is not a Veda at all, like the Rig,
N. of a sacrifice. — Atri-jdta, as, m. the moon, said to to Yajur, and Sama-vedas, but a collection of formulas
works of supererogation ; (cut, d, am), negligent of avert the consequences of mistakes or mishaps in
or departing from the established customs. have been produced by Atri's look ; for a-tri-jdta, see sacrifices. — Atharva-ittkhd, f. title of an Upanishad.
below. •— Atri-driy-ja, atri-netra-ja or atri-netra-
•>J) fl lf?W aty-dditya, as, d, am, surpassing prasuta or atri-netra-prabJiava or atri-netra- of— Atharva-s'lras, n. = preceding ; (as), m. an epithet
Mahapurusha. — Athana-hridaya, am, n. title of
the sun. suta, as, or atri-netra-bhu, us, m. the moon ; (in
••-MrlllMR aty-d-dhdna, am, n. act of im- arithm.) the number one. — Atri-bhdradvdjikd, f. a Paris'ishta.
marriage of Atri and Bharadvaji. — Atri-vat, ind. whom Atharoa, as, m., N. of Brahma's eldest son, to
posing or placing upon ; imposition, deception. he revealed the Brahma-vidyS. See atharvan .
like Atri. — Atri-samhitd, d, or atri-smriti, is, f.
••^rUM^I aty-dnandd, f. morbid indiffer- the code ascribed to Atri. Atharvana, as, better
m., N.atharvani,
of S'iva.
Atrin, I, m. a devourer, demon ; a Rakshasa.
Atharvani, is, m. a BrShman
ence (of a wife) to the pleasure of sexual intercourse. versed in the Atharva-veda ; a family priest.
^SrUm aty-dya, as, m. (fir. rt. i with ati), a-trapa, as, d, am, destitute of shame. Atharrdttgiras (°OT-a»°), as, m. a member of the
transgression, excess; (as, a, am), going beyond, I atravas, ind. (a doubtful word), sacerdotal race or class called Athandngirasas, m.
transgressing. the year before last. pi., i. e. the descendants of Atharvan and of An-giras ;
this latter word is also a name of the hymns of the
'JlrHHIr^ aty-d-yat (ati-d°), cl. I. A.-yatate, 'ScT^ a-trasnu, us, us, u, or a-trdsa, as, d, Atharva-veda.
-titum, to make extraordinary efforts. am, fearless. Athandngirasa, as, I, am (ft. the preceding), con-
'HrMIc* aty-dla, as, m., N. of a plant, nected with the sacerdotal class called Atharvan-giras ;
•".ifflJiin a-tri-jdta, as, d, am (not born
Plumbago Rosea. thrice, but twice); a man belonging to one of the (am), n. the work or office of the Atharvan-giras ;
first three classes [for alri-jdta, see s. v. atri]. (as), m. pi. the hymns of the Atharva-veda.
•>y rH I*y IH H aty-dsramin, I, m. (superior to Atharvana, am, n. the work, i. e. ritual of the
the four Asramas), an ascetic of the highest degree. •si 31 atraiva (atra-eva), ind. on this very that ritual. Atharva-veda. — Atharvdna-vid, t, m. one versed in
spot. /
^trMlfl aty-dsa, as, m. act of allowing to Atharvl, f., Ved. (doubtful) not moving (?); pierced
elapse ; only used in the ace. as the concluding part of a-tvat, k, k, k, skinless. by a lance (?); surrounded by fire (?).
compound words, thus dvyahdtydsam, after an in- a-tvard, f. freedom from or absence
terval oftwo days. of haste. ad, cl. 2. P. atti, dda, atsyati, attum,
to eat, devour ; to destroy [cf. Lith. edmi ;
•>HHJ=til aty-uktd or aty-ukthd, f., N. of a ^T atha or Ved. at/id, ind. (probably fr. Slav, jam] for jadmj ; Gr. jfBoi ; Lat. edo ; Goth,
class of metres of four lines, each containing two
pronom. base a), an auspicious and inceptive particle, Arm. rt. AT,utem\ pres. . ita,; Germ, esten ; Eng. to eat;
syllables. often not easily expressed in English ; now ; then ;
moreover ; rather ; certainly ; but ; else ; what ? how Ad, t, t, t, at the end of compounds, eating ; as
':%7$Qaty-uksh(ati-uksh),c\. I. P.-ukshati, else? &c. — Atha-kim, ind. how else? what else? matsyad, t, t, t, eating fish.
-kshitum, to surpass.
certainly, assuredly, sure enough. — Atlia-kimu, ind. Ada or adaka, as, a, am, eating.
^ITJraiT aty-ut-kram (ati-uf), cl. i. P. how much more ; so much the more. — Atha-^a, ind. i. adat, an, ati, at, eating. (For a-dat, see below.)
-kramati, -kramitum, to surpass, excel. moreover, and likewise. — Atha-tu, ind. but, on the Adana, am, n. act of eating ; food.
contrary. — Atha-vd, ind. or ; (when repeated) either
^TrJTV aty-upadha, as, d, am, superior to or ; or rather ; or perhaps ; what ? is it not so ? &c. seeAdanlya, s. v.
as, a, am, to be eaten, what may be eaten .
atti, attri, adman, adya, advan. Sec.,
any test, tried, trustworthy.
— AtJiai'dpi (°va-api), ind; or, rather. — Athdtax
aty-uh. See aty-uh. (!tjia-at°), ind. now. — • Athdnantaram (°tha-an°),
ind. now. — At hdpi (tha-api), ind. so much the •fl^Uj a-daksha, as, a, am, not handy,
I aty-umasd, ind. (etym. unknown), more ; moreover ; therefore ; thus. unskilful, awkward.
particle of abuse, used in comp. with a*, bhii, kri. Atho, ind. (has much the same meaning as atha, and
probably the same etymology), now; likewise ; next ; <si^rB|<!.t a-dakshina, as, d, am, not handy;
^SfflfH aty-urmi, is, is, i, Ved. overflowing, therefore. — Atho-vd, ind. the same as atha-vd. not right, left ; not giving or bringing in a dakshina
bubbling over. or present to the priest. — Adakshina-tva, am, n.
•«rq(V. athari, is, or atharl, f. (generally in awkwardness ; peculiarity of not bringing in a dakshina.
^TrtrfT aty-uh (ati-uh), cl. I. P. uhati, the plural ; etymology doubtful ; said to be fr. rt. at, — AdakxMmya or adakshinya, as, d, am, not
-hitum, to convey across. Spelt aty-uh in some to go, or fr. an obsolete rt. ath), meaning doubtful, entitled to a dakshina.
forms. probably spark or flame having a pointed shape ;
(according to others) the point of a lance ; (according a-dagdHa, as, d, am, not burnt, not
•vi io^ aty-nha, as, m. close meditation ; a to others) a finger. scorched.
gallinule, a peacock; (a), f. a plant, Jasminum Vil-
losum or Nyctanthes Tristis. Atharya, as, m., Ved. lambent; moving con- a-danrla, as, d, am, free from punish-
stantly ;or (according to some) pointed like a lance ; ment ;(am), n. impunity.
Vft^aty-rij (ati-rij), cl. I. P. A. -arjati, or (according to some) shooting forth points like A-dandya or a-dandaniya, as, a, am, not
those of a lance.
-te, -jitum, to convey across, admit ; to remove. deserving punishment ; exempt from it.
Atharya, nom. P. atharyatt, Ved. to move con-
•'^^aty-esh, cl. I. P. -eshati, -shitum, to 2. a-dat, an, ati, at, or adatka, as, a,
glide over. Atharyu, us, m., Ved. = atharya, as. am, toothless. (For adat, see above.)
*9f I. a-tra or Ved. a-trd, ind. (fr. pro- ^^•^ atharvan, d, m. (said to be fr. an a-datta, as, d, am, not given ; given
nominal base a substituted for etad; the word atra obsolete word atliar, fire), a priest who has to do with unjustly; not given in marriage; having given nothing:
18 a-datti'u. [ adrishtusruta-pitrvatva.
(a), f. an unmarried girl ; (am), n. a donation which ad-adi, is, is, i, having ad at the •sciwsrt u-ducfhuna, &s, a, am, Ved. free
is null and void. head, i. e. belonging to the second class of roots headec from evil, propitious.
A-dattra, ind. not having given, without having
by ml. a-durga, as, d, am, not difficult of
given. •at; II a-diina, am, n. (rt. da), not giving, access ; destitute of a strong hold or fort. — Adurga-
A-datrayd, ind., Ved. not through a present.
act of withholding ; (as, a, am), not giving. risliaya, as, m. an unfortifi ed country.
'wq.Cj^ adudry-ah6, an, idi, ak (a word A-ddnya, as, d, am, not giving, miserly. a-durmakha, as, d, am, Ved. not
coined by grammarians, fr. adtus + <!«<'), inclining or A-ddman, a, a, a, Ved. not liberal, miserly.
going to that. reluctant, unremitting, cheerful.
A-ddyln, 7, in't, i, not giving.
•a >:«1 adana, adaniya. See under ad. A-dd^u, UK, us, u, Ved. or a-da£uri, is, m. or •ac«i 5yc3 a-diirmanyala, as, d, am, Ved.
me II i. a-danta or a-dantaka, as, a, am, a-datoas, an, m. not giving, not sacrificing, impious. not inauspicious.
toothless ; (a>), m. a leech. I. a-diti, is, f., Ved. having nothing to give, desti
tution ; for 2. aditi, 3. a-diti, sec below. ^Hf|^ a-durvritta, as, d, am, not of a
A-dantya, as, d, am, not suitable for the teeth ;
bad character or disposition.
not dental ; injurious to the teeth ; (am), n. tooth- a-danta, as, a, am, unsubdued.
lessness. ^T<n? a-dushta, as, d, am, not vitiated, not
a-ddbhya, as, a, am, Ved. free from
•*«;»fl 2. ad-anta, as, a, am, (in gram.) deceit, trusty ; not to be trifled with ; (««), m., N. of bad, not guilty; innocent. — Adushta-tm, am, n.
ending in at, i. e. in the short inherent vowel a. a libation (graka) in the Jyotishtoma sacrifice. the being not vitiated ; innocence.
a-dabdha, as, d, am (rt. dambh or xi<;it|i<; a-ddyada, as, a, am, not entitled ^R^o-rf«, MS, HS, u. Ved. dilatory, without
to be an heir ; destitute of heirs. zeal, not worshipping.
), Ved. not deceived or tampered with, unim-
paired, unbroken, pure. "Adaltdha-dhUi, is, i», t, A-ddyika, as, i, am, unclaimed from want of "5«T a-duna, as, a, am (rt. du), uninjured,
Ved. whose works are unimpaired. — Adabdha-vrata, persons entitled to inherit ; not relating to inheritance. unimpaired.
as, m., Ved. whose devotions or religious observances
are unbroken. — Adabdfia-rrata-pramati, is, m., 1. a-dara, as, m. having no wife. •stfii. a-diira, as, d, am, not distant, near ;
Ved. of unbroken observances and superior mind ; of
2. a-dara, as, m. (rt. dri), non-in- (am), n. vicinity. — Adure or adurdt or aduratait,
superior mind from having unbroken observances. ind. (with abl. or gen.) not far, near ; soon. •• Adura-
juring. —Addra-srit, t, t, t, Ved. escaping unhurt.
<-Adabdlidyu(°d/ta-<iyu.),Ui, m., Ved. having un- bhai'a, as, d, am, situated at no great distance.
impaired vigour or pure food ; leaving uninjured the •*i^l« a-ddsa, as, m. (not a slave), a free
man who sacrifices. — Adalalham (dha-asu), us, vifiJHn a-dushita, as, d, am, unvitiated ;
us, u, Ved. having a pure life. unspotted, irreproachable. — Adushita-dhl, is, m. pos-
A-dablta, as, d, am, Ved. free from deceit, unim-
a-ddhya, as, a, am, incombustible.
sessing an uncorrupted mind.
paired. a-dikka, as, a, am, Ved. having no •w ff S a-dridha, as, d, am, not firm ; not
A-dabhra, as, a, am, not scanty, plentiful. share in the horizon, banished from beneath the sky.
A-dambka, as, d, am, free from deceit, straight- decided, irresolute.
^rfJffrT 2. aditi, is, m. (fr. rt. ad), Ved.
; m. an epithet of Siva ; freedom from
devourer, i.e. death; for I. a-dill, see above. •« ^ fwn a-dripita, as, d, am (rt. drip), Ved.
or absence of deceit ; straightforwardness. not treated haughtily (?), not thoughtless.
A-dambM-tra, am, n. sincerity. ^TP^nT 3. a-diti, is, is, i (rt. 4. da or do,
Adripta, as, a, am, Ved. not conceited, not vain.
^Kj^-fl1^ adamudry-an<!, an, t6i, ale, in- dyati; for i. a-diti, see above), not tied, free; bound-
less; unbroken, entire, unimpaired; happy; pious; (is), — Adripta-kratu, us, us, u, having not vain de-
clining or going to that. (Like adadryant, coined
by grammarians from ados + and.) f. freedom, security, safety ; boundlessness, immensity ;
inexhaustible abundance ; unimpaired condition, per- signs; sober-minded.
Adripyat, an, anil, at, Ved. not conceited.
Adamuy-anf or a(7«mfij/-ari(5 = the preceding. fection ;creative power ; Aditi, the mother of the ^T^31^ a-dris, k, k, k (rt. dris), sightless,
f a-damya, as, d, am, untameable. Adityas, or of the gods ; a cow ; a wife ; milk ; the
earth ; speech (as symbols of the above ideas). — Aditi, blind.
t a-daya, as, d, am (rt. day), merciless, A-dritya, as, a, am, invisible, latent; not fit to
unkind ; (am), ind. ardently. du., Ved. heaven and earth. — Aditi-ja or aditi- be seen.— Adrlfya-karana, am, n. act of rendering
nandana, as, m. a son of Aditi, an Aditya, a divine invisible ; title of a part of a treatise on magic.
A-ddyalu, us, us, u, unkind.
being. — Aditi-tra, am, n. the condition of Aditi, or A-drifyat, an, anti, at, invisible; (?), f., N. of
•«!<;«, a-dara, as, d, am, not little, much. of freedom, unbrokenness, &c.
— Adaraka, as, m., N. of a man. Vasishtha's daughter-in-law.
a-ditsat, an, and, at, or a-ditsu, A-drishta, as, d, am, unseen, unforeseen ; invisible :
US, us, u (Desid. fr. rt. da), not inclined to give. not experienced ; unobserved, unknown ; unsanction-
ed ; (as), m., Ved , N. of some venomous substance or
2. a-darta, as, m. day of new moon. adi-prab/iriti, is, m., ad &c., i. e. vermin ; (am), n. unforeseen danger or calamity ; that
Ailariana, am, n. non-vision, not seeing; dis- belonging to the second class of roots [cf. ad-adi], which is beyond the reach of observation or conscious-
regard, neglect; non-appearance, latent condition, ness ; especially the merit or demerit attaching to a
disappearance; (as, a, am), invisible, latent.— w c; I TBJ n a-dlkshita, as, a, am, one who
man's conduct in one state of existence (such as a
AdarHana-patJm, am, n. a path beyond the reach has not performed the consecrating ceremony (dlkshd) former birth), and the corresponding (apparently arbi-
of vision. connected with the Soma sacrifice; one who is not
trary) reward or punishment with which he is visited
A-dartaniya, as, a, am, invisible; (am), n. concerned in that ceremony ; one who has not re- in another (which may be either the present life or a
invisible condition. ceived Brahmanical consecration.
future birth) ; destiny, fate ; luck, bad luck. — Adrixli In-
a-dala, as, a, am, leafless ; (as), m. a-dlna, as, d, am, not depressed ; L-iirmnn, d, d, a, one who has not seen practice.
not low; noble-minded; rich, happy ; (a*), m., N. of — Ai/rif!ilii-l:tliiui. it---, m. passionate attachment to
a{. plant, Eugenia
Socotorine Aloe,(ora Perfoliata
Bam'rigtonia) Acutangula ; (a),
or Indica. an object that has never been seen. — Adrish fa-ja, as,
a prince, also called Ahma. — AdtiiH-i-iittni, as, a,
am, possessing undepressed (or unimpaired) goodness d, am, produced or resulting from fzte. — Adriskta-
WT5R n-dasan, a, not ten.-A-das'a- or mettle. — Ailnnltuiaii ( nit-fit), d, d, a, unde- nanior ail>'i*lit<t-puru£ha, a#, m. (no third person
masya, as, a, am, not ten months old. or mediator being seen), a treaty concluded by the
sressed in spirit ; high-spirited.
^1*^ i.'»/«s,m. a sun, (. (mini, n. arfas,pron. parties peTsonally. — Ailnnhta-pfmi-ydmart-hya, an,
that; a certain. — Aihix, ind. thus, so; ever. — AI/H/I- ated. a-dlpita, as, a, am, not illumin- m. one who has not experienced the power of an
'. having done that. -.! i/.,-l,l,,,ntti, he becomes enemy. — Ailrisk/ii-purva, as, d, am, never seen
that. — Ailo-iniii/it. <w, ?, am, made of that, contain- vir; iv a-dirgha, as, a, am, not long. x/tta-pliala, as, d, am, having con-
ing that. — Ado-mula, at, a, am, rooted in that. sequences that are not yet visible ; (am), n. result or
— Adtriiha-xutra, as, d, am, not dilatory, not consequence which is not yet visible, i. e. hidden in
•in, nom. P. iiilii-i/nt!, to become that. tedious, prompt.
the future. — Adrltti /n-rfijMi, as, d, am, having an in-
141 "5« 2. adas, eating, (only at the close of ^fj;^? a-duhltha, «.«, a, am (free from evil visible shape. — Ailnshta-vat, an, atl, at, connected
compound words.) with or coming from destiny ; lucky or unlucky ;
or trouble), propitious. — Adiihkha-naraml, f. the
TMCiftsiw u-dakshinya, am, n. unkindness, propitious ninth day in the first fortnight of Bhadra- fortunate. — Adri*hta-han, d, IB., Ved. destroyer
rudeness. pada, when the women worship Devi to avert evil for
the ensuing year. af venomous vermin. — AdriMdrtha (°ta-ar0), as,
d, am, having a transcendental object, metaphysical,
J a-diitri, la, tri, tri, not giving ; not laving an object not evident to the senses (as a
liberal, miserly ; not giving (a daughter) in marriage ; *'§'*' a-dugdha, as, d, am, not milked
not paying, not liable to payment. out, not sucked out.
n. quality of never having been seen or heard before.

a-drishti. advaitdnanda.
A-drishti, is, or a-drishtikd, (. a displeased or or I, am, having a wonderful shape. — Atlbhuta- i.e. expressed with stones. — Adri-di-ish, t, m. the
malicious look, an evil eye. danti, is, m. or f. (?), N. of the sixty-seventh ParisMshta
enemy of mountains or clouds, i.e. Indra. — Adri-
of the Atharva-veda. — Adbli uta-sankdia, as, a, am, nandinl, f., N. of Parvatl. -. Adri-pati, is, m. the
^T^l a-deya, as, a, am, improper or unfit resembling a wonder. — A<Whata-tidm, as, m. the Himalaya as the lord of mountains. — A dri-barhas,
to be given ; (am), n. an object which, in law, it is wonderful resin (of the Khadira tree, Mimosa
either not right or not necessary to give or surrender. as, as, as, Ved. mountain-high. — Adri-budfina,
Catechu) ; title of a book on the " Essence of Prodi- as, d, am, Ved. rooted in or produced on a rock or
—Adtya-ddna, am, n. an illegal gift. mountain. — Adri-bhid, t,t,t, Ved. splitting mountains
gies."— Adbhuta-sruna, as, m. (having a wonderful
•«(•=( a-deva, as, a, am (rt. div), not divine, sound or voice), a N. of S'iva. — Adbfattainas (°ta- or clouds ; (t), m., N. of Indra. — Adri-bhu, us, us,
not of divine origin, not referring to any deity; godless, en°), as, as, as, Ved. one in whom no fault is visible.u, mountain-born, found or living among mountains ;
impious ; (as), m. one who is not a god. — Aileva- — Adbhiitottarakdnda ("faujfl"), am, n., N. of a (ug), f. a plant, probably Salvinia Cuculiata. — Adri-
mdtrika, as, a, am, not having the gods as mothers, work, an appendix to or rather an imitation of the mdtri, to., tri, tri, Ved. having a rock or moun-
not suckled by any deity, i. e. not rained upon. Ramayana. — Adbhutopama (°ta-up°), an, d, am, tain for a mother. — Adri-murdhan, d, m. the head
A-deraka, as, a, am, not referring to or intended resembling a wonder. or summit of a mountain. — Adri-rdj, t, or adri-
for any deity. '•M««j( adman, a, n. (fr. it. ad), Ved. eating; t'dja, as, m. Himalaya as the king of mountains.
A-derata, f. one who is not a deity. — Ailri-vat, an, voc. as, m., Ved. armed with
a meal; a house. — Adma-sad, t, m., Ved. seated stones or thunderbolts. — Adri-vahni, if, m. fire on
A-daatra or a-demtra, ind., Ved. not towards (with others) at a meal (?) ; seated at or busy in the
the gods. preparation of a meal (?); acook(?); a mother (?). or in a mountain or rock. — Adri-s"ayya,as, m. having
A-derayat, an, antl, at, or adevayit, us, us, u, — Admasadya, am, n., Ved. the condition of an the mountain for his couch, i. e. S'iva. — Adri-tfringa,
am, n. a mountain-peak. — Adri-shuta, as, d, am,
Ved. indifferent to the gods, irreligious. admasad. — Admasadi'an, a, a, a, Ved. fit to be Ved. prepared with stones. — Adri-samhaia, as, d,
A-daira, as, i, am, not referring to or connected a companion at a meal.
with the gods or with their action ; not predetermined am, Ved. expressed with stones. — Adri-sdnu, us,
Admani, is, m. fire.
by them or by fate. us, u, Ved. lingering on the mountains. — Adri-
Admara, as, d, am, gluttonous. sdra, as, m. essence of stones, i. e. iron. — Adri-
"J^Wl a-devri-olmi, {., Ved. not de- I. adya, as, a, am, fit or proper to be eaten ; sdra-maya, as, I, am, made of iron. — Adrlndra
structive toher brother-in-law. (am), n. food, anything eatable. (°dri-in'J) or
mountains, i. e.adrlsa ^dri-if), as, m. the lord of
^TtJ 2. a-dya or Ved. adya, ind. (fr.
•»a<;3l a-des'a, as, m. (rt. dis), a wrong place, Adrfkd, (., N. of an Apsaras.
pronom. base a, this, with dya for dyu, Lat. ho-die),
an improper place. — A-des"a-kdla, am, n. wrong
place and time. — Adefa-ja, as, a, am, grown in a to-day; now-a-days ; novt.^Adya-dina or adya- ^5T^ a-druh, dhruk, k, k, or adruhvan, d,
wrong place. — Adeia-silia, as, a, am, out of place, divasa, as, am, m. n. the present day. — Adya- d, a (it. druh), Ved. free from malice or treachery.
in the wrong place, one absent from his country, an /liirnim, ind. before nov/.—Adya-prabhriti, ind.
absentee. from and after to-day. — Adya-folna, as, d, am, A-drogha, as, d, am, Ved. free from falsehood,
true ; (am), ind. without falsehood. — Adrogha-vd(,
likely to happen to-day or (<ras) to-morrow ; (a), f. k, k, k, Ved. free from malice or treachery in speech.
A-des'ya, as, a, am, improper or unfit to be or- a female near delivery. — Adya-sutyd, f. preparation
dered or advised or indicated ; not on the spot, not
and consecration of the Soma on the same day. freedom — Adroghavtta (°gka-av°), as, d, am, Ved. loving
present on the occasion referred to. from malice or treachery.
— Adi/dpi (°ya-api), ind. even now, just now; to A-droJia, as, m. freedom from malice or treachery.
'Wtfin^ a-doma-da or a-doma-dha, as, a, this day ; down to the present time ; henceforth. treachery.
am, Ved. not occasioning inconvenience. — Adroha-vritti, is, f. conduct free from malice or
— Adydiiadhi (°ya-av°), is, is, i, beginning or
ado-maya, &c. See adas. ending to-day; from or till to-day. — Adyaiva (adya-
eva), ind. this very day. A-drohin, i, inl, i, free from malice or treachery.
a-doha, as, m. (rt. duh), season when Adyatana, as, I, am, extending over or referring 'a§r«i advan, d, d, a (fr. rt. ad), eating;
milking is impracticable. to to-day ; occurring or current to-day or now-a-days, (used at the end of compound words.)
A-dugdhri, dhd, dhrl, dhri (not milking), not modern ; (as), m. the period of a current day, either
exacting ; considerate. from midnight to midnight, or from dawn to dark; ^TgTl a-dvaya, as, d, am, not two, without
a second, only, unique ; (as), m., N. of Buddha ;
(i), f. (in gram.) the aorist tense from its relating
'STsT adoa, as, m. (fr. rt. ad), a sacrificial (am), n. non-duality, unity ; identity, especially the
what has occurred on the same day. — Adyatana-
cake, alsoofcalled purodas'a identity of Brahma with the universe or with the
oblation clarified butter. ; (according to others) an bhuta, as, m. the aorist.
soul, or of spirit and matter; the ultimate truth.
Adyataniya, as, a, am, extending over or refer-
adt or WffS add. See s. v. att. ring to to-day ; current now-a-days. — Advaya-vddin or adraita-vddin, I, m. Buddha ;
a Jaina ; one who teaches advaya or identity.
ad-dhd, ind. (fr. ad or a, this), *s«j a-dyu, us, us, u, Ved. blunt. — Advayananda ("ya-dn'), as, m., N. of an
author, and of a founder of the Vaishnava sect in
Ved. in this way ; manifestly ; certainly, truly. — Ad- 'SreTff a-dyut, t, t, t, Ved. destitute of Bengal, who lived at the close of the fifteenth century.
dhd-tamdm, ind., Ved. most certainly. — Addkd- brightness.
purusha, as, m., Ved. a veritable or true man. A-di'ayat, an, or a-dvayas, as, m.,Ved. free from
-• Addhd-bodheya, as, m. pi. adherents of a parti- iS^W a-dyutya, am, n., Ved. unlucky
cular Sakha or recension of the white Yajur-veda. gambling ; (according to others) the watch just before A-dvaydvin, i, or a-dvayu, us, m., Ved. free
the dawn ; (as, d, am), not derived from gambling, from double dealing or duplicity.
Addhati, is, m., Ved. a wise man, a seer.
honestly obtained.
addhyd-loha-karna, as, d or ''SflTC a-dvdra, am, n. a place without a
I, am, Ved. having ears quite red (?).
a-drava, as, d, am, not liquid. door ; an entrance which is not the proper door.
worthless thing. am, n. a nothing, a ^TiVsT a-dvija, as, d, am, destitute of
•wsrl adbhuta, as, a, am (perhaps cor- Brahmans.
rupted from ati-bliilta, * exceeding that which is;'
see I. at), transcendental, supernatural, prodigious, ^Pj adri, is, m. (said to he fr. rt. ad, but *a PS rll *< a-dvitlya, as, d, am, without a
wonderful, marvellous ; (as), m. the marvellous perhaps from a, not, and drt, to split, not liable to be second, sole, unique ; matchless.
(in style) ; surprise ; N. of the Indra of the ninth split), a stone, a rock, a mountain ; a stone for pound-
ing Soma with or grinding it on ; a stone for a sling, "SffV'^'Pr a-dvishenya, as, d, am (rt. dvish),
Manvantara ; (am), n. a marvel, a wonder, a prodigy.
Ved. not to be disliked ; not malevolent.
— Adljftuta-ktirman, d, d, a, performing wonderful a thunderbolt ; a mountain-shaped mass of clouds ; a
works ; exhibiting wonderful workmanship. — Ailliltii- cloud (the mountains are the clouds personified, and A-dvesha, as, a, am, Ved. not malevolent. — A-
regarded as the enemies of Indra) ; a tree ; the sun ; dveslia-ragin, i, iyi, i, free from malevolence and
ta-kratu, us, UK, u, Ved. possessing wonderful in-
N. of a measure ; the number seven; N. of a grandson passionate
tel igence. Adbhuta-rjandha,
— as, d, am, having a Adreshas,desire.
ind., Ved. without malevolence, without
wonderful smell. — Adli/iuta-tdma, am, n. an extra- of Prithu. — Adri-karni, f. a plant, Clitoria Ternatea
ordinary wonder. — Adbhuta-tva, am, n. wonderful- Lin. — Adri-kild, (. the earth. — Ailri-krita-stliali,
AdvesKin, t, inl, i, free from malevolence.
ness. — Adbhuta-dartana, as, d, am, having a f., N. of an Apsaras. — Adri-ja, as, d, am, produced opposition.
Adveshtri, d, m. not an enemy ; a friend.
wonderful aspect. — AMhuta-dltarma, as, m. a from or found among rocks or mountains ; (d),
system or series of marvels or prodigies. — Adlihuta- f., N. of a plant, Sainhall ; N. of ParvatI or DurgS ; visri a-dvaita, as, d, am, destitute of
brdJtmana, am, title of a portion of a Br3hmana (am), n. red chalk. •• Ad-Ti-jd, as, m., Ved. produced duality, having no duplicate ; peerless ; sole, unique ;
belonging to the Sama-veda. — Adbhuta-bhima- from (the friction of) stones. — Adri-juta, as, a, epithet of Vishnu ; (am), n. non-duality ; identity,
kar/nan, d, d, a, performing wonderrul and fearful am, Ved. excited by (the friction of) stones. — Adri- especially the identity of Brahma with the universe
works. — Adbhuta-rasa, as, m. the marvellous style tanayd, f. the mountain-daughter, i. e. PSrvatl ; N. or with the soul, or of spirit and matter ; the
(of poetry). — Adbhuta-rdmdyana, am, n. tide of of a metre of four lines, each containing twenty-three ultimate truth ; title of an Upanishad. — Advaitena,
a work ascribed to VSlmTki. - Adbhuta-rupa, ae, a syllables. — Adri-dugdha, as, a, am, Ved. milked, ind. solely. — Advaitdnanda (°ta-an°), as, m. =
20 adhi-karana.
>:id(°ta-up°), ment. -Adharma-mmja, ag, t, am, made up of >eculiar white or black marks on the lower part ot
advayanaofnda, q.v.-Aii he body. — Adho-ldmba, as, m. a plummet; the
t, f., N. an Upanishad. wickedness; downright wicked.— Adharmdtmati
a, d, a, having a wicked spirit or dh- >erpendicular ; (as), m. the lower world. — Adho
•*TV adha or adhii, ind., Ved. (much the (aiini-at°),
\t\oii. — Adliiirm<i*fikdya (°nia-as°), as, m. the —•iidniui, as, d, am, the same as adlw-mukha.
same as atha, used chiefly as an inceptive particle), of ad/inriiin .
Adho-varfas, as, as, as, powerful in the lower
now ; then, therefore ; moreover, so much the more ; category (iixfikdi/ n)
regions. — Ad/io-vato, as, m. the bottom. Pudendum
Adluirniiii, /,'I'HI, i, unrighteous, wicked, impious. vluliebre. — Adho-vdyu, us, m. vital air passing down-
and, 'partly. - Adha-adha, as well as, partly-partly. AdhnrmiM ha, as, a, am, most wicked, impious.
_.(,/, -. a, am, or adha-prl. if, is, t, wards; flatulency. — Adho-'r<k*hi (itilhas + ava +
Ved. pleased or glad then. a», a, am, unlawful, contrary to law
or Adl<armi/a,'
religion, wicked. 'kshin), looking down. — Adho-'i'ra^pitia, seeadho-
: adhah, &c. See raklapitta. — Adho-'s'cam, ind. under the horse.
a-dhavu, f. a widow (usually vi- Adhastana, as, I, am, lower, being underneath.
a-dhana, as, a, am, destitute of dhavd, without a husband). Adhastdt, ind. the same as adhas, q. v.
wealth or property. (said to come from adh, Adhastdd-dli, k, f. the lower region, the nadir.
TVS adhas, ind.
A-dhanya, as, a, am, not richly supplied with corn see adhara), below, down; in the lower region; ^IVT adha, Ved. See adha.
or other produce ; not prosperous ; unhappy, wretched. beneath, under ; from under (with ace., gen., and abl.) ;
adhdmdrgava, as, m. a plant,
adhama, as, a, am (see etymology of also applied to the lower region and to the Pudendum
low or vile or Muliebre [cf. Lat. infra] . — Adhas-ta ram, ind. very Achyranthes Aspera.
adhara), lowest, vilest, worst; very a-dhdranaka, as, d, am, unable
bad ; often used at the dose of comp., as in nara- far down. — Adha-updnana, am, n. sexual inter-
c o u r s e . - Adhah-Tcara , as, m. the lower part of the
dhama, the vilest or worst of men ; (a*), an un- hand. - .-l(Mrt/i-/[-o?/a,as,m.the lower part ofthebody. to support, unremunerative.
blushing paramour ; (a), a low or bad mistress [cf. Lat. a-dhdrmika, as, I, am, unjust,
ita or adhama-bhritaka, - Adhah-krita, as, a, am, put down, cast down.
servant of the lowest class, a porter. — Adhah-kris kiiajinam (°«a-of), ind. under the unrighteous, wicked.
at, m. a
- Adhah-khanana, am, n. undermin-
- Adhamnrna ("ma-ri"), as, or adkamarnikn, black skin. ->MVJ| 9 a-dhdrya, as, a, am, unfit or improper
a», m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor. ing. - Adhah-yadm a, am, n. (in architecture) a cer- to be held or carried or kept up.
- Adhama-ialcha, an or am (1), m. or n.(?), N. tain part of the cupola. — Adhah-pdta, as, m. a down-
fall. - Adhah-pushpl, f. (having flowers looking i. adhi, is, m. (better q. v.),
of a region. — Adhamdttga (°ma-an°), am, n. (the
lowest member), the foot. — Adhamatdra ('mo-ad0), downwards), 'N. ofScaber two plants, Pimpinella Adhah- Anisum anxiety, perplexity ; f. a woman in her courses.
(or Hieracium?). —
at, a, am, guilty of vile conduct. — Adhamdrdha and Elephantopus 2. adhi, ind., as a prefix to verbs and
Cma-ar*), am, n. the lower half, the lower part. prai'dha, as, m. seat a downward current. — Adhah-
— Adhamdrdhya, as, a, am, connected with or prastara, as, m. or bed of turf or grass for nouns, expresses above, over and above, besides.
referring to the tower part. As a separable adverb or preposition; (with abl.)
persons in a state of impurity. — Adhah-prdn-s'dyin,
&c. See above, under i,1 Adhai-fara int, i, sleeping on the ground, towards the east. Ved. over ; from above ; from ; from the presence of;
, as, m. a thief ('creeping on the for ; (with gen.) Ved. among ; (with loc.) Ved.
adhama. ground'). — Adhah-s'aya, as, a, am, sleeping on the over; on; at; subject to; (with ace.) over, upon,
adhara, as, a, am (said to come ground. — Adhah-s'ayya, as, d, am, having a pecu- concerning. — Adhy-adhl, ind. on high, just above.
liar couch on the ground ; (a), f. act of sleeping on Adhika, as, d, am, additional ; subsequent, later ;
from adhas or from a base adh, whence ndhrt* the ground and on a peculiar couch. — Adhah-iiras,
surpassing (in number or quantity or quality), superior,
may be derived), lower, inferior; tending down- as, as, as, holding the head downward ; head fore- more numerous ; abundant ; excellent ; supernumerary,
wards; low, vile; worsted, silenced; prior; (as), most; (as), n., N. of a hell. — Adhas-tala, am, n. redundant ; secondary, inferior ; intercalated ; (am),
m. the lower lip, the lip; (a), f. the lower re- the room below anything. — Adhas-pada, am, n. n. surplus ; abundance ; redundancy ; hyperbole : ind.
gion, nadir; (am), n. the lower part; a reply; the place under the feet. — Adhaspadam, ind. under
Pudendum Muliebre [Ossetic, dalag ; Goth, dala- foot. — Adhah-stha, as, d, am, placed low or below ; exceedingly; too much; more. — Adhikam-tii, more-
ovtT. — Adhika-kshaya-kdrin, t, im, i, causing
thr6 ; Lat. inferus]. — Adhara-tas or adha.ru- inferior. - Adhah-sthita, as, d, am, standing below ; excessive waste. — Adhika-td, I. or adhika-tva,
stdt or adharaamdt or adhardt or adharena, ind. situated below. — Adhah-svastika, am, n. the nadir.
below, beneath; in the lower region. — Adhara- am, n. addition, excess, redundancy, preponderance.
— Adho-'nfuka, am, n. a lower garment. — Adho- - Adhika-tithi, is, m. f. an intercalary lunar day.
kaiilha, as, ant, m. n. the lower neck. — Adhara- 'ksha or adho-aksha, as, d, am, Ved. (situated) below — Adhtka-danta, or adhi-danta, as, m. a redun-
taya, as, m. the lower part of the body. — Ad hara- the axle or under a car; (am), ind. under the axle.
pana, am, n. drinking the lower lip, kissing. -Adho-'ksha-ja, as, m. an epithet of Vishnu or dant tooth which grows over another. — Adtiika-diiut
— Adhara-madhu, u, n. the moisture of the lips. Krishna ; the sign SWanS. — Adho-gantd, f. a plant, or adhi-dina, am, n. an intercalated day. — Adhika-
— Adhara-svastika, am, n. the nadir. — Adhard- Achyranthes Aspera. — Adho-gata, as, d, am, gone mdnsdrman (°sa-ar°), a, n. proud flesh in the eye ;
see adhimdnsa. — Adhika-mdsa, as, m. an inter-
i (°ra-am°), am, n. the nectar of the lips. down,descended. — Adho-gati,is,l. oradho-gama,as,
— Adhardruni (°ra-ar°), is, f., Ved. the lower of m. or adho-gamana, am, n. descent, downward move- calated month. — Adhikarddhi (°ka-rld°), is, is, i,
the two pieces of wood used in producing fire by ment, degradation. — Adho-gati, is,is,i, going down- abundantly prosperous. — Adliika-i-akyokti (°kya-
friction. — Adltardvalopa (°ra-av°), as, m. biting wards, descending. — Adho-gdmin, t, ml, ^preced- uk"), is, f. exaggeration, hyperbole. — Adhika-shd-
the lip.—Adharottara (°ra-ut°), as, d, am, lower ing. — Adho-ghanid, f. a plant, Achyranthes Aspera. shtika, as, i, am, (containing or costing) more than
and higher ; worse and better ; question and answer ; sixty. — Adhika-samratsara, «*, m. an intercalated
nearer and further ; sooner and later ; upside down, — Adho-'nga, am, n. the anus. Pudendum Muli- month. — Adhika-sdiitatikn, a«,i,am (containing or
ebre. — Adho-jdnu, ind. below the knee. — Adho-
topsy-turvy. — Adharoshtha or adharaushfha (°ra- jihmkd, f. the uvula. — Adho-ddm, u, n. the under costing) more than seventy. — Adhikdnga (°ka-an°),
osh°), as, m. the lower lip; (am), n. the lower and timber. — AdTio-dU, k, f. the lower region, the nadir. as, d or i, am, having some redundant member or
upper lip. — Adho-drishli, is, f. a downcast look; (is, is, i), members; (am), n. belt worn over the coat of mail.
A'llinrdk, ind. beneath, in the lower region. — Ailhikddhika (°kha-adha), as, d, am, outdoing
having a downcast look. — Adho-defa, as, m. the
Adharddina or ndhardfya, an, a, am, or lower or lowest part, especially of the body. — Adho- one another. — Adhikdrtha (°ka-ar°), as, d, am,
adharanf, an, dfi, dk, Ved. tending downwards, to ilrdi-n, am, n. the anus, Pudendum Muliebre. exaggerated. — Adhikdrtha-ra/ana, am, n. exagger-
the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the — Adho-ndbham, ind. below the navel. — Adho- ation, hyperbole,
south (or west?). adhi-karmakara, as, m. or
'para, am, n. the anus.<—Adhopakd8a(0dhas-up°),
AdharattSt, ind., Ved. below, beneath. as, m., Ved. sexual intercourse. — Adho-bandhana, ndlii-karntakrit, t, m. an overseer of workmen.
Adli'ir:-i-r!/,i, nx, d, am, worsted ; invalidated. am, n. an under girth. — Adho-bhakta, am, n. a
Atlharina, an, a, am, vilified. dose of medicine to be taken after eating. — Adho- ^rftnirf^P^ adhi-kalpin, t, m., Ved. a
Adlniri-l>l,iitii, <if, u, am, worsted; invalidated. bhara,as, d, am, lower. •- Adho-bhfiga, as, m. the
Adl,,i,;-,l,,,u,, ind. the day before yesterday; on a lower or lowest part, especially of the body. — Adho- sharp gambler.adhi-kdrma, am, n., N. of some
previous day. bhdga-dosha-hara, as, d, am, airing or strengthen-
A'l/uin ifti, <is, d, am, inferior in quality or worth. ing the lower part of the body. — Adho-bhurana,
din, n. the lower world. — Adho-hhiimi , in, f. lower place unknown.
*il«i a-dharma, as, m. unrighteousness, ground ; land at the foot of a \u\\. — Adho-marman ^srftr^ adhi-krl, el. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum,
injustice, irreligion, wickedness; demerit, guilt; N. of a, n. the anus. — Adho-rnukha, as, d or i, am, having to to place at the head, appoint ; to aim at, regard ;
a PrajJpati, son of Brahma, husband of Hirjsa or the face downwards ; headlong ; upside down ; (as), of: refer or allude to ; to superintend, be at the head
A. -kurute, to be or become entitled to; to be
Mrisha ; N. of an attendant of the sun ; (a), f. un- m. Vishnu ; (a), f. a plant, Premna Esculenta ; (am)
righteousness personified and represented as the bride n. a division of hell. — Adho-yantra, am, n. the or become superior to.
Adhi-karana, am, n. the act of placing at the
of death. — Adharma-tdrin, 1, im, {, practising lower part of an apparatus ; a still. — AdJio-rakta head or of subordinating government, supremacy,
wickedness. ~» Adharma-tas, ind. unrighteously, un- pitta, am, n. discharge of blood from the anus and th(
justly. —Adharma-dandana, am, n. unjust punish- urethra. — Adho-rdma, as, m., Ved. (a goat) having magistracy, court of justice ; a receptacle, sup-
port ;a claim ; a topic, subject ; (in philosophy) a
adhikarana-bhojaka. ,vj adhi-mantha. 21
substratum ; a subject (e. g. dtmd is the adki-karana Adhi-gantarya, as, d, am, attainable. divine agent operating in material objects. — Adhi-
of knowledge); a category; a relation; (in grammar) Adhi-gantri, t, d, m. one who attains or acquires. daivam or adhidaivatam, ind. on the subject of
regimen, government, comprehension, location, the Adhi-gama, as, m. the act of attaining, acquisi- the deity or the divine agent.
sense of the locative case ; relationship of words in a tion ;acquirement, mastery, study, knowledge ; mer- Adhi-duinka, as, I, am, spiritual.
sentence, which agree together, either as adjective and cantile return, profit, &c.
substantive, or as subject and predicate, or as two sub- AdM-gamana, am, n. acquisition ; finding ; ac-
stantives inapposition ; (in rhetoric) a topic ; a para- quirement, reading, study ; marriage, copulation. to give, present ; A. -dhatte, to acquire additionally.
graph or minor section ; (as, i), m. f. one who has to Adhl-gamaniya or adhi-ijamya, as, d, am, ^rfVjV adhi-dhri, Caus. P. -dhdrayati,
superintend. — Adhikarana-bhojaka, as, m. a judge. attainable, practicable to be learnt.
—Adhikarana-mandapa, as, am, m. n. the hall -yitum, to carry over or across.
of justice. — Adhikarana-siililhdnta, as, m. a syl- adhi-yartya, as, d, am, Ved. wftrartT adhi-ndtha, as, m., N. of the
logism or conclusion which involves others. — Adhi- (found) on the driver's seat. author of the Kalayoga-sastra.
karanaitdvattva ^na-ei^), am, n. fixed quantity of •"•MiiHiq adhi-gava, as, i, am, Ved. (found) ^rfvftTVT adhi-ni-dhd, cl. 3. P. -dadhdti,
a substratum. on or in a cow, derived from a cow. -dhatum, to deposit, impart.
Ad/it-karanika or better ddhlkaranika, as, m.
a government official ; a judge or magistrate. ^rftPTT adhi-gd, cl. 2. P. A. or cl. 3. P.
•4) W^f^'^adhi-nirnij , k, k, k, Ved. veiled.
Adhi-karanya, am, n. authority, power. -ydti, -te, -jiijati, -gatum, to fall in with, obtain ; to
wfvftr^^T adhi-ni-vas, cl. i. P. -vasati,
Adhi-karman, a, n. superintendence. -• Adhi- notice, to go over, learn, read, study, remember ; -vaslum, to dwell.
karmakrit or adhi-karmakara, see s. v. — Adhi- to attempt, resolve : Caus. P. adhi-gdpayatl, -yitum,
karma-krita, as, m. person appointed to superin- to cause to go over or teach : Desid. of the Caus. •«fM«l') adhi-m, cl. I. P. -nayati, -netum,
tend an establishment. adhl-jigapayishati, to be desirous of teaching. to lead away from (with abl.); to raise above the
Adhikarmika, as, m. the overseer of a market. ordinary measure, enhance.
^STVPpIT adhi-guna, as, d, am, possessing
Adhi'kdra, as, m. authority ; office ; government,
rule, administration, jurisdiction ; royalty, prerogative ; superior qualities. *iifV«jn adhi-nrit, cl. 4. P. -nrityati,
title ; rank ; claim, right, especially to perform sacri- •nartitum, to dance upon (with ace.).
wftnjH adhi-gupta, as, d, am, protected,
fices with benefit ; privilege ; ownership ; possession ;
property; reference, relation; exertion, effort ; a topic, wfVr adhi-pa, as, m. a ruler, commander,
regent, king.
subject ; a paragraph or minor section ; (in grammar) guarded. ^ffWjH adhi-fankrama, as, d, am, Ved.
government ; a heading-rule ; (as, »), m. f. having walking or creeping over something. Adhi-paii, is, m. same as adhi-pa, (in medic.)
much to superintend, — Adhikdra-stha, as, d, am, a particular part of the head, where a wound proves
^TnrTr adhi-(ar, cl. i. P. -6arati, -ritum, instantlyfemale
fatal. —divinities.
AdMpati-rati, f., Ved., N. given to
established in an office. — Adhikdrddhya ("ra-ddh"), to walk or move on or over something. certain
as, d, am, invested with authority.
Adhi-kdrin, I, inl, i, possessing authority ; en- Adhi-darana, am, n. the act of walking or mov- Adhi-patm, f. a female sovereign or ruler.
titled to ; fit for ; (i), m. a superintendent, governor ; ing or being on or over something. Adlti-pd, as, m., Ved. a ruler, king, sovereign.
an official ; a rightful claimant ; a proprietor, master ; •^f^r^ adhi-'S, cl. 5. P. -finoti, -Mum, •* fcmvjH^adhi-patham, ind. over or across
one possessing the right of sacrificing ; a man pro- to pile or build upon. a road.
ficient inthe Vedanta; man as the lord of creation.
— Adhikdri-tva, am, n. or adhikdri-td, f. author- to •st be fa*{*{adhi-jan,
bom. cl. 4. A. -jay ate, -janitum, ^rftnjtsj'p? adhi-pdnsula,as, d, am, become
ity ;rightful claim ; ownership, &c. dusty from above ; dusty. Also adht-pdnsula.
Adhi-krita, as, d, am, placed at the head of; Adhi-ja, as, d, am, bom, superior by birth.
appointed ; ruled, administered ; claimed ; (as), m. Adhi-janana, am, n. birth. ^rftrj^TI adhi-purnslia, as, m. the su-
a superintendent, especially a comptroller of public adhi-jdnu, ind. on the knees. preme spirit.
accounts. — Adhikrita-tva, am, n. the being engaged ^fftr^ adhi-pu, cl. 9. P., Ved. -pundti,
in or occupied with. adhi-ji, cl. I . P. -jayati, -jetum, to -pavitum, to besprinkle, to sprinkle.
Adhi-kriti, is, f. a right, privilege ; possession. win in addition, conquer.
Adhi-krityn, ind. having placed at the head, having 15rftl^iT»TinT adhi-puta-bhritam, ind., Ved.
made the chief subject ; regarding ; concerning ; with •sifvntitjf adhi-jihva, as, m. or adhi- over the (vessel) full of purified Soma.
reference to. jihnkd, {. a peculiar swelling of the tongue or
w(Vim!I adhi-peshana, as, d, am, serving
adhi-kram, cl. I. P. -krdmati, epiglottis. to pound or grind upon.
•^fvi** adhi-jya, as, d, am, having the
-kramitum, to ascend, mount up to ; to attack, scale. bowstring (Jyd) up or stretched, i. e. strung. THf>414jHx adhi-prajam, ind. on the subject
Adhi-krama, as, m. an invasion, attack. of procreation as a means of preserving the world (a
Adhi-kramana, am, n. act of invading or scaling. ^ffVj*flfrtH«1N adhi-jyotisham, ind. on the chapter in the Upanishads).
subject of light or the mundane luminaries (a chapter
^rfvftj1 adhi-kshi, cl. 6. or cl. 2. P., Ved. in the Upanishads). ^rfinrfirn adhi-prashti-yuya, am, n. yoke
l.'f/tii/iiti or -ksheti, -kshetum, to be settled in or laid upon the prashli or foremost of three horses,
over, rest upon ; to inhabit, to obtain ; (occasionally ^rftrfrTirfiT adhi-tishthati. See «i(ViEri.
used on certain sacrificial occasions, to which a fourth
adki-kship occurs for this rt. by mistake.) thus
horse attached
could be(?).attached ; (as), m. the fourth horse
'WfVtT adhitya, as, d, am (fr. adhi), being
^rfvfafrT adhi-kshit, t, m., Ved. a lord,
ruler (fr. rt. 2. kshi and not fr. adhl-kshi above). Adhityakd,
tain, table land. f. land on the upper part of a moun- ^rftm^ adhi-bddh, cl. I. A. -bddhate,
-dhttum, to vex, annoy.
adhi-kship, cl. 6. P. -kshipati,
, to lay upon; to bespatter; to insult, abuse, wftr^JTTTTf adhi-danda-netri, td, m. (ruler
scold ; to superinduce (disease) ; (occasionally this rt. appointed to punish), epithet of Yama. ^TfVnjx adhi-bru, cl. 2. P. -brav'tti, -vaktum,
to give orders to.
appears to be used by mistake for adki-kshi, q.v.) •flfa^tT adhi-danta, as, m. a redundant
Adhikshipail-aliju-nftra, as, d or i, am, having tooth which grows over another. ^lftnj5^to adhi-bhuj,
-bhoktum, enjoy. cl. 7. A. -bhunkte,
eyes which eclipse the lotus.
Atlhi-kxMpta, ax, d, am, insulted ; scolded ; wooden. ^rfvri^nT adhi-ddrva, as, t, am (fr. ddru), hu, us, m. (rt. bhu with adhi),
thrown down ; placed, fixed ; despatched. a master, a superior.
Adfii-kahepa, as, m. abuse, contempt ; dismissal. ^rfVT^«T adhi-dina, am, n. an intercalated Adhi-bhuta, am, n. the spiritual or fine substratum
IMIVI*!! adhi-yan, cl. 10. P. -ganayati, of material or gross objects ; the all-penetrating in-
fluence of the supreme spirit; the supreme spirit
-yitum, to enumerate, to value highly. ^rftlf^ adhi-deva, as, m. or adhi-devatd, himself; nature. «— Adhi-lihutam, ind. on the subject
•stfvi*^ adhi-yam, cl. I. P. -gadhati, f. a presiding or tutelary deity. — AdM-devam or of AdM-lihautlka
material objects (a chapter in the Upanishads). '
•gantum, to go up to, approach, overtake ; to have inl/ii-ileratam, ind. concerning the gods or the deity.
(better diUtibliantika, q. v.), as,
sexual intercourse with ; to fall in with ; to meet, •>.a(V<;<=i«i adhi-devana, am, n.,Ved. part of I, am, natural (?).
find, discover, obtain ; to accomplish ; to study, read : the house allotted to gambling; the table or board ^rnWTrT'T adhi-bhojana, am, n. an addi-
Dcsid. P. adhi-jigamisliati, to seek; A. adhi- for gambling. tional gift.
jifjdnxtite, to be desirous of studying or reading.
Adhi-gata, as, d, am, found, obtained, acquired ; «f(V<irq adhi-dawa or adhi-daivata, am, n. ^fvHrt!} adhi-mantha or adhi-mantha, as,
gone over, studied, learnt. a presiding or tutelary deity ; the supreme deity ; the m. (churning of the eyes), severe ophthalmia.
•2-1 adhi-manthana. adhi&vara.

Adhi-manthana, am, n., Ved. friction for pro- of the universe (a chapter in the Upanishads). — Adhi- Adhi-s'ratjana, am, n. act or ceremony of putting
ducing fire; (as, a, am), suitable for such friction laku-natha, as, m. lord of the universe. (a kettle) on the fire; (i), f. a fire-place, oven.
(as wood). — AiUii-^rni/iniiifii, a*', a, am, relating to or con-
Aillti-iii'intkltii, a,', a, am, suffering from oph- nected with the Adhi-sVayana.
thalmia. t inn. to speak in favour of; to advocate ; to side with. Adhi-irita, as, a, am, put on the fire (as a pot).
Adlii-vaktri, ta, m., Ved. an advocate; a com- ^ffVTr^ltr adhi-shatana, am, n. (fr. rt. su
^lf*WTH adhi-miiBsa or adhi-mansnka, as, forter ;an oraior.
m. proud flesh or cancer, especially in the eyes or Adhl-i-ai'aiKi, imt, n. advocacy; speaking in favour with adhl), Ved. hand-press for extracting and strain-
of; an appellation, epithet. ing the Soma juice ; (as, a, am), used for extracting
the back part of the gums. — AdhimiiHfi~iriiian(°sar and straining the Soma juice.
ii. n. ophthalmic disease produced by proud Adhi-vaka, as, m., Ved. advocacy, protection.
rlesh or cancer. •stfVriT«rf/it-«AMn (adhi-stha), cl. i. P. or
^rf*T=nT adhl-vap, cl. i. A., Ved. -vapate,
••afyHId adhi-mdtra, as, a, am, past or -rapt um, to put on ; to shatter. poet. A. -tlflif/iufi, -te, -»hthatnm,\o stand upon,
above measure, excessive ; (am), ind. on the subject depend ; to inhabit, abide ; to be, stand ; to super-
of prosody. — Adhintiitrn-kSrunika, Of, m. (ex- V|[\i4«?x i. adhi-vas, cl. I. P. -vasati, intend, govern ; to step over or across ; to overcome ;
ceedingly merciful), N. of a MahS-brahmana among -rust n in. to inhabit ; to settle or perch upon. to ascend, mount.
the Buddhists. I. adhi-vasa, as, m. an inhabitant, a neighbour; Adhl-shthatri, ta, tri, tri, superintending, presid-
one who dwells above; a habitation, abode, settle- ing, governing, tutelary ; (a), m. a ruler ; especially
»-SPMMM adhi-masa, as, m. an intercalary
month. ment, site; sitting before a person's house without the supreme ruler, or Providence personified and
taking food till he ceases to oppose or refuse a demand, identified with one or another of the Hindu gods ;
•wfvi^fa adhi-mukti, is,f. (with Buddhists) commonly called ' sitting in dham5 :' pertinacity ; (for a chief; a protector.
intuition (?) ; implicit faith (!).—Adliiinidii-sdra, a. 3. adhi-rasa, see below.) — Adhivasa-bhumi, is, Adhi-shthana, am, n. standing by, being at hand,
UK, a, am, wholly given to intuition or to implicit f. a dwelling-place, settlement. approach; standing or resting upon; a basis, base;
faith (?). I. adld-vasana, am, n. act of causing the divinity a wheel (as the basis of a car) ; a position, site, re-
Adhi-muktika, as, m. (with Buddhists) an epi- to take up its abode in an image ; sitting in dharnH sidence, abode, seat ; a settlement, town ; government,
thet of Mahi-kala. [cf. s. v. adhi-rasa above]. (For a. adhl^casana, authority, power, dominion; a precedent, rule; a
see below.)
benediction. — Adhixh!haiia-&ir'ira, am, n. (in
^rfvJp?! Adhi-rasin, i, ini, i, inhabiting, settled in. San-khya phil.) a body which forms the medium
muni in one adlii-muhya,
of his thirty-fouras,former
m., N. of S'akya-
births. — Ad/iirast-ta, f. settled residence. between the subtle and the gross body.
iSfVIst adhi-yajna, as, m. the chief or A'l/iy-ushita, see s. v. Adhi-shfhayaka, as, a, am, governing, super-
principal sacrifice ; influence or agency affecting a intending, guarding.
••sfvq*^ 2. adhi-vas, cl. 2. A. -vaste,
sacrifice ; (aj, a, am), relating to a sacrifice ; (am), -vasitum, to put on or over (as clothes &c.). Ailhi-g/ithita, as, a, am, settled ; inhabited; super-
ind. on the subject of sacrifices. Adhi-tastra, Of, a, am, clothed. intended ;regulated ; appointed ; superintending.
^TrVTr^ adhi-yat, cl. I. A., Ved. -yatate, a. adhi-vana or adhi-vasa, as, m. an upper gar- ^TrVr^1 adM-stri, ind. concerning a wo-
-tit am, to fasten, fix, stick. ment, mantle. man or a wife. — Adhi-strt, f. a superior or distin-
I. atlhi-rasita, as, a, am, invested with, clothed
'Sihj*<*lN adhi-yam, cl. I. P. -ya(6hati, with ; see also s. v. adhi-vas below. guished woman.
-yantum, to give, present. adhi-hari, ind. concerning Hari.
to 'SrfV'-ITTif adhi-vajya, am, n., N. of a
••S^UTT adhi-ya, cl. 2. P. -yatl, -turn, country ; correctly adhi-vajya. adhi (adhi-i), cl. 2. P. adhy-eti, -tum,
escape. to meet with, attain, notice, observe, understand ; to
^SrfV^TH adhi-ras, cl. 10. P. -viisayati, mind, remember, care for, long for ; to know, know
adhiyanga, am, n. a redundant
-yitum. lo scent, perfume. by heart ; to go over ; study, learn, read, recite, de-
limb; (better odk&k&ngaJ) 3. adhi-vasa, a*, m. application of perfumes or clare; A. adhite, to study, learn by heart, read,
*rf*l*JYv adlii-yodha, as, m. a warrior who fragrant cosmetics. (For I. 2. adhi-rasa, see above.) recite, declare: Caus. P. adliy-apayati, -yitum, to
fights in the first lines (?). a. adhi-vasana, am, n. application of perfumes, make one read or study, teach, instruct ; Desid. of the
&c. ; touching a vessel containing fragrant objects, that
^sfVf.^adhi-rajju,us, us, u, Ved. carrying have been presented to an idol, as a ceremony ; pre- Caus. (Mtf-SftpayUtaU, to be desirous of teaching :
Desid. ail/i ixli ieitati, to be desirous of teaching.
a rope, fastening, fettering. liminary purification of the image. Ail/Ma, as, S, am, attained ; studied, read ; well
>»r««.<4 adhi-ratha, as, a, am, being upon a. a'lhi-vasita, o*t, a, am, Scented.
read, learned. — Adh'itn-ridn. us, m. one who has
or over a car; (at), m. a charioteer; N. of a ^Tf*MI?1 adhi-riihana, as, m., N. of a studied the Vedas or whose studies are finished.
charioteer who was a prince of An-ga and Kama's man, said to be a son of Ai»ga. Adliiti.fa, f. perusal, study; Ved. desire, recollection.
foster-father: (am), n. a cart-load. Ailhitiit. i. ini, it well read, proficient.
Adlti-rittlii. vs. m. (various reading for nda-ratld), ^TrVfqoarii adhi-vi-kartana, am, n. the Ailhityu, ind. having gone over, having studied. ,
the sun (?) ; the sea (?). act of cutting off.
Ai}li"iiint,aii,atl,iit, remembering, proficient in study .
Adlii-rathyam, ind. on the high road. ^ff*lfTJ5;*I adJii-vi-kram, cl. I. A. -kramate, theA<lhii/ana, ax, m. a student; one who goes over
Veda either as a student or a teacher.
'HfWl n adhi-raj, (, m» a supreme king, -milum, to step forth towards or for some one.
emperor. Adhy-aijana, adhy-ipajca, adhy-dpana, adliy-
^fftlftj^ adhi-vid, cl. 6. P. -rindati, inl/ii/-ctri, &c., see s. v.
Ail/ii-rajn, fif, or udl<!-rfijun, a, m. an emperor. -crdllnm, to obtain ; to marry in addition to.
Adhi-raj ya or adhi-rashtra, am, n. supremacy, Adhi-vinna, f. a wife whose husband has married 15IVrcKIX adhi-kara = adhi-kara, q. v.
imperial dignity ; an empire ; N. of a country.
again ; a neglected or superseded wife. ^nft^T adluksh (adhi-lksli), cl. I. A. adhl-
— Adhirajtja-iihi'ij, I; m. possessor of imperial dig-
nity. Adhi-rettavyH or ml/i i-mJnniyS or aillti-ralija,
f. a wife in addition to whom it is proper to marry ksliate, -lahitiiM, to discover.
«lvT*f adhlna, as, a, am (fr. adhi), subject,
^rPj«jtH adhi-rukma, as, a, am, wearing another.
Adhi-nttri, ta, m. a husband who marries an subservient (generally forming the last member of a
gold. additional wife. compound). — Ailhinu-ta, f. or (ifl/ttna-tru. tun. n.
?rfv?;? adhi-ruh, cl. I. P. or poet. A. Adhi-redana, am, n. marrying an additional wife. subjection, dependence.
nillii-roluitl, -tc, -roilhum, to rise above, to ascend, adhi-mantha=adhi-mantha, (J. v.
mount: Caus. -rojn< ,, to raise, place above. ^nVr^aT adhi-vidyam, ind. on the sub-
Adlii-riiil/ui, «*, a, am, ascended, mounted. ject of science (a chapter in the Upanishads). a-dhlra, us, <i, nm, not fixed, move-
— Afl/iii-r<i!//it-*<i/ii~nl!ii-yofja, as, a, am, engaged ^rfV^'T adhi-vedam, ind. concerning the able ; confused ; deficient in calm self-command ; ex-
in profound meditation.
Veda. cited, excitable ; fitful, capricious ; querulous ; weak-
Adhi-rn/tai.Hi, nm, n. the act of raising or causing minded, foolish ; (a), f. lightning ; a capricious or bel-
to mount. "afv^fl adhi-st, cl. 2. A. -sete, -sayitum,
to lie down upon, to lie upon, to sleep upon. licose mistress. — Adhira-ta, f. want of confidence.
Adhi-ropita, Of, a, am, raised, placed above.
Adhi-roha, as, m. ascent, mounting, overtopping. AdM-fayarui, as, a, am, lying on, sleeping on.
•« *il <m «i adkl-vasa = adhi-rasa, q. v.
Adhi-rohtntft . am, n. act of ascending or mounting Aillii-isayita, as, a, am, recumbent upon; used Adhl-i'utHS, ind. over the garment
or rising above ; (f ), f. a ladder, flight of steps. for Ivini; or sleeping upon.
^TVlhjT adhisa (adhi-lsa), as, m. a lord,
A'l/ii-i'iJiit/ . 7, ini, ?'. rising above, ascending, &c.; ^Tftrf^?T adhi-sri, cl. I. P. -srayati, -yitum, a master over (others).
(/HI), f. a ladder, flight of steps.
Ved. -drayitavaf, to ascend ; to put on fire, make hot. Adldwara (adhi-'if), as, m. a supreme lord or
vi f«4 n\ <^adfii-lo/cam, ind. on the subject Adhl-iraya, as, m. a receptacle. king, an emperor ; (among the Jainas) an Arhat.
adhiskta (adhi-ishta), as, d, am, panya, as, a, am, amounting to or worth one and adhl), a teacher or professor, especially of sacred know-
solicited, honorary ; (am), n. solicitation ; honorary a half pana. — Adhyardha-padyrt., as, a, am,
office. amounting to one foot and a hn\i. — Adhyardlia- ledge N.
; of a priest (1). — Adhytipakodita (cka-
ud ), as, m. entitled an adhydpaka, styled a professor. »
pratika, as, I, am, amounting to one and a half Adhy-dpana, am, n. instruction or lecturing,
•iiVMl a-dhund, ind. (fr. the pronom. base karshspana. — Adhyardha-mdshya, as, a, am, especially on sacred knowledge.
a, substituted for {dam), at this time, now. amounting to or worth one and a half masha. — Adlty- Ad/ii/-apayitri, t, d, m. a teacher.
Adhundtana, as, I, am, belonging to or extend- ard/ia-i-infatikina, as, a, am, amounting to or worth
ing over the present time. Adhy-dpita, as, d, am, instructed.
one and a half score or thirty. •- Adhyardha-s'ata Adliy-dpya,as, d, am, fit or proper to be instructed.
; a-dhura, as, d, am, not laden. or adhyardha-iatya, as, a, am, amounting to or Adliy-dya,as, m. a lesson, lecture, chapter; reading;
bought wilh one hundred and fifty. — Adhyardha- proper time for reading or fora lesson; (at the close
'. a-dhiimaka, as, a, am, smokeless. tfatamdna or adhyardha-idiamdna, as, i, am, of comp. words) a reader, student, as Vfdddftydya, a
amounting to or worth one and a half satamana. reader or student of the Vedas. — Adhydya-iala-
a-dhrita, as, d, am, not held, un-
— Adkyardha-fldna or adhyanlha-ifdnya, as, a, pdtha, as, m. an index of the One Hundred Chapters,
restrained, uncontrolled ; (as), m. an epithet of Vishnu. am, amounting to or worth one and a half sana. N. of a work.
A-dhriti, i<, f. want of firmness or fortitude ; laxity, — Adhyardha-,<urpa, as, I, am, amounting to or or study.
absence of control or restraint ; incontinence; (ts, is, worth one and a half surpa. — Adhyardha-sahasra AdJiydyin, I, inl, i, studious, engaged in reading
i), unsteady. or adhyardha-sdhasra, as, i, am, amounting to
•»Nua a-dhrishta, as, a, am (rt. dhrish), not or worth one thousand five hundred. — Adhyardha- ^IflT^ adhy-d-ruh, cl. i. P., poet. A.
bold, modest ; not put down, invincible, irresistible. surarnn or adhyardlta-sauvarnika, as, i, am, -rohati, -te, -rodhum, to ascend, mount: Caus.
amounting to or worth one and a half suvarna. -ropayati, -yitum, to cause or order to mount.
A-dlirishya, as, d, am, unassailable, invincible;
unapproachable ; proud ; (a), f., N. of a river. Adhy-drudha, as, d, am, mounted, ascended ;
tTW«J^ adhy-arbuda or adhy-arvuda, am, (with the instr.) above, superior; (with the abl.)
^V«T a-dhenu, us, us, n, Ved. yielding no n. a tumour, goitre (dating from the time of birth). below, inferior.
milk or advantage ; not nourishing. ^nfl^HT adhy-ava-so, cl. 4. P. -syati, Adhy-aropa, as, m. or adhy-dropana, am, n.
-satum, to undertake, grapple with, attempt ; to act of making one mount or of raising ; act of
'SWOt a-dhairya, am, n. want or loss of determine, consider. attributing, especially through mistake.
calm self-command ; paroxysm of excitement ; excita-
Adhy-ava-sdna, am, n. determining ; attempt, Adhy-dropita, as, d, am, falsely attributed ; hy-
bility ;(as, d, am), deficient in self-command ; effort, exertion ; energy, perseverance ; (in rhetoric)
swayed by excitement or violent feeling. concise and forcible language.
f adho. See under adhas. •i)U4N^[
perbolical. adhy-d-vas, cl. I. P. -vasati,
Adhy-ava-sdya, as, m. = the preceding ; (in phi- •Dostum, to inhabit, dwell in (with ace. or loc.).
losophy) mental effort, apprehension. — Adliyam-
adhy-ansa, as, d, am, (placed) on sdya-yitkta, as, a, am, or adhyacasdyin, I, inl, i,
'SWRT1! adhy-d-vdpa, as, m. (rt. vap), the
the shoulder. resolute. act of sowing or scattering upon.
^toj^l adhy-akta, as, d, am (rt. anj), Ail/i y-atia-fiayita, aft, d, am, attempted. vi «4 1 q i 5 P«i 4\ adhy-d-vdhanika, am, n. that
equipped, prepared. Ad/iy-ava-Kita, as, d, am, mentally apprehended,
ascertained, determined. part
a visitof toa wife's property which she receives when on
her parents.
^HflTiJ adhy-aksha, as, d, am', observable ;
exercising supervision ; (as), m. an eye-witness ; an adhy-avahanana, as, a, am, Ved.
inspector, superintendent ; N. of a plant, Mimusops serving as an implement on which anything is peeled. ^TWWs adhy-ds, cl. 2. A. -dste, -situm,
to sit down or (of beasts) lie down upon, to settle
Kauki (Kshlrikd). ^n*njT«T adhy-asana, am, n. eating too upon ; to occupy as one's seat or habitation ; to get
?5TUT5!JT:*T adhy-aksharam, ind. on the sub- soon after a meal, before the last meal is digested. into, enter upon; to be directed to or upon; to
ject of syllables ; above all syllables (as the mystic om). affect, concern ; to influence, rule ; to cohabit with :
^TUWf adhy-as, cl. 4. P. -asyati, -situm, to
throw or place over or upon. Caus. P. adhy-dsayali, -yitum, to make (one)
^rmfr«T adhy-agni, ind. over or by the sit down : Des. adhy-dslsishate, to be about to
nuptial fire, property given to the bride. — AdJiyatjnl- Aillty-asta, as, d, am, placed over; disguised;
get upon (a seat &c.).
krita, am, n. property given to the wife at the Adhy-dsana, am, n. act of sitting down upon ;
vtidding. — Ad/ti/ngny-upagafa, am, n. property adhy-asthi, i, n. a bone growing presiding over ; a seat, settlement.
received by a wife at the wedding. over another. meditation(?).
Adhydsa-yoga, as, m. (with Buddhists) a kind of
^TUJ^T adhy-ani!, ait, let, ak, tending up-
address ; to adhy-ah,
bless. Defect. Perf. -aha,, to Adhy-dsita, as, d, am, seated on ; seated in the
wards, eminent, superior.
presidential chair ; settled, inhabited.
*a««jsi adhyandd, f., N. of two plants, ^TWTrsRT adhy-d-kram, cl. I. P. -krdmati, Adhy-dsin, i, in'i, i, sitting down or seated upon.
Cowage (Carpopogon Pruriens) and Flacourtia Cata- -Jcramitum, to attack; to fix upon, occupy. Adhy-dslna, as, d, am, seated upon.
^Vfmf^adhy-d-r/rirn, cl. I. Y.-gaMhati, THIflTO adlnj-dsa, as, m.(rt. 2. as), impos-
^nflfvjgJTT adhy-adhikshepa, as, m. ex- -f/antum, to fall in with, meet with. ing ; erroneously attributing ; an appendage.
cessive censure ; gross abuse.
'SflqiM*. adhy-d-car, cl. I. P. -6arati, WMnjTTIT adhy-d-harana, am, n. or adhy-
^CUpjfa adhy-adhlna, as, d, am, completely -ritum, to bestride, occupy as a seat. d-hdra, as, m. (rt. hrf), act of supplying (elliptical
subject or dependent, as a slave. language); supplement; act of inferring or arguing.
•vtuiKjSl adliy-diidd, f., N. of a plant. Afl/ii/-dharamya or adhy-dhartarya or adhy-
'STWT adhy-aya or better adhy-aya, as, m. See atUtyandd.
(fr. arlhi-i, see ad/a), a lesson, lecture, chapter. dhdrya,
to as, d, am, proper to be supplied; proper
be argued.
Adfiy-ayana, am, n. reading, studying, especially ^TWTTW adhy-dtma, am, n. the supreme
the Vedas (one of the six duties of a Brahman). spirit ; (as, d, am), own, belonging to self; (am), Ailhy-ahrita, as, a, am, supplied, argued.
— Adhyayana-tapasi, n. nom. du. study and penance. ind. concerning self or individual personality. •- Adliy- 'STMTf'nr adhy-ushita, as, d, am (rt. vas,
— Adlii/aijima-punya, am, n. religious merit ac- <~itina-(?etrts, as, m. one who meditates on the su- see I. adhi-vas), inhabited; obtained (?). — Adhy-
quired bystudying. preme spirit —Adhy-dtma-jndna, am, n. or cutty- ushitdxra or ailli yiiiMtaiva (°ta-as^), as, m., N.
Adhy-ayanlya, as, d, am, fit or proper to be dtmii-ridya, f. knowledge of the supreme spirit or of a prince descended from Dasaratha.
read or studied. of dtman. — Adhy-utma-drU, k, or ad/tydtma-rid, WUHT adhy-ushta, as, d, am (rt. ush =
^HflV adhy-ardha, as, d^ am, having an t, m. a sage proficient in that knowledge. — Adhij-
dtiait-mti, is, m. a man delighting in the contem- vi'-flt :>), coiled up three and a half times. — Adhy-
additional half, i. e. one and a half; (in compounds nxli/ii-ralaya, of, m. (snake) forming a ring coiled
plation of the supreme spirits or of dtman. — AiU/if-
synonymous with) ntlliy-ardhaka, a", ikd, am, up three and a half times.
ut iiui-i'diitai/anci, am, n. a Ramayana, in which every-
amounting to or worth one and a half. — AdJiyafdhar thing isreferred to the universal spirit ; it forms part of
l-'-in.<:i, as, am, m. n. one and a halfkansa; (as, I, the Brahmanda-Purana. — Adhydtma-iSdstra, am, n., •^TUJg adhy-ushtra, as, m. conveyance
am), amounting to or worth one and a half kansa. borne or drawn by camels.
— Ailkyardha-kdkinlk't, an, d, am, amounting to N. of a wwk. — Adhydtinottftrd-kdiitla (°ma-uf), 'ITUR? adlnj-iidha, as, d, am (past pass,
am, n., N. of the last book of the Adhyfitmaramayana.
or worth one and a half kSkim. — Adhyardha- Adhy-dtmika or better dii/iydtmika, as, I, am, part. fr. rt. vah with atlhi), raised, exalted ; affluent ;
kdrshdpana or adliyrtrdha-kdrshdpanika, as, I, connected with or relating to the soul or the supreme
nm, amounting to or worth one and a half kSrshfi- abundant ; (as), m. Siva ; (a), f. a wife whose hus-
band has married an additional wife.
pana. — Aahyardha-khdt'tkii. as, d, am, amount- i spirit.
ing to or worth one and a half kharl.— Adhyardha- ' ^nflfT^r adhy-dpaka, as, m. (fr. adhi-i, see adhy-iidhnl, f. (fr. udhan or udhas,
24 an-atyudya.
udder, with adhi), a tubular vessel above the udder, — Adhi-ara-iri, Is, m.,Ved. glory (i.e. patron) of the differing from fire ; absence of fire ; (is, is, i), re-
or above the scrotum, i. e. urethra (?). fidhviLT3i. — Ad/tram-samishta-yajtis, us, n., N. of quiring no fire or fire-place ; not maintaining the
acred fire, irreligious ; unmarried ; dispensing with
an aggregate of nine libations connected with the
i tnlli y-iishitas, an, ushl, as (perf. Adhvara. — Adhrara-stlta, as, d, am, or adhvare-
the use of fire ; dyspeptic. — An-Higni-tra, as, d, am,
part, of rt. tas with wild), having inhabited. ehthd, as, as, am, Ved. standing at (or engaged in) or an-agni-trd, ds, as, am, not maintaining the
an Adhvara.
^TUT? atlhy-uh, cl. I. P. -«Aa/i, -hitum, to sacred fire, irreligious (?) ; not enjoying Agni's pro-
tection (_?).•- An-wjid-dafjdha, as, d, am, not burnt
Adhvarayu, etymological substitute for adhraru. with fire ; not burnt on the funeral pile (but buried) ;
lay on, overlay ; to place upon, to raise above. Ailhrarii/a or ailhmrya, nom. (fr. adhrara), P.
\,lli ii-iiha'na, mil, n. putting on a layer (of ashes adJtvariyati or adhraryati, P. to be desirous of (as), m. pi., N. of a class of manes. — Anagni-
having an Adhvara performed ; to institute one(?). shvdtta, as, m. pi. = preceding ; see agni-dagdha
cl. 5. P. -fidhnoti, Adliraryu, us, m. one who institutes an Adhvara; md agni-shvdtta under agni.
-ardhituin, to expand. any officiating priest ; technical name of a priest of a THI*< an-ayha,as, n, am, sinless, innocent;
particular class (as distinguished from the Jlotri, the Faultless ; handsome ; (as), m. white mustard ; N. or
adhy-etarya or adhy-eya, as, a,
Udgatri, and the Brahman classes). The Adhvarya- epithet of various persons, especially Siva. — Ana-
am (ft. rt. » with adld, see adhi), fit or proper to vas " had to measure the ground, to build the altar,
be studied or read. ghdshtami Cghd-ash), f., N. of the fifty-fifth
to prepare the sacrificial vessels, to fetch wood and
Ailhy-dri, t, a, m. a student, reader. AdhySya of the Bhavishyottara-Purana.
water, to light the fire, to bring the animal and an-ankusa, as, d, am, unrestrained,
Adhy-eshyamana, as, a, am (fat. part.), intending immolate it." Whilst engaged in these duties, they
to study. had to repeat, without interruption or mistake, the
hymns of the Yajur-veda ; hence that Veda itself is also
-edh, cl. I. A. -edhate, -dhitum, an-anga, as, d, am, incorporeal ;
to increase, prosper. called Adhvaryu or Adhvaryavas, and the latter word
also means adherents of the Yajur-veda. — Adhraryu- (as), m. Love, N. of Kama, the god of love, so called
t>ecause he was reduced to ashes by a flash from the
•SIM mil adhy-eshana, am, a, n. f. (fr. rt. kaatln, am, n. title of a book of mantras or prayers
eye of Siva, for having attempted to disturb his penance
3. ish with adhi), solicitation, entreaty. intended for Adhvaryavas. — Adhvaryu-kratit, us,
m. sacrificial act performed by the Adhvaryu. by filling him with love for Parvati ; (am), n. the
-dhri, is, is, i (rt. dhrf), unrestrained, ether, air, sky; the mind, manas; that which is not
irresistible. — Adliri-gu, m, plur. dvas, m., Ved. — Adhvaryu-veda, as, m. the Yajur-veda.
the anga, q.v. — Ananga-kridd, f., N. of a metre
irresistible ; N. of a heavenly killer of victims ; N. of a-dhvasman, a, a, a, Ved. im- of two verses, the first containing sixteen long syllables,
a formula concluding with an invocation of Agni. perishable (?); not causing to fall (?) ; unveiled, open the second thirty-two short ones. — Ananga-devi, f.,
to the light (?).
— Adhri-ja, as, a, am, Ved. irresistible. — Adhri- N. of a queen-consort of Kashmir. — Ana>tga-[iala,
pwhpalikd, (. a species of the Pan plant. Piper Betel.
a-dhvdnta, am, n. (not positive as, m., N. of a king's chamberlain at Kashmir.
A-dhriyamdna, as, a, am (pres. pass. part, of rt. — An-angam-ejaya, as, d, am, not shaking the
dhri with a), not held ; not to be got hold of, not darkness),
forthcoming, not surviving or existing, dead. trava, as, twilight, gloom,
m. a plant, shade.
Cassia — Adhvdnta-s'd-
Fistula or Bignonia body(?). — Ananga-ranga, N. of an erotic work.
India (not an enemy to darkness, i. e. blossoming in — Ananga-lekhd, f. a love letter ; N. of a queen of
a-dhruva, as, a, am, not fixed, not the shade). Kashmir. — Ananga-iSekhara, as, m., N. of a metre
permanent ; uncertain, doubtful ; separable, admitting of four verses, each containing fifteen iambi. — An-
of severance without disastrous effects. ^T«T i. an-, occasionally ^f«T ana-, (before
a vowel) the substitute for 3. a, or a privative. anga-send, (., N. of a dramatic personage. —An-
adhrusha, as, m. quinsy, a kind of (Before terminations commencing with vowels) the angdpida (°ga-dp°), as, m., N. of a king of Kash-
substitute for the pronominal base a, as in anena mir. — Anaitgdsuhrid (°ga-as°), t, m. Kama's
sore throat (etymology doubtful). enemy, i. e. Siva.
•41 UH adhvan, a, m. (said to be from ad, (ana-ina). An-attgaka, am, n. the mind.
2. an, cl. 2. P. aniti or Ved. anati,
' to eat,' d being changed to dh, or fr. rt. at), a an-anguri, is, is, i, destitute of
road, way, orbit ; a journey, course ; distance ; time ; ana, anishyatt, driit, anitum, to breathe, fingers.
means, method, resource; the zodiac (?), sky, air; gasp, move, go, live [cf. Gr. &ve/*of ; Lat. am mug] : an-a6cha, as, d, am, not pellucid,
a place ; a recension of the Vedas and the school up- Caus. dnayati, -yitum : Desid. aninishati. turbid.
holding i;t assault (?). Adhvan becomes adhva, as, Ana, as, m. breath, spiration.
at the end of some compounds. — Adhva-ga, of, a, Anana, am, n. breathing, living. an-ajakd or an-ajikd, f. a miser-
am, travelling ; (as), m. a traveller ; a camel, a mule ; an-ansa, as, a, am, or an-ansn, , able little goat.
the sun; (a), f. Gang5 (the river). — Adhi'a-gat, t, ini, i, portionless ; not entitled to a share in an an-anjana, as, d, am, free from
m. a traveller. — Ad/ica-gaty-.antii or adhv a-ganta- inheritance.
vya, as, m. measure of length applicable to roads. collyrium or pigment or paint; (am), n. the sky,
an-ansumat-phala, f. a plan- atmosphere; Vishnu.
— Adhi-aga-bhogya, at, m. (traveller's delight), N.
of a tree (Spondias Mangifera). — jl(Mra-(;am«TOa, tain (the same as aniumat-phald). 'SMi^ anad-uh, dvdn, m. (fr. anas, a
am, n. act of travelling. — Adhva -gamin, i, ini, anaka, as, a, am, inferior =anaka, cart, q. v., and vah, to drag), an ox ; bull ; the sign
i, wayfaring. — -ddAra-ja, (. a plant, also called Taurus. — Anaduj-jihvd, f. a plant, also called Gojihva,
Svamull. — Adhva-pati, is, m. (lord of the orbits or Elephantopus Scaber. — Anudiul-da, as, m. donor of
of the zodiac), the sun. — Adhva-ratha, as, m. a anaka-dundubha, as, m. a name a bull or ox. — Anaduhl or anadvdlu, f. a cow.
travelling oi. — Aillir/i-xnli/n, IM, m. a plant, Achy- of Krishna's grandfather. — Anaka-dimdulthi or Anadutka, as, d, am, having oxen (?).
better dnakadundiibhi, is, m. a name given to
ranthes Aspera. — A dhvddhipa l^va-adh' ) or adhveiSa q.v.
Anaduha, as, m., N. of the chief of a certain
(°ra-iV), at, m. officer in charge of the police on Krishna's father, Vasudeva ; (a name said to be derived Gotra.
the public roads. from the beating of drums at his birth.)
Sf^4U an-anu, MS, ws or vT, n, not minute
AdJimnina or adhvanya, as, a, am, speeding on T an-akasmat, ind. not without a
a journey ; (at), a traveller. or fine, coarse ; (w*), m. coarse grain, peas, &c.
cause or an object ; not accidentally, not suddenly.
.\illi mi/Hi, an, anti, at, Ved. running, quick. »sr|ri a-nata, as, a, am, not bent, not
, k, k, k, Ved. or an-aksha, bowed down ; erect; stiff; haughty.
•«i*^v. a-dhvara, as, d, am (fr. a, not, and an, i, am. sightless, blind.
11lira fa, crookedness, injury), Ved. not crooked, An-aksltl, n. a bad eye. ^Hfrl- an-ati-, not very-, not too-, not
unbroken, uninterrupted ; durable ; sound ; intent ;
. aji-akshara, as, d, am, unfit to be past-. (Words commencing with an-ati are so easily
(as), ra. a religious or liturgical service, a sacrifice, analysed by referring to ati, Sec., that few need be
especially the Soma sacrifice ; N. of a Vasu ; of the chief uttered ; unable to articulate. enumerated). ~An-itti-kriniia, us, m. moderation,
of a family; (am), n. sky or air. — Adhnim-kanuuii .
vi i K) «rl **TTx an-aksha-stambham, ind. so propriety. — An-atikraiiianlya, as, d, am, not to
a, n. performance of the Adhvara or connected with
as not to interfere with the axle-tree. be avoided, not to be transgressed, inviolable. ~An-
\t.—Ad!uafa-kalpS, (., N. of an optional sacrifice
(KSmyeshti).— Adlie<irn-kiiiiitn, nut, n. title of the »Jt*i»lH nn-agdra, as, m. (houseless), an iiliilfix'i/a, as, d, own, Ved. not transparent, opaque;
book in the S'atapatha-Brahnuna which refers to dition. ascetic who has adopted a houseless or vagrant con- (or equivalent to aty-adris'i/a), quite indiscernible.
— An-atidbhata, as, m., Ved. unsurpassed. — An-
Adhvaras. — .-li/Arm-u-ib-iV, t, m. performing an iitirril/i, is, f. congruity. — An-aticyddhya, as,
Adhvara. ~ Adhram-ga, an, a, am, intended for , I ii-nijiirikS, (. the houseless life of such an ascetic. d, am, Ved. invulnerable. — An-atyanta-gati, is, f.
an Adhvara. — Adhritr<i-<lil'*lniH'iiid, f. consecration •«l«1'«< a-nagna, as, d, am, not naked. the seme of " not exceedingly," sense of diminutive
connected with the Adhvara. — AiUi rnrn-jn -ui/mSfitti, words. — An-atyat/a, as, d, am, unperishable, un-
is, (. expiation connected with the Adhvara. — Adhra- — Anagtia-td, f. the not being naked.
broken. —An-atymdija, as, a, am, Ved. (equivalent
ratat, an, ati, at, containing the word Adhvara. an-agni, is, m. non-fire; substance
to aty-an-udya), quite unfit to be mentioned.
an-adat. an-apatrapa.
festival ; the letter a; a periodic decimal fraction?; (a), part. Pass, of antar-dha, q. v., with an), not con-
T an-adat, an, ati, at, not eating, not f. the earth ; the number one ; N. of various females, cealed, manifest ; not separated by a break.
especially of ParvatI ; N. of various (perennial ?) '•Hl*^ a-nanda, as, d, am, joyless, cheer-
I an-addha or (with part. «) an-addho, plants, particularly one also called S'ariva, Periploca
ind., Ved. not truly, not really ; not clearly. — An- Indica or Asclepias Pseudosarsa (or Asthmatica), the less ;(ds), m. pi., Ved., N. of a purgatory.
addhd-jmrwha, as, m., Ved. one who is not a true root of which supplies a valuable medicine; (am), n. 'ST'T^ an-anna, am, n. rice or food unde-
man, one who is of no use either to gods or men or the sky, atmosphere; Talc. — Ananta-kara, as, t,
the manes. am, rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely. serving ofits name.
W«T3I an-anya, as, d, am, no other, not
un-adya, as, a, am, not fit to be — Ananta-ga, as, d, am, going or moving for ever
or indefinitely. — Ananta-guna, as, d, am, having another, not different, identical; self; not having a
eaten ; (an), m. white mustard. second, unique ; not more than one, sole ; having
boundless excellencies. — Ananta-iaturdaiTi, f. the
•>x «1 a n *1 an-adyatana, as, m. tense which fourteenth lunar day (or full moon) of Bh:idra. when no other (object), undistracted. — Ananj/a-gati, is,
is not applicable to the current day. Ananta is worshipped. — Ananta-ddrltra, a«, m.,N. f. sole resort or resource. •— Ananya-yati, is, i<, i ,
of a Bodhisattva. — Ananta-jit, t, m.t N. of the or ananya-gatika, as, d, am, having only one (or
an-adhika, as, a, am, incapable of fourteenth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpim. no other) resort or resource left. — Ananya-gdmin,
being enlarged or excelled ; boundless ; perfect. — Ananta-t d, f. or ananta-tva, am, n. eternity, 7, ini, t, going to no other. — Ananya-tinta, as,
an-adhikdra, as, m. absence of infinity. — Ananta-tdna, as, d, am, extensive. d, am, or ananya-Mas, as, as, as, giving one's
— Ananta-tlrtha, as, m. , N. of an author. — Ananta- undivided thought to, (with loc.). — Ananya-dodita,
authority or right or claim. — Anadhikdra- far/id, {.
intermeddling, officiousness. tlrtha-krit, t, m. the same as Anantajit. — Ananta- as, d, am, self-impelled. — Ananya-ja, as, m. epi-
An-adhikdrin, i, ini, i, not entitled to. thet of Kama or Love. — Ananya-td, f. or ananya-
trit'iyd, f. the third day of Bhadra, said to be sacred
An-adhikrita, as, a, am, not placed at the head to Vishnu. — Anantatritlya-vrata, the twenty-fourth tra, am, n. identity. —Ananya-diisiti, is, is, i,
of, not appointed. Adhyaya of the Bhavishyottara-Purana. — Ananta- gazing intently. — An-anya-dera, as, d, am, having
drishti, is, m. epithet of Siva. — Ananta-deva, as, no other god. — Ananya-nfshpddya, as, d, am,
an-adliigata, as, a, am, not ob- m., N. of various persons, especially of a king of (requiring) to be accomplished by no other. — An-
tained, not acquired; not studied. ~Anadhigata- Kashmir. *• Ananta-nemi, is, m., N. of a king of anya-piirvd, f. a female who never belonged to
manoratha, as, a, am, disappointed. — Anadhigata- Malava, a contemporary of Sakyamuni, — Ananta- another, a virgin. — Anamja-pratikriya, as, d, am,
s"dstra, as, a, am, unacquainted with the Sastras. pdra, as, d, am, of boundless width. — Ananta-pdla, having no other means of resistance or redress.
An-adhigamya, as, a, am, unattainable. as, m., N. of a warrior chief in Kashmir. — Ananta- — Ananya-bJiara, as, d, am, originating in or with
bhatta, as, m., N. ofi a man. — Ananta-maU, is, no other. — Ananya-bhdva, as, d, am, thinking of
••a 1 ftf JJTT an-adhishthdna, am, n. want of
superintendence. m., N. of a Bodhisattva. — Ananta-mdyin, i, ini, i, the only one, i. e. or the supreme spirit, — Ananya-
endlessly illusory or delusive or deceitful. — Ananta- manas, da, ds, as, or ananya-mamaska, as, d, am,
An-adhlshthUa, as, a, am, not appointed ; not
present. or ananya-mdnasa, as, i, am, exercising undivided
mula, as, m. a medicinal plant, also called S'a'riva. attention. — Ananya-yoga, as, m. not suitable to any
— Ananta-rdma, as, m., N. of a man. — Ananta-
WTVT«T«n-aa'Ama oran-adhinaka, as, a, am, raii, is, m. (in arithm.) an infinite quantity; a ofaKK. — Ananya-i'ishaya, as, a, am, exclusively
independent ; (as), m. an independent carpenter who periodic decimal fraction (?). — Ananta-rupa, as, d applicable. — Ananya-nshaydtman (ya-df), d, a,
works on his own account, see kaula-taksha. a, having the mind fixed upon one (or the sole)
or 1, am, having innumerable forms or shapes. «— An-
Tilr(U|!<f an-adhyaksha, as, a, am, not ob- auta-vat, an, ati, at, eternal, infinite; (an), m. object. •- Ananya-vritti, is, is, i, closely attentive.
servable; destitute of a superintendent. ( in the Upanishads) one of Brahma's four feet, earth, — An-anya-hrita, as, a, am, not carried off by
intermediate space, heaven, and ocean. — Ananta- another, safe. — Ananydnubhara (cya-an°), as, m.,
an-adhyayana, am, n. not study- rarman, d, m., N. of a king. — Ananta-vdta, as, N.oftheteacherofPrakasatman. — Ananydrtlia(°ya-
ing ;intermission of study. m. a disease of the head, somewhat like tetanus.
ar°), as, d, am, not subservient to another object ;
An-adhydya, as, m. =the preceding; time when — Ananta-nkramin, i, m., N. of a Bodhisattva. principal. •- Ananydtrita Cya-df), as, d, am, not
there is or ought to be an intermission of study. having resorted to another; independent; (am), n.
— Ananta-vijaya, as, m.,N. of Yudhishthira's conch- (in law) unencumbered property.
^Anadkydya-divasa, as, m. a vacation day. shell. — Ananta-rirya, as, m., N. of the twenty-third
ananu, am, n. (fr. rt. an), breathing, Jaina Arhat of a future age. — Ananta-frata, am, n. An-anyddris'a, as, i, am, not like others, singular.
living. ceremony or festival in honour of Ananta or Vishnu
on the day of the full moon in Bhadra ; title of the '^»1r^M an-amaya, as, m. want of con-
an-anangamejaya, as, a, am, nexion (in
; rhetoric) comparison of an object wiih
IO2nd Adhyaya of the Bhavishyottara-PurSna. — An- its own ideal, (as, a lady-like lady.)
not leaving the body unshaken ; see under an-anga. tintn-iakti, it, is, i, omnipotent ; (is), m., N. of a
king. — Ananta-tfayana, am, n. Travancore, — An- An-annta, as, d, am, unconnected, inconsecutive,
'W 1 «1 SJ I IT an-amtjnfita, as, a, am, not desultory, incoherent, irrelevant, irregular; not attended
agreed to, not permitted, denied. antii-iTirshd, f., N. of the snake king Vasuki's wife. with, destitute of.
— Ananta-iushma, as, d, am, Ved. possessing bound-
i an-anubhdvaka, as, I, am, un- less strength (?) ; endlessly blowing (?). — Anantdtman
livery. an-apa, as, d, am, destitute of water.
able to comprehend. •- Ananubkdvaka-td, f. non- ('ta-dt'), d, m. the infinite spirit. — Anantdsrama,
comprehension ; unintelligibility. ananteflvara, &c., names of persons unknown. an-apakarana, am, n. (rt. kri),
Anantaka, as, d, am, endless, boundless, eternal, ceding.
not injuring; (in law) non-payment, non- de-
^TJTrpTnnn an-anubhdshana, am, n. not infinite; (am), n. (among the Jainas) the eternal
repeating (for the sake of challenging) a proposition ; (i.e. the aggregate of spirit and matter); the infinite An-apakarman, a, n. or anapakriyu,, f. = pre-
tacit assent. (i. e. infinite space).
A/uintya, as, d, am, infinite, eternal ; (am), n. An-apakdra, as, ID. harmlessness.
•4fr(3f? an-anubhu.ta, as, a, am, not per- infinity, eternity.
ceived, not experienced, unknown. An-apakdrin, t, in'i, i, innocuous.
an-antara, as, a, am, having no An-apalcrita, as, d, am, unharmed.
^T'T'JMil an-anumata, as, a,. am, not •>iHl|oh§ an-apakarsha, as, m. (rt. krish),
honoured, not liked, disagreeable, unfit. interior ; having (or leaving) no interstice or interval
or pause ; uninterrupted, unbroken ; continuous ; m. non-degradation, superiority.
T an-anushangin, i, ini, i, not immediately adjoining, contiguous ; next of kin, &c. ;
attached to, indifferent to. compact, close; (am), n. contiguousness ; Brahma, fiom. "SHU'l an-apaga, as, d, am, not departing
the supreme soul, as being of one entire essence ; (am),
''HI^ISII an-anushthdna, am, n. non-ob- ind. immediately after ; after ; afterwards. i>Srmi«ri an-apacyuta, as, d, am, Ved.
servance, neglect ; impropriety. Aiumttira-ja, as, m. (next-born), the son of a not fallen off, not declined ; not displaced. ,
KshatriyS or Vaisya mother by a father belonging to
^HT^^i an-anukta, as, a, am, not recited vj-IHItM an-apujayya, as, d, am (rt.ji).
or studied ; not responded to. the caste immediately above the mother's. — An-
antara-jdta, as, m. =. preceding ; also the son of a Ved. impossible to have its victorious character re-
^TlTl an-anta, as, a, am, endless, bound- S'udra mother by a Vaiiya father. versed or neutralized.
less, eternal, infinite ; (as), m., N. of many persons, An-antardyam, ind. without a break. '^nTTm un-apalya, as, d, am, childless ;
particularly of Vishnu ; of Vishnu's couch, the snake An-antarita, as, a, am, not separated by any Ved. causing childlessness, unpropitious ; (am), n.
king Sesha ; of Sesha's brother Vasuki ; of Krishna ; interstice ; unbroken.
childlessness. — Anapatya-td, f. childlessness. — An-
of his brother Baladeva ; of Siva, Rudra, one of the Anantariya, as, d, am, concerning (or belonging
Visva-devas, the 141(1 Arhat, &c. ; a plant, Sinduvara, to) the next of kin, &c. apatya-vat, an, all, at, Ved. childless.
VitexTiifolia; Talc; the 23rd lunar asterism, Sravai.ia; Amipatyaka, as, d or i, am, childless.
an-antar-hita, as, a, am (past an-apatrapa, as,
a- silken corJ tied round the right arm at a particular
H a, am, shameless,
26 an-apanihita. anala.
an-apanihita, as, d, am, Ved. an-apta, as, d, am, Ved. not watery. a-nama, as, m. one who needs not
not curtailed or mutilated. make a salutation to others ; a Brahman.
an-apnas, as, as, as, Ved. destitute A-namasya, a», a, am, unworthy of a salutation.
an-apayati, ind., Ved. (before the of means (?), merit (?), shape (?), [cf. Lat. inopa.] '««l[»lrt^l^ an-amitam-paca, as, d, am,
sun makes a start); very early. (Apayatl is said to
be fr. rt. t with a/xi, perhaps the loc. of the pres. ^Tl^i.*^ an-apsaras, as, f. unlike an (the same as milam-pai'a), not cooking what has
Apsaras, unworthy of an Apsaras. not first been weighed, niggardly, miserly.
WTIJT anaphd, f. a particular configuration ^11*1 c( an-amitra, as, d, am, having no
an-apara, as, d, am, without an- of the planets. [Gr. aca^.]
other; having no follower; sole (as an epithet 01 enemies ; (aw), n. condition of having no enemies ;
Brahma). (as), m., N. of various persons, particularly a king of
^T*jfiT$r an-abhijna, as, d, am, unac-
>S1H*J3 an-apardddha, as, d, am, having quainted with, ignorant. AyodhyS.
<l»l»lT«( an-amwa, as, d, am, Ved. free from
sustained no injury ; (am), ind. without injury.
f "TW^"? us. an-abhidruh, dhruk, k, k, Ved. disease, well, comfortable ; salubrious, salutary ; sinless ;
An-aparailha, «.<, m. innocence, innocuousness ; not malicio
(as, d, am), innocent, faultless; free from defects. (am), n. good health, happy state, comfort, pros-
— -tiuijainJil/iii-tra, am, n. freedom from fault. an-abhipreta, am, n. something
Anaparailhiit, I, iul, i, innocent. different from (or the reverse of) what was intended. perity.
•«i«igv. an-ambara, as, d, am, wearing no
isilrtlJJ* an-apaldshuka, as, d, am, not an-abhibhuta, as, d, am, not clothing, naked ; (as), m. a Buddhist mendicant.
thirsty. •W»1M I. a-naya, as, m. bad management;
i- •"' N
overcome, unsurpassed ; not beset, unobstructed.
bad conduct (gambling, &c.).
•Bi 1M M ( •q rf an-apavdilana, as, d, am, Ved. v) «i (H*( rt an-abhimata, as, d, am, not to
impossible to be talked away or wished away. one's mind, disliked. W'm 2. an-aya, as, m. evil course, ill
luck; misfortune, adversity. — Anayan-gata, as, d,
an-apavrijya, as, d, am, Ved. an-abhi-mldta, as, d, am, un-
clear of objects that should be shunned as impure.
faded. — Anabhimldta-varna, as, d, am, Ved. of am, unfortunate.
unfaded colour or brightness. 'i)1<.*SM an-aranya, as, m., N. of a king of
vi 1 M «4 <4 ri an-apavyayat (apa-vy-ayat),
an, anfi, fit, Ved. unremitting, not letting go, able, An-abhimldna, as, m. (non-fading), N. of the Ayodhya, said by some to have been Prithu's father.
chief of a Gotra. ^TTHj^I an-arus, us, us, us, Ved. not sore
an-apasara, as, d, am (having no or wounded, healed, well, sound.
hole to creep out of), inexcusable, unjustifiable ; (as), vi «i IH «^M an-abhiriipa, as, d or I, am, not
in. an usurper. handsome, not pleasing. "w^l'ipS an-argala, as, d, am, free from
An-apanarana, am, n. absence of an outlet an-abhilakshita, as, m. desti- bars, free, licentious.
ITJT an-apaspris, k, k, k, Ved. not tute of (masonic ?) matks ,or symbols, an impostor. ^TM an-argha, as, d, am, priceless, in-
refusing, not obstinate. an-abhilasha, as, m. non-relish ; valuabl(as),
e; m. wrong value. — Anargha-rdghava,
want of appetite ; want of desire. am, n. title of a drama by Murari, treating of Rama.
An-abhMaMn, I, ini, i, not desirous. An-arghya, as, d, am, priceless, not to be had at
as, a, am, or an-apasphurat, an, antl, at, Ved. any price; anything but valuable. — Anarghya-tva,
(a cow) not withdrawing, i. e. not refusing to be an-abhivyakta, as, d, am, in-
milked. distinct. am, n. pricelessness.
an-apahata-pdpman,d,d,a, •>ai<( an-arlha,as, m. non-value ; a worth-
•*I1 f*i3l*rt an-abhisasta, as, d, am, or an- less or useless object ; disappointing occurrence, reverse,
Ved. not freed from evil (epithet of the Pitris). abUdasti, is, it, i, or an-abhiiastya, of, d, am, evil; nonsense; (as, a, am), worthless, useless; un-
vi«iM$if an-apahrita, as, a, am, not carried Ved. blameless, faultless. — Anabhitfaste-ni, is, is, i, fortunathaving
e; no meaning ; having not that (but
off, not stolen. Ved. leading to perfection or to heaven. another) meaning ; nonsensical. ^Anartha-kara, as,
vi «i IHM ff an-abhishanga or an-abhi- i, am, doing what is useless or worthless ; unprofit-
an-apdkarana, am, n. or an-
shvaitga, as, m. absence of connection or atlach- able; producing evil or misfortune. — A nartha-'m,
apaJcarman, a, n. (in law) non-payment, non- am, n. uselessness, Stc. — Anartha-/lari!in, I, ini, i,
an-abhisandhdna, am, n. or minding useless or worthless things. — Anartha-na^in,
an-apdya, as, d, am, free from i, m. (destroyer of evil), $\vz. — Aiiiirt]ia-l»ul/Uii,
loss, undiminished ; not passing away, imperishable; an-dbhisandhi, is, m. absence of a (latent) design ; is, is, i, having a nonsensical intellect. — Anartha-
(as), m. freedom from loss or from wear and tear; disinterestedness. — Anabhisandhi-krita, as, d, am, bhava, as, d, am, malicious. — Anartha-lupta, as,
done nndesignedly.
permanence, imperishable nature; epithet of Siva. a, am, freed' from all that is worthless. — An-artha-
an-abhisambandha, as, d, am, <iiiif:<ii/a, as, m. not a risk of one's money ; safety of
Anapa i/in, i, i HI, «', not transient, imperishable;
unfailing. unconnected. one's money or wealth.
An-artkaka, as, d, am, useless, vain, worthless ;
vi i M I <•( a an-apdvril, ind., Ved. not turned an-abhisneha, as, d, am, not
away, unremittingly. affectionate, impassible. meaningless, nonsensical.
An-arlhya, as, d, am, worthless, useless.
an-apdsraya, as, d, am, not de- an-abhihita, as, d, am, not 'SJ'IMUi an-arpana, am, n., Ved. non-sur-
pendent. named; (Ved.) not fastened; (ax), m., N. of the rendering, not giving up.
chief of a Gotra.
a-napujisaka, am, n. (in gram.) vi«i5 an-arva, as, d, am, or an-arvan, d, d,
not a neuter. an-abhlsu, us, us, a, Ved. unbridled; •i, Ved. not liable to be stayed or limited; unob-
structed; irresistible; permanent.
m H MHI M an-apuplya or an-apupya, as, d, epithet of the sun.
am, unfit for (apupa) caket. See apupa. an-abhyanujiid (abhy-anu-jnd), 1 . annr-ris, t, m., Ved. seated on
{. non-permission. the car (anas) or cart ; a driver.
nn-apeksha, as, d, am, regardless,
an-abliyarudha, as, d, am, not 2. an-ar-vis, t, m. (ar for ararn,
careless; indifferent; impartial; irrespective; irrele-
vant; (a), f. disregard, carelessness, indifference; (am), ascended, not mounted. rt. ri), one who fails to reach his destination.
ind. without regard to; regardlessly, carelessly, acci- an-abhydsa or an-abhydsa, as, d, an-arsani, is, m., Ved., N. of a
dental y. Anapektha-tru,
— am, n. disregard; irrele-
am, not near, distant. — AnaMiyamm-itya, as, d, demon slain by Indra ; (etym. doubtful.)
vance irrespectiveness
; ; (-tvat), from having no refer-
am, improper to be approached.
ence to, since (it) has no reference to. 'H'l 3K iFff an-arsa-rdti, is, is, i, Ved. giving
An-apekshita, as, d, am, disregarded ; unheeded ; an-abhydsa, as, m. want of prac- f uninjurious things, one whose gifts do not hurt.
unexpected. tice or skill.
^r?T? an-arha, as, d, am, or an-arhat, an,
An-apekshin, i, {m, i, regardless, careless; in- anlt, at, undeserving of punishment or of reward j
different, &c. an-abhraka, as, m. 'cloudless;'
N. of a class of Bauddha divinities (generally in m. unworthy ; inadequate, unsuitable.
An-apekshya, ind. disregarding, irrespective of. Anarhya-id, f. condition of not being properly
an-apeta, as, d, am, not gone off, pi.). an-abhri, ia, is, i, Ved. (requiring) estimated ; inadequacy, unsuitableness.
not past ; not separated, faithful to, possessed of. i no shovel or scraper ; epithet of rain-water. anala, as, m. (fr. rt. an, q. v.), fire;

'MHg j,-K an-ahankara.
Agni, the god of fire ; digestive power, gastric juice, ta, as, m. (having victorious banners unlowered, ever an-avahita, as, d, am, heedless,
bile; wind; N. or epithet of Vasudeva; of a certain prosperous ; Buddhist term for) a future universe. [attentive.
Muni ; of one of the eight Vasus ; of a certain monkey ;
N. of various plants, as Plumbago Zeylanica and •»HH >4 MHO an-avaprigna, as, a, am (rt. prii), •sifi^oj!^ an-avahvara, as, d, am, Ved. not
Rosea, and Semicarpus Anacardium ; the letter r; Ved. not closely united, but spreading all around. ooked, straightforward.
the number three ; (in astron.) the fiftieth year of Bri- *HfH!Jlti*ii«i un-avabudhyamdna, as, a, am, an-avdd, k, k, k, not speechless,
haspati's cycle ; the third lunar mansion or Krittika(?). deranged. ie reverse of speechless.
— Anala-dlpana, as, I, am, stomachic. — Anala- ^H'-lcN an-avabrava, as, a, am, Ved. not
prabhd, (. a plant, Halicacabum Cardiospermum. an-avdh6, an, act, ok, not inclining
speaking without effect ; speaking authoritatively ; or ownwards, looking up or straightforward.
— Anala-priyd, f. Agni's wife. — A na l<t-vdta, «x,
in., N. of ancient Pattana. — Anala-sdda, as, m. irreproachable (?).
dyspepsia. — Analananda ("la-dn"), as, m., N. of ^H=f»I an-avabhra, as, a, am, Ved. not i an-avdnam, ind. without hreath-
a Vedantic writer, author of the Vedantakalpataru. ng (between), in one breath, without interruption, uno
carried off(?) ; undiminished (?) ; enduring ( ?). — An- enore. — AiiavdiM-td, f. uninterruptedness, con-
^Hci^'fXuil an-alankarishnu, us, us, u, mabhra-radkas, as, as, as, Ved. having undi-
not given to the use of ornaments ; not ornamented. minished (ordurable) wealth ; able to give a lasting
reward. ^HH'-IIH an-avdpta, as, d, am, not obtained.
An-at'dpti, is, f. non-attainment.
••JHcJ*^ an-alam, ind. not enough; in- an-avama, as, d, am, not low;
sufficiently. exalted. •>.H H ^ I W an-avdyam, ind., Ved. uninter-
l an-alasa, as, a, am, not lazy, active. an-avamarsam, ind. without •uptedly, unyieldingly.
anali, is, m. a tree, Sesbana touching. an-avithya, as, d, am (fr. avi,
Grandiflora. . v.), not suited to sheep.
. an-avara, as, a, am, not inferior ;
^rlc-M an-alpa, as, a, am, not a little, xcellent. an-aveksha, as, d, am, regardless ;
much, numerous. — Analpa-ghosha, as, a, am, very .rl an-avarata, as, a, am, incessant ; am), ind. irrespectively ; without regard to ; (a), f.
clamorous, very noisy. —Analpa-manyu, us, us, u, or an-aveksltanO:, am, n. regardlessness.
greatly enraged. am), ind. incessantly. an-avrata, as, d, am, not (wholly)
<I«H anava, as, m., N. of a man or a iH'Hl.'H an-avaratha, ps, m., N. of a son
destitute of ascetic performances; (as), m. a Jaina
tribe, = anu. f Madhu and father of Kuruvatsa. devotee of that description.
^nT^TTlfl an-avarardhya, as, d, am, chief,
'^H'-)=tilS1 an-avakdsa, as, a, am, having irincipal. an-asana, am, n. abstinence from
no opportunity ; uncalled for (there being no " occa- bod, fasting, especially as a form of suicide adopted
sion" for it), inapplicable. '«i«1ctrt'if an-avalamba, as, d, am, having "rom vindictive motives; (as, d, am), fasting.
no prop or support. — Aua^ana-td, f. not eating.
c«^ an-avagdhin, I, irii, i (rt. yah),
not dipping into, not studying. An-avalambana, am, n. independence. An-adandya, as, d, am, Ved. not hungry.
An-avagdhya, as, a, am, unfathomable.
An-avalambita, as, a, am, not propped up, not An-aAita, am, n. condition of not having eaten,
supported, not dependent.
'H'MiftTf an-avagita, as, a, am, not made An-asnat, an, ail, at, not eating, not enjoying.
an object of a contemptuous song, not blamed an-avalepa, as, d, am, free from fast).
— Anadnant-sdngamana, as, m., Ved. the sacrificial
[moral) veneer, unvarnished, unassuming. fire in the Sabha (which is approached before break-
'^HMil^ an-avagraha, as, a, am, resistless; an-avalobhana, am, n. ( non-
not to be intercepted.
longing'), N. of a ceremony to be observed by a
An-as~ndna, as, d, am, not eating.
TrT an-avayldyat,an, anti, at,Ved. pregnant woman ; title of a particular treatise in an an-asru, us, us, u, tearless.
not growing remiss. Upanishad.
an-avacchinna, as, a, am, not an-avasa, as, d, am, Ved. nol an-asva, as, d, am, having no horse
intersected, uninterrupted ; not marked off, unbounded, stopping to eat by the way. or horses ; (as), m. something that is not a horse.
unlimited, immoderate ; undefined, undiscriminated.
An-aiva-dd, as, as, am, Ved. one who does
an-avasara, as, d, am, having no not give horses.
— AnawiffMnna-hasa, as, m. continuous or im- interval of leisure, busy; coming when there is no
moderate laughter.
such father. an-asvan, d, m., N. of Parlkshit's
•'JI'HrT ana-vat, an, atl, at (fr. ana, see under leisure interval, inopportune ; (as), m. absence o:"
; unseasonableness.
•«JHVJ^ a-nasvara, as, i, am, imperishable.
rt. an), endowed with breath or life. — Anavat-tva, •fl «l'<f« l«l an-avasddya, ind. (part, of Caus
am, n. condition of being endowed with life. ofava-iad with 3. a), without annoying. A-nashta, as, d, am, undestroyed, unimpaired.
— Anashta-patu, us, us, u, Ved. having his cattle
•«(«iqn^ an-avatapta, as, m.t (among ^H«T^*<I1 an-avasdna, as, d, am (rt. so) unimpaired. — Anashta-vedas, as, as, as, Ved.
Buddhists) N. of a serpent king ; N. of a lake, having no setting, free from death ; endless. having his property unimpaired.
RSvana-hrada. An-avasita, as, d, am, not set, not terminated •>i|r|*( anas, as, n. (said to be fr. rt. an),
^T«T7?r an-avadya, as, d, am, irreproach- (a), f., N. of a species of the Trishtubh metre, con
sisting of four lines with eleven feet in each. a cart; a mother; birth; offspring, living creature;
able, faultless; unobjectionable; (a), f., N. of ar aboiled
cart. nee. -Anas-vat, an, atl, at, Ved. yoked to
Apsaras. — Anavailya-ta, f. or anavadya-tva, am, An-avasyat, an, antl, at, unceasing.
n. faultlessness. — Anavatlya-riipa, as, d or I, am, •2i«it*»r an-avaskara, as, d, am, free from Anad-uh, anar-vis, see s. v. (s changed to d and r).
of faultless form or beauty. — Anararlydttga (°ya dirt, clean, cleansed.
SiHH^ an-asiiya, as, d, am, not spiteful,
art0), as, d or I, am, having faultless body or limbs. •«i«l'**A4 an-avastha, as, d, am, unsettled not envious ; (d), f. freedom from spite ; absence of
•««1*4$nu an-avadrdna, as, d, am (rt. drd) unstable; (d), (. unsettled condition or character ill-will or envy ; N. of a daughter of Daksha, and of
Ved. not going to sleep, not sleepy. instability, unsteady or loose conduct; (in phil.) non
one of Sakuntala's friends.
ui «f -^ 14 «j an-avadharshya, as, d, am, Ved finality (of a proposition), endless series of statements An-axuyaka, as, d, am, or an-asuyu, us, us, u,
not to be defied. An-avasthdna as, d, am, unstable, fickle ; (<z«' not spiteful or envious.
nesswind ; (am), n. instability ; unsteadiness or loose
«('1'-4>jr«T an-aeadhdna, am, n. inattention of conduct. ^TfffffiC an-a-suri, is, is, i, Ved. not un-
inadvertence ; (as, d, am), inattentive, careless An-avasthdyin, i, im, i, transient. wise, wise.
— Anarailhdna-td, f. inadvertency. An-araathiia, as, d, am, unsettled, unsteady, loos ^J^wtHrl au-astam-ita, as, d, am, not
in conduct. — Anavasthita-fitta, as, d, am, or an
f an-avadhi, is, is, i, unlimited. gone down ; not subject to setting or declining.
arasthitdtman Ctu-dt°), d, d, a, unsteady-minded ••5HW an-astha, as, d, am, or an-asthi, is,
an-avadhrishya, as, d, am, im — Anavantldtai'itta-tva, am, n. unsteadiness o
possible to be put down or injured. mind. — Anavasthita-tra, am, n. unsteadiness, in
stability. is, i, or anasthika, ax, d, am, or anastfii-mat, an,
^"IfT an-avana, as, d, am, affording n atl, at, boneless.
An-avastUti, is, (. instability ; unsteadiness ; loose
help or protection. ness of character. ^H^3;lt an-ahan-kdra, as, m. (non-ego-
tism), absence of or freedom from self-conceit, or
*il H ^ n ii»i n M *\'4'i(an-avandmita-vaijayan an-ava-syat. See an-avasdna. the tendency to regard self as something distinct from
28 an-ahankrita. an-amayat.

the supreme spirit ; freedom from pride ; (at, a, am), «T aii-d<!drya-bhogina, as, d, i . an-ddya, as, d, am, = an-ddi,
fax from self-conceit or pride. am, having no beginning.
enjoy.unfit or improper for a spiritual teacher to eat or
An-akankrita, as, a, am, or an-akam-radin, 2. an-ddya, as, d, am, = an-adyti,
I, ini, t, free from self-conceit or pride. nsT5T an-djfiapta, as, d, am (rt.jnd), not not eatable.
An-<ituittl-nti, is, t. = an-ahankara; («», it, i), commanded. — AnajAnpta-kdrin, 7, ini, i, doing an-ddhrish, k, k, k (rt. dhrish),
free from self-conceit or pride. what has not been commanded. Ved. not checking.
'•SM^r^ an-ahan, as, n. a day which is no an-djAdta, as, d, am, unknown, An-adhrithta, as, d, am, Ved. unchecked, unim-
day, aii evil or unlucky day. paired, invincible, perfect.
surpassing all that has ever been known.
^T?n ana, ind.,Ved. (inst. of pronom. base an-ddhya, as, d, am, not wealthy, An-ddhrinhti, is, m. ('superior to any check'), N.
a), hereby, thus, indeed ; also said to be a substitute of a son of Sura ; also of a son of Ugrasena and
An-ddhyam-bhai'iflinu, ut, us, «, not be-
for an or ana, ' not,' in one or two words. coming wealthy ; becoming poor (?). general of the Yadava.
An-adhrishya, as, d, am, Ved. invincible, not to
-a£ara, as, d, am, shapeless. an-dtata, as, d, am, not stretched be meddled with.
an-dkdrita, as, d, am, not or strung (as a bow). 'iHMrl an-dnata, as, d, am, Ved. unbent,
claimed, not exacted. not humbled; (at), m., N. of a Rishi.
an-dtapa, as, m. freedom from the
xHHI4ilr4 an-dkdla, as, m. unseasonable blaze of the sun ; shade ; coolness. |t| an-dnukritya, as, d, am (rt. kri
time; famine. — Anikala-bhrita, as, m. a slave an-dtura, as, d, am, Ved. free with dnu for aim), Ved. inimitable, unparalleled.
who became one voluntarily to avoid starvation in a
from suffering or weariness ; well.
time of scarcity ; also spelt annakdla-btiHta. vi r( i .j^ an-dnuda, as, d, am (rt. dd with
••H r| | rH H an-dtman, d, m. not self, an- dnu for ann), Ved. not giving way, unyielding,
vSHI<*ISi| an-dkdsa, as, a, am, having no
other ;something different from spirit or soul ; (a, obstinate; unaided (?), unsurpassed in giving (?).
transparent atmosphere, differing from it; opaque.
dark ; (as, am), m. n. air or atmosphere undeserving d, a), not spiritual, corporeal; destitute of spirit or •si 1 1 1 ft^? an-dnudishta, as, d, am (rt. dls
of its name. taind. — An-dtma-jAa, as, d, am, destitute of spi-
with dnu, for anu), Ved. unsolicited.
ritual knowledge or true wisdom. — Andtma-pratya-
<MI«fcpJ an-dkula, as, d, am, not beset ; rekshd, (. (with Buddhists) reflection that there is TT^? an-dmtpiirvya,am,r\. separation
not confused ; unperplexed, calm, consistent, regular. no spirit or self. — An-atma-*at, an, ati, at, not of the different parts of a compound word by the
self-possessed ; (rat), ind. unlike one's self. intervention of others; the not coming in regular
^HI4rl an-dkrita, as, d, am, Ved. unre-
claimed, unreclaimable. An-dtmaka, at, d, am, (with Buddhists) unreal. order, tmesis. — An-dnupurrya-gamhita, (. the
An-dtmanina, as, d, am, not adapted to self; manner of constructing a sentence with the above
4H!dil>ri an-dkrdnta, as, d, am, unassailed, disinterested.
unassailable ; (a), f. a plant, Prickly Nightshade, So- An-dtmya, ae, d, am, impersonal ; (ant), n. want
lanum Jacquini. of affection for one's own family.
an-dnubhuti, is, f., Ved. inat-
'3 1 1 W ITI =ti an-dtyantika, as, J, am, not tention, «J»neglect
; (tayaa), pi. neglectful or irreligious
S8MIH|l(l.t1 an-dkshdrita, as, d, am, unre-
proached. perpetual, not final ; intermittent, recurrent.
•>.!HIM<[ an-dpad, t, f. absence of misfor-
^HTri5JHx an-dkMt, t, t, t, Ved. not re- 'STJTT'ST a-ndtha, as, d, am, having no tune or calamity.
master or natural protector ; widowed ; fatherless ; people.
siding or resting.
helpless, poor; (am), n., Ved. want of a protec- ••milM an-dpanna, as, d, am, not realized,
'•iHIJI an-dga, as, d, am, Ved. sinless ; tor, helplessness. —Andtha-pinda-da or a-ndtha- unattained.
see an-dgas; (a), f., N. of a river.
plnrlika, as, m. ('giver
N. of a merchant, of cakes
in whose or food
garden to the poor'),
SSkyamuni used •si«trm«i au-dpdna, as, m., N. of a prince,
'"HHI'lr! an-dgata, as, d, am (rt. yam), not
come, not arrived ; future ; not attained, not leamt ; to instruct his disciples. — Andtha-sabhd, f. a poor- son of An-ga.
unknown ; (am), n. the future. — Andgata-vat, an, tHiilftl un-dpi, is, is, i, Ved. having no
ail, at, connected with or relating to the future. *!HI<J a-ndda, as, m. absence of sound (in kindred or friends (epithet of Indra).
— Andgata-vidhatri, a, m. (disposer of the future), pronouncing aspirated letters). stinking.
••iHIMjijH an-dpuyita, as, d, am, Ved. not
provident; N. of a fish. — Andgatabad/ia ( ta-db°), A-nddin, i, ini, i, not sounding.
at, m. future trouble. — Andgatdrtara (la-ar3), f. "2i«ll<;r;il an-ddaddna, as, d, am, not
a girl who has not yet attained to puberty. — An- accepting. •iHIH cm-apt a, as, d, am, unattained, un-
obtained ; unsuccessful in the effort to attain or obtain ;
dgatdvelcthana (°ra-au°),
that which is to come next. am, n. act of looking at
^l «!!<;*. an-ddara, as, m. disrespect, con- not apt, unfit ; (as), m. a stranger.
Ai<-agati, is, f. non-arrival; non-attainment, non- temptuous neglect; (as, d, am), Ved. not awe- An-dpti, is, f. non-attainment.
accession. struck, calm ; indifferent. An-dpya, aa, d, am, unattainable, unobtainable.
An-agama, at, m. non-arrival, non-attainment; -A»-<KJarana,am, n. disrespectful behaviour, neglect. ->!HlA(r1 an-dpluta, as, d, am, unbathed,
(at, d, am), not come, not present; (in law) not
constituting an accession to previous property, but An-ddarin, i, ini, i, disrespectful, irreverent.
unwashed. — An -ajilutattga (ta-a>t°), at, d or I,
possessed from time immemorial, and therefore with- ••aHlfi; an-ddi, is, is, i, having no begin- am, having an umvashen body.
out documentary proof. — A itagam n/iabltoga (°ma- ning, existing from eternity. — Anadi-tva, am, n. ^HKIV an-dbddha, as, d, am, free fi-om
«p°), as, m. enjoyment of such property. state of having no beginning. — An-udi-nifltxtna, at, obstacles or troubles.
An-agamwhyat, an, anti, at, one who will not d, am, having neither beginning nor end, eternal.
approach. — Anddi-mat, an, ati, at, having no beginning. ^Tffprftj'T an-dbhayin, i, ini, i, Ved. fear-
An-agamya, at, d, am, unapproachable, unattain- — An-ddi-mudhydiita (<Utya-ari), at, d, am, less (epithet of Indra).
having no beginning, middle or end. — Anddy- ^PTW an-dbhii, its, iis, u, Ved. neglectful,
Ait-agimin, i, ini, i, not coming, not arriving; ananta, ax, d, am, without beginning and without
not future, not subject to returning ; (i), m. epithet end. — An-ddi/anta, as, d, am, without beginning disobliging, irreligious.
of the third among the four Buddhist orders. ^I7!T»3q^fi)<=ti an-iibhyudayika, as, 1, am, in-
and end ; (<»•), m., N. of Siva.
An-dijiin«kn, </.<, « am, not in the habit of vi>iifr;K an-ddishta, as, d, am, not indi- auspicious, ill-omened, unlucky.
coming, not likely to come.
cated ;not commanded or instructed ; not allowed. '^Him a-naman, d, d, a, nameless; in-
"««1I'I« nn-iiyns, as, as, as, sinless, blame- an-ddinava, as, d, am, faultless. famous; (a), m. the ring-finger. — Andma-tm, am,
less; conferring sinlessncss or Uus. — Anaydx-ti-ii,
an-ddrita, as, d, am, not respected, n. namelessness.
•'.., Ved. sinlcssness. — Anaiju-luttyd, f. murder Andmaka, at, d, am, nameless, infamous ; («*),
of an innocent person. disrespected, despised. m. the intercalary month ; (ant), n. piles, hemorrhoids.
•w«1l'«i«.«a an-d(aruna, am, n. or better An-fidrilya, ind. without respecting, regardless of. A-namikd, (. the ring-finger.
an-di'drrt, as, m. improper behaviour; departure from •ecmM ini-ddeya, as, d, am, unfit or ^SHIH*< an-dmaya, as, d, am, free from
that which is customary or right. improper to be received, unacceptable, inadmissible. disease, healthy, salubrious; (as), m. Siva; (am), n.
An-dfara, n*. <i, nm, or anatatin, i, ini, »',
improper in behaviour; regardless of custom or pro- >st«1l<;^l<*<. anddesa-kara, as, d, am, doing health.
priety orlaw ; unprincipled. what is not commanded or not allowed. An-amayat, an, unt'i, at, Ved. not causing pain,
not hurting ; (t), n., Ved. health.
an-ikshu. gQ
TftsJ an-amayitnu
, rans -n an-asdarya, as, a, am, not won-
a-na,w, «* u, Ved. salubrious, curative. I duce of the country
'.(tmin.i.. jnt 7 Vorl »inX«»>,i:~ _ ! di"ua-iuxh.tfr. ns n offt**,
. —«*: —ori barbarians
_i ,. - An derful.
i, ini, i, Ved. unbending. arya-jushta, as, a, am, practised, observed, or po
"^ an-dsramin, I, m. one who
A-ndmya, as, d, am, impossible to be bent. sessed ^ men who ar« not Aryas. - Andrya-td
does not belong to or follow any of the four A^ram
flesh ; bootless, profitless. of Gentian (Gentiana Cherayta Rox) or religious orders to which Brahmans at differ as
periods of life are bound to attach themselves
t-dmrina, as, d, am, Ved. having ^"/T^?' am' "' AgaU°d>um or Aloe wood An-dirama-vasa or an-dirame-^dsa, as
m one
no enemy that can
can injure
injure. (Aquila Agallocha Rox). who does not belong to the Ananias; non-residenc
an-drsha, as, i, am, not referring or e
f an-dmrita, as, a, am, immortal m a religious retreat.
- "
enuine text of a Vedic
a nmmkn «• J „ -',, as, m. absence or want
of any person or thing to depend upon; defenceless-
ness, self-dependence, isolation; (as, d, am), defence-
les ;unprotected ; isolated.
i, the same as the last. An-dirita, as, d, am, detached ; disengaged • un-
tinuous, unseparated ; unextended, having no lengtf connected with, independent; non-inherent.
T as, d, am, unsupported,
•WTIMrTST an-dyatana, am, n that which (as), m. want of support; N an-dsvas, van, ushi, vat, not
having eaten, fasting.
is not really a resting-place
hiring no resting-place or oraltar.-
an altar; («, «, am),
AnSvatawi-i-at An-dlambana, as, a, am, unsupported ; desponding. _ a-ndshtra, as, d,
an, all, at, = the last. ' An-alambl, f. Siva's lute. dangers or dangerous opponents. am, free from
^an-ayatta, as, d, am, independent, ace. N<ZB-«S, as, m. f. having no mouth or
An-dlambukd or an-dlambhukd f. a woman
ontioUed. — Anayatta-vritti, is, is, i: having an dunng menstruation,
independent livelihood. - Anayattamitti-ta, f. in-
dependence. ^SR^m
taciturn ; (as), ar, ninnn
m-alapa, as, a,ity.am, reserved, a-ndsa, as, d, am, Ved. without a
m. reserve, taciturn
ose (epithet of demons).
n-ayasagra (°sa-ag°), as, d, am, ' as, a, am, unseen A-nasika, as, d, am, noseless.
having no iron point
.yni«i(^ff an-dsddita,
with, not found or obtained, not as, a, am, not met
encountered or attack
1011, ra« uty, ease, idleness, neglect; (as a am) VJ HI JUT - - d ; not occurred ; not having happened ; non-existent
easy, ready; (ma), md.ezsity.-Andydsa-krita as i-avaya, as, as, am, Ved. un- as, a, am, unused to war.
a, am, done readily or easily; (am), n. an infusion y gl nOt deslsti"g- an-dsthd, f. unfixedness, want of
temporaneously (in medicine). ^TRfrt an-dvarti, is, f. non-return, i. e. confidence; disrespect; want
of consideration ; want
I an-dyudha, as, d, am, Ved. weapon- final emancipation. See an-avritas, below.
a,- am, not if faith or devotedness ; unconcern, indifference
less; havingi£ noto impleme
nts (for
implements ifnr sacrifice).
es/^'fi™^ »-HHIId
11M=IS «! an-dviddha,
An-asthdna, as, d,
basis or fulcrum ; withoutam, having or yielding no
a fixed seat or site.
the mother ofifan-dyushd,
Bala and Vritra.
Piln ,i«J
f. or an-dyus, f., N. of wounded'
T7-.'< SUrfl
t'rf^X an-dvi
byd, am,
as, not turbid,
:, not marshy. , an-dsvada, as, m. want of taste
An-aywshya, as, d, am, not imparting long life I clear. insipidity; (as, d, am), without taste, insipid.
latal to long life. an-dvrit, t, t, t,Ved. not returning. An-asvadita, as, d, am, untasted.
'niKff an-drata, as, d, am, etern . !«,««, a, am, not turned about or round; ;not an-dhata, as, d, am, unbeaten,
md. eternally. al; (am), treating; not frequented or approached ; not chosen.
unrounded, intact; new and unbleached (as doth) •
^RTCttl i. an-drabhya, as, d, am, in~™!'itti> *'*' f' non-return; final emancipation
improper . *««1 otherwise than by beating; not multiplied '
impracticable to be commenced„ or „. under
taken. i ^ '*J^ an-dvrita, as, d, am, uncovered
!, am, n. impossibility of being undressed, uninclosed, open.

2. an-drabhya,
compounds ind.
in thewithout commencing: this is
sense -detached;' ^'1^ an-dvrishti, is, f. want of rain, Iduced otherwise ian by beating rtiie'sounSdom.
thus, are- ' ^HI*IC an-dhdra, as, m. abstinence not
— •/ , • i wjiiyuLwiiia ( i/a-adri) as a Jam), one who I,abstains
^ ^ I- An-dh
^ drln,
^^^^-' ini, i,from food.
not -t^on; (as, ,
taking (food) ; fasting
±6£^ taught or studied
:5^« or read ^S 2? I«<T S5L an-dv
as a detached subject ^^ yddha, °S>as,5' "*
d, am, Ved. An-akarya, as, d, am, not to be seized or taken.
(not as part of a regular or authoritative treatise) (possible to be broken or forced open. not producible ; not to be eaten.
An-arnmMa, as, m. absence of beginning,

non-sacrificing ;

j?T an-drithya, ind. not having sur-

mounted. A-nd/lya, as, a, am, indestructible.:d vnmnted-for
uncal_led .-Andhu topajal
boaster. pfn pav&hta
_ Anahuto (°ta-up°), (°ta-up'
i, m. )an"
an-dsaka, am, n. fasting, as, a, am, seated as an uninvited guest!
*"il<W an-drogya, am, n. sickn ab- [ an-dhldda, as, m. absence of joy
a, am), unhealthy. - Anarogya-kara as ess ; (as, to death.— ;
a or i
am, unwholesome, unhealthy, causing sickne An-ahladita, as, d, am, not exhilarated.
ss. — 17™,,1^, ^ «.I*-M,H ij citti- n. 3 course
*'11^ :mg (as a penance).
moral or physican-dr java,
al ; disease. am, n. crookedness, T a-nihsasta, as, d, am, unpraised.
an-dsasta, as, d, am, not praised ;
a, as, i, am, unseasonable. mmendable(?), inglorious (?), hopeless rfWx a-nikdmatas, ind. involun-
(?). tanly, unintentionally.
an-drtvijlna, as, d, am, unfit •Sn^ngrt^T a-niketa or a-niketana, as, d, am,
or unsuitable for a priest. a blessi an-ds
; ungrat eful.ir-dd, as, m. not giving houseless.
an-arya, as, d, am, not respectable I. an-dtu, us, us, u, not quick, slow. ^ftfisrjnij: a-nikshipta-dhura, as,
J«lgar, unworthy, inferior, bad, vile; destitute m., N.
^,2. an-dsu of a Bodhisattva or deified Buddhist saint.
, (ax), m. not an kryz.-Andrya-karmin,of diffusive, not pervading., us, us, u (rt. at),
.m. doing work unbecoming an Arya an-ikshu, us, m. not (true) sugar-
or becoming 3- o-nasM, us, us, u, Ved. indestruc-
unwort -^-A^rya-ja, as, d, am, of vile of
hy ongin lenote 'comparison,' see 3. a.)
; (am), „. Agallochun,, being a p^
30 a-nifftrna. anila-vyadhi.
THPr|<*PMrt a-niriipita, as, d, am, not de-
a-nlgirna, as, d, am, not swal- *JlfH>JrT a-nibkrita, as, a, am, not private,
lowed, not supplied (as an ellipsis). not reserved, immodest, bold, public. termined, undefined.
a-nibhrisltta, as, d, am, Ved. ^rf?TfnrT a-nirjita, as, d, am, unconquered,
•flPHil^ u-nir/raha, as, d, am, unrestrained;
(a»), m. non-restraint ; non-refutation ; not owning unabated; unimpaired; undefeated. — unvanquished.
one's self refuted. — Aniyrahn-sthdna, am, n. (in tavi'hi, i*, m.,Ved. having unabated power. •^Pl^u'T a-nirnaya, as, m. uncertainty,
philosophy) occasion of non-refutation. want of decision.
a>i-ibliya, as, d, am, not wealthy. A-nirnlla, as, d, am, unascertained, undetermined.
a-niyhdteshu (°ta-ishu), us, m., A-ninicya, as, d, am, not to be decided.
N. of a man (having arrows that strike no one). , d, m. a mote. See anlman.
a-nimantrita, as, a, am, un- •wPffj^l a-nirdasa or a-nir-dasdha (°sa-
t an-ingya, as, d, am, not divisible; invited.— A-niinantrita-lihojin, I, inl, i, eating
a word not divisible. ah°), as, d, am, within the ten days of impurity
without being invited. after childbirth or a death ; (am), ind. = preceding,
used adverbially.
: an-Mha or an-Mhaka, as, d, am, •flfirfHIH a-nimdna, as d, am, Ved. un-
or an-tcVAo/, on, anil or all, at, or an-idfhu, us, bounded, immense. vi P«i fi- £ a-nirdishta, as, d, am (rt. dis),
w, u, or an-itfhuka, as, d, am, undesirous, averse, unexplained, undefined.
unwilling ; not intending. '«r«lf*l»t a-nimitta, as, a, am, having no
A-nirdeia, as, m. absence or unsatisfactoriness of
An-Wha, (. absence of wish or design, indifference. adequate occasion, causeless, groundless ; (am), n.absence rule or direction.
of an adequate cause or occasion, groundlessness. — Ani- A-nir-deHya or a-ninlis'ya, as, d, am, undefin-
•"^PH'SK a-nijaka, as, d, am, not one's mitta-tas, ind. groundlessly. — A-nimitta-nirdkrila, able, inexplicable, incomparable.
own, belonging to another.
at, a, am, groundlessly rejected. — Animitta-liitga- viPH^iPvri a-uirdhdrita, as, d, am, unde-
wf«TrT anita, as, d, am (etym. doubtful), ndtfa, an, m. (unaccountable loss of distinct vision) ;
N. of an ophthalmic disease, ending in total blindness, light ^termined, unascertained, undefined.
destitute of. — Anita-bha, (., Ved. not endowed with
splendor, N. of a river (?). A-nirdharya, as, a, am, undeterminable, not to
perhaps amaurosis. be agreed upon.
"•sfHiM a-nitya, as, d, am, not everlasting, •fl fa PM MX a-nimish, f., Ved. absence of *Jiri«TC. a-nirbhara, as, d, am, little, slight,
transient; occasional, incidental; irregular, unusual; winking (only used in ace. and inst. cases). — Ani-
unstable; uncertain; (am), ind. occasionally. — Ani- mijtham or animishd or animesham, ind., Ved.
tya-karman, a, n. or anitya-kriyd, f. an occasional without winking, i.e. vigilantly or incessantly. ••aPrtJiRJ a-nirbheda, as, m. (the act of not
act of worship, sacrifice for a special purpose. — Ani- A-nimisha or a-nimeska, as, d, am, not wink- blurting out), not revealing.
tya-td, f. or anitya-tra, am, n. transient or limited ing, looking steadily, vigilant ; open as eyes or flowers; ^tffpTO a-nirmala, as, d, am, dirty, foul,
existence. — Anitya-datta or anitya-dattaka or ani- (an), m. not winking ; a god ; a fish. — Ammishaksha
tya-datrima, as, m. a son surrendered by his parents
turbid. not
to another for temporary or preliminary adoption. Csha-aK3), as, I, m. f. one whose eyes are fixed. A-nirmdlyd, f. aplant(Mendicago Esculenta, Rox).
— Animiihadarya (°«Aa-d<f ), as, m., N. of Vrihas-
•• Anit ya-pratyavekshd, f. (Buddhist) consciousness vi i «i rtTr^ rl a-nirlotita, as, d, am,
that all is passing aLvny.*mAnitya-bhara, as, m. Animishiya, as, a, am, relating to those who do carefully looked at, not considered.
transitoriness. — Anitya-sama, as, d, m. f. sophism, not wink (i. e. to the gods).
consisting in generalizing what is exceptional (as perish- vifriq-qriln a-ninatanlya or a-nirvu(ya,
ableness). — Anitya-sama-prakarana, am, n. a sec- pati.
•siflMrr a-niyata, as, d, am, not regulated, as, d, am, unutterable, indescribable ; improper to
tion in the NySya discussing that sophism. — Anitya- uncontrolled, not fixed, uncertain, unrestricted, irregu- be mentioned.
*amata, at, m. a compound, the sense of which may lar, casual. — A-niyata-punskd, f. a woman irregu- ^rftTTi*NT«T a-nircartyamdna, as, d, am,
be equally expressed by resolving it into its constituent lar or unchaste in conduct. — Aniyata-vritti, is, is,
i, having no fixed or regular employment or income. not being brought to a close.
— Aniyatdnka <^ta-art°), as, m. (in arithm.) an «r«iqi<ii a-nirvdna, as, d, am, unextin-
•"sPl^il a-niddna, as, d, am, causeless, indeterminate digit. — A-niyatdtman (°ta-at°), d,
groundless. m. one whose self or spirit is not regulated or under
laPi 5; a-nidra, as, d, am, sleepless, awake; •s)P«i5l? a-nirvdha, as, m. non-accom-
proper control.
(d), f. sleeplessness. A-niyama, a*, m. absence of control or rule or guished. plishment, non-completion ; incondusiveness ; insuffi-
fixed order or obligation, unsettledness ; indecorous or ciency of income, the state of being straitened in
A-nidrita, as, d, am, not asleep, awake.
improper conduct ; uncertainty, doubt ; (as, a, am), means.
a-nidhrishta, at, d, am, unchecked, having no rule, irregular. A-nin'dhya, as, d, am, difficult to be managed.
A-niyamita, as, d, am, having no rule or law ; cast. wfrff *ST a-nirvinna, as, d, am, not down-
xiP«iifl an-idhma, as, d, am, having or irregular.
requiring no fuel. •wflMsfi a-niyukta, as, d, am, not ap- A-nirvid, t, t, t, free from causes of depression.
f ini-iiiii. as, d, am, Ved. having no pointed, not authoritative ; (as), m. an assessor at a A-nirceda, as, m. non-depression, self-reliance.
mister. court who has not been formally appointed and is not •«( fV| =» n a-nirvrita or a-nirvritta, as, d, am,
entitled to vote.
unaccomplished, unfulfilled; discontented; unhappy,
f a-nindita, as, d, am, irreproach-
able, not despised, pious, virtuous, free. A-niyoffin, I, inl, i, not attached or clinging to. ill at ease, unquiet, discomposed.
A-nindya or ii-ninilniilyn, as, d, am, unblam- •wPtn. an-ira, as, d, am, Ved. destitute of A-nirrriti or a-m'rvritti, is, f. incompleteness,
able, faultless. food (or vigour?), or of a sacrificial offering; (d), f. discontent, misery.
want of food (languor?).
an-indra, as, d, am, deprived of ^CrN^l a-nirvesa, as, d, am, destitute of
Indra ; dispensing with or disregarding Indra. «!i a-nirdkarishnu, us, us, u,
not obstructive, not censorious. employment, wretched.
ist 11 P«^ «4 an-indriya, am, n. that which anila, as, m. (fr. rt. an, cf. Irish
is not the senses, the soul, the reason. A-nirdkfita, as, a, am, unobstructed. anal), air or wind, considered also as a deity ; one of
a-nirukta, as, d, am, unuttered, the subordinate deities, forty-nine of whom form the
•WM Mil ill (i-nipadyamdna, as, d, am, not class of Anilas or winds ; one of the eight demi-gods,
falling down (to sleep), untiring. not articulated, not clearly explained, unspeakable,
called Vasus ; wind, as one of the humors or rasas of
not plain, vague. •"Anirukta-gdna, am, n. indistinct
•*i r«nf i n a-nipdta, as, ID. (not a fall), con- singing ; humming (of hymns), a particular mode of the body ; rheumatism, paralysis, or any affection re-
tinuance oflife. ferred to disorder of the wind ; N. of a Rishi and
chanting the Sama-veda.
other persons ; the letter y ; the number forty-nine ;
•«PrjM*i| a-nipuna, as, d, am, unskilled, a-nintddha, as, d, am, unob-
not clever or conversant. (J),f.the fifteenth Nakshatra(?). — Anila-kumara, as,
structed, ungovernable, self-willed ; (tut), m. a spy, a m.pl. amongthe Jainas.a class ofdeities. — Anila-ghna,
a-nibaddha, as, d, am, not tied secret emissary (?); the son of Pradyumna, a form of as, i,ani, 01 anila-han, hd,-ffhni, ha, or anila-hrit,
Kama, and husband of Usha ; Siva ; N. of an Arhat
down, not bound, unattached, incoherent, uncon- t, t, t, or anilapaha (°la-apj), as, d, am, curing dis-
contemporary of Sakyamuni ; N. of a descendant of orders arising from wind. — Aiiila-ghnaka, as, m. a
nected. —AnVhaibUia-pral&irin, I, inl, i, chattering
incoherently, talking at random. Vrishni; (am), n. the rope for fastening cattle. — A- large tree (Terminalia Belerica). — Anila-paryaya or
niruddha-patha, am, n. an unobstructed path ; the anila-paryaya, a», m. pain and swelling of the eye-
TMf^TV a-nibddha, as, d, am, unob- atmosphere, ether. — A*niruddha-bharini, (. Am- lids and outer parts of the eye. — Anila-prakriti, it,
structed, unlimited ; (as), m. liberty. ruddha's wife. it, i, having an airy or windy nature. — Anila-vyadhi,
anila-sakha. anu-kalpa.
a-nirasana (a-nir-rasana), as, d,
•is, m. derangement of the (internal) wind. — Anila-
takha, O£, m., N. of fire (the friend of wind).
— Anishia-s'aitkd, f. foreboding or fear of evil or 31
misfortune. — Anishta-sui'aka, as, ikd, am, forebod- am, not destitute of a waistband.
— Anildtmaja Cla-dt°), as, m. the son of the wind, ing evil, ominous. — Anishta-hetu, us, m. an evil
^?«ft5t an-isa, as, d, am, one who has not
Hanuniat or Bhima. — Amldntaka, ("Za-aw0), as, m., omen. — An-ishtdpddana (°ta-dp°), am, n. not ob- a lord or superior, paramount ; powerless, unable ;
N. of a plant, In-gud! or An-gara-pushpa (wind-de- taining what is desired or (fr. anishta and dpadana)
stroying). —Anildmaya (°la~dm°), as, m. morbid obtainingwhat is not desired. — An-ishtdpti(ata-dp°), (as), m. Vishnu; (a), f. powerlessness, helplessness.
affection of the wind, flatulence, rheumatism. — Anild- — Aniia-tva, am, n. powerlessness.
is, (.= preceding. — Anishtds'ansin (°ta-af), I, ini,
yana (°la-ay°), am, n. way or course of the wind. i, indicating or boding evl\. — AnisJitotprekihana An-l^i'ara, as, d, am, without a superior ; un-
checked, uncontrolled, paramount ; without power,
— Anilds'in (°la-ds"'), i, ini, i, fasting, lit. feeding (°la-uf), am, n. expectation of evil.
•on the wind. powerless, unable ; not belonging to the deity ; athe-
•fl in If 2. an-ishta, as, d, am (rt. yaj), not istical. —Aniivam-ta, f. or anlivara-tm, am, n.
'3 f*i rt*H *t*i ITV a-nilarnbha-samddhi, is, m. offered in sacrifice, not honoured with a sacrifice. absence of a supreme ruler. — An-idrara-vadin, I, m.
(i. e. unpropped meditation), N. of a peculiar kind of An-ishtin, I, m. one who does not sacrifice or an atheist, one who denies a supreme ruler of the
meditation among Buddhists. has not sacrificed. universe.

•siftwMi a-nilayana, as, a, am, having no vM«ii»n a-nishtrita, as, d, am, Ved. un- an-iha, as, d, am, listless, indifferent ;
(fixed) home. hurt, unchecked.
(as), m., N. of a king of Ayodhya.
^rr«1rttr<ifi a-nilodita. See anirlofita. •wfnBT a-nishthd, f. unsteadfastness, un- An-lhd, f. indifference, apathy, disinclination.
steadiness. An-ihita, as, d, am, disagreeable, displeasing, un-
•SiMc^lfTiT a-nilodita, as, a, am, inex- wished (aw),
; n. displeasure.
perienced. vi ing*; a-nishthura, as, d, am, not harsh,
not scurrilous. a-n?/a,Ved. See a-nida.
-a f»1 =j ri «1 a-nivartana, as, a, am, notturning
away, firm, steadfast; improper to be abandoned, right. a-nishndta, as, d, am, unskilled. i. anu, us, vi, u. See ami.
A-nivartin, i, ini, i, not turning back, brave, not ^"•T 2. anu, us, m., Ved. man ; N. of a
a-nishpatti, is, f. non-accom-
returning. — Anirarti-tva, am, n. not turning back, plishment, incompletion. king, one of YaySti's sons ; (possibly) N. of a non-
brave resistance.
A-niihpanna, as, d, am, imperfect, incomplete. Aryan tribe.
wf^nnftlT a-niedrita, as, a, am, unchecked, ^T?T 3. anu, ind. as a prefix to verbs and
unimpeded, unopposed, unforbidden. ^f M "f^ff^a-nish-pattram, ind. so that the
arrow does not come out (on the other side), i. e. not nouns, expresses after, along, alongside, lengthwise,
A-nivdrya, as, a, am, not to be warded off, in- with excessive force. near to, under, subordinate to, with.
avertible, unavoidable, irresistible. (When prefixed to nouns, especially in adverbial
m frit) Tf a-nisarga, as, d, am, unnatural,
a-nivisamdna, as, a, am, Ved. unnaturally affected. compounds) it implies repetition, according to, seve-
not retiring to rest, restless. rally, each by each, orderly, methodically.
•sunW'*! a-nistabdha, as, d, am, not ren- (As a separable preposition, with accusative) after,
•aTi^n a-nivrita, as, d, am, unchecked, dered immoveable or stiff; not paralysed ; not fixed. along, over, near to, through, to, towards, at, according
not impeded. to, in order, agreeably to, in regard to.
Villon IJ5T a-nistirna, as, d, am, not (As a separable adverb) after, afterwards, thereupon,
vjfn^fHn a-nivedita, as, d, am, untold, un- crossed over ; not set aside ; not rid of; unanswered,
mentioned. — Anivedftorvijndta, as, d, am, known again, further, then, next.
without being told. unrefuted. — A nistirndbhiyoga (°«a-oW), as, m.
(a defendant) who has not yet (by refutation) got ^T«pfi anu-ka, as, d, am, lustful (fr. anu-
A-nivedya, ind. not having announced. rid of a charge. affix
kam, lea).
q. v. ; or, according to others, fr. 3. anu, with
u) fi=i ai i a-nivesana, as, d, am, Ved. having "sini^i anika, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt. an),
no place of rest. face ; appearance, splendor ; edge, point ; front, row, 'gfjjciix^ anu-kath, cl. 10. P. -kathayati,
•wf^^l a-nisa, as, d, am, Ved. nightless, array, march ; army, forces ; war, combat. — Anlka- -yitum, to relate after (some one else) ; to repeat
i. e. sleepless, uninterrupted, incessant. — Aniiam, vat, an, m., Ved. having a face, or constituting the (what has been heard).
ind. incessantly. face, or occupying the front or foremost rank (epithet Anu-kathana, am, n. orderly narration, dis-
of Agni). — Anika-viddrana, as, m. (shatterer of course, conversation.
A-ni&ta, as, a, am, Ved. incessant. — AnitSita-
sarya, ax, d, am, Ved. having an incessant flow. armies), N. of a man. — Anlka- fas, ind. in rows or Anu-kathita, as, d, am, related, repeated.
marching columns. — Anika-stha, as, m. a warrior or
'SlCnnar! a-nistita, as, d, am, unascer- vi »i cutT *( *i^ anu-kaniyas, an, asi, as, the
combatant ; an armed or royal guard, a sentinel ; the next youngest.
tained, not certain. trainer of an elephant, an elephant-driver ; a mark,
A-niMtya, ind. not having ascertained. a sign, signal ; a military drum. •«i*1<**^ anu-kam, Caus. P. -kdmayati,
"a in ixa TM a-nisdintya, as, a, am, not to Anikinl, f. an army, a host, forces ; a certain force ; •yitum, to desire.
be comprehended (by thought), inconceivable. three Camus or one-tenth of an Akshauhint, i.e. a com- Anu-ka, as, d, am, libidinous ; see s. v. above.
plete army; 2187 elephants and as many cars, 6561 Anu-kdma, as, m., Ved. desire ; (a*, a, am),
141 fn'H 8' a-nishanya, as, a, am, Ved. having horses, and 10935 foot ; a lotus.
no quiver, unarmed. according to one's desire, agreeable ; (am), ind. as
'si«i1«s(«ii an-ikshana, am, n. not seeing or desired, at pleasure ; wish after wish (?), after one's
•wfiHsq a-nishavya, as, d, am, Ved. not to looking at.
be killed. wish(?). — Anukdma-knt, t, t, t,Ved. fulfilling one's
'siniM a-nida, as, d, am, not low, decent, Anukamina, as, m. one who acts as he pleases.
'alirH^ a-nishiddha, as, d, am, unpro- respectable; not pronounced with the Anudatta accent.
hibited, unforbidden. — A-riUanm-artin <°6a-an°), I, ini, i, not keeping »JHofc«^ anu-kamp, cl. I. A. -kampate,
A-nisheddhra, as, d, am, Ved. unimpeded, un- low company ; (i), m. a faithful lover or husband. -jritum, to sympathize with, compassionate: Caus.
A-nifi.-dars'in, I, m., N. of a Bauddha saint (?). -kampayati, -yitum, = the same.
Anidals, ind. not in a low voice, loudly. Anu-kampaka, as, m. (sympathizer), N. of a king ;
vtfrlij an-ishu, us, us, u, having no arrows, (as, a, am), (at the dose of compounds) sympathizing
having bad arrows. itiS a-nida, as, d, am, having no nest with, compassionating.
or settled abode, i. e. incorporeal ; (as), m. an epithet Anu-kampana, am, n. or anu-kampa, f. sym-
'a in '•oR'rT a-nishkrita, as, d, am, not done of Agni or fire.
with, unfinished, not settled. — Anishkritainas (rta- pathy, compassion. i, ini, i, condoling.
m f I Irr i. a-niti, is, f. impropriety, im-
fn"), as, da, as, having one's guilt not settled, i. e. Anu-kampita, as, d, am, compassionated. — Anu-
unexpiated. morality, injustice ; impolicy, foolish conduct, indis-
cretion. Anlti-jna,
— as, d, am, or aniti-vid, t,t,t, kampitdtman
sionate spirit. ("ta-dt°), d, d, a, having a compas-
•wmK i. an-ishta, as, d, am (rt. ish), un- clever in immoral conduct or (fr. a and nitijna)
wished, undesirable, disadvantageous, disagreeable, un- ignorant of morality or policy, not politic or discreet. Anu-kampin, i, ini, i, sympathizing with, com-
; wrong, evil, unlucky, ominous ; (a), passionating.
f. a plant, Sida Alba ; (am), n. evil, detriment, disad- ^•tlici 2. an-iti, is, f. freedom
calamitous season.
from a Anu-kampya or anu-kampaniya, as, d, am,
vantage, calamity, crime. — Anhhta-yraha, as, m. an pitiable, worthy of sympathy ; (a«), m. an ascetic ; a
evil planet. — Anishta-dttshta-dhi, is, is, i, having an
evil and corrupt mind. — Anishta-prasanya, as, m. ^T?ft"^I an-idrisa, as, i, am, unlike, dis-
similar. anv-karsha. See under anu-krish.
connection with a wrong object or a wrong argument
or a wrong rule. — Anishta-pltala, am, n. evil result. «( 11 0*1 71 an-ipsita, as, d, am, undesired. anu-kalpa. See under ^
'SH+lff anu anu-glti.
Anu-kirna, as, a, am, crowded. •J'HII anu-gan, cl. lo. P. -ganayati,
qH°M% anu-kanksh, cl. I. P- A. -*«»-
k'hati, -te^-konitum, to long for, desire, seek. anu-krit, cl. 10. P. -kirtayati, fitum, to count over.
Anu-kaitkshd, f. desire after. Anu-ganita, as, d, am, counted over.
Anu-kdnkthin, i, ini, i, longing for. •ytiwrn, to relate after (or in order), to narrate. Anu-gauitin, i, ini, i, one who has counted over.
Anu-kirtana, am, n. act of proclaiming or pub- ^l»TJIH anu-gam, cl. I. P. -ga66hati, -gan-
<tM4l<4 anu-kdla, as, a, am, opportune,
im, to go after, follow, seek, approach, visit, arrive ;
occasional ; (am), ind. opportunely, occasionally, on a ami-klrip, cl. I. A. -kalpale, o practise, observe, obey, imitate ; to enter into ; to
proper occasion. duly. , -kalptum, to follow duly : Caus. -kalpa- ie out, be extinguished : Caus. -gamayati, -yitum,
f anu-kirtana. See anu-kjit. ,/nti, -yttum, to get (others) to follow or mutate o imitate, cause to die out.
anu-kunfita, as, d, am, bent, nw-ga, as, d, am, going after, following, cor-
3 3
Anu-kalpa, at, m. permission to adopt an alter esponding with, adapted to ; a companion ; a follower,
made crooked. native or substitute, as " instead of Kula grass you servant ; (at the close of compounds) having fol-
owers, as baldnuga, having a force following him,
anu-kush, cl. 9. P. -kvshnati, use DOrba." e. leader of a force or army ; (a), f., N. of an
nit, to pull or drag along (to lift?). may
Anu-kalp ita, at, a, am, followed, attended.
3H» an-ukta, as, d, am (rt. vat), un-
anu-kuj, cl. I. P. -kujati, -jitttm, Anu-gata, as, d, am, followed (lit. or fig.), as by
to follow in cooing or singing or groaning. uttered, unsaid, unheard of, extraordinary. — Anukta- dependant ; covered (as by a dress hanging behind);
ntrniitta, am, n. a reason which is unuttered or un- ollowing
*H<*t4 anu-kiila, as, d, am, following the heard ofor extraordinary ; (as, a, am), having such psaras. ; a follower ; acquired ; extinguished ; tally-
a reason. ng with ; (am), n. moderate time in music. — Anu-
bank (kula), slope or declivity, according to the current, atdrtha (°ta-ar°), as, a, am, having a corresponding
favourable, agreeable ; conformable to ; friendly, land, An-ukti, is, f. the not speaking, improper speech. easily discoverable) meaning.
well-disposed ; (a»), m. a faithful or kind and obliging Anu-gatika, as, m. a follower, an imitator.
^J«J<+¥) an-uktha, as, d, am, Ved. hymn-
husband ; (a), f. Croton Polyandrum ; N. of a metre ; less, not singing hymns. Anu-gantavya or anu-gamya, as, d, am, proper
(am), n. favour, kindness (often in an ironical sense). anu-krflka(a, af, a, am, serrated,
o be followed (especially in death) ; worthy of being
— Anukula-td, f. concord, good-will, favour, con-
dentated like a saw.
formity, consent ; prosperity. — Anukula-ndyaka, as, Anu-gama, as, m. or anu-gamana, am, n. fol-
m. a land husband or lover. — Anukula-vdyu, u*,
m. a favourable wind. ^H A'^ anu-krand, cl. i. A. -krandate, owing, going after in life or death ; postcremation of
a widow ; imitating, approaching.
-<litum, to shout or cry after one.
Anukulaya, nom. P. anukiilayati, -yitum, to
act in a friendly way. *H «Jttf? anu-kram, cl. i. P. -krdmati, tated.
Anu-gamya, as, d, am, to be followed or imi-
-kramitum, to go on, go after, follow ; to go through
W«T^ anu-kri, cl. 8. P. or poet. A. -karoti, in order, enumerate, supply with an abstract or index. Anu-gdmin, >, ini, t, following, a follower, a
-kwrute, -kartum, to do afterwards, to follow in do- Anu-krama, as, m. succession, arrangement, order, companion.
ing, imitate, equal, requite, adopt : Caus. -kdrayati, method; an index showing the successive contents Anu-gdmuka, as, d, am, habitually or constantly
-yitum, to cause one to imitate. "ollowing or attending.
Anu-kara, a», d, am, imitating; (as), m. an of a book ; (am), ind. in due order. anu-garj, cl. I. P. anu-garjati,
assistant. Anu-kramana, am, n. proceeding methodically or
in order ; following.
Anu-karana, am, n. imitation, following an ex- -jitwm, to shout or roar after.
ample ;resemblance, similarity. Anu-kramanikd or anu-kramdni, f. a table or
Anu-kartH, td, trl, tri, an imitator, imitating; chapter of contents, especially of the collection ol Anu-garjita, am, n. roaring echo.
•"H H ' MH anu-gavam, ind. so as to suit the
(td), m. a mimic, actor, performer. hymns &c. in Vedic books. ten.
Anu-karman, a, n. imitation; a subsequent rite Anu-krdnta, as, d, am, gone over, read, or done
or ceremony. in due order. anu-gavina, as, m. a cowherd.
Anu-kdra, at, m. imitation, resemblance. •>5MiJ)3 anu-krid, cl. I. A. -kridate, -ditum,
Anu-kdrin, i, ini, i, imitating, an imitator, acting, to play. anu-ga, cl. 3. P. -jiffdti, -gatum, to
go after, follow, seek, be guided by.
Anu-kdrya, as, d, am, fit to be imitated or anu-gadin, i, ini, i, following
(dramatically) acted ; (am), n, subsequent business ; -krothtum, fl^tJS^ anu-krus, cl. I. P. -krosati,
to shout at : Caus. -kroiayati, -yitum,
subsequent day (?). to join in lamenting, show sympathy. in speaking, echoing.
Anu-krita, as, d, am, copied, imitated, made or ? anu-gdh, cl. I . A. -gdhate, -gahitum,
done like. Anu-krofa, as, m. tenderness, compassion.
Anu-kriti, is, (. imitation, a copy, compliance. ^MHJUW ann-kshanam, ind. momentarily -gddhum, to plunge after, be immersed in.
Anu-krilya, as, d, am, fit to be imitated or perpetually, every instant. An-u-gddha, as, d, am, plunged, immersed.
represented. 5Sr|ftli*^ anu-giram, ind. on the moun-
Anu-kriyd, f. imitation, doing anything subse- 'Sl'TBjT) anu-kshattri, td, m. the door-
quently or in like manner ; a subsequent rite. ke per's or charioteer's mate or attendant. tain.
Anu-kri, (. a subsequent rite or ceremony. anu-gu, ind. behind the oxen or
F anu-kshapam, ind. night after
^PpinT anu-krit, cl. 6. P. -krintati, -karti- night.
tum, to go on shattering or destroying. anu-guna,as, a, am, having similar
^«JKJ^ anu-kshar, cl. I. P. -ksharati qualities, congenial with ; according or suitable to ;
YT«r«lf^ anu-krip, cl. 6. A., Ved. -kripate, -ritum, to flow into or upon.
to mourn ; nom. A. -kripdytite, -yitum, to com- (am), ind. naturally ; (as), m. natural peculiarity.
passionate, condole with. ^nrftij anu-kshi, cl. 6. P., Ved. -kshiyati
-kehetum, to overspread, reach : Pass, -kthiyate, to ^P^ni anu-gup, cl. I. P. -gopdyati, -gop-
fl^am anu-krish, cl. I. P. -karshati, decay or vanish gradually.
tum, to protect.of, d, am, protected, sheltered, con-
•karehtum or -krashtum, to drag after one's self, iHH^jc^ anu-kshetra, am, n. stipend (in
attract: Caus. -karshuyati, -yi'twm, =the same; to cealed.
subject. commutation probably of the proceeds of an endow
Anu-karsha, as, m. or anu-karfhaaa, am, n. ment) given to temple-servants in Orissa. ^IIH anu-gridh, cl. 4. P. -gridhyati,
-r/aril/titum, to be greedy after.
attraction, drawing ; invoking, summoning by incan- *>"J<!f%)
country. anu-khanja, as, m., N. of
tation ; the bottom or the axle-tree of a carriage ; ^T*pt anu-grl, cl. 9. P. -grinati, -garitvm,
grammatical attraction ; including a subsequent in a -ritum, Ved. to join in praising; to rejoin, answer,
preceding rule ; lagging behind in a ceremony ; de- •«»HOHI anu-khyn, cl. 2. P., Ved. -khyati
layed performance of a duty. -turn, to descry.
Anu-knrshan, d, m. the bottom of a carriage. Anu-khydti, in, f. act of descrying or revealing o 'WrJTt anu-gai, cl. I . P. -gayati, -gatum, to
Anu-krM-fn, (IK, d, am, attracted; included or reporting, sing after or to (a person or a tune) ; to celebrate in
implied in a subsequent rule. Anu-khydtH, td, m. a discoverer, revealer, re song : Caus. -gdpayati, -yitum, to make one sing
^T«T«lf anu-kri, cl. 6. P. -kirati, -karitum, after or to.
-rititm, to scatter along, to crowd : Pass, -kiryate, Anu-giti, is, f., N. of a metre of two verses, the
to become crowded or filled. ^^J'lfl'H. anu-gangam, ind. along th
porter. first containing twenty-seven, the second thirty-two
j Ganges. m&tras.
an-ugra. an-uttamambhas.

an-ugra, as, d, am, not harsh or that part of the lower garment which hangs down 2. anu-jna, f. or anu-jnana, am, n. assent, assent-
in front from the waist to the feet.
violent, mild, gentle. ing, permission ; leave to depart ; allowance made for
an-u6-(hitti, is,f. oian-uf-iheda, faults ; an order or command. — Anujna-prdrthand
<stiy? anu-grah, cl. 9. P. -grihndti or Ved. or anujAaishand ("jna-esK1), f. asking permission,
as, m. (rt. fhid with ud), not cutting off, non-ex- taking leave.
-gribhndti, or cl. 9. A. -grihmte, -grahitum, to tirpation, non-destruction, indestructibility. — AnuS-
follow in taking or plundering ; to support ; uphold ; Aiia-jaata, as, d, am, assented to, permitted,
to receive, welcome ; treat with kindness, favour, dhltti-dharman, a, a, a, possessing the virtue (or allowed ; ordered, directed, instructed ; accepted ;
law) of being indestructible. authorized, honoured ; allowed to depart, dismissed.
oblige ; foster.
1. an-ud-d/iindat, an, alt, at, not destroying.
Anu-grihlta, as, d, am, favoured, obliged. An-ud-dhinna, as, a, am, not cut off, unextirpated, Anu-jndpaka, as, m. one who commands or
Anu-graha, as, m. or anu-grahana, am, n. undestroyed. enjoins.
favour, kindness, showing favour, conferring benefits, Anu-jiidpana, am, n. or anu-jnapti, is, f. author-
promoting or furthering a good object; assistance; An-ud-dhedya, as,
severable. . a, am, indestructible, not ization issuing
; an order or permission.
facilitating by incantations ; rear-guard ; (in the Pura-
nas) N. of the eighth or fifth creation. — Anugraha- anu-6(hid (anu-6hid), cl. 7. P. W^STTT anu-jyeshtha, as, d, am, next
kdtara, as, d, am, anxious to please or for favour. eldest; (am), ind. after the eldest, according to
-ddhinatti, -ddhettum, to cut along or lengthwise.
— Anugraha-sarga, as, m. (in Sin-khya phil.) crea- 2. anu-ddhindat, an, ati, at, cutting lengthwise.
tion of the feelings or mental conditions. •>X*t<i'El^ami-taksh, cl. i. P., Ved. -takshati,
Anu-grahin, i, m., Ved. proficient in magic skill. ^S«l[«ig an-uMhishta, as, a, am (rt. sish offerings.
-kshitum, -tasJiinm, to sharpen or stimulate by
Anu-grdhaka, as, ika, am, favouring, furthering, with ud), not rejected, pure (by austerity and devotion).
facilitating ; favourable, kind, gracious.
, Anu-grdhita or anu-grahita (?), as, d, am, iHtj«dl anu-Mho (arm-Clio), cl. 4. P. •w^n^anu-tan, cl. 8. P. -tanoti, -tanitum,
favoured. -ihyati, -dhdtum, to cut open or cut up. to extend along, to carry on, continue, develop.
Anu-grahin, i, inl, i, gracious, favourable. •«»m'T anu-jan, cl. 4. A. -jdyate, -janitum,
Anu-grdhya, as, d, am, fit or deserving to be to follow in being bom or produced or arising ; to •w^n^anu-tap, cl. i. P. -tapati, -taptum,
favoured or furthered. to heat, to vex, annoy: Pass, -tapyate or poet.
Anu^ighrikshd, f. desire to show favour or kindness. take after (one's parents). -tapyati, to suffer afterwards, repent ; to desiderate,
Anu-ja, as, a, am, bora after, later, younger; (as), miss : Caus. -tdpayatt, -yitum, to distress.
iHHym'R anu-grdmam, ind. village after m. a younger brother, a cadet ; N. of a plant, also Anu-tapta, as, d, am, heated ; filled with regret.
village. called TrayamSna ; (am), n., N. of a plant, also called Anu-tapa, as, m. repentance, heat.
PrapaundarTka ; (a), f. a younger sister. Anu-tdpana, as, i, am, occasioning remorse,
?M_JJ|Ho(i anu-grdsaka, as, m. a mouthful Anu-janman, a, m. a younger brother, younger. repentance or sorrow.
(of boiled rice), the equivalent of a mouthful. Anu-jdta, as, a, am, after-born, later, younger; Anu-tdpin, i, int, i, penitent, regretting.
taking after (the parents) ; after teething (?) ; born
•«M»JII5 anu-ghatt, cl. 10. P. -ghattayati, again, i. e. invested with the sacred cordj (as), m. a
anu-tara. See anu-tri below.
-yitum, to stroke, rub lengthwise. younger brother ; (a), f, a younger sister. anu-tark, cl. 10. P. or poet. A.
" 3 3 *i anu-9nusn> cl- I- P-,Ved.-ghoshati, •«ir(ifr(* anii-janam, ind. according to -tarkayati, -te, -yitum, to follow in thought, to
-sJiitum, to name aloud.
people, popularly. regard as or take for.
«ifi^i«si anu-(aksh, cl. 2. A., Ved. -dashte, 'ij'Hrl^ anu-tarsha, as, m. thirst, wish,
-dashtum, to look at or up to. ^PrpnT anu-jap, cl. I. P. -japati, -pitum,
to follow or imitate in muttering. desire ; a drinking vessel, one used for drinking
•".NH^ anu-far, cl. I. P. -darati, -ritum, spirituous liquors.
to walk or move after or along, to follow, pursue,
^tlf <S^ anu-jalp, cl. I . P. -jalpati, -pitum, Anu-tarahana, am, n. a vessel from which spi-
traverse, seek after ; to follow out, adhere to, attend, to follow in talking ; A. -jalpate, to entertain by rituous liquor is drunk ; distributing liquor.
to behave : Caus. -ddrayati, -yitum, to let or cause ^•Tut co'T anu-tilam, ind. grain after grain
to traverse. VIIIIMI anu-jdgri, cl. 2. P. -jagarti, (of Sesamum), i. e. very minutely or by grains.
Anu-dara, as, I, am, following, attending ; (as), -jdgaritum, to watch as an attendant.
m. companion, follower, servant ; (a or 5), f. a female ^T«Tnnnrr«T anu-tishthamana. See anu-
attendant. •fl«jfW anu-ji, cl. I. P. -jay ati, -jetum, to shthd.
Anv.-6a.rdka, as, m. a follower, attendant ; (a), f. subdue : Desid. -jigishate, to be desirous of subduing.
a female follower or attendant. anu-tunna, as, d, am (rt. tad),
WfjfjiMBfl anu-jlghrikshd. See under Ved. depressed or repressed (in sound), muffled.
Anu-ddrin, t, inl, i, following, attending. anu-grah.
•>!{tjx|p§ anu-torti, is, is, i, Ved. reciting ^PTSifa anu-jlv, cl. i. P. -Jlvati, -vitum, ^T«J'iT<'5*t anu-tulaya, uom. P. -tulayati,
or repeating (in a chorus). -yitum, to rub lengthwise (with a brush or cotton?).
to follow or imitate in living ; to live for any one ; to
•wif-M i. anu-di, cl. 5. P. -finoti, -Return, live by or upon something ; to live submissively un- W^rJ? anu-trid, cl. 7. P. -trinatti, -tardi-
to set or place along or in regular order. der :Caus. -jivayati, -yitum, to restore to life. tum, to let go, let out ; split, sever, open.
I. anw-fita, as, d, am, set or placed along or Anu-jivin, i, ini, i, living by or upon ; dependent ;
lengthwise or in rows. (I), m. a dependent, follower. — Antytm-sdt-krita, 'HI gtj anu-trip, cl. 4. A. -tripyate, -tarpi-
as, d, am, made wholly subservient. tum, -tarptum, -traptum, to take one's fill (or
•fl *l M 2. anu-ti, cl. 3. P., Ved. -fiketi, to refreshment) after or later than another.
remember. Anu-jivya, as, d, am, to be followed in living.
•»!Hrl anu-tri, cl. I. P. -tarati, -ritum or
^•T^jM anu-jush, cl. 6. A., Ved. -jushate,
•si «1 P«in 2. an-utita, as, d, am, improper, -joshitum, t* seek. -ritum, to follow across or to the end ; to stretch
wrong, unusual, strange. — Anuditdrtha (°ta-ar"),as, lengthwise or prostrate : Pass, -tiryate, to be laid or
m. an unusual meaning. 'SI3'5 anu-jrt, cl. 4. P. -jiryati, or cl. I. P., lay one's self lengthwise.
old or-jarati, -jaritum, -ritum, to follow in getting
decaying. Anu-tara, am, n. fare, freight.
««jrM«rT anu-fint, cl. 10. P. -fintayati,
•ei'tr* an-utka, as, d, am, free from regret,
-yitum, to meditate, consider, recal to mind : Caus.
to make to consider. Anu-jlrna, as, a, am, grown old or decayed after not regretting, self-complacent, not repenting of.
or in consequence of.
Anu-dinta, f. or anu-dintana, am, n. thinking an-utkarsha, as, m. inferiority,
of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting ; anxiety. ^T^i*^ an-yjjhat, an, anil or ati, at, not non-elevation.
Anu-dintita, as, d, am, recollected, recalled, quitting, not leaving.
thought of. ^T^W a-nutta, as, d, am, Ved. not cast
left or lost. as, d, am, undiminished, unimpaired, down, invincible ; (or, not moistened, = an-utta f).
WTW an-u£6a, as, d, am, not high, low,
humble. Indra.
— Anutta-munyu, us, m. of invincible wrath, i. e.
•«^1$tl I. anu-jna,c\. 9. P. rarely A. -jdndti,
An-uddais, ind. not aloud, in a low voice. -jdnlte, -jnatum, to permit, grant, allow, consent;
to excuse, forgive ; to authorize ; to allow one to take ^T«T ^T an-uttama, as, d, am, unsurpassed,
^f*pTH; an-uMdra, non-pronunciation, leave, dismiss, bid farewell ; to entreat ; to behave incomparably the best or chief, excellent; not the
skipping words. See ud-dar.
kindly: Caus. -jndpayati, -yitum, to request, ask best ; (in gram.) not used in the uttama or first
anu-6chdda, as, m. (fr. rt. thad permission, ask for leave, to take leave : Desid. person. — An- iittamdmbhas (°ma-am°), as, n. (in
with anu), a garment which hangs down, or probably -jijndsati or -te, to be willing to grant. SSn-khya phil.) indifference to and consequent absti-
34 anuttamambhasika. anunasikopadha.
nence from sensual enjoyment, as fatiguing. — An not elevated, not pronounced with the Udatta accent, astamaya), taking place whilst the Ahavanlya fire
uttnitidiiili/uiitikii, n m, n. indifference to and absti grave; accentless, having the neutral general tone continues (au-uddhrita) unremoved from the Gar-
nenoe from sensual enjoyment as involving injury to neither high nor low : the term Anudatta is used
external objects. by Panini both for the grave or non-elevated accent vtrtss an-udbhata, as, d, am, not exalted,
(explained by him as sannatara, q. v.) which im-
^T!J?RnH-M//i/n/, us, a, aw, chief, principal mediately precedes the Udatta, and also for the
best, excellent; without a reply, unable to answer general accentless, neutral tone, neither high nor low,
silent ; fixed, firm ; low, inferior, base ; south •w^S an-udya, as, a, am, unutterable.
explained as eka-ilruti, i. e. the one monotonous
southern; (am), n. a reply which is coherent or ordinary intonation which belongs to the generality w^iart an-udyata, as, d, am (rt. yam), in-
evasive and therefore held to be no answer; (tie), m of syllables in a sentence ; (an), m. one of the three active, idle, destitute of perseverance.
a class of gods among the jzmzs. — Anuttara-yoga- accents to be observed in reading the Vedas, the I8i«iai'l an-udyoga, as, m. absence of ex-
tantra, am, n. title of the last of the four Bauddha- grave accent. — Anitddtta-tara, as, m. more than ertion or effort, inactivity, laziness.
tantras. ** An-uttaropapdtika ("ra-up"), as, m. pi. Anudatta, still lower in sound .than Anudatta, i. e.
the same class of j>o&. — .!ii<it/ar<jj)aj)atfka-dasa, the very Anudatta accent (or a syllable having this An-udyogin, i, inl, i, inactive, lazy, indifferent.
at, f. pi. title of a book treating of those gods. an-udra, as, d, am, waterless.
accent) which immediately precedes a syllable hav-
vi«j^|rf an-uttdna, as, o, am, lying with ing the Udatta or Svarita accent, and is therefore
anu-dru, cl. i. P. -dravati, -drotum,
the face towards the ground ; not supine. more depressed than the ordinary Anudatta. — An-
to run after, follow ; accompany ; to pursue.
uddttadi (°ta-dd°), n. (in gram.) a nominal base Anu-druta, as, d, am, followed, pursued ; (am),
•w^rMll an-utthdna, am, n. (rt. sthd), the of which the first syllable is Anudatta. — Anudattet
not rising, want of exertion. n. a measure of time in music, half a Druta, or one-
the Anudatta t, m. accent
a verbal torootindicate
having that
for itsitAnubandha
takes the fourth of a Matra or of the time taken to articulate a
utthlta, at, a, am, not risen, not grown up
(as grain). Atmane-pada terminations only ; also anuddttopa- short vowel.
•wirMPs an-utpatti, is, f. failure, non-pro-
deia. — Anuddttodaya, (°ta-ud'), am, n. a syllable vt«isT5 an-udvdha, as, m. non-marriage,
immediately preceding the Anudatta accent.
duction (if,
; is, f), or an-utpattlka, as, t, am, not
(yet) produced. — Anutpattika-dharma-ksfianti, is, ^J^TT I. an-udara, as, d, am, niggardly,
(. (with Buddhists) acquiescence in the state (and mean ; liberal, munificent. vtrjls'l an-udvigna, as, d, am, free from
moral condition) which is still future, preparation for apprehension or perplexity, easy in mind.
2. anu-ddra, as, a, am, adhered to An-udvega, as, d, am, free from anxiety ; (as),
a future state. — Anutj>atti-sama, as, a, m. f. (in m. freedom from uneasiness. — An-udveya-kara, as,
or followed by a wife.
NyJya phil.) arguing against a thing by trying to
show that nothing exists from which it could 2. an-udita, as, a, am, unsaid, un- I, am, not causing apprehension, not overawing.
spring. ^nTMT anu-dhd, cl. 3. P. -dadhdti, -dhdtum,
udaya). interdicted (see I. an-uilita under an-
An-tttpanna, as, a, am, unborn, unproduced ; to welcome, receive kindly.
uneffectcd, unaccomplished.
An-ulpadn, OK, m. the not coming into existence ; *i*{anu-dinam or anu-divasam, ind. ^JVT^ i. anu-dhdv, cl. I. P. -dhdvati,
the not taking effect. — Anutpdda-kshanti, it, f. daily, every day. -ritum, to run after, to run up to.
acquiescence in not having to undergo another Anu-dhdvat, an, antl, at, running after.
birth. anu-dis', cl. 6. P. -disati, -deshtum, 1. anu-dhdrana, am, n. chasing, pursuing, run-
to point out, to assign. ning after; dose pursuit of any object, going after
An-utpadana, am, n. not producing, non-pro- a mistress.
duction. Anu-di$"am, ind. in every quarter.
An-utpddya, OK, a, am, not to be produced or Anu-desa, as, m. a rule or injunction, especially Anu-dhdi'ita, as, a, am, pursued, run after,
created, i. e. eternal. one that points back to a previous rule ; reference to literally or figuratively.
something prior.
s,m.want of adequate
Anu-detfin, t, inl, i, pointing back, referring back ; 2. anu-dhdv, cl. i. P. A. -dhaeati,
effort ; want of energy or determination ; listlessness ; being the object of an Anudesa.
(at, a, am), deficient in determination. — Anutsdha- -le, -vitum, to cleanse.
ta, f. want of determination. u-dribh, cl. 6. P., Ved. -dribhati, 2. anu-dhd rann, am, n. deansing, purification.
-darbhitum, to make into bundles or chains. WHlSt anu-dhyai, cl. I. P. -dhydyati,
1«gr«<* an-utsuka, as, a, am, not eager, -dhydtum, to consider attentively, to think of, to
calm, retiring; moderate. —Anutsuka-td, f. mode- anu-dris, cl. I. P. -pasyati, -dra-
shtum, to survey, behold ; to keep in view or in mind, muse, to be anxious.
:o foresee : Caus. P. -dardayati, -yitum, to show, Anu-dhydna, am, n. meditation, religious con-
an-utsutra, as, a, am, not ano- tell, teach : Pass. -drUyate, to become or be visible. templation, solicitude.
malous. Anu-dhydyin, i, inl, i, contemplating, meditating.
Anurdarfona, am, n. consideration, regard, refer-
'wgr««ti an-utseka, as, m. absence of arro- •>Ji»l«1<j anu-nad, cl. I. P. -nadati, -ditum,
gance or highmindedness. Anu-dars"in, I, int, i, considering, foreseeing. to sound towards, (with ace.) : Caus. P. -nddatjati,
An-iUsckin, i, inl, i, not arrogant or puffed up. Anu-drishti, is, f., N. of the ancestress of Anu-
drishtineya. -yttum, to make resonant or musical.
f an-udaka, as, a, am, waterless. Anu-ndda, as, m. sound, vibration, reverberation,
An-udrashtarya, as, a, am, capable of being ob-
an-udagra, as, a, am, not lofty, served, visible. echo.
Anu-nddita, as, d, am, made to resound.
low ; not projecting. anu-dfi, Pass, -diryate, to break Anu-nddin, I, inl, i, resounding, echoing, resonant.
W«I<^M an-udaya, as, m. non-rising, the through after (another) ; to be scattered or confused •»iH«1*^an«-nam, cl. I . P. -namati, -nantum,
not rising (of a luminary). in consequence of the confusion of othe/s). to indine to.
l. an-udita, at, a, am, not risen, not appeared. anu-deham, ind. behind the body. •>s*i<iti anu-naya, anu-nayin, &c. See
(For 2. an-iulita, see next column.)
an-udara, as, a, am, thin, lank. anu-dairghya, as, a, am, longi- anu-ni.
udinal. •Si«T«1ir«oh anu-nasika, as, d, am, nasal,
^^n l«u an-udyirna, as, a, am, not vomited uttered through the nose (as one of the five nasal
to bum over again, to bum up. consonants, or a vowel, or the three semivowels y,
brth, not disdained ; not spurned.
^rg-fT anu-da, cl. 3. P. -dadati, -datum, to r, I, under certain circumstances; in the case of
give back, restore, give way, yield, grant, remit ; to un-uddhata, as, a, am (rt. han), not
vowels and semivowels, the mark'>i/ is used to denote
ifted up, humble, unsurpassed, unequalled, unopposed. this nasalization); the nasal mark &; (am), n. a nasal
pay one out ('?).
Anu-tla, a*, a, am, Ved. yielding, emulating ^ *1 S V<u an-uddharana, am, n. (rt. Art), twang. "Anunasika-tra, am, n. nasality. — Annna-
others in giving, a follower. sika-lopa, «», m. dropping of a nasal sound or letter.
Anurdatla, at, a, am, granted, remitted, given ,on-removal ; not offering, not establishing or proving.
— Anunasikdtva (fka-dt°), am, n. nasal pronuncia-
back. An-iuldhara, an, m. non-partition, not taking a
hare; non-removal. tion of d, — Anuntisikadi (cka-ddi), is, m. a com-
Anu^ltya, an, a, am, to be given back or restored. pound letter commencing with a nasal. — Annnd-
Anu-dtyi, f., Ved. restitution; a female follower An-iuldhrita, a*, a, am, non-removed, not taken M-anta (°ka-an°), as, m. a radical ending in a nasal.
or companion. away ; uninjured, undestroyed ; unotfered ; undivided,
— Anunafikopadha ('ka^up'-), as, a, am, having a
unpaititioned ; unestablished, unproved. — An-iul- nasal penultimate ; succeeding a syllable with a nasal
an-ndatta, as, a, am, not raised,
ilintalikyaetamaya fta-abh"), as, m. sunset (ahhy-
anu-ni-kram. an-upalambhana. 35
•w *i f«l ai*T anu-ni-kram, cl. I. P. -krdmati, rr an-upayhdtdrjita (°ta-arj°), An-npapddaka, as, m. pi. (having no material
•kramitum, to follow in the steps. as, nala, estate).
am, acquired without detriment (to the pater- parent), N. of a class of Buddhas, called Dhyani-
^J^llVicI anu-niksh, cl. I . P., Ved. -nikshati,
An-upaghnat, an, all, at, not detrimental (to the an-upaplava, as, d, am, free from
-kfJt it am, to pierce along. paternal estate). any overwhelming calamity.
calamity) .
^nTMTTrr anu-ni-tud, cl. 6. P. -tudati, •=s(T\'4-^anu-pa/!, cl. I. P. -patati, -paktum, An-upapluta, as, d, am, not overwhelmed (with
-tottuin, to wound with a stab, to goad. to make ripe by degrees : Pass, -padyate, to become
•SIIMIH^ anu-ni-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate, ripe by degrees. •>ii«J<4=niT an-upabddha, as, d, am, Ved. un-
an-upajivaniya, as, d, am, obstructed, unimpaired.
-pattum, to lie down by the side of.
^Mfiii^m anu-nir-jahdna, as, a, am (rt. yielding (or granting) no livelihood ; having no live- ^^T>J3> an-upabhukta, as, d, am, unen-
hd), proceeding out of (?). joyed, unpossessed.
, cl. I. P. -pathati, -thitum, An-upabhujyamdna, as, d, am, not being en-
W'jfVfi'^ anu-nir-dah, cl. I. P. -daliati, to say after, repeat.
-dagdhum, to burn down in succession. Anu-pathita, o«, d, am, read through (aloud), W*njT an-upama, as, a, am, incomparable,
recited. matchless ; excellent, best ; (d), f. the female elephant
W^ftr^f anu-nirdesa, as, m. description
or relation following a previous model. Anu-pathitin, I, m. (one who has read through or of the south-east or of the north-east. — Anupama-
recited), proficient.
»n 1 M 1 1 M anu-nirvdpa, as, m. subsequent mati, is, m., N. of a contemporary of S'akya-muni.
libation (with clarified butter). ^Tfniir anu-pat, cl. I. P. -patati, -titum, An-upamita, as, d, am, uncompared, matchless.
to fly to (with ace.) ; fly after, run after, go after, An-upameya, as, a, am, incomparable.
Ann-niredpyd, f. ceremony connected with this
subsequent libation. follow : Caus. -patayati, -yitum, to fly to ; to throw W?fM»l5«f an-upamardana, am, n. non-
a person down together with oneself. demolition or refutation of a charge.
•annl anu-ni, cl. I. P. -nayati, -netum, Anu-patana, am, n. falling on or upon; follow-
to bring near, to lead after ; to persuade, induce, win ing; (in mathem.) proportion. •WIJMV^I an-upayukta, as, d, am, unsuited,
over, conciliate, to coax, pacify, supplicate. Anu-patita, as, d, am, fallen, descended; fol- unsuitable, improper ; useless, unserviceable.
Anu-naya, a«, m. conciliation, salutation, courtesy, lowed. An-upayoga, as, m. unserviceableness, uselessness.
civility, showing respect or adoration to a guest or a Ann-pata, see s. v. An-upayoyin, i, irit, i, unsuitable, useless,
deity; humble entreaty or supplication, reverential
deportment ; regulation of conduct, discipline, tuition ; •«l ^in anu-pati, ind. after the husband. iHrjH<n an-uparata, as, d, am, uninter-
rupted, not stopped.
(as, d, am), conciliatory, kind; (am), ind. fitly, virjM<4 anu-patha, as, d, am, following the
becomingly. — Anunaya-pratigha-pruhdna, am, road ; having favourable roads ? ; (as), m. a road ; ^WWm{anu-pard-pat, cl. I. P. -patati,
n. (with Buddhists) abandoning the obstacles to -titum, to fly or hasten by the side of another.
(am), ind. along the road.
conciliatory behaviour. — Anunaydmantrana ("ya-
dm°), am, n. conciliatory address. ^njtl^ i. anu-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate, ^njTfXejf anu-pari-krl, cl. 6. P. -kirati,
Anu-nayamdna, as, d, am, conciliating, honour- -pattum, to follow, attend, be fond of; to enter; to -karitum, -rltum, to scatter alongside, to bestrew.
ing, showing respect. enter upon ; to notice, understand ; to handle.
Anu-^iayin, I, Irii, i, courteous, humble, suppli- food(>).
2. anu-pad, t, t, t, Ved. coming to pass ; or (t), f. •sitjufcai*^ anu-pari-kram, cl. I. P. -kra-
cating. mati, -kramitum, to walk round in order, to make
the circuit of, visit in a regular round.
Anu-ndyaka, as, ikd, am, submissive, humble. Anu-pada, as, d, am, following closely ; (as), m.,
N. of a man or tribe ; (am), n. a chorus, burden of ^TlftTTT anu-pari-gd, cl. 3. P. -jigdti,
Anu-ndyikd, f. a female character, subordinate to a song or words sung again after regular intervals ; -gdtum, to make the round of, traverse.
a ndyika or leading female character in a drama.
(am), ind. step by step, word for word ; on the heels
Anu-ninishu, us, us, u, desirous of conciliating of, close behind or after. — Anupada-sutra, am, ^t 3 H (V.<uft anu-pari-m (-ni), cl. I. P.
or gratifying. n. title of a commentary explaining the text (of a -nayati, -netum, to lead or carry about.
Anu-nita, as, d, am, trained, disciplined, obtained, Brahmana) word for word.
acquired, taught, respected ; pleased, pacified, appeased, Anu-padavl, f. a way. 'SftjvdVtV anu-paridhi, ind. along or at
humbly entreated. the three Paridhis of the sacrificial fire.
Anu-padin, i, m.
follows or seeks for. a searcher, an inquirer, one who
Anu-niti, is, f. conciliation, courtesy, supplication. ^•nriTPJirrr anu-parisrit, ind. along or at
Anu-neya, as, d, am, easily conciliated. Anupadind, f. a boot, a buskin. the surrounding fence.
13 *J3 unn-nu or -nit, cl. 6. and cl. 2. P.,Ved. an-upadasvat, •wHm!) anu-pari (-pari-i), cl. 2. P. -pary-
-nuvati or -nauti, -navitum oi-nuvitum, to praise not drying up, not decaying (?). an, at'i, at, Ved.
eti, -turn, to follow in going round, to make the
again and again : Intens. -nonaviti, to cheer after. round of.
virjiir^g an-upadishta, as, d, am, un-
vt «j i ruzHK-nnYjCl. 4. F.-nrityati,-nartitum, taught, uninstructed.
•«»IM«; anu-pare (-pard-i),c\. 2. P. -paraiti,
to dance after (with ace.) ; to dance before (with ace.).
or teach. td, m. one who does not point -turn, to follow in walking off.
vitj^in an-unnata, as, d, am, not elevated, •^HMtJmT anu-pary-d-ga, cl. 3. P. -jiffdti,
not lifted up. — Anunnata-gdtra, as, a, am, (with an-upadha, ae, m. (having no
Buddhists) having limbs that are not too stout, pro- penultimate), a letter or syllable (as a sibilant or A) -gdtum, to revolve, accomplish a revolution.
when not preceded by another. ^nrmi ann-parye (-pari-d-i), cl. 2. P.
minent or protuberant. — Anunnatdnata (°ta-dn°),
as, d, am, not raised nor lowered, level.
»ii«jn(VTjni an-upadhi-sesha, as, m. that -paryaiti, -turn, to make the whole round of.
TH«j«*i r< an-unmatta or an-unmadita or an- in whichduality (?).there is no longer a condition of indivi- '•M 1M rtTBJTf an-upalakshita, as, d, am, un-
unmdda, as, d, am, sane, sober, not wild, not mad. traced, unperceived, unmarked, undiscriminated.
^H^Hll? an-upanaha, as, m. (with Bud- An-upalakshya, as, d, am, not to be traced.
•st^H anupa, as, d, am, watery, marshy; — Amipalakshya-vartman, a, a, a, having ways
see anupa. — Anupa-ja or better anupa-ja, am, n. dhists) want of1 dose attachment or adherence (?).
ginger (in its undried state). (or a way) that cannot be traced.
v)«jM»q«rt an-upanyasta, as, a, am, not
laid down clearly, not established. 'J)^MriJ«W an-upalabdha, as, d, am, unob-
^T^M«»ilfV»T an-upakdrin, ~t, ini, i, not An-upanydsa, as, m. failure of proof or deter-
tained, unperceived, unascertained.
assisting, disobliging, ungrateful, not making a return mination, uncertainty, doubt.
for benefits received ; unserviceable, useless. An-upalal>dhi, is, f. non-perception, non-recogni-
tion. — Anupalabdhi-samct, as, d, m. f. sophism,
An-upakrita, as, d, am, unassisted. ^•pnTfe an-upapatti, is, f. non-accom- trying to establish a fart (e. g. the reality and eternity
'••si'JHfSTrt an-upakshita, as, d, am, un- plishment, failure, inconclusive argumentation ; irre- of sound) from the impossibility of perceiving the
injured, undestroyed. levancy, inapplicability, impossibility, insufficiency of non-perception of it.
means, penury, adversity. An-upalal)hyamana, as, d, am, not being per-
f'J'JnnT an-upagita, as, d, am, not praised An-wpapanna, as, d, am, not done, unaccom-
or celebrated (?) ; not accompanied in singing (?); plished, uneftected ; unproved, undemonstrated ; irre- An-upalambJia, as, m. non-perception.
(am), ind. so that no other person accompanies in levant, inconclusive, inapplicable, impossible, inade- or An-upalambhana,
knowledge. am, n. want of apprehension
quately supported.
1^ an-upavitin.
anu-pra-dhdv, cl. I. P. -dhdvati,
"SfjlMlfri1'^ an-upacitin, I, m. one who Ami-patin, i, in'i, i, following as a consequence
or result. <-itu,m, to rush after.
docs not wear the sacred cord, uninvested with the
sacrificial thread. anu-pana. See s. v. I. anu-pa. Anu-prailftdrita, as, d, am, hurried, eager.
iMnHHns anu-pra-pat, cl. i. P. -patati,
WH^II an-upasaya, as, m. any ag- an-updnatka, as, d, am, shoeless. -titum, to fly towards.
gravating thing or circumstance that increases a inl, i, not using
disease. IM »J MlI M *^ an-ii/>iiyiii Anu-prapdlam, ind. going in succession.
means or expedients.
V1rilJ$llii an-upasdnta, as, a, am, not ^nTlTI'^ anu-pra-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate,
1flnm>d anu-pdrsva,
calm ; (o»), m., N. of a Buddhist mendicant. as, a, am, lateral ; -pattum, to follow.
along or by the side. Anu-prapanna, as, d, am, following after, con-
*JH MS^I anu-pusya, as, a, am, following formed to.
with his looks, keeping in view or in mind. •"Btgmi^S1 an-updvritta, as, m. pi., N. of a
Anu-prapddam, ind. going in succession.
SHHim^ an-upasarga, as, m. a word that v)«iHMI anu-pra-pd, cl. I. P. A. -pibati,
'31'T'Tni'T an-updsana, am, n. want of
is not an Upasarga, that has not the force of one, attention to. -te, -patum; P. to drink one after the other; A. to
that is destitute of one ; that which needs no additions drink after another (with ace.).
or supplements (as a divine being). An-updsita, as, d, am, not attended to, neglected.
».H^JH*<H!J anu-pramdna, as, d, am, having
WHMM-^H an-upasefana, as, a, am, having anu-purus
^*33^H man, ha, as, m. the before- a suitable size or length.
mentioned a follower.
nothing (e. g. no sauce) for moistening.
^tlT"4 anu-pushpa, as, m. a kind of reed ^TTJnpT anu-pra-yuj, cl. 7. A. -yunkte,
VSHM^rT an-vpaskrita, as, a, am, un- -yoktum, to employ, apply.
finished, unpolished ; not cooked, i. e. genuine, blame- (Saccharum Sara Roxb.).
less; unrequited.
Anu-prayujyamdna, as, d, am, employed in
•win ^5 anu-purva, as, d, am, regular,
an-upasthdna, am, n. absence, orderly, successive, from the preceding. Anupunena Arm-prayoktarya, as, d, am, proper to be joined
the not being at hand. or anupurva-das, ind. in regular order or succession, or employed in addition.
An-upasthapana, am, n. not producing, not from the first, from the beginning, from above down- Anu-prayoga, as, m. additional use.
offering, not placing ; not having ready or at hand. wards. —Anupurva-keda, as, m. one who has 'ii^iHCy? anu-praroha, as, d, am, coming
An-upasthdpayat, an, anti, at, not presenting, regular hair. — Anupurra-gdtra, as, m. one who
has regularly shaped limbs. — Anupurva-ja, as, d, up or growing in accordance with.
Dot having at hand.
am, descended in a regular line. — AnupHrva- ^WH^j! anu-pra-vah, cl. i. P. -vahati,
An-upastMpita, as, a, am, not ready, not at
hand, not offered or produced. danxktra, as, d, am, having regular teeth. — Anu- -vodhum, to drag (or carry) about.
purm-nSbhi, is, m. having a regularly shaped navel.
An-upasthayin, I, inl, i, absent, distant. — Anupun-a-pdni-leklia, as, d, am, having regular virtHrqar^ anu-pra-vis, cl. 6. P. -visati,
An-upanthita, as, a, am, not come near, not lines in the hands. — Anupurva-wUsd, (. a cow -veshtum, to follow in entering, to attack, enter;
present, not at hand, not current; (am}, n. a word which calves regularly.
to sleep with.
not upasthita (q. v.) in the grammatical sense of that Anupun-ya, as, a, am, regular, orderly, successive.
term. Anu-pravifya, ind. having entered.
anu-prikta, as, d, am, mixed with. Anu-pmi'es'a, as, m. or anu-pravefana, am, n.
An-upasthiti, is, (. absence, not being at hand. return, entrance ; imitation.
•>JMM^rl an-upahata, as, a, am, unim-
anu-prishthya, as, d, am (held or Anu-prarefanlya, as, d, am, connected with re-
extended), lengthwise. turning or with entering.
paired. unvitiated ; not rendered impure. — An-ufia-
hata-krufhta, at, a, am, (with Buddhists) neither WTO anu-pri, Caus. P. -purayati, -yitum, isirtH^^ amt-pra-su<!, cl. i. P. -Mati,
affected by injury nor by anger. to fill? to fulfil. -Mtum, to regret or mourn deeply.
wil^tT an-upahuta, as, d, am, not called •wi«4n an-upeta, as, d, am, not endowed 1«fiH'a anu-prasna, as, m.(fr. anu-prafh),
upon or invited ; not called upon aloud ; not accom- with, not invested with (the sacred cord). a subsequent question having reference to what has
panied with invitations.
vi «1 Ml 4«u an-uposhana, am, n. not fasting. been previously said by the teacher.
«)«lHr i. anu-pa, cl. I. P. -pibati, -pdtum, 'KHHW* anu-prasakta, as, d, am, strongly
to drink after or thereupon, follow in drinking, drink ^TfTJT an-upta, as, d, am (rt. nap), unsown
(as seed). — Anupta-fanya, as, d, am, fallow, attached, closely connected.
at : Caus. -payayati, -yitum, to cause to drink after-
wards. meadow (ground, &c.). Anu-prasakti, is, f. close connection with.
Anu-pana, am, n. a fluid vehicle in medicine; An-uptrima, as, d, am, grown without being sown. anu-prastha, as, d, am, latitudinal ;
drink taken with or after medicine ; drink close at according to width, following the breadth or latitude.
hand. 'S«iH=!i+*^ anu-pra-kamp, Caus. A. -kamp-
ayate, -yitum, to follow in swinging or agitating. •-H»Jll^<!J anu-praharana, am, n. knock-
Anu-pdniya, am, n. drink close at hand ; (as, a,
am), fit to be drunk after ; serving as a liquid vehicle xirtms^ anu-prafh, cl. 6. P. -pri6(hati, ing into or throwing into.
of medicine.
-prashtum (with two ace. cases of the person and 'fl'TBr*!^ anu-prdn (-pra-an), cl. 2. P.
thing), to ask, to inquire after. -praniti, -nitum, to breathe after.
i««jm 2. anu-pa, Caus. P. A. -pdlayati,
-te, -yitum, to preserve, keep. Annpraina, see s. v. •sitlHm anu-prdp (-pra-dp), cl. 5. P.
Anu-palaua, am, n. preserving, keeping up. •»a«iHn«is anu-pra-jan, cl. 4. A. -jdyate, -dpnoti, -aptum, to come or go up to, reach, attain,
Anvrpalayat, an, and, at, keeping, maintaining. -janitum, to be born after; to procreate again and overtake (?) ; to arrive, to get, obtain; to get back;
Anti-palln, i, fnl, i, preserving, keeping up. again : Caus. -janayati, -yitum, to cause to be born
Anu-pdlu, n., N. of a plant, wild Calladium(?). subsequently. to imitate.
Anu-prdpta, as, d, am, arrived, returned ; ob-
tained having
; reached, having got.
vi^mcjn an-updkrita, as, a, am, not ren- ^^THsTT anu-pra-jnd, cl. 9. P. -jdndti,
dered fitfur sacrificial purposes. — Anupdkrita-mansa, -jiiatum, to track, trace, discover. (-pra-as), cl. 4. P.-asyati,
am, n. flesh of an animal not prepared for sacrifice. Aini-prajndna, aim, n. tracking, tracing. -asitum, to throw or shoot after.
vniMnoq an-updkhya, as, a, am, not ^T5nTflJ<r anu-pra-nud (-nud), cl. 6. P. A. Anu-prasa, as, m. alliteration, repetition of similar
clearly discernible. letters, syllables, and words.
-Hiuluti, -te, -nnttiim, to push away from one's self;
to frighten away, put to flight. <<*MU anu-pre (-pra-i), cl. 2. P. -praiti,
'SPTTnr anu-pdta, as, m. falling subse-
quently upon, alighting or descending upon in succes- '!) H U fd &l{anu-prati-kram, cl. I . P. -krdm- •turn, to follow; to follow in death; to seek after.
sion ;following ; going, proceeding in order, or as a ati. -kramituin, to return. ^•niTS anu-preksh (-pra-lksh), cl. I. A.
consequence ; a degree of latitude opposite to one
given, the Anted (?); proportion (in arithrn.) ; arith- '^«1H'Hx anu-prath, cl. i. A. -prathate, -prckshate, -kshltum, to follow with the eyes.
metical progression, rule of three. -tJiitum, to praise, celebrate. ^•TTII anu-presh (-pra-ish), Caus. P.
Anu-pdtaka, am, n. a heinous crime, as falsehood, vi ri i H »; I anu-pra-dd, cl. 3. P. -daddti, -preshayati, -yitum, to send forth after.
fraud, theft, adultery. -datum, to surrender, make over. flrJiH anu-plava, as, m. (rt. plu), a com-
Anu-patam, ind. in succession. Anu-pradana, um, n. a gift, donation.
panion orfollower.
anu-bandh, cl. 9. P. -badhnati, by experience or perception. — Anubhavdrudha ("ro- anu-maru, us, m. a country next
-banddhum, to attach, tie ; to bind (by an obliga- ar0), as, d, am, subjected to trial or experiment. to a desert.
tion) ;to stick, adhere, follow, endure. Anu-bhdva, as, m. a sign or indication of a feeling
(b/idva) by look or gesture ; dignity, authority, con- i.anu-ma, cl. 3. A. -mimlte, -mdtum,
Anu-baddha, as, a, am, bound to, obliged to, to infer, conclude, guess, conjecture ; to reconcile, to
connected with, related to, belonging to. sequence; firm opinion, ascertainment, good resolu-
tion, belief. equal : Pass, -miyate, to be inferred or supposed.
Anu-ban*lha, as, m. binding, connection, attach-
ment, the encumbrance or clog of a family ; uninter- Anu-bhdvaka, as, ikd, am, causing to apprehend, 2. anu-md, f. inference, a conclusion from given
making to understand. — Anub/idvaka-ta, f. under-
rupted succession ; sequence, consequence, result ; in-
tention, design, motive or cause of an action ; obstacle; Anu-mdna, am, n. the act of inferring or drawing
the inseparable adjunct or sign of anything, secondary Anu-bhdvana, am, n. the act of indicating feelings a conclusion from given premises; inference, consi-
or symptomatic affection, supervening on the principal by sign or gesture. deration, reflection ; guess, conjecture ; one of the
Anu-bhdvin, I, inl, i, perceiving, knowing, an means of obtaining knowledge (pramdna) according
disease ; an indicatory letter or syllable, marking some
peculiarity in the inflection of the word to which it eye-witness ; showing signs of feeling. to the San-khya or Nyaya systems, but not according
is attached (for instance, an t attached to roots, de- Anu-bhu, us, us, u, perceiving, understanding. to the Vedanta. — Anumdna-khanda, am, n., N.
notes the insertion of a nasal before their final conso- Anu-bhuta, as, a, am, perceived, understood, of a work on inference, by Cintamani. — Anumdna-
nant) ;a child or pupil, who imitates an example set judged, experienced, apprehended ; resulted, followed prakd^a, as, m. a similar work by Rulidatta.
by the parent or preceptor ; commencement, begin- as a consequence ; that has experienced, tasted, tried — Anumdna-mani-didhiti, is, (. a similar work by
or enjoyed.
ning ;anything small or little, a part, a small part ; Raghunatha.
soning, logic.— Anumdnokti (°na-uk°), is, (. rea-
(in arithm.) the junction of fractions; (in phil.) Anu-bhuti, is, f. perception, apprehension ; know-
an indispensable element of the Vedanta ; (i), f. ledge from any source but memory ; (in phil.) know- Anu-mdpaka, as, ikd, am, causing an inference,
ledge from four sources, viz. perception by the senses, as an effect.
hickup; thirst.
Anu-bandhaka, as, ikd, am, connected, allied ; inference, comparison, and verbal knowledge ; dignity, Anu-mita, as, d, am, inferred, conjectured.
related. consequence. — Anubhuti-prakdto, as, m. title of a Anu-miti, is, f. inference, conclusion from given
Anu-bandhana, am, n. binding, connection, suc- metric paraphrase of the twelve principal Upanishads,
cession, unbroken series. by Vidyaranya-muni. — Anubhuti-svariipdddrya Anu-mimdna, as, d, am, concluding, inferring.
Anu-bandhin, t, irii, i, connected with, attached ; ("pa-d('), as, m., N. of the author of the grammar Anu-miyamdna, as, d, am, being inferred.
Sarasvatl-prakriyS. Amt-meya, as, d, am, inferable, to be inferred,
having in its train or as a consequence, resulting.
• — Aniibandht-tva, am, n. the state of being accom- Anu-bhuya, ind. having perceived, having experi- proved or conjectured.
panied. anu-madya. See under anu-mad.
Anu-bandhya, as, a, am, principal, primary, what Arm-bhuyamdna, as, a, am, under trial, under
anu-mdsham, ind. like a kidney
may receive an adjunct, as a root, a disease ; (as), m. enjoyment.
one of the three principal sacrificial animals at the bean.
^Trpf anu-bhri, cl. I. P., Ved. -bharati,
Jyotishtoma sacrifice. month.
throw into. to praise conformably (?), to commit to,
•«i^*ll« anu-masa, as, m. the following
iM'llf? anu-bala, am, n. rear-guard, or an
auxiliary army following another. imitating.
Anu-bkartri,td,tri,trt, Ved. praising conformably,
•wgg^ arm-mud, cl. i. A. -modate, -ditum,
•sil"!!^ anu-bddh, cl. I. A. -badhate, to join in rejoicing, to sympathize with, to rejoice ; to
-dhitum, to press closely, pursue. ^njaT»^ anu-bhrdj, cl. I. P. -bhrdjati, allow with pleasure, to express approval, applaud, permit.
-jit nut, to illuminate. Anu-moda, as, m. a subsequent pleasure, the feel-
'SPT^V anu-budh, cl. 4. A. -budhyate, ing of pleasure from sympathy.
-bodhitum, to awake, to recollect, to leam (by in-
vTl»ITrT anu-bhratri, td, m. a younger
Anu-modaka, as, ikd, am, assenting, showing
formation). brother.
sympathetic joy.
Anu-bodha, as, m. reviving the scent of a faded anu-mad, cl. I. P., Ved. -madati, Anu-modana, am, n. pleasing, causing pleasure,
perfume, replacing perfumes removed by bathing ; an applauding ; assent, acceptance ; sympathetic joy.
after-thought -ditum, to rejoice over, to gladden, to praise.
Anu-modita, as, d, am, pleased, delighted, ap-
Anu-bodhana, am, n. recollecting. Anu-matta, as, d, am, intoxicated (with joy, plauded ;agreeable, acceptable.
Anu-bodhila, as, a, am, informed or convinced &c.) ; recovered from intoxication (?).
by recollection. Anu-mddya, as, d, am, to be praised ia succession, v( ^35 anu-muh, cl. 4. P. -muhyati, -mog-
to be granted with acclamation or praise. dfium or -mod/mm, to feel distressed at, to be trou-
vi«j«i«mj arm-brahmana, am, n. a work bled about.
resembling a Brahmana. anu-madhyamam, ind. next
oldest to the middle. *Jf«ltj anu-mri, cl. 6. A. -mriyate, -martum,
Anu-brdhmanika (or perhaps more correctly dnu- to follow in death.
brdhmanika\ as, or anu-brdhmanin, I, m. a
knower of an anu-brahmana. W«TT«T^a»«-num, cl. 4. A. -manyate, -man- Anu-marana, am, n. following in death ; post-
turn, to approve, assent to, permit, grant : Caus. P.
cremation of a widow whose husband's corpse is not
wis^anu-bru, cl. 2. P. -braviti, -vaktum, -mdnayati, -yitum, to ask for permission, to honour. on the spot, and with part of whose dress she there-
to pronounce, utter, vow. Anu-mata, as, d, am, approved, assented to, per- fore ascends the pile ; this is prohibited to Brahman
mitted, allowed ; agreeable, pleasant ; loved, beloved ; women: it is often synonymous with the opposite
^HpTf1! anu-bltdsh, cl. I. A. -bhdshate, concurred with, being of one opinion ; (am), n. con- the
-shitum, to pronounce clearly, to confess. term body.
saha-marana, con-cremation or burning with
sent, permission, approbation. Anumate, loc. c. with
Anu-bhashana, am, n. repeating what has been consent of. — Antimata-karma-kdrin, j, inl, i, doing
said ; repeating a proposition in order to refute it. Anu-marishyat,
in death. an, atl or antl, at, about to follow
what is allowed, acting according to an agreement.
»S^JHI« anu-bhdsa, as, m. a species of Anu-mati, la, f. assent, permission, approbation; Amt-mritd, f. the woman who burns with a part
crow. the fifteenth day of the moon's age, on which it of her husband's dress.
rises one digit less than full, when the gods or manes
^nrfa^ anu-bhid, cl. 7. P. -bhinatti, receive oblations with favour ; the former personified J anumrioya-dasu, us, m. (rt.
-bhetlum, to split, break. as a goddess and worshipped especially in the Rajasuya mrig and dd), granting all that is sought.
Anu-bhitti, ind. along a cleft. sacrifice; oblation made to this goddess. — Anumati- 'SnHs^aHK-mri/, cl. 2. P. -marshti, -marji-
pattra, am, n. (in law) a deed expressing assent. tum or -mdrshtum, to purify.
^HJ^pl anu-bhuj, cl. 7. A. -bhuttkte, -bhok- Anu-manana, am, n. assenting; independance.
tnm, to suffer the due consequence of one's actions. Anu-mantH, td, tri, tri, consenting to, permitting. •« 3*j1 anu-mris, cl. 6. P. -mrisati, -mar-
Anu-bhoya, a,*, m. (in law) enjoyment, a grant of Anii-manyamdna, as, a, am, minding, assenting. shtum or -mrashtum, to consider, think of, reflect.
hereditary land in return for service. Anu-mar^am, ind. having repeatedly considered.
v<»jjnnj anu-mantr, cl. 10. A. (P. ?) -mantr-
wi^anu-bhu, cl. I. P. -bhavati, -vitum,
ayate, -ti, -yitum, to accompany with or consecrate N.^TSJIfT'Tt of an Apsaras.
anu-mlo6a or anu-mlodanti, f.,
to be after, to notice, perceive, understand ; to expe- by magic formulas ; to dismiss with a blessing.
rience, to attempt.
Ami-mantrana, am, n. consecration by hymns ^T«T*I5pr anu-yajits, ind. (rt. yaj), accord-
Aim-bhava, ax, m. perception, apprehension, fru- and prayers. — Anumantrana-mantra, as, m. a
ition; understanding; impression on the mind not hymn used in consecrating. ing to the Yajur-veda.
derived from memory ; experience, knowledge derived AitH-mantrita, an, d, am, so consecrated. Anu-ydga, as, m. a subsequent or after-sacrifice.
from personal observation or experiment ; result, con- Anti-yaja, as, m. a secondary or final sacrifice or
sequence. —Anubhava-eidd/ia, as, a, am, established unu-marana. See anu-mri. offering. — An uydja-pratava, as, m. permission to

perform an AnuySja. — AnuifSja-praieha, as, m. pi. musical note.— Anuragi-ta, f. the state of being in anu-lapa, as, m. (rt. lap), repeti-
the formulas belonging to the AnuySja. — Anuyaja- ove with. tion of what has been said, tautology.
rat, an, ati, at, having secondary sacrifices. — An u- T anu-ranana, am, n. sounding anu-lasa, as, m. or anu-lasya, at,
yijaiiumantrana (°ja-an°), am, n. reciting those conformably to.
formulas. •* Anuyajartha (°ja-ar°), at, i, am, be- m. a peacock.
longing to or used at an Anuyaja. anu-rata, as, a, am, fond of, at- 1 anu-lip, cl. 6. P. -limpati, -leptum,
tached, devoted to.
*M41v anu-yam, cl. I. P., Ved. -yaMhati, will.
Anu-rati, is, f. love, affection ; attachment, good- to anoint, besmear ; cl. 6. A. -limpate, to anoint one's
•yantutn, to covet. self (previous to or after bathing) ; to bathe : Caus.
aiiii-yaram, ind. like barley. -lepayati, -yttum, to get one anointed.
tTTT and
Kuruvatsa anu-ratha, as, m., N. of a son'of
father of Puruhotra. Anu-lipta, us, d, am, smeared, anointed. — Anu-
I. anu-ya, cl. 2. P. -yati, -turn, to jilii/tga (°ta-an°), as, d, am, having the limbs
follow^ attend ; to take (off) seriatim. Anu-rathyd, (. a path along the margin of a road ;
a side road, the margin of a street. bedaubing.
Anu-lepa, as, m. unction, anointing, smearing,
a. anu-yi,a*,as,am, following; (as), f.,Ved. food.
Anu-yata, as, a, am, followed, pursued, practised. «i«lt.«i anu-rasa, as, m. (in poetry) a sub- Anu-lepaJca, an, ikd, am, or anu-lcpin, i, ini, i,
Anu-yitarya, as, a, am, to be followed. ordinate feeling or passion ; (in medic.) a secondary anointing the body with unguents, who or what anoints.
Anu-yatri, to, m. a follower, companion. Javour, as a little sweetness in a sour fruit, &c. Anu-lepana, am, n. anointing the body ; unguent
Anu-yitra, am, a, n. f. retinue, attendance, that so used ; oily or emollient application.
which is required for a journey. anu-rahasa, as, a, am, solitary,
Anu-ydtrika, as, a, am, following as attendant. private ; (am), ind. in secret, apart. to entice ; toanu-lubh, Caus. -lobhayati, -yitum,
go astray (?).
Anu-ydna, am, n. going after, following. anu-ratram, ind. every night.
An&ydyin, i, ini, i, going after; a follower, a anu-loma, as, a, am, in a natural
dependant or attendant; following, consequent upon. anu-raddha, as, a, am (rt. radh),
— Anuyayi-td, f. or anuyayi-tra, am, n. the state effected, accomplished. direction, in regular order, regular, successive, with
of being a follower, succession. the hair (loman) or grain (opposed to prati-lomi) ;
Anu-radha, as, a, am, causing welfare ; see anu-
rddha; born under the asterism Anuradha; (d), f. (d), f. a woman of a lower caste than that of the
<HHIJ>^ anu-yuj, cl. 7. A. -yunkte, -yoktum, man's with whom she is connected ; (ds), pi. mixed
the seventeenth of the twenty-eight Nakshatras or
to examine, question, put upon trial ; to order ; en- lunar mansions, a constellation described as a row castes. — Anidoma-kalpa, as, m. the thirty-fourth of
join ;to select (a husband).
of oblations. — Anuradha-grdma, as, m. or anu- the Parisishtas belonging to the Atharva-veda. — Ann-
Anu-yukta, as, a, am, ordered, enjoined ; asked, loma-krishta, as, d, am, ploughed in the regular
inquired ; examined, questioned, reprehended, cen- rddha-pura, am, n. the ancient capital of Ceylon direction (with the grain). — Anuloma-ja, as, d, ant,
sured. founded by a man named Anuradha.
produced or bora in due gradation ; applied especially
Anu-1/nktin, i, m. one who has enjoined, ex- anu-ri, cl. 4. A. -riyate, -return, to to the mixed tribes ; or offspring of a mother inferior
amined. flow after. in caste to the father, as the Murdhavasikta of a
Anu-yugam, ind. according to the Yugas or four BrShman father and KshatriyS mother, and so on
ages. an-uru, us, us or vl, u, not great, with the Ambashtha, NishJda or Pirasava, Mihishya,
Anu-yoktrl, ta, m. an examiner, inquirer, teacher. not large.
Ugra, Karana. — Anuloma-parinitd, (. married in
Ann-yoga, at, m. a question, examination, asking,
solicitation ; censure, reproof; religious meditation, •^ anu-ru6, Caus. P. -ro(ayati, -yitum, regular gradation. — Anulomdya (°ma-aya), as, d,
spiritual union. — Anuyoga-krit, t, m. an A£5rya or to choose, prefer. am, having fortune favourable.
Anu-lomana, am, n. due regulation, sending or
spiritual teacher.
JeT anu-rud, cl. 2. P. -roditi, -turn, to putting in the right direction ; (in medicine) carrying
Anu-yogin, i, ini, i, what combines or unites; lament. off by the right channels, purging.
connected or combined with, situated in or on, ques-
tioning, examining. JV i. anu-rudh, cl. 7. P. -runaddhi, Anu-lomaya, nom. P. anu-lomayati, -yitum, to
stroke or rub with the hair or the grain, to go with
Anu-yojana, am, n. question, questioning, ex- -roddhum, to retain, keep back ; cl. 4. A. -rudhyate
amining. the grain, to send in the right direction or carrying
or poet. P. -rudhyati, to love, to be fond of or to off by the right channels.
Anu-yojya, as, a, am, to be examined or ques- spare; to coax, soothe, entreat (especially in Ben-
tioned; to be enjoined or, ordered; censurable; a an-ulbana or an-uhana, as, a, am,
servant, agent, delegate. not excessive, not prominent, smooth (?), free from
Anu-ruddha, as, a, am, checked, restrained, op-
fHUqiT anu-yupam, ind. along the Yupa gall). posed ;soothed, coaxed, pacified ; (as), m., N. of a disturbing circumstances.
or sacrificial post. cousin of i?Skya-muni. anu-vansa, as, m. a genealogical
2. anu-rudh, t, t, t, Ved. loving, adhering to,
*»«m^ anu-raksh, cl. I. P. -rakshati, list or table ; (am), ind. according to race or family,
-fhitum, to preserve. Anu-rodha, as, m. or anu-rodhana, am, n. a new family.
Anu-rakshana, am, n. the act of preserving. obliging another or fulfilling his wishes ; obligingness, Anuvaniya, as, d, am, relating to a genealogical
compliance, gratification, satisfaction, conformity, con- list or table.
[ anu-rajju, ind. along the rope. sideration, respect ; reference or bearing of a rule. anu-vakra, as, a, am, somewhat
arm-ran;, cl. 4. A. -rajyate, -rank- Anu-rodhaka, as, ika, am, or anu-rodhin, I,
crooked or oblique. — Anurakra-ga,as,d, am, having
ini, i, complying with, compliant, obliging, conform- a somewhat oblique course (as a planet, &c.).
tum,~to be attached or devoted ; P. -rnjyati, to ing to, having respect or regard to. — Anurodhi-ta,
blush, be deeply affected : Caus. P. -raiijayati, -yitum, ^M<|^l anu-va6, cl. 2. P. -vakti, -turn, to
to win, conciliate, gratify. f. the state of being so.
".-rakta, at, a, am, fond of, attached or devoted repeat, reiterate, recite, speak after, reply.
•«(«JtjFi uiHi-ruha, f., N. of a grass
to, pleased ; beloved. — Anurakta-praja, as, a, am, Anu-raktarya, as, d, am, to be repeated.
beloved by his subjects. — Anurakta-loka, as, m. a (Cyperus Pertenius). Anu-vaktri, td, trl, tri, speaking after, repeating,
person to whom every one is attached. ^!«HKM anu-riipa, as, a, am, following the
form, conformable, corresponding, like, resembling; Anu-vafana, am, n. or anu-vdf, k, f. speaking
Anu-rakti, <«, f. affection, attachment, love, de-
votion. fit, suitable ; adapted to, agreeable to, according to ; after, repetition, reciting, reading ; lecture ; a chapter,
a section ; recitation of certain texts (mantra) in
Ann-ranjaka, as, ika, am, attaching, conciliating, as (as),them.Stotriyathe Ann'strophe
or Strophe which has the pragdtha
(understand same metreor
causing affection, gratifying, pleasing. consequence of and in connection or conformity with
trii'u); the second of three verses recited together; injunctions (prraisha) spoken by other priests.
Anu-ranjana, am, n. attachment, the act of attach-
ing or conciliating affection, love ; pleasing, giving (am), n. conformity, suitability. Armrupam or anu- Anu-vaianiya, as, d, am, referring to the ann-
delight to. i-i~</i(ii<i or annrupatas, ind. conformably, agree-
ably to, according. — Anuntpa-feshta, as, a, am, vafana. An'i-mka, as, m. saying after, reciting, repeating,
Anu-ranjita, at, a, am, conciliated, inspired with endeavouring to act becomingly.
affection, pleased, delighted. reading; a chapter of the Vedas, a subdivision or
anu-revati, f., N. of a plant. section ; a compilation from the Rig or Yajur-vedas.
Anu-rdga, a*, m. attachment, affection, love, pas — Anuraka-iankltiia, the fourth of the eighteen
sion, goodwill. — ."l7i«r«;/a-rat, on, ati, at, affeo anu-lagna, as, a, am, attached to; Parisishtas of the Yajur-veda. — Anuvdkdnukra-
tionate, attached, in love with. — AnurSijenyitn ( ,ju followed ; intent on, pursuing after. manl (°ka-an°), (. a work referring to the Rig-veda,
i'ffj/°), am, n. gesture expressive of passion. attributed to Sfaunaka,
Anu-ragin, i, ini, i, impassioned, attached, ena- ^l^TcTT anula, f., N. of a female Arhat or
moured, causing love ; (ini), f. personification of a Buddhist saint ; also of a queen of Ceylon. Anu-vakyd, f. the verse to be recited by the Hotri
priest, in which the god is invoked to partake of the
offering intended for him. — Anuvdkya-vat or ami- Anu-vasita, as, a, am, scented, perfumed, fumi- anu-vlksh (-vi-lksh), cl. i. A.
i-dkya-vat, an, all, at, furnished or accompanied with gated ;prepared or administered as an enema. vikshute, -ksliitum, to survey, examine.
an Anuvikya. Anu-vdsya, as, d, am, or anusvdsaniya, as, a,
Anu-va<iana, am, n. the act of causing to recite ; am, to be scented or fumigated, requiring an enema. fr»T anu-vlj, cl. lo.P. -vljayati, -yitum,
o fan.
the recitation of mantras or passages of the Rig-veda anu-ti-kas, cl. I. P. -kasati,
by the Hotri in obedience to the injunction (praitha)
of the Adhvaryu priest. — Anui'dHana-praisha, as, -gitum, to blow, expand, as a flower.
^•j'jrl anu-vrit, cl. i. A. -vartate, poet.
. -i-artati, -titum, to go after ; to follow, pursue ;
m. an injunction to recite as above.
<H«jfae)i anu-vi-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kar- o attend ; obey, respect, imitate ; to resemble ; to
Anu-vatita, as, a, am, before-mentioned, before- tum, to foUow in shaping. assent, to expect : Caus. P. -vartayati, -yitJhi, to
oil after or forward ; to follow up, carry out.
Anukta, &c. See s. v., p. 42. •'S.jfa* anu-vi-kri, cl. 6. P. -kirati, -kari- Anu-vartana, am, n. obliging, serving or gratifying
*!H=lrtH. anu-uatsara, as, m. a year ; (in tum, -ntitm, to bestrew. .nother; compliance, obedience; following, attend-
astronomy) the fifth of five cycles of twelve years in anu-vi-kram, cl. i. A., Ved. ng ; concurring ; consequence, result ; continuance ;
the Vrihaspati cycle. — Anusvatsaram, ind. every kramate, -mitum, to walk after, follow. upplying from a previous rule.
year, yearly. arm-vi-(ar, cl. i. P. -tarati, Anu-vartaniya, as, d, am, to be supplied from a
Devious rule.
*5H=I<J anu-vad, cl. i. P. -vadati (with ritum, to walk or pass through, to walk up to. Anu-vartin, i, ini, i, following, compliant, obe-
ace.), or A. -vadate, -ditum (with gen.), to imitate anu-vi-Cal, cl. I. P. -falati, dient, resembling. — Anuvarti-tra, am, n. the state
in speaking, to mock, to repeat. of being so.
Anit-vdda, as, m. saying after or again, repeating litum, to follow in changing place.
Anu-vartman, d, d, a, following, attending.
by way of explanation, explanatory repetition or reiter- anu-vi-6akas, Intens., Ved. Anu-vritta, as, d, am, following, obeying, com-
ation with corroboration or illustration, explanatory
Jying; rounded off; (am), n. obedience, conformity,
reference to anything already said, translation; any (akafiti, to penetrate with one's vision.
portion of the Brahmanas which comments on, ex- P«l f^ anu-vi-tint, cl. 10. P. -6inta- Anu-vfitti, is, f. following, acting suitably to,
plains or illustrates an injunction (vidhi) previously /ati, -yitum, to recal to mind. laving regard or respect to, complying with, the act
propounded, and which does not itself propound rules of continuance, continued course or influence of a pre-
anu-vi-tan, cl. 8. A. -tanute,
(such a passage is sometimes called anmada-va- ceding rule or assertion on what follows; reverting
fana) ; confirmation ; report, rumour, on dit ; slan- nitum, to extend all along or all over.
;o ; imitating, doing or acting in like manner.
der, reviling. 1. anu-vid, cl. 2. P., Ved. -vetti,
Anu-nddaka, as, ikd, am, or anu-vadin, I, inl, veditum, to know thoroughly. \, cl. i. A. -vardhate, -dhi-
i, repeating with comment and explanation, corrobora- tum, to grow, increase.
tive, concurrent, conformable, in harmony with. The 2. anu-vid, cl. 6. P. A. -vindati, Anu-rriddhi, is, is, i, Ved. increasing (as in
masculine of the last is also the name of any one of te, -veditum, to find, discover ; to deem ; to marry. clearness or emphasis) in regular ratio.
the three notes of the gamut. Anu-vtita, as, a, am, found.
Anu-vddya, as, a, am, to be explained by an anu-vedi, ind. along the ground
Anu-vitti, is, f. finding, obtaining.
Anuvada, to be made the subject of one ; (am), n. prepared for sacrifice. — Anu-vedy-anlam, ind. along
the subject of a predicate. — Anuvddya-tva, am, n. the edge of this sacrificial ground.
•*)fjf^'?ST anu-vi-dris, cl. I. P. -pasyati,
the state of requiring to be explained by an Anu- -drashtum, to perceive, view. nu-velam, ind. constantly.
Antidita. See s. v., p. 42. anu-vi-dha, cl. 3. P. -dadhati, anu-vellita, am, n. (rt. vel or
-dhdtum, to regulate, lay down a rule : Pass, -dhlyate,
^^cjr|*j anu-vanam, ind. along side of to be trained to follow rules ; to obey. mil or veld), bandaging, securing with bandages (in
the wood. Anu-mdhdtavya, as, d, am, to be performed surgery) ; a kind of bandage applied to the extremi-
according to an order. ties; (as, d, am), bent in conformity with, bent
^5C**"\ anu-varn> cl- IO- P- -varnayati, under.
-yitum, to mention, describe, recount. Anu-vidhdna, am, n. obedience, acting con-
formably to order. anuvaineya, N. of a country.
T, &c. See anu-vrit. Anu-vidhdyin, I, ini, i, conforming to, compliant, anu-vyanjana, am, n.
anu-vasa, as, m. obedience to the dary mark or token.
will of another ; (as, a, am), obedient to the will of •T^ anu-vi-nad, Caus. P. -nadayati, a secon-
another. , cl. 4. P.-vidhyati,-vyad-
-yitum, to make resonant or musical. dhum, to follow in striking ; to hit again and again ;
u-vashatkara, as, m. or anu- anu-m-nard, cl. i. P. -nardati, to wound.
rashatkrita, am, n. a secondary exclamation of -ditum, to answer with roars. Anu-viddJta, as, d, am, pierced; obstructed,
vashat, on making an oblation to a deity. checked, variegated ; full of, abounding in ; set (as a
anu-vi-nas, cl. 4. P. -nasyati,
fltj<4*lxanu-eas, cl. i. P. -vasati, -vastum, -ruvSiium or -nanshtum, to disappear, perish, vanish jewel).
to dwell near to ; to inhabit along with. after or with another. Anu-vedha or anu-vyddha, as, m. piercing ; ob-
structing; blending.
Anu-vd>tin, I, ini, i, residing, resident. Anu-vi-nds'a, as, m. perishing after.
^•fajfil anu-vyam, ind. (rt. vi with anv),
"Mrj^r+iri i . anu-vasita, as, a, am (fr. rt. vas, •«i>jr<im anu-vinda, as, m., N. of a king
to put on), dressed up, wrapped. of Oujein. Ved. behind, after, following.
^Trraj^Tn anu-vy-ava-ga (-vi-ava-ga), cl.
^l^fan 2. anu-va-sita, as, a^am (for anv- •fl^rNUrl^ anu-vi-pat, cl. i. P. -patati
ava-tita, rt. si), fastened to, bound to, attached. -titum, to fly away towards (with ace.). P. -jigati, -gdtum, to come between successively
3. in
or succession to another.
•«i»i^£ anu-vaha, as, m. (rt. vah), one ol »y»jfVlH3N anu-vi-mris, cl. 6. P. -mrisati >MH«*H anu-vy-ave (-vi-ava-i), cl. 2. P.
the seven tongues of fire ; (' bearing after.') -marshtum, -mrashtum, to consider, think over.
-avaiti, -turn, to follow in intervening or coming
^T^T anu-va, cl. 2. P. -vati, -turn, to blow ^T«|fa3I anu-vis, cl. 6. P. -visati, -veshtum
upon, fan. to follow. between.
Ann-rate, ind. with the wind blowing in the same ^M^SIana-cy-os' (-m-a&), cl. 3. A. -vyas-
Anu-ve4a, as, m. or anu-vedana, am, n. enterinj
direction, with the wind from behind, to windward. after, following. nute, -iitum, to overtake, reach.
anu-vy-a-khya (-vi-a-khya), cl.
••st^mon anu-vdka. See under ami-vat. ^T^fq^g anu-visva, as, m. pi., N. of a
2. P. -khydti, -lain, to explain further.
^"J *"*•*! anu-vaTam> ind. time after time people in the north-east.
repeatedly. ^•jf^g**? amt-vishtambha, as, m .the being Anu-vydkhydna, am, n. that portion of a Brah-
mana which explains or illustrates difficult Sutras,
impeded in consequence of. texts, or obscure statements occurring in another
•w^jim anu-vasa, as, m. or anu-vasana
am, n. (rt. vdg), perfuming the clothes, especially anu-vishnu, ind. after Vishnu.
dipping the ends of the clothes in perfumes ; per ^TH^n^WI anu-vyaharana (-n-a-harana),
fuming, scenting in general ; an oily enema ; ad anu-vi (-vi-i), cl. 2. P. -vyeti, -turn position.
ministering oily enemata. to follow or join in going off or separating. am, n. or anu-i-yahdra, as, m. cursing, execration;
repeating, repeated utterance.
40 anu-vyaharin. anu-sam-sn.
Anu-rydkdrin, i, ini, i, execrating, cuning. (a), f. a particular land of heroine or female cha- — Anitfhtub-garbkd, f. a metre in the Vedas of the
class Ushnih.
^cTtpmiT anu-ry-ui':-(ar (-vi-ud-far),cl. .\iin-xayitarya, a#, d, am, to be regretted. Anu-shtob/iana, am, n. praising after.
P. -(arnti, -ritum, to follow in going forth or step- Aiiii-iai/in, i, ini, i, having the consequence of
ping forward. iHtJg an-ushtra, as, ID. no camel, i. e. u
an act, connected as with a consequence ; devotedly bad camel.
attached to, faithful ; repentant, penitent, regretful,
^Jfjttj^ anu-vy-ih (-vi-iih), cl. i. P. -ry- sorry for ; hating deeply. ••5MBI anu-shtha (-stha), cl. I. P. -tishthati,
iihnti, -hitum, to distribute.
Anu-iayin, I, ini, i, adhering to, lying along or -shthitum, to stand near or by, to follow out, to
^T^«H anu-traj, cl. I. P. -vrajati or carry out, attend to, perform, do, practise ; to govern,
poet. A. -vrajate, -jititm, to follow, especially a de- uirt^ilrtH anu-silana, am, n. constant rule, superintend ; to appoint : Pass, -shthiyate, to
parting guest, as a mark of respect ; to visit seriatim ; be done, to be followed : Desid. -tishlhdsati, to be
to obey, do homage. study or pursuit (of a science, &c.), repeated and desirous of doing, &c.
devoted service.
Anu-vrajana, am, n. or anu-vrajyd, f. following Anu-tishthamana, as, a, am, following, per-
as above. Anu-filita, as, a, am, studied carefully, attended to. forming, attending to.
Anu-vrdjya, as, d, am, to be followed, as by the ««jsr^ anu-suf, cl. I. P. -so6ati, -titwm, Anu-Mha, at, d, am, standing after, i. e. in
relatives of a dead person to the cemetery. succession.
to mourn over, regret, bewail: Caus. P. -iofayati,
W^drl anu-vrata, as, d, am, devoted to, -yitum, to mourn over. Anu-shthdtavya, as, d, am, to be done or ac-
faithful to, ardently attached to ; (as), m. a particular Anu-iufikd, f. any ceremony enjoined by the Ve- complished.
das ?. (This word, given by Wilson, is very doubtful.) Anu-ikthdtri, ta, m. the undertaker of any work.
kind of Jaina devotee.
Anu-doka, as, m. sorrow, repentance, regret. Anu-shthdna, am, n. commencing, undertaking ;
WT5I=I> anu-sak, Desid. Caus. P. -siksha- Anu-Maka, as, ikd, am, grieving, one who doing or engaging in any work, performance, religious
repents ; occasioning repentance. practice ; acting in conformity to ; (i), f. performance,
yati, -yitum, to teach, instruct.
Anu-Ajfana, am, n. sorrow, repentance. action. — Anuththdna-krama, as, m. the order of
Anii-iHvkdi, i, ini, i, exercising one's self in,
practising. Anu-totita, as, d, am, regretted, repented of.
performing religious ceremonies. ^Anusht hana-s'a-
Anu-s"ot<in, I, ini, i, penitent, regretful, sorrowful. rlra, am, n. ^in SSn-khya phil.) a body presumed
<H«J5irrt<* anu-satika, as, a, am, accom- ** \ to be intermediate between the linga-tarira or
panied with or bought for a hundred (the derivative % i ?i\fif«T anu-sobhin, i, ini, i, shining.
sukshma-farlra and the tthula-iar Ira. — Anu-
dnuddtika has Vriddhi in both members). ehthana-smaraka, as, ika, am, reminding of re-
<er«1'sj anu-sru, cl. 5. P. -srinoti, -srotum,
[ anu-saya, Sec. See under anu-si. to hear repeatedly, especially from a sacred authority : ligious ceremonies.
Desid. A. -s'us'rushate, to obey. Anu-shtlidpaka, at, ika, am, causing to perform.
[ anu-sara, as, m. (rt. srl with ana), an Anu-ththdpana,
act. am, n. the causing to perform
a RJkshasa, a sort of demon. Anu-irafd, as, m., Vedic tradition (acquired by
repeated hearing). act.
Anu-shtkayin, i, ini, i, doing, performing an
*M»l*T3 unu-sastra, am, n. anything used Anu-sruta, as, d, am, handed down by Vedic
in place of a regular surgical instrument, as a finger- Anu-shthi, it, (., Ved. proper order, succession ;
nail or bambu ; any subsidiary weapon or instrument.
<H«jH^ara«-sAaB; (-son;), cl. i. A. or Pass. only used in inst. ami-shthyd.
T(«I^II««X anu-sds, cl. 2. P. or poet. A. -shajjate, -shajyate, -shanktum, to ding to, adhere, Anu-shthita, as, d, am, done, practised ; effected,
be attached to. executed, accomplished ; followed, observed ; done
-sdsti, -te, -situm, to rule, govern ; to order ; to conformably.
teach, direct, advise, address; to punish, chastise, Anu-thak or anu-shat, ind. in continuous or close
correct. order ; one after the other [cf. dnu-ehaJc\. Anu-sht/iu, its, (., Ved. proper order, succession ;
Ana-tiittika, as, ikd, am, or anu-fdtln, i, ini, i, Anu-shakta, ox, d, am, dosely connected with, only used in inst. anu-shthuyd ; (u), ind. in proper
or anu-4dstri, ta, tri, tri, one who governs, instructs, supplied from something preceding. order, in regular succession, properly.
directs or punishes. Anu-ihanga, as, m. close adherence, connection, Anu-shtheya, at, d, am, to be effected, done or
Aim-idsat, t, ti, t, instructing, ruling. association, conjunction, coalition, commixture ; con- accomplished ; to be observed ; to be proved or es-
Amt-Jisanu, am, n. instruction, direction, com- nection of word with word, or effect with causes ; tablished.
mand, giving rules, order, precept, law. — Anuidsana- necessary consequence, the connection of a subsequent an-ushna, as, d, am, not hot, cold,
para, as, d, am, obedient. with a previous act ; the nasals connected with certain
roots ending in consonants (such as trimph) ; tender- chilly, apathetic ; lazy, sluggish ; (am), n. a blue
Anu-idsaniya or anu-idsya, as, ii, am, to be
instructed. ness, compassion. lotus, Nymphza Camilea; (d), f., N. of a river.
. Anu-tdtita, as, d, am, directed, governed, defined Anu-shangika, as, t, am, consequent, following — Anushna-gu, us, m. (having cold rays), the moon.
by rule. as a necessary result; connected with, adhering to, — Amushna-i-allikd, (., N. of a plant, Nlla-durba.
inherent, concomitant. — Anuihndfita (°7ia-arf°), as, a, am, neither hot
Anu-ddxitri, td, tri, tri, ruling, governing, com- nor cold.
manding, directing, a ruler. Anu-ihamjin, i, ini, i, addicted or attached to ;
connected with ; common, prevailing. An-ushnaka, as, d, am, not hot, cold, chilly, &c.
Anu-fithta, as, d, am, taught, revealed ; adjudged,
done conformably to law. Anu-shftiijana, am, n. connection with what •flHUjnJ ana-shyanda, as, m. (rt. syand),
Anu-sishti, in, f. instruction, teaching, ordering. follows, concord ; grammatical relation.
Ami-s4shya, ind. part, having ruled or ordered. Anu-shaitjaniya, as, d, am, to be connected, a hind-wheel.
anu-shvadha, as, d, am, accom-
\ anu-sikshin. See anu-sak. supplied.
?JI anushanda, as or am(i), m. or panied byfood ; (a?/i), ind. according to food, through
anu-sikha, as, m., N. of a serpent food ; after food ; after every sacrifice ; according to
n. (?), N. of a place or country (?).
which at a certain sacrifice officiated as Potri priest. one's will, voluntary.
^I'JTftr^ anu-shit. See anu-sit. anu-sam-yd, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn,
anu-sivam, ind. after S'iva. Anu-shikta, as, d, am, re-watered or sprinkled. to advance against seriatim, attack one after the other.
nnii-xisu, us, f. (an animal) fol- Aim-theka, as, m. or anu-shefana, am, n. re-
watering or sprinkling over again. anu-samrakta, as, d, am, attached
lowed byits young (as by a foal, &c.).
anu-shidh (-sidh), Ved., Intens. or devoted to. T anu-samvatsaram, ind. year
•>a«j3(T ana-si, cl. 2. A. -sete, -sayitum, to
sleep or spend the night with, to lie along or dose, to -xntltidhiti, to bring back.
adhere closely to. anu-shtuti, is, f. (rt. s/«), praise. after year.
Anu-iliiyii, 11*, in. dose connection as with a con- MHWf^'MJ. anu-sam-vi-£ar, cl. I. P. -far-
sequence, dose attachment to any object; (in phil.) i. anu-shtubh (-stubh), cl. i. P.,
the consequence itself, the evil result of an act which all, -ritum, or Ved. -radhyai, -ritare, -rase, to visit
Ved. -nhtoWiati, -lihitum, to praise after, to follow
n praising. successively, make the round of.
dings to it and causes the soul after enjoying the
temporary freedom from transmigration, which is the 2. anu-fhliiJj/i ,/>.(. following in praise or invocation ; 'H H « P4 31^ anu-sam-vis, cl. 6. P. -visati,
reward of its good deeds, to enter other bodies; speech ; Sarasvali ; a kind of metre consisting of four -rcsfcum, to follow in retiring for sleep.
repentance. regret ; hatred; ancient or intense eumity; Padas or quarter-verses of eight syllables each (so SrJTjfa^T anu-samsarpam, ind. at each
(f), f. a disease of the feet, a boil or abscess on the called because it anmlitobliati follows with its praise
upper part; also one on the bt»A. — Antl(aya-vat, the Gayatrl, which consists of three PSdas) ; in later occasion of approaching.
an, atl,at; sec -anu-Aiyin, metrical systems, the Anushtubh constitutes a whole >S«JtW anu-sam-sri, Caus. P. -sdrayati,
Anu-faydna, at, a, am, repenting, regretting : class of metres, consisting of four times eight syllables.
-yitum, to dismiss.
anu-sam-smri. anu-hldda. 41
anu-sam-smri, cl. i. P. -smarati, anu-sam-d-dhd, cl. 3. P. A. anu-sev, cl. i. A. -sevate, -vitum,
•amartum, to remember, to long for (the dead or -dadhdti, -dhatte, -dhdtum, to calm, compose. to practise, observe.
absent). Anu-sevin, I, ini, i, practising, observing, habitu-
VI«J«HIM anu-sam-dp, Caus. P. -dpayati,
^prffHW anu-samhitam, ind. according -yitum, to complete or accomplish further or sub- ally addicted.
to the SarnhitS text. sequently. ^f 1*t»M anu-saitiya, am, n. the rear of an
Anu-samdpana, am, n. regular completion.
•«itj«i!j»rt anu-san-kal (-sam-iaZ),cl. 10. P.
-kdlayati, -yitum, to follow in driving. ?T«1*i(»l anu-sam-i, cl. 2. P. -eti, -turn, to •art*Tl»i«^ anu-somam, ind. near the Soma,
visit conjointly or successively ; to join in following as with the Soma.
TS^I «<»•«< anu-san-kram (-sam-kram), cl. I.
or being guided by; to join, become assimilated ^•J*?* **<*r anu-skandam, ind. having gone
P. -krdmati, -kramitum, to walk or go up to, with.
to reach. into in succession.
Anu-samaya, as, m. regular connection (as of
^?tiw<«!< anu-starana, as, t, am (rt. stri),
•«) 1 «§4 1 anu-san-khyd (-sam-khyd), Caus.
P., Ved. -khydpayati, -yitum, to show, to cause
one to observe. ^1 tnwfaj anu-sam-lksh, cl. I. \.-llcshate, strewing round; (i), f. the cow sacrificed at the
funeral ceremony.
-kshitum, to keep in view, have in view.
•w«1«H"f. anu-san-grah (-sam-grah), cl. 9. anu-samudram, ind. along the •«i ^iwW anu-stotra, am, n. praising after ;
P. -grihndti, -graTiitnm, to obb'ge, favour ; to salute N. of a treatise relating to the Sfima-veda.
one by laying hold of the feet. oil. anu-sneham, ind. after (adding)
anu-sam-prdp (-pra-dp), cl. 5.
>» sanu-san-far (-sam-car),
* " cl. i. P.
-farati, -ritum, Ved. -radhyai, -ritave, -rase, to P. -prdpnoti, -prdptum, to arrive, reach, get. anu-spashta, as, d, am, plain,
walk along side, to follow, join ; to visit ; to pursue, Anu-aamprdpta, as, d, am, arrived, come. manifest.
seek after; to penetrate, traverse, cross; to become 'a«i«gs anu-sambaddha, as, d, am (rt.
assimilated : Caus. P. -fdrayaU, -yUmn, to join, bandh), connected with, accompanied by. anu-sphura, as, a, am, Ved.
become identified or assimilated with. whizzing (as an arrow).
^•T^'t't anu-savanam, ind.,Ved. at every
Anu-sanc'aranam, ind. at each occasion of coming.
sacrifice. •«t^«*J anu-smri, cl. I . P. -smarati, -smar-
•strt«r=ai\ anu-sah-tint (-sam-6int), cl. 10. tum, to remember, recollect: Caus. P. -smarayati
P. -dintayati, -yitum, to meditate. •«(^*)in*iN anu-sdtam, ind. according to or -smarayati, -yitum, to remind (painfully).
delight. Anin-smarana, am, n. remembering, repeated
^I«l«t>Ti<, anu-san-jvar (-sam-jvar), cl. i .
P. -ji-arati, -ritum, to take after (another) in feeling ^t«THTR anu-sdma, as, d, am, conciliated, recollection.
distressed, to be troubled, become envious. Anw-smrita, as, a, am, remembered.
appeased, friendly. Anu-smriti, is, (. cherished recollection, recalling
»ii «i « TI H anu-san-tan (-sam-tan). cl. 8. P.
s» "•
^PTWITT'T anu-sdyam, ind. evening after some idea to the exclusion of all others.
-tanoti, -nitum, to overspread, diffuse, extend every- evening, every evening.
where, tojoin on, continue. "g**Jfl anu-syula or anu-shyuta, as, a,
^nTHTT anu-sdra, anu-sdrin, &c. See am (rt. sin), sewed consecutively, strung together or
•flHHfl ami-san-tn (-sam-trf), cl. I. P. under anu-sri below. connected regularly and uninterruptedly.
an-usra-ydman, a,
-tarati, -ritum, Ved. -taradhyai, to follow to the m., Ved.
end. '3I«Tftr^ anu-si6, cl. 6. P. -sihtati, -sektum,
to water or sprinkle consecutively ; (better spelt anu- not going (in a waggon drawn) by oxen.
^HHnJ^I anu-san-dah (-sam-dah),cl. i.P. shii, q. v.) •SfHSin anu-svdna, as, m. sounding con-
-dahati, -dagdhum, to bum up along the wh«|e ^aitflnf anu-sitam, ind. along the furrow.
anu-svdra, as, m. (rt. svri), after-
»it «i « rn^9i^anu-san-di£ (-sam-dis), cl.6. P. •et ^ *J1 «.«^«nu-slram, ind. along the plough. sound, the nasal sound which is marked by a dot
-disSati, -deshtum, to assign, to make over. anu-su, MS, m., N. of a work. above the line, and which always belongs to a preced-
^tj^'^'l anu-san-dris (-sam-dris), cl. I. anu-sufaka, as, ikd, am (rt. su6), ing vowel. — Anusvara-vat, an, afi, at, having the
P. -patyati, -drathtum, to consider successively. Anusvara. — Anusvdra-vyavdya, as, m. separation
indicative of, pointing out. between two sounds caused by an Anusvara. — Anu-
•*i«l««fr anu-san-dhd (-sam-dhd), cl. 3. P. Anu-sitfana, am, n. pointing out, indication. mdragama
A. -dadhdti, -dhatte, -dhatum, to explore, ascertain, in the addition(°ra-dg°), as, m. an augment consisting
of an Anusvara.
inspect, plan, arrange, calm, compose, set in order, ^1*c^*v aBM-siipam, ind. in every con-
aim at. WJ5 anuha, as, m., N. of a son of
Vibhratra and father of Brahma-datta.
Amt-sandhdtavya, as, d, am, to be explored, to anu-sri, cl. I. P. -sarati, -sartum, to
be investigated, to be looked after, &c. follow : Caus. P. -sarayati, -yitum, to pursue. •>H tj£<< anu-hava, as, m. (rt. hod for hve),
Anu-sandhdna, am, n. investigation, inquiry, Ved. inviting, stirring up.
Anu-sara, as, m. a companion.
searching into, close inspection, setting in order, ar- Arm-sarana, am, n. following, going after ; con-
ranging, planning, aiming at, plan, scheme, congruous formity to, consequence of; custom, habit, usage. Wg^T to anu-hd, cl. 3. A., Ved. -jihite,
or suitable connection ; (in the Vaiseshika phil.) the -hdtum, grant.
fourth step in a syllogism, i. e. the application. Anu-sdra, an, m. going after, following ; custom,
usage ; nature, natural state or condition of anything ; WT?1; anu-hun-kri, cl. 8. A. -kurute,
Anu-sandhdnin or anu-sandhdyin, i, ini, i, prevalence, currency ; received or established authority, -kartum, to roar in imitation of.
investigating, searching, skilful at concerting plans especially of codes of law ; conformity to usage ; con-
or continuing schemes. sequence, result. — Annsdra-tas or anitsdrena, ind. ^5T«J^ anu-hri, cl. I. P. -harati, -hartum,
Anu-sandheya, as, d, am, to be investigated, conformably to.
worthy of inquiry or scrutiny, &c. to imitate, to exhibit ; A. -Jiarate, to take after (one's
Anu-sdraka, as, d, am, or anu-sdrin, i, ini, i, parents) .
^nTWaqiT anu-sandhyam. ind. evening following, attendant on, according or conformable to ; Anu-harana, am, n. or anu-hara, as, m. imi-
v3 \ *
after evening, every twilight. penetrating, scrutinizing, investigating. tation ;resemblance.
Amir-karat, an, anti, at, imitating ; (an), m., N.
Anu-sdryaka, am, n. a fragrant substance. of a man (?) ; (the deriv. dnuhdrati takes Vriddhi in
anu-samaya. See under anu- Ann-irita, as, a, am, followed, conformed to.
sam-i next col. both members.)
Anu-sriti, is, f. going after, following, conforming Anu-haramdna, as, a, am, imitating.
to ; N. of a woman (?). Anu-Jidraka, as, ikd, am, imitating.
••««1*|«13I anu-sam-as', cl. 5. A. -asnute,
-aMtum or -axhtum, to overtake, reach. •>* rj« M anu-srip, cl. I. P. -sarpati, -sarp- Anu-hdrya, as, a, am, to be imitated ; (as), m.
monthly obsequies on the day of the new moon.
^TJpnTW anu-sam-as, cl. 4. P. -asyati, tum or -sraptum, to glide after or towards, to ap-
•it "HI, to add further. •fl«J^i anu-hoda, as, m. a cart (?) ; (the
Anu-zarpa, as, m. a serpent-like being. deriv. dnuhaudika takes Vriddhi in both members.)
•«!«l«i*u-«t<; anu-sam-d-tar, cl. I . P. -6arati, proach.
anu-srishta, as, d, am (rt. sry), ^•Tfn? anu-hrdda or anu-hldda, as, m.,
-ritum, Ved. -radhyai, -ritave, -rase, to carry
out, accomplish. Ved. created in succession. N. of a son of Hiranya-kasipu.M
42 anuka.
an-riju, us, us, u, not straight,
Hni/ita, M, am, m. n. (fr. nnc' with anuddesa (anu-ud"), as, m. (rt. dis),
rt/iu), the backbone, spine; the back part of the escribing,
ith. mentioning according to or conformably ooked, perverse, wicked.
altar; a former state of existence; (am), n. race, •»s »i <!it an-rina, as, d, am, free from debt.
family ; peculiarity of race, disposition, character ; (a), an-udhas, as, f., Ved. udderless. — Anrina-td, f. or anrina-tva, am, n. freedom
(., N. of an Apsaras.
an-iina or an-unaka, as, d, am, om debt.
Anukya, am, n. backbone; flesh on the skull. An-ri n(n, I, irii, i, unindebted, free from debt.
•<N«J+I5I anii-kdsa, as, m. (rt. kds), re- hole, entire ; having full power ; not less, not infe- •sirln* an-rita, as, d, am, not true, false ;
flection (oflight), clearness ; regard, reference. or; (a), f., N. of an Apsaras. — Aiiiinu-i/iiru, it*,
M or 01, u, of undiminished weight, very heavy. am), n. falsehood, lying, cheating; agriculture.
-or.Anuna-vartas, as, m., Ved. having full splen- — Anrita-deva, as, m., Ved. one whose gods are
WJW aniiksh (anu-uksh), c\. I. A. anii-
Mafe, -kfhitum, to sprinkle, bedew. ot true; playing unfairly (t). — Annta-di*tsh, t^ t,
^•J\anun-ni(anu-ud-ni),c\. I. P. -nayati, , Ved. persecuting untruth. — Anrita-maya, as, I,
'STTfrT anufina, as, a, am (fr. anv-ant), m, full of untruth, false. — Anrita-mdana, am, n.
rut mil, to take out and fill after another.
coming after, successive ; MfldMioMi on the fol- r anrUa-bhdsfiana, am, n. or anritdkhydna (°to-
lowing day. — ^nuctna-jarfcAa, CM, a, am, bom in I. aniipa, as, d, am (fr. ap, q.v., with kh ), am, n. speaking falsehood, lying. — Anrita-
successive order.
nit), situated near the water, watery, wet, a watery ddin, i, in?, i, or anrita-i-a6, k, k, k, speaking
1. anufya, am, n., Ved. the board on the side of a a buffalo ; ntruth.— Anrita-vrata, as, a, am, false to vows or
couch. (For 2. aniWya, see below.) country ; (as), m. pond, bank of a river ; ar.
M. of a king. — Anupa-ja, am, n. moist ginger.
— An&pa-deia, as, m. a marshy country. — Atii'iiit- Anritin, i, inl, i, one who tells untruths, lying, a
T^r^ anufyate ('nu-u6°), Pass, of anu- d, am, nunby.—Anujxi-vildsa, a», m.
roc", q. v., p. 38. itle of aas,
irdya, work.
Anukla, at, a, am, spoken after, recited after; water).
occurring in the (sacred) text ; studied ; (am), n. = Anupya, as, d, am, being in ponds or bogs (ai ^?«Jff an-ritu,us, m. unfit season. —Anritu-
the next. nnya, f. a girl before menstruation.
Anukti, M, f. mentioning after, repe«ted mention, •>>HM 2. anvpa, as, d, am (fr. an«-rap),Ved. a-nrisansa, as, a, am, not cruel,
repetition by way of explanation ; study of the Veda. estowing in order. (For I. aniipa, see above.) mild. — AnrUansa-ta, f. mildness, kindness.
- Anukti-tva, am, n. state of requiring repetition
or explanation. W aniipa-das (anu-upa-das), cl. 4. P. an-eka, as, d, am, not one, many,
Anufdna, as, a, am, devoted to study; one so -dasyati, -situm, to fail (or become extinct) in much; separated. -• Aneka-kdlam, ind. a long time,
well versed in the Veda* and Vedin-gas as to be able x>nsequence. or a long time. — AnekakdlaradM (la-av ), ind.
to repeat them ; one who repeats his lesson after his ong since. — Aneka-krit, t, m. doing much, epithet
master; well-behaved. aniipasadam (anu-up°), ind. at of Siva. — Aneka-gotra, os, m. having more families
very Upasad (a kind of religious ceremony).
2. anufya, as, d, am, to be studied. ban one, i. e. two, belonging to two families (or to
anu -bandhya, as,d,am(ri.bandh), one as an adopted son). — Aneka-fara, as, d, am,
tltjOnt anuj-ji (anu-ud-ji), cl. I. P. -jayati, Ved. to be fastened (as a sacrificial animal); see also
-jetum, to follow in being victorious. anu-bandhya, p. 37- ;regarious. — AncTca-fitta-manlra, as, m. one whose
rouiisels are many-minded. ~Aneku-ja, as, d, am,
VT? an-iidha, as, d, am (rt. vah), not anu-ydja. See anu-ydja, p. 37. >orn more than once; (as), m. a bird. — Anel:<i-ta.
borne, not carried ; unmarried ; (a), f. an unmar- '. or aneka-tva, am. n. muchness, manifold condi-
ried woman. — Anudha-mdna, an, a, am, bashful. anu-rddha, as, d, am, Ved. causing tion. —Aneka-tra, ind. in many places. — Aneka-
welfare, happiness ; (a), f. = amirrddhd, q. v., p. 38. dharma-katlid, f. different exposition of the law.
— Anudlti'i-ijiiiiiniiii. ""I, n- fornication. — Anudhd
hhrdtri, td, m. the brother of an unmarried woman ; — Aneka-dhd, ind. in various ways, often. — Aneka-
an-uru, us, vs. u, thighless; (MS), m.
the brother of the concubine of a king.
the charioteer of the sun, the dawn. ~ Anuru-gdra- dhd-prayoga, as, m. using several times. — Aneka-
JM, as, d, am, drinking oftener than once; (as, d),
•WjfrT an-uti, is, f., Ved. not helping, not thi, is, m. whose charioteer is AnOrn, i. e. the sun. in. f. an elephant, because he drinks with his trunk
coming to aid. an-urjita, as, d, am, not strong, and with his mouth. — Anfka-bhdrya, as, d, am,
^TrBW rinut-kram(anu-ud-kram),c\. l. P. weak; not proud. tiaving more wives thin one. — Aneka^niiikha, a.*, d,
-krdmati, -kramitum, to follow in going up or out, <ni>, having several faces, having different ways.
an-iirdhva, as, d, am, not high, low. — Aneka-yuddha^cyayin, I, m. victorious in many
*4| HH anutta, as, a, am (for anu-datta, rt, — Anurdhva-bMs, as, m., Ved. one whose splen- battles. — Aneka-randhra, as, d, am, having many
ild), given back. dor does not rise, who lights no sacred fires. holes, weaknesses or troubles. — Antka-rupa, as, d,
an-urmi, is, is, i, Ved. not waving. am, multiform ; of various kinds or sorts ; fickle, of
WJrTT aniitthd (anu-ud-sthd), cl. I. P ariable mind. — Aneka-lofana, as, m. having seve-
nnnttifltthtiti, aniitthatum, to follow in rising not fluctuating ; inviolable.
Ved. to approach. ral (three) eyes, N. of Suva. — Aneka-va<?a»a, am,
n. the plural number. — Antka-varna, (in arithmetic
W^JrTrT anut-pat (anu-ud-pat), cl. I. P anuld, f., N. of a river in Kas'mlra compounded with various words to denote) many un-
S-»ry, f, m. f. (?), Ved. a part known quantities (colours representing x, y, z, &c.).
-patati, -tUum, to fly up after another (with ace.)
of the body near the ribs.
raise one's self into the air, jump up afterwards.
"•SHUt i . an-Tishara, as, d, am (fr. ushar,
WtirMi mtut-pd (anu-ud-pd), cl. I. P., Ved
with 3. a as an expletive or denoting comparison}
-pO>ati, -pdtum, to empty by drinking after an rana 'taking away the middle term,' ry<irnkalana
other. saline. ' subtraction,' tsankalana ' addition,' other algebraical
2. an-iishara, as, d, am, not saline
'HtJ^ik an-udaka, am, n. (for an-udaka) processes may be expressed). — Aneka-rdram, ind.
want of water, aridity. amishita, as, d, am (rt. cos with many times, repeatedly. — Aneka-ridli<i, as, a, <im,
of many kinds, in different ways, various. — Antka-
*»y:JT anlid-as (anu-ud-as), cl. 4. I ami), living near another.
•*T«TiJniT (in-iisliiiia-para, as, a, am, (in dapha, as, a, am, doven-hoofed. — Aneka-dabda,
-atyati, -titum, to toss up behind or after. as, d, am, expressed by several words, synonymous.
gram.) not followed by a sibilant. ~-AndsOrtat, ind. in great numbers, several times,
^njfif riniid-i (anu-ud-i), cl. 2. P. -eti,-tum
to follow in going up or out. Wf? an-uha, as, d, am, thoughtless repeatedly, by large numbers or quantities. •~Aneka-
kdra (°ka-dk"), as, d, am, multiform. — Anekd-
^(rtfrjrT nnfnlita (°nu-ud°), as, d, am (r\ careless. kshara (ci-a-oF), of, d, am, polysyllabic, having
rod), spoken after, spoken according to. an-rikka. See an-rid below. more than one syllable. — Anekayra (cka-ag°), as,
1. nnndya, at, a, am, to be spoken to afterwarc an-rikshara, as, d, am, Ved. thorn d, am, engaged in various pursuits. — Anekat ( kit-
or in reply to. of), having more than one vowel or syllable (of in
t. nnHilyii, ind. having said in reply. less (as a path or a couch). gram, being the technical term for vowel). — Anc-
Anwlytimdna, as, d, am, spoken in reply to, ac ^Rff^an-rid, k, k, k, or an-rida, as, d, am kdrtfia (°ka-ar°), as, d, am, having more than one
cording to. not containing a verse from the Rig-veda, hymnless meaning (as a word). — Anekdrtha-dhrani-man-
jarl, (. and anekartlia-sangm/ia, as, m. titles of
not conversant with the Rig-veda. two works on such words. — Anekdl (°ka-al), con-
•wj.1! anud-e (anu-ud-d-i), cl. 2. P. aniid An-rikka or an-rUka, as, d, am, containing n
'lili, -turn, to follow in coming up or rising. Ric. sisting ofmore than one al or letter (in the technical
phras. of gram.). — Anekadraya (ka-ds"), as, m. or

antah-stha. 45
anekdifrita (cka-af), as, d, am, (in Vaiseshika an-aupamya, as, a, am, unpa- anta//.
phi!.} dwelling, abiding in more than one. ralleled. m. worms in the intes-
Mt&.-khydti,-tmn^lf p_ andati>
An-ekdkin, I, inl, i, not alone, accompanied by. ,
An-ekdnta, as, a, am, not alone and excluding ^i •r(\ <*J an-aurasa, as, m. not one's own tWr antah See'
every other, uncertain. -*Anckdnta-tva, am, n. un- son, adopted. antama.
certainty. —Anekdnta-vdda, as, m. scepticism. av—j ant, cl. i. P. antatl, -titum, to
— Anekdnta-vddin, t, m. a sceptic; a Jaina, an
•^ \bind [cf. and, int~\. in (As
the amiddle . anau,
or i^;,, m, {. or anduka or an-
Arhat of the Jainas.
Wff anta, as, m. (fr. rt. am ?), end, limit,
prep, with^ ,-for . an elephant's feet ; a ring
ancle- to
Anekl-karana, am, n. making manifold.
Aneki-Wuii'at, an, anil, at, being manifold, i. e. boundary, term ; end of a texture ; end, conclusion ;
divided in two. end of life, death, destruction (in these latter senses to ; (with ace.) be:
sometimes neut.) ; a final syllable, termination ; last in (When used of,
the middle at'"theV(f<»
between, uu.««<l*«. q- »* n»-
Anekiya, •««, d, am, having several. Zend antarS; Lat. infer ; Goth, ii nndolayati,
word of a compound ; pause, settlement, definite as-
•JHifif an-ejat, an, anti, at (rt. ej with certainment, certainty ; whole amount ; border ; near- Sometimes awtar is compounded with «
tin), not moving, immoveable. ness, proximity, presence (e. g. grdmdnte, in the word like an adjective, meaning interior,
•flHi an-eda, as, m. (an being an expletive neighbourhood of the village) ; inner part, inside ; con- intermediate. — Antah-karana, am, n. the in.
dition, nature ; ante, loc. c. in the end, at last ; in the and spiritual part of man, the seat of thought and
or denoting comparison), stupid, foolish.
An-eda-muka, as, d, am, deaf and dumb ; blind ; inside ; antam at the end of a compound means feeling, the mind, the thinking faculty, the heart,
wicked, fraudulent. ' as far as," thus udakdntam, as far as the water ; the conscience, the soul. — Antafi-kalpa, as, m. a
(as, d, am), near, handsome, agreeable [cf. Goth. certain number of years (in Buddhism). — Antah-
«r|il i. a-nedya, as, d, am (rt. »id), Ved. mule!*, Theme andja; Germ. Ende; Eng. end:
not to be blamed. kutila, as, a, am, internally crooked ; fraudulent ;
with anta are also compared the Greek tuna, avrl ;
(as), m. a couch. — Anta/i-krimt, is, m. a disease
WTO 2. a-nedya, as, d, am (fr. a and Lat. ante; the Goth, anda in anda-raurd, &c. ; and caused by worms in the body. — Antah-kolara-piish-
nedyas, a contraction of nedlyas ?), Ved. not near, the Germ, ent, e. g. in entsagen].— Anta-kara, as, pl, a various reading for (iiida-kofara-pushpi, q. v.
infinite. I, am, or anta-karana, as, I, am, or anta-kdrin, — AntaJi-kona, as, m. the inner comer. — Antah-
I, inl, i, causing death, mortal, destructive. — AntQ,- kopa, as, m. inward wrath. — Autah-kosa, am, n.,
^TJf'f i. an-ena, as, d, am, Ved. (according kdla, as, m. time of death, death. — Anta-krit, t, t, Ved. the interior of a store-room. — Antah-pata, as,
to native authorities) sinless, faultless ; (according to
t, making am, m. n. a cloth held between two persons who
German scholars) without a variegated set (of horses). as, f. pi. a ansacred end ;book (t), m. death.
of the •~Antakrid-das'd,
Jainas, containing ten are to be united (as biide and bridegroom, or pupil
See eta. chapters. — Anta-ga, as, d, am, going to the end, and teacher) until the right moment of union is
An-enas, as, as, as, blameless, sinless, not liable thoroughly conversant with. — Anta-gati, is, in, i,
arrived. — Aictah-padam, ind. in the middle of an
to error ; N. of various personages. or anta-gdmin, I, inl, i, going to the end, pe- inflected word. — Antah-paridhdna, am, n. the in-
An-enasya, am, n. freedom from fault, sin. rishing —Anta-gamana, am, n. the going to the nermost garment. — Antah-paridhi, ind. in the inside
end of something, finishing ; the going ,o the end,
•W11 3. anena, as, m. (fr. ina and ana of an enclosure. — Antah-pardavya or antah-par-
for an) ; this doubtful word may signify one who has dying. — Anta-fara, as, I, am, going to the fron- s'vya, as, a, am, being between the ribs (as flesh).
tiers, walking about the frontiers. — Anta-ja, as, d,
— Aida/i-pavitra, the Soma when in the straining-
and superior,
no ana for ' aan.sovereign or paramount lord ;' see ina am, last born. — Anta-jdti, see antija-jdti. — Anta-
tas, ind. from the end, from the term ; lastly, finally ; vessel (?). — Antah-paiu, ind. from evening till morn-
ing (while the cattle is in the stables). — Antah-pata
•si tjH Hx a-neman, d, d, a, Ved. to be praised. in the lowest way; in part; within. — Anta-dlpaka, or antah-pdtya, as, m. (in gram.) insertion of a
',an-eva, ind. otherwise (?), or(?). am, n. a figure in rhetoric. ^Anta-pdla, as, m. a letter ; a post fixed in the middle of the place of
frontier-guard. — Anta-bhava, as, d, am, being at sacrifice. — Antah-patita, as, a, am, or antah-patin,
' an-ehas, d, d, as (fr. rt. Ih with an), the end, last. — Anta-bhaj, k, k, k, standing at the I, inl, i, inserted, included in. — Antah-patra, am,
Ved. without a rival, incomparable, unattainable ; un- end (of a word). — Anta-rata, as, d, am, delighting n., Ved. the interior of a vessel. — Antah-pddam,
menaced, unobstructed ; (a), m. time. in destruction. — Anta-lina, as, d, am, hidden, con- ind. within the Psda of a verse. — Antahydla, as,
cealed. ~Anta-lopa, as, m. the dropping of the final •m. one who watches the inner apartments of a palace.
^'toKT'rT an-aikdnta, as, d, am (fr. ekdnta), of a word (in grammar). — Anta-rat, an, atl, at,
variable, unsteady; (in logic) occasional, as a cause having an end or term, limited, perishable ; (^vat), — Antah-pura, am, n. the king's palace, the female
not invariably attended by the same effects. apartments, gynseceum ; those who live in the female
ind. like the end. — Antavat-tva, am, n. limited apartments; a queen. — Antahpura-tara, as, m.
An-aikdntika, as, I, am, unsteady, variable, hav- existence, perishableness. — Anta-vahn i, is, m. the
ing many objects or purposes. — Anaikdntika-ti'a, fire of the end, by which the world is to be burnt. guardian of the women's apartments. — Antalipura-
am, n. unsteadiness, uncertainty. — Anta-vdsin or ante-vdsin, I, ini, i, dwelling jana, as, m. the women of the palace. — Antahpura-
near the boundaries, dwelling close by ; (/), m. a praddra, as, m. the gossip of the women's apart-
•4H-W an-aikya, am, n. (eka), want of ments. —Antahpura-rakshaka, as, m. or anta/i-
oneness, plurality, the existence of many ; want of pupil who dwells near or in the house of his teacher ;
union, anarchy. a C'andala (who lives at the end of the town). pura-vartin, I, m. or antahpurddhyaksJia (°ra-
— Anta-veld, f. hour of death. — Anta-dayya, f. a adh°), as, m. superintendent of the gynaeceum, cham-
berlain. —Antah-pura-sahdya, as, m. belonging to
IH*I mu a-naipuna or a-naipunya, am, n. bed or mat on the ground ; death ; the place for
unskilfulness. See dnaipuna. the gynaeceum (as an eunuch, 8cc.}. — Anta/f-purika,
burial or burning ; bier. — Anta-satkriyd, f. the fu- as, m. superintendent of the gynaeceum ; (a), f. a
neral ceremonies. — Anta-sad, t, m. a pupil (who
*a«i*3M an-aisvarya, am, n. weakness. woman in the gynasceum. — Antah-piiya, as, a, am,
See anaUvaryo. dwells near his teacher). — Anta-stha, as, a, am, ulcerous. — Antah-peya, am, n., Ved. supping up,
standing at the end ; see also antah-stha. — Anta- drinking. — Antah-prakriti, is, f. the heart, the
•««i\ ano, ind. ho, not. (An unusual svarita, as, m. the Svarita accent on the last syllable soul, the internal nature or constitution of a man.
form of no.) of a word; (am), n. a word thus accentuated.
— Antddi Cta-adi), i, du. m. end and beginning. — Antah-prajna, as, a, am, internally wise, know-
wiWsjirMl an-oka-sdyin, i, m. not sleep- ing one's self. — Anta/i-pratishthtlna, am, n. resi-
ing in a house (as a beggar). — Antdi-asdi/in or antdmtdyin ('ta-avr'), I, m.seea dence in the interior. — Antii/t-pratishthita, a-', d,
barber; a Candala; N. of a Muni or saint;
An-oka-ha, as, m. not quitting the house, a tree ; antydnasdyin. — Ante-vdsa, as, m. a neighbour, a am, residing inside. — Antah-fara, as, m. an internal
(oka is for okas, q. v.) arrow or disease. — Antah-ianra, am, n. the inter-
companion, a pupil. — Antc^vdsi, ind. in statu pupil- nal and spiritual part of man. — Antah-ialya, as,
'W'll^frT an-on-krita, as, d, am, not ac- lari ; see anta-vdsin above. — Antoddtta (°ta-ud°), a, dm, having a pin or extraneous body sticking in-
companied bythe holy syllable om. as, rn. the acute accent on the last syllable ; (as, d, side. —Antah-iila, f., N. of a river. •• Antati-dleshu,
am), having the acute accent on the last syllable. as, m. or antali-tleshana, am, n., Ved. internal sup-
WTtfijW anodita (ana-ud°), as, d, am, un- Antaka, as, m. border, boundary; (as, d, am), port. —Anta/i-sanjna, as, a, am, internally conscious.
addressed \l(?).).
making an end, causing death ; (as), m. death ; Ya- — Antah-tattva, f. a pregnant woman ; the mark-
ano-vdhya, as, a, am, to be carried ma, king or lord of death. — Antaka-druh, -dftruk, ing nut (Semecarpus Anacardium L.). — Antr</i-x<i<I<i
on aa carriage
carriage. k, k, Ved. offending or provoking destructive demons, sain, ind. in the middle of the assembly. — Antah-
or death, or Yama.
^pSfrwui Antaki, ts, m. wind(?).
narn, as, a, am, having internal essence; (as), ru.
an-aufitya, am, n. unfitness.
Antama, as, d, am, next, nearest, intimate (as a
internal treasure, inner store or contents. — Anta{t-
sitkka, a*, a, am, internally happy. — Antdh-senam,
an-aujasya, am, n. want of friend) ; Ved. last. ind. into the midst of the armies. — Antah-stha, Of,
Antai/a, nom. P. antayati, -yiturn, to make an a, am, being in the midst or between ; a term ap-
an-auddhatya, am, n. freedom end of.
plied to the semivowels, as standing between the con-
from haughtiness. Antika, antima, antya, &c. See antika, p. 45. sonants and vowels ; (a), f. the god of the vital

42 antarikshya.
immediate, intimate, internal; like, analogous ; (as),
j aniika, as, am,i( the Rig-veda mantras. of the products. — Antar-lhumi, is, f. the inner
part of the earth. — A ntar-tihu uma, as, a, am, being m. a congenial letter, one of the same class. — Antara-
aim), the backbone, spine; <". ('n anatomy) the tara, as, d, am, nearer, more intimate.— Antara-
in the interior of the earth; subterranean. — Antar-
altar; a former state of odif*Wi «", ">. an ele- da, at, d, am (rt. dd for do), cutting or hurting the
("rd-an°), as, manas, as, as, as, sad, perplexed. — Antar-m id'/m, interior or heart. — Antara-di»d, f. or antard-dii,
family; peculiarity of race, dispd™*"
J ' f ' * L .._ _ .U- ,U*,..l

I'., N. of an Apsaras. between the shoul- Of, a, am, going into the mouth ; (aw), n. a kind k, f. or antar-desa, as, m. an intermediate region or
of scissors used in surgery. — Antar-miulmt?), sealed quarter of the compass. •• Antara-puruska, as, m.
• ' n. back bone ; flesn»
, .a, interior fire,
theam, or,
M, am, interi inside; N. of a certain form of devotion. — Anlar- the internal man, the soul. — Antara^prabhava, flw.
anu-kasa, as, m.^ Or having refer- mrlta, as, a, am, still-born. — Antar-ydma, as, m.
d, am, of mixed origin or caste. — Antara-prasna,
flection (of light), clearness ; nguwga or base of a the suppression of the breath and voice ; a Soma liba- as, m. an inner question ; a question which is contained
_ . _, , , t L\ iin, not essential tion during this act. — Antar-ydma-graha, as, m.
*"W "n"ksh ("""-"fevond'or external to in and arises from what has been previously stated.
it. the Soma libation Antar-yama ; the performing ol — Antara-stha, as, d, am, or antara-sthdyin, i,
lahate, -t«Ai«umt|tg,^ „. ,j,e state or condition of such a libation. — Antar-ydmin, t, m. checking or
ini, i, or antara-sthita, as, d, am, interposed, in-
^M^ rt6a — Antar-aeayava, a«, m. an inner regulating the internal feelings ; the soul ; providence ; ternal, situated inside, inward ; separate, apart. — An-
coming ^art' ~ Aniar-dkdia, ax, m. the sacred ether the supreme spirit as regulating and guiding mankind ; turdiiutya ( ra-ap ), f. a pregnant woman. — Anta-
lowjnr rnnia in the inteiior part or soul of man. Brahma. — Antar-tjoga, Of, m. deep thought, ab- rdbhara, as, m., Ved. (if fr. antara and abhara)
— siitt ar-ukuta, am, n. hidden intention. — Aut<tr- straction.— Aiitar-lamba, as, d, am, acute-angular; taking away intervals ; (if fr. antara and bhara)
dgama, as, m. an additional augment between two (as), m. a triangle in which the perpendicular falls bringing into the midst or near ; procuring.
letters (in gram.). — Antar-agara, as, m. the interior within, an acute-angled triangle. — Antar-llna, as, 5, Antara, ind. in the middle, in the interior, inside,
of a house — Antar-itmaa, a, m. the soul, the inhe- am, inherent. — Antar-loma, as, d, am, covered within, among, between ; on the way, by the way ;
rent supreme spirit; the internal feelings, the heart with hair on the inner side. — Antar-rans"a, as, m.
in the neighbourhood, near, nearly, almost ; in the
or mind. — Antar-dtmcshtakam (°man-ish°), ind. the gynseceum; see antah-pura. — Anlar-mnHka, meantime, now and then ; for some time ; (with
in the space between one's self and the (sacrificial) as, m. superintendent of the women's apartments. ace. and loc. ) between, during, without. — Antaransa,
bricks. — Antar-dpana, as, m. a market inside (a — Antar-vana, as, a, am, situated in a forest;
town). — Antardya, see antar-i. — Antar-drdma, see under antar.— Antwd-bhava-deha, as, m. or
(am), ind. within a forest. •- Antar-vat, an, att, at,
antard-bhava-sattra, am, n. the soul in its middle
at, a, am, rejoicing in one's self (not in the exterior being in the interior. — Antar-rati, Ved. or antar- existence between death and regeneration. —Antard-
world). "Antar-ala or tmtOT-SlaJta, am, n. inter- ratnl, f. a pregnant woman. — Antar-vami, is, m.
mediate space ; antardlc , in the midst, in midway ; flatulence, indigestion. — Antur-rnrlin, i, ini, {, or ndi, is or f, f. a veranda resting on columns.
(ala is probably for dlaya).—Antar-intKya,ai*, anlar-rasat, an, antl, at, internal, included, dwelling — Antard-Mngam, ind. between the horns.
n. an internal org-in, of which there are four, v-z. in.— Antar-vasu, us, m., N. of a Soma sacrifice. Antariya, am, n. an under or lower garment.
mannit, buddhi, ahankdra, and titta. — Antar- — Antar-vastra, am, n. an under garment. — Antar- Antare, ind. amidst, among, between.
ipa, as, am, m. n. (fr. ap), an island, a promontory. Antarena, ind. amidst, between; (with ace.) within,
vdni, is, is, i, skilled in sacred sciences. — Antar-
— Antar-ushya, am, n. (rt.ffo«),Ved. asecret abode. between, amidst, during ; except, without, with re-
rarnt, an, antl or ail, at, Ved. abounding inter-
— Antar-gangd, f. the Ganges, as supposed to com- nally with precious things, hidden ; (raf), ind. in- gard to, with reference to, on account of.
municate under-ground with a sacred spring in Mysore. wardly. • Antar-vdshpa, as, m. suppressed tears; Autarya, as, d, am, inteiior.
— Antar-gadu, us, its, u, unprofitable, useless (filled (as, d, am), containing tears. — Antar-vdsas, as, n. wfl<,?J antar-anj, cl. 7. P., Ved. -anakti,
with worms). — Antar-gata, &c. ; see unaer antar- an inner or under garment. — Antar-vigdhana, am,
gam. — Antar-garbha, as, a, am, inclosing young; n. entering within. — Antar-vidvas, van, usht, -anktum, -anjitum, to assume, take upon one's self.
pregnant. — Antur-giram or antar-giri, ind. among ras, Ved. knowing (the paths) between (earth and •wrioi, •wm.N, &c. See antar-i.
the mountains. — Antar-guda-valaya, at, m. (in heaven) ; knowing exactly. — Antar-vega, as, m. in- vi THJ rt antar-ala. See under antar.
medicine) the sphincter muscle. — Antar-giidha- ternal uneasiness or anxiety ; inward fever. — Antar-
visjta, as, a, am, having hidden poison within. vedi, is, is, i, belonging to the inside of the sacri- antar-i, cl. i. P. -ayati, -etum, to
— Antar-yriha, am, n. an inner apartment of the ficial ground ; (i), ind. within this ground ; (is or i), come between ; cl. a. P. -eti, -turn, to stand in any
house ; aiitar-griham or aniar-geham, ind. in the f. the Doab or district between the Garrga and Ya- one's way, to separate ; to exclude from (with abl.) ;
interior of a house. — Antar-ghana, as, or antar- muna rivets. — Antar-veitman, a, n. the inner apart- to pass over, omit ; to disappear: Ved., Intens. or Pass.
ghana, as, m. a place between the entrance-door and menTs, the interior of a building. — Antar-vedmika, -lyate, to walk to and fro between (as a mediator).
the house; N. of a village. •~Antar-<jhdta, as, m. Of, m. superintendent of the women's apartments.
striking in the middle. — Antar-ja, as, a, am, bred — Antar-hanana, am, n. striking in the middle Antar-aya, as, m. impediment, hindrance.
Antar-ayana, am, n. going under, disappearing.
in the interior (of the body, as a worm). — Antar- — Antar-hanana, as, m., N. of a village. — Antar- Antar-dya, as, d, am, going between ; (as), m.
jathara, am, n. the stomach. •* Antar-janman, a, Ao-<ram, ind. in the hand, within reach of the hand. intervention, obstacle, impediment.
n. inward birth. — Antar-jambha, as, m. the inner — Antar-Jiastina, as, d, am, being in the hand or Antar-ita, as, d, am, gone within, interior,
part of the jaws. — Antar-jala-dara, as, I, am, going within reach. — Antar-hdsa, as, m. laughing inwardly; hidden, concealed, screened, shielded ; departed, re-
in the water. •• Antar-jdta, as, a, am, inborn, inbred, suppressed laughter; (am), ind. with suppressed laugh. tired, withdrawn, disappeared, vanished, perished, dead ;
innate — Antar-jdnu, ind. between the knees; (us, — Antar-hita, see aittar-dhd, p. 45. — Antar-hri- separated, detached ; impeded, hindered ; (am), n. (?)
us, a), being between the knees. — ,1 iitur-juiina, am, daya, am, n. the interior of the heart. — Antat-tapta,
n. inward knowledge. — Antar-jyotis, is, is, is, having as, d, am, internally heated or harassed. — Antas- remainder (in arithmetic) ; a technical term in archi-
the soul enlightened, illuminated. — Antur-jralana, tdpa, as, m. inward heat; (as, a, am}, burning tecture.
am, n. internal heat, inflammation. — Antar-da//' lit u , inwardly, burning with passion. — Antas-titxhara, as, iH »rl I\BJ antariksha or antarlksha, am, n.
as, a, am, burnt inwardly. — Antiiriliulh/ina, am, d, am, having dew in the interior. — Antas-toya, as,
n. the distillation of spirituous liquor, or a substance (either fr. antar, ' within,' and ikeh, ' to see," or fr.
d, am, containing water. — Antas-patha, as, d, am,
used to cause fermentation. — Anhir-dadhdna, at, Ved. going within the clefts or hollows (of moun- antari, loc., and fo/ia, ' dwelling within bodies','
ksha being fr. rt. kehi), the intermediate space be-
a, am, vanishing, disappearing, hiding one's self tains), being on the way. tween heaven and earth ; (in the Veda) the middle
[cf. antar-dha]. — Antar-daia, f. a technical term Antaxtya, am, n. intestines, bowels, entrails. of the three spheres or regions of life ; the atmo-
in astrology. — Antar-daddka, am, n. an interval of sphere or sky ; the air ; talc. -• Antarikiska-kehlt, I,
ten days ; so antar-daidhdt, before the end of ten antara, as, a, am, being in the in- t, t, dwelling in the atmosphere. — Antarikuha-ga or
terior, interior; near, proximate, related, intimate; antarOciha-fara, as, m. a bird. — Antarik»ka-prd,
days. — .\ntiir-'li'tra, as, a, am, Ved. containing
fire. — Antar-<laka, as, m. internal heat, or fever. lying adjacent to ; distant ; different from ; exterior ; dx, «.«, m. f., Ved. filling the sky, irradiating the
"Antar-iIiM-lin, an, a, am, afflicted in mind, sad. u. the interior; a hole, opening; the interior firmament; travelling through the atmosphere (?).
—Antiir-iliixhin, o», 5, am, internally bad, wicked, part of a thing, the contents ; soul, heart, supreme — Aiitarikttia-iirnt, t. t, t (rt. pni for plu), Ved.
vile.-.</,<iir-,/,,Vi?<, {st ift ft looking into one's soul ; interval, in'emicdiate space or time ; period ; floating over the atmosphere. — Antarikeha-loku ,
own soul.- ,M> m., Ved. an interme- term ; opportunity, occasion ; distance, absence ; dif- as, m. the intermediate region or sky as a peculiar
diateregion of the compass. — Antar-ilcdra, am, n. ference, remainder ; property, peculiarity ; weakness, woi\d.**Anlarilceli<i-8anis'ita, as, d, am, sharpened
a private or secret door within [he house. — Aiilm'- weak side ; representation ; surety, guaranty ; respect, in the atmosphere. — Antarikfha-sa<l, t, t, t, Ved.
•//../, \ -. ; we s.v. niitnr-illi a,y. 45. -. 1, iti^-il/n/ii'itH. regard ; (at the end of compounds) different, other, dwelling in the atmosphere. — Antariksha-sadya,
am, n. profound inward meditation. — . I itlar-utujam, another, e. g. deidnlaram, another country [cf. am, n., Ved. residence in the atmosphere. — Antar-
ii. the palace of a king.-.,!,,/,,,--,,;, -t-hla, an, Goth, anthar, Theme anthara; Lith. antra-s, iknlnal'ini ( />/«(-»(/ ), <i*, «, am, having an in-
, gone within, being wiiliin.-yl,,/,;r-/ ,;,////„/, •the second;' Lat. alter]. Antaramot nntura-tas,
terior as comprehensive as the atmosphere. — Antar-
at, a, am, engaged in internal reflection. — Antar- ind. in the interior, v/lmin. — Antara-t'akrii, am. n. tksha-ga, an, a, am, going in the a;mosphere ; (as),
bto&CMUZj din, n. the interior of a house. — Antar- a technical term in lagary.—Antara-jiia, an, d, am,
m. a 'bird. — Atitnnkshii-i'ara, as, i, am, moving
i,&c.;xeantar-bhu,y.4$. — Ant(ir-l'/, knowing the in'erior, prudent, provident, foreseeing.
ird meditation or anxiety; a technical term in — Antara-tdl, I, t. t (n. tan), spreading death or through the atmosphere. — AnturU-xliri-jula or an-
ttir!l.-xlin-jal<t, am, n. the water of the atmosphere.
arithmetic ; rectification of numbers by the differences destruction. — Antara-tama, as, d, am, nearest;
Antarlkthya, as, a, am, atmospheric, aerial.
antar-upati (-upa-ati-i), cl. 2. I. antika, as, a, am, (with gen. or abl.) near, prox- — Antrdda (°ra-ad°), as, m. worms in the intes-
imate compar.
; nediyas, superl. nedishtha ; (am), n. tines.
P. -npdtyetl, -turn, to enter over a threshold or
boundary. vicinity, proximity, near, e.g. ant{ka-stha, remaining and, cl. I. P. andati, -ditum, to
near; (a?»), ind. (with abl., gen., or as last member
wil'lff antar-gam, cl. I. P. -ga6thati, of a compound) until, near to, into the presence of; bind.
Anda, as, m. binding.
-gantum, to go between (so as to exclude from, with (dtj, ind. from the proximity ; near, close by ; within
abl.); to disappear. the presence of; (e), ind. (with gen. or as last mem- Andu, wi, f. or amlu, us, f. or anduka or an-
Antar-gata, as, a, am, or antar-gdmin, I, ini, ber of a compound) near, close by, in the proximity diika, as, m. the chain for an elephant's feet ; a ring
or chain worn on the ancle.
i, gone between or into, being in, included in ; being or presence of; (ena), ind. (with gen.) near.
in the interior, internal, hidden, secret ; disappeared, — Antika-gati, is, f. going near. — Antika-td, f. •>afV^«!iI andika, f. (for antika, q. v.), fire-
perished ; slipped out of the memory, forgotten. nearness, vicinity, contiguity. — Antikds'raya (°£a-
— Antaryata-manas, as, at, as, whose mind is tree as"°),toas, m. contiguous support (as that given by a
a creeper). ^T*t£frc5Tl andolaya, nom. P. andolayati,
turned inwards, engaged in deep thought, sad, per-
I. antima, as, d, am, immediately following (in -yitum, to agitate, to swing.
plexed. —Antargatopamd (cta-up°), f. a concealed this sense as the last member of a compound, e. g. Andolana, am, n. swinging, oscillating.
simile (the particle of comparison being omitted). place.
Andolita, as, d, am, agitated, swung.
vctl'll antar-ga, cl. 3. P. -jiodti, -gatum, dusdiitima, ' the eleventh') ; very near.
Antiya, as, d, am, Ved. near ; (am), n. a proxi- •>^»r;oir andraka, as, m., N. of a king.
to go between, separate (so as to exclude from ; with mate place.
^rfjfT 2. anti, is, f. an elder sister (in ^CTtW \toandh,
be orcl.become
10. P.blind.
andhayati, -yitum,
•si-fl t^^antar-dris, cl. i. P., Ved. -pasyati, theatrical language). For I. anti, see last col. Andha, as, d, am, blind ; making blind, prevent-
-drashtum, to look between or into. Antika, f. an elder sister (in theatrical language; ing the sight, dark; (am), n. darkness; turbid
:3nfl"§T i. antar-dha, cl. 3. A. -dhatte, perhaps a corruption ofattikd) ; a fire-place ; a plant, water, water; (as), m. pi., N. of a people. — Aitdha-
Echites Scholaris. kdra, as, am, m. n. darkness. •• Andhakdra-maya,
-dhdtum, to place within, deposit ; to receive within ;
to hide, conceal, obscure ; to hide one's self: Pass. Anti, f. an oven. as, I, am, daik.—Andhakdra-sandaya, as, m.
-dhiyate, to be received within, to be absorbed ; to ^rfarai 2. antika, as, d, am (fr. anta), intensity of darkness. — Andha-kdrita, as, d, am,
be rendered invisible; to disappear, vanish; to cease: reaching to the end of, reaching to (e. g. ndsdntika, made dark, dark. — And/ia-kupa, as, m. a well of
Caus. -dhdpayati, -yitum, to render invisible, to reaching to the nose), lasting till, until. which the mouth is hidden ; a.well over-grown with
cause to disappear. plants, &c. ; a particular hell. — Andhan-karana, as,
1. antima, as, d, am, final, ultimate, last. — Anti-
i.antar-<lhd, f.concealment,covering,disappearing. i, am, making blind. — Andha-tamasa or andha-
Antar-dkdna, am, n. disappearance, invisibility; mditka ("ma-art"), as, m. the last unit, nine. tdmasa or andhd-tamasa, am, n. great darkness.
antardhdnam i or gam, to disappear; (as); m., Antya, as, d, am, last in place, in time, or in "AndJui-td, {. or andha-tva, am, n. blindness.
order ; immediately following (used as the last mem- — Andha-tdmiSra, as, m. complete darkness of
N. of a son of Prithu. — Antardhdna-gata, as, a,
am, disappeared. — Antardhdna-dara, as,' I, am, lowest ber of a compound, e. g. asJitamdntya, * the ninth') ; the soul ; (am), n. a division of Tartarus, the second
going invisibly. in place or condition, undermost, inferior, be- or eighteenth of the twenty-one hells ; doctrine of
longing to the lowest caste ; (an), m., N. of the plant annihilation after death. — Andha-dlii, is, is, i,
Antar-dhdpita, as, d, am, rendered invisible. Cyperus Hexastachyus Communis ; (am}, n. the num- mentally blind. -• Andlia-putand, f. a female demon
Antar-dhdyaka, an, ikd, am, rendering invisible, ber 1000 billions ; the twelfth sign of the zodiac ;
concealing. causing diseases in children. — Andha-mushd, f.
the last member of a mathematical series. — Antya- a small covered crucible with a hole in the side.
Antar-dhi, is, m. concealment, covering, disap-
pearance. karman, a, n. or antya-kriyd, f. funeral rites. — Andha-mushikd, {., N. of a grass, Lepeocercis
Antar-hita, as, a, am, placed between, separated ; — Antya-ja, as, d, am, younger, latest born ; of the Serrata. —Andham-bhdvitka, as, d, am, or andha-
covered, concealed, hidden, made invisible, vanished, lowest caste ; (as), m. a S'udra ; a man of one of bliMrishnu, us, us, u, becoming blind. — Andha-
seven inferior tribes ; a washerman, currier, mimic,
invisible; hidden from (with abl.). — Antar-hitdt- rdtri, {., Ved. dark night. - Andhdlajl (dha-aF),
Varuda, fisherman, Meda or attendant on women, and
man ("ta-df), d, m. epithet of Siva ('of con- mountaineer or forester. — Antyaja-gamana, am, f. a blind boi), one that does not suppurate. — An-
cealed mind'). n. intercourse (between a woman of the higher caste) dhdhi (°dha-ahi), is, or andhdhika, as, m. a blind
snake, not poisonous ; (is, is), m. f., N. of a fish,
^•if^antar-bhu, cl. I . P. -bhavati, -vitum, with a man of the lowest caste. — Antya-janman, d, commonly called kufika.
to be (contained or inherent or implied) in. d, a, or antya-jdti, is, is, i, or antya-jdtiya, as, Attdhaka, as, d, am, blind , (as), m., N. of an
Antar-bhava, as, d, am, being within, inward, d, am, of the lowest caste. — Antyajd-gamana, Asura, a son of Kasyapa and Diti ; N. of a descen-
internal, generated internally. am, n. intercourse (between a man of the higher dant of Yadu and ancestor of Krishna and his descen-
Antar-bltavana, antar-bhdvand. See s. v. antar. caste) with a woman of the lowest caste. — Antya- dants ;N. of a Muni. — Andkaka-ghdtin, i, m. or
Antar-bhdm, as, m. the being included by, in- dhana, am, n.last member of an arithmetical series.
ternal or inherent nature or disposition. — Antyarpada or antya-mula, am, n. (in arithm.) andhaka-ripu, us, m. or andliakdri (cka-ari), in,
m. or andhakasuhrid (:ka-as°), m. epithet of Siva,
Antar-bhdvita, as, a, am, included, involved, im- the last or greatest root (in the square). — Antya-bha, the slayer or enemy of the Asura Andhaka. — Andha-
plied. am, n. the last Nakshatra (Revati) ; the last sign of
the zodiac, the sign Pisces. — Antya-yuga, as, m. ka-varta, as, m., N. of a mountain. — Andhaka-
Antar-bhuta, as, d, am, being within, internal, vrishni, ayas, pi. m. descendants of Andhaka and
inner. — Antarbhuta-tva, am, n. ; see antar- the last or Kali age. — Antya-yoni, is, f. the lowest Vrishni.
bhdva. source; (is, is, i), of the lowest origin. — Antya- I. andhas, as, n., Ved. darkness, obscurity.
Antar-bfiiimi. See under antar. varna, as, d, m. f. a man or woman of the last
- antas-far (antar-6ar), cl. I. P. A. tribe, a S'udra. •-Antya-i'ipuld, {., N. of a metre. buff; Andhikd,
a womanf. night ; a kind character;
of a particular of game, one
of the
— Antydvasdyin (°ya-av'J), i, ini, m. f. a man or
-farati, -te, -ritum, Ved. -radkyai, to move be- woman of low caste, the son of a Cindala by a Ni- classes ease; of seewomen ; a disease of the eye; another dis-
tween, to move within. shadl, especially one of the following classes : Csn-
dala, SVapaca or executioner, Kshattri, Suta, Vaide- Andhi-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to make
•fl-n^e^ antas-(hid (antar-(hid), cl. 7. P. haka, Magadha or bard, and Ayogava. — Antydhitti blind, to blind. — Andhi-krita, as, d, am, made or
-fMnalti, -(Outturn, to cut off, to intercept. become blind. — Amllakritdtman (°ta-dt°~), d, d,
antas. See antar. ("ya-dh°), is, f. funeral oblation or sacrifice. — An- a, blinded in mind.
tycshti Cya-isK1), is, f. funeral sacrifice. — Anty- Andhi-gu, us, m., N. of a Rishi.
eehti-kriyd, f. funeral ceremonies. Andhl-bliii, cl. i. P. -bhavati, -vitum, to become
i. anti, ind. before, in the presence
Antyaka, as, m. a man of the lowest tribe. blind. — Andhi-Wiuta, as, d, am, become blind.
of, near; (with gen.) within the proximity of, to
f_cf. Lat. ante, Gr. acrt]. — Anti-fjriha, am, n., Ved. ^I«3 antra, am, n. (contraction ofantara; *j|**i« 2. andhas, as, n. (fr. rt. ad, to eat ? ;
a house near one's own dwelling ; a place before the or ft. rt. am ?; Gr. evrfpov), entrail, intestine ; (i), Gr. &v8os), food, Soma, ghee, boiled rice; herb in
house, the neighbourhood of the house. — Anti-tama, (., N. of a plant, either Convolvolus Argenteus or general, herb of the Soma plant, Soma juice, juice ;
a*, a, am, very near. — Anti-tas, ind., Ved. from near. Ipomoea Pes Caprx Roth(?).— Antra-ktija, as, m. grassy ground. (For I . andhas, see above.)
•• Anti-dfi'a, aft, d, am, Ved. being in the presence or antra-kujana, am, n. or antra-rikujana, am,
of the gods, near the gods ; playing against another, n. rumbling of the bowels. — Antran-dhami, is, f. ^I^J andhu, us, m. (fr. rt. am or andh f),
a well.
an adversary (at dice). — Anti-mitra, as, a, am, indigestion, inflation of the bowels from v/ind. — An-
Ved. near or at hand with friendship. — Anti-vdma, tra-pdfaka, as, m., N. of a plant, ^Eschynomene '«*«<•» andhula, as, m., N. of a tree,
an, a, am, Ved. near with wealth or loveliness. Grandifiora. — Anlra-maya, as, i, am, consisting of Acacia Sirissa,
— Anti-siiad, t, t, t, Ved. sitting near. — Anti- entrails. — Antra-rriMhi, is, f. inguinal hernia,
xhumna, an, d, am, Ved. near with happiness or rupture. — Antra-tild, f., N. of a river. — Antra- Wy andhra, as, m., N. of a people, pro-
kindness. — Anty-utl, is, if, i, Ved. near with help. Sfaj, k, f. a kind of garland worn by Nara-sinha. bably modern Telingana; N. of a dynasty ; a man of
46 anyonya.
i low caste, the offspring of a Vaideha father and (°no-or0), I, inl, t, asking for food. — Anna- n. going to another (as an inheritance). — Anya-
KSrivara mother, who lives by killing game. — An- vridli (final a lengthened), (, t, t, Ved. increasing xi-ilii ( i/<i-df), as, d, am,- gone to another.
illirn-jdti, it, (. the Andhra tribe. — AndJtra-jatiyn, (ood. — Ani>dliaiin \ >iu-dh°), i, inl, i, eating food. — Anyrimkta (°ya-ds°), as, a, am, intent on some-
at, a. am, belonging to this tribe. — Andhra- thing else. — Anydiddhdrai.ia (°ya-as°), as, i, am,
»Sfl**TJ annambhatta, as, m., N. of the not common to another, peculiar. —Anyodhd (°ya-
lihritj/a, as, m. pi. a dynasty of the Andhras.
author of the Tarka-san-graha, or compendium of the adh°), f. married to another, another's wife. — Alt'
W3 i. aima, as, m. (fr. rt. at or am?), NySya philosophy, especially the Vaiieshika branch.
the sun. yotpanna ("ya-ut"), as, d, am, begotten by another.
WSI anya, as, a, at (according to native any.
— Anyudarya ("ya-ud'), as, d, am, bora from
^T^ 2. anna, as, a, am (fr. rt. ad), eaten ; authorities fr. rt. on.but more probably from a pronom. another womb ; (an), m. a step-mother's son.
Avyaka, as, m. another, other.
(am), n. food or victuals in general ; food in a mys- base a or an), other, different; (with abl. or as the
tical sense, or the lowest form in which the supreme last member of a compound) other than, different Anya-tama, as, <i, am, any one of many, either,
soul is manifested, the coarsest envelope of the su- from, opposed to; another; another person; one of
preme spirit ; boiled rice ; bread com ; Ved. water ; a number ; anya anya or eka anya, the one, the Anya-tara, as, d, at, either of two, other, differ-
Vishnu; earth. — Anna-kama, at, a, am, desirous other [cf. Zend anya ; Armen. ait ; Lat. alias ; Goth. ent ; anyatara anyatara, the one, the other ;
of food. — Anna-kdla, as, m. meal-time, proper hour aljif. Them, alja; Gr. &\\os for t\jo-s; cf. also iinyatara«yam, loc. f. either way. — Anyatara-
ta», ind. on one of two iidet. — Anyatdrato-dimta,
for eating. — Anna-koshthaka, at, m. cupboard, (ru>i\. — Anya-kdma, as, a, am, loving another.
granary ; Vishnu ; the sun. — Anna-gat i, is, f. — Anya-kdrukd, f. a worm bred in excrement. ax, d, am, having teeth on one side (only). — Anya-
the cesophagus, gullet. — Anna-gandM. is, m. dy- — Anya-krita, as, a, am, or anya-kdrita, as, d, fare-dyus, ind. on either of two days.
sentery, diarrhoea. — Anna-ja or anna-jdta, as, a, am, done by another. — Anya-ksketra, am, n. an- Anya-tas, ind. from another; from another mo-
am, springing from or occasioned by food as the other territory or sphere. — Anya-ga, as, d, am, or tive ; on one side (anyataA anyataA, on the one,
on the other side) ; elsewhere ; on the other side, on
primitive substance. — Anna-jala, am, n. food and anya-gdjnin, i, inl, i, going to another, adulterous. the contrary, in one direction ; towards some other
water, bare subsistence. — Anna-jit, t, t, t, Ved. ob- — Anya-gotra, as, d, am, of a different family.
taining food by conquest. — Anna-jivana, as, i(?), — Anya-fitta, as, a, am, whose mind is fixed on place. —Anyata-eta, etas, enl, ra. f., Ved. variegated
am, living by food. — Aniia-tejas, as, at, at, Ved. some one or something else.— Anya-fodita, at, d, on one side. — AnyataJf-kshtiut, t, t, t, Ved. sharp
having the vigour of food. — Anna-da, as, a, am, am, moved by another. — AnyaA-(a ("yad-fa), ind. on one side. — Anyatah-plakskd, (., N. of a Lotus
and another, besides, moreover, on the contrary. pond in Kurukshetra. — Anyatoghdtin, i, m., Ved.
or anna-datri, td, trt, tri, or anna-ddyi'n, i, iiti, i,
or anna-prada, a>, a, am, giving food j epithet of — Anyarja or anya-jdta, as, a, am, bom of another striking in one direction —Anyato-'ranya(^tas-ar°),
Siva and DurgS. — Anna-ddna, am, n. the giving (family, &c.), of a different origin. — Anya-janman, am, n., Ved. a land which is woody here and there,
of food. — Anna-detail, (. the divinity supposed to a, n. another birth, being born again, metempsy- or only on one side(?). — Anyato-vdta, as, m. a
certain disease of the eye.
preside over articles of food. — Anna-dosha, as, m. chosis. —Anya-td, f. difference. — Anyat-kdma, as,
a fault committed by eating prohibited food. — Anna- a, am, desirous of something else. — Anyat-kri, to Aiiyatastya, a», m. opponent, adversary.
dresha, as, m. want of appetite, dislike of food. make a mistake in reading, &c. — Anyad-artha Aiiijii-ira, ind. (equivalent to anyatmin, loc.
— Anna-pati, is, m. possessor of food, an epithet of or anydrtha (fya-ar°), as, d, am, having another of anya), elsewhere, in another place (with abl.) ;
Savitri, Agni, Siva. — Anna-pu, Us, m., Ved. puri- meaning, purpose, sense. — Anya-dunaha, as, d, on another occasion ; (as last member of a comp.) at
another time than ; otherwise, in another manner ;
fying food, epithet of the sun. — Anna-purna, as, a, am, difficult to be borne by another. — Anya-devata
am, filled with or possessed of food ; (a), I. a goddess, jor anya-devatya or anya-daivata, as, d, am, to another place; except, without [cf. Goth, aljat/irv].
a form of DurgS. — Anna-puna (i), f., N. of DurgS. I having another divinity, i. e. addressed to another — Anyatra-manas, as, as, as, whose mind is di-
— Anna-peya, am, n., Ved. another name for the divinity. — Anya-dharma, as, m. different character- rected to something else, inattentive.
Vaja-peya sacrifice. — Anna^pralaya, as, a, am, be- isticcharacteristic
; of another; (a*, a, am), having dif- Anya-thd, ind. otherwise, in a different manner
ing resolved into food or the primitive substance after ferent characteristics. —Anya-dhi, is, is, i, one whose (with atas, itas or tota«=in a manner different
death. — Anna-praita, as, m. or anna-pratana, mind is alienated (from God). — Anya-ndbhi, is, is, from this ; anyathd anyathd, in one way, in another
way) ; inaccurately, untruly, falsely, erroneously ; from
am, n. putting rice into a child's mouth for the first i, of another family. •• Anya-para, as, d, am, de- another motive ; in the contrary case, otherwise [cf.
time, after oblations to fire, a ceremony performed voted to something else, zealous in something else.
between the fifth and eighth month : it is one of the —Anya-pushla or anya-bhrita, as, d, m. f. the Lat aliuta"]. — Anyatkd-kdra, as, m. doing other-
sixteen Sanskaras mentioned in the second book of kokila or Indian cuckoo, supposed to be reared by wise, changing; (am), ind. otherwise, in a different
Manu. — Anna-Jiubhitkshu, us, us, u, desirous of the crow. — Anya-purra, f. a woman previously pro- manner. —Anyathd-leri, to act otherwise, alter, vio-
eating food. — Anna-lirahman, a, n. or anndtman mised or betrothed to one and married to another. late (alaw), destroy (a hope), &c. — Anyathd-kritii.
(°na-dt^), a, m. Brahma as represented by food. — Anya-bhrit, t, m. a crow ('nourishing another;' as, d, am, changed. — Anyathd-khydti, is, f. erro-
— Anna-bhtikiika, as, m. or anna-bhafajiana, am, the crow being supposed to sit upon the eggs of the neous conception of spirit ; title of a philosophical
n. or anna-bhnkti, is, f. eating of food. — Anna- kokila). — Anya-manas, as, as, as, or anya-ma- work. — Anyathd-tva, am, n. an opposite state of the
bhdga, as, m., Ved. a share of food. «- Anna-bhuj, naska or anya-mdnasa, as, d, am, one whose mind case, difference. — Anyathd-bhdra, a*, m. alteration,
I; I, k, eating food; (t), m. an epithet of Siva. is fixed on something else, absent, fickle, versatile; difference. — A»>/<ithd-bhuta, as, d, am, changed.
— Anna-maya, as, i, am, made from food, com- having another mind in one's self, possessed by a — Anyathd-vddin or anya-radin, i, inl, i, speak-
posed of food or of boiled rice ; (ant), n. plenty of demon. — Anya-mdtri-ja, as, m. a half-brother, who ing differently; (i), m. speaking inconsistently; (in
food. — Annamaya-ko<a at annamaya-kosha, as, has the same father but another mother. — Anya- law) prevaricatine; or a prevaricator. — Anyntha-
m. the gross material body, that which is sustained by rdjan, d, d, a, having another for king, subject to vritti, is, is, i, altered, disturbed by strong emotion.
food (the sthflla-Sarrra). — Anna-mala, am, n. ex- another. — Anya-rdsktrlya, as, d, am, from another — Anyathd-sidiJJia, ax, d, am, wrongly defined,
crement spirituous
; liquor. — Anna-rak«ha, f. caution kingdom, belonging to another kingdom. — Anya- wrongly proved or established ; effected otherwise, un-
in eating food. — Anna-rasa, as, m. essence of food, rui>it, am, n, another form; (ena), in another form, es ential. Anynthdfiddha-ti'a,
— am, n. or anyathd-
chyle ; meat and drink, nutriment, taste in distin- disguised; (as, d, am), changed, altered. — Anya- ulilillii. is, (. wrong arguing, wrong demonstration;
guishing food. i. Anna-lipud, f. desire for food, ap- rupin, i, inl, i, having another shape. — Anijn - that demonstration in which arguments are referred
petite. —Anna-vat, an, all, at, possessed of food. limjn or anya-Hngaka, as, d, am, having the to which are not the true causes. — Anyathd-stotra,
— Anna-vastra, am, n. food and clothing, the ne- gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an am, n. irony. — (From anyathd comes the nom. verb
cessaries oflife. — Anna-vdhi-srotas, as, n. the adjective. — Anya-rarna, as, d, am, having another inii/iillinijrt, P. anyathayati, -yitum, to alter.)
oesophagus, gullet. — Anna-vikara, as, m. transform- colour. — Anya-vdpa, as, m. the kokila or Indian Anya-dd, ind. at another time; sometimes; one
ation offood ; disorder of the stomach from indices- day,
InCda]. once; in another case [cf. Old Slav, inogda,
cuckoo (' sowing for others,' i. e, leaving his eggs in
the seminal secretion. — Anna-rid, t, t, t, Ved. the nests of other birds). — Anya-vija-ja or unija-
knowing food ; possessed of foo&. — Anna-i'eaha, as, rija-mnnudbhava or anya-vijolprmnn (°ja-ut°), Anyadlya, a», d, am, belonging to another. ^
m. leavings, offal.— Anna-sanxkara, as, m. conse- as, m. ('born from the seed of another"), an adopted Anyarhi, ind. at another time.
crating of(ood.-Anna-hariri, td, trt, tri, taking son. — Anya-rrata, as, m., Ved. following other Anye-dyuti, ind. on the other day, on the following
away food. — Anna-homa, «*, m. a sacrifice con- (than Vedic) observances ; devoted to other (gods), day; the other day, oace.—Anycdyusltka, ae, d,
nected with the Asva-mcdha. - Anndkdla, see infidel, unbelieving. — Anya-idkhaka, as, m. a am, occurring every other day, daily, diurnal ; (as),
anataln. — Annaffhadttna ('na-aiVh'), am, n. BrShman who has left his school ; an apostate.
— .\iiijti-fiiitiiiiniii, as, m. intercourse with another, m. a quotidian fever.
food and doming.- Anndttri (~na-at'), ta, m. or Ani/mii/n or anyo-nya, as, d, am, one another,
I'm ( na-S<F), 1, inl, i, eating food. — Anna- adulterous intercourse. — Anya-fdd/idrana, as, d, mutual [this word is said to be fr. anyas, nom. sing,
"'" ( mi-ad ), as, a, am, eating food; (as), m., N. am, common to others. — Anyn,-nt i'i-ga, as, m., and anya; cf. paraspara. In most cases, ac-
of Vishnu.— .!„/,«,/,, „,/ ( i,,i-nip), am, n. eating cordingly, iwill
t be found that the first anya may be
of food. — .!/,„«,/,/" f na-af), nm. n. food in m. going to another's wife, an adulterer. — Anyd-
ili il,fha, as, d, am, or anya-tlnf, k, k, k, or anya- regarded as the subject of the sentence, while the
general, proper food. — Annddya-kdma, as, m. de- dfida, as, I, am, of another kind, like another. latter assumes the ace., inst, gen., or loc. cases as re-
sirous offood. — Annayit or anndyus ('na-sy°), its, — Aiiyddhlna (°ya-adh°), as, d, am, subject to quired bythe verb ; there are many instances, however,
m. living by food, desirous of food. - Annartliin others, dependent. — Anydsrayana, (°ya-dd ), am, in which the first anya, originally a nominative, must
anyonyam. anv-a-ni. 47
be regarded as equivalent to an oblique case] ; anyo- a connection (as a consequence), following, agreeing anv-as (anu-as), cl. 2. P., Ved. -asti,
nyam of anyonya-tas, ind. mutually. — Anyonya- with; belonging to race or family. — Anvaya-vat, to be at hand, to reach.
kalaha, as, m. mutual quarrel. — Anyonya-yhata, as, ind. in connection with, in the sight of. — Anvaya-
m. mutual conflict, killing one another. — Anyonya- vyatireka, am, n. a positive and negative proposition ; anv-asta, as, a, am (fr. rt. 2. as,
paksha-nayana,am, n. transposing (of numbers) from agreement and contrariety; species and difference; aayati), shot along, shot ; interwoven (as in silk),
one side to another. — Anyonya-bhe/la, an, m. mutual rule and exception; logical connection and discon- chequered.
division or enmity. •• Anyonya-mithuna, am, n. mu- nection. Anvaya-vyatirekin,
— t, ini, i, (in phil.) «i «-<*lj anv-ah (anu-ah), perf. -aha, to pro-
tual union ; ((is), m. united mutually. — Anyonya-vi- affirmative and negative. — A nvaya-vydpti, is, f. an
affirmative argument. nounce, especially a ceremonial formula (Gram. 384.;)).
bhaga,as,m. mutual partition (of an inheritance). — A-
nyonya-vritti, is,m.mutual effect of one upon another. Anvayfa, I, ini, i, connected (as a consequence). anv-aham (anu-aham), ind. day
— Anyonya-vyatikara, as, m. reciprocal action, re- — Anvayi-tva, am, n. the state of being a necessary after day, every day.
lation or influence. — Anyonya-ttams'raya, as, m. consequence.
reciprocal relation (of cause and effect). — Anyonya- anv-d-kram (anu-d°), cl. i. A.
one-art! (ami-art), cl. I. P. -artati,
sdpekeha, as, a, am, mutually relating. — Anyonya- -kramate, -mitum, to ascend towards or to; P.
-Mum, to honour with shouts or songs of jubilee.
hdrdbhihata (°ra-abh°), as, a, am, (two quantities) -krdmati, to visit in succession.
mutually multiplied by their denominators. — Anyo- anv-arj (anu-arj), cl. I. P. -arjati,
-jiium, to let go. ^r;J|.(pl|| anv-d-khyd (anu-d°), cl. 2. P.
nydpahritu, (°ya-ap°), as, a, am, taken or secreted
from one another, taken secretly. — Anyonydbhdva -khydti, -turn, to enumerate.
anv-artitri, ta, m. (fr. anu-art Anv-akhydna, am, n. enumeration ; section ;
^ya-abK~), as, m. mutual non-existence, mutual for anu-artk), Ved. an inviter, one who allows to
take. chapter.
negation, relative difference. — Anyonydfraya (°ya-
d$'), as, m. mutual or reciprocal support, connec- anv-d-gam (anu-d°), cl. I. P.
tion or dependance; mutually depending. — Anyo- anv-artha, as, a, am, having the
-gaCfhati, -gantum, to follow, come after: Desid.
nyairita (°ya-df), as, a, am, mutually supported meaning obvious, intelligible, dear. — Anvarlha-gra' -jigdnsati, to wish or intend to follow,
or depending. — Anyonyokti (°ya-uk°), is, f. con- liana, am, n. the literal acceptation of the meaning
versation. ^Tr^TOT anv-d-gd (anu-d"), cl. 3. P., Ved.
of a word (as opposed to the conventional). — Anvar-
a-nyanga, as, d, am, Ved. spotless. tha-Sdnjnd, f. a term whose meaning is intelligible -jifjdti, -gatum, to follow,
in itself (opposed to such technical terms as bha, ^rs^T^KT anv-d-6aksh (ami-d°), cl. 2. A.
— A-nyamja-fceta, of, a, am, Ved. white and
without spot (as a sacrificial animal). ghu, Sec.). -<Sashte, Ved. Inf. -falcshase, to name after.
anv-av (anu-av), cl. i. P. -avati, anv-a-6am (anu-d°), cl. i. P.
See under anya. -vitum, to encourage.
-(dmati, -iamitum, to follow in rinsing the mouth.
a-nyd, f., Ved. (nya contracted fr. «i«-qq<* anv-ava-krl (anu-ava°), cl. 6. P. <Hr-^|-MH anv-ddaya, as, m. (rt. 6i), laying
niya ?), not drying up (as the milk of a cow ?) ; or -kirati, -karitum or -ritum, to scatter or strew down a rule of secondary importance after that which
anya, f. of anya, other (the accent being altered ?). about: Caus. P. -kirayati, -yitum, to make one is pradhana or primary ; connecting of a secondary
scatter about action with the main action (e. g. the conjunction fa
a-nydya, as, m. unjust or unlawful sively.
Anv-avakirana, am, n. scattering about succes- is sometimes used anvd<?aye). — Anvdt!aya-£i8hta,
action ; impropriety, indecorum ; irregularity, disor-
der. "Anydya-vartin, i, ini, i, or anyaya-vritta, as, d, am, propounded as a rule or matter of secon-
as, a, am, acting unjustly; following evil courses. anv-ava-kram (anu-ava°), cl. i. dary importance.
P. -krdmati, -kramitum, to descend or enter in Anv-dttta, as, d, am, secondary, inferior.
A-nydyin, I, ini, i, or a-nydyya, as, a, am, unjust, succession.
improper, indecorous, unbecoming. anv-a-6ar (ann-d°), cl. I. P.
a-nyuna, as, a, am, not defective, anv-ava-ga (anu-ava°], cl. 3. P. -taratl, -ritum, to follow or imitate in doing.
entire, complete. — A-nyunddhika ("na-adh"), as, -jigStt, -gatum, to go and join another. ia»<u»i anvdje (fr. anu and aj ?), only used
a, am, not too little and not too much ; neither de- , anv-ava-dar (anu-ava°), cl. i. P. in connection with rt. kri, e. g. anvaje kri, to sup-
ficient nor excessive.
-farati, -ritum, to insinuate one's self into, enter
port, aid, assist.
•si <if\<tfla-ny-okas, as, as, as, notremaining anv-d-tan (anu-d°), cl. 8. P.
Anv-ava^ara, as, m., Ved. descending and going -tanoti, -nitum, to extend, spread; to overspread,
in one's own (okas) habitation. after. extend over.
anv-aksha, as, a, am (ft. aksha,
anv-ava-pa, cl. i. P. -pibati,
the eye, with anu), following ; (am), ind. afterwards ; anv-d-dd (anu-d°), cl. 3. A. -datte,
immediately after ; directly. -pdtum, to drink after others. -datum, to resume.
anv-akshara-sandhi, is, m. anv-avasarga, as, m. (fr. rt. srij
•w »=( iH; 3^ anv-d-dis (anu-d°), cl. 6. P.
a kind of Sandhi in the Vedas, euphonic conjunction with anu and ava), letting down, slackening; -diiati, -deshtum, to name or mention afresh ; to
of a vowel and consonant. friendly invitation ; permission to do as one likes.
employ again.
•««•=(=« f*in anv-avasita, as, a, am (fr. rt. si Anv-ddishta, as, d, am, mentioned after or ac-
anv-angam, ind. after every with ami and ava), fastened to, bound to, attached ;
member or part. cording to, employed again ; inferior.
see anuvasita.
Anii-ddcia, as, m. mentioning after, a repeated
•«i»^^ anvant, an, utl, ok (fr. rt. aii6 with (anu-ava-arj), cl. I. P. mention, referring to what has been stated previously,
anu), following the direction of another, going after, re-employment of the same word in a subsequent
following ; lying lengthwise ; anutZi, loc. c. in the -avdrjati, -jitum, to cause to go after or in a par- part of a sentence, the employment again of the same
ticular direction ; to visit with anything.
rear, behind; (ak), ind. afterwards. •» Anvag-bhd- thing to perform a subsequent operation.
vam, ind. afterwards; friendly disposed. — Anvarj- •«'qq anv-ave (ami-ava-i), cl. 2. P. -avaiti, •>H «) 1 1| M anv-ddhana, am, n. (fr. rt. dhd
bhiiya, ind. becoming friendly disposed, -turn, to follow, walk up to or get into.
with anu and d), putting fuel (on the three sacred
Anv-avdya, as, m. race, lineage. fires), depositing.
vi«tnl anv-ati (anu-ati-i), cl. 2. P. -atyeti) Anv-avayana, am, n., Ved. descending and going
-turn, to follow in crossing or passing. I. anv-adhi, is, m. a bail or deposit delivered to
a third person, see anv-dhita below ; a second deposit.
anv-adhydyam, ind. according anv-aveksh (anu-ava-iJcsh], cl. I. Anv-ddfieya, or anv-ddheyaka, am, n. property
to the chapters (especially of the Veda), according to A. -avekshate, -kshitum, to look at, inspect.
the sacred texts. presented after marriage to the wife by her husband's
Anv-ankshd, (. regard, consideration.
Anv-dhita, as, a, am, deposited with a person to
•«<•<( *f anv-aya, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt. i with ^r^fS^ anv-as (anu-as), cl. 5. P. A. -asnoti, be delivered ultimately to the right owner.
anil, see anv-i), following, succession ; (ai), 6v con- -nutc, -aitium or -ashtum, to reach, come up to,
nection, association, being linked to or concerned 2. anv-ddhi, is, m. (rt. dhyai),
with ; the natural order or connection of words in repentance, remorse, melancholy reflection after (the
sentence, syntax, construing ; logi connection^ of equal.
••a *t{ gnu anv-ashtaka, f. the ninth day in commission of a bad act).
words ; logical connection of cause. effect, or pro- the latter half of the three months following the full
Anv-adhya, as, m. a kind of divinity.
position and conclusion ; drift, tenor, purport ; de- moon in Agrahayana, Pausha, Magha, PhSlguna.
scendants, race, lineage, family. — Anraya-jiia, as, Anvashtakya, am, a. a Sraddha or funeral cere- •sc^ill anv-d-nl, cl. i. P. -nayati, -netum,
m. a genealogist,— Anvaya-iiat, am, ati, at, having mony performed on the Anvashtakas. to lead to, to lead along.
48 anv-a-nu.
anr-d-nu, Intens., Ved. -nonnviti, 1 1. anv-ish (anu-ish), cl. i. P. -ii less.•smcD-MM" apa-kalmasha, as, d, am, stain-
to sound through. -c,i!iitiim,-eslitum, to desire, seek, seek after, search,
aim at. apa-kash, cl. I . P. -kashati, -shitum,
vir=HrtM anc-antrya,as,a, am, Ved. being
in the entrails. . anv-ish (anu-ish), cl. 4. P. -ish- to scrape off.
yati, -e-liitinn, to go after, seek, search: Caus. •«let>i*i apa-kdma, as, m., Ved. aversion,
w--=<iMti»1 anv-dyatana, as, a, am, lati-
tudinal. -eshayaii, -yitum, to seek. abhorrence ; abominable-ness ; deprivation of what is
Anv-ishta or anv-iehyamdna, as, a, am, sought, dear; (am), ind. against one's liking, unwillingly.
•w^lMrl anv-ayatta, as, a, am (fr. rt. ya< required. apa-klrti, is, f. infamy, disgrace.
with a and anu), Ved. following after, in accordance Anv-esha, a», m. or anr-inhonn, am, a, n. f.
seeking for, searching, investigating. apa-kukshi, is, m. a bad or ill-
•w* =11 MI i«ii anv-ayatya, f. a deity invoked Anv-cshaka, as, ikd, am, or anoeshin, i, ini, shaped belly (?). This word may also be used as a
by the verb anv-d-yd. i, or anr-eshtri, (d, (ri, tri, searching, enquiring. i and as an Avyayi-bhdva.
Anv-eshtavya or anv-eshya, as, d, am, to be apa-kunja, as, m., N. of a younger
^T^TT*^ anv-d-rabh (anu-d°), cl. I. A. searched, to be investigated.
-rabhate, -rabdhum, to commence ; to receive ; to brother of the serpent king SVsha.
touch. anv-iksh (anu-iksh), cl. I. A. -14-
Anv-arabdha, as, a, am, in contact with. ^Tq^i apa-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute,
ihate, -shitum, to follow with one's looks, to keep -kartum, to carry away, remove, drag away ; (with
Anv-arabhya, as, a, am, to be touched, tangible. looking or gazing, to keep in view.
Anv-drambha, as, m. or anv-drambhana, am, gen. or ace.) to hurt, wrong, injure (any one) : Caus.
n. touching, contact. Anv-ikshana, am, n. or anv-ikshd, f. reflection, -kdrayati, -yitum, to hurt, wrong.
meditation, searching.
Anv-arambhaniyd, {. an initiatory ceremony. Apa-karana, am, n. acting improperly; doing
anvipa, as, d, am (fr. ap, q.v., with wrong; ill-treating, offending, injuring.
•Wf=nt»^ anv-d-ruh (anu-d'), cl. I. P. anu), near the water; or (fr. rt. dp with anu), Apa-kartri,
-rohati, -rodhum, to follow or join by ascending. attainable; friendly (?). tile, inimical, an ta,enemy.
trl, tri, injurious, offensive, hos-
Anv-drokana, am, n. (a widow's) ascending the anv-ri (anu-ri), cl. 3. P. -iyarti, Apa-karman, a, n. discharge (of a debt) ; evil doing,
funeral pile after or with the body of a husband. improper conduct, wickedness ; oppression, violence ;
-art um or -aritum or -arifan»(?), to follow; to laziness,
Am-drohamya, of, a, am, belonging to the
Anvarohana, or rite of cremation. follow in rising. or rite. incompetence ; any impure or degrading act

v «•=( IPq »i^ anv-d-vis (anu-d°), cl. 6. P. -vis- anv-rifam, ind. verse after verse. Apa-kara, as, d, am, acting wrong, offending ;
(as), m. wrong, offence, injury, hurt ; wickedness ;
ati, -vesfitum, to enter, occupy, possess, engross. anv-ridh (anu-ridh), cl. 6. P., Ved. oppression, enmity. — Apakdra-gir, is, f. or apa-
•wrmfaanr-ii-sri (anu-d°), cl. I . V.-srayati, -ridhati, -ardhitum, to carry out, accomplish. kara-tabija, as, m. an offending or menacing speech.
-yitum, to resort to, repair, to go (or come) up to. anv-e (anu-d-i), cl. 2. P. -aiti, -turn, — Apakdra-td, f. wrong, offence. — Apakdrdrthin
•w*qi« anv-ds (aim-as), cl. 2. A. -aste, to come after, to follow as an adherent or attendant (°ra-ar°), i, frii, {, malicious, malevolent.
Apa-kdraka, as, ikd, am, or apa-kdrin, i, ini, i,
-situm, to follow in taking a seat ; to be seated at or Wl ap (in the Vedas used in sing, and (with gen.)injuring.
acting wrong, doing ill (to any one),
near or round ; to be engaged in (especially in a reli- offending,
gious act). plur., but in the classical language only in plur.), dpas,
f. water ; air, the intermediate region ; the star J Virgi- Apa-krita, as, d, am, done wrong, maliciously,
Ano-dsatta, am, n. sitting down after (another), nis. Sometimes, particularly in the Vedas, the Apah offensively or wickedly committed ; observed or
service ; regret, affliction ; a place where work is done, are considered as divinities. As the last member of a practised as a degrading or impure act, as servile
a manufactory, a house of industry ; an unctuous or duties, funeral rites, &c. ; (am), n. injury, offence.
cooling enema. compound, ap may become apa, ipa, upa. [Cf.
Anv-asita, at, a, am, made to sit down after Lat. aqua; Goth, ahva, ' a river ;' Old Germ, aha, Apa-kriti, is, f. oppression, wrong, injury; en-
or alongside. and affa at the end of compounds ; Lith. uppi, ' a rite. mity, opposition; any degrading or impure act or
Anv-dsina, as, a, am, sitting down after, seated river;' perhaps Lat. amnis, 'a river,' for apnis; cf.
alongside of. also Iupp6s]. — Apa-vat, an, ati, at, Ved. watery. Apa-kritya, am, n. damage, injury, hurt.
Anv-dsyamdna, as, a, am, being accompanied by, — ApaA-samrarta, as, m. (Buddh.) destruction (of Apa-kriyd, f. delivery, clearing off (debts); offence;
attended by. the world) by water. — Apdm-mtsa, as, m., N. of a any impure act or rite.
star ('calf of the waters'). — Apdm-napdt, t, or apa-krit, cl. 6. P. -krintati, -kar-
•w-^i**!! anv-d-sthd (anu-d°), cl. I. P. apam-naptri, ta, or apdm-garbha, as, or apdn-
•tishlttati, -Kthdtum, to go towards, to meet napdt, or apo-wtpdt, t, &c., m., Ved., N. of Agni titum, to cut off.
is«-m6lM anv-dhdrya, as, am, m. n. or or fire as sprung from water. — Apam-naptnya or rish, cl. i. and 6. P.A.-karsh-
anv-aluiryaka, am, n. (rt. Art), a certain gift apam^naptriya or apo-naptriya or aptMiaptriya, ati, -te, -krishati, -te, -karshtum or -kraslt/um,
presented to the priests; (am or akam), n. the as, d, am, Ved. relating to Agni. — Apdm^ndtha, to draw off or aside, drag down, carry away, take
monthly SVaddha or funeral repast in honour of the as, m. the ocean.— Apdm-nidhi, Is, m. die ocean. away, remove ; to omit, diminish ; to put away ; to
manes, held on the day of new moon ; according — Apdm-pati or ap-pati, is, m. the ocean ; N. of anticipate something which occurs later (as a word of
to Manu, it should be of meat eaten after the pre- Varuna.— Apdm-pttta or ap-jiitta, am, n. fire; a a sentence) ; to bend (a bow) ; to detract, debase,
sentation ofa Pinda or ball of rice. — Anrdhdrya- plant. — formed
Ap-kritsna, am, n. deep meditation per-
by means of water. — Ap-fara, as, m. an
dishonour : Caus. -karsliayati, -yitum, to remove,
paiana, as, m. the southern sacrificial fire, used in diminish, detract.
the Anvaharya sacrifice. aqualic animal. — Ap-saras, see s. v. Apa-karilui, as, m. drawing or dragging off or
Aptya, apya. See s. v. down, detraction, deficiency, diminution, decay ; low-
••si '-4 1rpqiamj-oAiia, as, », am, daily,diurnal. A i ^ ura, apsarya, apud. See s. v. ering, deterioration, depression ; decline, degradation,
Apsu, for words beginning thus. See apsu-. inferiority, infamy; anticipated performance of a
•«< «•=! 1 15 n anv-dhita. Seeanv-ddhdnajp.tf.
Ab-, for words beginning thus. See al>-indhana, duty ; (in poetry) anlicipation of a word occurring
Tfr=T anv-i (anu-i), cl. 2. P., Ved. -eh', Sec. later. — Apakarsha-mma, as, d, m. f. a sophism
-turn, -fun; -lin-ai, to go after or alongside, to
follow ; to seek ; to be guided by ; to fall to one's share.
rT <ipa, ind. (as a prefix to nouns and in the Nyaya, e. g. ' sound has not the quality of
Anv-aya. verbs, expresses) away, off, back (opposed to «pa, shape as a jar has, therefore sound and a jar have no
See s. v., p. 47, col. I .
Anv-ita or anr-ita, at, a, am, joined, attended, , film, pra), down (opposed to tul).
connected with, linked to ; having as an essential or When prefixed to nouns, it may sometimes the qualities in common.' -n, us, ikd, am, drawing down, de-
inherent part, endowed with, possessed of, possessing; neg. particle a, e. g. apa-bhi, fearless ; or may ex- tracting (with gen.).
acquired, reached by the mind, understood ; follow- press deterioration, inferiority, &c., e. g. apa-pdtha, Apfi-karshaiia, as, I, am, taking away, forcing
ing ;connected as in grammar or construe!! on. — Ain'- away, removing, diminishing ; (am), n. taking
(As a separable preposition or adverb, with abl.) away, depriving of; drawing down ; abolishing, de-
d from ,thea*,context,
a, am, having a clear meaning
perspicuous. away from, on the outside of, without, with the ex-
.\nr-ii;. ;«, f. following after; food (as the com- ception of. It is separated only in the Vedas [cf. Gr. Ajnt-krislila, «*, d, am, drawn away, taken away,
panion of the body ?). iird;
[.V. Lat. all; Goth. «/; Eng. of}.
removed, lost ; dragged down, brought down, de-
Anv-iyamdna, as, a, am, being followed. apa-kantna, as, d, am, cruel. iressed ; low, vile, inferior; (as), m. a crow. — Apa-
iafWv anv-i/lh or anv-indh (anu-indh), cl. 'crishla-fetana, ax, d, am, mentally debased. — Apa-
apa-kalanka, as, m. an indelible krish<a-jdti, is, is, i, of a low liibe. — Apukrishta-
7. or cl. I . A. -inildht or -indhate, -dhitwm, to kindle. disgrace, a deep slain.
ttl, f. or apakrishta-tca, am, n. inferiority, vileness.
apa-kri. apatya-batru.
apa-kn, cl. 6. P. -kirati, -karitum, apa-grah, cl. 9. P. A. -orihndti, feated.
Apa-jayya, as, a, am, conquerable, to be de-
-ritum, to spout out, spurt, scatter ; to throw down ; -nite, -grahltum, to take away, disjoin, tear off.
to scrape with the feet. mnnmW apa-jighajisu, us, us, u (fr. apa-
^Timn apa-ghana, as, m. (fr. rt. han with in Desid.), desirous of keeping off, wishing to
apa-kausalt, f. news, informa- apa), a limb or member, as a hand or foot.
tion. Apa-ghata, as, m. striking or cutting off; ward-
a-pakti, is, f. (it. pat), immaturity ; ing off; killing; a violent death. apa-jihirshu, us, us, u (fr. apa-
indigestion. Apa-ghataka, as, ikd, am, warding off. hri, q.v., in Desid.), wishing to cany off or take away.
Apa-ghatin, I, inl, i, murderous, killing. See
A-pakva, as, a, am, umipe, immature ; undi- viss^l apa-jna, cl. 9. A. -janlte, -jiiatum,
gested. —Apakva-td, f. immaturity ; incompleteness. apa-han. to deny, repudiate ; to dissemble, conceal ; to cause
— Apakva-buddhi, is, Is, i, of immature under- apanktya. See apanktya. not to be recognized.
standing. Apakvaiin
— (°va-df), i, inl, i, eating a-pada or a-padamdna, as, m. not Apa-jdnana, as, d, am, denying, concealing.
raw, uncooked food.
cooking ; not being able to cook ; a bad cook. (f a-pandi-krita, am, n. simple
•fl M sM^ apa-kram, cl. I. P. -kramati, poet. elementary substance, not compounded of the five
A. -kramate, -mitum, to go away, fly, retreat, re- to WI^ apa-dar, cl. I. P. -darati, -ritum,
depart ; to act wrongly.
tire from ; to glide away ; to measure off by steps. (pan/fan) gross elements ; the five subtle elements.
Apa-krama, an, m. going away ; passing off or Apa-darita, as, d, am, gone away, departed, •*iH5lii^ a-patantara (°ta-ant°), as, d, am,
away ; flight, retreat. dead ; (am), n. fault, offence. not separated by a curtain ; adjoining, contiguous.
Apa-kramana, am, n. or apa-krama, as, m. improper Apa-ddra, as, m. want, absence; defect; fault,
conduct, offence ; unwholesome or improper vtv^l apafi, f. a screen or wall of cloth,
passing off or away, retiring.
regimen. especially the kandt or screen surrounding a tent.
Apa-kramin, I, inl, i, going away, retiring. — Apatl-kshepa or apatd-ksfiepa, as, m. tossing
Apa-ddrin, I, inl, i, doing wrong, wicked, bad.
•si H Jftl apa-kri, cl. 9. P. A. -krindti, -nite, aside the curtain ; apatl-kskepena, with a toss of
-kretum, to buy, purchase. •sm^l^T apa- fay, cl. I. P. A. -ddyati, -te, the curtain, precipitate entrance on the stage, indi-
-yitum, to fear ; to respect, honour. cating hurry and agitation.
tum, to revile. cl. I. P. -krosati, -krosh- Apa-ddyita, as, d, am, honoured, respected.
^TOJ a-patu, us, us or m, n, not clever,
Apa-krofa, as, m. reviling, abusing. •"•HnTtf i. apa-di, cl. 3. P., Ved. -diketi, awkward, uncouth; ineloquent; sick, diseased. — J-
-detum, to pay attention to, to respect; to invite patu-ta, f. or apattirtva, am, n. awkwardness ;
•*ms{ a-paksha, as, a, am, without wings ; respectfully. sickness.
not on the same side or party ; adverse, opposed to.
I. apa-fita, as, a, am, honoured, respected, sa- reading.
— Apakxha-td, (. opposition, hostility. — A-paksha- luted ;(am), n. honouring, esteeming. •-i)M<J a-patha, as, m. unable to read, not
pdta, as, m. impartiality. 1. apa-fiti, is, f. honouring, worship, reverence.
^nfSf apa-kshi, cl. 5. 9. or I. P. -kshinoti, — Apaditi-mat, an, atl, at, honoured. •wsiijsn a-pandita, as, d, am, unlearned,
-kshindti, -kshayati, -ksketum, to destroy, anni- illiterate.
•stMPM 2. apa-di, cl. 5. P. A. -dinoti, -nute,
hilate bring
; to an end : Pass, -kshiyate, to decline, -detum, to gather, collect : Pass, -dlyate, to be in-
wane (as the moon). jured inhealth or prosperity ; to grow less ; to wane ; •*m<W a-panya, as, d, am, unsaleable, un-
fit for sale.
Apa-kshaya, as, m. decline, decay, wane. (with abl.) to lose anything.
Apa-kshita, as, a, am, waned. Apa-daya, as, m. diminution, decay, decrease, •snirt'Er apa-taksh, cl. i. P., Ved. -takshati,
Apa-kshltia, as, a, am, declined, decayed, di- loss, privation, decline ; N. of several planetary man- -sMtum or -tashtum, to chip off.
minished. sions.
%4Hri-r:44 apa-tantraka, as, m. spasmodic
^nrffSpT apa-kship, cl. 6. P. A. -kshipati, 2. apa-dita, as, d, am, diminished, expended, contraction of the body or stomach, emprosthotonos.
-te, -ksheptmn, to throw away or down, take away, wasted ; emaciated, thin.
remove. 2. apa-fiti, is, (. loss ; expense ; exclusion ; com- •«Mfl|tic« apa-tdnaka, as, m. spasmodic
Apa-kshipta, as, a, am, thrown or cast down or pensation; punishing; N. of a daughter of MarTc^i. contraction.
away. Apa-di, f. a disease consisting in an enlargement Apa-tdnakin, I, inl, i, affected with spasmodic
of the glands of the neck. contraction.
Apa-kshepana, am, n. casting away, throwing
down. Apa-detri, la, m. a spendthrift.
'S^rVr a-pati, is, m., Ved. not a husband
^HTTT apa-gam, cl. i. P. -gafthati, -gan- •stHiVeti'HtT apa-diktrshd, f. (rt. kri in or master ; (is, is, i), without a husband or master,
lum, to go away, depart ; to give way, vanish. Desid.), desire of hurting any one. unmarried. — A-pati-ghnl, f. not killing the husband.
Apa-ya, as, a, am, going away, turning away; •WMPMrr i . apa-dit, Caus. P. A. -delay ati, -te, — Apati-td, f. state of being without a husband.
(a), f. a river. or Ved. -fitayati, -te, -yitum, to become faithless : — Apati-jmtra, as, d, am, without a husband and
Apa-gata, as, a, am, gone, departed, remote, Desid. -tikitsati, -te, to wish to leave or to abandon children. — A-pati-vratd, (. an unfaithful or unchaste
gone off; dead, diseased. — Apagata-ryddhi, is, is, any one. wife.
i, one who has recovered from a disease. A-pattka, as, d, am, without a husband.
2. apa-dit, t, {., Ved. a noxious flying insect.
Apa-gama, as, m. or apa-gamana, am, n. going ^HTrft^ apa-firtha, as, am, m. n. a bad or
away ; giving way ; separation, departure, death. •'HV'oa^fapa-ddhattra, as, d, am, not having improper Tirtha, q. v.
a parasol.
•*m'lt. apa-gara, as, m. (rt. grl), reviler.
^T*1*§mapa-ddhdya,as, a, am, shadowless, ^nrff1^ apa-trip, Caus. P. -tarpayati, -yi-
vm<ii>in apa-yarjita, as, a, am, thunder- having no shadow, as a deity or celestial being ; hav- tum, to starve, cause to fast.
less (as a cloud). ing a bad or unlucky shadow ; (d), f. an unlucky Apa-tarpana, am, n. fasting (in sickness).
•stM'1^4 apa-galbha, as, m., Ved. failing in shadow, a phantom, apparition. "^Tfjf a-pattra, as, d, am, leafless ; (a), f.,
boldness; abortive; being on the side (not in the utMija^ apa-dcheda,as, m.OTapa-ddhedana, N. of a plant.
middle ?) ; separated from the oldest by one.
am, n. (rt. chid), cutting off or away ; loss ; inter- 'SfHstioli a-patnlka, as, d, am, without a
•sm'll apa-ga, cl. 3. P. -jigati, -gdtum, to ruption. wife.
go away, vanish, retire.
vim*j apa-dyu, cl. i. A. -dyavate, poet. P. •sriiq apatya, am, n. (fr. apa or according
vtM'j^ apa-gur, cl. 6. A. -gurate, some- -fyamtl, -dyotum, to fall off, to perish, to go off, to native etym. fr. rt.pai with a, because a family is by
times P. -gurati, -ritum, to reject, disapprove, desert, withdraw ; Caus. -dyavayati, to expel. offspring prevented from falling into decay) ; offspring,
threaten; to inveigh against any one; to deprive Apa-dyara, as, m., Ved. going or coming out ; child, descendant ; a patronymical affix. — Apatya-
of (?) : part, of the Intens. apa-jargnrdna, as, a, moving down (as a pestle?). kima, as, a, am, desirous of offspring. — Apatya-
am, Ved. rejecting, &c. Apit-fyuta, as, d, am, fallen off, departed, gone jlva, as, m., N. of a plant. — Apatya-td, f. state of
Apa-yaram or afxi-goram, ind. having raised. away, perished. childhood. — Apatya-da, as, a, am, giving offspring ;
^M'je. iipa-guh, cl. I. P. A. -guhati, -te, has•at^Jillrt apa-jdta, as, m. a bad son who (a), f., N. of various plants. — Apatya-patha, as,
turned out ill. m. the vuha. — Apatya-pratyaya, as, m. a patro-
-guhitum, -godhum, to conceal, hide. nymical affix. — Apatya-vat, an, atl, at, possessed
Apa-goha, as, m., Ved. hiding place; secret. ^niftr (ipa-ji, cl. I. P. -jay ati, -jetum, to of offspring. — Apatya-vikrayin, I, m. a seller of his
^npftgt apa-gopura, as, a, am, without defeat, conquer, to ward off, keep off or out. offspring ; a father who receives a gratuity from his
gates (as a town). Apa-jaya, as, m. defeat, discomfiture, overthrow. son-in-law. — Apatya-s'atnt, us, O m. 'having his de-
Apa-nuda, as, a, am, removing, driving away.
scendants for enemies,' a crab (said to perish in Aiia-deslya, as, a, am, to be shown, to be stated. AjKi-mmutm, us, us, u, desirous of removing,
producing young). — Apat^a-sat , k, k, 1; Ved. ac- ^nj»f apii-ilri, used in part, of Intens.,Ved. xpiating.
companied with offspring. - Aputijiirlhii-Sdbila ("ya- Apa-nodana, as, t, am, removing, driving away ;
ar°), as, m. a patronymic. pOrdardrat, at, aft, at, tearing open.
apa-devatd, f. an evil spirit, a am), n. removing, destroying.
>Mi4dH apa-trap, cl. I. A. or poet. P. oblin. Apa-nodya, as, a, am, to be removed.
-trapatr. -li. -trnjiilni/i, -tni/itum, to be ashamed ••HMTJ'I? a-panna-griha, as, d, am, Ved.
or bashful, turn away the face. lame. apa-dosha, as, d, am^ free from
laving an indestructible house.
na, am, n. or apa-trapa, f. bashful-
; embarrassment. i-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate, -pattum,
apa-drarya, am, n. any bad thing.
o escape, run away.
Apa-trapishnu, us, us, u, bashful.
??qa« apa-tras, cl. 1.4.?. -trasati, -syati, apa-dvdra,
not the regular door). am, n. a side-entrance
"MMMIi npa-pdtha, as, m. a mistake in
-titum, to be deterred, to be afraid of, to flee from eading ; a wrong reading in a text.
in terror. ^PWTo^a-rfAa,f.,Ved.hiding, shutting up.
'.MM MM upa-pdtra, as, d, am, using se-
Apa-trasta, as, a, am, (with abl.) afraid of, flee- ^jTJ\rra apa-dhdv, cl. I. P. -dhdvati,
arate vessels \(mm which no one else will eat) ; of
ing or retiring from in terror. ow caste.
previous statement), pre-
TtijVJ a-patha, am, n. not a way, absence aricaie. to depart (from a
Apa-patrita , or m. a person not allowed by his
as, drink
of a road, pathless state, irregularity, deviation ; i apa-dhuma, as, d, am, free from
tindred to eat from a common vessel ; a
heresy, heterodoxy; the vulva; (as, a, am), path- moke. person who has lost his caste.
less roadless ; (a), f., N. of various plants. — Apatha- apa-pddatra, as, d, am, having
?PTW apa-dhri, Caus. P. -dhdrayati, -yitum,
gamin, t, in't, i, going by a wrong road, pursuing o carry off. 10 protection for the feet, shoeless.
bad practices, heretical. — Apatka-prapanna, as, a,
am, out of place, in the wrong place, misapplied.
A-pathin, -nthds, m. absence of road, pathless
a-dhma, cl. I . P. -dhamati, -dhma- apa-pdna, am, n. a bad or im-
state. um, to blow away or off. >roper drink.
... apa-pitva, am, n. (for apa-apitva,
A-pathya, as, a, am, unfit ; unsuitable ; incon- apa-dhyai, cl. I. P. -dhydyati,-dhyd-
fr. rt. ap orration.
ap with apa), Ved. severance ; turning
sistent; (inmedic.) unwholesome as food or drink um, to have a bad opinion of, to curse mentally.
in particular complaints. — Apathya-nimitta, as, a, away, separation
Apa-dhydna, am, n. evil thoughts, wickedness.
am, caused by unfit food or drink. — Apathya-bhuj,
^Rufa apa-dhvans, cl. i. P., better A., apa-puta, au, m. du. badly formed
I; t, k, eating what is forbidden.
-dhvansati, -te, -sitam, to scold, revile, repel ; to (on, a, am), having badly formed but-
^H^ a-pad, t, t, t, or at, df or adi, at, buttocks;
fall away, be degraded.

Ved. footless, having no feet ; going on a road which Apa-dhransa, as, m. filling away, degradation, *<r«ni apa-prl, cl. 3. P., Ved. -piparti, to
do« not exist or is unknown (?).
disgrace; concealment. — Apadhvansa-ja, as, m. a take away, remove.
A-pada, as, a, am, footless; having no office; man of a mixed or impure caste (whose father be-
(as), m. a reptile ; (am), n. no place, no abode ; f. a female that
the wrong place or time; ether. — A^pada-ruha
ongs to a lower caste than his mother's). apa-prajdtd,
ias had a miscarriage.
Apa-dhvanstn, t, inl, i, causing to fall, destroy-
or a-pada-rohini, (., N. of a parasitical plant, Epi- ng, abolishing.
dendron Tesselloides. — A-pada-st ha, as, d, am, apa-praddna, am, n. a bribe.
Apa-dhrasta, as, a, am, reviled, cursed ; aban-
out of office. — A-jiadantara (°da-an°), as, a, doned, pounded or pounded badly ; (as), m. a vile
am, not separated by 2 foot, adjoining, contiguous ; wretch lost to all sense of right. ^f^apa -pre(- pra-i), cl. 2. P.-praiti, -turn,
(am), n. proximity. :o go away, to withdraw.
-dhvdnta, as, a, am (rt. dhvan),
fl^ CtmilHs«/)a-datsAJnam, ind. away from iounding wrong. ^TUjflPMri apa-proshita (-pra-ush°, rt. vas),
the right, to the left side. or Ved. the
am,eviln.,caused having departed, a wrong departure
apa-nata, as, d, am, bulging out.
^HMfJM apa-dama, as, d, am, without self-
restraint ; of wavering fortune. ^ apa-nas, cl. 4. P. -nasyati, -nasi- apa-badh or apa-vadh (defect.
tum and -nanshtum, to disappear, go away. verb), to repel, avert.
^ITTW apa-dava, as, a, am, free from
IH-II HUH. as, d, am, without a nose. IT apa-barhis, is, is, is, not having
forest-fire. - Ajmtlarapad fra-ap"), t, t, t, free
from the calamity of fire. the portion constituting the Barhis.
apa-nah, cl. 4. P. A. -nahyati, -te,
•luiddltum, to unbind ; to loosen. tf apa-bddh, cl. I. A. -bddhate,
ten. 51 apa-dasa, as, d, am, (any number) -dhitum, to drive away, repel, remove.
•em*i'ii«i apa-ndman, a, n. a bad name ;
?W^H apa-das, cL 4. P., Ved. -dasyati, apa-bdhuka, as, m. a bad arm,
(a, a, a), having a bad name,
-situm, to fail, i. e. become dry. vi M Pi 5 apa-nidra, as, d, am, sleepless. stiffness in the arm.
flUfJ^ npa-dah, cl. I . P. -dahati, -dagdhum, f apa-nirvdna, as, d, am, not yei apa-bhaya, as, d, am, or apa-bhi,
to bum up, to burn out so as to drive out. extinct. is, is, i, fearless, undaunted.
•«ii(r;i«1 apa-ddna or apa-ddnaka, am, n apa-bharani, f. (fr. rt. bhri with
apa-nl, cl. I. P. -nayati, -netum, to
(rt. ilai), correct or pure conduct, approved occupa lead away or off; to rob, steal, take or drag away a»o), the last lunar mansion.
tion ; a great or noble work ; work well or com Apa-Uartn, ta, tri, M, Ved. taking away, de-
pleteiy done (for avadana, q. v.). to remove, frighten away; to put oft' or away (as
garments, ornaments, or fetters) ; to extract, take
VHM<;|VJ a-paddrtha (°da-ar°), as, m. non- from; to deny; to except, exclude from a rule : Desid ^nj*TT^ apa-bhdsh, cl. I. A. -bhdshate,
entity, nothing. lin'inhati, to wish to remove. -shitum, to revile.
Apa-naya, as, m. leading away, taking away
YWfiJSI apa-dis, cl. 6. P. -disati, -deshtum bad policy. Apa-bhasliana, am, n. abuse, bad words, vitu-
to assign, to point out, indicate, betray, to pretend Apa-nayana, am, n. taking away, withdrawing
hold out as a pretext or disguise. removing ; destroying, healing ; acquittance of a deb apa-bhti, cl. I. P. -bhavati, -titum,
Apa-<liifam, ind. in an intermediate region (o peration.
or obligation. to be absent.
the cornpass), half a point.
Apa-nita, as, d, am, taken away, removed ; paid Apa-lhiiti, is, f., Ved. defect, damage.
Apa-dishta, as, a, am, assigned as a reason o discharged ; led away from, contradictory ; badl)
pretext. executed, spoiled; (am), n. imprudent or bad be ^TOtf^T (ipa-bhrama or apa-bhransa,as, m.
Apa-defa, as, m. turning away, refusal ; pretence haviour. falling down or away ; a bad fall ; a corrupted word,
feint, pretext, disguise, contrivance ; the second ste Apa-netri, ta, m. a remover, taking away. a corruption ; ungrammatical language, the most
in a syllogism, according to the Vaiseshikas, i. e. th corrupt of the Prakrit dialects. (The spelling apa-
statement of the reason, adducing a reason or cause <J apa-nud, cl. 6. P. A. -nudati, -te lihransa is incorrect according to some grammarians.)
a butt or mark ; place, quarter ; fame, reputation. -nottum, , to remove. Apa-lhrashta, as, d, am, fallen away, corrupted
Afiri-destn, t, in?, i, assuming the appearance o Apa-nutti, it, f. or apa-noda or apa-noddka (as a Prakrit dialect).
semblance of. as, m. removing, taking or sending away ; expiation
apama, as, d, am (fr. apa), Ved. the
apama-kshetra. tt-paritosha.
most distant, the last; (as), m. the declination in ic Maha-meru. •- Apara-ja, as, m., Ved. born
ter, or at the end of the world (the destroying
bania ./Egyptiaca ; a species of the SatkarT metre of 51
astronomy ; the ecliptic. — Apama-kshelra, see four lines, each containing fourteen syllables. — Apara-
krdnti-kshetra. — Apama-jyd, f. the sine of the re). — Apara-jana, as, m. an inhabitant of the jitd-dis, k, f. the north-east quarter.
ecliptic. — Apama-mandala or apa-mandala or est. •• Apara-td, f. or apara-tva, am, n. distance ; A-pardjifhnu, us, us, u, or a-pardjeya, as, d,
apama-rritta, am, n. the ecliptic. osteriority (in place or time) ; opposition, contra- am, unconquerable, invincible.
ety, relativeness ; nearness. — Apara-tra, ind. in
•sm*l-*( apa-manyu, us, us, u, free from nother place ; ekatra, aparatra, in one place, in •flmjV apa-rddh, cl. 4. or 5. P. -rddhyati,
grief. -rddhnoti, -rdddhum, to wrong (with gen.), to
ic other place. — Apara-daktihinam, ind. south-
offend, sin ; to annoy, prohibit.
^m*^ apa-marda, as, m. (rt. mrid), what west. —Apara-nidayha, as, m. the latter part of
is swept away, dirt. Apa-rdddha, as, d, am, sinned; criminal, guilty ;
summer. «• Apa'm-paksha, as, m. the latter half
f the morith, the other or opposing side, the defend- erring. — Aparddd/ia-pr{ihatka, as, or apardd-
•flMH5I apa-marsa, as, m. (rt. mris), touch- nt. — Apara-pakshiya, as, a, am, belonging to the dkahu, (dha-isK>), MS, m. an archer whose arrows
ing, grazing. alter half of the month. — Apara-pantdla, as, m. pi. always miss the mark.
•4)l|HH apa-mana, as, am, m. n. (rt. man), le western Pane1 alas. — Apara-para, as or e, as, dni, Apa-rdddhi, is, f. wrong, mistake.
disrespect, contempt, disgrace. 1. one and the other, various. — Apara-praneya, as, Apa-rdddhri, dhd, dhri, dhri, offending, an
Apa-mdnita, ax, d, am, dishonoured, disgraced. , am, easily led by others, tractable. — Apara-bhdra,
Apa-mdnin, i, ini, i, dishonouring, despising. is, m. existingafter, succession, continuation. — Apara- A2ia-rddka,ast m. offence, transgression, fault; mis-
dtra, as, m. the latter half of the night, the end of take ;e. g. aparddham kri, (with gen.) to offend any
Apa-mdnya,as, d, am, disreputable, dishonourable.
le night, the last watch. — Apara- loka, am, n. an- one. — Aparddha-b/tarijana, as, m. the destro)'er
•snf*l!'l apa-mdrga, as, m. a by-way. ther world, paradise. •• Apara-vaktrd, f. a kind of of sin, epithet of Siva. — Aparddhabharijana-stotra,
^STWW i- apa-mitya, as, d, am (rt. mi?), metre of four lines, having every two lines the same. am, n. a poem of S'arckarSc'Srya, in praise of Siva.
— Apara-rat, ind. like what comes after. — Apara- Apa-rddhin, i, ini, i, offending ; criminal ; guilty.
Ved. to be thrown away ; see under apa-me below.
arAd, as, f. pi. the latter part of the rains. — Apara- — Aparddki-td, f. or aparddhi-tva, am, n. crimi-
'snT'nf apa-mukha, as, d, am, having the nality, guilt.
'arad, t, f. the latter part of the autumn. — Apara-
face averted ; having an ill-formed face or mouth ; aktha, am, n. the hind thigh. — I . aparas-para, •stM<jm^u a-pardparana,as,m. not having
(am), ind. except or without the face, &c. a, am, one after another; continued, uninter- descendants or offspring.
f apa-murdhan, d, d, a, headless. rupted. •-Apara-svastika, am, n. the western point
n the horizon. — Apara-hemanta, as, am, m. n. a-pardmrishta, as, d, am, not
>T apa-mrij, cl. 2. P. -mdrshti, -mar- he latter part of winter. — Apara-haimana, as, ouched.
jitum, -mdrshtum, to wipe off, remove. am, belonging to the latter half of the winter oFfc?rf a-parikalita, as, d, am, un-
Apa-mdrjana, am, n. cleansing ; shaving, paring, season. — Apardgni (°ra-a<7°), I, m. du. the daJ:- oiown, unseen.
chips. shina, i. e. southern, and gdrhapatya, i. e. western
Apa-mrishta, as, d, am, cleansed. fire (of a sacrifice). — Apardnta (Va-a»°), as, a, a-parikrama, as, d, am, unable
am, living at the western border ; (as), m. the west- to walk round.
^HJHTJ apa-mrityu, us, m. sudden death, ern extremity, the country or the inhabitants of the A-parikrdrnam, ind. without going about, standing
dying by some accident, not of sickness or decay ; a western border ; the extreme end or term ; death. still.
great danger or illness, from which a person, contrary Apardntaka, as, m. the same as aparanta; N.
to expectation, recovers. TTTTUfsT a-pariklinna, as, d, am, not
of a song ; (ikd), f. a metre consisting of four times moist, not liquid, dry.
^nTTTTrT apa-mrishita, as, d, am, unin- sixteen mstras. — Apardnta-jndna, am, n. prescience
telligible (asa speech). of one's latter end. — Apardpara (°ra-ap ), as or e, calculable. a-pariganya, as, d, am, in-
as, dni, pi. another and another, various. — Apa-
flMH apa-me, cl. i. A. -may ate, -mdtum, rdrka (°ra-ar°), as, m. the oldest known com-
to change. mentator of Ysjnavalkya's law-book. — Apardrka-
|rt' a-parigata, as, d, am, unobtained,
3. apa-mitya or apa-mityaka, am, n. debt. fandrika, f. the name of his comment. — Apardr-
dha (°ra-ar"), as, m. the latter, the second half. T? a-parigraha, as, m. non-accept-
^fmm^apa-yasas, as, n. disgrace, infamy. ance, renouncing ; deprivation, destitution, poverty ;
Aparahna (°ra-ak°), as, m. afternoon, the last
— Apayatas-kara, as, i, am, occasioning infamy, watch of the day. -• Apardhnatana or aparah-
disgraceful. (as, d, am), destitute of or without attendants.
netana, as, i, am, belonging to or produced in the A-parigrdhya, as, a, am, unfit or improper to
close of the day.
^m^TI apa-yd, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn, to go be accepted, not to be taken.
away, to depart, fall off, go over to. Aparetard (°ra-it°), i. opposite to or other than vm(V-M(*il a-paridayin, i, ini, i (rt. 6i),
the west, the east.
Apa-ydta, as, d, am, gone away, having retired
Apa-ydtavya, am, n. to be gone away (used im- Apare-dyus, ind. on the following day. having no acquaintances, misanthropic.
personally). ^mt.;ti apa-rakta, as, d, am, colourless, A-pariMta,
known to. as, d, am, unacquainted with, un-
Apa-ydna, am, n. retreat, flight. bloodless, pale.
A-rparitnya, as, d, am, unsociable.
•*<«<<j apa-yu, cl. 3. P., Ved. -yuyoti, to TT^fir apa-rati, is, f. (rt. ram), stopping,
ceasing. 41 M f^fld.^ a-parMhada, as, d, am (rt.
repel, disjoin.
thad), without retinue, not wealthy, poor.
•si^K i. a-para, as, d, am, having nothing ••SH<.<( apa-rava, as, m. contest, dispute ; A-jtarWhanna or a-parid<!hddita, as, d, am,
beyond or after, having no rival or superior. — A
discord. — Aparavojj hita ("ra-uf), as, d, am, free uncovered, unclothed.
para-vat, an, atl, at, having nothing following. from dispute, undisturbed, undisputed.
^IMtXf'iA.'el a-parit6hmna, as, d, am, with-
mm, 2. apara, as, d, am (fr. apa), posterior *s m*HT! 2. a-paraspara, as, d, am, not re- out interval or division, continuous, connected, un-
hinder, later, latter (opposed to purva and oftei distinguished.
ciprocal, not one (by) the other. «• A-paraspara-
occurring as the first member of a comp.) ; following xambhuta, as, d, am, not produced one by the A-pari&'heda, as, m. want of distinction or
western ; inferior, lower (opposed to para) ; other other; or (fr. I. aparas-para above), produced by division ; want of arrangement or order ; want of
another (opposed to sva) ; different (with abl.) ; dis an uninterrupted series (?). discrimination or discernment ; want of judgment ;
tant, opposite. Sometimes apara is used as a con continuance.
junction to connect words or sentences, e. g. apnranfa ^nWT apa-rdga, as, m. (rt. raiij), aver-
sion, antipathy, enmity. iH H (Vj4J I IH a-parijydni, is, f. not growing
moreover, (as), m. the hind foot of an elephant
(a), f. the west ; the hind quarter of an elephant old ; not losing ; ixhtdpurtasyaparijydni (°ya-ap°),
^Tmj^a-^ararf, an, d6i, ok, not averted, is, f., N. of a sacrificial ceremony. (rt. m),
the womb; (I), f., Ved. the future times, future
(am), n. the future ; the hind quarter of an elephan! i.e. fronting, in front. — Ayiardn-miikha, ait, d or a-parinayana, am, n.
(am), ind. in future, for the future; again, more i, am, with unaverted face, not turned away ; pre-
senting firm
a front.
over ; (ena), ind. (with ace.) behind, west, to the wes A-panmtd, f. an unmarried woman.
of [cf. Goth, and Old Germ, afar; and the Mod ^TOfsTrT a-pardjita, as, d, am (rt. ji), •4m(UUW a-parindma, as, m. (rt. nam),
Germ, aber, in such words as Aber-mal, Aber unconquered, unsurpassed ; (as), m. a poisonous in-
sect Vishnu
; ; Siva ; one of the eleven Rudras ; unchangeableness. — A-parindma-darsin, i, ini, i,
witz~\.— Apara-kdnyakidy'a, as, i,am, situated i not providing for a change, improvident.
the western part of KJnyakubja. — Apara-kdya, as class of divinities, constituting one portion of the so-
m. the hind part of the body. — Apara-kdla, as called Anuttara divinities of the Jainas ; N. of a A-parindmin, i, ini, i, unchanging.
m. another or later period. — Apara-goddna, am ^TtjftiTta a-paritosha, as, d, am, unsatis-
n. (in Buddhist cosmogony) a country west o sage ; (d), f. Durg5 ; a name applied to severa'
plants, Clitoria Ternatea, Marsilea Quadrifolia, Ses- fied, discontented.
52 a-paripakva. apa-varjita.
^ M ft H 3i a-paripakva, as, a, am, not quite a-paryanta, as, d, am, unbounded, 2. apa-vana, am, n. a grove.
mature. nlimited.
apa-varaka, apa-varana, apa-
isiMiVMt. a-paripara, as, a, am, Ved. not ^M l| II IH a-paryapta, as, d, am (rt. dp), in-
See apa-fri below.
going by a tortuous course. complete, unable, insufficient ; not enough ; unlimited,
mbounded. apa-varga, apa-varjita. See opa-
•*)M(XHmi a-parimdna, as, a, am, without
measure, immeasurable, immense. «i M M i *l a-parydya, as, m. want of order or vrij below.
method. apa-varta, &c. See under apa-vrit.
A-parimita, a», a, am, unmeasured, unlimited,
apa-vah, cl. I . P. -vahati, -vodhum,
unbounded. — Aparimita-guna-gana, as, a, am, «T a-parean, a, n. no joint or point of
of unbounded excellences. o cany off; to deduct : Caus. P. -vdhaynti, -yitum,
unction ; a day which is not a parran, i. e. a certain o have (something) carried off or taken away.
A-parimeya, at, d, am, immeasurable, illimitable. day in the lunar month, as the full and change of
the moon, and the eighth and fourteenth of each Apa-rdha, <w, m. or apa-vdhaita, am, n. de-
*m(VjHl«i a-parimlana, as, a, am, not duction, subtraction (of fractions) ; N. of a metre ;
withering, not decaying; (as), m., N. of a plant, ialf month.; (a, d, a), without a joint. — Aparra- . of a people.
Gomphrena Globosa. landa, as, m. a kind of sugar-cane.
A-parraka, as, ika, am, jointless. Apa-vdhya, as, d, am, to be carried away.
^mfOJIUO a-pariydni, is, f. not walking Apodha. See s. v., p. 56.
about (used in execrations only) ; a various reading 1. apula, am, n. a pin or bolt.
apa-vdda, &c. See apa-vad above.
has a-]>ttripani. 2. a-pala, as, d, am, fleshless.
apa-vdsa, as, m. (rt. vos),Ved. dis-
\a-parilopa, as, m.non- violation. apa-lap, cl. i. P. or poet. A. appearance, going away, vanishing ; N. of a plant.
a-parivartaniya, as, a, am, -lapati, -te, -pitum, to explain away, to deny, re- v\ i| |q BI fl apa-vikshata, as, d, am, un-
not to be exchanged. use, conceal ; to detract from slander : Caus. A.
wounded ; unviolated.
^HUfVMIfcl a-parivadya, as, d, am (rt. vad), -la/Miyate, -yitum, to outwit.
not to be reprimanded. Apa-lapana, am, n. or apa-lapa, as, m. denial II apa-vighna, as, d, am, unob-
or concealment of knowledge, evasion, turning off structed, unimpeded ; (am), ind. free from obstruc-
•WMfXfMB a-parivishta, as, d, am, Ved. not the truth, detraction ; concealing, hiding ; affection, tion.
enclosed, unbounded. regard; (in medic.) the part between the shoulder rf%^ a-pavitra, as, d, am, impure, un-
and the ribs. — Apaldpa-danda, as, m. (in law) a clean.
flH(X<|rl a-parivrita, as, d, am, uninclosed, fine laid on one who denies his conviction.
Apa-lapita, as, d, am, denied, concealed. f%5 apa-viddha and apa-vedha. See
flijfV^T^ a-parisesha,as, a,am? not leaving apa-vyatlh, p. 53.
Apa-lapin, i, inl, i, one who denies, evades;
a remainder, all-surrounding, all-enclosing. concealing (with the object in the gen. case). 1^ apa-visha, as, d, am, free from
a-parishkdra, as, m. want of a-palala, as, m., N. of a Rakshas poison ; (a), f. a species of grass, Kyllingia Mono-
polish or finish, moral or physical ; coarseness, rude- or of a Naga (' not fond of flesh ?').
ness. cephala.
'SlHrtm a-palasa, as, d, am, Ved. leafless. •«HI%U.M apa-vishnu, ind. except or with-
A-pariehJerita, ae, a, am, unpolished, unadorned,
coarse, rude, morally or physically. •«mrtlfH«m apa-ldshikd or apa-ldsikd, f. out Vishnu.
thirst. apa-vina, as, d, am, having a bad
•"flMlMiiirMeft a-parisamaptika, as, a, am Apa-lashin, I, inl, i, or apa-ldshuka, as, d, or no lute ; (d), f. a bad lute ; (am), ind. without
(rt. ip with part and sawi), not ending, endless. a lute.
am, thirsty ; free from desire.
*m(V*n. a-parisara, as, a, am, non-con- iTT a-palita, as, d, am, not grey. fKcJrl a-pavira-vat, an, ati, at, Ved.
tiguous, distant. not armed with a lance.
apa-lup, used in the ace. case
a-pariskanda, as, a, am, not
moving, motionless. apa-lupam as Ved. inf. of the verb apa-lup, to apa-vri, cl. 5. P. -vrinoti, -varitum,
cutoff. -rltum, to open, uncover, exhibit.
•-MM(V?i<!j"l<4 a-pariharaniya or a-pari- Jf 4 <^PJ 1 ^H a-palyulana-krita, as, d, am, Apa-raraka, as, m. an inner apartment, the lying-
hdrya, as, d, am, not to be avoided, inevitable; in chamber.
not to be abandoned or lost ; not to be degraded. not cleaned by cleansing substances. Some read
Apa-varana, am, n. covering, screening; gar-
•wnfVjin a-parihvrita, as, d, am, Ved. un- apa-vaktri, ta, m., Ved. speaking
affncted, not endangered ; going straightforward. Apa-varana, am, n. covering, concealment, dis-
away, i. e. warning off, averting.
•w MCtffcfrT a-parikshita, as, d, am (rt. Apa-vdfana, am, n. the act of speaking away or
iksh), inconsiderate ; untried, unproved. warning off, removing. Apa-varita, as, a, am, covered, concealed, dis-
'MMOn' a-parita, as, d, am (rt. i),Ved. •w^^. apa-vad, cl. i. P. A. -vadati, -te, Apa-viritata, am, n. concealed, secret manner;
unobstructed, irresistible; (as), m., N. of a nation. -flitum, to revile, abuse ; (A. only) to disown, deny, apavaritakena, (in theatrical language) apart, aside
contradict: Caus. -vadayati, -yitnm, to oppose as (speaking so that only the addressed person may
harsh. a-parusha, as, d, am, not rough, unadvisable.
hear ; opposed to prakds'am).
Apa-vadamana, a&, a, am, (with dat.) reviling. Apa-rarya, ind. apart, aside ; having concealed.
^TM"KTT apa-riipa, as, d or I, am, deformed, Apa-raditri. See ajHi-raklri. Apa-mita, as, a, am, uncovered, opened.
ugly, ill-looking, ill-made, strange, odd-shaped ; (am), Apartriti, is, (. uncovering ; concealing (?).
n. monstrosity, deformity. Apa-vada, a*, m. evil speaking, reviling, blam-
ing (with the gen.) ; denial, refutation, contradiction ; 41 1| c( VI apa-vrtj, Caus. P. -varjayati, -yi-
8 aparedyus. See under apara. a special rule setting aside a general one ; exception tum, to quit, get rid of, to pay, to fulfil.
(opposed to utfarya) ; order, command. — Ajia Ka
a-paroksha, as, d, am, not in- Apa-rarga, as, m. completion, end (e. g. panCa-
visible; perceptible; (am), ind. (with gen.) in the pratyaya, as, m. an exceptional affix. — A/tavdda-
sthala, am, n. case for a special rule or exception. pdi'ttt'ijfi, coming to an end in five days) ; exception
sight of; (at), ind. perceptibly, manifestly. (to a rule) ; gift, donation ; the emancipation of the
Ajut-rddaka, as, ika, am, or apa-vddiii, 1, inl, soul from the body and exemption from further
ifanMafO, nom. P. aparokshayoti, -yitum, i, reviling, blaming, defaming ; opposing, objecting
to make perceptible. transmigration; final beatitude. — Apararga-da, as,
to ; excepting, excluding.
opa-rotlha, as, m. (rt. rudh), ex- a, am, conferring final beatitude.
A/in-rnilita, as, a, am, blamed, censured ; opposed,
clusion, prohibition. Apa-i'urjana, am, n. abandoning, abandonment;
objected to. gift or donation, making good a promise, discharging
a-parna, as, a, am, leafless ; (n), f. excepted. Apa-rddya, as, a, am, to be censured, to be a debt or obligation; final emancipation or beati-
N. of DurgJ or Parvatl ; (the goddess not having tude.
even leaves for food during her performance of reli- TTTU apa-vadh (defective in most of its Apa-rtirjiniii/ft or apa-rrljyti, an, a, nm, to be
gious austerities.) tenses, see vadh), to repel, avert. abandoned, to be avoided.
iSttft npnrtti (npn-ritu), Apa-varjita, as, a, am, abandoned, quitted, got
us, us, u, Ved 'eiHii i. a-pavana, as, a, am, without air
untimely, unseasonable. sheltered from wind. rid of, given or cast away ; made good as a promise,
discharged as a debt.
Apa-varjya, ind. excepting, except.
apa-sraya, as, m., Ved. a bolster; , as, m., Ved. fasten-
Apa-vrikta, as, d, am, finished, completed. see upa-fraya.
Apa-vrikti, in, (. fulfilment, completion. ing, making firm.
>sifsff apa-sri, is, is, i, deprived of beauty. •«iH*Sl. apa-skara, as, m. any part of a
^njTrT apa-vrit, cl. I. A. -vartate, -titum, carriage, a wheel, &c. ; faeces; anus; vulva.
to turn away, depart; to turn back, to come to an •*iM»dlti apa-svdsa, as, m. one of the five Apa-skdra, as, m. the root or under part of the
end. vital airs ; see apana.
Apa-varta, as, m. taking away; (in arithmetic ^nTff apa-shtha, am, n. (rt. sthd), the end apa-skhala, as, m. leaping off,
or algebra) reduction to a common measure ; the or point of the hook for driving an elephant. jumping off; outside of a threshing floor (?).
divisor, which is applied to both or either of the Apa-skthv, us, us, u, contrary, opposite; per-
quantities of an equation. verse ;left ; (n), ind. contrary, perversely, badly ; apas-tama. See under apas.
Apa-vartaka, as, m. a common measure. welt, properly ; handsomely ; (a»), m. time. apa-stambha, as, m. a vessel in
Apa-vartana, am, n. taking away ; removal ; Apa-skthura or apa-shthula, as, a, am, oppo- the side of the breast containing vital air.
transferring from one place to another ; abbreviation, site, contrary.
Apa-stambhini, f., N. of a plant.
abridging ; reduction of a fraction to its lowest terms ;
division without remainder ; divisor. ^m*l apas, as, n. (fr. obs. rt. ap), Ved. vtmairi apa-sndta, as, d, am, bathed or
Apa-varttta, as, a, am, taken away ; removed ; work, action ; sacred act, sacrificial act ; water ; (as), bathing after death or mourning, or upon the death of
divided by a common measure without remainder. m. f. (aso«), m. f. pi., Ved. active, skilful in any art: a connection, preparatory to other ceremonies.
Apa-vritta, as, a, am, reversed, inverted, over- apasas, f. pi., is a name of the hands and fingers Apa-sndna, am, n. funeral bathing, upon the
turned ;ended ; (am), n. ecliptic (in astronomy). which are busy in kindling the sacred fire and in death of a connection, after mourning, &c.; impure
Apa-vritti, is, f. end. performing the sacrifices ; also a name of the three bathing, or bathing in water in which a person has
goddesses of sacred speech, or of the three divinities,
•>HH=t|>J apa-vyadh, cl. 4. P. -vidhyati, previously washed.
fire, wind, and sun ; also of the active or running
-vyaddhum, to pierce badly, to throw away, to waters [cf. Lat. opus]. •smtMfn
UttSnapada. apas-pati, is, m., N. of a son of
neglect. Apas-tama, as, d, am (superl.), Ved. most active
Apa-viddha, as, a, am, pierced ; thrown away, re- or rapid.
jected, dismissed, removed. — Apaviddha^putra, as, vni«^3^ i. apa-spris, cl. 6. P. -spris'ati,
m. a son rejected by his natural parents and adopted
1. apasya, as, a, am, active, fit for an act, running -sparshtum, -sprashtum, to touch.
away ; watery ; (a), f. a kind of brick (twenty are sible.
Apa-spar^a, as, d, am, having no touch, insen-
by a stranger ; one of the twelve objects of filiation in used in building the sacrificial altar) ; activity ; water.
lim. — Apamddha-loka, as, a, am, dead. 2. apasya, nom. P. apasyati, to be active.
Apa-vedha, as, m. piercing anything in the wrong be 2.touched.
apa-spris", Ic, Tc, Te, Ved. not letting one's self
direction or manner (spoiling a jewel by so piercing Apasyu, us, us, u, Ved. active.
it). •w MtMS^ 3. a-paspris, k, k, k, Ved. not
vtM*m apa-sada, as, m. the children of touching, not hurting.
^fi|«mi apa-vyaya, as, m. (rt. i with apa six degrading connections, viz. of a Brahman with
the women of the three lower classes, of a Kshatriya
and tit), prodigality. ^njfefiT apa-sphiga, as, d, am, one who
with women of the two lower, and of a Vailya with has badly formed buttocks ; (am), ind. except the
Apa-vyayat, an, antl, at, going away. buttocks.
Apa^vytiyamdna, as, a, am, squandering ; deny- one of the S'udra ; a low man ; an outcast (in this
ing adebt. sense generally as last member of a comp., e. g.
brdhmandpasada). vmtHjc apa-sphur, us, us, is, or apa-
Apa-vyaytn, i, ini, i, squandering, wasting, pro-
digal. wnWT apa-samam, ind. last year (?). sphura, as, a, am, or apa-sphurat, an, antl, at,
Ved. bounding or bursting forth, swelling, increasing.
•WM«m^< apa-vy-a-da (-vi-d-dd), cl. 3. P. viM«T|r| apa-sarjana, am, n. (rt. srij), According to native authorities, both apa-sphura,
-dadati, -datum, to open. abandonment; gift or donation; final emancipation
of the sou! [cf. apa-vrij] . and apa-sphurat may mean ' injured.'
4<Mdr! apa-vrata, as, d, am, Vecl. dis- ^HJWl. apa-smdra, as, m. or apa-smriti,
obedient, unfaithful ; not performing holy acts, irre- ^TM^rtfa apa-salavi, ind., Ved. to the is, f. forgetfulness ; epilepsy, falling sickness.
ligious; perverse. Apa-smarim, i, ini, i, epileptic, convulsed.
left (opposed to pro-solan} ; the space between the
thumb and the forefinger (sacred to the Manes). Apa-smriti, is, is, i, forgetful.
•«lf^f*«l apa-sakuna, am, n. a bad omen.
•si ><^l 5; apa-sanka, as, a, am, fearless, apa-savya, as, d, am, or apa- apasya, apasyu. See under apas.
having no fear or hesitation ; (am.), ind. fearlessly. savyaka, as, ika, am, not on the left side, right ; apa-svara, as, m. an unmusical
opposite, contrary; (am), ind. to the right; the note or sound.
viM^m apa-sada or apa-sada, as, m. a same as apa-salavi.— Apasavy am kri=pradak-
low man. ehinam kri, to circumambulate a person keeping "XMF«1 apa-han, cl. 2. P. -hanti, -turn, to
apa-sabda, as, m. common or the right side towards him ; to put the sacred cord beat off, ward off, repel, destroy.
vulgar speech ; a bad word ; any form of language on the right shoulder. — Apamvya-vat, an, ati, at, Apa-ha, as, d, am, keeping back, repelling, re-
not Sanskrit ; nngrammatical language. See apa- having the sacred thread worn on the right shoulder, removing moving, destroying (e. g. iokdpaha, as, d, am,
(as during a SVaddha, &c.)
vmfasifl apa-siddhdnta, as, m. (rt. I. Apa-hata, as, d, am, destroyed, warded off, killed.
apa-6"ama, as, m. cessation. Apa-hati, is, f. removing, destroying.
sidh), an erroneous conclusion.
Apa-hanana, am, n. or apa-ghdta (q. v.), ward-
apa-s'iras, as, as, as, or apa-fir- ^nTftr*^ apa-sidh, cl. i. P. -sedhati, -sed-
sha, an, a, am, or apa-firshan, a, a, a, headless. ing off.
dhum, -sedhitum, to ward off, remove, drive away. m. beating off, destroying.
^TlSf a-pasu, us, m. not cattle ; (us, ns, u), rhantri, td,
»i)M« apa-sri, cl. I . P. -sarati, -sartum, to •ghatim, apa-jighdnsu. See s. v.
deprived of cattle, poor. — A-pas"u-Kan, ha, ghni, ha, walk off, go away : Cans, -sdrayati, -yitum, to make 'VH'iI^rf apa-hala, as, d, am, having a bad
not killing cattle.
or let one go away, to remove.
i. apa-sut, Intens. P., Ved. -60- Apa-sara, as, m. excuse, apology. plough.
•flMgH^ apa-has, cl. I. P. -hasati, -situm,
sokti, to disappear, vanish. Apa-sarana, am, n. going away, retreating ; to deride : Caus. P. -hdsayati, -yitum, to deride,
a. apa-M, k, m. (without sorrow), the soul. ridicule.
Apa-foka, ax, d, am, sorrowless ; (as), m. a tree, egress.
Apa-sara, at, m. going out ; egress, passage for Apa-hatita, am, n. or apa-hdsa, as, m. silly or
Jonesia ASoka. going forth ; escape. causeless laughter.
Apa-xarana, am, n. removing to a distance. Apa-hdsya, as, a, am, to be laughed at.
f a-pas(a-daghvan or a-pastad- Apa-sdrita, as, a, am, removed, put away,
daghvan, d, m., Ved. not staying behind ; not thrown aside. 4M^W apa-hasta, am, n. taking or throw-
coming short of, not being a loser. ing away or off; stealing, plundering.

^MPsjti a-pasfima, as, a, am, not having

^njfl^ apa-srip, cl. I. P. -sarpati, -sarp- to Apa-hastaya, nom. P. apa-hastayati, -yitum,
throw away, lose.
tum, -sraptum, to glide or move off.
another in the rear, last ; having no end. Apa-hastita, as, a, am, thrown away, lost, parted
Apa-sarpa or apa-earpaka, as, m. a secret emis- with,
sary or agent, spy.
'ei'iyfa-pas'ya, as, d, am Ved., ora-pafyat,
an, anil, at, not seeing. Apa-sarpana, am, n. going back, retreating. ^nr?T i. apa-hd, cl. 3. A. -jihite, -hdtum,
A-paiyana, I. not teeing (?). Apa-sripti, is, f. going away. to go off, come to an end.
64 WMlr-HI apa-lamba.
2. apa-ha, cl. 3. P. -jahdti, -hdtum, "WTnUTH apadhvan (apa-adh°), a, m. a bad
mtk^apd-krish (apa-d"), cl. 1.6. P. A. oad.
to leave, abandon. karshati, -te, -kruhati, -te, -kanhium, -krashtum,
Apa-hdna, at, a, am (or ft. I. apa-ha .'), leaving, o turn off or away, to avert. it)l|f«T apdn (apa-an), cl. 2. A. apdniti,
abandoning ; also written apa-hayana. nitum, to breathe out or away, to expire, respire.
Apa-hdni, is, !. leaving; leaving off, abandonment, TTRf apd-kri (apa-d°), cl. 6. P. -kirati, Apana, as, m. expiration, breathing out (opposed
stopping, vanishing ; exception, exclusion. okaritum,
contemn. -ritum, to throw any one off; to abandon, to praya) ; that of the five vital airs which goes
downwards and out at the anus ; (am), n. the anus ;
Apa-haya, ind. leaving out of view, excepting,
except, besides. •entris crepitus. — Apana-da, as, m., Ved. giving
•fl m A* apd-kram (apa-d'), cl. i. P. poet.
Wlliy^-H. apa-hin-kara, as, a, am, without . -krdmati, -kramate, -kramitum, to retire from. the vita! air Apana.— Apana-di'dra, am, n. the
the syllable Aim, which is pronounced in singing the anus. — Apdna-pavana, as, m. the vital air Apana.
Sima verses. S!(I41)SJ apdksha (apa-ak°), as, d, am, pre- "Apana-pa, as, m., Ved. protecting the Apana.
(as, I, am), eyeless, having bad — Apana-bhrit, t, f. cherishing the vital air, a sacri-
VtH$ apa-hri, cl. i. P. A. (?) -harati, -te, ent, perceptible; icial brick. — Apdna-vdyu, us, m. the air Apana ;
-hartum, to snatch away, carry off, plunder; to re- ventris crepitus.
move, to throw away: Caus. -hdrayatt, -yitum, PHT1[ a-pdnkta or a-pdnkteya or a-
to have (anything) carried off. pdnktya, as, d, am, not in a line or row ; not in iHi«f<; apa-nud (apa-d°), cl. 6. P. A.
Apa-harana, am, n. taking away, carrying off; he same degree or class, unworthy, inadmissible into -nudati, -te, -nottum, to remove, repel, repudiate.
stealing. yes.
society, ejected from caste, excluded, outcast. — A- •WMiin apdnrita (°pa-an°), as, d, am, free
Apa-haraniya or apa-Jiartavya or apa-hdrya, panktyopahata (°ya-up°), at, d, am, defiled or iom falsehood, true.
of, a, am, to be taken away, carried off, stolen, &c.; contaminated by the presence of impure or improper
to be taken back or resumed. persons. apdn-napdt or apam-napdt, &c.
See under op, p. 48.
Apa-hartri, ta, m. (with gen. or ace.) taking
away; expiating. rTTJf apdnga (apa-an°) or apdngaka, as,
Apa-hdra, as, m. taking away, stealing ; spending d, am, maimed, crippled ; wanting or deformed in •WHIM a-pdpa, as, a, am, or a-papin, t, inl, i,
some limb; (as), m. the outer corner of the eye sinless, virtuous, pure. — A-papa-kaJin, t, ini, t, not
another person's property; secreting, concealment; 'sometimes as last member of a feminine comp. ending ill-looking ; not revealing evil. — A-papa-krit, t, t, t,
e. g. atmapaharam
racter. kri, to conceal one's real cha- n a or i) ; a sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead ; not committing sin. — A-papa-vasyasa, am, n., Ved.
Apa-haraJca, as, ika, am, or apa-harin, t, inl, ^. of KSma, the god of love ; a plant, Achyranthes non-increase of evil ; health, prosperity. — A-pdpa-
i, one who takes away, seizes, steals, Sec. ; a plun- Aspera. ~ Apdnga-dars'ana, am, n. a side glance, a vtddha, as, d, am, not afflicted with evil.
derer, athief. eer, a wink. — Apanga-deia, as, m. the place round viMi*( apdm. See under ap, p. 48.
Apa-harana, am, n. causing to take away, spoiling. the outer comer of the eye. — Apdnga-netra, as, d,
Apa-hrita, at, a, am, taken away, carried off, am, having eyes with beautiful outer angles •«(M 1*11*1 apd-mdrga, as, m. (rt. mrij), N.
stolen, &c. ; taken back, resumed. — Apahrita-vi- apai or apdM, n, ft, k (ft. ah6 with of a plant (Achyranthes Aspera), employed very often
jnana, as, a, am, bereft of sense. in incantations, in medicine, in washing linen, and in
apa), going or situated backwards, behind ; western sacrifices.
•«<Ht-f*l apa-hela, f. disrespect, contempt. [opposed to prdnd) ; southern (opposed to udani) ;
[k), ind. behind, westward, southward. Apd-marjana, am, n. cleansing, keeping back,
•wij^ apa-hnu, cl. 2. A. -hnute, -hnotum, ApaM, removing (of diseases and other evils).
to conceal, disguise ; to refuse, deny, disown. north, i. e. f.other
the south. - Apafttara
than the south. (°<!Mt°), f. the
apd-mrityu, us, m. sudden death ;
Apa-hnava, as, m. concealment of knowledge; Apd/Hna, as, a, am, situated backwards, behind ; see apa-mrityu.
denial of or turning off of the truth ; dissimulation ; western ; turned back ; southern.
appeasing, satisfying ; affection, love. Apdfya, as, a, am, western, southern. apdya. See under ape.
Apa-hnuta, as, a, am, concealed, denied. aPar (op°-ri)j cl. 5. P. apdrnoti,
Apa-hnuti, Is, f. denial, concealment of know- ^nn»^ apaj (apa-aj), cl. i. P. apajati,
ledge ;a figure of rhetoric, applying a description or -jitum, to drive away. apartum, -ritum or -ritum (?), to remove ; to open.
simile to other than its obvious application. i. apdra, am, n. the opposite bank
Apa-hnuvdna, as, a, am, concealing, denying. ^nrrax apan( (apa-ahf), cl. I. P. A. apahf- of a river ; the same as para, q. v.
ati, -te, -&tum, to push away, to drive away.
denies or disowns.ta, trl, tri,' one who conceals or •flUIC 2. a-pdra, am, n. (in the San-khya)
a-pdtava, am, n. awkwardness, a bad shore, i. e. a kind of mental indifference or ac-
apa-hrdsa, as, m. diminishing, inelegance ; sickness, disease. quiescence (tushli) ; it may also mean the reverse of
reducing. a-pdthya, as, d, am, illegible. para or ofparapdra, i. e. the reverse of mental ac-
'«>ir«^ apdk, ind. westward, southward ; libacy. a-pdnigrahana, quiescen(as,
ce ; d,; am), shoreless, unbounded,
and bound-
see apai! next col. am, n. ce- out ofless,reach interminable an epithet of heaven
; inexhaustible. — A-pdrapdra, am, n.
earth ;

vimc» i.apdka,as,d,am (ft. apa), situated A-pdni-pdda, as, a, am, without hands and feet.
aside or behind ; distant ; coming from a distant non-acquiescence.
A-paraka, as, ika, am, or a-parayat, an, antl,
ximfl a-pdtra, am, n. a worthless or
place ; incomparable. — Apdka-dakshas, as, m., Ved common utensil ; an inferior, undeserving or worthless at, incompetent, impotent.
looking or shining far ; of incomparable brightness. person, unfit as a recipient, unworthy to receive gifts. A-pdrarilya, as, d, am, out of reach. i, am,
Apakd or apdkdt, ind., Ved. aside, distant. — Apa- — A-patra-kritya, f. or a-patrl-karana, am, n. «li a-pdramarthika, as,
ke-stha, as, a, am, Ved. standing behind. acting unbecomingly, doing degrading offices (as for not concerned about the highest truth.
Apdktdt, ind., Ved. from behind, from the west. a Brahman to receive wealth improperly acquired,
to trade, to serve a J?Qdra, and to utter an untruth) ; apdr(h (apa-rifh), cl. 6. P. apdrtth-
•wmn 2. a-pdka, as, a, am (rt. pa6), im- excommunication, disqualification. — Apatra-dayin,
mature, raw, unripe, undigested ; (as), m. immaturity, ati, -cTiitum, to go away, retire.
indigestion. — A-paka-ja, as, a, am, not produced i, inl, i, giving to the undeserving. — Apatra-bhrit apdrjita, as, d, am (rt. ry with
by cooking or ripening ; original ; natural. — Apdka- t, deserving.
t, t, supporting the unworthy, cherishing the un- flung away.
x'dka, am, n. ginger. far.
a-pad, footless. See apad, p. 50. apdrna, as, d, am (rt. ard), distant,
A-pikin, i, inl, i, unripe, undigested.
A-padya, as, a, am, anything (as water) unfit for
•wm«y apd-kri (apa-d°), cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, the feet. *?mivj apdrtha (apa-ar°), as, d, am, or
-Tcurute, -kartum, or Ved. -kartos, to remove
drive away, keep away ; to take away ; to reject (ar aparthaka, as, ikd, am, without any object, useless,
opinion) ; to cast off, reject ; to desist from, to drop iHHI^I apd-da (apa-dc), cl. 3. A. -datte. unprofitable ; unmeaning ; (am), n. incoherent argu-
-datum, to take off or away, to remove.
ment. —Apdrtha-karana, am, n. a false plea in a
to free one's self from ; to pay. Apa-dana, am, n. taking away, removal, ablation
Apa-karana, am, n. driving away, removal ; pay a thing from which another thing is removed ; the lawsuit.
ment, liquidation. sense of the fifth or ablative case. •>JJi|lc4 a-pdla or a-pdlana or a-pdlita, as,
Apa-kariehnu, us, us, «, driving away ; excelling d, am, unguarded, unprotected, undefended.
Apa-karman, a, n. payment, liquidation. •flMliJir^MI^ a-padddi-bhdj (°da-ad°), k
Apa-krita, as, a, am, taken away, removed, de k, k, not standing at the beginning of a Plda. 'flmrti apdlanka, as, m., N. of a plant,
stroyed, void of; paid. A-padanttya, as, a, am, not standing at the en< Cassia Fistula.
Apa-kriti, ii, f. taking away, removal. ofaPidt.
apd-lamba, as, m., Ved. the

apali. apttya.
hinder part of a carriage ; mechanism to stop a (As a separable adv.) and, also, moreover, besides, api-dnbh, cl. 6. P., Ved. -dribhati
carriage (?). assuredly, surely ; api api or api-fa, as well as ; na or -drimbhati, -darbhitum, to rely upon.
vapi or na apivd or na naddpi, neither, nor ; 6dpi,
^rmfoJ apali (apa-ali), is, is, i, free from (and at the beginning of a sentence) api-da, moreover. •fliMe^opz-rfo, cl-4. P.,Ved. -dyati, -datum,
ali or bees, &c. Api is often used to express emphasis, in the sense to cut off.
of even, also, very ; e. g. anyad api, also another, TOfTTOT api-dhd, cl. 3. P. A. -dadhdti,
vmiij apd-vri (apa-d°), cl. 5. P., Ved. something more ; adydpi, this very day, even now ;
-vrinoti,-varitum,-ritum, to open; to cover; (in the -dhattt, -dhdtum, to put to, shut, dose, cover, con-
tathdpi, even thus, notwithstanding; yady api, ceal.
first sense apavri is said to be for apa-rri, the final
of apa being lengthened.) even if, although; yadyapi tathdpi, although,
nevertheless ; na kadddid api, never at any time : Api-dhdna or pi-dhdna, am, n. covering, con-
Apd-vrita, as, d, am, open, laid open ; covered, cealment ;a cover, a lid, a doth for covering. — Api-
concealed, enclosed ; unrestrained, self-willed. sometimes in the sense of but, only, at least, e. g.
dhdna-vat, an, atl, at, Ved. having a cover ; con-
Apd-vrtti, is, f. or apa-varaiia, am, n. laying muhurtam api, only a moment.
open, enclosing, surrounding ; covering, concealing, Api may be affixed to an interrogative to make it
screening. indefinite, e. g. Tea 'pi, any one ; kutrdpi, anywhere. Api-dhi, is, m. concealment.
Api imparts to numerals the notion of totality, e. g. Api-hita or pi-hita, as, d, am, shut, covered,
'Mmqrt apd-vrit (apa-d°), cl. I . A. -vartate, daturndm api varridnam, of all the four castes.
-titum, to turn away, to return, to abstain from, to Api may be interrogative at the beginning of a •wfnti^ api-nah orpi-nah, cl. 4. P.-nahyati,
come to nought. sentence.
-naddhum, to tie on, fasten.
Apa-vartana, am, n. turning away or from ; re- Api may strengthen the original force of the po- Api-naddha or pi-naddka, as a, am, tied on ;
treat, returning ; repulse. tential, or may soften the imperative, like the English clothed, accoutred.
Apd-vrit, t, t, t, Ved. returning. ' be pleased to ;' sometimes it is a mere expletive.
Apa-vritta, as, a, am, (with abl.) turned away Api tit, but, but yet. •wPMil api-ni, cl. i. P. -nayati, -netum,
from ; averted ; abstaining from, rejecting, despising ; Api-tva, am, n., Ved. having part, share. — Api- to lead towards or to, bring to a state or condition.
reversed, repelled ; (am), n. the rolling on the ground tvin, i, inl, i, Ved. having part, sharing.
(of a horse). vtfsM^ api-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate, -pattum,
Api-ndma, perhaps, in all probability.
Apd-vritti, if, f. retreat, returning ; repulse. to go in, enter.
•*)fi4i*B| api-kaksha, as, m., Ved. the re- •etPMHl*! a-pipdsa, as, a, am, free from
«Hi3«4l a-pdsyd, f. no great number of gion of the arm-pits and shoulder-blades, especially in
nooses or fetters (i. e. a few). animals ; N. of a man ; (df), m. pi. the descendants thirst; satisfied.
of this man.
SHMI1*!*! i. apdsraya (apa-as"), as, a, am, ^rq^opi-pnV, cl. 7 . P. A., Ved. -prinakti,
helpless, destitute. Api-Tcakihya, as, a, am, Ved. connected with -prinkte, -parttttum, to mix with.
the region of the arm-pits, or that which binds to the
VmiPM i. apd-sri (apa-d°), cl. i. P. -sra-
TcaksTia. •wPsHKU api-prdna, as, i, am, Ved. breath-
yati, -yitum, to resort to ; to use, practice. ing upon, vivifying, animating (?).
2. apd-draya, as, m. refuge, recourse, the person of •flPMoWD
the ears. api-karna, am, n., Ved. the region •wTMia api-baddha, as, a, am, fastened;
or thing to which recourse is had for refuge ; an awn- connected with.
ing spread over a court or yard.
•wPMejri api-krit, cl. 6. P. -krintati, -kar- •wifV*!!'! api-bhdga, as, d, am, Ved. having
Apd-irita, as, a, am, resting on ; resorting to. titlllll, tO CUt Off.
^THrfi? apashti, is, f., Ved. the heel. part in, sharing in.
•wfMfftj api-kshi, Caus. -kshdpayati, -yi-
tum, to annihilate, to make away with. •«fN»i«^ api-mrish, cl. 4. P. A. -mrishyati,
•*ims apd-shtha, as, m., Ved. barb of an •te, -marshitum, to forget, neglect.
arrow ; (am), n. what remains of the Soma plant
•ef (Vi»«N api-gam, cl. i. P. -ga6fhati, -gan-
after it has been pressed out. — Apashtha-vat, an, tum, to go into, enter, approach, join ; to approach •sun1-! aPi~T*> °1' 5- P- -t>T*90<t, -varitum,
atl, at, Ved. having barbs ; (•vat), ind. like the re- a woman. -ntwm, to conceal.
mainder ofthe Soma plant (?).
Api-gata, as, a, am, gone into, entered, come Api-vrita, as, a, am, concealed, covered.
^nTTR apds (apa-as), cl. 4. P. apasyati, near, approached, joined.
^THari api-vrata, as, m. sharing in the
-titum, to fling away, throw away or off, to discard ; •siCs'iT api-gd, cl. 3. P. -jigdti, -gdtum, to same religious acts, related by blood.
to scare, drive away ; leave behind, leave in a deserted enter, get into, mingle with.
condition ; to desert, to take no notice of, disregard ; •w IH 31 5 *. api-sarvara, as, a, am, Ved. con-
reject. ^rM<n<5 api-girna, as, a, am, praised, tiguous tothe night ; being at the beginning or end
Apdsana, am, n. throwing away ; quitting, fore-
celebrated. of the night ; (am), n. evening-time or morning-
going, discarding ; killing, slaughter.
api-grah, cl. 9. P. A. -grihndti,
Apdsita, as, a, am, thrown or cut down, injured,
destroyed. rate, -grahitum, to receive ; to stop ; to dose (the viPM^iw apis'ala, as, m., N. of a man;
mouth, nose, &c.). (as), m. pi. the descendants of ApiSala.
Apdsta, as, a, am, thrown off, set aside ; driven
away, expelled ; abandoned, discarded ; disregarded, Api-grihya Ved., or api-grdhya, as, a, am, to vifM^n^ api-sas,up. f. (only used in abl.),
be received. Ved. slitting, ripping
Apdsya, ind. having thrown away or discarded, •«i PM vti api-ghas, cl. i. P. -ghasati, -ghas-
having left, having disregarded, having excepted. f urn, to eat off or away. ^rnr3J«T a-pisuna, as, d, am, unmalicious,
Apdsyat, an, anil, at, discarding, throwing off, &c.
r<gar9 a-pif£hila, as, d, am, clear, free upright, honest.
•*iMl«a> apd-sanga, as, m. (rt. sanj), a. from or soil. •wCs^n api-shtuta, as, d, am (rt. stu),
quiver ; also updsanga.
•wPmi api-ja, as, m. born after, born
^m«ii.«u apd-sarana, am, n. (rt. sri), de- again ; epithet of several divinities. •*ir«(r«c«^ api-si6, cl. 6. P. -siMati, -sektum,
parting, departure, removal. praised.
•*umss a-pinda, as, d, am, without funeral
cakes. to sprinkle with.
Apd-srita, as, d, am, gone, departed, gone away. api-hita. See api-dhd.
bad•wMifVi apdsi (apa-asi), is, is, i, having a
or no sword. •siCn^ i. a-pit, t, t, t (rt. pi), Ved. not apt (api-i), cl. 2. P. apy-eti, -turn,
swelling, dry ; waterless. to go in or near, to enter into or upon ; to come near,
apdsu (apa-asu), us, us, u, lifeless. approach ; to partake, have a share in ; to suffer ; to
•>sf^nx 2. a-pit, t, t, t, (in gram.) not join ; to pour out (as a river) ; to dissolve ; to enter
apd-hd (apa-d°), cl. 3. P. -jahdti, having the it or Anu-bandha p. the other world, to die.
-hdtum, to leave, omit, reject.
Apa-kaya, ind. excepting; except ^fan a-pitri, td, m. not a father. Api-yat, an, atl, at, coming near.
A-pitrika, as, d, am, not ancestral or paternal, i. aplta, at, d, am, gone into, entered, approached.
161(V api, or sometimes pi (as a particle or uninherited; fatherless. Aptti, is, f., Ved. entering into, encountering, join-
preposition prefixed to verbs and nouns), expresses ing battle, junction ; dissolving.
placing near or over, uniting to, annexing, reaching A-pitrya, as, d, am, uninherited, not ancestral or
to, proximity, &c. [cf. Gr. M; Zend api ; Germ, Apy-aya, coming near, union. See s. v.
and Eng. prefix be] ; in later Sanskrit its place seems *(V<^ api-dah, cl. I. P., Ved. -dahati, VIM! -04 apl6ya, as, d, am (fr. api-an6), Ved.
frequently supplied by abhi. -dagdhum, to singe. secret, hidden (incorrectly for apivya, q.v.).
expect, hope ; to require, to have an eye to ; with
pi-ju, us, vs, u, Ved. stirring up, •4JIJM apt pa, as,m. cake of flour, meal, &c.;
impelling. a sort of bread; wheat; honey-comb (?).— Apupa- mi,Apekshana,
not to like. am, n. or apekthd, f. looking round
nilbli i, it, m., Ved. having a navel which consists of or about ; (with the object either in loc. or as the
'HMli'1 a-pidaiui, am, n. or a-pidd, f. or is decorated with cake. — Ajmpa-maya, as, I, am, preceding member of a compound) consideration,
not giving pain, gentleness, kindness. reference, regard ; connection of cause with effect or
consisting of cake. — Apupa-rat, an, ati, at, accom-
A-pidayat, an, anti, at, without distressing, not panied with a\ce. — Apupapihita (°pa-ap°), at, d, of individual with species ; expectation, hope, desire,
paining. am, covered with cake. need, requirement. — Apekshayd, with reference to.
wfrrT 2. a-pita, as, a, am, not drunk. A/ia/ilya, as, d, am, belonging to cake. — Apekshd-buddhi, is, f. a mental process in the
A-pitvd, ind. not having drank, without drinking. Apiipya, am, n. flour, meal. Vaiseshika philosophy, the faculty of arranging and
c^ apurani, f. the silk cotton tree, methodising ; clearness of understanding.
Wi|"M« api-nasa or pi-nasa, as, m. (apt Apekfhaniya or apeksJiitavya or apekshya, as,
for api and nasa for nasifeZ), dryness of the nose, Bombax Heptaphyllum. d, am, to be considered or regarded, to be looked for
want of the pituitary secretion and loss of smell, cold. or expected, to be wished, desired, or required ; desirable.
•fll|<\M a-purusha, as, d, am, lifeless, in-
^jqT<jif api-vrita = api-vrita, as, a, am,
; ; unpeopled. «• A-purutha-ghna, as, Apekshita, as, d, am, considered, regarded, refer-
red to, looked for, expected ; wished, hoped, required ;
m., Ved. not killing men.
(am), n. consideration, reference, regard.
•>MMT*<1 aplvya, as, a, am, very handsome, ^
a-purna, as, d, am, not full or entire, .
Apekshin, i, ini, i, (with the object in gen. or as
most excellent (?). the preceding member of a compound) considering,
imperfect, incomplete, deficient ; (am), n. an incom-
^ipf a-puys, -pitman, m. not a man, a plete number, a fraction. — ApSnfa-kdla, as, d, am, respecting, regarding, looking to ; looking for, expect-
eunuch. — Apuns-tva, am, n. the state of a eunuch. premature ; (as), m. incomplete time. — Apurna- ing, hoping, requiring.
A-punskd, I. without a husband. kdla-ja, as, d, am, bom before the proper time, abor- Apekshya, ind. having considered, having regard
tive. •-Apurna-td, f. incompleteness. to, with regard or reference to.
Tfij'cd. a-pu6(ha, as, a, am, tailless ; (a), A-puryamana,as,d,am,aot being full, incomplete.
f. the tree Dalbergia Silu.
*njs? a-purva, as, a, am, unpreceded, un- to w'n^apej
remove, drive(apa-ej), cl. iGram.
away. (See . A. apejate,
784. a.)-jitum,
%jH<fl a-punya, as, a, am, unclean, im- precedented; not having existed before, quite new;
pure, wicked, bad. — Apuyya-krit, t, t, t, acting unparalleled, incomparable, wonderful, extraordinary ; ••siM'ij apendra (°pa-in°), as, a, am, without
wickedly, wicked, bad. not first; (in Panini) preceded by a or a; (am),
n. the remote or unforeseen consequence of an act, a-peya, as, S, am, unfit for drinking,
WIef a-puira, as, m. not a son ; (as, a, am),
as heaven of religious rites ; a consequence not im- undrinkable.
or a-putraka, as, tied, am, having no son, sonless. mediately preceded by its cause. — Apurva-karman,
— Aputra-td, f. sonlessness. a, n. a religious rite or sacrifice, the power of which a-pesala, as, a, am, not clever, in-
A-ptitrikd, (. the daughter of a sonless father, who on the future is not before seen.— Apuna-td, f. or
herself has no male offspring ; (as), m. the rather of expert.
such a daughter. • apuna-tva, am, n. the being unpreceded, not hav- a-pesas, as, as, as, Ved. formless,
ing existed before, incomparableness, &c. — A-purva- shapeless.
<4(J}«T^ a-punar, ind. not again, once for pati, is, f. one who has had no husband before. vi<4<» I. apesh (apa-ish), cl-4. A. apeshyate,
ever. — A-pitnah-prapya, at, a, am, irrecorerable. — Apuna-vat, ind. singularly, unlike anything else.
— A-punar-anvaya, a», a, am, not returning, dead. — A-purcena, ind. never before. -shitum, to strive after, aspire to.
— A-punar-arritti, it, f. final exemption from life A-puniiya, as, d, am, referring to the remote or
WiTT 2. apesh (apa-ish), cl. i. A. apeshate,
or transmigration.— A-pintar-diyamdna, a», a, am, unforeseen consequence of an act.
not being given back, — A-punar-bhava, at, m. not A-purvya, as, d, am, Ved. unpreceded, first; -shitum, to withdraw from, to retire.
being again; exemption of the loul from further having nothing similar before one's self, incompar- ^S«jf^ apehi (imperative of rt. t with opa),
transmigration, final beatitude. — A-punar-bhdva, able, unheard of.
at, m. not being bora again. at the beginning of several compounds, means exclud-
flH?ti a-prikta, as, a, am, unmixed, un- ing, expelling, denying admission; e. g. apchi-pra-
combined ; (a*), m. (in Panini) a word or an affix kasd, f. a ceremony where people are not admitted.
•w^M*U a-purdna, as, a, am, or a-puratana, consisting of a single letter, i. e. of one not combined — Apehf-batiijd, f. a ceremony from which merchants
at, J, am, not old, modem, new.
with another ; (in the PrStiiakhyas) the preposition are excluded. — Apehi-vdta, (., N. of a plant useful
•*M^N a-purusha, as, a, am, unmanly. d and the particle u. in expelling wind (Poederia).
is*• not
for the benefit(°sha-ar°), as, m. anotritethewhich
of the sacrificer; chief '^WUl^a-prinat, an, all, at, Ved. not fill-
'•>H M 51 «f a-paisuna, am, n. integrity, honesty,
object of the soul. ing, not propitiating by gifts ; stingy.
VIMVJ* a-prithak, ind. not separately, ^T'ft'Uii a-poganda, as, a, am, not under
^HTtt SH^I-W* a-puro-'nuvakyaka, as, sixteen years of age ; a child or infant ; timid, fearful ;
oka or ikd, am, without a PuronuvSkyi. with.together with, collectively. — Aprithag-dharma-
sTla, as, d, am, of the same religion. — Aprithag- flaccid ; having a limb too many or too few.
A-purorakka, at, a, am, without a Puroruc". dkl, is, it, i, regarding God in all things. 'Slfl-oiiJ apotdhad (apa-ud-(had), cl. 10.
<MlJMic4 a-pushkula, as, a, am, not emi- ^nre a-prishta, as, d, am, unasked, unad-
nent; mean, low. P. A. -ifhadayati, -te, -yitum, to uncover.
dressed, not spoken to.
«Hlfl<! apodha, as, a, am (fr. rt. vah with
W«IS a-pushta, as, a, am, unnourished,
lean ; soft ^HT ape (apa-i), cl. 2. P., cl. I. A. apaiti, apa), carried off, removed, taken away.
apdyate, apaitum, to go away, withdraw, retire, run
'ajJ'H a-pushpa, as, a, am, not flowering; to start.escape, vanish ; to be wanting, to be omitted ;
away, 'flM\ r+M^ apot-krish (apa-ud-krish), cl. 1.6.
P. A. -karshatl, -te, -krishati, -te, -kwsJkfum,
(at), m. the glomerous fig tree. — A-pttshpa-phala
or Orpushpa-phala-da, an, a, am, bearing fruits Apdya, as, m. going away, departure ; destruction, -kroihtum, to separate, disjoin.
without (lowering ; having neither flowers nor fruits ; death, annihilation ; injury, detriment, loss ; misfor- "'S^i^npodaka (°pa-ud°),as, d, am, water-
(CM), m. the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the tune, evil, ill, calamity, danger ; end (of a word). less, water-tight ; not watery, not fluid ; (ika), f. a
glomerous fig tree.
Apdyin, i, ini, i, going away, departing, vanish- pot-herb, Basella Rubra or Lucida.
^J*T aput, us, n., Ved. shape ; the same ing, perishable.
as rapus, q. v. Apeta, as, d, am, escaped, departed, gone ; having •fllTlf^ apod-i (apa-ud-i), cl. 2. P. -eh',
retired from, free from (with abl. or as last member •turn, to go away altogether, to give way, to with-
'W'jn'* a-piijaka, as, ika, am, irreverent, of a comp.).*-Apeta-bhi, is, is, t, one whose fear draw.
Apod-ilya, as, a, am, to be completely gone
irreligious. is gone. — Apeta-rdkthasi, f., N. of a plant, Ocimum
A-pajd, {. irreverence, disrespect. Sanctum.
away. from or left.
A-pujita, at, d, am, not reverenced or worshipped, Apeya, as, d, am, removed (?). 'Wlldl5 apod-dhdrya, as, d, am (fr. rt. hri
contemned, disregarded. ApeM. See s. v. next col. with 0^0 and ud), liable to have something taken
A-/iiljya, at, d, am, not to be worshipped or
revered. ^nrST npeksh (apa-iksh), el. I. A. ape-
kshate, -ehitum, to look away, to look round, to
apo-napdt, &c. See under ap.
'S'JTTa-puf a, aj,5, am, impure; not having look about for something ; to have some design ; to (apa-ubh), cl. 6. P.,Ved. apo-
received the invocatory rite. have regard to, to respect; to look for, wait for.
bhati, -ombhati, -bhitum, to bind, fetter.

aporyu. a-pratibha.
apornu (apa-urnu), cl. 2. P. A. a-prakata, as, d, am, unmanifested A-prajas, as, as, as, without progeny, childless.
apornauti, -noti, -nute, -navitum, -nuvitum, to unapparent, obscure. » —Aprajas-td, f. or aprajas-tva or aprajas-tva,
uncover, to unveil, to open ; A. to uncover one's self. am, n. childlessness.
•«IHC|I»H a-prakampa, as, d, am, unshaken A-prajdta, as, d, am, childless, having no progeny.
literally and metaphorically ; firm, steady ; unanswer
•WM!"^ aposh (apa-ush), cl. I. P., Ved. viMJif? 2. a-prajajni, is, is, i (rt.jna),Ved.
aposftati, apoUKati, to dispel darkness (said of the ed, unrefuted. — Aprakampa-td, f. firmness, stability inexperienced, inexpert.
dawn). unanswerableness.
v(j(<*^ a-prakara, as, d, am, not acting vfiiWIii a-pramta, as, d, am (rt. ni), un-
•wMl«[ apoh (apa-uh), cl. I. P. A. apohati, excellentiy. consecrated, profane, common; (am), n. the act of
-te, -hitum, to strip off, to push away, to frighten frying clarified butter without consecrated water.
away; to remove, to heal (sickness); A. to keep A-prakarana, am, n. not the principal topic
not relevant to the main subject.
away from one's self, to avoid, to give up ; (in dis- A-prakrita, as, d, am, not principal, not relevan to •«ibe n<uta
turned a-pranodya,
away. as, d, am (rt. nad),not
putation) to object, to deny, to reason, argue.
Apoha, as, m. or apokana, am, n. pushing away, to the main topic under discussion, not chief; occa-
removing ; removal of doubt by the exercise of the sional orincidental, not natural. vinnv a-prat, n, ti, t (rt. prd), Ved. not
reasoning faculty ; reasoning, arguing. A-prakriti, is, (. not the inherent or inseparable affluent ; apratd, inst. c. without wealth.
Apohaniya or apohya, as, a, am, to be taken property, accidental property or nature; spiritual being viMn-ri a-pratarkya, as, d, am, not to be
away, or removed, or expiated. •siHctifinr a-prakarshita, as, d, am, not ex- discussed ; incomprehensible by reason, undefinable.
Apoklta, as, a, am, taken away, removed ; estab- ceeded, not more than ; unsurpassed.
lished byreason. "a H n i M a-pratdpa, as, m. want of brilliancy,
A-prakrishta, as, d, am, low, vile; (as), m dulness ; meanness, want of dignity.
a crow.
•WMI^ a-paurusha, am, n. unmanliness, vi n in a-prati, is, is, i, Ved. without op-
cowardice; superhuman power ; (as, a, am), unmanly, •«n=n?H<* a-prakalpaka, as, ikd, am, not
cowardly; superhuman. ponents, irresistible ; unequalled ; ( i), ind. irresistibly.
prescribing as obligatory.
— i. aprati-rupa, as, d, am, of unequalled form,
A-praklripta, as, d, am, not explicitly enjoined. incomparable [cf. 2. a-pratirupa, p. 58]. — Aprati-
•«i H I w»i <?< a-paushkalya, am, n . immaturity.
viM*K!S a-prakdnda, as, d, am, stemless ; nipa-iatAa.f.incomparableorunanswerablediscourse.
•am apta, as, a, am (fr. obs. rt. ap for later (as), m. a bush, a shrub. — Aprati-mrya, as, d, am, of irresistible power.
dp), Ved. obtained ; watery (I).
Aptas, as, n. a sacrificial act. ^Tn*il?l a-prakdsa, as, d, am, not shining, •««(*(!<* t. a-pratikara, as, d, am, trusted,
Aptu, us, m., Ved. busy, active, diligent ; the dark ; self-illuminated ; not visible, hidden, secret , trusting, confidential.
body ; Soma ; a sacrificial animal. not manifest or evident ; (am), ind. in secret ; (as), A-pratikarman, d, d, a, of unparalleled deeds.
Aptnr, us, m., Ved. active, busy; giving water; m. indistinctness, secresy, a secret. A-pratikdra or a-pratikdra, as, m. not remedy-
running as water. A-prakdiaka, as, ikd, am, not rendering bright ; ing, non-requital, non-retaliation ; (as, d, am), irre-
Apturya, am, n., Ved. zeal, activity ; the giving making dark. mediable, helpless, defenceless.
of water. counteracting.
A-pratikirin, i, irii, f, not remedying, not
A-prakds'amdna or a^prakds'ita, as, a, am, not
Aptor-ydma. as, or aptor-ydman, a, m., Ved., manifested, undivulged, unrevealed, not evident or
N. of a sacrificial ceremony, and of a verse in the »3lnrrlM?I a-pratigrihya, as, d, am, one
SJma-veda closing that ceremony [cf. vairija], A-prakdfya, as, d, am, not to be manifested or
divulged. from whom one must not accept anything.
Aptya, as, a, am, active, spacious; watery (1).
Apna, as, m. or apnas, as, n., Ved. possession, A-pratigrdJtaka, as, ikd, am, not accepting.
vtn<ifl a-praketa, as, d, am, Ved. indis- A-pratigrdhya, as, d, am, not to be taken, un-
property; work, sacrificial act; progeny; shape [cf. criminate, unrecognizable. acceptable.
Lat. ops]. — Apnah-stha, as, m., Ved. superintending
work. — Apna-rdj, (, m., Ved. possessing property ; •VIH (\Sfrr a-prakshita, as, d, am, Ved. un-
diminished, undecayed.
a-pratigha, as, d, am (rt. han), not
illustrious through work. — Apnas-vat, an, ati, at, to be kept off, not to be vanquished.
Ved. productive, having sacrificial acts or work.
•«««< a-prakhara, as, d, am, dull, obtuse ; In s TS a-pratidvandva, as, d, am, not
Apnavdna, as, m., Ved. having progeny; the bland, mild. having an adversary in battle ; not to be vanquished ;
arm ; N. of a Rishi ; poor (1).
Apya, as, d, am, obtainable, to be reached ; •»m'i«i a-pragama, as, d, am, going too irresistible. — Apratidvandva-td, f. unrivalledness.
active, belonging to or connected with work or sacri- fast for others to follow, not to be surpassed. a-pratidhura, as, d, am, Ved.
ficial acts, watery. ^nPT5*T a-pragalbha, as, d, am, not arro- without a match in carrying burdens or the yoke
(said of a horse).
W^ appa, as, m., N. of an author of a gant, modest.
book on prosody. ^H'iln a-pragita, as, d, am, not chaunted a-pratidhrishta, as, d, am, not
appati, is, m. See under ap. to be opposed, irresistible. — Apratidhrishta-s'avas,
as, ds, as, Ved. of irresistible power.
T appadlkshita or apyadikshita a-praguna, as, d, am, confounded,
A-praiidhrishya, as, d, am, Ved. irresistible.
or apyayadlkMta, as, m., N. of an author of the perplexed.
sixteenth century. "SUfn^Bj a-pratipaksha, as, d, am, without
" Mil I ? a-pragrdha, as, d, am, unre- a rival or opponent.
strained, unbridled.
ap-pitta, am, n. fire ; see under ap.
a-pratipanya, as, d, am, not to
se bartered or exchanged.
apy-ad, yan, tfi, yak (rt. and), a-pratankasa, as, 'd, am, Ved.
reaching, gone into, hidden. without power of seeing ; not beautiful (1).
a-pradura, as, d, am, little, few. nn^fltf^a-pratipatti, is, f. non-ascertain-
•WMIM^ apy-aty-arj (api-atf), cl. I. P., ment; non-performance, failure ; neglect, disregard.
Ved. -arjatt, -jitum, to add over and above. a-pra6etas, as, as, as, Ved. de- A-jiratipad, t, (, t, not stopping; not to be
ficient inunderstanding, foolish. depended on.
^•Mt apy-aya, as, m. (fr. rt. » with api, see A-pratetita, as, d, am, unknown. A-pratipanna, as, d, am, unascertained, unac-
apt), approach, meeting, joining ; pouring out ; enter- complished, neglected.
ing, vanishing ; junction ; (e. g. svdpyaya, entering THH^I fi; n a-pratodita, as, d, am, unde- fTrfrT^'y a-pratibandha, as, m. absence
into one's self, absorption.) — Apyaya-dHcshita,as,m., sired, not bidden or commanded; undeclared, not
N. of a Dravida saint and writer, the author of various said; unasked. of obstruction ; (as, d, am), unimpeded, undisputed,
works, celebrated as a Sfaiva, and thought to be an direct (inheritance), not collateral or presumptive.
table. a-pra6(hedya, as, d, am, inscru- iHfnirt a-pratibala, as, d, am, of un-
incarnation of Siva ; (also apydya° or apyaV, &c.)
Apy-ayana, am, n. union, joining ; copulating. equalled power.
^H«IV»T apy-ardham, ind., Ved. within a-pratyuta, as, d, am, unmoved ; )«rn=rta<inx a-pratibodhavat, an, afi, at,
proximity, near. (with abl.)
following. not fallen or deviating from, observing, without the sense of personal consciousness.
181 "^ apy-as (api-as], cl.2. P. -asti, (with TClfirsJTrT a-pratibruvat, an, afi, at, Ved.
loc. or with an adv. of place) to be in anything ; to a-praja, as, d, am (rt. jan), without
progeny, childless; unborn; unpeopled; (d), {. not lot speaking against, not contradicting.
be closely connected with, to belong to.
[waring, unprolific, having no child. Tiffin? a-pratibha, as, d, am, modest,
apy-uta = api and uta, q. v. I. a-prajajni, is, is, i (it jan), without progeny. >ashful ; (d), f. shyness, timidity.
58 a-pratima. a-prasahya.
'-MH*<U< a-pramrishya, as, d, am, not to
a-pratima, as, a, am, unequalled,
aya, as, m. distrust, dis- e destroyed, indestructible.
incomparable, without a match. elief, doubt;a-praty
not an affix; (as, a, am), distrustful
•*H4TrlHi*UWM a-pratimanyuyamdna, as, ith loc.) ; having no affix. — A-praty ay a-stha, as, a-pramoda, am, n. inability to re-
am, (in gram.) not pertaining to an affix. love pain.
am, Ved.or being
a, ano^er, unable to show one's resentment oc-).
to to retaliate anger for anger. vmwusMnf a-pratydkhydta, as, d, am, un- a-prayatna, as, m. absence of
mtradicted, unrefuted, assented to. effort, indifference, laziness ; (as, a, am), not ener-
flUfrUt^ a-pratiyatna, as, m. natural or
spontaneous state or condition. A-pratydkhydna, am, n. non-refutation. etic, indifferent, apathetic, not devoted to (with
.cted, khyeya, as, d, am, not to be contra-
undeniable. moving.
TT«^ a-pratiyogin, I, ini, i, with- a-praydni, is, f. not going, not
out advenary ; not opposed (to one another), baring ->HHi<Jrl a-pratyrita,as,d,am, not attacked.
no opposite.
•flUfvjd a-prathita, as, d, am, unpublished ; A-prayapani or a-praydpani, is, (. not causing
o go on ; not allowing to progress.
^HfrU^ a-pratiratha, as, m. having no nnoted, unknown, not celebrated.
antagonist, an invincible warrior ; N. of a Rishi ; ( a-praydvam, ind. (rt. yu), Ved.
(am), n., N. of a hymn composed by Apratiratha. H a-pradlptdgni (°ta-ag°),is, is, i, without interruption, attentively.
'HHfrlV'4 a-pratirava, as, d, am, uncon- yspeptic. a-pradugdha, as, d, am, Ved. not A-prayw!i.<hat, an, antl, at, Ved. unceasing, care-
tested, undisputed.
lilked to the end. ul, attentive.
VUlfri^M 2. a-pratirupa, as, d, am, not A-prayuta, as, d, am, Ved. unaltered, continual.
a-pradripita, as, d, am, Ved. not A-prayutvan, d, d, a, Ved. not separate, com-
corresponding with, unfit. (For i. see under a-prati.) jined, careful.
roud, not arrogant ; not humbled, not careless (?).
%(lird<4<U°M1 a-pratilabdha-kdma, as, d,
)f trouble.
a-praydsa, as, m. ease, absence
tim, unsatiated in one's desires. a-pradhdna, as, d, am, not princi-
•j) 14 fr| CUS a-pratishiddha, as, d, am (rt. 2. al, subordinate, secondary. — Apradhdna-td, f. or
pradhdna-tva, am, n. subordination, inferiority. a-prayooa, as, m. npn-applica-
sidh), unprohibited, unforbidden. ijlity, bad application.
tHR a-pradhrishya, as, d, am, not to
A-pratishedha, as, m. non-prohibition, non-ne- A-prayojaka, as, ikd or akd, am, inapplicable,
gation. e vanquished, invincible. causeless, irrelevant.
•^HfrlMjrl a-pratishkuta, as, d, am, Ved. a-prapadana, am, n., Ved. a bad a-pralamba, as, d, am, not slow,
lace of refuge.
not to be kept off, not to be resisted, not contradicted,
not refused.
weak. a-prabala, as, d, am, inefficacious, quick, expeditious.
a-pravartaka, as, ikd, am, ab-
>HHfrlH a-pratishtha, as, d, am, having no
taining from action, inert ; not exciting to action.
solid ground, fluctuating; thrown away, unprofit- WJW a-prabha, as, d, am, without radiance, A-pravartana, am, n. the act of refraining from,
able ;infamous, disreputable ; (as), m., N. of a hell ; sbscure; dull; mean. not engaging in ; not exciting to any action.
(d), (. instability, absence of reputation, ill-fame, dis-
honour. a-prabhu, us, us, u, wanting power, A-pravrttta, as, d, am, not acting, not engaged
n, not commenced, not instigated.
A-pratishthdna, as, a, am, Ved. without solid or unable, incompetent (with loc.). — Aprabhu-tva,am,
. want of power, insufficiency. A-pravritti, is, f. not proceeding; abstaining
firm ground ;' (am), n. instability. rom action, inertion ; non-excitement; (in medic.)
A-pratishthita, at, d, am, unsettled, unfixed; A-prabhuta, as, d, am, insufficient, inadequate.
unconsecrated ; uncelebrated, obscure. suppression of the natural evacuations, constipation,
A-prabJaiti, it, f. little effort. schury, &c.
^ufrl^i-H a-pratisankrama, as, d, am, a-pramatta, as, d, am, not careless,
careful, attentive, vigilant, sober. a-pravina, as, d, am, unskilful.
having no intermixture.
A-pramdda, as, m. care, vigilance ; (as, a, am), a-pramta, as, d, am, Ved. unap-
a-pratisankhya, as, d, am, un- careful, cautious, steady; (am), ind. attentively,
carefully ; without interruption. proachednot
; approaching (to impregnate) ; not im-
— Apratisankhya-nirodha, as, m. the
unobserved nullity or annihilation of an object. pregnated.
A-pramddin, i, ini, i, careful, attentive.
a-pravriddha, as, d, am, not ex-
*5( H frl 5! rl a-pratihata, as, d, am, uninter- a-pramada, as, d, am, without cessively grown.
rupted, unobstructed, irresistible ; unaffected, unim- Measure, joyless.
paired, indestructible, uninjured; not disappointed. a-praveda, as, d, am, Ved. difficult
— Ajtratihata-netra, as, m., N. of a Buddhist deity a-pramaya, as, d, am, Ved. un- to be found or obtained ; silent (?).
(whose eyes are unimpeded). imited, imperishable.
a-pras'akta, a-prasakti, probably
•>NHrf)<*K a-pratlkdra. See under a-pra- a-pramd, f. a rule which is no for a-prasakta, a-prasakti, q. v. below.
tibini, p. 57. authority (see a-pramdna) ; incorrect knowledge. i. a-prasasta, as, d, am (rt. sans),
••H H dl Bj Ha-pratiksham, ind. without look- a-pramdna, as, d, am, immeasur- not praised, worthless, contemptible; not approved,
ing backward. able, unlimited ; without weight or proof, without au-
; n. a rule which is no standard of action forbidden.
A-prafasya, as, d, am, not praiseworthy, not
«HHrflrI a-pratlta, as, d, am (rt. i with — A-pramdna-vid, t, t, t, incapable of weighing
prati), unapproached, unattackable ; unopposed ; un evidence. — Apramdna-s'iibha, as, m. pi. of immea-
surable virtue ; N. of a class of Buddhist divinities 2. a-prasasta, as, d, am (rt. sds),
intelligible, not understood. — Apratlta-td, f. unin
telligibleness. Ved. indocile, disobedient.
— Apramdndbha (°na-dbha),ds, m. pi. of unlimitei
A-pratiti, is, f. the state of not being understood splendor ; N. of a class of divinities in Buddhism. a-prasakta, as, d, am (rt. sanj), not
mistrust, want of confidence. A-pramdnika, as, d, am, unauthorized ; properly addicted, not attached to ; moderate, temperate.
a-prdmdnika, q. v.
a-prafitta, as, d, am (for a-pra good.
A-prazakti, is, f. or a-prasanga, as, m. non-
luhUta, fr. rt. da with prati), Ved. not given back. A-pramita, as, d, am, unbounded, unmeasured addiction, non-attachment, moderation.
not proved, not established by authority.
a-pratlpa, as, m., N. of a king o A-prameya, at, a, am, immeasurable ; unfathom a-prasanna, as, d, am (rt. sad), not
Magadha. able, inscrutable ; not to be proved. — Aprame quiet, not clear, turbid, muddy ; displeased, dissatisfied,
a-pratula, as, m. want of weight ydtman (°ya-dt°), d, m. of inscrutable spirit, an unfavourable.
want, necessity. epithet afSiva. — Aprameyanubhdm (°ya-an°), as A-prasdda, as, m. disfavour, disapprobation.
d, am, of unlimited energy. A-prasddya, as, d, am, not to be propitiated ;
a-pratta, as, d, am (for a-pradatta a-pramdyuka, as, d, am, Ved. no unappeasable, implacable.
fr. rt. da with pro), not given away ; (a), f. no dying suddenly (?), immeasurably Iong(?). a-prasava, as, d, am (rt. su or su),
given away in marriage, a girl.
not being prolific ; (as), m. the not being born.
•fl n*fl M a-pramiya, as, d, am, Ved. not t
•WMHIBI a-pratyakska, as, d, am, not pre
sent to the sight, invisible, imperceptible ; unknown
be killed. A-prasutn, at, d, am, not having offspring, bar-
ren, childless.
—Apratyaksha-td, f. imperceptibility. — A-praty a-pramura, Ved. or a-pramur66hita •41 1144 41 a-prasahya, as, d, am, intolerable,
aksha-Ofhta, at, d, am, not distinctly taught. as, d, am, not foolish, prudent. insufferable.
a-prasiddha. tgi a-buddhi-purvaka. 59
f a-prasiddha, as, a, am, not settled a-preman, a, n. dislike, aversion ; a-phalgu, us, us, u, not vain, pro-
or established ; unknown, uncelebrated ; unusual, un- (a, d, a), unfriendly. ductive, profitable.
com on, ofno real existence, not current or generally
known. — Apraeiddha-pada, am, n. an obsolete 'Stlfa a-praisha, as, d, am, not invoked TM^ist a-phulla, as, d, am, unblown.
word. with a praifha (q. v.) mantra. •«*«1 i. a-phena, as, d, am, frothless,
without scum or foam.
•stHwTT a-prastuta, as, a, am, unconnected ^nJVP^H a-proshivas, -van, -shushz, -vat
with, irrelevant, unsuitable to the time or subject ; not (rt. ras, perf. part.), Ved. not gone away, staying. ^nfi«T 2. a-phena, am, n. (corruption of
principal, not being the chief subject-matter ; acci- ahi-phena, foam of a snake ?), opium.
dental or extraneous ; not ready. •stHIC a-praudha, as, d, am, not arrogant,
timid, gentle ; (d), f. an unmarried girl, or one very ^•HS a-baddha, as, d, am, or a-baddhaka,
A-prastdvika, as, i, am, irrelevant to the subject- recently married and not come to womanhood.
matter. as, {kd, am (rt. bundh), unbound, at liberty ; un-
meaning, nonsensical. — Abaddha-mttkha, as, d,
»j(S^ a-plava, as, d, am, without a ship ; am, foul-mouthed, scurrilous ; mendacious.
•?ll|^rl a-prahata, as, a, am, unhurt, in-
tact ;untilled, waste ; uncultivated. not swimming.
unable to swim. — A-plcmia ("va-is'a), as, a, am, I. a-badhya, as, d, am, unmeaning, nonsensical.
A-prahan, a, a, a, or a-prahantri, ta, trl, A-bandhaka, as, tkd, am, not binding; (as),
tri, not hurting. vi«Ti apvd, f. (ft. apa or fr. obs. rt. ap ?), man. m., N. of a man ; (as), m. pi. the descendants of this
disease ; danger ; the region of the throat or neck.
'•HJliV'rT a-prahita, as, a, am, Ved. not A-bandkana, as, d, am, without fetters, free.
stirred up, not sent out, unassailed (by foes). ^TO i. ap-sa, as, m., Ved. giving or A-bandhya. See s. v. below.
•v(14l<j|irl a-prakrita, as, a, am, not princi- yielding (ap) water [cf. ap-sd below], A-bandhra, as, a, am, Ved. without bonds or
pal ;not original ; special, particular ; not vulgar. 2. a-psa, as, m., Ved. not destroying. ligatures, falling asunder.
4J1IIJJ4 a-prdgrya, as, a, am, secondary, ^RV a-badha, as, m. (rt. badh), not killing ;
ap-sara, as, m. water-goer, any
subordinate. aquatic animal (see etym. of next). (d), (. a segment of the base of a triangle, see a-
^nrNfa a-prddma, as, 5, am, modern, re- vadha. — Abadhdrha (°dha-ar°), as, d, am, not
vitK.*^ apsaras, as, or apsard, f. (fr. ap, worthy of death.
cent ;not eastern, western.
q. v., and rt. sri, ' going in the waters or between 3. a-bad/iya, as, d, am, not to be killed, invio-
••HUlsf a-prdjna, as, a, am, unlearned, lable; see also a-vadhya. — Abadhya-bhdva, as,
the waters of the clouds') ; certain female divinities, m. immunity, sacredness of character, as that of an
ignorant ; unconscious. •• Aprdjna-td, f. ignorance, who reside in the sky and are the wives of the Gan-
unconsciousness. dharvas ; they have the faculty of changing their ambassador.
shapes, are very fond of bathing, and are said to have vi«(*tJ a-bandhu, us, us, u, without kindred,
a-prdna, as, a, am, or a-prdnin, i, been produced at the churning of the ocean. — Apsa- without companions, friendless. — Abandhu-krit, t,
ini, i, inanimate, lifeless. rah-pati, is, m. Indra, lord of the Apsarasas. — Apea-
•j(Ulill"4 a-prddhdnya, am, n. inferiority, ras-tirtha, am, n. a pool in which the Apsarasas t, t, Ved. causing want of companions.
subordination. A-bdndhava, as, d, am, having no relation or
bathe. — Apsard-pati, is, m. lord of the Apsarasas ; kindred,
N. of the Gandharva Sikhandin. lone, unacknowledged, unowned.
xSMIH a-prdpta, as, d, am (rt. dp vvith^ra), istirUl a-bandhya, as, d, am, not barren,
unobtained; unarrived; unproved. — Aprdpta-kdla, Apsardya, nom.A.apsardyate,-yitum,to behave
like an Apsaras. not unfruitful, fruitful, productive.
as, a, am, out of season, inopportune, ill-timed ; un-
der age; (am), n. an irregular debate. —Aprdpta- •wwq apsava, as, d, am, Ved. (if from ^T^c5 a-bala, as, d, am, weak, feeble, in-
yauvana, as, a, am, not arrived at puberty. — A- apsas) possessed of form or shape ; (if from ap) firm ;(as), m., N. of a plant, Tapia Crataeva ; N. of
2)rdpta-vyavahdra or aprdpta-vayas, ds, as, as, giving water. a king of Magadha ; (d), f. a woman ; one of the
a minor in law ; under age, not of years to engage , as, d, am, fit for water, being in the ten Buddhist earths ; (am), n. want of strength,
in law or public business. — Aprdptdvasara ( ta- weakness [with abala have been compared, Goth.
av°), as, d, am, unseasonable, inopportune. ubils, Them, ubila; Mod. Germ, uebel ; Eng.
apsas, as, n. (fr. obs. rt. ap), Ved.
A-prdpti, is, f. non-attainment, non-acquisition, cheek ; shape, beauty (?). ' evil']. — Abala-dhanran, d, d, a, possessing a weak
A-prapya, ind. not having found ; (at, d, am), bow. — Abaldbala (°la-ab'>), as, m. ' neither power-
unobtainable, unattainable, scarce.
'iimi ap-sd, ds,m.(fi.ap and rt. son), Ved. ful nor powerless ;' an epithet of Siva.
A-baldsa, as, d, am, not consumptive.
giving water. Abaliyas, an, asi, as, weaker.
a-prdmdnika, as, I, am, un-
authentic, unwarranted, unauthoritative, unworthy of not^T"W i . a-psu,
beautiful (?). us, us, u, Ved. without food ; A-bahja, am, n. weakness, sickness.
being trusted or believed. •vi is: a-bahu, us, us, or vi, u, not many,
A-prdmdnya, am, n. absence or insufficiency of ^TO 2. apsu (loc. pi. of ap, q. v.), in the fevr. — Abahv-aksJtara, as, d, am, or abahv-at,
proof or authority. water or waters. This word forms the first member t, (, (, having not more than two syllables.
a-prdmi-satya, as, d, am (rt. ml of various compounds, thus :— apsu-kshit, t, m., •«i«li«! a-bddha, as, d, am, unobstructed,
with pra), Ved. of unimpaired truthfulness ; unalter- Ved. dwelling within the clouds, in the region be- unrestrained ; free from pain ; (d), f. segment of the
ably true. tween heaven and earth. — Apsu-dara, as, I, am,
Ved. going in the waters. — Apsu-ja, as, d, am, base of a triangle [cf. a-badhd under a-badha above].
•siHiMiM a-prdyatya, am, n. impurity, un- or apsurja, as, as, m. f., Ved. born in the waters. A-bddhaka, as, ikd, am, or a-bddhita, as, d,
governableness. •• Apsu-jit, t, t, t, Ved. vanquishing between the am, unimpeded, unobstructed ; unrefuted.
waters or in the region of the clouds. — Apiu-mat, A-bddhya, as, d, am, improper to be opposed or
•WHlM a-prdyu, us, us, u, Ved. assiduous, an, atl, at, possessed of what is in the waters ; not
unceasing, not going forth (?).
losing one's nature in the water (e. g. the lightning a-bdndhava. See a-bandhu.
A-prdyus, us, m., Ved. not ceasing; with unde- does not lose his fiery nature in the clouds); con- pained.
parted life, with unimpaired or ever brilliant vigour. a-bdlisa, as, d, am, not childish.
taining the word apeu. — Apsu-yoga, as, m. the
VUHM a-priya, as, d, am, disagreeable, connecting power in water. — Apsu-yoni, is, m., a-bdlendu (°la-in°), us, m. full-
disliked ; unkind, unfriendly ; (as), m. a foe, an Ved. bora from the waters. — Apsu-vdh, t, m., Ved. moon.
enemy; N. of a Yaksha; (a), f. a sort of skeat fish, driving in water. —Apsu-s had, t, t, t, Ved. dwelling
Silurus Pungentissimus. — Apriya-kara, as, d or I, in the waters. — Apsa-shoma, as, m. Soma in water ; •>.!HI^I a-bdhya, as, d, am, not exterior,
am, or apriya-kdrin, «, ini, *, doing an unkind- a cup filled with water. — Apsu-samtita, as, a, am, internal ; without an exterior.
ness; unfriendly, ill-disposed. — Apriya-bhdgin, I, Ved. raised or excited in the waters. •flr<!l**H ab-indhana, as, m. ' having (a^?)
ml, i, unhiturute. — Apriya-vddin, i, ini, i, or ^njfrS a-phala, as, d, am, unfruitful, water for fuel,' submarine fire.
npriyam-rada, as, d, am, speaking unkindly or barren; vain, unproductive ; deprived of virility ; (as),
harshly. 'Jfr«H"N^l a-bibhivas, an, bhyushl, at, or
m., N. of a plant, Tamarix Indica ; (a), f. the Aloe
A-priti, is, f. dislike, aversion, unfriendliness, en- a-bibhyat, at, atl, at, Ved. fearless, confident.
mity; pain. — Apriti-kara, as, I, am, unkind, ad- plant, Aloes Perfoliata ; another plant, Flacourtia Cata-
phracta. — A-jiJiala-kdnkshin, i, ini, i, disinterested, •sr«iS a-buddha, as, d, am, unwise, foolish.
verse disagreeable,
; offensive. — Aprlty-dtmaka, as, — A-buddha-tva, am, n. foolishness.
ikd, am, consisting of pain. not looking to beneficial consequences. — Aphala-td,
f. or aphala-tva, am, n. barrenness, unprofitableness. A-buddhi, is, f. want of understanding ; ignorance ;
THHrKiojtfl apreta-rdkshasi, f., N. of a — A-phala-prepsu, us, us, v,, one who desires no stupidity ; (is, is, i), ignorant, stupid. — A-buddM-
plant, Ocimum Sanctum ; see apeta-rdkshail, p. 56. recompense. purva or a-buddhi-purvaka, as, d, am, not
60 abuddhi-mat. abhi-kankshita.
preceded by intelligence; beginning with non-in- ab-bhra. See abhra, &c. — Abhaya-ildna or abJtaya-pradana, am, n. giv-
telligence; (am), iud. ignorantly. — Abud'l/' ing assurance of safety or protection. — Abhaya-
an, ati, at, unwise, ignorant, foolish. chaste. a-brahmafarya, as, d, am, un- pattra, am, n. (a modem term), a written document
or paper granting assurance of safety, a safe conduct.
A4>udh, bhut, t, t, or a-Jiudha, ae, d, am, stu- —Abhaya-vatana, am, n. or abhaya-vdd, k, f.
pid, foolish ; (as), m. a fool. A-brahma-i!aryaka, am, n. incontinence, coition.
assurance of safety, encouragement. — Abhaya-sani,
A-budkya, ae, d, am, Ved. not to be perceived ; •w«w<M a-brahmanya, am, n. act not
not to be awakened. is, is, i, Ved. giving safety. -Abhaydnanda (°ya-
proper for a Brahman; an unbrahmanical or sacri-
A-budhyamdmi, ae, d, am, not being awake. legious act; in theatrical language an exclamation, an"), as, m., N. of a man.
A-bodha, as, m. ignorance, stupidity ; (as, d, am), a-bhartrikd, f. an unmarried wo-
meaning * help 1* ' to the rescue 1' * a disgraceful deed man ; a widow.
ignorant, stupid ; puzzled, perplexed. — A-bodha-ga-
mya, as, d, am, incomprehensible. is A-braliman,
perpetrated I' a, a, a, Ved. unaccompanied by de- a-bhava, as, m. non-existence ; de-
A-bodhaniya, as, a, am, unintelligible; not to votion or devotional hymns, wanting in knowledge struction, end of the world.
be awakened or aroused.
or divine wisdom; separated from the BrShmans. A-bhavanlya or a-bhavitavya, as, d, am, what
*f«ijr a-budhna, am, n., Ved. having no — Abrahma-td, {., Ved. want of devotion or true is not to be, what will not be.
divine knowledge. — A-brahma-vid, t, t, t, not
bottom or root,' the air or intermediate region. knowing Brahma or the supreme spirit. A-bhavan-mata-yoga or a-bhavan-mato-sam-
wsn ab-ja, as, d, am (fr. ap and rt.jan), A-brdhmana, ae, m. not a Brahman; (UK, d, bandha, as, m. (in rhetoric) a defect in composition ;
bom in water ; (as), m. the conch ; the moon ; the am), without Brahmans. want of harmony between the ideas, which are to be
tree Barringtonia Acutangula; Dhanvantari, physician expressed, and the words by which they are expressed.
A-brdhmanya, am, n. violation of sanctity, or of
of the gods, produced at the churning of the ocean ; the duty of a Brahman. A-bhat'ya, as, d, am, not to be, not predestined ;
N. of a son of ViSala ; (am), n. a lotus ; a large what ought not to be, improper, inauspicious.
number of millions. —Abja-ja, as, m. an epithet of viaqr^ a-bruvat, an, all, at, not speak- w»n<{Xa-bhastra,as, d, am, without bellows.
Brahma (sprung at the creation from the lotus, ing, silent. A-bhastrakd or a-bhastrikd or a-bhastrdkd, f.
which arose from the navel of Vishnu). — Abja-dri:!, •wsj*n abru-krita, am, n. making (dbru) a badly made or inferior pair of bellows. The former
k, k, k, or abja-nayana, as, d, am, or abja-netra, a growling ; indistinctness of speech caused by shutting two are said to mean also, ' a small woman who has
as, d, am, lotus-eyed, having large fine eyes. — Abja- the lips.
bdndhava, ae, m. the sun (friend of the lotus).
<*r«rt ft ab-linga, am, n. (see ap), a Sukta a-bhaga, as, d, am, or a-bhdgin, I,
— Abja-bhava, ae, m. Brahma, a Brahman. —Abja- no bellows.'
bhoga, as, m. the root of a lotus. —Abja-yont, is, or verse addressed to the waters. irii, i, not sharing or dividing.
m. epithet of Brahma [cf. abja-ja]. — Abja-vdhana, ab-vindu, us, m. (see ap), a tear.
A-bhagya, as, a, am, unfortunate, wretched.
ae, m. epithet of Siva, ' carrying the moon' on his 1*TT^ a-bhdva, as, m. non-existence, ab-
forehead. — Abja-hasta, ae, m. the sun (represented abh. See ambh. sence ;non-entity, negation, nullity, the seventh cate-
as holding a lotus in one hand).
Abyd, as, m., Ved. bom in water. gory in Kanada's system ; annihilation, death.
i. a-bhakta, as, d, am, unbelieving, A-bhavand, am, f. n. absence of judgment or
Abjini, f. a multitude of lotus flowers. — Abjinl- right perception ; absence of religious meditation or
pati, is, m. the sun. not devoted, not worshipping; not attached to, de-
tached, unconnected with ; not accepted. contemplation.
*f abjas, as, n. shape, beauty [cf. A-bhakti, is, f. want of devotion to, want of faith, A-bhdvamya, as, a, am, not to be inferred or
unbelief, incredulity. — Abhakti-mat, an, atl, at, contemplated, inconceivable.
undevoted to, unbelieving. A-bhavayitri, td, tri, tri, not perceiving, not
^ ab-jit, t, t,- t (fr. ap and rt. ji), inferring, not comprehending.
Ved. conquering waters. •WHSI 2. a-bhakta, as, d, am, not eaten. A-bhdvin, I, inl, i, or a-lihavya, as, d, am,
— A-bhakta-Mhandas, as, n. or a-bhakta-ru<!, what is not to be or will not be, not destined to be.
v*e^ ab-da, as, a, am (fr. ap and rt. da), k, f. want of appetite.
giving water ; (as), m. a cloud ; a year ; the grass mi «»<ll a-bhdshana, am, n. not speaking,
Cypenis Rotundus ; N. of a mountain. — Abda-ta ntra, 1»T55f a-bhaksha, as, m. or a-bhakshana, silence.
am, n., N. of an astronomical work. •- Abda^vahana, am, n. not eating anything, fasting.
ae, m., N. of ?iva (f borne on a cloud or bearing the A-bhakshya, as, d, am, not to be eaten. — A- i!rf«T abhi, ind. (a prefix to verbs and
clouds). — Abda-tata, am, n. a century. — Abda- bhakshya-bhakshaya, am, n. eating of prohibited nouns, expressing) to, towards, into, over, upon.
sahasra, am, n. a thousand yena. — Abild-sdrii, food. — Abhakshya-bhakshin, I, im, i, eating for- (As a prefix to verbs of motion) it expresses the
at, m. a kind of camphor.— Abddrdka fda-ar0), bidden food. notion of moving or going towards, approaching, &c.
am, n. a half year. (As a prefix to nouns not derived from verbs) it ex-
Abdaya, ind., Ved. out of desire of giving water. 'SWT a-bhaga, as, d, am, without enjoy- presses superiority, intensity, &c. ; e. g. abhi-tdmra,
ment, unfortunate. abhi-nava, q.v.
Ab-di, is, m., Ved. a cloud. — Abdi-mat, an,
all, at, Ved. possessed of clouds, giving water, im- a-bhagna, as, d, am, unbroken, (As a separable adverb or preposition) it expresses
pregnating (?). entire; uninterrupted. (with ace.) to, towards, in the direction of, against ;
A-bhaitgura, as, d, am, unbroken ; firm ; un- in, into, to ; for, for the sake of; on account of; on,
T^n ab-durya, am, n. (see ap), a fortress disturbed. apon, with regard to ; by, before, in front of; over.
surrounded by a moat or lake.
A-bhajyamdna, as, a, am, not being detached, It may even express one after the other, severally ;
•«i«^£(ni<* ab-devataka or ab-daivata, as, associated, attended with. e. g. rriksham vrtksham abhi, tree after tree [cf.
a, am (see ap), having the waters as divinities, prais- •SIHJ a-bhadra, as, a, am, not good, bad, Gr. biupl; Lat. ob; Zend aibi; Goth. U; Old
ing the waters. High Germ. M].
wicked ; (am), n. badness, sin, wickedness. Abkika, as, a, am, lustful, libidinous ; (as), m. a
Tfoj ab-dhi, is, m. (fr. ap and rt. dha), &
pond, lake ; the ocean ; sometimes used to denote the :3WTI a-bhaya, as, d, am, unfearful, not lover, a husband. Some regard tliis as derived from
dangerous, secure; fearless, undaunted; (as), m., N. abhi-kam [cf. anuka],
numerals 4 or (i)f.-Abd/ii-kapha, a», m. cuttle of Siva ; a son of Dharrna ; (d), f. a plant, Termi- Abhi-tardm, abhi-tas. See s. v.
fish bone, being considered as the froth of the sea. nalia Citrina ; (am), n. absence or removal of fear,
— Abdhi-ja, u«, a, am, born in the ocean; (ott), •« (H <*f\abhi-kam, perf. -6akame, -kamitum,
m. the Asvins; (a), f. spirituous liquor. - Abdhi- peace, safety, security ; N. of a sacrificial hymn ; the to desire, love.
fcuAo, CM, m. a sea-fish. - Alidki-dmpd, f, earth; root of a fragrant grass, Andropogon Muricatum. Abhi-kdma, as, m. affection, desire ; (as, d, am),
an island surrounded by the ocean. -AMM-nagari, — Abhaya-yiri-vdsin, I, m. dwelling on the moun- affectionate, loving, desirous, with obj. in ace. or gen. ;
f., N. of Dvaraka, the capital of Krishna. - Abdhi-tui- tain of safety ; N. of a division of KatySyana's pupils.
vamtatn, ae, m. the moon. - Abdhi-phena, as, m. — Ablt'tyn-giri-vi/mra, as, m. Buddhist monastery Abhi-kdmika,
(am), as, d, am, voluntary.
ind. with desire.
cuttle fish bone. - Abdhi-maj}duki,(. the pearl oyster. on the Abhayagiri. — Abhayan-kara, as, d, am,
-AbdU-flayana, u», m., N. of Vishnu, sleeping or abhayatt-krit, t, t, t, causing peace or safety. ^rf»TcP*^ abhi-kamp, cl. I. A. -kampate,
on the ocean at the periods of the destruction and — Abhaya-jdta, as, m., N. of a man.— Abltaya- -pitum, to tremble vehemently, to shake: Caus.
renovation of the vioAd.-Abdhi-sdra, as, m. a iliiiilliitn, <u, m. a war-drum.— A-bhaya-da or -kampayati, -yilum, to stir, allure.
gpm. — Alnihy-uyni, to, m. submarine fire. abhayan-datla or abhayam-prada, ae, d, am, abhi-kanksh, cl. I. P.-kdnkshati,
giving fearlessness or safety; (as), m. an Arhat of
W»TET ab-bhaksha, as, a, am (fr. ap and the Jainas ; N. of a king, the son of Manasyu and -sMtum, to ask, request, long for, desire ; to strive.
rt. lihakth), living upon water ; fac), m. a snake. father of Su-dhanvan. — Abhaya-dakshind, f. promise Abhi-kdttkshd, f. longing, wish, desire.
Ab-lihakshana, am, n. living upon water, a kind or present of protection from danger ; a gift to a
of tasting. Abhi-kdnksMtu, an, d, am, longed for, wished,
Brahman, which he may receive even from a Sudra.
abhi-kankshin. abhi-iarita.
Abhi-kdnkshin, i, inl, i, longing for, wishing, , cl. I. A. -kshamate, Abhi-grasta, as, d, am, subdued, overcome.
desiring. kshantum, to be gracious, propitious, to allow, to ^rf»??r| abhi-grah,Ved.-grabh,cl. 9. P. A.
^rf>ic»i« abhi-kdla, as, m., N. of a town ; pardon.
see RSmayana II. 68.
-grihndti, -nite, Ved. -gribhndli, -nite, -grahitum,
to seize, catch, take hold of; accept ; to set (as a blos-
^*.abhi-kshar, cl. i. P. A. -ksharati,
som) ;to lay together, to fold ; to receive (as a guest) :
^TT>H <*i 3^ abhi-kds, Intens.,Ved. -fdkasiti, -te, -ritum, Ved. -radhyai, to flow near or round, Caus. -grdhayati, -yitum, to catch, surprise in the
-Cakaiyate, to illuminate, irradiate; to look on, to :o pour on.
act ; to let one's self be caught ; e. g. rupabhi-
perceive. T^ abhi-kship, cl. 6. P. -kshipati, grdhita, as, d, am, taken in the very act.
^(fayn^abhi-kuts, cl. 10. P. A. -kutsayati, -ksheptum, to fling at (as the lash of a whip at a Abhi-grihita, as, d, am, seized, taken hold of.
-te, -yitum, to revile, to inveigh against. lorse), to insult ; to excel. — Abhigrihita-pani, is, is, i, having the hands
^rfH^TN abhi-kush, cl. 9. P. -kushndti, Abhi-kshipat, an, ail or antl, at, surpassing.
Abhi-graha, as, m. attack, onset ; defiance, chal-
-koshitum, to pull, to tear. T3TfW« ^ abhi-khan, cl. I. P. A. -khanati,
te, -nitum, to dig up, to turn up (the soil). joined. lenge; seizing, robbing, plundering; authority, weight.
iH fi) <*Hx abhi-kuj, cl. I. P. -ktijati, -jitum, Abhi-grahana, am, n. robbing, seizing anything
to twitter, warble, coo. ^fir^in i . abhi-khya, cl. 2. P., Ved. -khydti, in presence of the owner.
-turn, to see, view, perceive ; to cast a kind or gracious ^rftrtnrar abhi-gharshana, am, n. (rt.
^Tfrnjji abhi-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, look upon any one, to be gracious : in later Sanskrit ghrish), rubbing, friction ; possession by an evil spirit.
to do with reference to or in behalf of; to procure, the rt. khyd conveys the idea of telling, making
effect ; to render, make : Desid. -diklrshati, to wish known : Caus. -khydpayati, -yitum, to make known. wftnrnr abhi-ghata, as, m. (rt. Ann),
to do ; to long for. striking, attack, infliction of injury, damage ; striking
2. abhi-khyd, f. look, view; splendor; beauty; fame,
Abhi-karana, am, n. effecting ; incantation. glory ; notoriety ; telling ; calling, addressing ; a name, back, driving away, warding off; abrupt or vehement
Abhi-kriti, is, i, N. of a metre, containing one articulation of Vedic texts ; (am), n. the combina-
hundred syllables. tion of the fourth letter of any class with the first or
Abhi-khydta, as, d, am, become known, mani- third letter ; of the second with the first letter ; and
Abhi-kritvan, vd, van, m. f., Ved. magical ; a moving.
magician, a spirit (producing diseases ?). fested. of the third with the second letter of any class.
Abhi-khydtri, ta, tri, tri, Ved. looking, super-
^rfWcfi^ abhi-krish, Abhi-ghdtaka, as, ikd, am, keeping back, re-
t ~^ • * cl. 1.6. P. A.-karshati, vising, superintending.
-te, -krishnti, -te, -karshtum or -krashtum, to Abhirkhydna, am, n. fame, glory.
Abhi-gliatin, I, inl, i, striking, attacking, hurting ;
overpower, to pull down. inflicting injury; (i), m. an assailant, enemy.
^rfirn^aiAi-^am, cl. i. P. -ga66hati, -gan-
4lfH4i abhi-kri, cl. 6. P. -kirati, -karitum tum, to go near to, approach (with ace.) ; to follow ; ^iftni abhi-ghri, Caus. P. -ghdrayati, -yi-
or -ritum, to pour over, throw over, cover ; to fill. to meet with, to find ; to cohabit, have intercourse
with a woman ; to undertake ; to get, gain, obtain : tum, to cause to trickle down ; to sprinkle with.
^rftnST^ abhi-klrip, cl. I. A. -kalpate, Caus. -gamayati, -yitum, to cause to obtain, to Abhi-ghdra, as, m. ghee or clarified butter, drop-
-pitum or -ptum, to be adequate to, to answer ; to cause to apprehend, to explain. ping iton the oblation.
have the same meaning : Caus. -kalpayati, -yitum, Abhi-gaddhat, an, antl, at, approaching, &c. Abhi-ghdrana, am, n. the act of sprinkling ghee,
to put in order. besprinkling.
Abhi-gata, as, d, am, approached, &c.
Abhi-klripta, as, d, am, prepared, produced. Abhi-gantri, td, m. one who approaches, one who Abhi-ghdrita, as, a, am, sprinkled (as ghee),
has intercourse with a woman ; one who understands. dropped upon.
^rf»Tj|i^ abhi-knuy, cl. I. A. -knuyate, Abhi-ghdrya, as, a, am, to be sprinkled.
•yitum, to bemoisten, bedew. Abhi-gama, as, m. or abhi-gamana, am, n. ap-
proaching, visiting ; sexual intercourse. ^sfinn abhi-ghrd, cl. I. P. -jighrati, -ghrd-
^rftraViT abhi-kratu, us, m., Ved. insolent, 1. abhi-gamya, as, d, am, to be visited ; accessi- tum, to snuffle, smell at ; to bring the nose close to
haughty (as an enemy). ble ;
another's forehead in caressing, or as a token of af-
^JTm WJ abhi-krand, cl. I. P. -krandati, 2. abhi-gamya, ind. having approached. fection.
Abhi-gdmin, i, ini, i, having intercourse with. abhi-(aksh, cl. 2. A. -fashte,
-ditum, to shout at, roar at, to neigh or whinny at.
Abhi-kranda, as, m. a shout. abhi-gara. See abhi-gri below. -shtum, to look at, view, perceive ; to oversee ; to
abhi-garj, cl. i. P. -garjati, -jitum, cast a kind or gracious look upon any one; to address,
^rf^Ta^ abhi-kram, cl. I. P. A., cl. 4. P. to assail with harsh language ; to call.
-krdmati, -kramate, -krdmyati, -kramitum, to to roar at, to bawl at ; to raise savage or ferocious cries. cating (?).
Abhi-iakshana, am, n., Ved. caution, means of
step or go near to, approach ; to fly at, attack ; to Abhi-garjana, am, n. ferocious roaring, uproar.
step upon ; to undertake, begin : Caus. -kramayati, Abhi-garjita, am, n. a savage cry, uproar. defence ; magic remedy ; (a), f., Ved. viewing, indi-
-yitum, to bring near. ^rfijHT abhi-gd, cl. 3. P. -jigdti, -gdtum,
Abhi-krama, as, m. assault, attack; ascending, to go near to, to approach, arrive at ; to get, gain. Abhi-dakshya, as, d, am, to be spoken of every-
mounting ; undertaking, attempt, beginning. — Abhi-
krama-ndda, as, m. unsuccessful effort. ^TWTT? abhi-gdh, cl. I. A. -gdhate, -hitum, 'Srfa^^ abhi-6ar, cl. I. P. -6arati, -ritum,
Abhi-kramana, am, n. or abhi-krdnti, is, (. -gddhum, to penetrate into. Ved. -ritave, -wzi, -rase, -radhyai, to act wrongly
stepping near, approaching. towards any one ; to be faithless (as a wife) ; to
Abhi-krdnta, as, d, am, approached; attacked, ^nHM^ abhi-gup, cl. I. P. -gopdyati, -gop- charm, enchant, exorcise ; to possess.
begun. tum, or Caus. -gopayatt, -yitum, to guard, protect.
Abhi-fara, as, m. a servant.
AbhiJcrdntin, I, tni, i, one who has undertaken ; AbM-gupta,
den, concealed. as, d, am, guarded, protected, hid- Abhi-farana, am, n. enchanting, exorcising.
conversant with (with loc.). exorcising.
Abhi-gupti, is, f. guarding, protecting. Abhi-faranlya, as, d, am, fit for enchanting or
Abhi-krdmam, ind. having stepped near.
Abhi-goptri, td, tri, tri, guarding, protecting.
^i(*ij«l abhi-kri, cl. 9. P. A. -krmdti, -nite, Abhi-tarat, an, antl, at, employing spells or en-
-kretum, to buy for a certain purpose. ^rf*TT^ abhi-gur, cl. 6. P. A. -gurati, -te,
-ritum, to assent, agree, approve of. Abhi-faritu, us, (., Ved. enchanting. — Abhi-dari-
^ffaTjH^abhi-krudh, cl. 4. P. -krudhyati, Abhi-gurta, as, d, am, approved of, destined for tos,Abhi-ddra,
to enchant.as, m. exorcising, incantation, employ-
-kroddhum, to be angry with (with ace.). (an offering, &c.), accompanied with applause (?).
ment of spells for a malevolent purpose ; magic, one
^rf»TsR3f abhi-krus, cl. i. P. -krosati, song Abhi-gurti, is, f., Ved. making resolution or effort,
of praise, hymn (?). of the Upapatakas or minor crimes. — Abhtedra-
-kroshtum, to cry out at, call out to ; to call to any kalpa, as, m. title of a work on incantations, belong-
one in a scolding manner ; to lament with tears, to ^TWT abhi-gri, cl. 9. P. A., Ved. -grinati, ing to the Atharva-veda. — Abhitdra-jrara, as, m.
-nite, -garitum or -ritum, to call to or address with a fever caused by magical spells. •—Abhiddra-mantra,
ATihi-kroiaka, as, m. a reviler, one who calls approbation ; to join in ; to welcome, praise ; to ap- as, m. a formula or prayer for working a charm, an
out ; a herald (?). prove of, to accept propitiously, to allow. incantation. » Abhiddra-yajna or abhiddra-homa,
Abhi-gara, as, m., Ved. song of praise ; praising. as, m. a sacrifice for the same purpose.
^TT*Ts|'a abhi-kshattri, td, m., Ved. mur-
derer, destroyer. *iRT*t abhi-gai, cl. I. P. -gdyati, -gdtum, Abhi-ddraka, as, ika, am, or abhi-ddrin, >,
to call to, to sing to ; to fill with song ; to enchant ; inl, i, enchanting, exorcising, conjuring ; a conjurer, a
^TWBj^T abhi-kshada, f., Ved. (according to sing, celebrate in song.
to native interpretation) destroying, a destroyer. It magician.
Abhi-ddraniya or abhi-ddrya, as, d, am, to be
is better, perhaps, to divide thus, a-bhiksha-dd, as, ^lf*Ty«N abhi-gras, cl. I. A. -grasate, -si- enchanted.
m. giving without having been asked. tum, to overcome. Abhi-ddrita, as, d, am, enchanted, charmed.
62 abhi-fdkaSiti. abhi-dhd.
T abhi-ffikasiti. See a), f. remembrance, recollection, recognition ; super- , at, all, at, address-
i-arf, p.6i, col. I. natural science or faculty, of which five are enume- See i. abhi-dhd below.
rated, viz. I. taking any form at will; a. hearing
abhi-darsana. See abhi-dris
*jfaP«lf(x abhi-fint, cl. IO. P. -6intayati, o any distance ; 3. seeing to any distance ; 4. pene-
-yitum, to reflect on. trating men's thoughts ; 5. knowing their state and >elow.
ntecedents. abhi-dashta, as, a, am (rt.
41^^^^ abhi-tihnaya, nom. P. -fihna- Abhi-jiidna, am, n. remembrance, recollection ;
yati, -yitum, to mark, characterize. aiowledge ; ascertainment ; a sign or token of re-
membrance. —Abhijildna-pattra, am, n. certificate. abhi-dah, cl. i . P. -dahati, -dag-
^f>T«f^ abhi-fud, Caus. P. -(odayati, -yi-
tum to impel, drive ; to inflame, animate, embolden ; - Abhijndna-s'akuntala, am, a. title of a play of dhum, to singe, bum.
to invite ; to fix, settle ; to announce, inquire for. KSlidasa, i. e. (the nataka or play) on the subject of abhi-du, cl. 3. P. -daddti, -datum,
Tf(f»*r*labhi-<!aidya, os,m., N. of Sftsupala. token-(recognized)-SakuntalS.'
brming. o give, bestow (for a purpose).
Abhi-jnapaka, as, ikd, am, making known, in- Abhi-ddpana, am, n. the being trampled on by
abhi-6thad (-6had), cl. 10. P. elephants as a punishment (?).
Abhi-jAdya, ind. having recognized.
r -tthadayati, -yitum, to cover over. abhi-dds, cl. i. P., Ved. -dasati,
abhi-jnu, ind., Ved. on the knees,
abhi-tthayam, ind., Ved. in situm, to consider and treat as an enemy.
darkness. up to the knees.
abhi-digdha, as, d, am (rt. dih),
•4j[iHfi»H«N abhi-jagmivas, van, mushi, to blaze rfa3R^abl forth, ii-jval, cl. I. P. -jvalati,-litum, jesmeared, especially with poison.
burst into flame.
tat, perf. part, of abhi-gam, q. v., p. 61, col. 3. abhi-dipsu, us, us, u (dips, Desid.
fajlH abhi-fina, am, n. (rt. ft), act of cunning.
mfM^fl abhi-jan, cl. 4- A. -jayate, -jani- of rt. dambh), Ved. wishing t» deceive, inimical,
lying towards.
lum, to be bom for or to ; to claim as one's birth-
right ;to be born or produced ; to be reproduced or i-dis, cl. 6. P. -dis'ati, -deshtum,
born again ; to become. -situm, -sayati, -yitum, to shake out of, to rob.
Abhi-ja, as, a, am, produced all around. abhi-tad, cl. IO. P. -tddayati, -yi- to point out.
Abhl-dishta, as, d, am, pointed out.
Abhi-jana, as, m. family, race ; ordescendants ; an-
cestors ;noble descent ; the head ornament of a tum, to thump, hit, knock, beat, wound, bruise ; (in 'STftnn^ abhi-dush, cl. 10. or Caus. P.
astron.) to eclipse the greater part of a disk.
family ; native country ; fame, notoriety. — Abhijana- Abhi-tddita, as, d, am, knocked, struck. -dushayati, -yitum, to contaminate, to wound.
vat, an, all, at, of noble descent. Abhi-dushta, as, d, am, contaminated, polluted. N
Abhi-janttu, us, (., Ved. the being bom or pro- TUfaK^abhi-tan, cl. 8. P. -tanoti, -nitum, Abhi-dushita, as, d, am, wounded, injured.
duced.— Abhi-janitos, to produce. to stretch or spread in front of or across or over ; to ^rf»T?ftT abhi-duti, ind. to or towards a
Abhi-jata, as, a, am, produced all around ; bom place in front of. female messenger.
in consequence of; born, produced ; noble, well-bora ; abhi-tap, cl. i. P. -tapati, -ptum,
obtained by birth, inbred ; fit, proper ; wise, learned ; abhi-dris, cl. i. P. -pasyati, -dra-
; to pain, distress : Pass.
handsome ; (am), n. nativity. — Abhijdta-td, f. high to irradiate with heat, to heat shtum, to look at: Caus. P. -dartayati, -4/itum,
birth, nobility. -tapyate, to suffer intensely : Caus. -tapayati, -yitum,
Abhi-jdti, is, f. descent, birth. to distress. to show, point out; to show one's view, self, i. e. appear:
Pass, -drifyate, to be visible, be in appear ; to
Abhi-tapta, as, d, am, scorched, burnt, afflicted. be considered or thought.
V^f^abhi-jap, cl. I. P. -japati, -pitum, Abhi-t&pa , as, m. extreme heat ; agitation, afflic-
to mutter over or whisper to. tion, emotion ; great pain. Abhi-darfana, am, n. seeing ; becoming visible,
abhi-tardm, ind. (compar. fr.
'Wfirsi^abhi-jabh, Intens., Ved. -jaajabh-
yate, to try to swallow, open the mouth to do so. abhi ), nearer to. appearance. abhi-dyu, us, us, u, Ved. directed
to heaven, tending or going to heaven; heavenly,
abhi-jalp, cl. I. P. -jalpati, -pi- , cl. i. P. or poet. A. -tar-
turn, to address, to accompany with remarks ; to ad- jati, -te, -jitum; d. IO. P. or poet. A. -tarjayati, bright ; (us), m. a half month.
vocate, to settle by conversation. -te, -yitum, to scold, abuse. abhi-dyut, cl. i. A. -dyotate, -ti-
<Hfnf5fl abhi-ji, cl. I. P. -jayati, -jetum, to lfaiW abhi-tas, ind. (Lat. apud, Eng.
turn, to burn.
abhi-dru, cl. i. P. and poet. A.
conquer completely, to acquire by conquest : Desid. about], near to, towards ; near, in the proximity or
-jigishati, to try to win, lo attack. presence; (with ace.) on both sides; before and -dravati, -te, -drotum, to run up to or near; to
AbM-jaya, as, m. conquest, complete victory. after ; on all sides, everywhere, about, round ; quickly ; attack, overrun, infest.
Abki-jit, t, t, t, victorious ; born under the con- entirely. — Abhito-bhdva, as, m. the state of being Abhi-druta, as, d, am, run towaids, attacked.
stellation Abhijit ; (t), m., N. of Vishnu ; of a Soma on both sides. — Abhito-rdtram, ind., Ved. near the Abhi-drutya, ind. having attacked.
sacrifice, part of the great sacrifice Gavam-ayana; night, i. e. either just at the beginning or end. — Abhi- i. abhi-druh, cl. 4. P. -druhyati.
N. of a son of Pnnarvasu, or of his father ; (t), (., to-'sthi (°tas-as°), if, is, i, surrounded by bones.
N. of a star (o Lyrae) ; one of the Nakshatras or -drogdhum, -drodhum, to hate, seek to injure or
lunar mansions ; (t), n. the eighth Muhurta of the rfiriTra abU-tamra, as, d, am, dark-red,
maliciously assail.
day ; midday. — Abhijin-muhurta, as, m. the very red, murry-coloured. Abhi-drugdha, as, d, am, injured, oppressed.
eighth MuhOrta, or period comprising twenty-four >srnfrlJHl.rijH abhi-tigmarasmi, ind. to- 1. abhi-druh, -dkruk, Te, k, Ved. seeking to in-
minutes before and twenty-four after midday. wards the sun. jure, inimical, cunning.
Abhi-jita, as, m., N. of an asterism. Abhi-druhyamana, as, d, am, being injured or
Abht-jiti, is, (., Ved. victory, conquest. fHH5 abhi-trid, cl. 7. P., Ved. -trinatti,
Abhi-droha, as, m. injuring, hurting, oppression,
^rfNfitlHU abhi-jighrana, am, n. the act of -tarditum, to burst open ; to let out; get at, procure.
smelling at or touching the forehead of another with ^f»T^ abhi-trip, Caus. P. -tarpayati,
the nose. See abhi-ghrd, p. 61, col. 3. ^TMVI^ abhi-dhanv, cl. i. P. A., Ved.
-yitum, to satiate, refresh.
-dhanvati, -te, -vitum, to come up in haste.
^rf>T^l abhi-jush, cl. 6. A., or Ved. P. Abhi-tripta, as, a, am, satiated, refreshed. abhi-dharma, as, m. the supreme
-jushate, -ti, -yoshitum, to visit, to frequent, to be •^r5nr abhi-tfi, cl. i. P. -tarati, -ritum or
pleased with, to be contented with, to like. -rltum, to overtake, get up to. truth according to the Buddhists, the dogmas of Bud-
Abhl-jushta, as, a, am, visited, frequented, sur- 'Sfirfa a-bhitti, is, f. not splintering or a,
rounded by, possessed of. breaking. dhist m.
as title yof ora metaphysi
philosoph work on cs. the precedingma-lcos'
— Abhidhar . — Abhi-
m. 'basket which cs,'
of metaphysi title
^tfaifn^abhi-jrimbh, cl. I. A. -jrimbhate, ^tfottabhi-tvar, cl. i. A. -tvarate, -ritum
of sectfon ofax,Buddhist
that iilakii, writings contains
-bhitum, to- open the mouth wide (for swallowing). to be in haste. the abhi-dharma.
wl*«sji abhi-jnd, cl. 9. P. A. -jdndti, -riite,
-jndtum, to recognize, perceive, know, be or become ^rftrWT abhi-tsar, cl. i. P., Ved. -tsarati
-ritum, to catch, entrap. possessi on by demoniac spirits.
aware of ; to acknowledge, agree to, own. Abht-dhrishnu, us, us, u, Ved. overpowering,
Abhi-jna, as, d, am, knowing, skilful, clever ; (with ^rfa^fijjUl'^ abhi-dakshinam, ind. to or subduing (with ace.).
gen.) one who understands or is conversant with towards the right. I. abU-dhu, cl. 3. P. A. -dadhati,

abhi-dhd. abhi-nishpatti. 63
•dhatte, -dhdtum, to set forth, explain, tell, speak to, Abhi-nandanlya or i. abhi-nandya, as, a, am, xS (H [V|fi\abhi-nir-gam, cl. i. P. -gaffhati,
address, say, name ; A., Ved. to receive ; P. (corrup- to be acknowledged or applauded.
Abhi-nandita, as, d, am, delighted, made happy,
-gantum, to go out, go away from.
tion of abhi-dhdvati .'), to assail : Pass, -dhiyate, to ^ifi* 11 f»i n abhi-nirjita, as, a, am (rt. j»),
be named or called. saluted, applauded, &c.
1. abhi-dhd, f. name, appellation ; the literal power Abhirtiandin, I, inl, i, rejoicing at, wishing, conquered.
or sense of a word ; a word, sound ; (as, as) , m. f, desiring, &c. ^rfilfVn!M abhi-nir-nud (-nir-nud), cl. 6.
Ved; naming ; praised ; invoked (?). — Abhidhd- a. abhi-nandya, ind. having rejoiced at, having P. A. -nudaii, -te, -nottnm, to* drive out, frighten
^ V •
dhvansin, I, inl, i, losing one's name.— Abhidhd- away, remove.
mula, as, d, am, founded on the literal meaning of gladdened.
a word. ^jfWl««iHx abhi-nabhyam, ind., Ved. to- ^rfWr«i(<;3^ abhi-nir-dis, cl. 6. P. -disati,
wards the clouds or heaven.
Abhi-dhdtavya, as, d, am, to be told or named, -deslitum, to point out, indicate, appoint, characterize.
to be manifested.
^ifa'l*^ abhi-nam, cl. I . P. -namati, -nan- ^rfa f«fM Ai^abhi-nir-bharts, cl. 10. A. or P.
Abhi-dkdnfc; am, n. telling, naming, speaking, turn, to bow, bend, curve ; to turn towards a person.
speech, manifesting ; (as, am), m. n. a name, title, Abhi-nata, as, d, am, bent, inclined. -bhartsayate, -ti, -yitum, to scold, threaten.
appellation, expression, word ; a vocabulary, a diction- Abhi-namra, as, d, am, bent, deeply bowed or ^TT>TT«TTH1T abhi-nirmita, as, d, am (rt. md),
ary. — Ahhidhdna-Cintdmani, is, m. title of Hema- curved. made, aeated.
iandra's vocabulary of synonyms (the jewel that gives abhi-naya. See i. abhi-nt, p. 64. 'SjfH («i A •3iabhi-nirmukta,as,a, am (rt. mu<f),
every word that can be imagined). — Abhidhdna-
tva, am, n. the state of being used as a name or ex- abhi-nard, cl. i. P., ep. also A. left, quitted (by the sun when it sets), i. e. one asleep
pres ion. —Abhidhdna-mdld, 1. a dictionary. — Abhi- -nardati, -te, -ditum, to roar towards. at sunset.
dhdna-ratnamald, f. title of HalSyudha's vocabulary. ••JlfHftHI abhi-nir-yd, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn,
Abhi-dhdnaka, am, a. a sound, a noise. ^ttHiq abhi-nava, as, a, am, quite new or
to march out.
Abhi-dhdrii, (., Ved. a halter, a rope. young, very young, fresh ; not having experience.
Abhi-nirydna, am, n. march of an assailant,
Abhi-dhdniya, as, a, am, to be named. — Abhinava-fondrdrgha-vidhi (°ra-ar°), is, m. invasion.
Abht-dhaya, ind. having said, having called. a ceremony performed at the time of the new moon.
Abhi-dhdyaka, as, ikd, am, or abht-dhdyin, I, — Abhinava-yauvana, as, d, am, youthful. — Abhi- wftrfrr^T abhi-nirvritta, as, d, am; ac-
inl, i, naming, expressing, expressive of, denominat- nava-vaiydkarana, as, m. one who has just begun
ing; telling, speaking. — Abhidhdyalca-tva, am, n. grammar. — Abhinavodbhid (°va-udfj),tfa.antvt bud. Abhi-nirvrittt, U, f. accomplishment.
the state of being expressive. Abhinavl-bhu, cl. I. P. -bhavati, -mtum, to be- •silHTti^n abhi-nivarta, as, m. turning to-
Abhi-dhdyam, ind. expressing. come new. — Abhinavl-bhuta, as, a, am, renewed.
Abhi-dhitsd, f. desire of expressing or naming. wards (am),
; ind. having turned towards.
^rf*T«T5Txa6At-nas, cl. i. P. A.,Ved. -nasati,
Abhi-dheya, as, d, am, to be named or mention- •«i(«ir»i(%3iN abhi-ni-vis, cl. i. A. -visate,
-te, -iitum, to attain, seize ; to assail.
ed ; to be expressed, to be spoken of; (am), n. sig- -veshtum, to enter into possession of; to sit down in
nification, meaning. — Abhidheya-rahita, as, d, am, ^f*R^ abhi-nah, cl. 4. P. A. -nahyati, -te, or be settled in, to occupy : Caus. -vetfayati, -yitum,
having no sense or meaning, unmeaning, nonsensical. -naddhum, to bind up (as the eyes). to make one enter into or sit down, apply, &c.
AbhicJiita, abhi-hiti. See s. v. below. theAbhi-nahana,
eyes.) am, n. a bandage (especially over Abhl-nivish(a, as, d, am, well versed or profi-
^rfirVTO abhi-dhav, cl. i. P. A. -dhdvati, cient in, conversant or familiar with; intent on;
abhi-ndsikdvivaram, attentive, engrossed ; endowed with ; determined ;
-te, -mtum, to run up towards, to rush upon, attack.
Abhi-dhdnaka, as, ikd, am, running up, hasten- ind. to the opening of the nose. (am), n. persevering. — Abhinivighta-td, f. state of
ing towards, assailing ; an assailant. being so.
•win\<r;*aT{abhi-nih-stan(-nir-stan), cl. i. Abhi-niveda, as, m. application, perseverance, in-
Abhi-dhdvana, am, n. running up, pursuit, chase, tentness, study, affection, devotion ; determination to
attack. P. -stanati, -nitum, to sound.
Abhi-nishtdna, as, m. a sound which dies away ; effect a purpose or attain an object ; tenacity, adher-
^ff>TV abhi-dhri, Caus. P. -dharayati, the Visarga ; a letter of the alphabet. ance ; ignorant fear causing death (?).
-yitum, to uphold, maintain. Abhi-nmeiita, as, d, am, made to enter into,
Tfaftrai'T abhi-ni-kram, cl. i. P. A., cl. 4.
'?rfW^ abhi-dhyai, cl. i. P. -dhyayati, P. -krdmati, -kramate, -krdmyati, -kramitum, to Abhi-nivetin,
plunged into. i, irii, i, intent upon, devoted to,
-dhydtum, to consider, reflect, meditate upon. tread down. determined.
Abhi-dhyd, f. coveting another's property ; desire, •^(HfH^lH abhi-ni-sam, cl. 4. P. -jdmyati,
wish, longing for in general. •sitarVfT^. abhi-ni-gad, cl. I. P. -gadati,
Abhi-dhydna, am, n. desiring, longing for ; wish ; -ditum, to speak to. -gamitum, or Caus. P. -idmayati, -yitum, to ob-
meditation, profound thought. •«ii*i(V»in abhi-nidhana, am, n., N. of cer- serve, perceive.
Abhi-dhydyat, an, anti, at, coveting, desiring. tain verses of the Sama-veda. abhi-nisdta, as, d, am (rt. 6i),
Abhi-dhyayamdna,as, a, am, being meditated on.
•«tf*ir«i»H«T abhi-nidhana, am, n. putting quite convinced of.
^rfiTC^i^ abhi-dhvan, cl. I. P. -dhvanati, on ; an euphonic suppression or weakening (in the
-nitum, to resound, shout. pronunciation of words), especially the suppression of ^rfWf«l««lil(V.«^ abhi-msh-kdrin, i, in't, i
an initial a after e, o. (rt. Tcri), Ved. intending anything evil against, in-
^rfNHEI abhi-naksh, cl. i. P. -nakshati, juring.
•kshitum, to encompass ; Ved. to bring, to approach, Abhi-nidhlyamdna, as, d, am, being suppressed. an Abhi-nishkrita,
evil action). as, d, am, directed against (as
come to, arrive at. ^foftltiq abhi-ni-dhyai, el. I. P. -dhyayati,
T abhi-nad, cl. I. P. -nadati, -ditum, -dhydtum, to investigate. ^rfH PH ^tt^abhi-nish-kram (-nis-kram),cl.
to sound towards a person (with ace.) ; to sound, wfaftftft abhi-ni-nl, cl. i. P. A. -nayati, i. P. A., cl. 4. P. -krdmatt, -kramate, -krdmyati,
raise a noise : Caus. -nddayati, -yitum, to cause to -te, -netum, to pour out (water &c.) upon. -kramitum, to go out or forth, to lead towards.
sound, fill with noise : Pass, to resound. Abhi-nishkramana, am, n. going forth; (with
^rfii P«i «j <^abhi-ni-nrit, cl-4. P.,Ved.-nH<- Buddhists) leaving the house in order to become an
^rf*Tt^f abhi-naddha, as, a, am (rt. nah), yati, -nartitum, to accomplish step by step, repeat anchorite.
bound, tied round, fastened on or upon. «— Abhi- separately. Abhi-nishkrdnta, as, d, am, gone out or forth.
naddhaks/M Cdha-ak°), ai, I, am, blindfold. '•«i(*i(Vmn> abhi-ni-pat, Caus. P. -patayati, ^TWf»nrr«T abhi-nishtdna. See abhi-nih-
^rfW«r«<v abhi-nand, cl. i. P. A. -nandati, -yitum, to throw down. stan last col.
-te, -ditum, to rejoice at, salute, welcome, address, ^fft* f«l ^^(abhi-nish-pat^nis-pat), cl. I . P.
congratulate ; to praise, applaud, approve, respect, care ••a (*i frinl sabhi-ni-pid, cl. 10. P.-p'tdayati,
-yitum, to press, squeeze, trouble. -patati, -titnm, to fly away, rush out; to spring
for; to acknowledge: Caus. -nandayati, -yitum, forth, shoot forth.
to gladden. Abhi-yipidita, as, d, am, exceedingly pained,
tormented. Abhi-nishpatana, am, n. issuing, sallying.
Abhi-nanda, as, m. rejoicing, delighting; ap-
; desire ; N. of a commentator or com- ^rfW f«i "i(j abhi-nish-pad (-nis-pad), cl. 4.
•*» f*i (Vf£ -MN abhi-ni-mlui!, cl. I. P. -mlofati,
mentary on the Amara-kosha ; N. of another author ; -ditum, to set (as the sun) upon a person (while some A. -padynte, -pattum, to come to; to enter into, be-
(a), f. delight, wish. act is being done by him). come (with ace.) ; to appear : Caus. -pddayati, -yi-
Abhi-nandana, am, n. delighting, rejoicing ; prais- tum, to bring to, help to.
ing. applauding, approving ; wish, desire ; (a*), m. ^rftilViM-ai abhi-niyukta, as, a, am (rt. yuj),
tion; appearance (?).it, f. completion, end, termina-
the fourth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpini. occupied in.
64 abhi-nishpanna. abhi-pra-pad.
Abhi-niihpanna, at, a, am, finished, completed. -plotum, to stream or flow so as to inundate, to -hitum, -gadhum, to penetrate, dip or plunge into,
overflow. join : Caus. -gdkayati, -yitum, to immerse, dip.
"fi'fHjS'l abhi-nihnava, as, m. (rt. hnu), ^STWTPT abhi-pra-gai, cl. I. P. -gdyati,
denial. Abhi-pariplu td, at, a, am, overwhelmed, over-
flowed, filled with ; shaken ; attacked, affected by.
wfa«tf i. abhi-ni, cl. I. P. -nayati, -netum, -gatuni, to begin to praise.
-M fa 14 j\N^ abhi-pari-shvanj (-svanj), cl. '«(HHIM^ abhi-pra-faksh, cl. 2. A., Ved.
to bring near, conduct towards, adduce, introduce, i . A. -thrajate, -ehvanktum, to embrace.
quote ; represent dramatically, act. -fashte, -shlum, to throw light upon ; to see (?).
^rfiTTCfar abhi-parlta, as, a, am (rt. » with
Abhi-naya, a>, m. indication of a passion or pur- wfMH^<t abhi-pra-fud, Caus. P. -todayati,
pose by look, gesture, &c. ; acting, dramatic action abhi-pari), whelmed with.surrounded, overpowered by, over-
expressive of sentiment, dramatic personification. -yitum, to impel, induce, persuade.
Abhi-nita, a», a, am, brought near, adduced; ^rfifn; abhi-pare (-pard-i), cl. 2. P. ^(HM'y abhi-pra-fyu, cl. i. A. -fyavate,
performed ; highly finished or ornamented ; fit, pro- -paraiti, -turn, to go away towards. -tyotum, to move towards, arrive at.
per; friendly, kind, patient ; impatient, passionate (?). ^rf>TW3F abhi-praCh, cl. 6. P. -priMhati,
Abhi-ntti, fo, f. gesture, expressive gesticulation ; •>n(Ml|*f abhi-pary-e (-pari-d-i), cl. 2. P.
friendship, civility, kindness. -paryaiti, -turn, to go about ; glide away, pass away. -prashtum, to ask or inquire after.
Abhi-myamdna, as, a, am, being brought near, «( I *i H 1 i^abhi-pra-jan, Caus. P. -janayati,
&c. to T&fam
drink of. i. abhi-pd, cl. I. P.-pibati,-pdtum, -yitum, to beget for (a purpose).
Abhi-netarya or abhi-neya, as, a, am, to be re-
presented dramatically. Abhi-plta,
with drink. as, a, am, watered (as cattle), filled ^Srftmsg p^ abhi-pra-jval, cl. I. P. -jvalati,
Abhi-netri, ta, tri, m. f. an actor, an actress. -litum, to flare up.
fl(»Hl 2. abhi-rii (abhi-ni-i), cl. 2. P. ^rfiTTT 2. abhi-pd, cl. 2. P. -pdti, -turn, to
protect : Caus. P. -palayati, -yitum, to protect, to 'SrfalTO'EI abhi-pra-naksh (-naksh), cl. i.
-nyeti, -turn, to go in to, to approach a woman. assist. P., Ved. -nalcfkati, -ekitwn, to overpower.
^rfoilrt abhi-nila, as, a, am, very black, ^)(MIHU<^ abhi-pra-nad (-nad), cl. i. P. A.
very dark. ^rftrnjr^ abhi-pitva, am, n. (for abhi-
apitm, ft. obs. rt. ap ; see apa-pitva), Ved. ap- -nadati, -te, -ditum, to shout at, to scream; to
^rfVg i. abhi-nu, cl. 2. 6. P. -nauti, proaching, visiting, putting up (for the night at an begin to roar or sound.
-nuvati, -naritum or -nuvitum, to extol, praise. fice.
inn), close or departure of day, evening ; dawn ; sacri-
•w &fn«)\abhi-pra-nam (-nam), cl. I. P. A.
wfiffl 2. abhi-nu, cl. i. A., Ved. -navate, -namati, -te, -qantum, to bow before (with dat. or
to turn one's self towards. THfmflix abhi-pid, cl. 10. P. -pidayati, -yi-
tum, to oppress, torment, afflict. Abhi-pranata, as, a, am, bent, bowing before.
*jfarU^ abhi-nud, cl. 6. P. A. -nudati, -te, Abhi-pldita, as, a, am, harassed.
-notttim, to push, press: Caus. -nodayati, -yitum, •*H(HM*!jfl abhi-pra-nl (-m),cl. l.f.-yayati,
to excite, to spur or urge on. ^rfinro abhi-puth, Caus. P. -pothayati, -netum, to lead forth ; bring towards.
-yitum, to throw with violence ; dash against. Abhi-pranaya, at, m. propitiation; affection,
^rfira a-bhinna, as, a, am (rt. bhid), uncut, favour.
»HJ*JHm abhi-pushpa, as, a, am, covered
unbroken ; unchanged, unaltered, not different ; un-
with flowers ; (am), n. an excellent flower.
divided, one ; same, identical ; (as), m. an integer, Abhi-pramta, as, a, am, brought, attracted ;
consecrated ; invoked, propitiated.
a whole number (in arithmetic). — Abhinna-ta, f. abhi-pu, cl. i. A., Ved. -pavate,
wholeness, identity. — Abhinna-parikarmashtaka -witum, to be cleared, to flow purified towards or for ; wfoUill abhi-pra-nu (-nu), cl. 2. 6. P.,Ved.
(°ma-ash°), am, n. eight processes in working inte- to blow against ; to make bright, glorify. -nauti, -nuvati, -navitum or -nitmtum, to praise
gers or whole number*.— Abhinnatman (°na-dt°),
a, a, a, of undaunted spirit, firm. ^(H V^abhi-puj, cl. 10. P. -pujayati, -yi- highly, extol. abhi-pratapta, as, a, am (rt. tap),
tum, to honour, approve, assent to.
'WfH^IT^ abfti-ny-as (-ni-as), cl. 4. P. Abhi-pujita, as, d, am, honoured ; approved. intensely heated; dried up; exhausted with pain or
-asyati, -situm, to depress. fever.
Abhi-nyaea, as, m. a kind of fever. Abhi-pujyamdna, as, a, am, being greatly rever-
enced. ^jfVfHrllfX'JI abhi-pratdrin, i, m., N. of a
^aftjJH abhi-ny-ubj (-ni-ubj), cl. 6. P. abhi-purcam, ind. one after the descendant of Kaksha-sena.
-ubjati, -jitum, to press down, to hold down. other.
•grftnrfin^ abhi-prati-gfi, cl. 9. P. A.
^finj^afi/ii-pac', cl. i. P. A. -pa6ati, -te, n, cl. 6. P. -prinati, -par- -griijati, -nite, -garitum or -rilum, to call out to ;
-paktum, to boil up (as milk). turn, to be filled ; to be glad. to welcome ; to answer in singing ; to assent.
^rfinrfTrT abhi-pathita, as, a, am; denomi- abhi-prl, cl. 3.9. P. -piparti, -prinati, ^rfHHfrt<4<J abhi-prati-pad, cl. 4. A. -pad-
nated, named.
-paritmn or -ntum, to fill : Pass, -puryatc, to fill yate, -pattum, to begin with or at.
^rf>TTrT I. abhi-pat, cf.i. P.-patati,-titum, one's self, become full : Caus. -purayati, -yitum, to •oHfoufrirMM abhi-prati-pish, 01.7. P.,Ved.
to fly near, hasten near ; to assail ; to fall down, fall ; fill, make full ; to load with, cover with ; to present
to fall into, come into ; to overtake in flying : Caus. with ; to master completely. -pinaxhti, -peshtum, to dash or crush out.
-pdtayati, -yitum, to throw on or down. Abhi-purana, am, n. filling. ^rfii M i<4 "4 abhi-praty-ave (-prati-ava-i), cl.
Abhi-patana, am, n. approaching, assailing, seiz- Abhi-purna, as, a, am, full of (with inst. or 3. P. -pratyaraiti, -turn, to step down towards.
ing ;falling into. gen.) ; filled ; fraught ; laden. ^fftrPTT abhi-praty-e (-prati-d-i), cl. 2. P.
^TfinTrT 2.abhi-pat, cl. 4. A..,\ed.-patyate, ^rfirtH abhi-pyai, cl. i. A., Ved. -pydyate,
-pratyaiti, -tum, to come back towards, return.
to be master or lord over, to possess. •pydtum or -pyayitum, to swell, to abound with. ^rfHH'Mi abhi-prathana,am, n. (rt.prath),
^ffifT? abhi-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate, -pat- ^rfHRo* **\abhi-pra-kamp, Caus. P.-kamp-
spreading or extending over.
turn, to draw near, approach ; to come up (as an ayati, -yitum, to stir, allure. ^rfa U ^ PaHU ^ abhi-pra-dakshinam, ind. to
auxiliary), assist ; to honour ; to seize, catch, over- ^Tftl M *l 31 abhi-pra-kds, cl. 1.4. A..-kdsate, the right ; (e. g. with M, to circumambulate keeping
power, master; to take possession of; to accept; to
-ia.<Syate, -titum, to become visible, to show one's the object on the right.)
undertake, devote one's self to anything.
Abhi-patti, in, f. drawing near, approaching. ^rfKHf^ 3(abhi-pra-dis, Caus. P. -desayati,
Abht-piinna, as, a, am, gone near; approached, abhi-pra-kram, cl. I. P.A., cl. 4.
obtained ; flown, fugitive ; seeking refuge ; subdued ; A. -krdmati, -kramate, -kramyatt, -kramitum, to -yitum, to urge on.
unfortunate, calamitous ; guilty ; removed to a dis- ^rfinr^T abhi-pra-dris, cl. i. P., Ved.
tance, dead. go up to, approach.
abhi-pra-kshar, cl. I. P. A. -padyati, -draehfum, to look at, look out for.
^rfilTJ^t abhi-padma, as, a, am, exceedingly -ksharati, -te, -rittim, Ved. -rudhyai, to stream '5rf>nrT abld-pra-dn, Pass, -dlryate, to be
handsome (lit. superior to the lotus). towards a place. scattered or divided asunder.
^rfW M (V.' cJ I «i abhi-parigldna, as, a, am (rt. ^rf»4 H HJ c^ abhi-pra-kshal, cl. 10. P. -kshdl- ^rf^nrr^^abhi-pra-pat!, cl. I. P. A. -pafati,
glaf), tired, exhausted. ayati, -yitum, to clean thoroughly, polish up. -te, -paktum, to cause to cook, ripen ; to develope.
abhi-pari-plu, cl. i. A. -plavate, ^firum1? abhi-pra-gdh, cl. I. A. -gdhate, abhi-pra-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate,
abhi-prapanna. abhi-mdti.
-pattum, to come towards, enter, hasten towards, •turn, to go near to, approach; to approach with Abhi-bhu, us, or 2. abhi-bhu, us, m., Ved. 65 one
resort to (with ace.) ; to undertake. one's mind, to think of, aim at, intend. who surpasses, a superior.
Abhi-prapanna, as, d, am, approached, attained. Abhi-praya, as, d, am, going near, approaching ; Abhi-bhuta, as, d, am, surpassed, defeated, sub-
aiming at; (as), m. aim, purpose, intention, wish, dued, humbled ; overcome, aggrieved, injured.
^ifinnfl"? abhi-pra-pid, Caus. P. -pidayati, desire ; goal ; meaning, sense, reference. Abhi-bhuti, is, f. superior power, overpowering,
-yitum, to cause pain, torture. Abhi-preta, as, d, am, meant, intended ; wished ; defeating ; disrespect, disgrace, humiliation ; (is, is,
^rfrnTTJ abhi-pra-pri, Pass, -puryate, to be accepted, approved ; wishing, desirous. i), Ved. overpowering, superior. — Abhibhuty-ojas,
Abhi-pretya,md. aiming at, intending, meaning by. as, n., Ved. superior power ; (as, as, as), having
filled, fill one's self completely.
abhi-preksh (-pra-iksh), cl. I. A. superior power.
•Si(*iHHr^-i^ abhi-pra-bhangin, i, ini, i (rt. Abhi-bhuija, am, n., Ved. superiority.
Many), Ved. breaking completely. -preks/iate, -shitum, to look at, to see, view. Abhi-bhuvan, va, van, m. f., Ved. superior,
Abhi-prekshya, ind. having looked at or towards. victorious over.
^rftlH*f«£ abki-pra-mand, cl. I . P., Ved.
^ri>i H ^abhi-prepsu. See abhi-prap above. abhi-mad, cl. i. P., Ved. -madati,
-mandati, -ditum, to gladden.
^TfiTTTt! abhi-prer (-pra-ir), Caus. -prera- -ditum, to gladden, inebriate.
•si(*tM^i*. abhi-pra-mur, ur, ur, ur, Ved. Abhi-mdda, as, m. intoxication, inebriety.
(if ft. rt. murdh or mur) completely raised, sur- yati, -yitum, to drive forward, impel towards : Pass. Abhi-mddyat, an, anti, at, being inebriated.
; ft. rt. mri) destroying (1). -preryate, to be impelled towards. Abhi-madyatka, as, d, am, partially intoxicated,
Abhi-preryamdna,as,d, am, being driven towards. half-dwnk, stammering.
'SrfiTTT'J^ abhi-pra-mris, cl. 6. P., Ved.
-mridati, -marshtum, -mrashtum, to offer, grant. ^rfarn^ abhi-presh (-pra-ish), cl. 4. P.
-preshyati, -shitum, to summon, command. wfiW^a&Ai'-maw, cl. 8. A. -manute, -ntum,
*!lfcum abhi-pra-yd, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn, to think one's self equal to, to think of self; cl. 4.
to march against. WWHiajiU abhi-proTcshana, am, n. (rt. A. and poet. P. -manyate, -ti, to assent to, approve
uksh), sprinkling upon, affusion. of; to covet, desire; to consider, imagine, fancy, think.
Abhi-praydyam, ind. by approaching, having ap-
proached. Abhi-mata, as, d, am, admitted, assented to ;
^ffasr abhi-plu, cl. i. A. -plavate, -plotum,
agreed, accepted; wished, desired; honoured, re-
^?f»i « i ff abhi-pra-vrit, cl. I. A. -vartate, to overflow, to overwhelm. spected ;(am), n. desire, wish. — Abhimata-td, (.
-titum, to advance up to; to flow or fall into; to Abhi-plava, as, m., N. of a religious ceremony, agreeableness, desirableness ; desire, love.
become conversant with. performed as part of the sacrifice Gavam-ayana. Abhi-manas, as, as, as, having the mind directed
Abhi-pravartana, am, n. coming forth, flowing ; Abhi-pluta, as, d, am, overflowed, overrun ; filled towards ; desirous of, longing for.
advancing up to. with ; overwhelmed, affected by, labouring under. Abhi-mandya, nom. A. -ndyate, -yitum, to be
Abhi-pravritta, as, a, am, advancing ; occurring ; ^rf>T^r5 abhi-bala, am, n. an agreement desirous of, to long for.
occupied or engaged in. to meet at some place of rendezvous in disguise (the be Abhi-mantarya,
desired. as, d, am, to be considered ; to
wf* H *j «T abhi-pra-vridh, Caus. P. -vardh- technical name of a dramatic scene in rhetoric).
Abhi-mantu, us, f. injuring, destroying. — Abhi-
ayati, -yitum, to enlarge, render prosperous. ^rfW^ri^i abhi-buddhi, is, f. a Buddhlndriya mantos, ind., Ved. to injure.
^(f^Tf^_abhi-pra-vrish, cl. I . P. -varshati, or organ of apprehension. Abhirmantri, ta, tri, tri, admonishing, longing
-shitum, to pour down rain. ^ffiw^ abhi-bhanga, as, m. (rt. bhanj), for, referring all objects to self, self-conceited.
Ved. breaking down, one who destroys. Abhi-manyamana, as, d, am, conceiving, ima-
^rfWlJ^l^ abhi-pra-sans, cl. I. P. -sansati, gining, regarding.
-Mum, to praise highly. Abhi-bhaiijat, an, all, at, breaking down, &c.
'SrfiWff abhi-bhartri, ind. to a lover, be- Abhi-mdna, as, m. high opinion of one's self,
^rf*TTTf^«^ abhi-prasnin, I, ini, i (rt.prath), self-conceit, pride, haughtiness, honourable feeling;
fore ahusband. consciousness ; referring all objects to self (as the
desirous of asking many questions.
^rfWrfJ abhi-bharts, cl. IO. A. P. -bharts- act of Ahan-kara or personality) ; conception, con-
^ffiTn«e abhi-pra-sad, cl. i. P., Ved. -sid- ceit; affection, love, desire; laying claim to; injury,
ati, -sattum, to come near, approach : Caus. P. -sad- ayate, -ti, -yitum, to scold at, threaten so as to terrify. hurting. — Abhimdna-td, f. pride, arrogance. — Abhi-
ayati, -yitum, to propitiate, make happy, console. abhi-bhava. See abhi-bhn below.
mdna-vat, an, ati,' at, conceiving or having ideas
•4ir»<Mt¥JI abhi-pra-sthd, cl. I. P. -tishthati, i. abhi-bhd, cl. 2. P. -bhdti, -turn, about self; proud, arrogant. — Abhimdna-s'u'nya, as,
-sthdtum, to step up towards. to glitter (around). d, am, void of conceit, humble.
Abhi-mdnita, am, n. the condition of an egotist ;
•«((HH? a abhi-prahata, as, a, am (rt. han), 2. abhi-bhd, (., Ved. apparition, phenomenon, in- copulation, sexual intercourse.
struck at, hurt. auspicious omen ; state of being overpowered, calamity;
act of overpowering, superiority. — Abhibhdyatana Abhi-mdnin, arrogant
self-conceited, I, ini, i,
; thinking
imaginingof ;one's
(j ), self,
m., proud.
N. of
^rfifHTTfl abhi-prdn (-pra-an), cl. 2. P.
-praniti, -nitum, to exhale, breathe forth. (°bhd-dy°), am, n. abode of superiority ; N. of the a deity. — Abhimdni-td, f. or abhimdni-tva, am,
eight sources of superiority with Buddhists. n. the state of self-conceitedness.
Abhi-prdnana, am, n. exhaling (opposed to
apdnana, q. v.). abhi-bhara, as, d, am, very heavy. Abhi-mdnuka, as, d, am, Ved. striving to hurt.
•*i(Wnirl«. abhi-prdtar, ind., Ved. towards N abhi-bhdsh, cl. I. A. -bhdshate, ^tfiTH^ abhi-mantr, cl. 10. A. -mantr-
morning, early. -shitum, to address, converse with, speak to, confess. ayate, -yitum, to consecrate or accompany with
Abhi-bhdshana, am, n. the act of addressing or Mantras or magic formulas ; to address, invite.
•flfaHIH^ abhi-prap (-pra-dp), cl. 5. P. speaking to. Abhi-mantrana, am, n. calling out to, addressing,
-prdpnoti, -ptum, to reach, obtain, arrive at. Abhi-lhashamana, as, a, am, speaking to.
Abhi-prdpta, as, d, am, reached, obtained, arrived. inviting; counselling; charming, consecrating ; making
Abhi-bhdshita, as, d, am, addressed, spoken to.
Abhi-prdpti, is, f. reaching, obtaining, arrival. Abhi-bhdshin, i, ini, i, addressing, speaking to. anything sacred by a special formula, called abhi-
Abhi-prepsu, us, us, u, desirous of gaining, &c. mantrana-mantra.
Abhi-bhdshya, a*, a, am, to be addressed. Abhi-mantrita, as, d, am, consecrated, charmed ;
abhi-praya. See abhi-pre. Abhi-bhdshyamdiia, as, d, am, being addressed. made sacred by a certain formula.
abhi-prdr( (-pra-ar6], cl. I. P. ^rfvMj . abhi-bhu, cl. I. P. -bhavati, -vitum, ^rfHH''y abhi-mantha, as, m. ophthalmia,
-prdrfati, -titum, to celebrate in song. to overcome, overpower, predominate, conquer, sur- disease of the eyes.
pass, overspread ; to attack, defeat, humiliate. ^rf*i»i»« abhi-manyu, us, m., N. of a son
^fattl^abhi-prdrth (-pra-arth),c\. 10. A. Abhi-bhava, as, d, am, overpowering; (as), m.
-prdrthayate, -yitum, to long for, desire. addition ; prevailing, overpowering, excessive power, of Manu C'akshusha ; of a son of Arjuna by SubhadrS ;
predominance ; defeat, subjugation ; disregard, disre- of two kings. — Abhtmanyu-pura, am, n., N. of a
W*i H I «^abhi-prds (-pra-as), cl. 4. P. -prd- spect humiliation,
; mortification, disgrace. town. — Abhimanyu-svdmin, I, m., N. of a temple.
syati, -prasitum, to throw on or upon.
Abhi-bhavana, am, n. overpowering, overcoming. 'BffilHT abhi-mara, as, m. (rt. mri), killing,
^rfinft abhi-prl, is, is, i, Ved. gladdening, Abhi-bhai'anlya, as, d, am, to be overcome or
pleasing, gaining. surpassed. slaughter ; war, combat ; treachery, danger from one's
own party or friends ; binding, confinement.
Abki-priti, is, f. rejoicing in ; wish, desire. Abhi-bhavaka, as, ika, am, or aJ>hi-bhdvin, i,
ini, i, or abhi-bhavuka, as, d, am, overpowering, abhi-marda. See abhi-mrid, p. 66.
surpassing, overspreading. See abhi-mris next col.
shnule, -prushdyati, -proshitum, to sprinkle with.
Abhi-bhavana, am, n. causing to overcome, mak-
abhi-pre (-pra-i), cl. 2. P. -praiti, ing victorious. abhi-mdti, is, is, i (rt. ma= man),
66 abhimdti-jit . abhi-vaA6ita.
Ved. striving to injure, hurting, inimical ; (is, is), abhi-ramam, ind. referring to
Abh{-ya<Hta, ae, a, am, a»ked for, requested.
m. f. striving to injure, hurting, plotting against ; an Rama (see also under abhi-ram last col.).
enemy, foe. — Abhimdti-jit, t, t, t, Ved. subduing 3)iM<£i^ I. abhi-yuj, cl. 7. A. -yunkte,
enemies. — Abhimdti-ehdh, t, i, I, Ved. conquering
wfa^-3 abhi-ru6, Caus. P. -rofayati, -yi-
ready to apply to,
; to encounter, exertassail
attack, effort,
; to make
accuse one's self:
; to hurt
enemies. —Abhimdti-han, a, m., Ved. striking, de- tum, to long for, desire, be inclined to, have a taste
Pass, -yujyate, to be accused, &c.
stroying one's enemies. for, to like.
Abhi-mdtin, I, m., Ved. injuring; an enemy. Abhi-yukta, ae, i, am, applied, intent on, dili- Althi-rwfi, ii, f. desire, delight, taste, relish, plea-
gent, absorbed in meditation, versed in ; appointed ; sure ;desire of fame, ambition ; splendor.
abhi-miiiln. See abhi-mad above.
said, spoken ; attacked by an enemy, assaulted, as- Abhi-ruttta, ae, a, am, pleased, delighted, de-
abhi-muna. See abhi-man above. sailed ;blamed, rebuked ; (in law) charged, prose-
lighting in.
cuted, adefendant. Abhi-rufira, of, d, am, very pleasant, desirable
abhi-mdya, as, d, am, perplexed, Abhi-yw/van, a, m., Ved. hurting, attacking; an or pretty.
bewildered, stupid, ignorant. ^Tmt\n abhi-ruta, as, d, am (rt. ru),
^faf^m abhi-mihya, as, d, am (rt. mih), 3, abhi-yvj, Ic, f. attacking ; an enemy.
sounded ; cooed, vocal (as the voices of birds, &c.).
Ved. to be wetted (by urining upon). Abhi-yujyamdna, ae, a, am, being prosecuted
(as a defendant). ••JlfH^ abhi-ruh, cl. I . P. -rohati, -rodhum,
VH(*4*flrip4rt abhi-mllita, as, d, am, closed Abhi-yoktarya or abhi-yvjya, as, d, am, to be to ascend, mount.
(as the eyes). reproved or rebuked ; to be prosecuted, indictable ;
assailable. Abki-ruhya, ind. having ascended.
^rfopf abhi-mukha, as, d or i, am, with Abhi-yoktri, td, tri, tri, assailing, attacking; (to), wfiOfcT abhi-rupa, as, d, am, corresponding
the face directed towards; turned towards, facing; with; conformable to, congruous ; in accordance with ;
m. an enemy ; a plaintiff, a claimant, a pretender, an
going near, approaching ; disposed to, intending to, accuser ; a stronger party. pleasing, handsome, desirable, well formed, beautiful ;
ready for; taking one's part; nearly related to; Abhi-yoga, as, m. application ; energetic effort, wise, learned ; (as), m. the moon ; Siva ; Vishnu ;
friendly disposed ; (i), f. one of the ten earths of
Buddhists ; (am), ind. towards, in the direction of, exertion, perseverance, learning ; attack, assault, chal- Kamadeva. — Abhirupa-pati, is, m. having an agree-
lenging to fight, war, battle; (in law) a plaint, a able master (a rite) to secure such a master in the
in front or presence of, near to. — Abhimukha-td, i. charge, an accusation. — Abhiyoga-pattra, am, n. a next world.
presence, proximity. petition or writing of complaint. Abhi-rupaka, ae, d, am, corresponding ; pleasing,
Abhimtikhl-karana, am, n. causing to turn the
face towards, addressing. Abhtyogin, I, irii, i, intent upon, absorbed (in handsome ; learned.
cutor. ; attacking ; (5), m. a plaintiff, a prose- ^Ti*iOtj<; abhi-roruda, as, d, am (Intens.
Abhimukhl-bhuta, of, d, am, being in presence
of or facing. of rt. rud), Ved. causing tears (of earnest desire).
Abhi-yogya, ae, d, am, assailable.
^H fa rt fuj rl abhi-lakshita, as, a, am, marked
^f^'jUairl abhi-mur6Chita, as, d, am, dis-
tracted, utterly confused. on Abhi-yojatia,
to another. am, n., Ved. harnessing (one horse)
with signs, bearing marks.
^rftnp^ abhi-yudh, cl. 4. A. P. -yudhyate, Abhi-lakehya, ae, d, am, to be marked or noted ;
<afn»^ abhi-mrvd, cl. I . P. -mardati, -di-
Inui. to oppress, to devastate. -ti, -yoddhum, to fight against, to acquire by fight- (am), ind. towards a mark or aim.
Abhi-marda, ae, m. rubbing, friction ; oppression, ing, to conquer for (another). ^rf*Wif abhi-langh, cl. 10. P. -langha-
devastation of a country &c. by an enemy; war, tlfillW abhi-raksh, cl. i. P. or ep. A. yati, -yitum, to jump across or over.
battle ; spirituous liquor. Abhi-langhana, am, n. jumping across or over.
-rakehati, -te, -ehitum, to succour, to protect, to
Abhi-mardana, as, a, am, oppressing; (am), preserve ; to govern or command. ^rfacW abhi-labh, Desid. A. or poet. P.
n. oppression.
Abhi-rakehd, f. universal protection, wide bene-
volence. -lipiate, -ti, to desire to obtain, covet.
AbU-mardin, T, inl, (, oppressing, one who de-
vastates. Abhi-lambhana, am, n. obtaining transition (?).
Abhi-rakshita, as, d, am, protected, preserved, Abhi-liped, f. desire of obtaining.
«(H»J3IN abhi-mris, cl. 6. P. -mrisati, guarded ; governed.
-marehtum or -mraehtum, to touch, stroke, come Abhi-rakehitri, td, trt, tri, preserving, protecting, ^rf*??!1^ abhi-lash, cl. I. 4. P. -lashati,
in contact with. guarding. -lashyati, -shitum, to desire or wish for, covet, crave.
AbU-marta, as, m. or abM-martiana, am, n. Abhi-rakshya, as, a, am, to be protected or go- Abhi-lashana, am, n. craving after, desiring.
verned. Abhi-laslutmya, ae,a,am, desirable, to be coveted.
(less correctly) abhi^marsha, ae, m. or abhi-mar-
Abhi-laehita, ae, d, am, desired, wished ; (am),
shana, am, a. touching, contact ; (at, d, am), rub-
bing, destroying. •^facy^ abhi-ranj, cl. 4. A. or Pass. n. desire, wish, will, pleasure.
-rajyaie, -ranktum, to be coloured, to be flushed Abhi-ldsha or (less correctly) abhi-ldea, as, m.
Abhi-mariaka or (less correctly) abhi-marghaka, with pleasure : Caus. P. -ranjayati, -yttum, to
ae, ikd, am, touching, coming in contact with. colour. desire, wish, covetousness, affection, love.
Abh{-mrishta,ae, d, am, touched, rubbed, brought Abhi-ldehaka, ae, ikd, am, or abhi-ldehin, i,
Abhi-ranjita, at, d, am, tinted, flushed, kindly
close to, grazing. affected. inl, i, or abhi-ldehuka, ae, d, am, or (less cor-
flfaHflmM abhi-methikd, f. (rt. me/A), rectly)covetous,
sirous, abhi-ldsin, i, inl, i, wishing, desiring, de-
Ved. insulting or injurious speech ; obscene expression ; <4) (HCMx abhi-ram, cl. i. A. -ramate, -ran-
imprecation. tum, to delight in, to be delighted. ^rftfcilM abhi-ldpa, as, m. (rt. lap), ex-
Abhi-rata, (M, d, am, pleased or contented with, pression, word, speech ; declaration of the object of
•silMJlin abhi-mldta or abhi-mldna, as, d, satisfied ; engaged in ; attentive to ; performing, a vow or religious obligation.
am (rt. mlai), Ved. altogether withered, faded ; de- practising. •fltWcJT^ abhi-ldva, as, m.(rt.K), cutting,
cayed. Abhi^rati, ie, f. pleasure, delighting in ; occupation,
^iiHMsj'uifT abhi-yajha-gdthd, f. a sacri- reaping, mowing.
ficial verse. Abhi-ramana, am, n. delighting in, delighting.
practice. ^TrVrfrsfVin abhi-likhita, as, a, am, in-
Abhi-ramanlya, as, d, am, to be delighted in, scribed, inserted in writing.
i. abhi-ya, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn, to delightful. Abhi-lekhana, am, n. writing upon, inscribing.
go up to, approach, encounter, attack, assail. Abki-rdma, at, a, am, pleasing, delightful, agree-
i. abhi-ya, ae, as, m. f. going up to, approaching, able, beautiful ; an epithet of Siva ; (am), ind., see ^TfWjfrsT abhi-lina, as, d, am (rt. li), ad-
assailing. hering to, shrouding ; embraced ; embracing.
s.v. next m\. — Abhirdma-td, f. or abhirama-ti-a,
Abhi-yat, an, all or anil, at, assailing, an assailant. am, n. loveliness, beauty, splendor. 'WftTWR abhi-lupta, as, d, am, disturbed,
Abhirydta, a», a, am, approached, attacked. vff»i«.fWrT abhi-rambhita, as, d, am, ob-
tained (?).
Abhi-ydti, if, m. or abhi-ydtin, I, m. or abhi-
i/dtH, td, m. an assailant, foe, enemy. TSfWpifr'ifl abhi-lulita, as, a, am, playful,
Abhi-ydna, am, n. coming near, approaching, at- ^rf»lTT»f i. abhi-raj, cl. I. A. -rajate, unsteady ; agitated, disturbed, injured.
-jltum, to shine, be brilliant.
Abhi-yayin, I, tut, i, coming near, approaching, 2. abhi-rdj, t, t, t, reigning everywhere. wfrr^ril abJii-Ktd, f. an insect, a kind of
Abki-rdja, ae, m., N. of a Burmese king.
abhi-yai, cl. i. A. or ep. P. dominion. Abhi~rdeh(ra, ae, d, am, Ved. one who has gained ^liHcC^ abhi-vat, cl. 2. P. -vakti, -ktttm,
-ydfate, -U, -titttm, to ask for, solicit, request. to speak to, address ; to tell.
Abhi-ydfana, am, n. or abhi-yadia, i. asking for, abhi-rddh, Pass, -rddhyate, to be 'Sffa^fejt abhi-vantita, as, d, am (rt.vanil),
entreaty, request. rendered propitious.
cheated, deceived.
^rfirsfrTT abhi-Gapa.
abhi-vat, an, att, at, containing abhi-vi-jval, cl. i . P. -jvalati, plain ; declared, revealed ; (am), ind. manifestly,
the word dbhi. -litum, to flame or blaze against or opposite to. plainly.
Abhi-vyakti, is, f. manifestation, distinction ; de-
«f*iq<; abhi-vad, cl. I. P. A. -vadati, -te, *lfMfafHx abhi-vi-tan, cl. 8. P. A., Ved. claration, revelation.
-ditum, to address or salute with reverence: Caus. -tanoti, -nule, -nitum, to stretch (the string) over Abhi-vyangya, as, d, am, to be manifested or
•t'ddayati, -te, -yitum, to address or salute rever- or across (the bow) ; to stretch over, covej. made clear.
ently ;to salute through another person ; to play on Abhi-vyajyamdna, as, d, am, being manifested.
an instrument. 'Mfofi^ abhi-vid, cl. 6. P. A. -vinjtati, -te} Abhi-vyanjaka, as, ikd, am, revealing, mani-
-veditum, to find, obtain ; to seek.
Abhi-vadana, am, n. addressing, salutation. revealing.festing; indicative, showing.
Abhi-vdda, as, m. reverential salutation ; (for ati- ^rfafTepT abhi-m-dris, cl. i. P., Ved. Abhi-vyanjana, am, n. making manifest, act of
vdda), opprobrious or unfriendly speech, abuse. •pafyati, -drashtum, to look at, behold.
Abhi-vddaka, as, ikd, am, a saluter, saluting, ^rftr^nT abhi-vy-an (-vi-an), cl. 2. P.
offering salutation ; civil, polite. •wfHfqfa abhi-vidhi, is, m. complete co-
Abhi-vddana, am, n. respectful salutation, including
incidence, complete comprehension or inclusion. -<ui/iti, -ra'(«?i!,«te- breathe through, to fill with
sometimes the name or title of the person so addressed ^rf*«fV«T<j abhi-vi-nad, cl. i. P. -nadati,
and followed by the mention of the person's own -ditum, to raise a loud noise. ^)f»f <*JI<J I ablfc*y-d-da (-vi-d-dd), cl. 3. P.
name ; salutation of a superior or elder by a junior A.
(for-daddti, -datte, -datum, to open one's mouth
or inferior, and especially of a teacher by his disciple ; •win fan) abhi-vi-nl, cl. i. P. A. -nayati,
(in general it is merely lifting the joined hands to -te, -netum, to inform, instruct Abhi-vydddna, am, n. suppressed sound ; repeti-
the forehead and saying aham dbhivddaye, I salute). Abhi-vintta, as, d, am, well-behaved ; well-disci- tion of the same sound.
— Abhivddana-fila, as, a, am, one who habitu- plined ;pious, pure, devout. ^rPrarrftnT abhi-vyddhin, I, inl, i (rt.
ally salutes, respectful.
vt (*« 1% «j^ abhi-vi-nud, Caus. P. -nodayati, vyadh), striking at, hurting much, injuring greatly.
Ablti-vddayitri, id, tri, m. f. a respectful saluter. -yitum, to gladden, cause to rejoice.
Abhi-vddita, as, a, am, saluted respectfully. ^rfrr^rn^ abTii-vy-dp (-vi-ap), cl. g. P.
^ffafWT abhi-vi-bha, cl. 2.P.,\ed.-bhati,
Abhi-wddin,i,ini,i, telling, enunciating, describing. -dpnoti, -dptum, to extend to, to comprehend, in-
-turn, to illuminate.
Abhwddya or abhi-uadaniya, as, a, am, to be clude, pervade, surround.
respectfully saluted. abhi-vimdna, as, d, am, of un- Abhi-vydpaka, as, ika, am, or abhi-vydpin, J,
limited dimensions. inl, i, including, comprehending.
•ai*(q«^ abhi-vand, cl. I. A. -vandate, Abhi-vyapta,
-ditum, to salute respectfully. i-vi-ya, cl. 2. P., Ved. -ydti, co-extended, &c. as, d, am, included, comprehended,
Abhi-vandana, am, n. saluting respectfully. -turn, to approach, visit. Abhi-vydpti, is, f. co-extending, universal perva-
sion, inclusion, comprehension.
Tfir^'T abhi-vap, cl. i. P., Ved. -vapati, ^rfMf<HMx abhi-m-raj, cl. i. A: -rdjate,
-fltum, to join, come together. -jitum, to shine, be radiant. I. abhi-vydpya, ind. up to a certain point inclusive.
a. abhi-vyapya, as, d, am, to be included ; (am),
n. validity of a rule (?).
^rf* q <4 ««x abhi-vayas, as, as, as, Ved. very vi f*i fa ^i C^^abhi-vis'ankin, I, inl, i, afraid.
youthful, fresh ; possessed of food.
^rMtV^rT abhi-visruta, as, d, am, widely ^Tfa*mg abhi-vy-d-hri (-m-a-hri), Cans.
abhi-varta, &c. See abhi-vrit. celebrated. P. -hdrayati, -yitwm, to utter, pronounce, tell,
abhi-varshana, &c. See abhi- •*i(»«fc|>a«^ abhi-vi-svas, Caus. P. -svdsa- explain.
Abhi-vyaharana, am, n. or abhi-uydhdra, as,
yati, -yitum, to render confident or secure. ' m. pronunciation, utterance ; an articulate significant
^TTHqTT abhi-vas, Caus. P. -vdsayati, -yi- word or phrase.
•wPHtfl abU-vt (-vi-i), cl. 2. P. -vyeti, -turn,
•tiiwi, to clothe, cover. to come together towards, meet together in. Abhi-vyahdrtn, i, inl, i, pronouncing, telling.
Abhi- vdsa, as, m. or abki-vdgana, am, n. covering. Abhi-vydhrita, as, d, am, pronounced, spoken,
*fo=r^ abhi-vtksh (-vi-iksh), cl. i. A. told.
Abhi^vdsas, ind. over the cloth or covering. -riJcshate, -fahititm, to look at, view, perceive ; to
aim at, to examine ; to be affected towards. W fa <*J'5Mxabhi-vy-uksh (-vi-uksh), cl. i. P.
^rf>Tq"? abhi-vaha, as, a, am, conveying -ukshdti, -shitum, to sprinkle towards.
near or towards, driving near. Abhi-vlkshita, as, d, am, seen, perceived.
Abhi-vahana, am, n. conveying towards or neart AlM-vikshya, ind. having seen or observed. ^rfW»{«5Sf abhi-vlanga, as, m. (rt. vlaitg),
Ved. assault, shaking off.
Abhfoahya, as, d, am, to be carried near ; (am), i!if«TWKaiii-mra,as, m.,Ved. surrounded
n. conveyance, transmission ; presentation, offering. by men or heroes.
'•# 1*4 $fax abhi-sans, cl.i. ¥.-s"ansati,-situm,
^ffiT^T abhi-vd, cl. 2. P. -vdti, -turn, to to accuse, blame, calumniate, abuse.
^fk^a^abhi-vrit, cl. I. A. -vartate, -titum,
blow upon or towards. Abhi-fansaka, as, ikd, am, or abhi-dansin, i,
to go towards, to face, to approach, come up, attack,
Abhi-vdtam, ind. towards the wind, windwards. to turn up, arise. inl, i, accusing ; insulting ; abusive.
Alki-vartin, », inl, i, going towards, approaching,
attacking. Abhi-fansana, am, n. accusation ; insult.
•arnm>»N abhi-vanth, cl. I. P. -vduthati, I. abhi-das, as, {., Ved. accusation, imprecation,
-Chitum, to long for, desire. solicitation (?). For a. see next col.
Abhi-vritta, as, a, am, gone towards ; turning
TWTPTT abhi-vdnyd or abhivanya-vatsa, I. abhi-s"asta, as, a, am, falsely accused, calumni-
I. (fr. abhivd, obtained?, and anya), Ved. a cow ated defamed,
; infamous ; sinful, wicked. See next col.
who suckles an adopted calf. ^ (*i "JIT abhi-vrita, as, d, am (rt. vri), Abki-s~astaka, as, ikd, am, faUely accused, cursed ;
chosen, selected. caused by imprecation.
iSfar«U4HI abhi-vi-khya, cl. 2. P. -khyati, Abhi-^asti, is, f. imprecation ; curse, damnation ;
-turn, Ved. to look at, view. In later Sanskrit, to ^ffir^V abhi-vridh, cl. i. A. -vardhate,
-dhitum, to increase, prosper. effect of imprecation, misfortune, evil ; one who curses
tell, to call.
or injures ; calumny, defamation, scandal ; asking,
Abhi-rikhydta, as, d, am, universally known, re- Abhi-vriddka, as, d, am, increased, augmented. begging. — Abhiiasti-tatana, as, m., Ved. keeping
nowned, known as, called. Abhi-criddM, is, (. increase, addition, success. off imprecation. — Abhifasti-pd, as, or abhitfasti-
"srfaf^EJ dlhi-vi-6aksh, cl. 2. A. -fashte, •«((»i<jH abhi-vrish, cl. I. P. -varshati, -shi- pdvan, d, m., Ved. defending from insults or impre-
Ved. to look towards. In later Sanskrit the idea of tum, to rain upon, water, bedew, cover with a shower cations.
speaking is usually inherent in faksh. (e. g. of blossoms); to shower down ; to cause to rain.
iHiM^I1^ abhi-sak, Desid. Caus. -fiksha-
Abhi-varshana, am, n. watering, bedewing ; rain-
^ffirfrf^ abhi-m-(ar, cl. i. A. -(arate, ing upon. yati, -yitum, to teach.
-ritum, Ved. -lave, -tavai, -rase, -radhyai, to ap- Abhi-varshin, i, ini, i, bedewing ; raining upon. "alH^is abhi-sank, cl. i. A. -s"ankate,
proach ;cl. 10. P. -tdrayati, -yitum, to discuss. Abhi-vrishta, as, a, am, bedewed ; rained upon. -kit um, to doubt, suspect, be suspicious.
Abhi-s'ankd, f. doubt, alarm, suspicion.
TWftlT? abhi-vi-janh Ved., Intens. 3rd ^rfa^T abhi-vega, as, m. (rt. vij), con-
sideration, determination. Abhi-iankita, as, a, am, doubtful, frightened,
sing, -jangahe, to twitch convulsively.
^rWT3"srt abhi-vi-jna, cl. 9. P. -jdndti, -jnd- 'SjfiT*!^ abhi-vy-ahj (-vi-anj), cL 7. P. Wb\\\l\^abhi-sap, cl. I. P. A. -sapati, -te,
tum, to be aware, to know, perceive. -anakti, -anjitwm or-attktum, to manifest, reveal. -faptum, to execrate, curse.
Abhi-vijnapta, as, a, am, notified, nade known. Abhi-ryakta, as, d, am, manifest, evident, distinct, Abhi-dapana, am, n. or ubhi-idpa, as, m. curse,
68 abhisapa-jvara. abhi-san-krus.
imprecation ; charge, accusation ; false accusation, Abhi-shahya, ind. violently, by force, insolently. in order to assist, approaching in general, access.
calumny. — Abhtidpa-jvara, a*, m. fever caused by — Abhishti-knt, t, t, t, Ved. assisting; granting
a curse. •flfnm*< abhi-sha(, k, k, k (rt. sa<?), Ved. lesires. — Ablitshti-dyumna, as, a, am, Ved. giving
Abhi-supta, Of, a, am, cursed, accursed; falsely following ; honouring, paying attention to, devoted ; lappiness. — Abhlshti-pd, as,m., Ved. guarding from
accused, calumniated ; reviled. enemies, keeping off enemies. — Ab/iuh/i-mat, an,
Abhi-Sdpama, am, n. pronouncing a curse or
malediction. ^firf^ abhi-shii (-sit), cl. 6. P. A. all, at, Ved. desirable, favourable. — Abhiehtiriaras,
at, m., Ved. rendering assistance, able to overcome
-fli l/'n'ati, -te, -shektum, to sprinkle ; to water, wet ; enemies.
^fH?lf=i4,r1 abhi-sabdita, as, a, am, de- to consecrate, anoint, appoint by consecration ; A. to
clared, announced. be consecrated or inaugurated : Desid. -tshishikshati, abhi-shtu (-stu), cl. 2. P. -shtauti.
to be desirous of watering, &c. : Caus. -shefayati, shtotum, to praise, extol.
••HfasH^j. abhi-sas, cl. I. P. -sasati, -si- -yitum, to have (another) consecrated. Abhi-ilitava, as, m. praise, eulogy.
turn, to hurt, injure, attack. (See under abhi-fans.) Abhi-Muta, a", a, am, praised.
Abhi-shikta, as, a, am, sprinkled ; anointed, in- Abhi-shtuvat, an, ati, at, praising.
3. abhi-^tu, (., Ved. injuring (?). For I. abhi-^as, stalled, inaugurated, enthroned.
see under abhi-ifans, p. 6j-, col. 3. Abhi-shishikshat, an, antl, at, desiring to in- ^{f^{^abhi-shtha(-stha),cl. l.P.-tishthati,
i. ulili i-x<i*tn, at, a, am, injured, hurt, attacked.
augurate. -shthatum, to trample upon, destroy.
Abhi-iaitri, ta, trl, tri, an injurer, an enemy. Abhi-sheka, as, m. sprinkling, anointing ; inaugu-
See abhi-sans and rating or consecrating by sprinkling water ; inaugu- See under abi-sho.
ration of a king, royal unction ; the water or liquid abhi-shyanda or abhi-syanda, as,
used at an inauguration ; religious bathing ; ablution ;
abhi-santv, cl. 10. P. -santva-
bathing of the divinity to whom worship is offered. m. (rt. *yand), oozing or flowing ; weakness of or
yati, -yitum, to pacify, appease, reconcile, comfort. — Abhisheka-s'dld, f. the hall of coronation. — Abhi- running at the eyes ; great increase or enlargement.
See abhi-miHtr. Abhi-shyandin or abhi-syandin, i, inl, i, oozing,
Abhi-idntva, am, n. graciousness, complaisance. shekdrdra-Mras (°A-a-ar°), as, as, as, wet on^ the
head with the royal unction. — Abhi-shekdlta (%'o- trickling ; laxative ; causing deflexions or serous effu-
^rfW^ftw abhi-slta or abhi-sydta, as, a, am oA°), as, m. day of inauguration. sion. —Abhishyandi-ramana or abMsyandi-ra-
mana, am, n. a suburb, a smaller city appended to
(rt. fuai), cold, chilly. Abhi-ihektri, ta, m. an anointer, one who inau- a larger one.
Abhi-.fina or abhi-fyana, as, a, am, coagulated, abhi-shvanga, as, m. (rt. svanj),
congealed. gurates.
Abhi-shefana, am, n. sprinkling ; initiation, in-
intense attachment or affection.
•4jfM$ftcR i. abhi-soka, as, m. (rt. I. &u6), auguration.
Ved. intense grief. Abhi-shefariiya or abhi-sheSya or abhi-shekya, abhi-samyoga, as, m. intimate
I. abJi*-to6a, ai, a, am, Ved. causing great grief. as, a, am, worthy of inauguration ; belonging to in- union, close contact.
Abhi-ioCana, am, n. great grief, pain ; a torment- a u g u r a t i o n (-»iy<w),
; m., N. of a sacrificial cere-
mony performed at the inauguration of a king. abhi-sam-rabh, cl. i. A., Ved.
ing spirit or demon.
Abhi-she6Ua, as, a, am, caused to be sprinkled,
1. abhi-s"ofayishnu, ue, its, u, tormenting. inaugurated. -rabhate, -rabdhum, to support one's self on.
*fH 51^511 2. abhi-soka, as, m. (rt. 2. sa<5),
Ved. ardour. ^rfalj abhi-shu (-su), cl. 5. P. -shwnoti,
-roddhum, to ward off.
2. abhi-fota, a», a, am, shining, glowing with -ihotum, to express the Soma juice or any other abhi-samvrita, as, a, am (rt. vri),
heat. juice ; to moisten.
a. abhi-iofayishnu,, us, us, u, glowing with heat. Abhi-shava, as, m. or abhi-shavana, am, n. covered, clad, clothed.
pressing out the juice of the Soma plant ; distillation ; abhi-samslna orabhi-sanisyana,
^rftr^nft abhi-sauri, ind. towards Sauri religious bathing, ablution preparatory to religious
or Krishna.
rites ; drinking Soma juice, sacrifice ; ferment, yeast, as, a, am (rt. fyai), coagulated, congealed.
ofN<4l«HU abhi-sravana, am, n. (rt. sru), any substance producing vinous fermentation; (am), refuge. ?rWl abhi-samsraya, as, m. (rt. sri),
repeating Vedic texts, sitting down to a SfrSddha. n. sour gruel.
Abhi-irdva, as, m. hearing, becoming renowned. Abhi-shav am, f. an apparatus for pressing the Soma. rcnT abhi-samsSra, as, m. (rt. sri),
^firftl abhi-sri, cl. I. P. -srayati, -yitum, Abhi-shavanlya, as, a, am, to be expressed as
Soma juice. approaching together or in multitudes; (aw), ind.
to resort to.
Abhi-in, is, ie, m. f. (from M connected with .<rt), Abhi-shdvaka, as, or abhi-shotri, ta, m. the having approached together.
priest or any one who expresses the Soma juice. SHfoti*!*! abhi-sans-kri (-sam-kri), cl. 8. P.
Ved. joining, connecting one's self with, mixing; Abhi-shdvakiya, nom. P. -yati, -yitum, to long -karoti, -kartum, to shape, form ; to make, render ;
combining, holding together, arranging, putting in
order, united, approaching; having recourse to, for such a priest. to consecrate.
worthy to be had recourse to ; respected ; shining ; Abhi-shuta, as, a, am, expressed as Soma juice ; Abhi-sanskdra, as, m. imagination ; vain or profit-
powerful (am), n. sour gruel. less performance. abhi-sam-stambh, cl. 5. P.
^fWftr^ abhi-srish or abhi-slish, t (rt. abhi-shuka, as, m., N. of a plant.
jlish), Ved. a ligature. abhi-shena, as, m.,Ved. approach- -stabhnoti, -stambhitum, to support, render firm.
Abhi-ileshana, am, n. a bandage, ligature. ••n(H*<W=< abhi-samstava, as, m. (rt. stu),
ing as an enemy with an army ; directing arrows against.
^fniy^ abhi-svas, as, m., Ved. one who an Abhi-ehenana, enemy.
am, n. march to attack or repel praise, praising highly.
breathes upon or towards. Abhi-samstuta, as, a, am, highly praised.
Abhirivasa, at, m., Ved. breathing forth or on, Abhi-xhenaya, nom. P. -skenayati, -yitum, to ^rfW««*l3i abhi-sam-spris, cl. 6. P. -spris-
eructation. approach with an army, to march with an army
Abhi-ivasa, as, m. breathing upon or towards, against the eaemy. — Abhi-skishenayishu, us, us, ati, -sprashfmn, -sparshtum, to wash one's self.
blowing into a name. a, desirous of approaching with an army. wrfaHW abhi-sam-smri, cl. I. P. -smarati,
^fav&abhi-shanj (-sanj), cl. I . P.-shajati, •flfa Ml abhi-sho (-so), cl. 4. P. -shyati, -smartum, to recollect.
-shanktum, to be in contact with ; to revile, curse. -shatum, to put an end to, to destroy. ^Tf»f<i^*I abhi-sam-han, cl. 2. P. -hanti,
Abhi-thalcta, as, d, am, possessed by evil spirits, Abkf-shyat, an, antl, at, destroying, killing.
humiliated, defeated, reviled, cursed. -turn, to surround, enclose.
^rfmr«T abhi-shtana, as, m. (rt. stan), Ved. Abhi-samhata, as, a, am, joined, united.
Abhi-shanga, an, m. or abhi-xhanjana, am, n.
complete contact, union ; connection, copulation, as- roaring, bawling, a shout. See under abhi-sandha.
sociation, company ; embracing ; possession by evil ^rfirfi? abhi-shti, is, ID. (fr. I. abhy-as; ac- abhi-san-krudh (-sam-krudh),
spirits ; oath ; curse or imprecation ; false accusation, cording toother authorities fr. abkifh or fr. abhi-shtha,
calumny; defeat, blow, shock, sudden affliction. q. v.), Ved. an assistant, a protector ; one who is to be d. 4. P. -krudhyati, -kroddhum, to be angry with.
Abhi-sankruddha, as, d, am, angry with (with
— Abhishanga-jvara, as, m. a fever supposed to be praised or worshipped (as a protector) ; one who ap-
caused by evil spirits. proaches in order to assist, one who approaches to
attack ; one who assails an enemy, one who overpowers Abhi-sankrudhyat, an, antl, at, being angry
abhi-shava. See abhi-shu. with (with acc.V
an enemy, one who approaches in order to obtain ; de-
-shah (-sah), cl. I. A. -shahate, siring.desire; (is), f. assistance, protection; favour,help gen.). /abhi-san-krus (-sam-krus), cl. I.
hitum or -thodhum, to attack. worshipping, praising ; a sacrifice, a hymn ; approachi- P. -kroiati, kroihtum, to call out to.
abhi-san-kship. abhi-sneha.
(-sam-kship), cl. Abki-sandha or abhi-sandhaka, as, m. a deceiver,
a calumniator. 69
r abhi-sam-preksh (-pra-lksh),
6. P. -kshipati, -ksheptum, to compress, to crowd
1. abhi-sandhd, f. speech, declaration, promise. cl. I. A. -prekshate, -shitum, to look at, perceive.
together in a small space.
Abhi-sandhdna, am, n. speech, deliberate declara- ^TfW«g*«I abhi-sam-bandh, Pass, -badh-
Abhi-sartkskipta, as, a, am, thrown together or tion ; attachment or interest in any object ; special
at ; casting, throwing, shooting, aiming or aimed at. yate, to be connected with, to relate or refer to.
agreement ; cheating, deceiving ; making peace or Abhi-sambaddlia, as, d, am, connected with, re-
Abhi-sankshqta, as, m. compressing, compre- alliance. ferring to.
Abhi-mndhdya, ind. having aimed at, shooting at. Abhi-sambandha, as, m. connection; contact,
^rfiTO^fp abhi-san-khya (-sam-khyd), cl. Abhi-sandhi, is, m. speaking or declaring deliber- conjunction, relation ; sexual connection.
2* P. -kjiydti, -turn, to enumerate ; infer. ately, purpose, intention, object, meaning; special

abhi-sambddha, as, d, am, very
Abhl-sattkhya, as, a, am, inferable, clearly ascer- agreement; cheating, deceiving; making peace or
tainable. confined or contracted.
alliance ; joint, junction. — Abhisandhi-krita, as, d,
Abhi-sankhyeya, as, d, am, to be enumerated. am, done intentionally or on purpose. ^nifKWabhi-sam-bhii, cl. I. P., Ved. -bha-
•«((»l«ijj-«i abhi-san-gam (-sam-gam), cl. I. •«((*i*iq«^ abhi-san-nam (-sam-nam), cl. I. vati, -vitum, to be near to, to enjoy.
P. -gaMhati, -gantum, to approach together; to P. -namati, -nantum, to inflect. •S)(M««+HSI abhi-sammukha, as, d or i, am,
join in welcoming ; to meet with. abhi-san-nah (-sam-nah), cl. 4. fronting, facing ; looking respectfully towards.
^Tm?f3?ff abhi-sangupta,as,a,am, guarded, P. A. -nahyati, -te, -naddhum, to bind or string ^rfiran abhi-sara, abhi-sarga, &c. See
protected. together; to arm one's self against (?). abhi-iri, abhi-srij.
Abhi-sannaddha, as, d, am, accoutred, armed.
*i (** *• ff abhi-san-gn (-sam-gn), cl.p. P. A. •w(*(«M*u abhi-sarpana, am, n. (rt. srip),
wfira^ abhi-san-nl (-sam-nl), cl. i. P. A. coming near.
-grinati, -nite, -garitum, -ritum, to promise. -nayati, -te, -netum, to lead to or upon.
^rfHttfl-e abhi-san-grah (-sam-grah),c\.^. ^rfiraT*f^a6A«'-sanfo or better abhi-santv,
wfinRJ abhi-san-nu (-sam-nu), cl. 2. P., cl. 10. P. -sdntvayati, -yitum, to conciliate, pacify,
P. A. -grthndti, -nite, -grahitum, to grasp at once Ved. -nauti, -navitum, -nuvitum, to rejoice or cheer comfort.
with all the fingers.
together at or towards. Abhi-sdntva or abhi-tidntva, as, m. consolation,
'S(H*I'«IX abhi-saf, cl. i. A., Ved. -satiate, vil*i««iqi«4 abhi-samavdya, as, m. (rt. i), conciliation.
-ditum, to follow ; to revere, favour. union, association.
•w (H « \v(»\abhi-sdyam, ind. about evening,
i!l frmy ^. abhi-san-6ar (-sam-6ar), cl. I. P. abhi-sam-d-oam, cl. I. P. at sunset.
-iarati, -ritum, Ved. -ritave, -rase, -ratlhyai, to
go up to, to seek for, to move or wander about. i, -gantum, to approach together, come to. abhi-sdvaka, &c. See abhi-shu.
Abhi-santSdrin, I, inl, i, moving in every direction, ^ abhi-sam-a-pad, cl. 4. A. -pad-
inconstant, changeable. abhi-susush, us, us, us, or abhi-
yate, -pattum, to approach, enter upon.
soshyat, an, ati or antl, at, desirous of expressing
^rf»TSf% abki-sah-6i (-sam-£i), cl. 5. P. A. •wfimfa abhi-sam-i, cl. 2. P. -eti, -turn, to Soma juice. See abhi-shu.
-dinoti, -mite, -tetum, to arrange with reference to come together or meet at (a particular place) ; to
(anything). invade. •flfHH-"^ abhi-sud, cl. 10. P. -sudayati, -yi-
'SifHWTMi^ abhi-san-tint (-sam-tint), cl. tum, to point out, show.
•w (H««I) ^abhi-sam-lksh, cl. i. A. -ikshate, Abhi-sudita, as, d, am, pointed out.
10. P. -tintayati, -yitum, to remember. -shitum, to see, look at, have in view ; to compre-
'SfHUyirl abhi-sahjdta, as, d, am (rt. jan), hend, examine. ^rfW^ abhi-sud, cl. 10. P. -sudayati,
produced, coming into existence. •yitum, to kill outright, destroy utterly.
•«t(*(«<»iTt. abhi-sam-ir, Caus. P. -irayati,
^(•rtt abhi-sri, cl. i. P. -sarati, -sartum,
•»a(H*t>$ii abhi-san-jnd (-sam-jnd), cl. 9. A. -yitum, to put in motion.
-jdnile, -jiidtum, to allow, acquiesce in. ^fftnW? abhi-sam-uh, cl. I . P. A. -uhati, to approach, go towards, advance in order to meet, to
attack : Caus. P. -sdrayati, -yitum, to visit, approach.
^rfo «>i3 ^. abhi-san-jvar (-sam-jvar),c\. i. -te, -hitum, to cover by bringing together.
of Abhi-sara,
a people. as, m. a companion, a follower; N.
P. -jvarati, -ritum, to envy, regard with spite. ^rf>TW| abhi-sam-ri, cl. 5. A., Ved. -rinute,
-artum, -ritum, -ritum, to reach, seize. Abhi-sarana, am, n. approaching, meeting, ren-
•«((»i*i(««i^ abhi-satvan, d, m., Ved. sur- dezvous, going to meet.
rounded bybrave beings or heroes.
^rfinni abhi-sam-e (-d-i), cl. 2. P. -aiti, Abhi-sarat, an, anti, at, going to meet, attacking.
^rf>T*nrTHx abhi-san-tan (-sam-tan), cl. 8. -turn, to join in coming near or approaching, to go Abhi-sartri, td, trl, tri, attacking, assailant.
P., Ved. -tanoti, -nitum, to spread or stretch across, in quest of. Abhi-sdra, as, m. attack, assault ; meeting, rendez-
to use for bridging over or stretching across. vous ;companion, follower ; war, battle ; a purificatory
TM (»(««-H-<I^ abhi-sam-pad, Pass, -pacyate,
Abhi-semtata, as, d, am, stretched across, spread to become ripe at a certain time (with ace.). rite ; going to meet a lover, an assignation, appoint-
over, covering. ment; (ds), m.pl., N. of a people; (f), f., N. of a town.
mfa&mt^abhi-sam-pat, cl. i. P. -patati, Abhi-sdrikd, f. a woman who goes to meet her
TM TH « TIM abhi-san-tap (-sam-tap), cl. i. lover or keeps an assignation.
P. -tapati, -ptum, to press hard on all sides. -titum, to fly to, hasten to, jump upon ; to fly along.
Abhi-santapta, as, d, am, tormented. Abhi-sampdta, as, m. concourse, war, battle. Abhi-sdrin, I, im, i, going to meet, visiting,
Abhl-santdpa, as, m. war, battle. attacking ; (int), f. a woman who keeps an assigna-
•*PH*(W4^ i. abhi-sam-pad, cl. 4. A. -pad- tion or goes to meet her lover; N. of a species of
^rfvj«»n abhi-san-tri (-sam-tn), cl. I. P. yate, -pattum, to become anything, become similar the Trishtubh metre, in which two Psdas contain
to, be changed to ; to come to, arrive at ; to obtain :
-tarati, -ritum, -ritum, to cross over towards. twelve instead of eleven syllables, and which therefore
Caus. -pddayati, -yitum, to make equal, change into. is said to approach another metre called Jagatl.
'Ji IH « Tt| i^ abhi-san-tyaj (-sam-tyaj), cl. Abhi-sampalti, is, {. becoming or being effected Abhi-sdryamdna, as, d, am, being approached.
I . P. -tyajati, -tyaktum, to abandon, give up, desist completely; transition.
from. Abhi-sritya, ind. having gone near.
2. dbhi-sampad, t, f. becoming complete, complete
^f»Tti«T.Hfl abhi-santrasta, as, d, am (rt.
^rf»T1T»^ abhi-srij, cl. 6. P. -srijati, -sra-
Abhi-sampanna, as, d, am, complete, completelyshtum, to pour forth, to give.
tras), terrified, much alarmed. effected. Abhi-sarga, as, m. creation.
^rfiitt'^B abhi-sandashta, as, d, am (rt. Abhi-sarjana, am, n. gift, donation ; killing (?).
vil»tti«-M<j«4 abhi-sampardya, as, m. (rt. »' Abhi-srishta, as, d, am, given.
odQtf), compressed, tightened. with para and earn), futurity.
^rf*i«=(«1 abhi-sevana, am, n. practising,
'*if*f«»<^ abhi-sandeha, as, m. (rt. diK), ex- !?rf*T«i«Hj»^ abhi-sam-puj, cl. 10. P. -puja-
change ;organ of generation. In the last sense also
written abhi-sandoha. yati, -yitwm, to honour, revere greatly.
^liH«3i«<^ abhi-skanda, as, m., Ved. as-
^TfH«**lM^ abhi-sam-pra-pad, cl. 4. A. sault ;an assailant ; (am), ind. by assailing.
i. abhi-san-dhd (-sam-dhd), cl.
-padyate, -pattum, to come towards, share in.
3- P. -dadhdti, -dhdtum, to aim at; overcome; ii-sthiram, ind. very firmly.
deceive; calumniate; declare; add; prefer. ^rf*l«**l I «^ abhi-sam-prap (-pra-dp), cl. 5.
Abhi-samhita, as, d, am, agreed, contracted ; at- P. -dpnoti, -aptum, to reach, come to, arrive at, abhi-sneha, as, m. attachment,
tached to,interested, following any object eagerly. affection, desire.
get, obtain. T
70 abhi-sphurita.
abhi-sphuritn, as, «, am, ex- Abhitvan, va, ran, m. f., Ved. approaching, at- ^ abhildpa-lap (only used in
acking: also written nbhitntni, (if, I, am. 1.), Ved. discourse and talk ; or abhi-lapalap, talk-
panded to the full (as a blossom). Abhy-aya. See s. v., p. 71, col. a. ig excessively, whimpering (fr. irreg. intens. of rt.
^rfaffR ubhi-smi, cl. i. A., poet. P. -sma- T&ftZR i . nbhlka, as, d, am (= abhika, q. v., ap, cf. abhl-modamud last col.).
'/Kli, -H. -finititm, to smile upon. abhl-varga, as, m. (rt.vrij), circuit,
r. abhi), longing after; lustful, libidinous; anxious,
^rfHBT' 5 abhi-syanda, &c. See abhi- esirous ; (as), m. a lover, a husband, a master. ompass.
'.[, &C.
2. abhika, am, n. (fr. abhi-a6; cf. •4l»fl=lfl abhl-varta, as, m. (fr. abhi-vrit,
!»«A-«,a^ <;it«,pmr U-rt),Ved.meetingtogether,close- . v.), Ved. existing everywhere, going towards, ap-
Ved on the brick (used in sacrifices and called) sva- ness, nearness ; collision, combat, opposition ; abhike, reaching, attacking successfully ; successful assault,
yam-atrtnna (perforated in itself, i. e. full of
holes). nd. in the neighbourhood, at the same place or time, ictory ; a hymn recited in attacking the enemy.
at the right time, just in time ; in a moment, instan- Abhi-vrit, t, t, t, Ved. abiding everywhere.
*rf»m abhi-scri, cl. i. P., Ved. -searati, taneously; (with abl.) from, out of; on account of,
,,' -rit » 1,1 , to approve, praise, invoke. 'Sflfl'YrT abhl-vrita, as, a, am (rt. vri),
with regard to ; from (in connection with verbs ex- overed, surrounded.
^bAt-«i-or, or, f., Ved. invocation; calling into iressing defending from, &c.).
( one's) presence ; a hymn or song of praise. abhl-sdpa, as, m. (rt. sap), curse,
Abhi-erartri, ta, m., Ved. invoking, praising, an 'Wffa 3. a-bhlka, as, d, am (fr. bhl), fear-
mprecation. See abhi-iapana.
invoker. ess ; (as), m. a poet ; a master.
?rf»T?5T abhi-han, cl. 2. P. -Aawij, -/urn, to abhlksh (abhi-lksh), cl. i. A. -ik- SWfaj abh'isu or less correctly abhlshu, us,
beat off, drive off. shate, -shitum, to look towards. -. (rt. K or I. ai with abhi ?),Ved. rein, bridle ; arm,
thump at, strike, kill ; to
Abhi-hata, ««, «,«'», sto^: b<Mea; smitten; nger ; ray of light. — I. abhlshu-mat, an, all, at,
abhikshna , as, d, am (contraction 'lendid, brilliant.
killed ; humbled, subdued, broken down ; obstructed ; of abhi-kshana), repeated, frequent ; constant, per-
petual; (am), ind. repeatedly, again and again; . x abhtsh (abhi-ish), cl. 6. P. abhit-
Abhi-hati,is, f.striking; (in arithm.) multiplication. >erpetually, constantly; very, exceedingly; quickly. hati, abhy-eshitum, -shtum, to seek for, long for,
Abhi-hanyaindna, as, a, am, being smitten, kill- - Abhikshna -ias, ind. repeatedly. ndeavour to gain.
ed, &c. AbhlMhat, an, atl or antl, at, wishing, desiring.
Abhi-ghata. Sees.v. abhi-ghdta. See abhi-ghdta.
. Abhtehu, us, m. attachment, love, lust, passion
i. abhl-hata, as, m. (rt. Ace), in- abhljya, as, d, am (rt. yaj), to be cf. abhttu above]. -a. abhwhu-mat, an, atl, at,
sacrificed to, one to whom sacrifice is offered ; (as), ttached, enamoured.
vocation; (for 2. see under dbhi-lut below.) m. a god.
Abht-huti, if, f. invocation, worshipping. Abhlehta, as, d, am, wished, desired ; acceptable,
^fa^m abhi-hasya, as, d, am (rt. has), essly. a-bhlta, as, d, am, not terrified, dear, favourite, darling ; optional ; (a), f. a mistress ;
fearless. - Abhita-vat, ind. as one not afraid, fear- >etel. - Abhlshta-td, f. state of being desired.
Ved. ridiculous, laughable.
Al,hi-ha*a, «*, m. jest, joke, mirth. -Abhishta-devata, f. beloved goddess, favourite
a. a-bhlti, is, f. fearlessness. See last line first col. deity. — Abhlshta-ldbha, as, m. or abhlshta-sid-
>5{f>Tf?TT abhi-hita, as, a, am (fr. abhi-dha, Ihi, is, f. the gaining a desired object.
^Ttfh*^ abhlndh (abhi-indh), cl. 7. A.
a v.), held forth, said, declared, spoken ; determined ; abhi-shanga, as, m. curse, im-
^pokeu to, addressed, accosted ; whispered, prompted •inddhe, ^indhitum, to surround with flames, to in-
flame. >recan'on. See abhi-shanj.
io say; placed upon; (as), m., N. of a chief; (am), Abhlddha, as, d, am, inflamed, shining.
n. a name, expression, word. - Abhihita-tva, am, n. a-bhlshayd, ind. (inst. case of
the state of being said or spoken ; a holding forth, ^rW)MrlN abhlpat, m. (fr. abhi and ap; ibhishd), fearlessly.
declaration ; authority, test.
AbM-hiti, if, f. telling, manifesting, title. See collects; Ved.(?).a pond or any spot in which water
cf. anupa\favour abhl-shdh, t, t, t, Ved. over-
; f- immense
"(0, power.
abhi-hu, cl. 3. P. -jtthoti, -hotum, . _ ... \abhipatas, ind. (fr. rt. dp with ... powering a-bhukta, as, d, am (rt. bhuj), un-
abhi),Ved. according to the event, at the right time (?).
Ved. -hotavai, to make an oblation, sacrifice. eaten; unenjoyed, unused, unexpended; one who
1. abhi-hara, as, m. oblation, sacrifice. See above, „ abhipsita, as, d, am (Ips, Desid. nas not eaten, enjoyed or expended. — Abhukta-
Abhi-homa, as, m. making the oblation of clarified of rt. dp; see abhy-dp), desired, wished. rat, an, atl, at, one who has not eaten.
butter. Abhipsin, I, inl, i, or abhlpsu, us, m, u, de- Ved. one who has not experi-
A-l)huj, k, k, k,
sirous ofobtaining, wishing. enced or enjoyed, one who does not keep (a promise).
*rf»T5 abhi-hri, cl. i. P. -harati, -hartum,
to snatch away, carry off; to bring : Caus. P. -hara-
^er»fa a-bhlma, as, d, am, unterrific, causing A-bhunjat, an, atl, at, not eating ; Ved. not allow-
ing to enjoy ; not protecting.
yati, -yitum, to make a sudden attack. removing. no fear; (as), m., N. of Vishnu.
a-bhugna, as, d, am, not bent,
Abhi-hara, an, a, am, carrying off, ^wfaTT abhi-mdna, as, m. (rt. man),
Abhi-haraiia, am, n. bringing near, conveying straight ; well, free from disease.
robbing. pride, &c. See abhi-mdna under abhi-man.
^Wfaft^ abhl-moda, as, m. (rt. mud), joy. a-bhuja, as, d, am, armless, maimed.
Abhi-karanlya or abhi-hartavya or ai>hi-harya
,i*. a, am, to be brought near. - Abhlmoda-mud (only used in pi.), Ved. intense Ttq a-bhujishya, as, d, m. f. not a
Al,l,:-li:iiiri. la. fi'i. Iri, one who snatches away joy and pleasure; or abht-modamud, excessively
slave, not a servant.
•ci/es, takes by violence ; a ravisher. joyful (fr. irreg. intens. of rt. mud). a-bhii, its, m. unborn ; an epithet of
Abhi-hara, as, m. lobbing, seizing anything in ^T»fhC abhlra, as, m. a cowherd ; N. of a Vishnu.
the owner's presence ; a brisk attack ; effort ; arming
taking up arms ; mingling together. people ; (I), f. the language of this people ; (am), n. A-bhwta, as, d, am, non-existent, whatever u not
N. of a metre, containing four Padas with eleven or has not been.- Abhuta-tadblidva, as, m. the
^»fa|Tf abhi-krut, t, t, t (rt. Am), Ved Matras in each PJda.
bending, causing crookedness, acting injuriously ; (t) ^f»fl<.l!jl abhirant, f. (rt. ir?), a kind o coming into being of that which has not existed before.
f. (all, defeat, damage. — A-bhuta-purra, as, d, am, unprecedented. — A-
serpent. bhMn-prddurlihara, before. as, m. the becoming manifest
Abhi-hrnti, i», f. causing to tall ; defeat, damage of what has not been - Abhuta-rajas, asae,
offence ; offensive, injurious. 'SWKl'ft abhlrdjl, f. a kind of poisonou
supposed to have existed
Abhi-hvara or abhi-hvara, at, a, am, falling insect. m. pi., N. of some deities
off; crookedneis, sin. in the fifth Manvantara. - A-l>huta-s'atru, u»,us, v.,
^T»ft?» a-bhiru, us, us or Us, u, unterrific having no enemy.
i . a-bhi,ls,is,i, without fear, fearless. fearless, undaunted ; (ux), m., N. of Bhairava or Siva A-bhiiti,is,(. non-existence ; want of power ; poverty.
2. abhi (abhi-i), cl. 2. P. abhy-eti, (its or us), {., N. of a plant, Asparagus Racemosus ^OTfo a-bhitmi, is, f. non-earth, anything
— Abhiru-pattrl, (. a plant, the leaves of which ar
-lam, to come near, approach; to go up to or
like those of the plant Abhiru (see above) ; the plan but earth; no proper object, unfit place or object.
towards (with ace.) ; to go along, go after ; to go into, Abhiru. produced in unfit or un-
enter ; to join ; to go over to ; to reach ; to come
-Abhumi- ja,
suitable ground. ai, d, am,
A-bhlruna, (M, d, am, unterrific, fearless, innocent
to, ^orfqTf a-bhiiyishtha, as, d, am, few,
fall toIntern,
one's share (with-lyate,
or Pass, ace.) ;totoask,
get ;request;
to fall
A-bhllu, us, us, it (for a-bhlru), or n'"
tiiiam, or <ami//nm "''/<'. to go near. a*, d, am, fearless.
l.ahhiti. i". f .Ved. approach, assault. See next col. <t(. See abhi-Tuti.
'5T»rfta-6A5ri, is, is, i, few, some, several.
a-bhusha or a-bhushita, as, a, am, ^ abhy-adhvam, ind. towards the abhy-arth (abhi-arth), cl. 10. A.
unadorned. way, on the way ; (e), ind. on the way, near. -arthayate, -yitum, to ask, request.
Abhy-arthana, am, d, n. f. petition, request.
^WrT a-bhrita or a-bhritrima, as, a, am, ^T*H«jsu i. abhy-anu-jna (abhi-anu°), cl. 9. 71
not receiving hire, not hired, not paid. P. -jdndti, -jndtum, to allow, permit; to authorize, Abhy-arthamya or abhy-arthya, as, d, am, to
direct ; to allow one to depart, dismiss ; to take leave : be requested or asked. — Abhy-arthayamdna, as, d,
^TW^T a-bhnsa, as, a, am, not much, little, am, asking, one who asks.
few. Caus. -jndpayati, -yitum, to ask for leave to depart,
to take leave. Abhy-arthita, as, d, am, asked, invited.
^W^ a-bheda, as, m. absence of difference 1. abhy-anujnd, (. or abhy-anujndna, am, n. Abhy-arthin, i, ini, i, asking.
or distinction ; identity ; not breaking, compactness, assent, permission ; granting leave of absence, dismiss- ^W?f abhy-ard (abhi-ard), cl. I. P. -ardati,
closeness of array ; (as, d, am), undivided, identical, ing ; order, command. •ditum, to oppress, afflict, pain.
alike. Abhy-anujnata, as, a, am, allowed, permitted,
A-bhedaka, as, ikd, am, not dividing, not dis- assented to, dismissed ; ordered, commanded. Abhy-ardlta, as, d, am, distressed, oppressed.
^T*T*I abhy-ardha, as, a, am (fr. ardh
f- tinguishing. oXmtli » ««i duOynH.t.') ? ^W-TJT^ abhy-anu-prath (abhi-anu°), cl.
"i.*.. A-bhedya, as, a, am, or a-bhaidika, as, i, am, 6. P. -priMhati, -prashtum, to inquire after, ask for. for ard with abhi, cf. abhy-arna), Ved. being on
not to be divided or broken or pierced ; indivisible ; this side ; proximate, near ; increasing ; (am), n. the
(-yam), n. a diamond. — Abhedya-td, f. indivisibility, ^WTgfj abhy-anu-mud (abhi-anu°), Caus. being situated on this side, near. — Abhyardha-
impenetrability. P. -modayati, -yitum, to permit one to leave, to yajvan, d, m., Ved. granting gifts ; increasing the
worshipper's prosperity.
^TW^i a-bhoktri, ta, tri, tri, or a-bhogin,
i, ini, i, not enjoying, not using, abstemious. ^Wf«Jl$ abhy-anukta (-anu-uk°), as, a, am •«i*q3 abhy-arsh (abhi-arsh), cl. i. P. -ar-
A-bhoktam/a, as, d, am, not to be enjoyed or (rt. vaf), said conformably to what was declared before. shati, -shitum, to flow near, to run near (with ace.) ;
used. to cause to flow near.
^T*M*f1«, abhy-antara, as, a, am, interior,
A-bhoga, as, m. non-enjoyment, not making use of. WT^Tjffa abhy-arhaniya, as, a, am (rt.
A-bhogya, as, d, am, not to be enjoyed. being inside ; initiated in, conversant with ; next, nearly
A-bhoj, k, m., Ved. not affording enjoyment (to related, intimate ; (am), n. inner part, interior, in- arh), to be greatly honoured, venerable. — Abhy-
the gods, i. e. refusing to sacrifice). — Abhog-ghan, side, middle ; included space ; (am or atas), ind. arhaniya-td, f. honourableness, honour.
a, m., Ved. killing the stingy (who will not sacrifice). in the interior, inwards. — Abhyantara-karana, see Abhy-arhita, as, a, am, greatly honoured, venera-
A-bhojaiKi, am, n. not eating, fasting, abstinence. antahkarana. — Abhyantara-kala, f. the secret art ble ;fit, proper, becoming.
A-bhojita, as, a, am, not fed, not feasted. or the art of coquetry. — Abhyantardydma (°ra-dy°), Vi*Mrtl; abhy-alankri (abhi-alam-kri), cl.
A-bhojin, i, ini, i, not eating, fasting. as, m. curvature of the spine by spasm ; emprosthonos.
A-bhojya, as, d, am, not to be eaten, prohibited Abhy-antaraka, as, m. an intimate friend. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to decorate.
Abhyantart-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to Abhy-alankrita, as, d, am, decorated.
as food, impure. — A-bhojydnna, (°ya-an°), as, a,
am, one whose food is not allowed to be eaten. initiate, inaugurate ; to make a near friend (of a per- •si'Mqonmii abhy-avakarshana, am, n. (rt.
son) ;to familiarize. — Abhyantan-karana, am, n.
•WHlffloK a-bhautika, as, i, am, not ele- initiating in, inaugurating; making a near friend (of krish), extraction, drawing out.
mental, not relating to or produced by the gross ele- a person). — Abhyantari-krita, as, d, am, put be- ^IVqqcui^i abhy-avakasa, as, m. (rt. kas),
ments, mental. tween, made interior ; initiated ; made intimate or an open space.
familiar with.
^TXjF»«f abhy-agni, is, m., N. of a son of •><4MHcR abhy-ava-kri (abhi-ava°), cl. 6. P.
Etasa or Aitasa ; (i), ind. towards the fire.
'3n*TTSiTx abhy-apa-kram (abhi-apa°), cl. -kirati, -karitum, -ritum, to throw or cast on, to
'STmiJ abhy-agra, as, a, am, near; fresh, I. P. A., d. 4. P. -krdmati, -kramate, -krdmyati,
-kramitum, to go away to, to go up to. pour on, to cover.
new ; (am), n. proximity.
^TMH-«K abhy-ava-6ar (abhi-ava°), cl. I . P.
•>x**m'{abhy-apan(abhi-apa-an), cl.2. P., •farati, -ritum, Ved. -tarn, -tavai, -rase, -radhyai.
marked. abhy-anka, as, a, am, recently Ved. -apdniti, -nitum, to breathe on. send away.on, penetrate : Caus. -tarayati, -yitum, to
to press
^W»TX abhy-aj (abhi-aj), el. I. P. -ajati, '5WT abhy-am (abhi-am), cl. I. P., Ved.
-jitum, to unite, join. -amati, -mitum, to advance violently against, to at- ^T**?^?'^ abhy-ava-tan (abhi-ava°), cl. 8.
tack, to pain, hurt ; to be angry with ; to overcome. P., Ved. -tanoti, -nitwn, to extend along or to.
'WFslabhy-anj(abhi-anj),c\.';. P.-anakti, Abhy-amana, am, n. attacking, assault, disease.
-iinjitum, -anktum, to smear, anoint ; to decorate. ^T^MI^t'H abhy-avadanya, as, a, am,Ved.
— Abhyamanascat, an, all, at, with assaults or
Abhy-akta, as, d, am, oiled, anointed. attacks, with dis«ases. withholding gifts, not liberal.
Abhy-artga, as, m. rubbing -with unctuous sub- Abhy-amita, as, d, am, diseased, sick.
stances, smearing the body with oil, inunction ; un- ^W^Tft abhy-ava-do (abhi-ava°), cl. 4. P.
Abhy-amin, i, ini, i, attacking, inclined to attack. -dyatt, -datum, to divide into pieces for any purpose.
guent, liniment. Abhy-dnta. See s. v.
Abhy-anjana, am, n. smearing the body with oil, ^fHTslVT abhy-ava-dha (abhi-ava°), cl. 3.
inunction ; oil ; applying collyrium to the eyelashes ; ^0*JRff abhy-amitra, am, n. assault on
ornament ; embellishment. an enemy ; (am), ind. towards or against the enemy.
P. A.
all -dadhdti,
sides, overlay. -dhatte, -dhdtum, to lay down on
Abhy-amitrina or abhy-amitriya or abhy-ami-
'SWrT^ abhy-at (abhi-at), cl. I. P. -atati, trya, as, m. a soldier who faces the enemy valiantly. Abhy-avahita, as, d, am, allayed, laid, e. g. dust.
-titum, to visit.
•«i*H^ abhy-aya, as, m. (fr. abhi-i, see ^TWJ c| HT abhy-ava-nam (abhi-ava°), Caus.
WwrnfJlW abhy-ati-kram (abhi-ati°), cl. I. (tblii), going near, approaching, arriving ; entering ; P. -ndmayati, -yitum, to bow, incline.
P. A., cl. 4. P. -krdmati, -kramate, -krdiiii/iiti, setting (of the sun).
^TVinf'TW abhy-ava-nij (abhi-ava°), cl. 3.
-kramitum, to step over, to walk through ; to P. A. -nendcti, -nenikte, -nektum, to wipe or wash
overpower ; to transgress ; to violate. theT^HK.
enemy. abhy-ari, ind. towards or against
off. clean : Caus. -nejayati, -yitum, to cause to wash
^r«rftr^ abhy-ati-kshar (abhi-ati"), cl. I. ^WWf^jpT abhy-arkabimbam, ind. to-
P. A. to.-kshamti, -te, -ritum, Ved. -radhyai, to flow
wards the disk of the sun. *Wqq*{\abhy-ava-ni(abhi-ava°),cl. I. P. A.
•nayati, -te, -netum, to lead down, pour into.
^fWjftrsft abhy-ati-ni (abhi-atV], cl. I. P. A. W&^abhy-ari!(abhi-ar<<),c\. i. P. -ari-ati, 'BTVqcm'rT abhy-ava-pat (abhi-ava°), cl. I.
•fitum, to praise, celebrate in song; to worship,
-nayati, -te, -netum, to mix with (?). reverence : Pass, -arfyate, to be honoured. P. -patati, -titum, to fly or fall down.
^Wrft abhy-ati (abhi-ati-i), cl. 2. P. abhy- Abhy-ardat, an, anti, «£,worshipping,reverencing. ?|Vqc|<ir| abhy-ava-man (abhi-ava°), cl. 4.
nty-eti, -turn, to go past, glide away ; to pass over ; Abhy-arfana, am, n. or aJ>hy-ar6i, f. worship, A. -manyate, -mantum, to despise, scorn, reject.
to get through. reverence.
Abhy-atita, as, d, am, dead, passed away. Abhy-artauiya or abhy-arrya, as, a, am, to be 13T*H=(*»'^ abhy-ava-skand (abhi-ava°), cl.
worshipped, to be reverenced. I. P. -skandati, -fkantum, to jump up (or out ?).
^Wtftra abhy-adhika, as, a, am, surpassing
AWiy-ardta, as, d, am, praised, worshipped. Abhy-araskanda, as, m. or abhy-araskandana,
(in number, power, kind) ; exceeding the common am, n. impetuous assault, facing an enemy ; striking
measure, excellent ; pre-eminent, extraordinary ; su- •W»M*H ubhy-arna, as, a, am (fr. rt. ri or so as to disable an enemy.
perior, more excellent, having more authority or artl with abhi?), near, proximate; (orn). "• near-
power; (am), ind. exceedingly. ness, proximity. abhy-ava-hri (abhi-ava°), Caus.
72 abhy-avaharana. abhy-asddana.
-hdriiyati, -yilum, to get one to oppose another ; to or abhy-astan-gd, d. 3. P. -jigdti, -gdtitm, to go Abhy-atta, as, d, am (for abhy-ddatla), obtained ;
cause one to take or eat. down or set (as the sun) during or with reference to having gained, encompassing.
Althy-iii'tiharana, am, n. throwing away or down; (some act). Abhy-dddna, am, n. beginning, commencement ;
first beginning.
taking food, eating.
or Abhy-astamaya,
with reference to. at, m. setting of the sun during
Alihy-atahara, as, m. taking food, eating, enjoy- rv abhy-d-dis (abhi-d°), cl. 6. P.
ing ;food. Abhy-antamita, at, d, am, one on whom the sun -diiati, -deshtum, to aim at (in talk), to have in
Abhy-aeahirya, as, a, am, eatable, fit for eating ; has gone down while asleep. view.
(am), n. food, eating.
Abhy-avahrita, as, a, am, taken (as food), de- abhy-dkarsha, as, m. (rt. krish), abhy-d-dhd (abhi-a°), cl. 3. P.
voured. a striking of the flat of the hand upon the breast in -dadkdti, -dhdtum, to lay on (fuel, &c.), to add,
defiance (a practice common to wrestlers and pugilists). apply.
abhy-avds (abhi-ava-as), cl. 4. P. Abhy-ddhdna, am, n. laying or placing on, adding.
abhy-dkankshita, am, n. a
-iisyati, -situm, to throw upon. Abhy-dhita, as, d, am, laid on, put on. — Abhyd-
groundless complaint, a false accusation.
abhy-ave (abhi-ava-i), cl. 3. P. Mta-pain,
India. tM,4h. a present usual in some districts of
-orniti, -turn, to go down ; to descend ; to get an abhy-d-kri (abhi-a°), cl. 8. P. -ka-
insight, to condescend ; to perceive. roti, -kartum, to draw near to one's self, attract. abhy-d-ni (abhi-d°), cl. I. P. A.
Abhy-avdyana, am, n. going down, descending. self. -iiayati, -te, -netum, to pour into, mix with.
Abhy-dkdram, ind. by or in drawing near to one's
Abhy-areta, ai, d, am, descended, immersed.
^WPTrT abhy-d-nrit (abhi-d°), cl. 4. P.,
9 abhy-aveksh (abhi-ava-lksh), cl. I. abhy-d-kram (abhi-d°), cl. I. P. Ved. -nrityati, -nartitum, to dance towards, to
A. -avekehate, -shUum, to look at or upon. A., d. 4. P. -krdmaii, -kramate, -krdmyati, -kra- hasten near.
mitum, to step near.
f abhy-as' (abhi-as), cl. 5. P. A. -o/- Abhy-dkrdmam, ind. by or in stepping near or abhy-dnta, as, d, am (fr. rt. am
noti, -note, -axitum, -anh/um, to pervade, reach mutually, in stepping rapidly. with abhi, see abhy-am), sick, diseased.
to, gain ; to make one's self master of. alihy-dp (abhi-dp), cl. 5. P. -dpnoti,
Abhy-adana, am, n. reaching to, pervading, WfT5i5t^abhy-a-krus(abhi-d°),cl. i .P.-iro-
gaining. iati,-lcroshtum,to assail with harsh language.to revile. -ptum, to reach to, to get, to obtain : Caus. -dpa-
Abhy-dia, as, m. reaching to, pervading; prox- abhy-dkhydta, as, d, am, accused yati, -yitum, to bring to an end : Desid. -ipsati, to
imity, neighbourhood, result, consequence, prospect, strive to reach, to ask for, to desire.
falsely, calumniated.
hope of gaining; (as, a, am), near, proximate Al>h~nnfitii, as, d, am, desired, acceptable, dear.
Abhy-dkhydna, am, n. a false or groundless ac-
(also written abhy-dsa). Abhy-diam or abhy-die, cusation, calumny.
^T«rnTfTx abhy-d-pat (abhi-d°), cl. I. P.
ind. near (also written abhy-dse). Abhyaiad-dgata, -patati, -titum, to jump on, to hasten near to, rush
as, a, am, arrived from near at hand. abhy-d-gam (abhi-d°), cl. I. P. towards.
-gafthati, -gantum, to come near to, approach,
^n*Wvi. abhy-as (abhi-as), cl. 2. P. -asti, visit ; to come to, fall into. Abhy-apata, as, m. calamity, misfortune.
lo fall to one's share ; to be over ; to excel ; to reign Abhy-dgata, as, d, am, come, arrived ; (as), m. •ei*Hm<^ abhy-d-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyati;
over, tyrannize over.
a guest, a visitor. -pattttm, to come to, to approach.
2. abhy-as (abhi-as), cl. 4. P. -as- Abhy-igama, as, m. or abhy-dyamana, am, n. ^WHI*!^ abhy-amarda, as, m. or abhy-
yati, -asitum, to throw down, throw to, heap one approaching, arrival, visit, visitation ; neighbourhood ; dmardana, am, n. (rt. mrid), war, battle, fighting.
on the other, accumulate, to shoot off at, to concen- arriving at or enjoying a result ; rising, getting up ;
war, battle ; encountering, striking, killing ; enmity. abhy-d-yam (abhi-d°), cl. I. P.
trate one's attention in one direction; to repeat,
practice, exercise ; to study, read, recite ; to learn by -yafiShati, -yantum, to restrain.
heart. abhy-d-gd (abhi-d°), cl. 3. P. -ji-
gdti, -gdtum, to come to, approach, arrive. Abhy-dyanxenya, o«, m., Ved. to be restrained ;
Ablty-asanfi, am, n, concentrating of the faculties to be made subject.
of the mind in one direction ; practice, exercise ; abhy-dgdrika, as, d, am (fr.
dgdra, q. v., with abhi), diligent in supporting a ^f>*ll<4l abhy-d-yd (abhi-d°), cl. 2. P. -ydti,
repetition, study.
-turn, to come up to, attain.
Abhy-asanlya or abhy-asitavya or abhy-asya,
as, a, am, to be studied, to be repeated or redupli- •«(»«<l«ur] abhy-dghdta, as, m. (rt. han), ^WrtHxa!)Ay-a-ra?i& (abhi-d°), cl. i. A. or
cated. P. -rabhate, -ti, -mbdhum, to commence.
assault, attack.
Abhy-asta, as, d, am, accumulated, practised, Abhy-iramb/ia, as, m. beginning, commencement.
exercised ; learnt by heart, repeated, studied ; multi- Abhy-dghdtin, i, ini, i, attacking, assailing.
^T«nt*TNa!;Ay-a>am, ind. (rt. ri), near, at
plied; reduplicated in grammar; (am), n. the re- abhy-d-/!aksh (abhi-d°), cl. 2. A.
duplicated base of a root. -Cashfe, -shtum, to look at ; to speak. hand, by coming near.
Abhy-asyat, an, and, at, studying, practising. ^I*<<l«iC abhy-ariidha, as, d, am (rt. rith),
Abhy-aia, at, m. repetition; practice, military -d-6ar (abhi-d°), cl. I. P. A. ascended ; gone up to ; surpassed.
practice, permanent or repeated exercise, discipline, -farati, -te, -ritum, Ved. -Have, -itavai, -rase, Abhy-droha, as, m. or abhy-drohana, am, n.
use, habit, custom ; repeated reading, reciting, study ; -radhyai, to approach, practice. going up to, ascending ; transition from one place to
learning by heart ; education ; practising archery ; (in Abhy-dddra, as, m .,Ved. approaching (as an enemy), another ; progress ; ascending in devotion, praying.
disturbing. mony.
grammar) repeating twice, reduplication ; the first Abhy-drohanlya, an, m., N. of a sacrificial cere-
syllable of a reduplicated radical ; (in poetry) repeti- -a; (abhi-d-aj), cl. I. P. itijati,
tion of the last verses of a stanza ; (in arithmetic) Abhy-d-rohya, as, d, am, to be ascended, to be
multiplication : see also under abhy-as". — Abhydsa- -jitum, to drive near.
gaia, at, d, am, approached, gone near (see abhy-aia abhy-djndya, as, m. (rt. jna),Ved.
above). — Abhydta-td, f. constant practice, use, habit. order, command. ^T«n?rTN abhy-d-vrit (abhi-d°), cl. I. A.,
Ved. P. -vartate, -ti, -titum, to come up to, come
— Abhydtasnimitla, am, n. the cause of the redupli-
cation ingrammar. — Abhydsa-jmrivartin, i, ini, i, ^WnPT abhy-d-tan (abhi-d°), cl. 8. A., gained.
towards, approach.
wandering about or near, for abhyd^.-Abhydia- Ved. -tanute, -nitum, to take aim at, shoot. Abhy-dvarta, as, m. repetition ; a hymn, the
verses of which are repeated in singing; (am), ind.
yoga, as, m. the practice of frequent and repeated Abhy-atdna, at, m. spreading over ; expansion.
meditation on any deity or on abstract spirit, re- repeatedly, by repeating.
peated recollection. — Abhyam-rynrdya, as, m. in- abhy-d-tap (abhi-d°), cl. I. P. Abhy-ararlin, 1. ini, i, repeatedly coming; (i),
terval caused by the reduplication-syllable. -tapati, -ptum, to distress, torment. m., N. of a king.
Abhydnin, i, ini, i, practising, repeating. Wmtabhy-a-tfi(abhi-d°),c\. I. P. -tarati, Abhy-arritta, as, a, am, come near to, approached,
Abhydse, ind. near ; more correctly written abhyate. -rittim, -rltum, to come up.
abhy-asuya, nom. P. A. -asuyati, Abhy-di-ritti, if, f. repetition.
^TVqiw abhy-dtma, as, d, am, Ved. directed repeated.
•te, -yitum, to show indignation, to detract. abhy-asa, as, m. See abhy-as.
towards one's self; (am), ind. towards one's self.
Abky-asiya, as, d, am, angry, vexed, impatient. — Abhydtma-taram, ind. more towards one's self. nbhy-dsa. See 2. abhy-as.
Abhit-muyiihi, as, Ha, am, detracting, a de-
tractor, calumniator ; envious. ^TWIT^T abhy-d-dd (abhi-d°), cl. 3. A. abhy-d-sad (abhi-da), cl. i. P.
d, f. detraction, envy, calumny. -rlattc, -datum, to seize, snatch away ; to put on ; -sidati, -sattum, to attain, obtain.
to take up the conversation, or commence speaking Abhy-asddana, am, n. striking so as to disable an
abhy-astam-i, cl. 2. P. -eti, -turn, after another.
enemy, racing an enemy.
abhy-a-han. abhy-upeyivas.

x abhy-d-han (abhi-d°), cl. 2. P. (abhi-upa'), cl. i

Ved. -sada
- yati,
x --yitnm, to v destroy ~d°),
-kanti, -turn, to strike, wound, smite, (?). Caus. P
at; toobtam; to assent, agree to, promise, 73
impede. , to go near to, approach, ar-
Abky-dkata, as, d, am, struck, wounded, ^*3W^ abhy-ut-sah (abhi-ud°), cl. I. A be-
Abky-ahanana, am, n. striking, hurtin
g, killing -mhate,
venture, to-sahitu
dare. m, -sodhum, to feel competent,
WHJi(\5(T abky-dhita. See under abhy- AbTiy-upagata, as, 5, am, gone near
^^i^abhy-nt-smi(abhi-ud''),c\. I. A. to, ap-
a-dkd, p. 72, col. 3. o
poet. P. -smayate, -ti, -smetum, to smile. mmed,,mphed; mferred, probable; similar, ana-
^T»n^ abhy-d-hri (abki-d°),cl. i. P. ±^ -TL 3t; Pr°mised> agreed> ""ted to;
'3fV3^?T. abhy-ud-an (abhi-ud°), cl. 2. P
over.m, to bring towards, brin? near- to give -aniti, -anati, -anitum, to breathe on or upon. or Abhy- upaga
assente d to,ntavy
to bea,admitt
as, a, am, to be approached
Abky-dkara, as, m. bringing near; abhy-uddharana, am, n.(rt.
Abhy- robbery.
dharya, as, d, am, to be eaten. an example or illustration of a thing by its
oA£hy.upagantri, ta, in, tri, one who approaches
^T>g^J My-uMa, as, d, am (rt. T^gf^ abhy-ud-i (abhi-ud"), cl. 2. P. -eh Abhy-upagama, as, m. going near to,
vad), de- ing, arriving at; a promise, an agreement, contrac h-
vith reference to (some particular -turn, to go up ; to rise over ; to happen granting, allowing, admitting, believing; t
point). in combat with. ; to engag
ascertainment; supposition, inference, probable
^>gT^ abhy-uksh (abhi-uksh), cl. 6. Abhy-udaya, as, d, am, rising; (as), '.GO. axiom. analogy affin-
i . P. A. m.
rf luminaries (especially with reference to somethe ris

or fre coment; <w)' m- * sia-

-ukskati, -te, -shitum, to sprinkle over, besprin othe ^•-Abhyupagama-siddhanta, as, m. an 'admit-
Abky-ukshana, am, n. sprinkling kle ' occurrence), sunrise; beginning, comme
over, ncing; ele Abhy-upagamita, at, a, am, made to consent
Abhy-ukshita, as, d, am, besprinkled. wetting. vation, increase prosperity; happiness;
good ,
bhy-ukskya, ind. having sprinkled over. a festival, any religrous celebration ; accident result
rence.-Abhyudwyeshti (°ya~ish°), is,
^*F^bhy-u6 (abhi-ud), cl. 4. P. particular expiatory sacrifice. f., N. of a
-fitum, to like, to take pleasure in Abhy-udayin, I, ini, i, rising, arising. _pa°),cl.4.A.
^WrTrT I. abhy-udita, as, d, am, risen (as the sunV „ J, -pattnm, to approach in order to help-
abhy-udita, as, d, am, usual to honour, to comfort; to ask for help-
o furnish with.
customary. arisen, happened; elevated, exalted; asleep
at sun-
rise ;celebrated as a festival ; (d), f., N. of a
ceremony ; (am), n. rising, sunrise. religious Abky-upapatti, is, f, approaching in order
^T^gWTinnT abhy-udda-ffdmin assist, protection, defence; favour, the conferr to
, i, ini, i, ing of
going exceedingly high ; (T), m., N. of a
Buddha. 2- abhy-udita, as, d, am (rt. vad) benefit or kindness, affection ; agreement
mentioned, referred to. assent -
^*3Wl abhy-uddaya, as, m. impregnation of a woman (especially of a brother'
(rt. «), in- as an act of duty). s
crease, augmentation.
_. -shitum,
-Ikshate, „ J-ud-lksh (abhi-ud°), cl. I. A. Abky-upapanna, as, a,
Abhy-uttita, as, d, am, increased, augme
nted. to look towards. ehvered, agreed to, agreeing am, protected, rescued,
to, proved, admitted.
y-ud-dar (abhi-ud-dar), cl. i. P.
^*3^T abhy-ud-ir (abhi-ud"), Caus. P.
-irayatt, -yttum, to raise (one's voice); to speak
aloud _ _ abhy-upayukta, as, d, am (rt.
; to incite, stir up.
uj), employed, used.
Abhy-udirita, as, a, am, thrown over or upon. abhy-upasdnta, as, d, am (rt.
abhy-uc6hrita, as, d, am (fr. rt.
in with abhi and ud), raised aloft, elevated. ^31^ abhy-ud-uh (abhi-ud°), cl. i. P. A. am), allayed , calmed .
- Abhy- -uhati, -te, -hitum, to move or push farther out.
Xhnta-kara, as, a, am, with uplifte
d proboscis. . . °-sev (abhi-upa°), cl. i.
^n abhy-ude (abhi-ud-d A. -sevate, -vitum, to observe religiously.
^J-nft^ abhy-uj-jw (abhi-ud"), cl. i. P.
-jivati, -vitum, to live for others. -aiti, -turn, to go up to, approach. -i), cl. 2. P.
^PT^TT abhy-upa-sthd (abhi-upa°), cl. i.
^**^\abhy-ud-nam (abhi-ud°), cl. I. P. P. -tiskthati, -sthdtum, to accompany, attend, assist.
X^frto^abhy-ut-kram (abhi-ud'), cl.
I. P. jatihaU, -gantum, to extend ; to go out to meet. Abhy-up asthita
A cl. 4 P. -l-rdmati, -kramate, -kramyatl, Abhy-iidga, as, d, am, rising, uprisen. tended, assisted by., as, a, am, accompanied at-
mitwn, to go up to: Caus. P. -kramaJti -mtum -kra-
to cause to go up to, to cause to ascend ^ Abhy-udgata, as, d, am, extended ; gone out iWliejirT abhy-updkrita, as, d, am,
order to meet (another); risen, elevated. in sum-
- Abhy moned to take part (in a ceremony?).
'^graSf abhy-ut-krus(abM-ud°), udgata-raja, as, m., N. of a Buddhist Kalpa.
-kroiati, -kroshtum, to raise loud acclam cl. i P Abhy-udgama, as, m. or abhy-udgamaw,
art T»nTTJpR abhy-updgam (abhi-upa-d-gam
ations. n. rising from a seat to honour any one ; setting
ac ou cl. I. P. -gaifhati, -gantum, to come to.
o pay a visit.
Abhy-utkrofa^am, n. loud acclamation ^pfT abhy-ud-gd (abhi-ud") 'SlWjHl^r abhy-upddd (abhi-upa-d-dd}, cl.
Hana-mantra, as, m. a hymn of applau
se. -jigdti, -gatum, to rise over or before., cl. 3. P 3. A. -datte, -datum, to pick up.
abhi-ud°), cl. i. P., Ved. T«J|S abhy-uddrishta, am, n. (rt. dris),t
°Ver towards' Pene" ii ^}HI1^
vrit), abhy-updvritta,
approached, come to. as, d, am (rt.
becoming visible (of a star) ; (d), [., N. of
a ceremony
trate'lo abhy-ud-dhri (a/>hi-ud-hri), cl. i. P ^3^ i. abhy-upe (abhi-upa-i), cl. 2. P.
abhy-ut-tha (abhi-ud-sthd), cl. -uddharati, -rtum,to take up, take out; to destine -upaiti, -turn, to go near, approach, arrive at, enter;
i, -thdtum, to rise, rise from
>ne . honou ••C™s--udd/!,amyati,-yitum,tosmtchamy
r. Mhy-u to enter
of; to bea faithful,
state or obey,
condition ; to agree with, approve'
deliver ed.Mhrita, as, a, am, taken out, taken up
hana, am, n. rising from a seat throug Abky-updya, as, m. an agreement, a promise, an
eness ; rising, elevation, obtaining a engagement ; a means, an expedient.
high position, (abhi-ud°), cl. i. P
gaming authority, di_guity, respectability Abhy-upayana, am, n. a bribe, douceur, compli-
; sunrise. ' ~yantum< to bring, offer ; to lift up. mentary gift, an inducement.
> any one honour. Abhy-udyata,, as, d, am, brought or given unsol
Abhy-wpeta, as, d, am, approached; promised
' am- risen- arisen-
do an™ f ^'"' '' inl' *> rising from a seat to 1 ; prepared, exerting one's self, lifted up.
assented or agreed to (as by contract, &c.), admitted'.
iva ("(a-a^, as, m., N. of ^J"^ "1'hy-und - Abkyupetartkakritya (°ta-ar°),as, a, am, pledged
a prince descended from Das'aratha. ti, -unditum, to wet, (abhi-und) , cl. 7. P. -unat-
bedew ; flow over. o the peformance of a required act.
flowing dat, an, afi, at, bedewing, wetting •
over. AMy-upetavya or abky-upeya, as, d, am, to be
, i.e. dmitted or assented to.
f ~UH^ya-
by rising**' *' am'
from one'stoseat.

abhy-ut-pat (abhi-ud°), cl. i. P. ^W^rT abhy-unnata, as, d, am Abky-upetya, ind. having arrived at, having as-
(rt. nam), ented or agreed to. - Abkyupctydiusrushd (°tya-
raised elevated ; projecting upwards, very high
or fall.
Abhy-unnati, is, f. great elevation or prosper ai'), f. a head or title of law,
ity. r contract between master and breach
servant.of engagement
any ' *"• °' or leaping against ^T*^ abhy-un-ni (abhi-ud-m), cl. r . P. A. ved at. yivas, van, yuskl, vat, (having) ar-
-nayati, -te, -netum, to pour upon, scoop towards.
i abhy-upe.
N. of a cane, Calamus Rotang ; (am), n. water ; a hape, a splendid shape ; splendor, glitter ; (i», is, i),
2. abhy-upe (abhi-upa-d-i), cl. 2. P.
lower in the clouds, castle in the air, anything im- Ved. poor, indigent ; (is), f. want, indigence.
•iipaili, -turn, to go towards, approach. pos ible. —Abhra-prush, t, f., Ved. the sprinkling of I . amort-van, a, m., Ved. poor, indigent.
?T"4MHi abhy-upeksh (abhi-upa-tksh), cl. I. he clouds, rain. "Abhra-mdnsl, f., N. of a plant, Amatra, amani, amavkhnii. See s. v.
A. -upekshate, -shitum, to leave, abandon. Valeriana Jat5m5nsi. — Abhm-mdtanga, as, m. ^f{ 2. ama, as, m. (connected with omu),
Airavata, Indra's elephant. — Ablira-mdld, f. a line his ; self; (a), f. soul.
abhy-usha or abhy-usha or or succession of clouds. — Abhra-roha, am, n. Lapis Amd, ind., Ved. at home, in the house ; with ;
..*/(«, «*, m. (it. UfA), a kind of cake of grain &c. Lazuli. — Abhra-lipta, as, a, am, overspread with ogether with; near: see also p. 75, col. 3. — Ami
half dressed, slightly scorched, or parched so as to be clouds. — Abhra^arsha, as, a, am, Ved. pouring
eaten from the band ; bread. water from the clouds. — Ablim-rdtikn, Of, m., N. ITJ, to take ind.,
or carry
1. amdt, Ved. with
nearself.at hand, from the
MJiyutKiya or abhyush'ii/a or abhyveiiyn or if a plant, Spondias Magnifera. — Abhrn-tiras, o», icighbourhood. (For 2. see p. 75, col. 3.)
or abhy-othiya or oMiij-oshya, an, a,
urn, consisting of, or belonging to, or fit for the above i. a head formed of the sky. — Abhrarakds'a (°ro- 'SH 3. a-ma, as, m. or a-ma, f. (rt. mo),
av°), as, m. fall of rain, clouds as the only shelter. inmeasured state.
cake or preparation of parched grain.
— Abhrdrakds'ika, as, d, am, or abhrdvakds'm,
abhy-ushita, as, a, am (rt. i.vas), I, ini, i, exposed to the rain (and so doing penance), 2. a-mati, is, is, i, Ved. of unmeasured lustre
dwelling near to, dwelling with. not seeking shelter from the rain, having the clouds (the sun).
or shelter, open to the sky. — Abhroltha ("ra-ut"), a-mangala or a-mangalya, as, d,
I . abhy-udha, as, a, am (fr. rt. rah as, m. sky-bom, i. e. Indra's thunderbolt. am, inauspicious, unlucky, evil ; (las), m. the castor
with abhi), brought near. Abhraka, am, n. talc, mica ; the same as abhra, oil tree, Ricinus Communis ; (am), n. inauspicious-
abhy-urnu (abhi-iirnu), cl. 2. P. A. q. v. — Abhraka-bhaeman, a, n. calx of talc.— A- less, ill-luck.
^hraka-sattva, am, n. steel.
-Urnoti, -nute, -urnavitum or -nuvitum, to cover, amanda, as, m. the castor oil tree,
clouds, make nom.
cloudy.A. abhrayate, -yitum, to create Ricinus Communis.
hide, conceal ; to cover one's self (?).
abhy-uh (abhi-uh), cl. I. P. A. -«A- Abkrita, as, a, am, clouded, covered with clouds. a-mandita, as, a, am, unadorned.
«tt, -te, -uhitum, to cover over, to clothe ; A.-uhate, Abhriya, as, d, am, belonging to or produced 2. a-mata, as, d, am (rt. man), not
Ved. -ohate, to watch for, to form a plot against ; to from clouds ; (as), m. lightning ; (am), n. a collec-
tion of thunder-clouds. felt, not perceptible by the mind ; (for I . amata, see
infer, to guess.
Abhrya, as, m. a naked ascetic, who is clothed under 2. am.) — Amata^parartlia,, as, a, am, in-
3. abhy-tidha, as, a, am, reasoned upon, con-
cluded, inferred. only by the air. compatible with the principal subject or subject-matter.
Abhy-uha, as, m. discussion, reasoning, deduction, -bhrama, as, d, am, not blundering ; 3- a-mati, is, f. unconsciousness,
inference ; supplying an ellipsis ; understanding. steady, clear ; (as), m. steadiness, composure. ignorance, feebleness of intellect, absence of fore-
Abhy-ihitavya or abhy-tihya, as, a, am, to be A-bhramu, us, f. the female elephant of the east, the thought, knowledge or intention ; (is, is, i), evil-
inferred or guessed. minded, unworthy of credit, depraved. — Amati-
mate of Airavata. — Abhramu-priya or abhramw-
Abhy-ukya (the « being shortened after abhi be- vallabha, as, m. the male elephant of the east or purva, as., d, am, unconscious, unintentional, without
fore the ya of the ind. pan., but sometimes wrongly Airavata. forethought.
written with long M), ind. having concluded or inferred, 2. amatl-van,d,m., Ved. evil-minded, weak-minded.
having reasoned ; having supplied an ellipsis. a-bhratri, ta, tri,\eA. or a-bhratrika,
as, a, or a-bhrdtri-mat, an, all, m. f. brotherless, ^TTf? amatra, as, d, am (rt. om),Ved. over-
'SW abhy-ri (abhi-ri), cl. 3. 5. P. abhtyarti, - A-bhrdtri-kan, hd, ghnl, m. f., Ved. not killing powering, overcoming, strong, violent, impetuous ;
-rinoti, -artum, -ritum, -rltum, to go to, to pervade. a brother.
Abhy-arna. See s. v., p. 71, col. 2. (am), n., Ved. strength, power ; a vessel, a utensil.
Amatrin, i, im, i, Ved. strong, powerful ; having
a-bhratrivya, as, a, am, having no a drinking-vessel.
abhy-ridh (abhi-ri fh), cl. 6. P. rival, without an enemy.
-rit<!hati, -Shitum, to come to, to visit or afflict with ; a-matsara, as, d, am, unenvious,
to strive against, to strive to overpower. a-bhrdnta, as, d, am, unperplexed, charitable.
not mistaken or in error, clear, composed.
abhy-rinj (abhi-rinj), cl. 6. P. A. a-mada, as, d, am (rt. mad), cheerless,
A-bhrdnti, is, f. absence of perplexity or error.
-rinjati, -1c, -jitum, to stretch out the hand for, to
hasten to or towards. abhri or abbhri, is, or abhri, f. (fr. rt. grave, sorrowful.
A-matta, as, d, am, not inebriated, sober, sane,
abAr), a wooden scraper or shovel for cleaning a boat, not mad.
-mA (abhi-rish), cl. I. P. -arsh-
a spatula, a spade, a pointed stick. — Abhri-khdta, 4 a-madhavya, as, d, am, not worthy
ati, -fhitum, to flow or run towards a place ; to let am, n., Ved. dug up with the above instrument, as
flow or run towards a place. of the sweetness (of the Soma).
a ploughed field. • a-madhuparkya, as, d, am, not
abhye (abhi-ii-i), cl. 2. P. -aiti, -turn, a-bhresha, as, m. non-deviation,
to go near, to come to. fitness, propriety. worthy of the madim-parka, q. v.
Abhy-etya, ind. having approached, having come to.
W*^ a-bhva, as, d, am (etymology doubt- a-madhyama, as, d, am, non-cen-
i . abhy-eshana, am, n. (rt. 3: ish), tral, not being in the middle.
desiring, wishing for. ful, Mva^MoM or bAui'O?), Ved. huge, immense,
mighty ; monstrous, terrible ; (as), m. a powerful a-madhyastha, as, d, am, not in-
Alihy-esttaniya, as, i, am, to be desired. man, applied to an enemy ; (am), n. immense power,
2. abhy-fshana, am, n. (rt. i. isJi),
monstrosity, the great pervading principle of the uni- a-manas, as, n. not the organ of
going towards, attacking. verse ;embarrassed state, great calamity; sultriness (?);
a monster ; offspring ; water, a cloud. desire, non-perception, want of perception ; (as, as,
abhr, cl. i. P. abhrati, abhritum,
\ to go ; to err or wander about. ^Tf i. am, ind. quickly, a little. A-manaska,
as), = the next.m>, d, am, without the organ of desire,
^W al,hra (sometimes spelt abbhra, ac- without perception ; without intellect, unconscious.
-i'| 1 1 2. am, cl. i. P. amati, -mitum, Ved. A^nmnasrvi, i, int, i, unintelligent, inhuman (as
Mirding tn the derivation ab-bhra, 'water-bearer'), x amiti or amitt, to go ; to go to or towards ; a Rakshasa).
<tnt, n. cloud; sky, atmosphere, ether, heaven; to serve or honour; to sound: Cans, dmayati, -yi-
dust (?) ; talc, mica ; gold ; camphor ; the ratan (Ca- tum, to afflict with sickness or pain from disease ; to "MMrflcp a-mandk, ind. not little, much,
lamus Rotang) ; Cyperus Rotundus ; (in arithmetic) a be afflicted or sick.
. ypher ; [cf. Gr. o^/3pos and Lat. tinker.] -Abhram- I. (ttufi, as, m., Ved. going, pressure, heavy weight,
liha, an, a, am, doud-licking ; what touches or violence, strength, power, depriving of sensation, fright, greatly. mam',is,f. (fr.rt. am), a road, a way.
weeps the clouds; sky-scraper; (as), m.wind.-jl- terror ; disease, sickness ; a servant ; companion ; ( a-mannshya, as, d, am, not human,
Iihra-yliana, tut, i, am, thickly covered with clouds. a, am), unripe ; unfortunate (?). — Ama-vat, an. all, unfrequented by men ; (as), m. not a man, a demon.
— Abhr'in-kaxha, of, a, am, grazing (hurting) the at, Ved. impetuous, violent, strong ; powerful, bold — Amanushya-td, f. unmanliness. — A-manushya-
clouds, very high ; (as), m. air, wind, a mountain, persevering, constant ; attended by ministers, attended
- Ablira-jd, at, as, am, Ved. bom from clouds,
nishfvita, as, d, am, not inhabited by men.
by diseases, possessed of self; (rat), ind. impetuously
caused by vapours. — Abhra-naga, n*, m. one of the ^HHIJlrl a-manogata, as, d, am, unthought
— Ama-haia, as, a, am, injured by disease, &c
elephants supporting the globe. — Abhra-pi^afa or — Ama-han, hd, ffhni, ha, destroying diseases, &c.
•tbhra-piiai'-aka, as, m. sky-demon, N. of R5hu, the I. nmata, ae, m. sickness ; disease ; death ; time of,••JIHHisI
unknown. a-manojha, as, d, am, unwelcome
iescending node personified. — Abhra-pti»hpn,as,m. I. amnti, is, m. moon, time; (is), f., Ved. form
to the mind, disagreeable, disliked.
author as the Amara-kosha. — Amara-ratna, am, (. the wild goose. — Amala-ratna, am, n. or amala-
•>i)*HM*lH a-manonlta, as, a, am, disap-
proved; reprobate. n. crystal. — Amara-rdja, as, m. king of the gods; mani, is, m. f. crystal. — Amaldtinan (°la-dt°), d,
an epithet of Indra. — Amarardja-datru, its, m, an
d, a, of undefiled mind.
•ttwililrT a-manoyoga, as, m. inattention. enemy of the king of the gods; an epithet of Ra- Amalaya, nom. P. amalayaH, -yitum, to make
A-manoyogin, t, inl, i, inattentive. vana. — Amara-loka, as, m. the abode of the gods,
heaven. — Amaralnka-td, f. the bliss of heaven. A-malina, as, d, am, stainless, free from dirt,
i5W«f^C a-manohara or a-manoramya, as, — Amara-vat, ind. like an immortal. — Amara- spotless.
d, am, or (i-manohdrin, t, ini, f, disagreeable, dis- vallari, (., N. of a plant, Cassyta Filiformis Lin.
pleasing, unattractive. 'i(*irtl1<» amalanaka, am, n. globe-ama-
— Amara-s'akti, is, m., N. of a king. — Amara- ranth (Gomphrama Globosa). See amildtaka.
'iJH'H'^l a-mantavya or a-manariiya, as, a, snrit, /, f. the river of the gods ; epithet of the
am (rt. man), not to be regarded, inadmissible. Ganges. — Amara-sinha, as, m. 'god-lion,' N. of a witil ama-vat, an, atl, at. See under
A-mantu, us, us, u, Ved. unwise, foolish, indocile ; renowned lexicographer; he was a Buddhist, and is
(for ava-mantu), despising. supposed to have adorned the court of Vikramaditya, I. 'Hull.
•si^Ptm!! amamslmu, us, us, u (fr. rt. am),
being included among the nine gems. — Amara-strl,
«i«i«« a-mantra, as, rn. not a Vedic verse f. an Apsaras or nymph of heaven.— Amardfdrya going in different directions, up and down.
or text ; (as, a, am), or a-mantraka, as, ikd, am, (°ra-df'), as, m. Vrihaspati, teacher of the gods. Amasa, as, m. disease; stupidity, a fool, time.
unaccompanied by Vedic verses or texts ; unentitled
to or not knowing Vedic texts, as a Sudra, a female, — Amarditgand (°ra-ang°), f. a nymph of India's •sii+nu a-masrina, as, d, am, not soft,
heaven. — Amarddri (°ra-«(P), is, m. the mountain harsh, hard ; violent, intense.
Scc.'-A-mantra-vid, t, t, t, not knowing the for- of the gods ; an epithet of the mount Sumeru or
mulas or texts of the Veda ; (t), m., N. of a man. v(«i«non a-mastaka, as, d, am, headless.
Mem. — Amarddhipa (°ra-adh°), as, m. lord of
v<«im a-manda, as, d, am, not slow, active, the gods; an epithet of Indra. — Amardpagd (°ra- •«»1« a-mastu, n. curds. See mastu.
violent ; not stupid ; not little, important ; (as), m., apc), f. the river of the gods; an epithet of the
N. of a tree. Ganges. —A mare/ya(°r<W/)'a*'in'>N.of Vrihaspati. ^Wt i. amd, f. day of conjunction of sun
— Amares"a (°ra-itf°), as, m. lord of the gods ; an epi- and moon or new moon ; see amd-vasi, p. 76, col. I.
•><JH>tlHM a-manyamdna, as, a, am, Ved. thet of S'iva or Indra. — Amareicara (°ra-«rf°), a*, m.
not understanding, offering no homage ; not expect- — Amdnta (amd-anta), as, m. the end of the day
an epithet of Vishnu, Siva, or Indra. — Amarottama of new moon.
ing, not being aware of.
(°ra-uC), as, d, am, best of the immortals. — A- ^WT 2. amd, ind. at home, in the house ;
vii'Mn a-manyuta, as, d, am, Ved. not maropama (°ra-up°), as, d, am, like an immortal. see also under 2.ama, p. 74. ~ Amdkta (amd-akta),
A-marana, am, n. the not dying, immortality.
affected with secret anger, not bearing ill-will against
A-marani ya, as, a, am, immortal. — Amaramya- as, d, am, Ved. met, come together. — Ama-jur,
a person. td, (. immortality. ur, {,, Ved. living at home during life, growing
•WHH a-mama, as, d, am, without egotism, Amard-vatt, f. the abode of the immortals, resi- old at home; being without husband in the same
devoid of all selfish or wordly attachment or desire ; dence of Indra ; N. of a town in Berar. dwelling with her parents (as a maiden).
(as), m. the twelfth Jaina saint of a future Utsarpim. A-marisJinu, us, us, u, Ved. immortal. •»a*ii« a-mdnsa, am, n. not flesh, anything
— Amama-td, f. or amama-tva, am, n. disinterest- A-marta, as, a, am, Ved. immortal. but flesh ; (as, d, am), without flesh, feeble, thin.
edness, indifference.
A-marlya, as, d, am, immortal, imperishable, di- — A-mdnsauatmika ('sa-od'), as, i, am, not re-
•>HH(y a-mamri, is, is, « (rt. ran), Ved. im- vine (as),
; m. god. — Amartya-td or amartya-tva, lating to a preparation of rice with meat.
mortal, undying. am, n. immortality. — Amartya-bhuvana, am, n.
the world of the immortals, heaven. ^JTH^ 2. a-mdt, an, dti or dnti, at, not
measuring. (For I. see p. 74, col. 3.)
•w«n. a-mara, as, d, am (rt. mri), undying,
immortal, imperishable; (as), m. a god, a deity; wnj~ amam, us, m., N. of a king, the v<nm<* a-mdtrika, as, d, am, without a
N. of a Marut ; a plant, Euphorbia Tirucalli ; another author verses of Amaru.
of the Amaru-fataka, am, n. or the hundred
plant, Tiaridium Indicum ; a species of pine ; quick- mother, motherless.
silver, gold ; N. of Amara-sinha ; of a mountain ; %i»i 4\n a-maruta, as, d, am, without wind, A-mdtd^putra, as, m. having neither mother nor
mystical signification of the letter n ; the number 33, calm.
such being the number of gods according to the later son.A-mdtribhoglna, as, d, am, not fit for the use
a-mardlta, as, d, am (rt. mrid), un- of a mother.
mythology ; (a), f. the residence of Indra ; the umbi- threshed, unsubdued, not trodden down.
lical cord ; the womb ; a house-post ; N. of several •«l«lli«l amdtya, as, m. (fr. 2. amd above),
plants, Panicum Dactylon, Cocculus Cordifolius, &c. ; ^WVTf x. a-mardhat, . an, and, at, Ved. not inmate of the same house, belonging to the same
(i), f. the same as anmrd in many of its senses. — A- injuring; indefatigable (?). house or family ; a companion, follower, counsellor,
mara-kantaka, a m, n. ' peak of the immortals,' N.
of part of the Vindhya range near the source of the isi«i»i «T a-marman, d, m., Ved. not a vital
Sons and Narmada. — Amara-kota, as, m. the part of the body, without a joint, having no joint, 4IHM a-matra, am, n. non-measure, not
fortress of immortals ; N. of the capital of a Rajput having no vital part. — A-marma-jdta, as, d, am, a measure or quantity (said of the universal spirit) ;
state. — Amara-kosha, m, m., N. of the Sanskrit not produced in a vital organ. — A-marma-vedhin, (as, d, am), boundless; not whole or entire; not
dictionary of Amara or Amara-sinha. — Amara- ?, inl, i, not injuring vital organs, mild. elementary ; having the measure or quantity of the
I'nsTia-kaumudl, f. title of a commentary on Ama- letter a. — Amdtravat-tva, am, n. deficiency, defect ;
^W^m a-nwrydda, as, d, am, having no spirit, spiritual essence.
ra-sinha's dictionary. — Amara-gana, as, m. the as-
semblage of immortals. — A mara-tandra, as, rn., limits, transgressing every bound; (d), f. the transgress- v)»iini a-mdnana, am, n. disrespect, con-
N. of the author of the Bsla-bhiirata. — Amara-ja, ing or overstepping due bounds ; disrespect, impropriety
of conduct ; violation of decorum or due reverence ; tempt, disobedience.
as, m., N. of a plant. — Amara-tatinl, (. river of
forwardness or pertness. *!)HM=t a-manava, as, d, am, not human,
the gods ; an epithet of the Ganges. — Amara-ta, f.
or amara-tvd, am, n. immortality ; the condition of 'J1*1H u-iiiarsha, as, m. (rt. mrish), non- animal ; superhuman.
the gods. — Amara-dtitta, as, m., N. of a lexico- endurance ; impatience ; impetuosity, determination a-mdnasya, am, n. pain.
grapher. —Atnara-darii, wx, m., N. of a tree of purpose ; anger, passion ; (as, d, am), unenduring,
(Pinus Deodaru Roxb.). — Amara-deva, as, m. a not bearing; (as), m., N. of a prince. — Amarfha- a-mdnitd, f. or a-mdnitva, am,
N. of Amara-sinha. — Amara-dvlja, ««, m. a Brah- ]<i. ii£, d, (nil, springing from impatience or indig- n. (rt. man), modesty, humility.
man who lives by attending a temple or idol ; super- nation. —Amarsha-hdsa, as, m. an angry laugh, a A-mdnin, i, inl, i, humble, modest.
intending temple.
a — Amara-pati, is, m. the lord of sarcastic sneer. A-mdnya or a-mdnitavya or a^mdnanlya, as,
the gods ; an epithet of Indra. — Amara-pura, am, A-marshana, as, a, am, or amarsha-vat , an, d, am, to be disrespected.
n. the residence of the immortals, paradise; N. of vari- utj. at, or a-marshita, as, d, am, or a-marshin, 'WHTl M a-mdnusha, as, i, am, not human,
ous towns. — Amara-pushpa or amara-pvshpaka,
t, int, i, not suffering, not bearing ; impatient, in- anything but man ; supernatural, inhuman, a monster ;
as, m., N. of several plants ; a kind of grass, Saccha- tolerant ;passionate, wrathful, angry, impetuous, de- not well disposed towards man.
rum Spontaneum, Pandanus Odoratissimus, Magni- termined.
fera Indica. — Amam-push/rika, f. a kind of anise, A-mdnushya, as, d, am, not human, super-
human, &c.
Anethum Sowa Roxb. — Amara-prak/iya or amara- -mala, as, a, am, spotless, stainless,
jirnhlia, as, a, am, like an immortal. — Amara- clean, pure, shining, white ; (d), f., N. of the goddess wn«mi amd-masl or ama-mtisi for amd-
ptabhu, im, m. ' lord of the immortals,' one of the Lakshmi ; the umbilical cord ; N. of a tree, Emblica I'oal, p. 76, col. I.
thousand names of Vishnu. — Amara-bhartri, td, Officinalis Gsertn. ; N. of a plant ; (om), n. purity ;
m. lord of the gods ; an epithet of Indra. — Amara- the supreme spirit ; toSc. — A-mala-garbka, as, m., •flilM a-mdya, as, a, am, not cunning,
iiidld, f. title of a dictionary, said to be by the same N. of a Bodhi-sattva. » Amala-patatrin, i, im, m. not sagacious; free from error or deceit, guileless,
76 a-muyika. amrita-pa.
sincere ; (a), f. absence of delusion, deceit, or guile f ami», », ini, i (fr. ama, see am), A-mw!, k, (., Ved. non-liberation.
knowledge of the truth ; sincerity, honesty. sick, diseased. A-nmtl, (., Ved. not unbinding, not setting at
A-mai/it'i, "•', a, am, or n-mayln, i, ini, i i. amfaa, as, d, am (fr. rt. am), Ved. going every- liberty (epithet of an evil spirit).
without illusion or deceit, void of trick or guile ; true where, violent, tempestuous (?); loved by all(?). vi«j««i a-mukha, as, d, am, having no
honest; real.
nl«in 2. a-nu'no, as, a, am, Ved. unmea-
'.a-mdra, as, m. not dying. sured, unparalleled, inviolable. A-mukhya, as, a, am, not chief, inferior, or-
a-marga, as, m. want of a road •wfilflr^ a-minat, an, all, at (rt. ml), Ved.
(as, d, am), pathless, without a road. not hurting ; unhurt. ^W*V a-muodha, as, d, am, not con-
will'm u-miiryita, as, a, am, unsought founded, not perplexed, not foolish.
not hunted after. v(»ic?irl«i« antildtaka, am, n. globe-ama-
ranth. ^W» (i-inudha, as, d, am (rt. muh), not
infatuated, wise ; not perplexed.
*t*iifi|il a-marjita, as, d, am, uncleansed •w 1*1 'Si a-misra, as, d, am, unmixed, un-
unwashed, unadorned. mixing ;without participation of others. ^nTta-mira, as, a, am (for a-mudha, q. v.),
A-misraniya, as, d, am, immiscible. Ved. without error or mistake, infallible, not ignorant,
•«<*il=1«i amd-vasu, us, m., N. of a son o not bewildered.
Puriiravas, of a son of Kusa and others. A-miirita, as, d, am, unmixed, unblended.
wfim i. amisha, am, n. luxury, object of a-murta, as, d, am, formless, shape-
^MMI^i^Hi amd-vdsyd, f. (fr. rt. vas, ' to enjoyment, flesh. See dmiiha. less, incorporeal, unembodied ; (as), m., N. of Siva.
dwell,' with ama, ' together,' i. e. rdtri, night of new — Amurta-rajas, as, or amurta-rajasa, as, m.
moon), the first day of the first quarter on which the •wfim 2. a-misha, am, n. honesty, simpli-
moon is invisible ; a sacrifice offered at that time ; the city, absence of fraud ; dishonesty (?). a son of Kfl^a by VaidarbhI.
sacrificial cake?; (as, d, am), or amd-vdsyaka, as, A-mtirti, is, {. shapelessness, absence of shape or
d, am, produced in a night of new moon. ifft in I'D a-mlta-varna, as, d, am (mtta form ; (is, is, i), formless ; (is), m., N. of Vishnu;
fr. rt. mi), Ved. of infinite hue ; of unhurt or unex- (-ayai ), m. pi. a class of Manes, who have no defi-
Amd-vasl or amd-vasyd or amd-vdsi, f. the nigh; tinguishable colour. nite form. — Amurti-mat, an, all, at, formless.
of new moon ; that night during which the moon
dwells together with or in the same quarter as the sun '•atilimi a-mimdnsd, f. (rt. man), absence vi«ico a-mula or a-miilaka, as, d, am, root-
of reasoning or investigation. less, baseless ; without support ; without authority ;
•wHTI a-mdsha, as, d, am, or a-mdshaka,
as, ikd, am, having no kidney-beans. A-mimansya, as, d, am, not to be reasoned about without material cause or origin ; not fixed in the
or discussed, not to be demonstrated by reason. earth ; having locomotive powers ; (a), f., N. of a
•wmfl i . amita, as, d, am (fr. rt. am), gone, amlcd, f. (fr. rt. am), pain, distress, plant, Methonica Superba Lam.
served, honoured, sounded.
terror, fright ; tormenting spirit, demon ; affliction, »a«j«H a-mulya, as, d, am, invaluable, not
•wmrT 2. a-mita, as, d, am (rt. ma), un- disease ; (as), m. an enemy, one who afflicts ; (am), to be purchased, priceless.
measured, boundless, infinite; without a certain n. affliction, pain, grief. — Amii-a-tdtana, as, f, am,
measure; neglected; unpolished, unclean. —A mita- Ved. driving away pains, diseases, enemies, or tor- «i*J^i a-mrikin, as, d, am, Ved. unhurt,
kralu, its, m., Ved. of unbounded wisdom ; of un- menting spirits. — Amim-han, d, m., Ved. killing unharmed, safe.
evil spirits, destroying pains. a-mrindla, am, n. the root of a
bounded energy. — Amita-gati, is, m., N. of a Jaina
author. — Amita-tejas, as, as, as, of boundless amu, a pronominal base, used in the fragrant grass, used for taties or screens, &c., com-
glory. — Amita-dyuti, is, if, i, of infinite splendor. declension of the pronom. atlas. monly called Kaskas, Andropogon Muricatus.
— Amita-dhvaja, as, m., N. of a son of Dharma- Amiika, as, d, am, a certain person or thing, any-
dhvaja. — Amita-vikrama, as, m. of unbounded thing or person referred to without a name. wjff a-mrita, as, d, am, not dead; im-
valour, a N. of Vishnu. — Amita-virya, as, m. of Amutas, ind. from there, there ; from that place, mortal, imperishable, causing immortality ; beautiful,
immense strength. — Amitdkshara (°ta-ak°), as, "rom above, i. e. from the other world, from heaven ; beloved, desired ; (as), m. a god, an immortal ; N.
d, am, not containing a fixed number of syllables, lereupon, upon this ; henceforth. of Indra, of the sun, of PrajSpati, of the soul, of Vishnu,
unbound, pmszic. — Amitdbha ("ta-dbh°), as, d, Amutra, ind. there ; there, i. e. in what precedes of Siva, of Dhanvantari as physician of the gods, &c. ;
am, of unmeasured splendor; (as), m. a kind of N. of a plant, Phaseolus Trilobus Ait. ; N. of the root
or has been said ; there above, i. e. in the other world,
deity; N. of a DhySni-bnddha. — Amitdym ("to- n the life fo come; here. — Amutra-bhiiya, am, of a plant ; (d), f. spirituous liquor ; N. of several
ny ), K», m., N. of a Dhyini-buddha. — Amitaujas n., Ved. being there above or in the other world ; plants, Emblica Officinalis, Terminalia Citrina Roxb.,
dying. Cocculus Cordifolius, Piper Longum, Ocymum Sanc-
(°ta-cf), as, as, as, of unbounded energy, all-power-
ful, almighty.
Amutratya, as, d, am, belonging to a future state, tum, &c. ; N. of the mother of Parlkshit ; (am), n.
>eing of the next world. immortality ; the collective body of immortals ; the
"siPl^ a-mitra, as, d, m. f. not a friend,
an enemy, adversary, foe. (According to some au- AiHHtlta, hid. thus, in that manner, like that; world of immortality, heaven, paradise, eternity ; the
thorities this is not derived from a and mitra, a imuthd as, to be thus, a euphemistic expression used immortal light ; the nectar conferring immortality,
n the sense of, to fare very ill. ambrosia ; the Soma juice ; antidote against poison ; a
friend, but fr. rt. am, 'to attack.')— Amitm-khdda, Ani.ii.yd, ind., Ved. in that manner, thus or thus ; drug ; the residue of a sacrifice ; unsolicited alms ;
ns, m., Ved. swallowing or devouring his enemies ;
an epithet of Indra. — Amitra-gatia-mdana, as, d, with rt. <u or 6Au) to be thus ; to be gone, to be water; clarified butter ; milk ; food ; boiled rice ; any-
ost. thing sweet, a sweetmeat ; property ; gold, quick-
am, destroying the hosts of one's enemies. — A- Amurhi, ind. at that time, then. silver poison
; ; splendor ; final emancipation ; N. of a
mitra-ghdta, as, d, am, Ved. killing enemies ;
(as), m. a N. of VindusSra, the son of Candragupta. Amu-rat, ind. like a person or thing referred to sacred place; N. of various conjunctions of planets sup-
without name.
— Amitra-ghdtin, i, ini, i, or amitra-ghna, OK, posed to confer long life ; the number ' four.' — Amri-
a or i, am, the same as the preceding. — Amitra- Amushmin (loc. sing, of ados), in the other world. ta-Tcutida, am, n. the vessel containing the Amrita
\iniinTiya (gen. sing, of ados), of such a one. or nectar. — Amrita-kefava, as, m., N. of a
jit, t, m. conquering one's enemies ; a son of Suvarna. — Amushya-kida, at, d, am, belonging to the temple, built by Amrita-prabha. — Antrita-kshdra,
— Amitra-td, (. enmity. — Amitra-dambhana, as,
amily of such a one. — Amushya-putra, as, i, m. am, n. sal ammoniac. — Amrita-gatt, is, f., N. of
d, am, Ved. hurting enemies. — Amitra-sdha, a»,
m., Ved. enduring or overcoming enemies ; epithet of . the son or daughter of such a one ; of a good family, a metre consisting of four times ten syllables. — A-
Indra. — Amitra-send, (. hostile arrow. — Amitra- af known origin. — Amiifhydyana (°ya-ay°), as, mrita-garlika, as, m., Ved. the immortal fetus, i. e.
fiait, d, m., Ved. killing enemies.- Amilrii-ijailh, a, m. f. offspring of such a one ; of respectable birth, sleep; (as, d, am), filled with nectar. — Amrita-titi,
f known origin. i, f. the accumulation or arrangement of sacrificial
t, t, f, Ved. subduing one's enemies. bricks conferring immortality. — Amrita-ja, as, d,
Amitraya or amitraya, nom. amitrayati -trd- AmMirii, 1; ie, Tc, or mnii-drisa, or amu-drik-
ha, as, d, am, like that, such like, such a one, of am, produced by the Amrita ; (a), f., N. of a plant,
yate, -yittim, to act like an enemy, have hostile uch form or kind.
intentions, to hate. Yellow Myrobalan, — Amrita-jatd, f., N. of a
A-mitrin, I, ini, i, hostile, an adversary, enemy. plant, Valeriana Jatamansl. — Amrita-tarangt ni, f.
a-mukta, as, d, am, not loosed, not moonlight. — Amrita-td, f. or amrita-tra, am, n.
hostile ; inimicala*,
a, am, or a-ntitrya, as, d, am et go ; not liberated from birth and death ; (am), immortality. — Amrita-dtdhiti or amrita-dyuti,
. a weapon that is always grasped and not thrown, is, m. the moon. — Amrita- Jrara, as, d, am, shed-
a-mithita, as, a, am, Ved. not re- is a knife, a sword, &c. — Amukta-hasta, as, d, ding ambrosia. — Amrita-dhdra, as, d, am, shed-
viled; unprovoked. m, one whose hand is not open (to give) ; sparing ; ding or distilling ambrosia ; (a), f., N. of a metre.
tingy ; frugal, prudent. — Amrita-nddopanishad (°da-up°), i, f., N. of an
Wfttan a-mithya, irid. not falsely, truth-
fully. rA-mukti,
liberty. ii, (. non-liberation ; want of freedom
Upanishad, lit. ' the sound of immortality.' — Amrita-
oa, as, d, am, drinking nectar; (as), rn. a deity.
amnta-paksha. ambu-kanfaka. 77
— Amrita-paksha, as, m. the immortal or golden «i«m«Si a-medaska, as, d, am, without fat, sounds; (a), f. a mother, see ambd; (am), n. the
wing (of sacrificial fire) ; having immortal or golden eye ; water ? ; (a), ind. a particle of affirmation, well !
wings.— Amrita-prabha, f., N. of several women. well now! — Amba-ithala, am, n., N. of a moun-
^WPff a-medhas, as, as, as, foolish ; an
— Amrita-phala, as,am,m.n., N. of a plant, Tri- idiot. tain peak.
chosanthes Diceca, Roxb. ; (d), (. a bunch of grapes ; Ambaka, am, n. a father (?), an eye [cf. try-amba-
the plant Emblica Officinalis Gsertn.— Amrita- ^nrui a-medhya, as, d, am, not able or not i]; copper?; (ikd, f.), see under ambd.
bandhu, us, m., Ved. friend of immortality, keeper allowed to sacrifice, not fit for sacrifice, impure, un- Ambayd, f., Ved. mother, good woman (as a re-
of immortality ; a horse (so called because a horse was holy, nefarious, foul ; (am), n. feces, excrement ; an spectful title?), conveying water (?).
produced in the ocean along with the Amrita). — Amri- unlucky omen. — Amedht/a-kunapdsin (°pa-d3°), «g*, ambara, am, n. (fr. rt. amb? or rt.
ta-bliavana, am, n., N. of a monastery. — Amri ta - I, inl, i, feeding on carrion. —Amedhya-td, f. or vri, to surround, with am prefixed), circumference,
bhuj, k, m. an immortal, a deity. — Amrita-bhu, us, amedhya-tva, am, n. impurity, foulness, filthiness. compass ; surroundingcountry, neighbourhood ; clothes,
its, u, free from birth and death. — Amrita-mati, is, A-medhya-yukta, as, d, am, filthy, foul. — A- apparel ; cotton ; sky, atmosphere, ether ; saffron ;
f., N. of the metre Amritagati. — Amrita-manthana, medhya-lipta, as, d, am, smeared with ordure, talc ; a perfume (Ambergris) ; N. of a people.
am, n, the churning for the Amrita. — Amrita-maya, foul, defiled. — Amedhya-lepa, as, m. smearing with
as, I, am, immortal ; consisting of or full of Amrita. — Ambara-ga, as, a, am, sky-going. — Ambarn-
ordure. —Amedhydkta (°ya-ak°), as, d, am, soiled da, am, n. cotton. —Ambara-yuga, am, n. the
— Amritamdlini, f., N. of Durga,— Amrita-rasa, two principal female garments, or upper and lower
as, m. nectar, ambrosia ; (a), f. dark-coloured grapes. by ordure.
-menu, as, m., Ved. having no wife, cloths or mantles. — A mbara-iaila, as, m. a high
— Amrita-latd or amrita-latikd, f. a nectar-giving
a widower. mountain touching the sky. — Ambara-sthali, f. the
creeping plant. — Amrita-vapus, us, m. of immortal
form, Siva. — Amrita-varsha, as, m. a shower of nec- a-meni, is, is, i, Ved. not shooting, earth. — Ambardnta Cra-an°), as, m. the end of a
tar. — Amrita-vallarl or amrita-valll, f. a creep- not able to shoot, not injuring. garment; the horizon. -• Ambaraukas (°ra-ok°),
ds, m. dwelling in heaven ; a god.
ing plant, Cocculus Cordifolius. — Amrita-raka, I. a Ambarya, nom. P. ambarryati, -yitum, to bring
311*1 a-meya, as, d, am, immeasurable.
kind of bird. — Amrita-vindupanishad (°du-np°), t,
(., N. of an Upanishad of the Atharva-veda, lit. • drop Ameydtman Cya-df), d, d, a, possessing extra-
ordinary powers of mind, magnanimous ; (d), m. a together.
vigO^ ambarlsha, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt.
of nectar.' — Amrita-sambhava, (. a creeping plant,
Cocculus Cordifolius. — Amrita-sdra, as, m. essence N. of Vishnu.
amb?), a frying-pan (in this sense also written with
of ambrosia. — Amritasdra-ja, as, m. raw sugar, short i, ambarifha) ; one of the hells ; remorse,
ameshta (°ma-ish°), as, d, am, Ved.
molasses. — Amrita-su,us, m.the moon (as distilling sacrificed at home. See i, amd, p. 75. war, battle; (as), m. a young animal, a colt; the
nectar). — Amrita-sodara, as, m. a horse, lit. 'bro- sun; the hog-plum plant, Spondias Magnifera; N.
ther of nectar,' born together with the Amrita at the •siw M •« a-mokya, as, d, am (rt. mud), Ved. of Vishnu; of Siva; of a king of the solar race,
churning of the ocean. — Amrita-sravd, f., N. of a that cannot be unloosed.
celebrated as a worshipper of Vishnu. — Ambarlsha-
plant and tree. — Amrita-srut , t, t, t, shedding nec- A-modana, am, n. not loosening or letting go; a country.as, m. son of Ambarisha, whence the N. of
tar. — Amritdkara (°ta-dk°), as, m. 'a mine of non-liberation.
nectar ;' N. of a man. — Amritdkshara (°ta-ak°), A-modaniya, as, d, am, not to be liberated, not
to be let go. ^qtj amba-shtha, as, m. (fr. amba and
as, d, am, immortal and imperishable. — Amrita-
A-modita, as, d, am, not liberated, confined. tlha-l), N. of a country and of its inhabitants; the
nanda (°ta-dn°), as, m., N. of a mzn. — Amritdn- offspring of a man of the Brahman and a woman of
ilhas (°ta-an°),ds, m. a deity, whose food is ambrosia. •«i*llHf a-moksha, as, d, am (rt. moksh), the Vaisya tribe, a man of the medical caste ; (d),
— Amritd-phala, am, n. the fruit of the Tricho- unliberated, unloosed ; (as), m. want of freedom, {., N. of several plants, Jasminum Auriculatum,
santhes. — Amritds'a fta-a&t), (M, m., N. of Vishnu. bondage, confinement ; non-liberation from mundane Clypea Hernandifolia, Oxalis Corniculata ; (a) or (I),
existence. f. an Ambashtha woman.
i. m. eating ambrosia ; a deity. — Amritdsanga fta-
VHIJM a-moyha, as, d, am, unerring, un- Ambashthaki, f. the plant Clypea Hernandifolia.
a*°), am, n. a collyrium, extracted from the Amo-
Ambashthikd, (. the plant Clerodendrum Sipho-
failing, not vain, efficacious, succeeding, reaching the
mum Anthoriza. — Amritdsu (°ta-asu), us, us,u,
whose soul is immortal. — Amritdharana (°ta-dh"), mark ; productive, fruitful ; (as), m. the not erring,
as, m., N. of Garuda, the bird of Vishnu, who upon the not failing ; unerringness ; N. of Siva and Vishnu ; ^f^JTamfca, f. (fr. rt. amb? the voe. case in
one occasion stole the Amrita. — Amritdhtia (°ta- N. of a river ; (d), f. trumpet flower, Bignonia the Veda is ambe or amba ; in later Sanskrit amba
dh°), am, n. a kind of fruit. — Amriteda or amri- Suaveolens, Roxb. ; a plant of which the seed is only), a mother, good woman (as a title of respect) ;
teivara (°ta-ls*), as, m. epithet of Siva. — Amrite- used as a vermifuge, Erycibe Paniculata, Roxb. ; Ter- N.ofaplant; N.ofDurgS, the wife of Siva; N.ofan
xaya,as, m. sleeping on the Amrita, epithet of Vishnu. minalia Citrina, Roxb. ; N. of a spear ; N. of Siva's Apsaras ; N. of a daughter of a king of KsSi ; a sister of
— Amritefhtakd (°ta-isha), f. a kind of sacrificial wife ; mystical name of the double consonant ksh. PSndu's mother ; a term in astrology to denote the
brick, shaped like golden heads (of men, animals, — Amogha-danda, as, m. (unerring in punish- fourth condition (?). In the SouthJndian languages,
&c.). — Amritotpattt (°ta-ut°), is, f.the production ment), N. of Sivz. — Amogha-<lars'in, i, m., N. of ambd is corrupted into ammd, and is often affixed
of the Amrita. — Amritotpannd (°ta-uf), f. a fly ; a Bodhi-sattva. — Amogha-drlnhti, is, is, i, of un- to the names of goddesses, and females in general
(am), n. a kind of collyrium. — Amritodana (°ta- erring view or mind. — Amogha-liala, as, d, am, of [with ambd has been compared the Germ. Amme,
od"), as, m., N. of a son of Sinhahanu. — Amritod- never-failing strength. — Amogha-bhut{, is, m., N. of ' a nurse ;' Old Germ, amma, Them, ammon, am-
bhava (°ta-ud°), am, n. a kind of collyrium. a king of the Panjab. — Amogha-raja, as, m., N. of
Amritaka, am, n. the nectar of immortality. a Bhikshu. — Amvgha-vdf, k, f. words that are not mun\.—Ambd-gangd, f. a river in Ceylon. — Amba-
Amritdya, nom. A. amritayate, -yitum, to be janman, a, n., N. of a Tirtha.
vaiu or idle. — Amogha-vdnthita, as, d, am, never AmJiada or ambdld or ambayu, 11$, f. mother.
like nectar.
disappointed. — Amogha-rikrama, as, m. of un- Ambdiikd, f. mother, good woman (as a term of
erring valour; N. of Sivz. — Amogha-siddha, as, respect) ; N. of a plant ; N. of a daughter of a king
•««ig a-mrityu, us, m. not death, im- m., N. of the fifth DhySni-buddha. — Am.oghata.rya
y; us, u), immortal, causing immortality. of KSsi, wife of Viditra-vlrya, and mother of Pandu.
~ ''), as, m., N. of an author; Ambi, is, (., Ved. water ; woman, mother, nurse.
^mi a-mridhra, as, d, am, Ved. uninjured, amota (amd-uta), as, d, am, Ved. — Ambi-tamd, (., Ved. the best of waters or
not to be impaired, invulnerable ; unremitting, un- woven at home, taken care of at home ; see 2. amd.
ceasing, indefatigable (?). Ambikd, f. mother, good woman (as a term of
— Amota-putrakd, {., Ved. a maiden protected at
^M*jm a-mrishd, ind. not falsely, certainly, home. respect) ; N. of the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica ;
Amotaka, as, m., Ved. protected at home (a a sister of Rudra ; N. of ParvatI, the wife of Siva ;
surely ; rightly. — Amrishd-bdshin, I, inl, i, speak- the wife of Rudra Ugraretas; one of the female
ing truly. child) ; a weaver (?).
"^•™«"^ domestic deities of the Jainas ; daughter of a king
'SH? a-mrishta, as, d, am (rt. mrij), not ••stUflNlrl a-mautra-dhauta, as, d, am, not of KSs*i, wife of Vicitra-vTrya, and mother of Dhrita-
rubbed. — Amrishta-mrija, as, d, am, of unim- washed by a washerman. rSshtra; N. of a place in Bengal. — Ambikd-pati,
paired purity. is, m., N. of S[vz. — Ambikd-putra, as, m., N. of
••Wli a-mauna, am,n. non-silence; know- Dhrita-rashtra.
^PJ*t a-mrishya, as, d, am, unbearable, ledge of soul.
insufferable. Ambikeya andor ambikeyaka, as, See
m., dmbikeya.
N. of Ganes'a,
•««« amnas (liable to become amnar), Karttikeya, Dhrita-rashtra.
A-mri»liyamdna, as, d, am, not enduring, not Ved. unawares, quickly ; at present ; a little. (The
bearing or tolerating. ^Tlf ambu, n. (it. rt. amb?), water; the
etymology is doubtful, but cf. I. am.)
watery element of the blood [cf. un&pot, imber] ;
'•a *i »«(<!! a-mekshana, as, d, am, having no
mekshana or mixing-instrument. ^UU amb, cl. I. P. ambati, -bitum, to go ; the plant Andropogon Schcenanthus ; N. of a metre ;
Ncl. I . A. ambate, to sound. a term in astrology =amtd.— Ambu-kann, ris, m. u
a-megha, as, a, am, cloudless. Amba, as, m. a father ; sound, the Veda, one who drop of water. — Ambu-kantaka, at, m. the short-
78 ambu-kirdta. a-yatha-tatha.
nosed alligator. — Ambu-kirdta, as, m. an alligator. bom, aquatic; (as), m. the moon; the sarasa or Oxalis Corniculata. — Amlikd^rataka, as, m. a sort
— Ambu-kisa or ambu-kurma, as, m. a porpoise, Indian crane; (am), n. the lotus. — Ambhoja- of cake.
especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus. — A m- khanda, am, n. a group of lotus flowers. — Amblto- Ainliman, a, m. sourness.
Im-kiilura, at, in. lemon tree. — Ambu-kriyu, f. a ja-janman, d, m. or ambhoja-jani, is, m. or Amll-bhiita, as, d, am, become sour.
funeral rite = jala-kriyd. — .4m&tt-ga, as, a, am, ambltoja-yoni, ie, m. an epithet of Brahma, being Amvla, as, m. sourness.
water-goer, living in water. — Ambu-ghana, a», m. bom secondarily from a lotus. — AmWtojiJU, f. an ^aif a-mldna, as, a, am (rt. mlai), not
hail, frozen rain. — Ambu-fara, as, I, a»n, moving in assemblage of lotus flowers or a place where they withered, dean, clear ; bright, unclouded ; (an), m.
the water, aquatic. — Ambu-tamara, am, n. water- abound. — Ambho-da, as, m. a cloud; the plant globe -amaranth, Gomphrana Globosa L.
chowrl, an aquatic plant, V'alisneria. — Ambu-tdrin, Cyperus Hexastychius Communis Nees.«--^iii/>A0- A-mlilni, is, f. vigour, freshness, verdure; (is, if,
t. till, i, moving in water, as a fish, &c. — Am- dhara, as, m. a cloud. — Ambho-dhi, is, m. (re-
i), vigorous, unfading.
bu-ja, an, a, am, produced in water, water-bom, ceptacle ofwaters), the ocean. — Antbliij-lhi-fiiUnbha, A-mlanin, i, ini, i, clean, clear; (int), f. an assem-
aquatic; (as), m., N. of a plant, Barringtonia at, in. coral. — Ambho-nidhi or ambho-rds'i, is,
Acutangula Gzrtn. ; a lotus, Nymphata Nelumbo ; the blage ofglobe-amatanths.
m. a pool, the ocean. — Ambho-mh, (, n. or ambho-
ruha, aw, n. [he lotus ; (an), m. the Indian crane. aU (connected with rt. t, q.v.), cl. i.
thunderbolt of Indra. — Ambu-janman, a, n. a lo'tus, A. ay/ite, -yitum, to go.
Nymphaca Nelnmbo. — Ambitja-bhu, us, m. the god
Brahma. — A mbuja-stha, as, a, am, sitting on a "Sfftmjft ambhini, f., Ved., N. of an in- jfya, as, m. (fr. rt. i), going ; a move towards the
lotus. — Ambu-taskara, ai, m. water-thief, the sun. structress, who transmitted the white Yajur-veda to right at chess ; good luck, favourable fortune ; a die ;
Vac (speech).
— Ambu-tdla, as, m. the plant Valisneria. — Ambu- N. of a Prajapati ; (as, d, am), going, moving. — Aya-
da, as, a, am, shedding or giving water; (as), m. a ^T*W!I i. ambhrina, as, d, am (connected td, f. good luck. — Aya-rat, an, all, at, happy.
cloud; the plant Cvperus Hexastychius Communis. with I. ambhas), 'Ved. powerful, great, violent [cf. — Aya-iobhin, t, int, i, bright with good fortune.
— Ambu-dhara, as, m. a cloud. — Ambu-il/ii, is, — Aydnvita (aya-an°), as, a, am, fortunate, lucky.
in. (receptacle of waters), the ocean; the number Ayatha, am, n., Ved. a leg, foot(?).
2. ambhrina, as, a, am (fr. rt. Ayana, as, a, am (fr. rt. i), going ; especially
' four.' — Ambudhi-sravd, (., N. of a plant, Aloes at the end of a compound, e. g. samudrdyana, going
Perfoliata. — Ambu-nidhi, is, m. (treasury of waters), bhran ?), crying violently, roaring terribly.
the ocean. — Amltu-pft, as, d, am, drinking or im- ^)**TT!T 3. ambhrina, as, m. (rt. bhri with to the ocean ; (am), n. going, walking, walk ; a road,
bibing water; (as), m. a plant, Cassia Ton or Alata. a path ; a place, a site (?) ; course, circulation,
am !), Ved. a vessel used in preparing the Soma period ; final emancipation ; a commentary, treatise ;
— Ambu-pattrd, f., N. of a plant, Cyperus Hexasty-
chius Communis Nees. — Ambu-paddhati, ie, f. or juice ; N. of a Rishi, the father of Vac". See am- N. of certain sacrificial performances; the sun's
ambu-pdta, as, m. current, stream, flow of water. bhrini. road north and south of the equator, the half
— Ambu-prasada, as, m. or ambu-prasadana, •«)»*i<4 am-maya, as, I, am (for ap-maya), year; the equinoctial and solstitial points; way,
urn, n. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum : formed from or consisting of water, watery. progress, manner; a Sastra or inspired writing.
the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for — Ayana-kdla, as, m. the interval between the equi-
vt«4c(i amyak, ind., Ved. (rt. ad with am,
purifying water ; they are rubbed upon the inner noxes. —Ayana-devatd, f. a deity or an idol placed
surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities t being inserted), towards, here (?). near a road (?). — Ayana-bhdga, as, m. or aya-
of the fluid it contains. — Ambu-bhrit, t, m. a cloud ; ^RT amra, as, m. (fr. rt. am?), the mango ndnia (°na-an°), as, m. the arc between the vernal
the ocean (?); a grass, Cyperus Pertenuis; talc. tree. See amra. equinoctial point and the beginning of the fixed
— Ambu-mat, an, ati, at, watery, having or con- zodiac or first point in Aries. — Ayana-mlana, am,
Amrdta or amrdtaka, as, m. a species of Spondias
taining water; (tl), f., N. of a river. — Ambit-matra- n. deviation of the ecliptic. — Ayana-rriita, am,
or hog-plum, Spondias Magnifera. See dmrdta. n. the ecliptic.
ja, at, a, am, produced only in water ; (as), m. a
bivalve shell. — Ambusmut, £, m. a cloud. — Ambu- mjj amla, as, d, am (fr. rt. am, to make
m 1 B«l a-yakshrna, as, a, am, Ved. not con-
fdja, as, m. the ocean; N. of Varuna. — Amha- sick), sour, acid ; (as), m. sourness ; acidity ; vinegar ; sumptive ;not sick, healthy ; causing health ; (am),
raii, if, m. (heap of waters), the ocean. — Ambu- wood sorrel, Oxalis Corniculata ; (i), (. Oxalis Cor-
niculata; (am), n. sour curds. — Amla-kdnda, am, n. health. — Ayakehnt<i-/,-<i nnin, as, t, am, Ved.
I'nJia, am, n. the lotus; (a), f. Hibiscus Mutabilis. producing health. — AyaksJimit-tdti, is, f. or aya-
— Ambu-rohinl, f. the lotus. — Ambu-vdfi, f. four n., N. of a plant. — Amla-kefara, as, m. citron tree.
days in Ashsdha, the tenth to the thirteenth of the — Amla-tukrikd, f. or amla-tuda, as, m. a kind of kshma-tva, am, n., Ved. freedom from consump-
dark half of the month, when the earth is supposed sorrel. — Amla-jambira, a«, m. lime tree. — Am- tion ;health.
to be unclean, and agriculture is prohibited. — Antbu- I a -til. (. sourness. — Amla-nayaka, as, m. sorrel. •«(Htt«)*ii<u a-yaksfiyamdna, as, m. not
i-ail-tyaga, the thirteenth of the same. — Ambu- — Amla-nimbuka, as, m. the lime. — Amla-nisd, wishing or not about to sacrifice.
f., N. of a plant, Curcuma Zerumbet, Roxb. — Amla-
n~ii';-i>rada, am, n. the tenth in the second half of '*<t|3t*:* "-yajushka, as, a, am, Ved. with-
the month Ash:uiha. — Aml>u-vdsttil or ambit-vast, pantoka or amla-panfa-phala, am, n. a collection
of five kinds of sour vegetables and fruits. — Amla-pat- out a sacrificial formula or verse.
f. the trumpet flower, Bignonia Suaveolens. — Ambu-
i-aha, as, m. a cloud ; the grass Cyperus Pertenuis ; a tra, as, m., N. of the plant Oxalis, and other plants. a-yajna, as, m. no sacrifice ; a bad
water-carrier; talc; the number ' seventeen.' — Ambu- — Amla-panasa, as, m. a tree, Artocarpas Lacucha, sacrifice; (as, a, am), not offering sacrifice. —A-
i-rl/iiii, i, iiri, i, carrying or conveying water; (im), Roxb. — Amla-pitta, am, n. acidity of stomach.
yujiiii-saf, k, k, /•. Ved. not performing a sacrifice,
f. a wooden baling vessel; N. of a river. — Ambu- — Amla-phala, as, m. the tamarind tret, Magnifera
vttasa, of, m. a kind of cane or reed growing in Indica; (a»i), n. the fruit of this tree. — Amla-bhe- performing worthless sacrifices.
water. — Ambu-tirtihikd, f., N. of a plant. — Ambu- dana, as, m. sorrel. — Amla-meha, as, m. a urinary A-yajaaka, as, d, am, unfit for sacrifice.
slfd, f., N. of a river. *-Amba-sfirjiiiii, f. a leech. disease. — Amla-rasa, as, d, am, sour, having a A-4/ajniya, an, d, am, not fit for sacrifice ; not
sour taste ; (as), m. sourness, acidity. — Amla-niha, worthy of sacrifice, profane, common.
— Ambu-sf fani, f. a wooden baling vessel.
Ambu-krita, as, d, am, pronounced indistinctly, so f. a kind of betel. — Amla-loniki or amla-lmii or A-yajyu, us, us, u, Ved. not sacrificing, impious.
that the words remain too much in the mouth ; sput- innln-lnUkil, f.wood sorrel, Oxalis Corniculata. — Am-
tered (asspeech, accompanied with emission of saliva). la-varga, as, m. a class of plants with acid leaves A-y«jran,
profane, a,o,a,Ved. not offering sacrifice, profane.
or fruits, as the lime, orange, pomegranate, tamarind, •WMJi^Tl a-yajnadatta, as, m. not Yajna-
•«i*»*( ambya, as, m., Ved. a chanter. sorrel, and others. — Amla-ratti, (., N. of a plant, datta, i. e. the vile Yajnadatta.
umbh, el. I. A. ambhate, -bhitum, Pythonium Bulbiferum Schott. — Amla-vdtal-<i, n«,
to sound. m. hog-plum, Spondias Magnifera. — Amla-ratikd, ^nTrT a-yat. t, t, t (rt. yam), not making
, i- ambhas, n. also ind., power, (.
Tel.a — sort of betel. — Amla-vastilka,
Aiitlfi-i'rikslta, am, n. 'sor-
at, m. the tamarind tree. A-ytila, as, a, am, unrestrained, uncontrolled,
splendor, fruitfulness ; a philos. term = tusli>! : (the — Amla-rctasa, an, m. a kind of dock or sorrel, unchecked.
etymology is doubtful ; perhaps connected with obs. Rumex Vesicarius. — Amta-taka, as, m. a sort of A-tjatin, i, t«i, i, of unsubdued appetite ; incon-
rt. H/I. or fr. blii't, ' to shine,' with prefix am.) sorrel, commonly used as a pot-herb. — Amla-K<~tra, tinent.
W 2. ambhu, n. (said to be fr. rt. dp; as, m. the lime; a sort of sorrel ; (am), n. rice water Ayatna, as, m. absence of effort or exertion ;
perhaps connected with I. ambl,n* or with ap, ab- after fermentation. — Amla-liariilnl, (. the plant ayatiiena or ayatndt or ayatnata*, without effort
i'/,ra, amliu), water ; the sky ; the fourth sign of the Curcuma Zerumbet, Roxb. - Amldkla (°la-ak ), at, or exertion. — A-yatna-kdrin, i, ini, {, making no
/odiac; collective N. for gods, men, manes, and Asuras; d, am, acidulated. — Anilairkufa. (la-an'1), as, m. exertion, indifferent, idle. — A-yatna-krita or a-
mystical i«me_ of the letter r [cf. Sjiflpoj, imbcr]. a kind of sorrel. — Amlddhyiuhitn (rla-adh°), inn, yatna-ja, as, d, am, easily or readily produced,
— Ainbft(ift-*dra, am, n. a pearl. • Ambltfifi-ttu tit n. a diseise*of the eyes. — A mlodgara (°la-ud), as, spontaneous. — Ayatna-vat, an, ati, at, inactive,
m. sour eructation. indifferent, idle.
"i. smoke; cloudiness. — Amb>vt{i-*llni. ,«'. ,,. ',„„] Amlaka, as, m. the plant Artocarpus Lacucha.
what holds or contains water; abiding in water'. •*m*ll a-yathil, ind. not as it should be,
— Anib/ifixa-kri/it, us. a, inn, done by water. Amlikd or amllkd, f. a sour taste in the mouth, unfitly, unsuitably. — A-yntJiam, Ved. without effort.
— Ambho-ja, at, a, am,, produced in water, water- acidity of stomach ; the tamarind tree ; wood sorrel, — A-yatha-tatha, as, d, am, not so as it should be,
a-yatha-tathya. a-yaudhika.
unfit, unsuitable; useless, unprofitable, vain; (am), fitam, ind. without being asked; (as), m., N. of
the Rishi Upavarsha. — Aydfita-vritti, is, (. or
A-yugma, as, a, am, not in couples, separate,
single; odd, uneven. — Ayiigma-Mliada, as, m.,
ind. unfitly, unsuitably. — A-yathd-tathya, am, n.
unsuitableness, unprofitableness, incompatibility. — A- aydtita-vrata, am, n. subsisting on alms without N. of the plant Alstonia Scholaris. — Ayugm/i-nelra,
j/athd-dyotana, am, n. intimation of something begging. as, m., N. of Siva. — Ayugma-dara, as, m., N. of
unexpected. — A-yathd-purva or a-yathd-pura, as, A-yatin, i, ini, i, not soliciting. the god of love ('having an odd number of arrows').
d, am, unprecedented. — A-yathd-balam, ind. not ^THT51T a-ydjya, as, a, am (rt. yaj), a person A-yuj, k, k, k, not existing in couples ; odd, un-
according to one's power. — A-yathd-mdtra, as, a, or thing for whom or for which one must not offer even. —Ayuk-dhada, as, m., N. of a plant, Alstonia
am, not according to measure. — A-yathdmukhina, sacrifices ; outcast, degraded ; not competent to offer Scholaris. — Ayitk-paldfa, as, m., N. of a tree.
as, a, am, having the face turned away. •• A-ya- sacrifice ; incapable of or inadmissible to religious — Ayuk-pdda-yamaku, am, n. a kind of alliteration,
tkartha (°thd-ar°), as, a, am, not according to viz. the same syllables in the first and third Pada
ceremonies. — Ayajya-tra, am, n. the state of an of a word in a different sense. — AyuJc-tfakli, is,
the sense or object, incongruous, unmeaning, non- outcast. — Aydjya-ydjana or aydjya-8amydjya,am,
sensical ;improper, unfitting. — A-yathd-vat, ind. n. sacrificing for an outcast. m., N. of Siva.*-Ayw/-isJut, its, m., N. of Kama,
inaccurately, erroneously. — A-yathdidstra-kdrin, I, from his having five arrows ; see pandeshu. — Ayug-
inl, it not acting in accordance with the scripture. •WMiri^' a-ydta-purva, as, a, am, follow- dhdtu, us, us, u, having an odd number of elements.
— A-yathesTita (°thd-ish°), as, a, am, not as ing, subsequent to, succeeding. — Ayitg-vdna, as, m., N. of Kama. — Ayun-netra
wished; disliked, disapproved of; insufficient, not or ayug-akiha, as, m., N. of S'iva, from his having
'S)Min<4I*l a-ydtaydma, as, d, am, Ved. not three eyes ; see tri-netra.
enough. — A-yathodita (ctlid-uf), as, d, am, un- weak ; not worn out by use ; fresh ; (am), n., N. of
worthily, unsuitably. A-yuja, as, d, am, Ved. without a companion,
certain texts of the Yajur-veda, revealed to Ysjnaval- not having an equal ; not existing by pairs, separate,
^nRJTT8|'rT aya-dikshita, as, m., N. of an
author. kya. — Aydtaydma-td, f., Ved. unweakened strength, odd.
freshness. A-yoga, as, m. separation, disjunction ; interval ;
ayana, &c. See under ay, p. 78. A-ydtaydman, d, mnl, a, Ved. not weak, fresh. unfitness, unsuitableness, unconformity ; inefficacy of
a remedy; medical treatment counter to the symp-
a-yantra,am, n.,Ved. non-restraint, •>a«ur> a-yatu, us, us, u, Ved. not demoni-
not a means of restraining; having no restraint; a acal ;free from evil spirits ; (us), m. not a demon, toms; non-application or mis-application of re-
the opposite of an evil spirit. medies; vigorous effort, exertion; a widower, an
powerful weapon for restraining enemies. absent lover or husband ; inauspicious conjunction of
A-yantrita, as, d, am, unhindered, unrestrained, ") c« a-ydthdrthika,as, t, am, impro- the planets ; a conjunction of two planets ; (as, a,
>elf-willed. per, unjust ; not genuine, not real, incongruous, absurd. am), unconnected with ; indistinctly connected with ;
a-yamita, as, d, am, unchecked, A-yatlidrthya, am, n. impropriety, unfitness, ab- making vigorous efforts. — Ayoga-vdha, as, m. a
unrrimmed, unpaired, undipped. surdity, nonsense. term for AnusvSra, Visarjanlya, Upadhmanlya, and

•#H4 I. ayava, as, a, am, deficient; (as), visii a-ydna, am, n. not moving, halting, Jihvamuliya, as standing between vowels and conso-
in., N. of a worm bred in the intestines. stopping ; natural disposition or temperament : (in the nants. (For ayo-ga, hammer, see ayo-'gra below.)
last sense the etymology is doubtful.) A-yogya, as, d, am, unfit, unsuitable, useless;
2. a-yava, as, m. or a-yavan, a, m. immaterial ; (in phil.) not ascertainable &c. by the
or a-yaras, as, n. the dark half of the month. •>3Ml«f<4 aydnaya (°ya-an°), am, n. good senses. — Ayogya-td, f. or ayogya-tra, am, n. un-
and bad luck ; (as), m. a particular position of the fitness, unsuitableness.
IMMI 3. a-yava, as, a, am, or a-yavaka, pieces on a chess or backgammon board. A-yojana, am, n. disunion, separation.
as, ikd, am, having worthless or no barley. A-yauktika, as, i, am, not conformable to, in-
mon so moved. as, m. a piece at chess or backgam-
A-yavya, as, d, am, unfit for barley. consistent with.
•<J^?I^ a-yasas, as, n. infamy ; (as, as, 'ittuqoii a-yavaka, as, a, am, unstained A-yaugapatlya, am, n. uncontemporaneous ex-
istence, unsimultaneousness.
as), infamous, disagreeable. — Ayaias-kara, as, d with lac-dye, naturally red.
or I, am, disgraceful, degrading. A-yaugika, as, i, am, having no regular derivation.
A-ya^ast/a, as, a, am, infamous. *aq|c(r| a-ydvana, am, n. not causing to
unite. ^HJjf a-yunga, as, d, am, Ved. not exist-
«qt^ ayas, as, as, as (fr. rt. i), going, ing in couples ; odd, uneven.
nimble; (as), n. iron, steel, gold, metal [cf. Lat. ^nTT3I a-yds'u, us, us, u, Ved. unfit for vtgn i. a-yuta, as, d, am (rt. 2. yu), Ved.
(PS, (ET-is for ces-ts ; Goth, ais, Them, aisa; copulation. not disturbed or interrupted ; (as), m., N. of a son
Old Germ. Zr, 'iron;' Goth, eisarn; Mod. Germ. ISMI*IN a-yds (?), as, m. (rt. yas), Ved. agile of Radhika. — Ayuta-siddTia, as, d, am, proved to
Eisen\', (ds), m. fire. — Ayah-pdna, am, n. a par- (without effort), dexterous, nimble ; (as), ind. fire (?). be not separated or interrupted, proved to be inherent.
ticular hell. — Ayah-pratimd, (. iron image. — Ayah-
sianku, us, m., N. of an Asura. — Ayah-iaya, as, A-ydsya, as, d, am, Ved. not to be obtained by — Ayuta-siddhi, is, f. proof that certain things or
effort, indefatigable ; valiant ; enterprising ; (as), m., notions are not separable.
d, am, Ved. lying in iron, made of iron (said of fire).
— Ayah-iipra, as, d, am, Ved. having jaws or N. of an Ar»giras ; mystical name of the chief vital air. A-yuva, as, d, am, Ved. undisturbed, unshaken.
a nose of iron. — Ayah-tiros, as, m., N. of an aydsomiya, am, n., N. of some vijjri 2. a-yuta, as, d, am (rt. i. yu, to
Asura. — Ayah-firstian, a, d, a, Ved. having a verses of the Sama-veda. mix), disjoined, detached, not counted ; (am), n. ten
head of iron. — Ayah-iula, am, n. an iron lance ;
fraudulent or cunning artifice. — Ayah-sthuna or wftl ayi, ind. a vocative particle; a par- thousand, a myriad. — Ayuta-jit, t, m., N. of a son
ityas-sthuna or aya-sthuna, as, >, am, Ved. having ticle of encouragement or introducing a kind enquiry. of BhajamSna. — Ayuta-ndyin, I, m., N. of a king.
— Ayuta-3as, ind. by myriads. — Ayuta-homa, as,
iron pillars or spikes ; (as), m., N. of a Rishi. — Ayai-
farna, am, n. iron filings. — Ayas-kansa, as, am, •«t(<4«^ ayin, i, inl, i (rt. i), at the end of m. a kind of sacrifice. — Ayutddhydpaka (°ta-adh°),
compounds, going, e. g. atyayln, q. v. as, m. a good teacher. — Ayttiay m (°ta-dy^), us,
m. n. an iron goblet. — Ayas-kdnda, as* am, m. n. m., N. of a son of Jayasena Aravin ; of a son of
an iron arrow. — Ayas-kdnta, as, m. a precious stone, ^JJ* a-yukta, as, d, am (rt. yuj), not
the loadstone. —Ayas-kdra, as, m. a blacksmith; yoked, not joined, not united, not married ; not of Srutavat. — Ayutdiva (°to-o/°), as, m., N. of a son
the upper part of the thigh (?).~Ayas-kita, am, n. harnessed; not connected; not suited, unfit, unsuit-
rust of iron. — Ayas-ktimbha, as, i, m. f. an iron able ; not attentive, not devout ; negligent, not dex- ^npr a-yuddha, as, d, am ((rt. yudh), Ved.
pot or boiler. — A yas-kutd, f. a rope partly consist- terous, unpractised, untrue, wrong; indecent. — A- unconquered; not fighting; (am), n. not war, absence
ing of iron. »• Ayas-krit.i, in, f. preparation of iron. yukta-krit, t, £,<, committing wrong acts. — A yukta- of war, peace. — A-yuddha-sena, as, m., Ved. whose
— Ayas-tdpa, as, d, am, making iron red-hot. (ara, as, m. (a king &c.) who does not appoint arrows or armies are unconquered, irresistible.
— Ayas-pdtra, am, n. an iron vessel. — Ayas-maya, spies. — Ayukta-td, f. or ayukta-tca, am, n. the not A-yuddhri, ind., Ved. without fighting.
its, I, am, Ved. made of iron or of metal ; (as}, m., being used. — Ayukta-paddrtha, as, m. the sense A-ywlha, as, m. a non-fighter.
N. of a son of Mann Svarocisha ; (i), f., N. of one of a word to be supplied. — Ayukta-rupa, as, d, am, A-yudhya, as, d, am, unconquerable.
of the three residences of the Asuras. unfit, unsuitable. A-yudhvin, I, m., Ved. not conquering, not a
For compounds beginning ayn, see s. v. fiyo-gutlfi . A-yukti, is, f. disunion, separation ; unreasonable- valiant warrior.
Ai/asa may be used for ayas at the end of com- ness, want of conformity to correct principles or to A-yoddhri, dha, m. no warrior, a bad fighter;
pounds, askrinlmdyasa, q. v. analogy ; impropriety, unfitness. unmatched by other warriors.
^nn ay a, ind. (fr. pronominal base a = A-yuga or a-yngala, as, d, am, separate, single, A-yodhya, as, d, am, Ved. not to be warred
odd. — AyugdMs (°ga-ar°), is, m. fire. against, irresistible ; (a), f. the capital of Rama, the
iitiayd), Ved. in this manner, thus.
A~yilf]ap(t(l, ind. not at once, gradually, seriatim. modern Oude, on the river $!uayu. — Ayo(lhyddh.i-
•«i<4l'^'* a-ydcaka as, ikd, am (rt. yac), — Ayugapad-grahana, am, n. apprehending gra- pati (°yd-adh°), is, m. the sovereign of Ayodhya.
one who does not ask or, solicit. dually and not simultaneously. — Ayuyapad-bhdra, — Ayodhyd-vdsin, i, ini, i, inhabiting AyodhyH.
A-yd(iki, as, a, am, unasked, unsolicited; aya- a", m. successiveness. A-yaudhika, as, m. not a warrior.
80 a-yiipa. aram.
dliarma, an, m. forest usage, wild or savage state.
a-ynpa, as, m. no sacrificial post. ^TrfSTfT a-rnkshtta, as, a, am, unprotected,
undefended ; not preserved, not kept. — Aranya-dhanya, am, n. wild rice. — Aranya-
nripati, is, m. king of the forest. — Aranya-
^Sf^ aye, in'd. a vocative particle, an inter- orni/aro/a, as, m ., Ved. a valley (.'). l>hara,aa, a, am, growing in a forest, wild. — A-
jection ofsuiprize, recollection, fatigue, fear, passion ;
used also in the same meanings as ayi. ranya-makshikd, i. the gad-fly. — Aranya-mdr-
aran-kri, cl. 8. P.,Ved. -karoti,-kar- jdra, as, m. wild cat.-- Aranya-mudga, as, m.
flUl'N ayogara, as, a or t, m. f. or ayo- titrn, to prepare, make ready; serve. Seearam,col.3. a kind of bean. — Aranya-ydna, am, n. going
qH t (etymology uncertain ; perhap connected with into a forest. — Aranya-rakshaka, as, m. forest-
Amn-krit, t, t, t, Ved. acting satisfactorily; pre-
rtyas, iron, or fr. a-yoga), the offspring of a Sudra paring, serving as a worshipper. keeper, superintendent of a forest district. — Aranya-
man and Vaisya woman, whose business is carpentry. Aran-krita, as, a, am, Ved. prepared, ready ; gra- rdj, t, m. king of the forest; epithet of a lion or tiger.
See ayogarn. — Aranya-rdjya, am, n. the sovereignty of the
Arait-krit;, i», f., Ved. service, gratification. forest. •- Aranya-rudita, am, n. weeping in a forest,
•«J»i1*lS ayo-guda, as, m. (ayo for ayas, i. e. weeping in vain, with no one to hear. — Aranya-
iron),tion ofairon chalybeate pfll, one made of some prepara- <U!S*t aran-yam, cl.,i. P., Ved. -gafthati, rat, ind. like a wilderness. — Aranya-vdyasa, OK,
; an iron ball. -gantum^to be present, come near (in order to help), m. a raven. — Aratiya-vasa, as, m. a hermitage.
become visible, appear. See aram, col. 3.
Ayo-'gra or ayo-'graka (ayas-ng''), am, n. a — AraMya-vdsin, 1, ini, i, living in a forest, wild ;
hammer, a forge hammer; a mace or club tipped Aran-gama, as, a, am, Ved. coming near or into (I), m. forest-dweller, a hermit, anchorite; (n>),
with iron; a pestle for cleaning grain. (A form visible. the presence, appearing (in order to help), becoming
(., N.of a plant. — Aranya-rdituka or aranya-vd-
ayo-ga, as, m., is also given in the sense 'iron ftuka, as, m., N. of a plant. ~ Aranya-itdli, is, m.
hammer.') ^RjH aran-gara, as, m.,Ved. praising rea- wild rice. — Aranya-tukara, as, m. a wild hog.
' Ayo-ghana, a», m. a hammer, a forge hammer. dily (?) ; factitious or made up poison. See aram, — Aranya-durana, as, m., N. of a plant. — A-
Ayof(h<ehta (ayas-uf .'), am, "• "** of iron. ranya-tmn, d, m. a wolf. — Aranya-shaehlhi, f..
Ayo-jdla, as, a, am, furnished with iron nets; "tfjfH a-rangin, i, ini, i, passionless. N. of a festival celebrated by females in the month
(am), n. iron net-work. - Arangi-satti-a, as, m. a passionless being, a class Jyaishtha. — Aranya-sabhd, (. a forest court. — A-
Ayo-danshfra, as, a, am, Ved., or ayo-ilat, at, cf gods with Buddhists. ranyadhyakitha (°ya-adh°), as, m. forest-keeper or
nti, at, iron-toothed, having iron weapons. ^TiFR aran-ghusha, as, a, am, Ved. prais- ranger, a head-man or superintendent of a forest dis-
Ayo-diha, an, m. the burning quality of iron. ing readily, sounding aloud. See aram, col. 3. trict. —Aranydyaiia (°ya-ay°), am, n. going into
Ayo-'pdshfi the forest, becoming a hermit. — Aranye-tilaka, «>-.
with iron daws (ayas-ap°), or heels. if, if, (, Ved. furnished
iH4.»J^ a-rajas, as, as, as, or a-raja or m. wild sesamum growing in a forest and containing
Ayo-maya, as, i, am, made of iron. See also a-rajaska, as, d, am, dustless ; free from passion no oil ; hence, anything which disappoints expectation.
s. v. it i/a f. or desire; clean, pure; not having the monthly — Aranye~'nufya, (°ye-an°), as, m., Ved. a kind ot
Ayomala, am, n. rast of iron. courses ; (as), f. a young girl. oblation. — Aranyaukas (°ya-ok°), ds, m. living in
Ayo-muJclut, at, a, am, having an iron mouth, Arajdya, nom. A. arajdyate, -yitum, to become a forest, a Brahman who has left his family and be-
face, or beak ; tipped or pointed with iron ; (as), m. dustless ; to lose the monthly courses. come an anchorite.
an arrow ; N. of a DSnava ; N. of a mountain. Aranyaka, am, n. a forest, a desert ; N. of a plant.
Ayo-raja, am, n. or ayo-rajas, as, n. rust of iron. ••iR'jjj a-rajju, us, us, u, Ved. not consist- Aranyani, is, or aranydnl, f. a wilderness, desert,
Ayo-raea, as, m. iron rust or filings. ing of cords ; not furnished with cords.
large forest ; the goddess of the wilderness and desert,
Ayo-vatsa, as, m., N. of a man. ^n^ aratu or aradu, us, m., N. of the tree and mother of wild animals.
Ayo-vikdra, as, m. iron-work, any iron fabric. Calosanthes Indica Bl. Aranyiya, as, d, am, containing a forest, near to
Ayo->Mta, as, a, am, Ved. embossed in iron-work ; Aratva, as, a, am, made of the wood of the one.
made or performed by a priest &c. who wears a above tree ; (as), m., N. of a man.
golden ring on his finger. a-rata, as, a, am (rt. ram), dull,
Ayo-hanu, us, vs, u, Ved. iron-jawed. '3ROT i. arana, as, i, am (rt. ri), Ved. de- languid, apathetic ; disgusted, discontented ; (am), n.
Ayo-hridaya, an, a, am, iron-hearted, stern, un- parted, gone away ; strange, foreign ; distant ; (am), non-copulation.— A-rata-trapa, as, d, am, not
relenting. n. moving, entering ; being inserted ; a refuge. ashamed of copulation ; (an), m. a dog.
I. aranl, is, i, m. f. the wood of the Ficus Re- I . a-rati, is, f. dissatisfaction, discontent ; absence
. See«-3/waWAa,p.79,lastcol. ligiosa used for kindling fire by attrition ; the lower of pleasure, pain; dulness, languor; anxiety, distress,
one (adhardrani) of the two Aranis ; (I), du. the regret ; a bilious disease ; (is, u, f), discontented, un-
a-yoni, is, f. not the womb ; any-
thing but the womb ; not a particular verse of the two pieces of wood used in kindling the sacred fire ; happy; dull, languid, restless. — AraH-jna, as, d,
Sima-veda ; (is, ix, i), without origin ; not born (is), m., N. of several plants, especially Premna am, dull, spiritless.
from the womb, born in a manner not approved by Integrifolia ; the sun; fire; 'a flint?; (is), f. a iSuXrl 2. arati, is, m. (fr. rt. rt, cf. ara,
law or religion ; {is), m., N. of Brahma and Siva ; a way, a path. — Arani-mat, an, ati, at, related to
the two Aranis; to be produced by the Aranis. aram), Ved. going, approaching ; moving quickly ;
pestle (for ayo-gra above ?). — A -yoni-ja, as, a, am, — Aranl-kefit, us, m. the Premna Integrifolia. moving flame ; occupying ; attacking ; a servant, assist-
not bom from the womb, not produced in the or- ant, manager, administrator ; a master ; an intelligent
dinary course of generation, generated equivocally ; iSrT'Jt 2. a-rana, us, a, am, not fighting,
without fighting. being of all-piercing intellect ; anger, passion ; anxiety.
(am), n., N. of a TIrtha. — Ayonija-tva, am, n. the
state of not being bom from a womb. — Ayonijeda 2. a-rani, is, f., Ved. stinginess. 'fllj'cl aratni, is, m. (said to he fr. rt. ri),
the elbow, a corner; a cubit of the middle length,
Cja-Ua), as, m., N. of Siva. — Ayanijesvara ("ja- from the elbow to the tip of the little finger, a fist.
if) or aymiijefvara-tirtha, am, n., N. of a TTrtha. arariya, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt. ri),
— A-yoni-sambhava, as, d, am — ayonija, q. v. land neither cultivated nor grazed; a wilderness, — Arutni-matra, as, I, am, one ell in length.
A-yonika, at, a, am, without the verse containing desert, forest ; N. of a plant ; N. of a Sadhya. Aratnika, as, m. the elbow.
the word yoni. — Aranya-kand, f. wild cumin seed. — Aranya- 'Wt'fl a-ratha, as, a, am, having no carriage.
kadall, f. the wood or wild plantain. — Aranya- A-rathin, i, m. a warrior who does not fight in a
^>T ara, as, a, am (fr. rt. ri), swift, speedy;
little ; (at end of comp.) going ; (as, am), m. n. the kdiida ('/), am, n. title of the third book of the car, or owns no car.
Ramayana. — Aranya-kdrpdsi, f. the wild cotton.
spoke or radius of a wheel, see also aram, col. 3 ; — Aranya-kulatMkd, (., N. of the plant Glycine A-rathi, is, m., Ved. not a charioteer.
(at), m. a spoke of the time-wheel, viz. a Jaina divi- Labialis Lin. ~ Aranya-kusumltha, ait, m., N. of ^ftU a-radhra, as, a, am, Ved. not lazy ;
sion oftime, the sixth of an Avasarpin! or UtsarpinI ; the plant Carthamus Tinctorius. — Aranya-gaja, not to be subdued ; unprosperous.
the eighteenth Jaina saint of the present Avasarpinl ; as, m. a wild elephant. "Aramja-gata, as, d,
N. of an ocean in Brahma's world. — Ara-ijhatta or arantuka, as, m., N. of a TIrtha.
ura-ghattaka, in, m. a wheel or machine for raising am, a. onegone of the into foura forest.
or hymn-books of am,the a-rapa, as, a, am, Ved. unhurt ; sin-
water from a well (Hind. •-'•• -*.t) ; a deep well. Satna-vcda. — Aranya-ghvli, f., N. of a plant. ~ A- less, pure.
-Ara-nemi, is, m., N. of Brahma-datta, king of ranya-fafaka, as, m. a wild pigeon. — Aranya- A-rapat, ds, ds. Of, Ved. unhurt, safe ; not hurt-
Kerala.— Aranttiret.hu (°ra-an°), loc, pi. in the in- 6ara,as,i, am, living in forests, wild. — Arayya-ja, ing, beneficial, charitable ; sinless, pure.
tervals ofthe spokes. as, d, am, produced or born in a forest. — Aranya-
Araica, at, m. the spoke of a wheel; a Jaina jdrdrakd ("ja-drd1), f. wild ginger. — Aranya-jirn, fl<H^»i arapacana, as, m. a mystical col-
division of time [cf. ara] ; the plant Blyxa Octandra ; as, m. wild cumin. — Aran ya-jtia, a*, a, am, living lective N. of the five Buddhas, each being represented
another plant, Gardenia Enneandra. in a forest. — Aranya-iianiantt, as, m. 'a wild plant,
called Zlotta. — Aranya-dvadatfi, (. or aranyadi'd- by^It1^ a letter.
cram, ind. (fr. rt. ri, see ara), Ved.
IVBJ*IN a-rakshas, iis, as, as, Ved. harm- daii-vrata, am, n., N. of a ceremony performed on
less honest ; not disturbed &c. by evil spirits. swiftly, at hand, near, present ; readily, fitly, suitably,
the twelfth day of the month Margsslrsha. — Aranya- so as to answer a purpose; enough, sufficient [cf. alam
aran-kri. arishtasu.
and Gr. &pa\. — Aran-kri and aran-gam, see A-rdjabkogiiia, as, a, am, not fit for the enjoy-
ment or use of a king. as, d, am, praised even by enemies. — Arin-dama, 81
p. 80, col. 2.— Aramanas, us, as, as (for aram- as, d, am, conquering, victorious ; (as), m. a con-
in'3'), Ved. ready to serve, obedient, devoted to the A-rdjasthdpita, as, a, am, not allowed or licensed queror of enemies ; N. of a man ; N. of a Muni.
worship of God ; (according to native interpreta- "Ari-pura, am, n. an enemy's town or country.
tion) having hostile intentions. — Aramati, is, f. (for byA-rajin,
government. i, ini, i, Ved. having no splendor ; un- — Ari-mqrda, as,m.,N.ofaplant. — Ari-mardana,
aram-fti°), Ved. readiness to serve, obedience, devo- checked, uncontrolled. at, d, am, foe-trampling, enemy-destroying; (o»),
tipn ; a goddess, described in the Vedas as protecting m., N. of a son of SVaphalka. — Ari-mitra, as, m.
the worshippers of the gods and pious works in arataki, f., Ved., N. or epithet of
an ally or friend of an enemy. — Arim-ejaya, as, m.,
general ; (according to others) not resting, active, the plant Ajasrirrgi. N. of a son of Kuru, or of SVaphalka. — Ari-meda,
going everywhere; splendor. — Aram-ish, t, t, t, a-rati, is, f. (rt. rd), Ved. the non- as, m. a fetid Mimosa, Vachellia Famesiana ; N. of
Ved. hastening near (?). a country. — Ari-medaka, as, m., N. of an insect.
offering (of sacrifices) ; sb'nginess, hardness, disfavour,
•««,*H!j a-ramana, as, i, am (rt. ram), not severity; malignity, malevolence; failure; adversity; — Ari-raehtra, am, n. an enemy's country. — Ari-
gratifying, not pleasing. malignity personified ; particular evil spirits, who frus- loka, as, m. a hostile tribe or an enemy's country.
trate the good intentions and disturb the happiness of — Ari-xhthdnaka, am, n. consternation, defeat. ~A-
A-ramamya, as, a, am, unpleasant, disagreeable. ri-eudana or ari-hinsaka, as, m. destroyer of foes.
— Aramaniya-td, (. disagreeableness. man; (is), m. an enemy; the number 'six.' — Ardti- — Ari-ha, as, m. a son of Avacina, a son of DevStithi.
A-ramamdna, as, a, am, not gratifying ; Ved. duahana, as, I, am, or ardti-duehi, is, is, i, or
unremitting, unceasing. ardti-ha, as, d, am, Ved. destroying enemies or ad- a-rikta, as, d, am, not empty.
A-ramayitri, td, in, tri, not causing gratification. versity. Ardti-bhanga,
— as, m. defeat of a foe.
a-riktha-bhdj, k, k, k, not en-
Ardtiya or ardtlya, nom. P., Ved. -yati, -yi-
aramudi, is, m. a king of Nepal. tum, to desire not to offer; to act like an enemy. titled to a share of property, not an heir.
arara, am, n. a covering, a sheath ; — Ardtiyat, am, anti, at, Ved. envious, unfriendly, A-rikthiya, as, d, am = the preceding.
(as, 7, am), m. f. n. the leaf of a door, a door ; the cause not offering; behaving like an enemy, striving to •«( iV(*u«^<zrinJM, z, m. a cock.
sheath of the shoot of a bamboo ; (as), ru. an awl ; aritri, ta, m. (fr. rt. rt), Ved. a
a part of a sacrifice ; righting, war. Ardtiyu, us, us, «,Ved. not in the habit of offering.
Ardtwan, a, m., Ved. not offering, not giving ; rower ; a helmsman [cf. Gr. iperris, 4p(T/j.iv, Sec. ;
Arari, is, i, m. n. a door ; a door-leaf. Lat. ratis, remex, &c.].
unfriendly, malicious.
ararakd, f., N. of the ancestress 3. aritra, as, d, am, Ved. propelling, driving ;
of a celebrated Hindu family. a-rdddhi, is, f., Ved. transgression, (am), n. an oar ; a rudder, helm ; a ship, a boat ;
Ararakya, as, m. a descendant of Araraka.
sin, envy.
a part of a carriage ; a Soma vessel ; (as), m. a Soma
ararinda, am, n., Ved. water ; a vi <i ^S^a-rddhas, as, as, a*, Ved. too poor vessel ; N.of a person. [For I. see under 2. a-ri; also
vessel used in preparing the Soma juice (?). to perform sacrifices, not making oblations, unkind, cf. Lat. aratrum."] — Aritra-gadha, as, d, am,
oar-deep, shallow. — Aritra-parat.ia, as, i, am, Ved.
i a-rarivas, van, ushl, m. f. (rt. rd), hard, stingy, selfish.
passing over by means of oars.
Ved. not offering ; envious, hard, cruel, unfriendly ; an a-rdya, as, m.,Ved. too poor to make
epithet of evil spirits, who strive to disturb the happi- oblations, obstructing a sacrifice ; niggard, stingy ; , i, n. a wheel, a discus.
ness of man ; an enemy. (as, i), m. f. any evil spirit. — Ardya-kshayana, as, a-ripu, us, m. the father of Nala.
I . a-raru, us, m. = the preceding ; N. of an Asura ; i, am, Ved. overpowering malignant spirits ; (am), n.
(us), m. f. (?) a weapon. destruction of malignant spirits. — Ardya-ddtana, as, •wf<JJ a-ripra, as, d, am, Ved. spotless,
destroying evil spirits ; (am), a. destruc- clean, clear ; faultless, blameless.
2 . araru, us, us, u (rt . rt), Ved. moving. i, am,tion ofVed.
evil spirits.
a-riphita, as, d, am, not changed
•«K«. arare, ind. a vocative particle, ex- ardla, as, d, am (connected with ara, to r, said of Visarga.
pressing haste. fr. rt. ri ; Intens. for arara !), crooked, curved ; A-vepha, as, a, am, without the letter r.
ararya, nom. P. araryati, -yitum, to spreading like the spokes of a wheel; (as), m. a a-rishanya, as, a, am (rt. rish),
work with an awl ; to try, put to the proof (?). bent or crooked arm ; the resin of the plant Shorea Ved. not hurting, defending from injury.
Robusta ; an elephant in rut ; (a), f. a disloyal or un-
aralu, us, or araluka, as, m. a plant, chaste woman ; a modest woman. — Arala-pakshma- A-rinhanyat, an, anti, at, Ved. not being hurt.
Bignonia Indica. A-risTita, as, d, am, unhurt ; unharmed ; perfect ;
nayatia, as, d, am, whose eyelashes are curved.
secure, safe; (as), m. a heron; a crow; N.of several
a-rava, as, a, am (rt. ru), noiseless. , d,vni, a, Ved. not offering, plants, the soap-berry tree, Sapindus Detergens Roxb. ;
envious, inimical, odious ; an epithet of evil spirits. Azadirachta Indica ; garlic ; a distilled mixture ; N. of
aravinda, am, n. (fr. a, ' like,' and an Asura, son of Bali, slain by Krishna (Vishnu) ;
ravinda, q. v., for ram-da?), a lotus, Nelumbium a-rdshtra, am, n., Ved. loss of royal N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata ; (a), f. a bandage ; a
Speciosum or Nympbsea Nelumbo ; (as), m. the In- power or of a kingdom.
dian crane ; copper. — Aravinda-dala-prabha, am, medical plant ; N. of a daughter of Daksha and one of
n. copper. — Arai'inda-ndbhi, is, m. Vishnu, from 1. ari, is, is, i (fr. rt. ri), Ved. going, the wives of Kasyapa ; (am), n. bad or ill-luck, mis-
whose navel sprung the lotus that bore Brahma at moving; reaching, obtaining, making an effort to get; fortune; a natural phenomenon boding misfortune;
the creation. — Aravinda-sad, t, m., N. of Brahma, aspiring after ; desiring, sacrificing, devoted to ; (is), sign or symptom of approaching death ; good fortune,
1 sitting on a lotus.' m. the wind; a lord, a master; a pious man. — Ari- happiness ; buttermilk ; vinous spirit ; a woman's
Aravindim, f. an assemblage oi lotus flowers. gurla, as, m., Ved. praised by devoted men or apartment, the lying-in chamber. — Arishta-karman.
by worshippers ; (according to others) ready for the d, m., N. of a king of the Andhra dynasty. — A-
i a-rasman, a, a, a, Ved. having no destruction of enemies. — Ari-dhdyas, as, as, as, rishfa-gdtu, us, its, u, Ved. having a secure residence.
ropes or reins. Ved. willingly yielding milk (as a cow) ; (according — AriMa-gu, us, us, u, Ved. whose cattle are un-
a-rasa, as, a, am, sapless, tasteless ; to others) to be held by lords only, very precious. hurt. —Arisltta-gri/ia, am, n. a lying-in chamber.
weak, effectless, having no strength ; dull, flat ; insi- Ari-shtuta, as, d, am, Ved. praised with zeal. — Arishta-grdma, as, m., Ved. whose troop is com-
plete in number (said of the Maruts). — Arishla-
pid ;(ns), m. no juice, absence of juice. — Amsas'a 2. a-ri, is, m. (rt. rd; but by some tdti, is, f., Ved. safeness, security ; (is, is, i), auspi-
(°sa-dsa), as, m. the eating of sapless food ; mace- written ari, and identified with I. ari), Ved. un- cious, making fortunate or happy. — Arishla-ilunhtu-
ration of the body. — Aru.sa.fin (°sa-d^'), i, ini, i, generous, malicious ; not worshipping ; inimical, hos- dhl, is, is, i, apprehensive of death, alarmed at its
eating sapless food ; macerating the body. tile ;an enemy ; a species of Khadira or Mimosa ; approach. *• Ari$hta-nemi, is, is, i, Ved. the felly
A^raxika, as, a, am, devoid of taste, unfeeling, N. of the numeral ' six ;' N. of a condition in as- of whose wheel is unhurt ; an epithet of Tarkshya ;
dull ; insipid, flavourless. tronomy. —Ari-karshana, ax, m. tamer of enemies. the twenty-second of the twenty-four Jaina Tirtha-
!^ a-rahas, as, n. absence of secrecy. — Art-kula, am, n. family of an enemy. — Ari- karas of the present Avasarpim. — Arlshta-pura, am,
n., N. of a town. — Arishta-bharman, a, m., Ved.
Araltdya, nom. A. -yate, -yitum, to become public. kshipa, as, m., N. of a son of SVaphalka. — Ari-
ghna, as, m. a destroyer of enemies. — Ari-fintana, yielding security. — Arislitu-mathana, OK, m. Vishnu
a-rahita, as, a, am, not deprived am, n. or ari-tinta, f. a plot directed against an (S'iva?) as killer of the Asura. — Arislita-ratha, a»',
of, possessed of, having. enemy, administration of foreign affairs. — Ari-td, (. m.,Ved. whose carriage is unhurt. — Arislita-mra, as,
or ari-tra, am, n. enmity. — i. ari-tra, as, d, am,
^TT>T a-rdga, as, a, am, or a-rdgin, i, ini, protecting from enemies (for 2. see next col.). — Ari- m., Ved. whose heroes are unhurt. — Ari&lita-s'tiyya,
i, unimpassioned, cool. f. a lying-in couch. — Arishla-suilana, as, m. or
ddnta, as, m. enemy-subdued ; N. of a man. — Ari- arwhta-kan, d, m. Vishnu as killer of the Asura.
•*<«J1<* a-rdjaka, as, a, am, having no nandana, as, d, am, gratifying an enemy, affording — Arish/d-^rita-pura (°ta-df), am, n., N. of a
king or governor, anarchical.
triumph to an enemy ; an enemy's joy. — Ari-nipdta, town. — Arishldsu, (°(a-asu), u<, us, u, Ved. whose
A-rdjan, a, m., Ved. not a king. as, m. an invasion made by enemies. — Ari-nuta, ' vital power is unhurt.
82 a-rishfaka. arkin.
a-rofaka, as, ikd, am (rt. rue), not
A-rishtaka, as, m. the same as arithfa, m, above. cinal climbing plant ; the wife of Vasishtha ; the wife
A-rishti, is, (., Ved. safeness, security. of Dharma ; the morning star, personified as the wife shining ; causing want of appetite or disgust ; (as), m.
of Vasishtha or of the seven Rishis ; also one of the want or loss of appetite, disgust, indigestion.
A-rishyat, an, anti, at, Ved. not being hurt.
Pleiades. At marriage ceremonies Arundhati is in- A-ro6akin, t, ini, i, suffering from want of appe-
•4lOdo£ a-rilha, as, a, am (for a-ridha, ite or indigestion.
voked as a pattern of conjugal excellence by the bride-
rt. rih'=lih), Ved. not licked. groom.— Arumlhatl-jdni, is, or anmdhatl-natlia, A-rodamdna, as, d, am, not shining.
?TC? aru, us, m. the sun ; N. of a plant. as, m. Vasishtha, one of the seven Rishis or saints, A-ro(Hshnu, us, us, u, dark, disagreeable, ugly.
and stars in the great bear. weeping.
^T^t<f«T a-rodana, am, n. (rt. rud), not
W^ftT^iT aranshika, f. scab on the head.
arur-magha, as, m., Ved., N. of
'Sr^a-rurf, *, Ic, it, Ved. having no light, xrtain miserly evil spirits (as the Panis, &c.). a-rodhya, as, d, am (rt. rudh), not
lightless. to be hindered or obstructed, unobstructed.
a-ru6i, is, f. aversion, dislike; want •fl^l^H^ arusa-han, d, m. (orusa = aru-
iha i), Ved. striking the red (clouds), an epithet of a-ropana, am, n. (rt. ruh), not
of appetite, disrelish, disgust. ndra.
A-rwSra, as, a, am, disagreeable, disgusting. planting or fixing.
A-rufya, as, a, am, disagreeable. a-rush, t, t, t, not angry, good- ••nClMa-rosAa,as, m. calmness, gentleness.
^T^^ a-ruj, k, k, k, not breaking, not sup- A-rushla, as, d, am, not angry, calm. or •stClJ
fierce. a-raudra, as, i, am, not formidable
purating, not festering; free from disease, sound,
healthy. ^Pfj^ arusha, as, i, am (said to be fr. rt.
A-rugna, as, a, am, not broken, not diseased. ri and connected with aruiia), Ved. red, reddish ; the — U^. ark, cl. 10. P. arkayati, -yitum, to
N< heat or warm ; to praise.
A-ruja, as, a, am, not breaking ; not suppurati ng ; colour of Agni and his horses; (as), m. the red horse of
sound ; (as), m., N. of a plant, Cassia Fistula; N. of Agni, flame ; the sun, the day ; the red storm-cloud ; ^T3i arka, as, m. (fr. rt. art!), a ray, flash of
a Danava.
(1), f the dawn ; a red horse ; flame ; N. of the wife lightning; the sun; fire; crystal; copper; a N. of
^T^Bf aruna, as, a or «, am (said to be fr. of Bhrigu and the mother of Aurva. — Arusha-stupa, Indra ; Sunday ; membrum virile ; N. of the plant
masses of flame. Calotropis Gigantea; a religious ceremony; praise,
rt. ji), reddish-brown, tawny, red ; ruddy ; the colour of as, d, am, Ved. having brilliant
the morning opposed to the darkness of night ; per- Arusha or arttshya, nom. P. arushati or arit- hymn ; praising ; a singer ; a learned man ; an elder
plexeddumb ; (as), m. red colour, the colour of the shyati, -shUum, -yitum, to go. brother; food. — Arka-kdntd, f., N. of the plant
dawn ; dawn ; the dawn personified as the charioteer ants, «s, MS, MS (fr. rt. rt), wounded, Polanisia Icosandra W. — Arka-kshetra, dm, n. ' the
of the sun ; the sun ; a kind of leprosy, with red field of the sun,' N. of a sacred place in Orissa.
spots and insensibility of the skin ; a little poisonous kara, sore ; (us), n. a sore or wound ; ind. a joint.— Arush- — Arka-fikitsd, f. ' the medical art of the sun,' title
as, d, am, causing wounds, wounding ; (as), of a work on medicine. — Arka-ja, au, m. du. the
animal ; N. of a plant, Rottleria Tinctoria ; molasses ;
m. the plant Semecarpus Anacardium; the nut of two sons of Surya or the sun and AsvinI, and physi-
N. of several persons ; (a), f., N. of several plants ; a
this tree. — Arush-krita, as, d, am, wounded.— A- cians of Svarga or heaven. — Arka-tanaya, as, m.
plant Betula ; madder, Rubia Manjith ; another plant,
ruh-srdna, am, a., Ved. a kind of medical prepara- offspring of the sun, an epithet of Kama, Manu
commonly T(5ori ; a black kind of the same ; Colo- tion for wounds.
cynth or bitter apple ; the plant that yields the red Vaivasvata, Manu Savarni, and STani ; (d), f. an epithet
Arushka, an, m., N. of a tree, Semecarpus Ana- of the rivers Yamuna and Tapati. — Arka-tva, am,
and black berry used for the jewellers' weight, cardium.
called Retti; N. of a river; (I), f. a red cow; n. brightness, &c. — Arka-tvish, t, f. a ray of light,
Arusikd, f. eruptions on the scalp with acute pain (?).
the dawn; (am), n. red colour; gold. — Aruna- the light of the sun. — Arka-dina, am, n. a solar
fcamala, am, n. the red lotus, i- Aruna-jyotis, is, Aru-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to wound. day. — Arka-nandana, as, m. a son of the sun ; a
m. an epithet of Siva. — Aruna-td, f. red colour. a-ruha, f.3 N. of a plant. N. of the planet Saturn ; an epithet of Karna. — Arka-
— Aruna-datta, as, m., N.of an author. - Arttna- nayana, as, m., N. of an Asura. — Arka-pattra,
durvd, f. reddish fennel. — Aruna-priyd f., N. of , a-riiksha, as, d, am, Ved. soft. as, m., N. of the plant Calotropis Gigantea; (a), f.
an Apsaras. — Aruna-psu, us, us, u, Ved. having a — Aruksha-td, f., Ved. softness. a kind of birth-wort, Aristolochia Indica ; (am), n.
red shape. — Aruna-bdbhru, us, us, u, Ved. red- A-rukehita, as, d, am, Ved. soft, supple. the leaf of the plant Calotropis Gigantea. — Arka-
dish-yel ow. Ariina-yuj, k, Ic, k, Ved. furnished A-rukshna, as, d, am, Ved. soft, tender. parna, as, m. the plant Calotropis Gigantea ; (am),
with red (rays of light), an epithet of the dawn. n. the leaf of this plant. — Arka-pddapa, as, m.,
—Aruna-lofana, as, a, am, red-eyed; (as), m. ^I^M a-riipa, as, a, am, formless, shape- N. of the tree Melia Azadirachta Lin. —Arka-putra,
a pigeon. — Aruna-sdrathi, is, m. whose charioteer less; ugly, ill-formed; dissimilar, unlike. — Arupa- as, m. the child of the sun, i. e. Kama. — Arka-
is Aruna; epithet of the sun.— Arunagra-ja (°na- td, {. shapelessness, ugliness; dissimilarity. — Arupar- pushpikd, {., N. of the plant Gynandropsis Penta-
vat, an, atl, at, shapeless, ugly.
a</°), as, m. Garuda, the bird of Vishnu. — Arundt- phylla. — Arka-pushpl, f., N. of the plant Kutumbini.
maja (°tia-at°), as, m., N. of Jatayu, a fabulous A-rupaka, as, d, am, without figure or metaphor,
— Arka-prakdda, as, m. 'the revelation of the
bird, said by some to be the son of Aruna, but more not figurative, literal. sun,' title of a work on medicine and jurisprudence.
generally of Garuda. — Arundrtis (°na-ar°), is, m. A-rupin, I, ini, i, shapeless. — Arka-priyd, f., N. of the plant Hibiscus Rosa
the sun. — Arundvara-ja ("na-av"), as, m. the Sinensis L. — Arka-bandha, us, or arka-bdndhava,
younger brother of Aruna, a N. of Garuda. — Artir
•^T^ arusha, as, m. (fr. rt. ri), the sun, a
kind of snake. as, m. a N. of Buddha Sakya-muni. — Arka-bhaktd,
naiva Ifna-af), as, m., Ved. driving with red f., N. of the plant Polanisia Icosandra W. and A.
horses, an epithet of the Maruts. — Arunekshana ^IT are, ind. interjection of calling. — Ar ka-mandala, am, n. the disc of the sun.
(°na-ik°), as, d, am, red-eyed. — Arutioda ("na- a-renu, us, us, u, Ved. not dusty, — Arka-muld, f. a kind of birth-wort, Aristolochia
ud^), as, am, m. n., N. of a lake. — Arunodaya Indica. — Arka-reto-ja, as, m. Revanta, the son of
<'na-ud°), as, m. break of day, dawn, the period not touching the dust (of the earth) ; («), n. what is Surya. — Arka-lusha, as, m., N. of a man. — Arka-
a ruby. sunset. — Arunopala (°na-up°), as, m. not dusty, the ether. rat, an, atl, at, containing flashes of lightning.
f a-retas, as, as, as, or a-retaska, as, — Arka-varsha, as, m, a solar year. — Arka-ralla~
Arunita, as, a, am, reddened, dyed red, im bha, as, m., N. of the plant Pentapetes Phcenicea
purpled. d, am, seedless, not receiving seed.
Lin. — Arka-vedha, as, m., N. of a plant. — Arka-
Aruniman, d, m. redness, ruddiness. f a-repas, as, as, as, Ved. spotless vrata, as, m. the rule or law of the sun ; i. e. levy-
Aruni-krita, as, d, am, reddened, turned or be- clear, clean, shining. ing taxes, subjecting the people to imposts, or drawing
come red.
their wealth as imperceptibly as the sun evaporates
Armiiya or aruniya-yoga, as, m. the twenty-fifth ^TTX arere, ind. interjection of calling to water. — Arka-ioka, as, m.,Ved. brilliancy of rays.
Upanishad of the Atharva-veda. inferiors or of calling angrily. — Arka-sdti, is, f., Ved. invention of hymns, poetical
^T^rnf •T a-ruta-hanu, us, us, M, Ved. whose a-roka, as, d, am (rt. ritd), darkened inspiration. — Arka-sunu, us, m. son of the sun, an
cheeks or jaws cannot be broken. obscured, dimmed.— Aroka-dat, at, atl, at, 01 epithet of Yama. — Arka-sodara, as, m. Airavata,
vi<53 u-ruddha, as, a, am (rt. rudh), no1 aroka-danta, as, d, am, having black or dis- the elephant of Indra. — Arka-hitd, (., N. of the
obstructed, not hindered. coloured teeth, having bad teeth. plant Polanisia Icosandra W. — ArkdniSa (°ka-an°),
•flClt a-roga, as, a, am, free from disease as, m. a digit or
— Arkds'man the twelfth
(cka-ai°), part heliotrope,
d, m. of the sun's disc.
arun-tuda, as, a, am, inflicting
wounds, causing torments ; sharp, corrosive ; acri- healthy, well ; (as), m. health. crystal. —Arkdhva (°ka-dh°), as, m. swallow wort.
monious, sour (as disposition). — Aruntiifla-tva, am A-rogana, as, d, am, Ved. not rendering sick — Arkendu-sangama (°ka-in°), as, m. the instant
n. infliction of pain ; acrimoniousness, causticity. freeing from disease. of conjunction of the sun and moon. — Arkopala
A-rogin, I, ini, i, or a-royya, as, d, am, healthy. ("ka-up0), as, m. the sun-stone, a ruby.
a-rundhatt, f. (rt. rudh), a medi- — Arogi-td or arogya-td, f. healthiness, health. Arkin, I, ini, i, Ved. shining ; praising.
arklya. artha-sau6a.
ArKya or arkya, as, a, am, belonging to arka. •^U J ! • arj, cl. I. P. arjati, anarja, arjish- -tkitum, to strive to obtain, to desire, wish, request ;
^.yati,-jitum, to procure; to acquire, reach, to supplicate or entreat any one, to sue.
'ei'ls argada, as, a, m. f. (for argala), an
impediment. gain, earn : Caus. arjayati, -yitum, to procure, ac- Artha, as, am, m. n., in Rig-veda generally n.,
quire ;to work or manufacture ; to make or prepare. but in later Sanskrit only m. (said to be fr. rt. ri,
but connected with rt. arth), object ; purpose ; cause,
•«'ic4 argala, as, a or I, am, m. f. n. (said
to be fr. rt. arj), a wooden bolt or pin for fastening &c.Arjaka, as, ikd, am, procuring, acquiring ; (as), motive, reason ; advantage, use, utility ; thing ; sub-
m., N. of several plants, Ocymum Gratissimum L.,
a door or the cover of a vessel ; a bar ; a wave or billow. stance, wealth, property, opulence ; affair, concern ;
Argalika, f. a small door pin, a bolt. request, suit, petition ; asking, begging, want, need ;
Arjana, am, n. procuring; acquiring,' gaining,
Argalita, us, a, am, fastened by a bolt or pin. earning; gathering. sense, meaning, notion ; manner, sort, kind ; pro-
Argatiyn or argalya, as, a, am, belonging to Arjita, as, a, am, acquired, gained, earned. hibition, prevention, abolition ; price ; N. of a son
a bolt or pin. of Dharma. (Artha in some of its first senses
•^UJ 2. arj (a doubtful root, probably may govern an inst. case ; e. g. ko me jivitena
argh, cl. I. P. arghati, -ghitum, to X distinct from the last, and connected with
X be worth, to cost; to hurt? [cf. Germ. an;, artha/i, 'what concern have I with life?'). — Artha-
raj, Taj, and ard), to shine, to be white (?). kara, as, a or I, am, producing or yielding
argern; Old Germ, arg, ark, and with a inserted, Arjuna, as, a or i, am, white, clear, the colour advantage or wealth ; useful ; enriching, — ArtJia,-
arag, arak, miserly, wicked, impious ; arg, evil]. of day; of silver; (as), m. the white colour; a karman, a, n. a principal or main action. — Artha-
^T5f argha, as, m. (fr. rt. arh), worth, peacock; cutaneous disease; the tree Terminalia kdma, au, m. du. utility and desire, wealth and plea-
value, price ; a respectful offering of various ingre- Arjuna W. and A. ; a N. of Indra ; N. of the third sure; (as, d, am), desirous of wealth. — Artha-
dients to a god or Brahman. — Argha-ddna, am, of the Pandava princes, who was a son of Indra and kriddkra, am, n. a difficult matter. — Artha-krit,
n. presentation of a respectful offering. — Argha- Kuntl ; N. of a son of Kritavlrya, who was slain by t, t, t, causing profit, useful. — Artha-krityd, am,f.n.
Parasurama ; N. of a Sakya ; N. of a country ; the an action aiming at profit. —Artha-gata, as, a, am
balabala (°la-ab^), am, n. rate of price, proper only son of his mother; (i), f. a procuress, a bawd;
price, the cheapness or deamess of commodities. (=gatdrtha), without an object, useless. — Artha-
— Argha-sankhyapana, am, n. fixing the price of cow; a kind of serpent ; Ush2,wifeof Aniruddha; N. gariyas, an, asl, as, highly significant. — Artha-
commodities, appraising, assize : it is the act of the of a river, more commonly called BahudS or KaratoyS ; ghna, as, I, am, wasteful, extravagant. — Artka-
king or ruler, in concert with the traders, and should (nyait or mjas), du. or pi., N. of the constellation jdta, as, a, am, significant, full of meaning;
be done once a week or once a fortnight. — A rghdrjw, PhalgunI ; (am), n. silver ; gold ; slight inflammation worth the money. — Artha-jna, as, a, am, under-
of the conjunctiva or white of the eye ; grass ; (as), m. standing the meaning of anything. — Artha-tattva,
("gha-ar"), as, a, am, worthy of or requiring a pi. the descendants of Arjuna. — Arjuna-kdnda, as, am, n. truth, the real object, nature or cause of any-
respectful offering, a superior. — Arghdshta-puraka
a, am, Ved. having a white appendage. ^Arjuna- thing; the true state of the case, the fact of the matter.
("gha-asK1), am, n., N. of a town. — Arylas'a — Artha-tas, ind. towards a particular object ; with
(°gka-is"a ?), as, m. a N. of Siva. ddhari, is, is, i, of a white colour, white. — Arjuna-
tas, ind. on the side or party of Arjuna. — Arjwia- reference to the meaning; in fact, really, truly;
Arghya, as, a, am, valuable ; venerable ; deserving namely, that is to say ; on account of, (at the end
a respectful oblation ; (am), n. a respectful oblation dhvaja, as, m. having a white banner, an epithet of
to gods or venerable men, of rice, durva-grass, flowers, Hanumat. — Arjuna-pdki, (., N. of a plant and its of a compound). — Artha-da, as, a, am, conferring
&c., with water ; or of water only in a small boat- fruits. — Arjimarishta-saiidhanna ("na-ar'), as, a, advantage; profitable, useful, compliant, favourable;
shaped vessel; a kind of honey. — Aryhya-tas, ind. am, covered with Arjuna and Nimb trees. — Arjuno- liberal, munificent. — Artha-dushana, am, n. spoil-
of true value. pama ing of another's property ; unjust seizure of property,
Grandis (°na-up°),
L. as, m. the teak tree, Tectona
or a withholding of what is due ; waste, prodigality,
•WV5 arghata, am, n. ashes. See parghata. Arjunaka, as, a, am, belonging to Arjuna ; (as), extravagance ; finding fault with the meaning of
m. a worshipper of Arjuna. a passage. — Artha-nibandhana, as, d, am, having
•M ^1 ar6, cl. I. P. ar6ati, anarta, ardish-
Arjunasa, as, a, am, overgrown with Arjuna its cause in wealth, contingent on affluence and re-
^>yati, drdtt, ardUu,m,lo shine; to praise'; spectability.Artha-nis'taya,
— as, m. determination,
to honour or treat with respect, to worship; to salute :
Caus. ardayati, -te, -yitum, to cause to shine ; to plants. decision. — Artha-pati, is, m. the lord of riches;
'SHIt arna, as, a, am (fr. rt. n), being in a king ; an epithet of Kuvera ; N. of a man. — Artha,'
praise; to honour; worship, salute: Desid.ardidis/iati, motion, agitated ; foaming, effervescing ; restless ;
to wish to honour : Ved. Pass, rifyate. (as), m. a wave, flood, stream ; the teak tree, Tec- para, as, d, am, intent on gaining wealth ; parsi-
Arda, as, a, am, Ved. shining. See also aria below. tona Grandis L. ; a letter ; N. of a metre, comprising monious, niggardly. — Artha-^fayoga, as, m. appli-
cation ofwealth, as to trade, usury, &c. ; the profession
Ardaka, as, a, am, worshipping ; (as), m. a wor- ten feet, and belonging to the class called Dandaka ;
shipper. N. of a man; (am), n. tumult or din of battle. of usury. — Artha-^prdpti, is, f. acquisition of wealth;
— Arna-sdti, is, f., Ved. tumult of battle. attainment of an object. — Artha-bandha, as, m. that
Ardatri, is, is, f,Ved. sounding, neighing, roaring. which binds together the sense; the text. — Artha-
Ardatrya, as, a, am, Ved. to be praised. Arnava, as, a, am, being agitated ; foaming ; Jiuddlti, is, is, i, selfish. — Artha-bodha, as, m. in-
Ardad-dkuma, as, a, am, Ved. whose smoke is restless ; (as), m. a wave, flood, stream ; the foaming dication ofthe real import. — Artha-bhdj, k, k, Ic, en-
shining. sea, high water ; the ocean of air ; N. of a metre ; titled to a share in the division of property.— Arthor
Ardana, as, I, am, praising, celebrating with praise ; title of a work on jurisprudence. ~*Arnava-ja, as, bhrita, as, d, am, having high wages (as a servant).
(a or am), (. n. worship, the homage paid to deities a, am, sea-born, marine ; (as, am), m. n. cuttle fish. — Artna-bheda, as,ta. distinction, difference of mean-
and to superiors. — Ardandnas (°na-an°), as, m., — Arnara-pota, as, m. a boat or ship. — Arnava- ing. — Artha-mdtra, d, am, f. n. property, money.
Ved., N. of a Rishi (' he who has a sounding carriage'). mandira, as, m. an epithet of Varuna, regent of
— Artha-ldbha, as, m. acquisition of wealth. ~Artha-
Ardanlya, as, a, am, to be worshipped, respect- the waters. —Arnava-ydna, am, n. a boat or ship.
able, venerable, adorable. — Arnavanta Cixt-an°), as, m. the extremity of lubdka, as, d, am, greedy of wealth, covetous, nig-
Ardd, f. worship, adoration ; an image or idol the ocean. — Arnavodbhava (°va-ud°), as, m., N. gardly. —Artka-lefy, as, m. a little wealth. —Artha-
destined to be worshipped. — Ardd-vat, an, atl, at, of a plant. lobha, as, m. desire of wealth, avarice. •• Artka-
Arnas, as, n. a wave, flood, stream ; the sea, ocean ; vat, an, atl, at, wealthy, rich; significant, full of
v/oishipped. — Arda-vidambana, am, n. false or sense or meaning; (an), m. a man; (-vat), ind.
feigned worship. the ocean of air; river, water. — Arnas-vat, an, atl,
at, Ved. containing many waves. — Arno-da, as, m. according to a purpose. — Arthavat-tva, am, n. sig-
Ardi, is, m. ray, flame (of fire or of the dawn, &c.). nificance, importance. — Artkavargiya, as, d, am,
— Ardi-ketu, us, m., N. of a rmn. — Ardi-netra- a cloud ; N. of the plant Cyperus Rotundus. — Arno-
bJiava, as, m. a shell. — Arno-vrit, t, t, t, Ved. in- concerning the category of objects. •-Artha-vdda,
dhipati (Va-artt.0), is, m., N. of a Yaksha. - Ardi- cluding the waters. as, m. explanation of an affair, explanatory remark,
mat, an, atl, at, shining, blazing ; (an) , m., N. of exegesis ; affirmation or narrative ; declaration of
a man. — Ardi-vat, an, all, at, Ved. blazing. arta-gala, as, m., N. of a plant, purpose or object ; speech or expression having a
Ardita, as, a, am, honoured, worshipped, respected, Barleria Caerulea Roxb. certain object ; sentence ; praise, eulogium. — Artka-
saluted ; offered with reverence. Hjiia/ta, am, n. comprehension of meaning, one of
Ardilln, I, ini, i, honouring. artana, as, a, am (rt. rit), blaming, the six exercises of the understanding. — Artha-rid, t,
Arditri, id, m. a worshipper. reviling ; (am), n. censure, approach, abuse. t,t, sagacious, sensible, wise. — Artha-viniMaya, as,
Ardin, I, MM, j, Ved. praising, honouring ; shining Artaka, as, a, am, Ved. provoking, contentious, m. title of a Buddhist Sutra vfOTk.—Arttia~vriddhi,
(as a ray of light), radiating ; (I), m., N. of a man ; is, (. accumulation of wealth. — Arthasvaikalpa, am,
a ray of light. quarrelsome. n. deviation from truth, perversion or disguise of fact ;
Ardis, is, (. n. ray of light, flame ; light, lustre ;
*lin artit is, f. (a weakened form of drti, prevarication. -~ Artha-wjayat, as, m. expenditure.
fr. rt. ri with a), pain ; the end of a bow. — Artha-vyaya-jna, as, d, am, liberal in giving
(is), (., N. of the wife of Kris'as'va and mother of
Dhumaketu. - Ardislt-mat, an, atl, at, brilliant,
'WfrToirTartJia, f. an elder sister (in theatri- and using. — Artha-vyaya-saha, as, d, am, prodigal.
resplendent ; (an), m. fire, the god of fire ; (atl), cal language), [cf. attikd and antika]. — Artha-tdstra, am, n. institutes of the science of
f. one of the ten earths with Buddhists. what is useful in life ; science of polity or moral
I. ardya, as, a, am, to be honoured or worshipped. •»<JVJ arth, cl. 10. A. arthayate, -yitum, and political government. — Artlia-iauda, am, n.
a. ardya, ind. having honoured or worshipped. xAor. artithata, ep. cl. I. A. artftate,
purity, honesty in money matters. — Artha-sam-
84 artha-sangraha. arpaya.
Ardana, as, d, am, moving restlessly; disturbing, ble. —A rdhn- marge, ind. half. way, midway. — Ar-
ft!: 'ma, am, n. accumulation of wealth; treasury.
— Artha-eaitgraha, as, m. accumulation of wealth ; distressing ; (a), f. going ; asking, begging, giving dha-mdtia, as, m. half a month ; ardhatndisa-s'as,
treasure. — Artha-miiinti/u, an, m. acquisition of ind. every half month, or fortnight. — Ardhumdsa-
pain, killing ; («»i), n. pain, trouble, excitement, dis-
turbance. tama, as, d, am, or ardhamdslka, as, d, am,
wealth ; wealth, properly. — Artha-eambandha, as,
m. connection of the sense with the word or sentence. Ardani, is, m. sickness, disease ; asking, begging ; done or happening every half month ; lasting half
— Artha-idilliaka, ae, m. bringing any matter to fire. a month, or a fortnight. — Ardlta-mushli, is, m. f.
a conclusion ; N. of a minister of king Dasaratha. a half-clenched hand. — Ardha-ydma, as, m. half a
Arditti, as, d, am, gone; asked, requested, beg- watch, an hour and a half. — Ardha-ratha, as, m.
— Arthn-sdra, as, m. a considerable property. ged ;killed, injured, pained, afflicted ; (am), n. a
— Artha-siddhaka, at, m., N. of the plant Vitex a warrior who fights on a car along with another.
disease, spasm of the jaw-bones ; trismus, tetanus ;
or hemiplegia, i. e. paralysis of the muscles on one — Ardha-rdtra, as, m. midnight ; a night contain-
Negundo L. — Artha-siddhi, i*, (. success. — Artha- side of the face and neck. ing half a whole day of twenty-four hours. — Arilltn-
hara, as, a, am, inheriting or taking wealth. — Ar-
tha-hltM, as, a, am, unmeaning, nonsensical ; poor, rdtra-tamaya, as, m. the time of midnight. — Ar-
Arditin. 1, ini. i, having spasms of the jaw-bones. dhardtrdrdhadivasa (°rdtra-ardha°), am, n. the
deprived of wealth ; failing. — Arthdyama ("tha-da"), Ardyamana, as, d, am, being distressed. eqninox. — Ardhurta (°dha-rifa), as, am, m. n.
fix, m. receipt or collection of property ; income, ac-
^T§ i. ardha, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. ridh), half a verse or hemistich. — Ardlturda-iai, ind. in
quisition ofwealth. — Arthddhikdra ftha-adh0), as,
m. office of treasurer, charge of money or property. Ved. side, part ; place, region, country [cf. Lat. ordo, every hemistich. — Ardha-rastra-tamvita, as, d,
— Arthddhikdrin (°(ha-adh°), I, m. a treasurer, Germ. art}. The accent is on the first syllable. ant, clothed or enveloped in half-garments. — Ardha-
visargu, as, m. the sound Visarga before k, kh, p,
a paymaster. — Arthdntara (°tha-an°), am, n. an- 2. ardha, as, d, am, half, halved, forming a half
other matter, a different or new circumstance, a new [cf. Osset. ardag] ; ardha ardha, one part, the other ph, so called because its sign (x) is the half of that
affair ; a different meaning ; opposite or antithetical part; (as, am), m. n. the half; one part of two, a of Visarga (°), — Ardha-viks!tana, am, n. a side-
meaning, difference of meaning or purport. — Ar- part, a parly ; half a short syllable. The accent is look, a glance, a \eei. — Ardha-inililha, ax, a, tun,
thdntara-nydsa, as, m. antithesis. — Arthanvita on the last syllable. (Ardha may be compounded in middle-aged. — Ardha-vatnaMka, an, m., N. of the
(°tta-an°), as, a, am, possessed of wealth, rich; a peculiar way with an ordinal, e. g. ardha-tritiya, followers of Kaiiada ('arguing half-perishablentss').
containing (two and) the third (only) half, i. e. two — Ardha-rydsa, as, m. the radius of a circle.
significant. — Arthdpatti (°tha-dp°), is, f. an infer- — ArdJia-fata, am, n. fifty; one hundred and
ence from circumstances ; one of the five arguments and a half; ardha-daturtha, three and a half, &c.)
of the Mlminsakas ; presumption, supposition. — Ar- —Ardha-kdla or ardha-kufa, as, m. an epithet fifty. — Anlhaiana, am, for ardhdiana (°dha-
thdrthin ftha-ar0), i, iiii, i, one who solicits wealth, of Siva. •- Ardha-krita, as, d, am, half-done, half- af), am, n. half a med. — Ardha-s'apkara, </~,
performed. — Ardha-ketu, ««, m., N. of a Rudra. m. a kind of fish. — Ardha-^dbda, as, d, am, hav-
or endeavours to gain any object. — Arthft (°tha-it),
t, t, t, Ved. active, industrious ; hasty. — Arthepsu, — Ardha-kotl, f. half a crore, five millions. — Ar- ing a low voice. — Ardha-Jesha or ardhdrateshu.
(tka-ip°)t us, us, u, desirous of wealth. ~Arthepsu- dha-kosha, as, m. a moiety of one's treasure. (°dha-av°~), as, d, am, having only half left. — Ar-
td, (. desire of wealth. — Artheha <?tha-ihd), f. desire — Ardha-kroia, as, m. half a league. — Ardha- dUa-iyama, as, d, am, half-clouded. — Ardlut-
of wealth. — Arthopama(tha^up°), am, n. a simile khara, am, I, n. f. a measure, half a khari. — Ardha- $ldka, as,m. half a Sloka. — Ardha-sanjdta-sti.-ijn,
in which the object of comparison is stated without any gangd, f., N. of the river KSverT. — Ardlia-garbha, as, d, am, having its crops half-grown. — Ardlta-
particle of comparison, e. g. ' he is a dog.' — Art ho- as, d, am, Ved. in the middle of the womb. — Ar- slrin, i, m. a cultivator, a ploughman, who takes
dha-guttha, as, m. a necklace of twenty-four half the crop for his labour. — Anllia-hara, as,
pdrjana (ftha up~), am, n. acquisition of wealth
or property. — Arthoekman (tha-usfc), a, n. wealth, strings. — Ardha-gola, as, m. A hemisphere. — A r- m. a necklace of sixty-four or of forty strings. — Ar-
the glow or pride of wealth, the condition of being dha-takravarlin or ardha-fakrin, i, m. half a dha-hrasva, am, n. half a short syllable. —Ar-
&kravartin ; N. of the nine black Vasudevas and the
wealthy ; (so, Anglice, 'a warm man'). — Arthaugha tlhdn^a (°dha-an), as, m. a half, the half.— Ar~
nine enemies of Vishnu. — ArdJta-dandra, a?, m.
(~tha-ogh°), as, m. a treasure. dhdnitn (°dha-an°), i, ini,i, sharing a half. —Ardhd-
Arthand, f. request, begging, asking, entreaty. half-moon ; the semicircular marks on a peacock's kdra ("dha-a"), as, m. half the letter a ; another
ArtJiamya, as, d, am, to be requested, asked, &c. tail ; the semicircular scratch of the finger nail ; an
name for arajjraAa, q. v. ^Ardhdnga (dha-ait*),
Artham or artke, ind. (generally at the end of com- arrow, the head of which is like a half-moon ; the am, n. half the body. — Ardhdrdha (°dha-ar°),
pounds) on account of, in behalf of, for the sake of. hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw, as as, m. half of a half, a quarter ; half and half. — Ar-
Artkdt, ind. according to the state of the case, ac- for the purpose of seizing or clutching anything ; (a),
dhavabhedaka (°dha-av°), as, m. pain in half the
cording to the circumstances, as a matter of fact ; in f., N. of the plant Convolvulus Torpethum ; (as, d, head, hemicrania ; (am), n. dividing in equal parts.
fact ; that is to say. am), crescent-shaped, of a semilunar form. — Ardha- — Ardhdvasesha (°dha-av°), as, a, am, having
Arthdpaya, nom. P. arthdpayati, -yitum. See (andrdkdra fra-iV), as, d, am, or nrdha- only one half left. — Ardhafana (°dha-ad°), am,
rt artlt. (andrakrili, is, is, i, half-moon-shaped, crescent- n. half a meal. — Ardtidsana (°dha-ds°), am, n.
Arthdya, ind. on account of, for the sake of. shaped; (ae), m. or (is), f. a meniscus. — Ardha- half a seat (it is considered a mark of high respect to
AiihUca, as, m. a crier, a watchman, a minstrel, (andrikd, (., N. of a climbing plant. ~Ardha- make room for a guest on the same seat with one's
a servant, whose duty it is to announce, by song or dolaka, as, m. a short bo&ce. — Ardha-jdhnam, (., self); greeting kindly or with respect; exemption
music, fixed periods of the day, such as the hours of N. of the river Kaverl. — Ardha-tanu, us, f. half a
from censure. — Ardhendu, (°dha-in°), vs, m. a half-
rising and going to rest. body. — Ardha-tikta, as, m., N. of a plant. — Ar- moon or crescent ; the semicircular impression of a
Arthita, as, d, am, asked, desired, requested; dha-tHra, as, m. a particular kind of musical instru- finger nail ; an arrow with a crescent-shaped head ;
(ant), n. wish, desire, supplication, petition, ment. — Ardha-dagdha, os, d, am, half-burnt. the hand expanded in a semicircular form like a daw.
Arthltavya, as, d, am, to be asked, requested. — Ardha-divasa, as, m. half a day, midday ; a — Ardhendu-maiiU (°d}ta-iu°), is, m. Siva, whose
Art/tin, i, inl, i, one who seeks to effect or gain day containing one half of a whole day, a day of
diadem is a half-moon. — ArdJiendra (°dha-in°),
a purpose or object ; one who asks or begs for any- twelve hours. — Ardha-dcva, as, m., Ved. demi-god. as, d, "in. that of which a half belongs to Indra.
thing (with inst.) ; desirous of (with inst.) ; sup- — ArdlM-ilhdra, am, n. a knife or lancet with a — . I nlhokla (°dha-uk°), as, a, am, half-uttered, said
plicating or entreating any one (with gen.) ; a beg- single edge, the blade two inches long, the handle six.
gar, a petitioner, suitor ; a plaintiff, a prosecutor ; a — Ardha-niirdyana, as, m. a form of Vishnu. imperfectly is, f. speaking or indistinctly.
indistinctly —orArdhokti (°dha-uk°'),
incompletely, broken
servant; a follower, a companion or partizan. — Ar- —Ardha-ndris'a (ri-ifa), as, m. one of the forms or interrupted speech. — Ardhodaya (dha-ud°),
thi-td, f. the condition of a beggar, asking, wishing ; of Siva (half male and half female). — Ardha-ndra, as, m. the rising of the half-moon. •~Ar(U«nl!tu
begging. — Arthi-tva, am, n. the condition of a sup- nni, n. half a boat. — Ardha-nis'a, f. midnight. — Ar- ( ilrii-iuf), as, d, am (rt. i with ud), half-risen ;
pliant. —Artki-sdt , ind. with kri, to dispose of any- dha-panfd^at, f. twenty-five. — Ardha-pana, am,
(rt. rail), half-uttered. — Ardhoruka (°dha-tini),
thing infavour of one who asks or begs for it. n. a measure containing half a paiia. — Ardlia-jint/ni, as, d, am, reaching to the middle of the thighs ;
am, n. half-way ; (e), ind. nudmy.—Ardha^ddika, i. a short petticoat.
Arthlyu, as, d, am, (as last member of a com-
pound) destined for ; relating to. as, d, am, having only half a foot. — Artltia-pdrd- Ardhaka, as, am, m. n. the same as ardha.
Artht, ind. on account of; see artham. — Arthe- ni In, us, m a kind of pigeon. — Ardha-pulayitu,am, — Ardhaka-ghdtin, I, m., N. of Rudra.
l-ri, to act on behalf of (?). n. a half-gallop, canter. ^Artjha-jturna, at, d, am, Ardhait-kri, cl. 8. P., Ved. -karoti, -kartum,
Arthya, as, d, am, proper, fit ; rich ; to be asked half-full. — Ardha-prah'ira, as, m. half a watch, one
hour and a half. — Ardhu-briliatl, (., Ved. half the to prefer, to favour.
or sought for ; intelligent, wise ; (am), n. red chalk. Ardhika, as, i, am, measuring a half, relating to
usual breadth. — Ardha-bhaga, as, m. a half; a
•^ J ard cl. i . P. artlati, fmarda, drdi- part. — Ardha-lihaijikii, an, t, am, or ardha-hhd- a half.
•5- shyaii, dnlit, arditum, Ved. 3 pi. impv. Ardhin, i, ini, i, entitled to half or sharing a half.
i/in, ~i, inl, i, taking or sharing half. — Ardha-bhdj,
i-iiliinlu, and cl. 7. P. rinatti, to move; to be moved ; k, k, k, taking or sharing half; (k), m. a sharer, 'HM* ardhuka, as, a, am (fr. rt. ridh), Ved.
to be scattered as dust ; to dissolve ; to go ; to ask, companion. — Ardha-bhdfkara, as, m. midday. succeeding, prospering.
beg; to torment, hurt, kill : Caus. ardayati, •yi- — Ardha-Wiotikd, t. a kind of cake. — Ardha-md-
tum, to make agitated or restless; to stir up, shake i/nillil, f. a variety of the Magadh! dialect. — Anlfia- Ardhya, as, d, am, to be accomplished ; to be
vehemently; to distort; to torment, distress; to strike, mdnava or ardha-mdnavnka, as, m. a necklace of obtained.
hurt, kill; Desid. ardidiskati [cf. Lat. aroVo]. twelve strings. •^Ardha-mdlrd, f. half a short sylla- arpaya, Caus. of rt. rt; arpayati,
a-langhya. 85
-yttum, to throw, cast ; insert, fix ; pierce, place in (as the bank of a river) ; being below or behind, Arhanta, as, d, am, worthy ; (as), m. a Buddha ;
or upon ; offer, deliver, consign, entrust, give back. turned down or downwards ; following, subsequent. a Buddhist mendicant ; N. of Siva.
Arpana, am, n. throwing, casting ; inserting, fix- Arvdk, ind. (with abl.) hitherward ; on this side ; Arhita, as, d, am, honoured, worshipped, saluted.
ing; piercing; placing in or upon; offering, delivering, from a certain point ; before, after ; on the lower side Arhya, as, d, am, worthy ; respectable ; right, fit.
consigning, entrusting ; giving back. of, behind, downwards; (with loc.) within; near.
— Arvdkkdlika, as, a, am, belonging to proxi- 'S^ft'^ftj arhari-shvani, is, is, i, Ved.
Arpaniya, as, a, am, to be delivered, to be placed. making enemies (arhari) cry aloud ; (if formed by
Arpita, at, a, am, delivered, consigned ; placed mate time, modern. — Arvdkkdlika-td, f. modem-
redupl. of hriah with affix mini) exultant.
in or upon. — Arpita-kara, as, i, am, extending or ness, posteriority of time. — Arvak-kula, am, n. the
giving the hand ; married. near bank of a river. — Arvdk-sdman, a, d, a, Ved. al, cl. i. P. alati, alitum, to adorn ;
Arpisa, as, m. the heart. epithet of three days, during which a Soma sacrifice to be competent or able; to prevent.
See alam.
Arpya, as, a, am, to be delivered, consignable. is performed. —Arrdk-srotas, as, as, as, N. of a
creation of beings in which the current of nutriment
^MJ ar4,cl. I. P. arbati, dnarba, arbitum, ^T?5 ala, am, n. (said to be fr. rt. al), the
tends downwards. — Arvdg-bila, as, a, am, Ved.
Nto go, to go to or towards ; to hurt or kill. sting inthe tailof a scorpion; yellow orpiment. Seeo7o.
having the mouth hitherward. — Arvdg^t'asu, us, us,
•«ig<; arbuda, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. a, Ved. offering riches. 'STcSoR alaka, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr.
Arvake, ind., Ved. in the proximity of, near to. rt. al), a curl, lock ; (as), m. a mad dog [cf. alarka] ;
the preceding it.), a serpent; a serpent-like demon
conquered by Indra ; a long round mass ; a swelling, Arvdfina, as, d, am, turned towards ; favouring ;
(d), f. a girl from eight to ten years of age ; N. of the
a tumour, a polypus ; a hundred millions ; N. of si being on this side or below (with abl.) ; born after- capital of Kuvera, situated on a peak of the Himalaya
mountain in the west of India, commonly called Abu, wards, posterior, recent, modern ; reverse, contrary. inhabited also by Siva. — Alaka-tra, am, n. the state
— Areaiina-ta, f. or arvddlna-tva, am, n. state of of a curl or tress. — Alaka-nandd, f. a young girl
a place of pilgrimage, especially of the Jainas ;' N. of being posterior, recent or contrary.
a people; N. of a hell. from eight to ten years old ; N. of the Gan-gS river ;
Arbudi, is, m., Ved. a serpent-like demon con- Arvafinam, ind. (with abl.) on this side of; N. of a river that runs from the Himalaya moun-
quered byIndra. thenceforward, thence onward ; less than. tains and falls into the Gan-ga.— Alaka-prabhd,
Arbudin, I, irii, i, afflicted with swelling or tumour. f. the capital of Kuvera. — Alaka-priya, as, m., N.
"^Wi^arvd-vat, t, f., Ved. proximity [cf. of the plant Terminalia Tomentosa W. and A.
^TH arbha, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt. ri), para-vat] ; being near.
little, small, unimportant; (CM), m. child, pupil [cf.
— Alaka-samhali, is, f. rows of curls. — Alakd-
iH5(iq« arvd-vasu, us, m., Ved., N. of the
Lat. orbits; Gr. efforts]. Horn ; N. of the Brahman of the gods. dhipa (°kd-adk°), as, m. or alakddhipati (°ka-
Arbkaka, as, a, am, small, minute ; weak, little ; adh°), is, m. a N. of Kuvera. — Alakdnta (°ka-an°),
as, m. the end of a curl, a ringlet. — Alakefvara
emaciated; young, childish; like, similar; (as), m. T^3i arvuka, as, m., N. of a tribe or peo-
a boy, a child, the young of any animal ; a fool,
(°lcd-is'°), as, m. a N. of Kuvera.
an idiot. ple in the Maha-bhSrata. nothing.
THrt«n*^ alakam, ind., Ved. in vain, for
Arbhaga, as, a, am, Ved. youthful. W^I ars'a, as, m. (fr. rt. m), damage,
hurt ; hemorrhoids, piles.
^*t arma, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. rt. Aria*, as, n. piles, hemorrhoids. — Ario-glma, •#<f>ik alakta or alaktaka, as, m. (said to
ri), a disease of the eyes. as, i, am, destroying the hemorrhoids ; (as), m., N. be for a-^rakta), the red resin of certain trees ; or
Annaka, as, a, am, narrow, thin ; (am), n. nar- of the plant Amorphophallus Campanulatus Blume ; perhaps the cochineal or its red sap. — Alakta-rasa,
rowness. one part of buttermilk with three parts of water; as, m. the Alakta juice [cf. the preceding],
Armana, as, m. a measure of one drona. (i), {., N. of the plant Curculigo Archioides Lin. ^T{3T!|T!I a-lakshana, am, n. (rt. laksh), a
Arman, a, n. a disease of the eyes. "Arin-^uj, k, k, k, afflicted with hemorrhoids. bad, inauspicious sign ; (as, d, ant), having no signs
^nl arya, as, a, am (fr. rt. ri), attached to, —Arso-roga, as, m. the hemorrhoids. — ArSoroga- or marks; without characteristic, having no good
yuta, as, d, am, or ariorogin, i, ini, i, afflicted
true, devoted, dear; kind; excellent; (a*), m. a master, marks, inauspicious, unfortunate.
with hemorrhoids, having hemorrhoids. — Ario-Mta,
lord as, m. the marking nut plant, Semecarpus Anacardium. A-lakshita, as, a, am, unseen, unperceived, un-
(a), ; f.ana Aryan woman; aofmanthe ofthird
the third
tribe,tribe, a Vais"ya
the wife of a;
Ardasa, as, d, am, afflicted with hemorrhoids.
observed, unlooked for; uncharacterized, having no
Vaisya. — Arya-jdrd, f., Ved. the mistress of an Ar- particular mark. •~Aldkshitdnlaka (fta-an°), as, d,
Ariasdna, as, a, am, Ved. striving to hurt, ma-
yan. —Arya-patni, f., Ved. wife of a true, legitimate licious(as),
; m. fire. am, suddenly dead. — Alakshitopasthita (°ta-up°),
husband- — Arya-varya, as, m. a Vaisya of rank. Ariin, I, im, i, afflicted with hemorrhoids. as, d, am, one who has approached unobserved.
•^Arya-s'veta, as, m., N. of a man. A-lakihya or a-lakskaniya, as, d, am, invisible ;
Aryaman, a, m., Ved. a bosom friend, play-fellow, •*f«UlF arshana, as, d, am (fr. rt. rish), unmarked, not indicated ; having no particular marks,
companion, especially a friend who asks a woman in flowing, movable. insignificant in appearance ; (as), m., N. of a certain
marriage for another ; N. of an Aditya, who is com- Arshani, (., Ved. a pricking or piercing pain. weapon. — Alakshya-gati, is, is, i, moving invisibly.
monly invoked together with Varuna and Mitra; N. — Alakshya-linga, as, d, am, disguised, incognito.
of the chief of the manes ; the sun ; the Asclepias ars"as •«) « "«_ arsas, as, n. hemorrhoids.
above. See ^Tc?B*n a-lakshmi, is, f. evil fortune, bad
plant. — Aryama-datta, as, m., N. of a man. luck, distress, poverty.
— Aryama-deva, f., N. of the twelfth lunar mansion. arh, cl. I. P., ep. A. arhati, -te,
Aryamya, as, a, am, Ved. intimate, very friendly ; dnarha, arhinhyati, drhit, arhitum, •flpJWM alakhdna, as, m., N. of a king
(as), m. bosom friend, companion. Ved. arhase, to deserve, merit, be worthy ; to have of Gurjara.
a claim to anything, to be entitled to (with ace.) ; ^Sfrt'l^ alagarda or alagardha, as, m. a
tribe (?). f. a multitude of women of the Vais'ya to be allowed to do anything (with inf.); to be
water-serpent, the black variety of the Cobra de Capello
Arydm, f. a mistress; a woman of the third or obliged or required to do anything (with ace.) ; to be
Vaisya tribe. worthy ; to be worth ; to counterbalance ; to be able ; (Coluber Naga) ; (a), f. a large poisonous leech :
(the and pers. pres. of arh with an infinitive is often (etymology doubtful.)
•3JU J arv, cl. i. P. arvati, dnarva, arvi- used as a softened form of imperative ; e. g. datum •«rt'*T a-lagna, as, a, am (rt. lag), not
\ titm, to hurt, kill.
arhasi, ' be pleased to give ;' frotum arhasi, 'deign joined or connected.
^HT area, (in comp.) hither, towards, near to listen,' for irinu) : Caus. arhayati (aor. drjihat), ^T?JTJ a-lagla, as, d, am, speaking uncon-
to. — Ana-vasu, its, m. one of the seven principal -yitum, to honour : Desid. arjihinludi [cf. Gr. &pxa\ nectedly ; stammering.
rays of the sun. Arha, as, d, am, meriting, deserving, worthy of,
having a daim or being entitled to (with ace. or •Wrt^J a-layhu, us, v~i, u, not light, heavy ;
*I15 arvata, am, n. (said to be fr. rt. arv), not short, long; weighty; serious, solemn; intense,
ashes. inf.); being required, obliged, or allowed (with
inf.); becoming, proper, fit; worth (in money), violent. — Alaghit-pratijria, as, a, am, solemnly
«1x arvan, a, m. (fr. rt. ri), going, run- costing; (as), m. a N. of Indra; (d), f. worship; pledged or promised. — Alaghupala (°ghn-up°),as,
ning ; epithet of a horse or its driver ; a horse ; (dni), Ved. n. pi. worship. m. a rock. — Alaghushman ("ghu-ush"), d, m. in-
one of the ten horses of the moon ; epithet of Indra ; Arhana, am, d, n. f. worship, adoration, honour, tense heat.
a short span ; (ft), f. a mare; a bawd, a procuress ; treating with veneration or respect ; (o">, ind., Ved. •eipjg;*.^ alankarana, alankdra. See un-
(d, atl, at), low, contemptible, inferior, vile, — nirva- according to what is due ; according to one's means. der alam, p. 86, col. i.
nas, as, os, as, whose nose is like that of a horse. Arhat, an, anti, at, deserving, entitled to ; able,
allowed to ; worthy ; venerable, respectable ; praised, THrtg-'l a-langhana, am, n. (rt. langh),
ArmuSa, as, a, am.Ved. possessed of coursers, quick. not surmounting, not transgressing, not passing over
celebrated ; (an), m. a Buddha ; the highest rank in
or beyond.
•*qi^ arva6, van, vddi, vdk (fr. rt. ahi the Buddhist hierarchy ; an Arhat or superior divinity
with arva; cf. arvan), coming hitherward; turned with the Jainas. — Arhat-tama, as, d, am, most A-laityhanlya or a-lattghya, as, d, am, insur-
towards, coming to meet any one ; being on this side worthy, best, most venerable. mountable, impassable, not to be crossed ; not to be
transgressed, inviolable, venerable. — Alanghininja- alambusha, as, m. (etymology Spinosa.— AU-mrdva, as, m. or ali-viruta, am, n.
td or alaitghya-td, f. impassableness, insurmount- doubtful, though connected with alam above), the song or hum
ableness, inaccessibility; inviolability; respectability; Alin, I, m. ofa the bee. ; a large black bee.
authoritative or absolute rule ; superiority. palm of the hand with the fingers extended; vomiting;
N. of a Rakshasa or evil spirit ; (a), f. a barrier, a Alinl, f. a swarm of bees.
»art»t alaja, as, m. a kind of bird. ^fcj$| aliasa, as, m., Ved. a kind of
line or anything not to be crossed ; a sort of sensitive
plant ; N. of an Apsaras. demon.
\i ro »il alajl, f. inflammation of the eye,
=li alika, am, n. (fr. rt. al?), the fore-
at the edge of the cornea. a-laya, as, m. (rt. It, to be dissolved,
or to rest, cling to), non-dissolution, permanence ; head.
' a-lajja, as, a, am, shameless. (as, d, am), houseless, homeless; vagrant. •»J)(Vi?N aliklava, as, m., Ved. a kind of
1 alanjara, as, m. an earthen water- alarka, as, m. (etymology doubt- carrion bird.
jar. See alirijara.
ful), a mad dog or one rendered furious ; a fabulous iHTrtJI^ aligarda, as, m. a snake. See
\ atati, is, m. a kind of song. animal, like a hog with eight legs ; N. of the plant
Calatropis Gigantea Alba ; N. of a prince. alufjarda.
if a-lapat, an, anti, at, not speaking. •sifc'Sjf a-linga, am, n. absence of marks ;
^Hrif^ alarshi. See s. v. n. (as, d, am), having no marks ; (in gram.) having
a-labdha, as, d, am (rt. labh), un-
obtained. — A labdha-ndtka, as, d, am, friendless, Alarshi-rdti, is, is, i, Ved. eager to bestow, ready
no gender.
to grant gifts, one whose gifts are granted quickly. A-lingin, i, ini, i, an impostor, a pretended ascetic
without a patron. — Alabdhabhlpsita ("dha-abK3), or student, one wearing the usual frontal marks, skin,
as, d, am, disappointed in one's desire. lx alala-bhavat, an, and, at, staff, &c.j without belonging to a religious order.
A-labhamdna, as, d, am, not gaining, &c. Ved. becoming active or lively.
A-labhya, as, d, am, unobtainable, unattainable. 'sfrtSK alinjara, as, m. a small earthen
alale, ind. a word of no import water-jar.
VHc5*^ a/am, ind. (said to be fr. rt. al),
enough, sufficient, adequate, equal to, competent, able.
occurring in the dialect or gibberish of the PiiScas, a alina, as, m., Ved., N. of a tribe (?).
class of imps or goblins, introduced in plays, &C.
(Alam may govern a dat., e. g. alam jivandya, alinda or alindaka, as, m. (fr. rt.
sufficient for living ; also a loc. or inf., e. g. alam alavala or alavalaka, am-, n. a
basin for water at the root of a tree. all), a terrace before a house-door; (as), pi., N. of
vijndne or vijndtum, able to conceive ; also inst., a people.
e. g. alam iankayd, enough, i. e. away with fear ! a-las, as, as, as (rt. las, to shine),
It may be used with the future tense, e. g. alam not shining. ^f^m^Halipaka, as, m. a dog ; the Indian
lianishyati, he will be able to kill ; or with an indecl. cuckoo ; a, bee. i ^«, , • . .
part., e. g. alam bhuktvd, enough of eating, i. e. do a-lasa, as, a, am (rt. las, to labour),
^fc^'+ll a-lipsa, f. (Desid. of rt. labh),
not eat more ; alam viddrya, enough of consider- inactive, without energy, lazy, idle, indolent, tired, freedom from desire or cupidity.
faint ; (as), m. sore or ulcer between the toes ; N. of
Alan-krl, d. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to prepare, a small poisonous animal ; N. of a plant ; (a), f., N. •^(ViHoR alimaka or alimpaka or alimbaka,
make ready ; to ornament, decorate ; to prevent from, of the climbing plant Vitis Pedata Wall. — A lasa-ta, as, m. the Indian cuckoo ; a frog ; a bee ; N. of the
impede (with gen.). plant Bassia Latifolia ; the filaments of the lotus.
{. or alasa-tva, am, n. idleness. — Alasekshand (°ea-
Alan-karana, am, n. preparation, the act of de- lk"), f. a woman with languishing looks. •ilcilcS allka, as, d, am (said to be fr. rt.
corating, decoration ; ornament. A-lasaka, as, d, am, indolent ; (as), m. tympa-
nitis, flatulence, intumescence of the abdomen, with al, ' to adorn,' i. e. dress out in false colour ; perhaps
Alan-karishnu, as, us, u, fond of ornament;
decorating, skilled in decorating; ornamented; (us), fr. a, ' not,' and Ilka, but the latter does not occur), un-
constipation and wind.
m. an epithet of Siva. A-lasya, as, a, am, idle, lazy. pleasing, disagreeable ; untrue, false ; small, little ;
(am), n. anything displeasing ; falsehood, untruth ;
Alan-kartri, td, trl, tri, decorating, skilled in the forehead ; heaven. — AKka-td, f. falsehood, vanity.
decoration, a decorator. •flrtH!^ alandu, us, m., N. of a small
noxious insect or other animal. — Allka-matsya, as, m. a kind of dish resembling
Aliutkarmlifa, as, d, am, competent to any act,
skilful, clever. aldta, am, n. a fire-brand, coal. the taste of fish (' mock-fish'), made of the flour of
a sort of bean fried with Sesamum oil.
Alan-kara, as, m. the act of decorating ; ornament, a-ldtrina, as, m. (rt. la = ra?),
decoration ; a figure or rhetorical expression. — Alan- Alikayu, us, m., N. of a Brahman.
Ved. not granting anything ; a cloud. Allkdya, nom. A. allkdyate, -yitum, to be de-
kdra-fandrikd, (, title of a commentary on Kuvala-
yananda.— Alankdra-vat, an, ail, at, decorated, ceived.
Allkin, I, ini, i, disagreeable ; false, deceiving.
ornamented ; (tI), f. title of the ninth Lambaka in *Xc$I^ a-labu, us or u, us, f. (fr. a, not,'
and lab, 'to sink?'), the bottle-gourd, Lagenaria Allkya, as, d, am, belonging to falsehood, false.
the KathasaritsSgara ; (vat), ind. like an ornament. Vulgaris Ser ; (us, u), m. n. a vessel made of the
— Alankdra-tidstra, am, n. a manual or text-book
TH<«il'l<5 aligarda, as, m. a snake. See
preceding. — Aldbu-pdtra, am, n. a jar made of the
of rhetoric. — Alankdra-suvarna, am, n. gold used bottle-gourd. — Aldbu-maya, as, I, am, made of a
for ornaments. — Alankdra-sura, as, m., N. of a aligarda.
bottle-gourd. — Aldbii-kata, am, n. the down of the alu, us, f. a small water-pot. See dlu.
kind of meditation in Buddhism. — Alankdra-hlna, bottle-gourd.
as, d, am, unadorned. a-lupta, as, a, am (rt. lup), not cut
Alaitkdraka, as, m. ornament, decoration. ^TfTW a-ldbha, as, m. (rt. labh), non- off, undiminished. — Alupta-mahiman, a, d, a, of
acquirement; loss. undiminished glory.
Alan-krita, as, d, am, prepared, made ready;
ornamented, adorned. »!lpiltM aldyya, as, m. (fr. rt. ri?), Ved.
Alan-kriti, is, f. ornament ; rhetorical ornament, ^ItJW a-lubdha, as, d, am, or a-lubhyat,
epithet of Indra or N. of a man ; an assailant. ini, null, at (rt. lubh), Ved. moderate, content, not
figure or rhetorical expression.
Alan-kriyd, f. adorning, ornamenting. 'STcTTX aldra, am, n. (said to be fr. rt. ri), covetous. — Aliibdha-tva, am, n. freedom from co-
a door. vetousness, moderation, contentment.
Alan-gamin, I, ini, i, going after or following A-loblia, as, m. non-confusion ; right process (?) ;
in due or proper manner. ••Hcjm a-lasa, as, m. (said to be fr. a +
Alaii-jlvika, as, d, am, sufficient for livelihood. absence of cupidity, moderation.
lisa, saliva), inflammation and abscess at the root A-lobhin, i, inl,i, not wanting or desiring anything.
Alau-juska, as, d, am, sufficient, adequate to. of the tongue.
Alan-tama,an,d,iim,Me, sufficient, having power. ^STt5^ a-luksha, as, a, am, soft. See
Alan~dhana,a<!t d, am, possessing sufficient wealth. a-ldsya. See a-lasa above. a-ruksha.
Alan-dhuma, as, m. thick smoke, smoke enough. all, is, m. (fr. rt. al?), a crow; the 4<M«^ a-luna, as, d, am (rt. K), uncut,
I. alam-pata, as, m. the interior of a house;
Indian cuckoo ; a scorpion ; a large black bee ; spi-
woman's apartment.
Alam-patu, us, UK, u, able to keep cattle. rituous liquor. — Ali-kula, am, n. a flight or number unshorn.
Alamptiriixhiiia, as, d, am, fit for a man, be- of bees. — Aiikula-sankwla, ax, m. the water plant 'ST'i? ale or aide, ind. unmeaning words
coming aman ; sufficient for a man. Trapa Bispinosa. — Ali-jihvd or ali-jihmkd, f. the in the dialect of the demons or Pi£56as, intro-
uvula or soft palate. — Ali-durva, f., N. of a plant. duced in plays, &c.
Atam-bala, as, m. strong enough, having sufficient
power ; an epithet of Siva. — Ali-pattrikd, (., N. of a shrub. — Ali-parnl, f.,
N. of the plant Tragia Involucrata Lin. — Ali-priya, a-lepaka, as, ikd, am, stainless.
Al<iin-l)hu*hnu, up, us, u, able, competent.
am, n. the red lotus, Nymphsea Rubra ; (a), f. the a-lesa, as, a, am, not little, much,
vtf)**)* 2. a-lampata, as, d, am, not libi- trumpet flower, Bignonia Suaveolens. — Ali-mdld, f.
Jinous, chaste. a flight of bees. — Ali-modd, f., N. of a plant, Premna large; (am), ind. not at all. — A-leflaija
as, a, am, firm, steady.
a-loka, as, m. (rt. lok), not th bdd/ta, as, d, am, causing little annoyance or incon- Avakala, as, d, am, opposite, contrary ; back-
venience. Alpa-buddhi,
world; the end of the world; the immaterial o is, is, i, weak-minded,
unwise, ignorant, silly. — A/pa-bhdgya, as, d, am, reveise. wards, downwards ; (am), n. opposition, contrariety,
spiritual world ; not the people ; (as, a, am), no having little fortune. — Alpa-bhdshin, I, inl, i, speak-
having space, finding no place. Avakatikd, f. dissimulation.
A-lokana, am, n. invisibility, disappearance. ing little, taciturn. - A/pa-madhyama, 'as, d, am, Avakutdra, as, d, am, opposite, contrary ; back-
thin-waisted. — Alpa-mdtra, am, n. a little, a little wards, downwards ; (am), n. reverse, contrariety.
A-lokanlya, as, a, am, invisible, imperceptible.
A-lokita, as, a, am, unseen. merely ; a short time, a few moments. — Alpa-tni- Avakutdrika, f. dissimulation.
risha, as, m. a kind of amaranth, Amaranthus Poly-
A-lokya, as, a, am, unusual, unallowed. — Alokya ^T^JT a-vansa, as, m. a low or despised
id, {. unfitness for heav«n. gamus. — Alpa-murti, is, is, i, small-bodied, dimi-
nutive; (is), f. a small figure or object. — Alpa- family ; (am), n., Ved. that which has no beams or
A-laukika, as, I, am, not current in the world
not relating to this world, uncommon, supernatural mulya, as, d, am, of small value — Alpa-medhas, support, the ether.
as, as, as, of little understanding, ignorant, silly. See above.
(in gram.) not current in the usual language ; un
usual, rare ; theoretical ; Vedic (as opposed to th< — Alpam-pada, as, d, am, cooking little, stingy.
•*i<4 <* frtrT ava-kalita, as, a, am, seen, ob-
later usage of a word).— Alaukika-tva, am, n. rar — Alpa-vayas, as, as, as, young in age. — Alpa- served ;wicked, perverse (?).
occurrence of a word. vadin, I, inl, i, speaking little, taciturn. — Alpa-
vulya, as, a, am, ignorant, ill-taught, uneducated. ^T^tiT avaka, f. a grassy plant growing in
a-lopanga (°pa-an°), as, d, am — Alpa-vishaya, as, d, am, of limited range or marshy land, Blyxa Octandra Rich ; otherwise called
Ved. not defective in a single limb. capacity, engaged in trifling matters. - Alpatah- Saivala. — Avakdda (°kd-ada), as, d, am, Ved. eat-
'iTrtTR^ M*ir a-lomaharshana, as, a, am, no pankti, is, f., N. of a metre. — Alpa-s'akti, is, is, ing the plant Blyxa Oct. R. —Avakolba (cta-«Z0),
causing erection of the hair of the body (from joy). i, of little strength, weak, feeble. — Alpa-ias, ind. as, d, am, covered or surrounded with AvakS plants.
in a low degree, a little ; separately ; seldom, now
^rtlrt a-lola, as, d, am, unagitated, firm and then. — Alpa-saras, as, n. a basin, a small vitqii^ ava-kas, cl. I. 4. A. -kasate, -kas-
steady, tranquil ; (a), f., N. of a metre containing four pond, one which is shallow or dry in the hot season. yate, -titum, to be visible, to be manifest: Caus.
lines, each of fourteen syllables. See laid. — Alpa-sndyw, us, us, u, having few sinews. P. -kas'ayati, -yitum, to cause to look at : Intens.
A-lolu, us, us, u, indifferent to sensual objects part. -GakaSat, at, ati, at, shining; seeing.
— Alpdkdnkshin (°pa-dk°), t, im, i, desiring little,
— Alolu-tva, am, n. indifference to sensual objects.
contented or satisfied with little. — Alpdnji (°pa-an°), Ava-kds"a, as, in. a glance cast on anything ; N.
is, is, i, Ved. covered with minute spots. — Alpd- of certain verses, during the recitation of which the
vfc«MeJH a-lolupa, as, d, am, free from eyes must be fixed on certain objects ; place, space,
desire ; not greedy or covetous, apathetic. yus (°pa-dy°), us, us, us, short-lived ; young, of open or wide space, room, occasion, opportunity ;
^TpJlt; aloha, as, m., N. of a person ? lew years; (us), m. a gozt.-Alpdrambha ("po-
or"), as, m. a gradual beginning. — Alpdlpa (°pa- interval, aperture; intermediate time; avakds"am
af), as, d, am, very little, minute ; little by little. kri or da, to make room, to give way, to admit ;
(Gana to Panini IV. 2, 97). jttX^J/g^tfW*'^
— Alpdhdra (°pa-dh°), as, m. the taking little avakds'am labh, to get a footing ; to obtain a favour-
virtM^TT a-lohita, as, d, am, bloodless ; food ; moderation, abstinence ; (as, d, am), absti- able opportunity ; to find scope, happen, take place ;
(am), n. Nymphxa Rubra. avakds'ain rudh, not to give way ; to hinder, im-
nent. —Alpdhdrin (°pa-dh°), I, inl, i, eating little,
vt rt ifit* a-laukika. See above. moderate, abstemious. —Alpetthu (°pa-if), us, us, pede. —Avakds"a-vat, an, all, at, spacious.
u, moderate in wishes, seeking little. — Alpetara Avakdfya, as, d, am, admitted in the recitation
of the Avakala verses.
^T^i alka, as, m. (a doubtful word), a (°pa-it°), as, d, am, large, lit. other than small.
tree ; a member of the body. — Alpes"dkhya (alpa-l3a-dkhya), as, a, am, named ^Tq^^an ava-kuhfana, am, n. bending,
after an insignificant chief or master, of low origin. curving, flexure, contraction.
^T^I a/pa, a*, d, am (fr. rt. al? perhaps
connected with arbha), small, minute, trifling ; little ; not — Alpona (°pa-un°), as, d, am, slightly defective,
quite complete or not finished. — Alpopdya ^i^fjjfl ava-kuttita, as, a, am, vexed,
seldom, rare ; of short existence. Alpam, ind. little ; inflamed ; cut off.
alpdt, ind. without much trouble, easily; alpena, Cpa-up0), as, m. small means.
Alpaka, as, ikd, am, small, minute, trifling; vicj»<j«sr| ava-kunthana, am, n. investing,
ind. easily [cf. Lith. alpstu, ap-alpstu, 'to faint']. Alhagi. (am), ind. little ; (as), m., N. of a plant, Hedysarum surrounding; attracting.
— Alpa-kdrya, am, n. small matter.— Alpa-keil,
i., N. of a plant ; or perhaps the root of sweet flag. Alpita, as, d, am, diminished. Ava-kunthita, as, d, am, invested, surrounded,
— Alpa-krlta, as, d, am, bought for little money, Alpishtha, as, d, am, least, smallest, very small.
cheap. — Alpa-yandha, am, n. the red lotus. — Alpishtha-klrti, is, is, i, of little note., a-kuts, cl. 10. P. A. -kntsayati,
— Alpa-deshtita, as, d, am, inert, — Alpa-tthada, Alpl-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to make
as, d, am, scantily clad.— Alpa-jna, as, d, am, small. -te, -yitum, to blame, revile, contemn.
Ava-kutsita, as, d, am, reviled, despised ; (am),
knowing little, ignorant, shallow, superficial. — Alpa- Alpl-krita, as, d, am, made small ; comminuted ; n. blame, censure.
tanu, us, us, u, small-bodied; short, thin. — Alpa- educed in number.
Id, f. or alpa-tva, am, n. smaliness, minuteness ; Alpl-bhuta, as, d, am, become small ; diminished, display (?). , cl. 9. P. -kushnati, -koshi-
inferiority, insignificance. —Alpa-dakshina, as, d, educed in number. tum, to draw or rub downwards ; to prove (?) ; to
am, defective in presents (as a ceremony). — Alpa-
drtshti, is, is, i, of confined views, narrow-minded. Alpiyas, an, asl, as, smaller, less, very small.
— Alpa-dhana, as, d, am, of little wealth, not afflu- , f. a mother ; voc. alia. viqcj^ ava-kul, cl. 10. P. -kulayati, -yi-
ent. —Alpa-dhl, Is, Is, i, weak-minded, having lit- tum, to singe, burn.
av, cl. i. P. avati, ava, dvit, avi-
tle sense, foolish. — Alpa^pattra, as, m., N. of a
plant, a species of the Tulasi. - Alpa-padma, am, \ shyati, avitum, to be glad, to enjoy one's ava-krit, cl. 6. P. -krintati, -karti-
elf, to satisfy one's self with (with loc.) ; to do good to tum, to cut offer away: Caus. P. -kartayati, -yitum,
n. the red lotus. — Alpa-riarlvdra, as, d, am, to cause to cut off.
having a small train or retinue. — Alpa-pata, us, us, ny one ; to satisfy, to fill ; to like, wish, desire, love ;
o be pleased with, to bestow great care upon; to Am-karta, as, m. a part cut off, a strip.
11, Ved. having a small number of cattle. — Alpa- avour, promote, animate; to help, guard, defend,
punya, as, d, am, whose religious merits are small. Ara-kartana, am, n. cutting off, excision.
jrotect. (The following meanings are doubtful) to Ava-kartin, I, inl, i, cutting off, cutting out.
— Alpa-prajas, as, as, as, having few descendants move ; to know or apprehend ; to enter ; to: be
or few subjects. — Alpa-prabhdva, as, d, am, of *N<* 31^ ava-kris, Caus. -karsayati, -yitum,
lear ; to have a right ; to obey ; to shine ; to
little weight or consequence, insignificant. — Alpa- mbrace ; to kill or hurt ; to take ; to be ; to grow, to emaciate, make lean or meagre or mean-looking ;
to deform.
pralihava-tva, am, n. insignificance. — Alpa-pra- o bum, to divide: Caus. P. dvayati, -yitum, to
mdna or alpapramdnaka, as, d, am, of little onsume, devour [cf. Lat. aveo; Gr. £o>]. ava-krish, cl. I. P. -karshati,
weight or measure; of little authority, resting on
little evidence ; (as), m. common cucumber, Cucu- I . ava, as, d, am, Ved. desiring, loving. -karshtum, -krashhtm, to draw off or away, to pull
Ai-ana, avani, &c. See s. v. off or out, to extract, to take off; to drag down.
mis Sativus.— Alpa-prayoga, as, d, am, of rare ap-
plication or use. — Alpa-prdna, as, m. (in gram.) T^ 2. ava or sometimes va, ind. (as a pre- Ara-karsliana, am, n. taking or pulling out, off
slight breathing or weak aspiration; the effort in x. to verbs and nouns expresses) off, away, down ; or down, extraction ; expulsion.
uttering the vowels, the semivowels y, r, I, v, the Ava-krishta, as, d, am, drawn away or down,
mplying sometimes depreciation, disrespect, diminu- sent away, removed, dropped ; expelled, turned out ;
consonants Ic, t, t, t, p, g, j, d, d, b, and the nasals, on, &c.
is said to be accompanied with slight aspiration, but dragged down; being below; inferior, low; degraded,
(As a separable adverb or preposition with abl.)
practically alpa-prdna is here equivalent to unas- outcast ; (as), m. a servant who performs the lowest
way, off, away from or down [cf. the Zend pron.
pirated, as opposed to mahd-prdna, q. v. ; (as, d, office, a sweeper, a waterman, &c.
va, to which corresponds the Slav, mo, ova, ' this,
am), haying little or short breath, asthmatic. -Alpa- Ava-krishya, ind. having drawn away or down.
hat:' cf. also the syllable au in au-T<fs, a5, agfli,
liala, as, d, am, of little strength, feeble. - Alpa- ;, atris, uht, alnip ; Lat. aii-t, au-tem, &c.]. ava-kri, cl. 6. P. -kirati, -karitum,
88 ava-kara. ava-yrihya.
-ritum, to pour out or down, to spread, to scatter; Am-kledana, am, n. trickling, falling as dew or conceived, known, learnt, understood, comprehended ;
to shake off, throw off, leave ; to bestrew, pour upon, moisture. assented, promised.
cover with, fill : A. -Jnrate, to extend ; to fell asunder ; Ava-gati, is, f. perception, knowledge, compre-
to pass away, 611 off, become faithless. **<*anu ava-kvana, as, m. a discordant or
false note. hension.
Ava-kara, ag, m. dust or sweepings. Ava-gantavya or ava-gamya, as, a, am, to be
Aea-kirna, <w, a, am, thrown off, left; scattered, known or understood, to be judged, intended to be
•sng)!** ara-kt'dtha, as, m. imperfect di-
disregarded, violated, coarsely pounded. understood, meant.
gestion ordecoction.
Ava-kiriiin, I, ini, i, violating a vow or engage- Ava-gama, as, m. or ava-gamana, am, n. going
ment of chastity, continence, temperance, &c. ; (I), ^T^Bj^ aea-kshar, Caus. P. -kshdruyati, near, descending, understanding, comprehension, in-
m. a religious student who has committed an act of -yitum, to cause to flow down upon. tel igenceknowledge,
; getting acquainted with.
incontinency. — Arakirni-vrata, am, n. penance for ava-garhita, as, a, am, despised.
an act of incontinency. ^f^^'A^ava-kshal,
->/ih'nt, to wash by dippingcl.in.10. P. -kshalayati,
Ava-klryamana, as, a, am, being scattered or ava-gal, cl. I. P. -galati, -litum,
strewed. •«i<f«n*i ava-kshama, as, m., Ved. pro- to fall down, slip down.
pitiatory offering, satisfaction of claims, compensation.
p, cl. i. A. -kalpate, -pitum, •«i^M<^Tx ava-yalbh, cl. I. A. -galbhate,
•ptum, to correspond with, to answer ; to be right ; iSraflSf ava-kshi, cl. 9. 5. I. P. -kshinati, -lifiitum, to be brave, valiant.
to be fit ; to help to, to serve : Caus. -kalpayati, -tioti, -kshayati, -kshetum, to remove : Pass, -kshl-
-tjitum, to put in order; to prepare, make ready; yatc, to waste away. vi^'H^ avagada, as. m. a small wooden
to employ becomingly ; to consider as possible : Ara-kshaya, as, m. destruction, waste, loss. bason for baling water out of a boat ; (etym. doubtful.)
Desid. of Caus. -<Hkalpayishati, to wish to prepare Ava-ksliayana, am, n. a means for extinguishing ^r^lTTf ava-gah, cl. I. A. -gahate, -gdhi-
or to make ready. (a fire, Sec.).
Ava-kfhiita, as, a, am, wasted, emaciated. tum, -gadhum, to plunge into ; to go deep into, to
fit.Ava-kalpita, as, a, am, corresponding with, right, be absorbed in (with loc. or ace.).
•wqffejtf ava-kship, cl. 6. P. A. -kshipati, Ava-gddha, as, a, am, immersed, bathed, plunged
Ava-klripti, {g, [. considering as possible ; possi- -te, -ksheptum, to throw down ; to cause to fly down into; that in which one bathes; deepened, low;
bility, suitableness.
or away ; to hurl ; to reprimand, revile any one ; concealed, curdling (as blood). — Avagadfia-rat, an,
ava-kesa, as, a, am, Ved. having cause to grant, yield : Caus. P. -kshepayati, -yitum, to ati, at, bathing, plunging, diving.
the hair hanging down. to fall down.
Ava-gdha, as, m. plunging, bathing; a bucket (?).
Ava-kshipta, as, a, am, thrown down, badly Ava-gdhana, am, n. immersion, plunging, diving,
without fruit. i, ini, i, unfruitful, barren ; (i), m. a
thrown; said sarcastically, imputed, insinuated; blamed,
•51 N ill P<*rt ava-kokila, as, a, am, called Ava-gSMia, as, d, am, bathed, immersed.
reviled. • as, m. blaming, reviling, scolding.
down to by the koil (singing in a tree above ?). Ava-Tcshqpana, am, n. throwing down, overcom- W^JJeT ava-gunth, cl. 10. P. -gunthayati,
avakolba. See s. v. arukii. ing ; censure, blame ; despising ; (m), f. rein, bridle. -yitum,, to cover with ; to draw over, conceal.
Ava-gunthana, am, n. hiding, veiling, a veil ; a
a-vaktavya, as, a, am (rt. vat), ^T^EJ ava-kshu, cl. 2. P. -kshauti, -kshavi- peculiar joining of the fingers in certain religious
not to be said, improper ; indescribable. tum, to sneeze upon. ceremonies; sweeping. — Avagunthana-vat, an, aft,
Ava-kshuta, as, a, am, sneezed upon.
'WM^S a-vaktra, as, a, am, having no mouth at, covered with a veil.
(as a vessel). •wqsflr; nva-kshud, cl. I. P. -kshodati, -di- Ava-gunthikd, (. a veil.
tum, to stamp or pound ; to rub to pieces. Ava-gunthita, as, d, am, covered, concealed,
^a^JS a-valcra, at, a, am, not crooked, veiled, screened. — Arayunthita-muklui, as, I, am,
straight, upright, honest. iSCNHJ ava-kshai, cl. I. P. -kshayati, -kshd-
tum, to burn down or to the end. having the face veiled.
wi fliuSpTapa-irafoAin, I, ini, i (rt. kraksh Ava-kshana, as, a, am, burnt down. •wq'ifVjsn ava-gundita, as, d, am, pounded,
connected with krUh i), Ved. dashing down, over-
coming. ^HfttlJ ava-kshnu, cl. 2. P. -kshnauti,
-kshnarititm, to rub to pieces. ground, pulverulent.
*"<!»•*: ava-krand, cl. I. P. A. -krandati, •W^M*,. ava-gur, cl. 6. A. -gurate, -ritum,
to assail with threats, to attack, to raise a weapon for
-it, -ditum, or Caus, P. -kratidayati, -yitwm, to ^^fjf^ava-khand, cl. 10. P. -khandayati,
cry out, roar. -yitum, to divide, annihilate, destroy. the purpose of striking a blow.
Ava-khandana, am, n. dividing, destroying. Ava-gorana, am, n. menacing, assaulting with in-
ra,nHf(, at, m., Ved. roaring, neighing. tent to kill, assailing with weapons.
Ava-krandam, am, n. crying out, weeping aloud. ava-khdda, as, m., Ved. a bad or
contemptible meal, eating to no purpose, an unworthy w^l^ ava-guh, cl. I. P. A. -guhati, -te,
•WIHW aea-kraM, cl. i. 4. P. -kramati, oblation. -yiihitum, -godhum, to cover; to hide, conceal ; to
-Icramyati, -kramitum, to step down or away, run put into or inside ; to embrace.
away, escape ; to tread down, overcome ! to descend : ava-khya, cl. 2. P., Ved. -khyati, Ava-guhana, am, n. hiding, concealing, embracing.
Caus. P. -kramayati, -yitum, to cause to go down. -khyatum, to look down, perceive : Caus. P. -khya-
Ava-krattti, is, (. descending, descent ; approach. ^nt7! ava-gfi, cl. 6. A. -girate or -gilate,
payaii, -yitum, to cause to look at. swallow
-garttumup. or -galitum, -garitum or -galitum, to
Ava-krdmin, I, ini, i, Ved. running away, escaping.
<H<»*I«II ara-gan, cl. 10. P. -ganayati, -yi-
^i^itn^i ava-kriya, f. neglect, omission, tum, to disregard, disrespect, pay no attention ; to
non-performance of prescribed acts. Ara-girna, as, a, am, swallowed up.
f^aft ava-kri, cl. 9. P. A. -krlaati, -nlt(. Ava-ganana, am, n. contempt, disregard. •silM ava-gai, cl. I. P. -gdyati, -gat-urn,
-kretum, to purchase ; to let out to hire ; to bribe. Ava-ganita, as, d, am, disregarded, despised. to sing in a discordant tone, sing depreciatingly, sa--
tirize in song, reproach, revile.
Ava-kraya, as, m. letting out to hire ; rent ; re- •w«»'l<u ara-gana, as, d, am, separated from
venue; price. Arn-ijita, as, a, am, sung in a discordant tone,
one's companions, isolated, alone. sung badly; sung depreciatingly, satirized in song,
•WK^ava-krid, cl. I. P. A. -kridati, -te, ^T^TO!5 ava-ganda, as, m. a boil or pimple destroyed by incantation ; reproached, abused, cen-
•(fitiun, to play(?). sured ; wicked, vile ; seen frequently ( = muhur-
"*nnS! the frce- drishta), sung of frequently, well known, 'decan-
(um, to ncallara-*r down us, cl. i. P. -krosati, -krosh-
to ; to revile.
'ST^Tni (fpa-gatha, as, a, am (rt. ga, to go), tatus ;' (am), n. satire in song ; reproach, blame, bad
or discordant singing.
Ava-kn bathing or ballad early in the morning.
abused. at, i, am, sounded ill or badly ; re- <HJ|f<;rr avP-gadita, as, a, am (rt. gad), ava-grah, cl. 9. P. A. -grihndti,
Ara-lcroia, as, m. a discordant noise; a curse unsaid, unuttered. -
imprecation ; abuse. an -nlte, or Ved. -gribhnati, -nlte, -grahitum, to let
loose, to let go ; to divide ; (in grain.) to break off,
^T^71»T ava-gaffl, cl. i. P. -gaMhati, -gaA-
"WTgW ava-klam, ? Caus. P. -klam tum, to go down, de^rx1 J '<> come to, visit ; to go separate, discontinue ; to distinguish : Caus. P. -grd-
ayati, near, undertake ; to 'each, obtain ; to hit upon, huyati, -yitum, to knead, make dough.
-yir-wn i, togaard,
by Wester bring is
water forul.)
doubtf washing ; (this word, given Ava-grihita, as, d, urn, obstructed, impeded, re-
think of, conceive ; to\learn. understand, assure one's
™ *** ava-kleda, as, m. (rt. klid), trick- self, be convinced; to ' recognize, consider : Caus. P. strained.
1. ava-grihya, as, a, am, (in gram.) separable.
ling, descent of moisture; ichor, malignant or fetid to know, teach.
-gamayati, -yitum, to .bring »«"•, procure ; to cause 2. ava-grihya, ind. having separated, laying hold
with the feet, leaning against with force or violence.
Ava-gata, as, a, am, £one. gone away; obtained,
ava-graha. avatapte-nakula-sthita.
Ava-graha, as, m. separation of the component -ddrayati, -yitum, to cause to move cr descend ava-ji, cl. i. P. -jayati, -jetum, to
parts of a compound, or of other grammatical forms, upon ; to employ. spoil (i. e. deprive by conquest), to win ; recover ;
occurring in some Pathas, e. g. in the Pada-text of Ava-dara, as, d, am, going or moving down or to ward off; conquer : Desid. -jigisJuiti, to wish to
the Vedas ; the mark or the interval of such a separa- in or upon ; (as), m. place of descent, road, field of win or recover.
tion ;the syllable or letter after which the separation action.
Ava-jaya, as, m. the act of overcoming, victory.
occurs ; the chief member of a word so separated ; Ava-ddrana, am, n. employing, application, mode Ara-jita, as, a, am, conquered ; contemned, dis-
obstacle, impediment, restraint ; drought ; nature, of proceeding.
original temperament ; a sort of knowledge, a false Ai'a-ddrya, as, d, am, to be cast down, to be regarded.
idea (?) ; an imprecation or term of abuse ; an ele- given, to be put on or applied.
^T^jJT? ava-jushta, as, a, am (rt. jush),
phant's forehead ; a herd of elephants ; an iron hook snr% i. ava-di, cl. 3. P., Ved. -diketi,
with which elephants are driven. l i. ava-jna, cl. 9. P. -jandti, -jnatum,
-detum, to worship, honour, respect.
Am-grahana, am, n. obstacle, impediment, re- to disesteem, have a low opinion of, despise, treat
straint, disrespect. ST^fo 2. ava-di, cl. 5. P. A. -dinoti, -nute, with contempt.
Ava-graha, as, m. breaking off, discontinuing; -detum, to gather, pick off; to take off; to let 3. ava-jnd, f. or ava-jnana, am, n. contempt, dis-
obstacle, impediment, imprecation; drought; the down (one's cloak) behind, to open (one's cloak). esteem, disrespect (with obj. in loc. or gen.). — Ava-
forehead of an elephant. Ava-daya, as, m. gathering, especially flowers,
Ava-grd/tam, ind. in breaking off or discontinuing. fruits, &c. jnopahata (°jnd-up°), as, d, am, treated with con-
tempt, humiliated, degraded.
Ava-ddyin, I, inl, i, gathering, picking off. Ava-jnata, as, a, am, despised, disrespected.
•'H^H^ava-ffhatt, cl. I . Pi.-ghattate, -ttltum, Ara-dita, as, d, am, gathered ; filled, inhabited.
cl. 10. P. -ghattayati, -yitum, to push or brush Avayiieya, as, d, am, contemptible, to be treated
away or off; to touch, feel, rub ; to stir up. with disrespect, disreputable.
•wq-^s ava-duda, as, m. the pendent crest
Aiia-ghatta, as, m. a hole in the ground, a cave, or streamer of a standard. See ava-dula. TH=(->ijnN ava-jyut (rt. jyut for dyui), Caus.
a cavern.
STT^lfr ava-durn, cl. 10. P. -durnayati, -jyotayali, -yitum, to light up or bring a light to
Ava-ghattana, am, n. rubbing away or off. bear upon, to illumine.
Ava-ghattita, am, n. pushing or rubbing toge- -yitum, to sprinkle with meal, dust, &c. ; to cover. Ava-jyotya, ind. having lighted (a lamp).
ther ;rubbing off. Ava-durnana, am, n. sprinkling with powder;
pounding, reducing to powder. •9(=»T(rtN ava-jval, Caus. -jealayati, -yitum,
'JHHIrl ava-ghata, as, m. (rt. han*), strik- Ava-durnita, as, d, am, sprinkled with powder ; to set on fire.
ing, hurting, killing ; a violent or fatal blow; threshing coarsely pounded, ground, crushed.
corn by bruising it with a wooden pestle in a mortar ••uti avata, as, m. (fr. 2. ava, q. v.), a hole,
of the same material. SH^pi ava-dula, as, m. (fr. dula for duda), a vacuity ; a hole in the ground, a chasm, a pit ; any
Ara-ghdtin, I, irii, i, striking, killing. an ornament hanging downwards from the top of a depressed part of the body, a cavity, a fosse, a sinus ;
banner, the top ornaments (such as streamers, peacocks' a well ; a juggler ; N. of a man. — Avata-kaddJiapa,
»•)«( n^ ava-ghush, cl. I . P. -ghoshati, -shi- tails, &c.) of a standard hanging downward ; a chowri. as, m. a tortoise in a hole (said of an inexperienced
tum, to proclaim aloud ; to convoke, send for, sum- Ava-diilaka, as, m. a chowri or brush, formed of
mon ;to fill with cries or clamour. man, who has seen nothing of the world). —Avata-
cow's tail, peacock's feathers, &c., for fanning off virodhana, am, n. a particular hell.
Ava-ghushta, as, a, am, proclaimed, summoned. Avafi, is, m. a hole in the ground; a sinus; a
Ava-yhoshana, am, n. crying, proclaiming, de- hollow, a cavity.
nouncing. sH-«frtv ava-drit, cl. 6. P. -dritati, -darti-
tum, to let loose. Avatita, as, d, am, flat-nosed.
•W4»)<5 ava-ghiirn, cl. I . P. A. -ghurnati, -te, Avaiu, us, m. f. the back or nape of the neck ;
-nitum, to whirl round, brandish, move to and fro. a hole in the ground ; a well ; N. of a tree ; («), n.
iN^ri.^ ava-ddhad(-dhad), cl. 10. P. -ddhd-
Ava-ghurna, as, m. a whirling round ; a whirlpool. dayati, -yitum, to cover over, overspread ; to con- a hole, a rent. — Avatuya, as, m. a hind curl, the
Ava-ghiirnana, am, n. rolling or whirling round. ceal, to obscure, leave in darkness. hair on the back of the head.
Aca-ghurnita, as, a, am, whirled round. Ava-ddhada, as, m. a cover, covering. Avatya, as, d, am, Ved. being in a hole.
VIM MM ava-ghrish, cl. I. P. A. -gharshati, Ava-ddhanna, as, d, am, covered over, over- Avata, as, m., Ved. a well, a cistern.
-te, -shitum, to rub off, rub to pieces : Caus. -ghar- spread, filled. ^ra3^f avadanga or avadranga or ava-
Ava-ddha<lya, ind. having covered over; having
shayati, -yitum, to rub off, scratch off. obscured. tanka (?) or avatanga (?), as, m. a market, a mart.
Ava-gharshana, am, n. rubbing off, scrubbing.
Ava-gharshita, OK, a, am, rubbed off, scrubbed. '!) 3 PaA<J ava-ddhid (-(hid), cl. 7. P. A. iH«(ilH ava-d'ma, am, n. (rt. dl), the flight
«lsC*iir<srl ava-ghotita, as, a, am (rt. ghut, -ddhinatti, -ddhinte, -ddhettum, to cut off, detach, of a bird, flying downwards.
cf. rt. gunth with ava), covered, concealed. separate, 1p tear in pieces, break asunder ; to excerpt, 4H4)j a-vanda, as, d, am, Ved. not with-
distinguish, discriminate ; to interrupt. out a tail.
•wmi ava-ghra, cl. I. P. -jighrati, -ghra- Ava-ddhinna, as, d, am, cut off. separated, divided, 'JHri*4 ava-tansa or ava-tansaka, as, am,
tum, to smell at, to touch with the mouth ; to kiss : detached, excerpted ; broken ; (in logic) predicated,
Caus. -ghrdpayatt, -yitum, to cause to smell at. i. e. separated from everything else by the properties m. n. (rt. tans), a garland ; a ring-shaped ornament,
Ava-ghrdna, am, n. the act of smelling at. predicated ; bounded. ear-ring, crest.
Ava-ghrdta, as, a, am, smelled, smelted at ; kissed. Ava-ddheda. as, m. anything cut off; part, portion ; Ava-tansita, as, d, am, having a garland or ear-
•wet avafa, lower. This word is con- separation, distinction ; discrimination ; distinguish-
ing ;boundary, limit ; a predicate, the property of ring, crested.
nected with ava as uf(a is with wl, but only found ^•-Irlttji'l ava-takshana, am, n. (rt. taksh),
in udddvada, q. v. a thing by which it is distinguished from everything
anything cut in pieces ; chopped straw.
else. — Araddheddradt'heda (°fa-av°), as, m. gene-
••n^-^^ava-daksh, cl. 2. A. -6ashte, -cash- ralising, removing distinctions. ^TSTflT ava-tad, Caus. P. -tadayati, -yitum,
turn, to look down upon, to perceive. Ara-ddhedaka, as, ikd, am, separating, distin- to strike downwards.
Ava-dakshana, am, n. looking down upon ? guishing, particularising, determining ; bounding, se-
(Gana to Panini VIII. I. 27, 57). parating one thing from another ; peculiar ; (as), m. •snnra ava-tan, cl. 8. P. -tanoti, -nitum,
that which distinguishes, &c. ; a predicate, character- to stretch or extend downwards ; to overspread, cover ;
'«<*•>* «1 a-vafana, am, n. absence of asser- istic, property ; boundary, limit. to loosen, undo, especially a bowstring.
tion, silence, taciturnity ; (as, a, am), not speaking, Ava-tata, as, d, am, overspread, canopied, covered;
Ava-ddhedana, am, n. cutting off; separating, di-
silent. — A-vadana-kara, as, a, am, not doing what viding discriminating,
; distinguishing. loosened — Avatata-dkanran, d, m., Ved. whose
one is bid, disobedient.
Ara-ddhedya, as, d, am, to be cut off, separated, &c. bow is unbent.
A-vadantya, as, a, am, not to be spoken, im- Aiia-tati, ix, f. stretching, extending,
proper. —Avadaniya-td, f. or avadaniya-tva, am, 'Ji^«>(Xn ava-ddhurita or ava-ddhuritaka,
n. impropriety of speech. Ava-tdna, a«, m. stretching, extending; unbend-
am, n. (fr. rt. dhur, ' to split,' with ava, ' that which ing of a bow ; cover ; awning.
A-vadas-kara, as, a or I, am, silent, not speak- splits one's sides ?'), a horse-laugh.
ing, taciturn. •st^nT ava-tap, cl. I. P. -tapati, -taptum,
^n^aft ava-ddho (-dho), cl. 4. P. -ddhyati,
ava-fandramasa, am, n., Ved. -ddhdtum, to cut off or away, to flay, to skin, to reap. to radiate heat (or light) downwards : Caus. -tdpa-
the looking down of the moon. Ava-ddhdta, as, d, am, cut off, flayed, emaciated man). -yitum, to irradiate ; to heat ; to illuminate.
by abstinence ; reaped. Ava-tapta, as, d, am, heated. — Avatapte-na-
•WH^<. ava-far, cl. r. P. A. -(arati, -te, Tenla-zthita, am, n. an ichneumon's standing on hot
-ritum, Ved. -ritave at -vai, -rase, -radhyai, to •stM»»r«in ava-janita, as, a, am (rt. jan), ground (metaphorically said of the inconstancy of
move or come down ; to go down towards : Caus. born, brought forth.
A a
90 *5Hr1li\M ciwi-tapin. WT*nx«lf ava-dhdraka.
Ava-tapin, i, ini, i, a place where the sun strikes ava-dansa, as, m. any pungent avadranga, as, m. a market. See
vertically down. food which excites thirst ; a stimulant. avadfi nga.
VSHrlHH ara-tamasa, am, n. slight dark- 4H<<< twa-datta, as, a, am (fr. rt. da with ^rav a-vadha, as, m. (rt. vadh or badh),
ness, obscurity. ara), given away ; finished, accomplished. no murder ; (as, a, am), Ved. inviolable, invulner-
able; see a-badha.— A-radhdrha (°dha-ar°), at,
'M 4 H i.HN ava-taram, ind. (fr. ava with ^R^ ana-day, cl. I. A. -dayate, -yitum,
compar. affix), Ved. farther away, more distantly. d, am, not worthy of death.
to give or pay an instalment (for the purpose of A-vadliya, as, d, am, not to be killed, inviolable.
-4ra-ra«, ind. below, in the lower world. silencing or keeping one off). — Avadhya-td, f. or avadhya-tva, am, n. inviola-
i!HrlQt!l ava-tarpana, am, n. (rt. trip),
soothing remedy. ^T^^ aea-dal, cl. I. P. -dalati, -litum, 'wqM'M ava-dharshya, as, d, am (rt. dhrish),
to burst, to crack asunder.
Ava-daUta, as, a, am, burst, cracked, destroyed. to be defied.
•S'^rt^ ava-trid, cl. 7. P., Ved. -trinatti,
-tarditiim, to chip off, sever; to silence. ara-dah, cl. I . P. -dahati, -dagdhum, 'ST^VT ava-dhd, cl. 3. A. -dhatte, -dhdtum,
to burn down, destroy. to place down, deposit, apply (as the mind &c.);
11'<t1[ava-tri, cl. I. P. -tarati, -taritum or to be attentive : Pass, -dhiyate, to be placed, applied
-ritum, to descend (especially as a deity in becoming Aca-ddgha, as, m. (Gana to Panini VII. i. 3, 53.) or directed (as the mind).
incarnate) ; to alight ; to betake one's self to ; to Ava-ddha, as, m. burning down, the root of the Ava-dhdtavya or ava-dhdniya or ava-dheya, as.
make one's appearance ; to undertake, overcome : fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus. — Avadd- d, am, to be attended to, deserving attention and care.
Caus. -tdrayati, -yitum, to make or let one descend, heshta (°ha-ish°), am, n. = the last.
to bring or fetch down ; to pour down, take down, Ava-dfidna, am, n. attention, attentiveness, intent-
iH^tilrl ava-ddta, as, a, am, or ava-dataka, ness ; care, carefulness, devotion. — Avadhdna-td, f.
take off, remove ; to bring down towards ; to intro- or avadhdna-tra, am, n. attentiveness.
duce, set a-going, render current ; to descend (?). as, a, am. (fr. rt. dai with am), clean, clear;
white ; yellow ; beautiful ; (as), m. white colour. Ava-dhdnin, i, ini, i, attentive.
Aca-tarana, am, n. descending, alighting ; rush- Ava-dhi, is, m. application, attention, care ; a term,
ing along, sudden disappearance ; crossing ; trans- i. ava-ddna, am, n. a pure or approved occupa-
lating. tion ;an act accomplished ; a great or glorious act, a limit, conclusion, termination ; a district, division,
achievement ; object of a legend. department ; period, time ; agreement, engagement ;
Ava-taranikd, 1. the short prayer (e. g. ganeidya
namah)a!t the beginning of a work, which causes the a hole, a pit. «— Avatlhi-td, f. or avadhi-tva, am, n.
'SN^M 2. ava-ddna, am, n. See under limit, limitation. — AvadM-mat, an, ati, at, limited,
divinity so addressed to descend from heaven. ava-do.
Ava-taritavya, at, a, am, to be descended. bounded.
Ava-tdra, as, m. descent (especially of a deity •*Nt;i*M a-vaddnya, as, a, am, niggardly, Ava-dhiyamdna, as, d, am, being placed down
from heaven), the appearance of any deity upon earth, stingy [cf. abhy-avaddnya]. or in, deposited.
but more particularly the incarnations of Vishnu in ten Ava-hita, as, a, am, deposited, applied; attentive,
•iHr(N<{ a-vadavada, as, a, am, Ved. careful, done with care ; celebrated, known. — .dw-
principal forms, viz. the fish, tortoise, boar, man-lion, having no bad reputation.
dwarf, the two Ramas, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki ; hita-karancifkaldpa, as, d, am, having all the
any new and unexpected appearance; (any distin- senses at rest, imperturbable. — Arahita-td, f. ap-
•fl=)(^3lx oca-fits', cl. 6. P. -dlsati, -deshtum,
guished person in the language of respect is called an to show or practice (kindness &c.) : Caus. -dedayati, plication, attention.— Avakitdnjali (°to-a/y°), is,
AvatSr or incarnation of a deity) ; aiming at an object -yitum, to inform. is, i, with joined hands.
(with gen.); a landing-place, a Tlrtha or sacred »!N Ml <^<7pa-dAa0, cl. I . P. A. -dhavati, -te,
place ; a pond ; translation, translating, crossing ; ava- •iNfy? ava-dih, cl. 2. P. -degdhi, -dhum,
to besmear. -vttum, to run down, drop down ; to run after.
taram labh, to gain one's aim or object with regard I . ava-dhdvana, am, n. running after, pursuing ;
to anything (with gen.). — Avatdra-kathd, f. ac- ^RrS^ava-dris, cl. I. P. A. -pasyati, -te,
count of an Avatara ; N. of a chapter in the work -drashtum, P. to look at, observe ; A. to see, live seizure.
Ava-dhdvaniya, as, d, am, to be run after.
entitled * &u>kara-vijaya,' supposed to have been com- to see : Pass. -drttyate, to be inferred or inferrible. i. am-dhdvita, as, d, am, chased, pursued.
kirtana, posed byam,
n. title of a —chapter
of the work 4H<; ava-dri, cl. 9. P. -drindti, -daritum *M =) M N H 2. ava-dhdvana, am, n. (rt. 2.
* Crdhvimnaya-sarnhita.' — Avatdra-mantra, as, or -ritum, to split or force open, to rend or tear dhdv), cleaning, washing.
m. a prayer causing the descent of a deity. — Ava- asunder : Caus. -ddrayati, -yitum, to cause to burst, i. ava-dhdvita, as, d, am, cleaned, cleansed.
tara-vdddvali, f., N. of a controversial work by to rend or split : Pass, -din/ate, to be split, to burst
Purushortama. Ava-darana, am, n. breaking (as a boil &c.), •?T^Vt^ avadhir, cl. 10. P. -dhirayati, -yi-
Ava-tdraka, as, ikd, am, making one's appear- bursting, separating. tum, to disregard, disrespect ; to despise, repudiate.
ance ;making a descent. Avadkirana, am, n. treating with disrespect,
Ava-tdrana, am, n. causing to descend ; transla- or Ava-ddrana,
hoe. am, n. tearing, dividing; a spade
despising, repudiating.
tion ; worship, adoration ; possession by an evil
Ava-ddrita, as, a, am, torn off or away, rent. Avadkirita, as, d, am, disrespected, disregarded,
spirit ; the ends or border of a garment.
Ava-tdrita, as, d, am, taken off or out, laid downAra-dlrna, as, a, am, torn, rent ; melted, fused, Amdhirin, I, ini, i, despising, scorning, excelling.
or aside ; descended ; translated. liquefied ; bewildered.
^RV ava-dhii, cl. 5. P. A. -dhiiiioti, -dhu-
Ava-tdrin, i, ini, i, making one's appearance ; cut•*(N<{1 ava-do, cl. 4. P. -dyati, -datum, to
off, divide; Ved. A. to take away (anger), nute, -dharitum or -dhotum, to shake off or out,
making a descent.
shake, toss ; to discard ; to lie down (?) : Caus.
Ava-tdrya, ind. having caused to alight. -il/iuniiyati, -yitum, to shake.
Ava-tirna, as, d, am, descended, alighted ; pacify.Ava-lia, as, d, am, cut off, divided.
crossed, passed over ; translated. — Avatirnarna Ai-it-d/iuta, as, d, <im, shaken off, removed,
Avattin, i, ini, i, (after a cardinal num.) dividing shaken, tossed, compelled ; discarded, rejected, spumed ;
'in), as, d, am, freed from debt. into so many parts ; e. g. pantavatiin, dividing into
Ava-tlrya, ind. having alighted or descended. trodden upon; separated from worldly feeling and
five parts. obligation. — Aeailhutn-prami>atii, as, d, am, re-
i. ava-ddiia, am, n. cutting or dividing into pieces,
•witnefiT ava-tokd, f. a woman or a cow jecting an act of homage. — Amdhuta-veia, as, d,
miscarrying from accident. a part, portion ; the root of a fragrant grass, see ava-
ddlui. (For I. am-dana, see under ava-ddta.) am, undressed, naked.
Am-il/iunana, am, n. shaking, causing to shake;
'"I Mi avatka, am, n. (fr. avata, q. v.), •"JHiflfT ava-doha, as, m. (fr. rt. duh with
Ved. a small well. expelling ; agitation, trembling ; trampling on, tread-
See under ava-do. ara), milk.
•»!(cj{| a-vadya, as, d, am (rt. vad), not '5T^>JoB
ing on. a-vadhuka, as, m. having no wife.
ava-trasta, as, a, am (rt. tras), to be praised ; low, inferior ; disagreeable, blamable,
terrified. •4Hufl|rl ava-dhupita, as, d, am, perfumed
disliked ; (am), n. anything blamable, or not to be
h, cl. I . P. -tveshati, -tvesh- spoken of with praise ; want, imperfection, vice, sin ; with incense.
tum. to glitter, shine ; to move (?) ; to take (?). blame, censure ; shame, reproach. — A radya-gohana, ^V Cv ava-dhri, Caus. P. -dhdrayati, -yi-
as, d, am, Ved. concealing or keeping off want. tum, to consider, ascertain, determine accurately, make
wm*.ava-tsar, cl. I. P. -tsarati, -ritum, — Avadya-lihi, Is, f., Ved. fear of vices or sin.
to fly away. A mdya-i'Ot, an, ati, at, Ved. disgraceful, la- out, limit, restrict.
Ara-tsdra, at, m., N. of a descendant of Kasyapa. Ava-dhdra, as, m. accurate determination, limit-
^T^ErYfTT«^ ava-dyotin, i, ini, i (rt. dyut), Ava-dhdraka, as, ikd, am, determining accurately,
a calf. a-vatsiya, as, a, am, not suitable
shining down upon, illuminating [cf. ava-jyu(\.
restricting one's self to anything.
ava-dhdrana. ava-bhritha.
Ava-dharana, am, n. ascertainment, affirmation, nenikte, -nektum, to wipe or wish off, purify, clean ; ava-pdsita, as, d, am, snared, 91
emphasis ; stating or holding with positiveness or assur- , to wash one's self: Caus. -nejayati, -yitum, to laving a snare laid over.
ance, accurate determination, limitation (of the sense of LUSC to wash off.
words) ; restriction to a certain instance or instances Ava-negya, as, d, am, used for washing off. vwil'^ava-pid, cl. 10. P. -pidayati, -yi-
with exclusion of any other ; (as, a, am), restrictive. Ava-nejana, an*, n. washing, washing off, ablution ; um, to press down, compress.
Ava-d/idraniya or ava-dhdrya, as, a, am, to water for washing, foot-bath. Ava-pida, as, m. pressing down ; a sternutatory ;
be ascertained, determined or known. any drug producing sneezing.
Ava-dharita, as, a, am, ascertained, known, cer-
•aqfurfl ava-ni-ni, cl. i. P. A. -nay at i, Ava^pidana, am, n. the act of pressing down ; a
tain. •te, -netum, to put or bring into (water) ; to pour ternutatory ; (a), f. damage, violation.
down. ava-piirna, as, d, am (rt. pri), full
[ a-vadhya. See a-vadha. M'Sl-M ava-nisfaya, as, m. deduction,
\ ava-dhyai, cl. I. P. (A. ?) -dhydyati, ascertainment.
-te, -dhydtum, to think ill of, despise. of, filled. iPT ava-prajjana, as, m. (rt. pry),
Ava-dhydta, as, d, am, spumed, disdained. •« q f«i f« ^ava-ni-shthiv (or -shthiv), cl. I. the end of the warp of a web.
?. -shthlvati, -shtheritum, to spit upon.
^TTO a-vadhra, as, d, am, Ved. innoxious, Ava-nishthivana, am, a. spitting upon. ?T ava-plu, cl. i. A. -plavate, -plotum,
um«li 2. ava-ni, cl. I. P. -nayati, -netum, :o jump down or off.
Ava-plutya, ind. having jumped down.
'*&3!3(1fava-dhvatts, Caus. f.-dhvansayati, to lead or bring down, to push into, to cause to descend
-yitum, to cast down. or to flow ; to lead away ; to pour down or over. •eiqm ava-pha, as, m. flatulence, wind from
Ava-dhvansa, as, m. falling off or from ; sprink- Ava-naya or ava-naya, as, m. causing to descend; he bowels.
ling; meal, dust; abandoning, quitting; disrespect, throwing down, precipitating. ava-badhd, f. segment of the base
censure, blame. Ava-nayana, am, n. leading down, pouring down. of a triangle [cf. a-badhd and d-bddha].
Ava-dhvasta, as, d, am, sprinkled; pounded Arorndyaka, as, ika, am, causing to descend.
coarsely ; abandoned, quitted ; censured ; scattered. ava-bandha, as, m. falling or palsy
•«q«J ava-nu, cl. i. A., Ved. -navate, to of the eyelids, Blepharoptosis.
viq«T avana, am, n. (rt. av), satisfaction; move or go towards.
joy, happiness ; desire ; favour, preserving, protection, arm. ava-bdhuka, as, m. spasm in the
defence; speed; going, obtaining, asking; seizing, ava-nud, Caus. -nodayati, -yitum,
killing ; power ; increase ; existence ; adorning ; em- (with two ace.) to cause a person to drive away another.
bracing; bearing; entrance. fJV ava-budh, cl. 4. A. -budhyate,
avanti, is, m., N. of a country and
Avani, is, (. (said to be fr. rt. av, but rather -boddhum, to awake, become sensible or aware of,
its inhabitants ; N. of a city, the modern Oujein (one
connected with ? ava, down), course, , bed of a of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus, to die at perceive, know : Caus. -bodhayati, -yitum, to make
one aware of, inform, explain.
river; stream, river; the earth; a finger. — Ai'anin- which secures eternal happiness) ; N. of a river.
r/ata, as, d, am, prostrate on the ground. — Arani- Ava-bodha, as, m. waking, being awake ; percep-
fara, as, d, am, roving over the earth, vagabond.
— Avanti-khanda, am, n. a portion of the Skanda- tion, knowledge ; discrimination, judgment ; teaching.
purana. — Avanti-deva, as, m. = avanti-varman, Ava-bodhaka, as, m. an awakener, a teacher.
— Avani-pati, is, m. lord of the earth, a king;
Avanti-pura, am, n. the city of the Avantis, — Avabodhaka-tva, am, n. instruction, guidance,
Vishnu; Yudhishthira. — Arani-pdla, as, m. pro- Oujein ; N. of a town in Kasmira, built by Avanti-
tector of the earth, a king. — Avani-mandala, am, explanation.
varman; (?), f. Oujein. — Avanti-brahma, as, m., Ava-bodhana, am, n. perception, knowledge, &c.
n. the globe. — Avani-ruh, t, m. a tree. N. of a district inhabited by Brahmans. — Avanti-
i. avani, f. the earth; N. of a plant. —Avani-
bhupdla, as, m. the king of Avanti, i. e. Bhoja. •«<qe(q ava-brava, as, m. (rt. bru with
pati, is, m. or avaniia or avanlivara Cni-if), as, Avanti-varman, d, m., N. of a king ; also of a
m. lord of the earth, a king. (For 2. see next col.) ava), ill report, defamation.
poet. — Avanti-soma, as, m. sour gruel, prepared
ava-bhanj, cl. 7. P. -bhanakti,
•*(cilEr\ ava-naksh, cl. i. P., Ved. -nak- from the fermentation of rice-water.
-bhattktum, to break off, smash.
Avantikd, f. the modem Oujein.
fhati, -shitum, (with gen.) to overtake (a person).
Ava-nakshatra, am, a. the disappearance of the Avanti, f. Oujein ; the queen of Oujein ; N. of a Avarbhajya, ind. having broken off.
stars. Ava-bhanjana, am, n. breaking off, tearing.
river. — Avanti-des'a, as, m. the region of Avanti.
— Avantis'vara ("it-Is"0), as, m., N. of a sanctuary ^TWW ava-bharts, cl. 10. P. (or A. .')
•«t i »r*(^ ava-nam, cl. I. P. -namati, -na built by Avanti-varman.
turn, to bow down, to bend down, bend: Caus. -bhartsayati, -yitum, to deter by scolding or
-namayati, -yitum, to bend down, bend. avandhya, as(?) or (a), m. f., N. threatening, to menace.
Ava-nata, as, d, am, bowed ; bent down, down- of a place. ^T^HT ava-bhd, cl. 2. P. -bhdti, -turn, to
cast; bending, stooping, deepened, not projecting, ^T3T£ ava-pat, cl. 10. P. -pdtayati, -yitum, shine downwards.
— Avanata-kaya, as, a, am, bending the body,
crouching down. — Avanata-mukha, as, i, am, with to split : Pass, -pdtyate, to split one's self; to be split. ^TWHimil ava-bhdshana, am, n. speaking.
Ava-pdtikd, f. laceration of the prepuce.
downcast countenance. — Av anata-sirshan, d, d, a,
bowing the head. •sOHri ava-pat, cl. I. P. -patati, -titum, to vt 1*1 \9^ava-bhas, cl. I. A. -bhdsate, -si-
Ava-nati, is, f. bowing down, stooping ; setting. fly down, jump down, fall down, alight : Caus. -pdta- tum, to shine forth, become manifest : Caus. -bhdsa-
Ava-namra, as, d, am, bowed, bent. yati, -yitum, to throw down. yati, -yitum, to illuminate.
Ava-ndma, as, m. causing to bend down, bending, Ava-patana, am, n. alighting, descending. Ava-bhdsa, as, m. splendor, lustre, light ; appear-
bowing. Avaspdta, as, m. falling down ; descent, descend- ance, manifestation; space, reach, compass. — A va-
Ava-ndmaka, as, ika, am, what depresses or ing flying
; down ; a hole or pit for catching game in bhdsa-kara, as, m., N. of a divinity.— Avabhdsa-
causes to bow or bend.
Ava-pdtana, am, a. felling, knocking or throwing prabha, as, m. pi., N. of a whole class of deities.
Ava-namin, i, ini, i, bending or bowing down. down. — Avabhdsa-prapta, N. of a world.
Ava-bhdsaka, as, ikd, am, irradiating, luminous.
WT»T;| ava-nard, cl. I . P. -nardati, -ditum ••a^M^ ava-pad, cl-4. A. -padyate, -pattum, — Avabhdsaka-tm, am, n. luminousness.
(a technical term applicable to chanting in the Hindu to go down, glide down, descend ; to be deprived o: Ava-bhdsita, as, d, am, illumined, lighted, radi-
ritual), to slur or trill, &c. (with abl.); to fall, meet with an accident: Caus ant; evident, manifest.
-pddayati, -yitum, to cause to glide or go down. Ava-bhdsin, i, ini, i, shining, bright ; (ni), f. the
^T^"«T3I ava-nas, cl. 4. P. -nasyati, -nasi- Avaspannn, as, d, am, fallen on or into; de- outer skin or cuticle.
tam and -nanshtum, to disappear, perish. scended, alighted ; thrown down.
4Hfa<J% ava-bhid, cl. 7. P. -bhinatti, -bhet-
^T=t«1P ava-nah, cl. 4. P. A. -nahyati, -te a-vapdka, as, d, am, without a net. turn, to break off, shatter.
-naddhum, to bind on, tie on, put over, cover with Ava-bhinna, as, d, am, broken off, pierced, di-
ava-pdtrita, as, d, am, a person
Ava-naildha, as, d, am, bound on, tied, covered vided.
(am), n. a drum. not allowed by his kindred to eat or drink from
common vessel ; one who has lost his caste [cf dividing.
Ava-bhedin, I, inl, i, breaking off, shattering,
Ava-ndha, as, m. binding, girding, putting on.
^f^is ava-ndta, as, d, am, flat-nosed
(am), n. the condition of having a flat nose.
•a^Min ava-pdna, am, n.,Ved. drinking ^TT^pT ava-bhuj, cl. 6. P. -bhujati, -bhok-
giving to drink ; a pond or pool for watering. tum, to bend down, curve.
f avani. Sefc avana.
'SlIMTfijnT ava-pdlita, as, d, am (ft. pal Ava-bhugna, as, d, am, contracted, bent.
ava-nij, cl. 3. P. A. -nenekti Caus. of rt. 3. pd with ava), Unprotected, neglected. ava-bhritha, as, m. (fr. rt. bhri with
92 ITT avabhritha-snana.
ara\ carrying off, removing ; purification by bathing <z-mm, cl. 6. P. -mrisati, -marsh- Ava-rata, as, d, am, stopped, ceased, desisted from.
of the sacrificer and the sacrificial vessels after a sacri- Ara-rati, is, f. stopping, ceasing, cessation, relaxa-
lum, -mrashtum, to touch.
fice ; the water of purification ; a supplementary tion, repose, end.
Ava-mar$a, an, m. touch, contact
sacrifice to atone for defects in a principal and pre- vicuJqH a-variyas, an, m., N. of a son of
ceding one. — Ariib/trithu-tndHit, am, n. bathing Am-mris'ya, as, d, am, to be touched.
avaya. See satavaya. Manu SaVarna.
or ablution after a sacrificial ceremony.
Ara-bhra, at, m. abduction, carrying off. fl-yflj, cl. I. A. -yajatt, -yashtum, •>aq^;»^ ava-ruj, cl. 6. P. -rtijati, -roktum,
to expiate ; not to worship, to abandon. to break off, to break.
^r^Mt? ava-bhrata, as, d, am, flat-nosed ;
(am), n. state of having a flat nose. Ava-yajana, am, n., Ved expiating ; purification. Ava-ruyna, as, a, am, broken off, torn ; diseased.
. 1 rfi-ydj, ds, f., Ved. a particular portion of a sacri- Ava-rujya, ind. having broken off.
•eiqn iiniinii, as, d, am (te. 2. ava), under- fice; m. a kind of priest. Gram. 176. /.
most, inferior, lowest, base ; next, intimate ; last, »aM<ji^ ava-rudh, cl. 7. P. A. -mnaddhi,
youngest ; growing less, decreasing ; (am), n. a lunar VI^MH ava-yava, as, m. (fr. rt. I. yu with -rumlhe, -roddhum, to obstruct, restrain, hinder,
day exactly coinciding with a solar one. ava), a limb, a member ; a part, a portion ; a mem- shut up, besiege ; to keep back : Pass, -rudhyate :
ber or component part of a logical argument or Intens. P. -roroddlii, to injure, hurt.
TI^HI ana-man, cl. 4. A. or poet. P. Ava-ruddha, as, d, am, checked, stopped, hin-
syllogism. — Avayava-tfas, ind. part by part, seve-
-manyate, -ti, -mantum, to despise, treat con- dered ;shut up or in, enclosed ; imprisoned, secluded,
: -mdnayati, -yitum, to despise, rally. —Avayai'drtha (°va-ar°), as, m. the meaning as in the inner apartments. — Avaruddha-deha, as,
of the component parts of a word.
Avayavin, i, ini, i, limbed, having limbs ; having d, am, incarcerated.
Ara-mata, as, a, am, despised, disregarded, con- Ava-rwldhi, is, f. restraint, besieging; gaining.
portions or subdivisions; a whole; (i), m. a syl-
temned. —Avamatdnkufo (°ta-an°), as, m. a restive logism, logical
a argument. Ava-rudhyamdna, as, d, am, being enclosed or
elephant that disdains the hook, one in rut. surrounded.
Ava-mati, is, m. a master, an owner ; (is), f. xiqtil i. ava-ya, cl. 2. P. A. -ydti, -te, -ya- I. ava-rodha, as, m. hindrance, obstruction ; re-
aversion, dislike ; disregard, contempt. tum, to go down, to give way, desist ; to remove. straint ;an enclosure, confinement, besieging, a siege ;
Aca-matya, ind. having scorned, despising. ceasing.
2. ava-ya, da, ds, am, Ved. giving way, desisting. a covering, lid ; a fence, a pen ; a watchman ; the
Ara-mantavya or ava-manya, as, d, am, con-
temptible, tobe treated with disrespect. inner apartments of a palace, the queen's or women's
Avaydta-helas, ds, m., Ved. one whose anger is apartments; a palace; pi. the wives of a king. (For
Ava-mantH, td, tri, tri, despising ; contemptuous, 2. ava-rodha, see below under ava-ruh.) — Ava-
disrespectful; arrogant. Ara-ydtri, td, m., Ved. turning away ; appeasing,
Ava-mdna, as, m. disrespect, contempt. — Ava- one who appeases. rodhdyana (°dha-ay"), am, n. a seraglio.
Ava-rodhaka, as, ikd, am, obstructive, hindering,
mdna-td, f. or avamdna-tca, am, n. dishonour- Ava-ydna, am, n. going down, retreat; appeasing, impeding ; (as), m. a guard ; (ikd), f. a female of
ableness, contempt. expiation. the inner apartments; (am), n. a barrier, a fence.
Ava-mdnana, am, a, n. f. disrespect. 1 . ava-rodhana, am, n. siege, blockade ; hinder-
Ara-mdnanlya or ava-mdnya, as, a, am, to be viqjji a-vayuna, as, a, am, Ved. not to be ing, obstructing; obstacle, impediment; a closed or
disrespected, contemptible, despicable. recognized ; indistinct, confused.
private place, the innermost part of anything ; the
Ava-mdnita, as, d, am, disrespected, despised. ^T^T avara, as, a, am (fr. 2. ava), below,
inner or women's apartments in a royal palace. (For
Ava-mdnln, i, ini, i, contemning, despising, be- inferior ; low, mean, unimportant, of small value ; 2. ava-rodhana, see below under ava-ruh.)
having disrespectfully. — Avamdni-td, f. or ava- posterior, hinder, later, last, younger; western; nearer; Am-rodhika, as, i, am, obstructive, impeding;
mdni-tva, am, n. disrespectfulness. (at the end of a compound signifying quantity) the
Of*!'"! ana-mantha or ava-manthaka, as, least, the lowest degree, lowest value; (a), f. the (as), m. a guard i,ofini,
Ava-rodhin, the I,
queen's apartments.
obstructing, hindering.
hind thigh of an elephant ; a N. of Durga ; (am), n.
m. (rt. month), swellings caused by boils or con-
tusions. the hind thigh of an elephant ; [with avara have been ismtj'^ ui-a-ruh, cl. I. P. -rohati, -rodhum,
compared Gr. ovpd, oupos, o&pov, 8pos, uppos ; Lat. to descend, alight, dismount: Caus. -ropayati or
ava-marsa, as, m. See ava-mris. euros; also the Lat. aver-nus]. *- Avara-ja, as, d, •rohayati, -yitum, to cause to descend; to bring
am, of low birth, inferior ; younger, junior ; (as), m. down ; to lower, lessen.
ana-marshana, am, n. (rt. mrish),
a S'ndra ; a younger brother ; (d), f. a younger sister. Ava-rudha, as, d, am, descended, dismounted,
intolerance, impatience ; effacing, obliterating, banish-
ing from recollection. — Avara-tas, ind. behind, afterwards, hinder, poste- alighted.
rior, downwards. — Avara-param, ind., Ved. one 2. ava-rodha, as, m. (rt. rmlh (or ruh), Ved.
•sttg^apa-TOttc?, cl. 6. P. -muncati, -mok- after another. — Avara-purusha, ds, m. pi. the de- moving down, descending ; a shoot sent out by the
tum, to loosen ; to let go ; to take off (a garment, scendants. Avara-varna,
— as, m. a low or despised root of a plant, a slip (for planting), the pendent
&c.) ; to unharness. tribe; (as, d, am), belonging to a low caste or shoots of the Indian fig tree.
Ava-mutya, ind. having unloosed or unharnessed. tribe ; a Sodra. a man or woman of the fourth tribe. 2. ava-rodhana, am, n. (rt. rudh for ruh), Ved.
Ava-mo<!ana, am, n. letting go, loosening ; setting — Avara-varnaka or avara-var?ta-ja, as, d, am, descending motion, descending.
at liberty. belonging to or born in a low tribe. — Ai-ara-vrata, Ava-ropana, am, n. causing to descend ; uproot-
as, m. the sun [cf. arka-^iratd].— Avara-Ma, ing ;taking away, depriving, diminishing ; descend-
"''1^ ava-mutr, cl. 10. P. -mfitrayati, {., N. of a Buddhist monastery. — Avara-tlaila, as, ing; setting (as of the suti).
•yitum, to urine upon. m. pi., N. of a Buddhist school. — Avaras-para, as, up.Ava-ropita, as, d, am, caused to descend ; up-
Ava-mutrayat, an, anil, at, urining upon. d, am, Ved. having the last first, or the hindemiost rooted, deprived of, curtailed, diminished, lost.
ia<i<i«J3|t| ava-murdha-saya, foremost ; inverted, confused. — Avardrdha ( ra-ar), Ava-ropya, ind. having made to descend ; rooting
as, a, am,
as, m. the least part, the minimum ; the last half;
lying with the head hanging down.
(am), ind. in a certain succession of parts; succes- Ava-roha, as, m. descent, passing from or over ;
T^H ava-mrij, cl. 2. P. -mdrshti, -mdrji- sively. —Arardrdha-tas, ind. from below. — Avardr- mounting, ascending (?) ; a shoot sent out by a plant;
tum or -mdrshtum, to wipe or rub off, to strip off, , as, d, am, being on the lower or nearer side ; a pendent branch, one that strikes fresh root into the
remove ; to efface. beginning from below ; belonging to the last half; (am), earth, as those of the Indian fig tree; the growth of a
n. the leist or smallest part, the minimum. — Ava- creeping plant or vine ; a creeping plant climbing up
rubbed off. am, n., Ved. what is stripped or
rarara (°ra-av°), as, d, am, lowest, most inferior to the top of a tree ; heaven or Svarga. — Avaroha-
Ava-mrijya, ind. having stripped, having pulled of all. — Amrokta (°ra-iik"), as, d, am, named last. nit, <~t/i, or araroha-idyin, i, m. the Indian fig tree.
off; having wiped away. Avaraxtdt, ind. behind, hinder, posterior ; below, Ava-rohana, am, n. alighting, descending, dis-
mounting ;ascending.
a-mrid, cl. 9. P. -mridnati, -mardi- Avariua, as, d, am, degraded, debased ; censured, Ava-rohikd, (., N. of the plant Physalis Flexnosa L.
tum, to grind down, to reduce by friction (or other- plained.
Ava-rohin, i, itii, i, descending, what descends,
wise) ;to crush, to tread down ; to rub. Arareiia, ind. (with ace.) below. what ascends ; (f), m. the Indian fig tree.
Ava-marda, as, m. trampling, oppression, driving Avarya, nom. P. avaryati, -yitum, to become <q«*«4 ava-rlipa, as, d, am, mis-shapen,
one into straits; giving pain; devastation, inflicting ower.
pain or punishment on an enemy by laying his deformed ; degenerated.
country waste, &c. jjr«U; avaranya-siiha, the Sanskrit nrtftrT«T ava-rokin, i, ini, i (fr. rt. ru6
Ani-mardana, as, a, am, treading down, grind- brm of the Muhammedan name Aurungzeb. (*S'aAa with ana), Ved. shining, brilliant.
ing, crushing, oppressing ; (am), n. rubbing, washing ; the Persian
oppression. Ai'a^rofaka, as, m. want of appetite.
Ava-mardita, as, a, am, ground, rubbed, crushed, ! ana-ram, cl. i. A. -ramate, -rantum,
oppressed. to leave off, cease. ^TT'N^a-eorc'as, ds, ds, as, Ved. without
iplendor, insignificant in form, mean-looking.
^ a-varjivas. 93
H a-varjivas, an, jushi, at, Ved. AvaAehya, as, d, am, to be licked ; thick, viscid. d, am, whose mind and senses are not held in sub-
not hindering, not being able to prevent. •w^coV ava-tt, cl. 4. A. -liyate, -letum or
-Idtum, to stick to, hang to. A-va&-bhuta, as, d, am, unrestrained, independ-
'S'ftU a-varna, as, d or z, am, colourless ; ent ; uninfluenced by magic.
having no marks ; bad, low, destitute of good quali- Ava-lina, as, d, am, sticking to, cleaving to.
A-vadya, as, d, am, untameable, ungovernable,
ties; (as), m. blame, censure. — Avarna-vdda, as, ava-lild, f. sport, play, mirth. inevitable; (am), ind. necessarily, inevitably, certainly,
m. censure, blame, reproach. at all events, by all means; avafyam eva, most
3^ava-lund, cl. I. P. -Inhfati, -titum, surely. If compounded with a fut. pass. part, the
•wiill" avartana, N. of an upa-dmpa or to pull down or out. final nasal is dropped ; e. g. ava$ya-pd(ya, to be
island, mentioned in the Puranic descriptions of the Ava-lundana, am, n. tearing or cutting off, pull- necessarily cooked ; avas"ya-kdrya, to be necessarily
ing out. done : but retained in avasyan-kdrin, doing what
a-vartamdna, as, d, am, non-ex- •«ilrt«!«1 ava-lnnthana, am, n. (rt. lunth), is necessary ; aw^yam-lihdein, necessarily being.
istent, not present, absent. robbing ; rolling or wallowing on the ground. A-vadyaka, as, d, am, necessary, inevitable, in-
Ava-lunthita, as, d, am, robbed; rolled on the am, n. necessity, dispensable. —Avafyaka-td, f. or avafyaka-tva,
'Mqiri avarti, is, f. (ava-riti, ft. rt. ri with obligation, certainty.
ana), Ved. bad fortune, poverty, distress, want.
ava-sakthikd, f. a cloth tied
viq<3 a-vartra, as, d, am, Ved. (rt. vrit), not TH=irtH ava-lup, cl. 6. A. Or P. -Inmpate, round the legs and knees of a person sitting on his
turning back ; (if fr. rt. vri) not to be kept back. •ti, -loptum, to rush or dash upon as a wild beast on hams [cf. ava-sakthika].
its prey, to burst or break in upon.
•si 1 3*1 1 «1 a-vardhamana, as, d, am, not in- Ava-lumpana, am, n. leaping on suddenly. a-sas, as, f. (rt.s'a»s),Ved. wrong
creasing, not growing, not thriving.
jtva-lopya, as, a, am, that can be broken in upon desire.
or assailed with a sudden rush.
•wi*)*^ a-varman, d, a, a, Ved. having no
armour. a-uas'a, f.,Ved. not a cow, a bad cow.
ava-luna, as, d, am, cut off.
ava-sdtana, am, n. (Caus. of rt.
^5T^ a-varsha, as, m. or a-varshana, am, ava-lekha, as, m. (rt. likh), any- s"ad), withering, drying up.
n. want of rain, drought.
thing scraped off. wil^K^ ava-siras, as, as, as, or ava-
A-varshuka, as, a, am, Ved. not raining. Ava-lekhana, am, I, n. f. scraping off.
Avarshya, as, a, am, Ved. being active in rain- firshaka, as, d, am, having the head turned down.
Ava-lekhd, f. rubbing ; adorning the person.
less bright weather. •stqi^l"^ ava-sish, Pass, -tishyate, to be
«i=tc<»KJ avalaksha or valaksha, as, d, am, last*I'I»M
col. ava-lepa. See under ava-lipta left last or as a remnant, to remain over.
white ; (as), m. the white colour. Ava-s"ishta, as, a, am, left, remaining; (am),
•wirti* ava-lok, cl. i. A. -lokate, -kitum, n. or ava-dishtaka, am, n. rest, remainder.
*a 1 CO' 1 ava-lagna, as, d, am (rt. lag), or d. 10. P. -lokayati, -yitum, to look down upon, Ava-^esha, a» (am ?), m. (n. ?) leavings, remainder ;
hanging down ; placed contiguously, impressed, at- look at, view, behold, see, consider. end, dose, termination. Frequently as the last mem-
tached, &c. ; (as, am), m. n. the waist.
Ava-loka, as, m. sight, seeing; looking down ber of a compound; thus, ardhdvas'esha, having
wjrtlf ava-langh, cl. 10. P. A. -langha- upon with compassion. only one half left ; kathdvas'esha-td, the condition
of one who survives only in narrations.
yati, -te, -yitum, to pass (time), spend. Ava-lokaka, as, ika, am, looking at, wishing to see.
Ava-lokana, am, n. act of looking at ; beholding ; Ava-iesklta, as, d, am, left remaining.
iwirt!^ ma-lamb, cl. i. A. or poet. P. sight; seeing; review. tered.
• lambate, -ti, -bitum, to hang, glide or slip down, sidering.
Ava-lokayitri, td, tri, tri, looking upon, con-
^T^St^ ava-sri, Pass, -siryate, to be shat-
descend ; to catch hold of, cling to, hang to, hold on
or support one's self by ; rest upon as a support, to Ava-lokita, as, d, am, seen ; (as), m., N. of a ava-syd, f. (rt. 6yai with ava),
depend upon : Caus. -lambayati, -yitum, to make Bodhi-sattva; (am), n. a look, a glance. — Ava- hoar-frost ; a fog or mist.
one rest upon or catch hold of. Ava-£ina, as, m. a scorpion.
lokites'vara (fta-tf), as, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva,
Ava-lantba, as, m. hanging down ; hanging on or worshipped by the northern Buddhists. Ava-tyaya, as, m. hoar-frost ; white dew ; pride.
from ; depending ; resting upon ; asylum, depend- sidering.
Ava-lokin, I, ini, i, looking at, beholding ; con- l*)^1si*«U ava-srayana, am, n. (rt. sri),
ance, support; a prop, a stay; suspender; an ap-
pendage ;a perpendicular. taking (anything)
tfrayana, q. v.). from off the fire (opposed to adhi-
Ava-lambaka, as, m., N. of a metre. '•a<lrtl«ir«T ava-lobhana, am, n. (rt. lubh),
sensual desire.
Ava-lambana, am, n. depending upon, depend- as •*i^»j««^ ava-svasam, ind. (rt. svas), Ved.
if blown away.
ance ; hanging on or from ; a prop. a-valgu-ja, as, m., N. of the plant
Ava-lambita, as, a, am, hanging on or upon, Vernonia Amhelmintica.
suspended from, clinging to ; depending upon, trusting ^1 1 wim<!.rl' avashkayam, f. (=vashkayani),
avalgult, f., N. of a poisonous a cow that bears a calf after a long interval.
to, supported by, protected, cherished ; alighting, de-
scending ;expeditious (?). ^T^?»H ava-shtambh (-stambh), cl. 5. 9. P.
Ava-lambilavya, as, d, am, to be caught hold ava-vada, as, m. or ava-vadana, -shtdbhnoti or -ndt{, -shtambhitum, to lean or rest
of or grasped, to be clung to ; expeditious, quick. upon ; to be contiguous or near ; to be astounded or
am, n. (rt. rod), evil report or reputation. bewildered.
Ava-lambin, i, ini, i, hanging down so as to rest
upon, hanging on or from, depending on ; clinging Ava-vaditri, td, m., Ved. one who speaks finally
to, reclining, resting upon. or decisively (?), an adjudicator. Ava-shtabdha, as, a, am, supported, rested on,
Ava-vdda, as, m. evil report or reputation ; cen- protected ; hanging from or upon ; stopped, ob-
Ava-lambya, ind. leaning on, having depended or sure, reproach ; a command, an order ; trust, confi- structed, stayed ; paralysed ; bound, tied, attached ;
relied on, supporting one's self; trusting to; waiting. dence ;information. wrapped up, enfolded ; opposed ; surpassed, over-
come ; near.
ava-lipta, as, d, am (rt. lip),
anointed, plastered, smeared ; proud, arrogant, vain. •wi'iifar ava-varshana, am, n. raining Ava-shtabhya, ind. leaning upon, resting on,
— AvaUpta-td, f. or avalipta-tva, am, n. unction ; holding ; stopping, arresting.
upon. Ava-shtamblia, as, m. leaning or resting upon,
pride, arrogance, vanity. viq'-u ava-vd, cl. 2. P., Ved. -vdti, -turn, having recourse to any one ; stopping, standing still,
Ava-lepa,a*, m. smearing, anointing; ornament; to radiate (?), to prevail (?), to rage (as fire?).
union, association ; pride, haughtiness. staying ; self-confidence, resoluteness ; commencement,
^11^3 ava-viddha, as, d, am (rt. vyadh), beginning ; excellence ; obstruction, impediment ; sup-
Ava-lepana, am. n. anointing; proud behaviour; cast down.
daring, proud or arrogant purpose. port, stay ; paralysis ; a post or pillar ; gold. — Ava-
ava-vrasf, cl. 6. P. -vrisfati, -vra- shtambha-maya, as, I, am, golden, made of gold.
HHr<$£ ana-lih, cl. 2. P. A.'-WAt, -lulhe, Ava-shtambhana, am, n. resting upon, having
-ledhum, to lick off, to lick, to lap : Intens. -lehdhi, s"titum, -rrashtum, to splinter, cut off. recourse to ; supporting, protecting ; stopping, stay-
Avrt-vra&a, as, m. splinter, chip.
to lick again and again. ing; paralysing; a pillar or post.
Ava-lidha, as, d, am, licked, lapped ; devoured, •wi^r a-vasa, as, d, am (rt. vas), unsub- ^Sl «1 1 ava-shvan (-svan), cl. I. P. -shva-
destroyed ; (a), f. disregard, contempt. missive to another's will ; independent, unrestrained, anati,
in eating. to smack (one's lips) or otherwise make
Ava-leha, as, m. or ava-lehikd, f. licking, lap- free ; not having one's own free will ; doing some-
ping ;an extract, an electuary, confection. thing against one's liking or unwillingly ; necessary,
certain. — Avaitan-gama, as, d, am, not submitting Ava-shvana, as, m. noisy eating, smacking.
lapping. am, n. licking with the tongue,
to another's will. — Avasendriya-ditta ("fa-iti'), as, i. avas, n. (fr. rt. au),Ved. satisfac-
94 avas-vat. ava-hri.
tion, pleasure, enjoyment ; wish, desire, aspiring ; Ava-seka, as, m. sprinkling, irrigating, bedewing. a covering.
Aea-starana,am, n. spreading out or laying down
favour, furtherance, protection, assistance. — Avas-vat, .l/'-wcWmii, a", in. a kind of cake, pulse ground
an, ati, at, Ved. striving, desirous. and fried with oil or butter. Of, m. a screen or wall of cloth sur-
Avasa, am, n., Ved. refreshment, food, provisions, Ara-seAtna, am, n. sprinkling, water .used for rounding atent.
viaticum; preserving, protecting; (as), m. a king; sprinkling; bleeding. a-vastra, as, a, am, without clothes,
the sun. asleep.
^CIHH ava-supta, as, a, am (rt. snap), garmentless, naked. — Arastra-td, f. nakedness.
^T^x 2. eras, ind. (fr. 2. ava), Ved. adv. ava-stha, cl. I. A. -tishthate, -stha-
below, downwards, hitherward.
•>JMU»^ ava-srij, cl. 6. P. -srijati, -srash- tum, to take one's stand, remain standing ; to stay,
(As a prep, with iiist or abl. it expresses) below, at tum, to let oft; to let loose, let go, fling down, pour abide, stop, stand apart, stand by or near ; Ved. to
the lowest place of; without, on the outside. out, dismiss, remit, liberate. place : Caus. -sthapayatt or -te, -yitum, to cause to
Avattdt. See s. v. stand or stop, to place, fix, settle, set, array.
Ava-sarga, as, m. letting off, letting go, emission,
ava-sakthikd or ava-saktika, Ava-stha, as, m. membrum virile, see upa-stha;
remission, clinations,
laxity, independence.
relaxation, following one's own in- (S), f. appearance (in a court of justice) ; stability.
f. a doth tied round the legs and knees of a person
consistence ; state, condition, situation, circumstance
sitting on his hams ; a wrapper ; a girth or band [cf. Ava-sarjana, am, n., Ved. liberation.
of age or position; degree, proportion; the female
ma-Sakthika]. Ava-srishta, as, a, am, dismissed, let go.
organ of generation. — Arasthd-fatufktaya, am, n.
•>M =1 H 9^ ava-sanj, cl. i. P. -sajati, -sanktum, iH4tf| ava-so, cl. 4. P. -syati, -satum, the four periods or states of human life, viz. child-
to suspend, attach, cling to. to finish, accomplish ; to destroy : Caus. -sayayati, hood, youth, manhood, and old age. — Araethd-
Aea-sakta, as, a, am, suspended from, attached -yitum, to destroy ; to cause to be completed. traya, am, n. the three states, or waking, dreaming,
to or by, in contact with, bound round, begirt ; en- Ava-sd, f.,Ved. liberation, setting free, deliverance. and sound sleep. — Avasthd-draya, am, n. the two
gaged in,intent on, eager, placed upon. Ava-sdtri, ta, m., Vec>. a deliverer, liberator. states of life, viz. happiness and misery.
Ava-safijana or ava-sqjjana, am, n. embracing, 3. ara-sdna, am, n. place of dismounting from a Ava-sthdiia, am, n, standing on or placing one's
clinging. horse or alighting from a carriage, stopping, resting- self on (anything), residing, abiding, dwelling ; re-
place, residence ; conclusion, termination, cessation ; sidence, abode ; place or period of abiding or staying ;
•W<4«IJi)H ava-sandtna, am, n. (rt. di), the
united downward Sight of birds. death ; boundary, limit ; (in gram.) the last part of a situation, station.
word or period, disjunction of letters ; a pause ; the Ava-sthdpana, am, n. fixing, settling.
^!NtlU| a-vasatka, as, m. (for a-vasatha, end of a verse or the verse itself : (for i. a-vasana, Ava-sthdpita, as, d, am, fixed.
q. v.), habitation ; a village ; a college, a school ; (am), see last col.) — Avasdna-dars'a, as, a, cwn.Ved. look- Ara-sthdpya, ind. having fixed, placed, set or put.
n. a house. See d-vaeatka. Ava-stkdya, ind. having stayed or remained.
ing at one's place of destination or residence.
Avusathya, as, m. a college, a school. Ava-sdnaka, as, ika, am, coming to an end, Ara-sthdyin, i, irii, i, staying, residing in ; placed.
perishing. Ava-sthita, as, d, am, standing on or in, remain-
THf«^ ana-sad, cl. I. P. -sidati, -satium,
Avasanya, as, a, am, Ved. belonging to the end ing, staying, abiding, residing, lasting, remaining firm
to sink down, to faint ; become disheartened, be ex- of a verse. or fixed, &c. ; firm of purpose, steady ; engaged in,
hausted, perish, come to an end : Caus. -eadayati, i. ava-sdya, as, m. conclusion, end ; termination, prosecuting, following. — Arasthita-mati, is, is, i,
-yitum, to cause to sink, dispirit, render downhearted, completion; remainder; determination, ascertain- of fixed mind.
to ruin. ment, certainty.
Ai-a-stkiti, ii, f. abiding; residence; following,
Ava-sanna, as, a, am, sunk down, bowed, bent ; 1. ava-sdya, ind. having finished ; having loosened,
languid, enervated ; melancholy, dispirited, unhappy ; having set free. practising.
ended, terminated, separated ; noa-suited. — Ava- Ava-sdyin, i, {m, i, residing, dwelling in. ava-spri, cl. 5. P., Ved. -spriifoti,
sanna-td, f. or avasanna-tva, am, n. affliction, Ava-sdyya, ind. having caused to be completed. -spartum, to defend, preserve from.
low spirits ; dejection ; termination, completion. Ava-stta, as, d, am, having settled in a place, Ava-spartri, td, m., Ved. a preserver, saviour.
Ava-sdda, as, m. sitting down ; sinking, fainting ; residing; ended, terminated; finished, completed;
exhaustion, fatigue, lassitude, want of energy or spirit, standing in a pause ; known, understood ; stored (as i!Ht^ avasya (fr. i. avas), nom. P. ava-
especially as proceeding from doubtful or unsuccessful grain, &c.); gone; (am), n. a dwelling-place. — Ava- syati, Ved. to seek favour or assistance.
love ; (in law) badness of a cause ; end, termination. sita-mati, is, is, i, frustrated, disappointed. Avasyu, us, us, u, Ved. desiring favour or assistance.
Ara-sddaka, as, ikd, am, causing to sink, frustrat- Am-seya, as, a, am, to be destroyed, destructible, •fl'itJMH ava-sransana, am, n. falling off
ing ;exhausting, tiresome, wearisome ; ending, finish- or down.
ing. perishable.
Ava-sadana, am, n. oppressing, disheartening; •wq**^ ava-skand, cl. I. P. -skandati, iSHyH ava-svan, cl. i. P. -svanati, -ni-
finishing; an escharotic; removing proud flesh by -skantum, to storm, to assault. tum,to sound, to smack (the lips) or otherwise make
escharotic applications. Ava-skanda, as, m. assault, attack, storm ; a a noise in eating. See ava-thvan.
Ava-eidita, as, a, am, made to sink, exhausted, camp ; descending, bathing. Ava-svanya, as, a, am, Ved. roaring, boisterous.
faint, languid. Ava-skandana,am, n. attacking, assaulting, storm ;
refutation ; descending ; bathing. •\SM^«^ ava-han, cl. 2. P. -hanti, -turn, to
^SNUH ava-sabha, as, a, am, Ved. excluded Ava-skandtta, as, a, am, attacked ; gone down ; strike, hit, beat off.
from society. refuted ; bathed, bathing. Am-hata, as, d, am, beaten, bruised; threshed.
•>Hq«<. ava-sara, as, to. (fr. rt. sri with Ava-skandin, I, irii, i, leaping upon, covering; winnowed.
ava), descent, place of descent ; descent of water ; attacking, assaulting. Ava-hanana, am, n. threshing, pounding of rice,
rain, raining ; occasion, moment, favourable opportu- ^T^raK avas-kara, as, m. (fr. rt. kri with
winnowing ; the lungs.
nity ;leisure, advantageous situation ; consultation in anas), something to be concealed or swept away ; ••SM^H ava-has, cl. I. P. -hasati, -situm,
private ; a year. — Amsara-kdle, at a favourable a privity; ordure, faeces; dirt; sweepings; the to smile at, laugh at, deride.
opportunity, at a time of leisure.
privities ; a place for fjeces, &c. — Avaskara-man- Ava-hdsa, as, m. jest, joke.
Ava-sdrana, am, n. removing, causing to move. dira, am, n. a privy, water-closet. Ava-hdsya, as, d, am, to be derided, exposed to
Avas-karaka, as, m. existing in the fzces, an in-
•«IH«M ava-sarga. See ava-srij. sect ;a sweeper ; a brush, broom, &c.
^'•i«S ava-sarpa, as, m. (rt. sri/)), a spy, ••M'4f!W
jest, ava-hasta, as, m. the back of the
a secret emissary. ava-skava, as, m. a kind of worm.
Ara-tarpana, am, n. stepping down. l avastat, ind. (fr. 2. ocas, q. v.), hand.
3H^1 ava-ha, Pass, -hlyate, to be left
Aea-sarpin, t, iiii, i, stepping down ; (inl), f. a below, from below, downwards, hitherwards; (with remaining.
long period of time with the Jainas.
gen.) below. •• Arastdt-prapadana , as, d, am, avnhalika, f. (rt. hal), a wall,
J ava-savya, as, d, am, not left, right. (anything) attained from below (as heaven, &c.).
I. n-rtimlnri, as, a, am (rt. 2. pas), »JNW a-rastu, u, n. a worthless thing ; a bound hedge.
ava-hita. See under aea-dha.
Ved. not dressing. (For a.ara-sana, sec under ara- nothing; insubstamiality, the unreality of matter.
so next col ) — Avastu-td, I. or arastu-tca, am, n. insubstan-
a-vahi-tthd, f., am, n. (corrupted
tiality, unreality.
T^fjT^ ava-sif, cl. 6. P. -sihfati, -sektum, fr. a-vahih-stlia), dissimulation.
to sprinkle, bedew, bespatter. ^TC<T ava-stri, cl. 9. P., Ved. -strinati, *Sc)£ ava-hri, cl. i. P. -hurati, -hartum,
Ava-eikta, at, a, am, sprinkled. — Ararll-taitga -startutn, -starltitm or -rltum, to cover; to spread to lay aside, throw away, take away ; Ved. to throw
or lay down a covering. or knock down (?).
'), as, i, am, having the limbs sprinkled.
ava-harana. a-vikrlta.

Ava-harana, am, n. throwing away; taking away; t (avtt-at), cl. i. P., Ved. avdtati, avd-loi! (ava-d-lo6), cl. I. A.
stealing, plundering ; taking back, redeeming ; fining, -titum, to go down ; (formed for the etym. of arata, -Mate, -dilum, to consider.
q.v.) viqiqs avdvata, as, m. the son of a
Ava-hdra, as, m. truce, suspension of arms, ces- Avdtita (ava-af), as, d, am, gone down.
sation of gambling, fighting, &c. ; a thief; a shark ; woman by any other man than her first husband.
a water elephant ; summoning, inviting ; any object •si^lfl i. a-vdta, as, d, am, Ved. windless, avdvan, d, m. (fr. rt. on), a thief.
fit or able to be brought near ; apostacy, abandoning not moved by wind, calm.
a sect or cast; re-delivery. '••aqin 2. a-vdta, as, d, am (rt. van, whence a-vasya, as, d, am (rt. vaj), un-
Ava-hdraka, ax, ikd, am, one who stops fighting, the part. pass, vdta), Ved. unattacked, untroubled,
&c. ; (a*), m. a shark, a marine monster. untouched; unconquered. ^rsTW avds (ava-as), cl. 4. P. avdsyati,
Ava-harya, as, a, am, to be made to restore or
compensate; finable, punishable; recoverable, re- a-vdtula, as, d, am, not flatulent. -situm, to throw down.
; which one is compelled to re- avdd (ava-ad), cl. 2. P., Ved. avdtti, ^T^RW a-vdsas, as, as, as, unclothed,
store. naked.
-Hum, to cause to eat food.
Ava-hrita, as, a, am, taken off, back, or away ;
seized ; stolen ; fined. •sjsuf^'J a-vddin, I, irii, i, no speaker, no ^^ 1*1=1 a-vdstaca or a-vdstavika, as, I, am,
unsubstantial, unreal ; fictitious ; unfounded, irrational
ava-hela, am, a, n. f. or ava-helana, disputer, one who does not prosecute or bring an
action, peaceable. (as an argument).
am, n. (fr. rt. hd for hed with ava), disrespect.
^f^T'ST a-vdstu, us, us, u, Ved. having no
Ara-hdita, as, a, am, disrespected ; (am), n. •«i~^ I IN avdn (ava-an),
disrespect. •nitum, to breathe or inhale. cl. 2. P. avdniti, dwelling, homeless.
I. avdna, as, m. breathing, inhaling. ^Ni^l a-vdhana, as, d, am, Ved. having
•si^o^i, ava-hvara, as, m. (rt. hvri), a no team or carriage, not driving in a carriage.
crooked way ; trick ; deceit. •will 2. a-vdna,as, d,am(foran-avdna?),
dried, dry. See vdna. ^jfa am, is, is, i (fr. rt. av), Ved. favour-
•w*ur<*«i a-vdkin, I, inl, i (rt. vad), not able, attached to, kindly disposed ; (is), m. f. a sheep ;
speaking. •«I<IITI< avdntara (ava-an0), as, d, am,
situated between ; included, involved. — Avdntara- the woollen Soma strainer; (Is), m. a master; the
I . a-vdkka, as, a, am, Ved. speechless.
sun ; air, wind ; a mountain ; a wall or enclosure ; a
I. a-vdf, k, k, k, speechless, dumb. — Arak-tfruti, dii, k, or avdntara-dis'd, f. an intermediate region cover made of the skin of mice ; a rat ; a blanket ;
is, is, i, deaf and dumb. of the compass. — Avdntara-des"a, as, m. a place
I . a-vdtya, as, d, am, not to be addressed ; im- situated in an intermediate region. the shawl goat; (is), f. an ewe; a woman in her
proper to be uttered; vile, bad; not distinctly Avdntardm, ind., Ved. between. courses [cf. Lith. awi-s; Slav, ovjza; Lat ovi-s;
expressed. — Arddya -td, f. or avdfya-tva, am, n. Gr. oi's; Goth, avtstr]. — Avi-katorana, as, m. a
^T =TniN avdp (ava-dp), cl. 5. P. A. -dpnoti, kind of tribute (perhaps consisting of sheep).— Am-
impropriety; reproach, calumny. — Avdtya-def'a, as, -mite, -Sptum, to reach, enter ; to receive ; to attain,
m. unmentionable region, the vulva, gandhikd, (., N. of a plant =Aja-gandhd. — Av{-
obtain, gain ; to get, suffer. dugdha or avi-dusa or avi-marisa or avi-sodha,
^Rra avd-kri (ava-d-kri), cl. 8. 5. P. Avdpta, as, d, am, reached, received, obtained, am, n. the milk of an ewe. — Avi^pata, ae, m.
-karoti, -krinoti, -kartum, to remove. got. — Avdpta-vat, an, atl, at, reaching, obtaining, sheep's skin, woollen cloth. —Am-pala, as, m. a
receiving, taking ; entertaining (as a belief). shepherd. — Avi-priya, as, m. 'liked by sheep,' N.
^<4I* ava-kri (ava-d-kri), cl. 6. P. -kirati, of the grass Oplismenus Frumentaceus ; (a), f., N. of
Avdptavya, as, d, am, to be obtained or gained.
-karitttm, -ritum, to strew, pour upon. Avdpti, is, f. obtaining, getting, receiving. another plant. — Avi-mat, an, atl, at, Ved. possessing
Avd-kara, as, m. a mint (/). 1. avdpya, ind. having obtained. sheep. ~ Avi-stfuila, am, n. 'sheep-place,' N. of a
•sj^IBf avdksha, as, i, am (fr. 2. aksha for 2. avdpya, as, d, am, to be obtained or gained ;
unattainable, unobtainable (?). Avika, as, m. a sheep ; (a), f. an ewe ; (am), n.
akshi with ava), who or what looks down upon or a diamond.
defends, a guardian, a keeper. vcmTmi a-vdpita, as, a, am (rt. vap), not Arikata, as, m. a flock of sheep.
sown (as grain) but planted. Avitd, (. an ewe, a sheep.
•silIU avdgra (ava-ag°), as, d, am, having
a bent top ; stooping, bending, bowed. Avithya. See below, s. v.
•«(<<IHV^ avdpoh (ava-apa-uh), cl. i. P. A.
avdpohati, -te, -Mtum, to remove. v( fa en -q a-vika6a, as, d, am, closed, shut
•«W«*v 2. ava.6, an, d6l, dk (ft1. 2. ava and
rind), turned downwards, being or situated below, 'SnrPI avdya, as, d, am (fr. rt. i with ava),
(as a flower).
lower than (with abl.); looking downwards, headlong ; giving way, yielding, complying. A-vika/Hta, as, d, am, unblown.
south ; (I), f. the south quarter, the lower regions
[with avdi! has been compared the Lat. aurster for •sill*. avdra, as, am, m. n. (fr. 2. ava or 2. •*((%<*«( a-vikatha, as, d, am, not boasting,
aras, as para fr. para or paras, q. v.), this side, not talking vainly or idly.
Avdk, ind. downwards ; south, southward, southern. the near bank of a river. — Avdra-tas, ind., Ved. to A-vikathana, ae, d, am, one who does not boast ;
this side. — Avdra-pdra, as, m. the ocean. — Avdra-
— Avdk-pushpl, !., N. of the plant Anethum Sowa (am), n. not boasting.
pdrlna, as, d, am, belonging to the ocean ; crossing
Roxb. — A vdk-^dkha, as, d, am, having the branches a river. «iiq<*H a-vikarsha, as, m. absence of
turned downwards; epithet of the Ficus Religiosa. — A-
Avdrina, as, d, am, crossing a river. separation.
vdk-iiras, as, as, as, having the head downwards,
headlong. — Avdy-bhaga, as, m. the part below. i. avdrya, as, d, am, being on the near side of a
river. A-mkrvslita, as, d, am, not drawn apart, not
— Avdn-mukJta, as, I, am, looking down or away, separated.
having the face turned downwards, headlong ; (ow), m., •wil«.<!I a-vdrana, as, d, am (rt. pri), in- iHf<4<*c3 a-vikala, as, d, am, unimpaired,
N. of a weapon. — Avdn-jtidna, am, n. disrespect. curable, not to be remedied.
perfect, entire ; regular, orderly, consistent.
a. avdkka, as, d, am, Ved. a word formed for 1. avdraniya, as, d, am, treating of incurable
the etymology of avakd, sicknesses. *H fa <* <d4 a-vikalpa, as, m. absence of
doubt or alternative, positive act or precept ; (as, d,
Avddlna, as, d, am, down-looked, headlong; 2. a-vdranlya, as, d, am, not to be warded off.
south, southern; descended, gone down; (as), m., Anirikd, (., N. of the plant Coriandrum Sativum. am), unchangeable ; (am), ind. without any doubt.
N. of a king. A-vdrita, as, d, am, unimpeded, unobstructed ; wfV«irR a-vikdra, as, d, am, or a-vikdrya,
3. avafya, as, d, am, southern, southerly. innumerable. — Avdrita-dvdra, as, d, am, having as, d, am, immutable, unchangeable ; permanent ;
•flsllfW avd-ti (ava-d-ti), cl. 5. P. A. open doors. (am), n. unchangeableness.
-tinoti, -nute, -Mum, to heap up, accumulate, A-varitavya, as, d, am, not to be impeded or A-vikrita, as, d, am, unchanged, permanent.
hindered, not to be kept off.
gather. A-vikrfya, as, d, am, showing no alteration or
2. a-vdrya, as, d, am, unrestrainable, irresistible ; difference, unchangeable, always alike.
il avd-Khid(ava:d-6hid), cl. 7. P. A. not to be warded off; incurable. — A-varya-kratu,
•sifqsjiH a-vikrama, as, d, am, powerless,
ti, -Mhinte, -((helium, to tear or snatch us, us, u, Ved. of irresistible courage. — Avdrya-td,
away. f. incurableness feeble, without courage ; (as), m. cowardice.
Avd-Mhidya, ind. having snatched away. A-vikrdnta, as, d, am, unsurpassed; feeble, power-
^nrrt avdrth (ava-ridV), cl. 6. P., Ved.
T3rT5^m>aj (ava-aj), cl. I. P. avdjati, -ji- avdrfthatf, -MMtitm, to unharness, to fall down.
tum, to drive down, to throw down. v) \tstma-vikraya, as, m.(rt.in), non-sale.
•*> <t i ^ avSrj (ava-arj), cl. i.P.,Ved. avar- sold. A-vikrita, as, d, am, unsold ; one who has not
n a-vdjin, i, m., Ved. a bad horse. jati, -jiltim, to dismiss.
96 a-vikreya. a-vipula.
A-vikreya, as, a, am, unsaleable, not to be sold. A-viMheda, as, a, am, uninterrupted ; undivided, — AviddlM-dfix, k, k, k, all-seeing. — Aviddha-
entire, whole ; (as), m. the not being separated, en- •varfas, as, as, as, of unimpaired glory.
"wfVsJiH a-viklama, as, m. vigour, fresh- tireness ; connection, continuity. — AiiUfhedena, ind. ^(f^Sa-mdya,as, d, am (rt. i.vid, to know),
ness, absence of fatigue. uninterruptedly.
A-riklanta, <u, a, am, unwearied, vigorous. unlearned, unwise, foolish ; not relating to know-
*H fa *M rl a-vifyuta, as, a, am, not deviated ledge ;(a), f. ignorance, spiritual ignorance, illusion,
THfa;^i=l a-viklava, as, a, am, calm, com- from, observed, followed ; eternal, permanent. personified illusion or Maya ; (with Buddhists) igno-
posed, firm. rance together with non-existence. — Acidyd-maya,
•>J)fa»11rl a-vijdta, as, a, am (rt. jan),Ved. as, i, am, caused by ignorance or illusion.
^rftrEfrT a-vikshata, as, a, am, undimi-
nished, entire ; unhurt not having brought forth, not having offspring. A-vidrat, an, us/a, as, unwise, unlearned.
A-vijdtlya, as, a, am, of the same species. a-vidyamdna, as, d, am (rt. 2.
^ftrftifr^a-tnfoAi/, t, m., N. of a king. a-vijanat, an, all, at (rt.jnd),
A-vikihita, as, a, am, Ved. undiminished, unhurt. i~id, to find), not present, absent; non-existent.
Ved. not understanding.
'flfaPjt) a-vidriya, as, d, am (rt. dfi), Ved.
^faPBjM a-vikshipa, as, m. unable to dis- A-vijna, as, a, am, ignorant, untaught ; clumsy, without a rent ; impenetrable, solid, dense.
tribute, dispense, &c. ; distributing badly ; different stupid. rance,
— Avijna-td, f. or avijna-tva, am, n. igno-
from one who distributes ; one who is no distributer. folly.
wftrflJ^ a-vidvish, t, t, t (rt. dvish), not
A-riksMpta, as, a, am, not thrown away, re- A-vijAdta, as, a, am, unknown ; undistinguished, hating, not an enemy.
tained ;attentive, composed. unintelligible, indistinct, doubtful. — Avijnata-gati, A-vidveska, as, m., Ved. absence of hatred or
a-vikshobha, as, m. (rt. kshubh), is, m., N. of a son of Anila and Siva. — Avijiiata-
quiet, quiescence. manner.as, a, am, Ved. speaking in an unintelligible
gada, a-vidhavd, f. not a widow.
A-viksJtobhita, as, a, am, undisturbed, tranquil. avidhd, ind. an interjection cor-
A-rijndya, ind. not having understood, without
^T=H«(U!iH a-vikhandita, as, a, am, \m- distinguishing. responding to the Prakrit aviha or aviha, used in
dKtarbed. — Avikhandita-manas, as, as, ae, im- calling for help in danger.
A-mjneya, as, a, am, undistinguishable, undiscern-
perturbable. ible, unintelligible, not to be recognized or known. <ei(Vt!l'{ a-vidhdna, am, n. (rt. dhd), devi-
wfa'lrl a-vigata, as, a, am, unseparated, '!)fanrfr*1 a-vijitya, ind. not having con- ation from or absence of fixed rule, irregularity.
retained, present. — Avidhana-tas, ind. irregularly.
A-vigama, ae, a, am, unseparated, unremoved; A-vidhi, is, is, i, void of or contrary to rule ;
^failH a-vidlna, am, n. a direct flight.
(as), m. non-separation, association, inherence, pre- quered. (is), f. irregularity. — A-vidhi-p&naJia, as, d, am,
sence. ••ilfarl avita, as, d, am (rt. av), preserved, not according to rule.

flfaJlfigrl a-vigarhita, as, a, am, unre- •flfaff avina, as, m. (rt. an), a sacrificer,
proached. Avitri, ta, tri, m. f., Ved. a favourer, patron, pro- one who performs a sacrifice or causes it to be per-
tector. formed ;an officiating priest at a sacrifice.
^rfajfbf a-vigita, as, a, am, uncensured, »sfari>4 a-vitatha, as, d, am, not untrue,
unreproached. •«( fa 1 *< a-vinaya, as, d, am (rt. ni), with-
true; not vain, not false or futile; effective; (am), out proper training, ill-behaved, indecorous ; (a*), m.
^rfcJMU a-viguna, as, a, am, compatible, n. truth ; a species of the Atyashti metre ; (am), ind. want of good manners or modesty; bad training;
consistent with, not contrary to. not falsely, according to truth. rude behaviour; indecorum, impropriety, fault; in-
*4ir=HH a-vigna, as, m., N. of the fruit fl fa rl iftrf a-vitdrin, I, inl, i (rt. <n),Ved. civility, disrespect ; offence, crime.
tree Carissa Carandas L. not passing away, not departing, remaining. A-mnita, as, a, am, badly trained, badly brought
up, ill-mannered, misbehaving, acting ill or impro-
•*jfaij^ a-mgraha, as, a, am, bodiless, in- ^yfarlH a-vitripta, as, d, am, unsatisfied. perly, wicked, vile ; (a), f. an immodest, unchaste, or
corporeal. — Amtripta-kama, ae, a, am, having the desires
unsatisfied. disloyal woman.
ofavirt a-viyhdta, as, a, am (rt. han), un- ^tfaHHJ*- a-vinasvara, as, i, am, or a-vi-
impeded, having no obstacle. — Avighata-gati, Is, ••Sifa,) a-vitta, as, d, am (rt. vid, to find),
is, i, unimpeded or unobstructed in (its) course. not found ; unknown, poor. nafya, an, indestructible.
as, a, am,
A-mna^yat, and, at, not perishing.
A-vighna, as, a, am, uninterrupted, unimpeded ; A-mtti, is, {., Ved. the not finding, the not pos- A-find^a, as, m. non-destruction, preservation.
(am), n. undisturbedness, want of obstacle; aui- sessing, poverty.
ghnena, ind. without obstacle, uninterruptedly. A-vinas'in, t, inl, i, indestructible.
'ufar^^f a-tityaja, as, am, m. n. quick- ^rf%>TT*TT^ a-vindbhdva, as, m. inherent
a-vifakshana, as, a, am, un- silver. and essential character.
learned, ignorant.
'Sf^fH'IH a-vinigama, as, m. an illogical
•flfavj*. a-vithura, as, a, am, Ved. not
wftp?'?5 a-viiala, as, a, am, immoveable. conclusion.
staggering ; not fragile.
*« fa ^i i ^ co a-vifd6ala, as, a, am, or a-vi- ^jfaity avithya, as, d, am (ft. am], fit or ^rf^fVWclf a-vinirmoka, as, d, am, without
(afalat, at, all, at, or a-viiafali, is, is, i, Ved. suited to a sheep. an exception.
not staggering or fluctuating, standing firmly. »Jjfa(VMfrl»T a-vinivartin, i, ini, i, not
wf%<pV a-vidagdha, as, d, am (rt. dah),
••sfaMU, a-Mdra, as, a, am, undiscrimi- unlearned, inexperienced, stupid ; undigested. turning back, holding on, advancing.
nating, ill-judging, unwise; unhesitating, prompt;
(as), m. want of judgment or discrimination, error, A-vidahin, I, inl, i, imperfectly digested, pro- •^fariq avindhya, as, m., N. of a minister
folly ; promptitude. ducing heartburn. of Ravana ; (d), (., N. of a river.
A-mfarita, as, a, am, ill-judged, badly investi- ••JjfafJJ-H a-vidasya, as, d, am (rt. das),Ved. >H fa 14 jSJi a-vipakva, as, a, am (rt. pac), not
gated, unconsidered ; determined, certain, clear, not not ceasing, inexhaustible.
requiring deliberation. —A vidarita-nirnaya, as, m. A-mddsin, i, inl, i, perennial, perpetual.
ripe, immature, undigested. — Aripakva-buddhi, is,
prejudice. is,A-vipdka,
i, inexperienced.
'JlfMf^'rl a-vidita, as, a, am, unknown. as, m. indigestion; immaturity; not
A-vi(arin, t, tni, t, unthinking, inconsiderate.
A-viditva, ind. not knowing, without having ascer- suffering the consequence of actions in a former life ;
A-vtfdrya, ind. without considering, inconsider- tained.
ately, unreflectingly. (a*, 6, am), suffering from indigestion.
•>nfal|T5f a-vipaksha, as, d, am, having no
^ffa^ifrtii a-viidlita, as, a, am, unmoved; a-vidldhayu, us, us, u (rt. dh't),
unshaken ; viaorious. Ved. not deliberating, not delaying; shining, re- adversary, unopposed.
splendent. a-vipad, t, f. (rt. pad), prosperity,
be •«ifa-«|i<4
loosened. a-vi6ritya, as, a, am, Ved. not to •^r^^La-vidiira, as, d, am, not very dis-
tant, near, contiguous ; (am), n. proximity ; (am), A-vipanna, ae, d, am, uninjured, unhurt; not
^eifa'Mfiti a-videtana, as, a, am, Ved. un- ind. near to. — Avidurat or avidura-tas or am- soiled or contaminated, pure, clean.
intelligible. dilre, ind. near, not far off (with abl.). ^forPSTfT a-vipasiit, t, t, t, unwise, ig-
»i)fa^ a-viddha, as, d, am, unpierced. norant.
•«ffar<as.fi a-vitthinna, as, a, am, unsepa-
rated, undivided, uninterrupted. — A-Mfhinna-pa- — Aviddha-karna or amddha-karni (also viddha-
karni), f., N. of the plant Cissampelos Hexaudra. "Ufagoi a-vipula, as, d, am, small, insigni-
tam, ind. fallen on one's knees. ficant, slender.
a-vipra. a-vlkshana.

- _ -,r.a,as, d, am, Ved. not spiritually A-virodha, as, m. absence of impediment; assent,
a-visrdnta, as, a, am, unwearied.
excited, not inspired ; not a worshipper, not a praiser. concurrence, non-opposition; consistency, compati-
vtfavjfarq a-visvam-inva, as, d, am, Ved.
wf^TI^i? a-viprakrishta, as, d, am, not A-virodhita, as, d, am, unimpeded, unobstructed. not all-embracing, not pervading everything.
remote, near. •sifanjfafl a-visva-vinna, as, d, am, Ved.
vi fa i,^ «t a-vire(ana, am, n. anything
avi-priya. See under avi. which constipates or stops the passage of the food.
not perceived everywhere.
a-vipluta, as, a, am, undeviating, A-mrt(ya, as, a, am, not to be purged. vi fa "j i ¥ a-visvdsa, as, d, am (rt. svas),
steadily observing; unviolated, observed without de- vifart'HjrT a-vilakshita, as, d, am, con- not causing confidence, mistrusted ; (as), m. mis-
viation. cealed, veiled. trust, suspicion; (d), {. a cow calving after long
vi fa mco a-viphala, as, a, am, fruitful, pro- •si fart H1 «f a-vilanghana, am, n. non-trans- A-vidvasta, as, d, am, not trusted, suspected,
ductive. gression, not exceeding, not trespassing.
a-viphulla, as, a, am, unblown. A-vilanghanlya, as, d, am, not to be exceeded A-vis'vdsin, I, inl, I, mistrustful, unbelieving.
or transgressed ; prescribed, fixed.
a-vibhakta, as, d, am (rt. bhaj), •sifa^ a-visha, as, d, am, not poisonous,
v7fart£f a-vilamba or a-vilambana, as, d,
undivided, unpartitioned ; unseparated, joint, not am, not delaying, prompt, quick, expeditious ; (bos), anti-venomous, antidote ; (as), m. the ocean ; sky ;
sharing (applied to co-heirs who have not divided m. non-delay. — A-vilambam or a-vilambena, ind. (a), f., N. of the plant Curcuma Zedoaria; (I), f. a
river ; the earth ; heaven.
their inheritance). without delay, quickly.
A-vibhdga, as, d, am, unpartitioned, unportioned ;
A-mlambita, as, d, am, not delaying, not slow,
vrfa^th a-vishakta, as, d, am, unimpeded,
(as), m. undivided inheritance. unrestrained, unchecked.
A-ribhdgin, I, inl, i, one who does not share ; quick, expeditious ; (am), ind. going quickly, a swift
not sharing, not dividing. •sffanM a-vishaya, as, d, am, unperceived,
A^vibhdjya, as, d, am, not to be divided, not to avild, f. an ewe. See under avi. invisible ; insensible ; disregarding objects of sense ;
be partitioned. — Avibhdjya-ld, (. or avibhdjya-tva, pace. (as), m. disappearance ; absence ; disregard of objects
am, n. indivisibility, unfitness for partition. a-vildsa, as, d, am, free from of sense. — A-vishayl-karana, am, n. the not
caprice, faithful, constant. making anything an object.
•»:<famuli a-vibhdvand, f. or a-vibhdvana,
vi fa To**?! a-vilikha, as, m. unable to write vi fa me} a-vishdda, as, d, am, not dejected,
am, n. (rt. l>hu), non-perception, non-discrimination,
imperceptibility, disappearance. or paint, writing or painting badly; different from unwearied, persevering; (as), m. cheerfulness.
A-vibhdvaniya, an, d, am, imperceptible, undis- one who writes or paints ; one who is not a writer vi fag avishtha, as, d, am (superl. of rt. av),
tinguishable. or painter.
Ved. gladly accepting ; very attentive.
A-mbTidvita, as, d, am, unperceived, unobserved. a-vilupta, as, d, am, uninterrupted.
A-vibJiavya, as, d, am, undistinguishable, imper- vi fa <M i avishyd, f. (fr. avi), Ved. wish, de-
ceptible. fif a-vivakshita, as, d, am (rt. vat), sire, ardour ; wish to go.
not intended to be said, unassorted, undeclared. AvisJiyu, us, us, u, Ved. assailing ; desirous, vehe-
vifasT'rT a-vibhrdnta, as, d, am, uninter- ment, violent ; wishing to eat ; wishing to protect.
rupted. A-vivikya, as, d, am, not admitting censure or
correction ; N. of the tenth day of a certain Soma , is, m. an extender, enlarger(?).
•«ifa«(T3 a-vimatta, as, m., N. of a man (?).
vrfa»<rt a-vimala, as, d, am, not clear, vlfa^m a-vivdda, as, m. non-disagree- contradictory. «T a-visamvddin, I, inl, 'i, not
foul, turbid. ment, concurrence, consent.
A^vivddin, I, inl, i, uncontenn'ous, quiet, peace- vifa t< Til «ix a-visargin, I, inl, i, not quitting,
•«lfa»i7ti a-vimukta, as, a, am (rt. mu6), un- able.
loosed, not quitted ; (as), m., N. of a Tirtha near retaining, adhering to; (T), m. an unintermittent fever.
vtfa^irifn a-vivahita, as, d, am (rt. vah), avi-sodha. See under avi.
Benares. — Avimuktdpida (°ta-dp°), as, m., N. of unmarried,
a king. — Avimukteivara (°ta-i3°), as, m. a cele- a-vistara, as, d, am (rt. stri), of
brated Siva-lin-ga at Benares. A-vivdhin, I, irii, i, not marrying, single; not
relating to marriage ; interdicted as to marriage. small extent or circuit.
A^vtmokya, as, d, am, Ved. not to be loosened.
A-vistdra, as, m. absence of amplification.
•«ifa<4r«i a-viyukta, as, a, am (rt. yuj), un- •a fa fa •» a-vivikta, as, d, am (rt. vi6), un- A-vistirna, as, d, am, not extended, not ampli-
divided, conjoined ; not separated or absent. . discriminated, uninvestigated ; indiscriminate, con-
founded; common, public.— A-vivikta-drii, Ic, ic, fied, contracted.
A-viyoga, as, m. conjunction, association ; the not A-vistrita, as, d, am, compact, compressed, close.
being parted or absent, presence. — Aviyoga-tritlya, k, viewing all as one with God.
f., N. of a certain festival or holiday. — Aviyogatri- A-viveka, as, d, am, without judgment or dis- •«lfa**irf a-vispashta, as, d, am, not clear
tiyd-vrata, N. of the sixteenth Adhyaya of the crimination(as),
; m. absence of discrimination or or plain, indistinct, obscure; (am), n. indistinct
Bhavishyottara-PurSna. judgment, ignorance. — Aviveka-krita, as, d, am,
done thoughtlessly. — Amveka-td, f. or aviveka-tva, •sifa**i*JTf a-vismarana, am, n. or a-vismriti,
vffaoii a-mrakta, as, a, am, not indifferent am, n. want of judgment, inconsiderateness, impru- speech.
or estranged ; attached to, interested in. dence. is, f. not forgetting, remembering, recollection.
A-vivekin, I, inl, i, or a-mvetaka, as, ikd, am, •sifa^n a-vihata, as, d, am, unobstructed,
•w (%«.«!! a-virana, as, m.,Ved. continuation. undiscriminating, ignorant, having no judgment, su-
unimpeded. — Avihata-gati, is, is, i, one whose
vifa«ji a-virata, as, a, am (rt. ram), not perficial, short-sighted. course is unobstructed.
desisting from (with abl.) ; uninterrupted, continual, A-vive<!and, (. want of judgment or discrimination.
eternal ; abandoned ; (am), ind. eternally, continually. vifa^nflin a-viharyata-kratu, us, us, u,
A-nrali, is, f. incontinence, intemperance. vtfa*(<T a-vivena, as, d, am, Ved. not dis- Ved. whose will cannot be averted ; (Say.) doer of
A-virdma, as, d, am, uninterrupted, continuous; affected; (am), ind., Ved. not disaffectedly, favourably. acts undesired (by his foes).
(an), m. uninterrupted succession, continuance ; (am), vi fa 315; a-visanka, as, d, am (rt. sank), •wfafifn a-vihita, as, d, am, undone, un-
ind. uninterruptedly. having no fears or doubts, fearless ; (a), f. unappre- effected ; unprescribed, not directed or ruled.
^rftr<5 a-mrala, as, d, am, contiguous, hensiveness, confidence, certainty. — A-viimtkena, xir=lgrl a-vihruta, as, d, am (rt. Am), Ved.
close ; coarse, gross, substantial ; uninterrupted ; (am), ind. undoubtingly, without hesitation. unbent, unbroken ; not curved.
ind. contiguously, closely. — Avi rala-dhdrdsdra, as, A-vUamlefta,
fiding, trusting. as, d, am, unapprehensive, con- A-rfhvarat, an, antl, at, Ved. not slipping, not
m. incessant down-pour of heavy rain.
falling; undeviating.
'wfavfifii a-virahita, as, d, am, not sepa- •sif^iw a-vis'astri, td, m., Ved. an un- •wfao^rt a-vihvala, as, d, am, unagitated,
rated from, abounding in. skilful cutter up or killer (of animals at a sacrifice).
IM fa 31^ a-visuddha, as, d, am, pure, clear, composed, calm.
^WTWi^a-virddfiayat, an, anti, at, Ved. i . am, wrong reading for ambya, q. v.
not withdrawing one's self, not avoiding; not de- free from fault or defect ; valid, perfect, unimpeached.
sisting. . a-vi, Is, f. (fr. rt. vl with a), a woman
•eni SIM a-visesha, as, d, am, uniform, in her courses.
™^t«S a-viruddha, as, d, am (rt. rudh), alike, without any difference; (am), n. equability,
unobstructed, unimpeded ; allowed, permitted, proper ; uniformity. — A-vlsleiha-jna, as, d, am, not per- ^Iq"ltS(*U a-vikshana, am, n. (rt. Iksh), not
compatible, consistent with. ceiving the difference in things, undiscriminating. looking at, not regarding.
98 a-v'ikshita. a-vyavastha.
A-rikMa, ae, a, am, unseen, unbeheld. a-vedaydna, as, d, am (rt. I. rid), a-ryagra, as, d, am, steady, cool,
lot knowing, not ascertaining. deliberate ; indifferent, undisturbed ; attentive.
•>JHlfo a-titi, is, is, i, waveless ; (is), m.
a particular hell-Aviti-maya, ae, m. a hell, the A-veda-vid, t, m. a Brahman who has not studied <(d|^- a-vyanga, as, a, am, not mutilated,
he Vedas. sound, perfect ; not figurative, plain ; (d), f., N. of
place of punishment for liars.
A-veda-i-ihita, at, a, am, not enjoined in the the plant Carpopogon Pruriens Roxb. [cf. Zend
^cfl^ a-vija, as, a, am, seedless, impotent; Vedas, unscriptnral. aiicydnhanem]. — Aryangdnga (°ga-anga),as, i,
(am), n. bad seed, bad grain ; absence of seed, I. a-i'tilya, ae, a, am, not to be known; un- am, well made, symmetrical, perfect, entire.
A-vljaka, as, a, am, seedless ; unsown. ascertainable, secret.
^?t^I^^ a-vya(as, as, as, as, Ved. not
•SHlt. a-vira, as, a, am, unmanly, effemi- 2. a-vedya, as, d, am (rt. 2. rid),
nate, weak ; helpless ; having no sons ; destitute of not to be married ; (as), m. a calf. spacious.
men ; (a), f. a woman who has neither husband nor •w«4<!Si avyandd, f. (for adhy-anda?}, N.
son.— Amra-ta, f.,Ved.want of sons. — A-mrorlum, a-venat, an, anti, at, Ved. un- of the plant Carpopogon Pruriens Roxb.'
conscious, not perceiving.
a, ghni, a.Ved. not killing men, not pernicious to ^raifrT avyati, is, f. (fr. rt. av), Ved. the
ave nv (ava-inv), cl. i . P.,Ved. aven- act of satiating, satisfaction ; desire.
A-clrya, ae, a, am, Ved. weak, ineffective. vati, -vitum, to send away. ^r^rfrTcKT'If a-vyatikirna, as, d, am, un-
x"H<* a-vrika, as, a, am, Ved. not hurting,
avela (ava-ild?), as, m. denial or mixed, unblended, distinct, specific, separate.
inoffensive, true ; unendangered, safe ; free from one concealment of knowledge ; (a), f. chewed betel.
who obscures ; (am), n. safety, peace ; quiet. vi«4«< a-vyatha, as, a, am (rt. vyath), free
aveshti, is, f. (fr. rt. yaj with ava), from pain ; not inflicting pain, merciful ; ((is), m. a
^TTRf a-vriksha or a-vrikshaka, as, a, am,
treeless ; destitute of trees. Ved. appeasing or expiation by sacrifices. snake; (a), f., N. of the plant Terminalia Citrina
a-vaidika, as, i, am, not Vedic, Roxb., and of the plant Hibiscus Mutabilis L. ; Ved.
flcjfiH a-vrijina, as, a, am, Ved. not firmness, steadiness, absence of tremor.
not belonging to the Veda.
intriguing, straightforward, sincere, not deserting A-vyathamdna, as, d, am, Ved. not moving un-
(friends), an epithet of the Adityas. a-vaidha, as, i, am, irregular, hete- steadily, not trembling.
VHrl a-vrita, as, d, am, Ved. unchecked, rodox, contrary or not conformable to rule. A-vyathi,is, is, i.Ved. not tremulous, not tottering;
not unsteady, stepping firmly and safely, sure-footed,
unimpeded ; unsubdued ; unselected ; uncovered, un- a-vaidhavya, as, d, am, free from undaunted ; epithet of the horses of the Alvins ; (is),
protected. widowhood. [. a firm step, sure-footedness ; undauntedness. — A-
a-vairahatya, am, n., Ved. the vyathi-dhi, is, f. the earth ; night.
'fltjftj a-vritti, is, f. inadequate support, A-vyathin, i, ini, i, free from pain, not inflicting
absence of subsistence or allowance ; want ; (is, is, i), non-destruction of men, security from slaughter.
not existing, not present. — Avritti-tva, am, n. non- avokshana, am, n. (fr. rt. uksh A-vyathisha, as, m. the ocean ; the sun ; (i), f.
with ava), Ved. besprinkling, bedewing. the earth ; midnight.
•«H¥|| a-vritha, ind. not in vain, success- avoda, as, m. (fr. rt. ud with ava), A-vyatkya, as, d, am, free from pain, not giving
fully, profitably. - Avrlthdrtha (°thd-ar°), as, a, am, dripping down, sprinkling, moistening ; (as, d, am), pain, not paining.
wet, moist. pain. a-vyanat, an, ati, at (rt. an), Ved.
successful, gaining one's object.
•eNfjjcli a-vriddhika, as, I, am (rt. vridh), avo-deva, as, d, am (fr. 2. avas, not breathing, lifeless.
not augmentative ; not bearing interest. q. v.), Ved. bringing down the gods. M a-vyapadesya, as, d, am, not to
A-vrtdha,, as, d, am, Ved. not promoting, not avoh (ava-iih), cl. I. P. A. avohati,
honouring. be defined.
-te, -hitum, to push down. , as, m. steadiness,
^T^fi? a-vrishti, is, f. want of rain, drought; consistency, constancy.
famine. ^ avda, as, m. (= abda), a cloud ; a
A-i-yabhi<!arin, i, ini, i, not going astray, con-
?T^? a-vriha or a-briha, as, m. pi. (rt. stant ;virtuous, moral ; steady, steadfast, permanent,
^I^T any a, as, d, am (fr. avi), Ved. coming
vrih), a class of Buddhist divinities. from or belonging to sheep. faithful.
A-vrihilta, as, a, am, few, not much or large. ) i . avyaya, as, I, am (fr. avi, q. v.),
4{c4V?ft a-vyakta, as, d, am (rt. anj), unap-
^ ave (ava-i), cl. 2. P. avaiti, -turn, to parent, indistinct, not manifest, not to be discerned, in- Ved. coming from sheep, made of sheep's skin.
go away, to move away ; to go to (with ace.) ; to visible, imperceptible, unperceived, undetermined ; (in •>H<*)11 2. a-vyaya, as, d, am (rt. i with a
come down upon, rush upon ; to look upon, consider ; algebra) unknown as quantity or number ; (as), m. a and n), not liable to change, imperishable, unde-
perceive, conceive, understand, learn, know : Intens. fool ; primary matter which has not yet entered into caying, immutable, eternal ; unexpended, unwasted ;
or Pass, aveyate, to beg pardon for, conciliate. real existence ; N. of Vishnu ; of Siva ; of Kama economical, parsimonious ; (as), m. a N. of Vishnu
Areta, as, d, am, elapsed, past; one who has or of Siva ; N. of a son of Manu Raivata ; (as, am),
or Kandarpa ; (am), n. the supreme being or uni- m. n. an indeclinable word, a particle; (am), n. (in
gained, obtained, attained ; joined with.
versal spirit ; (in San-khya phil.) ' the undiscrete,' the VedSnta) a member or corporeal part of an
the primary germ of nature, the primordial element
!?T%'S^ aveksh (ava-iksh), cl. i. A. avek- or productive principle whence all the phenomena of organized body. — Aryaya-tra, am, n. imperishable-
ehate, -shitum, to look towards, look at, consider; the material world are developed ; the soul ; nature,
to perceive, observe, experience; to have in view, ness.— Avyaya-i-art/a, as, m. the class of indeclin-
aim at ; to have regard to, respect ; to expect, hope temperament ; (am), ind. imperceptibly, indistinctly, ables. — Ai-yaydtman (°ya-dt°), a, d, a, imperish-
secretly. — Ai'yaktft-kriyd, f. algebraic calculation; able, eternal ; (a), m. soul, spirit.
for : Caus. aeekshayati, -yitutti, to cause to look at. any act of an indistinct character or aim. — Aryakta-
Avekuhana, am, n. looking towards or at; the Avyftyi-bhdva, as, m. unchangeable state, im-
act of considering, attention, observation. gati, ie, is, i, going imperceptibly. — Avyakta- perishableness ; an indeclinable compound.
Avekthaniya, as, a, am, to be looked at, to be pada, as, a, am, inarticulate. — Avyakta-murti, 4«H5I a-vyartha, as, d, am, not useless,
respected. I.", i«, i, whose form is incomprehensible. — A-
njakta-raga, as, m. dark-red, the colour of the profitable, fruitful ; effectual, efficacious.
Avekshamana, as, d, am, looking at, inspecting, ^ajfftsif a-vyalika, as, d, am, not false,
examining. dawn. — AryaJcta-raii, in, f. an unknown number
Areksha, f. seeing, looking at ; observation, care, or indistinct quantity (in algebra). — Aryakta- true, veracious, not disagreeable.
regard, attention to (with loc.) ; agreement, engage- lulahana, or myakta-ryakta, as, m. epithet of ^T=H^VT«T a-vyavadhiina, as, d, am (rt.
ment. Siva, whose qualities are not perceptible. — Avya-
Ai-ekshita, as, d, am, looked at, perceived, re-
kta-vartman, a, d, a, or avyakia-marcja, as, d, (ihd), close, contiguous, immediate; not screened, not
am, mysterious in his ways. — • Avyftkta-vdd, k, k, concealed, open, careless. — Avyavadhdna-td, I. or
garded. k, speaking indistinctly. — Avyakta-samya, am, n. avyavadhana-tva, am, n. contiguity, carelessness.
Atxkshin, i, ini, », observing, seeing, looking at.
I. avekshya, as, d, am, to be regarded, to be re- equation of unknown quantities. — Aryakt&di (°ta- A-vymahita, as, a, am, adjoining, contiguous.
spected. ddi), is, is, i, whose beginning is inscrutable. •• A- ••HciHWN a-ryavasdya, as, m. (rt. so),
1. firekthya, ind. having beheld, having regarded. rynktdnukarana (nta-an°), am, n. the imitating of negligence, inactivity. — Aryavasaya-i'at, an, ati,
unarticulated or unmeaning sound.
xiqfiu a-veni, is, is, i, not braided, having A-ryanjana, as, d, nm, indistinct; plain, not figu- at, negligent, inactive, remiss.
no braid of hair ; not commingled (as the waters o rative (as),
; m. an animal without horns, though of A-vgarasiyin, I, ini, i, negligent, inactive, remiss.
riven). an age to have them. a-vyavasthd, f. (rt. sthd), irre-
a-vyavasthita. 99
gularity, deviation from established rule; incorrect a-vyutpanna, as, d, am, not ac- a-sanka, as, d, am (rt. sank), fear-
legal opinion. complished, not proficient, inexperienced. less, undaunted ; secure, certain.
A-vyavasthita, as, a, am, not conformable to law A-tSankita, as, d, am, certain, undoubted ; fearless.
or practice ; unacquainted with the law or custom ; wyg a-vyushta, as, d, am, Ved. not yet
ill-regulated ; displaced, disordered, not in due order, shining (as the dawn). ^Hfre a-satha, as, d, am, virtuous, sincere.
unmethodical. a-vyriddhi, is, f., Ved. not failing. "-Mi>lcj a-satru, us, us, u, Ved. one who has
^faj^sTni a-vyavahdrya, as, a, am (rt. An), a-vyeshyat, an, ati or anti, at (rt. no adversary ; one whom no enemy defies ; without
unactionable, not to be discussed in law. opposition from enemies; (its), m. the moon; (u),
i), Ved. not disappearing, not vanishing. n. condition of having no enemy.
A-vyavahrita, as, a, am, not determined or in-
vestigated bylaw ; not spoken. •>iin<u a-vrana, as, d, am, without rents or
scars, without splinters ; unhurt, unscarred, sound ; ^nfTT 3. asana, as, m. = asana, N. of the
4|ol|^m a-vyavdya, as, m. absence of in- tree Terminalia Tomentosa W. and A.— Afana-
amanam dukram, a peculiar disease of the eyes.
terval, non-separation. parni or asana-parm, f., N. of a plant.
>.inrl a-vrata or a-vratika, as, d, am, law-
<M «H *H a-vyasana, as, a, am, or a-vyasanin, less, disobedient, wicked ; not observing religious rites , '351 f«T. See under i. as, 2. as.
I, ini, i, free from evil practices, not vicious, moral,
or obligations, uninitiated. a-sapat, an, anti, a<,Ved. not curs-
correct, steady. Avratya, am, n., Ved. offence against the rule of ing, not imprecating.
xMJJW a-vyasta, as, a, am, undecomposed, an ascetic, violation of a religions obligation.
simple ; not separated, undispersed, collected. A-vratya, as, m., Ved. one who is not a Vratya. ^f^a-sam, ind. (rt. sam), Ved. non-wel-
4l d if3T»^ a-vrajin , i,im, i, not wandering fare, harm, mischief.
%S =i( I <* o4 a-vyakula, as, a, am, not dis- A-dama, as, m. disquietude, uneasiness.
turbed, composed, calm, firm. or travelling as a mendicant (?).
A-ddnta, as, d, am, unappeased, indomitable,
•*JI *H I <* rf a-vydkrita, as, d, am, undecom- ^uyj i. as, cl. 5. P. A. (in classical violent, wild ; restless, anxious, unresigned ; uncon-
N Sanskrit A. only), asnoti, -nute, dia, secrated, not sacred, irreligious, profane. — Aianta-
posed, simple ; (am), n. elementary substance from
which all things were created, considered as one with dnans'a, dna^e, adishyate or akshyate, d&ishta td, f. want of tranquillity, passionateness.
the substance of Brahma. and dshta, asitmu, to reach, come to, arrive at ; to
A-ianti, is, f. restlessness, anxiety. — As"dnti-kara,
get, gain, obtain ; to become master of, to master, to as, i, am, causing anxiety.
•AimiJoLII a-vyakhya, f. (rt. khyd), want of be able ; to pervade, penetrate, pierce through, fill ; A-iamya, as, a, am, unappeasable.
clearness of explanation, obscurity.
to heap, accumulate : Caus. ddayati, as'is'at: Desid. •fl^lWJ a-sarana, as, d, am, destitute of
A-vydkJtyata, of, d, am, unexplained, obscure. a&Hiha&t : Intens. as'dtyate.
A-vydkhydna, am, n. non-explanation, absence of Aian, a, m., Ved. a missile-stone, or stone for refuge, defenceless.
explicitness. slinging, stone, rock ; a cloud. •fl^KT^ a-sarira, as, d, am, bodiless, in-
A-vyaktiyeya,a$, d,am, inexplicable, unintelligible; 1. allana, as, d, am, reaching, reaching across. corporeal(as),
; m. a N. of Kama, the god of love.
not requiring to be explained, easy. Aian i, is, m. f. a missile, especially the thunder- A-tarinn, i, ini, i, incorporeal.
bolt and flash of lightning ; the tip of a missile ; N.
xS^HM a-vydja, as, m. absence of fraud, ••H^IH^ a-sarman, a, n. unhappiness, pain,
of a warrior-tribe. — Afani-prabfui, as, m., N. of a
simplicity, honesty.
Rakshasa. —A$ani-mat, an, ati, at, Ved. throwing affliction ; (a, a, a), unhappy, afflicted.
"-SJJIM+ a-vyapaka, as, a, am (rt. dp), not the thunderbolt, endowed with it.
^Tjni a-sas, as, as, as (rt. sas for sans),
spread over or pervading the whole, not an invariable I . aiitra, as, m. a thief.
Aitin, I, ini, i, reaching far, enduring; Vedic Ved. nothating.
cursing, blessing, not wishing well, not praising,
concomitant, special, individual, peculiar. •• Avya-
paka-td, f. or arydpaka-tva, am, n. non-compre- superlative afitama and aifkhtha.
hensivenes or generalization, speciality, individuality. A-iasta, as, d, am, Ved. inexpressible, ineffable,
A-vydpin, i, ini, i, not pervading, not compre- ^uy| 2. as, cl. 9. P. asndti, dsa, asi- not esteemed, hated, ill-starred. — As"asta-vara, as,
^ shyati, d&t, a&tum, to eat, consume ; to d, am, Ved. having indescribable treasures ; (Say.)
hensive, not invariably concomitant, special, indivi- taste, enjoy : Caus. ddayati, -yititm, to cause to eat, who is not asked for wealth, i. e. who grants it of his
dual; partial, limited. — Arydpi-td, {. or ai'ydpi- own accord.
tva, am, n. non-generalization, speciality. to
eat give to eat,atldsyate.
: Intens. to feed : Desid. aiis'ishati, to wish to
A-iastl, is, f., Ved. not wishing well, imprecation,
A-vyipta, as, d, am, not pervaded with, peculiar, 2. afana, am, n. eating, feeding ; food (often at the
individual, limited. evil design, curse ; a curser, hater. — Aiasti-han, a,
end of compounds, e.g. mula-phalds'ana, as, d, am, ghrii, a, Ved. averting imprecations or curses.
A-ryapti, is, f. inadequate pervasion or extent (of having roots and fruit for food). — Afona-krit, t, t, t,
a definition) ; e. g. ' man is a cooking animal,' which Ved. preparing food. — Afana-pati, is, m.,Ved. lord xH$Hd a-sastra, as, d, am (rt. sas, to hurt),
does not extend to savages who eat raw food. of food. — Aianorvat, an, all, at, Ved. possessed weaponless, unarmed.
of food. '.M 3(1^1 a-sakhd, f., N. of a grass.
A-vydpya, an, a, am, not to be pervaded generally,
not extending to the whole circumstances, peculiar; to As'andya,
be hungry. nom. P. -yati, -yitum, to desire food,
(a), ind. not pervading. — A-vydpya-vritti, is, is, i, •S) ^l lO fXoh a-sdririka, as, t, am, not re-
(in logic) a category of limited application, partial in- Atfandyd, f. hunger. lating to or endowed with body, incorporeal.
herence, with reference to place and time, as pain, Aisanaylta or aianayuka, as, d, <jm,Ved. hungry. xM^llvjrl a-sdsvata, as, i, am, perishable,
pleasure, love, hatred, virtue, vice, &c. transient, temporary.
ASita, as, d, am, eaten, satisfied. — As'lta»-r/avina
'•NsHIMTl a-vyapanna, as, d, am, not dead, or dsitatt-gavlna, as, d, am, formerly grazed by
cattle. '-M3II*H a-fasana, am, n. (rt. /as), want of
not quite extinct, just alive.
Aiitavya, as, d, am, to be eaten. government, anarchy, disorder.
«t«4im*. a-vyapara, as, m. vacation from Asitri, td, m. eating, an eater.. A-^dsaniya or a-.<dsya, as, d, am, ungovernable.
work, state of being unemployed; a business not 2. aMtra, am, n. an oblation of rice, &c. A-idsita, as, a, am, ungoverned, undisciplined.
practised or understood, not one's own business. Aiita, as, d, am, fed, satiated, satiate ; given to A-sd8tra,O8, d, «»t, unscriptural, not conformable to
^^TTTW a-vydydma, as, m. (rt. yam), eat ; (am), n. food. sacred authority, heterodox. — A-s"dstra-vihita or a-
s'dstra-siddha,as, d, am, not enjoined by the S'Sstras.
non-exertion, absence of lassitude or of fatigue from ^nfl^tT a-sakuna, am, n. an inauspicious
A-fditriya, as, d, am, unscriptural, heterodox,
illegal, immoral, irreligious.
A-rtjili/ata, m, d, am, not occupied, not detached, •ei fsi I BJ n a-sikshita, as, d, am, untaught.
holding hrm (?). as'a-kumbhi, f., N. of the aquatic
plant Pistia Stratiotes Lin.
'aaiiqrtf a-vydvartana, am, n. not re- asita, asitavya, &c. See under 2. as'.
turning, not coming back, not circulating. ^T^I^i a-sakta, as, d, am (rt. sak), unable,
incompetent. — Asakta-ld, (. or aiakta-tiia, am, n. asitra. See under I. as', 2. a/.
^T«ll?n a-vydhata, as, d, am, unresisted, weakness, inability. a-sithila, as, d, am. not loose,
unimpeded ; not disappointed. A-iakti, is, f. inability, incapability, weakness, firm, tight, hard.
a-vydhdrin, I, M, i, not utter- impotence. 'in. See under i. as'.
A-s"akya, as, a, am, impossible, impracticable;
not to be done. — Afakydrtha (°ya-ar°'), as, d, am, a-sipada, as, d, am, Ved. not
a-vydhita, as, d, am, undisputed. unavailing. causing the sickness called lipada.
a-vy-uMinna, as, d, am, not iH^I'l asaga, as, m., N. of the author of •flfVf*^ a-timida, as, d, am, Ved. not de-
interrupted. the Jantipurana. structive like a Simida.
TOO asimi-vidvish. a-sraddha-bhojin.
1. asman, d, m., Ved. eating.
^rftlfttf^f?'^ asimi-vidvish, t, t, t, Ved. asusha, as, d, am (fr. rt. 2. as'), Ved. ^T^ 2. asna, as, m. (fr. rt. i. as?), Ved.
epithet of the seven Parjanvas or rain-clouds (perhaps eating, consuming, voracious ; (Say.) not causing to
a stone ; a cloud.
the true reading may be Sfimi-vulrish, ' hater of dry up, not extinguished (as if fr. rt. s"iu<lt). Aima, as, m. a mountain, a rock ; Ved. a cloud.
the Simis'). a-sushka, as, a, am (rt. sush), not Aimaka, as, I, m. f., N. of several persons.
dry, moist, fresh, green. 2. aiman, d, m. a stone, especially one fit for
iHf^K os'ira, as, m. (fr. rt. 2. as'), fire ; a
N. of the sun, 'consumer or devourer;' N. of a dried up.
A-.'Soshamya or a-soshya, as, a, am, not to be slinging ; flint ; hard stone, rock ; a cloud ; thunder-
Rakshasa or goblin ; (a), f., N. of the wife of this bolt ;sky (?) ; N. of a Brahman [cf. Zend aiman;
Rakshasa ; (am), n. a diamond. udrar Pers. asman; Lith. akmu, Them. akmen; Slav.
'StSTJ a-sudra, as, m. one who is not a
»M 0}! CH a-siras, as, as, as, or a-slraska, kunty, Them, kamen]. — Adma-kadali, f., N. of a
plant. — Afma-kutta or afma-kuftaka, as, a, am,
as, d, am, headless [cf. aitapijras]. — A-tirah-mdna, ^ISRl a-sunya, as, d, am, not empty. breaking or bruising anything with a stone, bruised or
am, n. bathing the whole body except the head. broken by stones. — Atfina-kettt, us, m., N. of a plant.
- Atiunya-s'ayana, am, n., atunyaiayana-dcitiyd,
4<r$H a-siva, as, d, am, unfriendly, un- '., aiiinyaiayana-vrata, am, n., N. of certain cere- — Adma-gandJid, f., N.of a plant. — AiSma-garlha,
kind, envious; pernicious, dangerous; causing or monies. am, n. or atlmagarbha-ja, am, n. an emerald.
threatening mischief; unlucky, unfortunate ; (as), m., a-s«/o, f. the tree Vitex Alata. — Aima-ghna, as, m., N. of a plant. — Aima-
N. of a certain divine being ; (i), f. a female demon dakra, as, d, am, Ved. furnished with a disk of
a-sringa, as, d, am, having no horn stone. — Aima-ja, am, n. red chalk; iron. — Aima-
or goblin; (am), n. ill-luck, evil fortune, mischief. or top.
jatuka, am, n. bitumen. — Axma-ddrana, as, m.
VH fsj f^H, a-6isira, as, d, am, not cold, an axe or crow for breaking stones ; (am), n. splitting
warm. — A£itira-ta, f. heat, warmth. a-srinya, as, a, am, untameahle, stones or rocks. —Atma-didyu, us, us, u, Ved.
wfiflfijll asisishu, us, us, u (fr. rt. 2. as, nbridled. throwing rocks or thunderbolts ; (Say.) one who has
obtained a weapon, having adamantine weapons.
in Desid.), hungry. a-srita, as, d, am, not cooked, un-
ripe. — A^man-maya, as, i, am, Ved. made of stone.
^fjjISJ a-sisu, us, vl, u, childless, without — Adman-rat, an, atl, at, Ved. of stone, stony.
a-srithita, as, d, am (rt. srath),
young ones. — Afiim or a^Uvikd, f. a childless — Adma-pushpa, am, n. benzoin (styrax). — Aima-
woman. Ved. not loosened. bhdla, am, n. a mortar of stone or iron. — Adma-
a-seca, as, d, am, Ved. pernicious, l}hid, t, m. the plant Coleus Scutellarioides, supposed
^rfifl? a-sishta, as, a, am (rt. s'as), untrained, to dissolve stone in the bladder. — AGnia-bheda or
badly trained, ill-regulated, ill-behaved, rude, barba- dangerous, not causing pleasure. afma-bhedaka, as, m. the same. — Aima-maya, as,
rous, profligate. — AsisKta-td, f. or adishta-tva, am, a-sesha, as, a, am, without remainder, I, am, made or consisting of stone, stony. — Aima-
n. rudeness. — A^ishfdddra (°ta-af), as, m. bad be- entire, perfect, all, whole, every; infinite, endless; (as), ijoni, is, m. an emerald. — Aima-vat, an, atl, at,
haviour, rudeness, profligacy.
stony, of stone. — A3ma~varman, a, n., Ved. a wall
A-iishya, as, d, am, not to be taught, not to be m. non-remainder ; afesham or adeshena or as"esha- or shield of stone. — Afma-maja, as, a, am, Ved.
informed. Jos, ind. entirely, wholly. — Aiesha-td, f. totality.
included in rocks. — Aima-sdra, as, am, m. n. iron ;
wf^re asishtha, as, d, am (superl. of osin, entirely. — Aiesha-samrdjya, as, m. an epithet of S'm.
Aieshaya, nom. P. a^eshayali, -yitum, to finish sapphire. - ^masara-nsaj/a, as, I, am, made or
see I . as), Ved. reaching very far. consisting of iron. — Atima-hanman, a, n., Ved. a
A-s"eshas, as, as, as, Ved. without offspring or de- stroke of the thunderbolt. — Aimasya (°man-as°),
iH^ll'Sr i. asita, as, t, am, the eightieth. as, d, am, Ved. having a stone-mouth or stone-source,
As~iti, is, f. eighty. — A&ti-bhdga, as, m. the
eightieth part, one part out of eighty. i.e. flowing from a rock. — Aimottha (°man-ut°),
a-saiksha, as, m. an Arhat (lit. ' no am, n. asphalt, bitumen.
Asttika, as, d, am, an octogenarian, one eighty
longer a pupil '). Asmara, as, a, am, stony, rocky, appertaining to
years of age. 1. a-soka, as, d, am (rt. 2. sat!), stone or rock ; (i), f. strangury, stone or gravel (the
^iffaT 2. a-sita, as, d, am, not cold, warm, Ved. without heat. disease). — Aiman-gTina, as, m., N. of the tree
hot. — Atfita-kara, as, or afita-ruC, k, m. the sun, Cratseva Roxburgh!! R. Br., used as a lithontriptic.
2. a-soka, as, d, am(rt. I. suf), with-
' having hot rays.' out sorrow, not feeling or not causing sorrow; (as), — As"mari-b)wdana, am, n. a lithontriptic. — Aima-
A-sitala, as, d, am, hot. ri-hara, as, m., N. of the tree Pentaptera Arjuna,
m., N. of the tree Jonesia Asoka Roxb. (it is a tree used as a lithontriptic.
*H3lljIi a-sirna, as, d, am, undecayed, un- of moderate size, belonging to the leguminous class,
Aimlra, as, am, m. n. stone or gravel (the disease).
impaired. with magnificent red flowers) ; N. of a minister of
king Dasaratha ; N. of a king in Pataliputra ; (d), f., ^3*1*11 asmanta, am, n. (fr. 2. asmanf), a
O^fl^'^ a-sirshan, d, a, a, Ved. or a-6ir- N. of a medicinal plant ; one of the female domestic fire-place ; a field, a plain ; death ; (as, d, am), un-
shika, as, d, am, headless. deities of the Jainas; (am), n. the blossom of the auspicious, unlucky ; unbounded, unlimited ; (as), m.,
•"SSflrJa-s'ifa, as, a, am, ill-behaved,vulgar, ka plant ; quicksilver. — Asoka-taru, us, m. or N. of a Marut ; [with this word compare Gr. Kapivos
and Lat. caminus.]
offensive; indifferent; (am), n. bad manners, bad aJoka-naga, as, m. or atfoka-uriksha, as, m. an
conduct, depravity. Asoka tree. — A.<oka-triratra, as, m., N. of a feast Aimantaka, am, n. a fire-place ; a shade for a
which lasts during three nights. — Adoka-datta or lamp ; (as), m., N. of a plant, from the fibres of
•flSjpM a-sWi, is, is, i (rt. 2. suf), foul, aioka-vega, as, m., N. of a man. — As'oka-purnimd, which a Brahman's girdle may be made.
impure; (is), f. impurity, disgrace, degradation. {., N. of a certain holiday. — Aioka-maiijari, f., N.
— Atuti-ld, (. or aduM-tva, am, n. impurity. of a metre. — Aioka-roMni, f., N. of a medicinal ^ra i. os'ra, as, m. (fr. rt. i. as, wrongly
A-iaufa, am, n. impurity, foulness ; legal impurity, plant. — Afoka-vardhana, as, m., N. of a king. spelt asra), a corner [cf. ojfri].
contamination, defilement contracted by the death of — A.'Soka-xhanhlht, (., N. of a certain holiday. — A- ^SPST 2. asra, am, n. = a$ru, a tear, q. v.
a relation, or by the commission of prohibited acts, tokdri (°ka-ar£), is, m., N. of the plant Nauclea
&c. — Afauta-tva, am, n. impure or abandoned Aitrdya, nom. A. atrayate, -yitum, to shed tears.
Kadamba Roxb. - AJokashtami (°ka-ash°), f. the Airin, i, inl, i, having tears, in tears.
nature or disposition ; defilement, contamination.
A-sofa, day as,
in the first half ofof care
m. absence the or
; content,
^131^ a-suddha, as, d, am (rt. sudh), im- ^P5T 3. os'ra, am, n. = asra, hlood, q. v.
tranquillity, modesty.
pure; inaccurate; unknown, unascertained. — Atiud- — A.<m-pa, as, m. fiend, a cannibal, ' a blood-drinker.'
A-so(ya, as, d, am, not to be sorrowed for.
dha-vasaka, as, m. a vagrant, a suspicious cha- ^VH"S a-sraddha, as, d, am (rt. dhd with
racter. a-sodhana. See under a-suddha.
6rad), not trusting in (with loc. c.) ; unbelieving ;
A-fuMkl, is, is, i, impure ; (is), f. impurity. See under a-sushka.
A-4odhanti, am, n. uncleanness ; inaccuracy. (a), f. want of trust, as,
A-draddadhana, unbelief.
d, am, unbelieving, incre-
A-flodhita, as, d, am, uncleansed, unclean ; in- a-sau(a. See under a-su6i.
accurate, uncorrected, unrevised. dulous, having no faith.
•>!)$n*i a-saurya, am, n. want of heroism, A-draddheya, as, d, am, not to be believed, in-
^nj*T a-subha, as, d, am, unlucky, in- cowardice. credible.
s; n. sin, a shameful deed, misfortune. A-traddha, as, d, am, not performing funeral
rites, not entitled to them, not belonging or relating
— Asubhodaya (°bha-uf), as, m. inauspicious ^T?l i. os'na, as, a, am (fr. rt. 2. as'),Ved.
omen. voracious; (as), m., N..of a demon. to them ; (as), m. non-performance of funeral rites.
ASnaya, f., Ved. hunger. — A-s"rdddlia-ltho}in, i, inl, i, one who has taken
"5l^J5' a-susrushd, f. inattention, neglect Ailnita-pib&i~ii, f. invitation to eat and to drink. the vow not to eat during the performance of the
of service or respect. — A^nitap{batiyati,nom. he invites to eat and drink. Sraddha ceremonies.
a-$rama. 101
a-frama, as, m. (rt. sram), freedom node or dragon's tail ; (as formed of the lower ex- Ved. seeking or wishing for horses ; procuring
tremities ofthe Daitya Sainhika, who was cut in tw. horses, an epithet of Agni ; (Say.) whose rites are
from fatigue, freshness ; absence of toil, laziness ; by Vishnu at the churning of the ocean.)
(as, a, am), Ved. indefatigable. pervasive, or who desires quick worship. — As"va-
A-tframana, as, a, am, Ved. indefatigable ; (as), vi flirt a-slona, as, d, am, Ved. not lame, mufcha, as, i, am, having the head or countenance
m. one who is not an ascetic or Buddhist mendicant. not crippled. of a horse ; (as), m. a Kinnara or celestial chorister
(so represented) ; according to others, a kind of
i. asva, as, m. (rt. i. as?), a horse, demi-god
A-s"rdnta, as, d, am, untired, unwearied, eternal, distinct from the preceding ; N. of a pe-
continual ; (am), ind. unweariedly, continually, unin-
terruptedly. especially a stallion ; the number ' seven' (that being culiar race of people. — Aiva-mu6, k, m. a horse-
the number of the horses of the sun) ; a race of men stealer. — Asva-medha, as, m. the horse-sacrifice ;
vi>si=t<!.i a-sravana, am, n. (rt. sru), loss of horse-like in strength ; N. of a son of Citraka, also (a celebrated ceremony, the antiquity of which
hearing, deafness. of a DSnava ; (d), f. a mare ; (ait), du. a horse and reaches back to the Vedic period. For example,
A-irdmja, as, a, am, not to be heard, unfit to be a mare [cf. Zend aipa ; Lat. cqims ; Gr. 'liriros ; hymns 162 and 163 in the first Mandala of the
heard, not to be spoken of. Lith. aszwa; Old Sax. ehuscalc].— Aifva-kandikd, Rig-veda were used at this sacrifice. In later times
f., N. of the plant Physalis Flexuosa. — Aiva-lcarna,as, its efficacy was so exaggerated, that a hundred such
^T^lrl*^ a-sratas, ind. (rt. srd), Ved. in m. the ear of a horse ; N. of the tree Vatica Robusta sacrifices entitled the sacrificer to displace Indra from
an uncooked manner, raw. W. and A., so called from the shape of its leaves ; the dominion of Svarga ; kings who engaged in it
asri, is, or asrl, f. (ft. rt. i. 06?), a term in surgery for a particular fracture of the spent enormous sums in gifts to the Brahmans. It
bones ; N. of a mountain. — Aiva-karnaka, as, m. = is said that the horse was sometimes not immolated,
the sharp side of anything, a comer, angle of a room the preceding in all but its last sense. — Asva-ku(l, f. but kept bound during the ceremony) ; N. of a son of
or house; the edge of a sword [cf. Lat. aciest acer;
a stable for horses. — Aiva-km!ala or a$"va-komda, Bharata.— Atframedha-Jcdnda, am, n., N. of the
Lith. ossmu]. — Airl-mat, an, att, at, cornered.
as, d, am, skilled in horses. — As"va-kranda, as, thirteenth book of the Satapatha-Brahmana. — As~va-
vi iti n a-srita, as, d, am, Ved. unap- m., N. of a bird. — Afva-khtira, as, m. a horse's medha-datta, as, m., N. of a king. — A&jamedhika
proached, difficult of access ; not stopping (?). hoof; a perfume, apparently a dried shell-fish ; (a or or afvamed/uya, as, d, am, relating to the horse-
1), f. the plant Clitoria Ternatea Lin. — A iva-gati, sacrifice ; (as), m. a horse fit for the sacrifice, called
vitV^asrira. See under 2. asra. is, f. the pace of a horse ; N. of a metre containing Asva-medha. -•A&a-yuj, k, k, k, Ved. harnessing
•«( 'M l«« a-srika, as, d, am (fr. M, q. v.), four verses of sixteen syllables each. — As'va-gandlid, horses ; having horses put to (as a carriage) ; (t), f.,
f. the plant Physalis Flexuosa Lin. — Aiva-gayuga, N. of a constellation, the head of Aries; the first
unlucky, unpropitious.
am, n. a pair of horses . — Ativa-goslitlia, am, n. a lunar mansion ; m. the month Asvina (Sept.-Oct.) ;
A-inmat, dn,-atl, at, unfortunate, inglorious. stable. —AiSva-griva, as, m. ' horse-neck/ N. of a (k, k, k), born under the constellation AsVayuj. — A-
A-irlra, as, d, am, Ved. unpleasant, ugly. demon, a foe of Vishnu, more commonly called Haya- s"va-yuja, as, m. the month Asvina. — Aiva-yupa,
A-irila, as, a, am, unprosperous, unlucky. grlva. — Atlva-ghdma, as, m., N. of a place. — ASeu- as, m., Ved. the post to which the sacrificial horse
A-sllka, as, d, am ($li substituted for in), un- ghdsa, an, m. pasture for horses. — Axva-ghosha, was bound. — Aim-yoga, as, a, am, Ved. causing
lucky, unpropitious. as, m., N. of a Buddhist. — Aitva-gkna, as, m. the yoking of horses, joining or reaching as quickly
A-sTila, as, a, am, unpleasant, ugly ; coarse, vul- ' horse-bane,' N. of a kind of Oleander, Nerium as horses. — As"va-raksha, as, m. the keeper or rider
gar; abusive, blackguard; (am), n. rustic language, Odorum Ait. — As'va-falana-s'dld, f. a riding-house. of a horse, a groom. — A toa-ratha, as, m. a carriage
untruth, low abuse. — Aiva-tikitsaka, as, m. a farrier, a veterinary sur- drawn by horses; (a), f., N. of a river. —Afoa-
geon. —ASca-fikltsa,, f. farriery. — A&a-jaghana, rddhas, as, as, as, Ved. furnishing horses. — Aiva-
^rej asm, u, n. a tear [supposed to stand as, m. a kind of centaur, a being with lower limbs like roilhaka, as, m., N. of the plant Nerium Odorum
for dadru fr. rt. dang : cf. Gr. Sdxpu ; Lat. lacryma those of a horse. - Aiva-jil, t, t, t, Ved. gaining Ait.— Atva-lalita, N. of a species of the Vikriti
for dacryma ; Goth. tagrs,fhem. tagra ; Eng. tear; horses by conquest; (t), m., N. of a Buddhist metre. — Aiva-lala, f. a kind of snake. — Aiva-
Mod. Germ. Zahre ; Lith. aszara].'~As'ru-kald, Bhikshu. — Aiva-tlrtliM, am, n., N. of a place of loman, d, m. horse-hair ; a kind of snake. — Afaa-
f. a tear-drop. — A$rurndli, f. Fistula Lachrymalis. pilgrimage near Kanyakubja on the Garrga. — Afva-
vaktra, as, m. a Kinnara or Gandharba. — Afya-
— As"ru-paripurndksha (°na-ak°), as, I, am, whose da, as, d, am, giving horses. — As"ca-danshtrd, I. vadava, am, n. a stud of horses and mares ;
eyes are filled with tears. — A.<ru-paripluta, as, d, the plant Tribulus Lanuginosus Lin. — Afaa-dd, as, (au), m. du. a horse and a mare ; (as), m. horses
am, bathed in tears. — Airu-pata, as, m. flow of m., Ved. or ailva-ddvan, d, m., Ved. giving horses. and mares, see atoa-badava. — i.a^na-vat, ind. like
tears. — Airu,-purna, as, d, am, filled with tears. — Atva-duta, as, m. a riding messenger. — Aiiia- a horse. — 2. as"va-vat, or Ved. aicd-vat, an, atl, at,
— Airu-pitrnakitla (°na-dk°), as, d, am, troubled nadl, (., N. of a nm.—Aiva-naya, as, m. a horse- possessed of horses, consisting of horses. — Aiva-
and filled with tears. — Airu-purndksha (°>ia-ak°), herd, i. e. one who has the charge of a drove of vadana, as, m., N. of a people. —Agva-vaka, as,
as, I, am, whose eyes are filled with tears. — Airu- grazing horses. — AiSva-niliandlrika, as, m. lit. 'a m. a horseman. — Aiva-vara or afya-vdla, as, m.
muk/ia, as, i, am, having tears on the face. — Atfru- horse-fastener,' a groom. — As"va-nirnij,k, k,k,Ved. a horseman, a groom. — Adva-vdraka, O8, m. a
lotana, as, a, am, having tears in the eyes. — A3ru- decorated or embellished with horses. — Atva-pa, as,
horseman, a groom. — Atva-vdrana, as, m., N. of
pahata (°nt-Mp°), as, d, am, affected by tears. m., Ved. a groom. — Aiva-pati, is, m., Ved. lord the Bos Gavieus. — Aiva-vdha or adva-vdhaka,
of horses ; N. of several persons, of a king of Madra as, m. a horseman. — Aiva-vikrayin, i, m. a
•si'sjn a-sruta, as, a, am (rt. sru), unheard, and father of Savitri; and of an Asura. — Aiva- horse-dealer. — Aira-md, t, t, t, skilled in taming
inaudible ; contrary to the Vedas ; (as), m., N. of a
son of Krishna, also of Dyutimat. •• Adruta-vat, ind. parna, as, d, am, Ved. having horses for wings. horses, an epithet of Nala ; a jockey ; Ved. procuring
as if it were not heard. — Adruta-vrana, as, m., N. — Asva-pastya, as, d, am, Ved. having horses for horses. — Aira-vrisha, as, m., Ved. a stallion.
of a man. (its) home or seat or source, consisting in horses (?), — Afca-vaidya,as, m. a farrier, a veterinary surgeon.
depending on horses (?). — Atca-pada, as, d, am,
A-truti, is, f. not hearing, forgetfulness ; not being horse-footed. — Ai-m^pdlu, as, m. a groom. — Afya- —— Asva-takrit, Afoa-s'aka, am, n., Ved. excrements of a horse.
t, n. excrements of a horse, horse-
directed by the Vedas. — A-s'ruti-dhara, as, d, am, piMhl, f. the plant GIvcine Debilis Ait. — Afva-
not striking the hearing ; not knowing the Veda. prish/ha, am, n. horseback. — Afaa-peias, as, as, dung; N. of a river. — A6oa-s'anku, us, m., N. of
as, Ved. decorated or embellished with horses. a DSnava. — Asva-idld, f. a stable. — A^va-s"dva, as,
•wwt^a-sreyas, an, ast, as, not the better, m. a foal, a colt. — Aiva-idstra, am, n. a manual
inferior, worse ; worthless, useless, unprofitable, bad ; Aiva-badava or aitva-eadava, am, n. horses
(as), n. mischief, unhappiness. and mares; (all), m. du. a horse and a mare. or text-book of veterinary science. — As"va-6irae,
as, n. a horse's head ; (as, as, as), having the head
A-ireshtha, as, d, am, not the best, inferior, Atva-bandha, as, m. lit. 'a horse-fastener,' a of a horse, an epithet of Narayana; (as), m., N. of
worse ; bad, vile. groom, an ostler. - Afoa-bandliana, am, n. fasten- a Danava. — AJm-.<riiJ<llikd, (. the natural enmity
ing of horses ; (as, i, am), used for fastening horses. between the horse and the jackal. — Aiva-Siandra,
•wcn<l a-sreshman, d, d, a, Ved. without — Asm-bald, {., N. of a vegetable. — Aiva-liala or as, d, am, Ved. causing joy (by means of) horses ;
bands (?).
aiva-vdla, as, m. tail or hair of a horse ; a kind arilliant with horses. — Aisva-shangava, am, n. a set
of reed, Saccharum Spontaneum Liu. — Axra-bdhu, >r team of six horses. — As'va-sani, is, is, i, Ved. or
vr-5i\r<aM a-s'rotriya, as, m. a Brahman us, m., N. of a son of C'itraka. — A.<va-ludhna, as, aiva-sd or asva-shd, as, as, am, Ved. gaining or
who has not read the Vedas ; not a theologian d, am, Ved. based on horses, having its origin in procuring horses. — Atpa-sada, as, or aiva-sddin,
^nSTtn a-slayhd, f. (rt. s'ldgh), absence of horses, standing on horses, i. e. on a carriage drawn
self-applause, modesty, reserve. by horses. — As'va-budfiya, as, a, am, Ved. based sdrathya, f. m. a horseman, a rider, a horse-soldier. — As"va-
am, n. management of horses and cars,
A-slaghya or a-tfldy/ianiya, as, d, am, unde- on horses, having its origin in horses (as wealth), lorsemanship and driving, coachmanship, charioteer-
serving ofhonour or praise, worthless; base, mean. distinguished by horses. - Aiva-bha, f. lightning. ship. — A.fva-sukti, is, m., N. of an author of Vedic
— Aira-mahishikd, f. the natural enmity of a lymns. •- AiSva-sunrita, as, d, am, Ved. praised
181 "T a-sleshd, f. (rt. slish), the ninth lorse and a buffalo. — Aiva-mara or as"m~maraka, sincerely for (the gift of) horses ; whose praise for
Nakshalra or lunar mansion, containing five stars;' as, or afi-a-hantri, id, m. ' horse-destroying,' a (giving) horses is agreeable and true. — Atea-sena,
disunion, disjunction. - A^leshd-bhava, as, or aile- and of Oleander, Nerium Odorum. — Aiva-mdla, Dd
shd-bhu, us, m. a N. of Ketu, i. e. the descending as, m. a kind of serpent. — Ateam-ishti, is, is, i, as, m., N. of a Naga. — As'vasena-nripaiMndana,
as, m., N. of a king and saint, also SanatkumSra.
102 abvastomiya. ashtd-pdd.
Kuvera of the North, and Isa or Sin of the N. E.
a, as, a, am, Ved. relating to the an, all, at, (any Mantra &c.) containing the word
praise of the sacrificial horse. — Afca-sthana, am, ASvin. — Afoi-sdlokya, am, n. the heaven or station — Ashta-dis", k, f. the eight cardinal points of the
n. a stable or stall for horses; (as, a, am), of the AsVins, to which the giver of a horse is raised. compass collectively. — Ashta-dhd, ind. eight-fold,
ASriya, as, d, am, Ved. referring to horses ; (a), eight times, in eight parts or sections. — Ashta-
born in a stable. — As"va-haya, of, a, am, Ved. Ved. neut. pi. a troop of horses. dhdtu, u, n. the eight metals collectively, as gold,
driving or spurring a horse. — Asra-haraka, as,
m. a horse-stealer. — Adva-hridaya, am, n. horse- silver, copper, tin, lead, brass, iron, and steel. — Ashta-
Axrina, as, d, am, distant a day's journey for a
pada, as, m. a Vedic metre of eight Padas. -• Ashta-
manship.— .4rfr«j(-sAa (3ra-a£:), at, m., N. of horse; more usually ,-i.vr?/«/. pad, t, t, t, having eight legs ; (t), m. a spider ;
a plant. — Afvajant (°va-aj°), f. a whip. — Aica- Ailmya, as, a, am, belonging or relating to a a fabulous animal with eight legs. — Ashta-pada, as,
dhika fraWA3), an, a, am, strong in cavalry, horse, horses. conducive to horses ; (am), n. a number of d, am, having eight legs; (as), m. a kind of spider
superior in horses.— Aivddhyaksha (°va-adh°), as, with a small body and long legs. — Ashla-padikd,
m. a guardian of horses. — Afva-magAa, as,i,am, A&cya, as, d, am, Ved. belonging to or coming
(., N. of the plant Vatlaris Dichotomus Wall. — Ashta-
Ved. rich in horses. — Ateayur-reda (°va-dy°), as, from horses ; consisting of horses ; (am), n., Ved. a mangala, as, m. a horse with a white face, tail,
number of horses, possession of horses ; (as), m., N.
m. veterinary science. — A$cdri ("ca-ari), it, m. a mane, breast, and hoofs ; (am), n. a collection of
of VaSa, the son of ASva.
buffalo. — Aitdrudha (3ra-«r ), as, a, am, mounted, eight lucky things to be assembled on certain occa-
sitting on horseback. — A Sviroha (°fa-a°), ae, a, am, »a "J TI asvanta, am, n. (connected with sions (such as a coronation &c.), e. g, a lion, a bull, an
riding or mounted on a horse ; (a*), m. a horseman ;
(a), f., N. of the plant Asragandha.— Advarohaka a^manta, q. v.), death ; a field ; a fire-place ; ter- elephant, a water-jar, a fan, a flag, a trumpet, and a
mination, limit ; (as, d, am), unlucky, inauspicious, lamp; or, according to others, a Brahman, a cow,
(°va-dr°), as, m., N. of the plant Asvagandha. unbounded, unlimited. [In the first sense ast'anta fire, gold, ghee, the sun, water,and a king. — Axhla-
— Afvdrohin (°va-ar°), i, inl, i, mounted or
riding on horseback. — Affvd-vat, an, ait, at, fur- may be for anu-anta, ' end of life.'] inana, am, n. a measure, one kudava. — Ashta-
•4)vJitH a-svastana, as, I, am, or a-saasta- iittisika, as, d, am, occurring once in eight months.
nished with horses. — Aivavarohaka (°va-av°), as,
— Ashta-miirti, is, m. eight-formed, an epithet of
m., N. of the plant AsVagandhi. — Adveshita (°va- nika, as, d, am, of to-day, not of or not for to-mor- Siva (as identified with the five elements, mind,
isk°), as, a, am, hurried along by horses. — Ajvonum row; one who makes no provision for to-morrow.
egotism, and matter ; or, according to the opening of
(°va-ur°), as, i, am, broad-chested like a horse. —A-s'vastana-vid, t, t, t, ignorant of the future. the Sakuntala, with the five elements, the sun and
3. orfro, nom. P. as"vati, to behave like a horse. OTW ash, cl. I. P. A. ashati, -te, -shitum, moon and the sacrificing priest). — Ashtamftrti-
Afoaka, as, a, am, horse-like, acting like a horse,
&c. ; (as), m. a small horse ; a bad horse, a hack ; a shine. \ to go or move ; to take or receive ; to dhara, as, m. possessing eight forms, an epithet
stray horse, one whose owner is not known ; any horse. of S*iva. — Ashta-ratna, am, n. the eight jewels,
Adzakinl, f. the first Nakshatra or lunar mansion. ashadakshma, am, n. (ft. a, title of a collection of eight S'lokas on ethics. — Axftta-
Asvatara, as, a, am, swift, speedy; (as, i), m. shash, akshi), anything not seen by six eyes, i. e. rasds'raya (°sa-as°), as, d, am, endowed or furnished
f. a mule ; (as), m. a male calf; N. of a Gandharva ; with the eight rasas or sentiments of poetry. — Ash-
known or determined by two persons to the ex-
one of the chiefs of the NSgas or serpent-race, inha- clusion ofa third ; a secret. tarfa, (°/an-rtV), as, m. a psalm or hymn consisting
biting the regions under the earth. of eight verses. — Ashta-lohaka, am, n. a class of
Asvattha, as, m. the holy fig tree, Ficus Religiosa ^T^rJX ashatara, as, a, am, Ved. (fr. a eight metals, gold, silver, copper, tin, lead, the magnet,
L. (under which horses stand; ttha = stha); Ved. a positive, which is not preserved, but may be referred mundaloha(?), and tikshnaloha or steel (?). — Astita-
vessel made of its wood ; N. of another tree (= garda- to rt. i . ad), more accessible or acceptable. i>arga, as, m. a class of three principal medicaments
Itkdnda) ; the fruit of the Ficus Religiosa ; the time at (mostly the roots of plants from the hills), named
•«im<S a-shadha,oiVed. a-shalha, as, d, am,
which it bears ; an epithet of the sun ; N. of a man ; not to be overcome, invincible ; born under the Rishabha, Jivaka, Meda, Mahameda, Riddhi, Vrid-
N. of a people ; (a), f. day of full moon in the month constellation Ashadha ; (as), m. the month Ashadha d'hi, Kakoli, and Kshirakakoli. — AMa-vidha, as,
Asvina, in which month the fruits of the Ficus Re- d, am, eight-fold, of eight kinds. — AMa-iata,
ligiosa generally become ripe ; day of full moon ; (f), (or AshSdha), commencing with the sun's entrance am, n. eight hundred. — Ashta-iSravana, as, or
into Gemini (June -July); a staff made of the wood
f., N. of a plant.— Atvattha-kuna, as, m. the fruit of Palasa, carried by a student during the performance ashta-s'rai'ds, ds, m., N. of Brahma (eight-eared,
season of the holy fig tree. — Aivattkorbheda, as, of certain vows ; N. of a teacher ; N. of the Malaya see ashta-karna). — AMnxdhasrika, a*, d, am,
m., N. of a tree, Bignonia Suaveolens. consisting of eight thousand. — Ashtd-kapdla, as,
mountain ; (a), f., N. of a sacred brick ; N. of a
Afvattkaka, as, a, am, to be given or to be done constellation ; pi. the eighteenth and nineteenth or I, am, (an oblation) prepared or offered in eight pans ;
&c. when the Asvattha tree bears ; (am), n. the pe- twentieth and twenty-first lunar mansions. (as), m. a sacrifice in which ghee or clarified butter
tals of the Arabian jasmine.
Ashddhaka, as, m. the month Ashadha (or is offered in eight pans. — AsUdkshara (°tan-ak°),
Asvatthdman, a, m. (tthaman for sthdman ?), as, d, am, containing eight syllaMes ; (as), m., N.
N. of a saint and warrior, the son of Drona and one of an author. — Ashtd-gara, am, n. a car or wain, one
of the chiefs of the Kurus.
•SIB«I^ ashtan, a or au (but ashtau is more drawn by eight oxen. — Ashtimja (°tan-an°), am,
Afvatihikd, f, N. of a plant. common for nom., ace., and voc. cases), pi. eight n. eight parts of the body with which very profound
Afcaya, nom. P. aivayati, -yitum, to wish for [cf. Lat. octo; Gr. OKTU; Goth, ahtau; Mod. Germ. obeisance is performed (viz. the hands, breast, fore-
horses. acht; Eng. eight; Lith. asztnni; Slav, ogmj]; in head, eyes, throat, and middle of the back ; or the
Aivayd, f., Ved. desire to get horses. comp. with other numerals often ashtd, e. g. nshta- first four, with the knees and feet ; or these six, with
Airayu, "», us, u, Ved. desiring horses. daian, eighteen ; ashtddafa, as, t, am, the eigh- the speech and mind) ; the eight parts of a court or
Aivala,, as, m., N. of the Hotri-priest of Janaka, teenth, divided into eighteen parts ; ashtddas'a-dha, the law, the judge, assessors, scribe, and astrologer,
king of Videha. eighteen-fold ; ashtd-vintfati, twenty-eight ; ashtd- gold, fire, and water ; any whole consisting of eight
Airarya, nom. P. atvatyatt, -yitum, to wish for vinia, as, i, <im, the twenty-eighth, divided in- parts or members ; a die, dice ; (as, a, am), con-
the stallion. to twenty-eight parts ; ashtdtrinda, as, I, am, sisting of eight parts or members. — Aehtanga-
Aicaya, nom. P. afviyati, -yitum, Ved. to wish the thirty-eighth, containing thirty-eight; n*]/ftl- naya, ax, m. = ashtdnga. — Ashfan-ga-pdta or
for horses. (atvdrinia, as, i, am, the forty-eighth. — Ashta- ashtdnga-pmndma, as, m. prostration of the eight
AMka, as, i, am, drawn by horses, carried by karna, (is, d, am, one who has the number eight parts of the body as in reverence. — Ashtdnga-
horses. as a mark burnt in his ear ; (as), m. eight-eared, hridaya, am, n. title of a medicinal work. — Ash-
AMn, i, tei, f, Ved. possessed of horses, consist- an epithet of Brahma, who is supposed to have four I'angarghya (°ga-ar°), as, m. an offering of eight
ing of horses; (i), m. a cavalier, a horse-tamer; heads; (i), m., N. of a man. — Ashta-kritvas, ind. artides, water, milk, kusa grass, curds, ghee, rice,
(flaw), m. du. the two charioteers ; N. of two divini- eight times. — Ashta-kona, as, m. an octagon. barley, and mustard ; or honey, red oleander flow-
ties, who appear in the sky before the dawn ia a — AKhta-khanda, as, m. title of a collection of ers, and sandal are substituted for the last three.
golden carriage drawn by horses or birds ; they bring several sections of the EJR-vtfa.—Athfa-mva, am, — ;}xht(i-<l>innh!ra:=askta-d.an$htra, q. v. — Ask-
treasures to men and avert misfortune and sickness ; n. a flock of eight cows. — Ashta-gddh (?), t, m. a fddfi'j!a-l>huja, f., N. of the wife of Siva. — Ashtd-
in later times they are considered as the physicians of fabulous animal (called S'arabha), supposed to have
d/niaftga (°,sfan-a»°), as, m. a decoction of eighteen
Svarga or heaven ; (in astronomy) they are the twins eight legs; a spider (?). — Ashta-guna, as, d, am,
of the zodiac ; (inl), f. a nymph, considered in later eight-fold; (am), n. the eight qualities. ™ Ashta- ingreciients. — Ashtddhydyl (°tan-adh°), f. title of
times as the mother of the Asvins ; she was the wife of the ele venth Kanda of the S'atapatha-Brahmana, con-
guiids'raya (°na-<Js°), as, a, am, endowed with the sisting ,of eight lectures. — Ashtdnavata, as, i, am,
Surya or the sun, who concealed herself in the form of eight qualities, epithet of a king. — Ashta-tva, am,
the ninety-eighth. — jlsWa-parfa, as, m. a spider;
x mare ; (in astronomy) the head of Aries or the first n. condition of eight. — Ashta-danshtra, as, m.,
of the twenty-eight Nakshatras or lunar mansions ; N. of a son of Virupa, author of a hymn of the a worn/; rabha ;' a awild fabulous animal
sort of jasminwith
; a eight legs,
pin or boltthe; S'a-
(t), n., Ved. richness in horses. — Afn-devataka, Rig-veda ; N. of a Danava. — Ashta-dala, an octa- mountai'n KailSsa or abode of Kuvera ; (as, am), m.
as, a, am, whose divinities are the Asvins. — A4rini- gon. —Aslita-dik-pdla, as, m. pi. the regents of n. a kinjd of chequered cloth or board for drafts, dice,
kumara or ajrini-putra or adrim-mta, aw, m. du. the cardinal points, as Indra of the East, Agni or
&c. ; g<Md. — Ashtd-pada-pattra, am, n. gold-leaf;
the twin sons of Sanjni, the sun's wife, in the form Vahni of the S. E., Yarrta of the South, Nairrita of a sheet | of gold. — AsTitd-pdd, t, -padi, m. f., Ved.
of AJvinl, commonly called the Asvins. — AM-mat, the S. W., Varuna of the West, Marut of the N.W., having isight legs, consisting of eight members ; (in
ashta-pada. a-sangama.
scattered, loose, straggling, uncompressed ; (am), n.
ritual language) a term for a pregnant animal ; (padl), a-samyat, an, afl, at (rt. i), Ved.
a form of array, loose or open order of troops.
f. a wild sort of jasmin. — Ashta-pada, as, a, am, not entering, not pleasing.
quartered by eight, having eight for the root. — Ash- •siti^iM a-samhdrya, as, d, am, irresistible,
td-pddya, as, a, am, eight-fold. — Ashtdra-fakra- •«t*J*lrl a-samyatta, as, a, am (rt. yat), Ved.
undisturbed, (various reading for a-samyata.) insuperable.
vat (°tan-ar ), an, m. having a wheel with eight
>5(*m>l a-samyama, as, m. (rt. yam), ab- ui*!(VrT a-samhita, as, d, am, not included
spokes, an epithet of Manju-s'ri, a Jaina saint and
ruler. — Ashtd-ralha, as, m., N. of a son of Bhlma- sence of check or restraint, especially of the senses. in the SanMtd of the Veda.
ratha. — Ashtd-rakra, as, m., N. of a Brahman, a a-sakala, as, d, am, not all, not
A-samyata, as, d, am, unrestrained, unassailed.
son of Kahoda. — Ashtdsra(°tan-as°), am, n. an oc- — Asamyatdtman (°ta-dt°), d, d, a, having the entire, a part.
tagon. -Ashtdsraya (°tan-as°), as, a, am, actzn- soul uncontrolled.
galia.—Ashtdha ("tan-ati"), as, d, am, lasting eight ^reranr a-sakrit, ind. not once, oftener
days. vt*iu?n a-satnynkta, am, n. (rt. yuj), non-
than once, again and again, repeatedly.— Asakrit-
Asktaka, as, a, am, consisting of eight parts, combination, hiatus (in Vedic grammar).
samddhi, is, m. repeated meditation. — Asdkrid-
eight-fold ; one who studies or is acquainted with the A-samyoga, as, m. absence of union or connec-
tion. <j(irbha-vdsa, as, m. repeated birth.
eight books of PSnini's grammar or the formulas of
the Veda; (as), m. the eighth part, e.g. of the Rig- •si«?n a-sakta, as, d, am, detached, dis-
veda ; N. of a son of Visvamitra ; (5), f. the eighth •siflgU a-samyuta, as, m. unmixed, un- united detached
; from worldly feelings or passions ;
day after fall moon; especially the eighth day of blended ;an epithet of Vishnu. not interested in, unattached to, indifferent to.
three months, on which the progenitors or manes are vmtj-s a-samruddha, as, d, am, unob- •sm<*iq a-saktha, as, d, am, without thighs,
worshipped ; worship of the progenitors or manes on structed. thighless.
certain days, vegetables, flesh, and cake being seve-
rally offered upon these occasions, and the Brahmans m««"1 a-samlagna, as, a, am, disjoined, ^rerai a-sakra, as, d, am (rt. sasi!), Ved. not
feasted ; (am), n. a whole consisting of eight parts, detached, separate. ceasing to flow, not drying up ; not going elsewhere.
e.g. the eight sections of Panini's grammar. — Ash- ^V^W^fXa-samvatsara-bhrita,as,d, am, •«f«f« a-sakhi, d, m. an untrustworthy
takdnrja (°ka-an°), am, n. a kind of board or cloth Ved. not supported a whole year (as a sacred fire). friend.
for playing with dice on, having eight divisions.
Ashtakin, I, m. one who performs an Ashtaka.
A-samvatsarabkritin, i, int, i, Ved. one who A-sakhin, d, m. an enemy, an adversary.
does not support (a fire) a whole year.
Ashtataya, am, n. a conjunction or aggregate of family.
'HHjfld a-sagotra, as, d, am, of a different
eight. 'a « [% <; 1 1 a-samvidana, as, d, am, ignorant,
Ashtama, as, I, am, the eighth; (as), m. the unwise ; not promising or covenanting.
eighth part ; (I), f. (scil. rdtri), the eighth day •«i«^;<sn a-sankalpa, as, am, m. n. absence
(night) in a half-month ; N. of the medicinal plant •«l«<jjrf a-samvrita, as, d, am, uncovered, sincerity.
of predetermination, absence of interested purpose,
Kshirakakoll, the last of a class of eight medicinal exposed ; imperfectly or scarcely covered.
plants. — Ashlama-kalika, as, d, am, one who ^r?Nf^fVrT>^ a-sainvyavahitam, ind. im- A-sankalpita, as, d, am, not purposed, not re-
omitting seven meals partakes only of the eighth. solved or determined on.
mediately, without interval.
— Ashtamdns'a (°ma-an°), an eighth part. •»iJ*13;W<* a-sankasnka, as, d, am, not fickle,
Ashtamaka, as, d, am, the eighth. viti^m a-samsaya, as, m. absence of
Ashtamikd, f. a sukti or weight of four tolas. unfluctuating, firm, steady.
doubt ; (as, d, am), free from doubt, certain. — A-
Ashtataya, as, i, am, consisting of eight parts ; samiayam, ind. without doubt, certainly, verily. vi*f^jl<!j a-sanklrna, as, d, am, unmixed,
(am), n. collection of eight things. vi*i>si<( a-samsrava, as, m. (rt. sru), the uncompounded, uncollected.
I. ashfi, is, (., N. of a metre consisting of sixty- being out of hearing ; (e), ind. out of the hearing of;
four syllables. ^JWic* a-sankula, as, d, am, not crowded,
(as, d, am), out of hearing, inaudible.
Ashtin, I, irii, i, consisting of eight members or open, clear, broad ; (as), m. a broad road.
A-samirdwm, ind. inaudibly, out of the hearing
syllables. of (with gen. of the person). •flW^rl a-sanketa, as, d, am, not appointed,
2-ashti, is, f .(fr. rt. i .as),Ved. reaching. not agreed upon.
^til-jig a-samslishta, as, m. not joined,
not in contact, an epithet of Siva. A-sanketita, as, d, am, uninvited.
ashtra^i. (fr. rt. I. as ?),-Ved. a
prick or goad for driving cattle ; (sometimes regarded ^TWnB a-samsakta, as, d, am, not attached ^WjjfJ a-sankhya, as, d, am (rt. khyd),
as the badge of the agriculturist, as the staff is of the
to, not joined together, disunited, indifferent to. without number, innumerable, exceedingly numerous.
Brahman) ; [cf. Zend astrd ; Lith. akstinas.] — Ash- — Asankhya-td, f. or asankhya-tva, am, n. innu-
tra-vin, I, irii, i, Ved. obeying the goad. «i«iUi^ a-samsiddha, as, d, am, unac- merableness, immensity, infinity.
^rfl? ashthi, is, f. (fr. rt. I. a&? connected complished, incomplete. A-sankhydta, as, a, am, uncounted, innumerable.
with afan and adman), seed ; a kernel, a stone. a-samsukta-gila, as, d, am, A-sankhyeya, as, a, am, innumerable ; (as), m.
Ashthlld, f. a globular body ; a round pebble or Ved. swallowing whole or without chewing (said of an epithet of S'iva ; (am), n., Ved. an innumerable
Rudra's dogs).
stone ; kernel ; seed-corn ; a globular swelling below multitude ; an exceedingly large number. — Asan-
the navel, produced by wind ; contusion. khyeya-guna, as, a, am, innumerable, unnumbered.
Ashthllikd, f. a kind of abscess ; a pebble. •sttitiin a-samsriti, is, f. not returning to — Asankhyeya-td, f. innumerableness.
a new course of existence, absorption into the supreme
Ashthl-vat, van, i-at, m. n. the knee, knee-bone ; •smg5 i. a-sanga, as, m. (rt. sanj), non-
(by native grammarians derived fr. asthi.) attachment; (as, d, am), not attached, having no
•*l««g a-samsrishta, as, d, am, unmixed attachment or inclination for or interest in, inde-
.^U'lJ i. as, cl. 2. P. asti, (2nd sing, asi, with, separate, not living in common.
\ Impf. d>nt, Pot. sydt, Impv. astu, 2nd pendent, free from ties, not hindered, moving without
sing, edhi, Perf. ana), to be, live, exist, be present ; hindrance.
to. — Asanya-vat, an, afi, at, not attached
•s)*i*sin a-sayskrita, as, d, am, not perfect,
to take place, happen ; to belong to, be in the pos- unpolished, rude, common ; uninitiated, not having
session of (e. g. tasya na kinrHt svam asti, there gone through the proper rites of caste, state, sex, or A-sangin, i, ini, t, not attached to the world.
is no property belonging to him) ; to fell to the share Asajjitdtman (°ta-df), a, a, a, having a soul
of, to happen to any one (with gen.); to abide, * free from attachments.
dwell, stay ; to turn out, tend towards any result, •atiwn a-samstuta, as, d, am, unknown, *%(1fJ£ 2. a-sanga, as, d, am (rt. gam with
prove (with dat.) ; to be sufficient for (with dat.) ; unacquainted, not known as acquaintances ; not on
to become : na a*, to be lost, to perish ; [cf. Gr. terms of friendship. sam and a prefixed), not united, unassociated, soli-
ia-rl; Lat. cs-t ; Goth, is-t ; Lith. es-ti ; Slav. tary; (as),m., N. of a son of Yuyudhana.
•sttifqii a-sa>fisthdna, am, n. (rt. stha), A-sangata, as, d, am, ununited, unaccompanied,
absence of cohesion or configuration ; disorder, confu- unassociated with ; uneven, unequal ; improbable, in-
JJO 2. as, cl. 4. P. asyati, dsa, asishyati, sion ;want, destitution. consistent ;unpreferred, disesteemed ; unbecoming,
\dstliat, asitum, to throw, cast, shoot at A-mmsthita, as, d, am, not arranged or arrayed, unseemly ; rude, ill-mannered, unpolished, clownish.
(with dat., loc., or gen. of the mark) ; to drive or disordered, irregular ; not collected ; not finished, not - Asangatddarana (°ta-dd°), am, n. inconsistent
frighten away ; to throw away, take away, let go, leave. accomplished ; not ceasing, not stopping ; destitute.
Asana, am, n. the act of throwing, &c. See s.v. A-satnsthiti, is, f. disorder, confusion ; want, desti- A-sangati, is, f. not associating ; incongruity, im-

3- as, cl. i. P. A. asati, -te, -situm,
-\to go; to shine.; to take. a-samhata, as, a, am, not joined ; A-sangama, as, m. not associating with ; separa-
tion, disunion ; incongruity ; inequality.
104 a-sata-dvish. a-samriddha.
the five-arrowed, an epithet of Kama. — Asamaujas
a-safa-dvish, t, t, t, Ved. per- a-sadyas, ind. not on the same
secuting those who are not (his) worshippers ; having day, not immediately. (°ma~o/3), as, m., N. of a person.
no enemies. A-samaiui, as, d, am, going asunder or in
different directions ; uneven, unequal ; (if, according
•fltli^ asan, the base of some of the cases to Say., derived fr. manas), of different minds, of
asa6-(hdknd, asaj-jana, &c. See of asrij, blood, q.v. ; thus, inst. asnd, gen.osnos.&c.
under amt. different colours.
v(«r| asana, am, n. (fr. rt. 2. as), throwing, A-*i<uidna, as, a, am, not the same, not homo-
a-sajdta, as, a, am, Ved. not re-
lated by blood. sending ; a shot ; (as), m., N. of the tree Termi- geneous, not of equal birth ; unlike, unequal, differ-
nalia Tomentosa, see aiana. — Asana-parm, (., N. ent. —Asamana-kdrana, as, d, am, not having
A-eajdtya, as, a, am, Ved. without consan- of the plant Marsilea Quadrifolia, see afona-parnt. the same cause.
guinity. Asand, (., Ved. a missile, an arrow. a-samaksha, as, d, am, not visible,
<at!j« a-sahjna, as, a, am, insensible ; (a), •wwirfrT a-santati, is, is, i (rt. tan), child- not present, absent.
f., Ved. disunion, disagreement, discord. less, having no posterity ; (is), f. want of posterity. a-samagra, as, d, am, incomplete,
A-sanjAi-sattta, as, m. pi. a dass of Buddhist A-santdna, as, d, am, childless; (as), m. want unentire, partial, part.
divinities (otherwise a-raiHji-sattva). of posterity.
a-samanja, as, or a-samanjas, as,
a-sat, an, aft, at, not being, not ex- •flUtl'm a-santdpa, as, a, am (rt. tap),Ved. m., N. of a descendant of Ikshvaku, a son of Sagara
isting, unreal ; not as it should be, not answering its not suffering pain or sorrow; not causing pain or
sorrow. by Kesinl and father of Ansumat.
purpose, untrue, wrong, wicked, bad, vile ; (i), f. an
unfaithful or unchaste wife ; (n), m. Indra ; (<), n. A-samanjasa, as, a, am, unequal, unlike; (am),
•flH'HK a-santushta, as, d, am (rt. tush), n. unconformity, disparity, difference; (am), ind.
non-existence, non-entity ; untruth, falsehood, a lie ; discontented, displeased.
evil. — Asad-dhdklid (asat-$dkhd), f., Ved. an un- unfitly, unbecomingly; in a fluctuating or confused
A-santoiha, as, m. displeasure. manner.
real branch, a seeming member Q).—Asa£-fhdistra
(asat-idstra), am, n. heretical or heterodox doc- •Sf«f*^'*I a-sandigdha, as, a, am (rt. dih), •«i*t»t<i a-samad, t, f., Ved. non-conflict,
trine. —Asaj-jana, as, m. a bad, wicked, or con- not indistinct ; not vanished ; certain, confident ; un- harmony, concord.
temptible man. — Asaj-jdti-mis"ra, as, m., N. of a certainly. doubted, unsuspected ; (am), ind. without any doubt,
person. — Asat-kalpand, f. an untrue action, or one vt««i^T a-samaya, as, m. unseasonable-
which never took place ; fabrication of falsehood. ness ; unfit or unfavourable time.
— Asat-td, (. non-existence; untruth; wickedness. •«i«rr^n a-sandita or a-sandina, as, d, am
^njIT a-samartha, as, d, am, unable, in-
— 1. asat-tva, am, n. non-existence ; untruth; wick- (rt. 4. da, to bind), Ved. unbound, unrestrained.
edness.— Asat-patha, as, m. a bad road ; evil prac- a-sandishta, as, d, am (rt. dis), competentfeeble,
; weak.
tice or doctrine. — Asat-parigraha, as, m. receiving unapprised, uncommunicated. •flf!HU<U a-samarpana, am, n. non-de-
unfit presents, or from improper persons. — Asal- livery, not committing or intrusting anything to
•«l«*«»M a-sandhdna, am, n. (rt. dhd), want another.
putra, as, m. a childless man ; a wicked or disre-
putable son. — Asat-samsarga, as, m. evil company. of aim or object, disjunction.
A-samarpita, as, d, am, unconsigned, unin-
— Asat-sanga, as, a, am, attached to evil ; (as), A-sandhi, is, m. want of union or connection. trusted, undelivered.
m., N. of a doorkeeper or porter in the Prabodha- A-sandhita, as, d, am, untied, unbound, at
candrodaya. — Asad-adhyetri, td, m. a Brahman liberty, loose. fi| •i^a-samavayin, t, inl, i (rt. i with
who reads heterodox works ; a heterodox student. A-sandheya, as, d, am, not to be made peace sam and ara), accidental, not inherent, not intimate
— Asad-&£dra, as, a, am, following evil practices, with. and inseparable. — Asamavayi-kdrana, am, n. (in
wicked; (a«), m. evil practice. — Asad-afdrin, t, a-sanna, as, d, am, Ved. restless, logic) accidental cause, not intimate or inherent rela-
inl, i, one who follows bad or heterodox practices, without rest or repose. tion (e.g. the separable conjunction of two different
wicked, vile. — A&ad-yraka or asad-grdka, ns, m. objects). — Asamavdyi-tva, am, n. the condition of
mischievous or wicked trick ; caprice, idle or childish a-sannaddha, as, d, am (rt. nah), something that is not inherent and inseparable.
desire. — Asadgrahln, i, inl, i, performing mis- unarmed ; bom, produced ; pretending to knowledge, A-samaveta, as, a, am, not classed together, not
chievous or malicious tricks. ^Asad-drii, k, k, Jc, conceited as a Pandit or teacher ; proud. connected,
coherently. incoherent — Asamai:eta-rupam, ind. in-
evil-eyed. — Asad-bhdva, as, m. non-existence, ab- ^raf'S^RH a-sannikarsha, as, m. (rt. krish),
sence ;an evil temperament or disposition. — Asad- 'JJf<Hg4|tl4 a-samaslita-lcavya, as, d, am,
non-perception of objects, not bringing them to the
vritti, is, f. low or degrading occupation or profes- mind, remoteness.
sion; wickedness. — Asad-ryavahdra, as, a, am, Ved. of unattainable wisdom.
following evil practices ; (as), m. evil practices. A-sannikrlshta, as, d, am, unperceived, undis- "HW*<W a-samasta, as, d, am, uncom-
— Atadvyarahdrin, i, inl, i, following evil courses. tinguished not
; near, remote.
pounded, separate, several ; uncollected ; incomplete,
— Anan-mantra, as, m., Ved. untrue or false is ** ffl (V a-sannidhi, is, m. or a-sanni-
counsel or speech. imperfect.
dhdna, am, n. (rt. dhd), absence, distance ; confi- ^THHrfrT a-samdti, is, is, i, Ved. having
A-satdyl, f. wickedness. dence, absence of doubt.
A-satl, (. an unfaithful or unchaste wife. See above. nothing equal, unparalleled; (is), m., N. of a king.
A-sannihita, as, d, am, not near, far.
— Asati-suta, as, m. the son of an unchaste wife, — Asamdty-ojas, as, as, as, Ved. of unequalled
a bastard. •sm^MW a-sannyasta, as, d, am, one who strength.
has not renounced the world. a-samdna. See a-sama above.
Asat-kri, d. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to do no
good, to harm, injure, dishonour. ^T««*il«T a-sanmdna, am, n. disrespect, a-samdpita or a-samdpta, as, d,
Asat-karman, d, d, a, wicked ; (a), n. wicked- impropriety.
ness. am, unfinished, unaccomplished, incomplete.
4Jtm(^ a-sapatna, as, i, am, Ved. without A-samdpti, is, f. incompleteness.
Asat-kdra, as, m. offence, doing injury; (a-sat- another wife, without a rival ; not attacked ; without
kdra), not honouring. •4Jt<HMri°ti a-samdvartaka, as, or a-samd-
an adversary ; not rivalling ; (am), n. undisturbed
Asat-krita, as, d, am, ill-done, done from im- condition, peace.
proper motives or in an unbecoming manner ; (a- rrittika, as, m. a religious student who has not com-
satkritu), not honoured ; (am), n. wicked deed. •«(«im!i a-sapinda, as, d, am, unconnected pleted the period of his residence with his teacher.
Asat-kritya, as, d, am, one who has done evil by funeral offerings. ^1 HH I ^TT a-samdhdra, as, m. non-recovery
or wicked actions.
^T+H-W a-sabandhu, us, us, u, Ved. not of anything; disjunction, disconnection.
2.ii-fiiltm, as, d, am, strengthless, without energy; related. A-samdhdrya, as, a, am, irrecoverable, not to
(for I. asat-ii-a, see under a-sat above.) be combined or united.
A-saiya, as, d, am, false, untrue ; lying, a liar ; ^TW! a-sabhya, as, d, am, unfit for an •tHMHltt^ a-samikshya, ind. not having
(am), n. untruth, falsehood. — Asatya-vdilin, I, inl, assembly, vulgar, low.
i, speaking falsely, giving false evidence, a liar. considered. - Asamlkshya-kdrin, I, inl, i, acting
— Asatya-sandha, as, d, am, treacherous, base, a-sama, as, d, am, uneven, unequal inconsiderately.
wicked. — A-satya-sannibha, as, d, am, improba- either in surface or number ; odd ; unequalled, indi- 'STCnfHfcr a-samlflna, as, d, am, improper,
ble, unlikely. vidual, without a fellow or equal ; (as), m. a N. of
Buddha or a Buddha. — Amma-ratlia, as, a, am, incorrect.
a-sadrisa, as, I, am, unlike, dis- Ved. possessed of an unequalled chariot. — Asama- •>M*4Hj! a-samriddha, as, d, am, Ved. not
similar.— AsadriJa-vyarahdrin, i, inl, i, behaving rdna or asama-sdyaka, as, m. or asameshu, (°ma-
improperly. increased, not prosperous; one whose wishes are
isfi°), us, m. having an odd number of arrows, i. e. frustrated.
a-samriddhi. asita.
A-samriddhi, is, f. non-increase ; failing, perish- a-sarva-vira, as, d, am, Ved. not a-sdmanyd, as, d, am, peculiar,
ing ;(is, is, i), unfortunate. having all one's men collected round. not common ; (am), n. peculiar or special property.
^mmfrl a-sampatti, is, f. (rt. pad), ill- sala, am, n. iron; arms ; a mantra. •a « Ifa a-sdmi, is, is, i, Ved. not half, en-
luck, want of success ; non-accomplishment, failure. tire, whole, complete ; (i), ind. completely. •• Asdmi-
a-savarna, as, a, am, of a different
A-sampanna, as, a, am, uneffected, unaccom- davas, as, as, as, Ved. having complete strength.
plished. caste, of a different colour.
vi«q«i asavas, m. pi. (of asu, q. v.), the •>at(!**|rr a-sdmprata, as, I, am, not fit,
•B(«i«i<* a-samparka, as, a, am (rt. pri6), vital airs or breath. not becoming, improper. — A-sdmpratam, ind. un-
destitute of contact, without connection or relation. fitly, improperly, inopportunely.
A-samparkiya, as, a, am, unconnected with,
not belonging to. ^nreBTT a-sas6at,an,ant~i, at (rt. sas-<?),Ved. vim*-*) a-sdmya, am, n. (fr. a-samo), dif-
not ceasing, not sticking, not closed up, not drying ference, dissimilarity ; unsuitableness (in medicine or
>!IKUU!I a-sampurna, as, a, am, incom- up, untouched (as by any one attempting to enter diet), unwholesomeness ; disagreeableness.
plete, not entire. a door), — Asattatas, f. pi. (i. e. d/idrds), inexhaust-
ible streams. — Aiaiiata, ind. in an inexhaustible ui«i< a-sdra, as, d, am, sapless; with-
•>.H H HI fif a-samprati, ind.,Ved. not accord- manner. out genuine strength and value; without vigour,
ing to the moment or to present circumstances. A-sadcivas, an, dus/il, as, Ved. not ceasing, not spoiled, unfit, vain, unprofitable ; weak, feeble, infirm,
drying up. fragile ; (as), m., N. of the plant Ricinus Communis
^W^TTT a-samprdpya, ind. without reach-
ing. or castor-oil tree ; (am), n. Agallochum.— Asdra-td,
^nWrT^ a-sasat,
sleeping. an, all, at, Ved. not f. saplessness ; unfitness, fragility.
iH«%J|J a-sambaddha, as, d, am (rt. bandh),
vi « i q «IT«T a-sdvadhdna, as, d, am, careless,
not closely associated, distant, not related; uncon- W&$ a-saha, as, d, am (rt. sah), not bear-
nected, incoherent, unmeaning; improper, wrong; inadvertent. — Asdvadhdna-td, f. or asavadhdna-
ing, not enduring, intolerant, impatient ; (am), n.
speaking unconnectedly or unmeaningly. the middle of the breast. tva, am, n. carelessness.
A-sambandha, as, d, am, unconnected, not re- A-sahana, as, a, am, unenduring, envious, jealous; v « 1 5 1« a-sdhasa, am, n. absence of vio-
lating or belonging to ; (as), m. non-connection. (as), m. an enemy ; (am), n. intolerance, impatience. lence, gentleness.
^TflffUl a-sambddha, as, d, am (rt. bddh), A-gahamya or a-sahitavya or a-sahya, as, d, A-sdhasika, as, I, am, not violent, peaceable,
unconfined, spacious, wide, large ; open, accessible ; am, unbearable, insufferable, insuperable. — Asakya-
(a), f. a species of the Sarkari metre, consisting of ]ilda, u", d, am, causing intolerable pain. «(«(^l*M a-sdhdyya, am, n. want of assist-
fifty-six syllables; (am), n., Ved. non-confinement, A-sahamdna, as, d, am, impatient, not bearing,
open space. not enduring. tance or co-operation.
A-sahishnu, us, us, u, impatient, unenduring, gentle. ^rftr asi, is, m. (fr. rt. 2. as), a sword, a
v<«i*>T^ a-sambhava, as, d, am (rt. bhu), envy.
envious; quarrelsome. — Asahishnu-td, f. impatience, cimeter, a knife used for killing animals. — Asi^ganda,
inconsistent, improbable, unlikely; non-existent; (am,
a), n. f. any extraordinary event ; non-existencft as, m. a small pillow for the cheek. — Asi-dansh-
A-sambhavyam, ind., Ved. in an incomprehensible •wti^iM a-sahciya, as, d, am, without com- tra or asi-danshtraka, as, m. the marine monster
or extraordinary manner. panions, friendless, lonely, solitary. -• Asakdya-td, f. Makara, painted on the banner of Kamadeva.
A-samhhavana, f. difficulty or impossibility of or asahdya-tva, am, n. loneliness, solitude, the life — Asi-danta, as, m. a crocodile. — Asi-dhdra, f.
conceiving or comprehending. of a hermit ; friendlessness, being without a friend or the edge of a sword. — Asidhdrd-vrata, am, n. a
A-sambhdvantya or a-sambharya, as, a, am, patron. — A-sahaya-vat, an, atl, at, without com- vow of standing on the edge of a sword, used figura-
inconceivable, incomprehensible, impossible. — Asam- panions, friendless. tively for any hopelessly difficult task. — Asi-dhdva
bhdvyam, ind. in an incomprehensible or impossible A-sakita, as, d, am, unassociated, unaccompanied. or asi-dlidvaka, as, m. an armourer, a furbisher, a
manner. sword or tool cleaner. — Asi-dhenu, us, or asi-dhe-
A-sambhuta, as, d, am, unproduced. ^T*insj I n^ a-sdkshdt, ind. [cf. 2. aksha and nukd, f. a knife.— Asi-pattra, as, am, ID. n. the
aksJti, the eye], not before the eyes, invisible, im- blade of a sword ; a sheath, a scabbard ; (as, d, am),
A-sambhUti, is, f., Ved. non-existence, the not perceptible not
; present.
being born again. whose leaves are swords, having sword-shaped leaves ;
A-sdkshika, as, i, am, unattested/, unwitnessed. (as), m. the sugar-cane, Scirpus Kysoor Roxb. ; a
^ra*>Ttl a-sambhoga, as, m. non-enjoy- A-sdkshin, i, ini, i, incompetent as a witness, kind of tree which grows in the lower world ; a hell
ment, not using or enjoying. not an eye-witness. paved with swords. —Asi-pattraka, as, m. sugar-
^H^fcR a-sambhrama, as, d, am, free from A-sdkshya, am, n. want of evidence. cane. — Asipattra-wana, am, n. a hell where the
flurry, composed, cool ; (as), m. calmness, steadiness. ^TOTrRI a-sdtmya, as, d, am, unwholesome, trees have leaves as sharp as swords. — Asi-patha,
disagreeing (as food ?). am, n., Ved. the course of a sacrificial knife (?).
•w«*Hrt a-sammata, as, d, am (rt. man), sitting. — Asi-pu/Sfhaka, as, m. the Gan-getic porpoise, Del-
disapproved, despised ; dissentient, differing from ; '^nrn^ a-sdda, as, d, am, Ved. seatless, not phinus Gangelicus. — Asi-putrikd or asi-putn, (. a
averse, contrary. — Asammatdddyin (°ta-dfP), I, knife, lit. daughter of a sword. — Asi-mat, an, atl,
irii, i, taking without the consent of the possessor ; «f«lV«T a-sddhana, as, d, am (rt. sddh), at, Ved. furnished with knives or daggers. — Asi-
a thief.
A-sammati, is, f. dissent, difference of opinion ; without means, destitute of means, resources, mate- meda, as, m. the fetid Mimosa Vachellia Farnesiana
dislike, aversion. rials, instruments or implements ; (am), n. non-ac- W. and A. — Asi-loman, d, m., N. of a DSnava.
complishment, not proving or establishing. — Asi-hati/a, am, n. fighting with knives or swords.
A-sammdnu, am, n. disrespect, disgrace.
A-sddhantya or a-sddhya, as, d, am, not to be — Asi-hett, is, m. a swordsman or soldier armed
^rafaTrT a-sammita, as, d, am, Ved. not effected or completed, not proper or able to be with a sword. — Asy-ast, Ind. sword to sword, sword
measured, immeasurable. accomplished ; incurable, irremediable, not susceptible against sword.
i!T««*ie a-sammudha, as, d, am (rt. muh), of proof. Axika, am, n. (fr. asi /), the part of the face be-
A-sddhita, as, d, am, unaccomplished. tween the underlip and the chin.
calm, deliberate, cool, clear seeing, judging well. asikrii. See 2. asita.
A-sammoha, as, m. steadiness, calmness, com- ^WTVTCd a-sddhdrana, as, d, am, not
posure. common, special, specific ; (am), n. speciality, species, i. a-sita, as, a, am (rt. si), Ved.
special property. unbound.
^T«**JK a-sammrishta, as, d, am, Ved. un-
purified, uncleansed. ^Wnj a-sddhu, us, us or vi, u, not good, •»nff(iT 2. asita, as, f. asitd or Ved. f. asi-
wicked, bad; (i<l), f. an unchaste wife. — Asadhu- knl,
'WttwnH a-sammosha, as, m. the allowing
td, f. or asddhu-tm, am, n. wickedness. — Asddltu- from am, (sita, which
this word, ' white,'is appears
probablyto original,
have beenandformed
not a
nothing to escape (one's cognizance ?). vrittd, f. an unchaste woman. compound of a and sita ; cf. the formation of sura
^T««4^ \^a-samyaM, myan, mici, myak, im- ^T«f^j a-sdndra, as, d, am, not close, fine, fr. asura), dark-coloured, black, dark-blue ; (as), m.
proper, incorrect; imperfect, incomplete. — Asamyak- delicate but with interstices, transparent. the black colour ; N. of the planet Saturn ; the dark
kdrln, I, mi, i, acting unskilfully, inexpert, incom- fortnight of a lunar month ; N. of a being presiding
petent ;acting improperly, ill-conducted, profligate. ^fHlPTHq a-sdnnidhya, am, n. non-prox-
over darkness
yapa and other
and several magic persons;
; N. of a N.descendant of KSs1-
of<a mountain;
^W^» asaru, us, m. (rt. 2. as), the medi- imity, distance.
cinal plant Blumea Lacera. *a*M*lf*(oti a-sdmayika, as, t, am, unsea- a black snake ; (td), f. the indigo plant ; N. of an
sonable. Apsaras ; (asiknl), f.,Ved. ' the dark one,' the night ;
W%5T a-sarva-jna, as, d, am, not knowing a girl attending
everything. UT«|fi J) a-sdmarthya, am, n. weakness. ments (whose hairupon
is notthewhitened
inner orbywomen's
age) ; N.apart-
of a
106 asita-ke&anta.
daughter of Vlrana and wife of Daksha ; N. of the epithet of the Asura Baka. *• Asitra-Hpu, its, m ^T^n-SH, MS, us, m. f. (rt. i. su, to bring
river Akesines (afterwards Candra-bhaga) in the Pan enemy of the Asuras, epithet of Vishnu. — Asura- forth), Ved. not bringing forth, barren.
jab. — As{ ta-kedanta, as, a, am, having black locks, niidana, as, m. destroyer of the Asuras, epithet o A-suta or a-sutika, as, d, am, Ved. one who
— Asita-gri ra, as, d, am, Ved. having a black Vishnu. — Asitra-han, a, yhni, n, Ved. destroying has not brought forth, barren.
neck. — Asita-jiui, us, &*, «, Ved. having black the Asuras, epithet of Agni, Indra, &c. — Asura- A-futi, is, f. non-production ; obstruction, removal ;
knees. — Asita-nayana, as, d, am, black-eyed. farya (°ra-dc ), as, m. teacher of the Asuras barrenness.
— Asita-bhru, us, us, u, having black eyelids epithet of the regent of the planet Venus. » Asurd- A-edsu, us, us, «,Ved. not bringing forth, barren.
— Aiita-mriga,ai<, m.,N. of a family. —Atitdbhra- dhipa ("ra-adli"), as, m. lord of the Asuras ; N. oi •«tits|*y asiikshana or asukshana or asur-
.•.'tkhura (°ta-ahh°), as, m., N. of a Buddha. — Asi- Bali Vairoc'ani and of Mayadhara. — Asurdhva (°ra- kshana or asurkshana or astarkthana, am, n.
tdmburuha (°ta-am°), as, ra. the blue lotus. u/i ), am, n. bell-metal, named after an Asura.
— Asitan'ix (:tu-ar°), it, m. fire. — Asttdlu (°ta- Asurya, as, d, am, Ved. incorporeal, spiritual, (etymology doubtful), disrespect.
divine ; demoniacal, belonging to the Asuras ; (am), vi«B*l a-siikshma, as, d, am, not fine, not
df), us, m., N. of a plant. — Asitaiman (°ta-oV
a, m. the lapis lazuli ; any black or dark-blue stone. n. spirituality, divine nature; the incorporeal, the minute, large, thick, gross.
— Asitotpala(°ta-itt°),am, n. the blue lotus, Nym- collective body of spiritual beings; (according to
phza SSy.) the water of the clouds. ^nnr asuya (fr. asu), nom. P. A. asuyati,
lazuli. Cajrulea. — ^l<iV<>/«(?'( (°ta-up°), am, n. lapis
•siflcn^ a-sukara, as, d, am, not easy to -te, -yitum, to murmur at, to detract from, depre-
Aflknikd, f. a woman-servant [cf. aeikrit]. be done, difficult, arduous. ciate ;to envy, scorn, be displeased or discontented
.^ittikl, (., N. of apla»t. with, or grumble at (with dat. or ace.) : Caus. asu-
vt*JBj4u asukshana, a various reading for yayati, -yilum, to cause to murmur or be displeased
••af«5 a-siddha, as, d, am, imperfect, in- asukshana, q. v. or discontented.
complete ;unaccomplished, uneffected ; unproved ;
unripe. vitus a-sukha, as, d, am, unhappy, sorrow- Asuyaka, as, ikd, am, detracting, envious, calum-
asuka ?).
nious, discontented, displeased ; (by some written
A-iiddhi, is, f. imperfect or incomplete accom- ful, melancholic; (am), n. sorrow, pain, affliction.
plishment, failure; (in logic) want of proof, con- — Asukha-jivikd, f. a joyless \\fe.-Asukhfi-p~tdita, Asiiyana, am, n. calumny, detraction.
clusion not warranted by the premises. Anuyayitva, ind. having scorned, having cursed.
as, a, am, pained with grief. — Aeukhdvaha (°kha-
'H (*(••«< a-sinva, as, d, am, or a-sinvat, an, dv"), as, d, am, producing unhappiness. — Asukhd- Asuyd, f. displeasure, indignation, especially at the
art, at, Ved. insatiable. mshta (°kha-dv°), as, d, am, afflicted with grief, merits or the happiness of another, envy, jealousy ;
pain, or unhappiness.— Asukhodaya (°kha-ud°), as, calumny, detraction ; aversion; N. of the wife of Atri.
vafal. asira, as, m. (fr. rt. 2. as, to throw), d, am, causing or ending in unhappiness. ~Asukho-
Asuyitri, td, tri, tri, murmuring, detracting, dis-
Ved. a beam, a ray ; an arrow, a bolt. - darka (cMa-«a"), as, a, am, productive of or
Asishtha, as, d, am, (superl.) Ved. most skilful ending in unhappiness. calumny.
Asuyu, us, us, u, envious, displeased ; (u*), m.
in shooting (arrows &c.). A-sukhin, I, irii, i, unhappy, sorrowful, afflicted. pleased.
•«*fl asi, f., N. of a river, = asi. •«(fl'|*i a-sugama, as, d, am, difficult of •st«<. a-sura, am, n., Ved. absence of a
attainment or accomplishment, hard, unattainable ;
»a«il«i<««!i astma-krishna, as, m., N. of a difficult to be understood. person to press out the Soma juice ; (Say.) a place
prince. or country devoid of praise or worship.
•ei«n i. a-suta, as, ii, am (rt. 2. s«),Ved. not asurkshana, am, n. disrespect.
^TW asa, us, m. (fr. rt. i. as, to be), breath, pressed out, not cleared or purified, not ready (as
life, spiritual life ; life of the spiritual world or departed the Soma juice). See asukshana-
spirits; water?; [cf. da(,o>, &r0|Ua] ; (asaras), A-sunra, as, d, am, or a-sunvat, an, all, at, a-surta, as, d, am, Ved. not moving,
remote (?).
nom. pi. the five vital breaths or airs of the body ;
or a-sushvi, is, is, i, Ved. not pressing out the
animal life ; (u), n. reflection, thought or the heart as Soma juice, not worshipping the gods, wicked.
the seat of it ; grief. — Aeu-dhdrana, am, n. life, »3«M a-surya, as, a, am, Ved. sunless.
existence. — Asu-nita, am, n., Ved. the world of 2. a-suta, as, d, am (rt. l. su), child-
less. See a-su. A-suryam-pafyd, (. the wife of a king who being
spirits, or (as), m. the lord of the spirits. — Atu-nlli, shut up in the inner apartments never sees the sun ;
it, (., Ved. the life or the world of spirits ; that life
a chaste and loyal wife.
personified as a female deity invoked for the preserva- be «easily «(!'«, a-sutara, as, d, am (rt. tri), not to
tion of life, or as Yama, lord of the dead. — Asu- ^nT3T nsrij, k, n. (said to be fr. rt. srij with
bhanga, as, m. breaking of life; fear about life; ^. a-sutrip, p, p, p, Ved. insatiable, a, which may stand for ai'ct or d), blood ; saffron ;
danger of life. — Asu-bhrit, t, m. breathing, living, a not easily satiated. (it), m. a kind of religious abstraction ; [cf. Lat.
creature. — Asu-mat, an, atl, at, living, breathing ; ...] •* Asrik-kara, as, m. the essence of the
(man), m. life, the principle of vitality, the portion of a-sunirasa, as, a, am, disagree-
body, lymph, serum, fcc. — A*rik-pa, as, m. a Rak-
spirit connected with the attributes of existence. — Asu- able, unpleasant, offensive. shasa or imp of malicious propensities,who drinks blood.
sama, as, a, am, dearly loved, as dear as life ; (as), a-sundara, as, d or I, am, plain, — Asrik-pata, as, m. the falling of blood ; ((is), m.
m. a husband, a lover. pi. drops of blood, as from a wound. — Asrik-pdvan,
Asura, as, a, am, Ved. living, alive, spiritual ; an ugly ; improper, unbecoming. d, d, a, Ved. drinking blood. — Asrik-irdra, as, m.
epithet of the supreme spirit jVaruna ; incorporeal, super- a-supta, as, d, am, not asleep.— A- bleeding, letting blood. — Asrik-drdvin, i, inl, i,
human, divine ; (as), m. spirit ; an incorporeal being tupta-drii, k, k, k, never closing the eyes in sleep, bleeding, who or what takes away blood. — Asritj-
of an evil kind ; an evil spirit, a demon ; a ghost or ever-seeing. lara, as, m. irregular or excessive menstruation,
spectre ; a general name for the chief of the Asuras mrenorrhagia. — Asriff-doha, ax, a, am, shedding
[these Asuras are often regarded as the children of adverse. a-sumna, as, d, am, Ved. contrary, blood, bleeding. — Atriy-dhard, f. the skin. — A»-
Diti by Kasyapa, see daitya; as such they are i'f-tihdrcit, f. a stream of blood; the skin. — Asrig-
demons of the first order in perpetual hostility with asura. See under asu. •altd, f. a blood-vessel. — Asrig-vimokshana, am, n.
the gods, and must not be confounded with the blood-letting, bleeding. — Asrin-mtera, as, d, am,
Rakshasas or imps who animate dead bodies and a-suraksha, as, d, am, perishable, mixed or covered with blood. — Asrin-mukha, as, i,
disturb sacrifices] ; the sun ; Rahu ; ao elephant ; N. volatile, transitory. 'im, Ved. whose face is bloody. — Asri-pata, as, i,
of a warrior-tribe; (according to Say.) a cloud?; A-surakshya, as, d, am, difficult of retention or m. f. (for asrik-pdta), a stream of blood.
(a), f. night ; a zodiacal sign ; a prostitute ; (I), (. a reservation. a-srini, is, is, i, unrestrained.
female demon, the wife of an Asura ; N. of the plant a-surasd, f. the plant Uasilicum
Sinapis Racemosa Roxb. [Observe, in later San- ?ilosum Benth. a-srishta, as, a, am (rt. srij), un-
skrit, sura has been formed from asura, as sita created ; undistributed, not presented ; continued.
from aeita, q. v.] — Asura-kumdra, OK, m. pi. a a-sulabha, as, d, am, difficult of
class of deities belonging to the Bhavanadhisas. attainment. —Asrishtdnna (°ta-an°), as, d, am, one who does
— Asura-k'hayana, at, a, am, or aeura-kshiti, lot distribute food.
7-, is, i, Ved. destroying the Asuras. — Asura-tra,
a-sushvi. See under i. a-suta. lar*ri*|Tf a-sefana or a-se(anaka, as, d, am,
am, n., Ved. spirituality, supernatural or divine dig- a-sustha, as, d, am, unwell, indis- :hat on which one cannot look enough ; charming,
nity. — As'ura-mdyd, (., Ved. demoniacal magic. K»ed, •nemy.not well placed, uncomfortable. — Asitslha-td, ovely [cf. a-sefanakd\.
— Asura-rakshasa, ant, n. pi., Ved. the Asuras %S«^I a-senya, as, d, am, Ved. not worthy
and Rakshasas ; (am), n. sing, a demoniacal being, '. indisposition, sickness. f an army ; not striking, not wounding (?).
partaking of the qualities of both the classes of
•«fl[^ a-suhrid, t, m. not a friend, an
evil spirits. -»Asurti-rdj, t, m. king of the Asuras, a-sevana, am, n. or a-sevd, f. (rt.
a-sevita. a-sthuri.

s«t)), disregarding, neglecting ; not following or prac- Astha = asthi at the end of some compounds.
tising, shunning ; disregard, inattention, disobedience. See'•*«i«j
astarkshana, am, n. disrespect.
a-sthala, f., N. of an Apsaras.
A-sevita, as, d, am, neglected, unattended to, dis-
obeyed; abstained from, disused. — A-sevitetrara- ^rm astaga, as, m., N. of the fifteenth astha, f, (?), Ved. a thunderbolt.
Arhat of the past Utsarpim.
dvdraof (°ta-if),
doors the great. as, d, am, not waiting at the •sxemT asthaga, as, d, am (rt. stha with a ?),
^naTO astdgha, as, d, am, very deep. See very deep ; also written astaga, asthdgha, aethdna,
A-seeya, as, d, am, not to be served or attended asthdgha. asthdra.
to; not to be used or practised, not to be eaten
drank, &c. ^fmasti, ind. (3rd sing. pres. of rt. i. as), •si**) I «T a-sthana, as, a, am (rt. stha), very
being, existent, present; (is), f., N. of a sister of deep ; (am), n. no place, a place where there is no
^rat^T asau-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum PrSpti, daughter of JarSsandhas and wife of Kansa. firm footing, a bad or wrong place ; (am.), ind. un-
to do such and such a thing.
-Asti-kdya, as, m. a category or predicament. suitably, unseasonably ; -a-sthdne, ind. unseasonably,
Asau*ndman, a, d, a, Ved. having such and such a inopportunely.
name. — Asti-kshira, as, a, am, having milk. — Asti-tva,
am, n. existence. — Asti-ndsti (°na-as°), ind. doubt- A-sthdyin, I, inl, i, not permanant, perishable,
[ a-saundarya, am, n. ugliness. ful, partly true and partly not. - Astindsti-tva, am,
n. or asttndsti-td, f. uncertain or doubtful existence ; A-sthdvara, as, a, am, moveable, moving, not
a-saumya, as, a, am, ugly, un- partial existence. — Asti-pravdda, am, n. title of the fixed ; (in law) personal, as property, money, cattle,
lovely;disagreeable, displeasing. — Asaumya-svara fourth of the fourteen Purvas or older writings of the
as, d, am, having a bad or croaking voice. &c., opposed to land.
Jainas. — Asti-mat, an, atl, at, possessed of property A-sthUa, as, d, am, not standing still, not fixed.
•st«Ti8^ a-saushthava, am, n. ugliness, de- wealthy, opulent. A-sthiti, is, (. want of place or condition, want of
firm continuance.
; worthlessness. Astu (3rd sing. impv. of rt. I. as), let it be, be
^T^SsT a-skanna, as, d, am (rt. s£and),Ved. it so, implying assent, also reluctance and pain ^mSf asthi, i, Ved. asthan, a, n. (said to be
not spilt, not effused, not fallen ; not sprinkled not — Axtun-kdra, as, d, am, efficacious, as a medica- fr. rt. 2. as; perhaps fr. a-sthd for d-sthd), a bone ;
covered ; permanent, durable. ment ;(astum is here the ace. of astu, ' producing the kernel or stone of a fruit. At end of compounds
A-skandita, as, a, am, not spilt, not fallen, not that which the physician promises shall be.') — Astv- astha is found, e. g. an-astha, q. v. The weakest
evam, ind. be it so. cases of asthi are derived from asthan, q. v. ; the
gone, not attacked. — Askandita-vrata, as, d, am,
true to vows. ^WIT a-stuta, as, d, am (rt. stu), Ved. not Veda has also asthdni, asthalhis, &c. [cf. Lat. of,
praised, not deserving praise ; not recited in prayer ossis, assimilated fr. ostis ; Gr. b<rrlov ; Slav, kosti,
vi*?ti*tT7T a-skambhana, am, n., Ved. want with k prefixed]. — Asthaiwat, an, all, at, Ved.
of a pillar or support. A-stuli, is, m. the absence of praise.
having bones, bony. - Asthi-krit, t, t, t, m. f.n. mar-
^niTrT a-strita, as, d, am, Ved. not over- row. —Asthi-ddhallita, am, n. a particular fracture
v)«;j».|1<j a-skridhoyu, its, us, u, Ved. not
narrow or deficient, abundant. come, invincible, indestructible. — Astrita-yajvan, d of the bones. — Asthi-ja, as, d, am, Ved. produced in
d, a, Ved. sacrificing indefatigably or invincibly. the bones ; (as), m. marrow ; the thunderbolt ; in
••atsf^iT a-skhalita, as, d, am, unshaken, the last sense a various reading for aksha-ja. — AstM-
unyielding, firm, permanent ; not stumbling or slip- a-stena, am, or a-steya, am, n. ab- jna, as, m. marrow. — Asthi-tunda, as, d, m. f. a
ping, undeviating. — A-skhalita-praydna,as, a, am, sence of theft, honesty.
bird (whose mouth or beak consists of bone). — As-
not stumbling in progress, with unfaltering step. thi-tejas, as, n. marrow. — Asthi-toda, as, m. pain
•wtm astya, am, n.,Ved. ahouse. See 2. asta.
•«i*f I- asta, as, d, am (fr. rt. 2. as), thrown, in the bones. — Asthi-tvat, k, f. the periosteum.
cast ; expelled, sent away ; sent, despatched ; removed, a-stydna, am, n. reproach, blame. — Asthi-dhanvan, d, m. a N. of Siva. — Asthi-
laid or set aside ; finished ; (d), {., Ved. a missile astra, am, n. (fr. rt. 2. as), a missile paiijara, as, m. a skeleton ; lit. a cage of bones.
an arrow. — Asta-topa, as, d, am, whose anger is weapon, bolt, arrow ; bow ; a weapon in general, a — Asthi-bhaksha, as, m. a dog (eating bones).
laid aside. —Asta-dhl, Is, Is, i, foolish. — Asta-vat, sword ; [with astra cf. Gr. Ha-rpov and dor^p, per- —Asthi-bhanga, as, m. fracture of the bones; N.
an, atl, at, obstructed (f). — Asta-vyasta, as, d, haps that which throws out or emits rays of light.] of the plant Vitis Quadrangularis. — Asthi-l}huj, Tc,
am, scattered hither and thither, confused, disordered, — Astra-kantaka, at, m. an arrow. — Astra-kdraka m. a bone-eater, a dog. — Asthi-bhuyas, an, ast,
irrelevant. — Asta-sankhya, as, d, am, innumerable. or astra-kdra, as, or astra-kdrin, I, m. an armourer, as, Ved. consisting chiefly of bones, dried up.— As-
Astrt, td, m., Ved. throwing, a shooter. maker of weapons. - Astra-ks/iepaka, as, d, am, thi-bheda, as, m. fracturing, breaking or wounding
shooting arrows. — Astra-dkitsaka, as, m. a surgeon. a bone ; a sort of bone, a bone. — Asthi-bhedaka,
^rer 2. asta, am, n. (fr. rt. i. as?), Ved.
— Astra-iikitsd, f. surgery. —Astra-jit, t, n., N. as, d, am, a bone-breaker, who or what breaks
home ; death, end ; (as), m. the western mountain, bones. — Asthi-mat, an, atl, at, having bones, verte-
behind which the sun is supposed to set; sunset; of a plant. — Astra-jlva, as, m. a soldier, a warrior.
— Astra-dhdrana, am, n. the bearing of arms. brated. — Asthi-maya, as, I, am, bony, consisting of
(in astronomy) the seventh lunar mansion. — Astam, bones. — Asthi-mdld, f. a necklace of bones. — Asthi-
ind. at home, home. — Astam i or gam or yd, to — Astra-dhdri n, I, m. one who bears arms, a
mdlin, I, m. an epithet of Sm (this deity being
go home; to go down, to set; astam nl or vah, soldier. —Astra-nwdrana, am, n. warding off a commonly represented with a necklace of skulls).
to conduct or lead home ; to lead to setting, to cause }low. — Astra-mdrja or astramdrjaka, as, m. an
armourer, a sword-polisher or tool-cleaner, furbisher. — Asthi-yoya, as, m. the joining of a broken bone.
to set ; astam gam or { or prop, to go to one's eter- — Asthi-vat, an, atl, at, bony, osseous. — Asthi-
nal home, to cease, to vanish, to die. - Asta-gata, — Astra-yuddha, as, m. fighting with weapons.
as, d, am, set (as the san). — Asta-gamana, am, — Astra-ldghava,am, n. dexterity in arms. — Astra- vigraha, as,tendants.— m. a Asthi-irmkhala,
N. of Bhrin-gin, one of Siva's at-
rid, t, t, t, skilled in the science of arms or war. f. or astM-samhdra,
n. setting. — Asta-giri, is, m. the western mountain.
— Astra-vidyd, f. the military science. - Astra- as, I, m. f., N. of the plant Heliotropium Indicum.
— Astam-aya, at, m. or astam-ayana, am, n.
disappearance, setting. — Astam-ita, as, d, urn, set vidvas, an, ushl, as, skilled in the use of arms. — A8thi-s"osha, as, m. dryness and decay of the
- Astra-vrishti, is, f. shower of arrows. - Astra- wnes. -• Asthi-samhdraka, as, m. ' bone-seizer,'
(as the sun). — Astafala ("to-arf'), as, m. the west- veda, as, m. the science of arms and war. — Astra- he adjutant bird. — Asthi-sanfaya, as, m. collecting
ern mountain. — Astdfaldvalambin (°la-av°), I, he bones or their ashes after burning a corpse.
inl, i, reclining on the western mountain, about to •sastra, am, n. all sorts of arms (as arrows and
words). —Astra-iikshd, f. military exercise, passage — Asthi-sandhi, is, m. a joint, an articulation;
set. — Astadri ('to-oo"), is, m. the western moun- uniting of a broken bone.— Asthi-samarpana, am,
of arms. — Astra-sdyaka, as, m. an iron arrow.
tain. -Astdvalamlana (°ta-av'), am, n. the resting n. throwing the bones of a dead bodv into the Gan-
of a heavenly body on the western part of the — Astra-hina, a.v, d, am, unarmed, defenceless.
- Astrdgdra (°tra-dg°), as, m. an arsenal, an tps. — Astlii-sdra, as, m. marrow. — Asthi-nthfina,
horizon. — Aetdi-alambin, I, inl, i, setting as the
sun, on the point of setting. zrmoary.-Astrdghdta ("tra-dgh"), as, m. a wound, as, m. the body, ' having the bones for its pillars.'
— Asthi-sneha, as, m. marrow. — Asthi-sransa, as,
Astaka, am, n., Ved. home ; (as), m. going to awounded, cut. - Astrdhata
killed. (°tra-dh°), as, d, am, struck,
, am, Ved. causing the bones to fall asunder.
one's eternal home, beatitude, eternal felicity. Asthika, am, n. a bone ; used at the end of com-
Astatdti, if, {., Ved. home. n Altrto,
archer. I, inl, {, fighting with a missile weapon, pounds, e.g. an-asthika, as, d, am, boneless.
Astamatl, f. (perhaps a corruption of antu-matt),
the plant Desmodium Gangeticum. a-sthira, as, a, am, unsteady;
a-stn, f. not a woman; (in gram.)
Astamana, am, n. corruption of (astam-ayana), the masculine and neuter genders. rembling, shaking; uncertain, unascertained; un-
setting. worthy of confidence. — Astlara-td, {. or asthira-
Astamlke, ind., Ved. at home, near. A-strlka, as, d, am, having no wife, without a
woman. va, am, n. unsteadiness, fickleness, mutability.
Asta, ind., Ved. at home. A-stheyas, an, asl, as, unsteady, not firm.
A-straina, as, I, am, Ved. without a wife. A-sthairya, am, n. instability, unsteadiness.
a-staldha, as, a, am, not firm or
self-possessed, confounded. - Astal>dha-tva, am, n. "^nSfTJ asthan, the base of some of the ^H**jK a-sthiiri, is, is, i, Ved. furnished
being confused or confounded, want of self-possession. cases of asthi, ' a bone,' q. v. ; thus, inst. asthna, &c. rith more than one horse ; not one-sided.
108 a-sthiila.

a-sthula, as, a, am, not bulky, de- ^TWtT asmanta, am, n. a furnace or fire- A-svatantra, as, a, am, not self-willed, dependant,
licate. place. See asmanta. subject ; docile, humble.
.•l-*riibhdva,ai, m. unnatural or unusual character
IfT a-snatri, tti, trl, tri, Ved. not fond VI mi.*!} a-smarana, am, n. (rt. smri), for- or temperament; (as, d, am), of a different nature.
of bathing, not a bather. getfulness, forgetting. A-svarupa, as, d, am, essentially different or
A-smaramya, as, a, am, not to be recollected. unlike.
•41411(44. a-sndrira. as, u, am, Ved. with- A-svavexa, an, d, am, Ved. having no home of
out sinews, without bands. A-smdrta, as, i, am, immemorial, not within
memory ; illegal, not according to law ; not belonging one's own, expelled from home.
to the Hindu institutes.
•tttiwV a-snigdha, as, a, am (rt. snih), not
smooth, harsh, hard, dry ; unkind. — Asnigdlia-ddru, A-smrita, as, a, am, not remembered, forgotten. whoA-svddhydya (^sva-adh°),
has not performed as, who
his studies, m. has
a Brahman
not read
u, n. a kind of pine tree. A-smriti, is, f. want of memory, forgetfulness ; the Vedas previously to his investiture ; interruption
A-tneha, Of, a, am, unkind; harsh, hard, dry; the not being part of the institutes of law ; (f), ind., or interval of study, prohibited on certain days of the
Ved. inattentively. moon, at eclipses, &c.
(as), m. unkindness, want of affection ; absence of
rSfUlrll asmi-td, f. (abstract noun formed A-svdrtha (°sva-ar°), as, d, am, not for one's
self; not for a proper object; having a different
«i«-Mf^ a-spanda, as, a, am, not trembling,
not moving, fixed, unchangeable. fr. asmi, ist pers. sing. pres. of I. as, 'I am'),
egotism. A-srikdra, as, m. non-acquiescence, dissent.
\HHI3) a-sparsa, as, a, am (rt. spris), not »JHfK a-smera, as, d, am (rt. smi),Ved. not A-smkrita, as, d, am, dissented from, refused,
touching, not in contact ; (as), m. not touching, non- sullen, confiding. not promised.
a-syandamana, as, d, am, Ved. ^rat a-sva66ha, as, d, am, not clear,
A-eparfana, am, n. non-contact, avoiding the con- not gliding away.
tact of anything, especially of one who is impure.
^TS^tT a-svanta (a-su-anta), as, d, am,
A-sparfaniya, as, a, am, not to be touched, •^HMInl^T asyavdmlya, am, n. the hymn
impure. beginning with the words asya vdm (Rig-veda 1.164). ending ill, leading to or having an unfavourable issue ;
A-spariUta, as, a, am, untouched. (fr. asu-anta?) approaching the end of life ; a fire-
A-spri&ya, as, a, am, not to be touched, intan- See^im^rtl asya-hatya, ^J53T?frT asya-heti.
Gana Anusatikadi to PSnini VII. 3, 2O. place, see aivanta.
•si*3» a-svapna, as, d, am, Ved. sleepless,
gible.' as, a, am, untouched.— Asprishta- iSKJ'^rl asy-udyata, as, d, am (for udya- awake ; (as), m. sleeplessness, the being awake ; a
rajas-tamaika, as, a, am, perfectly pure. — Aitpri- god, a deity [cf. Suirxos].
sh(a-vahni, is, is, i, unscathed by fire. tdsi), having the sword raised.
^T£T asra, as, m. (said to be fr. 2. as), hair A-svapnaj, k, k, k, Ved. not sleepy, sleepless.
A-sprithti, is, (. not touching, avoiding contact.
of the head ; a comer, an angle, see atra ; (am), •ens*, a-svara, as, d, am, not aloud,
a-spashta, as, d, am, indistinct. speaking in an under tone, indistinct ; having a bad
n. blood ; a tear, see asrij and asan. — Asra-
a-sprita, as, a, am, Ved. uncon- kantha, as, m. an arrow ; (perhaps a variation from or croaking voice ; (am), ind. not aloud, in a low
tone, indistinctly.
quered, irresistible. astra-kanthafy.—Asra-khadira, as, m. a red Mi-
mosa. — Asra-ja, am, n. flesh. — Asra-jit, t, m. a vt*3't( a-svargya, as, a, am, not leading
*3(W^ a-spriha, as, a, am, undesirous, plant ; see astrarjit. — Asra-pa, as, m. a Rakshasa to heaven, unheavenly.
content; indifferent. or goblin ; (d), (. a leech j a Dakim or female imp.
A-spriha>ilya, as, a, am, undesirable. — Asra-pattraka, as, m., N. of a plant, Rubia *jt^ a-sva-stha, as, d, am, not in good
>HWi3 a-sphuta, am, n. indistinct speech ; Cordifolia L. (1). — Asra-pitta, am, n. plethora, health, not one's self, sick. — Asvastha-td, f. want of
hemorrhage, epistaxis, involuntary discharge of blood firmness ; weakness, illness.
(at, a, am), indistinct, obscure, invisible, unblown. from the mouth, nostrils, anus, &c. — Asra-phald, f.
— Asphuta-phala, am, n. indistinct result; (in the plant Boswellia Thurifera Roxb. — Asra-mdtrikd, A-svdsthya, am, n. indisposition, sickness, dis-
comfort, indigence.
geom.) gross area of a triangle, Sec. — A-sphuta- f. chyle, chyme. — Asra-rodhini, f. the plant Mi-
rdf, k, k, k, lisping, speaking indistinctly. mosa Pudica. — Asra-vindu-Mhadd, f., N. of a tu- 'UJjilfJ a-svddu, us, us, u, tasteless, insipid.
^T?R a-sma, a pronominal base (supposed berous plant.— Asrdrjaka (°ra-ar°), as, m. the •snail*!'* a-svdmika, as, d or I, am, un-
to be compounded fr. a and sma) from which several white Tulasi plant.
cases of the pronoun of the 1st person plur. and of owned, unclaimed.
Asrdya, nom. A. asrdyate, -yitum, to shed tears. A-svdmin, I, inl, i, having no right or title to
the 3rd sing, are derived. See also the next.
•glfcNri a-sravat, an, ant'i, at (rt. srn), not anything, not being master of it ; that which has no
•*IW^ asmad, the plural base of the 1st flowing ; Ved. not leaky (as a ship). master or owner. — A-s I'ditti-vikraya, as, m. sale
without ownership.
personal pronoun (said to be fr. 3. as, ' to throw', A-sruva, am, n. granulation (of a running sore).
Un-sQt. I. 138; or fr. I. an, 'to be'), nom. sing. vi till a-srdma, as, d, am, Ved. not stiff, A-svdmya, am, n. absence of right or title to pro-
aham, ' I,' du. ivam, ' we two,' pi. vayam, ' we ;'
ace. pi. asman, inst. asmdbhis, dat. asmdbhyam, not lame. 'SiyiXI v-sciirtha, as, d, am, unselfish,
abl. asmat or asmattas, gen. atmdkam, loc. as- asri, is, f. an angle; ten millions. disinterested.
masit. Native grammarians derive the sing, as well See aM. perty.
as plur. from the base, atmad. The form axme, «TJ3^ a-sveda, as, m. suppressed perspira-
common to all oblique cases of the plur., is confined a-sridh, t, t, t, or a-sridhdna, as, d, tion ;(as, a, am), not perspiring.
to the Vedas ; and sometimes a form (ixmaka is am, or a-sredhat, an, and, at, Ved. not doing ^T? i. ah (connected with rt. nah), cl. i.
used for the gen. asmakam. The form nets for harm ; uninjured, unfatigued ; pious, peaceable.
ace., dat., and gen. is enclitic. The form asma P., Ved. aftati, and pi. perf. andha, to string toge-
is met with in the Vedas as well as the asmad of f asri-vayas, Ved. having food ther (?), to compose, to celebrate, to prepare, to in-
the classical language, especially at the beginning of which falls or drops down (f). crease.
compounds [cf. Gr. &np.fs fr. farces ', Goth, unsa asru, n. a tear, &c. See asru. ^T? 2. ah, cl. 5. P., Ved. ahnoti or adnoti,
for uitui; Mod. Germ, nnser], — Asma-tra, ind., to pervade or occupy ; to go or move ; cl. to (?) to
Ved. to us, with us, among us. — AsmatrdiiC, an, reman, d, m.,Ved. praiseworthy, cause to shine (I).
dfi, ok, Ved. turned towards us. — Asmad-rdta, as, to Be praised ; (if fr. rt. sriv) undecaying, immortal. Ahana, ««, d, am, illuminating, spreading light
a, am, Ved. given by us. — Anna-drub, -<1hru,k,
Ic, k, Ved. forming a plot against us or me, inimical. "Sits a-sea, as, d, am, or a-svaka, as, akd (epithet of the dawn).
— Asmad-vidtia, as, a, am, or aumadriia, as, or ikd, am, or a-svakiya, as, d, am, not one's ^1? 3. ah (defect, verb, preserved only in
i, am, or OtmOdfU, k, k, k, similar, or like us or own, belonging to another. — A-sva-ga, as, d, am, five persons of the perfect, viz. dttha, aha, dhathus,
me; one of us. — Asme-hiii, is, (., Ved. errand or Ved. not going to one's own home, homeless. — A- dhatus, dhw>, which may have a present significa-
message for us. svaga-td, (., Ved. homelessness. — A-sra-jdti, is, is, tion), to say, speak ; to acknowledge, accept, state ;
Asmadtyri, as, a, am, our, ours. i, of a different caste, of a different species. — Asva- to declare, express, signify ; to call ; to attribute ; to
Asmadryant!, an, drift, nk, Ved. turned towards tva, am, n. or a&va-td, f. want of claim or right to call (with two aoc.) ; to hold, consider, regard ; to
us ; (k), ind. towards us. anything, having no indefeasible property in it, ab- adjudge anything (ace.) to any one (gen.). [To
Asmayu, vt, us, u, Ved. endeavouring to attain sence of ownership
us, desiring us, favourable to us. this rt. are referred, Hib. ag-all, ' speech ;' <ig-aill,
A-tva6(handa, as, a, am, docile ; not self-willed, ' to speak ;' eigh-jm, ' I call :' Goth, af-aika, ' I
Asmaka, as, a, am, Ved. our, ours, dependant.
deny :' Lat. nego for n'— ego, ' to say no :' also cy'o.]
"Sir aha.
aha, ind. (as a particle implying Ahan-Tcartavya, as, d, am, to be referred to self; structs the heavenly waters. — Ahi-ghnl, is, m.,Ved.
ascertainment, affirmation, certainty, &c.) surely, cer- (am), n. the object of Ahan-kara. killing snakes. — Ahi-fthatra, as, m. a kind of
tainly, yes, well ; (as explaining, defining, admitting, Ahait-kdra, as, m. the making of self, sense of vegetable poison ; the plant Gymnema Sylvestie (?) ;
limiting, &c.) namely ; I grant you, granted, indeed, self, thinking of self, egotism, individuality ; self-con- N. of a country ; (a), f. sugar ; the city of Ahi-
of course ; at least. This particle is also said to im- sciousness, pride, haughtiness ; (in the San-khya phil.) llhatra. — Ahi-^hairaka, am, n. a mushroom.
ply rejecting, sending ; deviation from custom, im- the third of the eight producers or elements of crea- — Ahi-jit, t, m., N. of Krishna, also of Indra.
propriety. tion, viz. the conceit or conception of individuality, — Ahi-tundika, as, m. a snake-catcher or ex-
individualization. — Ahankdra-vat, an, ati, at, con- hibiter; see dhitundika. — Ahi-dat, an, atl, at,
, &c. See under aham, scious, selfish, proud. or ahi-danta, as, i, am, having the teeth of a ser-
a-hata, as, a, am (rt. han), unhurt, Ahan-kdrin, i, inl, i, self-important, proud. pent. —Ahi-dvish, (, t, t, enemy of the serpents or
uninjured, not struck, not killed ; unbeaten (as clothes Ahait-kdrya, am, n. that which is to be done by of Vritra ; (t), m. an ichneumon ; a peacock ; Garuda,
in washing); unwashed, new; unblemished, un. one's self, any personal object, business or matter. the bird of Vishnu; Indra. — Ahi-nakulikd, (. the
Alian-lcrita, as, a, am, egotistic ; proud, haughty ; natural enmity between a snake and an ichneumon.
soiled ; not disappointed ; (am), n. unwashed or new conscious.
clothes. — Ahi-ndma-bhrit, t, m., N. of Baladeva (as identi-
fied with Sesha). — AM-nirmoka, as, m. or ahi-
A-hati or a-Kanti, is, {., Ved. safeness. A/tan-kriti, is, f. egotism, high opinion of one's
A-hatvd, ind. not having killed. self, pride. nirvlayarii, f. the cast off skin of a snake. — Ahi-
Aham-agrikd, (. or aham-uttara, am, n. a contest patdka, as, m. a kind of snake, not venomous.
A-hananiya or a-hantavya, as, a, am, not to be for superiority, rivalry.
killed. — Ahi-pati, is, ofVasuki
m., N. ofandS'esha,
AJtam-ahamika, f. assertion or conceit of superi- the snakes, also others;sovereign of
any large
A-hantya or a-hantra or a-hanya, as, a, am,
Ved. indestructible, invincible. ority, boasting, egotism ; military vaunting. serpent. — Ahi-putraka, as, m. a kind of boat.
Aham-purva, as, d, am, Ved. desirous of being — Ahi-putana, as, a, m. f. sores on the hinder
ahan and ahas, n. (said to be fr. 2. first. part of the body (of children). —Ahi~phena, am,
Aham-purvikd, f. or aham-prathamikd, f. emu- n. opium, the saliva or venom of a snake [cf. 2.
ha with a, ' not ;' according to others, who compare
the Goth, daga, Germ, tag, Eng. day, a corruption lative onset, the running forward of soldiers with a-phena~\. — Ahirbradhna, as, m., N. of Siva ; one
of dahan fr. rt. dah ; the nom. ace. voc. sing, and emulation ; conceit, vaunting. of the Rudras ; corrupted fr. ahir-budhnyas. — Ahi-
the middle cases come fr. ahas, the others fr. ahan; Aham-bhadra, am, n. self-conceit, a high notion bradhna-deuatd, f. the twenty-sixth lunar mansion.
in the Vedas the middle cases also are sometimes of one's own superiority. —Ahi-bhaya, as, m. fear of a lurking snake ;
formed fr. ahan, e. g. ahabhyas, ahabhis) ; a day ; Aham-mati, is, f. or aham-mdna, am, n. self- apprehension of treachery. — Ahibhaya-dd, f., N.
a sacrificial or festival day ; a day's work ; a portion illusion, spiritual ignorance, conceit, self-love. of the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta Roxb. •• Ahi-
of a book appointed for one day's reading ; day per- bhdnw, us, us, it, Ved. shining like serpents ; epithet
sonified as one of the eight Vasus ; N. of a Tirtha ; twelfth •st^*, a-hara, as, m. (rt. An), N. of the of the Maruts. — Ahi-bhuj, Tc, m. Garuda, the bird
Manu ; a Danava.
ahany-ahani or ahar-aha/t, day by day, daily; of Vishnn ; a peacock ; N. of a plant. — Ahi-bhrit,
aha.nl, du. day and night ; tad ahas, on that very A-haraniya, as, d, am, not to be taken away.
A-hdrin, i, ini, i, not taking (!). t, m. 'carrying serpents,' N. of Siva.— Ahi-manyu,
day ; yad ahas, on which day. (As the last mem- us, us, u, Ved. enraged like serpents, epithet of the
ber of a compound ahan generally appears in the A-hdrya, as, d, am, not to be stolen, not to be
form aha, m., rarely n., but sometimes also in the removed; (as), m. a mountain. — Aharya-td, f. or Maruts ; (S5y.) ' endowed with destructive anger,'
or 'with unimpaired knowledge.' — Ahl-mardani,
form ahan, e. g. punydha, ekahan, q. v. As the ahdrya-tva, am, n. the state of not being liable to
be taken away, security. (., N. of a plant. — Ahi-mdya, as, d, am, Ved.
first member of a compound alias and ahar are the multiform or versatile like a snake, showing the same
usual forms ; as in the following examples.) — Ahah- a-harita, as, a, am, Ved. not yellow. variety of colour and shape. — AM-mdra or ahi-
pati, is, m. lord of the day, the sun ; see ahar- medaka, a», m., N. of a plant. — AM-ripu, MS, m.
a-harsha, as, d, am (rt. ArisA), un- a peacock. — Ahir-budhna, as, m., N. of Siva ; cor-
pati. — Ahah-4eslui,am, n. evening. — AJtar-dgama,
as, m. the approach of day. — Ahar-gana, as, m. a happy, gloomy, sorrowful. rupted fr. ahir-budhnyas.— Ahirbudhna-devata,
series of sacrificial days ; a month ; any calculated A-harshita, as, d, am, unhappy, sorrowful. as, f. pi. the twenty-sixth lunar mansion. — Ahir-
term. — Ahar-jara, as, m., Ved. the year (as making ^?c5 a-hala, as, a, am, or a-hali, is, is, i, bradhna, as, m., N. of a Rudra. — Ahi-lata, {., the
days become old). — Ahar-jdta, as, a, am, Ved. unploughed, unfurrowed. plant Betel; another plant. — Ahi-lodana, as, m., N.
born in the day or from day, not belonging to night of a servant of Sm. — Ahi-vi<Jashta, as, a, am,
A-halya, as, d, am, not arable, unploughed;
or to the spirits of darkness. — Ahar-dira, as, a, am, (a), f., N. of an Apsaras; N. of the wife of Gautama snake-bitten. — Ahi-mdvish, t, m. Garuda; Indra.
Ved. existing every day; (am), ind. daily, day by day. or Saradvat ; N. of a sea. — Ahi-fushmasatlvan, d, m., Ved. one whose men
— Ahar-divi, ind., Ved. day by day, every day, con- (the Maruts) hiss like serpents ; epithet of Indra ; (ac-
tattler (?). ahallika, as, m., Ved. a talker,
stantly. —Ahar-dris', k, k, it, Ved. beholding the day, cording toS5y. ahi-tfushma means ' of all-pervading
living. — A har-nUa, am, n. day and night, a whole strength,' and is to be separated from sattran.) — Ahi-
day; (am), ind. day and night, during the whole •w^qrTfa a-havanlya, as, d, am (rt. AM), hatya, am, n. the slaying of the serpent or demon
day, continually. — Ahar-pati, is, m.,Ved. lord of the not to be offered as an oblation, not fit or proper to (Vritra) who obstructs the heavenly waters. — Ahi-han,
day ; the sun ; epithet of Siva ; also written ahah- be sacrificed. a, m., Ved. killing serpents or Vritra. — Ahy-arshu,
pati. — Ahar-bdndhara, as, m. the sun. — Ahar- A-hams, it, is, is, Ved. without oblations, sacri- ui, in, u, Ved. gliding like a snake.
bhdj, lc, k, k,Ved. partaking of the day. — Ahar- ficeless. , I. ahika, as, m. a blind snake, not venomous,
mani, is, m. the sun. — Ahar-mukha, am, n. com- see andhdhika; (d), (., N. of the silk-cotton tree,
mencement of the day, morning, dawn. — Ahar- a-hasta, as, d, am, handless. Bombax Heptaphyllum Salmalia Malabarica. (For 2.
uhiku, see below.)
loka, as, a, am, Ved. taking the place of day. aAaAa or ahaha, ind. a particle or
— Ahar-vid, t, t, t, Ved. existing (many) days; interjection, as Ah I Aha ! &c., implying surprise, •wfis+K* a-hinsaka, as, d, am, or a-hinsat,
known long ago ; knowing the (fit) time or season. fatigue, pain, sorrow, pleasure, calling.
— Ahat-fai, ind., Ved. every day. — Akas-kara,
an, anti, at, or a-hinsdna, at, d, am (rt. hins),
as, m. the sun. — Ahan-pati, is, m. the sun ; swallow a-harya, &c. See under a-hara. Ved. not hurting, harmless, innocuous.
wort. A-hinsd, f. harmlessness, not injuring anything,
ahdvas, Ved., said to be a sound one of the cardinal virtues of most Hindu sects, but
Aho-ratra, &c. See s. v. like a flourish at the end of a hymn. particularly of the Buddhists and Jamas; security,
•«S«1 ahana. See 2. ah. W^T ahi, is, m. (fr. rt. ayh; according to
safeness. — Ahinsd-nirala, as, d, am, devoted to
harmlessness or gentleness.
^T^W^zAam, ncftn. sing. ' I.' The supposed Say. fr. rt. han with a prefixed and shortened, ' one A-hinsita or a-hinsyamana, as, d, am, Ved. un-
base of this 1st personal pronoun is asmad, q. v. [cf. that destroys on all sides '), a snake ; the serpent of
the sky, the demon Vritra ; a cloud ; water ; lead ; injured, being unharmed.
Zend azem ; Gr. (•yiliv, 4y<i, iuv ; Lat. ego ; Goth.
(k ; Mod. Germ, ich ; Lith. asz; Slav, az ; Cambro- a traveller ; the sun ; a N. of Rahu, the ascending A-hinsra, as, d, am, innocuous, innocent, harm-
brit. ym ; Bret, am, em] . node ; the navel ; [cf. anha and anhu, pp. 1, 6 ; Lat. less (am),
; a. harmless behaviour ; (a), f., N. of the
plant Momordica Cochinchinensis, Spreng, (commonly
Aham-yati, is, m., N. of a son of Samyati. anguix ; Gr. ?^t-y, ?xt5pa, fy^-\v^, an^ o<£*s > called Kurkavali.)
Ahamyu, us, u», u, selfish, proud, haughty ; (us), Lith. vngury-s ; Russ. tigorj ; Armen. fc; Germ.
m. a warrior. tmc ; Mod. Gr. a^fAi.] — Ahi-kdnta, as, m. air, ^rfir^T 2. ahika, as, d, am (fr. ahan, q.v.),
Aham-vddin, i, iril, i, speaking only of one's self, wind ; (snakes being supposed to teed upon air.) is found at the end of a few compounds in the sense
presumptuous, haughty. — Ahi-kosha, as, m. the slough or cast skin of a of lasting a certain number of Ff days, e.g. datiuhika,
snake. — Ahi-kshatra and ahi-kshetra, as, m., N. lasting for ten days. See I. ahika above.
Aham-freyas, as, or aham-s'retjasa, am, n. claim-
ing superiority for one's self. of a country. — Ahi-gopa, as, d, am, Ved. guarded
Aham-sana, as, a, am, Ved. gaining for one's by a serpent. — Ahi-ghna, am, n., Ved. the ahinduka, f. a kind of small poi-
self, obtaining for one's self. slaying of the serpent or demon (Vritra) who ob- sonous animal.
a-hita. u-karsha.
jection ofjoyful or painful surprise) Ah I (of enjoy- or the limit inceptive (from, from thence or that
a-hita, as, a, am (rt. a"Aa), not placed, ment or satisfaction) Oh ! (of fatigue, discontent,
not put, not fixed ; unfit, improper ; unadvantageous, time) ; e. g. a-maranam, till death ; d-kumdram,
compassion, sorrow, regret) Alas ! Ah ! (of praise) from childhood [cf. a puero] ; d-gopdld dvijdtayah,
noxious ; hurtful, prejudicial ; hostile, inimical ; (as),
Bravo ! (of reproach) Fie ! (of calling) Ho ! Halo 1 the twice-born including the cowherds.
m. an enemy; (am), n. damage; food &c. contra- (Prefixed to adjectives &c. it implies) diminution ;
(of doubt, deliberation) either, or; (of contempt)
indicated in a disease. — Ahita-larin, ~i, inl, i, ad- Pshaw ! It is also sometimes an expletive. e. g. d-pandu, a little pale ; d-pakva, half-cooked.
verse, inimical, acting unkindly.— A-kita-ndman,
Aho-piirushikd, f. self-confidence ; boasting. (As a separable adverb d implies) near, near to,
a, a, a, Ved. having as yet no name. — A-hita- towards ; thereto, further, also, and ; especially, even.
mana», as, at, as, not friendly-minded, hating, ad- •eilsYrT a-hotri, td, m., Ved. not sacrificing;
verse^inimical. — Ahita-hita-vifam-Junyu-liuiliVt i, In many places in the Vedas a gives force to the
not competent to sacrifice. word which precedes it (e. g. mahimd vdm In-
is, is, i, whose intellect- is incapable of discriminating
between good and evil. — Ahtiefthu (cta-ida), us, us, '•M^lud aho-rdtra, as, am, m. n. (fr.ahan, dragrii panhhtha d, ' your greatness, O Indra and
«, not wishing well, malevolent. q. v. + ra(ri, q.v.), a day and night, vvxOfofpov ; a Agni, is praiseworthy indeed') ; and in a similar man-
ner we find it in the Veda placed after prepositions,
day of twenty-four hours or thirty Muhurtas, from the sense of which is strengthened by it.
•wl5»it»<. a-hima-kara, as, or a-hima-tejas, sunrise to sunrise; a day and night of the Pitris = a
as, or a-hima-ru<!{, it, or a-hiiudniu (°ma-an°), month of the gods = a year of Brahma = 2000 Yugas (As a separable preposition with ace. or abl.) near
us, m. the sun. to, up to, to, as far as ; e. g. iatam a jails, as
of the gods; (am), ind. day and night, continually,
^r?^ ahi, is, m., Ved., N. of a demon con- far as a hundred births ; a samudrdt, as far as the
ocean : (with abl.) away from, from ; out of, of, from
quered byIndra and his companions ; a serpent (see Aho-rupa, am, n. the appearance of day. among; e.g. d muldt, from the beginning; bahMiya
ahi); a cow; (i), du. heaven and earth. violin ahavata, ind. a particle of calling, d, from among many : (with loc.) in, at ; e. g.
xit-i«1 1 . ahlna, as, a, am (fr. ahan), lasting of compassion, of fatigue. dama a., in a house.
several days ; (o«), m. a sacrifice lasting several days ;
one lasting twelve days (i. e. stoma or yajna). *a?~t*n manner
wonderful ahohl,(?).ind. in a variegated or ^T 4. a, as, m., N. of S'iva; (a), f., N. of
'OT-^ d-i. See e.
•w^ll 2. ahlna, as, m. (fr. ahi, q. v.), a WJT ahna, as, m. as last memher of a
large snake (?).
compound = ahan, a day, q. v. ; e'. g. madhyahna, See endh.
TCI 5)1 3. a-hina, as, a, am (rt. 2. ha), un- midday ; apardhna, afternoon. a-inv. See enc.
impaired, whole, entire ; full, luxurious ; not deprived Ahndya, ind. formerly ; instantly ; soon, speedily.
of, not withdrawing; possessed of; not outcast or Ahnika, as, a, am, as last member of a compound
vile. — A-hlna-gu, us, m., N. of a prince, son of days. =ahan; e. g. dvy-ahn{ka, as, a, am, lasting two -^a-z'sA. See esh.
DevJmka. — A-htna-vadin, i, m. a witness capable
of giving evidence. Ahnl, (. and ahriiya, as, a, am, or ahnya, as, a, -^J d-lksh. See eksh.
ahlra, as, m. a cowherd. Seeabhlra. am (all ft. ahan), used at the end of compounds ; T-^ d-ir. See er.
e. g. rathdhnya, am, n. the daily journey of a
ahirani, is, or ahlranin, I, m. a chariot. -'^ «-zsfc. See See
-1? d-u. o. esh.
kind of snake, said to be two-headed. a-hnavdyya, as, d, am (rt. hnu),
ahtsttva, as, m., Ved., N. of a Ved. not to be denied or set aside ; (as), m. accord- -TST d-vksh. See oksh.
demon conquered by Indra. ing to Say. the N. of a king.
ahy-arshu. See under ahi. 3H!J d-urnu. See ornu.
See'tj ahu, us, vi, u, (in compounds) narrow.
anhu. -'3i^ d-iih. See oh.
vig<4 a-hfdya or a-hraydna, as, d, am (fr.
<!§* a-huta, as, a, am (rt. hu), unsacri- hrt, shame, q. v.), Ved. luxurious, proud, bold, con- -^ d-ri. See dr.
ficed, unoffered, not yet sacrificed; one who has scious of one's own power.
not received any sacrifice ; not gained or obtained by A-hri, is, is, i, Ved. luxurious, fat d-n6h. See arOi.
sacrifice; (as), m. religious meditation, prayer, and A-hri, is, is, i, Ved. shameless, importunate. d-rinj. See drnj.
study of the Veda, considered as one of the five great A-hrika, as, d, am, shameless ; (as), m. a Bud-
dhist mendicant. a-n'dA. See drdh.
sacraments, otherwise called Brahma-yaj na. — A-hutdd
(°ta-ad), vi sn a-hruta, as, d, am (rt. hvri), Ved.
allowed to t,partake
t, t, Ved.
of a not eating of a sacrifice ; not
sacrifice. not fluctuating, not stumbling ; going in a straight d-ka(, cl. i. A. -katate, -titum, to
line ; not crooked, straight. — Ahruta-psu, us, us, tie on, to fasten on.
•wprra-Au/a, as, a, am (rt. Ape), uncalled, un-
summoned, unchallenged. (The form a-A«towith the u, Ved. of straight or upright appearance. ii-katthana, as, d, am, boasting,
sense ' uncalled,' given by Wilson, is very questionable.) •wi<^rti a-hvald, f., Ved. not fluctuating,
1»«}<!JI'1 a-hrindaa, as, a, am, Ved. not not stumbling, firmness ; the plant Semecarpus Ana-
cardium. •«U<*1^ d-kan, cl. I. P. -kanaii, -nitum, or
being angry, friendly. Intens. -fakanii, to be pleased with (with loc.) ; to
A-hrimyamdna, as, a, am, Ved. not being angry, endeavour to obtain ; to love, to desire, solicit, praise.
jealous, or envious ; not discontented, willing ; that
which is bestowed willingly. vi i <***^ d-kamp, cl. i. A. -kampate, -pitum,
to tremble : Caus. -kampayati, -yitum, to cause to
•*<<|a a-hridya, as, a, am, not desired, not vTt i. «, the second letter of the alphabet, tremble.
agreeable. — Ahridya-krit, t, t, t, disagreeable, caus- corresponding to a long, as in far.
ing disgust. A-kampa, at, m. or d-l-ampana, am, n. trem-
bling motion, shaking, trembling.
^TT 2. d, (as a particle or interjection of as-
T? ahe, ind. a particle implying reproach, sent) yes, verily ; (of compassion or pain) Ah 1 A-kampita or d-kampra, as, d, am, shaken,
rejection, separation. Alas I in the latter sense it is more correctly written trembling ; moved, agitated.
^?TJ a-hetu, us, m. absence of cause or as ; (of reminiscence) Ah I Oh ! (a conjunction dis- d-kara, dkarin,&c. See under d-krl.
reason — Ahettt-ta, f. or ahetu-tva, am, n. absence junctive) but ; (a conjunction copulative) and. This d-karana. See under d-kri.
of cause, reason, or necessity. particle remains unaltered in orthography even before
A-hduka, as, a, am, causeless, groundless. -iarn, cl. 10. P. -karnayati, -yitum,
A-Jiaituka, as, J, am, having no reason or founda- ^TT 3. a, a prefix to verbs and nouns, (ex- to give ear to, listen to, hear.
tion ;causeless, having no motive, disinterested. pressing) near, near to, towards, from all sides, all A-karna, up to the ear, (occurs at the commence-
around ; and sometimes redundant. As a prefix to verbs ment of several compounds to denote the end of an
aheru, us, f. the plant Asparagus of motion it expresses the notion of moving or going arrow reaching to the ear in drawing a bow.)
towards ; e. g. a-kramati, he goes towards. When A-karnana, am, n. hearing, listening.
^, an, anfi, at, or a-helamana, prefixed to roots like gam, yd, and i, to go, and da,
A-karnita, as, a, am, heard, listened to; over-
<»>. a, am, or a-hclayat, an, antl, at (rt. hed, Ved. to give, it reverses the action ; e. g. d-gatChati, he beud.
hel with a), Ved. not angry, not displeased, favour- comes ; a-datte, he takes.
able. As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns it A-karnya, ind. having heard or listened to.
forms with them cither compound adverbs or adjectives, d-kruh. •«II=»H d-karsha, d-karshin, &c. See under
18 ^V aho, ind. (as a particle and inter- mplying the limit conclusive (until, unto, as far as),
a-kal. a-karshin. Ill

d-kal, cl. IO. P. -kalayati, -yitwm, or vessel with ether.') — Akdfaya, 'as, a, am, pro- perplexed. — A kulirbhuta, as, d, am, perplexed, con-
duced in the sky. — Akdfa-jananin, i, m. a loop- founded.
to shake, agitate, throw, cast ; to lay hold of, seize ; hole, a casement, an embrasure. — Akafa-dlpa or
to tie, fasten ; to surrender, transfer ; to observe, take tracted.
^TT^Tr d-kushta, as, d, am, expelled, ex-
dkdfa^pradipa, as, m. a lamp or torch lighted in
into consideration ; to consider [cf. Gr. oKc'AAcu]. honour of Lakshmi or Vishnu and elevated on a pole
A-kalana, am, n. binding, confinement ; counting, in the air at the Divali (Dlpali) festival, in the month
reckoning ; laying hold of ; wish, desire. •sncKJ^ d-kuj, cl. i. P. -kujati, -jitum, to
A-kalita, as, a, am, bound ; counted, reckoned ; Karttika; a beacon, a lantern on a pole. — Akas'a- twitter, warble, coo.
seized, held. jiratishtliita, as, m., N. of a Buddha. — Akdsa-
buddha-laksha, as, m. (in theatrical language) fixing •«n curl d-kuta, am, n. (rt. ku or ku, to
•>.HI<*<d4 d-kalpa, as, m. (rt. klrip with a), the jaze on some object out of sight of the audience. sound), meaning, intention, purpose ; wish, desire.
adding to, improving, increasing ; ornament, decora- — Akdila-bhdsMta, am, n. (in dramatic language) A-kuti, is, f. intention, wish, desire ; N. of a
tion ;sickness, disease. speaking outside or off the stage ; a supposed speech, daughter of Manu Svayambhuva and of Satarflpa.
A-kalpaka, as, m. remembering with regret, miss- which is replied to as if it had been spoken ; a voice
— Akuti-pra, as, d, am, Ved. accomplishing one's
ing ;joy ; fainting, loss of sense or perception ; dark- or sound in the xx. — Akdta-man<fala, am, n. the
ness ;a knot or joint. celestial sphere ; the atmosphere. — Akdia-maya, as, dkiivdra, as, m. = a-ku-pdra, q. v.
A-kalpam, ind. till the end of a kalpa. i, am, consisting of ether. — Akdfa-mdnsl, f. the
plant Nardostachys JatSmansi.— Akas'a-muli, f. the d-kri, cl. 8. 5. P. -karoti, -krinoti,
'«i«ix«4 dkalya, am, n. (fr. a-kalya), sick- aquatic plant Pistia Stratiotes. — Akafa-ydna, am, n. •kartum, to bring near or towards, to bring down,
ness, disease. to make or form wholly ; to drive near to or together :
a heavenly car, one moving through the air. — Akds"a-
rakfthin, i, m. a warder, a watchman on the outer Caus. P. -kdrayatl, -yitum, to ask any one (ace.)
•«M«liH d-kasha, as, m. (fr. rt. kash, ' to rub,'
with a), a touchstone. battlements. — Akd$"a-vat, an, ail, at, filling a cer- for anything (ace.) ; to invite to a place, to call into
tain place, spacious, extensive. — Akdia-vartman, a, existence, to cause to appear: Desid. -6ikinhati,
A-kashaka, as, ikd, am, cutting, rubbing, or test- n. the atmosphere, the firmament, the air. — Akdia- to intend to accomplish : Intens. -karikrati, yd pi.,
ing with a touchstone, touching, assaying.
valli, f. a sort of creeper, a parasite, Cassyta Filiformis.
A-kashika, as, i, am, touching, testing. Ved. to attract repeatedly towards one's self.
— Akds'a-vdm, f. a voice from heaven; m., N. A-kdra, as, m. form, figure, shape, stature, appear-
*itic(ii«*«3i akasmika, as, i, am (fr. a-kasmat), of the author of a Hanumat-stotra. — Akafa-salila, ance, aspect, behaviour, external gesture or aspect of
causeless, unforeseen, unexpected, sudden. -• Akasmi- am, n. rain. — Akdia-stha, as, a, am, abiding in the body, the expression of the face, as furnishing
ka-tva, am, n. suddenness, &c. the sky, aerial. — AkdiSa-spJiatika, as, m. a kind of a due to the disposition of mind ; hint, sign, token ;
crystal supposed to be formed in the atmosphere. It is the letter d. — Akdra-gupti, is, f. or dkdra-gopana,
iHI<*ljjf d-kdnksh, cl. I. P. A. -kdnkshati, of two kinds, SOiya-kanta and Candra-kSnta, q. v. am, n. dissimulation, suppressing all sign or inclina-
-te, -shitum, to desire, long for, hope for, endeavour — Akdsdnantydyatana (°i!a-anantya-dy°), am, n. tion of the feelings. — Akdra-vat, an, atl, at, having
to gain, expect (with ace.) ; to endeavour to reach a abode of infinity or of infinite space ; N. of a world a shape, embodied, symmetrical, handsome, well-
place, turn to ; (in gram.) to require some word or with Buddhists. — Ak&tes'a (°^a-lf), as, m. epithet formed. — Akdra-varna-su&akshna, as, d, am, de-
words to be supplied for the completion of the sense. of Indra, as ruler of the firmament ; (in law) any licate inshape and colour.
A-kdnkiha, as, a, am, desiring, wishing; (in helpless person, as a child, a woman, a pauper or in- A-karana or d-karana, am, d, n. f. calling, in-
gram.) requiring a word or words to complete the valid (who has no other possession than the air). viting, acall or summons ; challenging, a challenge.
sense ; (a), f. desire, wish ; (in gram.) the requiring Akas~iya, as, d, am, or dkds"in, i, inl, i, atmo- A-kdramya, as, d, am, to be called.
of a word or period for the completion of the sense ; A-Jcdrita, as, d, am, called, summoned ; stipulated,
looking at or towards ; purpose, intention ; enquiry, spherical.
Akdiya, as, a, am, being in the atmosphere. agreed ; demanded, exacted.
asking; the significancy of a word. A-kuniatt, (., N. of a certain rocky hill. (Ram. II.
dkindana or dkinfanya, am, n. ?i- 3-)
A-kdnkshaniyfi or d-kdnkshitavya, as, a, am,
to be desired or expected, desirable. (fr. a-kiiifana), want of any possession*, poverty. near.
A-krita, as, d, am, Ved. brought near to ; being
A-kdnkshat, an, anti, at, wishing, expecting; •«( I r<*(^ r«n dkidanti, is, and dkidantiya, as,
looking at, looking to or towards. m., N. of a warrior-tribe and its chief. A-kriti, is, (., Ved. a constituent part ; form, figure,
A-kdnkshita, as, a, am, wished, desired ; asked, shape, appearance, aspect ; character, specimen ; the
enquired ; regarded, looked at ; wanted, necessary. a-klm, ind., Ved. (with abl.) from. body ; tribe, species ; a metre consisting of four lines
A-kdnksMn, I, im, i, wishing, desirous, wishful, d-kuh(, cl. 6. P., I. A. -kuiati, with twenty-two syllables to each line. — Akriti-gana,
hopeful ; asking, enquiring, expectant. as, m. a list of specimens, a collection of words belong-
-kunfate, -6itum,to bend : Czus.-kuni?ayati,-yitum,
A-kdttkshya, as, a, am, desirable; (am), n. need to draw together, contort, contract ; to bend inwards, ing to a certain grammatical rule, which does not ex-
of supplying a word or words for the completion of shorten. hibit every word belonging to that rule, but only speci-
the sense. mens ;whereas a simple Gana exhibits every word ;
A-kunfana, am, n. compression, contraction, (explained by native authorities to mean a list of words,
v<l<*l«i d-kdya, as, m. (fr. rt. ii with a), a shrinking
contortion. ; collecting, heaping ; curving, flexure ; the fact of a word belonging to which can only be
funeral pile ; abode, residence. determined by observing the forms used by classical
twisted, crooked. as, d, am, bent, contorted, contracted ; authors.) — Akriti-fdhatrd, f. the plant Achyranthes
WrartT d-kdyya, as, d, am (fr. rt. ki with
a), Ved. desirable; in every way praiseworthy or Aspera. — Akriti-mat, an, atl, at, having shape, em-
commendable. vi i oy [\i« rl d-kunthita, as, d, am, con- bodied.
founded, abashed.
d-kdra. See under d-kri. d-krish, cl. I. P., 6. P. A. -karshati,
d-kunatl. See under d-kri. -krishati, -te, -karshtum or -krashtnm, to draw
ii-kdla, as, m. the right time ; (for towards, attract, put on, draw away ; to bend (e. g.
n-kala) wrong or inauspicious time. d-knla, as, d, am (rt. kul, to com- fapam, a bow) ; to draw or tear off, draw out of;
Akdlika, as, d or I, am, not filling a space of pact or compress together), filled, full, overburdened to withdraw, deprive of, take away ; to borrow : Caus.
time, momentary, instantaneous ; unseasonable ; (I), with (with inst.); confounded, confused, agitated, -karshayati, -yitum, to draw near to one's self.
f. lightning. — Akalika-tva, am, n. unseasonableness, flurried ; confused (in order), disordered ; taken out A-karsha, as, m. drawing or attracting towards
of one's natural condition ; incoherent, contradic- one's seif, pulling to or towards, dragging, attracting,
d-kds, cl. i. A. -kdsate, -situm, to tory ;(am), n. an inhabited place. — Akula-td, f. or bawling; drawing the bow; attraction, fascination;
shine, be bright ; to view, recognize. dkula-tva, am, n. accumulation, multitude ; perplexity, spasm ; playing with dice ; a die or dice ; a board for
confusion, bewilderment. — Akulendriya (°la-in°)t such tiona;a game ; an organ of sense ; magnetic attrac-
magnet, a loadstone ; N. of a prince.
A-ktida, ax, am, m. n. (in Ved. m.) light, clear- as, a, am, confused in mind.
ness ; a free space, vacuity ; the ether, the sky or A-karshaka, as, ikd, am, attractive, what draws
atmosphere considered as the fifth element ; Brahma Aknlaya, nom. P. akulayati, -yitum, to con- or attracts ; (as), m. a magnet or loadstone ; (ikd),
found, make disordered.
as identical with ether. Akaia is the subtle and
Akuli, is, m., N. of an Asura priest. (., N. of a town.
ethereal fluid, supposed to fill and pervade the uni- A-karshana, am, n. pulling, drawing, attracting ;
verse and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and of Akulita, as, a, am, confounded ; bewildered, flur- (5), f. a crooked stick for pulling down fruit, &c. ; any
ried, agitated ; distressed. instrument for pulling.
sound. Akd$"e, ind. in the air ; a stage direction
implying something said by or to a person out of Akull-kri, cl. 8. P. -karotl, -kartum, to fill with ; A-karshika, as, I, am, magnetic, attractive.
sight. — Akata-kakxha, f. the horizon, ' girdle of the to confound. — Akuli-karana, am, n. confounding. A-karshita, as, d, am, drawn, attracted.
— Akuli-krita, as, d, am, confounded ; perplexed, A-karshin, i, ini, i, attractive ; (nt), f. a rod with
sky.'— Akaia-nii, as, a, am, going through the bewildered.
atmosphere. — Akds'a-rjarb/ia, as, m., N. of a Bodhi- a hook at the end for pulling down boughs in order
sattva. — Akafa-Camaxa, an, m. the moon, ('a cup Akuli-bhu, d. i. P. -bhavatt, -vitum, to become to gather fruit.
112 u-krishta. ukhanika-vaka.
A-krishta, at, a, am, drawn, pulled, attracted approached ; to be attacked ; to be ascended or sur- A-Mut, t, t, t, Ved. abiding, dwelling in, jtay-
— AkriMa-mdnasa, «*', a, am, distracted in mind. passed or overcome, to be seized. ing at.
2. d-kramya, ind. having attacked, invaded, seized niPs)* dkshika, as, i, am (fr. 3. aksha),
— .Ikrifh'ta-rat,
ing up or out; an, pulling ati, to,
at, pulling,
attracting;dragging, pull- upon, overrun or encroached.
charming, relating or belonging to a die or to gambling, &C. ;
fascinating. A-krdnta, as, a, am, come near ; obtained ; pos- won at dice ; (am), n. a gambling debt, money lost
A-krisk(i, is, (. attracting, drawing near, bending sessed ; overspread ; overcome, overrun ; attacked ;
of a bow. — Akrishti-muntra,a», m. an incantation surpassed, surmounted ; accompanied, attended ; agi- at play ; (as), m., N. of the tree Morinda Tinc-
toria. — Akihika-pana, as, m. a stake, a wager, a
by which another person is attracted. tated or overcome by (any feeling) ; pained, distressed.
A-krishya, ind. having drawn, extracted, pulled or — Akrantarmati, is, is, i, mentally overcome or bet.
dragged. overpowered ; having the mind engrossed or deeply a-kship, cl. 6. P. A. -kshipati, -te,
impressed. -kfhcptum, to cast or throw at or down ; to strike
tracted. at, a, am, being drawn or at-
A-kranti, is, f. ascending, rising ; stepping upon ; with a bolt ; to draw near or together, to contract,
going over or beyond ; overpowering ; might, valour. convulse, cause to tremble ; to draw or take off or
W3f a-kri, cl. 6. P. -kirati, -karitum or away, withdraw ; to chase or drive out of a place ;
-ritum, to scatter or sprinkle over, fill, fill up, give A-kramaka, as, ikd, am, an invader, attacker.
to hang out or expose to view ; put into ; point to,
abundantly, cover, replenish, heap up, accumulate. ^Traft d-krl, cl. 9. P. A. -krlndti, -nite, apply to, refer to, hint, indicate ; to refuse, not to
A-kara, as, m. one who scatters over or fills ; ac- -kretum, to purchase. have regard to, refuse as wrong ; to insult, deride ;
cumulation, collection, plenty, multitude ; a mine, a A-kraya, as, m., Ved. a dealer, small trader, to say or state ironically: Caus. P. -kshcpayati,
rich source of anything ; best, excellent ; N. of a
-yitum, to cause to throw down.
country ; N. of the Maha-bhSshya. A-ksMpat, an, ati or anti, at, casting, striking,
Akarin, i, itn, i, produced in a mine, mineral. pedlar.
•fll*"!1^ a-krid, cl. I. P. A. -kridati, -te, tossing, sending ; reviling, abusing ; excelling so as
A-kirna, as, a, am, scattered, spread ; overspread, -ditum, to play, sport, take one's pleasure. to reproach or put to shame.
filled ; crowded, impervious ; coveted, surrounded. A-krlda, ae, m. a play, sport, pleasure ; (as, am), A-kshipta, as, d, am, cast, thrown, tossed ;
— Akirna-td, f. or dkirna-tva, am, n. fulness, crowd, m. n. a playing-place, pleasure-grove, garden, royal thrown down or away; taken away ; borne, carried ;
garden ; (as), m., N. of a son of Karutthama. insulted, reviled, abused, blamed, ridiculed ; equal or
^rrar ake, ind. (fir. rt. ani with a), Ved. A-kridana, am, n. sporting, taking pleasure.
A-kridin, i, inl, i, sporting, playing. equivalent to.
hitherward, near, in the neighbourhood. — Ake-nipa, A-kxhiptikd, f. a particular air or song which is
of, a, am, Ved. considering or regarding from a near sung by a person approaching the stage.
place ; wise ; (Say.) falling down near at hand, ad- to •flcryI sbSl^a-knis, cl. I. P. -krofati, -kroshtum,
out at, call out aloud to ; to call to any one in A-ksMpya, ind. having spurned, having insulted.
vancing near (as rays of light). an abusive manner, to assail with angry and menacing A-kxhepa, as, m, throw, toss, drawing together or
near to one's self, attraction, convulsion, palpitation ;
^TT% a-kai, cl. i. P. A., Ved. -kayati, -te, words ; to scold at any one ; to curse, revile, express hinting ; applying, laying on (as a colour) ; throwing
-kdtum, to implore, appeal to, solicit ; praise. displeasure. away, giving up ; sustaining (as a sound) ; reviling,
w\<*\<i>i,dkokera, as, m.the constellation A-krushta, as, d, am, scolded, reviled ; vociferated; abuse, censure, blame, reproach ; objection ; doubt,
Capricornus (Atyixepas). abused, calumniated, accused ; cursed ; (am), n. call- irony (as a figure in rhetoric).
ing out. A-kshepaka, as, ika, am, blaming, censuring, re-
•*M<+l3lc4 akausala, am, n. (fr. a-kusala), A-kroda, as, m. calling or crying out, vociferation ; viling ;(as), in. a thrower, a detractor, a calumniator
inexpertness, want of skill or practice. scolding, reviling, blaming, censuring, abuse ; a curse or accuser ; sickness, disease ; convulsion, spasm.
or oath. A-kshepana, am, n. throwing, tossing.
•wuS dkna, as, a, am (rt. at or an(), bent,
curved. A-kroiaka, as, f , am, vociferous, abusing, abusive. = A-kshepin,
a-kshepaka.)I, inl, i, applying to, concerning ; (also
A-kros'ana, am, n. assailing with harsh language,
^THF? a-krand, cl. I. P. A. -krandati, -te, scolding, censuring ; imprecation, curse.
-ditum, to shout at, roar at ; to invoke ; to cry with A-kroianlya or d-krofitavya or d-kroiya, as, a, ^TTSfte dkshlva, as, m., N. of the plant
sorrow, lament, weep : Caus. P. -krandayati, -yitum, am, censurable, to be reviled or cursed. Morunga Guilandina and Hyperanthera. See
to cause to weep or cry ; inspire courage by its sound A-kro&ita, as, d, am, cursed, abused. akshiva.
(as a drum ?) ; to shout at, roar at ; to cry without A-kroshtri, ta, m. a reviler ; one who vociferates. viiBjetsti dkshaitrajnya, am, n. (fr. a-kshe-
'HldO d-kli, an undeclinable word joined traj&a, q. v.), spiritual ignorance.
A-kranda, as, m. calling, crying, crying out; to the roots as, kri, and W«5. See Gana to Panini viiKjii dkshota or dkshoda, as or am(i),
shouting ; weeping, sobbing ; sound ; war-cry ; furious
or violent combat ; war, battle ; violence ; a friend ; ling. m. or n. (?) a walnut (Pistacio nut ?) ; N. of a tree,
a brother ; a king, a lord ; usurper ; a king who d-kleda, as, m. moistening, sprink- Pilu ; also of another tree, Aleurites Triloba. See
prevents an ally from aiding another ; (as, a, am), akshota.
one who checks or restrains,
kshadyutika, as, i,am, effected •«UBfl<;«i akshodana, am, n. hunting (also
i A-kratulana, am, n. lamentation, weeping.
Akrandika, at, i, am, going to where cries of or completed by gambling. See aksha-dy&ta under
distress are heard.
tmspQ d-kshnu, cl. 2. P. -kshnanti, -kshna-
A-krandita, ae, a, am. roaring, crying wofully; 3. ni-flta. U d-kshapana, am, n. (rt. I. kshap), vitum, to rub, polish up ; sharpen.
invoked; (am), n. a cry, a roar; lamentation.
fasting, purification by fasting, abstinence. w I «*< n^ dkshyat, an, anil, at (fut. part. fr.
A-krandin, i, inl, i, shouting at ; invoking in a aksh or ai with a ?) ; nkuliyanti aluini, days leading
weeping tone, weeping. dkshapatika, as, m. a judge.
See aksha-pd(aka under i. nksha. to completion, complemenlal days ; the N. of certain
WTSWa-itraiB.cl. I. P. A., 01.4. P. -kramati, days on which the ceremony Ayaua, performed for
-kramate, -krimyati, -kramitum, to step near akshapada, as, m. a follower of the Adity5s and Aivgirasas, is finished.
to ; to come towards, approach ; to enter ; to the NySya doctrine ; a logician. See under 2. aksha. dkhana, as, d, am, hard.
visit ; arrive at ; to step or tread upon, to lie heavily oti iikshabharlka. See Gana to
on, to press ; to hold fast with the hands, seize ; to Panini V. I, 50. it a-khandayitri, ta, m. (rt.
attack, invade, take possession of, become master of,
conquer, overcome; to undertake, begin; to rise, •4HISI4. d-kshar, cl. 10. P. -kshdrayati, -yi- khand), a breaker, a destroyer.
A-khnndala, as, a, am, breaking, destroying ;
mount, ascend; to cover: Caus. P. -kmmayati, tum, to abuse, revile, accuse, punish. (Sometimes
destroying enemies ; (as), m. a N. of India.
-yitum, to cause to come or step near: Desid. regarded as a nom. fr. the next.)
-tikranxate, to wish to ascend. a-khan, cl. f. P. -khanati, -nitum,
A-kshdra, as, m. calumny, accusation.
A-krama, as, m. coming near, approaching, arriv- A-kshdrana, am, d, n. f. abuse ; calumnious ac- to dig.
from it.) (It is doubtful whether a-khan is used as a
ing, attaining ; overcoming, obtaining ; invading, at- cusation (especially of adultery). verb, but the nouns which follow are all derived
tacking, falling upon, an attack ; spreading or going
over or upon, surpassing, overloading ; might, valour. A-kfhaHta, at, d, am, calumniated, falsely ac-
cused ; accused of adultery or fornication ; guilty, A-kha, as, m. a spade, a hoe.
A-kniiiiana, as, a, am, Ved. coming near, ap- criminal ; reviled, abused. A-khana, ae, m. a digger, a spade.
proaching, stepping upon; (am), n. attacking, A-klumika, as, m. a digger, a ditcher, a miner; a
marching against, invading ; overpowering, subduing ; nfgf d-kshi, cl. 2. 6. P. -ksheti, -kshiyati,
spreading or extending over or upon ; going over or -kxketiim, to abide, dwell in, stay at (with ace.); thief; a hog; a rat; a mouse; a spade. — A khanika-
beyond ; attacking. to inhabit ; to exist ; to possess, take possession of liaka or akhanikan'aka, as, m, a stork in relation
to a mouse ; (metaphorically) a man who behaves as
1. a-kramya or d-kramaniya, at, a, am, to be (with ace.). an hero towards a weak person ; a digger, a spade.
d-khara. 113
A-khara, as, m., Ved. the hole or cover of any strike ; to return ; to fall into (any state of mind) ; agara, Ved. = a-gara (?).
animal ; a stable ; a spade, a digger. — Akhare-shtha, have recourse to : Caus. P. -gamayati, -yitum, to
as, d, am, Ved. abiding or dwelling in a hole. cause to come near ; to lead towards ; to convey ; to WT'lfcSTT d-galita, as, d, am, drooping,
A-khdta, as, am, m. n. a natural pond. See announce the arrival (of any one) ; to obtain inform- languishing, dejected.
a-khata. ation about anything, ascertain (with ace.) ; A. to
'-SPlf^y a-gavishtha, as, d, am (either a
A-khdna, as, m. a spade, a digger. wait for, to have patience: Intens. Ved. -ganlganti,
false reading for d-gamishtha or fr. an adj. a-gii),
A-kha, us, m. a mouse, a rat, a mole ; the grass to approach repeatedly : Desid. -jigamishati, to be Ved. coming near(?).
Lipeocercis Serrata ; a thief; a hog ; a digger, a about to come.
spade. — Akhu-karlsha, am, n., Ved. a mole-hill. 2. d-ga, as, a, am, accidental; happening acci- ^TPT^hT d-gavlna, as, a, am, occupied with
— Akhtif-karm, f., N. of the plant Salvinia Cucul- dental y. Aga-tva,
— am, n. accident, chance. any business till the return of the cows.
lata. — Akhu-ga, as, m. (riding on a rat), an epithet A-gata, as, a, am, come, arrived ; occurred, hap- •>3M'IW dgas, as, n. (said to be fr. rt. i with
of Ganesa and of KSrttikeya. — Akhu-ghata, as, m.
a S'udra or man of low caste and profession, lit. 'a rat- bare ;penedfallen
; or residing
into in ; obtained
; received, returned ;; passed
fallen to; (am),
one's uga substituted), transgression, offence, sin, fault [cf.
catcher." Akhu-parnikd
— or dkhu-parnl, f., N. of i. occurrence, event [cf. an-dgata, sv-dgata\. Gr. &yos~\. — Agas-krita, as, d, am, offending ;
the plant Salvinia Cucullata Roxb. (?). — Akhu-pd- Agata-kshabha, as, d, am, confounded, perplexed.
shdna, as, m. a kind of mineral, a loadstone. — Ayata-sddhvasa, as, a, am, terrified, afraid. ^JT'TC'J dyastya, as, d, am, referring to the
— Akhu-bhuj, k, m. ' a mouse-eater,' a cat. — .ttAit- A-gati, is, f. arrival, coming ; return ; origin ; ac- sage Agasti, q. v. ; originating from the plant Agasti
ratha, as, m. a N. of Ganesa, ' having a rat for his ident, chance. Grandiflorum.
vehicle.' — Akhu-visha-hd, f. a kind of grass, Andrc- A-gatya, ind. having come, having arrived. Agasttya, as, a, am, relating to or tending to the
pogon Serratum, considered as a remedy for a rat's A-gantarya, as, a, am, to be arrived, what is advantage of Agasti.
bite. — Akhutkara (°khu-ut°), as, m. a mole-hill. ikely to arrive ; to be come to (with ace. or loc. •>HI»1I I. a-gd, cl. 2. P. -gdti, -turn, to come
- AkhutthaCkhu-ut°),as,m.ti\e rising up or appear- of the place) ; obliged to come.
ance of rats or moles, a swarm of rats or moles. towards or into ; to approach, make one's appearance ;
A-gantu, us, us, u, coming, arriving; what is to meet with ; to visit.
^TT^TR \ d-khdd, cl. i. P. -khddati, -ditum, added, adhering ; coming from the outside, external ;
adventitious, incidental ; (us), m. a new comer, a 2. a-gd, as, as, am, coming towards, &c.
to chew, to bite into pieces ; to eat, consume.
tranger, a guest ; an accident, any accidental hurt or ^TT1T*I dgddha = a-gddha, q. v.
fl|fw<* d-khid, cl. 6. P., Ved. -khidati,
wound — Agantu-ja, as, d, am, arising accidentally. •H\>l\t.d-gdra, am, n. (probably fr. d-grl,
Class, -khlndati, -khettum, to take away and appro- Agantuka, as, d or I, am, coming, arriving ; ar- ' to swallow down,' and denoting first any inner re-
priate to one's self, to draw to one's self. riving of one's own accord ; stray ; incidental, acci-
dental, adventitious (as pleasure, pain, ornament, &c.) ; ceptacle), room, covered place, dwelling, house, recep-
'Klfy^ dkhilya, am, n. (fr. a-khila), the tacle [cf.a-gdra]. — Agdra-godhika, f. a lizard (?).
whole. 'as), m. a new comer, a stranger, a guest ; an inter- — Agdra-ddha, as, m. arson, setting a house on
polated pdtha or various reading (which has crept
•fll^i d-kheta, 'as, m. (rt. khit?}, chase, in without authority). fae. — Agdra-ddhin, I, m. an incendiary. — Agdra-
hunting; terror, fright. — Akheta-sT,rshaka, am, n. dhuma, as, m., N. of a plant.
A-gama, as, a, am, coming near, approaching,
a cavern, a mine. supplying ; (as), m. arrival, appearance ; coming, •«H|JH_ i. a-gur, cl. 6. A. -gurate, -ritum
A-khetaka, as, a, am, hunting, a hunter ; fright- approach ; addition ; course ; the mouth of a river ; (gur = rt. grl, see d-grl), to approve, to agree or
ening, frightful ; (am), n. hunting, chase. supply of money, income, revenue ; increase of pro- assent to, to promise, to pronounce the Agur.
Akhetika, as, I, am, who or what hunts ; terrible, perty (especially in the compound arthdt/ama), lawful 2. d-gur, ur, f., Ved., N. of a class of plauditory or
frightful ; (as), m. a hound ; a hunter. acquisition of anything ; increase of knowledge (espe- approving exclamations or formularies used by the
•fllWli dkhota, as, m. the walnut tree. science,ciallyintelligence in the compound vutydgama) ; knowledge, priests in sacrificial rites ; assent, an agreement.
See akshota. ; a traditional doctrine or precept,
a collection of such doctrines or precepts, a sacred A-gurana or S-gurana or d-gurna, am, n. recita-
tion of the Agur.
i. a-khya, cl. 2. P. -Ichydti, -turn, work, scripture ; a manual ; an affix ; the interpola-
Ved. to look at ; to count, number ; to recite ; to tion of a letter in grammar, a grammatical augment, A-gu, us, (. an agreement (?).
tell, notify; inform, communicate, declare, make a meaningless syllable or letter inserted in any part of A-gurtin, I, inl, i, Ved. performing or pronounc-
known ; to announce ; to call, signify (with two ace.) ; the radical word; record, title-deed, legal title, a ing the Agur.
Caus. P. -khydpayati, -yitum, to make known, de- voucher or written testimony ; (am), n. a Tantra or 'iJNK^ dgurava, as, i, am (fr. a-guru),
clare A.
; to cause to tell. any work inculcating the mystical worship of Siva originating from or formed of Agallochum. See
A-khyas,ds, m., N.of Prajapati, the lord of creation. and Szkti.*~Agama-nirapeksha, as, d, am, inde-
2. a-khya, f. appellation, name ; (as, a, am), often pendent ofa written voucher or title. — Agama-nlta,
at the end of a compound in the sense of ' named,' as, d, am, studied, read, examined. — Agama-rahita, ^V\ a-grl, cl. 9. P. A., Ved. -grinati, -rate,
• called.' as, d, am, devoid of a written title or a voucher ; -garitum or -ritum, to approve, to praise.
A-khyata, as, a, am, counted, recited; said, spoken; without a S'astra. — Agama-vat, an, atl, at, having an
called ; declared, made known ; inflected, declined, augment or addition of any kind ; having approached ^Ft d-gai, cl. I. P., Ved. -gdyati, -gdtum,
to sing to, to obtain by singing.
conjugated ; (am), n. a verb. for sexual intercourse. — Agama-sdpeksha, as, d,
A-khydtavya, as, a, am, to be told ; to be de- am, with or supported by legal vouchers. — Agamd- A-gdtri, ta, trl, in, obtaining by singing.
clared, tobe made known. A-gdna, am, n. the act of obtaining by song.
pdyin (°ma-ap°), I, inl, i, transient, of short dura-
A-khydti, is, f. telling, communication, publication tion. —Agamdvartd ("ma-dv3), f., N. of the plant
of a report ; fame ; name, appellation. Tragia Involucrata Lin. agnapaushna, as, I, am, Ved.
belonging or referring to Agni and Pushan.
Akhyattka, adj. fr. a-khyata. Panini IV. 3, J2. A-gamana, am, n. coming, approaching, arriving ;
returning ; arising ; approaching a woman for sexual Agndraishrtava, as, I, am, Ved. belonging or
A-khydtri, ta, m. one who tells or speaks. referring to Agni and Vishnu.
A-khyina, am, n. saying, declaring; speech; a intercourse. — Agamana-kdrana, am, n. reason of •fllf''!* dgnika, as, I, am (fr. agni), fiery,
tale, story, legend. one's coming. — Agamana-tas, ind. on account of
an arrival. belonging to fire or to a sacrifice performed with fire.
Akhydnaka, am, n. a tale, a short narrative ; (l).:
f., N. of a metre, being a combination of the IndravajrS A-gamayya, ind. having explored or discovered. Agnimdruta, as, I, am, belonging or referring to
and Upendravajra. A-gamita, as, d, am, read over, perused, studied ; Agni and the Maruts ; (as), tti. an epithet of Agastya ;
understood, ascertained. (am),
A-khydpana, am, n. causing one to tell, making Panini n.VII.
a hymn
3, a I praising
; VI. 3, Agni
28]. and the Maruts [cf.
known. Afjamin, I, inl, i, (in gram.) receiving an augment.
A-gamixhtlia, as, d, am (super!. ), Ved. coming A gnivaruna, as, I, am, belonging or referring to
A-khyayaka, as, m. a messenger, a teller, an with pleasure or very quickly.
announcer or relater ; (ikd), (. a tale or short narra- Agni and Varuna.
tive ;a true or probable story. 1. d-gamya, as, d, am, to be approached, accessi- Agniveiya and dgntvcfydyana, as, m., N. of
ble ;to be acquired. two teachers.
A-khydyin, I, inl, {, telling, declaring, informing. 2. d-gamya, ind. having arrived or come. Agnishtomtka, as, I, am, belonging to the Ag-
A-khyeya, as, a, am, to be told or related ; fit or A-gdntu, u#, m. a guest. See d-gantu. nishtoma ; one who recites or is conversant with the
proper to be said.
Agarnika, as, d, am, relating or belonging to the
future. Agnishtoma.
i . ago = dgas in an-aga, q. v. Agnihotra, as, I, am, fit for the Agnihotra.
A-gdmin, ~i, inl, i, coming, about to come, ar- Agnldhra, as, d, am, Ved. originating from or
, cl. I. P. -ga(6hatl, -gantum riving, impending; future. ~Agdmi-kdla, as, m. belonging to the Agnidh, i. e. to the priest who kindles
future time.
to come ; to make one's appearance ; to come near the fire ; (as), m. the priest who kindles the fire ;
go towards or to or into ; to arrive at, attain, reach A-gdmuka, as, d, am, coming, arriving ; future. (a), f. care of the sacred fire ; (am), n. the place
114 agriidhrlya.
where a sacrificial fire is kindled ; the function of the A-ghdti, is, is, m. f, Ved. a musical instrument dngara, am, n. (fr. angara), a. mul-
which sounds on being shaken, a cymbal or rattle. titude offirebrands.
priest who kindles the sacred fire.
A'jniJItriya, u*, S, am, being within the Agnl- ^THI1! ii-yliarsha, as, m. (rt. ghrish), j, ^.. dnyirasa, as, i, am (fr. anyiras),
dhra or the place where a sacrificial fire is kindled ; rubbing, friction. descended from or belonging to or referring to the
(as), m. the fire (agnt) within the Agnldhra ; the
A-gharehana, as, i, am, scratching, rubbing; Aivgiiasas or to An-giras; (as), m. a descendant of
fire-place (dhishnya) within the Agnidhra. An-giras ; especially a N. of Vrihaspati, the preceptor
g to the Agnidhr a (am), n. rubbing, friction ; (I), f. a brush, a rubber.
AijHlilhrya, as, a, am, belongin A-gharshi ta, as, d, am, rubbed, brushed. of the gods ; a Kshatriya by will of Brahm5 and by
or the priest who kindles the sacred fire.
I, am, Ved. consecra ted to Agm -.HI VIM S-ghdta, as, m. (fr. rt. han with a),
Indra.ra, as,
andAgnewl profession.
striking, a blow, a wound ; killing ; a beater, striker ; •flljjTrtoli dngulika, as, t, am (fr. anyuli,
or retention of urine ; misfortune, pain ; a slaughter-house,
Agneya, at, i, am, fiery, belonging or relating q. v.), like a finger.
consecrated to fire or its deity Agni ; similar to fire or a place for killing animals or victims. ^Tljf ^ uitgiisha, as, m.,Ved. praising aloud,
Agni; belonging to AgnSyi, wife of Agni ; (as), m. house. A-ghdtana, am, n. striking, killing ; a slaughter- a hymn [cf. angusha, aitgo&hin],
epithet of Skanda ; of Agastya ; (as), ni. pi., N. ot a
of Agni ; the wife of
people ; (t), f., N. of Agnayi, wife A-ghnat, an, all, at, striking, beating. Aitgushya, as, d, am, Ved. praising aloud, sound-
Cru and daughter of Agni (?) ; the south-east quarter, ig ; fit for praise.
of which Agni U the regent ; (am), n. blood ; ghee •ghura. See under d-ghri.
ifift angeyl probably = dngt. See
or boiled butter; gold ; N. of a region. - Agneya- - • j * d-ghush , cl. I. P. -ghoshati, -gho-
Iclla, a*, m. an insect (klta) which flies into the to make one's self audible ; to cry aloud, to
and shitum,
(applied to a thief who breaks into a room proclaim ; to praise ; to listen to : Caus. -ghoshayati,
Airgya, adj. fr. anga, q.v.
extinguishes the lamp). - Agneya-purina, am, n. -yitum, to make a noise, to cause to sound ; to pro- nga. j. afa, as, m., N. of a man.
the same as the agnl-puraiia, q. v. tinually.claim or cause to proclaim aloud ; to complain con-
2. d6a, in the words dia-pardta and
. eyika, as, d, am, belonging to the Agny-
Idheya See under ayni.
A-ghasha, as, m. calling out to, invocation. fopaia, ' turned towards and away from' (?).
A-ghoshana, am, d, n. f. a crying or proclaiming, d-6aksh, cl. 2. A. -fashte, -shtum, to
mitl*-^ a-granth, cl. 9. i. P- -grathndti, mblic announcement.
-grnntluiti, -Ihitam, to wind round, to intwine. ook at, inspect ; to tell, relate, make a communication
WT?pTt>Tf*T°l» agrabhojanika, as, i, am (fr. _ d-ghurn, cl. 6. P., I. A. -ghurnati, x>ut anything (with ace.) ; to announce, declare ; to
make known, confess ; to acquaint, introduce to ; to
agm-bhtgana), one to whom food is first offered. ghiirnatc, -iiitum, to fluctuate, stagger; to roll,
ddress any one (with ace.) ; to call, name.
na, g,
»yiiimil agrayana, as, m. (fr. agra), the urna ng, tossing ; fluctuatin
A-gh am, n. rolli A-fakshamdna, as, d, am, saying, declaring.
first Soma libation at the Agnishtoma sacrifice (see whirling round. I, «*, m. a learned man, a Pandit.
ijraha) ; a form of Agni ; (i), f. an oblation consisting A-ghHrnit a, .as, d, am, rolled, rolling; whirled d-daturam, ind. till the fourth
of first-fruits or firstlings ; (am), n. oblation consisting pund, fluctuating
of first-fruits at the end of the rainy season. eneration.
^TT^ iid-ghri,
' cl. i., and Ved. cl. 3. P.
^rni^r d-grasta, as, a, am, bored, per- fh l. "fri} diaturya, am, n. (fr. a-6atwa),
forated. -gharati, -jigharti, -ghartum, to sprinkle towards clumsiness, stupidity.
r upon : Caus. -ghdrayati, -yitum, to sprinkle.
•STRJ^ d-grah, Ved. -grabh, cl. 9. P. A. A-ghdra, as, m. sprinkling, sprinkling clarified d-6am, cl. I . P. -tSdmati, -famitum,
-grihndti, -nite, Ved. -gribhndti, -ylte, -grahl- butter upon the fire at certain sacrifices; ghee or
larified butter. o sip ; to rinse the mouth (with inst. of the thing) ;
tum, to seize,'take hold of; to draw tight (as reins). o lap up, lick up, to cause to disappear (as the wind
A-graha, as, m. seizing, taking; attack ; surpass- Efftj d-yhrini, is, is, i, Ved. glowing icks up moisture): Caus. -(amayati, -yitum, to
ing, surmounting ; favour ; patronage ; power, ability; with heat ; endowed with spendor ; epithet of the cause to sip water.
moral power, courage.
rod Pushan. — Aghrinl-rasu, us, us, u, Ved. rich A-tama,, as, m. rinsing the mouth.
Agrahikd, f. favour, patronage, help.
with heat, epithet of Agni ; (Say.) having splendid A-tamana, am, n. rinsing the mouth, sipping
OliN<<UI agrahayana, as, t, am, belongin g wealth.
water (before religious ceremonies, before meals &c.,
to the month Agra-hayana ( = agra-hdyana, q.v.)._ rom the palm of the hand. It is usual to spit the
commencement of the year, OTTIT d-yhrd, cl. i. P. -jiyhrati, -ghrdtum,
Agrahayana, as, m. 'commenc ing about the 1 2th smell at ; to kiss : Caus. -ghrdpaya ti, -yi- water out again ; the ceremony also includes touching
N. of a Hindu month o smell,
',um, to cause to smell at. the body in various parts) ; gargling the throat ; the
of November, see agra-hdyaiia ; (i), f- the day of ; water used for rinsing the mouth.
A-ghrdna, am, n. smelling ; satisfacti on, satiety
fall moon (paurnamdsl) in the month Agra-hayana ; A-famanal-a, as, m. a spitting pot.
a particular kind of PSka-yajna, q. v. ;ofN.which of a con- (Of, d, am), satisfied, satiated. ; satisfied, Ai'amnn'iya, as, d, am, used for rinsing the
stellation consisting of three stars, one is A A-tjhrdta, as, d, am, smelled, scented
's head, hence also satiated ; surmounted, surpassed. mouth; (am), n. water for rinsing the mouth, a
Orionis, figured by an antelope
called Mriga-siras. A-(jhreya, as, d, am, to be smelled at.
dnkusdyana, adj. formed fr A-damya, ind. having rinsed the mouth, having
Agrahdyanaka, as, i, am, to be paid (as a debt
on the day of full moon in the month Agra- anlcuia. See Gana to Panini IV. a, 80. sipped and ejected a little water.
hayana. A-ddnta, as, a, am, sipped and ejected (as water) ;
iinkriti, is, m., N. of a prince. gargle.
one who has rinsed his mouth.
Agrahdyanika, a*, m. the month Agra-hayana ;
(as, i, am), to be paid on the day of full moon
in instrum ent, a A-tama, as, m. sipping water, rinsing the mouth ;
dnkshi, f. a musical
the month Agra-hayana. tabor. the water or foam of boiled rice.
agraharilta, as, I, am, one who A-fimata, as, d, am, rinsing the mouth.
dnga, as, I, am (fr. 2. anya), re A-famanaka, as, m. a spitting pot.
an endow- ,..„
appropriates to himself an Agra-hara, viz.
ment of lands or villages conferred upon Brahmans. lating to the base (amja) of a word in grammar A-fdmya, am, n. rinsing the mouth, water so
bodily, corporeal ; having limbs or parts or relatmf used, a gargle ; (as, d, am), to be rinsed.
•fllilUU!! agrayana, as, m., N. of a gram- to them • relating to the inferior persons of a drama
marian a; sacrifice offered when the new rice or whea d-6aya, as, m. (fr. rt. ti with a),
to a portion of the Vedas, &c. ; (am), n. a soft deli collection, plenty.
ripens ; (see agrayana, which is the correct reading/ cate form or body ; (as, >, am, pi &ngas\ produced o lecting.
— Ai/rdyaneshfi (na-itk"), is, (. the ceremonj born in the country An-ga ; a prince of that country. in col-
Agrayana. Afayaka, as, a, am, collecting, skilful
Aitgaka ,nt as, m. thesame. ruler of the country An-ga
^mg=k d-gliiitlnka, as, m. (rt. ghntt or an inhabita of the
^Tr1^ d-6ar, cl. i. P. ep. A. -6aratl, -te,
nhat), a rubber ; anything which causes friction Anqandya, as,ncyI, am, occurring in or being fami
liar with chiroma or the knowled ge of lucky an -rilum, Ved. -radhyai, -ritare, -rase, to come near
the plant Desmochzta Atropurpurea. pro-
A-ijIiallana, am, n. friction, rubbing, contact to approach ; to step upon, pass through ; to
shaking. unlucky marks on am, the body. See a>nja-ri< lij<~i ceed, manage, behave one's self towards (with loc.) ;
Amjika, a», 1, bodily, corporeal ; gesticulated to treat ; to have intercour se with, frequent ; to act,
A-ghat(ita, as, d, am, rubbed, touched, shaken. expressed by bodily action (dramatic sentiment, pas
use sion &c., exhibit ed by attitude , gesture &c.); (as undertake, do, exercise, practice, perform ; to devour,
A-ghdta, a*, m., Ved. a musical instrument eat into ; to help forward, put into.
for accompanying a dance ; a cymbal or rattle ; bour m. a player on a tabor or drum. g,
(at th Parana, am, n. approaching, arrival ; followin
dary, limit; the plant Achyranthes Aspera; , f., N. of the capital o
col. ^Tffif t dngadi
An-gada's kingdom, observin g,' conduct, usage, practice ; an institute , rite
end of some compounds) = d-ghdta, see next or rule of conduct; a cart, carriage.
d-6aramya. 115
A-darattiya, as, a, am, to be done or performed ; A-dita, as, d, am, collected, accumulated, heaped ; aji. a-(6hodana, am, n. (rt. 6hnd for
to be followed or observed, right, proper. filled, loaded with, covered ; spread, diffused ; inlaid,
set (e. g. ardhdditd rasand, a girdle half set with d«a"?),hunting,thechase. Seeaddhotana.dkshodana.
A-darat, an, anti, at, following, practising, ob-
serving. gems) ; larded ; (as, am), m. n. a cart-load ; a mea- 'Hl^ a-fyu, Caus. P. A. -(yavayati, -te,
A-darita, as, a, am, observed, practised, as a rite sure of ten bharas or cart-loads. -yitum, to cause to flow over, pour out ; to draw or
or usage ; usual, customary ; enjoined, fixed by rule. Aditika, as, I, am, or dditlna, as, d, am, holding bring near ; to induce (any one) to come near.
A-daritavya, as, a, am, to be performed in a or being equal to or cooking a quantity equal to the
preceding measure ; (a numeral may be placed be-
acyutadanti (fr. afyutadanta)
customary manner ; to be done or performed. fore these forms, e. g. dvydditika, Sec.). or ddyutantt (fr. adyutanta), ayas, m. pi., N. of a
A-darya, as, a, am, to be gone to or approached ; warrior-tribe.
to be done or performed. •>M|P«U°HI*II a-tikhyasa, f. (fr. Desid. of rt.
A-ddra, as, m. conduct, manner of action ; beha- khyd with a), desire or intention of expressing or o/' (d-aj), cl. I. P. A. ajati, -te, -jitum,
viour ;good conduct, good behaviour ; custom, prac- denoting something. to drive or bring towards ; to procure ; to drive neat,
i. e. to come near in a carriage.
tice, usage ; an established rule of conduct, an ordi-
nance, an institute, a precept ; manner of conducting •fllPMi^ i. a-tit, cl. i. 3. P. -tetati, -(Xketti, Ajani, is, f., Ved. a stick for driving.
A. -dikite, -dettum, to attend to, to keep in mind ; i . aji, is, m. f. (Ved. m.), a running-match ; (djim
one's self, diet ; rule ; [cf. Hib. acara, ' convenience, to comprehend, understand, know ; to invent ; to ap- aj or i or dhdv or sri, to run with or against any
conveniency, use.'] — Addra-dandrikd, f. title of a
work on the religious customs of the Sudras. — Addra- pear, become visible, distinguish one's self: Desid. one for the prize) ; a fighting-match, fighting, combat,
tantra, am, n. one of the four classes of Tantras -dikttsati, -te, to wait for, watch clandestinely, lurk. battle, war; place for running, course, level ground;
2. a-dit, t, f., Ved. taking notice or cognizance,
with Buddhists. — Addra-dipa, as, m. ' lamp of re- attention to ; (according to Say. the form d-ditd may abuse, invective ; 'an instant ; [cf. Scot, agh, ' fight ;'
ligious customs,' title of a work. — Addra-bhrashta, stand for d-dite fr. d-dita above.) Hib. agh.] — Aji-krit, t, t, t,Vtd. running or fight-
as, a,, am, fallen from established usage, apostate. ing for a prize ; making war. — Aji-kr-iyd, f. fighting,
— Adara-mayukha, as, m. 'ray of religious cus- WP^'li a-6lrna, as, a, am. See under making war. — Aji-tur, ur, ur, ur, Ved. victorious
toms,' title of a work. — Addra-rat , an, all, at, well- d-dar last col. in battles. — Aji-pati, is, m., Ved. lord of the battle.
conducted, virtuous. — Addra-varjita, as, a, am, wimu a-dOshana, am, n. suction ; suck- — Ajy-anta, as, m. the goal in a race-course.
irregular, out of rule ; outcast. — Addra-viruddha, W3T a/a, as, t, am (fr. i. a/a), coming
as, a, am, contrary to custom. — Addra-vedi, f. ing out ; application of cupping-glasses to the skin. from goats, belonging to goats, produced by goats ;
' altar of religious customs,' a N. of AryaVarta. — A- ^l^Ti^d-frit, cl. 6. P. -fritati, -dartitum, (as), m. a vulture ; (am), n. boiled or clarified butter ;
(ara-Tiina, as, a, am, deprived of established ordi- to fasten, tie, affix.
nances, outcast. — Adardnga (°ra-an°), am, n. title Ajaka, am, n. a flock of goats.
of the first of the twelve sacred books of the jainas. ^11V»<K ddesvara (°da-ls°), as, m., N. of a.
— Afdradaria ("ra-aeP), as, m. 'looking-glass sanctuary built by A6a.
djakara, as, m. Suva's bull.
of religious customs,' title of a work. — Afdrarka •^(^t^d-desht, cl. I. P. A. -ieshtati, -te, ajagara, as, I, am (fr. aja-gara),
(°ra-ar°), as, m. ' sun of religious customs,' title of -titum, to undertake ; to do. treating of the boa or large serpent; (a chapter in
a work. — Addrolldsa (°ra-»K°), as, m. 'light of the Maha-bharata.)
atopata. See 2. dfa. ghee.
religious customs,' title of a work.
Addrika, as, I, am, conformable to rule or prac- ^n»fTl^ ajagava, as, HI. the bow of STiva
tice, prescriptive, authorized ; (am), n. rules for the ^ i. a-Mhad (-{had), cl. 10. P. -Mha-
preservation of health, habit of life, regimen, diet. dayati or -ddhddayati, -yitum, to cover, hide ; to
Adarin, i, iiii, i, following established rites or
clothe, to dress, put on clothes ; to conceal. [cf.••JIMH
ajakdva']. a-jan, cl. 4. A., Ved. -jayate, -jani-
3. d-ddhad, t, (., Ved. a cover, covering ; a sheath. tum, to be born or come into existence, to be pro-
practice. — Addhad-vidhdna, am, n., Ved. an arrangement duced or born from; to beget, cause to be bom,
A-ddri, f. the plant Hingtsha Repens, also called made for defence, a means of covering ; or (as, a, am), render prolific.
Hilamoc'ika. one who has such means.
A-janana, am, n. birth, origin.
A-darya, as, m. lit. ' one to whom one must have A-ddhanna, as, a, am, covered, concealed, clothed.
recourse' or ' one who is to be attended to or waited A-ddhdda, as, m. cloth, dothes. A-janma, ind. from birth, since birth. — Ajanma-
A-ddliddaka, as, d, am, concealing, hiding. surabhi-paitra, as, m., N. of a plant (the leaves of
on* or ' one whose precepts are to be followed' or which are fragrant from their first appearance).
' one who knows the dddra or rules ;' a spiritual guide A-ddhddana, am, n. covering, concealing, hiding ;
or teacher, especially one who invests the student disappearance; a covering, a sheath; cloth, clothes; A-jdti, is, f. birth, origin.
with the sacrificial thread, and instructs him in the mantle, cloak, &c. ; the wooden frame of a roof. A-jana, am, n. birth, descent, species ; birth-place.
Vedas, in the law of sacrifice and religious mysteries A-ddhddita, as, d, am, covered, clothed. A-jdni, is, f., Ved. birth, descent ; noble birth ;
(Manu 2. 140,171); an epithet of Drona the teacher A-ddhddin, i, ini, i, covering, concealing.
of the Pandus ; (a), f. a spiritual preceptress. The i . d-ddhddya, ind. having clothed or put on. (SSy.) a mother.
Ajdneya, as, t, am, of noble origin, of good breed
title afarya affixed to names of learned men is a. d-ddhadya,as, d, am, to be covered or clothed. bred (as a horse.horse), fearless, undaunted ; (as), m. a well-
rather like our Dr. ; e. g. Rdghavdddrya, &c.
xHI-odl'* dtthaka, as, m., N. of the tree
— A darya-karana, am, n. acting as teacher. — A- Morinda Tinctoria ; (better dddhuka, q. v.)
darya-td, f. or dddrya-tva, am, n. the office or pro- Ajdneyya, as, d, am, Ved. of good breed, well-
ficiency of a holy teacher. — Addrya-dcva, as, m. ^rrfe^ u-t6hid (-(.hid), cl. 7. P. A. -ttU*
one whose preceptor is his god. — Addrya-bho- natti,-ddMnte,-ddhettum, to tear or cut off; to cut or ^rnTtl a-jap, cl. I. P. -japati, -pitum, to
mutter or whisper to.
fjina, as, d, am, delighting the holy teacher. break in pieces ; to take out of; to draw off; remove ;
— Addrya-miira, as, a, am, venerable, honourable. to cut off, exclude ; to snatch away, to tear from, to •* lil Hid ajamidha, as, m., N. of a king in
— Addrya-vat, an, aft, at, one who has a teacher. rob ; to dii-regard, not to take notice of. the Maha-bharata.
— Addryupdsana (°ya-ntp°), am, n. waiting upon A-ddMdya, ind. cutting off; cutting, excluding, dis- ••.HMWT d-jarasam or a-jarasaya, ind.,
or serving the spiritual preceptor. regardingsetting
: aside, in spite of, notwithstanding. Ved. till old age.
Addryaka, as, a, am, originating from a spiritual A-ddhinna, as, d, am, cut, cut off.
teacher ; (am), n. the proficiency of a holy teacher. A-ddheda, as, m. cutting, cutting off, excision. •>HM=H d-javana, am, n. (fr. rt. ju with a),
ACdryanl, f. (with dental n, Panini IV. I, 49. A-ddhedana, am, n. excision, cutting off, exclusion. rushing at, attacking, fighting.
Vart. 6), the wife of an Aiarya or holy teacher. •«il|Tri<* d6<ihuka, as, m., N. of the plant
A-dirna, as, d, am (anom. past pass, part.), de- Morinda Tinctoria. See dkshika and dddhdka. vasti Panini IV.djavasteya
I, 136). (patronymic fr. aja-
voured, eaten into.
^Ti^MW a-(aranya (nom. fr. iarana), P. WflgfCTT a-Mhurita, as, a, am (fr. rt. 6hur Panini IV. 1,ajavdha
".MlrMlf! 133. or ajavahaka fr. aja-vaha
with a), scratched ; irritated ; (am\ n. making a
-daranyati, -yitum, to move one's self, to move or
extend towards. noise with the finger-nails by rubbing them on one
another ; a horse-laugh. ••HI iHlrl!)ld=l iijatasatrava, as, m. (fr. ajd-
d-cal, Caus. V.-6alayati, -yitum, to Addhtiritaka, am, n. a scratch with Brahmana V.epithet
a finger-nail ; ta-iatru), 5. 5, of
14.Bhadrasena in the S'atapatha-
a horse-laugh.
move, draw away from one's place, stir up.
n^TT. See under d-dam. ^Mlfil ajiidya, as, d, am, originating from
*tl^< a-66hrid (-thrid), cl. 7. P. A. -tthri- the warrior-tribe called Ajadas or a chief of that tribe.
natti, -ddhrinte, -ddharditum, to pour upon, to fill.
fi-f.i, el. 5. P. A. -tinoti, -nute,-detum, d-jdna, djdneya. See under djan.
to accumulate; to collect; to heap up, load with; ^tl«3ft a-(6ho (-tho), cl. 4. P. -66hyatl,
to cover. -ddhatum, to skin, to flay. i. aji. See under aj above.
WTiT at.
sense) oil and milk used instead of clarified butter ddambara, as, m. (etym. doubtful,
2. a-ji, cl. i. P. -jay ati, -jetum, to
at a sacrifice ; N. of a sort of chant or religious probably rt. dumb with d), a drum used in battle ;
conquer, win, acquire: Desid. -jigishaii, to try or
desire to conquer or win. service ; turpentine. — Ajya-pa, as, d, am, Ved. charge sounded by musical instruments ; the sounding
drinking the clarified butter ; (ax), m. pi. a class ol of a trumpet as a sign of attack ; the roaring of
A-jayana, am, n. conquering.
Manes who are the sons of Pulastya and the ancestors elephants; pride, arrogance (in this sense perhaps
A-jigishu, us, us, u, ambitious, wishing to excel
or overcome. of the Vaisya order. — Ajya-patra, am, n. a vessel connected with saiiirambha?); commencement (in
or dish to hold clarified butter. •• Ajya-bhdga, as, this sense perhaps connected with arambha!) ; anger,
d-jigraha, as, d, am (rt. grah), m. a portion of clarified butter ; (au), m. du. the passion; happiness, pleasure; the eyelid; (am), n.
who or what takes or seizes. two portions of clarified butter belonging to Agni rubbing and kneading the body ; (sometimes this
v< I Ml s* I «i »M d-jijndsenya, as, d, am (fr. and Soma ; (as, a, am), partaking of the clarified word is written ddampara.) — Adambardghdta
Desid. of rt. jAd with a), Ved. liable to investigation ; butter ; offering clarified butter at certain ceremonies. (fra-dgh0), as, m., Ved. one who beats a drum.
Adambartn, i, ini, i, arrogant, proud.
(as), f. pi., N. of a short section of the Kuntapa — Ajya-bhuj, k, m. ' consumer of clarified butter,'
hymns in die Aitareya-Brahmana ; (the word ri(ai epithet of Agni. — Ajya-vdri, is, m. ' sea of clarified •*ills nV/i, is, f. a bird, the S'arali (Turdus
must be supplied.) butter," one of the seven seas. — Ajya-sthali, (., Ginginianus) ; a kind of fish. See ati.
see djya-pdtra.
Wftltft^J d-jihirshu, us, us, u (fr. Desid. 'ST? anything.
ddu, us, us, u (fr. rt. ad), striving to
^TR( dh( (d-aA6), cl. I. P. A. an fail, -te, obtain
of rt. kri with d), about to bring towards (with ace.) ;
-(Hum, to bend, crook, curve.
wishing to take.
Anfana, am, n. partial extraction of thorns or ^T^ddii, its, m. (or f. ?) a raft, a float.
VH I »fl cji <•} djikiila, N. of a region. arrows and the like from the body. See atu.
^lll'iin djigarti, a patronymic fr. aji- dhth, cl. I. P. ahthati, dhiha or •sn<S<* adhaka, as, am, m. n. (etym. doubt-
garta. dnantha, dnfliitum, to make straight ; ful), a measure of grain, the 4th of a drona and equal
to lengthen or stretch ; to regulate, draw into the to 4 prasthas = 1 6 kudavas = 64 palas = 2 5 6 karshas =
iH|i(i<^ d-jiv, cl. I. P. -jivati, -vitum, to right position ; to set (a bone or leg). 4096 mashas ; or containing nearly 7 Ibs. 1 1 ozs. avoir-
live by ; to have the use or enjoyment of; to subsist. Anthana, am, n. setting (a bone or leg), bringing dupois. InBengal an adhaka is equal to two mans or
A-jlva, as, m. livelihood, subsistence; a Jaina drawing.
back into the right place by stretching, bending, or 164 Ibs. avds. ; (1), f. a kind of pulse, Cajanus Indicus
Spreng. ; a kind of fragrant earth. — Adhaka-jambu,
A-jinika, as, m. a beggar, one who obtains his N. of a country. — Adhakajambuka, as, i, am,
livelihood everywhere. vi 15^ anj (d-anj), cl. 7. P. dnakti, dnji- relating to that country.
A-jivana, am, n. livelihood, subsistence. — Ajiva- tum or dnktum, to anoint ; to smooth, polish, pre- Adhakika, as, i, am, or ddhakina, as, d, am,
pare ;to honour, receive respectfully.
ndrtha (°na-ar°), as, m. (am, n. ?) means of live- holding or containing an adhaka; sown with an
lihood or subsistence, business, profession. AAjana, am, i, n. f. ointment, especially for the adhaka of seed, as a field &c.
A-jivin, i, m. having a livelihood ; a peculiar kind eyes ; fat. — Anjanabkyanjaniya (°na-abhy°), am,
of beggar. a, n. f., N. of a certain ceremony. — Anjanl-kari, f. vu<s"lrt°li ddhilaka, a various reading for
a woman who anoints or makes ointments. d-filaka. See d-tlkana.
A-jivya, as, d, am, to be practised as a means of
living; fit for or affording a livelihood; habitable, dhjaneya, as, m. (fr. ahjand, his viiGH ddhya, as, d, am (etym. doubtful,
fertile ; fruitful ; (am), n. means of living. mother), N. of the monkey Hanumat. perhaps for ardhya fr. ridh), opulent, wealthy, rich ;
(with an inst. or as last member of a comp.) rich in,
•wiij^ d-jur, ur, f. or d-ju, us, f. (fr. rt.jri anjalikya (fr. aiijalika). See abounding in, productive; possessing abundantly ; mixed
with d.»), unpaid labour, working without wages; Gana to PSnini V. 1, 128.
consigning to hell ; infirm age (?). with, watered with ; abundant, existing in abundance.
dhjika, as, m., N. of a Danava. — Adhyakulina, a*, d, am, descended from a rich
^ ist i i. d-jnd, cl. 9. P. -jdndti, -jndtum, family. — Adhyan-karana, as, i, am, enriching;
to know, understand, learn, obtain information, ascer- dfijineya, as, m. an insect, a kind (am), n. the means of enriching, wealth, prosperity.
tain, notice, perceive : Caus. -jnapayatt, -yitum, to of lizard, Lacerta Unjinensis. See anjana and ari- — Ailhya-fara, as, i, am, once opulent (?). — Adli>ju-
publish, order, command, direct ; to assure. ta, f. opulence, wealth. — Adhyam-bhavishnu, us,
A-jnapta, as, d, am, ordered, commanded. janikd.
^TT7 dta, as, m., N. of a serpent. us, u, or adhyam-bharuka, as, i, am, becoming
A'jAapti, is, f. order, injunction, command. rich or eminent. — Adhya-rata, as, m. (abundant
2. d-jiid, fran order, a command ; allowance, per- «ii«<8-l dtariisha, as, m., N. of the tree
wind), a convulsive or rheumatic palsy of the loins.
Justicia Adhenatoda. See atarusha or afarushaka.
mission ;[cf. Hib. agna, ' wisdom."] — Ajnd-kara, — Adhyadu (°dhya-ddu ), us, us, u, striving to get
as, i, am, executing an order, obeying, obedient ; atavika, as, in. (fr. atavi), the
(o<), m. a servant. — AjAd-karana, am, n. execu- inhabitant of a forest ; a woodman, a pioneer. Adhyaka, am, n. wealth, opulence, abundance.
tion of orders, obedience. — Ajnakara-tva, am,
Atavi, (., N. of a town in the MahS-bharata (2. •>!)Hll°li dnaka, as, d, am (fr. arm, q. v.), low,
n. the office of a servant. — Ajnd-kdrin, i, ini, i,
«74)- inferior. See anaka.
one who obeys or executes orders, obedient, minis-
1 dtavya, as, m., N. of a teacher in Aiiava, am, n. exceeding smallness; (as, i, am),
trant. — Ajnd-dakra, am, n. a mystical circle or dia-
gram, one of six described by the Tantras. — AjAd- the V5yu-Pur3na. very small, fine (?).
nuydyin or ajAdnuvartin (°jnd-an°), i, ini, i, Anavina, as, d, am, bearing or fit to bear Pani-
dti, is, f. (rt. at, to wander), N. of cum Miliaceum.
obeying or executing orders, obedient. — Ajnanu-
the bird Turdus Ginginianus [cf. adi and dti].
sdrin (°jnd-an°), i, ini, i, executing orders, obe-
dient. — Ajnd-patlra, am, n. an edict, written — Ati-mukka, as or am?, m. or n.? a surgical in- dni, the
axle of a cart, is, mlinch-pin
. f. [cf.; ani~\ , theof pin
the part the of
leg the
order. — Ajnd-pratujhdta as, m. disobedience, re- is like thestrument employed in blood-letting, the top of which
beak of the bird dti. above the knee ; the corner of a house ; a limit, a
bellion.— Ajnd-bhattga, as, m. disobedience, insub-
Atika, as, i, am, able to wander; (i), f., N. of boundary ; the edge of a sword.
ordination, disloyalty. — Ajnd-vaha, as, d, am, obe-
dient, subject, ministrant. — Ajnd-sampddin, i, ini, the wife of Ushasti.
'SHI3 iinda, am, n. (fr. anda, q. v.), an egg ;
», executing an order, obedient, submissive. Atikya, as, d, am, being on a voyage. multitude of eggs, a brood ; (au), m. du., Ved. the
A-jnata, as, d, am, ordered, commanded ; (as), «il5 1 <*i (i-tikana or d-filaka, am, n. (fr.rt. testicles [cf. anda] . — Anda-ja, as, d, am, born from
m., N. of one of the first five pupils of S'akya-muni. an egg. — Anda-rat, an, ati, at, possessed of eggs or
A-jAatri, td, m.,Ved. one who orders or directs. (ik with a), the leaping motion of a calf [cf. ddhi-
laka and dUdhnka}. testicles. — Andad (°da-ad), t, m.,Ved. one who eats
A-jndna, am, n. the act of noticing, perceiving.
a commander. as, d, am, giving orders, commanding, as A-tikara,
the last). as, m. a bull (etym. probably the same Andi,N. f.,
eggs, of Ved. a testicle.
a demon.
Aiidika, as, d, am, Ved. bearing eggs, as a plant
A-jAapana, am, n. ordering, commanding, making
known. •*( 1 4\ <f dtnpa, as, m. (said to be fr. a with egg-shaped fruits or bulbs.
Sautra rt. tup with d), puffing, swelling; flatulence, Andira, as, d, am, having many eggs.
A-jiidpita, as, d, am, ordered, commanded.
A-jnapyn, as, a, am, to be directed or commanded. borborygmi ; pride, self-conceit. ^TTH at, ind. (fr. 4. a), Ved. afterwards,
A-jiiayin, i, ini, i, perceiving, understanding. dttasthalaka (fr. atta-sthali) then ; (in which senses it is often used in a concluding
Gana to PSnini IV. a, 137. paragraph antithetically to yad, yadd, yadi, being
'SU-Xf ajya, am, n. (fr. rt. anj with a), [hen sometimes strengthened by the particles aha, id,
melted or clarified butter used for oblations, or for i •sUiStllH dtndra, as, m. (fr. atndra), Ved.,
pouring into the holy fire at the sacrifice, or for jN. of Para in the S'atapatha-Brahmana ; (as, d, am), im, u; e.g. yaded ayukta haritah sadhasthdd
anointing anything sacrificed or offered ; (in a wider Ifond of wandering (?). dd rdtri rd*at tanute simasmai, ' at the very time
when he has unyoked his coursers from his car, then

ata. *JHW^ dtman.

night extends the veiling darkness overall;' Vritram S'iva.sun, evaporated by the solar bezt. — Atapdbhdva
yad Indra fovasdvail/ilr ahim ad it suryam A-todya, am, n. ' to be struck," a musical instru-
(°pa-abh°), as, m. non-existence of sunshine, shadow.
divy drohayo driie, ' when, O Indra, thou didsi slay A-tapana, as, m. causing heat, an epithet of d-tura, as, d, am (fr. rt. turv with d),
with thy power the dragon Vritra, then indeed thou
didst raise the sun in the sky, that it might be seen.' hurt, injured ; suffering ; sick in body or mind, dis-
Alaplya, as, d, am (adj. fr. a-tapa), sunshiny (?). abled, diseased ; feeble, weak, incapable of doing
In other passages at is simply used like a conjunc-
Atapya, as, d, am, Ved. being in the sunshine.
tion, equivalent to ' then, further, also, and ' Sometimes anything (with inf.).
it only serves to strengthen the meaning of another vtin^d-tam, cl. 4. P. -tdmyati, -tamitum, viittrt d-tul, cl. 10. P. -tolayati, -yitum,
word, or to give emphasis to an interrogative pronoun, to faint, to swoon, to become senseless ; to despond,
in the same way as u, nu, amja, &c. ; e. g. ya eka to languish, fade away. to lift up, raise, elevate.
id apratir manyamdna ad asmdd anyo aja- ^Tlrl«ll*i d-tamdm? (a superlative form fr. •atlffff d-trid, cl. 7. P. -trinatti, -tarditum,
nishta taw/an, ' he who considered himself atone <K sever,
to split, • pierce ' • • open, open ; A.
; to push
irresistible, another was born mightier even than he ;' 3. a?). -trinte, to become split or severed, to sever one's
Kim at pra bravdma, ' How can we at all pro- •*iin< d-tara. See under d-tn. self.
claim y A-tardana, am, n. pushing open, opening.
^f\m\^d-tarj, cl. 10. P. -tarjayati, -yitum,
ata, as, a, m. f. (fr. d-tan below?), to scold, abuse. A-trinna, am, n. an opening, hole ; an open
Ved. a scaffold ; the frame of a door ; (Say.) a quarter
of the sky. vilrl^l d-tardana. See under d-trid. ^JTrTII d-trip*, cl. 4. 5. 6. P. -tripyati,
^TlrTW d-tans, Caus. A., Ved. -tansayate, •siinmu d-tarpana. See under d-trip. -tripnoti, -trimpati, -tarptum or -traptum, to be
-yitum, to shake out; (Say) to decorate from all satisfied : Caus. -tarpayati, -yitum, to satisfy.
sides. •«iinc| dtava, a proper N. (whence the
patron, dtavdyana Panini IV. I, no. Gana.) A-tarpana, am, n. satisfying, gratification, satis-
citaka, as, m., N. of a Naga. faction ;whitening the wall, floor or seat on festive
•w I rt i «i d-tdna. See under d-tan. occasions ; the pigment used for that purpose.
taksh, cl. I. P. A., Ved. -takshati, ^TTrTTnr*T dtiipin or dtdyin, i, m., N. of the A-tripya, as, a, am, satisfiable, to be satisfied ;
-te, -kshitum, -tashtum, to bring from all sides, to bird Falco Chech. See under d-tan. (as), m. the custard apple tree Annona Reticulata ;
procure. (am), n. the fruit of this tree.
d-tdra, d-tdrya. See under d-tn. WfT d-tri, cl. I. P., Ved. -tarati, -taritum
^THT^ a-tahC, cl. 7. P. -tanakti, -tanktum
or -tandtum, to cause to shrink or contract, to tall, an indeclinable word com- or -ritum, to pass through or over ; to cross over ;
coagulate. pounded with as, bhu, and kri (see Panini 1. 4, 61). to overcome ; to enlarge, increase.
A-tanka, as, m. (this word may also be connected ^TTTrT dti, is, m. f. (fr. rt. at), Ved. a kind A-tara, as, m. fare for being ferried over a river,
with rt. tank, q v.\ disease or sickness of the body ;
of water-bird ; the bird Turdus Ginginianus (see passage money, freight.
pain or affliction of mind, disquietude, apprehension, dti); going. A-tdra, as, m. landing, coming to shore, fare,
fear ; fever ; the sound of a drum or tabor. freight.
A-taMaua, am, n. casting one thing into another viifii<q*t dtitheya, as, i, am (fr. atithi, q. v.),
A-tdrya, as, d, am, to be crossed ; (Ved.) land-
to effect some change, as butter-milk into fresh milk proper for a guest, hospitable, attentive to a guest ; ing, coming to shore, relating to landing.
to turn it ; the act of causing to contract ; that which (I or am), f. n. hospitality.
causes coagulation; runnel; curdled milk; a sort of Atithya, as, d, am, proper for a guest, hospitable, WT^ d-tta, as, d, am (contracted fr. d-datta,
whey ; calcining, adding a powder or flux to metals attentive to a guest ; (as), m. a guest ; (am), n. hos- part. pass, of d-dd, q. v.), taken, accepted ; assumed ;
in fusion ; the flux so used ; casting away, destroying ; pitable reception; hospitality; a particular rite, the attracted. — Atta-yandhft , as, d, am, one whose
danger, calamity (as a pestilence or epidemic); speed, reception of the Soma when it is brought to the smell is taken away, one who is throttled ; hence one
velocity ; gratifying, satisfying ; making fat. place of sacrifice, also called dtithyeshti. — Atithya- whose pride is humbled, insulted. — Atta-garva, as,
rupa, as, a, am, Ved. being in the place of the d, am, whose pride has been taken down, humiliated,
^TTrT^ a-tad, cl. 10. P. -ta.da.yatl, -yitum, degraded. — Atta-manaska, as, d, am, whose mind
to thump, strike. Atithya rite. — Atitkya-satkdra, as, m. the rites of
hospitality. is transported or carried away (with joy). — Atta-
WnT'T^ d-tan, cl. 8. P. -tanoti, -nitum, to lakshmi, is, is, i, stripped of wealth. •- Atta-vatatt,
•"iHfrT^fsfotf dtidesika, as, I, am, (in gram.) as, as, as, Ved. destitute of speech.
extend over, stretch over, penetrate, to spread, over-
spread ;to illuminate ; to take hold of. seek to attain, connected with an ati-dcs"a,q.v.; having reference to
substitution or putting one thing for another.
^TTr«Io«/;o,thou saidst. Seeunderrt.3.aA.
assume a (hostile) attitude ; to stretch (as a bow for
shooting) ; to diffuse ; to bring to pass, effect : Caus. vi i r*( «i^ dtman, d, m. (fr. rt. an, to breathe,
•viifiK'aW d-tiras6ina, as, d, am, a little
-tdnayali, -yitum, to stretch (a bow) ; [cf. rt. tay, transverse or across. or at, to go ; or, according to some, fr. rt. ah and
with which some of the following forms are connected.] connected with attain, I ; or, according to others, a
^Trfifr^T atiraikya, am, n. (fr. ati-reka), contraction of amtman fr. rt. av = ml ; but the ex-
A-tata, as, d, am, spread, extended, stretched (as istence of the old Vedic form tman makes all these
a bow), &c. superfluity, excess.
Atntdyin, >, inl, i, one whose bow is stretched to etymologies doubtful) ; the breath, soul, the principle
'^t 1 1 n 1=1 sji i *y dtivijnduya, as, i, am (fr. ati- of life and sensation, the individual soul, the self, the
take another's life ; endeavouring to kill some one ; abstract individual (e. g. dtman Ved. loc. dhatte,
a felon, a thief, a murderer, incendiary, ravisher. n'jiid/ia), surpassing the perception or understanding.
— Atatdyi-td, f. or dtatdyi-tva, am, n. persecuting, ^HTrrT^I*H ' he places in himself, he makes his own ;' atmand
murdering, destroying, stealing. excess, quantity.dtisayya, am, n. (fr. ati-s'aya),
vi-yuj, ' to lose one's life ;' dtmand saptamas, ' made
Atatd-vin, i, inl, i, Ved. one whose bow is the seventh by one's self,' i. e. ' being one's self the
stretched. See dtatdyin. '•a ICn « dtishtha, am, n. (fr. ati-shtha),Ved.
seventh with six others') ; self, one's self, used as a
the being placed at the head of something, being a reflexive pronoun for all three persons (e. g. dtmd-
A-tana, am, n. spreading, expanding ; sight, view. universal ruler.
A-tani, is, is, i. Ved. spreading, penetrating. nam sd lianti, 'she strikes herself) ; and used in the
singular even when it refers to a dual or plural (e. g.
A-tdna, as, m.,Ved. an extended cord, string, &c. ^^rnj a fit, MS, m. (said to come fr. d-tn
A-tdyin, i, m. a falcon, a kite. See dtdpln. next col.; but probably fr. rt. at), a raft, a float. putratn dtmanah spriMvd nipetatuh, ' they two
See add. having touched iheir son fell down') ; the natural tem-
^)in<^ i. d-tap, cl. i. P. -tapati, -taptum, perament or disposition ; essence, nature, character,
to radiate heat ; to blaze, to heat ; to cause to glow : peculiarity ; the person or whole body considered
•SIIJJM^ d-tnt, k, f., Ved. growing dusk,
evening. as one and opposed to the separate members of the
Pass, -tapyatc, to suffer pain, be afflicted ; to inflict
body ; the body ; the understanding, intellect, the
(austerities) upon one's self. mind, the faculty of thought or reason, the thinking
a. d-tap, p, f.,Ved. heat. 'airin i. d-tuj, cl. i. 6. P., Ved. -tojati,
A-tapa, as, d, am, Ved. causing pain or affliction ; -tujati, -tojitum, to bring near, to procure. faculty ; the highest personal principle of life, Brahma,
(as), m. heat of the sun, sunshine. — Atapa-tra, am, 2. d-tuj, m. (Say.) destroyer of enemies, or giver the supreme deity and soul of the universe (but para-
n. a large umbrella of silk or leaves used in the East of weahh. mdtman is more usual in this latter sense) ; care,
as a parasol. — Atapatraka, am, n. a small um- effort, pains; firmness; the sun; fire; wind; air; ason;
A-tuji, is, is, i, Ved. rushing on, hastening towards ;
brella, a mat or basket carried on the head as one. carrying [cf. Goth, ahma; Old Germ. Stum, Them, dtuma;
off (as booty), injuring.
— Atapa-vat, an, ail, at, irradiated by the sun. Angl. Sax. ced/im; Mod. Germ. Athem, Odem;
— Atapa-varshya, as, d, am, Ved. (water &c.) ^TjT«T d-tud, cl. 6. P. A. -tudiiti, -te, -tot- Hib. adhm, 'knowledge,' and adhma, 'knowing;'
produced by rain during sunshine. •- Atapa-varaiia, ! tum. to strike, to push, spur on, stir up. Gr. aiir^iiv, diirjuri (?) ; ar/j.6s, arfi.ii (?) : cf. also
um, n. a parasol. — Atapa-jvuihka, ae, d, am, dried in ; A-todin, i, inl, i, Ved. striking, pushing, pricking. rt. &a> &c. = rt. vd.']"Atma is used at the end of

118 atma-karman. atharvana.

some compounds for at man : e. g. pratyayatma, bhdva, as, m. existence of the soul ; the self, proper — Atmas'raya ("ma-US'0), a», m. self-dependance ;
or peculiar nature; the body. — Atma-bhu, us, m. innate idea, abstract knowledge which is independant
'/>•, a, am, whose natural disposition is umiidence.
•• Atma-karman, a, n. one's own act- — At-.nn- self-born, self-existent ; an epithet of Brahma, Vishnu, of the thing to be known. — AtmeiSrara ("ma-is"0),
kama, as, a, am, loving one's self, possessed of Siva, and Kamadeva, the god of love. — Atrna-bhuta, as, m. master of one's self, self-possessed ; God.~ At-
self-conceit ; loving Brahma, the supreme spirit. as, a, am, self-produced, become one's self, own, modaya (°ma-iui°),as,m. self-advantage or elevation.
— Atinft-kdmeya, as, m. pi., N. of a people. •• A f ma- peculiar, belonging to ; attached to, faithful. •* Atnia* — Atiituillihava (°ina-ud°), as, a, am, bom or pro-
kamryaka, as, a, am, inhabited by the Atmakame- b/iiiya,am,a. peculiarity, own nature. — Atma-mnya, duced from one's self; (as), m. a son; (a), f. a
as, I, am, spiritual. — Atma-mdtrd, f. a particle of daughter; N. of the plant Glycine Debilis Roxb.
yai. — Atmi-kdrya. am, n. one's own business, pri-
vate affairs. — Atma-krita, a<, a, am, self-executed, the supreme spirit. — Atma-mdnin, I, ini, i, self- — Atmopaj li-in (°ma-up°), I, ini, i, one who lives
by his own labour ; one who lives by his wife ;
done of one's self ; done against one's self. — Atma- honouring, self-respecting, decorous, respectable. — At-
ma-mula, as, a, a m, self-existent ; (I ), f., the plant a public performer, actor, singer, dancer, &c. ; a day-
gatam, ind. lit. 'gone to one's self,' aside (used in
theatrical language, like the English ' aside/ to denote Alhagi Maurorum (' striking root in self). — Atmam- labourer. — Atmopaninhad (°ma-up°), t, f. title of
that the words which follow are supposed to be bhari,ix, fa, i, self-nourishing, one who takes care only an Upanishad which treats of the supreme spirit.
spoken privately, as if to the speaker's self and not in of his own person, selfish, greedy. — Atma-ydjin,i,ini, — Atmopama (°ma-uj>°), as, a, am, like one's self.
the hearing of any one but the audience). •• Atma- i, sacrificing for one's self; one who sacrifices himself; — Atmaupamya (°ma-aup°), am, n. likeness to
yati, ii, (. course of the soul's existence, life of the (i), m. a wise or learned man, one who studies his own self, analogy to one's own self.
nature and that of the soul. — Atma-yoni, is, m. one Atmaka, as, ika, m. f. = dtinan, essence, nature,
spirit ; one's own course. — Atma-gatya, ind. by
one's own act (without the intervention of another). whose birth-place is self; an epithet of Brahma, character, property, peculiarity ; (as, a, am), belong-
— Atma-guptd, (., N. of the plant Mucuna Pruritus Vishnu, Sava, and Kamadeva, the god of love. ing to the nature or essence of a thing, of the same
Hook. ; (according to others) Cowach or Cowhage. nature as. Atmaka often occurs as the last member
— Atma-rakshd, f. the plant Cucumis Colocynthis
— Atma-giipti, is, f. a cave, the hiding-place of an or Trichosanthes Bracteata (a creeper with a poisonous of a compound ; e. g. saitkal/iatmaka, whose charac-
animal. — Atma-grdtiin, I, ini, i, selfish, greedy, fruit). — Atma-rdma-yogendra (°ga-in°), as, m., teristic issankalpa; panfdtmaka, five-fold, com-
N. of a man. — Atma-lonum, a, n. the hair of the posed offive ; mshatmaka, poisonous ; Jlig-dtmaka,
taking care of one's self, appropriating, taking for
one's self. — Atma-ghdta, as, m. suicide; heresy, body ; the beard. — Atma-vaiiftika, as, a, am, self- belonging to the Rig-veda.
schism. — Atma-ghatin, I, ini, {, a suicide, a here- deceiver. — Atma-vaiu'ana, f. self-delusion. — Atma- Atmaklya or atmlya, as, a, am, belonging to
tic, a schismatic, one who disregards moral or religious vat, an, all, at, self-possessed, composed, prudent ; one's self, one's own, own; cognate, related of kin.
institutions. — Atma-ghosha, as, m. a crow ; a cock Used reflexively for all three persons.
knowing spirit; (t), ind. like one's self. — Atma- Atmanlna, as, d, am, belonging to self, own ;
(' one who calls out to himself). — Atma-ja, as, m. vat-td, (. self-possession, self-regard, prudence ; self-
a son ; (a), f. a daughter ; a descendant ; the reason- resemblance, proportion, analogy. — Atma-vadha, as, appropriate, good for, fit for, suitable (as diet Sec.),
ing faculty, undersianding. — Atma-janman, a, n. m. or dtma-vadhyd, f. suicide. — Atma-vafa, as, existent, sentient ; (as), m. a son ; any living being ;
the birth of one's self, i.e. the birth of a son ; (a), m. subjection of the mind, self-control, self-govern- a wife's brother ; the jester or Vidushaka (q. v.) in a
m. a son. — Atma-jaya, as, m. one's own victory; ment; (as, a, am), depending on one's own will. drama.
victory over one's self. — Atma-jna, as, m. a sage, — A tma-rikraya, as, m. sale of one's self, sale of Atmane-pada, am, n. ' word to one's self,' form
one who knows his own nature and that of spirit, self- one's liberty. — Atma-vid, t, m. a wise man, a sage, for one's self; that form of the verb which implies
knowing.— Atma-jndna, am, n. knowledge of the one who knows the nature of the soul or spirit; an action belonging or reverting to self; that voice
soul or supreme spirit, spiritual knowledge, philoso- a sensible man, one who knows himself; a N. of Siva. which corresponds to the Greek middle ; the ter-
phical knowledge of the spiritual principle in creation ; — Atma-ridyd, f. knowledge of soul or the supreme minations ofthat voice.
self-knowledge, true wisdom. — Atmn-tattva, am, n. spirit ; spiritual knowledge. — Atma-virridd/ii or Atmancpadin, I, ini, i, taking the terminations
the true nature of the soul or of the supreme spirit. atma-vriddhi, is, f. self-advantage. — Atmu-vtra, of the middle voice, inflected in this voice.
— Atmatattv a-jna, as, m. a sage versed in the Ve- as, a, am, existent, sentient ; appropriate, good for Atmane-bhdshd, f. the Sanskrit middle voice.
danta doctrines. — Atma-ta, (. or dtma-tva, am, n. one's self, suitable as diet &c. ; (as), m. a mighty Atmasdl-kri, to make one's own, to acquire or
identity with self, spirituality. — Atma-tyaga, as, m. man ; a son ; a wife's brother ; the jester or VidO- gain for one's self, to place upon one's self.
self-sacrifice, giving up one's own life, suicide. — At- shaka in a play. — Atma-vrittanla, as, m. one's own Atmasdt-krita, as, d, am, made one's own, ap-
ma-tydgin, I, m. one who gives up his own life, a story, account of one's self, autobiography. — Atma-
suicide : a heretic, an unbeliever. — Atma-trana, am, vritti, is, f. one's own circumstances ; practising one's Atmt-bhdva, as, m. becoming part of the supreme
n. self-preservation, a body-guard. — Atnm-dnrsa, as, own duties or occupation. — Atma-fSakti, is, 1. inhe-
m. 'self-shower,' a mirror. — Atma-dars'ana, am, rent or own power or effort. ~ Atma-tidya, f. the Atmya, as, d, am, belonging to self, personal ;
n. seeing one's self; knowledge of man's real nature, plant Asparagus Racemosus Willd. — Atma-s'uddki, (at the end of a comp. ) having the nature of.
spiritual knowledge. — Atma-da, as, as, am, Ved. is, f. self-purification. — Atma-ilagha, f. self-praise, spirit.
granting personal existence or life. — Atma-dana, boasting — Atma-iainyama, ax, m. self-restraint, *SliMrTto(i iityaatika, as,~i,am(h.aty-anta),
stoicism. — Atma-nad, t, t, t, Ved. dwelling in self. continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless ; excessive, su-
am, n. gift of self, self-sacrifice, resignation. — Atma-
~Atina-sani, is, is, i, Ved. granting the breath of perlative, abundant; supreme. — Atyantika-pralaya,
dishi, is, is, i, Ved. corrupting the soul, soul-destroy-
life. — Afma-sandeha, as, m. internal doubt, personal ox, m. the grand or universal destruction of the world.
ing. —Atma-devata, f. a tutelary deity. — Atma-
drohin, I, ini, i, self-tormenting, fretful, miserable. risk. — Atma-sambhava, as, m. a son; (a), f. a •si i rt fa off atyayika, as, t, am (fr. aty-ayd),
— Atmattilya, as, a, am, constantly in the heart, daughter. — Atma-sat, ind. one's own; (used in con- having a rapid course, rushing quickly to a termination,
greatly endeared to one's self. — Atma-nlndd, f. nection with rt. kri, see dtmasdl-kri next col.) — At- not suffering delay, pressing, urgent ; destructive, dis-
self-reproach. — Atma-nivedana, am, n. offering ma-iidd/ii, ix, (. personal aggrandizement, self-ad- astrous, distressing, painful, ill-omened, unpropitious.
one's self as a living sacrifice to the deity — Atman- vantage. Atma-sukha,
— as, m., N. of a man. — -lr-
V(|IMI- utyuha, as, m. a gallinule. See
vat, an, ail. at, Ved having a soul, animated, a'ive, ma-ituU, is, f. self-praise. — Atma-Juilya, f. self-
personal. — Atman-vin, I, ini, i, Ved. animated, destruction, suicide. — Alma-han, a, m. one who
having a soul. ~ Atma-pardjiia, as, a, am, Ved. kills his soul, or does not concern himself about the datyuha.
"«ira*i atreya, as, I, am (fr. atri), origin-
one who has lost himself. — Ataui-pnrili/ili/n, ««, welfare of his soul ; a heretic, an unbeliever ; a self-
ating from Atri ; (o»), m. a descendant of Atri ;
m. self-sacrifice. — Atma-pmbod/M, a*, m. cognition murderer, a suicide ; a priest in a temple, a servant a priest who is closely related to the Sadasya
of soul or supreme spirit ; title of an Upanishad. or attendant upon an idol ; (the priest subsisting by
(perhaps because this office was generally held by a
— Alma-f>r(J)ha, as, a, am. shining by one's own appropriating to himself offerings to deities, for which
light, self-illuminated. — Atniu-iiriiniila, as, m. con- future punishment is assigned ) — Atma-ltanana, am, descendant of Atri) ; an epithet of S"iva ; an essential
humor or juice of the body ; (1), {. a female descend-
versation about the soul or supreme spirit ; N. of the n. suicide. — Atma-lt.ita, as, a, am, beneficial to one's ant of Atri ; a woman in her courses ; any woman of
seventh of the fourteen POrvjs or most ancient sacred the Brahmanical order; N. of a river in the north of
self; (nut), n. one's own profit or advantage. — Atma-
writings of the Jainas. - .fr,,m-/<r<i«Yinxn, f. self- dislita ("ma-ad0), as, a, am, self-counselled ; (as), Bengal, otherwise called Tista. — Atreyl-pidra, as,
applause. — Atma-jirlti, t\, f. self-enjoyment, self- m. a treaty dictated by the i-arty wishing it himseif.
indulgence. — Atma-liadha, see m.. N. of a teacher.
aftmo-mufiUl. — Atmadhlna ("ma-ai/A"). as, d, am, depending
— Atmn-tiandhu, us, m. one's own kinsm.m, a on self, independent ; sentient, existent ; (as), m. a Atrcyika, f. a woman in her courses.
^rnT7l!T iitharrnna, as, I, am (fr. atharvan),
first cousin or father's sister's son, mother's brother's son ; a wife's brother ; the jester or Vidiishaka in a
son, mother's sister's son. — Atma-bmlilhi, i», f. self- phiy,see dtmautna ifldafano-ctra. — Atmdpai'ddha originating from, or belonging or relating to Atharvan
knowledge. - JtMO-fatta, (IK, m. knowledge of soul or the Atharvans ; (as), m- a descendant of Atharvan ;
(°ma-«y>°), ax, m. own offence, personal transgrrs>ion.
or supreme spirit ; self-knowledge : N. of a work of a priest whose ritual is comprised in the Atharva-veda ;
— Atmdpahdraka (°ma-ap°), ax, m. an impostor,
San-karadarya ; N. of one of the Upanishads of the one who pretends to belong to a h'gher class than his a Brahman versed in the Atharva-veda; a house-
Atharva-veda ; (on, a, am), possessed of a knowledge own. — Atiiidbliilixlia (°ma-abh°), as, m the soul's priest ; the Atharva-veda ; (am), n. a private apartment
of soul or the supreme spirit. — Atmn-l,!,,,, in which, after a sacrifice, the sacrificer is informed of
desire. — Atmarflm (°ma-ar°), aft', d, am, for one's
m. becoming or existing of one's self; (as, a, am), own sake, for the sake of one's self. — Atntiixin the happy event of the sacrifice by the officiating
produced in one's self, caused by one's self. — Atma- (°ma-as'°), I, m. a fish, supposed to eat its young. Brahman.
Atharvanika, as, m. a Brahman who has studied tuni, such and similar things ; fayya khatvddih, seeds, about 17^ grains troy. — Adya-vlja, am, n.
the Atharva-veda. the word s~ayyd means a bed &c.) ; ddau, ind. in the a primary cause.
commencement or beginning, at first; [with this
Atltarvaniya-rudropanishad (°ra-up°), t, (., N. ^rrfi;*"*! d-dlgdha, as, d, am (rt. dih), be-
of an Upanishad. word has been compared the Slav, jedin, ' one.'] smeared.
— Adl-Tcara, as, m. the creator; an epithet of
^n»T ad (d-ad), cl. 2. P., Ved. dtti, dtturn, Brahma. — Adi-kartri, ta, m. the creator; an epi- ^nfi;7nf dditeya, as, m. (fr. aditi), a son
to eat.
thet of Brahma, Krishna or Vishnu. •- Adi-karman, of Aditi ; a god, a deity, a divinity.
a, n. (in gram.) the beginning or commencement of Aditya, as, d, am, belonging or devoted to, or
^TT^Ta-rfans', cl. I. P. -dansati, -danshtum, an action (as in the example surya.li pradyotitah,
to nibble, bite or peck at. originating from Aditi ; belonging or relating to, or
A-dania, as, m. a bite, a wound caused by biting. 'the sun has begun to shine;' see Gram. 895.0). originating from the Adityas ; (as), m. a son of
**Adi-kavi, is, m. the first poet; an epithet of Aditi. In the earliest times this is the N. of seven
A-daskta, as, a, am, nibbled, pecked at. BrahmS, or of Valmiki.— Adi-kanda, am, n. first deities of the heavenly sphere, of whom Varuna is
•*)I^H d-daghna, as, I, am (ft. as-d°),Ved. part or chapter ; title of the first book of the R3mS- the chief and to whom therefore especially belongs
reaching up to the mouth (as water). yana. — Adi-kdrqtia, am, n. a primary cause ; ana- the title Aditya. The names of six of the seven are
lysis, algebra. — Adi-kdla, as, m. primitive time,
^STnjW^a-rfam&A, CJ. g. P., Ved. -dabhnoti, remote antiquity. — Adi-kdvya, am, n. the first poem, Varuna, Mitra,Aryaman,Bhaga,
of the seventh Daksha.Sometimes
isnotclearlyascertained. and Ans'a; their
-dambhitum, to harm, hurt, injure, treat injuriously. an epithet of the RSmSyana. — Adi-krit, t, m. the number is supposed to be eight ; and in the period of
d-dara. See under a-dn. creator ; see ddi-kartri above. — Adi-keGava, as, the BrShmanas twelve, as representing the sun in
m. the first kesava, an epithet of Vishnu. — Adi-tas, the twelve months of the year. The name Aditya
a-darsa. See under d-dris. ind. from the beginning, from the first, in the be- was afterwards applied to any god, though especially
d-dah, cl. I. P. -dahati, -dagdhum, ginning, atfirst, at the head of (with gen.). — Adi- applicable to Surya, the sun ; N. of Vishnu in his
td, f. or ddi-tva, am, n. priority, precedence. Vamana or dwarf avatar, as son of Kasyapa and Aditi
to burn, bum up : Caus. -dahayatl, -yitum, to cause ~Adi-deva, as, m. the first god, the creator; N. of and younger brother of Indra ; the plant Calotropis
to burn : Caus. Pass, -ddhyate, to be burnt. Brahma, Vishnu or Krishna, or NSrayana ; the sun. Gigantea ; N. of a man ; (au), m, du., N. of a constel-
A-dahana, am, n., Ved. a place where anything — Adi-daitya, as, m. epithet of Hiranyakasipu. lation, the seventh lunar mansion. — Aditya-ketu, us,
is burnt.
— Adi-natha, as, m., N. of Adi-buddha ; N. of an m., N. of a son of Dhrita-rashtra. — Aditya-garbha,
I. a-da, cl-3. A. (Ved. sometimes P.) author. — Adi-parvan, a, n. first section or chapter, as, m., N. of a Bodhi-satlva. — Aditya-fandrau,
title of the first book of the MahS-bharata. — Adi- m. du. sun and moon. — Aditya-ddsa, as, m., N. of
e, -dadati, -datum, to give to one's self, ap- purdna, am, n. the primitive Purana, N. of the
propriate to one's self, take, receive, accept, seize, a man. — Aditya-pattra, as, m. a plant = arka-
take away, separate; to carry off, to put on (as Biahma-Purana. — Adi-purusha or ddi-purusha, pattra. — Aditya-parnini, (. a creeping plant with
clothes), to perceive, comprehend ; to agree to ; to as, m. the first male or progenitor, usually applied to gold-coloured flowers, growing near the banks of
undertake, begin ; to begin to speak ; to repeat (with Vishnu ; the primeval spirit. — Adi-bala, am, n. water. — Aditya-purana, am, n., N. of an Upa-
punar) : Caus. -ddpayati, -yitum, to cause one generative power (first vigour). — Adi-buddha, as, purSna. — A ditya-pushpikd, f. red swallow wort.
to take : Desid. A. -ditsate, to desire to take, to be a, am, perceived in the beginning; (as), m. the — Aditya-prabha, as, m., N. of a king. — Aditya-
on the point of taking or seizing. primitive Buddha, the chief deity of the northern bhaktd, f. = arka-bftakta, q. v. — Aditya-mandala,
A-da, at, a, am, (at the end of some compounds) Buddhists. — Adi-bhava, as, a, am, produced at first ; am, n. the disc or orb of the sun. -• Aditya-vat, an,
taking, receiving. (as), m. epithet of BrahmS. — Adi-bhuta, as, d, am, all, at, surrounded by the Adityas. — Aditya-vani,
A-datta, as, a, am (sometimes contracted to first-born or existent; (as), m., a N. of Brahma. is, is, i, Ved. winning the (favour of the) Adityas.
dtta, q. v.), taken, seized, put on ; agreed to, under- — Adi-mat, an, ati, at, having a beginning —Adi- — Aditya-varna, as, d, am, having the colour of
taken, begun. miila, am, n. primitive foundation, primeval cause. the sun ; (as), m., N. of a man. — Aditya-varman,
A-daddna, as, a, am, taking, accepting, under- •• Adi-yogdfdrya (°ga-d<?°), as, m. primitive d, m., N. of a king. — Aditya-vrata, am, n. = arka-
taking, beginning. teacher of devotion ; an epithet of Siva. — Adi-
A-dadi, is, is, i, Ved. procuring, gaining ; taking raxa, as, m. the first or chief of the eight rasas, the i vrata, q. v. — Aditya-sadris'a, ae, I, am, like the
sun. — Aditya-sunu, us, m., son of the sun; N. of
or carrying away or off. principal sentiment or emotion, i. e. srin-gara or love. Sugrlva, the monkey-king ; of Yama, Saturn, Savarni
A-ddtavya, as, a, am, to be taken or received. — Adirasa-dloka, as, m., N. of a poem supposed to . Manu, and Vaivasvata Manu. — Aditya-sena, as, m.,
A-ddtri, ta, m. a receiver. be written by Kalidasa. — Adi-raja, as, m. the first
I . d-ddna, am, n> taking, seizing ; receipt, accept- king ; an epithet of Manu ; of a son of Kuru ; of I N. of a king of Ujjayinl. — Aditydddrya (°tya-d<!°),
as, m., N. of an author.
Prithu.— Adi-vansa, as, m primeval race, primitive
ance; taking for one's self, drawing near to one's ace.).
*i)lQ(rWI d-ditsd, f. (fr. Desid. of I. d-da),
self; receiving; taking away or off; a symptom: family. — Adi-varaka, as, m. the first boar ; N. of desire to seize or take.
(for 2. a-dana see below under 2. d-dd.} — Adana- Vishnu, alluding to his incarnation in that form.
rat, an, all, at, one who receives something. — Adivdrdha, as, i, am, relating to the first boar. A-ditsu, MS, us, «, wishing to take or have (with
A-ilarii, 1., N. of a plant, commonly called hasti- — Adi-vipula, f.,N. of a metre. — Adi-iarira, am,
tjkoxhd. n. the primitive body. — Adi-sarga, as, m. primitive iHTfi^ ddin, I, ini, i (rt. ad), eating (used
A-dapana, am, n. inviting or causing another to creation. •- Adi-sura, as, m., N. of a prince. ~Adi- at the end of compounds ; cf. annddin &c.).
accept something. tfvara (°di-i^), as, m., N. of a prince. — Ady-anta,
1. a-ddya, an, d, am, receiving, taking. as, d, am, having beginning and end ; from the be- ^Tfij'fR ddinava, am, n. (?), Ved. misfor-
2. d-ddya, ind. having taken. — Addya-fara, as, ginning to the end ; (am), n. beginning and end, tune, hinderance, want of luck (in dice) ; see ddinava.
a, am, one who goes away after having taken any- first and last. — Adyanta-vat, an, all, at, having — Adinam-darila, as, d, am, Ved. having evil
thing. beginning and end, finite. — Ady-antdntara-vartin, designs towards a fellow-player at dice.
A-ddyamdna,as,d,am (epic form for a-daddna), I, ini, i, containing beginning, end, and middle ;
taking, seizing. being all in all. — Ady-uddtta, as, d, am, having ^Trf^3{. i. d-dis, cl. 6. P. A. -disati, -te,
A-ddyin, I, inl, i, receiving, inclined to receive the acute accent on the first syllable. — Adyuddt- -deshtum, to aim at, to assign ; to point out, indicate,
ta-tva, am, n. the condition of having the acute report, announce, teach, determine, specify, foretel;
(gifts), taking gifts for one's self. to order, direct, command ; to provoke, challenge ; to
A-deya, as, d, am, to be taken or received, re- accent on the first syllable. — Adyopdntam (°dya-
ceivable, leviable. up°), ind. from first to last. undertake, try ; to profess as one's purpose or duty :
Adika, as, d, am, (used like ddi, q. v., at the end Caus. -deiSayati, -yitum, to indicate, announce.
fllrM 2. d-da, cl. 2. 4. P. -ddti, -dyati, of compounds) beginning with, et caetera, and so on. 2. d-dis, k, f., Ved. aiming at, design, intention ;
-datum, to bind, fasten. Adimfi, as, d, am, first, prior, primitive, original. project, proposition ; proposal, declaration ; region,
2. d-ddna,am, n., Ved. binding, fettering; a horse's I. ddya, as, d, am, being at the beginning, first, quarter ; (Say.) a sacrifice offered or assigned (to a
trappings. (For I. d-ddna see under 1. d-da.) primitive; beginning with (used in this sense like particular deity).
ddi ; e. g. Indrddyilh surah, the gods beginning A-diiSyii, ind. announcing, apprising, aiming at.
"fll^lOjcfi ddddika, as, t, am (fr. ad-ddi), with Indra, i. e. Indra &c.) ; immediately preceding A-ilishta, as, d, am, advised, enjoined ; directed,
belonging to that class of roots of which the first is
«'/, i. e. to the second class. (e. g. fkddatfddya, immt diately before the eleventh, commanded ; said ; (am), n. command, order ; frag-
i. e. the tenth ; samyuktddi/a, immediately pre- ments or leavings of a meal.
^Tri^ ildi, is, m. (fr. I. d-dd ?), beginning, ceding adouble consonant) ; being at the head, un- Adisktin, i, ini, i, or (i), m. one who receives
commencement ; a firstling, first-fruits ; first, ' rior, paralleled, unprecedented, excellent; (am), n. the instruction, a pupil, a student, a Brahman in the first
prime, pre-eminent ; (very often at the end or in the beginning; ddye, in the beginning; (as), m. pi., order or quarter of his life ; a penitent, one engaged
middle of a compound in the sense) beginning with, N. of a class of deities; (d), f. an epithet of Durga. in any expiatory rite.
et cztera, and so on (e. g. Indrddayah surah, the — Adya-kari, is, m. the first poet, a N. of Valmiki, A-det'a, as, m. account, information; advice, in-
gods beginning with Indra, i. e. Indra &c.; yrihadi- the author of the Ramayana. -~ Adya-mdAaka, an, struction, precept, rule ; an order, command ; fore-
yukta, possessed of houses, &c. ; evam-ddtni t'as- m. a masha, a weight equal to five guiija or retti telling (in
; gram.) a substitute, substituted form or
120 adesa-karin.
letter, &c. ; (in astrology) event, result, consequence tidhlkdranya, am, n. (fr. adhi-
a-do, cl. 4. P. -dyati, -datum, to re-
of stellar conjunctions. — Adefarkarin, i, inl, i, obe- duce to pieces or fragments; to tie, fetter. (In this karanya}, possession, location.
last sense, the rt. is better written da; see a. a-</a.) Adhikdrika, as, i, am ((r.adhi-kdra), supreme,
A-dtfana, am, n. the act of instructing, command- superior, relating or belonging to anything or person
ing or prescribing. vim 2. ddya, as, a, am (fr. rt. ad), to be in authority ; official, relating to any office or duty.
A-desin, i, tnt, i, ordering, commanding, insti- eaten, edible ; (a>»), n. grain, food. (For I.ddya see
s. v. dill last page, col. 2.) VIIIW^M ddhikya, am, n. (fr. adhika), ex-
gating, exciting (e. g. kapola-pdtalddeMn, exciting
a glow on the cheek); (F), m. a commander, a cess, abundance, superabundance, high degree, over-
director ; an astrologer, a fortune-teller. *H«^«1 2. ddy-una, as, a, am, without be- weight, preponderance ; superiority.
A-detya, as, a, am, to be ordered or commanded. ginning. (For 1. d-dyuna see last col.)
•«ilfV<:(ci4i ddhidairika, as, i, am (fr. adhi-
A-deshtri, id, m. an adviser, a director, a com- ^traVrT d-dyota, as, m. (rt. dyut), light, deva), relating to a tutelary or presiding deity.
mander ;an employer of priests. brilliance.
wfvUTrCT iitlhipatya, am, n. (fr. adhi-pati),
wjllH ddinnra, as, m. distress, pain, un- *l PcJH W.adrisara, as, I, am (fr. adri-sdra), supremacy, sovereignty, power.
; transgression ; an afHicter of distress. made of iron, iron.
^rrfwUlfrloii ddhibhautika, as, i, am (fr.
•*l<{llj d-dip, Caus. P. -dipayati, -yitum, ^TTJ d-dru, el. 14 P., Ved. A. -dravati, -te,
to cause to blaze, kindle, set on fire, illuminate. ntUii-liliiiM, relating to beings ; elementary, derived
-drotum, to run towards, to hasten towards, to ap- or produced from the primitive elements, material.
A-dlpana, am, n. setting on fire, inflaming, ex- proach running ; to bring running.
citing, embellishing ; whitening the wall, floor or vi I U4 *j TH ddhirdjya, am, n. (fr. adhi-rdjan),
seat &c. upon festival occasions. ^TrgT^^TT d-dvddasam, ind., Ved. up to
twelve. royalty, royal government, supreme sway.
A-dlpita, as, a, am, illuminated, inflamed. ^nftiir;r«f1i ddhivedanika, am, n. (fr.adhi-
A-dipta, as, a, am, set on fire, blazing up. *JHMH*l a-dhamana, am, n. (fr. a-dhd be-
low or fr. a-dham for d-dhma ?), a deposit, pledge ; vedana), property, gifts &c. given to a first wife
^TPJ a-du, cl. 5. P. A. -dunoti, -tet -datum, fraudulent puffing of goods at a sale (?). upon marrying a second.
to feel pain. ^TTW d-dhu or -dhii, cl. 5. 9. P. -dhunoti,
•flIVHIW ddhamarnya, am, n. (fr. adha-
^ST^ a-dri, cl. 6. A. or poet. P. -driyate, -dhunati or -dhunoti, -ndli, -dkavitum or -dha-
marna), the state of being indebted.
-ti, -dftrtum, to feel timid from veneration ; to re- tum, to stir, agitate.
spect, mind ; to honour, reverence ; to enjoy honour, 'JUVfaeR ddharmika, as, I, am ((r.a-dharma), A-dhava, a#, m., Ved. one who stirs up or agitates ;
be honoured. unjust, unrighteous. d-dharaniya
that which is (?).
agitated, mixture; throwing; also =
A-dara, as, m. respect shown to a person or thing, a-dharshana. See d-dhrish.
notice, care ; reverence ; commencement, beginning ; A-dhavana, am, n. agitating, moving.
[cf. Hib. adJiaradh, ' adoration ;' adharach, ' one d-dha, cl. 3. P. A. -dadhdti, -dhatte,
A-ditavaniya, as, m. a vessel in which the Soma
-dhdtum, to place, deposit, apply, appoint, direct,
who adores.'] plant is shaken and cleansed.
A-darana, am, n. notice, respect. propose, supply, give, make, constitute ; (only A.) to A-dhdva, as, m., Ved. that which is shaken or
A-daraniya, as, a, am, venerable, respectable; appropriate to one's self, hold, possess, take. cleansed by shaking.
to be attended to. A-dadhdna, as, a, am, having, possessing.
A-dhdna, am, n. putting near or upon, placing ; trembling. A-dhuta or a-dhuta, as, d, am, shaken, agitated,
A-dartavya, as, a, am, to be respected or regarded.
A-darya, as, a, am, venerable, respectable. taking, having ; receiving, recovering ; the containing
A-dara, as, m., Ved. allurement, attraction ; (S5y.) anything, the being in possession of a thing ; a cere- xn«r»i=»i ddhunika, as, i, am (fr. adhuna),
an instigator ; N. of a plant used instead of the Soma mony performed with consecrated fire (see ai/nyd- new, recent, of the present moment.
plant, if this cannot be had. — Addra-bimln, f., N. of dhdna)', a ceremony performed previous to concep-
a plant. tion (see garbhadhdna} ; a pledge, a deposit ; a ddhiirya, am, n. weakness (?).
I . d-ddrin, I, inl, t.Ved. attracting, alluring ; (Say.) surety ; assigning, attributing, employing ; the place d-dhri, cl. i. P. -dharati, -dhartum,
destroying (as if fr. a-dri). in which anything is deposited or rests ; a receptacle ;
enclosure, circuit. to hold, keep, support : Caus. P. -d/idrayati, -yitum,
I. d-duri, is, ie, i, Ved. careful, attentive. (For
a. d-durl see under a-dri below.) Adhdnika, am, n. a ceremony performed after to bring, supply : Pass, -dhriyatc, to be brought.
cohabitation to procure or favour conception. A-dhdra, as, m. support, prop, stay ; the power of
A-dHta, as, a, am, respected, honoured, worship-
ped ; zealous, diligent ; respectful. A-dh5ya, ind. having deposited or placed. sustaining, or the support given, aid, patronage, as-
sistance that
; which contains ; a vessel or receptacle ;
1. d-dritya, as, a, am, venerable, respectable. A-dhdyaka, as, ikd, am, placing, assigning, attri-
buting, applying. a dike, dam ; a canal ; a basin round the foot of a
2. d-dritya, ind. having respected, having honoured.
I. d-dhi, is, m. (for i.d-dhi see under d-dJiyai), tree ; comprehension, location, the sense of the loca-
•SHrjsi^ a-dris, cl. I. P., Ved. -pasyati, place, situation ; a pledge, deposit ; a pawn, a mort- tive case; relation. — Adhdrddheya-bhdva (°ra-
-drashtum, to look at : Caus. P. -dardayati, -yitmn, gage ;location fixing, site ; definition, epithet. — A- oradh"\ as, m. the influence or aclion of the support
to show, exhibit. dhi-tva, am, n. the nature or circumstance of a recipient upon the thing received or supported.
A-darfa, as, m. a looking-glass, a mirror; copy A-dhdraka, as, m. foundation.
of a work ; the original manuscript from which a pledge. — Adhttvopddhi (°tra-up°), is, m. the ob- A-dhdrana, am, n. bearing, holding, supporting.
ject or purpose with which a pledge is given, the
copy is taken ; a commentary ; N. of a son of the conditions or terms of a morigage. — Adhi-tltoga, A-tlltdryn, as, d, am, to be located, that to which
eleventh Manu ; N. of a country. — Adanfa-mandala, as, m. enjoyment or use of a deposit, use of a horse, a location is to be assigned. — Adhdryadhara-sam-
having mirror-like spots; N. of a snake. cow, &c., when pledged. liundlia, as, m. the relation of the recipient or recep-
A-dariaJca, as, m. a mirror. Adhi-l-rl, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to pledge, tacle and the thing to be received or located.
A-dariana, am, n. showing, making apparent or mortgage, pawn, make a deposit. A-dhrita, as, d, am, Ved. contained, supported.
seen ; a mirror.
Adh~i-karanaflm,n. pledging, mortgaging, a pledge.
A-dardita, a*, a, am, shown, made apparent. A(l!ri-krifa,as, a, am, pledged, pawned, mortgaged. ^n^^a-dhfish, cl. 5. P., Ved. -dhrishnoti,
A-drishti, is, f. looking at, power of looking. Adhl-kritya, ind. having pledged, mortgaged, &c. -dharshilum, to assail, defy, injure, overcome; d.
A-dhiyamdna, as, d, am, being placed, being de- 10. P. -d/iarsh/iyati, -yitum, to injure, hurt, over-
'""t d-drl, cl. 9. P. A. -drindti, -nlte, -dari-
posited. —Arlhiyamdna-titta, as, d, am, having the come, defy ; refute, convict : Intens. Ved. -dadhar-
tum or -rltum, to crush, to force or split open, make gh<iti or Let of Caus. to overcome.
accessible, bring to light : Intens. -darduriti, to crush. heart applied or intent on.
A-d/iei/a, as, d, am, to be deposited or placed; A-dltarsha»a, am, n. conviction of crime or error ;
A-dardaH, is, »>, j, Ved. crushing, splitting.
i. a-darin, i, ini, i, crushing, destroying. to be pledged or mortgaged ; what is put down or has sentence, refutation ; injuring, annoying.
a place assigned to it ; to be assigned, attributed or A-<lknrsMta, as, d, am, convicted, sentenced ;
A-dirya, ind. having split, showing fissures.
given : to be received, held or supported ; (am), n. refuted in argument, disproved, injured, aggrieved.
a. a-duri, is, fa, i, Ved. crushing, bruising. = d~dhdna, q. v. A-dhriihla, as, d, am, checked, overcome.
a-dtya. See under I . a-dii last page. d-dhdra. See under d-dhri. A-dhrishli, is, f. assailing, attacking.
d-devaka, as, i, am (ft. rt. div with *H I *J H =1 ddhenava, am, n. (fr. a-dhenu),
a), one who sports or plays. d-dhdv, cl. I. P. -dhavati, -rltum,
A-devarui, am, n. a place for playing. to come running, to run towards. want of cows.
A-dhdvamdna, aft, d, am, running, rushing on- ^UVlUO ddhorana, as, m. the rider or
1. d-dyuna, as, a, am, shamelessly voracious (said wards or at.
to come fr. a-dit, but the connection of this meaning driver of an elephant.
with rt. div is not very apparent). For 1. ddy-itna ^TTPT d-dhi. See under a-dhd above for ^TTlflT d-dhmd, cl. I . P. -dhamati, -dhmdtum,
see next col.
I. a-dh(, and under d-dhyai for a. a-dki. to inflate, puff up ; to sound.
a-dhmata,. anukalpika. 121
A-dhmata, as, a, am, sounded, sounding ; inflated, A-nadayat, an, and, at, causing to sound, mak- 1. d-namya or d-ndmya, as, d, am, to be bent.
burnt; (as], m. flatulence, borborygmi, swelling of ing to ring. 2. d-namya or d-natya, ind. having bent.
the abdomen with noise, war, battle. a-naddha. See under a-nah. A-namra,as, d, am (3. d prefixed in the sense of di-
A-ilhmdna, am, n. blowing, inflation ; boasting ; minution),little
a bent, bowing, stooping, bowed down.
a bellows ; intumescence, swelling of the body, dropsy. dnana. See s. v. ana above.
a-naya, &c. See under d-ni.
A-dhmdpana, am, n. a means of inflating. dnantarya, am, n. (fr. an-antara), d-narta, as, m. (fr. d-nrit, q.v.), a
immediate consequence or succession ; proximity,
Ved. superintendence. absence of interval. stage, a theatre ; war ; N. of a country and its in-
habitants inthe peninsula Gujarat with its capital
tdhyasei, N. of a place. WRnT dnantya, am, n. (fr. an-anta), in- Dvaraka or Kus'asthall. — Anarta-nagan, f. the
finity immortality,
; future happiness.
ddhydtmika, as, i, am (fr. adhy- capital of Anarta.
•SHIT; d-nand, cl. I . P. -nandati, -ditum, Anarttya, as, d, am, belonging to or coming
dtman), relating to self (as ddhyatmikl rif, a hymn from Anarta ; (as), m., N. of a man.
sung by any deity or other personage in praise of him- to rejoice : Caus. P. -nandayati, -yitum, to gladden ;
self); relating to the supreme spirit; spiritual, holy. A. to amuse one's self. •flM'4'W dnarthakya, am, n. (fr. an-
a-dhyana. See under a-dhyai. .l-nitnda, as, m. happiness, joy, enjoyment, sen- arthaka), unfitness, impropriety; uselessness, un-
sual pleasure ; N. of the forty-eighth year of the
ddhydpaka, as, m. a teacher, a profitableness.
cycle of Jupiter ; an epithet of Siva ; N. of a Bala-rama dnalavi, is, m., N. of a man.
scriptural preceptor ;=^adhy-dpaka, q. v. according to the jaina doctrine of many Krishnas and
many Bala-ramas ; N. of a cousin and a zealous follower dnava, as, i, am (fr. anu), Ved. kind
WnflTftnS ddhydyika, as, I, am (fr. adhy- to men, benevolent (?) ; human ; (as), m. men,
dya, q.v.), occupied or employed with reading or and favourite disciple of Buddha S'Skya-muni, compiler
studying. of the Sutras; (a and i), f., N. of two plants ; (am), people ; foreign men or people.
n. God, the supreme spirit according to the VedSnta. •sHr|W dnasa, as, i, am (fr. anas), Ved. be-
'sTPfl a-dhyai, cl. I . P. -dhydyati, -dhydtum, — Ananda-giri.is, or dnanda-j>iana,as, or dnanda- longing to a waggon.
to think on, meditate on, remember. jndna-giri, is, m., N. of an annotator on San-ka-
3. d-dhi, is, m. (for I. see under d-dhd), thought, racarya. — Ananda-td, f. joylulness, joy. — Aimnda- •s)M?_ a-nah, cl. 4. P. A. -nahyati, -te,
care, anxious reflection, mental agony, anxiety, pain ; tlrtha, as, m., N. of a scholiast. — Ananda-da or -naddhum, to bind to ; A. to be stopped up.
misfortune ; reflection on religion or duty ; hope, ex- dnanda-kara, as, d, am, exhilarating, delighting. A-naddha, as, d, am, bound, tied, costive ; (am),
pectation a; man solicitous for his family's livelihood. — Ananda-datta, as, m. membrum virile. — A- n. a drum in general, dressing, putting on clothes or
— Adhi-ja, as, d, am, produced by pain, &c. — Adhi- nanda-pata, am, n. a bridal garment. — Ananda- ornaments. — Anaddha*vasti-td, f. retention of urine.
jna,_as, d, am, suffering pain, distressed; crooked. purna, as, m., N. of a man. — Ananda-prdbhava, A-ndha, as, m. epistasis, suppression of urine, or
—Adhi-manyu, avas, m. pi. feverish heat or burning. am, n. the seminal fluid. — Ananda-bodhendra constipation ; length, especially of cloth.
— Adhi-mldna, as, d, am, withered with anxiety. ("dha-in"), as, m., N. of a scholiast. — Ananda- Andhika,as,l,am, to be used incases of epistasis.
A-dht, (., Ved. thinking, longing, care. — Atlln- bhairava, as, d, am, causing both enjoyment and
pania, as, d, am, Ved. winged with longing or fear. — Ananda-maya, as, I, am, blissful, made up xMMI^M dndthya, am, n. (fr. a-ndtha), state
hope. or consisting of happiness; (am), n. the supreme of being unprotected or without a guardian, orphanism.
A-dhtta, as, d, am, Ved. reflected or meditated spirit. — Anandamaya-kosha, as, m. the innermost ^HlfHfhr dnirhata, as, i, am (fr. a-nirhata),
upon ; (am), n. the object or subject of one's thoughts, case of the body, or causal frame enshrining the soul. Ved. indestructible nature ; (according to Mahl-dhara)
anything intended or hoped for. — Ananda-rdma, as, m., N. of a man. — Ananda-
wholly gone out of the world.
A-dhyd, f. recollection, remembering especially lahari, is or », f. ' wave of enjoyment,' title of a
with regret. hymn by Sankara^arya, addressed to Parvatl. — A- ^HlfHfi dnila, as, i, am (fr. anila), pro-
A-dhydna, am, n. remembering with regret, pen- nantla-vana, as, m., N. of a scholiast. — Ananda- ceeding from or produced by wind, windy ; (as), m.,
sive or sorrowful recollection, dwelling or meditating ranlhana, as, d, am, enhancing enjoyment; (as), N. of Hanumat and Bhima ; (i), f., N. of the fifteenth
upon, &c. lunar mansion.
m., N. of a poet. — Ananda-valli, f. title of the
^TTH ddhra, as, d, am (rt. dhrai ?), Ved. second part of the Taittiriya-Upanishad. — Ananda- Anili, is, m., N. of Hanumat and Bhima.
veda, as, m., N. of a man. — Ananddnandana ^n^ d-ni, cl. i. P. -nayati, -netum, to
poor, destitute, indigent, weak.
(Jda-dn°),as, m. a king. — Anandds'rama ( da-di"), lead towards or near ; to bring, fetch, bring back or
^TO^frf^i ddhvanika, as, i, am (fr. adhvan), as, m., N. of a scholiast.
take back: Caus. P. -ndyayati, -yitum, to have
being on a journey. A-nandaka, as, d, am, gladdening, rejoicing.
anything brought, to cause to be fetched: Pass.
A-nandalhu, us, us, u, happy, joyful ; (us), m.
^TTUlft^i ddhvarika, as, i,am (fr. a-dhvara), happiness, joy. -niyate, to be brought or fetched.
belonging to a Soma sacrifice. A-naya, as, m. bringing, investiture with the
A-nandana, am, n. delighting, making happy ; sacred thread.
^nWM<=( ddhvaryava, as, J, am (fr. adh- civility, courtesy, courteous treatment of a friend or
A-nayana, am, n. bringing or leading near to ;
varyu), belonging to the Adhvaryu or to the Yajur- guest at meeting and parting ; what gives or occasions investiture with the sacred thread.
veda; (am), n. service at a sacrifice, especially the delight.
office of an Adhvaryu priest. A-nayitavya, as, d, am, to be brought or led near.
A-nandayitavya, am, n. the object of enjoyment
or sensual pleasure. 1. d-ndya, as, m. a net.
•«U*f ana, as, m. (fr. rt. an), inhalation, 2. dndya, nom. A. dnayate, -yitum, to form or
breath inspired ; Ved. mouth, nose ; breathing, blowing. A-nandayitrt, td, m. one who gladdens or makes represent a net.
Anana, am, n. the mouth, the face. — Anandbja Andyin, i, m. a fisherman, a fisher.
A-nandi, is, I, m. f. happiness, enjoyment, pleasure.
joyful. 1. d-ndyya, as, a, am, to be brought near ; (as),
(°na-ab°), am, n. face-lotus (i. e. lotus-like face). A-nandfta, as, d, am, rejoiced, delighted, happy; m. consecrated file, taken from the Garhapatya or
•stl«1<« dnaka, as, m. (fr. rt. an?), a large (o«), m., N. of a man. household fire, and placed on the south side, whence
military drum beaten at one end, a double drum, a A-nandin, i, irii, i, happy, joyful. it is called Dakshinagni.
small drum or tabor ; the thunder-cloud or a cloud to
2, d-ndyya, ind. having caused to be brought,
which the noise of the thunder is ascribed. — Anaka- •«fl«m(«J anapatya, am, n. (fr. an-apatya),
childlessness. having caused to be introduced, having brought to-
dunrfttbhi, is, m. (a patronymic fr. anaka-dundubha, gether, having convened.
q.v.), an epithet of Vasudeva the father of Krishna; ^rPTfWjErnr anabhimldta, as, m. a descend- A-nita, as, d, am, taken, brought, obtained.
(is, T), m. f. a large drum beaten at one end, a large ant of An-abhimlata. A-niti, is, f. leading near.
d'hol, A-ntyit, ind. having taken, having brought.
country. a kettle-drum. — Anaka-sthalt, f., N. of a •si 1 1*1 d-nam, cl. I. P. -namati, -nantum, A-netavya or d-neya, as, a, am, to be brought,
to bend, bend down, bow, incline ; to humble ; to to be fetched.
WHM dnakya, as, m.(>), N. of a sage A-netri, td, m. a bringer, bringing.
(forCanakya?). salute reverently : Caus. P. -namiiynti, -yitum, to
cause to bend.
»i) 1*0 ci d-riila, as, d, am, darkish ; slightly
^T^^d-naksh, cl. I. P. -nakshati, -shitum, A-nata, as, d, am, bending, stooping, bowed; black or blue; (as), m. a black horse.
to approach, obtain, reach, present. pacified, conciliated ; humbled ; submissive, obedient ;
^iis? dnaduha, as, i, am (fr. anad-uh), saluted reverently. — Anata-ja, as, m. pi. a class of ^TPJ d-nu, cl. 2. P. -nauti, -navitum or
divine beings. -nnvitum, Ved. I. A. -navate, to sound, scream,
originating from a bull ; (am), n., N. of a Tlitha. warble : Intens. Ved. -nacmoti, to sound through.
A-nali, is, (. bending, bowing, stooping ; saluting.
^11^ d-nad, Caus. P. -nddayati, -yitum, A-nama, as, m. bending, stretching (a bow). anukalpika, as, m. one who
to make resonant, cause to sound. A-namita, as, d, am, bent, bowed down. knows the anu-kalpa, q. v.
122 tns cR (inukulika.
dnushiika, as, i, am {either = anu- Andcta, as, m. swinging.
*MM«fcrM«S dnukulika, as, i, am (fr. anu- Andolana, am, n. swinging, a swing ; trembling,
•Hiku or fr. rt. su ?), promoting, driving forward.
kula), favourable, conformable.
Anukulya, am, n. conformity, suitableness ; favour, iiiiiislitubha, as, I, am (fr. antt- Andolila, as, d, am, swung, shaken.
, consisting of Anushtnbhs, formed like the ^TT»*nT dndhasa, as, m. (fr. andhas, q. v.),
' dnukrishta = anu-krishta, q. v. Anushtubh metre (e. g. composed of four divisions).
the scum of boiled rice.
(rtH iinusuya, as, i, am, coming from Andhasika, as, m. a cook.
dnugatya, am, n. (fr. anu-gata), Anusuya.
acquaintance, familiarity. 'WT^Ul dndhya, am, n. (fr. andha), blindness.
Anuyutil-a, as, i, am, relating to a follower. .11?T|«|<*M
abundance.nnTntam, ind.(fr. a-aniifcam.>'),Ved. •fl|»y a»rfAra,ax,m.pl.theTelugu country,
Telingana, see and/ira ; (us, d, am), anything re-
^l«J'IIU;3i dnugddika = anu-gddin, q. v. lating to this country (as the Telugu language).
•fll^M dniipa, as, i, am (fr. anupa), wet,
dnugrdmika, as, i, am (fr. anu- watery, marshy; (a«), m. any animal frequenting "5TT^ anna, as, I, am (fr. anna), fed, having
rural. about or belonging to a village, rustic, watery or marshy places, as a buffalo, &c. — Anipa- food ; relating to food, derived from it, &c.
mdnsa, as, m. the flesh or meat of animals fre- ^Il^lrKM dnyatareya, as, m., N. of a
*HH»1NC dnujdvara, as, I, am (ft. anu- quenting marshes.
Anupalca, as, i, am, living or happening in
grammarian. /
jdvara, jt.jan), Ved. posthumous. marshy places. •fl|r=(ri|<* dnvayika, as, I, am (fr. anv-aya),
flM^fiMI dnudrishtineya, as, m. a pa- •BMW dnrinya, am, n. (fr. an-rina), ac- of a good family, well born ; orderly, according to
tronymic from anu-drishti, q. v. quit ance ofdebt or obligation, the not being indebted order or arrangement.
to (with gen.).
^MHlfa-W dntmdsikya, am, n. (fr. anu- vi i »i i(15 °n dnvdhika, as, i, am (fr. ant- '
ndsika), nasality (of a sound). -nrit, cl. 4. P. -nrityati, -nartitum, aham), daily.
to dance towards, hasten near, dance : Caus. P. -nar- dnvlkshikt, f. (fr. anv-ikshd),
'fll-JMfcjc* dnupadika, as, «, am (fr. anu-
pada), following, pursuing, tracking. tayati, -yitum, to agitate gently. logic, logical philosophy, metaphysics.
A-narta, as, m. a stage, theatre ; war. See s. v.
WMi^5 dnupiirea, am, I, n. f. (fr. anu- pUi n dp, cl. 5. I . P. dpnoti or dpati, dpa,
purca), order, series, succession; (in law) direct Wpf dnrita, as, i, am (fr. an-rita), un- N dpsyati, dpat, dptum, to reach, over-
order of the castes ; (in logic) a conclusion, regularly truthful(as),
; m., N. of a people (?). take, meet with, fall upon; to obtain, gain, take
Anritaka, as, I, am, inhabited by the Anritas. possession of, undergo, suffer; to enter, pervade,
or syllogistically deduced. — Anupurttna or anupur-
vy&, ind. one after the other, in due order. iSIMliW dnrisansa or dnrisansya, am, n. occupy, to equal : Pass, dpyate, to be reached, found,
Anupurcya, am, n. order, series, succession. (fr. a-nfUansa), mildness, kindness, mercy, com-
met with,
become obtained
filled : Caus. ;P.toaj/ayati,
arrive at-yitum,
one's aim or end,
nor. apipat,
pas ion ;cruelty (?).
*M|rJHrl dnumata, as, i, am (fr. anu-mata, to cause to reach or obtain or gain ; to cause any
rt. man), relating to the consent or favour (of 'fl M H'*l d-netavya, d-neya. See under d-nl. one to feel ; to hit : Desid. P. Ipsati, to strive to
another). reach or obtain : Desid. of the Caus. dpipayishati,
<IIHJJ*U dnaipuna, am, n. (fr. a-nipuna), to strive to reach ; [cf. Lat. apio, apt us; adipiscor :
flMHlfHc* dnumdnika, as, t, am (fr. anu- clumsiness, stupidity ; = a-naipuna, q. v. Old Germ, uoban: Mod. Germ, iiben.]
utaiin, rt. ma), relating to a conclusion ; derived 1. dpa, af, d, am, at the end of compounds ; e. g.
from inference, subject to inference, inferable, inferred. •fl M "J *l dnaisvarya, am, n. (fr. an-'tsvara),
- Anumdnika-tva, am, n. the state of being infer- absence of power or supremacy. See an-aiivarya. dur-dpa, difficult to be obtained.
able. Apana, am, n. reaching, obtaining; pepper.
1. dnta, as, a, am (fr. rt. am), gone.
VHM^n* dnurakti, is, f. passion, affection ; 2. dnta, as, 1, am (fr. anta), final, Apaneya, as, a, am, to be reached or obtained.
Apayitri, id, trl, tri, one who procures, procuring.
the same as anu-rakti, q. v. terminal, relating to the end. Apt, is, m., Ved. an ally, a friend, an acquaintance.
Antya, as, m., Ved. one who finishes ; personified — Api-tva, am, n., Ved. confederation, friendship.
lWJ dnulomya, as, i, am (fr. anu- as Bhauvana.
loma), in the direction of the hair, produced in Apia, as, d, am, reached, overtaken, equalled;
natural or direct order; (am), n. a direction similar dntam, ind. (fr. a + antam), to the got, gained, obtained ; reaching to, extending ; abun-
to that of the hairs, natural or direct order ; favour- dant, full ; apt, fit, true, exact, clever, trusted, trust-
end, completely, from head to foot. worthy, confidential ; intimate, related, acquainted ;
able direction, fit disposition, favourableness ; regular
•>HliKrlJ-M dntaratamya, am, n. (fr. anta- appointed ; generally received ; commonly used ; au-
series or succession ; bringing to one's right place. ratama), nearest or closest relationship (as of two thentic ;accused, prosecuted ; (as), m. a fit person,
Anulomika, as, I, am, tegular, orderly, in due letters). a credible person, a warranter, guarantee ; a friend ;
course or series ; favourable. an Arhat ; N. of a NSga ; (a), f. a twisted band or
Aniarya, am, n. (fr. antara), near relationship
iBU^fciVlrtll anuvidhitsa, f. (corrupted fr. lock of hair ; (am), n. a quotient ; equation of a
(of two letters).
iiii-anuridhitti fr. rt. dhal), ingratitude. iH I «tt (XKJ cintariksha or antanksha, as, i, degree. — Apta-kdma, as, d, am, one who has
gained his wish, satisfied. — Apta-kdrin, I, im, i,
WI«J=(3<4 attuvesya, as, m. (fr. anu-vesa), a am (fr. antariksha), belonging to the intermediate managing things in a fit or confidential manner ; (?),
neighbour who lives in the same house. space between earth and heaven, atmospherical, hea- m. a trusty agent, a confidential servant. — Apta-
venly, celestial, produced in the atmosphere ; (am), garbhd, f. a pregnant woman. — Afita-garva, as, d,
•«iii^M«r«i=« dnusdsanika, as, i, am (fr. n. the firmament, the intermediate region between
tun, proud, arrogant. — Apta-ilnk'skina, as, d, am,
anu-dasana), relating to or treating of instruction. earth and sky.
having proper gifts, or furnished with gifts. ~Apta-
ui i 1 91 <* dnusuka, as, I, am (fr. anu-siika), ^rr*rT*fftnc|f untarganika, as, i,am (fr. antar- rai'ana, am, n. received text, revelation, authority.
being with or within the awns (ai rice). — A vta-vajra-&u£i, is, f., N. of an Upanishad.
gana), included, comprehended (as in a class or troop).
\> — Apta-vdkya, am, n. a correct sentence. — Apta-
••M 1 1 >« fi •* unitsravika or amtsramka,as,l, •>HI\i\>\\£Shdntargehika, as, I, am (fi.antar- vdC, k, f. the evidence of a credible person ; (k), m.
am (fr. anu-irara), according to hearing, resting on geha), being inside a house. one whose evidence is credible. — Aptokti (°ta-uk°),
tradition. dntarvesmika. as, i, am (fr. is, f. augment or affix ; a word of received acceptation
and established by usage only.
w«im» anushuk, ind. (fr. anu-saiij, q.v.), iilitin--i-i.<iii(iii),piod\Ked or occurring within a house.
Ved. in continuous order, uninterruptedly, one after 'fllffl'*! dntikd, f. an elder sister. See Aptavya, as, d, am, to be reached, obtainable.
the other. Apti, is, f. reaching, meeting with ; obtaining,
Aniuhangika, as, i, am, connected with, con- ^Tmfiintrn, am, n., Ved. the bowels, entrails. gain, acquisition ; binding, connection, relation, fit-
comitant, necessarily following, adherent, inherent, ness, aptitude ; (ayas), f. pi., N. of twelve sacrificial
AntriJca, an, i, am, visceral, within, or relating verses beginning with dpaye (dat. case of apt).
implied; proportionate, like, analogous, relative;
to the bowels. See dptai-ya.
necessary as a result or consequence, inevilable ; (in I. dpya, as, d, am, obtainable.
gram.) elliptical, including or agreeing with words not '•sn*<^ dnda, as, m., N. of a despised class n., Ved. confederation, alliance, re-
am, friendship.
i. dfiya, lationship,
comprised in the sentence. of men.
^rra 2. dpa, as, m. (probably connected
••ai^ijS dnitshanda or unushandaka, as, i, 'flltflci^ dndolay, cl. 10. P. dndolayati,
am. See Gana to Panini IV. t, 133. 134. •yitum, to swing. See andoJay. with op, dpas, q. v.), N. of one of the eight demi-
gods called Vasus. (For 1. apa see above.)
tipakara. a-pma.
. fipakara, as, I, am (fr. apa-kara), A-pada, as, m. reward, remuneration. pain, hurting ; a chaplet tied on the crown of the
offensive, mischievous, unfriendly. A-pddana, am, n. causing to arrive at, leading to. head ; (a), (., N. of a metre.
A-pidana, am, n. compressing, squeezing, tying
"•HIHai d-pakva, as, a, am (rt. pa6 with 3. a, dpana, dpaneya. See under rt. dp. or drawing tightly ; embracing, clasping ; giving pain,
implying diminution), half-baked, crude, raw ; nearly apanika, as, m. an emerald; a
ripe, not quite ripe ; undressed, what is eaten without kirata or barbarian.
further preparation (as bread &c.). A-pldita, as, a, am, compressed, squeezed ;
dpamityaka, as, am (fr. apa-
d-pd.) tightly, embraced; hurt; decorated with
^TlM'll dpagd, f. (fr. rt. ga with apa?), a chaplets.
river, a stream ; N. of a stream. mitya, rt. ma with apa ; cf. apa-mityaka), received
by barter ; (am), n. property &c. obtained by barter. ^nUTrT 2. a-pita, as, a, am, yellowish;
Apageya, as, m. the son of a river ; an epithet of
Krishna or BliTnia. WHIT iipaya, f., Ved., N. of a river near (am), n. a pyritic mineral. (For i. d-pita see under
the Sarasvatl.
^TTR^ d-pat, cl. 10. P. -patayati, -yitum,
to split ; to sever. ij dpayitri. See under rt. dp. 'w l *^d-pu, cl. i. A. -pavate, -vitum, to be
pure ; to flow towards after purification ; to carry
dpardhnika, as, i, am (fr. towards in its course (said of a stream).
•vi I H«li a-pana, as, m. (rt. pan with a), a
market, a shop. apardhna), occurring in the afternoon. •sHMfMcd dpupika, as, i, am (fr. apupa),
Apanika, as, I, am, mercantile, relating to traffic, ^fl^rt* dpartuka, as, i, am (fr. apa-ritu), selling cakes ; accustomed to eat cakes ; fond of cakes,
to a market &c. ; (as), m. a merchant, a dealer, a not bound to fixed times, not restricted to particular eating cakes (with benefit) ; a good maker of cake ;
shop-keeper ; tax on markets or shops ; assize, market- seasons. (as), m. a baker ; a confectioner ; (am), n. a mul-
titude ofcakes.
rT a-pat, cl. I. P. -patati, -titum, to fly •«IIMI apava, as, m. an epithet of Vas'ishtha.
towards, to come flying, to come in haste, to rush vim'-i'If dpavaraya, as, i, am (fr. apa- Apupya, am, n. flour, meal.
vi i <4<^ d-puy, cl. I. P. -puyatl, -yitum, to
in or on; to assail; to approach; to fall to one's I'arga), conferring final beatitude. be putrescent, putrify.
share, to befal, happen : Caus. P. -patayati, -yitum,
to throw down, let fall, shed ; -patayati, -yitum,
•si I M^N upas, n. a religious ceremony;
water (see op) ; sin [cf. apas]. dpusha, am, n. tin.
to go towards, approach.
A-patat, an, antl, at, approaching, preparing to vi m «sii i. dpaskdra, am, n. (fr. apa-skara), a-^rtV, cl. 7. P. A. -pnnakti, -prinkte,
assail. the root or extremity of the trunk or body. -partitum.to
mix with. fill, pervade; A. to satiate one's self; to
A-patana, am, n. coming, approaching ; descend-
ing, alighting, happening. •wimsig dpastamba, as, m., N. of a re- A-prik, ind., Ved. in a mixed manner, confusedly.
nowned sage and writer on ritual.
A-pati, is, is, i, Ved. coming in haste, rushing on. ceding.
Apastambi, is, m. a patronymic from the pre- d-pri66Jid, &c. See under d-pra6h.
A-patika, as, t, am, accidental, unforeseen, sent
from heaven ; (as), m. a hawk, a falcon. d-pri, Caus. P. -purayati, -yitum, to
A-palita, as, a, am, happened, befallen ; alighted, vimtrtfwTtfl1 dpastambhim, f., N. of a plant,
descended. fill, fulfil : Pass, -puryate, to be filled, become full.
perhaps Eriocaulon Quinquangulare Lin.
A-pdta, as, a, am, rushing upon, attacking, ap- A-piira, as, d, am, becoming full.
•wim d-pd, cl. i. P. -pibati or -pivati, A-purana, as, d, am, becoming full ; (as), m.,
proaching (as),
; m. rushing upon, pressing against,
-pdtum, to drink up, to drink out of or at ; to drink N. of a N5ga; (am), n. filling, making full.
falling, descending ; throwing down ; causing to de- with the ears or eyes, hear, see : Caus. -payayati,
scend ;happemng, becoming apparent, appearance ; A-purtl, is, f. filling ; fulness, satisfaction.
the instant, the current moment ; (atas), ind. at the -yitum, to cause to drink. A-purya, ind. filling, having filled.
first attack, instantly, immediately. A-pana, am, n. a drinking-party, a banquet ; a A-puryamdna, as, d, am, becoming full, being
tavern, a liquor shop, a place for drinking in company. filled. — Apuryamdtia-pdksha, as, m. the crescent
A-pdtin, i, irii, i, tailing on, descending, happening.
Apdnta-manyu, us, us, u, Ved. giving zeal or or waxing moon.
*)mni(V)e»iT dpatdlikd, f. (fr. apa-tdla ?), courage when drunk (said of the Soma juice). *iimfH|5S dpekshika, as, i, am (fr. apekshd),
N. of a metre.
A-pdyin, t, irii, i, fond of drinking.
I. a-pita, as, d, am, drunk up, exhausted. raising expectations.
"fllMiM apatya, as, I, am (fr. apatya), relat- iMIiftr,sJiH dpoklima, as, m., in astronomy
ing to offspring ; (in gram.) relating to the formation •ai1*!* d-pdka, as, m. (fr. rt. pad with a), = Gr. anuK\ifj.a.
of patronymic nouns. a baking oven, a potter's kiln. - Apake-stha, as, a,
am, Ved. standing in an oven. iHliTl^m dpo-maya, as, t, am (fr. dpas, nom.
•wmfv d-pathi, is, is, i (fr.pathin with a),
Ved. being on the way or on a voyage. ^iviSj-jj dpdnaya, am, n. (fr. apdnga), pi. of op, q. v.), consisting of water. — Apo-matrd,
anointing the corners of the eyes. f. the subtle elementary principle of water. — Apo-
A-pathi, is, or d-pathya, as, m., Ved. a traveller, murti, is, m., N. of a deity under Manu Svaroifisha,
^IlHUiJt. d-pdndura, as, d, am, slightly one of the seven Rishis of the tenth Manvantara.
WfiT i.a-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate, -pattum,
pale, palish. •«<IM*i^ll1 dposdna, as, m., N. of a kind of
to come, walk towards ; to enter into, attain ; to get
into trouble, fall into misfortune ; to happen : Caus.
d-pdta. See under a-pat. prayer spoken before and after eating ; perhaps con-
P. -pddayati, -yitum, to bring on, bring to pass. d-pdda, d-pddana. See under a-pad. tracted fromthe
which words dpoprayer
Varna, 'drink the water,' with
A-patti, is, f. entering into a state or condition, d-pdli, is, m. a louse.
entering into relationship with anything, changing , »a I >fl T?h, &c. See under rt. op.
into; obtaining, procuring; misfortune, calamity, dpi. See under rt. dp. tor-ydman. See aptor-ydma.
fault, transgression ; remonstrance, expostulation. red
3. a-pad, t, (. misfortune, calamity; [cf. Hib. reddish. d-pinjara, as, d, am, somewhat •fll'Hfl dptya, as, m., Ved., N. of a class of
deities, and especially of the deity Trita, as one of
that class.
Apadh, ' death ;' dpthach, 'mortal.'] — Apat-kala,
at, m. season of distress. — Apatkdlika, as, a or I, •fllfV3Ta-/m;, cl. 6. P., Ved. -pins'ati, -pesi-
nm, occurring in a time of calamity, belonging to tum, to shape, configurate ; to decorate, ornament. »5J|U| 3. dpya, as, d, am (fr. ap), belonging
such a time. — Apat-prdpta, as, a, am, unfortunate, or relating to water ; watery ; consisting of water ;
unhappy, afflicted. — Aptid-iiatu, as, a, am, fallen "41 1fistic* dpisali, is, m., N. of an old living in water. (For I. 2. dpya see under rt. dp.)
into misfortune. — Apud-groita, as, a, am, seized grammarian.
by misfortune, unfortunate, unhappy, in misfortune. ApUala, as, i, am, originating from Apisali; (as), '.Mim 4. dpya, as, m. (for dptya), N. of a
— Apad-dhnrma, as, m. practice or profession m. a pupil of Apisali. class of deities in the sixth Manvantara.
other than that proper to caste, but allowable in time 15. dpya, am, n., N. of a plant, a kind
of distress. ^nftreN d-pish, cl. 7. P., Ved. -pinashti, of Costus. See vapya.
-pcshtum, to press, touch.
A-padd, f. misfortune, calamity.
v)l«4 d-pyai, cl. I. A. -pydyate, -pydtum,
A-panna, as, a, am, gained, obtained, acquired ; dpi, vuMln d-plna. See d-pyai.
to grow fat or comfortable, to increase, become full,
afflicted, unfortunate. — Apanna-sattva, as, d,'am, d-pid, cl. 10. P. -pldayati, -yitum,
impregnated, pregnant; (a), f. a pregnant woman. enlarge : Caus. P. -pydyayati, -yitum, to make fat
to press, weigh down ; to press hard, give pain, per- or comfortable ; to enlarge.
— Apanndrti-prajfamana-phala (°na-dr°), as, a,
am, fruitful in the relieving of the pains of the Apt, ts, f. the twentieth Nakshatra or lunar mansion.
A-pida, as, m. compressing, squeezing; giving A-pina, as, d, am, stout, fat ; (as), m. a well ;
124 ubhlra.
(am), n. an udder. — Apma-rat, an, atl, at, Ved. who has passed through the first order (Brahma-ifarin), like, resembling, appearing ; e g. hemdbha, as, a,
containing the rt. pyitt with « (said of a rid or and is admitted into the second. See xndtaku.
am, shining like gold ; [cf. Hib. aoibh, ' likenest,
verse). A-ji/itrnna, am, n. immersing, bathing, sprinkling similitude ;' aoibe, ' neatness, elegance ;' aoiblical,
A-jiydna, as, a, am, stout, robust with water. ' a spaik of fire.']
A-jiyuytt, as, m. becoming full or fat. A-plava, as, m. bathing, sprinkling, wetting ; a A-bhiti, in, f. splendor, light ; shade.
A/iyuyana, as, a, am, causing fulness or stout- submerging ; a flood, an inundation. Wn^d-bhdsh, cl. i.A.-bhdshate,-shitiun.
ness, increasing welfare ; (am), n. the act of making A-pldt'ita, as, d, am, inundated, overflowed. to address, speak to ; to talk, shout
full or fat ; satisfying, refreshing, pleasing ; satiety, A-pldrya, ind. having wetted or sprinkled.
A-bhdsha, as, m. addressing ; introduction, preface.
satisfaction ; advancing ; anything which causes cor- A-pluia,, an, d, am, bathed ; wetted, sprinkled. A-bkdnfuina, am, n. addressing, speaking to.
pulency or good condition ; strengthening medicine ; In comp. sometimes used figuratively (e. g. snvhd-
corpulency, growing or being fat or stout ; (in certain pluta, overflowing with affection) ; (as), m. an ini- 1. d-bhds/iya, as, d, am, to be addressed, worthy
tiated householder, see aplava-vratin ; (am), n. of being spoken to.
ceremonies) the act of pouring water &c. on the
2. d-bhde/iya, ind. having addressed, having
Sonia and so causing it to swell. — Apydyana-fila, bathing. — Apluta-vratin, i, m. an initiated house-
ail a, am, satisfying. holder see
; aplaca-vratin. — Apltttdnga (°ta-a>t°), spoken to.
A-pyayita, ae, a, am, satisfied, increased, im- as, i, am, bathed all over. ^TWTO i. d-bhds, cl. I. A. -bhdsate, -situm,
proved, pleased, gratified ; stout, fat. A-plutya, ind. having bathed, having washed ; to shine, blaze ; to be bright : Caus. -bkdsayati,
having jumped up.
^TTTl dpra, as, a, am (fr. rt. pri with a ?), -yitum, to illuminate.
Ved. busy, zealous ; (Say.) able to teach. <fl«l'^a/>ro», d, m. (fr. rt. ap), air, wind. a. d-bhds, f. splendor, lustre, light.
A-bhdsa, a*, m. splendor, light, colour, appear-
'.MIH^ a-prafh, cl. 6. A. or poet. P. -prit- Apvd, (. the neck. ance ;semblance, phantom ; mere appearance ; falla-
dkate, -ti, -prashtum, to bid farewell ; to salute on SHIHN npsava, as, m. (fr. apsu, loc. pi. of cious appearance ; reflection ; intention, purpose ; (in
receiving or parting with a visitor ; to extol. ap), epithet of a Manu. logic) fallacy, semblance of a reason, sophism, an erro-
A-prittha, !. conversation, speaking to or with ; W5=B dphiika, am, n. opium. See 2. neous though plausible argument (regarded by logi-
bidding farewell. cians as of various kinds).
1. a-prUdhya, as, a, am, Ved. to be saluted, to a-phena. A-bkdeana, am, n. illuminating, making apparent
be welcomed, to be honoured ; laudable, commendable, or clear.
beautiful. ^Tpf ^ a-bandh, cl. 9. P. -badhndti, -band-
dhum, to bind or tie on. A-bhdsura, as, rn., N. of a class of deities or demi-
2. i-pn(6Tiya, ind. having saluted, having bid adieu. A-baddha, as, d, am, tied, bound, joined ; (a*), gods, sixty in number.
(In Ramayana I. 72, 20, a form d-prishlvd occurs.) m. a binding, a yoke ; ornament ; affection. — Abad- A-bhdsvara, as, m. a demi-god, of a class consist-
A-praMhana, am, n. expressions of civility on re- dha-mdla, as, d, am, forming a wreath.
ceiving or parting with a visitor, welcome, bidding ing of sixty-four.
adieu, &c.
A-badha, as, m., Ved. binding. abhifaranika, as, I, am (fr.
A-bandha, as, m. a tie or bond ; the tie of a na), maledictory, imprecatory, serving for
yoke, that which fastens the ox to the yoke, or the malediction or cursing.
vi i M Tn M <*•« a-pratinicritta, as, a, am, pre-
vented, turned back(?). latter to the plough ; ornament, decoration ; affection.
Abhiddrika, as, i, am (fr. abhi-<?dra}, magical,
A-bandhana, am, n. tying, binding on or round. relating to magic ; (am), n. incantation, magic.
'a i nf<; i«^ a-pradivam, ind., Ved. for ever.
•sniij dbayu, us, Ved., perhaps the N. of ^?TM^PT dbhijana, as, i, am (fr. abhi-jana,
^TIHM^ d-prapada, am, n. a dress reaching
to the feet; (am), ind. to the end of the foot, a plant. rt. jan), relating to descent ; (am), n. loftiness of
reaching to the feet. vill^ d-barha, as, a, am (rt. vrih or brih
with d), having the property or power of tearing or Abhijatya, am, n. (fr. ajtthi-jdta, rt. jan), the
Aprapadina, as, a, am, reaching from the shoulders
to the feet (as a dress). pulling out ; (as), m. tearing out. nature or state of a man of noble birth, nobility ;
Aprapadinaka, am, n. a dress reaching to the feet. A-barhana, am, n. the act of tearing out. birth, family, rank, learning.
A-barhin, i, itfi, i, fit for tearing out. •wilHfsrlrf abhijita, as, i, am (fr. abhi-jit),
I«IHIMH»^ a-pravrisham, ind. until the
rainy season. born under the constellation Abhijit.
f d-bddh, cl. I. A. -bddhate, -dhitum, ^nfaVT abhidha, f. or abhidhdtaka, am, n.
TMIH! d-prl, f. (fr. rt. pri with a), Ved.
to check, rein in, restrain; to interrupt, molest, attack. a sound, a word, a name. See abhi-dhd.
gaining one's favour, conciliation, propitiation ; (d-pri- A-bddha, as, m.,Ved. attack ; molestation, trouble, Abhidhdnika, as, i, am, contained in a dictionary,
yas), propitiatory verses ; N. of certain invocations
addressed to a series of deified objects in order, and interruption, damage ; (a), f. pain, distress, segment lexicographical ; (as), m. a lexicographer.
of the base of a triangle.
said to be introductory to the'animal sacrifice. Accord- Abhid/idniyaka, as, i, am (fr. abhi-dhdna), re-
ing to others, the objects propitiated by these hymns infancy.
•flMleH d-bdlya, am, n. age ending with lating or belonging to a name or word ; (am), n. the
are the real Sptls or dpriyai ; whence the hymns
themselves are called apri hymns. The objects in- property of a name,
^TTftl3rf%oir abhiplavika, as, I, am (fr. abhi-
voked are in a series of twelve verses, as follows : •w i(% rtH a-bilam, ind., Ved. to the hole or
I. Su-samiddha (or the fuel); 2. and 3. TanunapSt aperture [cf. vila], plava), relating to the religious ceremony called
and Nariisansa (these are sometimes invoked in one Abhi-plava.
•siliTt abutta, as, m. (perhaps corrupted
verse as mystic names of fire) ; 4. The divine being ^rrfa^T dbhimukhya, am, n. (fr. abhi-
who bears the invocations to the gods (see under id) ; fr. drya-putra), a sister's husband (in theatrical lan- mukha), direction towards anything; wish or desire
5. Barbis (or the sacred grass) ; 6. The doors of the guage). directed towards anything ; presence, being in front
chambers in which the sacrifice is offered ; 7. Night ^STTftf a-budh, cl. I. P., Ved. -bodhati, of or face to face.
and dawn; 8. The two divine beings, sometimes -boddhum, to perceive, notice, understand. dbhishefanika, as, i, am (fr.
called Pracetasas, who preside over and protect the A-bal/iana, am, n. knowledge, understanding;
sacrificial rite ; 9. The three goddesses, lla (see under efana), relating to the inauguration of a king;
instructing, informing.
idd), SarasvatI (goddess of eloquence), and Mahl (a serving for it.
form of BharatI or speech) ; 10. Tvashtri (the maker iMif^cS dbdika, as, I, am (fr. abda), annual,
^Trf>T?rfT=S nbhiharlka, as, i, am (fr. abhi-
or creator) ; 1 1 . Vanas-pati (the tree or wooden column tiara), taken by force or fraud ; (am), n. a room.
to which the victim is tied) ; 12. Svahi (the exclama-
yearly. melody.
tion used in inviting the gods to the sacrifice when WW*{a-bhaj, cl. I. P.,Ved.-bhajati,-bhak- ^TTH^oir iibhika, am, n., N. of a Sama
finally offered in the fire). All these are by Say. re- tvem, to make one share, cause one to partake.
garded asforms of Agni. See Rig-veda I. 13. A-bhaga, as, m., Ved. a partaker of (with loc.) ;
'SUHliyU abliikshna, as, i, am (fr . abhikshna),
A-pnia-pd, as, m., Ved. epithet of Vishnu, 'guard- (Say.) to be shared in. much, exceeding, eternal; (am), ind. exceedingly,
ing those who have appeased his anger.' 'STTHtSI d-bharana, am, n. See under
^rnj a-plu, cl. I. A. -plavate, -plotum, to Alihlksh»ya, am, n. continued repetition.
bathe, wash, immerse one's self; to jump up, dance : ^TMT I. d-bhd, cl. 2. P. -bhati, -turn, to
Call*. P. -placmjali, -yitum, to cause to be bathed shine, blaze; to irradiate; to outshine; to appear, to ^TT^ftaT dbhlya, as, a, am (fr. d-bhdt, ' up
or washed ; to wash or wet ; to overflow, overwhelm ; look like. to bha"), contained in a chapter of Panini which
to set in commotion ; A. -plamyate, to bathe. ends with bha.
2. d-bhd, {. splendor, light ; a flash ; colour, appear-
A-plava, an, m. bathing, sprinkling with water. ance, beauty ; a reflected image, shade ; likeness, ^TT>lfa dbhtra, as, m., N. of a people ; a
"Aplava-vratin, t, m. an initiated householder, resemblance: (as, d, am, at the end of compounds) cowherd sprung from a Brahman and female of the
abhlra-palli. amushmika.
Ambashtha or medical tribe ; N. of a metre ; (f), often an epithet of the cow considered as the raw
f. a cowherd's wife or woman of the Abhlra tribe ; material which produces the milk) ; unbaked, unan- See under a-mrid.
the language of the Abhlra. — Abhlra-palli, is oil nealed ; undressed ; unripe, immature ; undigested ; d-marsha, as, m. (for a-marsha,
or ika, f. a station of herdsmen, a village inhabited (am), n. condition of being raw ; constipation, pass- q. v.), impatience, anger, wrath. (For a-maria see
by cowherds only, an abode of cowherds &c. ing hard and unhealthy excretions ; grain freed from
under d-mris1.)
chaff; [cf. Gr. u>n&-s ; Hib. aroA, ' raw, unsodden, A-marshana, am, n. anger.
•wi*Jlrt d-bhlla, as, a, am (fr. rt. bhl with
a), formidable, fearful ; suffering pain ; (am), n. crude, unripe.'] — Ama-kumbha, as, m. a water-jar
of unbaked clay. — Ama-gandhi, n. smell of raw •wiirt* dmalaka, as,i, am, m.f. n.the plant
bodily pain ; [cf. Hib. abheil, ' terrible, dreadful.'] Emblic Myrobalan, Emblica Officinalis Gartn. ; (as),
meat or of a burning corpse. — Ama-gandhika, am,
m. another plant, Gendarussa Adhatoda ; (am), n.
^TTH dbhu, us, us, u, Ved. empty; one n. the smell of raw meat. — Atna-td, f. rawness, un-
readiness. —Ama-tvad, k, k, k, tender-skinned.
the fruit of the Emblic Myrobalan.
whose hands are empty; stingy; (Say.) pervading,
reaching. — Ama-pdtra, am, n. an unannealed vessel. — Ama- WRlffarT
VIII. 48, 3). amahlyd, f. designation of a
pmasa, am, a. running at the nose, defluxion.
AbMka, as, a, am, Ved. empty, having no con- particular (rif) verse of the Rig-veda (viz. Rig-veda
tents, powerless. — Ama-mansa, as, m. raw flesh. — Amamdnsdiin
l^sa-df), I, m. a cannibal, eater of raw flesh.
^n«T7«T d-bhugna, as, a, am (rt. i. bhvj with — Ama-rakta, as, m. dysentery. — Ama-rasa, as, Amahtyava, as, m., N. of a Rishi.
3. a implying diminution), a little curved or bent. m. imperfect chyme. — Ama-vdta, as, m. constipa- ^n*TT a-md, cl. 3. A. -mimite, -mdtum, to
tion or torpor of the bowels with flatulence and intu- effect, accomplish.
^TTH^i. d-bhu, cl. I. P. -bhavati, -vitum, mescence. —Ama-iula, as, m. the cholic, pain
•WIHIIM dmdtya, as, m. a minister, a coun-
to be present, continue one's existence. arising from indigestion. — Amdtisdra (°ma-at°), sellor, an adviser ; a general. See amatya.
•2. d-bhu, us, us, u, Ved. strong, sufficient, effica- as, m. dysentery or diarrhoea produced by vitiated
cious ;(Sly.) approaching (as a praiser) ; a prison, a mucus in the abdomen ; the excretion being mixed •sn«il««ft(?).dmdlaka, as, am, m. n. land near
a mountain
place of confinement ; applied according to rule (as a
with hard and fetid matter. — Amad (°ma-ad), t, t,
hymn) ; very prosperous.
A-bhuti, is, f., Ved. capability, efficiency ; (Say.) t, eating raw flesh or food. — Amdnna (°ma-an°), vii*nqllpl dmdvdsya, as, I, am (fr. ama-
overpowering strength ; (ie), m., N. of a man. am, n. undressed rice. — Amafaya (°ma-a4°), as, vdsyd), belonging to the new moon or its festival;
m. the receptacle of the undigested food, the upper
A-bhusheiiya, an, a, am, Ved. to be obeyed; born at the time of new moon ; occurring on the
part of the belly to the navel, the stomach.
(SSy.) praiseworthy. day of conjunction ; (am), n. the new moon oblation.
Amaka, as, a, am, raw, uncooked, &c. See
i. ama. ^nf*TBfT dmikshd, f. curd of two-milk whey,
^T*J3 d-bhiish, cl. I. P., Ved. -bhiishati,
Amisha, am, n. flesh. See s. v. next col. a mixture of boiled and coagulated milk.
to come. to adorn, to adorn with one's presence, i.e.
vi 1*1 2. ama, as, m. or amana, am, n. (fr. Amikshya or dmikshiya, as, a, am, suitable for
the preparation of Amiksha ; made of curds.
^TP| a-bhri, cl. I. P., Ved. -bharati, -bhar- rt. 2. am), sickness, disease.
tum, to bring ; to carry ; to bear ; to support. Amaya, as, m. damage, hurt ; disease, sickness ; vnfna dmitra, as, z, am (fr. a-mitra), pro-
A-bharana, am, n. ornament, decoration (as jewels indigestion ; (am), n., N. of the medical plant Cos- duced byan enemy, inimical, odious.
&c.) ; act of nourishing ; tide of several works. tus Speciosus. iHlfir?!! d-misla, as, d, am, Ved. having a
A-bharat, an, antl, at, bringing. — Abharad- Amaydmn, I, irii, i, sick, diseased, affected with tendency to mix, readily mixing.
vasu, us, us, M,Ved. bringing property, goods, &c. ; indigestion, dyspeptic. — Amayavi-tva, am, n. indi-
(us), m., N. of a man. gestion, dyspepsia. •>H I(MM dmisha, am, n. (connected with i.
ama), flesh, enjoyment ; an object of enjoyment, a
^5iH<3 dbherl, f. one of the Ragims or •e<l«H!S amanda, as, m. the castor-oil plant pleasing or beautiful object &c. ; a bribe ; coveting,
modes of music, personified as a female. [cf. amanda and manda].
longing for ; lust, desire ; food ; form. — Amisha-
'SrWfrT I. d-bhoga, as, m. (fr. rt. I. bhuj, •will d-mana, am, n. (rt. man), Ved. priya, as, d, am, fond of flesh-meat, carnivorous ;
to curve, bend, with prep, a), winding, curving, friendly disposition, inclination, affection. (as), m. a heron. — Amisha-bhuj, k, Tc, k, aam-
curve, crease ; crumpling ; circuit, circumference, en- A-manas, as, as, as, friendly disposed, kind, vorous. — Amishas'in (°sha-ds'°), I, iiu, i, carni-
.virons, extension, fulness, expanse; a serpent; the vorous, eating flesh and fish.
expanded hood of the Cobra Capella (used by Varuna Amis, m. (occurring in loc. c. dmishi), Ved. raw
as his umbrella) ; effort, pains. 1«ii*»tT**« dmanasya or dmdnasya, am, n. (fr. flesh, meat ; a dead body.
a-manas), pain. i^p
^TWT 2. a-bhoga, as, m. (fr. rt. 2. bhuj, •»5ll*fl d-ml, cl. 9. P., Ved. -mindti, -mdtum,
to eat, enjoy), enjoyment, satiety, fulness, comple- VU*I«T^ a-mantr, cl. 10. A. -mantrayate, to destroy, neutralize, curtail ; A. -minlte, to destroy
tion. or neutralize mutually.
-yitum, to address, especially in saluting and in bid-
A-blwgaya, am, n.,Ved. means of supporting life, ding farewell ; to ask, invite. dmikshd, f. = dmikshd, q. v.
livelihood ; (Say.) to be enjoyed (as Soma juice). A-mantrana, am, a, n. f. addressing, speaking to,
A-bhogi, is, f.,Ved. living, supporting life; (S5y.) calling or calling to ; greeting, courtesy, welcome, d-mll, cl. i. P. -mllati, -litum, to
enjoyment. bidding adieu, taking leave ; inviting, invitation ; de-
close the eyes.
vd*Mit<, dbhyantara, as, i, am (fr. abhy- liberation, interrogation ; the vocative case. A-mllana, am, n. closing of the eyes.
antara), being inside, interior, inner. A-maniranlya, as, a, am, Ved. to be addressed
or asked, to be asked for advice or consulted. ^rnrNT^a-mmai, an, antl, at, or dmlvatka,
dbhyavakdsika, as, I, am (fr. A-mantrayitri, ta, trl, tri, asking, inviting, call- as, d, am, Ved. attacking, pressing.
abhy-avakafa), living in the open air. ing; (ta), m. an iuviter, entertainer, especially of 'STTH'Sf a-mukha, am, n. commencement ;
^TT^mf^l* abhyasika, as, i, am (fr. abhy- prelude, prologue ; (am), ind. to the face.
A-mantrita, as, a, am, invited, summoned,
aia), being near to each other, neighbouring ; (less
correctly in this sense written abhyasika.) called ; (am), n. addressing; the vocative case. "•HTH^ a-mu(, cl. 6. P. -mundati, -moktum,
1 . d-mantrya, as, a, am, to be addressed or called to loosen, let go ; to put on a garment.
•*x\*m\«<* abhyasika, as, i, am (fr. abhy- to ; to be invited ; (am), n. a word standing in the A-mukta, as, d, am, loosed, let go ; liberated !
vocative case.
dsa), resulting from practice, practising, repeating. discharged, cast, shot off; put on as clothes or armour;
^TTWfftToir dbhyudayika, as, I, am (fr. 2. d-mantrya, ind. having taken leave, bidding dressed, accoutred.
farewell. t
A-mukti, is, (. liberation, the being let loose;
abky-udaya), connected with the rising or begin-
final liberation ; (i), ind. to the end of existence.
ning of anything ; relating to or granting prosperity ; •su*^1^ a-manth or a-math, cl. i . P. -man-
high, exalted, important ; (am), n. a SrSddha or offer- thati, -thitum, to agitate. A-moCana, am, n. the act of loosing, liberating ;
ing to ancestors on occasions of rejoicing. emitting, shedding, letting forth, putting or tying on.
ww^d-mandra, as, a, am, havinga slightly
'aiferai dbhrika, as, I, am (fr. abhri), one deep tone, making a low muttering sound (like thunder). iHI*JH dmupa, as, m. the cane Bambusa
who digs with a spade or a hoe. Spinosa Hamilt. Roxb.
•WIIMUITI d-marandnta, as, d,am,ord-ma-
^T^am, ind. an interjection of assent or ranantika (°na-ant°), as, t, am, having death as •>.HI<JI. d-mur, Hr, or d-muri, is, m. (fr. rt.
recollection, (a vocative following this particle is ami- the limit, continuing till death, lasting for life. mri witn a), Ved. destroying, hurting.
'*ii*iiVff d-maritri, id, m. (rt. mri or mrin ^STPjfaloli amushmika, as, i, am (fr. amush-
W i. ama, as, a, am (fr. rt. 2. am?}, raw, with a), Ved. one who hurts or destroys ; a de- min, loc. of i. adas), of that state, being there,
uncooked (the opposite to pa/cva, q.v. ; in the Veda stroyer. belonging to the other world.

A . «
126 amushyakulaka.
Amwhyakulaka, am, a., dmushyaputraka, am, viigs dmbashtha, as, m. an inhabitant of uyasa. cause of disease. — Ayatana-tva, am, n. state of
n., Gana to PSnini V. I, 133. Ambashtha. being an altar or seat. — Ayatana-rat, an, atl, at,
Amiuhydyana, at, m. (fr. amuthya, gen. of Ved. having a certain seat or home ; (an), m., N.
I . adaf\ son or descendant of such a one, son or vnfg<*«4 dmbikeya, as, m. (fr. ambikd), an of the fourth foot of BrahmS.
descendant of an illustrious person ; (as, i, am), well- epithet of Dhrita-rashtra; also of Karttikeya. A-yatta, as, a, am, dependant, tractable, docile.
born, well descended. — Ayaita-ta, f. or dyatta-tva, am, n. dependence,
•wi«T?J dmbhasa, as, i, am (fr. .2. ambhas), humility, tractableness, docility.
watery, fluid.
•w l«Jrt*<v d-miilam, ind. to the root, by the A-yatti, ig, f. dependence, subjection, subjecting ;
root, entirely, radically. Ambhasika, ae, i, am, living in water, aquatic; affection ; power, strength ; day ; boundary, limit ;
•*H«l»^d-i»ry, cl. 1. 2. P. -mdrjati, -marshti, (as), m. a fish. sleeping ; length (? for a-yati below) ; majesty,
^TTWlft dmbhrim, f. a N. of Va<5, the dignity ; future time (? for a-yati) ; continuance in
-utatjitum, -mdrehtum, to wipe, rub.
A-mrijya, ind. having wiped or rubbed. daughter of the Rishi Ambhrina. See 3. ambhrina. the right way, steadiness of conduct.
A-mriihta, ae, a, am, wiped, rubbed. v<m dmra, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. 2. am), dyathdtathya, am, n. (fr. o-ya-
the mango tree, Mangifera Indies ; (am), n. the fruit tfidtatfia), unsuitableness, unfitness, incompatibility.
•wi«j*u d-mrina, as, a, am, vulnerable. See of the mango tree. — Amra-kUta, ae, m., N. of
<in-umi-ina. W«4«lx d-yam, cl. I. P. -ya((hati, -yantum,
a mountain. — Amra-yand/uika, as, m., N. of a
^TT^rT d-mrita, as, a, am (fr. rt. mri with plant. — Amra-gupta, ae, m., N. of a man. — Amra- to stretch, lengthen out, extend, restrain ; A. -ya(-
a), mortal. pdll, (., N. of a woman. — Amra-peitt, f. a portion fhate, to stretch one's self or be stretched, to grow
s, ind. until death. of dried mango fruit. — Amra-maya, o/t, i, am, long; to grasp, possess : Caus. -ydma yati, -l(,-yftam,
to lengthen, &c.
made of mangoes (as sauce). — Amra-vana, am, n.
<y a-mnd, cl. 9. P. -mridndti, -mardi- a mango forest. — Amrdrarta (°ra-dv°), as, m. in- A-yata, as, d, am, long ; diffuse, prolix; (a«), m.
tuni. to crush by rubbing ; to crumple ; to press, to spissated mango juice. an oblong figure (in geometry). — Ayata-ifhadd, f.
squeeze. Amrdta, ae, m. the hog-plum, Spondias Mangi- the plantain tree Musa Paradisiaca Lin. — Ayata-
A-marda, as, m. crushing, handling roughly ; press- stu, us, m. a panegyrist. — Ayataksha (°ta-ak°), as,
ing, squeezing; N. of a town. Amrataka, as, m. the hog-plum, Spondias Mangi- I, am, having large eyes or long eyelids. — Ayatd-
fera ;inspissated mango juice ; N. of a mountain. pdnga (°ta-ap°), ae, I, am, having a long-cornered
A-mardin, i, inl, i, crushing ; pressing. Amrdvatl, f., N. of a town. eye. ^ Ayatayati (°ta-dy°), is, f. long continu-
^JWS^ a-rnm, cl. 6. P. -mrisati, -marshtum Amriman, a, m., Gana to PSnini V. 1, 123. ance, remote futurity. — Ayatdrd/ia (°ta-ard}t°), as,
or -mraehtum, to touch, handle roughly, rub, injure. m. (in geometry) half an oblong. — Ayateksltana
vuwsi d-mredana, am, n. tautology, re- (°ta-lk°), as, a, am, long-eyed, having long or
A-maria, as, m. advice, counsel. iteration ofwords or sounds. large eyes.
A-mariana, or less correctly d-marehana, am, A-mredita, as, a, am, reiterated, repeated ; (am),
n. rubbing, wiping. A-yati, is, f. extension, length ; stretching the
n. repetition of a sound or word ; (in gram.) redu- hand, accepting, obtaining ; connection, junction ;
•fllHrM d-menya, as, a, am (fr. meni with plication, the second word in reduplications.
meeting ; following or future time ; the future, ' the
d), Ved. to be reached with an arrow or bolt ; (Say.) '•aiji am/a, as, d, m. f. (fr. amla), the long run ;' majesty, dignity ; restraint of mind ; N.
to be measured from all sides. tamarind tree, Tamarindus Indica; (am), n. sour- of a daughter of Meru. — Ayati-mat, an, atl, at,
fllHlHUU d-mokshana, am, n. the act of Vesicatorius. ness, acidity. — Amla-vetasa, ae, m. the plant Rumex long, extended ; stately, dignified ; self-restrained.
fixing or tying on or to. A-yantri, td, m., Ved. one who fastens or raises ;
Amlikd, f. the tamarind tree; sourness in the (Say.) one who approaches.
a-modana. See under a-mu6. mouth, acidity of stomach. A-yamana, am, n. stretching (as a bow).
d-moda, as, d, am (fr. rt. mud with Amlikd, f. the tamarind tree. 1 . d-yamya, as, d, am, to be stretched ; to be
a), gladdening, cheering up ; (ae), m. joy, serenity, restrained.
^TR dya, as, m. (fr. rt. i with a), arrival,
pleasure ; fragrancy, a diffusive perfume ; strong smell. approach ; income, revenue ; gain, profit ; the guard 2. d-yamya or d-yalya, ind. having restrained,
A-modana, am, n. rejoicing, delighting. suppressed or stretched.
A-modita, a«, a, am, pleased, delighted, fragrant. of the women's apartments ; the eleventh lunar man-
sion. —Aya-vyaya, am or au, n. or m. du. receipt A-ydma, as, m. stretching, extending ; restraining,
A-modin, i, inl, i, fragrant; happy, delighted; and disbursement, income and expenditure. — Aya- restraint, stopping ; expansion, length (either in space
(at the end of compounds) fragrant or perfumed with, sthdna, am, n. a place where revenues are collected. or time), breadth (in mensuration). — Aydma-vat,
e.g. kadambdmodin, perfumed with kadambas;
(I), m. a perfume for the mouth made up in the I . d-yat, an,atl, at, coming, approaching. — Ayati- an, atl, at, extended, long.
form of a pill or bolus of camphor &c. gavam, ind. at the time when the cows come home. A-ydmita, as, d, am, lengthened out, extended.
— Ayad-vasu, us, its, u, Ved. one to whom goods A-ydmin, I, inl, i, one who restrains, long in
•wiil^ (i-mosha, as, m. (fr. rt. mush with come.
a), robbing, stealing. Ayana, am, n., Ved. coming. space or time.dyallaka, am, n. impatience, long-
i- an in/tin, i, inl, i, who or what steals, a thief. Ay(n, I, inl, i, Ved. driving near. ing for, missing, regretting (etym. doubtful).
d-mohanikd, f. (fr. rt. muh with rT9? iiyu/tsiilika, as, I, am (fr. ayah- SNUHH d-yavana, am, n. (fr. rt. yu with
<!), a particular fragrant odour. fa), active, diligent, indefatigable; (as), m. a a), Ved. a spoon for stirring, any similar implement.
man who, in order to obtain an object, uses forcible
•wrttl a-mnd, cl. I. P., Ved. -manati, -mnd- viiM^ti (i-yavasa, as or «m(?), m. n., Ved.
tum, to keep in mind, to repeat, commit to memory, instead of gentle means ; as, for instance, a beggar who man (?).
hand down in sacred texts ; to celebrate, to hail. holds a lance to your breast in asking for alms. pasture-ground, place for feeding; (as), m., N. of a
A-mndta, ae, a, am, kept in mind, remembered, STHT^ d-yaj, cl. I. A. -yajate, -yashtum,
committed to memory, learnt by heart, repeated, to honour (the gods) ; to give, present. Sil<4flx d-yas, cl. 4. P. -yasyati, -situm, to
handed down in sacred texts, celebrated.
A-yaji, is, is, i, Ved. procuring, granting ; (SSy.) exert one's self, to weary one's self, become exhausted :
A-inndna, am, n. mention, repetition, handing accomplishing sacrifices from all sides. Caus. -ydtsayati, -tc, -yitum, to weary, worry.
down by sacred texts.
A-yajuhlha, as, d, am, Ved. procuring most or A-yasta, as, d, am, pained, distressed ; vexed,
A-mnaya, as, m. sacred tradition, sacred texts
handed down by repetition ; that which is to be re- best ; (SSy.) sacrificing best. angry ; hurt, killed ; managed or effected with diffi-
culty; labouring, toiling, making effort or exertion;
membered, studied or learnt by heart ; a Veda or the inclined ut, ut, u, Ved. endeavouring to gain ;
to sacrifice. sharpened, whetted ; thrown, cast, sent.
Vedas in the aggregate ; received doctrine; traditional
usage, family or national customs ; advice, instruction A-ydr/a, as, m. a gift given at a sacrifice. — Ayd- A-ydsa, as, m. effort, exertion (of bodily or mental
in past and present usage ; a Tantra ; an element of ija-li/iiita, ae, d, am, obtained by sacrifice. power), trouble, labour ; fatigue, weariness.
being, a property of substance (?) ; a family, series of BTTrT^ 2. a-yat, cl. I. A. -yatate, -titum, to A-ydsaka, as, i, am, causing effort, fatigue or
families. — Amndya-sdrin, I, IHJ, f, observing the make effort ; to rest on, to depend on, to have the weariness.
Vedas and traditional customs, pious ; containing the upper hand (?). A-ydsin, I, inl, i, making exertion, active, labo-
essence of the Veda. rious ;exhausted by labour, wearied.
A-yatana, am, n. resting-place, support, seat,
dm-pratynyn, as, d, am, having place, home, house, abode ; the place of the sacred Miq«< dyasa, as, 1, am (fr. ayas), of iron,
fire, an altar, a shed for sacrifices ; a sanctuary ; a made of iron or metal, metallic ; armed with an iron
dm for its affix (e. g. a root like is").
'Miq«JiHMa<* iimbartshaputraka, as, m. a ground-plot, the site of a house ; a barn ; (with Bud-
dhists) an inner seat (the five senses and Manas are
weapon; zealous?; (i), f. armour for the body, a
breastplate, a coat of mail ; (am), n. iron ; anything
country inhabited by the Ambarlsha-putras. considered as the six inner seats or Syatanas); the made of iron ; a weapon ; a wind-instrument.
ayaskara, as, m. the upper part A-yukta, as, a, am, appointed, charged with; A-raksMka, as, m. a watchman, a patrol ; a vil-
of the thigh of an elephant. See ayas-kdra. united, joined, obtained; (as), m. a minister, an lage or police magistrate.
agent or deputy. A-rakshya, as, d, am, to be preserved or guarded.
^mn a-ya, cl. 2. P. -yatl, -turn, to come, 2. d-yuj, k, k, k, Ved. uniting, joining.
arrive, approach, reach, attain ; Ved. to bring. vm/sn! drag-badha, as, m. the tree Ca-
A-yoga, as, m. appointment ; action, the perform- thartocarpus (Cassia) Fistula ; (am), n. its fruit.
abundance. as, a, am, come ; (am), n. excess, super- ance of an act ; presenting or offering flowers, per-
fumes, Sec. ; a shore or bank, a quay to which boats v"*-3f<- arangara, as, m., Ved. epithet of
A-ydti, is, f. coming near, arrival; (is), m., N. of are attached. a bee.
a son of Nahusha.
collecting. am, n. effort, exertion; taking, seizing ;
A-ydna, am, n. coming, arrival ; the natural tem- *( I <!•<»« d-railita, as, d, am (rt. raf), ar-
perament ordisposition. ranged, prepared.
A-yojita, as, a, am, collected together.
A-ydpana, am, n. causing to come, inviting. vi KS drata, am, n. flesh. (This word is
•«ign d-yuta, as, a, am (rt. yu), melted,
•wi«4lF«lff d-ydfita, as, a, am (rt. ya6), mixed, mingled ; (am), n. (with a implying diminu- also one of the Gana gaurddi PSnini IV. 1,41.)
urgently requested or desired. ^eiKg dratta, as, m. pi., N. of a people
tion), half-melted butter.
'SITg aVu> us> us> u (perhaps fr. rt. an, but A-yuvamdna, as, a, am, Ved. mixing, mingling. and country in Pai'ica-nada or the Panjab. — Aratta-ja,
said to be fr. rt. ay, to go), Ved. living, movable ; as, d, am, born in Aratta; (as), m. an inhabitant
(us), m. a living being, man ; living beings collectively ; •wiQ^a-yudh, cl. 4. P. A. -yudhyati, -te, of this country ; a horse from it.
mankind ; the human race ; the first man ; life, du- -yoddhum, to war against, attack, oppose: Caus.
-yodhayati, -te, -yitum, to attack, oppose. PSnini
VM<S=C IV. 2,dradava,71. as, i, am (fr. aradu),
ration oflife } wind ; a son, descendant, offspring ;
the son of Puriiravas and Urvasi ; N. of a man per- A-yudha, as, am, m. n. a weapon ; Ved. a vessel ;
secuted by Indra, also of one protected by him ; (ami), n. pi., Ved. water ; (am), n. gold used for vii*.«!i drama, am, n. (probably related to
N. of a Rishi ; of a son of Hrada ; of a king of ornaments. — Ayudha-jinn, t, inl, i, living by one's i. arana), Ved. depth, abyss, precipice.
frogs. — Ayu-shak, ind. (skak fr. rt. sa£), Ved. weapon; (i), m. a vrxmm.—Ayudka-dkarmini, f. •«iK«u»T dranaja, as, m. pi., N. of a class
joined with men, with the co-operation of men; the plant Sesbania ./Egyptiaca, commonly called of deities forming part of the Kalpa-bhavas.
(Say.) attached to. Jayantl. — Ayudhdgdra (°dha-dg°), am, n. an ar-
moury, arsenal. drani, is, m. an eddy.
Ayus, n. life, vital power, health, duration of life,
long life, vital power ; N. of a ceremony, commonly a soldier, warrior. Ayudhika, as, i, am, relating to arms ; (as), m. draneya, as, i, am (fr. arani, q. v.)»
called Ayushtoma, performed to obtain longevity and
forming part together with the Go and Jyotis of the warrior. Ayudhin, I, inl, i, bearing weapons ; (t), ra. a relating to the Aranis or two pieces of wood by the
attrition of which sacred fire is kindled ; (am), n.
Abhi-plava ceremony; food; [cf. Dor. oi«; perhaps
also alee?] ; (us), m. the son of Pururavas and Urvasi. Ayudhiya, as, d, am, relating to or connected or draneya-parvan, a, n. title of the last section of
with arms ; (as), m. a warrior. the third book of the Maha-bh5rata.
— Ayuh-s'esha, as, m. end of life, death. — Ayuh- A-yodhana, am, n. war, battle ; slaughter, killing ; dranya, as, d, am (fr. aranya),
iesha-td, f. the state of having nothing left but life. battle-field.
— Ayur-dad, t, t, t, or dyur-dd, as, as, am, or forest, relating to a forest, forest-born, wild ; (as), m.
dyur-ddvan, a, a, a, Ved. giving life. — Ayur- ••SUM dye, ind. an interjection of calling, pi. wild animals. — Aranya-gdna, am, n. one of the
dravya, am, n. a medicament. — Ayur-weda, as, expressive of affection. four GSnas or psalm-books of the S5ma-veda. — A-
m. the science of health or medicine ; it is classed ranya-parvan, a, n., N. of the third book of the
among sacred sciences, and considered as a supplement •wi«ii'i<t dyogava, as, m. a man belonging MahS-bharata, more usually called vana-paman.
of the Atharva-veda ; it contains eight departments : to the tribe of Ayogu ; a man of a mixed tribe sprung — Aranya-patfu, us, m. a wild or forest animal (as a
I . Salj'a, surgery ; 2. S'Slakya, inquiry into diseases from a S'udra man and Vais"ya woman ; his business buffalo, monkey, 8cc.). — Aranya-mudgd, f. a kind
of the head and its organs ; 3. Kaya-6kitsa, treatment is carpentry &c. ; (t), (. a woman of this tribe. of bean, Phaseolus Trilobus Ait.— Araifya-rdii, is,
of diseases affecting the whole body ; 4. Bhuta-vidya, dyoda, as, m., N. of a Rishi. m. (in the zodiac) the sign Leo ; Aries and Taurus ;
treatment of diseases of the mind supposed to be pro- the former half of Capricorn.
duced bydemoniacal influence ; 5. Kaumara-bhritya, i. or, dryati Ved. to praise; (Say.)
Ara-ipydka, as, d, am, forest, wild, forest-born,
treatment of children ; 6. Agada-tantra, doctrine of to approach or to make master of. produced in a forest, relating to a forest ; the dra-
antidotes ; 7. RasSyana-tantra, doctrine of elixirs ; 8. ^TR 2. dr (d-ri), cl. 3. P. eyarti, or cl. 5. P. mjakam parva of the Mahi-bharata is either the
Vajikarana-tantra, rules for increasing generative power. drnoti, drtum, dritum or dritum, to come; to whole third book or only the first section of it ; (as),
— Ayuneda-dri$,lc, m. a physician. — Ayurveda- reach, obtain, fall into ; to inflict ; to insert, place m. a forester, an inhabitant of the woods ; (am), n.
maya, as, I, am, acquainted with medical science.
— Ayurvedlka, as, m. acquainted or familiar with in : Caus. drpayati, -yitum, to cause to partake of; an aranyaka, i.e. one of a class of religious and phi-
to fix, settle, annex ; to ordain. losophical writings (closely connected with the Br§h-
medical science, a physician. — Ayurvedin, I, inl, i, manas) which are either composed in forests or must
i. dra, as, am, m. n. (?fr. rt. rt), an angle,
belonging to medicine, of the medical profession, corner; N. of a tree ; N. of a lake; brass; oxide of be studied there ; the Upanishads are considered to a
medical, medicinal, &c. ; (?), m. a practiser of physic, be attached to them. — A ranyaka-kdnda, am, n.
a physician or surgeon. — Ayush-kdma, as, B, am, iron ; (as), m. the planet Mars, "Apijj ; the planet title of the third book of the RSm3yana and of the
wishing for life or health. — Ayush-krit, t, t, t, Ved. Saturn ; (a), f. a shoemaker's awl or knife, a bore,
fourteenth book of the S'atapatha-Brahmana.
producing or creating life. — Ayushtoma, as, m. (fr. a probe, a spoke. — Ara-kuta, as, am, m. n. brass.
— Ardgra (°rd-ag°), am, n. the point of an awl ; draddha, as, or dradvat, an, m., N.
dyus-stmna), a sacrifice to obtain longevity. — Ayush- the iron thong at the end (of a whip) ; the edge of of a son of Setu.
pd, as, as, am, Ved. preserving life. — Ayush- a semicircular arrow-head ; (as, d, am), sharpened,
pratararia, as, I, am, Ved. prolonging life. — Ayush- sharp at the top and broad at the bottom like an awl. drandla or drandlaka, am, n. sour
mat, an, ail, at, possessed of vital power, healthy, gruel made from the fermentation of boiled rice.

long-lived ; alive, living ; lasting ; old ; (am), m. the a spur of the Vindhya.Ardvall (°rd-av°), f., N. of a chain of mountains,
third of the twenty-seven Yogas or divisions of the iA, cl. i. A. -rabhate, -rabdhnm,
ecliptic ; the Yoga star in the third lunar mansion ; Arta, as, d, am, afflicted, pained. See s. v. to commence, begin, undertake ; to be active or ener-
N. of a son of UttanapSda, also of SamhrSda. — Ayus- Arpita, as, d, am, fastened to, annexed ; depend- getic ;to rely, obtain.
t Team, as, a or I, am, promoting longevity, supporting ing on. A-raldha, as, d, am, begun, commenced.
Kfe. — Ayus-tejas, as, m., N. of a Buddha. ^IK 2. dra (contained in drdt, are, q. v.), A-rdbdhi, is, f. beginning, commencement.
distance ; proximity (?). A-rabhata, as, m. an enterprising, courageous
AyusJia, am, n. (at the end of some compounds)
= ayus, life. Arakat, ind., Ved. (with abl.) far from. man ; (as, J), m. f. boldness, confidence ; (i), f. a
AyialJca, (with Jainas) union or connection with branch of the dramatic art, the machinery of the
the body or person ; that which proclaims (kdyate) ara, '"K 3. dra, probably a wrong reading for drama, the representation of supernatural and horrible
events on the stage.
age (ayui) or duration of life. a spoke, q. v.
A-ralhamdna, as, a, am, beginning, commencing
Ayushya,as,a,am, giving long life, vital, preserv- •sil«.rti d-rakta, as, a, am (see 3. a), reddish. resolutely with a determination to finish.
ative of life, for the sake of life, relating or belong- •••NKBJ d-raksha, as, d, am (rt. raksh), pre- A-rabhya, ind. having begun, beginning from.
ing to it ; (am), n. vital power, abundance of life ; A-ralhyamdna, as, d, am, being commenced.
served, defended, proper or worthy to be preserved ;
' vivifying,' N. of a ceremony performed after a child's (as), m. protection, guard, preservation ; the junction
birth. A-ramb/M, as, m. undertaking, beginning; a
of the frontal sinuses of an elephant; the part of the thing begun ; commencement ; haste, speed ; effort,
W3*J, I- a-yuj, cl. 7. P. A. -yunakti, forehead below this junction. exertion; pride; killing, slaughter; an introduction,
-yunkte, -yoktum, to yoke to (anything) ; to join ; A-rakshaka, as, a, am, who or what guards or a prologue, &c. — Arambha-td, f. beginning.
to appoint. protects; (as), m. a watchman; see the next. A-rambhaka, as, t, am, undertaking, beginning.
128 a-rambhana.
A-rambhana, am, n. taking hold of, seizing, A-rirddhayifhit, us, us, it, endeavouring to gain A-ruJia, as, d, am, leaping up, mounting, ascend-
using ; the place of seizing, a handle. — Arambhana- one's favour, desirous of worshipping.
vat, an, ati, at, seizable. ing ;(as), m.ind.ascent.
A-ruhya, having mounted, having ascended.
SHKlfrJcfc drdlika, as, I, m. f. a cook,
A-rambhaniya, as, a, am, that with which one A-rudha, as, d, am, mounted, ascended, risen;
must begin, forming the commencement. (etymology doubtful, said to be fr. ardla,i. e. bend- raised up, elevated on high : often used in compounds,
ing over dishes.)
A-rambhtn, I, ini, i, enterprising, one who makes e. g. indriydrudha, brought under the cognizance
many new projects. dravatl, f. See under 2. dr. of the senses, perceived.— Arudha-vat, an, ati, at,
mounting, rising. 9
^nT^a-ram, cl. I. P. -ramati, -rantum, to -rektum, tod-Hc",
empty.cl. 7. P. A. -rinakti, -rinkte, A-rudhi, is, f. ascent, mounting, ascending.
delight in ; to rest ; to leave off. A-rodhavya, as, d, am, to be ascended or mounted.
A-reka, as, m. emptying, doubt.
A-rata, as, a, am, quiet, gentle.
A-refita, as, d, am, emptied, contracted, mixed. or A-rodhri,
rides, &c. dhd, dhri, dhri, who or what mounts
A-rati, is, f. stopping, ceasing ; waving lights be-
fore an image. A-ropa, as, m. imposing (as a burden), burdening
A-ramana, am, n. taking delight ; cessation, pause ; IV.•fllfXfd*
a, 116. dritrika, adj. fr. aritra. Panini with, charging with ; placing in or on ; assigning or
resting-place. attributing to ; relating to ; superior position.
^ifXn^H drindama, as, m. patronymic of A-ropaka, as, d, am, planting, fixing, causing to
A-rdma, as, m. delight, pleasure ; place of pleasure, ascend.
a garden, a grove ; [with this word cf. tiptfjia and the prince Sana-sruta.
isiO d-rl, cl. 4. A. -rlyate, -return, to A-ropana, am, n. the act of placing or fixing in
f/njuos.'] — Ardma-s~ttald, f., N. of a fragrant plant. or on ; causing to mount or ascend, raising to heaven ;
Ardmika, as, m. a gardener. trickle or flow upon, to flow over, water.
planting ; trusting, delivering ; the stringing of a bow.
*MH.tl*U d-rambana, am, n. (=: a-lambana), ^THj i . a-ru, cl. 2 . P. -rauti or -ravlti, -raw-
support. turn, to shout, to cry out ; to praise. beA-ropamya,
raised, placed,as,&c.d, am, to be made to ascend ; to
A-rava, as, m. cry, crying, howling, crash, sound ; A-ropita, as, d, am, raised, elevated ; fixed, placed,
•411 (.4, ^11(13. See under I. a-ru. N. of a people.
made ; strung (as a bow) ; deposited, intrusted ; conse-
OK*! a-ras, cl. I. P. -rasati, -situm, to A-rdva, as, m. cry, crying; humming (of bees crated ;accidental, adventitious.
bewail, to lament. &c.); sound. 1. d-ropya, as, d, am, to be placed or fixed on or in.
A-rdvin, I, m. epithet of Jayasena. 2. d-ropya, ind. having made to ascend, having
«KU| drasya, am, n. (fir. a-rasa), insi- caused to mount, having placed upon.
pidity, want of flavour or spirit. •sinj 2. dm, us, m. a hog ; a crab ; the tree to be strung.
Lagerstrcemia Regina ; (its), f. a pitcher. A-ropyamdna, as, d, am, being strung, being tried
*UU ara, f. a probe, an awl. See under
2. dr. %MHj<* druka, am, n. a medicinal plant of A-roha, as, m. one who mounts or ascends, a rider
*|4JJ| a-rdga, as, m. (fr. rt. ranj with a), cooling tains. properties growing on the Himalaya moun- (on a horse &c.), one who is seated in a carriage ;
one of the seven suns at the end of a period of the ascent, rising, creeping up, mounting, riding ; haughti-
world. ness, pride ; elevation, elevated place, altitude ; a heap,
vi nj^ d-ru6, Caus. -rotayati, -yitum, to
regard as pleasant, to choose. mountain ; a woman's waist, the buttocks ; length ;
^HKliO d-rajnt, f. (fr. rdjan with 3. a), N. measure ; descending ( = ava-roha ?) ; a mine.
of a region. A-roka, as, m. shining through ; small points of A-rohaka, as, d, am, ascending; rising; raising
light between the threads of a web.
'flKIS drdda, as, m. with the epithet A-rw'ana, as, d, am, shining. upA-rohana,
; (as), m. am, a rider ; a tree.
n. the act of rising, ascending ; the
kdlapa, N. of a teacher of Sakya-muni. v)i^>^ d-rvj, k, k, k (rt. ruj), breaking. rising or growing of new shoots, growing (of plants) ;
•*il<jf<! drddhi, is, m. a patronymic of a A-ruja, as, a, am, Ved. breaking, destroying ; (as), Ved. a carriage; an elevated stage for dancing; a
teacher named Saugata in the Aitareya-Brahmana. m., N. of a Rakshas attendant on Ravana. ladder, a staircase ; riding on (a horse &c.).
A-rujatnu, us, us, u, Ved. breaking. mounting.
Arohanika, as, I, am, relating to ascent or
•*u<jn drat, ind. (see 2. ara), from a dis- A-roga, as, m., N. of a sun [cf. d-rdga].
tant place ; distant ; to a distant place ; far from (with
abl.) ; near; directly, immediately. »i«^ drunapardjin, I, m., N. of A-rohin, i, itii, i, ascending, mounting ; one who
Ardtlya, as, a, am, remote ; near, proximate. an ancient Kalpawork on the ritual of the BrShmanas. mounts or rides.
Arattat, ind., Ved. from a distant place. •flUcPm druni, is, m. (fr. aruna), N. of •sii^ ar«, MS, «s, «, of a tawny colour ;
Uddalaka, a renowned Brahmana teacher, son of Aruna (us), m. tawny (the colour).
WKlfil drdti, is, m. an enemy. See a-rdti.
Aupave^i and father of Svetaketu ; N. of Auddalaki, ^ITT are, ind. (see 2. ara), Ved. far, far
<SHlfd<* d-rdtrika, am, n. the light or the i. e. of Svetaketu ; of Supanieya, son of Prajapati ; from (with abl.) ; near.— Are-agha, as, d, am, Ved.
vessel containing it which is waved at night before of Vainateya, son of Vinata. having evil far removed. — Are-avadya, as, d, am,
an idol ; N. of this ceremony ; N. of another cere- Aruipeya, as, m. epithet of Svetaketu. Ved. one from whom blame or insult is far removed.
— Are-datru, us, us, u, Ved. one whose enemies
WTTn^a-rad/i, cl. 5. P. -rddhnoti, -rdddhum, derived iH I <>'fill •i^drunin, t'nas, m. pi., N. of a school are driven far away.
from VaiSsmpayana Aruni.
or Cans. P. -rddhayati, -yitum, to conciliate, pro- •«ii<.c|fi ureaata, as, m. a tree, = drag-
pitiate; strive to obtain the favour of; to honour, •«fl*\*!.fl drum, f., Ved. ' the red one,' a N. batlha, q. T. ; (am), n. the fruit of this tree.
worship ; to deserve, merit : Pass, -rddhyate, to be See arutfa. given to the horses of the Maruts, which are females.
effected or accomplished. <S)K^<ll d-rehana, am, n. (fr. rt. rih for lih
A-rddhaJea, ai, a, am, who or what worships, with a), Ved. licking, kissing.
•fllljWa-rurfA, cl.y. P. -runaddhi,-roddhum,
a worshipper. to keep off: Caus. -rodftayati, -yitum, to obstruct, viiCl'H drogya, am, n. (fr. a-roga), free-
A-rddhana, am, n. propitiating, rendering favour- dom from disease, health.
able to one's self; (am), n. accomplishment, under- A-rodhana,am, n.,Ved. secret place, innermost part. VMlO^ drki, is, m. a son of Arka or the
taking ;cooking ; acquirement, attainment ; grati- VH ^M! arushi, f. (fr. arusha), N. of a sun ; epithet of the planet Saturn.
fying, propitiating, worshipping; (a), f. service; (i),
f. worship, adoration, propitiation of the deities. daughter of Manu and mother of Aurva. wiisj drksha, as, 1, am (fr. riksha), stellar,
A-radfumlya or d-rddhitavya, as, a, am, to be i!(H\Mii. drush-kara, am, n. the fruit of regulated by the stars or constellations; (a«), m. a
worshipped or adored, to be conciliated or propitiated. the Semecarpus Anacardium. son or descendant of Riksha ; epithet of Asvamedha,
A-rddhayitri, td, trt, tri, endeavouring to conci-
liate or propitiate. •>H1tv^ I. d-ruh, cl. I. P. -rohati, -rod/mm, of S'rutarvan, of Sarnvarana. — Arksha-varsha, as,
m. a stellar year or revolution of a constellation.
A-rddhayishnu, ut, u», u, propitiatory ; = the to ascend, mount, bestride ; to venture upon, under-
preceding. take ;to attain, gain : Caus. -rohayati or -ropayati, Arkshya, patronymic of riksha Panini IV. i, 105.
A-radKita, at, d, am, accomplished, effected; •yitum, to cause to mount or ascend, raise ; to cause •SIIBJI^ drkshoda, as, i, am, inhabiting the
propitiated, pleased; worshipped, honoured, rever- to grow ; to plant ; to place, fasten ; to attribute. mountain Rikshoda.
enced. A-rurukshamdna, as, d, am (Desid.), wishing to
ascend. <UJ(r4 drgala, as, i, m. f. a bolt or bar.
A-rddJiya, a», a, am, to be made favourable, to
be worshipped. A-ruruTahu, us, us, u, desirous to rise or ascend See argala.
A-rddhyamdna, at, a, am, being in course of or advance, &c. iHIJ'^H drgbadha, as, m. = drag-badha, q.v.
fulfilment, being accomplished; being worshipped, 2. d-ruh, k, k, i.Ved. ascending ; (k), f. excrescence,
receiving worship. shoot (of a plant). 4IIIJI drghd, f. a sort of yellow bee.
arghya. drsha. 129
Arghya, as, a, am, relating to this bee; (am), Artvijya, am, n. the office or business of a sacri- (as, d or i, am), Aryan, favourable to the Aryan
n. its honey. ficing priest, his rank or order. people ; behaving like an Aryan, worthy of one,
honourable, respectable, noble ; of a good family ;
W*f ar<?a, as, i, am (fr. area or fr. n<f), ^rTF^ drtvya, as, m. a patronymic of excellent ; wise ; suitable ; (a), f. a name of PSrvati ;
devout, worshipping ; relating to the Ric or Rig-veda. Dvi-murdhan, a kind of Asura. a kind of metre of two lines, each line consisting of
Arfika, as, i, am, relating to the Rig-veda ; (am), drtha, as, I, am (fr. artha), relating seven and a half feet ; each foot containing four in-
n. an epithet of the SSma-veda. to a thing or object; material, significant (opposed to stants,.except the sixth of the second line, which con-
^HI-^FS drfatka, as, m. a patronymic of iSabda, q. v.). tains only one, and is therefore a single short syllable ;
Sara. Arthajxctya, am, n. (fr. artha-pati), power over
hence there are thirty instants in the first line and
or possession of a thing. twenty-seven in the second ; [with drya cf. the Old
•>HI'^lf*T«^ drcdbhin, mas, m. pi., N. of a Germ, fra and Mod. Germ. Ehrc."] *• Arya-grihya,
school, founded by a pupil of Vaiiampayana. Arthika, as, I, am, significant, wise, rich ; substan-
tial, real, pertaining to the true substance of a thing. as, d, am, easily to be got by honourable men, to
be received with honour by noble men ; decorous,
•>H|^ drCh (a-ri6h), cl. 6. P. artthati, -ihi-
tum, to fall into (mischief) ; to obtain ; to partake of. 'STrft drdra, as, d, am (said to be fr. rt. respectable, right. — Arya-td, (. or drya-tva, am, n.
ard), wet, moist, damp; fresh, not dry, succulent, honourable behaviour. — Arya-dcva, as, m., N. of a
•4UJN' drjava, am, n. (fr. riju), straight- green (as a plant), living ; fresh, new ; soft, tender, pupil of Nagarjuna. — Arya-de^a, as, m. a region
ness, straight direction ; rectitude, propriety of act or full of feeling, warm ; loose, flaccid ; (as), m., N. of inhabited by Aryans or followers of the Aryan laws.
observance ; honesty, open behaviour ; sincerity. a grandson of Prithu; (a), f. the fourth or sixth — Aryadefya, as, d, am, originating from such a
Nakshatra or lunar mansion. — Ardra-kdshtha, am, region. — Arya-putra, as, m. son of an Aryan or
•*KI*jTe|i drj'ika, as, m. (cf. rifika), Ved. n. green wood, timber not dry. — A rdra-td, f. or honourable man ; the son of a spiritual preceptor ;
originally perhaps a milk-vessel. This word probably ardra-tva, am, n. wetness, moisture; freshness, honorific designation of the son of an elder brother ;
denotes a celestial vessel, in which the heavenly Soma of a husband by his wife ; of a prince by a general ;
is purified, or one of the rivers which it forms in greenness ; softness, tenderness. — Ardra-ddnu, us,
us, », Ved. granting moisture. — Ardra-nayana, as, a husband (in theatrical language). — Arya-prdya,
the sky ; (Say.) a lake in the country Rijika.
d, am, moist-eyed, weeping, suffused with tears. as, d, am, inhabited by Aryan people; abound-
Arjiklya, as, m. = the preceding ; (a), f. a terres- — Ardra-pavl, is, is, i, Ved. having moist or drip- ing with respectable persons. —• Arya-bhatta, as,
trial river ; N. of the river VipSs'S. ping fellies (said of a carriage). — Ardra-pamtra, m., N. of a renowned astronomer, the inventor of
^iTjrimn drjundyana, as, m. pi. (fr. ar- as, d, am, Ved. having a wet strainer ; epithet of algebra, among the Hindus. — Arya-bhdva, as,
juna,), N. of a people. the Soma. — Ardra-mdsTid, f. a leguminous shrub, m. honourable character or behaviour. — Arya-
Arjundyanaka, as, i, am, inhabited by the Arju- Glycine Debilis. — Ardra-idka, am, n. fresh ginger. mdrga, as, m. the way of the honourable, the
nayanas. — Ardra-hasta, as, d, am, Ved. moist-handed. respectable way. — Arya^nis'ra, ds, m.
sembly of respectable or honourable men; pi. (as,
an as-
— Ardrd-luldhaka, as, m. the dragon's tail or de-
••sH^Cn drjuni, is, m. a patronymic from scending node. am), distinguished, respectable ; (as), m. a gentleman,
Arjuna. Ardraka, am, n. ginger in its undried state ; (ae, a man of consequence. — Arya-yuvan, d, m. an Aryan
Arjuneya, as, m. a patronymic of Kutsa. i, am), born under the constellation Ardra ; (us), youth. — Arya-rdja, as, m., N. of a king. — Arya-
m., N. of a son of Vasumitra.
^n^any (d-rinj), cl. i. A. drftjate, -jitum, rupa, as, d, am, one who has only the form of an
to strive after, to endeavour to obtain, to wish to Ardraya, nom. P. drdrayati, -yitum, to make Aryan ; a hypocrite, an impostor. — Aryalingin, i.iiii,
possess. wet, moisten. i, one who bears the external semblance of an Aryan
^(TJt drla, as, d, am (probably past pass. or honourable man, an impostor. — Arya-varman, d,
x drdh (a-ridh), Desid. A. ertsate, to
part, of rt. ri with prep, a, but according to some fr. wish to obtain or to collect. m., N. of a king. — Arya-vritta, am, n. the behaviour
of an Aryan or noble man ; (as, d, am), behaving
rt. rit, and according to others an irreg. formation
fr. rt. ard, which ought to form arna with prep. drdha (fr. ardha), used at the begin- like an Aryan ; virtuous, good, pious4 — Arya-ves'a,
sarn, ni and CT, and ardita in other cases), struck ning of compounds to express ' half.' as, d, am, dressed like an Aryan, well clothed, fine.
ArdJiadraunika, as, i, am, bought with half a — Arya-vrata, as, d, am, one who observes the
by calamity, afflicted, pained, disturbed ; injured ; op- drona, containing it, Sec. laws and ordinances of the Aryans or honourable men.
pressed, sutfering, sick, unhappy. — Arta-yala, as,
Ardhadhatuka, as, I, am, applicable to half the — Arya-sangli&, as, m. the whole body of the
m., N. of the plant Barleria Czrulea. — Arta-tara, as, root or to the shorter form of the verbal base ; this
a, am, extremely pained, disturbed, confounded. Aryans, the collective body of noblemen ; N. of a
is the name of those terminations and affixes which renowned philosopher, founder of the school of the
— Arta-ta, f. state of affliction, pain. — Arta-ndda
or drta-svara, as, m. a cry of pain. •« Arta-bandhu, belong to the six non-conjugational or general tenses. Yogakaras. — Arya-satya, am, n. a noble or sublime
us, m. friend of the distressed. These terminations are supposed to be affixedim- truth ; four such truths form the four chief principles
mediately to the root or with the interposition only of Buddhism. —Arya-siyha, as, m., N. of a Buddhist
Arti, is, (. painful occurrence, pain, injury, mischief, of an augment, such as the inserted i.
evil ; sickness ; the end of a bow [cf. arti and patriarch. — Arya-hridya, as, d, am, beloved by the
artel], — Arti-mat, an, aft, at, having or suffering
Ard/iaprasthika, as, i, am, bought &c. with noble. — Aryd-glti, is, f. a variety of the Arya metre,
half a prastha.
pain ; (an), m., N. of a serpent. — Arti-han, d, d, a, containing eight equal feet or thirty-two syllabic in-
Ardhamdsika, asr i, am, lasting 8K. for half a stants ineach verse of the couplet. — Arydvarta Cya-
or drti-hara, as, d, am, destroying pain. — Arty- month; observing or practising (continence &c.) for dv°), as, m. abode of the noble or excellent ; the
apaharana, am, n. the relieving of distress, pain, &c. a fortnight.
sacred land or place of residence of the Aryans ; N.
'Slflii drtand, {. (according to Say. de- Ardhardtrikn, as, m. pi. (fr. ardha-rdlra), N. of the land extending from the eastern to the western
rived fr. drift above), Ved. a destructive combat ; of an astronomical school who reckoned the begin- sea, and bounded on the north and south by the
(as an adj.?) uncultivated, wild ground (? connected ning of the motions of the planets from midnight.
Himalaya and Vindhya mountains. — Aryd-mldsa,
with dra, arana, aranya, &c.). Ardhika, as, J, am, sharing half, an equal partner ;
relating to half; (as), m. one who ploughs the as, m. title of a work. — Arydshtas'ata (^ya-ashia-
'ainntVu drtaparni, is, in. the son of Rita- sa°), am., n. title of a work of Arya-bhatta's, consisting
parna. a patronymic of Sudasa. ground for half the crop.
of eight hundred distichs.
'ill 5 <* drdhuka, as, i, am (fr. rt. ridh),Ved. Aryaka, as, m. an honourable, respectable man ; a
iHlft*<I'( drtabhdr/a, as, m. son of Rita- grandfather ; ty of a cowherd who became king ; of
conducive to success, useful, beneficial.
bhaga, a patronymic of Jarat-karava. a Naga. — Arytikd or dryikd, f. a respectable woman ;
uiinq drtava, as, d or i, am (fr. ritu), be- ^TH*^nrpat/,Caus. fr. rt. n with «. See 2 . dr. (ikd), f., N. of a Nakshatra ; (akam), n. a ceremony
longing or conforming to the seasons or periods of Arpayitri, td, m., Ved. one who injures or hurts. performed to the manes, the vessel £c. used in sacri-
fices made to the manes.
time, seasonable ; menstrual, relating to or produced isii*! «i drbhava, as, i, am (fr. ribhu), be-
by this discharge ; (as), m. a section of the year, a Arydnaka, N. of a country.
longing or sacred to the Ribhus. 411^ I<* drvdk, ind. after, afterwards, be-
combination of several seasons ; (i), f. a mare ; (am),
n. the menstrual discharge, certain days after the men- drya, as. d, m. f. (fr. arya, rt. ri), a hind. See arvdk.
strual discharge fit for generation ; fluid discharged loyal or faithful man, a man of one's own race ; one
by the female of an animal at the time of rut ; a who is faithful to the deities of his country ; N. of •>HI3I <irsa, as, I, am (fr. ris'ya),Ved. belong-
flower. ing to the antelope.
the Hindu and Iranian people (opposed to an-drya,
Artveyl, f. a woman during her courses. asyu, dasa); in later times N. of the first three Wl drsha, as, i, am (fr. risld), relating or
drtni, f., Ved. the end of a bow, the castes (opposed to a man highly esteemed, belonging to or derived from Rishis, i. e. the poets
a respectable, honourable man ; a master, an owner ; a of the Vedic and other old hymns, archaistic ; (as), m.
place where the string or sinew is fastened ;
friend ; a Vaisya; Buddha; (with Buddhists) a man who a form of marriage derived from the Rishis, the
'f iW»fl«T drtvijlna, as, I, am (fr. ritvij), has thought on the four chief principles of Buddhism father of the bride receiving one or two pairs of kine
fit for the office of a priest. and lives according to them ; a son of Manu Savarna ; from the bridegroom; (am), ". the speech of a
L 1
130 cirshotfhd.

Rishi, the holy text, the Vedas ; sacred descent ; thi hanging from; supporting, sustaining; fundament -gitum, or d. 10. P. -lingayati, -yitum, to clasp,
derivation (of a poem) from a Rishi author ; (d) base ; reason, cause ; (in rhetoric) the natural an< join the limbs closely ; to encircle, embrace.
necessary connection of feeling with the cause whicl A-linga, a*, m. embracing ; a kind of drum.
{. a class of Vedic metres. — Anhodha (°sha-udh°]
f. a wife married according to the Arsha form. excites it ; the mental exercise practised by the Yogin A-Hngana, am, n. clasping, embracing, an em-
Arsheya, as, i, am, relating or belonging to o in endeavouring to realize the gross form of the brace.
derived from a Rishi, of sacred descent ; venerable eternal ; silent repetition of a prayer ; (with Bud A-lingita, as, d, am, embraced ; (am), n. an
dhists) the five attributes of things corresponding to thi embrace. — Altityita-vat, an, ati, at, one who has
respectable; (am), n. sacred descent. — Areheya-vat embraced.
an, ati, at, Ved. connected with sacred descent. five senses, viz. form, sound, smell, taste, and touch
also dharma or law corresponding to manas. A-limjin, i, ini, i, embracing; (i), m. a small
^TPW drshabha, as, i, am (fr. rishabha) dium, shaped like a barley com and carried upon the
derived from a bull, produced by one. Alambdyana or dlambdyani-putra, as, m., N breast.
of a teacher.
Arshabhi, is, m., N. of the first C'akravartin in I. a-lingya,
a small drum. as, i, am, to be embraced ; (as), m.
BhSrata ; a son of the first Tlrthakrit Rishabha. A-lambi, is, m., N. of a pupil of Vais'ampayana.
Arshabhya,as, d, am, a steer sufficiently full-grown A-lambita, as, d, am, pendent, suspended, hang- a. d-lingya, ind. having embraced.
to be used or one fit to be castrated. ing from or on ; supported, upheld ; protected.
A-lambin, i, ini, i, hanging from, resting or
vMirt^i. dlinjara, as, m. a large clay
wfemu (irshtisheiia, as, m. a patronymic leaning upon; depending on or from; laying hole
of DevSpi. of, supporting, maintaining ; wearing ; (inas), m. pi,
N. of a school.
vdirtT^ ulinda or dlindaka, as, m. a terrace
%!Tt!lf drhata, as, i, am (fr. arhat), belong- before a house, a raised place or terrace for sleeping
ing to the doctrine of Jina or the Jains ; (as), m. a A-lambya, ind. having supported ; supporting,
sustaining ; taking by the hand. upon. See alinda.
Jaina, a follower of the doctrines of Jina.
Arhatya, am, n. the quality or practice of an Taiirt^ d-lip, cl. 6. P. -limpati, -leptum,
Arhat or Jain saint.
d-laya. See under 2. d-li. to anoint, besmear.
dlarka, as, i, am (fr. alarka), caused A-lipta, as, d, am, anointed, smeared, plastered.
^TT?J dla, am, n. spawn, any discharge of
venomous matter from poisonous animals ; yellow
by or relating to a mad dog. A-li»i}>ana, am, n. whitening or painting the
floor, wall, &c., on festival occasions.
arsenic, orpiment ; (as, d, aim), not small, large, ex- •^HIcJMJW dlavanya, am, n. (fr. a-lavana), A-lepa, as, m. smearing, plastering, anointing ;
tensive. Alakta,
— (°la-ak°), us, a, am, Ved. anointed ugliness, insipidity. liniment.
with poison (as an arrow). ^TTrtMlpi dlavdla, am, n. a basin for water A-lepana, am, n. smearing, plastering ; liniment.
round the root of a tree. See alavdla, dvala.
•«n«jT!r d-laksh, cl. IO. P. A. -lakshayati, 1. «//,*f. See under dli last col.
-te, -yitrnn, to descry, behold.
i. d-lakshya, as, d, am, to be observed, visible, '«ii«Hlazy.dlasa, as, i, am (fr. a-lasa), idle,
slothful, 2. d-li, cl. 4. A. -liyate, -letum or
apparent. -Idtum, to settle down upon ; to melt ; faint.
Alasya, as, i, am, idle, slothful, apathetic ; (am),
A-laya, as, am, m. n. a house, a dwelling, a re-
wio»>5j<iH dlakshanya, am, n. (fr. a-la- n. idleness, sloth, want of energy. — Alasya-niban- ceptacle, an asylum ; (frequently at the end of a com-
kshana), misfortune, crime. dhana, as, d, am, originating in indolence. pound, e. g. himdlaya, the abode of snow.)
fllpiVW 2. d-lakshya, as, d, am (3. d pre- '-i I rt 1 3i dldkta. See under dla. A-lina, as, d, am, melted, fused.
prefized in the sense of diminution), scarcely visible. Alinaka, am, n. tin ; lead (from its melting easily).
•^1(414^ dldtya, as, d, am (rt. lot for rat),
iHM'l^ alagarda, as, m. a species of Ved. being amongst the breakers of the sea (?). •s(lrt 1C d-lidha, as, d, am (rt. lih), eaten.
Cobra. See alagarda. dldta, am, n. a firebrand ; a coal icked, lapped by the tongue, scraped ; (as), m., N.
of a man ; (am), n. an attitude in shooting, the right
lairt^ d-lap, cl. I. P. -lapati, -pitum, to burning or extinguished. See alata. taiee advanced, the left leg retracted.
address, speak to, converse : Caus. -Idpayati, -yitum, ina, am, n. (etym. doubtful), the dUdhaka, am, n. the frolicing
to engage (another) in conversation, to question. post to which an elephant is tied ; the rope that ties
A-lapa, as, m. speaking to, addressing, speech, of a calf; (etym. doubtful, perhaps for ddhilaka.)
lim ; a fetter, a tie ; a rope or string ; tying, binding ;
conversation, communication; statement of the ques- ^m§ iilu, us, m. (said to be for dm fr. rt.
tion in an arithmetical or algebraic sum ; a question. [as), m., N. of a minister of Siva.
— Alaparvat, an, ati, at, speaking, addressing. Aldnlka, as, d, am, serving as a post to which an ri), an owl ; an esculent root, Arum Campanulatum ;
n the modern dialects this name is applied to the
A-lapana, as, d, am, causing to speak or converse elephant is tied.
,'am, potatoe, &c. ; ebony, black ebony ; (us or us),
about ; (am), n. speaking to, convening with. 4II;6|(4 d-ldpa, &c. See under d-lap. T. a pitcher, a small water-jar ; (u), n. a raft, a float.
A-ldpaniya or a-lapya, as, d, am, to be said or
spoken, to be spoken to or addressed. vtlrtl^ dldbu, us, or dldbii, its, f. a pump- Alaka,
sha, fis, of
the chief m. the
a kind
Nagasof or
serpentan race
epithet of S'e-
; (am), n.
A-ldpin, i, ini, i, speaking or conversing with ; sin gourd. See a-labu. the esculent root of Amorphophallus Campanuiatus.
(ini), f. a lute made of a gourd.
dldvarta (°la-dv°?), am, n. a fan d-lunfana, am, n. (rt. luM), tear-
•fllrtH \ d-labh, cl. i. A. -labhate, -labdhum, made of cloth.
to take hold of, touch, handle. ng in pieces, rending.
A-labhana, am, n. taking hold of, bringing (?).
dldsya (°la-ds°), as, m. a croco-
*s I rt s^ d-hul, cl. i. P. -lodati, -loditum, to
i. d-labhya, as, d, am, Ved. fit to be killed or dile ('poison-mouthed ;' see dla).
sacrificed. ali, is, m. (see ali), a scorpion; a tir up, mix, agitate.
A-lodana, am, n. mixing, blending; stirring. ,
i. d-labhya, ind. having received or obtained. >ee ; (is), f. a woman's female friend ; a row, range, haking, agitating.
A-lambha, as, m. taking hold of, seizing, touching; continuous line [cf. dealt] ; a ridge or mound of .\-li:ililK, as, d, am, mixed, blended, shaken,
tearing off, rooting out (of plants) ; the killing of the earth crossing ditches, dividing fields, &c. ; a dike ;
animal at a sacrifice. a line, a race, family ; (it, is, i), useless, idle, un-
A-lambhana, am, n. taking hold of, touching; meaning ;pure, honest, sincere. -luna, as, d, am (rt. lu), cut, cut off.
killing. Alin, 1, m. a scorpion [cf. ulin]. agitated.
d-lekhana, &c. See under d-likh.
A-lambhaniya, as, d, am, to be taken hold of or Ali, f. a female friend, row, range, line, &c.
handled, to be touched. d-lok, cl. i. A., 10. P. -lokate, -ki-
?TTTrt"^ d-likh, el. 6. P. -likhati, -lekhitum,
A_-lamh/r!i>, ;, in~it j, touching, taking hold of. o write, delineate. um, -lokayatt, -yitum, to look forth ; to behold ;
A-lnmllnja, as, d, am, obtainable, to be obtained; o consider, contemplate, regard.
fit or proper to be killed. • A-likhat, an, m. scratching ; N. of an evil spirit.
A-loka, as, m. looking, seeing, beholding, sight,
A-likhya, ind. pourtraying, delineating, sketching.
•flirt tf d-lamb, cl. I. A. -lambatf, -bitum, A-lekhana, as, d, am, scratching, painting ; (as), aspect; light, lustre, splendor; flattery, praise.com-
to rest or lean upon ; to hang from ; to depend ; to m., N. of a teacher ; (i), f. a brush, a pencil ; (am), ilimentary language, panegyric ; section, chapter.
A-lokana, am, n. seeing, looking, sight, beholding.
lay hold of, support, seize ; to strike up (a tune or n. scratching, writing, painting.
note). A-lokaniya, as, d, am, visible ; to be considered,
A-leklnjn, d*, a, am, to be written, to be deline-
A-lamba, as, d, am, hanging down; (as), m. ated or painted ; (nm), n. a painting, writing. — Ale- :garded. — Alokaniya-td, f. the being visible.
that on which one rests or leans ; support ; receptacle ; A-lokita, as, d, am, seen, beheld.
kltytt-lekliii, f. painting. — Alckhi/a-iiesha, as, d, am,
a prop ; an asylum ; depending on or from ; a per- having nothing left but a painting, deceased. A-lokin, i, ini, i, seeing, beholding.
pendicular; (d),f., N. of a plant with poisonous A-lokya, ind. having seen or looked at, beholding.
leaves. dliy'i, f., Ved., N. of a serpent. 'illrtl1'^ ii-lof, cl. i. A. -Mate, -6itum, to
-i-lambana, am, n. depending on or resting upon, d-littg, cl. i. P. A. -lingati, -te, jehold, view, perceive, consider, reflect.
dvish-kri. 131
A-loiaTca, at, a, am, beholding ; causing to see ; dvalguja, as, i, am (fr. a-valau-ja), avijaanya, as, i, am (fr. a-mjnd-
(am), n. the faculty of vision or the cause of sight. produced from the plant Vemonia Anthelminthica. iiajl Ved. undistinguishable.
A-loicma, am, a, n. f. seeing, perceiving ; con-
sidering, reflecting. viiq^fl'C avaslra, as, m. pi., N. of a people. vi iP=» n lx d-vi-tan, cl. 8. A. -tanute, -nitum,
A-lo<tita, as, a, am, seen, beheld, considered. vu=iait( avasya, am, n. (fr. avasya), neces- to diffuse light over, illuminate.
i. a-lofya or d-loiamya, as, a, am, to be seen, sity, inevitable act or conclusion. vufitj i. d-vid, Caus. P. -vedayati, -yitum,
thought of or considered.
Avafyaka, as, I, am, necessary, inevitable ; (am), to make known, report, declare, announce.
1. a-lofya, ind. having considered, having reflected. n. necessity, inevitable act or conclusion ; (avaiya- 2. d-vid, t, {., Ved. knowledge, the being or be-
W\&\Ad-lola, as, a, am, trembling slightly, kam kri, to do what nature makes necessary.) — A- coming known ; technical designation of the Vedic
rolling (as an eye) ; shaken, agitated ; (as), m. trem- vasyaka-tva,
inevitability. am, n. or dvas'yaka-td, f. necessity, formulas beginning with avis and dvltta.
bling, agitation. A-widvas, an, ushl, as, Ved. acquainted with,
A-lolita, as, a, am, shaken, agitated. knowing thoroughly, skilled in.
vTR^a-»as, cl. i. P. -vasati, -vastum, to
^rra ava, the base of the dual cases of the inhabit, be occupied or engaged in (with ace.) : Caus. A^vedaka, as, d, am, making known, reporting,
pronoun of the 1st person ; Nom. Ace. <ra-aw (Ved. announcing ; (as), m. an appellant, a suitor ; one who
P. -vdsayati, -yitum, to cause or allow one to makes known, an informer.
avam)', Inst. Dai.Ab\.dvdbhydm; Gen.Loc.dvayos. dwell, receive hospitably ; to inhabit, settle in a place.
A-vasati, is, f. the night, i. e. the time during A-vedana, am, n. representation, stating a com-
T»\4\d-vat, el. 3. P., Ved. -vivakti, -vak- which one rests. plaint, addressing or apprising respectfully.
tum, to invoke.
A-vasatha, as, m. a dwelling-place, habitation ; a or announced. as, a, am, to be declared or reported
^HHrl a-vat, t, f. (fr. 3. a), Ved. proximity, house ; a fire-temple or place where sacrificial fire is
preserved ; a dwelling for pupils and ascetics ; a par- A-vedita, as, a, am, made known, communicated,
(opposed to para-vat.)
ticular religious observance ; a treatise on the Aryl represented.
vt|c(<; d-vad, cl. I. P., Ved. -vadati, -ditum, metre. A-vedin, i, inl, i, announcing, declaring.
to shout at, invoke, celebrate. Avasathika, as, I, am, inhabiting a house, house- 1. d-^vedya, ind. having made known.
2. d^vedya, as, d, am, to be represented or made
•>.i i q <-| s dvaneya, as, m. (fr. avani), son of hold, domestic ; keeping a sacred fire in one's house. known.
the earth ; epithet of the planet Mars. Avasathya, as, a, am, being in a house ; (as),
m. the sacred fire kept in a house ; (as, am), m. n. A-vedyamdna, as, a, am, being made known,
fHNf*rl=li dvantika, as, i, am (fr. avanti), a dwelling (<y r>upils and ascetics ; (am), n. placing stated or represented.
coming from or belonging to Avanti or the district of a sacred fire within a house. vdiq^M dvidiirya, am, n. (fr. a-vidura),
Oujein; (as), m. pi., N. of a Buddhist school; (a), A-vdsa, as, m. abode, residence, dwelling, house. proximity.
f., N. of the daughter of a Br"ihman . dvasdyin, i, ini, i (fr. avasa- THlPw d-vi-bhd, cl. 2. P., Ved. -bhdti,
Avantya, as, a, am, coming from or being in the
country Avanti ; (as), m. a prince or an inhabitant dyin), Ved. going after a livelihood or provisions.] -turn, to kindle on all sides (with dat. of the thing
kindled, Rig-veda I. 71, 6).
of Avanti or of Oujein ; the offspring of a degraded viiqftnr avasita, as, a, am, stored (as
Brahman. avir-bhdva. See under avis.
grain), winnowed ; ripe, full-grown. See ava-sita.
iHlqUJj-eop, cl. i. P. A. -vapati, -te, -vap- vi 1 1 i**( =B dvasthika, as, I, am (fr. 2. ava- dvila, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt. vil
ium, to sow, scatter ; to pour out ; to offer : Caus. P. sthd), founded on circumstances, suitable, adapted to. with d), turbid (as a fluid), foul, not clear. — Avila-
-rdpayati, -yitum, to shave, cut off, trim. Icanda, as, m., N. of a root.
A^capana, am, n. the act of sowing, throwing, •suq^ fi-eah, cl. i. P. -vahati, -vodhum, to
bring, to bring to pass : Caus. P. -vdhayati, -yitum, turbid, Avilaya, nom. P. dvilayati, -yitum, to make
scattering, placing upon ; instilling, inserting ; capa- to blot.
city, a vessel, a jar, a ewer ; sowing seed, weaving ; to have brought, cause to be brought, send for ; to
make one bring. •si IPi 31 d-vis, cl. 6. P. -visati, -veshtum, to
(i), (., Ved. a vessel, a jar.
A-vapanttka, as, a, am, Ved. scattering. A-mka, as, d, am, bringing, bringing to pass, go towards, approach ; to enter ; to take possession of;
A-vapa, as, a, am, scattering, throwing ; (as), m. producing ; what bears or conveys ; (as), m., N. of to arise : Caus. -vetfayati, -yitum, to cause to enter.
scattering, throwing ; sowing seed ; casting, directing ; one of the seven winds or bands of air, that which is
A-vitat, an, atl or anti, at, approaching, entering.
(in pharmacy) throwing additional ingredients into usually assigned to the bhuvar-loka or atmospheric A-vishta, at, d, am, entered ; possessed (by a
any compound in course of preparation ; mixing, in- region between the bhur-loka and svar-loka ; one demon &c.); possessed, engrossed, rilled (by any
serting ;setting out or arranging vessels, jars, &c. ; of the seven tongues of fire,
a kind of drink ; a bracelet ; a basin for water round A-vahat, an, anil, at, bringing, receiving. sentiment or feeling), intent. — Avfohta-Knga, as,
the root of a tree ; uneven ground ; hostile purpose, A-vahana, am, n. bringing near. d, am, (a noun) which possesses or has the force of
intention of going to war ; a vessel; principal oblation A-vahamdna, as, d, am, bearing along, bringing all three genders (or which in every relationship pre-
to fire. near, followed by, succeeded, bringing in succession. serves its own gender, e. g. pradhdnam, upa-
sarjanam, &c.).
Avdpaka, as, m. a bracelet of gold, &c. A-vdha, as, m. marrying ; N.of asonofSVaphalka.
A-vdpana, am, n. a loom, an implement for A-vahana, am, n. sending for, inviting, calling; A-ves"a, as, m. joining one's self; entering, entrance,
weaving ; a reel or frame for winding thread. offering oblations with fire ; (i), f. a particular position taking possession of; absorption of the faculties in
Avdpika, as, a, am, additional, inserted, supple- of the hands, the palms being placed together, and one wish or idea, intentness, devotedness to an object ;
mentary. the_thumbs turned towards the root of the ring-finger. demoniacal frenzy, possession, &c. ; pride, arrogance ;
A-rdhita, as, d, am, invoked, invited. indistinctness of idea, apoplectic or epileptic giddiness.
vuq«4 i. avaya, am, n. (fr. 2. a-vl), Ved. A-ves~ana, am, n. entering, entrance ; possession by
non-conception, barrenness. VHII a-va, cl. 2. P. -vdti, -turn, to blow
from all quarters, to blow upon: Desid. P. A. devils, &c. ; passion, anger, fury ; a house in which
work is carried on, a workshop, a manufactory, &c. ;
•wliq'M 2. avaya, as, a, m. f. water. -wivdsati, -te, to care for, be attentive to, favour. the disk of the sun or moon.
A-vat, an, aft or dntl, at, blowing. Amtika, as, t, am, own, peculiar; inherent; (as,
•vi [ q 44 1 j^ dvaydj, s, m. (fr. ava-yaj), Ved.
one who expiates or averts by means of sacrifice ; vil=n«JT d-vddhd, f. (see d-bddhd), pain, i, am), m. f. n. a guest, a visitor ; (am), n. entering
(Say. as if from rt. m with d) one who causes the distress ; segment of the base of a triangle. into ; hospitable reception, hospitality.
sacrifice to go to the gods. •jIlfcM d-vish, cl. 3. P. A., Ved. -veveshti,
vn'ehU avapa, &c. See under d-vap. -vevislite, -veshtum, to pervade, penetrate, visit, go
WK*II«H dvarasamaka, as, I, am (fr. avara- vi 1 11*0 dvdla, am, n. a basin of water through.
sama), to be paid in the following year. round the foot of a tree. See dlavdla.
"3iiqf»1rT ii-varjita. See under ii-vrij. ••HirM*? «ms, ind. (said to be connected
d-vdsa. See under d-vas.
with vahis and awe; or, according to others, fr.
*-i i H n d-varta, &c. See under a-vrit.
dvika, as, i, am (fr. avi), relating d-viil : cf. Gr. ^f ; Lat. ex ?), before the eyes,
^Tr^T^rT il-varhita, as, it, am, eradicated, to or derived from sheep ; woollen ; (am), n. a openly, manifestly, evidently ; (very often joined to
plucked up by the roots. woollen cloth, blanket. — Avika-simtrika, as, I, am, the roots us, thu, and kri.)
made of woollen thread. Amr-bhu, cl. i. P. -bhavati, -mtum, to be or
•wi^rirt dvali, is or i., f. (fr. rt. val with a?),
a row, a range, a continuous line; a series, dynasty, *S( it dvikshita, as, m. (fr. a-vikshit), becomefest, beapparent or visible, to appear, become mani-
present before the eyes. — Amr-bhdva, as,
a lineage.
a patronymic of Marutta. • m. manifestation, becoming visible, presence. — Avir-
vi i q*^ d-valg, cl. i. P. A. -valgati, -te, "aiPi'ii dvigna, as, m. the fruit tree Carissa bhuta, as, d, am, manifest, become visible, appeared.
-gitum, to spring, to jump, to leap up. Carandas L. See a-vigna. Avioh-km, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to make
132 vfTl^ «H,*9 avish-karana. a£aya.

apparent, reveal, uncover, show.— Avish-kantna, opposite direction ; repeating, doing over again; study,
•wisi^ i. as' (a-as), cl. 5. P. A. (Class, only
am, n. or drish-kdra, as, m. making visible, mani- practising; (i), f. a crucible. — Avartana-mani, is,
festation. —Avish-krita, as, d, am, made visible, m. a gem of secondary order, generally known as A.) dinoti, -nute, ds'itum, to reach to ; to obtain,
revealed, uncovered, evident, manifest, known. Rajavarta. gain ; to addict one's self to.
Avishfya, as, d, am, Ved. apparent, manifest. A-cartaniya, as, a, am, to be turned round or ^Srnis2. as" (a-as'), cl. 9. P. asnati, asitum,
Avis-tardm, ind., Ved. in a more manifest way. whirled ; to be reversed ; to be repeated. to eat : Caus. diayati, -yttum, to give to eat.
A-vartamana, as, a, am, going round, revolving ;
•W!«i1 i. a-rJ, cl. 2. P., Ved. -veti, -turn, to advancing, proceeding. 'STT^I dsa, as, d, am (fr. rt. 2. as), an eater,
go towards, approach, enter. eating ; often in this sense at the end of compounds ;
A-vartita, as, a, am, turned round, stirred round.
2. d-rl, f. the pangs of child-birth. (For avi, (. of
A-vartin, i, ml, i, what whirls or turns upon itself; (o«), m. eating.
As'aka, am, n. eating.
drya, see dvya next col.)
returning ; (i), m. a horse having curls of hair on
A-rlta, as, d, am, entered, passed, gone ; placed, various parts of his body, considered as a lucky Aiayltri, td, trl, tri, feeding, a feeder, one who
hung; (ox), m. the sacrificial cord worn in a parti- gives food ; protecting, a protector.
cular manner. mark ; (ini), f. a whirlpool ; N. of the plant Odina I. d.-ii, is, f. the act of eating food.
Aritin, i, m. a Brahman who wears the sacrificial Adita, as, d, am, eaten ; given to eat ; voracious.
cord in a particular manner, especially on the right 3. a-vrit, t, {. turning towards or round, entering; — AiUhta-gavina, as, d, am, formerly grazed by
shoulder. (Say.) causing to turn towards ; turn of a path or cattle. — Aditam-bhava, as, d, am, satiating ; (am),
way, course, process, direction ; progress of an action, u. food, victuals; (as or am), m. n. satisfaction,
•fll^od dvuka, as, m. a father (in theatrical occurrence, a series of actions, order, method. ~Avrit-
language). rat, an, ati, at, Ved. turned or turning towards. excessively.
Aiitri, td, trl, tri, voracious, gluttonous, eating
A^vritta, as, a, am, turned round, stirred, whirled ;
^rra1 a-vri, cl. 5. 9. P. A. -vrinoti, -vrinute, reverted, averted ; retreated, fled. As'in, I, ini, i, eating.
-vrindti, -nite, -varitum or -rltum, to choose, de- A-vritti, is, f. turning towards, entering, turning
sire ;to cover, hide, conceal ; fill, surround ; to enclose, back or from, reversion, retreat, flight ; recurrence to I. axira, as, d, am, voracious ; (as), m. fire; a
comprehend, shut, hem in ; to keep off: Caus. P. Rakshas. (For 2. d&ra see under SMr.)
the same point ; repetition ; turn of a way, course,
-vdrayati, -yitum, to cover, enclose, ward off, keep direction; occurrence; revolving, going round; worldly vi i ^Jlfl d-sans, cl. I. P. -sansali, -situm, to
off. existence, the revolution of births ; use, employment,
A-varaka, as, d, am, what covers or conceals, a tell ; A. or ep. P. -ianaate, to hope for, desire, be-
application. — AvHtti-dipaka, am, n. (in rhetoric) lieve :Caus. P. Ved. -fansayati, -yitum, to render
cover, a veil. laying stress upon a word by repeating it. famous or celebrated.
A-rarana, as, d, am, covering, hiding, concealing; asserting.
A^vritya, ind. having turned, turning towards. A-6ansana, am, n. expecting, wishing ; declaring,
(am), n. covering, concealing, hiding ; shutting, en-
i closing; an obstruction, interruption; a covering, a •stiqrf a-vridh, cl. I. A. -vardhate, -dhitum,
garment, cloth ; anything that protects, an outer bar to increase. A-dansd, f. wish, desire, hope; speech, declaration.
or a fence, a wall ; a shield ; a bolt, lock ; mental A-s"ansita, as, d, am, wished, hoped, expected ;
a-vrish, cl. i. P. A., Ved. -varshati, declared, said.
blindness. — Atarana-s'akti, is, f. the power of illu- serting.
sion, that which veils the real nature of things. te', -sfeitum, to rain, to pour out (a libation). A-fansitri, td, trl, tri, wishing, desiring ; as-
A-vrishti, is, f. raining, pouring.
A-vdra, enclosing, keeping off, in the words dur-
dvdra, skandhdvdra, q. q. v. v. XSIH'I a-vega, as, m. (rt. vij), hurry, haste A-dansin, I, ini, i, declaring, announcing.
A-iansu, us, us, u, wishing, hoping, desiring.
A-vdri, is, m. a shop, a stall. produced by excitement ; flurry, agitation ; (t), f. the
A-ias, as, f., Ved. wish, desire, hope; (Say.) praise.
A-vdrya, ind. having enclosed, having covered ; plant Convolvolus Argenteus.
concealing ; warding off. I. d-s"d, f. wish, desire, hope, expectation, pros-
A-vrita, as, d, am, enclosed, encompassed, sur- •«tl=lt<!!li avenika, as, t, am (ft. a-veni), not pect; hope personified as the wife of a Vasu : (for 2.
rounded (bya ditch, wall, &c.) ; covered, screened, con- connected with anything else ; independant. did see next page.) — Add-krita, as, d, am, lit.
cealed invested,
; involved ; spread, overspread, over- , &c. See under T. a-vid. ' made expectation,' attended with the expectation (of
cast ;filled with, abounding with ; (as), m. a man of being gratified) or hope of success. — Afanvita (°rfd-
mixed origin, the son of a Brahman by a woman of a-vesa, &c. See under a-tis. an"), as, d, am, having hope. — Add-pidddikd, f.
the Ugra caste. d-veshta, as, m. (rt. vesht), sur- fallacious hopes. — Aid-prdpta, as, d, am, success-
A-vriti, is, f. covering, enclosing, hiding. rounding, covering with. ful, possessing the object hoped for. ~ Aid-bandha ,
as, m. band of hope, confidence, trust, expectation ;
A-veshfaka, as, m. a wall, a fence, an enclosure.
•«H<J»^ a-vrij, cl. I. A. -varjate, -jitum, to a spider's web. — Add-bhattga, as, m. disappointment.
bestow, give : Caus. P. -varjayati, -yitum, to turn A-teshtana, am, n. wrapping round, binding, ty- — Aid-vat, an, att, at, hoping, having hope, trust-
over, incline, bend, pour out, to cause to yield, over- ing; a wrapper, an envelope, a bandage; an en-
come. closure. ing. —As"d-vaha, as, m. bringing hope ; N. of a son
of heaven ; of a Vrishni. — Add-vibhinna, as, d,
A-varjita, as, d, am, inclined, poured down, A^ixshtita, as, a, am, surrounded, enveloped, in-
made to flow downwards. am, disappointed in expectation. — Aid-hlna, as,
closed, bound or tied. d, am, one who has lost all hope, desponding,
A-varjya, ind. turning down slantwise, inclining, *JII«M avya, as, f. avi, am, Ved. belonging despairing.
pouring out, to sheep ; woollen.
^I3I<^' a-sak, cl. 5. P., Ved. -saknoti, -sak-
^TTTfT^ l. a-vrit, cl. I. A. -vartate, -titum, »Ni«i«T a-vyadh, cl. 4. P. -vidhyati, -vyad- titm, to render one capable, to make one master
to turn or go towards, to rum round, turn back, or possessor of: Desid. Ved. -tikshati, to render one
iJhum, poet, -reddhum, to shoot at, to throw ; to
revolve, return : Caus. P. -vartayati, -yitum, to hit, pierce, wound ; to pin on. master of, impart.
cause to turn ; to roll ; to cause to roll down, shed ; A-iakta, as, d, am, able, powerful, capable.
A-nilillia, as, a, am, cast, thrown, sent; pierced,
to attract ; A. -vartayate, to turn round or back. wounded ; disappointed ; crooked ; false, fallacious ; A-iakti, is, f. power, ability, might.
A-varta, as, m. turning, winding, turning round, stupid, foolish. — Amddha-kariii or dviddha-kar- A-Jikshd, f., Ved. desire of learning.
revolving ; whirl, gulf, whirlpool ; deliberation, revolv-
ing (inthe mind) ; a lock of hair that curls backwards, iiikfi, f., N. of a plant. ^rr3l]£ d-sank, cl. i. A. -sonicate, -kitum,
A-vidha, as, m. an awl, a drill, a kind of gimlet to fear, suspect, doubt, hesitate.
especially on a horse ; the two depressions of the fore- worked by a string.
head above the eyebrows; a crowded place where A-fankaniya, as, d, am, to be doubted ; to be
A-vedhya, as, a, am, to be pierced, pinned on,
many men live close together ; a kind of jewel ; N. of
apprehended ; questionable.
a form of cloud personified; (d), f., N. of a river; A-vyddhin, i, ini, i, Ved. wounding, attacking ; A-iankamdna, as, d, am, fearing, apprehending.
(am), n. a mineral substance, pyrites, marcasite. put on. A-ia»ka, f. fear, apprehension ; doubt, uncertainty ;
•irtaka, as, m. a kind of poisonous insect ; N. (inT), f. a band of robbers.
of a form of cloud personified ; depression above the distrust, suspicion. — Afankinvita (°ka-an°), as, d,
•WT^JM*^ a-vyusham Ved., ind. till the am, apprehensive, doubting, uncertain ; afraid.
frontal ridge or over the eyebrows ; whirlpool ; revo-
lution ;revolution of the mind from the influence of A-$ankita, as, d, am, feared, dreaded ; doubted.
^rra*TN d-vraj, cl. i. P. A. -vrajati, -te, A-iankln, i, ini, i, fearing, doubting, hesitating.
the senses; a curl of hair; (i), f., N. of a creeping
-jitum, to walk towards or up to ; to return. A-iankya, ind. having suspected, fearing, appre-
plant. hending, doubting.
A-vartana, as, d, am, Ved. turning round or vi i^^ a-vras6, cl. 6. P., Ved. -vrisdati,
towards ; revolving ; (am), n. turning, turning round, •vraititum or -rrashtum, to tear off, cut off, tear
a-sad, cl. 6. \.-6iyate, -sattum, to go.
returning ; circular motion, gyration, churning, stirring in pieces, interrupt.
anything in fusion; melting metals together, alli- as'ana, as, m., N. of the tree
A-vra4fona, am, n., Ved. the stump of a tree.
; time when the sun begins to cast shadows
gationthe A^Lvaska, as, m., Ved. the being torn off or tear- Pentaptera Tomentosa. See 3. as'ana.
towardi the east or when shadows are cast in an ing itself off. asaya. See under 3. a-st.
a&ayasa. 133
the stomach in particular ; the seat of feelings and bladder.
Atfmarika, as, i, am, suffering from stone in the
'Ol 31*4731 asayasa. See under 5-sdya below.
thoughts, the mind, heart ; the thought lying in the
^TTTjrc d-sara, as, m. (rt. sri), fire; a mind, meaning, intention ; disposition of mind, mode Atmika,
Rakshas, a goblin ; the wind ? [cf. 1. asira]. of thinking ; will or pleasure ; virtue, vice ; fate, for- stone, &c. as, i, am, made of stone, consisting of
A-s'arlka, as, m.,Ved., N. of a disease, violent and tune ;property, possessions ; a miser, a niggard ; N.
acute pain in the limbs. ^Tnpj d-syai, cl. I. A. -tyayate, -syatum,
of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia. — Atiayas'a (°ya- to become
become dry. coagulated or congealed, to congeal, to
iisala, as, m. a tree. Seejlvaka. dia), as, m. fire; [cf. atrayas'a, under j. d-s"ri.]
a, am, n. (fr. asu), speed, quick- ^TTJIJ asu, us, us, u (said to he fr. I. as'), 1. a-fydna, as, d, am, consolidated, coagulated,
fast, quick, going quickly; (u), ind. quickly, quick, congealed.
ness (for
; d-sava, q. v.) a spirit distilled from molasses.
immediately, directly; (us), m., Ved. the quick one, 2. d-fydna, as, d, am (d implying diminution),
iHISJWd d-sasana, am, n. (rt. sas), Ved. a horse ; (us or u), m. n. rice ripening quickly in the
cutting up an animal when killed. rainy season ; [cf. Gr. UKUS, &KHTTOS ; Lat. acu in partially dried.
'SltlVTJJI d-srapana, am, n. (rt. sri with a),
*sil»M 2. osa, f. (fr. rt. i. as; for I. a-sd see ampedeus, dcissimus : of the same origin may be the act of cooking slightly.
the Lat. aquila and accipiter.] — Aiu-kdrin, I, inl,
last page under a-jfans), space, region, quarter of the
compass, an intermediate region. — .Aild-gaja, as, m. {, doing anything quickly, smart, active ; (in medic.) W31H d-srama, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt. sram
an elephant of a quarter or point of the compass, sup- operating speedily. — Atu-kcrpin, I, irii, i, easily pro- with a), a hermitage, the abode of ascetics, the
porting one division of the globe. —Ada-daman, a, voked, irritable. — As~u-kriyd, f. quick procedure. cell of a hermit or of retired saints or sages ; a period
— Atu-ga, as, d, am, going or moving quickly, in the religious life of a BrShman, of which there are
m., N. of a king. — As'dditya (°3d-dd°) or ds'drka swift, fleet ; (as), m. the wind ; the sun ; an arrow ; four referable to the different periods of life (viz. 1st,
(°s"d-ar°), as, m., N. of a commentator. — Add-pala,
as, m., Ved. a defender or guardian of the regions or N. of one of the first five followers of S'akya-muni. that of the Brahma-(5arin or student ; 2nd, that of the
— Ainu-gamin, I, inl, i, going or moving quickly ; Griha-stha or householder ; 3rd, that of the VSna-
quarters. — As'd-pura, am, n., N. of a town. — A$a- (1), m. an epithet of the sun. — A6un-ga, as, m., Ved. prastha or anchorite ; and 4th, that of the Bhikshu or
pura-giygulu, us, or dtdpura-sambhava, as, m. N. of an animal, perhaps a bird ; going to the horse (?). beggar : in some places the law-givers mention only
a kind of Bdellium.
— As'u-tosha, as, d, am, easily pleased or appeased ; three such periods of religious life, the first period
asddha for dshadha, q.v.
(as), m., N. of S'iva. — Aifu-tva, am, n. quickness. being then omitted) ; a college, a school ; a wood or
. d-sdra, as, m. (fr. rt. sri with d), — As"u-pattri, f. a tree which yields frankincense, thicket. — Airama-guru, us, m. the head of a re-
Boswellia Serrate. — A.<u-patvan, d, m., Ved. flying ligious order, a preceptor, a principal. — Adrama-
shelter. — Addraishin (°ra-esh°), I, inl, i, Ved. seek- quickly. — Atu-phala, as, m. a kind of weapon. dharma, as, m. the special duty or duties of each
ing shelter.
— AturborJlui, ' easily understood," 'teaching quickly,' order or period of life. — Airama-pada, am, n. a
'-MI3IIW a-s"as, cl. 2. P. -sdsti, -fasitum, to title of a grammar. — As"u-mat,an,ati,at,Ved. quick; hermitage ; a period in the religious life of a Brahman.
order, command, relate; A. -s~dste, to wish well (at), ind. quickly. — I . ds'u-yd, as, as, am, Ved. (S5y.) — Airama-panxm, a, n. the first section of the fif-
towards, pray for ; to praise ; to desire. going quickly. — A^u-rat?ia, as, d, am, Ved. pos- teenth book of the Mah5-bharata. •- As"rama-bhra-
sessing fast
a chariot. — Adu-vrlhi, is, m. rice ripen- shta, as, d, am, fallen or apostatising from an ddrama
n. A-s~dsya, as, d, am, to be wished, desirable ; (am),
wish, benediction. ing quickly in the rainy season. — A^ti-shena, as, a,
or religious order. — As'rama-mandala, am, n. the
I. d-dis, Is, f. asking for, prayer, wish ; blessing, am, Ved. having swift arrows. — Aiii-keman, a, m.,
benediction ; bestowing or praying for a blessing upon Ved. urged to fast course, running on quickly ; inciting circle of a hermitage, a hermitage. — As~ramavdsika,
as, t, am, relating to residence in a hermitage;
others ; one of the eight chief medicaments. — ASir- his horses (as an epithet of Agni, especially when ddramavasikam parva, title of the fifteenth book of
rdda or difir-vdda. as, m. expression of a prayer or regarded as Apam-napat).— Aiu-hestiOS, as, as, as, the Maha-bharata. — Atirama-vastn, i, or dirama-
wish, benediction. — A&r-geya, am, n. a song ac- Ved. having neighing horses ; (Siy.) having quick ead, t, m. an inhabitant of a hermitage, an ascetic.
companied with benedictions. — As^r-dd, f., Ved. the horses or quickly praised ; epithet of the Asvins. — Ato- — Adrama-sthdna, am, n. the abode of hermits, a
offering of a prayer. — Afir-vutana, am, n. a bless- apas, di, as, as, Ved. acting quickly. — Atv-afoa, as,
ing, abenediction. d, am, Ved. possessed of quick horses ; an epithet of hermitage. — Airamalaya (°ma-dlQ), as, m. an in-
the Maruts. — Aiva&vya, am, n., Ved. possession of shad (°ma-up°), habitant ofa hermitage, an ascetic. — As~ramopani-
I. i-fi, f. wishing or bestowing a blessing. t, f. title of an Upanishad.
quick horses. A&ramika, as, i, am, or airamin, i, inl, i,
^nfijt 2. d-si, cl. 3. P., Ved. -siseti, -setum,
Ailman, d, m. quickness, rapidity ; = ds'afa, q.v. belonging to one of the four orders or periods of
to incite. (For I. ds"{ see under dfa last page.) 1. dfuyd, ind., Ved. quickly, rapidly. religious life; &c. belonging to a hermitage, a hermit,
an anchorite,
iHlPajajl d-sikshd. See under d-sak. ^TT3T3refft!I d-susukshani, is, is, i (fr. rt.
vt i I9j ra n d-sinjita, as, d, am, tinkling (as Sut with a), Ved. shining forth; (SSy.) 'being ^T7R i. d-s"rava, as, m. (more correctly
of the ornaments worn on the hands and feet). worshipped on account of shining very quickly ' or written d-srava, q.v.), stream, flow, river; distress,
'causing fatigue; fault, transgression. (For 2. d-drava see
wind ; air.sorrow (to one's enemies');, (is), m. fire, under d-tiru next page.)
page. ^nfijnT^ -suP^n.. See under ds'a
vi i Psm Ssina, as, a, am (fr. i. as), Ved. •« oil* is «f dsekutin, i, m. a mountain ^rrf^I I. a-sn', cl. i. P. A. -srayati, -te,
aged ; (reaching to many years.) (etymology doubtful). -yitum, to resort to, betake one's self to; seek refuge
in, enter, inhabit; depend on, choose, prefer; to
dsiman. See under am next col. •« 1 311 mti d-s'oshana,am, n. the act of drying. assist, adhere to, be subject to, keep in mind.
dsaufa, am, n. (fr. a-sufl), impurity. A-iraya, as, m. that to which anything is annexed,
If dsir, is, f. (fr. rt. sri for sri with d), or with which anything is closely connected, or on
Ved. the milk which is mixed with the Soma juice to i . dscarya, as, d, am (fr. rt. far with
which anything depends or rests ; a recipient, the per-
purify it (e. g. dadhydittrah Somdsah = Soma offer- d, with a sibilant inserted), appearing rarely, curious, son or thing in which any quality or article is inherent
ings purified by mixture wilh thickened milk). — Afir- marvellous, astonishing, wonderful, extraordinary ; or retained or received ; seat, resting-place ; dwelling,
vat, an, atl, at, Ved. mixed with milk (as Soma). (am), ind. rarely, wonderfully ; (am), n. strange ap- asylum, place of refuge, shelter ; depending on, having
2. Hiiro,, a form sometimes used for aiir. See also pearance ;a wonder, miracle, marvel, prodigy ; won- recourse to ; help, assistance, protection ; authority,
under dita. der, surprise, astonishment. — Asfaryu-ta, f. or di- sanction, warrant ; a plea, an excuse ; being inclined
torya-tra, am, n. wonderfulness, wonder, astonish- or addicted to, following, practising ; attaching to,
head to foot. d-sirah-pddam, ind. from ment.— Marya-bhuta,
A as, d, am, having a mar-
choosing, taking; joining, union, attachment; de-
vellous appearance, wonderful. — Ast'arya-maya, as, pendance, contiguity, vicinity ; relation ; connection ;
i, am, wonderful, marvellous, miraculous. appropriate act or one consistent with the character
^ST%W 2. fis'is, is, f. (fr. rt. i. 06), a ser- 2. dMarya, nom. P.(?) -yati, -yitum, to be won- of the agent ; (in gram.) the subject, that to which
pent's fang: (for I. d-^is see above.) — Atir-visha, derful. the predicate is annexed ; (with Buddhists) the five
as, m. a snake (having venom in its fang).
2. dfi, (. a serpent's fang ; a kind of venom, the vi i >sj i n r| d-sdotana or d-scyotana, am, n. organs of sense with manas or mind (the six together
venom of a snake. — A&-vis/ia, see diir-viska. being the recipients of the dtrita or objects which enter
(fr. rt. s"i!ut or ifyitt with d), aspersion, sprinkling ; them by way of their dlambana or qualities) ; source,
applying ghee &c. to the eyelids.
3. o-s'i, cl. 2. A. -sete, -sayitum, to origin. Ailraya may occur at the end of compounds
lie or sleep on, pass (the night) in sleep ; to inhabit, '•HI3,T os'mn, as, J, am (fr. asman), stony, in the sense of ' depending on, resting on, endowed
have for one's home. made of stone. — AiSmabhdrika, as, I, am (fr. as~ma- or furnished with' (e.g. ashta-gundilraya, see under
A-iaya, as, m. bed-chamber, resting-place, seat, bhdra), having a mass of stones. — Atmarathya, as, ashta). — Asruya-tas, ind. in consequence of the
place, an asylum, an abode or retreat ; a receptacle ; m., N. of a teacher of ritual.
proximity. — Airaya-tva, am, n. the state ofd-s'raya,
any recipient, any vessel or viscus of the body (e. g. A.tmana, as, i, am, stony, made of stone ; (as),
above. — Ai!raya-bhvj, k, m. fire; see ditrayds'a.
raktatoya, the heart; amasaya.the stomach, &c.) ; m., N. of Aruna, the charioteer of the sun. — As"raya-bhuta, as, a, am, one who is the refuge
134 asraya-linga.
or support of another person, protecting, supporting. b/iu, us, m. produced in the month Ashadha ; the
Asvamedhika, as, i, am (fr. aii'a-medha,'), be-
•- Afraya-liitga, as, a, an*, a word the gender of longing to the horse-sacrifice; (aivamedliikam
which must agree with the gender of the word to parva bharata.)is the N. of the fourteenth book of the Mah3- planet Mars.
Ashidhaka, as, m. the month Ashadha ; N. of a
which it is referred, an adjective. — Asraya-rat, an,
ati, at, having help or support. — ASrayas'a (°ya- Ashadhika, f., N. of a Rakshasl.
theAicayuja, ae, Asvavuj,
constellation I, am (fr. as"va-yiij),
belonging to orborn under
as'a), as, a, am, consuming everything with which Ashddhlya, as, d, am, born under the constella-
(it) comes in contact ; (as), m. fire ; a forfeiter of in the month Asvina ; (as), m. the month ASvina ;
tion Ashadha.
an asylum, one who by misconduct &c. loses patronage (I), f. the day of full moon in Asvina.
or protection. Aivayujaka, as, t, am, sown at the day of full
ashtaka, X. of a region.
moon in the month Asvina. ashtama, as, m. (fr. ashtama), the
A-drayana, as, I, am, resorting to, seeking refuge
in ; relating to ; (am), n. betaking one's self to ; to Aivaratha, as, i, am (fr. aiva-ratha), belonging
a chariot drawn by horses. eighth part.
joining, accepting, choosing ; refuge, asylum, means
of protection or security. Afoalakshanika, as, I, am (fr. atva-lakshana), 'STT]? ashtra, am, n. (fr. rt. I. as'), ether,
A-irayanlya, as, a, am, to be had recourse to, knowing the marks of horses ; (as), m. a farrier, sky, atmosphere.
to be practised or followed. a groom. ^TT^t ashtri, f., Ved. kitchen, fire-place ;
A-irita, as, a, am, inhabiting, dwelling in, resort- of Atvayana,
Asva. as, m.(fr. o*»a + ayana), a descendant
ing to as a retreat or asylum ; having recourse to ; (if fr. rt. Las', according to Say.) an extensive forest.
following, practising, observing; using, employing; Aivika, as, t, am, equestrian, cavalier, relating to ,a, f. [cf. 2.as'a], region, quarter.
receiving anything as an inherent or integral part ; a horse, drawn by horses. 1. as, ind. (an interjection implying
taking one's station at a window or seat &c. ; depend- As"vina, as, i, am, (if fr. I. aivtri) Ved. like joy, anger, menace, pain, affliction, recollection) Ah !
ant on, a dependant ; (ant), n.pl. the objects perceived riders ; belonging to or devoted to the AJVins ; (if fr. Ohl&c.
by the senses and manas or mind. — AMta-tva, am, rt. i. ai, to pervade), pervading, penetrating; (as),
n. dependance. m., N. of a month of the rainy season, during which mifl 2. os (a-as), cl. 4. P., Ved. asyati,
the moon is near to the constellation Asvim; (t), f., -situm, to enclose, border ; to admit (as water) into.
A-sritya, ind. having sought or obtained an asylum;
having recourse to, employing, practising. N. of certain (tshtakd) bricks; (am), n. a day's 3. as (fr. t. as above? or fr. rt. 2. as; cf. Lat. os),
journey for a horse or rider. mouth, face ; only used in two forms, as follows : asas,
n<i!. 2. ds'ri, is, f, the edge of a sword. Ainneya, as, m. (a patronymic fr. advlnau, the abl., Ved. from mouth to mouth, in close proximity ;
fathers of the twins Nakula and Sahadeva), N. of
dsd, inst., Ved. before one's eyes ; by word of mouth,
a-sru, cl. 5. P. -srinoti, -srotum, to Sahadeva, the youngest of the PSndava princes ; (fr.
their mother AivinT), an epithet of either of the two personally ; present ; in one's own person ; immedi-
listen to, to hear ; to accept, promise : Caus. -frava- AsVins. ately. —As-patra, am, n., Ved. a^ vessel which is as
yatt, -yitum, to cause to hear, to call, to tell : Desid. it were the mouth of the gods. £0<ui ZJ <»«''> ^«««
-iStuirushati, to wish to hear; to listen. Aivina, as, I, am, passed over by a horse in one ii MI 4. as, cl. 2. A. aste (Ved. and poet.
a. a-tfrava, as, a, am, obedient, compliant ; (as), day ; (am), n. a day's journey for a horse. \alsocl. I. A. asate),dsan-(akre,asishyate,
in. a promise, an engagement. (For I. d-sVam see A^tflya, am, n. a number of horses.
last page.) asishta, -situm, to sit, sit down, rest, lie ; to be
A&eya, as, m. a patronymic from Asva.
.\-iirucinia, am, n. calling out so as to make one present,in to; to
abode exist, to inhabit,
sit quietly, dwellremain,
abide, in ; tocontinue
make one's
; to
listen ; designation of certain short words uttered at asv-apas, &c. See under asu.
ceremonies. cease, have an end ; to solemnize, celebrate ; to do
asvalayana, as, m. (patronymic
anything without interruption, to continue doing any-
A-dravya, as, m., N. of a man. fr. as"vala), N. of the author of a ritual work, called thing, to continue in any situation, to last. It is used
A-jruta, as, a, am, heard, promised, agreed ; (am), the ASvalayana Sfltras ; he was a disciple of Saunaka ; in the sense of 'continuing,' with a participle, adj., or
n. calling so as to make one listen. (ae, i, am), belonging to AsvalSyana.
A-£ruti, is, f., Ved. hearing ; range of hearing. subst. (e. g. etat sdma gayann aste, ' he continues
vi i »a *i ii-svas, cl. 2. P. -svasiti, -situm, to singing this verse'); with an indeclinable participle in
Airut-karna, as, », am, Ved. one whose ears
listen all around. breathe, breathe again, breathe freely, take breath, tvd, ya, or am (e. g. vparudlnja arim asita, ' he
recover breath, take heart or courage ; to revive : should continue blockading the foe') ; with an adverb
•wifian d-slish, cl. 4. P. A. -slishyati, -te, Caus. P. -tfvasayati, -yituni, to cause one to take (e.g. tuihulm aste, 'he continues quiet;' sukham
-sleshtum, to embrace. breath; to encourage, comfort, cheer up; to con- diva, ' continue well ') ; with an inst. case (e. g.
A-iresha, as, m. (for a-s^esha), Ved. one who ciliate. vukhcna aste, ' he continues well ') ; with a dat. case
embraces ; N. of an evil spirit or goblin ; (as), f. pi., A-foasat, an, all, at, taking breath, breathing (e. g. astdtit tivfhlaye, ' may it be to your satisfac-
N. of the seventh Nakshatra or lunar mansion. anew; reviving; recovering. tion') Caus.
: osayati, -yitum, to cause any one to
A-ilishta, as, a, am, embraced ; embracing, who sit down : Desid. dsisishate ; [cf. Gr. ^(ff)-juai, ^tr-
A-ivasita, as, a, am, encouraged, cheered, con-
or what embraces ; connected, interwoven, blended ; soled. TOI : Lat. asa changed to am; d-nus for <2s-nus.]
attaching to, joining, who or what adheres to; in- A-dvasa, as, m. breathing again, taking breath, I . asa, seat (e. g. in the compound suasa-stha,
vested, spread ; connected as a consequence, deduced, breathing freely, recovery ; cheering up, consolation ; 'staying in one's own seat'); (am), n. the seat or
concluded. lower part of the body ; proximity.
a chapter or section, the division of a book ; a pro-
A-31esha, as, m. embracing, embrace, intwining; bable story ; cessation, completion. I. agana, am, n. sitting, sitting down; sitting in
intimate connection, contact ; site of any act; (as), A-Msaka, as, ikd, am, consolatory, consoling, peculiar postures, according to the custom of devotees,
f. pi., N. of the seventh Nakshatra. comforting; (as}, m. clothing. (five or, in other places, even eighty-four postures are
enumerated; see jiailmdsana, bltadraeana, rajrd-
•«n»U asva, as, I, am (fr. asva), relating or A-Svasana, am, n. making or letting one take soHff, rirdstnia, traxtikdsana: the manner of
belonging to a horse, equestrian, coming from a horse breath, consoling, encouraging, reviving ; cheering up.
sitting forming part of the eight-fold observances of
(e. g. iiicam mutram, ' the urine of a horse') ; drawn ^-st'dsayaf, an, and, at, encouraging, animating. ascetics) ; halting, stopping, encamping ; abiding,
by horses (e. g. dsro rathaff, ' a chariot drawn by A-dvasUa, as, a, am, encouraged, animated, com- dwelling ; seat, place, stool ; the withers of an ele-
horses'); (am), n. a number of horses, a chariot forted, consoled. phant, the part where the driver sits ; maintaining a
drawn by horses; the state or action of a horse. A-frasin, I, iiii, i, breathing freely, reviving, be- post against an enemy; (a), f. stay, abiding; (I), f.
— Asi-a-<i/ma, as, m., Ved., N. of a man. coming cheerful ; consoling. stay, abiding, sitting ; a shop, a stall ; a small seat, a
Advatiira, as, m. (fr. afca-tara), patronymic of A-xrasiju, ind. having consoled, having cherished ; stool.
Budila (Bulila) ; a descendant of Asvatara, son of
Asva. having recovered or revived. Asita, as, a, am, scaled, at rest, one who has sat
down, one who is seated or dwells ; (am), n. sitting,
Asvattha, as, I, am (fr. afrattha), taken from •*UMI<J ashailha, as, m. (fr. a-shiidha), N.
or made of the tree Ficus Religiosa ; relating to the of a momh, corresponding to part of June and July, sitting down ; a seat ; place where one has lived,
fruit-bearing season of this tree; (am), n. the fruit in which the full moon is near the constellation place of abode, a city ; dur-asitam, an improper
of the holy fig tree. Ashadha ; a staff of the wood of the Palasa, carried way of sitting.
Afvatthika, as, I, am, relating to or produced by by an ascetic during certain vows in the month asleep. Aetna, as, d, am, sitting, seated. — Aslna-prafa-
the Asvattha tree ; relating to its fruit-bearing season. Ashadha; N. of a prince; the Malaya mountain; layita, am, n. nodding, nodding when seated, falling
Afoaptjia, inas, m. pi. (fr. afaa-peja), the pupils (a), f. the twenty-first and twenty-second lunar
or followers of Asva-peja. mansions, commonly compounded with puna and Asya, (. sitting, abiding, abode, state of rest.
Arfmbala, as, i, am (fr. aiva-bald), produced uttara ; (i), f. the day of full moon in the month
by th; plant Asva-bala. Ashadha. — Ashadha-lihara, as, a, am, produced ^THT 5. as («-as), cl. 2. P., Ved. aste, -si-
Aivabala or advarala, as, I, am (fr. a^va-bala), in the month Ashadha ; (as), m. the planet Mars. tent, to sit down upon.
made of the cane Asva-bala. — Ashadha-bhuti, is, m., N.of a man. — Ashadha- 2. asa, as, m. (fr. rt. 2. as, to throw).
Ved. ashes, dust which easily flies away ; (as, am), an epithet of Vishnu ; (i), f. a small couch or oblong . d-su, cl. 2. P., Ved. -sauti, -sotum,
m. n. a bow. (For i. asa see under 4. as.) chair, the seat of which is made of basket work;
1. asana, am, n. throwing; (as), m., N. of a a chair, arm-chair. — Asandi-vat, an, m., N. of a
country. to bring forth, excite.
tree. See asana. 2. d-sava, as, m., Ved. exciting, enlivening.
A-savitri, td, trl, tri, Ved. exciting, an exciter.
^ftwn.u-sat)isdra, as, d, am (rt.sn), liable , an, ati, at (fr. rt. I. as?),
A-sdrya, as, d, am, to be bora.
to continuous flow, progress or alteration ; (am), ind. Ved. what exists or is present (?). a. d-suti, is, f., Ved. exciting, enlivening.
as long as the world goes on, till the end of the , ind. as far as the
world. 'HI*}*, dsura, as, i, am (fr. asura), spiritual,
divine ; belonging to or devoted to evil spirits ; be-
"-Nm#r4 dsangatya, am, n. (fr. a-sangata), d-sambddha, as, d, am, blocked longing or relating to the Asuras ; infernal, demoni-
detachment, disunion.
up, obstructed, confined. acal ;(as), m. an Asura or demon ; a form of mar-
riage in which the bridegroom purchases the bride
•sHIHy a-sanj, cl. I. P. -sajati, -sanktum, ^TreTF fisaya, ind. (irreg. inst. case fr. from her father and paternal kinsmen ; (as), m. pi.
to fasten on, attach, fix ; to fasten on one's self, put 3. as, q. v.), Ved. together with, from mouth to the stars of the southern hemisphere ; a prince of the
on (as dress, armour, &c.) ; to take up : Caus. -sanja- mouth, near to, in the presence of. warrior-tribe Asura; ((), f. a division of medicine,
yati, -yiimn, to cause to attach, have (anything) surgery, curing by cutting with instruments, applying
fastened or put on : Pass, -sajyate, to adhere, cohere, d-sava. See under d-su.
to be attached. the actual cautery ; N. of the plant Sinapis Ramosa ;
, ind. (fr. i. asa), Ved. from or
A-sakta, as, d, am, attached strongly to or intent (am), n. blood ; black salt.
on; zealously following or pursuing; trusting to, in the proximity, near. Asurayana, as, m., N. of a teacher.
Asuri, is, m. (patron, fr. asura), N. of a teacher.
confiding in, eternal; (am), ind. eternally. — Asakta- ^T[«IM«1 d-sddhana, am, n. (rt. I. sidh),
(itia, as, d, am, having the mind deeply engaged — Asuri-wdsin, i, m. an epithet of PrSsniputra.
accomplishment, attainment.
in, intent on, devoted to, absorbed in. — Asakta- 1. d-siddJta, as, d, am, accomplished, effected. Asur'tya, as, d, am, belonging to or coming from
detas, as, as, as, having the mind fixed or intent on Asuri.
(For 2. d-siddha see below.)
any object. — Asakta-manas, as, as, as, having the
mind fixed upon any object. *JH«Ka-s<zra, as, m. (rt. sri), surrounding ^n^a-sw, cl. 6. P., Ved. -suvati, -savitum,
to bring or send quickly, yield, grant.
A-sakti, is, f. devotedness or attachment (as to an enemy; incursion; attack; a hard shower; the
one object or pursuit), diligence, application ; Ved. army of an ally or of a king, whose dominions are •fllTlf^rT d-sutrita, as, d, am, tied on or
lying wait for, way-laying; (i), ind., Ved. purposely, separated by other intervening states ; provision, food. round, forming or wearing a garland.
d-sdvya. See under 2. a-sa. ^TTWST d-srij, cl. 6. P., Ved. -srijati, -srash-
A-sanga, as, m. fastening to, fixing ; association,
connection; attachment to any object; proximity, dsika,as, m. (ft. asi), a swordsman. tum, to pour out upon, pour in.
contact ; Ved. way-laying ; N. of a man ; (am), n. dsikd, f. (fr. rt. 4. as), turn or
d-sedha. See 2. d-siddha last col.
a kind of fragrant earth ; (as, a, am), uninterrupted,
eternal ; (am), ind. without interruption ; eternally. order of sitting; sitting; (as, d, am), one who sits. d-sev, cl. i. A. or poet. P. -senate,
A-sanginl, f. a whirlwind. vi i Itt ^ i. d-sif, cl. 6. P. -sindati, -sektum, -ti, -vitum, to attend to, accomplish; carry out,
Asangima, as, m. (in surgery) a kind of bandage. to pour in or on, besprinkle, wet, water: Caus. practice, perform assiduously ; to indulge in, enjoy.
A-sanj ana, am, n., Ved. putting on (dress, armour, -sedayati, -yitum, to have (anything) poured in. A-sevana, am, n. assiduous practice or performance
ornaments, &c.) ; fastening to, fixing; a handle, a of any action.
hook. — Asanjana-vat, an, all, at, having a handle, A-sikta, as, d, am, poured in or on ; sprinkled.
2. d-sid, k, {., Ved. a dish, vessel ; (Say.) an oblation A-sevd, f. zealous cultivation of any pursuit ; com-
hook, loop, &c.
which is poured out. merce, intercourse.
^TWT d-sad, cl. i. P. -sidati, -sattum, to A-seka, as, m. wetting, sprinkling, pouring in. A-sevin, I, ini, i, performing assiduously, acting.
sit down, sit near ; to place ; to approach, meet with, A-sedana, am, n. the act of pouring into, wetting, •*H|4<h<^ d-skand, cl. I. P. -skandati, -skan-
find; encounter, attack, commence, undertake; cl. sprinkling; Ved. a reservoir or vessel for fluids;
10. P. -sddayati, -yitum, to approach, meet with, tum, to invade, attack.
(as, t, am), charming, lovely, beloved [cf. a-sedana, A-skanda, as, m. ascending, mounting ; assault,
find ; encounter, attack ; commence, undertake ; Ved. for which it may be a substitute] . — Asedana-vat, an, attack ; an assailant.
to make one sit down. ati, at, containing a reservoir or cavity, hollow,
A-satti, is, f. intimate union, meeting, junction ; concave. A-skandana, am, n. going towards, assailing, at-
gain, profit, acquirement; (in logic) connection or ingtack;drying
;battle, (?).
war ; reproach, abuse ; effacing, destroy-
relation between two or more proximate terms and Asedanaka, as, d, om(?), beloved, desired, charm-
ing [cf. a-se&ma], A-skandtta or d-skanditaka, am, n. the walk of
the sense they convey.
vi I i«^j 2. d-siddha, as, d, am (rt. 2. sidh), an horse.
A-sadana, am, a. the act of sitting down ; a seat.
put under restraint, imprisoned. (For I. see above.) A-skandin, i, ini, i, jumping upon, assailing;
A-sanna, as, a, am, near, proximate ; (as), m. causing to flow ; granting.
the setting sun. — Asanna-kala, as, m. the_hour of A-seddliri, dhd, m. one who confines or arrests
death ; one whose last hour is at hand. — Asanna- •suts d-sku, cl. 5. P., Ved. -skunoti, -sko-
tara, as, a, am, ntz:er.~Asannatara-td, (. greater A-sedfia, as, m. arrest, custody, legal restraint of tum, to snatch up.
nearness. — Asanna-prasava, as, d, am, near par- four kinds, viz. kdldseilha, limitation of time ; stha- 'iH+sh d-skra, as, d, am (fr. skri = rt. kri ?),
turition, about to bring forth or to lay eggs. nasedha, confinement to a place; pravdsmedha,
A-sdda, as, m., Ved. a cushion. prohibition against removal or departure ; karmd- Ved. joined, united ; (Say.) attacking, assailing ene-
sedha, restriction from employment. mies, approaching.
A-sadana, am, n. putting or laying down ; attack-
ing, making war upon ; going to or towards ; meeting A-sedhaka, as, d, am, restraining, confining.
with; obtaining, attaining; accomplishing.
iSIHiH.'!!, &c. See under d-stri.
A-seclhaniya or d-sedhya, as, d, am, to be placed d-stdva, as, m. (rt. stu), Ved. the
A-sddayitavya, as, d, am, to be attacked, to be in custody, restrained; confined, prohibited, interrupted.
encountered ; attainable. place of reciting a particular hymn.
A-sddita, as, a, am, obtained, acquired, gained, ^TPPT i. d-su, cl. 5. P., Ved. -sanoti, -sotum, •fllfWoh dstika, as, 1, am (fr. asti, 3rd pers.
reached, gone to ; spread, extended, overspread ; to press out Soma juice, to distil.
effected, completed ; met with, attacked. sing, of rt. i. as), a believer in sacred tradition ; one
I. d-sava, as, m. distilling, distillation ; decoction ; who believes in God and another world ; believing,
I. d-sddya, as, d, am, attainable, obtainable. rum, spirit distilled from sugar or molasses, spirituous pious, faithful ; (as), m., N. of a Muni or saint,
1. d-sadya, iud. having attained or reached ; hav- liquor in general : (for 1. d-sava see next col.) more correctly written dstika, q. v. — A stika-td, f.
ing obtained, according to. -• Asava-dru, us, m., N. of the Palmyra tree, Bo- or dstika-tva, am, n. belief in God.
A-sisddayishu,, us, us, u, about to attack ; wishing rassus Flabellifomis ; (its juice on fermenting afford-
to attack. Astikdrthada or dstikdrthada (°ka-artha-da),
ing a spirituous liquor.) as, m. an epithet of king Janam-ejaya (who granted
A-sava, as, m., Ved. one who presses out the the request of the sage Astika, and spared the N5ga
'Hl*l«f asan, n. [cf. 2. as and asya~], Ved. Soma juice ; (SSy.) a praiser(?). Takshaka from the destruction to which he had
the mouth, the jaws; (this word occurs in inst.,
dat., abl., loc. sing., and inst. plur.) — Asann-ishu, I. d-suti, is, f. distilling; decoction; a draught so doomed the serpent-race).
a*, us, n, Ved. one who has arrows in his mouth. prepared ; distillation : (for 2. d-suti see next col.) Aatikya, am, n. belief in God, piety, faithfulness,
Asanya, as, d, am, Ved. being in the mouth. — Asutt-vala, as, m. a sacrificing priest ; a sacrificer a believing nature or disposition.
at the full and change of the moon ; one who pre- Astika, as, m., N. of an old saint, the son of
asana. See under 4. as and 2. asa. pares or sells spirituous liquors, a distiller ; one who Jarat-kara; (as, f, am), relating to or treating of
asanda, as, m. (fr. rt. sad with a?), sells female slaves (V).
that saint ; detlkam pai-va, a section of the first
136 usllka-jananl .
book of the MahS-bhSrata. — Atlikorjanani, f. the •sn«-mc-» d-sphal or ii-sphul, Caus. -sphala- A-fvddya, as, d, am, to be tasted or enjoyed,
wife of Jarat-kSru and mother of Astlka. to be eaten ; having a good taste, palatable, delicious.
yati, -yitiim, to cause to flap, rock or shake.
AxtU-ya, am, n. (? error for dstikya), belief. A-sphdla, as, m. striking, rubbing, causing to — Amddya-toya,
ble water. as, d, am, having sweet or palata-
1«ltrJ d-stri or d-sfri, cl. 5. 9. P. A. -stri- move gently ; flapping, clapping ; the flapping mo-
noti, -tiitte, -ndti, -nite, -gtartum, -ritum, ^ritum, tion of an elephant's ear. to fsound.
1*3 H, d-svan, cl. I. P. -svanati, -nitum,
to spread (as a carpet &c.), deck, bestrew, scatter A-sphalana, am, n. rubbing, stirring, flapping,
over, cover. moving gently ; striking ; pride, arrogance. A-svanita or d-mdnta, as, d, am, sounded.
A-stara, as, m. a covering, coverlet, blanket A-spkdlita, as, d, am, struck gently, rubbed, mi? i. dha, ind. (an interjection implying
thrown over the back of a horse or elephant ; a carpet, touched, stirred ; flapped, clapped, struck together.
reproof, severity, command, casting, sending) Ah 1
bed ; spreading (clothes &c.) ; N. of a man. ** I**w <<x d-sphdy, cl. I. A. -sphdyate, -yi- Aha! &c.
A-xtarana, am, i, n. f. the act of spreading ; a tum, to grow, increase. 2. dha. See rt. 3. ah.
carpet, a rug, a cushion, a quilt, bed-clothes ; a bed ;
a layer of sacred grass spread out at a sacrifice; •<H I *4jPH rl^ dsphujit = 'A^pofiinj, N. of the dhaka, as, m. a peculiar disease of
an elephant's housings, a painted cloth or blanket planet Venus. the nose, inflammation of the Schneiderian membrane.
worn on his back. — Astarana-rat, an, ati, at,
covered with a doth or carpet. •*ii«-^jic^a-spAi(/. See d-sphal above. vil53;l*i dhankdrya, am, n. (fr. ahait-kdra),
Astaranika, as, d, am, resting on a cloth or 'si«*W« d-sphota, as, m. (rt. sphut), moving
carpet. or flapping to and fro, quivering, trembling, shaking,
the sound of clapping or striking on the arms as '•ai^'l^ d-han, cl. 2. P. A. -hanti, -hate,
A-stdra, as, m. spreading, strewing, scattering. made by combatants, wrestlers, &c. ; a plant, see -hantum, to strike at, hit, beat, kill; commit
— Astdra-pankti, is, !., N. of a metre, the first slaughter.
verse of which consists of two Padas of eight syllables d-sphotct; (d), f. a wild variety of Jasmin.
each, the second of two Padas of twelve syllables A-sphotaka, at, m., the plant Careya Arborea. A-hata, as, d, am, struck, beaten ; injured, killed ;
each. multiplied ; known, understood ; uttered falsely ; (as),
A-sphotana, am, n. moving to and fro, flapping,
trembling; shaking; blowing, expanding; contracting, m. a drum ; (am), n. old cloth or raiment ; new cloth
A-sttrna, as, a, am, spread, strewed, scattered. or clothes ; assertion of an impossibility. — Ahata-
closing, sealing ; slapping or clapping the arms, or
A-strita, as, d, am, spread, covered, strewed. the noise made by it ; (i), f. a gimlet or auger. lakshana, a.*, d, am, noted for good qualities.
^'W^H dstrabudhna, as, m., Ved., N. of A-sphota or d-sphotuka, as, m. (probably an in- A-hati, is, f. hitting, striking, a blow, a hit ;
a man. correct form of a-sphota), N. of several plants, Ca-
lotropis Gigantea, Bahinia Variegata L., Echites Di- A-hanana, am, n. the act of striking at, beating ;
i. d-stha, cl. I. P. or poet. A. chotoma Roxb. ; (a), f., N. of several plants, Jasmi killing of an animal.
-tkhthatt, -te, -sthdtum, to stand or remain on or num Sambac, Clitoria Terneata, Echites Frutescens
by ; to stay near, go towards, resort to ; to ascend, or Echites Dichotoma. Ahananya,
known as, (aa,drum
by beating am, &c.).
Ved. making one's self
mount; to undertake, perform, do, carry out, practise,
use; to behave; to exhibit, aim at; to undertake, •«il*HI«fi dsmdka, as, i, am, or dsmdkma, Soma). vti?«i^ dhanas, ds, as, as (fr. rt. han ?),
i. e. promise. as, d, am (fr. asmdkam), our, ours. Ved. swelling, tumid, crammed full ; fat, luxuriant,
i. d-stha,, f. consideration, regard, care, care for lascivious; (Say.) to be beaten or pressed out (as
vu«*4 dsya, am, n. (see 3. as), mouth,
(with loc., e. g. mayi dslhd, care for me) ; assent, |aws ; face ; a part of the mouth as the organ of
promise ; confidence, hope ; prop, stay, support ; Ahanasya, am, n., Ved. luxuriancy, lasciviousness ;
pronouncing letters ; mouth, opening ; (as, a, am),
place or means of abiding ; an assembly ; state, con- (ds), {. pi. verses (ri(as) of a lascivious character.
dition. belonging or relating to the mouth or face. — Asyan- — Ahanasya-vadin, i, ini, i, Ved. uttering las-
dhaya, as, i, am, drinking the mouth, kissing. civious words.
A-tthatri, id, tri, tri, Ved. standing on, mount- — Asya-pattra, am, n. a lotus. — Asya-ldngala,
ing on. dhalak, ind., Ved. a smacking
as, m. ' whose face is a plough ;' a hog, a boar. sound.
A-sthdna, am, n. place, site, ground, base; an — Asya-loman, a, n. the hair of the face, the beard.
assembly; a hall of audience; (i), f. an assembly. — Asydsava (°ya-df), as, m. spittle, saliva. ', Sec. See under
— Anthdna-griha, am, n. an assembly-room.
'»fll*<4«^1 d-syandana, am, n. flowing near. d-hu and d-hre.
A-sfhdpana, am, n. placing, fixing, causing to stay
or remain ; a strengthening remedy ; an enema of oil, — Asyandana-vat, an, ati, at, 'flowing near. uhika, as, m. (fr. ahi), the descend-
ghee, &c. '3rn*r?TrT asyaMtya, as, d, am, containing ing node; an epithet of the grammarian Panini.
A-sthaptta, as, a, am, placed, fixed, &c. the word asyahatya (a chapter).
A-stKiya, ind. having recourse to, using, employ- vi iPp <*f{dhikam, a particle =: a hi kam(!).
ing; having ascended ; standing, standing by. •«ii**«l dsyd, f. See under 4. as.
'Hlf^ll^ d-hind, cl. I. A. -hindate, -ditum,
A-sthdyikd, f. audience ; (e. g. dsthdyikdm da, •wits'n dsrapa, as, m. (fr. asra-pa), the to roam about.
to give an audience.) nineteenth lunar mansion.
A-stMta, as, a, am, stayed, dwelt, abiding, abode ; dhindika, as, m. a man of mixed
having recourse to; applied to; occupied, engrossed TTtJl d-srava, as, m. (fr. rt. sru with origin, the son ofaNishada father andaVaidehi mother,
by, engaged in ; spread, overspread ; obtained ; ob- irep. a), the foam on boiling rice ; flowing, running, employed as a watchman on the outside of gaols &c.
serving, adhering to, following, practising. discharge ; distress, pain, affliction ; (with Jainas) that
»3nf?!(l d-hita, as, a, am (fr. rt. dhd with
A-stheya, at, d, am, to be approached, to be which directs the embodied spirit towards eternal
seized, to be applied or practised. objects, (viz. the occupation or employment of the :>rep. d), placed, deposited ; entertained, felt ; com-
senses or organs on sensible objects ; or the association prising, containing ; performed, done. — Ahila-klama,
•WIW1 5-sndna, am, n. (rt. sna), Ved. or connection of body with right and wrong deeds.) as, d, am, exhausted. — Ahlta-laktihana, as, a, am,
water for washing, a bath. A-srdva, as, m. flow, issue, running, discharge ; noted or known for good qualities ; [cf. dhala-
jain, affliction ; a disease of the body. — itTOKXt- l<d*liana.~]'-Ahita-ryatka, as, d, am, pained,
•wiWM dsneya, as, a, am (fr. asan), Ved. Ttieved. — AItitii-smna, a*, a, am, uttering or
bloody, being in blood. 't/ieshaja, am, n., Ved. a medicament, medicine.
Asrarin, i, in~i, i, flowing, emitting fluid, dis- r.aking a sound, noisy. -*Ahitdgni (°ta~ag°), is, w,
^HtM^ dspada, am, n. (fr. pada with d charging humor ; an epithet of the elephant (a fluid ', one who has placed the sacred fire upon the altar,
prefixed, « being inserted), place, site, seat, office; Issuing from its temples during the rutting-time). a sacrificer ; a BrShman who has kept alive a sacred
rank, station; dignity, authority; business, affair.
Often used in comp. ; e. g. ahaitkdrdspadam, the oose. viiww d-srasta, as, d, am, fallen off, •e perpetually in a family &c. — Ahitditka (°<a-a»°),
seat of consciousness. as, d, am, marked, spotted, stained.
A-htti, is, (., Ved. placing on; anything placed on.
vii«-H^n a-sP<">dana, am, n. trembling, uwt; d-svad or -svdd, cl. i. A. -svadate dhitundika or ahitundika, as,
throbbing. or -svailnte, -dititm, to taste, eat.
A-svdda, as, d, am, tasting, eating; (as), m. i. (fr. ahi-tunda), a snake-catcher, a juggler.
d-spardhd, f. emulation, rivalry,
endeavour after. asting, enjoying, eating ; flavour. — Asvdda-vat, an, ;ftR dhiranin, i, m. a two-headed
ati, at, having a good taste, palatable ; delicious in
A-spardhin, I, ini, i, emulous, striving after. flavour.
**!**$ a-tparsa, as, m.(rt. spris), contac A-svddaka, as, ikd, am, tasting, enjoying. 'SHIT d-hu, cl. 3. P. A. -juhote, -juhute, -ho-
aspariia-tas, by the contact. t; A-svddana, am, n. tasting, enjoying, eating. um, to sacrifice, to offer an oblation, to worship.
A-svddita, as, a, am, tasted, enjoyed, possessed ; I. d-hava, as, m. sacrificing, sacrifice. (For i.
ds-pdtra. See 3. at. d-hava see under d-hve.)

a-havana. ikshu-bhakshika.
A-havana, am, n., Ved. offering an oblation, one's power. — Aho-svit, ind. a particle implying A-hvayayitavya, as, a, am, to be called before
offering sacrifice, sacrifice. doubt. a tribunal.
A-havaniya, as, a, am, to be offered as an obla- ^TTj. dhna, as, am, m. n. (fr. ahan), a series
tion; (as), m. a consecrated fire taken from the of days, many days.
householder's perpetual fire and prepared for receiving Ahnika, as, I, am, daily, diurnal, performed on a
oblations ; the eastern of the three fires burning at
a sacrifice. day, performed every day ; (am), n. a religious cere- ^ i. i, the third vowel of the alphabet,
mony to be performed every day at a fixed hour ; a corresponding to i short, and pronounced as that letter
Ahavaniyaka, as, a, am, fit for a burnt offering ;
(ox), rn. a consecrated fire. day's work, what may be read on one day, the division in kill &c. — I-kdra, as, m. the letter or sound »'.
or section of a book ; constant occupation, daily work ; ^ 2 . i, ind. an interjection of anger, calling,
i. a-hava, as, m., Ved. a trough, a pail, a vessel;
a trough near a well for watering cattle. daily food, &c. — Ahnikdtdra (°ka-dd°), as, m. daily sorrow, distress, compassion, &c.
observance, the prayers and practices necessary for
A-huta, am, n. an offering made to men, hospi-
tality ;the nourishment of all created beings con- bodily and mental purification. ^ 3. i, pronominal base of the 3rd person;
sidered as one of the five sacraments or principal Ahneya, as, m. a patronymic of Sauca. [cf. itara, itas, Hi, id, idam, idd, iyat, iva, iha :
sacrifices of the Hindus. cf. also Lat. id ; Goth, ita ; Eng. it ; Old Germ.
vilgi<; a-hlad, Caus. P. -hladayati, -yitum, iz ; Mod. Germ, es.]
I. d-huti, is, (. offering oblations with fire to the
deities ; any solemn rite accompanied with oblations : to gladden.
(for 2. d-huti see under d-hve.) — Ahuti-vridh, t,
A-hldda, as, m. joy, delight. — Ahldda-duyha, ^ 4. i, is, m. a N. of Kamadeva.
t, t, Ved. delighting in sacrifices. as, d, am, conferring delight. » 5. t, cl. 2. P., I. P. A. eti, ayati, -te,
A-hlddana, am, n. gladdening. ^•iydya, eshyati, etum,Ved. ctave, etavai, etos,
«!?<» ahuka, as, m., N. of a prince, great- A-hlddi, is, m., N. of a son of Babhru. to go ; to go to or towards (with ace.) ; to come ; to
grandfather ofKrishna, a son or grandson of Abhi- A-hlddita, as, d, am, delighted, rejoiced. go away, escape, pass, retire ; to return ; to arrive at,
jit ; (i), (. a sister of this prince ; (as), m. pi., N. of reach, obtain ; to fall into ; to arise from, come
a people. ^nS'a-Am, cl. i. P., Ved. -hearati, -hvar-
tum, to make crooked, to injure. from ; to approach with prayers, ask ; to undertake
i!M£<^l ahulya, am, n., N. of the legumi- anything (with ace.) ; to appear, to be ; to go on
A-hurya, as, d, am, Ved. to be bent down or well, to prosper (e. g. tasmin yuktasya eti preta-
nous shrub Tabernaemontana Coronaria. brought near; to be made favourable, one towards
whom one must bow ; (Say.) to be invoked (fr. rt. krityd, 'the funeral ceremony of one engaged in that
•snifj a-hri, cl. I. P. A. -harati,-te,-hartum, goes on well or prospers') ; to be employed in, go on
to fetch, bring, bring near, give ; to recover, bring with, be in any condition or relation (with a part, or
back ; to get, take ; to offer in sacrifice : Caus. P. A-hruta, as, d, am, m]\iied.-~Ahruta-bhes!iaja, inst.e. g. Agtira-rakshasdni mridyamdndni yanti,
as, d, am, Ved. curing what is bent or injured.
-hdrayati, -yitum, to make one pay or give or ' the Asuras and Rakshas are being trampled upon ;'
fetch or bring ; to exact ; to exert, exhibit : Desid. A-hvara, as, m., N. of a fortress of the Usfnaras,
A-hvaraka, as, m. a low or expelled man who, Gavdmayanena lyuh, ' they were engaged in the
A. -jihirshate, to seek to recover or get back. after having offered a sacrifice to the manes, takes GavSmayana') : Intens. or cl. 4. A. iyate, inf., Ved.
A-hara, as, a, am, (at the end of compounds) the sacrificial food for himself. lyadhyai, to go quickly or repeatedly ; to come,
bringing, fetching; (as), m. taking, seizing; accom- Ahvdraka, as, m. pi. the AhvSrakas, a recension wander, run ; to appear, make one's appearance ; to
plishing, offering of a sacrifice ; drawing in breath, of the black Yajur-veda (distinct from the Taittirtya) approach any one with requests (with two ace.), ask,
inhaling, inhaled air; breath inspired, inspiration. named from Ahvara or AhvSra. request ; to be asked or requested ; Caus. dyayati,
A-harana, as, a, am, taking away, robbing ; (am), -yitum, to cause to come ; [cf. Gr. ft-/u, t-n<v ;
A-hvriti, is, m., N. of a prince.
n. taking, seizing, bringing near ; extracting, remov-
Lat. eo, tmus; Lith. ei-mi, 'I go;' Slav. i-du,
ing ; accomplishing, offering at a sacrifice ; causing, viid? a-hve, cl. I . P. or poet. A. -hvayati, ' I go,' i-ti, ' to go ;' Goth, i-ddja.]
inducing. -te, -hvdtum, to call near ; to summon ; to invite, It, (at the end of a few compounds) going ; cf.
Aharam-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to give ask ; A. to provoke, challenge, emulate : Caus. arthet.
as a present. -hvdyayati, -yitum, to send for ; to cause to invite
A-hartri, td, tri, tri, one who takes, seizes, brings or summon or challenge ; provoked : Desid. -juhu- Ita, as, d, am, gone ; returned : obtained ; re-
or procures ; inducing, causing ; offering ; (td), m. shati, to wish to call near or invite : Intens. -johavili, membered(am),
; n. way.— ftdsu (°ta-as°), its, us,
to call. u, Ved. whose vital spirits have departed.
a copy holder (in law).
i. Hi, is, f.,Ved. going, moving.
A-hara, as, a or i, am, bringing near, procuring ; 2. d-Jiava, as, m. challenge, provoking, calling ;
going to fetch ; (as), rn. taking, fetching, bringing war, battle. — Ahava-kamyd, f. desire of war : (for Itya, as, d, am, to be gone to or towards.
near ; employing ; taking food, food (e. g. dhdram Jtyd, f., Ved. going, a way; a litter, a palanquin.
I. d-hava see under d-hu, page 136, col. 3.) Itvan, d, d, a, going.
kri, to take food, eat). — Ahdra-viraha, as, m. 2. d-hdva, as, m. calling, invoking ; battle, war.
want of food. — Ahdra-sambhava, as, m. the juice Itvara, as, I, am, going, travelling, a traveller ;
2. d-Jmti, calling, invoking. (This word may cruel, harsh ; poor, indigent ; low, vile ; contemned ;
of the body, chyle, lymph, serum. — AharartMn sometimes have this sense in the oldest Vedic texts,
but see the more correct form d-huti. For I. d- (I), f. a disloyal or unchaste woman.
(°ra-ar°), t, int, i, begging or seeking for food.
A-hdraka, as, a, am, going to fetch. huti see under d-hu last col.) ^Ki? ikkata, as, m. a kind of reed. See
A-hdrika, (with Jainas) one of the five bodies A-huva, as, d, am, Ved. (Say.) to be invoked. itkata.
belonging to the soul ; described by Colebrooke as a ikkavdla in astrology =
minute form, issuing from the head of a meditative A-hu, f., Ved. calling* invoking.
2. d-Jaita, as, d, am, called, summoned, invoked,
sage to consult an omniscient saint and returning with invited. — Almta-prapaldyin, i, m. a defendant or , good fortune, prosperity.
the desired information.
witness absconding or not appearing when summoned.
A-hdrya, ag, d, am, to be taken or seized ; to be A-huti, i«, f. calling, invoking. ^T ikshu, us, m. (fr. rt. 3. ish ?}, the sugar-
fetched or brought near ; to be extracted or removed ; cane (twelve species of it are enumerated) ; N. of a
A-hiiya, ind. having invited. river. — Ikshii-kanda, as, am, m. n. the stem or
what may be removed, adventitious, accessary, inci- A-hva, as, d, am, who or what calls, a crier ;
dental ;to be eaten ; (as), m. a kind of bandage ; cane of the Saccharum Officinale, the sugar-cane;
named, called ; (d), f. a name, appellation.
(am), n. any disease to be treated by the operation of A-hvaya, as, m. a lawsuit arising from a dispute (as), m., N. of two different species of sugar-cane,
extracting ; extraction ; a vessel ; the ornamentative viz. Saccharum Munja Roxb. and Saccharum Spon-
about games with animals, as cock-fighting &c. ; ap- taneum L.- Ihlit'-ktit/aka, as, m. a gatherer or
part of thedrama, the dress, decorations, &c. — Ahtirya- pellation, name (generally as last member of a com-
iobhd, f. adventitious beauty, beauty not natural but reaper of sugar-cane. — Ikshu-gandha, as, m. Sac-
pound, the first member of which, though commonly charum Spontaneum ; a kind of Asteracantha Longi-
the effect of paints, ornaments, &c. an appellative noun, is used as a proper name). folia; (d), f. Saccharum Spontaneum, Asteracantha
A-hrita, as, d, am, brought, taken, collected. A-htayat, an, antt, at, calling, challenging. Longifolia, Capparis Spinosa, Batatas Paniculata.
~Ahrita-yajna-kratu, us, us, u, Ved. intending A-hvayana, am, n. appellation, name.
(to offer) a prepared sacrifice ; preparing a sacrificial — Ikshu-gandhikd, f. Batatas Paniculata. — Ikshu-
act(?). A-hvayltavya, as, d, am, to be summoned or
invited. ja, as, a, am, coming from sugar-cane. — Jleshtt-
tulyd, f. Saccharum Spontaneum. — Ikshu-danda,
A-hritya, ind. having taken or received, having A-hvdna, am, n. calling, invitation, a call or sum- am, n. the stem or cane of the Saccharum Officinale.
mons ;invocation of a deity ; challenge ; legal sum- — Ikshu-darhhd, f. a kind of grass or sugar-cane.
aheya, as, I, am (fr. ahi), belonging mons ; an appellation, a name ; designation of a — Jkshu-dd, (., N. of a river; see ikshuld, ikshii-
liturgical formula. — Ahvuna-dariSana, am, n. day mdlini, ikshit-mdlavt. •• Ikshu-netra, am, n. a
or relating to a snake. of trial. kind of sugar-cane. — Ikslm^pattra, as, m. the grain
^l^l aha, ind. (an interjection of doubt Ahvdnaya, nom. P. dhvdnayati, -yitum, (in law) Penicillaria Spicata. — Ikxhu-pdka, as, m. molasses.
and of asking) or, or perhaps. — Alui-purushikd, f. to summon.
— Ikghu-pra, as, m. the plant Saccharum Sara.
great self-conceit, boasting, military vaunting ; a vain A-hvdya, as, m. a summons, a name. — Ikshu-bdlikd, f. Saccharum Spontaneum, = ikshu-
determination to accomplish an object, vaunting of A-hvdyaka, as, m. a messenger, a courier. tulyd.-Ikshu-lhakshikd, Nnf. a meal of sugar or
138 ikshu-mati. iti.
molasses. •* Ikfhu-mati, {., N. of a river in Kuru- operations may be separated from the preceding parts, lid is the daughter of Manu or of man thinking on
kshetra. — Ikshu-mdlam or ikshu-malini, f., N. of a word which in the Pada-patha is divided by the and worshipping the gods ; she is the wife of Budha
a river ; see ikfhu-dd. — Iksku-miila, am, n. a kind n ra-graha or mark of tmesis. and mother of Puru-ravas ; in another aspect she is
of sugar-cane ; the root of sugar-cane. — Iks/M-mdut, called Maitravaruni as daughter of Mitra-Varuna, two
$Tg-i ingida, N. of a plant, = inguda (?). gods who were objects of the highest and most
as, m. diabetes or diabetes mellitus ; see mudhu-
spiritual devotion. lid is also a N. of Durga, of a
meha. — Ikshumehin, i, ini, i, diabetic. — Ik* 'hu- $,y<( inguda, as, i, m. f., N. of a medicinal
yantra, am, n. a sugar-mill.— Ikuhu-ymi, is, m. tree, Tenninalia Catappa ; in Bengal confounded with daughter of Daksha and wife of Kasyapa, of a wife of
Saccharum Officinarum.— Ikshu-rasa, as, m. the Putranjiva Roxburghii Wall. ; (am), n. the nut of Vasudeva and of the Rudra, Rita-dhvaja) ; heaven ;
juice of the sugar-cane ; molasses, unrefined sugar ; the tree Terminalia Catappa. a tubular vessel, one of the principal channels of the
the cane Saccharum Spontaneum. — Ikshurasa- Iitgula, as, i, m. f., N. of the tree Terminalia vital spirit, that which is on the right side of the
kvdtha, as, m. raw or unrefined sugar, molasses. Catappa. body. Ildyds-pade, at the place of Ida, i. e. of
worship and libation, earth. — Ida-vat, an, atl, at,
— Ikshurasoda (°sa-»«i°), as, m. the sea of syrup. ^P«i H*rt i6lkila, as, m. a pond, mud, mire.
— Iksku-rana, am, n. a sugar-cane wood. — Ikshu- Ved. refreshing, granting fresh vital spirits ; possessed
vaUari and ikshu-valli, f. Batatas Paniculata. ^«Icir i. i&haka, as, m. the citron, Citrus of refreshment,
ficial food. refreshed; (Say.) possessed of sacri-
— Ikfhu-rdtikd or ikshu-rdti, f. Saccharum Offici Medica L.
Iddtikd, f. (fr. idd /), a wasp.
iiarum, the common yellow cane. — Ikshu-vdri, n.
the sea of syrup, one of the seven seas. — Ikshu- s^siii 2. iMaka, s^-oai ittha, &c. See Idikd, (. the earth.
rikara, as, m. sugar, molasses; any sweetmeat. under 3. ish at page 143. idikka, as, m. a wild goat.
— Ikshu-veMana, as, m. a kind of sugar-cane, ^THOO ijjala, as, m. a small tree growing
— Ikshu-s'dkata or ikshtirs'dkina, am, n. a kind in wet and saline soil, or on low grounds near the idvara, as, m. a bull fit to be set at
of sugar-cane. — Ikshu-samudra, as, m. the sea of liberty. See it-fara.
sea, Barringtonia Acutangula Gzrtn.
syrup, one of the seven seas. — Ikshu-sdra, as, m. indlntha, as, m. a. knife (?).
molasses, raw or unrefined sugar. — Ikshvdri, is, m. ^HT ijya, as, m. (fr. rt. yaj), a teacher ; an
(for ikshu-vdri ?), Saccharum Spontaneum. — Iksh- epithet of Brihaspati the teacher or Guru of the gods ; ?T!| indva, am, n., Ved. (used in du.) two
rallka, as, m. (for ifahu-bdlika), Saccharum Spon- (d), f. a sacrifice, making offerings to the gods or round small plates made of Munja reed, used as cover-
taneum ; (a), f. another sort, Saccharum Fuscum, manes ; a gift, a donation ; worship, reverence ; meet- ings for the hands in taking the fire-pans from the fire.
(native reed-pens are made from its stem.) ing, union ; a cow ; a bawd or procuress. — Ijyd-
Ikshuka, as, m. sugar-cane. slla, as, m. a frequent sacrificer. Aspera(?).
$fi«fl«ij invlndu, -us, m. the tree Trochis
Ikskukiyd, (. a region abounding in sugar-cane. $^Jl<* ihCdka, as, m. a shrimp or prawn.
Ikshura, as, m. Capparis Spinosa; Asteracantha $<!<1 K«*l inverika, f. a kind of cake.
Longifolia ; Saccharum Spontaneum. it, cl. I. P. etati, etitum, to go, to go
Ikshuraka, as, m. Capparis Spinosa ; Saccharum to or towards ; Ved. to make haste, to err. ^!R i-tara, as, d, at, Ved. am (comparative
Spontaneum. formofpronom. base3.t; cf.Lat. ilerum; Hib.iter),
^S ita, as, m., Ved. cane or grass ; a web the other (of two), another; (pi.) the rest; (with
Ikshuld, {., N. of a river. See ikshu-dd. made of it, a mat. — Ita-siina, am, n., Ved. a tex- abl.) different from ; low, vile ; expelled, rejected ;
$e«u^r ikshvdku, us, m., N. of a son of
ture of reed, a mat.
itara itara, the one — the other, this — that. (Kara
Manu Vaivasvata, father of Kukshi and first king of ^ZTf itata, as, m., N. of a Bhargava, author connected antithetically with a preceding word often
the solar dynasty in AyodhyS ; a descendant of signifies the contrary idea, e. g, mjaydya itardya
Ikshvaku ; the Jainas derive their Cakravartins and
of a hymn of the Rig-veda.
rd, to victory or defeat ; so in Dvandva compounds,
many of their Arhats from Ikshvaku ; (as), m., N. $61«. it-6ara, as, m. (fr. 4. ish and tora), stikhetareshu, in happiness and distress. It some-
of a warrior-tribe derived from Ikshvaku ; (its), f. a a bull or steer allowed to go at liberty. times, however, forms a Tat-purusha compound wiih
bitter gourd; according to some, the Coloquintida another word to express the one idea implied in the
(Citrillus Colocynthis), the fruit of a wild species of ^P« fr <*T ithimikd, {. title of a section of
contrary of that word, e. g. daksltinctara, the left
Lagenaria Vulgaris. — Ikshvdku-icula-ja, as, d, am,
the Kathaka recension of the Yajur-veda.
hand.) — Itara-jana, as, m. pi. other men ; a euphe-
born in the family of Ikshvaku. ^ id, Ved. (only in inst., gen., abl. sing., mistic title of certain beings who appear to be consi-
and ace. pi. ida and idas; or, according to the spell- dered as spirits of darkness; Kuvera belongs to them.
•jrrr ikh, cl. I. P. ekhati, iyekha, ekhish-
ing of the Rig-veda, ild and Has), a refreshing draught, — Itara-tas, ind. otherwise than, different from ;
- % yati , ekhitum, to go, move ; [cf. Gr. tl/ca,
olx°M<" ?]. refreshment, libation offered to the gods ; the flow of UasfetarataSfa, hither and thither. — Itara-thd,
speech, the stream of sacred words and worship, ind. in another manner, in a contrary manner ; per-
^5; i<- iit-kara and in-krita = hin-kara, prayer ; (Say. ) the earth, food ; (idas or ilas), pi. .versely ; on the other hand, else.
Mn-krita, q. v. the object of devotion, addressed in the third or Itara, f., N. of the mother of Aitareya.
fourth verses of the Apr! hymns, (so used only in Itaretara, as, a, am (occurring chiefly in oblique
JT inkh, cl. i. P. inkhati, inkhdh-fakdra,
Rig-veda 3, 4. 3 ; but also erroneously referred to in cases of sing, and in comp. ; fr. itara-itara, which
„ inkhishyati, iitkhitum, to go, move ; [cf. the Brahmanas &c. as if etymologically connected may be for itaras-itara, cf. anyo'nya, paras-
Hib. ititchim, ' I go on, proceed, march.'] para), one another, one with another, mutual, re-
with the words irlya, idita, l(ita, ' the praiseworthy,'
ing, cl. i. P., ep. A. ingati, -te, ' the praised," which are used in the third or fourth spective, several ; (am), n. or adv. mutually, &c.
ingan-fakdra, ingishyati, ittgltum, to verses of the other Aprls as the designation of the same •• Itaretara-kdmyd, f. respective or several fancies
go, go to or towards; to move or agitate: Caus. object of worship.) — Idas-pali, if, m., N. of Vishnu. or inclinations. — ItaretardiSraya (°ra-d6°), as, d,
P. iitgayati, -yitum, to move, agitate, shake; (in — Id-devatd, f. deity of the libation. •- flas-pati, is, am, affecting or concerning mutually.
gram. ) to divide or separate the members of a com- m., Ved. a N. of Pushan. — /las-jititte, in the place of Itare-dytis, ind. at another or different day.
pound word, to use a word or bring it into such a sacred libation, i. e. at the altar or place of offering.
1-ln ma, as, d, at (superlative form of 3. «'), another
grammatical relation that it is considered Ingya; see Ida, as, m., Ved. This word occurs only in one (of many ?).
below; [cf. Hib. ing, 'a stir, a move.'] sacred formula as an epithet of Agni, who is to be
Inga, as, d, am, movable, locomotive ; surprising, addressed with prayers, or invoked with the stream ^if'«N »'-<«*, ind. (fr. 3. i with affix tas, used
like the abl. case of the pronoun idam), from hence,
wonderful ; (as), m. a hint or sign, an indication of or flow of praise.
hence, here (opposed to nmu-tas and amu-tra) ;
sentiment by gesture, knowledge ; (a), f. a kind of Ida, f. or (in Rig-veda) i\a, (not to be confounded from this point ; from this world, in this world ; Has
counting. with the inst. case of id above), refreshing draught,
refreshment, animation, recreation, comfort, vital Has, here — there ; itaMetaMa, hence and thence,
Iitijdna, am, n. shaking ; (in gram.) the operation hither and thither, here and there, to and fro ; from
by which one member of a compound is separated spirit ; food ; offering, libation, especially a holy liba-
from another, as by the am-graha or mark of tmesis. tion, coming between the Prayaga and Anuyaga, and this time, now; therefore. — Ita-uti, if, is, i, Ved.
extending or reaching from hence; existing or lasting
Iwr/ita, am, n. palpitation, change of the voice, consisting of four preparations of milk, poured into
internal motion, motion of various parts of the body a vessel containing water, and then partially drank longer than the present time, future ; (Say.) one who
as indicating the intentions; hint, sign, gesture; by the priest and sacrificers ; (metaphorically cf. id) has obtained help. — Itas-ta tan, ind. here and there,
aim, intention, real but covert purpose. — iin/ita - stream or flow of praise and worship, personified as hither and thither.
kovtda or iityita-jiia, as, d, am, understanding the goddess of sacred speech and action, invoked toge- ^fif 2. iti, ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. i),
signs, acquainted wiih the gesture of another, skilled ther with Aditi and other deities, but especially in in this manner, thus. In its original signification iti
in the expression or interpretation of the internal the AprI hymns together with Sarasvatl and Mahi or refers to something that has been said or thought, or
sentiments by the external gesture. Bharail ; (S5y.) the earth, food ; (ida, as the libation lays stress on what precedes. In the Brahmanas it is
///!///«, as, a, am, movable from its place ; in the and offering of milk is personified in the cow, the
Pratisikhyas a term for those words or rather parts often
hearer equivalent
or reader to ' as youcustoms,
of certain know,' conditions,
reminding &c.,
symbol of feeding and giving, whence the word ida
of a compound word which in certain grammatical
is given as a synonym of ' cow.' The goddess Ida or supposed to be known to him.
In quotations of every kind Hi means that the pre- considered as a particle of affirmation.) Itthd is
this present day, ' now-a-days j ' idanlm eva, just
ceding words are the very words which some person often connected with words expressing devotion to now ; immediately ; (ddnlm api, in this case too ;
has or might have spoken, and placed thus at the end the gods &c. in the sense of thus, truly, really; tata idanlm, thereupon, then.) In rare cases it is
of a speech it serves the purpose of inverted commas especially with dhi as an adjective. Hence itthd- an expletive, affecting but slightly the sense. Idanlm
(e.g. ity uktvd, having so said; iti kritvd, having so dii = such, i. e. true (satyd) or real worship. Simi- as a measure of time is the fifteenth part of an etarhi,
considered, having so decided). It may often have larly, itthd-dhi. Is, is, i, so devout, so pious, i. e. and is then declinable (e. g. y manly Etarhmi tdiia-
reference merely to what is passing in the mind, e. g. very devout ; (S5y.) performing such or true works. nti panfadafokritva Iddnlni, as many Etarhis, so
bdlo 'pi ndvamantavyo manushya iti bhumipaij, ^rTTrT itthat, ind. (= ittham), Ved. thus, many IdSnlms fifteen times repeated). — Iddnin-
a king, though a child, is not to be despised, saying in this way. tana,
moment.as, t, am, present, momentary, of the present
to one's self, ' he is a mortal,' (Gram. 928.) In
theatrical language iti tathd karoti = alter these ^ id, ind., Ved. (probably the neut. form
words he acts so. *T, &c. See under indh.
Sometimes iti is used to include under one head of the pronom. base i, see 3. t; a particle of affirma- m, cl. 8. P., Ved. inoti, ainot, 2nd
tion), even, just, only ; (especially in strengthening
a number of separate objects aggregated together an antiihesis, e. g. yathd raifanti deeds tathd id iing. impv. inuhi or inu, cl. 9. P., 1st pi.
(e.g. ijyddhyayanaddndni tapa/f satyam kshamd
asat, as the gods wish it, thus indeed it will be ; dip- inmost, cl. 6. P. (fr. inv) invati, perf. 3rd pi.
damah alobtta iti mdrgo 'yam, ' sacrificing, study- santa id ripavo ndha debhuth, the enemies wishing invire, to advance upon, press upon, drive ; to infuse
ing, liberality, penance, truth, patience, self-restraint, .ndeed to hurt were in nowise able to hurt.) strength, invigorate ; to use force, to force ; drive away,
absence of desire,' this course of conduct, Sec.). Id is often added to words expressing excess or keep back, remove ; to have in one's power, to take
Iti is sometimes followed by evam, iva, or a possession of, pervade ; dispose ; to be lord or master
demonstrative pronoun pleonastically (e. g. tain exclusion (e. g. vidva it, everyone indeed ; s'as'ead of a thing or an art. See inv.
it, constancy indeed ; eka it, one only). At the be-
thus). bhavatlty evam, her he may call ' lady,' ginning of sentences it often adds emphasis to pro- Ina, as, a, am, Ved. able, strong, energetic, de-
nouns, prepositions, particles (e. g. tvam it, thou termined, bold; powerful, mighty, wild; glorious;
Iti may form an adverbial compound with the name (as), m. a lord, a master; a king; the sun; the
of an author (e.g. itipdiiini,lhus according to Panini).
indeed ; yaili it, if indeed, &c.).
court ormansion
assembly.Hasta. — Ina-sabha, am, n. a royal
It may also express manifestation (lo ! behold 1), some- Id occurs often in the Rig-veda, seldom in the
thing additional (as in ity-ddi, et cetera), order, ar- Brahmanas, and its place is taken in classical Sanskrit
rangement specific or distinctive, and identity. It is by eva and other particles. ^•TTST inaksh, inakshati (a Ved. Desid. of
used by native commentators after quoting a rule to
?.*{idam, ay am, iyam, idam (fr. id, a kind naksh), to endeavour to reach, strive to obtain.
express ' according to such a rule ' (e. g. anuddtta- of neut. of the pronom. base 3. i with am; cf. Lat. is, inarii, f. ,N . of a plant (= Vatapattrl) .
nita ity Atmanepadam bharatt, according to the
rule of Panini I. 3, 1 2, the Atmane-pada takes place). ea, id, and idem: the regular forms are partly de- inu, us, m., N. of a Gandharva.
rived from the pronom. base a; see Gram. 224.
Kim iti = kim, wherefore, why ? (In the Sata- The Veda exhibits various irregular formations, e. g.
patha-BrShmana ti occurs for iti ; cf. Prakrit ti and inthiha, f., an astrological term
fr. pronom. base a, an inst. end, ayd, and gen. loc. taken from the Arabic.
tti.)*-Iti-katlui, as, d, am, unworthy of trust, not du. ayos; ft. the base ima, a gen. sing, imasya,
fit to be credited ; wicked, lost ; (d), f. unmeaning or &c. : the forms derived fr. a are used enclitically if ind, cl. I. P. indati, aindat, indam-
nonsensical discourse; (?for ati-katha, q. v.) — Iti- they take the place of the third personal pronoun, do babhuva, inditnm, to be powerful ; (this
karana, am, n. or iti-kdra, as, m. the word iti. not stand at the beginning of a verse or period, and the root word
seems indra,
to be formed
q. v.) merely for the etymology of
— Iti-kartavya, as, d, am, proper or necessary to be have no peculiar stress laid upon them), this, this here,
done according to certain conditions ; (am), n. duty,
referring to something near the speaker ; known, pre- ^T»J£H. indambara, am, n. the blue lotus,
obligation. «• Itikartavya-td, f. or itikdrya-td or iti- sent (opposed
; to ados, e. g. ayam lokah or idam
kritya-td, f. any proper or necessary measure, obliga- vi£vam or idam sarvam, this earthly world, this Nymphsea Caerulea. See indl-vara.
tion. — Itikartavyatd-mudha, as, d, am, embar- universe ; ayam agnih, this fire which burns on the indindira, as, m. a large bee.
rassed, dumbfounded, wholly at a loss what to do. — Iti- earth ; but asav agnlh, that fire in the sky, i. e. the
tha, as, i, am, Ved. such a one, such, e. g. pureti- Indira, f. epithet of Lakshml, wife
thyai (? rdlryal dat. sing.) marithyasi, before lightning : so also idam or iyam alone signifies ' this of Vishnu. — Indird-mandira, as, m. epithet of
earth ;' ime sinah, here we are.)
such and such a day thou wilt die. — Iti-mdtra, as, Vishnu. — Indirdlaya Cra-dl°), am, n. (lit. ' the
Idam often refers to something immediately fol- abode
d, am, of such extent or quality. — Iti-vat, ind. in lowing, whereas etad points to what precedes (e. g, phza of Indira or Lakshrm"), the blue lotus, Nym-
Stellata and Cyanea. (The goddess Indira
the same manner. — Iti-vritta, am, n. occurrence,
said this). etad idam uCuh, having heard that they issued at the creation from the petals of the flower.)
event. — Ity-artham, ind. for this purpose. — Ity-ddi,
in, is, i, having such (thing or things) at the begin- — Indird-vara, am, n. = preceding.
Idam occurs connected with yad, tad, etad, kim,
ning, thus beginning, and so forth, et cetera. — Ity-
ukta, am, n. information, report, narrative. and a personal pronoun, partly to point out anything ^{IcH, indl-vara or indi-vara or indi-vara,
more distinctly and emphatically, partly pleonastically am, m. (contracted fr. indird-vara), the blue lotus,
Iti-ha, ind. thus indeed, (according to tradition.)
(e. g. tad idam vdkyam, this speech here following ; Nymphaea Stellata and Cyanea, see indird; (T), f. the
Iti-kdsa, as, m. (iti-ha-dsa, ' so indeed it was'),
so 'yam Vidushaka/i, this Vidushaka here). plant Asparagus Racemosus ; (a), f., N. of another
talk, legend, tradition, history, traditional accounts of
former events, heroic history, as the Maha-bharata.
Idam, ind., Ved. here, to this place ; now, even,
just ; there ; with these words. — Idam-riipa, as, d, Indlvarini, f. a group of blue lotuses.
iti-hasa. See under 2. iti above. am, Ved. having this shape, ^rf dam-rid, t, t, t, ^•Z.indu,ns, m. (said to be fr. rt. und; per-
itlka, as, m., N. of a people. knowing this or conversant with this. — Idan-karyd, plant.
haps connected with rindu, which last is unknown in
f. the plant Hedysarum Alhagi. — Idad-i'asu, u», the Rig-veda), Ved. a drop, especially of Soma, Soma ;
^r*5 itkata, as, m. a kind of reed or grass. us, u, Ved. rich in this and that. — Idan-td, f. iden-
See iktata. a bright drop, a spark ; the moon ; (avas), m. pi.
tity. — Idam-prakdram, ind. in this manner. the moons, i. e. the periodic changes of the moon ;
itkila, f., N. of a perfume. See — Idam-prat/tama, as, d, am, doing anything for time of moonlight, night ; (us), m. camphor. (In
rodand. the first time. — Idum-maya, as, i, am, Ved. made the Brahmanas indu is used only for the moon ; but
or consisting of this.
^fH ittha, am, n. in astronomy = IxSvs Idamyit, us, us, u, wishing this. the connection
' moon betweenindu
' in the word the has
led 'toSoma
the juice' and
same two
V4»iN ittham, ind. (fr. id, q. v.), thus, in ideas being transferred in classical Sanskrit to the
^T i-da, ind. (fr. pronom. base 3. i),Ved. word Soma, although the latter has properly only
this manner; [cf. Lat. item.] — lit ham-vidha, as, now, at this moment; (often connected with a gen.
d, am, of such a kind, endowed with such qualities. of ahan, e. g. idd aJmah or ahna idd, this present the sense ' Soma juice.') — Indu-kamala, am, n. the
white lotus. — Inrlu-kald, f. a digit of the moon ;
— ]ttham-kdram, ind. in this manner. — Ittliam- day, ' now-a-days ; ' and with hi/as, e. g. idd hya/i, N. of several plants, Cocculus Cordifolius, Sarcostema
bkava, as, m. the being thus endowed. — Itlham- only yesterday.) - Idd-vatsara, as, m. originally Viminale, Ligusticum Ajowan. — Indn-lcaKkS, f. the
bhuta, as, d, am, become thus, being thus or in perhaps • the present or current year ;' then one of the plant Pandanus Odoratissimus. — Indu-kdnta, an,
such manner; so circumstanced. names given to the single years of a period of five m. the lunar gem, the moon-stone; (a), f. night.
itthasala, (in astrology) N. of the years ; one of the five years in which gifts of clothes — Indu-ja, as, m. epithet of the planet mercury,
and food are productive of great rewards. — Idd- ' son of the moon ; ' (a), f., N. of the river Reva or
third Yoga, = Arabic vatsam/a,as, i, am, belonging to such a year. — Idu- NarmadS in the Dekhan. — Indw-janaka, as, m. the
vatsara and iil-vatsara = iild-vatsara above. — Id-
ittha, ind., Ved. thus ; (often used i'atsartya = tddvateariya above. •> ocean, lit. ' father of the moon,' (the moon being
produced amongst other things at the churning of
in the Rig-veda, and sometimes only to lay stress on I-ddnim, ind. now, at this moment, in this case, the ocean.) — Indu-dala, as, m. a portion of the
•A following word; therefore by native etymologists just, even ; (with gen. of ahan, e. g. idanlm ahnah, moon, a digit, crescent. — Indw-putra, as, m. epithet
140 indu-pushpika. ^tj Ifill 41 indranika.
of the planet Mercury. — Iitdu-pmltpika, f. the plant necklace consisting of 1008 strings. — fndra-janana, host). — Indrawnsd, f. a metre of four lines, each
Methonica Superba.— Indu-Mirit, t, m. epithet of of which contains twelve syllables. — Intlra-nijra, f.
am, n. Indra's birth. — Jndrajanantya, ae, a, am, a metre of four lines occurring frequently in epic
S'iva, 'bearing the crescent on his forehead.'— Iinln- treating of Indra's birth.— /ndra-jd, as, as, am,
mani, i<, m. the moon-stone. — Indii-mandala, Ved. originating from Indra. — Indrn-janu, us, m., poetry; each line contains eleven syllables. — Iiidra-
N. of a monkey. — Indra-jala, am, n., Ved. the net vat, or in some cases indra-vat, an, att, at, Ved.
am, n. the otb or disc of the moon — fndu-mat,
an, m., Ved. (in liturgical language) an epithet of of Indra ; a weapon employed by Arjuna, stratagem associated with or accompanied by Indra. — Indra-
Agni, because in the verses in which he is addressed or trick in war; deception, cheating; conjuring, varman, a, m., N. of a warrior. — Indra-vallari or
the word ittdu occurs ; (ti), (. day of full moon ; N. juggling. — IndmjaHka, as, i, am, a juggler, a indra-valli, (. the plant Cucumis Colocynthis(?).
of the sister of Bhoja and wife of Aja ; N. of a river. conjurer; deceptive, unreal. — Indrajdlin, t, m., - fadrorvasti, h, m. f. (?) the calf (of the leg).
— Jmlra-vdtatama, as, a, am, Ved. much desired
— Im.ln-titanli, is, m. epithet of S'iva ; see indu- N. of a Bodhi-sattva. — Indra-jit, t, m. 'conqueror by Indra. — Indra-vayu, u, m. du. Indra and VSyu.
dhrit. — Indn-ratua, am, n. a pearl. — Indu-rdj, t, of Indra,' N. of the son of Ravana ; of a Dfmava ; of
m. the moon, king of the stars. — Indu-rekhd, f. a the father of Ravana and king of KSsmlra ; an author — Indra-raruiiikd or indra-varum, f. Colocj-nth,
digit ot the moon. •• Indu,-l(khd, f. a digit of of the seventeenth century. — Indrajid-vijayin, i, m. a wild bitter gourd, Cucumis Colocynthis ; the favourite
the moon ; the plant Menispermum Glabrum ; ' conqueror of Indrajit,' an epithet of Lakshinana. plant of Indra and Varuna. — Indra^jdh, (, m., Ved.
the moon-plant Asclepias Acida ; a kind of lovage, — Indra-juta, as, a, a»j,Ved. promoted, excited, or carrying Indra. — /iidru-rija, am, n. the seed of the
Wrightia Antidysenterica. — Indra-vriksha, as, m.
Ligusticum Ajwxn. — I itdu-loltaka, am, n. silver. procured by Indra. — Indra-jyeshtha, ax, a, am, Ved.
— livlu-mdnna, f. a metre of four verses of which whose chief is Indra, led by Indra. — Indra-tama, = indra-ddru. — Indra-rriddhd, f. a kind of ab-
each contains fourteen syllables. — Imlu-valli, f. the as, a, am, Ved. most Indra-like, mighty, powerful. scess. —Indra-rriddfiika, as, m. a kind of horse.
plant Sarcostemma Viminale. — Indu rdra in astrology — Indra-td, f. power and dignity of Indra. — Indra- — Indra-vaitiurya, am, n. a kind of precious stone.
= the Arabic-^ . \_xjl- tdpana, as, m., N. of a Danava. — Indra-tula or
" £ — Indu-vrata, am, n. a reli- indratvlaka, — Indra-vrata, am, n. 'Indra's rule of conduct,'
am, n. a flock of cotton, a flocculent one of the duties of a king, viz. to distribute benefits,
gious observance depending on the age of the moon ; seed &c. blown about in the zu.~Indra-toyd, f., as Indra pours down rain. — Indra-fakli, is, f. In-
diminishing the quantity of food by a certain portion dranl the wife or personified energy of Indra. — Indra-
N. of a river. — Indra-tva, am, n. Indra's power and
daily, for a fortnight or a month, &c. — Indu-dekhara, dignity; kingship. — Indra-tvota, as, a, am (fr. tfatru,, us, us, u, Ved. whose enemy or conquerer is
as, m. ' moon-crested,' an epithet of S'iva. {ndra-tva-fita) , Ved. favoured or protected by thee, Indra, conquered by Indra (with the UdStta on the first
Induka, as, m., N. of a plant, = aimantalca. O Indra. — Indra-datta, as, m., N. of a Brahman. syllable ; differently accented the word might mean
^"Jt*. indura, as, m. a rat, a mouse [cf. —Indra-ddru, us, m., the tree Pinus Devadaru. 'an enemy of Indra1); (us), m. 'Indra's enemy,'
epithet of Prahlsda. — Indra-falabha, as, m., N. of
imdura, unduni]. — Indra-devt, f., N. of the wife of king Meghava-
hana, who built a monastery called indradevi-bha- a min. — lndra-iatta, as, m., N. of a mountain.
^•5 indra, as, m. (fr. rt. in or ind or ob- vana. — Indra-dy umna, as, m., N. of a man with — Indra-ireshtlM, as, a, am, Ved. having Indra
solete rt. tdi), the god who in Vedic mythology the patronymic Bhallaveya ; (am), n., N. of a lake. as chief, led by indra; see indra-jycshtha. — Indra-
reigns over the deities of the intermediate region or — Indra-dru, us, m. the plants Terminalia Arjuna sakki, d, m., Ved. one whose ally or companion is
atmosphere ; he fights against and conquers with his and Wrightia Antidysenterica. — Indra-druma, as, Indra. — Indra-sandha, f. connection or alliance with
thunderbolt (mjra ) the demons of darkness, and is m. the plant Terminalia Arjuna. — Indra-dvipa, as, Indra. — Indra-sarathi, is, is, i, Ved. driving in
in general a symbol of generous heroism ; (Indra was am, m. n. one of the nine dvlpas or divisions of the the same carriage with Indra, an epithet ofVSyu.
not originally lord of the gods of the sky, but his known continent. — Indra-dluinus, us, n. India's — Indra-sdvarni, is, m., N. of the fourteenth
deeds were most useful to mankind, and he was there- bow, the rainbow. — Indra-dhvaja, as, m., N. of a Manu. — Indra-suta, as,m. ' son of Indra,' N. of
fore addressed in prayers and hymns more than any TathSgata or of a NSga. — Indra-tiaksiiatra, am, n., the monkey-king Bali ; also an epithet of Arjuna and
other deity, and ultimately superseded the more lofty Jayanta. — Indra-*uraea, a*, m. a shrub, the leaves
Ved., Indra's lunar mansion ; an epithet of Phalgunl.
and spiritual Varuna. In the later mythology Indra is — Indra-ntla, as, m. a sapphire. — Indrantlaka, of which are used in discutient applications, Vitex
subordinated to the triad BrahmS, Vishnu, and S'iva, as, m. an emerald. — Indra-patni, f., Ved. the wife Negundo. — Inilra-sura, f. or indra-surisa, as, m.,
but remained the chief of all other deities in the of Indra. — Indra-parm, {., N. of a plant, perhaps N. of the same plant (?). — Indra-sunu, us, m. ' the
popular mind; he is also regent of the east quarter, Methonica Superba. — Indra-parvata, as, m., N. of son of Indra,' epithet of the monkey-king Bali.
and considered one of the twelve Adityas : in the a mountain. — Indra-pdtama, as, a, am, Ved. — Indra-sena, as, m., N. of several men ; N. of a
VedSnta he is identified with the supreme being); drunk by Indra with more pleasure than by any one Naga; (a), f., N. of seveWl women. — Indrasena-
the first, the chief (of any class of objects) ; a prince ; else. — Indra-pdna, as, a, am, Ved. drunk by Indra dvltiya, as, a, am, attended by Indrasena. — Indra-
the pupil of the right eye (that of the left being called (anything which serves as his drink). — Indra-paltta, send, i., Ved., Indra's missile. — Indra-stut, t, m. or
IndrJnl or Indra's wife) ; N. of the plant Wrightia as, m. ' protected by Indra,' N. of a king ; also of a indra-stoma, of, m. ' praise of Indra ;' N. of particular
Antidytenterica, &c. (see Jcu/aja) ; a vegetable poi- Vaisya. — Indra-plta, as, a, am, Ved. drunk by hymns to Indra in certain ceremonies. — Indras-vat,
son ;N. of the twenty-sixth Yoga or division of a Indra. — Indra-putra, f., Ved. daughter of Indra. an, att, at, Ved. similar to Indra ; (Say.) accompanied
circle on the plane of the ecliptic ; the Yoga star in — Indra-purogama, as, a, am, preceded or led on by Indra, possessed of power (!). — Indra-hava, as,
the twenty-sixth Nakshatra, 7 Pegasi ; the human or by Indra, having Indra as leader. — Indra-purohitd, m., Ved. invocation of Indra. — Indra-hasta, as, m.
animal soul, the portion of spirit residing in the body ; f. the asterism Pushya. — Indra-pushpd or indra- a kind of medicament. — Iiiilriit/iii-di raid ( ra-ag°),
night ; one of the nine divisions of Jambu-dvlpa or piif/i/iU'd or i>tilra-]itishpl,{. the medicinal plant f. the sixteenth lunar mansion. — Indrdgni-dkiana,
the known continent ; best, excellent (in compounds); Methonica Superba. — Indra-pramati, is, m. a de- OK, m. frost, snaw. — Indranaja (°ra-an°), as, m.
(d), f. the wife of Indra, see indrdm; N. of a scendant ofVasishtha, author of some verses of the ' the younger brother of Indra,' an epithet of Vishnu
plant, Marjoram (?), see phanijjhava. — Indm- Rig-veda. •- Indra-pranuida, as, m., N. of a man. or Krishna. — IndrdWia ("ra-abh0), as, m., N. of a
rishalilat, as, a, am, Ved. having Indra as a bull, — Indra-prasuta, as, a, am, Ved. caused or im- grandson (?) of Dhrita-rashtra. — Imlrayudha (°ra-
or impregnated by Indra, epithet of the earth. pelled by Indn. — fiidra-prastha, as, am, m. n., iy°), am, n. Indra's weapon, the rainbow ; (as), m.,
•» Indra-karman, a, m. epithet of Vishnu, ' per- N. of a city on the Yamuna" (now Delhi), the resi- N. of a horse ; a horse marked with black about the
forming Indra's deeds.' - Indra-k'da, as, m., N. of dence of the P3ndavas.— Indra-praluirana, am, eyes; (a), f. a kind of leech having rainbow tints on
a mountain; a. rock. - Indra-kiiitjara, as, m. n. Indra's weapon, the thunderbolt. — 1 itili'u-hralt- the back. — Indraijudha-sikhin, i, m., N. of a
Indra's elephant; see airdvata. — Indm-ku/a, as, mana, as, m., N. of a man. — Indra-bhaylni, f. NSga. — Indrdri (°ra-ar), is, m. Indra's enemy,
•n., N. of a mountain. — Iwlra-krixhta, as, d, KM, ' Indra's sister,' epithet of the wife of S'iva.— Indra- an Asura or demon. — Indrdraraja (fra-av°), as,
lua"-d by Indra, growing in a wild state. - Itulra- liliiit!, IK, m., N. of one of the eleven Ganadhipas m. ' the younger brother of Indra,' an epithet of
itiment „, Wra.s ba
counting. . N, , f , , { , of the Jainas. — Indra-bhe&haja, am, n. dried ginger. Vishnu or Krishna. — Indrdiana (°ra-a#°), as, m.
"olui or ttKlrakosltakd, as, m. a — JndramaJia, am, n., N. of a ceremony beginning hemp, dried and chewed ; the shrub which bears the
, ..;,,:_u •_ _. • . * projection of the roof of a with the words indram nltuiu.— I inlr<imaka-kd-
seed used as a jeweller's weight, Albus Precatorius.
muka, aft, m. a dog. — Indra-madana, as, a, am, — Indrdnana fra-os0), am, n. the throne of Indra,
Ved. animating or delighting Indra. — Indra-mdrga, any throne ; a foot of five short syllables. — Indrejya
as, m., N. of a Tlrtha. — /luli-K-iueiltn, 1, -in'i, i, (°ra-ij°), as, m., N. of Vrihaspati, the preceptor of the
Ved. whose friend or ally is Indra. — Indra-yava, gods. — Indresltita (°ra-»sA°), as, d, am, Ved. senior
can, n. Indra-grain ; the seed of the Wrightia Anti- driven or instigated by Indra. — Indrota (°ra-uta), as,
kovida or ittffit<i-j/«i, <tx, d, u/,: dysentcrica. — I ndm -yoija, as, m.,Ved., Indra's union m., N. of a son of Riksha and of Devapi. — Jiidru-
or uniting power. ~ Indra-lii/ita, as, am, m. n. or tiava (°ra-ut°), as, m. a festival honouring Indra.
signs, acquainted wiih the gesture of'amjn'^j ' "*' i/nli'ii-lii/itiil'/t, inn.,n. morbid baldness of the head; Indraka, am, n. an assembly-room, a hall.
in the expression or interpretation of ti 'S ^"Jf loss of beard. — Indra-lokn, tin, m. Indra's world ; Iiidraijn, nom. A., Ved. inilrayate, -yitum, to
sentiments by the external gesture. 'me'ln£ Svarga or paradise. - Iiulralokaijitmana C/ca-aif), behave like Indra.
•i>i, as, a, am, movable from its plac n _ r fnilnn/ii, us, us, u, Ved. longing for or wishing
am, n. (Arjuna's) approach to Indra's world. — litiirn-
of a compound word for
yas a term which certainor rat; /";."
thoseinwords lokeila (°ka-ij°), as, m. the lord of Indra's world, to approach Indra.
i. e. Indra ; a guest (as conferring paradise on his Imlrdnikd, (. the plant Vitex Negundo.
indrdni. ^3
Indram, f. the wife of Indra ; N. of Durga, is used for the sacred fire ; [cf. Hib. adhmad ; iradh (Anomalous Intens. of radh),
reckoned as one of the eight mothers (matrika) or Zend aisma.] — Idhma-jihva, as, m., N. of a son iradhate and iradhyati, Ved. to endeavour to gain ;
divine energies ; a kind of coitus ; the plant Vitex of Priya-vrata. — Idhma-pravraddana, as, m. a (SSy.) to worship. The inf. iradhyai is by some
Negundo. hatchet, an axe. — Idhma-bhriti, is, is, i, Ved. referred to this form, and regarded as a shortened
Indriya, as, a, am, fit for or belonging to or bringing fuel. — Idhma-vdha, as, m. epithet of form of iradhadhyai; but Say. refers it to rt. ir.
agreeable to Indra ; (as), m. a companion of Indra ; Dridhasyu or Dridhadasyu.
(am), n. power, force, the quality which belongs Idhyd, f. kindling, lighting. See vdjedhyd. ^<H<5 iram-mada, as, m., Ved. delighting
especially to the mighty Indra ; exhibition of power, Indlia, as, d, am, lighting, kindling. in drink ; an epithet of Agni, in the form of light-
powerful act ; bodily power, power of the senses ; Indhana, am, n. kindling, lighting ; [cf. agnln- ning and ApSm-napat ; a flash of lightning or the
virile power ; semen virile ; faculty of sense, sense, dhana\ ; fuel ; wood, grass &c. used for this purpose. fire attending the fall of a thunderbolt ; submarine
organ of sense ; the number five as symbolical of the — Indhana-vat, an, ati, at, possessed of fuel. fire.
five senses. (In addition to the five organs of per- •• Indhan-van, a, d, a, Ved. possessed of fuel;
ception, buddKindriydyi or jnanendriyani, i. e. ^UT irasya, P., Ved. irasyati, to behave
eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin, the Hindus enu- insolently, be angry; (with dat.) to be ill-affected
"fT3 inv, cl. 6. P. invati, invan-6akara, towards ; [cf. Lat. ira, irasci.]
merate five organs of action, karmendriydni, i. e.
^> X invishyati, ainmt, invitum, to pervade, Irasya, I,, Ved. ill-will, malevolence ; (SSy.) wish
larynx, hand, foot, anus, and parts of generation ; be-
tween these ten organs and the soul or titman stands surround, embrace, seize, take possession of; to invi- for food.
manas or mind, considered as an eleventh organ. gorate, gladden. See in. ?TT ira, f. (closely allied to ida and US),
In the VedSnta, mantis, buddhi, ahankdra, and Inva, as, a, am, pervading (in vis'vam-in'va). Ved. any drinkable fluid; a draught (especially of
dtta form the four inner or internal organs, antar-
indriydni, so that according to this reckoning the
of $«J«*I
Orion. invaka, as, f. pi. stars in the head milk) ; refreshment, comfort, enjoyment ; N. of an
Apsaras, a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kasyapa ;
organs are fourteen in number, each being presided water ; ardent spirits ; the earth ; speech ; the god-
over by its own ruler or niyantri; thus, the eye by ^H ibha, as or am?, m. or n. ? (said to be
the Sun, the ear by the Quarters of the world, the fr. rt. i, to go), Ved. servants, dependants, domestics, dess of speech, Sarasvat! ; [cf. idd."\ — Ird-kshlra, as,
household, family ; (Say.) fearless power ; (as, d, am), d, am, Ved. whose milk is a refreshment or enjoy-
nose by the two AsVins, the tongue by Prac'etas, the followed by attendants ; (as), m. an elephant ; (i), ment. —Ird-dara, am, n. hail ; (as, d or i, am),
skin by the Wind, the voice by Fire, the hand by earth-born, terrestrial, aquatic. — Ird-ja, as, m. a
Indra, the foot by VishnuK the anus by Mitra, the f. a female elephant; [with this word cf. the Gr.
parts of generation by PrajJpati, manas by the Moon, ^A-eipos and the Lat. e&Mr.] — Ibha-kana, f. a plant N. of Kama, god of love, ' bora from water.' — Ird-
with an aromatic seed, Scindapsus Officinalis. — Ibha- mukha, am, n., N. of an Asura-town near Meru.
buddhi by Brahman, ahan-kSra by Siva, ftrta by •• Jra-rat, an, ati, at, Ved. granting drink or re-
Vishnu as Acyuta. In the NySya philosophy each kesara, as, m. the tree Mesua Roxburgh!!. •- Ibha-
gandhd, f., N. of a poisonous fruit. — Ibha-dantd, freshment, satiating, giving enjoyment ; endowed with
organ is connected with its own peculiar element,
f. the plant Tiaridium Indicutn. — Ibha-nimllikd, f. provisions;
the nose with the Earth, the tongue with Water, the Arjuna; thecomfortable' ; (an),a king;
ocean, a cloud; m., N.(1),
of a(.,son of
N. of
eye with Light or Fire, the skin with Air, the ear with smartness, shrewdness, sagacity (like that of an ele-
phant). —Ibha-pdlaka, as, m. the driver or keeper a plant ; N. of Durga, the wife of Rudra, daughter of
Ether. The Jainas divide the whole creation into the N5ga SuSravas ; N. of a river in the Panjsb, now
five sections, according to the number of organs of an elephant. —Ibha-pota, f. a young elephant, a
cub. — Ibham-dtola, as, m. a lion. — Ibha-yuvati, called R5vl. — Ird-vellikd, f. pimples or pustules on
attributed to each being.) — Indriya-kdma, as, a,
am, Ved. desiring or endeavouring to obtain power. is, f. an elephant's cub. — Ibhdkhya (°bha-akh°), the head. — Zresa (°rd-ii°), as, m. a N. of Vishnu ;
a king, a sovereign ; Varuna.
— Indri-yagodara, at, a, am, perceptible, capable as, m. the plant Mesua Roxburghii. — Ibhdri (°bha-
of being ascertained by the senses. — Indriya-grdma, ar°), is, m. a lion ('enemy of the elephant'). —Ibho- ^(Vciii irikd, f., N. of a plant or tree.
as, m. the assemblage of the organs, the senses or shand f^bha-ush°), f. a kind of aromatic plant. — Irikd-vana, am, n. a grove of such trees.
organs of sense collectively. — Indriya-jndna, am, Ibhya, as, d, am, Ved. belonging to one's servants
n. the faculty of perception, sense, consciousness. or attendants ; wealthy, opulent, having many attend- $jV.«<i irina, am, n. (said to be fr. rt. n,
— Indriya-nigraha, as, m. restraint of the organs ants (Say.)
; (as), m. an enemy ; (a), f. a female to go ; connected with ira), Ved. a water-course, a
elephant ; N. of the Olibanum tree, Boswellia Serrata. rivulet, a well ; any incision in the ground, a hollow,
of sense. — Imlriya-buddhi, is, f. perception by the hole ; a desert, an inhospitable region ; a bare plain,
senses, the exercise of any sense, the faculty of any — Ibhya-tilvala, as, a, am, Ved. abundantly pos-
sessed ofhousehold requisites. barren soil ; salt soil.
organ. — Indriya-bodhana, as, a, am, exciting
power, arousing or sharpening the senses ; (am), n. ^R ima, a pronominal base. See idam. a Irinya,
desert &c.as, d, am, Ved. belonging or relating to
any excitement of sense, an object of perception, a Imaka, as, d, am, diminutive of ima.
stimulus, Stc. — Indriya-varga, as, m. the assem- Imathd, ind., Ved. as in this place, as here, as now. $fl.«^«rin, i, im, i (connected with ina ?},
blage of organs, the organs of sense collectively. Ved. powerful, violent; an overbearing fellow ; (S5y.)
— Indriya-vipratipatti, is, f. perversion of the S^vnyaksh (Anomalous Desid. of rt. yaj), an instigator ; [cf. irasya &c.]
organs, erroneous or perverted perception. — Indriya- Ved. occurring only in the part. pres. iyakshat and
mdpa, as, m. sleep of the senses, unconsciousness, iyakshamdna, and in impf. subj. lyakahdm, to go ^IV*m irimeda, as, m., N. of a plant, =.
insensibility ; the end of the world. — IndriyagoCara towards, approach ; to request, endeavour to gain ; to ari-meda.
(^ya-a-gof), as, a, am, imperceptible. — Indri- long for, seek.
Srfrffjfij irimWf A», is, m., N. of a man of
ydtman (°ya-dt°), a, m. an epithet of Vishnu. lyakshu, us, its, «,Ved. longing for, seeking to gain.
the family of Kinva, author of several hymns of the
— Indriydyatana (?ya-dy°), am, n. the residence
^«<ir iyat, an, aft, at (fr. pronominal base
of the senses ; the body. — Indriyartha (°ya-ar°), Rig-veda.
as, m. an object of sense (as sound, smell, &c.), 3. i), so large, only so large; so much, only so
$(X.f<4sll irivilla or irivellika, f. pimples
anything exciting the senses. — Indriyd-vat, an, much ; [with iyat cf. the syllable iens or its in such
all, at, or indriyd-wn, i, inl, i, Ved. powerful, Lat. words as Miens, toties, quotiens, quolies, and or pustules on the head.
mighty; sometimes also indriya-vat. — Indriyd- in numeral adverbs as quinquies.] — lyat-td, f. or ^ irya, as, a, am, Ved. active, powerful,
sanga Cya-a-s°), as, m. non-attachment to sensual iyat-tva, am, n. quantity, fixed measure or quantity, energetical ; epithet of POshan and of the Asvins ;
objects, stoicism, philosophy. so much.
(S5y.) instigating ; destroying enemies ; a lord.
indriya. See above. lyattaka, as, tkd, am, Ved. so small, very small,
^4I'{* irvaru, us, m. f., N. of an eatable
cucumber, Cucumis Utilissimus; of another kind,
3^M indh, cl. 7. A. inddhe, indhan-dakre ^<<«<t iyasya (Anomalous Intens. of rt. Cucumis Colocynthis ; see irvdlu, irvdru, urvdru,
\ or Idhe, indhishyate, aindhisJita, indhi- yas). A., Ved. iyasyate, to relax, weaken ; to vanish. ervdru. — Irvdru-suktikd, f. a kind of melon, com-
tum, to kindle, light, set on fire : Pass, idhyate, lyasd, (., Ved. lassitude, dejection, low spirits. monly Sphuti or Sphut, Cucumis Momordica.
to be lighted ; to blaze, flame ; [with indh cf. Gr. Irvdruka, as, m. an animal living in caves.
alBu, I6ap6s ; aifl^p, ATri/i) ; °Hcf>-ai<r-Tor : Lat. Irvdlu, us, m. f. Cucumis Utilissimus Roxb. or
cei-tus, as-tas : Old Germ, eit, ' fire.1] ir, cl. 6. P. irati, to go ; [cf. il.~\ Cucumis Colocynthis.
IddKa, as, a, am, kindled, lighted, alight ; shin- . irajya (Anomalous Intens. of raj, il, cl. 6. P. ilati, iyela, elishyati,
ing, glowing, blazing ; clean, clear, bright ; wonder- raj), P. rarely A., Ved. irajyati, -te, to order, pre-
ful ;obeyed, unresisted ? ; (am), n. sunshine, light, ailit, elilum, or cl. 10. P. ilayati or
pare, arrange; to lead; to dispose, be master of;
heat ; a wonder. — Iddha-manyu, us, us, u, having elayati, -yitum, aor. aililat or ailayit, to keep
the anger excited or kindled. — Tddhagni ("dha- (S5y.) to grow. still, not to move ; to become quiet ; to send, to
Irajyu, us, us, u, Ved. busy with preparations for cast ; to sleep ; to move, to go ; [a various reading
a?°). »»» *«, i, Ved. one whose fire burns. the sacrificial rite. has the form il: cf. Old Germ. Ulu, tllo, for ttju;
Idh, (at the end of compounds) lighting; [cf.
agnulh.] ^TSF irana, desert ; salt or barren (soil) ; Mod. Germ. £Ue; Cambro-Brit. il, 'progress, mo-
Idhma, at, am, m. n. fuel, especially that which =irina, q.v. tion;' Gr. e'Aoaj.] Oo
142 ilaya. ^ isha.
Ilaya, as, a, am, Ved. resting, motionless. iove quickly, to cast, let fly, swing ; to strike ; to also Gr. irpoWo/uu, irpo-ficTj)r, »po-f{ ; and per-
y off, escape ; to impel, incite, animate, promote : haps Gr. W-TTJS and 1-fupos.]
^(44 ilava, as, d, am.Ved. sounding, noisy, aus. P. eshayati, -yitum, to bring, offer : Desid. IMhdka, as, ikd, am, wishing, desirous of; (as),
loud ; [cf. ailaba.] ihishishati. m. demand, the sum sought (in arithmetic).
^f*r«4rt ilavila, as, m., N. of a son of 2. ish, (at the end of some compounds) moving Ifdhat, an, atl or anil, at, wishing, wishful, de-
Dasaratha; (a), f., N. of a daughter of Trinavindu, uickly, speedy. See aram-ish. sirous.
wife of Viiravas and mother of Kuvera. Ishanaya, nom. (from the next) A., Ved. isJta- Iddha-ta, f. or iMka-tva, am, n. desire, wishfulness.
ayate, -yitum, to move, excite. I66hd, f. wish, desire, inclination ; (in mathematics)
^OT ila, f. flow, speech, the earth, &c.; see I. isliani,
nder 3. ish.)is, f., Ved. impulse, desire. (For 2. see a question or problem ; (in gram.) the desiderative
idd. — Ild-gola, am, n. the earth, the globe. —Ild- form ; itdhayd, according to one's wish or desire ;
tala, am, n. the fourth place in the circle of the Ishanya, nom. P., Ved. inhanyati, -yitum, to i(6ham ni-rjrah, to suppress one's desire. — I((h&-
zodiac; the surface of the earth. — Ild-dadha, as, luse to make haste, to excite, drive. ddna, am, n. the granting or gratification of a wish.
m., N. of a certain sacrifice. — Ildn-da, am, n. Ishanya, !., Ved. impulse, desire. — Itfhd-nivritti, is, f. suppression of desire. — 1(-
or food,' N. of a ceremony or thamita (°<!hd-an°), as, a, am, having a desire,
of a verse ;refreshment
' granting archery. as, d, am (fr. ishu below), Ved. skilled
N . of a Saman. — Ha-vrita, as, m., N. of n Ishavya, wishing, wishful. — Iffhd-phala, as, m. (in mathe-
a son of Agnldhra, who received theVarsha ild-vrita Ishikd— ishikd and Ishikd, q.v. maticsthe
) solution of a question or problem. — I6(ha-
as his kingdom ; (am), n. one of the nine Varshas or Ishita, as, d, am, moved, driven, tossed, sent; rat, an, atl, at, wishing, wishful, desirous ; (ti), f. a
divisions of the known world, comprehending the caused, excited, animated ; quick. — Ishita-tvatd, ind., woman desirous of anything. — Ktha-vasu, us, m. an
highest and most central part of the old continent. fed. by impulse or excitement. epithet of Kuvera (' possessing wealth according to
Ilikd, f. the earth. Ishika, as, m., N. of a people, = aishlka ; (d), inf.). — IMhd-sampad, t, I. fulfilment or attain-
reed, rush, stem or stalk of grasses ; an arrow ; a ment of wishes.
gTrf'ft Hint, f., N. of a daughter of
Medhatithi. ort of sugar-cane, Saccharum Spontaneum ; a brush ; I&'hu, us, us, u, wishing, desiring (with ace. or
small stick of wood or iron used for trying whether
^c5^ Hi, f. a cudgel, a stick shaped like a r not the gold in a crucible is melted ; the eyeball Itthuka, as, d or ?, am, wishing, desirous.
sword or a short sword. See til. f an elephant; see ishikd, Ishikd, Ishikd, ifiled. 4. ish, t, f. wish ; [cf. i t-faraJ]
— Ishlka-tula, am, n. the point or upper part of 2. {shani,
under i. ish.) ««, f., Ved. wish, desire. (For I. see
$rf1fa$I ilibisa, as, m., Ved., N. of a reed.
demon conquered by Indra.
Ishu, us, m. f. an arrow; (in mathematics) a Ishuya, P., Ved. isJmyati, -yitum, to request,
ills'a, as, m. (said to be fr. il, to ersed sine ; N. of a Soma ceremony. — Ishu-kdra, ask ; (Say.) to wish for food, wish to approach.
go), a fish, commonly the hilsa or sable, Clupea Alosa ; as, or ishu-TcrU, t, m., Ved. an arrow-maker. — Ishu- I. ishta, as, d, am (for 2. see next page), sought ;
the fish being one of high flavour, and very abundant rlhara, as, m. an archer. — Ishu-dhi, see s. v. below. wished, desired ; liked, beloved ; agreeable ; cherished ;
at certain seasons, is generally eaten both by the — Ishu-pa, as, m., N. of an Asura, who appeared worshipped, reverenced, respected ; regarded as good,
natives of Bengal and by Europeans residing there ; m earth as king Magna-jit. — Ishu-patha, as, m. approved ; valid ; (as), m. a lover, a husband ; the
[cf. UUto.] the range of an arrow. — Ishu-pushpd, (., N. of a plant Ricinus Communis ; (a), f., N. of a plant ;
jlant. — Ishu-ltala, as, d, am, Ved. powerful by
^7^ ilusha, as, m., N. of the father of .—Ishu-bhrit, t, t, t, carrying arrows, an
(am), n. wish, desire ; (am), ind. voluntarily. — Ish-
ta-karman, a, n. (in arithmetic) rule of supposition,
Kavasha. See ailusha. archer. — Ishu-mat, an, atl, at, Ved. possessed of operation with an assumed number. — Ishta-kapa-
arrows. — Ishu-mdtra, as, I, am, having the length
ilpa, as, m., N. of a wonderful tree tha, as, m. the root of the fragrant grass Andropo-
in the other world. of an arrow, i. e. about five short spans or three
gon Muricatus. — Ishta-kdma-duh, dhuk, f. ' grant-
eel; (am), ind. as far as the range of an arrow.
— Ishus-trikdndd, f. the threefold arrow, N. of a ing the wished-for desires,' epithet of the cow of
illaka,as, m., N. of a merchant's son. plenty. — Ishta-gandha, of, d, am, fragrant ; (as),
illala, as, m., N. of a bird. constellation, perhaps the girdle of Orion. — Ishu- m. any fragrant substance ; (am), n. sand. — Ishta-
illita, as, m. the fish Clupea Alosa ; hasta, as, d, am, ' arrow-handed,' carrying arrows jana, as, m. a beloved person, man or woman ; a
n the hand. — Ishv-agra, am, n. the point of an loved one. — Ishta-tama, as, d, am, most desired,
[cf. ilita.] arrow. — Ishv-anlka, am, n. the point of an arrow. best beloved, beloved, dearest. — Ishta-tara, as, d,
$H«M ilvaka, as, f. pi. the five stars in • Ishvarga, as, m. (for ishu-varga), Ved. one who am, more desired, more dear, dearer. — Ishta-tas,
averts arrows, a shield-bearer. — Ishv-asana or
Orion's head. See ilmla. ind. according to one's wish or desire. — Ishta-td, f.
'^hv-astra, am, n. a bow ('arrow-thrower').— Ish or ifh ta-tva, am, n. desirableness, the state of being
ilvala, as, m. a kind of fish ; N. of dyudha, am, n. , Ved. arrow and weapons. — Ishv- beloved or reverenced. •- Ishia-deva, as, m. or
a Daitya, the brother of Vstapi ; (as), f. pi., N. of dsa, as, d, am, throwing arrows ; (as), m. a bow ; ishta-devatd, f. a chosen or tutelary deity, a
the five stars in Orion's head. an archer, a warrior. favourite god, one particularly worshipped. — 7s hta-
IsKuka, as, t, am, arrow-like ; (a), f., Ved. an
^ iva, ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. t), yaman, d, d, a, Ved.is,going
is, i,according to one's de-
like, in the same manner as (in this sense *=yathd, sire. —Ishta-raimi, Ved. having desired
Ishu-dhi, is, m. f. (rt. dhd), a quiver. — Ishudhi- or best reins or bridles. — Iskta-vrata, as, d, am,
and used correctively to tathd) ; as it were (after a mat, an, aft, at, Ved. possessed of a quiver.
metaphorical expression, e. g. pathd iva yantau, Ved. obeying one's wish ; (Say.) that by which good
on a path going as it were) ; in a certain manner, in Ishudhya, nom. P., Ved. -dhyati, -yitum, to be works succeed. — Ishld-krita, am, n.,Ved. wish and
a quiver, to contain arrows ; to implore, request ; deed, i. e. accomplishment of a wish (?) ; N. of a
some measure, a little, perhaps (in qualification or
(Say.) to desire oblations. certain sacrificial ceremony. — IsJitd-purta, am, n.,
mitigation of a strong assertion) ; nearly, almost, about Ishudhyd, f., Ved. imploring, request.
(e. g. muhurtam iva, almost an hour) ; so, just so, Ved. wish and fulfilment, i. e. fulfilment of one's
just, exactly, indeed, very (especially after words Ishudhyu, us, m, u, Ved. imploring, requesting; wishes ; any religious duty or pious act, as oblation,
which involve some restriction, e. g. ishad iva, just (Say.) going. sacrifice, penance, holy study, digging a well, plant-
a little ; Mntid iva, just a little bit : and after a nega- I . ishfi, is, f. impulse, acceleration, hurry ; invita- ing a tree, &c. — Ishtdrtha (°la-ar°), as, m. any-
tion, e. g. naiirdd iva, very soon). Iva is connectei tion, order, despatch. thing desired or agreeable. — Jshtdrthodyukta (°M«-
vaguely, and somewhat pleonastically, with an inter Ishmin, I, iift, i, Ved. going quickly, speedy, im- ud°), as, d, am, zealously active, diligent for a
rogative pronoun or adverb (e. g. Mm iva, what ? petuous ;an epithet of the winds. desired object. — Ishtddva (°ta-af), as, a, am,
katham iva, how could that possibly be? kveva Ved. having desired or best horses.
3. ish, cl. 6. P., ep. also A. i66hati, 2. ishti, is, f. seeking, endeavouring to obtain;
where, I should like to know?). In the Pada texts
of the Rig, Yajur, and Atharva-vcda, and by nativi \-te, iyesha, eshishyati, aishit, e*hitum or wish, request, desire ; any desired object, a desired
grammarians, fro is considered to be compounde< efhtum, to endeavour to obtain, strive, seek for ; to
with the word after which it stands, and is therefore endeavour to make favourable ; desire, wish, long for ; rule, a desideratum (a term applied to Patanjali's ad-
ditions to Panini's rules) ; (is), m., Ved. seeking,
enclitic. to request ; to be willing, to be about to do anything,
to intend ; to strive to obtain anything (ace.) from going after, guarding.
ivllaka, as, m., N. of a son o any one (abl. or loc.) ; to expect anything from any Ishtu, Its, f. wish, desire.
Lambodara. Jshma, as, m. the spring ; love or the deity Kama.
one; to assent; to be favourable; to ask anything
Ishya, as, am, m. n. the spring season.
(ace.) from any one (loc.) ; to acknowledge, to regard : IsJaia, as, m. a spiritual teacher. See tshva.
isika, f. an elephant's eyeball Pass, ishyate, to be wished or liked ; to be asked,
requested, prescribed ; to be approved, acknowledged, ^ 5. ish, t, f.,Ved. that which is drunk,
i. ish, cl. 4. P. ishyati, iyesha, eshish accepted, regarded as ; to be worth ; to be wanted as a a draught, refreshment, enjoyment; libation; the
ti, aishit, eshitum, to move, to cause t desideratum, see 2. ishti: Caus. P. eshayati, -yitum, refreshing waters of the sky ; sap, strength, freshness,
move ; to let fly, to throw, cast ; to raise (as one aishishat : Desid. eshixhishati ; [with ink cf. Old comfort, increase ; good condition, affluence.
voice) ; to sprinkle ; cl. 9. P. ishnati, to cause t Germ. eiscSm, 'I ask;' Mod. Germ, heische: cf. Isha, as, m. one who possesses sap and strength ;
isha-vat. 143
the month AsVina (September-October) ; strength, $ 2. i, is, m., N. of Kandarpa, the god of int, cl. i. P. intati, -titum, to bind ;
vigour (?). -• Isha-vat, an, ati, at, Ved. vigorous. love ; i or is, f., N. of LakshmT. [cf. ant and and.]
— Isha-stut, t, m., Ved. a praiser of the desired
(Sun); (t), {. praise of comfort. ^ 3. i, ind. an interjection of pain, anger, ips (Desid. of rt. dp, q. v.), to wish
Ishaya, nom. P. A., Ved. ishayati, -te, -yttum, consciousness or perception, consideration, compassion. to obtain.
to be succulent, swell ; to be fresh, active, powerful ; Ipsana, am, n. desiring, wishing to obtain.
to refresh, strengthen, animate. 4. i for rt. «'. See under 5. t. Ipsd, f. asking, desire, wish to obtain.
Ishira, as, d, am, Ved. succulent, refreshing, fresh, Ipsita, as, d, am, wished, desired.
flourishing ; vigorous, active, quick ; [cf. Gr. Iff6s] ; 4SU iksh, cl. i. A. ikshate, ikshan-takre, Ipsu, us, us, u, striving to obtain ; wishing to get
(as), m. fire 1 ; (am), ind. quick. ^ N ikshishyate, aikshishia, ikshitum, to see, or obtain, desirous of (with ace.). — Ipsu-yajna, as,
Jshetvdka, as, a, am (an AdhySya or Anuvaka), look, view, behold, look at, gaze at (with ace. or m. a particular Soma sacrifice.
containing the words ishe tvd, ' for rain thee.' rarely loc.); to see in one's mind, think, have a
thought, regard, consider ; to look to the welfare ol ^TN«m, ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. i),Ved.
^^ ishu, ishu-dhi, &c. See I . ish last page. any one (with dat.) : Caus. ikshayati, -yitum, to a particle of affirmation and restriction, generally after
ish-kri, cl. 8. P., Ved. -karoti, -kar- make hapsone look at (with ace.). (This root is per-
connected with akshi, q. v.)
short words at the beginning of a period, or after the re-
lative pronouns, the conjunction yad, prepositions and
tum, to arrange, set in order, prepare.
Ikshaka, as, m. a spectator, a beholder. particles such as at, uta, atlia, Sec. Im has also the
IsMcartri, ta, tri, tri, Ved. arranging, preparing,
Ikshana, am, n. a look, view, aspect, sight; re- sense 'now' (=iddnim), and is by S5y. sometimes
setting in order. garding, looking after, caring for ; an eye. considered as an ace. case for enam.
Ish-krita, as, a, am, Ved. arranged. — Jshkritd- Ikshanika, as, d, m. f. a looker into the future,
hdva (°ta-dh°), as, d, am, Ved. whose Soma vessel a fortune-teller. , as, as, as (iya fr. rt.
is prepared or ready. Ikshamdna, as, a, am, looking at, surveying. f), Ved. one whose eyes go or look about everywhere ;
^F 2. ishta, as, d, am (ft. rt. yaj ; for i . ishta Ikshd, f. sight, viewing, considering. (Say.) of pervading sight.
see last page), sacrificed, worshipped with sacrifices ; Ikshita, as, d, am, seen, beheld, regarded. lyivas, an, -yushi, as, gone, having gone, having
(as), m. sacrifice ; (am), n. sacrificing ; sacred rite, Ikshitri, td, tri, tri, seeing, beholding, a beholder.
sacrament. — Ishta-yajus, us, us, us, Ved. one to curious. Ikshenya, as, d, am, Ved. deserving to be seen, ir, cl. 2. A. irte, iran-6akre, irishyati,
whom sacrificial verses have been offered or addressed. airishta, iritum, Ved. inf. iradhyai, to go,
— Ishtd-vat, an, ati, at, possessed of sacrifices. Ikshyamdna, as, d, am, being beheld, being move, rise, arise from ; to go away, retire ; to agitate,
Ishtakd, f. a brick, especially one used in building elevate, raise (one's voice) : Caus. P. irayati, -yitum,
the altar of a sacrifice. — Ishtakd-griha, am, n. a ikh or ikh, cl. i. P. ekhati, iyekha, or to agitate, throw, cast ; to excite ; to cause to rise ;
brick house. — IsMaka-fita, as, d, am, built of bricks. .Ikhati, ikhdn-Hakara, ekhitum or ikhi- to bring to life ; to raise one's voice, utter, pronounce,
— Ishtaka-nydsa, as, m. laying the foundation of a tum, to go, move. proclaim, cite ; to elevate ; A. to raise one's self.
house. — Ishtakd-rdtf, is, m. a pile of bricks. theIrana,
wind. as, d, am, agitating, driving; (<w), m.
3. iskti, is, f. sacrificing, sacrifice ; oblation con-
J inkh or inkh, cl. I. P. inkhati, inkhdn-
sisting of butter, fruits, &c., opposed to the sacrifice ('akdra, or inkhati, inkhdn-dakdra, inkhi- If If a, as, d, am, sent, despatched ; said, uttered.
tum or inkhitum, to go, move : Caus. inkhayati, — Iritdkuta (°te-ait0), am, n. declared purpose or
of an animal or of Soma. — Ishti-pada, as, or ishti-
mush, t, m. an Asura, a demon. — Ishty-ayana, am, up •yitum, to move backwards and forwards, to move
n. a series of oblations, a sacrifice lasting a long time. and down, to swing. Irya, as, d, am, to be excited. — Irya-td, {., Ved.
the condition of one who is to be excited.
Ishtikd, f. a brick, especially one used in building IT^T ij or inj, cl. i. P. ijati, ijdn-takdra,
the sacrificial altar. See ishtakd above. Irya, f. wandering about as a religious mendicant.
"^ \ijitum or injati, &c., to go ; to blame or — Iryd-patha, as, m. the observances of a religious
Ishtin, t, im, i, one who has sacrificed.
mendicant ; the four positions of the body, viz.
Ishtvd, ind. having sacrificed or worshipped. ijika, as, m. pi., N. of a people. going, standing upright, sitting and lying down.
ishtani, is, is, i, Ved. (if fr. rt. yaj), i. id, cl. 2. A. itte (2nd sing. pres. iramd, f., N. of a river.
to be worshipped ; (if instead of ni-shfani, fr. rt. *•>N idishe, Ved. flishe), iddn-takre, idishyate,
stan), rustling, rushing. aidishfa, iditum, Ved. i\e, &c., to implore, request,
irina, as, d, am (fr. rt. ir?), desert;
^1 is, ind. an interjection of anger, pain, ask for (with two ace.) ; to praise : Caus. P. tdayati, (am), n. salt and barren soil. See irina.
or sorrow. -yitum, to ask ; to praise. in, t, m., N. of a man; (inas), m.
Idana, am, n. the act of praising.
^5 l^a> ind. (fr. pronom. base 3. i), in this pi. the descendants of this man.
Ida, f. praise, commendation.
place, here ; to this place ; in this world ; in this Idita or flita, as, d, am, praised, commended.
book or system ; in this case (e. g. tena iha na, Idenya or ilenya or idya, as, d, am, Ved. to be ^^ irkshy. See irshy.
%% i. trma, ind., Ved. in this place, here,
' therefore not in this case,' i. e. the rule does not invoked or implored, to be praised or glorified, praise-
apply here) ; now, at this time ; [cf. Zend idha, worthy, laudable. to this place ; (Say.) going constantly, or instigating
' here ;' Gr. ifla or i0ai in lSa-yfvi\s and Ittcu-ywtis ; Idyamdna, as, a, am, being praised.
Goth, ith; perhaps Lat. iyt-tur.'] — Iha-kdla, as, f§ 2. irma, as, m.,Ved. the arm, the fore-
m. this life. — Iha-kratu, us, us, u, or iha-fitta, libation.2. id, it, f., Ved. = id, refreshment,
quarter of an animal ; (am), n. a sore or wound.
as, a, am, Ved. whose intentions or thoughts are
in this world or place. — Iha-tra, ind. here, in this ^ idha, as, a, am (?fr. ih), sought (?). ^*i iti irmdnta, as, d, am, Ved. epithet of a
world. — Iha-bhojana, as, d, am, Ved. whose goods team of horses or of the horses of the sun's car ; full-
and gifts come hither. — lha-loka, as, m. this world, ^FrT iti, is, f. (fr. 4. t?), plague, distress, haunched (lit. full-ended) ; thin-haunched ; (perhaps)
this life ; (e), ind. in this world. — Itta-samayc, ind. any calamity of the season (as drought, excessive having the biggest horses on both sides of the team.
here, now, on the present occasion, at such a time as rain, swarm of rats, foreign invasion, &c.) ; infectious irvdru, us, m. a cucumber, Cucumis
this. — Iha-stha, as, a, am, standing here. — Iha- disease; an affray; travelling in foreign countries, Utilissimus. See irvdru.
sthdna, as, d, am, whose place or residence is on sojourning.
irshy or irkshy, cl. I. P. irshy ati,
the earth; (e), ind. in this p\ace. — Ihdyata(°ha- Idriksha, as, i, am (fr. id, neut. of pro-
dff), as, a, am, come or arrived hither. •• Ikdmutra irshydn-Cakdra, irshyitnm or irkshyati,
nom. base 3. i, and driksha, rt. drid, dropping one
(°ha-am°), ind. here and there, in this world and in &c., to envy, to feel impatient at another's prosperity
the next. — I helm ({ha-iha), ind. here and there, now d and lengthening the preceding i, as in tddrikeha (with dat.) : Desid. irshyishishati or Irshyiyishati.
and then, repeatedly. — Ilieha-mdtri, ta, m., Ved. from tad, &c.), of this aspect, of such a kind,
endowed with such qualities, such like. Irshd, f. impatience, envy of another's success ;
of whose mothers one is here and one there; (Say.) more properly read irshy d.
whose mother is here and there, i. e. everywhere. ri$, k, Ved. n, endowed with such qualities, Irshdlu, us, us, u, impatient of another's success,
such; (k), n., Ved. such a condition, such occasion. envious.
Ihatya, as, d, am, or ihatyaka, as, ikd, am, — Idrik-td, f. quality. Irshita, as, d, am, envied ; (am), n. envy.
being here.
Idrifa, as, i, am, or idriiaka, an, ika, am, Irshitavya, as, d, am, to be envied.
endowed with such qualities, such; [with the final Irshu, us, us, u, envious, jealous.
Irshya, as, d, am, envious, envying ; (d), f. envy
syllables dris" and drita of these words cf. the Gr.
KM in A/u'jAif, 1""> in TTjXf/to-t, &c. ; Goth, leika or impatience of another's success; spite, malice.
$ i. I, the fourth letter of the alphabet, in hMeiks, 'welcher,' svaleik-s, 'such;' Mod. — Irshy d-vat, an, ati, at, or irshyd-maya, as, i,
corresponding to j long, and having the sound of ee Germ, solcher; Slav, liko, nom. lik, e. g. tolik, am, envious,
in feel. overcome with spiteful.
envy. — InJiya-vas'a, as, d, am,
'such;' Lat. It in lulls, qudlis.]
144 irshyaka. uktha-bhrit.
Irshyaka, at, i, am, envious, envying. am, n. dependance upon God, subjection to a ruler. 7 3. K, ind. an enclitic copula, used fre-
Inhyamdna, at, d, am, envying, envious. — lieamnanda (°ra-on°), at, m., N. of a scholiast. quently in the Vedas; (as a particle implying re-
Irshydlit, us, us, u, envious, jealous. Ish, cl. i. A. (with prep, also P.) striction and antithesis, generally after pronominals,
Irshyin, i, ini, i, envious, spiteful. uhate, -ti, IthdA-iakre or -dakdra, and prepositions, particles, and before nu and »«, equiva-
Irshyu, us, at, u, Ved. zealous. Ved. ishe, ithitum, to go, to fly away, escape; to lent to) and, also, further ; on the other hand (espe-
cially inconnection with a relative, e. g. ya u, he on
$f<«H ilina, as, m., N. of a son of Tansu attack, to hurt; to glean, to collect a few grains; the contrary who &C.).
and father of Dushyanta. to look.
IsTuina, at, a, am, hastening ; (a), f. baste. This particle may serve to give emphasis, like id
^tft IR or Hi, is, f. a weapon, sometimes Ithanin, I, ini, i, hastening. and OKI, especially after prepositions or demonstrative
considered as a cudgel and sometimes as a short sword pronouns, in conjunction with nil, vaf, hi, did, &c.
or stick shaped like a sword. ^ isha, as, m. the month Asvina; see (e. g. ayam u vdm purtttamo johavimi, I this very
itha; a son of the third Manu ; a servant of Siva. person invoke you constantly). It is especially used in
^35 il, Ma, Sec. See under id. the figure of speech called Anaphora, and particularly
ishat, ind. (said to be a pres. part. fr. when the pronouns are repeated (e. g. tarn u stusha
%*m^ i-vat, an, ati, at (fr. pronominal base rt. ish), little, a little, slightly. — Ishad-thvdta, as, a, Indrarn tam grinwhe, him I praise, Indra, him
3. i),Vtd. so large, so stately, so magnificent, so much. am, slightly resounding.— Ishaj-jala, am, n. shallow I sing). It may be used in drawing a conclusion, like
water, a little water. — Ishat-kara, as, i, am, doing
is"e, isan- the English ' now' (e.g. tad u tatha na kurydt,
2. A. ishte, or Ved.
*N xcoire, I. {/, cl.Uishyati, liitum, to own, possess; little ; easy to be accomplished. — Ishat-kdrya, as, a, that now he should not do in such a manner), and
to belong to; to dispose of, be valid or powerful, to am, connected with slight effort. — Tthat-pdndu, is frequently found in interrogative sentences (e. g. lea
be master of (with gen., or Ved. with gen. of an inf., as, MX. m. a pale or light brown colour. — Ishat-pdna, u l'i(' diketa, who, I ask, should know that ?).
or with a common inf., or the loc. of an abstract a, am, that of which a little is drunk ; (am), Panini calls this particle un to distinguish it from
noun) ; to command ; to rule, reign ; to behave like n. a little draught. — fxhat-jmrusha, as, m. a mean the interrogative u. In the Pada-patha it is written
a master, allow ; [with this word are perhaps con- man. — Ithat-pralambha, at, a, am, to be gained urn.
for little. — hhat-tprishta,at, a, am, slightly touched In the classical language u occurs only after atha,
nected Goth, aigan, ' to have ;' Old Germ, eigan, (applied to the semivowels). — Ishad-ushna, at, a,
adj. eigan, 'own;' Mod. Germ, eigen.] na, and kirn, with a slight modification of the sense,
3. U, t, m.,Ved. master, lord, the supreme spirit. am, tepid, slightly warm. — lehad-iina, at, a, am, and often only as an expletive (see Icim); u-u or
— lia-vdtya, am, n. ' to be clothed or pervaded by not quite complete or entire. — Ishad-guna, at, a, u-utii, on the one hand— on the other hand; partly —
the supreme," a title of the Isa-upanishad, which com- am, of little merit — hhad-dars'ana, am, n. a glance,
a slight inspection. — Ishad-dtidsa (Ishat-hdsa), at,
mences with that expression.
m. slight laughter, a smile. — Ishad-rakta, as, a, am, partly ; as well — as.
lia, at, i, am, owning, possessing, sharing; one low^ 4. tt,cl. i. A. avate, iive, ashy ate, aushta,
who is completely master of anything ; capable of pale red. — Ishad^vivrita, a*, n, am, slightly open. otum, to sound, to make a noise ; to roar, bel-
(with gen.) ; powerful, supreme ; a ruler, a master, — Ishan-nada, as, a, am, slightly sounding (applied Caus. P. avayati, -yitum, to cause to sound.
a lord ; (at), m. a husband ; a Rndra ; the number to unaspirated soft consonants). — Ishan-nimaya, at,
a, am, exchanged for a little. — Ishal-labha, as, a, ^ 5. u, cl.ask,5.demand.
P., Ved. unott, otum, to
'eleven' (as there are eleven Rudras); N. of Siva animate,
as regent of the north-east quarter ; (d), f. faculty, am, to be obtained for a little.
power, dominion. — Ifa-tm, am, n. supremacy, supe- Isha, f. (said to be fr. Ish), the pole or 7 6. u, us, m., N. of Siva ; also of Brahma.
riority. —lia-takhi, d, m. Siva's friend, an epithet of the shafts of a carriage or plough ; (e), du. the double •d4MI$ ukanaha, as, m. a horse of a red
Kuvera. — liddhySya fsta-adh"), at, m., N. of the or fork-shaped pole. — Ithd-danda, at, m. the handle and yellow or red and black colour, a bay or chesnut
Isa-upanishad. —liopanishad (°ia-up°), t, f., N. of of a plough. — Ishd-danta, at, m. an elephant with horse.
an Upanishad. a large tusk or tooth, the tusk of an elephant.
liana, am, n. commanding, reigning. dofcjlj jikuna, as, m. a bug; also utkuna.
— Ishddhdra t?shd-ddh°), as, m., N. of a Naga.
liana, as, a, am, owning, possessing, wealthy;
reigning; (as), m. a ruler, master, one of the older T3i ukta, as, a, am (past pass. part.
^PHofcl Ishika, f. an elephant's eyeball ; a of rt. vaf), uttered, said, spoken ; (am), n. word,
names of Siva-Rudra ; one of the Rudras ; the sun painter's brush, &c. ; a weapon, a dart or arrow. See
as a form of Siva ; a Ssdhya ; epithet of Vishnu ; N. Ishika and tsKJca. sentence ; (am, a), n. f. a stanza of four lines with
of a man ; (i), f. an epithet of Durga ; (as or i), m. one syllabic instant, one long or two short syllables
^fn< tshira, as, m. fire. See ishira.
or f. the silk-cotton tree, Bombax Heptaphyllum; in each ; [cf. Zend ukhta.] — Ukta-tva, am, n. the
(am), n. light, splendor. — lidna-krit, t, t, t, Ved. ^ifl<+l ishlka, f. a painter's brush, a fibrous being spoken or uttered. — Vkta-niroaha, at, m.
acting like a competent person, making use of one's stick used as one ; an ingot-mould ; a dipping rod or maintaining an assertion. — Ukta-punska, a (femi-
nine or neuter) word, of which also a masculine is
possessions or faculties ; (Say.) rendering one a master something cast into a crucible to examine if the
or able. — lidna-Candra, at, m., N. of a physician. metal it contains is in fusion. See ikshikd. mentioned or exists, and whose meaning only differs
— lianOfja, as, m. pi. a class of deities forming a fTf ishma and ishva, as, m. Kamadeva; from that of the masculine by the notion of gender
section of the Kalpa-bhavas. •• lidna-devi, f., N. of a spring. See ishma and iehva. (e.g. the word Oangd is not ukta-punska, whereas
woman. the word ilobhana is so; cf. bhashita-punska).
Mtri, td, m. a master, an owner or proprietor ; a ^Cf ishva, as, m. a spiritual teacher. — Ukta-pratyukta, am, n. speech and reply, dis-
king. course, conversation. — Ukta-vat, an, afi, at, one
ih, cl. i. A. ihate, ihan-Mre, ihish- who has spoken. — Ukta-varjam, ind. except the
liin, I, ini, i, commanding, reigning; (ini), f.
supremacy. — lii-ta, f. or lii-tva, am, n. superiority, yate, Ihitum, rarely P. Ihati, &c.t to en- cases mentioned. — Ukta-vdkya, as, d, am, one who
deavour to obtain ; to aim at or attempt ; to long for,
supremacy, one of the eight attributes of Siva. desire ; to take care of; to have in mind, think of has given an opinion ; (am), n. a dictum, a decree.
Ifeara, as, d, am, able to do, capable of (with (with ace.) : Caus. ihayati, -yitum, to impel. - Uktdnukta (°ta-an°), at, a, am, spoken and not
gen. of Vedic inf., or with common inf.), liable, ex- Iha, as, m. attempt (e.g. urdhveha, attempt to rise). spoken. — Vktopatamhara (°ta-up°), as, m. any
posed to ; (as, I), m. f. master, lord, prince, king, mis- brief or compendious phrase or description.
Ihamdna, at, a, am, attempting, undertaking,
tress, queen ; (as), m. a husband ; god, the supreme, performing. Ukti, it, (. sentence, proclamation, speech, expres-
especially Siva, one of the Rudras, the god of love, Iha, f. effort, exertion, activity ; request, desire, sion, word.
the soul or supreme soul (dtman) ; N. of a prince ; wish. — Ihd-tas, ind. diligently, energetically, by or Uktvd, ind. having spoken or said.
(a or i), f., N. of Durga ; of Lakshml or of any with labour or exertion. — Iha-mriga, as, m. a wolf; Vktha,am,u. a saying, sentence, verse, eulogy, praise ;
other of the S'aktis or female energies of the deities. a division of the drama. — Ihdrthin (ihd-ar°), t, (in the ritual) a kind of recitation or certain recited
— Itvara-krlihtia, at, m., N. of the author of the ini, i, aiming at any object, seeking wealth. — Iha- verses forming a subdivision of the SSstras. They
San-khya-karikJ. - Ifvara-gltd, f. pi. a section of the vrika, as, m. a wolf. generally form a series, and are spoken or recited in
Kurma-Purana.-./!fcjara-<a, f. or itvara-tva, am, Ihita, at, a, am, sought, attempted, striven for ; opposition to those verses which are sung (Sdman)
n. superiority, supremacy. — livara-datta, at, m., wished, desired ; (am), n. desire, request, wish, effort. and to the muttered sacrificial formulas ( Yajus).
N. of a prince. — ffvara-nishedha, as, m. atheism.
— Ist-ara-niihtha, at, d, am, trusting in God. The great Uktha (Majiad-uktham or Brihad-uk-
tham) forms a series of verses, in three sections, each
— livara-piijaka, at, d, am, pious. _ Ifaara-pujd, containing eighty threefold verses (TVtVa), recited at
[. worship of God. — livam^prasada, at, m. divine the end of the Agnicayana ; a N. of the SSma-veda ;
grace. — I.4mra-bhdra,at,m. royal or imperial state. T i. «, the fifth letter and third short (a), f. a kind of metre, a stanza of four lines having
— Itvara-tadman, a, n. a temple. — liva ro'tdhha, one long or two short syllables in each ; (as), m. a
am, n. a royal court or assembly. -• livara-seva, f. vowel of the alphabet, pronounced as the u in full. form of Agni ; N. of a prince. — Uktha-^pattra, as,
•- U-kdra, at, m. the letter or sound «.
the worship of God. — fsvarddhina fro-adVt0), at, a, am, Ved. having verses as wings. — Uktha-pdtra,
i, am, subject to a king, dependant on a master or 7 i. «,, ind. an interjection ^.—^ of assent, call- am, n. vessels or libations offered during the recita-
on God. — livarddhina-td, f. or isvarddhma-tta, i ing, compassion, anger, and command. tion of an uktha. - Uktha-bhrit, t, t, t, Ved. offering
uktha-vat. u66aghana.
ukthas.— Uktha-vat, an, art, at, Ved. connected I ukhuli, {., N. of a deity. unkuna, as, m. a bug. See ut-kuna.
with an uktha. — Uktha-vardhana, as, a, am, Ved.
ugana, as, a, am (corrupted fr. ud- vJ J u^> cl. 4. P. ufyati, uvoia, ufishyati,
strengthening one's self by or delighting in praise ; •\uditum, to take pleasure in; to delight in,
(Say.) to be celebrated in praise. — Uktha-vdhas, as, gana or uru-ganat), Ved. consisting of extended to be fond of; to be accustomed, to be suitable, to
as, as, Ved. offering verses ; one to whom verses troops (used as an epithet of send, an army).
are offered. — Uktha- fansin, I, ini, i, Ved. praising ; suit, to fit.
<T?I ugra, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt. u6, Udita, as, d, am, delightful, pleasurable, agreeable ;
uttering the ukthas. — Uktha-fas, as, as, or uktha-
jds, as, as, m. f. or uktha-dasa, as, d, am.Ved. utter- but probably fr. a rt. uj or vaj, fr. which also ojas, customary, usual ; proper, suitable, convenient ; ac-
vaja, vajra, nay be derived; comparative wgra- ceptable, fitor right to be taken ; known, under-
Ved. ing loudly
a verse, resonant praising. with — Uktha-s"vuihma, as,with
verses, moving on d, am,
the tara and ojiyas; superl. ugratama and ojishtha), stood ; intrusted, deposited ; measured, adjusted,
accurate ; delighting in, used to.
sound of verses (as with the roaring of waters), ac- powerful, violent, mighty, strong beyond measure,
companied bysounding verses ; (S5y.) whose strength huge, formidable, terrible ; high, noble ; cruel, fierce, utatha, am, n. (fr. rt. va6), Ved.
is praise. — Ukthd-mada, am, n., Ved. praise and re- ferocious, savage; angry, passionate, wrathful; hot, verse, praise.
sharp, pungent, acrid ; (as), m., N. of Rudra or Siva ; Udathya, as, d, am, Ved. deserving praise; (as),
joicing. —Ukthdrka (°tha-ar°),am, n.,Ved. recitation
and hymn. — Ukthd-vi, is, is, i, Ved. fond of verses. N. of a mixed tribe, from a Kshatriya father and m., N. of an Angirasa, author of some hymns of the
— Ukthd-iastra, am, n.,Ved. recitation and praise. Sudra mother, (the employment of this caste, accord-
Ukthin, i, ini, i, Ved. uttering verses, praising, ing to Manu, is the killing or catching of animals Rig-veda.
lauding; accompanied by praise, or (in ritual) by that live in holes, as of snakes &c. ; but according to TIT utta, as, a, am (said to be fr. i . ud with
ukthas. the Tantras the Ugra is an encomiast or bard) ; the da fr. rt. and), high, lofty, elevated ; tall ; deep ; high-
Ukthya, as, d, am, Ved. accompanied by verse or tree Hyperanthera Moringa; N. of a Danava; a son sounding, loud, pronounced with the Udarta accent ;
of Dhrita-rashtra ; the Guru of Narendraditya, who intense, violent ; (as), m. the apex of the orbit of a
praise, consisting of praise, deserving praise, skilled in
built a temple called Ugrela ; a group of asterisms planet ; [cf. Hib. uchdan, ' a hillock ;' Cambro-Brit.
praising; accompanied by ukthas; (as), m. a liba-
tion (graha) at the morning and midday sacrifice ; (viz. purvaphdlguni, piirvdshddhd, purvabhddra- uched, ' cleve.'] — Udda-tama, as, d, am, highest.
(scil. kratu) N. of a liturgical ceremony, forming pada,maghd, bharani) ; N. of the Malabar country ; — Udda-tara, as, d, am, higher, more lofty. — Udda-
(a), N. of different plants, Artemisia Sternutatoria, taru, us, m. the cocoa-nut tree; any lofty tree.
part e. g. of the Jyotishtoma ; a Soma-yajna. Coriandrum Sativum, &c. ; (t), f. a being belonging — Udda-td, f. or udda-tva, am, n. height, superi-
I. uksh, cl. i. 6. P. A. ukshati, -te, to the class of demons ; (am), n. a certain poison, ority. —Udda-tdla, am, n. music and dancing at
•\ukshdn-dakdra (Ved. vavaksha, -she), the root of Aconitum Ferox ; wrath, anger ; [cf. feasts, drinking parties, &c. — Udda-dtva, as, m. an
ukshitum, to sprinkle, moisten, wet ; to sprinkle or Zend ughra.]— Ugra-karman, d, d, a, fierce in epithet of Vishnu or Krishna. — Udda-devatd, f. time
scatter in small drops, to emit ; to throw out, scatter action, violent, cruel. — Ugra-kdnda, as, m. a sort personified, chronos. — Udda-dhvaja, as, m., N. of
(as sparks) ; to clean ; [cf. Lith. ukana : Hib. uisg, of gourd, Momordica Charantia. — Ugra-gandha Sskya-muni as teacher of the gods among the Tushitas,
uisge, ' water, a river ;' uisgeach, * aquatic, watery, as, d, am, strong-smelling; (as), m. the plant q. v. — Udda-nlda, as, d, am, high and low, varie-
fluid, moist, pluvial.'] Michelia Champaca; garlic; (a), f. orris root; a gated, heterogeneous ; (am), n. the upper and lower
I. uksha, as, m. (at the end of some compounds) medicinal plant ; Artemisia Sternutatoria ; Pimpinella station of the planets ; change of accent. — Udda-
= ukshan below ; (as, d, am), clean (?). Involucrata; the common carraway (Carum Carui,
Ukshana, am, n. sprinkling, consecrating. pada, am, n. a high situation, a high office.— Ud-
&c.) ; Ligusticum Ajowan ; (aw), n. Asa Fcetida. da-bhdshana, am, n. speaking aloud. — Udda-bhd-
Ukshanya, nom. P., Ved. ukshanyati, to do or — Ugragandhin, I, inl, i, strong-smelling. — Ugra- shin, I, ini, i, speaking with a loud voice, shouting,
behave like Ukshan ; (SSy.) to desire one who pours daya, as, m. strong desire.— Ugra-ddrini, f., N.of brawling.™ Udda-laldtd or -ikd, f. a woman with a
down riches &c. DurgS. — Ugra-jati, is, is, i, base-born. — Ugra-jit, ligh or projecting forehead. — Uddavada, as, d, am
Vktha.nydya.na, as, m., Ved. a patronymic from t, {., Ved., N. of an Apsaras. — Ugra-td, f. or ugra- ft. udda=ud + da and ava + da?), high and low,
Ukshanya. tva, am, n. violence, passion, anger; pungency, eat and small, variegated, heterogeneous ; various,
Ukshanyu, us, us, u, Ved. behaving or doing like acrimony. — Ugra-tejas, as, as, as, endowed with
Ukshan; (Siy.) desirous of one who pours down great or terrible energy ; (as), m., N. of a NSga ; of a nultiform
Uddakats,; uneven, irregular,lofty
ind. excessively undulating.' 'to**'**- *rt- •**•',
; tall ; loud.
riches &c. Buddha ; of another divine being. — Ugra-danshtra, Uddd, ind., Ved. above (in heaven), from above,
Ukshan, d, m. an ox or bull (especially as drawing as, d, am, having terrific teeth. — Ugra-danda, as, upwards ; uddd kri, to carry upwards. — Uddd-dakra,
the chariot of Ushas or dawn) ; epithet of the Soma d, am, lit. ' stern-sceptred" or holding a terrible rod ; as, d, am, Ved. having a wheel above (epithet of a
(as sprinkling or scattering small drops); of the relentless, remorseless. — Ugra-dars'ana, as, d, am, well).— Uddd-budhna, as, d, am, Ved. having the
Maruts ; of the sun and Agni ; one of the eight chief of a frightful appearance, frightful, terrible. — Ugra- x>ttom upwards.
medicaments (rishabha) ; N. of a man ; (a, a, a), duhitri, id, f. daughter of a powerful man. — Ugra- Uddais, ind. (used adjectjrely in comp.) aloft, high,
large (?); [cf. Zend ukhshan; Goth, avksa and dhanvan, d, d, a, Ved. having a powerful bow, above, upwards, from above ; loud, accentuated ; in-
auhsu ; Armen. e*«.] — Uksha-tara, as, m. a small epithet of Indra. — Ugra-ndsika, as, d, am, large- tensely, much, powerfully. — Uddaih-kara, as, d, am,
bull or ox ; a large bull. — Uksha-vaia, as, m.,Ved. nosed. — Ugra-putra, as, m. son of a powerful making acutely accented. — Uddaik-kula, am, n. a
a bull-calf, male calf. — Uksha-vehat, at, m., Ved. an man ; (as, a, am), having mighty sons. — Ugra-
high family ; (as, d, am), of high family. — Uddair-
impotent bull (?). bdhu, us, us, u, Ved. whose arms are large or power- ghushta, am, n. making a loud noise, clamour.
am, Ved. one whose— Ukshdnna
food is oxen.(°ksha-an°), as, d,
ful. — Ugram-pas'ya, as, d, am, frightful, hideous, — Uddair-ghosha, as, d, am, Ved. sounding aloud,
i. ukshita, as, d, am, sprinkled, moistened, fierce looking; malignant, wicked; (a), f., N. of an
cleansed, perfumed. Apsaras. — Ugra-retas, as, m. a form of Rudra. crying, neighing, roaring, rattling. — Uddair-bhuja-
taru, us, its, u, having trees like outstretched arms.
2. uksh, cl. i. P., Ved. ukshati, — Ugra-vlra, as, a, am, Ved. having powerful men. — Uddaih-tfiras, as, as, as, carrying one's head high,
— Ugra-rirya, as, d, am, terrible in might. — Ugra-
"\ vavaksha, and A. vavakshe, ukshitum, vega, as, d, am, of terrible velocity. — Ugra-vyagra, a man of high rank. — Uddaih-s'ravas, as, m. long-
eared or neighing aloud ; epithet of the horse of
to grow up, to grow strong ; A. to strengthen one's as, m., N. of a DSnava. — Ugra-iSakti, is, m., N. of
self; become strong: Caus. ukshayate, -yitum,to a son of king Amara-sakti. — Ugra-idsana, as, a, Indra, produced at the churning of the ocean, (re-
strengthen. am, severe in command, strict in orders. — Ugra- dravasa,garded as the prototype and king of horses.) — Uddaih-
1. uksha, as, d, am, large. as, m. =the same. — Uddaih-svara, as, m.
iekhard, f. 'crest of Siva,' N. of the Gan-gS. a loud sound or voice ; (as, d, am), making a loud
Ukshdla, as, d, am (?), swift, excellent, terrible, — Ugra-doka, as, d, am, sorely grieving. — Ugra- sound. — Uddais-tama, as, d, am, very high, tall or
high, much ; (as), m. a monkey (?). s"rava,na-dariana, as, d, am, terrible to hear and lofty ; very loud. — Uddais-tamdm, ind. exceedingly
2. ukshita, as, d, am, adult, of full growth, strong ; see. — Uijra-s'rai'as, as, m., N. of a man. — Ugra- high ; on high ; loudly, aloud. — Uddais-tara, as, d,
old. sena, as, m., N. of several princes, e. g. of a brother am, higher, very high, loftier, louder; pronounced
v4J<J ukh, cl. i. P. okhati, uvokha, okhi- of— Janam-ejaya ; (a), f., N. of the wife of Akrura. with a higher accent. — Uddaistara-tva, am, n. state
Ugrasena-ja, as, m. a N. of Kansa, the uncle and of being too high. — Uddais-tva, am, n. height.
\turn, to go, move.
enemy of Krishna.— Ugrdddrya (°gra-dtf), as, m., — Uddaih-sthana, am, n. a high place ; (as, d, am),
TJS ukha, as, m. (fr. rt. khan with ud?), N. of an author. — Ugrd-deva, as, m., Ved. having of high rank or family. — Uddaih-stheya, am, n.
Ved. a boiler, a pot, a vessel ; N. of a pupil of Tittiri ; mighty deities, N. of a Rishi. •• Ugrayudha (°gra- lofty, firmness (of character).
(a), f. a boiler, any saucepan, a pot or vessel which dy ), as, d, am, Ved. having powerful weapons ; fi u6-6ak (ud-6ak), cl. i. P. A. 6akati,
can be put on the fire ; a part of the body. — Ukha- (as), m., N. of a prince. — Ugresa ("gra-is"), as, -te, -kitam, to look up at, behold.
ddhid, t, t, t, Ved. breaking the pot. m. the mighty or terrible lord, an epithet of Siva ;
N. of a sanctuary built by Ugra.
Ukhya, as, d, am, Ved. being in a dish ; boiled, 3 « «sj*i^ uf-6akshus (ud-fa°), us, us, us,
dressed in a pot (flesh, &c.). Ugraka, as, m., N. of a Naga. whose eyes are directed upwards.
3<3^?5 ukhareala or ukhala, as, m. a kind agjiv un-kara, as, m., N. of a companion ^•««l«T uttaghana, am, n. laughter in the
of grass, a sort of Andropogon. I of Vishnu. mind not expressed in the countenance.
146 ut-6at.

u(-(at (ud-(at), cl. I. P. -dafati, -ti- dfida), the flag or pennon of a banner; an ornament Ithoktri, til, in, tri, an eater of leavings, a mean
tum, to go away, disappear : Caus. P. -dafayati, tied on the top of a banner. person. — IWhishia-modana, am, n. wax. — Ud<!hi-
-i/itum, to drive away, expel, scare. u(-6yu (ud-fyu], Oaus. P. -fyavayati, shfdniM (°(a-an°), as, a, am, leavings, offal.
l}6-6hesha, as, m. or u,C-(heshana, am, n. rest,
Vd-datana, am, n. eradicating (as a plant), ex- yitum, to loosen, make free from, emancipate. remainder; leavings.
pulsion ;raining (an adversary), causing a person to
quit his occupation by means of magical incantations, T«aft ui-6had (ud-6had), cl. 10. P. -ehada- dTdl^=li ti(-6hlrsJiaka (ud-sf), as, a, am,
exciting disgust for one's profession. ati, -yitum, to uncover (one's body), undress. having the head raised ; (am), n. a pillow (' that
Vd-datanlya, at, a, am, to be driven away. Vd-dhadya, ind. having undressed.
which raises the head ').
Ud-da(ita, as, a, am, driven away. ^•ad'M u66hanna, as, a, am (for ut-sanna by
Prakrit corruption?), destroyed. T^S1^ uf-6hitsh (ud-sush), Cans. -6/iosha-
7*121 uttata, f. (perhaps connected with yati, -yitum, to dry up, make dry.
udda or in some senses ft. ud-dat above), pride, Ud-dhddana, am, n. (for nt-sadana), cleaning or JJf-fkusJika, as, a, am, dry, dried up, withered.
arrogance; habit, usage; N. of different plants, a ubbing the body with perfumes. U<!-thoshana, as, a, am, drying up, making dry;
species of cyperus, a kind of garlic, Abrus Precatorius, T^e$ut-6hal (ud-sal), cl. I. P. A. -fhalnti, (am), n. drying up, parching.
Ut-thoshuica, as, a, am, drying up, making dry.
Flacourt'a Cataphracta. te, -litum, to fly upwards or away, to move onwards.
Ud-dhalat, an, antl, at, flying up or away ; going •3>»| •** u6-fhushma, am, n. otu6-thushman,
J^lli ut-(anda (ud-6a°), as, a, am, quick, sr moving on or against.
expeditious ; passionate, violent ; hanging down. a, n. (fr. rt. 4vas with ud i), confusion.
Ud-dkalana, am, n. moving upwards, going on or
3«3si u6-6huda, f. (see the more correct
T^P5«<;-<fanaYa(«a1-<fa0),as, m. the moon- against.
less period of the night, the last watch of the night. Vd-dhalita, as, a, am, moved, waved, waved n(-fuda), the head of a banner or part above the flag.
above; gone; shaken. <i'a^«1 u£-(hima, as, ii, am (fr. rt. svi with
TB^urf-Azr (ud-(ar), cl. I. P. -farati, -ri-
tum (ep. sometimes -dartum), Ved. -ntane or -vai, u(-(has (ud-sas), cl. 2. P., Ved. ud), swollen, turgid ; lofty, high ; fat, bulky.
-rate, -radhyai, to go upwards, ascend, rise (as the -dhasti, -eitum, to clean or purify thoroughly. u6-6hrinlcTiala (ud-sri°), as, a,
sun), issue forth, go forth ; to rise (as the voice); to n*(ut-ihastra-vartin (ud-sastra-
let the contents (of anything) issue out, to empty the am, unbridled, uncurbed, unrestrained, perverse, self-
ra°), i, inl, i, deviating from the law-books, trans- willed ; irregular, desultory, unmethodical.
body by evacuations ; to emit (sounds), utter, pro- u6-£hotona, as, a, am (fr. ud-su6),
nounce ;to quit, leave ; to sin against, to be unfaith- gressing the ritual-books.
ful to a husband ; to transgress against : Caus. -tara- jHan^ u6-fhikha, as, a,am (fr. ud -f- tikha), Ved. burning.
yati, -yitum, to cause to go forth, to evacuate the laving the flame pointed upwards ; flaming, blazing 3 •oil mil u6-(hoshana. See u6-(hush above.
body by excretion, to discharge feces, to emit, to up; radiant; high-crested; (a«), m., N. of a Naga
cause to sound, utter, pronounce, declare. TfV^ u(-6hri (ud-sri), cl. i. P. A. -fhra-
Ui-faraiia, am, n. going up or out, uttering, ['with erected crest').
yati, -te, -flirayitum, P. to raise, erect, extol; A.
Breathing through the nostrils, snuffing, snoring ; (the to rise, be erected.
Ud-daratfya, nom. P. -daranyati, -yitum, to move word is also written uddhinhana.) UC-thraya, as, m. rising, raising, erecting ; eleva-
out, stretch out to. tion of a tree, mountain, &c. ; rising of a planet, &c. ;
Ud-darita, as, a, am, gone up or out, risen; u6-£hid (ud-6hid), cl. 7. P. A. -6hi- height ; growth, increase, intensity ; the upright side
uttered, articulated ; (am), n. excrement, dung. natti, -dhinte, -dhettum, to cut out or off, extirpate, of a triangle. -• UMhrayopeta (°ya-up°), as, a, am,
I'd-dara, as, destroy; to interfere, interrupt, stop : Caus. P. possessing height, high, lofty, elevated.
feces, excrement; discharge; pro-
-dhedayati, -yitum, to cause to extirpate or destroy : Vd-dhrayana, am, n. raising, erecting.
Ud-ddraka, as, a, am, pronouncing, making audible. Pass, -dhidyate, to be cut off, stopped, or inter- Ud-dhraya, as, m. rising upwards, elevation,
Vd-ddrana,am,n. pronunciation, articulation, enun- rupted ;to cease, be deficient, fail. height ; growth, increase, intensity ; (i), f. an up-
ciation ;making audible. — Ucdarami-jno, as, m. a Ud-dhitti, is, f. extirpation, destroying, destruction. raised piece of wood, plank.
linguist, one skilled in utterances or sounds. — Ud- TJd-dhidya, ind. having cut off, destroyed, killed, &c. Ud-dhrayin, i, inl, i, high, raised, lofty.
darana-sthana, am, n. the part of the throat whence Ud-dMnna, as, a, am, cut out or off; destroyed, I 'c-i'/trita, as, a, am, raised, lifted up ; high, tall ;
certain sounds such as nasals, gutturals &c. proceed. idlled; abject, vile; (as), m. peace obtained by advancing, increasing, prosperous; born, produced;
— Udddranartha, (?na-a.T°),a», a, am, useful for pro- ceding valuable lands. increased in size or bulk, grown. — Uddhrita-}>ani,
; for pronunciation, a redundant Ud-dhettri, id, m. an extirpator, a destroyer.
letter &c. only used to make pronunciation easy. Ud-dheda, as, m. cutting off or out ; extirpation ; is, is, i, with outstretched hand.
Ud-dhrUi, is, f. rising upwards, elevation, increase ;
Ud-daranlya, as, a, am, to be pronounced. destruction ; cutting short, putting an end to ; excision. the upright side of a triangle ; the upright elevation
Ud-ddrita, as, a, am, pronounced, uttered, arti- Ud-dhedana, am, n. cutting off, extirpating, de- or height of a figure.
; excrements. stroying, destruction. I'd-thrcga, as, a, am, high, lofty.
1. vd-ddrya, ind. having spoken, uttered. Ud-dhedamya, as, a, am, to be cut off.
2. ud-darya, as, a, am, to be spoken, to be pro- Ud-dhedin, i, inl, i, destroying. ;jtg<* uMhlaka, as, m.,Ved. a part of the
Ud-dhcdya, as, a, am, to be cut off, to be de- human body, (used only in du.)
Ud-daryamana, as, a, am, being uttered or pro- stroyed.
nounced. ^•asg; utthvanka, as, m. (fr. rt. svah( with
l3ls uC-Chiras (waVi°), as, as, as, hav- ltd), Ved. gaping, cleaving open, forming a fissure.
-nTc^ut-fal (ud-fal), cl. i. P. -talati, -K- ing the head elevated, with upraised head, N. of a
titm, to go or move away from; to free one's self mountain also called Urumunda. 4ft^MN u6-thvas (vd-svas), cl. 2. P. -fhva-
from, loosen one's self from. stti, -situm, to breathe, take a deep breath, sigh,
"? uc-fhlllndra (ud-sP), am, n. a
Ud-dala, am, n. the mind, the understanding. mushroom.
Ud-dalana, am, n. going off or out, moving away. Ud-dhvaxat, an, ati, at, breathing hard, panting.
pant, respire.
Vd-dhvasana, am, n. breathing, sighing ; taking a
Ud-dalita, as, a, am, gone up or out, winnowed, u6-<!hish (ud-sish), cl. 7. P. -6hi-
nashti, -fheshtum, to leave (as a remainder), to deep breath.
"yfVuf-fi (ud-fi), cl. 5. P. A. -tinoti, -mite, Ud-dhvasita, as, a, am, heaving, beating, breathed,
-detum, to gather, collect. reject: Pass, -thiihyute, to be left remaining.
inspired, blown, expanded; blooming, enlivened,
Vd-daya, as, m. gathering, picking up from the 1 'r-fhiahta, as, a, am, left, rejected, ?tale ; having
the remains of food on the mouth or hands, one gladdened ; (am), n. sighing.
ground ; adding to, atmumeration ; collection, heap, Ud-dhrata, as, m. breath, breathing, deep inspira-
plenty, multitude ; the knot of the string or cloth who has not washed his hands and mouth and there-
tion; sigh; breathing out, expiring, dying; consolation,
which fastens the lower garments round the loins tied fore is considered impure ; (am), n. leavings, frag-
in front; the opposite side of a triangle. — Uddaya- ments, remainder (especially of a sacrifice or of food). encouragement ; division of a book, pause in a narra-
~Ufi!hi8hta-kal)Mna, f. a stale invention. — U6- tion ;an air-hole.as, a, am, breathless, out of breath,
rite and (°ya-ap°),
fall. an, m. du. prosperity and decline,
fhidita-ganapati, is, m. (opposed to 3uddha-<ja- much, excessive, loosened, released, desisted from,
napaii), CJanela as worshipped by the UcYhisntas
' uitingata, as, m. a passion or men who leave the remains of food in their mouth
angry man ; a kind of crab ; a sort of cricketate See
or disjointed,
J'Mhrasin, divided.
i, inl, i, breathing, inhaling air;
a, fingata, didditinga. during prayer. -• Utfkixhtd-td, f. the being left, state sighing, breathing out, expiring; pausing; rising,
of being a remnant or remainder. — UffhisktaAiho-
: u(6i(inga, as, m. a small poison- jana, am, n. eating the leavings of another man ; coming forward.
ous animal living in water, a crab ; [cf. the last] (as), m. upon one anwho u(h, cl. I. 6. P. uMhati, ufihah-
attendant idol,eats
whoseanother's leavings;
food is the leavings the
oi (akara, uddhitum, to finish ; to bind ; to
ut-fa/a ot u(-ivla, as, m. (fr. vd offerings. — UMhish ta-bhojin, i, int, i, abandon, transgress.

<*T«nf<srt uj-jhatita, as, d, am (rt. jhat), tdkah, how can it be decided whether he be a friend
uj-jan (nd-jan), cl. 3. P. -jajanti, without a motive or a violator of confidence ?). In
-janitum, to beget, produce ; cl. 4. A. -jayate, to perplexed, bewildered. this sense it may be strengthened by aho (e. g. lca(fU
be bom, originate. tram asi manuslii utdho surangana, art thou a
xj>rf),N; u^fh, cl. i. only
6. differing 6. P.inuMhati (cl. i.undhi-
the accent), and mortal woman or divine ?), or by aho-srit (e. g.
a in Ml uj-jayana, Sec. See s.v. uj-ji below.
tum, to gather, glean. Sdlihotrah kirn nu sydd utdhosvid raja Nalah,
3TH«^vj-jas (ud-jas), Caus. -jdsayati, -yi- Undha, am, n. gleaning, gathering grains. — Undha-
tum, to destroy, extirpate (with gen.). vritti, is, is, i, one who lives by gleaning, a gleaner. can it be before
repeated Salihotra
uta orused
kingin Nala?).
this sense Rarely Mm is'
(e. g. Tcim nu
Uj-jdsana, am, a. killing, slaughter. — Undha-tila, am, n. gleaning corn or grains. svargdt prdptd tasyd rupena kimuta anyd dgatd,
• Undha-s^la, as, d, am, one who lives by glean- her form
has ?).
she arrived from heaven or has another come in
^Till«1<* ujjdnaka, as, m., N. of a Tlrtha ;
also spelt ujjalaka. ing &c.
Undhana, am, n. gleaning, gathering grains of (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning
. ^Huf nj-ji (ud-ji), cl. I. P. -jayati, -jetum, corn in market-places &c. reada I).
of sentence followed by a potential) would that <
to win, conquer, acquire by conquest ; to be victorious : utinam I (e. g. uta adhlyita, would that he would
7? uta, as, m. leaves, grass, &c., used in
Caus. -japayati, -yitum, to assist any one to win ;
to cause to conquer (with two ace.) : Desid. -jiglshati, making huts, thatches, &c. - Ut.a-ja, as, am, m. n.
to wish to conquer. a hut made of leaves, the residence of hermits or (Uta preceded by Mm) on the contrary, how
saints ; a house in general. much more, how much less (e. g. samartho 'si sa-
Uj-jayana, as, m., N. of a man ; (I), f. UjjayinI hasram api jetum kimuta ekam, thou art able to
or Oujein, the Or. Ofirii, a city so called in Avanti uth or uth, cl. i. P. othati or iithati,
(Mslava), formerly the capital of Vikramaditya ; it conquer even a thousand, how much more one ?).
-thitum, to strike or knock down.
is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus, and (Uta preceded by prati) on the contrary, rather
the first meridian of their geographers, from which 7| udu, us, u, f. n. a huiar mansion or (e. g. esha prishto 'smdbhir na jalpati Jumti
they calculate longitude ; the modern Oujein is about constellation in the moon's path; (u), n. water. pratyuta pdshdnaih, this one questioned by us does
a mile south of the ancient city. — Udu-pa, as, am, m. n. a raft or float ; (as), m. not speak, but rather throws stones at us). Uta vd,
Uj-jayanta, as, m., N. of a mountain in Surashtra the moon, (the half-moon being formed like a boat.) or else, and (e.g. samudrdd uta vd purishdt, from
in the west of India, part of the Vindhya range. See — Udu-pati, is, m. or udu-rdj, t, m. the moon ; the sea or from the moisture in the air); valuta
raivata. the Soma. — Udu-patha, as, m. the ether, firma- va or utdho vdpi-vd, either — or ; uta-uta, both —
Uj-jayinl, f. the city Oujein. See uj-jayanl. ment (the path of the stars). — Udu-rdj, t, m. the and (e. g. uta balavdn uta abalah, both the strong
Uj-jiti, is, {., Ved. victory ; N. of certain verses in moon. — Udu-loman, d, m., N. of a man. — Udu- and the weak) ; kim-uta vd, whether — or else.
the Vajasaneyi-SamhitS, so called because the words pa, as, am, m. n. a raft, a float ; (as), m. the moon. utanka, as, m., N. of a Rishi.
udajayat tarn ujjesham occurs in them. ssgt, udumbara, as, m. (in Ved. written — Utanka-megha, as, m. a kind of cloud named
Vj-jesha, as, a, am, Ved. victorious. — Ujjesha- with d, in Class, generally with d), the tree Ficus after that Rishi.
vat, an, ati, at, Ved. containing the word ujjesha. Glomerata ; a species of leprosy with coppery spots ; TrTSZI utathya, as, m., N. of a son of
ujjihdna, N. of a region. the threshold of a house ; a eunuch ; a kind of worm
An-giras and elder brother of Brihaspati. — Utathya-
supposed to be generated in the blood and to produce
uj-jihirsM, f. (fr. Desid. of rt. leprosy ; (am), n. the fruit of the tree Ficus Glo- tanaya, as, m. an epithet of Gautama. — Utathya-
hrt with ud), wishing to take or seize. merata ;copper ; a karsha, a measure of two tolas. nuja, as, m. or utathydnujanman (°ya-anu-ja°),
d, m. a N. of Brihaspati, regent of the planet Jupiter
vnfl^uj-jiv (ud-jlv), cl. I. P. -jivati, -m- — Udumbara-dald or udumbara-parnl, (. the (younger brother of Utathya).
tum, to revive, return to life : Caus. P. -jtvayati, plant Croton Polyandra. — Udumbard-vati, (., N. of
a river ; see also udttmbara.
-yttum, to restore to life, animate. *fU5\ utdho, ind. (fr. 2. uta + dho), a par-
tide of doubt or deliberation = either, or ; see under
Uj-jivin, I, m., N. of a counsellor of Meghavarna, 3SSI«1«. udddmara, as, d, am (fr. ud-dd° ?), 3. uta above.— Utdho-svit, see under a. uta.
the, king of the crows. excellent, respectable, of high rank or consequence.
^^f*Tx uj-jrimbh (ud-jrimbh), cl. i. A., <J|J<«5 utula, as, m. pi., N. of a people ;
T^jt ud-di (ud-di), cl. i. 4. A. -day ate or also kuluta or uluta.
poet. P. -jrimbhate, -ti, -bhitum, to gape, to open ; -diyate, -dayitum, to fly up : Caus. -dapayati (-da-
to part asunder ; to show one's self, become visible, payati ?),to scare. 3"ffi utka, as, d, am (fr. i. ad), excited by
come forth, break forth, expand, arise. the desire of obtaining anything ; wishing for (with
Ud-dayana, am, n. flying up, flying, soaring.
Uj-jrimbha, as, a, am, gaping, parting asunder, Udfdina, as, d, am, flown up, flying up ; (am), inf.), desirous of, longing for; regretting, sad, sor-
open, apart ; blown, expanded. n. flying as a bird ; flying up, soaring. •rowfiil ; absent, thinking of something else ; (as), m.
the mouth. am, n. the act of gaping, opening Ud-dlyana, am, n. flying up, soaring. desire ; opportunity, occasion. -• Utka-td, f. a state of
Ud-dtyamdna, as, a, am, flying up, sos ing, one longing aromatic orseeds.
regret ; the plant Pothos Officinalis having
Uj-jrimbhtta, as, a, am, opened, stretched ; ex- who flies or soars.
panded, blown ; (am), n. effort, exertion.
3 is 1^1 uddtsa, as, m. a work so called, Utkdya, nom. A. -yate, -yitum, to long for.
^**f uj-jya, as, a, am (fr. ud+jyd), having containing charms and incantations ; a N. of Sfiva. erect.
awt ut-ka<!a, as, d, am, having the hairs
the bow-sinew loosened.
"3^ udra, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
^•"JW uj-jval (ud-jval), cl. i. P., ep. A. 3p*-oai ut-ka(£hd, f. a metre of six verses,
-jvalati, -te, -litum, to blaze up, flame, shine : Caus. ^!5°t> unduka, as, m. a texture, a net ; each verse containing eleven syllabic instants.
P. -jvalayati, -yitum, to light up, cause to shine, a part of the body, the peritoneum_? ; (this word is
illuminate. perhaps connected with udupa.) 3W«j«ti nt-kah6uka, as, d, am, having no
Uj-jvala, as, a, am, blazing up, luminous, splendid, coat of mail, without bodice or jacket.
light ; burning ; clean, clear ; lovely, beautiful ; blown, v *!«<,<* underaka, as, m. a ball of flour,
a roll, a loaf. — Underaka-sraj, k, f. a string of rolls, arw ut-kata, as, d, am (fr. I. ud), ex-
expanded ; (<w), m. love, passion ; (am), n. gold ; balls of meal or flour upon a string. ceeding the usual measure, important ; richly endowed
(a), f. splendor, clearness, brightness ; a form of the
Jagati metre. — Ujji-ala-td, I. or ujjvala-tva, am, with, abounding in ; drunk, mad, furious ; excessive,
TrT ut, ind. a particle of doubt or delibera- much ; superior, high, proud, haughty ; uneven ;
n. splendor, radiance ; beauty. — Ujjvala-datta, as,
tion =how, what(?), either, or; see 2. uta. (For difficult; (as), m. fluid dropping from the temples
m., N. of the author of a commentary on the the prep, ud see i . ud, page 1 53.) of an elephant in rut ; the plant Saccharum Sara, or
TrT i. uta, as, d, am (ft. rt. ve), sewn, a similar kind of grass ; intoxication, pride ; (d), f.
Uj-jvalana, am, n. burning, shining ; fire, gold (?). the plant Laurus Cassia; N. of a town; (am), n. the
Uj-jvalita, as, a, am, lighted, shining, flaming, &c. fragrant bark of Laurus Cassia.
TrT 2. uta, ind. (as & particle of doubt or
^rVJJ njjh, cl. 6. P. ujjhati, ujjhdn-6a- deliberation) and, also, even, or. Often used for the on 3 the m<; on i *i i utkatukdsana, am, n. sitting
hams, squatting.
-S> Kara, ujjhitum, &c., to leave, abandon, sake of emphasis, especially at the end of a line after
quit j to avoid, escape.
iti or a verb (e. g. sarva-bhutdni tarn pdrtha sudd ut-kanikd, f. a raised particle.
Ujjha, as, a, am, quitting, forgetting. parlbhavanty uta, all creatures, 0 king, certainly
UjjhaJca, as, m. a cloud, a devotee. always despise him). i. ut-kantha, as, d, am, having the
Ujjhana, am, n. abandoning, removing. (As an interrogative particle, generally at the begin- neck uplifted, on the point of doing anything ; (a*
Ujjhita, at, a, am, left, abandoned ; left off dis-
continued. ning of the second or following part of a double in- or d), m. f. longing for a beloved person or thing ;
ter ogation) or, utrum-an (e. g. katliam nirniyate regretting, missing anything or person.
td, trl, tri, who or what leaves. kirn syan msWcdrano bandhur ttta viivasa-gha- 2. utkantha, nom. A. utkanthate, -thitum, to long
148 utkanthita.
for, regret, sorrow for : Caus. utkaiithayati, -yitum, -ku/< or ut-kun6 (ud-k°), cl. 6. P.,
to excite longing, inspire with tender emotions. . A. -ktufati, -kuntate, -kuntitum, to bend upwards; 7r| ut-kri
-karitum (ud-k°),to cl.scatter
or -return, 6. P. upwards,
A. -kirati,
pile -te,
Utkanthita, as, a, am, regretting, wishing or sor- to bend aside, to bend from the right course, to go Keap up ; to dig up or out, excavate ; to engrave.
rowing for, distressed, sorrowful; (a), f. a woman or lead any one astray, to corrupt. Ut-kara, as, d or i, am, what piles or heaps,
longing after her absent lover or husband. Ut-kundikd or ut-kiaidta, (. the plant Nigella what makes up or raises ; (as), m. what is dug out,
[ndica. rubbish ; heap, multitude ; a pile, a stack.
dr+^J ut-kand (ud-skand), c\. I. P. -kan- Ut-kofa, as, m. a bribe. Ut-karikd, f. a sort of sweetmeat made with milk,
dati, -Icantum, to leap, jump over. treacle, and ghee.
Ct-kandaica, ai, rn. a kind of disease. Utkotaka, as, ikd, am, corrupted with bribes;
(as), m. the receiver of a bribe, a bribe; N. of a
Tirtha. Utkariya, as, d, am, relating or belonging to a
jr*HfT ut-kandhara, as, a, am, having heap &c.
the neck erect or uplifted ; (am), n. bending back Ut-kdra, as, m. winnowing corn ; piling it up.
the neck. ut-kut (ud-k°), Caus. -kotayati, -yi- Ut-kdrikd, f. a poultice.
tum, to bend upwards. Ut-klrna, as, d, am, heaped up, scattered, dug
TWT ut-kamp (ud-k°), cl. I. A. -kampate, Ut-kttta, am, n. lying stretched out on the back,
-pitum, to tremble : Caus. P. -Tcampayati, -yitum, lying with the face upwards, sleeping with the head out, perforated.
to cause to tremble; to cause to swing upwards, erect. ut-krit (ud-k°), cl. 10. P. -kirtayati,
agitate, shake. -yitum, to proclaim, celebrate, praise, promulgate.
Ut-kutaka, at, a, am, stretched out on the back Ut-kirtaiM, am, n. crying out, proclaiming ; prais-
Ut-kampa, as, a, am, trembling, tremor, agita- with the &ce upwards, erect. — Utkutaka-prahana, ing, celebrating.
tion ;(as), m. trembling. am, n. avoiding the above position. — Utkutakdsana
Vt-kampana, am, n. the act of trembling, agitation. Ut-klrtita, as, d, am, proclaimed, promulgated;
("ka-ds"), am, n. a position like that just described. praised, celebrated, renowned.
Ut-kampin, l,im,i, trembling, agitating, causing
to tremble. ut-kuna, as, m. a bug ; a louse.
klrip (ud-k°), Caus. P. -kalpayati,
4(44, ut-kara. See under ut-kfi. ut-kula, as, d, am, degenerating, •yitum, to form, fashion, create.
iJp+'iH nt-karkara, as, m. a kind of mu- dishonouring one's family. ut-kofa. See under ut-ku(.
sical instrument.
ut-kuj (ud-k°), cl. i. P. -kujati, (ud-k°), cl. I. P. A., 4. P.
JrwS ut-karna, as, a, am, having the ears •jitum, to utter monotonous sounds.
-krdmati, -kramate, -krdmyati, -kramitum, to
erect ; (as), m. an erect ear. Ut-Jcuja, as, m. the singing of the kokila.
step up, go up, ascend ; to step out, go out or away ;
ut-karsha, &c. See under ut-krish. ^rfi? ut-kuta,as, m. an umbrella or parasol, to pass away, die ; to go over ; pass over ; omit ; not to
notice ; to neglect, transgress : Caus. P. -kramayati,
i. ut-kal (ud-k°), cl. 10. P. -kala- lift ut-terd (ud-k°), cl. i. P. A. -kur- -yitum, to cause to go up or ascend: Desid.Ved.
dati, -te, -dttum, to jump up, spring upwards. -dikramishati or -fikramishyati, to wish to go up
yati, -yitum, to -unbind, loosen. Ut-kurdana, am, n. jumping up, springing upwards.
Ut-kalita, as, a, am, unbound, loosened ; opened, or out.
blossoming j prosperous, rising, increasing ; regretting, THic* ut-kula, as, d, am, Ved. being on Ut-krama, as, m. going up or out; progressive
grieving for. increase ; going astray, acting improperly, deviation,
an elevation, going up-hill ; (am), ind. up-hill.
Ut-kulita, as, d, am, brought to the bank or transgression.
3r*<^ 2. ut-kal (ud-k°), cl. 10. P. -kala- shore.
Ut-kramana, am, n. going up or out, soaring
yati, -yitum, to drive out, expel. aloft, stepping out ; surpassing, exceeding ; (prdnot-
Jrirt utkala, as, m. pi., N. of the inhabit- ut-kri (ud-k°), cl. 8. A. -kurute, kramana, am, n. the flight of the soul.)
ants of Orissa, in the south of India ; a subdivision of -kartum, to inform against. Ut-kramaniya, as, d, am, to be abandoned, to
BrShmaru, derived from Utkala, a son of Sudyumna ; Ut-kriti, is, f. a metre of four times twenty-six be given up.
Ut-krdnta, as, d, am, gone forth or out, gone over
(as, a, am), m. f. n. a porter, one who travels with syllables.
a burden or load ; (as), m. a fowler, a bird-catcher. or beyond, passed, surpassed ; trespassing, exceeding.
ut-krit (ud-k°), cl. 6. P. -krintati, Ut-krdnti, is, f. stepping up to, going out.
JrtrtlV ut-kaldpa, as, a, am, having the -kartitum, to cut out or off, toXear out or off; to Utkrdntin, i, inl, i, passing, passing away, gone,
tail erect and expanded. cut up, cut in pieces, carve, butcher.
Utkalapaya, nom. P. -payati, -yitum, to cause Ut-kariana, am, n. cutting up, cutting to pieces, Ut-krdma, as, m. going from or out. going above,
the peacock to spread its tail, to cause any one to be cutting off. surpassing, deviating from propriety, transgression;
proud ; to inspire conceit by an acknowledgment of Ut-kritya, ind. having cut off or up, having cut out.
merit ; to return thanks (?). Ut-krityamdna, as, d, am, being cut to pieces, opposition,
an, and, at, going out, going over
being cut up.
Jr+foJ utkali, is, m., N. of a deity; (a or above, surpassing.
various reading has utkharin.) -krish (ud-k°), cl. i. P. sometimes
A. -karshati, -te, -karshtum or -krashtum, to draw •3753^ ut-krut (ud-k°), cl. I. P. -krosati,
Tr*frt°M utkalika, f. (fr. I. ut-kal?), or drag or pull up ; to raise ; to draw or take out, -kroshtum, to cry out, to call to (with ace.), ex-
longing for, regretting, missing anything or person ; to extract ; to pull or put off; to bend (as a bow) ; claim ;proclaim.as, d, am, crying, speaking out or
wanton sportfulness, dalliance; a bud, an unblown to tear asunder: Caus. -karshayati, -yitum, to
flower ; a wave. — Utkalikd-prdya, (prose) abound- elevate, raise, increase: Pass, -krishyate, to be aloud ; (am), n. crying out, calling, exclaiming, con-
ing in compound words. lifted or drawn up, to be raised, to rise, become versation.
an Ut-kroto,
osprey. as, m. clamour, outcry, proclamation ;
<5riiM4U ut-kashana, am, n. (rt. kash), tear- powerful, become eminent.
ing or pulling up, drawing through (as a plough). Ut-karsha, as, d, am, superior, eminent ; much,
excessive ; exaggerated, boastful ; attractive ; (as), m. •37aft^ ut-kroda, as, m. (fr. krud = kurd
Tai^ ut-kas (ud-k°), cl. i. P., Ved. -ka- pulling upwards, drawing, pulling ; elevation, increase, with wd ?). Ved- exultation (?) ; cf. ut-kurd.
sati, -situm, to gape, to open. rising to something better, prosperity; excellence, •gfrlTSI ut-klis (ud-k°), cl. 9. P. -klisnati,
4rM<*l ut-kdkd, f. a cow calving every eminence ; excess, abundance ; self-conceit ; boasting ; -kle^itum or -kleshtum, to feel uneasy, to be uncom-
year. joy, pleasure (?). fortable or distressed : Caus. P. -kletfayati, -yitum,
Ut-karshaka, as, ikd, am, drawing npwards.raising.
to excite, stir up, expel.
7pST3? nt-kds" (ud-k°), cl. I. A. -kdsate, Ut-karshana, am, n. drawing upwards, taking off. Ut-kleiSa, as, m. excitement, disquietude ; disorder
-Mum, to flash upwards, shine.
Ut-karshita, as, d, am, drawn upwards, elevated. or corruption of the humors (of the body) ; sickness,
VtkdSana, am, n. giving orders, commanding.
Ut-krish(a, as, d, am (opposed to apa-kriskta nausea.
•arum utkdsa, as, m., N. of a man, and ava-krishfa), drawn up or out ; attracted ; ex- Ut-klet!aka, as, m. a kind of poisonous insect.
tracted taking
; a high position ; excellent, eminent ; Ut-kleiana, as, d, am, or ut-kle&n, I, im, i,
3c*l*il ut-kdsana, am, n. (rt. kds), hem-
ming, clearing the throat of mucus. superior, best ; much, most, excessive ; jndnotkrishta exciting, stirring up, causing disorder (e. g. kaphot-
kleilin, exciting phlegm).
(°na-uf), as, d, am, eminent through knowledge.
ut-klrna. See under ut-kri 3rd col. — Utkrishta-td, f. or ulkrishla-tva, am, n. ex-
?r^ ut-kleda, as, m. (fr. rt. Mid with
ut-kirt. See ut-krit 3rd col. cellence, superiority, eminence. — Utkrishta-bhiima,
as, m. a good soil. — Utkrishta-vedana, am, n. •ud), the becoming wet or moist.
Ut-kledin, I, int, i, wet, becoming moist.
ut-kirtana, &c. See ut-krit. marrying a man of a higher caste ; the best or most
respectable form of marriage (?). — Utkrishtopddhita
utklla, as, m., N. of a man. -thitwm, extract by cl.
boil out, (ud-k°),
Tt%F( tout-kvath boiling -kvathati,
i. P.&c.
(°/o-Up0), f. state of high illusion.
ut-kship. 149
a, am, lying on the back, sleeping with the face up- Utlamtya, as, a, am, uppermost, highest, chief,
ut-kship (ud-k°), cl. 6. P. A. -itsAi-
wards ;(as, a), m. f. a little child. — Vttdna-iHran, best.
paii, -<e, -ksheptum, to throw up, raise, set up, erect ; i . ut-tara, as,d, am (comparative (t.i.ud; opposed
to throw away, reject, get rid of, vomit up. d, art, a, Ved. lying extended, stagnant. — Uttdna- to adhara; declined Gram. 338. a), upper, higher,
hasta, as, d, am, Ved. having the hands extended,
Ut-kshipta, as, a, am, thrown upwards, tossed, extending them in prayer ; (au,), m. du. the two superior (e. g. uttare dantas, the upper teeth) ;
raised ; thrown out, ejected ; vomited ; rejected, dis- hands with the fingers stretched out, but with the northern (because the northern part of India is high);
missed (as),
; m. the thorn apple (Datura Metel and backs towards the ground. left (opposed to dakshina or right, because in pray-
Fastuosa). ing the face being turned to the east the north would
Uttdnaka, as, m. a species of Cyperus grass.
Utkshiptikd, f. an ornament in the shape of a be on the left-hand) ; later, following, subsequent,
crescent worn in the upper part of the ear. Uttanikd, f., N. of a river.
latter, concluding, posterior, future (opposed to puma,
Ut-kxhepa, as, m. throwing or tossing up ; throw- J-^^ ut-tap (ud-t°), cl. i. P. rarely A. &c., e.g. uttarah kala/i, future time; uttaram
ing away ; sending, despatching ; bringing up, vomit- -tapati, -te, -ptum, to make warm or hot, to heat vdkyam, a following speech, answer, reply; phalam
ing; the region above the temples; N. of a country; thoroughly ; to pain, torment ; to excite, urge on, uttaram, subsequent result, future consequence;
also of a man. varshottareshu, in future years) ; superior, chief,
press hard : Caus. P. -tdpayati, -yitum, to warm
Ut-kshepaka, as, a, am, throwing, a thrower, who excellent, dominant, predominant, more powerful ;
or what elevates or raises ; one who sends or orders ; up, heat. better, more excellent; (as), m., N. of a son of
Ut-tapta, as, d, am, burnt, seared ; bathed, washed ;
(as), m. a stealer of clothes &c. anxious, excited ; (am), n. dried flesh. Virata ; a king of the Nagas ; N. of a mountain ;
Ut-kskepana, am, n. throwing upwards, tossing ; (d), (. the north (i. e. the northern dii or quarter);
Ul-ldpa, as, m. great heat, affliction, distress,
sending, sending away ; vomiting, taking up ; a kind anxiety, excitement, ardour, effort, energy. N. of a daughter of Virata and daughter-in-law of
of basket or bowl used for cleaning corn ; a fan ; a Arjuna ; (am), n. upper surface or cover ; the north ;
measure of sixteen panas. Ut-tdpita, as, d, am, heated, made hot, pained, the following member, the last part of a compound ;
distressed, roused, excited.
answer, reply ; (in law) a defence, a rejoinder ; (in
Tr^rVrt ut-kha6ita, as, a, am, intermixed the Mimansa philosophy) the answer, the fourth
with. T?Wx ut-tam (ud-t°), cl. 4. P. -tdmyati, member of an adhikarana or case ; superiority, ex-
-tarnitum, to be distressed, to lose heart, to faint.
cellence, competency; result, the chief or prevalent
y^^ut-khan (ud-kh°), cl. i. P. A. -kha- , as, a, am(superlative fr. I. ud; result or characteristic, what remains or is left, con-
nati, -it, -nitnm, to dig up or out, to excavate ; to opposed to avama, adhama, &c. ; cf. an-uttama), clusion, remainder, excess, over and above, (often
tear out by the roots, root up ; to draw or tear out ; uppermost, highest, chief; most elevated, principal ; at the end of a compound, e. g. shash/yuttaram
to destroy entirely. best, excellent (often at the end of compounds, e. g. sahasram, one thousand with an excess of sixty, i. e.
Ut-khdta, as, a, am, dug up ; excavated, eradicated, dvijottamcts, best of the twice-born) ; first, greatest ; 1060; saptotlaram totam, 107; ithayottara, at-
pulled up by the roots ; destroyed, annihilated ; (am), the highest (tone) ; the most removed or last in place, tended with danger, having danger as the result;.
n. a hole, a cavity, a deepening, uneven ground.
order, or time ; (am), ind. most, in the highest de- dharmottara, chiefly characterized by virtue); re-
Utkhatin, t, irii, »', having cavities or holes, un- gree ;(as), m. the last person ( = in European gram- mainder, difference (in arithmetic) ; N. of a song ;
even; destructive. mars the first person) ; N. of a brother of Dhruva, (am), ind. at the conclusion, at the end, e.g. bhavad-
son of Uttana-pada and nephew of Priya-vrata ; a uttaram, with the word ' bhavad' at the end ; asrot-
Tr^ftji^ ut-kharin, i, m., N. of a deity ; son of Priya-vrata and third Manu ; the twenty-first taram iksMtd, looked at with tears at the end, i. e.
(a various reading has utkali.) VySsa; (as), m. pi., N. of a people; (a), f. a kind with a glance ending in tears; [cf. Gr. uVrtpoi.]
^rWrfl utkhala, f. (fr. ud and khala?), a of pidaka or pustule; the plant Oxystelma Esculenrum — Uttara-kdnda, am, n. following or concluding
kind of perfume. (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.) ; an excellent woman, one book; the seventh book of the Ramayana. — Uttara-
who is handsome, healthy, and affectionate. — Ut- kdya, as, m. the upper part of the body. — Uttara-
Tfr^ ut-khid (ud-kh°), cl. 6. P. -khindati tama-gandhddhya (°dha-ddh°), as, d, am, pos- kala, as, m. future time ; time reckoned from full
(Ved. -khidati), -khettum, to draw out, extract. sessing abundantly the most delicate scent or delicious moon to full moon. — Uttara-kuru, us or u, m. n. one
T3 utta, as, a, am, wet, moistened. See fragrance. — Uttama-td, (. or uttama-tva, am, n. of the nine divisions of the world, the country of the
excellence, superiority ; goodness, good quality. — Ut- northern Kurus, situated in the north of India, and
7. ltd, page 153.
tama-pada, am, n. a high office. — Uttama-puru- described as the country of eternal beatitude. — Ut-
T^S ut-tansa, as, am, m. n. (rt. tans), an sha or uttama-purusha, as, m. the last person in tara-kodald, f. the city Ayodhya, the modern Oude.
earring; a crest, a chaplet, a wreath worn on the verbal conjugation, i.e. I, we two, we ( = in European — Uttara-kriya, f. the last sacred action, funeral
crown of the head. grammars the first person, our third person being re- rites, obsequies. — Uttara-khanda,am, n. last section ;
Uttansika, as, m., N. of a NSga. garded inHindu grammars as the prathama-purusha, the concluding book of the Padma-purSna, also of the
Uttansita, as, a, am, having earrings, crested. q. v. ; cf. also madhyama-pnrusfia) ; the supreme S'iva-purana. — • Uttara-khandana, am, n. cutting off"
spirit ; an excellent man. — Uttama-phalinl, f. the a reply, refutation. — TJttara-grantha, as, m. title of
T^J ut-taksh (ud-t°), cl. i. 5. P., Ved. plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.). a supplement of the Yoni-grantha. — I . uttaran-ga,
-takshati, -kshnoti, -kshitum or -tasldum, to form — Uttamarna (^ma-rina), as, m. a creditor ; (as), am, n. a wooden arch surmounting the door frame.
(anything) out of any other thing ; (Say.) to take m. pi., N. of a people. — Uttamarnika, as, m. a — Uttara-Mhada, as, m. a cover, what is thrown
(anything) out of any other thing. creditor. — Uttamantin, i, m. a creditor. — TJttama- over anything. — Ultara-ja, as, d, am, born in the
3^5? uttanga, as, m., N. of a servant of labha, as, m. great profit, a double return. •- Ut- latter (or last-mentioned kind of wedlock) ; born
Siva. tama-vefa, as, m. ' having the most excellent dress,' subsequently or afterwards, posterity. — Uttara-jya,
f. the versed sine of an arc, or rather the second half
N. of Siva. — Uttama-s'dkha, as, m., N. of a region.
TW7 ut-tata, as, a, am, overflowing its — Vitama-iaitrjraha, as, m. intriguing with another of the chord halved by the versed sine. — Uttara-
banks (as a river). man's wife, addressing her privately, casting amorous jyotinha, am, n., N. of a country. — Vttara-tantra,
looks &c. •• Uttama-sdhasa, am, n. the highest of am, n. ' concluding doctrine,' N. of a supplementary
g^ ut-tan (ud-t°), cl, 8. P. A. -tanoti, the three fixed mulcts or fines; a fine of 1000 or of section in the medical manual of Susruta. — Uttara-
-nute, -nltum, to stretch upwards, stretch out ; en- 80,000 panas ; capital punishment, branding, banish- tarn, as, d, am (compar. fr. uttara), still further
deavour to rise. ment, confiscation, mutilation, and death. — JJttama- removed, still more distant, still higher. — Uttara-
Ut-tana, as, a, am, stretched out, spread out, sukha, as, m., N. of a man. — I^tlamdifga (°ma- tas, ind. at the top, above, from the north, north-
lying on the back, sleeping supinely or with the face an°), am, n. the highest or chief part of the body, ward, to the left (opposed to dakshlna-tas) ; after-
upwards; upright; turned so that the mouth or the head. — Uttamddhama (°ma-adh°), as, d, am, wards ; behind. — Vttaratah-pa^at, ind. north-
opening is uppermost (as a vessel), concave; spread- high and low. — UitamddJiama-madhyama, as, d, westward (with gen.). — Uttara-tdpamya, title of
ing out over the surface ; shallow ; open. — Uttana- am, good, bad, and indifferent; high, low, and the second part of the Nrisinha-tapanlyopanishad.
kurmaka, am, n. a particular posture in sitting. — JJt- middling. — Uttamdrani (°ma-ar°), f. the plant As- — Uttara-tra, ind. in what follows, after, subse-
tana-pattraka, as, m. a species of Ricinus. — Ut- quently, later, further on, beyond, below (in a work),
paragus Racemosus. — Utlamdrd/ta ("ma-ar°), as. m.
tdna-pad, (., Ved. one whose legs are extended (in the last half or part; the best half.— I'ttamdrdhya, northward ; (pureatra uttaratra, in the first case or
parturition or creation) ; epithet of a peculiar creative as, d, am, relating to or connected with the last part place — in the second.) — Uttara-dayaka, as, d, am,
agency described in Rig-veda X. 72 ; (Say.) vegetation, or the best half. — Uttamaha (°ma-ah°), as, m. the replying, giving an answer, impertinent. — Uttaratlik-
the whole creation of upward-germinating plants. — • Ut- last or latest day, a fine day (1), a lucky day (>). — Ut- stha, as, d, am, situated in the north, northern.
tdna-parna, as, d, am, Ved. having extended leaves. tamopapada (°ma-up°), as, a, am, one to whom — Uttara-dii, k, f. the north quarter. — Uttara-
— Uttdna-pada, as, m. the star $ in the little bear, the best term is applicable, best, good. — Ultamaujas dcfa, as, m. the country towards Q-q the north, the up-
personified as son of Vira or Manu Svayambhuva and ffma-oj0), as, m. 'of excellent valour,' N. of one of country. — Uttara-dheya, as, d, am, to be done
the warriors of the Maha-bhSrata. subsequently. — Vttara-pakslia, as, m. the northern
father of Dhruva, the polar-star. — Vttdnapddii-ja,
an, m. a N. of Dhruva or the polar-star. — Vttana- Vttamdyya, as, d, am (fut. pass. part. fr. a nom. or left wing (side) ; second or following part of an
turhis, is, m., N. of a prince. — Uttdna-iaya, as, uttamdya ?), Ved. to be raised or celebrated. argument, the reason pro, the reply, refutation;
uttarapaksha-td .
the tnswer to the first or objectionable argument, the Ut-tejita, as, d, am, incited, animated, excited,
>y cutting becomes Ihepramantha or churner. — I't- urged ; sent, despatched ; whetled, sharpened, fur-
right argument, demonstrated truth, or conclusion ; the tardrtha (°ra-ar°), as, d, am, for the sake of what
minor proposition in a syllogism. — Uttura/Hikxhit- follows. — i'ttarardha (°ra-ar"), am, n. the upper bished, polished ; (am), n. an incentive, inducement ;
ti, (. or utlarapakfha-tra, am, a. conclusion, de- >art (of the body) ; the northern part ; the latter sidling, one of a horse's five paces ; moderate velocity
lalf; the further end. — l'ttardrdhya, an, d, am, in a horse's pace.
monstration, reply. — I'ttara-pata, at, m. an upper
garment. — Uttara-pathn, a*, m. the northern way, Ved. being on the northern side. — Uttard-rat, an, W ut-tu (ud-tu), cl. 2. P., Ved. -taviti or
atl, at, Ved. victorious, overpowering. •»Uttarddd •tauH, -totum or -taritum, to effect, bring about;
the way leading to the north. — I 'tturapathika,
an, i, am, inhabiting the northern country. — Ut- °ra-did), f. the northern quarter, the north. — K- (Say.) to increase, prosper.
tara-pada, am, n. the last member of a com- tardHadhipati (°ia.-adh°) or vttard3d-pati, is,
pound word.^l'ttarapadtka, as,t,am, or uttara- m. the regent of the northern quarter, an epithet of ^J? ut-tunga, as, ii, am, lofty, high, tall,
jiadaktya, at, a, am, relating to or studying the Kuvera. — f'tlaraxman (°ra-af), d, m., N. of a swollen (as a stream). — Uttunga-td, f. or uttuttga-
last word or term. — I'ttara-parvata, at, m. the rocky river in the north. — I'Uardshddhd Cra-ash°), tra, am, n. height, loftiness, elevation.
f. the twenty-first of the lunar mansions, figured by
northern mountain. — Uttara-paittanllM (°<ta-ar°), 7jf<!sn ut-tundita, am, n. the head of a
at, m. the north-western half. — I'ttara-paidma, an elephant's tooth or a bed, and containing two stars, thorn &c. which has entered the skin.
at, a, am, north-western; (d), f. the north-west one of which is 0 in Sagittarius. — Uttardsattga
(scil. dU). — Uttara-pdda, as, m. a division of legal (°ra-a«0), as, m. an upper or outer garment. — I 't- T§^ -te,
ut-tud (ud-t°),
to pushcl.up,6.tear
P. up,
practice, that part which relates to the reply or de- taraha (°ra-ah°), as, m. the following day. — Ut- -tudati, -tottum, up,
fence, four divisions being admitted in every suit. tarctard (°ra-it°), f. the southern quarter. — Ut-
- 1 'ttara-purastdt, ind. north-eastward (with gen.). turottara (°ra-ut°), as, d, am, more and more, Ut-tuda,
push open. as, m., Ved. one who stirs up.
— Uttara-purusha, as, m. = uttama-purusha(1). higher and higher, further and further; always in-
— I 'tta ra-purra, as, d, am, north-eastward ; one who creasing, always following ; (am), ind. higher and dr£e* ut-tul (ud-t°), cl. 10. P. -toluyati
takes the north for the eiSt.**Uttara-prat(hada, higher, more and more, in constant continuation, or -tulayati, -yitum, to raise up (by means of a
ae, m. a coverlid, a quilt. — Uttara-pratyuttara, one on the other ; (am), n. reply to an answer, reply counterpoise), to erect, set up ; to weigh.
am, n. a dispute, an altercation, a discussion; the on reply ; conversation ; a rejoinder ; excess, exceed- Ut-tolnna, am, n. lifting up, raising, elevating (by
pleadings in a law-suit. — Vttara-phalgunl or otto- means of a counterpoise or balance).
ing quantity or degree; succession, gradation; de-
ra-phalgimi, f. the twelfth lunar mansion, containing scending. —Uttarottarin, t, ini, {, constantly in- f't-tolita, as, d, am, raised, lifted up.
two stars, figured by a bed. — Vttara-bhddrapad, t, creasing one
; following the other. — Uttaroshtha or 3-jl^ ut-tusha, as, m. fried grain; (freed
(. or uttara-bkddrapadd, (. the twenty-sixth lunar uttaraushtha (°ra-osh°), as, m. the upper lip. from the husks.)
mansion, figured by a couch, and comprehending two I'Hnram, ind. further on, forward; hereafter, in
stars, of which one is a Andromeda:. — Uttara-mat{, the following part (of a book).
Uttara, ind. north, northerly, northward (with T^ ut-trid (ud-t°), cl. 7. P. A. -trinatti,
w, m., N. of a man. — UUara-mandra,f.z loud but -trinte, -tarditum, to split, cut through.
slow manner of singing. — Uttara-mdtra, am, n. a gen. orward orabl.) . - Vttard-sad, t,t,t, Ved. seated north-
on the left.
mere reply, even a reply.— Uttara-manasa, am, n., •3^ ut-trl (ud-t°), cl. i. 6. P. -tarati,
N. of a Tlrtha. — Uttara-mlmdnsd, f. the VedSnta Uttardt, ind. from the left, from the north, north- -tirati, -taritum or -rltum, to pass out of (especially
philosophy, an inquiry into the Jn Jna-kincla or second jaldt, the water &c., with abl. c.), to disembark, to
portion of the Veda (opposed to purva-mimdnsd ; Uttardttdt, ind., Ved. from the north. come out of; to escape from (a misfortune, affliction,
see mimansd). — TJttara-rahita, as, d, am, devoid 1'ttnrahi, ind. northerly, from the north (with abl.). &c.) ; to come down, descend, alight, put up at ; to
of reply, having no answer. — Uttara-rdma-farita or
Uttarin, i, ini, i, superior. pass over ; to cross (as a river, with ace.), to vanquish ;
-faritra, am, n. of ' the further or later deeds of R5ma,' I'ttar'tya or uttarnjaka, am, n. an upper or outer to give up, leave ; to elevate, strengthen, increase :
title of a drama BhavabhOti. — Uttara-lakiJuina, Caus. -tdrayatt, -yitum, to cause to come out, to
am, n. the indication of an actual reply ; (ae, a, am), garment.
J'ttarena, ind. (with gen., abl., ace., or at the deliver, assist, rescue ; to make any one alight, take
marked on the left side. — I'ttara-loman, a, a, a, end of a compound) northward, on the left side of; down, take off; to cause to pass over, to convey or
having the hairs turned upwards or outwards. — Uttara- posterior, subsequent. transport across, land, disembark ; to vomit up : Desid.
vayasa, am, n. the latter or declining years of life. Uttare-dyus, ind. a subsequent day, a day following, •titlrshati, to wish to cross.
— Vttara-valli, f. title of the second section of the to-morrow.
3. ut-tara, as, d, am (for I. see p. 149, col. 3),
KIthakopanishad when divided into two AdhySyas. uttamariia. See under ut-tama. crossing over; to be crossed (in the word dur-uttara,
~UUara-vasti, is, f. a small syringe, a urethra difficult to be come out of or escaped from).
injection pipe. — UHara-vastra, am, n. an upper ut-tambh (ud-stambh), cl. 5. 9. P. Ut-tarana, as, d, am, coining out of, crossing
garment. — Uttara-wddin, i, m. a replicant; a de- -tabhnotl, -ndti, -tambhitum, to stay, prop, support.
over; (am), n. coming forth or out of (especially out
fendant; one whose claims are of later date than Ut-tambhana, am, n. upholding, staying, support- of water), landing, disembarking ; crossing rivers &c.
another's. — Vttara-vdsas, as, n. an upper garment. ing ;stopping, arresting ; a prop, a stay. Vt-tarat, an, anti, at, coming out of (water &c.),
— Tttara-vedi, is or i, f., Ved. the northern altar Ut-tambhita,ax, a, am, upheld, supported ; stopped,
made for the sacred fire. — Uttara-saktha, am, n. arrested ; erect (as the hair of the head), standing on end. crossing, going over.
Tt-tarikd, f., N. of a river.
the left thigh. — Uttara-sanjntta, as, a, am, desig- Ut-tambhitavya, as, d, am, to be upheld. 1'f-tdra, Of, m. transporting over; landing; deli-
nated inthe reply (a witness &c.) ; hear-say evidence, vering, rescuing ; ejecting, getting rid of; vomiting ;
see the next. — Vttara-sdktMn , i, m. witness for the ut-tara. See above and under ut-tri.
passing away, instability ; (as, d, am), surpassing
defence ; a witness testifying from the report of others. 2. ut-taraitaa, as, a, am (for i. see others, excellent, pre-eminent. — Uttdra-lo<?ana, M,
— rttara-sddhaka, as, a, am, finishing what re- under j. ut-tara, p. 149), flooded, inundated, washed d, am, having the eyes turned up.
mains or follows, assisting at a ceremony, befriending ;
an assistant, a helper, a friend ; who or what establishes over by wates. I 't-taraka, as, m. a deliverer, epithet of Siva.
4 rl*H ut-tarjana, am, n. violent threat- / 't-tdrana, as, d, am, transporting over, bringing
a reply. — Uttara-hanu, iu, m., Ved. the upper jaw- ening. over, rescuing ; (am), n. the art of landing, delivering,
bone. — I'ttarddhara fra-adh"), as, d, am, superior rescuing, helping to cross over or escape, transportation.
and inferior, higher and lower ; (am), n. the upper nt-tana. See under ut-tan, p. 149.
and under lip; the lips; see adharottrtra. "Uttard- l't-tdr!n, 1, ini, i, transporting across; unsteady;
ilhikara (°ra-aaV), as, m. right to property &c.
iit-tiijin. See under ut-tap, p. 149. inconstant, changeable, tremulous, sick.
in succession to another person, heirship, inheritance. -tara. See under ut-tri next col. I't-tdrya, as, d, am, to be made to land, to be
~Uttarddhikdri-td, f. or ullnrdilliitdri-tra, am, ejected, to be thrown up by vomiting.
ut-tula, as, ii, am (fr. wrfand tola?), ( 't-tit'irshu, us, us, u, about to pass out of (water),
n. right of succession. •-I'ttnrdtlhikarin, 1, in~i,i,
an heir or claimant subsequent to the death of the great, strong ; formidable ; arduous, difficult ; speedy, wishing to land.
original owner, an heir who claims as the second swift, best, excellent ; elevated, lofty, tall, loud ; (as), t'l-liriiiii, ind. on the bank, on land, ashore.
in succession. — J'ttardnvita (°rd-an°), as, d, am, m. an ape ; (am), n. a particular number. I't-tlrna, as, a, ant, landed, crossed, traversed;
accompanied by Uttara.— L'ttard-patha, am, n. the rescued, liberated, escaped ; released from obligation ;
northern road or direction, the northern country, jfV»^ ut-tij (ud-t°), Ca.ua. P. -tejuyati, thrown off; one who has completed his studies, ex-
north. — rtlnriilt/idna ("ni-iihh°), as, m. a false, •yiliim, to excite, stimulate, incite, instigate, urge
on, stir up, animate. perienced, clever.
indirect or prevaricating reply. — rtt<m~i\iliri*a-ta, f. Ut-tirya, ind. having crossed, having landed.
or uitardbhdsa-tva, am, n. inadequacy of a reply, Ut-tejoka, as, d, am, instigating, stimulating.
cj1^ fXrf utterita, am, n. (said to be ft. ut-
the semblance without the reality. — I'tturayana I t-tfjana, am, d, n. f. incitement, instigation, excit- tn, but perhaps connected with rt. tr), one of the
(°ra-ay°), am, n. the progress (of the sun) to the ing, animating; sending, despatching ; urging, driving;
five paces of a horse in Hindu jockeyship.
north ; the period of the sun's progress to the north whetting, sharpening, furbishing, polishing ; an in-
of the equator, the summer solstice. — Uttardram spiring or exciting speech ; an incentive, inducement, dTfK*!) ut-torana, as, d, am, decorated
(°ro-ar°), in or f, m. f. the upper arani (q. v.) which with raised or upright arches.
ut-tolana. 151
ut-tolana. See under itt-tul. Ut-pata, as, m. pulling up by the roots, destroy- Ut-pddin, i, int, i, produced, born ; (at the end
ing ; a disease of the external ear. of compounds) bringing forth, producing.
ut-tyakta, as, a, am (fr. rt. tyaj with Ut-pdtaka, as, m. the above disease ; (Oca), f. the Ut-pddya, ind. having produced ; having begotten ;
ud), "abandoned, left; thrown, tossed; free from external bark of a tree. having inspired.
passion or affection. Ut-pdtana, am, n. pulling up by the roots, eradi- Ut-pddyamdna, at, a, am, being produced or
Ut-tydga, as, m. abandonment, quitting ; throwing, cating destroying,
; destruction.
throwing up ; secession from worldly attachments.
Ut-pdtita, as, d, am, pulled up by the roots, ^rMrt i. utpala, am, n. (fr. rt. pal for
eradicated, torn out. pat with ud, to burst upwards as a blossom ?), the
v^'H^nt-tras (ud-t°), Caus. P. -trasayati,
•yUivm, to frighten, alarm. Ut-pdtin, i, inl, i, (often at the end of compounds) blue lotus, Nymphaea Cserulea, a seed of the Nym-
Ut-trasta, as, a, am, frightened. eradicating, extirpating. phaea ; the plant Costus Speciosus ; any water-lily ; a
Ut-trdsa, as, m. fear, terror. Ut-pdtya, ind. having plucked up. plant in general ; (as), m., N. of a man who built a
sanctuary, of an astronomer ; N. of a lexicographer ;
J ut-tripada,am,n.a,nupright tripod. "3ff1{ut-pat (ud-p°), cl. i. P. -patati, -ti- (d), f., N. of a river; (T), f. a kind of cake made
ut-thd (ud-sthd), cl. I. P. A. -tishthati, tum, to fly or jump up, to rise, to be produced, ori- with unwinnowed corn. — Utpala-yftndhika, am, n.
ginate Caus.
: -patayati, -yitum, to cause to fly up. a species of sandal of the colour of brass and very
-te, -thatum, to stand up, rise, raise one's self; come
forth, arise, originate from ; to rise (from the dead) ; Ut-pata, as, m. a bird ; going upwards or up. fragrant. — Utpala-taJcshus, us, us, its, lotus-eyed,
to become animated ; to be active or brave ; to make — Utpata-nipatd, f. flying up and down. fine-eyed. — Utpala-pattra, am, n. the leaf of a
efforts, take pains with, to excel : Caus. -thdpayati, Ut-patat, an, and, at, flying upwards or onwards. Nymphaea ; a wound caused by the finger-nail of a
-yiturn, to cause to stand up, raise, set up, erect ; to Vt-pataiia, am, n. rising, ascending, going up; woman ; a Tilaka or mark on the forehead, made
lift up ; to arouse, awaken, raise to life, make alive. birth, production. with sandal &c. by the Hindus; a broad-bladed
Ut-tishthamdiia, as, a, am, standing up, rising ; Ut-patita, as, d, am, springing up, risen, ascended. knife or lancet. — Utpala-pattraka, am, n. a broad-
increasing, augmenting. Ut-patitavya as, d, am, to be flown upwards. bladed knife or lancet used by surgeons. — Utpala-
Ut-tha, as, a, am, (generally at the end of a com- Ut-patitri, td, tri, tri, rising, jumping up, going pura, am, n., N. of a town built by Utpala. — Ut-
pound) rising, arising; coming forth, originating, upwards. pala-lihedyaka, as, m. a kind of bandage. — Utpala-
derived from ; standing up ; (as), m. arising, coming Ut-patishnu, us, us, u, rising, jumping up. mdld, (., N. of a lexicon. •- Utpakwdja, as, m., N.
forth ; [cf. Zend wsta.] Ut-pata, as, m. flying up, a spring, jump ;• an of a poet. — Utpala-vatl, f., N. of a river. — Utpala-
Ut-thdtri, ta, m., Ved. one who rises ; resolving. unusual or startling event boding calamity, a portent,
varnd, f., N. of a woman. — Utpala-s'dka, as, m.,
Ut-thdna, am, n. the act of standing up or rising ; prodigy, phenomenon; any public calamity, as an N. of a plant. — Utpala-ddrivd, f. the plant Ichno-
rising (of the moon &c.) ; resurrection ; rising up eclipse, meteor, earthquake. — Utpdta-vata, as, m. a carpus Frutescens. — Utpaldksha (°la-ak°), ox, m.,
to depart ; leaving off; starting on a warlike expedi- whirlwind, a hurricane.
and utpaldpida (°la-dp°), as, m., N. of two princes.
tion ;rise, origin ; effort, exertion ; manly exertion, Ut-pitalca, as, m. a fabulous animal with eight — Utpalabha (°la-abh°), as, d, am, lotus-like, re-
manhood ; evacuating (by stool &c.) ; an army ; joy, legs, (written also ut-pddaka, q. v.) ; N. of a Tlrtha. sembling alotus. — Utpald-vana, am, n., N. of a
pleasure ; a book ; a court-yard ; a shed where sacri- 3rmil°ti ut-patdka, as, d, am, with raised region in Pan<5ala.
fices are offered ; a term, a limit ; business of a family
or realm, the care of subjects or dependants ; reflection ; flags ; with uplifted banners ; (a), f. a raised banner theUtpalaka, Nagas. as, m., N. of a man; of a king of
proximate cause of disease ; (as, a, am), causing to or Aag.—Ut-patdka-dhvaja, as, d, am, with raised Utpalin, I, ini, i, abounding in lotus flowers ;
banners and flags.
arise or originate. — t'Uhdna-vat, an, all, at, ready (ini), f. an assemblage of lotus flowers ; a species of
tor action. — Uttltanaikdda& (°na-ek°),(. the eleventh «r<<«4 ut-patha, as, m. wrong road, bad the AtijagatT metre, the same as Candrika ; N. of a
day in the light or former half of the month Karttika, way, error, evil ; (am), ind. astray, on the wrong river ; title of a dictionary.
when Vishnu rises from his sleep. road.
Ut-thdpaka, as, a, am, lifting up, causing to get 3fMrt 2. ut-pala, as, a, am (fr. ud and
up, who or what raises &c. ; exciting, animating. TPl^ ut-pad (ud-p°), cl. 4. A. -padyate, pala, a hell. flesh), fleshless, emaciated ; (am), n., N. of
Ut-thdpana, am, n. causing to rise or get up; -pattum, to arise, rise, originate, be produced :
raising, elevating; causing to leave (a house &c., Caus. -pddayatt, -yitum, to produce, beget, gene- iit-pavana. See under vt-pu.
with ace. of the person made to leave) ; causing to rate, cause, effect; to cause to issue or come forth,
come forth, bringing forth; exciting, instigating; bring forward. ut-pasya, as, d, am, looking up or
bringing about ; causing to cease, finishing ; (in Ut-patti, is, f. arising, birth, production, origin ; upwards.
mathem.) the finding of the quantity sought, answer becoming visible, coming into existence ; production ut-pada-sayana, as, m. a kind
to the question, substitution of a value ; (i), f. a con- in general, profit, productiveness; producing as an of partridge, Parra Jacana or Gcensis, (sleeping with
cluding verse (rid). effect or result, giving rise to or generating as a con- legs erect.)
Ut-thdpita, as, a, am, raised, lifted up, elevated ; sequence resurrection.
; — Utpatti-kdlina, as, a, am,
made to get up (from a seat, bed, &c.); aroused, taking place at the time of birth. — Utpatti-prayoga, 4ri4K4U ut-pdrana, am, n.,Ved. transport-
instigated. as, m. production by the joint operation of cause and ing over, transportation.
I. ut-thdpya, ind. having raised or caused to rise, effect ; purport, meaning. — I'tpatti-mat, an, all, at, utpdll, f. health (etym. doubtful).
having roused or instigated. produced, born. — Utpatti-vyanjaka, as, m. a type
a. ut-thdpya, as, a, am, to be raised ; Ved. to be of birth (as investiture) ; a mark of the twice-born. uncoufined.
ut-pihjara, as, d, am, uncaged,
sent away. Ut-panna, as, d, am, risen, gone up ; arisen, born,
Ut-thdya, ind. having risen (from a seat &c.); produced ; produced unexpectedly ; acquired, gained ; Ut-pinjala, at, d, am (I substituted for r), out of
occurred, happened ; effected, accomplished ; known, order, disordered, excessively confused ; uncaged.
having risen (in rank &c.). — Utthdyotthdya (°ya- ascertained. — Utpanna-tantu, MS, us, u, having a
ut°), every time one rises (from one's bed). line of descendants. — Utpanna-tva, am, n. origin, ceeding. afrnr*j ut-pitsu, us, us, u (Desid. of ut-
Ut-thdyin, I, int, {, rising, coming forth, becom- production. — Utpanna-bhakshin, i, ini, i, living pat, q. v.), desirous of rising or flying away or pro-
ing visible.
Ut-ihita, as, a, am, risen or rising (as from a from hand to mouth. — Utpanna-mnditn, ?, int, t,
perishing as soon as produced.
seat&c.); arisen, born, produced; happened, occur- Tfi*r«ls ut-plsh (ud-p°), cl. 7. P. -pinashti,
ring ;endeavouring, striving ; advancing, increasing ; Ut-pada, as, m. coming forth, birth, production. -peshtum, to rub together ; to crush, grind.
high, lofty, eminent ; extended ; N. of a Pragatha — Utpdda-purva, am, n. title of the first of the Ut-pishta, as, a, am, rubbed, ground ; (am), n.
fourteen Purvas or older sacred writings of the Jainas. a disease, a grating of the bones or of the joints upon
consisting of ten PZdzs. — UttMta-ta, (. state of each other.
— Ut-pada-iayana, see s. v. next col.
activity or of readiness to serve others. — Utthitdn-
guli (°ta-anf"), is, m. the palm of the hand with Ut-pddaka, as, d, am, bringing forth, producing,
the fingers extended. productive, effective ; (as), m. a producer, a genera- ^rlls ut-pid (ud-p°), cl. 10. P. -pidayati,
tor; a fabulous animal, called S'arabha, with eight
•yitum, to press upwards, to press out of.
Ut-thiti, is, (. elevation, rising up. Ut-pida,
legs; written also utpdtaika ; (ikd), (. a certain froth, a gush.as, m. pressing out, pressure; foam,
3r4B*l«t ut-pakshman, a, a, a, or ut- insect, perhaps the white ant (termes) ; N. of the
pakshmala, as, a, am, with upraised eyelids. pot-herb Enhydra Hingtsha, also of Basilla Rubra or Ut-pldana, am, n. the act of pressing out.
Lucida ; (am), n. origin, cause.
drMP^Ul} ut-pa6ishnu,us,us,u, apt to ripen
or cook. Ut-pddana, as, d, am, bringing forth, producing, A. 3rjj«j.M ut-pu6ihaya, nom. (fr. ud-puf£ha)
ntpv/'tluayale, to raise or cock the tail ; P. -yati,
productive ; (am), n. producing, generating, beget- to make one raise the tail.
3rV4 ut-pat (ud-p°), Caus. -pdtayati, -yi- ting, causing.
tum, to tear up or out, root up, eradicate, extirpate. Ut-pddita, as, d, am, produced, effected ; gene- '37^73! ut-putaka, as, m. a disease of the
ta, at, m. sap issuing from the cleft of a tree. rated, begotten. external ear ; [cf. ut-pdta.]
152 ut-pulaka.
or making exertions for any object (c.g.jayotsuka,
ut-pulaka, as, a, am, joyful, de- , a», a, am, associated, combined, joined.
/ 1-suinjin, i, ini,i, associating or combining with, anxiously striving for victory) ; eager for, fond of, at-
lighted. tached to ; regretting, repining, missing, sorrowing
an associate, a partner ; deep-seated, as an ulcer ; (i),
T?^ ut-pu (ud-pu), cl. 9. P. A. -pundti, m. an ulcer, a deep sore ; (ini), f. pimples on the for ; (as), m. (?) longing for. — Utsuka-ld, f. or
-punitf, -pavitum, to cleanse, purify; to extract inner edge of the eyelids. uteuht-tm, am, n. restlessness, uneasiness, unquiet-
anything that has been purified. ness, zeal ; attachment, affection ; sorrow, regret.
I't-saiijana, am, n. leading upwards.
I t-/>acana, am, n. cleaning, cleansing; straining Utsukaya, noin. A. utsukdyate, to become un-
liquids for domestic or religious uses ; any implement 7W7 ut-sad (ud-s°), cl. I. P. -sidati, -sat-
for cleaning ; the act of sprinkling clarified butter or tiun, to sink, settle down, fall into ruin or decay ; to
other fluids on the sacrificial fire with two blades of quiet &c. ut-sutra, as, a, am, unstrung ; irre-
leave off; to rise up : Caus. P. -sidayati, •yitum,
to destroy, overturn. gular, out of rule, loose, detached.
KuSa grass, the ends of which are held in either hand
and the centre dipped into the liquid. Ut-sanna, ae, a, am, decayed, in ruins ; destroyed, TRHC ut-sura, as, m. evening, twilight
Ut-patitri, td, tri, tri, purifying ; a purifier. overturned ; disused, fallen into disuse ; risen, in- (when the sun sets).
creased. —Utsanna-dhanna, as, or utsanna-yeyna, Utsurya. See under otsuryam.
I 'l-pava, a», m. purifying ghee &c. as, m. an interrupted or suspended sacrifice.
TrtffaV ut-poshadha, as, m., N. of an old Ut-sdda, as, m., Ved. a particular part of the
king. sacrificial animal. "3TJJ ut-sri (ud-sri), Caus. P. -sarayati,
-yitum, to expel, turn out, drive away.
TrTM ut-prabha, as, a, am, flashing forth I't-sddaka, as, a, am, destroying, overturning. Ut-sara, as, m. a species of the Ati-sakvar! metre,
or diffusing light, shining. Ut-sadana, am, n, destroying, overturning ; sus- consisting of four verses of fifteen syllables each.
pending, interrupting, omitting ; cleaning the person Ut-sarya, f. a cow when grown up and fit to take
ut-prasava, as, m. abortion. with perfumes, rubbing or chafing the limbs ; healing the bull.
ut-prasa, as, m. (fr. rt. 2. as with a sore, causing it to fill up; going up, ascending, Ut-sdraka, as, m. one who drives away the mob
pra and ud), hurling, throwing afar ; violent burst rising ; raising, elevating ; ploughing a field twice or
thoroughly. from a person of rank, a policeman; a guard, a
of laughter; ridicule, derision; excess.
Ut-prasana, am, n. = the preceding. Ut-sddaniya, as, a, am, to be destroyed ; to be Ut-sdrana, am, n. moving, causing to move, re-
effected ; to be gone up or ascended ; (am), n. any
application to a sore producing granulations. guardian. moving, keeping at a distance, driving out of the
"ZTRt^ut-prush, t, f., Ved. that which bub- way ; assisting any one to step out (of a palanquin
bles up, a bubble. Ut-sddita, as, a, am, destroyed, overturned; &c.) ; reception of a guest.
TriNr ut-preksh (ud-pra-iksh), cl. i. A. cleansed, purified with oil, perfumes, &c. ; risen, as-
cended ;raised, elevated. ar*f»^ ut-srij (ud-s°), cl. 6. P. -srijati,
-preksJiate, -shitum, to look up to with attention -srashtum, to pour out, emit, send forth ; to let
(as a pupil to his teacher) ; to perceive ; to transfer Ut-saditavya, or ut-sadya, as, a, am, to be de- loose ; to cast forth or away ; to lay aside, quit, leave,
(with loc.); to compare one thing with another,
abandon, avoid, eschew ; to abolish (a rule &c.).
illustrate by a simile.
K4, &c. See under ut-sri. Ut-sarga, as, m. pouring out, pouring forth, emis-
Ut-prekshaiia, am, n. looking into, perceiving, sion, dejection, excretion, voiding by stool &c. ;
foreseeing, comparing. -sarga. See under ut-srij. laying aside, abandoning, resigning, quitting, retiring
Ut-preksha, f. overlooking, disregarding, careless- J'rtH utsava, as, m. (fr. rt.i.su with ud?), from, suspending ; loosening, delivering ; oblation,
ness, indifference ; (in rhetoric) comparison in general,
enterprise, beginning ; a festival, a jubilee ; joy, glad- libation ; presentation of anything promised to a
simile, illustration, metaphor ; a parable ; an ironical
ness ;merry-making ; height, elevation, insolence ; god or Brahman with suitable ceremonies ; giving,
comparison. •• Utprekshd-vallabha, as, ni., N. of a passion, wrath ; wish ; rising of a wish ; a section of a donation ; a particular ceremony on suspending a
poet. book. — Utsava-sanketa, as, m. pi., N. of a people. Vedic lecture; (in gram.) any general precept or
Ut-prekshita, as, a, am, compared (as in a simile).
Vt-prekshya, as, a, am, that with which anything TRT? ut-sah (ud-s°), cl. i. A. -sahate, rule (opposed to apavdila, special rule or exception,
and so called because only abolished in express cases
is compared. -saJtitum or -sodhum, to be able, to be adequate,
to have power (with inf., or with dat. of an abstract by a substitute). — Utsarga-tas, ind. generally, i.e.
TEJ ut-plu (ud-p°\ cl. I. A. -plavate, without any special limitation.
noun) ; to act with courage or energy : Caus. -saha-
-plotum, to jump up, leap up ; to bound; to spriqg yati, -yitum, to animate, encourage, excite ; Desid. Utsargin, i, ini, i, leaving out or off; omitting,
or jump upon ; to float upon. abandoning, quitting.
of the Caus. -sisdhayishati, to wish to excite.
Ut-sdha, as, m. power, strength, strength of will, Ut-sarjana, am, n. letting loose, abandoning,
I't-pliira, as, m. a jump, leap, bound ; (a), f. a boat.
Ut-plavana, am, n. jumping or leaping up, spring- resolution ; effort, perseverance, strenuous and con- leaving, &c. ; gift, donation, oblation ; suspending (a
ing upon ; skimming off impure oil or ghee, or any lecture in the Veda), a ceremony connected with it.
tinued exertion, energy ; firmness, fortitude ; hap-
dirt floating on a fluid, by passing a blade of Kusa piness ;a thread. — Utsdha-rat, an, all, at, active, Ut-sisrikshu, us, us, u, wishing to create.
grass over it. Vt-srijya, ind. having abandoned, having quitted.
energetic, persevering. — Utsdha-vardhana, o«,m.the
Ut-srishla, at, a, am, left, abandoned; given
L't-pluta, as, a, am, jumped up or upon, sprung heroic rasa or feeling ; (am), n. increase of energy,
upon suddenly. heroism. — Utsdha-sampanna, as, d, am, active, up, given, presented ; poured forth, cast into or upon.
Ut-plulya, ind. having sprung up or jumped upon. — Utsrishta-pa&i,, us, m. a bull set at liberty upon
Ut-sdhana, am, n. effort, perseverance. particular occasions, as on a marriage &c., and allowed
JrMiM ut-phal (ud-ph°), cl. I. P. -phalati, to go about at will. — Utsrishta-vat, an, ati, at, one
Utsdhin, i, ini, i, active, persevering.
-litum, to spring ; to part asunder, to expand (as a who has let fall, who has shed (a tear &c.).
flower): Caus. P. -phdlayati, -yittim, to open, Ut-srish/i, is, f. abandonment, letting go, emission.
open wide, cause to expand. jfVw-«4x ut-si( (ud-s°), cl. 6. P. A. -sihfati,
•te, -sekhim, to sprinkle, pour, to spread ; to make Uterashiu-kdma, as, d, am, wishing to let go or
Utsphdla, at, m. a jump, a spring, leaping up or
out of, moving or shuffling of feet. proud : Pass, -stfyate, to spout or foam up or over ;
to be puffed up ; to overflow, increase.
down. ut-srip (ud-s°), cl. I. P. -sarpati,
I't-pKulla, at, a, am (phulla pass. part, of rt. Ut-sikta, as, a, am, sprinkled ; flooded, abun-
pluil), widely opened (as the eyes) ; blown as a dantly furnished ; elevated, raised, haughty, proud, -sarptum or -sraptum, to go, glide or soar upwards,
flower ; swollen, increased in bulk ; sleeping supinely ;
(am), n. a kind of coitus. rude ; enlarged, increased ; disordered, disturbed in to spread out.
mind Sec.
Ut-sarpa, as, m. going or gliding upwards ; swell-
ut-phala, am, n. excellent fruit. Ut-sidyamdna, as, d, am, foaming or spouting heaving. ing, heaving.
up, showering ; increasing, overflowing, growing. I't-sarpana, am, n. gliding upwards; swelling,
utsa, as, m. (fr. 2. ud), Ved. a "spring, Ut-seka, as, m. sprinkling, pouring ; foaming up-
a fountain (metaphorically applied to the clouds). wards, spouting out or over, showering ; overflow, Vt-sarpita, as, d, am, gliding or going upwards ;
— Utsa-dhi, w, m.,Ved. the receptacle of a spring, a increase, enlargement ; haughtiness, pride.
well. heaving, heaved, undulating.
Ulsckin, I, ini, i, overflowing ; proud, haughty, Ut-mrpin, i, ini, i, moving or gliding upwards ;
ut-saktha, as, I, am, Ved. opening puffed up. rising ; soaring ; (ini), f. a Jaina division of time, a
the thighs. Vt-sefana, am, n. the act of showering or spout- long period described as ten crores of crores of oceans
ing upwards, boiling or foaming over. of years ; this period alternates with one of similar
TRTJf ut-sanga, as, m. (fr. rt. sanj with
ud), embrace, association, union ; slope, side ; the 4r«<* utsuka, as, a, am (fr. i . ud and suka ; duration. See ava-sarpini.
haunch or part above the hip; the lap ; the acclivity the latter does not exist separately, but may be derived TWV ut-sedha, as, m. (fr. rt. i. sidh with
or edge of a hill ; the roof of a house ; the bottom from the particle m, as anuka fr. anu, aJihika
ud), height, elevation; thickness, fatness, obesity;
or deep part of an ulcer ; a high number = 100 fr. tibhi ; cf. also utka), restless, uneasy, unquiet, intumescence ; excelling, sublimity ; the body ; (am),
anxious ; anxiously desirous, zealously active, striving n. killing, slaughter.

ut-sthala, am, n., N. of an island. water-vessel ; a cloud. •- Uda-vindu, us, m. a drop Udani-mat, an, ati, at, Ved. abounding in waves
of water. — Uda-mvadha, as, m. a yoke for carrying
ut-smi (ud-s°), cl. I. A. -smayate, water. — Uda-vraja, as, m., N. of a man. — Uda- or I water.
. udanya, nom. P., Ved. udanyati, to irrigate ;
-smetum, to smile at, deride : Cans. P. -smdyayati, mrdva, as, m. ajar filled with water. — Uda-duddha, to thirst, be thirsty.
-yitum, to make a fool of one. as, m. a water-jar. — Uda-dvit, t, n. two portions of 2. udanya, as, d, am, Ved. watery ; (d), f. thirst.
Ut-smaya, as, m. a smile. juttermilk and one portion of water. — Vda-sthdll, — Udanya-ja, as, d, am, Ved. born hi or living in
Ut-smayat, an, and, at, smiling. f. a caldron, a kettle. — Uda-Jiarana, as, m. a vessel
for drawing water. — Uda-hdra, as, t, am, Ved. water.
TRT ntsya, as, d, am (fr. a<sa),Ved. coming Udanyu, u», us, a, Ved. liking or seeking water,
from a well or fountain (as water). fetching or carrying water; (as}, m. a water-carrier, walking in water.
a cloud. — Udaudana, see udakaudana. Undana, unna, &c. See under und, p. 159.
JrWMM utsvapnaya, nom. (fr. ud-svapna) Udaka, am, n. water ; -udakain da or pradd or udak. See under 2. ud-an6.
A. utsvapndyate, to talk in one's sleep ; to dream Icri, to offer a libation of water to a dead person
uneasily. (with gen. or dat. of the person) ; udakam upa- ;j^if ud-agra, as, a, am, with elevated top,
77 i. urf, a particle and prefix to verbs gpris, to touch certain parts of the body with water, having the top upwards, over-topping, towering or
as prescribed by law ; (the word udaka may be used
and nouns. (As implying superiority in place, rank, alone to express this ceremony, e.g. udakdrtham, pointing upwards; projecting; high, tall, long; ad-
station, or power) up, upwards ; upon, on ; over, vanced (inage) ; increased, large, vast, fierce, intense ;
for the sake of the wlaka ceremony.)— Udaka- excited, enraptured. — Udagra-dat, an, ati, at, hav-
above. (As implying separation and disjunction)
out, out of, from, off, away from, apart. (According
karman, a, n. or udaka-kriyd, f. presentation of ing projecting teeth, large-toothed ; (an), m. an ele-
water to dead ancestors as far as the fourteenth de-
to native authorities ud may also imply publicity, phant with a large tusk.
pride, indisposition, weakness, helplessness, binding,
gree. —Udaka-kdrya, am, n. a religious ceremony
performed with water ; ablution of the body ; obla- J^'H ud-aj, cl. i. P. A. -ajati, -te, -ajitum,
loosing, existence, acquisition.) tions to the dead. — Udaka-kumbha, as, m. a to drive out, expel, pull off.
Ud is not used as a separable adverb or preposition ; 2. ud-aja, as, m. (for i. see under uda ist col.),
in those rare cases, in which it appears in the Veda
water-jar. — Udaka-krldana, am, n. sporting about
in water. — Udaka-gdha or uda-gaha, as, m. enter- the driving out or forth (of cattle &c.).
uncompounded with a verb, the latter has to be sup- ing the water. — TJddka-giri, is, m. a mountain Ud-dja, as, m. leading up or out.
plied from the context (e. g. ud utsam iatadhdrain,
abounding in streams of water. — Vdaka-fandra, a d^«i<«io|i udajalaka, as, m., N. of a wheel-
out (pour) a fountain of a hundred streams).
Ud is sometimes repeated in the Veda to fill out
kind of magic. — Udaka-da, as, d, am, a giver of
water, yielding water, offering water to the manes ; wright inthe Paruia-tantra.
the verse (e. g. kirn na ud ud u harshase).
[Cf. Zend ui ; Hib. uas and in composition os,
(as), m. an heir, a near kinsman. — Udaka-ddtrt, J^y^i. ud-and or ud-a(, cl. i. P. A. -an-
td, or udaka-ddyin, i, m. one who presents liba- (ati, -te, -titum, to elevate, raise up, lift up, throw
ttis, e. g. os-car, ' a leap, bound/ &c. See also ut- tions of water to the manes, an heir or kinsman. up ; to send forth, utter, cause to resound.
tama, I. ut-tara, &c.j — Udaka-ddna, am, n. gift of water, especially to Ud-akta, as, d, am, gone up, raised up, risen,
2. ltd or und, cl. 'J. P. unatti, undah- the manes, as a religious or obsequial rite. — Udaka- ascended ; sent forth ; uttered.
ra, undishyati, aundit, unditum, to ddnika, as, d, am, referring to the above obsequial Ud-anka, as, m. a vessel or bucket (for oil &c.,
flow or issue out, to spring (said of water) ; to wet, rite. — Udaka-dhara, as, m. ' water-holder,' a cloud. but not for water) ; PSnini III. 3, 1 23, N. of a man.
bathe : Caus. undayati, aor. aimdiilut : Desid. umli- — Udaka-pareata,as, m.; see udaka-giri. — Uda- 2. ud-ant! or ud-ad, an, ifi, ale, turned or going
disttati ; [cf. Gr. tittup ; Lit. unda; Goth, valo; ka-purrakam, ind. preceded by the water-rite, i. e. by
pouring water on the hand as preparatory to or con- v upwards ; upper, upwards ; turned to the north, north-
Lit. wandii'.] ern (opposed to adhardnd and dakshina) ; subse-
Uda, am, n. (only at the beginning or end of a firmatory ofa gift or promise. — Udaka-pratikdita,
compound) water. — Uda-kirna or uda-kirya, as, as, d, am, like water, watery, fluid. — Udaka-bhara, quent, posterior; (i), ind. above; northward; subse-
m. the tree Galedupa Piscidia, the baik of which is quently; udlfl, the northern did or quarter, the
as, m. a yoke for carrying water. — Udaka-bhuma, north. — Udakldt, ind., Ved. towards the north,
rubbed and scattered into water to stun the fishes. as, m. humid soil. — Udaka-manjari, f. title of a
work on medicine. — Udaka-mandalu, us, m.,Ved. northward. — Vdak-patha, as, m. the northern coun-
— Uda-kumbha, as, m. a water-jar, a jar with water. try. — Udak-pravana, as, d, am, sloping towards
— Uda-grdbha, as, m.,Ved. holding water. — Uda- a water-pitcher. — Udaka-mantha or uda-mantha,
as, m. a kind of peeled grain. — Udaka-meha, as, m. the north ; proceeding well (as a sacrifice ?). — Vdak-
famasa, as, m. a cup containing water. — I . uda-ja, sena, as, m., N. of a prince. — Udag-adri, is, m.
as, a, am (for 2. see ud-aj 3rd col.), aquatic, watery, a sort of diabetes, passing watery urine. — Udakame- the. northern mountain ; the Himalaya mountain to
produced in or by water. — Uda-jna, as, m., N. of a hin, I, ini, i, suffering from this disease. — Vdaka- the 'north of Hindustan. — TJdag-ayana, am, n. the
man. — Uda-dhdna, as, a, am, containing water. vajra, as, m. a thunder-shower, a thunderstorm with
— Udha-dhi, is, is, i, Ved. containing water ; (is), rain ; [cf. uda-vajra.] — Udaka-vat, an, all, at sun's progress north of the equator, the half-year from
the winter to the summer solstice. — Udag-da3a, as,
m. a water-jar, a reservoir for water ; a cloud ; a furnished with water. — Udaka-vindu, us, m. a drop
of water. — Udaka-vivadha, as, m. a yoke for carry- d, am, having the border turned upwards or to the
lake ; the ocean. — Udadhi-kumdra, as, m. pi. a north. — Udatj-bhuma, as, m. fertile soil (turned up-
class of divinities, belonging to the BhavanidhlsSs. ing water ; [cf. uda-vivadha.] — Udaka-s'dka, am, wards or towards the north). — Udag-bhumi, is, m.
— Udadhi-krama, as, m. or udadhi-krd, as, m., n. any aquatic herb. — Udaka-fdnti, is, (. sprinkling good or fertile soil. — Udan-mukha, as, i, am, facing
Ved. a voyager, a mariner. — Udadhi-mala, as, m. consecrated water over a sick person to allay fever. the north.
cuttle-fish bone. — Udadfii-mekhald, f. the earth — Udaka-saktu, us, m. ground rice moistened with Ud~an<!ana, am, n. a bucket, a pail for drawing
(girdled by the ocein). — Udadhi-rdja, as, m. the water. — Udaka-sparia, as, d, am, touching different water out of a well ; (am), n. directing or throwing
king of the waters, the ocean. — Udailhi-sutd, f. the parts of the body with water; touching water in con- upwards ; rising, ascending ; a cover or lid.
daughter of the ocean ; an epithet of Lakshm! ; and firmation ofa promise. — Udaka-hdra, as, m. a
tossed ; worshipped. as, d, am, raised up, thrown up,
of DvSraka, the capital of Krishna. — Uda-pa, as, a, water-carrier. — Udakdtman (°ka-df), d, d, a, chiefly
am, crossing the water, as a boat.— Uda-pdtra, consisting of water, whose chief substance is water. Vd-an6u, us, m., N. of a man.
am, i, n. f. a water-jug, a ewer. •• Uda-pdna, as, — Udakdd/idra (°ka-ddh°), as, m. a reservoir, a
am, m. n. a well. — Vdapdna-mandulea, as, m. a cistern, a well. — Udakdnta (°ka-an°), as, m. margin J'^yPrt ud-anjali, is, is, i, hollowing the
frog in a well ; (metaphorically) an inexperienced man of water, bank, shore. — Udakdrthin (%-a-ar°), 5, palms and then raising them.
of limited ideas who knows only his own neighbour- ini, i, desirous of water, thirsty. — Vdakdhdra fka- ^rHliMIr* ud-anda-pdla, as, m. a kind of
hood. —Uda-pu, us, us, u, Ved. cleansing one's self dA°), as, m. the drawing up of water. — Udake-fara, fish ; a sort of snake.
with water, purified with water. — Uda-pesha, am, as, d, am, moving or living in or inhabiting water. uda-dhi. See under uda.
n. a paste, anything ground with water ; (am), ind. — Udake-vi&rna, as, d, am, dried in water, (a
by grinding in water. — Uda-prut, t, t, t, Ved. swim- metaphorical expression for anything unheard of or 2. ud-an, cl. 2. P. -aniti, -nitum, to
ming or splashing in water ; (Say.) causing water to impossible.) — Udakodaiij ana (°ka-ud°), as, m. a
flow. •• Uda-pluta, as, d, am, Ved. swimming in water-jar. — Udakodara (°ka-iid°), am, n. dropsy. breathe upwards, emit the breath in an upward direc-
water. — Uda-bhdra, as, m. a water-carrier, a cloud. — Vdakodarin, i, ini, i, dropsical. — Udakaudana tion ;to breathe.
Ud-dna, as, m. breathing upwards, breathing,
— Uda-bhrijja and uda-majja, as, m., N. of two (°ka-od°), as, m. rice boiled with water. breath ; one of the three or five vital airs, that which
men. — Uda-mantha, as, m. barley-water. — Vda- Udakala, as, d, am, watery, containing water. rises up the throat and passes into the head ; (with
megha, as, m. a watery cloud ; a shower of rain. Udakila, as, d, am, watery, containing water. Buddhists) an expression of joy or praise ; the navel ;
— Uda-ldvanika, as, i, am, salted, prepared with Udakya, as, d, am, being in water ; (o), f. a woman an eyelash ; a kind of snake.
brine. — Uda-vajra, as, m. a thunder-shower, a water- in her courses (requiring water for purification).
spout. —Uda-vdpa, as, m., N. of a man. — Uda- I. ndan, n. (not used in the nom. sing. du. plur. •»<;•« ud-anta, as, d, am, reaching to the
vdsa, as, m. residence in water ; (am), n. a house and the ace. sing, and du.), Ved. a wave, water, end or border of anything ; (as), m. ' telling to the
on the margin of a stream or pond, a marine grotto — Vdan-rat, an, all, at, Ved. wavy, watery, end,' full tidings, intelligence -t/ news ; a pure and
&c. — Uda-vdha, as, d, am, Ved. bringing water ; abounding
Rishi. in water ; (an), m. the ocean ; N. of a virtuous man ; supporting one's self by sacrificing for
epithet of the Maruts. — Vda-vahana, am, n. any others ; one who gets a livelihood
Rr by a trade &c.
154 udantaka.
Vdantaka, at, m. news, tiding?, intelligence. or throw up ; to raise, erect, elevate ; to throw out Mas, as, at, as, high-minded, magnanimous. — Udd-
Vd-antikd, f. satisfaction, satiety. expel. ra-td, f. liberality, generosity. — I'ddra-dhl, is, It,
Vdantya, as, a, am, living beyond a limit or I d-asana, am, n. throwing up, raising, erecting. i, highly intelligent, wise, sagacious, noble-minded.
boundary. Vd-atta, as, a, am, thrown or cast up, raised — Uddra-vlrya, as, d, am, of great power. — Uddra-
thrown ; cast out, expelled ; removed, scattered, hum saUva, as, d, am, generous-minded.
ttdanya. See under 2. ud. bled, shamed. Udaraka, at, m., N. of a man.
ud-aya, &c. See under ud-i 3rd col. Vd-asya, ind. having cast up, having tossed upwards 3<; lOV ud-drathi, is, is, i (fr. rt. rt with
having thrown; having expelled, having scattered ud }), Ved. steaming (as a hot dish) ; (SSy.) rising,
udara, am, n. (fir. rt. rt with ltd?), having made efforts, having taken pains.
the belly ; a cavity, the interior or inside of anything or enlightening the organs of sense ; (»'«), m. an
I . ud-dra, as, m. throwing or directing upwards epithet of Vishnu.
(e. g. udare, inside, in the interior) ; enlargement of elevation.
the abdomen from dropsy or flatulence, any mor- a<;i<irwi. uddvatsara, as, m. a year, one of
bid abdominal affection, as liver, spleen, &c., a class •1^1* ud-d-kri, cl. 8. 5. P. A. -krinoti, the five years forming a period. See iddvatsara.
of eight different diseases ; the thick, inner side of -nute, -karoti, -kurute, -kartum, to expel ; to fetch
the an gushtha or thumb; slaughter; [cf. Lat. uterus.] out of; to select ; A. to overpower. o^i'in ud-dvarta, as, m. a class of diseases,
— Udara-granthi, it, m. disease of the spleen, lit. marked by the retention of the excrements ; disease
3<;i4°Ml ud-a-khya, cl. 2. P. -khydti, -turn, of the bowels, iliac passion ; (d), (. painful menstrua-
' knot of the belly' (a chronic affection of this organ to relate aloud ; enunciate. tion with foamy blood.
not uncommon in India).— Udara-trdna, am, n. a
cuirass, armour covering the front of the body ; a J^I'll ud-d-gd, cl. 3. P. -jigdti, -gdtum, to Uddvartin, i, ini, i, suffering from such diseases.
girth, a belly-band.— I'dara-dara, as, m., Ved. a come up or out towards. ^iltj uddvasu, us, m., N. of a king of
particular disease of the belly. — Udara-pifdia, as, Videha, a son of Janaka ; [cf. upavasu.]
m. a glutton, voracious, one who devours everything, J^I^TST ud-d-<laksh, cl. 2, A. -dashte, to
declare aloud.
flesh, fish, &c. — Udara-puram, ind. till the belly is ^T^'f ud-a-vah, cl. i. P. A. -vahati, -te,
full. — Vdara-poshana, am, n. feeding the belly, sup- to marry.
4<I*K ud-a-(ar, cl. i . P., Ved. -tfarati, -vodhum, to extol, to praise ; to draw, lead along ;
porting life. — Udara-bharana-mdtra-kevaledifhu
-ritum, -rtum, Ved. -ritam, -taxai, -rate, -radh
fla-if), us, us, u, desirous only of the mere filling ijai, to rise from or out of.
of the belly. — Udaram-bhari, it, it, i, nourishing <^l«N ud-as, cl. 2. A. -dste, -dsitum, to sit
ud-a-jan, cl. 4. A., Ved. -jayate, separate or away from, to sit on one side or apart,
only one's own belly, selfishly voracious, gluttonous.
not to share in, not to show interest in ; to be un-
— I'dara-rat, an, ail, at, having a large belly, -janitum, to arise from ; to become visible above. concerned about, to be indifferent or passive.
corpulent. — Vdara-iaya, of, a, am, sleeping on the
face or \x\\y. — Vdara-fdndilya, as, m., N. of a i^A^ud-d-tan, cl. 8. P. A. -tanoti, -nute, i. ud-dsa, as, d, am (for I. see under ud-as),
sage. — Udara-earcasva, as, m. an epicure, a glutton. •nitnm,, to erect one's self, to rise. indifferent, unconcerned, apathetic ; (as), m. a stoic,
— Udarddhmdna (°ra-adk°), am, n. flatulence of a philosopher ; indifference, apathy, stoicism.
Jl(\<$\ud-d-da, cl. 3. P., Ved. -daddti, -da-
the body. — Udardmaya (°ra-dm°), ag, m. disease tum, to lift up, elevate. Ud-dsilri, td, trt, tri, indifferent, disregarding,
of the belly, dysentery, diarrhoea. — Udaramayin, ?, stoical, one void of concern or affection.
I'd-dtta, as, a, am (for ud-d-datta), elevated, Ud-dsin, t, ini, i, indifferent, disregarding; (i),
«'»t, t, suffering from dysentery or diarrhoea. — Uda- high, upraised, lofty ; highly or acutely accented ;
rdvarta (°ra-av°), as, m. the navel. — Vdaraveshta great, illustrious; generous, gentle, and bountiful; m. a stoic, a philosopher ; one who has no passion
( ra-dv°), as, m. tape worm. nor affection for anything ; in popular acceptation, a
giving, a donor ; dear, beloved ; (as), m. the acute
Udaraka, as, i, am, abdominal. accent, a high or sharp tone; a gift, donation; a religious mendicant in general, or one of a particular
Udarilca, as, a, am, having a large belly.
kind of musical instrument, a large drum ; an orna- order.
1'iJarin, I, ini, i, having a large belly, fat, corpu- ment or figure of speech in rhetoric ; work, business ; Vd-dsina, as, d, am, sitting apart, indifferent,
lent ;abdominal ; (tut), f. a pregnant woman. free from affection ; (in law) not involved in the
Udarila, at, a, am, fat, corpulent. (am), n. an ornament or figure in rhetoric. — Uddtta-
dispute ; (as), m. a stranger, a neutral, a common
Udarya, as, a, dm, belonging to the belly ; (am), tara, as, a, am, more elevated, more acute. — Udat- acquaintance, a person neither a friend nor a foe.
n., Ved. contents of the belly or what forms the ta-tva, am, n. the state of having the acute accent.
belly. — Uddtta-maya, as, I, am, similar to the high — Vddsina-td, f. indifference, apathy.
tone or accent. — Uddtta-rdghava, am, n. title of a <j<;i(Vqri ud-dsthita, as, m. (fr. rt. sthd
«^t.r«i ud-arathi, is, m.(fr. rt.riwith ud?), drama. — Uddtta-vat, an, ati, at, pronounced with with d and ltd), a superintendent, a doorkeeper ; a
the sun ; the ocean. the acute accent. — Uddtta-drutt, is, is, i, pronounced ;py, an emissary; an ascetic who has given up his
with the UdStta accent. — UddttaJruti-td, (. the state
ud-arka. See under ud-rid at p. 155. vow ; (as, d, am), set over.
of being' pronounced with the acute accent. ^Tt^rT vd-dhita, as, d, am (fr. rt.dhd with
-ar6is, is, is, is, shining or blaz- s^isti ud-ddy-anta, as, d, am, preceded a and ud), elevated, raised.
ing upwards, luminous ; (is), m. a N. of fire ; of and followed by an UdStta.
.S'iva, of Kandarpa. ^T5 ud-d-hri, cl. I. P. A. -harati, -te,
ud-dna. See under 2. ud-an, p. 153. -Jtartum, to relate, declare, announce ; illustrate.
*<i^ud-arj, cl. I. P., Ved. -arjati, -jitum,
to drive out, remove. ud-d-ni, cl. i. P. A. -nayati, -te, I'd-dharana, am, n. relating, saying, declaring,
declaration ; referring a general rule to a special case,
-netum, to lead up (out of water) ; to elevate.
3^ ud-ard, cl. i . P. -ardati, -ditttm, to an example or illustration ; an apposite argument, the
strike or beat upon. 3<IM^«rf-op, cl. 5. P.,Ved. -apnoti, -dptum, bird of the five premises of rhetorical reasoning ; the
to reach up to, reach, attain. example or third member in a fivefold syllogism.
l.'d-arda, at, m. (in medic.) erysipelas. Ud-dhdra, as, m. an example or illustration ; the
^<;s ud-arddha, as, rn. (fr. rt. rid/i with 4^l(V| ud-api,is, m .,N.of a son of Sahadeva.
ltd), scarlet fever. Beginning of a speech.
3<; ftHH^ud-dpyam, ind., Ved. upthe stream, Ud-aharya, as, d, am, to be referred as a general
udala, as, m., N. of a man. rule to a special case.
against stream. I'd-dhrita, as, ii, am, said, illustrated, called,
, cl. I. P. -atati, -vitum, to re- 3qi«««i ud-d-yam, cl. I. P. -yafchati, -yan-
gard, attend to ; to wait for ; to promote, impel. tnnt. to show, to make known. lamed, entitled.
Ud-d-hHti, is, f. an example, an illustration.
^<»«jf ud-avagraha, as, m. a Svarita ud-dyasa, as, m., N. of a prince. Tf^ ud-i, cl. 2. P. -eti, -etum, to go up or
accent depending on an UdStta which stands in the roceed ; to rise (e. g. as a star), to come up (as a
ud-dyudha, as, d, am, with uplifted
ava-graha (q. v.). See tuirovirama. loud) ; to go out of; to come out or arise from; to
weapon, upraising weapons.
a<;mil«1i«( ud-avasdriiya, as, a, am (fr. rt. escape ; to start up ; to rise up against.
so with ana and ml), Ved. concluding, final. 3<5l*_ ud-dra, as, d or i, am (fr. rt. rt with I'd-aya, as, d, am, (in gram.) following, coming
Ud-avasita, aim, n. a house, dwelling. ud), high, lofty, exalted, noble, illustrious, generous, fter or upon (as one letter, accent &c. upon another) ;
liberal, gentle, munificent, great, best ; upright, honest, I, m. going upwards ; rising (of the sun or planets
•5^51 ud-as", cl. 5. P. A. -asnoti, -mite, sincere ; proper, right ; eloquent ; unperplexed ; Ved. r of a cloud) ; the eastern mountain behind which
-atitum or -ashfum, to reach to the top of, reach, causing to rise, exciting, driving forth ; (am), ind. ic sun is supposed to rise ; coming forth, creation,
attain ; to be able, be master of.
aloud ; (as), m., Ved. a rising fog or vapour ; a sort reduction, becoming visible, appearance, develop-
ud-as'ru, us, m, u, one whose tears of grain with long stalks ; a figure in rhetoric, attri- ment ; light, splendor ; conclusion, result, conse-
gush forth, wreping. buting nobleness to an inanimate object ; (ax), pi. uence ; rising, reaching one's aim, elevation ; profit,
nebulous forms, spirits (i). — Udira-farita,as,d,am, dvantage, income, revenue, interest ; outlet, exit ; N.
7<*TT ud-as, cl. 4. P. -axyati, -situm, to cast of a generous disposition, noble-minded. •• Vddra- f the seventh Arhat of the future Utsarpini, = Uday 5-
udaya-gupta. '3f|»<H ud-granth.
SVa ; a son of Yijnika ; a follower of S'lkya-muni. acute-minded. mated. —Vdlrita-dht, is, w, i, whose mind is active, gone, departed ; proceeded forth or from ; vomited,
— Udaya-gupta, o«, m., N. of a man. — Udaya-jit, cast up ; (n), f. a stanza of four lines, with ten sylla-
t, m., N. of a son of Gunala. •- Udaya-dhavala, as, Ud-lnfa, as, a, am, issued out, excited, increased, bles in the first three and thirteen in the last. — Ud-
m., N. of a prince. — Udaya-parvata, as, m. or intense; generous, great, excellent. — Udlrna-td, (. yata-iringa, an, a, am, (a calf) whose horns are
udaya-giri, ii, m. or udaya-toila, as, m. or excitement, activity, agility. — Udirna-didhiti, is, just appearing. — Udgatdeu (°ta-aeu), ut, us, u, de-
ceased, dead.
iidaydfola (°ya-af), as, m. or udayddri (°ya- is, i, intensely bright. — Udirna-vega, as, a, am,
ad°), is, m. the eastern mountain behind which the impetuous in its course (as a torrent), violent. Id-gati, is, f. going up, rising, ascent; coming
sun rises. — Udaya-pura, am, n., N. of the capital I. ud-irya, as, a, am, to be raised, uttered, spoken. forth ; bringing up, vomiting.
of Marvar. -• Udaya-prastha, a*1, m. the plateau of j. ttd-lrya, ind. having uttered, having spoken. I'd-gama, as, m. going up, rising, ascending,
the mountain behind which the sun rises. — Udaya- Ud-iryamdtia, as, d, am, being cast or discharged ; elevation (as of a mountain) ; rising (of the stars) ;
raja, as, m., N. of a man. — Udaya-vat, an, atl, at, being spoken or uttered. going out or away ; coming forth, becoming visible,
risen. — Udaya-stnha, as, m., N. of a king. — Udaya- production, creation ; shoot (of a plant) ; bringing
V*^ ud-lsh, cl. I. A. -ishate, -Ishitum, to
ditya (°ya-dd°), as, m., N. of a man. — UdayasSva rise. up, vomiting.
(fya-as°), as, m., N. of a grandson of Aj ata-satru. Vd-lshita, as, a, am, risen, elevated. Ud-gamana, am, n. rising, ascending ; corning
Ud-ayat, an, antt, at, going upwards, rising. forth, becoming visible.
Vd-ayana, am, n. rising, ascending (of the sun) ; *<|Hf ud-uksh, cl. i. P., Ved. -ukshati, Vd-gamaruya, as, d,am,to begone up or ascended ;
exit, result ; conclusion, end ; (as), m. an epithet of -shitum, to sprinkle upwards or outwards. (am), n. a pair of bleached cloths or sheets.
Agastya ; N. of a king of Vatsa ; N. of a Purohita of
kingSuddhodana. — VdayanaoiUdayand<!drya,as, Tj^f ud-ubj, cl. 6. P. -ubjati, -jitum, to 3Sc^ ud-gal, cl. I. P. -galati, -litum, to
trickle out, ooze out ; issue in drops.
m. a philosopher and violent persecutor of the Bud- cleave asunder (?) ; to set up, erect.
dhists. —Vdayana-<!arita, am, n. title of a play. T5T ud-ga, cl. 3. P. -jigati, -gdtum, to rise
Udayanlya, as, a, am, belonging to an end or d, a5 1 ^dumbara^ as, m. (Ved. written with
in later books generally with d), the glomerous (as the sun &c.) ; to come forward, to begin.
conclusion, finishing (as a ceremony).
fig tree, Ficus Glomerata ; a kind of leprosy ; a thres- asiij ud-gatri, &c. See ud-gai below.
Ud-ayin, i, int, i, rising, ascending, prosperous, hold ; a eunuch ; (am), n. the fruit of the glomerous
flourishing; (i), m., N. of a man. — Udayi-bhadra,
fig tree ; copper ; the weight karsha. — Udumbara-
38l<. ud-gdra, Sec. See ud-gfi below.
as, m., N. of a son of Ajata-satru.
Vd-dya. See s. v. try-udaya. parnt or udumbara-dald, (., N. of the plant Croton •3S1£ nd-gdh, cl. I. A. -gdhate, -gdhitum
Polyandra. — Udumbard-vati, f., N. of a river. or -gddhum, to emerge.
i.iul-ita, as, a, am, risen, ascended, being above ;
high, tall, lofty ; grown, augmented, born, produced ; Udumbala, as, d, am, Ved. copper-coloured?; Ud-gadha, as, d, am, excessive, violent, much ;
incurred, experienced. — Udita-homin, i, inl, i, Ved. (Say.)
of extended power (for uru-bala; said of the
dogs, the messengers of Yama). (am), ind. excessively, much.
sacrificing after sunrise.
Udumbhara, a word coined for the etymological 3S|^
I. ud-iti, is, f., Ved. ascending, rising (of the explanation of udumbara. raise the ud-gur,
voice in a cl. 6. A. -gnrate,
threatening manner. -ritum, to
sun) ; going away or down, setting (of the sun).
Udr4yamima, at, a, am, rising. Ud-giirna, as, d, am, raised, lifted, held up;
^\ ud-ush, cl. i. P. -oshati, -shitum, to erected, excited.
«(Vsr ud-ing, Caus. P. -ingayati, -yitum, expel by heat.
to impart a tremulous motion, to vibrate; to utter Udushta-mukha, as, a, am, Ved. having a red TfJ^ tid-guh, cl. I . P. A. -guhati, -te, -giihi-
twist or -godhum, to pierce through and through, to
with a whirring or vibratory sound ; to cause to whir mouth (as a horse). through.
(said of the pronunciation of certain letters). <f?Sc5 udukhala, as, am, m. n. a wooden
Tfi^rT 2. udita, as, d, am (fr. rt. vad), said, mortar used for pounding rice and separating the fS ud-gn, cl. 6. P. -girati or -gilati, -gari-
tum or -litum, or -gantwm or -fitum, to eject (from
spoken. — Uditodita, as, a, am (fr. i. udita with husk ; any mortar ; bdellium ; a mortar-shaped joint. the mouth), spit out, vomit out or up, belch out, pour
i . ud-ita), well-grounded in the Sastras. <3CC ud-udha, as, d, am (fr. rt. vah with out, discharge ; breathe out; to rise from: Caus. P.
a. mliti. is, f., Ved. speech. HI/), married; coarse, gross, heavy, fat; material, -girayati, -yitum, to cause to pour forth, to raise (a
Tr^rT 3. udita, as, a, am (incorrectly spelt substantial; much, exceeding. sound), to cause to utter sounds.
for ud-dita, see 4. da), bound, tied. Ud-gdra, as, m. spitting out, ejecting anything
^? ud-uh, cl. I. P. A. -uhati, -te, -hitum, from the mouth, vomiting ; belching, eructation ; re-
af^nci ud-inaksh (irreg. Desid. of rt. to push or press upwards, move or bear upwards. lating repeatedly; spittle, saliva; speaking in the
naltsh), Ved. -inaksTuiti, to attain, obtain, reach ; to Tif ud-ri, cl. 3. P. -iyarti (Ved. aor. A. throat, sound, roaring, hissing.
wish to gain, to pretend to. -drta), -artum, -aritum or -ritum, to start up, Ud-gdrin, I, inl, i, ejecting, spitting, vomiting.
rise ; to move up, raise, excite : Caus. -arpayati, Ud-girana, am, n. vomiting ; ejecting anything
T^1^ ud-iksh, cl. I. A. -ikshate, -shitum, (as saliva &c.) from the mouth, slavering.
to look up to ; to look at, regard, view, behold ; to -yitum, to cause to rise.
wait, to delay, to expect : Caus. -iksTtayati, -yitum, Ud-girna, as, d, am, vomited forth, ejected, cast
T^N«d-r»(f, k, f. (fr. rt. rid with ud), Ved. forth, breathed out, exhaled, disdained.
to cause to look up. that which reaches beyond (the present time) or
Ud-ikshana, am, n. looking up, seeing, beholding. what follows, future time ; remainder, conclusion, end, '31, ud-gai, cl. i. P. -gdyati, -gdtum, to be-
Ud-ikshya, ind. having looked up at, having seen. aim ; concluding part or hymn (?). gin to sing ; to sing or chant (applied especially to
«<{1V1«1 udiiina, as, a, am (fr. 2. ud-ahf), Ud-arka, as, m. reaching or extending beyond, the singing or chanting of the Sama-veda, from which
turned towards the north, northern. surpassing ; the future result of actions ; consequence, one order of priests take the name of Udgatri) ; to
announce, to celebrate in song ; to sing before any
Udifya, as, d, am, being or living in the north ; futurity, future time ; a remote consequence, reward ; one (with ace.); to fill with song.
(as), m. the country to the north and west of the conclusion, end ; elevation of a building, a tower,
river Sarasvatt, the northern region; (as), m. the look-out place ; the plant Vanguiera Spinosa. Udqatu-kama, as, d, am, wishing to sing.
inhabitants of this country ; (am), n. a kind of per- Vd-gdtri, td, m. one of the four chief-priests, viz.
T<niv ud-rish, cl. 6. P., Ved. -rishati, athechanter.
one who chants the hymns of the Sama-veda ;
fume. —Udlfya-^vritta, am, n. the metre of the
inhabitants of the northern country, a species of the -arshitum, to split, pierce through.
VaitalTya metre. 7^ ud-e (ud-d'i), -aiti, -turn, to come up, Ud-gdthd, (. a variety of the AryS measure, the
come out of, arise from ; to step up (to an altar), same as the Giti, a stanza of four half-lines, contain-
3<{lH ud-lpa, as, m. (fr. i. ltd and ap, water), ing alternately twelve and eighteen instants.
high water, an inundation ; (as, a, am), flooded. to go out. Ud-glti, it, f. singing; chanting of the Sama-
^>^ ud-ej, cl. i. P. -fjati, -ejitum, to veda ; a variety of the Arya metre, a verse of four
a^l ^. ud-lr, cl. 2. A. -irte, -iritum, to rise ; half-lines, containing twelve, fifteen, twelve, eighteen
move, rise, shake, tremble. instants.
to start (in order to go or to come) ; to move up-
wards, ascend ; to arise, originate : Caus. -trayati, Ud-ejaya, as, d, am, shaking, making tremble.
-yitum, to cause to rise or move ; to throw or cast Ud-gttha, as, m. chanting of the Sama-veda, the
upwards, to cast, throw, discharge, to drive forward ; •3 <{Vlflxwd-o;'as, as, as, as, Ved. exceedingly pffice of the Udgatri ; the second part of the S5ma-
powerful or violent. veda ; N. of a son of Bhava ; N. of a commentator
to rouse up, excite ; to raise one's voice ; to utter, of
speak ; to effect ; to make visible : Pass. -Iryate, to be ud-yandhi, is, is, i, fragrant. nameVedic texts ; designation of Om or the triliteral
of God.
cast or thrown upwards ; to be excited ; to be uttered,
announced, enunciated ; to sound ; to issue forth. -yam, cl. I. P. -ga66hati, -gantum,
3%*V\^ud-granth, cl. 9. 1. P. A. -grathndti,
Ud-irana, am, n. throwing, casting, discharging to go up, rise, ascend ; to shoot up ; to go out, cglhe -nite, or -granthati, -te, -granthitum, to bind up,
(a missile) ; speaking, saying. from, break out, depart ; to spread. tie into bundles ; to tie up, truss ; to fasten, wind ; to
Ud-irita, as, d, am, said, uttered ; excited, ani- Ud-gata, as, d, am, gone up, risen, as/ended; unbind, loosen.
150 ud-dharsha.
Ud-grathita, at, a, am, interlaced ; unbound, -yitum, to cause to sound aloud, to declare aloud ; (at
loosened. proclaim, noise abroad. ind. the end of compounds)
pointedly, relative
distinctly ; by way ofto. explanation.
•• Uddes'a-tat,
/ • i-'imntha, as, m. a section, chapter. / 'il-i/hushla, as, a, am, sounded out ; proclaimed ; Vd-deiaka, as, d, am, illustrative, explanatory;
(am), n. sound, noise. (as), m. an illustration, an example ; an illustrator,
L'd-'jranthi, is, is, i, untied, free from worldly tics. a guide ; (in mathematics) a question, problem.
Ud-ghosha, as, m. announcing or proclaiming
3s?^ ud-grah, cl. 9. P. A. -grihndti or aloud ; popular talk, general report. / 'tl-itefya, ax, d, am, to be illustrated or explained ;
Ved. -grilhndti, -nltt, -rjrah'ttum, to take or lift up; anything to which one refers or which one hat in
to set up, erect, elevate ; to take out, draw out, take ud-ghrish, cl. I. P. -gharshati, -shi- view ; (am), n. the end in view, an incentive.
away ; to take away from, to preserve ; to cease, tum, to rub, comminute by rubbing ; to rub over, Ud-deshM, (d, trt, tri, pointing out &c. ; one
especially to cease to rain ; to break off, discontinuestrike against. who acts with a certain scope or design.
I 'l-ijkarshana, am, n. rubbing, rubbing up; rub-
(speaking); A. to raise one's self : Cius.-grdhatjati,
bing the skin with hard substances, as vitrified brick ud-dih, cl. 2. P. A., Ved. -degdhi,
-yitum, to cause to take up or out, to cause to pay ;
to extol, extol with praise. &c.; a cudgel. -digdhe, -dtgdhum, to throw or heap up.
Ud-ghrishta, am, n. a peculiar fault in pronun- Ud-dehika,
white ant. as, m., N. of a people ; (a), f. the
I'll-grihita, a», a, am, taken up, turned up, up-
raised. ciation.
Ud-grabhana, am, n.,Ved. taking up, raising. 3$\l{ud-dip, cl. 4. A. -dipyate, -dlpitum,
Ud-graha, as, m. taking up ; any object that may "3^51 ud-dansa, as, m. (rt. darts), & bug ;
a mosquito, a gadfly. to flame, blaze up, be kindled : Caus. -dipayati,
be accomplished by religious or other acts. -yitum, to light up, inflame, illuminate, excite, ani-
Ud-grahana, am, n. taking up, lifting up, taking d^lli ud-danda, as, a, am, whose staff is
away or out. raised, whose stalk is erect ; raised on a staffer pole.
Ud-dipa, as, m. inflaming, lighting; an inflamer ;
I'd-i/rabha, as, m.,Ved. raising, elevating. — Uddanda-pdla, as, m. a punisher, whether king animating, who or what animates ; (am), n. a gummy
Ud-graha, as, m. taking up or away; (in the Pra- or magistrate ; a sort of snake, a kind of fish ; [cf. and resinous substance, bdellium.
tisakhyas) the rule of Sandhi which causes the change ud-anda-pala.]
Ud-dipaka, as, a, am, inflaming, exciting, ren-
of the terminations ah, e, and o, to a before a follow- dering more intense ; lighting, setting alight.
3^'Q^ud-dantura, as, a, am, large-toothed,
ing vowel ; replying is, in f.argument ; objection. — I'd- Ud-dipana, am, n. inflaming (as passion), exciting,
grdha-padavritti, the Sandhi called UdgrSha having
midable. projecting teeth; high, tall; terriffic, for- animating ; illuminating ; burning of a body &c. ;
before a long vowel. — Udgrdha-vat, ind. (in the any aggravating thing or circumstance, giving poig-
PrStisakhyas) ' like the Udgriha,' a term applied to Tip? ud-dam, cl. 4. P. -ddmyati, -damitum, nancy to feeling or passion.
that kind of Sandhi by which final a and a appear as cl. 10. P. -damayati, -yitum, to subdue, to over-
tl before r». Ud-dipamdna, as, d, am, lighting up, brighten-
power, become master of. ing, becoming light.
Udgrdhanika, (. replying in argument. Ud-dama, as, m. subduing, overpowering. Ud-dtpta, as, d, am, lighted, set on fire or alight ;
Ud-grdhita, as, a, am, taken away, lifted up ; de- Ud-ddnta, as, a, am, energetic, humble, elevated ; shining ; inflamed, aggravated (as passion).
posited, delivered ; seized ; bound, tied ; excellent. (? for ud-vanta), vomited by an elephant.
exalted ; recalled, remembered. Ud-dtpra, am, n. bdellium.
T^T ud-da, cl. 3. P. -daddti, -datum, to 3gV^ud-dris, cl. i. P. -pasyati, -drashtum,
'T^Nf ud-griva, as, a, am, or ud-grlvin, i, take away, snatch away. to see above (in the sky), to look upwards ; to look
inl, i, one who lifts up or raises the neck (in trying into the future, expect ; to become aware of; to doubt :
to see anything). <j^i«1 ud-ddna, am, n. (fr. rt. 4. da, to
bind, with ud}, binding, confinement ; taming, subdu- Caus. -dariayati, -yitum, to make visible, cause to
T5 ud-gha, as, m. (fr. rt. han with ud), ing ;the middle, the waist ; a fire-place ; submarine
excellence, happiness ; the hollow hand ; fire ; a model, fire ; entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac. Ud-dariana, as, m., N. of a king of the Nagas.
a pattern ; organic air in the body. Ud-dama, as, d, am (ft. ud and daman, a bond),
unrestrained, unbound, set free ; self-willed ; unlimited,
Ti? ud-dri, cl. 9. P. -driftati, -daritum or
which as, m. a carpenter's bench, a plank on
he works. -rltum, to tear out.
extraordinary ; proud, haughty ; large, great ; (a*),1
Ud-ghdta, as, m. striking, wounding, inflicting a m. an epithet of Yama (' whose noose is raised ') ; an ^STfT ud-dyut, cl. i. A. -dyotate, -titum,
hurt ; a wound, a blow ; slipping, tripping ; raising, epithet ofVaruna; (am), ind. in an unrestrained to blaze up, shine: Caus. -dyotayati, -yitum, to
elevation ; a beginning, a thing begun ; breathing manner, without any limits. cause to shine : Intens. Ved. -davidyutiti, to shine
through the nostrils as a religious exercise ; a club, a Ud-dita, as, d, am, bound, tied.
mallet, a weapon ; the division of a book, a chapter, Ud-dyota, as, d, am, flashing up, shining ; (o«),
a section. zf\o ud-ddla, as, m. (fr. dri with ud?},
the plant Cordia Myxa or Latifolia; also Paspalum m. light, lustre ; revelation.
Udghdtin, «, jni, t, uneven, having elevations,
Frumentaceum. — Udddla-vat, an, m., N. of a Gan- Ud-dyotita, as, a, am, lighted up, emblazoned.
dharba. agiq ud-drdva, as, m. (rt. dru), flight,
uil-yliitt, Cuus. -gliiitnyiiti. -yitum, to Udddlaka, as, m., N. of the above plants ; N. of retreat, going upwards ; (as, a, am), running away.
open, unlock, unfasten ; to peel, shell ; to reveal, ex- a teacher ; (am), n. a kind of honey. — Uddalaka- Ud-druta, as, d, am, fled, retreated, run away ;
pose ;to undertake, commence ; to rub over, stroke, ascended ; gone up or upwards.
tickle. pushpa-bharijikd, f. ' breaking of Uddalaka flowers,'
a sort of game played by people in the eastern districts.
Ud-ghdta, as, m. a watch or guard-house. Udddlin, I, m., N. of a teacher. 3jH ud-dhan (ud-han), cl. 2. P. -dhanti
Ud-ghdtaka, Of, m. an opener, the instrument or (Ved. cl. I. P. -dhanati), -dhantum, to raise up,
implement for opening anything, a key ; (am), n. af^MNi ud-didhirsha. See under i. ud- elevate.
the rope and bucket of a well, a leather bucket used dhri. Ud-dhata, as, d, am, raised, elevated ; exceeding,
for drawing water. ud-dina, am, n. midday. excessive ; haughty, vain, puffed up ; excited, intense ;
Ud-ghdtana, am, n. opening, unlocking; an rude, ill-behaved ; (as), m. a king's wrestler. — Ud-
opener, the instrument or means of opening, a key, i . ud-di$, cl. 6. P. A., 3. P. -dis'ati, dhata-manas, as, as, as, or uddhata-manaska,
&c. ; the rope and bucket of a well, a leather bucket -te, -dideshti, -deshtnm, to show or direct towards ;
to point out, signify, declare, determine ; to enunciate, as, d, am, high-minded, haughty, proud. — Vildhata-
used for drawing water ; hoisting, raising, lifting up. manaska-tva, am, n. pride, arrogance. — Uddhatdr-
' d-fjhdfantya, as, a, am, to be opened. prophesy ; to mean ; to aim at, intend, destine ; to
nava-nisvana (°ta-ar°), as, a, am, raising a noise
' >l ghdtita, as, a, am, opened, manifested ; un- explain, instruct, teach. like the ocean.
dertaken, commenced ; raised, hoisted or lifted up ; of 1.theud-dii,
sky. k, (., Ved. a particular direction or quarter Ud-dhati, is, f. elevation; pride, haughtiness; a
done with effort, exerted. — Udghdtita-jita, as, a, stroke, shaking.
am, wise, intelligent. - Uilghdtitdjtga (°ta-an°), Ud-difya, ind. having shown or explained ; stipu- -dhama. See under ud-dhmd.
as, a, am, naked ; intelligent, wise. lating for, demanding ; aiming at, in the direction of,
Ud-gha(in, i, <ni, i, opening, commencing. with reference to ; towards ; with regard to, for, for ud-dhaya, as, d, am (fr. rt. dhe with
the sake of, in the name of.
'•g* ud-ghattaka, as, m. (fr. rt. ghatt
with uil), a kind of time (in music). 1'il-itix/ita, as, d, am, mentioned, particularized, ud), who or what drinks.
described, promised. ara, &c. See 2. ud-dhri.
Ud-ghattana, am, n. kicking of a horse (?); Ud-deia, as, m. pointing to or at, direction ; ascer- i. ud-dharsha, as, m. (fr. rt. dhrish
friction; opening, opening upwards as a lid. tainment; brief statement; exemplification, illustra-
Ud-ghat(Ua, as, a, am, opened, unlocked. with ml), courage to undertake a thing.
tion, explanation ; mentioning a thing by name ;
I . ud-dharshana, as, a, am (or fr. next ?), animat-
ud-ghasn, as, m. (fr. rt. ghas), flesh. assignment, prescription ; stipulation, bargain ; quarter,
spot, region, place ; an object, a motive ; upper region, ing, encouraging; (am), n. animating, encouraging.
-ghush, cl. I. P. -ghoshati, -shitum, high situation ; (in NySya phil.) the enunciation of TJ§ 2. ud-dharsha, as, m. (fr. rt. hrish with
to tound, cry out, fill with cries : Caus. -ghoihayaU, a thing that is to be further discussed and elucidated ;
ud), great joy ; a festival (especially a religious one).

nd-dharshana. ud-yam.
2. lul-d/iarshanu, ant, n. erection of the hair of I'd-dhartavya, an, a, am, to be drawn out. ud-bhava. See i. ud-bhu below.
the body, occasioned by great pleasure. Ud-dhartri, td, tri, tri, one who raises or lifts up ;
Ud-dJtarshin, I, ini, i, Ved. whose hair is erected ; a sharer, a coheir ; one who recovers property ; (td), ud-bha, cl. 2. P. -bhati, -turn, to be-
come visible, appear.
(ini), f-< N. of a metre of four verses, of fourteen m. a destroyer, exterminator ; redeemer, deliverer.
syllables each. Udrdhdra, as, m. raising, elevating, lifting up ; 3&\&ud-bhds, Caus. P. -bhdsayati, -yitum,
drawing out, extraction, deliverance, redemption, ex- to illuminate, render beautiful.
J^JM ud-dhava, as, m. (fr. rt. hu with ud), trication taking
; away ; deduction, a part to be set
a sacrificial fire ; a festival, a holiday ; N. of a YSdava, Ud-bhdsa, as, m. radiance, splendor. — Udbhdsa-
aside, selected part ; a portion, share, a surplus given
the friend and counsellor of Krishna. — Vddhava-tluta rat, an, ati, at, shining, radiant.
by the Hindu law to the eldest son beyond the shares
and uddhava-sandesa, as, m. title of two poems. of the younger ones ; the first division of a patrimony; Udrbhdsayat, an, anti, at, lighting up, irradiating.
— Uddluiva-brahmana, as, m., N. of a copyist. the sixth part of booty taken in war which belongs J'd-bkdsita, as, d, am, lighted up, illuminated,
d^+ri nd-dhasta, as, a, am (fr. A«s/a and to the prince; debt, especially a debt not bearing splendid ; ornamented, graced, beautified.
<«Z), extending the hands, raising the hands. interest, obligation ; recovering property ; selecting Ud-bhdsin, i, ini, i, or ud-bhdsura, as, a, am,
(a passage), quoting; (a), f. the plant Cocculus Cor- shining, radiant.
TgT i. ud-dhd, cl. 3. P., Ved. -dadliati, difolius; (am), n. a fire-place. — Uddhara-wbhdf/a,
-dkdtum, to abandon or expose (an infant) ; to set as, m. division of shares, partition. Tfk? i. ud-bhid, cl. 7. P. A. -bhinatti,
up, erect, build up. Ud-dhdraka, as, a, am, who or what raises or -bhinte, -bhettum, to break out, burst forth.
T'd-dhi, is, m., Ved. a particular part of a carriage, lifts, drawing out. a. ud-bhid, t, t, t, breaking forth, sprouting, ger-
perhaps the part which rests on the axles ; an earthen minatingpenetrating,
; coming to the top, destroying;
stand on which the Ukha rests. I'd-dharana, am, n. raising, elevating; drawing (SSy.) causing to come forth ; (<), m. a sprout or
out of (a danger), delivering ; sharing, dividing.
Ud-dhita, as, a, am, set up, erected. shoot of a plant, a plant ; a spring, a fountain ; a kind
Ud~dhdrita, as, d, am, taken out, drawn forth,
extricated, released. of sacrifice. — Udbhij-ja (cbkid-ja), as, d, am (less
T51 2. ud-dhn (ud-ha), cl. 3. A. uj-jihlte, correctly udbhija), sprouting, germinating (as a plant
itd-dhdttim, to go upwards, move upwards ; to raise ; Ud-dhrita, as, d, am, drawn up or out as water
from a well &c., raised, elevated ; lifted up, thrown or some lower animals). — Vdbhid-vidyd,{. the science
to go away from. of plants, botany.
I. ud-dhdna, as, a, am, gone up, ascended. up or upwards ; extracted, pulled up or out, eradicated
or broken off; separated, set apart; divided, parti- Ud-bhida, as, d, am, sprouting, germinating ;
3SI1 2. nddhana, as, a, am (for ud-vanta, tioned ; selected, taken from or out of, recovered ; (am), n. culinary salt.
n'1-dhmdta, and ud-dkmana ?), ejected, vomited; uncovered ; dispersed, scattered ; holding, containing ; Ud-bhinna, as, d, am, opened, burst, budded.
inflated, corpulent; (am), n. ejecting, vomiting; a vomited. — Uddhrita-sneha, as, d, am, skimmed Vd-bheda, as, m. breaking through or out, be-
fire-place. coming visible ; a spring of water ; treason.
(as milk). — Uddhritdri (°ta-ari), is, is, i, destroy-
TSfrT uddhanta, as, a, am (for ud-vanta?), Ud-bhedana, am, n. a spring of water, fountain.
ing an enemy. — Uddhritoddhdra (°ta-ud°), as,
ejected, vomited; (as), m. an elephant out of rut which d, am, one who has received his share ; that from 7JJ i. ud-bhu, cl. i. P. -bhavati, -vitum, to
a share has been deducted.
(from whose temples the juice ceases to flow). exist, spring from, arise : Caus. -bhdvayati, -yitum,
Ud-dhriti, is, f. drawing out ; extraction, an ex- to cause to exist ; to produce ; to use, employ.
•}£( ud-dhura, as, a, am (fr. ud and dhur), tract; delivering, rescue.
Ud-bhava, as, m. existence, generation, produc-
freed from a yoke or burden ; ceasing from, leaving Ud-dhritya, ind. having raised up or drawn out. tion, birth, springing from, growing. (Often at the
off; unrestrained, lively, cheerful ; heavy, thick, gross,
firm ; high. TiflTt ud-dhma, cl. i. P. -dhamati, -dhmd- end of adj. compounds, e.g. medhya-vrikshodbha-
tum, to breathe out, to puff, to pant, to blow ; to vdni phaldni, fruits produced by pure trees.) — Ud-
dtimy iiddliuslianu, a corruption of 2. wd- inflate, to make known by blowing (a trumpet &c.). bhava-kara, as, d or », am, productive.
ilharshana, q. v. Ud-dhama, as, a, am, who or what blows ; (as), Ud-bhdva, as, m. production, generation; mag-
m. breathing hard, panting ; blowing, sounding.
T5T ud-dhu, cl. 5. P. A. -dhunoti or -dhu- Ud-bhdvana, am, n. passing over, inattention,
Ud-dhmdna, am, n. a stove.
niiti^-nute, -dhavitum or -dkotiim, to rouse up, neglect, disregard ; saying, speaking.
Ud-dhmdya, ind. breathing out &c.
shake up, move; to disturb, excite; to shake off, Ud-bhdvayitri, td, tri, tri, raising upwards, exalt-
throw off; to expel. TST uddhya, as, m. (fr. rt. vjjh?), a river; ing, lifting up.
Ud-dhuta, as, a, am, shaken off, fallen from or N. of a river. Ud-bhdvita, as, d, am, neglected, disregarded;
off; tossed up, scattered above ; exalted ; high, loud. lasting.
said, declared.
ud-dheansa, as, m. (rt.
— Uddhiita-papa, of, a, am, one who has shaken hoarseness. a. ud-bhu, ui, us, u, Ved. having persistency,
off (his) sins.
3SH1 ud-dhupana, am, n. fumigating. a S "X. ud-bandh, cl. 9. P. -badhndti, -ban- Ud-bhuta, as, d, am, born, produced ; lofty, lite-
dhum, to tie up, hang.
rally orfiguratively; visible, perceptible, present. — Ud-
aartM tidd/iulaya, nom. P. -dhiilayati, Ud-baddha, as, d, am, tied up, hung. bhuta-rupa, am, n. visible shape or form.
-yitum, to powder, sprinkle with dust or powder. Ud-bandha, as, m. or ud-bandhana, am, n. tying Ud-bhuti, is, f. elevation, increase.
Jeimil vddkiishana, am, n. horripilation ; up,Ud-bandhuka,
hanging ; hanging one's self.
as, d, am, Ved. one who hangs up. 3?f ud-bhri, cl. I. 3. P. A. -bharati, -te,
also nddhuslmna. See i. ud-dharshaua. -bibharti, -bibhrite, -bhartum, to carry off, bear
33<4 ud-bala, as, a, am, strong, powerful.
Uddhushita, as, a, am, having the hairs erected.
TgT? ud-bahu, us, us, u, having the arms elevating.
T5 i. ud-dhri, cl. i. P. A. -dharati, -it, TSra ud-bhyasa, as, d, am, Ved. raising,
-dhartum, to draw out, raise up, make honoured. raised ; extending the arms ; having the trunk up-
raised (asan elephant).
l~d-ilidhirsha, f. wish to remove. JgHx ud-bhram, cl. I. 4. P. -bhramati,
^Psrt ud-bila, as, a, am, out of the hole,
Tg 2. ud-dhri (ud-hri), cl. I. P. A. -dha- -bhrdmyati, -bhramitum, to move about in a wide
(an animal) that has quitted its hole.
rati, -te, -dhartum, to draw out, take out, to extri- space, wander, err.
cate, deliver ; to tear out, pull out, eradicate ; to , cl. i. P. A., Ved. -bodhati, Ud-bhrama, as, m. whirling, flourishing ; regret ;
N. of a class of beings attending on Siva.
extend, elevate, raise : Caus. -dhdrayati, -yitum, -te, -bodhitum, to awaken, arouse, excite, remind.
to cause to draw out ; to raise : Desid. uj-jilnrsliati, Ud-bhramana, am, n. moving or wandering
Ud-buddha, as, d, am, awakened, excited, re- about, ascending, rising.
to wish to elevate or draw out, to elevate. minded, made to think of, recalled ; blown, budded.
Udrdkara, at, m., N. of a Rakshas; (as, a, am) — Udbuddha-sanskdra, as, m. association of ideas, Ud-bhrdnta, as, d, am, agitated, bewildered, dis-
tressed; whirled, flourished, waved (as a sword);
=ud-dJmra(1). recalling anything to remembrance.
Ud-dharana, am, n. the act of drawing out, taking Ud-bodha, as, m. awaking, reminding, incipient (am), n. waving a sword.
out, tearing out ; taking off (clothes) ; extricating, de- knowledge. Udbhrdntaka, am, n. rising into the air.
livering, rescuing ; raising, lifting ; eradication ; ex- Ud-bodKaica, as, a, am, exciting; reminding, ^HT udman, a, n. (fr. rt. ud), Ved. surg-
termination ;act of destroying ; taking a part or what reminds or calls to remembrance ; discovering,
share ; taking from the GJrhapatya fire to supply the exhibiting. ing, flooding.
other sacred fires ; vomiting, bringing up ; vomited TfT udya, as, m. a river ; [cf. uddhya.]
Ud-bodhana, am, n. awaking, arousing ; recalling,
food ; final emancipation ; (as), m., N. of the father reminding.
of king Santanu, the author of a commentary on a TJTiT^ ud-yat, an, ati, at (fr. ud-i, q. v.),
portion of the Mlrkandeya-PurSna. T&Zudbhata, as, a, am, excellent; exalted, rising ; (an), m. a star ; N. of a mountain.
Ud-dharamya, as, a, am, to be raised or taken magnanimous ; (at), m. a tortoise ; a fan for win- TH*T ud-yam, cl. I. P. -yatthati, -yantum,
up, to be extracted. nowing corn ; the sun (?). to raise elevate, uplift, raise in a menacing manner ;
158 ud-varta.
to offer ; to strive, be diligent : Intern. Ved. -i/atnyu- Vd-rlkta, at, a, am, increased, augmented ; dis- Ud-vdMta, as, a, am, raised, lifted or pulled up ;
iniK, to raise. tinct; evident.
Ud-reka, as, in. excess, preponderance, increase, Ud-vdhin, i, ini, i, what raises or draws up ; who or
I'tl-yata, what marries, relating to marriage ; (ini), f. a rope.
a, am, raised,andheld
diligently up; active,
incessantly per-
; trained, overplus, abundance, commencement ; (d), f. the plant
exercised, disciplined ; eager, prepared, ready ; (as), Melia Sempervirens. — I'dreka-lihaitga, as, m. the outUdvodhn-kam
(?). a, as, d, am, desirous of marrying.
in. time (in music) ; a section, a chapter, the division stifling or discouraging a thing at the outset. ^Sl^l ud-vai!ana, as, d, am, Ved. crying
of a book. — Jri!yata-kdrmuka, a», a, am, with raised I'drekin, i, tin, t, (at the end of compounds)
bow. — Vdyata-ijada, as, a, am, with uplifted mace. abounding in, giving preponderance.
ud-vddana, am, n. crying aloud.
— I 'ilyata-itula, of, a, am, with raised spear. — Ud- ^5>T ud-ruja, as, d, am (rt. ruj), destroy-
yata-sruf, k, k, k, Ved. raising the ladle to offer a udvdna, as, d, am (probably a cor-
ing, breaking down ; undermining, rooting up. rdrato.]
libation. ~l'dyatayudha (°ta-dy°), as, d, am. with rupt form), ejected, vomited ; (am), n. ejecting, vo-
uplifted weapon or weapons. atjlMI nd-rodhana, am, n. (rt. rudh=ruh), miting ;a stove ; [cf. uddkdna, ud-dhmana, ud-
Vd-yati, It, f.,Ved. raising, elevation. rising, growing.
l'il-yautri, to, tri, tri, raising, elevating. 3 s wd-vat, t, f. ( fr. i . ud), Ved. elevation,
a hill. TgToTua*-rasfynz, as, a, am, shedding tears.
l'd-i/ani<i. as, m. raising or lifting up, elevation ;
raising the hands for work, undertaking anything; — Udvdshpa-tva, am, n. the act of shedding tears.
strenuous and continued effort, exertion, perseverance. agwt. ud-vatsara, as, m. a year ; (a wrong ^sm 2, ud-udsa, as, d, am, or ud-vdsas,
— I'dyama-bhattga, as, m. breaking the efforts, reading for id-vatsara, q. v.) ds, as, as, one who has put off his clothes. (For I.
discouragement, dissuasion ; desisting. — Udyama- ud-vdsa see under iid-vas.)
hhrit, t, t, t, bearing or undergoing exertions. 3 S *{ud-tap, cl. i. P. A. -vapati, -te, -vap-
Ud-yamana, am, n. raising, elevation. twm, to pour out ; to raise, elevate. 3?5y\ud-vi-ghush, Caus. P. -ghoshayati,
Ud-yamin, i, ini, i, undertaking, persevering, mak- Ud-rapana, am, n. pouring out, shaking out. -yittim, to declare or proclaim aloud, to cause to de-
ing effort, active. Ud-vdpa, as, m. ejection ; (in logic) non-existence clare aloud.
Ud-ijamtyas, an, asi, as, Ved. extending more of a subsequent resulting from the absence of an
widely ; (SSy.) excessively raising. antecedent. -py, cl. 6. A. (ep. also cl. 6. P. and
I . ud-yamya, at, a, am, requiring exertion. d. I. P. A.) -vijate, -ti, -vejati, -te, -rejitum, to
vd-vam, cl. I . P. -vamati, -mitum, to tremble, shake ; to be agitated, grieved, or afflicted ;
2. ud-yamya, ind. having lifted or taken up, hav- throw up, eject, vomit.
ing made exertion. to fear, be afraid of (with abl. or gen.) ; to grieve,
Ud-vamat, an, antl, at, casting up, vomiting. afflict, frighten : Caus. P. -vejayati, -yitum, to ter-
Ud-ydma, at, m. erecting, stretching out ; a rope, Ud-vamana, am, n. ejecting, emitting, vomiting.
Udrvanta, as, a, am, vomited ; (as), m. an ele- rify, frighten.
Ud-vigna, as, d, am, sorrowful, anxious, grieving
d-yd, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn, to go up phant out of rut. for an absent \ova, — Udvigna-Sitta, as, d, am, or
or out, to rise, originate. Ud-vdnti, is, f. ejecting, vomiting. udvigna-manas, ds, ds, as, depressed in mind,
['il-ydna, am, n. going out ; walking out ; a gar- sorrowful, anxious, distressed.
TsTT^ttrf-payas, as, as, as, Ved. (perhaps)
den, a royal garden, a park ; purpose, motive ; N. of exciting or increasing the strength. I'd-vijamdna, as, d, am, agitated, afraid.
a country to the north of India. — Vdydna-pdla, of, Vd-vega, as, d, am, going swiftly, an express
m. a gardener ; the master or owner or keeper of a osn ud-varta, &c. See vd-rrit next col. messenger, a runner, a courier, &c. ; steady, com-
garden. — I'dydna-pdlaka, at, ika, m. f. a gardener ; posed, tranquil; ascending, mounting, going up or
superintendent or keeper of a garden. — Udydna-rak- 3SM1 ud-vardhana, am, n. sly or sup-
pressed laughter. upwards ; an ascetic whose arms by long habit con-
-haka, as, m. a keeper of a garden ; a gardener. tinue always raised above the head ; (as), m. trem-
Udydnaka, am, n. a garden, a park. ud-varkita. See under ud-vrih. bling, waving, shaking; agitation, anxiety; regret,
(Jd-yapana, am, n. bringing to a conclusion, finish- -vas, Caus. P. -vdsayati, -yitum, fear, distress occasioned by separation from a beloved
ing, performing, accomplishing. object ; admiration, astonishment ; udvegam kri, to
Ud-yapita, as, a, am, brought to a conclusion, to cause to live away, to banish, expel. disturb, to be disturbed in mind ; (am), n. the fruit
finished, accomplished. I. lid-rasa, as, m. (for a. see next col.), banishment, of the Areca Faufel ; the Areca nut, called betel nut
exile ; abandonment, setting free ; carrying out for because eaten with the betel leaf.
3Wl<« ud-ydva, as, m. (rt. i. yu), mixing, slaughter, killing.
joining. Ud-vasana, am, n. taking out of or away (from Udvegin, i, ini, i, causing anxiety or agitation of
mind ; suffering distress, anxious, unhappy.
ssm ud-yata, at, m. (rt. yas), Ved. exer- the fire) ; expelling, banishing ; quitting, abandoning ; Ud-vejaka, as, a, am, agitating, distressing, annoy-
tion, effort. taking out in order to kill, killing, slaughter.
Vdvdsya, as, a, am, relating to the killing of a ing, causing pain or sorrow.
ZQi^ud-yuj, cl. 7. P. A. -yunakti, -yunkte, sacrificial animal. I il-i-ejana, as, a, am, causing to shake with
terror, hurting the feelings; (am), n. shaking with
-yoktum, to excite, incite, make active or quick, Tglf ud-vah, cl. i. P. A. -vahati, -te, -vo- terror, agitation, anxiety, affliction ; infliction of pain,
stimulate to exertion.
ifhum, to carry out or away, elevate ; to take or lead torture ; regret, sorrowing for one absent. — Udvejana-
Vd-yukta, as, a, am, zealously active, labouring away; to bear up, raise up, elevate; to marry; to kttrtt, as, d or F, am, inflicting pain, punishing,
for some desired end.
vomit (?) : Caus. P. -vdhayati, -yitum, to cause to torturing, painful.
I 'it-yoga, as,strenuous
perseverance, m. undertaking anything,endeavour;
and continuous exertion, marry, to allow any one to expel his wife. t ilrejanlya, as, a, am, causing terror or shaking
Ud-vaha, as, d, am, carrying or leading up, carry- (with gen. of the person).
active preparation. — Vdyoga-panan, a, n. title of
the fifth book of the MahS-bhSrata. — Udyoga-fa- ing away, taking up or away ; continuing, propagat- 1'il-rejita, as, d, am, grieved, pained, afflicted.
martha, at,, a, am, capable of exertion. ing; eminent, superior, best; (a*), m. son, offspring;
the fourth of the seven winds or courses of air, viz. f&^ud-vlksh (ud-ti-iksh),c\. i. A. -vlk-
Ud-yogin, I, Ini, i, active, laborious, persevering, sltate, -shitum, to look up or upwards, view, look at.
energetic, one who makes effort. that of the Nakshatras supporting these lunar con-
stellations and causing their revolution ; the vital air perceive ; to examine, consider.
TJ udra, as, m. (fr. 2. ud), a kind of that conveys nourishment upwards ; one of the seven 1'il-rlkihaya, am, n. looking up or upwards;
aquatic animal, perhaps a crab, or an otter ; (at the tongues of fire ; N. of a prince ; (a), f. a daughter. seeing, looking at.
end of some compounds = udaka) water; see an- / 'drimJesJiya, ind. having looked upwards.
I'll-rii/iiit. mi, mitt, at, upholding, supporting, bear-
'ulra. — rdra-jiaraka, as, m., N. of a N5ga. ing, containing ; having, possessing, assuming.
1'ili-nka, as, m., N. of a Rishi. •as"l»^ ud-vij, cl. 10. P. -mjayati, -yitum,
Ud-vahana, am, n. lifting or bringing up ; carry- to blow upon, blow towards ; to fan upon.
1'ilrin, J,in »7ii, ing, drawing; being carried on, riding; possessing;
abounding water.f, Ved. springing (said of water), leading home, marrying. Tjf vd-rri, cl. 5. 9. i. P. A. -vrinoti, -nute,
3 $X udranka or udraitga, as, m., N. of -vrindti, -nite, -tarati, -te, -raritum or -rltum,
I'd-vdfta, as, m. bearing up, supporting, marriage, to elect, select, choose. • *1
the town of Hariscandra, floating in the air ; a town wedding. — Udvaha-karman, a, n. the marriage
in general, = dramja. ceicmoay. — rdraha-t'illm, am, n., N. ofaworkof ud-vrinkana, am, n. increase.
Raghunandana on marriage ceremonies ; [cf. vtrdha-
•37**T ud-ratha, as, m. the pin of the axle T^ arf-rnV, cl. I. A. -vartate, -titum, to
of a carriage ; a cock. I tl-rdhana, as, d, am, drawing up, that which go upwards, rise, ascend, swell ; to be puffed up with
3 5 iqHrf-r«ra,as,m. (fr.rt.ru), aloudnoise. raises or draws up ; (am), n. lifting up ; ploughing a pride, to be haughty : Caus. -vartayati, -yitum, to
cause to come out, extirpate, eradicate, destroy.
field twice; anxiety, anxious regret; marriage; (i), f.
Tf^T ud-rir. Pass, -ricyate, to excel, in- a cord, rope ; the small shell used as a coin, a cowri. I il-rnrta, at, d, am, superfluous, redundant,
crease, exceed, preponderate; to abound in: Caus. monial. plentiful; left over as a remainder; (as), m. a re-
I :drdhika, as, a, am, relating to marriage, matri-
•refayati, -yitum, to cause to excel, augment. mainder, asurplus.
Ud-vartaka, as, d, am, causing to rise, increasing; ! with uplifted paws, rampant. — Unitata-lva, am, n. I n-matluma, am, n. shaking off, throwing off or
rubbing and cleaning the body, who or what does height, sublimity, majesty. — Unnala-nabhi, is, is, i, down, slaughter.
so; (as), m. a mathematical term, the quantity (laving a projecting navel, i. e. corpulent. — Unnata- 1 ii-mathitu, ats, a, am, shaken, agitated.
assumed for the purpose of the operation. s'iras, as, ax, as, holding up the head, carrying the a disease Un-mantha, as, m.ear.agitation; killing, slaughter;
of the outer
t'd-rartana, am, n. going up, rising, ascending; head high ; with head upraised. — Unnatdnata (°ta-
prosperity, elevation ; springing up of plants or dn°), as, dulating,
a, am, wavy. elevated and depressed, uneven, un- Un-mantJwka, as, d, am, shaking up or off,
grain &c. ; drawing out metal, laminating, wire draw- agitating, stirring
ing ; grinding, pounding ; rubbing or kneading Un-nati, is, f. elevation, height ; rising, ascending ; flam ation ofthe ;outer
ear. beating ; (as), m. in-
the body; rubbing and cleaning it with fragrant increase, advancement, prosperity ; N. of a daughter Un-manlhana, am, n. the act of shaking or agi-
unguents ; the unguents used for that purpose or to of Daksha and wife of Dharma ; the wife of Garuda. tating hurting,
; killing ; probing, stirring a weapon
relieve pains in the limbs &c. ; bad behaviour, bad — Unnati-mat, an, all, at, elevated, projecting, &c. lodged in the body.
conduct. Vn-manthita, as, d, am, shaken up, moved,
Ud-vartita, as, d, am, risen, elevated ; sprung up, aplump; high, sublime. — Unnatiia (°ti-is'a), as, m.
N. of Garuda.
agitated, distressed.
drawn out; perfumed, scented, rubbed, kneaded, Un-namana,
lifting up. am, n. bending upwards, raising, Vn-matha, as, d, am, destroying, killing ; (as),
shampooed. m. shaking ; killing, slaughter ; a snare or trap.
Ud-vritta, as, d, am, raised, elevated; exalted, Un-namayya, ind. having raised. Un-mdthin, i, mi, i, shaking, agitating.
prosperous; vomited up; left as a remainder; ill- Un-uamita, as, a, am, raised, elevated, lifted or
conducted, ill-mannered. TSleJ un-mad (ud-m°), cl. 4. P. -mudyati,
pulled up ; heightened, increased.
3Sg ud-vrih, cl. 6. P. -vrlhati, -varhitum Un-namra, at, a, am, erect, upright, elevated, -maditnm, to be or become mad : Caus. P. -mada-
or -vardhum, to raise up, elevate ; to draw up, pull lofty, high. — Unnamra-ta, f. erectness, uprightness yati renderordrunk. -mddayati, -yitum, to madden, inebriate,
out by the roots, eradicate. (of the body).
Un-matta, as, d, am, insane, frantic, mad ; drunk,
TJd-varhita, as, d, am, raised, drawn or lifted up, Un-ndma,
ing "p. as, tn. bending upwards, raising, lift-
eradicated. intoxicated ; (as), m. the thorn-apple, Datura Metel
and Fastuosa; another tree, Pterospemium Aceri-
3S'l ud-vega. See under ud-vij, p. 158. un-naya. See under i. un-rii below. folium ; N. of a Rakshas. •« Unmatta-kirti, is, m.
an epithet of Siva. — Uumatta-ganga, am, n., N. of
asfe; ud-vedi, is, is, i, furnished with an x' uji-nayana-pankti, is, is, i, hav-
elevated altar. ing the line of the eyelids uplifted. a region (' where the Gan-ga roars '). — Unmatta-td,
{. or unmatta-tva, am, n. insanity, intoxication.
TST^ ud-vep, cl. i. A. -vepate, -pitum, to ^sr« un-nasa (ud-nas), as, a, am, having «• Vnmatta-dariana or unmatta-rupa, as, a, am,
maniac-like, mad.— Unmatta-pralapita, as, d, am,
tremble, to be agitated. a prominent nose.
spoken in drunkenness or madness. — Unmatta-bhai-
Tgc? ud-vela, as, a, am, overflowing its "3Tg^ un-nah (ud-nah), cl. 4. P. -nahyati, rava-tantra, am, n., N. of a Tantra. - Unmatta-
banks (as a river). -naddhitm, to tie up, bind up. lingin, i, ini, i, feigning madness. — Unmatta-vat,
Vn-naddha, as, a, am, tied up; swelled, in- ind. like one mad, as if mad, like a maniac. — Un-
as fan ud-vellita, as, a, am, tossed up. creased; unbound. matta-ves'a, as, m. an epithet of Siva. — Unmatta-
TgU ud-veshta, as, a, am, investing, en- Un-naha, as, m. sour gruel made from the fer- vanli (°ta-av°), is, m., N. of a prince.
mentation ofrice. Unmattaka, as, d, am, insane, mad ; drunk.
veloping, surrounding ; (as), m. surrounding, enclos- Un-mada, as, d, am, mad, furious, extravagant ;
ing; investing a town, besieging or surrounding it. 3fll«T un-nabha, as, m. (fr. ud -\- nabhi), drunk, intoxicated ; (as), m. insanity, either morbid
Ud-veshtana, am, n. the act of surrounding; N. of a prince. ecstacy.
or as the effect of temporary excitement, intoxication,
oppressing ; an enclosure ; pain in the back of the
body; (hridayodreshtana, convulsive pain in the af«5 nn-nidra (ud-n°), as, a, am, sleep-
heart) ; (as, d, am), unbound, unfettered, freed from less, awake ; expanded as a flower ; budded, blown ; Un-madana, as, d, am, inflamed with love.
bonds or ties. shining (as the moon, supposed to be awake when Un-madishnu, us, us, u, mad, insane, crazed, in-
; rut (as an elephant).
Ud-veshtaniya, as, d, am, to be unbound or un- others are asleep). — Vnnidra-tu, f. sleeplessness.
fastened. Un-mdda, as, d, am, mad, insane, extravagant ;
7^ft I. un-nl (ud-nl), cl. I. P. -nayati, -ne- (as), m. madness, extravagance ; (in medicine) mania.
Ud-veshtita, as, d, am, surrounded, invested, en- tum, to lead upwards or up to, bring up ; to set up,
closed. — Unmdda-vat, an, ati, at, mad, insane, wild, ex-
erect; to bring out. of, free from, help, rescue, re-
ihas, as, n. an udder. See iidhas. deem to
; draw up (as water) ; to lead away ; to stroke, Un-madana, as, d, am, maddening, exciting, in-
smooth ; to lead out ; press out, extract ; to find out, toxicating(as),
; m. one of the five arrows of the
I udhya, as, m., N. of a river. ascertain by inference, infer ; lead off (in singing) :
Desid. A. -ninishate, to intend or wish to lead out &c.
-VM 1 1 udhras (another form of rt. dhras, godUnmadin,
of love. i, ini, i, mad, intoxicated ; (»i), f., N.
Nq.v.),cl. 9. lo.P. udhramdti,udh.rdsa- Un-naya, as, m. raising, elevating, hoisting, lead- of a princess.
yati, to glean or gather by little at a time ; to throw ing upwards ; analogy, resemblance, consequence. Un-mdduka, as, d, am, Ved. fond of drinking.
or cast upwards. Un-nayana, am, n. raising, elevating, lifting up ; TJJT»f$T un-manas, as, as, as, or un-manaska
taking out of, drawing water ; the vessel out of which
d. See 2. ud, p. 153. a fluid is taken ; leading away ; making straight, (ud-ma°), as, a, am, excited or disturbed in mind,
smooihing; deliberation, discussion, logic, reasoning, perplexed, disturbed ; regretting, missing, repining for
I 'mlana, am, n. moistening. inference. a lost or departed friend.
Unna, as, a, am, wetted, wet, moist ; kind, hu- Un-naya, as, m. raising, elevating. Unmandya, nom. A. unmandyatc, -yitum, to
mane. become excited or disturbed in mind, to repine.
an 7 inference
~n-nCiyaka,or conclusion.
as, a, am, what raises ; what leads to Unmani-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to make
^^<j undaru, us, or undura, as, or unduru,
n», m. a rat. — Undura-karnikd or undum-karni, •2. un-ni, Is, is, i, bringing or leading upwards. excited, to excite, disturb.
f. the plant Salvinia Cucaillata. Un-wita, as, d, am, led up, led away, inferred. Unmani-bhu, cl. I. P. -bhavati, -vitum, to be-
Un-wetri, ta, m. one who pours a fluid out of one come disturbed in mind, to repine.
336 un-nat (ud-nat), Caus. P. -ndtayati, vessel into another, especially the priest who pours
the Soma juice into the cups. .j«Mljt<4 im-mayukha (ud-m°), as, a, am,
-yilum, to play a trick upon (with gen.).
Unnetra, am, n. the office of the Unnetri. shining, radiant.
un-nata. See un-nam below.
Un-neya, as, a, am, to be inferred, to be ascer- a««»;«1 un-mardana, am, n. (fr. rt. mrid
tained byanalogy.
7* un-nad (ud-nad), cl. I. P. -nadati, with ud), rubbing off, rubbing; a fragrant essence
used for this purpose.
-dUum, to cry out, sound, roar. TSTri^ un-majj (ud-m°), cl. 6. P. -majjati,
Un-ndda, as, m. crying out, humming, chirping. -manktum, to emerge : Caus. -majjayati, -yitum, a«*«l un-md, f. (fr. rt. ma with ud), Ved. a
to cause to emerge. measure.
37i«is un-nam (ud-nam), cl. I. P. -namati,
-nantum, to rise, ascend ; to bend up, raise, elevate, Un-majjana, as, m., N. of an attendant of Siva. Un-mdna, am, n. a measure of size or quantity ;
erect: Caus. P. -namayati, -yitum, to bend up- un-matta. See un-mad next col.
wards, raise, erect. Un-mita, an, d, am, meted, measured.
un-math or un-manth (ud-m°), cl. I. Un-miti, is, f. measure, price.
Un-nata, as, a, am, raised, held or lifted up :
high, lall ; projecting, plump, full ; great, eminent ; 9. P. -mathati or -manthati, -mathndti, -manthi- Un-meya, as, d, am, to be weighed, what is
tum, to shake up, disturb, excite ; to shake, tear, or weighed ; (am), n. weight.
(as), m. a boa (aja-gara) ; N. of a Buddha ; (am), price.
n. elevation, ascension. — Unitata-darana, as, a, am, cut off; to strike, kill. 3 •*( i*l wi-marga (ud-m°), as, a, am, m.f. n.
100 unmarga-gala.
a wrong road, deviation from the right way, improper pressing) towards, near to (opposed to apa, away), by ujia-kurctinti. See upa-kri below.
conduct, an evil course, error. -"{"nmorj/a-flarVi, as, the side of, with, together with, under, down (e. g. upa-
tjam, to go near, undergo; upa-gamann, approach- vpa-kulya, f. the plant Piper
a, am, erred,
fjamana, am, n.erring,
going going wrong. road,
on a wrong — I'nmarga-
following ing. In the Veda the verb has sometimes to be supplied Longum ; a canal, a trench, a ditch.
from the context, and sometimes upa is placed after the
evil courses. — I'nmarga-gamin, i, ini, {, or un- verb with which it ought to have been compounded, 3M«J^I upa-kusa, as, in. gum-boil ; N. of
marga-rurtin, ~i, ini, t, going wrong, erring, follow- a Cakravartin, a son of Kusa.
ing evil courses; taking a wrong road. — Unmarga- e.g. ayayur iipa—upuyai/uh, they approached).
jala-vahin, i, {rii, i, carrying its waters on a wrong (As unconnected with verbs and prefixed to nouns
way. upa expresses) direction towards, nearness, contiguity W<$*{upa-kiij, cl. i. P. -kiijati. -jitiim. to
fill with cooing, to make resonant.
I'limanjiu, i, tin, t, going astray, finding an outlet. in space, time, number, degree, resemblance, and re- Upa-kujita, as, a, am, made to resound (with
lationship, butwith the idea of subordination and inferi-
a^Hl un-marjana. See un-mrij below. ority (e.g. upa-kaniehtMka, the finger next to the
little finger ;upa-puranam, a secondary or subordinate •3M"JS iipa-kvpe. ind. near a well ; (am),
sf(«H|JI un-misra (nd-m°), as, a, am, mixed
with, variegated. PurSna ; upa-dafa, nearly ten) ; sometimes forming n. a well(?).
with the nouns to which it is prefixed compound ad- near a well for— 1'pakupa-jalaiaya,
watering cattle. at, m. a trough
<ir»H^ un-mish (ud-mish), cl. 6. P. -mishati, verbs (e.g. upa-mulam, at the root ; npa-purva-
-meshitum, to open the eyes. rdtram, towards the beginning of night ; upa-kupe, <JH«grt*^ upa-kulam, ind. on the shore.
r,,-mwha, as, m. opening the eyes. near a well), which adverbs lose their adverbial ter- Upakulaka, as, m., N. of a man.
/ 'ii-muhat, an, all or anti, at, opening the eyes, minations ifthey are again compounded with nouns
drawing up the eyelids, looking at, seeing. 3M^y upa-kri, cl. 5. 8. P. A. -kriuiiti, -iiulc,
Un-miehlta, an, a, am, opened (as the eye) ; (e. g. upakupa-jalas'aya, a reservoir
bourho d ofa well). Prefixed to properin names
the neigh-
upa -karoti, -kurute, -kartum, to place or bring near, to
blown as a flower. furnish with, provide ; to assist, serve ; favour, benefit ;
may express in classical literature ' a younger brother ' to foster, take care of; to serve, render homage to (with
f'n-mesha, as, m. opening the eyes, looking at ; (e.g. Upendra, ' the younger brother of Indra'), and ace.); to undertake, begin, set about anything (with
winking, twinkling or upward motion of the eyelids ; in Buddhist literature ' a son.'
blowing or blossoming of a flower ; awaking, becom- (As a separable adverb upa rarely expresses) thereto, dat.) ; to place under, subdue ; upa-s-kri (s inserted)
ing visible. A. to add, supply; to furnish with; to elaborate,
further, moreover (e. g. tatra upa brahma yo vcda,
Un-meehatia, am, n. awaking, becoming visible. who further knows the Veda). prepare, furnish with anything beautiful, to adorn, or-
nament ;to care for, take care of (with ace.) ; to
T^TT^ nn-niil (ud-rnil), cl. I. P. -mllati, towards, (As a separable preposition with locative) near to, furnish badly, deform ; corrupt ; to bring together.
in the direction of, under, below (e. g. upa
-titum, to open the eyes ; to open ; to expand, be (is ii h, towards the regions) ; near to, at, on, upon ; at Upa-karana, am, n. doing anything for another,
diffused : Cans. P. -milayatl, -yitum, to open. the time of, upon, up to, in, above (with loc., e. g. doing a service or favour, helping, assisting ; instru-
Un-mila, as, m. opening of the eyes, awaking, upa einushn, on the tops of the mountains) ; with, ment, implement, machine, engine, apparatus, para-
becoming visible. phernalia, as the vessels and offerings at a sacrifice :
together with, at the same time with, according to
of I'li-niiliiini, am, n. winking,
becoming twinkling, opening (with inst., e. g. upa dharmabhih, according to the anything added over and above, contribution, expedi-
the eye ; awaking, visible ; blowing, rules of duty). ent, means of subsistence, anything supporting life ;
expanding. object of art or science, fabricating, composing, &c. ;
Un-mllita, as, a, am, opened (as the eyes); Besides the meanings given above upa is said to
the insignia of royalty ; the attendants of a king.
blown as a flower; (am), n. unconcealed or open imply disease, extinction ; ornament ; command ; re-
reference or allusion (to anything, in rhetoric). proof; undertaking ; giving ; killing ; diffusing ; wish ; — Upakarana-vat, an,at>, at, furnished with means,
power ; effort ; resemblance, &c. ; [cf. Gr. vir6 ; Lat. instruments or implements, competent to do anything.
3«H«s un-mukha (ud-m°), as, I, am, raising sub; Goth, up; Old Germ, oba ; Mod. Germ, ob Upa-kartri, ta, tri, tri, doing one a favour, assist-
the face, looking at ; waiting for, expecting ; near to ; in obdach, obliegen, &c.] ing, befriending, one who helps or befriends.
Upaka, as, m. a diminutive of all proper names Upa-kara, as, m. help, assistance, benefit, service,
(as), m., N. of an antelope (in the Hari-vans'a, in beginning with upa.
former births a hunter and a Brahman). ~ Unmukha- favour, use, advantage, (upakare vrit, to be of service
td, (. the state of one whose face is raised ; state of to another) ; preparation, ornament, garlands sus-
TT-^ iipa-ri. See upar.
watching or expectancy. pended at gateways as an embellishment on festivals,
upa-kaksha, as, a, am, Ved. reach- a flower &c. ; (T), f. a royal tent, a palace, a caravan-
O"H«sc un-mukhara (ud-m°), as, a, am, ing to the shoulder. sera. -'Upai'dra-para, as, a, am, beneficent, dili-
loud-sounding, noisy.
3M=M!«J*<N upa-kantham, ind. upon the m. du.gent inkindness
doing good. and •• Upakarapakarau (^ra-ap0),
^•g^ un-mu6, cl. 6. P. A. -muMati, -te, neck, near the throat; in the proximity of ; (am),
-moktum, to unfasten, pull off; take off (clothes &c.); n. proximity, neighbourhood, contiguous space ; space Upa-karaka, as, ikn, am, doing a service or favour,
to loosen, liberate ; to elevate, raise : Caus. P. -mo(a- assisting, protecting, befriending ; (ika), f. a protec-
near a village or its boundary ; one of a horse's paces ; tress, afemale assistant; a palace, a caravansera; a
yali, -yitum, to loosen, deliver. (as, a, am), near, proximate.
Un^mnta, at, m., N. of a man. kind of cake. — f 'pakaraka-tra, am, n. assistance,
JM<*VJ| vpa-katha, f. a short story, tale.
I'n-iitni'-tinn, am, n. unfastening, loosening. Upa-karin, i, t«7, i, helping, assisting, doing one
3 v| on Ti i» «n i upa-kanish/hika, f. the last protection.
a favour, a benefactor ; subsidiary, subservient ; (often
3*« £ un-mudra (ud-m°), as, a, am, un-
sealed, opened ; blown as a flower. finger but one ; the finger next to the little finger. used in comp., e.g. paropakarfn, helping others.)
upa-kanyapuram, ind. near — Upakari-ta, (. or upakari-tva, am, n. aid, suc-
3«jrt un-mula (ud-m°), as, a, am, eradi-
cated, pulled up by the root. the women's apartments. cour, protection.
Utwnulana, am, n. eradicating, pulling up by the Upa-karya, as, a, am, deserving assistance or
;jM<>ti<*ii, d'M<+K,&c. See upa-kri next col.
roots ; destroying.
<JU=WIIT upa-karnam, ind. close to the ear, afavour ; to be ;assisted
caravansera a royal; tent.
(a), f. a king's house, a palace,
Unmulaya, nom. P. unmulayati, -yitum, to era- into the ear, (whispered &c.)
dicate, pull up by the roots ; to extirpate, destroy. I'pa-kurraya, as, m. a Brahman when passing
Upaknrnika, f. what goes from ear to ear, ru- from the state of a pupil (Braliina-tarin) to that of
Vn-mulita, at, a, am, eradicated, pulled up by mour, report. a householder (OHha-stha).
the roots ; destroyed.
n-mn/ (ud-m°), cl. 2. P. -miirshti, as I'/m-krita, as, a,kindly
assistance, done am, assisted, benefited;; (am),
or beneficently renderedn.
-marjitum or -marshtum, to rub off, wipe off; upa-kantam, ind. near a friend. a favour, a benefit.
efface ; blot out. Upa-kriti, is, f. aid, assistance, favour, kindness.
upa-kdla, as, m., N. of a king of
Un-marjana, at, a, am, rubbing or wiping off. the Nagas. Upa-krUin, I, ini, i, or upakriti-mat. an, <iti,
at, one who has done a favour to any body.
up f'limrijS
and down.vamryi (°ja~av°), C. repeatedly rubbing upa-kirana. See upa-kn next col. IJpa-kriya, f. service, favour.
Urwnrwhta, ag, «, am, worn off, blotted out
effaced. upa-kUaka, as, m. & relation or dM4iriN upa-krit, cl. 6. P. -krintati, -knrti-
follower of the Klcakas. tum, to trim, clip off, carp at.
un-mrisya, as, a, am (it. rorts with
tid),Ved. to be reached, to be touched. upa-kuh6i, is, or upa-kuh6ika, f. vpa-krish, cl. i. P. -karshati, -kar-
the plant Nigella Indira ; small cardamoms. ehtum or -kra>h(um, to draw towards, take ; to take
d«*m un-meda, (. (fr. rt. mid with ud),
corpulence, fatness. 3<4cji**T upa-kumbha, as, a, am, near, away, remove, set aside.
proximate ; solitary, lonely, retired ; (am), ind. near <Jl|<* upa-kri, cl. 6. P. -kirati, -karitum
TT npn. a prefix to verbs and nouns (ex- the water-jar.
or -f itum, to scatter or throw down, to scatter upon,
upas-krl. upa-ghoshana.
pour upon, besprinkle, bestrew. — Upa-s-krl, to cut Upa-kshina, as, a, am, decayed, exhausted, con- Upa-gudha, as, a, am, hidden, concealed ; lulled,
up, split, hurt. sumed, disappeared. suppressed ; embraced ; (am), n. an embrace. — Upa-
Upa-kirana, am, n. scattering or throwing over, gudha-vat, an, all, at, one who has embraced.
covering up (with earth &c.), burying. 2. upa-kshi, cl. 2. 6. P. -ksheti, -kshi- Upa-guhana, am, n. hiding, concealing ; embrac-
Upa-klrna, as, d, am, besprinkled, strewed with,
yati, -kshetum, to stay or dwell near or at (with ace.). ing, an embrace ; astonishment, surprise.
covered. Upa-kshit, t, t, t, Ved. dwelling near ; dinging to,
attached to. Upa-gohya, as, m. a kind of fire considered as
impure (and therefore to be hidden).
340*14 upa-klrip, cl. I . A. -kalpatt, -kalpi- Upa-kshetri, ta, trl, tri, Ved. one who dwells
tum or -kalptum, to be fit for; to be ready at near, attached to, a follower; (Say.) one who ap- TM"*TI. upa-gri, cl. 9. P. A., Ved. -grindti,
hand ; to serve as, lead to (with dat.) ; to take shape -nlte, -garUum or -ritum, to call out to, invoke
or form, become, be : Caus. -kalpayati, -yitum, to proaches. with hymns of praise ; to approach with praise (with
prepare, make ready, equip ; to bring near, to fetch ; to
3 ilftsjt^ upa-kship, cl. 6. P. A., 4. P. ace. of the person).
allot, assign ; to set up, exhibit ; to render (homage), -kshipati, -te, -kskipyati, -ksTieptum, to throw at,
hurl against ; to throw down ; to strike with words,
to communicate ; to assume.
insult, accuse, insinuate, charge with (a crime). T^2. upa-gri, cl. 6. P. -girati or -gilati,
Upa-kalpana, am, d, n. f. preparation, preparing -garitmn, -litum or -ritum, -lltum, to swallow down.
articles of food, medicine, &c. ; fabricating, making, Upa-kshepa, as, m. throwing at, mention, allusion,
threatening ; poetical or figurative style in composition. a MM upa-gai, cl. I . P. -gay ati, -gdtum, to
substituting. ng to any one (with dat. or ace.), to join in
Upa-kshepana, am, n. throwing down, casting
Upa-kalpita, as, d, am, prepared, made ; secon- down, accusing. inging ; to sing before any one (with ace.) ; to fill
dary, substituted. with song, praise in song, sing, celebrate.
Upa-klripta, as, d, am, brought near, at hand, 3M<PHl upa-khya, cl. 2. P., Ved. -khydti, 2. upa-gd, f. accompaniment of a song.
ready, prepared, equipped, adapted, fitted for ; formed, -turn, to see. Upa-gdtri, td, m. one who accompanies the song
produced. >r recitation of the UdgStri priest, a chorister.
<JMM*LI upa-gana, as, d, am, constituting a
small or subordinate class ; (as), m. a small or inferior Upa-glta, as, d, am, celebrated, proclaimed, sung
3H4IHII upa-kos"a, f., N. of a daughter of class ; a small number less than a troop ; N. of a man.
Upa-varsha and wife of Vararuft. iyUpa-glti,
bards &c. is, f. a variety of the AryS metre, a
i upa-kosala, as, m., N. of a man. ^if H **f upa-gandha, as, m. perfume, scent. tanza of four lines, containing twice 12 + 15 syllabic
a-kram, cl. l. P. A., 4. P. -krd- TnTI upa-gam, cl. I. P. -ga66hati, -gan- nstants.
mati, -kramate (ep. also -kramate), -krdmyati, tum, to go near to, come towards, approach, arrive Upa-glya, ind. having sung, having celebrated.
-kramitum, to go near, approach, come to ; to go at, visit, reach, attain ; to come upon, attack ; to Upa-glyamdna, as, d, am, being celebrated.
against, attack ; to step over, stride ; to approach with occur, happen, present itself; to undertake, begin; Upa-geya, as, d, am, to be sung or celebrated.
any object, have recourse to, to undertake, begin, set to approach a woman (for intercourse) ; to enter any
state or relation, undergo ; suffer, participate in, make
d M y «^ upa-granth, cl. 9. I. 10. P. -grath-
about (with ace. or dat. or inf.), to treat, act towards, ndti, -granthati, -granthayati, -granthitum, -yi-
attend on (as a physician). choice of ; to admit, agree to, allow, confess : Caus. tum, to intwine or wind round.
Upa-krantri, ta, trl, tri, a beginner, one who -gamayati, -yitum, to cause to come near or ap- Upa-grantha,
undertakes. proach Desid.
: -jigamishati, to wish to approach, class of writings. as, m. title of a writing or of a
desire to go.
Upa-krama, as, m. going near to, approach ; un-
dertaking; commencement, beginning; enterprise, Upa-ga, as, d, am, (at the end of a compound) mn^upa-gras, cl. i. P. A. -grasati, -te,
planning, original conception, plan ; what leads to approaching, following, joining ; receiving. -grasitum, to swallow down, devour ; to eclipse.
any result, a means, an expedient, a stratagem, ex- Upa-gata, as, d, am, gone to, met, approached, '3'T?r? upa-grah, cl. 9. P. A. -grihndti,
ploit ;attendance (on a patient), treatment, practice near at hand, approximate, arrived, occurred, hap-
of medicine, application of remedies, physicking ; a pened, attained, obtained ; undergone, experienced ; nlte (Ved. -gribhndti, -nlte), -grahltum, to col-
lect (afluid by holding one vessel under another),
particular ceremony preparatory to reading the Vedas ; become ; furnished with ; promised, agreed ; feeling, to hold under ; to seize from below ; to seize, take
suffering, entertaining ; passed away, dead ; (am), n
trying the fidelity &c. of a counsellor or friend ; re-
tiring from flight, retreat (?). receipt, acquittance. — Upagata-vat, an, ati, at, going possession of, take, obtain ; to subdue, become master
Upa-kramana, am, n. approaching, undertaking, to, having gone to or approached ; possessing ; feeling, of; to bring near to (one's self), take as one's ally,
attendance (on a patient), treatment. suffering (as sorrow Sec.) ; promising. conciliate, make favourable; to conceive with one's
Upakramanlya, as, d, am, to be gone to, to be Upa-gati, is, f. going near, approach ; undergoing. mind (dhiyd) ; to decide, to determine ; to accept,
approached, to be commenced or undertaken ; relating Upa-gama, as, m. approach, approximation, com-
to the attendance (on a patient). ing to; obtaining; having; acquaintance, society, Upa-graha, as, m. seizure, confinement ; a prisoner ;
intercourse subjoining, annexing ; making favourable, appeasing,
(as of the sexes) ; undergoing ; suffering, approve.
Upa-kramitavya, as, d, am, to be undertaken, to favour, encouragement, assistance; peace purchased
be commenced. feeling; agreement, promise; a particular high number.
by the cession of everything ; the voice or pada of a
Upa-kramitri, td, trl, tri, one who begins &c. Upa-gamana, am, n. coming to, obtaining ; un-
Upa-krdmya, as, d, am, to be attended, to be treated. dertaking, addicting one's self to. verb ; a heap of Kus"a grass ; the presiding spirit or cause
i. upa-gamya, as, d, am, approachable, to be directing a planet's motion ; (with upa implying in-
3^ttl upa-krl, cl. 9. P. A. -krlndti, -nlte, approached, attainable. feriority) aminor planet or any heavenly body of a
-kretwm, to purchase. 1. upa-gamya or upa-gatya, ind. having ap-
secondary kind, as a comet, a meteor, a falling star, &c.
Upa-krlya, ind. having bought or purchased. Upa-grahana, am, n. holding up, seizing from
Upa-gamin, I, inl, i, coming near, approaching. below ; the taking any one prisoner, seizure, capture,
7T3ft^ upa-krld,c\. I. P. (ep. also A.)-kri- taking, supporting, forwarding, promoting; holy study,
dati, -te, -ditum, to approach playing, play around. <3M'i?i upa-gahana, as, m., N. of a Rishi. reading the Vedas after initiation.
Upa-krldd, f. place for playing, play-ground. 7TTT i . npa-gd, cl. 3. P. -jigati, -gdtum, to cepted.) Upa-graha, as, m. oblation, present, (what is ac-
3M»i3M upa-krusya, ind. (rt. ATMS), chiding, go near to, arrive at, come into, undergo.
blaming, affecting to be angry. Upa-grdhya, as, am, m. n. a present, an offering
a^'llijl wpa-gdh, cl. I. A. -gdhate, -gdhitum to a king or great man, a Nazr.
Upa-kroto, as, m. censure, reproach.
Upa-krotona, am, n. censuring, blaming. or -gddhum, to penetrate, force one's way into. 4MVIrl upa-ghdta, as, m. (fr. rt. han with
Upa-kroshtri, td, m. a censurer, a reprover ; an ^^'if^upa-giram, ind. at a mountain. upa), a stroke, injury, damage, offence ; touch, con-
ass (which brays). Upa-girl, is, m. a country near a mountain ; (i) tact, especially with intent to injure ; personal violence,
ind. near a mountain. assault ; disease, sickness ; a kind of oblation offered
•3M8i<U upa-kvana, as, m. (rt. kvan), the in small portions at a time.
sound of a lute.
"m^T upa-gu, us, m. (fr. upa and go), N Upa-ghdtaka, as, ikd, am, or upa-ghdtin, I, inl,
of a prince ; (u), ind. near a cow. i, injuring, hurting, offending.
asgif upa-kvasa, as, m.,Ved. a kind of
worm or insect. Upa-ghna, as, m. contiguous support ; a contiguous
upa-gupta, as, d, am, hidden, con- resting-place, shelter, support, stay, protection ; what
cealed ; (as), m., N. of a man, the son of Gupta rests upon or is supported by. 3*1^1 MWO
3MKJI. upa-kshar, cl. I. P. (ep. also A.)
-ksharati, -te, -ritum, Ved. -radhyai, to flow or — Upagupta-mtta,as,d,am, of concealed resources
stream towards. d M M H% tipa-ghush, cl. I. P. -ghoshati, -shi-
tum, to fill with noise, make resonant.
N. of a prince; (a various reading has upa-gu.)
i. upa-kshi, Pass, -kshiyate, to waste
away, decay, be consumed, be exhausted, disappear. Upa-ghushta,
nant; sounding. as, d, am, resounding with ; reso-
3M'J? upa-guh, cl. I. P. A. -giihati, -te
Upa-kshaya, as, m. waste, decay, loss, expenditure, -guhitum embrace.
or -godhum, to hide, cover, conceal, clasp Upa-ghoshana, am, n. proclaiming, publication,
outlay. making known.

162 H upa-taptri.
JIIHI upa-ghra, cl. I . P. -jiyhrati, -ghrdtum, 2. iipa-fH, cl. 3. P., Ved. -fiketi, -c%- upa-jigamishu, us, us, u (fr.
to smell, smell at; to kiss: Caus. -ghrapayati, tum, to honour, worship. Desid. of rt. gam), desirous of going near.
-yitum, to cause to smell at or kiss. upatitta-tinta, as, m., N. of upa-jihirshd, f. (fr. Desid. of
3l|1* upa-takra, as, m. a variety of the a son of PSplyas. rt hri with upa), desire, intention to rob.
ruddy goose, Cakra or Cakravika. 3 MMI (g i upa-jihva or vpajihvikd, f. the
upa-fitra, as, m., N. of a man;
(a), f. the plants Salvinia Cuculluta and Croton uvula or soft palate, the epiglottis ; enlargement of
jmjJC vpa-fatura, as, as, am, pi. almost the under side of the tongue ; a kind of ant.
four, nearly four. Polyandra ; N. of several metres, namely, I . a variety
of Matrasamaka, containing 4 X 16 syllabic instants; upajika, as, m.,Ved. a water deity.
upa-faya. See I. upa-6i. 2.taagfmetre
f); of four lines of eleven syllables each ; 3. a
metre of two lines of twenty-two syllables each. cl. i. P. -jivati, -vitum,
upa-6ar, cl. I. P. A. -tarati, -te,
-daritum, Ved. -ritave, -vai, -rase, -radhyai, upa-tulana, am, n. heating, burn- to live or exist upon (food), subsist, support one's self
to come near, approach, go towards; to approach on, be supported by, derive profit from, make use of
(with ace.) ; to live under, be dependant on, to serve ;
with the intention of serving, to assist, serve, attend, to live for a profession, practice.
wait on (with ace.); to attend on a patient, to TT^TT upa-6rit, cl.6. P. -tritati, -fartitum,
tend, nurse; to undertake; begin: Pass, -dan/ate, to fasten, tie, bind on. Upa-jim, as, d, am, Ved. living on &c. (?).
to be used figuratively or metaphorically, to be applied Upa-jivaka, as, d, am, living upon, subsisting by
figuratively to any one (with loc.).
^ i. upa-66had (upa-6had), cl. 10. P. (with inst.) ; living under, depending upon, subject to,
A. -dhddayati, -te, -yitum, to cover, hide, conceal, a dependant ; (am), n. means of subsistence, act.
Upa-dara, as, m. approach ; attendance, cure. keep secret. Upa-jivana, am, n. means of living, subsistence.
Upa-darana, am, n. going near to, approaching. Upa-ddhanna, as, d, am, secret, concealed. Upa-jivaniya, as, a, am, granting means of sub-
Upa-darita, a», a, am, waited on, served, adored. sistence, affording a livelihood.
JM'oAd 2. iipa-66had or -66hand (upa-chad),
i . upa-darya, as, a, am, to be served or waited on, Upa-jivikd, f. subsistence, livelihood.
to be worshipped ; (a), f. service, attendance ; practice Caus. -ddhandayati, -yitum, to present any one
Upa-jivin, i, ini, i, living on, subsisting by (with ace.
of medicine, physicking. (ace.) with anything (inst.); to persuade a person or gen.) ; living in dependance, dependant, subject.
to do anything ; to coax, to seek to seduce a person ;
2. upa-darya, ind. having approached or attended Upa-jivya, as, d, am, that by which one lives,
to conciliate. affording a livelihood ; (am), n. means of subsistence,
to ; having groomed or tended (horses). cause.
Upa-ddhandana, am, n. persuasion, persuading,
Vpa-ddra, as, m. approach, service, attendance,
act of civility, obliging or polite behaviour ; proceed-
f^ upa-tyava, as, m. (rt. fyu], Ved. JMiflM*^ upa-josham, ind. (rt. jush), ac-
ing, practice ; profession, usage ; physicking, the prac-
tice of medicine, tending the sick, nursing; behaviour, pressing close to (in sexual intercourse) ; (Say.) going cording to one'sofdesire
sion indicative joy. or pleasure, quietly ; an expres-
conduct ; a ceremony, presenting offerings of water, into (the chamber).
betel, flowers, &c. ; a present, a bribe ; solicitation, Upa-joshana, am, n. enjoying, frequenting.
upa-jagati, f. a variety of the
request ; incomplete act ; a figure of speech, pre- Trishtubh metre, in which three Padas contain twelve TTsTT I. upa-jnd, cl. 9. A. -janite, -jnatum,
tence, pretext, ellipsis, metaphor (e. g. upaddrdt, to ascertain ; excogitate, invent, find out, hit upon :
metaphorically) ; occurrence of s and ah in the place syllables instead of eleven.
Desid. A., ep. also P. -jtjndsate, -ti, to seek to
of Visarga in grammar ; N. of a Parisishta of the JHHH upa-jan, cl. 4. A. -jdyate, -janitum, ascertain or invent.
SSma-veda. — Upaddra-karana, am, n. or upaddra- to be produced in addition, to be bom, originate ; to
Upa-jijndsya, as, d, am, Ved. enigmatical, unin-
karman, a, n. or upad&ra-kriya, f. offering presents, happen, become visible, appear; to be bom again; telligible, mysterious.
especially of perfumes, flowers, &c.; attention, service. to exist, be : Caus. -janayati, -yitum, to produce,
— Upaddra-para, as, a, am, diligent in service, cause. 2. upa-jnd, f. a knowledge obtained by one's self
and not handed down by tradition, primitive or un-
serving diligently. — Upaddra-par&hrashta, as, a, Upa-ja, as, a, am, being produced in addition, taught knowledge, invention ; commencement of a
am, void of civility, destitute of kindness, churlish, increasing; (o»), m., N. of a divine being (?). thing not previously done ; (at the end of a compound
Upa-jana, as, m. additional production, addition, used in neut., e. g. Paniny-upajnam, the grammar
Upa-ddrin, i, ini, t, attending, serving. increase ; appendage ; addition of a letter in the forma- invented by Panini.)
Upa-ddrya, as, m. practice of medicine. tion of words ; letters, syllables or affixes added.
Upa-jd, (., Ved. distant or not immediate posterity. JM-rH H^ upa-jman, d, m., Ved. striding or
upa-6arma or am, ind. on the skin, Upa-jdta,as, d, am, produced, engendered, aroused.
stepping upon (?).
near the skin.
— Upajdta-kapa or upajdta-Tcrodha, as, d, am, f^ upa-jyotisha, N. of a region.
\ upa-ddru, us, m. and upaddru-mat, provoked, excited, moved to anger. — Upajdta-
an, m., N. of two Calcravartins. riSvaia, as, d, am, believing, confiding, confident,
trusting. upa-jri, cl. i. P.,Ved. -jrayati, -jre-
tum, to extend to ; (Say.) to go near to, approach.
i. upa-6i, cl. 5. P. A. -tinoti, -nute, Upa-jdti, is, f. a mixed metre, especially a con- ff upa-juattta, as, d, am, lighted up.
-detum, to gamer together ; to heap up, collect, hoard junction ofIndravajra and UpendravajrS, and a con-
up, accumulate, increase, strengthen ; to cover over junction ofVansastha and Indravansa. S upa-dhauk, Caus. P. -dhaukayati,
with : Pass, -fiyate, to be heaped together or accu- vpa-jap, cl. i . P. -japati, -japitum, -yitum, to present an offering, make a respectful
mulated, toincrease, become strong ; to better one's offering ; carry out, accomplish.
circumstances, be prosperous; to gain advantage, to whisper into the ears (of another), to bring over
Upa-dkaukana, am, n. a respectful offering or
succeed, to be covered with. to one's own party by secretly suggesting anything in
the ear, to instigate to rebellion or treachery; to present, a Nazr.
(fpa-daya, (is, m. accumulation, increase, growth, make mischief. JMrlHj upa-taksha, as, m., N. of a certain
prosperity ; quantity, heap ; elevation, excess ; addi-
tion; the third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh degrees Upa-japya, as, d, am, to be brought over or in- semi-divine being, belonging to the class of Gandhar-
stigated to rebellion by secret suggestions or whisper- vas or of NSgas.
from the first of a zodiacal sign. — Upadaya-bftavana,
am, n. (?) according to some, a species of the Dan- ing in the ear. dMrli*^ iipa-tatam, ind. near the skirt ;
Upa-japa, as, m. the act of whispering into the
daka metre. — Upadaydpadayau (°ya-ap°), m. du.
prosperity and decay, rise and fall. ears, rousing to rebellion, bringing over to one's own (as), m. (?) the skirt.
party ; treason, treachery ; disunion, separation.
Upa-dayin, ini, i, increasing, being in good ^Ur^iipa-tap, cl. i. P. -tapati, -taptum,
circumstances. Upa-jdpaka, as, d, am, whispering anything into to make warm, to heat ; to feel pain, become sick ;
the ears, rousing to rebellion ; a traitor, treacherous ;
Upn-dayya, as, m. a certain sacrificial fire ; a place a mischief-maker, one who foments quarrels. to afflict, befal (as an illness; sometimes used im-
for holding sacrificial fire, a hearth, an altar. personally with gen. or ace.) : Pass, -tapyatc, to feel
Ifpa-dit, t, f., Ved. a kind of disease, perhaps a upa-jarasam, ind. towards old pain, become ill, be afflicted with ; to be emaciated
swelling. age, in old age. with penance (tapai): Caus. -tapaya.ti, -yitum,
to kindle, ignite, bum, consume ; to cause pain, ma-
' 'pa-dita, as* a, aw, collected, gathered together, upa-jald, f., N. of a river. cerate the body by penance ; torment, hurt, offend,
heaped up, increased, assembled; thriving, increas-
ing; abundantly furnished with, plastered, smeared; •3M »l ^upa-jalp, cl. i . P. -jalpati, -pitum,
to talk to, chatter, advise. Upa-tapat, an, m., Ved. (scil. agni) interior heat,
burnt (V). — Upadita-rana, as, a, am, augmented in a disease.
Upa-jalpita, am, n. talk. oppress.
Upa-tapta, as, d, am, heated, parched ; distressed,
Upa-dlli, is, (. accumulation, collection, abundance. Upa^jalpin, i, ini, i, talking to a person, giving
Upa-dtyamdna, as, a, am, being collected or filled. Upa-taptri, to, m. morbid heat; any cause of
Upa-deya, as, a, am, to be collected or heaped up. ^ H *i i M«^ npa-jayam, ind. near a wife. heat, burning or inflammation.

upa-tapyamana. upa-dhriti,
intermediate venient disease, one brought on whilst a person labours
Upa-tapyamdna, as, a, am, being distressed. i. upa-dis", k, or upa-diid, I. ai
Upa-tdpa, as, m. heat, warmth, heating, paining, region, as north-east &c. under another.
pain, trouble, misfortune ; sickness, disease, injury ; Upa-dita, as, m., N. of a son of Vasu-deva. Upa-dravin, t, im, i, attacking, falling on ; tyran-
haste, hurry. nical, violent, factious; (1), ta. a tyrant, an oppressor
Upa-difya, ind. having advised or instructed. a rebel.
Upa-tapana, am, n. heating, distressing. Upa-dishta, as, a, am, specified, particularized;
Upa-tdpin, i, ini, i, heating, inflaming, exciting, taught, instructed, advised; assigned as a plea or Upa-druta, as, d, am, visited by calamities, op-
causing pain ; suffering heat or pain, sick. reason ; initiated ; (am), n. council, advice. pressed, attacked, persecuted, tyrannized over; (in
astron.) eclipsed ; boding evil, inauspicious ; (am), n.
3Kni<«« upa-tdraka, as, ikd, am (rt. tri), Upa-des'a, as, m. pointing out to, instruction, teach- a term of the Bashkalas for that kind of Sandhi, which
overflowing. ing, informing, advice, prescription ; specification ; plea, is also called udgrdhavat, q. v.
pretext ; initiation, communication of the initiatory
^nPn'M upa-tishya, as, m., N. of a son of Mantra or formula ; (in gram.) a form in a rule, an
Tishya by Sarika. indicatory form, i. e. a root, base, affix, augment, or
upa-dvipa, as, m. an island.
any other word or part of a word furnished with in- upa-dharma, as, m. a minor or sub-
^ upa-tiram, ind. on the shore. ordinate duty; a by-law ; a heretic, a schismatic.
dicatory letters (anubandhas) which serve as a guide
{upa-tush, Caus. -toshayati, -yitum, to the application of particular grammatical rules and
•3TVT i. upa-dha, cl. 3. P. A. -dadhati,
to content, satisfy. are rejected when the word or part of a word is ready -dhatte, -dhdtum, to place or lay upon, place near
for use. - Upadeia-ta, f. the state of being a precept to, put into ; to place, lay ; to put to (as horses to a
^ upa-tulam, ind. at the cotton. or rule; injunction; manner of instructing; doc- carriage) ; to impose, lay upon, bestow upon, charge
a-trinya, as, m.,Ved. epithet of trine. -Upades-a-naJiasrt, (. title of a work of with (as a duty); to lay a command upon, enjoin,
a snake (lurking in grass). San-kara on philosophy. - Upadefdrthavakya (Vo- instruct in (with ace.) ; to place under one's self, to
ar ), am, n. a parable. lie down upon; to place over, cover, conceal; to
TTO upatya, as, d, am (fr. upa), situated Upa-defaka, as, a, am, giving instruction, in- locate ; to place in addition, to add ; to communicate,
under or below. structing, instructive, didactic; (as), m.an instructor, cause to share in ; (in gram.) to lie or be placed close
Upatyakd, (. low-land, land at the foot of a hill a guide, especially a spiritual guide. to, to precede without the intervention of another

or mountain ; a forest at the foot of a mountain ; a Upa-deiana, am, n. advising, instructing ; (a), f.
vale, valley. information, doctrine.
Upa-dadhi, is, is, i, Ved. placing upon.
v<4<(ai^upa-dans, cl. i. P. -dasati, -dansh- Upa-deiHn, I, inl, i, advising, instructing, inform- 2. upa-dha, f. imposition, forgery, fraud, deceit,
ing (i),
; m. a teacher, adviser ; a word or affix &c. in trick, a false pretence ; trial or test of honesty &c., of
tum, to bite or eat anything as a relish. the shape in which it appears in grammatical works. four kinds, viz. of loyalty, disinterestedness, conti-
Upa-dania, as, m. a relish, anything to excite Upa-deiya, as, a, am, Ved. to be taught ; that
drinking or appetite, anything eaten in addition; which is to be taught or learnt. nence, and courage ; (in gram.) a penultimate letter.
biting, stinging ; the venereal disease, chancre ; a tree, — Upadha-lhrita, as, m. a servant who has been
the scraped root of which is used for horse-radish, Upa-deshtavya or upa-deianiya, as, a, am, to guilty of dishonesty. — Upadhd-ranjana, am, n.
Morunga Hyperanthera. be taught or advised, fit or proper to be taught. nasalization of the penultimate (?).- Upadhd-iluiU,
Upa-deshtri, ta, tri, tri, one who points out, an is, is, i, approved, tried, of approved loyalty &c.
Upadans'in, i, ini, i, afflicted with the above
disease. adviser, teacher ; a Guru or spiritual guide.
Upa-dhdna, am, n. placing or resting upon ; that
on which one rests, a pillow, cushion ; individuality,
71^TV upa-dadhi. See under I. upa-dha. or ^3^
Aeridesnpadi, f. the
Tesselata. plant Vanda Roxburghii peculiarity ; affection, kindness ; religious observance
or obligation ; poison ; excellence, excellent quality ;
~*F&?*upa-dambh,CiMS. P., Ved. -dambha- :d, f. a kind of ant ; also
yati, -yitum, to lesson, diminish, destroy. (as, d, am), employed in placing upon, i. e. used (as a
upa-deMkd. Mantra) in the putting up (of the sacrificial bricks).
34<;^t upa-dasa, as, as, dni, pi. almost ten, 3H<;il«!«^ upa-dikshin, i, ini, i, sharing in Upadhamya, am, n. a pillow, cushion.
nearly ten.
an initiatory or other religious rite; a near relation. Upa-dhdya, ind. having placed or rested upon.
V4$«^upa-das, cl. 4. P. -dasyati, -situm, Vpa-dhdytn, i, inl, i, placing under.
to fail, be wanting, be extinguished, be exhausted, dry to 3kindle,
'*$ iQupa-d
set fireip,
to. Caus. P. -dipayati, -yitum, Upa-dM, is, m. the part of a wheel between the
nave and the circumference ; fraud, circumvention ; fear,
up; (in Ved. used impersonally with inst. or abl.): terror ; foundation, (with Buddhists) substratum (?).
Caus. P. -ddsayati, -yitum, to cause to fail or cease, '"i^ST j. upa-dris, cl. I. P. -pasyati,
extinguish. Upadhika, as, m. a cheat, a knave, especially one
-drashtmn, to look at ; to perceive, observe : Pass. who imposes by threats, fraud.
Upa-ddsuka, as, d, am, Ved. failing, wanting. -driiyate, to be or become visible, appear: Caus.
Upa-dKyamdna, as, a, am, being preceded by.
-darfayati, -yitum, to cause to see, show, exhibit ;
^Mt^ upa-dah, cl. i , P. -dahati, -dagdhum, to present a false show, impose upon another person Upa-dheya, as, a, am, to be placed upon.
to burn, set fire to. Upa-hita. See p. 170, col. 3.
by sham appearances ; to illude ; to explain, illustrate.
s^l'i. upa-dd, cl. 3. P. A. -daddti,-datte, Upa-darfaka, as, m. a guide, one who shows the vm\l£npa-dhatn, us, m. an inferior mine-
-datum, to give in addition, offer, grant, give ; to way, a door-keeper. ral, asemi-metal, (seven are specified ; pyrites, sulphate
add : Ved. cl. i. A. -dadate, to take upon one's self; Upa-darfana, am, n. a commentary. of copper, talc, antimony, red orpiment, yellow orpi-
to erect, support. ment, and calx of brass) ; secondary secretion of the
Upa-dars"ita, as, d, am, perceived, distinguished.
2. upa-dd, as, as, am, Ved. giving a present; 2. upa-drii, k, I., Ved. a view, aspect. body,lymph.
and as the milk, menses, adeps, sweat, teeth, hair,
(a), f. a present, an offering to a king or great man Upa-drtshti, is, f. aspect, view, show.
&c. ; a Nazr. Upa-drashtri, id, tri, tri, Ved. a supervisor, in-
spector; overseeing, overlooking; (td), m. a witness.
<JH*ln.*!f upa-dharana. See under upa-
Upa-dana or upaddnaka, am, n. an oblation, a dhri below.
present ; a gift which is for the purpose of procuring <3'H$1^ upa-drishad or upa-drishadam,
favour or protection. ind. near a boundary stone. *V*n<{upa-dliav,cl. I. P. A. -dhavati, -te,
-vitum, to run near to, approach hastily ; have re-
JMqinil upa-ddnaui,f., N. of the daughter *H^I upa-deva, as, m. an inferior deity ; course tofor assistance ; A. to run, glide, soar.
of the Danava Vrisha-parvan and mother of Dush- N. of a son of Akrura; also of Devaka; (j), {., N.
manta. Upa-dhdvana, as, m. a follower.
of the wife of Vasu-deva ; of a daughter of Devaka.
3TTftl upa-dhi. See upa-dha above.
^T%V upa-digdha, as, d, am (fr. rt. dih Upa-devatd
darbha, , {.&c.
Apsaras, a minor deity, as a Yaksha, Gan-
with upa), smeared, covered ; spotted over. aH«T«fn upa-dhupita, as, d,am, fumigated ;
Upa-deha, as, m. a cover; liniment, ointment; one to whom decline or death is near ; being at the
upa-desa, &c. See under i. upa-dis. point of death ; suffering extreme pain.
(upa implying inferiority) a minor or secondary body
growing on diseased parts of the body. upa-doha, as, m. (fr. rt. duh with wiupa-dhri, Caus. P. -dharayati, -yitum,
Upa-dehikd, f. a kind of ant ; [cf. upajihvlkd.] upa), a nipple of the udder of a cow.
to hold up, support, bear, cany ; to hold as, consider
^rf^SI i. upa-dis, cl. 6. P. A. -disati, -te, Ttf^ upa-dru, cl. i . P. -dravati, -drotum, to as, regard as ; to hold in the mind, to comprehend,
-deshtum, to point out to ; to indicate, specify, ex- run near to, run towards, run at, rush at, assault, attack. ditate on. hear, experience, observe ; to reflect or me-
plain, instruct, teach ; advise, admonish ; to assign the Upa-drava, as, m. that which befalls suddenly,
right place to anything, arrange ; to mention, exhibit ; an unhappy accident, misfortune, calamity, mischief; TJpa-dliarana, am, n. considering, consideration,
to inform ; to settle, prescribe ; to dictate, command, national distress (whether the act of the seasons or the
govern ; to name : Pass, -difyate, to be taueht &c., king, famine, exaction, &c.) ; national commotion, Upa-dhdrya, ind. having taken or held up.
to be called. rebellion; violence, outrage; a symptom, a super- Upa-dhriti, fa, f. a ray of light.
upa-dhe. upa-fati.
upa-dhe, Caus. A., Ved. -dhdpayaie, 3 H fill? upa-ni-grah, cl. 9. P. A. -grih- Upa-naya, as, m. bringing near, procuring j at-
taining, gaining ; employing ; the fourth member in
-yitum, to rear by stickling. ndti, -nite (Ved. -gribhnati, -nlte), -grahttum, to a fivefold syllogism, the application to the special
press down upon, bring near to. case in question ; leading a youth of the three first
T«n*n I. upa-dhma, cl. I. P. -dhamati,
-dhmatum, to blow or breathe at or upon, fan. 3H(V|«IT upa-ni-dha, cl. 3. P. A. -dadhati, castes to a teacher ; initiation ; investiture with a pe-
2. upa-dhma, (. blowing upon, breathing; the -dhatte, -dhatum, to put or place near, to put down, culiar thread or cord worn over the left shoulder and
effort of the voice which produces the sound Upa- place before any one (as a meal &c.), bring near, lead under the right, by which act spiritual birth is con-
dhminTya. near to ; to produce, cause ; to deposit, to intrust. ferred and the youth is reckoned a member of the
Upa-dhmana, am, n. blowing upon, breathing. Vpa-nidhdtri, td, tri, tri, putting down, laying twice-born classes ; (the cord of the Brahman is of
Upadhmdnin, t, inl, i, blowing upon, fanning, down.
cotton, Munja orKusa grass ; of the Kshatriya, of S'ana
breathing. . Upa-nidhdna, am, n. a deposit. or hemp; andoftheVaisya, of wool: the youths should
Upa-dhmantya, as, m. the aspirate Visarga before Upa-nidhi, is, m. a deposit, pledge, property put be invested, respectively, from eight to sixteen, from
the letters j> and ph. under the care of a creditor, friend, &c. ; in law this eleven to twenty-two, and from twelve to twenty-four
years of age.)
word ordinarily implies especially a sealed deposit,
TV&1 upa-dhyai, cl. I. P., ep. also A. but according to some, any article intrusted to a Upa-nayana, am, n. leading to, bringing ; leading
•dkyayati, -te, -dhyitum, to think of, remember. friend which he may use whilst in his keeping ; N. to a teacher, initiation. See upa-naya.
3Htq«t upa-dhvasta, as, a, am (fir. rt. of a son of Vasu-deva. Upa-naya, as, m. or upa-ndyana, am, n. leading
dhvans with upa), Ved. spotted. Upa-nihtta, as, a, am, deposited with, intrusted to a teacher, initiation. See the preceding.
to ; placed near to ; offered, presented. Upa-nayika,
Sutra work. as, a, am, leading to; N. of a
JUHHJd upa-nakshatra, am, n., Ved. a
secondary star. a H (V| 4 (^ upa-ni-pat, cl. I. P. -patati, -ti- Upa-nlta, as, a, am, brought near, approximated ;
tum, to fly down to ; to take place in addition ; to presented ; known ; obtained, attained ; cited, ad-
3my upa-nakha, am, n. a disease of the be mentioned incidentally.
finger-nails, whitlow, agnail., duced ;(as), m. the youth led to a teacher and in-
Upa-nipdta, as, m. sudden and unexpected attack. vested with the characteristic cord.
. tipa-nagara, am, n. a suburb. Upa-nipdtin, i, inl, i, falling into; attacking
suddenly. Upa-niya, ind. having led towards or brought,
upa-nati. See under upa-nam. having invested (with the sacred thread).
Upa-riiyamana, as, a, am, being initiated.
Jipa-nadam and vpa-nadi,a M r«i Ml s upa-ni-pld, cl. 10. P. -p'idayati,
ind. Upa-netai"ya, as, a, am, to be brought near ; to
near a river. •yitum, to oppress, disturb.
be employed or observed.
<JH«t»^ upa-nanda, as, m., N. of a son of <j M |ti*i «^ upa-ni-mantr, cl. 10. A. -mantra- Upa-netri, td, m. one who leads or brings near.
yote, -yitum, to invite, consecrate, inaugurate. <JMl1 2. upa-rii (vpa-ni-i), cl. 2. P. -nyeti,
Vasn-deva ; a pupil of S'Skya-muni ; a king of the Upa-wimantrana, am, n. invitation, inauguration.
NJgas. -turn, to enter into, penetrate.
Upa-nandaka, as, m., N. of a son of Dhrita- upa-nivapana, am, n. (rt. nap),
'rSshtra. scattering or pouring down upon. <!<4«J<^ iipa-nud, cl. 6. P. A. -nudati, -te,
-nottum, to drive or waft near, impel towards.
Ttni*^ upa-nam, cl. I. P. A. -namati, -te, a M M =( 1^1 «i upa-nivesin, I, ini, i (rt. vis),
Upa-nunna, as, a, am, sent, despatched ; wafted,
-nantum, to bend towards, tend towards, approach ; attached to, inherent, annexed. driven (by the wind).
to come to, arrive at ; to fill to the share of; share in
JMltM^ upa-nishad, t, f. (rt. sad with upa *min^upa-nrit, cl. 4. P. A. -nrityati, -te,
(with ace., dat., or gen.) : Caus. -namayati, -yitum, and m, implying originally sitting down at the feet
to lead towards or into the presence of (with gen.), of another in order to listen to his words, and hence -nartitum, to dance before any one (with ace.), to
introduce to ; to offer. dance before any one with insulting gestures.
confidential information given in this manner; but
Upa-nata, as, a, am, bent towards, bent inwards ; according to native authorities upa-nt-nhad means Upa^nritya, am, n. a place for dancing.
brought under, subjected, surrendered ; dependent on ' to destroy ignorance by revealing the knowledge of
^TV^I^vpa-ny-us (-ni-as), cl. 4. P. -asyati,
(for protection &c.) ; brought near to ; fallen to one's -asititm, to lay upon, place down, put down, deposit,
share ; approached, approximate, near (either in time the supreme spirit') ; esoteric doctrine, secret doctrine,
mysterious or mystical meaning, words of mystery &c. ; intrust to any one (with dat.), commit to the care
or space) ; brought about, produced, existing. certain mystical writings attached to the Brahmanas, of; to explain minutely, describe in detail ; suggest,
Upa-nati, ii, I., Ved. inclination, affection. the aim of which is the ascertainment of the secret
sense of the Veda, (they are more than a hundred in plead, put forth or adduce arguments, state.
Upa-ndmuka, as, a, am, Ved. bending towards. Upa-nyasta, as, a, am, placed near to or upon ;
number, and are said to have been the source of
3sn<< upa-naya. See under I. upa-nt. the six darsanas or systems of philosophy ; perhaps pledged, intrusted, deposited ; given, communicated ;
brought forward as an example &c., adduced, hinted,
«"M«T«, upa-nara, as, m., N. of a king of the most celebrated is the Brihad-aYanyaka-upanishad
the Nagas. attached to the S'ata-patha-Brahmana) ; true know-
ledge; a neighbouring mansion; a lonely place; (at up.Upa-nyasya, ind. having delivered up, delivering
?H«1E. upa-nah, cl. 4. P. A. -nahyati, -te, the end of compounds upanishad sometimes be-
-naddhum, to tie up, tie together ; to make up into comes upanishada.) — Upanishat-kri, to regard as Upa-nya#a,as, m. placing near to, juxta-position ;
a bundle, bind together ; to inlay ; to set with : Caus. a mystical or secret doctrine. intrusting, a deposit, pledge, a pawn, a hostage ;
-nahayati, -yitum, to cause to bind together. Upa-wishddin, ?, ini, i, sitting at the feet of a statement, suggestion, hint, pretext, an exordium or
Upa-nahana, am, n., Ved. a cloth in which any- person ; subjected. introduction ; a precept, a law.
thing isbound up. Upa-nyaitya, as, a, am, to be adduced or stated.
mTu"**. upa-nishkara, am, n. (rt. hi), a,
Upa-ndha, as, m. a bundle ; a plaster, an unguent jq -H |-«j^ upa-ny-a-far (-ni-d-), cl. i. P. A.
applied to a wound or sore ; the tie of a lute, the street, a principal or royal road. -farati, -te, -ritum (Ved. -ritave, -vai, -rase, -ra-
lower part of the tail-piece where the wires are fixed ; ^MPi »a««^ upa-nish-kram (-nis-kram), cl.
inflammation of the ciliary glands, stye. dhyai), to enter into, penetrate.
I. P. A., 4. P. -krdmati, -kramate (ep. also -krd-
Upa-nahana, am, n. putting a plaster upon, apply- mate\ -kramyati, -kramitum, to go out towards, Jl|l|HJ vpa-paksha, as, m., Ved. the
ing an unguent, unction, anointing, plastering. step out, go out. shoulder.
Upa-nishkramana, am, n. going out towards ; a Upa-pakshya, as, a, am, Ved. near the shoulder.
surname. upa-naman, a, n. a nickname, particular religious rite, one of the SanskJras, taking
a child in the fourth month of its age for the first juuri iipa-pat, cl. i. P. -patati, -titum,
upa-nasika, am, n. the part sur- time into the open air (see Manu II. 34) ; a main to fly near, hasten towards.
rounding the nose, that which is near the nose. or royal road. Upa-pdta, as, m. accident, occurrence, misfortune,
unlucky accident.
an Pi PHI «» upa-ni-kship, cl. 6. P. A., 4. P. <TH'«fl I. upa-rii, cl. I. P. A. -nayati, -te,
>etum, to lead near to, bring near, bring, adduce, Upa-pdtaka, am, n. (with upa implying in-
-Icskipati, -te, -kshipyati, -ksheptum, to throw feriority) acrime or sin in the second degree (as
down, place down, deposit. offer; bring information, communicate; to bring killing a cow, selling a daughter, &c.).
Upa-mikihepa, as, m. a deposit sealed or covered about, produce ; to employ, to bring into any state, Upapatakin, *, ini, i, one who has committed a
up so that the contents are unknown; any article bring into one's possession, lead away, lead ; to bring crime in the second degree ; a sinner in any but the
intrusted to one's keeping. near to one's self (as a teacher receives a pupil for in- first degree.
struction), toinvest with the sacred thread, initiate ;
3Mf*f'l*^ upa-ni-gam, cl. I. P. -gaUhati, A. to take into one's service : Caus. -nayayati, -yi- Upa-patin, i, ini, i, falling into, hastening towards.
-gantum, to meet with, fall into, fall upon, fall into tum, to cause (a master) to receive (a pupil), to dMilfrl upa-pati, is, m. a paramour, a
any state. cause to invest with the sacred thread.

s MM<4«X npa-patham, ind. near the road. upa-pdlita, as, a, am (fr. rt. 2. assault or attack ; unlucky accident, misfortune, great
pd), protected, nurtured. calamity, disturbance ; a portent or natural pheno-
3MM^ upa-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate, -pattum, menon, especially an eclipse ; a N. of Rahu, the
to go near, approach, come to, arrive at, to be ob- ^Vn'S^upa-pld, cl. 10. P. -pidayati, -yitum, ascending
calamity. node, the author of eclipses ; N. of Siva.
to press down, disturb, distress ; (in astron.) to eclipse.
tained or gained, fall to one's share ; to go against, Upaplavin, i, inl, i, one who has met with a
attack ; to take place, occur, to be produced, to be Upa-pldana, am, n. pressing down, oppressing,
present, to be possible, to be adapted, to be fit for or devastating, laying waste; inflicting pain; pain, agony,
adequate for (with loc.) ; put in a word or statement : torture. country, Matsya. am, n., N. of the capital of Virata's
Caus. -fddayati, -yitum, to bring into any state, Upa-pldita, as, d, am, devastated ; tortured, Upa-pluta, as, d, am, violently assaulted, assailed,
cause to arrive or be obtained, offer, present any one pained, distressed. beset; distressed, pained; harassed (by Rahu &c.),
(ace.) with (inst.) ; to cause to occur or happen ; to eclipsed ; marked by prodigies ; wet, moistened ;
accomplish, effect, cause ; to make a statement, men- ^HJ^ upa-pura, am, n. a suburb, ' near (d), f. morbid sensibility of the uterus.— Upaplutd-
tion ;to justify ; to make fit or adequate for, to make ksha (°ta-ak°), as, I, am, weeping.
conformable to ; to furnish with ; to pronounce, de- theUpapaurika,
city.' as, t, am, belonging to a suburb.
<JlN«*f upa-bandha, as, m. (rt. bandh),
clare ;to find out, ascertain ; examine. 3MMU*u upa-purdna, am, n. a secondary connection ; an affix ; a mode of sitting.
Upa-patti, is, (. happening, occurring, becoming or minor PurSna, a number of writings subordinate
visible, appearance, production, birth ; gaining, effect- to the eighteen principal Puranas : viz. Adi (by Sanat- Upa-baddha, as, a, am, connected.
ing, accomplishing ; cause, reason ; termination, end ; kumara), Nrisinha, V5yu, S'ivadharma, Durvasas, 4<4<f£ upa-barha, as, m. (rt. brih or brinh;
fitness, propriety; association, connection, possession ; Narada, Nandikesvara, Usanas, Kapila, Varuna, cf. upa-vrinh, p. 168), a pillow.
religious abstraction; proof, ascertained or demon- Samba, KalikS, Mahes"vara, Padma, Deva, ParSsara, Upa-barhana, am, n., Ved. a cushion, coverlet,
strated conclusion ; (in arithm. or geom.) proof, de- MarWa, BhSskara.
; ind. suitably, in a fit man- Upa-brtnhin, t, inl, i, supplementary, additional.
»M^r»<<*T upa-pushpikd, f. yawning,
ner. —Upapatti-mat, an, at), at, or upapatti-
yukta, as, d, am, right, fit, reasonable, proper; gaping. 3M«»j
ble number.upa-bahu, us, us, u, & few, a tolera-
united, associated. upa-paurnamasam or upa-
Vpa-panna, as, d, am, produced, effected, ob- paurnamdsi, ind. at the time of full moon. 341IP upa-bdhu, us, m. the lower arm
tained, gained, demonstrated, proved, manifested, (from the elbow to the wrist) ; N. of a man.
offered, presented, endowed with, possessed of, fur- 3 MUTT upa-pra-gd, cl. 3. P. -jigdti, -gdtum,
nished with (e. g. gunopapanna, endowed with good to come near to, approach. TT^ upabda, as, or upabdi, is, m., Ved.
qualities) ; fit, suited to the occasion, adequate ; phy- <JMH^ upa-prath, cl. 6. P. -pri66hati, noise, sound, rattling, clanking. — Upabdi^mat, an,
sicked, cured. atl, at, Ved. noisy, loud.
-prashtum, to ask a person (ace.) about anything.
Upa-pddaka, as, d, am, producing, effecting, J^t^upa-bru, cl. 2. P. A. -braviti, -brute,
making visible. 3HMn»Tx upa-pra-jan, cl. 4. A. -jay ate,
-janitum, to be born in addition. to praise, celebrate.
Upa-pddana, am, n. effecting, doing, causing to
appear; giving, delivering, presenting; proving or 4HHJJ- upa-bhanga, as, m. (rt. bhanj), a
Q'tHV'l'-t^upa-pra-jinv, cl. I. P. -jinvati, division or member (of a verse).
establishing by argument ; explaining ; examination ; -vitum, to impel, stir up ; (Say.) to gratify or please
(as, d, am), examining. in approaching. a-bhashd, f. a secondary dialect.
Upa-pddita, as, d, am, effected, accomplished,
performed, done ; given, delivered, presented ; proved, a "4Hn upa-pra-tn,Ca,us. -tdrayati, -yitum, upa-bJmj, cl. 7. P. A. -bhunakti,
demonstrated. to convey or transport across. -bhunkte, -bhoktum, to enjoy, eat, possess, use;
i.upa-paduka, as, a, am, self-produced; (as), make use of, receive (as a reward).
<j M Hq 91 «i upa-pradarsana, am, n. pointing
m. a superhuman being, a god, a demon, &c.; hell(?). out, showing, indication. Upa-bhukta, as, a, am, enjoyed, used, possessed.
Upa-padya, as, d, am, to be effected, done, — UpabKukta-dhana, as, a, am, one who has en-
shown or proved ; being produced, coming into ex- aHH^I upa-pra-dd, cl. 3. P. A. -daddti, joyed or makes use of his riches ; (as), m., N. of a
istence. 'datte, -datum, to deliver over, commit to (any one). merchant's son.
Upa-pradana, am, a. delivering over, presenting ; Upa-bhunjdna, as, d, am, enjoying, using.
upa-pada, as, m. a secondary word a present, a bribe. Upa-bhoktri, td, tri, tri, an enjoyer, enjoying,
of a sentence (as for instance a subordinate word in a possessing.
compound generally forming the first member ; or a upa-pra-ya, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn,
Upa-bhoga, as, m. enjoyment, use, eating ; usu-
preposition, particle &c. prefixed to a verb or a noun to approach, attack. fruct ;pleasure, satisfaction, cohabitation.
derived from a verb qualifying or determining the upa-pralobhana, am, n. (rt. Upa-bhogin, i, inl, i, enjoying, using.
idea contained in the verb ; or a secondary word of luJik), seducing, alluring. Vpa-bhogya or upa-bkoktavya or upa-bhojantya,
any kind which is governed by or limits the general as, a, am, to be enjoyed, to be used ; (am), n. object
idea contained in the principal word) ; small, diminu- ^HHUli upa-prdna, as, m. a secondary or of enjoyment.
tive; alittle. inferior vital air belonging to the body.
Upa-bhojin, I, inl, i, eating, enjoying.
>SJ«U upa-pankshana, am, n. or upa- 3 H H I >\jjpa-prdp (-pra-dp), cl. 5. P. -pra- Upa-bhcyya, as, d, am, serving as food.
pankshd, (. (fr. rt. Iksh with part and upa), in- pnoti, -ptum, to come near, approach. "yp^upa-bhu, cl. i. P., Ved. -bhavati,
quiring into, investigation, examination. 3VHT*([ upa-pra-ya (-pra-d-ya), cl. 2. P., -vitum, to be near to.
3HM< upa-pare (-para-i), cl. 2. P. -paraiti, Ved. -yati, -turn, to go near, approach. TT*T7Tx upa-bJirit, t, f., Ved. a sacrificial
-turn, to go towards, approach. TTIpr upa-prut, t, t, t, Ved. flowing or vessel made of wood ; a cup of round shape, made of
rushing near; (Say.) approaching. the wood of the banian tree, and used in sacrifices.
upa-parcana, as, d, am (rt. pri6),
closely touching; in close contact; (am), n., Ved. NIMH npa-pre (-pra-i), cl. 2. P. -praiti, 3HH i. upama, as, d, am (fr. upa), Ved.
admixture ; (S3y.) impregnation. •turn, to go near, approach, invade ; to undertake, uppermost, highest ; nearest, next, first ; most ex-
contact with. k, k, k, Ved. closely attached, in close begin; to set about anything (with ace. or dat.). cellent, eminent, best. — Upama-s'ravas, as, as, as,
Ved. of highest fame ; (as), m., N. of a son of Kuru-
3 HH w upa-preksk (-pra-lksh), cl. I. A. Sravana and grandson of Mitratithi.
upa-parsukd, f. the false ribs. -prekshate, -shitwm, to overlook, pass over un- I. upama, ind., Ved. in the closest proximity or
noticed, disregard.
upa-pall (for upa-pari-i), cl. 2. P. neighbourhood.
-palyeti, -turn, to return, turn back. Upa-prekshana, am, n. overlooking, looking at Upamdm, ind., Ved. in the highest degree.
without interest, disregarding.
'3TJ'R 2. upama, at the end of compounds.
s H m r, <* 2. upa-pdduka, as, I, am, having
shoes, shod. z*W\upa-presh (-pra-ish), cl. 4. P. -presh- See under 3. upa-md.
yati, -preskitum, to drive, impel ; to invite or request *nns| npa-madyn, us, m., N. of a son of
"^HTR upa-papa, am, n. a crime in the (a priest to do anything at a sacrifice), to summon. SVaphalka and younger brother of Madgu.
second degree ; [cf. upa^pdtaka.] Upa-praisha, as, m. invitation, summons.
-3 MI «^ upa-mantr, cl. 10. A. -mantrayate,
SHHl^l upa-parsva, as, am, m. n. a shoul- TTO upa-plu, cl. i. A. -plavate, -plotum, -yitum, to address, invoke, invite, persuade.
der; flank; the lesser ribs, the lesser flank; the to assault violently, assail.
opposite side. Upa-mantrana, am, n. the act of addressing, in-
Upa-plava, as, m. (fr. rt. plu, with upa), violent viting, persuading.
U u
166 upa-mantritt.
I with upa), afflicted, overtaken by calamity ; (as), m.
Upa-mantrin, i, i/ii, «, inviting, persuading. I'lia-yathtfi, ta, m., Ved. the priest who utters I eclipsed (as sun or moon), Rahu the ascending node.
these verses.
jMHrVJril ttpa-mantharii, f. (rt. math), a
staff for stirring. 7 'pa-ydja, as, m. additional formulas at a sacrifice ; theUpa-rdga, as, m. colour ; darkening, an eclipse of
sun or moon ; Rahu or the ascending node ; an
N. of a younger brother of Ysja.
Upa-manthitn, td, in, «ri,Ved. stirring up. inauspicious event, calamity, affliction ; misbehaviour,
"aTT^ upa-yantr, cl. 10. P. -yantrayati, ill conduct ; reproach, abuse.
3M*M upa-manyu, us, us, u, Veil, zealous,
-yitum, to solicit or compel any one to do anything. JIHHJ4!J upa-rakskana, am, n. a guard,
striving after ; (SSy.) knowing, understanding, intelli- an outpost.
gent ;(us), m., N. of a pupil of Dhaumya Ayoda. TWt^upa-yam, cl. i . P. A. -yaithati, -te,
-yantum^lo take a wife, marry; to seize, take, re- •JlH.PNrl upa-rafita, as, d, am, made, pre-
T»nn 2. upa-md, cl. 2. P., 3 or 4. A. -wioH, ceive, hold ; to offer.
-//iH/iite, -mdyate, -mdtum, to measure one thing Upa-yantri, ta, m. a husband.
by another, compare ; Ved. to give, grant.
Upa-yantra, am, n. (with upa JlRffJ upa-ratna, am, n. a secondary or
implying inferi-
3. upa-ma, f. resemblance, equality, similarity; a ority) aminor surgical instrument or implement ; a
resemblance, as a picture, portrait, image, &c. ; a as
inferior gem, a diamond of low value.
actual cautery,
secondary application of any kind,
simile ; comparison, a particle of comparison ; (as, a, escharotics, &c. JJIRH upa-ram, cl. I. P. A, -ramati, -te,
am, at the end of a Bahu-vrlhi compound) like, similar pared.
Upa-yama, as, m. marriage, marrying. -rantitm, to cease, end, terminate, be finished ; to
to, resembling (e. g. amaropama, resembling an im- desist ; to cause to cease or desist : Caus. -ramayati,
Upa-yamana, am, n. marrying ; taking a wife ;
mortal). -Vpamd-dravya, am, n. any object used -yitum, to cause to cease or desist, stop, render quiet.
for hold-
for a comparison. — Upamd-rupaka, am, n. a figure of stone, day, gravel &c. am),
(i), f. any supporta sacrificial that
ing fire-wood; ladle; (as, d,
J'jia-rata, as, d, am, ceased, stopped; dead;
in rhetoric combining comparison and metaphor. upon which anything is placed, a support. withdrawn or retired from. — I 'parala-karman, a,
— Upameta (°ma-«/a .'), a*, i, am, compared with ? ; Upa-ydma, as, m., Ved. taking up with a ladle ;
d, a, ceasing from works or from relying on them.
(at), m., N. of the tree Vatica Robusta. a ladle (?); the verses or formulas uttered in ladling
— Uparata-rdsa, as, d, am, ceasing to dance or
I. upa-matri, ta, m. an image-maker, a portrait- out the Soma juice ; marriage.
phy. — Uparata-vishaydbhildstta (°ya-abh°), as,
d, am, ceasing from all desire after worldly things.
Vpa-mdna, am, n. comparison, resemblance, ana- <jma upa-yd, cl. 2. P. -ydti, -turn, to ap-
proach, undergo. — Uparata-sprllta, at, d, am, void of desire.
logy; a simile; that with which anything is com- — Uparatdri (°ta-ari), is, is, i, having no foe,
pared ;a panicle of comparison ; (in the Nyaya Vpaydta, as, a, am, arrived ; (am), n. arrival,
return. being at peace with all.
phil.) recognition of likeness, comparison, the third
of the four pramSnas or means of correct knowledge. Upa-ydna, am, n. coming near, approaching. Upa-rati, in, f. ceasing, stopping ; death ; refrain-
ing from sensual enjoyment, abstaining from prescribed
— Upamana-<iintamani,it,m. title of a philosophical Upa-yay{n,i,int,i, coming towards, approaching. acts ; great or exquisite pleasure (?).
work. — Upamdnopameya-bhava fno-ujj0), at, m. JMUMofi upa-yd6aka, as, d, am (rt. yd(),
the connection between the subject of comparison and an asker, solicitor, begging. Uparrama, as, m. stopping, ceasing ; abstaining
the comparison adduced. from, giving up ; death.
Upa-ydfana, am, n. soliciting, approaching with , am, n. abstaining from the pleasures
Vpa-mlta, as, a, am, compared, illustrated by a request or prayer. of Upa-ramana
sense or from ceremonial acts (with abl.) ; ceasing,
comparison, similar. e.
Upa^ydi<ita, ae, a, am, requested, solicited ; offered, discontinuanc
Upa-miti, ii, f. resemblance, comparison, a like- especially to the deities to render them propitious ; Upa-rdma, as, m. ceasing, stopping.
ness, a picture, image, &c. ; analogy; knowledge of
(am), n. prayer, request (to a deity). JIH4 upa-rava, as, m. (fr. rt. ru with
things derived from analogy or resemblance ; infer-
ence, induction. upayitdrika, as, ID. any one
upa), a sound-hole, (designation of certain holes
Upa-meya, as, a, am, (with inst. or as last member employed to guard a VihSra ; a wrong reading for which increase the sound of the stones when the
of a compound) to be compared, comparable with ; upavihdrika (?). Soma is being ground.)
(am), n. the subject of a comparison, that which is
compared (opposed to upa-mdna, that with which it is
•y^Vi^upa-yuj, cl. 7. P. A. -yunakti, yun- <JIKM upa-rasa, as, m. a secondary mine-
ktf, -yoktum, to harness (as horses to a carriage) ; to ral, as red chalk, bitumen, &c. ; a secondary passion
compared). — Upameyopamd Cyasup"), (• the resem- occupy, take possession of; to use, employ, apply;
blance ofany object to that compared with it ; reciprocal or feeling ; a subordinate flavour.
comparison, as of the moon to a beautiful face. to bestow upon ; to attach one's self to, be devoted to ; dMUJl upa-rdja, as, m. a viceroy.
to appropriate, consume, eat.
J l|q |frl npa-mdti,is, f . (fr. rt. man with upa), Upa-yuJcta, as, d, am, attached, adapted, suitable, Upa-rdjam, ind. near a king.
Ved. approaching with a prayer ; addressing, address ; appropriate, useful; worthy, serviceable; proper,
jl|f( upari, ind. (as a separable adverb)
(SSy.) comparison ; (is), m. approaching in a friendly right ; taken, eaten, touched.
above, upon, on, upwards, towards the upper side of
way ; obliging ; one who may be addressed , affable, espe- Upa-yunjdna, as, a, am, attaching, taking, appro- (opposed to adhas and mfd, e. g. upari yd, to go
cially as an epithet of Agni ; (Say.) granting wealth. priating.
— Upamdti-vani, u, is, i, Ved. one who receives ad- Upa-yuyukihu, iu>, us, u, about to employ or apply. upwards ; sometimes written with a following word as
dresses ina friendly way ; (Say.) destroyer of an enemy. Upa-yoktavya, as, d, am, to be employed. if compounded with it, e. g. upari-tihnita, marked
Upa-mimansd, (., Ved. deliberation, investigation, Upa-yoga, as, m. application, employment, use, above) ; besides, in addition to, further (sahasraiii
consideration. service, utility ; administration of medicines, prepara- satdny upari ddshtau. 1000 and 800 in addition) :
tion of them ; fitness, suitableness ; contact, proximity ; afterwards (e. g. upari payah pilict, he should
JIHIrl 2. upa-mdtri, ta, f. (a second mo- drink milk afterwards); upari upari, higher and
any act tending to effect a desired object ; good con-
ther), a wet nurse ; a near female relative. duct, observing established practices. — fpayogam higher ; repeatedly, continuously.
(As a separable preposition, with ace., loc., or gen.)
jl|HI^ upa-mdda, as, m., Ved. enjoyment, gam or vraj, to be employed or used. over, above, upon, on, at the head of, on the upper
delight. Upa-yogln, i, »'»?, »', employing, using; what is
employed, conducive or contributing to, serviceable, side of, beyond ,(e. g. upari Jailam gain, to go over
4MHK4J upa-marana, am, n. (fr. rt. mrt), useful, convenient ; appropriate ; favourable, propitious ; the mountain ; upari Lankdydm sampriptah fall,
Ved. submerging (in water &c.). touching, in contact with. — Upayogi-td, (. or upa- he arrived over LaivkS ; upa-ry upari mrresluim
atishthat, he stood at the very head of all ; dtmdnam
JMHlfritO upa-mdlinl, f. a species of the yogi-tva, am, n. usefulness; fitness, suitableness;
Ati-sakvari metre. occasion, need ; favour, propitiousness. tasyd upari kshiptvd, having thrown himself upon
Vpa-yojana, am, n. harnessing a horse (by the him); in connection with, with reference to, with
3Mii*M upa-mdsya, as, ii, am, Ved. occur- side of another) ; a team. regard to, towards (with gen., c. g. mama upari
ring every month, monthly.
' '/"i-yojya, «•», d, am, to be employed or used. MdritaJt, changed in feeling with regard to me ;
putrasya upari kruMTiah, enragedupari, towards his
Iijipa-mit, t, f., Ved, a prop, a stay. jmil^H npa-ynsham, ind. a word express- after a
son); after (with abl., e. g. muhurtdd
»IX vpa-mulam, ind. at the root. minute) ; [cf. Zend upara; Goth, ufar; Old Germ.
ing great pleasure ; [cf. tipa-josham.'] Lat. fiiper.]
3MH<! upa-mrid, cl. 9. P. -mridndti, -mardi- fJT. upara, as, a, am (fr. upa), Ved. situ- 05«r; Mod. Germ. «&cr; Eng. orer; Gr. uirf'p ;
IHM,\O crush, bruise, dash to pieces, destroy ; rub down. ated below, under ; posterior, later ; nearer, approxi-
mate ;upardsu (loc. fern, pi.), in the proximity ol, Upari may also be used at the end of a compound ;
/'y»n-marrtYi,aK, m. friction, rubbing down, bruising;
Destruction; reproach, abuse, refutation of a charge. near to; (as), m. the lower stone on which the e. g. tadupari gantum, to fall upon him, to attack
Soma is laid that it may be ground by means of other
Upa-mardaka, as, d, am, crushing, destroying, him.
destructive ; (ns), m. refutation of a charge.
stones held in the hands ; the lower part of the sacri- Vpari often stands at the beginning of a com-
ficial post; a cloud; region ('/). — Upara-tdl, ind., pound, as in the following examples. - Upari-gata,
d HH^( upa-yaj, d, f., Ved., N. of eleven Ved. in the proximity or circumference. as, a, am, gone up, ascended. — Upari-fara, as, m.
additional formulas at a sacrifice.
upa-rakta, as, d, am (fr. rt. ranj epithet of the king Vasu ('walking in the air').
— l'l>ari-tita, o», a, am, piled over or above.

upari-ja. upa-vasana.
— Upari-ja, as, a, am, growing up, produced Upa-laksltana, am, n. looking at; observation; •3M16 upa-vata, as, m. the tree Buchanania
above, elevated, high. — Vpari-nihita, at, a, am, designation ; implying something that has not been Latifolia.
laid over. — Upari-purusha, as, a, am, having a expressed, implying something in addition or any ana-
man above. — Upari-ftrut, t, t, t, Ved. coming from logous object where only one is specified, using a term i upa-vad, cl. i. A. -vadate, -ditum,
above. — Upari-babhrava, as, m., N. of a teacher in a generic sense, metaphorical or elliptical expression, to talk over, conciliate ; to flatter, cajole.
of the ritual. — Upari-biulhna, as, a, am, Ved. raised synecdoche of a part for the whole, of an individual Upa-vdda, as, m., Ved. censure, blame.
above the ground. — Vpari-bhdga, as, m. the upper for the species or of a quality for that in which it re- Vpa-vddin, i, ini, i, Ved. censuring, blaming.
portion or side. — Upari-bkdva, as, m. the being sides ;mark. — Upalakifmna-tva, am, n. the being
above or higher. — Upari-bhumi, is, i. the ground ^H^l upa-vana, am, n. a small forest, a
above. — Upari-bhram, cl. i. 4. P. -bkramati, Upa-lakshayitavya, as, a, am, to be observed. grove, a garden ; a planted forest.
-bhrdmyati, -bhramUum, to wander over or Upa-lakshita,as, a, am, comprehended, discovered, 3Mq«UN upa-varn, cl. 10. P. -varnayati,
above. — Upari-martya, as, a, am, Ved. above included, implied, metaphorically expressed, under- -yitum, to tell or describe copiously.
men. — Upari-iayana, am, n., Ved. a place of rest. stood, characterized.
Upa-lakshya, as, a, am, inferable ; (as), m. a Upa-varna, as, m. minute description, detail.
— Upari-s'renika, as, a, am, being in the upper se- Upa-varnana, am, n. description, minute de-
ries. —Upari-sad,t, t, (,Ved. sittingor dwelling above. prop, stay, support, asylum ; an inference.
scription, delineation.
— I'pari-sadya, am. n., Ved. the act of sitting above. upaladhipriya, as, HI. the Upa-varnita, as, d, am, described.
— Upari-stha, as, a, am, staying or being above, as, HI.
upper. — Upari-sthdpana, am, n. placing upon or Bos grunniens ; perhaps a wrong form for bdladhi-
34ifl upa-varta. See under upa-vril.
above. — Vpari-sthita, as, a, am, standing above, priya, 'valued for its tail.'
t5*T upa-labh, cl. I . A. -labhate, -lab- 3<<q«« upa-varsha, as, m., N. of a son of
being above, upper. — Upari-spris', k, t, k, Ved. San-kara-svamin and younger brother of Varsha,
raised, elevated. — Vparltaka (°rt-ft°), <"• m- a kind dh'im, to acquire, receive, accept, obtain, find ; to author of writings on tie Mimansa philosophy.
of coitus. •• Vpary-dsana, am, n. sitting on high. conceive, become pregnant ; to perceive, observe,
Uparitana, as, I, am, upper (opposed to adhas- hear, understand ; [cf. Gr. faroAa/tDai/u.] upavalgita-nayana, as, a,
Upa-labdha, as, a, am, obtained, received; con- am, swollen or dimmed with tears ; (a various read-
Upariihtat, ind. (as an adverb) above, from ceived ; perceived, understood, known, guessed.
above; behind (opposed to purastdt), further on — Upalabdka-sukha, as, a, am, one who has ex- ing has apavalg{ta-°.)
(in a book), later ; afterwards ; (as a preposition) upa-vallika, f., N. of a plant.
over, upon, down upon (with ace. and gen.) ; behind perienced pleasure. — Upalabdhdrtha (°dha-ar°), rivalry.
as, a, am, having the meaning understood ; (a), f. upa-valha, as, m., Ved. emulation,
(with gen.). -• Uparishtdj-jyotishmati, (., N. of a a tale, a true or probable story.
Vedic metre consisting of forty-three or forty-four Upa-labdhavya, as, d, am, to be observed.
syllables, the end of which is like the beginning of Upa-labdlii, is, f. obtaining, acquisition, gain ; «IV upa-vas, cl. I . P. -vasati, -vastum,
the metre Jyotishmati. — Upamshtdj-jyotis, is, f. a observation, perception, knowledge (especially re- to dwell in or at ; to abide in a state of abstinence,
verse of the Trishtubh metre, the last Pada of which ligious), understanding, mind ; a guess ; appearance, abstain from food, to fast : Caus. -vdsayati, -yitum,
consists of eight syllables. — Uparishtad-brihafi, f., perceptibility ; [cf. Gr. iinJATuJiij.] — UpalaMhi- to cause to fast.
N. of a Vedic metre consisting of four PSdas, the mat, an, all, at, perceptible, intelligible.
first of which contains twelve, each of the three Upa-vasatha, as, m., Ved. a fist-day, day of pre-
I. upa-labhya, as, d, am, obtainable, perceivable, paration for the Soma sacrifice, the day preceding a
others only eight syllables. to be understood. Soma sacrifice, day of a Soma sacrifice ; a village (?).
Jm^ upa-ru6, cl. I. A. -rotate, -rotitum, i. upa-labhya, ind. having perceived or observed. Upavasathiya or upavasathya, as, d, am, Ved.
to shine, be brilliant. I'/ia-labhyamana, as, d, am, being perceived. selected for an Upavasatha (as a day), belonging to
— (fpalabhyamdna-tva , am, n. the being known. or prepared for a Soma sacrifice.
;HltjWx upa-rttdh, cl. 7. P. A. -runaddhi, Upa-lambha, as, m. acquisition ; apprehension, con- Upa-vasta, am, n. a fast, fasting.
-rundhe, -roddhum, to obstruct, hinder, molest, ception, comprehension otherwise than from memory. Ifpa-vastri, td, tri, tri, one who fasts.
trouble, disturb ; to prevent ; to conceal. Upa-lambhaka, as, d, am, causing to observe,
reminding. Upa-vdsa, as, am, m. n. a fast, fasting (as a re-
Upa-ruddha, as, a, am, obstructed, impeded, ligious act comprising abstinence from all sensual
molested, disturbed ; covered, spread ; protected, Upa-lambhuna, am, n, apprehension. gratification, from perfumes, flowers, unguents, orna-
favoured. Upa-lambhya, as, d, am, obtainable, to be ac- ments, betel, music, dancing, &c.) ; kindling a sacred
Upa-rudhya, ind. having kept in check or ob- quired ;respectable, commendable, praiseworthy. fire, a fire altar.
^tructed, having blockaded or hemmed in. Upa-ldbha, as, m., Ved. seizing or taking hastily. Upa-tdsaka, am, n. a fast, fasting.
Upa-rudhyamdna, as, a, am, being besieged, ffpa-lipsd, f. desire of obtaining. fast.Upa-vdsin, i, ini, i, fasting, one who observes a
besieged. Upa-lipsita, as, a, am, wishing to take or seize.
Upa-rodha, as, m. surrounding, blockading; ob- Upa-lipsu, us, us, u, wishing to obtain or know. Uposhaita, uposhita, uposhya. See p. 1 73.
struction, impediment, opposition, check, refusal ; sion (?).
aHWlfrtqii upalalika, f. thirst, oppres-
trouble, disturbance ; binding, tying, taking hold of ; T^7? upa-vah, cl. i. P. A. -vahati, -te,
protection, favour. — Uparodha-kdrin, t, ini, i, -vodhum, to bear or lead near, to lead towards, lead
causing trouble, obstructing. ^MiVjjf upa-linga, as, m. a portent, a back ; to bring about, commence.
Upa-rodhaka, am, n. an inner room, a private natural phenomenon considered as boding evil. Upa-vaha, am, n., Ved. anything placed on the
apartment. neck of an ox under the yoke, to raise it to the right
Upa^rodhana, am, n. obstruction, impediment. a'HfcotT upa-lip, cl. 6. P. A. -limpati, -te, level for a yoke-fellow of greater height.
Upa-rodhin, i, ini, i, obstructing, impeding; -leptum, to defile, anoint, smear, besmear : Caus. Upa-vdhana, am, n. carrying, bringing back.
obstructed, impeded. -lepaytiti, -yitttm, to cause to anoint or besmear.
Upa-lipta, as, d, am, anointed, smeared, plastered. Upa-vahin, i, ini, i, flowing or streaming towards.
dHt;£ upa-ruh, cl. i. P. -rohati, -rodhum, Upa-lepa, as, m. smearing, anointing, plastering ; Upa-i'dhya, as, d, am, to be drawn or led near
to ascend, rise. obstruction, the being concealed ; becoming deadened to ; (as), m. a king's elephant, any royal vehicle.
or dull. Upohyamana, as, d, am, being brought near,
(,'pa-ruhya, ind. having ascended. being commenced ; [cf. upoh, fr. which this participle
j 14 Vl| 4 upa-riipaka, am, n. a drama of Upa-lcpana, am, n. smearing, anointing, plaster- may also be derived.]
ing ; an ointment, an unguent.
an inferior class, of which eighteen are enumerated.
Upa-lepin, i, ini, I, serving as an ointment ; upa-va, f., Ved. blowing at.
3Mrt upala, as, m. (connected with upara, anointing, smearing, obstructing.
i]. v.), a rock or stone ; a precious stone or jewel ; i . upa-vaka, as, m. (fr. rt. vat with
(a), f. the upper and smaller mill-stone which rests upa-lipsa. See upa-labh above. upa), Ved. addressing, speaking to, praise.
on the drinhad ; refined or candied sugar ; [cf. Gr. upalekha, as, un. (fr. rt. likh with Upavakya or upa-vdtya, as, d, am, Ved. to be
addressed or praised.
iSiraAoj ; Lit. opalus.] — Vpala-prakshin, I, ini, i, upa), title of a grammatical work connected with
Ved. arranging stones ; (Say.) throwing grain on the the Pratisikhyas. JlHIok 2. upavaka, as, d, m. f., Ved., Indra-
mill-stone. — Upala-bhedin, i, m., N. of a plant. 3*HTt> upa-vaktri, ta, m,, Ved. one who grain (see Indra-yava).
I'palaka, as, m. a stone. directs and animates by his words ; animating. TT=rT5f«T upa-vajana, am, n. (said to be
^ VMT3jipa-laksh, cl. 10. P. A. -lakshayati, 3M1^T npa-vanga, as, m. pi., N. of a derived fr. rt. vd), a fan.
-te, -yitum, to look at, observe, behold ; to regard country. upa-vada. See under upa-vad.
as, value as ; to imply in addition : Pass, -lakehyate,
to be observed &c. ; to be likely. JMM^ upa-vanf, Caus. -vahtayati, -yitwn, upa-vasana, am, n. (rt. 2. vas),
Upa-lakshaka, at, d, am, observing, designating. to deceive ; to repudiate. Ved. a dress, a garment, a cover.
168 upa-samhdra.
upa-vid, t, f., Ved. investigating, upa), Ved. a fire.
stick (of green wood) used for stirring Upa-iayin, i, int, i, lying near to ; lying, sleep-
the sacrificial ng ; going to bed ; allaying, tranquillizing, what
inquiring into.
cairns &c. ; (in medicine) composing, narcotic. »• J7pa-
('pa-Mud, I. profane science, inferior sort of
knowledge. to 3surround,
*H ^ upa-vesht,
cover, dress.cl. I. A. -veshtate, -titum, idyi-td, f. or upas"dyi-tva, am, n. tranquillizing,
calming ; secondary means of cure, as diet &c.
Upa-veda, at, m. secondary knowledge, a class of
writings subordinate or appended to the four Vedas. 3'«H«uT upavainava, am, n. (fr. upa-venu ?), 5M 3jl*iN upa-s~unam, ind. near a dog.
According to the BhSgavata-Purana their number is
the three periods of the day, morning, midday, and
g H ntX^upa-subh, Caus. P. -sobhayati, -yi-
four, viz. Ayur-veda, Dhanur-veda, Gandharra- tum, to adorn, ornament.
reda, and Sthdpatya-veda, or medicine, military TT^THfTl'T upa-vydkhydna, am, n. subsi- Upa-tobhana, am, n. adorning, ornamenting.
art, music, and mechanics.
diary or supplementary explanation or interpretation. Upa-s"obhita, as, a, am, ornamented, adorned.
Tffa*^ upa-vindu, us, m., N. of a man. dlfMIU upa-vydghra, as, m. the small TTSH^ vpa-sush, Caus. P. -soshayati, -yi-
hunting leopard. tum, to make dry, dry up.
3nfqm3l«i upa-vipdsam, ind. at or near
Desid. P. -sikshati, to Vpa-ioshana, as, d, am, drying up.
the river Vipas"a. Tq^rSf .
learn upa-sak,. .
zir<i3{upa-vis, el. 6. P. -visati, -veshtum, <J M au A^iipa-stynt or -scut, cl. i . P. -sfyotati,
to sit down, take a seat ; to pitch a camp ; to enter ; Upa-iikshamana, as, a, am, training. -titum, to ooze or trickle down, fall in drops.
Vpa-iikshd, f. learning, desire of learning, training.
to seize, take possession of: Cans, -vetiayati, -yitum, T^St vpa-sri, cl. i. A. -srayate, -yitum,
to cause to sit down. Upa-iikshita, as, a, am, learnt, studied, trained.
to approach, go towards, go against ; to attack ; to
I'jM-risya, ind. having sat down, sitting down. dM$l*^ upa-sam, cl. 4. P. -sdmyati, -sami-
Upa-viihta, as, a, am, seated, sitting; arrived, tum, to become calm or quiet, to cease: Caus. TJpa-4ri, (. a covering, anything thrown over.
entered. -iamayati, -yitum, to calm, tranquillize, appease,
Upa-veia, ax, m. sitting down, sitting, resting; pacify, assuage, mitigate, make quiet, extinguish, kill. TTS upa-sru, cl. 5. P. -srinoti, -srotum,
fixing one's mind upon, being attached to ; voiding Upa-iama, as, m. becoming quiet, assuagement, to listen to, give ear to, to hear.
by stool. ceasing, stopping, cessation, relaxation, intermission ; Upa-iruta, as, d, am, listened to ; promised,
Upa-veiana, am, n. sitting down, resting ; causing tranquillity, calmness, patience. — Vpaiama-fila, as,
to sit down ; devoting one's self to ; voiding by stool. a, am, placid, calm. Upa-s"ruti, ii, f. giving ear to, listening to ; range
Upa~ve&ta, as, a, am, made to sit ; seated. Vpa-iamaka, as, a, am, calming, affording repose, of hearing ; a supernatural voice heard at night and
Upa-vc4in, i, »ni, ^, sitting down; fixing one's making patient. personified as a nocturnal deity revealing the future ;
mind upon, devoting one's self to. Vpa-iamana, am, n. quieting, calming, appeasing, judicial astrology, aspect of the stars, fortune-telling ;
Upa-vedya, ind. having seated or caused to sit. mitigation, ceasing to burn, extinction ; an anodyne.
Upa-vesktn, td, (rt, tri, he who sits, a sitter, Upa-famaniya, as, a, am, to be made quiet, to promise, assent. ind. listening to.
sitting down. be appeased. Upa-4rotri, ta, tri, tri, a listener, hearer, listening to.
Upa-4dnta, as, a, am, calmed, appeased, pacified ;
a'ufqH upa-visha, am, n. factitious poison ; <J«jnyWx upa-slish, cl. 4. P. -slishyati,
a narcotic, any deterious drug, as opium, datura, &c. ; calm, tranquil ; intermitted, diminished. — llpaiantat-
-sleshtum, to embrace : Caus. -s'leshayati, -yitum,
(a), £ a plant, Atis, Aconirum or Betula. See ati- man (°ta-dt°), a, a, a, one whose mind is pacified, to cause to lay hold of, bring near, place at hand.
Upa-idnti, is, (. cessation, intermission, remission ;
placid. Upa-iliihta, at, d, am, placed near, contiguous,
J'i|<4T Vi^upa-viksh (-vi-lksh), cl. I. A. -m- appeasing, allaying, assuaging ; abatement ; tranquil-
1,-sliatc, -shit urn, to look at or towards. lity, calm. Upa-^lesha, as, m. juxta-position, contiguity, an
Upaidntin, t, ini, i, appeased, tame, tranquil, calm ; embrace.
"Zm^fa^itpa-vy, cl. 10. P. -vijayati, -yitum, (f), m. a tame elephant.
to blow upon, fan. 'lJ'ift'M upaslokaya, nom. (fr.upa-s'loka)
3Mcfl<!J<4 upavinaya, nom. (fr. -upa-vina) upa-saya, &c. See a^a-s'i below. P. -tiokayati, -yitum, to praise in llokas.
P. -vlnayati, -yitum, to play on the Vmi or Indian . upa-sara dam, ind. at the time T3^I upa-svasa, as, d, am, Ved. sound-
lute before or in the presence of any one. of autumn.
upa-salya, am, n. an open place ing, roaring.
<JM=fln upa-vita, am, n. (fr. rt. vye with •gn?JWs tipa-shtut, ind. (fr. rt. stu with upa),
njiii), investiture with the sacred thread ; the thread before a town or village (lit. ' a place where archers
or cord worn by the first three classes of the Hindus Ved. at command, (ready) at one's call.
over the left shoulder and under the right arm. practice'?). •JH^^H vpa-samyama, as, m. the end of
upa-sakhd, f. a secondary branch.
Upavitin, I, int, t, wearing the string in the usual the world.
manner, or over the left shoulder and under the upa-santv, cl. 10. P. -santvayati, ^mi<UJl upa-samyoga, as, m. (rt. yuj), a.
right arm. -yitum, to appease, console, tranquillize. secondary or subordinate connection, a modification.
Upa-iantvana, am, n. appeasing, making quiet.
, upa-vira, am, n. a kind of demon. ;TMMO£. vpa-samroha, as, m. (rt. ruh),
dMSIIrf upa-Sala, am, n. a place near a
upa-vri, Intens. P., Ved. -varvarti, house, a court before a house; (am), ind. near a growing over, growing together, cicatrizing.
to put or place over or upon. house.
4M4HI<{ wpa-samvada, as, m. (rt. vad),
4IH£ upa-vriyh or -vrih, Caus. P. -t>ris- <m$\ (tffl upa-sastra, am, n. a minor science agreeing together, agreement.
hayati, -yitum, to increase. or treatise. ^Mti^MM upa-samvydna, am, n. an under
Upa-varha,a8,m.zp\\l<mi;[cf.upa-T>arha,p. 165.] d M f?l U( I upa-sikshd. See upa-sak above.
Upa-vrinhana, am, n. increasing, increase, col- ^tf^raiT upa-sam-vraj, cl. i. P. -vrajati,
JMfjIjf upa-singh, cl. i. P. -sinyhati,
Upa-vrinhita, as, a, am, increased, collected from, •ghitum, to kiss. •jitam, to enter, go towards, approach.
possessed of. Upa-tMana, am, n. (fr. rt. itiitgh with upa), JMtif* upa-sans-kri (-sam-kri), cl. 5. 8.
^H^rT upa-vrit, cl. I. A. *vartate, -titum, »ny5iing given to smell at (in medicine). P. A. -Icrinoti, -nute, -karoti, -karate, -kartum,
to go towards, approach ; to return. JMfDim upa-sishya, as, m. the pupil of a to prepare (as a meal) ; to ornament.
Upa-mrta, as, m. a particular high number. Upa-sannkrita, as, a, am, cooked, dressed (as a
Upa-vartana, am, n. a place for exercise, a country
inhabited or not ; a division, a district or Fergana ; a lie JV^fl
near. upa-st, cl. 2. A. -sete, -sayitum, to
pupil. JH«<4 vpa-sam-hri, cl. i. P. A. -harati,
Vpa-iaya, as, a, am, Ved. lying by the side of, •te, -hartum, to draw together, bring together, col-
Upa-vriUi, is, f. motion towards. lying down ; productive of happiness or rest ; (a), f. lect, to contract ; to withdraw, take away, withhold.
i upa-vena, f., N. of a river. a prepared piece of day, i.e. mrid; (as), m. lying Upa-samharana, am, n. withdrawing, taking
by the side of; ascertainment of disease or diagnosis away ; excluding ; refusing, withholding ; attacking,
upa-veda. See under upa-vid. by the effect of certain articles of food or medicine ;
upavesi, is, m.,N. of a man. allaying disease by diet, regimen, &c. Vpa-samharat, an, and, at, withdrawing, taking
vpa-vtsha, at, m. (fr. rt. vish with with (another).as, m. turn or rotation for sleeping away ; refusing, excepting ; going against, invading.

Upa-samhdra, as, m. drawing towards one's self,


^ upa-samharin. hip.
drawing in or together, contracting ; drawing away, tak- going near to, being present at, partaking of; a ^ Hti i i^upa-santv. See upa-santv.
ing away, withholding, excepting, excluding ; collection, neighbouring abode, a neighbourhood.
assemblage, winding or summing up, a compendium, Upa-sadi, f., Ved. attendants collectively (?). TTftf upasi, ind., Ved. in the lap, on the
brevity, conciseness, resume1; perfection; subduing, Upa-sadya, as, a, am, to be attended on or
destruction, death, end; attacking, invading; (in worshipped.
3M«'^ upa-sunda, as, m., N. of a Daitya,
logic) refutation ; N. of the fourth section of the Upa-sanna, as, a, am, approached, approximate ; son of Nikumbha and younger brother of Sunda.
V5yu-purana. worshipped. — Upasanna-ta, (. or upasanna-tva,
Upa-samhSrin, %, im, i, comprehending ; exclu- am, n. proximity, approach. the3S«M4i
sun. upa-suryaka, am, n. the disk of
sive; non-exclusive (?). i'pa-sadita, as, a, am, approached, come near to.
Upa-samhrita, ai, a, am, withheld, refused, de-
nied excepted
; ; excluded, compressed, comprehended, 3M«mt^ upa-san-tan (-sam-t°), cl. 8. P. upa-sri, cl. i. and Ved. 3. P. -sarati,
dead. A. -tanotl, -note, -nitum, to bring into immediate •sisarti, -sartum, to go towards, approach, go against,
connection with. attack ; to have intercourse (as a woman with a man).
Upa-samhriti, is, f. comprehension, seizing, tak- Upa-santana, as, m. immediate connection, join-
ing ;a compound expressive of various meanings (?). Upa-sara, as, d or i, am, who or what approaches ;
ing together ; a descendant.
(as), m. approaching (a cow) ; the first pregnancy or
^ M ^ Sp *{upa-san-klrip (-sam-k°), Caus. P. »S«»«IT upa-san-dha (-sam-dha), cl. 3. P.
•kalpayati, -yitum, to fix, deposit, settle ; to appoint, impregnation of a cow.
choose. A. -dadhdti, -dhatte, -dhatum, to put together, Upa-sarana, am, n. going or flowing towards,
add, increase ; to join, connect, cause to partake of; rapid Bowing of the blood towards the heart in sick-
Upa-sanklripta, ai, a, am, placed over, built to aim at. ness ;what is approached as a refuge.
Upa-samhita, as, a, am, connected with, furnished Upa-sartavya, as, a, am, to be approached for
with, accompanied or surrounded by ; having regard help, to be had recourse to.
m (-sam-k°), cl. I. P. or reference to, attached to one another.
A., 4. P. -kramati, -Jcramate (ep. also -kramate), Upa-sarya, f. 'to be approached,' a cow fit for
-kramyati, -kramttum, to go near to, approach: a bull.
•3M«t«*M*ix upa-sandhyam, ind. near or
Caus. P. -kramayati, -ytium, to cause to approach. towards evening. Upa-sdrya, as, a, am, to be approached or gone to.
Upa-eritya, ind. having gone towards, having ap-
. JUHjjfM upa-sankshepa, as, m. (rt. kship), 4MM«mtl upa-sannyasa, as, m. (rt. 2. as),
a concise abridgment, a summary ; an abstract, com- laying down, giving up.
pendium. proached.
3mi*\i<pa-sry, cl. 6. P. -srijati, -srashtum,
^ v « *i 5^ upa-sam-as, cl. 5. P. A. -asnoti, to pour out or on, to offer, make an oblation ; to
4 ItM jjd M upa-sankhyana, am, n. (rt. khya), -mite, -iltam, to reach, obtain. join, attach, connect with ; to beset with, oppress ;
to eclipse.
annumeration, adding, addition ; further enumeration ;
(in gram.) a substitute in form or sense, a consig- 3H«»««V upa-sam-as, cl. 4. P. -asyati, -si-
nificant term or affix. tum, to put or place upon. Upa-sarga, as, m. addition ; trouble, misfortune ;
a portent, a natural phenomenon supposed to forbode
3HHH\c£upa-!<am-a-kri, cl. 5.8. P. A. -kri- future evil, an eclipse; a disease, possession by an
4 M ti g-HN upa-san-gam (-sam-g°), cl. I. P. noti, -nute, -karoti, -kurute, -kartum, to connect,
-gaffhati, -gantum, to approach together, join in evil spirit ; change occasioned by any disease ; indi-
approaching, to enter into any condition or relation. combine together. cation or symptom of death ; a disease superinduced
<JMtW*n upa-sam-a-dha, cl. 3. P. A. -da- on another; an inseparable particle or preposition
dl|«#j! upa-san-grah (-sam-g°), cl. 9. P. prefixed to roots ; see Icarma-pravafarnya.— Upa-
A. -grihnati, -mte (Ved. -gribhyati, -nite), -gra- dhati, -dhatte, -dhatum, to put on (as wood on a
fire), to place in order, arrange. sarga-vritti, is, is, i, having the character of a
Iritum, to clasp or embrace; to take upon one's Upa-samddhana, am, n. placing in or on, laying preposition, to be treated like one.
self, to experience, suffer ; to receive, accept ; to seize, one upon the another. Upa-sarjana, am, n. pouring on; misfortune,
take into custody; to win over, conciliate, make inauspicious phenomenon, portent, eclipse; passing
favourable. upa-samaharya, as, a, am (rt.
Upa-sangrihya, ind. having clasped, having taken, Art), to be brought together, to be arranged by, leaving, eclipsing ; any person or thing subordi-
holding. nate or subsidiary to another, a substitute, a repre-
•dMtlfH upa-sam-i, cl. 2. P. -eti, -turn, to sentative(in
; gram.) a word which by composition
Upa-sangraha, as, m. clasping (e. g. the feet of or derivation loses its original independance, while
a person as a mark of great respect), respectful salu- approach together. it also determines the sense of another word ; for
tation ;polite address ; obeisance ; bringing together, 3M«(*i<J upa-samid or upa-samidham, ind. instance, in the derivative Aupifala, a pupil of Api-
collecting, joining. near the fire-wood. Sali, Apiiali has become the upasarjana; so also in
Upa-iangrahana, am, n. respectful salutation (by the compound raja-purusha (ft. rajan and purusha)
clasping the feet of a person with the hands), polite 3 M*i*Jf- upa-sam-uh, cl. I. P. -uhati, -hi- the first loses its independant character when com-
address. tum, to draw together, contract, to collect together,
to bring near. an infusion.pounded and is therefore the upasarjana ; (5), f.
Upa-sattgrahya, as, a, am, to be saluted reveren-
tially, respectable, venerable. 3H«iH upa-sam-e (-a-i), cl. 2. P. -aiti, Upa-srishta, <", a, am, joined, attached, connected
4MHM< vpa-san-car (-sam-6°), cl. I. P. A. -turn, to meet, meet with (with ace.). to or with, attended by or accompanied with ; seized
-farati, -te, -faritum, Ved. -ritave, Sec., to enter, or possessed by (evil demons &c.) ; eclipsed, as the
4l|«M(^ upa-sam-pad, cl. 4. A. -padyate,
approach ; to have sexual intercourse with. -pattttm, to come to, arrive at : Caus. P. -yadayati, sun or moon ; furnished with an upasarga or prepo-
Upa-sanfara, as, m. manoeuvre, flattery (?). -yitum, to bring near to, lead near, to give, grant ; sition (e.g. the root da with a prefixed is said to be
3H«f, i. npa-sad, cl. I. 6. P. -sidati, -sat- (with Buddhists) to receive into the order of priests, upasrishfa) ; (am), n. coition, copulation.
to ordain.
tum, to sit near to, to go near to, approach; to Ttl?ni upa-srip, cl. I. P. A. -sarpati, -te,
worship ; to obtain. Upa-sampatti, is, f. approaching, arriving at, -sarptum or -sraptum, to creep near, approach;
entering into any condition. move onward, attack ; [cf. tyifnra.]
Upa-satti, is, f. connection with, union ; service,
worship ; gift, donation. Upa-sampanna, as, a, am, arrived at; gained,
Upa-sattri, ta, tri, tri, one who approaches, a
obtained; furnished with ; familiar with; finished; Upa-sarpa, as, m. approach, access, following a
worshipper ; an inhabitant. enough, sufficient ; dead, deceased ; immolated, sacri-
ficed as a victim &c. ; dressed, cooked. Uparsarpana, am, n. approaching, advancing
a. upa-sad, t, t, t, Ved. one who goes near to, person.
serving, attending, waiting upon ; (t), f. siege, assault ; JIWHI^ upa-sam-prath, cl. 6. P. -pri6- Upa-sarpin, J, im, i, creeping near, approaching.
laying up, accumulating ; service ; N. of a ceremony itliati, -prashtum, to ask a person about anything. Upa-sarpya, ind. (having approached.
lasting several days and forming part of the Jyotish- f&PsRupa-sektri, ta, m. (rt. si£), Ved. one
toma ceremony. — Upasad-ran, a, a, a, Ved. one J M «*y Wjipa-sam-prap (-pra-ap), cl. 5. P.
who has attendants or worshippers, one who is wor- -apnoti, -ptum, to reach, obtain, approach. who sprinkles or pours one thing on another.
ship ed. —Upasad-vratin, I, int, i, observing the Upa-samprapya, ind. having arrived at. Upa-setana, as, a, am, pouring or sprinkling one
rules of the Upasad, viz. drinking milk in certain <J»(*I«*»IHI upa-sambhasha, f. talking over, thing on another; (am), n. pouring or sprinkling
quantities, sleeping on the bare earth, chastity, si- friendly persuasion. upon,
for watering ; infusion, juice ; (i), f. a ladle or cup
lence, &C.
Upa-sada, as, a, am, going near to ; (as), m. upa-sara. See upa-sri next col.
approach ; gift, donation ; N. of a ceremony. See Sr2kya-muni. pa-sena, as, m., N. of a pupil of
2. upa-sad. upa-sarga. See upa-srij next col.
Upa-sadana, am, n. approaching, going to (a col. npa-sarpana. See upa-srip next
teacher), sitting near (a master), becoming a pupil ; x upa-sev, cl. i. A. -senate, -vitum,
to serve, worship, honour ; to practise, pursue, culti-
upa-sevaka. upa-hava.
vate, study, make use of, be addicted to, frequent, Upa-sthana, am, n. standing near, presence, estroyed; infected, polluted, vitiated; impure. — Upa-
inhabit. proximity, nearness ; approaching, appearing, coming ata-dris, k, k, k, dazzled, blinded. — Upahata-dhi,
I'/ia-sevaka, as, a, am, worshipping, following, into the presence of, introducing one's self; worship- ucky.
s, is, i, infatuated. — Upahatdtman(°ta-d(*), a, a,
practising. ping, waiting on ; attendance ; obeisance ; abode ; an a, agitated in mind, mentally affected as by passion.
assembly; any object approached with respect, a Upahataka, as, a, am, ill-fated, unfortunate, un-
J'pa-fevana, am, n. worshipping, honouring; ser-
vice, addiction to; using, enjoying. sanctuary ; obtaining, getting ; upasthdnam kri, to
Upa-geva, f. service, worship, honour. give access or scope for action.— Upasthdna-^dld, f. Upa-Katnu, us, us, u, Ved. assailing.
the assembly-room of a Buddhist monastery. I'pa-iiatyd, f. dazzling of the eyes.
I'/ia-sevin, t, inl, i, serving, worshipping, honour-
ing ;liking, pleased with. Upa-sthaniya, as, a, am, to be stayed with or JJpa-hantavya, as, a, am, to be killed.
near, to be kept near ; to be attended on or served. Upa-kantri, td, tri, tri, having a contrary effect,
3H Hi upa-s-kri (s inserted, see upa-kri), Upa-sthdpaka, as, a, am, placing or bringing near,
cl. 8. A. -kurute, -kartum, to prepare, elaborate, causing to obtain ; explaining, teaching, a teacher.
perfect, adorn, &c. ttpa-harana. See under upa-hri.
Upa-sthdpana, am, n. placing near; attendance,
Upas-kara, at, m. any article which serves to service. pa-has, cl. I. P. -hasati, -situm,
make complete, an ingredient, condiment, spice or Upa-sthapaniya or upa-sthdpayitavya, ai, a, o laugh at, deride.
seasoning (mustard, pepper, &C.) ; an appurtenance, am, to be placed near. Upa-hasita, am, n. satirical laughter, laughing ;
utensil, implement or instrument ; an article of house- Upa-sthdpita, as, a, am, placed near, attended. as, d, am), laughed at, derided.
hold use (as a broom, a basket, &c.), apparatus; Upa-sthdpya, as, a, am, to be placed near, to be Upa-kaman, a, a, a, Ved. laughing at, a derider.
blame, censure. produced or made visible. Upa-hdsa, as, m. fun, play, ridicule, derision,
Upas-kdra, as, m. anything additional, a supple- Upa-sthdya, ind. having approached, having aughing at any one, satirical laughter. — Upahdsd-
brought near to or assembled. spada (°sa-ds°), am, n. a laughing-stock.
Upaf-krita, as, a, am, prepared ; blamed, censured. Upa-sthdyaka, as, m. a servant ; (with Buddhists) Upa-hdsaka, as, d, am, ridiculing others, jocose ;
Upas-kritt, is, f. a supplement, anything additional. a follower of Buddha.
(is), m. a jester.
TTWH upa-stambh, cl. 5. 9. P. -stabhnoti, Upa-sthayin, i, ini, i, standing near, being pre-
sent, appearing.
Upa-hdsya, as, d, am, to be laughed at, ridi-
-nati, -stabdhum, to slay, prop, support. moving. culous, laughable. — Upahdsya-td, (. ridiculousness.
Upa-sthavara, as, a, am, Ved. stopping, not — Upahdsya-tdm gam, to expose one's self to
Upa-itambha, as, m. (also written upa-shtam-
fiAo ?), stay, support, support of life (as food, sleep,
and government of the passions); encouragement, Upa-sthtta,as, a, am, approached, arrived, arisen, aughter. upahastika, f. (fr. upa-hasta), a
incitement ; base, basis, ground, occasion. appeared, present ; staying by or near at hand, im- small bag or box containing condiments or betel.
Upa-stambhaka, as, a, am, supporting, promoting, pending, ready ; received, obtained, gained ; accom-
encouraging. plished, taken place, happened ; caused, occasioned ; M£| upa-ha, cl. 3. A. -jihlte, -hatum, to
felt ; known ; dean, cleansed ; (in Ved. gram.) in the
Vpa-stambhatM, am, n., Ved. a support. Pada text followed by the particle iti ; (am), n. the 50 down, descend.
M£lc44i vpahalaka, as, m. pi., N. of a
upa-starana. See upa-stri below. particle iti used in this manner; the position of
words before and after iti ; (a), f., N. of a metre of country, part of the peninsula of India.
i upa-sti, is, m. (fr. rt. I . as with upa), four lines of ten syllables each ; N. of another metre
Ved. an attendant, a follower, a servant, a subject. J 14 f^ fl upa-hins, cl. 7. 1. P. -hinasti, -hin-
of four lines of eleven syllables etdi. — Upasthita- *ati, -situm, to injure, hurt, wound ; to overpower.
<fMW upa-stu, cl. 2. P. A. -stauti or -sta- prafupita, N. of a metre consisting of four lines and
llfVrl upa-hita, as, a, am (past pass. part.
•nti, -stute or -stuvlte, -stotum, to praise, invoke. fifty-one syllables. — Upasthtta-waktri, td,m.3 ready
Upa-stut, t, (., Ved. invocation, praise, invitation. speaker, an eloquent man. — Upasthita-samprahdra, of I. upa-dhd, p. 163), placed, deposited, placed in
Upa-stata, as, a, am, invoked, praised ; (as), m., as, a, am, about to engage in a battle, having battle or upon ; preceded by ; laid aside, joined ; mixed :
N. of a FLishi. at hand. ready, deputed to act as a spy, connected with.
Upa-stuti, is, {., Ved. invocation, praise. Upa-stMti, is, (. standing near, approach, presence, — Upahita-Khara, as, a, am, having the weight
Upa-stutya, as, a, am, to be praised or invoked. proximity, arrival ; obtaining, getting ; effecting, ac- carried ; (a better reading has apa-hrita-.)
complishing remaining.
JUtiH upa-stri or -stri, cl. 5. 9. P. A. -stri- R5 upa-hri, cl. I. P. A. -harati, -te,
Upa-stheya, as, a, am, to be attended to, to be -kartum, to bring near, offer ; to take away, destroy :
noti, -nute, -nati, -nite, -startum, -ritum or -ri- worshipped.
tum, to spread, arrange, set in order; [cf. Lat. Caus. -harayati, -yitum, to cause to offer ; Desid.
stibsterno.] d M «d^ upa-sneha,as,m. (rt.sm'A),moisten- •jihirshatl, to wish to offer.
Upa-harana, am, n. bringing near ; offering gifts
Upa-starana, am, n., Ved. spreading out, scatter- ing, attracting moisture. to superiors ; presenting victims ; distributing or
ing ; what is spread out ; a covering.
l**!*^ upa-spij (only used in ace. -jam), serving out food ; taking, seizing.
Upa-stir, f., Ved. scattering about, spreading ; what Ved. inconsiderate curiosity or jest (?). Upa-karamya or upa-liartavya, as, d, am,, to
is spread ; a covering.
Upa-stirna, as, a, am, spread out, arranged. <<tMSix I. upa-spris, cl. 6. P. -sprisati, be presented, to be offered as a victim.
Upa-hartri, ia, tri, tri, offering victims, serving
-sprashium or -sparshtum, to touch (water) ; to
upa-stri, f. a concubine. wash or rinse the mouth ; to sip water, to sprinkle ; out food &c.
to wash off; to gnash (the teeth). I 'pa-hdra, as, m. oblation ; a complimentary gift,
i.upa-sttia,cl.i.P. A.-tishthati,-te, a present to a superior &c. ; an offering to a deity, a
-sthatum, to stand near, stand by the side of in order / ']>a-spar.<a, as, m. touching, contact ; washing, victim &c. ; honour ; tribute, indemnification, pre-
to serve, wait on, attend on, serve (with ace.) ; to be bathing, ablution ; rinsing the mouth, sipping water
sents as the price of peace ; food distributed to guests
or remain near ; stay with ; to come near, approach ; and ejecting it. &c.; exultation, mirth (consisting in laughter, dance,
to approach a god with prayer, worship; to stand Upa-spartiana, am, n. touching ; bathing ; rinsing
song, bellowing as a bull, bowing, recital of prayer &c.).
under in order to support; to approach for inter- the mouth.
course, have intercourse with ; to approach for assist- I'/ia-lidraka, ne, m. an oblation &c.
Upa-spar&in, ~t, im, i, touching, sipping water I'pa-harin, i, ini, i, giving, presenting ; sacrificing.
ance ; to approach with hostile intentions, attack ; i . upa-sprif, k, k, k, Ved. touching.
to occur, come to pass, arise, be present ; to meet Vpa-tprUya, ind. having sipped water. UpaMri-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kar-
If xi xprisfita, as, a, am, touched, sipped. tum, to make an oblation, to offer.
with, obtain; to fall to one's share, come to the
possession of; to conciliate : Caus. P. -sthdjxiyati, Vpa-hrita, as, d, am, offered, presented ; im-
^nwfn upa-smrili, is, f. a minor law- molated, offered as a victim : served out as food ;
-yitrnn, to cause to stand near, to provide, present, book ; eighteen such books are mentioned. taken, collected, gathered.
furnish with, place upon or near ; to produce.
Upa-ftha, as, m. the lap, middle part in general, •3HW=t«u iipn-srarana, am, n. (rt. sru), yq^J? npa-homa, nn, m. a supplementary
a secure place ; (as, am), m. n. the organs of genera- flowing, the periodical flow of a woman.
tion, especially of a woman ; the anus ; the haunch sacrifice.
a«j*Sr«l upasva-tva,am, n. revenue, profit, iJMdgl. iipa-hrura, as, m. (rt. Am), Ved.
or hip ; (as, a, am), near, proximate ; upastham
kri, to sit down with the legs bent, make a lap; what is derived from land or other capital. bend, curve, arch, slope ; declivity ; the curved form
of the Soma vessel ; (am), n. proximity ; a solitary
n/iaxlhe kri, to take on one's lap. — r/ja*tlin- Upasva-wat, dn, m., N, of a son of Satrajit.
or private place ; (as), m. a car, a carriage ; (f), ind.
ilaghita, a*, i, am, reaching to the lap. — Upastha- a H«^M/ja-x»erfo,ns,m.(rt.spirf), moisture
nii/ratia, as, m. restraint of sensual appetite ; con- in the proximity of, near to, in a private place.

tinence. —I'pattlui-paUra, as, m. the Indian fig 3'Ht^upn-han, cl. 2. P. -hanti, -turn, to TTSf1 upa-hve, cl. I. P. A. -hvayati, -te,
tm. — Upabtha-sad, t, t, f.Ved. sitting in the lap. kill, injure, destroy, disturb, vex ; to waste. -htdtum, to invoke, call near to.
1. upa-sthd, as, as, am, Ved. standing on. Upa-liata, as, a, am, injured, impaired, evill) Vpa-hava, as, m. calling to, inviting, invitation ;
llpa-sthdtri, fa, m. an attendant, servant. affected by; struck bv lightning &c.; pained, hurt summoning, invoking; vprtJitimm isli, to wish to
rfih^ upanta-sarpin.
receive an invitation from (with loc., e. g. tasmin upd-grah (upa-d-grah), cl. 9. P. A. diate or proximate cause ; the formal or distinct form,
Indra upahavam ai((hata, Indra wished to re the material cause; a double meaning, an expression
ceive an invitation from him). -grihndti, -nite (Ved.-gribftndti, -nttc), -grahttum, conveying a sense besides that which appears in-
to comprehend, embrace.
Upa-havya, as, m., N. of a ceremony. tended (with
; Buddhists) conception ; effort or ex-
Upa-huta, as, d, am, invoked, invited. Upa-grahana, am, n. reading the Vedas after
initiation. ertion ofbody or speech. _ Updddna-kdrana, am,
Upa-huya, ind. having invoked or called or ad n. a proximate cause.
3 H li|5 1 muH^updgrahdyanam or updgrahd- Upd-daya, ind. having seized, containing ; includ-
Upa-hvdna, am, n. act of inviting. ij'im (upa-af), ind. towards the day of full moon ing, inclusive of; together with ; by means of.
TTT3T npdnsu, ind. in a low voice, in a in the month Agrahayana. Upd-deya, as, d, am, to be taken or received,
acceptable, admissible ; to be chosen ; to be selected,
whisper ; secretly, in secret (e. g. updnsu-vrata, a 3MIWI upd-ghrd (upa-d-ghrd), cl. I. P. excellent, admirable.
vow observed in secret) ; (us), m. a prayer utterei -jighrati, -ghratum, to smell at ; to kiss.
in a low voice ; muttering prayers, reciting them in upddika, as, m. a sort of insect ;
4 low voice so as not to be overheard ; N. of a Soma ^MI^J updnkya, as, a, am (fr. upa-anka), [cf. utpddaka.]
to be marked.
offering. — Updndurkridita, as, d, am, played with
in secret, made the companion of (a king's) privati
1^ upd-dis (upa-d-), cl. 6. P. A. -di-
amusements. updnga (upa-an°), am, n. a sub- s"ati,-te, -dtehtum.to advise, show, point out, to indi-
division any
; minor limb or member ; a subsidiary cate, inform, declare ; to prescribe, give an order.
<JHl<* updka, as, d, am (fr. rt. and with or supplementary work of low value ; a supplement
upa), Ved. brought near to one another, joined of a supplement ; secondary portion of science ; npd-dru (upa-d-), cl. I. P. -dravati,
approximate ; (e), Ved. du. an epithet of night am (twelve An-gas and Upan-gas constitute the sacred -drotum, to run near to.
morning; (e), ind. in the next neighbourhood, in writings of the Buddhists); the sectarial mark made
with Sandal &c. on the forehead. — Vpdnga-gita, TITtVf upd-dhd (upa-d-), cl. 3. P. A. -da-
the presence of, before. — Upaka-fakshas, as, as, as dhati, -dltatte, -dhdtum, to place near, place upon ;
Ved. standing present before the eyes. am, n. a kind of song.
to offer ; render, make, effect, fix ; to keep, hold.
3Sl"i*. upd-far (upa-d-), cl. I. P. A. -i!a- i. upa-dhi, is, m. (for a. see below), deceit, de-
^HI^T upd-kri (upa-d-kri), cl. 5. 8. P. A.
rati, -te, -ritwm, Ved. -tave, &c., to come near to ; ception, disguise (in the Vedanta this is especially
-krinoti, -nute, -karoti, -kurute, -kartum, to bring to attend upon, be attached to, to wait on, serve ; to applied to certain natural forms or properties, con-
near or towards, to fetch; to summon, invite; to
be obedient ; to treat. sidered as disguises of the spirit) ; that which more
deliver, commit to, offer, grant, bestow ; to acquire,
obtain; to bring about, make preparations for a closely defines, a discriminative or distinguishing pro-
Upa-4artta, as, a, am, attached to any one's
sacred action ; to undertake, begin ; to enter. service, obedient; (in gram.) that rule of Sandhi by perty, an attribute, a peculiarity, an indispensable
condition ; limitation (e. g. an-upddhi-ramamyo
Upd-karana, am, n. bringing near, inviting, in- which the sound Visarga becomes s before it and p.
vitation tobegin ; a term applied to certain sentences, TJpd-fdra, as, m. position (as of a word in a defah, a country beautiful without limitation, i. e.
called Praishas &c., with which one priest invites an- sentence) ; procedure ; Sandhi by which the sound altogether beautiful) ; a title, a discriminative appella-
other to perform a sacrifice ; immolation, sacrifice Visarga becomes s before Is and p. tion, anickname ; a purpose, an occasion, an object ;
of an animal duly consecrated ; preparation, begin- (in logic) a special cause for a general effect; (in
ning ; commencement of reading the Veda after the 3 4 1 Pos.^ upd-cdhid (upa-d- 1'hid), cl-7. P. A. rhetoric) the natural character of species, quality or
performance of a preparatory rite. -cdhinatli,
cut off from. -ffhinte, -ffJiettum, to tear away from, action. Tfpddhl-tas, ind. in consequence of a pe-
culiarity. (At the end of a compound the affix ka
Upa-karman, a, n. preparation, beginning ; a
ceremony performed before reading the Vedas ; be- may be added to upadhi, e. g. asty-upddMka,
updj (upa-aj),c\. i. P. A., Ved. upd- baving ' is ' as an attribute.)
ginning to read the Vedas. jati, -te, -jitunt, to bring near to.
Upd-krita, as, d, am, brought near, invited, ad- Upd-hita, as, d, am, deposited, placed ; put on,
Updje-kri,to support. — Vpdje-kritya or updje- worn ; joined, annexed ; agreed upon, made or done
dressed with invitatory sentences ; (as), m. a sacri- kritva, having supported.
ficial animal killed during the recitation of prescribed mutually; (as), m. a fiery portent, a meteor, a comet.
prayers ; attended with evil omens, disastrous, cala- dh6 (upa-ah6) or updd (upa-a(),
TTTTV 2. upd-dhi, is, m. (fr. rt. dhyai with
mitous; (as), m. misfortune; a portent, a pheno- cl. i. P. (water).
to draw
A. updntati, -te, or upd6ati, -te, -(Hum,
menon announcing calamity. upa-a), reflection on duty; virtuous reflection; a
man who is careful to support his family. (For i .
a M I stftjipd-kram (npa-d-kram), cl. I . P. A., updiijana, am, n. (fr. rt. anj with see under upd-dhd above.)
4. P. -krdmati, -kramate (ep. also -kramate), upa), anointing, plastering the ground with cow upddhika (upa-adh°), as, d, am,
-kramyati, -kramitum, to advance against in order dung &c. exceeding, supernumerary.
to seize, to fall upon, take possession of.
<3 >4itni\^updti-gam (upa-ati-gam), cl. I. P.
upddhy-dya, as, m. (fr. rt. 5. i
3MIBJ1 upiiksham (upa-ak°), ind. before fatthati, -ganti^m, to pass over, cross (a river). with upa-adld), a sub-teacher who instructs in a
the eyes.
3 Mini updti (upa-ati-i), cl. 2. P. updty- >art only of the Veda or in grammar and the other
upd-khyd (upa-d-),cl. 2. P. -khyati, eti, -turn, to pass over ; to be added as a surplus. VedSrfgas, and is therefore inferior to the AiSrya
•turn, to tell a story, narrate ; to relate or give an who instructs in the whole Veda with the Kalpa and
customs of, m.
; disorderly neglect or disobedience of Upanishads (see Manu II. 141) ; a spiritual teacher,
account about anything (with ace.); to observe (?).
a teacher in general ; (a), S. a female preceptor ; (t),
Upa-kliya, as, a, am, observable by the eyes ; [cf. upd-dd (upa-d-dd), cl. 3. A. -datte, f. a female teacher or the wife of a teacher.
tfr-upamya] ; (as), m., N. of a man. diitam, to receive, accept; to gain, acquire; to
Vpakliyana, (upa-akh°), am, n. a tale, a short Upadhydydni, f. the wife of a teacher.
narrative, an episode ; telling or repetition of a story ake, appropriate to one's self; to take away or off,
carry off, steal ; to seize, lay hold of, gather ; to draw 3Mi«i« vpdnasa, as, d, am (fr. upa and
already heard from another.
ka, am, n. a short tale. water) ; to assume a form; to feel, perceive, consider, anas), Ved. being on a carriage ; (am), n. the space
in a carriage ; carriage-load ; anything placed on a
egard; to take in addition, include, comprise; to carriage.
:mploy, apply, use ; to undertake, begin ; to men-
-gantunt, to go near or towards, to approach, visit ; ion, enumerate : Caus. -ddpayati, -yitum, to cause <JHII^ upd-nah, t, f. (rt. nah), a sandal, a
to return ; to pass into any condition or relation ; to o employ or apply; to make use of: Desid. P.
flitsati, to strive to obtain. shoe. — ITpdnad-yud/ia, ax, d, am, covered with
undergo, suffer, endure ; to occur, to come or fall to a shoe.
one's share. Upd-tta, riv, d, am, received, accepted, acquired,
gained, obtained ; appropriated ; taken away ; seized, upd-nl (upa-d-), cl. I. P. A. -nayati,
f'pd-gata, 't*, a, am, approached, arrived ; occurred, -te, -neturn, to lead or carry or bring near or
happened ; promised : suffering, feeling. jathered ; shaped ; felt, perceived, regarded ; com-
Hpi-gama, as, m. approach, arrival ; occurrence ; rised ; employed, used ; begun; enumerated ; allowed towards ; lead away, carry off; to initiate, conse-
promise, agreement ; the state of suffering, feeling. n argument, granted, conceded ; (a*), m. an elephant
ut of rut. — Vpdtta-ranhas, as, as, as, acquiring crate [cf.
; upa-ni.~\
Ijpa-ijamya or upd-gali/a, ind. having approached, iipdnuvdkya (upa-an°), as, a,
having gone near or towards. peed, quick, Heet. - l;patta-x(ii<tm, ri«, a, am, am, Ved. an epithet of Agni ; (am), n., N. of a
aking up arms, armed.
section of the Taittiriya-Samhita.
upd-gd (upa-d-gd), cl. 3. P. -jigdti, Upd-ddna, am, n. taking, acquiring, taking away,
-<iatum, to come near, approach, come to. bduction, appropriating to one's self, accepting, em- ami! updnta (vpa-an°), am, n. proximity
loyment, using, becoming familiar with; mentioning, to the edge or margin, border, edge; the angle of
updgni (upa-agni), ind. near a fire. numeration ; saying, speaking ; including, containing ; the eye ; immediate proximity ; the last letter but
updgra (upa-ag°), am, n. the part bstraction, withdrawing the organs of sense and per- one ; (as, d, am), near to the end, last but one ;
which is next to the end or top; a secondary member. •eption from the outer world ; cause, motive ; imme- near. — Updnta-saTpin, ?, ini, i, coming near.
172 vpantika. T«frT upeta.
Updntita, at, i, am, near, proximate, neighbour- to cherish, behave friendly towards ; to encourage t. updtana, am, a. sitting by the side of; being
ing ;(am), n. proximity. (with dat. or ace.). intent on, engaging in, serving, service, attendance,
worship, respect, adoration; regarding as, reflecting
I'pdntya, as, d, am, last but one ; (im), m. the Vpdr'i, is, is, i, Ved. encouraging ; attractive. on, religious meditation ; the sacred fire ; (a), f. ser-
coniet of the eye; (am), n. vicinity.
•3Mi<n>5 updva-ruh (upa-ava-), cl. I. P. vice, worship, adoration. "Updtandrtha (°na-ar°),
Hv updp (upa-dp), cl. 5. P. -dpnoti. •ro/tati, -rodhum, to descend towards. at, d, am, worthy of attendance.
n, to reach, to arrive at : Desid. upepsati, to
wish to reach, to desire to win over or conciliate. 3Ml^H«i upd-nartana. See under i. upa- of Updfaniya,
attendance. as, d, am, to be attended on, worthy
vrit below. worship.
Updpa in dur-updpa, at, d, am, difficult to be Updsd, (. religious reflection or meditation ; service,
aMl^tiMMl^ updva-sdyin, I, ini, i (fr. rt.
Updptt, it, f. reaching, obtaining. *<> with upa-ava), Ved. submissive, compliant, obey- Updsita, as, d, am, served, honoured, worshipped ;
Upepsd, f. desire to obtain. ing, accommodating. serving, paying worship or service.
3l|IUt) upd-pradh (upa-d-), cl. 6. P. -pric- ^JllfW upd-vasu, MS, ns, n, Ved. bringing Updsitavya, as, a, am, to be served or worshipped ;
thatt, -prashtum, to take leave of. to be attended to, to be accomplished ; to be regarded
riches, granting wealth. or considered.
TTPjfrT upd-bhriti, is, f. (fr. rt. bhri with aMl^S updva-hri (upa-ava-), cl. I. P. A. Upaiitri, td, tri, tri, a worshipper.
upa-d), Ved. act of bringing near. Updiina, as, d, am, sitting near to, occupying.
-harati,'-te, -hartum, to bring or lead down towards.
Updra-harana, am, n. taking down, bringing
down. Updstt, is, (. service, especially of a deity, worship,
taken leave, having received permission to go.
Vim updya. See under i . upe yd. col. i . nfidaya, as, d, am, to be served or worshipped ;
3Mi<|f^ i. upd-vrit (upa-d-), cl. i. A. -var- to be attended to or accomplished ; to be respected ;
TTTTT«pa-ya (upa-a-), cl. 2. P. -yati, -turn, tate, -titum, to rum towards, go towards, approach ; to be regarded or considered. — Updfya-td, f. or
to approach, arrive at to turn away, return : Caus. P. -vartayati, -'/Hum, updsya-tva, am, n. respectability, placability.
to cause to turn, lead back.
Upd-ydta, as, a, am, approached ; (am), n. arrival ; 1. updsya, ind. having served or worshipped ; hav-
an event, an accident. Vpd-vartana, am, n. turning round, revolving; ing associated (?).
turning back, returning ; approaching ; ceasing.
JJMI^ updr (upa-ri), cl. 3. P., Ved. upe- •2. upd-vrit, t, (., Ved. return. Updsyamdna, as, d, am, being served, waited
yarti, updrtum, -ritum or -ritum, to offend against, upon, attended, worshipped, receiving homage.
make a mistake ; to injure : Caus. P. updrpayati, theI'/iii-crittit, as, d, am, turned round, rolling on
ground; ceased, ceasing, refraining; come, ar-
-yitum, to bring near. rived fit,
; proper ; (as), m. a horse rolling on the SMUI^T upd-sanga, as, m. (rt. son;'), prox-
Updra, ae, m. or updrana, am, n., Ved. a mis- ground; (as), m. pi., N. of a people, imity ;a quiver.
take, offence, sin. <JMlw«lf1 updstamana, am, n. sunset.
3MIM vpdve (upa-ava-i), cl. 2. P., Ved.
«m*.«ix«/)a-raw (upa-a-), cl. i. A. -ramate, -raid, -turn, to go down, descend (into a bath &c.) ; to Updstamayam (upa-as°), ind. about the time of
to cease ; toto rest. sport, take one's pleasure, delight in ; join in(singing &c.); to assent, show one's self willing.
Upd-rata, as, d, am, delighted ; engaged in, occu- j*ti<l'^ updveksh (upa-aca-iksh), cl. i. A. or 3minor
weapon. a secondary
pied with ; frequenting, resorting to. -ehatc, -shitum, to look at, look down at.
Upd-rama, as, m. engaging in, going to or in. 34i«<i«J upd-vyddha, as, m. (rt. vyudh), m*?Hlu]>a-sthd (upa-d-), cl. I. P. A. -tish-
Ved. a vulnerable or unprotected spot. thati, -te, -sthdtnm, to stand near, go near to, have
TTTCT^M/w-radA (upa-a-), cl. 5. P. -radh- intercourse with.
noti, -rdddhum, to serve, wait upon. ^TTsr i. upas (upa-as), cl. 5. P. A. -snoti,
TJpd-radhya, ind. having served, having waited on. -irmte, -ititum, to obtain, become master of. o M 15 upd-hri (upa-d-), cl. I. P. A. -hnrati,
-te, -hartum, to offer ; to make, prepare.
3Mitjr<J upd-rud (upa-a-), cl. 2. P. -roditi, 3MI3^2. upas (upa-a6), cl. 9. P. -sndti,
-rodltum, to weep, deplore. -iiituin, to eat, consume ; to taste, enjoy. Upahdra of (upa-dh°),
(consisting as, m. &c.).
fruits, sweetmeats, slight refreshment
»MI^5 upii-ruh, k, f. (rt. ruh with upa ^i^|««flM upd-sansaniya, as, d, am, to be Upd-hrita, as, d, am, offered, prepared ; seized.
and a), Ved. the shoot of a plant. expected (as anything future). 3MI<*> upd-hve (upa-a-), cl. I. P. A. -hva-
Upd-rudha, at, d, am, grown, increased. — Vpa- yati, -te, -hvdtum, to challenge, invite.
rudha-sneha, at, d, am, whose affection has in- V4l\vtupd-sri(upa-d-),c\. I. P. A. -srayati,
creased. -te, -trayitum, to have recourse to. M i. upe (npa-i), cl. 2. P. upaiti, -turn,
Upa-fraya, as, m. recourse (for aid), asylum, sup- to go near, approach (as a friend or enemy) ; come
a s I »J updrj (upa-arj), cl. I. P. updrjati, port ;reliance, dependance upon. near to, arrive at, reach; to go to (a master), become
-jitum, to bring near to : Caus. updrjayati, -yitum, Upd-frita, as, d, am, relying or depending upon ;
to cause to bring near, convey near, acquire, gain. supporting (literally or figuratively), bearing, holding,
to ;;toto pass
undergo, perform,
into any state, undertake,
to fall into devote one's
Updrjaica, as, ika, am, acquiring, obtaining, earn- protecting.
ing, gaining. &c.), ;incur,
share be ;present
to befal at ; as,
to regard to obtain
admit, ;acknowledge.
to fall to one's
' /»irjana, am, n. bringing near to, acquiring. Hi«is i. upas (upa-as), cl. 2. P., Ved. / i>aija, as, m. approaching, approach ; that by
Updrjaiuya, as, d, am, to be acquired, to be upasti, to be near to or in. which one reaches an aim, a means, an expedient, a
TTPRS2. upas (upa-as), cl. 4. P. updsyati, way, stratagem ; a means of success against an enemy
Updrjita, ai, d, am, gained, acquired, earned. [four of which are usually enumerated, sowing dissen-
Mum, to throw near or upon or among, cast down
sion, negotiation, bribery, and open attack) ; joining
little worth. updrtha (upa-ar°), as, a, am, of I. updeana, am, n. injuring, hurting ; archery. 'in singing &cc.).~Upaya-(atushtaya, am, n. the
upon. bur expedients against an enemy ; see above. — Upa-
TTT& upardh (upa-ridh), Desid. P. upert- »m«x3. upas (upa-ds), cl. 2. A. updste, ya-fintd, f. devising an expedient, thinking of a re-
iati, to wish to accomplish, persevere, hold out. -titum, 10 sit near to (with ace.), sit at the side of source. —fpiya-jna, as, a, am, fertile in expedients,
w\\updrsh (upa-rish), cl. 6. P. uparshati, 'as a mark of submission and respect); to sit; to contriving, provident. — Updya-tas, ind. by some
occupy, reside, abide in, be present at ; to approach, means or expedient. — Vpdya-tu,rtya,as, m. a fourth
-fhitum, to pierce, prick, goad.
50 towards, invest (as an enemy's town) ; be intent means, punishment. — / 'pdya-tva, am, n. state of
v vpd-labh (upa-a-), cl. i. A. -la- upon, be engaged in ; to undergo, suffer ; to remain >eing provided with means. — Updya-yoga, fts, m.
bhatt, -labdhum to obtain ; to censure, revile, abuse, or continue in any action (with indecl. part., e. g. application of means or combination of expedients.
'critrd upasata, they continued doing) ; to remain — / ftat/dntard (°ya-an°), am, n. a remedy.
l'/ia-l(ihdha, as, d, am, reproached, reviled. n expectation, expect, wait for ; to approach respect- I '/>iii/ana, am, n. approaching, going near to, going
Upd-labhya, a», d, am, censurable, blamable. :o a teacher, becoming a pupil, engaging in any re-
ully, to serve, worship, honour ; attach one's self to ;
Lpa-lambha, at, m. or upd-lamlharut, am, n. to respect, recognize, acknowledge ; to regard as ; to igious observance ; undertaking, accepting : a present,
abuse, reviling, censure ; deferring, delaying. employ, make subservient. a gift, a complementary or respectful gift.
Upd-lambhya, as, d, am, Ved. to be taken in Updsaka, OK, ikd, am, serving, a servant ; a Sfa-
addition. I'pdyika, us, i, am, conducive to.
dra, a low fellow ; worshipping, a worshipper, a fol-
Updyin, i, ini, i, approaching ; having sexual in-
upali, is, m., N. of a man who ower ; (with Buddhists) a worshipper of Buddha (as ercourse with ; expert in the use of means.
arranged the Buddhist Vinaya. distinguished from the Bhtkshu or Buddhist priest).
I 'pdyn, us, us, u, Ved. going near to, approaching.
— Updaaka-daia, as, in. pi. title of the seventh Upeta, as, d, am, come near, approached, arrived
(upa-av), cl. I. P. -vati, -vitum, of the twelve sacred books of the Jainas. at, come near to, present, existent ; accompanied by,
umbl. 173
endowed with, possessed of, having, possessing ; sur- upot-thita, as, a, am (rt. stha], Ubhaya, as, i, am, (pi. m. f. n. e, as, dni, only
rounded, invested ; fallen into. risen up. used in sing, and pi,, but by some authorities also in
Upeti, is, (., Ved. approach, arrival. dual), both. — Ubhaya-guna, as, d, am, possessed
Upetri, td, tn, tri, approaching, going near to ; Ttf^ upod (upa-ud), cl. 7. P. uponatti, of both qualities. — Ubhayan-kara, as, d, am, Ved.
contriving, a contriver, one who employs expedients, uponditum, to moisten. effecting or accomplishing both. — Ubhaya-<!ara,
one who comes as an assailant.
^HI^^I upodaka (upa-ud°), as, d, am, near as, d, am, ' moving in or on both,' living in water
Upetya, ind. having approached, having gone near. to water ; (akt or ikd), f. the plant Basella Cordifolia. and on land or in the air, amphibious. — Ubhaya-
Upeya, as, a, am, to be gone to or approached, dyus, ind., Ved. on both days, on two subsequent days ;
to be effected by any means ; assailable ; to be sought,
to be had recourse to. the3Ht(^<4*ix upodayam (upa-ud°), ind. about
time of sunrise. the day past and to come. — Ubhaya-bMga-hara,
as, d, am, applicable to two purposes, taking two
Upeyivas, an, yuslii, at, accompanied or followed shares or parts ; (am), n. a medicine that acts in two
by, associated with, united ; obtained, got. «"«ui^ upod-i (upd-ud-i), cl. 2. P. -eti, -turn ways, as an emetic and a purge. — Ubhaya-vat, an,
to approach.
ati, at, Ved. furnished with or containing both.
7^ 2. upe (upa-d-i), cl. 2. P. upaiti, -turn,
3MI<{|<*| upodikd, f. the plant Basella — Ubhaya-vidyd, f. the twofold science, i. e. religious
to come near to, go to, approach, visit ; to have Cordifolia. See upodikd. knowledge and acquaintance with worldly affairs.
sexual intercourse with ; to undergo, incur, fall into
(misfortune Sec.). — Ubhaya-^vidha. as, d, am, appearing under two
T^n^ upode (upa-ud-d-i), cl. 2. P. -aiti,
forms. — Ubhaya-vipuld, (., N. of a metre. — Ubha-
-turn, to go up towards, go up to,
"^falupeksh (upa-lksh),c\. i. A. upekshate, ya-vetana, as, d, am, serving two masters, receiving
-shitum, to look at, regard ; to perceive ; to notice, •S»ng¥ upod-grah (upa-ud-grah), cl. 9. P. A. wages from both. — Ubhaya-vyanjana, as, d, am,
have regard to ; to consider, expect ; to overlook, -grihndti,-nite (Ved. -gribhnati,-nite),-grahitum, having the marks of both sexes. — Ubhaya-sambhava,
disregard ; to neglect, to quit, abandon ; to despise. to erect, set up. as, m. a dilemma. — Ubhaydtmaka Cya-df), as, d,
Upeksha, as, m., N. of a son of SVaphalka. am, belonging to both. — Ubhayanumata Cya-an"),
3 ^Tl § i n upod-ghdta, as, m. (fr. rt. han with as, d, am, agreed to or accepted mutually or on both
Upekshaka, as, a, am, disregarding, neglecting,
looking at inattentively, disdaining ; patient, enduring. upa-ud}, an example, an apposite argument or illus-
tration ;analysis, the ascertainment of the elements o!
sides. — Ubhaydrtham (°ya-ar°), ind. for a double
object, as for prosperity on earth and happiness in
Upekshana, am, n. overlooking, looking at without anything ; a beginning, a thing begun ; an introduc- heaven.
interest or attention, disregarding, neglecting, disdain- tion, a preface. — Upodghdta-pdda, as, m., N. ol Ubhayalas, ind. from both sides, on both sides, to
ing; leaving, abandoning. the third part of the Vavu-purana. both sides ; in both cases. — Ubhayatah-kshnut, t, t, t,
Upekshanlya, as, a, am, to be neglected or dis- Ved. two-edged. — Ubhayalo-dat, an, ati, at, having
regarded. ^MISWM upodbalaya (fr. upa-udbala),
nom. P. -balayati, -yitum, to confirm. a double row of teeth (man, animal, &c.). — Ubhayato-
Upekshd, f. overlooking, negligence, neglect ; in- Upodbalaka, as, d, am, confirming. mukha, as, I, am, looking either way, two-faced.
difference, contempt, disdain ; abandoning, leaving ; — Ubhayato-hrasva, as, d, am, having a short
endurance, patience ; dissent ; trick, deceit (as one of 3 MI niq 31^ upopa-vis (upa-upa-vis),cl.6. P. vowel on both sides, (an accented vowel) produced
the minor expedients in war) ; regard. -vidati, -veshtum, to sit down near, to take a seat by two short vowels.
Upekshita, as, a, am, disregarded, disesteemed, Ubhayatra, ind. in both places, on both sides ; in
neglected, disdained.
t uposh (upa-ush), cl. i. P. -oshati, both cases, both times. — Ubhayatroddtta (°ra-ud°),
Upekfhitavya, as, a, am, to be looked at, to be as, d, am, having an Udatta accent on both sides ;
regarded, to be examined ; to be disregarded. -shitum, to burn down, burn. resulting from the blending of two Udatta accents.
Upekshya, as, a, am, to be regarded or examined ; aMlmu uposhana, am, n. (fr. rt. i. vas Ubhayathd, ind. in both ways ; in both cases.
to be disregarded or neglected. with upa), a fast, fasting. Ubhaya, >nd., Ved. in both ways. — UT>hayd-dat,
Uposhita, as, d, am, fasted ; (am), n. fasting. an,ati,at,Ved. having teeth on both sides. — Ubhayd-
•3M»^ upen (upa-in), cl. 8. P. upenoti (cl. 6. vin, i, ini, i, Ved. being on both sides, partaking of
P. fr. inv, upenvati), to press in, force in. Uposhya, ind. having fasted.
both. — Ubhayd-hasti, ind., Ved. as much as may be
Upenita, as, a, am, driven or pressed in, turned in. 4 MimJ uposhadha, as,m., N. of a Brahman. grasped with both hands. — Ubhayd-hastya, as, d,
am, Ved. filling both hands.
3M»5 upendra, as, m. (fr. upa-in°), N. of ^ MIS upoh (upa-uh ; in some of its senses
Vishnu or Krishna as the younger brother of Indra, connected with upa-vah), cl. I. P. upohati, -httum, Ubhaylya, as, d, am, belonging to both.
(bom subsequently to Indra, especially as son of to push or impel towards ; to push under, insert ; to Ubhaye-dyus, ind. on both days, on two subse-
Aditi, either as an Aditya or in the Vamana AvatSr) ; bring near, produce ; to accumulate : Pass, upohyate, quent days.
N. of a king of the NSgas ; (a), f., N. of a river. to be brought about, to advance, begin. 7*Tv am, ind. an interjection of anger, in-
— Upendra-datla, as, m., N. of a man. — Upendra- 2. upodhd, as, d, am, brought near, brought about, cation. terrogation, promise or assent, of cordiality or pacifi-
bala, as, m., N. of a man. — Upendra-vajrd, f. a advanced, commenced.
metre of four lines of eleven syllables each. Upoha, as, m., Ved. adding? accumulating. JT uma, as, m. a city, a town ; a wharf,
antti upepsa. See under updp. Upohyamdna, as, a, am, being brought about or a landing-place.
3M«*x i. upesh (upa-ish), cl. i. A., Ved. '3TTT umd, f. (in the first sense perhaps fr.
npeshate, -shitum, to attack. TR upta, as, d, am (past pass. part, of rt.
vap), sown (as seed). — Upta-krishta, as, d, am, rt. ve), flax (Linum Usitatissimum) ; the plant Cur-
cuma ;N. of the daughter of Himavat and Mena,
TM^ 2. upesh (upa-d-'ish), cl. i. A., Ved. ploughed after sowing.
upeshate, -shitum, to approach with a request &c., Upti, is, f. sowing seeds. — Upti-vid, t, m. an and wife of Rudra or S'iva (she is also called Parvatl
to request. and Durga); light, splendor; fame, reputation;
agriculturist. quiet, tranquillity; night. According to the Kum5ra-
Uptrima, as, d, am, sown, cultivated. sambhava I. 26, the name Umd is derived from u md,
3H««N3. upesh (upa-esh), cl. i. P. upeshati,
-shitum, to creep near, approach. Upya, as, d, am, to be scattered or sown. O do not (practice austerities) ! the exclamation ad-
Upyamdna, as, d, am, being sown. dressed toParvatl by her mother. — Umd-kata, as
7*n?J upoksh (upa-uksh),cl.6. P. upokshati, or am, m. or n. the pollen of flax. — Umd-yuru, us,
-shitum, to sprinkle in addition. ^jnl ubj, cl. 6. P. ubjati, ubjdn-dakara, m., N. of the mountain Himalaya as father of Uma.
^ubjishyati, aubjit, ubjitum, to press — Uindguru-nadi, (., N. of a river. — Umd-^pati,
T^fS i. upodha, as, d, am (fr. upa-vah), down, subdue, keep under; to make straight: Desid.
brought near ; brought about, advanced, begun ; ar- is, m. epithet of S'iva as husband of Uma. — Umd-
ubjijithaU. oati-dhara, as, m., N. of a poet. — Yy Umdpati-sevin,
ranged, arrayed ; near, proximate ; married. Ubja, a», m., N. of a man.
f, ini, i, worshipping S'iva. — Umd-vana, am, n.(
2. upodha. See upoh next col. Ubjita, as, d, am, pressed down, subdued. V. of the town Vana-pura or Devl-kota (Devi Cote).

^jj \ubhati
ubh or orumbh, cl. 6. 9. 7. P., Ved. — Umd-sahdya,
Uma. — Umd-suta,as,as,m.,m.,N. N.of of
as companion of
as son
upofi, f. the pot-herb Basella Rubra
or Lucida. See upodikd.
umbhati, ubhndti, unapti,
impf. aunap, uvobha or umbhdn-dakdra, ubhilum ofordUrni. — Umefa (umd-is'a), as, m., N. of S'iva as
of Uma.
<J4lrfl>*^ upot-kram (upa-ud-kram), cl. I. or umbhitmn, to compact together ; to confine ; to
and 4. P. -krdmali, -krdmyati, -kramitum, to go cover over, fill with ; (Say.) to break. Umya, am, n. a field of linseed or of Curcuma.
up towards, rise upwards, ascend. TW ubha, pron. (nom. du. ubhau, pi. ubhe; TfJT umbara, as, m. the upper timber of
said to be fr. rt. ubh above, and connected with a door frame ; N. of a Gandharva.
»Hl««»i upottama (upa-utt°), as, a, am, last
but one ; (am), n. (scil. aksharam) the last vowel Gr. &n<pw, Lat. ambo; Slav, oba; Lith. abbu; rc-ft umbi, f. the stalks of wheat or barley
but one. Goth, bai, ba), both. ried over a fire of wet grass, considered as a tonic.

174 umbura. urvari.
umbnra, as, m. the upper timber of am), n. (at the end of compounds) best, most ex- lignant spirit, an imp or goblin. — Vru-vyant, an,
cellent. wr&fi, ail-, Ved. extending far ; far-reaching, capacious ;
a door frame ; [cf. umbara.] serceived in a distant place (as a sound); containing
Urasila, as, a, am, broad-chested, having a full
4|ftal umloia, f., N. of an Apsaras. or broad breast. wide spaces. — Uru-vraja, as, a, am, Ved. having a
wide domain or territory. — Vru-iansa, as, d, am,
3T. ur, to go ; (a Sautra root, i. e. one i . urasya, nom. P. uratyali, -yitum, to be strong. Ved. praising aloud ; (Say.) to be praised by many;
occurring only in grammatical Sfltras and not in the a. urasya, as, a, am, situated in the breast ; pec- reigning over a wide territory; (Siy.) praised by
Dhatu-pitha.) oral ; (labour or exertion) requiring an effort of the many ; epithet of Varuna, POshan, the Adityas, In-
chest ; legitimate (as a son or daughter) ; one born dra, and Soma. » Um-farman, d, d, a, Ved. finding
Tt ara, as, m., N. of a Rishi said to be of rom a married couple of the same tribe or caste ; refuge everywhere throughout the universe, widely
the family of Vita. excellent (i.e. the very heart, the breast or best part). pervading. — Uru-shd, as, as, am (rt. tan), Ved.
granting wide space or free scope ; (Say.) granting
fT3i uraka, as, m., N. of one of Siva's "TO ura, f. (fr. rt. vri?), Ved. a ewe. much. — Uru-sattva, as, d, am, magnanimous, of a
-Ura-mathi, w, it, i, Ved. killing' sheep. »enerous or noble nature. — Uru-srana, as, d, am,
T*7T vra-ga, as, m. (ft. ura = uras and TTT? uraha, as, m. a horse of a pale colour stentorian. — Uru-hdra, as, m. a valuable necklace.
with dark legs ; (probably a foreign word.) •• Uru-nasa, as, d, am, Ved. broad-nosed, having a
rt. gam), a snake ('going on the breast'); in
mythology a N5ga or semi-divine serpent usually re- Ttf art, ind. (cf. urari, urari, url), a particle
»ood scent (as a hound). — Un-anga, as, m. a
presented with a human face of great beauty ; lead ; mountain; the ocean. — Urv-ajra, as, m.,Ved. an
(i), f. a female snake ; (a), f. , N. of a town. - Vraga- implying (especially in composition with the roots extensive field.
pratitara, at, a, am, having a serpent for a wedding at, bhu, and kri) promise, assent, admission, ex- Uruvu, us, m. or urumika, as, m. or uruvuka,
tension, diffusion, &c.
ring. — Uraga-bhushana, a», m. an epithet of Siva, as, am, m. n. the plant Ricinus Communis.
whose ornaments consist of snakes. — Vraga-rdja, Uri-iri, to promise, allow, admit, assent. — Url- Urtwhya, nom. P., Ved. urushyati, to desire wide
as, m. the king of snakes, Sesha or Vasuki. — Uraga- ara, as, m. promise, admission, extension. — Uri- scope or freedom, to escape from (with ace.) ; to protect,
sara-fandana, at, am, m. n. a kind of sandal-wood. krita, as, a, am, promised, extended, spread. preserve, secure, defend from (with abl.), to avert.
— Uraga-sthdna, am, n. the abode of the Nagas, ^ «ru, us, us or m, u (fr. rt. vri, to cover), Uruthyd, {., Ved. (only in inst.) with protecting
i. e. Pitala, a region below the earth (not to be con- wide, spacious; extended, great, large ; much,excessive; hands ; (Say.) with desire to protect.
founded with hell). — Uragdri (°</a-ar<),<«,m.Garuda, excellent, precious, valuable ; (u), n., Ved. wide space, Urushyu, us, us, u, Ved. going to a distant place ;
the bird of Vishnu ; a large crane ; (lit. ' the enemy of space, room ; uru kri, to grant space or scope, give
(Say.) desiring to protect.
Vrula,as,a,am, liking space ; fond of expatiating;
the snakes.') - Uragdiana (°ga-af), as, m., N. of opportunity ; (u), ind. far, far off; (in), f. the wide
' Oaruda ; a gigantic crane ; (' whose food consists of earth, see itrvt next col. ; comparative variyas, super- free, unrestrained, disobedient.
serpents.')- Vragatya (°ga-ds°), am, n. a kind of Urviyd, ind., Ved. far, far off, far and near, widely.
spade. — Uragendra (°ga-in°), as, m. the king of lative varishtJia; [cf. Gr. (vpvs ; Hib. ur, ' Ttry ;' Una, (. the wide earth, the earth, the soil ; space.
the snakes, Sesha or Vasuki. ur-ard, ' very high ;' uras, ' power, ability.']— Uru- the .open space or great expanse comprising the six
kdla or urukdlaka, as, m. the creeper Cucumis
Uran-ga and uran-gama, as, m. a snake. Colocynthis. - Uru-krit, t, t, t, Ved. making room, spaces, viz. the four quarters of the sky with the upper
34.4U urana, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. 4. rt), granting space. — Uru-krama, as, a, am, Ved. far- and lower spaces ; a river ; (vl), du., Ved. the two
worlds, or heaven and earth. — Urm-dhara, as, m.
a ram, a sheep, a young ram ; a certain demon slain itepping, making wide strides ; of high rank ; (as),
m. an epithet of Vishnu. — Uru-Teehaya, as, m.,Ved. a mountain ; the serpent ?esha. ~ Urvi-pati, is, m.
by Indra; a cloud?; (i), f. a ewe. — Urandksha.
a spacious dwelling, a wide habitation ; (as, a, am), a king. — Pro-Writ, '• m' a mountain.' — Urin-
(°na-ai°) or uranakshaka, as, m. the plant Cassia
Alata or Tora. — Urandkhya (°na-dkh°) or urana- occupying spacious dwellings, an epithet of Mitra and ruha, as, m. a tree, ' growing on the earth.' —
Varuna and the Maruts ; (as), m., N. of a prince. ("vJ-irfa), (M, m. a king.
khyaka, as, m. the plant Tora.
Uru-kshiti, is, f., Ved. a spacious or comfortable Uroyd, f. protection, security.
I'ranaka, as, m. a ram ; a cloud.
dwelling. — Uru-Tcshepa, as, m., N. of a prince. Urvy-uti, is, is, i (fr. urciya-uti ?), Ved. able to
Td urabhra, as, m. (fr. ura = unio and — Um-gavyuti, is, is, i, Ved. having a wide domain help or defend far and near ; (SSy.) granting extensive
rt. bhri ?), a ram ; a kind of poisonous insect. or territory. — Uru-gdya, at, a, am (gdya fr. rt. go),
ax,0 urarl, ind. (perhaps connected with Ved. far-going, far-striding ; an epithet of Vishnu, protection. 44\'l|j urunda, as, m., X. of a demon;
the Asvins, Soma, and Indra ; offering wide space or
ttru ; cf. urt, ten, urari), a particle implying assent, scope for movement ; (SSy.) praised by the great ;
admission, extension, expansion, diffusion ; often com- (o«), m. an epithet of Vishnu; (am), n. wide space, also of a man.
pounded with the roots as, bhu, and Jcrt. .j4jtf ararl, ind. a particle of assent and
scope for movement or free and unconfined motion. admission. See urari.
Urari-kri, to allow, admit, assent. — Urari-kdra, — Urugdya-vat, an, ati, at, offering ample space
as, m. a promise, agreement; admission. — Urart- iiriika, as, m. an owl ; [cf. uKka.]
for motion, unconfined, — Uru-guld (?), f., Ved., N.
krita, as, a, am, promised, agreed; spread, ex- of a snake. — Uru-dakra, as, a, am, Ved. having uru6l. See vru-vyant under uru.
tended, diffused. wide wheels. — Uru-dakrt, is, is, i, Ved. allowing
urjita, as, a, am (fr. rt. vrij), aban-
"3T5I urasa, as, m., N. of a country in- unrestrained motion; (Say.) granting ample assist-
habited bya warrior-tribe; (a), f., N. of a town; ance. —Uru-takihas, as, as, as, Ved. far-seeing ;
also urasa. epithet of Mitra -Varuna and of the Adityas. — lira- doned, left.
jman, d, d, a, Ved. having a wide path or range. urjihand, f., N. of a town.
TH^uras, n. (fr. rt. vri, to cover; cf. uru), jirna-nabha, as, m. a spider; [cf.
— Vru-jrayas, at, as, ae, or uru-jri, is, if, i, Ved.
the breast, the bosom ; (as, as, as), best, excellent ; moving in a wide course, extending over a wide space ;
iirati kri, to press any one to one's breast ; to assent. (Say.) of great impetuosity, of mighty impetus ; epi-
thet of Agni and of Indra. — Uru~tama, as, d, am, urna-ndbha."] •35§T tirna, f. wool, felt, the hair of camels
— l'rah-kiliata,am, n. injury to the chest, breaking
a blood-vessel in the chest, consumption. — Urah- widest, greatest. — Uru-tara, at, a, am, wider, &c. ; a circle of hair between the eyebrows. See?<r»io.
siitrikd, f. a pearl necklace hanging over the breast. greater, larger. — Uru-td, (., Ved. wideness ; opening. ij j urd, cl. i. A. vrdate, urdan-dakre,
— Urah-sthala, am, n. the breast, the bosom. — Uru-tdpa, as, m. great heat. — Uru-tra, am, n. =?• iiriHshyate, aurdishta, urditum, to mea-
— UTaf-ikada, as, m. a cuirass, breastplate, armour, magnitude, vastness. — Uru-dhdra, as, d, am, Ved.
mail. — Vrasi-ja or urasl-ruha, as, m. the female giving a broad stream (of milk, as a cow). — Uru- sure ;to play ; to be easy or cheerful.

breast (lit. ' produced on the chest'). — I'roii-loman, pratkas, as, as, as, Ved. wide-spreading, widely ex- Tj iirdra, as, m. an otter. See udra.
a, a, a, having hairs on the breast. — Uras-kata, as tended, far-spread. — Uru-bila, as, t, am, Ved. having i j «r!?, cl. i. P. iirvati, unart-takara,
m. the sacrificial thread hung round the neck anc a wide opening. — Vrubja (uru-ubja .*), as, a, am, ^ ftrvitum, to kill or hurt.
opon the breast, as sometimes worn. — 1 Iras-tat, ind Ved. widely opened ; (Say.) excellent, pre-eminent.
from the breast, in the direction of the breast. — Uras- 3% nrva, as, m., X. of a man.
— Uru-mdrga, as, m. a long road. — Uru-munda,
trdna, am, n. a breastplate, cuirass, coat of mail as, m., N.of a mountain. — Uru-yuga, as, d, am, Ved. urvata, as, m. a year.
— I 'rat-vat, an, ati, at, broad-chested, full-breasted furnished with a broad yoke. — Uru-loka, at, d, am,
Ved. containing wide space, widely extended ; (Say.) vrrara, f., Ved. fertile soil, yielding
strong. — Uro-gamin, t, fni, i, going on the breas
(as a reptile), creeping, crawling. — J'ro-graha, as widely illuminating. — J'ru-rikrama, as, d, am, every kind of crop, field sown with com ; land in
m. disease of valiant, mighty. — Vru-rindu, us, m., N. of a Fla- general ; a mixed mass of fibres, wool, &c. ; jocular
m. striding or the.chest,
beating thepleurisy.
breast ; -pain
J 'ro-'ufidtn , at
in the chest
mingo (in the Hari-vansa, whose condition was thai term for curled hairs; N. of an Apsaras. — Urvara-
— Vro-ja, as, m. the female breast (lit. ' bom on the of a hunter in a former birth). — Uru-vilva, f., N. of jit, t, t, t, Ved. acquiring fields. — Vrcard-pati,
chest'). — I'ro-lirihati, (., N. of a metre. - (>o a village. •• UruvUva-kalpa, N. of a place. — frit is, m., Ved. master of the fields sown with com.
bliuthana, am, n. an ornament of the breast. — Urrara-sa, as, as, am, Ved. granting fields.
ryafas, as, as, as, Ved. occupying wide space,
I'rata. at, a, am, having a strong broad breast widely extending, widely capacious ; (as), m. a ma J'rrarl, (., Ved. tow, fibres drawn out of the distaff.
usij. 175
Vnarya, as, d, am, Ved. belonging to a field i m, (, a torch-bearer. — Ulkd-pdta, as, m. the (all Ul-ldsana, as, d, am, causing to leap or dance ;
which U sown with corn. of a meteor. — Ulkd-mdlin, i, m., N. of one of Suva's
urvasi, f. (ft. uru-vasl), Ved. wish, attendants. — I'lkd-muk/ta, as, m. a demon or Ul-lasita,
(am), n. splendor. as, d, am, delighted, overjoyed, re-
goblin (with a face or mouth of fire who eats what is joicing.
ardour, hot desire ; N. of an Apsaras or nymph of vomited, having been a negligent Brahman in his
Indra's heaven, who became the wife of Pururavas ; lifetime) ; N. of a descendant of Ikshvaku ; (I), f. 3=im ullagha, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt.
she is also identified with the Gan-gJ. — Unadi- a fox. lagh; in some of its senses perhaps related to
ndma-mald, (., N. of a glossary of synonymous Ulkushl, f. a fiery phenomenon in the sky, a laghu), recovered from sickness, convalescent ; dex-
words by an anonymous author. — Urvafi-mmana, meteor; firebrand. — Ulkushi-mat, an, atl, o<,Ved. trous, clever, intelligent; pure; happy, delighted;
as, m. epithet of Aila or PurOravas, the second king accompanied by fiery phenomena. wicked; black.
of the lunar race and the husband of the Apsaras Ulmuka, am, n. a firebrand, wood burning or <jcim ul-lapa, as, m. (fr. rt. lap with ad),
Urvali. — Urvasi-vallabka or nnafi-sahdya, as, burnt as charcoal ; N. of a son of Bala-rama. calling out in a loud voice ; change of voice in grief,
m. epithet of Purfiravas ; see the preceding. TJlmukya, as, d, am, belonging to or connected sickness, &c.
J<4I^ urvaru, us, m. a kindtof cucumber, with a firebrand. Ulldpika, as, d, am, betraying, indicating.
Cucumis Usitatissimus. See irvdru. a or ulva, am, n. (fr. rt. vri), Ved. Ul-ldpin, i, im, i, calling out.
Urvdruka, am, n. the fruit of the above plant. the bag which surrounds the embryo ; the vulva ; the , am, n. a kind of drama.
Urvaru, us, f., Ved. = the preceding. womb ; a cave ; [cf. Lat. alvus, vulva; Lith. urwa, likh (ud-likh), cl. 6. P. -likhati,
id, ulati, to burn ; (a Sautra root, ula ; Hib. uile, ' a corner.'] -lekhitum, to scratch, scrape, cut up, scarify.
i. e. one mentioned only in grammatical Ulbana or ulrana, as, d, am, thick, clotted, Ul-likhat, an, atl or and, at, scratching, scrap-
Sutras but not occurring in the Dhatu-patha.) abundant; much, exceeding, superfluous, immense,
strong, powerful ; abundantly famished with ; manifest ; ing ;scarifying, making lines or streaks above or on
Tt5 ula, as, m.,Ved. a kind of wild animal; high ; painting, writing ; bearing, raising.
N. of a man. (<M), m., N. of a son ofVasishtha. Ul-likhita, as, d, am, scraped, scratched ; scarified ;
Ulbya, as, a, am, with dpah, the fluid connected thrown up, tossed ; painted, delineated ; written over
aeon ulapa, as, m., Ved. a shrub, bush ; with the embryo ; (am), a. excess and vitiation of or above ; pared, made thin.
a wick ; the stalk of a shrub used as a wick (?) ; a any of the three humors of the body, bile, phlegm Ul-lekha, as, m. description; (in rhetoric) de-
creeping plant, a spreading creeper ; the grass or reed or wind ; any calamity. scription ofan object according to the different
Saccharum Cylindricum ; N. of a pupil of Kalfipin. ;jctqi«n ullakasana, am, n. horripilation, impressions caused by its apperance ; speaking, utter-
Ulapya, as, d, am, Ved. connected with or refer- erection of the hairs of the body. ance, pronunciation.
ring to a shrub &c. Ul-lekkana, am, n. scraping, scratching, scarifying,
35t'«l ullagna, as, m. the lagna (q. v.) of paring; digging; vomiting; raising up, elevatjng;
3Pt<)«rj ulinda, as, m., N. of a country ; uttering, utterance ; writing, painting.
an epithet of Siva. any particular place.
•artM ulupa, as, am, m. n. a spreading Tp^ ul-langh (itd-P), cl. i. P. A. -lan- to Utrlekhya, be written.
as, d, am, to be scraped or pared ;
ghati, -te, -ghitum, to leap
creeper ; (as), m. the reed Saccharum Cylindricum. to cross over ; transgress, exceed, violate, spum. over, pass over or beyond,
See ulapa. jf^f^-fl ul-lingita (ud-P), as, a, am, dis-
Ul-langhana, am, n. leaping or passing over or criminated, distinguished, known.
Tf-sftn^a/Mpin or ulapin or ulupin, I, m. beyond ; transgression, exceeding.
Ulrlangfumlya, as, d, am, to be transgressed.
dcji^H ul-lun(ana, am, n. plucking out
a guinea-pig, a porpoise or fish resembling it. the hair ; cutting the hair ; pulling.
Ul-langhita, as, d, am, jumped over or across, irony.
jcjfw ululi, is, is, i or is, m., Ved. ulula- passed over or beyond ; exceeded, transgressed, vio-
tion, howling, a howl ; [cf. Lat. ululabilis, ululatus.] lated, apostatized. — UllangUta-idsana, as, a, am, Jt^WI ul-luntha, i. (fr. rt. lunth with ud],
transgressing orders, rebellious, disobedient. — Ullan-
Jf^ofc uluka, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. val), TW ul-lu., us, MS, u (fr. rt. K with ud),
an owl ; N. of a country and people (pi.), and of their ghitddhvan
the road. (°ta-adh°), d, d, a, having passed over cutting up.
king, who appears in the Maha-bharata as a hero on Ul-langhya, as, d, am, to be passed over or be-
the side of the Kurus ; a son of VisVS-mitra ; of S'akuni ; ul-lekha. See ul-likh above.
yond, to be crossed ; to be disregarded or neglected. a canopy.
an epithet of Indra ; N. of a king of the NSgas ; (am), ul-lo6a, as, m. (rt. M), an awning,
n., N. of the reed Saccharum Cylindricum ; [cf. Lat. ~Z&*^ul-labh (ud-labh), cl. i. A. -labhate, song.
idula; Germ. Eule; Old Germ, uwila, Ula; Eng. -labdhum, to obtain.
owl ; Fr. hulatte.] — Ul&ka-ydtu, us, m., Ved. a ul-lopya, am, n. (rt. litp), N. of a
demon in the shape of an owl. — Ulukdframa (°ka- erected, 3 sign ul-lambita (ud-l°), as, a, am,
df), as, m. Indra's hermitage.
JpJWrt ulukhala, am, n. a wooden mortar a=lrt ul-lala, as, d, am (rt. lal), covered or billow ;ul-lola a surge.
(ud-l°), as, m. a large wave
used for cleansing rice from the husk &c. ; bdellium, with thick hair ; shaking, trembling.
a gummy substance ; (o«), m. a staff of Udumbara Ul-lalat, an, antt, at, shaking, trembling ; moving T5? ulva and ulvana. See ulba and ul-
wood, carried on certain occasions ; N. of an evil irregularly or convulsively,
spirit. — Ulukkala-sitta, as, d, am, Ved. pressed out Ul-lalita, as, d, am, shaken, trembling, agitated. bana.
33£ uvata, as, m., N. of a scholiast on
or pounded in a mortar. Ul-ldla, N. of a metre of two verses, each con- Vedic works.
Ulukhalaka, am, n., Ved. a mortar ; bdellium, a taining 15+ 13 syllabic instants.
gummy substance, or the plant which produces it. usangava, as, m., N. of a king.
Ulukhalika, as, a, am, pounded in a mortar, •3B)tiNw«as (ud-las), cl. I. P. -lasati, -si-
, an, afi, at (fr. rt. vas, to desire),
cleansed from the husk; (at the end of a compound) turn, to jump up, sport, play, dance, flash, shine :
using as a mortar (e. g. aantolukhalika, using the Cans. P. -Idsayati, -yitum, to cause to jump up or loving, desirous, auspicious, pleasant.
play ; to cause to shine ; to divert, delight. Uda-dhak, Ved. only in connection with vana,
teeth as a mortar).
Ul-lasa, as, a, am, sporting, bright, shining; wood (fr. nta, i. e. rt. vas~ and dhaj, i.e. rt. dhe? ;
3<ji6 uluta or utula or kuluta, as, m. pi., merry, happy; going out, issuing — Ullasa-td, f. according to native etym. connected with rt. dah),
N. of a people. issuing. brilliancy ; mirth, happiness, going forth, (fire)
splendor, consuming (wood &c.) with desire (?) ; (Say.)
desiring and burning.
uluta, os, m. a large snake, the Boa.
Ul-lasat, an, anti, at, sporting, dancing, brilliant. Us"anas,
Veda and having d, m.,theN.epithet
of a kavya
sage mentioned in the;
(udand kavyaK)
lupa, as, m. a spreading creeper; shining; wantoning. in the epic poems he is identified with Sukra, the
(am), n. a sort of grass; (i), f., N. of a daughter of Ul-lasita, as, d, am, shining, bright, splendid ; regent of the planet Venus, and described as the pre-
Naga Kauravya, married to Arjuna. happy ; ejected, brought to the top or surface, drawn ceptor ofthe Asuras or Daityas, and possessor of vast
^wcj ululu, us, us, u or us, m. ululation, up, uplifted, brandishing. — Ullasita-harina-ketana, knowledge ; N. of the author of a Dharma-sastra.
howling. See ululi. OK, a, am, having its deer-marked banner gleaming
or fluttering. Uiana, ind., Ved. with desire, joyfully, with haste.
Viand, (., Ved. the desired one; N. of a plant,
T^it ulka, f. (said to be fr. rt. i. ush), a fiery Ul-ldsa, as, m. jumping or leaping up, happiness, from which the Soma juice is produced.
phenomenon in the sky, a meteor, fire falling from joy ; light, splendor ; (in rhetoric) giving prominence V&j, k, k, k, Ved. desiring, striving earnestly ;
heaven ; a firebrand ; torch ; fire, a flame, title of a to any subject by comparison or opposition ; division devoted to, willing ; (k), m. ghee or boiled butter ;
grammar; [cf. Cambro-Brit. ulw, 'ashes.'] — Vlkd- of a book, chapter, section (e. g. dtaroUana, a chapter fire ; (k), (., N. of a female slave, the mother of
jihva, as, m., N. of a Rakshas. — UlM-dhdrin, f, treating of customs and observances). Kakshlvat.
176 •jfsinr utita.
r/iita, as, d, am, wished, desired. ancestor ; [cf.fl« hma -pa. ] — Vth ma-1> kin, f, m. the sun kdndl, t. a flower of a red colour. — Ushtra-lcrotin ,
Ufi, is, (• wish, desire. ('having hot beams'). — Ushma-vat,an,atl,at,besited, i, tnt, i, making a noise like a camel. — Ushtra-
Utauja, as, a, am, Vcd. to be wished, to be burning, smoking. — Ushiiut-aveda, as, m. a vapour goynga, am, a. a couple of camels. — Ushtra-grlva,
longed for. bath. — Ushmdgama (°ma-dg°), as, m. the hot sea- as, m. hemorrhoids. — Ushfra-ilhusara-pudi'hikd,
son. —Ushmdnvita ("ma-an ), as, a, am, enraged. (. the plant Tragia Involucrata. — Ushtra-pddikd, (.
TSTirt ujati, f. (for rusati, scil. coc1), inju- the plant Jasminum Sambac. — Ushtra-ydna, am, n.
rious discourse ; cutting speech. — Ushmapayama ("ma-up"), as, m. the hot season. a camel-litter, a vehicle drawn by camels. — Ushtra-
Ushmaka, as, m. the hot season.
usatias. See under mat. Ushman, d, m. heat, ardour, steam ; the hot season. s'iro-dftara, am, n. hemorrhoids, piles, bleeding piles.
Ushmaya, nom. A. uihmayate, to emit heat or — Ushtra-sthdna, am, n. a stable for camels ; (as,
inara, as, m. pi., N. of a people steam. See ushmaya.
d, Ushtri,
am), born
id, inm.,a Ved.
a bull drawing a plough.
or country, Kandahar ; («.«), m. the king of this Ushmdyana, as, m. the hot season.
country. Ushtrika, f. a she-camel ; an earthen vessel of the
TRx 2. ush (connected with rt. 3. vas, to shape of a camel.
33fK its'ira, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. shine ; used as a noun but only in the form ushas), T5CI ushnf. See under i. ush ist col.
it. TOJO, «he fragrant root of the plant Andropogon Ved. light, morning, dawn ; ushas tisrah, morning,
Muricatus ; (F), f. a sort of grass, a small sort of midday, and evening. (The words ushas and usha ushnih, k, f. (fr. ud-snih?), N. of
Saccharum.— Ufira-giri, is, m., N. of a mountain. below are connected by native authorities with i . ush.) a Vedic metre of three Psdas, the first two containing
— Ufirawja, as, m., N. of a mountain. 3. usha, as, a, am, Ved. shining, brilliant ; (as), eight each, and the third twelve syllables ; a classical
/ tii rota, am, n. the fragrant root of the plant metre of four Padas of seven syllables ; a brick sacred
m. early morning, dawn, day-break.
Andropogon Muricatus. Ushas, as, f. morning light, dawn, morning; per- to the metre Ushnih. — Ushnikdhandaska, as, d,
I 'iirika, as, i, am, trading in or selling Uslra. sonified as the daughter of Heaven and sister of the am, having the metre Ushnih. — Ushnig-garbhd, f.,
i y i . ush, cl. I . P. oshati, aushat, uvosha Adityas ; evening light ; usliasau or ushdsau, du. the N. of a Gayatri of three Padas of six, seven, eleven
•\or oshdn-t'akdra, oshishyatt, aushtt, othi- two dawns, i.e. night and day; the outer passage syllables respectively.
tum, to burn ; to punish ; to consume ; to kill, injure : of the ear ; the Malaya range ; (si), f. the end of Ushnihd, f. the metre Ushnih ; (as), pl.,Ved. the
Caus. oshayati, -yitum : Desid. oshishishati ; [cf. the day, twilight ; [cf. Gr. riets ; Lat. aurora ; Lith. nape of the neck.
auszra ; Goth. uh-tv6 ; Old Germ, uohia.] — Ushar-
Lit. tiro, wstus; Gr. atju,atos ; Hib. usga, ' incense.'] budh, bhut,t,t,Ved. awaking with the morning light, amOn ushmsha, as, am, m. n. (said to be
i. usha, as, m. bdellium; saline earth; (am), n.
fossile salt. See usha. early awaked. — Ushar-l>udha, as, m. fire ; a child. connected with ushna), anything wound round the
Ushana, am, n. black pepper ; the root of Piper — Ushdsd-naktd, f. du.,Ved. dawn and night. — Usho- head ; a turban, a diadem ; a bandage of any kind ;
Longum; (a), f. Piper Longum; Piper Chaba; devalya, as, d, am, whose deity is the dawn. a distinguishing mark ; the hair with which a Buddha
dried ginger. See ushana. come day.
1. uthasya, nom. P. uehaiyati, -yitum, to be- is born and which indicates his future sanctity. — Csh-
Ushapa, as, m. fire ; the sun. nisha-dhdrin, I, int, i, wearing a turban, turbaned.
1. njihn, f. burning, scorching. (For 2. see next col.) 2. ushasya, as, d, am, sacred to the dawn. Ushtjlshin, t, ini, i, furnished with a turban ; an
i. ush.Ua or ushta, as, a, am, burnt; quick, 2. ushd, f. morning light, dawn, morning ; twilight,
expeditious. (For 2. see next col.) night ; a cow ; N. of a wife of Bhava (who was a epithet ofushma. S'iva. See under i. ush.
Ushna, as, a, am (opposed to iito), hot, warm ; manifestation of Rudra); of a daughter of B5na and abed).
pungent, acrid ; sharp, active ; impetuous, warm, wife of Aniruddha ; (d), ind. at day-break ; at night ; ushya. See under 2. ushita.
passionate; (as, am), m. n. heat, warmth, the at twilight (t).-Ushd-kdla, as, m. a cock. — Utha- ushyala, am, n., Ved. the frame (of
hot season (June and July); sunshine; a deep or pati, is, m. an epithet of Aniruddha, the son of
feverish sigh ; (as), m. an onion ; N. of a prince ; Kamadeva and husband of UshS. — ZJsAa-ramana,
(a), f. heat ; consumption ; bile. — Ushna-kara, as, ae, m. an epithet of Aniruddha. — Ushes'a (ushd-ifa), 7G2.«sra, as, m. abull; (a).f.acow; the
as, m. the same. plant Anthericum Tuberosum. (For I. see last col.)
m. the sun ('having hot rays'). — Ushna-kdla, as, i. ugra, as, d, am, Ved. relating to or seen in the
m. the hot season. — Ushna-ga, as, m. the hot sea- Utri, is, f.,Ved. acow(?).
son. —Uihna-gu, as, m. the sun (' having hot rays'). morning; bright; shining; clear; (Say. -utsarana- Usrika, as, m., Ved. a small ox.
— Ushnan-karana, as, i, am, making hot or warm, &la) rising on high ; (as), m. a ray of light ; (a),
f. morning light, dawn, morning ; light, bright sky. from Usriya, as, d, am, Ved. belonging to or coming
heating. — Ushna-td, f. or usTina-tm, am, n. heat, a cow or ox ; (as), m. an ox ; (a), f. a cow ;
— Usra-dhanvan, a, m. having a bright bow ; an a calf; milk.
warmth. — Ushna-dldhiti, is, m. the sun ('having
epithet of Indra. — Usra-ydman, d, d, a, Ved. going
hot rays'). — Ushna-nadi, f. the hot river ; N. of the out in the early morning light (as the carriage of the wish Usriya,
for a cow. nom. P. usrlyali, -yitum, to desire or
Vaitaram or river of hell. — Ushna-radmi or uxhna-
Asvins) ; going out at daylight.
vdrana, is, m. as, the am,sunm.('n.having hot rays').
an umbrella or —parasol,
Ushtta-a Usriya, (., Ved. brightness, light. i j uh, cl. i .P.ohat i, uvoha, ohitum, to hurt
chattar. — Ushna'vdshpa, as, m. hot vapour, steam ; TT 3. usha, as, d, am (connected with rt. * or give pain ; to kill, to destroy. See uh.
tears. — Ushiia-virya, as, m. Delphinus Gangeticus. mi), wishing, desiring ; (as), m. a lover. Uhan, Ved. a wrong reading for tulan.
— Ushna-vetdli,(.,N. of a female deity. — Uflindusii Uhdna, as, m., N. of a country.
/ 'skat, an, m., N. of a son of Suyajna.
(°na-an°), tie, m. the sun (' having hot rays'). — Ush- 7TJF ushangti, us, m. an epithet of Siva;
ndgama (°na-ao°), as, m. approach of the heat, T|^«Att, MS, MS, a (fr. rt. t>aA), Ved. bear-
the hot season, consisting of two months, about June [cf. utiangava.] ing, carrying.
and July. — Ushndbhigama (°na-abh°), as, m. the iMifl ushatl, f. injurious discourse; cutting I 'Iryamdna, as, d, am, being conveyed, borne along.
hot season. — Vshnasnha (°na-as"), as, m. the cold speech. See uiati. dty'lM uhyagana, a various reading for
season. — Ushnodaka (°na*uP), am, n. warm or
hot water, to be drunk on certain occasions ; it be- JUrf ushadgu, us, m., N. of a son of Svahi. uhyagana, q. v.
longs to the six prana-karani. — Ushnopagama
JM £V| ushadratha, as, m. a son of Titikshu.
(°na-up°), as, m. the hot season, summer.
Ushnaka, as, a, am, sharp, smart, active ; suffering »M« ushasta, as, m., N. of a man, with •31 i. «, the sixth letter of the alphabet,
pain ; sick of fever ; warming, heating ; bent, inclin- the patronymic cakrSyana.
ing, stooping; (as), m. the heat, the hot season corresponding to u long, and having the sound of
(lasting for two months, about June and July) ; re- aTmi 2. ushita, as, a, am (rt. I. vas), in- that letter in the word rule. — C-kdra, as, m. the
volving, turning round. habited, dwelt ; fixed, remaining in or on ; stale. letter or sound tt.
/ K/uidJu, us, us, u, suffering from heat. — Ushitan-gavtna, as, d, uni, formerly inhabited 'gi 2. u, ind. an interjection of compassion,
l'*linikd, f. rice-gruel. of regard ; an incipient particle used at the beginning
liman, a, m. heat. by UxMiva,
cattle. ind. having resided in. of a sentence.
Ushni-kri, cl. 8. 5. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -Icri- I'xliya, ind. (irreg. form for ushitvd), having
noti, -note, -kartwii, to make warm. resided or dwelt. •3 3. S, us, m. the moon ; epithet of S'iva.
t'shiii-gamja, 3<flt. ushira, as, am, m. n. the root of •gi 4. M (fr. rt. at>), ' a preserver' (?).
having hot sources the hot Gan-gi, i.e. the Badari,
; (perhaps merely a wrong reading i. uta, as, d, am, favoured, preserved, promoted,
Andropogon Muricatum. See uslra. loved.
Ushma, as, m. heat ; the hot season (June and T? ushtra, as, m. (said to be fr. i. ush), I . uti, is, f. favouring, protecting, promoting, aid,
July) ; spring (April and May) ; anger, warmth of a buffalo ; a bull with a hump ; a camel ; a cart, a assistance, help, favour, kindness, friendly feeling, affec-
temper ; ardour, eagerness ; [cf. ushman and ush- waggon ; N. of an Asura ; (i), f. a she-camel ; an tion, wish, desire, striving after, hastening towards,
manJ—Ushma-ta, f.=ushna-td, q.v. — Ushma- earthen vessel in the shape of a camel. — Ushlra-
pi, as, m. a spirit of an inferior order, a deceased karnika, as, m. pi., N. of a people. — Ushtra- delight, enjoyment, sport, play, distillation ; (ayas),
pi. objects of enjoyment, as food &c.
Vina, as, m., Ved. a good friend, an affectionate more properly in the latter (e. g. vamorus or vamo- an obsolete rt. vabh, to weave).— ftnia-deia, as,
companion, an intimate associate ; (am), n., N. of a rus, a beautiful-thighed woman ; rambhoru and m., N. of a country. - Ornd-pinda, as, m. a ball
town or country. varoru, O beautiful-thighed one ; voc. cases o of wool. — tfrnd-maya, as, I, am, woollen, made of
varoru and rambhoru). — Uru-gldni, is, f. weakness wool.— Crnd-vat, an, all, at, woollen; (an), m.,
^i^T£ uata, a various reading for uvula, q.v of the thigh. — Oru-ja, as, a, am, born from the N. of a man. — Urnd^vala, as, a, am, woollen.
3i^ uth, a various reading for icth, q.v. thigh; (as), m. a VaiSya. — fjru-daghna or uru- — Crnd-sutra, am, n., Ved. a thread of wool.
dvayasa or uru-mdtra, as, i, am, reaching to the — Urnd-stukd, {., Ved. a tuft of wool.
<Jte I . udha, as, a, am (fr. rt. vah or i . uh,
thighs, as high as the thighs. — tfru-parvan, a o Urndyu, us, us, u, woollen ; (its), m. a ram ; a
for 3. udha see 2. uA), carried as a load or burden woollen blanket ; a spider ; N. of a Gandharva.
a, m. n. the knee. — ffru-phalaka, am, a. the thigh
married ; (a), f. a bride, a wife espoused according bone, the hip-bone. — Oru-bhinna, as, I, am, having ~~ urnu (connected with rt. vri), cl. 2.
to the ritual. — Ddha-kcutkafa, as, a, am, armed, a rent in the thigh (according to PSnini IV. I, 52
mailed. — Cdha-bharya, as, a, am, one who has
P. A. urnoti and urnauti, urnute, urnu-
used as a Bahu-vrihi). — firu-sambhava, as, a, am,
married a wife. — Vdha-i-ayas, as, m. a young man. nam, urnunuve, urnamshyati, -te, urnuvishyati,
sprung from the thigh. — T)ru-stambha, as, m -te, aurudvlt, aurnavit, aurnuvit, aurnam»h(a,
Cdhaya, nom. (fr. udha or udhi) P. udhayati, paralysis of the lower extremities, rheumatism of the
aor. aujadhat or aujidhat, or audidhat, to carry(?). aurnuvishta, urnawtum, urnuvitum, to cover,
thigh ; (a), f. the plantain tree.— ffriuJbhava (uru-
PdAj, is, f. carrying, bearing. surround, hide ; A. to cover one's self; Caus. urnd-
ud°), as, a, am, sprung from the thigh. — Urv- vayati, aor. aurnunuval : Desid. urnunushati, -te,
^<ulfl>1*i.swm-/e;as,as,ni.,N.ofaBuddha; ashthlva, am, n. thigh and knee.
Pravya, as, m. a man of the third or Vailya tribe
urnunavishati, -te, urnunuvishatl, -te: Intern.
(a various reading has wrmie/os.) urnonuyate, urnonavlti, urnonauti.
as born from the thighs of Brahma.
^irT 2. ufa, as, a, am (fr. rt. ce), woven. Urnuta, as, d, am, covered.
1. iiti, is, f. weaving, sewing. ^^T^1 iiruri, ind. a particle implying as- urd, a various reading for rt. urd,
sent, admission, promise, diffusion, &c. ; [cf. urarl.]
^V»T udhan and udhar, forms used in the
Veda for some of the cases of udhas below.
3&{urj, k, f. (fr. rt. vrij ; cf.' Eng. work), urdara, as, m. (said to be in some of
food, strength, vigour, sap, juice ; often occurring in its meanings fr. urj and rt. dri), Ved. a vessel for
x udhas, n. (said to be fr. rt. vah. In
the Veda the forms udhar and udhan are used for conjunction with ish (e. g. isham urjam aiyuh,
measuring com, a bushel; a hero, a champion; a
some of the cases, e. g. sing. nom. udhar, gen. abl. ' may they obtain food and strength') ; [cf. Gr. opyaua Rakshas, a goblin or fiend.
udhnas, loc. udhan or udhani ; pi. inst. udhabhis, and opyds ; Lat. urged; Hib. ore, 'a prince, a hero;'
orcaim, ' I kill, I destroy.'] '3iv urdha and urdhaka, a wrong reading
loc. MdAcwsu), an udder ; a covered secret place where
Urja, as, m., N. of the month Karttika, i.e. for urdhvaq.v.
and urdhvaka.
only friends are admitted ; the bosom ; the breast of
a mother ; the udder of the sky, i. e. the clouds. In November— December (as imparting food or strength) ;
urdhva, as, d, am (fr. rt. vridh), rising
classical Sanskrit the form udhan appears only in power, strength ; effort, exertion ; procreative power;
life, breath ; N. of a son of the second Manu ; of upwards, tending upwards, raised, elevated, erected,
the fern, of adjective compounds, cf. adhy-udhni, erect, upright; being above; above, high, superior,
kundodhni, ghatodhnl, pinodhni; [cf. Gr. oSflctp ; Satyahita ; of Vatsara ; of the sons of Hiranya-garbha
who are reckoned among the seven Rishis of the upper. In classical Sanskrit an example of the un-
Lat. uber; Germ, utar, enter; Angl. Sax. uder ;
third Manvantara ; (a), f. food, strength, sap ; N. of compounded adjective as in urdhvaih pddaih, ' with
Eng. udder; Hib. uit, uitche.] - Udhos-votl, f. a daughter of Daksha and wife of Vasishtha ; (am), raised feet,' is rare, (am), n. elevation, height, any-
having a full udder. thing situated above ; (am), ind. upwards, towards
Vdhanya, as, a, am, produced from the udder ; n. water. — Orja-yoni, is, m., N. of a son of VisVS-
the upper part, aloft, above, in the upper regions, on
(am), n. milk. mitra. — Urja-vdha, as, m., N. of a son of Suit.
the upper side of (with abl.) ; in the sequel (as of a
— tfrja-sani, is, is, i, Ved. granting strength. book, the upper leaves of a MS. being read last) ;
Cdhasya, am, n. milk,' produced from the udder.' «• Urja-stambha, as, m., N. of one of the seven
**l una, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt. av and subsequent, after (with abl.) ; in a high tone, aloud ;
Rishis of the second Manvantara. — tfrjdd (°ja-ad), urdhvam dvitlydd of ah, after the second vowel ;
opposed to purna, atl-rikta, adhika), wanting, de- t, t, t, Ved. an eater of strengthening food. — ffrja-
ficient, defective, short of any quantity, less than the vat, an, atl, at, abounding in food. — Urjdhuti (°jd- urdhvam pituh, after the father's death ; samvat-
right number, not sufficient ; less (in number, size, sardd urdhtam, after a year; ate urdhvam, hence-
dh°), is, is, {, Ved. offering nourishing or strength- forward, from that time forward, hereafter; urdhvam
or degree), minus, fewer, smaller, inferior, &c. (e. g. jiving sacrifices.
una-dvtvarsha, not quite two years old ; dvdbhydm Urjaya, nom. P. urjayati, -yitum, to feed, gam, to go upwards, to die ; [cf. Gr. op96s ; Lat.
strengthen ; A. to become strong, to be powerful. arduus; Gael, ard.] — Ordhva-kada, as, m. an
Una, less by two ; alpona, ' less by a little,' ' a little epithet of Ketu (whose hair streams upwards in the
less.' Prefixed to any even decimal numeral from Crjayat, an, antl, at, Ved. strong, full of sap or
twenty up to a hundred, una serves to denote one uice, succulent ; feeding, strengthening, nourishing. sky). — Vrdhva-kantha, as, m. pi., N. of a people :
less than the even ten, e. g. una-vinfati, twenty flrjavya, as, a, am, Ved. abounding in food or [1), (., N. of a plant.— Crdhva-karna, as, a, am,
minus one or nineteen ; una-trtniat, thirty minus itrength. having the ears pricked up or erect. — Urdhva-
one ; unatrinia, the thirtieth minus one or twenty- Vrjas, a form fpr urj, used in compounds and with karman, a, n. motion or action tending upwards ;
ninth : so also with other numerals prefixed, e. g. affixes, thus urjas-kara, as, a, am, causing strength. (d), m., N. of Vishnu (going upwards).— Grdhva-
pantiona-trintiat, thirty minus five or twenty-five ; — tjrjas-vat, an, atl, at, rich in food, abounding in kdya, as, m. the upper part of the body. — ffrdhva-
dconatatvarinia, the fortieth minus one or thirty- sap or juice, juicy, succulent, powerful, vigorous, krifana, as, d, am, Ved. effervescing, fermenting ;
ninth.) robust, strong ; (tl), {., N. of a daughter of Hsksha epithet of the Soma ; (Say.) having its sharp qualities
tfnaka, as, a, am, not sufficient, less, inferior. and wife of Dharma; of a daughter of Priya-vrata stirred up. — ftrdhva-ketu, us, m., N. of a son of
Unaya, nom. P. unayati, -yitum, to leave defi- Sanad-raja. — Grdhva-kefa, as, d, am, having the
and wife of Us'anas ; wife of Prana. — Vrjas-rala,
cient or unfinished ; to deduct or lessen ; to mete as, d, am, strong, powerful. — Orjas-vin, I, irii, i, lair erect. — tfrdhva-kriyd, f. motion or action tend-
out in small quantities ; to measure. trong, powerful ; (i), n. a figure of rhetoric, speak- ng upwards. — tjrdhva-ga, as, d, am, going upwards,
Unita, as, a, am, lessened by subtraction or deduc- ng of anything with disdain. ascending, hovering ; being on high. — tfrdhva-gata,
tion, less, fewer, Sec. fjrjdnl, (., Ved. urjd personified. as, i, am, gone up, risen, ascended. — ftrdhva-gati,
tfrjita, as, d, am, powerful, strong, mighty, great, '•8, is, i, going upwards ; (is), f. ascent, elevation.
"S^um, ind. an interjection of interroga- excellent, exceeding, much; (as), m., N.of a prince. — ffrdhvaga-pura,
tion ; of anger ; of reproach, abuse, envy, and arro- who with his subjectsam,is supposed
n. the citytoof beHarisc'andra,
gance. — tfrjitdiraya (^ta-di"), as, a, am, spirited, mag-
nanimous. n the atmosphere. — Urdhva-gama, as, m. upward
motion of any kind. — tTrdhva-gamana, am, n. going
'3iH uma. See under 4. «. tTrjin, I, irii, i, abounding in food.
upwards, ascending ; elevation in the scale of being.
"y, cl. I. A. uyate = ve, vayati, to '3H5 urna, am, a, n. f. (fr. rt. ori, to cover, — Urdhva-gamin, i, inl, i, going up or above,
N weave, sew. and connected with rt. urnu next col.), wool ; (a), f. ascending. — Urdhva-grdvan, d, d, a, Ved. raising
urarl, ind. a particle of assent and a circle of hair between the eyebrows ; N. of the wife he stones to press out the Soma plant. — ftrdhva-
of Citra-ratha and mother of Samraj ; [cf. Lat. villiis, 'arana, as, a, am, supine, having the feet upwards.
diffusion ; urarl-krita, as, a, am, allowed, promised. vellus; Goth.vulla; Old Germ, wolla ; Mod. Germ. — Urdhva-dit, t, t, t, Ved. piling up, heaping up.
See urarl.
Voile,; Eng. wool; Lith. wilna ; Russ. v&lna ; Gr. Crdhva-jdnu, us, us, u, or urdhra-jna,as,d,am,
On, m&. = urari; see uri.— Vrl-lcritya, ind.
having promised, agreed, assented to. pos, (fiov,ip(a,(lfo!,(ipiov; Hib.oZouw.]— Crna- urdhva-jnu, us, us, a, raising the knees, sitting on
ndbha, as, m. a spider (as having wool on the navel he hams; long-shanked. — Ordhva-tilakin, I, inl, i,
or belly) ; N. of a son of Dhrita-rashtra ; of a Danava. laving a sectarian mark on the forehead.— ffrdhva-
'3»?s uru, us, m. (said to be fr. urnu), the — tfrnaspata, as, m. a spider. — Orna-mradas, as,
thigh ; N. of a son of Manu Cakshusha ; (vl), f. the va, am, n. or urdhva-td, f. height, elevation. — Urdh-
middle of the thigh or a principal vein situated there. as, as, or urna-mrada, as, a, am, soft as wool. ja-thd or urdhva-dhd, ind., Ved. upwards, erect.
When urn is used at the end of a compound the — ffrna-vabhi, is, m. a spider (' wool-weaver ?;' per- — Tfrdhva-damhtrd-lceia, as, m. whose teeth and
fern, form may end in either short or long u, but laps the original form of urna-ndbhi, derived from lairare erect; an epithet of S'iva.
Zz - Urdhva-drishti,
178 urdhva-deva. rik-6has.
grief, illusion, hunger, thirst, decay, death); speed, the semivowels. — Cshmopagama (°ma-vp°), at, m.
is, is, »', looking upwards, of high views, aspiring.
— ftrdhva-deva, a* , m. a superior deity ; an epithet velocity ; a fold or plait in a garment ; a line, a row ; the approach of the heat.
manifestation, light ; mental suffering, distress, un- Cshmana or ushmanya, ae, d, am.Ved. steaming.
of Vishnu.- Crdhva-deka, am, n. (' the body gone
above'), a funeral ceremony. — Crdhva-nabhas, as, easiness, pain ; missing, regretting ; association, num- Vshmaya, nom. A. ushmayate, -yitum, to emit
beat or steam, to steam, perspire.
as, as, Ved. being above in the clouds.— CnVirun- ber, quantity ; [cf. Lith. wihii-s ; Old Germ, wella- ;
dama, as, a, am, going upwards, erected, exalted, Mod. Germ. Welle; Eng. well] - Crmi-mat, an, 1. uh, cl. i. P. (with prep, also A.)
elevated; (perhaps a wrong reading for urdhtatt- all, at, wavy, undulating, billowy ; crooked ; plaited, uhati, -te, auhit, uhitum, to change,
gama.)— Urdhva-pathti , as, m. the upper region, curled (as hair).— tfnnimat-td, f. undulation ; crook- modify ; (with prep.) to push, thrust, move, remove,
the ether.— Crdhva-pdtana, am, n. causing to edness. —Crmimdlin, I, ini, i, wreathed with waves, touch lightly. (This root is connected with rt. rah ;
adorned with waves ; (i), m. the ocean. and it is often difficult to decide to which of these two
ascend, sublimation. — Crdhm-pdtra, am, n. a sacri-
ficial vessel. — Crdhva-pdda, as, a, am, heels up- Crmikd, (. a wave ; a plait or fold in a garment ; roots forms like i. udha, p. 1 77, are to be assigned.)
wards {as),
; rn. a fabulous animal with eight legs ; a finger ring; regret, sorrowing for anything lost; i . uha, as, m. change, modification. — Cha-gdna,
see fardbka. — Crdhva-pundra oiurdhva-pundra- the buzzing of a bee.
am, n. or tilia-giti, it, (., N. of the third Gana or
to, am, n. a perpendicular line on the forehead of a Urmin, i, ini, i, Ved. having waves, undulating. song book of the SJma-veda.
BrShman made with sandal &c., a Vaishnava mark. Crmild, f., N. of a daughter of Janaka and wife Uhant, (. a broom.
— Crdhva-puram, ind. full to the brim, full to over- of Lakshmana, mother of Gandharvl SomadS.
Uhya-gana, am, n., N. of the fourth G5na or
flowing. -Vrdhm-priifni, is, is, i, Ved. spotted Vrmya,as,d, am, Ved. undulating, having waves,
above.— Crdkva-barhis, is, is, is, Ved. being over agitated ; (d), f. night. song book of the Sama-veda.
2. uh, cl. i. P. A. uhati, -te (Ved.
the sacrificial grass. — Urdhva-tiala, as, a, am,
having the hair erect. — ffrdhva-bdhu, us, us, u,
' i. urea, as, m. (fr. rt. vri), Ved. a re- ohate), uhe and uhaii-tiakre, uhishyate,
ceptacle (forwater), a reservoir ; a cloud ; an enclosed auhishta, uhitum, to observe, mark, note, attend
having the arms raised; (us), m. a devotee who place, a stable for cattle ; a prison, captivity (?) ; an
holds his arms above his head constantly till they are to (with ace.): to reckon on (with loc.); to wait for;
fixed in that position ; N. of one of the seven Rishis epithet of the Pitris or manes of deceased ancestors. to comprehend, conceive, conjecture, suppose, infer,
of the fifth Manvantara ; one of the seven Rishis of Crvya, as, a, am, Ved. being in reservoirs, lakes, &c. reason, deliberate about ; to be regarded as : Cans.
the couth; one of the seven sons of Vasishtha. ^^ 2. urea, as, m. (fr. uru ?), N. of a saint •uhayati, -yitum, aor. aujihat, to cause to think,
— ffrdhva-budkna, as, a, am, Ved. bottom upwards, reason, infer, or conjecture ; to attend to (?) ; to do,
Tom whose thighs sprang Aurva, a fiery being received accomplish (?) : Desid. ujihishate; [cf. Hib. uige;
upside down. — ftrdhra-brihati, {., N. of a metre. jy the ocean ; the submarine fire ; N. of a prince.
— Crdhva-bkaga, as, m. the upper part ; any part iirvard, f. fertile soil, land bearing Lat. augeo ; Goth, auka ; Hib.ugtar, ' augmentation.']
of a word coming after another part. — tfrdhva-bhdj, 2. udha, as, d, am, observed, inferred, &c.
any and every crop. See unard. 2. uha, as, m. deliberation, examination ; reason-
Ic, le, Ic, partaking of the upper part ; a N. of Bada-
vigni or submarine fire.— Vrdhva-manthin, living urvafi, f., N. of an Apsaras. See ing ; understanding ; completing a defective sentence
in perpetual chastity; see urdkva-retas.— ttrdhva- urea&i. or verse, supplying an ellipsis ; [cf. Hib. uga, ' choice,
mana, am, n. an instrument for measuring altitudes. uro-ashthwa. See under uru. election.']
Uhana, am, n. reasoning, inferring, concluding.
— tfrdhva-mdyu, us, us, u, giving forth a loud
noise. — tfrdhva-mdruta, am, n. pressure of the pi. See under uru. Vhin, », »«i, i, who or what reasons; who or
what assembles, infers, or conjectures ; (ini), f. an
wind (of the body) upwards. — ffrdhva-mukha, as,
t, am, having the mouth or opening turned upwards. urvyanga, am, n. (said to be fr. assemblage, a collection ; arrangement, a multitude
— Vrdhva-mauhurtika, as, i, am, happening after — uni, ' earth,' and anga), a mushroom. reduced to order ; [cf. akshauhini.']
a short time.— Ordh-ca-rekhd-iavala, as, a, am, iirsha, f. a kind of grass, Andropogon Vhya, as, a, am, inferrible, to be investigated,
variegated with lines above. — Urdkva-retai, as, as, Serratum. requiring to be supplied, elliptical.
as, ' having the semen above,' abstaining from sexual See
intercourse, one who lives in perpetual chastity ; a N. ulupin, i, m. a porpoise.
of Siva, also of Bhlshma. — tfrdhva-roman, a, a, a, ulupin.
having the hairs of the body erect ; N. of a mountain. *ci* uliika, as, m. an owl. See uiuka. i . ri, the seventh vowel of the Sanskrit
— Crdhva-linga, as, m., N. of Siva.— ftrdhva-
loka, as, m. the upper world, the world above, alphabet and peculiar to it, resembling the sound of r»
heaven.— Urdhva^vartman, a, m. the atmosphere, and~3&7
q. v. a various reading for uvata in merrily. — Ri-kdra, as, m. the letter or sound ri.
heaven. — Cfrdhva-vata, as, m. or urdhva-vdyu, K^lfl uvadkya or ubadhya, am, n.,Ved. ^5 2. ri, ind. an interjection of abuse,
us, m. the wind in the upper part of the body.
undigested grass &c. in the stomach (of an animal). laughter; a sound inarticulate or reiterated as in
— ttrdhva-vrita, as, a, am, put on above, put on stammering.
over the head or shoulder (as the sacred thread of •TCT fish, cl. i. P. ushati, -shitum, to be
N diseased or disordered, to be sick or ill. . rt, a, f. a N. of Aditi.
the BrShman).— Crdhca-s'dyin, i, ini, i, sleeping
upright ; epithet of Siva. — tfrdhva-s'odhana, am, 4. ri, cl. I. 9. (Ved. also 3. 4. 5. P.)
'9R usha, as, m. (fr. rt. I. ush or fr. iish
n. ' purifying upwards,' i.e. vomiting.— Ordhra-s'o- ritfliati, rinatl (Ved. iyarti, dryate, ri-
sham, ind. so as to dry (anything) above. — Crdh.ua- above ?), salt ground, soil impregnated with saline par-
ticles a; cleft, a hole ; the cavity of the ear ; dawn, day- noti or rimati), dra or arCin-fakdra, arishyati or
Jvasa, a», m. expiration. — Urdhra-sdnu, us, its, u, arlshyati (?), arat, artum, arltum or arltum (?),
Ved. carrying the neck high, with lofty or uplifted break (inthe latter sense neut. according to some) ; the
mountain Malaya ; (?), f. soil impregnated with saline (Ved. 3rd pi. impf. ranta),to rise, tend upwards ; to go,
neck ; (Say.) rising higher and higher. — Ordkva- move ; to meet with, fall upon or into, reach, obtain ;
stha, as, a, am, being above, superior, situated on particles or not fertile. — Osha-puta, am, n. particles
of salt wrapped up in paper. — Csha-vat, an, ad, at, to fall to one's share (with ace.) ; to move, excite,
high.— Vrahva-sthita, as, a, am, being or standing raise, raise (in singing, e. g. vadam iyarti, he raises
above.— Crdhva-sthiti, is, (. the rearing of a horse; consisting of saline soil.
Oshaka, am, n. salt, pepper ; dawn, day-break. his voice ; stomdn iyarti, he sings hymns) ; to dis-
a horse's back, the part where the rider sits ; eleva- tlsliana, am, n. black pepper ; (d), f. long pepper. play ;to injure, hurt : Caus. arpayati, -yitum, to
tion, superiority. — tfrdhva-srotag, as, as, as, N. of throw, cast ; to put, place, insert, fix, fasten ; to direct
a creation of beings whose stream of life or current Ushara, as, d, am, impregnated with salt ; (am),
towards, cast upon ; to pierce ; to place on, apply ;
n. a barren spot with saline soil. — Ushara-ja, am,
of nutriment tends upwards. — Crdhvdnguli (°va- n. salt produced from salt soil ; a kind of magnet. to ofter, give, give up, surrender ; to give back,
a»°), is, is, i, with raised finger. — tfrdhvdmndya- restore: Intens. Ved. 2nd pers. alarshi, yd pers.
samhita fva-am"), (. the doctrines of a particular usha, f., N. of the wife of Aniruddha. alarti, to move, come ; strive, make effort, exert
Vaishnava sect. — tjrdhvdynna (°va-ay°), is, m. pi., See u*ha#, Sec. one's strength : Intens. Class, ardryatc, to wander
N.jDf a caste in Plaksha-dv!pa. - Crdhvdmrta (°va- tishman, a, m. (fr. rt. i. ush}, heat, about; to run or fly towards: Desid. aririshati;
dv°), as, m. rearing of a horse. — Urdhvasiia
steam, vapour, exhalation ; ardour, passion, violence ; the [cf. Goth, airus, ' a messenger ;' Hib. ria or rather
(°0<i-a»°)> as, m. the plant Momordica Charantia. do ria, ' he will come or arrive ;' ria, ' running,
— ftrdhveha Cva-lha), as, m. motion or tendency hot season ; (in gram.) the sounds rf, aft, s, h ; shk,
upwards. fhp, am, ah, and more especially the first four ol speed ;' riaeh, ' he came ;' riachtaim, ' I arrive ;'
Ordhtaka as, m. a kind of drum. these sounds.— Ushma-pa, as, d, am, imbibing the ar, ' guiding, conducting.' With the Caus. have*
Ordhrasana, as, a, am, Ved. rising, erecting steam of hot food ; (<?«), m. pi. a class of manes or been compared Old Germ, arbjan, ' to inherit ;' ici-
one's self. deceased ancestors; (as), m. fire.— ftshma-para, as, erpit, * possession ;' Goth, arbi, Them, arbja, ' in-
heritance:' cf.also Lat. aro ; Goth.ar/a; OldGerm.
Ordkn-kri,d. 5. 8. P. A..-krinoti,-nule,-karoti, a, am, followed by anCshman.— Cehma-prakriti,
erru; Lith. arii,- Lith. orju; Gr. afpa; Hib. ar,
-kurute, -kartum, to raise aloft, to elevate. is, is, i, produced from an Cshman. — Ushma-vat,
'slaughter, destruction, plague, the slain in fight;'
iirrni, is, m. f. (fr. rt. rn), a wave ; an, ati, at, hot, steaming. — Tlnhmanta (°ma-an°),
as, d, am, ending in an Cshman. — UshmantaAst/ui aor, ' a satire, a course.'] See under 2. rid.
current, the flowing of water ; human infirmity (as
(°ma-an°), d*, m. pi. the sounds called Cshman and
1. rikna, as, a, am (for vrikna fr. rt. t. rid, Ic, (. (fr. preceding rt. or fr. rt. art!), lustre, i. rij, cl. i. P. arjati, dnarja, ar-
maif), wounded. — Rikna-faha, as, a, am, whose splendor ; a hymn ; a single verse, stanza or text, ^jitum, to bring near, obtain, get, acquire :
especially verses recited or spoken at a sacrifice or Caus. arjayati, -yitum, to obtain, get, acquire.
shoulders are wounded or made sore by drawing. religous ceremony (whereas the verses called sdman
2. rikna = riktha below. pi. sdmdni] are sung, and the verses called yajus ••U^| 2. rij, cl. i. A. arjate, -jitum, to
[pi. yajunshi] are some of them not metrical and are ^* \go ; to stand or be firm ; to acquire ; to
riktha, am, n. (fr. rt. ri<<), property, muttered in a peculiar manner ; these three kinds of be healthy or strong; [c/. Lat. rego, rectus; Goth.
wealth, possessions, effects (especially left at death) ; verse constitute the Mantra and are considered as raihts; Mod. Germ. recht; Gi.optyu; Hib.righim,
gold; see riktha. — Riktha-grakana, am, n. re- sacred speech) ; a verse of the Rig-veda, the particular ' I reach, arrive, stretch.'J
ceiving orinheriting property. — Riktha-grdha, as, verse or text on the authority of which a ceremony is pre- ^TSfVfrijipya, as,d,am (fr.rt. 2.ri»-/?),Ved.
a, am, an inheritor or receiver of property ; (as), scribed and to which the explanation in the Brahmana going quick, striving upwards ; [cf. Zend trlzifja.]
m. inheriting or receiving property. — Riktlia-jdta, refers ; the collective body of the Ric", i. e. the Rig-veda
as, a, am, formed into property, accumulated (as (but in this sense generally pi. ridas). — Rik-d/ias or ^fiPSPT rijisvan, d, m., Ved., N. of a man
property). — Riktha-bhdga, as, m. division of pro- rik-ias, ind. verse by verse, one verse after the other. (protected by Indra) who has the epithet Vaidathina.
perty, inheritance, partition, a share. — Riktha-bhd- — Rik-tantra-vydkarana, am, n. one of the Pari-
gin, «, inl, i, an heir, a coheir ; inheriting or sharing sishtas of the Sama-veda. — Rik-tas, ind. from a Ri£, ^STfafvariegated
rijika, ;as, d, am
coloured, mixed with (fr. 2. ar;'),
; polluted Ved.
; (as), m.
property. — Riktha-hara, as, i, am, an heir, a co- with reference to a Ric. — Rik-prdtUdkhya, am, n.
heir. —Rfktha-hdrin, i, im, i, inheriting or sharing the Prati&khya of the Rig-veda. — Rik-4ata, am, n. smoke ; an epithet of Indra ; N. of a mountain.
a hundred texts. — Rik-shama (fr. rii and sama), Rijiti, is, is, i, Ved. burning, sparkling.
m. an inheritor. an heir. — Rikthdddna (°tha-ad?), as,
as, d, am, Ved. similar to a Ri<5 ; N. of a Saman.
Rik-samiita, as, a, am, Ved. instigated by the ^jfNri/isAa,
epithet as, d, am
of Indra, carrying (fr.rt. away,
or driving 2.n'n/?),Ved.
(or perhaps
^Jlfi rikea, as, a, am, or rikvan, d, d, a (fr.
Rid. — Rik-samhitd, f. the arranged collection of the = rijishin below) ; (anj), n. the sediment or residue
rt. arf), Ved. praising, rejoicing. liymns of the Rig-veda. — Rik-eama, as, d, am, of Soma ; a frying-pan ; N. of a hell ; (SSy.) water.
_U ui riksh, cl. 5. P. rikshnoti, to kill ; Ved. similar to a Ric (as a SSman). — Rik-sdma, e, Rijishin, i, ini, i, Ved. hastening towards, seizing;
*• N to hurt or seek to hurt ; (a doubtful root.) n. du., Ved. the verses called Rif and SJman. — Rik- consisting of or receiving the sediment or residue of
1. riksha, as, d, am, Ved. bald, bare. sdman, a, n., N. of a Saman. — Riksdma-tfringa, Soma.
as, m. an epithet of Vishnu. — Ifig-dvanam, ind.
2. riksha, as, m. (fr. preceding rt. (dvdnam ft. rt. ve with a), Ved. connecting one Ric !^J»J riju, us, us, u (fr. rt. 2 . rinj), tending in
riksh ? or fr. rt. ri3 ? or fr. rt. wo-tfrf ?, cf. I. rikna ; with another, not interrupting their continuance. a straight direction, straight ; straight metaphorically
or fr. rt. rid connected with rt. ark, to shine ? ; con- — Rig-gdthd, f., N. of a certain song. — Rifj-bhdj, as in morals, right, honest, upright ; (in Ved. = sadltu
nected with rakshas?), Ved. one who hurts or k, k, k, partaking of a Rii, as a deity who is ad- and opposed to vrijina ; in classical Sanskrit opposed
destroys (?) ; a bear (as having a shining coat ?) ; (i), dressed with it. — Rig-yajuh-sdma-vedin, I, m. one to jihma, and tiryad) ; comparative rijiyas, Ved.
f. a female bear ; (ax), m. pi. the seven stars, the who is familiar with the Rig, Yajur, and SSma-veda. rajiyas; superlative Hjishtha, Ved. rajishtha;
Pleiades, "Apicros, Ursa ; in later times the seven — Rig-vidhdna, am, n. title of a work of S'aunaka. (us), m., N. of a son of Vasu-deva ; [cf. Hib. aroch;
Rishis; (as, am), m. n. a star, a constellation in — Rig-veda, as, m. the Rig-veda; the collective Zend tSrSfu.] — Riju-kdya, as, d, am, having a
general, a lunar mansion ; the particular star in the body of sacred verses which as being recited are straight body ; (as), m., N. of the saint Kasyapa.
twenty-seven mansions of the moon under which a called Ridas and differ from SamSni and Yajunshi — Riju-kratu, iis, us, n, Ved. intending what is
person happens to be born ; (a«), m., N. of the plant in the manner described above ; the arranged collection honest ; (Say.) acting honestly. — Riju-ga, as, d, am,
Bignonia Indica, and of a similar species ; N. of a of these hymns as the most ancient sacred book of the Ved. going straight. — Riju-gdtha, as, d, am, Ved.
man, a son of Ajamldha, or Ariha, or Viduratha, or Hindus. (The Rig-veda consists often books or Man- singing correctly. —Riju-td, f. or rijurtva, am, n.
Revata ; of Akrodhana ; a descendant of Bhrigu, dalas ; the first eight books contain groups of hymns, straight direction, straightness ; uprightness, sincerity,
identified with Valmiki ; N. of a mountain ; (d), f, each group ascribed to one author or to the members honesty. — Riju-ddsa, as, m., N. of a son of Vasu-
N. of the wife of Ajamidha ; [cf. Gr. &PKTOS ; Lat. of one family; the ninth book contains the songs deva. — Riju-dhd, ind. straight, right. — Siju-niti,
ursus; Hib. art; Lith. lokys for olkys; Armen. recited at the Soma ceremonies ; the tenth contains is, f.,Ved. right conduct. — Riju-mitdkshard, f. title
arr/.l — RiksJia-gandha, (. the plant Argyreia Ar- hymns of a very different character, composed by a
greater variety of individual authors. In its wider of a commentary on Ysjiiavalkya's law-book, generally
gentea. — Rikfha-gandhikd, f. the plant Batatas called Mitakshara. — Riju-mwshka, as, a, am, Ved.
Paniculata. — Riksfia-griva, as, m., Ved. a kind of sense the term Rig-veda comprehends the Brahmanas having straight generative organs; (Say.) strong and
imp or demon. — Riksha-ndtha, as, m. lord of the and the Sutra works on the ritual connected with the muscular. •• Riju-radmi, is, is, i, Ved. having straight
stars, an epithet of the moon. — Riksha-neml, is, m. hymns.) — Rigvecla-pratiddkhya, am, n. the Pra- rope-traces (said of a chariot). — Riju-rohita, am, n.
a N. of Vishnu. — Riksha-rija, as, m. the king of tisakhya of the Rig-veda, attributed to S'aunaka. the straight red bow of Indra. — Riju-vani, is, is, i,
the bears ; king of the stars, an epithet of the moon. — Rigveda-vid, t, m. a Brahman familiar with the Ved. striving straightforward ; (S5y.) granting auspi-
— Riksha-vat, an, m. , N. of a mountain. — Riksha- Rig-veda. — Rigveddniikramanikd Cda-an°), f. the cious gifts. — Rijw-dansa, as, d, am, Ved. desiring
ranta, am, n., N. of a town. — Riksha-vibhdvana, index of the Rig-veda, attributed to KStyayana. — Rig- what is right. — Riju-sarpa, as, m. a kind of snake.
am, n. observing the stars. — Riksha-haritvara (°ri- vedin, t, inl, i, conversant with the Rig-veda. — jfin- — Ryu-hasta, as, d, am, Ved. extending the hand.
tf), as, m. the lord of bears and apes. — Riksheia maya, as, t, am, consisting of Ritis. — Riju-nas, as, m., N. of a man.
(°sha-ida), as, m. lord of the stars, an epithet of Rigma, as, d, am.Ved. having the character of a Ri6. Rijuka, as, m., N. of a mountain.
the moon. — Rtksheshti (°sha-ish°), is,f. offering Rigmin, I, im, i, Ved. praising, exulting with joy, Riju-kri, d. 8. P. -karoti, -kartum, to straighten,
worship to the planets and stars. — Rikshoda (°«Aa- jubilant with praise. rectify. — Riju-karana, am, n. straightening. — Rijtir
i«Ja), as, m., N. of a mountain. Rigmtya, as, d, am,Ved. deserving praise, laudable. krita, as, d, am, made straight.
Rikshikd, f., Ved., N. of certain demons or evil R ida (at the end of some compounds) = Rii; (as), Rijuya, nom. Ved. rijuyati, -te, -yitum, to walk
spirits. m., N. of a prince, a son of Sunika. straightforward, on the right or honest way; to direct
one's way towards anything.
^JBf 3. riksha, as, a, am (perhaps a wrong ^lW]<* ritika, as, m., N. of the father of
reading for rikna), pierced, cut, divided. Jamadagni, a son of Heaven ; N. of a country. Rijuyd, ind., Ved. in a straight line.
Rijuyu, us, us, u, Ved. honest ; upright.
^f^trikshara, as, m . (fr. rt. I . or 2 . risk ?), a rttisha, am, n. a frying-pan ; (as), Rfjvad, an, udi (?), ok, Ved. going straightforward.
thorn; a family priest; (am), n. a shower, a stream. m. a hell.
^f5T i. rijra, as, d, am (rt. 2. ar;'), Ved.
rifishama, as, d, am, Ved. (Say. reddish, dark red, reddish brown.
rikshald, f., Ved. a fetter ;~[cf.
fr. rid and sama) equal to the Ri<5 ; epithet of Indra ; Rijriya, as, d, am, Ved. reddish, red.
(perhaps this word is related to rijisha, rijlshin, q. v.) ^f?ar 2 . rijra, as, m . (fr . rt. 2 . rinj ?), a leader.
righdya, norn. P. A. (fr. an obso-
lete noun righa), Ved. righdyati, -te, -yitum, to •=^•^3 rideyu, us, m., N. of a man ; a son — Rijrd^va (^ra-af), as, m., N. of a man.
tremble; to tremble with passion, rage, rave; [cf. of Raudrasva. _LI jj i. rinj, cl. i. A. rihjate, rinjdn-
Zend ereghata; Germ. ary.J ^ N takre, -jitum, to fry.
Righd-vat, an, ati, at, Ved. raving, impetuous. •affS ri6h, cl. 6. P. nf&ati, dnarttha, ,_il Jj 2. riuj, cl. 6. P. A. rinjati, -te,
*• \ arfdhitum, to go, move ; to fail in facul- *• N -jltum, to spring forward, run ; to strive
ties; tobecome hard or stiff; [cf. Lat. rigere.J
iJJ -d i. rif (connected with rt. ar& and after, long for ; (Say.) to decorate.
fc NWith rt. ark, q. q. v. v.), d. 6. P. ridati, •*t •aa.<*\riMhakd,f. (fr.rt. 4. n), wish, desire. RinjasSna, as, a, am, running towards, striving
praise, ardishyati, arditum, Ved. inf. rid'ase, to
laud, celebrate; ^^itl ritihard, f., Ved. a fetter; a har- after ; (as), m. a cloud.
to cover, screen; to
shine (?). lot, a courtezan. rina, as, d, am (said to be fr. rt. 4. ri;
180 rina-kartri. ritu-gana.
cf. Lat reia), Ved. guilty ; (am), n. guilt ; obliga- the seat or centre of religious faith, as the altar &c., ari, a, Ved. of true nature or character, according to
tion, debt (opposed to ilhana and riktka, ' pro- or according to Say. the seat of water or of the sun ; fixed order, epithet of any object in nature subject to
perty'); afort, a stronghold; water; a negative ritasya yonlh, water ; ritasya gopdh or nctd or fixed laws (e. g. of the moon, of plants, of waters, the
quantity, minus ; (««), m. a N. of Vyasa ; ant yam rathlh or patih, the protector or leader or lord of dawn, &c.) ; true to sacred law; just, pious, faithful,
rtnam, the last debt, a debt to the manes, i. e. the divine truth, or according to S5y. of the sacrifice, as believing ; epithet of Agni, as always present at and
generation of a son ; rtnam Jtri, to get into debt ; an epithet of Agni, of Soma, of the Adityas, and presiding over sacrificial rites and the worship of the
rinam dhri, to be indebted ; rtnam da or pra- other gods, or sometimes applied to men who are deities ; epithet of Brihaspati, of Sarasvati, of Soma,
yam or sam-ni, to pay a debt ; rinam prop, to guardians of the truth) ; truth in general, right (e. g. and especially of the Adityas ; (Say.) bestowing food ;
become indebted; rinam parips (Desid. fr. rt. dp /Hithya or panthd ritasya, the path of truth, the possessed of sacrifice. — Ritd-vridh, t, t, t, Ved. re-
with pan), to require payment of a debt, call in a right way, a virtuous life, or according to Say. the joicing injustice and piety, holy-minded, especially as
debt. — Sinn-kartri, la, tri, tri, getting into debt, way of the water) ; truth personified (as an object of an epithet of the Adityas; (Say.) increasers of water,
worship, and hence enumerated among the sacred or of sacrifice, or of truth. — Rita-shah, -ghdt, t, t,
indebted. — (dna-ki'iti, is, is, i, Ved. requiring pay-
ment of debts, ' taking revenge ;' (Say.) one to objects in the last chapter of the Nighantavas. In Ved. maintaining the sacred law. — Ritokti l°ta-nk°),
whom praise is due as a debt, or one who receives later Sanskrit he is regarded as a child of Dharma) ; is, f. speaking truth. — Ritodya (°ta-ud°), am, n.,
praise as a debt to be repaid in benefits. — Jiitta- gleaning, i.e. the lawful and right means of getting a Ved. true speech, truth ; (Say.) bora for sacrifice or
grasta, as, a, am, indebted, involved in debt. livelihood for Brfihrnans as opposed to the cultivation religious rites.
•- Rina-graha, as, m. borrowing; a borrower. of the ground (this latter being metaphorically called Ritaya, nom. P. A. ritayati, -te, -yitum (generally
— Rina-fjrdhin, i, ini, i, borrowing; a borrower. an-rita, improper) . — Rita-tit, t, t, t, Ved. observing used in pres. part, ritaynt or ritdyal), to submit to
— Rina-fit, t, t, t, Ved. punishing offences or guilt ; the sacred law, conversant or familiar with it ; (Say.) divine ordinances, to act piously ; to observe the
(Sly.) acknowledging (praise) as an obligation to be knowing the sacrifice or water. — Rita-jd, as, as, am, sacred law, be obedient or pious; (Say.) to desire
paid for. — flina- ijnt, t,t,t, Ved. granting quittance sacrifice.
or rita-jata, as, d, am, Ved. happening at the right
of a debt or an offence. — Ijtinan-faya, as, m., N. of time, of a true nature, sprung from sacred truth, Ritayd, inst.,Ved. in right manner ; (Say.) through
a prince of the Rusamas ; N. of an author of a hymn according to sacred truth. — Rita-jata-satya, as, d, desire of reward.
in the Rig-veda (IX. 108). ^Rina-da, as, a, am, am, Ved. realizing what is according to the sacred Ritayu or ritayu, us, us, u, Ved. observing the
or rina-ddtri, td, trl, tri, or rina-ddyin, i, ini, i, law ; (Say.) born for the sake of the sacrifice and sacred law, obedient, pious; (S3y.) desirous of sacrifice.
one who pays a debt. — fina-ddna, am, a. payment having true result. — Rita-jit, t, t, t, Ved. gaining the SeeRitdyin,
ritayu. i, ini, i, Ved. observing the sacred law.
of a debt. — Rina-ddsa, as, m. lit. ' a debt-slave,' right. — i Rita-jur, ur, ur, ur, Ved. grown quite old ;
i. e. one who becomes a slave to his creditor till his Rite, ind. except, excepting, with the exception of,
(Say.) growing old in religious worship. — Rita-jna,
debt is paid. — Riiia-matkuna, as, m. a security, a as, as, am, Ved. well informed ; familiar with the to the exclusion of, besides, without (with abl. or
bail (which sticks to the debtor like an insect). sacred law ; (Say.) knowing the sacrifice. — Rita-jya, ace.) ; sometimes used at the beginning of a com-
— Rina-margana, as, m. a security. — Rlna-mukta, as, d, am, Ved. furnished with a good bow-string; pound, e. g. rite-rakshas, ds, ds, as, (any rite &c.)
as d, am, released from debt. — jRina-mukti, is, f. (Say.) whose string is truth, truth-strung (said of a from which the Rakshasas are excluded. — Rite-
discharge of a debt. — Rina-moksha, as, m. paying bow). — Rita-dyumna, as, d, am, Ved. filled with karmam, ind., Ved. acting according to fixed rule
a debt. — Rina-yd, ds, as, am, or rina-yavan, d, d, sacred strength. — Rita-dhdman, d, a, a, Ved. of true or settled law ; (Say.) granting rain. — Rite-jd, ds,
a, Ved. punishing or prosecuting guilt ; keeping off or pure nature ; (a), m., N. of Vishnu ; of the thir- ds, am, Ved. living in truth, true to the law.
debt or guilt. — Rina-vat, an, ati, at, one who is teenth Maim ; of the Indra in the twelfth Manvantara. Ritena, ind. according to settled law, duly, properly,
in debt, one who is under obligation (to another), — Rita-dhiti, is, is, i, Ved. of true or sacred disposi- rightly, regularly, in the prescribed manner, justly,
indebted. — Rina-van, d, d, a, Ved. guilty, indebted ; tion ;epithet of the gods ; (Say.) receiving true praise ; strictly, fairly, truly, honestly.
obliged, under obligation (to another). — Rina-io- whose actions are unobstructed. — Rita-dhraja, as,
^JTiT rift, is, f. (fr. rt. 4. ri, and therefore
tlhana, am, n. payment or discharge of a debt. m. epithet of Rudra ; N. of a sage ; a son of Kan-ka ; connected with rita above), going, motion ; assault,
— Rindddna (°na-dd°), am, n. recovery of a debt, epithet of Pratardana. — Rita-ni, is, is, i, Ved. lead- combat ; abuse, censure, reproach ; emulation, envy ;
receipt of money &c. lent (as one of the eighteen ing in the right way; (SSy.) leader of truth (as the manner of proceeding, manner; road, way; prosperity,
titles or subjects of judicial procedure). — Rinantaka Adityas). — Rita-parna, as, m., N. of a prince (son
of AyutSjit and friend of Nala). — Rita-pd, as, ds, am, felicity; fitness, trueness(?); remembrance; protec-
(°na-an°), as, m. the planet Mars (as the patron of tion ;misfortune ; (some of the latter meanings are
debtors). — Rindpanayana (°na-ap°), am, n. dis- Ved. observing the truth ; observing the law ; (Say.)
protecting truth or the sacrifice. •» Rita-peya, as, m., only found in lexicons) ; [cf. Hib. raith, ' prosperity,
charge of a debt •» Rindpanodana (°na-ap°), am,
n. payment of a debt. — ^tMapa/l-arawa (Owa-ap°), N. of a certain ceremony. — Rita-pei!as, ds, ds, as, increase, profit, benefit, good ;' raite, ' ways, passages,
Ved. having a perfect shape ; epithet of Varuna ; road.'] — Ritiit-kara, as, i, am, unfortunate, pro-
am, n. paying off a debt. — Rindrna (Ona-rt°), am, pitious. —Ritl-shan, -slidt, t, t, Ved. enduring an
n. debt of a debt, compound interest ; [cf. Gram. 38. d.] (SSy.) one whose form consists of water. — Rita- assault, able to resist, enduring ; (Say.) subduing an
• Rinoilyrahana (°na-ud°), am, n. recovering a prajdla, as, d, am, Ved. happening at the right
debt in any way from the creditor by friendly or legal assailant.
time, of true nature, born from sacred truth, accord-
proceedings, by stratagem or by arrest. ing to sacred truth; (Say.) produced from water. Rittya, nom. A. P. ritiyate, -ti, -yitum, to
Rinika, as, m. a debtor. — Rita-pravita, as, d, am, Ved. conceived in the quarrel, litigate ; to be in discord with one's self, be
Rinin, i, ini, i, a debtor, one under any obliga- right manner ; (Say.) invested with truth, or with ashamed.
tion (to another), indebted, of or belonging to a debt ; Ritiyd, f. censure, reproach ; (according to others)
water, or with the sacrifice. — Rita-psu, us, ««, u,
[cf. an-rinin.] Ved. having a perfect shape or aspect ; (S5y.) whose shame.
form is truth, or who consumes the sacrificial food.
^tt^rit, A. ritlyate, to reproach, contemn, ^frj ritu, MS, m. (fr. rt. 4. rt ?), any settled
— Rita-bhdga, as, m., N. of a man, 'ApraSaftj!. point of time, a fixed time, time appointed for
pity ; to rival, have power, domineer ; hate ; go ; (a
Sautra root, i. e. a root occurring only in grammatical — Ritam-bkara, as, d, am, bearing the truth in sacrifices and other regular worship, right time, fit
one's self, an epithet of Brahma, also of Vishnu ; season (especially in the inst. pi. ritubhis, at the
Sntras and not in the DhJtu-patha.) [To this root
have been referred Goth. rt. lith in leitha, laith, (a), f. intellect; N. of a river. — Rila-yukti, is, f., right time or at the appointed time for sacrifice or
Ved. right union ; (SSy.) true application of a hymn. for a festival); an epoch, a period, a period of the
lithum; Hib. rith, 'course, flight, gallop, race;' — /!ita-yuj, k, Ic, k, Ved. well harnessed ; well year, a season ; (the number of seasons is sometimes
rithim, ' I run, range, rush.'] allied; (Say.) going to the sacrifice. — Rita-vat, an, limited to three, or sometimes to five, viz. Vjtsanta,
^K rita, as, a, am (fr. rt. 4. r>), proper, ati, at, being right, saying the truth. — Rita-rak-it, 'spring;' GrTshma. 'the hot season;' Varsha, pi.
right ; honest, brave, competent ; true ; worshipped, as, m., Ved true or pious speech, speaking of truth.
respected ; enlightened, luminous ; gone, risen, moved, — Rita-vddin, i, ini, i, Ved. saying right, speaking the rains;' Sarad, ' the autumn;' Hcmanla-sisir"
affected by ; (am), ind. right, duly, properly, ener- truth. «- Rita-^vrata, ds, m. pi., N. of the inhabitants . ' the cold and dewy season :' b'ut is more com-
lonly reckoned as six, Ilemanta and S'isira being
getically; ritam i, to go tie right way, to live of S'akadvipa.-.^tte-sad, t, t, t, Ved. dwelling or •egarded as distinct : occasionally as seven, or even as
virtuously ; (an), m., N. of a Rndra ; of a prince ; seated in truth ; (Say.) dwelling in the sacrifice. AveTve, in the latter case each season lasting one
(am), n. fixed or settled order, law, rule (especially — Kita-sadana, am, i, n. f., Ved. the right or month. The Ritus or seasons are occasionally ad-
in religion) ; sacred or pious custom, pious action ; usual seat. — Rita-sap, pt p, p, Ved. practising pious dressed inthe Veda and libations offered to them) ;
divine law, faith, divine truth; (Say.) water, sacrifice, acts, of a pious disposition ; steady in religious belief; the menstrual evacuation, the time favourable for pro-
sacrificial rite; the sun (e. g. ritam brihat, the great (Say.) pervading truth. — Rita-stuli/i, p, m. ' praising creation, or sixteen days in each month ; fixed order,
divine law, supreme truth, or according to Say. a order, rule ; light, splendor ; the number six (from
in the right manner,' N. of a Rishi. — Rita-sthd,
great sacrifice ; ritasya garlihah or prajdh, the off- ««, (7s, am, Ved. standing right. — Ritas-pati, is, the six seasons); a kind of collyrium; N. of the
spring ofdivine truth, or according to Say. the off- m., Ved. lord of divine truth ; an epithet of V5yu ;
twelfth Manu ; [cf. Hib. raitlie, ' a quarter of a
spring of the water or of sacrifice, as an epithet of (Say. ) lord of sacrifices. — Rita-iprii, k, k, k, Ved.
Agni, of Soma, or of Vishnu; prathamaja rituxya, loving sacred truth ; an epithet of the Adityas and of year ;' alt, ' time, a joint, an article.'] — Ritu-
kala, o«, m. the duration of a season ; the period of
the first-bom of divine truth or Prajapati ; ritasya Mitra -Varuna; (S5y.) touching water. — Ritdnrita menstruation, the period favourable for procreation,
sadanam or tadah or tadma or padam or ndbhih. (°te-an°), am, n. truth and falsehood. •- Rita-van, d, sixteen days of each month. — Ritu-gana, as, m. the
•Mil fan ritu-ffdmin.
seasons collectively. — Rita-gamin, I, m. having in- make prosperous, cause to succeed ; to accomplish ; of musical instrument ; (perhaps a wrong reading for
tercourse with a wife after the period of menstrua- to gratify, satisfy: Caus. ardhayati, -yitum, to
tion. — Ritu-graha, as, m., Ved. a libation offered cause to prosper, accomplish ; to satisfy : Desid. jhallaka.)
Rillarl, f. a kind of musical instrument.
to the seasons. — Ritu-jit, t, m., N. of a prince of Irtsati; [cf. Lat. ol-esco, ad-ul-tus, radix; Goth.
MithilS. — Riturdhdman, a, m. epithet of Vishnu ; aurti, ' plant,' in aurti-gards ; Lat. alo; Gr. ^^1 ris'ya or risa, as, in. the male of a
N. of the Indra of the twelfth Manvantara. — Ritu- a.\5alvai ; Goth, ai^'a,- Hib. alt, ' nursing.'] species of antelope, the painted or white-footed ante-
pati, is, m., Ved. lord of the seasons ; an epithet of Riddha, as, d, am, prosperous ; increased ; thriv- lope; [cf. rishya and ris'ya.] — Rifya-ketu, us, m.
Agni.— Ritu-parna, as, m., N. of a king of Ayo- ing, rising ; stored, as grain ; (am), n. stored grain ; an epithet of Aniruddha ; (a various reading for vi&a-
a demonstrated conclusion, a distinct result.
ihyz. — Ritu-parydya, as, m. the revolution of the
seasons. — Ritu-pd, as, as, am, Ved. drinking or com- Riddhi, is, f. success, prosperity, good fortune, ietu. a pit )for
- Risya-da, as, m. (da— fr.Rifya-pad,
catching antelopes. rt. 4. da, ' toat,bind '),
ing to the libation regularly or at the appointed seasons. affluence, increase, growth, accomplishment; perfec- at, Ved. having the feet of an antelope.
— Ritu-pdtra,am, n.,Ved. the cup in which the liba- tion, supernatural power or supremacy ; N. of a
[. rish (connected with rt. vrish),
tionto the seasons is offered. — Ritu-prdpta,as,d,am, medicinal plant ; prosperity personified as the wife of :1. i. P. arshati, dnarsha, arshitum, to
productive in due season, fruitful, fertile. — Ritu-mat, Kuvera ; N. of the goddess Parvatr. — Riddhi-kdma,
flow, flow quickly; to bring anything near by flowing ;
an, atl, at, Ved. observing regular times, coming at as, d, am, desiring increase or prosperity. — Riddhi- to glide, to move with a gliding or quick motion ;
regular times ; enjoying the seasons ; (tt), f. a woman mat, an, atl, at, being in a prosperous state, pros-
during her courses, a woman during menstruation or perous, wealthy, respectable, rich ; making a fine [cf. Goth, airz-ja; Old Germ, irru; Lat. erro.]
in the period favourable for procreation ; (t), n., N. appearance, bringing happiness. — Riddhi-sdkshdt- Rishad-gu, us, m., N. of a son of Vrijinlvat.
kriyd, f. manifestation of supernatural power. jlishabha, as, m. (fr. rt. rish as vrishabha fr.
of Varuna's grove or garden. — Ritu-maya, as, I, am, vrish, ' to sprinkle,' the idea of impregnating being
consisting of the seasons. — Ritu-mukha, am, n. the Ridhat, an,atl, at (pies. part, from a form in cl. a),
involved), a bull, a young bull ; (in comp. with other
beginning or first day of a season. — Ritu-ydja, as, prospering, thriving, &c. — Ridhad-rl, Is, m. (rl = names of animals) the male animal ; (in comp. with
m. sacrifice offered to the seasons ; N. of a ceremony rai), N. of a man. — Ridhad-vdra, as, d, am, Ved.
other nouns) the best or most excellent of any species
of the Pratah-savana, just before the Ajya-sastra. increasing one's goods; (S5y.) having desirable or or race (e. g. purusharshabha, an excellent man ;
-Ritu-mja, as, m. the spring (king of the sea- prosperous wealth. Bharatarshabha, the most eminent of the Bharala
sons). —Ritu-linga, am, n. characteristic or sign of Ridhila, as, m., N. of a man.
race) ; the second of the seven notes of the Hindu
the season; symptom of menstruation. — Ritu-vritti,
^jUcfc ridhak, ind. (related to ardha), Ved. gamut, in abbreviation Ri ; the hollow of the ear ;
is, m. revolution of the seasons, a year. — Ritu-veld,
f. the period of menstruation ; the period favourable separately ; aside, apart ; singly, one by one ; in a dis- a boar's tail ; a crocodile's tail ; a dried plant, one of
tinguished manner, particularly. — Ridhan-mantra, the eight principal medicaments ; N. of an antidote ;
for procreation, sixteen days of each month. — Ritu- N. of a ceremony ; N. of a king of the SViknas ; of
ias, ind., Ved. in order, duly ; at the right or fixed as, d, am, Ved. one who is destitute of speech.
a descendant of VisvS-mitra and author of several
time.— Ritu-shthd and ritu-sthd, as, a, am, Ved.
^Y=li ridhuka, as, d, am, short (?). hymns of the Rig-veda ; of a Naga ; of a prince,
fixed at the proper seasons. — Ritu-samhdra, as, m.
• collection of the seasons,' title of a poem ascribed .AI \JL riph or rinph or rimpfi, cl. 6. P. a sonof ofNSbhi
one the sevenand Meru;
Rishis of a second
of the son of Manvantara
Kus'Sgra; of;
to KSlidisa in praise of the six seasons. — Rlta- *• \ riphati, anarpha or rimphdn-dakdra, of the first Arhat of the present Avasarpinr, a son of
sandhi, is, m. the interval or junction between two Nabhi and Marudeva ; of a mountain ; (I), f. a woman
seasons, the last seven days of one season and the to injure, kill ; [cf. rt. riph."]
•=yofl+l riblsa, am, n., Ved. a fissure, rent, with masculine peculiarities, as with a beard &c. ; a
first seven of the next. — Ritu-samaya, as, m. the
gulf, abyss ; warmth of the earth. widow ; the plant Carpopogon Pruriens ; N. of another
period favourable for procreation. — RitUrsdtmya,
am, n. diet &c. suited to the season. — Ritu-sthald, ^JH ribhu, us, us, u (fr. rt. rabh), Ved. plant; [cf. Zend arshau; Gr. &p<niv.] — Rishabha-
f., N. of an Apsaras. — Ritu-sndtd, f. a woman who ku/a, as, m., N. of a mountain. — Rishabha-gaja-
clever, skilful, inventive, prudent (often as an epithet vilasita, am, n., N. of a metre consisting of four lines
has bathed after menstruation and so prepared herself of the gods Indra, Agni, and the Adityas) ; handy
for sexual intercourse. — Ritu-tndna, am, n. bathing of sixteen syllables each. — Rishabha-tara, as, m. a
(as a weapon), easy to be used ; (Say.) shining far, small bu\\.-Rishabha-ddyin, I, inl, i, giving a
after menstruation. — Ritii-anta, ae, m. the close of diffusing light ; (us), m. an artist, one who works in
a season, the termination of menstruation. bu\L-Rishabha-dvlpa, as, m., N. of a country.
iron, a smith, a builder (especially of carriages) ; N.
Ritavya, as, a, am, devoted to the seasons, one of three semi-divine beings (called Ribhu, Vibhvan, of— an
Rishabha-dhvaja, as, m. an epithet of S'iva ; N.
Arhat or Jaina saint.
who worships them as divinities, relating to the season, and Vaja, sons of Su-dhanvan, a descendant of
seasonable. Rishabhaka, as, m., N. of a medicinal plant.
Atvgiras, and called Ribhus from the name of the
Rituthd, ind. in order, duly; distinctly, precisely, elder. Through their performance of good works 2. rish, cl. 6. P. rishati, anarsha,
exactly; (Say.) at a right or fixed time. [sa-opos] they obtained divinity, exercised super- ^.arshishyati, drshlt, arshitum, to push ;
Ritv-ij, k, k, Tc (ij fr. rt. yaf),Ved. sacrificing at the human powers, and became entitled to worship. to pierce ; to go, approach.
proper seasons, sacrificing regularly ; (k), m. a priest ; They are supposed to dwell in the solar sphere, and
are the artists who formed the horses of Indra, the ^fi4 rishi, is, m. (said to be either fr. rt.
(the four chief Ritvijas or priests are the Hotri, (Jdgatri,
carriage of the AsVins, and the miraculous cow of drU, ' to see,' or fr. I. rish ; perhaps related to art
Adhvaryu, and Brahman ; sometimes eight are enume-
rated, and at very grand ceremonies sixteen, viz. Hotri, Brihaspati ; they made their aged parents young, and or rid, ' to praise '), a singer of sacred hymns, an in-
Ud-gatri, Adhvaryu, Brahman, Brahmanacchansin, constructed four cups at a sacrifice from the one cup spired poet or sage, any person who alone or with
others invokes the deities in rhythmical speech or
Pra-stotri, Maitra-varuna, Prati-prasthatri, Potri, of Tvashtri who, as the proper artificer of the gods,
Prati-hartn, AcchSvaka, Neshtri, Agnldh, Subrah- was in this respect their rival ; they appear generally song, especially in song of a sacred character (e. g. the
ancient hymn-singers Kutsa, Atri, Rebha, Agastya,
manya, Gr5va-stut, and Un-netri.) as accompanying Indra, especially at the evening sacri- Kusika, Vasishtha, Vy-asVa, who were regarded by
1. ritviya, as, d, am, due, regular ; happening at fice. In later mythology Ribhu is a son of Brahma) ;
fixed or regular times; conforming to ceremonial later generations as patriarchal sages or saints, occupy-
a deity, a divinity in general ; [cf. *Op<peu j.] — Ribhu- ing the same position in Indian history as the heroes
rules, familiar with those rules. — Rilviyd-vat, an, mat, an, atl, at, Ved. clever, skilful, prudent ; con-
atl, at, Ved. conformable to law or rule, formal. nected with or accompanied by the Ribhus ; (SSy.) and patriarchs of other countries. These Rishis con-
wide-shining. stitute apeculiar class of beings in the early mythical
2. ritviya or ritrya, as, d, am, menstruating ;
system, as distinct from gods, men, Asuras, &c. ;
being in the period most favourable for procreation ; Ribhuktha, as, m. Indra ; Indra's heaven or para-
dise ;the thunderbolt of Indra. (This word does they are the authors or rather seers of the Vedic
(am), n. menstruation.
not hymns, i. e. according to orthodox Hindu ideas they
rite. See under rita, p. 180. the seem
next.) to be used, but appears to owe its origin to are the inspired personages to whom these hymns
ritv-ij. See above. RibhuksJiin, da, m. (in the Ved. only the following were revealed, and such an expression as ' the Rishi
forms occur, nom. sing, -kshds, ace. sing, -kshanam, says' is equivalent to ' so it stands in the sacred texts.'
ridudara, as, a, am (perhaps related Seven Rishis, sapta rishayah or saptarisnayah or
nom. pi. -kshds and -kshanas), the first of the three
to mridu), Ved. mild, soft, kind, gracious. Ribhus, who is the Ribhu par excellence ; a Ribhu saptarshayah, are often mentioned in the BrShmanas
in general ; a N. of Indra ; N. of the Maruts ; (the and later works as typical representatives of the charac-
Ridupa, f. (for mridu-pd?), Ved. a bee or any ter and spirit of the pre-historic or mythical period ; in
other insect fond of sweets.
word means, according to the scholiasts, ' governing the Satapatha-Brahmana their names are given as
RMu-vridh, t, t, t, Ved. rejoicing in sweets. far or reigning over the Ribhus.') follows, Gotama, BharadvSja, ViSva-mitra, Jamadagni,
Ribhva, as, d, am, Ved. attacking, assailing, cou-
ridh, cl. 4. 5. 7. P. ridhyati, ridh- rageous, determined ; extending far ; clever ; skilful. Vasishtha, Kasyapa, and Atri ; in the Maha-bh5rata
^noti, rinaddhi (and in some forms cl. 2, thus, Marici, Atri, An-giras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya,
Ribhmn, d, d, a, or ribhvas, de, as, as, Ved. Vasishtha; in Manu they are called Prajapatis or
. as pres. 2nd du. ridhdthe, pot. 1st pi. ridhydma, attacking, assailing, courageous, determined ; (Say.)
impf. 1st pi. drdhma), dnardha, ardhifhyati, patriarchs, and are reckoned as ten, three other names
shining widely or far extended.
drdhlt, ardhitum, to succeed, prosper; to grow, being added, viz. Pracetas or Daksha, Bhrigu, and Na-
increase, flourish; to be prosperous and happy, to rillaka, as, m. a player on a kind rada, these ten being created by Manu Svayambhuvi
182 rishi-kulya. eka-janman.
for the production of all other beings including gods Sugrlva. — Rtshya-i'ringa, as, m , N. of a personage one — the other), or in the sense of ' one after another '
and men. The seven Rishis form in astronomy the (son of the Rishi Vibhamjaka) whose story is told in (e. g. eka ekah puriisliafi, one man after another). It
R Jmlyana I. 9 ; N. of a legislator. — jfishyditka is often used in the middle of compounds either sub-
constellation of 'the Great Bear.' Metaphorically, stantively or adverbially (e. g. p unyaika-karma, prac-
the seven Rishis may stand for the seven senses or (°ya-att°), as, m. an epithet of Aniruddha.
the seven vital airs of the body) ; in later times a antelope.
Rishyiikit, oc, m. the painted or white-footed tising only virtue ; smrgalka-sammukhi, f. look-
saint or sanctified sage in general, an ascetic, an an- ing only up to the sky ; kara^padaika-hlnas, de-
chorite, (sometimes three orders of theseRishis are enu- prived ofone foot and one hand). In Vedic Sanskrit
merated, viz. Devarshis, Brahmarshis, and RSjarshis ;•=lj««( rishva, as, d, am (fr. rt. I. risk), Ved. it may sometimes be placed, together with no, before
sometimes seven, four others being added, viz. Ma- elevated, high, sublime, great ; epithet of several a decad to lessen it by one, being then used in the
harshis, Paramanhis, Srutarshis, and KSndarshis) ; a deities, especially of Agni and Indra. — Rishva-vira, inst. or ace. fem., inst. or abl. ncut. (e. g. ekayd no,
ray of light ; an imaginary circle ; the fish Cyprinus as, a, am, Ved. inhabited by sublime beings (as the Irinsiit or ekdm na trintot = twenty-nine ; ekrna
Rishi ; [cf. Hib. arsan, ' a sage, a man old in sky). — Riskraujas (Ora-oj°), as, as, as, Ved. pos- na viiis'atih or ekad na rlHSaiih •= nineteen). In
sessing high power. compounds and derivatives eka never appears in its
wisdom;' arrack, 'old, ancient, aged.'] — Rishi- fem. form eka (e. g. ekasydh kshlram, the milk of
kulyd, {. ' the river of the Rishis,' a sacred river, as 'SJjf^rT rihat, an, all, at, Ved. small, weak, one female, is compounded into tka-kshiram not
the Sarasvati or GarrgJ ; a river in general ; N. of the
wife of Bhuman and mother of Udgitha. — Itishi- powerless. ekd-kshi ram) ; [cf. Lith. ni-ekas, 'no:' Hib. each,
krit, t, t, t, Ved. rendering a poet inspired, inspiring ; ' any ; ' neach, ' any one, one, some one, he ; ' neach-
(Say.) making one's appearance, appearing. — Rinht- tar, ' neither ; ' neachdarach, ' neutral : ' Gr. Iml-
gana, as, m. a company or number of sages, the No Sanskrit word begins with any of these vowels ; rtpos ; fKa-aros : Lat. cequus, c-ocles fr. Ic-ocles :
host of patriarchal sages. — Rishi-giri, Is, m., N. of ri appears only in the gen. plur. of nouns terminating Goth, ha in compounds, as haihs, Them, haika,
a mountain in Magadha. — Rishi-gupta, as, m., N. in ri, in the ace. plur. of fem. nouns of relationship ka-ika, ' one-eyed ;' ha-nfs, Them. Aa-n/a, ' one-
of a Buddha. — Riski-fodana, as, a, am, Ved. in- in rt, and in the nom. and ace. plur. of neuter nouns handed;' halts, Them, ha-lla, 'lame;' ka-lbs,
spiring the singer. — Rishi- fthandas, as, n. the in ri. As to the vowel Iri it occurs only in some Them, ha-lba, ' half.'] - Eka-rikthin, &c.; see
metre of a Rishi. — Rishi-jdngala, as, m. or ri$M- forms of the root Urip. The long Iri is a mere eka-rikthin, &c. — Eka-kapala, as, a, am, con-
jdngaUki, f. the plant Convolvulus Argenteus. invention of grammarians. sisting ofone cup, contained in one cup. -• Eka-
— Ifixlti-tnriHiua, am, n. libation offered to the kara, as, I, am, doing only one thing; (as,
Rishis. — Rishi-tva, am, n. the order or state of a ^ i. ri, ind. a particle uttered at the be- a, am), one-handed, one-rayed. •• Eka-hanna-
Rishi. — Rifhi-dem, as, m.,N. of a Buddha. — Riahi- ginning ofa speech ; an interjection of warding off lidraka, ai, a, am, doing the same thing, of
reproach and terror ; (ris or rt), f. the mother of the the same profession. — Eka-kdrya, am, n. sole
dvish, (, t, t, Ved. hating an inspired poet. — Rishi- gods ; also of the demons ; recollection ; (a), m. a N. business, the same business or work ; (as, a, am),
pandamt, f., N. of a festival on the fifth day in the of Bhairava ; a DSnava or demon ; the breast ; motion,
second half of the month Bhadra. — Rishi-patana, performing the same work, answering the same end.
N. of a country near VSrSnasI. — Rishi-putra, as, going.— Rl-kdra, as, m. the letter or sound ri. — EJia-kala, as, m. one time, the same time ; (am),
•^,2. riforrt. 4. ri, q.v. ind. at one time, only once; (e), ind. at the same
m., N. of an author. — Rishi-pras'ishta, as, a, am, time, at once. — Ekakala-bhojana, am, n. eating
Ved. instructed by the Rishi. - Rishi-proktd, (. the T!i Iri, ind. the earth ; a mountain ; the but
plant Glycine Debilis. — Rishi-bandlui, us, us, u, one meal in any given time. — Ekakalika, an,
Ved. related to a Rishi, connected with a Rishi. mother of the gods ; the divine nature ; a mystical d, am, happening only once ; happening once a day.
letter. — Lri-kdra, as, m. the letter or sound Iri. — Ekakdllna, as, d, am, contemporary, coeval,
— Rishi-brdhmana, am, n. title of a work. — Rishi- — Lri-varna, am, n. the vowel Iri.
manas, as, as, as, Ved. having the mind of a sacred simultaneous. — Eka-kundala, as, m. an epithet of
poet, inspired. — Rishwnukha, am, n. the beginning o£ Iri, ind. a mother; a divine female; Kuvera ; of Balabhadra ; and of Sesha, the king of
of a Mandala composed by a Rishi. — Rithi-yajna, female nature
mother of the ;DSnavas (Iris), m. a N.of of
; wife S'iva ; ;(Iris),
a Daitya f. the the Nagas. — Elta-kushtha, am, n. a kind of leprosy,
tile mother
as, m. sacrifice offered to a Rishi, consisting of a ichthyosis.—£'/(a-/r«Aira, am, n. the milk of one
prayer uttered in a low voice. — Rishi-loka, as, m. of -the all-bestowing cow of plenty ; ind. a mystical (nurse &.c.).—Eka-guru, us, or eka-gurulta, as,
the world of the Rishis. - Rishi-vat, ind., Ved. like letter used once or repeatedly in Mantras or mystical m. a spiritual brother, pupil of the same pre-
a Rishi. — Rishi-vadana, N. of a country ; see rishi- formularies ; (the letters rt and Iri are employed in ceptor; having the same preceptor. — Eka-grdma,
patana. •- Rishi-vaha, as, a, ant, bearing or con- the same manner ; they have apparently no significa- as, m. the same village. — Ekagrdmlna or eka-
veying aRishi. — Rishi-skak, skat, t, t, Ved. intoxi- tion, but are personified and invested with mystical grdmiya, as, d, am, inhabiting the same village.
cating and inspiring the singer, as the Soma. — Rishi- properties in the Tantras.) — Eka-^akra, as, d, am, having only one wheel ;
s/icnii. as, m., N. of a man. — Ruhi-shtuta, as, a, passed over by the wheel (of the carriage) of
am, praised by the sacred poets. — Rishi-sattaraa, only one (king), i.e. governed by only one king;
as, m. best or most excellent of the sages. — Itishi- (o«), m., N. of a DSnava ; (a), f., N. of a town of
stoma, as, m. praise of the Rishis. — Rishi-svara, the KIcakas. — Eliataltrararti-ta, f. state of being
as, a, am, Ved. praised by a Rishi. — RisJii-tata, ^ i . e, the eleventh vowel of the alphabet, sole master of the whole earth. — Ekatakra-vartin,
as, a, am, celebrated by the sacred singers.— Riski- corresponding to the letter e as pronounced in most i, m. sole master of the whole earth. — Ekafatra-
van, a, a, a, Ved. equal to the Rishis ; (S5y .) accom- languages, and having the sound of e in prey, grey.
panied byRishis. In English, however, this sound is rarely given to e. rinSa, ai, i, am, the forty-first. — Elta-e'atTarins'at,
t, f. forty-one. — Elia-fora, as, d or i, am, wander-
Rishika, as, m. pi., N. of a people ; (as), m. sing. "E-kdra, as, m. the letter or sound e. ing or living alone, not living in company, segregari-
a prince of this people; (a), f., N. of a river. H.2.e, ind. an interjection of remembering, ous, solitary, alone ; having one follower ; going
Riskiskdna, at, a, am, Ved. attracted by the together or at the same time ; gregarious ; (as), m.
addressing, censure or contempt, and compassion.
pious singer; (Say.) worshipped by the praiser. a rhinoceros. — Eka-farana, as, d, am, having only
JJ 3. e, es, m. a N. of Vishnu. one foot; (as), m. pi., N. of a fabulous rzct. — Eka-
rishu (occurring only in gen. plur.
ridiundm), Ved. a firebrand ; glowing fire ; (Sly.) JJ 4. e (o-t), cl. 2. P. aiti, -turn, to come, fdrin, t, itn, i, living alone, not in society ; going
alone or with one follower only ; (1), m. a Pratyeka-
one who approaches ; a Rishi. come near, come to, to fall to one's share (with ace.) ; buddha ; a follower of Buddha ; (lm), f. a loyal wife.
^ftr rishti, is, m. f. (fr. rt. 2. risk ?), a to arrive at, enter ; to addict one's self to ; to fall — Eka-(itta, am, n. fixedness of thought on one
into ; to gain : Intens. Ved. eyate , to hasten towards ;
spear, a lance, a sword, the weapon of the Maruts ; to request, to obtain by entreaty. object ; one and the same thought, unanimity ; (as,
[cf. rishti.] — Rishti-mat, an, art, at, Ved. fur- a, (an), thinking of one thing only, intent upon,
l&R eka, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt. 5. t ; absorbed in (e. g. tad-ekatittd, f. thinking only of
t, t, Ved.nishedcasting
with spears as' the Maruts. - Riskti-vidtjut, t, perhaps fr. the pronom. base e contained in etad), him) ; having the same thought, of one mind,
spears like lightning ; (Say.) shining
with weapons. - Rishti-skena, as, m., N. of a man. one, alone, solitary, single, happening only once ; the agreeing, concurring. — Elcatitta-td, f. fixedness of
same, one and the same, identical ; single of its kind, mind, agreement, unanimity. — Ekafittl-bhuya, ind.
^P«l rishya, as, m. [cf. rtsya],the painted unique, singular, chief, pre-eminent, excellent ; one having become unanimous. — Eka-dintana, am, n.
or white-footed antelope ; N. of a son of DevSn'thi ; of two or many [cf. (ka-tara, cka-iama] ; in later thinking of only one thing. — Eka-durm, in, m., N.
(am), n. a kind of leprosy. - Ruhya-kftttna, as, and Sanskrit used as an indefinite article ; (as), m., N. of of an author. — EJta-Mas, as, as, as, of one mind,
rishya-ketu, n*, m., N. of Aniruddha. -/«*/, ,/«- a man, the son of Raja. unanimous. — El;a-todana, am, n. mentioning in the
<iata, (. the plant Asparagus Raccmosus. - jtushya- Eka follows the declension of pronominals (see singular number ; (as, a, am), resting upon one rule.
<;an<7Aa,f.the plant Convolvulus Argenteus. — liishya- Gram. 200,237), and maybe declined in theplural(e.g. — Eka-ffhaya, as, d, am, having only shadow,
iihva, am, n. a kind of leprosy. -RMya^proktd, eke, some, several ; eke — eke or eke — apare or eke — quite dark. — Eka-ja, as, d, am, Ved. born alone or
(., N. of several plants, Carpopogon Pruriens, Aspa- anyeoreke — eke — apareorcke — tinye — eke — apare single, produced alone ; growing alone (said of a
ragus Racemosus, Sida Cordifolia or Rhombifolia. — apare, some — others). Sometimes eka may be tree) ; alone of its kind ; of one kind, unchanging.
— Rishya-muka, as, m. a mountain in the Dekhan, repeated in the sense of ' the one — the other, one — an- — Eka-janman, d, m. a king, a sovereign (whose
the temporary abode of R5ma with the monkey-chief other'(e.g.ci« — eka — tka — atiyaoreka — dvitlya,
birth is pre-eminent) ; once-born, a S'iidra (opposed
<?4»ilrf eka-jdta. eka-vadya.

to dvi-janman, ' twice-born'). «• Eka-jdta, as, a, or conclusion ; (as, a, am), having come to the am, n. eating but once a day as a religious obligation.
am, of one parentage, born of the same parents. same conclusion or resolution, having the same aim. — I. cka-bhakti, is, is, i, of one faith, believing in
— Eka-jiti, is, is, i, once-born ; belonging to the •- Eka-nishtha, as, a, am, intently fixed on one one deity. — i. eka-bhakti, is, f. eating but one meal
same family or kind, of the same caste ; (is), m. a object. — Eka-nida, as, a, am, having only one (a day). — Eka-bhdra, as, a, am, of the same
Sudra. — Ekajdti-pratibaddha, as, a, am, bound seat ; having a common home. — Eka-netra, as, m. nature ; of a simple or single nature or temperament ;
only to one birth, not born again. — Eka-jdtlya, as, an epithet of Siva (' one-eyed '). •* Eka^nemi, is, is,
a, am, belonging to the same family or kind ; of the (as), m. becoming one, oneness, agreement. — Eta-
i, Ved. having one circumference. — Eka-paksha, bhukta, as, a, am, eating but one meal (a day &c.) ;
same kind. — Eka-jyd, f. the cord of an arc ; sine of as, a, am, of the same side or party, an associate, a eating together. — Eka-bhuta, as, d, am, being one,
30° or of the radius. — Eka-jyotls, is, m. an epithet firm partisan ; partial, taking one view only ; (as), undivided; not distracted, closely attentive. — Eka-
of Siva. — EJta-tama, as, a, at, one of many ; one m. one side; (e), ind. in one point of view. -• Eka- bhojana, am, n. eating one meal a day ; eating in
of two ; one (used sometimes as an indefinite article).
paiidas'a, as, t,ain, the fifty-first. — Eka-pandddat, common, feeding together. — Eka-mati, is, I. the
— Eka-tara, as, a, am (neut. am not at by Ps- t, (. fifty-one. — Ekapanidfat-tama, as, i, am, the mind fixed upon one object ; (is, is, i), unanimous.
nini VII. i, 26), one of two, either, other, different; fifty-first. — Eka-patika, as, a, am, having the same — Eka-manas, as, di, as, fixing the mind upon
one of many; [Gr. IxciTtpoj; Hib. n'-eacktar, husband. — Eka-pattrikd, f. the plant Ocimum Gra- one object, having only one thought, attentive;
' neither of two.'] — Eka-ta, f. oneness, unity, union, tissimum. — Eka-patni, is, is, i, having only one unanimous. — Eka-maya, as, i, am, consisting of
coincidence, identity. — Eka-tdna, as, 5, am, directed wife. — Eka-patnl, (. only one wife ; the wife of one one. v Eka-mdtra, as, d, am, of one syllabic instant.
to one object only, having the mind fixed on one man, a faithful wife, one devoted to her husband ; -Eka-mukha, as, d or i, am, having the face
object only, closely attentive ; (as), m. attention fixed the wife of a man who has no other wives ; the wife
directed towards one spot, having the same aim ; hav-
on only one object ; musical harmony, (? a various of the same man. — Eka-pad or eka-pad, pat, ing one chief or head, having one overseer. — Eka-
reading for the next.) — Eka-tdla, as, m. harmony, padl, pat, having only one foot, limping, lame, in- murdhan, d, d, a, Ved. having the face directed to
unison, the accurate adjustment of song, dance, and complet(pat),
e; m. an epithet of Siva or of Vishnu ;
instrumental music; (i), f. an instrument for beating one spot, directed towards the same aim. — Eka-
N. of a Danava ; (padi), f. a foot-path ; a path, a muld, f. the plants Linum Usitatissimum and Desmo-
time, any instrument having but one note. — Eka- dium (Hedysarum) Gangeticum. — Eka-yakdra, as,
way, a road. (Aja ekapdd, t, m., Ved. * the one-
tirthin, i, ini, i, bathing in the same holy water, in- footed driver,' probably a deity presiding over storms ; a, am, containing only one y. — Eka-yashti, is, f.
habiting the same hermitage ; (i), m. an associate in according to the commentator a N. of the sun.) a single string of pearls. — Eka-yashtikd, f. a single
religious offices or objects, a spiritual brother. — Elta- — Eka-pada, am, n. only one step ; a simple word, string of flowers, pearls, 6cc. — Eka-ydvan, d, m.,
tejana, as, a, am, Ved. having one shaft (as an ar- a simple nominal formation; present time, same N. of a man. — Eka-yoni, is, is, i, of the same
row). —Ekatrins'a, as, i, am, the thirty-first. — Eka- time ; (e), iud. at the same moment, at once, sud- womb, uterine ; of the same mother, family or caste.
trinfot, t, f. thirty-one. — Eka-trika, as, m., N. denly (as,
; a, am), having only one foot ; consisting
— Eka-raja, as, m. the plant Verbesina Scandens;
of a ceremony. — Eka-tva, am, n. oneness, unity, of a single word, named with a single word ; (as),
see bhriitga-raja. — Eka-rasa, as, m. the only fla-
union, coincidence, identity ; (in gram.) the singular m. a kind of coitus; (a), f. (scil. rii) a verse con- vour, the only pleasure; (as, a, am), of one flavour,
number. — Eka-danshtra, as, m. single-toothed or sisting of only one Pada or quarter-stanza ; (as), m.
relishing or finding pleasure in only one thing. — Eka-
tusked ; a N. of Ganesa, as having one tusk, the
pi., N. of a" fabulous race. — Ekapada-vat, ind. like rasika, as, a, am, influenced by one feeling, relishing
fellow-tusk being broken off in a scuffle by KSrtti- one word. — Ekapada-stha, as, a, am, standing in one thing only. — Eka-rdj, (, t, t, shining alone ; (/),
keya, or according to another legend by Parasu-rama. the same word. — Eka-padi, ind. upon one foot, m. single or absolute king, the king by himself as dis-
— Eka-dandin, i, irii, i, having only one stick; with one foot. — Eka^para, as, a, am, Ved. deciding tinct from the people. — Ska-raja, as, m. an absolute
designation of a class of beggars ; [cf. tri-dandin.] by one (mark of the dice), an epithet of the dice in king. — Eka-ratra, as, m. a ceremony lasting one
— Eka-danta, as, m. a N. of Ganesi ; [cf. eka- which one is decisive or of pre-eminent importance. night ; (am), n. duration of one night, one night, a
dansktra.] — Eka-dis, k, f. the same region. — Eka- — Eka-pari, ind. one over or under, a term at dice. night. — Ekardtrika, as, d, am, sufficient for one
dithkha-sukha, as, a, am, sympathizing, having the — Eka-parnd, f., N. of a younger sister of Durga night (or day). — Eka-rafi, is, f. a heap, a crowd.
same joys and sorrows. — Eka-dris", k, k, k, one- and wife of Asita-Devala ; an epithet of Durga. — Ekardti-bhuta, as, d, am, heaped or collected
eyed ; (k), m. a crow (as having excellent sight) ; an — Ekasparvataka, as, m. the same mountain, or together. — Eka-rikthin, I, m. a coheir. — Eka-
epithet of Siva (as having one eye in his forehead). N. of a certain mountain. — Eka-paldda, as, m. a rupa, am, n. one form, one kind; (as, d, am),
— Eka-drifya, as, a, am, alone worthy of being single Butea Frondosa. — Eka-patald, f., N. of a uniform, of one kind, one-coloured. — Ekariipa-tas,
beheld, the sole object of vision. — Eka-drlshti, younger sister of Durga and wife of Jaiglshavya ; an ind. in one form, unalterably. •• EkarHpa-td, f. uni-
is, £ gaze fixed upon one object. — Eka-devata or epithet of Durga. — Eka-pdna, as, m. a single wager formity, unvariableness. — Ekarupya, as, d, am,
eka-devatya, as, a, am, devoted or offered to one or stake. — Eka-pdta, as, d, am, happening at once, formed or arising from one. — Ekarfa (eka-rifa),
deity; directed to one deity. -• Eka-defa, as, m. sudden, rapid, coming suddenly. — Eka-pdtin, i, im, as, d, am, consisting of one verse ; (am), n., Ved.
one spot ; a part, a portion or division of a whole ; t, standing alone or solitary, independant; (ini), f.
(ma), inst. partly; (as, a, am), occupying the a hymn consisting of only one verse. — Ekartu (eka-
(scil. nrf) a verse to be taken by itself or regarded
same place. — Ekadefo-stha, as, a, am, situated in independently of the hymn to which it belongs. ritu), us, m., Ved. one time or season. — Ekarshi
the same region. — • Ekadedin, i, ini, i, consisting (eka-rishf), is, m. the only or chief Rishi. — Eka-
— Eka-pada, as, m. one foot ; one and the same
of parts or portions, divided into parts (as a whole). Pada; (as, d, am), having only one foot ; standing king lavya, as, m., N. of a son of Hiranya-dhanus and
of the Nishadas. - Eka-linga, am, n. a place
— Eka-deha, as, a, am, having only one body, on one foot, using only one foot ; (as), m. pi., N. or district in which for five Krolas there is but one
single-bodied, consisting of only one individual; of a fabulous nce. — Eka-pddika, f. title of the Phallus, an isolated Lin-ga ; (as), m. an epithet of
elegantly formed; (ae), m. the planet Mercury. second book of the Satapatha-Brahmana. — Eka- Kuvera ; [cf. eka-pinga.] — Eka-lu, us, m., N. of a
— Eka-dyu, us, m., N. of a son of Nodhas (men- paduka, as, m. pi., N. of a fabulous race (' wearing man. - Eka-vaktra, as, m., N.of a Danava; perhaps
tioned Rig-veda VIII. 69, 6. Anukram.). —Eka- only one shoe'). — Eka-piitga or eka-pingala, as, a wrong form for eka-fakra. — Eka-vafana, am, n.
dhana, am, n. an excellent gift, an honorific offer- m. an epithet of Kuvera (' having a yellow mark in the singular number. — Eka-vat, ind. like one, simple.
ing; (as), m. a kind of jug with which water is the place of one of his eyes'). — Eka-pinda, as, d, — Ekarad-bhdva, as, m. an aggregate of many, as
taken up at certain religious ceremonies ; (as), f. pi. am, related, near of kin, united by the offering of in grammar, the formation of a compound noun of
(sell, apah) the water taken up by means of these the funeral cake. — Ekapinda-td, f. or ekapiiida- several nouns. — Eka-varna, as, a, am, of one colour,
vessels. — Ekadhana-vid, t, t, t, Ved. taking or ob- tva, am, n. connection by the funeral cake, con- one-coloured ; identical ; of one tribe, of one caste ;
taining the vessels of water called Ekadhana ; obtain- sanguinity. Eka-putra,
— as, m. having only one consisting of only one letter; of one quality; (F), f.
ing an honorific offering. — EkadTatnin, t, ini, i, son. — Eka-purmka, as, m. the one supreme spirit ; beating time, marking musical measure by clapping
Ved. carrying the vessels called Ekadhana. — Eka- (as, a, am), consisting of only one man. — Eka- the hands, or the instrument which does so, a casta-
dharmin, I, ini, {, having the same properties, of pushpd, [., N. of a plant. — Eka-prithaktva, am, net; see eta-tall. — Ekuvarna-val, ind. like one
the same kind, professing the same religion. — Eka- n. unity and distinctness. — Eka-prakara, as, d, am, letter. — Ekavarna-samlkarana, am, n. an equation
dhur, ur, f. a particular load or conveyance (?), of the same kind. — Eka-prakTiya, as, d, am, singu-
involving only one unknown quantity ; uniliteral equa-
— Eka-dtmra or ekadhura-vaha or ekadhurina, larly like, pre-eminently similar. — Eka-prabhutva, tion. —Ekavarnika, as, d, am, of one colour, of
'w, d, am, fit for but one kind of labour, or for only am, n. the sovereignty of one, monarchy. — Eka- one caste. — Eka-varshikd, (. a heifer one year old.
one yoke ; cattle for special burden. — Eka-naksha- prayatna, as, m. one effort (of the voice). — Eka- — Eka-vasana, as, d, am, having only one gar-
tra, am, n. a lunar mansion consisting of only one prahdrika, as, d, am, killed by one blow. — Eka- ment or robe. — Eka-vastra, as, a, am, having only
star.* Eka-naia, as, m. the principal actor in a prdna-yoga,as,m.\m\on inonebreath. — Eka-pJiala, one garment, in one dress. — Ekavastra-td, f. the
drama, the manager, who recites the prologue. as, d, am, having one or a principal result or object j state of having only one garment. •• Ekavastra-
— Ekanavata, as, i, am, the ninety-first. — Eka- (a), f., N. of a plant. — Eka-buddhi, is, is, i, having samvlta, as, d, am, clothed in one garment. — Eka-
navati, is, f. ninety-one. — Ekanavati-tama, as, only one thought; (is), m., N. of a frog in the vantrdrdha-samvita, as, a, am, clothed in half a si ngle
I, am, the ninety-first. — Eka-natha, as, a, am, Panca-tanrra. -• i . eka-bhakta, as, d, am, serving
garment. — Eka-vdkya, am, n. one opinion. — Eka-
having one master; (as), m. sole master or lord; one and the same master; worshipping one deity.
vdkya-td, f. unanimity, — Ekavdna-vat, ind. as one
N. of a copyist. — Eka-ndyaka, as, m. an epithet — 2. eka-lihakta, as, d, am, eating together ; (am), arrow. - Eka-vdda, as, m. a musical instrument, a
of Siva. — Eka-nis"<!aya, as, m. general agreement n. eating but one meal (a day). — Ekabhaktawata, kind of drum or tabor. — Eka-vddyd, f., Ved. a kind
184 eka-varam. ekaha.
of imp or demon. — Eka-varam or eka-rare, ind. gether, in one company. — Eka-sutra, am, n. a has recently partaken of it. — Ekdnta (eka-an9), of,
only once, at once, at one time, suddenly. — Eta- small double drum played by a string and ball at- m. the only end or aim, exclusiveness ; a lonely, re-
vasft, as, a, am, having one house or one residence. tached to the body of it. — Eka-sunu, us, m. an tired or secret place ; devotion to one, worship of
— Eka-vdsas, as, at, as, having only one garment, only son. — Eka-stoma, as, m. ' consisting of one one being, Unitarian doctrine, monotheism ; (am or
in one dress. — Ekavintta, a«, i, am, the twenty- Stoma,' N. of a Sonia ceremony. — Eka-st/ui, at, a, enaore), ind. solely, only exclusively, absolutely; ne-
first ; consisting of twenty-one ; connected with the ces arily ;alone, apart, privately ; much, exceedingly ;
am, standing together, remaining in one place, re-
Ekavinsa-stoma ; (as), m. the EkavinSa-stoma ; N. of maining in the same place, conjoined, collected, (as, d, am), directed towards one point or object ;
one of the six Prishthya-stomas. — Ekavin$aka , a<, /, combined, assembled. — Eka-xtlidna, am, n. one worshipping only one ; excessive ; solitary, lonely,
ant, the twenty-first ; containing twenty-one. — Eka- place, the same place. — Eka-hansa, as, m. the retired ; aside, apart. — Ekdnta-kamna, as, d, am,
chief or highest Hansa (an allegorical designation of very compassionate, weakly charitable. — Ekdnta-tas,
vtniat, t, or eka-vins'ati, is, f. twenty-one, a com- ind. solely, only exclusively, apart; see ekdntam.
bination or collection of twenty-one. — Ekavinxitti- the soul) ; N. of a Tirtha. — Eka-hayana, as, I, am,
tama, as, I, am, the twenty-first. — EkamniSati-dhd, one year old ; (t), f. a heifer one year old ; (am), n. — Ekdnta-tva, am, n. exclusive worship. — Ekdnta-
ind. twenty-one-fold, in twenty-one parts. — Eka- the period of one yesu. — Ekdns"a (eka-an°), as, m. duhsliamd (°dus-samd), f. 'containing only bad
vinia-mt, an, atl, at, Ved. connected with the Eka- a distinct or separate part, a part in general. — Eka- years,' with Jainas an epithet of two spokes in the
vinsVstoma. — Ekariufa-itoma, as, m., Ved. a Stoma wheel of time, the sixth of the Avasarpini and the
Jcsha (eka-ak°), as, i, am, having only one axle ; first of the Utsarpinl. — Ekdnta-bhuta, as, d, am,
consisting of twenty-one parts.— Eka-vidha, as, a, one-eyed ; having an excellent eye ; (as), m. a crow ;
am, of one kind, simple. •• Eka-fiMana, as,d,am, an epithet of Siva ; N. of a D5nava. — Ekakshara being alone or solitary. — Ekdnta-mati, is, is, i,
one-eyed ; (as), m. pi., N. of a fabulous race of people. devoted to one object. — Ekdntara (eka-an°), as,
(eka-ak°),am, n. a monosyllable; the sacred mono-
— Ekavishayin, I, m. having one common object or syllable om. — Ekdkshara-kosha, as, m. a vocabulary d, am, separated by one intermediate member, next
end, a rival. — Eka-vira, as, m. a pre-eminent hero of monosyllabic words by Purushottamadeva. — Ekd- but one. — Ekdnta-raj, t, m., N. of a Bodhi-satlva.
or warrior ; N. of a plant. — Eka-vHksha, as, m. an kshara-ganapati-stotra, am, n. a hymn in honour of "Ekdnta-vihdrin, i, itii, i, a solitary wanderer.
isolated tree ; a desert place in which but one tree is Ganesa, a portion of the Rudrayamala. — Ekaltshari- — Ekanta-suxkama (°su-samd), f. 'containing ex-
seen for four Kros'as. — Eka-vrit, t, t, t, Ved. simple. bhava, as, m.the production of only one syllable, con- clusively good years,' with Jainas an epithet of two
— Eka-vrinda, as, m. a peculiar disease of the traction. —Ekdgra (eka-ag°), as, d,am, having one spokespini andinthe the wheel of time, the first of the Avasar-
sixth of the Utsarpinl. — Ekdnta-sthita,
throat. — Eka-vfisha, as, m., Ved. the chief bull, point, fixing one's attention on only one point or
the master of the herd. — Eka-veiii, is or I, f. a single object, closely attentive, intent ; undisturbed, unper- as, d, am, staying or remaining alone or apart.
braid of hair (worn by a woman as a mark of mourn- plexed ; known, celebrated ; single-pointed ; (as), m. — Ekdntika, as, d, am, final, conclusive. — Ekanti-
ing for an absent husband &c.1 ; a woman whose (in mathematics) the whole of the long side of a figure ka-tva, am, n. the being devoted to one object.
hair is tied in a single braid. — Eka-veiman, a, n. a which is subdivided. — Ekdgra-titta, as, d, am, — Ekanti-tva, am, n. devotion to one (with loc.).
solitary house or loom. — Eka-vyavasdyin, i, m. having the mind intent on one object. — Ekagra- the — Ekdntin, t, ini, i, devoted to only one, having
mind fixed on only one object, worshipping only
following the same employment. — Eka-vrdtyn, as, tas, ind. with undivided attention. — Ekdgra-td, f.
m.,Ved. the chief or principal VrJtya. — Eka-tata, or ekdgra-tva, am, n. intentness in the pursuit of one (with gen.). — Ekdnna (eka-an°), am, n. one
am, n. lot; (as, i, am), the lOist. — Ekafata- one object, close and undisturbed attention. — Ekd- and the same food ; (as), m. a mess-mate. — Ekdnna-
tama, as, », am, the loist.—Ekas'ata-tlha, ind. gra-drishti, is, is, i, fixing one's eyes on one spot. b/MJ,k, m. a mess-mate. — Ekdnnddin (eka-anna-
loi-fold; in 101 parts. — Ekatiata-vidha, as, a, — Ekdgra-manas, as, n. intentness. — Ekdgrya, dd°), i, ini, i, eating a supply of food from one
am, loi-fold. — Eka-iapKa, as, a, am, Ved. whole- as, d, am, closely attentive ; (am), n. dose attention. person on\y. — Ekdbdd (eka-ab°), f. a heifer one
hoofed, not cloven-hoofed ; (as or am), m. n. — Eltdnga (eka-an°), am, n. a single member, a year old. — Ekayana (eka-ay°), am, n. a lonely,
any animal whose hoof is not cloven ; (a*), m. single part ; (as), m. a body-guard ; the planet retired place ; a meeting-place ; rendezvous of all
a horse. — Eka-s"arana, am, n. one only hope or Mercury ; the planet Man ; an epithet of Vishnu ; thoughts, union of thoughts ; devotion to one, doc-
refuge, especially applied to a deity. — Eka-^arira, (am), n. sandal-wood. — Eltangikd, f. a preparation trine of unity, monotheism ; N. of a S'Skhfi or
as, a, am, of one body or blood ; consanguineous. made with sandal-wood. — Ekdtapatra (eka-af), branch of the Veda ; (as, d, am), passable for only
— Ekaiariranvaya fVa-on0), as, m. consangui- as, a, am, characterized by one umbrella (said of one, as a foot-path ; fixing one's thoughts on one
neous descent. — EkafarirdranibJia (°ra-dr°), as, universal sovereignty having an umbrella as one of object, closely attentive, intent. — Ekdyana-gata, as,
m. commencement of consanguinity by the union of its insignia). — Ekdtma-td, (. the unity of spiritual d, am, one who has fixed all his thoughts on one
father and mother. — Eka-farirdvayava (°ra-av°), essence, the doctrine of one universal spirit. — Ekdt- object. — Ekdyu, (eka-dyu), us, us, u, Ved. assem-
as, m. a descendant in a right line, a blood-kinsman. man (eka-dt°), d, m. the one spirit; (a, a, a), bling or collecting all living beings ; the first living
— Ekafarirdvayara-tea (°ra-av"), am, n. con- depending solely on self, solitary. -• Ekdtmya, as, d, being; (SJy.) providing the most excellent food.
sanguineous descent or connection. — Eka-ddkha, as, am, only, alone, homogeneous. — Ekddaia, as, i, — Ekdrnava (eka-ar°), as, am, m. n. a general
m. a BrShman of the same branch or school. — Eka- am, the eleventh ; consisting of eleven, lasting eleven inundation. — Ekdrtha (eka-ar°), as, m.the same
fdla, am, n., N. of a town. — Elia-tfiti-pad, pat, months ; (i), f. the eleventh day of the half month, object ; (as, d, am), having one or the same aim or
padi, pat, Ved. having one white foot. — Eka- especially sacred to Vishnu, when fasting is very effi- object ; having one meaning ; N. of a glossary ; ex-
ilnhan, a, a, a, Ved. having the face turned towards cacious presentation
; of offerings to deceased ancestors pressing one thing, forming only one notion. — Ekir-
the same place. — Ekafila-samatara, as, a, am, or Pitris on the eleventh day after his decease, on tha-td, (. or ekdrtha-tva, am, n. state of having
one who leads one manner of life, whose manners which occasion Brahmans are fed and the period of only one aim or object. — Ekartha-samupeta, as,
are always the same. — Eka-tunga, as, a, am, Ved. impurity for a BrShman terminates; (am), n. the a, am, arrived at one object. — Ekdrthi-bftdva, as,
number eleven. — Ekdda^aka, as, d,am, consisting m. the having one meaning. — Ekdrama (eka-av°),
having one sheath. — Eka-s"ringa, as, a, am, having
only one horn ; (as), m. a unicorn, a rhinoceros, an of eleven, consisting of eleven parts ; (am), n. the as, d, am, inferior or less by one. — Ekdraynva
epithet of Vishnu ; (as), m. a class of Pitris ; (d), f., number eleven. — Ekadada-kritvas, ind. eleven
(cka-av°), as, d, am, made up of the same mem-
N. of the mind-born daughter of the Pitris called times. — Eka-das'an, a, pi. eleven. — Ekddafama, bers or constituent parts. — Ekdvall (eka-dv°), f. a
Sukslas. — Eka-iepa, as, m., N. of a man. — Eka- as, I, am, the eleventh. — Ekddaila-vidha, as, d, single line, a single string of pearls, beads, flowers,
iesha, as, m. ' the remainder of one only,' a term in am, eleven-fold. — Ekddaidha C^a-aha), as, m. a &c. ; (in rhetoric) a series of periods in which there
grammar denoting that of two or more words only sacrifice lasting eleven days. — Ekddaiin, t, ini, i, is a regular transition from a predicate to a subject or
one remains or is retained (e. g. the dual r a mini is consisting of eleven ; (ini), f.,Ved. the number eleven. from a subject to a predicate. —Ekdfita, as, i, am,
the one remainder of rdmah + rdmah). — Eka- — KI;<itlttsina, as, a, am, belonging to eleven (?). the eighty-first. — EkdiUti (eka-af), is, f. eighty-one.
truta, as, a, am, once heard. — Ekaimia-dhara, — Kkatlati-taitva, am, n. part of the Smriti-tattva. — Ekdfiti-tama, ax, i, am, the eighty-first. — Ekd-
as, a, am, keeping in mind what one his heard — Kl;aiias'i-vrata,am, n. fasting on the eleventh day. ; (eka-as"0), as, m. a solitary hermitage. — Ekd-
once. — Ekadrutailhara-tva, am, n. state of such a — Ekddadattama (°^a-ut°), as, m. chief of eleven ; trita (eka-ds**), as, d, am, resting upon or clinging
person. — Eka-drutl, is, f. the hearing of only one epithet of S"iva (chief among the eleven Rudras). to one object. — Ekds'rita-r/una, as, m. a simple
sound, monotony ; the neutral accentless tone ; (t), — Kkiideia (eia-dcP ), as, m. one substitute for two attribute or predicate, as form, taste, smell, &c.
ind. in a monotonous manner. — Eka-driwh/i, is, is, or more letters (e. g. one vowel substituted for two - Kl.-iishlahd (eka-ash°), f. the first or chief Ash-
i, Ved. obedient to one command. — Ekashashta, other vowels either by the blending of the two vowels takS, either the first AshtakS after full moon ( =
ai, i, am, the sixty-first ; connected with sixty-one. together or by the dropping ofone). — Ekddhtpati Ashiakd) or the first AshtakJ of a year or a longer
- Eka-sliashti. is, f. sixty-one. _ Ekashashti- (rka-adh°), is, m. a sole monarch. — Ehiinu ndd period of time. — Ekdshli, f. a pod or one seed of
tama, as, I, am, the sixty-first. — Ekasaptata, as, i, (eka-an-anta), f. 'the only (day) receiving no part cotton. — Ekdshthila (eka-ash°), as, d, am, having
am, the seventy-first. — Eka-iaptati, it, f. seventy- (of the moon),' an epithet of Kuhu or the day of the one kernel ; (as), m., N. of the plant Agati Grandi-
one. — EkaJ>a)ilati-tama, as, i, am, the seventy- new moon personified as a daughter of An-giras and flora Desv. ; (d), f. the plant Clypea Hernandifolia.
first. — Klia-nabha, am, n. a common or general identified with Durg3, bom together with Krishna, — Ekdsanika, as, d, am (fr. eka and axana), hav-
place of meeting. — Eka-sarga, as, a, am, closely worshipped with Krishna and Baladeva.— Ekamis- ing only one seat. — Elcdha (eka-aha), as, m. tht
attentive, having the mind intent upon one object.
dis/ita (eka-an '), am, n. (scil. irdddha) a funeral period of one day ; a ceremony or sacrifice lasting
— Et;a-sahaera, am, n. i oo i . — Eka-sakthika, as, ceremony performed for only one ancestor recently only one day, a Soma sacrifice in which Soma is
SL, am, witnessed by one. — Eka-sartham, ind. to- dead ; (as, d, am), left as a funeral feast ; one who only once prepared; (am), ind. during one day.
ekaha-gama. edhatu.

•-Ekaha-gama, as, m. a day's journey. — Ekd- Ejitavya, as, a, am, to be shaken. anukalpas tv ayam jneyah, this before-mentioned
Ejitri, ta, trt, tri, a shaker, shaking, trembling. is the first rule, but this following may be considered
hdra (eka-ah°), as, a, am, taking food only once a a secondary rule).
day. — Ekesha (eka-ishd), as, a, am, Ved. furnished 1TRT eji, is, m., N. of a man.
with one pole. — Ekaika (eka-cka), as, a, am, one Etad may be used in connection with a relative
by one, single, every single one ; (am), ind. singly, JJ5*T ejya, as, a, am (fr. rt. yaj with a), clause, in which case the relative generally follows
one by one. — Ekaika-tara, as, a, am, one by one Ved. to be offered (as an oblation or sacrifice). (e. g. esha (aiva gurur dharmo yam pravaksh-
(of many ). — Ekaika-vritti, is, is, i, existing in nj eth, cl. i. A. ethate, to annoy, resist ydmy aham tava, this is the important law, which
every single one. — Ekaika-gas, ind. one by one, I will proclaim to you).
\ or oppose. Etad, ind. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this
severally, seriatim. — Ekaikaiya, am, n. single state,
severally ; (ena), ind. severally. — Ekaishikd (eka- ^T eda, as, a, am, deaf; (as), m. a kind time, now (e.g. etat suptah, asleep in this manner;
esh"), f., N. of a medicinal plant. - Ekokti (eka-uk°), of sheep. — Eda-gaja, as, m. the medicinal plant na va u etad mriyase, not at this time dost thou
is, f. a single expression, a single word. — Ekottara Cassia Tora or Alata, used for the cure of ring-worm.
— Eda-muka, as, a, am, deaf and dumb ; wicked, Etad appears at the beginning of compounds, as
(eka-ut°), as, a, am, greater or more by one, in- in the following examples.— Etaj-ja, as, a, am,
creasing byone. — Ekottarika, f. title of the fourth
Agama of the Buddhists. — Ekodaka (dca-ucf), as, perverse.
Etfaka, as, m. a kind of sheep, a ram, a wild arising from this. — Etat-kdla, as, m. the present
a, am, connected (as relatives) by the offering of goat ; a certain medicinal plant ; (a), f. a ewe. time; (e), ind. Bow. — Etatkdllna, as, d, am,
funereal oblations of water to the same deceased an- belonging to the present time. — Etat-kshandt, ind.
Tsp5 eduka, am, n. or eduka or edoka, as, from this moment, henceforth ; (e), ind. now. — Etat-
cestor. —Ekodatta (eka-ud°), as, a, am, having am, m. n. a building constructed of rubbish, bones,
one Udstta accent. — Ekodilishta (eka-ud0), am, n. tulya, as, d, am, similar to this. — Etat^prathama,
(scil. iraddha) the Sraddha or funeral rite performed &c., or of hard substances resembling bones ; a wall as, d, am, one who does anything for the first time.
for one definite individual deceased, not including enclosing bones, a tomb, &c. ; (with Buddhists) a — Etat-sama, as, a, am, equal to this. — Etad-
other ancestors. — Ekona (eka-una), as, a, am, less sanctuary filled with relics. atirikta,as, a, ant, besides this. — Etad-anantaram,
by one, minus one ; (used in composition with vin- ^!J ena, as, », m. f. or enaka, as, m. a kind ind. immediately after this. — Etad-anta, as, a, am,
iati and the following decads, e.g. ek<mamniati= of deer or antelope, described as being of a black terminating with this, ending thus. — Etad-artha,
nineteen.) — Ekoiikd, f. the plant Cissampelos Hexan- colour with beautiful eyes and short legs ; (in astron.) as, m. this matter ; (am or e), ind. on this account,
dra (?). — Ekaugha-bhuta (eka-ogha-bh°),as, a, am, Capricorn. — Ena-tilaka, as, m. the moon; (the for this end, therefore ; etad-artham — yat, for this
collected into one mass, heaped or crowded together. marks of an antelope being fancifully visible on its end — that. — Etad-avadhi, ind. to this limit, so far.
Ekaka, as, a, am, single, alone, solitary. disk.)— Ena-drii, Te, m. Capricorn. — Eifa-bhrit, t, — Etad-arastha, as, d, am, of such a state or con-
Ekata, as, m., N. of a deity [cf. dvita and tritd], m. the moon. — Enajina (ena-af), am, n. deer- dition. —Etad-dtmya, as, d, am, being in this
one of the seven Dharmarajartvijas ; N. of a Brihman. Atman or supreme soul. — Etad-ddi, is, is, i, be-
skin. —Eni*pai?ana, as, m. pi., N. of a race (cooking
Ekatas, ind. from one side, on one side, on one antelopes for food). — Enl-pada, as, m. a kind of ginning thus, and so forth. — Etad-eva, ind. this
part ; singly, one by one ; used sometimes as an abl. snake ; (i), f, a kind of poisonous insect. very same. — Etad-dvitiya, as, d, am, one who
c. of eka (e. g. ekato 'pi paddt, ' after the same does anything for the second time. — Etad-yonin, t,
JTrT i . eta, etas, eta or em, etam (said to be
word'); dkatas — dcatas, on the one hand— on the fr. rt. 5. i), of a variegated colour, shining, varying the irii, i, residing or having one's origin in that.— Etad-
other hand, on the one side— on the other side, here vat, ind. like this, thus. — Etan-na, ind. not so.
— there. — Ekato-dat, an, ail, at, having teeth on colours ; (Say.) going, flowing ; (as), m. a deer or — Etan-maya, as, i, am, consisting of this, of such
only one side. antelope; the hide of one; a variegated colour; a kind; [cf. Zend aiia, aita; Old Pers. aita;
Ekatra, ind. in one place, on one spot, in close (m), (., Ved. a river. Armen. ais, aids Osk. eiso; Hib.tse, 'he, himself ;'
connection ; in a combined manner, together ; used Etagva, as, a, am, Ved. of a variegated or dark
colour ; (Say. also) going on their way ; epithet of isa and isi, ' she, herself.']
sometimes as a loc. c. of eka (e. g. ekatra tare, ' on the horses of the gods. Etadiya, as, d, am, belonging to this.
one hand'); ekatra— aparatra or ekatra— anyas- Etarhi, ind., Ved. (very often in the Brahmanas),
min, on the one side— on the other side, here — there, Etaia, as, a, am, Ved. of variegated colour, shin- now, at this time, at present, now-a-days ; then (cor-
Ekada, ind. at the same time, at once; once, ing ; epithet of Brahmanaspati ; (as), m. a horse of
variegated colour, a dappled horse, especially the relative to yarhi) ; a certain measure of time = fifteen
sometimes ; once on a time, one day ; at one time. tddnlms or one fifteenth of a kshipra.
Ekadhd, ind. simply, singly; in one way, to- horse or horses of the sun ; N. of a favourite of Indra,
gether ;at once, once. who defends him from Sflrya ; N. of one of the seven Etddriksha, as, i, am, Ved., or etddris", k, fc,
sons of Vatarasana, author of two BUg-veda hymns ; !;, or etddriAi, as, i, am, such, such like; so
Ekala, as, a, am, alone, solitary. formed, of this kind, similar to this.
EkajSas, ind. one by one, singly. a Brahman.
Ekdhin, I, inl, i (ft. eka and rt. an(J), alone, Etaifas, as, m. a Brahman. Etavat, an, atl, at, so great, so much, to many,
of such a measure or compass, of such extent, so
solitary. VJt 2. eta, as, a, am (rt. 5. i with a), arrived,far, of such quality or kind ; often found in connection
Eki-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurate, -kartum, come. with a relative clause, in which case the latter gene-
to unite, associate, join together ; combine. Eti, is, {., Ved. arrival, approach. rally follows (e. g. etavdn eva purusho yajjdyatma
Eki-bhu, cl. i. P. -bhavati, -vttum, to become Etya, ind. having gone near to or approached. prajeti ha, a man is of such a measure as [i. e. is
one, to join together, blend, combine, mingle. — Eki- made complete by] himself, his wife, and his progeny) ;
bhavat, an, anil, at, blending together, contracted. ITH^ etad, eshas, esha, etad (fr. e with pro-
— Eki-bhava, as, m. becoming one, combination, nom. base ta. The vowel e appears also in eka, eva, (vat), ind. so far, thus far, so much, in such a degree,
association ; common nature or property. — Ekl- Sec. ; and just as the simple base ta substitutes sa for thus, &c. — Etdvat-tva, am, n. quantity, number ;
bhdvin, I, inl, i, relating to the blending of vowels the nom. sing. m. and f., so da makes eshas, greatness dition that; ;(with
such following
extent. yad) such a state or con-
or accents. esha; but eta appears in all the other cases, and the
Ekiya, as, a, am, belonging to one, proceeding neut. etad is used as the base to form derivatives t!tt«l etana, as, m. expiration, breathing
from one ; belonging j^ to the same party ; a partisan
such as etadiya &c., and at the beginning of com- out, discharging air from the lungs ; the fish Silurus
or associate, a companion. pounds), this, this here, here, especially as pointing Pelorius.
to what is nearest to the speaker (e. g esha vanah,
«f«m»n, «;<*<*, &c. See under eka above. this arrow here in my hand ; esha yati panthdh, JTrJ etri, ta, m. (rt. 5. i), Ved. going, ap-
JTET eksh (a-lksh), cl. I. A. ekshate, -shitum, here goes the way ; esha kdlah, here, i. e. now, is proaching, asking, requesting.
to look at. the time ; etad, this here, i. e. this world here below). Ema, as, m. or eman, a, n., Ved. a course, way.
Etad is sometimes used in this sense to give emphasis
'U J ej, cl. i. P. A. ejati, -te, ejah-6akre, to the personal pronouns (e. g. esho 'ham, I this very theJJ'f^ftTJpTfif edidhishuhpati, is, m., Ved.
husband of a younger sister, whose elder sister
\ejtshyati, ejitnm, to stir, move, tremble, person here) or with omission of those pronouns
shake ; A. to shine : Caus. ejayati, -yitum, to move : (e. g esha tvdm svaryam naydni, I standing here has not yet been married. See didhishu.
Desid. ejijishati. will convey you to heaven ; etau pravishtaa svah, edh (connected with rt.nWA),cl. I. A.
Ejaka, as, a, am, shaking. we two here have entered). Etad as the subject of (tSLre]yV.)edhate,edhdn-('akre,edhishyate,
Ejat, t, n., Ved. anything moving or living. a sentence agrees in gender and number with the aidhish/a, edhitum, to prosper, increase, grow, be-
Ejatka, as, a, am, trembling ; (as), m., Ved. a predicate without reference to the noun to be supplied come happy, grow strong, become great ; to extend ;
land of insect. (e. g. etad me dhartam, this [scil. cow] is my to swell, rise (as waters) : Caus. edhayatl, -yitum, to
Ejathu, us, m., Ved. trembling, shaking (of the wealth) ; but may sometimes remain in the neut. cause to prosper, increase, celebrate, honour : Desid.
earth). sing. (e. g. etad gurushu, vrittih, this is the custom edldhishute ; [said to be related to Gr. olSos, ol&du ;
Ejana, am, n. trembling, shaking, among Gurus)
Ejaya, as, a, am, or ejayat, an. anti, at, caus- Etad often refers to what precedes, especially when perhaps I. edhatu, also tous,Lat. m. (foraisculus.']
2. see endh next page), Ved.
ing to shake or tremble, driving away. it is associated with idam, the latter then referring prosperity, happiness ; a man ; (us, us, u), increased,
Ejita, as, a, am, shaken, agitated, trembling. to what follows (e. g. esha prathamah kalpah —
186 edhanlya.
Edhantya or edhitavya or edhya, at, 5, am, raitga.] elanga, as, m. a kind of fish ; [cf. fleet horse ; (as), m. pi. way or manner of acting,
mode of proceeding, custom, usage, habit ; (Say.)
to be increased or enlarged.
Edhamdna, ae, a, am, prospering, increasing. desire, a hymn which goes or is directed to the
elapura, am, n., N. of a town. object
-Edkamana-dvish, t, t, j, Ved. hating the pros- the sun ofsees praiseinto (e.theg. conduct
dbhi caihte
of thesuro arya ei'dn,
worshipper ; or
perous, especially those rendered insolent by pros- elavalu, n. or elavaluka or elvava-
perity (Say.)
; hating the impious who prosper. according to Siy. the sun being a lord makes mani-
I. edhaf, at, n. (in comp.) prosperity. uka, am,, n. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum ; fest or grants desires). When the inst. c. is used, the
Edha, (. happiness, prosperity. granular substance, apparently a vegetable of a red- meaning is hardly to be distinguished from that in
sh-brown colour (it is used as a drug and perfume). the first example (e. g. svair evaih, in his usual way
Edhita, at, a, am, grown, increased.
Edhitri, td, tri, tri, inaeasing, growing, enlarging. elavila, as, m. an epithet of Ku- of proceeding; purvyebhir evaih, in the ancient
See ailavila. mode ; or according to Say. with ancient hymns).
JT«T ena, a pronom. base (used for certain — Eva-yd, as, as, am, Ved. going in ways or
cases of the 3rd personal pronoun, and occurring only ela, f. cardamoms, the seed of the courses, i. e. either going quickly or going the usual
in the ace. sing. du. pi. (enam, enam, enact, &c.), lettaria Cardamomum or Alpinia Cardamomum, it way; epithet of Vishnu ; (Say.) granting protection.
inst. sing, (enema, enayd), gen. loc. du. (enayoe, Ved. jplies to both the large and small cardamom, but — Evayd-marut, Ved., (Say.) N. of the author of
enos) ; the other cases are formed fr. the pronom. more commonly to the former ; N. of a river ; N. of a a Rig-veda hymn, but perhaps rather an exclamation
base a, see under Warn), he, she, it ; this, that. metre consisting of four lines of fifteen syllables each. meaning either eva-yd, i. e. ' Vishnu (cf. the pre-
This pronoun is enclitic and cannot begin a sentence. as, m., N. of a- Naga. - Eld-parn'i,
It is generally used alone, so that enam purusham, -Eld-pattra,
the plant Mimosa Octandra. Eld-pura, am, n., — Eva-ydvan, ceding word) andd, the
d, a,Maruts !' or ' quickly,
Ved. going moving orMaruts.'
. of a town.
' that man,' would be very unusual if not incorrect. the usual way ; epithet of Vishnu and of the Maruts ;
Grammarians assert that the substitution of enam Elaka, as, m., N. of a man.
Eltkd, f. small cardamoms. (SSy.) going with horses; granting desires.
for imam or etam takes place in case of the re-em- H evam, ind. (cf. i. eva and etad), so,
ployment ofthese pronouns in the subsequent part JJtTni eldya (less correctly ildya), nom.
of a sentence ; see Gram. 836 ; [cf. Gr. «/, o?os ; thus, in this way, in such a manner, such. Evam is
Goth, aim; Old Pruss. aim; Lat. oinos, units.] '. elayati, -yitum, to be wantonly mischievous or not found in the oldest hymns of the Veda, where its
wild in behaviour, to be merry.
Ena, ind., Ved. in this manner, thus ; here, there ; place is taken by eva, but occurs in later hymns and
then, at that time ; para ena, further on ; para end elu, n. a particular number. in the Brahmanas, especially in connection with the
prithivyd, beyond the earth here. eluka, N. of a medicinal substance rt. vid, ' to know,' and its derivatives (e. g. ya eram
veda, he who knows so ; cf. evam-vid below). In
£H^ enas, as, n. (fr. in, but said to be classical Sanskrit evam ocean very frequently, espe-
fr. rt. 5. f), mischief, crime ; curse, unhappiness ; sin,
offence, fault; censure, blame. — Enas-vat, an, ail, 7£«R eluka, am, n. probably identical with
plant. cially in connection with the roots vaC, ' to speak,'
duka, a wall enclosing bones. and s"ru, ' to hear,' and refers to what precedes as
at, or enas-vin, I, ini, i, wicked, sinful, a sinner. well as to what follows (e. g. evam uktvd, having so
Knasya, as, a, am, Ved. caused by crime ; sinful, i. eva (fr. pronom. base e, see etad, said ; evamevaitat, this is so ; evam astu or evam
wicked, wrong. Zend aiva), so, just so, exactly so (e. g. ya evedam bhavatu, be it so, I assent ; asty evam, it is so ;
. See under I. eta. ti bravat, yady evam, if this be so ; kim evam, how so ?
eva = the morewhomodern
may word
say 'itevam)
is so;'
; likein (e.this sense
g. tvam what is the meaning of it ? what does this refer to ?
(a-indh), cl. 7. A. endhe, endhitum, eva yantd, a driver like you ; but examples of eva maivam, not so ! evam — yathd or yathd — evam,
to kindle, inflame ; to be inflamed, to flame. n the sense of iva are rare) ; indeed, truly, really so— as). Evam is often used like an adjective (e. g.
Edha, as, a, am (fr. simple rt. indh), kindling, gotten in this sense found in the Veda at the begin- evam te ratane ratah, rejoicing in such words of
one who kindles, cf. agny-edha; (as), m. fuel, as ning of a verse in conjunction with other particles of thine; where evam = evam-vidhe). Sometimes
wood, grass. Sec. ; [cf. Gr. aMs.] - Edhahara affirmation.especially with id, id nu kam, &i,&c.,e.g. evam is merely an expletive. According to lexico-
eveniiu kam tatdra, he most certainly crossed ; eva, graphers evam may imply likeness (so) ; sameness
(edha-dh°), as, m. one who collects fuel.
3. edhatu, tts, m. fire. iy asi liirayuh, thou art indeed hero-like. of manner (thus) ; assent (yes, verily) ; affirmation
2. edhas, as, n. fuel. (In its most frequent use of strengthening the idea (certainly, indeed, assuredly) ; command (thus, &c.) ;
expressed by any word, eva, if translateable, must be and be used as an expletive. — Evam-rupa,as,d,am,
^7^ env (d-inv), cl. I . P. envati, -vitum, to variously rendered by such adverbs as) just, exactly, very, of such a form or kind. — Evam-vdda, at, m. such
bring near, to bestow. merely, only, even, at the very moment, immediately on, an expression. — Eram-vid, t, t, t, or evam-widvas,
^T ema. See under etri above. scarcely, still, already, &c. (e. g. tavatim eva rdtrim,
ust so long a night; evam eva, exactly so; tan an, uth't, with
familiar CM, Ved. whatknowing
is right.so —orEvam-vidha,
such, well instructed,
as, d,
*J*ra emusha, as, m., Ved. corrupted from eva, these very persons; natirdd eva, in no very am, of such a kind, in such form or manner, such.
cmusham, the part. pert", of rt. am. long time ; apah sprishtvaiva, by merely touching — Evam-virya, as, d, am, strong in such a manner,
water ; japyenaiva, by sole repetition ; abhuktvaiva, possessing such a power. — Evam-writta, as, d, am,
?^ er(a-tr),cl. 2. A. erte, eritum,to go to or even without having eaten ; iti vadann eva, at the
into : Caus. erayati, -te, -yitum, to bring near, pro- very moment of saying so; nninni kirtita eva, behaving or acting thus, of such a kind. — Evam-
cure ;to obtain ; to raise (the voice in singing &c.) scarcely had the name been mentioned ; sa jivann vritti, is, is, i, behaving thus. — Evan-kdram, ind.
in this manner. — Evan-kdla, as, a, am, containing
^CcR eraka, as, m., N. of a Naga ; (6), f eva, he while still living. so many syllabic instants. — Evan-kratu, us, us, u,
a sort of grass of emollient and diluent properties Eea may often be connected with other adverbs Ved. thus minded. — Evan-gata, as, d, am, being
(in the Mausala-parva of the MahS-bh. this grass whei in the sense of ' also,' ' likewise,' &c., as in the fol- in such a condition or state, so circumstanced, of such
plucked by Krishna and his family turned to clubs) lowing examples: tuthaira, so also; tathaim
(am), n. a woollen carpet ; [cf. airakya.] ta, and so likewise ; eva fa, and also ; (aim, an< kind; (e), ind. under such circumstances. — Evan-
also; eva rd, or also; na tv eva, but not also. guna, as, d, am, possessing such qualities or such
ttjf eranga, as, m. a kind of fish ; [cf Grammarians assert that eva cuts off the final of kva good qualities. — Eran-duhsaha, as, d, am, so hard
tlanfja.] to bear. — Eran-ndman, d, d, a, Ved. so called.
when it follows that adverb, as kv-eva, where pos- — Evam-avastha, as, d, am, so situated. — Evam-
»iMJi eranda, as, m. the castor-oil plant sibly? i.e. nowhere. Lexicographers affirm that ddi, w, i*, i, or evam-ddya, as, d, am, having
Palma Christ! or Ricinus Communis; (a), f. Ion eva may imply emphasis, affirmation, detraction,
diminution, command, restraint ; or be used as an such a beginning, of such qualities or kind. — Evam-
pepper. — Erantia-pattrikd, (. or eranda-pTtala, prakdra or evam-prdya, as, d, am, of such a kind.
the plant Croton Polyandrum. expletive; [cf. Goth, air, Them, aiva; Old Germ. — Evam-prabhdva, as, d, am, possessed of such
Erandaka, as, m. the plant Ricinus Communis. eo, io; Mod. Germ, je: perhaps also Lat. &vum; power. — Evam-bhuta, as, d, am, of such quality,
Goth, ibus; Old Germ, ebaner; Mod. Germ. of such a description, in such a manner, so, such.
««i«* eramattaka, as, m., N. of a man ebener, efcen.]
— Evambhuta-vat, an, all, at, furnished with any-
^^ eru, a word of doubtful meaning i Evatha, ind., Ved. indeed, certainly, even ; (S5y. thing similar. — EvamJthumi, is, f. such a place,
Atharva-veda VI. 22, 3. either fr. rt. 5. i) assailing the strongholds of enemies,
going to war ; (or fr. rt. av) protecting, protection, a place like the one just described.
s, Desid. of ardh, q.v. assistance. TT3K.evara,as,d,am (fr. I. eva and aram?),
ervdru, us, m. f. or ervdruka, as, m JJ^ 2. eva, as, a, am (fr. rt. 5. i),Ved. going, Ved. so prepared, ready ; (SSy.) N. of a man.
a kind of cucumber, Cucumis Utilissimus. moving, speedy, quick ; (an), m. a course, way, (often 7y^f<<(* evd-vada, as, d, am, Ved. so speak-
«;« ela, am, n. a particular number. in inst. pi., e. g. sanao" divam pari bhumd svcbhir ing, true ; (as), m., (S5y.) N. of a man.
Elada, am, n. a particular number. evair aktosha farutah, from all eternity day and
night move round heaven and earth in their accus- ^5 i. esh (d-ish), cl. 6. P. e6thati, aishi-
elaka, as, m. a ram. See edaka. tomed course); earth, world?; (SSy.) a courser, a tum or -ehtum, to wish, desire.
eshta. aindra.
Eshta, as, a, am, desired, wished. given to the Naigama section of Yaska's commentary the word idd; (as), m. the son of Ids, epithet of
on the Nighantavas, or collection of Vedic words.
^ 2. esh (d-ish), cl. i. P. A., Ved. eshati, Aikapadya, am, n. unity of words. Pururavas ; [cf. aila.~\
-te, eshttum, to hasten near to or towards ; to fly at ; «!S* aidaka, as, i, am (fr. edaka), produced
Aikabhdvya, am, n. (ft. eka-bhdva), singleness from the animal Edaka ; (as), m. a species of sheep.
to attack any one ; to endeavour to reach or gain ; to of nature.
desire ; to request. Aikamatya, am, n. (fr. eka-mati), unanimity, ^sfqs aidavida, as, m. an epithet of
Eihti, is, (., Ved. seeking to go towards, desire, sameness of doctrine or of opinion, agreement, con- Kuvera; N. of a son of Dasaratha; also aitlavila;
wish ; (Say.) wishing ; (or fr. rt. yaj) worshipping. sent, concurrence, confederation ; (as, I, am), con-
TTW 3. esh, cl. i. P. A. eshati, -te, eshan- nected with sameness of opinion.
Aikardjya, am, n. (fr. eka-rdj), monarchy. [cf.«;s<n aiduka or aiduka, am, n. a wall &c.
^ Neofeira, eshdn-dakre, esMtum, to creep, of bones and rubbish. See eduka.
glide ; to go or approach : Caus. eshayati, -yitum, Aikalavya, as, m. a patronymic fr. eka-lu.
to probe. Aikas"atika,
with 101. as, i, am (fr. eka-fata), provided 5?5r aina, as, i, am (fr. ena), produced from
I. eska, as, a, am, Ved. gliding, running ; an or belonging to the male black antelope.
epithet of Vishnu ; (Say.) to be desired, desirable ; Aikas"apha, as, I, am (fr. elta-s'apha), produced Adj!l;a, as, t, am, hunting black antelopes, a
to be obtained. by or belonging to animals with undoven hoofs.
^H 2. esha. See etad. Aikas~rutya,
accentless am, n. tone,
monotonous (fr. eka-s"ruti,
monotony. q. v.), the one Aineya, as, i, am (fr. em), produced from the
black doe or female antelope ; produced from any-
3- esha, as,d, am (fr. rt. 3. ish), seeking; Aikasahasrika,
vided with jooi. as, i, am (fr. eka-sahasra), pro- thing belonging to a black doe or female antelope ;
(as), m. running or hastening towards ; (according to (as), m. the black antelope; (am), n. a kind of
Aikasvarya, am, n. (fr. eka-svara), oneness of
S3y. eshe is an inf. fr. rt i, ' to go ') seeking ; wish, accent (as in the case of a compound which has only
election ; (a), f. wish. — Eskaiehya (esfta-esh°), as, one accent, though the separate members when un- «:(<!« <IM aindineya, as, m. pi., N. of a
a, am, Ved. to be sought, desirable. compounded are each accented). S'akhS or branch of the Veda.
Eihana, as, a, am, seeking ; (as), m. an iron Aikdgdrika, as, 1, m. f. (fr. eka-dgdra), a thief, a
arrow ; (am), n. driving, pressing ; seeking ; probing; robber breaking into lonely houses ; the possessor of «f(ii;i*H aitaddtmya, am, n. (abstr. noun
wish, desire; (d), f. seeking, wish, desire, begging, one residence. of etaddtman) , the state of having this property
solicitation, request ; (I), f. an iron or steel probe ; a or peculiarity.
Aikdgrya, am, n. (fr. ekdgra), intentness on one
goldsmith's balance, assay scales. <JrH<lai<areya,as,m.adescendantofItara,
Eshanikd, f. a goldsmith's balance. object.
Aikanga, as, m. (fr. ekanga), a soldier of the to whom the Aitareya-Brahmana and Aranyaka were
Eshanin, i, ini, i, seeking, striving. body-guard.
Eskanlya, as, d, am, to be desired, desirable ; to revealed ; (as, i, am), originating from Aitareya.
be aimed at ; (at the end of a compound) relating to Aikdtmya, am, a. (fr. eka-dtman), unity of the — AUareya-brdhmana or aitareyaka, am, n. (scil.
medical examination. soul, unity of being ; oneness with the supreme spirit. brdhmana) title of a Brahmana attached to the
Eshitri, td, tri, tri, wishing, desirous. of Aikddas'dksha,
a man. as, m. (fr. ekadafa + aksha), N. Rig-veda and prescribing the duties of the Hotri
Eshin, I, ini, i, driving, impelling ; (at the end priest. It consists of forty AdhySyas, divided into
of compounds) seeking, desiring, desirous of, wishing Aikddas'ina, as, i, am (fr. ekadaiim), Ved. be- eight Pandikas. — Aitareyopanishad (°ya-np°), t,
longing to a collection or association of eleven. {., N. of an Upanishad forming part of the Aitareya-
(e. g. hitaiehln, well-wishing). AikddMkaranya, am, n. (fr. eka + adhikarana), Aranyaka. — Aitareyopanishad-bhdshya, am, n. a
lEshtavya, as, d, am, to be sought, desirable, oneness of relation.
Alkdntika, as, i, am (fr. ekdnta), absolute, com- commentary on the last by SartkarSc'Srya. — Aitare-
Eshtri, id, tri, tri, seeking, desiring. yopanishadbhdshya-tippanl, f., N. of a commen-
plete, perfect. tary on the last work by Anantanandagiri.
Eshya, as, a, am, to be sought for; to be in- Aikdnyika, as, i, am (fr. eka + anya), one who
vestigated or probed. commits a single error in reading (who makes one Aitareyin, i, m. a follower of Aitareya, a reader of
thing another or otherwise than right). the Aitareya-Brahmana.
despised esha-nra,
family.as, m. > designation of a or Aikdrtkya, am, n. (fr. ekdrtha), oneness of aim
intention. ^n^l aitas'a, as, m., N. of a Muni of the
family of Aurva (Bhrigu), author of the Aitasa-
*t«Hri^ eshyat, an, ati or anil, at (fut. part. Aikdhika, as, i, am (fr. ekdha), ephemeral, pralapa forming part of the Kuntapa hymns of the
fr. rt. 5. i), what is to come, nature. — EshyatkdKya, quotidian, of one day, of the same day ; belonging Atharva-veda and used with these hymns in the
as, d, am, future. to a ceremony which lasts one day, belonging to a ritual belonging to the Rig-veda.
^? eha, as, d, am (fr. rt. ih), Ved. desirous, simple oblation. Aitagdyana, as, m.,
m. pi.
wishing. Aikya, am, n. (fr. eka), oneness, unity, single- Alliiayana, as, N. the
of a descendants
teacher. of Aitas'a.
ness, identity, harmony, sameness ; the identity of
Ehai, as, n., Ved. anger. the human soul or of the universe with the Deity ; ^frl^lfaoh aitihdsika, as, i, am (fr. iti-
hdsa), derived from ancient legends, legendary,
5£fi? ehi (imperative of rt. 5. i with d), an aggregate, whole, total ; (in alg.) the product of
come! the length and depth of the portions, or of the little historical, traditional; (as), m. one who relates or
excavations differing in depth. knows ancient legends, an historian.
<if\JHN ehimdya, as, d, am, Ved., = ahi-
mdya, q. v., an epithet of the VisVedevas ; (Say.) of TBJ? aikshava, as, i, am (fr. ikshit), pro- 4jfrl*l aitihya, am, n. (fr. iti-Tia; see under
all-pervading intelligence ; or these deities may be so duced from or relating to the sugar-cane, sugary; it{, p. 139), traditional instruction.
named because they uttered on one occasion the words (am), n. sugar.
$<j<jjl1«1 aidamyngina, as, d, am (fr. idam-
' Come near, do not go away' (ehi md ydsih, See Aikshavya, as, t, aw,, Ved. produced from or re-
Rig-veda I. 3, 9). lating to the sugar-cane. yuga), fit for this yoke or team.
Aikshuka, as, i, am, suitable for sugar-cane; *h^ aidh, f. or aidha, as, m. or aidhd, f.
bearing sugar-cane ; (as), m. a carrier of sugar-canes ; (fr. rt. indh with a), Ved. flaming, a flame, splendor.
(as), m. pi. the inhabitants of IkshukiyS.
Aikshubhdrika, as, i, am (fr. ikshu-bhdra), JJT aina, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
JT i . ai, the twelfth vowel of the alphabet, carrying a load of sugar-canes. <jr|« ainasa, am, n. (fr. enas), sva.
having the sound of ei in Jieiyhth. — Ai-kdra, as, m. <8SI* aikshvdka, as, I, am (fr. ikshvdku), <Jr^«4 aindava, as, i, am (fr. indu), lunar,
the letter or sound ai. belonging to Ikshvaku, of the family of Ikshvaku ; belonging or relating or similar to the moon ; (i), f.
% 2. ai, ind. (an interjection of calling or (as), m. a descendant of Ikshvaku ; epithet of Puru- the plant Serratula Anthelminthica ; (am), n. the
kutsa, and of Dasaratha.
summoning) Hola, Ho, Heigh ; (and of remembering) AOcshvaku, its, m. a descendant of Ikshvaku; asterism MrigaSiras.
Aye, Ha. ^•5 aindra, as, i, am (fr. indra), belonging
epithet of Tris'arrku, and of Rama. to or sacred to Indra, proceeding from Indra, similar
« 3. ai, ais, m. an epithet of Siva. TW<^ ainguda, as, i, am, produced from to Indra ; (as), m. the part of a sacrifice offered to
<!°li«fl aikadhya, am, n. (fr. ekadhd), single- the Irrguda plant ; (am), n. scil. phalam, the fruit Indra; (i), f. (scil. rif) a verse addressed to Indra;
ness of time or occurrence ; (am or atas), ind. at of the Irrguda plant. (scil. dis) the east quarter, of which Indra is regent
once, together. «fWq> aitthika, as, i, om(fr. t&Aa),optional, (e. g. aindryam di£i, in the east) ; the eighteenth
Aikapatya, am, n. (fr. eka-pati), the sovereignty voluntary, arbitrary, at will. lunar mansion ; the eighth day in the second half of
of one, absolute monarchy ; supreme authority. the month Margaslrsha, and of the month Pausha ;
Aikapadika, as, i, am (fr. eka-pada), belonging «5 aida, as, f, am (fr. idd), Ved. contain- Indra's energy, personified as his wife and by some
to a simple word ; consisting of single words ; the N. ing anything refreshing or strengthening ; containing identified with DurgS ; epithet of Durga ; misfortune,
188 <* aindrajalika.
river in the Parijib ; N. of a particular portion of the Aihika, as, i, am (fr. iJta), of this place, of this
misery (personified) ; N. of a plant, a kind of cucum- moon's path. world, temporal, woildly, secular, local ; (opposed to
ber, Cucumis Madraspatanus ; (am), n. the eighteenth
lunar mansion (jyeshthd) ; wild ginger. amufhmika.) •- Aihlka-dariin, t, irii, i, worldly-
TTfaj airina, am, n. (fr. irina), fossil or minded, concerned about worldly affairs.
Aindrajalika, a», i, am (ft. indra-jdla), familiar rock salt.
with or relating to magic, magical, deceptive, illusory;
(at), m. a juggler.
^T*t aireya, am, n. (fr. ira), a spirituous
Atndraturlya, as, i, am, a libation (graha) &c., liquor.
the fourth part of which is offered to India.
$W? airmya, as, i, am (fr. irma), good for Wt i . o, the vowel o, the thirteenth letter
Aindradyumna, an, «, am, relating to Indra- healing wounds, (a plaster &c.) of the alphabet. — 0-kdra, as, m. the letter or
dyumna; N. of a country. sound o.
Aindraluptika, as, i, am (ft. indra-lupta),
afilicted with morbid baldness of the head. F55 at/a, as, m. (= a'ula), N. of Pururavas ^ft 2. o, ind. a vocative particle, Oh; an
Aindravdyava,at, i, am, Ved. belonging to Indra as son of Ila; (am), n. a particular number. — Ada- interjection of calling, Ho, Holla; of reminiscence,
and V3yu. dhana, am, n., N. of a town.
Ho, Ah ; of compassion, Ah, Oh.
Alndratira, at, m. a species of elephant. <Jc-H ailaba, as, m., Ved. noise, roaring,
Aindrdgna, as, i, am, Ved. sacred to or belonging cry. — Ailaba-kdra, as, a, am, Ved. making a noise, ^?ft 3. o, aus, m. a N. of Brahma.
to Indra and Agni, proceeding from Indra and Agni. ^ff4.o(a-«), only occurring inthe past pass.
Aindrdnairrita, as, I, am, belonging to Indra roaring (epithet of Rudra's dogs).
and Nirriti. part.— I. ota, as, d, am, Ved. invoked, summoned.
<Jrt*J<^ ailabnda, as, a, am, Ved. bringing ?fr=R oka, as, m. (fr. rt. u6}, a house ; an
Aindrdpatahna, at, i, am, belonging to Indra food ; (perhaps related to ailaba.)
and Pushan. asylum, a refuge (see oka* below) ; a bird ? ; [cf. Lith.
4t ailavdluka, am, n. a perfume. to rt. OTrf.]
AitulrdbdrJuupatya, as, i, am, belonging to Indra tikis, ' a dwelling ;' dkininkasi : Gr. oTxos belongs
and Brihaspati. See i 'iinil it.
Aindrdmdruta, as, i, am, belonging to Indra and ^rff^oi ailavila, as, m., N. of Kuvera as Okas, as, n. gratification, pleasure ; place of hap-
the Maruts. piness or pleasure,
son of IlavilS ; (also aidavida, aidavila, and da- an asylum, a refuge. a resting-place, a home, house ;
the rainbow. , as, i, am, relating to Indra's bow
or Aindrdyudha vila) ; N. of a king.
Okivas, an(irreg. perf. part. Par.?),Ved. delighting
Airtdrdvaruna, as, i, am, sacred to Indra and in anything ; (SSy.) meeting together, united.
Varuna. ^rJM ailusha, as, m. (fr. iKsha), a patrony-
mic of Kavasha, the author of two Rig-veda hymns. Okya, as, a, am, Ved. favourable to the (inmates
Aindrdvaishiiava, a>, i, am, belonging to Indra of a) house ; good for a house, kind to a household ;
and Vishnu. 7>r4M aileya, am, n. a perfume ; = elavalu. (am), n. gratification, pleasure ; a comfortable place ;
Aindrdsaumya, as, I, am, belonging to Indra
and Soma. ^1 ais'a, as, I, am (fr. &a), proceeding from a resting-place, a house.
or relating to Siva ; divine, supreme, regal. •«n<«llD okana, as, or okani, is, m. a bug.
Aindri, is, m. a patronymic of Jayanta, the son
Attaint, as, i, am (fr. liana), belonging to Siva ; See okodani.
of Indra ; N. of Arjuna ; N. of the monkey-king
Bali ; a crow. (f), f. (scil. dif) the quarter of Siva, the north-east okula, as, m. a cake of flour.
Aindrtya, as, i, am (fr. indriya and connected quarter. — Ai£&na-ja, as, m. pi. = iidna-ja, q. v.
with tndra, q. v.), relating to or belonging to the Aulika, as, i, am, belonging to Siva; divine, okodani or okkant, f. a bug.
heavenly; royal, regal. See okana.
senses, sensual ; perceptible, perceived, present ; (am),
n. the world of the senses ; a section of the Ayur- Aifvara, as, I, am (fr. ifoara), fit for or belong-
veda treating on the senses. ing to or produced by a master, or by the supreme ^ltT!r oksh (d-uksh), cl. I. P. okshati, -shi-
lord ; mighty, majestic ; divine, relating to God ; tum, to sprinkle over or upon.
Aindriyaica, as, i, am, relating to the senses; supreme, royal ; belonging to Siva.
perceptible. Aidvarika, as, m. (with Buddhists) a theist. ^mij okh, cl. i. P. okhati, okJian-fakara,
Aindriye-dte, is, u, i, thinking only of sensual Aiivarya, am, n. power, might, sway ; dominion; "'' ^\okhitum, to be dry or arid ; to be able or
pleasure. supremacy ; superhuman power ; the divine faculties competent ; to adorn, suffice ; to refuse, prevent, ward
^•Mtf aindhana, as, i, am (fr. indhana), of omnipresence, omnipotence, invisibility, &c. (some- off: Caus. okhayati, -yitum: Desid. otikhishati.
consisting of fuel ; an epithet of the sun. times their number is given as five, with reference to ••sHum ogana, as, a, am (fr. ava-gana ?),
the five elements). — Aiivarya-vat, an, att, at, en-
^HTTfT alhhuvata, as, m. (fr. ibha-vat), a dowed with superhuman faculties, possessed of super- Ved. repudiated by one's companions, solitary, de-
patronymic of Pratldaria. natural powers, connected with them. spised(S5y.)
; collected, united.
'iftjfljm qgiyas ^ ojiyas, comparative of
aibhl, f., N. of a plant ; = ibhyd ? «;H*I«« aishamas, ind. (ai related to e or t
aiyatya, am, n. (fr. iyat), quantity, in dad or idam, and jamas from samd, 'year'), 4(1 1|q. v.ogha, as, m. (fr. rt. vah), flood,
number, value. during this year, in the present year ; [cf. Gr. <TJ)T«, agra,
stream ; a torrent, a rapid flow of water, an inunda-
«:v»i<; airammada, as, ta. (fr. irammada), Aishamaetana, as, i, am, or aishamastya, as, tion; heap
a or quantity, flock, multitude, abundance ;
a patronymic of Deva-muni, author of a Rig-veda d, am, of or belonging to the present year. the whole ; quick time in music ; tradition, traditional
hymn. advice or instruction; [cf.Gr. tfx*0* ?]••• Ogha-ratha,
aishdvtra, as, i, am (fr. esha-vira ?), as, m., N. of a son of Oghavat and brother of Ogha-
Airammadlya, am, n., N. of a sea in BrahmS's
world. Ved. weak, powerless. vatl. — Ogha-vat, an, all, at, having a strong stream ;
airdvana, as, m. (fr. ira-van = «!Hl<* nishika, as, I, am (fr. ishllca), con- (an), m., N. of a prince, father-in-law or brother-in-
ira-vat, 'possessed of or proceeding from water'), sisting ofstalks made of reeds or cane ; (as), m. pi., law of Sudars'ana ; (tl), f., N. of a daughter of Ogha-
N. of a people; aishtkam parva, a section of the vat ;N. of the river Sarasvati.
N. of a king of the Nigas ; Indra's elephant, pro- onkdra. See under am.
duced at the churning of the ocean. tenth book or Sauptika-parva of the Mah5-bh5rata
Airavata,a>. m. a patronymic of a fabulous serpent- (Adhyiya 10-18).
like being called Dhrita-rashtra ; a serpent, one of the oj (connected with ojas below),
chiefs of the Nagas or serpent-race, inhabiting the vijo(,|(V aishnkdri, ayas, m. pi. (fr. ishu- dL i. 10. P. ojati, ojitum, or ojayali,
lower world or Paula ; N. of the elephant of Indra, kdra), N. of a tribe or caste. — Aishuldri-Wialcta, -yitum, to be strong or able ; to increase, to have
produced at the churning of the ocean, and the pro- am, n. the country inhabited by this tribe. vital power.
totype of the elephant race, considered also as the ^rV»T oja, as, d, am, odd (as the first, third,
elephant of the east quarter ; [cf. ndga, which means Ifg'SS aishtaka, am, n. (fr. ishtaka),Ved. the
sacrificial bricks collectively. fifth, &c., in a series).
both serpent and elephant] ; an excellent elephant ;
(as, am), m. n. a kind of rainbow, considered as the ^fifoS aishtika, as, i, am (fr. 3. ishti), <fH'«x ojns, as, n. (fr. uj = vaj; see ugra),
long and unbent bow of Indra ; a kind of lightning ; sacrificial, ceremonial. bodily strength, vigour, energy, ability ; vitality, the
(at), m. the orange tree ; another tree, Artocarpus Aishtikapaurtika, ae, i, am, belonging to the principle of vital warmth and action diffused through-
Lacucha; (as, am), m. n. a vast and waterless Ishtiipfirta, ceremonial and meritorious. out the body ; virility, the generative faculty; support,
region ; (ant), n. pi., N. of a Varsha ; N. of the
northern path of the moon ; the fruit of the tree stay ; (in rhetoric) a form of style, elaborate style,
aihalankika, as, i, am (fr. iha- abounding with compounds ; (in astrology) each
Artocarpus Lacucha; (f), f. the female of Indra's loka), of this world, happening in this world, terres- alternate sign of the zodiac (as the first, third,
elephant ; lightning ; N. of a plant ; N. of the Ravi trial, sublunary ; (opposed to paralautika.) fifth, &c.); water; light, splendor; metallic lustre;
ojas-tara. ^ auksha.
manifestation, appearance ; ojaia, with strength, an ornament of the head, lock of hair, curl ; tuft of the moon (as containing the herbs in its interior).
resolutely, energetically (sometimes used at the be- hair ? ; (Say.) a horn (fr. upa-ii with a). — Oshadhi-ja, as, d, am, Ved. born or living
ginning ofa compound, e. g. ojasd-krita, done ener- Opa&n, i, ini, i, Ved. adorned with curls. among herbs ; produced from plants. - Oshadhi-
getical y)[cf.
; amitaujas, uttamaujas, &c. : cf. also pati, is, m. a physician (master of the medicinal
T om, ind. (said to be fr. rt. av; perhaps
Gr. iiytiis; Zendauso; Hib. og, 'young, juvenile, plants); the moon. - Oshadhi-prastha, as, m., N.
originally om, which may be derived fr. am, and this of a mythic town, the town of Himavat. - Oshadhi-
fresh ;' olg, ' a champion ;' oighe, ' entireness, virginity.']
— Ojas-tara, as, a, am (comparative), more strong. fr. a), a word of solemn affirmation and respectfu pati, is, m. the moon. — Oshadhi-mat, an, all, at
— Ojas-vat,dn, att, at, otojas-vin, I, ini, i, vigorous, assent (sometimes translated by yes, verily, so be itl Ved. connected with herbs. - OshadhitSa ("dhi-lia),
powerful.strong, energetic; splendid, bright. - Ojasvi- and in this sense compared with Amen). It is placed as,m. the moon (presiding over the plants). - Oslta-
td, (. strength, power. _ Ojo-dd, as, as, am, Ved. at the commencement of most Hindu works, and as
dhi-samtita, as, d, am, Ved. impelled or influ-
granting power, strengthening, possessed of strength. a sacred exclamation may be uttered (but not so as enced by herbs. - Osttad/u-sukta, am, n., N. of a
- Ojo-bald, {. (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess of to be heard by ears profane) at the beginning and
Bodhidruma . end of a reading of the- Vedas or previously to any hymn.
^fta* osham, ind. (fr. rt. i. ush?), Ved.
Ojasina, as,d, am,Ved.showing strength, powerful. prayer. It is also regarded as a particle of auspicious
Ojasya, as, d, am, showing strength, powerful. salutation (Hail !). Om appears first in the Upani- quickly, immediateiy.
shads as a mystic monosyllable, and is there set forth Oshishtha-ddmu, a,a,a,Ved. giving very quickly.
Ojaya, nom. A. ojdyate, -yitum, to exhibit
strength or energy, to make effort ; to be strong. as the object of profound religious meditation, the
^Tre oshtha, as, m. (contracted fr. ava-
Ojtshtha, as,d, am(regarded as superlative of ugra, highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to stha), the down-hanging lip, i. e. the upper lip (op-
q. v.), strongest, most vigorous or vehement. the whole word but also to the three sounds a, u, m,
posed to ad/uira), a lip in general ; oshtkau or
Ojiyas, an, ait, as (regarded as comparative of of which it consists. In later times om is the mystic
name for the Hindu triad, and represents the union of dvav oshthau
ugra, q. v.), stronger, more vigorous or vehement.
the three gods, viz. a (Vishnu), u (Siva), m (Brahms). creeper bearing, adu. the lips, the two lips;'(i), f. a
red flower, to which the lip is com-
Ojman, a, m., Ved. strength ; (SSy.) speed ; an
instigator. It may also be typical of the three Vedas. monly compared (Coccinia Grandis) ; [cf. bimba •
Om is
usually culled pranava, more rarely aksharam or cf. also Slav. Osta, neut. pi. ; Ustna, f. : Lat. ostium.']
^7 oda, as, m., N. of a minister of Pra- ekaktharam, and only in later times om-kdra. In compounds a final a or a before oshtha may be
tapaditya. The Buddhists use om at the commencement of optionally dropped (e.g. bimba + oshtha become^
either bimboshtha or bimbaushiha, 'red-lipped,'
'"'s* odaka or odava, as, m. a musical their ridyd shad-akshari or mystical formulary in
mode which omits two of the notes of the scale Ri six syllables (viz. om mdni padme hum). Lexico- and the fern, of the comp. adj. may be formed in 'd
and Pa. or i).-0sh(ha-karnaka, as, m. pi., N. of a fabu-
graphers affirm that besides the above uses, om may
lous race who have their
F odikd or odt, f. wild rice. imply command or injunction, removal or warding each other. — Oshtlia-kapa ears' and lips very near
or oshtha-prakopa, a*,
off (Away ! Hence I), and be used as an inceptive par-
J odra, as, m. pi., N. of a people and ticle. Grammarians assert that before om a preced- m. a disease of the lips. - Oshtha-ja, as, d, am'
ing a or d at the end of a word should be cut off produced
country, the northern part of Orissa ; (as), m. the the root ofbythe theear.lips, labial. - pallava
- Oshtha- Oshlha-j
, dha, am a n'
am, n. lip
China rose. - Odra-pushpa, am, n. Hibiscus Rosa (e. g. vijayon for rijayaimkarah (°ya-on°) or the lips. — Oshtha-puta, am, n. the cavity made
thanksgivingforkdrah victory; see Gram. 38.6). - Om-kdra,
Sinensis, and its Rowers. -Odrdkhyd (°ra-dkh°), as, m. the sacred and mystical syllable om; the ex- by opening the \ips.-0slitha-pushpa, am, n. the
f. the China rose.
plant Pentaptera Tomentosa. - Oshtha-roga, a*,
clamation om; pronouncing the syllable om; (d), f.
^re odha, as, d, am (past pass. part, o a Buddhist Sakti or female personification of divine m. any morbid affection of the lips. -Oehthadhara
a lip.
d-mh, q. v.), brought or carried near. energy. _ Omkdra-grantha, as, m. title of a work (°tha-adh°), au, du. or am, n. the upper and lower
of Narayana. - Omkdra-tlrtha, N. of a Tlrtha. lip.- Oshthopama-phald (°tha-ttpamd-ph°), (. the
•3}JI <l| °'.'> cl. I. P. onati, ondn-cakdra — Omkara-bhatta, as, m., N. of a man. creeper Bryonia Grandis, whose flower resemble s
^ onitum, to remove, take away, draj
along: Caus. onayati, -yitum, auninat: Desid wT oma, as, m. (fr. rt. av, cf. 4. u), Ved. Oshthaka (at the end of compounds) = oshtha ;
a protector ; any one favourably disposed (towards (as, d, am), taking care of the lips.
another) ; any one worthy of favour or protection. Oshthya, as, d, am, being at the lips ; belonging
wftl oni, is, m. or f. (generally in du. i.
Oman, d, m., Ved. protection, assistance ; favour, to or fit for the lips, labial (as the sounds u, u, o, au,
said to be fr. preceding rt.), Ved. a vessel used in the
kindness ; a kind person. - Oman-vat, an, ati, at,
preparation of the Soma juice, and said to consist o p, ph, b, bh, m, v, and the UpadhmSnTya). — Osh-
Ved. friendly, agreeable ; favourable, kind ; satiating. thya-yoni, is, is, i, produced from labial sounds.
two pieces (?), heaven and earth ; preserving power Omdtrd,
protection. readiness to (., Ved. protection, assistance, kindness
help. — Oshthya-slhdna, as, d, am, pronounced with the
lips, as o and au.
r i. ota. See 4. o. Omya, {., Ved. favour, protection. — Omyd-vat,
mtBl oshna, as, d, am (fr. a, implying di-
In, ati, at, Ved. friendly, favourable.
2. ota, as, d, am (fr. rt. ve with d), minution, and ushiia), a little warm, tepid.
woven, sewn with the threads across ; [cf. prota.] •«ilf*ifij omila, as, m., N. of a man.
•^ oh (rt. 2. uh with a), cl. I. A. ohate,
— Ota-prota, as, d, am, sewn crosswise and length- *lkl»i<*T orimikd, f. title of a section of
-hitum, to understand, admit, receive.
wise, extending to every quarter?; (am), ind. cross- the KSthaka Recension of the Yajur-veda. Oha, as, m. (fr. 2. uh), Ved. meditation; (Say.)
wise and lengthwise, vertically and horizontally.
Otu, us, m. the woof or cross-threads of a web ; ornu (a-urnu), cl. 2. P. A. ornoti or bringing, performing; reaching. — 0/ta-brahman, d,
(us), m. f. a cat, (in this sense said to be fr. rt. av.) m., Ved. really a Brahman, a Brahman valued as one ;
-nauti, -nute, -navitum or -nuvitum, to cover.
In a compound a final o preceding may optionally be (Say.) one who has sacred knowledge.
dropped (e. g. sthiilotu or sthulautu, a fat cat.) x"<*' ola or olla, as, d, am, wet, damp Ohala, as, m., N. of a man.
as), m. an esculent root, Arum Campanulatum. ; Ohas, as, n., Ved. idea, true notion ; (Say.) praise.
f otsa, as, m., N. of an Agrahara. oland, cl. 10. P. olandayati, Ohana, as, d, am, considering, reflecting on.
, ' odati, f. (part, of rt. 2. ud), Ved. . -yitum, to cast upwards, throw
the dawn.forth, issuing out, rising upwards ; epithet of p ; (various readings have olaj and olj.)

Odana, as, am, m. n. grain mashed and cooked '., d, ohni, a (fr. osi-
with milk, boiled rice ; a cloud ; (ni), f. the plant htha = oshishfha and ban), Ved. striking very TT i. au, the fourteenth letter of the
Sida Cordifolia. When a name is given to a pupil uickly ; [cf. oshishtha-ddvan.] alphabet, having the same sound as ou in our.
to indicate his attachment to any particular master, ta osha, as, m. (fr. I. ush), burning, — Au-kdra, as, m. the letter or sound au.
orfano may be prefixed to denote that the pupil's combustion; [cf. Goth. azg5 : Angl. Sax. asca; w 2. au, ind. an interjection of calling,
object is rather food than instruction (e. g. odana-
of Hola ; of addressing, Oh ; of prohibition and
paniniyah, a pupil of PJnini whose object is only Germ, asga;
OldOshana, asche;
Mod. Germ,biting Eng. ashes']
as, m. pungency, or pungent taste,
to be fed by Panini). -Odandhvayd (°na-dh°) or sharp flavour ; (e), f. a pot-herb,commonly called Purya.
nctanahva or odanikd, (., N. of a plant. ^H 3. au, aus, in. sound; an epithet of
Odaniya, nom. P. odanlyati, -yitum, to wish to WHlV oshadhi, is, or i, f. (a contraction Sesha or Ananta ; (aus), f. the earth.
make mashed food of anything. fr. avasa and dhi, ' containing refreshment or food?;' ^r«meir aukthika, as, in. (fr. uktha), a
Odma, as, m. or odman, a, n. flowing, flooding ; according to PSnini VI. 3, 132, the form in I is only
wetting, moistening. used for the oblique cases in the Veda ; but this re Brahman acquainted with the Ukthas, reciting them.
striction does not seem to be universal), a herb, a plant, Aukthikya, am, n. the text of the Ukthas.
^od/tas, as, n. an udder ; = udhas. medicinal plant; an annual plant or herb, one that Aukthya, am, n. a peculiar mode of recitation.
dies after becoming npe.-.0ahadhi-garbha,at, m. auksha, as, I, am (fr. ukshan), Ved.
opas'a, as, m. (fr. rt. pat?), Ved.
190 **il K) ' IP^ auksha-gandhi. audhasa.

relating to an ox, derived from one, &c. — Auksha- Auttardha, as, i, day.
am (ft. nttaraha),ofot belong- Audavapiya, ai, a, am, belonging to Audavapi.
gandhi, is, f., N. of an Apsaras. ing to the following
•«T\<;«)ire; attdavdhi, a. patronymic from
Aukshaka, am, n. a multitude of oxen. Auttareya, at, m., N. of a son of UttarS. Uda-v5ha ; N. of a teacher.
Aukshna, as, I, am, relating to an ox, derived
from one ; (as), m. a patronymic from Ukshan. auttdnapdda, as, and auttana- vriqf'an audosvita or audastitka, as, I, am
padi, {s, m. (fr. uttana-pada), a N. of Dhruva ; {in (fr. iuIa-M(), made of buttermilk ; (am), n. butter-
•«fiWlt| attkhlya, iis, m. pi. the followers mythology) the son of Uttana-pada, and grandson of milk with an equal proportion of water.
ofUkha. the first Manu ; (in astronomy) the polar star or the
north pole itself. 'STifPJT'T audasthdna, as, I, am (fr. ua*a-
••jfiiJH aukhya, as, a, am (fr. ukha), boiled sthana), accustomed to stand in water.
or dressed in a pot.
lrMfls«fc autpattika, as,i,am(h.ut-patti),
^{JttfH augraseni, is, m. or augrasenya, inborn, innate ; natural ; produced at the same time. •W^IrM auddttya, am, n. (fr. uddtta), the
state of having the high tone.
as, m. a patronymic ft. ugra-sena. Sir-mil autpdta, as, i, am (fr. ut-pdta],
treating of portents. *u^lfV«* audarika, (with Jainas) the gross
Augratainya, ai, m. an epithet of YudhSms'rau-
Autpatika, as, i, am, portentous, prodigious, as- body which invests the soul.
Augrya, am, n. (fr. ugra), horribleness, dread- tounding, calamitous ; (am), n. a portent.
fulness, fierceness. •sTic;i<< auddrya, am, n. (fr. udara), gene-
^fnf augha, as, m. (fr. rt. vah), a flood ; «tirm<; autpada, as, i, am (fr. ut-pdda), rosity, nobility, magnanimity, greatness.
fcf. eofta.] relating to or treating of birth or production. •stl^lt/)"^ auddslnya, am, n. (fr. ud-dsina),
S!Tlrir<!<* autputika, as, i, am (fr. utputa), indifference, apathy.
'HI -Mail aucathya, as, m. (fir. ufathya}, a Audasya, am, n. indifference, stoicism, philosophy,
patronymic of Dirgha-tamas of the family of Ai>giras ; receiving anything with the mouth or beak turned solitariness, loneliness.
[cf. iintathi/<i.\ upwards.
iN|P«li<) auditya, am, n. or autiti, f. (fr. "WT31 autra, as, i, am (for auttara f), gross, ^\^f\.audumbara,as,i,am({T. udumbara),
tu!ita,}, aptness, fitness, propriety, suitableness ; taking rough, inexact. coming from the Udumbara tree, made of its wood ;
pleasure in anything, habituation. iNlrH autsa, as, i, am (fr. utsa), born or (as), m., N. of a region abounding in Udumbara
trees ; a form of Yama, the regent of death ; (as), m.
<Ti«t?l'«l*J auddaihsravasa, as, m. (fr. uc- produced in a well or fountain. pi., N. of a people ; (t), f. (scil. iakha) a branch of
<'ttih-3ravas), N. of Indra's horse. 'wimPa"* autsangika, as, I, am (fr. ut- the Udumbara tree; (am), n. the wood of the
•>HMM aujasa, am, n. (fr. ojta), gold. sanya), carried or placed upon the hip or flank. Udumbara tree or a piece of the wood ; the Udum-
bara fruit ; a kind of leprosy ; copper.
Aujasika, as, I, am, energetic, vigorous, acting AudumbaraTca, as, m. the country inhabited by
with strength or energy ; (as), m. a hero. SHicWiJl4 autsargika, as, i, am (fr. ut-
the Udumbaras.
Aujasya, conducive to vitality or energy ; (am), n. earga), that which is abandoned (utsrijyate) or
freshness or vigour of life, energy. liable to be abolished in exceptional cases, but valid Audunibarayana, ai, m., N. of a grammarian.
generally (as a rule of grammar); general as opposed Audiimbari, is, m. a prince of the Udumbaras.
0!! aujjihayanaka, as, m. pi., to special, not particular, not restricted, abandoning,
omitting, leaving ; terminating, completing, relating V^IIHG! audgdtra, as, i, am (fr. ud-gdtri),
N. of a grammatical school.
or belonging to a final ceremony by which a rite is relating to the Udgatri priest ; (am), n. the office of
•flWiitrM avjjvalya, am, n. (fr. vj-jvala), dismissed; natural, inherent; produced directly and the UdgStri priest. — Audgatra-sara-naitgraha, as,
brightness, brilliancy. naturally; derivative. — Autsargika-tva, am, n. the m., N. of a commentary of Rudraskanda on the
'snsfq audavi, ay as, m. pi., N. of a warrior- generality of a rule. DrShySyana Sutras.
tribe. vi i r«f<4 autsukya, am, n. (fr. utsuka), •fllriHill audgrabhana, am, n. (fr. ud-gra-
A uilnri //a, as, m. a prince of this tribe. bhana ; scil. yajus), N. of certain sentences recited
anxiety, disquietude, uneasiness, regret ; ardent desire,
•fllifHeli audvpika, as, t, am (fr. udupa), longing, eagerness, zeal. at the DikshS.
crossing in a boat; (as), m. a passenger, one going '«!<;c* audaka,as, i, am (fr. udaka), aquatic, •fll^losii audddlaka, am, n. (fr. udddla or
in a raft or boat.
watery, of or belonging to water. — Audaka-ja, as, uddalaka; scil. madhu), a bitter and acrid sub-
, audumbara. See audumbara. a, am, produced by aquatic plants. stance like honey, said to be found in the nest of the
Aiulaki, ayas, m. pi., N. of a warrior-tribe. white ant ; N. of a Tirtha.
audulomi, is, m. (fr. uduloman), Auddalaki, if, m. an epithet of SVetaketu, of
Audakiya, as, m. a prince of this warrior-tribe. Kusuruvinda, and of Aruni.
N. of a philosopher.
^1 audra, as, m. pi., N. of a people and warrior-tribe. «(!<;(*;}; audanki, ayas, m. pi., N. of a *!Tle?fiJI<* auddesika, as, i, am (fr. ud-desa),
the country inhabited by them. See odra. Audankiya, as, m. a prince of this tribe. pointing out, showing, indicative of; enumerating.
••.•(l^ry auddhatya, am, n. (fr. ud-dhata),
•win 5; autanka, as, I, am, belonging to '•Jii^^lt audandana, as, I, am (fr. ud-
Utan-ka. anfana), contained in a pitcher. arrogance, insolence, overbearing manner, disdain.
vd<;f«ic» audanika, as, i, am (fr. odana), ••iTl^lfX'* auddhdrika, as, i, am (fr. ud-
•^nriUJ autathya, at, m. (fr. utatka), an
epithet of Dirgha-tamas. one who knows how to cook mashed grain &c., a dhara), belonging to a portion or share, selected,
cook ; one to whom mashed grain is given at regular portionable, heritable ; (aw), n. a portion or in-
•wi PHIS'! autkanthya,am, n.(fr.utkantha), times. heritance.
desire, longing for. — Autkanthyasvat, an, all, at, Audmtya, as, m. a patronymic of Mundibha. <inn«<^ audbilya, am, n. (fr. udbila), joy-
desirous, longing for.
^ «•
•«r^^l«l audapana, as, i, am (fr. nda-pana), ful excitement.
^IWI^M autkarshya, am, n. (fr. ut-karsha), raised from wells or drinking fountains (as a tax) ; •aiSllV. audbhdri, is, m. (fr. ud-bhdra), a
excellence, superiority. coming from the village Udapiina.
patronymic of Khandika.
'win 1*1 auttami, is, m. (fr. uttama), epithet v(i<;»i*fls audameghlya, as, I, am, belong- ••iTirs-n) audbhijja, as, m. (fr. udbhijja),
of the third Manu.
ing to Audameghi. N. of a man ; (am), n. fossil salt.
Auttamika, as, i, am, relating to the gods who AiuUihtda,as,i,am(!T.ud-bhid), springing forth,
are in the highest place (in the sky). 'vJil<;<<«ii audayaka, its, m. pi. (fr. ud-aya),
a school of astronomers who reckoned the first motion issuing (as from a well) ; forcing one's way towards
'wm«. auttara, as, i, am (fr. I. uttara), an object, victorious ; (am), n. spring water ; fossil
living in the north. of the planets from sunrise.
salt, rock or sambher salt.
Auttampathika, an, i, am (fr. utiara-i>atha), vii<;U,<* audarika, as, i, am (fr. udara),
going or coming in a northerly direction. Audbhidya, am, n., Ved. forcing one's way to
greedily voracious, gluttonous. victory, victoriousness.
Auttarapadika, as, i, am (fr. uttara-pada), Avdarya, being in the womb.
comprehending the last word or term (?). VlilI g IfV <* audvdhika, as, 't, am (fr. ud-vdha),
Anttararetlika, as, i, am, belonging to the Ut- vil<;c«j audala, a patronymic from Udala; relating to marriage; (am), n. a gift made to a
tara-vedi. N. of a Saman. woman at her marriage.
Auttarditharya, am, n. (fr. iittnriidhnrn), star Irda-v3pa.
wKqifa aitdarapi, a patronymic from <i|V)fl audhasa, as, i, am (fr. fidhas), being
of being below and above. in the udder, contained in the udder (as milk).
audheya. aupoditeya. 191
audheya, as, m. pi., N. of a family; niri), being near the NTvi, i. e. a cloth with which aupavesi, is, m. (fr. upa-vesa),
N . of a school. women cover their loins.
Ved. a patronymic of Aruna.
«iifl(«( aunnatya, am, n. (fr. un-nata), aupapakshya, as, d, am (fr. upa- Aupavetika, as, i, am, living by entire devotion
to any employment.
height. paksha), being in the arm-hole.
papattika, as, t, am (fr. upa- ^rmf^iiW aupasivi, is, m. a patronymic of
•*Tlfl« aunnetra, am, n. (fr. un-uetri), the patti), present, ready, at hand, within reach, fit,
office of the Un-nerri. Upasiva ; N. of a grammarian.
proper, answering a purpose.
'fl m <*uu * aupakarnika, as, i, am (fr. upa + •»ini|£!rMc|i at/pasleshika, as, i, am (fr. upa-
karna), being near the ears. <l IH M Ifin «• aupapatika, as, i, am, one who
, relating to close or immediate contact.
has committed an Upa-p5taka, q. v.; (am), n. title
aupakalapya, as, d, am (fr. of a Jaina Uparrga. aupasankramana, as, i, am,
upa + kaldpa), being near the girdle.
aupapdduka, as, i, am (fr. upa- anything presented or proper to be done at the
*aiM«lilM aupakdrya, am, n. (fr. upa-kdryd), Upa-san-kramana.
a residence ; a tent. pdrluka), produced by one's self. aupasankhydnika, as, i, am
vlupaianxinafca, as, i, am (fr. upa-kurvdna, ^nTHW aupabhrita, as, i, am, belonging to (fr. upa-sattkhydna), depending on the authority
q. v.), belonging to the Upa-kurv5na. or being in the ladle called Upa-bhrit. of any addition or supplement, mentioned in one ;
vnytfHq aupamanyava, as, m. a patro- supplementary.
•silMMI aupagava, as, i, am (fr. upa-gu),
belonging to Upagu ; a patronymic from Upagu. nymic from Upa-manyu ; N. of Mahasfila Jfibala ; aupasada, as, i, am, an Adhyaya
of PrS^Inasila ; of a grammarian. or AnuvSka in which the word Upasad occurs ; (as),
Aupagavaka, as, I, am, belonging to the Aupa-
gavas, coming from the Aupagavas ; worshipping vTiH(»i<« aupamika, as, i, am (fr. $.upa-md),
m., N. of an Ekaha ceremony.
Aupagava ; (am), n. an assemblage of Aupagavas. serving for or forming a comparison. ^Sl«l*«f'l<* aupasargika, as, i, am (fr. upa-
aupagrastika, as, m. (fr. upa- Aupamya, am, n. condition of resemblance or
sarga), superior to adversity, able to cope with
tjrasta) or aupagrahika, as, m. (fr. upa-graha), calamity ; portentous ; relating to change &c. ;
equality, similitude, comparison ; often used in com-
an eclipse, the sun or moon in eclipse. superinduced, produced in addition to (or out of
position (e.g. an-aupamya, having no equal, un-
paralleled). another disease) ; connected with a preposition, pre-
m m N I U,«S aupa6drika, as, i, am (fr. upa- XIIM«<H aupayaja, as, I, am, belonging to positive(as),
; m. irregular action of the humors of
fara), metaphorical ; figurative. the sentences called Upa-yaj. the body, producing cold sweats &c.
vMH'wa.'^UI'to aupatthandasika, am, n. (fr. •cimfM* aupayika, as, I, am (fr. updya), •<Himfl5 attpasirya, as, d, am (fr. upa +
upa + dhandas), N. of a metre of two lines, each leading to an object, answering a purpose, proper, fit,
containing 1 6 + 18 syllabic instants or 12+13 feet !
etra), being near a plough.
see Gram. 970. right ; (am), n. a means, an expedient. •«tiI4*lmn aupasthdna, as, I, am (fr. upa-
•ciiMM^rMqi aupayaugika, as, i, am (fr. vpa- sthdna), one whose business is to serve, wait on, or
aupajandhani, is, m. a patro- yoga), relating to the employment or application of
nymic, N. of a teacher ; also spelt aupajandhani. (a remedy &c.). worshipping.
Aupasthanika, as, i, am, living by waiting on or
aupajanuka, as, I, am (fr. upa -+- WTT aupara, as, m. (fr. upara), a patro-
jdnu), being upon or near the knees. Aupaithika, as, I, am (fr. wpa-st/ia), living by
nymic ofDanda.
•si I H n its in aupatasvini, is, m. patronymic 1sil<4*jf>iqi aupardjika, as, d or i, am (fr. Aitpasthya, am, n. cohabitation, sexual enjoyment.
of a RSma mentioned in the Satapatha-BrShmana. upa-rdja), relating to a viceroy. vTi H«^«I«I aupasthunya, as, d, am (ft. upa +
%fm<^m aupadesika, as, i, am (fr. upa- vTmfo? auparishta, as, I, am (fr. upa- sthuna), being near a post.
dexa), living by teaching. rishtdt), being above, produced above. '.H)M*«<4*fl aupasvasti, f. a patronymic of
Auparishtaka, am, n. part of the Kama-sutra, an ateacher.
woman. — Aupasvasti-putra, as, m., N. of a
* aupadravika, as, 1, am (fr. upa- amatory work by VatsySyana.
ilrma), re'ating to symptoms, treating of them.
vi i ^^(^auparaidhika, as, m. (fr. upara +
'HlujCT aupadrashtrya, am, n. (fr. upa- edka .*; sell, danda), a staff made of the wood of the by Upa-hasta(?).
aupahastika, as, t, am, living
drashtri), Ved. the state of being an eye-witness ; PIlu tree.
'jilMCir«i«ii auparaudhika, as, i, am (fr. upa- •wm^llVcii aupahdrika, am, n. (fr. npa-
^TrW*T aupadharmya, am, n. (fr. upa- roilha), proceeding from or relating to kindness or hdra), an offering, oblation.
(Iharma), false doctrine, heresy; inferior virtue. favour ; opposing, impeding, connected with or re- 4HmiVl4i aupadhika, as, i, am (fr. upd-
lating to a check or hindrance ; (o«), m. a staff of the
•fllUfMcli aupadhika, as, i, am (fr. upa-dhi), dhi), conditional; pertaining to attributes or pro-
deceitful, deceptive. wood of the Pilu tree (used in guarding the women's perties, an effect produced, a property or quality
apartments ?). communicated (as colour, taste, &c.),
xT)<4t)r|q aupadhenava, as, m. (fr. upa + VIIMP* aupala, as, I, am (fr. upala), stony,
dhenu), N. of a physician. ^Umuimch aupddhydyaka, as, i, am (fr.
of stone ; raised from stones (as a tax).
upddhy-aya), preceptral, of or relating to a spiritual
viiM<ni aupadheya, as, i, am (fr. upa-dhi), aupavasathika, as, i, am, or teacher, coming from a teacher.
serving for the part of the wheel of a carriage, called
Upadhi ; (am), n. the wheel of a carriage. aupavasathya, as, d, am (fr. upa-vasatha), de- ^TlMM^I aupdnahya, as, d, am (fr. upd-
signed for or belonging to the Upa-vasatha; (am), nah), used for making shoes ; to be tied or bound
\i m r| i n fi =x aupanayanika, as, i, am (fr. n., N. of a Parisishta of the Sama-veda. on (as grass, leather, &c.).
upa-ndyana), relating to or serving for the rite of Aupavasta, am, n. (fr. upa-vasta), fasting, a fast. vi i M iPM qi aupayika = aupayika, q. v.
investiture, belonging to it. Aupavastra, am, n. fasting ; food suitable for a
•w i s 1 1fa cfi aupandsika, as, i, am (fr. upa + Aupavastraka, am, n. food suitable for a fast. vDmfa aupdvi, is, m. (fr. updva), a patro-
ndya), being near the nose. Aupavdea, as, I, am, given during fasting, to be nymic of JSnasruteya.
done during fasting. iHiMIHH aupdsaua, as, m. (fr. updsana;
^frqfJrfVrcS aupanidhika, as, I, am (fr. upa- Aupavdsika, ai, I, am, proper for fasting, able to
nidhi), forming a deposit, relating to a deposit, de-
scil. agnf), the fire used for domestic worship ;
fast. (scil. pinda), a small cake offered to the manes ;
posited; (am), n. a deposit, the thing pledged or
deposited. Aupavasya, am, n. fasting. (as, I, am), performed with the fire called Aupasana ;
connected with or belonging to worship or service,
aupavdhya, as, d, am (fr. upa- devotional, holy.
upanishatka, as, I, am (fr. upa- vdha), designed for driving in a carriage or for
'itishad), living by an Upanishad. riding ; (a carriage) drawn for pleasure ; (as), m. a , a patronymic fromUpeya(?).
Aupanishada, as, i, am, contained in or taught
in an Upanishad, scriptural, theological ; (as), m. the king's elephant, any royal vehicle. aupoditi, is, m. (fr. upodita),
follower of an Upanishad. Ved. a patronymic of Tuminja.
'•sMMfV'^rq aupavindavi, is, m. a patro-
<i3i mipanlvika, as, i, am (fr. upa + nymic from Upavindu. Avpoditeya, ax, m., N. of the son of Upoditi.
192 aum.
Bhargavas cast it into the ocean, where it remained aushara or ansharaka, am, n. (fr.
aum, ind. the sacred syllable of the
Sodras; [cf. om.] concealed, and having the face of a horse. Aurva us/mm), fossil salt; iron stone.
was afterwards preceptor to Sagara and gave him the >sTiH« aushasa, as, I, am (fr. ushas), relat-
%rt*f auma or aumaka or aumika, as, i, am morning.
Agneyastram, with which he conquered the barba- ing to dawn, early, matutinal ; (I), f. day-break ;
(ft. wild), flaxen, made of flax. rians who invaded his possessions ; cf. badavd-muklta,
Aumina, am, n. a field of flax. bariavdgni) ; a N. of a son of Vasishtha ; (of, i,
am), produced by Aurva, relating to Aurva; (OK), Aushasya, as, a, am, sacred to Ushas or the
^rtol auraya, as, i, am (fr. ura-ga), ser- m. submarine fire; (am), n. fossil salt. — Auminala
pent, serpentine, relating or belonging to a snake ; Aushika, as, i, am (fr. 2. «*Aa), walking out at
(°ea-an°), as, m. submarine fire.
(am), n. the constellation ASleshS. day-break ; early, matutinal, &c., with the dawn.
••HM^I aurvasa, as, i, am, an Adhyaya or
^ftta aurabhra, as, i, am (fr. ura-bhra), Anuvaka containing the word UrvasX aushija or aushlja, desirous &c. ;
belonging to or produced from a ram or sheep ; (at), = autija above.
m. a coarse woollen blanket ; N. of a physician ; (am), of Aurvas'eya,
Urvasl. as, m. an epithet of Agastya, the son
n. mutton, the flesh of sheep ; woollen cloth. %fn? aushtra, as, t, am (fr. usktra), derived
Aurdbhraka, am, n. a flock of sheep. aulapi, ayas, m. pi. (a patronymic from or relating to a camel ; abounding in camels ;
Awrabhrika, as, i, am, relating to, produced by, fr. ulapa), N. of a warrior-tribe. (am), n. the camel genus or species, camel-nature.
&c., sheep ; (as), m. a shepherd. Aidapin, inas, m. pi., N. of a school. Aushtraka, as, I, am, coming or derived from a
Aulajiiya, as, m. a prince of the Aulapis. camel ; (am), n. a herd or multitude of camels.
<fK$l aurasa, as, m. (fr. urasa), an in-
habitant ofUrasX Wc?T«Taa/aBa,Ved.areservoirforwater(r), Aushfraratha, as, i, am (fr. ushtra-ratha), be-
a sacrificial oblation (?). longing to a carriage drawn by camels.
"•sfnX i. aurasa, as, i, am (fr. uras), be- Aushtrakshi, is, m. (fr. itihtra + aksha), epithet
longing to or being in the breast ; produced from of i!flc£4
owls. auKka, am, n. (fr. uluka), a number of a teacher.
the breast, i. e. the seat of manly strength, produced Aushtrika, as, i, am, coming from or relating to
by one's self; legitimate ; (as, i), m. f. a legitimate Aulukya, a patronymic from Uluka ; (as), m. a
child, i. e. one by a wife of the same caste. a camel.
follower of the VaiSeshika doctrine ; (' like an owl ; ' wTJ aushtha, as, I, am (fr. oshtha), lip-
Auraska, as, I, am-, excellent, distinguished ; [cf. this etymology, and perhaps the epithet itself, owes
vrasya.] its origin to controversial animosity.) — Aul&kya- shaped.
Aurasya (?), belonging to or being in the breast ; dariana, am, n., N. of the system of these philo- vdPaji^ aushniha, as, I, am, Ved. in the
legitimate. sophers treated of in the Sarvadarsana-san-graha. Ushnih metre.
•W I.M 2. aurasa, as, i, am (fr. urasa or •'SHc**1!^ aulukhala, as,l, am (fr. ulukhala),
urasa), coming from UrasS. coming from a mortar; ground or pounded in a *MIU!l"|cS aushnika, perhaps a wrong reading
mortar. for aushtilslta, = ushmshin.
aurukshayasa, a patronymic
from Uru-kshayas = Uru-kshaya. « I «4HW aulvanya, am, n. excess, super- •40MJ4 aushnya, am, n. (fr. ushna) or aush-
abundance. mya, am, n. (fr. ushman), heat, warmth ; burning.
Yllm aurna or aurnaka, as, i, am (fr. nrna),
made of wool, woollen. auvenaka, am, n., N. of a song
Aurnandbha, a patronymic from Crna-nabha. (GItaka).
AurnanabJuika, an, i, am, inhabited by the tribe
•'HI5H ausana or ausanasa, as, i, am,
of the Crna-nSbhas.
originating from Usanas, peculiar to him ; (as, f), m.
Aurnavablia, a patronymic of Crna-vSbhi ; N. of f. a patronymic from USanas ; (am), n. (scil. dastra) «R i . ia,the first consonant of the alphabet,
a grammarian. and the first of the guttural letters, corresponding in
Auri)ika, as, i, am, woollen. the law-book of USanas ; N. of an Upa-pur5na ; N.
of a Tirtha. sound to k in keep or king. — Ka^kdra, as, m. the
i aurdhvakalika, as, a or i, am letter or sound fca. — KaJ;dra-varga, as, m. the
40f$M ausija, as, i, am (fr. usij), Ved.
(fr. iird/iva-kala), relating to subsequent or later desirous, zealous, wishing ; a patronymic of KakshTvat guttural consonants collectively.
time. cB 2. ka, kas, ka, kim, interrog. pron. (see
Anrdhvadeha, am, n. (fr. urdliva + delta), a and others ; (as), m., N. of a Muni.
Mm and 2. tad, and cf. the following words in which
funeral ceremony. *8l$fl«H, austnara, as, i, m. f. a prince of the interrogative base ka appears, katama, katara,
Aurdhvadehika, as, a, am, referring to the state the USinaras ; (i), f. the wife of Pururavas. kati, katham, kadd, karhi, ka, &c.), who ? which ?
after death, relating to a deceased person, any rite Austrian, is, m. a prince of the USlnaras. what? In its declension ka follows the pronoun tad
performed in honour of the dead ; funereal, funeral ;
(Gram. 223) except in nom. ace. sing, neut., where
(am), n. the obsequies of a deceased person ; funeral <4J)$fli ausira, as, am, m. n. (' made of kim has taken the place of kad or kat in classical
solemnities; whatever is given or performed on a USira'), the stick which serves as a handle to the Sanskrit ; but the old form kad is found in the Veda.
person's decease, as burning of the body, offering cow's tail used as a fan or chowri ; the cow's tail The interrogative sentence introduced by ka is often
cakes, distributing alms, &c. used as a fan, the chowri ; (am), n. a bed, used also
as a seat ; a seat, a chair or stool ; the root of a fra- terminated by iti (e. g. kasya sa putra iti kath-
Aurdhi-adathika, as, i, am, funereal, funeral.
Aurdhvasadman'i,am,n.(fr.urd!iva + sadman), grant grass, Andropogon Muricatum ; an unguent, yatdm, let it be said, 'whose son is he?'), but iti
N. of a SSman. made of Usira. may be omitted and the sentence lose its direct
Aufiriki, f. the shoot (of a plant) ; a basin, a interrogative character (e. g. kasya sa putro na
Aurdhvasrotanka or aurilheasruta>ika, at, i,
bowl. jnayate, it is not known whose son he is). Ka with
am (fr. Urdhva-trotas, a N. of Siva, ' above whom or without as, ' to be,' may express ' how is it possible
or in whose head is the river or the Ganges'), a Sfaiva ••JUmU aushana, am, n. (fr. ushatia), pun- that?' 'what power have I, you, they, &c. ?' (e.g.
or adherent of the sect which gives Siva the pre- gency black
; pepper.
eminence inthe Hindu triad. ke mama dhanmno 'nye, what can the other archers
do against me ? ke dram paritrdtum, what power
•«(««<; fa aushadaiiri, is, m. (fr. oshadaifea),
aurva, as, m. (a patronymic fr. urea),
a patronymic of Vasumat. have we to rescue you?). A'a is often connected
N. of a Rishi, a son of Crva and descendant of with a demonstrative pron. (e. g. ko 'yam dyati, who
Bhrigu, mentioned in Rig-veda VIII. 102, 4. (This '.11 ml aushadha, as, i, am (fr. oshadhi), comes here ?) or with the potential (e. g. ko ffarim
Aurva, who is called BhSrgava and described in Ma- consisting of herbs ; (am), n. a herb, herbs collec- niiiilit, who will blame Hari?). Ka is sometimes
hi-bh. I. 2610. as a son of Cyavana by his wife tivelyherbs
; used in medicine, a medicament, a drug,
repeated whom?
whom? (e. g. kah
'tra, ofwho is there
them? ? kdn53.0),
cf. Gram. kdn,
ArushT and therefore grandson of Bhrigu, is the sub- a medicine in general; a vessel for herbs ; a mineral.
ject of a legend told in Mahi-bh. I. 0802. There and the repetition is often due to a kind of attrac-
— Aushadhavali fdha-av°), f. a medical work com-
it is said that the sons of KritavTrya, wishing to destroy tion (e.g. kesham kim iOitram adhyayaniyam,
the descendants of Bhrigu in order to recover the posed byPranakrishna. which book is to be read by whom ? Gram. 836. a).
Aunliaillii, is or i, f. a herb, a plant, a medicinal
wealth left them by their father, slew even the children herb, an annual or deciduous plant, as grass &c. ; a When kim is connected with the inst. c. of a noun
in the womb. One of the women of the family of plant in general, ^txhadhi, q. v. ; (i), f., N. of a or with the indecl. participle it may express ' what is
Bhrigu, in order to preserve her embryo, secreted it goddess. — Amliadht-pati, is, m. an epithet of the
in her thigh (urn), whence the child at its birth was Soma, lord of the plants. gained by doing so, &c. ?' (e.g. nirujah kim au-
iluidhaih, what is the use of medicine to the healthy?
named Aurva; on beholding whom, the sons of Aushadhi-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kar- kim vilambena,, what is gained by delay? kim ba-
Kritavirya were struck with blindness, and from whose tum, to reduce to a medicament. hund, what is the use of more words ? kim pauru-
wrath proceeded a flame that threatened to destroy Auskadhtya, as, i, am, medicinal, consisting of
the world, had not Auiva at the persuasion of the herbs, herby, sham hatrd
killing sttptam,
one asleep ?). what manliness is there in
ka. kaksha. 193
Ka is often followed by the particles iva, u, nama, kansa, Sec.); a particular measure; a metal, tutanag N. of a prince of the Ananas ; (ini), (., N. of a river.
nu, va, svid, some of which serve merely to gene- or white copper, brass, bell-metal ; cf. kansatthi and — Kakudruma, as, m. (for kakwl-druma ?), N.
ralize the interrogation (e. g. kim tva etad, what kansya; (as), m., N. of a king of Mathura, son of of a jackal in the Pancatantra. — Kakud-vat, an, m.
can this be? jfca u s~ravat, who can possibly hear? Ugra-sena and cousin of the DevakI who was mother a buffalo with a hump on his shoulders ; (tt), f., N.
ko nama janati, who indeed knows ? ko nv ayam, of Krishna, (Ugra-sena being brother of Devaka, who of the wife of Pradyumna.
who is this 1 Mm nu kdryam, what is to be done ? was father of DevakI.) He is usually called the uncle,
but was really a cousin of Krishna, and became his Kakuda, as, am, m. n. the summit of a moun-
ko va devad anyah, who possibly other than a god ? tain chief,
; pre-eminent ; the hump on the shoulders
kasya svid hridayam ndsti, of what person is there implacable enemy because it had been prophesied to of the Indian bull ; a species of serpent ; an ensign
no heart?). him that he would be killed by a child of DevakI or symbol of royalty, as the white parasol, &c.
Ka is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pro- (Vish. Pur. p. 493) ; as the foe of the deity he is — Kakuda-kdtyayana, as, m., N. of a Brahman
noun, especially in negative sentences (e. g. na kasya identified with the Asura Kalanemi ; and, as he was who was a violent adversary of Sakya-muni. — Ka-
ko vallabhah, no one is a favourite of any one ; ultimately slain by Krishna, the latter receives epithets
like Kansa-jit, the conqueror of Kansa, &c. ; (a), f. kuddksha Cda-ak°), as, m., N. of a man.
ndnyo janati kah, no one else knows ; katham sa
ghdtayati tarn, how does he kill any one ? More N. of a daughter of Ugra-sena and sister of Kansa. <*j<^< kakundara, am, n. the cavities of
usually, however, ka is only made indefinite when con- — Kansa-kdra, as, I, m. f. a worker in pewter or the loins ; (kakudmatl-dara ?; cf. kakudmatl and
nected with the particles (a, (ana, did, vd, and api, white brass, a bell-founder, considered as an inter-
in which case ka may sometimes be preceded by the mediate caste. — Kansa-jit, t, m. an epithet of
relative ya (e. g. ye ke da, any persons whatsoever ; Krishna, the conqueror of Kansa. — Kansa-banij, k, oR^T^/taiafcA,
a peak or summit (cacumen) p,f. (connected'with
; space, region orkakud),
m. a brazier or seller of brass vessels. — Kansa-
yasyai kasyai (a devatdyai, to any deity whatso- as east, west. Sec. ; N. of a metre of three PSdas con-
ever ;yani kdni (a mitrdni, any friends whatsoever ; bailha, as, m. the slaying of Krishna ; title of a sisting ofeight, twelve, and eight syllables respectively,
yat kiAda, whatever). The particle (ana, being comedy of Sesha-Krishna. — Kansa-mdkskika, am, so called because the second PSda exceeds the others
composed of (a and na, properly gives a negative n. a metallic substance in large grains, a sort of by four syllables; unoraamented hair or the hair
force to the pronoun (e.g. yasmdd Indrad rite pyrites. — Kansa-yajna, as, m. a particular sacrifice. hanging down as a tail; a wreath of Campaka
kindana, without which Indra there is nothing), but — Kansa-vati, I., N. of a daughter of Ugra-sena and
the negative sense is generally dropped (e. g. kaifana, sister of Kansa and Kansa. — Kama-lian, a, m. an flowers ; splendor, beauty; a S"ilstra or sacred treatise :
epithet of Krishna, the destroyer of Kansa. — Kansa- a RSginI or personified mode of music ; the personi-
any one; na kaddana, no one), and a relative is fied quarter of the sky ; a daughter of Daksha and
sometimes connected with it (e.g. yat kindana, hanana, am, n. the slaying of Kansa. — Kansdrati wife of Dharma.
anything whatsoever). Examples of did with the (°sa-ar°), is, or kansdri (°sa-ari), is, m. epithet Kakubha, as, d, am, Ved. excelling, distinguished ;
interrogative are common ; va and api are not so of Krishna, the enemy of Kansa. — Kansdsthi (°sa- (as), m. a kind of goblin or evil spirit ; the tree
common, but the latter is often found in classical as°), i, a. tutanag, white copper, any alloy of tin and Terminalia Arjuna ; a part of a lute called the belly,
Sanskrit (e. g. kaidid, any one ; kedid, some ; na copper. — Kansodbhavd (asa-ua°), f. a fragrant earth. a wooden vessel covered with leather placed under its
kaddid, no one ; no, kiiidtd api, nothing whatso- Kansaka, am, n. a mineral substance, a salt of neck to render the sound deeper, or a crooked piece
ever; yah kaddid, any one whatsoever; kedit — iron used as an application to the eyes. of wood at the end of the lute ; one of the RSgas or
kedit, some — others ; yasmin kasmin va deie, in Kansika, as, i, am, made of bell-metal &c. personified musical modes ; N. of a man ; N. of a
Kansiya, as, d, am, fit for or relating to a cup ; mountain ; (a), f. space, region, quarter ; one of the
any country whatsoever; na ko 'pi, no one; na
kimapi, nothing whatever). (am), n. bell-metal. RSginls or female personifications of music. — Kaku-
Ka may sometimes be used, like 2. kad, at the «»«i«. kam-sara, as, a, am, Ved. (rice) the Ihddanl or
fragrance (°bhd-ad°),
perfume ; f.[cf.
• food of the sky,' a kind of
beginning of a compound. See ka-puya, &c. grain of which hardens in the centre.
«B 3. ka, as, m. the Who ? the Inexplicable, KakuJia, as, d, am, Ved. eminent, excelling others,
kak, cl. I. A. kakate, fakake, kaki- excellent ; (as), m., Ved. a part of a carriage, perhaps
the Unknown. By a forced and erroneous interpreta- tum, to be unsteady ; to be proud ; to be the seat.
tion of the interrogative pronoun occurring in a hymn thirsty ; [cf. Lat. vacillo for qvacitto.]
of the Rig-veda (X. I 2 I . kasmai devdya havishd kakeruka, as, m. a worm in the
vidhema, what god shall we worship with oblations ?) <*<* n i ofclT kakajd-krita, as, d, am, Ved. stomach.
the word ka is applied as a name to any chief god mutilated, torn to pieces.
or object of worship, as Prajapati, BrahmS, Vishnu ; '^TSB kakk, a various reading for kakh, q. v.
air or wind ; the sun ; the mind ; the soul ; Yama ; <*<*t^ kakanda, as, m. gold ; N. of a king.
Kama-deva, the god of love ; fire ; a peacock ; a N. of <*<*< kakara, as, m., Ved. a kind of bird. <*8!4 kakkata, as, m., Ved. a species of
Daksha (a clever or dexterous man ?) ; a knot, joint; animal, perhaps a kind of bird.
the king of the birds ; a prince in general ; the body ; "*<*« kakardu, us, m. (?), Ved. destruction
of enemies. kakkula, as, m., N. of a Bhikshu.
time ; wealth, property ; sound ; light, splendor.
^ 4. ka, am, n. (also regarded as ind.), <*"*! PZ <*l kakdtikd, f., Ved. a part of the kakkola, as, m., N. of a plant bear-
back of the human head, (enumerated together with ing a berry, the inner part of which is a waxy and
happiness, joy, pleasure ; water ; the head, hair ; a aromatic substance ; (am), n. or kakkolaka, am, n.
head of hair. (Perhaps this word has arisen from a " fat, laid/a, and kapdla.) a perfume prepared from the berries of this plant.
far-fetched etymology of the word ndka, ' pleasure/ kakunjala, as,m. the bird Cataka;
i.e. na-a-ka, 'not-not-pleasure.')— Ka-ja, as, a, [cf. kapiAjala.] "B'SW kakkvalla, as, m. a patronymic of
am, produced in or by water, watery, aquatic; (am), Gunac'andra.
n. a lotus. — Kd-da, as, m. ' giving water," a cloud. ^TcRrwpy kakutsala, as, m., Ved. an ex-
Kam, ind. See r . kam, s. v. pres ion ofendearment applied to a child (?).
4«H<*N kakkh, a various reading for kakh,
<B 5. ka, a Taddhita affix much used in fibre.)
^^^ kakud, t, f. a peak or summit (cul- <*<*«£ kakkhata, as, a, am, hard, solid ;
forming adjectives. It may also be added to nouns men) ; chief, head ; any projecting corner ; the hump
to express diminution, deterioration, or similarity on the shoulders of the Indian bull ; a horn ; an en- (1), f. chalk. — Kakkltata-pattraka, as, m. the,
(e. g. putraka, a little son ; afvaka, a bad horse or sign or symbol of royalty, as the white parasol &c. ; plant Corchorus Olitorius; (rope is. made from its
like a horse). N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma.
(According to native grammarians kakud is the form
°lfni kamyya, as, d, am, or kamyyu, us, us, u which «K1!f kaksha, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kash),
must be substituted for kakuda at the end of q.v.
(fr. I. kam), happy, prosperous; according to other a lurking or hiding-place ; an inner recess, the interior
authorities also written kamya or kamyu, or kamva. compounds, e. g. tri-kaJcud, three-peaked.) — Kakut- of a forest ; a forest of dead trees, a dry wood (the
stha, as, m., N. of a grandson of IkshvSku and son lair of wild beasts), grass, dry grass; a spreading
kamvula or katiila, am, n., N. of of S'asada, said to be so called because in a battle he creeper, a climbing plant ; the armpit (as the most
the eighth Yoga, = Arabic (_J *•**• stood on the hump of Indra, who had been changed concealed part of the human body) ; the side or flank ;
into a bull ; according to the R5m5yana he is a son the orbit of a planet or the circle anciently termed a
kansa, as, am, m. n. = kansa, q.v. of Bhagtratha. — Kakud-mat or kakun-mat, an, deferent ; sin ; a buffalo ; a gate ; the Beleric Myroba-
lan or Terminalia Belerica ; (d), f. painful boils in the
leans, cl. 2. A. kanste, -situm, to go ; ail, at, running high (as a wave) ; furnished with a
to command ; to destroy. See kas. hump ; (an), m. a mountain ; a buffalo with a hump armpit, side, shoulder, &c. ; an elephant's rope, the
on his shoulders ; N. of a medicinal plant ; (ti), f. the
string round his neck, also his girth ; a woman's
«MT kansa, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. rt. hip and loins ; N. of a metre \ Fcf. Lat. r.actintci\ girdle or zone ; a surrounding wall, a wall ; a place
2. kam; according to others fr. the last), a vessel iii*H in catniirttait-] — Kakudml-Kanya, t. surrounded by walls ; a court or court-yard ; an en-
made of metal, a drinking vessel, a cup, a goblet (a a river (' mountain-daughter '). — Kaltud-min, I, inl, closure ;a secluded portion of an edifice ; a private
noun ending in as followed by kansa in a compound i, peaked, humped ; (mi), m. a mountain ; a buffalo or inner chamber, the private apartment for women
does not change its final, e. g. ayas-kansa, payas- with a hump on his shoulders ; an epithet of Vishnu ; &c., a room in general ; a particular part of a carriage ;
194 kaksha-dhara.
resemblance, similarity; objection or reply in argu- pi., N. of a people ; a title of Yudhishthira (from his kankella, as, m. the tree Jonesia
ment ;emulation, rivalry, object of emulation ; the assuming the disguise of a Brahman before king AJoka; a kind of pot-herb, Chenopodium Esculentum.
jeweller's weight, the Retti ; (as, a), m. f. the end of Virata); a false or pretended Brahman; a man of
Kaitkelli, is, m. Jonesia ASoka.
the lower garment which, after the doth it carried the second or military tribe (perhaps a man of that
round the body, is brought up behind and tucked caste pretending to be a Brahman) ; one of the •(•{•Yft kankola, as, m. a king of the Nagas ;
into the waistband ; a border, lace ; the scale or basin eighteen divisions of the continent ; the brother of N. of the author of a hymn called GanapatyarSdhana.
of a balance ; (am), n. a star, a constellation (perhaps Kaosa ; (a), f. a sort of sandal ; scent of the lotus ; kankha, am, n. enjoyment, fruition ;
a wrong reading for riksha) ; (<5«), m. pi., N. of a N. of a daughter of Ugra-sena and sister of Kartka.
— Kanka-fit, t, t, t, Ved. collected into a heap (perhaps a combination of Jta and kha.)
people. — Jfal-sha-<lhara, am, n. the part of the
body where the upper arm is connected with the resembling a heron. — Kanka-tunda, as, m., N. of a kangu, us, f. or kanguni, f. a kind of
shoulder, the shoulder-joint. — Kakslta-pa, a», m. Rakshas. — Kanka-trota , as, or kanka-troti, is, m. Panic'seed, Panicum Italicum ; several varieties of it
one of the nine treasures of Kuvera ; [cf. kaMhapa.] a kind of fish, commonly kankild; Esox Kankila. are cultivated and form articles of food for the poor.
— Kaksha-puta, as, m. the armpit; title of a — Kanka-pattra, am, n. a heron's feather fixed on — Kangtml-pattrd, f. a kind of grass, =panyandhd.
work on magic. — Kaksha-ruhd, f. a fragrant grass, an arrow ; (as, d, am), furnished with the feathers of
Cyperus. — Kaksha-tdya, as, m. a dog ; [cf. =f^^ kangula, as, m. the hand ; [cf.
a heron ; (as), m. an arrowt, furnished with heron's
kaitkafaya.] — Kaksha-sena, as, m., N. of a Rs- feathers.— Kankapattrln, ini, i, furnished with
jarshi. — Jfaksha-sthd, as, a, am, situated on the heron's feathers. — Kanka-parvan, d, m., N. of a
side, seated on the hip or flank. — Kakihddkyaya serpent. — Kanka-mdla, (. a kind of musical instru- "Xfit x<«m, ka6, cl. i. A. to
to bind; ka6ate,
shine; (akate, kati-
P. kafati, to
(°ska-adh°), as, m., N. of a part of a commentary ment beating
; time by dapping the hands. — Kanka- anguli.']cry; [cf. I;an6 ; cf. also Hib. cacht, ' a strait,
by BhOdhara on the Sflrya-siddhSnta. — Kakshdn- mukha, as, i, am, shaped like a heron's mouth ;
tara (°iha-an°), am, n. the inner or private (as, am), m. n. a pair of tongs, a sort of forceps. a narrow Kiita, as, placem.; bonds,
the hairfetters.']
(especially of the head) ; a
apartment. — Kakshd-pata, as, m. a cloth passed — Jianka-s'atru, us, m. the plant Desmodium cicatrix, a dry or healed sore, a scar ; a binding, band ;
between the legs to cover the privities, — Kakshd- Gangeticum.
like a heron). — Kanka-idya, as, m. a dog (sleeping the hem of a garment ; a doud ; N. of a son of
jiuli, is, m., N. of a physician ; (wrong reading for Brihaspati ; N. of a place ; (a), f. a female elephant;
kdkshaputi ?).— Kakshdvekskaka, as, m. (kaksha, th%;7 kankata or kankataka, as, m. (said beauty, brilliancy ; [cf. a-kada, ut-kafa, &c.] — Kata-
+ awkihaka fr. it. ti-sh with am), a guard of the to be fr. rt. hank), mail, defensive armour ; an iron pa, at, m. ' doud-drinker,' grass ; a leaf; (am), n.
inner or queen's apartments ; keeper of a royal hook to goad an elephant. a vessel for vegetables; a leaf of a vegetable (?).
garden ; a door-keeper ; a poet ; a debauchee ; a
— Kata-paTisJta or kafa-paia, as, rn. thick or
player, a painter; warmth of feeling, strength of kankaterl, f. turmeric. ornamented hair. — KaCa-mdla, as, m. smoke ; (per-
sentiment. — Kakehi-krtta, as, a, am, assented, pro-
kankana, as, am, m. n. (said to be haps a wrong reading for khatamdla!).'-Ka<!a-
mised, (touching the armpit with the hand was per-
haps a manner of affirming anything : cf. uraii kri fir. rt. kai), a bracelet, an ornament of the wrist ripit-phald, (., N. of a tree; see daml. — Ka<*a-
(used also as a weapon) ; a string or ribbon tied Jtaxta, as, m. thick or ornamented hair, a beautiful
under urat.) - Kakshottha (°sha-ui°), f. a fragrant round the wrist ; an ornament round the foot of an head of hair. — Ka<?a-kat i, ind. hair against hair,
grass, Cyperus.
KaJcehaka, ae, m., N. of a N5ga. elephant; any ornament or trinket; a crest; (t), f. pulling each other's hair. — Katdfita fto-af), as, d,
JfakstuUu, us, m., N. of a plant. a small bell or tinkling ornament; an ornament am, having long or dishevelled hair. •• Katdmoda
JZakthaya, nom. A. kakshdyate, -yitum, to wait furnished with bells : see kinkinl ; [cf. Lith. kan- (°<fa-am°), am, n. a fragrant ointment for the hair.
for any one in a hidden place, lie in ambush ; to kala~s.] — Kankana-pura, am, n., N. of a town, ka6angana, am, n. a free market,
intend anything wicked. called from Kan-kana-varsha. — Kankana-priya,
a place of sale paying no duty or custom ; [cf. kardn-
Xakshlvat, an, m. (fr. kakshya), N. of a renowned as, m., N. of a servant of Siva. — Kankana-bhu- gana, angana, and angana.]
Rishi, sometimes called Pajriya ; he is the author of shana, as, d, am, adorned with tinkling orna-
several hymns of the Rig-veda, and is described in
ments. —Kankana-manl, f. the jewel in a bracelet.
of 4r4g-r4
a region. kafangala, am, n. the ocean ; N.
— Kankana^varsha, ae, m., N. of an alchimist;
legends as a son of USij and DIrgha-tamas ; (antas),
m, pi. the family or the descendants of Kakshivat. epithet of the king Kshemagupta. <*-N14 kadaku, us, us, u, ill-disposed,
Kankanin, i, ini, i, ornamented with a bracelet.
Kaksheyu, us, m., N. of a son of Raudrasva and
GhritScX Kankanlkd, f. an ornament furnished with bells; wicked ; intolerable, difficult to be borne ; difficult
a string tied round the wrist. to be attained ; (us), m. a stiake.
Kakehya, at, a, am, Ved. consisting of shrubs or
cfc^ljl. kafatura, as, m. a gallinule. See
dry grass ; secret ; (Say.) filling the girth, as a well-fed <*3;rl kankata, as, I, am, m. f. n. or kanka-
horse ; (a), f. the girth of an elephant or horse, con- tikd, f. a comb, a hair-comb ; (as), m. a tree ; (accord- ddtyHha.
sisting ofrope or leather ; a woman's girdle or zone ; ing to Say.) a poisonous animal, a slightly venomous
metaphorically the fingers (encircling the Soma cup) ; reptile (mentioned in a verse of Rig-veda I. 191, =K^ katu, us, f. an esculent root, Arum
an upper garment, the border or lace of one ; the used as a mystical spell against poison). Colocasia and other kinds, many of which are culti-
enclosure of an edifice, i. e. either the wall &c. so en- Kankafiya, as, m. pi., N. of a family.
vated for food. See i
closing it,or the court or chamber constituting the
enclosure, the inner apartment of a palace ; similarity ; <*g;i. kankara, as, I, am, vile, bad ; (am), katela, am, n. a string or cover con-
effort, exertion ; a shrub yielding the black and red n. buttermilk mixed with water ; a high number, = taining and keeping together the leaves of a manu-
IOO niyutas. script (perhaps
; a various reading for kddana.)
berry that serves as a jeweller's weight, the Retti or
Gunja, Abrus Precatorius ; (am), n. the cup or re- •^i^7 kaMata, am, n. an aquatic plant, =
"kjjjClpi kankarola, as, m. tbe plant Alan-
ceptacle ofa balance ; a part of a carriage. — Kakshya- gium Hexapetalum. See niliofalia.
pra, as, a, am, Ved. filling the girth (as a welKfed oRR katfara (kad-fara,) as, d, am, dirty,
• horse). — Kakshyd-vat, an, ati, at, furnished with kankalodya, am, n. a kind of jalapippali.
a girth. — Kakshydvekshaka, as, m. = kaksha-
drug, = alhalodya. foul; spoiled, spoiled by dirt; vile, wicked, bad;
with water; [cf. kan-
rekshaka, q.v. — Kakshyd-stotra, am, n., N. of a ofc^-lpj kankdla, as, am, m. n. a skeleton ; katwa, &c.] diluted
n. buttermilk
(am), kara,
hymn by Divakara-vatsa. [cf. Mod. Gr. muKoAoi'.] — Kankdla-ketu, us, m.,
kakh, cl. I. P. kakhati, -khitum, N. of a DSnava. — Kartka la-l>hairava-tantra, am, d=kad-fid). Seeunderz.iod.
to laugh, laugh at or deride: Caus. P. n., N. of a Tantra. — Kankdlamdlin, f, m. an epi-
ka66ha, as, am, m. n. (in the first
kakkayati, -yitum, to cause to laugh; [cf. Lat. thet of Siva, whose necklace is formed of bones. sense a Prakrit form for kaksha; cf. ftacVfoift&a),
cachinrmre; Gr.
cti&MH kankalaya or kalkdlaya, as, m., the hem or end of a lower garment tucked into the
N. of an author.
kakhyu, f. an enclosure, a division girdle or waistband ; (according to some m. f. n. in
of a large building ; (a wrong reading for kakshya.) the next senses, according to others only m.) a bank
«ra kanku, us, m. = kangu, N. of a son
or any ground bordering on water, as the margin of
bag, cl. i. P. kagati, -yitum, to act, of Ugra-sena and brother of Kaosa. a river, lake, tank, &c. ; a mound or causeway,
N perform.
cR'3'1 kankushtha,as, m. a medicinal earth, watery soil, marshy ground, a marsh, a morass, low or
knnk, cl. i. A. kankate, -kitum, to flat land skirting mountains; N. of several places; (as),
described as of two colours, one of a silvery and one in. pi. the people inhabiting them ; (a«)t m. a part
^ g°; [cf.Hib. Hi-t/it, ' walking;' ciomir, ' a
of a gold colour, or one of a light and one of a dark of a boat; a particular part of a tortoise; a tree, the
way, a road;' Lith. kankn ; t/g-ianjhi.'tocometo.'1
timber of which is used for making furniture &c.,
cKJf kankn, as, m . a heron (a bird of prey ? ) ; yellow. Cedrela Toona or common Tun; another tree.
a kind of mango ; an epithet of Yama ; N. of a kankiisha, (?) Atharva-veda IX. 8, 2.
Hibiscus Populneoides ; (a), f. a cricket; the plant
king ; a Vrishni ; a son of Ugra-sena, a son of Sura ; kankeru, MS, m. a kind of crow.
Lycopodium Imbricatum; see vdrdhi. " KadHia-
kMha-pa. kati-tra.
<le$a, at, m., N. of a place. — Ka6<!lia-pa, as, of leather ; the cast-off skin of a snake ; (i), f., N. Clitoria Ternatea = aparajitd ; N. of a tree. — Kata-
m. a turtle, a tortoise (as inhabiting marshy of a plant. mdlim, f. wine or any vinous liquor. — Katam-
places) ; a tumour on the palate ; an apparatus used Kanfvkdlu, us, m. a snake. hara, as, m. the plant Bignonia Indica ; another
in the distillation of spirituous liquor, a flat kind of KaMukita, as, d, am, furnished with armour or lant, = katabhi; (d), f. several plants, Pcederia
still; an attitude in wrestling; the tree Cedrela mail. etida ; a medicinal plant, Katuk! ; a sort of cucum-
Toona; one of the nine nidhis or treasures of Kaiitukin, ?, ini, i, furnished with armour or er, Cucumis Madraspatanus ; Bcerhavia Diflusa, Ale-
Kuvera ; N. of a N5ga ; a son of Visva-mitra ; N. of mail; (i), m.an attendant on or overseer of thewomen's ris Hyatinthoides ; hog-weed; a female elephant;
a country ; (i), f. a female tortoise or a small species apartments, a chamberlain ; a libidinous man, a de- ed arsenic. — Kata-wana, as, m. * wounding in the
of tortoise ; a cutaneous disease, wart or blotch ; a bauchee, one addicted to women ; a Serpent ; N. of ips,' a N. of Bhtma-sena. — Kata-iarkara, f. a frag-
kind of lute, also the lute of Sarasvati (so named from several plants, Agallochum, barley, Cicer Arietinum. ment of a mat broken off, or of straw ; the plant
being similar in shape to the tortoise). — Ka6(ha- — KanCukirrefaka, an, m. du. the chamberlain and juilandina Bonducella ; [cf. katu-karanja.] — Kata-
pa-defa, as, m., N. of a place. — Karffha-bhu, the forester.
Kantulikd, f. a bodice or jacket. thala, am, n. the hip and loins, an elephant's tem-
us, f. marshy ground, a swamp, a morass. — KaMha- les. — Jfatdksha C(a-ak°), as, m. a glance or side
ruhd, f. a kind of grass, Durva, Agrostis Linearis, Kaiiffda, as, am, m. n. an article of female dress, ook, a leer. — Katdksha-kshetra, N. of a place.
Panicus Dactilon. — KaMha-vilidra, as, m., N. of — Kataksha-mushta, as, d, am, caught by a glance.
perhaps a bodice.
a marshy region. — KaMhdnta ^6ha-an°), as, m. oK^ kan-ja, as, m. (fr. kam = head), the — Katdksha-mdikha, as, m. an arrow-like look of
the border of a lake or stream. — Kadhetivara ove. — Katdkshdvekshana (°sha-av°), am, n. casi-
hair ; (fr. kam = water), an epithet of BrahmS ; (am),
(Charts'0), as, m., N. of a town.or JcaftShati, (. the n. a lotus; the Amrita or food of the immortals; ng lewd or amorous glances, ogling. — Katdyni (°la-
Katdhatika or katthdtikd
ag°), is, m. a fire kept up with dry grass or straw ; the
end or hem of a lower garment or cloth gathered up (as, d, am), produced in or from water ; (in com- traw placed round a criminal who is to be burnt.
behind and tucked into the waistband. position kanja, may follow or precede the term Kataka, as, am, m. n. a string ; a ring placed as
KaMhapikd, f. a pimple, a blotch or wart; a compounded with it, e. g. kai'ij a-vadana or i-adana- an ornament upon an elephant's tusk ; a bracelet of
wart accompanying gonorrhcea. kanja, a lotus-face.) — Kanja-ja, as, m. an epithet jold or of shell &c. ; a zone ; the link of a chain ;
of BrahmS (born from a lotus). — Kaiija-ndbha, a mat ; the side or ridge of a hill or mountain ; table
Katthara, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
KaMhotikd, i.=kaffluitikd, q. v. as, m. an epithet of Vishnu. and ; a circle, a wheel, an army, a camp ; a royal
<*%4<* kanjaka, as, m. a kind of bird, metropolis, a city or town, a village, a house or
c*(%tit' katthiya, as, m. pi., N. of a people ; Gracula Religiosa. dwelling; N. of the capital of Orissa (Cuttack) ; sea-salt.
(various readings have kaksha and kadtha.)
Kanjana, as, m. the bird Gracula Religiosa, the Katakin, I, m. a mountain.
cKflg ka66hu, us, or katthu, us, f. (said to bird of Kandarpa ; N. of Kandarpa, the deity of love, Kaioii, (. a cemetery.
be fr. rt. leash), itch, formation of watery pustules on Kanjala, as, m., N. of the bird Gracula Religiosa. Kat ay ana, am, n. the plant Andropogon Muricatus.
the hands &c., scab. (The form katthii is the older Kati, is, f. the hip. See below.
and more correct form.) — KaMhu-ghni, f. the plant
ctiSK. kanjara, as, m. the belly ; an ele- Katin, t, ini, i, matted, screened ; having hand-
Trichosanthes Dioeca ; another plant, = hap uydbheda.
phant ;the sun ; an epithet of BrahmS. some loins &c. ; (i), m. an elephant.
Kanjdru, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. lay), a peacock ; kataka. See above
— Katflm-mati, f. the plant Carpopogon Pruriens,
said to cause itching on being applied to the skin. the belly; an elephant; a Muni or holy sage, an
KaMhura, as, a, am, scabby, itchy; unchaste, hermit ; the sun ; an epithet of BrahmS ; also = katakata, as, m. an epithet of Sfiva.
libidinous ; (<z), f. the plant Alhagi Maurorum ; a vyanjana (?). See katankata.
species of Curcuma ; the plant Carpopogon Pruriens. °h 731*11 kanjdna, as or am, m. or n. (?), N. cti<:<*i«l katakata, an onomatopoetic word
KaiCkora, am, n. a kind of Curcuma. of a place. supposed to represent the noise of rubbing together.
oR^ft kadvi, f. a plant with an esculent oR'f'SnST kanjikd, f. the plant Siphonanthus Katakatdpaya,notn.P.katakatdpayat{,-yitum,
root (Arum Colocasia) cultivated for food. India. to rub together, utter a creaking or grating noise.
1 haj,, cl. I. P. kajati, -jitum, to be i. kat or kant, cl. i. P. katati or otiiofTlc^ katakola, as, m. a spitting-vessel.
S happy ; to be confused with joy, pride or kantati, -({turn, to go.
sorrow ; to grow, (in the last sense a Sautra root.)
c|t j^-4 katankata, as, m. an epithet of
j j 2. kat, cl. i. P. katati, (akdta, kati S'iva or Ganesa ; [cf. katakata, katatanka.}
=lRt ka-ja. See under 4. lea. ~\ turn, to rain ; surround ; to encompass, ti
cover or screen. 'aKZ^fft katankateri, f. turmeric ; yellow
osfjijf kajinga, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
Kata, as, m. a twist of straw or grass, a straw mat saunders
cS55TH kajjala, as, m. (in the first sense cfiTT ;katana,
[cf. ddrw-haridrd.~\
am, n. roof or thatch of a
a screen of straw; the hip; the hollow above the hip o house.
from lead-Jala), a cloud ; (am), a. lampblack, con- the loins ; the hip and loins ; the temples of an elephant
sidered as a collyrium and applied to the eyelashes
a particular throw of the dice in hazard ; (at the end o °n<sti katamba, as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
or eyelids medicinally or as an ornament, also sulphu- some compounds) much, excessive (but in the word
ret of lead or antimony so used ; («, i), f. the fish 2. kat), a kind of musical instrument ; an arrow.
avakata, utkafa, prakala, and sankata considerec
Cyprinus Atratus, or any kind peculiar to stagnant as an affix) ; N. of a Rakshas ; a corpse ; a hearse, <*5£jtl katambard, f. a medicinal plant,
waters, whence the name ; (i), f, sulphuret of mer- bier, a bed &c. used for conveying a dead body ; See katu-rohini.
place where dead bodies are burnt or buried, a place
cury, .ffithiop's mineral ; ink. — Kajjala-dhvaja, as, katdku, us, m. a bird.
m. a lamp. — Kajjala-rofaka, as, am, m. n. the of sepulture; a time or season ; excess, superabundance;
wooden stand or tripod on which a lamp' is placed, the plant Saccharum Sara ; an annual plant ; grass ; katdksha. See under kata above.
a candlestick. — Kajjali-tirtha, am, n., N. of a a thin piece of wood, a plank; (am), n. (considered
TTrtha. as an affix at the end of compounds), dust of flowers ; katdtanka, as, m. an epithet of
S'iva. See katankata.
Kajjalita, as, a, am, covered with lampblack or (I), f. long pepper; (as, 7, am), an agent in any
with a collyrium prepared from it. action. — Kata-khddaka, as, d, am, eating much, •5BTR katdra, as, m. a libidinous man, a
one who eats voraciously ; (as), m. a jackal ; a crow ; lecher.
a glass vessel, a tumbler or bowl. — Kata-ghosha, <*<J|£ katdha, as, m. (according to the
considered as an application to the eyes ; [cf. kajjala.~\ as, m., N. of a region in the east of India. — Kata-
<4-iJ kind, cl. i. A. kaniiate, takahfe, nagara, N. of a place in the East. — Kata-paUi- Schol. m. f. n.), a frying-pan, a boiler or a frying-
^fcani^itum, to bind; to shine; [cf. kat! kuntikd, f. a straw hut (?). — Kata-palvala, N. of a vessel of a semispheroidal shape and with handles ;
and kant.] place in the East. — Kata-putana, as, m. a kind of a shallow boiler for oil or butter ; a turtle's shell ; a
demon (a Kshatriya not performing his duties is born well ; a winnowing basket ; a hill of earth ; hell, the
•*=as kahcata, as, m. the aquatic plant infernal regions ; a young female buffalo whose horns
Commelina Salicifolia and C. Bengalensis. after his death as such a goblin) ; a kind of Preta or
are just appearing ; a dvlpa or division of the known
Jfandada, as, m. the plant Commelina Bengalensis. inhabitant of the lower regions ; see putand and
andhaputand. ~ Kata-pru, us, m. a worm ; one continent,
medans or soChina.)
called, (perhaps the Katai of the Muham-
; kanfara, as, m. the sun.
who gambles or plays with dice ; an epithet of S'iva Katahaka, am, n. a pan, a pot.
i kahtikd, f. a small boil ; the branch or MahSdeva ; a Rakshas, an imp or goblin ; a kind
of a bamboo. of demi-god, one of the class of VidySdharas. — Kata- cCrfe kati, is, or kati, f. (fr. rt. 2. kat?), the
protha, as, m. the buttocks. — Kata-bhanga, as, hip ; the buttocks ; an elephant's cheek ; («), f. long
<!u,ka, as, m. (fr. rt. kaht?), a dress m. gleaning, plucking or gathering corn with the pepper. — Kati-kusktfia, am, n. leprosy of the hip.
fitting close to the upper part of the body ; armour, hands ; the destruction of a prince ; royal misfortune, — Kati-kupa, as, m. the hollow above the hip, the
mail ; a bodice, jacket ; the skin of a snake ; doth, as deposure, defeat, &c. — Kata-bhl, f., N. of several loins. — Katl-tata, am, n. the loins, the hip. — Kati-
clothes ; a kind of drawers or short breeches ; a strap plants, Cardiospermum Halicacabum (an annual plant) ; tra, am, n. anything to protect the hips ; a cloth tied
196 kati-desa. kadara.
round the loins ; a zone ; an ornament of small bells Solanum, = devaddK and mrigcrvaru.—Katv-anga, and kallwra.]
kathara, as, a, am, hard ; [cf. kathina
worn round the loins ; armour for the hip or loins. as, m. the tree Calosanthes Indica; an epithet of
— Kati-deia, as, m. the loins. — Kati-protha or
chJcV kathalya or kalhalla, as or am, m.
katl-protka, as, m. the buttocks ; [cf. kata-protha.} Katuka, as, a, am, sharp, pungent, bitter, fierce,
or n. (?), gravel.
— Katt-mallka, (. a woman's zone. — Jiafi-rohaka, impetuous, hot ; (as), m. pungency, acerbity ; N. of
as, m. the rider of an elephant who sits upon the several plants, Trichosanthes Diceca, a fragrant kind kathaku, us, m. (said to be fr. rt.
hinder parts of the elephant, as distinct from the of grass ; gigantic swallow wort, Calotropis Gigantea ; , a bird (or more probably a particular bird).
driver or the person sitting upon the loins. — Ka/i- a plant the bark and seed of which have an acrid and
firshaka, as, m. the hip (as projecting like a head) ; bitter taste, and are used in medicine for worms, kathahaka, as, m. a gallinule. See
the hip and loins or the hollow above the hip. dysentery, &c., Wrigthia Antidysenterica ; Sinapis Di- ddtyuha.
— Kati-iriukKald, f. a girdle of small bells. - Kati- chotoma or Ramosa ; N. of a man ; (a), f., N. of
<*f<Jtfl kathika, f. chalk ; the plant com-
fiitra, am, n. a female zone or waistband. several plants, = Jtalvi and katu-rohim ; Areca Fau- monly called TulasI; [cf. kalhinl and katkiiijara.]
Katikd, (. the hip. fel or Catechu ; Ruellia Longifolia ; (i), f. = katu-
Katira, at, am, m. n. the cavity of the loins or the rohim ; (am), n. pungency, acerbity (at the end of oJiHiyi. kathinjara, as, m. the tree Ocy-
iliac region j (as), m. Mons Veneris ; a cave ; (am), compounds in a bad sense, e. g. dadhi-katukam, mum Sanctum, commonly TulasI.
n. a hip. bad coagulated milk) ; a compound of pungent sub-
stances, asblack pepper, long pepper, dry ginger. — Ka- =sfir«T kathina, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt.
Katlraka, am, n. the posteriors.
iuka-traya, am, n. an aggregate of three pungent kath), hard, stiff (opposed to mridu) ; inflexible ;
<* ft el 31 katillaka, as, m. a species of the substances, as black pepper, long pepper, and ginger. violent, as pain ; (as), m. a thicket ; (a), f. crystal-
balsam apple, Momordica Charantia ; [cf. kathillaka.] — Katuka-tva, am, n. pungency. — Kahtka-phala, ized sugar, a sweetmeat made with refined sugar;
<*il rl t4 kafitala, as, m. a crooked sword; am, n., N. of a perfume prepared from the berries (i), f. chalk ; (am), n. an earthen vessel for cooking
of the plant Kakkola. — Katuka-bhakshin, I, m., N. (according to some also f.) ; [cf. Lat. catimtm ; Gr.
a sabre or scymitar ; [cf. kaditula.]
of a man. — Katuka-rohini, (. = katu-rohinl. — Ka- K^ivos.] — Kathina-td, f. or kathina-tva, am, n.
cf7 kattt, us, us or vi, u (said to be fr. rt. hardness, firmness; severity; difficulty, obscurity.
(uka-valll, f. = katn.-Kattikdldbv (°ka-al°), us,
Icat), pungent, acrid, sharp (one of the six kinds of m. a kind of bitter gourd, Trichosanthes Diceca. — Kathina-prishtha or kalhina-prishthaka, as,
flavour); pungent, stimulating (smell) ; strong-scented, m. a tortoise. •• Kathina-hridaya or Tsathina-iitta,
katunkata, f. rough manners.
ill-smelling ; bitter, caustic (words) ; displeasing, dis- os,a,am,hard-hearted,cruel,unkind. — Katliindntah-
agreeable; fierce, impetuous, hot; envious; (as), katura, am, n. buttermilk mixed karana (°na-an°), as, d, am, harsh, cruel, severe.
m. pungency, acerbity (as a flavour); the plants with water, •= takra ; [cf. kankara, kaMara, Icat- Kathinikd, f. chalk.
Michelia Champaca, Trichosanthes Diceca, camphor, rora, kadara, kadvara.] Kathint-bhuta, as, d, am, hardened, indurated.
&c. ; (us}, (. various plants, = katu^roJiim, a medi- cfZT=MJIH kateraka-grama, as, m., N. of <+f<5cl kathilla, as, m. the plant Momordica
cinal plant ; Sinapis Ramosa ; (m), (., N. of a plant ; a village.
(u), n. an improper action, an act which ought not Charantia.
to have been done ; blaming, reviling, scandal. — Ka- «H5^<* katodaka, am, n. (fr. kata = karta Kalhillalta, as, m. the plant Momordica Charan-
tu-kanda, as, am, m. n. ginger, the fresh root or tia ;Ocymum Sanctum [cf. kathinjara] ; Bcerhavia
=*garta ? and udaka), water for a funeral libation,
the plant ; garKc ; the plant Hyperanthera Moringa. a funeral rite.
— Katvrkaranja, ai, m. the plant Guilandina
Bonducella. - Satu-ki/a or kafukttaka, as, m. katora, f. a shallow cup. •^TT kathera, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kath),
a needy or distressed man, a pauper.
a gnat or musquito. — Katvrkvaifa, as, m. a spe- katola, as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
cies of chicken, Parra Jacana or Gcensis (making a 'cfi<J <f\!J katherani, is, m., N. of a man ;
kat), a pungent flavour ; a man of an inferior and
sharp or piercing noise). — Katu-granthi, i, n. dried degraded tribe, a Candsla, a Pariah, &c. ; (as, a, am),
ginger ; the root of long pepper. — Eatu-taturjataka, (ayas), m. pi. the descendants of this man.
am, n. an aggregate of four acid substances, as of pungent. — Katola-mna, f. a kind of lute played by katheru, us, m., N. of Kuvera(?).
cardamoms;, the bark and leaves of Lauras Cassia the common people or Candslas.
kathora, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt.
and of Hack pepper.— Katn-dfhada, as, m., N. of cfcgK kattara, as, m. a weapon, a dagger.
kath), hard, solid, stiff; offering resistance; sharp,
a tree with pungent leaves ; [cf. tagara."] — Katu- oF^t. katvara, as, a, am, despised; (am), piercing ; severe, cruel, hard-hearted ; full, complete,
ja, as, a, am, prepared from acid substances, as a
kind of drink. — Katu-tiktika, a>, m. the plants n. the skim or whey of curds; buttermilk with full-grown ; full (as the moon) ; [cf. kathina.] — Ka-
Gentiana Cherayta and Cannabis Saliva; (a), f., N. water ; a sauce, condiment ; [cf. kankara, kadfara, thora-giri-mahatmya, am, n. a portion of the
of a plant. — Kat*-t*n<Kka and katu-tundi, f., N. katura, kadara, kadwra.] BrahmSnda-Purana. — Kathora-td, f. or kathora-
of a plant, = tikta-tundi, commonly katutardi. tva, am, n. hardness, firmness ; severity, rigour.
4JlrV katvanga, a wrong reading for Kathola,as,d,am, resisting, hard,&c., = kathora.
— Katu-tumbl, f. a kind of bitter gourd. — Katu- khatvdnga, q. v.
traya, am, n. the aggregate of three black sub- kad, cl. i. P. kadati, -ditum, to be
stances or spices, ginger, black and long pepper. j j kath, cl. I. P. kathati, -thitum, to confused or disturbed by pleasure or pain, to
— Katu-dald, f., N. of a plant, = karkati. — Katu- xlive in distress.
be elated or intoxicated ; cl. 6. P. kadati, to con-
nishplava, as, m. grain not inundated. — Katu- =B7 katha, as, m., N. of a sage, a pupil of sume ;d. 10. P. kadayati, -yitum, to break off a
pattra, as, m. the medicinal plant Oldenlandia
VaisampSyana and founder of a branch of the Yajur- part, to tear, to separate or detach ; to remove the
Biflora, and of another plant Sitarjaka. — Katu- veda, called after him ; a Brahman ; a note or simple chaffer husk of grain &c. ; to preserve; [cf. kand.]
pattrika, f., N. of a trte,=kdn. — Katu-padra, sound ; (as), m. pi. the followers or pupils of Katha ; Kada, as, d, am (said to be fr. preceding), dumb,
N. of a place. — Katu-paka, as, a, am, or katu- (i), f. a female follower of Katha ; the wife of a hoarse ; ignorant, stupid ; [cf. jada.] — Kadait-liara
pakin, i, int, t, producing acrid humors in digestion. Brahman. — Katha-kalapah, the schools of Katha or kadan-gara, as, m. straw, the stalks of various
— Katu-phala, as, m. a sort of cucumber, Tricho- and KalSpin. — Katha-kauthumdh, the schools of sorts ofpulse &c. (rendering hoarse). — Eadaitkariya
santhes Diceca. — Katu-badari, (., N. of a plant and Katha and Kuthumin. -• Katha-dhurta, as, m. a or kadankarya or kadaitgarlya, as, d, am, to be
of a village called from this plant. — KatUrbhanga, BrShman skilled in the Katha branch of the Yajur- fed with straw.
as, m. dried ginger. — Katu-bhadra, am, n. dried veda. — Katlia-valll or kathavally^upanishad, t,
ginger, or ginger in general. — Katu-manjarikd, I. «RT«R kadaka, am, n. sea-salt obtained by
the plant Achyranthes Aspera. — Katurmoda, am, or katha-s"ruti, is, or kathopanishad (°t/M-up°),
t, {., N. of an Upanishad consisting of two AdhySyas
n. a certain perfume. — Katu-rava, as, m. a frog. of three Valll each. — Katha-iak ha, f. a branch of evaporation.
•• Katu-rohini, f. the medicinal plant Helleborus
^RT^ kadanga, as, m. (fr. rt. kad?), a
the Yajur-veda ; also of the Rig-veda(?). — Katha- spirituous liquor, a kind of ram.
Niger. — Katu-vartaki, f. a variety of Solanum. $at)ia, as, m., N. of a man ; Kalhaiathin, inas,
— Katu-wipdka, as, 5, am, producing acrid humors m. pi., N. of a school. — Katha-frolriya, as, m. a cfcjd kadatra, am, n. (said to be fr. rt.
in digestion. — Katu-mja, f. long pepper. — Katu- BrShman who has studied the Katha branch of the
Mitgdla, am, n., N. of a vegetable. - Katu-sneha, gad), a kind of vessel or receptacle. See kalatra.
as, m. the mustard-seed plant, Sinapis Dichotoma. Yajur-veda. — Kathddhydpaka (°tha-adh°), as, m. <*ir»4<*l kadandlka, f. science, = kalan-
a teacher of the Katha branch of the Yajur-veda.
— Katiitkata (°tu-ut°), at, m. ginger. — Kattit- — Kathopanishad-bhdfhya-fikd, f. a commentary
dikd, kalindika.
kataka, am, n. dry ginger. — Katpltala, as, m.
by AnantSnanda on a Kathopanishadbhashya. — Ka- cff?ff kadamba, as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
(for katu-ph°), a small tree found in the north-west
of HindOstan, the bark and seeds of which are used thopanishadbhashyatikd-vivarana, am, n. a com- lead), the end or point ; the stalk of a pot-herb ; (I),
in medicine, and as aromatics ; the fruit also is eaten ; mentary byVySsatlrtha on the last. {. the pot-herb Convolvulus Repeiis. See kalamba.
the common name is KJyaphal ; (a), f., N. of several cMH^ kathamarda, as, m. an epithet of WSTf. kadara, as, I, am (said to be fr. rt.
plants, as of Gmclina Arborea and different kinds of Siva; (fr. ka(ha, distress ? marda, dissipating.)
gad), tawny; (as), m. tawny (the colour); a servant.
kaditula. kanthagni.
satiating one's self (e. g. kane-hatya payah pibati, Kantakdrikd, f. Solanum Jacquini ; also the fruit
i kaditula, as, m. a sword, a scymi- le drinks milk till he is satiated.) of this plant.
tar, a sacrificial knife ; [cf. kati-tala.] Kantakdla, as, m.**kantaka-phala, q. v.
oRSTt. kanera, as, m., X. of a tree, Cascaria
kadd, cl. i. P. kaddati, -ditum, to be Kantakdluka, as, m. Hedysarum Alhagi.
hard, rough ; to be harsh or severe. Ovata [cf. karnikdra] ; (d), f. a she-elephant; a Kantakita, as, d, am, thorny ; covered with erect
:ourtezan. hairs.
j »i kan, cl. I. P. kanati, (akana, kani- Jfaneru, us, m., N. of a tree ; f. a she-elephant ;
^ehyati, akanlt or akdiiit, kanitum, to Kantakin, I, inl, i, thorny, prickly; vexatious,
a courtezan.
become small ; to sound, cry as in distress ; to go or annoying ; (I), m., N. of several thorny plants,
approach : Caus. kdnayati, -yitum, aor. adikanat kant, cl. I. P. kantati, -titum, to Acacia Catechu ; Vanguiera Spinosa ; Ruellia Longi-
and a<!akdnat, to sigh, sound ; cl. 10. P. kdnayati, folia Zizyphus
; Jujuba, bamboo ; a fish ; (nl), f., N.
-yitum, to wink ; to close the eye with the lids or X go, to move. of several plants, Solanum Jacquini, red amaranth.
lashes. cMId* kantaka, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt. kant ?), — Kantaki-ja, as, d, am, produced from a fish ;
Kanita, am, n. crying out with pain. thorn ; anything pointed, the point of a pin or produced by the Mimosa tree. — Kantaki-phala, as,
oRff kana, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kan; needle, a prickle, sting ; a fish-bone ; a finger-nail [cf. m. the Indian bread-fruit tree or Jaka ; see kantaka-
kara-kant aka] ; the erection of the hair of the body phala. — Kantalci-latd, f. a gourd.
according to others related to kana, kanishtha, in thrilling emotions, horripilation; any troublesome Kantakila, as, m. a thorny kind of bamboo,
kanlyas,t kanyd, in all of which the notion of small- seditious person who is, as it were, a thorn to the Bambusa Spinosa.
ness prevails), a grain, a single seed; a grain or state and an enemy of order and good government,
particle of dust ; flake (of snow) ; a drop of water ; Kantala, as, m. the plant Mimosa Arabica ; gene-
a paltry foe (kshudra-s'atru) ; a sharp stinging rally Vdvala, a tree yielding a species of Gum Arabic ;
a spark of fire, the spark or facet of a gem ; an ear pain, symptom of a disease ; a vexing or injurious the branches are prickly, whence the name.
of corn ; an atom, a minute particle ; small, minute ; Kaiitalu, us, m., N. of different plants ; Solanum
speech ; any annoyance or source of vexation ; a term
(a), f. a kind of fly, commonly kitmlrdpokd ; long in the Nyaya philosophy implying refutation of argu- Jacquini ; another species of Solanum ; a bamboo.
pepper ; cummin seed ; (i), f. a drop, an atom ; the ment, detection of error, &c. ; impediment, obstacle ; Kantin, I, m., N. of several plants, Achyranthes
plant Premna Spinosa or Longifolia; a kind of the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth lunar mansion ; Aspera ; Acacia Catechu ; Ruellia Longifolia.
corn ; see kanikd. — Kana-guggulu, us, m., N. of a
plant; [cf. gandharaja, svarnakarna, and others.] (as), m., N. of a barber ; N. of the horse of S'ikya- kanth, cl. i. P. A., 10. P. kanthati,
— Kana-jlra, as, m. a white kind of cummin seed. muni (a wrong form for kanthaka) ; N. of an Agra- ^-te, -thitum, kanthayati, -yitum, to
hara; (according to lexicographers also) a bamboo;
— Kana-jlraka, am, n. small cummin seed. — Kana- a workshop, a manufactory; fault, defect; N. of mourn; to long for; [cf. utkanlh; cf. also Gr.
irevBos, ir66os ; Lat. patior.]
bhaksha, as, m. ' eating atoms or grains'(?), i.e. liv- Makara or the marine monster, the symbol of Kama-
ing on minute panicles of food ; a nickname of the deva; (I), f. a species of Solanum. (Kantaka takes onjj kantha, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr.
philosopher KanSda. — Kana-bhakshaka, as, m. a the form kanta at the beginning of some compounds rt. kaii), the throat, the neck (e. g. dkantha-tripta,
kind of bird ; [cf. bhdrita, iydmafataka, faifira.] and in kantala, kantdlu, kantin; cf. Gr. Kfrrita, filled up to the throat, quite satiated) ; the voice (e. g.
— Kana-bhakshana, am, n. the eating of grains. Kftr-r6s, Kff-rpov.) — Kantaka-druma, as, m. a sanna-kanthena, with broken voice) ; sound, espe-
— Kana-bhuj, k, m. nickname of Kanada; see
kana-bhaksha. — Katia-labha, as, m. a whirlpool. tree with thorns, a thorn bush ; the SSlmali or silk- cially guttural sound ; the neck (of a pitcher or other
— Katia-ias, ind. in small parts, in minute particles. cotton tree, Bombax Heptaphyllum. — Kantaka- vessel) ; the opening of the womb ; metaphorically a
prdvritd, f. the plant Aloe Perfoliata. — Kantaka- bud on a stalk ; immediate proximity ; the space of
— Kananna (°na-an°), as, d, am, one whose food phala, as, m. the Jaka or bread-fruit tree, Arto- an inch from the edge of the hole in which sacrificial
consists of grains. — Kandnna-ta, f. the state of one carpus Integrifolia ; another plant, Ruellia Longifolia fire is deposited ; the tree Vanguiera Spinosa ; N. of
who is made to feed on grains (of rice).
(commonly called Go-kshura); the castor-oil tree; a Maharshi ; (T), I. neck, throat ; a rope or leather
Kanika, as, m. a grain, an ear of corn ; the meal the Datura ; the term is applicable to any plant the round the neck of a horse ; a necklace, a collar ; [cf.
of parched wheat, the heart of wheat (commonly suji or fruit of which is invested with a hairy or thorny coat ; adhara-kantha,ut-kanthd; cf. also Lat. collumf].
semoule) ; a small particle, as a crystal &c.; an enemy; [cf. kantaki-phala] — Kantaka-bhuj, k, m. a camel — Kanfha-kubja, as, m. a kind of fever. — Kantha-
N.of a purificatory ceremony, viz. whirling round lamps
at sacrificial rites [cf. nlrdjana] ; N. of a minister of ('eating thorns'). — Kantaka-inardana, as, I, am, kubja-pratlkdra, as, m. the cure of the preceding
treading down thorns ; suppressing disturbances, an- disease. — Kanlha-kimikd, f. the VlnS or Indian lute.
king Dhrita-rSshtra ; (a), f. a drop, an atom, a small noyances, &c. ; (am), n. the act of beating or — Kantha-ga, as, d, am, reaching or extending to
particle; small, minute; the plant Premna Spinosa treading down thorns ; suppressing disturbances &c. the throat. — Kantha-gata, as, a, am, being at or
or Longifolia ; a kind of com or rice. — Kantaka^yukta,as,d, am, having thorns, thorny. in the throat; approaching or reaching the throat.
Kanito, as, am, m. n. an ear or spike of corn. — Kantaka-vrintdkl, f. the plant Solanum Jacquini, — Kantha-tata, as, am, m. n. the side of the neck.
Kanishtha, as, d, am [cf. kanishtha], the small- a species of nightshade with thorny leaves. — Kan- - Kantha-taidsikd (°la-as°?), f. the leather or
est, the most minute. (aka-dreni, f. the Solanum Jacquini ; a porcupine.
the neck of a horse. — Kantha-
Kanika, as, d, am, small, diminutive. — Kantaka-sihall, f., N. of a region. — Kantakd- rope passing round
Kanlyas, an, asl, as, very small ; young, younger; khya ('ka-akhyd), as, m. the plant Trapa Bispinosa. dhdna, daghna, as, I, am, reaching to the neck. — Kantha-
as, m. pi., N. of a people. — Kantha-nldaka.
[cf. kanlyas.] — Kantalcdgdra (°ka-ag°), as, m. a kind of lizard ; as, m. Falco Cheela; a kite. — Kantha-nilaka, as,
oMlIM kanapa, as, m. a kind of spear or a porcupine. — Kantakdfana (°ka-a$°), as, m. the m. a torch, a whisp of lighted straw &c. (= tdkd,
camel (eating thorns, thistles, &c. ; cf. kantaka- commonly masdla). — Kantha^pandita,as, m., N.
lance ; (various readings have kanaya and kanaya.] bhuj). — Kantakdshthlla Cka-ash), as, m. a kind
«W!M kanabha, as, m. a kind of fly with a of fish, having many bones. — Kantakl-kdrl, f., of a poet. — Kantha-pds'aka, as, m. a halter; a
sting ; [cf. kana.] Ved. working in thorns. — Kantaki-druma, as, rope passing round an elephant's neck. — Kantha-
m. Acacia Catechu. — Kantaki-phala = kantaki- bandha, a ropef.tied
as, m. hd, a collar elephant's
an short
round or neck.
«MLI I£\H kandtlna or kanatlra or kandtiraka, - Kantha-bhus
phala.— Kanta-kuranta, as, ra.=jhinli, Barleria — Kantha-mani, is, m. a jewel worn on the throat,
as, m. a wagtail. Cristata. — Kantakoddliarana (°fca-w(P), am, n. a dear or beloved object. —Kantha-rava, as, m.,
ehUlltj kanada, as, m., X. of a celebrated weeding, extracting thorns &c. ; removing annoy- N. of an author; N. of a certain medical writer.
ances ;extirpating thieves, rogues, &c., or all national a, as, d, am, fastened or suspended
sage, considered as the author of the VaiSeshika and public nuisances. — Kantu-tanu, us, f. a species — Kantha-lagn
philosophy, a branch of the NySya. He is also of Solanum. — Kanta-dald, f. the plant Pandanus round the throat; clinging to, embracing. — Kantha-
called KSsyapa, and considered as a Devarshi ; the Odoratissimus. — Kanta-pattra, as, m. the planl laid, f. a collar; a horse's halter. — Kantha-i'artin,
nicknames kana-bhaksha and kana-bhuj refer to Flacourtia Sapida. — Kaiitapattra-phald, (., N. of I, inl, i, being in the
— Kantlia-iSdluka, am, throat tumour in ~\
[cf. kantha-gata.
n. a ;hard the
the etymology of this name kana-ada, ' eating a plant, = brahmvdandi. — Kanta-pdda= kaiiia- \\xort.. — Kantha-iunfi, f. swelling of the tonsils.
atoms or grains ;' a goldsmith ; [cf. Iialdda.] pattra. — Kanta-pliala, as, m., N. of several plants, - Kantha-iioslM, as, m. drying the throat; fruitless
SRftni kanita. See under kan. = gokshura ; bread-fruit tree, Datura Fastuosa, = expostulation. — Kantha-iruty-upani&had, t, (., N.
latdkaranja = tejahkhala (?) ; Ricinus Communis_;
«W!flP«l kaniti, is, and kariidi, f. a sound of an Upanishad belonging to the Atharva-veda.
a tree (pattavin); a creeper in flower; the plan (d), {.=devaddlilatd. — Kanta-valll, l.=irivalli- — Kan(ha-sajjana, am, n. hanging on or round
vriksha. — Kanta-uriksJta, as, m.= tejahphala- the throat. — Kantha-futra, am, n. a kind of em-
Abrus Precatorius ; a cart ; [cf. kanlt!i.] brace. —Kantha-ftha, as, d, am, sticking in the
vriksha. — Kanta-phala, as, m. = kanta-phala.
<*l!Hit| kanukaya, nom. P. (connected with — Katitdrtagdld (°ta-dr°), f. the plant Barleria throat ; being in or upon the throat ; guttural ; being
rt. kan), Ved. to desire to utter words of blame o dem\ei.-Kan(5hvaya
rous root of the lotus. (°ta-dh°), am, n. the tube- in the mouth ready to be repeated by rote, learnt
Kantakdra, as, m., N. of a plant ; (f), f., N. o! and ready to be recited. — Kanthagata (°tha-ag°),
as, d, am, come to the throat (as the breath or soul
*33R kane, ind. a particle expressing th several plants, Solanum Jacquini ; Bombax Hepta- of a dying person). — Kaiithdgni (°tha-ag°), is, m.
satisfying of a desire. — Kane-hatya, ind. (rt. han) phyllum, the silk-cotton tree ; Flacourtia Sapida. a bird (digesting in the throat or gizzard), - Kantha-
198 kanthdbharana-darpana.
bharana (°tha-obh°), am, n. a neck-ornament, a Kunduyanaka, as, i, am, scratching, scraping ; as a pronom., Gram. 336), who or which of two ?
necklace ; a shorter N. of the work called Sarasvatl- whether of two? Analogously to katama above
(ae), m. a tickler, one who tickles or scratches. th. may occasionally be used to express ' who or
kanthibharana. — Kanthdltharana-darpana, as, Kanduyamdna, as, d, am, scratching. ^ kakatara
m. a commentary of RSmasinha-deva on the last. Kuiidftyd, f. scratching, itching. which of many' (e. g. katarasydm diili, in which
— Kanthdbkarana-mdrjana, a commentary by Kaiidiiyita, am, n. scratching. quarter?), and may optionally be compounded with
Hari-natha on the same work. — Kanthdvasakta the word to which it refers (e. g. kataralf Kathah
Kanduyitri, td, tri, tri, scratching, a scratches or katara-kathati). In negative sentencei katara
(°(ha-ati°), at, a, am, dinging to the neck, em- Kandura, f. the plant Mucuna Pruritus; 'what with <<ana = neither of the two (e.g. na katarad-
bracing. ~Kanthi-raea, as, m. a lion (roaring from causes itching,' alluding to the irritating property of
the throat) ; an elephant in rut ; a pigeon ; (T), f. the this plant. fana jigye, neither of the two was conquered;
plant Gendarussa Vulgaris. — Kanthe-kala, as, m. kotoryi.]
[cf. Gr. irArfpos, xdrfpos; Goth, hvathar ; Eng.
latum). as, d, am, having or feeling the itch, whether; Lat. uter; Old Germ, huedar; Slav.
an epithet of Siva ('blue on the neck'). — Kanthe- itchy; (as), m. an esculent root (Arum Campanu-
viddha. at, m., N. of a man. — Kanlhes'vara- Kataratat, ind. on which of the two sides ?
ttrtha (°(ha-if), N. of a TIrtha. - Kanthokta (° tha- <*4lilc4 kandola, as, m. a basket for holding i.kati (fr. 2. ka, declined in pi. only, Gram. 217.
nk0), am, n. personal testimony. grain, made of bamboo or canes j a safe, any place a, all the cases except the nonj, voc. and ace. taking
Kanthaka, as, m., N. of a horse of S*5kya-muni ; in which provisions are kept; a camel; [cf. kan- terminations, whereas the correlative iti has become
[cf. kaytiikn.]
Kanthatat, ind. from the throat, with distinct fixed
thdla; (i), S. the lute of the C'andlla; [cf. ka(ola, several (e.g. kati dcvdh, as an indeclinable adverb), how many ? quot '!
how many gods? kati
words, explicitly. gandola."}
dJla, a vulgar — Kandola-vind,
lute. f. the lute of the CSn-
rydpadayati kati rd tddayati, some he kills and
Kunthika, f. a necklace of one string or row.
Kandolaka, as, m. a basket, a safe, a store-room. some he strikes). In the sense of ' several,' ' some,'
Kanthin, t, inl, i, belonging to the throat. kati is generally followed by did or api (». g. katitid
Kanthyn, as, a, am, being at or in the throat ; <=MjiN kandosha, as, a. a caterpillar. ahdni, for several or some days). Kati may be used
suitable to the throat ; belonging to the throat, pro- =RM kanva, as, d, am (said to be fr. rt. as an adverb with fid in the sense of ' oftentimes,'
kan), deaf; (as), m., Ved. a peculiar class of evil ' much,' ' in many ways' (e. g. katii'it stutu/i, much
nounced from the throat, guttural; (according to a
PrStisikhya the guttural letters are a, A, and the spirits, against whom charms are used; a praiser; or often praised). Kati-kriti-as, iud. how many
Jihvdmittiya ; according to PSnini a, k, kh, g, gk, N. of a renowned Rishi, author of several hymns of times ? kati-vidha, as, d, am, of how many kinds ?
n, and h; according to Vopadeva also e.) — Kanfhya- the Rig-veda ; he is called a son of Ghora and is said kati-ias, how many at a time ?
varna, as, m. a guttural letter. — Kanthya-svara, to belong to the family of An-giras ; (as), m. pi. the Katitha, as, t, am, to what place or stage or
ns, m. a guttural vowel, i. e. a and «. family or descendants of Kanva ; (besides the cele- degree advanced? (the how-maniest?) with <'«/ =
brated Rishi there occur a Kanva NSrshada, Kanva SrS- advanced to such and such a point (e.g. afunu
•WV'OK? kanthala, as, m. a boat, a ship ; a katithaJtid asa, I was so far advanced on to such
hoe, a spade ; war ; an esculent root, Arum Campa- yasa, Kanva KsSyapa ; the founder of a Vedic school ; and such a point).
nulatum ; a camel [cf. kantakdiana and kandola] ; a prince, son of Pratiratha and father of MedhStithi ;
a son of Apratiratha ; a son of AjanvTdha and father Katidhd, ind. in how many places ? in how many
a churning-vessel ; (a), f. a chuming-vessel.
of Medhatithi ; the author of a law-book ; a gram- parts ? how often ? katidhd (it, everywhere.
Kanlhlla, as, m. a camel ; (as, a), m. f. a churn- marian.) The name Kanva was perhaps originally Katipaya, as, a or t, am (pi. m. e and as),
ing-vessel. mythic, and afterwards transferred to a human several, some; a certain number, so many; kali-
•arm kand, cl. i. P. A. kantlati, -te, -di- family, as was the case with the name An-giras ; payena aharganena, after some days ; also kati-
ctum, to be glad; cl. 10. P. kandnynti, (am), n. sin, evil. — Kanva-jambhana, at, I, am, payair ahobhih, katipaydhasya, &c.~Katipa-
-yitum, to separate the chaff from the grain ; to Ved. consuming or destroying the evil spirits called yena or katipayat, ind. with some exertion ; [the
protect; [cf. kad: cf. also Lith. kandu, 'to bite;' Kanvas. — Kanva-tama, at, a, am, Ved. very much affix paya has been compared with Gr. iroioj.l
Cambro-Brit. cat, ' a fragment.'] like Kanva, very wise. — Kanva-mat, an, atl, at, Katipayatha, as, i, am, advanced to a certain
Kandana, am, n. threshing, separating the chaff Ved. prepared after the manner of the Kanvas (as place or degree.
from the grain in a mortar ; that which is separated Soma); (Say.) united with praisers or with the mdla.] afcniTrt katamiila, as, m. fire ; the right
from the grain, chaff; (i), f. a wooden bowl or Kanvas (as Indra). — Kanva-rat, ind. like Kanva.
— Kanm-salthi, d, m., Ved. a friend of the Kanvas, form is khatamdla ; [cf. also kafamdla and kara-
mortar in which the cleaning or threshing of grain
is performed. friendly disposed towards them. — Kanva-hotri, td,
m., Ved. one whose Hotri priest is a Kanva. above.)
^ifw 2. kati, is, m., N. of a sage, son of
=M!S«J kandara, f. a sinew (of which six- Kanvdya, nom. A. kanvd-yate, -yitum, to do Visv5-mitra and ancestor of Katyayana. (For i, see
teen are considered to be in the human body); a
principal vessel of the body, a large artery, vein, &c. mischief; perhaps originally ' to act like a Kanva or
Katilia or l;atil;a, f., N. of a town.
<*<!St.l«* kandarika, as, m., N. of a son of evil3irT
spirit.' kata, as, m. the clearing nut plant; hln. ^irfrni katlmusha, am, n., N. of an Agra-
see the following ; N. of a Muni or saint. — Kata-
•WWII* kandanaka, as, m., N. of a servant phala, as, m. the clearing nut plant.
of Siva. Katdka, as, m. the clearing nut plant, Strychnos katta-s'abda, as, m. the rattling
Potatorum, (one of the seeds of this plant being rubbed sound of dice.
kandika, f. a short section, the upon the inside of the water-jars used in Bengal occa- <*<4«u knt-trinn, kat-toya, kat-tri. See
shortest subdivision in the arrangement of certain sions a precipitation of the earthly particles diffused under 2. kad.
Vedic compositions, as in the White Yajur-veda; through the water and removes them.)
[cf. kdnda and kandika.] e*rr«l katama, as, a,at (superlative of 2 . ka ; •3-pgr\ to katth,
boast; cl. i. A. katthate,
to mention with praise,-thitum,
to praise
*<!| kandu, us, m. f. or usually kandu, Us, declined as a pronom., Gram. 336), who or which of or celebrate ; to natter or coax ; to abuse, revile.
(. (fr. rt. Hand), scratching ; itching, the itch ; (us), many ? (e. g. katamena pathd ydtds te, by which Katthana, us, a, am, boasting, piaising; a boaster,
m., N. of a Rishi.— Kandu-kari, f. the plant Mu- road have they gone?). Katama is often a mere
cuna Pruritus. — Kandu-ghna, at, m. the plant strengthened substitute for ka, the superlative affix praiser; (am), n. boasting.
Cathartocarpus (Cassia) Fistula; white mustard. imparting emphasis. Hence it may occasionally be efifnt kat-paya, as, a, am (fr. 2. kad and
— Kandumakd, f. (moled = makshikd or maiakal), used for ' who or which of two?' (e. g. tayofi hnta- payn fr- p> = pyai), Ved. swelling, rising; (S5y.)
a kind of insect with a poisonous bite. — Kandu- matmai, to which of these two ?). It may option- one whose waters cause happiness.
mat, an, atl, at, scratching, itching. — Kandt-ddi, ally be compounded with the word to which it refers
katr, cl. 10. P. katrayati, -yitum, to
ayae, m. pi. the nominal verbs, in the list of which (e. g. katamah Kathah or katama-katha/i, which
kanduyati is the first. Katha out of many?). When followed by fa and N loosen, slacken, remove.
Kamluka, at, m., N. of a barber. preceded by yatama an indefinite expression is katsnrara, am, n. the shoulder,
Kandura, as, d, am, scratching; (as), m. the formed equivalent to ' any whosoever,' ' any whatso-
plant Momordica Charantia, a species ir reed ; (a), f. ever,' &c. (e. g. yatamad em katamaf fa viilydt, thej shoulder-blade.
m kath (this rt. is perhaps connected
the plants Mucuna Pruritus and Aty-amlaparnl. he may know anything whatsoever). In negative
Kmiduti, is, {. scratching ; itching, the itch. sentences katamfi with <?a.na. or ktnamd with api '\with katham), cl. 10. P., ep. also A.
Knnduya, nom. P. A. kanduyati, -te, -yitum =not even one, none at all (e.g. na katamaf- kathayati, -te, aor. adakathat or afikathat, -yi-
dandhah, not even on a single day, on no day at tum, to converse with any one (with inst. c. alone or
to scratch, scrape, rub : Desid. kanduyiyigkati.
all). In addition to the above uses katama is said to after saha) ; to tell, relate, narrate, report, inform,
Kanduyat, an, antl, at, scratching, rubbing.
mean ' best,' ' excessively good-looking;' [cf. 3. ka.] speak about, declare, explain (with ace. of the thing
K/induyana, am, n. scratching, scraping, rubbing or person spoken about) ; to describe ; to denounce,
itching ; (i), f. a brush for rubbing. — Kutamoraga (°ma-ur°), as, m., N. of a man.
Katara.ae, d, at (comparative of i. ka; declined betray; to suppose, state: Pass, kathyate, to be
kathaka. kadalaka.

called ; be regarded or considered as : Desid. dika- Kathya, as, a, am, to be spoken about, to be ] times be equivalent to ' I hope that' (e. g. ryddhir na
thayishati, to desire to tell ; [cf. Goth, qvath ; told, fit to be mentioned. kaddit
afflicts thy te ianram body). pratibddhate, I hope no illness
Eng. quoth and quote ; Gr. KovrtAoSj KwrfXAw.] Kathyamdna, as, d, am, being told or mentioned,
Kathaka, as, a, am, a narrator, a relater, ope under narration. Kad at the beginning of a compound marks the
who recites a story or who publicly reads and ex- uselessness, badness or defectiveness of anything ; as in
<*xj*( katham (fr. 2. lea], ind. how ? in what
pounds the Puranas &c., one who speaks or tells ; the following examples. — Kat-trina,am, n. a fragrant
manner? whence ? (e. g. katham etat, how is that?
(as, d), m. f. the speaker of a prologue or mono- grass ; the plant Pistia Stratiotes. — Kat-toya, am, n.
katham iddnim, how now? what is now to be an intoxicating drink, wine or vinous spirit. — Kat-tri,
logue ;a professional story-teller ; chief actor ; (a*),
m., N. of a man. done ? katham mdrdtmake tvayi vUvasah, how
can there be reliance on thee of murderous mind ? ayas, m. pi. three inferior articles. ~Kad-akshara,
Kathana, as, a, am, telling, talkative ; (am), n. am, n. a bad letter, bad writing. — Kad-agni, is, m.
the act of telling, narration, relating, informing. katham utsrijya tvdtii gaddheyam, how can I go some or a little fire. •• Kad-adhvan, d, m. a bad road.
Kathanvya, as, a, am, to be said, to be told or away deserting you ? katham buddhvd bhavishyati — Kad-anna, am, n. bad food. -• Kad-apatya, am,
declared ; worthy of relation, to be named. Ka, how will she be when she awakes ? katham mri-
n. bad posterity j bad children. — Kad-abhydsa, as,
Kathaydna, as, a, am, telling, speaking. tyuhprabhavativedaviddm,v/henceis it that death m. a bad habit. — Kad-artha, as, m. a useless thing ;
has power over those that know the Veda ? katham
Kathayitavya, as, a, am, to be told, to be men- (as, d, am), useless, unmeaning ; having what purpose
tioned, tobe communicated. avagamyate, whence is it inferred?). Sometimes or aim ? — Kadarthana, am, d, n. f. tormenting,
I . kathd, f. conversation, speech, tale ; a fable, a katham merely introduces an interrogation (e. g. ka- torture. — Kadarthaya, nom. P. kadarthayati, -yi-
feigned story ; talk, mention ; (in phil.) disputation ; tham dtmdnam nivedaydmt katham vd dtmd- tum, to despise, to estimate lightly ; to torment, tor-
kd kathd (with gen. or more commonly with loc. withdraw ?). pahdram karomi, shall 1 declare myself or shall I ture, trouble. — Kadarthita, as, d, am, despised,
and sometimes with prati), what should one
Katham is often found in connection with the disdained, rejected ; rendered useless. — Kadarthi-
say of? how should one speak of? (e. g. eko 'pi kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kartum, to
kriddhrdd varteta, bhuyasdm kathaiva kd, even particles iva, ndma, nu, emd, which appear to gene- disdain, despise, to estimate at small value. — Ka-
one person would live with difficulty, what should ralize the interrogation (how possibly? &c.); with nu
darthi-krita, as, d, am, despised, disdained, ren-
one say of many? i. e. how much more many?). it sometimes =. kimu or kutas (e. g. katham nu, how dered useless and unavailing. — Kad-arya, as, d,
much more ! na katham nu, how much less I).
— Kathdkrama (°thd-dk°), as,m. the commence- am, avaricious, miserly ; little, insignificant, mean ;
Kat/iam, is often connected, like kim, with the
ment of a conversation. — Kathd-fhala, am, n. the bad, disagreeable; (as), m. a miser. —Kadarya-td,
device of a fab\e. — Kathd-javft, as, m., N. of a particles (ana, (id, and apt, which give an inde- f. or kadarya-tva, am, n. avarice ; insignificance ;
finite sense to the interrogative (e. g. katham (ana,
man. — Kathdnurdga (°thd-an°), as, m. attention, badness. — Kadarya-bhdva, as, m. avarice, stingi-
taking pleasure in a discourse. — Kathdnta Cthd- in no way, not at all). When not itself negative ness. —Kad-ai!mi, as, m. a bad horse. — Kad-dkdra,
katham tana, = in some way, some how ; scarcely,
an°), as, m. end of a conversation. — Kathdntara as, d, am, ill-formed, ugly. — Kad-dkhya, am, n.
with difficulty ; na katham tana, in no way ; ka-
(cthd-an°), am, n. the course of a conversation. thandit, some how or other, by some means or the plant Costus Speciosus ('having a bad name,'
— Kathd-pttha, N. of the first Lambaka or book of i. e. kushtha or dushta). — Kad-d<!dra, at, d,
other, in any way, with some difficulty, scarcely, in
the Kathi-sarit-sagara. — Kathd-prabandhn, as, m. am, wicked, abandoned, following evil practices;
a narrative, a tale, a composed story, a fiction. — Ka- a moderate degree, a little ; na kathandit, not at all, (as), m. bad conduct. — Kad-indriya, dni, n. pi.
in no way whatever ; na kathandid na, in no way
Ihd-prasanga, as, m. connection of speeches or bad organs of sense. — Kad-ushtra, as, m. a bad
discourse, talking, conversation, speaking to or with, not, i.e. most decidedly; yathd kathandit, in any camel. — Kad-ushna, as, d, am, tepid, lukewarm ;
rumour, report ; (as, d, am), talkative, talking much way whatsoever ; kathandid yadi jivati, it is with (am), n. warmth, lukewarmness, gentle warmth ; [cf.
and foolishly, half-witted, foolish ; a conjuror, a dealer difficulty that he lives ; katham api, some how or
other, with some difficulty, scarcely, a little ; katham kavoshna, koshtia.'] — Kad-ratha, as, m. a bad
in antidotes &c. — Kathd-prdna, as, m. an actor, carriage. — Kad-i-at, an, att, at, containing the word
the speaker of a prologue or monologue, the intro- api na, by no means, not at all. In addition to ka. — Kad-vada, as, d, am, speaking ill or inaccu-
ducer of a drama ; a professed story-teller. — Kathd- the above senses lexicographers assert that katham
iaaya,as,i,<nn, consisting of tales. — Katha-mnkha, may imply 'amazement, surprise, pleasure, abuse;' lola, see rately or indistinctly; contemptible, vile, b»se. — A'aZ-
s. v.
am, n. the introduction to a tale ; N. of the second [with katham cf. Gr. KOTII.]
Lambaka or book of the KathS-sarit-sagara. — Kalha- At the beginning of an adjective compound katham W% ka-da, as, m. a cloud. See 4. ka.
yoga, as, m. conversation, talk, discourse. — Katttd- may have the same sense as Mm. — Katham-rupa, kandaku.]
«S^«5 kadaka, as, m. an awning ; [cf .
as, d, am, of what shape ? — Katham-mrya, as,
rambha (°thd-dr°), as, m. beginning of a story or d, am, of what power? — Kathan-kathika, as,
narrative, story-telling. — Kathdrambha-kala Ctha-
d, am (fr. katham katham), one who is always kadana. See under i . kad.
<?r°), as, m. story-beginning-rime. — Kathdrdma
asking questions, an inquisitive person. «• Kathan-
(°thd-dr°), as, m. garden of fable. — Kathdrnava kadamba, as, m. (said to be fr. i.
kathika-td, f. questioning, inquiring, inquisitiveness.
Cthd-ar1), as, m., N. of a collection of stories at- — Kathankathita (?), as, m. an interrogant, one kad), the tree Nauclea Cadamba, a tree with orange-
tributed toSivadasa. — Kathdldpa ("thd-dr), as, who puts questions. — Kathan-karman, d, d, a, how coloured fragrant blossoms ; the mustard-seed plant,
m. speech, conversation. — Kathdvafasha (°thd-av°), acting ? — Kathatt-kdram, ind. in which manner? Sinapis Dichotoma ; a kind of grass, Andropogon
or kathd-iesha, as, a, am, one of whom only the
— Kathan-td, f. enquiry, question, demand. — Ka- Serratus ; a particular mineral substance ; turmeric ;
narrative remains, i. e. deceased, dead ; kathdva-
xeshatam yatah, deceased, dead. — Kathd-mrakta, tham-pramdna, as, a, am, of what measure ? — Ka- (i), (., N. of a plant ; (am), n. a multitude, an as-
as, d, am, reserved, taciturn, disliking conversation. tham-bhava, as, m. what state ? — Katham-bhuta, semblage or collection. — Kadamba-pushpd or i, f.
a plant, the flowers of which resemble those of the
— Kathd-sangraha, as, m. a collection of tales or as, d, am, how being ? of what kind ?
2. kathd, ind. (for katham), Ved. how? whence? Kadamba, commonly called Mandiri. — Kadamba-
fables. — Kathd-sarit-sdgayi, as, m. the ocean of
the rivers of stories ; title of a work of Somadeva. why ? Sometimes merely a particle of interrogation vdyu, us, m. a fragrant breeze. — Kadambdnila
(e.g. Icatltn tiriuoti Indrah, does Indra hear? (°ba-an°), as, m. a fragrant breeze, spring.
— Kathodaya (°thd-ud°), as, m. the beginning of yathd kathd fa, in any way whatsoever). Kadfimbaka, as, m. the plant Nauclea Cadamba,
a tale, introduction to a ta\e. — Kathodghdtu (°thd- Sinapis Dichotoma, ^haridrtt; (am), n. a multitude.
ud^), as, m. the^apening of a drama by the character ~ttf i • bad, cl. i . A. kadate, -ditum, pert.
that first entenJP^erhearing and repeating the last s; t'akdda, to be confused, suffer mentally ; to Kadambadu, as, m. the mustard-seed plant, Si-
words of the prelude. — Kathopakathana (°thd-up'), grieve ; to confound ; to kill or hurt ; to call ; to cry napis Dichotoma.
am, n. conversation, conference, narration. — Katho- or shed tears ; dakdda kadanam, he accomplished a cfi^X kadara, as, m. a saw ; an iron goad
destruction ; [cf. Gr. *fj5os ; Goth, hatan : cf. also
pdkhydna ( thd-up1), am, n. narration, narrative, for guiding an elephant ; N. of a tree, which may be
relation, telling a story. substituted for Khadira as a sacrificial post ; a white
Kathdnrika, am, n. a small tale ; [cf. kraydaaka, Kadana.am. n. destruction, killing, slaughter; war, sort of Mimosa ; (as, am), m. n. a corn, a callosity
bhaydnaka, &c.] sin. — Kadana-pura, am, n., N. of a town. — Ka- of the feet caused by external friction ; (am), n. coagu-
Kathdpaya, nom. P. kathdpayati, -yitam, to dana-priya, as, d, am, loving slaughter. lated milk; [cf. kankara, kin'i'iirn, k-utura, &c.]
tell, relate, &c.
Kathika, as, I, am, a narrator, a relater, a story- ^T<| 2. kad, ind. (originally the neuter form oB^c? kadala, as, I, m. f. the plantain tree
teller byprofession. of the interrogative pronoun ka), Ved. a particle of (Musa Sapientnm), called also banana. It has a soft
Kathita, as, d, am, told, said, related ; (am), n. interrogation, where ? Kad is used, like kim, with the perishable stem, poetically a symbol of the frailty of
a conversation, discourse. — Kathita-pada, am, n. particles (ana and fid (e. g. na kaddana upabdiA human life ; (d), f., N. of several plants, Pistia Stra-
repetition, tautology. tfrinve rathanya, not at any time or in any manner tiotesBombax
; Heptaphyllum ; (;), f. a kind of deer,
Kalla-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -Jsartum, is heard the noise of thy chariot ; veti dlvah kaddid the hide of which is used as a seat &c. ; a flag, a
to transform into a tale. — Katht-krita, as, d, am, d, he comes from heaven now and then). Kaddid is
banner, a flag carried by an elephant. — A"t/</a/£-
transformed into a tale, deceased, dead (e. g. kathl- sometimes used, like the simple kad, as a particle of in- sk<tndha, as, m. a kind of illusion.
terrogation (e.g. kaddid drishtd tvayd JDamayantl, Kadfilaka, as, m. the plantain or banana tree,
1,-ritam vapuh, a body of which one can only give
a history, a deceased body). was DamayantI seen by thee ?). Kaddid may some- Musa Sapientnm.
200 kadatin. kandata.
Kadalin, i, m. a kind of antelope. uttama), smaller, less ; younger, a younger brother "ill i« kaaatlta, as, m., N. of a man.
^rtlafin kadaRkshata, f. a sort of cu- or sister, a younger son or daughter.
<*r«iHK; kanikrada, as, a, am (an Intens.
cumber ;a fine womrn. Kaniyasa, as, d, am, smaller, less; younger; form of rt. krand), Ved. neighing.
*?! kadd, ind. (fr. 2. ka), when ? at .what (am), n. copper (' of less value') ; [cf. kanyasa.] ^rrc-* kanishka, as, m., N. of an Indo-
Kanyakd, kanyd. See s. v.
time? (with following fat. or pres. tense); how? scythic king, celebrated in the history of Buddhism.
Kadd is sometimes found with a following da and "HI* kanaka, am, n. (said to be fr. rt. kan),
gold ; N. of several plants, Datura Met el and Fastuosa, — Kanfshka-pura, am, n., N. of a town founded
preceding yadd (e.g. yadd kadd da sunavdma
somam, let us press out the Soma as often as may thorn apple ; Mesua Ferrea; Michelia Champaka; by Kanisbka.
be or at all times) ; kndd dana, (though originally Butea Frondosa ; Bauhinia Variegata ; a black sort <*f"iH, ^ft, =Ht«f, =F-ft^?fN. See under
negative, generally = ) at some time, one day, once ; of Agallochum or sandal-wood ; (as), m., N. of a kana.
na kadd dana, never at any time ; kadd dit, at prince, a son of Durdama ; N. of a son of a goddess ; <**fir«i kaiiiti, is, f. a cart ; a creeping plant
some time or other, sometimes, once ; na kadd dit, N. of a minister of NarendrSditya ; (as), m. pi., N. with blossoms ; the plant Abrus Precatorius.
never; kaddpi (kadd-api), sometimes, now and of a people; (d), f. one of the seven tongues of fire.
then ; na kaddpi, never ; [cf. Gr. (dire and vArt ; — Kanaka-kundald, f. the mother of Harikesa. <*«J»t kamija, a. corruption of kanyd-kubja,
Lat quando; Lith. kadd; Slav. kogda.^ — Kadd- — Kanaka-kshara, a*, m. borax. — Kanaka-giri, q. v. — Kanuja-defa, as, m. the country round
matta, as, m., N. of a man. is, m., N. of the founder of a sect. — Kanaka-tanka, Kany3-kubja.
*£>% kaduhi, is, m., N. of a man. as, m. a golden hatchet. — Kanaka-ldlabha (°la- ^Tl kanera, f. a female elephant; a
dbhd), as, a, am, bright as a golden palm tree. harlot. See kanera.
^TJ kadru, us, us or us, « (said to be fr. rt. — Kanaka-daitdaka, as, m. the royal parasol
kav), tawny, reddish-brown; (us), m. tawny (the (golden-sticked). — Kanaka-datta, as, m. the son i. <*TT
happy.as, d, am, or kanti, is, is, i (fr.
colour) ; N. of a Rishi ; (us), f. a Soma vessel (?) ; a of Nidhipati. — Kanaka-dhvaja, as, m., N. of a son
personification described in certain legends which re- of Dhrita-rSshtra. — Kanaka-paraga, ox, m. gold- Kantu, us, us, u, happy ; (us), m. the heart as
late to the bringing down of the Soma from heaven, dust. — Kanaka-pala, as, m. a Pala, a weight of the seat or faculty of perception and feeling ; Kania-
gold and silver equal to sixteen Mfishakas, 01 about deva, the deity of love ; a granary.
according to the BrJhmanas ' the earth personified ;' N. 280 grains troy. — Kanaka-pingala, N. of a Tlrtha.
of a daughter of Daksha, wife of Kasyapa and mother anthaka, as, m., N. of a man.
— Kanaka-pura, am, t, n. f., N. of a town. — Ka-
of the Nagas or the serpent-race; N. of a plant. — A'a- naka-prabhd, f., N. of a plant; N. of a metre con- kanthan, f., N. of a tree. See kan-
dru-putra, as, m. or kadru-suta, as, m. a serpent. sisting offour lines of thirteen syllables each ; N. of thd, kanthdri, kruragandhd, tikuhnakantakd. Sec.
*SJ^V kadryad, an, kadriti, ak (fr. 2. ka a princess ; (as, d, am), bright as gold. — Kanaka-
and rt. and), Ved. turned towards what ? prasavd, f., N. of a plant. — Kanaka-bhanga, as, <*'"4l kauthd, f. a rag, a patched garment,
m. a piece of gold. — Kanaka-maya, as, i, am, especially one worn by certain ascetics ; a wall ; a
<*S" kad-vat. See under 2. kad.
golden, consisting or made of gold. — Kanaka- town, (in composition the word is neuter if the com-
kadvara, am, n. whey; buttermilk muni, is, m., N. of a Buddha. — Kanaka-rambhd, pound imply a town of the Usinaras) ; a kind of
mixed with water ; [cf. kankara, kadfora, katura, (., N. of a plant. — Kanaka-rasa, as, m. fluid tree ; N. of a country. — Kanthd-dhdrana, am, n.
katvara, and kadara.] gold ; a yellow orpiment. — Kanaka-releha, (., N. of wealing a patched garment as practised by certain
a daughter of Kanaka-prabhS. — Kanakalodbhara, Yogis. •- Kanthd-dhdrin, i, ini, m. f. a Yogi, a
^Vlrt^ kadha-priya, as, a, am, or kadha- as, m. (fr. kanaka-kala-udbhava ?), resin of the religious mendicant. — Kanthescara-tirtha ("tka-
pri, plant Shorea Robusta. — Kanaka-fail, f., N. of the
fond is, is, »', Ved. friendly towards whom ? ; (Say.)
of praise. residence of king Kanaka-varna ; [cf. kanakd-vati.] ii°), am, n., N. of a Tlrtha.
kanthari, f., N. of a tree.
— Kanaka-varna, as, m., N. of a king supposed to
•3:3 kan, cl. I. P., Ved. kanati, fakana, be a former manifestation of Sakya-muni. — Kanaka- kand, cl. I. P. kandati, -ditmn, to
\,akdnit, kantum (of the simple root only
the aor. is used), to be satisfied; to be contented vdhini, f., N. of a river (' gold stream' ).*• Kanaka- T cry, utter lamentations ; A. kandate, to be
with, to accept anything (ace.) with satisfaction; vigraha, as, m., N. of a king of VisJlapuri. — Ka- confounded, confound ; [cf. 1. kad, krand, kland.]
(Siy.) to love, wish, desire ; to shine ; to go : Intens. naka-s"akti, is, m. an epithet of Karttikeya; [cf. ^i»5 kanda, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. rt.
ddkanti, impf. 6akan, perf. ddkanu and dake, to be dakti-dhara.]*- Kanaka-sutra, am, n. a gold
cotd. — Kanaka-stambha-rudira, as, d, am, shin- kan), a bulbous or tuberous root ; a bulb ; the bulb-
satisfied, to like, enjoy anything (with loc., gen., or ous root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus ; garlic ;
inst.) ; to be liked, wished, desired (with gen.) ; to ing with columns of gold. — Kanaka-stftafi, f. a gold
mine, golden soil. — Kanakangada (°Ao-a»°), as, a lump, swelling, knot ; an affection of the feminine
strive after, seek, desire (with ace. or dat.) ; [cf. kam organ, considered as a fleshy excrescence, but ap-
and dan : cf. also Lat. canus, caneo, candeo, can- m., N. of a son of Dhrita-rSshtra. — Kanakafala
(°ka-af°), as, m. the golden— mountain ; an epithet parently prolapsus uteri ; N. of a metre of four lines
dela; Hib. canu, 'full moon.'] of the mountain Sumeru. Kanakddri-kltuntla of thirteen syllables each ; a cloud (in this sense fr.
35T kana, a substitute for alpa, little, (°ka-ad°), am, n. a section of the Skanda-puriina. kam, water, and da). — Kanda-gududi, {., N. of a
small, not occurring alone, but regarded as the source — A'nnakddhyaksha (°ka-adh°), as, m. the trea- plant, = kanda-rohi ni, Scc. — Katida-ja, as, d, am,
of the following derivatives ; [cf. kana.] surer or superintendent of the gold. — Kanakayu growing from bulbs. — Kanda-da, as, a, am, giving
Kanaya, nom. P. kanayati, -yitum, to make (°ka-dyu), us, m., N. of a son of Dhrita-rSshtra ; (a or forming bulbs. — Kanda-phald, {., N. of a plant.
less or smaller, diminish. — Kanda-bahulS, {., N. of a plant. — Kanda-mula,
various reading has karakayu.) — Kanakdlukd(°ka-
Kana, (., Ved. a girl. al"), f. a golden jar or vase. — Kanaka-mil, (. a am, n. a radish. — Kanda-lald, (., N. of a plant
Kaniihlha, as, a, am, the smallest, least (opposed proper name. — Kanakdrati-madkava, as, m. title with a bulbous root. — Knnda-vat, an, m. a species
of the Soma plant. — Kanda-vardhdna, an, m.
to Hkiiyishlka) ; the youngest, younger bora (opposed of a work. — Knitukali ra (°ka-dh°), am, n. the the esculent root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus.
iojye»htha and vriddha) ; (d), f. (with or without blossom of the tree Mesua Ferrea. •• Kanakdhvaya, — Kiuiiln-inlli, f., N. of a plant. — Kamla-surtnui,
angulih) the little finger ; (as), m. pi., N. of a class as, m. the thorn apple ; Mesua Ferrea ; N. of a
of deities of the fourteenth Manvantara ; (d), f. a Buddha. — Kanakcs'vara-tlrtha (°ka-is'°), am, n., <j.v, in. the plant AmorphophaBKCampanulatus.
— Kanda-mnjna, am, a. prolapsus uteri ; [cf.
kind of heroine. •* Kanishtha-td, f. or kanishfha- N. of a Tlrtha. kanda.] — Ktinda-sanibhava, as, d, am, growing
tva, am, n. the state of being younger or smaller. Kanakdraka, as, m. the tree Bauhiuij Variegata
from bulbs. — Kanda-sdra, am, n. the garden or
— K'int»htha-pada or kanishtha-mula, am, n. Lin. ; [cf. kdiidandra and /cdntdrtt.']
the least or first root ; that quantity of which the kanaknaka, as, d, am, Ved. epithet grove of \n&n. — Kandddhya, ("da-ddh"), as, m.
square multiplied by the given multiplicator and of a kind of poison. a kind of tuberous plant. — Kanddmritd (°da-am°),
having the given addend added or subtrahend sub- (., N. of a plant, = /;anda-gudafi. —Kanildrha
tracted icapable
s of affording an exact square root. kunakhala, am, n. and (as), m. pi., (°da-ar°), as, m. the plant Amorphophallus Cam-
Kaniihlhaka, as, ikd, am, Ved. the smallest ; N. of a Tlrtha and the mountains surrounding it. panulatus. Kandodbliavd
— (cda-udf), f., N. of a
(d), f. the little finger; (am), n. a land of grass. kanati, f. red arsenic, = kunatl. plant, = kamla-gududi.
KIIIII. f. a girl, a maiden. l\niii]alu, us, m., N. of several plants; an escu-
kanadeva, as, m., N. of a Buddhist lent root ; a sort of Arum &c.
Kanina, as, a, am, Ved. young; (I), f the pupil Ktuidin, I, ini, i, having a bulbous root; (i), m.
of the eye ; the little finger. the plant Amorphophallus Campanulatus.
eye ; the ku, caruncul
as, m. a a lacrymal
boy, aisyouth
; (a),; the pupil of
f. a maiden,
<*1 lA-an«na,as,a,aOT, one-eyed ;[cf. /tana.] kandaka, as, m. a palanquin, =
a young girl, a virgin; the pupil of the eye; (ikd), <**(H kanapa, & various reading for ka-
f. the pupil of the eye ; the little finger. iiapa, q. v. kandata, am, n. the white esculent
Kaniyat, an, asi, as (opposed to bhuyas, jyiyas, , as, m., N.of a son of Sura. water-lily ; [cf. kandota and kandota.]
f\ kapala-bhati.
kandara, as, a or i, am, m. f. n. maiden ; a young virgin ; a daughter ; the constellation
maiden. — Kanyd-karaiia, am, a. carrying oft" a
Virgo in the zodiac ; the plant Aloe Perfoliata. - Kan- girl, rape, ravishment. -• Kanyd-hrada, as, m., N.
(perhaps fr. kam-dara), an artificial or natural cave;
a glen, a defile, a valley ; (as), m. a hook for driving yakd-guna, ds, m. pi., N. of a people- •• Kanyakd-
fhala, am, n. beguiling a maiden, seduction, betrayal.
of a Tirtha.
Kanydkd or kanyikd, f. a young girl, a virgin.
an elephant; (am), n. dry ginger (in this sense fr.
— Kanyakd-jana, as, m. a maiden. — Kanyakd- oR^W kanyasa, as, I, am (fr. kaniyas),
kanda, 'consisting of bulbs'?). — Kandara-vat, jdta, as, m. the son of an unmarried woman.
an, all, at, containing caves or valleys (as a moun-
— Kanyakd-pati, is, m. a daughter's husband. younger ; (a), f. the little finger.
tain). —Kandardkdra (°ra-dk°), as, m. a moun- Kanyand or kanyald, f., Ved. a girl. <t-Ul( kanyusha, am, n. the hand below
tain. —Kandardntara (°ra-an°), am, n. the interior Kanyd, !. (the gen. pi. in Rig-veda is kanindm), the wrist.
of a cave. — Kandardla (°ra-dla = dlaya), as, m., a girl, a virgin, a daughter ; (icanydm dd orpra-dd or
N. of several plants, Hibiscus Populneoides ; Ficus
[nfectoria. — KandardJaka, as, m. the tree Ficus pra-yam or upa-pad in Caus., to give one's daughter
cR^ia/), a various reading for krap, q. v.
in marriage ; kanydm prati-grah or hri or vah, to «(W kapa, as, m. pi. a class of demons.
Infectoria. — Kandarodbhavd (°ra-ud°), (., N. of a receive a girl in marriage, to marry) ; the sign of the
plant. zodiac Virgo ; an epithet of Durga ; N. of a metre =tiH4 kapata, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr.
kandarpa, as, m. (fr. kam-darpa, of four lines, each of them conlaining four long rt. kamp), fraud, deceit, cheating, circumvention ;
' how haughty ;' or, according to others, ' the in- syllables ; an annual plant ; N. of several plants, the (as), m., N. of a DSnava ; (i), f. a measure equal to
flamer even of the chief of gods;' see 3. ka), N. plant Aloe Perfoliata, a tuberous plant growing in the capacity of the hollows of the two hands joined.
of the deity Kama, or the god of love, the Cupid of Kasmira; large cardamoms; [cf. Zend UainS ; Hib. — Kapata-td, f. or kapata-tva, am, n. deceitful-
the Hindu mythology; love; (d), f. one of the pre- cain, ' chaste, undefiled ;' caile, ' a country-woman, ness. -'Kapata-tdpasa, as, m. one who deceitfully
siding female deities of the Jainas executing the a harlot ;' caileamfmil, ' girlish, effeminate.'] — Kan- pretends to be an nxetic. — Kapata-daitya-badka,
orders of the fifteenth Arhat. — Kandarpa-kUpa, yd-kdla, as, m. the time of virginity. — Kanyd- as, m. title of a chapter of the Ganesa-Purana
as, m. pudendum muliebre, (' a well of love.') kubja or kanya-kubja, am, n., N. of an ancient city (' destruction of the Daitya Kapata'). — Kapct/ii-
— Kandarpa-ketu, us, m., N. of a prince. — Kan- of great note, in the north of Hindustan, situated on the prabandha, as, m. fraud, trick, fraudulent plot or
darpa-keli, is, m. title of a work. — Kandarpa- Kali nadi, a branch of the Ganges, in the modern contrivance. — Kapala-lekhya,am, n. a forged docu-
jita, as, m., N. of a plant, =kdma-vriddhi. — Kan- district of Furruckabad. The popular spelling of the ment, afalse or fraudulent statement. — Kapata-
darpa-jvara, as, m. passion, desire. — Kandarpa- name presents, perhaps, greater variations than that of vatana, am, n. deceitful talk. — Kapata-veia, as,
dahana, am, n. a section of the Siva-purana. any place in India (e. g. Ktinnoj, Ktmnouj, Kinoge, d, am, assuming a false dress or appearance, masked,
— Kandarpa-musala, as, m. membrum virile. Kinnoge, Kinnauj, Kanoj, Kannauj, Kunowj, disguised ; (as), m. disguise. •• Kapatavedin, i, ini,
— Kandarpa-Mwkhala, as, m. a kind of coitus. Canowj, Canoje, Canauj, &c.). In antiquity this
— Kandarpa-siddhdnta, as, m., N. of a scholiast city ranks next to Ayodhya in Oude. It is known i,
N. of a plant.in masquerade. — Kapatedvari (°ta-ls'°),
on Supadma. to classical geography as Canogyza; but the name Kapatika, as, i, am, acting deceitfully, fraudu-
applies also to its dependencies and the surrounding lent, dishonest, a rogue, a cheat.
oft^w kandala, as, a, am, m. f. n. the skull
district; the etymology (kanyd, a girl, and kubja, Kapatin, i, ini, i, fraudulent, dishonest, a cheat ;
( = kapdla); the cheek, or the cheek and temple;
a new shoot or sprig ; a low soft tone ; a portent, a round-shouldered or crooked) refers to a legend relat- (ini), (. a kind of perfume, = 6ida.
ing to the hundred daughters of Kusanabha, the king otiMHI kapana, f. (said to be fr. rt. kamp),
natural phenomenon supposed to forbode evil ; re- of this city, who were all rendered crooked by VSyu
proach, censure ; (as), m. gold ; war, battle ; (i), f. Ved. a worm, a caterpillar ; [cf. ica^m;.]
a species of deer of which the hide is used ; a plant, for non-compliance with his licentious desires. The
ruins of the ancient city are said to occupy a site <*m; kaparda, as, m. a small shell or
the plantain tree or banana tree (Musa Sapientum ;
cowrie used as a coin and as a die in gambling,
see kadali) ; lotus seed ; a flag, a banner ; (am), n. larger than that of London. — Kanydkubja-des'a,
the flower of Musa Sapientum ; perhaps a mushroom. as, m. the country round KanySkubja. — Kanyd- Cypraea Moneta ; braided and knotted hair, especially
— Kandali-kdra, as, m., N. of in author. — Kan- kumdri or kanya-kumdri, is, (. the youthful god- that of Sin (knotted so as to resemble the cowrie
dess, an epithet of DurgS. — Kanyd-kupa, as, m.,
dall-kuiuma, am, n. a mushroom.
N. of a Tirtha. — Kanyd-gata, as, d, am, inhe- Kapardaka, as, m. = kaparda above; (ikd), f.
Kandalita, as, d, am.covered with mushrooms (?) ; rent in or pertaining to a virgin; the position of
budded, blown ; put forth, emitted. Cypraa Moneta. See kaparda.
a planet in the sign Virgo. — Kanyd-garbha,
Kandalin, i, ini, i, covered with mushrooms; as, m. the offspring of an unmarried woman. Kapardin, i, ini, i, shaggy ; wearing braided and
knotted hair like the cowrie shell ; epithet of Rudra, of
(i), m. a kind of antelope (?). — Kanyd-grahana, am, n. taking a girl in mar- Pushan, of the descendants of Vasishtha and of DurgS ;
<*(V<^ kandirl, f. the plant Mimosa riage. —Kanydta (°yd-d{a), as, d, am, follow-
Pudica. ing after young girls ; (as), m. the middle of a (<), m., N. of S'iva ; N. of one of the eleven Rudras.
house, the inner or private apartments for women. — Kapardi-kdrikd, ds, f. pi., N. of a work.
«K»«J kandu, us, m. f. (said to be fr. rt. — Kanyd-tirtha, am, n., N. of a Tirtha. — Kanyd- — Kapardi-svdmtn, i, m., N. of a scholiast.
ikand), a boiler, a saucepan, or other cooking tva, am, n. virginity. — Kanyd-ddtri, td, m. a fether kapala, am, n., Ved. a half, a part.
utensil of iron ; an oven, or vessel serving for one ; who gives a girl in marriage. — Kanydddna (either
(us), m., N. of a Muni. — Kandu-pakva, as, d, am, "yd-a* or °yd-ad°), am, n. giving i girl in mar- kapata, as, i, am, m. f. n. ft door,
parched, roasted (as grain), fried &c. in a pan, dressed the leaf or panel of a door. — Kapdta-ghna, as, m.
without water. riage; receiving a girl in marriage — Kanyd-dii- one who breaks the door, a house-breaker, a thief.
shaka, as, m. the violator or defiler of a virgin ;
— Kapdtarsandhi, is, m. the junction of the leaves
cR»r£elf kanduka, as, am, m. n. (said to be the calumniator of a girl. — Kanyd-duahana, am, of a door; a mode of multiplying in which the
n. defiling a virgin, calumniating a girl. — Kanyd-
fr. the preceding), a ball of wood or pith for playing doshft, as, m. a blemish in a virgin, disease, bad multiplicand is placed in a certain manner under the
with; (am), n. a pillow; a germ(?). — Kanduka- repute, &c. — Kanyd-dhana, am, n. a portion, multiplying quantity. — Kapdtaiandhika, as, d, am,
prastha, as, m., N, of a town. — Kanduka-lild, f. term used for a kind of bandage ; similarly ardfia-
any game with a ball, fives. — Kandukeia (°ka-i^a), dowry. — Kanyd-pati, is, m. a daughter's husband.
— Kanyd-pdla, as, m. a dealer in slave girls ; the kapdtasandhika. — Kapdtodgkdtana ("ta-ud"),
us, m., N. of a man. — Kandukedvara-liitga (°ka- am, a. a door-key.
is"^, am, n., Wfof a Lin-ga. father of a maiden ; [cf. kalyd-pdla.'] — Kanyd-
putra, as, m. the offspring of an unmarried daughter. <*Hlc4 kapala, am, n. (said to be fr. rt.
O|IK£I« kandota, as, m. the white lotus, — Kanyd-pura, am, n. the women's apartments. kamp), a cup, a jar, a dish, used especially for the
Nymphza Esculenta ; (am), n. the blue lotus. — Kanyd-praddna, am, n. giving a daughter in PurodSsa offering (often at the end of a compound,
Kandota, as, m. the white lotus, Nymphsea Escu- marriage. — Kanyd-bhartri or kanyd-hartri (?), td, the first member of which is a numeral, e. g. tri-
lenta. See kandata. m. an epithet of KSrttikeya. — Kanyd-bhdra, as, m.
kapdla, ' consisting of three cups') ; the shell of an
virginity. — Kanyd-maya, as, I, am, consisting in a egg, shell of a tortoise ; the cotyla of the leg of a
opV kan-dha, as, m. (fr. kam, water, and girl (as property &c.), being a girl. — Kanyd-ratna, man or animal, any flat bone ; a kind of leprosy ;
dha fr. rt. dhd), a cloud. am, n. a jewel of a damsel, a lovely girl. — Kanyd- (as, am), m. n. the fragment of a vessel, a pot-
Kan-dhara, as, d, m. f. (fr. kam, head, and rdma, as, m., N. of a Buddha. — Kanyd-raM, is, sherd ;a cover or lid ; the skull, the cranium, the
dhara ft. rt. dhri), the neck ; (as), m. the plant m. the sign Virgo. — Kanyd-vedin, I, m. a son-in-law. skull-bone ; either half of a water-jar ; multitude,
Amaranthus Oleraceus ; (kam = water), a cloud. — Kanyd-iulka, am, n. the purchase-money of a assemblage, collection; a treaty of peace on equal
Kan-dhi, is, m. (fr. kam, water, and dhi fr. rt. maiden, money given to the bride's father. — Kanyd- terms, ^kapdtal; (at), m., N. of an intermediate
dhd), the ocean; (is), f. (7i-am=head), the neck. frama (°yd-d^°), as, m., N. of a hermitage. caste ; N. of a man ; (am, J), n. f. a beggar's bowl ;
— Kanya-sammdya., am, n., N. of a Tirtha. [cf. Gr. Kc0oA^ ; Lat. capnt ; Germ, haupt; Goth.
°K^ kanna, as, m., N. of a Rishi ; (am), n.
"Kanyd-samudbhaiia, as, m. the son of an un- lutubith, Them. haubida.] — Kapdla-ndlikd, f. a
fainting, falling in a fit or state of insensibility ; sin ; sort of pin or spindle for winding cotton, thread, &c.
married girl.— Kanyd-sampraddna,, am, n. the
(a various reading has kalla.)
giving away a maiden in marriage. -•Kunyd-sva- — Kapdla-pdni, is, is, i, having a pot in hand to
kanyakd, f. (see kana), a girl, a yamvara, as, m. the choice of a husband by a receive food (as a beggar). — Kapdla-bhati, f. a
202 kapala-bhrit. fcapha-ndsana.
particular sort of penance, consisting in alternate Kapikd, (., N. of a plant. kapinjala, as,m.(h.ka -\-pihjala ?,
suppression and emission of the breath. — Kapdla- Kapitt/ia, as, m. (ttha^xtha fr. rt. stha, 'on sometimes kapirtgala), a bird, the francoline par-
bhrit, t, m. an epithet of Siva or MahJ-deva (who which monkeys dwell ;' cf. aivattha), the elephant tridge the
; Cataka ; N. of a man ; also of a sparrow ;
wears skulls). — Kapdlamalin, i, ini, i, bearing a or wood apple tree, Feronia Elephantum ; a particular
garland of skulls ; epithet of Siva. — Kapdla-modana, position of the hands and fingers ; (am), n. the fruit (d), f.,
am, n., N. N. of
of aa region
(?). (°la-ar°),
am, n., N. of a TTrtha. — Kapdla-iiras (?), as, m., of Feronia Elephantum. — Kapittha-tvad, k, n. the
N. of a Muni ; (a various reading has kaldpa-tfiras.) bark of the tree Feronia Elephantum. — Kapittha- «tiM«aw ka-pu(6hala, am, n., Ved. the fore
— Kapdla-sandhi, is, m. a treaty of peace on equal parni and kapitthdni, (., N. of a plant, = ditra- part of a sacrificial ladle, i. e. the part with which the
terms ( = kapdta-sanaM?). — Kapdla-8pkota, of, fluid is skimmed off; hair hanging down to the
pattrika, &c. — Kapitthdsya (°tha-dsya), as, m. a
m, N. of a Rakshas (' splitting the skull'). kind of monkey (having a roundish face, in shape ground, or a lock of hair tied on the right side of
like the wood apple). the crown of a young Brahman, when he is invested
Kapdlikd. (. a potsherd ; the tartar of the teeth ; with the sacerdotal thread.
[cf. kdjiali/ca.] Kapitt/taka, N. of a place in Avanti.
Kapdlin, i, ini, i, furnished with or bearing Kapitthirii, f. a region abounding in Kapitthas. «*giY«fci kapushtikd, f. a patch of hair on
skulls ; (?, ini), m. f. a man or woman of low caste, Kapiraka=lcapilaka, q. v. each side of the head ; also written kapitshnika.
son or daughter of a Brahman mother and a fisherman
father; the follower of a certain Saiva sect, [cf. Kapila, as, a, am, 'monkey-coloured,' brown, 3WJT ka-puya, as, a, ant (see 2. ka), smell-
tawny, reddish ; (as), m. the brown or tawny colour ;
ka/idlika] ; (i), m. an epithet of Siva (at wearing a (brown) dog ; incense ; N. of an ancient sage, ing badly, disgusting, disagreeable.
skulls) ; N. of one of the eleven Rudras ; N. of a identified by some with Vishnu and considered as the •*MM ka-prith, t, or ka-pritha, as, m. (see
servant of Siva ; (ini), (. the goddess Durga as the founder of the San-khya system of philosophy ; a son
wife of Siva-kapSlin. of Vitatha ; or a son of Vasu-deva by NarS<fi ; or a 4. ka),Ved. 'causing pleasure,' membrum virile.
«l>Mlfl ka-pota, as, m. (2. ka + pota, q. v.),
^ifa kapi, is, is, i (said to be fr. rt. kamp), son of Kardama by Devahuti ; a form of fire ; an epi-
brown; (is), m. an ape or monkey; an elephant; thet of the sun, considered as king of the N3gas ; a dove, pigeon, especially the spotty-necked pigeon ;
the plant Emblica Officinalis or a species of Karanja ; N. of a Danava ; N. of a mountain ; (as), m. pi., N. (in the Vedas often a bird of evil omen) ; a bird in
incense, storax or impure benzoin, [cf. kapi-ja, of a people ; (d), f. a brown cow, a fabulous cow cele- general ; a particular position of the hands ; the grav
kapi-taila, &c.]; the sun; an epithet of Vishnu or brated inthe Puranas ; N. of two plants, a kind of colour of a pigeon ; the brightness of antimony (of a
Krishna ; N. of a Muni, the author of a Vedic verse, SinSapS or Sinsapa itself; the plant Aloe Perfoliata ; gray colour). — Kapota-darana, f. a kind of perfume.
son of Uru-kshaya ; (fe or i), f. a female ape or a sort of perfume ; a kind of brass ; the common — Kapota-pdka, as, m. pi., N. of a mountain-tribe ;
monkey ; [cf. Gr. infirm, KIIXOS ; Old Germ, affo ; leech ; N. of a daughter of Daksha ; N. of the female (d), f. a princess of this tribe. — Kapota-pdda, as,
AngL'Sax. apa; Eng. ape.] — Kapt-kaddhu, us or elephant of the south-east, the male being called t, am, having feet like those of a pigeon. — Kapota-
u, Us, f. the plant Mucuna Pruritus. — Kapikaddhu- Pundarlka; N. of a river. — Kapila-deva, as, m., pdltkd or kapola-pali, (. a dove-cot, an aviary or
N. of the author of a Smiiti. — Kapila-dyuti, is, pigeon-house. — Kapota-rdja, fit, m. the king of
phalopama (°la-up°), {., N. of a plant. — Kapi- m. a N. of Surya or the sun, — Kapila-drdkshd, f. the pigeons. — Kapota-retaso, as, m., N. of a man.
kaddhurd, f. the plant Mucuna Pruritus. •- Kapi-
l:mnlnkn, am, n. the skull, the cranium (' playing- a vine with brown or tawny coloured grapes. — Ka- — Kapota-roman, a, m., N. of a prince. — Kapola-
plla-druma, as, m., N. of a perfume or sweet scented raitkd, (., N. of a medicinal plant (used as a remedy
ball of monkeys'). — Kapi-ketana, as, m. an epithet wood (kdkshl). — Kapila-dhdrd, f. an epithet of for the stone). — Kapota-varna, as, », am, of the
of Arjuna, the third son of PSndu. — Kapirkefa, as,
the Gan-gS ; N. of a Tirtha ; a holy place, a place of colour of a pigeon, of a bright gray, lead-gray ; (i),
m. monkey's hair (1). — Kapi-kol i, is, m., N. of a f. small cardamoms. — Kapota-valli, f., N. of a plant.
plant. — Kapi-dudd, f. or kapi-duta, as, m. the tree pilgrimage. — Kapila-phald, (. a vine with brown
Spondias Magnifera. — Kapi-ja, as, a, am, bora of grapes. — Kapila-bhadrd, f., N. of a woman. — Ka- — Kapotaodna, f. a kind of perfume. — Kapota-
a monkey ; (as), m. incense, benzoin. — Kapi-taila, pila-mata, am, n., N. of a work. — Kapila-rudra, vega, f., N. of a plant. — Kapota-sdra, am, n. the
am, n. benzoin or storax. — Kapi-tva, am, n. the as, m., N. of a poet. — Kapila-vastu, u, n., N. of brightness of antimony, antimony. — Kapota-hasta
state of an ape, apishness. — Kapi-dhvaja, as, m. an the town in which Sakya-muni or Buddha was bora. or kapota-hastaka, as, m. a mode of joining the
epithet of Arjuna (having a monkey as his symbol, — Kapila-iinfapa, f. a variety of Sinsapa with hands in prayer, entreaty, or fear, &c. — Kapotdnghri
his ensign or arms). — Kapi-ndman, a, m. incense. reddish flowers. — Kapila-samhitd, f. title of an (°ta-an°), is, f. a kind of perfume. — Kapotanjana
— Kapi-pippali, f., N. of two different kinds of Upa-purana, a dialogue between Kapila and Satyajit. i^ta-anj9), am, n. = kapotaiijana, the brightness of
plants. — Kapi-prablid, I. the plant Mucuna Pruritus. — Kapildkshl (°la-ak°), f. a kind of deer (' with antimony, antimony. — Kapotdbka (°ta-dbhd), as,
— Kapi-prabku, ui, m. an epithet of Rama, general brown eyes'); a variety of Sirjsapa with reddish d, am, of the colour of a pigeon, of a bright gray ;
of the monkey-force, with which he invaded Lan-ka. flowers. — Kapilanjana (°la-an°), as, m. an epithet (as), m. a pale or dirty white colour. — Kapotdri
— Kapi-priya, as, m. the tree Spondias Magnifera of Siva ; [cf. kapi£aA}ana.~\ — Kapila-tirtha, am, (cta-ari), is, m. a hawk, a falcon.
and the tree Feronia Elephantum. — Kapi-bhaksha, n., N. of a Tirtha, (any one bathing there obtains Kapotaka, as, m. a small pigeon or dove ; a mode
as, m. the food of apes; N. of a certain eatable 1000 brown co«s.) — Kapildrata (cla-av°), as, m., of joining the hands ; (am), n. antimony.
substance. — Kapi-ratha, as, m. an epithet of Rama ; N. of a Tirtha. — Kapildfoa (°la-a^), as, m. an Kapotaklyd, f. a region abounding in pigeons.
[cf. kapi-prabhu.] — Kapt-roma-pkald, (. the plant epithet of the god of Indra ; N. of a man, a son of
DhundhumSra. — Kapild-hrada, as, m., N. of a Kapotin, i, ini, i, having pigeons, pigeon-shaped.
Mucuna Pruritus. — Kapi-loma-yhald, f. the plant
Mucuna Pruritus. — Kapi-loma, f. a kind of perfume. Tirtha. <*M!«<> kapola, as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
— Kapi-loha, am, n. brass (monkey-coloured metal). Kapilaka, as, tied, am, reddish ; (Oca), (., N. of kamp), a cheek; (i), f. the fore part of the knee,
— KapUlitd, f. (contracted from kapi-vallika !), a woman. the knee-cap or pan; [cf. kapala.] — Kapola-kavi,
a plant which bears a seed resembling pepper, Scin- Kapili-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kar- is, m.,N. of a poet — Kapola-kdsha, as, m. any ob-
dapsus Officiualis, = gaja-pippall. — Kapi-vaktra, tum, to colour brown or reddish. ject against which the cheeks or temples are rubbed ;
as, m. a N. of Narada, a saint and philosopher and Kapifa, as, d, am, ' ape-coloured,' brown, reddish- the elephant's temples and cheeks. — Kapola-pha-
friend of Krishna, having a face like a monkey. brown ; (as), m. brown or reddish colour, a com- laka, as, m. the cheek ; (perhaps) the cheek-bone.
— Kapi-vana, as, m., N. of a man. — Kapi-valli, pound ofblack and yellow ; incense, storax or coarse — Knjtola-bhiUi, is, m. the temples and cheek,
i. the plant Scindapsus Officinalis. — Kapi-idka, as, benzoin ; (a or t), f. a spirit, a sort of rum ; (a), f. the upper part of the face; (pcrhaf») the opening in
am, m. n. a cabbage. — Kapi-slrsha, am, n. the the temples of an elephant during rut. — Kiijiola-
the mother of the demons called Pis'Sc'as ; N. of a
upper part or coping of a wall. — Kapi-flrshaka, river. •- Kapii'dnjana fia-an°), as, m. an epithet ruga, as, m, colour or flush in the cheek.
am, n. vermilion, the red sulphuret of mercury. of Siva. — Kapiild-putm, as, m. a PisSda, an imp '«»r*«MU kapphina, as, m., N. of a man ;
— Kapi-firthni, f. a kind of musical instrument. or goblin. — Kapiiayana (°4a-ay°), as, m. a deity ; (various readings have kapphitta, kapkina, kaphin,
— Kapi-skt!iala (°pi-stha°), as, m., N. of a Rishi ; aN. sort
(ds),m. pi. the descendants of thisRishi. — jffa/M-s/fan- of aofBuddhist spirit or work.
rum. — Kapiiamdana ffa-av0), kaphila, kamphilla.)
ilha, us, m., N. of a Dinava. — Kapi-sthala, am, n. Kapiiita, as, d, am, embrowned, made brown ofTO kapha, as, m. phlegm, one of the
a place frequented by monkeys. — Kapi-svara, as, or dusky red. three humors of the body (the other two are vdyu
m., N. of a mm. - Kapi-kaddku, us, (. the plant Kapisikd, f. a kind of spirituous liquor. and pitta), watery froth or foam in general. — Kapha-
Mucuna Pruritus ; see kapi-kaddhu. - Kapijya, as, kara, as, d or i, am, or kapha-da, as, d, am,
Kapita, as, m., N. of a tree.
m. (kapi-ijyat), the tree Mimusops Kauk'i. - A'tt- Kapltana, as, m., N. of several plants ; a tree producing phlegm ; occasioning colds. — Kapha-
/m«2ra (°pi~tn°), as, m. the chief of the monkeys ; bearing an acid fruit, Spondias Magnifera ; the plant kun'ikd, f. saliva, spittle. — K«pha-kslutya, as, m.
an epithet of Vishnu ; of JJmbavat, the father-in-law pulmonary consumption.— Kttpha-ghntt . as, i, am,
of Krishna; of Hanumat; of Sugriva, &c. — Kapi- Thespesia Populnea ; Acacia Sirisa ; the holy fig tree,
Ficus Religiosa ; the betel nut tree, Areca Faufel ; removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic, curing colds (epi-
cril, an, m., N. of a sage ; one of the seven sages thet of many plants); ((), f., N. of a plant. — Ka-
of the fourth Manvantara ; (tl), {., N. of a river. j*£gle Marmelos.
pha-ja, us, d, am, arising from or produced by
— Kapishta (°pi-tsh°), as, m. the tree Feronia •wrHJifq-qiT kapijanghika, f. a kind of ant; phlegm. — Kapha-jrara, as, m. fever arising from
Elephantum. - Kapy-dkhya, as, m. incense. also spelt kapijanghika. excess of phlegm. — Kfipha-ndfana, as, i, am,
<*4tlim kapha-praya. karnpra.
antiphJegmatic. — Kapha-praya, as, a, am, phlegm- of compounds, marking the strange or unusual cha- Kama, f. loveliness, beauty, radiance.
atic. —KapJia-vardhaka, as, i, am, exciting or racter of anything, [cf. kandarpa] : according to Kamitri, td, tri, tri, lustful, desirous, cupidinous.
increasing phlegm. — Kapha-vardhana, as, i, am, native lexicographers kam means also head ; water ; Kamra, as, a, am, desirous, cupidinous ; beautiful,
exciting or increasing phlegm ; (as), m., N. of a food. — Kam-vat, an, ati, at, Ved. lovely. desirable.
plant, a species of Tabernaemontana. — Kapha-vi- Kamba or kambka, as, a, am, well (?). kamaka, as, m., N. of a man ; (as),
rodhin, i, irii, i, obstructing the phlegm ; (i), n.
pepper. — Kapha-sambhava, as, a, am, arising chJJ 2. kam, A. (not used in the con- m. pi. the descendants of this man.
from phlegm. — KapJia-hara, as, a, am, or ka- Njugational tenses) dakame, kamishyate,
adakamata, kamitum, to wish, desire, long for ; ^t*TJ kamatha, as, m. (said to be fr. 2. kam),
pha-hrit, t, t, t, removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic. a tortoise ; a porcupine ; a water-jar, especially one
to love, be in love with ; to have sexual intercourse
— Kaphdtmaka (°pha-dt°), as, a, am, phlegmatic. with : Caus. A. (ep. also P.) kdmayate, -ti, kdma- made of a hollow gourd or cocoa-nut, and used by
— Kaphdntaka (°pha-an°), as, m. a kind of ascetics ; a bamboo ; N. of a prince ; of a Muni ; and
ydn-dakre, kdmayishyate, adikamata, kdmayi-
plant, = varvura."Kaphdri (°pha~ari), is, m. dry tum, to wish, desire, long for (with pot. or inf., of a Daitya ; (I), f. a female tortoise, a small one.
ginger. — Kamatha-pati, is, m. the king of tortoises.
Kaphala, as, a, am, phlegmatic, having phlegm. e. g. kamaye bhunjita, I wish he may eat ; kdmaye
Kaphin, I, ini, i, phlegmatic ; filled with mucus ; datum, I wish to give) ; to love, have sexual inter- — Kamathdsura-^adha (°tha-as°), as, m. 'the
(f), m. an elephant ; a various reading for kapphina; course with ; to be inflamed with love ; (with bahu slaying of the Daitya Kamatha,' a section of the
(ini), f., N. of a river. or atyartham) to rate or value highly ; to cause any
Kaphdu, us, us, u, phlegmatic, causing or exciting one to love, [cf. also kan\ : Desid. dikamishate and <**!<!« <4 kamandalu, us, in, m. n. an earthen
phlegm ; (us), m. a plant, Cordia Latifolia. dikdmayishate : Intern, dankamyate ; [cf. Lat. or wooden water-pot used by the ascetic and religious
comis ; also amo with loss of the initial ; ca-rus for student ; a vessel with a spout ; the waved-leaf fig
r kaphani, is, m. f. the elbow. cam-rue ; Hib. caemh, ' love, desire ; fine, hand- tree, Ficus Infectoria. — Kamandalu-taru, us, m.
Kaphoni, is, i, m. f. the elbow. — Kaphoni- some, pleasant ;' caomhach, ' a friend, a companion ;' the tree Ficus Infectoria. — Kamandalu-dlMra, as,
ijhdta, as, m. a stroke with the elbow. caoinhaim, ' I save, spare, protect :' perhaps Old m. an epithet of Siva.
Germ, scim, ecimo, ' splendor ;' Armen. kamim.]
'kaphauda, as, m., Ved. the elbow(?). Kamana, as, a, am, wishing for, desirous ; libi- iw^Jcamadyu, us, f. (fr. kama derived fr.
kab, cl. i. A. kabate, -bitum, to dinous, beautiful, desirable, lovely ; (as), m., N. of 2. kam and dyu ?), Ved., N. of a woman.
Kama, the god of love ; N. of Brahma ; the tree <**ctl<* kamantaka and kamandaka, as, m.,
praise ;"V[cf.colour,
kav.] to tinge with various hues ; to Jonesia Aloka. — Kamana-ddhada (°na-dha°), as, N. of two men ; (as), m. pi. the descendants of
m. a heron (having beautiful plumage).
oR^y ka-bandha or ka-vandha, as or am, Kamaniya, as, d, am, to be desired or wished for, these men.
m. or n. a big barrel or cask, a large-bellied vessel ; desirable; lovely, pleasing, beautiful. — Kamantya- <**i**{ kamandha, am, n. water; (a various
(metaphorically) a cloud ; the belly ; the clouds td, (. or kamaniya-tva, am, n. loveliness, beauty ;
desirableness. reading for kabandha; considered also as a com-
which obscure the sun at sunset and sunrise (some- pound ofkam and andha, both being, according to
times they are personified); water; a N. of Rahu; Kamara, as, d, am, desirous, lustful. native lexicographers, synonyms of water.)
a headless trunk (shaped like a barrel), especially one Kamala, as, d, am, desirous, lustful ; (as), m. a
retaining vitality; (as), m., N. of an Atharvana and species of deer ; the Indian crane, Ardea Sibirica ; an kamala. See under rt. 2. kam above.
Gandharva ; N. of a Muni ; N. of the DSnava or epithet of Brahma ; N. of a man ; (am), n. (ac-
Rakshasa called Danu, who was son of Sri. (His story cording to some m. or n.) the lotus, Nelumbium ; kamp, cl. i. A. (ep. also P.) kam-
is told in RSmay. III. 75. It is there related that water ; copper ; the bladder ; a medicament, a drug ; ~\pate, kampati, takampe, kampishyate,
Indra punished him for his insolence in challenging the N. of a town built by Kamala ; a particular high akampishta, kampitum, to tremble, shake : Caus.
god to combat, by striking his head and thighs with number ; Ved., N. of a certain colour ; (ant or 2), P. kampayati, -yitum, to cause to tremble, make
his thunderbolt and so pressing them into his body. tremble, shake ; to pronounce in a tremulous manner,
n. f., N. of a metre of four lines of three short sylla- i. e. with a trill or shake : Desid. dikampishate :
He had enormously long amis and a huge mouth in bles each ; (a), f. an epithet of Lakshmi ; an excel-
his belly. It was predicted that he would not recover lent woman ; N. of a female dancer who afterwards Intens. dankampyate, dankampti; [cf. Gr. Kdp*-
his original shape until killed in a battle with Rama became the wife of king JaySpIda. — Kamala-klkara TU, irtnTtu ; Hib. cabJiig, ' hastening.']
and Lakshmana. The whole story probably repre- and kamala-klta, N. of two Gramas or villages. Kampa, as, m. trembling, tremor, trembling
sents one of Indra's battles with the clouds.) — Ka- — Kamala-khanda, am, n. an assemblage of lotuses. motion, shaking ; a tremulous or trilling pronuncia-
bnndha-td,(. m kabandha-tva, am, n. headlessness, tion, a modification of the Svarita accent, which may
— Kamala-garbhdbha (°bha-dbhd), as, d, am, take place if the Svarita syllable is followed by an
decapitation. — Kabandha-vadha, as, m. ' the slay- bright as the lotus-cup. — Kamala-devi, (., N. of the
wife of king Lalitaditya and mother of king Kuva- Udatta syllable ; N. of a man. — Kampa-rdja, as,
ing of Kabandha,' title of a chapter of the Padma-
purana. m., N. of a man. — Kampa-lakshman, d, m. air,
layapida.— Kamala-pattrdksJia (°ra-ak°), as, d,
Kabandhin or kavandhin, t, ini, t, Ved. ' bearing am, one whose eyes are like lotuses. — Kamala- wind.— Kampdnvita (°pa-an°),as,d,am, affected
with trembling, agitated.
huge vessels of water or the clouds ;' (S5y.) ' endowed ITuwa, as, m. or kamala-yoni, is, m. ' sprung
with water,' an epithet of the Maruts who open the from the lotus,' an epithet of Brahma. — Kamala- Kampana, as, d, am, trembling, shaken, un-
clouds and send down rain ; (i), m., N. of a KStyS- bhidd, (., N. of a Grama or village. — Kamala-vati, steady; causing to tremble, shaking; (as), m. a
yana. (., N. of the wife of king Lalitaditya, — Kamala- kind of weapon ; the dewy season (November-De-
vadana, am, n. a lotus face, i. e. a lovely face. cember) ;N. of a prince ; N. of a country near
'4fN7T kabittha, as, m. the elephant or — Kamala-vardhana, as, m., N. of a king of KSsmira ; (a), f., N. of a river ; (am), n. trembling,
wood apple tree, Feronia Elephantum. See kapittha.
Kampana. — Kamala-sambhava, as, m. an epithet quivering ; quivering pronunciation, a modification of
•*r»»{<> kabila, as, d, am, tawny-coloured ; of Brahma. — Kamaldkara (°Ja-dk°), as, m. an the Svarita accent (see kampa) ; shaking, swinging.
(an), m. tawny (the colour). See kapila. assemblage of lotuses; a lake &c. where lotuses Kampanlya, as, d, am, to be shaken, movable,
i^Jiw kabidL is, f. the hinder part of an abound; N. of several authors. — Kamald-kes'ava,
animal. as, m., N. of a sanctuary built by Kamalavati. Kampamdna, as, d, am, trembling, shaking.
— Kamaldksha (°la-ak°), N. of a place. — Kamald- Kampayat, an, anti, at, shaking, causing to
3i^ kabru, Atharva-veda II. 3, 6. iwndana, as, m. son of Kamala, an epithet of tremble.
Misra-dinakara. — Kamald-pati, is, m., N. of a
^f^ i. kam, ind. (Gr. «>/), well, bene (op- Kampdka, as, m. (a wrong reading for kam-
copyist. — Kamaldyatdksha (°la-dyata-ak°), as,
posed to akain, 'badly'), a particle placed after thed, am, having large lotus eyes. — Kamaldyudka pdnka), wind.as, d, am, trembling, shaking ; caused
word to which it belongs with an affirmative sense Kampita,
(°la-dy°), as, m., N. of a poet. — Kamaldlayd to tremble, shaken, swung; (am), n. trembling, a
(Well, Yes), which sense, however, is generally so weak (°la-dl°), f. an epithet of Lakshmi. — Kamaldsana
that the Indian grammarians are perhaps right in trembling, a tremor.
or kamaldsana-stha (°la-ds°), as, m. an epithet of Kampin, i, irii, i, trembling, quivering, shaking.
enumerating kam among the expletives ; it is often Brahma. — Kamald-hatta, as, m., N. of a market-
found attached to a dat. case, giving to the latter a place founded by Kamalavati. — i . kamaldhdsa fla- Kampila or kampilya or kampilla or kam-
stronger meaning, and is generally placed at the end dh°), as, m. the shutting or opening of a lotus. — 2. pillaka or kampila, as, m., N. of a plant, Cri-
of the Pada (e. g. ajijana oshadhir bhojandya kamaldlidsa, nom. (fr. the last) P. -Tidsati, -situm, num Amaryllacee (?) ; commonly kamaldgundt ; [cf.
lam, thou didst create the plants for actual food) ; to smile like a lotus. - Kamalekshana (°la-ik°), kampilla and tundd-rodani,]
it is also used as an enclitic with the particles nu, su, as, Kampya, as, d, am, to be shaken, to be made to
and hi, but is nevertheless treated in the PadapSfha am, d, am, \otus-eyed.-Kamalottara
n. safflower, Carthamus Tinctorius. (°la-uf),
tremble, to be moved away from one's place ; to be
as a separate word. Rarely kam seems to be used, Kamalaka, am, n., N. of a town. pronounced in a quivering manner.
like kad and kim, as an interrogative particle ; some- KamaUnt, f. a number of lotus flowers or a lake
Kampra, as, a, am, trembling, shaken, mova-
times itoccurs, like kim and kad, at the beginning or place abounding with them. ble ;agile, quick.
204 kamb. karalamba.
kayya, as, m., N. of a prince, founder Borassus Flabelliformis, (the leaves being compared
jjjj kamb, el. i. P. kambati, -bit urn, to
>v go, move ; (a various reading for karb.) to a saw.) — Karapattrikd, (. playing with water
of a sanctuary (drikayya-svimin) and of a Vihira or in it, splashing it about &c. ; [cf. kara-pattra
<*^C kambara, as, a, am, variegated, spot- (kayya-vthdra) called after him. and kara-pdtra.]" Kara-parna, Of, m., N. of
ted ;(as), m. variegated colour ; [cf. karbun <*«<<* kayyaka, as, m., N. of a man. two plants, commonly called bhindd-vrikska and
<*g<9 kambala, as, am, m. n. (said to be raktairanda. — Kara-pallava, as, m. a finger, the
^ i.kara, as, a or I, am (fr. rt. kri, to do ; hand; conversation with the fingers. — Kara-palm,
fr. 3. kam), a woollen blanket or doth ; an upper
doth or garment of wool ; (as), m. a dew-lap; a for 3. kara see p. 105), who or what does or make; am, n. splashing water about while bathing, throwing
small worm or insect ; a sort of deer ; N. of a NSga or causes ; causing, doing, making (especially at the water about in sport; the hand hollowed so as to
N. of a man; (am), n. water; [cf. kamala.] end of compounds, e. g. bhayan-kara, causing fear, hold anything ; [cf. kara-pattra and karapattrikd.}
— Kambala-kdraka, as, m. a woollen cloth manu- frightful; duhkha-kara, causing pain; vrtddhi-kara — Kara-pdia, as, m. a sword, a scymitar ('pro-
facturer. —Kambala-fdrdyaniya, as, m. pi. a nick- causing increase ; sampat-karn, causing prosperity ; tecting the hand'). — Karapalikd, f. a cudgel, a
name of a school of Cirayana. — Kambala-dhd- artha-kari vidyd, a science productive of wealth short club or wooden sword, a sword or one-edged
vaka, as, m. one who deans woollen clothes. knife. — Kara-puta, as, m. joining the palms of
&c.) ; (as), m. the hand (' the active one") ; a the hands in token of respect ; the hands joined and
— Kambala-barhisha, at, m., N. of a man. measure, the breadth of twenty-four thumbs; an
hollowed to receive anything. — Kara-prishtha, am,
— Kambala-vdhya, as, m. or kambala-vahyaka, elephant's trunk ; the act of doing, making, &c. ; n. the back of the hand.— i. kara-prafeya, as, d,
am, n. a kind of carriage covered with a coarse (at the end of several compounds with a passive
blanket or woollen doth and drawn by oxen. (The sense, e. g. uhat-kara and su-kara, easy to be am (for 2. see under 2. kara), to be held, to be
done; dush-kara, difficult to be done; ishad- taken hold of by the hand. — I. kara-yrada, as, d,
more correct spelling seems to be kambali-vdhya
and kambali-vdhyaka.) — Kambala-hdra, as, m., ddhyan-kara,ea$y to be made rich) ; [cf. Lith. kaire, am, giving the hand &c. — Kai'a-prdpta, as, d, am.
N. of a man ; (at), m. pi. the descendants of this man. held in the hand; obtained, secured. — Karabalu
'the left hand.'] — Kara-kantaka, as, m. a finger- and karavdla, a*, m. (corruptions of kara-pdla),
Kambalaka, as, am, m. n. a woollen cloth, a nail ('thorn of the hand'). — Kara-kamala, am,
garment of wool. n. the hand, especially of a lover or a mistress &c. a sword, a scymitar ; a finger-nail. — Karabdlikd, f.
Kambalin, i, ini, i, covered with a woollen cloth (lit. ' hand-lotos ;' similar compounds are kara-pad- a small sword; [c{.karapdlikd.] — Kara-bhanjiil;<i,
or blanket — Kambali-vdhyaka, am, n. a carriage ma, Jeara-pankaja, kara-pallava, Sec.). — Kara- as, m. pi., N. of a people ; (a various reading has
so covered and drawn by oxen. karna, as, m., N. of a man. — Kara-kalafa, as, kara-bhanjika.) — Karu-bkajana, as, m., N. of a
Kamballya, as, d, am, fit for woollen blankets. m. the hand hollowed to receive water, •"Ka Brahman. — Kara-bhu, us, m. a finger-nail. — Kara-
Kambalya, am, n. 100 Palas of wool (so much kisalaya, as, am, m. n. a hand which is like a bhushana, am, n. a bracelet, an ornament worn
being necessary for making a woollen blanket). round the wrist. — Kara-marda, as, «, m. f. a
branch; the finger (' shoot of the hand'). — Kara small tree bearing an add fruit, Carissa Carandas ;
^i g I ro I \*t ijcambalayin, i,m. a sort of kite. kttdmala, am, n. the finger (' bud of the hand'). (am), n. the fruit of this tree. — Karamardaka, ax,
— Kara-kosha, as, m. the hand hollowed to receive
water ; [cf. kara-kalada.] — i . kara-graha, as, m. m. the tree Carissa Carandas; see the preceding.
<»ltf kambi, is, f. a ladle or spoon; a
shoot, a branch or joint of a bamboo. (for 2. see under t. kara, p. 205), taking the hand — jiara-mdld, f. the hand used as a rosary, the
(of the bride in the marriage ceremony ; one part of joints of the fingers corresponding to the beads.
^f^ kambu, us, u, m. n. a conch, a shell ; the ceremony of marriage is the pladng of the right — Kara-mukta, am, n. (sdl. astram) a missile
a bivalve shell ; a bracelet, a ring made of shells ; hand of the bride, with the palm uppermost, in the weapon thrown with the hand, a dart, a javelin, &c.
(us), m. an elephant; the neck; a tube-shaped right hand of the bridegroom), marriage.— 1. kara- — Kara-ruddha, as, d, am, stopped by the hand,
bone ; a vein or tubular vessel of the body ; a sort grahana, am, n. (for 2. see under 2. kara), taking held tight or fast. — Kara-ruha, as, m. a finger-
of Curcuma. — Kambu-kdshthd, f. the tree Physalis the hand, marriage. — I. kara-grdhin, t, ini, i, nail (growing from the hand). — Kararddhl (ra-
Flexuosa. — Kambu- grlva, as, m., N. of a tortoise ; taking the hand. — Kara-gharshana, as, m. a riddhi), is, (. a cymbal ; a small musical instrument
(<i), f. a neck marked with three lines like a shell, churning-stick ; (am), n. rubbing the hands together. used for marking time, (a Castanet ?) ; clapping the
and considered to be indicative of exalted fortune ; — Kara-gTtarshin, I, m. the churning-stick. — Kara- hands together for that purpose; [cf. kara-tdla.]
a shell-shaped neck. »• Kambu-pushpi and kmijju- ghdta, as, m. a kind of poisonous tree. — Kara- — Kara-vdraka, as, m. an epithet of Skanda.
mdlint, (., N. of a plant. — Kambv-dldyin, i, m. ffhada, as, m. the teak tree, Trophis Aspera ; (d), — Karavalikd, f. a small club; see karabdlikd.
the bird Falco Cheela. f, a tree, commonly called sindura-pushpi-vriksha. "Kara-mra, as, m. a fragrant Oleander, Nerium
Kambuka, as, m. a conch, a shell ; a mean per- •-Kara-ja, as, d, am, produced in or from the Odorum ; a species of Soma ; a sword or scymitar ;
son ;(d), f. the tree Physalis Flexuosa ; (am), n., land ; (o«), m. a finger-nail ; N. of a timber tree, a particular magical formulary or spell for recovering
N. of a town. =karanja or Pongamia Glabra ; (am), n. a per- or attracting back a missile weapon of mystic pro-
fume, =vyaghranakha, resembling a nail in appear- perties after its discharge; a cemetery, a place for
'^Qkarnbu, ance. —Karaja-vardhana, as, m., N. of a prince. burning or interring the dead ; N. of a NSga ; of a
stealing ; (us), m.us,a us, u (said
thief, to be ; fr.
a plunderer 2. kam),
a bracelet. Daitya ; of a mountain ; of a town on the river
~Karajdkhya, Cja-dkh°), as, m. a perfume, =
'*&* kambuka, as, m., Ved. the husk of 'cara-ja. — Kara-jyodi, is, m., N. of a tree, = VenvS, founded by Padma-varna ; of a town on the
rice. hasta-jyodi. — Kara-tala, as, m. the palm of the river Drishadvati, the residence of Candra-s'ekhara ;
land ; karataK-kri, to take in the palm of the hands. , f. red arsenic ; (t)t f. a woman who has borne
<*q I it kamboja, as, m. pi., N. of a country — Karatala-gata, as, a, am, being in the hand or a son, a mother; a good cow; N. of Aditi, the
and its inhabitants; (as), m. the prince of this n one's possession. — Karatala-dhrita, as, d, am, mother of the gods ; (am), n. the flower of Nerium
country ; a shell ; a kind of shell ; a spedes of leld in the hand. — Karatala-stha, as, a, am, Odorum. — Karaviraka, as, m. the poisonous root
elephant ; [cf. kambu and kdmboja.] leld in the hand, resting in the palm of the of the fragrant Oleander, a poison ; the tree Ter-
«IWn!t kambhan, f. = gambharl, the plant land. — Kara-tas, ind. from the hand, out of the minalia Arjuna ; a sword ; N. of a Naga. — Kara-
Gmelina Arborea. land. — Kara-tdla, am, n. a musical instrument, vira-kanda-sarijtia, as, m. a spedes of onion or
cymbal ; (i), f. beating time by clapping the bulb, = faiZa-A-ana«. — Karavim-pura, am, n., N.
^W kambhu, u, n. the fragrant root of lands. — Karatdlaka, am, n. a musical instru- of a town founded by Padma-varna. — Karamra-
Andropogon Muricatus. ment, a cymbal. — Karaidla-dhvani, is, m. the ihujd, f. Cajanus Indicus. — KaradHrya, as, m., N.
sound of cymbals. — Kara-toy d, f. the Karatoya of a physician. — Kara-tdkha, f. a finger. — Kara-
^T kaya., a Vedic form for 2. ka, occurring
iver in the north-east of Bengal, (at the wedding of illiara, as, m. water expelled by an elephant's
only in the genitive case with fid; e. g. kayasya fid, Siva and PSrvati the water which had been poured trunk. — Kara-faka, as, m. a finger-nail. — K/ini-
of every one ; (ni shu nama atimatim kayasya nto the hand of the former constituted, upon its dotha, as, m. cedematous swelling of the hands.
fit, bow well down the haughtiness of every one) ; >eing thrown on the ground, the source of this river.)
[cf. Zend kaya; Armen. «<.] — I. kara-sada, as, m. languor or weakness of the
— Karatoyini, f., N. of a river, perhaps the same as lands. — Kara-sthdlln, i, m. an epithet of Siva,
<**4**'1 kayasthd, f. a medicinal plant, = the preceding (?).— i. kara-da, as, d, am (for t. see who uses his hands as a vessel for holding food.
kakoll; (probably a various reading for vayasthd : under 2. kara), one who gives his hand &c. — A'ara- — Kara-svana, as, m. sound produced by beating
cf. kayasthd.) daksfta, as, d, am, handy, dexterous, ready. — Kara- he hands together. — Kardgra (°ra-ag°), am, n.
^TT kaya, ind., Ved. (fr. 2. ka inst. fern.), drama, as, m. , N. of a tree, = kdraskara. — Kara- he tip of an elephant's trunk. — Kardgra-pallava,
in what manner ? Ihrita, as, d, am, held or supported by the hand. as, m. finger. — Kardglidta (°ra-agk°), as, m. a
— Kara-nihita, as, d, am, held in the hand. — Ka- tomb, a blow with the hand. — Knrd-marda, as,
^ kayad, t, t, t (fr. kaya for kaya? and m. the tree Carissa Carandas; [cf. karn-marda.]
an-dhama, as, m., N. of two princes. — A'ara- — Kardmbuka or kardmlaka, as, m., N. of the
rt. o,i), Ved. consuming the body; (a various reading lyasta-kapoldntam, ind. the end of the cheek held
for kravyad.) n the hand. — Kara-pattra, am, n. a saw ; splashing ame tree. — Knrdrota,as, m. a finger-ring; (fr. fcara
water about while bathing, playing or gamboling in nd?). — K<trar]iita (°ra-ar°), of, a, am, taken in
u, us, f., N. of the wife of
Hiranyakasipu. water ; see kara-patra. — Karapattraka, am, n. a ie hand. — Karalamba (°ra-aP), as, m. the act of
w. — Karapattra-vat, an, m. the palmyra tree, upporting with the hand, giving a helping hand ;
karalambana. karambhaka. 205
(as, a, am), stretching out one's hand to support or epithet of Danta-vakra, prjnce of the Karflshas ; (<), pot made from a cocoa-nut, [cf. I. karaka"] ; a
raise another. — Karalambana, am, a. extending f. a she-camel ; the plant Tragia Involucrata ; [cf. Gr. kind of sugar-cane ; any bone of the body. — Ka-
the hand, taking by the hand, helping, sustaining. Kapvos.] — Karabha-kdndtkd, (., N. of a plant ; [cf. ranka-ddli, is, m. a sort of sugar-cane.
— Karotpala (°ra~ut°), am, n. a lotus-hand. ushtra-kdndi.] — Karabha-priyd, f. a plant, a sort in.3'*!.! karangana, am, n. a market or fair ;
— Karodaka (°ra-ud°), am, n. water held in or of Hedysarum. — Karabha-vallabha, as, m. the (a various reading for karangana)
poured into the hand. tree Feronia Elephantum. — KarabKada.nl ("bha-
I. karaka, as, am, m. n. the water-pot of the adana), f., N. of a plant; [cf. karabha-priyd.] •*<*» karanja, as, m. the tree Pongamia
student or ascetic ; the shell of the cocoa-nut hollowed ™ Karabhoru (°bha-uru), us, f. a woman whose Glabra, used medicinally ; N. of an enemy of Indra,
to form a vessel ; shell of the cocoa-nut in general ; thighs resemble the trunk of an elephant ; see «r«. slain by this god. — Karanja-phalaka, as, m. Fero-
(as), m. hand ; a species of bird ; N. of several Karabhaka, as, m., N. of a messenger. nia Elephantum; see kapittfia. — Karanja-ha, as,
plants, the pomegranate tree, = dddima ; Pongamia Karabhin, i, m. an elephant (' having a trunk"). d, am, Ved. pernicious to Karanja.
Glabra ; Butea Frondosa ; Bauhinia Variegata ; Mi- Karas, as, n., Ved. an action, a deed. Karanjaka, as, m., N. of the tree Pongamia
musops Elengi ; Capparis Aphylla ; (as), m. pi., N. Karasna, as, m., Ved. the arm, the fore part of Glabra ; also of Verbesina Scandens.
of a people. — Karaka~pdtrtkd, f. a leather vessel the arm ; a finger-nail.
for holding water. — Karakdmbhas (°ka-am°), as, Kan, is, is, i, causing, accomplishing (at the end ^iTZ karata, as, m. an elephant's cheek ;
m. the cocoa-nut tree, Cocos Nucifera. of a compound, e. g. iakrit-kari, q. v.). a crow ; a man of a low or degraded profession ; a
bad Brahman ; an atheist, an unbeliever, an impugner
Karana, as, I, am, doing, making, effecting, Karikd, f. a wound caused by a finger-nail. of the doctrines of the Vedas ; a musical instrument
causing (especially at the end of compounds ; cf. Karin, I, m. ' having a trunk,' an elephant ; (nl),
f. a female elephant. — Kari-kana-valli, f. a species (castanets?); the plant Carthamus Tinctorius; the
anta-karana, andhan-karana, ushnan-karana,
&c.); Ved. clever, skilled ; (as), m., Ved. an assistant; of pepper, Piper Chaba. — Kari-kumbha, as, m. the first S'raddha or ceremony performed in honour of a
frontal globe of an elephant. — Kuri-kusumbha, as, deceased relative ; (as), m. pi., N. of a people ; also
a man of a mixed class, the son of a S'udra woman by
a VaiSya, or (according to some) of an outcast Ksha- m. a fragrant powder prepared from the flowers of of a family
difficult to be; milked.
(a), f. an elephant's cheek ; a cow
triya (the occupation of this class is writing, accounts, Naga-kesara. — Kari-kusumbhaka, as, m. the same.
&c.); a writer, a scribe; (am), n. making, doing, — Kari-garjita, am, n. the roaring of elephants. Karataka, as, m. a crow ; N. of a jackal in the
producing, effecting, accomplishing (very often as last — Kari-darman,a, n. an elephant's hide. — Ka,ri-ja,
member of a compound, e. g. mushti-karana, as, m. a young elephant. — Karini-sahdya, as, m. Karatin, I, m. an elephant ; karati-kautuka, a
committing theft ; virupa-karana, producing de- the mate of the female elephant. —Kari-danta, as, treatise on the elephant and his diseases.
formity) ;an action, especially a religious action ; m. an elephant's tusk; ivory. — Kari-ddraka,ae, m. a ^7 karatu, its, m. the numidian crane ;
business, occupation (as trade &c.) ; the special lion. — Karwidsikd, f. a musical instrument. — JKari- [cf. karetavyd, karetu, karkata, &c.]
business of any tribe or caste ; plastering, spreading pattra, am, n., N. of a plant ; see tdlitfa~pattra.
anything with the hand; the usage or practice of — Kari-patha, as, m. the way or habits of an «1K«!J karana. See under i. kara.
the writer-caste ; an act, a deed ; an instrument or elephant. — Kari-pippall, f. a plant bearing a pun-
means of action, an expedient ; an organ, an organ gent fruit, Pothos Officinalis. — Karirpota, as, m. a «n,«uY«jiu karanisuta, f. an adopted
of sense or of speech ; (in gram.) the immediate young elephant, one under ten years old. — Kari- daughter.
cause of an action, the idea expressed by the instru- bandha, as, m. the post to which an elephant is <*Mjs karanda, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. i.
mental case, instrumentality; the body; (in law) tied. — Kari-makara, as, m. a fabulous monster. kri), a basket or covered box of bamboo wicker-
an instrument, document, a bond ; a cause, motive ; — Kari-mdfala, as, m. a lion, this animal being work ; a bee-hive, a honey-comb ; a sword ; a sort of
the posture of an ascetic; posture in sexual intercourse, considered as the natural enemy and destroyer of the duck ; an aquatic weed called Vallisneria ; (i), f. a
copulation; pronunciation, articulation; (in gram.) elephant; [cf. gaja-mdtola.] — Kari-mukha, as, basket for flowers ; [Lat. corbie f]. — Karanda-
the term used in designating a sound or word when m. an epithet of Ganes'a, this deity having an ele- vyuha, as, m. title of a Buddhist work.
referring to it as an independent part of speech or as phant's trunk on his face. — Kari-yddas, n. a water- Karandaka, as, m. a basket. — Karandaka-
separated from its context, (Parana may be used in elephant, a hippopotamos. — Kari-i-ara, as, m. an nivapa, as, m., N. of a region near Rajagriha.
this way, like ledra, e. g. iti-karana, the word iti) ; excellent elephant. — Kari-vaijayanCi, f. a flag car- in Karandm,
a basket ?). I, m. a fish ; (so called because caught
rhythm, time; dramatic action (?), singing (?); an ried by an elephant. — Kari-s'dvaka, as, m. a young
astrological division of the day, (these Karanas are elephant under five years old, (according to some)
eleven, viz. vaiia, vdlava, kaulava, taitila, gara, also until ten yt2rs. — Kari-skandha,as, m. a troop cmxf karatha, as, m., N. of a physician.
banija, vishti, iakuni, fatushpada, kintughna, of elephants. — Karindra (°ri-fe°), as,m. a large ele- oKTTJ karaphu, a particular high number ;
and ndga, two being equal to a lunar day, or the phant, awar or state elephant ; Indra's elephant (?). [cf. kalaku.]
time during which the moon's motion amounts to 6° ; ^ 2. kara, as, m. (fr. rt. i. kn, to scatter; «W?T karabha. See under i. kara.
the first seven are called a-dhruvani or movable, and
fill, when eight times repeated, the space from the for i. kara see p. 204), a ray of light, a sun-beam,
a moon-beam ; hail ; royal revenue, toll, tax, import, "ZKfyfft. karabhira, as, m. a lion.
second half of the first day in the moon's increase to tribute. — 2. kara-graha, as, m. levying or gathering
the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane ; the oH3Tg karamatta, as, m. the betel-nut
four others are dhruvdni or fixed, and occupy the taxes, a tax-gatherer. — 2. kara-grahana, am, n. tree. See guvdkd.
four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth levying or gathering taxes. — 2. kara-grahin, t, inl,
day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the i, levying a tax, a tax-collector. — Kara-jdla,am, n. a cw?i(i.«^ karamarin, 1, m. a prisoner, a
first day in its increase); title of a treatise ofVarS- pencil of rays, a stream of light. — 2. kara-da, as, d, captive ; [cf. fcara.]
ha-mihira on the motions of the planets ; a field ; am, paying taxes, subject to tax or duty, tributary.
— Karadi-kri, cl.8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kartum, «HHI<? karamdla, as, m. smoke; (probably
grain (?) ; the mind or heart (?) ; (1), (. a woman of a to render tributary. — Karadi-krita, as, d, am, made a corruption of kJiMamdla.)
mixed caste ; a surd or irrational number, a surd root
in arithmetic. — Karana-kutu/iala, am, n. title of a tributary, subjugated. — Kara-panya, am, n. a com- <=fciy karamba, as, a, am (said to be fr. i.
work on practical astronomy by Bhaskara. — Karana- modity given as tribute, — a. kara-pradeya, as, d, kri), mixed, intermingled ; set, inlaid ; (as), m.
am, to be collected by taxes.— 2. kara-prada, as, flour or meal mixed with curds. See kararnbha.
grdma, as, m. the senses collectively. — Karana- d, am, paying taxes, subject to tax or duty, tributary.
trdna, am, n. the head (' protecting the organs of Karambita, as, d, am, intermingled, mixed,
— Kara-rudh, t, t, t, ray-obstructing. — 2. kara- blended, &c. ; pounded, reduced to grains or dust ;
sense'). — Karana-tva, am, n. instrumentality, medi- sada, as, m. the fading away of rays. — Karotkara
ate agency. — Karana-niyama, as, m. suppression or set, inlaid.
restraint of the organs of sense. — Karana-vinyaya, Cra-ut°), as, m. a bundle of rays ; a heavy tax. cRtT»T karambha, as, in. groats or coarsely
2. karaka, as, d, am, m. f. n. (according to some
as, m. manner of pronunciation. — Karana-sara, only m. and f.), hail; a thunderstone(?); (as), m. ground oats &c. ; a dish of parched grain ; a cake, flour
as, m. title of a work on practical astronomy by or meal mixed with curds, a kind of gruel, generally
Bhaskara. — Karana-nthdna-bkeda, as, m. differ- toll, tax, tribute (?). — i. karakdsdra (°ka-as°), as, offered to Pushan (as having no teeth to masticate
ence of articulation or organ. — Kardnddhikara m. a shower of hail. — 2. karakdsdra, nom. P. ka-
rakdsdrati, to pour or shower down like hail. hard food); a mixture, a mixed odour; N. of a
(°na-adh°), as, m. a section on articulation. Kari-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kartum,
Kitranl, is, f. doing, making, effecting (only oc- to offer as a tribute. species
and father of poisonous
of Devarataplant
; N. ;ofN.a brother
of a sonof of S'akuni;
curring with a privative, e. g. a-karani, q. v.). (a), f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus ; another plant,
Karanlya, as, a, am, to be done or made ; feasi- ^ 3. kara, as, a, am (fr. rt. 2. kri, to s=priyangu-wriksha; N. of a daughter of a king
ble, to be accomplished ; to be caused or effected. praise), Ved. devoted, pious. of Kalirrga and wife of Akrodhana. — Karambhdd
Karabha, as, m. the metacarpus, the hand from "K^mig karakayw, us, m., N. of a son of (cliha-atl), t, t, t, Ved. eating groats or gruel, epi-
the wrist to the root of the fingers ; the trunk of Dhrita-rashtra. See kanakdyu. thet of Pushan.
an elephant ; a young elephant ; a camel ; a young Karambhaka, as, m., N. of a man ; (am), n.
camel or any young animal ; a camel three years old ; =mg; karanka, as, m. the skull, the head ; groats, coarsely ground oats &c. ; a cake, flour or
a perfume ( = nakha, commonly called nakhi); an a cocoa-nut hollowed to form a cup or vessel, a water- meal mixed with curd.
206 karambhL karkandhu.
Karambki, is, m., N. of a son of Sakuni and <*tU<* kariraka, am, n. fight, battle. .. the groom or keeper of a female elephant ; N. of
father of Devarata.
Karanibhin, I, inl, i, Ved. having groats. *<!)rt<??l karlla-desa, as, m., N. of a region. man ; [cf. kdrenupdli.'] — KarenuJ>hu, is, m. an
pithet of PSlakSpya. •• Karenu-mati, f., N. of the
**.«fl karam, f. the leaf of the plant Asa ctiOM karlsha, as, am, m. n. (fr. i. kri), rub- wife of Nakula, daughter of a king of Cedi. — Ka-
ish, refuse, dung ; dry cow-dung ; N. of a mountain ; enu-varya, as, m. a large or powerful elephant.
Fcetida ; [cf. karvarl, kavarl, kdvari.'] cf. dkhu-karisha.] — Karlsha-gandhi, is, m., N. — Karenit-suta, as, m. an epithet of PslakSpya.
<ti.eO<* karavlka, as, m., N. of a mountain ; f a man. — Karlshan-kasJia, as, d, am, sweeping Karenuka, am, n. the poisonous fruit of the
way dung ; (d), f. a strong wind, a gale. — Karl- plant Karenu.
See under i. iara. Karenu, us, m. f. a male or female elephant.
hdgni (°s?ia-ag°), is, m. a fire of dry cow-dung ;
karasna. See under i. iara.
tins substance is very generally used as fuel in
lindustan.) 'eH.«H*arenara, as, m. benzoin or storax.
See kareuara.
Karlshaka, ds, m. pi., N. of a people.
karahah6d, f., N. of a metre of
Karlshin, I, inl, i, abounding in dung ; (inl), f. <.t:,«x karenduka, as, m. a species of
four lines, each consisting of seven syllables.
region abounding in cow-dung ; N. of a river. jrass, = Wm-trina.
•*t£li karahdta, as, m. the tree Vangueria <*<\«u karuna, as, d, am (said to he fr. rt. karevara, as, m. benzoin or storax.
Spinosa ; the fibrous root of a lotus ; N. of a region.
Karahdtaka, as, m. the tree Vangueria Spinosa ; i . kri , but in some of its meanings fr. i . kri), mourn- karota, as, m. f. a basin, a cup ; the
N. of an heretical prince. ul, miserable, lamenting; (am), ind. mournfully, wnes of the head, the skull.
wofullf, pitifully, in distress; (as), m. that which Karotaka, as, m., N. of a N5ga.
ct4j 5541,1 kardngana, as, m. a market or fair causes pity, sorrow, affliction, tenderness, pity, com-
>assion ; one of the nine Rasas or sentiments of a Karoti, is, or karotl, f. a basin, a cup ; the skull.
visited by many men ; [cf. angana.~\
cK(jf<J4i| kardyikd, f. a bird, a small kind >oem, the pathetic sentiment; a fruit tree, the ohClr+'C karotkara,
under i. and 2. kara.
karotpala, &c. See
of crane. >amplemouse, Cirrus Decumana ; N. of a Buddha ;
a Jaina saint ; N. of an Asura ; (a), f. pity, com-
«MJp5 kardla, as, d, am, opening wide, >assion; (I), {., N. of a plant, also called grishma- *j? iari,occurring
to laugh
tushpl, farinl. Sec. ; (am), n., Ved. an action, a N one in ;grammatical
a Sautra Sutras
root, but
cleaving asunder, gaping (as a wound) ; having for-
midable projecting teeth, formidable, dreadful, terrible loly work.— Karuna-dhvani, is, m. a cry of not in the Dhatu-patha.
(especially as an epithet of the Rakshasas, of Siva, of distress. — Karuna-pundarika, am, n. title of a karka, as, d, am (said to be fr. i. in),
Kala, of Vishnu, and of a certain Devagandharva) ; Juddhist work.— Karuna-malll, f. the plant Jasmi-
white ; good ; excellent ; (as), m. a white horse ; a
great, large, high, lofty ; spacious, wide ; deformed ; num Sambac ; also read karund-malll. — Karuna-
crab ; the sign Cancer ; a water-jar ; fire ; a mirror ;
(as), m. a- certain species of animal ; resin, pitch, or vedi-tva, am, n. compassion, sympathy. — Karuna- N. of various plants, =karkata, karketana, and
a mixture of oil and the resin of the tree Shorea vedin, I, inl, i, knowing affliction or distress,
karketila; beauty; N. of a commentator on Katya-
Robnsta ; N. of a region ; (a), f. the plant Hemi- sympathising, pitiful. — Karundkara (°na-dk°), as, yana's Srauta-sutras ; (1), f., Ved. a white cow(?).
desmus Indicus ; an epithet of DurgS ; N. of a certain m. the father of Padmanibha. — Karundtmaka — Karka-khanda, ds, m. pi., N. of a people.
woman ; (i), f. one of the seven tongues and nine °na-dt°), as, d, am, compassionate, tender-hearted.
Samidhs of Agni ; (am), n. a kind of Ocimum. — Karka-tirbhitl (?), f. a small cucumber. — Karka-
— Karnndtman (°na-df), d, d, a, kind. — Ka-
— Kardla-kara, as, d, am, having a powerful arm rund-para, as, d, am, compassionate, tender. pjiala, am, n., N. of a plant. — Karka-sdra, am,
— Karund-maya, as, I, am, gentle, compassionate. a. flour or meal mixed with curds. — Karkl-prastha,
or hand; having a large trunk, as an elephant.
as, m., N. of a town.
— Kardla-kes'ara, as, m., N. of a lion in the — Karundrambha (°na-dr°), as, d, am, engaging Karkata, as, m. a crab ; the sign Cancer ; a kind
Pancatantra. — Kardla-triputd, (. a species of corn. in deplorable actions. — Karundrdra (°na-dr°), as, of bird, the numidian crane, Lanius Excubitor ; N.
—Kardla-danshtra, as, d, am, having terrific d, am, tender-hearted, soft, sensitive. — Karundr-
of a plant with poisonous tubers, the fibrous root of
teeth. — Kardia-lo6ana, as, d, am, terrific. — Ka- dhita (°na-ar°), as, d, am, kind. — Karund-vat, an, a lotus ; the curved end of the beam of a balance (to
ralarvadand, f. an epithet of Durgi. — Kardldnana atl, at, being in a pitiful state, pitiable. — Karund- which the strings supporting the scale are attached) ;
(°la-dn°), as, d, am, terrific, vipralambha, as, m. grief of separation with the un- a kind of coitus ; the radius of a circle ; compass,
Kardlaka, am, n. a kind of Ocimum. certainty ofmeeting again, fears occurring in absence.
Kardlika, as, m. a tree; a sword; (a), f. an — Karund-vritti, is, is, i, disposed to pity. — Ka- circuit ; (a), f. the plant Momordica Mixta ; (I), f.
rund-veditd, f. charitableness, kindliness, sympathy. a female crab ; a snake (?) ; a kind of cucumber,
epithet of Durgi.
Cucumis Utilissimus ; the fruit of the plant Bombax
Kardlita, as, d, am, rendered formidable ; afraid Karundya, nom. P. A. -ndyati, -te, -yitum, to
of, alarmed by or at ; magnified. be in a pitiful condition. Heptaphyllum ; the curved end of the beam of a
^T kari, &c. See under i. iara. Karunin, I, inl, i, being in a pitiful condition, balance &c. ; a small water-jar ; [cf. karkara, kar-
kas"a : cf. also Gr. xapKivos ; Lat. cancer.] — Karkata-
«!ift>l karibha, as, m. the tree Ficus Re- oMjrqiH karutthdma, as, m., N. of a pura,
pitiable. am, n., N. of a town. — Karkata-iringa,
am, n. the claw of a crab. — Karkata-Jringi kd or
ligiosa. prince, a son of Dushyanta and father of Akrida karkata-s'ringl, f. a plant, the fruit of which is
<*[<!. karira, as, am, m. n. the shoot of a compared to the claw or feelers of a crab, the horn
bamboo. See karira. [cf.efc^j-»jcS
atvatthdman."] karundhaka, as, m., N. of a son of a goat &c., see aja-iringl ; other names of this
of Sura and brother of Vasu-deva. plant are Jcdma-ndMnl, kaullrd, kulingl, &c.
cRTO? karishtha, as, d, am (superlative fr. i
-Karkafahtha (°ta-ak°), as, m. the plant Cucu-
Jcara), doing most, doing very much. c|r^*T karuma, as, d, am, Ved. an epithet mis Utilissimus. — Karkatdkhyd (°ta-dkh°), f. the
Karishnu, used in comp. See alan-karishnu of certain spectral or ghost-like appearances.
and nir-dkarishnu. plant Karkata-sVirrgi. — Karkatdngd (°ta-an°), f.
Karishya, of, a, om(?),Ved. to be done(?). e(i<fc<M.iarwiara, am, n., Ved. the joint o the same plant. - Karkatdsthi (°ta-as°), n. the shell
the neck and the chine. or crust of a crab. — KarTtatdhva (°ta-dh°), as, m.
Kari&hyat, an, atl or antl, at, willing to do
about to do. the plant jEgle Marmelos ; (a), f. the plant Karkata-
<*feefe frl '[karulatin,l, inl, t,Ved. onewhosi Srin-gT.-.Kari-a?<:sa (°ta-l^a), as, m., N. of a
KarisJiyamdna, as, d, am, about to do, going teeth are decayed and broken ; [cf. the next.]
to do.
ofc^M karusha, ds, m. pi., N. of a people Karkataka, as, m. a crab; the sign Cancer; the
Karlyas, an, asl, as (comparative fr. I. kara)
doing more ; one who does much. descended from a son of Manu Vaivasvata, (a prince plant Momordica Mixta (?) ; a kind of sugar-cane ; a
hook shaped like the daw of a crab ; N. of a Naga ;
karl-kri. See under 2. iara. of this people is named Danta-vakra.)
Kariishaka, as, m., N. of a son of Manu Vaiva (I), f. a female crab ; (am), n. a poisonous root ; a
particular fracture of the bones. — Karkataka-rajju,
kariti, ayas, m. pi., N. of a people svata ; (am), n., N. of a species of fruit.
us, m. a rope with a hook attached to it, shaped like
- karira, as, am, m. n. (said to he fr eH.4 kareta, as, m. a finger-nail. the claw of a cnb.-Karkatakdsthi (°ka-as°), n.
the shell or crust of a crab.
it. I . itri), the shoot of a bamboo ; (as), m. a water c*i5«<l karetamjd, f. or karetu, us, m. the &c.]
jar ; a thorny plant, described as growing in deserts numidian crane ; [cf. karatu, harkata, &c.] Knrknti, is, f. a sort of cucumber, Cucumis Uti-
and fed upon by camels, Capparisaphylla ; (am), n
the fruit of this plant ; (a or i), f. the root of an cM.HI karenu, us, m. f. (said to be fr. rt. i Karkatikd, (., N. of a plant, a kind of gourd; a
kri; cf. I. kara), a male or female elephant, gene kernel.
elephant's tusk; a cricket, a small grasshopper
— Karlra-kuna, as, m. the fruit season of Cap rally used for the latter; according to some als Karkatinl, f. the plant Curcuma Xanthorrhiza.
Karka/u,us, m. the numidian crane ; [cf. karatu,
parisaphylla. — Karira-prastha, an, m., N. of karenu; (us), m. the tree Pterospermum Aceri
town ; (a various reading has kariri-prastka.) folium ; (us), f., N. of a plant used as a drug an
Karlrikd, f. the root of an elephant's tusk. supposed to grow in KSs'mira. — Karenu-pdla, as karkandhu, us, us, m. f. (considered
karkandhu-kuna. karna-srdva.
by some as an irregular compound of karka and kar6ura, as, m., N. of a plant, a kind as, m. an ornament for the ear. -• Karna-param-
andhu), the jujube tree, Zizyphus Jujuba ; a species of Curcuma ; (am), n. gold ; an orpiment ; [cf. kar- para, f. going from one ear to another. — Karna-
of this tree with a larger fruit; (it), n. the fruit of Jiura and karbura.] pardkrama, as, m. title of a work. — Karna-
this tree, or the uneatable fruits of a wild species ; Karduraka, as, m. the plant Curcuma Zemmbet ;
(us), £ the berry of this tree ; (us), m., N. of a also read karbwraka. parvan, a, n. 'the Karna section,' title of the
eighth book of the Maha-bharata. •• Karna-paka,
man. — Karkandhu-kuna, am, n. the fruit season as, m. inflammation of the outer ear. — Karna-pali,
of the Karkandhu tree. — Karkandhu-prastha, as, karj, cl. i. P. karjati, -jitum, to is, f. the lobe of the ear ; the outer and curving
m., N. of a town. — KarkandJiu-mati, {., N. of a \ pain or make uneasy. *e of the ear ; (t), f. an ornament of the ear, a
woman (1). — Karkandli.u-rohita, as, a, am, red karn, cl. 10. P. karnayati, -yitum, garland or string of jewels pendent from it ; N. of a
like the berries of the jujube tree. river. — Karna-paia,, as, m. a beautiful ear.— Kar-
\to pierce, bore. See d-karn.
karka-phala. See under karka. na-puta, am, n. the auditory passage of the ear.
karna, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. i. kri), — Karna-pur, ur, f. or karna-puri, f. the capital
karkara, as, a, am, hard, firm ; (as), the ear, the handle or ear of a vessel ; the helm or of Karna, i. e. CampS, the ancient N. of Bhagalpur.
m. a bone ; a hammer ; a mirror [cf. karphard] ; rudder of a ship ; the plants Cassia Fistula and Calo- — Karna-puskpa, as, m., N. of a plant, = morata.
a strap of leather (?) ; N. of a Naga ; (am), n. stone, tropis Gigantea ; (in prosody) a spondee, a foot of —Karna-pura, as, m. an ornament of flowers worn
limestone, especially the nodule found in Bengal un- two long syllables; (in geometry) the hypoihenuse
of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon ; N. of a
round the ears ; an ear-ring ; N. of several plants,
blue lotus ; Acacia Sirissa ; Jonesia ASoka ; N. of the
der the name of Kan-kar ; [cf. karkata, karkaia."] renowned hero in the Maha-bharata, king of An-ga father of Kavicandra, author of the Alar>k5ra Kau-
— Karkardktha (°ra-ak°), as, m. a wagtail.
stubha. — Karna-puraka, as, m. the Kadamba
— Karkaranga (°ra-u»c), as, m. a kind of bird, a and elder brother by the mother's side of the PSndu
princes, being the son of the god Surya by Pritha or tree, Nauclea Cadamba; N. of a servant. —Karna-
gallinule(?).— Karkardndhuka (°ra-an°), as, m. Kunti, before her marriage with Pandu. (Afraid of purana, am, n. the act of filling the ears (with
a blind well, one of which the mouth is overgrown
the censure of her relatives, Kunti deserted the child cotton Sec.) ; any substance used for that purpose ;
with grass &c. so as to be hidden ; also read karka- and exposed it in the river, where it was found by a
rdndhaka; see andha-kupa. (as), m. = karna-pura.— Karna-pratinaha or
charioteer named Adhi-ratha and nurtured by his karna-pratmdha, as, m. a disease of the ear, sup-
<*i<j4 karkaratu, us, m. a glance, a side- wife Radha ; hence Karna is sometimes called Suta- pression of its excretion or wax, which is supposed
look. putra or SOta-ja, sometimes Radheya, though named to have dissolved and pass by the nose and mouth.
by his foster-parents Vasu-shena); N. of a son of — Karna-praydga, as, m., N. of the confluence of
karkaratuka, as, m. the numi- VisVajit ; (with Buddhists) a son of Maha-sammata the river Gan-gi and Pindar. — Karna-prdnta, as,
dian crane.
and king in PotSla ; N. of a king, rather of ViSoka- m. the lobe of the ear. <~ Karna-prdvarana, as, d,
Karkaretu, us, m. =the preceding; [cf. karatu, deva ; (as, a, am), Ved. eared, furnished with long am, using the ears for a covering ; (as), m. pi., N.
ears ; furnished with chaff (as grain). Karne, (in of a fabulous people. — Karna-pkala, as, m. a sort of
theatrical language) into the ear, in a low voice, fish, Ophiocephalus Kurrawey.— Karna-bkuskana,
4'5i*,lfiJ karkarala, as, am, m. n. a curl, a aside; api karne, Ved. behind the ear or back, am, n. or Icarna-bhuiha, f. an ear ornament.
from behind, after [cf. api-karna] ; karnam da, -• Karna-madgura, as, m. a sort of sheat fish,
<fi«irfT karkari, is or i, f., Ved. a kind of to give ear to, listen to ; karnam d-gam, to come Silurus Unitus. — Karna-mala, am, n. the excretion
musical instrument, a lute ; (t), f. a water-jar. to one's ears, become known to. — Karna-kandu, or wax of the ear. — Karna-mukura, as, m. an ear
Karkarikd, f. a small water-jar. us or u, us, m. f. painful itching of the ear. — Karna- ornament ; an ear-ring. — Karna-mukha, as, J, am,
kitd, f. an insect or worm with many feet and of a headed by Karna, having Karna as leader. **Karna-
4°h<£ karkareta, am, n. the hand curved reddish colour, Julus Cornifex; a small centipede;
mula, am, n. the root of the ear. — Karnamullya,
as a claw for the purpose of grasping anything. according to some karna-kltl. — Karna-kubja, am, as, a, am, near the root of the ear. — Karna-moti,
karkaretu. See karkaratuka. n., N. of an imaginary town. — Karna-kshveda, as, is, f. an epithet of Devi or Durgi in one of her
m. an affection of the ear, a roaring or constant forms or incarnations (CSmunda). — Karna-yoni,
karkasa, as, a, am, hard, harsh, noise in tt. — Karna-kharika, as, m., N. of a is, is, i, Ved. having the ear as a source or starting-
rough (opposed to komala, tflakshna) ; intangible ; Vailya. — Karna-ga, as, a, am, touching the ear, point, going forth from the ear, an epithet of an
violent, cruel ; unfeeling, unmerciful ; harsh, unkind, hanging on it, next to the ear, extending to the ear. arrow, because in shooting the bow-string is drawn
miserly ; (an), m. a sword, a scymitar ; N. of several — Karna-gutha, am, n. ear-wax; (as), m. or back to the ear. — Karna-randkra, as, am, m. n.
plants, = kdmpilla = gunddrodani (commonly called karna-gut/iaka, as, m. hardening of the wax of the the orifice or auditory passage of the ear ; [cf. karna-
Sunda Rochani) ; a kind of cassia, Cassia or Senna ear. — Karna-grihita, as, a, am, seized by the ear. ddhidra, karna-puta, Sec.] — Karna-roga, as, m.
Esculenta ; a species of sugar-cane ; (a). £ a thorny — Karna-grihya, ind. seizing by the ear. — Karna- disease of the ear. — Karnaroga-pratiskedha, as,
plant, Tragia Involucrata ; (1), f. the wild jujube ; [cf. godara, as, a, am, perceptible to the ear, audible. m. cure of a disease of the ear. -. Karnaroga-
plants karkara."] — Karkada-ddhada,
Aspera m. the — Karna-grdha, as, m. a helmsman. — Karna-
and TrichosanthesM, Diceca;
vijnana, am, n. diagnosis of any disease of the ear.
grdha-vat, an, ail, at, furnished with a helmsman — Karna-latd, f. or karna-latikd, f. the lobe of
(as a ship). — Karna-ddhidra, am, n. the outer the ear. — Karna-vans'a, as, m. an elevated plat-
(a), f. the plant Luil'a Acutangula. — Karkas"a-tva, auditory passage; [cf. karna-puta, karna-randkra, form of bamboo. — Karna-vat, an, all, at, having
am, n. hardness, harshness, rough manners. » Kar-
kaia-dala, as, m. the plant Trichosanthes Dioeca ; &c.] — Karna-japa, as, m. 'ear-whisperer,' an in- ears, long-eared ; furnished with tendrils or hooks ;
(a), f. another plant. — Karkaia-vakya, am, n. former. —Karna-jalukd, f. an insect, Julus ; a small having a helm. — Karna-varjita, as, d, ami earless ;
harsh or contumelious speech. centipede ; [cf. karna-kitd.] — Karna-jalaukd, f. or (as), m. a snake. — Karnavitka, as, d, am, fur-
KarkaiSikd, f. wild jujube. karna-jalaukas, as, (. the same. — Karna-japa or nished with ear-wax. — Karna-vidradhi, is, (. ulcer-
. karka-sara. See under karka. karna-japa, as, m. whispering in the ear, tale- ation of the ear. •• Karna-vivara, am, n. the audi-
bearing, calumniating. — Karnajdha, am, n. the
tory passage of the ear. — Karna-visk, t, f. ear-wax.
karkdru, us, u, m. n. a kind of root of the ear. — Karna-jit, t, m. 'the conqueror — Karna-vedha, as, m. ' ear-piercing,' a religious
gourd, Beninkasa Cerifera. of Karna,' an epithet of Arjuna ; (Kama having ceremony performed to prevent a person from dying,
taken the part of the Kurus, was killed by Arjuna in if the birth of a third son be expected ; piercing the
culatus. as, m. the plant Convolvulus Pani- one of the great battles between them and the ear to receive ear-rings. ** Karna-vedhani or karna-
PSndus.) — Karna-tas, ind. away from the ear. vedhanikd, f. an instrument for piercing the ear of
<*r«fi karki, is, m. the sign of the zodiac, — Karna-tdla, as, m. the flapping of an elephant's an elephant. — Karna-veskta, as, m. an ear-ring;
Cancer ; also read karkin, I, m. ears. — Karna-darpana, as, m. an ear-ring, an N. of a prince. *• Karna-veshtaka, as, m. the flaps
ornament for the ear. — Karna-dundubhi, is, (. a of a cap protecting the ear ; (as or am), m. n. (?)
karkt-prastha. See under karka. kind of worm (making a noise in the ear like a
an ear-ring. — Karna-veshtana, am, n. an ear-ring.
karketana or karketara, as, m. (?) drum); see karna-kita. — Kanja-deva, as, m., N. — Karna-iaxkknli, f. the outer part of the ear, the
a kind of gem or precious stone. of a king.— Karna-d/idra, as, m. a helmsman, a exterior cartilaginous portion leading to the auditory
pilot. — Karnadhara-ta, (. the office of an helms-
«li<*T7 karkota, as, m. one of the principal man. — Karna-dhdrinl, f. a female elephant. passage. — Karna-s'irhka, as, m. a Sirisha flower
fastened to the ear as an ornament. — Karna-fula,
serpents or NSgas of Patsla ; (as), m. pi., N. of a — Karna-ndda, as, m. ringing in the ear. — Karna- as, am, m. n. ear-ache. — Karnas^tlin, I, inl, i,
people ; (am), n. a poisonous fruit. ndsd, f. the ears and the nose. — Karnandu, us, f. having ear-ache. ~ Karna-ddbhana, am, n.,Ved. an
Karkotaka, as, m. several plants, Momordica a woman's ear-ring; see karndndu. — Karna-pa, ear ornament. — Karna-3rava, as, d, am, audible,
Mixta ; ./Egle Marmelos ; the sugar-cane ; N. of a as, m., N. of a man. — Karna-pattraka, as, m. loud. •- Karna-fravas, as, m., N. of a Brahman.
N5ga or serpent; (as), m. pi., N. of a barbarous the tragus, a part of the external ear. — Karna- — Kanfa-irut, t, m., N. of the author of several
tribe of low origin ; (I), (., N. of a plant ; (kd), f. patka, as, m. the compass or range of hearing ; hymns of the Rig-veda. — Kartia-samsrdva or kar-
the plant Momordica Mixta. — Karkotaka-visha, karnapatham d-yd or upe (upa-i), to come within na-srava or karna-srava, as, m. running of the
am, n. the poison of Karkotaka. the range of the ear, to be heard. " Karna-para, ear, discharge of pus or ichorous matter from the ear.
208 karna-su.
" Kartia-fii, us, m. the father of Karna, an epithet Karttavya, as, a, am, to be cut down, to be
ing in compounds (e. g. ayas-karni). — Karyi-snta, killed.
of SOrya or the sun. — Karna-siifi, i«, m. a kind of as, m. an epithet of Kansa, the enemy of Krishna ;
insect. — Kurna-sphotd, f. a sort of creeper (com- Karttrilid, (. a small sword, a knife ; [cf. the next.]
manual. to the scholiast the author of a thieves'
monly kdnaphdtd). — Karnd-karni, ind. from ear Karttrikd, (. a hunter's knife.
to ear, whispering into each other's ears. — Kar- Karnya, as, a, am, being in or at the ear ; suita- Karttrl, f. a pair of scissors.
ble to the ear. Kartya, as, d, am, to be cut down.
ndnjali (°na-a»°), is, m. the auditory passage of
the outer ear. — Karndtihaka ("tia-ddh") , as, m., karnata, as, m. pi., N. of a country j ^ kartr, cl. 10. P. kartrayati, -yitum,
N. of a man; (as), m. pi. the descendants of this man. \ to unloose, remove ; [cf. kart and Itatr.]
and the people inhabiting it, whence the modern
— Karnddeia (°na-dd°), as, m. an ear-ring (?). Karnatic ; the name, however, was anciently applied j J kard, cl. i . P. kardati, -ditum, to rum-
— Karndnuja ("na-an°), as, m. an epithet of to the central districts of the peninsula, including ^ ble, as the bowels ; to caw, as a crow ; or to
Yudhishthira, the younger brother of Kama, one of
Mysore ; (T), f. a princess of Karnata ; a plant, com- make any similar noise ; [cf. pard; Gr. x°P^-]
the five Paiidu princes. — Karndntika (?Ha-a»°), monly Hansapadi ; one of the RSgims or female
at, a, am, near or dose to the ear. — Karnandu personifications of the musical modes, the bride of Ktinlana, am, n. rumbling of the bowels, bor-
(°»ia-a»0), us or M, Us, (. an ornament for the ear ; the Riga MSlava. — Ifarndta-de^a, as, m. the borygmi ; (i), f. the day of full moon in the month
Karnata country. Caitra.
an ear-ring. — Karndbharanaka fna-dbh0), as,
m. the tree Cathartocarpus (Cassia) Fistula. — Kar- Karndtaka, as, m. pi., N. of a country and the «B^ karda,
mud; clay. as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kard),
nara (°na and it. ft'?), f. an instrument for perfo- people inhabiting it. — Karnataka-deda, as, m. the
rating the ear of an elephant. — Karndri (°na-ar»), Karnata country.— Karndtaka-blidshd, I. the dia- Kardata, as, m. mud, dirt; the fibrous root of
if, m. an epithet of Arjuna (as the enemy of Kama) ; lect of Karnata. the lotus ( = karahdta); any aquatic weed, as
the tree Terminalia Arjuna.— Karttdrpana (°na- Vallisneria &c.
ar°), am, n. applying the ear, giving ear, paying karnarpana. See under karna. Kardama, as, m. mud, slime ; mire, clay ; dirt,
attention, listening to. — Karndlankdra (°na-al'), filth, sin ; a kind of plant ; a poisonous kind of bulb ;
as, m. or karndlankriyd, f. or karndlankriti, is, pr kart (a various reading for katr, N. of a N5ga ; N. of a PrajSpati, born from the
{. an ear ornament, an ear-ring. — Karnds'va (°na- N/.-artr), cl. 10. P. kartayati, -yitum, to shadow of Brahma, or son of that god by Chaya, and
slacken or unloose, to remove.
af° 1), as, m., N. of a man. — Karnasphdla (°na- the husband of Devahuti and father of Kapila ; a son
«8°), as, m. the flapping to and fro of an elephant's «57f karta, as, m. (fr. I. krit ?), Ved. a hole, of Prajapati Pulaha ; (I), f., N. of a plant ; (am),
ears. •• Karne-iurwiurd, f. tale-bearing. — Karne- a cavity; (a more recent form is garta.) n. flesh; (a«, a, am), furnished with mud, mire,
japa, as, a, am, a slanderous whisperer, a secret
traducer, a tale-bearer, an informer. — Karne-tiri- ^fibr i . kartana,am, n. (fr. i.krit), cutting, dirt, filth. — Kardama^rdja, as, m. or fcara'ama-
cutting offer in pieces, excision ; (I), f. scissors. rdjan, d, m., N. of a man, a son of Kshema-gupta.
tira, f. tale-bearing. — Karnendu (°na-m°), us, — Kardamdtaka
f. a semicircular ornament of the ear, an ear-ring ; Kartari, is, f. scissors. filth, a sewer, &c. ;(°ma-dt°), as, m.patnydta.]
[cf. Tsanydta, a receptacle for
Kartarikd, f. a knife, a small sword or cutlass ; a
[cf. l;arndndv.~\ — Karnotpala (°na-uf), as, m., Kardamalia, as, m. a kind of granulous fruit ;
N. of a poet. — Karnodaya ("fta-ao"), N. of a book. hunter's knife or sword, a couteau de chasse ; scissors. a poisonous kind of bulb ; a kind of serpent.
Kartari, f. a scissors or shears ; a knife ; a small
•• Karnopakarnika (°na-upc), f. a female tale- sword or cutlass ; the part of an arrow to which the Kardamila, as, d, am, furnished with mud, dirty.
bearer orinformer. "Karnorna(0na-v,T°),as,d,am, feathers are attached. Kardamtrii, f. a marshy region.
having wool on the ears (as any animal). Kardamila, am, n., N. of a region.
Karndka, as, m., Ved. a prominence, handle, or <*n«T 2. kartana, am, n. (fr. 2. krit), spin-
projection on the side or sides (of a vessel &c.) ; ning cotton or thread. <*M« karpata, as, am, m. n. old or patched
a tendril ; applied also to the legs when spread out ; or ragged garments; [cf. kdrpatika and panfa-
N. of a man ; (as), m, pi. the descendants of this <*nO*T kartanya, a kind of poisonous karpata.] — Karpata-dhdrin, e, m. a religious men-
man. — Karnaka-vat, an, ati, at, Ved. furnished dicant, beggar
a in patched or ragged clothes, or some-
with tendrils or side branches. plant. times with merely a cloth to cover the privities.
Karnakita, as, a, am, furnished with tendrils. 4n*U kartavya, as, a, am (fut. pass. part. Karpatika, as, d, am, or Tcarpatin, I, ini, i,
Karnala, as, a, am, furnished with ears. fr. i. kri), to be done, made or accomplished, what covered with patched or ragged garments, clothed in
Karnika, as, a, am, having ears, having large or ought to be done ; to be imposed (as a punishment) ;
long ears ; having a helm ; (as), m. a steersman ; to be turned towards (as the mind) ; to be offered ;
<*M<!( raiment.
karpana, a kind of lance or spear ;
pi., N. of a people ; N. of a king in Potala ; (a), f. to be acted ; (am), n. what ought to be done, obliga-
tion, duty, task. — Kartavya-td, f. or kartavya-tva, [cf. kanapa and karpara.]
an ear-ring or ornament for the ear ; a knot, tubercle ;
round protuberance (e. g. the round protuberance at am, n. necessity, obligation ; propriety, fitness ; suit- <*m. karpara, as, m. a cup, a pot, an iron
able measures.
the end of a reed or cane) ; the pericarp of a lotus ; saucepan or frying-pan (according to some also n.
Kartu, the base of several cases, used as infinitives in this sense) ; the skull, the cranium ; a kind of
a fruit-stalk; the tip of an elephant's trunk; the of the verb kri in the Veda (e. g. kartum, kartave,
middle finger ; chalk ; a pen or small brush ; a trowel ; weapon; the plant Ficus Glomerate, [cf. udum-
the plants Premna Spinosa or Longifolia, and Odina kartavai, kartos). — Kartit-kdma, as, a, am, de-
Pinnata ; a bawd ; N. of an Apsaras ; N. of the wife sirous or intending to do. fcara] ; (i), f. a collyrium extracted from the Arno-
mum Anthorhiza, [cf. ghata-karpara, kharpara.]
of Kan-ka.— Karnikddala, as, m. an epithet of the Kartri, td, trl, tri, a doer, a maker, one who
makes or does, an agent, one who practises what he Karpardla, as, m. a tree described as a Pilu grow-
fabulous mountain Mem; (fr. karntkd, the seed ing in the hills ; (a various reading for kandardla.)
vessel of a lotus, and afala, a mountain, Mem being knows; one who acts in a religious ceremony, a
in the centre of the world, the divisions of which priest ; (very often at the end of compounds, e. g. Karpardfo, as, m. sand, gravel, a sandy soil ; (a
are compared to the leaves of a lotus) ; also karni- Tihaya-lcartri, rdjya-kartri, &c.) ; (ta), m. the wrong reading for karparans'a, a potsherd.)
kSdri, &c. creator of the world, an epithet of Brahma, of Rarparikd, f. (diminutive fr. karpari) in karpa-
Vishnu, and of Siva; (in gram.) an agent, one who rikdtuttha, am, n. a collyrium extracted from the
Karriikdra, as, m. the tree Pterospermum Aceri- Amomum Anthorhiza.
folium ; also Cassia Fistula ; the pericarp of a lotus ; acts of his own accord (sva-tantrah), the active noun,
(om), n. the flower of the tree Pterospermum Ace- the nominative case. — Kartri-td, f. the state of being Karparika (7), as, m. fire.
rifolium and of Cassia Fistula.— Karnikdra-priya, the agent of an action. — Kartri-tea, am, n. agency, <*<U*l karpasa, as, am, m. n. (said to be
as, m. an epithet of Siva. the act or property of an agent. — KarM-piira, am, fr. I. kri), cotton, Gossypium Herbaceum; (?), f.
Karnikin, i, m. an elephant. n., N. of a town. — Kartri-vddya, as, m. the active the cotton tree ; [cf. kdrpdsa : cf. also Gr. itdfnrturos ;
Kartiin, i, inl, i, having ears, relating to the ear ; voice. — Kartri-stha,, as, d, am, standing or being Lat. cartels.]
long-eared ; (at the end of compounds) having (any- within the agent. — Kartristha-kriyaka, as, d,
thing) attached to the ear; furnished with flaps or am, any (root &c.) whose action stands within the oR^J i. karpura, as, am, m. n. (said to be
anything similar (said of shoes) ; barbed, furnished agent. — Kartristharbhavaka, as,d,am, any (root fr. rt. krip), camphor (the plant and resinous exuda-
with knots &c. (as an arrow) ; having a helm ; (j), &c.) whose state or bhdva stands within the agent. tion and fruit); (as), m., N. of a poet; N. of the
m. the side of the neck, the part near the ear ; a Kartrika, as, d, am, an agent, one who does father of Gajamalla and uncle of Kalyanamalla.
steersman ; N. of a mountain, one of the seven prin- anything. — Kartrika-tra, am, n. agency, action. Karpiira-kavi, is, m., N. of a poet. — Knrpura-
cipal ranges of the mountains, dividing the universe ; Kartra, am, n., Ved. an incantation, charm. Tihanda, as, m. a field of camphor. — Karpura-
(inl), f. (scil. yoni) a disease of the uterus, prolapsus gaura, am, n., N. of a lake or pond (yellowish-
or polypus uteri. - Karm-ratha, a>, m. (for karni- Kartva, as, d, am, Ved. to be done or accom-
; n. obligation, duty ; task. white like camphor). — Karpuragaurakhya (°ra-
ratha), a covered car, or (according to some) a litter
for the conveyance of women &c., borne on men's <+(Hrl kartita, as, a, am (fr. rt. i. krit), dkh°), as, d, am, called Karpuragaura. — Karpura-
shoulders. tilnktt, as, m., N. of an elephant ; (a), f. an epithet
cut, cut off.
Karnila, as, a, am, long-eared. of Jaya, one of Durga's female attendants or confi-
Kartishyat, an, atl or and, at, or kartishya- dantes. —Karpura-taila, am, n. camphor liniment,
Knrni, a fern, form related to karna and appear- mdna, as, a, am, intending or wishing to cut. — Karpura-nalikd, f. a kind of food prepared with
karpura-prakarana. karma-viparyaya.
camphor, rice dressed with spices and camphor and is at the same time the object of an acton (this is the religious actions, engaged in active duties ; (as), m.
ghee. — Karpura-prakarana, am, n. a Jaina work idea expressed by the reflexive passive, as in odanah a Brahman who performs sacrifices &c. — Karma-
by Hari. — KarpHra-manjart, f. title of a dramatic pafyate, 'the mashed grain cooks of itself,' see patha, as, m. the way or direction of an action.
work by Raja-Sekhara. — Karpura-mani, is, m. a Gram. 461.0); karma-kartdrau, m. du. the work — Karma-paddhati, is, f. title of a work. — Kar-
white mineral used medicinally. — Karpura-saras, and the person accomplishing it. — Karma-kdiula, ma-paka, as, m. the ripening of actions, i. e. re-
ai, n., N. of a lake or pond. a», am, m. n. that department of the Veda which compense for actions done in a former life; [cf.
2. karpura, nom. P. karpurati, -ritum, to spread relates to ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites ; N. of karma-vipdka.} — Karma-pradtpa, as, m. title of
like the smell of camphor. a Jaina work. — Karma-kdra, as, I, am, a worker, a work of Kltyayana ; N. of a work of Milra.
Karpuraka, as, in. zedoary, Curcuma Zerumbet. one who does any business, an artisan, a mechanic ;
one who performs any act (without receiving wages — Karmapradipa-vivriii,
mentary on the Karmapradlpa. N.— Karmu-pradlpikd,
of Sivarama's com-
karphara, as, m. a mirror ; [cf. kar- for it, according to native lexicographers) ; (as), m. f. title of a work of Kama-deva. — Karma-prava-
a bull ; a blacksmith (forming a mixed caste re- tamya, employed for the definition of an action ;
karb, cl. i. P. karbati, -bitum, to garded as the progeny of the divine artist Visva- (a*), m. (scil. dabdas) a term for certain preposi-
karman and a Sudra woman); (i), f. the plants tions, particles, or adverbs, not connected with a verb,
go, move, approach.
Sanseviera Zeylonica and Momordica Monadelpha. but with a case of a noun ; (according to Panini the
See karvara. — Karma-kdraka, as, a, am, one who does any first and general category to which prepositions belong
act or work. — Karmakdrdpaya, nom.((r.karma- is that of Nipatas or particles ; they are Upasargas
=ir;J karbu, us, us, u (said to be fir. rt. kav, and Gatis when they are in connection with verbal
kdra) A. karmakdrdpayate, -yitum, to cause any
to paint, colour), variegated, spotted. — Karbu-ddra, one to work as a servant. — Karma-kdrin, I, int, i, action, i. e. with the tenses of a verb ; but the term
as, m. the tree Bauhinia Candida or Barleria Cserulea.
working, doing any work or act, (in compounds gati is more comprehensive than upttsarga, and is
— Karbu-ddraka, ai, m. the tree Cordia Latifolia.
Karbuka, as, m. pi., N. of a people. preceded by an adjective or pronoun, e. g. s"ubha- applicable also when the verbal root becomes de-
karma-kdrin, doing good works; tat-karma-kd- veloped into a noun substantive, adjective, or parti-
Karbura and karvura, as, a, am, variegated, of
rin, performing the same business.) — Karma-kdr- ciple. Moreover, the term upasarga is confined to
a spotted or variegated colour ; white ; (a*), rn. a
muka, as or am (?), m. or n. ' the bow of action,' i.e. the prepositions with su and dux, whereas the Gatis
variegated colour ; sin ; a Rakshas ; the plant Cur- an efficacious or strong bow. — Karma-kilaka, as, include many other adverbial prefixes such as alam
cuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet ; rice growing amidst and the nouns and adjectives which take the affix 6vi
m. a washerman. — Karma-krit, t, t, t, performing
inundation; (a), f. the plant Bignonia Suaveolens;
any work, skilful in work (e. g. tikshna-karma-
another plant, commonly called Varvara ; (5), f. an Sec. Lastly, prepositions are Karmapravac'anlyas
krit, working with zeal) ; a workman, an artisan ; are unconnected with verbs and govern a noun ifeither
epithet of the goddess DurgS ; (am), n. gold ; the a servant ; one who has done any work. — Karma- separated from it or forming a compound with it. A
plant Datura, and the fruit of it ; water. — Karbara- kritavat, an, m. the director of a religious rite, the
phala, as, m. a plant, commonly called Sakurunda. Karmapravac'anTya never loses its accent, and exercises
reciter of Mantras or formularies. — Karma-kritya, no euphonic influence on the initial letters of a fol-
Karbura or karviira, as, m. a Rakshas ; the plant
am, n., Ved. activity, the state of active exertion. lowing verb.) — Karma-prai'dda, as, m., N. of the
Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet; (a), f. a leech;
— Karma-kshama, as, d, am, competent to per- eighth of the fourteen Purvas or oldest religious
(am), n. gold; a yellow orpiment. form an act, able to do it. — Karma-kshetra, am,
Karburaka, as, m. the plant Curcuma Amhaldi writings of the Jamas. — Karma-phala, am, n. the
or Zerumbet. n. the district or region of religious acts ; [cf. karma- fruit or recompense of actions ; pain, pleasure, &c.,
considered as the consequence of acts ; the fruit of
Karburita, as, a, am, variegated, many-coloured. bhumi."\ — Karma-granthi-^>ratkama-jMara, title the tree Averrhoa Carambola ; [cf. karmaranga.]
of a Jaina work.— Karma-yhdta, as, m. lit. ' the
«Mc6 karbela, as, m. an epithet of the killing of work,' i. e. the act of leaving off work. — Karmaphalodaya (°la-iuP), as, m. the occur-
copyist Vishnu-bhatta. — Karma-Sandra, as, m., N. of a prince of Ma- rence of consequences. — Karma-bandha, as, m. the
lava. — Karma-Hit, t, t, t, Ved. collected or accom- tie of works (by which the soul is attached to pleasure
o*AH karman, a, n. (fr.rt. I. kri; according plished bywork. — Karma-feshtd, (. active exertion, &c.). — Karma-bandhana, as, d, am, bound by
to some also m.), action, work, deed ; performance, action. — Karma-dodand, f. the motive impelling to acts ; (am), u. confinement to repeated existence, as
business ; office ; specific action, moral duty, the ritual acts. "Karma-jet, as, d, am, resulting from the consequence of acts. — Karma-bhu, us, f. tilled
obligation imposed by peculiarities of tribe, occupa- or produced by any act whether religious or immoral ; or cultivated ground. — Karma-bhumi, is, f. the
tion, &c. ; labour (as opposed to rest, prafanti) ; (as), m. the holy fig tree, Ficus Religiosa; the land or region of religious actions, i. e. where such
any religious action or rite (as sacrifice, ablution, &c., Kali-yuga or fourth and present age of the world, actions are performed ; (according to Hemacandra
especially as originating in the hope of future re- the age of iniquity. — Karmaja-guna, as, m. a the Karmabhumis are Bharata, Airavata, and Videha,
compense and as opposed to speculative religion or property resulting from human acts (as separation, but not the district of the Kurus ; the other Varshas
knowledge of spirit) ; action consisting in motion as reunion, UK.). — Karma-jit, t, m., N. of a prince. are phala-bhiimayas, i. e. lands of recompense ; cf.
the third among the seven categories of the NySya -Karma-jna, as, d, am, skilled in any work; karma-kihetra.) — Karma-maya, as, I, am, con-
philosophy, (of these motions there are five, viz. acquainted with religious rites. — Karmani-vddya, sisting of works, resulting from works. — Karma-
ut-kshepctna, throwing upwards ; ava-kshzpana, as, m. the passive voice in grammar, (but according mdrga, as,- m. the way of work ; a technical term
throwing downwards ; d-kundana, contraction; pra- to Panini the passive is an Atmane-pada verb with used by thieves for the breaking of walls &c. — Kar-
sdrana, extension or dilatation ; and gainaita, going the affix yak in four tenses, and karman expresses ma-mimdnsd, see s. v. mimansa. — Karma-mula,
or motion in general) ; product, result, effect ; organ only one idea of the passive.) — Karma-tydga, as, am, n. Kusa or sacrificial grass, used as an essential
of sense [cf. karmendriya] ; natural or active pro- m. abandonment of worldly duties or ceremonial part in many religious and sacred rites. — Karma-
perty (asmaturity, of heat ; support, of earth ; disper- rites. — Karma-tva, am, n. or karma-ta, f. state yuga, am, n. the fourth and present age of the
sion, of wind, &c.); the immediate object of an agent of action, any act, the active discharge of the duties world, the iron age, the Kali-yuga. — Karma-yoga,
or act ; (in grammar) the idea or notion expressed and functions of life. — Karma-dushta, as, d, am, as, m. performance of a work or business or of
by the ace. case, (this object is of four kinds, viz. corrupt in action, wicked in practice, immoral, dis-
worldly functions and religious duties; active exer-
a. nirtartya, when anything new is produced, e. g. reputable. —Karma-devn, as, m., Ved. a god by
tion, industry ; connection with a sacrifice. — Karma-
katam karoti, * he makes a mat ;* putrctm prasute, actions (opposed to djdna-deva, a god by birth). yoni, is, m. f. source of action. — Karmargha, as,
' she bears a son :' b. vikdrya, when change is implied — Rtrma-dosha, as, m. a sinful work, sin, vice; m. (fr. karman and righa in righdya), N. of a
either of the substance and form, e. g. kashlham error, blunder ; the evil consequence of human acts, teacher. — Karma-vafana, am, n. (with Buddhists)
bhaxma karoti, 'he makes ashes out of fuel;' or discreditable conduct or business. — Karma-dhdraya, the ritual. — Karma-vajra, as, a, am, ' whose
of the form only, e. g. suvarnam kundalam ka- as, m., N. of a class of compounds (see Gram. 755) ; thunderbolt is work;' an epithet of the Sudra.
according to native grammarians a subdivision of the —Karma-vat, an, ati, at, busy with a work, em-
roli, ' he fashions gold into an ear-ring :' c. prdpya,
when any desired object is attained, e. g. grimam Tat-purusha class, the members of which are in the ployed in it. — Karma-vafa, as, d, am, being in
same relationship either as adjective and substan- the power of or subject to former actions; (as), m.
gaMhati, ' he goes to the village;' (andrampai'yati,
' he sees the moon :' d. anipsita, when an undesired tive or as two substantives in apposition (e. g. s~ve- the necessary influence of acts ; fate, considered as the
object is abandoned, e. g. papam tyajati, ' he leaves tafva, 'a white ho^e;' Panini I. 2, 41, calls a inevitable consequence of actions done in a former
the wicked') ; fate, the certain consequence of previous Karma-dharaya comp. a Samanadhikarana-tatpu- life. — KarmavaM-td, f. the condition of having
acts [cf. karma-paka and karma-vipdka] ; (in as- rusha; cf. adhi-karana). — Karma-dlivansa, as, power over works, a quality of a Bodhi-sattva.
tronomy) the tenth lunar mansion. •— Karma-kara, m. loss of benefit arising from religious acts, destruc- — Karma-vaiin, i, im, i, having power over
as, i, am, working for other people, a hired labourer, tion of any work, disappointment. — Karma-ndman, works. —Karma-vdtt, f. a lunar day or the thirtieth
a servant of any kind (as a pupil &c.) who is not a slave, a, n. a participle. — Karma-ndila, f., N. of a river division of a lunar month (regulating all ceremonies,
an agent, any one who does work or business ; (as)l between Kas'I and VihSra, contact with which destroys observances, religious actions, &c.). — Karma^vigkna*
m. an epithet of Yama, the regent of the dead ; (i), the merit of works. — Kttrma-nibandha, an, m. at, m. an impediment to work, obstruction. — Kar-
f. the plant Sanseviera Zeylonica ; the plant Momor- necessary consequence of works. •• Ktirma-nirfidra, ma-vidki, is, m. rule of action, observance, practice,
dica Monadelpha. — Karma-karlri, td,m.' an object- as, m. removal of (bad) deeds or their effects. mode of conducting any ceremony. — Karma-vi-
agent' or 'object-containing agent,' i. e. an agent which — Karma-nivhthd, as, as, am, Ved. diligent in paryaya, as, m. succession of office or employment,
210 karma-vipaka. Ma.
revolving or alternating duty ; contrariety or reverse perceptive organs of sense; fiv« are reckoned, viz. karsana, as, a, am (fr. rt. kris), ren-
of any act or business. — Karma-vipaka, as, m. ' the the hand, the foot, the larynx or organ of the voice, dering lean, attenuating, causing emaciation; (as),
m. fire ; [cf. kriianu.]
ripening of actions,' i.e. the good or evil consequences the organ of generation and of excretion). — Karmo-
in this life of human acts performed in previous ddra (°ma-ud°), am, n. any honourable or valiant karsapha, as, m., Ved. an epithet of
births ; title of a work on this subject, explaining ex-
piatory rites to be performed in cases of disease &c., act, magnanimity, piov/ex. — Karmodyukla ("ma- imps or goblins.
ud?), as, a, am, actively labouring, busily engaged.
supposed to be the punishment of offences committed - Karmodyotja Cma-iuT), as, m. engaging actively
in any work. karsya, as, m., N. of a plant, = kar-
in a previous existence (written in S'lokas in the form <!ura ; [cf. Ttariya. and kdrshya.]
of a dialogue between SakuntalS-Bharata and Ssta- Karma, as, am, m. n. according to some lexico-
tapa-Bhrigu), a work ofVisvesVara-bhatta.— Karma- karsha, as, m. (fr. rt. krish), drawing,
graphers =karmcm.
vipdka-saitgraha, title of a book. — Karmavipdka- Karmaka (at the end of some compounds) = liar- dragging, pulling; attracting; ploughing; a furrow,
*dra, title of a book composed by Dinakara, the man, q. V. a trench ; a scratch ; (as, am), m. n. a weight of
brother of Kamalskara-bhatta. — Jfarma-vis'esha, as, Karmatha, as, a, am, skilful or clever in work, gold or silver, equal to 1 6 MSshas = J Pala = ^jn!o{»
m. variety of act or actions. — Karma-vlja, am, n. clever; working diligently, accomplishing any rite, TulS = 1 1,375 French grains; according to the ancient
the seed of works. — Karma-tdld, (. a workshop, a anxious fo perform anything ; (as), m. the director division of 5 Rettis to the M2sha the Karsha would
house of business. — Karma-fall, (., N. of a river in and performer of a sacrifice. be equal to about 1 76 grains troy ; in common use
CaturgrSma. — Karma-slla, as, a, am, assiduous, Karmanya, as, a, am, Ved. skilful in work, clever, 8 Rettis are given to the MSsha, and the Karsha is
laborious, one who perseveres in his duties without diligent ; proper or fit for any act, suitable to it ; (at then about 280 grains troy. — Karsha-phala, as,
looking to their reward. — Karma-Buddha (?), am, the end of compounds) relating to any business or to m. the tree Terminalia Bellerica ; this tree is also
n. approved occupation. — Karma-iura, as, a, am, the accomplishment of anything ; (a), f. wages, hire ; called Aksha, because its fruits are used as dice ; (d),
assiduous, laborious ; (as), m. a skilful or clever work-
man. —Karma-iauto, am, n. humility. — Karma- (am), n. energy, activity. — Karmanya-td, f. skil- f. the plant Emblica Officinalis. — Karshardha (°sha-
fulness, cleverness. — Karmanya-b h uj, k, k, k, re- ar°), am, n. a Tolaka, a weight of 16 MSshas
fresktha, as, m., N. of a son of Pulaha by Gati. ceiving wages, working for hire ; (a various reading (according to some calculations).
— Karma-saitgraha, as, m. assemblage of acts, com- for bharanya-bhuj.) Karshaka, as, a, am, a cultivator of the soil, one
prising the act, its performance and the performer. Karmatas, ind. according to actions. who ploughs or lives by tillage ; a husbandman ; who
•• Karma-sa&va, as, m. a minister, any officer Karmara, as, m., Ved. an artificer, a mechanic, or what draws or drags, attractive, what attracts.
employed upon active duties, as a judge, a deputy, &c. a blacksmith, a brazier, a carpenter, &c.; a bamboo ; Karshana, as, a, am, pulling to and fro, drag-
— Karma-sannydsfka, as, m. an ascetic, a religious the plant Averrhoa Carambola, = karmaranga below. ging, attracting, overpowering, injuring ; tormenting ;
person who has withdrawn from works. — Karma- — Karmdra-vana, am, n., N. of a place. harassed ; extending (in time) ; (am), n. the act of
samddhi, it, m. devotion, abstraction (?). — Karma- Karmdraka, as, m. the plant Averrhoa Carambola. dragging or pulling ; drawing to and fro ; removing,
tambhava, as, a, am, produced by or resulting from Karmika, as, a, am, acting, active. hurting, injuring; bending (a bow); ploughing, cul-
acts. — Karma-sdkshin, i, m. ' the witness of all arts, ' Karmin, I, ini, i, acting, active, busy; performing tivating the ground ; cultivated land.
epithet of the sun. — Karma-sadhaka, as, ikd, am, a religious action ; engaged in any work or business ; theKarehani,
men). is, (. an unchaste woman (attracting
accomplishing a work. — Karma-sddhana, am, n. belonging or relating to any act.
implement, means ; articles essential to the perform- Karmishtha, as, a, am (said to be a superlative kshirint.]
ance of any religious act. — Karma-sid did , is, f. of the last), very active, assiduous, diligent. Karshanl, f., N. of a plant ; [cf. karshint and
accomplishment of an act, success. — Karma-sena, Karmma=k<irman at the end of a compound;
as, m., N. of the father of R3ma-(5andra. — Karma- [cf. alankarmlna.] Karshanlya, as, d, am, to be drawn or pulled ;
stha, as, a, am, standing or being within the object. to be attracted ; to be conciliated or won.
karmanda, as, m., N. of a man, Karshayat, an, anil, at, dragging, pulling; at-
— Karmastha-kriyaka, as, S, am, any (root) author of a Bhikshu-sutra. tractingharassing,
; annoying.
whose action stands within the object. •• KarmastJia-
bhdvaka, as, a, am, any (root &c.) whose state Karmandin, I, m. a beggar, a religious mendi- Karshita, as, d, am, drawn, attracted ; distracted,
cant, a member of the fourth order (lit. ' a follower tormented, harassed ; worn out ; ploughed.
(bhara) elands within the object. — Karma-slhdna,
am, n. a public office or place of business. — Karma- of Karmanda'). Karshin, ?, ini, i, who or what pulls or draws or
hetu, us, us, «, caused by acts, arising from acts. karmara and karmaraka, as, m. the attracts ; attractive ; inviting ; who or what ploughs
— KarmaksJutma fma-ak°), as, a, am, incapable plant Averrhoa Carambola. or furrows, a ploughman, peasant ; (ini), f. the bit
of business. — Karmdnga (°ma-an°), as, m. part Karmaranga, as, m., N. of the same plant ; of a bridle ; a medicinal moon-plant ; [cf. karshanl,
of any act, part of a sacrificial rite. — Karmdtman (am), n. the acid fruit of this plant.
(°ma-af), a, a, a, one whose character is action, Kurshii, us, f. a furrow, trench, incision ; a river ;
endowed with principles of action, active, acting. <*»Kl karmarl, f. the manna of the bam- akshlrinl.']
canal ; a shallow trench for receiving the sacrificial
— Karmdditya ("ma-ad0'), as, m., N. of a king. fire ; (us), m. a fire of dried cow-dung ; agriculture,
— Karmddhtkdra (°ma-adh°), at, m. the right of vans'a-rotana.'}
boo ;[cf.karmasha •=. kalmasha, q. v. cultivation; livelihood.
action (in the MimSrjsa philosophy). — Karmdnu- karshapana = karshapana, q. v.
karmasa, as, m., N. of a son of
1/andha (°ma-an°), as, m. connection with or de-
pendance upon acts. •- Karmanubandhin, i, int, {, Pulaha and Kshama ; [cf. karma-treshtha.] Icarhi, ind. (fr. 2. ka), Ved. when ?
connected with or involved in works. — Karmanu- opflft karmlra, as, a, am, variegated ; (a at what time? (followed by the future or present tense)
rupa (°ma-an°), as, a, am, according to action, various reading for kirmlra.) karhi-fid or karhy-api, at any time ; [cf. Goth.
according to function or duty. — Karmanurupatat, Karmlraka, as, m. a small tree, Trophis Aspera. hmr, 'where?' Eng. where? Germ, war and wor
ind. conformably to act, function &c. — Karmanu- in wartim, icoraw, &c. ; Lith. A-ur.]
karv, cl. I. P. karvati, -vitum, to be
shthdna (°ma-an°), am, n. practising one's duties, j i i. kal, cl. I. A. kalate, -litum, to
discharging peculiar functions. — Karmdnushthdytn •x proud, to boast; [cf. kharv and garrJ]
(°ma-an), I, int, i, practising duties, performing o|r^ karva, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. i . krl), *% sound; to count; [Gr. (caAew? Lat.
rites &c. — Karmdnusdra fmo-an0), as, m. conse- love, desire ; a rat.
quence ofor conformity to acts. — Karmdntisdratas, j i 2. kal, cl. 10. P. kdlayati, -yitum,
cMi karvata, as, am, m. n. declivity of a
ind. according to one's deeds. — Karmanta(°ma-an°), *K to push on, drive forward, drive away ;
as, m. work, business, administration of an office ; mountain ; a village, market-town, the capital of a
management of any business ; the end of any task district (of two or four hundred villages) in a pleasant carry off; to drive together, collect ; to throw; to
or act ; the end or abandonment of ritual acts ; tilled site and of handsome construction ; (as), m., N. of announce the time.
or cultivated ground.— Karmantam (°ma-an°), an. country
a city. or a people; (F), f., N. of a river; (am), =r=r 3- kal, cl. 10. P. kalayati, -yitum,
am, n. interval between religious actions, suspense of '*% to impel, incite, urge on ; to bear, carry ;
such an action ; difference or contrariety of action ; Karvataka, as or am, m. or n.(?) declivity of a to do, make, accomplish ; to tie on, attach, affix ; to
penance, expiation. — Karmdntika, as, I, am, final, mountain. utter a sound, murmur ; to furnish with ; to observe,
completing; (as), m. a workman, a servant, one «str i. karvara, am, n. (fr. rt. i. in), Ved. perceive, take notice of; to regard, consider, count,
*ho finishes a work. — Kurrndbhirlhayaka, as, a,
a deed, action. reckon, calculate ; to go ; to take hold of the die
am, or Itarmabltidhayin (°ma-nbh°), I, int, i, called Kali (in this last sense kal may be considered
enjoining or prescribing duties or acts. — Karmd- oK^T. 2. karvara or karbara, as, a, am (said as a nom. fr. kali).
rdmlifi'i ('ma-dr0), as, m. commencement of any to be fr. rt. I. krl), variegated, spotted ; (as), m. sin ;
act. — Kurmdrha (°ma-ar°), as, a, am. fit for a tiger ; a Rakshas ; a sort of medicament ; (t), f. Kola, as, d, am, dumb, hoarse, indistinct, inarticu-
late (especially in composition with vdshpa and nrfrw,
work, able to do any work, suitable to any rite; (as), an epithet of DurgS ; night ; a RSkshasT ; a tigress ; e. £. rashpa-kahi, aitrii-kala, having the speech
m. a man. — Karmendriya (°ma-in°), am, n. an the leaf of the plant Asa Kce'ida ; [cf. karavi, kavari,
organ of action (opposed to the Ijuddhindriydni or kdravi.] See karbura. impeded by tears, sobbing) ; emitting a low or soft
tone, as humming, buzzing, &c. ; weak; crude,
kala-kantha. <*pj IV kalapa* 211
undigested ; (as), m. (scil. srara) a low or soft and kalata, am, n. the thatch of a house ; Cordifolia. — Kalasodadhl ("sa-tuT), is, m. the
inarticulate tone, as humming, buzzing, &c. ; the (other works read this kutala, q. v.)
tree Shorea Robusta ; (in poetry) time equal to four ocean.
Matras or instants ; (as), m. pi. a class of manes or <*rtfl kalata, as, a, am, = khalati, bald- «n«5 kalaha, as, am, m. n. strife, conten-
headed. tion, quarrel, war, battle ; the sheath of a sword, a
deceased ancestors ; (am), n. semen virile ; the ju-
scabbard ; a road, a way ; deceit, falsehood ; violence
jube, Zizyphus Jujuba ; (for kald see below, t, v.) "*rta kalatra, am, n. (see kadatra), a without murderous weapons, abuse, beating, kicking,
— Kala-kantha, as, m. a pleasing tone or note; a wife; any female; the hip and loins; pudendum
low murmuring tone ; having a sweet voice, N. ol &c. — Kalaha-kandala, as, m., N. of an actor.
muliebre ; a royal citadel, a strong hold or fastness ; — Kalaha-kara, as, i, am, quarrelsome, turbulent ;
several birds, as of the Indian cuckoo ; a dove, a
the seventh lunar mansion in astronomy. — Ka- contentious, pugnacious ; (t), f., N. of the wife of
pigeon ; a goose. — Kala-kala, as, m. a confused latra-vat, an, atl, at, or kalatrin, I, iyt, i, having
noise, the murmuring or buz of a crowd ; resin, a wife, united to a wife. Vikramac'anda. — Kalalia-kdrin, I, int, i, quarrel-
pitch, the resinous exudation of the tree Shorea some, contentious. — Kalaha-nds'ana, as, m. the
Robusta ; an epithet of Siva ; [cf. katakata, Tcatan- ^t^'rl* kalantaka or kalandaka, as, m. a tree Caesalpina Bonducella. — Kalaha-priya, as, a,
am, fond of contention, quarrelsome, turbulent ; (as),
species of bird.
ka(a.~] — Kalakala-vat, an, att, at, causing hum- m. an epithet of Narada ; (a), f. the bird Gracula
ming or murmuring. — Kala-kita, as, m., N. of a kalandana, as, m., N. of a man.
Grama.— Kala-kujika, (. a wanton, a lascivious Religiosa. — Kalahdntaritd (°ha-an°), f. a heroine
kalandara, as, m. a man of a mixed separated from her lover in consequence of a quarrel ;
woman. — Kala-kuta, as, m., N. of a warrior-tribe
and the country inhabited by it. — Kala-kHnikd, C. caste, the son of a Leta (?) man and a Tivara woman. an appeased wife, one who has been angry and is
a wanton, a lascivious woman. — Kala-ghosha, as, sorry for
taken it. —byKalaMpahrita
away force. (°Aa-ap°), as, a, am,
•*rtr«^*i kalandikd, f. knowledge, intel-
m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo.— Kalan-kasha,
as, m. a lion ; a musical instrument ; see kara-tdli. ligence, wisdom in general ; (a various reading for K'alahaya, nom. A. kalahdyate, -yitum, to
kallndikd, q. v.)
— Kalait-lcura, as, m. an eddy, a whirlpool. — Kala- quarrel, contend.
ti, f. or kala-tva, am, n. melody, music. — Kala- ^i«'*J kalandhu, us, m. akind of vegetable; Kalahin, I, int, I, contentious, quarrelsome.
tulikd, (. a wanton or lascivious woman ; [cf. kcda- «R75? kalahu, a particular high number ;
Icunikd.] — Kala-rdhuta, am, n. silver ; (wrong read-
ing for kala-dhauta ?)• — Kala-dhauta,am, n. gold [cf. 3if5*T
gholi.-]kalabha, as, m. (said to be fr. 3.
and silver (sounding and shining) ; (as, am), m. n. kal), a young elephant ; an elephant thirty years old ; [cf.<*rtl
kald, f. (said to be fr. 3. kal), a small
a low or pleasing tone. — Kalad/iauta-lipi, is, (. a a young camel (perhaps also the young of other part of anything, any single part or portion of a
streak of gold, illumination of a manuscript with gold. animals) ; the tree Datura Fastuosa [cf. dhustura] ; whole, but especially a sixteenth part ; a digit or one
— Kala-dhvani, is, m. a low sweet tone ; the Ko- (t),f.a sort of Ricinus ((aiifu). — Kalabha-iialldbha, sixteenth of the moon's diameter (personified as a
kila or Indian cuckoo ; the turtle-dove ; a peacock. as, m., N. of a tree ; [cf. pilu.~\ daughter of Kardama and wife of Martii) ; interest
— Kala-nada, as, m. a sort of goose; see kala- <*co*i kalama, as, m. (said to be fr. 3. kal), on capital, considered as a certain part of it ; a division
Tiansa. ** Kala-bhdshana, am, n. the prattle of rice, which is sown in May and June, and ripens in of time (according to some ^^ of a day, i. e. I
childhood. — Kala-bhairava, as or am, m. or n. (?), December or January ; a white rice growing in deep minute and 36 seconds ; according to others ia'8a of a
N. of a deep ravine in the mountains between the water; a pen, a reed for writing with; a thief, a day, i. e. 48 seconds ; according to others 20-^ Kalas
rivers T3pl and Narmada. » Kala-rava, as, m. a rogue; [cf. Gr. nUiytof ; Lat. calamus, culmus; = i Muhurta or -^ of a day, therefore I Kala =
low sweet tone ; a dove ; the Indian cuckoo ; [cf. and Arab. /»A>.] a minutes and 16—^ seconds ; according to others
Lat. colamba.] — Kala-vafas, as, as, as, speaking 30 ^j Kalas = I Muhurta, therefore I Kala = I
sweetly, singing. — Kala-svana, as, a, am, having <*rtg kalamba, as, m. the stalk of a pot- minute and 35{r£f seconds; according to others
a charming voice (a bird). — Kala-svara, am, n. a herb ;an arrow ; the tree Nauclea Cadamba ; (i), f. i Kala = 8 seconds) ; the sixtieth part of one thirtieth
low musical sound. — Kala-hansa, as, m. a kind of (according to a scholiast also m.), the pot-herb Convol- of a zodiacal sign, a minute of a degree ; (in prosody)
duck or goose ; a gander ; another bird, Gallinula vulus Repens ; (am), n. Calumba root, Menispermum a syllabic instant ; a term for the seven substrata of
Porphyria ; a drake or (according to some) a teal ; Calumba ; [cf. Itadamba, kadamba.] the elements or Dhatus of the human body (which
an excellent king ; Brahma or the supreme spirit ; Kalambaka, as, m., N. of a plant ; [cf. dhdrd- according to one reckoning are seven, as follows,
N. of a metre consisting of four lines of thirteen sylla- flesh, blood, fat, phlegm, urine, bile, and semen ; but
bles each. — Kaldnunadin (°la-an°), i, m. a sparrow; Kalambika, f. the nape of the neck (in this sense
a bee, but particularly one of a very large kind ; the usually used in du.) ; the pot-herb Convolvulus Repens ; according to Hemac'andra rasa ' chyle," aithi ' bone,'
and majja ' marrow,' take the place of phlegm, urine,
Cataka bird. — Kaldldpa ("la-dl ), as, m. a sweet [cf. kalambi.] and bile) ; an atom (there are 3015 KalSs or atoms
humming sound, discourse ; a bee. •• Kalottdla (°la- Kalambu, us, f. the same pot-herb. in every one of the six Dhatus, not counting the
u,t°), as, a, am, high, sharp. rasa, therefore in all 18090); a small round lump,
kalambuta, am, n. fresh butter.
Kalana, as, a, am (at the end of compounds), a term for the embryo shortly after conception [cf.
causing, effecting; (as), m. a sort of cane; (a), f. £a?ana] ; the menstrual discharge ; any practical art,
kalala, as, am, m. n. the womb, the
doing, making, effecting; subjection, submission; uterus ; a small round lump, a term for the embryo
any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four such are enu-
emitting (?); kala-kalana, fulfilling one's time, a short time after conception ; [cf. kalcia.] merated, as carpentering, architecture, jewellery, far-
dying ; (am), n. an embryo at the first stage after riery, acting, dancing, music, medicine, poetry,
conception ; a spot, a stain ; an offence, fault, defect ; lirtrtiT kalalaja, as, m. the resinous ex- &c.) ; skill, ingenuity, contrivance, fraud, deceit ; a
murmuring, sounding. boat ; title of a grammatical commentary ; N. of a
udation ofthe Shorea Robusta ; [cf. kala-kala."]
Kalita, as, a, am, impelled, driven, borne on- Shorea — Kalalajodbliava
Robusta. (°ja-ud°), as, m. the tree
deity; [cf. a-kala, nishkala, sakala.] — Kala-
; laid hold of; attached, affixed, furnished, kutfala, as, d, am, skilled in the elegant arts, singing,
endowed with ; gained, acquired ; considered, known, kalavinka, as, m. a sparrow; a
dancing, &c. — Kald-keli, is, is, i, gay, frolicsome,
understood ; numbered, counted, reckoned ; separated, wanton ; (is), m. an epithet of Kama, the god of
divided ; sounded indistinctly, buzzed, murmured. spot, a stain [cf. kalanka'] ; a white CSmara ; the
\ove.-Kald-dhara, as, m. 'bearing a digit of the
plant Echites Antidysenterica [cf. kalingaka] ; N.
^c3^i kalaka, as, m. a kind of fish; a of a Tlrtha. moon ; ' an epithet of Siva ; N. of a copyist. —Kald-
kind of prose, nidhi, is, m. 'a treasure or storehouse of digits,'
kalasa, as, i, am, m. f. n. a water- the moon. — Kaldntara (°ld-an°), am, n. interest,
"Bcoi; kalanka, as, m. a spot, a mark ; the pot, a pitcher, a jar, a dish ; (as), m., N. of a poet ; profit. — Kaldpa (°ld + dpa fr. rt. dp), as, m. 'that
rust of iron ; a fault, defamation, abuse. — Kalanka- (i), f. the plant Hemionitis Cordifolia; N. of a which holds together the single parts," a band, a
kara, as, i, am, censorious, calumniating, defaming ; Tirtha : a churn ; [cf. ladasa and drona-kalaiSa ; bundle (e. g. mitktd-kaldpa, an ornament consisting
spotting, staining. — Kalanka-kald, f. a digit of the Gr. KeiAiJ ; Lat. calix."] — Kalas'a-dir, tr, m., Ved. of several strings of pearls ; rafand-kaldpa, a zone
moon in shadow. — Kalanka-maya, as, i, am, spot- one whose pot or pitcher is broken. — Jfalada- consisting of several strings, worn by women round
ted, stained ; calumniated, defamed. — Kalanka- potalta, as, m., N. of a Naga. — Kalafl-kantka, the waist ; jatd-kaldpa, a tuft or knot of braided
hrit, t, m. an epithet of Siva. ns, m., N. of a man ; (as), m. pi. the descendants of lair) ; totality, whole body or collection of a number
Kalankaya, nom. P. Icalankayati, -yitum, to this man. — Jfalaiti-padi, (. having feet like a water- of separate things, a zone, a string of bells worn by
spot, defame. jar. — Kalafi-mukha, as, m. a sort of musical instru- women round the waist ; the rope round an elephant's
Kalankita, as, a, am, spotted, soiled, stained ; ment. —Kalafi-suta, as, m. an epithet of Agastya. neck ; a bundle of arrows, a quiver with arrows, a
calumniated, defamed. — Kiilatodara, (°.<o-!«f ), as, m., N. of a Daitya. quiver ; a peacock's tail (as consisting of a multitude of
Kalaii, is, f. a water-pot, pitcher, dish, water-jar ; ingle feathers) ; an ornament in general ; N. of a
KalanKn, I, iiii, i, soiled, stained; disgraced, the plant Hemionitis Cordifolia.
reviled, rusty. grammar, supposed to be revealed by the god KumSra
Kalasa, as, i, am, m. f. n. a pot, a water-jar ; or KSrttikeya to Sarva-varman ; a village where the
«lfcT5 kalanja, as, m. an animal struck (ns), m. a Drona measure ; a rounded pinnacle or ball destroyer Kalki is to be born ; the moon ; a clever
with a poisoned weapon ; tobacco. on the top of a temple ; (i), f. the plant Hemionitis and intelligent man ; a poem written in one metre ;
212 kalpa.
4c4TM4 kalapaka.
(f), f. a bundle of grass. — Knlapnl;a, as, m. a band, kaldcika, as, m. a cock ; [cf. Bali) ; N. of a scholiast on the Amara-kosha ; N. of
a bundle ; a string of pearls ; the rope round an ele- a poet ; the fork-tailed shrike, Lanius Forticatus, (in
phant's neck ;ofa sectarian this sense derived from kalim and ga ? ; cf. kali-
n. a number verses in mark on the ;forehead
one metre a series ;of(am),
four kalddhika,']
•Urtifiotiro kalavikala, as, m. a sparrow ; kdra) ; the plants Caesalpinia Bonducella, Wrightia
[cf. kalavinka.] Antidysenterica, Acacia Sirisa, Ficus Infcctoria ; (a),
stanzas on one subject; the eye in a peacock's f. a beautiful woman ; the plant Ipomcea Turpethum ;
feather?; (at, ikd, am), to be repaid when the
peacocks spread their tails. — Kuldpa-grdma, (is, m., 4rfl^'<* ; kaldhaka,
instrument as, m. a kind of musical (am), n. Indra-grain [cf. indra-yava] ; (as, d,
[cf. kahnla.]
N, of a Gr.ima or village. — Kaltipa-tfhanda, Of, am), clever ; cunning.
m. an ornament of pearls consisting of twenty-four <*!<«» kail, is, m. (said to be fr. rt. 3. kal), Kidiitgaka, as, m. the seed of the Coraiya, Indra-
N. of the die or side of a die, which is marked with
strings. — Kalapa-tattvarnava (°va-ar°), title of
a commentary on the Kalapa grammar. — Kalapa- one point (personified as a deity or evil genius in Kalingadi, f. (?) an epithet of Durga.
di'lpa, N. of a place, perhaps the same as kulapn- the poem of Nala) ; the plant Terminalia Bellerica, cfcfrfy kalinja, as, m. a mat, a screen ;
the nuts of which in olden times were used as dice ;
grdma. — Kaldpa-s'iras, as, m., N. of a Muni; (a (a various reading for kitinja.)
various reading for kapdla-jiras.) — Kaldpdnuidrin N. of the last and worst of the four Yugas, the present
(°pa-a»0), I, m. a follower of tie Kalapa grammar. or iron age, the age of vice ; (the four Yugas or ages grain. ita. See 3. kal.
~Kalapin, i, tin, t, furnished with a bundle of have received their names from the marks on dice, the
best mark being four points and the worst one ; the kalinda, as, m. the tree Terminalia
arrows, bearing a quiver with arrows ; spreading its
tail (said of a peacock &c.) ; (I), m. a peacock ; the Kali or fourth age contains, inclusive of the two dawns, Bellerica; the sun; (in these meanings perhaps a
Indian cuckoo ; the waved-leaf fig tree, Ficus Infec- I3OO years of the gods or 433,000 years of men, compound of kalim and da) ', N. of a mountain ou
toria ; N. of an old teacher, a pupil of VaisampSyana ; and begins the eighteenth of February 3102 B. C. ; which the river Yamun3 rises ; (a#), m. pi., N. of a
(according to some) the author of the Kalapa at the end of this Yuga the world is to be destroyed) ; people ; (f), f. a N. of the river YamunS or JumnS.
grammar; the time (scil. kdluh) when peacocks — Kalinda-kanyd or kalinda-nandinl or ka-
strife (considered as the son of Krodha ' Anger' and linda-iaila-jdtd, f. epithets of the river YamunS or
spread their tails; (iiii), f. night; the moon; a Mima ' Injury,' and as generating with his sister
species of Cyperus. — Kald-purna, as, a, am, filled Duruhtt ' Calumny,' two children, viz. Bhaya ' Fear '
up by single or separate parts ; (as), m. the moon. and Mrilyu ' Death') ; dissension, war, battle ; theworst •uPrt f"m «n i kalindikd, f. science ; (a various
—Kald-bhrit, t, m. 'digit-bearer,' the moon; an in any class ; a hero ; an arrow ; Ved., N. of a class of reading has kalandiku.)
artist, a mechanic, &c. »• Kalayana ("Id-ay0), as, mythic beings related to the Gandharvas, and sup- JumnS.
posed by some to be fond of gambling; in epic curort kalila, as, d, am (fr. rt. i. hi?),
m. a tumbler, a dancer, but especially one who dances
or walks on a sharp edge, as the edge of a sword &c. poetry Kail is held to be the fifteenth of the Deva- covered with, full of; mixed, blended ; impenetrable,
~Kald-vat, an, m. 'having digits,' the moon; gandharvas or children of the Munis ; N. of a man ; impervious ; (am), n. a large heap, thicket, confusion ;
(K), f. a mystical ceremony, the initiation of the (is or i), f. an unblown flower, a bud. — Kall-kdra, [cf. kalusha.]
Tantrika student, in which the goddess Durga is as, m., N. of several birds, the fork-tailed shrike ;
supposed to be transferred from the water-jar to the Loxia Philippensis, a small bird with a yellow head ; cftr^SK kalukka, as, m. a musical instru-
body of the novice ; N. of an Apsaras ; N. of the a kind of chicken ; a plant bearing a nut which is ment, a cymbal ; (a), f. a tavern ; a meteor.
mother of RldhS ; N. of the wife of Krita-varman, used as a febrifuge, Grey Bonduc, = karanja and cticjfl kalusha, as, a, am (fr. rt. I . iri ?, said
king of AyodhyS ; N. of the wife of D3s3rha ; N. of putlkaranja; an epithet of Narada; (j), f. the to be fr. rt. 3. kal), turbid, foul, muddy, unclean ;
the lute of the Gandharva Tumburu. — Kald-vada- poisonous plant Methonica Superba. — Kali-kdraka, dark, opaque, without brilliancy ; hoarse (as the
tantra, Kald-vidhi-tantra, Kald-sdra-tantra, as, m. the plant Cxsalpinia Bonducella ; (a various voice) ; wicked, bad ; lazy, idle ; (as), m. a buffalo ;
names of Tantras. -. Kala-vildsa, as, m. a work reading has kali-mdraka) ; an epithet of NSrada (<iut\ n. dirt, uncleanness; sin, wrath. — Kalusha-
on rhetoric. — Kald-iastra, am, n. a work by ( ' the quarrelsome '). — Kali-druma, as, m. the plant td, f. or kalusha-tva, am, n. foulness, turbidness ;
Viiakhila. Terminalia Bellerica or the tree of strife, being sup- darkness, opacity ; agitation, trouble, anger. — Kuln-
Kulilca, f. a digit of the moon. See below, s. v. posed tobe the favourite haunt of imps or goblins. sha-yoni, is, is, i, of impure origin.
— i Kall-dharma-wirnaya, as, m., N. of a work. Kalushaya, nom. A. kalushdyate, -yitum, to
*rti<*t^ kaldkanda = kanda, a species of — Kali-ndtha, at, m., N. of a writer on music. become turbid.
the Atijagati metre. — Kali-pHya, as, a, am, quarrelsome, mischievous, Kalufhita, as, a, am, foul, impure ; defiled, con-
^3T$cj5 ialdkula, am, n. poison; [cf. mischief-making ; (as), m. a monkey, an ape ; an taminated; wicked.
fuilahala.] epithet of NSrada. — Kali-mdraka, as, m. the plant Kalushin, i, inl, i, foul, impure ; defiled, depraved ;
Caesalpinia Bonducella ; (a various reading for kali- wicked.
•ncoiSC kaldnkura, as, m. the bird Ardca kdraka,<\.\.) — Kali-mdlaka, as, m. and kali- KalvM-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kar-
Sibirica, a crane ; an epithet of the Asura Kansa. mdlya, as, m. the plant Csesalpinia Bonducella. tum, to make turbid or unclean.
^rti^rt kalangala, as or am, m. or n. (?) — Jfali-yuga, am, n., N. of the fourth age, the
present or iron age. — Kali-vriksha, as, m. the tree Wt^TR. kalutara, as or <zm(?), m. or n.(?),
a kind of weapon (?).
Terminalia Bellerica. — Kali-sams'raya, as, m. the N. of a place.
<*f>iP«»<* kfilin'ika, as or am, m. or n. (?) act of betaking one's self to Kali. ^icim. kalevara, as, am, m. n. the body ;
a ladle ; (a), f. or kaldfl, f. the fore-arm, the arm <*frt* kalika, as, m. a curlew. [cf. Lat. caddver.]
below the elbow.
<*frt*l kalika, {. (fr. kala), a digit or the cti!~*i kalka, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr.
kaldtina, as, m. the white water sixteenth part of the moon; an unblown flower 3. kal), a viscous sediment deposited by oily sub-
wagtail. [cf. kali] ; the bottom or peg of the Indian lute, stances when ground ; a kind of tenacious paste ;
kaldda, as, m. a goldsmith. made of cane ; N. of several metres, a metre con- dirt, filth ; the wax of the ear ; ordure, fasces ; mean-
taining 4x8+16 syllabic instants ; a metre of four ness, falsehood, deceit, sin, hypocrisy, pride; the
kalddhika, as, m. (fr. kala and lines, each containing fifteen syllables ; a metre con- tree Terminalia Bellerica ; incense ; levigated powder ;
adhika ?), a cock ; [cf. kalarika and ushdkala.] sisting of13 + 8+16 + 20 syllables ; title of a work (as, d, am), sinful, wicked ; [cf. kalusha, kalma-
on medicine. iha, kilvislia.] — Kalka-pkala, as, m. the pome-
*rti«T«ii kaldnaka, at, m., N. of one of
the attendants of Siva. «*r«=*ini kalikatd, f. the modern name granate plant (dddima). — Kalkdlaya (°ka-dlj),
Calcutta. as, m., N. of a man.
kalapa, &c. See under kald. Kalleana, am, n. falsehood, deceit, cheating,
j kalikdpiirva, am, n. (fr. kalika
. kaldpura, as or am (?), m. or n. (?), quarrelling.
Kalki, is, m. a N. ofVishnu in his future capacity
and apurna !), acts leading to future consequences
and a, {. a kind of musical instrument. not connected with those of a previous birth. of destroyer of the wicked and liberator of the world
<*<•>!•««» kalamaka, as, m. a kind of rice from its enemies. This will constitute the tenth and
kalinga, as, m., N. of a country; last AvatSra or descent of the deity, and is to take
ripening in the cold season ; [cf. kalama.J the name is applied in the PurSnas to several places, place at the end of the four Yugas or ages. — Kalki-
"•rtrlV kaldmbi, is, f. or kalambika, f. but especially signifies a district on the Coromandel
lending, a loan ; usury. coast, extending from below Cuttack (Kataka) to prddurbhava, as, m. the apparition of Kalki.
Kalkin, I, ini, i, foul, turbid, having sediment,
the vicinity of Madras ; in this sense, like some other
"»<••>"< kalaya, as, m., N. of various legu- names of countries, it is usually confined to the plural dirty, wickedkalkala, ; (1), m. = kalki above.
as, m. pi., N. of a people.
minous seeds, chiefly of the order Phaseolus, particular number, confounding the place with the people in-
kinds of pulse or vetches ; (d), f. a kind of Panicum, habiting it(these
, people are said to owe their origin kalpa, as, d, am (fr. rt. kjjip), prac-
= gandad&rvd. — Kalaya-khaiija,at, m. one who to Kalin-ga, the son of Dlrgha-tamas and SudeshnS ; ticable, feasible, possible ; proper, fit, able, competent
trembles and totters as he walks.
Kalin-ga being sometimes identified with the epic (with gen., loc., inf., and at the end of a compound.
e. g. dharmasya kalpah, competent for duty ; sva-
karmani nakalpah, not competent for his own work;
yada na taeitum kalpa/i, if he is not able to rule) ;
strong, vigorous; kalpe iiayasi, in the vigorous
period of life ; (as), m. a sacred precept, law, ordi-
nance [cf. vidhi, nydya] ; manner of acting, pro-
ceeding, practice prescribed by the Vedas (e. g. pra-
thamah kalpah, a rule to be observed before any [cf. Gr. /to\(fj,
other rule, first duty ; etena kalpena, in this way ; class of deities. - Kalpddi (°pa-adi), , j &c.] — Kalya-
is, m. the
paiu-kalpa, the rites at the animal sacrifice; na beginning of a Kalpa, the renovation of all things. jagdhi, is, f. the morning-meal, breakfast. - Kalya-
kalpa-mdtre, not according to the mere letter — Kalpdnupada (°pa-an°), am, n. title of a work tm, am, n. or kalya-ta, f. health ; recovery, con-
of the rule without regard to its spirit) ; the most belonging to the SSma-veda. - valescence —Kalya-pdla or kalyd-pdla or kalya-
Kalpdnta (°pa-an°),
complete of the six VedSihgas, that which prescribes as, m. the end of a Kalpa, the destruction of the pdlaka or kalyd-pdlaka, as, m. a distiller. - Kal-
the ritual and gives rules for ceremonial or sacrificial woild. — ya^varta, as, m. the morning-meal, breakfast; a
Kalpdntara (°pa-an°), am, n. another
acts; (in medic.) treatment of the sick, manner of Kalpa. — Kalpdnta-sthdyin, t, ini, i, lasting to the light meal ; (am), n. anything light, a trifle, a trivial
curing (e. g. kalpetara, one cured or treated differ- end of a Kalpa. or unimportant matter ; [cf. pratarafa.]
ently) ;the doctrine of poisons and antidotes ; (at Kalpaka, as, m. a rite, a ceremony ; a barber [cf. Kalyana, as, d oil, am.beautiful, agreeable, friendly,
the end of an adjective compound) having the manner kalpani] ; a kind of Curcuma, commonly kartiira. illustrious, noble, excellent, happy, beneficial, salutary,
or form of anything, similar to, resembling, like but — Kalpaka-taru, us, m., N. of a tree of Indra's prosperous, propitious, lucky, well, right, good ; (as),
with a degree of inferiority (e. g. prdbhata-kalpa m., N. of a prince, also called Bhattasrikalyana ; N. of
iarnarl, the night which is something similar to paradise ; [cf. kalpa-taru.']
Kalpana, am, n. forming, fashioning; doing,
the author of the poem Gitagan-gSdhara; (J), f. a cow ;
dawn, i. e. the night at the approach of dawn ; mrl-
performing; fixing, constituting; anything fixed 01 a leguminous shrub, Glycine Debilis ; N. of two cities ;
ta-kalpa, similar to a dead person, almost dead; N. of a river in Ceylon ; N. of a deity ; (am), n. good
dbkedya-kalpa, almost impenetrable ; according to fortune, happiness, prosperity ; virtue ; a festival ;
native grammarians halpa so used is an accentless gold ; heaven ; N. of the eleventh of the fourteen
. composing, _____
affix, before which a final s is left unchanged, and position (of a poem &c.) ; inventing, invention ; for- POrvas or most ancient writings of the Jainas. — Kal-
final i and u shortened ; native authorities also con-
gery ;a fancy, an idea or image formed in the mind ; ydiia-kataka, as, m., N. of a place. -Ealydna-
nect kalpa with a simple verb, thus padati-kalpam, an imagination, intention ; contrivance, plan, infer- kara, as, i, am, propitious, auspicious, conferring
he cooks pretty well); a resolve, a determination ; pro- ence; caparisoning or decorating an elephant; (I), good fortune &c. - Kalydna-kdra, as, i, am, or
priety, fitness (?);optionality,altemative[cf.CT-7i-a7pa], f. a scissors or shears. — Kalpand-takti, is, f. the kalyana-kdraka, as, d, am, creating prosperity or
doubt ; a fabulous period of time, a day of Brahmi power of forming ideas. profit.— Kalydna-krit, t, t, t, virtuous, good; pro-
or 1000 Yugas, a period of four hundred and thirty- pitious, lucky.— Kalydna-dandra, as, m., N. of an
Kalpaniya, as, a, am, to be made, fashioned or astronomer
two million years of mortals, measuring the duration in the twelfth century A. D.-Kalydna-
contrived, to be accomplished, possible, to be substi-
of the world ; (a month of BrahmS is supposed to tuted or supplied. <!dra, as, I, am, following virtuous courses ; lucky,
contain thirty such Kalpas ; according to the MahS- fortunate. — Kalydna-devl, (., N. of the wife of Ja-
bharata twelve months of Brahma constitute his year, Kalpika, as, a, am, fit, proper.
and one hundred such years his lifetime ; fifty years Kalpita, as, a, am, made, fabricated, artificial ; gaod.. — -^ Kalydna-dharman, a, a, a, virtuous,
Kalydna-pan<<amika, as, m. a fortnight,
of Brahma are supposed to have elapsed, and we are composed, invented; arranged, put in order; pre- the fifth lunar day of which is lucky. _ Kalyana-
now in the Mavaraha-kalpa of the fifty-first. pared; brought; inferred; (as), m. an elephant pura, am, n., N. of a town. — Kalydna-malla, as,
The Kalpa, in the same way as the Sanivatsara or armed or caparisoned for war. — Kalpitargha (°ta- m., N. of a prince ; N. of the author of a work
year, is personified as son of Dhruva and Bhrami ; at ar°), as, a, am, one for whom a respectful offering called Anan-garan-ga ; N. of
a son of Gajamalla,
the end of a Kalpa the world is annihilated ; hence is prepared. author of the commentary called Malatl. — Kalydna-
kalpa is sometimes used for kalpdnta or the de- with Kalpin,
dice. I, ini, i, Ved. a term used in gambling mitra, am, n. a friend of virtue, a religious counsellor.
struction ofthe world) ; N. of certain sentences or
verses containing the verb klrip ; one of the trees - Kalyana-rdja-faritra, am, n. • the life of king
Ifalpya, as, a, am, to be made or contrived or Kalyana' by Madana. — Kalydna-v
of paradise, see kalpa-taru below; (with Jainas) performed, to be prescribed; relating to ritual; to friendly speech, good wishes. —Kalyadana, am, n.
ana-rat, &n,
a term for a particular abode of the deities [cf. be substituted. all, at, happy- — Kalydna-vartman, d, f., N. of
kalpa-bhava and kalpatlta] ; (am or a), m. f. a
kind of intoxicating liquor ; [cf. a-kalpa, anu-kalpa,
<*<Si«T kalman, a, n. according to native a princess, who erected a statue of Vishnu, called
KalySna-svSmi-kelava. — Kalydna-varman, a, m.,
upa-kalpa. Sec.] — Kalpa-kara, an, m. an author of
grammarians = karman.
N. of an astronomer. — Kalydna-vya, as, m. a
ritual or ceremonial rules. — Kalpa-keddra, a medical °**Mfrt
stars ?). kalmali, Ved. splendor (of the sort of pulse, Ervum Hirsurum. — Kalydna-tarman,
work by Kallsiva. — Kalpa-kshaya, as, m. the end
a, m., N. of a scholiast on Varaha-mihira. — Kalydna-
of a Kalpa, end of the world, destruction of all things. Kalmalilia, am, n. brightness, splendor. sutra, as, m., N. of a Brahman. - Kalydnd6ara
— Kalpa-gd, f., N. of a river. — Kalpa-taru, us, Kalmalikin, i, ini, i, Ved. burning, shining. (°na-dd°), as, d, am, following good practices,
m. one of the trees of Svarga or Indra's paradise, «*<?*f^ kalmasha, as, am, m. n. stain, dirt, virtuous. — Kalydnabhijana (°na-abh°), as, i, am,
a fabulous tree, granting all desires, hence figuratively of illustrious birth. — Kalydni-panfamd, as, f. pi.
a generous person ; title of a work on jurisprudence ; sin, dregs ; jala-kalmasha, the dirt or sediment of
(scil. rdtrayas) nights of which the fifth is lucky.
also a work of Lakshmldhara ; also one of Vacfaspati. water ; (am), n. darkness, a division of the infernal
— Kalpa-dru, us, m. = kalpa-taru, also N. of a regions ; the hand below the wrist ; (as, d, am), dirty, Kalydnaka, as, ikd, am, auspicious, efficacious (as
lexicon by Kesava. - Kalpa-drttma, as,m.= kalpa- foul. — KalmaslM-dhvansa-kdrin, I, ini, i, destroy- a drug), prosperous, happy ; (ikd), f. red arsenic.
taru; a work on jurisprudence ; also a Tantra work ; ing darkness or sin ; preventing the commission of Kalydnin, i, ini, i, happy, lucky, prosperous;
the collection of roots by Vopadeva is called Kam- illustrious
Sida ; virtuous, good ; (ini), f. the water-plant
kalpadruma, the tree from which poets obtain all kalmasha, as, i, am, variegated,
desired roots ; and the modern encyclopedia of Ra- kalyusha, am, n. the wrist (?).
spotted ; black, black and white ; (as), m. a variegated
dhakanta is entitled S'abda-kalpadruma, the tree colour; a mixture of black and white, the black kail, cl. i. A. Tcallate, -litum, to
which satisfies every desire for words. — Kalpa-pd-
colour; a Rakshas, demon or goblin; a species of \sound indistinctly; to sound ; to be mute.
dapa, a», m. = kalpa-taru above. — Kalpa-pdla, fragrant rice ; N. of a NSga ; a form of fire ; N. of
as, m. a protector of order, a legitimate prince ; a Kalla, as, d, am. deaf; (also a various reading
a servant of the sun, identified with Yama ; Sskya-
person who distils or sells spirituous liquors. — Kalpnr muni in a former birth ; (;), f. the spotted cow of for karma, q. v.) — Eatta-tca, am, n. or kalla-ta,
b/uiva, as, m. pi., N. of a certain class of deities. f. deafness; indistinct articulation, hoarseness. — Kal-
Jamadagni, the giver of all desires ; N. of a river ;
— Kalpa-mahiruft, t,m.= kalpa-vrikaha. — Kal- (am), n. a stain. — Kalmdsha-kantha, as, m. an la-muka, as, d, am, deaf and dumb. — Kalla-mra-
lantra, a Buddhist work, also called CandamahS-
pa-yukti, title of a work by Budha. - Kalpa-latd, epithet of Sin.—Kalmds>ta-grn-a, as, a, am, Ved.
(. a creeper yielding everything desired ; Kalpalatd- having a variegated neck. — Kalmdsha-tantura, as, roshana-tantra. — Kalldrya, as, m., N. of an author.
•vatdra, title of a commentary of Krishna on the m., N. of a man. — Kalmdsha-td, I. spottedness, the °i<a« kallata, as, m., N. of a prince ; sri-
Vlja-ganita ; Kal]nl<ita-prctkds'a, title of a com- state of being variegated. — Kalmdsha^pdda, as, m., kallata, N. of a sage.
mentary on the Vishna-bhaktUatz. — Kalpa-lalikd, N. of a king ; also Saudasa, a descendant of Ikshvaku,
{. = kalpa-latd above; (SfaMa-k°, title of a dic- transformed to a Rakshasa by Vasishtha. — Kalma- °lilV kalli, ind. to-morrow.
tionary.)— Kalpa-mrsha, as, m., N. of a son of king. ^itf?) «i i <4 kallinatha, as, m., N. of a writer
Vasu-deva and Upa-devS. - Kalpa-valli, (. = Italpa- slidnghri (°sha-an°), is, m. another N. of the same
latd above. — Kalpa-vdyu, us, m. the wind that is
to blow at the end of the world. - Kalpa-miapin, kalya, as, a, am (rt. 3. kal ?), well, kallola, as, a, am (fr. 2. kad -f lola),
214 cHlfrta kallolita.
inimical, hostile ; (as), m. a wave ; a surge, a billow ; Hib. eaomkna, raomJinadh, ' food, nourishment.'] dasa. — Kari-lhatta, as, m., N.of a poet. — A'act-
an enemy ; joy, happiness, pleasure. — Kavala-prastha, as, m., N. of a town. Iili n MH, as, m., N. of a man. — Kari-bkiishana,
Kallolita, at, d, am, surging, billowy. Kavalikd, f. a piece of cloth over a sore or wound, as, m. the son of KavWandra. — Kari-ratha, as,
a bandage. m., N. of a prince, a son of Citra-ratha. — Kavi-
Kallolinl, (. a surging stream, a river in general.
<*-^Hll kalhana, as, m., N. of the author eaten. Kavalita, at, a, am, swallowed as a mouthful, rakasya,
of am, ofn. roots
a collection ' the bysecret of the —learned,'
HalSyudha. title
of the Raja-taran-gin! (often spelt kahlana) ; N. of as, m. king of the poets, N. of the author of the
the father of the copyist Rama. 4ft M kavasha, as, i, am, Ved. according to Raghavapandavlya. — Kavi-rdmdyana, as, m. an
Mahldhara either ' sounding, creaking,' or ' pierced ' epithet of VSlmiki, the author of the Ramayana,
I kalhara, am, n. a water-lily. (said of the leaves of a door) ; (as), m. a shield ; N. (an incorrect form for rdmdyana-Jcavi.) — Kavi-
of a man, son of IlQsha or AilushT, author of several
kav, cl. i . A. kavate, -vitum, to de- hymns of the Rig-veda ; N. of a Muni ; N. of the Idsild or kavi-ldstkd, f.(?) a kind of lute. — A'avt-
rallabha, as, m., N. of the son of KavMandra.
author of a Dhanua-sastra.
colour "V ; [cf.scribe kab.](as a poet); to paint; to picture, — Kavi~vridlia, as, a, am, Ved. prospering the
cK^?T kavasa,as, m. (said to be fr. rt. 3. ku), wise. — Kavt-dasta, at, a, am, Ved. praised by wise
«S=T i . kava, a form substituted for ka, ka, men. — Kavifvara (°vi-if), as, m. a king of poets ;
armour, a coat of mail ; a prickly shrub.
and i . kit, to express deterioration or deficiency. — Ka- N. of a poet.
va-patha, as, m., Ved. a bad way. — Kavdyni fva- cM14 kavata, as, I, am, m. f. n. (for ka- Kavika, am, n. the bit of a bridle or the reins
00°), is, m. a little fire. — Kavoshna (°ra-ush°), as, pdta), the leaf or panel of a door ; a door ; (at the altogether; (a), f. the bit of a bridle; N.ofaflower,=
d, am, slightly warm, tepid ; (am), n. slight warmth. end of a compound Itavataka ; cf. kavatl.) — Ka- kevlkdpushya; a sort of fish, commonly called Kay.
2. kava in a-kava and kat-dsakha; [cf. kavatnu vdta-ghna, as, m. breaking the door, a thief; [cf. KavitH, td, trl, tri (?), wise, learned.
and kavari.]
kapaja-ghna.'] — Kavdta-vakra, am, n., N. of a Kaviya, as, am, m. n, the bit of a bridle or the reins.
plant; commonly called kavdlavetu; or according 1. kamya, nom. P., Ved. kaviyati, -yitum, to act
e(^cS kavaka, am, n. a fungus, a mush- to others kuvadaven(vya.
room ;a mouthful. like a wise man ; A. to claim wisdom for one's self,
4=1 K kavara, as, m. the bird Tantalus
4<4'^ kavato, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. pretend to it. as, am, m. n. the bit of a bridle or the
2. kaviya,
3. i-»), armour, mail, a coat of mail, a cuirass ; the Falcinellus ; (am), n. a lotus ; [cf. kai-ela.] reins ; [cf. kaviya.]
jacket of a boy ; an amulet, a charm, the mystical cMlfX kavari, is, is, i, Ved. selfish, stingy;
syllable hum or hum, forming part of a Mantra and [cf. a-kavari, a-kava, kavatnu.] Kavtyas, an, asi, as, Ved. (comparative for kavi-
considered as a preservative like armour ; it is also Kavd-sakha, as, a, am, Ved. a companion of the tara), wiser.as, d, am, Ved. a wise, intelligent man ;
inscribed on a birch leaf &c. and worn as an amulet, selfish Kavya,
man, selfish.
being carried about the person as a charm (this is (as), m. a class of manes ; N. of one of the seven
the probable meaning in the titles duryd-kavafa, ofif=T kavi, is, is or I, i (said to be fr. rt. 3. sages of the fourth Manvantara ; (am), n. the quali-
ties or the actions of a sage ; ' what must be offered
suryak°, fivak°, bhavdnik". Sec.) ; a dram used in ku; but perhaps related to dk&ta, dkuti), sensible,
battle, a kettle-drum ; the tree Hibiscus Populneoides. intelligent, prudent, clever, wise, learned ; a thinker, to sages,' an oblation or offering of food to deceased
— Kavafa-pattra, am, n. the leaf of a birch tree ; a wise man, a sage, an intelligent man ; (metaphoric- ancestors; (generally connected with havya.) — Ka-
ally) epithet of the gates of the sacrificial enclosure; rya-td, (., Ved. the qualities or the actions or the
[cf. bhurja-pattra.'] —Kavafa-paia, as, m., Ved. epithet of the Ribhus (as skilful in contrivance); state of a sage, wisdom. — Karya-rada or kavya-
the fastening of a cuirass or coat of mail. — Kavada-
hara, as, d or i, am, wearing armour or mail, or a epithet of the old sages or patriarchs, now as spirits vala, as, m. (formed fr. latvya-vah), a class of
manes or deified ancestors. — Karya-vah, t, t, t, or
jacket ; wearing amulets ; (as), m. a boy, a child. surrounding the sun ; epithet of the gods, especially
Kavatita, as, a, am, dressed in armour. of Agni, Indra, Varuna, the Maruts, and Adityas ; kavya-vahana, as, d, am, Ved. an offering to sages,
what must be offered or what belongs to them ; (as),
epithet of the Soma priest &c. ; (is), m. a poet,
Kavadin, t, «ni, »', dressed in armour ; (i), m. an especially one who composes artificial poems; N. m. fire ; an epithet of Siva ; (the word is formed
epithet of Siva ; N. of a son of Dhrita-rashtra. like havya-vihana.)
of a man, according to some genealogies a son of
eM<fl kavatl, f. the leaf or panel of a door; Brahma, according to others a son of Bhrigu and kavifijuka, as, m. a kind of bird.
father of Sukra ; epithet of Sukra, the regent of the
[cf. kavdta.'} planet Venus and preceptor of the demons ; the sons «S<^W kavula (in astrol.) = Arabic
cR=T3' kavada, as, m. water &c. for washing of several Manus are also called Kavis ; N. of a son of
the mouth ; [cf. kavala.]
Kausika and pupil of Garga ; also a son of Rishabha ; kavela, am, n.See
a lotus
cR=I<5f kavatnu, us, us, u (fr. i. iu),Ved. self- N. of VSImlki, the inventor of poesy and author of kavoshna. under; [cf. kavara.']
i. kava.
ish, stingy ; (Siy.) a bad deed. the Ramayana; the sun?; (is or t), f. the bit of • ui kas, cl. I . P. kasati, -situm, to sound ;
a bridle or the reins altogether; a ladle. — Kavi-
<*q«1 kavana, am, n. water; (as), m., N. kantha-hdra, as, m. ' the ornament of the neck of N(i4fl^ occurs also as a various reading for
of a son of Srin-gin. a poet,' title of a work on rhetoric. — Kavi-kalpa- Hib. kas, jhash, and rfatf ) ; [cf. rt. kits' ; cf. also
kans, casgalrim.]
<*M»fl<* kavantaka, as, m., N. of a man ; druma, as, m. title of a collection of roots written
(as), m. pi. the descendants of this man. in verse by Vopadeva. — Kari-kalpa-latd, f. title of ^t kasa, as, m. (fr. rt. kas above?; in
a work on rhetoric by Devendra. — Kavi-kratu, us, the sense 'whip' connected with rt. kash), Ved. a
«K=T*M kavandha and kavandhin. See ka- us, u, Ved. having wise designs, wise; (S5y.) one species of small animal; a whip; (a), f. a whip;
bandha and kabandhtn. who possesses wisdom or sacrifices. — Kavi-fandra, whipping, flogging ; a string, a rope ; the mouth ; a
\ kava-patha. See under i. kava. as, m. the son of Karna-pura and father of Kavi-
vallabha, author of the K5vya-<!andrik5 ; the author quality; (sometimes spelt kasha.) — Kaia-kritxna,
as, m., N. of a man. — KatSd-traya, am, n. three
kavayi, f. the fish Cojus Cobojus of the DhStu-c'andrika ; the author of the Ratnavali ; modes of whipping (a horse), good, bad, and middling.
(commonly called Kavay or Kay), remarkable for the author of the RamaCandra-campO ; the author - Kaidrha (°^d-ar°), as, d, am, deserving a whip-
going of the Santi-iiandrikS ; the author of a grammar
i-ikd.] by land from one spot to another ; [cf. ka- called S5rala-hari; the author of a book named ping. —Kaid-vat, an, all, at, furnished with a whip.
StavSvali. — Kavi-Mhad, t, t, t, Ved. delighting Katya, as, d, am, deserving the whip ; (am), n.
^TC kavara, as, d or i (?), am (fr. rt. 3. ku), in wise men ; (Say.) causing pleasure to the wise. a horse's flank ; spirituous liquor.
mixed, intermingled, blended ; set, inlaid ; (as), m. — Kavi-jyeshtha, as, m. an epithet of VSlriilki, oRTjni kasas, as, n. water. — Ka^o-jii,iis, is,
a lecturer; (as, i), m. f. (according to some also n.) u, Ved. running near the water ; (perhaps a Pr.N.?) <
a braid or fillet of hair ; (as, am), m. n. salt ; sour- the author of the Ramayana, ' the oldest of poets.'
— Kam-tama, as, 3, am, wisest. — Kari-tara,
ness or acidity ; (a), f. the plant Ocimum Gratissi- as, d, am, wiser. — Kavi-ta, f. poesy, poetic style efcfljrj kasipu, us, u, m. n. a mat; a pillow;
mum ; (t), f. the leaf of the Asa Fcetida plant, (us), m. food ; clothing ; (it), du. food and clothing ;
Hin-gupattrl. — Kavara-putdhi, f. having a twisted or composition. — Kavitdmrita-kupa (°td-am°),
tail or one which resembles a braid. — Kara ri-bhara as, m. title of a modern collection of verses, ' a well (sometimes spelt kasipu; cf. hiranya-kas'ipu.)
or karari-bhdra, an, m. a fine head of hair. — Ka- of nectar of derstanding poetry." — Kavitd-vcdln, 1, ini, i, un- — Katipupabarhana (°pu-up°), am, n., Ved. a
poesy, wise, learned, a poet, a genius. cover of a pillow, cloth.
varl-bhrit, t, t, I, wearing a fillet of hair. — Kavi-tm, am, n. wisdom ; poesy. — Kam-tvima, kasikd, f., Ved. a weasel.
«n=l*.Wl kavaraki, f. a captive, a prisoner; am, n., Ved. wisdom. — Karih-a-ratndkara, as,
[cf. varvii.] m. title of a modern work on rhetoric: — Kavi- kasu, us, m., Ved., N. of a man.
darpana, N. of a work by Raghu. — Kavi-putra, kaseraka, as, m., N. of a Yaksha.
"Me1* kavala, as, am, m. n. (fr. 3. iu?), a as, m., N. of a dramatic author. — Kari-pradasta,
mouthful ; an astringent wash for cleansing the mouth, as, d, am, Ved. highly esteemed or praised by sages. kaseru or kaseru, us, u, m. n. (fr.
t gargle ; a kind of fish, commonly called Baliya ; [cf. — Kavi-priyd, f. a work on rhetoric by KeSava- rt. M with ka prefixed ?), the back-bone ; a kind of
kansya-tala. 215
grass, Scirpus Kysoor ; (MS), m. one of the nine parts of water, the whole being then boiled down <**t*iirm«i kasanotpdtana, as, m. the
divisions of Jambn-dvlpa; (us), f., N. of a daughter of until only one quarter is left ; a kind of ointment, plant Gendarussa Vulgaris ; (perhaps a wrong reading
Tvashtri ; (sometimes spelt kaseru. ) — Kaitru-mal gum, resin, extract, exudation from a tree ; plaster-
or kaseru-mat, an, m., N. of a Yavana ; N. of a ing, anointing ; colouring or perfuming the person ; for kdsanotp°.)
part of Bharata-varsha. dirt, uncleanness, dulness, stupidity ; decay, ruin ; a "RTtuTT kasarmra or kasarnlla, as, m.,Ved.
Kafaruka or kaseruka, as, a, am, m. f. n. a sort mark of decay (of which, according to Buddhists, a certain snake ; also personified.
of grass, Scirpus Kysoor; (a), f. the back-bone. there are five, viz. dyus-kashaya, drishtf, kleia°, kasdmbu,n. ,Ved. a heap of wood (?).
Kafarus, us, n. or kaseru, its, f. a sort of grass, sattva°, kalpa°) ; attachment to worldly objects ;
Scirpus Kysoor. (as), m. passion, emotion ; the Kali-yuga ; the tree asdras, a kind of bird.
Bignonia Indica ; N. of a teacher ; (as, a, am),
kasoka, as, m., Ved., N. of a class m. f. n. the tree Grislea Tomentosa; (a), f., N. of kasipu, us, m. food, boiled rice ;
of demons. a plant, a small sort of Hedysarum ; [cf. kashdya
<*>sjn kasdana, &c. See under 2. ita. and Symplocos
tree panda-kashaya.~l Racemosa,— Kashdya-krit, t, m.
the bark of which the
is used «KT^j kaseru, us, m. a kind of grass. See
=ti3*lrt kasmala, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt. ias ?), in dyeing ; also rakta-lodhra. — Kashdya-itttra, as, Jtaderu, &c.
consternation, alarm ; fainting, syncope ; dejection of a, am, dyed or stained of a dull red colour. — Kasha- Kaseruka, f. a sort of grass, back-bone, &c.
mind, depression of spirit, lowness, weakness ; (o«, ya-td, {. contraction. — Kashdya-pdna, as, m. pi. a odW*^ ka-stambhi, f., Ved. the prop of a
a, am), foul, dirty. — Kas~mala-Mas, as, as, as, nickname of the GandhSras (' drinking decoctions'). carriage-pole.
mentally debased. —Kashdya-ydvandla, as, m. a sort of grain.
— Kashdya-vdsika, as, m. a kind of poisonous kastira, am, n. tin ; [cf . «zo-<TiWpor.]
consternation (?). insect. — Kashdydnvita (°ya-an°), as, a, am, as- [cf. kasturika or kasturikd or kasturt.
tringent, harsh, styptic.
kasmira, as, m. (said to be ft. rt. Kashdytta, as, a, am, red, coloured; prepared f. musk, the animal perfume so called, as brought
N. of a country ; according to Burnouf a for dyeing or colouring. from Kashmir, Napal, and Western Asam or Butan,
Kashayin, i, ini, i, yielding a resinous exudation, (the latter is said to be the best) ; the plant Hibiscus
contraction of Kasyapamira ; [cf. lcd$mira.~\ — Ka$- Abelmoschus, or the plant Amaryllis Zeylanica ; (this
mlra-janman, a or a, m. n. saffron. astringent, dyed of a red colour, worldly-minded ;
(1), m., N. of several plants, Shorea Robusta ; Arto- word may be derived from the Gr. Kaffrap.) — Kas-
eKpI kasya. See under katfa. carpus Lacucha ; the wild Datura tree. tura-mallikd or kasturt-mallikd, (. the musk bag.
Kashdyl-krita, as, d, am, made red. — Kashdyt- — Kdsluri-kdnda-ja, as, m. musk. — Kasturi-
kas'yata, as, m., N. of a man. krita-lofana, as, d, am, with reddened eyes. mriga, as, m. the musk animal.
kas'yapa, as, a, am, having black Kashayl-bkuta, as, d, am, become red, reddened. "hfmiM kasphila, as, m., N. of a Bhikshu ;
teeth ; (as), m. a tortoise ; a sort of fish ; a kind of
deer ; a class of divine beings similar to or equal to
kashi, &c. See under kash. [cf. Icaskphila.]
PrajSpati, (also in pi. a peculiar class of semi-divine kashikd, f. (said to be fr. rt. kash), ctittirt kasmala, am, n. consternation ;
spirits or genii connected with or regulating the course a bird in general. fainting, syncope. See kadmala.
of the sun) ; a mythical Rishi ; N. of an old sage, con- KasJilkd, f. a species of bird.
versant with the Mantras, author of several hymns of dkWA^kasmat, ind. (abl. fr. 2. ka), where
the Rig-veda, and according to the AnukramanI a de- '<*i^<j<*l kasherukd, f. the back-bone, the from? whence? why?
scendant ofMarie!!. (In the later mythology he is the spine ; [cf. kateruhd.]
kasvara. See under rt. i. kas.
husband of Aditi and twelve other daughters of Daksha, cnwiiH kashkasha, as, m. (fr. kash ?), Ved.
and father by them of gods, demons, men, fish, rep. a kind of poisonous insect. kahaya, as, m., N. of a man.
tiles, and all animals ; he is also regarded as one of the
seven sages, and in some legends as father of Vivasvat "^S kashta, as, a, am, bad ; ill, evil, wrong; kahdha, as, m. a buffalo.
and of Vishnu. He is supposed by some to be a painful ; grievous, severe ; difficult ; most grievous,
personification of the race who resided in Caucasus, most painful ; mischievous, noxious, injurious ; boding oK|HT kahuya, as, m., N. of a man.
the Caspian, Kashmir, &c.) ; the author of a Dharma- evil ; (am), n. evil, difficulty, a bad state of things, 0(1^3 kahoda, as, m., N. of a man, with
misery, wretchedness, pain, suffering, hardship, un- the patronymic kaushltaki or kaushitakeya ; (am),
sSstra ; (as), m. pi. the descendants of Kas'yapa ; easiness; kashtena, with great difficulty or effort;
Ka&yapa is also a constellation ; (a), f., N. of the n. title of a work derived from him.
authoress of a verse in the White Yajur-veda. — Katya- (am), ind. an exclamation of grief or sorrow, Ah ! kahlana. See under kalhana.
pa-nandana, as, m. an epithet of Garuda, the bird Alas I [cf. Hib. ceas, ' sorrow, grief, sadness.']
— Kashfa-kara, as, i, am, giving pain or trouble. kahldra, am, n. the white esculent
of Vishnu; (' son of Kas'yapa.') — Katyapa-samhitd,
f. and kaiyapa-smriti, is, £, N. of two works. — Kashta-kdraka, as, d, am, causing trouble or
annoyance; (as), m. the world. — Kashta-tapas, water-lily, Nymphaea Lotus ; sometimes spelt kal-
•arrr kash, cl. I . P. A. kashati, -te, faka- as, as, as, one who performs many penitential
N«Aa, Tcashishyati, dkashlt and akdshit, exercises. — Kashta-tara, as, d, am, more difficult,
oR^ kahva, as, m. a kind of crane, Ardea
kashitum, to rub, scratch, scrape ; to itch ; to rub inconvenient or painful. — Kashta-laihya, as, a, am, Nivea.
with a touchstone, test, try ; to injure, hurt, destroy, difficult to be obtained. — Kashta-Mta, as, d, am,
kill ; to leap : cl. 10. P. kdshayati, -yitum, to hurt. suffering pain or misfortune, undergoing hardships, ^RT i. kd= 2. kad and i. ku, at the begin-
Kasha, as, a, am, rubbing, scraping, rubbing performing penance. — Kashta-sddhya, as, a, am, ning of some compounds (e. g. kdksha), and perhaps
down ; (as), m. rubbing ; the touchstone ; (a), f. a accomplishable with difficulty. — Kashta-sthdna, am, a corruption of kad.
whip ; see Icafa. — Kasha-pdshdna, as, m. a touch- n. a bad situation, a disagreeable place or site. <SI 2. *a, a form for rt. kan in the Ved.
stone. —KasTiaghdta (°shd-dgh°), as, m. a cut, a — Kashtdgata (°ta-ag°), as, d, am, with difficulty participle Myamdna, as, d, am, wishing, desiring,
stroke with a whip. or hardly arrived.
Kashana, as, a, am, unripe, immature ; (am), n. loving, and in one or two other forms.
Kaehtdya, nom. A. kashtdyate, -yitum, to have
rubbing, marking; touch or test of gold by the wicked intentions. "3ff ff^l kdnsi, is, m. a cup ; [cf. fcossya.]
touchstone. kashti. See under kash. /tans, cl. I. A. kansate, -situm, to
Kanhan-mukJia, as, m., N. of a man. shine, glitter; [cf. HsV)
Kashdku, us, m. fire, the sun. kashphila, as, m., N. of a Bhikshu.
Kashi, is, is, i, injurious, mischievous.
1. kas, cl. I. P. kasati, fakasa, kasi-
kdnsa, as, i, am, born in Kansa.
Kathita, as, a, am, hurt, injured. kanslya, am, n. white copper ; [cf.
Kaehti, is, f. test, trial ; pain, trouble. turn, to go, move, approach : Intens. the following.]
fanlkaslti, danlkasyate ; [cf. Hib. cas, cos, ' a.
<*HIM3 kashaputra, as, m. a Rakshas; foot ;' coisighim, ' to go.']
[cf. nikashatmaja.] Kosvara, as, I, am, going, moving. <*-U4J kdnsya, as, a, am (fr. kansa), con-
sisting of white copper or brass ; (am), n. white
^nrni kashdya, as, a, am (fr. rt. leash?), 2. kas, kaste, a various reading for
astringent ; fragrant ; red, dark-red ; brown, of a &ans, kanste. copper or brass, queen's metal, any amalgam of zinc
and copper ; a musical instrument, a sort of gong or
colour composed of red and yellow ; (as, am), m. n. TTO kasa, as, m.= kasha, & touchstone; plate of bell-metal struck with a stick or rod ; a kind
an astringent flavour or taste ; the red colour ; a de- of measure; (as, am), m.n. a drinking vessel of brass,
coction or infusion, that form of a decoction which (a), f. = kaid, a whip.
« goblet. — Kdnsya-kdra, as, i, m. f. a brazier, a
has one part of a drug combined with four or «*«1T kasand, f. a kind of poisonous pewterer, a worker in white or bell-metal. — Kansya-
(according to other authorities) with eight or sixteen
spider. ja, as, d, am, made of brass. — Kansya-tdla, as, m.
216 kansya-nlla.
a cymbal. — Kdnsya-nila, as, m. blue vitriol con- military caste ; (also at the end of compounds kal-a- similarity to the black and red seed of the plant
sidered as a collyrium ; N. of a monkey ; occasionally Abrus Precatorius.)
pakshaka.) — Kdka-pada, am, n. the foot of a
written kdnfya-nila. — Kdnsya-bhdjana, am, n. crow ; an incision in the skin similar to a crow's Kdkanantikd, f. the plant Abrus Precatorius.
brass. — Kdnsya-maya, as, i, am, consisting or made foot; the sign V in MSS. marking that something Kdkani, a sort of small coin; [cf. kdkiia.]
of brass. — A'ansyrt-mafa.am.n.verdigris. — Jfdnxya- has been left out; (as}, m. a modus coeundi. — Kd- Kdkananti, f. the plant Abrus Precatorius.
makshika, nm, n. a metallic substance, probably a kn-parni, (. the plant Phaseolus Trilobus. — Kaka- Kiikaijn, us, m., N. of a plant, = kdkarallari.
kind of pyrites.
coloured — Kdnsydbha (°ya-dblM), as, a, am, pilu, us, m., N. of several plants, = kaka-tinduka,
like brass. Kdkdla, as, m. a raven ; [cf. kaka and kdkola.]
kdka-tundl, and also a variety of Abrus Precatorius.
Kdnsynka, am, n. brass. — Kdka-piluka, a*, m.^ka/c(i-tinfliika."Kdka- Kdkiya, ae, d, am, relating to a crow.
piMfia, as, m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo, (perhaps =til=tin"Mtj j kakatiya-rudra, as, m., N. of
c«|c(, kaka, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kai, to a Prakrit form of the next.) — Kdka-punhta, as, m. a king of NJgapura.
caw), a crow, (metaphorically an expression of contempt, the Indian cuckoo, (this bird, like the English cuckoo,
e. g. na team kdkam manye, I value thee less than a being said to leave its eggs in the nests of other birds, ^11=*^ kakandi, ayas, m. pi., N. of a
crow) ; an impudent, insolent fellow ; a lame man, a as in that of the crow &c.) — Kdka-pusJipa, am, n. warrior-tribe.
cripple ; washing the head, bathing by dipping the = gandha-parna (?). — Kdka-peya, as, a, am, Kakandi, (., N. of a country; Emblic Myrobalan.
head only into the water as crows do; a sectarial what may be drunk by a crow, epithet of a shallow Kdkandiya, as, in. a prince of the above tribe.
mark (tilaka) ; a particular measure ; the plant river. — Kdka-phala, as, m. the tree Azadirachta <ni «g1 < kdkamblra, as, m., Ved., N. of a
Ardisia Humilis (see kdka-jambv) ; N. of a Dvlpa Indica ; (d), f. = kdka-jambu. — Kdka-bandhyd, f.
or division of the world ; (as), m. pi. , N. of a people ; a woman that bears only one dM.'-Kaka-bhdnili, tree ; (according to Say. literally ' a crow-bearer.')
(i), f. a female crow, personified as a daughter of f. a species of Karanja. — Kdka-lthlru, us, m. an «ni<*«>«* kakaruka or kakaruka, as, d, am,
Kasyapa by Tamra, and mother of the crows ; a kind owl (' afraid of crows'). — Kdka-madgu, us, m. a timid, afraid, a coward ; naked ; poor, indigent ;
of medicinal plant (= kdkoli) ; N. of one of the seven water-hen, a gallinule ; resembling a crow in colour. (as), m. a hen-pecked husband; an owl; fraud,
— Kdka-marda, as, m. a kind of gourd, Cucumis deceit.
mothers of S'is'u ; (d), f., N. of several plants, Leea
Hirta, also = kaka-jangha, kdka-nasa; Solanum Colocynthis (mahd-kdla). — Kdka-mardaka, as, "frl^rt kdkala, am, n. a jewel worn upon
Indicum, = kdka-mdfl ; Ficus Oppositifolia, = kdko- m. the same. — Jfdka-mdSikd or kdka-madl, f. the the neck.
dumbara; another medicinal plant, = kdkoli; an- plant Solanum Indicum, an esculent vegetable, com- KdkalaJca, as or am, m. or n. (?), the top of the
other plant, commonly raktikd; (am), a. a multitude monly Gurkamai. — Kdka-mdtd, f. the same plant.
or assemblage of crows ; a modus coeundi. — Kdka- windpipe ; the thyroid cartilage ; (as), m. an orna-
— Kdka-jmukha, as, m. pi. 'crow-faced,' N. of a ment of the neck ; a species of rice.
l;angu, us, f. a kind of panic-grass, Panicum Milia- mythical people. —Kdka-mudgd, f. a plant, com-
ceum. — Kdka-kald, f. the plant Leea Hirta; [cf. monly Mugani; according to some a wild kind of <*!<*«(«> kilkali, is, f. a soft sweet sound
kdka-janghd.} — Kdka-kurma-mngdkhu, (°ga- bean, Phaseolus Trilobus. — Kdka-mriga, au, m. du. [cf. kola] ; N. of an Apsaras ; (i), f. a low and
dkhu), avas, m. pi. the crow, tortoise, deer, and the crow and the deer. — Kdka-yava, as, m. barren sweet tone; a musical instrument with a low tone
mouse. — Kdka-kurmddi (°ma-ddi), aya>, m. pi. com, the ear of which has no grains. — Kdka-rudra- played to ascertain whether a person is asleep or not.
the crow, the tortoise, and the rest. — Kdka-ghnl, f. tamvdda, as,m. title of a work on omens. — Kdka- — Kdkali-drdkshd, f. a kind of grape without a
a tree, said to be a large kind of Karanja, Galedupa riAd, {. a parasite plant, Epidendrum Tesseloides &c. stone or with a very small one. — Kdkali-rara, as,
Arborea, = mahd-karanja. — Kdka-6andlivara,as, — Kdka-vat, ind. like a crow, in the manner of a m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo.
m., N. of a man. — KSka-finfa, f. the shrub which crow. — Kdka-varna, as, m., N. of a prince. — Kd- Kdkaltka, as, am, m. n. (?) a low sweet tone.
yields the red and black berry used in India as a ka-varn{n, i, m., N. of a prince. — Kdka-vartaka,
jewellers weight, Abrus Precatorius ; also kdka-tiAti au, m. du. the crow and the quail. — Kdka-vallabhd, «w«»K kdkdra, as, i, am, scattering water.
and kdka-6infi. — Kaka-iHAiUka, N. of a kind of [.=kdka-jambu. — Kaka-vallarl, f., N. of a plant, <*lf<*<UT kdkim, f. a small coin, a small
soft substance ; another reading of the word is kafi- —svarna-vallt. — Kdka-vydijhra-gomdyu, avas, sum of money equal to twenty Kapardas or cowries,
liu'li. — Kdka-Mhada, on, m. a wagtail ; side-locks m. pi. the crow, the tiger, and the jackal. — Kdka- or to a quarter of a Pana ; the seed of Abrus Preca-
of hair. — Kaka-f6hadi, is, m. or, according to an- fabda, as, m. the cawing of a crow. — KSka-timbi, torius used as a weight ; the shell Cyprsea Moneta or
other reading, kdka-Mhardi, is, m. a wagtail; a {., N. of a plant, = kdka-tundi.— Kaka-firsha, as, cowrie used as a coin ; a cubit, the fourth part of a
crow's vomit. — Kaka-jangha, (. the plant Leea m. the tree Agati Grandiflora, commonly called Va- Danda or short pole ; a Danda ; a part of a measure.
Hirta; also Abrus Precatorius. — Kdka-jambu, us, kapushpa. — Kdka-dirshi, is, m., N. of a man. Kdkinikd, f. =the preceding; an atom, a particle.
{. the plant Ardisia Humilis, commonly Bhumijamb ; — Kdka-strl, f. the same plant. — Kdka-sphurja,
Kakinika, as, d, am, having the value of a Kakim.
(us), f. another species of Jambu. — Kdka-jata, at, as, m. the plant Diospyros Tomentosa. —Kdka- Kakini, f. the fourth part of a Pana ; a quarter of
m. the Indian cuckoo. — Kdka-td, f. the state of a svara, as, m. a shrill tone. — Kdkdkshi (°ka-ak°), a MSna; the shell Cypraea Moneta.
crow. — Kdka-tdliya, as, a, am, unexpected, as in n. the eye of a crow; kdkdkshi-^nydyena, ind. in
the fable of the fruit of the palm falling unexpectedly the manner of a crow's eye, (crows are supposed to cti|[<*c3 kakila, as, m. a jewel worn upon
at the moment of the alighting of a crow and killing have but one eye or visual orb, which, as occasion the neck; [cf. kdkala.]
it; accidental ; (am), ind. unexpectedly, suddenly; requires, moves from the cavity on one side into that ^TT^r kdku, us, f. change of the voice in
(am), n. the fable of the crow and the fruit of the on the other) ; a term for a word which follows two
palm. — Kdkatdliya-vat, ind. suddenly, (said of any rules. — Kakattgd or i (°ka-an°), (. the plant Leea fear, anger, grief, &c. [cf. sevd-kdku] ; muttering,
murmuring ; the tongue ; stress, emphasis.
unexpected casualty.) - Kdka-talukin, i, ini, i, Hirta, = kdka-ndsd. — Kdkdnfi, f. the plant Leea
having the palate of a crow, contemptible, vile. Hirta ; an esculent vegetable, Solanum Indicum. — Kd- <*l«»r**4 kiikutstha, as, m. a descendant of
— Kdka-tiktd, (. the plant Abras Precatorius. — Kd- kdtida, (°ka-an°), as, m., N. of two plants, Mah3-
nimba and Kakatindu (?), a kind of bean; (a), f. a Kakutstha ; an epithet
Rama, Lakshmana ; N. ofofa Anenas,
sovereign, Aja, Das'aratha, ;
also Puranjaya
f.-ii-liii'liil.-n, as, m. a kind of ebony, Diospyros
Tomentosa. — Kaka-tunda, as, m. the dark species kind of spider ; N. of a plant ; see kola&mbi.
of Agallochum ; (i), f., N. of a tree, in Hindi called — KdkdndaJca, as, m., N. of a crow or N. of a (au), du. Rama and Lakshmana.
Kauadodi ; a sort of brass. — Kaka-tundikd, f. the plant; a kind of spider. ••Kakandola, f., N. of a <*l^ kdkud, t, f. , Ved. and kdkuda, am,
plant Abrus Precatorius. — Kdka-tulya, as, d, am, n. the hollow of the mouth, the palate.
plant. — Kdkddani (°fca-ad°), f!, N. of several
like a crow, crow-like, crafty. — Kaka-danta, ae, m. plants, Abrus Precatorius ; a white variety of this Kdkiulra, as, d, am, furnished with a palate (?),
the tooth of a crow, i. e. anything impossible or not plant, commonly SVeta-gunja. — Kdkari (°ka-ari), a palate (?).
existing. — Kdka-dantaki, a patronymic from Kaka- is, m. an ovt\. — Kdkekshtt (°kn-ik°), us, m. a kind Kakubh, a various reading for kakini.
dantaka ; (ayas), m. pi., N. of a warrior-tribe ; kd- of reed, Saccharum Spontaneum. — Kdkendu (°ka-
«BT*JW kakubha, as, d, am, consisting of
kadantakiya, as, m. a prince of the Kakadantakis. fn°), us, m. a kind of ebony, Diospyros Melanoxylon,
— Kdka-dfivaja, as, m. submarine fire, a personage Kakubh verses ; a patronymic from Kakubh. — Kd-
= kuka-tindulia. — Kdkeshta (cka-ish°), as, m. the kubha-bdrhata, ax, m. (scil. pragdtha) a Pragatha
in Hindu mythology; [cf. aurva.] - Kdka-ndman, tree Melia Azadirachta. — Kakwlumbara (°ka-u<f),
a, m. the plant Agati Grandiflora. - Raka-naffd, f. as, m. or kdkodumbarikd, f. or kdkodumbarikd, beginning with a Kakubh and ending with a Brihatl.
the same plant. - Kdka-ndsa, as, m., N. of a plant, {. opposite-leaved fig tree, Ficus Oppositifolia. — Kd- akocika, as, m. or kdkofi, f. or
commonly called Vikantaka; (d), (. the plant Leea
kodara (°ka-ud°), as, m. a serpent. — Kdkolaka kdkodln, i, m. the fish Cyprinus Cachius.
Hirta. — haka-ndsikd, (. the plant Leea Hirta; N.
of another plant, also called Rakta-trivrit. - Kdka- (ka-ul°),am, n. crow and owl. — Kdkolukikd, f.
the natural enmity of the owl and crow. — Kakulu,- «*!<*! >7 kiikola, as, m. a raven [cf. kaka
nidrd, (. ' a crow's sleep,' a light slumber, one which klya, am, n. = the preceding; N. of the third book and kdkdla] ; a boar ; a snake ; a potter ; (as, am),
a easily broken. - Kdka-nlla, f. = kaka-jambu. of the VxntxtxMn. — Kdkoshtluika and kdkaush- m. n. a poisonous substance of a black colour or the
— Kdka-paitsha, as, m. side-locks of hair on the colour of a raven, whence its name ; possibly the
thaka (°ka-oththa), as, ikd, am, shaped like the
temples of boys and young men ; three or five locks beak of a crow ; epithet of a bandage. berry of the Cocculus Indicus ; (am), n. a division
on each side left when the head is first shared and Kakana, am, n. a leprosy with black and red of the infernal regions or hell; (as, i), m. f. a
allowed to remain there, especially in persons of the spots, considered incurable; (called so from its vegetable substance used in medicine, described as
4i'8j kdksha.
sweet and cooling, allaying fever, removing phlegm, Suaveolens.— KdfdTtilia, (°<<a-a£°), as, m. glass-eye, Kanfariiya, as, d, am, golden; (a), f. a yellow
&c. ; it is said to be a root brought from Nepal or N. of an aquatic bird.
pigment, commonly Go-rocanS.
Morung. Kanaka, as, m. glass, a stone ; alkaline ashes &c.
<ti\fc* kdnfi, ayas, m. pi., N. of a people ;
Kddana or kddanfika, am, n. an enclosure, a
*IGJ kaksha (kd-ak°), as, a, am, frowning, [cf. kdnil.]
looking scornfully or in displeasure ; (as), m. a glance, string or tape which ties a parcel or bundle of papers
kdiijika.] kantika, am, n. sour gruel; [cf.
a wink or leer ; (am), n. a frown, a look of dis- or the leaves of a manuscript &c. ; [cf. kafda.~\
; kataksha.] Kddanaliin, I, m. a writing, a manuscript.
Kddita, as, d, am, suspended by a swing or in a loop. »(il ^al kahfi or kdndi, is, f. (said to be fr. rt.
cWGjn^ kdkshatava, am, n. the fruit of
Kakshatu. «wP«i«i kd6igha, as, m. a mouse, a rat; kan), a girdle,
furnished especially
with small bells aand
woman's zone or girdle
other ornaments ; the
f kdkshaseni, is, m. (a patronymic gold ; a vegetable. plant Abrus Precatorius ; N. of an ancient city situated
ft. kaksha-seiia), an epithet of Abhipratarin. =111^^0(1 ka&h&ka (a various reading for in the peninsula and one of the seven sacred cities of
<*lf«( kdkshi, is, m., N. of a man. kdkatHi'uHka), a kind of soft substance. the Hindus. — KdntH-purl, (., N. of a town. — Kdn-
di-kshetra, N. of a region. — Kdnfi-nagara, am,
<*l PM r*<. katit-kara, as, i, am, Ved. doing n., N. of a town. — Kdnfi-pada, am, n. the hips
<*l«jl kdkshi, f . a perfume, a fragrant kind various things, serving various purposes; (kd-fit,
of earth ; the plant Cytisus Cajan. Ved. for kdni-Mt.)
and loins ; mons veneris, the pubic region. — Kdnfi-
pura, am, n., N. of a town. — Kanfi-prastlia, as,
«5T5!;fH kdkshiva, as, m. the plant Hyper- onir^i kdtima, as, m. a tree considered m., N. of a town.
anthera Moringa ; N. of a son of Gautama and of
Ausmarl, (irregular patronymic fr. kaltshivat or
as sacred, one growing near a temple, and being on kdiijika, am, n. sour gruel, the
that account an object of religious veneration or water of boiled rice in a state of spontaneous fer-
worship &c. mentation(a),
; f. the same ; N. of two plants, =
Kdks?dvaka, as, m. the plant Hyperanthera Mo-
ringa. otiir-Mfrtr^ kafilindi and kddilindika (va- jivanti-latd and paldfi-latd. — Kdnjika-vataka,
rious readings for kdka<!iii<!ika), a kind of soft substance. as, m. a dish consisting of sour gruel, meal, and
<* rVsjl <4 l^ kakshivat, dn,m. = kakshivat. several condiments.
Kdkshirata, as, I, am, composed by or relating <*!•«. kattha, as, i, am (fr. kattha), being
to Kakshivat; (a patronymic fr. kakshivat), epi- on the bank of a river (not applicable to a man). = Kdnji, f. sour gruel, = kdnjika ; N. of a plant,
thet of Sambara. Kdffhilca, as, i, am, being on the bank of a river Kdnjika, am, n. sour gruel.
«5Ft kaga, as, m. a crow; (in the Prakrit (as a man). ^iT7 kdta, as, am, m. n. (a Prakrit form fr.
dialects, a raven ; cf. Tcaka.) °m«a.M kd&hapa, as, i, am (fr. katthapd), karta), Ved. deepness, a hole ; (S5y.) a well.
relating or belonging to a tortoise. Kdtya, as, d, am, Ved. being in a hole.
sftjl'1 kdgni (kd-ag°), is, m. a little fire.
<*I5;lM1 kdnkdyana, as, m. (a patronymic oKiPoa.^ kdtthima, as, d, am, clear (as <*!«=)*) kdtavema, as, m., N. of a com-
fr. kartka), N. of a Muni. water) ; [cf. acVAa, sracVAa.]
mentator on Kalidasa's S'akuntala.
kilitksh, cl. I. P. kdnkshati, fa- otilTssfl kdtthi, f. a kind of fragrant earth ; <*!«<* katuka, am, n. (fr. katuka), acidity.
kdnktha, ep. also A. kankshale, Sec., [cf. kdkshi from which kddfhi is derived.]
kdnkshitum, to wish, desire; to strive to obtain; ^17 katha, as, I, am, composed by Katha ;
<*l»lc? kd-jala, am, n. a little water.
to long for, hope for (with ace.), expect ; to wait ; to (as), m. a rock, a stone.
look for anything (with dat.) : Caus. kdnksltayati, Kdthaka, as, m., N. of a work belonging to the
chlad kah6, cl. I. A. kandate, -titum, to Brahmana literature, and derived from the Katha
adakdrtkshat : Desid. dikdnkshishati : Intens. 6d- \ shine ; to bind ; [cf. kad and kant.]
kdnkshyate and fakcaahti; [cf. Hib. cachta, Kdnfana, am, n. gold ; property ; wealth ; the branch of the Vedas ; (as, i, am), according to the
filament of the lotus ; (as, i, am), golden, made or Katha portion of the Vedas.
* hunger;' Goth, hufiru-s, 'hunger;' hungrja, 'to
consisting of gold ; (as), m. several plants, Mesua Kdthas'dthin, inas, m. pi. the pupils of Katha -
be hungry;' Germ. Hunger.'] Ferrea ; Michelia Champaca ; Ficus Glomerata ; Bau-
Kdnkshat, an, anti, at, or kdnkshamdna, as,
d, am, wishing, desiring, hoping, expecting. hinia Variegata ; Datura Fastuosa ; another plant, =
<*if<}1 kathina, am, n. (fr. kathina), hard-
Kdnkshd, f. wish, inclination, desire. punndga ; N. of the fifth Buddha ; N. of a son of
ness, sternness ; (as), m. the date fruit.
Kankshita, ai, d, am, wished, desired ; expected, NSrSyana, author of the play Dhananjaya-vijaya ; N.
Kdtliinya, am, n. hardness, rigidity, stiffness,
of a prince [cf. kdndana-prabha] ; (i), I. turmeric;
longed for; (am), n. wish, desire. GbLaiJdy a kind of Asclepias ; a yellow pigment. — Kdntana-
sternness, severity ; firmness of character ; difficulty,
KdnksMn, i, ini, i, desiring, expecting, longing for kadali, f. a variety of the plant Musa Sapientum. obscurity (of style). — Kdthinya-phala, as, m. the
(with ace. or at the end of a compound). — Kdnkshi- plant Feronia Elephantum, = kapiltha.
td, f. wish, desire. — Kdntana-kandara, as, m. a gold mine. — KdiUa-
na-kdrint, f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus.— Kdii- =£TTT kdna, as, d, am, one-eyed, monoouloug {
<*l jjltj kankshoTU, us, m. a heron; also fana-kshirl, f. a kind of Asclepias, = kshirinl-lat<i. (akxhnd Tcanah, blind of one eye) ; perforated, as a
written kdttkshdru. — Kdiifana-girt, fo, m. the golden mountain, an cowne broken or perforated Dy insects ; (as), m. a
epithet of the mount Sumeru. — Kdntfana-gairika, crow ; [cf. dcdksha and kanaka.] — Kdna-tva, am,
\ kdngd, f., N. of a plant, Orris root. am, n. a species of ochre. — Kdnitana-daya, as, m. n. one-eyedness. — Kdna-bkuti, is, m., N. of a
kanguka, am, n. a kind of corn. a heap of gold. — Kdnfana-pura, am, n., N. of a
town. — Kdnfona-puxhpaka, am, n. the plant Ta-
3iT^ kdfa, as, m. (fr. rt. kaf), glass, crystal bernaemontana Coronaria. — Kdndana-pushpi, f. Kdneya, as, m, the son of a one-eyed woman ;
one-eyed. — Kdneya-vidha, am, n. a country inha-
considered as a natural production and used as a jewel the plant Premna Spinosa. — Kan6ana-praltha, as, bited byKaneyas.
or ornament ; alkaline ashes, any salt of potash or m., N. of a prince, a son of Bhlma and father of
soda in a glassy or crystalline state ; a class of diseases Suhotra. — KaUana-bhu, us, f. gold-dust ; a golden Kdtiera, as, m. son of a one-eyed woman ; one-
of the eye, especially ah affection of the optic nerve or yellow soil. — KdiUana-maya, as, i, am, golden.
or gutta serena ; a loop, a swinging shelf, a string so — KdManu-mdld, f., N. of the wife of Kunala, the cjfmn^ kdndda, as, i, am, composed by or
fastened to the yoke as to hold or support burdens son of Asoka; N. of another woman. — Kdnfana- eyed.
relating to Kanfida.
&c. ; the string of the scale of a balance ; (am), n. vapra, as, m. a hill or mound of gold. — Kdndana- oftKn^i kdnuka or kanaka, as (?), m. (said
alkaline salt, black salt ; wax. — Kdfa-kupi, f. a glass varman, a, m., N. of a prince. — Kaiifana-sandhi,
is, m. a treaty of friendship between two parties on to be fr. rt. kan), a crow ; the bird which makes a
bottle. — KdSa-yhati, f. a glass ewer. — Kdia-bhd-
jana, am, n. a vessel of glass or crystal, a cup, a equal terms. — Kdndana-sanntltlia, as, a, am, like hanging nest on the t5l tree ; a cock ; a species of
goblet. ~K.dfa-ma.ni, is, m. 'a glass jewel,' crystal, gold. — Kdiifandksha (°na-ak°), as, m., N. of a goose ; [cf. kana.]
quartz — Kdfa-mala, am, n. black salt or soda. DSnava; (>), f., N. of the river Sarasvati. — Kdn- <*l«Ur«']«ll'rT kanelimatri, a name of re-
— KdSa-lavana, am, n. black salt, a medicinal salt, fanditga (°na-an°), as, I, am, golden-bodied. proach, occurring generally in the voc.case; (according
prepared by calcining fossil salt and the fruit of the — Kdnfanabhidhdna-sandhi (°na-abh°), is, nj. to native commentators) one whose mother was an
Emblic Myrobalan together; it consists chiefly of ' golden alliance,' (lit. golden-named.) unmarried woman, a bastard ; (connected with the
muriate of soda, with a small quantity of iron, lime, Kdiit*anaka, as, m. the tree Bauhinia Variegata, word kdnera f).
mountain ebony ; the fruit of rice or grain ; (am),
and sulphur, and is a tonic aperient. «fc Kdta-valta- dntakamardanika, as, i, am
yimtra, am, n. a glass retort. — Kdda-sambhava, n. a yellow orpiment.
am, n. black salt. — Kdfa-muvarfala, am, n black Kdiifandra or kdnfanala or kdn<!anaraka, as, (fr. kttntaka-mardana), resulting from the treading
salt. — Kdi'a-sthdli, f. the trumpet flower, Bignonia m. mountain ebony, Bauhinia Variegata. down or crushing of thorns or enemies.
218 kdntakdra. kanta.

kdntakdra, as, i, am, made of the Kdndin, i, ini, i.Ved. reed-shaped, hollow. kdtthakya, as, m. (a patronymic
wood of KantakSra. Kdndira, as, d, am, armed with arrows, an r. katthaka), N. of a commentator.
rcher ; (as), m. the plant Achyranthes Aspera and <*lr<4l«<«1 kdtydyana. See under katlya.
kantneviddhi, is, I or yd, m. f. a le plant Momordica Charantia ; (a and i), f. the
lant Rubia Munjista. <*|xjc»i kdthaka and kdthakya, patronymics
patronymic fr. kanthe-riddha. rom Kathaka.
Kdnderl, f. the plant Tiaridium Indicum.
4 UK kanda, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. rt.
2. kam), a section, part ; a single joint of the stalk <*UJi<!/l kandani, (?) f. a plant, commonly kdthahtitka, as, i, am (fr. kathan-
or stem of a plant, i. e. the portion from one knot *4d), accomplished with difficulty.
ISmadfltl ; [cf. sukshma-parnl.~\
to another (e. g. iehtts trt-lidndd, an arrow made of kdthika, as, i, am (fr. I. kathd),
a cane with three knots; but by Pan. IV. I, 21, the otiKislrt kdndola, see above ; [cf. kandola.~]
fern, should be tri-kdndl) ; any part, portion or divi- 4,1 JH kdnva, as, i, am (a, patronymic fr. >elonging to a tale, told in one; knowing stories;
sion of a work or action ; any distinct portion or anvo), a descendant of Kanva; a follower of Kanva. as), m. a narrator of stories.
division of a sacrificial rite (as that belonging to the — Kdnva-ddkhin, i, m. a follower of the Kanva kddamba, as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
gods or to the manes) ; the section or chapter of a ranch of the Veda. — Kdnvi-putra, as, m., N. of a I . kad), a kind of goose with dark-grey wings (kala-
book, a separate department or subject (e. g. karma- eacher. hansa) ; a drake or (according to some) a teal ; an
kdnda, the department of the Veda treating of sacri- Kdnvaka, am, n., N. of a Saman. arrow ; the plant Nauclea Cadamba ; (a), f., N. of a
ficial'rites) ; a stalk or stem, a branch, a switch ; the Kdnvdyana, as, d, am, a patronymic fr. kariva. a-pvfshpi; (am), n. the flower of
part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches pro- dh\r\«Hkd-tantra, am, n. title of a grammar he plant Nauclea Cadamba.
ceed ;a cluster, a bundle ; a multitude, heap, quantity Kddambaka, as, m. an arrow.
(at end of comp.); an arrow; a long bone, a bone = kaldpa, q. v.) ; there are several appendices to
nd commentaries on this grammar, called Kdtantra- Kddambim, f. a long line or bank of clouds.
of the arms or legs (e. g. kdnda-bhagna, fracture of
a bone) ; a cane, a reed (Saccharum Sara) ; a particular janadhatu,°<!atushtayapradipa°(!andrikd,cdhd- otil^g*. kddambara, as, am, m. n. the
measure; water; opportunity, occasion; a private ughoshd, Sic. — Kdtantru-paiijikd, f. title of a surface or skim of coagulated milk ; (am, z), n. f. a
place, privacy, a secret place; praise, flattery; a ximmentary by Trilocana-dasa. spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the
horse. (At the end of a compound kdnda may <*TrK katara, as, d, am (fr. katara ?), iadamba ; the rain-water which collects in clefts or
sometimes imply depreciation or deficiency, = vile, owardly, discouraged, timid, depressed, perplexed, follow places of the tree Nauclea Cadamba when the
low, bad, sinful, wicked, &c.) — Kdnda-kat'uka, a*, hrinking, afraid ; confused, agitated, disordered ; (as), flowers are in perfection, and which is supposed to be
m. the plant Momordica Charantia, —Icaravella. m. a large kind of fish, Cyprinus Catla, = kdtala. impregnated with the honey ; wine, spirituous liquor
— Kduda-kdndaka, as, m. a species of grass. — Kdtara-td, f. or kdtara-tva, am, n. cowardice, in general ; the fluid which issues from the temples
— Kdnda-kdra, am, n. the Areca or betel-nut tree, imidity, agitation. of a rutting elephant; (I), f. the female of the
commonly Guvaka ; the betel-nut. — Kdnda-kilaka, Kokila or Indian cuckoo; the female of another bird,
Kdnda- Kdtardyana, as, m. a patronymic fr. katara.
as, m. the tree Symplocos Racemosa. — = ialriliti, i.e. Turdus Salica ; an epithet of Saras-
— Kdnda-gunda, Kdtarya, am, a. timidity, fear, dejection, depres-
kuskkw, us, m. (?), N. of a man. ion of spirits. vatt ; N. of a daughter of Citra-ratha and Madira;
as, m. a species of grass.— Kdnda-godara, as, m. a celebrated work of VSna-bhatta, called ' Kadambari,'
an iron znow. — Kdnda-tikta and kdnda-tiktaka, <*lrir9 kdtala, as, m. a large kind of fish, derives its name from her. — Kadamlian-vlja, am,
OS, m. a kind of gentian, GentianaCherayta. — Kdnda- n. ferment, yeast, whatever occasions fermentation.
dhdra, as. m., N. of a country ; (as, am), coming Cyprinus Catla; N. of a man; [cf. kdtara."]
Kdtaldyana, ax, m. a patronymic fr. kdtala. Kddambarya, as, m. = kadamba, Nauclea Ca-
from or relating to this country. — Kdnda-nlla, as,
eRTfTrT kdti, is, is, i (fr. 2 . kd = kan), wishing, damba.
m. the plant Symplocos Racemosa. ~ Kdnda-pata,
as, i, m. f. or kdnda-pataka, as, m. (?) an outer desiring idti). (in the compounds rina-kati and kdma- Pqwi kdddcitka, as, I, am (fr. kadd-
tent, a screen surrounding a tent, a curtain. — Kdnda- fid), appearing now and then, produced sometimes,
patita, as, m., N. of a serpent-king. — Kdnda-pdta, frU katiya, as, d, am (fr. kdtya below), occasional, incidental.— Kdda6it]ta-ta, f. the state
as, m. an arrow's fall or flight. — Kdnda-punkhd, f., composed by Kstya (e. g. in kdtiya-grihyasutra, of occurring occasionally.
N. of a phnt, = ^ara-punkhd.—Kdnda-pushpa, r kadi-krama-stuti, a work
am, n. the flower Artemisia Indica, commonly Doni.
kdtiya-kalpa-sutra, and kdtiya-sutra) ; a N. of
Katyayana (?) ; a pupil of the same ; also kdtyd- attributed to San-karacirya.
— Kdnda-prishtha, as, d, am, ' arrow-backed,' one yaniya (?).
who carries arrows on his back, one of the military Kddi-mata, a Tantra work.
profession, a soldier; (as), m. the husband of a Kdtya, as, m. a patronymic fr. kata; also = kd- ckl^TJ kddraveya, as, m. (fr. kadru),
tydyana,(1). epithet of the Nagas or serpents supposed to people
Vais'yS female ; an adopted son, any other than one's Katyayana, as, m. (a patronymic fr. kati or
own son ; (am), n. the bow of Kama ; the bow of the lower regions ; an epithet of Arbuda ; also of
Kama ; [cf. kdada-sprishta.] — Kdnda-bhagna,am, kdtya), N. of the author of several treatises on
n. a fracture or dislocation of the bones or limbs, com- ritual, grammar, &c. ; he is generally identified with Kasarmra.
Vararuci, the author of the Prakrita-prakasa. He is cmr|cn kanaka, as, t, am (fr. kanaka),
plete fracture of a limb. — Kdnda-maya, as, I, am, also the author of the Varttikas or supplementary
consisting of pieces of cane; («), f.=kdnda-vind, golden ; (am), n. the seed of Croton Jamalgota.
rules to PSnini, of the Yajur-veda Pratisakhya, and
q.v. — Kdnda-ruhd, f a medicinal plant, =katiiki. «BT^<; kdnada, as, m., N. of a son of
— Kdndarshi (°da-rishi), is, m. a Rishi or divine the S"rauta-sutras ; (i), {., N. of one of the two wives
saint of a peculiar class, as Jaimini and others, who teach of Yajnavalkya; an epithet of DurgS ; a middle-aged Dhimarana.
widow dressed in red clothes. — Katydyana-sutra, <mn>4 i. kdnana, am, n. (said to be fr. rt.
a peculiar Kanda or section of the Vedas. — Kdnda-
lard, as, d, am, cutting a cane or branch, intending am, n. the Srauta-sutras of Katyayana. — Kdtydyana-
sutra-paddhati, a commentary on the last by Yajni- kan), a forest, grove; a house. — Kanandri (°na-
to do so. — Kdiida-vat, an, ati, at, armed with an ari), is, m. a species of the Mimosa tree, Saml.
arrow, an archer. — Kdnda-vind, f. a musical instru- ka-deva. — Kdtydyanafiitra -bhashya, am, n. a com-
mentary on the same by Karka. — Kdtydyani-piftra, — Kdnanaultas (°na-ok°), as, m. the inhabitant of
ment composed of joints of reed, a reed-pipe (? a forest, a monkey ; [cf. vanaukas.]
as, m , N. of a teacher. — Kdtyayani-mdhatmya,
played by the Cjndslas ; [cf. kandola-vind.' am, n. a part of the Skanda-purSna. 'ZRT'T'T 2. kdnana (ka-dn°), am, n. the face
— Kdnda-sand hi, is, m. a knot, a joint in the
stem of a tree or of a reed. » Kdnda-sprishta, as, d Kdtydyaniya, as, d, am, composed by KStyayana ; of BrahmS.
am, living by the military profession, living by arms e. g kdtydyaniya-s'dstratti, ' the law-book composed
oRT^ftrT kdnita, as, m. a patronymic of
a soldier ; (as), m. a Brahman who lives by arms ; [cf by him;' (as), m. a pupil of KatySyana. Prithu-sravas.
K kdtu, us, m. a cave ; a well (?) ; [cf cJiHl'T kdmna, as, I, m. f. (fr. kanma),
grass, Cyperus Pertenuis. — Kdnddnulcrama (°da the son or daughter of a young or unmarried woman ;
an-0), ax, m. or kdnddnukramaiiikd or kdnda an epithet of Vyasa, Kania, and Agnivesya ; (as, a,
nukramani, (. an index of the Kandas of the kd-trina, am, n. a species of grass,
Rohisha-trina ; [cf. kat-tri no.] am), suitable to or designed for the eye-ball; [cf.
Taittiriya-Samhha. - Kdndekthu (-da-ik°), us, m
the plant Asteracamha Longifolia and the plan
Saccharum Spontaneum. — Kdnde-ruhd, f., N. of <*lr* kdt-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute. Kariiyaxa (fr. kanlyas), less in number (used
plant, = kdnda-ruhd. -Tcartum (fr. kdt, an exclamation of abuse, and I. krff, knniixika.~\
only in plur.).
Kdndani, (., N. of a &mt,=suk«hma-parni anc to insult, dishonour. oRRT kanta, as, d, am (fr. 2. kam), desired,
rdma-dutt. Kdi-krita, as, a, am, dishonoured, insulted.
loved, dear ; pleasing, agreeable ; lovely, beautiful ;
Kdnddla or kdndola, as, m. a reed-basket. eitl^M0* kdttreyaka, as, i, am (fr. kat-tri) (as), m. a lover, a husband ; any one beloved ; the
Kdndikd, f. a kind of corn (see lankd) ; a kin produced from or belonging to any combination o moon ; spring ; the plant Barringtonia Acutangula
of gourd, Cucumis Utilissimus. three inferior articles.
[cf. hijjala] ', iron ; stone ; a precious stone (in
kanta-ta. kama-jani.
which sense it is compounded with surya, fandra, <*!•*( ni kdnyajd, f. a kind of perfume, Kdpya-kdra, as, m. avowal or confession of sin ;
and ayas) ; an epithet of Krishna, and of Skanda ; commonly Nsll. a penitent, one who confesses a crime.
(a), (. a beloved or lovely woman, a wife, a mistress ;
the earth; N. of a plant (commonly called priyangu) \ <*I44=( kdpatava, a patronymic from Ka- <*IHIP> kdphala, as, m. a bitter seed. See
also of another plant ( = ndgara-muita) ; large car- katphala,
damoms ;a kind of perfume (see renukd) ; N. of a Kdpatavaka, as, ikd, am, coming from the
patu. =nri q kdbava, as, m., Ved. an epithet of
metre of four lines of seventeen syllables each ; (am), KSpatavas. evil spirits.
n. saffron; a species of iron. -• Kanta-ta, (. or OWM(<<* kdpatika, as, i, am (fr. kapata),
kdnta-tva, am, n. loveliness, beauty, agreeableness. fraudulent, dishonest; wicked, perverse, bad; (as), T kdm, ind. an interjection used in
— Kdnta-pakihin, I, m. a peacock (' the beautiful m. a flatterer, a parasite ; a student, a scholar. calling out to another.
bird '). •- Kdnta-pushpa, as, m. the tree Bauhinh Kdpa/ya, am, n. wickedness, dishonesty, fraud.
Variegata, mountain ebony. — Kanta-mifra, as, m., '3RTH kdma, as, m. (fr. 2. kam), wish, desire,
N. of a man. — Kanta-loha, am, n. the loadstone. ^il^N kd-patha, as, m. a bad road ; bad longing (e. g. prdpta-kdma, one who has gained
— Kdnta-lauha, of or am (?), m. or n. steel ; [cf. ways ; (am), n. the fragrant root of Andropogon his wish), affection, love, the object of desire or love,
loha-kdnta.] — Kdntdnghri-dohada (°td-att°), as, Muricatus; (as), m., N. of a DSnava. the god of desire generally ; Love, the god of love
m. the tree Jonesia Asoka (this tree being supposed to (son of Dharma and husband of Rati or, according
blossom upon coming in contact with the foot of a oTRT kdpd, f., Ved. a call (?). to other authorities, son of Brahma or San-kalpa) ; a
handsome female). — Kdntd-faraiia-doTiada, as, m. <*TMlrt kdpdla, as, i, am (fr. kapdla), re- N. of Agni in the Veda (either because he desires to
= the preceding. — Kdntdyasa (ta-ayas), am, n. the lating to the skull or cranium ; made of skulls ; (as), consume all things or because he makes requests to
iron stone; [cf. kanta-loha and ayas-kdnta.] m. a follower of a certain Saiva sect [cf. the follow- the gods in behalf of man) ; a N. of Bala-deva [cf.
Kdntaka, as, m., N. of a man. ing] ;the plant Cucumis Utilissimus ; (i), f. a clever kdma-pdla] ; a species of the mango tree ( = mahd-
Kdntalaka, as, m. the tree Cedrela Toona, com- woman ; (am), n. a kind of leprosy. rdja-<!uta} ; N. of a metre consisting of four lines of
monly Tunna, the wood of vhich sometimes resembles two long syllables each ; N. of a prince ; (at the end
Kapdlika, as, I, am, relating to or belonging to of compounds) having a desire for, desiring (e. g.
the skull ; (as), m. a worshipper of Siva of the left-
Kdntiya, nom. A. -yate, -yitum, to behave like hand order, characterized by carrying skulls of men go-kdma, desiring cows; dharma-kdma, desiring
a lover. justice ; tyalitu-kdma, having a desire to leave ; see
as ornaments and by eating and drinking from them ;
Kantl, is, f. desire, wish; loveliness, beauty; N. of a mixed caste; (as, i, am), peculiar to a Gram. 871). After the phrase kdmo me, ' my desire
splendor; female beauty; personal decoration or is,' the potential may be used ; e. g. kdmo me
embellishment ; (in rhetoric) beauty enhanced by b/utnjita bhavdn, my wish is that you should eat ;
love; a lovely or desirable woman, personified as Krishna Kdpdlin, I, m. a N. of Siva ; N. of a son of
and Yaudhishthiri. (a), f. wish, desire [cf. kdmayd] ; N. of a daughter
wife of the moon. — Kdnti-kara, as, i, am, causing of Prithu-Sravas and wife of Ayuta-nSyin ; (am), n.
beauty, beautifying, illuminating. — If anti-da, as, a, <*iri|«ti kapika, as, I, am (fr. kapi), shaped object of desire; semen virile; N. ofaTlrtha; (as,
am, giving beauty; beautifying, adorning; (a), f. or behaving like a monkey. d,am), Ved. wishing, desiring. Kdmena or kdmdt,
the plant Serratula Anthclmintika ; (am), n. bile, Edpittha, as, i, am (fr. kapittha), belonging to ind. out of affection or love for, of one's own accord,
the bilious humor. •• Kdnti-ddyaka, as, ikd, am, the tree Feronia Elephantum. intentionally ; kdmdya or kame, ind. according to
granting beauty ; beautifying, adorning ; (am), n. a Kdpitthaka, N. of a place. one's desire ; out of love for (with gen. or dat. case).
fragrant wood, a kind of Curcuma from the root of Kdpila, as, t, am (fr. kapiJa), peculiar or be- — Kdma-kctr£ana in a-kama-kardana, q. v. — Kd-
which a yellow die is prepared, C. Zanthorrhiza. longing toKapila (or Vishnu), derived from him ; of ma-kald, (. an epithet of Rati, the wife of Kama.
— Kdnli-pura, am, n., N. of a town in Nepal. a tawny colour; (as), m. a follower of the San-khya "Kdma-kdti, is, is, i, Ved. requesting the fulfil-
— Kdnti-mat, an, ati, at, lovely, beautiful, splen- system of philosophy which was founded by Kapila ; ment of a wish ; (S5y.) uttering wishes. •• Kdma-
did ;(it), (., N. of a metre ; N. of a woman. — Kdnti- tawny (the colour) ; (am), n., N. of an Upa-pur5na. kdma, as, d, am, or kdma-kdmin, t, inl, i, wish-
mat-td, f. loveliness, beauty. ^ Kdnti-kara, as, i, Rdpileya, a patronymic from Kapila or a metro- ing wishes; following the dictates of passion- or desire.
am, destroying beauty, making ugly, dulling, dim- nymic from Kapila. ~ Kdma-kdra, as, m. voluntary action, the act of
ming. —Kdnti^nagarl, f. (for kdnti-n°), N. of a Kdpiiiana, as, m. (fr. kapi-vana), N. of a following one's own inclinations, spontaneous deed ;
city of the north ; [cf. kanti-pura], festival lasting two days. the operation or influence of desire, desire ; (as, f,
Kantika, as, m. pi., N. of a people. Kdpifa, am, n. (fr. kapifa), a spirituous liquor, am), following one's own inclinations, indulging one's
<*l*flTC. kdntdra, as, am, m. n. a wood or wine ; (»), f., N. of a country. desires. — Kdmakdra-tas, ind. according to one's
Kapiidyana, as, I, am, coming from Kapisa desires or inclinations. — Kdma-kiita, as, m. the
large forest ; a bad or difficult road ; a hole, a cavity;
(e. g. madha, honey, or drdkshd, grape) ; (as), m. a paramour of a harlot; wanton caresses, harlotry.
(as), m. a red variety of the sugar-cane ; a bamboo ;
mountain ebony, Bauhinia Variegata ; (i), f. a kind patronymic; (am), n. a spirituous liquor; a deity. — Kdma-keli, w, m. amorous sport, a euphemistic
of sugar-cane ; (am), n. a symptom or symptomatic Kdptieya, as, m. (fr. kapts'd), a PiSada, an imp term for sexual intercourse ; (is, is, »'), having amo-
disease, a lotus. — Kdntdra-ga, as, d, am, who or or goblin rous sport, libidinous, wanton. — Kdmo-kndd, f.
what goes into a wood. — Kdntdra-patha, as, m. Ka/ii#hf!iala,as, m. a patronymic fr.lcapishlhala; amorous sport, N. of a metre consisting of four lines
a forest-way. — Kdntdra-pathika, as, i, am, con- (as), m. pi., N. of a people; [cf. Ka./j.(3irrOu\oi.) of fifteen long syllables each. — Kdma-kfiadga-dala,
Kdpt,{., N. of a woman ; N. of a river. f., N. of a plant ; [cf. svarna-ketakt.] ~ Kdma-ga,
veyed on difficult forest roads. —Kdntdra-vdsint, f.
Kdpeya, as, i, am (fr. kapi), belonging to or re-
an epithet of Durga1. lating to or peculiar to a monkey ; a patronymic fr. as, move
to d, am, orgoing act as or coming of one's(a),
one pleases; ownf. aaccord, able
Kdntdraka, as, m. a kind of sugar-cane; (as),
m. pi., N. of a people; (ikd), (. a kind of bee. kapi (a descendant of An-giras being meant) ; (am), woman. — Kdma-yati, is, is, i,orkdma-gain(t,Q8,
n. the monkey species ; monkey tricks.
d, am, or kdma-gdmin, i, inl, i, =kama-ga above ;
<=m*rnrHlsi kdntotpddd, f. (for kdntotpd- Kdpya, as, d, am, a patronymic fr. kapi (a de- (kdma-gamds), m. pi., N. of a class of deities of
dd ?), N. of a metre consisting of four lines of twelve scendant ofAitgiras being meant). the eleventh Manvantara. — Kama-gin, is, m., N.
syllables each. of a mountain. — Kdma-guna, as, m. the quality of
oni^tjH kd-purusha, as, m. a mean con- desire, passion, affection ; satiety, perfect enjoyment ;
41 '^<* kdnthaka fr. kantha, N. of a place temptible man, a coward, a wretch; (an, d, am),
on the river Varnu. an object of sense. — Kdnna-tara, as, d, am, mov-
cowardly, miserable, mean. — Kdpurusha-ta, f. or
ing freely, unchecked, unrestrained. — Kdma-famna,
kundava, as, I, am (fr. kandu), kdpurusha-tva, am, n. meanness, cowardliness. am, n. free or unchecked motion. — KdmaSara-tva,
roasted or baked, in an iron pan or oven, as bread, Kdpurushya, am, n. cowardice, meanness.
am, n. unrestrainedness. — .Kawia-c'aj'a, as, a, am,
cakes, &c. <*lMin kapota, as, t, am (fr. kapota), pecu- moving freely, following one's own pleasure, un-
Kdndavika, as, t, am, employed in baking; liar to a pigeon; of the colour of a pigeon, grey, of checked, unrestrained ; (as), m. free, unrestrained
(as), m. a baker. a dirty white colour; (as), m. grey (the colour), motion ; independant, spontaneous action ; following
a dirty white colour ; natron, fossil alkali ; antimony one's own wishes or pleasures, sensuality, selfishness.
^n^ifiH kdndd-msha, am, n., Ved. a
considered as a collyrium or application to the eyes ; — Kdmatdra-ias,
species of poison.
((), f., N. of a plant ; (am), n. a flock of pigeons ; tion. —Kdma-ddrin, ind. according
i, inl, to one's
i, moving inclina-
according to
cmPn^SI kdndis, k, k, k, or kdndisika, as, d, one's inclination, acting unrestrainedly ; behaving
antimony. —Kdpotdnjana (°ta-an°), am, n. anti-
am, put to flight, running away, flying; (fr. kdtn mony especially considered as a collyrium or applica- freely towards women, desirous, libidinous; self-
tion to the eyes. willed; (as}, m. a sparrow; an epithet ofGaruda,
diiam, ' to which region' shall I fly ?). — Kdndig- the bird of Vishnu. — Kdma-ja, as, d, am, produced
bhuta, as, d, am, run away. Kdpotaka, ds,m. pi. the inhabitants ofKapotaktyS.
Kdpotapdkya, as, m. a prince of the KapotapSkas. or caused by passion or desire ; (a son) engendered in
<*|*^«JTI kdnyakubja, am, n. = kanya- love ; (as), m. the son of Kama, i. e. Aniruddha.
kubja, N. of a town ; (I), f, a princess or a female «mvH«ii< kdpyakara, as, m. (kdpya ?-kara), — Kdma-jdna, as, m. or (according to another
inhabitant of this town. a penitent, one who acknowledges his faults.
reading) kdma-jani, is, m. the Indian cuckoo ; '[cf.
220 kdma-jdla. kamika.

kdma-tdla.] — Kdma-jdla = kdma-tdla. — Kama- as), m. sing, or pi. a district lying east of Bengal, the jamorous. — Kdmdrafara (°ma-av°), as, m. pi. a
jit, t, t, t, conquering desire ; an epithet of Skanda. western portion of Assam. ~ Kdmnriipa-dha ra , ax, class of deities (with Buddhists). — Kdmdvatdra
•• Kdmu-jyesh(ha, as, d, am, Ved. having desire a, am, taking any shape at will. — Kdmarupa-pati, (°ma-av°), as, m., N. of a metre consisting of four
(personified) at the head ; led by Kama. •• Kama- is, m., N. of a commentary on the work SaradS- lines of six syllables each ; N. of a work. — Kdmd-
tantra, N. of a work. — Kama-tarn, us, m. the tilaka. — Kdmurupin , i, ini, »', taking any shape at vasdya (°ma-av°), as, m. suppression or mortifi-
god of love considered as a tree or parasitical plant ; will; pleasing, beautiful; (i), m. a puli-cat; a boar; cation of the passions, coldness, stoicism. — Kdmd-
[cf. kdma-vriksha.] — Kama-toe, ind. according to a VidySdhara, a kind of subordinate deity ; (ini), f. vasiyi-td, f. or kdmdrasdyi-tva, am, n. the power
wish or affection, passionately, from passion or feel- the plant Physalis Flexuosa. — Kdma-rekhd, f. a harlot, of suppressing desire, self-denial or mortification (one
a courtezan ; [cf. kdma-lekhd.] — Kdma-latd, f.mem- of the eight supernatural faculties of Siva).— Kamd-
ing (opposed to dharma-tas) ; of one's own accord,
willingly, intentionally, by consent. — Kdma-tdla, brum virile ; the plant Ipomcea. — Kdma-lekhd, (. a msdyitri, td, in, tri, who or what suppresses or
as, m. the Indian cuckoo, (the song of this bird being harlot, a courtezan ; [cf. kdma-rekhd.] — Kdma-lola, destroys passion or desire. — Kdmdvasdyin, i, ini,
as, d, am, overcome with desire or passion. — Kdma- i, one who suppresses desire, destructive of love or
poetically considered as an incentive to love.) — Kama-
da, as, a, am, giving what is wished, granting de- vat,dn,atl,at,bemg in love, enamoured, wanton; con- desire. — Kdmd^ana ("ma-as"0), am, n. eating at
sires ;an epithet of the sun, and of Skinda ; (a), (. taining the word Kama; (ti), f. a species of Curcuma will, unrestrained enjoyment. — Kdmas'rama (°ma-
a fabulous cow, the cow of plenty; N. of a woman. [cf. ddru-haridrd] ; N. of a town. — Kdma-vara, af), as, m. or kdmds'rama-pada, am, n. the her-
— Kdma-duttd, f. title of a work. — Kdma-dattikd, as, m. a gift chosen at will. — Kdma-rallabha, as, mitage ofthe god of love. — Kdmdsakta (°ma-ds°),
{., N. of a woman. — Kdma-daminl, (. ' taming m. spring ; the mango tree ; (a), f. moonlight. as, d, am, overcome with desire or passion, im-
love,' N. of a libidinous woman in the ParWatantra. — Kama-nada, as, m. subjection to love. — Kdma- passioned, inlove. — Kdmdeakti (°ma-ds°), is, f.
— Kdma-dambhaka, as, m., N. of a man. — Ka- vafya, as, d, am, being in subjection to the god of passion, desire. — 7i"a»ic^>SM (°ma-ip0), us, us, u,
ma-dardana, as, i, am, looking lovely. — Kama- love, enamoured. — Kdma-vdna, as, m. an arrow of striving to obtain the fulfilment of a desire. —Kdmc-
dugha, at, a, am, milking all desires, i. e. yielding Kama-deva, the deity of.love. — Kdma-vdda, as, d, ivara (°ma-is°), as, m. an epithet of Kuvera.
what one wishes ; (a), f. the cow of plenty, a fabu- am, saying anything at pleasure. — Kama-vdsin, t, — Kdmodaka (°ma-ud°), am, n. a voluntary obla-
tion of water ; oblation of water to deceased friends
lous cow yielding all desires. — Kama-dun, -dhuk, ini, i, choosing one's residence at will. •• Kdma.-
f. and kdma-duhd, f. the cow of plenty. — Kama- viddha, as, d, am, wounded by the god of love ; &c. exclusive of those for whom it is directed by law.
dutikd, f. the plant Tiaridium Indicum. — Kama- (as), m., N. of a man. — Kama-vihantri, td, tri, — Kdmodd, f. a RSgim, one of the female personi-
dull, f. the female of the Indian cuckoo ; the plant tri, disappointing desires. — Kdma-virya, as, a, am, fications ofthe musical notes. — Kdmopahata (°»na-
Bignonia Suaveolens. — Kdma-deva, as, m. the god displaying heroism at will, an epithet of Garuda. up°), as, d, am, overcome with passion or desire.
of love (according to some authorities a son of — Kdma-vriksha, as, m. a parisitical plant (= van- — Kdmopahata-dittdnga (°ma-up°), as, d, am,
Sahishnu and YaSo-dhari) ; also a N. of Siva ; N. ddka). — Kdma-vritta, as, d, am, indulging desires, one whose mind and body are overcome with love.
of a poet ; N. of a king of Jayantlpur! ; N. of the licentious, dissipated, debauched. — Kdma-vriddhi, Kdmana, as, d, am, lustful, libidinous, desirous ;
is, f. increase of desire or passion ; (is, is, i), in-
author of the Prayas'c'itta-paddhati. — Kdma-dohin, i, (a), f. desire,ind.
Kdmam, wish.(ace. c. of itama), according to wish
ini, i, yielding desires; an epithet of the cow of creasing love ; (M), m. a shrub, called in KarnStaka
plenty, which belonged to Vasishtha. — Kama-dka- KSma-ja, of supposed aphrodisiac properties. — Kd- or . desire, according to inclination ; agreeably to
rana, am, n., Ved. procuring what is desired, fulfil- ma-vrtntd, f. the trumpet flower, Bignonia Suave- desire ; at will ; willingly, joyfully ; (as a particle of
ment of deiire. — Kdmn-dhdtu, us, m. the region olens. —Kama-fora, as, m. love's shaft ; the mango assent) well, very well; granted; admitted that;
of the wishes, the seat of the Kamavac'aras. — Kama- tree. — Kdma-idstra, am, n. a manual of pleasure indeed, really, surely; (implying at the same time
dhetiu, ns, f. the cow of plenty, a cow belonging to or of love, title of a work of VatsySyana. — Kdma- a contradiction to what precedes) but really, but.
the sage Vasishtha, yielding all desires ; title of a samyoga, as, m. attainment of desired objects. Kdmam — na or kdmam — na tu, rather — than
commentary of Vopadeva on his Kavi-kalpadruma, — Kdma-sakha, as, m. spring; the month Caitra; (with pot. or impv. or fut. pass, part., e. g. kdmam
also called Kavya-kimadhenu. — Kdmadhenu-tan- the mango tree. — Kdma-samuha, as, m., N. of a a marandt tishthed grihe kanyd — na endm pra-
tra, am, n. title of a work on the mystical significa- work of Ananta. — Kdma-suta, as, m. the son of yaMhet tu guna-hindya, ' rather should a girl stay
tion of the letters of the alphabet. — Kdma-dhvawin, Kama-deva, god of love, i. e. Aniruddha. — Kdma- at home till her death, than that he should give her
I, m. an epithet of Siva as ' subduing the god of love.' su, us, us, u, granting wishes. — Kdma-sutra, N. of to one void of excellent qualities') ; in this sense the
— Kdma-ndiaka, as, ikd, am, destroying irregular a love-manual by VatsySyana. — A'amo-sena, OS, negative sentence with na or na tu may also pre-
desires, subduing any sensual appetite. — Kaman- m., N. of a king of KSmavatI; (a), f. the wife of cede or its place may occasionally be taken by an
dhamin, i, m. a brazier ; [cf. kdranflhamin.] Nidhipati. — Kama-haituka, as, i, am, caused or interrogative sentence (e. g. kdmam nayatu mam
— Kdma-pati, is, m. the lord of desires. — Kdma- produced by mere desire, without any real cause ; of dei'alf kim ardhena dtmnno hi me, ' rather let the
patni, f. the wife of Kama, i.e. Rati. — Kdma- one's own accord. — Kdmdkshi (°ma-ak°), f. a form god take me, what is the use to me of half my
pdla, as, m. epithet of Bala-deva ; also of Siva ; N. of Durga. — Kdmdkhyd (°ma-dkh°), f. a form of existence?'). Kdmam — tu, or kdmam — kim tu,
of a man. — Kdma-pidita, as, a, am, tormented DurgS. — Kdmagni ( ma-ag"), is, m. the fire of or kdmam — athapi, or kdmam — tathdpi, or kd-
with lust or irregular desires. — Kdma-pura, as, a, love, passion, lust, violent desire. •- Kdmdgni-sandi- mam— jmnar, well, indeed, surely, granted — how-
am, fulfilling wishes, granting desires. — Kdma-pra, pana, am, n. kindling the fire of lust, an aphro- ever, notwithstanding, nevertheless (e. g. kdmam
as, a, am, Ved. granting desires ; (am), n. the ftilfil- disiac. —Kdmdnkuta (Oma-a»°), as, m. a finger- tvayd parityaktd gamishydmi — imam tu balam
ling of a desire. — Kdma-prada, as, a, am, granting nail; the membrum virile. — KdmCutga (°ma-a>t°), santyaktum ndrhast, ' granted that forsaken by
desires ; (as), m. a kind of coitus. — Kdma-pras'na, as, m. the mango tree, Mangifera Indica. — Kdmd- thee I shall go — this child however thou must not
as, m. questioning as one pleases, asking unrestrain- tura (°ma-dt°), as, d, am, love-sick, in love, affected forsake ;' or the disjunctive particles are left out alto-
edly. —Kdma-prastha, as, m., N. of a town. by love or desire. — Kdmdtma-td, f. passion, lust; gether).— Kdman-gdmin, i, ini, i, going at will;
— Kdmapri, is, m. (fr. kdma-pra), Ved. a patro- wish, desire. — Kdmdtman (°ma-dt°), d, d, a, whose going or coming according to one's inclination or of
one's own accord.
nymic of Marutta ; (Siy.) • whose wishes are ful- very essence is desire, consisting of desire, libidi-
nous, licentious; desiring, wishing for; enamoured. Kdmayd, ind. (inst. c. of an obsolete base kamd),
filled.'— Kdma-phala, as, m. a species of the
mango tree. — Kdma-baddha, as, d, am, bound by — Kdmddhikdra (°ma-adh°), as, m. the influence only used with bruhi or prabruhi (e. g. kdmayd
love; (am), n. a v/ood. — Kdma-bhaksha or kd- of passion or desire, aspiration ; that part of a Sastra me bruhi dcva kas tvam, ' for love of me, say, O
ma-bhakxhya, as, d, am, eating anything or every- which relates to human wishes or desires. — Kdmd-
thing. —Kdma-bhdj, k, k, k, partaking of sensual dhishthita (°ma-adh°), as, d, am, influenced or god, Kdmayana,
who thou art'). as, d, am, desiring.
enjoyment. — Kdma-bhoga, as, m. gratification of overcome by love. — Kdmdnala (°ma-an°), as, Kamayitri, td, tri, tri, libidinous, lustful, desirous.
desire*, sensual gratification (always used in plur.). m. the fire of love, passion, lust, violent desire. Kdmala, as, d, am, libidinous, lustful ; (as), m.
« Kdma-matijari, f., N. of a woman. — Kdma- — Kdmdndha (°ma-an°), as, m. the Indian cuckoo spring ; dry and sterile soil, a desert ; (as, d), m. f.
maya, as, t, am, consisting of desire, answering all (blind from love) ; (a), f. musk. — Kdmdnnin (°ma- a form of jaundice, excessive secretion or obstruction
desires. — Kdma-mardana, as, m. epithet of Siva, an°), i, ini, i, having food at will. — Kdmdbki- of bile; (a), f., N. of an Apsaras; (i), f., N. of a
' the destroyer of the god of love.' — Kdma-maha, kama (°ma-abh°), as, d, am, lustful. — Kdmdyuilha daughter of Renu, also called RenukS.
as, m. the festival of the god of love (on the day of (°ma-dy°), am, n. the weapon or arrow of the god Kdmaldyana or kdmaldyairi (a patronymic fr.
full moon in month Caitra or March-April). — Kd- of love ; membrum virile ; (as), m. a species of the
kamala), an epithet of the Upakosalas.
ma-mdlin, t, m. epithet of GaneSa. — Kdma-miidha, mango tree. — Kdmat/us ("ma-dy"), ns, m. a vul-
as, d, am, infatuated by lust. - Kama-muta, as, ture; an epithet of Garuda, the bird of Vishnu. Kdmali, is, m., N. of a pupil of VaiSampSyana.
d, am, Ved. strongly affected by love. — Kdma- Kdmaiin, i, ini, i, suffering from jaundice ; (inas),
— Kdmdranya (°ma-ar9), am, n. a pleasing grove m. pi., N. of a school derived from Kamali(?).
mohita, as, d, am, overcome by or intoxicated or wood. — Kamdri (°ma-ar{), is, m. a mineral
with desire, love, or passion. — Kama-rasa, as, m. substance used in medicine, a sort of pyrites (see Kami, is, m. a libidinous man, a lecher ; (is), f.
seminal effusion. — Kdma-rasika, as, i, am, libidi- vi/a-mdkehika) ; an epithet of Siva, the foe or an epithet of Rati, the wife of the god of love.
nous. —Kdma^rdja, as, m., N. of a poet. — Kdma- Kdmika, as, d, am, desired, wished for, one
conqueror of the god of love. — Kdmdrta ("mo- i whose desires are fulfilled ; (at the end of a compound)
rujia, am, n. a shape changing at will ; (as, d, am),
taking any shape at will ; beautiful, pleasing; (as or dr°), as, d, am, afflicted by love or passion, in love. ' relating to or connected with a desire or wish ; (as),
— Kdmdrthin (°ma-ar°), i, ini, i, lascivious, wanton, ,
kamita. kdrana. 221
m. a kind of aquatic bird, a wild duck (kdrandava) ; Kdmpillaka, am, n. a kind of medicinal substance , pledged ; or (according to some) interest, of which the
(d), f. a mystical N. of the letter <. (ikd), (. a drug and perfume, commonly Sunda payment does not affect the principal.
Kamita, as, a, am, wished, desired ; (am), n. a Kdyika, as, I, am, performed with the body ; cor-
wish, desire. Kdmpila, as, m., N. of a plant [cf. the preced- poreal, relating to the body ; belonging to an assem-
Kdmin, i, irii, i, desirous, cupidinous ; loving, fond, ing] ;N. of a town (?) ; (as, i, am), derived from blage or multitude (especially at end of comp.).
impassioned, wanton; («), m. a lover, an uxorious this plant. — Kdmpila-vdsin, i, irii, i, living in the
husband ; N. of several birds, the ruddy goose, Anas town Kamplla. <*iq*(I«1 kdyamdna, am, n. a hut made of
Casaca ; a pigeon ; Ardea Sibirica ; a sparrow ; an Kdmpllaka, as, m., N. of a plant. grass or thatch.
epithet of Siva ; the moon (?) ; (ini), {. a loving or *T*<ai kdyavya, as, m., N. of a man.
affectionate woman, a timid woman ; a woman in ^nifc3 kambala, as, i, am (fr. kambala),
general ; a climbing parasitical plant ; a species o covered with a woollen blanket ; (as), m. a carriage '3iR i. kdra, as, i, am (fr. rt. I. kri), at
covered with a woollen doth or blanket. the end of a compound = making, doing, working;
Curcuma ; spirituous liquor. — Kdmi-td, f. or kdmi-
tva, am, n. the state of a lover, love, desire. — Kd- who or what does any act, an agent, a maker or doer,
<tigfc5^i kdmbalika, as, m. a sour dish
mim-kdnta, as or am (?), m. or n. (?), N. of a an author (e. g. kumbha-kdra, as, m. a potter, a
prepared with milk, whey, and vinegar ; gruel, barley- maker of earthen vessels ; suvarna-kdra, a gold-
metre consisting of four lines of six syllables each water, &c.
smith ;yajna-kdra, one who performs a sacrifice ;
— Kdmtriis'a (°rii-i£a), as, m. the plant Hyper- smgficn kdmbavlka, as, m. (fr. kambu), a vdrttika-kdra, the author of the VSrttikas) ; (as),
anthera Moringa (Jobhdnjana).
Kdmma or kdmila, as, m. the plant Areca Tri- dealer in shells, a vender of shell-ornaments. m. act, action (e. g. kdma-kdra, purusha-kdra,
andra. Sec.) ; the term used in designating a sound or a word
oftltl^M kambukd, f. = kambnkd, the plant which is not inflected (e. g. a-kdra, the sound a;
KdmuJsa, as, a or i, am, wishing, desirous;
Physalis Flexuosa ( =as~va-gandhd). ka-kara, the sound k; eva-kdra, the word em;
loving; cupidinous, lustful, libidinous; (as), m, a phut-kdra, the sound phut ; cf. Parana, p. 205) ;
kdmbuva, as or am (?), m. or n. (?),
lover* a sparrow; the plant Jonesia Asoka; the effort, exertion ; determination ; religious austerity ; a
creeping plant Gasrtnera Racemosa ; a bow (?) ; (a), N. of a region.
f. a woman desirous of wealth, food, &c. ; (t), f. a husband, a master.a lord; (i), f., N. ofaplant,=&a-
libidinous or lustful woman. — Kdmuka-kdntd, f. <*ligl*T kamboja, as, i, am (fr. kamboja}, rikd, kdryd, Sec. — Kdra-kara, as, i, am, working,
the plant Gsertnera Racemosa. — Kdmuka-tva, am, born in or coming from Kamboja ; (as), m. a native doing
n. desire. as, m. work,a manacting of a asmixed
agent. and
— Kdrdvara
low caste, (°ra-av°),
one born
of Kamboja, a foreign race who like the Yavanas from a Nishsda father and Vaidehl mother, employed
Kdmukdyana, as, m. (a patronymic fr. kdmuka), shave the whole head, (one of the tribes was originally
N. of a teacher. in working in leather and hides.
Kshatriya, but degraded by omission of the necessary
rites) ; a prince of this tribe ; a horse of the Kamboja I. kdraka, as, ikd, am, making, doing, who or
I. kimya, nom.P.kdmyati (in composition with
breed; the plant Rottleria Tinctoria, commonly what does, makes, creates, acts, &c. ; an agent ; one
an object), to have a desire for (e. g. putra-kdmyati, who effects or produces anything; (very often in
to have a desire for children). Punnag; a kind of Mimosa, the white sort of this
composition with that which is produced or done,
1, Icamya, as, d, am, desirable, beautiful ; amiable, plant ; (i), f., N. of several plants, Glycine Debilis ;
lovely, agreeable; optional, supererogatory, performed a kind of Mimosa, as above ; the plant Abrus Pre- e. g. sinka-kdraka, the creator of a lion ; krilsna-
for some particular object and opposed to the nitya- catorius ; the plant Serratula Anthelmintica. kdraka, doing everything ; dilpa-kdrikd, a female
mechanic or doer of a mechanical art) ; intending
Icarma or fixed and indispensable observance ; relating Kdmbojaka, as, i, am, born in or coming from
to desire, will, &c., done through lust or passion ; per- to act or do ; (ikd), f. a female dancer ; a business ;
formed through the desire of some advantage (as a Kdmboji, is, f. (?) the plant Glycine Debilis. trade ; concise explanation and development of dif-
ficult rules by metrical lines, especially in philosophy
religious ceremony &c.) ; (a), f., N. of an Apsaras,
<*iS kdmla (kd-amla), as, d, am, slightly and grammar, a memorial verse or collection of such
a daughter of Kardama. — Kdmya-ltarman, a, n. acid, acidulous.
rites performed with a view to future fruition. — Kd- verses ; or sometimes two or three Varttikas arranged
in verse ; torment, torture ; interest ; N. of a plant ;
mya-gir, ir, f. a pleasing sound, an agreeable speech *T*t I . kdya, as, i, am (fr. 3. ka), relating or
or song. — Kdmya-td, (. loveliness, beauty. — Kd- devoted to the god Ka or Prajapati ; (with hanis) (ikds), f. pi. Bhartrihari's memorial verses on grammar ;
clarified butter or any oblation to Brahma ; (as), m. (akam), n. the relation of the noun to the verb in a
mya-tva, am, n. love, desire ; supererogation, will,
sentence, the notion of a case but not co-extensive
pleasure. — Kdmya-ddna, am, n. an acceptable or scil. ri^t^or vivdha, one of the eight modes of
desirable gift, a voluntary gift. — Kdmya-marana, marriage, = Prajapatya ; (am), n. with or without with the term case, (there are six such relations ac-
cording toPanini; z.kurnttm, the object or nearest
am, n. voluntary death, suicide. — Kdmya-vrata, tlrtha, part of the hand sacred to the creator PrajS-
aim of an agent, the idea expressed by the ace. case ;
am, n. a voluntary vow. — Kdmyabhiprdya, (°ya- pati, the root of the little finger or of the last two
fingers. b. karana, the instrument or idea expressed by the
abh°), as, m. self-interested motive or purpose. inst. case ; c. kartri, the agent or doer of an action,
Kdmyaka, am, n., N. of a wood ; also of a lake.
2. kdya, as or am, m. n. (fr. rt. <ti), also expressed by the inst. case, or if expressed by nom.
Kdmyd, f. wish, desire, longing for, striving after,
will, intention ; (generally compounded with an object, the body ; the trunk of a tree ; the body of a lute case not considered a kdraka, i. e. the agent and in-
(i. e. the whole lute except the wir»s, including the strument are both expressed by the inst. when they
e. g. pwtra-kdmyaya, through desire for a son ; yat- gourd, neck, and belly) ; assemblage, collection, multi- are not implied in the verbal termination ; d. sam-
kdmyd, irreg. inst. c. with which intention.)
tude; principal, capital; a house, a habitation; a praddna, the recipient of the object of giving or of a
*i*i« kdmatha, as, z, am (fir. kamatha), butt or mark, an object to be hit or attained ; natural gift, hence the idea expressed by the dat. case ; e. apd-
peculiar to the tortoise. temperament of anything or any being. — Kdya- ddna, ablation, i. e. departure or removal from a fixed
Kdmathaka, as, m., N. of a Naga. kdrana-kartri-tva,am, n. activity exhibited in bodily point, the idea expressed by the abl. case ; f. adhi-
acts. — Kdya-kle$a, as, m. bodily suffering, toil or karana, location, or the place of the action, i. e. the
^ii»t<!Srtq kumandalava, am, n. (fr. kaman-
pain. — Kdya-dikitsa, (. a department of medical idea expressed by the loc. case. The idea of the geni-
dalu), the business or trade of a potter. science, treatment of the diseases which affect the tive or possessive case is not considered a kdruka,
Kdmandaleya, as, m. a patronymic fr. kantan- whole body. — Kdya-bandhana, am, n. a girdle. because it expresses the relation of two nouns to each
daln or kamandalU (a species of quadruped). other, but not the relation of a noun and verb.)
— Kdya-valana, am, n. armour, mail. — Kdya-
<nm<^r«« kdmandaki, is, m. a patronymic stha, as, m. the supreme being or. spirit ; a caste or — Kdraka-vat, an, ati, at, relating to one who is
fr. kamamlaJca; (?), f, N. of a Buddhist priestess. tribe or man of that tribe ; the Kayath or writer caste active in anything; instrumental, causal. — Kdraka-
proceeding from a Kshatriya father and Sudra mother ; vdda, as, m. a treatise on logic by Rudra. — Kdraka-
'* iH ( irt <* [ kdmdlikd, {. a spirituous liquor. (i), f. the wife of a Kayath or scribe ; (d), f. a woman hetu, us, m. the efficient or active cause.
of this caste ; N. of several plants, Myrobalanus Che- Kdraja, as, i, am (fr. kara-ja), of or relating to
°inileg kdmdlu, us, m. the tree Bauhinia
bula ; Emblica Officinalis ; Ocimum Sanctum ; a drug, the finger-nail ; (as), m. a young elephant (?).
Variegata ( — rakta-kdii<!ana).
commonly Kakol! ; cardamoms. — Kdya-tthita, as, I. kdrana, am, n. cause, reason (with gen. and
3ili**trt kdmpila, as, m., N. of a country a, am, situated in the body, corporeal. — Kayagni also often with loc.); instrument, means, motive,
believed to be situated in the north of India ; (i), f. (°ya-ag°), is, m. the digestive faculty. — Kdydro- origin, principle, a cause (in phil.), i. e. that which
the capital of that region. hana s invariably antecedent to some prpduct and is not
of two (°ya-dr°)
places. and kdydvarohaya (°ya-av°), N.
Kdmpilya, as, m., N. of a town of the PaMalas otherwise constituted, (cause in the Nyaya philosophy
or N. of a region ; N. of one of the five sons of Kdyaka, as, ikd, am, belonging or relating to s of three kinds, according to the distinction of
Hary-asva or BharmySsva, called collectively PaWalas; the body &c., bodily, corporeal ; (il;d\ f. with vrid- a. samavdyi, intimate or inherent, as threads are the
N. of a plant [cf. kampila and kdmpila], a perfume, dhis, interest obtained from capital. — Kdyikd- nherent cause of cloth ; b. a-samavdyi, non-intimate
commonly called Sunda Ro6ml. vridil/ti, is, (. interest consisting in the use of an or non-inherent, as the conjunction of the threads is
Kdmpilla, as, m., N. of a plant, a perfume and animal or any capital stock pawned or pledged ; ser- he non-intimate cause of cloth ; and c. nimitta, in-
drug so called ; N. of a country said to be in the vice rendered by the body of an animal (as a cow itrumeutal, as the weaver's loom is the instrumental
north-west of India. &c.) pledged and used by the person to whom it is cause of cloth) ; an element, elementaiy matter, the
222 karana-k&rana. karna.
origin or plot of a play or poem ; that on which an Kdru, Sec. See i. v. <4H l<4 ^ kardpatha, as or am(J), m. or n. (?),
opinion or judgment is founded ; a sign, a mark, a
N. of a country.
document, a proof; a legal instrument ; an organ of •SRRz. kara, as, ID. (fir. i. kri, to scatter),
tax, toll, royal revenue, tribute ; (a>, I, am, fr. a. qiHlfacni kardyika, f. a female crane, =
sense ; an action ; agency, instrumentality ; a father
(as the cause of being) ; a deity as the remote or fcara), produced by hail ; (as), m. a heap of snow
proximate cause of creation ; the body ; a kind of or a mountain covered with it. — K dra-kukihlya, *liX<*I kdrika. See under I. kara, p. 221.
musical instrument ; a sort of song ; a number of at, m., N. of the country of king Salva on the skirts
0(1 nDj; iorira, as, I, am (fr. karira), made
scribes or kdyasthas; (a), f. pain, agony; casting of the Himalaya ridge in the north-west of Hindustan ; of the shoots of reed ; connected with the fruit of the
into hell ; an astronomical period ; kdra/iat, abl. c. (as), m. pi. the people of this country.
from some cause or reason (e. g. kasmdt k&randt, a. kdraka, am, n. (fr. a. baraka), scil. salila, fruit isCapparis
plant used), Aphylla (as a sacrifice, in which this
• from what cause,' often with gen., e. g. mama ka- water produced from hail.
Kdrirya, as, d, am, connected with the fruit of the
randt, 'for my sake,' and at the end of compounds ; ^KTT 3. kara, as, m. (fr. 2. in, to praise), plant Capparis Aphylla.
according to native grammarians every case ofkarana
may be used in this manner, but only the inst., Ved. a song or hymn of praise, a battle-song. cKTlfat kdrtsha, as, i, am (fr. karisha), pro-
dat., abl., and loc. occur; a-karanena, without a a. itari, is, is, i, Ved. raising hymns of praise. duced from or coming from dung ; (am), n. a heap
reason; yena kdranma, because; yasmtn kd- a. fcarin, I, inl, i, Ved. rejoicing, praising.
of dung, a great quantity of dried cow-dung.
rane, from which motive, wherefore).— Kdrana- ^Tt 4. kara, as, m. (fr. a. An, to kill), Kdnshi, is, m., N. of a man; (ayas), m. pi.,
Itdraiui, am, n. a primary cause, an elementary N. of a family.
killing, slaughter.
cause, an atom. — Kdrana-gata, as, a, am, referred a. kdrana, am, n. killing, injuring. eRnij i. kdru, us, ws or us, u (fr. i. An), a
to its cause, resolved into its principles. — Kdratfa-
guna.as, m. a quality of cause ; an elementary or causal 4U.y kdranja, as, I, am, produced by or maker, a doer, an agent, artificer, artisan, artist, a
coming from the tree Karanja. mechanic; terrible, horrible; (as), m. an epithet of
property. — Kdrariagunodbhava-guna ("na-ud0), Visva-karman, the artist of the gods ; an art, a science.
as, m. a secondary or derivative property, as form,
41 M^ kdrandava, as, m. a sort of duck ; — Kdru-taura, as, m. one who commits burglary.
taste, smell, &c., produced by combinations of ele-
mentary or causal particles. — Kdrana-tas, ind. from [cf. karanda.] - Kdrandava-vafi.f., N. of a river (?), — Kdm-ja, as, m. the product of an artist or
abounding in Karandavas. mechanic, a piece of mechanism, any product of
a certain reason ; [cf. kdrya-kdranatas.] — Kdrana-
td, (. or karana-tva, am, n. causality, causation. eRTUJi*Mi£ kdrandavyuha, as, m., N. of a manufacture ; a young elephant ; an ant hill, a hillock ;
— K&rana-dhvansa, as, m. the obviating or re- roth, foam ; sesamum growing spontaneously ; the
Buddha ; [cf. karanda-vyiiha.]
moving acause or occasion. — Kdrana-dhvansaka, tree Mesua Ferrea ; red orpiment. — Kdru-ha&ta, as,
eJTTT*M*l kdrandhama, as, m. (fr. karan- m. the hand of an artisan or artificer.
as, ika, am, or kdrana-dhvanein, I, inl, i, obvi-
ating or removing the cause or reason of a thing. dhama), a patronymic of Avikshit ; (am), n., N. of Kdruka, as, d, m. f. an artisan, an artificer.
— Kdraya-bhtita, ai, a, am, caused. — Kdrana- «RT?» 2. kdru, us, m. (fr. 2. kri), Ved. one
mdld, f. a series or chain of causes or events, a term Kdrandham in, i, m. a brazier, a worker in mixed
or white metal ; a mineralogist, an assayer. 'ho sings or praises, a poet.~Kdru-dhdyas, as, as,
for a figure in rhetoric. — Kdrana-vddin, i, m. a as, Ved. favouring or supporting the singer ; (Say.)
complainant, a plaintiff. — Kdrana-vdri, i, n. the karapafava, as or am (?), m. or
original water which was produced at the creation, arranging works.
n. (?), N. of a region near the YamunS. Karavya, as, d, am, Ved. belonging to the singer,
from which, as from a reservoir, the HindQs suppose
karabha, as, t, am (fr. karabha), epithet of certain verses (ritas) of the Atharva-veda.
all the water in the universe to be supplied. — Kd- kdrunika, as, i, am (fr. karuna),
rana-vihina, as, d, am, without a cause or reason, produced by or coming from a camel.
unreasonable. — Kdrana-torira, am, n. the inner karamihika, f. camphor. compassionate, tender, kind. » Kdrunika-td, f. com-
rudiment of the body or causal frame, the seat of the
soul. — Kdrandnvita (°na-an°), as, d, am, having a .. . -.drambhd, f., N. of a plant bearing Kdrunya, am, n. compassion, tenderness, kindness.
cause or reason, following as the effect from its cause. fragrant seed, commonly Priyan-gu ; [cf. karambhd.] passion. kdrundi or kdrundikd, f. a leech.
— Kdranabhdva (°na-abk°), as, m. absence of 4UJ4 kd-rava, as, m. a crow ; [ making
cause, — karanottara, ("ya-utC), am, n. special kdrusha, as, m. a prince of the
plea, denial of the cause of complaint, admission of a discordant sound;' cf. Lat. corvus, comix; Gr.
K<!po{, Kofiiinf, Germ. Rabe; Eng. crow.} Karushas ; an epithet of Danta-vakra, the son of
the charge generally, but denial of the issue ; (thus KSrusha Vriddhasarman ; N. of a country; (as), m.
with regard to the demand of a debt, acknowledg- kdravalll, f. the plant Momordica
ment that it was incurred, but assertion that the loan pl.,N. of a people; (of), m.=karusha, N. of a son
Charantia ; [cf. kdravella and kdndtra.] of Manu ; an intermediate caste, the son of the de-
has been repaid &c.)
kdram, f. the Asa Foetida plant or graded or outcast Vaiiya tribe.
Edranalta, at the end of compounds *=kdrana, XdTO8AaA-a,as,iJfca,ain,reigningovertheKarushas.
cause, reason. its leaf, = Hin-guparnI ; the plant Celosia Cristata ; a
eftHtiH kdrenava, as, I, am (fr. karenu),
Kdraiiika, as, a and t, am, causal, causative, in- kind of anise, Anethum Sowa ; another plant, Ni-
vestigating, ascertaining the cause. produced by or coming from the female elephant ;
gella Indica ; a kind of fennel ; a kind of Cucurbitace-
Kdram, a kind of ind. part. fr. rt. kri at the end ous plant or small gourd. a patronymic of PalakSpya.
of compounds, e. g. svdhd-ledram, namas-karam, . ,. kdravella, as, m. a kind of gourd, kdrotara, as, m., Ved. a filtering
making obeisance ; also with an ace., e. g. faman- Momordica Charantia ; (am), n. the fruit of this gourd. vessel, a cloth for purifying the liquor called surS.
kdram akroiati, he abuses a person by calling him Kdrottama, as, m. yeast, barm, the froth of the
a thief; svdduirkdram, making anything sweet &c. Kdravdlaka, at, m. and kdravdlikd, f. the same.
sura liquor.
Kdrayat, an, antl, at, causing to do, giving power 4l<ttJ karavya. See under 2. iar«. Kdrottara, as, m. yeast, barm, the froth which
or authority to do Sec. rises on the surS ; a well.
^RH< kdraskara, as, m., N. of a poisonous
Kdrayamdna, as, d, am, doing what is appointed, o|iT%T!T kdrkana, as, I, am (fr. krikana),
carrying into effect what has been ordered. medicinal plant; a tree in general; (as), m._pl., N.
Kdrayitavya, as, d, am, to be caused to be done, of a people ; (a various reading for kdraskara and caused by or relating to a pheasant.
to be effected, to be made to do anything. — Kdra- <*1 4 »*R kdrkandhava, as, I, am (fr. fcar-
yitavya-daJaiha, as, d, am, clever at performing at), f. a centipede or worm resembling it.
what has to be done. kandhu), produced by the plant Zizyphus Jujuba.
4HJ kdrd, f. (fr. I. kri?), a prison ; bind-
Kdrayttri, id, trl, tri, causing or instigating to kdrkavdkava, as, i, am (fr. Ari-
act or do anything. ing, confinement, a fetter ; the part of a lute below
the neck, an instrument tor deadening the sound of kavdku), relating to a cock, produced by a cock &c.
Kdrayishnu, us, us, u, causing to act or perform.
I. kdri, is, is, m. f. an artist, an artificer, a a lute ; pain, affliction ; a female messenger ; a female •4V4yq kdrkasya, am, n. (fr. karkasa),
mechanic ; (Is), f. action, act, agency, work. worker in gold; [cf. Lith. kaliu, 'I am a captive;' roughness, hardness ; sternness, inflexibility ; firmness,
Karita, as, d, am, caused to be made or done, icaltny-s, ' a captive ;' kaline, ' a prison.'] — Kdrd-
brought about, effected; (a), (.,sc\\.vriddhi/f, interest, gdra (°rd-ag"), am, n. a gaol or place of confine- solidity ; rough labour.
ment. — Kdrd-gupta, as, d,am, captive, imprisoned, cRT^T^ kdrkasha, as, m., N. of a man.
the amount of which is fixed by the debtor, he being
confined, a prisoner. — Kdrd-griha, am, n. a prison.
forced to do so by the creditor ; (am), n. the causa Kdrkafhdyani, is, m. a patronymic from the last.
form of a verb. — Kdrita-rat, an, alt, at, having — Kdrd-pdla, as, m. the guard of a prison. — Kdrd- eirnsfsir kdrkika, as, t, am (fr. karka), like
vetman, a, n. a prison, a gaol.
caused to be made or done. — Kdritdnta (°ta-an°) a white horse.
as, d, am, ending with a causal affix.
I. kdrin, I, inl, i, doing, making, effecting, produc
cRirnpfl1 kdrddhunt, f., Ved., (Say.) a kdrkotaka, am, n., N. of a town.
musical instrument, as the conch shell and the like
ing, acting, an actor ; (i), m. a mechanic, a tradesman karna, as, i, am (fr. karna), being in
(or ' impelling the singer.')

'<* karnatthidmka. kdryin.

the ear, relating to the ear, auricular &c. ; a patro- petitioner, a suitor, one who begs for employmen — Kdrya-kdrana-bhdva, as, m. relation of cause
nymic from Kama; (am), n. the wax of the ear &c. ; lac, the animal dye. and effect. — Kdrya-kdrin, i, inl, i, performing a
an ear-ring. Kdrpatika, as, m. a pilgrim, one who spends his work. — K drya-kdla, as, m. time for action, ap-
KdrnaMhidraka, as, m. (fr. karna-dtliidra), a life in pilgrimage, or who subsists by carrying water pointed time, season, opportunity. — Kdrya-kuiala,
sort of well, similar to the opening of the ear. from holy rivers ; a caravan of pilgrims ; a parasite as, d, am, skilful or clever in work, doing it well or
an experienced man. completely. — Kdrya-kshama, at, d, am, competent
Kdrnaveshtakika, as, l,am (fr. karna-veshtaka)
ornamented with or fit for ear-rings ; also read kdr kdrpanya, am, n. (fr. kripana) or fit for a work. — Kdrya-gurutd, f. or kdrya-
naveshtanika. poverty, indigence ; pitiful circumstances ; poorness o
gurutva, am, n. necessity or importance of any act.
spirit, weakness, parsimony, niggardliness, imbecility • Kdrya-gaurava, am, n. importance of an affair
a Saman or verse ofam,
the n.SSma-veda.
(fr. karnorsravas), N. o compassion, pity. or business. — Kdrya-<!intaka, as, d, am, one who
takes care of a business, the manager of a business ;
Kdrnika, as, I, am, relating to the ear.
^>IMI«U kdrpana, am, n. (fr. kripana), Ved prudent, considerate, cautious. — Kdrya-ittntd, f.
«Hl<5l««TT^T karndta-bhdshd, f. the dialec combat, fighting, battle. prudence, caution, consideration. — Kdrya-fyuta, as,
of KarnStaka. d, am, out of work, removed from an office. — Kdr-
Kdrndtaka, as, m. a native of KamSta. <*IHlS kdrpasa, as, I, am (fr. karpdsa) ya-tas, ind. consequently, necessarily, actually. — Kdr-
made of cotton, cottony ; (as, am), m. n. cotton, ya-tva, am, n. the being an effect, the relation or
<Hin kdrta, as, I, am (fr. I. krit), relating cotton cloth, &c. ; paper; (i), f. the cotton plant, condition of an effect or of what has been effected.
to or treating of the affixes called krit; (as), m. (fr Gossypium Hirsutum. — Kdrpdsa-ndsikd, f. a spin- — Kdrya-dariana, am, n. inspection of work, re-
krita), N. of a son of Dharma-netra ; a patronymic dle. —Kdrpdsdsthi (°sa-as°), n. the seed of the vision. —Kdrya-dartin, I, m. an inspector or super-
occurring in the compound KSrta-kaujapau. cotton plant. intendent ofaffairs. — Kdrya-nirnaya, as, m. ascer-
Kdrtayaia, am, n. (fr. krita + yaia. for yailas) Kdrpdstka, as, ?, am, made of or from cotton tainment of the fact ; settlement or decision of an
N. of a Saman or verse of the SSma-veda. (d), f. the cotton plant. affair. — Kdrya-puta, as, m. a man who does use-
Kdrtayuga, as, I, am (fr. krila-yuga), relating TW karma, as, i, am (fr. karman), labori- less things ; a madman, a crazy or hair-brained man ;
to the period of time called Krita. an impudent or shameless fellow ; an idler, one who
ous, industrious, occupied.
Kdrtamrya, as, m. a patronymic from Krita-vlrya follows unprofitable pursuits. — Kdrya-pradvesha,
and epithet of Arjuna, a prince of the Haihayas, Karmana, as, i, am, finishing a work, doing it
as, m. aversion from activity, idleness. — Kdrya-
killed by Parasu-rama; N. of one of the Jaina well or completely ; (am), n. magic, sorcery, witch-
Cakravartins or emperors of the world in Bharata. craft; performing anything by means of magical preshya, as, m. one who is sent on any business, a
messenger. — Kdrya-bhdjana or kdrya-pdtra, am,
incantations. — Kdrmana-tva, am, n. magic, fasci-
Kdrtasvara, am, n. (fr. krita-nvara), gold ; th nation. n. any one engaged in active life, one fit for business
thorn-apple. or the conduct of affairs. — Kdrya-bhrashta, as, d,
Kdrtdtitika, as, m. (fr. kritdnta), an astrologer Kdrmaneyaka, as or am (?), m. or n. (?), N. of
who foretels destinies. a region. am, = kdrya-fyuta above. — I. kdrya-vat, ind.
actually, according to act or motive. — a. kdrya-uat,
Kdrti, is, m. a patronymic from Krita. Kdrmdra, as, m., Ved.=iarmara, an artist,
an, all, at, having business to transact, engaged in a
Kdrtisinha-deva, as, m., N. of a man (kdrtisinha mechanic, a smith ; a patronymic from Karmara.
business ; having a cause or motive, doing one's duty.
being a patronymic fr. kriti-sinha). Kdrmdraka, am, n. a smith's work. — Kdryavat-td, f. or kdryavat-lva, am, n. the
Kdrmilca, as, I, am, engaged or employed in any state of being engaged in a work, any business, act,
<*il^o|i karttika, as, m. (fr. kritlikd, the work, epithet of a Buddhist philosophical school ; action. — Kdrya-vaSa, as, m. necessary consequence.
Pleiades), scil. mdsa, N. of the month KSrttika or manufactured, made; worked, embroidered, inter-
October-November, when the moon is full and near mixed with coloured thread (as cloth &c.) ; any — Kdrya-vastu, u, n. anything that has to be done,
the Pleiades, the twelfth month of the year ; a metro- variegated texture. an aim, object. — Kdrya^vipatti, is, f. failure of an
action, reverse, misfortune. — Kdrya-desha, as, m.
nymic of Skanda [cf. kdrttikeya] ; N. of a Varsha ; Kdrmikya, am, n. activity, industry. the remainder of a business ; completion of an affair.
N. of a medical author ; (t), {., scil. rdtri, the night I. kdrmuka, as, I, am, finishing a work, doing
of full moon in the month KSrttika, the day on it well or completely, fit for or able to do a work ; — Kdrya-sandeha, as, m. uncertainty or doubt
which the moon stands in the constellation KrittikS. about a work, embarrassment, difficulty. — Kdrya-
(as), m. a bamboo.
— Kdrttika-mahiman, d, m. ' the greatness of the sdgara, as, m. ' an ocean of business,' heavy or
2- kdrmuka, as, i, am (fir. krimuka), weighty affairs. — Kdrya-sddhaka, as, d, am, effec-
month Karttika,' title of a treatise on the festivals of tive of any work, accomplishing any object, an agent.
that month. — Kdrttika-md/idtmya, am, n. title of consisting of the wood Krimuka ; (am), n. a bow ;
a section of the Padma-purSna. — Kdrttika-idli, is, an instrument shaped like a bow. — Kdrmuka-bhrit, — Kdrya-sddhana, am, n. means of effecting any
m. the rice which ripens in the beginning of the t, m. the archer or Sagittarius in the zodiac; an object, instrument, implement, aid. — Kdrya-siddhi,
cold season and forms the principal harvest in India. archer in general, a soldier. is, f. accomplishment of a work, success, fulfilment
— Kdrttika-siddhdnta, as, m., N. of a scholiast on Kdrmukdya, nom. A. kdrmukdyate, -yitum, to of any object. — Kdrya-sthdna, am, n. a place of
form a bow. business, an office. — Kdrya-hantri, td, tn, tri,
the Mugdhabodha. — Kdrttikotsava (°ka-ut?), as, obstructing or counteracting the work of others, a
m. the day of full moon in the month KSrttika, a Karmukin, i, inl, i, armed with a bow.
festival. mar-plot. — Kdryakarya-mfdra, as, m. delibera-
Kdrttikika, as, m. the month KSrttika. 3tPJ kdrya, as, d, am (fut. pass. part. fr. tion on the arguments for and against any act.
Kdrttilceya,as,m.,tj.o! Skanda, the god of war, so I . kri), to be made, to be done, practised, performed, - Kdrydkshama (°ya-ak°), as, d, am, unfit
called because reared by the six Krittikas or Pleiades ; accomplished, &c., feasible; to be imposed (as a for any work, incompetent, unable. — Kdryddhipa
(according to one legend he was son of Siva without punishment), to be offered (as a libation) &c.; what (°ya-adh°), as, m. the planet which determines or
the intervention of his wife, his generative energy ought to be done, fit, right ; (kdrya-tama, superl. decides any inquiry or question in astrology. — Kdr-
what ought chiefly to be done, i.e. first duty); (am),
being cast into the fire and then received by the ydnta (°ya-an°), as, m. the end of a business,
n. work or business to be done, duty, af&ir ; a re- :ermination of an aSfxa. — Kdrydbdhi fya-aV), is,
Ganges, whence he is sometimes described as son of
igious action or performance; occupation, matter, m. an ocean of business. — Kdry&rtha (°ya-ar°), as,
Agni and Gan-ga ; when bora he was fostered by the
Pleiades, who offering their six breasts the child be- thing, enterprise, emergency, occurrence, crisis ; con- m. the object of a business or enterprise ; any object
came six-headed. In other accounts he is described duct, deportment; business, occasion, need (with or purpose ; application for employment ; (am), ind.
as a son of Siva and ParvatI or Durga. Skanda nst. case, e. g. trinena kdryam, there is need of a for the sake of a business, for the sake of anr
straw ; na bhumyd karyam asmdkam, we have no (articular object, to perform any work or duty.
may have been called Karttikeya because the month
KSrttikS is the best for warfare: he is sometimes business whatever with the earth, the earth is not our — Kdrydrtha-siddhi, is, f. the accomplishment of
described as presiding over thieves.) ~Kdrttikeya- concern); lawsuit, dispute; an operation in grammar any object or purpose. — Kdrydrthin (°ya-ar°), i,
prasii, us, I. an epithet of Durga or ParvatI, who, e. g. sthdny-dirayam kdryam, an operation which 'nt, i, making a request, seeking for business, apply-
s borne by or rests on the primitive form as opposed ng for employment; pleading a cause in court
according to one legend, was the mother of Skanda.
to the adeda or substitute) ; an effect, the necessary going to hw. — Kan/eta and kdrye.fvara (°ya-is°),
•=(11 US kdrtsna, am, n. (fr. kritsna), the result of a cause (in phil.) ; motive, object, aim, as, m. = kdryddhipa above. — Kdryoddhdra (°ya-
whole, totality, all, entireness ; (perhaps a wrong form >urpose (e. g. him Icdryam, for what purpose? ud°), as, m. discharge of any duty, performance of
for the following.) wherefore ?) ; cause, origin ; the denouement of a any ztA. — Kdryodyukta (°ya-ud°), as, d, am, en.
Jfdrtsnya, am, n. the whole, totality, all, entireness. drama ; (a), f., N. of a plant, = kdri, kdrikd. gaged in any business, intent upon any object.
— Kdrtsnyena, ind. in full, entirely. — Kdrya-kara, as, I, am, producing an effect, — Kdryodyoga (°ya-ud°), as, m. active engage-
fficacious. — Kdrya-kartri, id, m. or kdrya-kd- ment in any business.
*RJ*f kardama, as, I, am (fr. kardama),
raka, as, m. an agent, a workman. — Kdrya-kd- business, Kdryika, as, t, am, having business, transacting
made of mud, muddy, filled or covered with it; seeking employment &c. ; engaged in a suit
ana, am, n. object and motive, cause and effect,
belonging to PrajSpati Kardama.
cause of a special or incidental kind, originating in at law, pleading a cause in court.
Kdrdamika, as, i, am, = the preceding. ome act or occasion. — Kdrya-kdranatas, ind. from Kdryin, i, inl, i, one who transacts business,
karpata, as, m. (fr. karpata?), a ome special cause, with a particular design or motive. active, assiduous; seeking for employment; having
224 kale&vara.
an object ; a party to a suit, either as plaintiff or irom the plant Amyris Agallocha. — Kdla-netra, as,
karshya, as, m. the tree Shorea
defendant ; (in gram.) subject to the operation of a iobusta. — Kdrshya-vana, am, n. a forest of these d,am,blick-eyed. — Kdla-parna,as, m.,N.ofa tree
grammatical rule, requiring an affix &c. — Kdr- trees. rearing dark-coloured leaves, Tabernsemontana Coro-
naria, commonly called Tagara. — Kdla-pamata, as,
yekskann ( ya-ik°), am, n. superintendence of °tilc<» i. kala, as, i, am (fr. rt. 3. leal? ; for 2. m., N. of a mountain. — Kdlapatrika, as, m. (fr.
public atfeirs.
kola, ' time,' see next page), black, of a dark colour, cdlft-pdtra) , a kind of mendicant whose alms-dish
kdrsakeya, a patronymic from especially dark-blue which is often confounded with s painted black. — Kdla-pdlaka, am, n. a kind of
Krisaka. — Kdr3akeyl-putra, as, m., N. of a teacher. ilack; (as), m. a black or dark-blue colour; the earth; [cf. kankiishtha, kala-kuahtha.^ — Kdla-
<*I3H kdrsana, as, i, am (fr. krisana),\ed. >lack part of the eye ; the Indian cuckoo ; the poi- nilulia, as, m., N. of a tree; see kupllu. — Kala-
sonous serpent, Coluber Naga (= kdla-sarpa) ; the iu(fl\a or kdla-puithaka, as, m. a species of animal
consisting of pearl or mother-of-pearl. >lant Cassia Sophora ; a plant, a red kind of plum- iving in marshes. — Kdla-piwhpa, am, n., N. of a
cfcl^ilrH karsanava, as, i, am (fr. krisdnu), jago ; the resin of the plant Shorea Robusta ; the slant ; see kaldya. -• Kdla-puga, as, m. the black
fiery, hot, glaring, relating to fire. Janet Saturn ; an epithet of S'iva ; also of Rudra ; multitude, i. e. the common people (?). — Kdla-
K. of a son of Hrada ; also of a prince ; also of a orishtha, as, m. a species of antelope (with a black
4il$A'O karsmarl, f., N. of a plant, = Jcar- Brother of king Prasena-jit ; also of a future Buddha ; jack) ; a heron ; (am), n., N. of the bow of Karna ;
ihmarya, kdtmarl. also of a NSga-raja ; of a Rakshas ; of an enemy of a bow in general. — Kdla-pesT,, f., N. of a plant ;
4i|$M i. karsya, as, m., N. of several S'iva; N. of a mountain; (with the Jainas) N. of see fydmd. — Kdla-bhdndikd, f. the plant Rubia
one of the nine treasures ; a mystical name for the Munjista. — Kdla-masi, f., N. of a river ; also called
plants, = kdrshya and karshmarya, = kar<!ura ; etter m; (d), f., N. of several plants, Indigofera kalamahi. — Kdlamdnc and kala-mdla, as, m. the
another plant, Artocarpus Lacucha. Tinctoria ; Piper Longum ; a plant nearly related to plant Ocimum Sanctum, a fragrant pot-herb. — Kdla-
[pomcea Turpethum, perhaps Ipomoea Atropurpurea ; mukha, as, m. a kind of monkey ; N. of a fabulous
<*'I3M 2. karsya, am, n. (fr. krisa), emacia- Nigella Indica ; Rubia Munjista ; Ruellia Longifolia ;
tion, thinness, smallness. people ; (d), f., N. of a female. ~ Kdla-mushkaka,
Physalis Flexuosa ; Bignonia Suaveolens ; the fruit of as, m. the plant Bignonia Indica ; see mushkaka.
<BT^ karsha, as, I, am (fr. rt. krish), one who the Kali (?) ; N. of a daughter of Daksha, the mother — Kdla-wtula, as, m., N. of a plant, commonly
ploughs a field, a peasant, a husbandman. of the Kaleyas or Kalakeyas (a family of Asuras) ; an Rakta-titraka. — Kdla-me4ikd or kdla-meshika, I.
Karslinka, us, m. a husbandman. epithet of Durga ; (I), f. black colour, ink or black- the plant Rubia Munjista; also the plant Ipomcea
Kdrshi, is, is, i, Ved. drawing, attracting ; plough- ing ; abuse, censure, defamation ; a row or succession Atropurpurea (?). — Kdla-wieshi, f., N. of several
ing; (is), m. fire; (is), f. drawing, attracting; of black clouds ; night ; a worm or animalcule gene- plants, Vernonia Anthelminthica ; Rubia Munjista ;
ploughing, cultivation. rated in the acetous fermentation of milk,=isAm»- and perhaps Ipomcea Atropurpurea. -• Kdla-yavana,
Kdrshika, as, I, am (fr. karsha), deserving of kita and kshdra-ktta ; N. of several plants, = kd- as, m., N, of a prince of the Yavanas ; a tyrannical
pulling or dragging about ; weighing a Karsha ; (a*), Idnjanl; another plant, Cajanus Indicus; Ipomoea Asura, the foe of Krishna, destroyed by him by a
m, a coin of the weight of one Karsh i ; a husband- Turpethum ; Bignonia Suaveolens ; one of the seven stratagem. — i . kdla-rdtri, is or I, f. a dark night ;
man. tongues or flames of fire ; a form of DurgS ; one of (for 2. see under 2. Jcdla.) — Kdla-lavana, am, n. a
KdrsJiivatfa, as, m. (fr. Tcdrshi with i lengthened), the Matris or divine mothers ; N. of a female evil kind of black factitious and purgative salt, commonly
Ved. one who ploughs a field, a husbandman. spirit, mother of the Kalakeyas ; one of the sixteen called vid-lavana. — Kdla-lofana, as, m., N. of a
Vidyadevls ; an epithet of Satyavati, the wife of king Daitya. — JKdla-lauha, am, n. iron. — Kdla-vadana,
Karshman, a, n., Ved. the goal of a race-course Santanu and mother of VySsa or Krishna-dvaipayana,
(consisting of a line like a furrow). os,m.,N. of a Daitya; also called ddla-vadana. — Kd-
but before her marriage. (After her marriage she la-vriksha and kdla-vrinta, as, m. a kind of vetch,
o*l5m«ii karshapana, as, am, m. n. (= kar* had a son called Vifttra-virya, whose widows were Dolichos Biflorus [cf. kulaUhu] ; (/), f. the trumpet
ikdpana), a coin or weight of different values, as married by Krishna-dvaipayana and bore to him flower, Bignonia Suaveolens. — Kdla-^veld, f. the time
synonymous with Karsha ; if of gold, weighing 16 Dhrita-ra.sntra and Pandu ; according to other legends of Saturn, a particular time of the day at which any
Mashas, which are variously calculated, see karsha; Kali is the wife of Bhima-sena and mother of Sarva- religious act is improper, half a watch in every day.
if of silver, it is in value = 1 6 Panas of Kowries, i. e, gata) ; N. of a river, otherwise kala gangd; (am), — Kdla-iambara, as, m., N. of a Danava. — Kdla-
1 280 Kowries, commonly termed a Kalian ; if of n. a black kind of Agallochum ; a kind of perfume s"aka, am, n. the pot-herb Ocimum Sanctum. — Kd-
copper, it weighs 80 Raktikas, or the same as of gold, (= kakkolaka) ; iron ; [cf. Gr. m)\fi, K« \aiv6s ; la-tidli, is, m. a black sort of rice. — Kdla-iim, is,
about 176 grains ; according to some it is the same as Lat. caligo,~} m Kdla-kadu, us, f. the plant Arum m., N. of a man. — Kdla-s"aila, as, m., N. of a
a Pana of Kowries, i. e. 80 Kowries ; at the end of a Colocasia. — Kdla-kantaka, as, m. a gallinule ; [cf. mountain. — Kdla-sankarshd, f. a girl nine years
compound it means ' worth so many Karshapanas ;' the next.] — Kdla-kantha, as, m., N. of several old, who personates Durga at a festival in honour of
(am), n. money, gold and silver ; (as), m. a husband- birds, a peacock ; a water fowl, a gallinule ; a wag- this goddess. — Kdla-sarpa, as, m. the black and
man (?); N. of a warrior-tribe ; the chief of this tribe. tail; a sparrow; the plant Terminalia Tomentosa, most poisonous variety of the Cobra, Coluber Naga.
— Kdla-sdra, as, m. the black antelope; (am), n.
— Kdrshdpandvara (°na-av°), as, d, am, having =pltaiala and pitasdra; an epithet of S'iva ; [cf. a yellow sort of sandal-wood. — Kdla-skandha, as,
the value of at least one Karshapana (as a fine). nila-kantJia.~] — Kdla-kanthaka, as, m. a gallinule.
Kdrshdpanaka, as, am, m. n. a weight or — Kdla-kandaJta, as, m. a water-snake. •• Kala- m., N. of several plants ; a kind of ebony with a
measure of different values, as synonymous with karnikd or kdla-karni, f. misfortune (predicted as the dark trunk, Diospyros Embryopteris ; the Tamala, a
Karsha. consequence of having black ears). — Kala-kaldya, tree bearing dark blossoms, Xanthochymus Pictorius ;
Kdrshdpanika, as, », am, worth one KarshS- as, m. dark pulse, Phaseolus Max. — Kdla-kasturi, f. another plant, =jivaka ; another, = dushkhadira;
pana, bought &c. with one Karshapana. the plant Hibiscus Abelmoschus, the seeds smelling of the glomerous fig tree, Ficus Glomerata. •* Kdldguru
musk when rubbed. — Kdla-kirti, is, m., N. of a king Cla-ag°), u, n. a black kind of aloe wood or Agallo-
<*|Ujl karshna, as, i, am (fr. krishna), identified with the Asura Suparna. — Kdla-kushtha, chum. —Kaldnga (cla-an°), as, d, am, having a
coming from or belonging to the black antelope; as, m. a kind of earth brought from mountains ; [cf. dark-blue body, as a sword with a dark-blue edge.
made of the skin of the black antelope ; belonging kankuxhfha.] — Kdla-koti, is, f., N. of a region. — Kdldjina (°la-af), as, m., N. of a people.
to the god Krishna or Krishna-dvaipayana, composed — Kdla-klttaka, am, n. the indigo plant. — Kala- — Kdldiijana (°la-a>i°), am, n. a black unguent;
by him &c. (e. g. kdrahnam vedam, the Maha-bha- khanja, as, m. pi. = kdlakanja, perhaps only a (I), f. a small shrub used as a purgative. — Kdldndaja.
rata) ; belonging to a descendant of Krishna ; black ; wrong reading ; (am), n.the liver. — Kala-khanjana,
(i), f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus ; (am), n., am, n. the liver. — Kdla-khanda, am, n. the liver. (cla-an°), as, m. the black bird, an epithet of the
Indian cuckoo. — Kdldnuddrivd, {., N. of two plants,
Ved. the skin of the black antelope ; (as), m. the — Kdla-gangd, f., N. of a river in Ceylon. — Kdla- = tagara; and stttalijatd, commonly tfiulidhop.
black antelope (?). gandikd, f., N. of a river. — Kdla-gamlha, as, m. — Kdldtvusdraka (°la-an°), am, n., N. of a tree,
Kdrshndjini, is, m. (fr. krishnajtna), a patro- a kind of Cobra deCapella, =kdla-kan daka. — Kd- = tagara ; yellow sandal. — Kdldnusdri, is, m. or
nymic from Krishnajina ; N. of a teacher ; N. of a la-ghata, as, m., N. of a Brahman. — Kdla-joshalta,
philosopher ; N. of the author of a law-book. kdldnusdrin (°la-anc), I, m. or kdlamisdrivd, f.
as, m. pi., N. of a people ; (a various reading has benzoin or benjamin. — Kdldnusdrya, as, d, am,
Kdrshndyasa, as, 1, am (fr. krishndyasa), of kdlajoshika.) — Kdla-tdla, as, m., N. of a plant, m. f. n. gum benjamin or benzoin ; (am), n. a
iron, made of black iron ; (am), n. iron. = tamdla. — Kdla-tinduka, as, m. a kind of ebony. yellow fragrant wood from which a perfume is pre-
Kdrshni, it, m. a patronymic from Krishna ; an — Kdla-ttrtha, am, n., N. of a Tirtha. •• Kdla- pared, sandal-wood (?); N. of a tree, = tagara;
epithet of VisVaka ; N. of a Devagandharva ; an toyaka, as, m. pi., N. of a people. — Kdla-dantaka,
epithet of the god of love. (as, am), m. n. the tree Dalbergia Sissoo. — Kdld-
as, m., N. of a Naga, a son of VJsuki.— i. kdla- nusdryaka, am, n. gum benzoin or benjamin.
Kdrshnya, am, n. blackness, black colour, darkness. nara, as, m., N. of a son of Sabhanara, a son ol — Kdldmra (°Ja-an»°), as, m., N. of a Dvipa.
*l •+! rijcarshman. See under karsha above. Anu ; (for i. kdla-ncira see under 2. kdla.)~Kdla- — Kdldyasa (°la-ayas), am, n. iron. — Kdldyasa-
ndbha, as, m. (ndbha — ndbhi),; N. of an Asura, a maya, as, i, am, of iron, consisting of iron. — Kd-
qii1*^ karshmarya, as, m., Ved. the tree son of Hiranyaksha ; also of a son of Hiranya-kasipu Idfaka ("la-af), as, m., N. of a Buddhist king.
Gmelina Arborea. — Kdrshmarya-maya, as, i, am also of a son of Vipra-fitti and Sinhika. — Kdla- — Kdldsuhrid (°la-as°), t, m. an enemy of Kala,
made of this tree.
nirydsa, as, m. a fragrant and resinous exudation epithet of Siva. — Kdledvara ("fa-is"0), as, m., N.
n^ kula-vyapin.
of ^ mountain. — Kalodaka ("Za-Mo"), am, n., N 2. kdla, as, m. (fr. rt. 3. kal), & fixed of Siva. — Kdla-tattvdrnava ("va-ar"), 'the ocean
of a dark piece of water ; N. of an ocean. or right point of time, a space of lime, time in general, of the truth of time,' title of a work. - Kdla-taranga,
Kdlaka, as, a, am, dark-blue, coloured dark-blue ; (in the Rig-veda this word occurs only once, in the the first part of the Smrity-artha-sagara by Nrisinha.
dark-coloured, black; (as), m. a mole, a freckle, Brahmanas oftener) ; the proper time or fit season for — Kdla-td, f. seasonableness, timeliness. — Kdla-
a mark ; the black part of the eye ; a water-snake (with gen., dat., loc., pot., &c., e.g. kdlah pra- tnlya, as, d, am, like death, deadly. — Kdla-traya,
(alagarda) ; a kind of grain ; N. of a Rakshas ; sthdnasya or pra&thdnaya or prasthdne, time for am, n. the three times, i. e. past, present, and future.
also of an Asura ; N. of a mountain; (as), m. pi., departure ; kriyd-kdlah, time for action ; na ayam — Kdla-danda, as, m. the staff of death, death.
N. of a Danava family; (a), f., Ved. a kind of bird; kdlo mlambitum, this is not the time to delay; — Kdla-damam, I. an epithet of Durga. — Kdla-
N. of a female evil spirit, mother of the KSIakeyas ; a kilo yad bhwifita bhavdn, it is time for you to dharma, as, m. or kdla-dliarman, d, m. the line
eat) ; the weather ; time as leading to events, the of conduct suitable to any time or season ; the law,
"daughter of Daksha ; also of Vaisvanara ; (am), n. the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of rule or operation of time, death, dying; influence of
liver ; N. of 3 plant. — Kdlaka-wrikshlya, as, m.,
man ; destiny, fate ; time as destroying all things ; time, seasonableness; effects proper to the time or
N. of a szge. — Kdlakdlcsha (°ka-ak°), as, m., N.
of an Asura. — Kdlakdiij a (ka-a>ija?), as, rn. (?), death, time of death, often personified and repre- season. — Kdla-dhdrand, f. prolongation of time.
sented with the attributes of Yama, regent of the — 2. kdla-nara, as, m. ' a time-man,' i. e. in astro-
Ved., N. of an animal ('black-spotted?'); N. of a
constellation (?) ; N. of an Asura. dead, or even identified with him, (hence kdlam i logy the figure of a man's body on the various limbs
Kdlakeya, as, m. (a melronymic fr. kdlakd), N. of or kdlam kri, to die ; kdla-samdyukta, dead ; kdla of which the twelve signs of the zodiac are distributed
in this sense is frequently connected with antaka for the purpose of foretelling future destinies ; [cf.
an Asura; (as), m. pi., N. of a DSnava family; [cf.
and mrityu, e. g. abhyadhdvata prajdh kdla kdla-purusha.] — Kdla-ndtfia, as, m. an epithet of
kdlakanja, kdlakdiija, I. kdleya."] ivdntakah, he attacked the people like Time the Siva. — Kdla-nidhi, is, m. an epithet of Siva.
I. kdlika, as, m. a species of heron, Ardea Jacu-
destroyer, cf. kdldntaka below; kdla personified — Kdla-niyoga, as, m. the command of time, fate,
lator (also written kdlika) ; N. of a king of the Nagas ;
is also a Devarshi in Indra's court, and a son of destiny. — Kdla-nirupana, am, n. chronology.
(ikd), f. blackness or black colour ; ink or blacking ;
cloudiness, a multitude or succession of clouds, a dark Dhruva) ; a period of time, time of the world ; — Kdla-nirnaya, as, m. ' determination or fixing of
cloud threatening rain ; a fault or flaw in gold ; the measure of time, prosody ; a section, a part ; deia- times,' title of a work, also called kdla-mddhavlya,
liver ; a particular blood-vessel in the ear ; a line of kdlau, the right place and the right time, place and by MadhavacSrya. — Kdla-nirnaya-dipikd, f. title
time ; kdlam kri, to appoint or fix a time ; ubhau of a metrical recension of the same work. — Kdla-
hair extending from the pudenda to the navel ; a kind
of spirituous liquor ; a female crow ; a small singing kdlau, both times, sunrise and sunset; ihashthe nirnaya-prakds'a, as, m. title of a work on juris-
bird with black wings (Turdus Macrourus, commonly kale 'hnah, at the sixth hour of the day, at midday ; prudence (t).— Kdla-nirvdfia, as, m. providing for
SyamS); a scorpion; a small worm or animalcule shashthdnna-kdla, one who eats only at the sixth daily wants. — Kdla-nemi, is, f. the felly or rim of
meal-time, i. e. who passes five meals without eating the wheel of time, regarded as a terrible weapon ;
formed by the fermentation of milk ; N. of several
plants, a medicinal plant, commonly Vriscikapattra ; and has no meal till the evening of the third (as), m., N. of an Asura slain by Krishna, iden-
tified with Kama ; N. of a Rakshas ; N. of a son
another plant, Valeriana JatamSnsi ; a kind of Ter- day ; or without anna, e. g. ttaturtha-kdlam, at the
fourth meal-time, i. e. at the evening of the second of the Brahman Yajna-soma. — Kdla-nemin, I, m.,
minalia ; a branch of the plant Trichosanthes Diceca ;
a kind of fragrant earth ; a N. or form of Durga ; day ; shashthe kale, at the evening of the third day ; N. of an Asura; [cf. the preceding.] — Kdlanemi-
a girl of four years old, who personates the goddess ripu, us, m. or kdlanemi-han, d, m. or kdlanemi-
ritu-kdla, the time of a woman's courses ; gaffhatd
DurgS at a festival held in honour of that deity ; a kalena, in the course of time, after some time ; hara, as, m. or kdlanemy-ari, is, m. an epithet of
kind of YoginI ; a species of Kinnari ; an epithet of nitya-kdlam, constantly, always ; dirgha-kdlam, dur- Krishna or Vishnu, the destroyer of the Asura Kala-
Durga; N. of a female evil spirit, daughter of Vai- ing along time ; dirghena kalena, after a long time ; nemi. — Kdla-pakva, as, d, am, ripened by time,
svanara ; (with Jainas) N. of a kind of genius who kalena, in the course of time ; dlrghasya kdlasya, i. e. spontaneously (opposed to agni-pakva). — Kdla-
executes the commands of the fourth Arhat ; N. of after a long time; kasya6it kdlasya, after some patha, as, m., N. of a son ofVisva-mitra. — Kdla-
a river; (am), n. black sandal-wood. — Kdlikd- time ; kdldt or kdlatas, in the course of time &c. ; parivasa, as, m. standing for a time (so as to be-
[cf. Goth, hvtila; Mod. Germ, virile; Gr. Kcupis, come stale or. fermented). — Kala-paia, as, m. the
krama, as, m. title of a work. — Kdlikd-grantha,
noose of Yama or death. — Kdla-pdsika, as, m. a
as, m. a medical v/ork. — Kdlika-purdna, am, n. &pa (?) ; Lat. hora, calen-dce : cf. also Gr. icfip ',
the Purana of KaiikS, i. e. of Durga, title of an Upa- Hib. ceal, ' death and everything terrible.'] — Kala- hangman, an executioner, (one who has the noose of
purana. — Kdlikd-muk ha, as, m., N. of a Rakshas. karana, am, a. appointing or fixing a time. — Kala- Yama.) — Kdla-puritsha, as, m., cf. 2. kdla-nara.
karman, a, n. death. — Kdla-kalpa, as, d, am, — Kdla-prabhdta, am, n. the dawning of the best
— Kdlikds'rama ("kd-ds"0), as, m., N. of a hermit- ike death, fatal, deadly. — Kdla-kdra, as, I, am, season, the two months following the rainy season,
age. —Kdlikopapurdna (°kd-up°), am, n., N. of making or producing time. — Kdla-kdrita, as, d, am, autumn ; the sultry season. — Kdla-prarudha, as,
an Upa-purSna.
Kdliman, a, m. blackness. effected or brought about by or in time. — Kdla- d, am, over-blown, over-ripe. — Kdla-bhaksha, as,
kuntha, as, m. an epithet of Yama. — Kdla-kuta, m. an epithet of Siva. — Kdla-bhrit, t, m. the sun ;
i.kdliya, as, m., N. of a NSga or serpent inhabit-
ing the YamunJ, slain by Krishna (also written kdllya, as, am, m. n. a deadly poison ; see s. v. — Kdla-krit, [cf. kdla-krit.~\—Kdla-mayukha, as, m. title of a
t, m. the sun (producing the times, i. e. seasons). part of Bhaskara. — Kdla-mahiman, a, m. or kdla-
see below). — Kdliya-damana, as, or kdliya-jit, m.,
N. of Krishna or Vishnu as destroyer of the serpent. — Kdla-krita, as, d, am, produced by time ; fixed ; mdhdtmya, am, n. the power or sway of time.
Kdliyaka — kdliyaka below. appointed (as to time) ; lent or deposited by a giver — Kdla-mddhava-kdHkd, f. title of a work. — Kdla-
Kali, f., N. of Durga, the wife of the god Siva. or a certain time ; (as), m. the sun ; time (?). — Kdla- murti, is, f. time personified. — Kdla-ydpa, as, m.
kaumudl, f., N. of a work. — Kd la-krama, as, m. allowing time to pass away, putting off, delaying,
. — Kdll-kula-sarvaxva, N. of a work. — Kdll-ta-
apse of time ; kdla-kramena, in process of time. procrastination. — Kdla-ydpana, am, n. passing
naya, as, m. a buffalo (' son or favourite of Durga,' — Kdla-kriyd, f. fixing a time ; title of the second away time, putting off, delaying. — Kdla^yoga, as,
more correctly hansakdll-tanaya). — Kdll-pu- m. connection with time, with fate or destiny ; fate,
rdna, am, n. the PurSna of Kali, title of an Upa- chapter of the Surya-SiddhSnta ; death. — Kdla-
, as, m. allowing time to pass away, delay, destiny. — Kdla-yogin, i, ini, i, reigning over des-
purana. — Kdli-mdhdtmya, am, n. = <<andika-ma-
oss of time ; spending or passing the time ; akdla- tiny, an epithet of Sivz.~-Kdla-yodhin, i, ini, i,
hdtmya. — Kdll-rahasya, title of a work. — Kall-
iltra, as, m., N. of the author of the Kalpa-kedSra. •.shepam, ind. without delay. — Kdla-yati, is, f. the fighting, or one who fights in season or at the proper
— Kdll-liridaya, title of a work. apse of time. — Kdla-c/ranthi, is, m. 'a joint of time. •• 2.kdla-rdlri,is or i, f. the night of all-destroy-
ime," a year. •- Kdla-ghdtin, I, ini, i, killing in the ing time, the night of destruction at the end of the
Kdllya, as, a, am, relating to blackness ; (am),
Bourse of time, i. e. by degrees, slowly (as a poison). world, often personified or identified with Durga or
n. a dark kind of sandal or perhaps of Agallochum ; with one of the Saktis of Durga ; a particular night
— Kdla-dakra, am, n. the wheel of time, time
N. of a Naga, see i . kdliya above. in the life of man, on the seventh day of the seventh
represented as a wheel, which always turns round ; a
Kdliyaka, as, am, m. n. a species of aloe wood ; given revolution of time, a cycle ; according to the month of the seventy-seventh year, after which period
a kind of turmeric (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza ?), a kind Jainas, the wheel of time has twelve Aras or spokes a man is exempt from attention to the usual ordi-
of fragrant wood of a yellow colour; yellow sandal; and turns round once in 2000,000,000, 000,000 nancesN.
; of a Brahman woman, familiar with magic.
a dark kind of sandal-wood ; (as), m., N. of a NSga, SSgaras of years [cf, ava-sarpinl and ut-sarpinl] ; — Kdla-rupa-dhrish, k, k, k (the last member of
see I. kdllya above. the wheel of fortune, the vicissitudes of life, the wheel the compound being by some referred to rt. dhri or
I. kdleya, am, n. (for 2. see s. v.), the liver; of time or fate is sometimes regarded as a weapon ; drill), wearing the form of Yama or death. — Kdla-
saffron ; a yellow fragrant wood ; the black sandal- with Buddhists, a Tantra; (as), m. an epithet of vat, an, att, at, connected with time. — Kdla-vikra-
wood ; (as, d, am), dark-coloured ; (as), m. pi., N. the sun. — Kdla-doditd, as, d, am, summoned by ma, as, m. power of time, death. — Kdla-vidhdna,
of a family of Daityas (metronymic fr. kdld). the angel of death. — Kdlafodlta-karman, d, a, a, am, n. title of a work. — Kdla-vidhvansana, as, m.
Kdleyaka, as, m. the plant Curcuma Xanthorrhiza, acting under the influence of fate. — Kdla-jna, as, (scil. rasa) a term for a particular drug or medicine.
see kdliyaka above ; (am), n. a fragrant wood, see d, am, one who knows the fixed times or seasons; — Kdla-viprakarsha, as, m. prolongation of time.
above ; a particular part of the intestines ; a disease (as), m. an astrologer; a cock. — Kdla-jndna, am, — Kdla-riveka, OK,• m., N. of a work by Jlmuta-
like jaundice; (as), m. a dog (for kauleyaka). n., N. of a medical work ; N. of a work by Malla- vahana. — Kdla-vriddhi,3Mis, f. periodical interest,
Kdlyaka, as, m. zedoary (Curcuma Zerumbet). See deva on the symptoms of diseases ; a medical work payable monthly, &c. — Kdla-vega, as, m., N. of a
kdlpaka. Naga, a son of Vasuki. — Kdla-vydpin, t, tnt, i,
by S'ambhunatlu. — Kdla-jadnin, i, m. an epithet
226 kala-samrodha. kdloddyin.

filling all time, everlasting. — Kala-samrodha, as, (as), m., N. of a man ; (d), f. a cow fit for the kaliitga, as, m. (fr. kalinaa), a
m. keeping back or retaining for a long time ; lapse bull ; (am), n. day-break. prince of the Kalin-gas ; (pi.) the Kalin-gas ; an ele-
of a long period of time. — Kdla-samhitd, (., N. of 4lc44y kalakanja or kdlakanjya, as, m. phant ; a snake ; a species of cucumber, Cucumis
an astrological work. — Kala-sadriiia, as, I, am, Usitatissimus ; a poisonous plant ; a sort of iron ;
pi., N. of a DSnava family, the children of KalakS.
opportune, seasonable ; deathlike. — Kdla-sampanna, (i), f. a princess of the Kalingas ; a kind of gourd or
at, a, am, effected by time, dated, bearing a date. <*lc» <*«3f« kdlakatankata, as, m. an epi- cucumber; N. of a river; (am), n. the water-melon;
— Kdla-sdhvaya, as, a, am, named after Ksla. thet of Siva ; (a various reading has talakatankata) ; (a«,
— Kala-iutra or kdla-satraka, am, n. the thread [cf. katankata.] lin-ga i,country.
aj»\ produced in or belonging to the Ka-
of time or death; N. of one of the twenty-one hells. «* I rt °*1 rt kdlakila or kdlakilaka, as, m. a Kdlittgalia, as, m. a prince of the Kalin-gas.
- Kala-svarujia, as, a, am, having the very form confused or mingled sound, a tumult ; [cf. kaltikala.] Kdlingikd, f. the planl Ipomcea Turpethum.
of death (applied to any terrific object). — Kala-
krishta ("la-dlf), ae, a, am, led to death or de- 41 (4 ^T kdlakunda, as, m. an epithet of kdlinjara, as, m., N. of a moun-
Vishnu. tain ; [cf. kdlanjara.]
struction, drawn to or by one's fate; produced or
brought about by time. — Kdldltsharika, as, m. (fr. kaliddsa, as, m. (fr. kali, the
kdla + akshara), a scholar, a pupil who has begun «Mc4'3i? kdlakuta, as, am, m. n. (fr. kala-
;oddess DurgS, and dasa, a slave, the final of l;dli
kuta), a kind of poison contained in a bulbous root jeing shortened). N. of a celebrated poet, supposed
to read. - Kdldgni (°la-ag°), is, m. the fire that is or tuber ; a mortal or deadly poison ; a poison pro-
to destroy the world ; the conflagration at the end of
lime.-Kdldgnl-rudra, as, m. Rudra regarded as duced at the churning of the ocean, swallowed by o be the author of the SakuntalS, Vikramorvas"I,
rtalavikSgnimitra, the Megha-duta, Raghu-vanta,
the fire that is to destroy the world; (scil. rasa) N. Siva and causing the biueness of his neck ; a poison in
>Jalodaya, and other poems ; also of the Sruta-bodha :
of a particular drug or medicine. — Kalagnirudro- general ; (an), m. myrrh ; N. of a country near the le was one of the nine poets or gems of Vikra-
Himalaya and the people inhabiting it ; an epithet of
paniskad (°ra-u}?), t, f., N. of several Upanishads. Yama ; [cf. kdla-kunlha.] maditya's court, and is supposed to have flourished
— KdlSfita (°la-at°), as, a, am, elapsed, passed by. n the century preceding the Christian era ; the name
Kdlakutaka, as, am, m. n. a kind of poison s however applied to more persons than one, and
- Kdldtmaka (°la-dt°), at, ikd, am, depending on contained in a bulbous root ; a deadly poison produced eems, in some measure, to have been used as an
time or destiny. — Kdldtyaya fla-at°), as, m. lapse at the churning of the ocean ; a poison in general.
of time, loss or destruction by lapse of time. — Kd- lonorary tide; the works attributed to this author
Kdlaliuti, is, m. a prince of the Kalakfltas. are amongst the most elegant compositions in the
Idtyayopadiihta (°ya-up°), as, d, am, taught or Sanskrit language.
rectified by the lapse of time ; term for a vain argu- <*lc-i4;rl kdlankata, as, m. the plant Cassia
ment (hetv-dbhdsa), also called atlta-kdla and bd- Kdliddsaiia, as, m. = the preceding.
dhita. — Kdlddarfa (°la-dd°), as, m. ' the mirror of Sophora.
«W(4%H kdlanjara, as, m., N. of a mountain «l!iiVi«fl kdlim. See under 2. kdla.
time,' title of a work. — Kdlddhyaksha (°la-adk°), in Bundalkhand considered as sacred, the modern
as, m. the overseer or leader of time, an epithet of kdlinda, am, n. the water-melon ;
vallmjer ; N. of the adjacent country ; an assembly J), f. a sort of vessel ; N. of a plant [cf. kaliityikd] ;
the sun. — Kdlanala (°la-an°), as, m. the fire of or meeting-place of religious mendicants ; Kallinjer ^J. of a wife of Krishna ; N. of the wife of Asita
all-destroying time, the universal conflagration at
the end of all things ; N. of a son of SabhS-nara. s one of the places at which such assemblies meet,
-Kdldntaka (°la-an°), as, m. time regarded as jeing enumerated amongst the Tapasyasthanas or and mother of Sagara ; an epithet of the river Ya-
the god of death. — Kdldntaka-yama, as, m. all- spots adapted to practices of austere devotion; an munS ; (as, I, am), connected with the river YamunS,
epithet of Siva ; (a or i), f. an epithet of DurgS. coming from this river ; [cf. kalinda.] — Kdlindi-
destroying time in the form of Yama. — Kdldntara karshana, cw, m. an epithet of Bala-rSma, this hero
(°la-an°), am, n. interval, intermediate time ; period, 4lr4*T(4«1 kdlabalana, am, n. armour, mail; naving diverted the stream YamunS into a new and
process of time ; a former or another time. — Kdldn- [a wrong reading for kdya-balana or kdyarfxtlana.) devious channel, marked out by his ploughshare.
tara-kshama, as, d, am, able to bear an interval
41(4 *)=( kalabava or kalavava, as, m., N. — Kalindi-bhedana, as, m. an epithet of Bala-rama ;
of delay. — Kdldntara-visha, as, d, am, poison- of a man. cf. the preceding.] — Kdlindi-su, us, m. the father
ous at certain times j (as), m. a poisonous animal, of the YamunS, an epithet of Surya ; (us), f. the
venomous only when enraged or alarmed, as a rat &c. Kdlabavin, inas, m. pi., N. of a school. mother of Yamuna, an epithet of one of the wives
— Kdldntaravritta (°ra-dv°), as, d, am, hidden 41(4 tfl kalambi, f. or kdlambya, as or of Surya. — KdUndi-sodara, as, m. the brother of
or concealed by time. — Kalantardvritti-sublid- am (?), m. or n. (?), N. of a caravansery. the YamunS, an epithet of Yama.
ivbha ("bha-as"), dni, n. pi. good and evil things «l«Tt7^ kdlava, as, m. pi., N. of a people. Kallndaka, am, n. the water-melon.
occurring within the revolutions of time. »• Kdld- kdliman. See under i. kdla.
vadhi (°la-av°), is, m. a fixed or appointed time.
— Kaldryavdya (°la-av°), as, m. no interval of 't kalaveya, as, m. pi., N. of a school.
<*lirt*n»m kdlim-manyd, f. (kdlim instead
lime. — Kdldiuddhi, is, m. or kdl&s'auCa (°la-ad°), kalaseya, am, n. (fr. kalasi = ka- of l-dllin), thinking one's self to be K51I, regarding
am, n. season of mourning or ceremonial impurity, laia), buttermilk, produced in a jar or pitcher by
as at the birth of a child, the death of a relation &c., one's self as Kali.
churning ; also kalaseya.
when it is considered unlawful to perform any religious 3. kdliya, as, m. (fr. kali; for I.
4lcim, kdldnara, as, m., N. of a son of and 2. see under r. and 2. kdla), the present age,
rites. — Kdle-ja, as, d, am, born or produced at a
fixed time or at due time. — Kdlottara (°la-ut°), N. SabhS-nara ; [cf. kdla-nara and kdldnala.'] commonly called the Kali-yuga.
of a work. — Kalotpadlta (°la-uf), as, d, am, pro- dldnunadin, i, ra. = kald- «KT?ifaR kdlika, as, m. a heron; [cf. i.
sown induced indue
due season.
season. — Kdlopta (fla-up°), as, d, am, nunddin, a large black bee ; a sparrow, the francoline
Kdlaya, nom. P. kdJayati, -yitum, to show or partridge. '4M"m kdttfi, f. (fr. 2. kdla and ah{?), the
announce the time. 41dm kdldpa, as, m. (fr. kaldpa), the
judgment-hall of Yama, regent or judge of the dead.
t. Icdlika, as, i, am, relating to time, connected hair of the head ; a serpent's hood ; a demon, an kdlina. See under 2. kdla, col. i.
with time, depending on time ; fit for any particular imp or goblin ; a student of the Kaliipa grammar
season, seasonable ; lasting a long time, of long one who knows or follows this grammar ; (fr. kald- i. kdliya. See p. 225 and col. i.
standing (often at the end of a compound, e. g. pin), a pupil of Kalapin ; epithet of Arada, a teacher
dsanna-kdlika, relating to a time near at hand, of Sskya-muni. 4I(4IM kdlushya, am, n. (fr. kalusha), foul-
impending ; mdsa-kdlika, monthly) ; a-kdlikam, Kdldpaka, an, ikd, am, belonging to the pupils
ness, dirtiness, filth, turbidness, opacity ; disturbance
without delay ; (d), f. price of a commodity on credit, of Kalapin ; (am), n. an assemblage of pupils o or interruption of harmony, disagreement.
or a price to be paid at a fixed period or by instal- Kalfipin ; N. of a grammar.
ments ;periodical interest paid by the month &c. ; cMrtlT kdldma, as, m. an epithet o kdle-ja. See under 2. kdla.
change of complexion. — Kdlika-td, f. or kdlika- Arada, the teacher of Sakya-muni ; [cf. kdldpa.] 2. kdleya, am, n. (fr. kali; for i. see
tva, am, n. time, dale, season. under i. kdla), the SSman of Kali; (an, d, am),
Kdlint, f. ' bringing death,' N. of the sixth lunar cftlrOlio kdldmukha, as, m. (fr. kdla-
mansion. belonging to Kali, the Kali age &c.
mukha f), N. of a Saiva sect.
2. kdliya, as, a, am, relating to time. See col. 3. 4l<4l<4f'1 kdldyani, is, m., N. of a pupi 41(4*44 kdleyaka. See under i . kdla.
Kdllna, us, d, am (at the end of comp.), belonging of Bashkali. 41(4 IK kdlesvara, kdlotpddita, &c. See
or relating to any particular time, timely, seasonable.
». kdliya, as, d, am, relating to time, timely. kdldyani, f. (fr. kald], an epithe urfder I. and 2. kdla.
of DurgS.
Kdlya, of, d, am, timely, seasonable, fit for any <*1 rtl;; I(*t «T kdloddyin i, m., N. of a pupil
particular season ; being in a particular period ; plea- •dlfrtqi kdlika. See under i. kdla and 2 of daySskya-muni
in.) ; (the right reading is perhaps halo-
sant, agreeable, auspicious (as discourse ; cf. kalya) ; kdla at page 224 and last col.

kalpa. kusyapi.
*I«H kalpa, as, i, am (ft. kalpa), preceptive, statue of Siva, called Kavyadevilvara. — Kdvya-pra- father of Dhanvantari. •- Kd.<i-ra,jan, a, m. = the
ritual ; relating to a Kalpa or period so called ; (as), kdfa or kdvyaspradipa, as, m. title of a work on preceding. — Kdii-rdma, as, m., N. of the author
m. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet. artificial poems by Mammata. — Kdvya-mimdnsaka, of a commentary on the Tithi-tattva and several
Kdlpalia, as, m. the same plant ; [cf. also kdl- as, m. a poetaster, a rhetorician. — Kdvya-rasika, other works. — Kd&-vildsa or kds^-vildsa, as, m.
as, d, am, one who has a taste for poetical composi- title of a work written in Sanskrit and in one of the
yaka.] ,
Kdlpanika, as, I, am (fr. kalpana), existing tions. —Kdvya-rakshasa, am, n. title of an artificial modern dialects. — Kdfi-khanda, as, am, m. n.
only in fancy ; fictitious, invented ; counterfeit, hypo- poem. — Kavya-iaalra, am, n. title of a small work title of a section of the Skanda-purana, treating of
critical, artificial, fabricated. — Kdlpanika-td, f. con- on poetics. — Kdvya-sudhd, f. title of a commentary Benares. — Kafi-natha, as, m. ' a lord or master of
trivance, hypocrisy, forgery. on a work on artificial poems. — Kdvya-hdsya, am, Benares ;' an epithet of S'ira ; N. of several men.
Kdlpasutra, ox, m. (fr. kalpa-sutra), one who n. a farce. — Kdvyadaria (°ya-dd°), as, m. a work » Kds^i-indhdtmya,, am, n. a section of the Brahma-
is familiar with the Kalpasutras. on poetics by Dzndm. — Kdvydlatikdra-vrttti, is, vaivarta-purana. — Kdfi-rdja, an,m. = kadi-raja, an
f. a work on poetics by Vamana. — Jfdvydshtaka epithet of Divodasa. —Kdfi-vildsa, as, m. = kd^i-
=KP?T kdlya. See under 2. kdla.
(°ya-ash°), am, n. title of a work of Surya. vildsa. — Kd&s'a (°rfi-Itfa),
an epithet of Divodasa or anyas,king
m. of
an Benares
epithet of; (am),
S*iva ;
«tilCHll*U1«l kdlydnineya, as, I, am (fr. kal- kits, cl. i. and 4. A. kasate and
n. sulphate of iron. — Kafiivara Ciirif), as, m. a
ydni), sprung from a virtuous or fortunate woman ;
\ kas"yate, dakds'e or kd4dmasa, kds'ish- prince of the Kalis or a sovereign of Benares ; N. of
(as), m. the son of such a woman. yate, akds'ishta, kdiitum, to be visible, appear;
to shine, be brilliant, have an agreeable appearance : a grammarian ; Kafifcari, f. title of a grammar com-
kalvdli-krita, as, a, am, Ved. posed byKasisvara (?) ; Kd^iifari-gana, title of atrea-
made bald (?) ; [cf. Lat. calvus.] Caus. kaiayati, -yitttm : Desid. tikds'uhate : Intens. tise on grammar. — Kd&-setu, us, m. title of a work.
clearly, and ;tdkds'yate,
[cf. kds.) to shine brightly ; to see Kdiika, as, m., N. of a man ; (a), f., scil. puri,
=RT^ kava, am, n. (fr. kavi), N. of a Saman.
I . kdda, as, m. the becoming visible, appearance ; the city of the Kalis, i. e. Benares ; kds'ika vrittih
eKilP«i«ii kdvaiika, as, i, am (fr. kavafa),
splendor ; (as, am), m. n. a species of grass, Saccha- or only kds'ika, f. ' the commentary composed or
relating to armour, armorial ; (am), n. a multitude rum Spontaneum, used for mats, roofs, &c. ; also used in K5li or Benares,' title of a commentary on
of men in armour.
personified, together with the Kusa grass, as one of Panini's grammar by VSmana JaySditya. — Kaiika-
eRT^y kdvata, am, n., N. of a district con- sukfhma, am, n. fine cotton from Kali. — Kdiikd-
Yama's attendants ; (as), m., N. of a man ; a son of tilaka, N. of a poem by Nila-kantha. - Kdsikd-
I Gramas; [cf. karvata.] Sunahotra ; also of another Sunahotra, the father of
Kdvatticd, f. a district of 200 Gramas. Kali-raja. -• Kato-kritsna, as, m., N. of a gram- priya, as, m. an epithet of king Divodasa, who
was king of Benares.
marian ; also of a philosopher. — Kdfakritsni, is,
«*Tf «j<* kavaruka, as, i, am, fearful ; hen- Kaieija, a patronymic from KSsi; (f), f. a
m. (a patronymic from the preceding), N. of a
pecked (as),
; m. an owl ; (a wrong form for kdka- daughter of the king of the Kasis.
ruka or kdkaruka ?). ieicher. — Kds'a-paundra, as, m. pi., N. of a peo- I. kdfya, as, d, am, belonging to the race or
ple. —Kdfa-maya, as, t, am, consisting of the grass tribe of the Kalis, a prince of KSli ; (as), m., N. of
oSR^ kdvasha, am, n. (fr. kavasha), N. of Saccharum Spontaneum.
a Saman. the father of Kalyapa and ancestor of Kaliraja Dhan-
Kanaka, as, m. a species of grass, Saccharum
vantari ;also of a son of Suhotra, and of SenS-jit ;
Kdvasheya, CM, m. a patronymic of Tura in the Spontaneum ; N. of a man, = /.•/;.«/.
Brahmanas. (a), f. the daughter of a king of Kali.
1. kddin, t, ini, i, (at the end of compounds)
Kdfyaka, as, d, am, belonging to the race or
shining, appearing, having the semblance of any- tribe of the Kalis.
otiiqi< kdvdra (kd-dv°), am, n. the aquatic
plant Vallisneria; (t), f. an umbrella or chhattar, thing, e. g. jita-kds'in, one who appears as a con-
queror or behaves like one ; (i), m., N. of a man, dsita, am, n., N. of a verse of the
especially one without a stick and worn like a broad- Sama-veda.
brimmed hat. a son of Brahman Kavi (Maha-bh. XIII. 4150).
in Kabila,
it. as, d, am, made of Kala grass, abounding kdra.) •nisi*!*, kasukdra, as, m. the Areca or
of «RTfTO>^ia-m'ra/,
9 + i a + 9 syllables. t, f. a metre consisting Kdiishnu, us, us, u, shining, brilliant.
betel-nut tree ; (perhaps a wrong reading for kasu-

<*I<J<* ka-vrika, as, m., N. of several hirds ; *is.i 2. kdsa, as, m. (wrongly spelt for
a gallinaceous fowl ( = kvkkutn, krit;avdku) ; the kdsa), cough, catarrh, irritation of the throat, sneez- ctil3.«i<"l kdsmari, f. or kasmarya, as, m.
the plant Gmelina Arborea, commonly called Gam-
ruddy goose, Anas Casaca ( = koka)', a small singing ing. —Kaia-marda, as, m. wrongly spelt for kasa-
bird, Loxia Philippensis. marda, q. v. bhJr! ; [cf. also kdrimari and kdrshmarya."\
2. ka&n, i, ini, i (wrongly spelt for kdsiri), having «Fl3.»fl*. kdsmlra, as, i, am (fr. kasmira),
<*l<l«, kdvera, am, n. saffron, Crocus Sa- a cold or cough. born in or coming from KalmTra ; (as), m. a king
tivus; (1), f. turmeric; a courtezan, a harlot; N. of
a river ia the Dekhan (according to a legend in the of Kasmira ; (as), m. pi. the inhabitants of Kalmira ;
<*li(IMl3 kasapari, f., N. of a region (?). the country Kalmira, also in sing.; (a), f. a sort
Hari-vanla, a daughter of Yuvanasva and wife of Jahnu, Katophart, f., N. of a region (I); (a various
reading has kataphdri.) of grape ; (t), f. the tree Ficus Elastica ; (am), n.
who by her father's curse was changed from one half the tuberous root of the plant Costus Speciosus;
of the Gan-gS into the river Kaveri, therefore also
called Ardha-garrgi or Ardha-jShnavi). ^m^ ka-sabda, as, m. the noise kd. saffron ; ( = tanka.) — Kds'mira-ja, am, n. saffron ;
a sort of drug ; the tuberous root of the plant Costus
Kdveraka, as, m. a patronymic of Rajata-nabhi. <ni3ll«*ir<4 kd-sdlmali, is, f. a kind of silk-
cotton tree, Bombax Heptaphyllum. Speciosus; (d), f., N. of a plant, Atis or Betula,
Kdverikd, {., N. of a river, =kdverl. = att-vishd. — Kdimira-janman, a, n. saffron.
<*T*»< kdvya, as, a, am (fr. kavi), endowed <*lfV kdsi, is, m. the clenched hand, the Kaimiraka, as, i, am, bora or produced in
with the qualities of a sage or poet, descended or fist ; a handful ; the sun (in this sense fr. rt. kdi) ; KalmTra, relating to Kalmira; (at), m. pi. the
inhabitants of Kalmira.
coming from a sage ; prophetic, inspired, poetical ; a (ayas), m. pi., N. of the people of KsSi ; N. of the an-
particular order of manes; a patronymic of Ulanas ; (as), cestors ofthe kings of KaS'i, of the family of Bharata ; Kds'mirika, as, i, am, born or produced in
m. pi. the descendants of Kavi ; (a), f. understanding, (is), m., N. of a son of Suhotra and grandfather of Kalmira ; kdimlrika-nivdsa, as, m. the residence
intelligence ; a female fiend [cf. putand] ; (am), n. Dhanvantari ; also N. of a son of KSsya and grandson of the Kalmlras.
wisdom, intelligence ; prophetic inspiration ; high of Suhotra; (ayas), m. pi. the descendants of this man;
power and art ; intellect, knowledge (often used in (is cr I), f. a celebrated city and place of pilgrimage, the <*13H 2. kdsya, am, n.=ios'yo, a spirituous
pi.) ; a poem, poetical composition, a work of poetic modern Benares ; (i), f., N. of the wife of Sudeva
art ; term for the first tetrastich in the metre Shat- and mother of Suparsva. — Kadi-kanyd, f. the virgin liquor.
<*l?<4M kdsyapa, as, i, am (fr. kasyapa),
pada ; happiness, welfare. — Kdvya-kalpa-latd, f. of Kasi, daughter of the king of KSsi. — KiM- belonging to Kalyapa, relating to or connected with
title of a work on artificial poems. — Kdvyakalpa- him (e. g. kdfyapi devl or only kaiyapl, the
khanda, a section of the Slunda-purSna. — Kds'i-
latd-vritti, is, f. a commentary by Amara-c'andra on nagara, am, n. the city of the KSsis, i. e. Benares. earth); (as), m. a patronymic from Kalyapa; N. of
the last work. — Kdvyakalpalatdvritti-parimala, — Kaii-natha, as, m., N. of several men. — Kaii- an old grammarian ; an epithet of Aruna ; a sort of
a commentary on the preceding work. — Kdvya- pa, as, m. a sovereign of the Kalis. — Kaii-paH, deer; a fish; (ant), n. flesh; (i), f. the earth;
kdma-dhenu, us, f. title of a commentary by Vopa- is, m. the ruler of the Kasis, epithet of Divodasa (according to a legend of the Puranas, Paralu-rama,
deva on his work called Kavi-kalpadruma. — Kdvya- Dhanvantari, a king of Benares, author of certain after the destruction of the Kshatriya race and the
dandrikd, {. title of a work on artificial poems by medical works and teacher of the Ayur-veda ; he is performance of an Alva-medha sacrifice, presented the
KavWandra ; another work on the same subject by often confounded with his celestial namesake, the sovereignty of the world to KJlyapa.) — Kddyapa-
physician of the gods. — Kati-puri, f. the city of the nandana, as, m. pi. the children of Kasyapa,
NyayavSglla.-.S'dfya-e'aftra, as, m. a robber of
other poems, a plagiarist. — Kdrya-td, f. or kdvya- KSsis, i. e. Benares. — Kaii-raja, as, m. a king of epithet of the gods. — Kafyapi-bdldkyd-mdihari-
tva, am, n. the condition of a poetical composition. the Kasis, identified with the DSnava DIrghajihva ; putra, as, m., N. of a teacher.
— Kdvya-devi, (., N, of a princess, who erected a epithet of Divodasa Dhanvantari ; also of a grand- Kdfyapi, is, m. (a patronymic fr. kdiyapa), an
228 kinkirin.
epithet of Aruna, the charioteer of the sun ; also of — Kdshtha-stambha, as, m. a beam of wood. — Kd <*l?«lil kdhakd, f. a kind of musical instru-
Garuda, the bird of Vishnu. shthdffdra (°/Aa-a*7c), aa or am, m. or n. a house of ment ;[cf. tdJtali.]
Katyapin, inas, m. pi., N. of a school called after wood, a wooden house or enclosure. — Jidsh(hdml>u-
Kisyapa. *l5rt kdhala, as, d, am, dry, withered ;
vdhini (°tha-am'), f. a wooden bucket or baling large, excessive; mischievous ; (oa), m. a cat; a
Kaxyaptya, da, m. pi., N. of a Buddhist school vessel; [cf. ambu-vihini.'} — Kdshthdluka C(ha-
called after Klisyapa. cock ; a sound in general ; (a), f. a kind of musical
dl°), as or am, m. or n. a species of Aluka. — A'a- instrument ; N. of an Apsaras ; (i), (. a young
Kdfyapcya, cu, m. (a patronymic fr. katyapa), ehthekshu ( t/ia-il; ), us, m. a kind of sugar-cane.
an epithet of the twelve Adityas ; also of the sun ; Kdshthaka, am, a. aloe wood or Agallochum. woman ; (am), n. indistinct speech ; a kind of musical
and of Garuda, the bird of Vishnu. Kdshthika, as, m. a bcajer of wood ; (d), f. a instrument ; (as, a, am), m. f. n. a horn, either a cow-
small piece of wood. horn or an instrument of that shape ; a large drum ;
«Brarft' kasvart, f. the plant Gmelina Ar- Kdshthin, i, i»i, i, wooden ; having wood. (am), ind. much, excessively. — Kdhald-pushpa,
borea, =kti4mari. aa, m. a thorn-apple, Datura Metel, = dhiistura.
=ST?TT kashtha, f. [cf. kashtha last col.], a Kdhalin, i, m., N. of a Kishi.
=Rre kasha, as, m. (ft1, rt. kash), rubbing ; place for running, a race-ground, course ; the course,
that against which anything is rubbed.
path or track of the wind and clouds in the atmos- kdhali, is, m. an epithet of Siva.
<*mm kashaya, as, I, am (fr. kashaya), phere ;a quarter or region of the world, a cardinal kdhdbdha,am,n,,\ed. a rumbling
red, dyed of a reddish colour ; a red cloth or garment ; point, space, tract ; water ; the mark, the goal ; limit, noise in the bowels.
(f), f. (with makshikd) a sort of fly or wasp. boundary ; the sun ; a fixed place, place, site, espe-
— Kdihdya-yrahana, as, m., N. of a Caitya, q. v. cially the situation of the lunar mansions ; a measure ^n^ kdhi, f. the plant Wrightia Anti-
dysenterica ; [cf. kulajtt.]
— KdsJidya-vasana, as, a, am, having a dark or
brown garment. — Kdsfidya-vdsika, as, m. a kind Muhurta ; the plant Curcuma Xanthorrhiza ; N. of a <*ii|»t) kahiiji, is, m., N. of the father of the
of poisonous insect. daughter of Daksha and wife of Kas'yapa, mother of the writer Mahadeva (author of an astronomical work).
Kdshdyana, at, m. (a patronymic fr. kashaya or solidungulous quadrupeds ; N. of a town. — Kdshtha-
kdthdya), N. of a teacher. bhrit, t, t, t (for kdshthd-bhrit), Ved. leading to a f^i i. ki, a pronominal base, like ka and
Kdshdyin, inas, m. pi., N. of a school called mark or aim. ku, in the words Win, kiyat, kis, kidriksha, kidrii,
from KashSya. kidrisa, kivat, q. v.
kashthlla (kd-ash°), as, m. a large
«irnr kashtha, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kds; kind of Calotropis ; (a), f. a plantain, Musa Sapientum. fa 2. ki, a verbal root; [cf. d ; Lat. scio ?;
d.kdshthd next col.),N. of one of Kuvera's attendants ; i. kds, cl. I. A. kdsate, fakdse or Hib. ci, ' see, behold ;' ci-thi, ' you see ;' citear, ' it
(am), n. a piece of wood or timber, a stick ; wood \kdsdmdsa, kdsishyate, akdsishta, kdsi-
or timber in general ; an instrument for measuring seems, appears.']
tum, to cough ; to make any disagreeable sound or
lengths ; a kind of measure ; (metaphorically) a mere one indicating disease; to shine (tor rt. Aviv, q. v.): kimstya, am, n. a kind of fruit (.').
stick, a lanky thin man. At the beginning of a kiki, is, m. a blue jay; the cocoa
Caus. kasayati, -yitum : Desid. tikdtishate : Intens.
compound and before a simple verb kashllui may Cakdsyate, ddkdsti; [cf. Lith. kdstit, kiseti; Slav. tree, NSrikela ; [cf. the following.] ,
express excellence or superiority ; [cf. Cambro-Brit. kafjljati; Old Germ, huosto; Scot coaad.] Kikidira, as, m. or kikidivi, is, m. or kikiditi,
coed; Brit, coat; Gt. £v-\ot>.]<~Kdshtha-kadali, 2. kds, (., Ved. cough. is, m. a blue jay ; Ved. another kind of animal.
f. the wild plantain, Musa Sapientum, (the fruit of this Kikin,
I. kdsa, as, d, m. f. cough, catarrh. — Kdsa-kanda, a blue jay.I, 111. or kiki, f. a blue jay.
plant being hard and woody.) — Kdshtha-klta, as, as, m. a species of root, =kdsalu.— Kdsa-kara, Kikidiva, as, m. or kikidivi or kikidivi, is, m.
m. a small insect or worm found in decayed wood.
— Kdshtha-katta or kdshtha-kuta, as, m. a bird, as, i, am, producing cough or catarrh. — Kasa-
kuntha, as, d, am, afflicted with cough ; (as), m. 0*0*^1 kikira, ind., Ved. (with I. kri) to
a sort of woodpecker, Picus Bengalensis. — Kdshtha- an epithet of Yama ; [cf. fcdsa.] — Kdsa-ghna, as,
kvdddla, as, m. a kind of wooden shovel or scraper I, am, removing or alleviating cough, pectoral ; (I), tear in pieces, to rend into rags and tatters.
used for baling water out of a boat, or for scraping f. a sort of prickly nightshade, Solanum Jacquini. ftsf?£5T kikkita, ind., Ved. an onomato-
and cleaning its bottom ; also written ^kuddla or — Kdsa-jit, t, f. the plant Clerodendrum Sipho- poetic word used like an interjection in invocations.
°kidddla. — Kdtththa-khanda, am, n. a stick, a nanthus. — KSia-naiini, f., N. of a thorny plant,
spar, a piece of v/ood. — Kdshtha-ghalita, ae, d, = karkata-iringi. — Kdsa-marda, as, m. the plant f<4if\|!3l kikkisa, as, m. a kind of worm,
am, formed of wood, wooden. — Kdshtha-jambu, Cassia Sophora; a remedy against cough, an acid pernicious to the hair, nails, and teeth.
us, f., N. of a lTce,^bhumi-jambu. — Kdshtha- preparation, a mixture of tamarinds and mustard ; fiKf^TT^ kikkisdda, as, m. a species of
taksh, t, m. or l-atlitlia-takshuku, as, m. a carpen- also —palala. — Kdsa-mardaka, as, m. the plant
ter. — Kdshlha-tantu, us, m. a caterpillar which snake.
Cassia Sophora. — Kdsa-mardana, as, m. the plant
secretes itself in wood and there passes into a Trichosanthes Diceca. — Kasa-vat, an, atl, at, fck«nH kiknasa, as, m. particles of ground
chrysalis ; a small worm found in timber. — Kdshtha- corn, bruised grain, groats.
iluru, us, m. the tree Pinus Deodora. — Kashtha- having a cough. — Kdsdri (°sa-ari), is, m. the plant
Cassia Sophora. — Kdsdlu ("ea-alu), us, m. an escu- fcflfa kikhi, is, m. a monkey, an ape ; (is),
dru, us, m. the tree Butea Frondosa. — Kdshtha- lent root, a sort of yam.
dhdtn-phala, am, n. the fruit of the plant Emblica f. a small jackal, a fox.
Kdsikd, (. cough.
Officinaiis. — Kashtha-pdtald, f., N. of a plant Kdsin, I, irii, i, having a cough. ftjTUtft kinkani, f. a small bell ; (a various
(sita-pdtalikd).— Kdahtha-pdshdna-vdsas, dqst, reading for ktitkitii, q. v.)
Kdsundivatikd, f. a remedy against cough, an
n. pi. wood, stone, and clothes. — Kdshtha-putta- acid preparation, a mixture of tamarinds and mustard;
likd, f. a wooden image. — Kdshlha-praddna, am, Pong;*, kin-kara, &c. See under kim below.
n. piling up wood, forming a funeral pile. — Kd- (perhaps a wrong reading for kdsandt°.) (en TI;*!! kinkina, as, m. (an onomatopoetic
shtha-bhdra, as, m. a particular weight of wood. chiH 2. kdsa, as, am, m. n. (for kdsa), a
species of reed or long grass, Saccharum Spontaneum ;
word), a kind of musical instrument; N. of a son of
— Jidshthalihdrika, as, m. a wood-carrier ; a bearer
of wood.— Kdshthorbhuta, ae, a, am, one who has another plant, Hyperanthera Moringa. Bhajamlna.
become wood, or who is like a piece of wood; epithet Kinkini, is or (, f. a small bell ; a girdle of small
eSraT kdsara, as, m. a buffalo ; (fr. ka, bells, or any tinkling ornament ; N. of an acid sort
of an ascetic, who stands without stirring; (as), m.,
water, and sara, going ? ; this animal being partial to
N. of a divine being. — Kdshtha-bhrit, see under marshy places.) of grape (Vikan-kata).
Kiakitfita, as or am, m. or n. (?), a small bell.
kashtha. — Kdshtha-mafhl, f. a funeral pile. -• Kd-
shtha-maya, ae, i, am, made of wood, wooden, <RWtt kdsdra, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. • KinkitfikSframa (°ia-drf°), as, m., N. of an
consisting of pieces of wood. — Kashlha-maHu, as, rt. kds), a pond, a pool. Kinkinikin, i, ini, i, ornamented or decorated
m. a bier, a plank &C. on which dead bodies are
kdslrdma, as, m., N. of a man; with small bells.
carried. — Kdshtha-rajju, us, m. or f. (?), a rope
for binding together pieces of vtooA. — Kdshtha- (more correctly k&ti-rama !). kinkira, as, m. a horse ; the Indian
lek/iaka, <u, m. a small worm found in wood. kdslsa, am, n. green vitriol, green cuckoo, the Kokila or Koil ; a large black bee ; Kama-
— Kashtha-lohin, i, m. a club, a short cudgel, sulphate of iron ; [cf. kafiia.] deva, the god of love ; (a), f. blood ; (am), n. the
especially if armed with iron. - Kdshlha-vat, an, frontal sinus of an elephant.
ail, at, having wood for fuel &c. ; (vat), ind. like «f TW kdsu, us, f. (fr. rt. kds f), a sort of Kiitkirdta, as, m. a parrot ; the Indian cuckoo
a piece of wood, like a stick or stock, standing spear or lance ; indistinct speech ; speech in general ; or Kokila; Kama-deva, the god of love; the tree
petrified with fear &c.- Kdshlha-valUkd, (., N. of light, lustre ; disease ; devotion ; understanding. Jonesia As"oka ; a species of amaranth ; [cf. kuran-
a plant, = katukd. — Kdshtha-vdta, as or am, m. — Kdsu-tari, f. a short spear, a javelin. faka, raktamldna, pitdmldna.J
or n. (?), a wall made of wood ; N. of a place (?). Kiirkirdla, as, m., N. of a plant, =varvura.
— Kdehlha-rivara, am, n. the hollow of a tree. ka-sriti, is, La by-way, a secret path . Kiitkirin, i, m., N. of a plant, commonly Buinchi,
— Kdshtha-iariva, f., N. of a plant, = idrivd. kdstlra, am, n., N. of a town. Flacourtia Sapida ; [cf. rikaitkata.]
kin-kshana. kim-prakaram.
r kin-kshana. Seeunderitmnextcol. | kin-nu, ind. See under kim below. moments. — Kirt-gotra, as, d, am, belonging to what
family ? — i . kiii-dana, see under 2. ka and kim above.
[ kinda, ind. See under kim next col. for"l kipya, as, m. a kind of worm. — KiMana-td, f. something, somewhat. — KiniXj-
i. kindana, as, m. a species of the im, ind.(originallynom.andacc. sing, jiia (°<Ht-jna), as, d, am, as,knowing a little, a mere ;
smatterer. — Kiildit-kara, i, am, doing anything
PalaSa or Butea Frondosa. (For i. kiA-dana see n. of 3. lea, q. v.), how 1 whence 1 wherefore 1 why ?
under 2. ka and kim below.) Kim is much used as a particle of interrogation like (a-kiAHitkara, one who has not done anything
wrong.) — Jfiiidit-kala, as, m. a little time, some time.
f<*MH«l> kinfanaka, as, m., N. of a king the Lat. num, an, sometimes translateable by ' whe- •• KiniHt-pare, ind. a little after. — Kinttt-prdna ,as,
of the Nagas. ther?' but oftener serving only like a note of interro-
a, am, having a little life left. — Kinfin-matra, am,
gation to mark a question (e. g. kim vyadhd vane
fofcfy r^ kintit, kihtit-kara, &c. See under n. only a little. — Kln-flumdas, as, as, as, conver-
kim next col. 'smin santaranti, do hunters roam about in this sant with which Veda ? (which Veda does he know ?)
wood? In an interrogation the verb if uncom-
pounded with a preposition generally retains its accent — Kil-japya, am, n., N. of a TTrtha. - Kin-jyotis,
f<+fWfr'5«ir kiufdika or kihfulaka or kihfu- it, is, is, having which light ? — Kin-tanu, us, m.
after kim). To this sense may be referred the kim an insect described as having eight legs and a very
luka, as, m. an earth-worm. expressing blame, deficiency, &c., at the beginning
f<*y kinja, am, n. the blossom of the slender body, a species of spider. ~Kin-lamdm,
of compounds (e. g. kim-rajan, what sort of a king ? ind. whether ? whether of many ? — Kin-tardm, ind.
plant Mesua Ferrea [cf. Ictnj alka] ; the filament of i. e. a bad king) ; also the kim prefixed to verbs whether ? whether of two ? — Kintu-ghna, as, m. one
a lotus. with a similar meaning (e. g. kim-adhite, he reads of the eleven periods called Karana (destroying every
KiAjala, as, m. the filament qf a plant, especially badly). Kim — uta or kim — utavd or kim —
of a lotus. •but'). — Kin-tva, as, a, am, Ved. an adj. formed
uta — uta or kim — athava — uta, whether— or —
Kinjalka, as, m. the filament of a plant, especially from kim tvam, ' what thou ?' to denote the impu-
dent manner in which a drunken man asks questions.
the filament or blossom of a lotus; (am), n. the
or Kim
; [cf. isuta.~\
very frequently connected with other parti- "Kin-data, as, m., N. of a sacred well. — Kin-
flower of the plant Mesua Ferrea. cles, as follows : kim anga, wherefore then ? atha dama, as, m., N. of a Muni. — Kin-darbha, as, m.,
KinjaViin, t, inl, i, consisting of filaments. kim, how else? surely; kim api, somewhat, to a N. of a mun. — Kin-ddna, am, n., N. of a Tirtha.
considerable extent, rather, much more, still further ;
kit, cl. I. P. ketati, fiketa, ketitum, — Kin-dasa, as, m., N. of a man. — Kin-devata,
kim itt, why ? (see iti) ; kimu or icimuta, how
„ to go or approach, to alarm or terrify ; to much more ? how much less ? kim kila, what a as, d, am, having what deity ? — Kin-devatya, as,
dread, fear. deity 't
pity I (expressing dissatisfaction); kinda, moreover, d, am, Ved. belonging
— Kinmara, to orsort
as, m. (what of man to?),what
devoted a mythical
(44(414 1*1 kitakitdya (an onomatopoetic further; kiii-dana (originally negative = ' in no way'), being with a human figure and the head of a horse,
expression), A. kitakitdyate, to gnash the teeth. to a certain degree, a little ; Tctntit, somewhat, a little ;
originally perhaps a kind of monkey [cf. vd-nara],
kim tarhi, how then ? but, however ; kintu, but, in later times (like the Naras) reckoned among the
fifift kit i, is, m. a hog ; [cf. kira, kiri.] however, nevertheless (bearing the same relation to tu, Gandharvas or celestial choristers and celebrated as
foRfipT kitibha, as, m. a bug ; a louse, = that ki Ma bears to <?a) ; kin-nu, whether indeed ? (a musicians ; also attached to the service of Kuvera ;
keia-kita; (am), n. a species of exanthema; [cf. stronger interrogative than kim alone) ; how much (with Jainas) one of the eight orders of the Vyantaras ;
the next.] more? how much less? kin nukhalu, how possibly?
(as), m., N. of a prince ; an epithet of Nara, a sou
(a still stronger interrogative); kim punar, how of Vibhishana ; (with Jainas) the N. of the attendant
r<*(Vf< kitima, as or am, m. or n. (?), a much more? how much less? kim vd, whether? of the fifteenth Arhat of the present AvasarpinT ; N.
species of leprosy. or whether ? or, (often a mere particle of interroga- of a place ; a kind of musical instrument ; (?), f. a
tion) ki
; m svit, whether ? how ? (a mere particle of female Kinnara ; the lute of the Candsla. — Kinnara-
f%!$ kitta or kittaka, am, n. secretion, ex- interrogation like the last).
cretion, excrement, dirt. — Kitta-varjila, am, n. varsha, as, m. a division of the earth said to be
semen virile. Kini-yu, us, us, w, Ved. what wishing ? — Kim- north of the Himalaya mountains. — Kinnareila or
Kit tola, as, m. scoria, rust of iron &c. ; a copper rajan, a, m. a bad king. — Kim-rupa, as, d, am, kinnaretvara l^ra-li0), as, m. an epithet of Kuvera
vessel. of what shape ? — Kim-vat, an, atl, at, poor, mean, as lord of the Kinnaras. — Kin-ndmadheya, as, d,
insignificant. — Kim^vadanta, as, ra., N. of an imp am, or kin-ndman, d, a, a, having what name ?
[ kittima, am, n. a kind of liquid. or goblin who lies in wait for children. — Kim- - Kin-nimitta, as, d, am, having what cause or
vadanti, is or ?, f. (lit. what do they say ?), the
kina, as, m. a corn, a callosity; a reason? (am), ind. from what cause? for what
common saying or rumour, report, tradition, tale. reason? why? wherefore ? — Kim-artha, as, d, am,
scar ; a wart, a mole ; an insect found in wood.
— Ki m-vardtaka, as, d, am, one who says ' what having what motives or aim? (am), ind. from what
— Kina-vat, an, atl, at, callous. — Kindldta (°na- is a cowrie ?' i. e. an extravagant careless man who motive? what for? wherefore? whyf — Kim-dkhya,
af), as, m. an epithet of Indra. does not value small coins. — Kinwid, t, t, t, what
as, d, am, having what name ? — KimiMhaka, as,
ftsfijT kini, is, f. or kinihi, f. the plant knowing ? — Kim-mrya, as, d, am, of what power ?
d, am (fr. kim + iMhd), what one wishes or desires,
— Kim-vritta, at, a, am, one who says ' what is anything desired. — Kim-pa(a, as, d, am, cooking
Achyranth.es Aspera ; [cf. apdmarga.~\ behaviour ?' i. e. one who is not careful in his man-
khma, as, am, m. n. ferment, a drug what ? one who cooks nothing ; miserly, avaricious.
ners. —Kim-i'ydpdra, as, d, am, following what -Kim-pa6dna, as, d, am, miserly, niggardly,
or seed used to produce fermentation in the manufac- occupation? — Kim-3dru, us, u, m. n. the beard of
ture of spirits from sugar, bassia, &c. ; (am), n. sin. avaricious; [cf. mitam-pada.] — £im-pardkrama,
corn ; (us), m. an arrow ; a heron. — Kim-Sila, as,
d, am, Ved. (land) having small stones or gravelly as, d, am, of what power ? of what energy ? - Kim •
CohftNH kinvin, I, m. a horse ; [cf. kin- paryantam, ind. to what extent? how far? how
dhin, kilkln, and kilvtn.] particles. — Kim-s~ila, as, a, am, of what habits ? in long?-.Kim-£>afca, as, d, am, unripe; ignorant;
what manner generally existing or living ? — Kim- at mature age, childish; (as),
kit. See cit and ketaya. iuka, as, m. the tree Butea Frondosa, a tree bearing stupid; not arrived
Trichosanthes Palmata ;
beautiful red blossoms, and hence often alluded to m, a Cucurbitaceous plant,
also Cucumis Colocynthus (cf. maha-kala\ ; (am),
kita, as, m., N. of a man. by poets ; (am), n. the blossom of this tree ; [cf.
n. the fruit of this plant. - Kim-puna, (., N. of a
f<*rN kitava, as, I, m. f. (perhaps fr. Aim palds"a and su-kimi!uka.] — Kimilukodaka (°ka- river. — Kim-purasha or kim-purasha, as, m. a
ud°), am, n. a decoction made from the blossoms
lava, ' what of you ?' i. e. what is your stake ?), a of the tree Butea Frondosa and used for colouring. mongrel being (according to the Brahmanas an evil
gamester, a gambler ; a cheat, a fraudulent man or to man), perhaps originally a kind of
— Kbn-.'luluka, as, m. a variety of the tree Butea being similar
woman ; a mad or crazy person ; N. of a man ; (as), monkey ; in some instances the word seems to mean
Frondosa. — Kim4ulukd-giri, in, m., N. of a moun-
m. pi., N. of a people or race; (o«), m. thorn- merely a low and despicable man; in later times
tain. — Kim-sakhi, a, m. a bad friend. — Kiit-kara, the word is usually identified with kin-nara, though
apple, Datura Metel [cf. dhurta and un-matta] ; a as, m. a servant, a slave ; (Ved.) a particular part of sometimes applied to other beings, in which the
kind of perfume, commonly Roc'ana. a carriage ; a kind of Rakshasa ; N. of a people ;
kinata, am, n. the inner bark of a figure of a man and that of an annual are combined,
(a), f. a female servant ; (i), f. the wife of a servant. (these beings are supposed to live on Hemakuta, and
— Kinkara-tva, am, n. the condition of a servant are regarded as the attendants of Kuvera; with Jainas
kin-tanu, &c. See under kim. or slave. — Kinkarlavya-ta or kinkdrya-td, (. any the Kimpurushas, like the Kinnaras, belong to the
situation or circumstances in which one asks one's self Vyantaras) ; N. of one of the nine sons of Agnidhra,
kinduvilva, as or am, m. or n. (?), what ought to be done ? [cf. itikartavya-td.] — Kin- having the Varsha Kimpurusha as his hereditary por-
kala, as, m., N. of a man. — Kiie-kdmya, nom. P. tion ; a division of the universe, one of the nine
or according to various readings kindavilla, Jcendu-
mlla, or tinduvilla, N. of the place where Jaya-deva -yati, to wish what ? — Jfiit-kdmyd, ind. (old inst. Khandas or portions into which the world is divided,
was born or where his family resided. for -kdmyaya), Ved. from a desire for what ? — Kin- and described as the country between the Himacala
kdrana, as, d, am, having what reason or cause? and Hemakuta mountains, also called kimpurwsha-
f^ifHnT kindhin, i, m. a horse ; (a various Kin-kehana, as, d, am, one who says ' what is varsha." Kimpuruslws'tara (°sAa-irf°), at, m. an
reading for kilkin.)
a moment?' 'i.e. a' lazy fellow who does not value j epithet of Kuvera. - Kim-prakaram, ind. in what
230 kishkindhyadhipa*
nanatil^Kim-prabhava, <u, a, am, possessing Kirdtaka, as, m. (at the end of compounds) the kildsa. as, d, am, Ved. leprous;
what power ? — Kim-bala, at, a, am, possessing warrior or mountain-tribe of the Kirilas ; N. of a (?), f., Ved. a kind of spotted deer described as the
what strength or power ? — Kim-bJuird (?), f. a kind plant, = kirata-tikta. Vehicle of the Maruts ; (am), n., Ved. a white leprous
of perfume, commonly called Nail. — K im-bhiita, Kiratl, is, f. an epithet of the river Gan-gS ; [cf. spot ; a blotch, a scab ; (in medic.) a species of leprosy
as, a, am, being what? (am), ind. how? in what resembling the so-called white leprosy, in which
manner or degree ?v like what ? — Kim-maya, as, i, Kiratinl, (., N. of a plant, the Indian spikenard ; disease the skin becomes spotted without producing
am, Ved. consisting of what ? kiratl.']
[cf. jalamunei.] ulcers. — Kilasa-ghna, as, m. a sort of gourd, Mo-
Kimiya, as, a, am, belonging or relating to whom mordica Mixta (' what removes leprosy'). —Kilasa-
or what? f«HllX kirdri, is, m., N. of a people; (a
various reading has viriri.) nas'ana, at, i, am, Ved. removing leprosy . — K(-
lisa-bhes/iaja, am, n., Ved. a remedy against leprosy.
PCIIH"!of (5
a class evil»^spirits.
kimidin, i, ini, m. f., Ved., N. of kirikMikd, f . a kind of musi- Kilaiin, i, ini, i, leprous, having blotches.
cal instrument. fWrt^ kilihfa, am, n. a thin plank, a
f<**|f^ kit/at, an, att, at (fr. i. ki), how board; [cf. the following.]
great ? how large ? how far ? how much? of what extent ? f«*r<r<! kiriti, n. the fruit of the marshy
of what qualities ? (Ved. loc. Idyati with following date tree, Pbxenix Paludosa. foPo'St kilinja, as, m. a mat ; a thin
a, how long ago ? since what time ? e. g. kit/at ;/ a f«tt(V^i kirisa, as, m., N. of a man. plank of green wood.
l>rnthamah sarga asam.howlong is it since their first KiliiijaJia, as, m. a mat; a screen or twist of
creation ? kiyaty adhvani, at what distance ? how f«*0i kirlta, as or am, m. or n. (said to
far off? kiyad etad with gen., of what importance be fr. rt. I. in), a diadem, a crest, a garland or any grass or straw.
r<*rp>ir<*rt kUinalala, as or am, m. or
is this to any one ? tena kiyan arthah, what profit ornament used as a crown, a tiara ; N. of a metre of
arises from that? kiyad firena, in how long a n. ^?), a various reading for kilakita ; N. of a town (?).
four lines, each containing twenty-four syllables. — Ki-
time ? kiyad dure, how far ?) ; little, small, unim- rita-dhdrana, am, n. wearing a diadem, assuming fohfrti kilima, as, m. a tree, a kind of fir
portant, of small value (often in compounds, e. g. the crown. — Kirlta-dharin, i, ini, i, crowned, hav- or pine, Pinus Deodar [cf. deva-daru] ; (am), n.
kiyad-vakra, a little bent; kiyan-matra, of little ing a tiara; (I), m. a king. — Kirlla-mdlln, I, ini, resin, the extract of the pine.
importance ; kiyad apt, how large or how far soever, i, ornamented with a diadem.
f<*fW»i kilkin, i, m. a horse ; (also read
&c. ; yarat kiyaMa, how large or how much soever, Kiritin, i, ini, {, decorated with a diadem, crested,
of what qualities soever ; (kiyat), ind. how far ? crowned; (t), m. a king; an epithet of Indra; one kindhin and kilvin.)
how much ? how ? a little ; kiyat-kalam, how long ? of the attendants of Siva ; a N. of Arjuna. ?<*£<?*'* kilbisha or kilvisha, am, n. (fr. rt.
some little time ago. — Kiyad-etika or kiyad-thika,
f. effort, vigorous and persevering exertions according r«H\4ligj kirodatya, nom. P. kiroddtyati, kil?), fault, offence, sin, guilt; injustice, injury;
to cheat. disease, sickness. — Jfilvisha-fprit, t, t, t, Ved. re-
to one's strength. -• Kiyad-dura, ae, a, am, for a moving or avoiding sins or offences.
short distance, a little my. — Kiyan-mulya, as, a, fcfifJKiirmtra, as, a, am, Ved. variegated;
am, of what value ? of what price ? [cf. kirmira below and karbura.] Silvishin,
wicked, i, t'ni, »', one who commits an offence,
offence.) culpable, criminal, sinful, (often in compounds,
f<*«u9 kiydmbu, u, n., Ved. a kind of fspff kirml, f . a hall, a building, an apart- e. g. raja-kttviahin, one who as a king commits an
aquatic plant. ment ;an image of gold, a figure of iron ; the Palasa
fotmrp kit/aha, as, m. a fox, a horse of tree, Butea Frondosa.
a red or bay colour. f<**fl*. kirmira, as, a, am (said to be fr. rt. f<* r<?l «^ kilvin, t, m. ahorse; [cf. kilkin."]
foR^T^ kisala, as, am, m. n. a sprout, a
f"IRr*JT kiye-dhd, as, as, am (fr. kiyad-dhd ?), I. krl), variegated; (as), m. a variegated colour; shoot.
Ved. containing or surrounding much, epithet of Indra. the orange tree ; N. of a Rakshasa or goblin conquered
by Bhima-sena; [cf. Gr. Ki(i/Ws.] — Kirmlra-jit, t, m. Kiialaya, as, am, m. n. a young shoot. — Kiia-
fiK^ kira, as, m. (fr. i. kfi), a. hog. or kirmlra-nisiidana, as, m. or kirmira-bhid, t, laya-talpa, as, m. or ki/Saluya-iayya, f. or kida-
Kiraka, as, m. a scribe. laya-dayana, am, n. a bed of young leaves &c. ;
m. orkirmlra-sidana, as, m. oikirmlrari ("ra-ari), see kisala, kisalaya, &c.
Kiratia, as, m. dust, very small dust ; a rein (?) ; is, m. an epithet of Bhima-sena, the enemy and con-
a ray or beam of light, a sun or moon-beam ; the queror ofthe Rakshasa Kirmira. — Kirmlra-tvat, k, f4?flT kisora, as, d, am (said to be fr.
sun ; (a), f., N. of a river. — Kirana-maya, as, I, m. or f. (?), the orange tree. kirn and rt. jfri), young, infantine; (as), m. a colt,
am, radiant, bright, refulgent. — Kirana-malin, t, Kirmlrita, as, a, am, variegated, spotted. the young of any animal ; the sun ; Benjamin or
m. the sun (having a garland of rays). — Kirniiai-ali Styrax benzoin ( = taila-parny-oshadki)i N..of a
(°na-av°), f., N. of a work by Udayana ; a commen- kirydm. See under kira. Danava ; a youth, a lad, one from his birth to the
tary by DSdSbhai on the Surya-Siddhanta. — Kira- kil, cl. 6. P. kilati, fikela, kelitum, end of his fifteenth year, a minor in law (ajata-
ndvali-prakds'a, as, m. title of a work. ^, to be or become white; to freeze; to vyavuhara) becoming after his fifteenth year subject
Kirat, an, atl or anil, at, scattering, spreading ; to suits at law (or jata-vyavahara); (i),f. a maiden,
lighting, shedding light. play ; cl. 10. P. kelayati, -yitum, to send, to throw
Kin, is, m. a hog, = W#. or cast ; [cf. Hib. col, ' a joke.']
Kirika, as, a, am, Ved. sparkling, beaming. I. kila, as, m. play, trifling. — Kila-kindita, am, a young woman. kishk, cl. 10. A. kishkayate, -yi-
n. amorous agitation, weeping, laughing, being angry, turn, to injure, kill ; (a various reading
Kiryanl, f. a wild hog.
merry, &c., in the society of a lover. for hishk and lilkk) ; [cf. Hib. eeasaim, ' I torment,
n+Url kirdta, as, m., N. of a degraded
f=Bt? 2. kila, ind. (a particle of asseveration
mountain-tribe, one of the barbarous tribes who in- fodfMiHI
habit woods and mountains and live by hunting (the or emphasis), indeed, verily, assuredly; (or of expla- crucify, vex.'] kishkindha, as, d or i, m. f., N. of
Kirrhadse of Arrian), having become Sadras by their nation) namely; kila is preceded by the word on a mountain in the south of India, in Odra, containing
neglect of all prescribed religious rites (they are also which it lays stress, and occurs very rarely at the a cave, the residence of the monkey-prince Balin.
beginning of a sentence or verse ; according to native — Kishkindha-parvata, as, m., N. of a place.
regarded as Mlecc'has) ; a savage ; a pigmy, a dwarf; lexicographers kila may be used in communicating — Kislikindhd-kunda, am, n. title of the fourth
a groom, a horseman ; N. of a plant, a kind of gen- book of the Ramayana.
tian [cf. kirata-tikta] ; N. of Siva, as a moun- intelligence, and may imply ' so said," ' so reported,'
taineer opposed to Arjuna, the account of which is 'probably,' 'possibly,' 'agreement,' 'dislike,' 'false- Kishkindhaka, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
the subject of the celebrated poem by Bharavi called ho d,'inaccuracy,'
' and ' reason.' KishkimHiya, as, d, m. f. (but generally f.), N.
Kiratirjunlya; (J), f. a woman of the Kirata tribe ; . kila, as, m., N. of a man. of a mountain and of a district = kithk'uidha above,
a woman who carries a fly-flap or anything to keep off said to be in the peninsula, in the northern part
flies ; an epithet of the goddess DurgS ; a bawd, a kilakila, as, m. an epithet of of Mysore, near the sources of the Pampa river,
procuress ; an epithet of the river Gan-g5 ; the celes- Siva ; N. of a town ; (a), f. (an onomatopoetic word), the territory of Balin the monkey-king, from whom
tial Gangs or river of Svarga. - Kirata-tilda, as, sounds or cries expressing joy or the expression of
it was conquered by Rama and transferred to Su-
pleasure by any sound or cry. grlva, the brother of Bali and rightful king. The
expressing joy. nom. P. kilakilayati, to raise sounds story is told in the fourth book of the Ramayana.
poem by The name Kiihkindhyi is also applied to the capital
ravi, describing the combat of Aijuua with the god f<*rtT7 kilata, as, i, m. f. inspissated milk, city of the district, the mountain being called
Siva in the form of a wild mountaineer or Kirata, Rishya-mtika. — KtshTiindhya-kanda, as, m. title
(this combat and its result is described in the Vana- coagulated milk ; it may also be applied to cheese.
of the fourth book of the Ramayana ; also of the
parva or third book of the Maha-bhirata 1538-1664.) KUatin, i, m. a bamboo.
Adhyatma-ramayana. — Kiehkindltytldhipa (°ya-
— Kirataiin fta-ai0), i, m. an epithet of Garuda, (•Mir! kilata, as, m., N. of an Asura; a adli°), as, m. a N. of Balin, a monkey-king slain
the bird of Vishnu ('jwallowing the Kir5tas').
by Rama.
kishku. kukura.
Mod. Germ. 231
kishku, us, us, u, vile, bad, con- Goth. hvS-leiks, Them. M-leika; kivat, an, all, at (fr. i. ki; cf. kiyat),
; m. f. the fore-arm, a cubit, a span ; we-lcher; Lat. qud-lis.] Ved. how much ? how long ?
an instrument for measuring lengths = hasta or kara 3ihjl kisa, as, a, am, naked ; (as, i), m. f. an
= twenty-four thumbs' breadths = 3^ of a Nalva.
kina, am, n. flesh ; [cf. ktra.~]
— Ktshku-parvan, a, m., N. of several kinds of kindra, as, m., Ved. = iinds'a(?), ape, a monkey ; a bird ; the sun. — Kiia-parna, as,
a cultivator of the soil; (Say.) a vile man. m. the tree Achyranthes Aspera (o^amorja) ; [cf.
reed, as bamboo, sugar-cane, Arundo Tibialis.
f^T kis, ind., Ved. a particle of interro- <*"faT3T kindsa, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. <*lw kista, as, m., Ved. one who praises,
klU; according to others fr. kim and ndfa), a
' if;' according to native commen- labourer or cultivator of the soil ; the poverty of this a singer, a poet ; (related to kirti ?).
tators = kart ri, 'a doer;' [cf. nakis, makis.] class of men in India was proverbial, so that klnasa ^K i . ku, a pronominal base appearing in
filTH kisa, as, m., N. of an attendant of meant sometimes * a very poor man ; ' according to
the sun. native lexicographers klnafa may be an adj. and has kutas, kutra, kuvid, kuha, kra, and as a prefix im-
the following meanings, cultivating the soil ; poor ; plying deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want,
f«m< kisara, am, n. an article for' sale (?). diminution, littleness, prevention, hindrance, reproach,
covetous, niggardly; small, little, killing animals or
Kisarika, as, I, am, selling Kisara. killing secretly; (ax), m. a kind of monkey [cf. contempt, sin, guilt ; originally perhaps ku signified
r<*1nrt kisald or kisalaya, as, am, m. n. a kiia] ; an epithet of Yama ; a kind of Rakshasa. how (strange !) ; (as a separate word ku occurs in the
sprout or shoot, the extremity of a branch bearing Vedas in the sense of ' where ?' ku (id, wherever,
new leaves. ^rtH Km, ind. a particle in akim and ma- anywhere) ; [cf. kurkatha, ku-kara, Sec.]
Kisalayita, as, a, am, furnished with leaf-buds
klm, q. v. ^i 2. ku, us, f. the earth j the ground or
or young shoots ; [cf. kliala,.] 3ifa kira, as, m. a parrot ; the country and base of a triangle or other plane figure. — Ku-kila,
(pi.) the people of KSsmira; (am), n. flesh; [cf.
as, m. a mountain (' a pin or bolt of the earth').
efj"i<*« tokikata,
belonging as, race
the Aryan m.,; N.N. ofofa son
a people not ; kina.~\ — Kira-varnaka, am, n. a kind of perfume
of Rishabha » 3- ku, cl. 2. P. or cl. i. A., Ved. kauti
also of San-kata ; N. of a country, Behar ; a horse of (sthauneyaka). — Kireshta ("ra-ish"), as, m., N. \5 or kaviti, karate, fttkava, fukvxe, kotum or
several plants ; the tree Mangifera Indica ; a species
(originally perhaps a horse of the Kikatas) ; (as, j, of mountain PilO Akhota; another plant, =jala- learnt um (?), to sound ; to sound indistinctly ; to cry,
am), poor, needy ; miserly, avaricious. madhuka. moan, groan ; to cry as a bird, to coo, hum as a bee
efiloR^ kikara, as or om(?), m. or n. (?), &c. : Caus. kavayati : Desid. fukuehaii, -te : Intens.
<*l*.«n kiraka, as, m. gaining, obtaining; dokwyate and kokiiyate, to cry aloud.
N. of a Grama in the word kamala-klkara, q. v. a Buddha ; a kind of tree.
'ofilcfi*! kikasa, as, a, am (said to be ft. rt. «stft klri, is, m. (fr. 2. kri), Ved. grateful f4. ku or
kutum ku, cl. 6.Intens.
or kuvitum: A. kuvate, fukuve,
ilokuyate,to cry,
kak), hard, firm ; (ds), f. pi., Ved. the breast-bone or laudatory mention or remembrance; a poem, hymn, make a noise ; to moan or groan ; [cf. Hib. caoi,
and the cartilages of the ribs connected with it, praise ; one who praises, a poet. — Sjri-dodana, as,
cartilagines costarum ; (am), n. a bone in general ; a, am, Ved. exciting praise, exciting the praiser. caoidh, 'lamentation, mourning;' caoidhim, *I la-
(as), m. a bone, an insect. — Klkasa-mukha or ment, mourn, grieve.']
^faff kirna,as, a, am (fr. rt. I . kri), scattered,
kikasdsya (°8a-as°), as, m. a bird in general. thrown, cast; covered, secret, hidden; injured, hurt; ^jwj kuris or kuns, cl. I. or 10. P. kuafati,
3 \ kun3ayati,oikunsati,kunsayati,-yitum,
kiki, is, m. a blue jay ; [cf. kiki.~\ full. to speak ; to shine.
kidaka, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. cealing.
J&rni, is, (. scattering, throwing ; covering, con-
kuk, cl. i. A. kokate, fukuke, kokitum,
cii), a hollow bamboo ; a bamboo whistling or rattling to take, accept, seize: Desid. dukoliishate
in the wind, Arundo Karka, a reed ; a kind of tree ; Kirya, as, a, am, what is scattered. or i'iiku/cin/iiili:
Kiryamdna, as, a, am, being covered, bestrewed ;
N. of a people, a tribe of the Kekayas, (a Ktfaka is being scattered ; being thrown at. Kuka, as, a, am, taking, accepting.
chief of the army of king VirSta, and is conquered
by Bhlma-sena) ; N. of a Daitya or demon ; a certain <*lrt'i, ^nm1, &c. See under rt. lent, ku-katha, f. a bad, miserable tale.
Rakshasa or gob\in. — Kifoka-jit, t, or kidaka- lrmi, f. a house for straw (?). kukabha, am, n. a kind of spirituous
nisudana, as, or kidaka-bhid, t, m. an epithet of
Bhlma-sena, conqueror of Kicaka. — Kitaka-badha, kirsd, f., Ved. a species of bird. liquor.
as, m. ' the killing of Kicaka,' title of a poem. «<**, ku-kara, as, d, am (see i. ku), having
jjj -J ' kit, cl. I. or 10. P. kllati, kilayati, a crooked or withered arm ; acting wickedly, wicked.
cR^ST klja, as, a, am, Ved. wonderful. ^. -yitum, to bind ; to fasten ; to stake ; to
<*4H«^ ku-karman, a, n. (see i. ku), a
^\ j kit, cl. 10. P. kitayati, -yitum, to Kila, as, a, m. f. a sharp piece of wood, a stake, wicked deed ; wickedness, depravity, villainy ; (a, a,
X tinge or colour ; to bind.
a pin, a peg, a bolt, a wedge, &c. ; a lance, a pike ;
CMS kita, as, a, am, m. f. n. a worm, an a post, a post in a cow-house to which cows are fas- a), performing evil actions, wicked, depraved. — Ku-
pin. tened, a pillar ; a weapon ; the elbow ; a blow or karma-karin, i, ini, i, wicked, depraved.
insect ; an expression of contempt, e. g. pakshi-kita, Kvrkdrya, am, n. a bad action, sin, wickedness.
a miserable bird ; [cf. Gr. K(J.] — Kta-ghna, as, m. punch with the elbow ; a >low, a thump ; a blow in
copulation ; flame, lambent flame ; a small or minute
sulphur ('destroying insects'). — Ktta-ja, am, n.
particle ; a gnomon ; a position of the foetus impeding
^offtfl ku-kirtti, is, f. (see i. ku), ill-re-
silk; (a), f. lac, an animal dye of a red colour. pute, notoriety.
— Itila^pakshodbhava (°sha-ucf"), as, m. the delivery ; an epithet of S'iva. — Kila-sainsparta, as,
change from the chrysalis or larva to the butterfly. m., N. of a plant, commonly G5va, = Diospyros GIu- 5*5 kukuta, as, m., N. of a pot-herb, =
— Kita-padikd, (. the plant Cissus Pedata. — Kila- tinosa, a plant, the fruit of which yields a substance fblia.
sitdvara, commonly siif/ujnisdka, Marsilea Quadri-
mani, is, m. a butterfly. — Kifa-maid, f. the plant like turpentine used to cover the bottom of boats.
Cissus Pedata. — Kita-fatm, us, m.(?) and kttdri Kllaltii, as, m. a pin, a bolt, a wedge ; a splint ku-kutumbini, f. a bad house-
for confining a broken bone ; a fence ; also = iivaka, wife.
(°ta-ari), is, m. (?) a species of plant.
KitaJta, as, m. a worm, an insect ; a kind of bard a pillar for cows &c. to rub themselves against, or
(magadlui-jaU), a panegyrist, descended from a one to which they are tied. cjicji^ kukuda, as, m. one who gives away
Kshatriya father and Vaisya mother ; N. of a prince ; Kilika, f. the pin of an axle. a girl in marriage after decoration with fit ornaments
(as, a, am), hard, harsh, unfeeling. Kllita, as, a, am, staked, impaled ; set up as a and the prescribed ceremonies ; also kukuila, q. v.
stake or pole; pierced, transfixed; pinned, fastened
<*\s< kidera, as, m. the plant Amaranthus by a stake Sec. ; bound, tied, confined. ^Tdi'^C kukundara or kukundura, am, n.,
Polygamus. or e, du. n. the cavities of the loins just above the
onlrtirt kildla, as, m. a sweet beverage ; hips [cf. kakundara] ; (as), m., N. of a plant, =
^O^Ef kidriksha, as, i, am (fr. I. ki or kid also a heavenly drink similar to Amrita, the food of kukkura-dru, q. v.
and driksha, rt. drit, see idriksha), of what kind ? the gods ; honey ; (am), n. blood ; water. — Kilala- oFoF'^f kukundha, as, m., Ved., N. of a
of what sort ? of what description? of what qualities? ja, am, n. flesh. — Kildla-dhi, is, m. the ocean.
who or what like ? — Kilala-pa, as, a, am, drinking blood ; (as), m. kind of evil spirit.
KldHi, k, k, /fc,Vcd. », of what kind ? of what sort ? a RSkshasa, a sort of goblin or imp. — Kilala-j>a,
&c., who or what like? yddrik-kidrik-da, of what- as, m., Ved. an epithet of Agni, ' drinking the beve- •JcpTT kukubhd, f. one of the female per-
soever kind or sort. — Kldriy-vydparavat, an, ati, sonifications omusic
f or RSginis.
at, of what profession or vocation ? of onerage Kllala
of the; ' (as), m. an attendant
attendants of Yama. of— Yama, or N.
Kilaludhan "ir^r^ kukura, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kuk),
Kidrtia, as, i, am, of what kind? what like? ("la-udhan), a, ilhrii, a, Ved. carrying the beverage a dog ; N. of a plant and perrume,=jrran(At-parne,-
[cf. Slav, ko-lik, Them, ko-liko; Gr. irTj-AfooJ ; Kilala in one's udder. N. of a prince, a son of Andhaka; (as), m. pi. the
232 kukura-jihva. kuncika.
descendants of this prince ; N. of a people, a branch kuksha, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kush), wood, Czsalpina Sappan [cf. pattrdngd] ; a legu-
of the Yadu race or YSdavas ; the country of this the belly. minous plant, Adenanthera Pavonina ; saffron.
people; [cf. kukkura and kaukura.] — Kukura- Kukshi, is, m. the belly, the cavity of the abdomen ku-fara, as, a or i, am (see i. ku),
jihva, f. a species of fish, Acheiris Kookor Zibha ; (in the earlier language generally used in dual) ; the going slowly, creeping ; following evil practices, low,
the plant Leea Staphylea; another plant, Ixora interior of anything ; 3ie womb, the part of the belly vile, wicked ; speaking ill of any one, detracting,
Undulata. — Kuktirddhindtha (°ra-adh°), as, m. containing the foetus ; a cavity in general (e. g. adri- censorious ; (as), m. a fixed star.
lord of the Yadavas, an epithet of Krishna. kukshi, cavity of a mountain) ; the cavity of the Ku-daryd, f. evil conduct, wickedness, impropriety.
Mala- ocean, i.e. a bay, a gulf; a cavern; N. of a son (f.
W^r^ kukiiti, f. the plant Salmalia J^lffO ku-ddrtgerl, f. (see I. ku), a kind
barica ; [cf. filmoU.] also of a daughter?) of Priya-vrata and KamyS; N.
of Bali ; of a king ; of a son of Ikshvaku and father of wood sorrel, Rumex Vesicarius? = dukrikd.
gr^TJeir kukunaka, as, m. a kind of disease of Vikukshi ; N. of a region ; according to a native kufika, as, a, m. f. a kind of fish,
of the eyes in infants. lexicographer kukshi means also the sheath of a in shape like an eel, commonly Kuniiiya, Unibran-
sword, and steel; [cf. Lat. coxa, coxmdix; Gr. chapertura Cuchiya, or Muraena Apterygia Synbrache ;
cK^TtffT kukiinana, as, a, am, Ved. (an X<$»")? Old Germ, bdk; Mod. Germ. Ranch.] the Hindus affirm that its bite is mortal to cows,
onomatopoetic word), gargling. Kukshim^bhari, is, is, i, one who nourishes only though perfectly harmless to men; (also a various
his belly, filling or pampering the belly, voracious, reading for ku&ka, q. v.)
•* cj, t*T kukurabha, as, m., Ved. a kind of gluttonous. — Kukshi-randhra, as, m. a kind of
evil spirit. ufird, f., N. of a river.
. — Kukshi-^ula, as, m. pain in the belly, belly-
"f^fTS kukula, as or am, m. or n. chaff, ache, colic. •ufumara, as, m., N. of the author
conflagration of chaff, a fire made of chaff; (am), n. Kukshila, as, m., Ved. a species of evil spirit. of the AupanishadSdhikarana.
a hole filled with stakes ; armour, mail.
^ffaf rl f<* kukshitaki, is, m., N. of a man. ku-(ela, am, n. (see i. ku), a bad
44if(| ku-kritya, am, n. (see I. ku), an evil
deed, evil, wickedness. us, m., N. of a son of garment; (as, d, am), badly clothed, dressed in
cjjttj^ kuksheyu,
RaudrisVa ; (according to others kaksheyu.) dirty or tattered garments ; (a), f., N. of a plant,
4<£lc4 kukola, am, n. the jujube, ZizyphuB — avikarm or viddhaparm ; (I), (., N. of a plant,
Jujuba ; [cf. ioK.] cp«9ifs kukhati, is, f. (said to be fr. rt. = ambashthd, commonly Akanadi, Cissampelos
<*SW kukkuta, as, m. a cock, a wild cock ; I'haf), wantonness, dalliance, frolic.
a whisp of lighted straw or grass, a firebrand, a spark frl ku-khyati, is, f. (see i. ku), evil u-Ceshta, f. (see i. ku), an evil de-
of fire ; the offspring of a Nishida by a Sudra woman report, infamy; a bad reputation, disrepute, disgrace. sign, a wicked contrivance.
or woman of the fourth caste ; (is or I), f. hypocrisy, , i, ini, i (fr. I. ku+gana),
interested observance of religious duties; (t), f. a belonging to an evil set of people. kuMha, am, n. the white water-lily.
hen; a small house-lizard; the silk-cotton tree, kuj, cl. i. P. kojati, kojititm, to steal ;
Bombaz Heptaphyllum, or the red cotton tree, Sal- ku-go, aus, m. (see i. ku), a miserable xcl. 6. P. kujati, to be crooked ; [cf. kuiij.]
malia Malabarica. — Kukkuta-kantha, am, n., N. of or weak bull.
ku-ja, as, m. (fr. 2. ku and ri.jan), a
a tawn.**Kukkuta-dhvani, is, m. the crowing of tree ; the son of the earth, a N. of the planet Mars ;
a cock, the cackling of fowls. — Jfukkuta-pakshaka, ku-graha, as, m. (see i. ku), an un-
N. of a Daitya, also called Naraka, conquered by
as or am (?), m. or n. (?), a knife shaped like the propitious planet ; (five are reckoned by some, viz.
Krishna ; (d), f. the daughter of the earth, an epithet
wing of a cock. — Kukkuta-pada, as, m., N. of a Man-gala, Ravi, Sani, Rahu, and Ketu.)
mountain (cock-foot). — Kukkuta-mandapa, as, of the goddess Durga ; also of Sita. — Kuja-pan-
*«ii ku-grama, as, m. (see i. ku), a petty dami, f. the fifth day of the moon occurring on a
m., N. of a sanctuary in Benares standing on the village without a Rfija, an Agnihotrin, a physician, a
right side of a statue of Siva, a place where final rich man, or a river. Tuesday or the day of Mars, by some thought unlucky,
emancipation may be attained ; [cf. muJcti-manda- ku-jana, as, m. (see i . ku), a bad or
pa.] — Kukkuta-mastaka, as, m. a sort of pepper, ^Ijflir kunkuna, as or am, m. or n.(?), N. wicked man, a low, mean or vulgar person.
Piper Chaba. *~ Kukkuta-vrata, am, n. a religious of a region.
observance (worship of Siva) on the seventh of the ej»l«l*ll ku-janarii, f. (see i. ku), a bad
light fortnight of the month Bhsdra, by women, =fsET kunkuma, am, n. saffron, Crocus mother.
especially for the sake of obtaining offspring. — Kuk- Sativus, the plant and the pollen of the flowers ; [cf. f^ ku-janman, a, d, a (see i. ku),
kuta-s'ikha, at, m. safflower, Carthamus Tinctorius Gr. Kpdicos ; Lat. crocus ?J . — Kunkuma-tamra, low-born, of inferior origin.
(cockscomb). — Kukkutd-giri, it, m., N. of a moun- as, a, am, red, coppery red. •- Runkuma-renu, us,
tain. ~Kukkutdnda (°ta-an°), am, n. a fowl's egg. f. the dust or pollen of saffron. — Kuitkumdkta ojn**T ku-jambha, as, m. (see i. ku), N. of
— Kukkutdndaica, as or am (?), m. or n. (?), a (°ma*ak°), as, a, am, dyed or stained with saffron, a Daitya, a younger brother of Jambha and son of
species of rice. — Kukkutabha ( ta-dbhd), an, m. a orange, yellow. — Kunkumanka (°ma-a»°), as, a,
kind of snake compared to a fowl (perhaps from am, marked with saffron, dyed or stained of an Prahrada or PrahUda, a son of Hiranya-kas'ipu.
*1*Hrt kujambhala, as, m. a thief who
having a crest or comb). — Kukkutdrdma (°ta-dra), orange colour. -• Kunkumdruna (°ma-ar°), as, a, breaks into a house ; also kujambhira and kujam-
as, m., N. of a grove ; N. of a celebrated hermitage am, red, ruddy.
near Gayi. — Kukkutdrma (°ta-ar°), am, n., N.
bkila; [cf. Icumlklla,]
«f 3-«ll kungani, f., N. of a plant, = maha-
of a place. — Kukktttdsana. (°(a-ds°), am, n. a ^Tin^i kujjisa or kujjhisa, as, m, a sort
particular posture of an ascetic in religious medita- of fish ; [cf. kudifa.]
tion. —Kukkutdtii (°(a-ahi), is, m. = kukkutabha
^ "i ku6, cl. 6. i . P. kufati, kotati, 6uko6a,
above. — Kukku(i-mata, am, n. a ceremony in ^S N^Jtudt'iMm or kotitum, to sound high, to OHTJ^I<S kvjjhati, is or i, or kujjhatikd, f. a
honour of Siva and DurgS ; see kukkuta-vrata. utter a shrill cry (as a bird); to polish; to go; to
Kukkutaka, as, m. a cock, a wild cock ; a man of connect, mix ; to bend, make curved or crooked, to fog or mist.kuht, cl. i. P. kuncati, fukunta,
a mixed caste, one sprung from a Sudra and a Nishada be crooked ; to oppose, impede ; to mark with lines, \ kundititm, to make crooked ; to be
woman. to delineate, write ; to contract or be contracted ; to
crooked ; to bend or curve, to move crookedly ; to
contend (?) ; [cf. kuM.]
5lf* kukkubha, as, m. a wild cock, Pha- Ktu!a, as, m. (generally du. kufau), the female go ; to go to or towards ; to be or become small ;
sianus Gallus ; varnish, oily gloss. to lessen, to make small ; to shrink, to contract, to
breast, a teat, a nipple, a pap. — Kw!a-kmribha, as, draw together : Caus. Jeundayati, -yitum : Desid.
^J^ kukkura, as, m. (a more modern form m. the female breast. — Kuda-tatn, am, n. the dukundfoliati : Intens. dokudyate ; [cf. Hib. cuach-
for kukura), a dog ; N. of a Muni ; also of a prince, female breast. -• Kufatatagra (°ta-ag°), am, n. a
a son of Andhaka ; (an), m. pi., N. of a people ; (I), nipple. — Kuda-pkala, as, m. the pomegranate (the aim, ' I fold, plait ;' cuach, ' a curl ;' cuachach,
f. a bitch; (am), n. a vegetable perfume; [cf. fruit being shaped like the female breast). — Kuta- ' curled, frizzled.']
Kwidana, am, n. curving, bending, contracting;
granthi-parna.) -. Kukkura-dru, us, m., N. of a mukha, am, n. a nipple. — Kuddgra (°da-ag°), contraction ; a certain disease of the eyes, contracting
plant, = tdm ra-duda. am, n. a nipple.
Kudita, as, a, am, closed, contracted ; small, little. the eyelids.
kMu-va(, k,m. (fr. kukku, an Kunda-phala, f. a kind of gourd, = kmhmdndi ;
onomatopoetic word, and vdf), a kind of deer,= o|i'Mf\lj<4il kudandika, f. a plant, Aletris (a wrong reading for kuda-phala f).
saranyu-mriga. Kundi, is, f. a measure of capacity equal to eight
Hyacinthoides, = murva.
g> fa Hi ku-kriya, f. (see i. ku), a had ku-6andana, am, n. (see i. ku), handfuls.
Kundikd, f. a key ; a fish, commonly Kun&ya, in
action ; (as, a, am), wicked, sinful. red saaders, Pterocarpus Santalinus; sappan or log- shape like an eel »nd eaten as one, Unibranchapertura,
kun6i(a. kuttima. 233
Cuchiya, or the fish Muracna Apterygia, Synbrache who lives at his son's expense ; (lit. ' delighting in <*i kutikoshtika, f., N. of a river.
[cf. ku6ika] ; a plant bearing a red and black seed staying in the house.') - Kuti-Cara, as, m. an
used as a weight, Abras Precatorius ; or anothe ascetic of a particular order, one who consigns the kutila. See under rt. kut, col. 2.
plant bearing a pungent seed, Nigella Indica ; a soi care of his family to his son and remains at home en-
of reed ; the branch or shoot of a bamboo. gaged solely in devotion ; or one who goes begging kutira. See under rt. kut, col. 2.
Kundta, as, d, am, crooked, curved, bent, con from one house to another. — Kuti-maya, as, i, am,
traded, &c. ; (am), n., N. of a plant. — Kunditdn consisting of a house (?). — Kuti-mukha, as, m., N. kutungaka, as, m. an arbour or
of one of the attendants of Kuvera. bower formed of creeping plants ; a creeper winding
guli (°to-a»°), is, is, i, with bent or curved ringers. round a tree ; a thatch, a roof; a hut, a cottage ; a
kunj, cl. i. P. kuhjati, -jitum, to a Kutika, river.
as, d, am, bent, crooked ; (a), f., N. of
granary, a store-room ; [cf. kutanka, kutartgaka,
,, murmur, = kuj.
Kattta, as, d, am, crooked, bent.
»5f kunja, as, am, m. n. a place overrun Kutitri, td, tri, tri, making crooked; acting kudanga."]
J<«{1 q.kutuni, f. a wrong reading for
with plants or overgrown with creepers, a bower, an dishonestly ; being bent. kuttanl, v.
arbour ; a cave ; the lower jaw ; an elephant's tusk Kutira, am, n. a hut, a cottage.
or jaw ; a tooth ; (as), m., N. of a man. — Kuilja Kutila, as, d, am, bent, crooked, curved, round, cji«*f kutumba, am, n. a household, the
kutirn, as, m. a bower, an arbour. — Kunja-vallari running in curved lines, crisped, curled ; going collective members of a household, a family ; the care
f., N. of a plant, = nikunjikdmla. crookedly, tortuous; insincere, dishonest, fraudu- of a family, house-keeping ; the care taken by a
Kunjiltd, f. another N. of the plant Kunja-vallarl lent ;(d), {., N. of a plant [cf. tagarapddi] ; N. of householder for the members of his family, hence
fennel-flower setd, = kuAdikd, Nigella Indica. a river ; (according to some) N. of the Sarasvati ; metaphorically care or anxiety about anything ; (as,
; kunjara, as, m. (fr. kunja?), an ele- N. of a metre containing four lines of fourteen sylla- am), m. n. name ; race ; a kinsman, a relation by
bles each ; (am), n., N. of a plant [cf. tagara, descent ; a connection, a relation by marriage by the
phant; anything pre-eminent in its kind (generally kuilfita, vakra] ; a kind of perfume ; tin. — Kutila-
in compounds, e. g. puruiha-kunjara, an eminent gati, is, f. a species of the, AtijagatI metre, = (an- mother's side ; offspring, progeny. — Kutumba-ka-
laha, as, am, m. n. domestic dissension, family
man) ; the tree Ficus Religiosa ; N. of a Naga ; N drikd. — Kutilu-gdmin, i, ini, i, going crookedly, feud. — Kutumba-vydprita, as, m. a provident and
of a prince of the Sauviraka race ; N. of a mountain tortuous. — Kutila-td, f. or kutila-tva, am, n.
of a region ; hair; (a and i), f. a female elephant; crookedness ; guile, dishonesty. — Kittila-pakshmd, attentive father of a family. — Kutumbdrtham (°ba-
(a), f. the plant Bignonia Suaveolens ; another plant, as, d, am, having curved eyelashes or brows. ar°), ind. for the support or on account of a family.
Grislea Tomentosa. — Kunjam-kara, as, m. an — Kutila-svabhdva, as, d, am, crooked-minded, — Kutumbaukas ("ba-oK1), as, n. apartments &c.
appropriated to the accommodation of relations &c.
elephant's trunk. — Kunjara-kshdra-mula, am, n. disingenuous. -Kutilaiaya (°la-ds°), as, d, am, Kutumbaka, as, a, am, being of one family;
a kind of radish (mulaka).-Kunjara-graha, as, ill-intentioned, malevolent.
m. an elephant-catcher. — Kuiijara-dari, f. ' ele- Kutilaka, as, ika, am, bent, curved, crooked, (am), n. a household ; the duties and cares of a house-
holder ;a family, kindred.
phant's cave," N. of a place. — KuAjara-pippali, (., winding ; (ika), f. crouching, coming stealthily as a Kutumbaya, nom. A. -yate, to support a family.
N. of a plant described as bearing a fruit resembling hunter on his prey ; a peculiar movement or gesture
Kutumbika, as, d, am, taking care of a family or
long pepper; [cf. gaja-pippali.] — Kunjara-rupin, (in theatrical language); an instrument used by a
. household ; (as), m. the slave of a house.
I, fo.u, i, elephant-shaped. — Kunjardnika ("ra-an^), blacksmith, a blacksmith's forge. Kutumbin, i, m. a householder, a paterfamilias ;
am, n. the division of an army consisting of ele- Kutikd, I. a small house.
phants, an elephant-corps. — Kunjardrdti (Jra-ar°), one who supports or takes care of a family ; meta-
one's self in nom. a hut. P. kutiyati, -yitum, to imagine phorically one who takes care of anylhing (especially
is, m. a lion ; the S'arabha, a fabulous animal with at the end of a compound) ; a member of a family,
eight legs, (' enemy of the elephant.') — Kunjara- Kutira, as or am, m. n. a small house, a hut, a any one belonging to a household; a peasant, a
luka, fra-dl°), am, n. a species of esculent root, a exclusiveness.
lovel; a kind of plant; (am), n. sexual intercourse; cultivator of the soil ; (ini), f. the wife of a house-
sort of yam. — Kunjardfana (Ora-as"°), as, m. the holder and mother of a family, a matron ; a large
holy fig tree, Ficus Religiosa. Kutiraka, as, m. a hut. household, a large family; a small shrub used in
gi^rt kunjala, am, n. sour gruel; [cf. kutanka, as, m. (connected with medicine, a kind of moon-plant, =&8/«nVii. — Ku-
euta above), a roof, a thatch; [cf. kutungaka, tumbi-td, f. or kutumbi-tva, am, n. family con-
kdnjikd.'] kutira.] nection or union, living as one family.
kut, cl. 6. P. kutati, fukota, kuti- kudanga, kundanya, kutala.]
shyati, akutit, kutitum, to be or become kutanga, N. of a place. «S7^ kutera, as, m. a hut, a cottage ; [cf.
crooked or curved ; to bend, curve, curl ; to make
crooked ; to be dishonest, cheat or deceive : cl. 4. P. kutanyaka,as, m. an arbour formed
kntyati, or cl. 10. A. kotayate, -yitum, to break ty creeping plants overrunning a tree ; a roof or SET kutt, cL io. P. kuttayati, ac-ukuttat,
to pieces, tear asunder, divide ; to speak indistinctly ; hatch ; a house, a small house, a hut or cottage ; to 3multiply
cf. kutungaka.]
C -yitum, to cut, divide ; to grind or pound ;
; to censure, abuse.
to be warm, burn : Caus. kotayati : Desid. Cukuti-
shati : Intens. tokulyale ; [cf. kutt and kunt.'] kutafa, as, m. (for kuta-ja), the Kutt a, as, I, am, (at the end of compounds) cut-
Kuta, as or am, m. n. a water-pot, a jar, pitcher ; ting, dividing, making small ; grinding, pounding ;
(as), m. a fort, a stronghold; a house [cf. kuti, medicinal tree Wrightia Antidysenterica. (as), m. a multiplier such that a given dividend being
kuti, and kuta] ; a hammer, a mallet for breaking multiplied by it and a given quantity added to (or
small stones ; a tree ; a mountain ; N. of a man ; ^7»T kuta-ja. See under kuta above.
subtracted from) the product, the sum (or difference)
(am), n., Ved. = krita, a work. — Kula-kdrikd, (. Ji1** kutannaka, am, n. the fragrant may be measured by a given divisor. — Knttapa-
a female servant (bringing the water-jar). — Kuta-ja, grass Cyperus Rotundus ; [cf. also the following.] rdnta or kuttipardnta (°ta-ap°), as, m. pi., N.
as, m. the medicinal tree Wrightia Antidysenterica,
commonly called Karaya ; the seeds are used as a kutannata, as, m. the tree Calos- of a people. — Kutta-pratarana and kutta-prd-
varana, as, m. pi., N. of two nations.
vermifuge [cf. indra-yata] ; a N. of the sage <otundus. nthes Indica ; (am), n. the fragrant grass Cyperus Kuttaka, as, d, am, what cuts or divides, what
Agastya ('born in a water-jar'); also of Drona, pounds or grinds ; (as), m. a grinder or pulverizer, a
q. v.—Kutaja-malli, f. a kind of plant. ^TT kutapa, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kut), multiplier, &c. [cf. ktttta] ; a kingfisher. — Kuttaka-
Kutaka, as, m., N. of a people ; N. of a moun-
tain ;the post round which the string of the churning- measure of grain &c. (=kndava); a saint, a vyavahdra, at, m. or kuttakddhydya fka-adh.0),
ivine sage or Muni ; a garden or grove near a house as,
the branch
Jiutta ororkuttaka.
chapter of arithmetic which
stick winds [cf. kutara and kuthara] ; (am), n. a
plough without a pole. =nishkuta) ; (am), n. a lotus. Kuttana, am, n. cutting, dividing; pounding,
Kuti, is, i, m. f. a curvature, a curve ; a hut, kutara, as, m. a post round which grinding, beating, threshing ; abusing ; (I), f. a bawd,
cottage, house, hall, shop; (i), f. a vessel with a procuress,
openings used for fumigations ; a bawd, a procuress
le string passes that works the churning-stick [cf.
utaka and kuthara] ; N. of a NSga. Kuttanti, a f.go-between.
a kind of dagger.
or go-between ; a nosegay, a bundle or tuft of flowers Kuttaka, -as, i, am, what cuts or divides.
or vegetables ; a kind of perfume, commonly Mur5 ; 5«tj kutaru, us, m., Ved. a cock ; a tent, Kutlita, as, d, am, cut, divided ; pounded, flat-
spirituous liquor; (is), m. the body; a tree; [cf. house of cloth or canvas.
tened ;(d), f., scil. sird, unskilful opening of a vein,
Eng. hut; Germ. H title.} «• Kuti-fara, as, m. a thethelatter
of knife. being cut to pieces by repeated application
crocodile or porpoise. — Kuti-pdrtkiva, as, m., N. ^J^jlUT kutaruna, f. a plant, commonly
of a man. — Kuti-krita, as, a, am, curved, curled, eori, Ipomcea Turpethum. Kttttin, i, ini, i, what cuts or pounds ; (ni), f. »
twisted, frizzled ; (am), n. anylhing (as woollen cloth) 35 rt kutala, am, n. a roof, a thatch ; [cf.
ulanka.] bawd, a procuress.
curled or twisted. — Kati-gata, as, d, am, inside the Kuttima, as, d, am, plastered with small stones,
house. — Kuti-gu, us, m., N. of a man. — Kutl- decorated with mosaic; (as, am), m. n. an inlaid or
faka, as, m. a kind of religious mendicant, one kuti, kutira. See under rt. ku( above. paved floor, pavement, ground paved with mosaic or
234 kuftamita.
small stones, ground smoothed and plastered ; ground each in length and breadth ; in medicine it is equal kuntaka, as, t, am, fat, corpulent.
prepared for the site of a mansion ; a jewel mine ; a to two Prakritis or thirty-two Tolakas.
hut, a cottage ; the pomegranate. j MJ kiinth, cl. i. P. kunthati, -thitum,
kudi, is, m. the body ; [cf. kuti.~\ \3 \ to be lame or mutilated, to be blunted or
*gl*irf kuttamita, am, n. one of the ten dulled ; to be lazy or stupid ; cl. 10. P. kunthayati,
kudlkd, f. an earthen or wooden
blandishments of women, affected repulse of a lover's •yitum, to cover, conceal.
caresses ; [cf. kuttumita.] water-pot used by ascetics ; [cf. kuta,.'] Jiuntha, as, a, am, blunt, dull ; stupid ; weak ;
3£K kuttara, as, m. a mountain ; (am), *fs^i kudisa, as, m. a kind of fish, com- indolent, lazy, slow ; foolish; [cf. «-i'U»Ma.] — Kun-
commonly Kurchi, Cypiinus Curchius. tha-td, f. bluntness, dulness, indolence.
n. sexual intercourse ; pleasure ; a woollen cloth or
blanket j exclusion ; oneness ; [cf. kulira and kul- W& kudi, f. a small house, a hut ; (a wrong Kunihaka, as, d, am, stupid, ignorant, a fool ;
tlra.] reading for kutif). (as), m., N. of a pupil of Luntaka ; (as), m. pi., N.
of a people.
K«m kuttiharikd, {. a female servant, ^TTT kudupa, as, m. the clasp or fastening Kunthita, as, d, am, blunted, dulled ; mutilated,
of a necklace or bracelet.
a slave ; [cf. kuta-/tdrika.]
stupid; grasped, held, encircled. **Jiunthitatfri (°ta*
JgV kuttlra, as, m. a mountain; [cf. 3i-^|<3 kudmala, as, d, am, opening or ex- a<°), is, is, {, having its edge or corners blunted.
kutira and kuttara.] panding as the blossom of a flower, blossoming ; (as), j iij kuud, cl. i . P. kundati, to mutilate ;
*gl<=h kuttiraka, am, n. (?) a small house, m. an opening bud ; (ant), n. a particular hell ; some- O Ncl. I. A. kutiiiale, -i/ilum, to burn; d.
times also speltf.,kudmala lo. P. kundayati, -yitum, to protect.
a hut ; (a wrong reading for kutiraka .'). mala-dantl, N. of a ;metre,
[cf. kutmala.']
=anukuld; — Kud-
<xt(*ttkuttumita,am,n.=kuttamita above. spelt kudmala-danfi. =y<!S kuiula, as, i, am, m. f. n. (said to be fr.
Kudmalita, as, a, am, furnished with opening rt. kun), a bowl-shaped vessel, a basin, bowl, pitcher,
*<mrt kutmala, as, a, am (said to be fr. buds; budded, blossomed; cheerful, smiling (as the jar, pot, water-pot ; (am), n. a particular measure ;
rt. kut), opening or expanding as the blossom of a a clump, e. g. darliha-kundam, a clump of Darbha
flower, blossoming;, (an, am), m. n. an opening grass ; (as, am), m. n. a round hole in the ground,
bud ; (am), n. one of the twenty-one hells in which c££^| kudya, am, d, n. f. a wall; plaster- a hole in the ground for receiving and preserving
sinners are punished (where they are bound with ing (awall) ; eagerness, curiosity. — Kudya-f£hedin,
ropes). I, m. a housebreaker, a thief. — Kudya-Mhedya, am, water ; a hole in general (e. g. in comp. agni-kunda,
a hole in the ground for receiving and preserving
Kii/mtiUta, as, a, am, budded. n. an opening, a hole in a wall, a breach. — Kutlya- consecrated fire) ; a pit, a vat ; a pool, a well, a spring
matsl, f. or kttdya-matsya, as, m. a house-lizard. or basin of water, especially consecrated to some holy
«J7 kutha, as, m. a tree ; (generally written Kudyaka, am, n. a wall. purpose or person ; (as), m. a son bom in adultery,
<T"ITT kun, cl. 6. P. kunati, -nitum, to sound ; an adulterine, the son of a woman by another man
^3T kuthara, as, m. the post round which \S x to cherish, to support or aid with gifts &c. ; than her husband, while the husband is alive ; N. of
the string of the chuniing-stick winds ; [cf. kutara.] to be in pain (?) ; cl. 10. P. kunayall, -yitum, to a NSga ; a son of Dhrita-rashtra ; an epithet of Siva ;
counsel or advise; to converse with, to speak to,
(a), son
f. anof epithet
a woman ofofDurg3.*»jfvuH(/a-A'^rt, as, m.in
»«l« kuthdku, us, m. a bird, the wood- address; to salute; to invite; [cf. Lat. cano,eono; the the BrShmanical tribe born
Lith. zwanu.] adultery with a man of an inferior caste ; a keeper of
pecker, Picus Bengaleibis, commonly Kaththakro.
eTO kuna, as, m. in composition with concubines, a maq^ho has female slaves ; a follower
JSI45; kuthdtanka, as, d, m. f. an axe.
aivattha and other trees or flowers ; the time when of the C'Srvaka citrine or the tenets of those who
««K. kuthara, as, I, m. f. an axe ; a sort deny the authority of the Vedas. — Kunda-kila, as,
a plant bears fruit, e. g. pilu-kuna, q. v. m. a low, a vile man ; see ndgara. — Kunda-kau-
of hoe or spade ; (as), m. a tree ; N. of a man.
Kuthdraka, as, m. an axe ; (ikd), (. a small axe miull or kunda-mandapa-kaumudi, f. title of a
•^HJcS kanaka, as, m. a young animal just
or adze ; also a similarly shaped instrument used in born. work by VisVanStha. — Kunda-rjoln, as, m. and
surgery for scarification ; N. of a woman. kunda-golaka, omrf. sour rice, gruel ; see kdnjika.
$*LiyC kunanjara, as, m. or kunanjd, f. or
Kutharika, as, m. a wood-cutter. krinanja, as, m. a species of Chenopodium ; (com- — Kunda-ja, as,^^N. of a son of Dhrita-rashtra.
— Kunda-jafhara, as, m., N. of an old sage ; [cf.
3«JT*5 kutharu, us, m. an ape, a monkey; monly VanavetuS.) kundodara.] — Kunda-dharn, as, m., N. of a
a tree ; an armourer. <*<i[<4 kunapa, as, am, m. n. (said to he fr. N5ga; also of a son of Dhrita-iashtra. — Kunda-
rt. kvan), a dead body, a corpse; a carcase; said payin, I, irii, i, drinking out of pitchers; kuiida-
^fil1 kuthi, is, m. a tree; a mountain; contemptuously of living persons ; (as), m. a spear; payinam ayfinam, a particular religious ceremony
[cf. iit/i.] [cf. kaundnpayina\. — Kunda-payya, as, d, am,
N. of a people ; a stench, a foul smell ; ( I), f. a small
•fa* kuthika, as, m., N. of a plant, = bird, a kind of Maina or Salik [cf. mt-sdril;d) ; (sell, kratu, &c.), a particular ceremony or sacrifice
at which ewers or pitchers are used for drinking;
kushtha, mritpkall, a kind of Costus, commonly (as, i, am), mouldering, smelling like a dead body,
foul smelling ; stinking. — Kunapa-gandha, as, m. (as), m., N. of a man (?). — Kunda-prastha, as, m.,
called Kuth.' the smell of a dead body. N. of a tovm. — Kunda-lhedin, i, m., N. of a son
3$t*i kuthumi, is, m., N. of a preceptor, of Dhrita-rashtra. — Kuiida-mandapa-siddM, is, !.,
author of a law-book ; [cf. kuthumi.] kunara-bddava, as, m., N. of a N. of a work by Vitthaladikshita. — Kunda-ratna-

«~3T kut her a, as, m. fire ; a kind of Basi- grammarian. kara, as, m., N. of a work by VisVanStha. — K-unda-
<*UIHj kundru, us, us, u, Ved. having a iayln, I, m., N. of a son of Dhrita-rSshtra. — Kun-
licum. — Kuthera-ja, as, m. awhile kind of Basi- dagni (°da-ag°), is or i (?), m. or n. (?), N. of a
licum, Ocimum Gratissimum. distorted arm (?) ; (SSy. fr. rt. kun) crying out.
Kutheraka, at, m. a kind of Basilicum, Ocimum <$J!Jlri kundla, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. i, {HI, i,
place; [cf.onekaundaf/naka.']** by a bastard("rfa-as"0),
who is supported Kundaiin ; (i), m.
Sanctum ; a white tort of the same, Ocimum Gra- kmn),
a country.a kind of bird ; N. of a son of Asoka ; N. of a pander, a pimp ; N. of a son of Dhrita-rashtra ; also
of a Naga ; also of one of the attendants of Siva.
^r?» kutheru, us, m. the wind produced cfiftj kuni, is, is, i, a cripple with a crooked — Kuiidofla (°da-uda\ as, m , N. of a mountain.
by a fan or chowrie. — Kundodara (°da-ucT), as, m., N. of a NSga; a
or withered arm, or without a hand or ringer ; (iV),
in. a whitlow; the tree Cedrela Toona (tunna) ; N. son of janamejaya and brother of Dhrita-rashtra ;
<£? kiul, cl. 6. Plkudati, fukoda, kuditum, also a son of Dhrita-rSsrrtra. — Kundoddyota-dar-
O N to play or act as a child, to trifle ; to eat ; to of a prince, a son of Jaya and father of Yugan-dhara ; iana. N. of a work by San-kara-bhatta. — Kundodhnl
heap ; to plunge under water, be immersed, dive (?). N. of a Muni ; N. of the author of a Dharma-Sastra. (°da-Sdh°), f. a cow with a full udder ; a woman with
— Kuni-bahu, us, m., N. of a Muni. a full bosom; [cf. udhas.^—Kundopadhantyaka,
^sjf kudanga, as, m. a bower, an arbour ;
ojfilJrlllV kunitdhi, is, m.,N. of the author as, a, am (fr. °da + upadhdniya), one who uses a
[cf. kutanka, kufungalta, kunda»ga.~\ of a Dharma-Sastra.
pitcher as a pillow ; an epithet of Pflrna ; according
to others kundopadhana is the N. of a place.
'ayq kudapa, as, am, m. n. = kudava below. — Kuifdoparaiha, cf. kaundoparatha.
cSfVl'H kunin, i, int, i, only in kuni kana-
*SM kudava, as, m. a measure of grain, bhah, a kind of bug; [cf. utkuna, matkuna.J Kundaka, am, n. a pot ; (as), m., N. of a son
wood, iron, &C., the fourth part of a Prastha, de- of Dhrita-rashtra ; also of Kshudraka.
scribed bysome as a vessel four fingers wide and as elifuit^ kuninda, as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
Kundika, as, m., N. of a son of Dhrita-rishtra ;
many deep and containing twelve Prakritis or hand- kun), sound, sounding.
fuls ; it is also laid to contain 1 3 i cubic Angulas ; = kund, q.v. (a), f. a pitcher ; a student's water-pot, the Kamandalu.
or to be a finger and a half deep, and. three lingers Kundin, i, t'ni, f, furnished with a pitcher or
water-jar ; (i), m. a. horse [cf. kindhin &c.] ; a bastard.
kuwfina. ku-deha. 235
Kundina, as, ra., N. of a son of Dhrita-rSshtra ; tarka-patha, as, m. the way of sophists, i.e. a in the other case ; sometimes — sometimes ; yatra
sophistical method of arguing. kutra
N.'of an author; (am), n. a city, the capital of the
district Vidarbha, ruled over by Bhlma, the father- or there.(a or yatra kutra (id, wherever it be, here
in-law of Nala, apparently the modern Kondavir in *fl«x kutas, ind. (fr. I. ku), from where ?
whence ? from whence ? whereto ? where ? in which or Kutratya,
residing ? as, a, am, where being? where living
Berar ; (according to some the city is also called
Vidarbha, or m. pi. Vidarbhas, but this is rather the direction? wherefore? why? from what cause or
name of the territory.) motive ? because ; how ? in what manner ? in which kuts (perhaps related to kutas), cl.
way ? how much less ?• much less. Kutas is used x 10. P. A. kutsayati, -te, -yitum; rarely
^<!Sjj- kundanga, as, m. a bower, an ar- sometimes for the abl. case of 2. ka = kasmat (e. g. d. I. P. kutsati, to despise, abuse, revile, contemn ;
bour ;(a wrong reading for kudanga.) kutah kdlat, since what time ?). In a-kutas, which
occurs at the beginning of some compounds, kutas
^tijsco kundala, am, n. a ring, an ear-ring; [cf.Kuteana,
Lith. l;usstnu.~\
as, a, am, reviling, abusive, contemp-
has an indefinite sense (e. g. akuto-mrityu, not tuous (am),
; n. abuse, reviling, contempt, reproach;
a bracelet; a fetter, a tie, a collar; the coil of a rope;
fearing death from any quarter ; cf. akuto-bhaya) ; reproachful or abusive language ; (a), f. contemning,
(as), m., N. of a N5ga ; (a), f., N. of a woman ; kutas is also indefinite when connected with the expression of contempt.
N. of a river; (»), f., N. of several plants, mountain
ebony, Bauhinia Variegata [cf. kaA(ana-dru\ ; an- particles apt, did, and (ana (e. g. kuto 'pi, from Kutsd, f. reproach, contempt, censure. — Kutsa-
other plant, Cocculus Cordifolius [cf. gitdufi] ; another any quarter, from any cause; kutas'tid, from any vadin, i, ini, i, censorious, abusive.
plant, Mucona Pruritus [cf. kapi-kaCthu] ; N. of two one, from anywhere ; aku,tas"tid-bhaya, not fearing Kuteita, as, d, am, despised, contemned, reviled ;
danger from any quarter, not presenting danger on any
other plants, commonly called Sarpinl-vriksha and contemptible, low, mean, vile, hateful ; (am), n., N.
Kundall-lalana. — Kundala-dharana, am, n. the side ; kutas" (ana, (in Ved.) from no side, to no side ; of a grass, Cyperus. — Kutsita-tva, am, n. meanness,
wearing of ear-rings. — Kundala-dtidrin, i, itii, i, yatah kutas'ttd, from any person soever). — Kutas-
tardm, ind. how? in what manner ? — Kuto-ni-
wearing ear-rings. — Kundaldkdra (°la-dk°), as, mitta, as, d, am, having what cause or reason ? abused i. kutsya, as, d, am, to be reproached, reviled,
H, am, shaped like an ear-ring or bracelet, circular, ; blamable.
— Kuto-mula, as, d, am, having what origin ?
annular. — Kundaloddyotitanana (°la-uddyotita- Kutastya, as, d, am, whence come ? how hap- ^W kutsa, as, m., N. of a Rishi with the
dn°), as, a, am, having his face radiant with glitter- epithet Arjuneya, author of several hymns of the
ing pendants.
Kundaland, f. (fr. kundalaya, nom. fr. kundala), pened ?
oynis« ku-topasa, as, 1, m. f. (see i. ku), Rig-veda
a wicked ascetic. (whenhimattacked
Indra defended by the
and killed the demon
demon ;S'ushna,
but in
encircling a word or the circle round any word which
is to be left out in a MS. other hymns of the Rig-veda, Kutsa is represented as
Kundalika, f., N. of a metre in Prakrit poetry ;
«jrn(V(V. ku-tittiri, is, m. (see i. ku), & persecuted by Indra); N. of a descendant of An-giras,
species of bird resembling the partridge. author of several other hymns of the Rig-veda;
[cf. vdta-kundaUkd.'] ctinlm^ kutlpdda, as, m., N. of one of the (pi.) the descendants or the family of Kutsa ; light-
Kitudalin, i, ini, i, having ear-rings or decorated ning, thunderbolt ; [cf. kautsa, puru-kutsa, &c.]
with ear-rings ; circular, annular, spiral, winding, coil- Rishis or poets of the Sama-veda. — Kutta-kus'ikikd, f. the intermarriage of the
ing ;(i), m. a snake; the spotted or painted deer ; a Kutsa and Kusika families. — Kutia^putra or kutsa-
peacock ; an epithet of Varuna, and of Siva ; (Ini), f. '3TTi"§ ku-firtha, as, m. (see i. ku), a bad
teacher. vatsa, as, m. a son of Kutsa.
the plant Cocculus Cordifolius [cf. gudufi} ; a parti- 3. kutfya, as, m. = kutsa (?).
cular dish, curds boiled with ghee and spices ; a f?akti
or form of Durga worshipped by ^m Tantrikas. ^IpS kutuka, am, n. eagerness, vehe- kutsald, f. the indigo plant ; [cf.
mence desire,
; inclination ; curiosity ; [cf. kautuka
Kundall-krita, as, a, am, forming a ring, formed and kutuhala.]
into a circle, coiled, curled, moving in rings or circles. kiith, cl. 4. P. kuthyati, (ukotha,
Kunduli-bhuta, as, a, am, formed into a ring, ^Tpl kutupa, as, m. a small leathern oil-
coiled, curled. bottle [cf. kutu\ ; (as, am), m. n. the eighth Mu-
akothit, kothishyati, kothitum, to stink,
hurta or portion of the day from the last Danda of to become
cause putrid : Caus. P. kothayatt, -yitum, to
to putrify.
cjijjifa; kundira, as, a, am- strong, power- the second watch to the first of the third or about
ful, able ; (as), m., N. of a mJf^ noon ; an eligible time for the performance of sacri-
fices to the manes ; [cf. ku-tapa.]
'5^1 kutha, as, a, am, m. f. n. a painted or
ejnil^lWl kundrina6l, f., Ved. a species of Kutii, us, f. a leathern oil-bottle. variegated cloth or blanket, serving as an elephant's
animal ; (Say.) tortuous progress. housings; (as), m. sacrificial or Kusa grass, Poa
*rH!)<* kutunaka, as, m. weakness of the
naka.] Cynosuroides; Sakya-muni in one of his former
^ra^ kut (a Sautra root, or one found in thirty-four births.
grammatical Sutras only), to spread. eyes, a disease of the eyes in infants; [cf. kuku-
kuthumi, is, m., N. of a Muni.
«F7f kuta, as, m., N. of one of the eighteen
attendants of the sun, identified with the god of the «jni£rt kutuhala, am, n. (fr. the interroga-
ocean. tive adv. kutas and hala, calling cut?), curiosity, , m., N. of a man.
interest in any extraordinary matter; desire, in- kud, cl. 10. P. kodayati, -yitum, to
«nn<4 ku-tanaya, as, m. (see i. ku), a de- clination ;eagerness, vehemence, impetuosity ; what tell a lie ; (a various reading for kundr, q. v.)
generate son. excites curiosity or interest, anything interesting,
fun ; (as, a, am), surprising, wonderful ; excellent, ku-danda, as, m. (see i. ku), an un-
*rt«j ku-tanu, us, vt, u (see i. ku), de- best, praised, celebrated ; [cf. kautujuila.] — Kutii- just punishment.
formed (us),
; m. an epithet of Kuvera or Kubera hula-^vat, an, att, at, curious, taking an interest in
(this deity being of a monstrous appearance, having anything. [cf.efiflrf1 kuddla, as, m. mountain ebony;
three legs and but eight teeth ; see kubera). Kutuhalin, i, ini, i, curious, highly interested in
any extraordinary matter, inquisitive ; eager, im- «kf^H ku-dina, am, n. (see i. ku), an evil
^FrtH ku-tapa, as, a, am (see i. ku), slightly
day ; a rainy or cloudy day.
hot, mild, tepid ; (as, am), m. n. a sort of blanket
made of the hair of the mountain-goat ; the eighth patient.
ctirKU ku-trina, am, n. (see i. ku), an c&f^rffe ku-dishti, is, f. (see i. ku), a mea-
Muhflrta or portion of the day from the last aquatic plant, water house-leek, Pistia Stratiotes. sure of length, longer than a Dishti, shorter than a
Danda of the second watch to the first of the third Vitasti.
=fir^I kuttha, as or am, m. or n. (?), the
or about noon ; an eligible time for the performance fifteenth Yoga (in astronomy).
of sacrifices to the manes ; a kind of sacrificial grass, ^3fTT ugly,
favoured, unseemly.as, d, am (see I. ku), ill-
Poa Cynosuroides ; grain ; a daughter's son ; a ^it? kutra, ind. (fr. i. ku), where ? where- tinctly.
sister's son ; a twice-born man, one of the first three to? in which case? when? kutra — kva, where Ku-drishta, at, d, am, seen wrongly or indis-
classes; a Brahman; a guest; the sun; fire; an
ox ; a musical instrument. — Kutapa saptaka, am, (this) — where (that), i. e. how distant or how dif- Ku-drithti, is, is, i, having bad eyes ; (t«), f.
ferent isthis from that, how little is this consistent
n. a SVsddha in which seven constituents occur, viz.
with that? Kutra becomes indefinite when con- weak sight, evil eye ; a heterodox philosophical doc-
noon, a horn platter, a Nepal blanket, silver, sacrificial nected with the particles api, (id, (ana, e. g. trine, as that of the SSn-khyas &c.
grass, Sesamum, and Kine.
kutrdpi, anywhere, somewhere, to any place where- *<^5t ku-des"a, as, m. (see I. ku), a bad
^fn lifts \ku-tapasvin, i, m. (see i. ku), a soever kvtra
; <ttd, anywhere, somewhere, whereso- country, where it is difficult to obtain the necessaries
wicked or bad ascetic. ever, wherever, to any place ; (sometimes kutra of life ; a country subject to oppression.
6id =kaxmin$6id, e.g. kutra did aranye, in a
$rt* ku-tarka, as, m. (see i. ku), falla- certain wood) ; na kutra (id, nowhere, to no place «S^jT ku-deha, as, m. (see i. ku), a bad,
miserable body.
cious argument, sophistry, fallacy, sophism. — Ku- whatsoever ; kutra fid — kutra (id, in one case —
236 kuddala. ku-parlkshaka.
kuddala, as, in. mountain ebony; ku-niti, ii, f. (see I . AM), ill conduct, samdna-danla, as, i, am, one whose teeth are like
the jasmine.
misbehaviour ; corrupt administration or policy, mis- Kundaka, as, m. the plant Boswellia Thurifera ;
[Kudddra, as, m. or kudddla, as, am, m. n. a ;overnment ; a low state of morals. the resin of this plant.
kind of spade or hoe ; (as), m. mountain ebony,
Bauhinia Variegata.
ku-netraka, as, m., N. of a Muni. Kundini, f. an assemblage of lotus flowers or of
Kudddlaka, as or am, m. or n. (?), a spade or kunta, as, m. a spear, a knee, a
hoe ; (am), n. a copper pitcher. — Kudddlaka-
jasmines. kundama, as, m. a cat.
barbed dart [cf. Lat. cant us ; Gr. xovrAi] ; a small
khdta, am, a., N. of a region (?). animal, an insect; a species of grain, Coix Barbata; kundara, as, m. a sort of grass ; an
<f 3c4 kudmala, am, n. an opening bud passion ; N. of a mountain. epithet of Vishnu ; [cf. kandura and kunda.]
&c. ; (a wrong spelling for kudmaln.) Kimtala, as, m. (fr. kuntaf ), the hair of the head,
a lock of hair ; a drinking cup ; a plough ; barley ; <T kundu, us, m. a mouse, a rat ; (MS),
^O kudya, am, n. a wall ; (a wrong spelling a kind of perfume, = hrivera ; (as), m. pi., N. of a r. the resin of the plant Boswellia Thurifera ; gum -
for kudya) people and country in the north-west of the peninsula ; olibanum or frankincense.
(as), m. sing, the prince of this people. — Kantala- Kundura, as, m. or kunduru, us, m. f. the resin
4i££l kudranka or kudranga, as, m. a of the plant Boswellia Thurifera.
watch-house; a dwelling raised on a platform or vardhana, as, m., N. of a plant ; [cf. bhrinya-
scaffold ; [cf. dranka, dranga, &c.] y&O *• Kuntalo&ra (°la-us^),am, n. a perfume. Kunduruka, as, i, m. f. the resin of the plant Bos-
Kuntalikd, f. a butter knife or scoop ; a species wellia Thurifera ; (i), f. the plant Boswellia Thurifera.
eS£^ kudrava, as, m. a kind of grass, the of plant.
kundr, cl. 10. P. kundrayati, -yitum,
grain of which is eaten by the poor, Paspalum Scro- kuntdpa, am, n., Ved., N. of certain to tell a lie ; [cf. kud and gundr.]
biculatum ; [cf. kodrava.]
organs or glands (?), twenty in number, supposed to
jjfij kudri, is, m., N. of a man ; (ay as), be in the belly ; N. of a section of the Atharva-veda, ^M I. AMp, cl. 4. P. (ep. also A.) kupyati,
>3 N -te, £ukopa, kopishyati, akupat, kopi-
m. pi. the descendants of this man. according to Sayanacarya, thirty verses, constituting tum, to be moved, excited, agitated, to swell, heave
seven Suktas of the twentieth book of this Veda.
or boil with rage or emotion, to be angry, to be angry
•JMI'M ku-dhdnya, am, n. (see i. AM), a okfn( kunti, ayas, m. pi., N. of a people ; with (with dat. or gen. or ace. or with upari and
particular description of grain.
(is), m. sing, the prince of this people, also called gen., e. g. tasmai or (asya or tarn or tasyopari
3pft ku-dhi, is, is, i (see i. AM), foolish, Kunti-bhoja ; Kunti is, according to different authori- <!ukopa, he was angry with him): Caus. kopayati,
stupid; wicked ; (is), m. a fool. ties, a son of either Dharmanetra, or of Netra and -yitum, to excite, agitate, affect strongly with anger
grandson of Dharma, or of Kratha, or of Vidarbha &c. ; to cause to swell or heave with passion ; to stir
^H ku-dhra, as, m. (fr. 2. AM, earth, and and father of Dhrishta, or of Suparsva and grandson up; to provoke, make angry; to be angry: Desid.
rt. dhrii), a mountain. of SampSti and great-grandson of Garuda ; (i), (. (ukupishati and (nkoptshati : Inters, dokupyate,
kunaka, as, m. pi., N. of a people. a N. of Pritha, the daughter of a Yadava prince fokapti; [cf. Lat. cupio; Eng. hope; Germ, hoffe.]

ku-nakha, as, i, am (see i . AM ), having named S'ura, who gave her to his childless cousin scales. Kupa, as, m., Ved. the beam or lever of a pair of
Kunti or Kunti-bhoja, by whom she was adopted.
ugly nails ; (am), n. a disease of the nails. She afterwards became one of the two wives of
Kupana, as, m., N. of an Asura.
Kunakhin, I, inl, i, having bad or diseased nails ; PSndu. (On one occasion before her marriage she
Kupaya, as, if am, Ved. heaving, swelling with
(f), m., N. of a man and N. of a book belonging to paid such respect to the powerful sage Durvasas that emotion; disturlfi ; (Say.) to be guarded or pro-
the Atharva-veda. he taught her an incantation or charm, by virtue of tected (asif connected with rt. gup).
which she was to have a child by any god she liked
««15 kunata, as, m. a sort of trumpet Kupita, as, d, am, provoked, incensed, offended,
to invoke. Out of curiosity she invoked the Sun, angry, bristling. — Kupita-vdyu, us, m. aggravated
flower, Bignonia (tyondka-prabheda) ', (i), f. a kind by whom she had a child, cf. karna; but the Sun flatulence, hypochondria. — Kupitdntaka ( ta-an°),
of coriander, Coriandrum Sativum ; red arsenic. afterwards restored to her her maidenhood. Soon as, m. imminent or threatening death.
after his marriage Pandu retired to the woods to
Kupya, as, d, arty, to be excited ; (am), n. a vile
gil ("<;<*i ku-nadikd, f. (see i. ku), a small
river. indulge his passion for hunting. There he killed a metal, any metal but silver and gold, base metal,
male and female deer, who turned out to be a Rishi
copper, brass, &c.; zinc, lapis calaminaris, pewter,
^T«1fl*l ku-nannama, as, d, am (see i. AM and his wife in the form of these animals. The sage tutenag ; (as), m., N. of a man ; [cf. Lat. cuprum.]
and rt. nam), Ved. inflexible. cursed Pandu and predicted that he would die in the — Kupya-ddld, f. a braziery, a foundry, a place
embrace of one of his wives. Hence Pandu lived where metallic vessels &c. are made or sold.
giTfc**^ ku-nalin, i, m. (see i. ku), the apart from Kunti, but with his approval she made
plant Agati Grandiflora. Kupyaka at the end of compounds =kupya.
use of her charm and had three sons, Yudhishthira,
Bhlma, and Arjuna, by the three deities Dharma, Kopa, as, m. passion, anger. See s. v.
•JT? kunaha, as, m. pi., N. of a people;
(a various reading for kunapa. ) Vayu, and Indra respectively ; cf. mddri) ; N. of a 2. kup, cl. 10. P. kopayati, -yitum,
Rakshasi ; the wife of a Brahman ; the plant Bos- to speak, to shine ; [cf. Hib. cubhas, ' a
4HI*T ku-ndtha, as, m. (see i. ku), a bad wellia Thurifera; a fragrant resin (= guggulu) word, a promise;' Lat. cupo in nun~cupo; Goth.
protector ; (as, d, am), having a bad leader. — Kunti-nandana, as, m. a son of Kunti (the final
being sometimes shortened in a comp.), either of huf, ' to lament.']
"ttf^; ku-panka, as, m. (see I . AM), a slough,
W'li^'liu ku-nddikd, f. (see i. ku), a small the three elder Pandava princes. — Kunti-bhoja, as,
river ; also ku-nadikd, q. v. m., N. of a Yadava prince, king of the Kuntis, who a heap of filth and mud.
cn«jifa ku-ndbhi, is, m. (see i. AM), a adopted Kunti. — Kunti-suta, as, m. a son of Kunti. ctinc ku-pata, as or am, m. or n. (see i.
whirlwind ; the collective treasures of Kuvera. Kuntika, as, m. pi., N. of a people. ku), miserable clothes, a miserable garment; (as), m.,
<n«liii ku-ndman, d, d, a (see i. Aa), j VM kunth, cl. I. P. kunthati, -thitum, N. of a Danava (covered with a miserable garment).
having a bad name; having a bad reputation; (a), \y =^to hurt, injure ; to suffer pain, want, &c.; cRtnf kupata, ind. excellent.
m., N. of a man ; (a), n. a bad name, ill repute. to be distressed; cl. 9. P. kuthnati, to injure; to
cling to ; to twine round or be connected with, em cfTtni ku-patha, as, m. (see i. A«), a bad
JIIM* ku-nayaka, as, d, am (see l. AM), road, an evil way ; bad conduct, evil way of living,
having a bad leader, unprotected. brace ; [cf. Lat quatio, per-cutio.'] immorality, profligacy ; heterodox doctrine ; (as, d,
tjirW kunthu, us, m., N. of the sixth Jaina am), walking in a bad or wrong road ; (as), m., N.
^llrt kundla, as, m. a kind of bird living Cakravartin or emperor in Bharata ; also of the
of an Asura or Danava ; (as), m. pi., N. of a people.
on the Himalaya ; N. of a son of king Asoka, named seventeenth Arhat of the present Avasarpinl.
after the eyes of this bird. — Kupatha-ga, as, a, am, or kupathtt-f/dmin, i,
cF^f kunda, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. ini, i, or kupafha-fara, as, d, am, going in a bad
gilfrt* kundlika, as, m. the Indian rt. 3. ku), a kind of jasmine, Jasminum Multiflorum or wrong road, wicked.
cuckoo or Kokila ; [cf. the preceding.] or Pubescens; (as), m. fragrant oleander, Nerium Kupatkya, as, d, am, belonging to a bad way,
literally or figuratively ; unwholesome (as diet, regi-
Jll^l «f» ku-ndsaka, as, m. (see I. AM), the Odorum [cf. karavira~\ ; Olibanum, the resin of the
plant Alhagi Maurorum. plant Boswellia Thurifera; a turner's lathe; one 01 men, &c.), improper, counter-indicated.
Kuvera's nine treasures ; the number ' nine ;' an epi- *<jfVs!ilrl ku-parijndta, as, d, am (see i.
«jf«t AMHJ, is, m., N. of a prince. thet of Vishnu ; N. of a mountain. — Kunda-kara,
ku), badly understood, wrongly comprehended.
^f-nm ku-nishaAja, as, m. (see i. ku), as, m. a turner. — Kunda-kunddc'drya (°da-d>
" author <*ml<y<* ku-parikshaka, as, ikd, am (see
N. of a son of the tenth Manu. as, m., N. \of> the of the Pancastikayasan-graha-
sutra. — Kunda-mdld, f. title of a work. — Kunda- i . ku), making a false estimate, not valuing rightly.
<*ij<ir«jrf ku-parlkshita.
Ku-partksMta, as, d, am, badly examined or «j°»i kubja, as, d, am (fr. i.ku and it.ubj?), geography, Jambu-dvlpa or India; N. of a river
tested. flowing from the mountain Suktimat; N. of a metre
hump-backed, crooked ; (as), m. a curved sword, scy- consisting of four lines of sixteen syllables each ;
I ku-pdni, is, is, i (see I . ku), crooked- mitar ; a sort of fish, Bola Cuja ; the plant Achyran-
(when a name is given to a pupil to indicate his
handed, having a deformed or maimed hand. thes Aspera, = apdmdrga ; [cf. nyubja and kanya- attachment to any particular master, kumdrt may be
kubja ; cf. also Lith. kupra, kupotas ; Gr. KvQAs,
' ku-pdtra, am, n. an unfit recipient. Kiiwria; Lzt.gibbus,gibba,gibber; Germ. Hooker ?]. prefixed to denote that the pupil's object is to gain
— Kubja-kantaka, an, m. a white Mimosa. — Kub- the affections of the master's daughter, e. g. kumdri-
ku-pinjala, as, m. (see I. ku), N. ddksha); (am), n. pure gold ; [Gr. itilpos, Kovpos ;
of a man ; [cf. kaupiiijala.] , ja-kirdta or kubja-vdmana, am, n. a hump-backed
person and a dwarf. — Kubjdmraka (°ja-dm°), as M«i)oa|, HfipaKio>>?~\. — Kumdm-gupta, as, m., N.
' kupita. See under rt. kup above. or am(?), m. or n. (?), N. of a Tlrtha. — Kubjd- of a prince ('protected by the god of war'). — Ku-
lidha Cja-df), as, m., N. of the founder of a sect. mdra-yhdtin, i, m. the slayer of a child. — Ktandra-
HT ku-pitri, id, m. (see I. ku), a bad jira, as, m., N. of a plant, =pulranjivaka. — Ku-
father. Kubjaka, as, d, am, hump-backed, crooked ; (as),
m. the aquatic plant Trapa Bispinosa ; (ikd), f. in mdra-tva, am, n. boyhood, youth. — Kumdra-
z, f. (ft.Tt.i.kup?), a kind of the word kubjikd-tantra, N. of a Tantra ; according datta, as, m., N. of a son of Nidhipati. — Kumdra-
to some authorities kubjikd kumdrl is a girl eight ddsa, as, m., N. of a poet. - Kumdra-devi, f., N. of
net for catching small fish, made of bamboos or rushes. the mother of Samudra-gupta. — Kumara-deshna,
Kupimn, I, m. a fisherman. years old personating the goddess DurgS at a festival
of this deity. as, d, am, Ved. granting perishable gifts; (SSy.)
granting children. — Kumdra-dhdrd, !., N. of a
ojfM^ kupinda, as, m. (said to be fr. i. Kubjita, as, d, am, crooked, curved, bent.
tup), a weaver ; [cf. kuvinda.] river. — Kumdra-pdla, as, m., N. of a king, =
W3 kubra, am, n. (said to be fr. rt. kumb), s"dUvahanaC!), also N. of a king of Guzerat (?).
Wifrt§ ku-pllu, us, m. (see i. ku), a sort a forest ; a hole for sacrificial fire ; a ring, an ear- — Kumara-bhatta, as, m,, N. of a poet. — Ku-
of ebony tree ; [cf. kdraskara.] ring ;a thread ; a can. mdra-bhrityd, f. care of a young child, care of a
pregnant or lying-in woman, midwifery.— Kumara-
«Mfl ku-putra, as, m. (see i. fa), a bad gi«W ku-brahma, as, m. or ku-brahman,
son ; a disobedient or wicked son ; a son of an in- lalita, f. ' boy's play,' N. of a metre consisting of
d, m. (see I. ku), a degraded or contemptible Brah- four lines of eight syllables each.— Kumdra-vana,
ferior degree, as an adopted son &c. man, one who officiates for Sudras.
am, n. Kumara's (i.e. KSrttikeya's) grove. — Kumdra-
of ^PJ
water. kubhanyw, us, us, u, Ved. desirous
effgtjH ku-purusha, as, m. (see i. ku), & vdhin, I, m. a peacock, ('carrying the god of war;'
this god being usually represented as borne by a pea-
low, vile, or miserable man ; a poltroon. «• Kupu-
cock.) —Kumdrorfirata, am, n. a vow of eternal
rusha-janitd, f., N. of a metre consisting of four
lines of eleven syllables each. ^MT kubhd, f., Ved., N. of a river falling chastity. — Jfumdra-sambhava, as, m. ' the birth of
into the Indus, the Kabul river (?); [cf. K^<p-nv.\ the god of war,' title of a poem by KalidSsa. — Ku-
^15 ku-puya, as, a, am (see I . ku), inferior, mdra-sii, us, m. the father of the god of war, an
low, vile, contemptible ; [cf. kapuya.] ^T>TT^ ku-bhdrya, as, d, am (see I. ku), epithet of Agni ; (us), f. the mother of the god of
having a bad wife ; (a), f. a bad wife. war, an epithet of the river Gan-gS, also of the god-
^J H 1 1 MU ku-pravarana or ku-prdvrita, as,
a, am (see i. ku), badly or miserably dressed. ku-bhukta, am,n.(seei.ku), bad food. dess DurgS. — Kumdra-sena, as, m., N. of a minister.
— Kumararsvdmin, i, m., N. of the author of a
gilHM ku-priya, as, a, am (see I. ku), dis-
ku-bhritya, as, m. (see i. ku), a bad commentary on the MimSosS-bhSshya. — Kumara-
agreeable, contemptible, low, vile, last, worst.
servant. hdrita,as,m., N. of a teacher. — Kumdrdbhisheka

gi^l ku-plava, as, m. (see i. ku), a weak

, ind. an interjection. (°ra~abl>.°), as, m. ' the inauguration of Kumara,'
title of the thirteenth book of the Kumara-sambhava.
or frail raft or float.
ku-mati, is, f. (see i. ku), vile or — Eumdri-tantra, am, n., N. of a Tantra. — Ku-
^^^ku-badhu, us, f. (see i. ku), a wicked base sentiment; slow or weak intellect; folly; (is, mdrl-pdla, as, m. the guardian of a virgin or bride.
wife. is, i), or ku-manlsha, as, d, am, or ku-manwhin, — Rumdri-putra, as, m. the chHd of an unmarried
i, ii}l, i, of slow intellect, foolish. woman. — Kumdri-pura, am, n. a gynaeceum.
<ppW ku-bandha, as, m. (see I. ku), a dis- — Kumdri-pujd, f. the worship of KumSri or DurgS,
ku-mantra, as, m. bad advice; evil (a ceremony performed at the great DurgS festival,
graceful stigma ; [cf. anka-bandha.'] counsel ; a charm employed to secure success in a when a girl between ten and twelve years old is
gi«Trt kubala, kubala-prastha, kubaldsva, bad enterprise. placed on a pedestal, as the representative of the
Sec. See under kuvala, &c. Kvrmantrin, i, m. a bad counsellor. goddess,
maiden. and fed with offerings made to the idol.)
^JilJ ku-buddhi, is, is, i (see i. ku), a ^ITC kumdra, as, m. (fr. ku + mdra, fr. rt. — Kumdri-svas'ura, as, m. the father-in-law of a
person of base or vile sentiments ; stupid, foolish.
mri ? 'easily dying;' by native authorities derived fr. Kumaraka, as, m. a child, a little boy, a boy, a
^^T kubera, or in later Sanskrit kuvera, as, rt. a. feam),a child, a new-born child (especially in the lad, a youth ; the pupil of the eye ; N. of a NSga ;
m. (said to be fr. rt. kumb or fr. i. leu and vera), earlier language) ; a boy, a youth, a son ; a prince, the plant Capparis Trifoliata ; (ika), (. a girl from
originally N. of the chief of the evil beings or spirits the heir-apparent associated in the kingdom with the ten to twelve years old, or generally a virgin ; an
of darkness with the epithet VaiSravana ; afterwards signing monarch (especially in theatrical language) ; insect, Sphex Asiatica ; double jasmine, Jasminum
the god of riches and treasure, the regent of the groom ; a N. of Skanda the god of war, who is
Sambac ; large cardamoms ; N. of a part of BhSrata-
northern quarter of the world, which is hence called also the reputed author of certain grammatical Sutras varsha, a division of the known continent. — Kumd-
Kubera-guptS dik ; (Kubera is the son of Visravas by [see kaldpa); N. of a son of Agni, who is the author Tikd-kshelra, am, n., N. of a country. — Jfumdrikd-
IdavidS, the chief of the Yakshas, and a friend of of some Vedic hymns ; an epithet of Agni ; (with khantfa, a section of the Skanda-purSna.
Jainas) N. of the attendant of the twelfth Arhat of
Rudra ; he is represented as having three legs and Kumaraya, nom. P. kumdrayati, -yitum, to
only eight teeth) ; with Jainas, the attendant of the the present AvasarpinI ; N. of a PrajSpati ; an epithet
play, especially as a child.
nineteenth Arhat of the present AvasarpinI; N. of a of Manju-Srt ; a parrot ; the tree Capparis Trifoliata
Kumdrayu, us, m. a prince, heir-apparent.
prince of Deva-rishtra ; or N. of the great-grand- cf. kumaraka'] ; an epithet of the river Sindhu ;
father ofVSna-bhatta, the author of the Ksdambari; (as), m. pi., N. of a people ; (I), f. a young girl, Kumdrika, as, i, am, furnished with girls, abound-
one from ten to twelve years old, a maiden ; or (in ing in them.
or of the author of the Dattaka-c'andrikS ; the tree Kumdrin, t, ini, i, abounding in girls.
Cedrela Toona ; (as, a, am), deformed, monstrous ; [he Tantras) any virgin up to the age of sixteen, or
jefore menstruation has commenced; a daughter; Kumdrila, as, m. or kumdrila-svamin, *, m., N.
slow, lazy; [cf. kuvera.'] - Kubera-naUm, f., N. of N. of the wife of Bhlma-sena, the son of Parikshit ; of a renowned teacher of the MimSnsa philosophy.
a Tlrtha. — Jfubera-bdndfiava, as, m. an epithet of
or of a daughter of Vasu-deva by RohinI; an Kumdri, 1, I, m. f. a man or woman desirous of
Sfiva, ' the relation of Kubera.' — Kubera-vana, am, epithet of Slta, the wife of Rama ; an epithet of
n. 'the forest of Kubera,' N. of a place. - Kubera- a daughter.
vallabha, as, m., N. of a VaiSya. — Kuberdkshl the goddess DurgJ ; the SySma, a bird so named ;
N. of several plants, Aloe Perfoliata, or the plant 5*1 1 M ku-mdrga, as, m. (see i. ku), a bad
(°ra-ak°), f. the plant Bignonia Suaveolens. - Ku- Clitoria Ternatea [cf. apardjitd] ; also the plant way, bad ways, (also used metaphorically.)
berdfala (°ra-a<!°), ax, m. 'the mountain of Kubera,'
an epithet of the KailSsa mountain. — Kuberddri Jasminum Sambac, and a plant commonly called gi*ilrt<* kumdlaka, as, m. pi., N. of a
BandhyS-karkotakI ; the blossom of the plants Tarum people and country, = kumaraka.
(°ra-atP), it, m. an epithet of the KailSsa mountain. and Modini ; great cardamoms ; the most southerly
Kuberaka, as, m. the tree Cedrela Toona (tunna) ; Kumdlaya, nom. P. kumdlayati, -yitum, to
(ikd), (., N. of a woman. of the nine portions of the known continent, or of
play, especially as a child ; [cf. kurndraya.]
Jambu-dvlpa, the southern extremity of the peninsula,
3>^fW kuberina, as, m. (?), N. of a mixed whence the modern name Cape Comorin (KumSrI);
caste. jfiiSj ku-mitra, am, n. (see I. ku), a bad
the central part of the universe, according to Hindu
238 ku-mukha. kumbhila.

ww Aru-muMa, as, m. (see I. ku), a hog. closure round a place of sacrifice to prevent profane pushpT; (it), (., N. of an Apsaras. - Kumbha-riM,
intrusion. is, m. the sign Aquarius. — Kumbha-retas, n. semen
**^ ku-mud, t, t, t (see I. ku), unkind, virile deposited in a Kumbha ; (as), m. a form of
unfriendly ; avaricious, niggardly ; ((), n. the plant giPgo* kumbika, as, m. pi., N. of a people. Agni. — Kumbha-lagna, am, n. that time of day in
Nymphza Esculenta, the esculent white water-lily ; which Aquarius rises above the horizon. — Kumbha-
«**Ml kumbyd or kumvya, t., Ved. a kind
the plant Nymphza Rubra, the red lotus. — Kumttd- of hymn or sacred formula. vijaka, as, m., N. of a plant, commonly called
RithS-karanja. — Kumbha-Jala, f. a pottery, a pot-
i'<it, an, ail, at, abounding in lotuses ; (<//;), f. an
assemblage of lotuses; a place or pond filled with kumbh, cl. 10. P. kumlthayati, -yi- ter's kiln. — Kumbha-tandhi, is, m. the hollow on
them ; the flexible stalk of a water-lily ; N. of a turn, another form for kumb, q. v. the top of an elephant's head, between the frontal
plant bearing a poisonous fruit,VilIarsia (Menyanthes) globes. — Ktimbha-samb/Mva, as, m. an epithet of
Indica ; N. of a sister of the serpent-king Kumuda kumbha, as, m. a jar, pitcher, water- the saint Agastya; also of Narayana. — Kuinbha-
and wife of KuSa ; N. of the wife of Vimarshana ; pot, ewer, a small water-jar, (often in compounds, sarpis, is, n. butter placed in a jar. — Kumbha-
hanu, us, m., N. of a Rakshasa. — Kumbhdiida
N. of a river. — Kumudmtifa (°ti-i^a), at, m. an e. g. dhidra-kumbha, a perforated pitcher ; amu-
epithet of the moon ; [cf. kumuda-bandhu and the kumb/M, a jar of unbaked clay ; hema-kumbha, a (°ltha-aif), as, m. pi. (with Buddhists) a class of
following.] golden ewer ; jala-kumbha, a water-pot) ; an urn demons with testicles shaped like a Kumbha ; N. of
a minister of the Asura Bina ; (i), f. a pumpkin
Ku-murla, as, am, m. n. the esculent white water- in which the bones of a dead person are collected ;
the sign of the zodiac Aquarius ; a measure of grain gourd, (a various reading for kushmdntli.) — J\um-
lily, Nymphaea Esculenta (' exciting what joy!'); red
lotus, Nymphsca Rubra; (am), n. silver; (as), m. equal to twenty Dronas, a little more than three bhl-dltdnya, as, m. grain stored in jars sufficient
camphor ; N. of a N3ga ; N. of the elephant of the bushels and three gallons (commonly called a comb, (according to some) for six days, or (to others) for one
south-west or southern quarter ; N. of a Daitya ; N. some make it two Dronas or sixty-four Seers) ; the year's consumption. — Kumbhi-dhdnyaka, as, m. a
householder who preserves grain in store for six days
of an attendant of Vishnu ; N. of a son of Gada by frontal globe on the upper part of the forehead of an
VrihatI ; N. of a confidant of king UnmattSvanti ; one elephant (there are two of these projections which &c. — Kumbhi-nasa, as, m. a kind of large venom-
ous snake ; a kind of poisonous insect ; (i), f., N. of
of the monkey-heroes of the RSmSyana ; N. of a swell in the rutting season) ; a religious exercise, viz. the wife of the Gandharva An-gSrapama ; also of a
poet ; N. of a mountain ; N. of one of the smaller closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend RSkshasI, the mother of Lavana. — Kumbhinasi ,
Dvipas; (a), f. several plants, Gmelina Arborea; breaming ; the root of a plant used in medicine ;
Pistia Stratiotes; Desmodium Gangeticum; Grislea the paramour of a harlot, a bully, a flash or fancy is, m., N. of a demon. — Kumbhl-pdka, as, m.
the contents of a cooking vessel ; (as or as), m.
Tomentosa ; N. of another plant, commonly called man ; N. of a Muni ; N. of a DSnava, son of
sing, or pi. a hell, in which the wicked are baked
Katphala ; N. of a deity ; (t), f. a plant, commonly Prahlsda and brother of Nikumbha; also of a
called Katphala. — Kumuda-khanda, am, n. an Rakshasa, a son of Kumbha-karna ; N. of the like potters' vessels, or cooked like the contents of a
cooking vessel. — Kumbhl-vij a, am, n. the nut of
assemblage of Kumudas. — Kumuda-ghni, f., N. of father of the nineteenth Arhat of the present Avasar-
a plant containing a poisonous milky juice. — Ku- pim ; N. of a monkey ; one of the thirty-four jJtakas the croton ; [cf. kumbhini-vtja.'] — Kumbkes'vara-
or former births of Sikya-muni ; title of a work ; tlrtha (°bha-'ti°), am, n., N. of a Tirtha. - Kum-
muda-paUrabha (°tra-dbha), as, a, am, resem- (i), f. a small jar or pot, an earthen cooking vessel ;
bling the leaves of the white water-lily. •» Kumuda- bhadara (°bha-wP), at, m., N. of an attendant
bandhu, us, m. or kumuda-bdndhava, as, m. the a vessel for preserving grain, a measure of grain ; N. of Siva. — Kumbholuka (°bha-id°), as, m. a kind
of owl.
of several plants, a small tree, the seeds of which are
moon (' friend of the lotus;' the white esculent lotus used in medicine, commonly called Katphala; an- Kumbhaka, as, m. the base of a column ; stop-
expanding its petals during the night and closing
them in the day time ; hence other similar appella- other plant, Bignonia Suaveolens; another plant, ping the breath by shutting the mouth and closing
Pistia Stratiotes ; another plant, commonly called both nostrils with the fingers of the right hand ; a
tions of the moon, as kumuda-priya, Scc.). — Ku- Romasa; another plant, Croton Polyandrum; (a), religious exercise.
muda-vati, f. an assemblage of Kumudas, a place Kumbhikd, f. a small pot or pitcher; N. of
abounding in them, &c.— Kumuda-suhrid, t, m. f. a harlot, a whore; (am), n. the plant Ipomcea several plants, Pistia Stratiotes ; another plant, Big-
Turpethum; a flagrant resin (guggulu), or the
the moon ; [cf. kumuda-bandhu."] — Kumudalcara plant which bears it ; [cf. Gr. Kii^S?) ; Lat. cymba.] nonia Suaveolens; another plant, commonly called
(°da-dk°), as, m. a number of water-lilies or place — Kumbha-karna, as, m., N. of a Rakshasa, the Drona-pushpl; a disease of the eyes, hordeolum or stye.
abounding in them. — Kumuddksha (°da-ak°), as, gigantic brother of Rivana, who is described in the
m., N. of a Naga ; also of an attendant of Vishnu. Kumbhin, i, ini, i, having a water-jar ; shaped like
Yuddha-kSnda of the RSmayana as sleeping for six a jar &c. ; (i), m., N. of a demon hostile to children ;
— Kurntuladi (°da-ddi), is, m., N. of a pupil of months at a time, and then waking to gorge him- an elephant; a crocodile ; a fish ; a kind of poisonous
Pathya. — Kumuddvdsa (°da-dv°), as, a, am, self; N. of a Muni ; an epithet of Siva ; N. of a insect; a sort of fragrant resin (guggulu,), or the
abounding or richly furnished with Kumudas ; (as),
plant bearing this fragrant resin. — Kumbhi-naraka,
m. a pool abounding in them. — Kumudefa (°da- Danava. — Kumbhakarna-vadha, as, m. ' the
•fa), as, m. an epithet of the moon, ' lord of the slaughter of Kumbhakarna,' a section of the Padma- as or am(7), m. or n.(?), N. of a hell, = kumbhi-
purSna.— Kumbha-kdmald, f. a bilious affection, pdka('/). — Kumbhinwlja, am, n. the croton-nut,
Kumudika, as, i, am, abounding, with Kumudas ; a sort of jaundice together with swelling of the Croton Jamalgota. — Kumbhi-pdkl, f., N. of a plant,
commonly called Katphala. — Kumbhi-mada, as, m.
(ikd), {., N. of a plant, commonly called Katphala ; joints; [cf. kumbha-pdda.] — Kumbha-kdra, as,
m. a potter, being according to some authorities the
a small tree, the seeds of which are aromatic. the juice that exudes from an elephant's temples at
son of a Brahman by a wife of the Kshatriya caste ; certain seasons.
Kumudini, f. an assemblage of Kumudas or a a serpent ; a kind of wild fowl ; (I), f. the wife of a Kumbhila, as, m. a thief who breaks into a
place abounding in them; the mother of Raghu- potter ; N. of a girl ; a mineral substance used as an
deva. — Kumudini-ndyaka, as, m. or kumudini- application to strengthen the eyes and beautify the house, a plagiarist; a wife's brother; a child be-
gotten at undue seasons or of an imperfect impregna-
pati, is, m. an epithet of the moon ; [cf. kumuda- eyelashes; red arsenic. — Kumbha-kdraka, as, m. tion ; a kind of fish, the gilt-head, Ophiocephalus
bandhu.]— Kumudini-vanitd, f. any loved woman a potter; (ikd), f. the wife of a potter, a woman of Wrahl.
flowers. represented as an assemblage of lotus the potter caste; a sort of collyrium. — Kumbha- KumbhMia, as, m. a pathic, a catamite ; the plant
kdra-kukkuta, as, m. a kind of chicken, Phasianus Rottleria Tinctoria, or the plant Pistia Stratiotes, a
^T*W ku-medhas, as, as, as (see I. ku), Gallus. — KumbJia-ketu, us, m., N. of a son of plant the bark of which furnishes a yellow dye; (d),
of little intellect, stupid ; malicious. Sambara. — Kumbha-kona, as, m.' brim of a jar,' (. a swelling, especially of the eyelids, similar to a
N. of a town. — Kumbha-ghona-tirtha, am, n., N. seed or grain of the Kumbhlka ; an affection of the
^T^ ku-meni, us, m. (see i. ku), the of a TlrthsL. — Kumbha-janman, d, m. an epithet eyes, hordeolum or stye, also kumbhika-pidakd ;
southern hemisphere or pole, the region of the of Agastya. — Kumbha-tumbi, [. a kind of large Ved., N. of a kind of demon.
demons and Titans. Kitmfihikin i, ini, i, similar to a seed or grain of
round gourd. — Kumbha-ddsi, f. a bawd, a procuress.
^•'k* kumodaka, as, m. an epithet of — Kumbha-dhara, as, m. the sign of the zodiac the Kumbhlka.
Vishnu ; [cf. kaumodaki.] Aquarius. — Kumbha-ndbha, as, m., N. of a son of Kumblnra, as, m. the crocodile of the Ganges,
Bali.— Kumbha-pdda, as, -padi, am, a person the long-nosed alligator ; N. of a Yaksha. — Kum-
' *»mp, cl. 10. P. kumpayati, -yitum, with swollen legs bulging like a pitcher; [cf. kum- bhlra-makahika, f. a sort of fly or aquatic insect.
another form for kumb, kumbayati. bha-kdmald.]— Kumbha-balm, us, m., N. of a Kumbh'iraka, an, m. a thief.
J**f kumpa, as, a, am, crooked-armed. Daitya. — Kitmbha-manduka, as, m. a frog in a Kumbhila, as, m. a crocodile ; [cf. kumbhira.]
pitcher; [cf. kupa-mandiika.] — Kumbha-muehka, kumbhari, f. an epithet of Durga.
kumb, cl. 6. and 10. P. kumbati at, d, am, Ved. an epithet of certain demons, ' hav-
d kumbayati, -yitum, to cover- fcf ing ajar-shaped scrotum.'- Kumbha-murdhan, d, kumbhala, f. a plant the flowers
kump and kumbh.] m. a fabulous being mentioned in the Hari-vans'a. of which are compared to those of the plant Nauclea
^g kumba, as or am(>), m. or n.(?),Ved. — Kumbha-yoni, is, m. ' born in a water-jar,' an Cadamba ; [cf. munditikd.]
epithet of the saint Agastya ; of Vasishtha ; and of
a kind of head-dress for women; the upper part Drona, the military preceptor of the Kurus and ^ft*T?I kumbhila, kumbhira, &c. See un-
or top of a club ; (a), f. a thick petticoat ; an en- PSndus ; N. of a plant, commonly called Drona- der kumbha above.
ku-yajvin. aqimi kurpasaka. 239
ku-yajvin, i, m. (see I. ku), a vinous liquor; (a), f. a wild creeping plant, a species kurungaj as, m., N. of a prince.
bad sacrificer. of hieracium ; [cf. go-jihva.']
king. «<j"4 kuruta, as, m. a kind of pot-herb;
<£Mi ku-yava, as, a, am (see i. /tu), Ved. j^f\ku-rdjan, a, m. (see i. ku), a. bad [cf. sitdvara.]
epithet of the demon Sushna, who was slain by Indra, kurutin, i, m. a horse.
' causing a bad harvest ? ;' (as), m.F N. of another Ku-rajya, am, n. bad dominion, bad administration.
demon ; (am), n. a bad harvest. $<.!» kurala, as, m. a light bay horse kurunta, as, m. yellow amaranth ;
**HI*lv kuya-vat, k, m. (kuya= l. ku), with black legs ; (wrong reading for kuraha, which yellow barleria ; (I), f. a doll, a puppet made of wood ;
is a various reading for urdha.) the wife of a Brahman or teacher.
Ved. speaking ill, abusing ; or N. of a demon who
was slain by Indra (?). Kurunlaka, as, m. yellow or white amaranth ; a
uri, f. a kind of grass or corn. yellow species of barleria, B. Prionitis.
<pftT ku-yoga, as, m. (see i. ku), an in- kurira, am, n. (said to be fr. I. kri), ber.
Kurunda, as, m.=kurunta.
auspicious conjunction of planets, signs, periods, &c. Ved. a kind of head-dress for women ; copulation. «tsrtlf«i kurutavi, a particular high num-
Ku-yogin, i, m. a false devotee, an impostor, a Kuririn, t, ini, i, Ved. decorated with the head-
hypocrite. dress called kurira.
*{tlf kurumba, am, n. a kind of orange,
«j>Ml(*i ku-yoni, is, f. (see i. ku), a base kuru, avas, m. pi. (said to be fr. i. kri), —Imlapdlaka ; (a), f., N. of a plant, commonly
womb, the womb of a low woman. N. of a people of India and their country, situated called Drona-pushpl ; (i), f. another plant, commonly
kur, cl. 6. P. kurati, -ritum, to utter near the country of the Pandalas (hence often con- called Sainhall.
v a sound, to sound in general. nected with Paniala or Pan^ala ; see Jtnru-paMdla Kurumbika, f., N. of a plant, commonly called
below) ; the Kurus derive their origin from Kuru (son
kuraka, f. the olibanum tree, Bos- of Samvarana and TapatT, daughter of the Sun), who
wellia Thurifera (=sallakt). is the ancestor of both Pandu and Dhrita-rashtra, ^^^) kururi, f. a species of bird with a
though the patronymic derived from his name is plaintive note ; (a wrong reading for kurart.)
*<.<j{^ kurankara or kurankura, as, m. the
Indian crane, Ardea Sibirica. usually applied only to the sons of the latter, the sons JE^f3 kurula, as, m. a curl or lock of hair,
and descendants of the former being called Pandavas ; especially on the forehead.
•Jt^F kuranaa, as, m. (said to be fr. i. kri), another Kuru is the son of Agnidhra and grandson of
a species of antelope, an antelope or deer in general j Priya-vrata. The uttara-kuravah or uttardh kura- ^v^3|f kuruvaka, as, m. the crimson
N. of a mountain; (t), f. a female antelope. — Ku- vah are the northern Kurus, the most northerly of the amaranth ; a purple species of barleria ; also a yellow
four MahS-dvipas or principal divisions of the known kind ; (am), n. the blossom of this flower ; [cf.
ranga-nayand, f. a handsome woman (' fawn-eyed ').
— Kuranga-ndbM, is, m. musk (formed in a bag world (distinguished Maha-bh. I. 4346. from the dak-
attached to the belly of the deer above the navel). shindh kuravah or southern Kurus), by other sys- «tj(V»r( kuruvinda, as, m. (fr. kuru and
Kurangaka, as, rn. a species of antelope, an tems regarded as one of nine divisions or Varshas of
the same ; it was probably a country beyond the most vtnda I), N. of several plants ; a fragrant grass,
antelope, a deer; (ikd), f. a kind of bean (=mudga- Cyperus Rotundus ; a kind of barley, see kalmdsha;
panil). northern range of the Himalaya, often described the bud of a flower ? ; (as, am), m. n. a ruby; (am),
Kurangama, as, m. a species of antelope or deer. as a country of everlasting happiness, and considered
by some to be the ancient home of the Aryan race. n. black salt; cinnabar, or the plant Terminalia
Kurangdya, nom. A. kurarrgdyate, -yitum, to Kuru, us, f. a princess of the Kuru race. According
become or take the shape of an antelope. Kurwindaka, as, m. a kind of Dolichos Biflores,
to native lexicographers the word kuru has also the a wild variety.
eS<.p«ia kuratilla, as, m. a crab ; (a wrong following meanings : a priest ; boiled rice ; the plant
reading for kuru-dilla.) Solanum Jacquini, = ian/a7c<m£a ; [cf. kaurava, g^r^^fl kuruviha or kuruvilla (?), as, m.
4i<.6 kurata, as, m. a shoemaker, a leather- kauravaka, kauravya,] — Kuru-kata, ds, m. pi. a ruby ; [cf. kuruvinda.]
the Kurus and Katas. — Kuru-kandaka, am, n.
seller, a currier ; (as), m. pi., N. of a people. Kuriimlvaka, as, m. a kind of barley. See
horse-radish, Raphanus Sativus ( = iiuthtkii). — Kuru- kulmdflm and kuruvinda.
oK^Je! kuranta, as, m. or kurantaka, as, ika, kurukshetra, am, n. the country of the Kurus and
m. f. yellow amaranth (pltamlana), and a yellow Kurukshetra. — Kuru-kshetra, am, n. the field of ^Hffl kurusuti or kurnstuti, is, ra., N. of
the Kurus, N. of a region or extensive plain near a Vedie poet.
kind of barleria (jntajhinii) ; (am), n. the blossom Delhi, the scene of the great battles between the
of this plant. Also kurandalta and kuruntaka. , i, ini, i, Ved. = kiritin (?).
Kurus and Pandus ; (as), m. pi. the inhabitants of
an. <js kuranda, as, m. enlargement of the this country, renowned for their bravery. — Kuru-
ksketrin, I, ini, i, with yoga, a solar day, in the ku-riipa, as, a, am (see I. ku), ill-
testicles or rather of the scrotum, including inguinal made, of an ugly shape, deformed, ugly ; (am), n.
hernia, hydrocele, &c. ; N. of a plant, commonly course of which three lunar days, three asterisms and
called Sakurunda. three yogas occur. — Kuru-tilla, as, m. a crab ; [cf. ugliness. — Kurupa-td, f. or kurupa-tva, am, n.

<*«.<!« <*kurandaka,as,m. yellow amaranth; iuroc'iMa.] — Kuru-jdngala, am, n., N. of a Ku-rupin, t, ini, i, ill-made, deformed, ugly,
country ; (as), m. pi., N. of the people inhabiting
a yellow kind of barleria ; [cf. kuranta.] it.— Kuru-tirtha, am, n., N. of a Tirtha. — Kurv.-
nadikd, f. according to native authorities, = ku-wa- Ku-rupya, am, n. tin, (lit. bad silver.)
cJH^U!) kuraydna, as, m., N. of a man ; dikd. — Kuru-nandana, as, m. a descendant of *^s?\ kururu, us, m., Ved. a species of
[cf. kauraydna.] Kuru as Arjuna, Yudhishthira. &c. — Kwru-panHala, worm.
oKX kurara, as, a, m. f. (said to be fr. rt. as, m. pi. the Kurus and PancSlas. — Kurupanfdla-
3. fcu), an osprey ; also another species of eagle ; (i), f. trd, ind., Ved. as among the Kurus and PaMilas. •a^S kurkuta,
rubbish, sweepings (?). as, m. [cf. kukknta], a cock;
a female osprey ; a sheep, an ewe ; (as), ra., N. of a — Kuru-patha, as, m., N. of a man(?); [cf.
mountain. — Kurardngkri (°ra-o»°), is, m. a kind kaitrupatki.'\ — Kuru-pungriva, as, m. a Kuru <j5,<!l(\! kurkutdhi, is, m. a kind of serpent ;
of mustard (deva-sarshapa). — Kurari-gana, as, chief. — Kuru-rdj, t, m. an epithet of Duryodhana. [cf. kukkutdM and kukkutdbha.]
m. a flight of ospreys. — Kwu-rdja, as, m. an epithet of Yudhishthira.
94T kurkura, as, m. (an onomatopoetic
Kurardva, am, n. a place abounding with ospreys, — Kurn-rdjya, am, n. the Kuru realm. — Kuru-
vatsa, as, m., N. of a prince. — Kum-varnaka, ds, word), a dog or bitch ; [cf. kulkura.]
«pC(3 kurala, as, m. an osprey [cf . kurara] ; m. pi., N. of a people ; or perhaps (as, a, am), be-
a curl, a lock of hair upon the forehead. <*fM4iT kurtika, f. the milky juice of a bulb-
longing to the race of the Kurus. — Kuru-vas'a, as, ous root ; a needle ; (a wrong reading for kurfikd.)
m., N of a prince. — Kuru-vdjapeya, as, m. a
^T^ ku-rava, as, a, am (see I. ku), having particular kind of Vajapeya. — Kuru-msta, as, m. a
oUJTif kurnaja, as, m., N. of a plant, com-
a bad voice;' (as), m. a bad or harsh sound ; N. of a Pala of gold, a weight of gold equal to about 700
plant, =sitamanddra; a red or a yellow kind of troy grains. — Kuru-vriddha, as, m. an epithet of monly called Kulaiijana.
BhTshma. •• Kurti-drawHta, as, m., N. of a prince. •3*1 kurd and kurdana, incorrect forms for
Kuravaka, as, m. a crimson species of amaranth ; — Kuru-treththa or kuru-sattama, as, m. an epi-
a purple or a yellow sort of Jhinti or barleria ; a k&rd and kurdana.
thet of Arjuna. — Kuru-hdra, as or am(1), m. or
species of rice or grain ; (am), n. the blossom of the cSTft kurpara, as, m. the knee; the elbow;
amaranth or of the barleria. n.(?), N of an Agra-hSra.
Kuruka, as, m., N. of a prince ; (a various reading [cf. kurpara.]
for ruruka.) oiiqlM kurpasa and kurpasaka, as, m. a
"^m ku-rasa, as, a, am (see i.ku), having
bad juice or flavour or essence ; (as), m. spirituous or Kurukulld, (., N. of a Buddhist deity.
$ort of bodice or jacket for women ; [cf. kurpdsa.']
^iifiTs kurvat.
high-born virtuous child. ~ Kitla-ndyikd, f. a girl sambhava, at, a, am, sprung from a noble family;
kurvat, an, att, at (pres. part. fr. rt.
worshipped at the celebration of the orgies of the left- (in compounds) sprung from a family. — Kula-sdra-
1. kri), doing, acting, &c.; acting as a servant, an
hand S'aktas. — Kula-ndrt, f. a woman of good tantra, am, n., N. of a Tantra. — Kula-sundari,
agent, a servant. — A'wrtirtd-nipo, am, n. cause family ; a high-bred virtuous woman. — Kula-ndfa, (,, N. of a deity. — Kula-seraka, as, m. an excellent
according to the Carvakas. attendant or servant. — Kula-saurabha, am, n., N.
as, m. a camel ; a reprobate, an outcast. — Kula-
Kurtdna, as, a, am, doing, making, &c. nindd, f. family disgrace. — Kulan-dhara, as, a, am, of a plant, — marmaka. — Kula-strl, f. a woman of
good family, a respectable woman, a chaste or virtuous
1 kul, cl. I. P. kolati, fukola, &c., upholding a family. — Kula-pa, as, m., Ved. the
kolitum, to accumulate, collect ; to be of chief of a family or race or tribe. — Kula-patl, is, wife. — Kula-sthiti, is, f. antiquity or prosperity of
kin, to behave as a kinsman; to proceed continuously m. the head or chief of a family. — Kula-pattra, as, a family. — Kuldkula (°la-ak°), as, d, am, excel-
or without interruption ; to count. m. a plant, commonly called Damanaka. — Kula- lent and not excellent, middling ; of mixed character,
parampard, f. the series of generations comprising of mixed origin ; (as), m., N. of a Danava. — Kuld-
^r7 kula, am, n. (fr. rt. kul?), a herd, a a ncK. — Kula-panata or kula-toila, as, m. knla-tithi, is, m. f. the second, sixth, and tenth
troop, a flock, an assemblage, a multitude, a number principal mountain, any one of seven mountains in lunar days of a half-month. — Kuldkula-naks/uttra,
&c. (of quadrupeds, birds, insects, &c., or of inanimate am, n., N. of the lunar mansions ArdrS, Mola, Abhi-
Bharata; [cf. lcula-giri."\ — Kula-pdnsukd, f. an
objects, e. g. go-kula, a herd of cows ; mriga-kula, unchaste woman. — Kula-pdlaka, as, ika, am, pro- jit, and S'atabhisha ; an asterism of mixed character.
a herd of deer; mahi*hi-kula, a herd of female tecting afamily, nourishing or providing for a family; —Kuldkula-vdra, as, m. Wednesday. — Kuldn-
buffaloes; ali-kula, a swarm of bees; alaka-kula, (am), n. a kind of orange, =kurumba, commonly gand (°la-an°), f. a woman of good family, a
a multitude of curls); a race, family, community, iiamaldnevu. — Kulu-pdU, is, f. or kula-pdlika, respectable or chaste woman. — Kuldngdra (°la-
tribe, caste, association, set, company (e. g. brdh- f. or kula-pali, f. a chaste, high-bom, or noble an°), as, m. ' a family firebrand,' metaphorically a
man who foments domestic dissensions or ruins his
maija-kula, the caste of the Brihmans) ; the resi- woman. — Kula-putra, as, m. a son of a noble
dence of a family, seat of a community; (in family, a noble or respectable youth; (i), f. the family. — Kulafala (°la-a<!°), as, m. a principal
contemptuous sense) a lot, a gang (forming a comp. daughter of a good family, a high-bom or respectable mountain, one of a class of seven principal mountains
with a preceding gen. sing., e. g. faurasya-kula, girl ; [cf. kula-duhitri.] — Kula-putraka, as, m., which are supposed to exist in each Varsha or division
a gang of thieves) ; an inhabited country ; a house, N. of a plant, = kula-pattra and muni-pMm. of a continent ; those of Bharata-varsha or India are
an abode ; a noble or eminent family or race ; high *- Kwlapvtra-jana, at, m. the son of a good Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, S'uktimat, Riksha, Vin-
station (often at the beginning of a compound family, a noble or respectable youth. — Kula-pw- dhya, and Pfuipatra or PSriyStra ; N. of a Danava.
chief, principal ; see kula-giri below) ; the body; the rusha, as, m. a man of good family, a noble or — Kuldddra (°la-ad°), as, m. the peculiar or proper
front, fore part ; a blue stone ; (as), m. the chief of respectable man ; an ancestor, any family progenitor.
as, m.of aa family
family teacher,
or caste.a — family
priest ;("la-dd"),
a person
a corporation or guild ; [cf. Hib. gaol, ' a family or — Kula-purvaga, as, m. an ancestor. — Kula-
kindred/] Kiili and hull, see s.v. — Kula-lcajjala, prakas'a, as, m. title of a work. — Kula-prasuta, well versed in the pedigrees and customs of different
as, m. disgrace of the family. — Kula-kantaka, as, as, a, am, born in a noble family. — Kula-badhu, families and employed to contract marriages between
m. ' a family-thorn,' any one who is a trouble to his us, f. a noble, virtuous, or respectable woman ; [cf. ku- them ; a genealogist. — Kulddri (°la-ad°), is, m. a
family. — Kula-kanyd, (. a girl of good family. la-yoshit.] — Kula-bdlikd, f.=kula-pdlikd above. principal mountain; one of seven principal mountains;
— Kula-kara, as, I, am, founding a family, the — K-ula-bhdryd, f. a virtuous, noble, or high-bred see kulafala above. — Kulddharaka (°la-ddh°), as,
founder of a family or race, an ancestor. — Kula- mte. — Kwla-bhubhrit, t, m. a principal mountain, m. a son; [cf. kula-dhdraka^ — Kuldnrtia (°la-
karkati, f. a kind of gourd; [cf. findkarkail.] one of the seven mountains in BhSrata. — Kula-
an°), as, d, am, sprung from a noble family. — Kidd-
— Kula-kartri, ta, m. the founder of a family or bhushana, as, a, am, ' family-adorning,' a family bhimana (°la-abh°), am, n. pride of birth, family
race, an ancestor. — Kula-karman, a, n. the peculiar ornament. — Kula-bhrityd, f. the nursing of a preg- pride. — Kuldbhimdnin, t, ini, i, proud of birth or of
or proper duty of a family or race, any observance or nant woman ; a midwife, a nurse ? ; [cf. kwmdra- family descent. — Kulamrita (°la-am°), am, n. title
custom peculiar to a family. — Kula-kalanka, as, m. bhrityd.] — Kula-bheda-kara, as, m. one who of a work. — Kuldrnava (°la-arj), as, m. title of a
causes discord in a family. — Kula-bhrashta, as, a, work. — Kuldrnava-tantra, am, n., N. of a Tantra.
' a family-stain,' any one who disgraces his family.
— Kvla-kshaya, as, m. decay or downfall of a race am, expelled from a family. — Kula-maryddd, f. — Kitldlambin (°la-dP), i, ini, i, supporting or
or family ; (a), f. a sort of cowach, Mucuna Pruritus family honour or respectability. — Kula-mdrga, as, maintaining a family. — Kvle-fara, as or am(1), m.
(= tfukaiimbi). — Kula-gariman, a, m. family m. the best or principal way, the way of honesty. or n. (?), a kind of plant. — Kidedvara (?la-if), as,
pride. — Kula-giri, is, m. a chief mountain, any one -• Kula-mitra, am, n. a friend of the family. — Ku- m. the chief of a family or race ; the lord KO.T' i^oxhv,
of the seven principal mountains of BhJrata-varsha ; lam-puna, as, d, am, purifying a family ; (am), n., an epithet of Siva ; (i), f. an epithet of DurgS. — Ku-
see kulafnla. — Kula-gri/ut, am, n. a noble house. N. of a Tlrtha; (d), f., N. of a river. -Kulam- lotkata (°la-ut°), as, d, am, excellent by birth, high-
— Kula-gopa, as, m., Ved. the protector of a bhara,as, a, am, carrying or upholding a family; born; (as), m. a horse of good breed. ~Kulot-
domicile. — Kula-gaurava, am, n. family import- (as), m. a wrong form for kujambhala, a thief. karsha (°la-ut°), as, m. family eminence. — Kulot-
ance. —Kula-ghna, as, a en i, am, destroying a — Kula-yoshit, t, f. a woman of noble family; a panna (°la-ut°), as, d, am, sprung from a good
family. — Kula-fandra, as, m., N. of a scholiast virtuous high-born woman. — Kula-rakshaka, as, family, well-born ; belonging to a family (as property
on the Kstantra grammar ; N. of the author of the d, am, preserving a family. — Kula-ratna-mdlikd, 8cc.). — Kulodgata (°la-itd"), as, d, am, sprung
DurgSvSkya-prabodha. — Kula-dudamani, title of a {. title of a work. — Kula-vat, an, att, at, be- from a noble family. — Kulodbhara, as, d, am,
work. — Kula-fyuta, as, a, am, rejected by his longing to a noble family. — Kula-vadhii, its, (. a or kulodbhiita (°la-ud'), as, d, am, well-born, of
family. — Kula-ja or kula-jdta, as, a, am, bom in virtuous wife, a respectable woman, one of good good family; born or produced in a family. — Kulod-
a noble family, of a good or noble family, well-born, family. — Kulavad/iu-ld, f. virtue in a wife. — Kula- vaha (°la-tid°), as, m. a chief, a leader, the head of a
of good breed ; ancestral, hereditary. — Kula-jana, varna, K a species of the plant Convolvulus with family. — Kulopadeda (°la-up°) , as, m. family name.
as, m. a person belonging to a noble family, a high- red blossoms, = rakta-trivrit. — Kula-vardhana or Kulaka, as, d, am, relating to a tribe or family, of
born or distinguished person. — Kula-tattva-vid, t, kula-vardkaka, as, a, am, increasing or advancing good family, of eminent birth ; (as), m. the chief of a
t, t, knowing the true state of a family. — Kula-tas, or propagating a family . — Kula-vdra, as, m. a guild ; any artisan of eminent birth ; an ant-hill, a mole-
ind. by birth. — Kula-tithi, is, m. f. an important principal day, i. e. Tuesday and Friday . — Kula- hill ;a green snake (harita-sarpa); N. of several
lunar day, the fourth, eighth, twelfth, or fourteenth vidyd, (. knowledge handed down in a family. plants, a kind of ebony, DiospyrosTomentosa; another
day of the half-month. — Kula-tilaka, as, m. the — Knfa-vipra, as, m. a family priest. — Kula- species of ebony, commonly called Ku-pllu ; another
glory of a family, one who does honour to a family. vriddha, as, m. the oldest member or head of a plant, =maruvaka, duklapuskpa, tilaka; (am),
— Kula-damana, as, a, am, subduing a family, family. — Kula-wriddhi, is, f. family advancement. n. a multitude ; a sort of gourd, Trichosanthes
holding it in subjection. — Kula-dipa or kula- — Kulasvydpin, i, ini, i, attaching or applicable to Diceca ; a number of stanzas in grammatical con-
dipaka, as, m. the lamp or light or glory of a race :ribe or caste. «• Kula-vrata, am, n. a family vow. nection, several verses in which the government of
or family ; (ikd), f. title of a work treating on the — Kula-dila, as, am, m. n. character or conduct noun and verb is carried throughout, contrary to the
noble families of Bengal. - Kula-duhitri, ta, f. the lonourable to a family. — Kula-fila-samanvita, as, practice of closing the sense with each verse ; a kind
daughter of a noble family; a high-bom maiden. am, endowed with a noble character or disposi- of prose composition with few compound words.
— Kula-devatd, (. a principal deity ; an epithet of tion. —Kula-tekhara, as, m., N. of the author of
the goddess Durgi. - Kula-daira, am, n. family Vlukunda-mSla. — K ula-tfreshthin, i, ini, i, well- Kuldyana, as, m., N. of a man.
Kulika, as, d, am, of a good family, well-born ;
destiny; a principal deity. _ Kula-dharma, as, m. 3orn ; of good family, eminent in a family ; («), m. (as), m. a kinsman ; the chief or head man of a tribe
practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or family, the chief of a guild ; an artificer or artisan of eminent or caste ; an artist or artificer of high birth ; a thorny
peculiar duty of carte or race. - Kitla-dbdraka, as, jirth. — Kula-sankhyd, f. ranking or being reckoned plant, Ruellia Longifolia or Asteracantha (Ruellia)
m. ' upholder of the family,' a son. — Kula-dhurya, as a family, family respectability. — Kula-sattra, am, Longifolia ; one of the eight chiefs of the NSgas or
OS, m. one who is able to support a family, a grown- n. a family sacrifice. — Kula-santati, is, f. propa- serpent-race, described as having a half-moon on the
up son. — Kula-naksfuttrti, am, n. any Nakshatra gation of a family, posterity, descendants. — Kula- top of his head and being of a dusky-brown colour.
or lunar mansion distinguished above others ; any sannidhi, {*, m. the presence of a number of persons — Kidika-rdd, f. certain portions of each day on
auspicious asterism. — Kula-nandana, at, a, am, or of witnesses, kindred, relations. — Kula-samud- which it is improper to begin any good business.
causing joy to a family, doing honour to a family ; a Kulin, i, ini, i, belonging to a noble family.
°>hav a, as, d, am, born in a noble family. — Kula-
kulma. tcuvalaydnanda. 241
Kulina, as, a, am (at the end of compounds), kuldla, as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
belonging to a family ; of high or eminent descent, kul), a potter; a
*«5^ ku-lunfo, as, m. (see i. ku), Ved.
wild cock, Phasianus Callus; an one who plucks out hairs.
of a good family, well-born ; (as), m. a horse of owl;
(i), f. the wife of a potter; N. of a plant; a
good breed ; a BrShman of the highest class in Ben- species of blue gxgrl kuluta, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
stone applied as a collyrium to the
gal, i.e. a member of one of the eight principal
families of the Varendra division or of one of the eyes (kulatthikd). - Kuldla-cat, ind. like a potter. ^r^B kulpha, as, m. (said to be fr. 3. kal),
six chief families of the Radha or RSrh division as 3«ifrt<*r kuldlikd, f. an aviary ; (a wrong Ved. the ancle ; (as, am), m. n. a disease.
form for kuldyikd.)
classified byBalal
century, (commonSen, Raja ofof the
Bengal, ^<j*ic» kulmala, am, n. (said to be fr. rt.
names latter'infamilies
the twelfth
Mukharji, Banarji, Chatoji, &c.) ; a worshipper of 3<"»1? kuldha, as, m. a horse of a light- the kush), Ved. the part of an arrow or spear by which
brown colour with black knees. head is attached to the shaft; sin Kulmala-
Sakti according to the left-hand ritual; (a), f. a barhisha, as, m, N. of a Vedic poet.
variety of the Arya metre ; (am), n. a disease of «y«l£«fi kuldhaka, as,m. alizard, achame-
the nails. -Kullna-td, f. or kulina-tva, am, n. lion ; N. ^wil kulmdsha, as or am, m. or n. sour
of a plant, commonly Ran-ga Kulekhada.
birth, rank, family respectability. gruel prepared by the spontaneous fermentation of
Kullnaka, as, a, am, of good family ; (a»), m. ojrtl^rf kuldhala, as, m., N. of a plant, the juice of fruits or of boiled rice ; (am), n. half-
a kind of wild kidney-bean. =alambusha,go66hdla, bhukadamba, commonly ripe barley ; forced rice ; a sort of Phaseolus, see
Kuleya, as, a, am (at the end of compounds) = KokaSimS, Coryza Terebinthina or Celsia Coroman- rdjarmasha; a species of Dolichos, D. Biflorus, see
delina, (a plant which dogs are fond of smelling before yavaka; (as), m. a kind of disease; (i), f., N. of a
I. kulya, as, a, am, of or relating to a family or they eject urine.) river. — Kulmashdbhiihwta (°sha-abh°), am, n.
race ; belonging to a congregation or corporation ; of sour gruel.
good family, well-born, well-descended ; (as), m. a
^rfe kuli, is, m. the hand; (is), f., N. of Kulmdea = kulmdsha.
respectable man ; (d), f. a virtuous or decent woman ; a plant, = kantakdrt, a prickly nightshade.
custom or habit of a family ? ; (am), n. friendly in- 3"^ 2. kulya, am, n. (for i. kulya see
ff<9jf ku-linga, as, m. (see i. ku), a kind
quiry after family affairs or domestic accidents, con- of mouse; a species of col. i), a bone; flesh; a winnowing basket; a
bird, the fork-tailed shrike; measure of eight Dronas.
dolence, congratulation, &c. (For a. 3. see col. 3.) N. of a man ; (a), f, N. of a town ; (I), f, N. of a
JrtSS kulakka, as, m. a cymbal ; beating plant [cf. karkata-^ringi] ; the female of the fork- <f^TT i. kulya, f., Ved. a small river; a
time in music. tailed shrike. -Kulingakshi (°ga-ak°), f, N. of a river in general ; a canal, a channel for irrigation ; a
plant, =petikd, kuverdkshi. ditch, a dyke or trench ; N. of a river.
lkulangi,f. athornyplant; (a wrong
Kulin-gaka, as, m. a sparrow. 3. kulya, as, d, am, Ved. belonging to a river.
form for kulingi.) Kulydya, nom. A. kulydyate, -yitum, to become
^H»n kulija, as or am (f), m. or n. (?), a river.
*f"5W kulanja or kulanjana, as, m. the a sort of measure (occurring at the end of com-
plant Alpinia Galanga,=oan<tta-mMZa. pounds inthe forms kulija, as, i, am; kulijilta, as, f^TT 2. kulya, f., N. of a drug or medi-
i, am; kulijina, as, d, am). cinal plant, Celtis Orientalis (jivantikauehadM) ;
^757 kulata, as, m. (fr. kula and rt. at ?), another plant, Solanum Longum (sthuldvdrtdka).
any son except one's own offspring, an adopted son, ^f»^ kulinda, as, m. pi., N. of a people ;
a bought son, &c. ; (a), f. an unchaste woman. (as), m. sing, the prince of this people. *pj* kulluka or kulluka-bhatta, as, m., N.
—Kulatd-pati; is, m. the husband of an unchaste of a celebrated scholiast on Manu.
woman, a cuckold. ^Irt*. kulira, as, m. a crab ; also kulira,
t kulati, f. red arsenic, = kunati. 5<ST kulva, as, d, am, Ved. bald, bare
[Lat. calvue\ in ati-kulva, too bald.
T kulati, ayas, m. pi., N. of a people. •jrfo^T kulis'a, as, am, m. n. (fr. i. ku and
Zisa,=risa fr. ris), Ved. an axe, a hstchet; the fvfiqikulvaka, am, n. fur upon the tongue;
[cf. kuvuka.}
^JrtfV kulattha, as, m. (fr. kula ? cf. as- q.v.
thunderbolt of Indra ; a sort of fish ; the plant Helio-
tropium Indicum ; (i), f, Ved., N. of a river supposed
vattha and kapittha), a kind of pulse, Dolichos ^ kuva, am, n. a water-lily, a lotus ; [cf.
Uniflorus ; (at), m. pi, N. of a people ; (a), f. a kind to be in the middle region of the sky. — Kuliia- kuvala, kuvalaya, kuvela.]
of Dolichos ; a blue stone used in medicine and ap- ndyaka, as, m. a kind of coitus. - Kulifo-bhrit, t,
m. a N. of Indra, the bearer of the thunderbolt. kuvakdlukd, f., N. of a vegeta-
plied as a collyrium to the eyes, also as an astringent
to sores &c. ; a species of metre. -Kuliidnkuia (°ia-an°), (., N. of one of the
sixteen Vidya-devTs. ble (gholi-s'dka).
Kiilutt/tika, f. a blue stone used as a collyrium -vanga, am, n. (see i. ku), lead.
&c. ; a sort of vetch, considered as a wild sort of the ^fp4$li««T kuli-tdsana, as, m. (fr. kulin
Dolichos Unifiorus. ku-va£a, as, d,am (see i.ku), abusive,
and tdiana! or fr. kuli and iasana, 'one who
censorius, scurrilous, using bad language.
'arSM kulabha, as, m., N. of a Daitya; commands with his hand?'), an epithet of Sakya-
(another reading has svlabha.) 3"l'ac* ku-vajraka, am, n. (see I. ku),
kuli, f. a wife's elder sister; the crystal, a stone resembling a diamond.
<*j tf^lR^i kulahandaka, as, m. an eddy, hati). Solanum Jacquini or Solanum Lonsmm (vri-
= kulahandaka. plant 3<*<; ku-vada, as, d, am (see i. ku), cen-
4pJltSJrn kuldkshutd, f. a bitch. sorious [cf.
; ku-vai!a.~\
kuKkd, f., Ved, a kind of bird.
r kulata, as, m. a kind of small fish. kuvama, as, m. a N. of Kas'yapa(?).
5«I1« kulinasa, am, n. water. kuvara, as, d, am, astringent in fla-
f kulddya, as, m.(>), N. of a country vour ;[cf. tuvara.J
or people. girtlnq kullpaya, as, m., Ved. an aquatic
animal. »*m ku-varsha, as, m. (see i. ku), a shower
«jrtlM kuldbhi, is, m. a treasure. of rain, a sudden and violent shower.
JpPJK kulira, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr.
^ToTTr kuldya, as, am, m. n. (fr. kula ?), a ^iirti kuvala or kubala, as, i, m. f. the
I. Ten), a crab; the sign of the zodiac Cancer; [cf.
woven texture, a web ; the nest of a bird ; a case or kullra.]- Kullra-Mngi, f., N. of a plant; [cf. jujube tree, Zizyphus Jujuba ; (am), n. the fruit of
investing integument, a receptacle ; the body as the Icarkata-Mngl.] _ Kukrdd (°ra-ad), t, m. a young this tree; the water-lily; a pearl; (a), f, N. of a
dwelling-place of the soul; the kennel or resting-place crab (destroying its parents ; the old crab being sup- pearl. — Kuvala-kuna, as, m. the time when the
of a dog &c. ; a place, a spot in general. — Kulaya- posed to perish on producing young). tree Zizyphus Jujuba bears fruits. — Kurala-prastha,
nildya, as, m. the act of sitting in a nest, hatching, Kttllraica, as, m. a small crab.
brooding. — Kulayanildyi-td, (. the act or state of as, m., N. of a tovm. — Kuvalds'va or Jtubalafvd
hatching, 8ic. — Kuldya-nildyin, i, <»!, i, sitting in (°la-af), as, m., N. of a prince with the epithet
~$<*TjI ; kuttsa,
derbolt [cf. kuliila.]as, am, m. n. Indra's thun- Dhundhumira. — Kmale-s"aya, as, m. an epithet of
a nest, brooding, hatching. — Kuldya-stha, as, m.
' nest-dweller,' a bird. Vishnu (' resting on a water-lily').
Kuldyayat, an, and, at (fr. nom. kuldyaya),Ved. 5^J<* kuluka, am, n. the fur or foulness J'trtM kuvalaya, am, n. any water-lily ;
of the tongue.
the blue water-lily; (as, am), m. n. the earth ; (as),
nest. nests or a resting-place, hiding one's self in
kulukka-gunjd, f. a firebrand ; m., N. of the horse of KuvalayasVa. — Kuvalaya-
Kuldyikd, f. a bird-cage, an aviary. (for ulka-guiija !). pura, am, n., N. of a town. — Kuvalaydditya
Kuldyin, t, irii, i, Ved. forming a nest, shaped like (°ya-ad°), as, m., N. of a prince, = kuvalaydpida.
a nest, homely ; («»j), f, N. of a liturgical service. ?<?» kulimaa, as, m., Ved. an antelope —JKuvalaydnanda (°ya-an°), as, m. title of a
242 kttvalaydplda.
work on rhetoric by Apyadlkshita. — Kut'alayapida , a, m. a camel; (pro-
covering anything ; a piece of wood ; a horse's bridle ;
(°ya-dp°), at, m., N. of a Daitya, who, changed to N. of a plant, commonly called Madhukarkatiki ; bably a wrong form for Mu-ndman.)
an elephant, became the vehicle of Karjsa ; N. of a (i), f. a sort of boat or ladle used in making libations ;
prince ; [cf. kucnlaydditya.l — Kuvalaydvall (°ya- wrought iron ; a ploughshare ; a pod of cotton ; kufa-dhdrd. 3<9I1H kusanara, a various reading for
<to°), f., N. of a princess. — KuvalaydJva (°ya-af), (am), n. water; (as, a, am), wicked, depraved;
as, m., N. of a prince with the epithet Dhundhu- mad, inebriate. — Kuda-fira, am, n. a garment made ku^aya or kusapa. See last col.
mara ; an epithet of the prince Pratardana. — Kitrala- of Kusa grass ; (as, a, am), covered with a garment
yaivaka, as, m., N. of a prince with the epithet made of Kusa grass; (a), f., N. of a river. — Kwia- ku-sara, as, m. (see i. ku), Ved. a
kind of reed.
Dhundhumira. — Kitvalaydiva-farita, am, n. 'the dvipa, as, m., N. of one of the seven large Dvlpas
adventures of Kuvalaylsva,' title of a Prakrit poem or divisions of the universe. — Ku.ffa-dh.ara, f., N. of
composed by Visvanatha Kaviraja. — Kuvatai/airiya, a river. — Kusa-dhvaja, ae, m., N. of a prince, a son «j3l<3<itu-*arira, am, n. (see i. ku), a bad
am, n. the story of KuvalaySsva. — Kuvalayeia of Hrasva-roman ; also a grandson of the latter ; N. body; (as), m., N. of a Muni.
(°ya-lia), as, m. a ruler of the earth, a king. — Ku- of a grandson of Vrishadhvaja. — Kufa'nayara, am, kusala, as, a, am (connected with
raliii/rsa-ta, {. kingdom.
n.,N. of the town in which S'Skya-muni died. — A'uffa- , right, proper, suitable, good (e. g. kudalam
Kuvalaytia, as, a, am, decorated with water- ndbha, as, m., N. of a son of Kusa. — Kitfa-netra, man, to consider good, to approve), well, healthy,
lilies. as, m., N. of a Daitya. — Ku^a-pushpa, am, n., N.
in good condition ; happy, prosperous ; fit for, com-
Kuvalayini, (. an assemblage of water-lilies, a of a plant (=grantM-parna), a perfume so called. petent, able, skilful, eipert, clever, conversant with
place abounding with them. anything (with loc., gen., inf., and in compounds, e. g.
— Kufo-plavana, am, n., N. of a Tirtha. — Kus"a-
oiliw ku-vakya, am, n. or ku-vac, k, f. mushti, it, is, i, having the hand full of sacrificial
grass. — Kufa-lava, an, m. du. the two sons of udgithe or vdgithasya kus"alah, clever in song ;
(see I. ku), injurious or censorious language, speak- Rama, called Kusa and Lava. — Kufa-vat , an, ati, kuialo vydkhydtum,
Icufala, competent
skilled in horses); (as),tom.explain ; as~va-
pi., N. of a
ing ill of any one. at, covered with Kusa grass; (ti), f., N. of a town. people, the inhabitants of Kusa-dvipa ; (as)r m. an
kuvata, as, m. the fold of a door, — Kuta-vari, n. water in which Kusa grass has epithet of Siva ; N._of aprince; also of a grammarian,
been soaked. -• Kuda-vindu, avas, m. pi., N. of a
i/o and kapata. author of the Paiijikapradipa ; (o), f., N. of a woman ;
people. — Eiu!a-vlrd, (., N. of a river; (a various
(1), f. a plant, =arfmantofea; another plant, = ks hu-
J '-*!<; ku-vdda, as, a, am (see I. kit), de- reading for Tcuda-drd.)— Kuda-stamba, as, m. a
drdmlika; (am), n. welfare, well-being; a good or
tracting, censorious, one who speaks ill of others. heap of Kusa grass ; N. of a Tirtha ; N. of a prince. happy or prosperous condition, happiness ; virtue,
— Kuda-stava, as, m. a bundle of Kula grass. virtuous action ; cleverness, competence, ability ; fitness ;
iiii€rt kuvahula, as, m. a camel.
— Kus"a-sthala, am, n. an epithet of the town
Icueika, as, m. pi., N. of a people. KSnyakubja ; («), f. an epithet of the town DvSraki. due order ; kus"alam prafh, to ask after another's
— KuSa-hasta, as, a, am, having Kusa grass in the welfare, to say ' how do you do ?' kitdalam te, hail
to thee ! (used as a salutation, especially in greeting a
kuvid, ind. (fr. I. ku and id), Ved. hand or in the paw (as applied to the tiger in the
Brahman); kttfalam or kusnlcna, ind. well, in a
a particle of interrogation, ' if, whether ;' or used in Hitopadesa).— Kusl&cara (°^a-dk°), as, m. fire (the proper manner, properly, rightly; happily, cheerfully.
direct questions ; (a verb following this particle does sacrificial fire being made upon atuft of the Kusa grass).
— Kufala-kama, as, a, am, desirous of happiness ;
not lose its accent.) — Kuvit-sa, ae, m., Ved. any — Kus'dksha (°4a-ak°), as, m. a monkey, an ape.
one, an unknown person ; (Say.) N. of a man (' much - Kuiagra (°8"a-ag°), am, n. the sharp point of a (as), m. desire
Ttuiala-tva, am, for happiness. ability,
n. cleverness, «— Kus'ala-td, f. or
blade of the Kusa grass ; (as), m., N. of a prince, the
destroying'). son of Brihadratha; (as, a, am), sharp, shrewd, experience; skilfulness.well-being.— £«rfaZa-praAio,
cFTin^ kuvinda or kuvindaka, Of, m. a intelligent. — Kuiagra-buddhi, is, is, i, sharp as as, m. friendly enquiry after a person's health or
weaver, =kupinda. the point of Kusa grass, shrewd, intelligent ; (is), f. welfare ; salutation, greeting, saying ' how do you do?'
— Kufala-buddhi, is, is, i, wise, able, intelligent.
jPi^i^ ku-vivdha, as, m. (see i. ku), a shrewdness, subtlety ; also similar compounds, as ku$"d- — Ku4ala-sdgara, as, m., N. of a scribe, pupil of
gra-dhi, &c. — Kuddgriya, as, a, am, sharp as the Lavanyaratna.
degrading or improper marriage.
point of Kusa grass, subtile, penetrating. — Kus~a- Kutalin, i, int, t, healthy, well, happy, prosperous ;
^1<!M ku-vina, f. (see i . ku), the lute of griya-mati, «V, t», t, of subtile intellect, subtile,
the Candalas. sharp-sighted, intelligent, possessing mental acumen ; auspicious, favourable, good ; virtuous ; clever.
also other similar compounds, as kufagnya-dhi, Kufali-kri, cl. 8. P. -Isaroti, -kartum, to make
yVl«, kuvira, as, m. or a, f. (?), N. of a right or proper, to arrange in due order.
river. kwsagriya-buddhi, 8cc. — grass.
as, m. a blade of sacrificial Ku.santiura (as"a-an°),
— Kuianguriya or c*3ll«fl kusadhya or kusadhya(?), as, m.
kuvritti-krit, m. the plant Cae- kutanguriyaka (°ia-an°), am, n. a ring of Kusa pi., N. of a people ; (a various reading for kulddya;
grass worn at religious ceremonies. — Kuiarani ("Va- cf. also kuianda.)
salpinia Bonducella (=}>utika).
ar°), is, m. ' one who may be irritated by a Kusa
«q«ui ku-vena, f. (see r. ku), N. of a river ; blade,' epithet of the sage Durvasas, famous for his <*i3lig kusamba, as, m., N. of a son of
a fish-basket; (various reading for the following.) irascibility. — Kufa-vatl, f., N. of a town, the resi- Vasu Uparicara ; N. of a son of KuSa, who was the
dence of Kusa, son of Rama. — Kutiavarta ( £a- founder of the town Kausambl.
Ku-rcni, f. a fish-basket ; a badly braided tress of
hair ; a woman with hei hair badly braided. av°), as, m., N. of a Tirtha, or passage of the Gan- KwSambu, us, m., N. of a son of Kusa, the
ges, personified as a son of Rishabha. — Kuiddva founder of KauSambi.
. kuvera, &c. See under kubera. (°ia-af), as, m., N. of a prince. — Kuidsana (°rfa- cinjIT5*rft;5 ku-salmali, is,m. (see I. tu), the
ds°), am, n. a small mat of sacrificial grass on
kuvela, am, n. a water-lily, = kuva- which a Brahman sits when performing his devo- plant Andersonia Rohitaka.
laya, q. v. tion. —Kute-faya, as, a, am, lying in grass or in
^fyiSITT ku-sinsapa, f. a kind of Sisu
water ; (a*), m. a kind of tree, = karnikara ; the
w^w ku-vaidya, as, m. (see i. ku), a bad Indian crane ; N. of a mountain in Kusa-dvipa ; (am), tree, Dalbergia Sisu, = kapi la-iinJapd.
physician. n. ' lying in water,' a water-lily, a lotus. — Kuietaya- *f^(<* kusika, as, d, am, squint-eyed ; (as),
^17 kuvra, am, n. a forest, a wood. kara, as, m. the sun. — Kuiottara (°s!a-ut°), as, m., N. of the father of VisvS-mitra; N. of the father of
d, am, covered with sacrificial grass. — Kudodaka GJthin or GSdhi orGadhin.the latter being sometimes
<4>'Jf kuf, cl. 4. P. kufyati, to embrace, CVa-wrf0), an*< n- "at" 'n which Kusa grass has identified with Indra, who is called Kauslka or Kusi-
3 N enfold ; (a various reading for kus, q. v.) been infused ; (a), (., N. of a deity.
kottama; (according to the Maha-bhSrata and Rama-
$?t kusa, as, m. (used in Sutra works, but Kuiayn or knfapa, as, m. a drinking-vessel, a yana, Visva-mitra is son of Gidhi a»d grandson of
the word darbha is more common in the Brah- cup, a goblet, a cistern. Kusika); (a*), m. pi. the descendants of Kusika; N.of
Kiulita, as, d, am, mixed or combined with
manas), grass, especially the sacred grass used at certain a people; (o»), m. a ploughshare (in this sense more
religious ceremonies (i. e. Poa Cynosuroides, a grass water properly n.); the sediment of oil; the plant Shorea
; [cf.i,kiuhita."]
Kuiin, fei, i, furnished with Kusa grass ; (i), Robusta; also Terminalia Bellerica (vibhitaka); also
with long stalks and numerous pointed leaves); a
Vatica Robusta (aiva-karna). — KuiSikan-dhara, at,
rope made of Kusa grass used for connecting the yoke m. an epithet of Valmlki (so called with reference to
of a plough with the pole ; N. of a son of Vasu Upa- Kusa, the son of Rama). — Kiu!i-yramaka, as, m., m., N. of a Muni.
ricara ; of a son of Balakasva, grandson of Balaka, N. of a village of the Mallas. — Kudi-nat/ara, amor kusita, &c. See under kusa.
father of KusSmba and Kusanabha; of a son of Su- F, n. or f., N. of the capital of the Mallas. ku-simbi, is, m. or f. (?), (see I.
hotra [cf. kaid] ; of a son of Vidarbha ; of a son of
^T^I'l knsaja, as, m. pi., N. of a people ; ku), N. of a plant ; [cf. flimba, timM, and kusimbl.]
Rama ; of a son of Lava, king of Kasmtra ; one of the (a various reading for kuiala.)
great Dvlpas or divisions of the universe, surrounded
by the set of liquified butter ; (a), (. a plank for <*?H|S kusanda, as, m. pi., N. of a people. <J3l~l(i kusida, am, n. the profession of
usury ; red saunders ; [cf. kusidn.']
ku-tlla, as, a, am (see I. ku), ill = bhumydhulya. — Kushtha-gandM, n. the fra any exceeding five per cent. -. Kustda-vriddM, is,
grant bark of the plant Feronia Elephaatum. — Kush f. interest on money.
behaved, rude, wicked ; evil-disposed ; ill-tempered
— Kufila-ta, f. or kufila-tm, am, n. misbehaviour tha-ghna, at, I, am, curing leprosy ; (a*), m., I JKusiddyi, f. the wife of a usurer.
of a medicinal plant, commonly called HiySvall [ Kusidika,
misconduct ; bad disposition ; ill-temper.
htiavalT] ; (t), f. an esculent root, Solanum Indicum fes ion ofusury.as, i, am, one who follows the pro-
J^firtM kusllava, as, m. (connected with •=kakamafl; the opposite leaved fig tree. — Kush Kitsldin, i, m. a usurer ; N. of a descendant of
ku-slla .'), a bard, herald ; an actor, dancer, mime thortikitztia, am, n. the cure of leprosy. — Kuehiha Kanva, author of several hymns of the Rig-veda.
a newsmonger ; an epithet of Valmiki ; (au), m. du ndiana, as, m., N. of several plants which cur
leprosy ; the root of Dioscorea ; white pepper o *«*( kusuma, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr.
the two sons of Rama, Kus'a and Lava, who recitec mustard; another plant, *=JcsKirifa-vriksha. — K
the Ramayana, (probably these names were original!] rt. kus), a flower ; (am), n. fruit ; the menstrual dis-
formed from the word Kulilava) ; [cf. kufa-lava.] sh.tha-nds'mi, f. a plant, commonly Hakuca, Psora): charge ;a term for the shorter sections of DevesVara's
Corylifolia. — Kitshtha-maya, as, t, am, full Kavi-kalpalata (the longer chapters being called
cp^flq^l kuslvasa, as, m. an epithet o: leprosy, leprous. — Kushfha-roga, as, m. leprosy Stavaka) ; ophthalmia, disease of the eyes ; (o«), ra.
Valmiki ; [cf. ku&n and kudilava.] elephantiasis. — KusTitha-sudana, as, m. the Cassi a form of fire ; N. of the attendant of the sixth
«f 3'**T kusumbha, as, m. a jar ; the water- tree, Cassia Fistula; [cf. dragbadha.]—Kushtha Arhat of the present Avasarpim. — Kusuma-kar-
hantri, td, m. a kind of bulbous plant, =hasti muka or kusuma-ddpa, as. m. or kiisuma-dhan-
pot of an ascetic; [cf. kusumbha.'] kanda; (tri), f. another plant, generally callei van, d, m.4 havingflowers for his bow,' epithet of Kama,
WTJIW kustda, as, m. (fr. i. leu and sula ?) VakucT. — KushtKa-hrit, t, m. the plant Acaci the god of love. — Kusuma-ketumandalin, i, m.,
a granary, a cupboard, a store-room, a place in which N. of a Kinnara. — JKusuma-komala, as, d, am,
Catechu. — Kushihdnga (°tha-an°), as, a, am tender as a flower. •• Kusuma-Cita, as, d, am, heaped
rice or other grain is kept ; a conflagration of chaff leprous. — Kushthdnvita (°tha-an), as, a, am
— Kusula-dhdnya, am, n. grain stored for three afflicted with leprosy. - Kushthdri (°tha-ari), is with flowers. •• Kusuma-deva, as, m., N. of an
m. Acacia Catechu; another plant, Acacia Farnesiana author. — Kusuma-naga, as, m., N. of a mountain.
years' consumption. — Kufitla-dhdnyaka, as, m. a
householder &c. who has three years' grain in store (vitkhadira) ; another plant, Trichosanthes Diceca — Eusuma-pura, am, n., N. of the town Patali-
— Kutula-puranddhaka (°^a-ddh°), ax, a, am, = patola; another plant, = dc&itya-pattra an< fuv*. — Kusuma-madhya, am, n., N. of a tree
being (like to mere empty) measures filling a granary. arka^pattra ; sulphur. bearing a large acid fruit, commonly Calita gac, Cor-
Kushlliita, as, a, am, or kushthin, i, ml, dia Myxa or Dillenia Indica. — Kusuma-maya, as,
kuse-saya, &c. See under kusa. leprous, a leper. i, am, consisting of flowers. — Kusuma-latd, {. a
kusri, is, m., N. of a teacher. creeper in blossom. — Kusuma-vat, an, ati, at, fur-
5«rt ku-shthala, am, n. (fr. I. or 2. ku anc nished with flowers, flowering, in flower ; (tl), f. a
ku-sruta, as, a, am (see I. ku), in- sthala), a bad place or spot ; the surface of the earth female during menstruation ; N. of the town Patali-
distinctly heard. !jf«<*t kushthikd, as, f. pi. (related to kush- putra. — Kusuma-vdna, as, m. the flower-arrow of
»w«m ku-svabhra, am, n. (see I. ku), a tha !),Ved. a part of the foot of a sacrificial animal the god of love ; ' flower-arrowed,' epithet of Kama,
small hole. the god of love, as having flowers for arrows. — JC«-
the contents worthless for sacrificial purposes; (Say.'
of the entrails. suma-viitttrd, {., N. of a metre consisting of four
kush, cl. 9. P. kushndti, tukosha, lines of twelve syllables each. — Kusuma-fayana,
\ koshishyati, akoshit, koshttum, to tear, 3"*irt kushmala, am, n. (said to be fr. rt am, n. a couch of flowers. — Kusuma-iara,, as, d,
tear asunder, to force or draw out, to extract, to expel ; kusli), cutting, dividing ; a leaf. am, ' flower-arrowed,' epithet of the god of love.
to test, assay, examine ; to shine : Pass, kvshyati — Kusumaiara-tva, am, n. the state of one who
and kushyate: Cms. koshayati: Desid. tukoshi- 5"*<H!S kushmdnda, as, m. a kind of pump- has flowers for arrows. — Kusuma-s'ekhara-mjaya,
kin-gourd, Benincasa
thatt and fukushishati : Intens. dolcushyate, (o- state of the womb in Cerifera; false conception; a
gestation (?) ; a particular re-
as, m. title of a play. •• Kusuma-sandtha, as, d,
koshti. am, possessed of flowers, having flowers. — Kusuma-
ligious formula ; a class of demons ; one of a class stavaka, as, m. a bunch of flowers, a nosegay, bou-
^yifZ ku-shanda, as, m. (see I. ku), N. of of demi-gods attached to Siva; (I), f. the gourd Bi quet, a garland ; N. of a metre. — Kusumakara
a priest. nincasa Cerifera, a drug; a religious ceremony,
certain rite, performed as a penance or expiation ; an (°ma-dk ), as, m. a quantity of flowers or place
abounding with them, a parterre, a garden, a nosegay ;
giHW kushala, as, a, am, clever, expert, epithet of the wife of Siva.
&c. ; (a wrong reading for kuxaln.) Kiishmdndaka, as, m. the gourd Benincasa Ceri- spring, the vemal season. — Kusumdnjana (°ma-
fera; N. of a Naga; N. of an attendant of Siva. an°), am, n. the calx of brass, used as a collyrium.
\ kushava, f., Ved., N. of a RakshasT.
™ Kusumdnjali (°ma-ari°), is, f. ' handful of flow-
kushdku, us, us, u (fr. rt. kush ?), '3JXI kus, cl.; 4. ers,' the title of a philosophical work written to prove
3 N surround [cf.P.kut,]
kusyati, to embrace, the existence of a Supreme being, by Udayana Achirya,
burning, scorching, inflaming; wicked, detestable; consisting of seventy-two Karikas divided into five
^rf^ ku-safiva, as, m. (see i. ku), a chapters. — Kusumdnjali-makaranda, as, m. title
(us), m. fire ; the sun ; a monkey ; [cf. fmshahu.'] bad counsellor.
kushdru, us, m., N. of a man. of a commentary by Rucidatta on the preceding work.
*fi<i UasAir, ind. excellently; (forkuvit?). ku-sarit, t, f. (see i. ku), a shallow — Kusumdtmaka (fma-af), am, n. saffron.— Ku-
sumddhipa (°ma-adh°), as, m. 'the prince of
kushita, as, a, am, mixed with water kusalam, ind. well, happy, &c. ; lowers,' the champa, a tree which bears a yellow
fragrant flower, Michelia Champaka. — Kitsuma-
[cf. kus'ita] &c. ; (am), (more correctly kutala, q. v.)
auspicious, (?). n. happy, well, right, fortunate, dldrdj (°ma-adJi°), t, m. the same plant. -*Ku-
ku-sahdya, as, m, (see i. ku), & sumayiidha (°ma-dy°), as, m. ' flower-armed,' an
^•Hiif* kushitaka, as, m., Ved. a kind of jad companion. epithet of Kama, the god of love, his arrows being
bird ; N. of a man ; (as), m. pi. the descendants of tipped with flowers. — Kusiandvaidya (°ma-ax°),
this man. ku-sdrathi, is, m. (see i. ku), a as, m. gathering flowers. — Kusumdvatansaka (°ma-
Dad charioteer. av°), am, n. a chaplet, a crown of flowers. — Kueu-
ku-shida, as, a, am, indifferent, apa- mdvalt (°ma~av°), f. title of a medicinal work.
thetic, inert; (am), n. usury; (more correctly ku- kusita, as, m. (said to be fr. kus), — Kusumdsava (°ma-ds°), am, n. honey. — Ku-
stda.) an inhabited country ; N. of a country ; a money, umastra (°ma-as°), as, m. ' flower-arrowed,' epi-
in, t, m., N. of a teacher. ender(?), see kmlda. — Kusitdyl, f. the wife of a het of the god of love, w Kusumeshu (°ma-ishu),
money-lender (?); [cf. the following.] its, m.=kusumdstra above; (u), n. the bow of
l kushubhya, nom. P. knshubhyati, to Mma. — Kutumojjvala ^ma-uf), ae, d, am, bril-
kusiddyl, f. the wife of a Kusida, of iant with blossoms.
throw ; to abuse ; to despise. a money-lender (?), see kusiddyl; a kind of demon (?). Kusumaya,
,uce flowers, cause nom.toP.flower.
l-usiimayati, -yitum, to pro-
^J*H kushumbha, as, m., Ved. the poison- kusindha, am, n., Ved. a trunk.
bag of an insect. Kusumita, as, d, am, furnished with flowers,
kusimK, f. — simbt, owered, budded, in flower. — Kusumita-latd, (. or
«f17 kushtha, as or am, m. or n. (fr. i. ku td^velHtd, f.f N. of a metre consisting
and tthafj, a sort of medicinal plant (used as a remedy ku-s'ida, as, a, am (see I. ku), Ved, f four lines of eighteen syllables each.
for the disease called takman, q. v.), Costus Speciosus itting too long in one spot(?), lazy, slothful, inert; Kusumya, nom. P. kusumyati, to begin to flower.
or Arabicus ; a sort of poison ; leprosy, of which ant), n. any loan or thing lent to be repaid with
eighteen varieties are enumerated, seven severe and nterest; lending money; usury, the profession of 55*1100 kusumdla, as, m. a thief (fr. ku-
eleven of minor importance ; (a), f. the mouth or open- usury; (as, a), m. f. a money-lender, a usurer. ima + ala, ' living among flowers ?').
ing ofa basket. - Kuehtha-ketu, us, m., N. of a plant, Kusida-patlta, as, m. usury, usurious interest, kusumbha, as, am, m. n. (said to be
244 kusumbha-vat. kuta-stha.
fr. rt. kits), safflower, Carthamus Tinctorius ; saffron, roice-j ;
1 -•indistinct
Crocus Sativus; the water-pot of the student and kuharita, am, n. noise, a sound in I to «°_ utter
nil _with
>.L - sound
any soundsj_
&c. Caus.andkujayati
oin a- low
: /~t _*_• . T-*_
: Desid.
general ; especially the song or cry of the Kokila or
SannySsin ; (am), n. gold ; (as), m. outward affec- Indian cuckoo ; a sound uttered in copulation. dukujishati : Intens. tokujyate, t'ukukti.
tion, compared with the colour of safflower ; N. of a Kuja, as, m. rumbling (as of the bowels &c.) ;
mountain. — Kusumbha-vat, an, ati, at, furnished huhali, is, m. the leaf of the Piper cooing, murmuring, a warbling &c.
with a jar or water-pot. Betel (commonly called Pan) with small pieces of Kiijaka, as, ika, am, cooing, warbling, sounding, &c.
kusuruvinda or kusurubinda, as, the Areca-nut and Catechu and a little lime, which Knjat, an, anil, at, cooing, warbling, &c.
m., N. of a descendant of Uddalaka. are chewed and eaten by the people of the East and Kujana, am, n. rumbling of the bowels; the
especiallymonialoffered uttering of any inarticulate sound, cooing, moaning ;
Kusurnbinilu or kuguruvindu, us, in., N. of an ceremony. to the persons present at a matri- the rattling of wheels.
author of several verses of the VSjasaneyi-samhita.
kuha, f., N. of a plant, also called (am), Kiijita, as, a, am, uttered inarticulately, cooed, &c.;
^^A-USK, us, m. an earth-worm. n. the cry of a bird, cooing, warbling, &c.
Katukl.— Kuhd-vati, (. an epithet of the goddess Knjin, warbling.
i, inl, i, making a rumbling sound in the
DurgS. bowels;
*<Jrt kusiila, as, m., Ved. a kind of spiri-
tual or supernatural being; a granary &c. See ku-harlta, as, m. (see i. ku), N.
kus"ula. kut, cl. 10. P. kiitayati, to burn; to
of a man.
give pain, be distressed, to call, invite; to
ku-sriti, is, f. (see I. ku), evil con- counsel, advise ; A. kutayate, to avoid or decline
^ kuhu, us, f. the new moon ; N. of a
duct, wickedness, depravity ; conjuring, sleight-of-
river ; the cry of the Kokila ; [cf. /•'</<«.] giving, not to give ; to render indistinct or unin-
hand, magic ; (is, is, i), going evil ways, wicked. tel igible, tomuddle, to render confused or foul ; to
kustubha, as,' m. an epithet of kuhukuhaya (fr. kuhu-kuha for be distressed ; to despair ; [cf. Eng. heat, hot ; Old
kuha-kuha, where? where?), nom. A. kuhukuhd- Island, hiti, heitr; Germ, hitze, heist.]
Vishnu (derived fr. kaustubha t),
kustumbari, f. a pungent seed yate, to show one's admiration. "3JZ kiita, as, am, m. n. the bone of the
used in condiments, coriander. ^|T kuhu, us, f. (fr. kuh = guh ?), the new forehead with its projections or prominences, a horn ;
moon, personified as a daughter of Arrgiras; the the crown of the head ; any prominence or projec-
kustumbaru, us, m., N. of one of first day of the first quarter on which the moon rises tion (e.g. ansa-kuta, the hump of a buffalo ; akshi-
Kubera's attendants. invisible ; N. of one of the seven rivers of Plaksha- kuta, the prominence of the forehead above the eye) ;
dvipa; the cry or song of the Kokila or Indian summit, the peak or summit of a mountain ; summit,
ius/umiuru, us, m. (said to be fr. cuckoo. — Kuhu-kantha or kuhuka, as, m. the head, i. e. the highest, the most excellent, the first ;
i . Ten and tuniburu), the plant coriander ; (u), n. Kokila or Indian cuckoo, ic6KKv.~Kuhu-pdla, as, a heap, a multitude (e. g. alhra-kuta, a multitude of
the seed of this plant. m. the king of turtles, the tortoise supposed to up- clouds) ; a kind of vessel or implement ; a hammer,
ku-stri, f. (see i.lcu), a bad woman. m. thehold Kokila
the world. — Kuhu-mukha or kuhu^rava, as, an iron mallet ; part of a plough, a ploughshare, the
or Indian cuckoo. body of a plough ; a trap for catching deer ; a con-
kusmaya (fr. ku-smaya), nom. A. cealed weapon as a dagger in a wooden case, a sword-
kiismayate, to smile improperly ; to see mentally, <*grf kuhula,am, n. a pit filled with stakes. stick &c. ; illusion, fraud, trick, deceit; a roguish
guess ; to perceive, to imagine. kuhetlikd or kuhedl or kuhelika, f. scheme or plot ; a knotty point, a puzzling question,
an enigma, an obscure passage ; untruth, falsehood,
cfi*9M ku-svapna, as, m. (see i. ku), a bad a fog, a mist, haze, haziness. (or attributively) false, untrue ; vile, low ; uniform
dream, a nightmare. ku-hvdna, am, n. (see i. ku), a dis- substance (as the ethereal element &c.); a water-
jar ; a kind of plant ; (as, t), m. f. a house, a
^jW IIV «TN ku-svamin, t, m. (see i. ku), a agreeable noise.
bad master. dwelling [cf. kuta and kutt]; (as), m. an epithet of
3j i. ku or ku, cl, 2. P. kauti, kavlti, or Agastya ; (as, a, am), Ved. not homed or cornuted,
kuh, cl. 10. A. kuhayate, -yitum, to Csd. i. A. kavate, or cl. 6. A. kuvate, or cl. 9. as an animal with incomplete continuations of the
surprise, astonish; to excite wonder, to cheat, P. A. kundti, -ntte, or kundti, -mte, (ukdiia, &c., bone of the forehead ; (as), m. an ox whose horns
to deceive by trickery or jugglery, impose upon to sound, make a noise, cry out ; to move : Caus. are broken. — Kuta-kdra, at, m. a rogue, a cheat, a
(related to guh f). Tidvayati : Desid. fiikushati, -te : Intens. fokuyate false witness. — Suta-karaka, as, ika, am, a rogue,
I. kuha, at, m. an epithet of Kuvera; a rogue, a or kokiiyate, to cry aloud ; [cf. Gr. KUKUW.] a cheat, a false witness. — Kfita-krit, t, t, t, cheating,
cheat (in a-kuha, q. v.). <R 2. ku, us, f. a female Pisada or goblin. committing a fraud, bribing ; (t), m. a KSyastha or
Kuhaka, as, a, am, cheating, a cheat, a rogue, a man of the writer-caste ; an epithet of Siva. — Kuta-
juggler ; (as), m. a frog ; N. of a king of the serpent-
kukuda, as, m. one who gives a girl /;/""/;/", as, m. a hidden sword, a sword-stick.
nee ; (am, a), n. f. juggling, deception, sleight-of- in marriage with due ceremony and suitable decora-
tions. — Kuta-grantha, title of a work supposed to be
hand, legerdemain. — Kuhaka-lcdra, of, », am, or written by VySsa. — Kuta-ffhadman, d, m. a rogue,
knhaka-kdraka, as, ika, am, or knhuka-kdrin, «fW kuta, as, m. a breast; the female a cheat. -• Kuta-td, (. or Icuta-tva, am, n. falsehood,
>, irfi, i, practising jugglery or conjuring, cheating. fraud. — Kuta-tula, f. a false pair of scales. — Kuta-
— Kuhaka-fakfta, as, a, am, afraid of a trick, breast, especially that of a young or unmarried dharma, as, d, am, (a country or house) where
suspicious, cautious, wary. — Knhaka-fmn, i, ini, i, woman ; [cf. /£U<fa.] falsehood is considered a duty. — Kuta-j jarra or
living by sleight-of-hand, a conjurer, a cheat, &c. kufaka, f. the milky juice of a kuta-purva, as, m. fever occurring in an elephant
— Kuhaka-vritti, is, f. juggling, conjuring, sleight- from vitiation of the three humors ; (more correctly
of-hand ; hypocrisy. bulbous plant ; [? cf.askurfikd.'] kuta-purva.) — Kiita-pdlaka, as, m. a bilious fever ;
Kuhana, as, a, am, envious, hypocritical ; (as), kufakra, or am ? m. or n. ? (for
a potter's kiln. — Kuta-pd^a, as, m. a trap. — Kuta-
m. a mouse, a rat ; a snake ; N. of a man ; (a), f. ku-dakra), Ved. the female breast. bandha, as, m. a trap. •- Kuta^mdna, am, n. a
hypocrisy ; assumed and false sanctity ; the interested ku6avara,as, m.(?), N.of aregion; false measure or weight. — Kuta-mudgara, as, m.
performance of religious austerities ; (am), n. a small also of a man. a concealed weapon similar to a hammer. — Kuta-
earthen vessel ; a glass vessel. mohana, at, m. an epithet of Skanda. — Kuta-
Knhnnikd, f. hypocrisy &c. ; [cf. the preceding.] «pq«lil kutika, f. a small brush or hair- yantra, am, n. a trap or snare for deer, birds, &c.
^? 2. kuha, ind. (fr. i. ku), Ved. where? pencil; a key; [cf. ku<!i and kiir(ikd.~\ — Ku/a-yiiddha, am, n. a treacherous or unfair
battle ; (at, d, am), fighting treacherously. — Kuta-
kuha till, wherever, anywhere, somewhere, to any \ kiifid-arthin, /, ini, i (for ku- yodhin, I, ini, i, fighting unfairly or treacherously.
place. — Kuhafid-md, t, t, t, Ved. being everywhere. did-ar°), Ved. striving to get everywhere; (SSy.) — Kitta-raSand, f. a laid trap. — Kuta-tfax, ind. in
Kulutyd, ind., Ved. where ?- Kuhaya-lcriti, it, seeking (oblations) from any quarter. heaps, in multitudes, by crowds. — Kuta-ddlmali, is,
it, i, Ved. where active ?
m. f. or ika, f. a fabulous cotton-plant with sharp
kuhaka-svana or kuhaka-svara, kufi, i. a paint brush, a pencil ; [cf. thorns, with which the wicked are tortured in the
at, m. (kuhaka, being here an onomatopoetic word), kutikd and iiiri'iia.] world of Yama ; a species of the Simul silk-cotton
a wild cock, Phasianus Gallus. kutthalinaa, au, m. du. =. ku- tree. — Kuta-ftdnana, am, n. a forged or false grant
kundara, q. v. or decree. — Kuta-daila, as, m., N. of a mountain.
kuhara, as, m. (fr. kuh = guh?), N. — Kuta-sdkshin, i, m. a false witness. — Kuta-stha,
of a serpent belonging to the KrodhavaSa race; kuj, cl. i . P. kujati, 6ukiija, kujitum, at, a, am, standing at the top, keeping the highest
(own), n. a cavity, hollow; a hole, rent; the ear; to make any inarticulate or monotonous position ; standing in a multitude, standing in the
the throat or larynx ; a guttural sound ; proximity ; sound, to utter a cry as a bird, to coo as a pigeon, midst ; (in phil.) immovable, uniform, unchangeable,
copulation. to caw as a crow, to warble ; to moan, groan, &c. ; perpetually and universally the same, as the soul,
spirit, space, ether, sound, &c. ; (am), n. a sort of ^KJK kiipusha, am, n. the bladder. eighteen PurSnas. — Kurma-prishtha, am, n. the
perfume, a species of dried shell-fish, commonly back or shell of a tortoise ; (o«), m. globe-amaranth,
Nakhi ; the soul. — Kutastha-td, f. or kutastha- <*«n, kubara, or in the later language Gomphrena Globosa. — KHrma-priMhalia, am, n.
tva, am, n. unchangeableness, uniformity. — Kuta- generally kuvara, as, i, am, m. f. n. the pole of a the cover of a dish, a lid. — Kurmaprishthdsthi
svarna, am, n. alloyed or counterfeit gold. — Kutd- carriage or the wooden frame to which the yoke is
ksha (°ta-ak°), as, m. loaded or false dice. — Kiitd- fixed ; (t), f. a carriage covered with a cloth or blanket ; (°tha-un°), as, d, am, raised or elevated like the
gdra (°ta-dg°), am, n. an upper room, an apartment (as), m. a hump-backed man ; (as, i, am), beautiful, back of a tortoise. — Kurma-rdja, as, m. the king
on the top of a house. — Kutdrtha (°(a-ar^), as, agreeable, pleasing. of turtles, the tortoise supposed to uphold the world.
m. ambiguity of meaning, fiction. — Kutdrtha-bhd- Kubarin or kuvarin, i, m. a carriage. — Kurmdvatdra (°ma-av°), as, m. the tortoise
shitd, (., scil. katha, a tale, a story, a fiction. — Ki- incarnation (of Vishnu).
^? kuma, am, n. a lake, a pond, a pool.
topdya (°ta-up°), as, m. trick, fraud, stratagem. 'WTR kiirmi. See tuvi-kurmi.
Kutaka, am, n. elevation, prominence, projection ; OMI *l^ ku-manas, as, as, as (for ku-manas,
the body of a plough (i. e. the wood without the see I . leu), Ved. wicked-minded. i. kul, cl. i. P. kulati, -litum, to
ploughshare and pole) ; a ploughshare ; illusion, fraud, x cover, hide, screen, protect ; to enclose ;
untruth, deceit ; (as, d, am), fraudulent, unfair ; (as), , as, m. boiled rice. to keep off, obstruct ; [cf. Gr. Ku\tw.]
m., N. of a mountain ; a braid or tress of hair ; a kurkura, as, m., N. of a demon who Kula, am, n. a declivity, slope ; a shore, a
perfume ; see murd. — Kutakdkhydna (°ka-dkh°), bank ; a heap, a mound ; a pond or pool ; the rear
persecutes children (perhaps cough or some similar
am, n. an invented tale. disease personified). of an army ; N. of a region ; [cf. aja-kuld, anu-
kula, utkula, &c.; cf. also Hib. ml, ' custody,
<££'H kutaja, as, m. the plant Wrightia ^^ kurta, as, am, m. n. a bunch of any- guard, defence, the back part of anything ;' col, ' an
Antidysenterica ; [cf. kutaja.'] thing, abundle of grass &c. (often used as a seat); a impediment;' Lat. colliif]. — KUlan-kasha, as, d,
^j j kud, cl. 6. P. kudati, -ditum, to eat ; am, carrying or tearing away the bank ; (as), m. the
handful of KuSa grass or peacock's feathers ; certain ocean, the sea; the stream or current of a river; (a),
C\\ to graze ; to become firm or fat or solid. parts of the human body, as the hands, feet, neck,
and the membrum virile ; the upper part of the nose, f. a river. — Kula-dara, as, i, am, frequenting the
kudya, am, n. a wall, = kudya. the part between the eyebrows ; the beard ; the tip banks of rivers, grazing there &c.—Kula-bhu, us,
k«n, cl. 10. P. A. kunayati, -te, of the thumb and middle finger brought in contact so f. a bank, the land upon the bank or shore. » Eft-
-yitum, to draw together, contract, close. as to pinch &c. ; deceit, fraud, circumvention ; false lam-udruja, as, d, am, breaking down banks, as a
Kunita, as, d, am, contracted, shut, closed. river &c. — Kulam-udvaha, as, a, am, carrying or
praise, unmerited commendation either of one's self
— Kunitekshana ("ta-ik°), as, m. a hawk. or another person, boasting, flattery; hypocrisy; tearing away the bank, as a river &c. — Kula-vat,
kunaku66ha, as, m., N. of one of hardness, solidity ; the mystical syllable hum; (as), an, alt, at, furnished with shores ; (ti), f. a river.
— Kula-haydaka, as, m. an eddy.
Siva's attendants.
m. the head ; a store-room. — Kurfa-s'iras, as, n. the Xulaka, as or am, m. or n. a bank, shore, dyke ;
upper part of the palm of the hand and foot ; the heel.
f kuni, is, is, i, crooked-armed, having — Kurda-firsJia or kurta-dirshaka, as, m., N. of a mound of earth, a heap, a pile ; (as), m. an ant-
a curved or withered arm ; [cf. kuni.] a plant, a drug, commonly called Jivaka, one of the hill ;(am), n. the plant Trichosanthes Diceca.
KiiUn, I, im, i, furnished with banks or shores ;
•*Tiil<*l kunika, {. the horn of any animal ; eighttheprincipal
m. cocoa-nutmedicaments. — Kurfa-s'ekhara,
tree. — Kurdd-mukha, as, m., as,
the peg of a lute ; [cf. kalikdJ] of a Rishi. (ini),
Kiilya, f. a as,river.d, am, Ved. belonging to a bank or
Kur6dka, as, m. a bushel ; a brush for cleaning shore.
«K^X kudara, as, m. the offspring of a
BrShman woman by a Rishi, begotten during men- the teeth, a painter's brush &c. ; certain parts of the 2- kul or kud, cl. IO. P., Ved. kula-
struation. human body [cf. the preceding] ; (ikd), f. a painting
brush or pencil ; a key ; a needle ; a bud, a blossom ; x, yati, -yitum, to burn, scorch.
kulika, as, m., N. of a prince ; (a),
^ kudi, f., Ved. a fetter for the feet. inspissated milk; (am), n. in tri-kurdaka, scil.
— Kudi-maya, as, t, am, consisting of a fetter. tattra, a three-edged sword. f. the bottom or lower part of the Indian lute.
Kurdakin, t, ini, i, stuffed, puffy.
onjeipi kudddla, as, m. mountain ebony, kuvara. See kubara.
Bauhinia Variegata ; [cf. kudddla.] "J^rt kuri!ala, as, m.(?) an animal teething
for the second time. kuvara, as, m. the ocean. See ku-
kup, cl. 10. P. kiipayati, -yitum, to para and akupdra.
be weak, to weaken. jjg kiird and kurd, cl. i. P. A. kurdati,
c'-x- -te, dukiirde, kurdishyate, akurdishta, tji^HUJi kushmdnda, as, m. a kind of
«M kupa, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. 3. kuj kurditum, to leap, jump ; to play ; [cf. Lat. ludo?]. pumpkin-gourd, Benincasa Cerifera ; a kind of spirit
according to others perhaps fr. I. ktt and ap; Kiirda, as, m. a jump ; N. of a Saman. or imp, of which there exists a Gana or class ; a kind
cf. antipa, dvipa), a hole, a hollow, a cave; a Kurdana, am, n. leaping ; playing, sport, pastime ; of spell or magical formula ; (i), f. a kind of plant
well; a post to which a boat or ship is moored; (1), f. the day of full moon in the month Caitra ; a [cf. oshadhi] ; N. of the goddess DurgS ; N. of
a mast (?) ; a tree or rock in the midst of a river ; a festival in honour of K3ma-deva or the god of love, several verses of the Yajur-veda.
leather oil vessel ; (i), f. a small well ; the navel ; a held on the day of full moon in the month Caitra. Kushmdniiaka, as, m. a kind of pumpkin-gourd,
flask, a bottle ; [cf. Gr. Kifan).] — Kupa-kaMhapa, oliM kurpa, am, n. the space between the tendants. Benincasa Cerifera Savi ; N. of one of Siva's at-
as, m. a tortoise in a well ; (metaphorically) a man eyebrows; [cf. Jcurda.] mdnda.]
without experience, who has seen nothing of the Kushmdndfnl, f., N. of a goddess ; [cf. kush-
world. — Kupa-kdra, as, m. a well-digger. — Rupa- <£vn.kvrpara, as, d, m. f. the elbow ; the
khd, as, m. (rt. khan}, Ved. a well-digger. — Kupa- knee. <*^«HI kiihana, f. hypocrisy, affectation of
ja, as, m. hair. — Kupa-jala, am, n. well-water, cd3l*f kurpasa, as, m. a cuirass or quilted religious zeal or austerity ; [cf. kuhand.]
spring-water. — Kupa-dardura or kupa-manduka,
as, m. a frog in a well, applied to a person of no ex- jacket worn as armour. o|T?T kuha, f. a fog, a mist, = kujjhatika.
perience and enterprise, one who never leaves home. Kurpdsaka, as, am, m. n. a bodice, a jacket
with short sleeves worn next the body, especially by g- i . kri. The conjugational tenses are
— Kupa-rdjya, am, n., N. of a country. — Ku- women. t, formed in the Veda according to four different
pdnka, or kupdnga (°pa-an°), as, m. horripilation, methods, as follows: I) According to the rule for
erection of the hairs of the body. — Kupodaka (°pa- »w kurma, as, m. a tortoise, a turtle ; the cl. 1, Pres. 2nd sing. P. karehi, du. krithas, pi.
>uf ), am, n. well-water. earth considered as a tortoise swimming on the kritha ; A. kriehe; Impf. and sing. P.akar, 3rd akar
Kupaka, as, m. a hole, a hollow, a cave ; the waters ; a particular gesticulation with the fingers ; and akat; jrd du. akartdm; pi. altarma, akarta,
hollow below the loins ; a well, a temporary well, a one of the outer winds of the body ; N. of a serpent akran; A. akri, akrithds, akrita, akrdtdm,
hole dug for water in the dry bed of a rivulet ; a or Kadraveya king ; the second incarnation of Vishnu, akrata ; Impv. P. kridhi, krilam, krita ; A. krishva,
stake &c. to which a boat is moored ; the mast of his descent in the form of a tortoise to support the kridkvam: Let, 2nd and 3rd sing, kar, pi. karma,
a vessel ; a rock or tree in the midst of a river ; mountain Mandara at the churning of the ocean ; N. karta and kartana, kran; A. 3rd sing, krita; 3rd
a funeral pile; a hole dug under a funeral pile; a of a son of Gritsa-mada, author of several hymns of pi. kranta: Pot. kriyama; Part. nom. pi. m.
leather oil vessel ; (ikd), (. a stone or rock in the the Rig-veda; (i), f. a female tortoise; [cf. Gr. krantas; A. krana. II) According to the rule
middle of a stream.
Kupya, as, d, am, being in a hole or well. K\eti.nvs, xe/Al", X'**"1"!'] ~ Kiirma-dakra, am, for cl. i, Pres. P. karasi, karati, karathas, kara-
n. an astrological diagram. — Kurma-pitta, am, n. tas, karanti; A. karase, karate, kardmahe;
the bilious humor of a tortoise. — Kurma-purdna, Impf. akaram, akaras, akarat; Impf. kara,
^*Tt^ kupada, as, m. = kiikuda, q. v. am, n. the PurSna of the tortoise incarnation (one of karatam, karatdm : Let, karam, kardni, karas,
•*MH, kupdra, as, m. the ocean,= akupara. the incarnations of Vishnu) or the fifteenth of the karat, kardma, karan; A. kardmahai; Part.
246 '*rtfS8 fefita-dvishta.
karantl. Ill) According to the rule for cl. 5, Pres. this root is connected, as in the following exam- done, kind action, benefit ; consequence, result ; aim,
P. itrinomi, &c. ; A. kriitre, du. krinvaite ; Impf. ples : nakhyam kri, to contract friendship with ; object, design ; stake at a game ; prize or booty
P. akrinavam, Sec., and pi. akrinuta and akri no- pujdm kri, to honour ; rdjyam kri, to reign ; gained in battle ; N. of the die or of the side of a die
tana; A. 3rd sing, akrinuta ; Impv. P. krinu sneftam kri, to show affection ; ajnam or nidedam marked with four points; (according to some) the
or krinahi or krinutdt, kHnotu ; krinutam, or ddsanam or kdtnain or ydfandnt or vafah or collective name of the four dice in opposition to the
krinutam; krinuta, or krinota or krinotana ; fifth die, called kali; N. of the first of the four ages
vafanam or vakyam kri, to perform any one's
krintantu; A. Icrimuhmi, krinutam, krinvathdm, command or wish or request &c. ; dharmam kri, to of the world (also called xatya or ' the golden age')
krinudhvam : Let, krinavas, fcrinarat and fcrfoa- do one's duty ; nakhdni kri, to clean one's nails ; comprehending together with the morning and even-
»o<, itniini'afa, Irtyarama, krinardtha, krinava- udakam or ealilam kri, to offer a libation to the ing dawn 4,800 years of men, according to the
dead, to perform ablutions Sec.; astrdni kri, to MahS-bhSrata ; but according to the Puranas 4,800
tha, krinavan; A. fytnamt*, krinavase, krina- practice the use of weapons ; darduram kri, to play years of the gods, or 1,718000 years of men.
vate, krinavmahai, krinavdmahai, 3rd pi. kriiia-
vanta or krinavante or krinvata: Pot.A.krinvita; on the flute; dandam kri, to inflict punishment &c.; — fCrita-kapata, as, d, am, deceiving, beguiling,
Part. P. kritirat, A. Irtnrona. IV) According to svaram kri, to utter a sound ; s'abdam kri, to make fraudulent. — Krita-kartavya, as, d, am, one who
the rule for cl. 8, (this is the usual formation in the has performed what was to be done, who has
a noise ; kalam kri, to bring one's time to an end,
Brahmanas, Sutras, and in classical Sanskrit), Pres. i. e. to die ; tiratn kri, to be long in doing any- done his duty; having done or discharged one's
P. karomi (ep. kurmi), karoshi, SK., kurmas ; A. thing, to delay ; manaei kri, to take to heart, to duty. — Krita-karman, d, d,a, one who has done
kurve; Impf. P. akaravam ; A. 3rd sing, akuruta; mind, to determine, resolve upon ; manasd kri, to his work or duty ; skilful, clever, able. — Krita-kalpa,
Impv. P. kuru, karotu (in the earlier language for place in one's mind, think of, meditate; hridi as, a, am, one who knows the customary rites.
and and 3rd sing, kumtdt), kumta or kurmtana; kri, to place in the heart, remember ; vote kri, to — KHta-kdma, as, d, am, one whose desire is
A. kurushva, kurudkvam, kurvatdm: Let, P. place in subjection, become master of; dirasd kri, attained or fulfilled. — Krita-kdrya, am, n. an
karavdni, karavas, karavdt, &c. ; A. karavai, attained object ; (a«, a, am), one who has done his
to place on the head ; murdhnd kri, to place on one's
knruthas, karavdvahai (ep. karavdvahe), kara- head, to obey, to honour : Caus. kdrayati, -le, -yi- work or obtained his object ; one who has no need of
vaithe, karavaite, karavdmahai (ep. karavd- *, to cause to act or do, to cause another to perform, another person's aid (with inst.). — Krita-kdla, as,
mahe)'- Pot. P. kurydm, A. kurviya; Part. P. to have anything made or done by another (with ace. m. appointed time ; (as, d, am), fixed, settled as to
kiir tut, A. ifcitrcana : Perf. P. i!akara, (akartha, or double ace., e. g. sabhdm kdritavdn, he caused time ; sent, deposited &c. for a certain time ; one
&c.; A. dakre, Sec.; Part. P. dakrivas (Ace. sing. an assembly to be made ; rdja-dartonam mam who has accomplished a certain time, who has waited
Ved. takrusham); tt..(akrana; and Put. tarts hyati, kdraya, cause me to have an audience of the king ; a certain time. — Krita-kiirMhaka, as, d, am, tied
Let, and sing, karishyds; 1st Put. karta; Free. bdnijyam kdrayed vaityam, he ought to cause the up as a small bundle or brush. — Krita-kritya, am,
kriydsam; Aor. P., Ved. cakaram, afakriran, Vaisya to engage in trade ; or with ace. and inst., n. what has been done and what is to be done ; an
atakrat ; A. krishe ; Class, akdnhlt (poet, aia- e. g. na iakihyami kiiMt kdrayttxm tvayd, attained object; (as, d, am), having successfully
raxhlt); Pass. Aor. reflex. a£<rri and akrita; Inf. I shall not be able to have anything done by thee) ; accomplished a business ; one who has accomplished
kartum; Ved. kartave, kartavai, kartos; Ind. to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate; to or attained any object or purpose ; contented, satis-
Part, itrftva, Ved. kritm and kritvdya; to do, cause to place or put, to have anything placed, put fied; clever. — Kritakritya-td, f. or kritakritya-
make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, upon, &c. (e. g. tarn (itra-patam vdsa-grihe tva, am, n. the full discharge of any duty or realisa-
undertake ; to do anything for the advantage or injury bltittdv akdrayat, he had the picture placed OB the tion of any object, accomplishment, attainment,
of another (with gen. or loc. of the person) ; to wall in his house). Sometimes the Caus. of kri is success. — Krita-koti, is, m., N. of a Kasyapa ; an
execute, carry out (as an order or command) ; to used for the simple verb or without a causal significa- epithet of Upavarsha. — Krita-kopa, as, i, am,
manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build ; to tion (e.g. padam kdrayati, he pronounces a word angry, indignant. — Kriia-kautuka, as, I, am,
form, construct one thing out of another (with abl. &c.; mithyd kdrayati, he pronounces wrongly; playful. — Krita-kraya, as, m. a purchaser, a buyer.
or inst. of the thing) ; to compose, describe ; to Kaikeglm arm rdjdnam kdraya, treat or deal with — Krita-kriya, as, d, am, one who has finished or
cultivate ; to make a sound, utter, pronounce (often Kaikeyi as the king does) : Desid. diklrshati, -te, to accomplished any object in which he is engaged ;
in comp. with the sounds ptuit, phut, bhan, rashat, wish to make or do ; to intend to do, to design, one who has attained his end or object ; one who
evadhd, naha, him); to employ, use; to make intend, begin, strive after; to wish to sacrifice or has fulfilled his duty or performed a religious cere-
use of (with inst.) ; to accomplish any period, bring worship : Intens. tfarkarti, tarikarti, farikarti, mony. "Krita-krudha, as, d, am, angry, resentful.
to completion, spend (e. g. rarsham data fakruh, <!arkarlti, 6arikarlti, darlkanti, dekrlyate, Ved. — Krila-kshana, as, d, am, one who is waiting
they spent ten years; kshanam kuru, wait a mo- 3rd pi. kartkrati, to do repeatedly; [cf. Hib. caraim, for the exact moment, one who waits impatiently for
ment) ;to place, put, lay, bring, lead, to take hold ' I perform, execute ;' ceard, ' an art, trade, business, a person or thing, (with prati or with the inf. or
of (with ace. or loc. or inst., e. g. artUtain kri, to function ;' sucridh, ' easy ;' Cambro-Brit. creu, ' to at the end of a comp., e. g. krita-kshandham te
win over to one's own side or party; hastt or pdnau, form;' Island, gerdh, 'action;' Old Germ, kara- gamanam prati, I am waiting impatiently for thy
kri, to take by the hand, to marry ; hridayena kri, irun, ' to prepare ;' Mod. Germ, gar, ' prepared (as going; te bhiimim gantttm krita-kshandh, they
to place in one's heart, love) ; to direct the thoughts, are waiting for the time to proceed to the earth) ;
food) ;' Lat. creo, ccermvmia, are (for care) ; Gr.
mind &c. (manah or matim or buddhim or bhd- Kpatvw, tepdvos.] (as), m., N. of a prince. — Krita-gJidta-yatna, as,
vam Sic.) towards any object, turn the attention to, I. krit, t, t, t, making, doing, performing, accom- d, am, making efforts to slay, one who tries to kill.
resolve upon, determine on (with loc., dat., or inf. plishing, effecting, manufacturing, acting ; one who — Krita-gkna, as, i, am, destroying past trans-
of the object, e. g. ma ioke manah krithdh, do not accomplishes or performs anything, an author ; often actions or (benefits) done, unmindful of (services)
turn your mind to grief; gamanaya matim (akre, occurring at the end of compounds, see sii-krit, tendered, recompensing evil for good, not acknow-
he resolved upon going ; aldbum srasli(um takre, karma-krit, pdpa-krit, &c. ; (t), m. an affix used ledging good offices or benefits received, ungrateful ;
he resolved to create a gourd) ; to consider, turn in to form nouns from roots ; a noun formed with this defeating or rendering vain all previous measures.
the mind, think ; to make, to render (with two ace., affix. — Krid-anta, as, m. a word ending with a — Kritaghna-ta, f. or kritaghtta-tva, am, n. ia-
e. g. ddityam kdshthdm akurratu, they made the Krit affix (such a word would be called by Panini gratitude. — Krita-iOida, as, m. a boy on whom the
sun their goal); to procure for another, bestow, simply krit). — Kril-lopa, as, m. the rejection of a ceremony of tonsure has been performed. •» Krita-
Krit affix. (etas,di, m., N. of a Brahman. — Knta-tthidra, f.
grant ; A. to procure for one's self, appropriate,
assume; to give aid, help any one to perform an Krita, as, a, am, done, made, accomplished, per- the plant Lufla Acutangula. — Krita-janman, a, a, a,
action ; to make liable ; to injure, violate (e. g. formed ; prepared, made ready ; obtained, gained, born, produced, generated. — Krita-jna, as, d, am,
kanydm kri, to violate a maiden); to appoint, acquired ; placed at hand ; well done, proper, good. remembering past transactions, mindful of former aid
institute ; to give an order, commission ; to cause to The preceding senses are mostly found in the Veda ; or favours, grateful ; observing propriety, correct
get rid of, free from (with abl.) ; to begin (e. g. the numerous other senses found in classical writers in conduct; (as), m. a dog; an epithet of Siva.
cdkre idbhayitum purim, he began to adorn the may be inferred from the meanings of the rt. kri — Krilajna-td, f. or kritajna-tva,am, n. gratitude.
city) ; to proceed with, put in practice ; to worship, above. The neuter of krita is used with saha — Kritan-jaya, as, m., N. of the seventeenth
sacrifice ; (with numeral adverbs ending in dhd) or with the inst. alone in the sense of ' done with,' Vyasa ; also of a prince. — Krita-tanutrdiM, as, d,
to divide, separate, or break up into parts, e. g. ' away with,' ' enough of,' ' no need of,' &c. (e. g. am, mailed, having covered one's self with armour.
dvi dhd kri, to divide into two parts ; sahasradhd kritam sandehena, away with doubt ; kritam — Krita-lirtka, ae, m. one who has visited holy
kri, to break into a thousand pieces ; (with adverbs parihdsena, enough of joking). Krita is often places &c., one who frequents them ; a guide ; an
ending in vat) to make like or similar, to consider found at the end of a compound, e. g. piirva-krita, adviser, one fertile in expedients. — Krita-trd, f., N.
equivalent, e. g. rajyam trinavat kriti-d, valuing done formerly; janmdntara-krita, done in a former of a plant, = trdyamand. — Krita-tva, am, n. the
the kingdom like a straw ; (with adverbs ending in state of existence ; (as), m., N. of one of the ViSva- state of being done or effected. — Krita-ddra, as, d,
tat) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make devas ; of a son of Vasu-deva ; of a son of Sannati am, married ; [cf. ddrakriyd.] — Krita-ddsa, as,
snbject, e. gr bhasmasdt kri, to reduce to ashes ; m. one who offers himself as a servant for a certain
and pupil of Hiranya-nabha ; of a son of Krita-ratha
atmaxat kri, to subject to one's self. The above and father of Vibudha ; of a son of Jaya and father time, a self-engaged servant, a hired servant. — Krita-
senses of jfert may be variously modified or almost of Haryavana ; of a son of Cyavana and father of dyuti, is, (., N. of the wife of king Citraketu.
infinitely extended according to the noun with which UparWara; (am), n. deed, work, action; service — Krita-dmshta, as, d, am, Ved. angry with the
krita-dhanvan. kritahvana.
doings of another person. — Krita-dkanmn, a, m., mkdra or krita-vikriya, as, d, am, altered, changed. respect. — Kritdnukara fta-an"), at, i, am, imi-
N. of a son of Kanaka. — Krita-dhi, is, is, i, — Kr ita-vikrama, as, d, am, displaying valour, tating what has been done by another, following
prudent, considerate ; learned, educated. — Krita- making vigorous efforts. — Krita~viflya, as, d, am, another's example, subservient, not independent.
dhvansa, as, a, am, defeated, overpowered ; injured, one who has acquired knowledge, well informed, — Kritdnukulya fta-an°), as, d, am, compliant,
destroyed ; destroying past transactions ; [cf. krita- scientific, a philosopher. — Krita-vivdha, as, d, am, kind, favouring. — Kritdnukrita (°ta-an°), am, n.
ghna.] — Krita-dhvaja, as, d, am, Ved. furnished married.— Krita-vfemaya, as, d, am, astonished, that which is done before and after. — Kritdnuvyd-
with banners ; (as), m., N. of a prince, a son of astonishing. — Krita-wrya, as, d, am, being strong dha (°ta-an°), as, d, am, mixed, combined, united.
Dharma-dhvaja. — Krita-dhvasta, as, a, am, lost or powerful ; (as), m., N. of a prince, a son of — Kritdnusdra (°ta-an°),as,m. established practice,
after being once possessed or acquired. — Krita- Kanaka or Dhanaka and father of Arjuna. — Krita- usage, custom, rate. — Kritdnta (°ta-an°), as, d,
iwkhii, as, d, am, one who has cleaned his nails. vega, as, m., N. of a prince. — Krita-vetana, as, a, am, causing an end, bringing to an end, leading to
am, one who receives wages, a hired servant or any decisive termination ; whose end is action ; (as),
— Krita-nds'aka, as, i, am, ungrateful ; [cf. krita-
ghna.] — Krita-nityakriya, as, d, am, having duly labourer. — Krita-vcdin, I, ini, i, grateful, observ- m. destiny, fate ; the inevitable result of actions done
attended to the daily religious observances. — Krita- ant of propriety, knowing what is correct ; see Icrita- in a past existence; a N. of Yama, the god of death,
nirrtejana, as, m. a penitent, one who has per- jna. — Krita-vedhaka or krita-vedhana, as, m. a (he is son of Surya and regent of the dead) ; death
formed penance or made expiation. — Krita-niitaya, plant, a sort of Ghosha with white flowers. — Krita- personified ; a demonstrated conclusion, a dogma, a
as, d, am, one who has made a resolution, resolved, vepathu, us, us, u, trembling. — Krita-veda, as, d, proved or established doctrine ; a sinful or inauspicious
determined ; confident, sure, certain. -• Krita^parva, am, attired, ornamented, decorated. •« KHta-vya- action ; Saturday, * closing the week,' considered as an
am, n.(?) the golden age of the world. — Krita- dhana, as, d, am, Ved. having weapons, aimed. unlucky day; (o), f. a kind of perfume, [cf. renukd.]
paffdUdpa, as, d, am, showing regret or penitence. — Krita-vyalika, as, d, am, annoyed, vexed, — Kritdnta-janaka, as, m. a N. of the sun, as
— Krita-punkha, as, d, am, ' one who has fixed irritated. — Krita-vrata, as, m., N. of a pupil of father of Yama. — Kritdrma, (°ta-an.°), am, n. pre-
Loma-harshana. — Krita-s'akti, is, is, i, putting pared or cooked food ; digested food, excrement ; (as,
the feathers of his arrows,' skilled in archery. — Krita-
punya, as, d, am, accomplished in virtuous acts. forth one's strength or courage. •• Krita-dastra- a, am), eating. —Kritdpakdra (°ta-ap°), as,d,am,
— Krita-purva, as, d, am, done formerly. — Kriia- niffframa, as, d, am, exercised in arms. — Krita- injured, wronged; discomfited, overpowered; doing
pHrmi-nds'ana, am, n. forgetting past services, in- Mlpa, as, d, am, one who has learned his art or is wrong, offending. — Kritdpakrita (°ta-ap°), as, d,
gratitude ; [c& Tcrita-gJma. ] — Krita-purvin, i, skilled in his own trade. — Krita-idbha, as, d, am, am, done for and against. — Kritdpaddna (ta-ap°),
ini, i, one by whom anything was formerly done. splendid, brilliant; beautiful, beautified; dexterous, as, d, am, completing a great or noble work.
— Krita-paurusha, as, a, am, behaving gallantly. handy. — KHta-s"auda, as, d, am, purified, cleansed, — Kritdparddha (°ta-ap°), as, a, dm, guilty, cul-
— Krita-prandma, as, d, am, making obeisance, freed from bodily impurities, released from conven- pable, an offender. — Kritdbhaya (°ta-abh°), as, d,
saluting. — Krita-pratikrita, am, n. assault and tional defilement &c. — Krita-drama, as, d, am,
am, saved from leai. — Kritdbharana (°ta-a6A°),
counter-assault ; attack and resistance ; retaliation one who has made great exertions, painstaking, as, d, am, adorned, decorated. — Kritdbhisarana-
for an assault. — Krita-pratijna, as, a, am, ful- laborious ; (as), m., N. of a Muni. — Krita-sam- •ees'a (°ta-alih°), as, d, am, attired in the dress of a
filling a promise or agreement. — Krita-prayatna, sarga, as, d, am, brought into contact, united. maiden who goes to meet her lover. — Kritdbhtsheka
as, d, am, making effort, active, industrious, per- — Krita-sanskdra, as, d, am, initiated, one who has (°ta-abh°), as, d, am, sprinkled, inaugurated ; (as),
severing. —Krita-phala, as, d, am, successful, undergone all the purificatory ceremonies. — Krita- m. a prince &c. who has been inaugurated. — Kritd-
fruitful ; (am), n. result, consequence of an act ; a sankalpa, as, d, am, one who has made a resolu-
bhydsa (°ta-abh°), as, d, am, trained, exercised,
poisonous substance ; (a), f., N. of a plant ; [cf. kola- tion. — Krita-sanketa, as, d, am, making an practised. — Kritdya (°ta-aya), as, m. the die called
agreement or appointment. — Krita-sanjna, as, d, Krita. — Kritdydaa fta-dy°), as, d, am, labouring,
s'imbi.'} — Krita-bandhu, its, m., N. of a prince.
— Krita-ba.hu, us, us, u, laying hands upon, touch- am, one who never loses his self-consciousness, one suffering. — Kritdrgha (°ta-ar°), as, m., N. of the
ing. —Krita-buddhi, is, is, i, one who has made who has presence of mind ; aroused ; restored to nineteenth Arhat of the past Utsarpinl. — Kritdr-
a resolution, a man of resolute or firm character ; consciousness or animation ; distinguished by appro-
tandda (°ta-dr°), as, d, am, making cries of pain.
resolved ; informed of one's duty, one who knows priate marks, devices, &c. — Krita-sanndha, as, — Kritdrtha (°ta-ar°), as, d, am, one who has
how religious rites ought to be conducted ; learned, d, am, cased in armour. — Krita-sannidhdna, as, attained an end or object, having accomplished a
wise. — Krita-brahman, d, d, a, Ved. one who has d, am, brought into contact, approximated. — Krita- purpose or desire, successful ; satisfied, contented ;
performed his devotions; (a deity) towards whom sambandha, as, d, am, connected, allied. — Krita- clever; (as), m. a various reading for kritdrgha.
devotion is made, (a sacrifice) in which prayers are sdpatnikd or krita-sdpatni or krita-sdpatntkd or — Kritdrtha-td, f. or kritdrtha-tva, am, n. ac-
duly offered. — Krita-bhaya, as, d, am, alarmed, krita-sdpatnakd or krita-sapatnikd, f. a woman complishment ofan object, success. — Eritarthl-
apprehensive. — Krita-bhdva, as, d, am, one whose whose husband has taken another wife ; a superseded krita, as, d, am, rendered successful. — Kri tdrthl-
mind is directed towards anything, determined, re- wife. — Krita-sthiti, is, is, i, abiding, staying, taking
solved. —Krita-bhuta-maitra, as, i, am, friendly up an abode. — Krita-sneha, as, d, am, showing bhuta, as,d,am, become successful. — Kritdlaka(°ta-
al°), as, m., N. of one of Siva's attendants. •« Krttd-
to t\\."Krita-blwjana, as, d, am, one who has affection, affectionate. — Krita-smara, as, m., N. laya (°ta-df), as, d, am, one who has taken up
dined or made a meal. — Krita-mangala, as, a, of a mountain. — Krita-svastyayana, as, d, am, his abode in any place (often compounded with the
am, blessed, consecrated. — Krita-mati, is, is, i, blessed, commended to the protection of gods pre- name of a place or country, e. g. svarga-kritdlayah,
one who has taken a resolution, one who has resolved vious to any journey or undertaking. — Krita- an inhabitant of heaven); (as), m. a frog. — Kritd-
upon anything. — Krita-manddra, as, m., N. of a sveMhahdra ^sva-if(hd-dli°), as, d, am, feeding
loka ("to-af ), as, d, am, supplied with light, lighted.
man. — Krita-manyu, us, us, u, angry, offended, at pleasure. — Krita-hasta or krita-hastaka, as, d, — Kritdvadhdna (°ta-av"), as, d, am, careful,
indignant. — Krita-mdrga, as, d,am, having a road am, one who has exercised his hands ; dexterous ;
or path made ; (a), f., N. of a river. — Krita-^ndla, skilled in archery; clever, skilful, dexterous. — Krita- cautious, prudent, attentive. — Kritdvadhi (°to-au°),
is, is, i, fixed, appointed, agreed upon; bounded,
as, m. a species of animal ; the tree Cassia Fistula. hasta-td, f. dexterity ; the being skilled in archery.
limited, -• KrtidvamarsJia (°ta-av°), as, d, am,
— Krita-mukha, as, i, am, skilled, clever, conver- — Kritdkrita fta-ak"), as, d, am, done and not
sant. —Krita-maitra, as, d, am, friendly. — Krita- done, done in part but not completed, done and effacing from recollection; intolerant. — Kritdvas"-
yajus, us, us, us, Ved, one who has uttered the omitted, prepared and not prepared, manufactured yaka (°ta-dv°), as, a, am, having done all that is
necesiary. — Kritavasaktliika (°ta-av°), as, d, am,
sacrificial formulas. — Krita-yajtia, as, m., N. of a and not manufactured ; (am), n. what has been done seated on the hams with the knees tied together or the
ion of Cyavana and father of UpariiSara. — Krita- and what has not been done. — Kritdgama (°ta- hips and knees surrounded by a cloth. — Kritdvastka
yatlas, as, m., N. of a descendant of An-giras. dg°), as, d, am, one who has made progress, (ta-mi°), as, d, am, summoned, called; made
~Krita-yuga, am, n. the first of the four ages advanced, proficient. — Kritdgas (°ta-dg°), as, as,
of the world ; the golden age ; see krita above. as, one who has committed an offence, offending, present; fixed, settled. — KrUdvdsa (°ta-dv°), as,
— Krita-yogya, as, d, am, joining in combat. criminal, sinful, in fault. — Kritdgni (°ta-ag°), is, m. a lodging; (as, d, am), lodging. — Kritds'ana
(°to-<ks'°), at, d, am, feeding upon. — Kritdsana-
— Krita-ratha, as, m., N. of a grandson of Maru. m., N. of a son of Kanaka or Dhanaka. — Kritdgni-
•* Krita-rava, as, d, am, sounding, singing. kdrya, as, m. a Br3hman who has offered the usual parigraha (°ta-ds°), as, d, am, sated. — Kritds-
kandana (°ta-ds°), as, d, am, assailing, attacking ;
— tirita-nu<, Ic, 1c, Jc, splendid, brilliant. — Krita- fire-oblation. — Krildnka (°ta-an°), as, d, am, effacing from recollection. •- Kritdstra (°ta-as°), as,
rusha, as, d, am, angry, displeased. — Krita- marked, branded; numbered. — Kritdnjali ("ta-an°), d, am, one who has exercised himself in throwing
lakshana, as, d, am, marked, stamped ; branded ; is, is, i, one who joins the hands in reverence or to arrows or other weapons, skilled in archery ; armed ;
noted for good qualities, excellent, amiable, &c. ; solicit a favour (keeping the palms from touching as if
(as), m., N. of a warrior. — Kritdstra-td, f. consum-
defined, discriminated ; (as), m., N. of a man. to hold alms or an offering), standing in a reverent or mate skill or proficiency in the use of arms. -• Kri-
— Krita-vat, an, ati, at, making, having done or respectful posture ; (is), m. a shrub used in medicine, t&spada ('ta-ds°), as, d, am, governed, ruled ; sup-
made anything ; one who holds the stake at a game. also in magical potions &c. — Kritdnjaliputa, as, d,
— Krita-varman, d, m., N. of several princes, am, joining the palms of the hands for obeisance, abode. — porting, resting on ; residing
Kritdhnka, in or (fr.
as, d, am on, krita
taking + upahan),
especially of a son of Hridika, also of Kanaka or also for holding water 8tc. — Kritdtman (°ta-dt°), having performed the daily ceremonies or devotions.
Dhanaka ; N. of the father of the thirteenth Arhat d, d, a, one whose spirit is disciplined, subdued,
— Kritdhdra or kritdhdraka ("ta-dh°), as, d, am,
of the present Avasarpinl. — Krita-vdpa, as, m. a tranquil ; of a self-governed spirit. — Kritdnati ("to- having eaten food, having made a meal. — Kritdh-
penitent who has shaven his head and chin. — Krita- on"), is,is, i, bending, bowing, paying homage or vdna (°tq-dh°), as, d, am, summoned, called, chal-
248 $ kritershya. kritta.

lenged. — Krttershya (°ta-ir°), as, a, am, envious, Krityaka, (M, m. an injurer ? ; (a), f. an enchan- first part of this word cf. Hib. cearc, 'a hen."] — Kri-
jealous. — Kritofthais (°ta-uF), ind. raised on high. tres , awitch, a woman who is the fatal cause of injury kavdltu-dhvaja, as, m. an epithet of Karttikeya.
— Kritotfdha (°ta-nta), as, a, am, making effort, or destruction, the fatal destroyer, the bane.
striving. — Kritodaka (°ta-ud°), at, a, am, one Kritrima, as, d, am, made artificially, factitious, Jianahdrikd.]
^«*m krikasha, f. a kind of bird ; [cf. kan-
who has performed his ablutions. — Kritodvdha (°ta- artificial, the reverse of what is naturally or spon-
ud°), as, a, am, performing penance by standing taneously produced; falsified, adopted (as a child); the^>^>T7
neck. krikata, am, n., Ved. the joint of
with uplifted hands; married. •* Eritopakdra (°ta- (as), m. incense, olibanum ; an adopted son ; (am),
up°), o», d, am, assisted, befriended ; friendly, giving n. a kind of salt, the common Bit Noben, or Bit
Krikdtaka, am, n. the neck ; a part of a column ;
aid. — Kritopatdra (°ta-up°), a», a, am, served, Lavan, obtained by cooking ; a sort of perfume [cf.
javddi] ; a kind of collyrium [cf. rasanjana], (»'/;«), f. the back of the neck ; the raised and straight
waited upon.
student who —hasKHtopandyana
been invested ("ta-up°), as, m. a
with the sacrificial part of the neck.
'—Kritrima-dkupa, as, m. incense, oblibanum.
— Jfritrima-dhupaka, as, m. compound perfume, krikdlikd, f. a kind of bird.
cord. — Kritopabhoga (°ta-up°), as, a, am, used,
enjoyed. containing ten or eighteen ingredients. — Kritrima-
of Kanaka— or Kritaujas
Dhanaka. (°ta-oj°), as, m., N. of a son krikin, I, m., N. of a mythical king.
putra, as, m. an adopted son ; one of the twelve
Kritaka, as, a, am, artificial, factitious, done arti- kinds recognised in law, the son made. — Kritrima- krikuldsa, as, m. a lizard, a cha-
ficially, made, prepared, not produced spontaneously ; putraka, as, m. a doll. — Kritrima-bhumi, is, I. a meleon ;[cf. krikaldfo.]
not natural, adopted (as a son); assumed, simulated, made floor. — Kritrima-mitra, as, m. an acquired
false ; (am), ind. in a simulated manner ; (as), m friend, one on whom benefits have been conferred, =**g kridiShra, as, a, am (perhaps fr. rt.
N. of a son of Vasu-deva, also of a son of Cyavana. or from whom they have been received. — Krilrima- krish and connected with kashta), causing trouble
KHtaya, nom. P. kritayati, -yitum, to take the vana, am, n. a plantation, a park. — Kritrima- or pain, painful, attended with pain or labour ; being
die called Krita. iatru, us, m. an acquired enemy. — Kritrimo- in a difficult or painful situation ; bad, miserable,
Kritdnta, Icritdrtha. See under krita above. ddsina ("ma-ad0), as, m. an acquired neutral. evil, wicked, sinful ; (am), ind. miserably, painfully,
JCHtvan, d, art, a, Ved. causing, effecting ; active, laboriously, with difficulty ; (as or am), m. n. diffi-
I. kriti, is, (. (for 2. see col. a), doing, making, per-
forming, manufacturing, composing ; action, activity ; busy ; practising magic or sorcery in order to bewitch. culty, trouble, labour, hardship, distress, calamity,
creation, work, literary work ; magic ; enchantment ; Kritvas, ind. at the end of a numeral or numeral pain, evil, misery, danger, sin, (often in compounds,
an enchantress, a witch ; a kind of Anushtubh metre adjective, = fold, times (e.g. dada-krltvas, ten times; e. g. vanavdta-krtti'hra, the difficulties of living in
consisting of two Padas of twelve syllables each and bakurkritvaf, many times ; panda-kritvas, five-fold). a forest; mutra-krifChra, ischury ; artha-kriMhre-
a third Pada of eight syllables ; another metre, a In the earlier language krilvas is used as a separate shu, in difficulties, in a miserable situation ; prdna-
stanza of four lines with twenty syllables in each ; a word, but native grammarians regard it only as an krtethra, danger of life) ; bodily mortification, aus-
square number ; N. of the wife of Samhrada and affix, and it is so used in classical Sanskrit; it was terity, penance, expiation ; torment, torture ; a par-
ticular kind of religious penance, according to some
mother of Panca-jana ; (is), m., N. of several persons. perhaps originally an ace. plur. fr. a noun kritu,
— Kriti-sddhya-tva, am, n. the state of being ac- krit formedin saJtrit.]
by the affix tu, ft. the root i . kri ; [cf. also = prdjdpatya, according to others = sdntapana.
complished by exertion. KriMhrena, inst. with difficulty, with great exertion,
Kritin, I, ini, i, expert ; clever, skilful, knowing, Kritvd, ind. having made or done. painfully, laboriously, hardly, scarcely ; alpa-krid-
w'se> 'earned ; good, virtuous ; pure, pious ; following, dhrena, with little difficulty, easily. •• KriMkra-kar-
Kritvl, {., N. of a daughter of S'uka, wife of man, a, n. a difficult act, difficulty, labour. — Kri6-
' cbeying, tained andoing
object what is enjoined;a purpose,
or accomplished has at-; Anuha (Nlpa) and mother of Brahma-datta.
one who satisfied dhra-kdla, as, m. a season of difficulty. — KriMhra-
Kritiiya, as, d, am, Ved. one who is able to
(i), m., N. of a son of Cyavana and father of Upari- perform anything, strong, efficacious ; having accom- gata, as, d, am, undergoing trouble or misery, suf-
iara; N. of a son of Sannatimat. fering pain ; being in difficulties, distressed. — Krif-
plished many deeds, exerting one's power. dhra-td, f. painful or dangerous state (especially in
Kritf and Iiritena, ind. (originally loc. and inst. Kriyamdna, as, d, am, being done, made, &c.
fr. krita), on account of, for the sake of, for (with disease). — KriMhra-prdna, as, d, am, one whose
•3: 2. kri, cl. 3. P., Ved. takarti, akarit, life is in danger; breathing with difficulty; hardly
gen. or in comp., e. g. mama Jtrite or mat-krite, on
my account, for me). t, Intens. (arkarti, to make mention of, to supporting life. — Kri^dhra-mutra-purisha-tva,am,
praise, to speak highly of (with gen.) ; [cf. kdru,
klri, kirti.] n. pain or difficulty in the evacuations. — KriMhra-
Kriteyuka, as, m., N. of a son of Raudrasva.
KritiM, its, us, u, working well, able to work, sddhya, as, d, am, curable with difficulty. — KriC-
powerful ; skilful, clever, an artificer or mechanic, an (hralikritfhra (°ra-at°), au, m. du. the ordinary
3} 3. kri, to injure &c. See 2. kri. and extraordinary penance, penance ; (as), m. sing, a
particular kind of penance, taking no sustenance but
Kritya, as, d, am, to be done or performed ; 3. krili, is, m. or f. (for I. see col. i), Ved. a
water for three, nine, twelve, or twenty-one days.
practicable, feasible ; right, proper to be done ; one kind of weapon, a sort of knife or a dagger ; (is), — KriMhrdiwnukta, as, d, am, freed from trouble
who may be seduced from allegiance or alliance, one f. hurt, hurting, injuring ; waylaying. — Kriti-kara,
who may be bribed or hired as an assassin, treacherous ; as, m. epithet of Rivana. — Kritirmat, an, m. the &c.— KriWhrapta (°ra-dp°) or krUihropanata
(as), m., scil. pratyaya, the class of affixes forming founder of a race, realm, &c. ; N. of a son of Yavl- (°ra-up°), as, d, am, gained with difficulty. — Krit-
the fut. pass. part. &c. (as tavya, aniya, ya, dima, nara. — Kriti-rdta, as, m.,N.of a prince; [cf. klrttl- (hrdri (°ra-ari), is, m., N. of a plant, a species of
Sec,) ; a kind of evil spirit or ghost, either with or rdta.] — kriti-roman, a, m., N. of a son of Kritirata. Vilva. — Krifdjirdrdha (°ra-ar°), as, m. an inferior
penance lasting only six days. — Kriddhre-itrit, t,t,t,
without the addition of yaksha, mdnusha, asura,
Sec. ; (a), (. action, act, deed ; magic ; a female deity ^i«S krika, as, m. the throat, the larynx. Ved. undergoing danger ; struggling with difficulties.
to whom sacrifices are offered for destructive and Kridfhrdya, nom. A. ItriCthrdyate, -yitum, to
^clTm krikana, as, m. a kind of partridge, feel pain ; to have wicked designs.
magical purposes; N. of a river; (am), n. what commonly Kaer, Perdix Sylvatica [cf. krikara and
ought to be done ; duty, office ; purpose, end, object ; krakara) ; a worm ; N. of a man ; N. of a place. Kridhrin, i, wit, i, encompassed with difficulties,
being in trouble, feeling pain ; angry.
what is proper or fit ; motive, cause. — Kritya-kalpa- Krikaniya, as, d, am, belonging or relating to a
taru, us, m. title of a work on jurisprudence. partridge. krid, cl. 6. P. kridati, to become
— Kritya-kalpa-latd, f., N. of a work by VS(!aspati- Krikaneyu, us, m., N. of a son of Raudrasva. V thick or coarse ; to become fat or gross, to
mis'ra. — Kritya-tintamani, i*, m. title of a work become solid ; to eat ; (another form for iud.)
*«»<;i5T krikadasu, us or us, m., Ved. one
by Sivarama. — Kritya-jna, as, d, am, who knows
what is to be done, learned, vtise.'—Krityd-tdttnt, who hurts or injures. ct 411^1 krinanja, as, m. a kind of Cheno-
am, n. ' the true nature of duty or obligation,' title of efT«K^ krikara, as, m. a kind of partridge, podium, = kunanjara.
a work. — Kritya-td, (. seduction from allegiance or oRTiT krinu, us, m. a painter.
alliance. — Krilya-ratndkara, as or <m»(?), m. or commonly Kaer, Perdix Sylvatica [cf. krikana and
n. (?), title of a work on jurisprudence. — Kritya-mt, krakara]; a kind of pepper, Piper Chaba; the 2. krit, (for i. krit see under rt. i. kri
an, ati, tit, having any business or request or object ; fragrant oleander tree [cf. karavira] ; one of the at p. 246), cl. 6. P. krintati, Jakarta,
busy, active. — Kritya-vartman, a, n. the right way, five vital airs, that which assists in digestion ; an epi- kartsyati and kartishyati, akartit, kartitum,
the manner in which any object is to be effected. thet of Siva.
to cut, cut in pieces, cut off, divide; to tear
— Kritya-vid, t, t, t, one who knows what ought asunder, destroy: Caus. liartayati, to cut, divide,
to be done, knowing duty, learned, mse. — Kritya- *<*("JT krikala, f . long pepper; [cf.pippali.~\ to.: Desid. fikartuihati and (ikritxati: Intens.
vidhi, <«, m. the way to do anything, a rule, a pre- <*4cM3l krikaldsa or krikaldsa or krika- farilcrityatc, darikartti; [cf. Lith. kertu, inf. Jeirsti,
cept. —hrityd-krit, t, t, t, Ved. practising magic or lasaka, as, m. a lizard, a chameleon. — Krikaldsa-
sorcery, bewitching. — Kritya-du*hnna, as, I, am, ' to cut ;' Gr. Ktlpa, Kdpffis ; Slav. korjA, ' to split ;'
dtpikd, f. title of a mystical work. Lat. curtus, cutter ; Hib. ceartaighim, ' I prune,
or krityi-dtishi, is, <», i, Ved. counteracting magic,
destroying its effect. — Krityd-rdrana, as or am (?), 4icfi-4 1 « krikavtiku, us, m. a cock, a gallina- trim, cut ;'as,
Kritta, cuirc, ' a knife.']
d, am, cut, divided ; desired, sought,
m. or n. (?), title of a work. ceous fowl ; a peacock ; a lizard, a chameleon ; [with the
wished for.
kritti. kri&ala. 249
Kritti, is, (. skin, hide ; a garment made of skin ;
times Saradvata. According to the Hari-vans'a and jalaja, as, m. a shell-fish, an animal living in a shell.
the bide or skin on which the religious student sits, Visrmu-PurSna, Kripa and Kripl were only distant — Krimi-dantaka, as, m. tooth-ache with decay of
sleeps, &c., usually the skin of an antelope; the birch descendants of Sfaradvat. According to others, Kripa the teeth. — Krimi-panata, as, m. an ant-hill.
tree; the bark of the birch tree, used for writing = Vyasa or = a son of Krishna.) — Kripi-pati, is, — Krimi-bhakelia, at, m., N. of a hell. — Krimi-
upon, for making hooka pipes, &c. ; one of the m. a N. of Drona as husband of Kripi. — Kripi- bhojana, as, d, am, one whose food consists of worms ;
lunar mansions, the Pleiads ; a house ; [cf. Hib. putra or kripi-suta, as, m., a N. of AsVatthSman (a«), m., N. of a hell. — Krimi-mat, an, att, at,
cart; Lat. cortex..} — Kritti-ratha, as, m., N. of a as son of Kripl. affected or covered with worms. — Krimi-ripu, us, m.
prince. — Kritti-vdsa, as, m. or kritti-vdsas, as, Kripana, as, S or I, am, inclined to grieve; an anthelmintic plant, = vidanga — Krimi-roga, as,
m. covered with a skin, an epithet of Rudra-Siva ; pitiable, miserable, poor, wretched, feeble; low, viie; m. disease caused by worms. — Krimi^vurna, as or
(ds), f. epithet of Durga. miserly, stingy ; avaricious ; arising from pity, caused «»«(?), m. or n. (?), red cloth. — Krimi-vdriruka,
KriUikd, as, (. pi., N. of a constellation, = the by pity; (am), ind. miserably; (as), m. a worm; (am), as, m. a fish living in a shell. — Krimi-vriksha,
Pleiades, (originally the first, but in later times the n. wretchedness, misery ; sa-kripanam, miserably, as, m. a kind of plant, Koshamra. •• Krimi-tlankha,
third lunar mansion, having Agni as its regent ; this pitiably; [cf. kdrpanya.] — Kripana-kd.<in, I, inl, as, m. the fish living in the conch, — Krimi-iatru,
constellation, containing six stars, is sometimes re- i, Ved. looking suppliantly, looking desirous; ex- us, m. an anthelmintic plant, Erythrina Kulgens, =
presented as a flame or as a kind of razor or knife ; pres ing desire
a (?). — Kripana-tva, am, n. misery; tjidanga. -• Krimi-idtraua, as, m. the plant Acacia
in mythology the six KrittikSs are nymphs who wretchedness; miserable condition. — .KHjjawa-a'AI, Farnesiana. — Krimi-iukti, is, f. a bivalve shell, a
became the nurses of the god of war, Karttikeya) ; is, is, i, little-minded. — Kripana-nindd, f. ' censure muscle ; the animal living in a bivalve shell ; an
oyster. — Krimi-iaila or krimi-tfailaka, as, m. an
a vehicle, carriage, cart. — Krittikdnji (°ka-an°), is, of the miser,' title of a chapter of the Slrn-gadhara
is, i, having a carriage as an emblem or sign. Paddhati. — Kripana-buddhi, is, is, i, little-minded. ant or mole-hill; [cf. krimi-panata.] — Krimi-
— Krittikd-bhara, a», m. ' being in the lunar — Kripana-vatsala,as, a, am, kind to the poor. sardrt, f. a kind of poisonous insect. — Itrimi-sena,
mansion KrittikS,' an epithet of Candra, the moon.
Kripandya, nom. A. kripandyate, to feel
miserable. as, m., N. of a Vaksha. ~ Krimi-hantri, id, tr'i,
«• Knttikd-suta, as, m. 'son of the Krittikas,' an tri, or krimi-kara, as, i, am, anthelmintic, vermi-
epithet of Skanda or KSrttikeya ; (the nymphs called misery. Kripanin, I, ini, i, miserable, one who is in fuge. —Krimi-hd, f. an anthelmintic plant, t=vi-
KrittikSs being his foster-mothers.) danga."Krimiia ("mi-tia), as, m., N. of a hell.
Krintatra, am, n.,Ved. a section, a shred, chip; Kripanya, nom. P. kripanyati, to wish, desire, Krimika, as, m. a small worm.
a plough. be a suppliant for anything, pray for, obtain by Knmina, as, d, am, having worms.
entreaties ; (in A. also kripanate.) Krimin, «, ini, i, affected with worms.
Krintana, am, n. cutting, cutting off, dividing.
Kripnnyu, us, us, u, Ved. one who pnises. Krimila, as, d, am, having worms, wormy; (a),
3. krit, cl. 7. P. krinatti, Jakarta, Kripa, f. pity, tenderness, compassion ; N. of a f. a fruitful woman, one bearing many children; N.
kartishyati, kartitum, to twist threads, to river. — Kripa-driehti, 'is, f. a look with favour, a
spin ; to surround, encompass ; attire. of a town, called after Krimi. — Krimildf'va ("la-
kind look. — Kripddvaita (°pd-ad°), as, m. one ai°), as, m., N. of a son of BShyas'va.
of the Buddhas or deified saints of the Buddhists.
Kritad-vasu, us,us,u, Ved. distributing goods (?). Krimilikd, f. linen cloth dyed with red colour.
Kritd, (., Ved. an abyss (?). — Kripdnvita (°pd-an°), an, d,am,or kripcwnaya, Krimllaka, as, m. a while sort of kidney-bean ;
Kritsa, am, n. water; entire, whole; [cf. the as,l, am, or kripSlu,us,ns, u, or kripd-vat, dn,afi, [cf. vana-mudga.]
next.] at, pitiful, merciful, compassionate, tender. — Kripa-
Kritsna, as, a, am (rarely used in pi.), all, whole, miira, as, m., N. of a son of Deva-mis'ra. — Kripd- ^>T3i krimuka, as, m., Ved. a kind of tree ;
entire; (am), n. water; the flank or hip; the belly. hina, as, d, am, pitiless, unfeeling, unkind. [cf. kdrmuka and kramuka.]
— Kritsna-ta, (. totality, completeness. — Kritsna- Kripdya, nom. A. kripdyate, -yitum, to mourn,
grieve, lament, have pity. «R"^ kriv = i . kri, cl. 5. krinoti. See p. 246.
vid, t, t, t, omniscient, knowing all things. — Kritsna-
Sas, ind. wholly, entirely, altogether. — KrUsna- krioi, is, m. (aaid to be fr. i. kri), a
<Jim<0 kripdna, as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
hridaya, am, n. the whole heart. — Kritsndyata trip for rt. klripl), a sword, a scymitar, a sacrificial loom (?) ; [cf. fcrit'i.]
(°na-dy"), as, a, am, Ved. stretched out to its full knife ; (I), f. a pair of shears or scissors ; a dagger. kris, cl. 4. P. krisyati, fakarsa,
length. Kripdnaka, as, m. a sword, a scymitar ; (ikd),
Krittnaka, as, a, am, all, every. {. a dagger, a knife. come^.kar&shyati, akriiat,emaciated
lean or thin, to become kars'itum, to be-;
or feeble
ojimm kritdnta, kritartha. See p. 247. ^lls kripita, am, n. (said to be fr. rt. 2. to wane (as the moon) : Caus. kardayati, -yitum,
to make thin or lean, to attenuate, emaciate, to keep
«H^TI krid-anta. See under I. krit, p. 246. krip), underwood, wood, forest; fire-wood, wood, short of food ; [cf. perhaps Lat. parco, parcus,
timber; water; the belly. — Kripita-pdla, as, m.
^f<f^ kridara, am, n., Ved. a store-room, a rudder or large oar used as one ; the ocean ; air, parum, Eng./ew.]
favai; parvus, paucus; Gr. iraSpos ; Goth.
a vessel ; the lap ; (as), m. a granary, a cupboard &c. wind. — Kripita-yani, is, m. fire.
for holding com, grain, &c. Kriia, as, d, am, lean, emaciated, thin, spare,
^TH krimi, is, or krimi, is, m. (said to be weak, feeble ; small, little, minute, insignificant,
^TV kridhu, us, ns, u, or kridhuka, as, a, am, fr. rt. kram; cf. kramf), a worm, an insect in poor; (as), m., N. of a man, also of a Naga; N.
Ved. shortened, mutilated, small, deficient. •- Kridhit- general ; a spider ; an ant ; lac, the red dye caused of a Rishi, author of a Rig-veda hymn ; [cf. Hib.
karna, an, a, am, Ved. having short ears (as a sort by insects ; N. of a son of Uslnara ; N. of an Asura,
of imp) ; hearing badly. the brother of RSvana ; N. of a Naga-raja ; (is), (., creas, ' narrow, straight ;' caile, ' narrowness.']
N. of the wife of Uslnara and mother of Krimi ; cattle.~Kris'a-gu, us, us, tt, Ved. one who has lean
krintatra. See under 2. krit. — Kris"a-td, f. or kris"a-tva, am, n. leanness,
[cf. Lith. liirminis, kirmele; Russ. 6ervj ; Hib. thinness. — Kriia-s'akha, as, m., N. of a plant, =
^TT I. krip, p, f., Ved. (occurring only in cruimJi; Cambro-Brit. pryv ; Goth, vaurms,
Them, vaurmi for hvawmi; Lat. vermi-s for parpata.—KrUdksha (a4a-ak°), as, m., a spider.
inst.), beautiful appearance, beauty, splendor. — Kripa- — Kriildnya (°s'a-an°'), as, i, am, emaciate, spare,
nlla (for kripd-°), as, a, am, Ved. one whose home is quermi-s; perhaps Gr. 'i\ijui/s for (p/j.tvs.] — Kri- thin; (ns), m. an epithet of Siva; (i), f. a woman
splendor, dwelling in splendor, epithet of Agni; (Say.) mi-kantaka, am, n. several plants efficacious in with a slender shape ; a particular plant, commonly
the support of sacred rites. destroying worms, Ficus Glomerata ; another plant,
called Priyarhgu. — Kris'ds'va (°tfa-arf°), as, m., N.
= titrd or fltrdnga; another plant, = ridanga. of several persons ; N. of an author of directions to
j M 2. krip (connected with rt. krap), — Krimi-kara, as, m. a kind of poisonous insect. players and dancers. — Krit'as'l-in, I, m. a pupil of
K xcl. I. A. karpate, to have pity or mercy — Krimi-karna or krimi-kartial-a, as, m, worms
Krisasva, a dancer, an actor, a tumbler. — Kris'o-
on ; cl. 10. P. kripayati or kripdpayati, -yitum, or lice generated in the external ear. — Krimi-koiia dara (°s"ti-ud°), of, d, am, thin-waisted. '
to be weak ; to pity ; to mourn, grieve, lament ; or krimi-kosha, as, m. the cocoon of a silkworm. , f. the plant Salvinia Cucculata.
[cf. Gr. i\™.]
— Krimikos'ottha ("s'a-ut"), as, a, am, silk, silken. risana,am, n.,Ved. a pearl, mother-
Kripa, as, m., N. of a man described in the Veda — Krimi-grantki, is, m. a disease of the eyes,
caused by insects generated at the roots of the eye- of-pearl ; gold ; form, shape ; (as, d, am), yielding
as a friend of Indra ; (as), m. and (t), (., N7. of the
son and daughter of the sage Saradvat, (he performed lashes. —Krimi-gfidlin, i, inl, i, destroying worms ; or containing pearls ; [cf. urdJiva-kritlana and
severe penance and thereby alarmed the jealous Indra, (I), m. a medicinal drug,-i-idanya(t). — Krimi- kdrs'ana.^ — Kris'and-vat, an, all, at, Ved. deco-
who sent a nymph to tempt him, but without ghna, as, i, am, vermifuge, anthelmintic ; (as), m. rated with pearls.
success ; however, twin sons were born to the sage a shrub used in medicine as a vermifuge, commonly Kris"anin, i, ini, i, Ved. decorated with pearls.
in a clump of grass (£ara-stambe}, who were found Bireng. Erycibe Paniculata, see vidanga ; the onion ; <*SI*_ krisara, as, a, m. f. a dish composed
by king SSntanu and out of pity (kripa) taken home the root of the jujube ; the marking nut plant ; (i),
of milk, sesamum, and rice ; rice and peas boiled
and reared as his own ; the daughter, Kripl, married f. turmeric.— Krimi-ja, as, d, ar?-, produced by
Drona, and had by him a son called AsVatthaman ; worms ; (a), f. lac, a red dye produced by an insect, together with a few spices, commonly called Khi-
cfhree ; [cf. krisara.]
the son, Kripa, became one of the privy council at commonly called Laksha ; (am), n. Agallochum.
Hastinapur, and is sometimes called Gautama, some- — Krimi-jagdha, am, n. Agallochum. — Krimi- krisald, f. the hair of the head.
250 kri&dku. krishna-deha.
an epithet of DurgS ; N. of one of the seven tongues
kris'aku, us, m. heating, grieving ; '3TH!t i. krishna, as, a, am (said to be fr. of fire ; N. of the river Kistna ; (i), f. night ; (am), n.
(a various reading for l;risanu.) rt. krish), black, dark, dark-blue (opposed to iveta, blackness, darkness ; the black part of the eye ; a kind
<*3IM krisdnu, us, m. (fr. rt. *nV for dukla, rohita, and aruna) ; wicked, evil ; (as), m. of demon or spirit of darkness ; black pepper ; black
black, the colour, or dark-blue, which is often con- Agallochum ; iron ; lead ; antimony ; blue vitriol ;
fcrWt .'), Ved. ' bending the bow,' an epithet applied
founded with black by the Hindus ; the black ante- [cf.
to a good archer, (generally connected with w-tri,
lope ;a kind of beast of prey (described in the Veda — l\!kdrshtia, &c. ; am,
i*hiia-lcanda, cf. also Russ.
n. the red fernyi, ' black.']
lotus, Nymphaea
' an archer,' though sometimes used alone : some as feeding on carrion and dead corpses) ; a crow ; the Rubra. — Krishna-karkataka, as, m. a kind of
regard Kris'Jnu as a divine being, either similar in Indian cuckoo or Kokila ; the plant Carissa Carandas ; black crab. — Krishna-karna, as, a, am, Ved. black-
character to Rudra or this god himself; he is armed
the dark half of the lunar month from full to new eared.— Krithnakarnamrita ("na-am"), am, n.,
with the lightning and defends the
from the hawk, who tries to steal and bear it from 'heavenly' Soma moon [cf. krtihna-)>aksha below] ; the fourth or N. of a poem by Vilva-man-gala. — Krith na-karman,
heaven to earth); a N. of Agni or fire; fire in Kali-yuga; N. of one of the poets of the Rig-veda a, n. making black ; a peculiar manner of cauterising ;
general ; N. of a plant. Plumbago Zeylanica ; N. of descended from An-giras ; N. of a celebrated Avatar (a, a, a), criminal, guilty. — Kriihna-kdka, as, m.
of the god Vishnu, or sometimes identified with a raven. — Krishna-kdpoti , f.~ a kind of plant ; [cf.
an archer; N. of a Gandharva. — Kritdnu-retas,
at, m. an epithet of Siva. Vishnu himself, as distinct from his ten AvatSrs
Kritanuka, ax, i, am, containing the word Kri- or incarnations. (In the earlier legends he ap- am, n. a black variety of Agallochum. — Krishna-
SSnu, as an AnuvSka or Adhyaya. pears as a great hero and teacher; in the more keli, is, m. a plant, Mirabilis Jalapa. — AYiViw/-
recent he is deified, and is often represented as kuhala, as, m. a gamester, a gambler. — Krishna-
j CT krlsh, cl. I. P. karshati, fakarslia, krldita, am, n., N. of a poem by KeSavJrka cele-
a young and amorous shepherd with flowing hair
J? XfcorisAya<i and krakshyati, akrikshat, and a flute in his hand. The following are a few brating the god Krishna. — Krishna-khanda, title
akarkih.it and akrakshit, karshtum and krash- particulars of his birth and history as related in the of the fourth book of the Brahmavaivarta-purana.
tum, to draw, attract, draw to one's self, drag, pull, Purinas &c. : Vasu-deva, who was a descendant of Yadu — Krishna-gattgd, f., N. of a river, = Ttrishna,
pull to and fro, drag away, tear ; to lead or conduct and Yayati, had two wives, Robin! and Devaki. krii-li {in -ft mudbhavd, krishtuivenyd. — Krithna-
(as an army) ; to bend (a bow) ; to draw into one's The latter had eight sons, of whom the eighth was gati, is, m. fire ('whose way is black') ; [cf. krishna-
power, become master of, overpower ; to obtain ; to Krishna. Kansa, king of Mathura and cousin of ydma, krishna-vartani, &c.] — Krishna-yandhd,
take away anything from any one (with two ace., e. g. Devaki, was informed by a prediction that one of f. the tree Hyperanthera Moringa. — Kris/nia-gar-
akarshat tarn rdjyam, he deprived him of the these sons would kill him. He therefore kept Vasu- bha, as, d, am, Ved. (clouds) having black cavities ;
kingdom) ; cl. 6. P. A. krishati, -f«*. to draw or deva and his wife in confinement, and slew their first (as), f. pi. = according to Say. the pregnant wives of
make furrows, to plough : Caus. karshayati, -yitum, six children. The seventh was Bala-rama, who was the Asura Krishna, but according to others = the
to draw, to draw out, tear up, tear out ; extract ; to saved by being abstracted from the womb of Devaki waters contained in the black cavities of the clouds ;
drag to and fro, cause pain, torture, torment ; to 'and transferred to that of Rohim. The eighth was
(as), m., N. of a plant, = katphala. — Krishna-
draw or make furrows, to plough : Desid. fikrikshati, Krishna, who was born with black skin and a peculiar gin, is, m., N. of a mountain ; [cf. krishnafala.]
-te: Intens. farikrixhyate, <!arikarsh(i or dari- mark on his breast. His father Vasu-deva managed ~Krifhna-yodhd, f. a kind of poisonous insect.
kraehti; [cf. Lith. kanzu, pleezau; Russ. deshu; to escape from MathurS with the child, and favoured — Krishna-griva, as, d, am, Ved. black-necked.
Lat. verro, vdfa; Gr. itipos, e'Aicai? Goth./olA.] by the gods found a herdsman named Nanda, whose — Krishna-Cantuka, as, m. a kind of pea ; [cf. (ana-
Karsha, karshana, &c. See s. v. at p. 210. wile YasodS had just been delivered of a son, which ka.] " Krishna-dat urdaifi, f. the fourteenth day in the
Krishaka, as, a, am, attractive, drawing, who or Vasu-deva conveyed to Devaki, after substituting his dark half of the month. — Krishna-tanda, as, m.,
what draws furrows or ploughs ; (as), m. a plough- own in its place. Nanda with his wife Yaioda took N. of a copyist who lived about A. D. 1730, a son
man, husbandman, farmer ; a ploughshare ; an ox. the infant Krishna and settled first in Gokula or of RSma-c'andra. — Kruhna-fandra, as, m., N. of a
Krishana, as, m. a ploughman, a husbandman. Vraja, and afterwards in VrindSvana, where Krishna prince of the eighteenth century. — Krishna/an dra-
Kriihi, is, (. ploughing, cultivation of the soil ; and Bala-rSma grew up together, roaming in the devadarman, d, m., N. of a logician who lived
agriculture, husbandry ; the cultivation of the soil about A. D. 1 736. — Kriihna-6ara, as, d, am,
personified. — Kriihi-liarman, a, n. agriculture, sons. woods and Krishna joining
as a in the contested
youth sports of the
the sovereignty
herdsmen's what formerly or in a former existence belonged to
husbandry. — Krishi-jivin, i, m. a cultivator, a of Indra, and was victorious over that god, who Krishna. — Krishiia-fudd, f. the plant Caesalpinia
farmer. — Krishi-phala, am, n. agricultural produce descended from heaven to praise Krishna, and made Pulcherrima. — Krishna-fildikd, f. the plant Abrus
or profit. — Krishi-ieva, f. agriculture. him lord over the cattle. Krishna is described as Precatorius. — Krishnn-furna, am, n. rust of iron,
Krishika, as, m. a cultivator of the soil, a sporting constantly with the Gopis or shepherdesses, iron filings. — Krishna-tehavi, is, m. fire? [cf.
husbandman ; the ploughshare. of whom a thousand became his wives, though only krithnart!i8.] — Kris/i,na-janhas, as, as, as, Ved.
KHshlvala, as, a, am, one who lives by hus- eight are specified, Rfidha being the favourite. Krishna black-winged ; (SSy.) having a black path. — Krithna-
bandry or agriculture ; (as), m. a husbandman. built and fortified a city called DvSraka in GujarSt, jatd, f. a plant, Indian spikenard; [cf. jutdindnsi.]
Krifhla, as, a, am, ploughed or tilled, a field and thither transported the inhabitants of Mathuri — Krishna-janma-khanda, N.of a part of the Brah-
&c. — Krishta-ja, as, a, am, grown in cultivated after killing Kansa. Krishna had various wives be- mavaivarta-purana.Krishna-janmdshtamt
• (°wi«-
ground, cultivated. — Krishta-pafya, as, a, am, sides the Gopis, and by Rukminl had a son Pra- ash'), f. the eighth day of the second half of the month
ripening in cultivated ground, sown or ripening after dyumna, who is usually identified with Kima-deva ; SrSvana, the birthday of Krishna. — Krishiia-ji, is,
ploughing, as rice &c.; cultivated. — Kriskta-pdkya, with Jainas, Krishna is one of the nine black Vasu-devas ; m., N. of a man. — Knslma-jlralia, as, m. Kalonji,
as, a, am, ripening on cultivated ground ; sown or with Buddhists he is the chief of the black demons, a plant having a small black seed, which is used for
ripening after ploughing. — Krishla-pliala, am, n. who are the enemies of Buddha and the white medical and culinary purposes, Nigella Indica. — 7irz-
the product of a harvest. — Krishta-rddhi, is, is, i, demons) ; N. of a king of the Nigas ; N. of an ghna-tanduld, f. a plant [cf. karna-tphota]. Piper
Ved. successful in agriculture. — Krishtopta C(a- Asura or demon ; N. of Arjuna, the most renowned Langam.~Ki-i*hnfi-tarkdta>tkdra (°ka-al°), at,
up°), as, a, am, sown on cultivated ground. of the PSndu princes (so named apparently from his m.,N. ofascholiast. — Krishna-ta, f.or kruhna-tva,
Krishti, ayai, f. pi., Ved. men, races of men, colour as a child, see MahS-bh. VirSta-parva 1589; am, n. blackness. — KiMma-tamra, am, n. a kind
sometimes with the epithet mdnushis; (originally the dual krishnau = Krishna and Arjunal ; N. of of sandal-wood. — Ki inhna-tdra, as, m. a deer, an
the word may have meant cultivated ground, then an Vyasa ; of Krishna HSrita ; of a son of Suka by antelope (' black-eyed'). — Krishia-tila, as, m.
inhabited land, next its inhabitants, and lastly any PIvart, a teacher of the Yoga; N. of a pupil of black sesamum. — Krishnn-tlrtha, as, m., N. of a
race of men; Indra and Agni have the N. raja, Bharadvaja ; of DasSrha ; of a son of Havirdhana ; teacher of RSma-tirtha. — Krishna-tunda, as, m. a
krishtlndm; and panta kriehtayas, ' the five of a son of Arjuna ; of an adopted son of Asamaiijas ; kind of poisonous insect. — Krishna-trirritd, f.,
races,' comprehends the whole human race, not of a chief of the Andhras ; N. of the author of a com- N. of a plant, a kind of Ipomoea, black Teori.
only the Aryan tribes) ; according to native lexico- mentary on the MahS-bharata; N.ofapoet; N.of the — Krishna-datta, as, m., N. of the author of a
graphers the word means also ploughing, cultivating author of a commentary on the Daya-bhaga ; N. of the work on music. — Krixhna-danta, as, d, am, hav-
the soil ; attracting, drawing; and (is), m. a teacher, ing black teeth; (d), f. the tree Gmelina Arborea.
a learned man or Pandit. — Krit>hti-pra, as, as, am, son of Kes'ava'rkaand grandson of JaySditya ; N. of the
father of TJnabhatta and uncle of RartganStha ; N. — Krishnu-dar<ana, as, m., N. of a pupil of
Ved. pervading the human race. — Kruhti-han, ha, of the rather of Damodara and uncle of Malhana ; N. S'an-karac'arya. — K rish.nd-das'ana, as, d, am, hav-
ghnt, ha, Ved. subduing nations. — KriMy-ojas, of the rather of Prabhfljika and uncle of VidySdhara ; ing black or discoloured teeth. ^ Kriskiiit-ddsa, as,
as, as, as, Ved. overpowering men. N. of the father of Madana ; N. of the grammarian m., N.of the author of the poem Camatkara-candrika;
Krishya, at, d, am, to be ploughed. Rruna-i'andra ; N. of the son of Varunendra and
Krashfavya, as, a, am, to be drawn or drawn out. father N. of the author of the work C'aitanya-6arit3mrita;
of Lakshmana ; N. of the father of HIrabhatta, N. of the author of the poem Preta-tattva-nirupana ;
•fMim krishiinu, us, m. a N. of fire; (a author of the commentary called Caraka-bhashya, and N. of a son of Harsha, author of the Vimalanatha-
wrong reading for krifdntt.) of the work Sihitya-sudhSsamudra ; N. of a hell ; (a), purina. — Krith>id-<lera, as, m., N. of a son of
f. a kind of poisonous insect ; several plants, as Piper NarSyana, author of the Prayoga-s5ra ; N. of a copy-
^C^T; krishkara, as, m. an epithet of Longum, the Indigo plant ; a grape ; a kind of ist, son of Pandyipurushottama-deva. — Krishna-
Sin; [cf. krikara.] perfume [cf. parpati] ; an epithet of Draupadi ; deha, as, d, am, black-bodied; (as), m. a large
krishna-daivajna. rt. 251
black bee. — Krishna-daivajna, as, m., N. of a man. that prepared by evaporation from saline soil, or the
medicinal kind, called Bit Loben or Bit Noben, a f., N. of a plant, = kdldnjanl. — Krishndnji (°na-
— Krishna-dvaipdyana, as, m., a N. of Vyasa, an°), is, is, i, Ved. having black marks. — Krishnd-
considered as the compiler of the Vedas and PurSnas, muriate of soda with a portion of sulphur and iron.
treya ( na-af), as, m., N. of a Muni. — Krishnd-
(so named because of his dark complexion and be- "Krishna-ltld-taraitginl, f. title of a poem by dhvan (°na-adh°), d, d, a, Ved. having a black
cause he was brought forth by Satyavati on a dvipa NarSyana-tTrtha. — Krishna-loha, am, n. the load- path (an epithet of Agni). — Krishnd-nadl, (., N.
or island in the Ganges.) — Krishna-dhatttira or stone. —Krishna-lohita, as, d, am, dark-red, of a of a river, probably the Kistna in the Dekhan.
krishna-dhatturaka, at, m. a dark species of purple colour. — Krishna-vaktra, as, m. the black- •» Kriehndnanda (°na-dn°), as, m., N. of a
Datura or thorn-apple, Datura Fastuosa. — Krishna- faced monkey. — Krishna-varna, as, a, am, of a scholiast; N. of the author of the Tantra-s5ra.
nagara, am, n., N. of a small district called after a black colour, black or dark-blue ; (am), n. the colour — Krishiiabhd (°na-dbhd), {., N. of a plant, =
town situated in it. — Krishna-paksha, as, m. the black. — Krishna-variant, is, is, i, Ved. having a kdldnjanl. — Krishndmisha (°na-dm°), am, n.
dark half of the month, the fifteen days during which black path, epithet of Agni. — Krishna-vartman, iron ; (probably only a various reading for krishnd-
the moon is on the wane, the time from full moon
to new moon ; one who stands on the side of
d, m. fire (' whose way is black') ; the marking nut yasa.) — Krishnayas, as, or krishndyasa fna-ay°),
plant, Plumbago Zeylanica ; an epithet of Rahu or am, n. iron, crude or black iron. — KrishndriUs
Krishna, an epithet of Arjuna. — Krishna-pakshika, the personified ascending node ; a man of evil con-
as, m., N. of a king of the Nagas. — Kriehna- (°na-ar°),is,m.{iie; \cf.krishna-f6havi.~\~ Kri*h-
duct, alow man, an outcast, a profligate, a black-
ndrjaka (°na-ar°), as, m. a black species of Basil,
pakshlya, as, a, am, pertaining to the wane of the guard. —Krishna-varraraka, as, m., N. of a plant,
Ocimum Sanctum. » Krishndlattkdra (°na-al°), as,
moon. — Krishna-pandita, as, m., N. of the author Varvara. — Krishna-vallikd, {., N. of a plant, = m. title of a commentary. — Krishndlu (°na-dlu),
of the Prabodha-c'androdaya ; also of a scholiast on jatukd. — Krishna-valll, f. a plant, a dark kind us, m. a kind of ebony. — Krishndvatdra (°na-
the Prakriya-kaumudl. — Krishna-padl, (. a female of Basil, Ocymum Pilosum ; a kind of Sariva.
av°), as, m. an Avatar of Krishna. — Krishnd-
with black feet. — Krishna-parni, (., N. of a plant, — Krishna-vdnara, as, m. a black kind of monkey. vadata, as, d, am, black and white. •- Kjiihna-
a kind of Ocimum ; [cf. ltdla-tulasl.] — Krishna- — Krishna-vinnd, f., N. of a river. — Krishna- I'dsa (°na-dv°), as, m. the holy fig tree, Ficus
pavi, is, is, i, Ved. having black fellies, an epithet vishdnd, (., Ved. the horns of the black antelope,
whose inner sides are covered with dark hair. Religiosa, (the abode of Krishna.) •- Krishnds'rita
of Agni. — Krishna-pdlta or krishna-pdka-phala, fna-di ), as, d, am, devoted to or the votary of
as, m. a tree bearing a small fruit, which, when ripe, — Krishna-vlja, as, m. a red variety of the Mo- Krishna. — Krishnekshu (°na-ik°), us, m. a sort of
is of a black colour, commonly Karinda or Karonda, ringa plant, Rakta-sigru ; (am), n. a water melon. sugar-cane. — Krishnaita (°na-eta), as, d, am, Ved.
Carissa Carandas ; also called Ttrishna-phala, pdka- — Krishna-^ rintd, f. the trumpet flower, Bignonia spotted black. — Krithiiodara (°na-ud°), as, m. a
phala, pdkakrishna-phala, &c. — Krishna-pdn- Suaveolens; a leguminous plant, Glycine Debilis.
kind of snake. — Krishnodumbarikd (°na-ud°), f.
— Krishna-vrintikd, f. the tree Gmelina Arborea ; Ficus Oppositifolia ; [cf. kdkodumbara.] — Krishno-
dnra, as, d,am, greyish white. — Krishna-pingala,
as, a, am, dark-brown in colour; (as), m., N. of a see gambhlrd. — Krishna-vend or I, f., N. of a paniehad (°na-up°), t, f. title of an Upanishad in
man ; (as), m. pi. the descendants of this man ; (a), river.— Krishna-i'yathis, is, is, is, Ved. whose path praise of the god Krishna, being a part of the Gopalo-
f. an epithet of the goddess Durga. — Krishna- is black (?), an epithet of Agni. «• Krishna-vrlhi, panishad. •• Krishnoraga (°na-ur°), as, m. a kind
pinditaka, as, m. a dark kind of MSyana, Vangueria is, m. a black sort of rice. ™ Krishna-dakuni, is, of black snake. — Rrishno 'sydkhareshthaka, as, d,
Spinosa [cf. vardha] ; also called krishna-pindira. m. a crow. — Krishria-fyrman, a, m., N. of an
am, containing the words krishno 'sydkhareshthaff
— Krishna-pipplll, f. a kind of black ant. — Krishna- author. — Krishna-s'dra, as, m. = krinkna-sdra, (as an AdhySya or Anuvaka).
pilla, as, m., N. of a poet. — Krishnapurushotta- the spotted antelope. — Krishna-ddli, is, m. a sort 2. krishn.a, nom. P. krishnati, to behave or act
mopanishad (°ma-up°), t, (. title of an Upanishad of rice of a dark colour. — Kriehna-s'igru, us, m. a like Krishna.
belonging to the Atharva-veda. — Krishiia-pushpa, kind of Moringa; [cf. iobhdnjana^] — Krishna- Krishnaka, as, d, am, black, blackish ; (as), m.
as, m. a black kind of Datura or thorn-apple; (I), dimbikd, (., N. of a plant, = kdkdndl, — mahd- a kind of plant, = kHshna-tatfduld.
f., N. of a plant [cf. priyangu], — Kriskna-yrut, jyottshmatl. — Krishna-s'imbl, f. a sort of bean, Kruhnala, as, am, m. n. the black berry of the
t, t, t, Ved. moving in darkness ; (Say.) taking or Dolichus Virosus. — Krishna-s'rittga, as, m. a plant Abrus Precatorius, used as a weight (the average
imparting a black colour. — Krishna-phala, as, m. buffalo with black horns. — Krishna-irita or krish- weight being between one aod two grains) ; a coin
a fruit tree, the Karinda [cf. krishna-pdkd] ; (a), nam-irita, as, d, am, worshipping or devoted to of about the same weight; (a), f. a shrub bearing a
f. the plant Vernonia Anthelmintica. — K rishna- Krishna. — Krishna-sakha, as, m. a friend or fol- small black and red berry, Abrus Precatorius.
phala-pdka, as, m.=krishna-pdka.'~Krishna- lower of Krishna, especially an epithet of Arjuna ; Krishnalaka, as, m. the black berry of the plant
balaksha, as, a, am, black and white. — Krishna- (i), (. cummin seed. — Krishna-samudbhavd, f., Abrus Precatorius or a coin of about the same
bhakti-dandrikd, f. title of a play. — Kriihna- N. of a river, =krishnd, krishna-gangd, krishna-
bhafta, as, m., N. of a grammarian ; N. of a poet. venyd. •• Krishiia-saras, as, n., N. of a lake. Krishnata, as, d, am, Ved. blackish; (Say.)
— Krishna-bTiiima, as, d, am, having a black soil, — Krishna-sarpa, as, m. a very poisonous snake, extremely black.
furnished with black earth. — Krishna-bhumi, is, f. Cobra de Capello, Colubra Naga ; (a), f. a plant, =
a country with a dark soil, or black mould, blue clay, krishna-kdpotl. — Krishaa-sarshapa,as, m. black Krishndya, nom. A. -yate, -yitum, to make
&c. •» Krishnabhumi-jd, f. a species of grass, de- mustard. •• Krishna-sdra, as, a, am, spotted black ; black ; to behave like Krishna ; [cf. Russ. <feny'#.]
Krishnikd, (. black mustard.
scribed as a nourishing food for cattle (growing in a (as), m. with and without mriga, the spotted ante- Krishniman, a, m. blackness.
black soil). — Krishna-bhedl or a, f. a medicinal lope ;several plants, a kind of Euphorbia ; the plant
Krishniya, as, m., Ved;, N. of a man protected
plant, = katu-rohim. — Krishna-bhogin, I, m. a Dalbergia Sisoo; another plant, Acacia Catechu;
black kind of snake. — Krishna-mandala, am, n. (a), f. a kind of Euphorbia ; the plant Dalbergia byKrishnl-karana, the AsVins.
am, a. blackening, making
the black part of the eye. — Krishna-matsya, as, Sisoo. — Krishna-sdranga, as, d, am, spotted black. - Krishnl-krita, as, a, am, blackened, made
m. 'black-fish,' N. of a fish. — Krishna-mallikd, f. black; (as), m. the spotted antelope. — Krishna-
or krishna-mdluka, as, m. a plant, *=maluka, sdrathi, is, m. having Krishna for a charioteer, an
Krishnl-bhuta, as, d, am, become black.
krishndrjalca. — K]-uhna-mitra,as, m., N. of the epithet of Arjuna; the tree Terminalia Arjuna.
son of Rama-sevaka, grandson of Devldatta, author — Krif hna-sdrvabhauma, as, m., N. of a poet. Krishneya, as, m., N. of a man.
— Krishna-sinJia, as, m., N. of the author of the
of the Manjushakunc'ika. — Krishna-miira, as, m. WT krishya. See under krish.
the author of the Prabodha-c'androdaya. — Krishna- workTrepanakriya-katha. — Krishna-slta, as, d, am,
mukha. as, I, am, having a black mouth, having Ved. drawing black furrows ; (Say ) having a black <*fK krisara, as, m. (said to be ft. rt. i.
black nipples ; (as), m., N. of an Asura ; N. of a path (as an epithet of fire). — Krithna-sundara, as, kri), a dish consisting of sesamum and grain; a
seCt. — Krishna-mudrfa, as. m. a sort of pulse, m., N. of a man ; (as), m- pi. the descendants of this mixture of rice and peas with a few spices.
Phaseolus, (vasanta, mddhava, surdshtraja.) man. — Krishna-skaridha, as, m. a tree which bears
— Krishna-mult, f. a plant, = idrivd-viiexha. black blossoms, the Tamala tree; [d.kdla-skandha.] 6. P.ati,kirati, fakara , karish-
— Krishna-mrirja, as, m. the black antelope. — Krishna-masri, sd, f. the sister of Krishna, ft. kri, yati andcl.karishy akdrlt, karitu m and
— Krishna-mriitika, as, d, am, having black an epithet of Durga. — Krishndgata (°na-dg°), as, karitum , to pour out, scatter, throw, cast, disperse ;
soil; (a), f., N. of a Gr5ma. — Krishna-mrid, t, to strew, pour over, fill with, cover with: Caus.
!. black soil ; a country with soil of a dark colour. ag°), a, am, devoted to Krishna. •• Krishndguru (cna- kdrayati : Desid. <Hkarithati : Intens. teklryate,
w, n. a black variety of Agallochum or Aloe iSdkarti; [cf. Gr. Kep&o, KipAvvvfu, K/pnj/t'-]
— Krishna-yajurvedn, as, m. the Black Yajur- wood. — Krishnddala (°»ia-a(f)> «*• m- an eP'~ Klrna, klrni, &c. See s. v. at p. 231.
veda. — Krishna-yftjurvediya, as, d, am, be- met of the mountain Raivata, part of the western
longing to the Black Yajur-veda. — Krishna- portion of the Vindhya chain ; it is also one of the ^c 2. kri (or sometimes written kri), cl. 5.
ydma, as, a, am, Ved. having a black path; nine principal mountains that separate the nine di- ~? and 9. P. A. krinoti, -nute, krindti, -nlte,
an epithet of Agni. — Krishna-yom, is, is, i, visions orVarshas of the known world. — Krishifd-
dakdra, (akare and fakre, karishyati, -te, aka-
Ved. = krishna-garbha, q. v. — KHshna-rakfa, jina (na-af), am, n., Ved the skin of the black rlshta, akarishta, aklrshta, karitum, karitum,
as, d, am, of a dark-red colour. — Krithna- antelope; (as), m., N. of a man ('covered with the kartum, to hurt, injure, kill.
ruhd, (. a phnt,-jatukd. — Krithi-a-riipya, as, skin of a black antelope'); (<i»\ m. pi. the descend-
i, am, = krishna-<!ara, q. v. — Krishna-latana, ants of this man. — Krishndjinin, «, tni, «', covered » 3. kri, cl. 10. A. kdrayate, -yitum, to
am, n. a kind of black salt ; a factitious salt, either with the skin of a black antelope. — Krlshndiij ant, ? know, inform ; (an incorrect form for grl.)
hand, in order, complete, right, perfect ; made, done ; spirits or demons, (a kind of sacrificial fire U called
• j krit, cl. 10. P. (sometimes A.) kirta-
formed, framed ; caused, produced, effected, invented, after them a;/nir driinitl-etukaJi.) — Ketu-gana, as,
^ S toyati, -te, -yitum, Aor. aftkritat or act- contrived, created ; fixed, settled, prescribed, ap- m. pi. the dwarfish inhabitants of Kusa-dvipi, children
kirtat, mention, make mention of, tell, name,
pointed ;ascertained, determined ; cut, clipt, pared, of jaimini. — Kttu-yraha, as, m. the descending
call, recite, repeat, relate, declare, communicate, com- shorn. — Klripta-kila, f. title-deed, lease of a house node. — Kdortard, f. a comet. — Ketii-dharman,
memorate, celebrate, praise, glorify; [cf. Lat. celeber.] a, m., N of a man. — Keta-bha, as, m. a cloud.
Kirtana, am, n. mentioning, repeating, saying, &c. — Klripta-kes'a-iiakha-Jmas'rii, us, us, u, having
the hair, nails, and beard cut or clipt and arranged. — Ketn-bhiaa, as, d, am, being or become a
telling, celebrating, praising; (a), f. fame, gloryi banner. — Ketu-mat, an, ati, at, endowed with
— Klripta-dhupa, as, m. frankincense, olibanum. brightness, clear; dear (as a sound), penetrating;
Kirtantya, as, d, am, to be mentioned, to be Klripti, ii, (., Ved. accomplishment, success;
named or repeated, to be celebrated or praised. (an), m., N. of a Danava; of a regent of the
distributing, arranging, making conformable ; inven- western part of the world, a ton of Rajas ; of a
as, d, am, deserving to be mentioned,
to Ktrtanya,
be related. tion, contrivance ; a term for certain formulas or
son of Kshenia and father of Suketu ; of a son of
verses containing the verb klrip.
Klrtayat, an, antt, at, mentioning, relating, re- Kshema and father of Varsha-ketu ; of a warrior ; of
peating, celebrating, praising.
Jflriptika, as, a, am, bought, purchased. a son of Dhanvantari ; of Ambaiisha ; N. of a
mountain ; N. of a palace of Sunanda, the wife of
Kirtita, as, d, am, said, asserted; mentioned, re- kekaya, as, m. pi., N. of a warrior-
peated known, notorious ; celebrated, praised. tribe ; (as), m. the chief of this tribe, a prince of Vasu-deva ; (tl), {., N. of a metre consisting of two
Kirtitavya, as, d, am, to be mentioned or praised. the solar race ; (i), f. a princess of this tribe, wife of lines of twenty-one syllables each. — Ketu-mdld, f.,
Dasa-ratha and mother of Bharata. N. of a Tlrtha; (as), m. pi., N. of a people; (am),
Kirtenya, as, a, am, Ved. deserving to be named
n. one of the nine great divisions of the known world,
or praised.
Kirtti or Jcirti, is, f. mention, making mention of, «TToTiT kekara, as, i, am, or kekaraksha (°ra- the western portion or Varsha of Jambu-dvlpa,
teraka.]as, d, am, squint-eyed; [cf. kedara and called after a son of Agnldhra ; (as), m., N. of a
speech, report; good report, fame, renown, glory; boar. — Ketumdlin, i, or ketumdli, is, m., N. of a
Fame personified as daughter of Daksha and wife of
Dharma ; extension, expansion, diffusion ; light,
<*<*{«> kekala, as, m. a dancer ; (perhaps a Danava. — Ketu-yashli, is, f. a flag-staff. — Ketu-
lustre ; favour, approbation ; sound ; dirt, mud ; one
various reading for kclnka.) ratna, am, n. lapis lazuli. — Ketu-vasana, as, m.
of the Matrikas or personified divine energies of a flag. — Ketu-virya, as, m., N. of a DSnava.
oh*i kekd, f. the cry of a peacock. •triitga, as, m., N. of a king.
Krishna. — Klrtti-kara, as,i, am, conferring fame. Kekdvala or kekika, a«, m,, or kekin, i, m. a
— Kirtti-dltara, as, m., N. of a copyist. — Kirtti- kedara, as, d, am, squint-eyed ; (as),
pratdpa-bala-sahita, as, d, am, attended with peacock. m., N. of a plant ; [cf. kekara and teraka.]
fame, majesty, and power. — Kirtti-bhdj, k, k, k, kedara, as, m. a field, especially
receiving fame, celebrated, famous ; (k), m, an three wives, kekeyi,
for kaikeyi) the motherf. ofone of ; Dasa-ratha's
Bharata (a wrong form
one under water, a meadow, a plain ; a basin for
epithet of Dronicarya, the military preceptor of the
water round the root of a tree, a bed in a garden or
PSndus and Kurus. -i Kirtti-mat, an, att, at, praised, kefuka, as, d, m. f. a plant with field ; a mountain ; a particular mountain ; a parti-
famous, celebrated ; (an), m.," N. of one of the an esculent root, Colocasia Antiquorum; (am), n. cular place, the modern Kedar, part of the Himalaya
VisVa-devSs ; a son of Uttana-pida and SonritS ; also the esculent root of this plant ; [cf. hafu, kadvi,
a son of Vasu-deva and DevakI ; also a son of kemuka.] mountains ; an epithet of S'iva as worshipped in the
Himalayas; N. of the author of a work entitled
An-giras. — Ktrtti-maya, as, I, am, consisting of Abdhi. — Keddra-katukd, f., N. of a plant, = katukd.
feme. — Kirtti-ratha, as, m., N. of a prince of the %(«!.[ =ni kenikd, f. a tent.
Videhas, a son of Pratlndhaka ; also called Kritti- — Keddra-kalpa, as, m. a part of the Skanda-purSna.
oTrT keta, as, m. (connected with 2. kd or — Keddra-khanda, am, n. a small dyke or mound,
ratha as son of Prasiddhaka. — Kirtti-rdta, as, m.,
kit = tit?), desire, wish, will, intention; summons, earth raised to keep out water ; a part of the Skanda-
N. of a prince of the Videhas, a son of Mahandhraka.
invitation; a house, an abode; apparition, form, purana. — Keddra-ja, am, n., N. of a plant. — Ke-
—Kirtti-varman, d, m., N. of a prince. — Kirtti-
shape ; (Say.) wealth ; atmosphere, sky. — Keta-pu, ddra-ndtha, as, m. an epithet of S'iva as worshipped
vasa. as, m., N. of an author. — Kirtti-s'esha, as, m. us, us, u, Ved. purifying the desire or will. — Keta- in the Himalayas. — Keddra-bhatta, as, m., N. of
death (the leaving behind of nothing but fame); [cf.
vedas, as, as, as, Ved. desirous, wishful ; (Say.) an author. •- Keddra-malla, as, m. an epithet of
alekhya-s'esha, ndma-s'esha, yas'ah-s'esha,] — Kirtti- knowing the wealth of another. — Keta-sdp, p,p,p, Madanapala.
sena, as, m., N. of a nephew of Vasuki, the serpent- Ved. obeying the will (of another), obedient ; (S5y.)
king. Keddraka, as, m. a particular kind of rice,=
touching the sky.
Kirtya, as, a, am, to be praised or celebrated. shashlika.
Kitnna, am, n. a summons, an invitation ; a «TT«T kena, ind. (inst. fr. 2. ka), by what?
klrip, cl. I. A. (and in Put., Cohd., house, an abode ; place, site, situation ; the symbol
wherefore? whence?
v and Aor. also P.) kalpate, faldripe, kalpi- of a goddess ; the ensign of a warrior, a flag or
shyate and kalpsyaH, akalpishta, aklripta and banner (e. g. vdnara-ketana, one who has a monkey kenatl, f. an epithet of the wife of
aklripat, kalpitum and kalptum, to be well as his ensign or arms ; see also malcara-ketana,&c.) ; Kama, the god of love ; (a wrong form ?).
ordered or regulated, to be well managed; to suc- a sign, a spot or mark ; business, indispensable act. «iil^ kenava, as, m., N. of a pupil of
ceed ;to bear suitable relation to anything, to cor- Ketaya, nom. P. ketayati, -yitum, to summon,
respond, be adapted to, fit for, in accordance with, to call or invite; to counsel or advise; to fix or Sakapurnl.
suitable to ; to accommodate one's self to ; to be fa- appoint a time ; to hear. «h«Ut kenara, as, m. the head ; a skull ;
vourable to,to subserve, to effect or obtain for one's Ketita, as, d, am, called, summoned ; dwelt, the temples, the upper part of the cheek ; a joint ; a
self; to partake of, become possessed of; to fall to the inhabited.
share, be shared or partaken by (with loc., e. g. yajno division of hell, a hell compared to a potter's kiln.
deveshu kalpatdm, let the sacrifice be shared by the eTTrToir ketaka, as, i, m. f. the tree Pandanus %f?ni kenipa, as, m., Ved. a sage, a wise
gods) ; to become, to be ; to happen, occur ; to de- Odoratissimus. man; [cf. dkenijia.]
clare as right, decide in favour of (?) ; to prepare, ohrirrtoflfrl ketali-kirti, is, m., N. of the
arrange ; to produce, cause, effect, create (with ace.): on TIM I n kenipdta or kenipataka, as, m. the
Caus. P. A. kalpayati, -te, Aor. afiMripat, Ved. author of the work Megha-mSla. helm, a rudder, a large oar used as a rudder.
Sdldripat, fiklripati, &c., to set in order, arrange, %f]J ketu, us, m. (fr. ki for rt. 2. A), bright
distribute, dispose ; to bring into suitable connection ; keneshitopanishad or keno-
appearance, clearness, brightness ; a ray of light ;
with, to cause any one (ace.) to partake of anything day-time ; apparition, form, shape ; sign, mark, ensign, panisliad, t, f. title of an Upanishad beginning with
the word keneshitam.
(inst.) ; to help any one in obtaining (dat.) ; to pre- flag, banner ; a chief, a leader, any eminent person ;
pare, arrange, fit out, furnish with ; to consider as fit ; intellect, judgment, discernment; any unusual or oTT^ kendu, us, m. a kind of ebony.
to fix, settle ; to destine or design anything for ; to striking phenomena, a comet, meteor, falling star; Kenduka, as, m. another variety of ebony yielding
declare as, consider as (with two ace., e. g. mdtaram a species of tar, Diospyros Glutinosa.
endm kalpayantu, let them consider her as their the dragon's tail or descending node considered in
astronomy as the ninth of the planets, and in
mother) ; to make, execute, bring about ; to frame, mythology as the body of the demon Sairjhikeya, cR^ kendra, am, n. (a word borrowed from
form ; to invent, compose (as a poem &c.) ; to per- son of Sinhika, which was severed from the head or the Gr. (cfcrpov), the centre of a circle ; the equation
form (as a ceremony &c.) ; to pronounce a formula RShu by Vishnu at the churning of the ocean, but of the centre ; the argument of a circle ; the argu-
or verse which contains the word klrip; to cut, pare, was rendered immortal by having tasted the Amrita ; ment of an equation ; the distance of a planet from
cut asunder (only in PrSkrit): Desid. tiklripsati the first point of its orbit in the fourth, seventh, or
a pigmy race (see ketu-gana below) ; disease ; an
and tikalpishate : Intens. fair or (all" or talkalp- enemy ; N. of a son of Agni, supposed to be the tenth degree ; it is variously applied in composition,
ynte, <!alkalpti; fcf. Goth, hilpa; Eng. help; author of a Rig-veda hymn ; N. of a Danava ; N. of as patana-kendram, argument of the latitude;
Germ, helfe; Lith. gelbmi.] a son of Risliabha ; also of a son of the fourth Manu ; dritiya-kendram, the distance of the higher apsis of
Klripta, as, d, am, arranged, prepared, ready, at aritnah Itetavah, red apparitions, a dass of superhuman a planet in any point of its orbit ; slghra-kendram,

kevarta, as, m., Ved. a fisherman, veshta, as, m. the parting of the hair. — AWa-
commutation, the distance of the sun from a superior Jtantrl, f., N. of a tree, =i!ami. — Kei!a-hasta, as,
^kaivarta, q. v.
planet or of an inferiorofplanet from the sun ; manda-
kendram, argument anomaly. m. much or ornamented hair, a tuft. — A'cs'a-fe'i,
kevala, as, a (or Ved. i), am, ex- ind. hair to hair, head to head ; pulling each other's
kep, cl. i. A. kepate, to shake or clusively one's own (not common to others) ; peculiar ; hair. — Keiagra, (°ila-ag"), am, n. the top of a hair.
\tremble [cf. kamp and vep] ; to go, alone, only, mere, sole, one, excluding others ; not — Ktidnta (°.<a-an°), as, m. the tip or end of a
move, approach [cf. gep] . connected with anything else, isolated, abstract, abso- hair ; long hair hanging down, a lock of hair, a
; pure, uncompounded, unmingled, perfect tuft ; cutting off the hair finally, as a religious cere-
^rfVr kepi, is, is, i, Ved. unclean; (or fr. rt. in one's self, entire, whole, all; selfish, envious; mony performed upon Brahmans at sixteen years of
lamp), trembling, shaking (?). (am), ind. only, merely, solely, entirely, wholly, age, Kshatriyas at twenty-two, and Vaisyas at twenty-
kemadruma in astronomy = the absolutely, certainly ; net kevalam — ajji, not only — four. — Kesdntika, as, d, am, extending to the end
but also; kevalam — na tu, only — but not ; (as), m., of the hair as far as the forehead ; relating to the
Gr. xprttia.Ttffft.os. N. of a prince, a son of Nara ; ((), f. the doctrine of ceremony of final tonsure. — Keidri (°^a-ari), is,
kemuka, as, m., N. of a plant, = the absolute unity of spirit ; N. of a place ; (am), m. the plant Mesua Ferrea. — Ketdruhd (°ia-dr°),
n. the doctrine of the absolute unity of spirit ; N. of f., N. of a plant, =* saha-devl. ~ ha (°ita-ar°),
ketuka. {., N. of a plant, = mahdnili •* Ketdvamarshana
a country. *• Kevala-jndnin, i, m., N. of the first
Arhat of the last Utsarpim. — Kevala-tas, ind. only. (°$a-av°), am, n. pulling the hair, especially amo-
^t keyura, as, am, m. n. a bracelet worn — Kerala-tva, am, n. the state of being alone. rously playing with it, rubbing it, &c. ••
on the upper arm; (as), m. a kind of coitus.
- Keyura-bala, at, m., N. of a deity. — Keoala-dravya, am, n. black pepper. — Kevala- ("rfa-ud"), as, m. much or handsome hair.
Keyiiraka, as, m., N. of a Gandharva. naiydyilta, as, m. a mere logician, not versed in Kedaka, as, d, am, skilful in dressing hair, be-
any other science. •* Kevala-vaiydkaratia, as, m. stowing care upon the hair.
Keyurin, I, inl, i, decorated with a bracelet on a mere grammarian, one not versed in any other Keiava, as, d, am, having long or much or hand-
the upper arm. some hair ; (as), m. an epithet of Vishnu or Krishna ;
science. — Keualdgha ("la-ayka), as, a, am, Ved.
keraka, as, m. pi., N. of a people. N. of the author of a lexicon called Kalpa-dru ; the
alone guilty. — Kevaldtman (°la-dt°), a, a, a, one author of the Dvaita-parisishta ; the father of Govinda
whose nature or essence is absolute unity. — Kevala-
kerala, as, m. pi., N. of the inha- and Rucikara ; N. of the father of Brahma and uncle
bitants of Malabar ; (as), m. sing, a king of the din (°la-dd°), I, inl, i, eating by one's self alone of MahesVara ; N. of the son of Visvadhara and
or apart from others.
Keralas ; N. of a son of Akrida, from whom the Kevalin, i, inl, i, alone, one, only ; devoted to brother of KarinStha ; N. of the father of Vopadeva ;
people of Kerala are derived; (i), f. a kind of the doctrine of the absolute unity of spirit ; (i), m. N. of a p\mt,=pmmdga. — Ketova-jdlaka-pad-
science ; astronomical science ; an astronomical Sastra with Jainas, an Arhat. dhaty-uddharana, am, n. a commentary by Vil-
or treatise ; a Hora or period of time equal to about kevikd or keel, f., N. of a flower, vanatha on the work Jataka-paddhati. — Kedava-ji-
one hour ; (ami, n., N. of the country inhabited by nanda-darrnan, d, m., N. of an author. — Ke&ava-
= kavikd, commonly kevera.
the Keralas. - Keralotpatti (°la-vt°), is, (., N. of
a work.
ddsa, as, m., N. of an author. ^ Kefava-daivajna,
^fSf kesa, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. klis), of, m., N. of an astronomer. — Keiara-bhakti, is,
KeralaJca, as, m. pi., N. of the inhabitants of the hair of the head ; the mane (of a horse or lion) ; f. devotion to Krishna. — Ktiava-miira, as, m., N.
Malabar. of an author. — Ketova-svdmin, i, m., N. of a
a kind of perfume [cf. hrlvera] ; an epithet of
kel [cf. Prakrit kll = krld], cl. I. P. Varuna ; of Vishnu ; N. of a Daitya ; (I), f. a lock grammarian. — Kefavayudka (°iia-dy°), as, m. the
of hair on the crown of the head ; N. of several Mango tree ; any of Krishna's weapons. — Kedavdrka
kelati, to shake ; to go or move, move (°va-ar°), as, m., N. oif the author of the poem
about, be frolicsome, sport. plants, the Indigo plant ; another plant, Carpopogon Krishna-krioita, a son of Jayaditya and grandson of
Kdaka, as, m. a dancer, a tumbler, one who walks Pnmens ; an epithet of the goddess Durga. — Keia-
or dances on the edge of a sword. karman, a, n. dressing or arranging the air of the Rjniga ; N. of the author of a work called JStaka-
head. — Kcda-kalapa, on, m. a mass or quantity of paddhati ; N. of the author of a work called Vivaha-
Keldya, nom. P. kelayati, -yitum, to sport, play. hair, a head of hair. » Keia-kdra, as, m. a sort of vrindavana — Ketavalaya (°va-dr) or kesavd-
Kelt, is or i, m. f. play, sport, amorous sport, sugar-cane. - Keta-kdrin, I, im, i, dressing or ar- vdla (?) or keiavdvdsa (°va-dv°), as, m. the holy
pastime, amusement; (is), f. the earth. — Jfeli-kald, ranging the hair of the head. — Kefa-kita, as, m, a fig tree, Ficus Religiosa.
f. amorous or sportive accents or address ; sportive louse or other insect in the hair. — Keda-yarbha, as,
skill, wantonness ; the Vina or lute of Sarasvati. m. a braid or tress of hair ; an epithet of Varuna. Kedi, is, m., N. of an Asura.; [cf. ke&n.']
Kelika, as, i, am, having, fine or luxuriant hair,
— Kdl-kila, as, m. the confidential companion of — Kefa-garbJwJsa, as, m. a braid or tress of hair. relating to the hair; (o% f. the plant Asparagus
the hero of a drama, in general a sort of buffoon ; —Jittfa-grifuta, as, a, am, pulled or seized by the Racemosus.
one of Siva's attendant demi-gods ; (a), f. an epithet hair. —>Ke4a-graha, as. m. or keia-yrahana, am, Kedin, I, inl, i, having fine or long hair, having
of Rati the wife of Kama-deva, the god of love.
n. pulling the hair. — Kes"a-ghna, am, n. morbid a mane; epithet of Indra's and Agni's horses;
— Keli-klrna, as, m. a camel. - Keli-kundikd, f. baldness, falling of the hair — Keia-fuda, as, d, epithet of Rudra ; (i), m. a lion ; N. of a race ; N.
a wife's younger sister. — Keli-kosTta, as, m. an am, one who has dressed his hair ii, a tuft or top- of an Asura slain by Krishna ; an epithet of Krishna ;
actor, a dancer or tumbler. — Keli-grilia or kcli- knot. —Keta-dhid, t, m. a hair-dresser, a barber. N. of a son of Vasu-deva and Kausalya ; (inl), i. the
niketana, am, n. a pleasure-house, a private
the root of the hair. — Kes"a- plant Chrysopogon Aticulatus ; another plant, Nar-
apartment. — Kdi-ndgara, as, m. a sensualist, an — KeGa-jdha,
drinhana, i, am,n. Ved.
as, am, serving for fastening the dostachys Jatamarjsi; an epithet of the goddess
enjoyer of worldly pleasures. — Keli-^para, as, d, hair. — Keto-dhara, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
am, wanton, sportive. — Kdi^maiidapa, as, am, — Kefa-dhrit, t, f., N. of a plant, the root of sweet DurgS ; N. of an Apsaras ; N. of a daughter of the
m. n. or keli-mandira, am, n. a pleasure-house, a flag. — Keia-paksha, as, m. much or ornamented king ofVidarbha, wife of Sagara and mother of
Asamanja ; N. of the wife of Ajamidha (Suhotra)
play-room. — Keli-mukha, as, m. pastime, sport. hair, a tuft. — Kesa-pankti, is, f. a row or line of
and mother of Jahnu ; N. of the wife of VisVavas
— Keli-ranga, as, m. a pleasure-ground. — KM- hair; a quantity of hair. — Kefa-partil, (. the plant and mother of Ravana and Kumbhakarna ; N. of a
raivataka, am, n. title of a treatise. — Keli-vriksha, Achyranthes Aspera ; also apdmdrga. — Kesa-pd^a, Rakshasi; N. of a servant of Damayantl. — Keti-
as, m. a species of the Kadamba, commonly called as, m. much or ornamented hair, a tuft ; (I), f. a nisitdana or kedi-malluina or kedi-sudana, as, m.
Kelikadamba (Nauclea Cordifolia), being abundant in lock of hair hanging down from the top of the head. or kvli-han, d, m. &c. epithet of Krishna the slayer
the scene of Krishna's sports with the Gopis. — Keli- — KeSa-bandha, as, m. a hair-band. — Kexa-bhu,
tayama, am, n. a pleasure-couch, aas,sofa. — Ktti- its, m. the head. — Keia-bhiimi, is, f. any place on of the Asura Kesin.
m. minister the ;hair
or aonplant
in of ; suit-
iuihi, is, f. the earth. — Kdi-sadiva, which hair grows. — Ke4a-mdrja!;a, as, am, m. n. (?) Keiya, (as),being
haird,; am,
able to the as, m., N. (am), n.
of the sports, master of the revels. — Kdi-sadana , a comb. — Kefa-mdrjana, am, n. a comb ; cleaning black Aloe wood.
am, n. a pleasure-house, a play-room. — Keli-sthall, the hair. — KeJa-mushti, la, m. a handful of hair ; N.
f. a place of pleasure. — Kdt-pika, as, m. a cuckoo kesata, as, m. a goat; a bug; a
of two plants, (also visha-mushfi and mahd-nimba.)
kept for pleasure. — KeK-vatu, f. a pleasure-park, a — Kefa-rafana, f. arranging or dressing the hair. louse ; N. of a tree, commonly Sonapat, = sininhi ;
pleasure-grove. N. of a the parching arrow of Kama-deva, the god of love ;
Kelika, as, d, am, sporting, sportive ; (as), m. a brother ; an epithet of Vishnu.
the tree Jonesia Asoka. kesdrukd, f. = kaseruka, the
^Kf3 kela or kelu, a particular number. parasitical plant. - KeJa-lunfaka. as, d, am, pulling back-bone.
the hair. — Keia^cat, an, at'i, at, having a fine head kesara or ketara, as, am, m. n. (the
' kelasa, as, m. crystal. of hair ; having long hair ; having a mane. — Ktia- former form being more usual in Vedic and the latter
kev, cl. I. A. kevate, -vitum, to vapanlya,
dhana. as, as, i, am, a festival.
N. ofcausing
m., Ved. — Kes"a-var-
the hair to grow. in classical literature), the hair; the mane (of a
serve, attend to.
— Kesa-rardhint, i., N. of a plant, a kind of Sida. horse or lion) ; the filament of a lotus or of any
kevata, as, m., Ved. a cave, a hollow. — Ke/la-vcita,aa, ra. a tress or fillet of hair. - Keia- I vegetable; a fibre (as of a Mango fruit); (am),
254 kesara-ffrdma.
the tail of the Bos Grunniens, used as a fan fo kairaleya, as, m. a king of the subdivision of the Yadavas, descended from Kaisika,
driving away flies; (as), m., N. of several plants Keralas. who was son of Vidarbha and brother of Kratha ; ( j),
Rottleria Tinctotia ; Mimusops Elengi ; Mesua Ferrea f., scil. vritti, one of the four varieties of dramatic style,
(am), n. the flower of these plants; gold; sulphate ^f^ kairava, as, m. a gambler, a cheat, the graceful style, suited especially to the passion of
of iron ; N. of a metre consisting of four lines o a rogue; an enemy; (am), n. the white esculent love ; N. of a place or river ; an epithet of Durg3 ;
eighteen syllables each ; (as, d, am), m. f. n. Asa water-lily or lotus blossoming at night ; (i), f. moon- i (am), n. a quantity of hair, a head of hair.
Fcetida; [cf. Lat. canaries; Angl. Sax. haer, shine, moonlight ; N. of a plant, = methikd. — Kai- Kesin DSrbhya.
Kaliina, as, I, am (ft. kefin), connected with
rava-bandfiu, us, m. an epithet of the moon.
Eng. hair; Germ. Haar.~\ — Keiara-grdma, as,
m., N. of a GrSma. — Kesara-prabandhd, f., Ved. Kairavin, i, m. the moon; (t'ni), f. a place or A'aisyo, am, n. (fr. keda), the whole mass of
N. of a woman. — Kesara-vat, an, ati, at, having pond abounding in water-lilies, an assemblage of hair, a head of hair, much or ornamented hair.
a mane. — Kesara-i'ara, am, n. saffron. — Kesard- them. — Kairavini-khanda, am, n. a multitude of
spots filled with water-lilies. kaisora, am, n. (fr. kisora), youth,
fala mountains
the ("ra-ot*0), situated
as, m. ' the filament
round Meru,mountain,' N. ol
which is called boyhood, from the age of ten to that of fifteen.
^i *j<s«* kairataka, as, m. a species o
'the seed-vessel of the earth.' — Kesardmla (°ra- vegetable poison, one of the fixed kinds. — KaiJoraka-vayas, «s, n. the age or life of a youth.
am°), at, m. the citron. ^rn^T'M kaishkindha, as, i, am, coming
Kesari, is, m., N. of the rather of Hanumat. 4<lfl kairdta, as, I, am (fr. kirdta), relating from Kishkindhi.
Kesarin and keiarin, i, ini, i, having a mane ; or belonging to the KirStas; (as), m. a prince o
(i), m. a lion ; a horse ; N. of several plants, Rottle the Kiratas ; a strong man ; N. of a serpent ; (am) "Si ko, a prefix in a number of words, as
ria Tinctoria ; Mesua Ferrea ; a citron tree ; a variety wood. n. the plant Agathotes Chi ray ta ; a kind of sandal in ko-jdgara, ko-mala, ko-vida, &c., related to i .
ku; [cf. the prefixes ka, kava, kd, kim, ku.]
of Moringa with red flowers ( = rakta-s'igru) ; N.
of a man ; of a monkey, husband of the mother of Kairataka, as, i, am, belonging to the KirSta ^te koka, as, m. (an onomatopoetic word),
Hanumat. — Kesari-stita, as, m., N. of Hanumat. a wolf; a cuckoo; the ruddy goose; a frog; a small
F kehla-deva, as, m., N. of a man. Kairdtika, at, d, am, Ved. belonging to thi lizard or chameleon ; a kind of noxious parasitical
animal ; the wild date tree ; an epithet of Vishnu ;
kai, cl. i. P. kdyati, fakau, kdsyati, 5 kairdla, am, i, n. f., N. of a plant; N. of a man, a son of Sona ; N. of a river. — Koka-
katiim, to sound. used as a remedy for worms ; [cf. vidanga.] dera, as, m. a pigeon. — Koka-nakha, as, m. pi.,
kaikaya, as, m. the king of the N. of a people. — Koka-bandhu, us, m. the friend
«fi (Yj;31 kairisi, is, m. (fr. kirisi), a patro- of the CakravSka or ruddy goose, an epithet of the
Kekayas; (as), m. pi. the sons of this king; (I), f.
a daughter of this king. nymic of Sutvan. sun. — Koka-ydtu, us, m., Ved. a demon or ghost
Kaikeya, as, m. a descendant of Kekaya, who was efi»ir,< kairmedura, as, am, m. n. (?), N. oi in the shape of a cuckoo. — Koka-vdc"a, as, m. a sort
prince of the Kekayas ; a son of Sivi ; Drishtaketu, a place ; (as, i, am), coming from that place. of animal living in caves, a fox (?). — Koka-iastra,
king of the Kekayas and father of the five Kaikeyas ; am, n., N. of a very indecent treatise on the art of
(as), m. pi. the Kekayas ; (i), f. a daughter of the kaila, am, n. sport, pleasure. love, ascribed to a Pandit named Koka. — Kokdgra
prince of the Kekayas, one of the wives of Dasa- kailakila, an epithet of Yavana. (°ka-<tg°), as, m., N. of a plant, =samashlhila.
ratha, mother of Bharata ; a shrew, a scold. «BV«irT kokada, as, m. an animal of a brown
kaildvata,ds, m. pi., N. of a people. colour, with a bushy tail, lurking in holes, perhaps a
"*g;<4 kainkarya, am, n. (fr. kin-kara), the hare or fox.
office of a servant or slave ; service, servitude. kaildsa, as, m., N. of the mountain
%7 kaita, as, i, am (fr. kita), coming from Caiiasa, the fabulous residence of Kuvera and paradise ^ kokanada, as, m. pi., N. of a
an insect. of Siva ; it is placed by the Hindus in the Himalaya
ange, and is regarded as one of the loftiest peaks to — Kokanada-tthavi, people ; (am), n. the red lotus ; the red water-lily.
is, m. the colour of the red
kaitaja, as, m. = kutaja, the plant the north of the Manasa lake. — Kaildsa-ndtha, as,
Wrightia Antidysenterica. m. the sovereign of the Kailasa mountain, i. e the lotus ; (is, is, t), of the colour of the red lotus.
<*\<*<<*ikokaraka, as, m. pi., N. of apeople.
^T?»? kaitabha, as, m., N. of an Asura ;od Kuvera. — Kaildsa-niketana, as, m. an epithet
of Kuvera or Siva — Kaildsa-pandita, as, m., N. of *t4ifc«J<* kokalika, as, m., N. of a man.
slain by Vishnu ; title of a class of writings ; (a and i),
f. an epithet of DurgS. — Kal(abha-jit, t, m. or tot- athetcopyist. of Kuvera.
— Kaildsaukas (°sa-ok°), as, m. an epi
kokali, (., N. of a woman.
tabha-han, a, m. or kaitabhdri ( bha-ari), is, m. kokdmukha, as or am, m. or n. (?),
or kaitabhdrdana (bha-ar°), as, m. an epithet of kaivarta, as, m. [cf. kevarla], a.
Vishnu. sherman, born of a prostitute by a Kshatriya or of N. of a Tfrtha.
WZ*I kaitarya, as, m. a plant used in n Ayogava female by a Nishada father ; (i), f. the kokdha, as, m. a white horse; (per-
medicine, commonly Kayaphal ; the Nimb tree ; wife of a fisherman ; a kind of grass, Cyperus Ro- laps a foreign word.)
Mayana Vangueria Spinosa. undus ; [cf. paripela.] — Kaivarta-musta or kai-
arta-mustaka, am, n. the grass Cyperus Rotundus. <*)f<*rt knkila, as, m. (an onomatopoetic
Kaidarya, as, m., N. of two plants, = katphala
and katabhi. Kaivartaka, as, m. a fisherman. word ; but by some said to be fr. rt. kuk), the
Kaivartikd, f., N. of a plant, =surangd, laid, Kokila or Koil, the black or Indian cuckoo, Cuculus
^in«n kaitaka, as, I, am (fr. ketakd), coming valli. dasaruhd, Sec. ndicus ; a kind of mouse ; a kind of poisonous insect ;
from the plant Pandanus Odoratissimus ; (am), n. Kaivarti-mustaka or kaivartl-ntustaka, am, a firebrand, a lighted coal ; N. of a poet ; N. of a
the flower of the tree Pandanus Odoratissimus. n. a fragrant kind of grass, Cyperus Rotundus. <fi japntia ; (a), f. the female of a Kokila, (the Kokila
^nq kaitava, as, m. (fr. kitava), a patro- <B<(c4 kaivala, am, n. a kind of plant, used Koil is frequently alluded to in Hindu poetry, and
nymic of UlQka; (am), n. the stake in a game; as a remedy for worms, = kairdla. ts musical cry is supposed to inspire pleasing and
gambling ; deceit, fraud, cheating, roguery ; the lapis ender emotions.) — Kokila-nayana, as, m. a plant
qiqt*4 kawalya, am, n. (fr. kevala), perfect >earing a dark black flower, Capparis Spinosa : it is
lazuli. — Kaitara-prayoga, as, m. a trick, a device. isolation, abstraction, detachment from all other con- also applied to Barleria Longifolia ; [cf. kokildksha.]
— Knitava-vdda, as, m. falsehood, evasion.
Kaitavaka, am, n. gambling. nections, detachment of the soul from matter or fur- — Kokila-maitrdvaruna, as, i, am, relating to
Katiaveya or kaitavya, as, m. a patronymic of ther transmigrations ; becoming one with the Supreme ; he duties or office of the MaitrSvaruna priest at the
j»v eternal happiness, emancipation, beatitude ; exclusive- Caukillshti ; (am), n. title of a treatise. — Kokila-
ness, soleness, individuality, totality ; (as, d, ami, con- hotra, as, i, am, relating to the duties or office of
*<?It kaidara, as, i, am (fr. keddra), being nected with this state of mind. — Kaivalya-tantra, the Hotri priest at the Kaukillshti ; (am), n. title of
on or growing in a field or meadow, especially one
under tudewater ; (as), m. rice, com ; (am), n. a multi- am, a n.,
of N. of a Tantra.
commentary ~ Kaivalya-d'ipika,
by HemSdri. — Kaimlydirama(., N. a treatise. — Kokildksha ("la-ak0), as, m. 'having
of fields. eyes like those of the Koil,' the plant Asteracantha
Kaiddraka or Jcaiddrika or kaiddrya, am, a. a commentary (°ya-df), as, m. a pupil of Govinda, author of a xmgifolia or Capparis Spinosa. — Kolildkshaka,as,
multitude of fields. on the poem Ananda-lahari. — Kaiva- m. the same plant. »• Kokild-mdltdtmya, am, n. title
Kaidarya, as, d, am, belonging to a field. lyendra Cya-in°), as, m., N. of the instructor of of a part of the Skanda-purana. — Kokildvdsa (°la-
Riyanendra. — Kaivalyopanishad (°ya-up°), t, (. dv°), as, m. the Mango tree ; [cf. dmra.] — Koki-
3*3* kainnara, as,l, am (fr. kin nara), title of an Upanishad. ekfhu (°la-ik°), us, m. the black variety of sugar-
coming from Kinnara. CB^I^ kaisava, as, i, am (fr. kesava), be- ane; [cf. krishnekshu.] — Kukileshtd (°la-teh?),
longing to KeSava, (Krishna or Vishnu.) , N. of a plant, = mahd-jambu. — Kokilotsava.
<lm« kaiyata or kaiyyata, as, m., N. of a cla-nt°), as, m. the Mango tree.
son of Jaiyata, author of a commentary on Patan- en 13141 kaisika, as, I, am (fr. kesa), hair- Kokilaka, as or am, m. or n (?), N. of a metre
jali's Maha-bhashya. like, fine as a hair ; (as), m. love, passion, lust ; N. of a f four lines, each containing seventeen syllables.
kokkata. koradushaka. 255
' kokkata = konkata, q. v. osition, e. g. manutha-kiitika, a princess ; (as), ••=< H|K konvasira, as, m. pi., N. of a
a., sell, manduka, a frog ; an insect, coccinella of
i kokkvoka, as, m., N. of the author arious kinds ; N. of the son of a prince. — Koti- egraded warrior-tribe.
of the Rati-rahasya. clffT kopa, as, m. (fr. rt. kup), morbid
dsya (ka-ds°), as, m., N. of a son of king Suratha. ritation or disorder of the humours of the body ;
Kotira, at, m. the hair (collected on the forehead
> konka, as, m. pi., N. of a people. i the shape of a horn) ; an ichneumon, Viverra assion, wrath, anger, rage, (sa-kopa, enraged ; sa-ko-
' konkata, as, m., N. of a scholiast on chneumon ; an insect, coccinella of various kinds im.angrily.) — Jfopa-kdratia,am, n. cause of anger.
the Amara-kosha ; (a various reading has kokkata.) cf. kolika] ; an epithet of Indra. •• i . kopa-krama, as, m. one who goes to anger,
Kotira, as, m. a harrow ; N. of a NSga. n angry or passionate man. — Kopa-jvalita, at, a,
oft |j Iff konkana, as, m. pi., N. of a people
Kotira, as, m. long entangled hair; a crest, a m, inflamed with wrath, enraged. — Kopa-tas, ind.
on the western shore of the Dekhan ; (am), n. a iadem.
irough anger, angrily. — Kopa-dlpta, at, d. am,
kind of weapon ; (a), f. a female of the Kon-kana Kotlia,, as, m. a harrow ; [cf. kotifa.] ncensed or inflamed with anger. — Kopa-pada, am,
people. — Koitkand-vati, f., N. of a river. — Kon-
kand-suta, as, m. an epithet of ParaSu-rama, the «Btf kotta, as, am, m. n. a fort, a castle, a . appearance of anger, pretended wrath. — Kopa-
yarlta, as, d, am, affected by anger. — Kopa-lata,
son of Kon-kani. ., N. of a plant, = karna-sphotd. — Kopa-vat, an,
Konkandka, as, m. pi., N. of a people on the ronghold ; [cf. kota.']
western shore of the Dekhan. c(I)gcfl kottam, f. (fr. ko-drtava ?), a. naked ati, at, angry ; passionate ; (tt), f., N. of a metre
roman ; an epithet of Durga ; the mother of VSna, onsisting of four lines of fourteen syllables each.
; kon-kdra, as, m. the sound kom. n Asura; [<£.itotom, kautai'i, kotari.] — Kottavi- — Kopa-waia, as, m. subjection to anger. — Kopa-
ura, am, n.j N. of the town Vanapura on the vega, as, m. violence, impetuosity of passion ; N. of
koto, as, d, am (fr. rt. kuf), drying, Rishi. — Kopa-samanvita, as, d, am, affected by
Coromandel coast; [cf. koli-varsha and kotl-
becoming dry; (at), m. drying up, desiccation, ger. — Jfopdkula (°pa-dlc°), at, d, am, furious,
aridity ; a man of mixed caste, the offspring of a enraged. — Kopd-kopi, ind. in mutual anger, in
fisherman by a female of the butcher tribe. ifjTTt kottdra, as, m. a fortified town, a eciprocalwith
wrath. — Kopdvishta (°pa-dv°), as, a, am,
affected anger.
tronghold ; a pond ; the stairs of a pond ; a liber-
oin^lH'C ko-jdaara, as, m. a kind of festi- ine ; [cf. kotta.] Kopana, as, d, am, inclined to passion, passionate,
val, the night of full moon in the month Asvina
fa kotha, as, m. (fr. kusktha), a species wrathful, angry ; irritating, causing morbid irritation
(September-October), celebrated with various games ; or disorder of the humours ; (as), m., N. of an Asura ;
(according to some authorities from Jtah xadjdgara, )f leprosy with large round spots ; ringworm, im-
wtigo. am), n. irritating ; becoming angry ; (a), f. a pas-
' who is awake ?' the exclamation of LakshmT, who sionate woman.
descending on this night, promised wealth to all that
were awake ; hence the night is spent in festivity and oM4*. kothara, as, m., N. of a plant, =a»- Kopanaka, am, n. a kind of perfume ; [cf. doraka.]
games of chance in honour of the goddess.) cota; [cf. kotara.] — Kothara-pushpl, f. the plant JKopayishnu,
nclined to make us, us, u, intending to exasperate,
Convolvulus Argenteus.
cRty konja, as, m. = kauhfa, N. of a Kopita, as, d, am, enraged, furious.
mountain. fflff kona, as, m. a corner, an angle
Kopin, I, ini, i, angry, passionate, wrathful ; (at
\ = airf) ', an intermediate point of the compass ; the end of a compound) irritating, stirring up ; (t),
oStj kota, as, m. (rt. kut), a fort, a strong- he quill or bow of a lute, a fiddle-stick, &c. ; a sort
hold ;a shed, a hut [cf. kula, ku.fi) ; crookedness, m. a bird called the water-pigeon (jala-pdravala).
of musical instrument, a stringed musical instrument ;
curvature ; a beard. — Kota-dakra, am, n. a sort of a drum-stick ; the sharp edge of a sword ; a stick, a
2. kopakrama (ka-up°), am, n.
diagram. staff, a club ; a N. of Man-gala, the planet Mars ; a BrahrnS's creation ; see 3. ka. (For i. kopa-krama
Kotaka, as, «, am, who or what curves or bends ; N. of the planet Saturn (in this sense fr. the Gr. see under kopa above.)
(at), m. a builder of sheds or huts, a thatcher, a was). — Kona-kuna, as, m. a bug; [cf. kola-
carpenter ; a mixed caste, the son of a mason and ol kttna, utkuna, matkuna.] — Kona-vddin, t, m. an
the daughter of a potter. epithet of Siva. — Kona-sprig-vritta, as or am, m. kopajna (ka-up°), am, n. Brahma's
Kotara, as, am, m. n. the hollow of a tree ; a or n. (?), a circle in contact with the angles of a oma, am, n.=kloma, q. v.
cave in general ; (I), f. a naked woman ; an epithet figure ; an exterior circle ; one circumscribed. «• Ko~ ko-mala, as, d, am (fr. ko = ku and
of the goddess DurgS. — Kotara-vana, am, n. a nd-koni, ind. from angle to angle, from one corner
wood in which there are hollow trees. to the other, cornerwise, diagonally ; athwart. mala fr. rt. mlai, ' easily fading away ?'), tender,
Kolavl, f. a naked woman ; a form of the goddess Stftff koni, is, is, i, having a crooked soft (opposed to karkas'a) ; bland, sweet, low ;
Durgi (represented naked). arm ; [cf. kuni.] pleasing, agreeable, beautiful ; (a), {., N. of a plant ;
Koti, it or i, f. the curved end of a bow or of claws, (am), n. water. — Komala-glta or komala-gitaka,
&c. ; the end or top of anything ; the edge or point konera-bhatta, as, m. a N. of a am, n. a pleasing song. — Komala-id, f. or komala-
of a sword ; the horns of the moon ; the highest son of Vishnu and father of Rudra-bhatta. tva, am, n. softness, tenderness, agreeableness.
— Komala-svabhdva, as, d, am, tender-hearted.
point, eminence, excellence ; the highest number in lotus.
the older system of numbers, viz. a Krore or ten
' konda-bhatta, as, m., N. of Komalaka, am, n. the fibres of the stalk of a
millions ; the complement of an arc to 90° ; the side grammarian. cRtatftnirr komdsikd, f. a budding fruit ;
of a fight-angled triangle ; N. of a plant. Firing or kotha, as, d, am (fr. kuth), afflictec
Asparac, Medicago Esculenta, = koti^varshd. — Ko(i- with pain, churned ; (a«), m. putrefaction, corrup- [cf. jdlika.]
karna, as, m., N. of a man.— Koti-jit, t, m. a tion ; a sore ; gangrene ; a disease of the eyes lovely (.?).
conqueror of ten millions ; an epithet of the poe inflammation and ulceration of the angles of the cR^BBf komya, as, d, am, Ved. •= kdmya,
Kalidasa — Koti-jyd, f. the cosine of an angle in a eyelids ; churning.
right-angled triangle. — Koti-tirtha, as, m., N. of a <*ll<is ko-danda, as, am, m. n. a bow cliffs ko-yashti, is, or koyashtika, as, m.
Tlrtha. — Koti-dvaya, am, n. 'the two ends,' i e (as), m. an eyebrow (shaped like a bow); a creeping the lapwing ; a small white crane, commonly called a
two alternatives. — Koti-pdtra, am, n. a rudder o
plant ; N. of a country.
large oar used as one. — Ko/i-pdla, as, m. the guarc ofitt kora, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. kur), a
of a stronghold ? (a wrong reading for kotta-pdla ?} Kodandin, i, ini, i, armed with a bow ;
— Koti-pura, am, n., N. of a town. — Koli-mat movable joint, as the fingers, the knee, &c. ; amphi-
epithet of S'iva.
<*1<;i«, koddra, as, am, m. n.(?), a kind o arthrosis ; a bud (see the next).
an, ati, at, furnished with a point. '—Koti-varsha
am, n., N. of a city, Vanapura or Devikote, on th Koraka, at, am, m. n. a bud, an unblown flower ;
the fibres of the sta k of a lotus ; a species of perfume,
Coromandel coast ; (d), f. a plant used medicinally
either Medicago Esculenta or Trigonella Comi dD^cl kodrava, as, m. a species of grain commonly Cor (cora) ; another perfume, a berry
culata. — Koti-vcdltin, i, ini, i, striking an edge o grain.
eaten by the poor, Paspalum Scrobiculatum. containing a resinous and fragrant substance; [cf.
point, i. e. performing the most difficult things 4Mlrf«d kondlaka, as, d, m. f. a kind o
— Koli-^as, ind. by tens of millions, in innumerabl Korakita, as, d, am, covered with buds.
multitudes. — Koti-irl, f. an epithet of the goddts aquatic bird. Korita, CM, a, am, budded, sprouted; ground,
Durgi. — Koti-varsha, am, n., N. of the town 'aft'HlfiS kondli, is, m. or f. (?), a kind o pounded, comminuted.
Vanapura on the Coromandel coast ; (d). (. the plan clTl^gH koranal, f. small cardamoms ; [cf.
Medicago Esculenta or Trigonella Comiculata ; [c <*\nlr4 kontala, as, m. pi., N. of a people
of ten millions,— aKotis'vara
millionaire. fti-ti°), as, m. the lor plant. cfftt?m kora-diisha or koradushaka. as, m.
Kolika, as, d, am, forming the highest poii sf\r4 konva, as, m., N. of a mountain a kind of grain eaten especially by the poor, Paspalum
top or summit of anything, placed in the highes [cf. kola, kollaka, kolagiri, kolvagireya.] Scrobiculatum. See kodrava.

korali. kosaldtmajd.
korali or korild, f., N. of a town. kosa, as, am, m. n. (fr. rt. fcus or of a plant, =krimi-vri]ctha, suketaka, commonly
kush f, related to kukshi and koshtha ?; in the earlier Itoiama; (am), n. the fruit of this plant, Vulg.
kola, as, m. a hog ; a raft, a float, keuda ( =keura 1 Sonneratia Apetala ?).
literature generally spelt koto; later books read both
a bo»t ; a kind of weapon ; the breast, the haunch, koia and kasha), a cask, a vessel for holding liquids ; Kofoka, at, m. an egg, a testicle.
tht hip or flank, the lap [cf. kroda]; an embrace,
embracing; N. of a plant ( = titra, titrated,); the (metaphorically) a cloud ; a pail ; a bucket ; a drink- Kotayi, I., Ved. a chest, a box ; the interior of a
planet Sani or Saturn ; N. of a son of Akrida ; N. of ing-vessel, a cup, a vessel in general ; .1 box, a cup- carriage (?). According to Say. = koia.
board, adrawer, a trunk ; the interior or inner part Knxika, f. a drinking-vessel.
a degraded warrior-tribe ; an outcast, one of a tribe of a carriage ; a sheath, a scabbard, &c. ; a case, a
degraded by Sagara from the military order ; a maa Koiin, i, inl, i, incased (ama-koiHn, having the
covering, a cover ; store-room, store, provisions ; a cavity of the ear filled up) ; (i), m. the mango tree ;
of a mixed caste ; a barbarian, a Kol, a tribe inhabit- treasury, the apartment where money or plate is kept ; [cf. imra.]
ing the hill» and forests in central India ; (a or ?), f. treasure, accumulated wealth, money ; gold or silver,
the jujube tree, Zizyphus Jujuba; (d), f. Piper Kotili, f. a kind of bean [cf. mudga-parni] ; N.
wrought or unwrought, as plate, jewellery, &c. ; a of a river.
Longum, and Piper Chaba (davya) ; (am), n. the
kind of bandage (in surgery) ; a dictionary, lexicon,
fruit of the jujube ; black pepper ; the weight of one <*l3lc-i kosala and kosala.
or vocabulary ; a bud ; the sheath or integument of a See under
Tola; [cf. Lith. i-nilys, kiaule; Hib.cullach; Gr. kosala.
Xoipof.}— Kola-kanda, as, m. a sort of bulbous plant ; a pod or any similar seed-vessel ; a nutmeg,
a nut-shell ; the inner part of the fruit Artocarpus
plant, used as a remedy for worms ; [cf. krlmi-yhna, kosalika, am, n. a bribe ; (wrong
Integrifolia ; the cocoon of a silk-worm ; the vulva, reading for kaudalika, q. v.)
paiyala, &c.~\ — Kula-lcarhatikd, (., N. of a plant, the womb; the penis; a testicle or the scrotum;
=madhu-kharjurikii. — Kola-(/iri, is, m., N. of a
mountain. — Kola-dala, am, n. a kind of perfume, an egg; (in the Vedanta philosophy) a term for •*l!)|lrl<* kosataka or koshataka, as, m. (fr.
the three sheaths or succession of cases which make
= nakht.~Kola-ndslka,f., N. of a plant, = r««- up the various frames of the body enveloping the koto ?), hair ; (I), f. several Cucurbitaeeous plants,
Wni. — JfolarjfH^dha, as, m. a heron. — Kola-miila, Trichosanthes Diceca, Luffa Acutangula, and LurTa
am, n. the root of long pepper. — Kola-valll, f. the soul, (these are, I. the dnaiida-mayah koiah or Pentandra ; th« fruits of these plants ; a moonlight
plant Pothos Officinalis, a plant with a pungent fruit ' sheath of pleasure,' forming the Icarana-iarira or
' causal frame ;' 2. the vijnana-mayalf or buddhi- night.
resembling pepper, = gaja-pippali ; another plant,
Piper Chaba (A»»y«). — Kola-Mmibl, (., N. of a mayah or mano-mayah or prana-mayah kofah, oRt5[lrlO*«^ kosatakin, I, m. (fr. the pre-
' the sheath of intellect or will or life,' forming the
plant, commonly called AlakusI, Carpopogon Pruri- ceding?), trade, business; a trader, .a merchant;
ens; [cf. krita-jihald, kkafva. Sec.] — Kold-koli , sukskma-sarira or ' subtile frame ;' 3. the anna- submarine fire.
ind. with mutual embraces. — Kolanta (°la-aiic), 08, mayah koiah, ' the sheath of nourishment,' forming
m. a N. of Kalir^ga, the Coromandel coast from the sthula-4arira or ' gross frame') ; a ball or globe kosya, au or e(?), m. or n. (?), du.,
Cuttack to Madras; but, according to some, this (e. g. sutra-kosha, a ball of thread ; netra-kosha, Ved. two lumps of flesh near the heart of a sacrificial
the eye-ball &c.) ; judicial trial, ordeal by fire, water,
place is in Gangetic Hindustan, with Kanouj for the horse.
poison, the balance, heated balls of iron, boiling oil
capital. -• Kola-pwa,, am, n., N. of a town. osha with its compounds, see under
&c., attesting a deity with thrice-repeated drinking
Kolaka, at, m., N. of two plants, = ankotha and of the water in which some idol has been washed ; koto, for which kosha is only a later form.
\>ahu-vara; (am), n. a kind of perfume, =kakko- the water used at an ordeal ; an oath ; (a), f., N. of a
laka ; black pepper. ef)Mr4T koshala, wrongly spelt for kosala.
river ; (t), f. a bud ; a seed-vessel ; the beard of corn ;
ofcWn+pJ kolakila, as or am, m. or n.(?), koshataka = kosataka, q. v.
a shoe, a sandal ; [cf. Hib. gucog, ' a bud, a sprout ;'
N. of a town; (also read kilakila, kilinakila, Gr. K<fK*oj.] — Koia-kdra, as, m. one who makes
kolikila.) koshtha, as, m. (fr. rt. kush ; probably
scabbards, cases, boxes, &c. ; the compiler of a diction-
ary, a lexicographer; the silk-worm or the insect related to kukfhi and koto), any one of the viscera
*VcV**U kolakuna, as, m. a bug; [cf. while in its cocoon ; a chrysalis or pupa ; a variety of of the body, as the stomach, heart, lungs, &c., but
konakuna, utkuna, matkuna.] sugar-cane or sugar-cane in general. — Kofa-kdraka, particularly the stomach ; the belly, bowels, abdomen ;
as, m. a silk-worm. — KoGa-krit, t, m. a kind of an inner apartment ; a granary, a place in which grain
«fT>rf%r<* kolambaka, as, m. (fr. ko + lam- sugar-cane. — Koia-griha, am, n. a treasury; a room is kept, a store-room, a treasury; (am), n. a sur-
ht/ka ?), the body of a lute, the whole of it except in which valuable garments, precious stones &c. are
the strings. rounding wall ; a kind of vessel ; the shell of any-
kept. — Kofa-grakana, am, n. undergoing an ordeal. thing ;(as, a, am\ own. — Kushlha-koti, is, m.,
— Koia-dantu, us, m. the Indian crane. — Kofa- N. of an attendant of Sivz. — Koshtha-pala, as, m.
^ftrtl^'cJ koKhala, as, am, m. n. (an ndyaka, as, m. a chief over treasure, a treasurer ; an a municipal officer, a constable ; a watch, a guard,
onomatopoetic word), a loud and confused sound,
an uproar, a great and indistinct noise (of men, epithet of Kuvera. — Koda-pala, as, m. the guardian the watch of a city ; a storekeeper, a treasurer.
of a treasure. — Kofo-petaka, as, am, m. n. a chest — KoMha-vat, an, m., N. of a mountain. •• Kosh-
animals, &c.) ; (<M). m., N. of a personified moun-
tain. or strong box in which treasure is kept. — Koia- tha-fuddhi, is, f. dejection by stool, evacuation of
phala,as, m. a kind of creeping plant [cf.ghoshaka] ; the bowels. — Koshthagdra (°tha-ag° or &g°), at,
*"tfw koli, is, is or «, m. f. the jujube tree, (a), f. a Cucurbitaceous plant, =pita-ghoshd ; the am, m. n. a store-room, a store; a treasury.
Zizyphus Jujuba ; [cf. karkandhu. ] — Koli-sarpa, plant Cucumis Utilissimus, = trapushi; (am), n. a — Koshihdgdrika, as or o (?), m. or f. (?), a kind
at, m., N. of a degraded warrior-tribe. kind of perfume, a berry containing a waxy and of animal, any animal living in a shell. •• Koshfhd-
fragrant substance ; a nutmeg. — Kofa-bhiita, as, a, gdrin, i, m. a kind of poisonous insect. — Kosh-
ofcirpjf'ilir'J kolikila, as or am, m. or n. (?),
am, treasured, stored, accumulated. — Koia-vat, an, Ihdgni (°tha-ag°), is, m. the digestive faculty, the
N. of a town(?); [cf. kolakila.] att, at, possessing treasures, rich, wealthy ; (tl), (., N. gastric juice. — Koshthi-pradipa, as, m., N. of a
of a kind of plant. — Koda-vdsin, t, irii, i, living in work on astronomy.
'Jirtfo'rT kolita, as, m. an epithet of Maud- a shell, wrapped up in a sheath or shell, incased ; (t), Koshthaka, as or am, m. or n. (?), a granary,
m. any animal so incased, a chrysalis or pupa. — Kota- a treasury [cf. anna-koiht haka] ; a surrounding
koluha, as, m., N. of a man. vriddhi, is, f. swelled testicle, enlargement of the wall ; (am), n. a brick trough for watering cattle ;
koluka, as or am, m. or n. (?), N. scrotum from hernia or hydrocelc &c. — Kofa-
N. of a town.
vetiman, a, n. a treasury. — KviSa-iSayika, f. a clasp- KiiKhthakl-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute,
of a country; also koluta and .<ailuta; [cf. ul&ka, -kartuin, to surround, enclose.
nluta, nl nl n, kulutu, kuluta, kauluta.] knife or one lying in a sheath. — Koila-s'uddhi, is,
(. purification by ordeal. — Kotia-skrit, t, m. a silk- Koshthila, as, m., N. of a man.
l kolya, f. Piper Longum ; [cf. kola.] worm. — Koki-itha, as, d, am, incased, sheathed,
enveloped in a sheath or shell &c. ; (as), m. any Koshthya, as, d, am, proceeding from the chest
i kollaka, as, m., N. of a mountain ; shelled insect or animal, as a snail &c. ; a pupa or or interior of the body, emitted (as a sound) from
the centre of the lungs.
[cf. konva, konva&ra, kola, kolagiri, kolvagi- chrysalis ; the silk-worm in its cocoon. — Ko-:a-htna,
reya.] — Kolla-giri, is, m., N. of a mountain. a*, a, am, without treasure, deprived of riches, eKlUjI koshna (ka-ush°), as, a, am, mode-
««l<sif'l«.M kolva-gireya, (is, m. pi., N. of poor.~Ko4aw!a (°ia-an°}, at, m. part of a trea- rately warm, tepid, warm ; (am), n. warmth ; [cf.
a people. sure, a portion of any one's wealth. — Kotagara l;avni<hna, hadushna.]
( da-tig ), a*", am, m. n. a treasure-house, store-room,
«*([=«; ko-vida, as, a, am (fr. ko and rt. treasury. — Koiaittja ( sa-an ), as, m. a kind of <*l'flf5 kosala, as, in. (in later books gene-
vid, to know), experienced, skilled, learned, wise
reed or grass, commonly Ikada; [cf. iitkata."] tribe rally spelt hi/tola), N. of a country and the warrior-
inhabiting it, descendants of MSthava Videgha ;
(with loc., gen., and at the end of comp., e. g. afoeshu — Kiwadhipati (°^u-adh°), is, or Icos'Sahifa or
of aivanim or asva-kovida, skilled in horses). kodddhyaksha (°ia-adh°\, as, m. a superintendent (a), f., N. of the capital of this country or Ayodhya,
of the treasury, a treasurer, a paymaster ; an epithet the modem Oude. — Kosaldtmaja (°Za-a(°), f. the
4T\r<4^rC kn-pidara, as, m. a tree, Bauhinia
of Kuvera. — Kosapaharana (°i!a-ap ), am, n. car- • daughter of the king of the Kosalas, an epithet of a
V'ariegata ; also one of the trees of paradise. rying off treasure. — Koiamra ( ia-am°), as, m., N. i wife of Dasa-ratha, the mother of Rama.
kohada. kaumara.
I 257

t(?lj!i kohada, as, m., N. of a man ; [cf. ^nTT kautaja, as, i, am (fr. kutaja), coming joy, pleasure, happiness, enjoyment ; sport, pastime ;
Icauhada and ifcoAaZa.] from the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica ; (as), m. public diversion ; song, dance, show or spectacle ;
season of enjoyment ; kind or friendly greeting,
the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica. — Kautaja-bhd-
<*lfrt kohala, as, a, am (fr. io + Aa/a /> cf. rika, as, a, am, carrying or bearing a load of civility, salutation. — Kautuka-kriya, f. a solemn
kutit/iiila), speaking indistinctly ; (UK), m. a kind of ceremony, a marriage ceremony. — Kauttika-griha,
musical instrument ; a sort of spirituous liquor ; N. of Wrightia Antidysenterica.
Kautajika, as, i, am, carrying a load of Wrightia am, n. the house in which a marriage takes place.
a saint or Muni, the inventor or first teacher of the — Kautuka-torana, as, am, m. n. a triumphal
drama, also a writer on music. arch erected at certain festivals. — Kautuka-man-
«M5»ft kautabht, f. an epithet of the god- gala, am, n. a solemn ceremony. — Kautukagara
Jfohallya, am, n. title of Kohala's work on music.
dess Durga ; [cf. kaitabhi.]
kohita, as, m., N. of a man. (°ka-ag° or Sg°), as, am, m. n. a room for festivity,
«fTi«<« kautalya, as, m. an epithet of a room in which a marriage ceremony takes place.
kaukuttaka, as, m. pi., N. of a Kautukita, as, a, am, eagerly interested, eager.
Canakya; also called VStsySyana ; [cf. kautilya.]
people ; (variously written kaukuntaka and leau- Kautukin, i, ini, i, festive, gay, jocose, a jester.
kundaka.) kottam.]
"•ficil kautavl, f. a naked woman; [cf. "iilrT^rt kautuhala, am, n. (fr. kutuhala),
onion*, kaukura, as, m. pi. (fr. kukura), N. curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for
of a people. «Rtfirfarai kautilika, as, m. (fr. kutilikd), anything, eagerness, vehemence ; anything causing
kaukmddi, is, m., N. of a man. a hunter ; a blacksmith. curiosity, any unusual phenomenon ; a solemn cere-
<*}(«<?< kautilya, as, m. (fr. kutila), an mony. —Kautuhala-para, as, a, am, curious, in-
kaukiista, as, m., N. of a man. quisitive. Kantuhaldnvita
— (°la-an°), as, a, am,
epithet of Canakya [cf. kautalya] ; N. of a gram- eager, vehement, curious.
kaukritya, am, n. (fr. ku-krita or marian; (am), n. crookedness, curvature, curliness
ku-kritya), evil doing, wickedness ; repentance. of the hair; falsehood, fraudulent behaviour, dis- N. <mofaSukta(?).
n m fl kautomata, am, n.(fr. kutas+mata),
honesty, deceit, insincerity ; a kind of horse-radish.
cRTUsT kaukkuta, as, i, am (fr. kukkuta),
cw^lt kautira, as, i, am, belonging to the odlW kautsa, as, i, am (fr. kutsa), composed
relating to a cock or domestic fowl, gallinaceous.
Kaukkutika, ax, m. a poulterer, one who sells plant Kutira, made of it. by Kutsa ; (am), n. a Sukta or Saman composed by
fowls ; a kind of mendicant, one who walks with his Kautirya, f. an epithet of DurgS, ' living in a Kutsa ; (as), m. a patronymic from Kutsa ; N. of a
eyes fixed on the ground for fear of treading upon teacher ; N. of a pupil of Vara-tantu ; the son-in-law
insects &c. ; a hypocrite. of Bhagiratha ; a patronymic of Jaimini ; N. of a
cJTiJg kautumba, as, I, am (fr. kutumba),
Kaukkuti-kandala, as, m. a species of snake, degraded family. — Jfautsi-putra, as, m., N. of a
necessary for the household ; (am), n. family relation- teacher.
the Boa or Bor.
kauthuma, as, m. pi. the pupils of
<in!f kauksha, as, I, am (fr. kukshi), abdo- Kautumbika,
hut (?).'' as, J, am, belonging to a family, Kuthumin.
minal, ventral. constituting a family ; having relations ; (as), m. the
Kauksheya, as, i, am, being in the belly ; being father or master of a family. =m<;ir<>>c» kauddlika or kaudaltka, as, m.
in a sheath. (fr. kudala), a man of a mixed caste, the son of a
otiisfqc* kaudavika, as, I, am (fr. kudava),
Kauksheyaka, as, m. a sword ; a scymitar. sown with a particular measure (a Kudava) of grain fisherman by a woman of the washerman caste.
eST|; kaunka, as, m. the country Kon-ka, (as a field &c.), containing a Kudava. ^5^0* kaudravika, am, n. (fr. kodrava),
= I:nitl-n, konkana. <*i s\c; (V. kaudodari, is, m. (or kaundodari sochal salt.
Kaunkana, as, m. pl.p N. of a people; the dis- fr. kundodara ?), N. of a man. a fiel &c.).
Kaudravina, as, a, am, sown with Kodrava (as
trict of Kon-kan in the peninsula.
Kaurtkina, as, m. pi. = kaunkana above. kaudya, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
«il«non kaunakhya, am, n. (fr. ku-nakhin),
ojil^'M kaunkuma, as, %, am (fr. kunkuma), kaunakntsya, as, m., N. of a the condition of one who has a disease of the nails ;
relating to the saffron flower. Brahman ; [cf. kuna-lciu!flia.] ugliness of the nails. -• Kaunakhyadika (°ya-ad°),
'chMe|l4 kaucavarya, as, a, am, coming am, n. neglect of personal decoration.
from Kucavara. qTi<UH kaunapa, as, m. (fr. kunapa), 'feed- cmfTioii kauntika, as, m. (fr. kunta), a
ing upon corpses,' a Rakshasa or goblin ; N. of a Naga
clff^r kauhta, as, m., N. of a mountain, (these beings are supposed to eat human flesh). spearman, a soldier armed with a spear.
part of the Himalaya range ; [cf. kmunda.] — Kaunapa-danta, as, m. an epithet of Bhishma,
cfciifl kaunti, f. (fr. kunta or kunti), a, sort
uncle of the PSndus. — Kaunapds'ana (°pa-af), as, of perfume, commonly renuka.
cfclyi. kaunjara, as, I, am (fr. kuujara), m., N. of a Naga.
belonging to an elephant ; (as), m., N. of a race. qtitiM kaunteya, as, m. (a patronymic fr.
<*IKU*<^ kauninda, as, m. pi., N.of a people;
«m^l*l*1 kauiijdyana, as, m. pi. (fr. kunja), (as), ra. sing, a prince of this people.
kunti), a N. of Yudhishthira, Bhima-sena, and Arjuna ;
N. of a mountain-tribe, descended from Kunja ; (i),
N. of a tiee=arjuna.
f. a princess of this tribe ; a female descendant of cumiM kauneya, as, m. (fr. kuni ?), Ved. a
Kunja; the wife of a Brahman or any venerable
oh) Ml kauntya, as, m. a king of the Kuntis.
patronymic of Rajana.
personage. «*!<!« rt kaundala, as, I, am (fr. kundala), 'Sfin^ kaunda, as, I, am (fr. kunda), relating
Kaunjdyanya, as, m. a prince of the mountain- to or coming from jasmine.
furnished with rings.
tribe called Kaunjayana.
<*i(\!S«<) kaundinya, as, m., N. of a Muni
«tni kaupa, as, i, am (fr. kupa), coming
«BT7 I. kauta, as, t, am (fr. kuti), living in from a well or cistern ; (am), n. well-water.
or divine sage ; N. of a grammarian ; a patronymic
one's own house, independent, free; domestic, homely, Kauplna, am, n. the pudenda ; a privity, a privy
home-born, home-bred ; (a*), m. = kutaja, the plant of the poet Jaya-deva.
part ; a small piece of cloth worn over the privities
Wrightia Antidysenterica. — Kauta-taksha, as, m. «St ujs <^4 =» kaundilyaka, as, m. (or kaun- by poor persons ; a wrong or improper act, sin.
an independant carpenter, one who works at home dinyaka?), a kind of poisonous insect. — Kauplna-vat, an, all, at, one who has only a
on his own account and not for the village or cor- piece of cloth over the privities.
poration. kaundoparatha, as, m. pi. (fr.
Kaupya, as, a, am, coming from a well or cistern.
^7 2. kauta, as, i, am (fr. kuta), snared, kundoparatha), N. of a warrior-tribe.
Kaundoparatluya, as, m. a prince of this tribe. =wMi<;=(Il kaupodakl, f . the mace of Krishna,
wired ; fraudulent, dishonest ; (am), n. fraud, false- = kaumodaki ; [also kaupadakl f] .
hood. —Kauta-sakshin, i, m. a false witness, = kiita- 0*1 <»4 kaunya, am, n. (fr. kuni), distortion or
xakrhin — Kautasaksfiya, am, n. false evidence. paralysis of the hands ; the being maimed or handless. oRr^j^ kaubjya, am, n.(fr. kubja), crooked-
Kautakika, as, a, am, one whose occupation is ness, hump-backedness.
to catch animals in traps, caves, &c. ; (as), m. a o*l (j<* kautuka, am, n. (fr. kutuka), curi- «wN kauma, am, n., N. of a Vedic treatise,
vender of the flesh of birds or beasts, a poacher, a osity, interest in anything, vehement desire for, wish,
inclination ; eagerness, vehemence, impatience ; any-
so named from its author.
butcher, &c. ; [cC. kautika.~] " thing causing curiosity, admiration or interest, any =Rt*TTX kaumdra, as, i, am (fr. kumdra or
Kautika, as, i, am, one whose business is to catch
animals in traps &c. ; one who kills animals and sells singular or surprising object, a wonder; festivity, kumdrt), juvenile, youthful, girlish, belonging to a
their flesh for his own subsistence, a hunter, a poacher, gaiety, a festival, a show, a solemn ceremony, espe- youth or young girl, maiden, maidenly, virgin, (kau-
a mountaineer, &c. ; relating to a snare or trap ; cially the ceremony with the marriage-thread or ring mdrl bharyd, a virgin wife, one who has not had a
fraudulent, dishonest. preceding a marriage ; the marriage-thread or ring ; husband previously ; kaumdrah patil), a man who
258 kausltakl.
marries a virgin j kavmiram vratam, a vow of ing or relating to a tortoise, connected with a tortoise, <*!<(« kauvala, am, n. = kuvala, the fruit
abstinence) ; soft, tender ; relating to the god of acting as one ; belonging or relating to the Avatara of the tree Zizyphus Jujuba.
war or Sanat-kumara, belonging or peculiar to them ; of Vishnu as a tortoise; (a«), m., N. of a Kalpa,
(i), (. one of the seven divine Mitris, the divine the day of full moon of Brahma; (am), n., sell. "tifa*. kauvera, as, t, am (fr. kuvera), relat-
mothers or personified energies of the gods, the ing or belonging to Kuvera, coming from him ; ((),
purdnam, title of a Purana on the subject of Vishnu's
energy or takti of Kumara or Kirttikeya the god of descent as a tortoise. — Kaurmopapurdna (°ma- f., scil. dill, the region of Kuvera, the north quarter ;
war; a kind of bulbous plant, = vdrdhi-kanda ; (am), the ialiii or female energy of Kuvera ; (am), n. a
up°), am, n., N. of an Upa-puraTia. plant, a kind of Costus, Costus Speciosut.
n. childhood, youth from birth to the age of five ; ^Tt9 kaula, as, i, am (fr. kula), belonging
maidenhood to the age of sixteen. — Kaumdra- ^51 i. kausa, as, I, am (fr. kusa), made of
parrata, at, m., N. of a mountain. — Kaumara- or relating to a family, ancestral, extending over a
whole family or race, sprung from a noble family, of Kula grass; (am), n., scil. nagara, the town of
bhritya, am, n. the rearing and education of chil- Kusa, an epithet of Kinyakubja. — Kautidmbhas
dren, adepartment of medical science ; [cf. kumdra- a good family, well-born ; (as), m. a worshipper of
Sakti according to the left-hand ritual ; (am), n. the ("Va-am0), as, n. Kula grass boiled in water.
bhrityd.] — Kaumarardjya, am, n. (I'r. kumdra- doctrine and practices of the left-hand SfSktas. — Kau- Kausya, as, d, am, made of Kula grass.
rdja = rdja-kumdra, yuva-rdja), the position of
an heir-apparent ; [cf. yauvardjya.] lopanlshad ("la-u,p°), t, f. title of an Upanishad. *i^l 2. kausa, as, I, am (fr. kosa), silken,
Kaumdraka, am, n. childhood, the juvenile age. Kaulakeya, as, i, am, sprung from a noble family, silk.
Kaumdrika, at, i, am, endowed with girls ; of a good family, well-born ; (as), m. a bastard ;
(wrong form for kaulateya.) i . kauiika, as, i, am, being in a sheath or scab-
(as), m. a father of girls. — Kaumdrika-tantra, am, Kaulattha, as, >, am (fr. kulattha), made or bard, sheathed, incased ; silken, silk ; (as), m. one
n., N. of a Tantra. who is versed in dictionaries; the compiler of a
prepared with or consisting of Dolichos Uniflorus ;
<»i«j<; kaumuda, as, m. (ft. kumuda], the (am), n. a drink prepared with Kulattha. dictionary, a lexicographer; the fragrant substance
month Karttika, October-November; (i), f. moon- Kaulatthlna, as, d, am, sown with Dolichos bdellium; marrow; (a), f. a drinking-vessel.
light, moonshine (from its causing the Kumudas to Uniflorus (as a field). Kaudeya or kausheya, as, t, am, silken, of silk;
blossom) ; elucidation, (the word KaumudI being Kaulika, as, i, am, belonging to a family or (am), n. silk, a silk cloth, a silk petticoat or trowsers,
metaphorically used like other words of similar im- race, customary in a family, ancestral, heritable in a woman's lower garments of silk.
port (dandrikd) at the end of the title of grammatical the family ; (a«), m. a weaver ; a heretic, an im- <*l^lc4 kausala, am, n. (fr. knsala), well-
commentaries and other explanatory works to imply postor ;a follower of the left-hand Sakta ritual. being, welfare, good fortune, happiness, prosperity;
that the book so designated throws much light on Kaulina, as, d, am, peculiar or belonging to a skiltuiness, cleverness, experience ; (i), f. friendly
the subject of which it treats, e. g. padartha-kavr- noble family ; (as), m. the son of a female beggar ; inquiry, greeting, salutation ; a respectful present, a
mudt, prakriyd-lc°, laghu-k°, vaisliamyajc°, sid- a follower of the left-hand Sskta ritual; (am), n. Nazr ; (a«), m. pi., N. of a people.
dhdnta-k°) ; the day of full moon in the month rumour, report ; evil report, detraction ; family scan- Kaus'aUka, f. a present, a respectful gift or offering.
Karttika, sacred to the god Karttikeya ; the day of dal ; combat of animals, of birds, snakes, &c. ; cock-
full moon in the month AsVina ; a festival in honour fighting, &c. ; contention of animals as a species of Kauialya, am, n. welfare, well-being, good for-
tune, prosperity; cleverness, experience; (d), f. see
of Karttikeya held on the full moon of the month gambling : a privity, a privy part, the pudenda ; high kausalya.
Karttika ; a festival in general ; N. of a metre con- birth, family descent ; an improper act, a bad deed.
sisting oftwo lines of twenty-four syllables each ; N. Kn.nl i n ya, am, n. high birth, nobility; family <*l^lltf kausdmba, am, n. (fr. kusdmba),
of a river. — Kaitmudi-<!dra, as, am, m. n. the day honour ; family trouble, family scandal. N. of a realm ; (»), f., N. of an ancient city on the
of full moon in the month Alvina. — Kaumudl- Kattleya, as, i, am, sprung from a noble family ; Ganges in the lower part of the Doab, in the vicinity
pati, it, m. the moon. — Kaumttdi-vHksha, as, kaidina.] of the left-hand S'akta sect ; [cf. kaula, kaulika, of Kurrah ; also vatsa-pattana.
m. the stick or stand of a lamp.
Kaus"dmbeya,as, m. a patronymic from KulSmba.
Kaumudika, as, I, am, relating to a water-lily, Katileyaka, as, i, am, sprung from a noble Kawddmbya, as, m. the chief of KauSambl.
abounding with them; (ika), f., N. of a female family, of good parentage ; pertaining to a family ;
friend of Uma. ' (as), m. a dog (a domestic animal). «*! 31 1 wjT kausdsvi, f., N. of a town built
kaumodakt, f. (fr. kumodaka), Kaulya, as, d, am, sprung from a noble family,
of good family or parentage; of the left-hand by <*l
f^i <n 2. kausika, as, i, am (fr. kuifika),
N. of the dub or mace of Vishnu or Krishna, given Sskta sect.
to him by Varuna. of the family of Kulika &c. ; (as), m. a patronymic
Kaumodi, f. the club or mace of Vishnu or Krishna. «i>i rt is *i t( kaulatineya, as, i, m. f. (fr. of VilvS-mitra, who was the son or grandson of Ku-
kulatd), the son or daughter of a female beggar ; a lika ;N. of a teacher, author of the Sutras of the
^fT*»T kaumbha, as, I, am (fr. kumbha), put bastard. Atharva-veda ; a brother of Paippaladi ; N. of a
into a pot.
Kaulateya, as, i, m.f. the child of a female beggar ; grammarian ; N. of one of Jarasandha's generals ; an
Kaumbhakdraka, made by a potter (?). a bastard, the child of a disloyal wife. epithet of Indra (as originally perhaps belonging to the
KaumbhaJcdri, it, m. or kaunibhakdrya, as, m. Kaulatera, as, a, m. f. a bastard, son or daughter Kusikas or friendly to them) ; N. of a son of Vasu-
the son of a potter. of a disloyal wife ; the child of a beggar. deva ; N. of an Asura ; an epithet of Siva ; N. of
^TrT kanrama, as, m., N. of a man ; (a <*irt=f kaulava, as, m., N. of the third the plant Vatica Robusta [cf. kuiika and aira-
various reading has kauruma.) karnd] ; an ichneumon ; an owl ; love, passion ; (t),
Karana or astronomical period. {., N. of a river in Bahar, commonly called Kosi or
«•!«.«« I «U kauraydna, as, m. (fr. kuraydna), <*tp»ip» kauldla, as, m., Ved. a potter, = Koosa, created by Visva-mitra, or identified with
a patronymic of Paka-sthaman.
kulala ; the son of a potter. — Kavldla-fakra, am, Satyavati, the sister of Visva-mitra ; an epithet of the
<*K"* kaurava, as, I, am (fr. kuru), belong- n. a potter's wheel. goddess Durga; N. of a Buddhist female beggar
ing to the Kurns &c. ; (as), m. a patronymic from Kauldlaka, as, i, am, made by a potter, pertaining or pari-vrdjikd ; (as, i, am), coming from an owl.
Kuru ; a descendant of Kuru ; also kauravaka. to a potter; (am), n. earthenware, porcelain. "KnujSikn-priya, as, m. an epithet of Rama.
Kauravdyarii, is, or kauraveya, Of, m. a patro- •• Kaitdika-phala, as, m. the cocoa-nut tree, (said
nymic from Kuru. firtrn. kaulitara, as, m., Ved. an epithet to have been created by the sage Visva-mitra when
Kauravya, as, m. a patronymic from Kuru; a of the demon S'ambara. endeavouring to form a human being in rivalry of
descendant of Kuru ; N. of a Naga, father of Ulflpl. kaulisika, as, i, am (fr. kulisa), Brahma, the nut being the rudiment of the head.)
Kauravydyani, f. a female descendant of Kuru. resembling a thunderbolt. — KauMkaitguti, is, m., N. of a teacher. — Kniixi-
— Kauravydyanl-patra, as, m., N. of a teacher. kaulika, as, m., Ved. a kind of kdtmaja (°ka-af), as, m. Indra's son, an epithet of
Kaurukatya, as, a, am, belonging to the family bird. Arjuna. — Kauitikdyudha (°ka-dy°), am. n. the bow
of the Kurus and Katas. of Indra, the rainbow. — KauiHkdrdti ( ka-ar°), is,
Kaurukullaka, as, m. pi., N. of a Buddhist sect. <*lc<jUl kaullra, f. (fr. kulira), N. of a m. an enemy of owls, a crow ; also kaudikdri, &c.
Kaurupanfala, as, I, am, belonging to the race plant, = knrkata-inngi. — Kaui!iki-putra, as, m., N. of a teacher. — Kau-
of the Kurus and PancSlas. stky-oja as, m. (oja = ojas), N. of a tree, = sidkhota.
KaurupatU, is, m. (fr. kurttyaiha), N. of a <*Mrl kauluta, as, m. a king of the Ku-
teacher. Kaus"ikdyani, is, m. (a patronymic fr. kaiulika).
IQtas ; (a various reading has kauliibha.) N. of a teacher.
kaurpara, as, i, am (fr. kurpara), f?1? kaulmalabarhisha, am, n., KauMin, inas, m. pi. the pupils of Kaulika.
being at the elbow. N. of a Saman called after Kulmala-barhisha. kausikdrn, as, m. = kosa-kdra,
•*'"} kaurpya, as, m. (a word borrowed from ^il ft ml kaulmdshl, f. (fr. kulmasha), a
the Gr. axopTriot), the sign of the zodiac Scorpio. day of full moon on which Kulmasha is eaten. kausija, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
Kaulmdehina, ait, a, am, sown with or fit for
i kaurma, as, i, am (fr. kurma), belong- Kulmasha (as a field). BT kausltaki =: kauskitaki, q. v.
kausidhanya, am, n. (fr. kosl- kauhaliya or kauhafiya (?), as, — Kratu-jit, t, m., N. of a man. — Kraiu-tulya,
dhdnya), a leguminous plant, pulse. m. pi., N. of a school called after Kohala. an, a, am, equal to an AsVamedha in merit — Kratu-
Ktmhall-putra, as, m., N. of a grammarian. druh, -dJirult, m. an enemy of sacrifices, an Asura.
r kaustlava or kausilavya, am, n.(fr. — Kratu-dvifh, t, m. hating sacrifices, an Asura, a
i), the profession of an actor, a dancer, &c. knans, cl. I. 10. P. knansati, knan- Daitya or demon. — Kratu-dhvansin, I, at. an
T kauseya. See under 2. kausa. sayati, to speak ; to shine ; [cf. kuni, kuns epithet of ?iva as ' destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice.'
knas, fcranrf.] — Kratu-pati, it, m. the performer of a sacrifice.
•*I3<4 kausya. See under I. kausa. knath, cl. I. P. knathati, -thitum, to — Kratu-pain, us, m. a sacrificial animal ; a horse,
especially one fit for an AsVamedha. — Kratu-pa, as,
<*i«u«,^ kausharava, as, m. (fr. iKsAaru), hurt, injure ; to kill.
a patronymic of Maitreya. as, am, Ved. watching one's sentiments or intentions.
knas, cl. 4. P. knasyati, -situm, to — Kratu-punisha, as, m. an epithet of Vishnu.
•*lW)n=ti kaushltaka, as, m. (fr. kushitaka), be crooked (in mind or body) ; to shine — Kratu-prd, as, is, am, or kratu-prdvan, a, a,
a, Ved. becoming inspired or enlightened ; (Say.)
a patronymic of Kahoda ; (I), f. a patronymic of the Caus. knasayatt, -yitum, to shine ; [cf. kun£, kuns
knans, kranf.]
wife of Agastya ; N. of a school derived from Kushi- fulfilling religious rites. — Kratu-pliala, am, n. the
taka ;(am), n., N. of a work. reward of a sacrifice, the object for which it is per-
Kaushitaki, is, m. a patronymic from Kushitaka. fknu or knu, cl. 9. P. A. knunati, -mte, formed.— Kratu-bfiuj. k, m. one who eats the sacri-
or knunati, -mte, to sound, make a noise. fice, a god, a deity. — Kratu-mat, an, all, at, Ved.
Kaiuhltakin, inas, m. pi. the pupils of Kaushl-
taka. — Kaushitaki-brahmana, am, n., N. of a kniiy, cl. I. A. knuyate, fakniiye, intelligent, prudent, wise; inspired, enlightened;
Brahmana. knuyitum, to be wet ; to make a creaking (Say.) having religious rites ; (an), m., N. of a son
of VisVi-mitra. — Kratu-maya, as, I, am, endowed
Kaushltakeya, as, m. a patronymic of a Kfisyapa ; sound ; to stink : Caus. P. knopayati, afuknupat,
a patronymic of Kahoda. with intelligence. — Kratu-raj, t, iru the chief of
-yitum, to make wet.
Knuta, as, d, am, stinking, noisy, wet (?). sacrifices, the most excellent sacrifice. — Kratu-rdja,
' kausheya. See under 2. kausa. as, m. the chief of sacrifices, the Rsjasuya sacrifice,
Knuyitri, ta, tri, tri, stinking, emitting a stench. performed by a monarch who has made all the
kaushtha, as, i, am (fr. koshtha), being
in a store-room, &c. '<KTT kmar,cl. I . P. kmarati, to be crooked princes of the world tributary to himself. — Kratu-
Kaualithya, as, a, am, being in the stomach or fraudulentX or in person, to be crooked in mind, to be
crafty ; [cf. hvri.]
mkrayin, i, Inl, i, or Ttratii-vikrdyaka, as, ika,
abdomen. am, one who sells the possible benefits of a sacrifice
performed by himself. — Kratu-vid, t, t, t, Ved.
TJ kya,am,n., Ved. (according to Say. fr. 3. prudent, wise ; causing inspiration, inspiring ; (Say.)
kaushthila in Maha-kaushthila, as,
m., N. of a Buddhist author. ka = praja-pati), anything agreeable to Praja-pati. acquainted with religious rites ; granting knowledge ;
(t), m., N. of a mzn. — Kratu-sankhya, f., N. of
WT kaushya, as, m. a patronymic from krans, cl. I. P. (?) krans'ati, to illu-
Kosha. \ minate ; [cf. knans and knas.] the thirteenth of K3ty5yana's Parisishtas. — Kratu,-
krakaia, as, am, m. n. (an onoma- san-graha, as, m. title of a Paris'ishta of the Sama-
kausalaka, as, m. pi. (fr. kosala), veda. — Kratn-siddhi, is, f. completion of a sacri-
topoetic word), a saw; (as), m. the plant Capparis fice, attainment of the object for which it is performed.
N. of a people ; (sometimes spelt kausalaka.) Aphylla, = karlra ; N. of a part of hell ; (a), f. the
Kausaleya, as, m. (fr. kausalya), a metronymic tree Pandanus Odoratissimus, = ketaka; [cf. kra- — Kratn-spris', k, k, k, causing intelligence or in-
of Rama as son of Kausalya. spiration. KTotuttama
— (°tii-uf), as, m. the chief
Kausalya, at, a, am (fr. kosala), belonging to kara.~\ — KrakaiSa-i'thada, as, m. the tree Pandanus of sacrifices, the Rajasuya sacrifice. —Rratva-magha,
Odoratissimus. — Krakata-pattra, as, m. the teak as, d, am, Ved. giving readily.
the people of the Kosalas ; (as), m. a prince of the tree. — Krakafa-pdd, t, m. a lizard, a chameleon.
Kosalas; (a), f. the daughter of a prince of the "Krakada-prlshthi, f. a small fish with numerous Kratuya, nom. P., Ved. kratuyati, */ttum, to
exert the intellect.
Kosalas, the wife of Puru and mother of Janamejaya; small spines in the back, Cojus Cobojus.
the wife of Satvat ; the wife of Dasa-ratha and mother
of RSma ; epithet of the mother of Dhrita-rSshtra ; 'awn krakana, as, m. a kind of partridge, jk^l krath, cl. I . P. krathati, -thitum, to
N. hurt, kill; d. 10. P. krdthayali, -yitum,
of the mother of Pandu. — Kosalyd-nandana, as, commonlykrakara.] Kayar, Perdix Sylvatica ; [cf. krikana and to hurt, injure, kill (with gen. of the person) ; to
m. and kosalyd-mdtri, ta, m. an epithet of Rama. amuse, to delight repeatedly ; [cf. knath and klath.]
Kausalydyani, is, m. a metronymic of Rama.
"tfffiT. krakara, as, m. (an onomatopoetic 'aW kratha, as, m., N. of a race belonging
WrflHiJ kausida, as, I, am (fr. kusida), relat- word), a kind of partridge, Perdix Sylvatica; the to the Ysdava people, derived from Kratha, a son of
ing or belonging to or coming from a Kusida, q. v. plant Capparis Aphylla (see karlra) ; a saw ; a poor Vidarbha and brother of Kaisika ; N. of an Asura ;
man ; disease ; [cf. kraka6a.}
[cf. the next.]
<ST?u<5' kausida, as, I, am (fr. knsida), con- i-aa^ krakutthanda, as, m., N. of a
nected with or relating to a loan ; usurious. fR"4«t krathana, as, m., N. of an Asura;
Kaasidya, am, n. sloth, indolence ; the practice Buddha, a predecessor of S'Skya-muni. N. of a N5ga, a son of Dhrita-rashtra ; N. of a
of usury. monkey ; (am), n. slaughter, killing ; hemorrhage (?) ;
krakshamdna, as, d, am (a part,
^n*J*i kausuma, as, I, am (fr. kusuma), fr. an obsolete it. kraksh), Ved. roaring, raving (?). snoring, stertor.
flowery, flowering; (am), n. the ashes of brass, used krathanaka, as, m., N. of a camel
as a collyrium. TRJ kratu, us, m. (said to be fr. i. kri, but
in the Panca-tantra ; (am), n. a black sort of Agallo-
Kaiisumdyudha, as, I, am (fr. kttsumayudha), perhaps rather fr. t. kri), plan, design, intention, chum.
relating to the god of love. purpose ; resolution, determination ; desire, will (in
this sense often occurring in the Vedic inst. case, krand or krad, cl. I. P. A. krandati,
*i«J«T kansumbha, as, I, am (fr. kusumbha), kratvd, willingly, readily); power, ability, adequacy, -te, or kradate, tokranda, dakrade,
prepared with safflower ; dyed with safflower, orange, efficiency, deliberation, consultation ; intelligence, un- krandishyati, -te, akrandlt (Ved. Aor. akran),
red ; (as), m. wild safflower. derstanding (eg.
. bhadrah kratith, right judgment, kranditum, to neigh (as a horse) ; to roar (meta-
kausurubinda as, i, am (fr. good understanding ; frequently found in conjunction water) ; to phorically applied to the clouds and to wind and
creak (as a wheel); to cry piteously, to
with the almost synonymous word rlaksha, e. g.
kusurubinda), N. of a Dasa-r5tra. daksha-kratu or kratti-dakshau, ability and in- weep, shed tears ; to grieve, be confused with sorrow ;
telligence, intelligence and power) ; inspiration ; en- to call out piteoutly to any one (with ace.) ; to cry
<*l«frt* kausritika, as, t, am (fr. ku-sriti), ightenment; a sacrificial rite or ceremony ; sacrifice, out r Caus. krandayati, -yitum, to cause to roar or
following evil courses, fraudulent ; a cheat, a knave ; offering, worship; an AsVamedha sacrifice; (Kratu, shake ; to cause to weep or lament ; to roar, rave :
(as), m. a juggler, a conjurer. as intelligence personified, is a son of Brahma, and Desid. ttkrandishati, -te: Intens. (akrandyate,
*!*!*? kavstubha, as, m. (fr. kustubha ?), one of the Praja-patis or ten principal Rishis or saints 'dkranti, Ved. kanikranti (part, kanikradat,
kanikradyamdna), to neigh, roar, rave, cry out ; to
N. of a celebrated jewel obtained with thirteen other mentioned in Manu I. 35 ; he is said to be married
to Kriya and father of the 60,000 Valilchilyas. or shake; to creak; [cf. Goth, grtta, ' to lament']
precious things at the churning of the ocean and Kranda, as,m., Ved. neighing ; a cry, calling out
suspended on the breast of Krishna; a manner of according to other authorities the husband of Haya-
sir3); N. of one of the VisVa-devas ; also of a Krandad-ishti, is, is, i, Ved. moving with a
joining the fingers ; (am), n. a kind of oil (sarsha- son of tjru and Agneyl; N. of the author of ;reat noise or roaring, an epithet of Vayu.
podbhava). — Kri,ustubha-lakKhana, as, or kau- Krandana, as. m. a cat ; (am), n. crying out,
a Dharma-ISstra ; [cf. a-kratu, adbhufa-kratu,
stubha-lakshaka, as, m. or kaustublta-vakshas, as,
in. a N. of Vishnu or Krishna. abhi-kratu, &c. ; cf. also Gr. icpoTos.] — Krati*- calling ; mutual daring or defiance, challenging ; weep-
ing, lamenting, sobbing.
karman, a, n. a sacrificial ceremony. — Kratu-
kausthalapura, am, n., N. of a ((hada,, as, m. one skilled (?) in sacrifice; a Jina; Krandanu, us, m., Ved. roaring, shaking.
in the latter sense a wrong form fatkraku-Cihanda.) Krandas, as, n., Ved. battle-cry ; (asl), du. two
260 krandita.
— Krdnti-valaya, as, m. the ecliptic; the space
contending armies shouting defiance ; (Say.) heaven of order, irregularity. — Krama-yoga, as, m. succes- within the tropics.
and earth. sion, regular order, successive or methodical practice ;
Krandita, as, a, am, wept, called or cried out ; (ena), ind. in regular manner.— Krama-vat, ind. in the Krdntu, us, m. a bird.
(am), n. weeping, calling ; mutual daring. manner of the Krama arrangement. — Krama-varta, Kramat, an, anti, at, going, proceeding over or
Krandya, am, n., Ved. neighing. as or am, m. or n. (?), N. of a district in Kasmlra.
- Krama-iai, ind. gradually, by degrees ; regularly,
krami, is, m. = krimi, a worm.
TCTj trap, cl. I. A. krapate, 6akrape, seriatim. — Krama-iastra, am, n. rules relating to
'\krapiskyate, akrapishta, krapitum.to the Krama arrangement. — K rama-aamhitd, f. a 'aiW kramu, us, m. the betel-nut tree,
collection of Vedic texts arranged according to the Areca Faufel or Catechu.
long for ; to mourn ; to lament, implore ; to com-
passionate, pity ; to go ; [cf. krip, &c.] Krama method. — Kramasamhitoddharana (°td- Kramuka, as, m., N. of several plants, the Areca
•sea kram, cl. I. P. A., 4. P. kramati twZ0), am, n. an example from a Krama-samhita. or betel-nut tree, Areca Faufel or Catechu ; the mul-
— Krama-sangraha, title of a treatise; [cf. krita- berry tree, Morus Indica ( = brahma-ddru); another
\(ep. also kramati), kramate (ep. also oVzsa.] — Krama-sandarbJiM-prabhdsa , title of a
tree, a red sort of Lodhra (pattikd-lodhra) ; a kind
krdmate), krdmyati and kramyati (?), Jakrama, chapter (khanda) in a particular work. — Kramagata
fakrame, kramitd, kramishyati and kransyate, of fragrant grass, Bhadra-mustaka ; the fruit of the
akramit and akransta, kramitum (according to (°ma-dg°), as, d, am, descended or inherited lineally, cotton tree ; (ds), m. pi, N. of a people ; (»), f. the
some also krdntum), to step, walk, go, go towards, arrived what comes from one's ancestors in regular succession, betel-nut tree, Areca Faufel or Catechu. — Kramuka-
indue course or succession. — Kramdgata-
approach (with ace.) ; to approach in order to ask for
am, n. hereditary succession or possession. n. the Areca-nut.
assistance (with loc , e. g. tasmin krame, I go to tva, phala, am,kramela or kramelaka, as, m. the
him for assistance) ; to go across, go over ; to ascend ; — Kramddltya (°ma-dd°), as, m. an epithet of camel ; [cf. Gr. K^TJ\OS ; Lat. camdus.]
to have sexual intercourse with; to excel; to per- king Skanda-gupta. — Kramddhyayana (°ma-adA°),
am, n. the Krama reading or arrangement ; see kra- ~tfm kraya, &c. See under rt. kri.
vade, take possession of; to fill ; to fulfil, accomplish ;
to undertake, strive after ; A. to proceed well, to gain na-pdtha above. — Kramddhydyin (°ma-adh°), i,
n. one who reads the Krama arrangement of a Vedic sfcM 3I~I ^ krayasirsha, am, n.= kapi-sirsha,
a footing, to succeed, have effect; (in gram.) to be
liable to the peculiar arrangement of a Vedic text ext. — Kramdnuydyin (°ma-an°), i, ini, i, follow- the coping of a wall.
called Krama ; to be doubled (as a letter or word) in ng the methodical order. — Kramdnusdra or kra-
ravana, as, m., Ved. a worshipper.
connection with this arrangement; A. to read ac mdnvaya (°ma-a»°), as, m. regular order, due
, is, n., Ved. (or kravi in the
cording to the Krama arrangement of a Vedic text : arrangement. — Kramdydta (°ma-dy°), as, d, am, comp. a-kravi-hasta, q. v.), raw flesh, carrion ; [cf.
Caus. kramayati,-yittim, to cause to step; krama- lescended or inherited lineally, coming from one's
ancestors in regular succession ; one who has acceded Gr. wpt'os ; cf. also krura.]
yati or krdmayati, to make liable to the peculiar to the throne by succession ; proceeding in regular
Kravishnu, us, its, u, desirous of raw flesh.
arrangement called Krama; to double (a letter or
order. — Kramdvaadna (°ma-aif), am, n. the end Kravya, am, n. flesh, raw flesh, carrion; [cf.
word) in connection with this arrangement : Intens. of a word in the Krama arrangement of a Vedic text.
tankramyate or dankranti, to step to and fro, to Lith. krauja-s, 'blood;' Russ. kroyj; Hib. cm;
— Kramokta (°ma-uk°), as, d, am, enjoined for Old Germ, hreo ; Gr. icpe'as ; Lat. cruor, cruentus,
walk, wander about : Desid. tikramiihati, 6ikran-
sate; [cf. Lat. gra-dm, gra-dior, gran-dis; Goth. as, m. an ox.
the Krama arrangement. — Kramodvega (°ma-itd°), cr&dus, caro.] — Krarya-ghdtana,as, m. a deer, an
antelope ; (killed for its flesh.) — Kravya-bhuj, k, k,
hlaupa, ' to run ;' Old Germ. Maitfu, hloitfu ; Kramaka, as, a, am, going, proceeding ; orderly, k, carnivorous, eating carrion; (&), m. a Rakshasa.
lavfu, lou/u.'] methodical ; (as), m. a student who goes through a
Krantri, ta, tri, tri, going, a goer, who or what — Kravya-bhajana, as, d, am, carnivorous. — Kra-
regular course of study, one who proceeds methodi-
cally ;one who reads or knows the Krama arrange- vya-mukha,
N, of a wolf inas,them.(?) having flesh
Panda-tantra. in one's mouth,
— Kravya-vdhana,
goes. ment of a text.
Krama, as, m. a step ; going, proceeding ; course as, I, am, Ved. carrying corpses, an epithet of Agni
(e.g. kdla-kramdt, in course of time); passing; the Kramana, as, m. a step ; the foot ; a horse ; N.
foot; a position taken (by an animal &c.) before of a son of Bhajamana; (am), n. stepping, walking, (opposed to lMrya-vdhana). — Kravydd (°ya-ad),
t, t, t, consuming flesh or corpses, epithet of the fire
making a spring or attacking ; uninterrupted or going; transgressing; proceeding; approaching or of the funeral pile, or Agni in one of his terrible
regular progress, order, series, regular arrangement, undertaking anything ; treatment of words or letters forms ; epithet of a Yatu-dh5na and other evil beings,
hereditary descent, succession (e. g. varna-kramena, according to the Krama arrangement, doubling letters, imps, and goblins ; N. of a Rakshas ; a beast of prey,
in the order of the tribes or castes; kramena, in words, &c.
a carnivorous animal. —Kravydda (°ya-ada),as, d,
regular course, by degrees, according to order, rank, Kramaniya, as, d, am, to be gone to, to be gone am, carnivorous, an eater of flesh; (a«), m. a goblin,
or series) ; method, manner (e. g. yena kramena, a RSkshasa ; a lion, a hawk ; the fire of the funeral
in which manner; tad-anutarana-kramena, in a beyond.
Kramad-Mvara, as, m., N. of the author of the
manner corresponding to that) ; an undertaking, grammar called San-kshipta-sara. pile ; N. of a people. •- Kramjdftn (°ya-df), i, ini,
i, carnivorous ; (I), m. a demon ; an anthropophagus.
enterprise, intention ; a peculiar manner or method Kramamdtia, as, d, am, going, proceeding.
of reading and writing Vedic texts, i. e. ' pro- Kramika, as, d, am, proceeding in a fixed order krasaya (fr. krisa), nom. P. krasa-
or methodically ; successive. yati, -yitum, to emaciate, make thin or lean.
gressing step by step,' so called because the reading
proceeds from the first member (either word or letter) Kramltri, ta, tn, tri, stepping, walking, going, Krafita, as, d, am, emaciated, made thin or lean.
to the second, then the second is repeated and con- who or what goes &c. Kraii'man, d, m. leanness, emaciation.
nected with the third, the third repeated and con- Kramya, as, d, am, produced by the Krama krashtavya. See rt. krish, p. 250.
nected with the fourth, and so on, (this manner of arrangement, arising by the Krama.
reading or writing in relation to words is called Krd, as, ds, am, (at the end of some compounds) krakatika, as, m. (fr. krakafa),
pada-krama; in relation to conjunct consonants stepping, going ; [cf. udadhi-krd, dadhi-krd.] a sawyer.
varna-krama) ; a term for the words or letters Kranta, as, d, am, gone, going, gone or going
over or across ; spread, extended ; attacking, invading, "fKT^I kratha, as, m. (fr. rt. krath), killing,
themselves when combined or arranged in this man-
ner; power, strength. — Krama-kdla, as, m. the gone to or against ; overcome, surpassed ; (as), m. murder ; N. of a prince ; of a son of Dhrita-rashtra ;
time of the Krama arrangement. — Krama-ja, as, a, a horse ; (in astronomy) declination ; (a), f., N. of of a Naga ; of a monkey ; a patronymic from Kratha ;
am, produced by the Krama arrangement. — Krama- a plant, a kind of Solanum [cf. brihatt] ; a species [cf. krathana.'} — Krathefvara (tha-if) or kro-
jit, t, m., N. of a prince. — Krama-jyd, f. the sine of the Atyashti metre [cf. kdnta}; (am), n. a step, dheilvara (°dlia-tf), as, m., N. of a pupil of
of a planet ; declination ; [cf. krdnfi-jyd.'} — Krama- ( Vishnoh krdntam, ' the step of Vishnu,' N. of a
Soma ceremony); a certain aspect in astronomy
tai, ind. gradually, successively, in order. — Krama- Apastamba. dnta, kranti, &c. See under kram,
trairdiika, as or am, m. or n. (?), a particular when the moon is in conjunction with a planet.
krayaka. See under rt. kri.
method of applying the direct rule of three (opposed Krdnti, is, f. going, proceeding, a step ; overcom-
to vyasta° or viloma-trairdtika). — Krama-pada, ing, surpassing; attacking; declination of a planet; rimi, is, m. a worm, an insect, &c.,
am, n. the conjunction of words in the Krama reading, the sun's course on the globe, the ecliptic. — Krdnti- and the words derived and compounded with krimi.
more usually written pada-krama. — Krama-pdtha, kaksha, as, m. the course of the sun, the ecliptic.
See under krimi.
as, m.the Krama reading, i. e. a peculiar ' step by step" — Krdnti-kshetra, am, n. a figure described by the
arrangement of a Vedic text made to secure it from all ecliptic. — Krdnti-jyd, f. the sine of the declina- ftKQ kriya, as, m. (a word borrowed from
possible error by, as it were, combining the SamhitS- tion or of the ecliptic. — Krdnti-pdta, as, m. the the Gr. Kfils), the sign of the zodiac Aries.
pitha and the Pada-pStha, i. e. by giving the words intersection of the ecliptic and equinoctial circles, the fd<J4HllLl kriyamana. See rt. I. kri.
both as connected and unconnected with following anc equinoctial points or nodes of the ecliptic. — Krdnti-
preceding words ; see under krama above. — Krama- pdta-gati, is, (• motion of the nodes of the ecliptic, farm kriya, f. (fr. rt. I. kri), doing, per-
piiraka, as, m., N. of a tree, = vaka. — Krama precession of the equinox. — Krdnti-bhdga, as, m. forming, performance ; business ; an act, action, un-
prdpta, as, a, am, obtained by succession or here- the declination of a point of the ecliptic. — Krdnti- dertaking; activity; work; labour; bodily action,
ditary descent. — Krama-bhanga, as, m. interruption mandala or krdnti-vritta, am, n. the ecliptic. exercise of the limbs; a literary work; medical
kriya-kara. krudh. 261
treatment or practice ; applying a remedy, cure (e. g. that which defines an action more closely ; an adverb. Erida, as, &, am, playing, sporting; (as, a),
samakriya-tva, the being treated according to one — Kriyd-s'akti, is, f. capability to act ; the power m. f. sport, play, pastime, pleasure, amusement (often
and the same system of medicine ; mshamakriya- of action. — Eriyd-samabhihdra, as, m. repetition in compounds, e. g. kridd-mudah, f. pi. the pleasures
tva, the being treated according to different methods) ; of any act, doing anything repeatedly. — Kriijd-sdra, of play, or of amorous sport ; Kriehna-kridd, sport
a religious rite or ceremony, sacrificial act, sacrifice ; as, m. title of a work. — Eriyd-st/idnaka-nddra, with Krishna ; jala-ltridd, playing about in water) ;
obsequies, rites performed immediately after death; as, m. title of a Jaina woik. — Kriyendriya (°yd- disrespect shown by jest or joke. — Eridd-kdnana,
purificatory rites, as ablution &c. ; (religious action is in°), as, m. an organ of action, as the hand, foot, am, n. a pleasure-grove. — Kriddkuta (°dd-dk°),
sometimes personified as a daughter of Daksha and voice, organ of generation and that of excretion; am, n. sportive or wanton purpose or desire.
wife of Dharma, or a daughter of Kardama and wife also called kannendrtya, q. v. — Erida-kopa, as, m. assumed anger, anger in
of Kratu) ; judicial investigation by human means, as fafq krivi, is, m., Ved. a leather bag, sport. — Eridd-kautuka, am, n. wanton curiosity ;
by witnesses, documents, &c., or by superhuman or sport, play, pastime, enjoyment ; lasciviousness, sexual
ordeals of various kinds ; (in grammar) action (as metaphorically ' a cloud ;' N. of an Asura ; a cistern, intercourse. — Kridd-khanda, title of the second part
a well ; the original name of the Pancfilas ; [cf. of the Ganesa-PurSna. — Eridd-griha, am, n. a
the general idea expressed by any verb) ; a verb, (ac-
cording to later grammarians a verb is of two kinds, pleasure-house, a house for amusement. — Kridd-
sakarma-kriyd, active, and akarma-kriyd, intran- kruivya."]
•;rt i. kri, cl. 9. P. A. krinati, krinite, dankramana, am, n. (?), N. of a place. •• Kridd-
sitive); anoun of action; native lexicographers give dikrdya, dikriye, kreehyati, -te, akraiehit, dandra, as or am, m. or n. (?), N. of a metre
also the following meanings to kriyd, — atonement ; akreehta, kretum, to buy, purchase (with inst. of consisting of four lines of eighteen syllables each; N.
disquisition ; study ; means, expedient ; instrument, the price, and abl. or gen. of the person from which of a poet. — Kridd-ndri, f. a harlot, a courtezan.
implement. — Kriyd-kara, as, m. one who per- — Eridd^maya, as, i, am, consisting of play or
bkir dhenubhir is bought, e. g. krinati,
mama ka imam who
will buydas"a-
this sport. — Eridd-mayura, as, m. a peacock kept for
forms an action, a student. — Eriya-kartri, td, m.
the doer of an action, an agent.— Kriyd-kaldpa, Indra of me for ten cows ? yam mdtd-pitror antikdt pleasure or amusement. — Eridd-mriga, as, m. any
as, m. title of a grammar ; the great body of cere- or iajidiat kriniydt, whom he may buy from his animal kept for pleasure, a toy-deer, a toy-animal of
monies enjoined in the Hindu laws, a number of father and mother ; krinishva tad daiabhih suvar- any kind. — Eridd-ratna, am, n. the gem of sports,
actions of any kind ; all the particulars or points of naih, buy that for ten suvarnas) ; to barter or ex- copulation. — Eridd-ratha, as, m. a cart, a carriage
any business. — Kriyd-kdra, as, i, am, one who change; to win: Caus. krdpayati, -yitum, adi- used for amusements. — Krtdd-rasatala, am, n.
does any act, an 'agent, a performer; (as), m. a krapat : Desid. dikrishati, -te : Intens. dekriyate, title of a work in the Sshitya-darpaua. — Krida-vat,
beginner, a novice, a tyro, a student ; an agreement. dekrayiti, dekreli; [cf. Hib. creanaim, ' I buy, I pur- an, ati, at, sportive, playful. — Eridd-vana, am,
— Kriyd-kaumudi, f. title of a work by GovindS- chase;' Gr. irptaftai, irepinj^i; Lith-prekiStperkutl); n. a pleasure-garden, a park. — Kridd-vedman,
nanda.of — the Kriyd-tantra, am, Tantras
n. * a Tantra of action," Lat. prettum ; Eng. hire.] — Kry-ddi, ay as, m. a, n. a pleasure-house, a house for amusement.
one four classes of with Buddhists. pi. the roots beginning with kri, i. e. those of the — Eridd-s"akunta, as, m. a bird kept for pleasure
— Kriyd-dvesUn, i, ini, i, one who is averse to ninth class. or amusement. — Eridd-faila, as, m. a pleasure-
the part of a lawsuit or judicial trial called kriyd, Eraya, as, m. buying, purchase. — Kraya-krila, mountain, a pleasure-mound or hillock in a garden.
i. e. to witnesses, documents, ordeals, &c. ; (i), m. as, d, am, bought, purchased. — Eraya-dravya, — Eridd-saras, as, n. a pleasure-lake. — Kridd-
one of the five kinds of witnesses, he whose testi- am, n. anything for which anything else is bought sthdna, am, n. or kridoddes'a (°dd^tuP), as, ra.
mony is hurtful to the cause. — Jfriyd-rhaita, am, or exchanged. — Kraya-lekhya, am, n. deed of sale, a play-ground.
n. efficient cause, as resigning all to God. — Kriya- conveyance, &c. •• Eruya-vikraya, an, m. du. buy- Kridaka, as, m. a player, one who sports.
nibandha, title of a work. — • Kriyd-nirdeGa,, 09, m. ing and selling, trade, traffic. — Erayamkrayika, Kridat, an, anti, at, playing, sporting, gamboling.
evidence. — Kriydnurilpa (°yd-an°), ax, a, am, as, m. a trader or merchant, a dealer. — Erayavi- Kridana, am, n. playing, play, sporting, &c.
conformable to the act, according to the action. krayin, i, ini, i, one who buys or sells, one who Kridanaka, as, ikd, am, playing, sporting ; (as,
— Kriydnrita (°yd-an°), as, a, am, practising strikes a bargain. — Kraydroha (°ya-dr°), as, m. a am), m. or n. (?), a plaything, a toy for children.
ritual observances. — Kriyd-patu, UK, VA, u, clever, market, a fair (where goods are piled up for sale).
— Kr idanaka-td, I. the state of a plaything ; krida-
dextrous. — Eriyd-patha, as or am, m. or n. (?), Erayana, am, n. buying, purchasing. nakataya, after the manner of a plaything.
manner of medical treatment or application of reme- Krayaniya, as, d, am, to be bought or purchased, Kridaniya or kridaniyaka, am, n. a plaything,
dies. —Kriyd-pada, am, n. a verb. — Kriyd-para,
as, d, am, attentive to or diligent in the performance purchasable. toy, a doll. — Kridaniyaka-sannibha, as, d, am,
Eraydnaka, as, ikd, am, what is sold, fit to like a toy or doll.
of one's duties. — Kriydpavarga (°yd-ap°), as, m. be sold.
end of an affair, liberation from ceremonial acts. Kridamana, as, d, am, sporting, playing.
Krayika, as, d, am, buying, purchasing; (as),
— Kriyd-pada, as, m. the third division of a suit Kridi or krili, is, is, i, Ved. playing, sporting ;
m. a trader, a dealer, a purchaser, a buyer.
at law, witnesses, written documents and other proofs
Erayin, i, ini, i, a buyer, a purchaser. epithet of the winds.
adduced by the complainants, the rejoinder of the Kriditri, td, m. a player, one who sports.
Kraijya, as, d, am, exhibited for sale, purchasable. Kridin, i, inl, i, Ved. playing, sporting ; epithet
plaintiff. — Kriyd-prasan-ga, as, m. course of pro-
ceeding. —Kriyd-phala, am, n. result or conse- Krdyaka, as, m. a buyer or purchaser ; a dealer, of the Maruts or winds ; (i), m., N. of a man.
a trader.
quence of acts. — Kriydbliyupagama (°yd-abh°), Kridu or irijtt, us, us, u, Ved. playing, effer-
as, m. special compact or agreement. — Eriydm- 2. kri, is, is, i, (at the end of some compounds)
buying. vescing (?); epithet of the Soma. — Kridu-mat, an,
budhi (°yd-am°), is, m. title of a work of Prana- ati, at, Ved. playing, playful ; epithet of flame.
krishna. — Eriyd-yoga, as, m. the connection with Erita, as, a, am, bought, purchased ; (as), m. a
an action or verb ; the employment of expedients or son, one of the twelve kinds acknowledged by the i. kruh6, cl. I. P. kruudati, -6itum,
instruments ; the practical form of the Yoga system ancient Hindu law, viz. one purchased from his natural to curve or make crooked ; to be or be-
of philosophy, devotion by due performance of the come crooked, to move crookedly ; to be or become
parents. — Eritdnus"aya (°ta-an°), as, m. repenting
duties of every day life, active devotion. — Eriydyoga- a purchase, returning a purchase upon the seller, small, to shrink; to make small, to lessen; to go
sdra, as, m. a section of the Padma-purSna. — Kriyd- admissible in some cases by law. towards, approach, arrive at; [cf. Hib. eruinn,
' rotundus.']
lopa, as, m. discontinuance or loss of any of the Kritaka, as, d, am, acquired by purchase ; (as),
essential ceremonies of the Hindu religion. — Eriyd- m. a son bought from his natural parents and adopted Kmkta, as, d, am, crooked, curved.
vat, an, ati, at, one who performs an action, active, as male issue ; also krita-putra (? ), i. kruiid, n, m., Ved. a kind of snipe, a curlew.
busy, engaged in a business, understanding business, Ereni, it, m. and Jtreni, f. buying, purchasing, Krunda, as, m. a kind of snipe, a curlew ; N. of
fit for it, possessed of worldly knowledge ; performing a mountain; (d), f. a female snipe or curlew; a
ceremonies in the right manner, celebrating religious purchase. kind of Vina or lute.
Eretatya, as, d, am, to be bought, purchasable.
rites. — Eriyd-vafa, as, d, am, subject to the in- Eretri, td, m. a buyer, purchaser. Kruiidakiyd, (., N. of a place in India.
fluence ofacts ; (as}, m. necessity, necessary influence Kraunda, as, m. a curlew, heron, &c. See s. v.
Kreya, as, d, am, purchasable, to be bought.
of acts done or to be done. — Eriydvasanna (°yd- — Kreya-da, as, d, am, one who exhibits anything krud, cl. 6. P. krudati, -ditum, to
av°), as, d, am, one who loses a lawsuit through the for sale, a seller. x sink, dive ; to be or become thick ; (another
statements of the witnesses &c. — Kriyd-vadaka, form for bhrid) ; [cf. kud and krud.]
as, d, am, or kriyd-vddin, i, ini, i, expressing an krid, cl. i. P. (ep. also A.) kridati,
action (as a verbal noun). — Kriyd-vddin, i, m. a dH-rida,kridishyati,akridit,kridilum, i • krudh, cl. 4. P. (rarely A.) krudh-
plaintiff; one who states the arguments in a lawsuit. to play, sport, amuse one's self, frolic, gambol, dally, \ yati, -te, dukrodfta, krotsyati, akrudhat,
— Kriyd-vtdhi, is, m. a rule of action ; conduct of (used of men, animals, the wind and waves, &c.) ; kroddhum, to become angry, to be wrathful or
affairs, mode of performing any rite. — Eriydi'ulhi- to jest, joke with (with inst. or with saha and inst., angry with (with dat. or gen. or ace. or with upari and
jna, as, d, am, conversant with business, under- e. g. Dronena or Dronena saha kridati, he sports gen., e.g.putrdya orputrasya orputram orputra-
standing the ritual &c. — Kriyd-viidla, am, a. title with Drona) : Caus. kridayati, -yitum, to cause to syopari dukrodha, he was angry with his son : Caus.
of the thirteenth of the fourteen POrvas or most play, to allow to play : Desid. dikridiehati ; Intens. krodhayati, -yitum, to make angry, provoke, irritate :
dekridyate, (ekritti. Desid. dukrutsati; Intens. dokrudhyate, dokroddhi;
ancient Jaina writings. — Kriyd-vis'eshana, am, n.
262 kruddha. kraun6a-sudana.

[cf. Lith. rut-tun, 'angry;' rtu-tyM, 'anger;' Lat. — Krota-dhvani, is, m. a large drum. — Kroia- m. a kind of thorn-apple
cntdtlls (?) ; Gr. KIJTOS; Germ, groll; Hib. cor- mdtra-gata, at, d, am, gone the length of a Krosa. — KrAra-liuddhi, is, is,; [cf. krisKna-dkatturaka.']
(, or krura-mdnasa, at,
— Kros'a-mdtra-sthita, as, a, am, standing at the a, am, cruel-minded. •• Kriira-rava, as, m. a
ruiilhe, ' anger, wrath, motion ;' corruigh, ' fury,
resentment.'] distance of a Krosa. — Krofa-yuga, am, n. a measure jackal (?). — Krura-rdvin, i, m. a raven. — AVura-
Kruddha, as, a, am, irritated, provoked, angry, of two Krosas, = 4OOO yards or about 3% miles; lodana, at, m. an epithet of the planet Saturn (of
wrathful ; fierce, cruel ; (am), n. anger. (this seems to correspond to the modern Krosa, an evil or inauspicious aspect). — Krtira-sarpa-vat,
l.krtt,dh,t,{. or krudhd, f. anger, wrath, passion. but the standard varies.) ind. like an enraged serpent. — KrurdkriK (°ra-dk°),
Kriuihmin, i, ini, i, Ved. wrathtul, irritable. Kroiat, an, anti, at, crying, calling out. is, m. an epithet of KSvana, the ruler of Lan-kS.
Krudhyat, an, anti, at, being angry, feeling pro- n. Kro/Sana,
crying. as, d, am, who or what cries ; (am), — Krurak«lui (°ra-ak°), as, m., N. of a minister
of the owl-king Ari-mardana. — Krfirdt'dra ("ra-
Krodha, as, m. anger, wrath, passion; anger Kroiin, i, ini, i, crying out, calling out, weeping nd0), as, a, am, following cruel or savage practices.
personified as a child -of Lobha and Nikriti ; or of — Kriirdtman ("ra-df), d, m. an epithet of the
death ; or of BrahmS ; N. of a DSnava ; (a), f., N. (e. g. ushtra-kros'in, making sounds like a camel). planet Saturn ; [cf. krura-drid and krura-Mana.]
Kroihta, as, m., N. of a man.
of a daughter of Daksha. — Krodha-ja, as, d, am, — Krurdiaya, (°ra-arf°), as, d, am, one whose
proceeding from or engendered by wrath, (especially Kroshtu (must form strong cases and may form bowels are torpid or costive ; containing fierce animals
weak cases from kroshtri, Gram. 128. c), a (as a river &c.) ; of a terrible or fierce disposition.
applicable to eight vices, hatred, envy, oppression,
jackal; N. of a son of Yadu and father of Vrijinlvat — Kriiropanamhata
violence, &c.) — Krodha-maya, as, i, am, a person
(in this last sense nom. sing, kroshtd or kroshtus).
nected with cruelty. ("ra-up"), as, d, am, con-
of angry disposition ; passionate, angry. — Krodha- — Kroshtu-karna, as or am, m. or n. (?), N. of a
murfhita, an, d, am, overcome or infatuated with
place. — Kroshtu-pdda, as, m., N. of a man ; (as), ^f krurfa, as, am, m. n. the beard ; [cf.
anger, passionate, angry ; (as), m. a kind of perfume,
commonly called Cor, = dora. — Krodha-varjtta, m. pi. the descendants of this man. — Kroshtu-
as, d, am, free from wrath, mild, calm. — Krodha- puiUhikd orkroshtii-ptitChi, f. the plant Hemionitis kreni, kretavya, &c. See rt. kri.
vardhana, as, m., N. of a DSnava. — Krodha-vaia, Cordifolia; [cf. kroshlulta-pufdhikd or kroshtu- fills «1 kraidina, as, i, am (fr. krirlin, q. v.),
as, m. the power of anger; (as, a, am), over- vinnd.] — Kroshtu-phala, as, m. the tree Ter-
minalia Catappa, = inguda. — Kroshtu-mdna and Ved. belonging to the Maruts or winds.
powered byanger, passionate, violent ; N. of several
kinds of evil spirits ; (as), m., N. of a Rakshas ; (a), kroshtu-mdya, as, m., N. of two men; (as), m. Kraidimya, f., scil. ishti, the Jshti or sacrificial
f., N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kasyapa. pi. the descendants of these men. — Kroshtu-vinnd, oblation, sacred to the Maruts.
(. a plant, either Chaculiya, Hemionitis Cordifolia (pri- kraivya, as, m. (fr. krivi), & king of
— Krodhavas'a-ga, as, d, am, subject to anger, (ni-parni), or Ramvasac ; [cf. drigdla-vinnd.]
under the influence of anger. — Krodha-samanvita, the Krivis.
Kroshtuka, as, m. a jackal ; N. of a man, cf.
as, d, am, filled with anger. — Krodha-hantri, td,
kraushtaki; (i), f. a female jackal ; a daughter of jslsa kronda, &c. Cf. kraunca.
m., N. of an hsan. — Krodhdnmta (°dha-an°), as, Krodha-va£s and mother of the yellow apes. — Kro-
a, am, wrathful, angfy. — Krodhdmarsha-jihma- JK\f7\krothin, i, m.(?), N. of a man.
shtuka-puddhikd, (. a plant, commonly Chaculiya,
tihru (°dha-am°), us, As, u, bending the brow with Hemionitis Cordifolia ; or, according to some, Ram-
anger and impatience. «• Krodhojjhita Cdha-uj3), "aite krwla, as, am, a, m. n. f. (m. in the
as, d, am, free from wrath, composed, calm. vSsac ; [cf. kroshtu-vinnd.] — Kroshtuka-mdna, as, earlier language ; n. in later works ; also f. according
m., N. of a man. — Kroehtuka-mekhald, f. the plant to the lexicographers), the breast, the chest, the
Krodhana, as, d, am, inclined to wrath, passionate, Hemionitis Cordifolia. — Kroshtuka-tiras, as, n. a
angry ; (as), m., N. of a son of Kausika and pupil disease of the knee. bosom, (at the end of compounds the fern, can only
of Garga ; also of a son of Ayuta and father of
DevStithi ; (a), f. a passionate woman, a vixen ; Krushlri, td, m. (not used in the weakest cases, end in d, e. g. kalydna-krodd, a woman with a
well-formed breast), the flank, the hollow above the
(am), n. the being angry, anger. cf. kroshtu), a jackal; N. of a son of Yadu and hip ; the lap ; the interior of anything, the inner
father of Vrijintvat ; ((ri), f. the female of a jackal ; part, a cavity, a hollow [cf. udara and garbha];
Krodhaniya, at, d, am, anything which may a kind of Convolvulus ; N. of another plant, [cf.
produce anger, provocative ; (am), n. an injury. (ad), m. a hog ; the esculent bulb of a kind of plant,
Krodhdlu, us, us, u, passionate, violent. Idngali.] — Kroshlekshu, us, m. (fr. kroshtd = •=vdrdhi-kanda, [cf. krotia-kanyd]; N. of Sani or
Krodhin, i, ini, i, passionate, angry; (i), m. a s'vetekshu. and ikshu?), a kind of sugar-cane, =
krosh'ri the planet Saturn; (d), f. a plant, =kroda-iudd.
buffalo; a dog; (i»i), f. mystical name of the — Kroda-kanyd, (. the esculent bulb of a kind of
letter r. krud, cl. 10. P. krudayati, -yitum, to plant; [cf. kroda.] — Kroda-(udd, f., N. of a plant,
Krodhishlha, as, a, am, very irate or wrathful. make thick ; [cf. kud, krud.] = mahd-4rdvanikd. — Kroda-pattra, am, n. a
marginal writing omitted in its proper place, a post-
krunth, cl. 9. P. kruthnati, krun- TgX. krira, as, a, am (related to kravis, kra-
^ tMtiim, to embrace, to cling or adhere script to a letter, a supplement, a codicil to a will.
vya), wounded, hurt, sore; bloody; raw; cruel, fierce, — Kroda-parnl, f. a prickly nightshade, Solanum
to ; to be distressed, to pain, injure, kill, suffer pain, ferocious, hard-hearted ; pitiless; hard, harsh, rough ; Jacquini, = kantakdrikd. — Kroda-pdda, as, m. *
be distressed ; (another form for kunth.) formidable, terrible; inauspicious (opposed to saumya
turtle, a tortoise. — Kroddnka ( da-att°), as, m. a
and a-krura, and epithet of the first, third, fifth,
'3W krumu, us, f., Ved., N. of a river, a tortoise. — Krodditghri (°da-an°), is, m. a turtle or
seventh, ninth, and eleventh signs of the zodiac, which tortoise. — Krodl-mukha, as, m.(?) a rhinoceros.
tributary of the Indus.
are supposed to have a malignant influence); mis- — Krodeihta, (°da-ifk°), f. a kind of grass, = muttd.
»«j<* krumuka, as, m., Ved. a piece of chievous, destructive ; hard, solid ; strong (as a bow, Krodi-kri, cl. 8. P. -karoti, -kartmn, to fold to
wood or match used to catch the sacrificial fire when opposed to manda); hot, sharp, disagreeable; (am), the breast, clasp to the bosom, clasp, emb/ace.
kindled by friction ; [cf. krimuka, kramuka.] ind. in a formidable manner; (as, am), m. n. boiled
— Kroifi-karaiia, am, n. folding to the breast, em-
rice ; (as), m. a hawk ; a heron ; two plants, red bracing. —Krodi-kriti, is, f. embracing, embrace.
krus, cl. i. P. (rarely A.) krofati,
oleander, = ra&ta-fearatir ra.andanother plant, = bhu- Krauda, as, i, am, fit for or belonging to a hog.
. -te, (ukroia, krokshyati, akrukshat, tankuia; (a), f., N.of a plant, = rakta-punarnavd ;
kroshtum, to cry out, shriek, yell, bawl, call out, halloo; IJfaraR*!! kronaka-varna, as, m., N. of a
(am), n. a wound, a sore ; blood-shedding, slaughter, man.
to exclaim ; to cry, lament ; to weep ; to sound, make cruelty, any horrible deed ; any frightful apparition.
a singing noise (as the ear) : Caus. kroiayati, -yi- — Krurakarma-kril, t, t, t, perpetrating cruel krotha, as, m. (fr. kruth for rt.
tum: Desid. dukrukshati : Intens. 6okruttyate,
actions; a rapacious animal. — Krura-karman, a, krunth .'), killing, slaying, murder; [cf. krdtha.]
dokrufiti; [cf. Lith. klykiH,'toay;'kryksztauja; n. a bloody or terrible deed ; any hard or difficult
Hib. cruitfyh, ' music, song ;' Lat. crocis, crocito ; labour ; (a, d, a), performing bloody or terrible deeds, rodha, &c. See under i. krudh.
Gr. Kpdfu, xpdfa, Kpo-yy*) ; Goth, krukya.] fierce, cruel, unrelenting ; (a), m., N. of a plant, = ka-
Kridmn, d, m. a jackal ; [cf. kroshtu.]
krosa, kroshtu. See under krus.
Krushta, as, d, am, calling out, crying out, krauiifa, as, m. (fr. rt. kruni!, q.v.),
performing bloody or terrible deeds, fierce, cruel, un-
scolding; wept, cried; cried aloud, bawled; called relenting. —Krura-koshtha, as, m. torpid or costive a kind of curlew or heron (Ardea Jaculator) ; the
at, abused ; (am), n. crying, weeping, sobbing ; bowels unaffected by strong purgatives ; (as, d, am), emblem of the fifth Arhat of the present AvasarpinI ;
noise, sound.
one whose bowels are torpid or costive. — Krura- (f), f. the female curlew ; a daughter of TamrS and
Kroia, as, m. a cry, a yell, a shriek, a shout, a call, gandha, as, m. sulphur ; (d), f., N. of a tree, = mother of the curlews ; (as), m. a mountain, part of
calling out. a noise (e.g. karna-krofa, a noise in kanthdri. — Kriira-i'arlta, as, d, am, cruel, fero- the Himalaya range, situated in the eastern part of the
the ears) ; the range of the voice in calling or hallooing, chain on the north of Asam ; one of the Dvlpas or
cious, addicted to cruel practices. — Krura-td, f. or
a measure of distance, an Indian league, commonly krura-tra, am, n. cruelty, fierceness. — Krura-danti, principal divisions of the world, surrounded by the
called a Kos, = 1000 Dandas, = 4000 Hastas, = J Yo- sea of curds ; N. of a Rakshas ; N. of a pupil of
jana ; according to other authorities = 2000 Dandas, f. an epithet of DurgS. — Krura-dris', k, k, k, evil-
eyed, of terrible aspect, mischievous, villainous, cruel ; Sika-pOrni ; (am), n., scil. asfra, N. of a mystical
= 8000 Hastas, = J GavyOti ; (am), n., N. of a Ss- (k), m. an epithet of the planet Sani or Saturn ; also weapon ; N. of a SSman ; also of a particular Vedic
man. — Kroia-tdla, as, m. a large or double drum. an epithet of the planet Mars. — Krura-dhurta, at, formula. — KrauAda-ddrana or kraunda-sudana,

as, m. an epithet of the god of war, Karttikeya, who Klamln, I, inl, i, becoming tired, languishing, passions. — ffleda-bkdgin, i, inl, i, having trouble.
tore asunder the mountain KrauiWa. — Kmunifa- exhausted, weary. — Klami-td, {. or klami-tva, am, ••KleiSa-bhdj, k, k, k, having trouble. — KleiSa-
dvipa,as, m., N. of a Dvlpa, = krauiida. — KrauUa- n. exhaustion, langour, fatigue.
paha (°s"a-ap°), as, a, am, allaying pain or suffer-
paksha, as, d, am, an epithet of horses, ' the flanks Kldnta, as, a, am, tired, fatigued, exhausted, ing, consolatory, consoling ; palliative ; (as), m. a son.
of which are similar to the wings of a curlew. languishing; wearied; depressed in spirits or ex- Klefaka, as, I, am, giving pain, troublesome,
•• Krawnta-pada,, f., N. of a metre consisting ol hausted ;dried up, withering ; thin, emaciated. annoying, afflicting.
four lines of twenty-five syllables each. — Krauiida- — Kldnta-manas, as, He, as, low-spirited, languid, Kldita, as, d, am, pained, distressed, afflicted.
padl, f., N. of a place. — Krauiida-pura, as, m., melancholy. — Kldnta-vadana, as, a, am, having a Kle$in, i, int, i, connected with pain, causing pain
N. of a town. — KrauMa-bandha, as, m. a parti- weary face. or suffering ; hurting, injuring.
cular kind of knot. — Krawida-randkra, am, n. the Klanti, in, {. fatigue, weariness. — Kldnti-tthid, Eteshtri, td, m. one who causes pain or suffering.
Kraunla pass, caused by the deity KSrttikeya and by t, t, t, relieving fatigue, refreshing, invigorating. insect.
W^K klita, as, m. a kind of poisonous
Parasu-rama ; see krauntdri below. — KrauMa-vat, — Kldnti-ddheda, as, m. refreshing, restoring, re-
an, m., N. of a mountain, =kraun<?a. — K.raun moving fatigue.
dana (°da-ad°), am, n. the fibres of the stalk of the klitaka, am, n. a kind of plant with
lotus (mrindla); N. of several plants, = gheitfull ; rc^r kluv, cl. I. A. klavate, to fear, be
N afraid : Caus. klavayati. a poisonous root, Glycyrrhiza Glabra ?. (Kdla-kli-
taka, am, n. the Indigo plant.)
another phnt, = <<iii<<otaka; longpepper; (i), f. the
seed of the lotus. — Kraitnfdranya (°fa-ar°), am,n., klid, cl. 4. P. klidyati, tikleda, Klilakikd, f. the Indigo plant, Indigofera Indica.
N. of a forest. — KrauAtdrdti (°<!a-ar°), is, m. an kleduhyati and kletsyati, aklidat, *=ati-raed.
epithet of the deity Karttikeya. — Kraunddri ( ia- kleditum and klettum, to be or become wet or 31 it n r| c( klltanaka, am, n. a kind of plant,
ari), is, m. an epithet of the deity Karttikeya and damp : Caus. P. kledayati, -yttum, to bedew, wet,
of the hero and Avat5ra Parasu-rama, who with his moisten : Desid. dikledishali. ftklidishati, diklit- kllb or Mlv, cl. I. A. kUbate or
arrows made a pass or defile through the Kraunca sati: Intern, feklidyate, dekletti; [cf. Gr. KA.ti£o>.] N klivate, dikllbe, klibishyate, klibitum
Klinna, as, d, am, moistened, wet ; running (as (according to some also klivdyate), to be impotent,
Kraundiki-putra, as, m., N. of a teacher. an eye). — Klinna-netra. as, a, am, having moist to behave like one who is impotent or like a eunuch ;
eyes, pitiful. — Klinna-rartman, a, n. excess of the to be timorous, to be modest or unassuming.
"sKf? krauda. See under kroda last col. lacrymal discharge, watering of the eycs. — KUnna- KTiba or kliva, as, a, am, impotent, emasculated,
"STT kraurya, am, n. (fr. krvra), cruelty, Jirid, t, t, t, tender-hearted. — Klinndksha (°na- a eunuch ; unmanly, timorous, timid ; weak, weak-
fierceness, anger ; hard-heartedness ; terribleness. aJc°), as, a, am, having moist eyes, blear-eyed. minded, base ; idle, slothful ; a coward ; of the
Kleda, as, m. wetness, dampness, moisture ; run- neuter gender ; (as, am), m. n. the neuter gender ;
ail 31 31 In =ti krausasatika, as, I, am (fr. krosa ning, discharge from a sore. — Kleda-vat, an, atl,
+ 3ata), one who goes a hundred Krosas or leagues ; at, moist, flowing. [cf. Hib. cailltean, ' eunuch ;' caillte, ' castrated ;'
one who deserves to be approached from a distance of a Kledaka, as, a, am, wetting, moistening, making caillim, ' I geld, castrate, destroy ;' cailleadh, ' emas-
hundred Krosas or leagues (as a religious teacher &c.). wet or moist; (as), m. phlegm in the stomach, culation.'] Kltba-td,
— (. or kliba-tva, am, n. impo-
tence, the being neuter. — Kltba-rupa, as, d, am,
excess of saliva.
stJiPs* kraushtika, as, m. a wrong form for Ved. similar to a eunuch. — Kltba-linga, am, n. the
Ttraushtuki, q. v. Kledan, d, m. the moon. neuter gender. — Kliva-vat, ind. like a base man,
•^ ^ JKZedana, as, i, am, moistening, making wet ; like a weak-minded, effeminate person.
5tii8«nTn' kraushtukarna, as, t, am, coming (as), m. phlegm, the phlegmatic or watery humor Klaibya or klaivya, am, n. absence of virility,
from Kroshtu-karna. [cf. kapha] ; a species of phlegm ; (am), n. wet- impotence, unmanly behaviour, unmanliness, weak-
ting, moistening ; oozing, trickling. ness, timidity, cowardice ; the neuter gender.
kraushtuki, is, m. (a patronymic Kledu, us, m. the moon ; a morbid combination
fr. kroshtuka), N. of a grammarian; N. of an of the three humors of the body (sannipdta), com- klu, cl. i. A. klavate, to move.
astrologer ; N. of a warrior-tribe belonging to the plication ofdisorders.
Trigarta-shashthSs. Kledya, as, a, am, to be moistened, to be wetted. kles, cl. I. A. klesate, tiklfse, klesi-
Kraush/itkiya, as, m. a prince of the warrior- Mind, cl. I. P. A. klindati, -te, to turn, to speak articulately ; to impede or
tribe called Kraushtuki. obstruct ; to strike, kill ; to distress.
lament ; [cf. Icrand and kland.]
^if!} kry-adi, a term of grammar to de- fsfi«l klib, p, f. (?), Ved. accomplishment Si^T klesa. See under rt. klis.
note the roots of the ninth class of which kr I is the
first. (fr. klrip ?) ; (Say.) the created world ; (a various klaitakika, am, n. a fermented
reading has klrib. )
liquor prepared from the root of the plant Klltaka
klath, cl. i. P., Ved. klathati, -thi-
, to turn round, revolve, to form into Mis, cl. 9. P. klisnati, tiklesa, kle- (klltakilcd ?), wine, spirituous liquor.
N tishyati and klekshyati, akle&t and klaibya or klaivya. See under kllba.
clots or lumps ; to kill or hurt ; [cf. Lat. dades.~\ aklikshat, kleditum and kleshtum, to torment,
Klatkana, am, n., Ved. turning round, forming torture, trouble, molest ; to cause pain, afflict, dis- kloma, am, n. or kloman, a, a, m. n.
into clots or lumps. tress ;to suffer, feel pain, suffer distress ; cl. 4. A. (in the earlier language m. ; in the later n. ), the
3i<»fcnr kladwat, an, ait, at (rt. klid?), klityate, diklise, kletishyate, akUiishta, kledi- bladder; the lungs, the right lung; bile(?).
Ved. wet, moist (?). tum, to be tormented or molested ; to be afflicted,
klota, as, m., Ved. = krosa, calling
feel pain, suffer : Caus. P. A. kleiayati, -te, -yitum,
' kland or klad [cf. rt. iranrf], cl. I. to torment, molest : Desid. (iklikshati, fikliiishati, out to; (S5y.) fear.
P. klandati, daklanda, klandisliyall , dikletishati, flklitishate, dikletishatc : Intens. kva, ind. (fr. I. ku; according to Pan.
klanditum, to call; to lament; to weep; cl. I. A. (cklidyate, deklenltti ; [cf. Cambro-Brit. glcesi, ' to
klandate or kladate &c., to be confounded or V. 3, 12, VII. 2, 104, formed first fr. kim and then
pain, to cause a pang, to suffer a pang.'] fr. the substitute ku with affix at), where ? in what
troubled ; to grieve ; [cf. Hib. glaodhaim, ' I call, Klidita or klishta, as, a, am, molested, tor- place? whither? how? when? (rarely) how much
bawl, roar, shout ;' Gr. K\dfa.] mented, distressed, afflicted ; wearied, hurt, injured ; less ! [cf. kutas] ; connected with the particles id,
Klamla, as, d, am (fr. kland for krand ?), Ved. being in a bad condition, worn ; put to shame ; con- svid, nu, &c., in the same manner as i. ka, q. v.
crying, noisy (?). tradictory, inconsistent ; connected with pain or (e. g. kva nu te kshatriydh iiirdh, where now are
suffering; (am), ind. in distress. — KllHta-vat, an, those Kshatriya heroes ?) ; kva appears to be used as
klap, cl. 10. P. kldpayati, -yitum, to a loc. of 2. ka- in Manu X. 66. (e. g. kva tfreyas-
\speak barbarously ; (another form for ttlap); atl, at, suffering pain or distress. — Klishta-vart-
man, a, n. a disease of the eyelids ; [cf. klinna- tvam, in whom is the preference ?) ; kra with 6A«,
[cf. Lith. kalpu, ' to speak.'] vartman.~$—Klishta-vritti, is, is, i, leading a ox, or (/ata, may denote, how is it with ? what has
wretched life.
klam [cf. rt. sram, the rt. klam become of? (e. g. kva aham bhavani, what will
KHiyamdna, an, a, am, being distressed. become of me? leva galas tava mayy anuragah,
X seems principally confined to the later arti-
Klishii, is, (. affliction, calamity, distress ; service. what has become of your affection for me ?), or kva
ficial poems], cl. i. 4. P. klamati, kldmyati, (a-
kldma, klamishyati, klnmitum, to be or become Kleda, a«, m. pain, affliction, distress ; pain from alone may have the same meaning (e. g. kva mkham,
fatigued, to be weary or tired or exhausted ; to be de- disease, anguish ; wrath, anger ; worldly occupation ; where is happiness? i.e. there is no such thing as
pres ed[cf.
; Gr. Kdfiva ; Lat. lentus for clentus (?) ; care, trouble. — KLeia-Ttarin, I, inl, i, causing pain, happiness ) ; kva — kva or kutra — kva implies ex-
afflicting. — KleiSa-ltshama, as, a, am, capable of cessive incongruity, where is this ? where is that ?
Germ, lahm ; Old Germ, lam ; Lith. lumas.~\ enduring pain and trouble. — Kletfa-da, as, a, am, low distant is this from that, how little does this
Klama, as, m. fatigue, exhaustion, languor,
weariness. distressing. — Klefa-naiana, as, a, am, destroying igree with that (e. g. kva furya-prabhavo vantah
Klamatha, as, m. fatigue, exhaustion. or palliating trouble. — Kleia-prahdna, am, n. ter- kva da alpa-vishayd matih, how can my limited
Klamathu, us, m. fatigue, languor. mination of distress, especially of worldly cares and intellect describe the solar race?); kvdpi (kva aft),
264 kva-janman. kshattri.
anywhere, somewhere, to some place, to any place, kshaj or kshahj, cl. I. A. kshajate military caste accepted the title Kshatriya 1 ; a man
in a certain place ; sometimes ; kva (a, anywhere, of the second or Kshatriya caste, a warrior, a soldier
or kshanjate, dakuhanje, kfhaiijitum, to (in this sense fancifully derived in Raghu. II. 53. ft.
somewhere, at any time; kva da na, anywhere go, approach ; to give ; cl. ro. P. kxhaiijayati, -yi-
(originally negative) ; na kvadana, nowhere ; kva- kshatdt tra ft. rt. (rot, i. e. a preserver from injury) ;
tum, to live in distress ; to live in pain or want.
did, anywhere, somewhere, to any place, in a certain (i), f. a woman of the second caste; the rank of a
place ; in a certain case, sometimes ; at some time, kshan, kshanana. See kshan. member of the reigning or military order, the
once upon a time; kvadid — leva/id, here — there, authority of the second caste ; wealth ; water ; the
here and there, in various places ; now — then, now kshana, as, am, m. n. (said to be a body; N. of a plant, = tai/ara; [cf. tuvi-kihatra,
and then ; na kradid, nowhere, never, by no means ; corruption of ikshana, a glance, and not used in the deva-kehatra, 8cc.~\ — Kshatra-dharma, as, m.
yatra kvdpi or yatra kvada, wherever, whereso- earlier literature ; native lexicographers make this the duty of a Kshatriya, bravery, military conduct.
ever, to whatsoever place, anywhere; yatra kva- word m. only), any instantaneous point of time, an — Kshatra-dh<trman,d,d,a, having the duties of a
dana, to whatsoever place, hither and thither, any- soldier or of the second caste ; (d), m., N. of a prince.
instant, the twinkling of an eye, a moment (e. g.
where ;whenever, at any time, when, in any case or kshatiam, ace., or kshanena, inst. for an instant, in — Kshatradharmdnuga (°ma-an°), as, a, am,
matter whatever ; yatra kva vdtha — tatra tatrdpi, following or observing the duty of a soldier. — Ksha-
a moment ; kshaniit, abl. after an instant, immedi-
wherever — there. — Kva-janman, a, a, a, where ately, directly, at once ; kthaite kshane, every instant, tra-dhriti, is, f. the support of supreme power ; N.
born 1 — Kva-nivdta, as, a, am, where dwelling 1 every moment; tat-kshanam, that very moment, of a particular part of the RSja-sQya ceremony.
Kvatya, as, a, am, or kvatyaka, as, ikd, am, in that same moment, immediately ; tat-kshanat, — K»hatra-pa, as, m. a governor, a Satrap (a word
of or belonging to where or what place? being immediately upon that) ; a moment regarded as a found on coins). *- Kehatra-patt, is, m., Ved. the
where 1 measure of time, equal to thirty Kalas or four minutes, possessor of dominion. — Kshatra-bandhu, us, us or
or according to other authorities equal to £ or <j-j us, u, one who belongs to the military order or second
Jgjf kvanyii, us, m. = kanyu, a sort of seconds ; a leisure moment, a vacant instant, leisure, caste; (us), m. a member of the Kshatriya caste ; a
Panic, Panicum Italicum. mere Kshatriya, i. e. a Kshatriya by birth but not by
(kshanam kri, to have leisure for, wait patiently for ;
kvan, cl. I. P. kvanati, 6alcvana, cf. kfita-kshana) ; a fit or suitable moment, an his actions (a term of abuse). — Kxhatrabandhu-rat,
ind. like a v/znioi. — Kshatm-bhrit, t, t, t, Ved.
\ kvaintum, to sound ; to hum (as a bee) ; opportunity, (kshanam kri or da, to give an oppor- one who holds or confers dominion. — Kshatra-
to make any sound ; to tinkle : Caus. kiianayati, tunity) ;a festival ; a certain day of the fortnight, as
-yitum, to cause to sound, to make sound, to twang, the full moon, change of the moon, &c. ; dependance, yoga, as, m., Ved. union of the princely order.
to produce a sound with anything ; e. g. nupurai/t, servitude ; the centre, the middle. — Kshana-kshepa, — Kshutra-vat, an, ati, at, endowed with princely
with anklet ornaments ; [cf. Lat. cano; Goth, hana, as, m. a momentary delay. — Kshana-da, as, m. an dignity. — Kshatra-rani, is, is, i, Ved. favourable
astrologer ; (a), f. night (giving leisure) ; turmeric ; to the princely order. — Kshatra-vardhana, as, i,
' a cock.'] am, Ved. promoting dominion. ™ Kahatra-viflyd, f.
Krnna, as, m. the sound or tone of any musical (am), n. night-blindness ; water. — Kshanadd-kara,
instrument ; sound in general. as, m. the moon. — Kshanadd-dara, as, i, m. f. a the knowledge or science possessed by the Kshatriya
Kvanat, an, null, at, sounding. night-walker, a Rakshas, a fiend, a goblin. — Ksha- or military otder. — Eshatra-mksha, as, m., N. of
Kranarta, am, n. sounding, the sound of any nadandhya fda-dn0), am, n. night-blindness, nycta- a tree, = mudukunda. — Kshatra-vriddha, as, m.,
musical instrument ; (as), m. a small earthen pot or lopsis ; [cf. kshapdndhya, naktdndhya.] ~ Kshana- N. of a prince. — Kshatra-widdhi, is, m., N. of one
boiler. drishta, as, a, am, momentarily visible, seen for of the sons of Manu Rau^ya. — Kshatra-vridh, t,
Kvanita, as, a, am, sounded, twanged (as a an instant. — Kshana-dyuti, is, f. momentary flash, m., N. of a prince, = kshatra-vriddha. — Kshatra-
stringed instrument) ; (am), n. sound, twang. lightning; [cf. adira-dyuti and kshana-prabhd.] veda, as, m., the Veda of the Kshatriya or military
Ki-iimi, as, m. the sound of a musical instrument ; — Kshana-ni^vdsa, as, m. a porpoise, the Gangetic order. — Kshatra-s'ri, is, is, i, Ved. possessing
sound in general. sovereignty; (Siy.) possessed of power. — Kshatra-
porpoise. — Kshana-prakds'd, f. lightning. — Ksha- sava, as, m., N. of a sacrificial ceremony. — Ksha-
a.m kvath, cl. I. P. kvathati, dakvatha, na-prabha, as, a, am, gleaming or flashing for an trdyataniya, as, d, am (fr. kfhatra + ayatana),
instant; (a), f. lightning. — Itshana-bhangura, as,
^\kvathishyati, akvathit, kvathitum, to a, am, perishing in an instant, transient, frail, perish- Ved. based on the Kshatra or kingly power. — Ksha-
boil, stew, decoct, prepare by heat ; to digest : Cans. able. •-Kshana-bhuta.as, a, am, momentary, short- tropakshatra (°ra-up°\ as, m., N. of a prince.
Icvathayati, -yitum, to cause to boil, to boil, decoct. lived. —Kshatia-mdtram, ind. for an instant merely, — KsJiatraujas (°ra-of), as, m., N. of a prince.
Kvatha, as, m. a decoction, an extract. Kshatrina, as, m., N. of a man.
Kvathana, am, n. boiling, decocting. only for a moment. — Kshana-mdtrdnurdgin (°tra-
Kshatrin, i, m. a man of the military order or
Kvathita, at, a, am, boiled, decocted, stewed, an°), i, ini, i, one whose affection lasts only a mo-
ment. —Kshana-rdmin, 5, m. a pigeon. — Kshana- second caste.
digested. vighna, am, n. a momentary hindrance. — Kshana- Kshatriya, as, a, am, governing, endowed with
Ki'dthti, as, m. a decoction, any solution or infusion sovereignty ; (as), m. a member of the military
prepared with a continued or gentle heat ; the mixture i-idhvansin, I, ini, i, collapsing or perishing in a
moment ; (j), m. the name of a sect of atheistic or reigning order which in later time constituted the
of the materials for a decoction ; pain, sorrow, cala- philosophers who deny the continued identity of any second caste; (a), f. a woman of the military
mity, distress. — Kvdt/todbhava (°tka~ud°), as, a, part of nature, and maintain that the universe perishes order or of the second caste ; (i), f. the wife of a
am, produced by boiling ; (am,), n. blue vitriol used and undergoes a new creation every instant. — Ksha- man of the second caste ; (am), n. the power or
as a collyrium. rank of this order. — Kehatriya-jdti, is, f. the mili-
ndntara (°na-an°), am, n. the interval of a moment ;
UJWW kv-adhah-stha, as, a, am (ft. 2. ku- (e), ind. after a little while, the next moment, there- tary tribe or caste. - Kshatriya-ta, f. or kshatriya-
adhas-stha), Ved. standing below on the earth. upon. —Kshandrdha (°na-ar°), am, n. half the tva, am, n. the order or rank of a Kshatriya.
measure of time called Kshana, half a moment, a — Kshatrii/a-dharma, as, m. the duty or occupa-
kvayi, is, m., Ved. a kind of bird. small space of time. tion of the warrior-tribe, war, government, &c.
kvala, as or am, m. or n.(?), Ved. a Kskanika, an, a, am, momentary, transient ; (a), •• Kshatriya-dharman, d, d, a, having the duties
substance used for coagulating other substances. f. lightning. — Kshamka-tva, am, n. momentary of a soldier or of the second caste. — Kshatriya-
duration. prdya, as, d, am, mostly consisting of the military
gilfT>li kvatitka, as, i, am (ft. kva-6it), Kthanita, as, d, am, having a leisure moment. tribe. — Kshatriya-mardana, as, d, am, destroying
met with somewhere or occasionally; rare, un- Kshanin, i, ini, i, having a leisure moment; or destroyer of Kshatriyas. — Kshatriya-rdja, at, m.
momentary, transient; (in?), f. the night; [cf. the chief of Kshatriyas. — Kshatriyarshabha ( ij«-
kvathi, is, m., Ved. an epithet of kiliana-dd.] rish°), as, m. best of Kshatriyas. — Kshatriya-
Agastya. hana, as, m. one who destroys the military caste.
Bj*un kshanatu, &c. See under rt. kshan. — Kshatriyantakara ("ya-an"), as, m. one who
kvapi, ind. somewhere, &c. See kva. destroys the Kshatriyas.
kshattri. See under rt. kshad.
kvel, cl. I. P. kvelati, to shake or Kshatriyika or iltd, f. a woman belonging to the
move ; (a less correct form for kshvel.) kshatra, am, as, n. m. (probably fr. military or , reigning order, a woman of the second
*s°> a r°ot forming, according to rt. i. kshi; the m. form does not appear to occur), Kfhatriyani, f. a woman belonging to the mili-
native grammarians, some tenses of khya dominion, supremacy, power, might (whether human tary caste ; the wife of a man of the second caste.
and daksh (e. g. the Fut. Uatyati; Inf. ktdtwn; or supernatural, in the Veda especially applied to the kshad, cl. I. A., Ved. kshadate,
Aor. akidsit, akiaata; Perf. (akie). power of Varuna-Mitra and Indra ) ; government,
governing body, the military or reigning order (the dakihade, to cut, dissect, cut to pieces,
^f ksha, as, m. (fr. 4. kshi), destruction ; loss, members of which in the earliest times, as represented divide ; to kill ; to carve (meat), to distribute (food) ;
disappearance ; destruction of the world ; lightning ; a by the Vedic hymns, were generally called Rajanya, to take (food), to consume, eat. (As a Sautra root
field ; the protector or cultivator of a field, a peasant, not Kshatriya; afterwards, when the difference be- kshad means ' to cover, protect, shelter.')
a husbandman ; a demon or Rakshas ; the fonnh in- tween Brahman and Kshatra or the priestly and civil Kshattri, td, m. one who cuts anything, one who
carnation ofVishnu as the man-lion or nara-sinha. authorities became more distinct, the reigning or carves or distributes ; an attendant ; a door-keeper,
kshadat. 2G5
a porter ; a charioteer, a coachman ; [cf. anu-kshat- 4. kshap, p, (., Ved. night ; a measure of time bearing. — Kshamd-T)huj, k, k,k, patient; (It), m.
tri] ; one who fights from a chariot ; the son of a equivalent to a whole day of twenty-four hours; a king, a prince. — Kshamd-yukta, as, d, am, en-
Sudra man and a Kshatriya woman, or the son of a darkness ; water ; kshapah or kshapd, ind. at dowed with patience, patient, enduring. — Kshamd-
Kshatriya man and a SDdra woman (called Ugra night ; [cf. Lat. creptis-culum ; Gr. Kvifyos, KviQas.] vat, an, all, at, patient, enduring, forbearing ; (all),
in Manu X. 9), or the son of a Sudra man and f., N. of the wife of Nidhi-pati.
— Kshapotyaya (°paa-at°), as, m. the end of night.
Vaisya woman (called Ayogava in Manu X. 13); a. kshapana, as, d, am, destructive, one who Kshamamya, as, a, am, to be suffered, to be
the son of a female slave ; (the proper employment of destroys ; (am), n. destroying, diminishing, suppress- patiently borne ; to be pardoned.
a Kshattri is said to be catching animals that live in K»hamd (inst. case of 2. is/torn), on the earth, on
ing, expelling.
holes) ; a N. of Vidura as the son of a female slave, Kfhapd, f. night (Ved. only used in inst. pi. the floor (included by PSnini among the indeclinables
his father being the celebrated Vyasa (see Maha-bh. ks/Mpdbhis) ; turmeric. — Kshapd-kara, as, m. with svar, diva, &c.); [cf. Gr. xaA""> X°M"'Ce>
I. 7381); an epithet of Brahma ; a fish. 'making the night,' the moon. — Ksliapa-ghana, xa.fad.efv; xfia,uaA<fs.] — Kshamd-dara, as, a, am,
Kshadat, an, anti, at, carving, dividing, tearing ; as, m. a dark cloud or dark nocturnal clouds. — Ksha- Ved. being in the ground or under the earth.
eating. pd-dara, as, m. a night-walker ; a fiend, a goblin. Knhamdpaya, nom. P. A. -payati, -te, -yttum,
Kshadana, am, n. the act of carving, dividing, — Kshapdta (°pd-ata), as, m. a night-walker ; a to ask any one's (ace.) pardon, to beg forgiveness.
tearing; eating. Rakshasa, an imp or goblin. — Kshapd-ndtha, 03, Kshamitavya, as, d, am, to be endured, to be
Kshadman, a, n., Ved. a carving knife ; pieces of patiently borne, to be pardoned.
m. the moon. — Kshapdnta (°j;a-a«°), as, m. dawn,
food cut off or carved ; (according to Schol.) water. day-break. — Kshapdndhya (°pd-dn°), am, n. night- Kshamitri, td, tri, tri, patient, enduring, for-
bearing, indulgent.
blindness, nyctalopsis; [cf. kshanaddndhya, nak-
UJyJ kshan or kshan, cl. 8. P. A. ksha- tdndhya.] — Kshapd-pati, is, m. the moon ; cam- Kshamin, t, int, i, patient, enduring, forbearing,
\ noli, -nute, dakshdna, dakshane, ksha- phor.— Kshapaha^pd-ahan), am, n. a dayandnight.
indulgent ; capable, able.
nishyati, -te, akshanlt, kshanitum, P. to hurt, Kshamya,
terrestrial as, d, am, Ved. being in the earth,
; x86vio$.
injure, wound, break ; A. to hurt one's self, be injured kshapanl,{.=kshepanl,a:noax, anet.
or wounded: Caus. kshdnayati, -yitum: Desid. kshapanyu, us, m. an offence, a Kshdnta, as, d, am, borne, endured; patient,
dikshanishati, -te: Intens. dartkshanyate, daitk-
shanti ; [cf. Gr. Kaivu, navai ; KaivvTau=kshanute; transgression. enduring ; (as), m., N. of a man ; of a hunter ; epi-
£aiv fa ', perhaps also fflvofJMt for |(i/o^cu.] HIIJ i. ksham, cl. I. A., 4. P. kshamate, thet of Siva [cf. kshamd] ; (d), f. the earth, ' the
Kshanatu, us, m. a wound or sore.
Kshanana, am, n. hurting, injuring; killing, ™ N kshamyati (ep. also I . P. and Ved. a. P. Kshdnli, is, f. patience, forbearance, endurance,
Ishamati, kshamiti), dakshame, dakshdma, ksha- patient one." patient waiting for anything. — Kshdnti-
slaughter. mishyate, -ti, and kshansyate, -ti, akshamishta,
Kshananu, us, m. a wound, a sore. mat, an, ail, at, patient, enduring, indulgent.
akshansta, akshamat, kshamitum and kshantum, — Kshdnti-vddin, i, m., N. of a Kishi; N. of
Kshata, as, d, am, wounded, hurt, hit, injured, tobepatientorcomposed, to suppress anger, keep quiet ; Sakya-muni in one of his former births.
broken, torn, rent, destroyed, impaired, violated ; to submit to (with dat.) ; to bear patiently, endure, put Kshdntu, us, us, u, patient, enduring ; (us), m.
a father.
diminished, trodden or broken down; (am), n. a up with, suffer ; to pardon, forgive (with gen. or dat.
hurt, wound, sore, contusion. — Kshata-kdsa, as, m. of the person, e. g. kshamasva tad me, forgive me
a cough produced by an injury ; [cf. kshata-ja, &c.] or Kshdmya,
overlooked. as, d, am, to be borne ; to be pardoned
that) ; to allow, permit, suffer ; to resist ; to be com-
— Kshata-ghna, as, m., N. of a plant, commonly petent or able to do anything (with inf. ) : Caus.
Kukurason-kha, Conyza Lacera ; (a or i), f. a kind kshamuda, as or am, m. or n. (?), a
kshamayati, -te, -yitum, to ask pardon for anything
of insect ; lac, the animal dye. — Kshata-ja, as, d, (with double ace., e. g. tat kshamaye bhavantam, particular number.
am, produced by a wound or injury of any kind (e. g. I ask you to pardon that) ; to suffer or bear patiently :
kdia, a kind of cough) ; (am), n. blood ; pus, matter. Desid. dikshamishate, -ti, and dikshansate, -ti: uijjj kshamp, $\. i. or 10. P. kshampati
"Kshata-tejas, as, as, as, dimmed, obscured (as Intens. dankshamyate, dankshanti; [cf. Goth. *^ or kshampayati, -yitum, to suffer, bear ;
light or power). — Knhata-punya-leda, as, d, am,
hramja (?); Angl. Sax. hremman, 'to hinder,
having the stock of merit exhausted. — Kshata-yoni, T5PTi. kshaya.
is, f. a woman who has been violated, one no longer [cf. ksham.'] See under rt. 2. kshi and rt.
Kshantavya, as, d, am, to be borne or endured,
disquiet.1] 4. Jcshi,
^ p.
a virgin. — Kshata-vikshata, as, d, am, mangled, bearable, to be suffered or submitted to patiently, to s. 266.
covered with cuts and wounds. — Kshata-vidhvansin, be pardoned or forgiven. U|4|VJ
form kshayathu, us, m. cough ; (a wrong
for kshavathu.)
i, m. a sort of pot-herb, Convolvulus Argenteus. Kshantri, id, tri, tri, pardoning, bearing patiently,
— K*hata-vritti, is, f. destitution, the being without submissive.
the means of support, living on what one can get.
kshayad-mra. See under i. kshi.
•2. ksham,. f. (making kshds in the nom. case), kshar, cl. I. P. ksharati, (akshara,
— Kshata-vrana, as, m. a sore produced by an Ved. the ground, the earth, -^Qtav ', [cf. %a^ai, &c.]
injury. — Kshttta-vrata, as, d, am, a violator of a — Ksha-pdvat, an, m., Ved. an earth-protector, s. ksharishyati, akshdrit, ksharitum (ep.
vow or religious engagement. — Kshata-hara, am, a ruler, a governor. d. I. A. ksharate, Ved. d. i. P. kshariti, Ved.
n. Agallochum or Aloe wood. — Kshatdri ("ta-ari), Kshama, as, d, am, patient ; enduring, suffering, inf. ksharadhyal), to flow, stream, glide; to flow
bearing, submissive,resisting; adequate, competent, able, qj i to stream forth; pour out (either in active
is, is, i, victorious, triumphant. — IZthatottha (°ta-
ttf), as, d, am, produced by injury. — Kshatodara fit for (with inf. or at the end of a compound, vayam or neuter sense) ; to drop, distil, trickle, ooze,
(°to-tta"), am, n. flux, dysentery. — Kshatodbhava tyaktum kshamdh, we are able to quit ; gamana-
run ; to melt away, wane, perish, be destroyed ; to
fta-ud"), as, d, am, produced by injury; (am), kshama, able to go) ; friendly ; favourable ; bear-
fall or slip from, to be deprived of (with abl.):
n. (?) blood ; [cf. kthata-ja.] — Kshataujas (°ta- able, tolerable; fit, appropriate, becoming suitable, Caus. kshdrayati, -yitum: Desid. diksharishati :
oj°), as, ds, as, weakened, reduced, impaired. proper for (with gen. of the person, e. g. ksha- Intens. tdksharyate, (dksharti; [cf. Lat. scateo?].
Kshati, is, f. injury, hurt, a wound ; destruction ; mam Kauravdndm, proper for the Kauravas ; or with Kshara, as, d, am, melting away, perishable;
damage, disadvantage. inf., e. g. na sa kshamah kopayitum, he is not a (as), m. a cloud ; (am), n. water ; a body. — Kshara-
uiM i . kshap, cl. i . P. A. kshapati, -te, to fit object for anger) ; (as), m. a N. of Siva, ' the jq or kshare-ja, as, d, am, produced by distillation.
patient;' (a), f. patience, forbearance, indulgence; per- — Kehara-pattra, f., N. of a plant, = drona-pushpi.
•^^ be abstinent, to fast, to do penance : Caus. sonified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Pulaha ; — Kshara-bhdva, as, d, am, mutable, dissoluble.
kshapayati, -yitum, to regret sorrowfully, miss. resistance ; the earth ; an epithet of Durga ; N. of a Ksharaka, a*, ikd, am, pouring forth.
I. Tcthapana, as, m. a Buddhist mendicant ; (as, Ksharana, am, n. the act of flowing, trickling,
a, am), shameless, impudent?; (am), n. abstinence, female shepherd ; the tree Acacia Catechu (khadira) ',
N. of a species of the Atijayati metre [cf. utpalini\ ; distilling,
tion of thedropping
fingers).(e.g. angull-ksliarana, perspira-
chastisement of the body, defilement, impurity. night (wrong form for kshapd) ; (am), n. propriety, oozing.
Kshapanaka, as, m. a mendicant, especially a Ksharat, an, and, at, flowing, running, trickling,
fitness ; [cf. Hib. cam, ' strong, stout, mighty ; power,
Buddhist mendicant, who wears no garments ; also
a Jaina mendicant; (as), m., N. of an author might ;' cama, ' brave.'] — Rshama-td, f. or ksha- Ksharita, as, a, am, dropped, liquefied, oozed,
ma-tva, am, n. ability, fitness, capability. — Ksliama- trickling, flowing.
supposed to have lived at the court of king Vikra- vat, an, all, at, knowing what is proper or right.
maditya. Ksharin, I, inl, i, flowing, dropping, trickling;
— Kshamd-kalydna, as, m., N. of a pupil of
2. kshap, cl. 10. P. kshapayati, -yi- Jinalabhasuri, who composed 1794 A. D. a com- (i), m. the rainy season.
\ turn, to send, throw, cast, direct, &c. ; mentary on the Jiva-vi6ara. — Kshamd-tala, am, n. Kshara, as, d, am, caustic, biting, corrosive, acid,
the earth. — Kshamd-c/Mns'a, as, m., N. of a tree, pungent, saline (according to some in these senses ft.
[cf. Goth, ukapa."] rt. kshat), anything converted to alkali or ashes by
Kshapayat, an, anti, at, casting, sending. = £igru. — Kshamdnvita (°md-an°), as, d, am,
endowed with patience, patient, enduring, forgiving. distillation ; (as), m. juice, essence ; treacle, molasses;
Jfshapita, as, d, am, sent, cast, directed. any corrosive or acid or saline substance, especially an
— Kshamd-pati, is, m. lord of the earth, a king.
^TC 3. kshap. See Caus. of rt. 4. kshi, — Kshamapanna (°md-dp°), as, d, am, forbearing, alkali such as soda or potash; caustic alkali, one
' to destroy.' patient. — K«hamispara, as, d, am, very patient, for- species of cautery ; glass ; a rogue, a cheat ; (ant),
266 kshara-kardama. kshaya-vayu.
n. a factitious or medicinal salt, commonly black kshattra, am, n. (fr. kshattri), Ved. planet Mars; an epithet of the demon Naraka; (a),
f. an epithet of Sits, the wife of Kama ; (am), n., N.
salt [cf. vid-lavana and krishna-htrann] ; water. a community or number of attendants or servants.
— Kshdra-kardama, (if, m. a pool of saline or acid of a circle of the iky. — Kshiti-jnnlu, w>, m. a kind
mud; N. of a hell. — Kfhdra-karman, a, n. apply- T5JT3 kshdlra, as, i, am (fr. kshatra), be- of snail ( = bhu-naija) ; an earth-worm. — Kshiti-
ing caustic alkali (Lapis Infemalis) to proud flesh Sec.; longing or relating to or peculiar to the second or tala, am, n. the surface of the earth, the region
military tribe ; (am), n. the second or military tribe ; below the earth. — K&hiti-deva, as, m. the ' earth-
or applying acid remedies in general. — Kshdra-
kritya, as, a, am, to be treated with caustic alkali. the dignity of a ruler or governor. god,1 an epithet of a king. - Kthiti-devata, f. the
— Kfhdra-taila, am, n. oil cooked with alkaline Kshdtri, is, m. the son of a man of the second deity of the earth, epithet of a Brahman. — Kshiti-
ingredients. — Kshdra-traya or kfhdra-tritaya, caste (by a woman of another caste ?). dhara, as, m. • earth-supporter,' a mountain.
am, n. natron, saltpetre, and borax. — Kshdra-dald, kshanta, &c. See under i. ksham. — Kshiti-dhdrin, i,im,i, carrying soil or earth.
f. a kind of pot-herb, ^Mlli. — Kshara-dru, us, m. — Kshiti-dhfnu, us, f. the earth considered as a
the tree Bignonia Suaveolens ; [cf. ghantd-pdtali.] kshama, as, a, am (ft. rt. kshai), milch-cow. — Kshili-nanda, as, m., N. of a king.
— Kshara-nadi, I. a river in hell, the water of which scorched, singed ; dried up, emaciated, wasted, fallen — Kshiti-nagu, as, m. a kind of snail (= bhu-ndga)
is alkaline. — Kshdra-pattra, as or am, m. or n. (?), away, thin, slim, slender; weak, debilitated, infirm, or rather snail-shell ; an earth-worm (?). — Kshiti-
or kshdra-pattralm, ae, m. the pot-herb Cheno- slight. — Kshdma-td, f. or kshdma-tva, am, n. natha, as, m. 'lord of the earth,' a king. — Kshiti-
podium Album. — Knhara-pdla, at, m., N. of emaciation, thinness, slendemess ; debility. — l\&ha- pa, as, m. ' earth-protector,' a king. — Ks/titi-
a Ki-hi. — /iW/«/-ii-Wi«»ii, /*, f. a saline soil. ma-vat, an, ail, at, Ved. scorching, singeing, dry- pati, is, m. lord of the earth, a king, a sovereign.
— kxhdra-madhya, at, m. the plant Achyranthes ing up ; epithet of Agni ; (tl), (., scil. is/iti, N. of a — Kshiti-pdla, as, m. ' earth-protector,' a king,
Aspera [cf. apdmdrga] ; its alkaline ashes make it particular sacrificial ceremony. — Kshdmdsya ("ma- a prince. — Kshiti-pitha, am, n. the surface of the
useful in washing clothes. — Kshdra-mrittikd, f. ds0), am, n. any diet or any state of the body (as earth. — Kshiti-putra, as, m. a son of the earth, an
saline soil, especially an impure sulphate of soda. menstruation) incompatible with a particular medical epithet of Narakz. — Kshiti-pratishtha, as, d, am,
— Kihdra-melaka, as, m. an alkaline substance. treatment. dwelling or abiding on the eznh. — Kshiti-bhuj, It,
— Kshdra-meha, as, m. a morbid state of the urine, m. one who enjoys the earth, a king. — Kshiti-
in which its smell and taste resemble that of potash. «fw^ kshdman, a, n. (occurring only in
ksham.] bhrit, t, m. 'earth-supporter,' a mountain; a king.
— Kshdra-rasa, as, ra. a saline or alkaline flavour. nom., ace., loc. sing.), Ved. earth, soil, ground; [cf.a. — Kshfti-mandala, am, n. the earth, the globe.
— Kshdra-vriktha, as, m. the tree Bignonia Suave- — Kshiti-rith, t, or l-shili-ruha, as, m. a
olens [cf. kshdra-dru] ; any tree yielding abundant Kji»iin*"q kshdmd-prastha, as, m., N. of a plant, a tree.*-Kshiti-lava-l)huj, k, m. one who
possesses a small tract of the earth, a petty prince.
potash. — Kshdra-ire&htha, as, m. the tree Butea
Frondosa ; also = kshdra-vriksha ; (am), n. alkaline
town. — Kshiti-vadarl, f., N. of a plant, = bhii-vadarl.
^TT! kshara. See under rt. kshar, p. 265. — Kthiti-vardhana, as, m. a corpse. — Kshiti-
earth; [cf. vajra-kshdra."] — Kfhdra-shatka,
by their juice,am,as
n. six kinds of trees distinguished kshalana, &c. See under 2. kshal. vritti, is, f. (patient) behaviour like that of the
the Butea Frondosa, Grislea Tomentosa, Achyranthes earth. — Kshitivritti-mat, an, atl, at, patient like
Aspera, Cowach, Ghanti-patali, Coraya. — Kshdra- x kshds, nom. case of 2. ksham, q. v. th6 earth. — Kshili-vyudasa, as, m. a cave within
samudra, as, m. or kshdra-sindhu, us, m. the salt the earth. — Kshili-sttta, as, m, an epithet of the
TJCT i. kshi, cl. i. P., Ved. kshayati (only demon Naraka ; also of the planet Mars ; [cf. Imliiti-
ocean. — Kshdra-sutra, am, n. acid thread, applied
™ the pres. seems to occur), to possess, have
to fistulas &c. — Kshdrdksha ("ra-ak"), ae, a, am, power over, rule, govern, be master of (wiih gen.). pulra.] — Kshitifa (°ti-i^a), as, m. a ruler of the
having an artificial eye made of glass. — Keharagada earth, a king. — Kshitisa-vans'dvali-tarita, am, n.
Kshayat, an, anti, at, possessing, ruling, govern-
(°ra-ag°), as, m. remedy prepared by extracting the ' genealogy and history of the kings,' title of a work
alkaline particles from the ashes of plants. — Kshd- ing. —Rshayad-vira, as, a, am, Ved. ruling or composed in the last century, being a family chronicle
governing men; an epithet of Indra, Rudra, and of the viceroys of a part of Bengal. — Kshitlitiara
ra(6ha(°ra-a6fha), am, n. sea-salf. — Kshdrdtijana Pushan ; (Say. as if fr. 2. kshi), possessed of abiding
(°ra-ari°), am, n. an alkaline unguent. — Ksha- or of going heroes such as sons &c. (°ti-if), as, m. a kmg. — Kshity-adili, is, f. the
rdmbu (°ra-am°), u, n. or kshdroda (°ra-uda), as, I. kshit, t, t, t, ruling, a ruler, a governor, a Adin' of the earth, an epithet of DevakI, the mother
of Krishna.
m. or kshdrodaka (°ra-iuF), am, a. an alkaline sovereign, (used in comp., e. g. mahi-kshit, q. v.)
juice or fluid. — Kshdrdmbudhl (°ra-am°), Tcsha- Kshitcan, d, m. air, wind.
rodadhi (Ora-ua°), is, m. the salt ocean. •for 2. kshi, cl. 2. 6. P., Ved. ksheti,
Kfharaka, as, m. alkali; a juice, essence; a •fin 4- kshi, cl. I. 5. 9. P. kshayati, kshi-
^ Tcshiyati, Mkshdya, ksheshyati, kshetum, "** noti,ksliinati,{il:shdya,ksheshyati,a}:shai-
blossom, a new-blown flower or a young fruit; a to abide, stay, dwell, reside (used especially of an
bud or a multitude of young buds ; a cage or basket shit, kshetum, to destroy, corrupt, ruin, to make an
undisturbed or secret residence) ; to inhabit ; to re-
or net for birds or fish ; a washerman. end of; to kill, injure : Pass, kshiyate, to wane ; 'to
main; to be quiet; to go, move, approach: Caus.
decrease ; to be diminished, waste away, perish : Cans.
Kshdrana, am, a, n. f. accusing of unfaithfulness ; ishayayati or kghepayati, -yitum, to make a kehayayali or kshapayati or Ved. kshapayati,
(am), n. converting to alkali or ashes ; distilling. person live quietly ; to pacify.
I. Icshaya, as, m. (for a. see under rt. 4. kzhi -yitum, to destroy, ruin, make an end of, finish ; to
Ktharaya, nom. P. ishdrayati, -yitum, to fur- weaken: Desid. t'ikehlshati : Intcns. teksliiyate,
nish or mix with acid substances ; to torture a person below), an abode, residence, habitation, dwelling- 6ekshayiti, feksheti; [cf. Gr. (criVm^i ?] .
with acid substances ; to speak ill of a person ; to place, seat, house [cf. ura-kshaya] ; family, race ; i. kshaya, as, m. (for i. see under a. kshi last
abuse, accuse, calumniate. the house of Yama, god of death ; dominion (?).
col.), loss, waste, wane, diminution, destruction, decay
Kfhdrika, (. hunger. — Kshaya-taru, us, m. the plant Bignonia Suave-
olens. wasting or wearing away ; fall (as of prices, opposed to
Kshdrita, as, a, am, distilled from saline matter, vriddhi, e. g. kshayo rriddhis fa panydndm, the
strained through alkaline ashes &c. ; calumniated, 1. kshayana, at, d, am, Ved. habitable (?); (as), fall and rise in the price of commodities) ; removal ;
falsely accused (especially of adultery), accused of a m. a place with tranquil water ; a bay, harbour (?) ;
end, termination (e. g. nidrd-kshaya, the end of
crime, guilty. (am), n. a dwelling-place. sleep ; dina-kshaye, at the end of day ; jirita-
Kshayas, as, n. a dwelling-place, habitation. kshaye, at the end of life ; kshayam yd or gam, to
i- kshal, cl. I. P. kshalati, -litum, 3. kshi, is, f. abode, residence ; going, moving. become less, be diminished, go to destruction, come
to flow ; to collect ; [cf. Mar.]
2. kshit, t, t, t, dwelling, an inhabitant, (at the end to an end, perish) ; consumption, pthisis pulmonalis ;
uj ft 2. kshal (related to rt. kshar), cl. of several compounds, e. g. antariltsha-kshit, an sickness in general ; the destruction of the universe ;
inhabitant of the air &c.)
N 10. P. kfhdlayati, afiksftalat, -yitum, (in algebra) a negative quality, a minus. — Kfliaya-
to wash, wash off, purify, cleanse, clean, make clean ; Kabila, (. the earth. kara, as, t, am, causing destruction or ruin, de-
i. Icshiti, is, f. (for a. see under rt. 4. kshi below), structive, ruinous, terminating; liberating from ex-
to wipe away; [cf. Lith. tkalauju, 'to wash off;'
an abode, a dwelling, habitation, house, residence istence. —Kshaya-kdla, as, m. the end of all things,
stcalbju, • to wash ;' Mod. Germ, spiile ?].
the period of destruction. — Kshaya-kufa, as, m. a
KttdlMO, am, n. washing, washing off, cleansing [cf. uru-ksJiiti] ; the earth, the soil of the earth ;
with water ; sprinkling. (ayats), f. pl.f Ved. settlements, colonies, races of consumptive or phthisical cough. — Kihaya-krit, t,
Kshdlaniya or kshalitavya, as, a, am, to be men, nations, men in general ; the families of the t, t, or kshiiyan-kara, as, t, am, causing ruin or
washed, to be cleansed with water. gods. — Kihiti-kana, as, a, m. f. a particle of loss ; destructive. — Kahaya-nasHni, t. the plant
earth, dust. — Kshiti-kampa, as, m. an earthquake. Celtis Orientalis, =» jtvanti (' removing consump-
K'hdlayat, an, and, at, washing, cleansing,
sprinkling. — Kshitt-kshama, «», m. the tree Mimosa Khayar; tion').— Kxhaya-paksha, as, m. the dark fortnight,
Kshdlila, as, a, am, cleansed, cleaned, washed. [cf. kluidira."] — Kshlti-kshit, t, m. a ruler of the that of the moon's wane. — Kshaya-ytikti, is, f. or
earth; a king, a prince. — Kt/titi-khanda, as, m. a ksltaya-yoga, as, m. necessity or opportunity of
T%3 kshava. See under rt. i. kshu. clod or lump of earth. — Kshiti-garbha, as,m., N. destroying. — Knhaya-roga, as, m. consumption.
of a Bodhi-sattva. — Kshiti-ja, as, a, am, earth-born, — Ksltayarogi-tva, am, n. or kshayurogi-td, f.
TrT kshali, is, f. (fr. i*Aat),Ved. singeing, produced of or in the earth ; (as), m. a tree ; a kind consumption. — Kshaya-voyin, I, inl, i, consumptive.
scorching, heat. — Kshayorv&yu, us, in. the wind that is to blow at
of snail ( = bh-u-ndga) ; an earth-worm ; N. of the

the end of the world. — Kshaya-sampad, t, f. total 2. kship, p, i. (only used in nom. and inst. pi. instrument a kind of net. with which missiles are thrown ; an oar ;
loss, ruin, destruction. kshipas and kshipdbhis), Ved. the fingers.
t. kshayana, a$, a, am, destroying, annihilating, Kshipa, as, d, am, a thrower, striking, hitting ; Kthepani, is, f. an oar ; a net, a fishing-net.
driving away, dispersing; (often at the end of com- (as), m. throwing, casting, insulting, reviling ; (a), Kshepaniya, as, d, am, to be thrown or cast ;
pounds, e. g. asura-kskayana, pigdCa-kshayana, f. sending, casting, throwing, &c. ; night ; (a wrong (am), n. a sling, any instrument for casting missiles.
&c.) form for kshapd.)
Kshepiman, d, m. great velocity, speed.
Kshayathu, us, m. consumption. Kshipaka, as, m. an archer, a warrior. Kshepishtha, as, d, am (see kshipra), quickest,
Kshayayitatya, as, a, am, to be destroyed. Kshipana, am, n. sending, despatching, throwing, speediest.
Kshayin, i, inl, i, wasting, decaying, fragile; casting ; reviling, abusing. Kshepiyas, an, asl, as (see kshipra), more
consumptive. — Kshayi-tva, am, n. fragility. Kshipani, is, m. a stroke or blow with a whip ; a quick, speedier.
Kshayishnu, us, us, u, destroying, wasting, decay- missile weapon ; (is or i), f. an oar ; a kind of net. Kxltfptavya, as, d, am, to be cast or thrown, to
ing, perishing ; perishable, fragile. Kshipanu, us, m. an archer ; a weapon ; air, wind. be reviled or abused.
Kshayya, as, a, am, perishable, decaying; [cf. Kshipanyu, us, us, u (fr. kshlpatia ?), fragrant, Ksheptri, td, trl, tri, a thrower, caster, sender.
a-kshayya.] sweet-smelling ; diffusive, what may be sent or scat- Kshepya, as, d, am, to be thrown ; to be thrown
5. kshi, is, f. destruction; waste, loss. tered; (us), m. the body; spring, the season of round (as a garment).
Kshita, as, a, am, wasted, decayed, exhausted ; spring.
Kshipat, an, ati or and, at, throwing, casting ;
kshiya. See under rt. 4. kshi.
weakened ; poor, miserable. — Kskitdyus (°ta-dy°),
us, us, us, Ved. one whose life goes to an end, one abusing, reproaching. kshillika, f., N. of the grand-
whose life is forfeited. Kshipati or kshipasti, i, du., Ved. the arms.
2. kshiti, is, (. (for I. see under rt. i. kshi above), Kshipta, as, d, am, thrown, cast; sent, despatched, mother of king C'akra-varman.
loss, destruction ; wane ; a period of the destruction dismissed, &c. ; (a), f. night, (like kshipd, a wrong TSMeJ kshiv, cl. I. 4. P. kshevati, kshi-
of the universe, the end of the world ; a kind of form for kshapd)', (am), n. a wound caused by ^ -^vyati, to eject from the mouth, spit, spit
perfume — rofana ; (is), m., N. of a man. shooting or throwing. — Kshipta-fltta, as, d, am, out, vomit; [cf. shthiv and kshiv.]
Kshiyd, f. loss, waste, destruction ; offence against distracted in mind, absent. — Kshiptai!itta-td, f.
the customs. absence of mind. — Kshipta-deha, as, a, am, pros- 'Eft kshi, another form for 4. kshi, q. v.
Kshina, as, a, am, diminished, wasted, expended, trating the body, lying down. — Kshipta-bheshaja, kshij, cl. I. P. kshijati, tikshlja,
worn away ; lost, destroyed ; injured, broken, torn ; as, t, am, Ved. healing wounds caused by missile kshljitum, to sound inarticulately, to sigh
subdued, suppressed ; thin, emaciated, feeble ; delicate, weapons. — Kshtpta-yoni, is, is, i, of despicable or groan as in distress.
slender, poor, miserable. — Kshlna-gati, ii, is, i, descent (?), such a man is not allowed to become a bamboos. Kshijana, am, n. the whistling of hollow reeds or
with slackened or diminished motion or progress. Ritvij. — Kshipta-laguda, as, d, am, flinging the
— Kshlna-tamas, as, m., N. of a Vihara. — Kshina- staff.
td, f. or kshina-tva, am, n. the state of wasting Kshipti, is, f. throwing; sending; solving a kshma. See under 4. kshi ist col.
away, diminution, decay ; the state of being worn riddle ; explaining or understanding a hidden mean-
away or injured ; emaciation, thinness ; slenderness. ing ;the quantity to be added to the square of the
^ kshlb and kshiba. See kshw, kshiva.
— Kshina-dkana, as, d, am, impoverished. — Kshi- least root multiplied by the multiplicator, to render kshlra, as, am, m. n. (probably fr.
na-pdpa, as, a, am, one whose sins are destroyed ; it capable of yielding an exact square root ; (in the kshar, but according to Unadi IV. 34. fr. r/has),
one who is purified after having suffered the con- latter sense also kfhiptikd.) milk, thickenedjpiilk ; the milky juice or sap of
sequences ofsin. — Kshina-punya, as, d, am, one Kshipnu (or kshipnu ?), us, us, u, throwing, plants ; the resn^|pf the plant Pinus Longifolia ;
whose merit is lost ; one who has enjoyed the fruits casting, throwing obstacles in the way ; obstructive, water; (as), m., N. of a grammarian [cf. kshlra-
of merit and is doomed to labour for more in another scornful, or fond of abusing (?). svdmin]; (d), f., N. of a plant [cf. kdkoli]; (i), f.,
birth. — Kshina-madhya, as, a, am, slender-waisted. Kshipyat, an, anti, at, throwing, sending. N. of several plants containing a milky sap ; a small
— Kshina-uat, dm, att, at, wasted, decayed. — Kshl- Kshtpyamdna, as, d, am, throwing, tossing; shrub, Asclepia Rosea, also dugdhikd ; a species of
iia-vdsin, i, inl, i, inhabiting a dilapidated house ; casting aside, throwing off; sending, directing ; being Mimosa, M. Kauki [cf. kshirikd] ; gigantic swallow-
thrown, &c. wort; Euphorbia Scc. — Kshtra-kaMuktn, i, m., N.
(t), m. a dove or pigeon. — Kshina-rikrdnta, as,
d, am, one who has lost courage, destitute of prowess. Kshipra, as, d, am (compar. kshepiyas, superl.
kshepishtha), springing, flying back with a spring, of a reed, Lipeocercis Serrata (kshlrls'a).*- Kshira-
— Kshina-vritti, is, is, i, out of employ, having kantha or kshira-kanthaka, as, m. an infant, a
no means of subsistence or maintenance. — KsTilna- elastic (as a bow); quick, speedy, swift; (as), m.,
dakti, is, is, i, one whose strength is wasted, weak, N. of a son of Krishna; (am), n. a measure of time young child, ' having milk in its throat." — Kshlra-
kaiida, att, a, m. f. a kind of pot-herb, black Bhuin-
impotent. — Kshina-s'arira, as, d, am, having a thin equal to -J^ Muhurta or 15 Etarhis ; the part of the coonra, Convolvulus Paniculatus; [cf. kshira-vida-
or emaciated body. — Kshlna-sukrita, as, d, am, hand between the thumb and fore-finger and the cor- ri.~\ — Kehira-kalambha, see kihairakalambhi.
having one's stock of merit exhausted. — Kshlndnga responding part of the foot; (am), ind. quickly, — Kshira-kdkolikd or kshira-kdkoll, f. a drug, one
(°na-an°), as, d, am, having emaciated limbs. immediately, directly; (a*), ind. shortly afterwards, of the eight principal medicaments of the Hindus ; it
— Kshindjya-karman (°na-dj°), d, m. a Buddhist. thereupon ; (e), ind. directly, immediately ; [cf. Gr. is a root from the Himalaya yielding a milky juice ;
— Kshlndshta-karman (°na-ash), a, m. (with KpoiTrpfo.] •• Kxhipra-kdrin, i, inl,i, acting or work- [cf. kdkoll.] — Kxhira-kdndaka, as, m. the plant
Jainas) an Arhat or inspired teacher. ing quickly, skilful. — Kshipra-dhanvan, d, a, a.Ved. Tithymalus Antiquorum (sntihi), and Calotropis
armed with an elastic bow or one which flies back
Kshtyamdna, as, d, am, perishing, wasting away, Gigantea (arka). — Kfkira-kdshlhd, (., N. of a
decaying. with a spring. — Kshipra-pdkin, t, inl, i, ripening plant, =ua<!. — Kshira-kita, as, m. an insect or
Ksheya, as, a, am, to be destroyed or removed. quickly; (t), m. the tree Hibiscus Populneoides ; [cf. animalcule generated by the fermentation of milk.
gardabhdnda.~\ — Kshipra-tyena, as, m. a species — Kshira-kshava, as, m., N. of a plant, = dudglui-
«9> cl. 5. P. A. kshinoti, -nute, of bird. — Kshipra-mndhi, is, m. a species of pdshdna. — Kiihira-lsharjura, as, m. a species of
oii, -nute(t), to kill, to hurt, =4. Sandhi produced by changing the first of two con- Datura tree. — Kshira-garbha, as, m., N. of a
Mi. current vowels to its semivowel ; also the Svarita certain Brahman who was born again as a flamingo.
accent on a syllable formed by this kind of Sandhi; — Kxhira-ghrita, am, n. purified butter mixed
fsfj kshidra, as, m. disease ; the sun ; a
horn. [cf. k»haipra.~\ — Kshipra-hasta, as, m., N. of a with milk. — Kfhira-ja, am, n. coagulated milk.
Rakshas (swift-handed). — Kshira-taranyini, f. title of a grammar com-
I. kship, cl. 6. P. A., 4. P. kshi- Kshepa, as, m. throwing, casting, tossing; a posed by Kshlra-svamin. — Kshtra-taila, am, n.
pati, -te, kshipyati, fikthepa, (Hkshipe, throw, cast ; a stroke of an oar &c. ; sending, dis- a kind of unguent prepared with milk, oil, &c.
kshepsyati, -te, akshaipsit, akshijita, kshept'im, missing, striking down, depression ; laying on (as — Kshira-toyadhi, is, m. the ocean of milk.
to throw, cast, send, despatch ; to put or place any- paint &c. ), besmearing ; transgressing ; passing away — Kshlra-da, as, d, am, milk-giving, what yields
thing on or in (with loc.), pour on, scatter, strew ; time ; delay, procrastination, dilatoriness ; insult, in- milk. — Kthlr&dala, as, m. the plant Calotropis
to fix or attach to ; to throw away, cast away, get vective, abuse, reviling ; disrespect, contempt ; pride, Gigantea ( = arka), the leaves &c. of which yield a
rid of; to reject, disdain ; to lay (the blame) on ; to haughtiness ; a nosegay, a clump of flowers ; (in milky juice. — Kshira-ddtri, f. yielding milk as a
strike, hit ; to strike down, ruin, destroy ; to utter arithmetic) an additive quantity, addendum. cow. — K*hira-druma, as, m. the tree Ficus Re-
abusive words, insult, revile, abuse, scold ; A. to Kthepaka, as, d, am, a thrower, sender ; inserted,
throw at each other, destroy one another : Caus. P. interpolated; abusive, disrespectful; («.«}, m. a spu- ligiosa ; [cf. a£mttha.~] — Kxhira-dhara, as, m.,
N. of a king. -• Kxhira-dhdtri, f. a wet-nurse.
kshepayati, -yitum, to cause to cast &c. ; to hurt, rious or interpolated passage; an additive quantity, ~ Kshim-dhenu, us, f. a milch-cow, symbolically
injure: Desid. iUkshipsati, -te : Intens. (ekship- addendum; N. of a prince. represented by milk Sec. offered as a gift to a Brah-
yate, dekshepti; [cf. Lat. sipo, di>sipo, for xipo; K*h?{>((>ia, am, n. the act of throwing, casting, man.— Kxhira-ndifa, as, m. the tree Trophis Aspera
Gr. ftlirrw for Kplirru ; Cambro-Brit. hipiaw, ' to shooting off (of an arrow &c.) ; sending, directing ; ( = sdkhota). — K>ilura-mdM, is, m. the ocean of
cast or dash suddenly;' Goth, vairpa; Germ. sending away ; passing away time, spending time ; milk. — Kfhlra-nira, am, n. milk and water ; em-
vierfe ?]. omitting; abusing; a sling; (i), {. a sling or any bracing, embrace (i. e. a union like the mixing of
2C8 kshlra-pa. kshudra-buddhi.
milk and water). — Kxlnra-pa, an, a, am, drinking — Kxhiroda-mathana, am, n. the churning of the on ; A. to move, to be agitated or shaken : Caus. P.
milk, who or what drinks milk ; epithet of a class of ocean of milk undertaken by the Devas and Asuras ksfiodayati, -yitum, to crush, pound, comminute,
ascetics ; an infant, a young child. — SAtntpOFftn, to obtain the Amrita Scc. — Kxhirormi fra-ur ), is, pulverize, reduce to powder, diminish ; shake or
i, m. the plant Calotropis Gigantea ; [cf. arka and m. a wave of milk, a wave of the sea of milk. agitate by stamping; [cf. Gr. £va, {t'a for £fi>u,
milk. fw<rr<(j, {eoTdj ; Lith. nkauxti ?].
kthlra-(liila.']~Kflniii-/i'iliiiiilii, ««, m. a kind of — Kxliiraudana (°ra-ocf ), as, m. rice boiled with
onion. — Kxhira-jidka, as, d, <n», Ved. cooked in Kshunna, as, d, am, pounded, bruised, crushed,
stamped or trampled upon ; broken to pieces, pul-
milk. — Kxhlra-pana, if, m. pi. the milk-drinkers, Kxhiraka, as, m., N. of a plant, — kshira-
morata. verized, shattered, pierced ; violated (as a vow) ; ex-
an epithet of the Us'maras; (am), n. drinking milk; ercised, practised, skilful ; one versed in sacred science
(as, i, am), any vessel out of which milk is drunk. KMraya, nom. P. kshlrayati, -yitum, to have
the appearance of milk, look like milk. but unable to explain or teach it ; defeated, overcome.
— Kxhira-pSai, is, m., N. of a physician. — Kxli 7m-
pdyin, i, int, i, drinking or sucking milk ; drinking Kthirasa, ax, m. = kxhira-ndra, q. v. - K'hunna-manas, as, as, as, contrite in heart,
or imbibing water repeatedly; (t'na*), m. pi. the Kslnrasija, nom. P. kshirasyati, -yitum, to long
for milk or for the breast. Kxhunqdka, as, m. a kind of drum beaten at a
milk-drinkers, an epithet of the Uslnaras. — Kxhlra- funeral.
bhrita, ai>, a, am, supported by milk, receiving Kxhirdvi or Jifhlrdvika, f. a sort of Asclepias, A.
Rosea, **dugdhiki. Kxhuda, as, m. flour, meal.
wages in the form of milk. — Kshira-maya, as, I,
KsUrika, as, m. a kind of serpent; a kind of Kxltiidra, as, d, am (compar. kshodiyas, super).
am, composed of milk. — Kithira-modalca, an, m. a
kind of Moringa, M. Hyperanthera ; [cf. modaka.] kfhodishtha), minute, diminutive, tiny, very small,
tree ; (a), f. a dish prepared with milk ; a kind of small, little, trifling ; mean, low, vile, niggardly, base,
— l\*kira-morata, as, m. a kind of creeping plant ; Datura tree; [cf. ks/iira-kharjara and pinda- avaricious; wicked; cruel; poor, indigent ; (ax), m.
[cf. xitiiilru,
tika, am, n. amutala, kshiraka.']
dish of liquorice and — milk
; (perhaps a small particle of rice; a bee or wasp; the plant
Kxhirin, i, ini, i, milky, yielding milk, abounding
kharjura.'] ArtocarpusLacucha [d.lakudrt and ilaflu] ; (a*),m.pl.
a wrong form for kshira-eliaxhtikafy. — Kshlra- in milk, having plenty of milk ; containing milky a peculiar class of writings, see kslaidra-kalpa ; (a),
latd, (. the plant Batatas Paniculata; [cf. kshlra- juice or sap (as a tree) ; (<), m. a species of tree,
f. a woman maimed or crippled ; a base or despicable
vidari.] — Kxhtra-vat, in, ati, at, Ved. furnished the Udumbara (?) ; according to native lexicographers
with milk; (tl), f., N. of a river. — Kshlra^valll, woman ; a whore, a harlot ; a dancing girl ; a quarrel-
many plants have this epithet ; (mi), f. a tree bear- some woman ; a bee, fly, gnat ; several plants, Soil-
f. the dark Bhuincounra, Convolvulus Paniculatus. ing an edible fruit, = Mimusops Kauki ; a species of
— Kshira-vdri, is, m. the sea of milk; [cf. kxhl- the moon-plant or acid Asclepias used in medicine. mini Jacquini, = rrtta<i; a\so = ddngerikd ; also =
rooVt.] — Kxltlra-vdridhi, is, m. the sea of milk. Kxliiriya, nom. P. k*hiriyati, -yitum, to desire gavedhukd; (am), n., Ved. a particle of dust, flour,
— Kshlra-mkriti, is, (. inspissated milk. — Kxhlra-
viddrikd or ktliJru-riilarl, (. the plant Batatas Kxhirifa, as, m.^Tsshtra-kanfukin. meal; [cf. Lith. l-tLdikis, ' an infant;' Pers. ^JbfcJ"
Paniculata. — Knhira-mshanika, f. the plants Tragia Kshireyi, f. an oblation of milk, rice, and sugar. kudak, 'small, a boy.'] — Eihudra-kanlakdri, f. the
plant Solatium Jacquini, *=agni-damani. — Kshttdra-
Involucrata ( = vri&ikdli) and kshlra-Tidkoll. kantakl, i. a kind of Solanum, = brihati. — Jixhu-
— Kshlra-vHksha, as, m. the glomerous fig tree, kshiv, cl. 1.4.?. kshivati, kshevati
Ficus Glomerata [cf. udumbara] ; a common N. for and kshivyati, -ritum, to spit, sputter, draka-mdnasa, am, n., N. of a lake. — Kshiulra-
the four trees nyagrodha, udttmbara, a^vattha, eject from the mouth ; to be drunk or intoxicated ; kambu, us, m. a small shell. — Kohudra-kalpa, as,
and madhuka. — Kshira-vrata, as, a, am, living [cf. Icthiv, kshev, kshib, shthtv; cf. also Hib. m. • the smaller ritual,' title of a class of works.
— Kshudra-karalikd, f. (for tehudra-karalikd ?),
upon milk in consequence of a vow. — Kshtra- xiubhas, ' rage, madness.'] and kshudra-kdravelli, f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous
iara, as, m. cream, the surface or skim of milk, Kshiva or kshiba, as, d, am, excited, drunk,
intoxicated. — Kfhtva-ta, f. or JisKvartva, am, n. plant. » Kxhudra-kulisa, as, m. a precious stone;
curds j [cf. dmikshd.] — Ksh.ira-sT.nha, as, m. the intoxication, drunkenness. [cf. vaikrdnta.] — Kshudrakuxhtha, am, n. a mild
resin of the plant Pinus Longifolia ; [cf. jfri-rasa.]
— Kshira-.'iiikrd, {.=kshira-viddri and icshira- form of leprosy, (comprising eleven varieties, whereas
TO i. kshu, cl. 3. P. kshauti, tukshava, the makd-kuxtitha contains seven severe forms of
kdkoli. — Kshira-s'ukla, as, m. the plant Trapa O leshavishyati, akshdvlt, kshavitum, to leprosy.) — Kshudra-kshura and kshudra-gokshu-
Bispinosa [cf. jala-kantaka] ; another plant, = sneeze, to make any sound like sneezing ; to cough :
rdjddani ; (a), (. the plant Batatas Paniculata. raka, as, m. a variety of the plant Asteracantha
CittK.lskdvayati: Desid. olCms.dukshdvayishati; Longifolia. — Kshudra-ghanlikd, f. a tinkling orna-
— Kshira-dri, Is, is, i, Ved. mixed with milk. [cf. Lith. czaudmi.] ment, a girdle of small bells. — Kshudra-gholl, f.,
— Kihira-skashtika, am, n. Shashtika rice cooked
in milk.— Kshira-santdnikd, f. curds mixed with Kshava, as, m. sneezing, cough, catarrh ; a black N. of a plant, =(ivillikd. — Kshudra-tantu, us,{.,
species of mustarS, Sinapis Dichotoma; [cf. rdjikd.] N. of a plant. — Kxhudra-dandana, am, n. red
milk ; (a various reading has °santalika.) — Kshira- sandal-wood. — Kshudra-tirbhitd, {., N. of a plant,
samudra, as, m. the sea of milk in Sveta-dlpa. — Kshava-krit, t, t, t, anything which causes sneez-
ing ; making a sneeze, sneezing, coughing. = gopdla-karkatl. — Kshtulra-duda, as, m. a kind
— Kshira-sarpis, is, n. clarified butter mixed with
Kshavaka, as, m. the plant Achyranthes Aspera, of small bird, commonly called gotalika. — Kxhttdra-
milk. — Kxhira-sdgara, as, m. the ocean of milk;
=apdmdrga, black mustard; (am), n. a kind of jantu, us, m. any small animal ; a kind of worm,
also N. of a place. — Kxhlrasagara-suta, f. an epi-
thet of Lakshml as produced from the ocean of pot-herb ; (ika), f. a kind of Solarium ; a species of Julus (fata-padi). •• Knhudra-jatipkala, am, n. a
rice ; a woman. kind of Myrobalan ; [cf. dmalaka.] — Kshudra-
milk. — Kshira-sdra, as, m. essence of milk, any
Kshavathu, us, m. sneezing; catarrh; cough; jira, as, m. small cummin. — Kghtulra-jivd, f., N.
product of milk, (in Hindi pdlajinu), butter. irritation of the throat ; sore throat. of a plant, =jivanti. — Kekudran-<!ara, as, I, am,
— K'hira-spkatika, as, m. a precious stone, de-
Kshut, t, f. a sneeze, sneezing. — Kshut-Tcarl, f., N. following small or minute or trifling matters. — Kshu-
scribed as a kind of milky crystal (opal or cat's eye ?) ; of a plant, commonly kankdlikd, black mustard (?). dra-tandula, as, m. a grain of rice. — Kshudra-td,
[cf. akaia-ftphatika and taila-sphatika.] — Kshira-
Kshuta, as, d, am, one who has sneezed ; sneezed (. or ksluulra-tva, am, n. minuteness, smallness ;
xvdmin, i, m., N. of a grammarian and commen- upon; (as a less correct form for kshnuta), sharp;
tator on the Amara-kosha. — Kshira-hrada, as, m., inferiority, insignificance ; meanness. — Ksliudra-
(a«, a, am), m. f. n. a sneeze, sneezing, cough. tutrtxi, f. a kind of Ocimum,=ar/afca. — KutiudTa-
N. of a man. — Kshtrdda (°ra-ada), as, m. an — Knhvta-vat, an, atl, at, sneezing. — Knhutd- dunsika or kshudra-dan&, {. a small gad-fly.
infant at the breast, a sucking child. — Kxhirdn-
ndda (°ra-anna-ada), as, m. an infant which is liliijunana
hdi ndhdWiijanf 'fa-abb"),
ana.] as, m. black mustard; [cf. — Kxhiidra-diirdlabhd, {., N. of a thorny plant
much eaten by camels. — Kxhudra-duhsparid, f. the
both fed and suckled. — Kxhirabdhi (°ra-abdhi), Kxhutaka, as, m. black mustard.
is, m. the sea of milk, one of the seven seas sur- plantSolanumJacquini, =agni-damani. — Kshudra-
rounding the seven divisions of the terrestrial world.
Kxhuti, is, f. sneezing. dhdtri, f., N. of a plant ; [cf. Itarkata.] — Ks/iudra-
Kshuvat, an, atl, at, sneezing, coughing, &c. d/idnya, am, n. shrivelled grain. — Kshudra-ndsika,
— KxhirSbdhi-ja, as, m. the moon ; the Amrita
or any one of the precious objects produced at the as, i, am, having a small nose. — Kshudra-pak-
churning of the ocean; an epithet of Sesha; an 'EJ 2. kshu, n. (fr. ghas?), Ved. food. shika, as, m. a small bird. — Kshudra-pattrd, f. a
— Kxlui-mat, an, ati, at, Ved. abounding in food, kind of wood-sorrel, Oxalis Monadelpha, = 6dngeri ;
epithet of Tarkshya ; (a), f. an epithet of Lakshm! ; nourishing, nutritious; strong; powerful, robust,
(am),_n. sea-salt, a pcu\. — Kshirdbdhi-tanayd, f. valiant. (i), (., N. of another plant, = vadd. — Kshudra-pa-
or knhirdbd/u-mdnushi, f. an epithet of Lakshmi as na*u, as, m. the plant Artocarpus Lacucha (lakuto).
the daughter of the ocean of milk Kshtrahva or kshuna, as, m. the soap-berry plant, •* Kshudra-parna, as, m. a kind of Ocimum,
kxhirdhvaya ("ra-dh"), as, m. the resin of the = arjaka. — Kshudra-pdxltana-Wiedd or j, f.,
plant Pinus Longifolia. - Kshlroda. (°ro-u»/«i. <ix, Sapindus Sapouaria ; [cf. arixhta."] N. of a p\vnt, = fatuh-pa1trl, jidrvati, naga-bhu,
a, am, containing milk instead of water; (as), m. T!p!T kshunna. See below under kshud. &c. — • K^hudm-pippali, f. wild pepper (= vana-
the sea of milk ; the sea in general. — Kxhiroda- kshud, cl. 7. P. A. and Ved. cl. i. P. pippall). — Kshiulra-prixhatt, f., Ved. covered
tanayd, (. the daughter of the sea of milk ; an epi- k»hunatti, kxhunte, kxluxlati, fukxhoda, with small spots. — Kshitdra-potikd, f., N. of a pot-
thet of Lakshml. — KMroda-tanayd-nati, in, m. fukxhude, kxhotxyati, -te, akshudat, akxhaiitsit, herb. —Kxliudra-phalaka, as, m., N. of a plant,
an epithet of Vishnu. — Kxhirodadhi ( ra-ud°), is, akx/iittta, kshattum, to strike against, stamp or =jlvana, Celtis Orientalis. -• Kshudra-phald, f.,N.
m. the sea of milk. — Kskiroda-nandana, as, m. trample upon, pound ; to bruise, crush, shiver, shatter, of several plants, Ardisia Solanacea, — bhumi-jambu,
the son of the sea of milk, an epithet of the moon. reduce to powder, dash to pieces, shake by stamping and others. — Kxhudra-buddhi, is, is, i, of little
kshudrabuddhi-naman. kshurikopanishad.
understanding, simple, silly, ignorant ; (is), m., N. substance, flour, meal, dust, a particle, a small piece or schitbe.}
make a sudden push;' Gr. Kov<pos; Mod. Germ.
of a jackal in the Hitopadesa. — KshudrabuililM- fragment. — Kfhoda-raja, as, i, am, ground to dust.
ndman, a, a, a, named Kshudra-buddhi. — Kthudra- Kdtodax, ox, n.,Ved. water in agitation, swell of KfkMha, as, a, am, agitated, shaken, tossed,
bhantdki, (., N. of a plant, a kind of Solanum, = the sea, rushing or stream of water. stirred up; agitated (mentally), excited, disturbed;
brihati; [cf. l;?hiulra-kan(akl.] — Kfhudra-m~ma, Kshndita, as, d, am, pounded, ground, com- (as), m. the churning-stick ; a kind of coitus.
as, m. pi., N. of a people. — Kthudra-mustd, f. the minuted (am),
; n. powder, dust, flour, meal, any — Ksliubdha-ta, f. agitation.— Kehubdhdniava
plant Scirpus Kysoor; [cf. ka*erit,]~K*hudra~ substance pulverized or ground.
(°o'Aa-ar°), as, m. a stormy ocean.
rasa, as, m. honey; (a), f. the plant Pongamia KshoiHman, d, m. minuteness, excessive smallness 2. kshabh, p, (., Ved. a blow, a shake, a push.
or inferiority.
Glabra;disease, [cf. Isaranja.'] Kxhuhhd, f. a kind of weapon.
minor one of —little
importance ; as, m. a
a name Kahodixhtha, as, d, am (superl. of kshudra), Kshiibhita, as, d, am, agitated, tossed, set in
applied to various local diseases, especially exanthemas finely pounded, very small, very minute. motion; agitated (mentally), disturbed, anxious;
of different kinds ; there are forty-four such diseases. Kshodtyas, an, ait, as (compar. of kshudra), frightened, alarmed, afraid ; angry, enraged.
— Kihudrarogika, as, a, am, affected with such more minute, very fine, very minute. Kshobha, as, m. shaking, agitation, disturbance,
a disease. — K.Jttulra-vans'd, f., N. of a plant, Dios- Kshodya, as, d, am, to be stamped or trampled tossing, trembling, emotion.
coiea, = rardha-krdntd. — Kshttdra-varvand, (. a on or pounded. Kskubhaka, as, a, am, shaking, causing agitation ;
small gad-fly ; [cf. varatd."] — KAudra-valll, f., N. I. kshudh, c\. 4. P. kshudhyati, (as), m., N. of a mountain in Kamakhya, a place
of apot-herb; [cf. mula-poti.~\ — Esfiudra-vdrtdkini, dukshodka, kskoddkum, to feel hungry ; sacred to the goddess Durg5.
f. a kind of Solanum with white blossoms, = s'veta- Kshobhana, as, d, am, shaking, agitating, dis-
kantakdri. — Kishudra-vdrtaki, f. a kind of Sola- to be hungry, hunger ; [cf. Goth. grldOn, ' to be turbing, causing emotion ; (as), m., N. of one of
num, = brihat'i. — Ka/iudra-s'ankha, ax, m. a small hungry.'] the five arrows of the god of love.
conch shell. — Kxkudra-s'arkara or kfhudra-s'ar- i. kshudh, t, f. hunger. — Kshut-kshSma, as, d,
Kshobhya, as, d, am, to be shaken or agitated or
karikd, f. a kind of sugar-cane, = ydvandla-^ar- am, emaciated by hunger. — Kxhut-trit-parita, as, disturbed.
kard. — Kshudra-s'drdula, as, m. a kind of tiger, d, am, hungry and thirsty. — Kishut-trid-udbhava, kshu-mat. See under 2. Icshu.
= citra-rydghra. — Kehiulra-&rslui, as, m. the as, d, am, beginning to feel hungry and thirsty.
tree Celosia Cristata, = mayura-sikhd. — Kshitdra- — Kxhut-trishanvita (°shd-anr), as, d, am, suffer- T3JHT kshuma, f., Ved. an epithet of an
s"nkti,{s, m.abivalve shell, =jala-i!ukti. — Kshudra- ing from hunger and thirst. — Kshut-trishnopapidita
fydmd, f., N. of a plant, = katabhi.— Kshudra- arrow, according to the scholiast 'causing to tremble1
(°nd-up°), as, a, am, hungry and thirsty. — Ifskut- (for kshubhd ?) ; N. of several plants ; linseed, Linum
ilexhmiintaka, as, m., N. of a plant, = bhukarbu- parlta, as, d, am, overcome with hunger. — Kshut- Usitatissimum ; a sort of flax, Bengal San (sYena) ;
ddraka. — Kshudra-svdxa, as, m. short breath. pipasd-paris'rdnta, as, d, am, wearied by hunger
the Indigo plant ; a sort of creeper.
— Kshiulra-svetd, f., N. of a plant ; [cf. mahd- and thirst. — Kshut-pipdsd-paritanga (°ta-a»°), Kshauma, Sec. See s. v., p. ifi.
tfvetd.'] — Kshiulm-saha, f. the plant Phaseolus Tri- as, a, am, one whose body is affected with hunger
lobus; the Coloquintida, = {ndra-vdruni ; [cf. ma- and thirst. — Kshut-pipdsdrta (°sd-dr°), as, a, am, kshump, cl. i. P. kshumpati, to
hd-saltd.] — Kshudra-suvarna, am, n. bad gold, afflicted with hunger and thirst. — Kshut-pipdnita,
prince's metal. — Kshudra-han, d, m. killing the as, a, am, hungry and thirsty. — Kshut-pratikdra,
wicked; an epithet of Siva. — Kthtidra-hinguUkd, as, m. allaying hunger, eating. — Kshud-roga, as, kshumpa, as, m. [ef. kshupa'], Ved. a
f. a small species of prickly nightshade, Solanum m. pain of hunger. — Kshud-mt, an, ati, at, hungry. bush, a shrub.
kshur, cl. 6. P. kshurati, fukshora,
Jacquini; [cf. kantakdri.'] — Kshudra-Mttgull, f. — Kshun-nivritti, peasing ofappetite.
is, (. cessation of hunger, ap-
= the preceding. — Kshudrdgnimantha (°ra-agr)), \.
lines or furrows.kshortium, to cut, dig, scratch ; to make
as, m. the plant Premna Spinosa used for kindling Kshudhd, f. hunger ; mystical N. of the letter y.
fire ; [cf. arani.] — Kshudranjana (°ra-a/i°), am, — Kshudhd-kara, as, i, am, causing hunger, in- Eshura, as, m. (connected with the preceding,
n. a kind of unguent applied to the eyes in certain creasing appetite. — Knhudha-kuslala, as, m., N. of perhaps related to kshar ?; cf. Gr. $vf6ii), a razor ;
diseases. — Kshudrdnda (°ra-an°), as, d, am, a tree, = mlvdntara-vriksh a. — Kshiidha-dhvama, a razor-like barb or sharp blade attached to an airow ;
born from minute eggs. — KAudrdnda-matsya- as, m. allaying hunger. — Rshudhdnvita, (jdhd-an0), N. of several plants, Asteracantha Longifolia ; also
sanghdta, as, m. small fry. — Kshudrdntra as, d, am, afflicted with hunger. — Kshudhd- Tribulus Lanuginosus, see go-kshura; also = »ioAa-
(ara-an°), am, n. the small cavity of the heart. pidita, as, a, am, hungry, starving. — Kshudhd- pinditalta, and Saccharum Sara (s"ora) ; the hoof of
— Ks/tiidrdpdmdrga (°ra-ap°), as, m., N. of the bkijanana ( dhd-abk°), as, m. black mustard ; [cf. a cow &c. ; a horse's hoof; the foot of a bedstead
plant Desmochaeta Atropurpurea ( = raktdpdmarga), kshutdbhijanana.] — Kshudhd-mdra, as, m., Ved. [cf. khura] ; (i), f. a knife, a dagger; (as, d, am),
a biennial plant. — K»hudrdmalaka (°ra-dm°), death caused by starvation. — Kahudhdrta (°dha- Ved. (Say.) having cl&ws. — Kshura-karman, a, n.
am, n. Myrobalan (dmalaka). — Kshudrdmalaka- dr°) or kskudhdrdita (°dhd-ar°), as, d, am, the operation of shaving. — Kfhura-klripta, as, d,
saiijna, as, m., N. of a plant, = karkata. — Kshu-
hungry, hungered. - Kshudhdvishta (°dhd-dv°), am, shaved. — Kshura-kriyd, f. the operation of
drdmra(°ra-dm°),as, m., N. ofaplant, = Apos:a?»ra. as, d, am, affected by hunger. — Kshudhti-ianti, shaving, the employment of a razor. — Ks/iura- ty
— Kdiudrdmlapanasa or l\xhudrdiribu,panasa (Va- is, f. allaying hunger, satiety, satisfaction. datushtaya, am, n. four things necessary for shaving, j
Ksfuidhdlu, us, us, M, hungry.
am°), as, m. the plant Artocarpus Lacucha (laleufa). — Kshura-dhdna, am, n. a razor-case. — Kshura-
— Knhiidrdmla (°ra-am°), f. wood-sorrel, Oxalis Kshudhita, as, d, am, hungry, hungered. dhdra, as, d, am, razor-edged, sharp as a razor;
Corniculata ( = amlalonikd) ; another plant, = s*a- Kshodhuka, as, ikd, am, Ved. hungry.
any very sharp instrument for cutting. — Kfhura-
s'dnduli. — Kxhudrdmlikd (°ra-am°), f. a kind of dhdrd, f. the edge of a razor ; N. of a hell. — Kshu-
wood-sorrel or Oxalis, = <*ditgeri. — Kshwdreitgudi ^Y*T
and barbarous race.kshudhuna, as, m., N. of a savage
radhdrabha ("ra-dbhd), as, d, am, sharp as a razor.
(°ra-i»°), f., N. of a plant, = yavasa.— Kshtidrer- -Kshura-pattra, as, m., N. of the plant Saccharum
varu ("ra-ir"), us, m., N. of a plant, = gopala- T!JTT kshup, a Sautra root (i. e. one used in Sara (s"ara). - Kshura-pattrikd, f , N. of a pot-herb,
karkatl. — K*h/tdi'odumbarikd (°ra-ud°), i. the grammatical Sutras only), to depress, feel depressed. =palankya. — Kshttra-pavi, is, is, i, Ved. sharp-
plant Ficus Oppositifolia ; [cf. kdkodumbarikd.]
— Kxhudropodaka-ndmni (°ra-up°), f., N. of a 'STT kshupa, as, m. [cf. kshumpa"], a bush, angled, sharp-edged, very sharp ; ()'s), m., N. of a
sacrifice performed in one day (ekaha). — Kshura- ll
pot-herb ; [cf. miila-poti.] — Kshudropodakl (°ra- a shrub ; a small tree, one with short branches and pra, as, m. a razor shot as an arrow; a kind of 1 1
up°), {., N. of a pot-herb, = sukxhma-pattrd and roots ; N. of an old king, a son of Prasandhi and arrow, one with a sharp horse-shoe-shaped head ; alj
kind of owl. ««• Kshudroluka (°ra-ul°), as, m. a small father of IkshvSku ; N. of a son of Krishna from sort of hoe or weeding spade. — Kx/iura-praga,
Satya-bhSmS; N. of a mountain westward from am, n. according to some authorities = kshnra-pra.
Kshudraka, ax, ikd, am, small, minute ; (as), Dvaraka. — Kshiipa-dodamushti, is, m., N. of a — Kxhura-bhdnda, am, n. a razor-case. — Kshiira-
m. a species of plant ; N. of a prince, a son of
plant. Kshitpdlu
Prasenajit ; title of a collection of Buddhist works, bulbous— plant, =pdniydlu. (°pa-dlu), us, m. a kind of b/ii-ifli/i, is, •/•-', /, Ved. furnished with sharp angles.
— Kshura-mardin, t, m. a barber. — Kshurdnya
= vinaya-kshitdrakri-vaj<tu ; (as), m. pi., N. of a Kshupaka, as, d, in. f. a bush, a shrub.
( rii-nit), as, m., N. of a plant ; [cf. go-kshuraka.']
people living by warfare, the 'O^vSpaKot. — Kxhurdrjiana (°ra-ar°), as, m., N. of a moun-
Kshitdrala, as, d, am, minute, small, unimportant i. kshubh, cl. 9. 4. P., I. A. kslmbh- tain.
(applied especially to animals and diseases). Nna«, kshubhyati, kshobhale, fuksho- Kshuraka, as, m., N. of several plants, = Astera-
Kshiidrika, f. a kind of gad-fly, = rfansa; small bha, <!uk*hiibhe, kx/iobhuhyati, -tc, akshoblut, cantha Longifolia ; also Tribulus Lanuginosus [cf.
bells - employed for ornament ; [cf. kshtidra-qhan- akfhubhat and akshobhith/a, k*hol>Mtum, to
i/ii-kxhura'] ; also = tilaka; also another plant,
shake, tremble, to be agitated or disturbed ; to be
Kshottri, ta, m. a pestle, any implement for unsteady; to stumble (literally or metaphorically): = Kshurikd,
l>hiitd>tku,s'a. f. a small razor ; a knife, a dagger ; a
grinding. Caus. kahobhayati, -yitum, to agitate, cause to sort of earthen vessel, a kind of pot-herb ( =pdlan-
Kshoda, as, m. pounding, grinding ; the stone or shake, disturb, stir up, excite: Desid. fulcshaMii- kya). — K>ili,urikd-paltra, as, m. the plant Saccha-
slab on which anything is ground or powdered, a xliati, -te, or dukshobhithati, -te : Intens. tokshu- rum Sara (s'ara). — Kxhimkopanuhad (°kd-up°), t,
mortar &c., any pounded or ground or pulverized bhyate, iokshobdhi ; [cf. Cambro-Brit. hwbiau, ' to f, title of an Upanishad belonging to the Atharva-veda.
kshurin. kshaitrajnya.
Kshurin, i, m. a barber ; («ni>, (. the wife of a from depredation. — Kshetra-rdii, in, m. quantity — Kshema-kdra, as, i, am, granting peace and
barber; a kind of yam, see varaha-krdntd. represented by geometrical figures. — Kshetra-rulid, security, conferring happiness or good fortune, pro-
Kshaura, &c. See s.v., p. 271. f. a kind of gourd, = bdlul:i. — Kifhctra-ra8u<lhd, f. pitious, auspicious. — Kxhcm'i-^itttt/nilu, inn, n. title
KJirt* kshullka, as, m., X. of a prince. cultivated land.- Ktltrtra-cid, I, I, t, familiar with of a medical work of Kshema-sarman. — Kahema-
localities ; experienced, clever, skilful ; (t), m. a kiil, t, t, t, causing peace and security. — K*liema-
«j=t kshulla, as, a, am (fr. kshudra ?), husbandman ; a sage, one who possesses spiritual gupta, as, m., N.of a king of Kasmlra. — Ktikt.ii«iit-
small, little, nAmi\.e.~*K*liiilln-tatn. a*, m. the knowledge; the soul. — Ks/ietra-vyava/u'i ra, «*, in. fatrOi as, t, am, promoting well-being, causing
peace and security , propitious, &c. ; (an), m., N. of
younger brother of a father. — Kshulla-tdtaka, drawing a figure in geometry ; geometrical demon- a king of Trigarta ; N. of a mythical Buddha; N.
a*, m. the brother of a rather. stration. —Kf/ietra-sambhara, of, m., N. of either
of a son of Brahma- datta (Udayana); (7), f. the
K*hullaka, at, a, am, little, small ; low, vile, of the shrubs CaiWu and BhindS ; (a), f. a kind of BrahmanI kite or Coromandel eagle, considered as a
poor, indigent ; wicked, malicious, abandoned ; hard ; gourd, = sas'dnduli. — Kiih(tra-mmbhuta, an, m. bird of good omen, Falco Ponticerianus ; a form of
young, youngest ; pained, distressed ; (tw), m. a a kind of grzss, = kund(ira. — J\xlictra-sdti, is, f.,
the goddess DurgS ; N. of another goddess ; N. of
small shell ; N. of a prince. Ved. acquisition of field or land. — Kshetra-sadhas, a sister of Kshcman-kara — Kehema-jit, t, m., N.
kshurat. See under rt. i. kshu. at, at, as, Ved. arriving at or coming to a place.
— Knhttra-sima, f. the boundary of a meadow or of a prince. — Kehfma-tara, as, d, am, better,
happier. — A-s/o nta-ilarittn, i, m., N. of a prince of
sheda, kshedita, = kshveda, kshvedita. field or holy place. — Kshetra-Ma, as, d, am, the Kosalas. — A.-//I nnidnrslya, as, d, am, relating
kshetra, am, n. (fr. i. or 2, kshi), as, residing at a sacred place. — Kshetrajiva ("ra-dj ), to this prince. — Kt/temti-dhanvan, d, m., N. of a
a, am, one who gains a livelihood by cultivating
landed property, land, soil, a field (e. g. kxhetram the soil ; a cultivator, a peas int. — K*hetrddhidevatd prince, a son of Pundarika. — K*ktma-dharman,
tri, to cultivate the soil ; kfhftranya pati, lord of (°ra-adh°), f. the tutelary deity of any consecrated d, m., N. of a prince. — Kshemn-dhurta, as, m. pi.,
the soil, N. for a kind of genius or tutelary deity piece of ground. — Kshetrdd/iipa ( ra-adh ), as, N. of a people. — Ksln mn-il/iiirti, ii, m., N. of
regarded in the Veda as the guardian of cultivated m. = the preceding; the regent of a sign of the a warrior. «• Kshema-dltritvati, d, m., N. of a
fields) ; place, region, country ; a sacred spot or dis- zodiac. — JKshetrdmalakl, the plant Flacourtia Ca- man with the pa'.ronymic Paundarlka. — Kthema-
trict, a place of pilgrimage, as Benares &c. ; an taphracta ; [cf. bhumy-dmalaki.] — Kfhetrd-sd, as, phald, see kshemd-phald. — Ji.-hemu-bht'tmi, is,
enclosed plot of ground, portion of space, superficies, da, am, Ved. acquiring or gaining land. — Kshetre- m., N. of a prince. — Kihema-murti, is, m., N. of
circuit, circumference ; fertile soil ; the fertile womb, a prince. — Kshema-yukt am, ind. both quietly and
Tcshu (°ra-ik°), us, m. a kind of grain, = ydvandla. energetically; in rest and exertion. — Kfhinta-rdja,
a wife ; place of origin ; department, sphere of action,
— Kfhetropeksha Cra-np°), as, m., N. of a son as, m., N. of a man. — Kshema-vat, an, all, at,
the body considered as the field of the indwelling of SVaphalka.
and working of the soul ; a sign of the zodiac ; (in Kshetrika, at, i, am, having a field, relating to a accompanied with tranquillity and security ; prosper-
geometry) a plane figure, as a triangle, circle, &c. field &c., agrarian ; (as), m. the owner of a field, a ous, happy; (tl), (,, N. of a woman. — Kshema-
enclosed by lines, any figure considered as having farmer, a cultivator, a husband. rriddhi, is, m., N. of a general of the Salvas.
geometrical dimensions ; a diagram ; a house, town ; Kshetrin, I, inl, i, owning a field, cultivating land, — kfhema-s'arman, d, m., N. of an author.
[cf. anya-kuhetra, kuru-kshetra, &c. ; cf. also agricultural ; (I), m. an agriculturist, a husbandman, — Kshemdditya (°ma-dd°), as, m., N. of a man.
a cultivator ; a husband ; the soul. — Kshfmddhi (°ma-ddhi), is, m., N, of a prince
Goth, haithi. Them, haithjo; Germ. Heide.~\
— Kshetra-kara, as, i, am, cultivating a field ; a Kshetriya, as, d, am, relating to a field, belonging of Milhil.1. — Kthemd-phald, f. the tree Ficus
husbandman — J£*hetra-karkati, f. a kind of gourd ; to land ; curable in a future body, i. e. incurable in Oppositifolia ; [cf. ttdumbara.'] — Kshemdri (ma-
the present life ; (ant), n. pi. the environs of any ari), is, m., N. of a prince of Mithila, = kshemdd/ii.
[cf. bdluk'i.] — Kshetrakarma-krit, t,t,t, one who
cultivates the soil, a husbandman. — Kahetra-kar- place; (am), n. a chronic or organic disease, an — Kfhemdrdis (°ma-ar°), is, m. = l-shema-jit.
man, a, n. cultivation of the soil. — Kshetra-yamta, incurable one; meadow grass, herbage, pasturage; — Knhemendra(°ma-in°), as, m., N. of the author
am, n. geometry. — Kshetra-gata, as, a, am, geo- (o«), m. a medicament, anything fit to be adminis- of a list of regents of Ka^mTra; N. of a lexico-
tered in medicine (?) ; an incurable disease ; one who grapher; also of the author of a Buddhist work.
metrical.— Kshetragatopapatti (°to-«p°), is, f.
geometrical proof. — Kxhetra-dirbhitd, I. a kind of has carnal knowledge of other men's wives, an Kshemendra. — Kxhemcndra-prakds'a, as, m., N. of a work by
gourd, = firbhitd. — Kshetra-ja, as, a, am, pro- adulterer ; physicking, operating. — Kshttriya-nd-
duced in a field, as corn &c. ; bora from the body ; iana, as, I, am, Ved. removing a chronic disease. Kshemaka, as, m. a kind of perfume, = (aura ;
(as), m., scil. putra, a son, the offspring of the wife Kshetriya, nom. P. kshetriyati, to desire another N. of a NSga ; N. of a Rakshas ; N. of an attendant
by a kinsman or person duly appointed to raise up man's wife. of Siva; N. of an old king; of a son of Alarka; of
issue to the husband, (this is one of the twelve kinds the last descendant of Pailkshit in the Kali-yuga ; N.
of issue allowed by the old Hindu law) ; (a), f., N. ^f ksheda, as, m. (?) sorrowing, moan- of a son of Niramitra.
of several plants, = fceta-kantakari, fadanduli, Kehemayat, an, and, at, Ved. resting ; granting
gamutrikd, silpiktt, danilcd. — Kshetra-jdta, an, TSJT7 kshepa, kshepakd, kshepana, kshepani, rest or an abode.
a, am, begotten on the wife of another. — Kthetra- &c. See under rt. Icthip at p. 267. Kshemin, i, iiri, i, enjoying peace and security,
jesha, as, m., Ved. contest for landed property, safe, secure, happy, well.
acquisition of land. — Kshetra-jtia, as, a, am, ^T kshema, as, a, am (fr. 2. kshi), habit-
knowing localities; familiar with the cultivation of K*hcmya, as, d, am, resting, at leisure, at ease;
able, giving rest, giving ease or security or comfort ; habitable, comfortable ; healthy, salubrious ; lucky,
the soil, a husbandman &c. ; clever, dexterous, skil- conferring happiness ; at ease, prosperous, safe, secure,
prosperous, thriving ; giving peace and tranquillity ;
ful, cunning ; (a*), m. ' knowing the body,' i. e. the well, happy, right ; (as, am), m. n. (Ved. always m.)
soul, the conscious principle in the corporeal frame ; basis, foundation ; residence, place of rest ; abiding (as), m., N. of Siva ; N. of several princes, a son of
a libertine, a whoremonger; a form of Sava ; N. at ease ; safety, tranquillity, peace, rest, security, any Sunitha and father of Ketumat ; of a son of Ugra1-
yudha and father of Suvira ; of a son of Suci and
of a prince; (a), f. a girl fifteen years old who secure, easy or comfortable state, well-being, weal, father of Suvrata; (am), n., Ved. resting.
personates the goddess DurgS at a festival of this happiness (e. g. kshemena, at ease, in security,
deity. — Kxhetra-tattva, am, n. a part of the work safely; ksheme — yoye, Ved. both in rest and exertion %T ksheya. See under rt. 4. kshi, p. 266.
Smriu'-tattva. — K*hetra-tara, am, n., Ved. a spot — in enjoying and acquiring) ; preserving, protecting, kshev, cl. i. P. kshevati, another
very fit for cultivation or for habitation. — EJiftra- keeping what is acquired ; final emancipation, eternal
td, f. the state of being a seat or residence, a seat, happiness; (as), m. a kind of perfume ( = <fa;irfa) ; form for kshiv or ksh'tv, * to spit,' q. v.
a place of residence. — Kthetra-diitl, f. a kind of ease or prosperity personified as a son of Dharma
Solanum (Ma-kantakdri). — Kxhetra-decatd, (. and S*anti ; also a son of Titiksha ; N. of a prince, TCT kshai, cl. I. P. kshayati, dakshau, ksha-
a son of Saii and father of Suvrata ; N. of a son of ^ fyuti, ksliiitum, to wane ; to waste away, dry
' the deity of the fields,' epithet of a serpent in the
Panla-tantra.-. A'«A««ra-jwti, is, m. the owner of a the third Manu Savarna ; N, of a kind of college or
decline, become as, d, am, emaciated
wasted,; [cf.
dried4. up.
kshi.']See s.v.
field, a landowner, a landlord, a farmer ; [cf. kshai- association [cf. ma/ha] ; the proper term (according
trapata, kshaitrapatyi, p. 271, and kshetrasya- to Manu II. 127) of civil address to a Vaisya, asking
paH above.] - K»hetra-pada, am, n. a place him whether his property is secure ; (d), f., N. of an RjUH ksliainya, am, n.(fr. kshma), destruc-
sacred to a deity. - Kshttra-parpafi, {., N. of Apsaras ; an epithet of DurgS ; N. of another deity ; tion, wasting away; leanness, slenderness, emaciation.
a shrub, Oldenlandia Biflota or another species. a kind of perfume ; (am), n., N. of one of the seven T5frT kshaita, as, m. (fr. I . kshiti), Ved. the
— Kshctru-pdla, as, m. a man employed to guard Varshas in Jambu-dvipa. — Kshema-kara, as, d, am, chief of a race, a prince. — Kfh(iita-v<it, an, all, at,
fields from depredation ; a deity protecting the causing peace and security, conferring happiness or Ved. princely.
fields; an epithet of Siva.- Kthttra-phala, am, good fortune, propitious. — Knhema-karna, as, m.,
n. (in geometry) the superficial contents of a figure. N. of a son of Mahesa, who composed, A. D. 1570, iifpT kshaitra, am, n. (fr. kshetra), a mul-
— Kxhetra-bhakti , in, !. the division of a field. the work RSga-mSla. — Kshema-karman, d, d, a, titude offields &c.
— Knhetra-bhiimi, is, (. cultivated land. — K.-//ilra- one whose work is peace and security, creating tran- l\*/«iitrnjityu, am, n. (fr. kshetra-jit), Ved.
yamdnikd, f., N. of a plant, = va<'d. — A'x/i.lrn- quillity and security; (a), m., N. of a prince. acquisition of land, a victorious battle.
raksha, at, m. a man employed to guard fields — Kshema-kdma, as, d, am, Ved. longing for rest.
Kshaitrajna or ke/taitrajiiya, am, n.(fr. kshetra-
kshailrapatya. kha-dyota. 271
jna), spirituality, the nature of the soul ; the know- linseed; (F), f. lin or flax, Linum Usitatissimum ; Kxhvelikd, f. or kshrelita, as, am, m. n. or
ledge of the soul &c. (as, am), m. n. wove siik; an airy room on the kshvelya, am, n. play, jest, joke, trick.
Kihaitrapatya, as, a, am (ft. kshetra-pati), top of a house ; an apartment on the roof; the back
Ved. belonging to the lord of the soil. of an edifice ; a fortified place in front of a building ;
a building of a particular form ; [cf_ kshoma.]
T5flt kshaipra, as, i, am (fr. kshipra), a
Knhattinaka, <is, i, am, linen ; (at), m. a parti-
term for a kind of Sandhi, produced by changing the cular perfume ; [cf. tora]
first of two concurrent vowels to its semivowel ; ^T i. kha, the second consonant of the
the Svarita accent on a syllable formed with this TSJTI; kshaura, am, n. (fr. kshura), shaving alphabet, being the aspirate of the preceding conso-
Sandhi ; (am), n. quickness, speediness. — Rsh'tipra- the head, shaving in general ; (7), f. a razor. — Kshau- nant, and having the suund of kh in inkhorn. -• KJia-
yiikta, as, a, am, joined by the Kshaipra Sandhi. ra-karaiia, am, n. the operation of shaving. kara, as, m. the letter or sound kha.
— Kshaipra-varna, as, a, am, containing a semi- Kshauraparya, as, a, am (fr. kshiira-pavi},
vowel. formed out of razors and thunderbolts, very sharp, ^ 2. kha, as, m. the sun.
very hard. ^ 3. kha, am, n. (fr. rt. khan), a cavity,
«|«.oiiwr«T kshairakalambhi, is, m. (a pa- Kshaurika, as, m. a barber, a shaver.
tronymic fr.ksKira-kalambha), N. of a teacher. hollow, cave, cavern, aperture ; an aperture of the
kshnu, cl. 2. P. kshnauti, tukshnava, human body (of which there are nine, as the mouth,
«j<<4 kshaireya, as, I, am (fr. kshira), pre- O kshnavitum, to whet, sharpen. the two ears, the two eyes, the two nostrils, and the
pared with milk, milky ; (i), f. milk and rice or any Kshnut, t, t, t, (at the end of compounds) sharp organs of excreiion and generation) ; the glottis (in
preparation of or dish prepared with milk. anatomy) ; an organ of sense ; the hole made by
(e. g. ubhayatah-kshnut, sharp on both sides).
kshot, cl. 10. P. kshotayati, -yitum, Kshnuta, as, a, am, whetted, sharpened. an arrow, a wound ; the hole in the nave of a
wheel through which the axis runs ; vacuity, empty
to throw, cast ; [cf. k/wt and khod.] Kghnotra, am, n., Ved. a grind-stone, a whet-stone.
T!*n kshma, f. (fr. rt. ksham), the earth, space, air, ether, sky, heaven ; the character in arith-
kshoda, as, m. the post to which an metic which expresses nothing, a cypher; a dot,
elephant is fastened ; [cf. a-kshobha.] ( (Ved. only inst. sing, kshmaya); [cf. kshamd.] Anusvara, represented by a circle (vindu,) ; a city, a
«ft*!f kshona, as, a, am, Ved. immovable ; Kshma-ja, as, m. 'earth-born,' the planet Mars. field ; happiness, pleasure, auspiciousness [cf. sukha
— Kshmd-tala, am, n. the surface of the earth. and duhkhu) ; understanding, knowledge ; action ;
or (an), m. a kind of lute ; (perhaps the word is re- — Kshma-dhriti, is, m. one who has to support the
lated to the following.) earth, a king. •• Kshmd-pa, as, m. earth-protector, the tenth into
entrance fromit any
; talcgiven constellation
; Brahma, or thespirit
the supreme sun's;
TSfWt kshoni, f., Ved. the earth ; (yau), a king. — Kshmd-pati, is, m. lord of the earth, a
(a), f. a fountain, a well ; [cf. Gr. x»os ', Lat,
du. heaven and earth ; (according to some the sing, of king. — Kxhmd-pdla, as, m. earth-protector, a king. halo.] — Kha-kdmini, (. the female of the Falco
this word and sometimes the plur. may be used col- — Kshma-bhuj, k, m. possessor of the earth, a king. Cheela ((ilia); an epithet of Durga ((artika).
lectively, and the original meaning may be 'a multitude — Kshmd-bhrit, t, m. supporter of the earth; a
mountain ; a king. •- Kshma-vrisha, as, m. ' earth- — Kha-kuntala, as, m. an epithet ot S"iva. — Kha-
of men' or ' the people' (as opposed to the chief) ; the bull,' i. e. a mighty king. kholka, as, m. ' sky-meteor,' an epithet of the sun.
du. may then mean ' the two sets of people,' i. e. the — Kha/tholkddilya ("lea-ad'), as, m. a form of
inhabitants of heaven and earth ; sometimes a form the sun. — Kha-ga, ew, a, am, moving in the air ;
tyj I M kshmay, cl. I. A. kshmayate, fa-
kshoni occurs); [cf. Gr. xttuv.^ — Kxhoni-maya, X kshmaye, kxhmdyitum, to shake, (as), m. a bird; air, wind; the sun; a planet; a
as, I, am, containing the earth in himself, ' the tremble: Caus. kshmdpayati, -yitum, adikshma- grasshopper ; a deity ; an arrow. — Kha-gartgd, f.
source of everything in the earth;' an epithet of pat, to cause to shake, to make tremble; Desid. the Gan-ga (Ganges) of the sky. — Kha-gana, as, m.,
Vishnu in his fish-incarnation. mdti(t). N. of a prince, a son of Vajra-nabha. — Kha-yati,
tikihmdyishate : Intens. tdkshmayyate, ddksh-
8fl"S kshottri. See under rt. kshud. is, f. flight in the air; N. of a metre, [cf. a:'va-
kshoda. See under rt. kshud. Knhmdyita, as, a, am, shaken, made to tremble,
trembling. gati.] ~ Khaga-pati, is, m. the chief of the birds,
an epithet of Garuda, the vehicle of Vishnu. — Kha-
kshodhuka. See under rt. I . kshudh. Kshmdyitri, td, trt, tri, trembling, shaking. gama, as, a, am, moving in the air, flying, an epi-
thet of the Gandharvas and of missile weapons ; (as),
kshobha, kshobhana, &c. See under uj jj - J kshmil, cl. i.P. kshmllati, tiksh- m. a bird ; N. of a Brahman. — Kha-yarbha, as,
rt. i. kshubh. \ rnila, kshmilitam, to wink, to m., N. of a mythical person with Buddhists — Kliaga-
twinkle, to close the eyelids ; [cf. mil] vaktra, as, m. the tree Artocarpus Lacucha (lakufa).
"Efm kshoma, as, am, m. n. (said to be fr. — Khaga-vati, (. the earth. — Khaga-iatrit, us,
rt. kshu), a room on the top of a house ; (am), n. hraum, ind. a mystical exclamation. f. a plant, commonly called Chakullya, Hemionitis
wove siik ; [cf. Itshauma.] kshvinka, f., Ved. a kind of bird. Cordifolia ; [cf. priini-parnl.] — Khaga-sfhdna,
S)l*(<* kshomaka, as, m. a kind of perfume am, n. the hollow of a tree ; a bird's nest. — Khayd-
(gatiahdsaka) ; [cf. kshema and kehaumaka] fuj'J kshvid or kshvid, cl. I. P. kshve-
•^ dati or kshvedati, -ditum or -ditum, dhipa (°ga-adh°), as, m. the chief of the birds,
to utter an inarticulate sound, to hum. murmur, growl, an epithet of Garuda. — KJtagantaka (°ga-an°), as,
TSprrft kshaunl, i or is, f. the earth ; [cf. m. a hawk, a falcon (a destroyer of birds). — Kha-
kshoni.] ~lfxhaunl-tala, am, n. the surface of roar, hiss, whiz, whistle ; A. kshvedate or kshmdate,
the earth. — Kxhauni-pra&ra, as, m. the ocean. or cl. 4. P. kshridyati , to be wet or unctuous ; to gdbhirdma (°ga-abh°), as, m. an epithet of Siva.
exude, discharge juice, emit sap : Caus. kshvedayati — Khagasana (°ga-as°), as, m. an epithet of the
— Kxhauni-bhuj, k, m. earth-possessor, a king; mountain Udaya, the eastern mountain, on which the
[cf. kehiti-bhuj.] or -dayati, -yitam, to sound inarticulately, hum, &c.
^, Kxhmina, as, a, am, sounded inarticulately ; soft, sun rises ; an epithet of Vishnu (' sitting on a bird,'
TSfij kshaudra, as, m. (fr. kshudra and unctuous. i. e. on Garuda). — Klia-guna, as, a, am, (in arith-
kshudra), the tree Michelia Champaca (dampaka) ; metic or algebra) having a cypher as multiplier.
Kshvcda, as, a, am (in some senses perhaps con-
N. of a mixed caste, the son of a Vaideha and a nected with rt. kshvel), curved, crooked, bending, — Kliagendra (°ffa-in°~), as, m. the chief of the
Magadhi ; (am), n. smallness, minuteness ; N. of a birds, an epithet of Garuda ; N. of a prince. — Kha-
bent ; wicked, depraved ; difficult to be approached ;
Sutra of the Sama-veda ; honey, a species of honey ; gendra-dhvaja, as, m. an epithet of Vishnu. — Kha-
(as), m. singing or buzzing in the ear from harden- ges'vara (°ga-is°), as, m. the chief of the birds,
water. — Kxhaudra-ja, am, n. wax. — Kshaudra- ing of the wax &c. ; sound, noise ; venom, poison ;
dhdtu, »(», m. a kind of mineral substance ; [cf. ma- epithet of Garuda. — Kha-gola, a*, m. the vault or
a Cucurbitaceous plant, Luffa Pentandra or Acutangula, circle of the heaven, the celestial sphere. — Ktiagola-
kzhika.] — Kshaudra-priya, as, m , N. of a tree ; = pltarjhoshd ; a mystical N. of the letter m; (am), vidyd, f. knowledge of the celestial sphere, astronomy.
[cf. jalormadhaka.'] — Kshaudra-meha, ax, m. n. the flower of the Ghosha plant ; the fruit of a red — Wia-famasa, as, m. the moon ( ' the drinking-
the disease diabetes mellaus — Kihaudramehin, », kind of swallow-wort ; (a), f. the roaring of a lion,
ini, i, affected with this disease. vessel in the sky'). — Jfha-fara, as, i, am, moving
a war-whoop, a battle-cry ; a bamboo rod or stake ; in the air, flying ; (as), m. a bird ; a cloud ; the
Kshaudreya, am, n. wax. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant. wind ; the sun ; a Rakshas or demon ; an aerial
^Jij'W kshaudrakya, as, I, m. f. (fr. kshu- Kghvedana, am, n. murmuring, hissing, whistling, spirit ; N. of a people. — Kha-ddrin, i, ini, i, moving
draka). a prince or princess of the Kshudrakas, a sibilating ; a hissing pronunciation. in the air, flying, an epithet of Skanda. — K]i.a-jala,
man belonging to the Kshudrakas; (as, I, am), Kxhredita, as, am, m. n. humming, murmuring, dm, n. 'air-water,' i. e. dew, rain, frost, hoar-frost.
small, minute. — Kha-jit, t, m. a Buddha, one of the seven teachers
growling ; a growl, roar ; a battle-ay, a war-whoop.
Kshawlrakamalavi, i., scil. send, the army of or saints of the Buddha sect. — Kha-jyotis, is, m. a
Kxhvedin, I, ini, i, humming, murmuring.
Kshudraka and Malava. shining flying insect, a fire-fly, &c. — Kha-tamdla,
kshvel, cl. I. P. kshvelati, &c., as, m. a cloud; smoke. — Kha-tilaka, as, m. the
tSJTT kshauma, as, i, am (fr. kshumd), made to leap, jump ; to play ; to go, move ; sun. — Kha-<lura-vasim, (., N. of one of the female
to shake, tremble; [cf. Old Germ, suillu, sual,
of linen, linen, covered with linen ; prepared from deities or S'aktis with Buddhists. — Kha-dyota, as,
linseed (as oil); (am), n. linen doth or garment; m. a shining flying insect, a fire-fly, the sun ; (a), f.,
272 kha-dyotaka. khadgabhihata.
scil. dear, the door which shines like a shining insect, khattii, f. a bedstead ; a kind of grass,
blended, combined; inlaid, set, studded, (used in
an eye. — Kha-dyotuka, an or am, m. or n.(?^, a ndropogon Serratus; (a wrong reading for khatva.)
comp., e. g. maiii-kiiuiUta, inlaid with jewels.)
kind of plant with a poisonous fruit. — Kha-tlyotana,
I. P. khnjati, (akhaja, kha- ^JJ5T khattasa, as, m. the civet or zebet
ai, m. the sun. — K/in-dhupn, ax, m. a rocket, fire- khaj, ,cl.
to churn or agitate. it, Viverra Zibetha; (I), f. the same or (according
work. •» Kha-pardga, at, m, darkness. — Kha-
>leanother authority) a different animal ; (some write
word khuttdsa.)
l»t*hpat tun, n. a flower in the sky, a term for any-
thing impossible. — Kka-bha, as or <i in , m. or n. (?), ig-stick,
a planet. — Kha-l>hranti, is, (. a kind of falcon, a khatti, is, i, m. f. a bier, the bed on
kite; [cf. filla.] — l\/i>t-M<'i.ii, is, m. the jewel of extended; churning, stirring; killing, destroying. /hich the corpse is carried to the pile.
the sky, the sun.— Kha-milana, am, n. sleepiness, - Khaja-krit, t,t, t, or khajan-kara, as,t,am,
lassitude, weariness. — Kha-murti, in, (• a celestial Ved. causing the tumult or din of battle. »• wfjjcf khattika, as, m. a butcher, a hunter,
stick; (ikd), f. a fowler, one who lives by killing and selling game;
appearance or person.— Kliamiirii-iiint, an, all, at, ladle or spoon. as, m. a churning-
Khajaka, le cream on the milk of a buffalo-cow; (a), f. a
having a divine or celestial person or form. — Kha-
mall bedstead, a cot ; a bier or bed on which the
miili, is, >'/,•« or t, (. an aquatic plant, Pistia Stratiotes Klmjapa, am, n. ghee or clarified butter.
(kumli/iikd).— Klia-vtilll, (., N. of a parasitic plant, Khujaka, as, m. a bird; (d), f. a ladle or spoon. orpse is carried.
— dlid^a-i'iiW. - Kha-vdri, i, n. rain-water, dew,
I. khanj, cl. i. P. khanjati, ta- ^g^<* khatteraka, as, d, am, dwarfish,
vapour, &c. — K/ia-vdshpa, as, m. snow, hoar-frost,
dew. — Kha-iaya, at, a, am, resting or dwelling in khaiija, khanjitum, to limp, halt, walk warf ; [cf. khattana.]
the air.— Kha-iarlra, am, n. a celestial or immortal lame; [cf. Gr. atdfa; Germ. hinl:e.] ^7T khatva, f. (said to be fr. rt. khat), a
2. kkaiij, khan, n, n, probably = khaaja, limping.
body. — Khaiaririn, i, i/ii, »', gifted with an etherial
body, having a heavenly form. — Kha-irata, as, m. K/nnija, as, d, am, limping, lame, crippled; (a), jedstead, a couch, a cot ; a swing, a hammock ; a
wind, air. -*Kha-fam<t, as, m. a Buddha or deified f. a metre consisting of J X 28 short syllables and dnd of bandage ; N. of a plant, = £u/a4imbi. — Kha-
Bauddha saint. — Kha-samuttha,as,d,am, produced 1 long and }O short syllables and I long ; another vdnga (°vd-an°), as, m. a club shaped like the foot
+ 1 long and 28
in the sky. — Kha-namlthava, as, a, am, produced metre containing 30 short syllables of a bedstead,' i. e. a club or staff with a skull at the
short syllables + I long ; another metre containing op considered as the weapon of Siva and carried by
in the sky, aerial, etherial ; (a), f. spikenard, = akasa- ascetics and Yogis ; wood from a funeral pile ; N. of
mann. — Kha-sarpaiia, as, m., N. of a Buddha or 2 X 36 short syllables and I Amphimacer. - Kliaiija
a king of the solar line, = Dilipa ; (I), f., N. of a
Bauddha saint; (am), n. gliding through the air. kheta or khanja-khela, as, m. the wagtail. - Khan-
— Kha-xi nil/in, i«, m. the moon. — Kha-ftmn, f. ja-ia, f. or khaAja-tva, am, n. limping, lameness. river. — K/tatvditga-dhdra, as, m. or kliatrd/i-;/'!-
the earth. — Kha-sphatika, am, n. aerial crystal, - Khuiija^bdhu,, us, m., N. of a Daitya. <hrit, t, m. ' staff- bearer,' an epithet of Siva.
a N. for the sun and moon-gem, mrya-kanta Khanjaka, as, d, am, limping, lame. - Khatvdnya-rana, am, n., N. of a forest. — Kha-
wagtail, Monta- tvdngin, I, ini, i, having the staff described above ; (i),
and dandra-kdnta ; [cf.dkdila-sphatika.] — Kha- Khanjana, as, m. a species of wagtail; mustard;
ha.ro, as, a, am, (in arithmetic) having a cypher cilla Alba; (a), f. a kind of m. an epithet of Siva. — Khatvapluta (°rd-dp°) or
for its denominator (as a fraction). — Khdtrnan (kha- am), n. moving, going, going lamely. - Khanjan khatvarudha (°i-d-ar°), as, d, am, mounted on a
•ata, am, n. the secret pleasures of the Yatis, the >ed, lying on a bed : low, vile, abandoned, iniquitous ;
df), a, a, a, having the air as one's nature. ~Khd- cohabitation of s3.m\s.-KhaAjandkriti (°na-ak ),
pagd (kha-dp"\ f. a stream in the air, an epithet of is. f. a sort of wagtail. erring, going wrong ; silly, stupid.
the Ganges. — Khe-gamana, as, m. a kind of galli- Kliatvilid, f. a small bedstead.
wule, =kdla-kaii(ha. — lOie-dara, as, i, am, moving Khaiijanaka, as, m. a wagtail, Montaolla Alba ; khad, cl. 10. P. khddayati, -yitum,
(ikd\t. a species of wagtail. to divide, tear, break, break off a part or
in the air, flying, aerial ; (as), m. a bird ; a Gan-
dharva ; a Rakshas ; a Vidyadhara ; an epithet of Siva; Khanjarita or khailjaritaka or kkanjalek/ia,
as, m. the wagtail. piece ; [cf. khand.]
a planet; quicksilver; (i), (. a semi-divine female as, m. breaking, dividing; buttermilk
able to fly ; an epithet of DurgS ; (am), n. green khanjdra and khanjdla, as, m., N. Khada,
boiled with acid vegetables and spices; (as, am),
vitriol. - Kkefara-tva, am, n. capability of flying. of two persons. m. n. a kind of small grass, straw ; (as), m., N. of a
— Khe '(a (khe-ata), as, m. a planet ; the ascend- khat, cl. I. P. khatati, &c., to desire, man. - Khadonmattd (°da-u,n°), f., N. of a woman.
ing node or Rahu.— Khe-paribhrama, as, a, am,
flying about in the att. — Khe-iaya, as, a, am, , wish, seek or inquire. khadakkikd, f. a private or back
lying in the air. — Khalka (klia-ulkd), as, m. a Khata, as, m. (fr. rt. khat above?), phlegm, the
door, a small or Venetian door or window.
meteor; a planet; [cf. kha-kholka.] — Kholmuka phlegmatic or watery humor [cf. kapha] ; a blinca
well; an axe, a hatchet [cf. taitka]; a plough; atu, MS, m. a kind of ornament.
(klut-af), ai, m. the planet Mars; [cf. yaganol-
kind of blow or wound ; the closed or doubled fis< khadikd or khadi, f. chalk.
khakkk, cl. I. P. khakkhati, to (as for striking &c.) ; grass ; a coarse long grass o
several species used to thatch houses [cf. kata and khadu, us, or khadu, us, m. or f. a bier.
langh, to laugh at or deride ; (also read
khada]; a fragrant kind of grass — Khata-katahaka
Jutkh, q.v.); [cf. Goth. as or am, m. or n.(?), a spitting-box. - KJiata khadga, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. khad
^5F^T khakkhata, as, a, am, hard, solid ; as, m. (?), an eater; a glass vessel; a for khand), a sword, a scymitar ; a large sacrificial
jackal ; an animal ; a crow. knife ; the horn of a rhinoceros ; a rhinoceros ; one
(also kakkhala.)
Kltatiika, as, m. a go-between, a man whos of the Buddhas or Buddhist saints, a Pratyeka-buddha,
KsH<R khakkhara, as or am, m. or n. (?), business is to negotiate marriages [cf. ghatalm] ; th< so called because he walks alone like a rhinoceros [cf.
half-closed hand; the doubled fist of wrestlers o
a beggar's staff; [cf. hikkala.] boxers. — Kliataka-mukha, as or am, m. or n. (?) eka-fara and eka,-tariii\ ; (am), n. iron. — Kluidga-
^T kha-ga. See under 3. kha. kota, as, m. the sheath of a sword, a scabbard ; a
a particular position of the hand in shooting ; (asj
m. a man in the attitude of shooting. creeping plant, Scirpus Maximus. — Kliadga-farma-
TS'nfe khagoda, as, m. Saccharum Spon- d/id I'll, as, m. a soldier armed with a sword and shield.
taneum, a kind of reed (for khaggadaf). KhalUia, as, m. the hand half-closed, the fist -Kliadija-tlrih, -dhrik, k, k, grasping a scymitar.
73TJTJ khaggada, as, m. & kind of reed, (d), f. chalk [cf. kakkhati, kalhini, &c.] ; the ex _ NKiili/n-d/iara, as, m. a swordsman. — Khadga-
ternal opening of the ear ; the plant Andropogor dhenu, -ux, f. a female rhinoceros ; a small knife or
Saccharum Spontaneum, commonly khdydd. Muricatus.
*T5t khaitkara or khankhara, as, m. a khatakkika, f. a side door ; [cf
kind of creeper, Scirpus Maximus ; N. of a mythical
curl, a lock of hair. tree in hell bearing swords for leaves ; (am), n. the
*3^' khankha, as, m., N. of a minister of atakhataya (an onomatopoeti blade of a sword. — A'hinlga-pdni, is, is, i, sword in
king BalSditya. hund. — IOt/idga-pdtm, am, n. a vessel formed of
word), A. -tdyate, -yttum, to spring or issue fort! buffalo's horns, a large salver or charger on which
«;5«uT khankhana (an onomatopoetic with a noise.
the sacrificial knife is laid.- Khmli/ii-pidhana or
word), the tinkling sound of a bell &c. (. chalk ; (som
•CTT khatinl or khati,
WfT^tf khadyu-piiUuiiidka, am, n. a scabbard, the sheath
books read khatltini) ; [cf. kat/iini, Miatika.] of a sword. — KJuirlga-putrikd, (. a small sword, a
'KJfof animal.
kind khnnga, as, m. (for khadya?),Ved. a
worn on th knife. — K/iitil'jii-pralMra, as, m. a sword-cut.
WZ kliatii(i), an ornament
wrist or ancle. - Kha(l<ju-i>hala,am, n. a sword-blade. - KJtadga-
TT^T kliat, cl. i. 9. P. khafati and khat- m&nta, at, m. buffalo-beef. — KJiadga-leklia, f. a
\ ndti, I'id-liiii'ii, lihacitttm, to come forth, row" of swotAs.— Khadga-vat, an, ati, at, armed
appear ; to be born again ; to cause prosperity ; to G khatt, cl. 10. P. khattayatl, -yitum
to cover, to screen. with a sword. — Khadgdghata (°ga-dgh°), as, m.
purify; cl. IO. P. khafayati, -yitum, to fasten, a sword-cut. — Kliadgdtlhdra (°na-ddh°), as, m. a
bind, set. khattana, as, m. a dwarf [cf. khatte
Khalifa, as, a, am, fastened, joined; mixed, sheath, a scabbard. — Kliadgalhihata (°ga-abh°),
ralia] ; (as, d, am), dwarfish, short of stature. as, d, am, cut or struck with a sword. - Khadgd-
misha (°aa-5m°),am,n. buflalo's flesh. — Khadgdltva candied sugar or sugar in pieces. — Ehanda-ias, ind. khad{rd.) — Khadira-kuna, as, m. the fruit time
(°ga-dh°), as, m. a rhinoceros. in pieces, by pieces, bit by bit, piece by piece, piece- of the Khadira tree. •• Khadira-pattrikd or Itha-
Khadgata, as, m. a large kind of reed, Saccharum meal ;khandas'ah kri, to divide or cut into pieces ; dira-pattri, f. a sensitive plant, a kind of Mimosa
Spontaneum; [if. brihat-kds'a.] khandas'o bhu, to be divided, to be separated into (khadirl). — Kliadira-maya, as, I, am, made of
Khadydrita or k/tadydrdta (?), as, m. a shield pieces. — Khanda-s'dkka, f., N. of a plant, = mahi- the wood of Khadira. — K/iadira-vaita, am, n. a
or the blade of a sword (?) ; one who observes a &ha-valll. — Khanda-s*ild, f. a loose woman, an un- Khadira forest. — Khadira-vunika, as, m., N. of a
particular religious penance peculiar to Buddhists, chaste wife. — A'AaWa-sara, as, m. a kind of sugar Buddhist Bhikshu. — Khadira-vat, an, atl, at,
viz. rubbing the feet backwards and forwards on the (yav5sa-s"arkard), candied sugar. — KItaifddbhra overgrown wiih Khadira ; (ti), f, N. of a region.
edge of a sword made red hot ; [cf. asi-dhdrd.'] (°da-abh°), am, n. scattered clouds ; a bite, the — Khadira-varman, d, m., N. of a king. — Kha-
Khadgika, as, m. a swordsman ; a butcher, a impression of the teeih in amorous sport. — Khandd- dira-svamin, I, m., N. of a scholiast. — Kitadiro-
vender of flesh meat ; the cream of buffalo's milk ; rnalaka ( da-dm°), am, n. myrobalan cut up into pama (°ra-up ), am, n. a kind of Mimosa (ka-
[cf. khattika.\ small pieces (to be used as a medicine). — Khanddll
Khadgin, I, irii, i, armed with a sword, a swords- (°da-ali), f. a measure for oil; a pond; a woman Khadiraka, as, m., N. of a mountain.
man ;(i), m. a rhinoceros ; N. of a Jina or Jaina whose husb md has been guilty of infidelity.
saint. — Khadgi-mdra, as, m. a kind of creeper, Khandaka, as, a, am, breaking to pieces, de- *sf^e(il khadika, as, f. pi. fried or parched
Scirpus Maximus, = khadga-kos'a. stroying, removing, rendering ineffectual ; (as, am),
Khadyika, am, n. a sickle, a small scythe. m. n. a fragment, a part, a piece ; (as), m. treacle «C<,«ti kfiaditraka, as, m., N. of a man;
or molasses partially dried, candied sugar ; one who
<1<!i«l<![|<4 khanakhanaya (an onomato-
has no nails ; pared or clipped finger-nails (?) ; N. of (am), n. a dwarf.
poetic word), A. khanakhandyate,-yitum, to utter a metre, = drya-giti ; a kind of dance or tune(?); grain.
or give out any peculiar souud ; to tick, tinkle,
[cf. khanda-dhdrd^ — Khandakdlu or khanda-
under 3. kha. kha-dura-vasirii, &c. See
crack, &c.
Khanakhandyamdna, as, a, am, tinkling, Sec. kdluka (°ka-alu), am, n. an esculent root, sweet
TjT3 khan, cl. I. P. A. khanati, -te, fa-
khand, cl. I. A., 10. P. khandate, Kltandana, as, d, am, breaking, dividing, cutting, \ khdna. dakhne, khanishyati, -te, akhd-
potato. nlt and akhantt, akhanishta, khanitum, to dig,
-ditum, khandayati, -yitum, to break, reducing to pieces, destroying, annihilating, removing;
tear, break in pieces, crush, cut, divide ; destroy, (am), n. the act of breaking or cutting or dividing, dig up, delve, to turn up the soil, excavate, root up ;
annihilate, defeat, conquer; disappoint, frustrate, hurting, injuring, injury ; interrupting, disappointing, to dig into the earth, bury : Caus. khdnayati, -yi-
interrupt, disturb, deceive, cheat. frustrating ; cheating, deceiving ; refuting (in argu-
tum. to cause to dig or dig up : Desid. dikhanishati,
Kkanda, as, a, am, broken, torn asunder, divided, ment); rebellion, opposition; discarding, dismissal. -te : Intens. iankhanyate, fdkhdyate, dankhanti;
having chasms, gaps, or breaks ; deficient, defective, ~Khandana-kdra, as, m. an epithet of Harsha. [cf. Gr. x<"'"<">, X""*; Old Germ. gin6m, gin6m;
crippled ; (as, am), m. n. a break, a gap, a chasm, Mod. Germ, gahne; Angl. Sax. cina, cinan; L»t.
— Khandana-krit, t, m., N. of an author. citniculits, canalis,]
a fissure, a fracture (e. g. keddra-khanda, a gap or — KJiandana-khandakddya (ka-dd°), am, n. title
fracture in the embankment of a field) ; a piece, of a work on logic by Harsha. — Khandana-rata, as, Khana, as, d, am, Ved. digging ; rooting up.
part, fragment, portion ; a section of a work, part, d, am, skilful in cutting or destroying, destructive. Khanaka, as, i, am, digging, digging up, dividing;
chapter ; a party, number, multitude, assemblage ; a Khandanlya or khanditavya, as, d, am, to be a digger, excavator ; (as), m. a miner ; a house-
term in an equation: (as), m. treacle or molasses cavating. breaker, athief; a rat ; N. of a friend of Vidura.
broken or divided, frangible, fragile, brittle ; destruc-
partially dried, candied sugar ; a flaw in a jewel ; N. tible, refutable, &c. Khanat, an, anil, at, digging, digging up, ex.
of a people ; (am), n. a kind of salt (rid-lavana), Khandala or khandava, as, am, m. n. a piece,
black salt ; a sort of sugar-cane ; [cf. uttara-khanda, a part. Khanana, am, n. the act of digging, excavating ;
Khandika, as, m. a sugar-boiler, a sugar-baker (?) ; digging into the earth, burying.
karka°, kdla°, kS3t°.] — Khanda-kataka, '•s or
am, m. or n. (?), litle of an astronomical work com- pease ; the armpit ; N. of a man ; (d), (. the pod of Khananiya, as, d, am, to be digged, to be ex-
posed by Brahma-gupta. — Khanda-kathd, (. a pease ; a kind of air or tune in music. cavated.
fragmentary tale; a tale or story divided into Khandita, as, d, am, cut, torn, broken in pieces, Khani, is, is, i, Ved. digging or rooting up ; (is
sections (i). — K/ianda-karna, as, m. a kind of scattered, dispersed, destroyed ; broken as allegiance, or I), f. a mine, especially of precious stones; a
bulbous plant ; sweet potato. — Khanda-kdrya, am, disobeyed against, rebelled; refuted, controverted; quarry, a cave. — Khani-netra or khanl-netra, as,
n. a fragmentary poem ; a poem interspersed with disappointed, betrayed, abandoned as a lover ; (a), f. m., N. of a prince with the epithet Karandhama.
prose(?). — Khanda-yiri, is, m., N. of a mountain. a woman whose husband or lover has been guilty of Ehanitri, td, tn, tri, a digger, delver, excavator,
— Khanda-ja, as, m. a kind of sugar, treacle, infidelity. — Khandita-vigraha, as, d,'am, maimed, ditcher.
mutilated. — Khandita-vritta, as, d, am, one whose Khanitra, am, n. an instrument for digging, a
molasses, = guda, yavdsa-s'arkard. — Kkanda-
jodbhavaja (°ja-ud°), as, m. a kind of candied manner of life is dissolute, an immoral man. — Khan- spade, shovel, hoe, pickaxe ; (as), m., N. of a prince.
sugar prepared from Khandaja. — Khanda-ld, f. the frustrated. Khanitraka, am, n. or khanitrikd, f. a small
ditds'ansa (°ta-df), as, d, am, disappointed, foiled, shovel or scoop.
being divided, division. — Khanda-deva, as, m., N.
Khandin, i, ini, i, consisting of pieces, in pieces Khanitrima, as, d, am, Ved. produced by digging.
of the author of a commentary on Jaimiui's Nyaya- Khanitvd, ind. having dug.
sutras, called Bhattadlpika ; also of the Mimansa- or parts ; divided, comminuted ; (i), m. a wild kind
Kaustubha. — Khat^da-dravya, as, m., N. of a man. of kidney-bean, =Vana-mudga; a N. of Harsha; Khanya, as, d, am, Ved. to be digged or excavated.
— Khanda-dhdrd, f. shears, scissors ; a kind of (inl), f. the earth. Khdta, as, a, am, dug, dug up, excavated ; torn,
dance or air(?).— Khanda-pattra, am, n. a bundle Khandl-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kar- rent; (am), n. digging a hole; an excavation; a
of various leaves. — Khanda-paras"u, us, m. an tum, to divide or break into small pieces, to cut up, ditch, fosse, moat, well; a cavern; a square or
epithet of Siva as cutting his foes to pieces with his tear to pieces &c.
oblong pond; (d), f. an artificial pond; [cf. deva-
axe. — Klianda-pardu, us, m. a N. of Siva; of K/uiiidlra, as, m. a kind of kidney-bean, Pita-
mudga. khata, Scc.j—Jfhdta-bhii, us, (. a moat, ditch.
Parasu-rama ; of RShu ; an elephant with a broken — Khdta-rupa-kdra, as, m. a potter.
tusk ; a spreader of unguents or fragrant powders &c. ; KJiandw^Tchanda, a kind of sugar (?). Khataka, as, m. a digger, delver ; a debtor [cf.
a drug, commonly called Khandamalaki (see kltandd- Khanderdya, as, m., N. of an author. khddaka]; (ika), f. aditch; (am), n. a moat, ditch.
malaka). — Kknnrfa-pdni, is, m., N. of a prince. Khdti, is, f. digging, excavating.
— Khanda-pdla, as, m. a confectioner, seller of Khandya, as, d, am, to be broken or divided, KJidtra, am, n. a spade, shovel, hoe ; a moat, a
fragile, destructible, &c.
sweetmeats (for khanda-pdna?). — Khanda-pra- square or oblong pond ; a wood ; a thread ; horror.
laya, an, m. a partial destruction of the universe in «9 1!0! «s I khanvakha, f. (an onomatopoetic
which all the spheres beneath Svarga or heaven are word), Ved., N. of a frog. Khdna, as, m. digging. — Khdnodalca ("na-ud°),
m. the cocoa-nut
as, ikd, tree.
am, one who digs, a digger.
dissolved in one common ruin ; a quarrel ; the dis-
solution ofthe bands of friendship or of society ; (in a-tamala,8cc. See under 3. kha.
Khani, is, I, f. a mine.
the latter sense more correctly khaiida-pranaya.) khatta, as, m., N. of an astronomer. Khdnika, am, n. an opening or hole in a wall, a
— Khanda-pra$a*ti, is, (., N. of a poem attributed
khad, cl. i. P. khadati, takhada, Klidnila, as, d, am, a house-breaker ; (sometimes
to Hanumat ; an older N. for the play Hanuman-na- read khdnina.)
taka. — Khaiida-phana, as, m. a kind of serpent. akhadlt and akhddlt, &c., to be steady
— Khaiida-mandala, am, n. a segment o. circle, or firm, to strike, hurt, kill; to eat(?); [cf. Lat. Khdnya, as, d, am, to be digged.
part of a circle, an incomplete sphere ; (as, a, am), Kheya, as, d, am, to be dug, to be excavated ;
gibbous, not full or round — Ktianda-maya, as, I, Khadira, as, m. the tree Acacia Catechu, having
am, consisting of pieces. — Khanda-modaka, as, clades.']
very hard wood, the resin of which is used in medi- (am), n. a ditch, a moat. as, m., N. of a prince,
m. a kind of sugar, granulated or candied (yavasa- cine, called Catechu, Khayar, Terra Japonica ; an
epithet of Indra ; the moon ; N. of a man ; (I), f. a son of An-ga and father of Divi-ratha.
£arkara). — Khanda-lavana,am, n. a kind of salt
(vid-lavana), black salt. — Khayda-farkard, f. a sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica; (sometimes also 1! kha-paroya. See under 3. kha.
274 kha-pura. khalyaka.
kharb, cl. I. P. kharbati,8tc.,io go,
kha-pura, as, m. (fr. 3 kha and —Khara-roman or khara-loman, a, m.,N. of one
of the chiefs of the Naga or serpent-race inhabiting move ; to go towards ; [cf. Old Germ.
Bttraf), flatulence ; the betel-nut tree, Areca Faufel heU.-Khara-vallikd, (., N. of a plant, commonly
or Catechu; the tree Cyperus Pertenuis (bhadra- es; hwarb, hnarp, hwirbu. Sic.; Goth, bi-hrairba,
Goraksha Chakuliya, Hedysarum Lagopodioid * to go round.']
;i,u*ttika); a kind of perfume, = vydla-nakha ; 73Tf kharma, am, n. virility, manliness ;
(„,,,) n a city in the sky, epithet of Hiranya-pura, cf. naga-bala.] — Khara-s'abda, as, m. an osprey;
the braying of an ass. - Khara-idka, as, m. the plant
the city of the KSlakeyas ; also N. of the city of wove silk.
Harisc'andra ; a water-jar. Clerodendrum Siphonanthus, = bhdrgi. — Khurit-
; |j-j khan, cl. I . P. kharvati, &c., to he
tala, as, d, am, born or produced in a donkey-stall
kha-pushpa, Sic. See under 3. kha. (a), f. a donkey-stable or stall.- Khara-foni. is, m. N proud or haughty ; [cf. ijarv.]
or khara-nonda, as, m. or khara-golla , as, m. an 73^ kharva or kharba, as, a, am (fr. rt.
«D khamb, cl. l. P. khambati, -bitum, to iron vessel.- Kltara-«kandha. ax, m., N. of a tree, l.-lntrl,1}, mutilated, maimed, crippled, injured, im-
x^go or move.
= priydla; (a), f. Phcenix Sylvestris, = M<ir/<"'<- perfect ;pressed down, low, dwarfish, short, little in
^t khara, as, a, am, hard, harsh, rough ; — Kltara-svard, f. wild jasmine, = vana-mal- size or stature; (o»\ m., N. of one of the nine
likd. - Khariuitu (°ra-an°), us, m. the sun. Nidhis or treasures of Kuvera; the plant Trapa
and sla-
sharp, pungent, acid (opposed to mridu (as -Khara-gari, f. a kind of grass, Andropogon
kshna); solid (opposed to dram, fluid); dense N. of
Bispinosa [cf. kvbjaka] ; (as, am), m. n. a large
; Serratus. — Khnrdrfilaka, (°ra-an°), as, m.,
clouds) ; sharp, hot (as wind) ; hurtful, injurious - Khardbddn kuraka
number, either 10.000,000,000, or 37 cyphers pre-
; one of Siva's attendants.
cutting (as a speech or word) ; sharp-edged ; cruel lapis lazuli. -Khardsva
ceded by i. — Kharra-vdnin, i, ini, i, being or
(as), m. a donkey, an ass, a male ; N. of several rra-abda-an°), am, n. abiding in any mutilated object. — Kliarra-fdklni,
plant, (°ra-aif"l), f. the plant Colosia Cristata, commonly
birds ; an osprey, a heron, a crow ; a thorny as, d, am, dwarfish, small, short.
a sort of prickly nightshade ; a quadrangular mound ranayamdni, = aja-nandhd, aja-moda, karavt. Khan-aka, as, ikd, am, Ved. mutilated, im-
of earth for receiving the sacrificial vessels ; a Daitya -K/Mi-dhrd (Ora-a7t°). f., N. of a plant, = o;o- perfect, not full (as the moon).
modo. - Kharin-dkama or kharin-dhaya, as, a,
or demon in general ; epithet of the Asura Dhenuka ; ~^Z kharvata, as, am, m. n. the capital
N. of a Rakshas slain by Rama, a younger brother am (kharin = kharim for kharim), drinking asss
of a district of four hundred villages, a market or
of Rivana ; N. of an attendant of the Sun ( = Dhar- milk'.-A7iari-;art<7Aa, as, m., N. of a man; (as),
country town ; a village at the foot of a mountain ;
roa); N! of an attendant of Siva; N. of a Rudra; m. pi. the descendants of this man. — Khari-vruha,
(a various reading for karvata.)
(a) f a kind of grass, Andropogon Serratus; (i), f. as, m. a jackass.
a she-ass. - Khara-kdshthikd, f. the plant Sida Kharikd, f. powdered musk. kharvura, f., N. of a plant,= taradi.
Cordifolia (bald).- Khara-kati, f. a stable for <<R.;*U<!T^i kharata-kharata-kri, cl. 8. P.
asses, a donkey-stall (used as an abusive epithet) ; a kharvuja, am, n. the water-melon
-karoti, -knrtiim, to make the sound kharata.
barber's shop. — Khara-ketu, m, m., N. of a (fr. the Pers. Tj\^*j£*. kharbiiza).
Rakshas. — Khara-kona or khara-kvdna, as, m. WUfV»* khardlika, as, m. a barber (jra-
khal, cl i. P. khalati, takhala, &c.,
the francoline partridge. — Khara-komala, as, m. mam) ; a razor-case ; an iron arrow (in this sense
also'/fcA araiaia); a pillow. to move, shake ; to gather.
the month Jyeshtha (' bracing yet mild').--KAara-
gandha-nibhd or khara-gandhd, f._ the plant 13^ kharu, us, us or us, u (said to be fr. khala, as, am, m. n. a threshing-floor,
Hedysarum Lagopodioides, = naga-bala. — Khara- a fool; harsh,
griha or khara-geha, am, n. or khara-graka, the as, rt. khan), white; foolish, idiotic, a granary ; earth, mould, or soil ; place, site ; sedi-
cruel ; desirous of improper or prohibited things ; ment, dregs, the deposit of oil Sec. ; a mill ; contest,
m. a stable for naes. — Khara-ghdtana,as, m. or Kama,
- Khara- («*), m. a tooth ; a horse ; pride ; love battle; (as, d), m. f. a wicked or mischievous
tree Mesua Ferrea, commonly NageSar.
several plants, a kind of the deity of love ; an epithet of Siva ; (us), f. a girl person ; low, base, inferior, cruel, mischief-making ;
MKada, as, m., N. of who chooses her own husband.
reed or grass, Saccharum Cylindricum ; another kind, (as), m. the sun ; the plant Xanthochymus Pictorius,
MClftrf kharosti, is, m. f.(?), N. of a place ; see tamdla; the datura plant, thorn-apple; (a), f.
kundara.~] N. of a daughter of RaudrSsva. — Khala-kula, OS,
— Khara-jrOkera
commonly n, Ved. itkata,
m, uluka,
u, us,; [cf. sharp or quick in (a various reading has kftaroshti.)
m. = kulattha, Dolichos Uniflorus. — Khala-ja, as,
motion. — Khara-nas, as, as, as, or khara-nasa,
jjUJT^ kharkhoda, as or am, m. or n. (?),
as, a, am, sharp-nosed; (a*), m., N. of a man. d, am, Ved. produced on a threshing-floor. — Khala-
- Khara-tara, as, a, am, more sharp, very sharp. askilled kind of magic. — Kharkhada-vedin, i, ini, i, td, f. or khala-tva am, n. wickedness, villainy ; filthi-
alambushd . in the Kharkhoda art, a conjurer (?).
— Khara-tvaf, k, f., N. of a plant, = ness. — Khala-clhdnya, am, n. a threshing-floor;
- KJiara-danda, am, n. a lotus, Nymphza Lotus. — kharj, cl. I. P. kharjati, fakharja, (also khaladhdna, khalcdhanya, khalddhdna.)
— Kfiara-dald, f. opposite-leaved fig tree, Ficus — Khala-pu, us, iis, m. f. a sweeper, a cleaner, a
— Khara-dus hana, ^kharjitum, to creak (like a carriage- Mehter or Ferash (originally 'one who cleans a
Oppositifoli a ; [cf. udumbara.] wheel); to worship, to treat with respect or courtesy;
as, m. the thorn-apple, Datura Metel. — Khara- threshing-floor'). - Khala-priti, is, f. the friend-
to pain, make uneasy ; to cleanse, make clean ; [cf.
dhdra, as, a, am, having a harsh edge or one full ' to cleanse.']
ship or favour of wicked or low persons. — Khala-
of notches like that of a saw. — Khara-dhvansin, i, Hib. cairtim or cartaim, mdrti, is. m. quicksilver. — KJtala-samsarga, as,
m. destroyer of the demon Khara, an epithet of KlMrgald, f., Ved. an owl or any similar night-bird. m. associating with bad company. — Khalddhdrd
RSma. - Khara-nakhara, as, m., N. of a lion. KJiarjikd, f. a relish, anything to provoke drink- (°la-ddh°), f. a kind of cockroach.- Khale-ilhdni
_ Khara-nardya, as, m., N. of a son of SatSnanda. or k/nile-bali, f. the post of a threshing-floor round
as, m. the braying of an ass. us orandus,kharjura.']
ing :[cf. kharju
Kharju, (• scratching, itching, itch, which the oxen pass which tread out the grain.
-Khara-nada, eruption : a worm, a kind of insect ;
scab, cutaneous chaff
- Khara-nddin, i, ini, i, braying like an ass; (i), the wild datura uee. — Kharju-ghna, as, m., N. of — Kliale-bimam, ind. at the time when the
m., N. of a man; also of a Rishi; (ini), f. a kind Several plants, the thorn-apple ; Calotropis Gigantea, is on the threshing-floor, at the threshing-time.
— Kltale-yavam, ind. at the time when barley is
of perfume, = renuka ('causing a donkey to bray?'). Cassia Alata or Tora, = fakra-marda.
— Khara-ndla, am, n. a lotus. - KJiara-pa, as, - Khar- on the threshmg-floor, at the barley threshing-time.
m., N. of a man; (as), m. pi. the descendants of jura-karna, Kharjura , am, n. silver; [cf. kharjdra.] -Khale-vdli, f. the post of a threshing-floor; [cf.
-, as,, m.,., N. . of a man. .
ns man. — Khara-pattra, as, m., N. of several m. the tree Phcenix Sylvestris , the Uuile-dhd
low or wicked language.oMi (°la-uk°), is, f. abuse,
KJiarjdra, as,
plants, a kind of Ocimum (talusi) and Tectona date tree ; a scorpion ; N. of a man ; (?), f. the tree
Grandis; a kind of cane ; also = haridgarlha and Khali, if, m. sediment of oil or oil-cake.
Phcenix Sylvestris ; the wild date tree ; (am), n. the Khalin. i ini, i, having sediment &c.; (i), m. an
maruvaka (a kind of Ocimum) ; (i), f., N. of two fruit of the tree Phcenix Sylvestris ; silver ; yellow
Ekphantop us Scaber (yitjihvd) and Ficus
orpiment; (also khala.) - Khar -jura-rasa, ax, m. epithet of Siva; (inas), m. pi., N. of a class of DSna-
Oppositifolia (kakodumbarikd). — Khara-pattra- or extract of the wild date or TSdi, used vas ; (ini), 1. a multitude of threshing-floors ; the plant
the juice
ka,as, m., N.of a plant, = tilaka —Khara-pdlra, to leaven bread, and as an intoxicating liquor. Antherirum Tuberosum, = tdla-parni, =• tdla-muli.
am, n. an iron pot or vessel. — Khara-padddltya
as, m. a scorpion. K/iiilina, as, d, am, covered with sediment,
fda-ddh ), as, m. the elephant or wood-apple, Kharjur aka, covered with oil-dregs (?) ; (as, am), m. n. the bit
Feronia Elephantum; [cf. kapittha] — Khara- khard, cl. I . P. khardati, &c.,to bite, of a bridle; see khalina ; [cf. Gr. xaXii'cis.]
pdla, as, m. a wooden vessel ; [cf. khara-pdtra.\ to sting, to sting venomously. Kltall-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute,-kartum,
— Kh'irii-)>ii*liiMi, as, m. a plant, commonly
a to reduce to sediment, to crush ; to hurt, injure ; to
Mania, a kind of Ocimum, see maruvaka; (d or ^TJT khrirpara, as, m. a thief; a rogue,
treat badly, scorn. — JfJiali-kara, ax, m. or IchaK-
i/.-fl), f. a kind of TuUsi, Ocimum Gratissimum ; cheat; the skull; the half of a skull; a beggar's bowl kriti, is, I. reducing to sediment; hurting, injuring;
also Varvara- — • Khara-*priytt, as, m. a pigeon. or di>h ; an umbrella or parasol ; (i, am), f. n. a kind mischief, evil.
— I\_//<ir<i-i>vijra, as, d, am, Ved. one whose of collyrium or application to the eyes See karpara. Klttilina, as, am, m. n. the bit of a bridle.
strength is very intense. — Khara-maiijari, is or i, Kharparika, f. or kharparituttha, am, n. or Ji/udi/ii, ax, d, am, being on a threshing-floor, fit
f. the plant Achyranthes Aspera ; [cf. apdmdrga.] kharpar'irasaka, am, n. a kind of collyrium. for one ; fit for oil-cake &c.; (a), f. a multitude of
— Khara-ydtia, am, n. a donkey-cart, any vehicle See kandardla.
drawn by asses. — Khara-raimi, if, m. the sun. kharparala, as, m., N. of a plant, threshing floors ; N.of a woman.
Kluilyakd, f., N. of a woman.
khalati. kharl-vapa. 275
khalati, is, is or t, i (said to be fr. rt. khasira, as, m. pi., N. of a people ; Jfhdndavdyana, dx, m. pi., N. of a family of
lihal}, bald-headed, bald ; [cf. kulva, khallila, &c.] [cf. khasira.]
Khalatika, an, m., N. of a mountain; (am), n., Khdndamka, as, m. a confectioner ; sugar-baker.
N. of the forest situated near this mountain. «=I^IS khaseta, as, m. the Khalis'a, a kind Khdydika, as, m. (fr. khanda,}, a confectioner,
of fish ; [cf. khalefa and khalifa.} a seller of sugar-plums or sweetmeats; (am), n. a
tsfrt^l khalisa, as, a, m. f. a kind of fish, mass or multitude of peas (fr. khandika).
Trichopodus Colisa ; or = Jcankatrota, Esox Kau- *?*3TW kha-s'vasa. See under 3. kha. Khdndihjya, as, m. pi. the followers of Khandika.
kila ; [cf. khalliiia, khalefa, &c.] |<4W khash, cl. I. P. khashati, to hurt, Khdiidikya,
T injure, kill; [cf. toA.] fectioner (?). as, m., N. of a son of Amita-dhvaja
<9rt khalu, ind. (as a particle of assevera- or Mita-dhvaja; (am), n. the business of a con-
tion or affirmation), indeed, verily, certainly, truly, t^TT khashpa, am, n. (said to be fr. rt.
yes ; (as a continuative particle), now, now then, now khan), violence, oppression ; anger, passion. T?TTW khat, ind. (an onomatopoetic word),
further ; (as a particle employed in syllogistic forms T^*T khasa, as, m. itch, scab, or any similar the sound made in clearing the throat ; [cf. khdt.]
of speech), but now, = the Latin atqui. It occurs disease of the skin ; [cf. also Ichafa.]
only once in the Rig-veda ; oftener in the Brahmanas ^TrT khata, khati, khatra. See rt. khan,
and Buddhist compositions, especially when combined <I«<*T^ khasakanda or khasagandha, as, khatman. See under 3. kha.
with other particles, thus atha khalu, u khalu, m., N. of a plant, commonly called kshlra-kandukl.
vai khalu, and khalu vai,= now then, now further. khad, cl. I. P. (ep. also A.) khadati,
In later Sanskrit khalu frequently does little more wwfflrt khasatila, as, m. (kha-sa-tila ?),
dakhdda, khddishyati, akhddit, khd-
than lay stress on the word by which it is preceded, poppy (khaskhasa). ditum, to chew, bite, eat, devour, feed, prey upon ;
and is sometimes merely an expletive. According «sti«i kha-sama, &c. See under 3. iAa. to hurt : Caus. khddayati, -yitum, to cause or make
to native lexicographers khalu is also a particle of to eat or devour ; to eat : Desid. dikhddishati :
prohibition, endearment, conciliation, and inquiry. *(« 1 4 khasdka, as, m. pi., N. of a people; Intens. ddkhadyate, ddkhdtti; [cf. Scot, cuid,
JVa khalu, by no means, not at all, indeed not. (a various reading for khafira.) ' food;' Hib. caithim, ' to eat.']
7?WTTW5T khasdtmaja. See under khasa. Khdda, as, a, am, eating, devouring, (at the end
<9rt1^ kha-lvj, k, m. (instead of kha-luk of compounds, e. g. amitra-khdda, vritra-khdda,
ft. land?), darkness. kha-sindhu. See under 3. £A<z. q. v.); (as), m. chewing, eating; food.
Jfhddaka, as, ikd, am, eating, consuming, de-
Wrt^T khaluresha or khalureshaka, as, m. =A'Aosa&a. asika, as, m. pi., N. of a people, vouring ;an eater ; a debtor ; a borrower, one who
a kind of wild quadruped. borrows or uses ; [cf. khdtaka.]
«p»(V«S( khalurikd, f. a parade, a place ^flf^ khasufi, an expression of reproach Khddata-modatd, (. (fr. the two impv. khddata
for military exercise ; [cf. khurali.] at the end of a compound, e. g. vaiydkarana- and modata), continual eating and being glad.
khasudi, one who has forgotten the grammar ; (fr. — Khddata-vdmatd, f. (fr. the two impv. khddata
^Irt^l khalesa or khaleSaya, as, m. a kind
kha and sudi ?, ' one who pierces a needle into the and vdmata), continual eating and vomiting. — Khd-
of fish, commonly Trichopodus Colisa ; [cf. khalifa datd-damatd or khddatd-ddmatd, f. continual eat-
and kha&ta.] air?'). ing and washing the mouth.
^ffT khasrima, as, m., N. of a Daitya,
khall, cl. I. A. khallate, &c., to son of Viprafttti and Sinhika. Khddana, as, m. a tooth ; (a), f., N. of a wife
shake, be loose ; [cf. khal] of king Megha-vahana ; (am), n. chewing, eating ;
<i«j«?T khaskhasa, as, m. poppy. — Kha- food, victuals.
khalla, as, m. a little case or cap skhasa-rasa, as, m. poppy-juice, opium. Khddaniya, as, d, am, eatable, edible, to be eaten.
formed by rolling up paper &c. (used for holding Khddita, as, d, am, eaten, devoured. — Khddita-
any small articles of grocery &c.); a mill, a stone or ««'ft kha-stam. See under 3. kha. vat, an, atl, at, having eaten, eating, feeding.
vessel for grinding drugs ; a kind of cloth or clothes ; ?3T khd, (at the end of some compounds) be Khdditavya,, as, a, am, to be eaten, what may
leather, leather garments ; a leather water-bag ; a or must be eaten.
canal, a cut, a creek, a trench, a deep hole; the digging ; [ f. kupa-khd and visa-khd.] i. khddin, I, inl, i, eating. (For 2. see under
Cataka, a kind of cuckoo ; (z), f. shooting pain in ^STtfn khdgi, is, m. f. (?), N. of an Agra-
the extremiiies. hara.
Khddulca, as, I, am, mischievous, injurious, ma-
J<M I rl =h khalldtaka, as, m., N. of the first *=dM<« khajika, as, m. fried or parched
minister of king Bindusara. grain ; [cf. khadikd.] lignant.
Khddya, as, d, am, eatable, edible, what may or
must be eaten; (am), n. food, victuals. — Khddyd-
<.1!rll«n. khallasara, as or am, m. or n.(?), T3T7 khdt, ind. (an onomatopoetic word),
the tenth Yoga in astronomy. khddhya (°ya-akh°~), as, d, am, fit or unfit for food.
the sound made in clearing the throat ; [cf. khdt,]
^nf^ khadi, is, m., Ved. a brooch, brace-
khallika, f. a frying-pan. ^16 khata, as, d, m. f. a bier, a cot or let, ring (worn on the hands or feet especially by the
khallita or khallita, as, a, am, bald- bedstead on which dead bodies are conveyed to the Maruts). — Khddi-hasta, as, d, am, Ved. having the
pile ; [cf. khalli.] hands ornamented with bracelets or rings, epithet of
headed, becoming morbidly bald ; [cf. khalati.] the Maruts.
Khdti, Is, f. a bier ; a scar ; caprice, whim.
««( 1=1 si khallisa, as, m. another form for Khdlikd, f. a bier; [cf. khattikd.] t. khddin, I, inl, i, Ved. decorated with bracelets
khalifa, q. v. or rings (as the Maruts).
*9l4i*tllVo|i khdtvdbhdrika, as, t, am (fr.
«=i<?f khalva, as, m., Ved. a kind of grain khatvd-bhdra), or khdlvika, as, I, am (fr. khalvd), iSlfl;*. khddira, as, i, am (fr. khadira],
or leguminous plant. laden with bedsteads. made of or coming from the tree Acacia Catechu ;
ts^s khalvata, as, m. a severe cough (?). ^TTPTT khdddyana, as, m. a patronymic Acacia (as), m. Catechu extract prepared from the tree
Catechu. — Khddira-grihya, am, n., N. of a
<!*<?( rt khalvala, as, m. pi., N. of a school. from Khada. — Khdddyana-bhakta, am, n. the literary work. — Kliddira-sdra, as, m. Catechu, the
district inhabited by the KhSdayanas. resinous extract of the tree Acacia Catechu.
<1 <?( 1 6 khalvata, as, a, am, bald, bald- Ifhdddyanin, inas, m. pi. the followers of Khada-
headed ; [cf. khalati.] 73T<ft^TO^f khadoarnas, as, as, as, Ved.
tearing away the bank (as a river 1).
|jj Q! khav, cl. (). P. khaunati or khunatl, '^Iff khadga, as, i, am (fr. khadga), be-
^\ fakhava, &c., to cause prosperity, produce longing to a rhinoceros (as armour made of ^PJTIT khadhuya, f., N. of an Agra-hara.
wealth, to purify ; (another form for Tchad.) yana.
rhinoceros hide).
khdna, khanila, khanya. See rt. khan,
'iqsTI kha-valli, &c. See under 3. kha. <snjs khdnda, am, n. (fr. khanda), the
state of having fractures, fissures, or gaps. khapagd. See under 3. kha.
**?! khasa, as, m. a mountainous country khdra, as, or khari, is, t, m. f. a
Khdndava, as, m. (fr. khandut, sugar-candy,
in the north of India ; a native of that country con- sugar-plums, sweetmeats ; N. of a region ; (am), n., Khari, a measure of grain = 16 Dronas or about
sidered as a degraded Kshatriya; (a), f., N. of a N. of a forest in Kuru-kshetra, sacrtd to Indra and 3 bushels ; it is also reckoned at 1 1 Surpa or
daughter of Daksha, one of the wives of Kas'yapa, burnt by the god of fire, Agni with the assistance 3 Dronas ; also at 46 Gaums or 4096 Palas, or at
the mother of the Yakshas and Rakshasas ; a kind of
of Arjuna and Krishna (see Maha-bh. I. 8207). 4 Dronas ; (1), f. a scar. — Khdrim-pafa, as, a, am,
perfume, = murd. (The word is sometimes spelt •• Khdndava-prastha, as, m., N. of a town cooking a Khari by measure; (a vessel &c.) in
khata.) — Khasdtma/ja (°sd-dt°), an, m. a Rakshas. situated in the Khandava forest, founded by the which a Khari may be cooked. — Khdrl-vdpa, as,
ha-saya. See under 3. kha. PSndivas, = indra-prastha. a, am, sown with a Khar! of grain (as a field &c.).
276 kharika.
Kharika or kharika, a*, a, am, equal to or sown kliiudiika, as, or khindhi, is, m., N. ««j<;i«* khurdka, as, m. an animal in gene-
with a Khiri of grain (as a field &c.). of an Arabic astronomer, Alkindi. khura?).
ral ; (perhaps originally ' an animal with hoofs,"
WT%1T khdr-kdra, as, m. (khar an ono-
fl«HJV(!"l khirahittl, f., N. of a plant, = ma-
matopoetic word and kara fr. I . kri), the braying khurdlaka, as, m. an iron arrow.
of an ass ; [cf. Mara.]
TO khila, as, am, m. n. a piece of waste ra/ika .) khurdlika, as, m. a razor-case ;
or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields, an iron arrow ; a pillow ; (a various reading for kha,-
Wlj'tffi khdrgali, is, m. (fr. khargala or
khrigala), an epithet of Kapi ; (a various reading a desert, bare soil, a vacant space, a space not filled
has khdrjali.) up, a gap, that which serves to fill up a gap, a sup-
plement (ofa book &c.), an additional hymn appended <3<J«U'T khurasdna, Khurasan.
^TT^T khdrjura, as, i, am (fr. kharjiira), khurd, cl. I. A. khurdate, to play,
tree Phoenix Sylvestris. to the regular collection ; a compendium, a compi-
coming from or made of the .ation (especially of hymns and prayers) ; remainder ; to sport, =kurd, gurd, q. v.
^rtl khdrvd, f. (fr. Marai), the Treta emptiness, vacuity, vanity, anything vain, empty or
or second Vuga of the world. fruitless; (as), m., N. of Brahma, and of Vishnu. khulla, as, d, am, small, little, low,
K/tili-kri, d. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kunile, -kartum, mean, =kshudra and kshulla; (am), n. a kind of
m^d khdlatya, am, n. (fr. khalati), Ved., to turn into a desert, to devastate, make impassable ;
or khalitya, am, n. morbid baldness. :o make vain or powerless. perfume, — /cAwra. — Khulla-tata, as, m. a father's
Eflfasti khdlika, as, i, am (fr. iAafo), like Kli ili-bhu, cl. I . P. -lhavati, -vitum, to become younger brotheras, ; a,[cf.am,kshulla-tdta.~\
Khullaka, little, small, poor, indigent,
a threshing-floor. a desert, become impassable or unfrequented, to be low, vile ; cruel, harsh ; wicked, mischievous, malig-
slocked up ; to be frustrated.
^Trf?I *Aos'», is, m., N. of a country to the a piece of waste or uncultivated
situaled as,between
east of Bengal ; the Cossya hills ; (also khatika) ; [cf. landKhllya, fields, a desert ; a piece khullama, as, m. a. road.
khada and khashya.] of rock in the earth, a mass, a heap, a lump, &c. khurd = khurd, q. v.
Khailika, as, *, am, supplementary. See s. v.
« | IJH'tf khasmari, f. a plant, = kas'mari.
WIUJ khashya or (according to a various ^T*Wra,as,am,m.orn.(>), N.ofaplace. khrigala, as or am, m. or n. (?), Ved.
reading) khoshya, as or am, m. or n. (?), N. of a khila, as, m., Ved. = kila, q. v. a staff, a crutch (?) ; (SSy.) a coat of mail.
place ; [cf. khafo or ftAarff.]
khu, cl. i. A. khavate, &c., to sound. ^3^T5ir khekhlraka, as, m. a hollow bam-
«g|flin khdsatd, f., N. of a place in Kas- boo, a sounding reed or cane ; [cf. kl£aka.}
khunkhunl, f. a kind of lute.
khe-gamana. See under 3. kha.
<5im"|T khasira, as, m. pi., N. of a people ; khungdha, as, m. a black horse.
[cf. kha&ra.] khet, cl. 10. P. khetayati, -yitum, to
khvj, cl. i. P. khojati, to steal, rob ; x eat, consume.
fi^fe khikhi, is, f. a fox ; (a various read- [cf. Lith. wagiu!].
ing for kikhi.) ^7 kheta, as, m. a village, the residence
khinkhira, as, i, m. f. a fox ; (as), khujjaka or (according to a various of peasants and farmers ; a small town, half a Pura ;
m. the foot of a bedstead ( = Ma<j!a»7a), one of reading) khunjdka, as, m. the plant Lipeocercis Ser- phlegm, the phlegmatic or watery humor of the
body ; a horse ; the dub of Bala-rima ; (am), n.
Siva's weapons ; a kind of perfume, commonly Hsla.
dera-tadaka. ~\ P. khodayati, -yitum
cl. 10. grass; (<w, am), m. n. hunting, the chase [cf.
khit, cl. i. P. khetati, &c., to be
N, terrified or frightened, to fear, dread; to (another form for khund below), to break d-k/ieta~] ; a shield ; (as, a, am), having a weapon or
in pieces, to divide, tear, rend, &c. weapons, armed ; vile, bad, low ; (at the end of com-
terrify, scare, startle, alarm, surprise. pounds expressing defectiveness or deterioration, e. g.
Khetita, at, a, am, terrified, scared, startled, KToS khudaka, as or am, m. or n. (?), the itagara-khetam,, a miserable town.) — Kheta-pinda,
frightened. ax or am, m. or n. (?), a ball of phlegm, i. e. any-
ij it j ;khund, [cf. khulaka.~]
cl. i. A. khundate, to break thing impossible.
khid, cl. 6. P. khindati (Ved. khi-
dati), tikheda, akhaitslt, khetsyati, a N in pieces ; to limp, be lame ; cl. lo. P. Ntetaka, as, m. a village, the residence of agri-
cultural peasants, a small village ; (as, am), m. n. a
khettum, to strike, press, press down ; cl. 7. or 4. A. hhundayali, -yitum, to break in pieces.
Mdntte or khiute and khidyate, to be pressed down shield ; the club of Bala-rama (1). — Khetaka-yura,
or depressed, to suffer pain or misery, to be dUtressed, 1^t§ khuttlrya, as, m., N. of a foreign am, n., N. of a town.
to be wearied, to feel tired or exhausted : Caus. khe- astronomer. fr.Khetin,
nagara.]i, m. a lecher, a libertine ; [cf. nagara
dayati, -yitum, to press down, molest, disturb, make khud, cl. 6. P., Ved. khudati, to sport
tired or exhausted : Desid. tikhitsati,-te : Intens. de- wantonly or amorously : Intens. 3rd sing. ^fS? khe 'ta. See under 3. kha.
kMdyate,<!ekhetti; [cf. Lith. zeidziu ; Gt. (t^Sos ?].
Khidira, as, m. an ascetic, a penitent ; a pauper ; Let, fanlkhvdat; [cf. Ichurd.] wfjBfi khetika, as, m., N. of a man.
the moon ; an epithet of Indra. WHHH khunamusha, as or am, m. or n. (?),
khetita. See under rt. khit.
Kltldyamana, as, a, am, being depressed, suffer- N. of an Agra-hara.
ing pain or distress. khetitdla, as, m. a minstrel, a
Kliidra, as,.m. a poor man, a pauper; disease, X3T khur, cl. 6. P. khurati, Bukhara, kho- family bard or piper, whose business is to awaken the
sickness ; (am), n., Ved. a press ; (Say.) an instru- O x ritum, to cut, cut up, break in pieces ; to master of the house with music and singing ; [cf.
ment for splitting or dividing. scratch ; [cf. kshur.] vaitalika.]
Kliidi'im, a, art, a, Ved. pressing upon, oppressing. Kt khura, as, m. (said to be fr. the last),
Khinna, as, a, am, depressed, distressed, suffering '\eat;'[cf.
TO"? khe<), cl.khet.]
10. P. khedayati, -yitum, to
pain or uneasiness ; wearied, exhausted. a hoof, a horse's hoof, &c. ; a sort of perfume, com-
Kheda, as, m. lassitude, depression ; exhaustion ; monly called Nakhi, apparently a dried shell-fish
pain; poverty; sorrow, affliction, distress; (a), f., shaped like a hoof [cf. kuladala] : a razor ; the foot Wfkkeija, am, n. grass (?), in gandhakheda;
Ved. a hammer, mallet or similar implement be- of a bedstead [cf. kshura~\. — Khura-kshepa, as, [cf. khata and khcta.]
m. a kick with a hoof, kicking. — K/tura-nas, as, wfirllc? klinlitula, as, m. a minstrel, a
am, distressed, longing to Indra.pained.
— Khedanvita (°da-an°), as, a, as, as, or khura-na-m, as, a, am, having a nose
Kfadana, am, n. lassitude, exhaustion, pain, sor- like a horse's hoof, flat-nosed. — Khura-padavi, f. family bard or piper, £cc., = khetitdla.
row, affliction, poverty, distress. a horse's foot-marks. — Khuraghata (°ra-agh°) or ^ kheda. See under rt. khid.
Kltcilayitiirya, as, a, am, to be depressed, to be khurabhighdta (°ra-abh°), as, m. a kick, kicking
made distressed. (as of a horse). khedi, ayas, m. pi., Ved. rays(?).
Khcdita, as, a, am, disturbed, annoyed, harassed ; as, m., N. of a plant,=«»7a; a kind
afflicted, distressed, pained. of Khuraka,
dance. khe-paribhrama. See under 3.
Kheditavyn, as, a, am, to be depressed or cast
down, to be troubled. 1JTJI khurapra, as, m. an arrow with a kha.
^nr»li'& khemakarna, as, m. (for kshema-
l\ln din, i, V/ii, i, tiring, fatiguing, disturbing; semicircular head ; (a wrong form for ksluirapra.)
(in!), f. a creeper, a creeping plant, Marsilea Quadri- ^T?tf khurali, f. military exercise, prac- karna?), man. under rt. khan, p. 273.
N. of a See
tising archery, &c. ; [cf. khalurika] ^JTl kheya.
folia (at'ana-parnl).
Mfji khel, cl. I. P. khelati,&cc., to shake, khydpayati, -yitum, to make known, promulgate, air, wmA. — Gaganagra (°na-ag°), am, n. the
\ move to and fro, swing ; to tremble : proclaim ; to relate, tell, say, declare, betray, de- highest heavens, the summit or highest part of
nounce ;to make well known or renowned, to praise : heaven. — Gaganangand (°na-a>t°), f., N. of a
Caus. khdnyati, -yitum, to cause to move to and
fro, to swing, shake. Desid. t^ikhydsati, -te : Intens. I'akhyayate, <?dkh- metre, containing four lines of twenty-five syllabic
Khela, as, a, am, moving, shaking, trembling, ydti and (dkhyeti; [cf. Lat. in-quum, Sec.] instants each. — Gaganddkraga (°nu-adh ), a*, m.
swinging; (as), m., N. ofa man; (a), f. sport, play. Khydta, as, a, am, known, named, called, deno- the sun ; a planet ; a celestial spirit. — Gagandmbu
nominated : told : well known, celebrated, notorious, (°na-am°), u, n. rain-water. — Gagane-fara, as, d,
— Khela-gati, is, is, i, or khela-gamana, as, a,
am, having a stately walk. — Khela-gdmin, i, irii, i, famous. — Khydta-garhana or khydta-garhita, as, am. going in the air ; (as), m. a bird ; a planet ;
stately going. a, am. having a bad name or evil report; notoriously aMars.
lunar mansion; a heavenly spirit; [cf. gagana-
Jthelana, am, n. shaking; quivering motion (of vile, infamous.
c"aro.] — Gaganohnuka (°na-uP), as, m. the planet
the eyts); play, pastime, sport; (I), (. a piece or Kliydtavya, as, a, am, to be styled or called or
man at drafts, chess, &c. denominated ; to be told ; to be celebrated.
Khyati, is, f. the^ being well known, renown,
^Tn^T gagana. See gagana above.
Kheldya, nom. P. kheldyati, -yitum, to play,
sport. fame, glory, celebrity ; a name, denomination, title ; ffa39h, cl. i. P.gayghati, to laugh,
Kheli, is, f. play, sport ; an animal ; a bird ; the fame personified as a daughter of Daksha or as a laugh at or deride ; [cf. leakh.}
sun ; an arrow ; a song, a hymn. daughter of Kardama and wife of Bhrigu ; the means
of individual fruition, or the faculty of discriminating *1'»J gagnu, a various reading for vagnn,
Orjf; khehtda, as or am, m. or n. (?), a objects by appropriate designations and the like,
particular high number ; [cf. kalahu.] opinion, knowledge; (if), m., N. of a son of the ' speech.' , f. (said to be fr. rt. gam, to go),
khev, cl. i. A. khevate, to serve, fourth Manu. — Khydti-kara or khydti-janaka, as,
a, am, causing renown, glorious. — Khydti-ghna, as, the river Ganges ; the Ganges personified and con-
wait upon ; [cf. kev and see.'] I, am, destroying reputation, disgraceful. ~Khydtir sidered as the eldest daughter of Himavat and Mena,
khe-saya. See under 3. kha. bodha, as, m. sense of honour. « Khydti-mat, an, and wife of S'antanu and mother of Bhlshma. or as
all, at, renowned. one of the wives of Dharma ; there is also a Gan-ga
ts«^khesara,as, m. amule; (awrongform
for vesara ?). Kliyapaka, as, a, am, (at the end of a compound) in the sky (dlcd^'a-gangd) and one under the earth ;
making known, one who tells or declares, declaring ; N. of the wife of Nfla-kantha and mother of San-kara;
Tj khai, cl. i. P. khayati, (akhau, khdtum, one who confesses ; indicative. (as), m., N. of a son of Narayana, who was the
to make firm, be firm or steady ; to strike, Kf/ydpana, am, n. declaring, divulging ; saying, author of a commentary on the Vrihad-aranyakopa-
injure, hurt, kill; to dig; to mourn, to sorrow. avowing; confessing, public confession (of sinsj; nishad ; he is also called Dviveda-gan-ga. — Gaitga-
making renowned, celebrating. datta, as, m. (the final d being shortened), N. of a
44H44I khaimakha, f., Ved., N. of a frog ;
KJtydpya, as, a, am, to be told or related. king of the frogs. — Ganga-ddsa, as, m., N. of a son
[cf. khayvakhd.] of Poviya, called Jnanananda, author ofa commentary
%frf* khailika, as, i, am (fr. khila), sup- on the poem Khanda-prasasti. — Ganga-lcshetra, am,
plementary, additional, added afterwards. n. the sacred district of the Gan-ga, i. e. the river
Ganges and two Krosas on either of its banks ; all
«sljjM? khongaha, as,m. awhite and brown dying within such limits go to heaven, whatever
1 1. go., the third consonant of the alpha-
horse; [cf. khungdha.] their crimes. — Gangd-^ampu, us, f. title of a work.
bet, the soft guttural having the sound of g in give.
M\J khot, cl. i. P. khotati, to limp, to •- Ga-kdra, as, m. the letter or sound ga. — Gangd-filli, f. the black-headed gull, Larus Ridi-
bundus ; (ft. gangd and filli, a kite, considered by
X be lame or lamed ; cl. 10. P. kho'ayati, *T 2. ga, as, a, am (fr. rt. gam) at the end the Hindus as a species of that bird, the Gangetic
-yitum, to throw ; [cf. khod, khor, khol, kehot.] of compounds, who or what goes, going, moving
Khotana, am, n. limping. kite.)— Gairgd-ja, as, m. the son of Gan-ga, an
(e.g. ydna-ga, going in a carriage; antarllctha- epithet of Bhlshma ; and also of the deity Karttikeya.
wf<s khoti, is, f. a cunning or scheming ga, moving through the air; glghra-ga, going — Ganga-jala, am. n. the water of the Ganges,
woman ; (also read khori.) quickly ; kama-ga, going where one lists ; anyastn- the holy water by which it is customary to administer
ga, one who goes to another's wife) , staying, being, oaths. — Gangdteya, as, i, am, going in the Ganges ;
J^Vz^ khoti, f. the gum olibanum tree,
abiding in (e. g. paridama-ga, abiding in or keeping (as), m. a shrimp or prawn : also galdvila. — Gangd-
Boswellia Thurifera ; [cf. pdlanki.] the fifth place) ; relating to or standing in connection tlra, am, n. the bank of the Ganges. — Gangd-
with anything ; [cf. a-ga, agra-ga, agre-ga, &c."l tirtha, am, n., N. of a Tirtha. — Ganga-ddsa, as,
Jd^ld khod, cl. i. P. khodati, to limp; to
\ be or become lame ; cl. IO. P. khodayati, T 3. ga, as, i, am (fr. rt. gai) at the end m., N. of the author of the Chando-manjarl and of
•yitum, to throw or cast. of compounds, singing [cf. (hando-ga and sdma-ga] ; the Acyuta-farita ; N. of a copyist who lived about
Khoda, as, a, am, limping, lame. (as), m. a Gandharva or celestial musician ; (d), f. a 1542 ; N. of the author of the work Chando-govinda.
^T3*3tTs khodakasirsha or khodakaslr- song ; (am), n. song, singing. — Gangdditya (°gd-dd°), as, m. a form of the
sun. — Gangd-di-dra, am, n. ' the door of the Gan-
shaka, am, n. the arched roof of a house, the coping *T 4. ga, as, m. an epithet of the deity ges.' the place where the Ganges enters the plains ;
of a wall Sec. ; [cf. kapi-itrshu and kraya-firsha^] Ganela ; [cf. the other letters of the alphabet, each of also called Haridvar. — Gaitgddvdra-mdhdtmya,
khor, cl. I . P. khorati, to limp, to which is supposed to denote a deity.]
am, n. title ofa part of the bkanda-Purana. — Gangd-
be lame ; [cf. khot, khod, khol.] *T 5- 9a' (used in works on prosody as an dhara, as, m. ' Ganges-receiver, "Ganges-supporter,"
Khora, as, a, am, limping, lame. abbreviation of the word guru to denote) a long the ocean ; an epithet of S'iva, (according to the legend,
the Ganges in its descent from heaven first alighted
Wl/vV khol, cl. i. P. kholati, to limp, to syllable. on the head of Siva and continued for a long period
1 * \ be lame. *T'i*u gagana, am, n. (often spelt gag ana ;
entangled in his hair) ; N. of a man ; N. of a lexi-
Khola, as, a, am, limping, lame; (am), n. a perhaps fr. ga-gana, 'containing troops of moving cographerN.
; of a commentator on the Sarlraka-
helmet ; [cf. Gr. x«&4f .] — Khola-iiras, as, as, as, beings?' said to be for gamana fr. rt. gam, to go), sutias ; N. of a commentator on Bhaskara. — Gaitgd-
furnished with a helmet or armour for the head. the atmosphere, air ; the sky, heaven, the firmament ; dhara-pura, am. n., N. of a town. — Gangddhara-
Kfittlaka, as, m. a helmet, armour for the head ; antalc. •- Gagana-kumma, am, n., see gagana-push- bhaffa. as, m., N. of a scholiast — Gaitgddhara-
ant-hill ; a pot, a saucepan ; the shell of a betel-nut.
pa. — Gagana-ganja, as, m.. N. of a Bodhi-sattva. md/Jhava, as, m., N. of the father of Dadabhai.
Kholi, is, f. a quiver. — Gagana-gati, is, is, i, moving in the air, an — Gangddkara-rasa, as, m. term for a particular
inhabitant of the sky. — Gagana-fara, as, m. moving prescription in medicine. — Gfingd-ndgardja, as, m.,
kfiolka, &c. See under 3. kha. in the air, a bird ; [cf. gagai\e-(ara.\ — Gagana- N. of a Niga. — Gangd-ndtka, as, m., N. of the
khoshya or (according to a various dhraja, as, m. the sun ; a cloud. — Gagana^pitshpa, founder of a sect. — Gangd-pattri, f , N. ofa plant,
am, n. a flower in the sky, i. e. any unreal or fanciful = pattri, su-gandhd, gmulhapattrika. — Ganga-
reading) khdshya, as or am, m. or n. (?), N. of a
place. thing, an impossibility; [cf. kha-punhpa.] — Ga- pdra, am, n. the opposite bank of the Ganges.
gana-prfya, as, m., N. of a Danava. — Gagana- — Gangd-putra, as, m. son of Gan-gS ; an epithet of
khya, cl. 2. P. and in the non-con- murd/ian, d, m., N. ofa Danava. — Gayana-vihd- Bhlshma ; a man of a mixed and vile caste, employed
jugalional tenses P. A. khydti, fakhyau, rin, i, ini, i, moving or sporting in the sky; (*), to remove dead bodies ; a Brahman who conducts pil-
fakhye, khyaxyati, -te, akhyat, dkhyata, khyd- m a heavenly luminary ; the sun ; a celestial being grims to the Ganges, especially at Benares — Gartgd-
tum, (the original meaning of this root seems to have or divinity. — Gagana-sad, t, t, t, abiding in the air ; bhrit. t, m. an epithet of Siva ; [cf. yanga-dhara.]
been 'to perceive, look. view, see,' and it has this (t), m. an inhabitant of the air, a celestial being. — Ganga-madhya, am, n. the bed or stream of
sense in the Veda when combined with prepositions ; — Gagana-stJia or gagana-fthita, as, d, am, situ- the Ganges. •- Ganf/d-mdhdtinya. am. n. a poem
the simple verb occurs only in Pass, and Caus.): or any composition in praise of the Ganges. — Gan-
ated or be.ng in the sky. — Gagana-s; an' ana, as,
Pass, khydyate, to be known, be named: Caus. m. touching the sky ; N. of one of the eight -Maruts ;
gdmbu (°gd-am"), M, n. or gangdmbhai (?ga-am°),
278 >\i\A gadola.
as, n. pure rain-water, such as falls ID the month dvlpa. — Gaja-pddapa, as, m. the plant Bignonia \ (°ja-as°), I, m. or gajasuhrid (°ja-as°), t, m. the
Asvina ; Ganges-water. — Gangd-yamune, du. f. the enemy of the Asura Gaja, an epithet of Siva. — Ga-
Suaveolens, = sthal'i. — Gaja-pippali, f. a plant bear-
Ganges and Yamuna rivers. — Ganga-yitra, f. pil- ing a seed which resembles pepper, Scindapsus Offici- jdsya (°ja-ds"), as, m. ' elephant-faced,' an epithet
grimage to the Ganges ; carrying a sick person to nalis; [cf. kari-pippati, &c.\~Guja-puii;'/<icii, of Ganesa; [cf. gaja-vadana and gajdnana.]
the river side to die there. — (lain/a-rama, at, m., as, m. a large and excellent elephant. — Gaja-puta, — Gajdhvu (°ja-dh°), am, n. a N. of Hastina-pura
N. of the father of Jaya-rJma and uncle of RSma- as, m. a small hole in the ground for a fire, over [cf. gaja-pura] ; (d), (. another N. of the plant
candra. — Gamjd-laliitri, (. title of a work ('the which to prepare food, medical decoctions, extracts, Gaja-pippali. — G.ija/irnya (°ja-dh°), am, n.=
wave of the Ganges'). — Gattgdeatarana-dampii- &c. — Gaja-pura, am, n. the town called after the gaja-purti ; (as), m. pi. the inhabitants of Hastina-
prabandka, title of a poem by San-kara-dlkshita. elephant ; another N. of Histina-puia ; [cf. i/njn- pura.— Gajekshana ("ja-ik"), as, m., N. of a Da-
— Gaitga-rakyavaK (°ya-dv°), (. title of a work on sdhvaya, gajahvaya, tiraifa-uSmayo-\ — Gaja- nava. —Gajendra (°ja-in"), as, m. a chief among
jurisprudence. — (ltiinf(l-r<j*iit, i, itit, i, dwelling on pushpi, f., N. of a flower. — Gaja-priyd, f. the gum elephants, a large and noble elephant; Indra's ele-
the Ganges — Gangi-mna, am. n. the Ganges and olibanum tree, Boswellia Serrata. — Gaja-bandhanl, phant. —Gajenilra-karna, as, m. an epithet of
am, f. n. a post to which an elephant is bound. S\va. — G(ijcii(lr<!-n(it/i<i, as, m. a very princely
the Sfone. — Gnitgadi 'uka ("go-ash'), am, n. eight
verses addressed to Gai>g5. — Gangd-sdgara, as, — Giiju-blinkfhnkii, as, m. the sacred fig tree, Ficus elephant. — Gajendra-mokthana, am, a. title of a
m. the mouth of the Ganges where it enters the section of the VSmana-Purana ; also said to be the
Religiosa, (the young branches of this tree being the
ocean. — Ga>fgd-su,ta, as, m son of Gai>g5, epithet elephants' favourite iood.) — (lnja-bhiit'shd or gaja- title of a part of the Maha-bharata. — Giijenilra-
of the deity Karttikeya ; also of Bhishma. — Gattgd- bhakshyd, f. the gum olibanum tree ; [cf. gaja- rikrama, as, d, am, having the valour of an excel-
etuti, is, f or gangd-stotra, am, n. the praise of lent elephant. — Gajesh/5 (°ja-inh°}, f. the plant
[>riijd.~}—Gaja-bhujangama, au, m. du. an elephant Bitatas Paniculata, = viddri. — Gajodara (°ja-ud°),
the Ganges. — Gangd-sndna, am, n. bathing in the and a serpent. — Gaja-mandana, am, n. the orna-
Ganges. — Gangd-Jirada, 09, m., N. of a TTrtha. ments with which an elephant is decorated, especially as, m., N. of a Danava. — Gajos/utnd (°ja-uth°),
the coloured lines on his head. — Gaja-mandalikd, {., N. of the plant Gaja-pippall.
— Gange-'la (°ga-is"a), as, m., N. of the author of
the Tattva-dint Jmaui. — Gangetmra (°gd-lf), ax, (. a ring or circle of elephants surrounding a car Sec.
•• Gaja-malla. as, m., N. of a son of Karpura and
JTnt^l gajanav't = ^_J»i\.C.
m., N. of an author. — Gangodaka (°gd-ud°), am,
n. Ganges-water. — Gangodbheda (°gd-ud°), as, m. father of Kalyana-malla. — Gaja-matala, as, m. a J I Jfcl gafij, cl. i.P.gaiijuti, Sec., to sound,
the source of the Ganges, a sacred place of pilgrimage. lion ; [cf. kari-ma&ila.] — Gaja-mdtra, as, I, am, \ give out a particular sound.
Gangalca or gangdkd or gartgikd, f. the Ganges. as tall as an elephant. — Gaja-muktd, f. or gaja-
Gangin, i, m., N. of a N5ga. mauktika, am, n. pearl supposed to be found in the Tf^ ganja, as, am, m. n. = *\*, a
Ganyl-bhuta, as, d, am, become (as sacred as) projections (Kumbha) on the forehead of an elephant. treasury, a jewel room, the place where plate &c.
the Ganges. is preserved ; (as, d, am), m. f. n. a mine, a jewel
— Gaja-mukha, as, m. * elephant-faced, ' an epithet
mine ; (as), m. a cowhouse or station of cowherds ;
^rat gattha, as, m. (rt. gam), a tree ; the of Ganesa. — Gaja-motana, as, m. a lion; also a mart, a place where grain &c. is stored for sale ;
period (number of terms) of a progression; (as), m. gaja-mofana(>). — Gaja-ydna-'v{d. t, t, t, expert
disrespect, contempt; to), f. a tavern, a drinking-
pi., N. of a people ; (a various reading for kaMka and in managing an elephant. — Gaja-yutha, as, m. a vessel (especially one for intoxicating liquors) ; a hut,
herd of elephants. — Gaja-yodhin, I, inl, i, fighting
kakfJia) ', [cf. a-ga, naga, a-gadt'ha.] on an elephant. — Gaja-rdja, ox, m. a noble ele- a hovel, the abode of low people ; (? wrong reading
Ga6that, an, antt, at, going, &c.
phant. —Gaja-vat, an, ati, at, furnished with ele- for G-iuijd) the plant Gunja or Retti, Abrus Preca-
gaj, cl. I. P. gajatiyjagaja, gajitum,
to sound, roar ; to be drunk, to be confused phants. —Gaja-vadana, as, m. ' elephant-faced,' an torius ; [cf. gagana-ganja and dharma-ganja.]
epithet of GaneSa. — Gaja.-va.ra. as, m. the choicest Ganjana, as, d, am, contemning, conquering,
or inebriated ; cl. 10. P. gajayati, -yitum, to sound, or best of elephants. — Gaja-vallabhd, f. the gum
roar. olibanum tree ; another plant, = giri-kadali. — Gaja-
Go/a, as, m. an elephant, one of the eight ele- vilasitd, (. a sort of metre. — Gaja-vlthi, is, f. ' the treasury Ganjavara, as, m. a treasurer, = (.^J_J'; a royal
(?). J<-
phants ofthe quarters ( — dig-gaja), and thus a sym- course of the elephant,' or that division of the moon's
bolical term for the number 8 ; a measure of length, course in the heavens which contains the signs Robin!, Gaajikd, f. a tavern.
the Gaz, a yard, a measure of two cubits, = i| or a Mriga-siras, and Ardra, or (according to others) the 'lWir<*«fl ganjiikini, f. anything made of
Hastas ; a place prepared for the building of a house ; signs Punar-vasu, Tishya, and AsleshS. — Gaja-vraja, hemp (?) ; perhaps griiijdkini (?).
a mound of earth sloping on both sides, on which a as, d, am, walking like an elephant ; (am), n. the
house may be erected ; a small hole in the ground pace of an elephant ; a troop of elephants. — Gaja- j i J gad, cl. i. P. gadati,jagdda, gaditum,
for a fire, over which to prepare food or medicines ; dikshd, f. the knowledge or science of elephants, x to distil or drop, to run as a liquid ; cl. 10.
N. of an attendant on the sun ; also of an Asura elephant-lore. — Gaja-$iras, as, m., N. of a Danava. P. gadayati, -yitum, to cover, hide.
— Gaja-firtha, as, m., N. of a Naga. — Gaja- Gada, as, m. a kind of rish, the young of the
conquered by Siva ; (i), f. a female elephant. — Gaja-
Teanda, as, m. a large esculent root, a sort of arum, sdhvaya, am, n. a famous city, Hastina-pura, the Ophiocephalus Lata ; another species, Cyprinus Garra ;
a kind of gold-fish ; a screen, a covering, a fence ;
= luisti-kanda. — Gaja-karna, as, m. ' elephant- capital of the Kurus ; [cf. gaja-pura.] — Gaja- a moat, a ditch ; an impediment, an obstacle ; a
ear,' N. of a Yaksha. — Gaja-kurmds'in (°ma-df), skandha, as, m. * having shoulders like an elephant,' country, part of Malwa, Garha or Gara Mandala.
i, m. one who devours an elephant and a tortoise, N. of a Danava. — Gaja-sthdna, as or am, m. or
an epithet of Garuda, the bird and vehicle of Vishnu, n. (?), N. of a place. — Gaja-sndna, am, n. vain or — Gada-des'a-ja, am, n. or gada-lavatia, am, a.
(in allusion to his swallowing both those animals whilst unproductive efforts, efforts which resemble the ab- rock or fossil salt, especially that found in the district
engaged in a contest with each other.) — Gaja-gati, lution of elephants, which after squirting water over of Samvara ( = gada) in the province of Ajmere.
is, f. a stately gait like that of an elephant. — Gaja- their bodies, end by throwing dust and rubbish. — Ga- — Gadottka (°da-ut°), am, n. a kind of salt, = the
gdmint, f. a woman of a stately elephant-like walk. jdkhya (°ja-dkli°), as, m. the plant Cassia Alata or preceding.
— Gaja-Mrbkatd, f. a kind of cucumber, Cucumis Ma- Tota^dakra-marda. — Gajdgrani (°ja-ag°), ts, Gadaka, as, m. a kind of fish, ^gada.
deraspatanus, = indra-vdruni. — Gaja-dirbhita, <w, m. the most excellent among the elephants, an epi- ISMfl gadayanta, as, m. or gadayitnu,
m. the plant Cucumis Maderaspatanus ; (a), f. another thet of Airavata, the elephant of Indra. — (lajdjiva
us, m. [cf. gardayitnu], a cloud; [cf. gad and
kind of gourd, = mahendra-vdruni. — Gaja-tthdya, (°ja-dj°), as, m. an elephant-keeper or driver, (ori-
f. a portion of time proper for a Sraddha (as long as ginal one
y' who gets his livelihood by elephants.') gadera.}
the shadow of an elephant rests on the spot chosen "Gajanda (°ja-an"\ am, n. a kind of carrot Tis gadi, is, m. a young steer ; a lazy ox.
for a ceremony?). — Gaja-dhakkd, f. a kettle-drum (pinda-mula). — Gajddana, a various reading for
carried on an elephant. — Gaja-ta, f. a multitude of gujafana, q. v. — Gajddt-ndmd (°ja-dd'), (., N. TT| gadu, «s, m. an excrescence on the
elephants. — Gaja-turanga-vilaxita, am, n., N. of neck, goitre or bronchocele ; a hump on the back ;
of a p\mt,=gaja-pip/all. — Gajddhipati Q'a- a hump-backed or crooked man ; a javelin, a spear ;
a metre ; [cf. rishabha-gaja-mlasita.]-'Gaja-tva, aflh°), ts. m. the prince of elephants, a noble ele- an earth-worm ; a water-pot ; any superfluous ex-
am, n. the state of an elephant. — Gaja-daghna, as, phant. —Gajadhyakelui (°j:t-<tdh°), as, m. the mas- crescence or continuation or addition (as to a poem).
t, am, as high or tall as an elephant. — Gaja-danta, ter or superintendent of the elephants. •• Gajdnana
— Gadu-lmiilha, as,d, am, having a goitre. — Gadu-
HI, m. an elephant's tusk ; ivory ; a bracket or pin (°ja-dn°), as, m. ' elephant-faced,' a N. of GaneSa.
projecting from a wall ; an epithet of Ganesa, (this — (!<ijapasada (°ja-ap°), as, m. a common or low- s'ints, as, as, as, having an excrescence on the head.
Gaduka, as, m. a water-pot ; a finger-ring; N. of
deity being represented wiih an elephant's head.) born elephant. -• Gajdyur-veda (°ja-dyr), as, m. a
— Gajadanta-phala, f. a kind of pumpkin, = </«»- work on the treatment of elephants. — Gujdri (°ja- a man ; (as), m. pi. the descendants of this man.
ffari. — Gajadanta-maya, as, i, am, made of ivory. ari\ is, m. a lion (the enemy of elephants) ; a par- Gmlura, as, d, am, hump-backed, crooked, bent.
— Gaja-ddna, am, n. the liquor exuding from an ticular tree. — Gajdrudha ("ja-dr"), as, d, am, riding Gailula, us, i, am, hump-backed, crooked.
elephant's temples. — Gujadrayata, as, I, am, as on an elephant. — Gajdroha (°ja-dr°), as, m. an ele- T[Tf. gadcra, as, m. a cloud; [cf. gada-
high as an elephant. — Gaja-ndsa, f. the trunk of
phant-diiver. "Gajdiliina (°ja-af), as, m. the reli-
an elephant. — Giija-pali, in, m. the lord or keeper gious figtree, = advatl/ia ; (d), f. the gum olibanum
of elephants ; a large stately elephant ; a title given tree, Boswellia Serrata; hemp (Cannabis Saliva, = yanta.}
TTto gadola, as, m. (said to he fr. rt. gad),
to kings; N. of an old king in the south of Jambu- bluinga) ; the root of a lotus. — Gajasura-dveshin
raw sugar ; a mouthful.
flFTd ganitamrita-sagarl.
gadddrika, f., N. of a river with god Ganesa. — Gana-ndyaka, as, m. the leader or protuberant belly, frequently riding on a rat or
attended by one, and to denote his sagacity has the
a very strong current, of which the source and course chief of the attendants of any god ; the chief of Siva's
attendants, i. e. the god Ganesa ; the head of an head of an elephant, which however has only one tusk.
are unknown ; or (according to others) a single ewe assemblage; (ikd), I. an epithet of the deity Durga. The appellation Ganesa, with other similar com-
going in front of a flock of sheeep. •• Gana-pa, as, m. = gatiesa. — Gana-pati, is, m. pounds, alludes to his office as chief of the various
HT5!? gaMuka or gadduka, as, m. a kind the leader or chief of a class or troop or assemblage, classes of subordinate gods, who are regarded as
an epithet of Brihaspati or Indra or Siva ; the god Siva's attendants. He is said to have wriiten down
of water-jar, a golden vase ; [cf. gadu and gaduka.] Ganesa ; N. of a king ; N. of a scholiast on the the Maha-bharata as dictated by VySsa) ; N. of Siva;
C'.iura-paiicasik5 ; N. of a poet. — Ganapati- of a renowned astronomer of the sixteenth century ;
j nj| i/an, cl. 10. P. ganayati, -yitum, kfuaida, a$, am, m. n. title of a section of the N. of a son of Ramadeva, author of a commen-
\ajaganat or ajiganat. to count, number, Biahnuvaivarta-Purana. — Gattapati-ndtha, as, tary on the Nalodaya ; N. of a son of VisVanatha-
enumerate, sum up, add up, reckon, calculate, com- m., N. of a mzn. — Ganapati-pujana, am, n. the dikshita and grandson of Bhavarama-krishna. author
pute, take into account ; collect into one series ; to worship of Ganesa. — Ganapati-bhatta, as, m.,
esteem, think worth, value at (with inst., e. g. na N. of the father of GovindSnanda. — Ganapati- of the commentary called Cic'-c'andrika. — Gaiiesa-
kumblia, as, m., N. of a rocky cave in Oiissa.
ganaydmi tarn trinena, I do not value him at a stava~rdj(t, as, m. title of a hymn in praise of — Ganeta-ku&uma, as, m. a kind of oleander with
straw); to consider, regard as, enumerate among Ganesa. — Ganapati-stotra, am, n. prayers ad- red flowers. — Ganes'a-kkaiida, as, am, m. n. the
(with loc.) ; to ascribe, attribute to (with loc.) ; to dressed to Ganesz.^Ganapaty-drddhana, am, third book of the Brahmavaivarta-Purana ; title of a
attend to, take notice of; (with a negative panicle), n. a hymn in honour of Ganesa, attributed to book of the Skanda-Puiana. — Ganefa-ptirdna, am,
not to care about, leave unnoticed (e. g. na ganayati Kan-kola. — Gana-parvata, as, m. the mountain n. title of an Upa-Purana. — Ganesa-pujd, f. the
mrityum, he does not care for death). frequented by troops (of demi-gods, i. e. Kailasa, worship of Gmeii. — Ganes'a-bhujattga-praydta-
Gana, at, m. a flock, troop, multitude, number, this mountain being the residence of Siva's attendants Ktotra, am, n. a hymn in praise of Ganesa, attributed
tribe, series, class, &c. (of animate or inanimate as well as of the Kinnaras and Yakshas, attendants to San-karac'Srya. — Ganetla-bhuehana, am, n. red
beings), a body of followers or attendants ; troops or of Kuvera). — Gana-pdtha, as, m. a collection of the lead. — Ganefa-mura, as, m., N. of a copyist of
classes of inferior deities (see gaiia-devotd), especially Ganas or series of words (in grammar) which fall the last century. — Ganeia-saliasranaman, a, n. a
certain troops of demi-gods considered as !?iva's under the same grammatical rule. •- Gana-pithaka, part of the Ganesa-Purana. — Ganeda-ntava-rdja,
attendants and under the special superintendence of am, n. the breast or bosom. — Gana-puttgava or as or am, m. or n. (?), a part of the Bhavishya-
the god Ganesa (so called fr. gana-ida, ' lord of the gana-pramukha, an, m. the head of a tribe or Purana. — Ganefa-stuti, is, f. a hymn in honour of
troops,' but the word gana may also denote a single class ; also yana-pujya. — Gaiia-purva, as, d, am, Ganesa by Raghava. — Ganeddfla (°wrt-i^°), as, m.
attendant of Sival ; a N. of Ganesa ; a company, any one who can enumerate a series of ancestors. — Gana-
assemblage, society, or association of men formed for bhartri, td, m. lord of ihe troops of deities or demi- the god Ganesa. — Ganes'vara (°na-i/>), as, m. the
chief of a troop, leader of a band &c. ; N. of a
the attainment of the same aims ; (with Jainas) the gods, epithet of Siva. — Gatia-bhojana, am, n. being mentioned in the Hari-varj^a ; the chief of the
nine assemblies of Rishis under the Arhat Vlra ; a eating in common. — Gana-mukhya, as, m. the
animals, i.e. the lion. — Ganotsdha (°na-ut°), as,
sect in philosophy or religion; a small body of chief of an assemblage. — Gana-yajila, as, m. a rite
m. the rhinoceros ('avoiding a^semb'ages?').
troops, = 3 Gulmas or 27 chariots and as many common to all; |cf. gana-karm/iu.] — Gana-ydga, Ganaka, as, ikd, am, bought for a large sum ;
elephants, 81 horses, and 135 foot; a series or as, m. worship of the troops or classes of deities.
(o«), m. one who reckons, an arithmetician ; an
group of asterisms or lunar mansions classed under — Gaiia-ratna-kdra, as, m. the author of the
astrologer, a calculator of nativities &c. ; an assem-
three heads (that of the gods, that of men, and Pearls of Ganas, i.e.Vardhamana. — Gana-ratna-ma- blage of eight stars ; (i), f. the wife of an astrologer.
that of the Rikshasas or demons); (in arithmetic) hadadhi, is, m. ' the great ocean in which the Ganas Ganatitha,as,i,am,(orm\ngatroop or assemblage.
a number ; (in metre) a foot or four instants ; (in form the pearls,' title of a collection of grammatical
Ganana, am, d, n. f. reckoning, counting, calcula-
grammar) a series of roots or words belonging to Ganas by Vardhamana. — Gana-rajya, am, n., N. of
the same rule and called after the first word of the an empire in Dakshinapatha — • Gana-rdtra, as, am, tion ;adding, collecting under one head ; enumerat-
ing; considering, supposing, believing; regarding,
series (e. g. ad-ddi, the Gana ad Sec. or the whole m. n. a series or multitude of nights. — Gana-rupa, taking notice of, consideration. — Ganand-r/ati, is,
series of roots of the 2nd class; gargddi, the Gana as, m., N. of a plant, swallow-wort, Calotropis
(. a particular high number, = gatia-gati. — Ganana-
garga &c. or the series of words commencing with Gigantea,= arka. — Gana-rupaka, as, m. = ra-
pati, is, m. an arithmetician ; the master of prudent
garga) ; a kind of perfume, commonly Cor (tjana- jdrka. — Gana-rup'm, I, m. swallow-wort, the white
hdxaka, 6aura, dunda) ; N. of an author ; [cf. sort. — Gana-rat, an, all, at, consisting of a series calculation, an epithet of Ganesa. — Ganand-mahd-
mdtra, as, m. a minister of finance.
ahar-yana, deva-gana, Sec.] — Gana-karman, a, or class &c.; followed by attendants ; (ti), f., N. of
n. a rile common to a whole class ; [cf. gana-yajna.~\
the mother of Divodasa or Dhanvamari —Gana- or Ganamya,
reckoned, toas,be a,classed
am, ;calculable,
numerable.to be counted
— Gana-kdra, as, m. a classifier, one who arranges vati-suta, as, m., N. of a sage and physician, also Gani, is, m. one who is familiar with the sacred
into classes, one who collects grammatical Ganas ; an called Divodasa or Dhanvantari or Kasiraja. — Gnna- writings and the auxiliary sciences ; (is), f. counting,
epithet of Bhima-sena. — Gana-kdri, is, m., N. of mitta, am, n. a kind of metre measured by me- enumerating — Gani-pitaka, am, n. the twelve
a man. — Gana-kumdra, as, m., N. of the founder trical feet. — Gana-vydkhydna, am, n. ' explanation sacred writings of the Jainas collectively.
of a sect worshipping Haridra-ganapati. — Gana-kri- of the Ganas,' title of a literary work. — Gana-
tvas, ind. for a whole series of times, for a number »'os, ind. by troops or classes. — Gana-fri, is, Ganikd, f. a harlot, a courtezan ; a female ele-
phant ;N. of several plants, a sort of jasmine, Jasmi-
of times. — Gana-gati, <«, f. a particular high Is, i, Ved. associated in troops, associating. — Gana- num Auriculatum ; another plant, .ffischynomene
number ; [cf. ganand-gati.] — Gana-fakraka, am, hdsa or gana-ltasaka, as, m. a species of perfume, Sesban, = ta/i-ar!,- another plant, commonly called
n. a dinner eaten in common by a party of virtuous = tandd Sec. — Gaitdgram (°na-aga), is, m. a Ganikarika ; counting, enumerating ; apprehension.
men. — Gana-ifhanda, as, n. a metre measured by N. of the god Ganesa, leader of the troops of Ganikdrika, (., N. of a small tree with a very
feet. — Gana-td, f. or gnna-tva, am, n. the forming deities. — Gandtala (°na-ad°), as, m., a N. of the fetid leaf, commonly Ganiyari, or also VadaganiySn,
a class or multitude or assemblage, the belonging to mountain Kailasa as the residence of the Ganas or the wood of which is used in attrition for the purpose
a party or faction ; a cabal ; collusion ; classification ; troops of demi-gods. — Gandddrya (°na-d<!°), as, m.
arithmetic; the office of an attendant of Siva. the teacher of a multitude, a teacher of the people. of producing flame, Premna Spinosa ; [cf. the last.]
Ganikdn, f. a plant similar to the preceding,
— Gana-ddsa, as, m., N. of a dancing-master. — Ganddhipa (°na-adti°), as, m. a N. of Siva; commonly called Ganiyari.
— Gana-tliksfid, f. initiation of a number or class ; also of the god Ganesa ; the chief of a troop of
performance of rites for a number of persons ; initia- soldiers, of a class of disciples, of a body of men or Ganita, as, d, am, numbered, counted, reckoned,
calculated; (am), n. reckoning, calculating, the
tion of a particular kind in which Ganesa is especially animals; (with Jainas) the chief of an assemblage of
science of computation (comprising arithmetic, alge-
worshipped. — Gana-dikMn, I, Ini, i, one who Rishis under the Arhat Vira — Ganddhipati (°na~
officiates for a number of persons or for various adh ), is, m. a N. of Siva ; also of the god Ganesa. bra, and geometry, severally called pdli-ganitam
castes and people (as a priest) ; one who has been or ryakta-ganitam, vlja-ganitam, and rekha-
— Gandnna (°Ha-a»°), am, n. a mess, food pre- gapitam); the astronomical or astrological part of
initiated into the worship of Ganesa. — Gana-dera, pared tor a number of persons in common. — Gand- a Jyotih-sastra, with exception of the portion treating
as, m., N. of a poet. — Gaiia-devatd, as, f. pi. bliyantara (Jna-abh ), as, d, am, one of a troop of nativities ; the sum of a progression, a sum in
troops of deities, deities who generally appear in or number; (as), m. a member of any religious
classes, as the Adityas, Visvas, Vasus, Tushitas, association. — Ganendra (~na-in°), as, m., N. of a general. — Ganita-kaumiuli, f. title of a com-
Abhasvaras, Anilas, Maharajikas, Sadhyas, and Ru- Buddha. — Ganefa (°«a-i»'aj, as, m. a N of the god mentary on the Lilavatl. — Ganita-tattva-fintd-
dras. -• Gana-dravya, am, n. public property, com- of wisdom and of obstacles, son of Siva and Parvati, mani, is, m.ta.title
Silrya-Siddhan of a commentary
— Ganita-mala on orBhaskara's
ti, (. ganita-
mon stock; a variety of articles. — Gana-dmpa, (or, according to one legend, of Paivatl alone. Though sdra, as, m. titles of two mathematical works.
«.«, m. a group of islands or the N. of a particular Ganesa causes obstacles he also removes them ; — Ganita-idstra, am, n. the book or science of
island (1). — Gana-d/iara, OK, m. the head of a class hence he is invoked at the commencement of all
undertakings and at the opening of all compositions computation; see above. — Gunitddhyaya (fta-
or number, the teacher of a school ; (with Jainas) '' adh ), as, m. title of a chapter in the Brahma-
the head of an assemblage of Rishis under the Arhat with the words namo Ganeddya vighnes'varaya,
Siddhanta. — Ganitdmrita-sdgarl (°«a-om°), f. title
Vira. - Gana-ndtha, an, m. an epithet of Siva ; the i Sec. He is represented as a short fat man, with a of a commentary on the Lilavatl.
280 J| fill rial ganitavya.
Ganttarya, as, a, am, to be counted or num- Gaiidari, is, m. the plant Bauhinia Variegata,= thrown by Jarisandha rested). — Gada-hasta, at,
bered, to be calculated. kuviddra.
d, am, armed with a mace, mace-handed.
Gaijitin, I, iiu, !, one who has made a calculation. Gandali, (. a bent grass with white blossoms, a (Itttlita, as, d, am, spoken, said, related; (am),
white sort of Dflrva (slid diirrd), Agrostis Linearis ; n. speaking, speech. — Gadita-vat, an, atl, at,
Ganiu, I, m. a teacher (• having a class of pupils'). having spoken, speaking.
Gaiil-bhutu, as, a, am, included in any class or also N. of two other plants, = gantla-diirvd, sar-
troop, calculated. Gttdin, i, ini, i, armed with a club, a mace-
(In IK! i, /.<, m. the trunk of a tree from the root to
pdkshi. bearer ; (i), m. an epithet of Krishna. — Gadi-finha,
<;<ineya, as, d, am, numerable, calculable, what Hi', in., N. ot a grammarian.
may be reckoned or counted. the beginning of the branches ; goitre or bronchocele.
Undgada, as, d, am, stammering, stuttering;
Gaijdikd, f. anything advanced beyond the first
(luneru, us, m. the plant Pterospermum Aceri- stage or commencement ; a kind of beverage (in this (am;, n. stammering; indistinct or convulsive utter-
folium [cf. kannkdra] ; (tie), f. a harlot, a whore ; ance, as sobbing &c. — Gadgada-tm, am, n. stam-
a female elephant. sense also gandikdkdra!); a declivity (?). This
last sense appears probable in some names of places mering — Hiutijniln-illii'n n i, />, m. low inarticulate
Giuiertikd, f. a bawd, a procuress, a female servant. expression of joy or gnet.— <iiiiii/nil<i-/i(ida,am, n.
Ganexa. See under gana, p. 279. (e. g. in aiHirii-gaiidika, purra-purrdnuganilikd, inarticulate speech — Gadgada-vat!, k, f. inarticulate
Sec.), hence anugandlkd may be the country border- or convulsive speech, interrupted by sobbing &c.
Ganya, as, a, am, calculable, to be counted or ing on a declivity. •
calculated ; (at the end of compounds) belonging to — Gadgada-svara, as, m. indistinct or stammering
Gandinl, f. an epithet of Durgl. utterance; (lit, d, am), uttering stammering sounds;
a multitude or class or troop &c.
Gaiidlra, as, m. a kind of pot-herb, described as
j i iij ffnnrf(probably fr.ffantfa.the cheek), (as), m. a bufTalo ; N. of a Bodhi-sattva.
growing in watery ground, but according to some a Huili/adita. as, d, am, stammered.
'^ ' scl. V. P. gaadati (?), to affect the cheek, species of cucumber ; a hero, a champion [cf ganda\\ liinlijadya, nom. P. gadgadyati, to stammer.
be rough as the cheek (?). (I), f. the plant Tithymalus Antiquorum, = «oAw»irfay Gadya, as, d, am, to be spoken or uttered ;
Ganda, as, m. the cheek, the whole side of the [cf. gindira.] (am), n. prose, composition not metrical yet framed
lace including the temple ; an elephant's cheek or Gandu, us, us, m. f. a pillow [cf. gandopadhdna] ; in accordance with harmony, elaborate prose com-
temple; a bubble, a boil, a pimple; a goitre and (ti, us), f. a joint ; a knot ; a bone ; oil. — Gaiidu-
other excrescences of the neck ; a joint, a bone ; the
pada, as, m a kind of worm, an earth-worm ; (i), JlfJITJ gadaya, nom. A., Ved. gadayate,
bladder ; a mark, spot ; part of a horse's trappings, f. a small or female worm. — Gandupada-bhava, position.
a stud or button fixed as an ornament upon the
am, n. lead. -yitum, to become lazy or idle ; [cf. gadi."]
harness ; a rhinoceros [cf. gandaka and gandanga] ;
Gandula, as, d, am, bent, crooked ; [cf gadala."] (judyunaka or gadyanaka or ga-
a hero [cf. gandlra] ; the abrupt interchange of
Gandusha, as, d, m. f. a mouthful, a handful ; a <lyalu/;a, am, n. a weight, = 32 Gunjis or berries
question and answer, as one of the characteristics of handful of water, water &c. held in the hollowed palm of the plant Abrus Precatorius, or = 64 such Gunjas
the dramatic composition, called Vlthi ; the tenth of the hand for rincing the mouth &c.; filling the with physicians.
Yoga or one of the twenty-seven portions of a circle
on the plane of the ecliptic [cf. yoga] ; an astro- mouth, rincing it, &c. ; the tip of an elephant's
trunk; (as), m., N. of a son of S'ttra and brother Tnj gadh, cl. 4. P. gadhyati, to be
nomical period ; a pledge, deposit (?). In composi- of Vasu-deva. X mixed.
tion ganda may imply chief, best, excellent [cf. Gadhya, as, d, am, Ved. to be seized, to be
Gondola, as, am, m. n. raw sugar [cf. gadola gained as booty.
ganda-grdma and ganda-murkha] ; (a), f., N. of
the female attendant of the seven sages ; [cf. yadu, and gnda] ; (as), m. a mouthful [cf. gandushd].
J I •dm gantavya, &c. See under rt. gam.
gandi, gandu, &c.] — Ganda-kandu, ue, m., N. *HPl ijanya. See under rt. gan.
of a Yaksha. — Ganda-kdri, (., N. of two plants ; if't^'*! yandika, f., N. of a place.
t, gata, &c. See rt. gam, p. 282.
[cf. khadiri and vard/ta-krdnta.] — Ganda-kali, f.,
N. of a plant; (cf. khadiri.' — Ganda-Jcusuma, j i j gad, cl. i. P. gadati, jagada, gadish- JTJM gandh, cl. 10. A. gandhayate, -yi-
Ntwm, to injure, .hurt, kill; to move, to
am, n. the juire that exudes from the elephant's <> yati, agddit or agadit. gaditum, to speak go ; to ask or beg ; [cf. gandhana and gandhaya ;
temples during rut. — Ganda-kupa, an, m. the peak articulately, speak, say, relate, tell anything to a person cf. also Lith. gandinu.J
or summit of a mountain. •~Gunda-giitra, am, n. (with two ace.) ; to enumerate ; to name, call ; cl.
the fruit of the Anona Reticulata or Squamosa, com- 10. P. gadayati, -yitum, to thunder: Caus. gdda- fy gandha as, m. (said to be fr. rt.
monly called Ata or custard apple. — Ganda-grama, yati, -yitum : Desid. jigadishati, to intend or wish
to speak or tell : Intens. jdgadyate, jdgatti ; [cf. gandh^i,
are smell, viz.
enumerated, odour, (sometimes nine
ishta,aniihta, or ten katu,
madliura, kinds
as, m. any large or considerable village. — Ganda-
durvd, f. a kind of DOrva grass. — Ganda-de3a Lith. gadijos, zadas, sodis, giedmi; Pol. gadai;
Hib. gadh,.] nirhdrin, samhata, snigdha, ruksha, vifada,
or ganda-prades'a, as, m. the region of the cheek, amla); a fragrant substance, fragrance, scent, (in
the cheek. — Ganda-plialaka, am, n. the cheek Gada, as, m. speaking, speech ; a sentence ; N. comp. = fragrant, see gandhdmbu Sec.), a per-
fancifully regarded as a seed-vessel. — Ganda-bhitti, of a son of Vasu-deva and younger brother of fume; sulphur [cf. gandhaka]; pounded sandal-
it, f. a dimple in the cheek; the openings in the Krishna ; disease, sickness ; (am), n. poison ; [cf. wood ; myrrh [cf. bala\ ; the tree Hyperanthera
temples of an elephant, from which a juice exudes in Moringa; the mere smell of anything, a small
the time of rut. — Ganda-mdld, f. or according to a-gada."] — Gada-sinha, as, m., N. of an author.
— Gaddkhya (°da-dkh°), am, n., N. of a plant, quantity, a little ; connection, relationship ; a neigh-
some also ganda-mala, as, m. inflammation of the = kiuihfha. — Gaddgada (°da-ag°), au, m du. the
glands of the neck &c. — Ganda-malikd, (. a kind two AsVins, physicians of Svarga. — Gaddgraja bour; Curcuma
the plant pride, arrogance; an epithet
Amhaldi of S"iva
or Zcrumbet ; (d),
; the plantf.
of Mimosa (laj}dlu).—Ganda-mdlin, i, ini, i, (°da-ag°), as, m. the elder brother of Gada, epithet Desmodium Gangeticum, = idla-parm ; the bud
having the glands of the neck inflamed. — Ganda- of Krishna — Gaddgrani (cda-ag°), is, m. the of the plant Michelia Champaca; N. of a metre
murk/ia, as, m. exceedingly foolish, Very stupid. chief of all diseases, consumption. — Gaddmbara consisting of four lines with 17+18+17+ 18 sylla-
— < ':nnda-jvyuha, ax, m. title of a Buddhist Sutra (°(/a-awc), as, m. a cloud. — Gaddrdti (dn-ur ), bles; (ami, n smell; black aloe- wood. — Gandha-
woik. — Ganda-ilild, f. any large rock. — Ganda- is, m. a drug, a medicament (' the enemy of kandaka, as. m. the plant Scirpus Kysoor, = kaiteru.
faila, as, m. a huge rock or rocky fragment thrown diseases'). — Gadahva or gaddhvaya fda-dh°), — Gandha-kdrikd, f. a female servant whose busi-
down by an earthquake, storm, &c. ; the forehead. am, n. a kind of Costus, Costus Speciosus. ness is,to prepare perfumes ; a female artisan living
— Ganda-sdhvayd, f., N. of a river, = gandoK (t). Gadayitnu, us, us, u. loquacious, talkative, talking in the house of another woman. — Gandhft-kdlikd
— Ganda-ethala, am. i, n. f. the cheek ; the tem- much or idly ; libidinous, desirous, lustful ; (ut)j m. or gandha-kali, f., N. of the mother of the poet
ples of an elephant. — Ganddnga (°da-an°), as, m. a bow ; a N. of KSma or Kandarpa, the god of love. VyS»a; N. of au Apsaras. — Ganil/ta-kdshltia,
a rhinoceros ; | cf. gam/a and gandakfi.\ — Gando- Gadd, f. a mace, club, bludgeon ; the plant Bignonia
am, n. a fragrant wood, as sandal, aloe-wood, &c.;
padhdna (°da-up ), am, n. a pillow. Suaveolens ; a particular constellation . — Gadagruj >«n ! a species of sandal-wood (iSambara-dandana).
<inndaka, as, m. a rhinoceros [cf. ganda and Cdd-aff), is, is, i, having a mace in the right hand. — Gandlia-kntl. f. a kind of perfume, commonly
gandaitga above] ; an obstacle or impediment ; dis- — Giitla-illmra, as, d, am, bearing a club; (as),
junction, separation ; a mode of reckoning by fours, m an epithet of Krishna [cf. kuumodaki]; N. of a Mura; [cf. ija>idha-kuti.~\—Gtin<llia-/,-iixumii. f. a
a peculiar manner of counting ; a coin of the value of physician ; N. of the author of the work Vishaya- kind of plant', = ganikdri. — G<md/<«-kii/i, (. the hall
four cowries ; a kind of science, astrological science vifJSra ; N. of the father of Mukunda-priya and uncle of fragrances; (perhaps (organ(Ui<i-kuti.) — (iandha-
or a part of it ; a mark, spot ; a kind of melre con- of R5m5nanda &c — Giulddhara-bhaf/a, as, m., N. kclikd, f. musk ; (cf. gandha-StUka.' — Gandha-
hiki/d, f. a kind of ferfume. — Gnnd/ia-kheda,
taining four lines of twenty syllables each ; an epithet of an author — Gadd-parvan, a, n. title of a book
of the Videhas living on the river GandakI ; an of the Maha-bharata. — (!<idd-bhrit, t, t, t, a club- am, n. a kind of fragrant grass. Andropogon Schce-
nanthus; also gandha-khednka ; [cf. gandha-
epithet of Kala, the brother of Prasena-jit; (I), {., bearer, one who fights with a mace ; an epithet of trina. ' —Gandlia-ifa, ae. d, am, taking a scent,
N. of the river GandakI in the northern part of Krishna. — Gadd-yudiiltn, am, n. a fight with clubs
India; (a), f. a lump, a ball. — Gandaka-vaK, f. smelling ; redolent. — Gandha-gaja, as, m. ' scent-
another N. of the river Gandjki. or bludgeons. — Gaddyadha (°dd-dy }, as, d, um, elephant,' an elephant of the best kind ; [cf. gamllia-
armed with a club. — (laddvasdna (°dd-av ), am, ,lrii>it. \-Gandlia-guna, as, d, am, having the
Gandalin, "i, m. an epithet of Siva. n., N. of a place near Mathura (where the mace property of odour. — Gandha-yhrdna, am, n. the
gandha-lelika. 3T*nf gandharva..
smelling of any odour. — Gandha-feUkd, {. musk. division between 115-vrita and Bhadrasva or to the as, a, am, rich in odour, fragrant ; (as), m. the
— GandliM-jatild. (. the plant Acorus Calamus ; [cf. east of Meru, renowned for its fragrant forests ; an orange tree; (a), f., N. of several plants, = gandha-
uac'a.J — Gandha-jala, am, n. fragrant water. epithet of Ravana, chief of the Rakshasas ; N. of a pattrd; yellow jasmine, = svarua-yiithi ; other
— Gandha-jdta, am, n. the leaf of the Laurus monkey, an attendant of Siva; (5), f. spirituous plants, = tarunt, drdma-fitald, gandlidll; (am),
Cassia. — Gandha-jAd, f. the nose. — Gandha- liquor; a parasitical plant (vandaka), a kind of n. sandal-wood ; a kind of perfume ( =javadi).
tandula, as, m. fragrant rice. — Gandha-tiirya, perlume, = fida ; (am), n. the forest on the moun- — Gandltddhika (°dha-adh°), am, n. a kind of
am, n. a musical instrument, one of a loud sound tain Gandha-madana. — Gandha-mddin, I, inl, i, perfume, = tritia-kimkuma. — Gandlidpakarshana
used in battle (a drum or trumpet). — Gand ha- strong-scented, of intoxicating fragrance ; (inl), ( lac ; (°dha-ap ), am, u. removing smells. — Gandhdmbu
triiia, am, n. fragrant grass, Andropogon Schce- a sort of perfume [cf. pura] ; wine or spirituous (°dlia-am"), u, n. fragrant water. — Gandltdmld
nanthus. -• Gandlta-taila, am, n. a kind of oil pre- liquor; [cf. the preceding.] — Gandha-marjdra, as, (°dAa-am°), f. the wild lemon tree. — Gandhdld
pared with fragrant substances. — Gand/ia-tvad, k, m. the civet cA. — Gundha-mdlatl, (. a kind of (Ldha-dla = alayai), f., N.ofa plant, commonly
f. a kind of perlume. the fragrant bark of the tree perfume. — Grmrlha-iniilhu, f. a kind of perfume, jiyatl, Celtis Orientalis. — Gandhd-Jundinl = gan-
Feronia Elephan.um (elandlu,ka). — Gandha-dald, =-murd.--G(i}tfUia-iii(Jli/a, e, n. du. fragrances and dha-dundini. — Gandhdisman (°dha-as'°), a, m.
f., N. of a plant, = aja-modd. — Gandha-ddru, u, garlands ; (ani), n. pi. fragrances and garlands ; sulphur. — Gandhdshtaka (°dha-ash°), am, n. a
n. 3i\oe-wood. — Gandh(i-drarya, am, n. a fragrant fragrant garlands. •-• Gand.hff-munda, an, m. a kind mixture of eight fragrant substances varying according
of creeper, Hibiscus Populneoides, = gandha-Widn/fa to the deities to whom they are offered (e. g. the
substance. — Gandha-dvipa, as, m. an elephant of
the best class, very much feared by other elephants eight articles, sandal, agallochum, camphor, saffron,
or gardabhdiida. — Ga'ndha-mula, as, m. a plant
(supposed to emit a peculiar smell). — Ganrlha- valerian, and some fragrant glasses). — Gandhdhva
with a fragrant and tuberous root, one of the Scita-
dhdriti, i, inl, i, bearing fragrances; (»), m. an minea, Alpinia Galanga, = kulanj ana ; (a), f. the (°dlta-dh°), f. = gandha-ndmnl. — Gandhendriya
epithet of Siva: [cf. gandha-pdlin.]--Gandha- plant Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet [cf. s"ati] ', the Cdha-4n°), am, n. the organ ot smell. — Gandheblm
olibanum tree, = fallaki ; (i), f. the plant Curcuma (°dha-ibha),as, m.'the ' scent-elephant;' [ct.yandlia-
d/itlma-ja, as, m. a kind of perfume ; [cf. svddu.~] Amhaldi or Zerumbet. — Gandha-mfdaka, as, m.
— Gandha-dhiiti, is, (. musk, the fragrant secretion
of the musk deer. — Gandha-nakula, as, m. the the plant Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet ; (ika), (°dfia-ottt), us, m. the civet c»t. — Gandhotkatd
musk rat of Bengal, Sorex Moschatus. — Gandha- f. the same plant ; another plant, = mdkandl. (°dha-vt°), (., N. of a plant, = damanaka. — Gan-
ndktili, f., N. of a plant, possibly Ophioxylon — Gandha-mushika, as, m. or gandha-mmlil, f. dhottamd (°dha-ut°), f. spirituous or vinous liquor.
Serpeminum. — Gandha-ndman, a, m. a fragrant the musk rat or shrew, Sorex Moschatus. -• Gandha- "Gandhoda t^dha-uda), am, n. fragrant water.
kind of basil with red flowers; also gandha-ndmnl, mriga, as, m. the civet cat ; the name may also be — Gandhopajivin (°dha-up' ), i, inl, i, one who
applied to the musk deer. — Gandha-maithuna, lives by perfumes, a seller of perfumes, a perfumer.
{. ; [cf. gandhdhi)d.~] — Gandha-ndlihd or gandka- Gandhaka, as, m. sulphur; the Motunga tree,
ndll, f. the nose — Gandha-nilayd, {. a kind of as, m. a bull. — Gandha-mojavdha, as, m., N. of
jasmine, J Zambac Floribus Multiplicatis ; [cf. nava- a son of Svaphalka, (incorrect for gandha-mdda.) Hypeianthera Moringa, = Jobltdnjana.
— Gandha-modana, as, m. sulphur. — Gandha- Gandhakiya, as, a, am, relating to sulphur,
mullikd.'l — Gaiidhanis'd, f., N. of a plant, = mohinl, (. the bud of the plant Michelia Campaca. treating of it.
gandka-pattrd. — Gandha-pa, as, a, am, ' in-
— Gandha-yukti, in, f. the blending of fragrant Gamlhaya, nom. P. gandhayati, -yitum, to
haling the odour,' epithet of a class of manes. make redolent or odoriferous.
— Gandha-pattra, as, m. several plants with fra- substances, preparation of perfumes ; title of the
grant leaves ; a white sort of basil, Ocimum Gratissi- seventy-sixth AdhySya of Varahamihira's Brihaj-ja- Gandhdlw, us, as, u, fragrant, perfumed.
muin, = tveta-pdnd ; the plant J*£gle Marmelos, taka. -• Gandha-ynti, is, f. mixture of fragrant sub- Gandhi, is, is, i, (at the end of compounds)
= vilva; the orange tree; (a), f. a kind of Cur- stances. —Gandha-raaa, as, m. myrrh. — Gandha- having the smell of, smelling of, perfumed with ;
cuma; (i), f., N. of several plants, =ambashtha, having only the smell of, containing only a very
raiangaka (Va-a»°), as, m. turpentine, = sri-
as"va-gandha, aja^modd — Gandha-pattrikd, f., veshla. — Gattdha-rdja, as, m. a kind of jasmine, small quantity ; (i), n. a kind of perfume.
N. of two plants, = gandha-pattrd and qjo-modd. = mudgara; another plant, = kana-guggu!u; (J), Gandhika,as, d,am, having the smell of, smelling
— Gamlha-parna, am, n., N. of a plant, = kdka- f. a sort of perfume, commonly Nakh! ; (am), n. of [cf. aja-gandhika, avi-g", utpala-g°] ; having
ptishpa — Gandhft-paldittkd, f. turmeric ; [cf. hart* sandal-wood ; a kind of perfume ; a kind of white only the smell, having a very little of anything
drd] — Gandha-pald^t, {. the plant Curcuma Am- flower. — Gandha-lolupa, f. a fly or gnat. — Gandha- ( e. g. bhrdtri-gandhika, being brother only by
haldi or Zerumbet, = dati. — Gandha-pdlin, I, inl, i'at, an, ati, at, smelling, endowed with fragrance ; name) ; (as), m. a seller of perfumes ; sulphur.
it preserving fragrances ; (I), m. an epithet of Siva. scented, odoriferous; (tl), f. the earth (because it Gandhin, i, inl, i, having a smell, smelling,
— Gandha-pdshdna, as, m. sulphur. — Gandha- possesses the quality of smell) ; a kind of jasmine [cf. odoriferous ; (i), m. a bug ; also the flying bug ; the
piitgaid, f., N. of a woman. •- Gandha-pis'ddikd, nava-mullikd] ; wine or vinous liquor; a kind tree Xanthophyilum Virens; (nl), f. a kind of per-
f. the smoke of burned fragrant resin, imp-like, from of perfume, = murd ; an epithet of the mother of fume, = murd. — Gandhi-parna, as, m., N. of a
its dark colour or cloudy nature. •- Gandha-^pltd, Vyasa, also called Satya-vatI ; N. of a city belonging plant, = sapta-ddhada.
{. a plant, = gandka-pattrd, a species of Zedoary. to Varuna; N. of a river. — Gandha-vadhu, us, *1«*i«t gandhana, am, n. continued effort,
— Gdndha-'iushpa, am, n a fragrant flower ; flowers !. the plant Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet ; a kind
perseverance; hurting, injury, killing; manifestation,
and sandal presented together at seasons of worship ; of perfume, = tidd. — Gandha-valkala, am. n. the information, intimation, infoiming against.
(as), m. several plants with fragrant flowers, a kind cassia bark, Laurus Cassia; Sarsaparilla. — Gandha-
of cane, Calamus Rotang [cf. vetasa] ; another vallari or gandlta-valli, f., N. of a plant, = saha- gandharva or sometimes in post-
plant, Alangium Hexapetaium [cf. attkota] ', Sebes- devi. «— Gandha-vaha, as, d, am, bearing fragrances, Vedic writings gandharba, as, m. a Gandharva.
ten, Cordia Myxa, = bahu-vdra; (a), i several epithet of the winds ; (as), m. the wind ; (a), f. the Though in later times the Gandharvas are regarded
plants, viz. the Indigo plant ; Pandanus Odoratissimus nose. — Gandha-vahala, am, n. a kind of Ocimum, as a class, yet in the Rig-veda rarely more than one
[cf. ketaka] ; the plant Premna Spinosa, = gaiiikarl. =sitdrjaka.--'Gandha-vdha, as, m. the wind; a is mentioned ; he is commonly designated as the
— Gandha-putand, f. a kind of imp or goblin. deer, the musk deer; (a), f. the aose. — Gandha- ' heavenly Gandharva ' (divyo Gandharvah), and
— Gandha-pha/djjhaka, as, m a kind of Ocimum vthvala, as, m. wheat. — Gandlta-mj 'd, f. a kind of sometimes named Vis\a-vasu ; his habitation is the
with red flowers — Gandka-phala. as, m. several grass, =methika. — Gandha^)rik*haka, as, m. the sky, or the region of the air and the heavenly waters;
plants with fragrant fruits, viz. Feronia Elephantum, Sal tree, Shorea Robust*. — Gandlia-vydkala. am, his especial duty is to guard the heavenly Soma,
= kapiltha ; JEg\e Marmelos, = vilva ; another n. a perfume, a fragrant berry, = kakknli. — Gandha- which the gods obtain through his intervention. It
plant, = tejah-phala ; (a], f. several plants, =-pri- iaii, f. the tree Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet. is obtained for the human race by Indra, who
yangit, methikd, viddrl, Sallakl ; («), f., N. of a — Gandha-s'aka, am, n. a kind of vegetable. conquers the Gandharva and takes it by force. The
plant, = priyattyn ; the bud of the plant Michelia — Gandha-iali, is, m. a sweet-smelling kind of heavenly Gandharva is supposed to be a good phy-
Champaca. — Gandha-banij, k, f. a seller of per- rice. — Gandha-tundirii or gandha-s'undim, f. the sician, because the Soma is considered as the best
fumes —Gandha-bandhu, us, m. the mango tree ; musk rat or shrew. — Gandha-tfekhara, as, m. medicine ; possibly, however, the word Soma origin-
musk. — Gandfia-sdra, ax, m. sandal; a kind of ally denoted not the beverage so called, but the
[cf. dmra.~\ — Gandha-bahtda, as, m. fragrant rice ;
(a), f, N.ofa plant, gorukshl. — Gandha-bhadrd, jasmine, = mudgara. — Gandha-sarana, as, m. a moon, and the heavenly Gandharva may have been
(. a creeper, commonly G mdha-bhSdaliyS, (Pcederia kind of perfume, = vrihan-nakhl. — Gandha-sukhl the genius or tutelary deity of the moon. It is cer-
Fcetida?).— Gaudha-bhdnda, as, m. a tree, Hibis- or gandha-silyl, f. the musk shrew or small musk tain that the heavtnly Gandharva and the Soma are
cus Populneoides ; [cf. gardabh&nda.} — Gandha- Tzt. — Gitndha-soma, am, n. the white esculent sometimes identified. He is also regarded as one of
mdnsi, f a kind of Indian spikenard, Valeriana ; [cf. water-lily. — Gandlta-ltaxtin, I, m. 'the scent-ele- the genii who regulate the course of the Sun's horses ;
he knows and makes known the secrets of heaven
jald-mdnsi.'] — Gandlta-rndtri, td, f. the earth (the phant ;'[cf. gandha-dvipa^] — Gandha-harikd, f.
qualiiy of odour residing in the earth). — Gandha- a female servant who bears perfumes behind her and divine truths generally. He is the parent of the
mddii, as, m., N of a son of Svaphalka ; a'so of a mistress, a female artisan working in another person's ' first pair of human beings, Yama and YamI, and has
monkey who was an attendant of Rama. — Gandha- i a peculiar mystical power over women and a right
house ; [cf. gandha-kdrikd.~\ — Gandltakhu, (°<iha- to possess them. For this reason he is invoked in
mddana, as, I, am, intoxicating with fragrance ; dkhu), us, m. the musk rzt. — Gandltnjlva ("dha-
(as), m. a large black bee ; sulphur [cf. gandha- df), as, m.bya vender of perfumes (one who makes a I marriage ceremonies. Exstatic states of mind and
modana] ; N. of a particular mountain, forming the i possession by evil spirits are supposed to be derived
282 gandharva-khantfa. >rrl*-HM gata-kalmasha.
from the heavenly Gandharva. With Jainas he is an a fragrant grass ; the plant Curcuma Amhaldi or
attendant of the seventeenth Arhat of the present gabholika, as, m. a small round
Zerumbet ; dried ginger, = s"unthi. pillow, = masura.
AvasarpinT. The Gandharvas as a class have the same
characteristic features as the one Gandharva ; they *T>T yabha, as, m. (fr. gab]i,=gambh,-=.
jambh ), Ved. a slit, anything split asunder, cleft ; j i jj i. gam. The conjugational tenses
live in the sky, guard the Soma, are governed by v are formed in the Veda according to four
the vulva ; [cf. gabhasti, gabltlra, gambhtra.] different methods, as follows : I) According to the rule
Varuna (just as the Apsarasas are governed by Soma),
know the best medicines, regulate the course of the *T*<«rirt gubhastala, am, n., N. of a hell ; forcl. I, Pres. P. gamati; Pot. P. garnet; Impv. P.
astertsms (in one passage of the VSjasaneyi-SamhitS 1st sing, gamani, &c. 11) According to the rule for
twenty -seven being mentioned), follow after women
[cf. gabhaeti-mat.] d. 2, Pres. P. ganti; Pot. P.gamyat; Impv. P. 2nd
and are desirous or intercourse with them. As soon "WreT gabhusti, is, is, m. f. (related to sing, ga/ii, ^rd gantu ; Impf. P. 2nd and Jrd sing.
as a girl becomes marriageable, she belongs to Soma, gabha ; the original meaning may have been a fork), agan, 1st p].aganmu; Jrd pl.agman : Pres. Part.
the Gandharvas. and Agni. The wives of the Gandhar- Ved. a particular pan of a carriage, the shaft; the <imnt. Ill) According to the rule for cl. 3, 'Pres. P.
vas are the Apsarasas, and like them the Gandharvas double-edged thunderbolt of Indra(?); the fore part jnganti; Pot. P.jagamydt; Impf. ajagan. IV)
are invoked in gambling with dice ; they are also of the arm, the hand ; a ray of light, a sun-beam, a According to the rule for cl. I, with substitution of
feared as evil beings together with the Rakshasas, moon-beam, i. e. the hands of the tun or moon ; gaffh for gmn (this is the only formation used in
Kimldins, PiiSdas, &c., amulets being worn as a (is), m. the sun; (it), f. an epithet of SvihS, the classical Sanskrit), Pres. P. gaddhati; Pot. gaddhet,
wile of Agni. — Gabhasti-nemi, is, m. an epithet of Sec. (the A. is often found in epic poetry) ; Perf.
protection against them. In the S'atapatha-Brah-
mana they are called the preceptors of the Rishis. Krishna. — Gatihasti-pdni, ii, m. the sun, ' having jagama or jayama, jagantha or j<itt<imitha,ja-
In epic poetry the Gandharvas are the celestial mu- rays for hands.' — Gabhaeti-puta, at, a, am, Ved. gdma, ind du. jagmathus, 2nd pi. jagma; Perf.
sicians orheavenly singers who form the orchestra at purified with the hands. — Gaiihasti-mat, an, all, Part, jaganvas or jagmivaf, (.jugmwhl; 2nd Kut.
the banquets of the gods, and they belong together at, shining, brilliant; (an), m. the sun; N. of one gamieliyati ; ist Fut. gantd ; Aor. P. agamat,
of the nine divisions of Bharata-varsha ; (at), n. one A. agansta and again, agammahi and ayasmaht;
with the Apsarasas to Indra's heaven, sharing also in
bis battles. In the more systematic mythology the of the seven divisions of PatSla or the region below Inf. gantum,Ved. gantai-e, gantavai, gamadhyai;
Gandharvas constitute one of the classes into which the earth. — Gabhasti-Kasta, as, m. the sun ; [cf. Ind. Part, tjatvd, Ved. gaM, gatvaya; to go,
the higher creation is divided (e. g. gods, manes, gabhasti-pdni.] move, go to or towards ; to go away ; to set out ;
Gandharvas; or gods, Asuras, Gandharvas, men, &c.). to come ; to go or pass as time (e. g. kale gatVhati,
nfinnF gabhi-shak, ind. (fr. yabhi, related time going on, in the course of time) ; to go towards,
In one passage of the Taittiriya-Aranyaka eleven
classes of Gandharvas are mentioned. The chief or to gabha and taj fr. rt. tanj), Ved. deeply down, approach (with ace. or loc. or dat. or with pratf),
leader of the Gandharvas is named Citra-ratha. They far down or within ; [cf. anus/ink. \ arrive at, fall to the share of; to go against with hostile
are sometimes called the creatures of Prajapati or intentions, attack ; to approach carnally, have inter-
Brahma. With Jainas the Gandharvas constitute one »W:faiT gabhika, f., N. of a plant and its course with a woman (with ace.) ; to go to any
fruit. state or condition, to become (e. g. mitratdm
of the eight classes of the Vyantaras. The following
meanings are also given to the word gandharva — gabhlra or gambhlra, as, a, am (re- gaddhati, he goes to friendship, i.e. he becomes
a singer ; the Koil or black cuckoo ; the soul after friendly) ; to undergo, partake of, participate in,
lated to gdbha and gabhatti, * a deep cleft ;' the Rig-
death, and previous to its being born again (cor- veda generally uses gabhlra and only gambhlra at receive, obtain ; pratipam gam, to go against,
responding insome respects to the western notion the beginning of a Pada or quarter-verse ; in post-Vedic to oppose one's self to, resist a person (with gen. );
of a ghost) ; a horse ; the sun ; a sage, a pious man ; writings gambhlra is the more usual form, but jdnubhydm aranim gam, to go to the earth
a kind of deer, according to some, the mu>k deer ; gabhlra occurs occasionally even in the latest writers), wiih the knees, to kneel down; dharanlnt mur-
(?), f. GandharvT, a daughter of Su-rabhi and mother deep (opposed logddha and dlna) ; deep in sound, flhnd gam, to go to the earth with the head, to
of the race of horses ; [cf. Gr. KfWoupoj.] — Gan- deep-sounding, hollow in sound, hollow-toned (there- bow, make a bow; manasd gam for wiihout ma-
dharva-Jthanda, one of the nine divisions of BhSrata- fore enumerated in the Nighantu among the synonyms na-sd), to go with the mind, observe, perceive;
varsha. — Gandharra-grihita, at, a. am, Ved. pos- of vdd) ; profound, sagacious, grave, serious, solemn, understand, guess ; doshena or doshato gam, to
sessed bya Gandharva. •• Gandharva-graha, as, m. earnest, secret, mysterious ; dense, impervious ; not approach with an accusation, to ascribe guilt to a
the being .possessed by a Gandharva. — Gandharva- to be penetrated, not to be investigated or explored, person (ace.) : Pass, gamyate, to be gone &c., to be
nagara or gandhana-pura, am, n. the city of inscrutable, difficult to be perceived or understood ; understood, to be meant : Caus. gamayati, -yitum,
the Gandharvas, an imaginary town in the sky, pro- inexhaustible, continuous, uninterrupted (as time &c.). to cause to go or come, lead or conduct towards ; to
bably the result of the phenomenon called mirage. The deepness of a man's navel, of his voice, and of his send to (dat.) ; to bring to a place (ace.) ; to cause to
character are sometimes praised together: when a go to any condition (ace. ), cause to become ; to
— Gandharvanagardkdra (°ra-dk^), as, a, am, man is said to have a deep navel, voice and character, spend time ; to impart, grant ; to cause to understand,
resembling the city of the Gandharvas. « Gandharva-
patnl, (., Ved. the wife of a Gandharva. an Apsaras. he is said to be tri-gambhlra/i ; (as), m. (without to make clear or intelligible, explain ; to convey an
— Gantlharva-rdja, as, m. Citra-ratha, chief of the the nasal), N. of a descendant of Ayu ; (with the idea or meaning, denote ; (causal of the causal) to
Gandharvas. — Gandharvartu (°va-ritu\ us, m., nasal ), the lemon tree [cf. jambhlra and jamblra] ; cause a person (ace.) to go by means of another :
Ved. the time or season of the Gandharvas. — Gun- a lotus ; a Mantra of the Rig-veda ; ( a ), f. hiccup, Desid. P. A. jigamifhati, jigdnsate, to wish to go,
dharra-vidyd, f. the science of the Gandharvas, violent singulius ; N. of a river ; gabhlra, am, n. to be going, to strive to approach ; to wish to bring :
music, dancing. — Gandharva-vivdha, as, m. one depth ; [cf. Lith. gillybe, gelme, gyle ; gillas : Slav. Intens. jangamyate, jangamiti,Ved. janganti and
of the forms of marriage described in Manu III. 27, gltibok; gliibina.] — Gambhlra-fetas, as, as, as, ganlganti, to visit; [cf. Goth, qvam; Eng. come;
&c., viz. the form of the Gandharvas ; it is described Ved. of profound mind. — GamMi>a-(a, f. or gam- Mod. Germ, kommen; Lat. rente for guemio.]
as a marriage proceeding entirely from love or the bhlra-tva, am, n depth (of water) ; depth of sound ; (tut, t,t,l, (at the end ofacompoundj going; [cf.
mutual inclination of a youth and maiden without cere- profoundness, earnestness, sagacity. — Gambhlra-
monies and without consulting relatives, and is allow- dhvani, is, m. a deep sound, low note or tone.
Gala, as, a, am, gone, gone away, departed, departed
able between persons of the second or military class. •- Gamhhlra-nada or gabhlra-fabda, as, m. a from the world, deceased, dead ; past (as time), gone
— Gandharva-vtda, at, m. the Gandharva-veda, deep or hollow sound, thundering, roaring — Gam-
the science of music considered as a branch of the by ; disappeared ; come, come forth from, come to. ap-
bhira-nirghosha, at, m., N. of a N5ga. — Gam- proached, arrived at, being in, situated in, contained
Sima-veda. — Gandharva-hasla or gandharva- bhlra-i-edin, I. inl, i lit. deeply sagacious, restive in (with ace. or loc. or with prati and ace. or in a
haxtaka. at, m. the castor-oil tree, Palma Christi or (as an elephant). — Gambhlra-i'tdha, as, a, am, compound, e.g. sab/idm gata, come to an assembly ;
Ricinus Communis, (the leaves being compared to very penetrating. — Gambhira-vepas or gabhlra-
the foot of a deer.) vepaa, as, as, at, Ved. moved deeply or inwardly, Kdiiyakubje gata, gone to Kanya-kubja ; writ/am
prati gata, directed towards the deer ; rathti-gata,
'i*ViT gandhara, as, m. pi., N. of a people deeply excited. — Gambhira-s'ansa, as, a, am. Ved. sitting or standing in a carriage; ailya-gata,turya-
ruling secretly or in a hidden manner ; (Say.) whose
[cf. gdndhdrf] ; (t). f, N. of a VidyJ-devI ; (a various praise is inexhaustible, an epithet of Varuna. •• Gam- gita, antyfi-gata, taking the first, fourth, last place ;
sarra-gata, spread everywhere), gone to any state
reading has gdndhdrl.)
bhira-sattva-srara-ndbhi, is, is, {, having a deep or condition, fallen into iwith ace. or Ice. or in
Gandlidri, ayas, m. pi., N. of a people. character, voice, and navel. — Gambhlra-svdmin, I,
I compounds, e.g. tuliayam or kthaye gata, gone
T*VTc3T gandhall, f. a wasp ; a creeping m. the inscrutable lord ; N. of a figure representing to destruction ; dpad-gata, fallen iivo misfortune);
plant, Pcederia Fceiida, commonly gandhall or gan- NarSyana. — Gambhlrdrtha (°ra-ar°), as, m. pro- directed towards, belonging to ; relating to, referring
found sense or meaning. to, connected wiih (e. g. putra-gutati snehah, love
dha-bhdddU ; [cf. gandfuill.] - Gan'l/idll-gar-
1>ha, an. m. small cardamoms (tukahmaila). dabhlrikd, f a large drum with a deep sound; a directed towards the son; traiJijala, belonging to
gong; [cf gambhtraka.J thee) ; frequented, visited ; spread abroad, celebrated ;
JTSWlfo gandholi, is, f, the plant Curcuma Gamhhlraka, as, iki, am, lying deep; (with known, understood ; (am), n. going, motion, manner
Amha'di or Zerumbet, = tati; [cf. gandholi below.] drish'i), a particular disease of the eye, which \ of going ; the place where any one has gone : anything
Gatuiholi, f [cf. gandhall above], a wasp ; the causes the pupil to contract and the eye to sink in past or done, an event; diffusion, extmsion. cele-
plant I'cederia F«etida( = bhadrd), Cyperus Rotuqdus, its socket; (iki), {., N. of a river. brationmanner.
; — Gata-kalmasha, as, d, am, freed

gala-ltala. gaya-&lrsha.
from crime. — Gata-kdla, as, m. past time. — Gata- flying of arrows; param gatim gam, to go the passable, attainable, what may be gone to or reached ;
kirtti, in, is,i, deprived of reputation. — Gata-klama, last way, i. e. to die ; daiva-gati, the course of intelligible, to be understood, what ought to be fol-
ax, a, am, rested, refreshed. — Gata-Mana. as, a, fate, fate, fortune ; kdin/asya gntih, the progress or lowed, tobe practised or observed ; relaiing to going
am, deprived of sense or consciousness, senseless, course of a poem); coming, arriving at, obtaining; &c (e. g. gurustri-gamaniya, relating to intercourse
void of understanding, fainted away. — Gat t-<*etas, path, way, course ; the course of the asterisms ; (in with the wife of a teacher, or consisting in it, as a sin).
as, at, as, bereft of sense. — Gata-jvara, as, a, am, astron.) a certain division of the moon's path and Gamuyat, an, anti, at, causing or making to go.
free from fever or sickness, convalescent, recovered. the position of a planet in it ; the diurnal motion Gamayitavya, as, d, am, to be made to go,
to be spent.
— Gata-'oyada, as, a, am, cloudless, cleared up, of a planet in its oibit ; issue, event ; course of events,
hii. — Gata-trapa, as. a, am, free from fear or fortune ; an issue, a running wound or sore ; place of Gamayitri,
leading to. td, tri, tri, causing to arrive at,
shame, bold. — Gata-dina, am, n. or gata-divasa, issue, origin, reason ; event, possibility, an expedient,
as, m. the past day, yesterday; (am\ ind. means ; a means of success, way, or art, method of Gamita, as, d, am, caused to go, sent, brought,
yesterday. — Gata-ndsika, as, a, am, noseless. acting, stratagem ; refuge, resource ; remedy ; the reduced, driven to.
— Gata-nidhana, am. n.. N. of a SSman. — Gata- position (of a child at birth); state, condition, situa- Gamin, i, ini, i, intending to go ; (i), m. a pas-
pdpa, as, a, am, freed from sin or guilt. — Gala- tion, proportion, mode of existence, nature ; a happy senger.
punya, as, a, am. devoid of holiness or religious issue, happiness (e. g. an'iltamd gatih, the incom- Gamiihtha, as, d, am. most ready to go, most
meih. — Gata-pratydgata, as, a, am, gone away parable course, the attainment of eternal bliss), trans- willing to come ; (a superlative fr. gantri.)
and returned ; come baric again after having migration, metempsychosis, the course or migration
of the soul through several bodies, the condition of Gamya, as, d, am, to be gone, to be gone to,
gone away. -• Gata~prahha, an, d, am, bereft approachable, accessible, passable, attainable; accessible
of splendor, dim, faded. — Gata-prdiia, as, d, am, a person undergoing this migration ; manner ; know- to men (at a woman), fit for cohabitation; a man
lifeless, expired, dead. — Gata-prdya, as, a, am, ledge, wisdom; (in gram.) a term for prepositions
and some other adverbial prefixes (such as alam Sec.) with whom a woman may have intercourse, libidi-
almost gone or vanished. «— Gata-bhartnkd, f. a
widow. — Gata-bla, is, is, i, free from fear. — Gata- when immediately connected with the tenses of a nous, a voluptuary; easily brought under the influ-
ence of a drug or medicine, curable by it ; to be
mdya, as, d, am, without deceit, reformed, without verb or with verbal derivatives (see karma-prava-
<?<m7yat ; a particular high number ; (gati personified perceived or understood, intelligible, perceptible ; in-
compassion. — Gata-rasa, as, d, am, anything which tended, meant ; desirable, suitable fit. — Gamya-td,
has lost its flavour or sap, dried, withered. — Gata- is a daughter of Deva-huti and wife of Pulaha.) — Gati-
tdlin, I, m., N. of an attendant of Skanda. — Gati- f. or gantya-tva, am, n. accessibility, perceptibility,
ratri, is, f. the past night, last night. — Gata-laltsh- the being intended or meant) being capable of at-
mlka, as, d, am, unfortunate, suffering losses ; [cf. bhanga, as, m, stoppage, impediment to progress. tainment.
gata-.'irlka^] — Gata-vat, an, ati, at. going, passing, — Gati-mat, an, ati, at, possessed of motion, in
motion, moving ; having issues or sores ; connected Gamyamdna, as, d, am, being gone or gone to,
obtaining, falling into, feeling, entertaining. — Gata-
vayaska, as, d, am, advanced in life. — Gata-var- being understood.
with a preposition &c. ; [cf. gati] — Gati-s'akti,
sha, as. am, m. n. the past year. — Gata-mtta or is, f. the power of motion. — Gali-hina, as, d, am, '111(3 ga-matra, as or am, m. or n. (?), a
gata-nbhava, as, a, am, bereft of wealth, beggared, forlorn, without resource or refuge. — Gaty-anusdra, particular number.
impoverished. — Gata-vaira, as, d, am, at peace as, m. following the way of another. — Gaty-una, as,
with, reconciled. — Gata-vyatha, as, d, am, free d, am, impassable, difficult of access, desert, helpless. j |U gamb, cl. i. P. gambati, -bitum, to
from pain, unanxious. — Gata-iai 'ava, as, d, am, GatiTea, am, n. going, motion ; course ; condition ; N go or move.
past infancy, above eight years of age. — Gata-tri, ts, refuge, asylum. t 'I*M«1 gambhan, a, n., Ved., or gambhara,
u, i, Ved. one who has obtained foriune. — Gata- Gatild, f. the not being different from one another, am, n., Ved. depth (as of water); water; [cf. gah-
i!ril:a,aJt,d,am, forsaken by fortune ; unlucky. — Gata- mutual agreement (?) ; N. of a river. man and gabhira.]
sankalpa, as, d, am, bereft of sense, foolish. — Gata- Gatlka, as, d, am, passable ; a-gatika, impassable.
xaitga, as, d, am, free from attachment, detached Gatvan. See purva-gatvan. *V**JH3 gambhari or gambharika, f. the
from, dissevered ; adverse or indifferent to — Gata- tree Gmelina Arborea ; also the flower, fruit, and
Gatvara, as, d, am, going, moving, movable, loco- root of this tree.
sattva, as, d, am, annihilated, lifeless, dead ; base. motive, perishable.
— Gata-sanfleha, as, d, am, free from doubt. Gatvd, ind. having gone, having gone to or attained 'l«*fK gambhira and its compounds. See
— Gnta-sannaka, as, m. an elephant out of rut. Gantavya, as, d, am, to be gone, to be gone to under gabhira.
— Gata-sddhvam, as, d, am, afraid. — Gata-sau- or attained ; to be accomplished (as a way) ; to be
hrida, as, d, am, bereft of friends ; unkind, un- approached, to be requested ; to be undergone. *ni gaya, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. gam or
feeling, indifferent. — Gatdksha (°ta-ak°), ax, a. am, Gantit, us, m., Ved. a way, a course ; a traveller, gai), a house, household, family, goods and chattels,
a way-farer. the contents of a house, property, wealth, a species of
sightless, blind. — Gatdgata (~ta-dg°),
and coming, going to and fro, reiterated motion in am, n. going ox, the Gayal or Bos Garxui ; N. of a Rishi. son of
Gantu-kdma, as, d, am, wishing to go, on the
general ; the flight of a bird backward and forward ; point of departure, about to die. Plati ; also of a Rajarshi. performer of a celebrated
(in astron.1 irregular course of the asterisms. — Gatd- Gantri, td. tri, tri, who or what goes or moves, sacrifice, (he was conquered by MSndhStri) ; a son of
going, coming, approaching, arriving at (with ace. or Amflrta-rajas ; also of Ayus : also of a Manu ; also
gati (*ta-dg ), is, f. going back to the place whence of Havirdhana and Dh.sLana (Havirdhani) ; also of
one came. — Gatadhi (°t'i-ddlii), is, is, i, free from loc.); going to a woman, having intercourse with
anxiety, happy. — Gatddhvan ("ta-adh"), a, d, a, one ; (£ri\ f. a cart or car drawn by oxen. — Gantri- t)ru and Agneyl; of Vitatha; of Sudyumna; of
one who has accomplished a journey, familiar with ratha, as, m. a car drawn by oxen ; [cf. mo/Aa.] Nakta and Druti ; N. of the people living round
anything (loc. ), conversant; (a), f., scil. paurna- 2. gam (occurring only in gen. and abl. gmas), Ved. GayS and the district inhabited by them ; N. of an
mdsi, the time immediately preceding new moon, the earth ; [cf klham : cf. also Gr. yfi ; Zend zem ; Asura, who like the Rajarshi Gaya is connected with
when a small streak of the moon is still visible. Lith zemie; Slav, zemlje; Russ. zemlu.] the town GayS ; one of the monkey followers of
Gama, as, d, am. (at the end of a comp.) going Rama; N. of a mountain near Gay J; (as), m. pi., Ved.
— Gatanugata (°ta-an° }, am, n. the following what
precedes, following custom. — Gatdnugatika, as, i, (e. g. aran-gama, kdma-gama, kha-gama, Sec , the vital airs ; (a), f. Gay5, the ci.y in BehSr still so
am, following what precedes, following custom or q v.) ; (as), m. going, moving ; march, especially called and a place of pilgrimage, the residence of the
the conduct of others, imitating, imitative, doing as the marcji of an assailant ; intercourse with a woman ; saint of the same name; it was sanctified by the
benediction of Vishnu as a tribute to the piety of
others do. — Gatdnta (^ta-an0^, as, d, am, one a road ; flightiness, superficiality, thoughtlessness ;
whose end has arrived. — Gataydta (°ta-dy°)fam, acting inconsiderately, looking at anything hastily or Gaya, the RSjaishi, or (according to another legend)
to Gaya, the Asura, who was overwhelmed here
n. coming and going — Gatdyus (°ta-dy°), us, us, superficially ; a game played with dice and men, as
us, one whose vital power has vanished, decayed, backgammon &c. ; a similar reading in two textsf?), with roiks by the gods ; the S'raddha should be per-
decrepid, infirm, very old ; dead. — Gatdrtavd hastv or careless perusal, running over a book(?). formed once at least in the life of every Hindu to his
(°ta-dr°), f. a woman past her courses or past child- — Gamakdri-tva,am,n inconsiderateness, rashness. progenitors at Gay5 ; N. of a river ; [cf. datt-gaya
Gamaka, as, ikd, am, leading to conviction and buddha-gayd.] — Gaya-ddsa, as, m., N. of a
bearing ; a barren woman. — Gatdrtha (°ta-ar"\ as,
d, am, = artha-gata, unmeaning, nonsensical ; poor, (e.g. Jietu,. a convincing reason). — Gamaka-tva, physician. — Gaya-iSdta, as, m., N. of a Buddhist
void of an object. — GatdWca Cta-aV), as, d, am, am, n. or gamaka-td, f. convincing proof. pairiarch. — Gaya-siras, a-, n., N. of a mountain
real, true. — Gatdsu ( ta-asit), us. us. it. one whose Gamatha, as, m. a traveller ; a road. near Gay5, a renowned place of pilgrimage. — Gaya-
breath has gone, expired, AenA. — Gatotsaha (°ta- Gctmana, am. n. going, manner of going, going sddliana, as, i, am, Ved. promoting domestic wealth
or prosperity, an epithet of Soma. — Guya-tphdna,
uf"), as, d, am, dhpmted. — Galodvega (°ta-ud°), away, departure, going to or approaching ; march in as, d, am, Ved. increasing domestic wealth, pro-
as, d, am, comforted, freed from sorrow. — Gatatijas general or the march of an assailant ; intercourse with
a woman, cohabitation ; undergoing or obtaining, moting the prosperity of a household ; an epithet of
(°ta-cf ', as, as, as, bereft of strength.
Gatnlta, am, n going, motion. attaining ; way, possibility. — Gamana-vat, an ati, Soma. — Gayd-kdfyapa, as, m., N. of a pupil of
Gati, is, f. going, moving, gait, carriage, deport- at, furnished with motion, moving. — Gamandrha Sskya-sinhi. — Gaya-da«a, as, m., N. of an author.
ment, motion in general ; manner or power of going; (°na-ar°), as, d, am, to be sought, fit, suitable, — Giiya-mahdtmya, am, n.. N. of a section of the
going away ; procession, march, passage, pro edure, desirable. Vayu-PurSna. — Gayd-$il;kara. as or am, m. or n. (?),
progress, movement, (e. gt astra-gati, the going or Gamaniya, at, d, am, accessible, approachable, or gayd-tiros, as, n. or gayd-^irslta, am, n., N. of
TR. gara. n»t garbha.
a mountain near Gay.l, a renowned place of pilgrim- sixteen syllables to each line. — Gamda-regd, (., N India. — Gartan-rat, an, ati, at, Ved. having holes
or excavations. — Gurta-iiiU, t, t, t, Ved. buried in
age; [cf gaya-tiras.] of a plant. — Garuddijraja (°(la-aij ), as, m. having
Garuda lor dis elder brother, an epithet of Aruna, a hole — Gartdtraya (°ta-dJ°), as, m. any animal
*TT #aro, a*-, F, «»« (fr. 2. </n), swallowing ; living in holes or under ground, a mouse, rat, &C.
(<if=\ in. any drink, beverage, fluid; a noxious or the charioteer of the sun. — (lurutltiitka (Oda.-att°),
a*, m. an epithet of Vishnu or Krishna. — Gum- — Garteia (°<<f-is'a), at, m. the master of a cave.
poisonous bcvcnge ; a factitious poison ; an anti- — Hiirtr-shlha,a»tat,am. being in a hole or grave.
dote ;sickness, disease ; probably a peculiar kind of iliinkita (°da~att°), am, n an emerald; [cf tfiir/i-
ilafiintin, garuduttir,,a, ydrudn, gdrntmata.] Gartikd, f. a weaver's workshop (so called because
disease attended with difficulty of swallowing (?), a weaver sits at his loom with his feet in a hole
dysphagia (?J ; N. of a son ol Usinara ; (a?»), n. a — Giiruddrdha (°du-ar°), as, m. (?), a kind of below the level of the floor).
kind ol poison ; the fifth of the eleven Karanas ; arrow. — Garuddsnvtn (°da-af), d, m. an emerald.
sprinkling, welling (?) ; (a), f. swallowing ; N. of a
— H'lrudiiHiriHt ( da-uf), am, n. an emerald. yard, cl. I. 10. P. gardati, -ditum,
plant, = devaddli-latd ; (f), f. a kind of grass, — Gariidopanixhad (°da-up°), t, (., N. of an gardayati, -yitum, to sound, to roar, emit
Andropogon Serratus. — Gara-gir, IT, IT, tr, or Upanishad.
sound. as, m. (said to be fr. the last), an
H^Tif garut, t, m. (said to be fr. 2. grt),
gara-ij'irna, as, a, am, Ved. one who has swal- ass; a kind of perfume, =gandha, smell, odour;
lowed a noxious draught, poisoned —Gannj'irnln, the wing of a bird. — Garut-mat, an, ail, at (in
i, m., N. of a Rishi.— Gara-ghna, as, i, am, the Veda only found in connection with su-j>arna), N. of a dynasty ; (i), f. a she-ass ; an insect, a kind
removing poison or the disease called Gara, an anti- feathered, winged ; swallowing ; (an), m. the bird of beetle generated in cow-dung; N. of several
dote; sanative, healthy; (as), in a kind of basil, plants, = apardjitd, katabhi, teeta-kantakdri ; a
Garuda ; a bird in general. — Garud-yodhin, I, m. disease of the skin, an eruption of round, red, and
Ocimum Sanctum, = krfahndrjiika ; another kind
of Ocimuni, =varvara; (i). ( a kind offish, com- a quail. painful spots; also gardabhikd ; (am), n. the white
monly Garai, the young of the Ophiocephalus Lata. nfjTS garula = garuda. esculent water-lily, Nymphau Esculenta ; a kind of
— Gara-da, as, a, am, poisoning, a poisoner; un- TM garga, as, m. (said to be fr. 2. gfi), plant used as a vermifuge; [cf. ridanga].— Garda-
wholesome, occasioning sickness ; (am), n. poison. N. of an old sage, a descendant of Bharad-vaja and of bha-gada, as, m. a kind of disease of the skin ; [cf.
— < 'ara-ddna, am, n. giving poison. «• flant- gardabhikd, jdla-ijardabhu. jvdld-gardabhaka,
An-giras ; N. of an astronomer ; N. of a physician ;
vruta, as, m. a peacock. -• Gara-han, a, m. the N. of a son of king Vitatha ; also of a grandson of pdshdna-gardabha.] — Gardabha-nddin, i, ini, i,
Ved. braying like an ass. — (Vu/vlurVui-ruyKi, ai, m.
plant Ocimuni Sanctum — Gardtmakft (°ra-dt°), this king; a bull; an earth-worm; (as), m. pi. the having the form of an ass, an epithet of VikramSdirya.
am, n. the seed of the plant Sobhanjana or Hyper- descendants of Garga ; (a), f., N. of a woman ; (i),
anthera Moringa. — Garddhikd ( ra-adh"), f. the — Gardabha-fUta, as, d or i, m. f. the plant Cle-
insect called Laksha or the red dye obtained from it. f., N. of a woman ; [cf. gdrgi and gdrgya.~\ — Garga- rodendrum Siphonamhus. — Gardabhaksha ( bha-
bhumi, is, m., N. of a prince ; (also bharga-bhumi.)
Garana, am, n. the act of swallowing ; wetting, — Garga-6iras as, m., N. of a Dinava. •— Garga- and ak°), as, m., N. of a descendant of Hiranya-kasipu
son of Bali. — Gardabhdjina (°bha-af), am,
sprinkling. — Garana-vat, an, all, at, occupied in
swallowing. srotas, as, n. Garga's stream, N. of a Tlrtha. n. the skin or hide of an ass. — Gardabhdrida ( bha-
Gargiya, as, m. a descendant of Garga (?).
Garala, as, am, m. n. poison ; the venom of a a«°), as, m., N. of a tree, commonly Parsplpal,
snake or venom in general ; (am), n. a bundle of 'I'K gargara, as, m. (an onomatopoetic Thespesia Populneoides ; or also the tree Ficus
grass or hay ; a measure in general. — Garaldri word), a whirlpool, an eddy [cf. Lat. gurges] ; a Infectoria ; an Adhyaya or AnuvSka, in which the
word Gardabhanda occuis. — Gardabhdndaka, as,
kind of musical instrument ; a kind of fish, Pime-
(°la-ari), is, m. an emerald; [cf. garudditkita, lodus Gagora ; N. of a man ; (as, i), m. f. a chum ; m. the tree Thespesia Populneoides. — Gurda-
garuddtman, garudoltirna.]
Garalin, i, int. i, venomous, poisonous. a vessel for holding water, a guglet. bhdn'diya, as, m. an Adhyaya or Anuvaka, in
Garita, as, a, am, poisoned. Gargaraka, as, m, a kind of fish [cf. the pre- which the word Gardabhanda occurs. — Garda-
ceding] ;a kind of plant with a poisonous root. bhahraya (°bha-dh°), am, n. the white esculent
*TT»T garabha, as, m. the foetus or embryo, Gargdta, as, m. a kind of fish, Pimelodus Gagora ; water-lily, Nymphaea Esculenta. — Gardabhi-mu-'
•= garbha. [cf. the preceding.] kha,as, m., N.of a preceptor. — Gardabhi-vipita,
TTTTT^ garagarl, f. a kind of grass, as, m., N. of a man.
j i ji gurj, cl. i. 10. P. garjati, jagarja, Gardabhaka, as, m. a kind of insect ; (ikd), f. a
Andropogon Serratus, = khard, gart, agarl.
\garjishyati, agarjit, garjitum, garja- cutaneous disease, a blotch, an eruption.
JlU.«l«T gariman, d, m. (fr. guru), heavi- yati, -yitum, to emit a deep or full sound, to sound Gardabhi, is, m., N, of a man.
ness, weight ; one of the eight Siddhis or faculties as distant thunder, to thunder ; to roar, growl ; to
of Siva (making himself heavy at will) ; importance, rave Sec. ; [cf. Lat. garrio, gurges; Old Germ. Gardabhin, i, m., N.of a dynasty; [cf gardabha.']
dignity, ventrableness ; worth, excellence, kurran, krago, kragil, krachSn, gellan, kallSn, Jl^r«4<a gardayitnu, us, m. a cloud ; [cf.
Garishtha, us, d, am (superl. fr. guru), heaviest, kalian; Mod. Germ, quarren, girren.]
excessively heavy ; very venerable ; worst ; (as), m., Garja, as, m. a (roaring) elephant ; (as, d), m. f. gadayat and gadayitnu.']
N. of a man ; also of an Asura. the roaring of elephants, the rumbling of clouds &c.
-• Garjd-phala, as, m.. N. of a plant, = vi-kantaka,.
TV gardh, another form of rt. gridh.
Gariya*, an, asi, as (compar. fr. guru), heavier,
very heavy, heaviest; weightier, greater; more Garjaka, at, m. a kind of fish, = iala or idlaja, Gardha, as, m. desire, greediness, eagerness ; a tree,
commonly gajdda. commonly called Parsplpal ; [cf. gardabha n da.]
precious or valuable, dearer ; highly venerable ;
worse. -• Gartyas-tra, am, n. weight, importance. Garjana, am, n. sound, noise ; crying, roaring, Gardliana or gardhita, as, d, am, covetous,
the rumbling of clouds &c. ; a grumbling noise, a
Gam — guru in agaru, q. v.
growl, a grunt ; passion, wrath ; war, battle, conflict; Gardhin, i, ini, i, desirous, greedy, covetous ;
T^T garuda, as, m. (safcl to be fr. rt. 2. art, excessive indignation, reproach, menace. greedy.
pursuing or following with eagerness.
to swallow, because Garuda was perhaps originally Garjaniya, as, d, am, to be sounded or roared.
identified with the all-consuming fire of the sun's Garjan-meytia, as, m a thunder-cloud. TTcTv move,
I- 3ar^> cl- or
I- approach,
?• yarbati, -bitum, to
rays), N. of a mythical bird, the chief of the Giirji, is, m. the muttering of clouds or distant to go = kharb, (arb,
feathered race, the enemy of the serpent-race, the thunder.
vehicle of Vishnu, and the son of Kasyapa and Gurjita, as, d, am, sounded, roared, bellowed; gharb, &c.
VinatS, and elder brother of Atuna ; (shortly after «\ m. a (roaring) elephant in rut; (am), n. the
^ 2. garb. See garv and garva.
his birth he frightened the gods by his brilliant muttering of clouds or rolling of distant thunder.
lustre ; they supposed him to be Agni, and requested Garjya, as, a, am, to be roared or sounded. garbha, as, m. (fr. grabh = gran, to
his protection ; when they discovered that he was conceive, said to be fr. 2. gri), the womb, the belly,
Garuda, they praised him as the highest being, and *7>R garjara, am, n. a carrot, Daucus the inside, the middle, the interior of anything ; an
called him fire and sun Aruna, the charioteer of the Carota.
inner apartment, a lying-in chamber; any interior
sun or the personified dawn, is said to be the younger rt i. rjarta, as, m., VeH. a high seat(?), chamber, the adytum of a temple &c. ; a foetus or
brother of Garuda. In some legends Sviha, the embryo, a child, the brood or offspring of birds ; the
a throne ; the seat of a war-chariot, a chariot ; a
wife of Agni. takes the shape of a female GarudT, = fruit (of plants); the offspring of the sky, i. e. the
»u-parni. With Jainas, Garuda is an attendant of the table for playing at dice ; a house. — Garta-sarl. t,
t, t, Ved. sitting on a war-chariot. ^Gartdruh f^ta- and vapour drawn upwards by the rays of the
sixtcemh Arh.tof the present Avasarpini); a building sun during eight months and sent down again in
shaped like Garudi; N. of a peculiar mili.ary array; dr°), Tc, Jt, k, Ved. ascending a war-chariot ; (Say.) the rainy season ; the bed of a river (especially of the
N. of a son of Krishna ; N. of a Kalpa, the fourteenth entering a hail of justice.
Ganges) when fullest, i. e. on the fourteenth day of
day of Brahma. — (inrutla-dkvaja, at, m. an epi- n 2. garta, as, a, am, m. f. n. (said to be the dark half of the month Bhadra, or in the height
thet ofVishnu or Krishna (wh<*e symbol is Garuda) fr. rt 2. grt, but perhaps a later form for Itarin), of the rains, (the Garbha expends to this point, after
— Garuda-purdna, am, n., N. of the seventeenth a hollow, a hole, a cave; a grave; (as), m. the which the Tlra or proper bank begins, and extends
Purana; [cf. </drmla.] — Guriida-rtita, am, n. a hollow of the loins ; a kind of disease ; N. of a "or 150 cubits; this space being holy ground);
jpeacs of metre, having four lines to the stanza and country, a part of Trigarta, in the north-west of oining, union ; the rough coat of the fruit of the
jrfotc garbha-kara.
Jaka ; the calyx of the lotus. (Garbha is often found in the fourth month of gestation. •• Garbha-randhi, attendance and care of pregnant women and new-
at the end of compounds in the sense of having in in, f. complete cooking (?). — Garbha-vasa, as, d, am, born infants.
the interior, containing, filled with; e. g.jala-gar- Ved. endowed with impregnating moisture. — Gar- garbhanda, as, m. (fr. garbha and
bha, as, a, am, filled with water ; agnl-garbha, as, bha-rupa or garbha-rupaka, as, d, am, childish,
a, am, containing fire) ; [cf. amrita-garblta, ardha- juvenile ; (as), m. a child, an infant, a youth. andaf), enlargement of the navel.
<7°, kris.hna-g", mudha-g°, vifva-g°, hiraiiya-g°: — Garbha-lakshana, as, d, am, observing the JT*jf<T3fT garmutika, f. a species of rice ;
cf. also Hib. cilftn, ' the belly ;' Angl. Sax. hrtf '; signs of the rainy season ; (am), n. symptom of preg-
Germ.M*(?); Eng. calf; Gr. SeXcfxis.] - Garbha- nancyN.
; of the twenty-first AdhySya of Varaha-mi-
Tcara, as, I, am, producing impregnation, procrea- hira's Brihat-samhita treating on the marks or signs [cf.TJ}rCN garmudthada."]garmut, t, f. (said to be fr. rt. 2. gri),
tive, fecundatory, impregnatory ; (as), m. the plant of the rainy season. — Garbha-lambhana, am, n. a kind of bee [cf. garmmta] ; a kind of grass ; a
Nageia Putrarijlva. — Garbha-karana, am, n., Ved. a ceremony performed for the sake of facilitating creeper ; a kind of reed (nada) ; according to some
anything which causes impregnation. — Garbha- conception. — Garbha-fatl, f. a pregnant female. authorities the plant Vangueria Spinosa, commonly
Jcdra, as, a, am, impregnating, fecundatory, pro- — Garbha-^anati, is, f. or garbha-vasa, as, m.
Mayans ; according to others Coix Barbata, com-
creative, producing impregnation ; (am), n., N. of the abode of the fcetus, the womb. •• Garbha-vayu, monly Gadagada ; gold.
a ceremony. — Garbha-kdla, as, m. the time of us, m. air in the womb. — Garbha-vifyuti, is, f.
impregnation ; the lime when the offspring of the abortion in the beginning of pregnancy. — Garb/ia- Jl«|«s.<; garmutthada, as, m. and garmu-
sky, i.e. the vapour collected in the air [cf. garbha vipatti, is, f. the death of the fcetus. — Garbha- tika, f.a kind of rice, commonly MaduyS, Eleusine
above], shows the first signs of life, 195 days or seven vedand, f. the pains of childbirth. — Garbha- Coracana ; [cf. garmutikd.]
lunar months after its first conception. — Garbha- ms"man, a, n. the womb or a lying-in chamber.
— Garblia-vyakarana, am., n. the formation of —jaradi. Miifiscm garmotikd, f. a species of reed,
Jco.'la or garbha-kosha, as, m. the uterus. — Garbha-
kles"a, as, m. pains caused by the embryo, pains of the embryo, a part of the S'arTra section in medical
childbirth. — Garbha-kshaya, as, m. loss of the works. •• Garbha-vydpad, t, f. the death of the
j i ,-1 garv or garb, cl. i. P., io. A. gar-
embryo, miscarriage. — Garbha-griha, am, n. an foetus. — Garbha-vyiiha, as, m. a kind of battle
\ vali, -vitum, garvayate, -yitum, to be
Inner apartment, an inner chamber, a lying-in cham- mzy. — Garbha-fanltu, us, m. a kind of vectis or or become proud or haughty; [cf. Lith. garbS,
ber; the sanctuary or adytum of a temple; (in instrument for extracting the dead fcetus. •• Garbha-
compounds) a house containing anything (e.g. .fora- ' honour, glory ;' Old Germ, gelban, gelf.']
s'ayyd, f. the abode of the fcetus, the uterus. — Gar- Garva or garba, as, m. pride, arrogance.
garbha-griha, a house containing arrows). — Garblia- bha-sattkramana, am, n. entering the womb. Garvara, as, d, am, proud, haughty, arrogant^
grahana, am, n. conception, impregnation. — Gar- — Garbha-samaya, as, m. the time when the
offspring of the sky, the vapour collected in the air, Garvdya, nom. A. garvayate, -yitum, to show
bha-ghdtin, I, iril, i, killing the embryo, producing pride or arrogance.
abortion ; (in!), f. a poisonous plant, Methonica Su- shows the first signs of life, 195 days or seven lunar
Ganrita, as, d, am, proud, haughty ; conceited.
perba. — GaMia-?alana,am, n. quickening, the mo- months after its conception; [cf. garbha-kdla.]
tion of the foetus io the uterus. — Garbha-fyuta, as, — Garbha-sambhava, as, m. or garbha-sambhuti, of a rock. garvana, as or am, m. or n. (?), N.
a, am, fallen from the womb (as a child) ; miscarrying. is, f. the production of a fcetus, the becoming preg-
— Garbha-fyuti, is, f. falling from the womb, birth, nant. —Garbha-siibhaga or garbha-saubhdgya,
delivery; miscarriage. — Garbha-td, f. or garbha- as, d, am, blessing the foetus. — Garbha-sutra, am, garvata, as, m. a watchman, a door-
tva, am, n. impregnation. — Garbha-da, as, a, am, n. title of a Buddhist Sutra work. — Garbha-stha, ke per, a sort of village constable, a head-borough
impregnating, procreative ; (as), m. the tree Nageia as, a, am, situated in the womb ; centrical, internal, or beadle.
Putranjrva ; (a), f., N. of a shrub. — Garbha-datri, in the interior, within the centre of anything.
td, tri, tri, impregnating, procreative; (I), f., N. of JT=T garh, cl. I. io. P. A. garhati, -te,
— Garbha-srdva, as, m. abortion, miscarriage.
— Garbhasrdmn, I, inl, i, producing or occasion- ^ garhayati, -te, jagarha, jagarhe, gar-
a shrub, =yarbha-dd, apatya-dd, putra-dd, &c.
•• Garblia-ddsa, as, m. a slave by birth. — Garbha- ing abortion; (1), m. the tree Phrenix Paludosa Jtishyate, agarhishta, garhitum, to lodge a com-
plaint before a person (dat.), accuse, charge with,
divasa, as, m. pi. certain days on which the vapours (hintdla).-~Garbkdgdra fbha-dg"), am, n. the reproach, blame, censure a person (ace.); to be sorry
collected in the air show signs of life ; [cf. garbha- uterus ; an inner and private room, the female apart-
for, repent of: Desid. jigarhisliate, -ti: Intens.
kdla.^ — Garbha-druh, -dhruk, Tc, Tc, destroying ments, the lying-in chamber; the sanctuary of a
the foetus, causing abortion. — Garbha-dha, as, d, temple, the chamber where the object of worship or jdgarhyate, jdgarddhi.
Garhana, am, d, n. f. censuring, censure, blame,,
am, Ved. procreative, impregnatory. — Garbha- the image of a deity is placed ; [cf. garbka-griha.J
reproach ; garhandm yd, to meet with reproach.
dhard, f. bearing a foetus, pregnant. — Garbha- — Garbhdnha (°bha-an°), as, m. interlude during
dhdna, am, n. impregnating. — Garbha-dhdrana, an act. — Garbhada (°bha-a<la), as, d, am, Ved. Garhamya, as, d, am, censurable, blamable, con-
am, a, n. f. gestation, impregnation, conception in the temptible, vile, bad.
consuming the fa;tus. — Garbkadhdna (°bha-ddh°), Garhd, f. abuse, censure, reproach.
womb, pregnancy ; N. of the twenty-second AdhySya in am, a. impregnation ; a ceremony performed after
menstruation to ensure or facilitate conception. Garhita, as, d, am, blamed, censured; con-
VarSha-mihira's Brihat-samhitS. — Garbha-dhdrita,
as, a, am, contained in the womb, conceived, borne. temned, despised; contemptible, ignominious, for-
— Garbhdvakrdnti (°bha-av°), is, f. descent of the bidden, bad, vile.
-• Garblta-<lhi, is, m., Ved. a breeding-place, a nest, fcetus. — Garbhdifankd (°oAa-a^°), f. suspicion of
cohabitation. — Garbha-dhvansa, as, m. abortion. Garhitavya, as, d, am, to be censured, blamable.
pregnancy. — GarbMiaya i°bha-df), as, m. the Garhin, I, iiti, i, abusing, reproaching.
•• Garbha-nddl or garbha-ndbhi-nddl, f. the womb, the uterus. — Garbhdshtama fMa-os7i°), as,
umbilical cord. — Garbha-nud, t, t, t, causing abor- m. the eighth month of uterine gestation ; the eighth Garhya, as, d, am, deserving reproach, con-
tion (t),
; m. the poisonous plant Methonica Superba. year reckoning from conception. — Garbhdspandana temptible, low, vile; (as), m., N. of a tree(?).
•• Garbfia-parisrava,as, m. secundines. — Garbha- — Garhya-vadin, I, inl, i, speaking ill, speaking
(°bha-asp°), am, n. non-quickening of the fcetus. vilely or inaccurately.
pdkin, i, m. rice ripening in sixty days (during the — Garbhdsrdva (°bha-ds°), as, m. miscarriage.
latter period of the sky's pregnancy). — Garbha-pdta, — Garbhe-tripta, as, d, am, contented in the womb,
gal, cl. i. P. galati, jagdla, galish-
OS, m. miscarriage after the fourth month of preg- i.e. indolent. — Garblieivara (°bha-tf), as, m. a
yati, agdllt, galitum, to drip, drop,
nancy. —Garbha-pdtaka, as, t, am, causing mis- sovereign by birth. — Garbhcs'vara-ta, f. sovereignty ooze, trickle, distil ; to fall down or off; to vanish,.
carriage; (as), m. a red kind of Moringa. — Gar- attained by inheritance. — Garbliolpatti (°bha-ut°), perish, pass away; to eat, swallow [cf. 2. grt] :
l>ha-pdtana, as, t, am, causing miscarriage, pro- is, f. the formation of the embryo. — Garbho- Caus. gdlayati, -yitum, to cause to drop, to pour
ducing abortion; (as), m., N. of a plant, = ritha- paghdta (°bha^up°), as, m. miscarriage of the em- out ; to filter, strain ; to fuse, liquefy, dissolve, melt :
karatija; (I), f. the plant Methonica Superba; any bryo, (applied also to the sky.) — Garbhopaghdtim A. gdlayate, to flow; [cf. Old Germ, qvall, quillu,
plant or drug supposed to produce abortion ; (am), (°bha-up°), (. a cow (or female) miscarrying from
n. producing abortion. — Garbha-pdtin, I, inl, i, unseasonable gestation. — Garbhopanithad (°bha- Gala,andas,
qual, m. the
guella, ' a throat,
well.'] neck ; resin, especially
causing miscarriage, producing abortion ; (inl), f., N. up°), t, f. title of an Upanishad. the resin of the plant Shorea Robusta ; a kind of
of a plant,=i'ifaZya.— Garbha-poshana, am, n. Garbhalta, as, m. a chaplet of flowers &c. worn fish, a small kind of Cyprinus, a subgenus of that class
nourishing a foetus, gestation. — Garbha-bharman, in the hair; (am), n. a period of two nights with or Cyprinus Garra ; a kind of musical instrument ;
the intermediate day.
a, n. supporting a foetus, gestation. — Garbha- a reed, a large kind of the Saccharum Cylindricum ;
lihavana, am, n. the sanctuary or adytum of a Garbkita, as, d, am, pregnant, full, filled.
temple ; [cf. garbha-griha.] — Garbha-bhdra, as, Garbhin, i, inl, i, pregnant, impregnated with a rope [cf. galyd~] ; (d), f. a kind of plant [cf.
m. the weight of the foetus. — Garbhfi-maiidapa, as, (with ace. or inst.) ; (inl), f. pregnant, a pregnant alambwhd; cf. also Lat. colhtm(1); Germ. Juils."]
m. an inner apartment, a bed-chamber. — Garbha- woman or animal ; compounded with names of — Gala-kambala, as, m. a bull's dewlap. — Gala-
ganda, au, m. du. neck and cheek, or neck and
mdsa, as, m. month of pregnancy. — Garbha-mo- animals (e. g. go-garbhim, a pregnant cow). Adam's apple; (as), m. enlargement of the
fana, am, n. delivery, birth. — Garb/ta-yosha, (. a — Garbhini-vydkarana, am, n. or garbhini- glands of the neck; goitre. — Galagandin, I, inl,
pregnant woman, metaphorically the river Ganges vydkriti, is, f. ' science of the progress of preg- i, having a goitre. — Gala-golin, I, inl, m. f. a kind
overflowing its banks. — Garblta-rakuhana, am, n. nancy,' a particular head or subject in medical of serpent. — Gala-graha,, as, m. seizing by the
protecting the foetus, N. of a ceremony performed works. — Garbhiny-avekshana, am, n. midwifery, throat, throttling, choaking; compression of the
286 ' gala-iarman.
throat, a kind of disease ; a fish-sauce prepared with jr \j galbh, cl. I. A. galbhate, to be m., N.
and of a Rishi of Atri's family ; [cf. gdvishlhira
salt, pepper, ghee, &c. ; N. of certain days in the ^ x bold or confident; [cf. garv; cf. also ini.
dark fortnight, viz. the fourth, seventh, eighth, ninth, f. a herd of cows.
thirteenth and three following days ; a day on which Hib. galblta, ' rigour, hardness.'J Gav-i«h, t, t, t, or gav-isha, ai, d, am, Ved.
Galbha, as, a, am, bold, confident, audacious;
a course of study is commenced, but immediately wishing for cows, desirous in general, eager, fervent.
proud, haughty, (galbha=garbha in aj>a-galbha,
preceding a day on which study is prohibited ; begun — Gav-ishti, is, is, i, Ved. wishing for cows ; desir-
but immediately interrupted study ; also gala-gra- ing fervently, eager, ardent ; (is), f. desire, eagerness,
Itaaa, am, a. — Gala-barman, a, n. the gullet, *TW galla, as, m. the part of the cheek ardour, fervour ; desire for fighting, ardour of battle,
throat. — Gala-dvdra, am, n. the door of the throat, near the comers of the mouth ; the cheek. — Galla- battle. — Gav-lia or gav-livara, as, m. an owner
the mouth. — Gala-mekhald, C. a string of beads worn ddturt, f. a small round pillow to put underneath of kine.
the cheek.
round the neck, a necklace. — Gala-vdrtta, ax, a, Gavishtha, as, m. the sun (either a superl. fr. go,
am, living by eating, a parasite. — Gala-vidradhi, •M?I+1 gallakl, f., N. of a river. ' a aray,' or fr. gam + stha, ' standing in water ') ; N.
is, m. tumor and abscess in the throat. — GaZo- of DSnava.
vrata, as, m. a peacock ; [cf. gara-vrata.]— Gala- 'l<?»o|i galvarka, as, m. crystal; lapis Gavesha (either fr. gava + ith, or go + esh), nom.
siundika, f. the uvula ; swelling of the glands of the lazuli (?), sapphire (?), emerald (?) ; a goblet, a vessel d. i. A. or 10. P. gaiieshate or gaveshayati, -yi-
neck; (e), du. the soft palate.— Gala-tundt, f. for drinking spirituous liquor. tum, to desire ardently or fervently, to strive after ;
swelling of the glands of the neck. — Gala-stani, f. ji'"a^ galh, cl. i. A. galhate, to blame, to seek, hunt after, search or inquire for. •• Gave-
a she-goat ; (a species of the Bengal goat having small to censure or despise ; [cf. shana, as, d, am, Ved. desiring ardently or fervently ;
fleshy protuberances, resembling nipples, depending desirous of combat; (as), m., N. of a Vrishni; (d,
from the throat) ; [cf. gale~stani, ajdgala-stana, T^ gava = go, a, cow, cattle; used at the am), f. n. seeking after, searching for, inquiry,
aja-gallikd.J — Gala-hasta, as, m. the hand at beginning of a compound before a word beginning philosophical research. ~ Gaveshanlya, as, d, am,
the throat, seizing by the throat, collaring, throttling. with a vowel, see below ; also at the end of a com- to be desired or sought for. — Gavenhita, as, d, am,
— Galahastaya, nom. P. -tayati, to throttle, pound (e.g. panda-gavam, five cows) ; (as), m. a eagerly desired, sought, inquired for. — Gaveakiw, »,
strangle. — Galu-haxtita, as, a, am, seized by the ray of the sun. — Gava-rdja, as, m. a bull.— Gava- inl, i, seeking ; (i), m., N. of a son of Citraka and
throat. — Galdnkura (°Io-a»°), as, m. a disease of kriti (°va-dk°), is, is, i, cow-shaped. — Gavdksha brother of Prithu.
the throat, inflammation of the throat and enlarge- (°0a-afe°), as, m. an air-hole, a loop-hole, a round Gavcskthin, i, m., N. of a Diinava.
ment of the tonsils. — Ifale-ganda, as, m. a kind of window, a ' bull's eye,' &c. ; the mesh of a shirt of 1. gavya, nom. P., Ved. garyati, to desire cattle
bird, the Adjutant or Ardea Argala; (the name mail; N. of a warrior; N. of a monkey-chief or cows ; especially in the part, garyat, an, anti,
alludes to a pendulous fleshy purse hanging from the attached to R5ma, a son of Vaivasvata, the leader of
at, wishing for or desirous of cattle or cows; ardently
throat of this bird.) — GaU-topaka, as, ikd, am, the Go-lin-gulas ; N. of a sea (n. in this sense?); (!),
f. a sort of cucumber, Cucumis Maderaspatanus or or fervently desiring, fervent ; desirous of battle.
moving the neck. — Gale-stam, f. a she-goat ; [cf. 2. gavya, as, d, am, consisting of cattle or cows,
Coloquintida ; the plant Trophis Aspera (ddkhota) ;
gala-stani.~\ — Galodbkava fla-ucT), ax, m. the the plant Clitoria Ternatea. •- Gavdkshaka, as, m. consisting of milk ; coming from, of, or belonging
tuft of hair on the neck of a horse. — Galaugha (°la- to a cow, as milk, curds, &c. (e. g. panfa-gavya,
ogha), as, m. tumor in the throat. an air-hole, a loop-hole, a round window, a bull's
Galaka, as, m. the throat, the neck ; a kind of eye. — Gavdksha-jdla, am, n. a lattice, a window of am, n. five things coming from a cow, — milk,
treUice-work. — Gavdkshita, as, d, am, furnished cheese, butter, urine, and dung) ; proper or fit for
fish, a small kind of Cyprinus. cattle; sacred to the cow, worshipping the cow;
(Mat, an, anti, at, dropping, falling, oozing, with windows, forming a lattice. — Gavdgra = go-
trickling, flowing ; melting. (as), m., N. of a people in the north of Madhya-
agra=go'gra, q.v."Gavddana (°va-ad°), am, deSa ; (am), n. cattle, a herd of cows ; pasture land ;
Galana, as, a, am, dropping, flowing ; (am), n. n. pasture or meadow grass; (»), f. pasture or meadow
grass, a hay-rack, a manger, a trough for holding the milk of a cow ; a bow-string ; a colouring sub-
dropping, oozing, trickling ; melting, fusing ; falling stance, a yellow pigment or dye; (as, a, am,
down or off; leaking. grass &c. for feeding cattle ; a species of cucumber,
Cucumis Maderaspatanus, or (according to some) differing from the preceding only by its accent),
Galaniya or galitavya or galya, as, a, am, Cucumis Coloquintida ; the plant Clitoria Ternatea. belonging to cattle, consisting of cattle or cows,
fusible, soluble, liquefiable, to be melted &c. coming from cattle or cows ; (a), f. a multitude or
Galantikd or galanti, (. a small pitcher ; a small — Gavdmrita (°va-am°), am, n. the beverage of herd of cows; a measure equal to I Gavydti or
immortality or nectar consisting of rays of light.
water-jar with a hole in the bottom, from which the 2 Krosas ; a bow-string ; a colouring substance, a
— Gavartham or gavdrthe Cva-ar°), ind. for the ceding.]
water drops upon a Lin-ga or upon a Tulasi plant sake of a cow. -« Gavdrha ( °va-ar°), as, d, am, of
placed beneath. yellow
dridlia,pigment as or or am,
dye ;m.[cf. orgo-ro(and.~\
n. (?), a — colouring
the value of a cow. — Gavdvika (°ra-aB°), am, n.
Galila, as, a, am, dropped, fallen; liquefied, cattle and sheep. — Gavdfona (°va-ad°), as, m. = substance, a yellow pigment or dye ; [cf. the pre-
melted ; distilled, oozed, flowing ; untied, loosed ; go-bhakshaka, commonly muti, i. e. a worker in
lost, deprived; decayed, impaired. — Galita-kttshtha, leather, a shoe-maker ; an outcast. — Gavdiira (°t>a- Gavyaya, as, I, am, Ved. belonging to or coming
am, n. advanced and incurable leprosy, when the df), as, d, am, Ved. mixed with milk, as Soma. from cattle.
fingers and toes fall off. — Galita-danta, as, a, am, — Qavdiva (°va-ad°), am, n. cattle and horses ; [cf. Gavyayu, us, us, u, Ved. desirous of cattle.
having the teeth decayed, toothless. — Galita-nakha, go-aiva and go Vra.] — Gavdhnika (°va-dfi°), am, Gavya, f., Ved. desire for or delight in cows;
as, a, or i, am, having the claws or nails fallen off. n. the daily measure of food given to a cow. desire, fervency ; desire for what comes from a cow,
— Galita-nakha-danta, as, a, am, one who has — Gavendra (°va-in°), as, m. an owner of kine. i.Ved.
e. for
inst.milk ; desire of battle (generally used in the
lost his claws and teeth. — Galita-nayana, as, a, — Gaveia or gavetfvara (°ea-«i°), as, m. an owner
am, one who has lost his eyes, b\md. — (ia!il<i- of kine. •• Gavaidaka (°va-ed°), am n. kine and Gavyu, us, us, u, Ved. delighting in cattle or
pradipa, as, m. or galita-pradipikd, f. title of a sheep. — Gavodgha (°va-ud°), as, m. an excellent cows ; desiring cows or milk ; fervent ; desirous of
work, lit. ' the light of dropped words,' i. e. of certain cow.
words in a manuscript which occur several times and Gavafi, f. a Coloquintida, =gavdlcskl. battle.
are given only once at full length. Gavyiita, am, n. a measure of length equal to
Gavaya, as, m. a species of ox, the Gayal, Bos 2OOO Dandas or I Krosa, or to 4000 Dandas or
GalUaka, as, m. a kind of dance, gesticulation. Gavams, erroneously classed by Hindu writers as a 2 Krolas ; [cf. the following.]
Galya, f. a multitude of throats ; a quantity of a species of deer ; a monkey-chief attached to R2ma, Gavyuti, is, f. (fr. go and yuti ? or go and uti ?),
particular kind of grass or of ropes made of it. the son of Vaivasvata ; (i), f. the female Gayal. Ved. a pasture, a piece of pasture land, a district, place
Gavala, as, m. the wild buffalo ; (am), n. of residence ; a measure of length equal to 4000
• i w i MI rt galanila, as, m. a prawn or buffalo's horn. Dandas or 2 Krosas.
shrimp; see gattgateya; (also read galdnika and Gavdft, f. (fr. go and rt. ant), a kind of fish,
galavila.) JT^Jnir gavalgana, as, m., N. of a man,
commonly pdnkdlamdda, Ophidium Punctatum or the father of Sarijaya ; (also read gavalgana) ; [cf.
galavala, as, m. a kind of tree. Macrognathus Pankalus.
Gavdm-aya, as, m. or garam-ayana, am, n. gdvalgani.]
gait, it, m. a strong but lazy bull. •H^lfM1*! gavashika, f. the insect called
' going of cows," N. of a solemn ceremony ; [cf. 30.]
us, m. a sort of gem. Gavdm-pati, is, m. a guardian of cows, a cow-
LakshJ, and the red dye prepared from it ; [cf. gard-
herd ;the chief of cattle, a bull ; the lord of rays, an
1H-T gaKna, as, m., N. of a minister. epithet of the sun ; also of Agni ; N. of a Buddhist
mendicant. JTTfaplf gavldhuka, as, d, m. f., Ved. the
'iw^s^ galodya or galodya, as, m.(?), N grass Coix Barbara ; [cf. gavedliuka.]
Gavdluka, as, m. the Gayal, Bos Gavzus ; [cf.
of a plant; [cf. gilodya.'] JNl PH gdmni, i, orgavini, yau, orgavinika,
T^ galda, as, a, m. f., Ved. speech ; Gavi-jdta, ast m., N. of a Muni. — Gaw-ptttra, e, f. du., Ved. a part of the belly near the pudenda ;
straining ; that which flows from a strainer (?). as, m. an epithet of Vaisravana. — Gavi-sh(hira, as, the groins (?).

»ra? gavedu.
J-* gavedu, us, m. a cloud; («*), f. or m., N. ofa son of Krishna and Lakshmana ; (ti), f.,
N.of a daughter of Krishna and Lakshmana. - Gdtra- the bow Gandiva gandi, f., N. of a plant, from which
gavedukd, f. a kind of grass, Coix Barbata; [cf. the was made.
following.] Gdndiva or gdndwa, as, am, m. n. the bow of
vinda, mana.as,-Gdtra-va
m., N. of a son of Krishna' and Laksh-
inipyatd, f. deformity of the
'l^geoedhu, us, f. the grass Coix Barbata. limbs. — Gdtra-sankodn, i, m. the pole-cat, Viverra Arjuna ; presented by Soma to Varuna, by him to
Gavedhuka, as, m. a kind of serpent ; (a), f. a Putorius, (which draws up or contracts its body in Agni, and by Agni to Arjuna, (also' said to have
belonged to PrajS-pati, Brahma, and Siva) ; a bow
species of grass, Coix Barbata ; according to some order to spring.) — Gatra-samplava, as, m. a small
authorities also Hedysarum Lagopodioides [cf. gave- bird, the diver, Pelicanus Kusicollis ; [cf. plava.] in general.— Gdndiva-dhanvan, a, m. an epithet
— Gdtra-sparia, as, m. contact of the limbs. from of Arjuna. — Gandira-mukta, as, d, am, discharged
' "]; (am), n. red chalk; [cf. gavidhulta, gavedu, the bow Gandiva.
— Gdtrdnulepani (°ra-an°), f. fragrant unguents
&c. smeared upon the body, perfume for the person. Gdndimn, I, m. an epithet of Arjuna ; the tree
. ! gaveruka, am, n. red chalk ; [cf. -Gdtrdvarana (°ra-dv°), am, n. a shield. — Gd- Terminalia Arjuna ; [cf. ajjuna.']
gavedhuka, n.]
trotsddana ("ra-ut°), am, n. cleaning the person 'll*!SK gandtra, as, I, am, coming from
with perfumes &c. the plant Gandira.
'iM^idiT gaves'akd, f, the plant Hedysarum Gdtraka, am, n. the body.
Gdtraya, nom. A. gatrayate, -yitum, to be gdtavya. See under rt. gai.
gah (connected with gah), cl. 10. P. loosened, or to loosen.
gdtagatika, as, i, am (fr. gatd-
-^ (?);gahayati, -yitum, I. gdya, as, d, am, going, striding; (am), n.
vious to enter deeply into.to be thick or imper- going, motion ; [cf. uru-gdya.] gata), caused by going and coming.
Gdtdnugatika, as, i, am (fr. gatdnugata), caused
Gaha, as, m. a cave ; a forest (?) ; [cf. dur-gaha.'] m 3. gd, as, ds, am (fr. rt. gai), singing, by following or imitating what precedes.
Gahana, as, d, am, deep, dense, thick, imper- at the end of a compound [cf. sdma-gd] ; (d), f. a
vious, impenetrable, inexplicable, hard to be under- song ; a verse or metrical composition ; [cf. gdtha.} 'llij 2. gdtu, us, m. (fr. rt. gai), a song ; a
stood, inaccessible ; (am), n. an abyss, a depth ; an singer ; a Gandharva or celestial chorister ; the male
inaccessible place, a hiding-place, a thicket, a wood, 'il'ill<4« gdgandyasa, am, n. (fr. gagana Koil or Indian cuckoo ; a bee ; N. of a descendant of
impenetrable darkness; a cave; pain, distress; [cf. + ayas), meteoric iron (?). Atri, author ofa hymn of the Rig-veda; (us, us, u),
gaihira.~\ angry, wrathful. (For i. gdtu see under i. gd.)
viousness, —impenetrability.
Gahana-tiia, am, n. density; imper-
— Gahana-vat, an, ati, •\\Sgdnga, as, I, am(fr.pra»^a),beingin or Gdtri, td, tri, tri, a singer; angry; (td), m. a
at, having hiding-places or thickets. on the Ganges, coming from or belonging or relating to
Gandharva ; the male Koil or Indian cuckoo ; a bee.
Gahandya, nom. A. gahandyate, -yitum, to have the Ganges ; (am), n., sal. ambu, rain-water ofa pecu-
treacherous intentions towards another, (originally, to liar kind (supposed to be from the heavenly Ganges) ; Gdtha, as, m. (also am, n. ?), singing, a song ;
lie hid, lie in wait for a person in a secret place, lie (as), m. a metronymic of Skanda or Kamikeya; (a), f. a verse ; (in the terminology of the Brahmanas
in ambush.) also of BhTshma; (i), f. an epithet of Durga. and liturgical books) a verse which is neither Ric,
Gahiya, as, a, am, relating to a cave or a thicket ; — Gdnga-deva, as, m., N. of a poet. — Gdngaugha nor Saman, nor Yajus, a religious verse, but not one
deep, difficult of access, impervious. belonging to the Vedas ; a stanza ; a song, a chant or
(°ga-ogha), am, n. the current of the Ganges. verse to be chanted or sung; (with Buddhists) a
Gdngdyani, is, m. a metronymic of Bhlshma ; metrical Sutra ; N. of the Arya metre ; also of a
Gahman, a, n., Ved. depth ; [cf. gambhan.'] also of Skanda , or ,Karttikeya ; (Ganga was the first metre not enumerated in the regular treatises on
Gahvara, as, d or i, am (related to gabhira and .
gahatia), deep, impervious, impenetrable ; (am), n. wife of S'Sntanu, and bore to him the hero BhTshma,
an abyss, a depth ; water ; a hiding-place, a thicket ; before his marriage with Satyavati ; she was also the prosody. — Gdtha-pati, is, m., Ved. lord of songs.
a wood; an impenetrable secret, a riddle; a cave, receiver of the vivifying principle of Siva first cast •• Gdthd-kdra, as, m. an author of songs, hymns,
cavern ; hypocrisy ; weeping ; a deep sigh ; (t), an into Agni, from which principle was generated Kartti- verses ; a singer, a reciter. — Qdthd-nl, is, is, i, Ved.
keya the god of war) ; also an epithet of Citra. leading the song, leading a choir. — Gdthdntara
abyss, a cave, a cavern, a grotto, a recess in a rock
or mountain &c. ; (as), m. an arbour, a bower. Gangeya, as, i, am, being in or on the Ganges ; (°thd-an°),
Brahma's month. as, m., N. of a Kalpa, the fourth day in
— Gahvare-shtha, as, d, am, Ved. being at the bot- (as), m. a metronymic of Skanda ; also of Bhishma ;
tom or lowest depths, being in the secret recesses. Gdthaka, as, m. a singer, a musician ; a chanter
the Hilsa or Illias fish, Clupanodon Ilisha [cf. illiia']; of the Puranas or sacred poems.
the root
Gahvarita, as, d, am, being in a hiding-place, ofa kind of grass [cf. Ihadra-musta] ; (am),
concealed. n. the root of Scirpus Kysoor or Cyperus Hexastachyus Gdthika, as, m. one who recites Gathas, hymns
Communis,=ias'e™. or verses ; (d), f. a song, hymn.
I. ga, cl. i. or 2. A., 3. P. gdtejigdti,
Gangya, as, a, am, being on the Ganges; a Gathin, i, ini, i, familiar with or knowing songs
jagau, agdt, gdsyati, gdtum (Ved. gdtave), metronymic from Gar>g5. or hymns, a singer ; (i), m., N. of a son of KuSika
(in classical Sanskrit only the aorist of the simple Ga.ngya.yani, is, m. a patronymic from Gan-gya. and father of VisVa-mitra ; (inas), m. pi. the de-
verb seems to occur), to go, go towards, to come, scendants ofthis man; (ini), f., N. of a metre,
approach; to come into any state or condition, 'tlfi& gdngata orgditgataka or gangateya, containing 12 + 18 + 12 + 20 or 32 + 29 syllabic
undergo, obtain : Pass, giijate : Desid. jigdsati or as, m. a kind of prawn or shrimp ; [cf. gangdteya.']
, , : Intern, jegiy ate: [cf. Gr. ,,_., _„.,_ , instants ; [cf. vind-gdthin."] — Gdthi-ja, as, m. the
Old Germ, gam, yd*, gat, Sec. ; Goth, ga-ti-o; Eng! gdngeruki, f. the plant Uraria son of Gathin, i. e. VisVS-mitra.
Lagopodioides; (am), n. the seed of this plant. Gdthina, as, m. a patronymic from Gathin. ,
to go; Germ, gehen; Lith. gaju.]
i. gd, ds, ds, am, (at the end of compounds) '\\ffll\gangeshthi, f.the shrub Guilandina 'ir<3 gdtra. See col. i. under rt. i. gd.
going ; [cf. a-gd, agre-gd, puro-gd. &c.] Bonducella.
*TT*I gdtha. See above.
i . gdtu, us, m. (for 2. see col. 3),Ved. going, motion,
unimpeded motion ; free space for moving, place of gdnjikdya, as, m. a quail. TretT gddgadya, am, n. (fr. gadgada),
abode; the earth; a refuge; way, course; egress,
access ; progress, increase, welfare ; [cf. arishta-gdtu ^tsW gddava, as, m. a cloud ; [cf. gavedu.']
and lura-gdtu.] - Gdtu-mat, an, ati, at, Ved. spa- 'US gddha. See under rt. gdh. J I m \ gddh [cf. gdh,
is related], cl. I. toA. which
gddhate, this root
cious, commodious. — Gdtu-i-id, t, t, t, Ved. clearing 'i(V.i'[\r^gdnagdri, is, m., N. of a teacher; gddhishyate,agddhishia,gddhitum, to stand tirmly,
the way for unimpeded motion or progress ; finding [cf. ganakdri.] to stay, remain ; to set out ; to seek, to search or inquire
or opening a way, promoting progress or welfare. for, to desire ; to compile, suing or heap together.
Gdtuya or gdtuya, nom. P., Ved. gdtuyati or *ir«m«r gdnapata, as, i, am (fr. gana-pati),
gdtuyati, to desire unimpeded motion or free space relating to the leader of a troop or to the god Ganesa. Gddha, as, d, am, any place offering firm standing-
for moving, to wish to obtain free progress. ground, fordable (as a river), not very deep, shallow ;
Gdnapatya, as (f. -ti), am, relating to the leader of (am), n. ground for standing on in water, a shallow
Gdtra, am, n. 'the instrument of moving,' a limb a troop or to the god Ganesa ; (as), m. a worshipper place, a ford (sometimes also m.) ; bottom, soundings;
or member of the body ; the body ; the fore-quarter of Ganesa ; (am), n. worship of him, chieftainship, a place, site ; desire of gain, cupidity, covetousness.
of an elephant (according to some also n. and f. in presidency.
this meaning); (as), m., N. of a son of Va«shtha; GdniTca, as, i, am (fr. gana), familiar with the mfv gddhi, is, m., N. of the father of
(«), f. earth. — Gatra-kartana, as, d, am, emaciating Ganas (in grammar). Visva-mitra and king of Kanyakubja, also called
the boiy.-Gdtra-gupta, as, m., N. of a son of
Krishna and LakshmanS. - Gdtra-bhangd, f. a Gdnikya, am, n. (fr. ganikd), an assemblage of gddhin; (ayas), m. pi. the descendants of Gadhi.
kind _of cowach, Mucuna Pruritus ( = Suka-4imbi). — Gddhi-ja, as, m. Gadhi's son, a N. ofVis'va-
mitra. Gddhin, i, m. (a later form for gat/tin,
-Gdtra-mdrjani, f. zlovte}.- Gdtra-yaehti, Odneia, as, m. (fr. ganes"a), a worshipper of
m. a thin or slender body. - Gdtra-ruha, am, isn. GaneSa. — Gdncs'opapurdna (°s"a-up°), am, n., N. city, q. v.), = gddhi. — Gddhi-nngara, am, n. Gadhi's
an epithet of Kanyakubja. - Gddhi-nandana,
the hairs on the body; [cf. anga-ruha^- Gdtra- of an Upa-Purana.
as, m. the son of Gadhi, an epithet of VisVa-mitra ;
(ata, f. a flexuous or tender body. - Gdtra*vat, an, gdndiva. See under gandi next col. also gddhi-putra, as, m., gadhi-lihu, us, m., gddhi-
288 adhi-pura.
Gdyantikd, f. (fr. gdyanff), N. of a place on the
»unu, •us, m. — Gadki-pura, am, n. Gadhi's city, gdmika, as, d, am (ft. gam, used atgarbha. Himalaya mountains.
an epithet of KSnyakubja ; [cf. gddhi-nagara.] the end of compounds), going, leading to (as a way).
Gddheya, as, m. a patronymic of VisvS-mitra ; ITC gdra, as, m., N. of a Saman, com-
(i), f. a patronymic of Satyavatl. Gamin, i, ini, i, going, moving on, or in, or
towards, or in any peculiar manner, &c. ; going to,
having intercourse with ; reaching to, extending to ; posed by Gara.
TTflguna, am, n. (ti.gai), singing, a song; JTTfT<? gdritra, am, n. (fr. rt. 2. grt), rice,
a sound; [cf. aranya-gdna, uha-g°, uhya-g0.] coming to one's share, due ; attaining, obtaining ; com, grain.
— Gdna-bandhu, us, m. a friend of songs ; N. of a directed towards ; relating to ; [cf. agra-gamin, <llt>s guriula, as, t, am (fr. garuda), shaped
man (?).— Gdna-vidyd, (. the science of vocal music. anta-g°, anya-g°, d3u-g°, ritu-g°, kdma-g°.] like the bird Garuda, coming from or relating to
Gdniya, as, «, am, musical. Gdmuka, as, d, am, going, locomotive.
Garuda ; (i), f., N. of a creeper [cf. pdtdla-garudT] ;
Tir«l«ll gdnini, f. Orris root [cf. vada], a *TWT§ gambhirya, as,d, am ((T.gambhira), (am), n. an emerald ; gold ; a Mantra or charm
medicinal plant (supposed to be of use in clearing Seing deep down, being in the depths ; (a7ft), n. against poison. — Gdruda-pitrdna, am, n., N. of
the voice ; fr. yana f). deepness, depth (of water, sound, &c.) ; depth or the seventeenth Purana relating the birth of Garuda
profundity of character, earnestness, sagacity; the from VinatS. It is doubtful whether a genuine G5-
•Ml*3 gantu, us, m. (fr. I. gam), one who deep sound of the voice of a Jaina saint, like distant ruda-Purana exists.
goes or moves, a goer, a traveller ; a singer (in this thunder or the muttering of clouds. Gurudika, as, m. a charmer, a dealer in antidotes.
sense a wrong form for 2. gdtu).
Gdntri, (,=gantri, a carriage drawn by oxen. gdm-manya, as, d, am, thinking 'lit; run garutmata, as, I, am (fr. garut-
one's self a cow. mat), shaped like the bird Garuda, sacred to Garuda
/llx^ gdn-dama, as, m. (gdn = gam, ace. &c. ; (am), n. an emerald ; [cf. garitddit-kita, &c.]
fr. go), N. of a man. a. giya, as, I, am (fr. gay a), relating — Gantimata-imttrikd, (., N. of a plant; [cf.
to Gaya,
a, as, i, am, born in Gandika. under I. gd.) coming from him, &c. (For I. gdya see pdfi and marakata-paUri.]
gundini, f., N. of a princess of ITT7! gdrga, as, I, am (fr. gdrgya below,
Kisi who was the wife of SVaphalka and mother of
Tfnt 3. gdya, am, n. (fr. rt. gai), a song. which is derived fr. garga), coming from or con-
Akrflra (also called gdndt) ; an epithet of the river Gdyaka, as, t, am, singing, one who sings; nected with GSrgya ; a contemptuous metronymic
(as), m. a singer. — Gdyaka-fandra, as, m., N. of from Gargi.
Ganges or the goddess Gan-gS ; (also read gdndhini.) a copyist who lived A. D. 1670. Gdrgaka, as, ikd, am, belonging to Gargya,
•• Gdndini-suta, as, m. a son of GandinI, epithet
Gdyat, an, and, at, singing; (anti), f., N. of worshipping Gargya ; (an*), n. a multitude or assem-
of Gdndi.
Akrura andSeeofgdndinl.
Bhtshma ; [cf. gdngeya."] Gaya's wife. blage of the descendants of Garga.
Gdyatra, as, am, m. n. a song, hymn ; (t), f. an Gdrgtka, as, m. a metronymic from GSrgT, ex-
TtT'V? gdndharva, as, t, am (fr. gandhana), ancient metre of twenty-four syllables, variously ar- pressing contempt.
belonging or relating to the Gandharvas (especially ranged, but generally as a triplet of three divisions of theGdrgikd, f. descent from Garga, the relation to
gdndharvo vivdhah asvidhih, the form of marriage :ight syllables each ; a hymn composed in the Gayatri school of Gargya.
called after the Gandharvas, that which requires only metre; the Gayatrl (i. e. KLig-veda III. 62, 10, tat Gdrgi, f. the wife of Gargya ; an epithet of Durga.
mutual agreement ; see gandJiarva-tmdha) ; relat- savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi — Gdrg'i-putra, as, m. the son of GargT ; N. of a
ing to the Gandharvas as heavenly choristers (e. g. dhiyo yo nah pradodaydt. This is a very sacred teacher. — Gdrgiputrakdyani or gdrrjlputrdyani or
gdndharva-kaldh, song, music, &c. ; gdndharvo verse repeated by every BrShman at his morning and gdrgiputri, is, m. a descendant of the son of GargT.
vedah or gdndharva-vedah, the Veda of music, evening devotions. From being addressed to Savitri Gdrgi-bhuta, as, d, am, one who has become a
musical science considered as an appendix of the Sama- or the Sun as generator, it is also called Savitri. The Gargya.
veda and ascribed to Bharata) ; (as), m. a singer in GSyatri verse is personified as a goddess, the wife of I. gdrgiya, nom. P. gdrglyati, to act like 2
general ; N. of a people in the north-east of Madhya- Brahma and mother of the four Vedas ; and is often
desa; (I), f. = raf, speech, according to the legend mentioned in connection with the Amrita, both Gargya ; A. gdrg'iyate, to behave like a GSrgya.
i. gargiya, as, d, am, composed by Garga ; com-
that the gods gave speech to the Gandharvas and together constituting as it were the essence and type ing from GSrgya; (as), m. pi. the pupils of the
received from them the Soma in return ; an epithet of sacred hymns in general. The Gayatri personified descendants of Garga ; the pupils of Gargyayana.
of the goddess Durga ; (am), n. the art of the is also considered as the mother of the first three Gdrgeya, as, m. a metronymic from GargT.
Gandharvas, song, music, dance ; N. of one of the classes, in their capacity of twice bom). According to GSrgya, as (f. gt), am, descended from Garga, as
nine sections of Bharata-varsha ; [cf. gandharva- the system of the TSntrikas, a number of mystical a son or daughter ; (a*), m., N. of several teachers of
khanda.] — Ganilharva-6itta, at, d, am, one whose verses are called Gayatrls, and each deity has one in grammar, of the ritual, &c. ; according to Durga, a
mind is possessed by the Gandharvas ; [cf. gandhar- particular ; (am), n. a hymn composed and recited Gargya is the author of the Pada-patha of the Sama-
ra-grihita.] — Gdndharva-s'dld, f. music-hall, a in the metre Gayatri ; (as, J, am), consisting in the veda; N. of a king of the Gandharvas; N. of a
concert-room. GSyatrT, connected with it, formed in accordance with people. — Gdrgya-parliishla, am, n. title of a Pari-
Gdndkarvilia, as, m. a singer ; (also read gdn- it (e. g. in accordance with the. number of syllables of sishta of the Atharva-veda.
dharvaka.) a Gayatrl verse &c.) ; (I), f. the tree Acacia Catechu, Gargyayana, as, m. a patronymic from Gargya,
N. ofa teacher; (£), {.=gargi.
TT**nT. gdndhdra, as, m. a prince of the = khadira ; (am), n., N. of a Saman. — Gdyatra-
Gfmdharis; the third of the seven primary notes kdkubha, as, m. a PragJtha beginning with a GSryydyaniya, ds, m. pi. the pupils of G5rgy5yana.
of music; minium or red lead; (?), f. a princess Gayatri and ending with a Kakubh. •- Gdyatra- 'liw»i<; gdrtsamada, as, m. a patronymic
Mhandas, as, ds, as, Ved. one to whom the Gayatrl
of the GJndhSris (especially the wife t>f Dhrita- metre belongs or to whom it is sacred &c. ; relating from Gritsa-mada ; (am), n., N. of a Saman.
rishtra) ; N. of a Vidya-devI; N. of a Raginl(?);
with Jainas, a divine being fulfilling the commands to the Gayatri metre. —> Gdyatra-^pdrs'va, am, n., JffifW gdrdabha, as. J, am (fr. gardabha),
of the twenty-first Arhat of the present Avasarpim ; N. of a Saman. •- Gdyatra-bdrhata, as, m. a Pra- belonging to or coming from or relating to an ass ;
(as), m. pi., N. of a people and their country, gatha beginning with a GSyatri and found where the asinine.
commonly called Kandahar, and lying between the Brihati metre predominates. — Gdyatra-vartani, is, GdrdabharatMka, as, i, am (fr. gardabha-
north of India and Persia [cf. gandhara, gandhdri, is,i,Ved. moving in Gayatrl measures. — Gdyatra-w- ratha), fit for a donkey-cart.
gdndkdri] ; (i), f., N. of two plants, Hedysarum pas, ds, ds, as, Ved. inciting or inspiring to sing hymns.
TTT3T gdrddhya, am, n. (fr. griddha, rt.
Alhagi and Prickly Nightshade, = yavdsa and — Gdyatri-bhdshya, am, n. title of a commentary
on the GSyatri. — Gdyatrl-mantra, as, m. prayers
dur-dlabhd; (am), n. gum myrrh; [cf. gandha- connected with the GSyatri. — Gayatri-vallabha, gridh), Gdrdhra desire, (or greediness.
wrongly spelt gdrdha), as, i, am
roso.] — Gdndhdra-rdja, as, m. the Icing of Gan- as, m. a friend of the Gayatri, an epithet of Siva.
dhara, whose name was Su-bala. (fr. gridhra), derived from a vulture, vulturous, vul-
Gdiulharuka, as, m. pi. = gdndhdra, N. ofa people. — Gdyalrl-sdman, a, n., N. of several verses of the turine ; rapacious, greedy (?) ; (as), m. an arrow ;
Gdndhdri, ayas, m. pi., N. of a people ; (is), m. SSma-veda, recited in the Gayatri raetie. — G£yatry- desire, greediness, cupidity (in the latter sense the
a metronymic of Duryodhana ; [cf. the following.] dsita, am, n., N. of a SSman. word gdrdhra is probably a wrong reading for
Gdndhdreya, as, m. a metronymic of Duryodhana, Gayatri, is, f. = gdyatri. gdrddhya). — Gdrdhra-paksha, or gdrdhra-pat- (
the son of Dhrita-rashtra. Gdyatrin, t, ini, i, one who sings hymns ; (t), m. tra, or gdrdhra-vdjita, or gdrdhra-rdjita, as, a,
the tree Acacia Catechu. — Gdyatri-sdra, as, m. am (?), or gdrdhra-rdsas, ds, ds, as, decorated
mfivra gdndhika, as, m. (fr. gandha), a Catechu, Terra Japonica ; [cf. khadira] with vulture's feathers (especially an arrow so deco-
vender of perfumes, a perfumer ; a scribe, a clerk ; a rated) [cf.
; gridltra-vdja and gridhra-vdjila.]
kind of worm having a strong fetid smell, commonly Gdyatrya, as, d, am, epithet of a kind of Soma.
Gdyana, as, i, am, singing, a singer ; (as), m. a TTTH gdrbha, as, i, am (fr. garbha), born
gdndhipokd, a tree-bug; (am), n. fragrant wares, singer, a talker, a gossip; N. of an attendant of from the womb ; fetal, uterine ; relating to or con-
perfumes. Skanda; (am), n. singing, song; professing or prac or ceremony). nected with gestation, also to conception (as any act
' gdndhirii, f. See under gdndirii. tising singing as a livelihood.
garbhika. fhftH giri-bhu.
Garbhika, as, I, am, fetal, uterine ; relating to or ear. — Gddha-td, f. or gddJia-tva, am, n. intensity, giri-kshipa] ; (Is), f. swallowing; a rat, a small
connected with gestation or the foetus in the womb. closeness; firmness, hardness; excess. — Gddka- rat, a mouse [cf. girikd]; (is, is, i), venerable,
Gdrbhina, am, n. (fr. garbhini), a number or mushti, if, is, i, close-fisted, avaricious, niggardly, respectable, worshipful; [cf. Zend gairi; Slav.
assemblage of pregnant women. miserly ; (is), m. a scymitar, a large sacrificial knife. gora; Afghan, ghur ; cf. also gariyas, garishtha,
Gdrbhinya, am, n. an assemblage of pregnant •• Gddha-s'oka-prahdra, as, d, am, inflicting the gariman.] •- Giri-kaMhapa, as, m. a kind of tor-
women. toise living in mountains. — Giri-kantaka, as, m.
keenest anguish. — Gadhangada ('dJia-an"), as,
d, am, having closely fitting bracelets. — Gddhd- Indra's thunderbolt. — Giri-kadamba or giri-ka-
TT\*£ifgarmuta,am,ii.(fr.garmut),honey(?). dambaka, as, m. a species of the Kadamba tree,
liitr/ana (°dha-af), am, n. a close embrace.
garshteya, as, i, am (fr. grishti), Gddhi-karana, am, n. making stiff. mountain Kadamba ; [cf. riipa and dhdrd-ka-
Ved. born from a heifer. Gdha, as, t, am, diving into, bathing ; (as), m. damba.] — Giri-kadali, f. the mountain or wild
depth, interior, innermost recess. Kadal!. — Giri-kandara, as, m. a cave, a cavern.
'llf M?T garhapata, am, n. (fr. griha-pati), Gdltana, am, n. the act of diving into, plunging, — Giri-karna, f. the plant Clitoria Ternatea; [cf.
the position and dignity of a householder. bathing, penetrating. a-pardjita.] — Giri-karnikd, f. the earth ; the plant
Gdrhapatya, as, m., scil. ayni, a sacred fire, per- Gd/iantya, as, d, am, to be dived into or pene- Clitoria Ternatea ; a species of Kinihl with white
petually maintained by a householder, received from trated. blossoms. — Giri-karni, f. the plant Clitoria Ternatea
his father and transmitted to his descendants, and
Gdhita, as, d, am, bathed in, plunged into, im- [cf. the preceding] ; another plant, Alhagi Maurorum
from which fires for sacrificial purposes are lighted ; mersed, entered deeply into, penetrated; shaken, Giri-kdna, as, m. a blind or one-
the place where this sacred fire is kept ; (as), m. pi., agitated, destroyed. eyed man, one blind from a particular disease.
N. of a class of manes ; (am), n. the government Gdhitri, ta, tn, tri, one who plunges into water, — Giri-kdnana, am, n. a mountain-grove. — Giri-
of a family, position of a householder, a household. a bather, diver ; one who penetrates ; shaking, kuta, am, n. the summit of a mountain. — Giri-
— Gdrhapatyagdra (°ya-ag°), as, m. the place in agitating ; destroying, a destroyer. \ kshit, t, t, t, Ved. living in mountains or on high,
which the Garhapatya fire is kept. as Vishnu ; (*), m., N. of an AufcSmanyava ; [cf.
Gdrhamedha, as, i, am (fr. griha-medha), fit
ginduka, as, m. a ball for playing
gairikshita.] — Giri-kshipa, as, m., N. of a son of
or proper for a householder. with ; [cf. genduka and kanditka.] SVaphalka ; [cf. arikshipa and giri.] — Giri-gangd,
Gdrhasthya, as, a, am (fr. griha-stha), fit for {., N. of a river. — Gtri-guda, as, m. a ball for play-
or incumbent on a householder; (am], n. the order fl^ i. gir, IT, IT, IT (fr. i. gn), Ved. ad-
or estate of a householder, of the father or mother of dressing, invoking, praising ; (ir), f. invocation, ad- ing with. — Giri-guhd, f. a mountain-cave. «— Giri-
a family ; household, domestic affairs, the house with dressing with praise, praise, verse, song; speech, gairika-dhdtu, us, m. = gairika, red chalk. — Giri-
its contents. speaking, language, voice, words (e. g. mdnushtm gairikadhdtu-vat, ind. like red chalk. — Giri-fara,
giram kri, to assume a human voice ; girdm pra- as, i, am, Ved. living in or inhabiting mountains.
Gdrhya, as, d, am (fr. griha), domestic. — Giri-tdrin, i, ini, i, living in mountains. — Giri-
bhavishnuA, ' lord of speech or words," an epithet of
'tlrt gala, as, m. (fr. rt. gal), flowing, Brihaspati, regent of the planet Jupiter) ; a N. of ja, as, d, am, mountain-born, mountaineer ; (as),
liquefying ; dropping ; a flux. m. the Mahwa tree, Bassia, = madhula ; N. of a man
Sarasvati, the goddess of speech; fame, .celebrity; yijpvs.]
Gdlana, am, n. straining fluids; fusing, lique- [cf. Hib. gair, with the patronymic Bsbhravya ; (a), f., N. of several
" 'an outcry, a shout;' Gr. yijpvs.
fying, &c. pati ;; [cf. plants, viz. a kind of lemon tree ; a plant considered
— I. gir-is"a, as, m. an epithet of Brihaspati [ as a white species of Rasna [cf. rasnd] ; the shaddock
Galava, as, m. the tree Symplocos Racemosa, the gish-pati.] — Gir-vanas, as, as, as, Ved. delighting
bark of which is used in dyeing, Lodh ; a pale species in invocations, fond of praise, an epithet of Indra and or pumple-mouse, Citrus Decumana ; also = dveta-
of the same, = foeta-lodhra ; also a kind of ebony, Agni. — Gir-vanasyit, its, us, u, Ved. fond of hymns vuhnd, kehudra-pdshana, giri-kadall, kdrl, trd-
Diospyros Glutinosa [cf. kenduka] ; N. of an old or praise, an epithet of Indra. — Gir-van, d, d, a, yamdnd ; a kind of jasmine, mallikd; a N. of the
sage and preceptor, according to the Hari-vanSa a son, Ved. addressed with many invocations, receiving much goddess Parvati, as the daughter of the personified
and according to the Maha-bharata a pupil of VisvS- praise. •• Girva-vdJi, t, t, t, Ved. bearing one who is Himalaya mountain; (am), n. talc; benzoin or gum
benjamin ; it is also confounded with another gum
mitra ; N. of the author of a Dharma-s'Sstra ; N. of a addressed with many hymns. — Gir-vahas, as, as, resin called styrax ; red chalk ; bitumen ; iron.
grammarian ; (a«), m. pi. the descendants of Galava. as, Ved. one to whom invocations are addressed,
Gdlavi, a patronymic from Galava. praised in song, an epithet of Indra &c. — GIA- — Girijd-kiimdra, as, m., N. of a pupil of San-ka-
Gdli, is, f. a curse, execration or imprecation. . — Girijd-pati, is, m. an epithet of Siva,
pati=guh-Jpati.-~Gi-ratka (gir-ra°), as, m. 'the
— Gdli-praddna, am, n. cursing, reviling, abusing. vehicle of words,' an epithet of Brihaspati. — Glr- the husband of PSrvati. — Girijdmala (°ja-am°),
— Gdli-mat, an, ati, at, uttering curses or execra- devi, (. the goddess of speech, Sarasvati. — Gir-pati am, n. talc. — Giri-jala, am, n. a range of moun-
tions. tains. —Girijd-suta, as, m., N. of the chief of a
=gisk-pati. — Gir-latd, f., N. of a plant, = mahd-
Gdlita, as, a, am, distilled, strained, dropped, jyotishmati. — Gir^oana, as, m. a god, a deity sect worshipping Ganesa. — Giri-jvara, as, m. Indra's
melted, fused. thunderbolt ; [cf. giri-kantaka.] — Giri-naddha or
('whose arrow is speech;' or perhaps only a cor-
Gdlin, i, ini, i, distilling, fusing, liquefying ; abus- ruption fir.gir-va7ias.)—Girvdna-kw<uma, am, n. giri-naddha, as, d, am, enclosed by a mountain.
ing, abusive. the flower of the gods, cloves. — Gish-pati, is, m. — Giri-n{tambaoigiri-nitamba,as,m.the declivity
Gdlini, f. a particular gesticulation or position of the lord of speech, a N. of Brihaspati, the regent of of a mountain. — Giri-tra, as, d, am, Ved. ruling over
the fingers. the planet Jupiter and preceptor of the gods; a Pandit, mountains ; epithet of Rudra-S'iva. — Giri-durga,
a learned man. — Gis-tard, f. excellent speech, a as, d, am, or am, n. of difficult access in consequence
gdlodaya, A. -dayate, -yitum, to
examine, investigate. of being surrounded by mountains ; a hill-fort or any
good voice.
Gird, f. speech, speaking; voice. — Gird^vridh, stronghold amongst mountains. — Giri-dvdra, am,
Gdlodita, am, n. examination, investigation. n. a mountain-pass. — Giri-dhara, as, m., N. of a
t, t, t, Ved. delighting in being praised ; (Say.)
galodya, am, n. the seed of the thriving by praise (as a god). copyist of the seventeenth century. — Girl-dhatu,
lotus ; [cf. ankalodya, angalodya, galodya, gi- us, m. different kinds of earth or minerals in the
lodya.] 2. gir (fr. 2. gn), swallowing, (at the interior of a mountain ; red chalk. — Giri-d/ivaja,
end of compounds, e.g. in gara-gir and muhw-gir.)
t gavalgani, is, m. (fr. gavalgana), i . gira, as, d, am, swallowing. as, m. Indra's thunderbolt ; [cf. giri-kanjaka and
a patronymic of Sanjaya. Girita, as, d, am, swallowed, eaten. giri-jvara.] — Giri-nagara, am, n., N. of a town
in Dakshina-patha. — Giri-nadt or giri-nadi, f. a
f*R 2. gira, at the end of an adverbial mountain-torrent. — Giri-nandini, f. daughter of a
'^gdvishthira and gdvishthirayana, tain). mountain, a mountain-stream. — Giri-nimnagd, f. a
two patronymics from Gavi-shthira. compound =giri (e. g. anu-yiram, near the moun-
TTI? gdh, cl. i. A. (ep. also P.) gdhate,
mountain-torrent. — Giri-nimba, as, m., N. of a
plant, = mahdrishta. — Giri-pllu, us, m., N. of
\ -ti, jagdhe, gahishyate, agdhishta, gd- 1*1 K giri, is, m. (said to be fr. rt. 2. gn: a fruit tite,=paruska. — Giri-pura, am, n. moun-
hitum or gddhum, to dive into, bathe in, plunge perhaps originally gar i or rfaru, and related to guru, tain-town orN. of a town. — Giri-puehpaka, am,
into, penetrate, enter deeply into ; roam, range, rove ; gariman), a hill, a mountain, a rock, an elevation, n. a fragrant resin, benzoin. — Giri-pruhtha, am, n.
to be absorbed in (with ace.) ; to hide one's self in : a rising-ground (in the foregoing senses often con- the top of a hill. — Giri-prapdta, as, m. the declivity
Caus. gdhayati, -yitum, ajigahat : Desid. jigd- nected in the Veda with parvata, e. g. parvato of a mountain. — Giri-prastha, as, m. the table-land
. hishate and jighdkshate : Intens. jdgdhyate and girih, explained by Say. as a mountain having of a mountain. — Giri-priya, as, d, am, fond of or
jdgddhi. many parts) ; a cloud (this last sense is often given frequenting mountains; (d), f. the female of the
Gddha, as, d, am, dived into, bathed in, entered to giri by the commentators on Vedic works) ; a term Bos Grunniens. — Giri-bdndJiava, as, m. a friend of
into ; deeply entered, closely pressed together, tightly for the number eight, because of the eight mountains
the mountains, an epithet of S'iva. — Giri-budhna,
drawn, closely fastened, close, fast (opposed to .<i- surrounding the mountain Meru ; a wooden ball, with as, d, am, Ved. resting on a mountain, produced
thila) ; thick, dense ; deep (as sleep) ; strong, vehe- which children play [cf. giriha and giri-guda]; a on a hill ; [cf. adri-budhna.] — Giri-bhid, t, t, t,
ment, firm ; (am), ind. excessively, much, very j disease of the eyes ; a peculiar defect in quicksilver ; breaking through the mountains, as a river; (t), f.
much, heavily, closely, firmly, strongly, &c. — Gddha- a honorific title given to one of the ten orders of the the plant Plectranthus Scutellarioides. — Giri-bhu,
karna, as,m. an ear penetrated by sound, an attentive Das-namI Gosaius; N. of a son of SVaphalka [cf. us, us, u, mountain-bom, mountaineer ; (us), !., N.
290 frtfbn^ giri-bhraj. ITS gwla.
m. pi. the descendants of this man; (it, Us), f.,Ved.
of a plant, = kshu<Jra-pdskaiia-lficdd; a small chanted, sounded. Sec.; (d), f. a song, a sacred
Say. ) = <•«/<«, q. v.
stone (?) ; an epithet of ParvatI, the wife of Siva. song or poem, religious doctrines declared in me-
-Giri-bkraj, t, t, t, Ved. breaking forth from trical form by an inspired sage [cf. the titles Siva- *F5S. guttha, as, m. (assimilated form fr.
mountains; (Say.) falling from the clouds. — Giri- flU, RSma-gltS, Bhagavad-glti, which last is also gutsa), a bundle, a bunch, a bunch of flowers, a
mallikd, (. the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica ; [cf. often called the Olti] ; N. of a metre ; (am), n. cluster of blossoms, a clump (of grass &c.), a bunch
kuta-ja.1 — Giri-mdtra, an, a, am, having the size singing, song either general or particular. — Gita- of peacock's feathers, the plumage of a peacock ; a
or dimensions of a mountain. — (.'iVi'-mona, as, a, katitlika, f. a Parisishta of the Sama-veda. — Glta- jearl necklace of thirty-two or (according to others)
am, having the extent or dimensions of a mountain ; of seventy strings [cf. anllia-ijuf(jM\; (i), f. a
krama, as, m. the arrangement of a song. — (!~ita-
(as), m. a large and powerful elephant. — Giri-maJa gangddhara, title of a poem by Kalyana. - Gita- dnd of Bonduc or Karanja. — Gud'ha-kanisa, as,
and giri-mdlaka, an, m., N. of a tree. — G»X- /!ri'sn, title of a poem by Rama. — Glta-gwinda, m. a kind of corn, = ragin. — Gufi'ha-karanja, as,
mrli'l, t, 1. red chalk, mountain soil ; [cf. gairilm.] as, m. Govinda (i.e. Krishna) celebrated in song ; title m. a kind of Karanja ; [cf. giMKi.} — IliMha-
- Girimrid-bhava, am, n. red chalk. - GiH- of a lyrical drama by Jaya-deva, supposed to have dantil:d, f. the plant Musa Sapicntum, = kudali.
jeen written about the twelfth or thirteenth century
meda, as, m. a fetid Mimosa, = nri-merfu. - Girt- — (iufi'lia-pattra, as, m. the palm tree ; [cf. li/ln.'
rdj, t, m. the king of the mountains, the Himavat (?). of our era ; it is a mystical erotic poem, describing — Giufdha-pushpa, as, m., N. of a plant, = sapta-
— Giri-vdsin, i, ini, i, living on or in mountains, the loves of Krishna and the Gopls, especially of
Krishna and Radha, who is supposed to typify the d'hada; (1), f., N. of two plants, Grislea Tomentosa
being or produced in them ; (i), rn. a kind of bulb- (dliutiiki), and another plant = it mi iili. — Kiin'ha-
ous plant, a large kind of Arum. - Gi ri-vraja, as, luman soul. — Gita-jna, as, d, am, versed in the art
oushpaka, as, m. two kinds of Karanja, the Ritha-
m., N. of the capital of Magadha. — Criri-fa, as, a, of singing, acquainted with songs. — Gita-priya, as, icaranja and the Guicha-karanja. — (1 iMha-phala,
am, or (as), m. inhabiting or frequenting moun- d, am, fond of songs; (a), f., N. of one of the as, m., N. of several plants, — rlthd-ttaranja; an-
Mitris attending on Skanda. - Gita-modin, t, im, other plant, Strychnos Potatorum [cf. katakd] ;
tains, an epithet of Rudra-Siva. — Giri-s'anta, as,
a, dm, Ved. inhabiting or frequenting mountains. i, gladdening with songs; (I), m. a Kinnara or another plant, = rdjddani ; (d), (., N. of several
— CUri-faya, as, a, am, Ved. inhabiting mountains. celestial chorister. - Gtta-vddana, am, n. the sing-
plants, Musa Sapientum, = A'a(iart or the plantain;
— Girt-ddla, as, m. a kind of bird. — Giri-sdlini, ing of a song. — Gita-s"dstra, am, n. the science of the vine ; the plant Solanum Indicum (kaka-rndfi) ;
(. the plant Clitoria Ternatea. — Giri-iflnga, as, music. — Gltdyana (°ta~ay°), am, n. a procession the plant Solanum Jacquini (agni-damani) ; a kind
accompanied with songs.
m. an epithet of Ganela ; the peak of a mountain. of leguminous plant, = nishpdvi. — G-iM/ia-bacUird,
Citato, am, n. a song.
— Gin-shad, t, t, t, sitting on mountains ; an epi- f., N. of a plant, GundSlS. — GuMha-mulikd, (., N.
thet of Kudra. — Giri-shthd, as, as, am, or gn'ri- Gtti, is, (. song, singing ; a kind of poetical metre,
ththa, as, a, am (rt. sthd), inhabiting or frequenting the stanza con- of a phnt,=gunddsirii. — GiMh,drdha (Cc7<a-ar°),
a form of the AryS metre, in which eighteen syllabic as, m. a pearl necklace of twenty-four strings; a
mountains ; epithet ^of the Maruts and of the Soma sists of four lines of twelve and
instants alternately. — Gitt-vitlesha, as, m. a kind of species of grass, Andropogon Schcenanthus. — Guffhd-
plant which is found in mountains. — Giri-sarpa, hva-kanda ('(ha-dh0), as, m. a kind of esculent
as, m. a kind of snake. — Giri-sanu, u, n. table- song. - Gity-dryd, f., N. of a metre of four lines of root, = gulanfa-kanda.
land. — Giri-sdra, as, m. iron ; tin ; an epithet of iixteen short syllables each.
the Malaya mountains, situated in the south of India. Guttkaka, as, m. a bunch, bundle, cluster of
Gltikd, {. a short song, a small hymn ; N. of a blossoms, clump of grass, the plumage of a peacock,
— Girisdra-maya, as, I, am, made of iron, iron. metre consisting of four lines of twenty syllables each.
— Giri-sutd, f. the daughter of the mountain Hima- a bunch of peacock's feathers ; a pearl necklace of
Gitin, i, »»«, », one who recites in a singing
manner. thirty-two strings ; a kind of Karanja, = rithd-
vat ;an epithet of PSrvatl, the wife of Siva. — Giri-
sena, as, m., N. of a man. — Giri-srava, f. a
G'tthd, (. a song. Tcardnja; (am), n. a kind of fragrant plant, =
mountain-stream, a torrent. — Giri-hvd, f. another granthi-parna.
N. of the plant giri-larnika, Clitoria Ternatea. giratha, Sec. See under i. gir. Guddhdla, as, m. a species of grass, Andropogon
- Girindra (°ri-t»°), as, m. a prince among the i . girna, as, a, am (fr. i . gri), praised.
mountains, a high mountain ; a term for the number •ftt guj, cl. 6. and i(2). P. gvjati
I. girni, is, (. praise, applause; fame, celebrity.
eight ; [cf. girt.] - a. otrirfa (°ri-iia\ as, m. the j \and gojati (?), jugoja, gujitum ; oftener
prince of the mountains, a N. of the Himalaya, the iffalf 2. girna, as, d, am, swallowed.
snowy mountains on the north of Hindustan, or gunj,d. i.P.gunjat i,j>igunja
ly; to buz, , guiijitum,to sound
a. girni, is, f. swallowing. inarticulate hum.
the range personified ; an epithet of Siva ; a N. of the Ginri, is, is, i, swallowing, devouring.
eleventh Eudra: (for t.girUa see under I. gir.) Gunja, as, m. humming; a bunch, a bundle, a
cluster of blossoms, bunch of flowers, nosegay, =
~Giry-ahva, {.=giri-hva. yi i. guto (related
\3 vate, to i. gd), cl. i. A. ga-
Girika, as, m. the inhabitant of a mountain (?); go. a low murmuring sound;
kettle-drum (d), ;f. humming,
a small shrub, Abrus Precatorius,
a N. of Siva ; a ball for playing with [cf. gir{ and a. gu, (at the end of compounds) going ; [cf. adhri- the
giriyaka] ; N. of a chief of the Naga or serpent- gu, mnar-gu ; also priyan-gu and idd-gu (?) ; bearing a red and black berry, which forms
race ; N. of a certain weaver in a Buddhist work ; cf. gu in agre-g&J] smallest of the jeweller's weights ; either the berry
also called Sandagirika ; (d), f. a mouse, a small which averages about I ^ grains troy or the artificial
JT 3. gu, cl. i. A., Ved. gavate, juguve, weight called by this name, weighing about 2/5 grains ;
rat ; N. of the wife of Vasu, daughter of the moun- seems
O goshyate, agoshta, gotum, (this verb
tain Kolahala and of the river Saktimatl.
only to occur in the reduplicated forms joguve and = £ Adya-mashaka, = ^. Mashaka, =3 or 3 barley-
Giriyaka or giriydka or girtyaka, as, m. a ball corns, =4 grains of rice, = 3 grains of wheat; (with
joguvdna), to speak articulately, to proclaim, to physicians J Gunjas = I MSsha, with lawyers 7£
for playing with ; [cf. gin and giri-guda.] cause to sound: Caus. gdvayati: Deiid.jugiishate:
Gin-fa. See under giri above. Gunjis); a kind of plant with a poisonous root;
Intens. joguyate, jogoti, to shout with joy; [cf. a tavern; reflection, meditation. — Gufija-krit, t, m.
frrftrT girita. See under 2. gir. ' making a humming,' a large black bee.
flT^^I i. 2. girlsa, &c. See under i. gir JT 4. gu, cl. 6. P. guvati, jugdva, gushyati, a low Gunjat,
murmuring an, antl, at, buzzing, humming, making
and under giri above. O aguskH, gutum or guvitum, to void by stool,
to void excrement. Gunjana, am, n. sounding low and deep, as
friTS gila, as, a, am (fr. 2. grt), who or buzzing, murmuring, &c.
what swallows ; (as), m. the citron tree,=jambira. JJ 5. gu (at the end of an adj. comp.]
= go, a cow, cattle, earth, ray, &c., see go, (e.g. Gunjikd, f. the seed of the plant Abrus Precatorius ;
— Gila-gila, as, a, am, swallowing ; [cf. timingtta- [cf. gunjd.]
gila.]—Gila-grdha, as, m. a crocodile, a shark. daia-gu, possessing ten cows ; nahasra-gu, possess-
Gilat, an, afi or antl, at, swallowing, devouring Gunjita, as, a, am, uttered in a low g,tone, mur-
ing 1000 cows ; Calad-gu, one under whom the earth buzzing.
Gilana, am, n. swallowing ; also girana. trembles, &c.); [cf. anu-gu, anslita-gu,, ushna-gu, mured, &c.; («m), n. sounding, murmurin
Gildyu, us, m. hard tumor in the throat. Ttriia-gu, &c.] Trarft yt/jjari, f. one of the RaginTs; (for
'•'///, i#, f. swallowing, eating. Trrrp5 yuggula, as, m. or gvggulu, u, us,
lHlita, as, d, am, eaten, swallowed. gurjarl, q. v.)
n. m. (but always m. in the later language), a fragrant TrfccRT gutikd, f. a pill, a bolus, any small
Olrtl*^ gilodya, N. of a plant; [cf.
anyalodya, galoiiya, gdloiiya.] gum resin, bdellium or the exudation of the Amyris globe or ball ; a small pustule ; the cocoon of the
Agallochum, a perfume and medicament ; sometimes silk-worm; a pill; a pearl; [cf. gudikd, guUkd,
f'lwn gishnu, us, m. (probably a corrupt with the epithet sa'nulhava or samudriya, i. e.
form of geihnu; rt. gat), a professional singer; a 'obtained near rivers or the sea,' (perhaps some gull, gHda.l-Gutikdiijana (°kd-a>\°), am,
other substance coming from rivers or the sea?); collyrium formed like a globe or ball. — Gutikd-
Brahman versed in the Sama-veda, a chanter of that mukha, as, i, am, furnished with a rounded orifice.
Veda ; an actor. a species of Morunga with red flowers, Morunga
Hyperanthera ; («, us), f., N. of an Apsaras. frxgud, cl. 6. P. gudati, to defend, guard,
Ill M fn (fih-pati, gish-pati. See i. gir. J xpreserve; [cf. i/hud and ;/«/»/.]
Gugguluka, as, I, m. f. one who deals in bdellium. Cinla, as, m. (said to be from the last), a globe
g'tta, as, a, am (fr. rt. gai), sung JT3F gunytt, us, m., N. of a man ; (ocas),
or ball ; a ball for playing with ; a bit, a mouthful,
(rice kneaded in the shape of a ball ?) ; sugar which numeral) fold, times, &c. (e. g. tri-guna, three-fold guna-vat. ; (as), m. one who prepares side-dishes or any secon-
forms itself into lumps, dry sugar ; treacle, molasses, dvi-guna, two-fold, double ; fatiir-guna, four-fold ; dary article of food, such as sweetmeats &c. ; an
the first thickening of the juice of the sugar-cane by eapta trigundni dindni, twenty-one days ; mul- epithet of BhTma-sena, who performed the duties of
ydt paiidaguno daiidah, a fine five times more a cook while the Pandava princes were servants to
boiling ; an elephant's trappings or armour (formed
of small balls ?) ; the cotton tree ; the plant Tithy- than the value ; duxhto dfis'agunam, ten times Virata. — Guna-kirandvall, {., N. of a literary
malus Antiquorum ; another plant, = kshira-ddru ; worse ; dvigunatvam i, to become double ; viiisklo work. — Guna-ketu, us, m., N. of a Buddha.
(as), m. pi., N. of a people in Madhya-dela ; (a), f. dafabhtr gunaih, of ten times higher value) ; a — Guna-ke^i, f., N. of a daughter of MStali, who
a small ball, a pill ; the plant Tithymalus Antiquorum ; multiplier, a co-efficient (in arithmetic) ; division, was the charioteer of Indra. — Guna-gdna, am, n.
another plant, = uiiri; (Z), f. the plant Tithymalus subdivision, species, kind (e. g. gandhasya gund/i, praising the virtues of another, panegyric, praise.
the different kinds of smell); a secondary element, — Guna-gridhnu, us, us, u, desiring or possessing
karl, f. (perhaps ; [cf.a gula, gauda,of gaudika."]
corruption gurjarl or —ijiyjarl),
Gttda- a subordinate or unessential part of any action, an good qualities. — Guna-grihya, as, d, am, capable
one of the RSginis or female personifications of the auxiliary act (e. g. sarva-gutia, reaching to all sub- of good qualities, admiring virtue, attached to merit.
musical modes. — Guda-trina, am, n. sugar-cane. ordinate parts, hence ' valid throughout'); a secondary — Gttna-grahana, am, n. acknowledging or appre-
— Guda-tvat, k, n. (?) the aromatic bark of the dish (opposed to anna, i.e. rice or the chief dish), a ciating merit. — Guna-grdma, as, m. an assemblage
Laurus Cassia. «- Guda-tva<?a, am, n. the aromatic side-dish ; quality, the unessential part of anything of virtues or merits. — Guna-grdhaka, as, d, am,
bark of the Laurus Cassia ; mace. — Guda-ddru, us, (opposed to the substance) ; a quality, a peculiarity, or guna-grdhin, I, inl, i, capable of appreciating
w, m. n. sugar-cane. — Guda-dhenu, us, f. a milch- an attribute or property in general, an attribute of merit ; one who can appreciate good qualities.
cow symbolically represented by sugar &c. and offered the five elements, (each element has its own peculiar — Guna-ghdtin, i, ini, i, destroying merit, a de-
as a present to Brahmans ; sugar piled up for dis- quality or qualities as well as organ of sense ; thus 1 . tractor, a calumniator, envious, censorious. — Guna-
tribution at certain religious rites. — Guda-pishta, ether has iabda or sound for its Guna and the ear dandra, as, m., N. of a man ; N. of a disciple of
am, n. a sort of sweetmeat, flour or rice and sugar for its organ ; 2. the air has tangibility and sound for Deva-suri, who was the author of a commentary
ground and boiled together. — Guda-pushpa, as, m. its Gunas and the skin for its organ ; 3. fire or light called Tattva-prakasaka-vritti. — Guna-jiia, as, d,
the plant Bassia Latifolia or another species of it, has shape or colour, tangibility, and sound for its am, one who knows how to appreciate men or
(the flowers being full of saccharine matter.) — Guda- Gunas, and the eye for its organ ; 4, water has things, knowing or judging of their merits. — Guna-
phola, as, m. the tree Careya Arborea or Salvadora flavour, shape, tangibility, and sound for its Gunas, tas, ind. according to the three chief qualities of all
Persica ; jujube ; [cf. gudha-phala.] — Gnda-bha, f. and the tongue for its organ ; 5. earth has the pre- existing beings, from the side of the good qualities
ceding Gunas, with the addition of its own peculiar or virtues ; according to property or quality; according
a kind of sugar. — Guda-mis'ra, am, n. a sort of
cake or sweetmeat, flour or rice and coarse sugar Guna of smell, and the nose for its organ) ; an in- to desert ; according to the Gunas or properties of
ground and boiled together. — Guda-mula, as, m. a gredient or constituent of nature (according to the the letters pronounced with the Vahya-prayatna.
kind of amaranth, Amaranthus Polygamus ; [cf. alpa- San-khya philosophy, which makes nature to consist — Guna-td, f. subordination, dependence ; virtue,
in the equipoise of three Gunas called sattva, rajas, excellence, the possession of good qualities ; the
mdrisha,'] — Gudalin-mat, an, ati, at, having a and tamos, i. e. goodness, passion, and darkness, or possession of attributes or qualities in general ; mul-
sugar-licker. —Guda-lih, t, t, t, sugar-licking. —Guda-
virtue, foulness, and ignorance) ; a term for the tiplication.Guna-traya
— or guna-tritaya, am, n.
vija, as, m. a kind of pease ; [cf. masura.'] — Guda- number three (taken from the three qualities of the the three constituent properties of nature, or sattva,
iarkard, f. sugar, refined sugar. — Guda-.<igru, us,
m. a red sort of Morunga ; [cf. dobhaiij ana.] — Guda- Sarrkhya system) ; a property or characteristic of all
created things (according to the Nyaya philosophy, rajas, and tamas. — Gunatraydbhdsa (°ya-dbh°),
as, m. life. — Guna-tva, am, n. the condition of a
3-ringa, am, n. a cupola. — Guda-harltaki, f.
myrobalan preserved in molasses. — Guda-keta, as, which makes twenty-four Gunas, viz. i . rupa, shape, rope or string ; subordination ; excellence ; the pos-
m. whose hair forms tufts or matted locks (resembling colour; 2. rasa, savour; 3. </ano'Aa,odour;4. spar^a, session of qualities; multiplication. — Gmta-deva,
in shape the leaves of the Euphorbia?), an epithet of tangibility; 5. tanthyd, number; 6. parimana, as, m., N. of a son of GunSdhya. — Guna-dosha,
dimension ; 7. prithaktva, severally ; 8. samyoga, au, m. pi. innocence and guilt, virtue and vice.
the hero Arjuna ; also of Suva. — Guddpupikd (°da-
conjunction ; 9. vibkdga, disjunction ; 10. paratra, — Guna-dosha-partkshatfa, am, n. test or in-
ap°, scil. paurnamasi), f. a certain day of full remoteness; II. aparatva, proximity; Il.gurutva,
moon, on which sweetmeats are eaten. — Guddfaya vestigation of merits and defects. — Guna-dharq,
weight; 13. dravatva, fluidity; 14. sneha, viscidity;
(^da-d3°), as, m. a species of Pilu growing in as, d, am, possessing good qualities. — Guna-
mountains; [cf. aksho/a.'] — Gudodaka (°da-ud°), 15. s'abda, sound; 16. liuddhi or jnana, under- dharma, as, m. the virtue or duty incident to the
am, n. water mixed with molasses; (as, &, am), standing orknowledge; 17. sukJia, pleasure; 18. possession of certain qualities, as clemency is the
containing water instead of molasses. — Gudodbhavd duhkha, pain; 19. itSdhd, desire; 20. dvesTia, virtue and dutv of royalty &c. — Guna-padi, f. hav-
aversion; 21. prayatna, effort ; 22. dharma, merit ing feet thin as cords. — Guna-jiuga, am, n. great
Cda-ud°), f. sugar. — Gudaudana (°da-od°), am, or virtue; 23. ad/ianna, demerit; 24. sanskdra,
n. boiled rice and coarse sugar. merit. — Guna-prakarsha, as, m. great merit, ex-
Gudaka, as, m. a ball [cf. ndbhi-gudaka] ; a bit, faculty) ; an epithet ; a good quality, virtue, merit, cel ence. —Guna-prabha, as, m., N. of a Buddhist
a mouthful ; a kind of drug prepared with treacle, a excellence, eminence, high degree, proper course teacher. — Guna-priya, as, d, am, attached to merit,
conserve; (ikd), f. a small ball, a pill; a kernel; of action in politics, (the six proper courses of fond of excellence. — Guna-bhadra, as, m., N. of
(am), n. treacle, molasses. action for a king in foreign politics are peace, war, the author of the AtmanusJsana ; N. of a literary
Gudala, am, n. a spirituous liquor distilled from march, halt, stratagem, and recourse to the protection work. — Gitna-bhuj, k, k, k, enjoying or endowed
molasses, a sort of rum. of a mightier king ; besides these the four Upayas, with qualities. •> Guna-bhedatas, ind. according to
Gudera or guderaka, as, m. a bit, a mouthful. or means of conquering an enemy, are sometimes the difference of quality &c. — Gmia-bhoktri, td,
called Gunas ; see updya) ; the peculiar property of
i, f. the shrub Cocculus Cordi- the letters which are pronounced with the vdhya-
tri, tri, perceiving the properties of things. — Guna-
prayatna or external utterance, (these properties bhranta, as, m. the loss of all good qualities or me-
folius ; [cf. gudufi and guduft.'] are eleven in all, viz. vivdra, expansion of the
rits. — Guna-mati, is, m., N. of a Buddhist teacher.
gudaka, f. sleep ; sloth. — Guna-maya, as, i, am, consisting of single
throat; samvdra, contraction; s"vdsa, sighing; threads; produced by or consisting of the three
guddld, f. a species of grass, = ndda, sounding ; ghoslia, soft sound or low murmur ; constituent properties of nature (see guna), resting
gunddld. a-ghosha, absence of that murmur; alpa-firdna, on them, containing them, endowed with properties ;
slight aspiration ; mahd-prdna, strong aspiration ; possessed of merit or virtues. — Guna^mahat, t, n.
'JS'JsiHt guduguddyana, as, I,am, rattling and the three accents) ; a secondary or subordinate great merit, superior qualities. — Guna-yukta, as, d,
in the throat (as breath). gradation of a vowel (in opposition to the highest
gradation or vriddhi), the vowels a, e, o (with ar, am, possessed of virtues or properties. — GIMM-
ratna, am, a. the pearl of good qualities, title of
^Js'qf gudufi, f. the shrub Cocculus Cordi- al) ', the merit of a composition in rhetoric, i. e. a short collection of sentences by Bhava-bhflti.
folius ; [cf. gudafi and gududi.~] consistency of plan, elegance of expression, &c. ; an — GuiMratna-kos'a-stotra, am, n., N. of a hymn
^? guduha, as, m. pi., N. of a people in organ of sense ; a cook ; an epithet of Bhlma [cf. by Parls'ara-bhatta. — Guna-rdga, as, m. delighting
Madhya-desa; (also read guruha, guluha, and guna-kdra"]; (d), f., N.of agrass, in the good qualities of others. — Guiia-rdja-pra-
gulaha.) of perfume, = mdnsa-rnhini ; N. of= ao-Kmi;
; [cf. bhdsa, as, m., N. of a Buddha. — Guna-rdii, is,
gauna, nir-guna, n-yuna, za-gwia ; cf. also Hib. m. an epithet of Siva ; N. of a Buddha. — Gnna-
'£*^iguduti, {. the shrubCocculus Cordi- gaoine, ' goodness, honesty.'] — Gnna-karanda- laksliaiia, am, n. mark or indication of internal
folius ; [cf. gudaM and gudufi.] ryuha, as, m. title of a Buddhist work ; [cf. ka- property. — Gima-layanikd or guna-layani, f. a
randa-ryuha.] — Gutia-karman, a, n. an unessen- tent. — Gima-lubilha, as, d, am, desirous of merit ;
^njf guna, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. grah), tial secondary action ; (in grammar) the secondary attached to excellence ; patronising merit. — Guna~
a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (e. g. or less immediate object of an action. *~Guna- vatana, am, n. an attributive ; an adjective. — Guna-
tri-guna, consisting of three threads or strands), karma-vibhdga, as, a, am, distinguishing an action
a string or thread, a rope in general ; a garland ; a and an attribute ; (as), m. separation of an action vat, an, at~i, at, endowed with qualities ; endowed
with good qualities, with virtues or merits or excel-
bow-string ; a sinew ; the string of a musical instru- and an attribute. — Guna-kara, as, i, am, one who lences ;excellent, perfect ; (an), m., N. of a son of
ment, achord ; (at the end of a compound after a counts &c.; productive of good qualities, profitable; Gunavati ; (K), f., N. of a daughter of Su-nSbha, the
in gup.
wife of Samba and mother of Guna-vat.— GuiMtat- I (°na-ut°), a*, m. excellence of merit, the being Gunddtini, (., N. of a grass; [cf. gunddla,
tamo, as, a, am, most excellent. — Gunavat-tara, \ endowed wilh superior qualities.— Guaotklrtitiia guildld, yuddha-mulikd, (ipitd, &c.]
as, a, am, more excellent, excellent. — <.lu iinntl-ld, \ (°na-uP), am, n. panegyric, eulogium. — Gunot- HiuiiUka, as, d, m.f. flour, powder, meal.
(. or tjiinuml-tva, am, n. the state of possessing kriMa ("na-irt"), a», d, am, superior in merit or with dust.
Gundita, as, d, am, pounded, ground; covered
qualities, the possession of good qualities, or of in good qualities. — Gunopeta (°na~up°), rt", d,
virtues; excellence. — Guna-varnana, am, n. the am, endowed with good qualities, rich (as food).
describing the merits of another person. — Guiia- — Gunaus/ha (°na-o</ha), am, n. superior or abun- gundUa, f., N. of the place where
dant merit. the image of Purushottama or Jagannfith is placed
vartin, i, int, i, being on the path of virtue.
— Guna-varman, a, m., N. of a man. — Giuia- Gunaka, as, m. a calculator, a numerator, a after being carried about at the Ratha-yatra.
n'lruka, ««, iV.'a, am, denoting a quality; (with reckoner ; (in arithmetic) the multiplier ; N. of a
maker of garlands. ^T*!"* yuntha(i), as, m. = gavedhukd.
Jabda) an attributive noun, an adjective. — Gtnia-
vdda, as, m. pointing out good qualities or merits. Gunakarl, f. = goiidakirl, q. v. Gunthakafl), am, n.=granthi-parna.
— Guiia-ridha, as, d, am, possessed of different (>"/iana, am, n. multiplication; enumeration; gunya. See under guna last col.
qualities. — Guna-mvefand, f. discernment in appre- describing, relating qualities, pointing out merits or
ciating the merils of a person, a just sense of merit. virtues ; (T), f. examining books, studying, collating gutsa, as, m. (said to be fr. gudh), a
— Guna-vis'eiha, as, m. a different property. — Guna- or correcting copies and determining the value of bunch, a bundle, a cluster of blossoms, a nosegay ; a
various readings.
rwAnw, us, m., N. of a scholiast. — Guna-vistara, clump of grass; a pearl necklace consisting of thirty-
as, a, am, abounding in excellent qualities. — Guna- Gunanlka, f. determining the value of the various two strings; a plant or perfume, commonly Gan-
vjiksha or gwia-vrikshdka, as, m. a mast or post thiala, = grant/ii-parna ; [cf. j/tMtfAa.] — Gittsdr-
readings or' a manuscript ; dancing, the science or
to which a ship or boat is fastened. — Guna-ri iiti, profession of dancing, acting, See. ; the prologue or dha (°sa-ar°), as, m. a necklace or garland of
is, {. a secondary or essential condition or relation introduction to a drama ; a garland, a necklace ; a
twenty-four strings ; [cf. guM/tdrdha.']
(opposed to miikhyd rrittih) ; character or style of nothing.
cipher, the character in arithmetic which expresses Giitfaka, as, m. a bundle, a bunch, a nosegay, a
qualities or merits. — Guna-vaiditrya, am, n. variety cluster of blossoms ; a chowri, a cow-tail ; a section
of qualities. — Guna-vaiieshya, am, n. pre-eminence Gunanlya, as, d, am, to be advised, to be multi- of a work ; [cf. guttluj. and guMltaka.J — Gutsaka-
of merit or of any property. — (luua-iatu, am, n. a plied, tobe enumerated ; (as), m. practice, practising pushjM, as, m., N. of a plant, = gudHiaka-piushpck
hundred excellent qualities. — Guna-s'abda, as, m. anything, but especially science or study ; (am), n. =saptart!(<hada.
an adjective. — Guna-slla, as, a, am, virtuous. the multiplicand.
— Gujia-dldghd, f. encomium, praise. — Guna-sait- j i v gud, cl. i. A.godate, to play, sport;
Gunaya, nom. P. gunayati, -yitum, to multiply ;
kirtana, am, n. celebration of qualities. — Guna- to advise, invite. ON [cf. gurd and gudli.]
sankhydna, am, n. the theory of the three essential Gunala, as, m., N. of a son of Bhoja. Guda, as, am, m. n. (from the last ?), an intestine,
properties. — Guna-sanga, as, m. association with Gunikd, f. a tumor, a swelling. an entrail, the last of the large intestines, the rectum,
properties or qualities. — Guna-sangraha, as, m. a the anus ; (as), f. pi. the bowels. — Guda-kila, as,
collection of merits or properties ; acknowledging or Gunita, as, d, am, mutiplied ; heaped together,
collected. or guda-kilaka, as, m. piles. — Guda-graka, as, m.
appreciating of merit. — Guna-samudra, am, n. an constipation, flatulence, &c. — Guda-pariytaddha,
ocean of virtues. — Guiia-sampad, t, (. great merit, Gunin, i, ml, i, containing parts, consisting of as,m., N.ofa man ;Bakanakha-gwlaparinaddhd/i,
perfection.— Gruna-sdgara, ae, d, am, endowed parts ; possessing qualities, an object, a thing, a noun the descendants of Bakanakha and Guda-parinaddha.
with all good qualities ; (as), m. an ocean of good substantive (as possessing qualities) ; endowed with
— Guda-pdka, as, m. inflammation of the anus.
qualities, one endowed with all virtues ; an epithet of good qualities or merits ; auspicious ; familiar with — Guda-bhrunia, as, m. prolapsus ani. — Guda-
Brahma ; N. of a Buddha. — Guna-stuti, is, f. the merits of anything; (T), m. a bow. — Gutii-gana, roga, as, m. a disease of the last of the large intes-
panegyric, encomium. — Guna-fthdna-prakarana, as, m. a number of virtuous persons. — Guni-td, f. tines; piles [1). — Gnda-vartman, a, n. the anus.
am, n. title of a Buddhist and Jaina work. — Guna- virtuousness, the state of possessing virtues or merits or
— Guildnl:ura (°da-an°), as, m. piles. — Gudd-
hina, as, d, am, void of merit, free from properties ; good qualities. — Guni-dvaidha, am, n. equality of varta (°da-dv°), as, m. obstruction of the bowels.
merit on both sides. — Guni-linga, as, d, am,
mine (as food). — Gundlcara
or multitude (°na-dk°),
of merits, one endowedas,with
m. alla — Gudodbhava (°da-ud°), as, m. piles. ~Gu-
taking the same gender as a substantive. — Guni- anus. daushtha (°da-osh°), as, m. the opening of the
virtues ; a N. of Buddha Sfakya-muni, the founder of sarvasra, am, n. title of a literary work.
the Buddhist religion ; an epithet of Siva ; N. of a Gunl-bhuta, as, d, am, made secondary or sub-
gudh, cl. 4. P. gudhyati, to wrap up,
poet; (a», d, am), possessing all excellences. — Gu- ordinate, deprived of the original meaning or im-
N envelop, cover, conceal, clothe [cf. gunth] ;
ndkshara(°na -ok"), probably for yhunakshara,<\.v. portance ;made or having become a merit or orna-
ment invested
; with attributes &c. ; varied according cl. 9. P. gud/indti, to be angry; cl. i. A. godliate,
— Gundguna-jna (°na-ag°), an, d, am, a judge of to play, sport; [cf. Gr. KtvVa ; Germ, haut ; Old
merit and demerit. — Gundgradhara (°na-ag°), as, ato word
qualities&c.).; having a certain force or application (as Germ, kfit; Angl. Sax. hyde, hyd; Lat. culis!].
m., N. of a Guii<idl>yn (°na-ddh,°), as, d,
am, rich in virtues or excellences ; (an), m., N. of a Gunya, as, d, am, endowed with virtues ; to be Gudhita, as, d, am, surrounded, enclosed.
Brahman, = Malyavat in a former birth. — Gunatlta enumerated ; to be described, to be praised ; to be Gudhera, as, d, am, protecting, a protector, a
defender ; [cf. gund.]
Cna-af), as, d, am, freed fron^pr beyond all multiplied, the multiplicand.
properties. — Gundtman ("tfa-afTtSft^a, having j i ii j gunth (connected with gund and
qualities. — Gunddhara (°na-ad/t°), as, m. a re- y-^c* gundala, as, m. the sound of a
ceptacle of virtues, i. e. a virtuous person. — Gund- O N gudli), cl. 10. P. gunthayati, -yitum, small oblong drum.
to enclose or envelop, surround, hide, conceal ; [cf.
dhipa (°na-adh°), as, m., N. of a king. — Gmta- Old Pruss. po-kuntu, to protect; kuns-t, to guard : Jln^lrt gundala, as, m. a kind of bird, a
nhuhlhdnalta fna-adhishthdna), am, n. the re- sort of pheasant ; the bartavelle ; see (akora; (also
gion of the breast where the girdle is fastened — Gund- perhaps Lat. cus-tos for cnt-tos or cud-tos.~\ read gundrdla.)
Gunthana, am, n. concealing, covering, en-
nurdya (°na-<jJt°), as, m. delight or pleasure in
the good qualities of others, approbation. — Gund-
(1/tiithita, as, d, am, surrounded, covered with; Tf*& ffundr, cl. 10. P.gundrayati, -yitum,
nurodha (°na-an°), as, m. conformity or suitable-
pounded, ground, reduced to dust or powder ; [cf.
O \ to lie ; (also read kundr.)
ness to good qualities &c. — Gundntara ("na-an3), gundra, as, m. a kind of grass, Sac-
am, n. a different kind of merit, variety of property
charum Sara (Sara); N. of a plant, =pataraka,
or quality. — Gunanvita (°na-an°), as, d, am, hav- j i iij gund (connected with gunth and atfha, iringarerdhva, mulnka; (d), f., N. of
ing attributes or qualities ; excellent, good, endowed
C5 x gudh), d. 10. P. gundayati, -yitum, to several plants and roots, =bhadra-mustaka, the
with virtues. — Guadpaudda (°na-ap°), as, m. de- Cover, hide, conceal, protect ; to pound, comminute.
traction. —Gundbdhi (°iM-ab°), is, m. a Buddha; root of the grass Cyperus Pertcnuis (also m. and n.
I! anda, as, m. a kind of fragrant grass, Scirpus in this sense) ; = mustaka ; - priyangu ; = kaivartl,
[cf. guna-sdgara.~\ — Gundbhdsa (°na-dbh°), as, Kysoor ; [cf. kaileru ; cf. also kdnda-gunda and
m. semblance of qualities. — Gundyana (°na-ay°), Cyperus Rotundus ; = erakd ; = gavedhukd, Coin
as, i, am, one who goes on the path of virtue. f/iindika.^ — Gunda-kanila, as, m. the root of this Barbata.
"Gundlaitkrita ("na-af), as, d, am, adorned grass. — Gunddrofauikd (°da-ar° or dr"), f., N. of Gundrdla, a kind of bird, a sort of pheasant.
a plant, = kampilya.
with virtues or good qualities. — Gvndldbha (°na- i. gup, cl. 4. P. gupyati, jugopa, go-
Gundakn, as, m. dust, powder ; an oil vessel ; a
af), as, m. inefficiency. — Gunaitraya (°ua-df), N pitum, to become perplexed or confused.
as, d, am, virtuous, excellent, able, endowed with low pleasing tone ; dirty flour or meal, = m/ilana =
good qualities. — Gutfei'a ("na-lia), as, m. a lord of mal'ma. jiii 2. gup, jugopa and gopayancakdra,
the three qualities ; N. of a mountain. — Gunafrara Gundana, am, n. concealing, covering, hiding; O "N gopsyati.gopishyati,gftpdyi>tkyati,agau-
(°na-\f), as, i, am, having good qualities &c. ; ps'it, agopit, agopdyit, gopturn, gopitum and go-
(as), m., N. of a mountain ; according to some, Citra- a, f., N.ofa plant, =jalodbhutd, guftha- pdyitum, to guard, defend, protect, preserve; to
kuta or Chatarkot in Bundelcund. — Gunotlcarsha observe: Caus. or cl. 10. P. A. gopayati, -te,
'bodhrd, jaldfayd ; a kind of grass, = gunddsinl.


JJeT gulya.
ajugupat, -yitum, or gopayayati, Sec., to guard, pre- guph or gumph, cl. 6. P. guphati or ! religious teacher. - Guru-ddsa, as, m., N. of
serve, protect, keep ; to hide, conceal, keep secret ; to of
N. lunar
eacher. —- Guru-duivata,
-pJdtum, to string Tantra. the n.,
as, m. am,
tie, string asjugumpha,
speak, to shine : Desid. A.jugupsate (ep. also P. ),/«- ogether, gumphati, a garland, wind round constellation Pushya, (of which Brihaspati is the ruling
gupisliati, -te, or juyopwhati, -te, orjugopdyishati, Gumpha, as, m. tying, stringing as a garland ; a
racelet ; a whisker, a mustachio. deity.) — Guru-pattrd, f. the Tamarind tree ; (am),
-te, to seek to defend one's self from, be on one's guard, n. tin. — Guru-paripdti, f. a series of Jaina sages.
to beware of, to shun ; to avoid, detest, spurn, despise;
Gumphana, am, n. winding (a garland &c.).
to feel offended or hurt : Desid. of Desid. jugupsi- Guru-pdka, as, d, am, difficult of digestion.
Gumphita or guphita, as, d, am, tied, strung — Guru-pujd, (. the ceremonies in propitiation
shate : Intens. jogupyate, jogopti.
ogether ; arranged, placed in order ; also yushfiita. of Brihaspati when a work is to be performed or
3. gup, p, p, p, defending, protecting, (in dliar-
ma-gup, defending justice, epithet of Vishnu.) JTT gur or gur, cl. 6. A. yurate, jugure, undertaken; the worship of one's spiritual guide.
— Gitru-pramoda, as, m. happiness, delight. -• Gu-
Gupila, as, m. a king, a protector. O V guritum, to make effort or exertion ; cl. lo.
Gupta (and Ved. gupita), as, a, am, protected, L . gorayate or gurayate, Sec., to make effort ; to eat ; •u-prasada, as, m. propitiousness or the favour
guarded, preserved ; hidden, concealed, kept secret, 1. 4. A. guryate, to hurt, go ; Ved. also cl. 6. P. of e.one's Guru ; the product of a Guru's blessing,
learning &c. — Gitru-priya, as, d, am, dear
secret ; invisible, withdrawn from sight, (e. g. with jurati, (not used without prepositions except in the
to a preceptor. — Guru-bha, as, m. the constellation
danda, a secret fine, a fine secretly imposed) ; joined, >art. gurta and gurna,= approved, welcome, agree- of Brihaspati, i. e. the lunar mansion Pushya.
ble ; see under gur.)
combined ; (am), ind. privately, secretly ; (as), m. an Guru-rjhdra, as, m., N. of a son of Garuda.
appellation forming often the last member of the Gurana, am, n. effort, perseverance, great or
ontinued exertion. — Guru-bhdva, as, m. the condition of a spiritual
name of a Vaisya or man of the third class ; a Vaisya preceptor, importance, consequence, weight. — Guru-
with this appellation was the founder of the renowned guru, us, vi, u (said to be fr. rt. 2. gri, ')hrit, t, t, t, Ved. bearing heavy things (as the
Gupta dynas'y, in which the names of the sovereigns earth). — Guru-mat, an, ati, at, containing a vowel
generally end in gupta [cf. (andra-gupta, samwlra- ompar. gariyas, superl. garishtha, in Maha-bh. which is long by nature or position. — Guru-mardala,
VII. 5324, compar. gariyastara), heavy, weighty
gupta, skanda-gupta] ; (a), f. a married woman opposed to laghu), heavy in the stomach (as food), as, m. a kind of drum or tabor. — Guru-ratna, am,
who withdraws from her lover's endearments ; a kind difficult to digest ; great, large, extended, long ; (in n. a topaz. — Gurulaghu-td, f. (ft. guru-laghu),
of cowach, Mucuna Pruritus ; N. of a woman, a heaviness and lightness. — Guru-laghava, as, m. (?)
•osody) long by nature or position (as a long vowel
S'ikya princess. — Gupta-kathd, I. a confidential aken alone or a short vowel before two consonants ; length and shortness of vowels ; (am), n. great and
communication, a secret. — Gupta-gati, is, m. a spy
ometimes a long vowel followed by consonants is small importance, relative importance or value.
or secret emissary ; (is), f. going privately or secretly. — Guru-vat, ind. like a Guru, as a Guru, as if to a
called gariyas) ; high in degree, vehement, violent,
— Gupta-fora, as, i, am, who or what goes secretly; Guru. — Guruvad-vritti, is, f. behaving to any one
excessive, deep, much ; difficult, hard ; grievous ; im-
(as), m. an epithet of Bala-rSma. — Gupta-ddna, jortant, serious, momentous ; valuable, highly prized ; with as much respect as to a sacred teacher — Guru-
am, n. a hidden gift or present. — Gttpta-duta, as, lear, beloved ; haughty, proud (as a speech) ; venerable, varto-ghna, as, m. the lime or citron, = llmpaka.
m. a secret messenger. — Gupta-vesa, as, m. a dis- espectable ; best, excellent ; (us), m. any venerable — Guru-varna, as, m.aheavy vowel; [cf.guru.]—Gu-
guise, dress &c. used for concealment; (e), ind. in
or respectable person, as a father, mother, or any ru-vartin, i, ini, i, or guru-vritta, as, d, am, treat-
disguise. — Gupta-sarasvatl, f. title of a literary ing parents or venerable persons with respect. — Guru-
work. — Gupta-ineha, as, a, am, one whose love •elative older man one's self; a spiritual parent or
treceptor from whom a youth receives the initiatory vdra, as, m. the day of Jupiter, Thursday. — Guru-
is secret or invisible ; (as), m. the plant Alangium
Vlantra or prayer and who conducts the necessary vritti, is, is, i, long by nature. — Guru-ryatha, as,
Hexapetalum (ankota), the oil of which is hidden.
ceremonies up to the period of investiture with d, am, heavily distressed. — Guru-s'ins'apd, f. the
— Guptdrma (°ta-ar°), am, n., N. of a place. he sacrificial thread or string ; this person may be tree Dalbergia Sisu ; [cf. iiniapd.} — Guru-s'ikkarin,
Guptaka, as, m. a preserver ; N. of a Sauviraka the natural parent or the religious preceptor; a i, m. epithet of the Himalaya (the venerable moun-
prince. religious teacher, one who explains the law and tain). —Guru-dishya-samvada, as, m. a philoso-
Gupti, is, f. preserving, protecting, protection; religion to his pupil, instructs him in the Sastras &c. ; phical dialogue by Carana-dasa. — Guru-s'us'rvshd,
restraint, stoppage, check ; concealing, hiding, con- a N. of Brihaspati or the planet Jupiter, who is con- f. service of a Guru. — Guru- Jakarta! a (°ka-an°\
cealment; a means of protection, fortification, a sidered as the Guru or preceptor of the gods ; an as, m. the fire of heavy sorrow. — Guru-sard, (., N.
rampart; a prison; a hole in the ground, a cavern, epithet of Drona, the teacher of the Pandus ; N. of of a tree, =Mniapd. — Guru-seva, f. obsequiousness
a sink, a cellar, &c. (a place of concealment) ; a leak to a spiritual preceptor. — Guru-skandha, as, m.,
a son of San-kriti ; (m), f. pregnant, a pregnant
in a ship, or the well or lower deck of a boat (?) ; woman ; the wife of a teacher ; [cf. Gr. Qapvs ; N. of a large mountain. — Guru-sthira, as, d, am,
digging a hole in the ground. very firm. — Guru-han, d, m. the murderer of a
Guptika, as, m., N. of a man. Lat. grams ; Goth, kauritlts ; Lith. gieras.'] Guru or spiritual parent; (this is the worst of all
— Guru-kdra, as, m. worship, adoration. — Guru-
Gopana, am, n. guarding, protecting, protection, criminals according to the Hindfls.) — Gun-akshara,
kdrya, am, n. a serious or momentous affair, the
preservation ; hiding, concealment ; reviling, abuse ; business or office of a spiritual teacher. — Guru-kula, am, n. a long syllable. — Gurv-angand, f. the wife
flurry, hurry, alarm ; light, lustre ; the leaf of the am, n. the family of a spiritual preceptor or parent. of a Guru ; any woman entitled to great respect.
Laurus Cassia, = tamdla-pattra ; (a), f. protection. •• Guru-krita, as, d, am, worshipped. — Guru- — Gurv-artha, as, m. a Guru's fee for instructing
Gopamya, as, a, am, to be preserved or pro- kopa, as, m. violent wrath. — Guru-krama, as, m. a pupil ; (am), ind. for or on account of a Guru ;
tected ;to be prevented ; to be concealed or hidden ; instruction handed down through a series of teachers, (as, long. a, am), important. — Gurvartha-gahvara, as,
secret, mysterious. — Gopanlya-ta, f. or gopaniya- traditionary instruction. — Guru-gata, as, a, am, d, am, deep in meaning.
tva, am, n. concealableness, fitness for being kept Guruka, as, i, am, a little heavy ; (in prosody)
being with or belonging to a spiritual teacher. — Guru-
gitd, (. title of a section in the Skanda-Purana
Gopayatya, as, a, am, Ved. to be protected. relating to Gurus or spiritual preceptors. — Guru- Gurvini, f. pregnant, a pregnant woman ; N. of an
Gopdyaka, as, i, am, a preserver, a cherisher, ghna, as, i, am, destroying or killing a spiritual irregular species of the AryS metre.
one who guards or protects. teacher; (as), m. white mustard. — Guru-jana, as,
Gopayana, as, d, am, preserving, protecting m. any venerable or elder person, a father, mother, y^tte* guruntaka, as, m. a kind of bird,
(am), n. protecting, preserving, protection. the elders of a family &c. — Guru-tama, as, d,
a sort of peacock. See tila-mayura.
Gopdyita, as, a, am, preserved, protected, che- am, most important Sec. ; (as), m. the best teacher.
rished. ^T^^ guruha, as, m. p]., N. of a people in
— Guru-tara, as, d, am, heavier, more important. Madhya-desa ; [cf. gutluha, guluha, gulaha.]
Gopdyitri, td, m. a preserver, a protector. — Guru-talpa, as, m. the bed of a teacher ; the
Gopin, i, ini, i, a protector, one who preserves violation of a teacher's bed ; a violator of his teacher's ^T>TC gvrjara, as, m., N. of a district,
or protects ; (ini), f,, N. of a creeping plant, Ichno- bed. — Gurutalpa-ga, as, m. a violator of hi Gurjara or Guzerat ; (ds), m. pi. the people of Gu-
carpus Frutescens teacher's bed ; the violation of it (?). — Gurutalpa- zerat ; (i), f. one ; of[cf.the
fications ofmusic RSgints or female personi-
Gopila, as, d, ;am,[cf.one
yopikd."]or protects
vrata, am, n. penance for intercourse with the wife
Gopwhtha, as, d, am, Ved. superl. ofgoptri. of a Gura. — Gurutalpdbkigamana (°pa-al)h°), urd = giird, q. v.
Goptavya, as, d, am, to be protected or preserved am, n. violation of a teacher's bed.— Gurutalpin.
Goptri, td, trl, tri, a preserver, a protector, one i, ini, i, one who has criminal intercourse with his
who defends or cherishes; one who conceals any
teacher's wife. — Guru-td, f. weight, heaviness, bur- 7"[^f
O ^^ gurv,
to raise cl.
; toI. endeavour,
P. gurvati,jugurrja, Sec.,
den, trouble ; dignity ; importance ; the office of a to aim or strive.
Gopya, as, a, am, to be protected or preserved teacher. — Guru-tdpa,as, m. excessive heat. — Guru
to be kept, to be taken care of; to be kept secret o ^TJ5 gula, as, m. raw or unrefined sugar,
tiia, am, n. weight, heaviness; burden, trouble
hidden; to be cherished; (as), m. a servant, molasses; the glans penis; the clitoris; (d), f. the
severity, hardness ; greatness, magnitude ; respect
slave ; the son of a female slave ; an assemblage o ability, venerableness, sacredness ; the office of a plant Tithymalus Antiquorum ; (i), f. a pill, a bolus,
any </oZa.]
small globular substance ; small pox ; [cf. guild
cowherdesses (? n.). — Gopyddhi ('ya-dillu), is, m. teacher. — Gurutvaka, am, n. heaviness. — Guru-
pledge which is not to be used but carefully preserved. dakshind, f. a fee given to a spiritual preceptor.
Gopyaka, as, m. a slave, a servant. Gulya, as, m. sweetness, a sweet or saccharine taste.
— Guru-ddna, am, n. a Guru's gift, a present to a
294 gulaiitakanda.
gulahi'akanda, as, m. an escu- Guhad-aradya, at, a, am, Ved. concealing or munication. — Ciiifltn-mdrga, as, m. a subterranean
removing deficiencies. passage, a bye-road or secret way; a defile. — Gudha-
lent root (Kanda), commonly Kull ; [cf. giMkakca- <: >t Iftl ", us, m., N. of a man. ithuna, as, m. a crow (copulating in secret).
(! it/in, f. a cave, a cavern, a hiding-place; a ludh/i-rari'aK, as, m. a frog. — Giidha-ralUhd,
Jlr4^ gulaha, as, m. pi., N. of a people in pit, a hole in the ground ; the plant Hemionitis f. Alangium Hexapetalum, = unkotha. — Gudha-
Cordifolia; another plant, **4ala-parHi ; (d), ind. in nlkf/iiit, I, m. a concealed witness, one placed by
Madhya-desa ; [cf. guduhti, guruha, guliiiia.'] a hiding-place, in secret, secretly (opposed to avis). the plaintiff so as to overhear what has been said
JTHrJc* yulika, as, m., N. of a hunter;
Guhd dhd or guhd nidha or guhd kri, Ved. to by the defendant, "(rfiilhdijnilha-ta, f. or f/iidhd-
(a), f. = gutiltd, a ball; a pearl. — GuUka-kndd, f. conceal, remove. — Guhd-griha, am, n. a cavern. ijudlui-tva, am, n. (fr. rjudlui + agiid/ia), conceal-
playing with a ball, bat and ball, golf, &c. — Giiha-tara, as, i, am, going in secret or secretly, ment and publicity. — Gudhdnga (dha-an"), as,
ilfei j; gulinka, as, m. = kulinkaka, & going in the interior. — Guhd-mukha, as, I, am, m. a tortoise. — Glidhdnghri (°dha-att°), is, m. a
sparrow. wide-mouthed, open-mouthed. — Guhd-tlaya, as, d or snake. — Gudhdrdi (°dha-ar^), is, is, i, of con-
i, am, lying in a secret place, being in the interior or cealed %\ory. — Gudhdrtha-dipika (°dka-ar°), f.
'M-od guluttha or guluMa or guluhfha or in the heart ; living in hiding-places or in caverns ; ' light for the hidden meaning,' title of a commen-
guhMhalta, a», m. a bunch, a nosegay, a cluster (us), m. a tiger; an epithet of Vishnu. •• Guhd- tary. —Gudhotpanna (°rfAa-M(°), as, a, am, bora
of blossoms ; [cf. guttha, gutsa, gtilaiidakanda.] hita, as, d, am, being in a secret or hidden place,
secretly; (as), m. = guillta-ja, q. v.
placed in the heart.
Guhana, am, n. concealing, hiding.
I] (4^ guluha, as, m. pi., N. of a people in Guhamdna, as, d, am, hiding, concealing.
Madhya-desa ; [cf. guduha, guruha, gulaita.]
Guhina, am, n. a wood, a thicket. Guhayitvd, ind. having concealed, having hidden
Guhila, am, n. wealth, property ; a wood (?) ; or disguised.
gulgulu, us, u, m. n. bdellium ; [cf.
(as), m., N. of a prince. Guhilavya, as, a, am, to be hidden or concealed,
Gukera, as, m. a guardian, a protector; a smith. to be kept secret.
Tf5H gulpha, as, m. (said to be fr. rt. gal), Guhya, as, d, am, to be covered or concealed, to
be hidden, to be kept hidden or secret, concealable, 'i^*- ffuhera. See under rt. i . guh last col.
the ancle; [cf. vigulpha and kulpha.]— Gulpha-
jaha, am, n. the root of the ancle. private ; secret, solitary, retired ; mysterious, mysti- ft i. gu, cl. 6. P. guvati, to void by stool ;
cal; (am), ind. secretly, privately; (as), m. hypo- , Cv (another form for 4. git.)
^J5T gulma, as, am, m. n. a cluster or crisy ;a tortoise ; an epithet of Vishnu ; (am), n. a
clump of trees, a thicket, a bush, a shrub ; a troop secret, a mystery ; a privity, an organ of generation, Gutha, as, am, m. n. feces, ordure. — Gv.th.a-
or guard of soldiers, a body of troops, a division of lalda, as, m. a small bird, considered to be a species
&c. ; the anus. — Guhya-kdli, f. * the mysterious
an army, consisting of 45 foot, 2 1 horse, 9 chariots,
Durga,' title of a poem in honour of this deity. of Guna, the Mayna, Turdus Salica ; [cf. sdlvika.']
as, d, am, voided (as ordure).
and 9 elephants; or of 135 foot, 81 horse, 27 cha- •- Guhya-guru, us, m. the mysterious Guru, an
riots, and 27 elephants; a fort, an intrenchment ; epithet of Siva, this deity being considered as the ^2. gu (fr. rt. i.gam), going, (in agre-gii,
disciplining an fcrmy, keeping it in a posture of de- especial teacher of the Tantras or Hindu mystical q.v.)
fence ;the spleen ; a chronic enlargement of the
spleen or as variously situated any glandular enlarge- and magical works; [cf. grihya-gv.ru.~\ — Guhya-
tantra, am, n., N. of a Tantra. — Guhya-dipaka, *T<f giidha. See under rt. i . guh last col.
ment in the abdomen, as that of the mesenteric as, m. a flying insect which gives out light ; the fire-
gland &c., so as to be perceived externally ; a wharf fly. — Guhya-nishyanda, as, m. urine. — Guhya-
or stairs, a Ghat ; (i), f. a cluster or clump of trees, pati, is, m. lord of the mysteries, an epithet of = 9ur> q- v-
a multitude of thickets ; Emblic Myrobalan ; jujube ; Vajra-dhara. — Guhya-pidhdna, am, n. a covering Gurana, am, n.=gurana, q. v.
small cardamoms; a tent. •- Gulma-ketu, us, m. a over the privities. — Guhya-pushpa, as, m. the tree Guriia or gurta, as, d, am, Ved. approved, wel-
small sort of cane or reed, sorrel. — Gulma-keda, as, with concealed blossoms, Ficus Religiosa ; [cf. aAvat- come, agreeable, thankful (Lat. gratus).~Gurta-
nianas, as, as, as, Ved. with grateful mind; (Say.)
a, am, having bushy hair. — Gulma-mula, am, n. tha .] — Guhya-bhdshita, am, n. secret speech, a
fresh ginger. — Gulma-valli, f. the plant Sarcostemma Mantra, a mystical prayer or incantation ; a secret. with prepared mind. — Gurta-va^as, ds, ds, as, Ved.
Viminale. — Gulma-vdta, as, m. or gulmodara • Guhya-ntaya, as, i, am, containing mysteries. speaking agreeably. — Gurta-s'ravas, ds, ds, as, Ved.
of whom or of what one likes to hear or to speak.
Cma-ud°), am, n. a disease of the spleen. — Guhya-vlja, as, m. a kind of grass, = l>hu-trina.
Gulmaka, as, m., N. of a son of the Brahman — Gurta-vasu, us, us, u, Ved. possessing agreeable
— Guhyetaari (°ya-i3°), f. the mysterious deity,
Soma-s'arman. i. e. Prajiia, the female energy of the Adi-buddha. things ; (S5y.) bestowing treasure.
Gulmin, t, int, i, composed of different divisions Gurtl, is, {., Ved. approval, praise, a nattering ex-
Guhyaka, as, m. a N. of a dass of demi-gods who
(a force &c.) ; growing in a dump or cluster, like the Yakshas are attendants of Kuvera or the god
clustered, bushy ; having the spleen, affected by that of wealth, and guardians of his treasures ; they may
disease ; (nl), (. a spreading creeper or any creeping have received their name from living in mountain TI7
pression. gurd or gurd, cl. i. A. gurdate or
fr> s; gurdate, jugurde, gurditum, to play,
plant. caverns. — Guhyakddhipati (°ka-adh'), is, m. or sport ; to jump, leap ; d. JO. P. yurtlayati OTgurda-
^p?T gulya. See under gula. guhyakddhipa, as, m. or guhyakeivara (°ka-i^), yuti, -yitum, to play, sport ; to dwell, inhabit ; [cf.
as, m. an epithet of Kuvera, the deity of wealth.
'jqi«« yuvaka, as, m. the betel-nut tree, GUdha (or Ved. gulha), as, d, am, covered, fcttro1.]
Gurda, as, m. a jump ; Prajapater gurdah or
Areca Faufel or Catechu ; [cf. guvika.'] hidden, concealed, invisible, secret, private ; dis-
guised (am),
; n. a solitary or private place ; a private Prajdpateh kurdah, N. of a Saman.
^1^0 gushplta, as, a, am, Ved. interlaced,
intwined, tied together &c. ; [cf. guph and gumph.] part ; a mystery. — Gudha-ftdra, as, i, am, one gftrj gurdh, cl. 10. P., Ved. gurdhayati,
who goes about secretly or unknown ; (as), m. a C\N -yitum, to praise.
J OH J |cj i. guh, cl. I. P. A. guhati, -te, jitguha, secret emissary. — Gudha-iidrin, i, ini, i, going
tree. guKaka, as, m.=guvaka, the betel-
^^juguhe, guhiihyati or ghokxhyati, -te, about secretly or privately ; (i), m. a secret emissary,
frn) aguhit, aghulakat, agudha, aghukfhata, agu- a spy. — Gudha-ja, as, d, am, born privately; (as),
hithi, aghukxhi, guh.it um or godhum, to cover, m. the son of a concealed birth, born secretly of a
r£4_ conceal, hide, hide away, keep secret ; to cover with woman whose husband is absent, the real father gushana, f. the eye in a peacock's
dothes: Caus. guhayati, -yitum, ajuguhat: Desid. being unknown ; (this is one of the twelve forms
guhana, &c. See under rt. yuh.
f- ft/**- jughuJcshati. -te, to wish to conceal or hide away : particularized in Hindu law, the child belonging to
Intens. joguhyate, jogulati or jogodhi. the husband of the disloyal wife); [cf. gudhot-
JT gri, cl. i. P.garati,jagara, garishyati,
. tl-^f *• (luh, ghut, f-, Ved. a hiding-place. panna.~\ — Gudha-td, f. concealment, secrecy ;
f Ouha, as, m. a N. of Skanda or Karttikeya, the i/iiilhntaya, privately, secrel\y.— Gudha-tva, am, i agdrshit, gartum, to sprinkle, moisten, wet ;
god of war (as reared in a secret place) ; an epithet n. concealment, secrecy. — (lUtlha-nit/a, as, m. the to grant : Caus. gdrayati : Desid. jiglrehati : In-
of Siva ; of Vishnu ; N. of a king of the Nishadas, a wagtail. — Gadha-pattra, as, m. the plant Capparis tens. jegriyate, jargarti.
friend of Rama ; a N. or title proper to persons of Aphylla, = karira ; another plant, Alangium Hexa-
the writer-caste ; a horse, a swift horse ; (a*), m. pi., petalum, = ankolha. — Gudha-patha, as, in. a
g>'ij °r fffi'ij
ijnr/ull, [cf.garjitum
jagarja, rt. garj],or cl. I. P.
N. of a people in the south of India. - Guka-r/iij>tu, hidden path ; the mind, intellect ; a bye-path, a jagriiija, griiyitum, to sound, roar, grumble, &c.
as, m., N. of a Bodhi-sattva. — Guha-tandra, as, private way. •• Gudha^pdd, t, m. a snake. — Gudha- Griiija, N. of a plant, = griiijana (?).
m., N. of a merchant. -Guha-deva, (US, m., N. of pdda, as, d, am, having hidden feet ; (as), m. a Gritijana, as, m. garlic, or a small red variety of
a teacher. — Guha-rdja, as, m. a peculiar form or snake. — Giidha-purusha, as, m. a spy, a secret it; a turnip; the tops of hemp chewed to produce
construction of a temple. — Guha-fiva, as, m., N. emissary, a disguised igent. — Gudha-pushpaka, as, an inebriating effect, the Ganja; (am), n. the bulb
of a king of Kalin-ga. — Guha-shnththl, f. the s'ixth m.the plant Mimusops Elengi, =vnl;itla. — Gudlta- of a kind of onion ; poisoned flesh, the meat of an
day in theN. former half of Margas'Irsha. _ GvJta-sena, phala, as, m. the jujube, = badara. — Gudha- animal destroyed by a poisoned arrow.
as, m., of a merchant.
bhdshita, am, n. secret intelligence, private com- Grii'ijanaka, as, m. a kind of garlic.
grihjima. grihastha&ama.
grinjima, as, m., N. of a son of Gribha, as, m., Ved. the place where anything is and performing all the prescribed ceremonies &c. ;
Sura and brother of Vasu-deva. seized, handle, hold. one who has the precedence at a grand sacrifice ; the
Gribhi, is, is, i, Ved. holding, containing, bearing. maintenance of a sacred and perpetual fire ; the virtue
JllUrf grinat, grinlshan. See l . gfl, p. 296. Grilihita, as, a, am, Ved. grasped, seized; im- of a householder (i.e. hospitality &c.). — Gri!ta-
>regnated, bearing fruit. — Gribkita-tdti, is, f., Ved. oatin, i, m. used in the gen. pi. (griliapatindm)
Trftli^ grindiva or grindiva, as, m. a kind
he being seized or grasped. :or the preceding. — Grika-patnl, f.,Ved. the mistress
of jackal. of a house, the wife of the householder. — Griha-
TtfB grishti, is, f. a cow which has had
TTW gritsa, as, a, am (fr. rt. gridh ?), only one calf, a young cow ; (in compounds with the pdla, as, m. the guardian of a house, a house-dog.
clever, dexterous ; judicious, wise ; a sharp fellow, a — Grihapdldya, nom. A. -pdlayate, -yltum, to
lames of other animals) any young female animal
sharper ; (as), m. the god of love, Kama or Kandarpa. resemble a house-dog. — Griha-jwtaka, as, m. the
(e. g. vanitd-griMi, a young female elephant) ; a site of a habitation, the ground on which it stands
-• Gritsa-pati, is, m., Ved. the chief of a number iind of bulbous plant, = vdi'dlil, vard/ia-kdnta,
of sharpers. — Gritsa-mati, Is, m., N. of a son of and which surrounds it. — Griha-praves'a, as, m. or
Su-hotra. — Gritxa-mada, an, m., N. of a son of ')adard; Zizyphus Jujuba (?), Gmelinus Arborea, griha-praveiana, am, n. solemn entrance into a
= kdsmarl; (is), m. a boar (various reading for
Saunaka, of the family of Bhrigu ; (according to a house according to prescribed ceremonies. — Grilia-
legend he was formerly a son of S'una-hotra, of the
Grishtikd, f. a kind of plant. praveHaniya, as, a, am, relating to the solemn
entrance into a house. — Griha-Tiali, is, m. a domes-
family of An-giras, but by Indra's will was transferred Grishtya, f. young (as a cow). tic oblation, the offering of the remnants of a meal
to the Bhrigu family ; he is the chief Rishi of the
to all creatures, such as animals, supernatural beings,
second Mandala of the Rig-veda.) 3T? grih,ghrit, t, t (fr. rt. grah), at the end
of compounds, taking, holding, seizing, taking away, and especially household deities. — Grihabali-devatd,
TT\I 9r*dh, cl. 4. P. gridkyati,jagardha, drawing away. {. the deity to whom a domestic oblation is offered.
i. ^ gardhishyati, agridhat, gardhitum, to — Grihahali-priya, as, m. a kind of crane, Ardea
endeavour to gain ; to covet, desire, strive after Griha, am or as, n. or m. pi. (in Ved. also m. Nivea. — Grih.dbali-bh.vj, k. m. a sparrow ; (according
greedily ; be desirous of, be eager for, long for (with sing.), a house, a habitation, a mansion ; (mrinmayo to other authorites), Ardea Nivea, or a crow. — Griha-
loc. or ace.), to be greedy: Caus. P. gardftayati, jri/iah, ' the house of earth,' the grave ; grihds, m. pi. bhanga, as, m. an exile, one who is driven from
-yitum, to make desirous, make greedy, to be greedy ; a house as containing several rooms) ; the inhabitants of his house ; family decay ; destroying a house, break-
a house, a family (pi.) ; a wife (sing, or pi. ); a sign
A. gardhayate, to deceive, cheat : Desid. jigardht- of the zodiac (sing.) ; a name, an appellation (sing.) ; ing into a house ; failure, breaking up, ruin, destruc-
shati : Intens. jarigridkyate, jarigarddhi. tion (of a family, firm or association). — Griha-
Griddha, an, a, am, desirous of, eagerly longing (as}, m., Ved. an assistant, servant ; [cf. anti-griha, bhanjana, am, n. breaking down or destroying a
for; [cf. Old Germ, gir, Mr : Mod. Germ, gier: devatd-grilia, bhumi-griJta, fayyd-griha, su-gri- house; causing the ruin or decay of a family.
Eng. greedy (?): Goth, gredags, gaurs : Hib. ha ; cf. also Germ, kirche (?) ; Old Germ. kiHcfta; — Gnha-'bhartri, td, m. the master of a house,
Island, kyrkia ; Angl. Sax. ciric for circ.] — Griha- — Griha-bhitti, is, f. the wall of a house. — Griha-
greadaim, ' I burn ;' greadhnach, ' joyful, glad ;' kaftliapa, as, m. a small flat oblong stone, used for
gradh, ' love, charity ; dear ;' graidhneog, ' a be- grinding condiments &c. (shaped like a tortoise) ; b/iumi, is, (. the site of a habitation. — Griha-
loved female,' &c. : Lith. godus, geda : Slav, glad, bhedin, t, int, i, prying into domestic affairs,
' hunger.'] [cf. causing family quarrels. — Griha-bhojin, i, ini, i, an
Gridhw, us, us, u, desirous, lustful, libidinous; Aloe grihas"man.~\ — GHha-lcanyd,
Perfoliata, = ghrita-kumdri ; [cf.f. kanyakd.]
the plant
inmate of the same house. — Griha-mani, is, m. a
(«a), m. the deity Kama, god of love. — Griha-kapota or griha-kapotaka, as, m. a
Gridhna, as, a, am (? a wrong form for gridhnu), pigeon, a tame or domestic pigeon — Griha-karana, \3mf.-GriJM-md6ikd, f. a bat.-Gn'Aa-mMctta-
am, n. household affairs, house-building. — Griha- dht, is, Is, i, bewildered with domestic cares. — Griha-
desirous (?). mriga, as, m. a dog. — Griha-megha, as, m. a
kartri, Id, m. a house-builder, a kind of sparrow. multitude of houses. — Griha-medha, as, m. a do-
Gridfoiu, us, us, u, eager ; greedily desirous of, — Gnha-karma-kara or grika-karma-ddsa, as,
greedy, covetous, cupidinous ; [cf. Goth, galrns, m. a domestic servant. — Griha-karman, a, n. a mestic sacrifice ; (as, a, am), one who peiforms the
domestic rites or is the object of them ; connected
gairnja ; Lith. extreme
godus.'] —desire.
Gridlmu-ta, f. covetous- domestic affair; a domestic rite, a ceremony relating with domestic rites or the duties of a householder ;
ness, greediness, to a house or household. — Grika-kalaha, as, m.
Gridhya, as, a, am, to be desired or longed for ; domestic dissension, intestine broils. — Griha-kd- an epithet of a ray of the sun. — Grihamedhin, I,
(a), f. desire, greediness. ini, i, one who performs the domestic sacrifices or
raka, as, m. a house-builder, a mason, a carpenter, is the object of them, a religious man ; (?), m. the
Gridhra, as, a, am, desiring greedily or fervently ; thatcher, Scc. — Griha-kdrin, t, m. a house-builder;
householder who performs the domestic lites, the
eager for, desirous, greedy, covetous ; (as, am), m. n. a kind of wasp, commonly Kumiraky5. — Grlha- married BrShman who has a household, the Brahman
a vulture ; (I), f. the female vulture ; a daughter of kdrya, am, n. household affairs, domestic duties. in the second period of his religious life ; (ini), (. a
Kasyapa and Tamra and mother of the vultures ; [cf. — Gri/ia-kukkuta,as, m.adomestic cock. — Griha-
housewife, the wife of a householder, natural sense
Old Germ, yir ; Mod. Germ. geier.~\ — Gridfira- kttlinga, as, m. a kind of bird ; [cf. kuliitga..] or intelligence. — Grihamedhiya or grihamedhya,
Jcuta, a*, m., N. of a mountain near Raja-griha. — Griha-kHtya, am, n. household matters or
— Gridhra-dakra, an, m. du. the vulture and the affairs, the affairs of a royal house, the ministry. as, d, am, relating to the Griha-medha or Griha-
medhin. —Griha-yantra, am, n. an apparatus to
Cakra-vaka. — Gridhra-jambuka, as, m., N. of an — Griha-godlid or grilm-godhikd, f. the small which on solemn occasions the flags of a house are
attendant of S'iva. — Gridhra-nakhi, f. the jujube, house-lizard ; [cf. dgdra-godMkd.] — Grihagolaka, fastened. - Griha-raksha, f. the guarding of a house.
Zizyphus Jujuba, = koli ; another plant, Asteracantha as, m. or grihagolikd, f. the small house-lizard. — Griha-randhra, am, n. a breach in the wall of
Longifolia, = kulika. — Gridlira -pati, «'.<, m. the — Griha-6atuka, as, m. a house-sparrow. — Griha-
lord of the vultures, an epithet of jatayu. — Gridhra- fiilli, f. two rooms contiguous to each other, but one a house ; private or family troubles or dissensions of
pattra, as, m., N. of an attendant of Skanda ; (a), facing west, the other east. — Grdut-ffhidra, am, an unpleasing nature ; [cf. griha-Mhidra.] — Griha-
f., N. of a plant, = dhumrd-pattrd. •- Gridhra- n. a breach in a house, private or family dissensions rdja, as, m., Ved. the lord of the house, an epithet
mojdntaka, as, m., N. of a son of SVaphalka. of Agni. - Griha-vat, an, ati, at, possessing a
or troubles. — Griha-ja or griha-jdta, as, d, am,
— Gridhra-yiitu, us, m., Ved. a Yitu or demon in born in the house ; (as), m. a slave born in the house, the possessor of a house. — Griha-vdtikd or
the shape of a vulture. •— Gridhra-rdj, t, or gridhra- house. — Grlha-jdlikd, f. deceit, disguise. — Griha- grihti-vdtt, f. a garden or grove near a house.
rdja, as, m. the king of the vultures, an epithet of tati, f. a terrace in front of a house, a threshold. — Gfika-vasa, as, m. the living in a house, the
office of a householder. — Griha-vdsin, I, ini, i,
Jatjyu. — Gridhra-vata, as or am, m. or n.(?), N. — Griha-ddsa, as, i, m. f. a domestic slave. living in a house. — Griha-rittheda, as, m. the
of a Tirtha. — Griilhra-vaja or gridhra-vdjita, as, •- Griha-ddka, as, m. the burning of a house, a extinction or destruction of a family or race. — Gfiha-
a, am, furnished with vulture-feathers, as an arrow ; conflagration, arson. — Griha-dipti, is, f. the splen-
[cf. gdrdhra-vdjita.] — Gridhra-sad, t, t, t, Ved. dor or ornament of the house, a virtuous woman. ritta, at, m. = grika-pati. — Griha-vriksha-vd-
tikd, f. title of a literary work. — Griha-vydpara,
sitting on a vulture. — Gri/ia-devatd or grilia-devt, f. the goddess of a as. m. household affairs, domestic economy. — Griha-
Gridhrdna, as, a, am, similar to a vulture in house. — GHha-druma, ax, m., N. of the plant 3uka, as, m. a parrot kept in a house ; a domestic
greediness ; (?), f., N. of a plant, = gridhra-pattra. Medhra-srin-gl. — Griha-dvdra, as, am, m. n. the poet. — Griha-iuddhi, fc, f. ceremonies for the
Gridkrikd, f. the mother of the vultures, a door of a house. — Grilta-dhuma, as, m., N. of a purification of a house. -• Griha~samve.'taka, as, m.
daughter of Kasyapa and Tamra. plant ; [cf. dgdra-dhuma.] «• Griha-^iaraka, am, n. a house-builder. — Griha-stlia, as, d, am. living or
a hell of a house. — Griha-ndiiana, as, m. a pigeon staying in a house; (as), m. a householder, a
*P^gridhu, MS, m. air voided downwards (destroying the walls of a house by building in and Brahman in the second period of his religious life, or
[cf. apdna] ; understanding, intellect, reason ; bad, one who after having finished his studies and after
wicked (?). about \t). — Gr{ha-nida, as, m. 'having its nest
in houses,' a sparrow. — Griha-pa, as, m., Ved. investiture with the sacred thread performs the duties
the guardian of a house. — Griha-pati, is, m. the of the master of a house and father of a family ; (d),
7pra^ gridhrasl, f. lumbago ; rheumatism
affecting the loins. master of a house, a householder; Ved. often an {. a housewife. — Gri/iastha-dharma, as, m. the
epithet of Agni ; a man of the second class who practice or duty of a householder. — Gri/iu-xthdna,
*pr 0riAA, p, f. (fr. grah), Ved. grasping, after having finished his studies is married and
seizing, grasp, hold. settled ; a householder of peculiar merit, giving alms am, n. a temporary residence. — Grihtisthds'rama,
°), as, m. the order of a householder.
griha-sthuna,. T go-kiratikd.
— GHha-sthuna, am, n. the pillar of t house. J|f!Uft grihani, f. sour gruel made from Gdtavya, as, a, am, to be sung, what may be sung.
— l',iih«-linn. a, f/li nl, a, pernicious to a house or the fermentation of rice-water ; [cf. ijrihdmla.] Gdyaka, gdyatri, gita, Sec. See s. v.
its inmates. — Gnhal;.-ha ( hu-ak°), at, m. a loop- Geya, as, d, am, to be sung ; singing, a singer ;
hole, an eyelet-hole, a round or oblong window. 'l^lrt grihlta. See under rt. grah. (am), n. song, singing, a song or chant. — Geya-jna,
— Grihdgata (°ha-dtj°), an, a, am, one who has as, d, am, skilful in song. — Geya-rajan, d, m., N.
ipa 1.2.3. gr'hya. See last col. and under of a Cakra-vanin.
come to a house ; (it*), rn. a guest. — Gt'ihddhipa rt. grah. Geshna, as, m. a singer, a professional singer, an
(°/ia-adh°), as, m. the Grihastha or householder;
JT I. gn, cl. 9. P. A. grindti, grinite, actor, a mime, a chanter of the Sama-veda.
[cf. tjriha-stha.] — Griltdnitbaddha (°ha-an°), an, Geshnu, us, m. a singer, an actor, a chanter of the
a, am, confined to the house. — Grihdbhipdlin Sama-veda.
f jagdra, garishyati and garishyati, agdrit,
fha-abh°), i, ini, »', watching or taking care of the garitum and garitum, to utter a sound, call out to,
house ; (i ), m. a watchman. — Grihdmla (°ha-um°), invoke ; to call ; to announce, proclaim ; to pro- ifa gaira, as, i, am (fi.giri), coming from
am, n. sour gruel made from the fermentation of mulgate, relate ; to mention with praise, praise, mountains, grown on them, mountain-born, mountain,
rice-water. — Grihdyanika or grihdyanika, as, m. extol; [cf. Hib. goirim ; Gr. yripva, y\iaa<ra; Old mountaineer ; (I), {., N. of a plant ; [cf. Iditgaliki.]
(ft. griha + ayana), a householder; [cf. griha- GairdyaiM, as, m. a patronymic from Giri.
Germ, yuar, r/uir, Sec.; Old Pruss. gerbu, 'to
«<Aa.] — Grihdrdma ( ha-ar"), as, m. a garden, speak;' Angl. Sax. gale; Germ, gal in Nackti- Gairikd, as, i, am, mountain, mountain-born or
a grove &c. near a house and belonging to it. gal; Lat. galluat], produced ; (as, a, am), m. f. n. red chalk, sometimes
— Grihdrudha-c'ctas (°ha-dr°), as, as, as, devoted Ci inat, an, all, at, praising, flattering; speaking. used as a red ornament ; (am), n. gold. — Gairi-
to home. — Grihartha ("ha-ar3), as, m. household Uriiiiahan, Ved. found only in the loc. grinlsham, madhuka.]
kdksha (%-a-ai3), as, m., N. of a plant; [cf.jala-
affairs, any household matter or care. — Grihdvagra- = in praise, with invocation ; (Say.) to be praised.
hani ( ha-av^), f. the threshold, raised ground or a JT 2. gn, cl. 6. P. girati and gilati, jagdra Gairikshita, as, m. (fr. giri-kshit), a patronymic
terrace in front of the door. — Grihdrasthita (°ha- of Trasadasyu ; also of the Yaskas.
av5), as, dt a*m, dwelling or living in a house ; £ and jagala, garishyati and gallshyati, or Gaireya, as, i, am, mountain-born, mountain ;
situated or abiding in any dwelling-place. — Grihd- garishyati and gallshyati, aydrit and agdlit,
iaya (°ha-df), f. the betel tree, Piper Betel. garitnm and galitum, or garitum and galitum, (am), n. bitumen, red chalk.
— Grihds'man (ha-af), a, m. a flat oblong stone to swallow, devour, eat ; to emit or eject from the 'Kli'Jrt gairakamvula or gairikamviila,
upon which condiments are ground. — Grihdsrama mouth : Caus. gdrayati and gdlayati : Desid. N. of the ninth Yoga.
(°ka-af), ax, m. the order of a householder, the jigarishati and jigalishati : Intens. jegilyate,
*n go, gaus, m. f. (said to be fr. rt. i.gam),
second stage in the religious life of a Brahman.
•• Grihdiramin, f, m. the Brlhman as a house- jdgarti; [cf. Lith. germ, ' to drink ;' Lat. glu-tio, an ox, a cow ; cattle, kine, a herd of cattle (pi.) ;
gula ; Slav, gr-lo ; Russ. tclmr«.\ anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow,
holder. —Grihe-jnanin, i, ini, i, wise inside a house,
inexperienced, stupid. — Grihe-ruha, as, a, am, JT 3. gri or iri, cl. 10. A. gdrayate, -yi- as milk (generally pi.), flesh, skin, hide, leather, a
growing in a house. — Grihe-vdsin, i, ini, i, Ved. f. turn, to know, discern, make known, teach. strap of leather, a sinew, a bow-string ; a particular
living in a house. — Grihefa ("ha-ifa), as, m. the day of the Abhiplara sacrifice, = goshtoma ; the
7R!3 gendu, us, m. or genduka or genduka herds of the sky, i. e. the stars ; the sky ; (pi.) rays
regent of a sign of the zodiac. — Grihes'vara ("ha- or genduka, as, m. a ball for playing with ; [cf. of light (regarded as the herds of the sky, for which
ts'*), as, m. the master of a house, a householder. and ginduka.]
Indra fights with Vritra) ; the thunderbolt ; water ;
— Grihotpdta (°ha-ut°), as, m. any domestic nui-
sance (asvermin &c.).— GHhopakarana (°ha-up°), gep,
tremblecl.; [cf. A. gepate, to shake, the eye; an arrow; the hairs of the body; (the
i. kep.]
am, n. any domestic utensil. following are m. only), the sign Taurus of the
Grihaydpya or grihaydyya, as, m. a house- fl gey a, &c. See under gai next col. zodiac ; the sun ; the moon ; the sun's ray, called
holder, the master of a house or family. Sushumna ; a kind of medicinal plant, = rixhabha ;
Grihaydlu, us, us, u, disposed to seize or to lay "TcS gela or gelu, a particular number. a singer ; a goer, a horse ; a billion ; N. of a Rishi ;
hold of. (the following are f. only), a region of the sky;
j I J gee, cl. i. A. gevate, to serve, to the earth (as the milch-cow of kings) ; a mother ;
Grihala, as, m., N. of a man. speech, SarasvatI the goddess of speech ; N. of the
GrUidlikd, (. a small house-lizard; [cf. griha- N. gratify by service ; [cf. kev, khee, see."]
wife of S'uka, a daughter of the manes, called Sukalas;
gulikd and rjriholika.~\ T\*&X gesh,search, cl. i. A. ; geshate,
investigate [cf. gavesh.]to seek, or N. of the daughter-in-law of S'uka ; or N. of a
Grihin, i, ini, i, possessing a bouse ; (i), m. the daughter of Kakut-stha and wife of Yayati ; gavdm
master of a house, a householder, the Brahman as a MTBI geshna, &c. See under gai. rratam, N. of a Saman; [cf. Gr. $ovs; Lat. bos;
householder [cf. griha-sOia] ; (ini), f. the mistress Old Germ, chuo; Mod. Germ, kuh; Eng. cow;
of a house, a wife. JT? geha, am, n. (corrupted fr. griha), a Lett, gohw; cf. also Gr. yata, 77); Goth, gavi;
Grihi-bhu, cl. i . P. -bhavati, -vitum, to become house, a dwelling, a habitation. — Geha-ddha, as, m. and Mod. Germ, gau.] — Go-agra, as, d, am, Ved.
a house or habitation. the
is, m.burning of a house,
the master a' conflagration.
of a house, — Geha-pati,
a householder, husband. headed by cows, having cows or milk &c. as the
Griholikd, (. a small house-lizard; [cf. griha- — Geha-bhu, us, f. the site of a house, the ground chief or most excellent part ; (am), n. a multitude of
godhfkd, grihdlikd, &c.] on which it is built. •• Gehe-kshvedin, i, ini, i, cows ; (according to native grammarians also go 'gra
i. grihya, as, d, am, belonging to a house, blustering at home, a house-hero, a coward. — Gehe- and gavagra.) — Go-ajana, as, a, am, Ved. any-
domestic ; N. of a series of ceremonies relating to ddkin, i, ini, i, scorching and burning at home, a thing (as a stick, goad, &c.) used for driving
family or domestic affairs (such as marriages, births, house-hero. — Gehe-dripta, as, d, am, overbearing cattle. — Go-argha, as, d, am, Ved. of the value of
&c.) and treated of in a peculiar class of ritual works, at home. — Gehe-dhrish/a, as, d, am, insolent at one cow. — Go-arnas, as, as, as, Ved. flowing or
called Grihya-sfltras (see below) ; domesticated, tame, home. — Gehe-nardin, i, ini, i, shouting defiance streaming with milk (?). — Go-as"va, am, n. cattle
living in houses (as animals) ; situated outside of, at home, a poltroon, a dunghill-cock. — Gehe-mehin, and horses. — Goafoiya, am, n., N. of a Saman.
(originally ' adjoining the houses of a town ;' e. g. i, ini, i, making water at home ; a lazy, effeminate — Go-rijika, as, d, am, Ved. prepared or mixed
grdma-grihyd send, an army outside a village) ; or indolent man. — Gche-Vtjitin, i, ini, i, victorious with milk. — Go-opaia, as, d, am, Ved. furnished
(as), m. the inmate of a house, a domestic; a tame at home, a cowardly boaster. •• Gelie-vydda, as, m. with a twist or tuft of leather straps. — Go-kaksha,
or domesticated animal ; (d), f. a suburb, a village fierce at home, a braggart, a boaster. — Gehe-sura, an, m., N. of a man. — Go-kanta, as, m. the plant
adjoining to a city, or a small village attached to a as, m. a house-hero, a carpet-knight, a boasting Asteracantha Longifolia. — Go-kantaka, as, m. a
larger. — Grihya-kdrikd, f. the Sutras of AsValayana road or spot trodden down by oxen or cows and so
forest near— Gehoparana
a house. (°ha-up°), am, n. a small
in metrical form. — Grihya-guru, ue, m. an epithet made difficult to be passed ; the print of a cow's hoof,
of Siva; (a wrong reading for gnhya-gv.ru f). Gehin, i, ini, i, having a house, domestic ; (f), a spot so marked ; a cow's hoof; the plant Astera-
— Grihya-grantha, as, m. a treatise on domestic m. a householder ; (ini), f. a housewife, a wife. cantha. —Go-knrya,
ceremonies. — Gri/iya-pariiishta, am, n., N. of a an epithet of certain as,
mend, and
am, demons
having ;cow's
Gfhya, as, d, am, Ved. domestic, being in a
Parisishta. — Grihya-fongraha, as, m. title of a house ; (am), n. domestic affairs ; wealth. a cow's ear ; a kind of deer, Antilope Picta ; a mule ;
work on ritual ascribed to ihe son of Gobhila. a serpent ; a kind of arrow ; a span from the tip of
— i.ri/iya-Kutra, am, n. a class of ritual works JT gai, cl. i. P. (rarely A.) gdyati, jngau, the thumb to that of the ring finger ; a place of pil-
containing directions for domestic rites and cere- gdsyati, agasit, gdtum, to sing, to speak or grimage on the Malabar coast, sacrrd to Siva ; Siva
monies, composed by AsvalSyana, Gobhila, &c. recite in a singing manner, (applied figuratively to as there worshipped ; N. of one of the attendants of
-'Inliydgnt (°ya-ag°), is, m. a sacred fire which the utterance of beings not endowed with human Siva ; of a king of Kasmlra who erected a statue of
it is incumbent on every Brahman to keep up. language, e. g. to gods, the earth, &c.) ; to relate in Siva, called after him GokarnesVara ; of a Muni ; (d),
GHhyaka, as, d, am, tame, domesticated, do- metrical language, to praise in song ; to sing before f., N. of one of the Matris attendant on Skanda ; (i), f.
mestic dependent,
; docile, not following one's own (with ace.) : Pass, giyate : Caus. P. gdjiayati, -i/itam, the plant Sanseviera Zeylanica. — Go-kdma, as, d, am,
inclinations ; (as), m. a tame or domesticated animal, to cause to sing or praise in song : Desid. jiijasati : Ved. desirous of cattle. — Go-hdmyd, (. desire for cows.
whether a bird or beast.
lnleai.jegiyate,jdgeti,jdgati; [cf. Lith. zaidsiu,.] — Go-kirdlikd (°ra-at°!), f. a bird considered as

one kind of the common Maina, Turdus Salica ; also born in the earth, the earth being identical with the go-pala. splitting the clouds or mountains, epithet of Indra.
called Vit-sarika. •- Go-kila or go-ktla, as, m. a elements. — Go-jdgarika, as, m. a kind of prickly — 1,gu-dd, as, as, am, Ved. presenting with catde or
plough ; a pestle. — Go-kula, am, n. a herd of kine, nightshade [cf. kan/a-kdraka] ; (am), n. (?) a kine. — i . go-ddna, am, n. presenting with cows,
a multitude of cattle, a cow-house or station; a preparer of food, a baker [cf. bkakshya-kdraka] ; the gift of a cow; N. of the eastern continent; cutting
village or tract on the Jumna, the residence of Nanda happiness, fortune. — Go-jdta, as, d, am, Ved. born (rt. do) of the hair (go), the ceremony of tonsure;
and of Krishna during his youth ; the inhabitants of in the starry sky, one whose home is the starry sky ; see 2. goddna, s.v. — Go-daya, as, d, am, intending
this station ; N. of a certain sanctuary or holy place. (Say.) born in the middle region, an epithet of the to present with cows. — Go-ddrana, am, n. a plough ;
— Gokula-jit, t, m., N. of an author of the seven- gods. — Gojd-paria, {., N. of a plant, = dugdha- a spade or hoe. — Go-ddvari, f.' granting water or kine,'
teenth century. — Gokula-ndtha, as, m., N. of the pheiii. — Go-jit, t, t, t, Ved. conquering cattle, gain- N. of a river in Dakshina-patha; [cf. i. go-dd, gold,
author of the work Padavakya-ratnakara ; also of the ing cattle. — Go-jihvd or go-jiltvilea, f. the plant saptagoddvara."] — Goddvari-mngama, as, m., N.
work Rasa-maharnava. — Gokula-stha, as, m., N. of Phlomis Esculenta or Elephantopus Scaber; or a of a place. — Go-dugd/ia, am, n. cow's milk. — Go-
a sect of Vishnu. — Gokulika, as, d, am, one who kind of Hieracium, = ddrvikd, or = yavcdhukd ; in dugdha-dd, f. a kind of grass, = fanika. «• Go-duh,
gives help or gives no help (?) to a cow in the mud ; Bengali gojid = Premna Esculenta. — Go-tarani, a -dhuk, k, m. f. a milkman or milkmaid ; a cowherd ;
squint-eyed ; N. of a Buddhist sect. — Goleulodbhavd kind of flower. — Go-tallaja, as, m. an excellent also go-duha, as, m. — Go-doha. as, m. the milking
(°la-u(P), f. an epithet of DurgS. — Go-kri, cl. 8. P. cow. — Go-tirtha, am, n., N. of a TTrtha. — Go- of cows. «- Go-dohana, am, n. the time when cows
-karoti, -kartum, to transform into a cow. — Go- tlrthaka, as, m., scil. dheda, an oblique cut applied are milked, or the time necessary for milking a cow ;
icrita. am, n. cow-dung. — Go-kshira, am, n. cow's to fistula of the rectum. — Go-tra, am, n. (rt. trai), (j), f. a milk-pail. — Go-drava, am, n. cow's urine.
milk. — Go-kshura or go-kshuralta, as, m. (icshura protection or shelter for cows, a cow-pen, cow-shed, — Go-dhana, am, n. possession of cows, a herd of
= khura), the plant Asteracantha Longifolia; (am), a stable for cattle, a stable in general, a hurdle, an cows, a multitude or number of cattle, especially if
enclosure ; the family enclosed by the hurdle ; family, considered as property, a station of cows; (as), m. a
n. a cow's hoof. — Go-kshodaka, as, m. a kind of
bird. — Go-khttra, as, m. = go-kshura, the plant race, lineage, kin, an affix used for forming patro- broad-pointed arrow. — Go-dhara, as, m., N. of a
Asteracantha Longifolia ; another plant, Tribulus nymics ; a name, an appellation, family name ; (in king of KaSmlra. — Go-dharma, ai, m. the law of
Lanuginosus; N. of a Danava. — Gokhuri, is, m. = PSnini's Sutras), the grandson and his descendants cattle, ordinances relating to cattle. — Go-dhas, as,
go-kshura = go-khura, the plant Asteracantha Longi- if no older offspring of the same ancestor than this m., N. of a Rishi of the family of An-giras. — Godhn-
folia. —Go-grishti, is, f. a young cow which has had grandson lives (e. g. A. B. C. representing father, son, sdmun, a, n., N. of a Saman. — Go-dhd, godhi,
and grandson, then C. is called Gotra, if A. and B. see s. v. — Go-dhdyas, as, as, as, Ved. supporting or
only one ca\t'. — Go-goyuga, am, n. a yoke of oxen
or cows. — Go-gosktha, am, n. a station for cattle ; are dead, otherwise he is called Yuvan) ; a caste, a fostering cov/s. — Go-dhuma or go-dhuma, as, m.
a stable for cows, a cattle-shed. — Go-granthi, is, m. tribe, a subdivision, a caste according to families, (as it were ' the smoke of the earth,' but derived in the
dried cow-dung ; a station for cows, a cow-yard, cow- (in that of the Brahman twenty-four Gotras are Unadi-sutras fr. gudh, to surround), wheat (generally
house, &c. ; N. of a plant, = go-jihvikd. — Go-graha, reckoned, supposed to be sprung from and named plur.); the orange; a kind of medicinal plant; (i),
as, m. spoil, booty, capture of cattle. — Go-grdsa, after celebrated teachers, as SSndilya, Kasyapa, Gau-
f., N. of a plant; [cf. go-lomikd.'] — Godhumaka,
as, m. the ceremony of presenting a mouthful of tama, Bharad-vaja, &c.) ; a multitude, increase ; pos- as, m. a kind of serpent. — Godhuma-durna, am,
grass to a cow when performing an expiatory rite ; session ;a forest ; a field ; a road ; a chattar, an n. wheat-flour. — Godhuma-sambhava, am, n. sour
the feeding like a cow. — Go-ghdta, as, m. or gro- umbrella or parasol ; knowledge of futurity, inspira- gruel made from wheat-flour, a sour paste. — Go-
ghdtaka, as, m. or go-ghatin, », m. a cow-killer. tion ;a genus, a class or species ; {as), m. a moun- dliuli, is, m. ' dust of the earth,' a period of the
— Go-ghata, as, m. grass for a cow. — Go-yhrita, tain; (d), f. a herd of kine ; the earth; (a polysyl- day in the hot season when the sun is half risen ; in
am, n. melted butter coming from a cow ; rain (i. e. labic fern, in long t shortens its final vowel before the cold and dewy seasons, when the sun is full but
the Ghrita of the sky or earth). — Go-ghna, as, i, gotra, e. g. Brdhmani-gotrd, a Brahman woman mild ; and in the three other seasons, sunset (origin-
am, noxious to kine ; who or what kills kine ; one only by name or birth?). ^Gotraka, am, n. family, ally a time at which mist seems to rise from the
for whom a cow is killed, a guest. — Go-ghnata, as, family name. — Gotra-kartri, td, or gotra-kdrin, t, earth). — Go-dhenu, us, f. a milch-cow; [cf. gaudhe-
m. pi., N. of a people. — Go-fandana, am, n. a kind m. the founder of a family. — Gotra-kild, f. the mika.~\ — Go-dhra, as, m. a mountain (bearing the
of sandal-wood [cf. go-sJrshd] ; (a), f. a poisonous sort earth ; [cf. afala-klld and adri-kild.] — Gotra- earth). — Go-nanda, as, m., N. of a people in Dak-
of leech. — Go-fapald, f., N. of a daughter of Rau- ja, as, a, am, born in the same family, a relation shina-pathN.
a ; of an attendant of Siva ; (d), f. an
drasva and Ghritacl. — Go-(ara, as, a, am, ranged or (in law, the term is nearly equivalent to the ' Gentile' epithet of the wife of Siva ; (i), f. the female of the
grazed over by cattle; frequented, visited, offering of Roman law, and is applied to kindred of the same Ardea Sibirica or Indian crane ; [cf. the following.]
range or field or scope for action, within the range general family, who are connected by offerings of — Go-narda, as, d, am, bellowing like a bull, an
of, accessible, attainable, within the power of (e. g. food and water ; hence it is opposed to the Bandhu epithet of Siva ; (as), m. the bird Ardea Sibirica or
asmad-godara, within our power; drishfi-yofara, or cognate kindred, who do not partake in the offer- Indian crane ; N. of a king of KaSmTra ; N. of a
perceptible, cognizable, worthy of observation or ings to the common ancestors). — Gotra-pata, as, people in Dakshina-patha; N. of a mountain; a
adoration; drishty-agofara, not within range of m. a genealogical table, pedigree. — Gutra-jyravara, various reading has yomanta ; (aw), n. the fragrant
the sight, invisible) ; ranging, circulating, passing as, m. the oldest member of a family, founder of a grass Cyperus Rotundus. — Gonardiya, as, d, am,
current, having a particular meaning, prevalent ; (as), family. — Gotrapravara-darpana, am, n. title of relating to the Gonardas ; (as), m. an epithet of
m. the range of cattle, pasturage, range in general, a literary work. — Gotra-bhid, t, t, t, Ved. opening Patanjali, the founder of the Yoga philosophy ; N. of
field for action, an abode, dwelling-plate, district, the cow-pens of the sky ; (Say.) splitting the clouds or a grammarian mentioned by Pataiijali. — Go-nasa,
department, province ; the range of the organs of mountains (in the battle with the demon Vritra), as, m. a large kind of snake, by some considered to
sense, an object of sense, anything perceptible by the an epithet of Indra and of the vehicle of Brihaspati ; be the same as the Boa or Bor ; a kind of gem ;
senses, especially the range of the eye, the horizon (t), m. Indra (as splitting the mountains with his (d), f. the mouth of a cow ; (i), (. a kind of plant ;
(e. g. lofana-gotoram yd, to come within range of thunderbolt [cf. adri-1>hid], and as destroying [cf. go-ndsa.} — Go-ndtha, as, m. a bull ; a herds-
the eye, to become visible) ; the range of the planets families or names). — Gotra-lJmmi, is, f. (with man. — Go-ndya, as, m. a cowherd. — Go-ndsa, as,
from the Lagna or from each other. — Gofara-phala Buddhists) 'family-range,' one of the periods in d, am, having a nose or snout like that of an ox ;
or gotarddhydya (°ra-adh°), as, m., N. of the the life of a Sravaka.— Gotra-riktha, e, n. du. the (as), m. a kind of snake ; (a), f. the projecting
lO4th Adhyaya of Varaha-mihira's Brihat-samhita. family or family name and its inheritance ; (ant), n. snout of a cow or ox ; (am), n. a kind of gem,
— Gofara-pida, f. inauspicious position of stars family estate, patrimony. — Gotra-rat, an, att, at, vaikrdnta^mani ; [cf. po-»«jsa.] — Go-nishyanda,
within the ecliptic. — Gofari-kri, cl. 8. P. -ka- belonging to a noble family. — Gotra-vriksha, as, as, n. cow's urine. — Go-nyoghas, as, as, as, Ved.
roti, -kartum, to place within the range, make m., N. of a plant ; [cf. dhanvana.] — Gotrdkhyd streaming or flowing among milk; (Say.) having
current. — Gofan-krita, as, d, am, within the (°ra-dkh°), f. family name, patronymic. — Gotrdnla quantities of fluid streaming down. — Go-pa, go-pi,
range of observation. — Go-barman, a, n. an ox- (°ra-an°), as, m. destruction of families or of moun- see s. v. — Go-pati, is, m. the lord of a herd of cows,
hide, acow's hide ; a particular measure of surface, a tains (scil.
; saftda) a patronymic, i. e. a word ending a bull ; the leader of a troop, a leader, a chief; the
place large enough for the range of 100 cows, one with a Gotra affix. — Gotrika, as, a, am, relating to chief of herdsmen, i. e. Krishna or Vishnu ; the lord
bull, and their calves, (according to some authori- a family; gotrikam karma, the consciousness of of the heavenly herds or stars or rays ; the sun ;
ties) 300 feet long by 10 broad; it is also defined family descent, one of the four pure Karmans with Indra ; the lord of the earth, a king ; lord of the
as an extent of land sufficient to support a man Jainas. — Go-Pea, am, n. the being a cow, the state waters, an epithet of Varuna ; a medicinal plant,
for a year ; (originally perhaps a piece of land large of being an ox or cow. — i . go-da, as, d, am, giving = rishabha; an epithet of Siva; N. of a Deva-
enough to be encompassed by straps of leather from cattle or cows; (a«), m. du., N. of a village; (a), gandharva ; of a Danava slain by Krishna ; of a son
a cow's hide.) — Go-ddralca, as, m. a cowherd. f., N. of a river, commonly GodavarT. — Go-datra, of Sivi. — Gopati-fdpa, as, m. the rainbow. — Go-
— Go-f.drana, am, n. the tending or feeding of as, d, am, Ved. giving cattle ; an epithet of Indra. pa-tva, am, n. the office or order of a herdsman.
cows. — Go-Sdrin, I, im, i, going after cows, epithet — Go-danta, as, m. a cow's tooth ; yellow orpi- — Go-patha, as, m. or gopatha-brdhmana, am, n,
of a class ofYatis; [cf. mnga-tdrin.} — Go-jara, ment ; a white fossil substance, apparently an earthy tide of a Brahmana of the Atharva-veda. — Go-pas'u,
OK, m. an old ox or bull. — Go-jala, am, n. cow's salt ; N. of a Danava ; (as, d, am), having cow's us, m. a sacrificial cow. •• Go-paid, as, m. a cowherd;
urine. — Go-jd. as, as, am, Ved. produced by milk; teeth ; armed, armed with a coat of mail. -• Go-dari, a protector of the earth, a king ; cowherd and king ;
(Say.) born amidst rays ; (according to Mahl-dhara), is, is, i, Ved. opening the stables of the sky ; (Say.) the cowherd KBT" ^|oxVi '• e' Krishna ; an epithet
298 'iWirf* go-pdlaka.
of Sin ; N. of an attendant o( Siva ; N. of a Nlga ; cows. — Go-mandala, am, n. the orb of the earth, I twenty-second Arhat of the present AvasarpinI. — Go-
N. of a minister of king Bimbi-sara, also of a king, the globe. — Go-mat, an, all, at, possessing or con- 'mWtos, as, n. (for go-ambhas), cow's urine ; [cf.
and of a general of king Klrti-varmin ; N. of a taining cattle, cows, herds, &c. ; rich in cattle ; con- go-mitra.] — Go-yajna, as, m. the sacrifice of a
scholiast ; N. of several other men ; (i), f., N. of sisting ofcattle ; containing milk, mixed with milk ; cow. — Go-ydna, am, n. a carriage drawn by oxen
one of the Mstris attending Skanda ; N. of a Cin- (Ci), f., Ved. a place abounding in herds; N. of a or cows, a cart in general. — Go-yukta, as, d, am,
dilT ; two plants, = gopdla-karkatt and go-rakshi. river failing into the Indus ; also of one falling into the drawn by oxen or cows. — Go-yuga, am, n. a yoke
— Go-palaka, as, m. a cowherd ; an epithet of Ganges ; N. of a Vedic hymn, a prayer or formula, or pair of oxen, a pair of animals in general. — Go~
Krishna ; an epithet of Siva ; N. of a son of king to be repeated during expiation for killing a cow ; yuta, as, d, am, frequented by cattle ; (am), n. a
Canda-mahS-sena ; (ika), (. the wife of a cowherd; cattle-station, a hurdle for cattle. — Go-raksh, t,t,t,ot
(t), n. possession of cattle, property consisting in
a kind of worm or fly found on dung-heaps. — Go- herds. — Go-matalUkd, f. a tractable and good cow. k, k, k, guarding or preserving cattle. — Go-rcik>.ha,
pdla-kaksha, as, m., N. of a country and (in plur.) as, a, am, keeping or tending cattle ; (as), m. a
•• Go-matt, »«,f.,N. of a river, = go-matl. — Gomati- cowherd, a cowkeeper, the tender of kine : a Gorkha
the inhabitants of this country. — Gopdla-karkali, putra, as, m., N. of a prince ; (also read gotami-
{. a kind of cucumber (in Hindi goyalakdnkari, or inhabitant of Nepal ; an epithet of Siva ; N. of
putra.) — Go-matsya, as, m. a kind of fish living in the author of a work entitled Goraksha-sataka ; the
gurubhd) ; [cf. gojm-karkatikd, &c.] — Gopdla- rivers. — Go-madhya-madhya(?), as, a, am, slender
kefava, as, m., N. of a statue of Krishna, called in the waist. — Gomanta, as, m., N. of a mountain ; orange; N. of a medicinal plant, = ristuibha; (am),
after Gopala-varman. — Gopdla-tdpaniyopanishad n. keeping or tending cattle ; breeding cattle ; the
N. of a people (also goghnata) ', an owner of cattle ; life of a herdsman ; (i), f., N. of several plants, =
{°ya-up ), t, (. title of an Upanishad in honour of a herd of cattle; a multitude of cattle-owners.— Go-
Krishna. — Gopdla-ddsa, as, m., N. of a physician ; manda, as, m.=gomanta(1), N. of a mountain. gandha-btihuld, gopdK, &c. ; also = goraksha-
N. of a copyist. — Gopdla-deva, as, m., N. of a — i. go-maya, as, i, am, bovine, consisting of cattle; dagdhd ; a kind of cucumber, =kumbha-tumbi.
poet. — Gopdla-pura, am, n., N. of a town called — Go-rakshaka, as, ika, am, guarding cattle;
defiled with cow-dung ; (as, am), m. n. cow-dung.
after Gopila-varman. — Gopdla-prasdda, as, m., N. — 2. gomaya (for gomayaya), nom. P. gomayati, (as), m. a cowkeeper, one who tends cattle. — Go-
of a teacher of R2ma-candra. — Gopdla-mafha, as, rakfha-karkati, (. a kind of cucumber, = (irbhita,
-yitum, to cover or smear with (cow-dung). — Go-
m., N. of a college called after GopSla-varman. maya-dHiattra, am, n. a mushroom, a fungus. — Goraksha-jambu, us, f. wheat ; the plant Uraria
— Gopala-yogin, I, m., N. of a man. — Gopala- — Gomaya-ffhattrikd, f. a kind of fungus or mush- Lagopodioides ; the fruit of the jujube. — Go-raksha~
varman, a, m.,N. of a king ofKasmlra.— Gopala- room. — Gomaya-priya, am, n. the plant Andro- na, am, n. tending or taking charge of cattle. — Go-
earasvatt, m., N. of a pupil of Siva-rama and raksha-tanduld, f. the plant Uraria Lagopodioides.
pogon Schcenanthus. — Gomaydya, nom. A. go-
teacher of GovindJnanda. — Gopdli, is, m. an epithet — Goraksha-tumbi, f.=kumbha-tumbi, a kind of
maydyate, -yitum, to be similar to cow-dung, to
of Siva ; N. of a man ; [cf. go-jidla.} — Gopdsh- cucumber. — Goraksha-dugdhd, f. a small shrub, =
taste like cow-dung. — Gomayotthd (°ya-ut°), f. a
lamt (°pa-ash°), f. the eighth lunation of the light kind of beetle found in cow-dung ; a gad-fly. — Go- amrild, go-rakshi, jiryd, &c. — Gorakshya, am,
half of Klrttika, on which Krishna who had formerly n. tending cattle, the life of a herdsman. — Go-
been a keeper of calves became a cowherd ; cows mayodbliava (°ya-ud°), as, m. the plant Catharto-
carpus Fistula ; [cf. dragbadha.] — Go-mahisha-dd, ranku, us, m. (?) a water-fowl ; a chanter ; a pri-
are especially to be worshipped on this day.— Go- f. granting cattle and buffaloes ; N. of one of the soner, any person or animal confined (?) ; a naked man,
pitta, am, n. ox-bile or the bile of cows from which a mendicant &c. wandering about without clothes.
MStris attending on Skanda or Karttikeya. — Go-
the yellow orpiment called Go-rocanS, RocanS or mdnsa, am, n. the flesh of oxen, beef. — Go-matri, — Go-ratha, as, m., N. of a mountain; of Siva.
Rocanl, is supposed to be prepared ; orpiment. td, m., Ved having a cow for mother, coming from — Gorathaka, as, m. a carriage drawn by cattle.
— Go-pita, as, m., N. of one of the four water a cow ; an epithet of the Maruts ; [cf. pridnir-matri.] — Go-rabhasa, as, d, am, Ved. strengthened with
wagtails, which are regarded as birds of augury. — Go-miiyu, us, us, u, making sounds like cattle; milk ; (S5y.) endowed with strength, strengthening,
— Go-pitha, at, m. (rt. pa, to protect), protecting, (us), m. a kind of frog ; a jackal ; N. of a jackal ; an epithet of the Soma. — Go-rambha, as, m., N.
preserving, protection; (am), n. a holy place, a N. of a Gandharva or celestial musician ; the bile or of a man — Go-rava, am, n. saffron. •» Go-rasa, as,
place of pilgrimage ; (as), m., Ved. (rt. pa, to drink), bilious humor of a cow. — Gomdyu-bhaksha, as, m. buttermilk ; curdled or coagulated milk ; cow-
a draught of milk ; (S5y.) drinking of any fluid or m. pi., N. of a people (eating jackals). — Go-ml- milk. — Goraea-ja, am, n. buttermilk; curds.
thuna, am, n. a bull and a cow, a yoke or pair of "Go-raja, at, m. 'king of cattle,' a bull. — Go-
juice; [cf. soma-pitha.'] — Go-pithy a, am, n., Ved.
protection ; (Siy.) protection of the earth. — Gopi- cattle. — Go-min, t, Irii, i, rich in herds &c. ; (i), rd/ikd or gordtt or gorikd, f. = go-kirdtika, the
ndtha, a», m., N. of a man ; N. of a son of Ma- m. the owner of cattle or cows ; a jackal ; a wor- bird Turdus Salica. — Go-ruta, am, n. a measure of
dhava. — Go-pucVAa, as, am, m. n. a cow's tail ; (as), shipper, an attendant on a Buddha. — Go-mina, as, distance equal to two Kro£ or Koi, (as far as the
m. a sort of monkey; a sort of necklace, one of m. a sort of fish, the bull-fish; [cf. go-matsya.] lowing of a cow may be heard.) — Go-ntdha in
two, or of four, or of thirty-four strings ; a kind of — Go-mukha, as, m. a crocodile, a shark ; N. of a a-go-rudka, q. v. — Go-rupa, as, a, am, Ved. cow-
drum. — Go-putika, am, n. a temple or edifice con- son of Mstali ; also of a son of the treasurer of king shaped. — Go-rota, am, n. yellow orpiment. — Go-
secrated toSiva's bull. — Go-putra, as, m. a young Vatsa ; also of one of Siva's attendants ; also of an Tofand, f. a bright yellow pigment prepared from
bull ; a son of the sun, epithet of Kama. — Go-pura, attendant of the first Arhat of the present AvasarpinI ; the urine or bile of a cow, or vomited in the shape
am, n. a town-gate, a gate in general; the orna- (am), n. a kind of musical instrument, (a sort of of scibulae (?) by that animal ; or (according to some)
mented gateway of a temple; a kind of grass, horn or trumpet ?) ; a house built unevenly or crook- found in the head of a cow; it is employed in
Cyperus Rotundus, = muilaka [cf. go-narda] ; (as), edly, viz. with angles or projections ; spreading un- painting and dyeing, and is of especial use in
at., N. of a physician. — Gopuraka, as, m. the resin guents, plastering, smearing; (as), m. a hole in a marking the foreheads of the Hindus with the
of the Boswellia Thurifera ; [cf. kunduruka.]— Go- wall of a peculiar shape made by thieves &c., a Tilaka or sectarial mark ; it is also used in medicine
purisha, am, n. cow-dung. — Go-posha, as, m., breach ; (am, i), n. f. a cloth-bag containing a rosary, as a sedative, tonic, and anthelmintic remedy &c. ;
Ved. increase of herds. — Go-prakdnda, am, n. a the beads of which are counted by the hand, thrust [cf. ro&ina.] — Go-lattika, {., Ved. a kind of animal.
superior cow, excellent cattle. — Go-praddra, as, m. inside ; (i), f. the chasm in the Himalaya mountains, — Go-lara>ia, am, n. the measure or quantity of
pasturage for cows or oxen. — Go-pratdra, as, m. through which the Ganges flows, erroneously con- salt given to a cov/. — Go-ldngula, as, m. a kind
ox-ford, a ford for cattle ; N. of a place of pilgrimage ceived to be shaped like a cow's mouth ; N. of a of monkey described as of a black colour and having
on the SaravQ ; an epithet of Siva, as leading cattle river in Radha. — Gomukhu-vydghra, as, m. 'cow- a tail like a cow ; also go-ldngala, t, m. f. ; (as),
safely across the water (?). — Go-praddna, am, n. faced tiger,' a wolf in sheep's clothing. — Go-mudha, m. pi., N. of a people (t).~Golditgvla-parkar-
gift of cattle. — Go-pravefa-samaya, as, m. the time as, a, am, stupid as an ox. — Go-mutra, am, n. tana, as, m., N. of a mounlain near Raja-griha.
when the cows come home, the evening twilight. cow's uriue. — Gomutraka. as, ikd, am, similar to — Go-liha, as, m., N. of a plant; [cf. yhanta-pd-
— Go-phand, f. a bandage hollowed out so as to fit the course of cow's urine ; (ikd), f. a kind of grass, tali and go-lidha.] — Goligula, a wrong reading for
the chin or nose Sec. ; a sling ; also gophanikd. described as growing in corn-fields, of a reddish golditgula-parivartana. ~ Go-lidha, as, m., N. of
— Go-baka, as, m. Ardea Govina. — Go-bad/ta, colour and eaten by cattle, commonly called TSmbadu
plant, =go-liha. — Go-loka, as, am, m. n. 'cow.
as, m. the killing of a cow. — Go-bandhu, us, us, u, [cf. krixhta-bhumijd, ktihetra-jd, rakta-trina\; an world,' a part of heaven, or (in the later mythology)
Ved. having a cow as a relative ; (S5y.) having a cow artificial verse, the second half of which repeats nearly the heaven of Krishna. — Goloka-varnana, urn, n.,
as mother, an epithet of the Maruts; [cf. go-matri all the syllables of the first ; a form of calculation. N. of a part of the Sada-Siva-samhitS ; N. of a part
and prUni-matri.'] — Go-bdla, an, m. the hair of a — Go-mriga, as, m., Ved. the Bos Gavzus. — Go- of the Skanda-PurSna. — Go-lomikd, (. a kind ot
cow. — Gobdlin, i, int, i, covered with cow's hair ; meda, as, m a gem or precious stone brought from small shrub, = go-jd, go-dhumt, &c. ; commonly go-
gobflll yajas, a kind of buffalo (?). — Go-brdlanana, the Himalaya and the Indus, described as of four dhiitnd and pdt/iari. — Go-lomi, (., N. of several
am, n. a cow and a Brahman. — Go-brdhmana- sorts, white, pile yellow, red, and dark-blue (perhaps plants ; a kind of bent grass, with white blossoms ;
mamtshya, as, m. cows, Brihmans. and men. varieties of agate) ; N. of a plant, = kakkola. — Go- also fceta-durva; root of sweet flag; Orris root [cf.
— Go-bhafta, at, m., N. of a poet. - Go-bhandira, meduka, as, m. a gem or precious sione [cf. the
a», m. a kind of aquatic bird. — Go-bhdnu, us, m., preceding] ; a kind of poison, = kdkola ; smearing va6d, bhula-kes'a, go-lomikd] ; an excellent woman;
a harlot (?). — Go-ratsa, ax, m. a calf — Goratsadin
N. of a son of Vahni. — Go-bhuj, k, m. earth-pos- the body with unguents ( = pattraka). — Gomeila- (°sa-ad°), t, m. 'calf-eater,' a wolf. — Go-vadha,
sessor, aking. — Go-bhrit, t, m. earth-supporter, a sannibha, as, m., N. of a plant, = duydha-pdshdita ; as, m. the killing of a cow ; [cf. r/o-badha.]— Go-
mountain. — Go-matahikd, f. a gad-fly (dnntfa). chalcedony or opal. — Go-medlia, as, m. the offering •vandant, f., N. of a plant bearing a fragrant seed
— Go-wajjAa, as, a, am, Ved. granting cattle or or sacrifice of a cow ; N. of the attendant of the
[cf. priyam/u'] ; another plant, = plta-ptishpa~
cow; giving a cow. — Go-sambhava, as, d, am,
dandotpala or gandha-valli. — Go-vapusha, as, N. of a plant, = drona-puslipi. — Go-iringa, am,
a, am, Ved. beautiful as a star or as light ; (Say.) n. a cow's horn ; N. of a Sanian (in this sense more produced from or by a cow ; (a), f., N. of a plant,
shaped like a cow. — Go-vardkana, as, m. a cele- correctly gausriitga) ; (ae), m., N. of a plant, = = dueta-durvd ; [cf. golosl.] — Go-sarga, as, m.
brated hill in Vrinda-vana or the country about Ma- vnrvura ; N. of a mountain. •- Go^riitga-vratin, the time at which cows are usually let loose, day-
thura; (this hill was lifted up and supported by inas, m. pi., N. of a sect. — Go-irlta, as, d, am, break, dawn. — Go-sat'pa, as, m. Lacerta Godica ;
Krishna upon one finger for seven days, to shelter Ved. mixed with milk (as Soma). — Go-^ruti, is, [cf. god/iikd.] — Go-sava, as, m. a kind of sacrificial
the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to m., N. of a man with the patronymic Vaiyaghra- ceremony lasting one day ; the sacrifice of a cow,
test Krishna's divinity) ; N. of a holy fig-tree in the one of the great sacrifices of the Hindus in former
country of the Bahlkas ; N. of a renowned author. padya. — Go Vtvz (go-as10), am, n. oxen and horses;
times, and not permitted in the present degenerate
sakhi,gavddvais, i», i, andVed.goa$va.~\ — Go-shakhi
furnished or go-
with or possessing
— Govardhana-dhara, cw, m. ' hill-supporter,' a N. Kali age ; see go-medka. — Go-saliasra, am, n. a
of Krishna. — Govard/iandddrya (°na-d<?), as, m., cattle; mixed with milk (as Soma). — Go-shadcjava, thousand kine ; (I), {., N. of two holidays ; the
N. of a poet. — Govardhandnanda (fna-dn^), as, am, n. three pairs of cattle. — Go-s/utni and go- fifteenth day in the dark half of month Karttika,
m., N. of an author. — Go-vallava, as, m. a cow- sani, is, is, i, Ved. acquiring or presenting with and the fifteenth day in the dark half of month
herd. —Go-raid, f. a barren cow. — Gv-vdta, as, m. cattle. "Go-ehan, d, d, a, or go-shd, as, as, am, Jyaishtha. — Go-mtrikd, f. a rope fastened at both
a hurdle for cattle. — Go-vdsa, (is, m. the abode of Ved. acquiring or bestowing cattle. — Go-skdti, ends having separate halters for each ox or cow.
cows, a cow-house, hurdle for cattle ; (as, a, am), is, f., Ved. acquiring cattle, procuring cattle ; fight- — Go-sevd, f. attendance on a cow. — Go-stana, as,
covered with an ox-hide. •• Go-vdsana, as, a, am, ing for the sake of cattle or booty. — Go-skadi, m. the udder of a cow ; a cluster of blossoms, a nose-
covered with an ox-hide ; (as), m., N. of a king of (, (fr. go-sdda), Ved. a kind of bird (' settling on gay &c. ; a garland consisting of four or of thirty-four
the Sivis. — Go-mkarta, as, or yo-vikarttri, to,, m. cows'). — Goshu-fara, as, i, am, walking among strings, a pearl necklace of four strings ; (a), f. a bunch
the killer of a cow. — Go-vld, t, t, t, Ved. acquiring cows. — Goshu-yudh, t, t, t, Ved. fighting for the of grape ; (z), f. a bunch of grape ; N. of one of
or procuring cows. — Go-vinata, as, m. (soil, afoa- sake of cattle or booty. — Goshuktin, I, m. (fr. go- the Matris attending on Skanda. — Go-stoma = go-
medlta), a form of the AsVa-medha. — Go-vinda, mkla), N. of a Rishi. — Go-shedhd (go-se°), f., Ved. stitoma. — Go-sthdna or go-sthdnaka, am, n. a
as, d, am, obtaining cattle, finding cattle or cows ; a kind of evil being. — Go-shtoma (go-st°), as, m. a station for cattle, a cow-stall, cow-house, cow-pen, a
(as), m. a cow-keeper, the finder of cows, the sort of liturgy, a ceremony lasting tor one day and hurdle for cattle ; [cf. go-sh/hdna.] — Go-sphurana,
searcher for cows, a chief-herdsman, an epithet of forming part of the Abhiplava which lasts six days. am, n. a twitching of any particular part of the hide
Brihaspati [cf. gotra-bhid], regent of Jupiter ; one — Go-shtha (go-stha), as, am, m. n. (in the later of a cow, as on being touched &c. — Go-mdmin, i,
of the most usual appellations of Krishna or Vishnu language the n. only occurs), an abode for cattle, a m. the master or possessor of cows or of herds ; a
in that form ; N. of the fourth month ; N. of a cow-house, cow-pen, a fold for cattle, any place where religious mendicant (commonly gosain) ; a honorary
prince ; also of several teachers and authors ; N. of a animals are kept, a stable ; a station of cowherds ; title affixed to proper names (e. g. vopadeva-go~
mountain. — Govinda-kuta, as, m., N. of a moun- an epithet of Siva (the refuge of men ?) ; a purifica- svdmin) ; one who is master of his organs of sense
tain. — Govinda-f/ira, at, m., N. of a son of Siva- tory Sraddha for a family{?) ; N. of a Saman ; (as), (go, an organ ?). — Gosvdmi-sthdna, am, n., N. of
rSma-gira. — Gomnda-6anda, at, m., N. of a king m., N. of an author ; (i), f. an assembly, a meeting ; the peak of a mountain in the middle of the Hima-
of Pushpavatl. — Govinda-<landra, as, m., N. of a society ; association ; family connections, but espe- laya. —Go-liatyd, f. the killing of a cow. — Go-han,
prince. — Gomnda-datta, as, m., N. of a BrShman. cially the dependant or junior branches ; conversation, d, ghrii, a, Ved. killing cattle, a cow-killer. — Go-
— Govinda-deva, as, m., N. of a man. — Govinda- discourse, dialogue, dispute ; a kind of dramatic hanna, am, n. cow-dung; (incorrectly gohalla.)
dvadafi, (. the twelfth day in the light half of the composition or entertainment in one act. — Goshtha- — Go-hara, as, m. or go-harana, am, n. stealing
month Phslguna. — Gooinda-natka, as, m., N. of ja, a*, a, am, born in a cow-pen ; (as), m., N. of cows; N. of a section of the fourth book of the
a BrShman. — Gonhtha-pati, is, m. a chief-herds- Maha-bharata. — Go-haritdkl, (. the tree jEgle
the preceptor of SarrkarSc'Srya. — Gomnda-bhatta,
as, m., N. of an author. — Govinda-raja, as, m., man.— Goshfha-vedikd, f. a mound or altar in a Marmelos ; [cf. bilva.] — Go-hinsd, f. hurting or
N. of an author. — Govinda-rdma, as, m., N. of a cow-pen. — Goshtha-s'ra, as, m. (s"ra fr. 3van), ' a injuring a cow. •- Go-Mta, as, d, am, fit or proper
scholiast. — Govtrula-rdya, as, m., N. of a lawyer ; dog in a cow-pen 'which barks at every one ; (the for cattle ; cherishing or protecting kine ; (as), m.
also of a poet. — Gonnda'siiri, is, m., N. of a man. word is applied especially to a person who stays at the tree -3Jgle Marmelos ; N. of a creeping plant ; [cf.
— Gorinda-sv dmin, i, m., N.of a Brahman. — Go- home and slanders his neighbours) ; malignant, cen- ghosha.] — Go-hiranya, am, n. cows and gold.
vinddnanda (°da-dn°), as, m., N. of a scholiast. sorious, envious ; (the word is also derived by native Gokd, f. diminutive of go, a cow. — Gokd-mukha,
— Govinddrnava (°da-ar°), as, m. title of a work. authorities from goshtha and adva.) — Goshthdgdra as, m., N. of a mountain.
— Govinddshtaka (°da-ask°), am, n. 'the eight (°tha-dg°), a*, am, m. n. a house in a cow-pen. 'ili <8\yokhd,f.& particular part of thebody.
verses of Govinda,' title of a literary work. •• Go- — Goshthddhyaksha (°tha-adh°), as, m. a chief-
vindu, us, us, u, Ved. searching for cows or milk. herdsman. — GoMhdna (go-stha°), an, d, am, Ved. goghnata, as, m. pi., N. of a people.
— Go-vish, t, (. cow-dung. — Go-viskdna, as, am,
serving as an abode for cows ; [cf. go-&thdna.~\ gotchala, as, m., N. of a plant,
m. or n.(?), cow-horn. — Go-vishanaka, as, m. a — Gosh/hdshtaml (°tha-ash°), f. a particular festive
kind of musical instrument, a sort of trumpet. — Go- day ; [cf. gopdshtaml.] — Goshlhi, is, m. ( = gosh- also called Alambusha ; the palm of the hand with
the fingers extended (?) .
vightkd, f. cow-dung. •• Go-vi$arga, as, m. = go- thl t), society, partnership, fellowship. — Goshfhika,
sarga, day-break. — Go-mthl, f. 'cow-path,' N. of as, a, am, relating to an assemblage or society.
"frsft gajl, f., N. of a plant with sharp
that portion of the moon's path which contains the — Goshfhika, at the end of a compound =goshthi,
leaves ; (also goji if required by the metre.)
asterisms Bhadra-padS, Revati, and AsvinT, or (ac- partnership, fellowship. — Goshtht-pati, is, m. the
cording to others) Hasta, CitrS, and Svatl.— Go- chief person in an assembly, a president ; the master *TT3 goda, as, m. = gonda, a fleshy navel;
virya, am, n. the value or price received for milk &c. of a family. — Goshthe-kshvedin, I, inl, i, bellowing a lump of flesh on the navel ; (also read godu. )
— Go-i'finda, am, n. property in cattle, possession in a cow-pen, a boasting coward. — Gosh/he-patu,
of flocks and herds, a herd, a drove of cattle. — Go- jf\sP«i godani, N. of a country ; (a wrong
us, us, u, clever in a cow-pen, a vain boaster.
rrinddraka, at, m. an excellent cow. — Go-vrisha, — Goxhthe-patfdita, as, d, am, learned in a cow- reading for I. go-ddna.)
as, m. a bull ; an epithet of Siva. — Gorrisha- pen, a vain boaster. — Goshthe-pragalbka, as, d,
dhvaja, as, m. an epithet of Siva. — Go-vrisha- am, enterpiising in a cow-pen, a boasting coward. jftS^f godumba, as, m. the water-melon ;
bha, as, m. a bull. — Govrishabhditka (°f>?ta-an°), — Goskthe-vijilin, t, ini, i, victorious in a cow-pen, (a), f. a kind of cucumber, Cucumis Maderaspatanus ;
as, m. an epithet of Siva. — Go^iaidya, as, m. a boasting coward. — Goshlke-iaya, as, a, am,
a coloquintida.
Godumbikd, f. Cucumis Maderaspatanus.
a cow-doctor, a quack doctor. — Go-vyaMha, as, d, sleeping in a cow-pen or cow-stable. — Gosh/he-dura,
am, Ved. one who approaches a cow (in a bad sense). as, m. a hero in a cow-pen, a boasting coward. JffolJ gona, as, m. an ox (fr. the Pali).
— Go^vydyhra, am, n. a cow and a tiger. — Go- — Goshthya, a», d, am, Ved. relating to a cow-
•vydilhila, a«, m., N. of a man. — Go-vraja, a», m. house, being in a cow-pen. — Gosh-pada, am, n. >ftfi!T«!! gonika, a kind of woollen clot
a station for cattle, a cow-pen ; N. of an attendant
of Skanda ; also of a Danava. — Go-vraia, as, d, am, (fr. gos, gen. fr. go and pada), a cow's foot or hoof, (fr. the Pali gonaka).
the mark or impression of a cow's foot in the soil ; Tftltft goni, f. (at the end of an adj. comp.
or govratin, z, irii, i, one who imitates a cow in a quantity of water sufficient to fill such an impres-
goni ), a sack ; the measure of a Drona ; torn or
frugality. — Go-s'akrit, t, n. cow-dung. — Go-iata, sion, a small puddle ; a measure, as much as a cow's ragged clothes; [cf. gaunika.] — Gom-tarl, f. a
am, n. a present of 100 cows sent to a Brahman. footstep will hold ; a spot frequented by kine. — Go- small sack.
— Go-iaph/i, as, m. a cow's hoof. — Go-^dla, am, sakhi, cf. go-shakhi. — Go-sankhya, as, m. one
d, n. f. a cow-sta'.l, a cow-house ; (as, a, am), born who counts the cows, a herdsman, a cowherd. — Go- *ft?!3 gonda, as, m. a fleshy navel ; a per-
in a cow-house; (as), m., N. of a Gauda prince. sankhydtri, td, m. ' counter of the cows,' a herds- son with a fleshy or prominent navel ; a man of a
— Goidli, is, m. (connected with the preceding?), man, a cowherd. — Go-sanga, as, m. day-break, low tribe, a mountaineer, especially inhabiting the
N. of a man. — Go-firsha, as, d, am, shaped like a dawn; (a wrong reading for go-sarga.) •— Go~sattra, eastern portion of the Vindhya range between the
cow's head ; (at, am), m. n. a kind of sandal-wood am, n., Ved. a particular sacrifice. — Go-sadrHaha, NarbadS and Kistna, giving name to the province
described as having the colour of brass and very as, m. the Gayal, Bos Gavseus. — Go-sani = go-shani, of Gondvana. — Gonda-vana, am, n. the Gonda
fragrant ; the head of a covr.— Go-&rsha!ca, as, m., q. v. — Go-sanddya, as, d, am, presenting with a forest, N. of a country ; (also gondavdra.)
tt yondakirl. TIT? gauda.
'iV'sf<*0 gondakirl or yondakri, f., N. of kdimart] ; also </o/«(-M«<// il:n. — Gopa-rasa, at, nan. — Goladhyaya ("la-adh"), at, m. title of a
a Riginl. m. gum myrrh, myrrh; [cf.//o-j>aand ro«a.] — d'oyo- chapter of BhSskara's
the terrestrial Siddhauta-S'ironiani
and celestial globes. treating of
rdili/ra, da, m. pi., N. of a people. — Go-parmos,
'\\n»i gotama, as, m., N. of a Rishi be- as. dx, us, Ved. abundantly furnished with cattle or Golaka, as, m. a ball or globe ; a wooden ball
longing to the family of Aihgiras, with the patronymic milk. — Gopa-vana, at, m., N. of a Rishi of the fot playing with, anything globular, a sphere &c. ; a
RShOgana, author of several hymns of the Vedas ; f.mily of Atri. « Gopa-calli, f. the plant Ichnocarpuj species of pease ; gum myrrh ; a globular water-jar ;
N. of a lawyer ; N. of a sage, the founder of the Frutescens (anantd) ; Sauseviera Zeylanica (murvd). a widow's bastard ; the conjunction of all the planets
Nyiya philosophy ; N. of the twentieth VySsa in — t inpn-veta or gopa-vesha, as, a, am, dressed or the presence of several in one sign ; N. of a pupil
the Vishnu-PutJna ; of a king of Potlla, son of as a herdsman. — Gupdtanka, '/«, m. a cowherd of Veda-mitra; (am), n.=go-loka, the heaven of
Karnika; (an), m. pi. the descendants of Gotama.
(ft. gopa, a herd, and dtavika, a forester ?). — Go-
" Gotama-stoma, as, m., N. of an Eksha sacrifice.
— Gtftftnia-xrartihi, f, m., N. of a Jaina saint ; [cf.
jiaititya (°pa-dd°), as, m., N. of a king of Kas- golanda, as, m., N. of a man.
mlra; N. of a poct. — Gopddhyakska (°pa-adh'),
gautamci-sramin.]— Gvtamdnvuya (°ma-an°), as, as, m. an overseer of herdsmen, the chief of herds- goldsa, as, m. a mushroom, a kind
m. a descendant of Gorama, epithet of Sakya-muni,
men. — Gopdnasi (°pa-an°), f. the wood of a of fungus springing from cow-dung ; [cf. gomaya-
the founder of the Buddhist religion. — Gotaml- thatch, a curved beam which supports it ; the bam-
pvtra, as, m., N. of a prince ; (also gomati-putra.) boo frame-work on which it rests. — Gopendra ("pa- gova, as or am, m. or n. (?), N. of a
THst go-tra. See under go, p. 297. in0), as, m. the chief of the herdsmen, an epithet country ; (also read turn.)
mf 3. goda, am or as, n. m. the brain; of Krishna or Vishnu. — Gopeta (°pa-Ha\ as, m.
a chief herdsman, the keeper or owner of kine ; an *fN<? yovaya, nom. P. (a corruption fr.
[cf. I. go-da, p. 297, and gorda.] epithet of Krishna ; also of Nanda, the foster-father
3. gofldna, am, n. the part of the head close to the of Krishna ; also of Sakya-muni. gopaya),
vent from gwayati,
approaching.-yitum, to keep back, to pre-
right ear: (for i.go-dana see under yo.) — Godana- Gopaka, as, d, am, one who guards or protects ;
t>idhi,is, m. or goddna-mctrtgala, am, n. a ceremony (a*), m. the superintendent of a district; myrrh; TIN I w ynvala, as, m., N. of a man ; (per-
performed by anointing that part of the head of a (iki), (. the wife of a cowherd, a cowherdess; a haps a corruption fr. go-pala) ; [cf. also gobdla.]
youth of sixteen or eighteen years, when he has attained protectress.
the age of puberty, and shortly before marriage. Go-pa, as, m., Ved. a herdsman, a protector, a 'mq-'i'T; govicandra, as, m., N. of a
Goddnika—gauddnika, q. v. prince ; (the names of the other princes of the same
guardian ; [cf. go-pa, deva-gopd, •vata-g0, vdyu-g°, dynasty ending in Sandra, this word may be a comp.
go-davari. See undergo, p. 297. salia-g", su-rf, soma-g°.] — Gopd-jiftva, as, d, am,
Ved. one who has the tongue, i. e. the voice of a fr. govi and Sandra, govi being probably contracted
fr. go and avi.)
go-dha, f. (fr. go and rt. dha), a cowherd; (SSy.) an epithet of Indra. — Gopa-vat,
sinew ; a chord ; a leathern fence wound round the an, all, at, Ved. granting protection. go-vinda. See under go, p. 299,
left arm to prevent injury from the bow-string; an Gopi, f. a cowherd's wife (especially applied to
Iguana, either the Gosamp or the alligator, commonly the cowherdesses of VrindS-vana, the companions of
gosarya, as, m., N. of a man.
GosSpa. — Go;Jhd-padikd or god/ia-padl, f. the Krishna's juvenile sports, who are considered some-
plant Cissm Pedata. — Godha-vinakd. f. a kind of times as holy or celestial personages) ; a milkmaid ; gose, ind. a word belonging to one
stringed instrument. — Godha-skandha, as, m. a a protectress; nature, elementary nature; the plant of the provincial dialects, according to some also a
kind of Mimosa j [cf. vif-khadira.] Ichnocarpus Frutescens. — Gopi-<?andana, am, n. a Sanskrit word; perhaps = ^ose (loc. of gosa), at
Godhdya, nom. P. godhayati, -yitum, to be species of white clay said to be brought from day-break.
curved as the leathern fence of archers.
DvSrakS and used by Vishnu's worshippers for 'ffr'ToR goshaka, as, m., N. of a Buddhist
Godhi, is, m. the forehead ; the Gangetic alligator ; smearing their face. — Gopi-fandanopanishad fna- author.
an Iguana. up°), t, {. title of an Upanishad.
Godhikd, f. a kind of lizard or alligator, Lacerta
gopana, Sec. See under rt. gup. gosht, cl. i. A. goshtate, to assem-
Godica; [cf. agdra-godhikd and griha-g°.]—Go- ble, to collect, to heap together ; (pro-
dhikdtmaja (' kd-df), as, m. a kind of lizard ; [cf. warrior-tribe ; gopalava, as, m. pi., N. of a
(for gopdlaka ?).
bably a nom. fr. goshtha and more correctly spelt
gaudhdra, gaudheya, gaudhera.]
Godhini, f. a kind of Solanum ; [cf. ksharikd.'] JflM<JI goputa, f. large cardamoms; [cf. go-shtha. See under go, p. 299.
*''*€? 9°~dhuma, god/iiimaka. See undergo.
gosa, as, m. gum myrrh, myrrh,
^TTWr godhera, as, m. a guardian, a pro- Tftf»?f5 gobhila, as, m., N. of an author = goj)0-rasa; the last watch of the night, early
tector, apreserver ; [cf. guhera.'] ofputika."]
certain Grihya-sutras and of grammatical Sutras. morning or day-break, =go-mrga; [cf. gate.]
Gdbhiltya, as, a, am, relating to or proceeding
(other as, m. a kind of plant;
authorities have gonadifa.) from Gobhila. '{\«'l^ gosa-griha, am, n. (?) the inner
part of a house, an inner or sleeping-room, a bed-
TTTT go-pa, as, m. (fr. go and rt. pa), a go-mayu. See under go, p. 298.
cowherd, a herdsman, a milkman, considered as a
man of mixed caste; the chief of a cow-pen or goyi6andra, as, m., N. of a TnTT^r^T gosasasa, as, m. myrrh, =gopa-
station ; a protector, , a guardian, a preserver, a scholiast of the San-kshipta-sara ; (for gopl-fandra ?). rasa ; [cf. also gosa and ^o^o.]
cherisher, a helper, a friend or patron; the super- gorata, as, m. a kind of Acacia ; [cf. 'flfac-4 gosila, as, m., N. of a man.
intendent ofseveral villages, the head of a district ; dushkhadira.]
a king; the chief herdsman, i.e. Krishna; N. of a jflWrf gosvalu, us, m., N. of a pupil of
Gandharva fcf. go-pat{] ; N. of a Buddhist Arhat ; gorana, am, n. effort, exertion, = Sskalya ; [cf. guhalu and gotila.]
N. of a mountain ; myrrh, = gopa-rasa ; (a), f.
= gopi, the plant Ichnocarpus Frutescens ; N. of one guraifa. »ft? goha, as, m. (fr. rt. gvh), Ved. a
Tuq gorda or gordha, am, n. the brain ; hiding-place, a lair ; a secret place for hiding refuse
of the wives of S'ikya-muni ; (i), f. the wife of a [cf. goda and godhi.] or filth.
cowherd, see below ; [cf. go-pd, ahi-gopa, indra-g",
kula-g", Irvla6a-g° , mnndra-g°.} — Gopa-kanyd, jftH gola, as, a, am, m. f. n. (connected Gohana, as, a, am, covering, hiding ; [cf. ava-
(. the daughter of a cowherd ; a nymph of VrindS- dya-gohana.]
with guiia, q. v.), a ball, a celestial or terrestrial
vana; the plant Ichnocarpus Frutescens. — Gopa-kar- globe ; a circle, anything round or globular, a sphere,
am,d, n.am,the toheel
Gohira, OK, ; (' hidden part ?').
katika, (. = gopala-karkatl. — Gopa-ghonfd, f.,N.
= mandala [cf.g'u.da']; (as), m. the tree Vangueria Guhya, be covered or concealed ; to
of a plant, = haxtikoli, commonly srynkuln, a wild be kept secret ; [cf. a-gohya and r/nhya.]
Spinosa; myrrh; a widow's bastard [cf. kitnda];
sort of jujube, Zizyphus Nepeca or Zizyphus Osnoplia. the conjunction of all the planets or the presence of
— Gnjia-jlmn, i, m., N. of a mixed caste. — Gopa- several in one sign ; N. of a son of Akrlda ; (a), f. jfr^ gaungava, am, n. (d.gungu), N. of
td, f. the office of a herdsman. — Gopa-datta, as, a wooden ball with which children play; a large several Samans.
m., N. of a Buddhist author. — Gopa-dala, as, m. >\\ fy 4 gauiijika, as, m. (fr. gunja), a
the betel-nut or areca tree. — Gopa-biulhu or gopa- globularfriend
female of thearsenic
; a N.; red
water-jar ; ink
goddess ; a ; woman's
Durgi N. of a
Tnilliu,ii*, f. a cowherd's wife ; the plant Ichnocarpus river, = gold or go-ddvarl ; [cf galagolin.] — Gola-
Frutescens (sdrivd) ; [cf. yopa-kanyd.] — Gopa- TITJ gauda, as, i, am (fr. guda), prepared
badhuti, f. the youthful wife of a cowherd. — Gopa- grdma, as, m., N. of a village situated on the
GodSvart ; (the right reading may be gold-grama.) goldsmith.
from sugar or molasses; (l\ f. rum or spirit distilled
bhadra, am, n. the fibrous root of a water-lily
•• Gola-yantra, am, n. a kind of astronomical in- from molasses ; one of the RSgims, the wife of the
(idluka) ; (a), f. the plant Gmelina Arborca, [cf.
strument. —Golanka (gola-an°), as, m., N. of a R5ga Megha ; a style of poetry, the bold and spirited
^r gauda-de&a.
style ; the Bengal dialect ; (am), n. sweetmeats ; gaupatya, am, n. (fr. go-pati), Ved.
(as), m., soil, deia, or (am), n., scil. rdshtra, the possession of cattle.
as, m. the husband of Gaurl, an epithet of Siva.
— Gaun-patta, as, m. the horizontal plate of the
the sugar country ; N. of a country, ' the district of Gaupavana, a patronymic from Gopa-vana; (am), Lirrga, typical of the female organ. — Gauri-pati, is,
m. the husband of Gaurl, an epithet of Siva ; N. of
Gaur,' the central part of Bengal, extending from n., N. of a Saman.
Van-ga to the borders of Orissa, (the ruins of its Gaupdyana, as, m. a patronymic from Gopa. the father of the scholiast Vatesvara. — Gaun-putra,
capital called by the same name are still extensive) ; as, m. son of Gaurl, an epithet of the deity KSrtti-
man's wife. as, m. (fr. gopikd), the son of a herds-
(as), m. pi. the inhabitants of this country; (as), m., keya. — Gaurl-pushpa, as, m. , N. of a plant, =
N. of a R5ga ; N. of a lexicographer. — Gauda-deia, Gaupuddha, as, i, am (fr. go-puMha), like a gauri or priyangu. — Gauri^pujd, f. the adoration
as, m. the country Gauda. — Gauda-pdda, as, m., cow's tail. of Gaurl, N. of a festival on the fourth day in the
N. of a commentator on several Upanishads and on GaupivUhika, as, i, am, of or belonging to a last half of month Magha. — Gauri-bhartri, td, m.
the San-khya-kSrika. — Gauda-pura, am, n., N. of the husband of Gaur!, an epithet of Siva. — Gauri-
a town. — Gauda-bhritya-pura, am, n., N. of a cow's tail, bought for a cow's tail &c.
Gaumata, as, i, am (fr. go-mati), being in the mantra, as, m. a prayer to Gaurl. — Gauri-lalita,
tovin. — Gauddbfiinanda or gauddbkinandana river GomatI ; (F), f., N. of a river ; (the latter being am, n. yellow orpiment. — Gaurl-vara, an, m. the
(°da-abh°), as, m., N. of a poet. a wrong reading for gautami.) lover of Gaurl, an epithet of Siva. -• Gawtvita,
Gaudaka, as, m. pi., N. of a people living to the am, n.(fr. gauri-vlti, q.v.), N. of a Saman. — Gauri-
east of Madhya-desa. — Gaudaka-mriga, as, m. a ITT gaura, as, i, am (said to be fr. rt. 3. gu),
I'lvdha, as, m. the marriage of Gauri. — Gauri-
wild horse ; [cf. gaura-k/iara,] white, yellowish, reddish, pale red ; shining, brilliant, vrata, am, n. the vow of Gauri, a kind of rite in
Gaudika, as, I, am, relating to sugar or molasses, pure, clean, beautiful ; (as), m. white, yellowish, &c. honour of Gauri. — Gauriia (°ri-isa), ai, m. the
fit for the preparation of sugar, prepared with sugar (the colour) ; a kind of buffalo, the Bos Gaurus, lord of Gauri, an epithet of Siva.
or molasses ; (am), n. rum. often classed with the Gavaya ; white mustard, the Gaurika, as, m. white mustard ; a metronymic
Gaudiya, as, I, am, relating to Gauda or Bengal. seed of it used as a weight, = 3 RSja-sarshapas [cf. of Mandhutri ; (a), f. a virgin, a young girl, one
eight years old or in whom menstruation has not yet
*I I S *f gaudana = godana, q. v. gaura-sarshapa'] ; the plant Grislea Tomentosa
(= dhava) ; the moon ; the planet Jupiter ; N.
TflU! gauna,as, i, am (tr.guna), subordinate, of a Yoga teacher, a son of Suka and Plvarl ; an Gaurila, as, m. white mustard; iron or steel
secondary.unessential ; metaphorical, figurative; second- epithet of the saint Caitanya ; (f), f. the female of filings or dust.
ary as applied to the month reckoned from full moon the Bos Gauros; the Vac1 or voice of the middle
region of the air; turmeric, = rajani, and N. of 'll<,«<< gaurakshya, am, n. (fr. go-ralcsha),
to full moon ; having qualities, attributive, adjective ;
several other plants, =priyangu, maiijishtha, &c. ; the office of a herdsman, breeding cattle.
relating to multiplication or enumeration ; gaunam
karma, the less immediate object of an action in a a yellow pigment or Aye, — gtM-o6and; a girl eight 'ii<«( gaurava, as, i, am (fr. guru), relating
sentence. — Gauna-tva, am, n. the state of an adjec- years old, any young girl prior to menstruation, a or belonging to a Guru or teacher ; (am), n. weight,
tive or subordinate word. — Gauna-paksha, as, m. maid, a virgin; the earth; 'the brilliant goddess,' heaviness ; length in prosody ; importance, high value
the minor or weaker side of an argument &c. N. of the goddess PSrvati or daughter of Himalaya or estimation ; cumbrousness ; gravity, respectability,
i. gaitnika, as, I, am, relating to the three and wife of Siva ; N. of the wife of Varuna ; N. of
venerableness ; dignity ; respect shown to a person
qualities (of sattva, rajas, and tamos'), having the mother of Sakya-muni [cf. mayo] ', N. of one (e. g. mdtri-gauravdl,
qualities, relating to or connected with qualities ; of the sixteen Vidya-devis ; N. of the wife of Prasena-
subordinate. mother). — Gaurava-wat, out
an, ofati,
respect for one's
at, important.
jit (or YuvanSsva), who incurring the curse of her
— Gauravasana (°w-ds°), am, n. a seat of honour.
Gaunya, am, n. subordination; the state of being husband was changed into the river Bahu-da ; N. of
unessential &c. the wife of Vi-rajas and mother ofSu-dh5man; N.of a — Gauraverita (°va-ir°), as, a, am, praised, famed,
river ; N. of a Ragim, the wife of the Raga Malava ;
2. gaunilca, as, I, am (ft. goni), re- N. of several metres, one consisting of four lines of
Gauravita, as, a, am, highly esteemed or valued,
sembling asack. venerable, respectable.
twelve syllables each ; another consisting of four lines
*Tl(l*l gautama, as, i, am (fr. gotama), re- of thirteen syllables each ; another consisting of four gauri, is, m., N. of a man.
lating to Gotama (e. g. with pada-stobhdh, N. of a lines of twenty-six long syllables each; (am), n. 3J«S gaurutalpika, as, m. (fr. guru-
white mustard ; the filament of a lotus ; saffron ;
Siman); (as), m., N. of Buddha or Sakya-muni talpa), the violator of the bed of a Guru or religious
the founder of the Buddhist religion ; N. of a teacher gold; [cf.lat.gilwis; Lith. gdtSnas, giele; Russ.
of ritual ; N. of a grammarian ; of a legislator ; a patro- schiltyi; Geim. gelbf]. — Gaura-khara, as, m.
nymic of Kuiri, of Aruna, of UddJlaka, of Saradvat, a wild donkey; [cf. gawdaka-mriga.] — Gaura- preceptor.
* 1 1 rt 8J Ut) «h gaulakshanika, as, m. (fr. go-
of Satananda ; the father of Ekata, Dvita, and Trita griva, as, m. pi, N. of a people in Madhya-des'a. lakshana), one who knows the good marks of a cow.
(MahS-bh. IX. 2073) ; N. of the first pupil of the — Gauragrlviya, as, I, am, belonging to this Gaulo-mana,
cow's hair. as, i, am (fr. go-Ionian), resembling
last Jina ; a kind of poison, one of the fixed kinds ; people. — Gaura-fandra, as, m. an epithet of the
(i), {. a patronymic of Krip! and other women ; an saint Caitanya. — Gaura-jiraka, as, m. white cumin. TTtHT gaula, f. =gaura — gauri, N.of the
epithet of DurgS ; N. of a Rakshas! or female gob- — Gaura-tittiri, is, m. a kind of partridge. — Gaura-
daughter of Himalaya and wife of Siva.
lin; N. of a river, =gomaK; a kind of yellow pig- tvat, It, m. the plant Terminalia Catappa; [cf.
ment or dye, =go-ro(ana; turmeric; (am), n., N. inguda.~] — Gaura-prishtha, as, m, N. of a prince. Jnfrt"=5 gaulika, as, m., N. of a plant,
of a Saman; fat; [cf. medas, and bhdradvaja, — Gaura-mukha, as, m, N. of a pupil of Samlka, =gauliha and gaultdha.
a Purohita of king Ugra-sena. — Gaura-mriga, as,
' bone.'] — Gautama-samljhavd, f. an epithet of m., Ved. the Bos Gaurus. — Gaura-vdhana, as, m., nrf^B^B yaulmika, as, m. (fr. gulma), a
the river GodJvarl. — Gautama-saras, as, n., N.of
a lake. — Gautama-sfdmin, I, m., N. of a Jaina N. of a prince. — Gawra-ddka, as, m, N. of a plant, single soldier of a troop, one of a body of soldiers.
teacher ; [cf. gotama-svdmin.] a kind of Madhuka. — Gaura-s"iras, as, m., N. of a <M«?I gaulya, am, n. (fr. gula =guda),
Gautamaka, as, m., N. of a king of the Nagas. Muni. — Gaura-sarshapa, as, m. white mustard,
Sinapis Glauca ; the white mustard seed considered syrup ; spirituous liquor.
Gaulami, a patronymic = gautama.
Gautamiya, as, a, am, belonging to Gautama, as a measure of weight. — Gaura-suvarna, am, n. gaus'akatika, as, i, am (fr. go-
coming from him &c. a kind of vegetable; [cf. pattra$aka-vi.s'eska,= fakata), possessing a carriage drawn by oxen.
katu-drinydla and gandha-iaka.} — Gaurdrtga
Gauiatika, as, i, am (fr. go-s"atam), possessing
Tn'ttWngau (Dra-a»°), as, m. an epithet of the saint Caitanya ; a hundred oxen or cows.
epithet of two tamasa, as, S5ma-veda.
verses of the i, am (tt.go-tamas ?),
[cf. oaura and aaura-AmoYa.] — Gaurdjdjt (°ra- Gaus"rittga,am,n.((r. go-dringa), N. of a SSman.
aj°), f. white cumin. - Gaurdrdraka (°ra-ar°), as, Gaushukta, am, n. (fr. goshuktin), N. of a Saman.
'IT<;[[«1<* gaudanika, as, i, am, relating to
*v m. a kind of poison. — Gaurdvaskandin (°ra-av°), Gaushukti (fr. gaushukta), N. of a man.
the ceremony called Godana (q. v.), performing it.
i, m. an epithet of Indra. — Gaurdsva ("ra-a-f), as, Gaushthina, am, n. (fr. gosh/ha), the site of an
^II^K gaudhara, as, m. (fr. godhd), an m., N. of a prince. — Gaurdtya (°ra-ds°), as, m. a old and abandoned cow-pen.
Iguana (considered as the offspring of the alligator on kind of black monkey with a white face. — Gaurd- Gausahasrika, as, i, am (fr. go-sahasra), pos-
account of its smaller size and similar shape) ; also hika (°ra-alti), as, m. a kind of serpent. — Gauri- ses ing athousand cows.
gaudheya and gaud/iera. viti, is, m. (for gauri-if), N. of a Rishi, a descend- frv gdhi, is, f. (fr. ghas), Ved. eating,
Gaudheraka, an, m. a kind of small venomous ant of Sakti. — Gauri-kalpa, as, m, N. of a Kalpa, consuming ; [cf. sagdhi^]
animal. the thirteenth day of the dark half in Brahma's
month. — Gauri-kdnta, as, m, N. of a commentator TT gnd, f. (generally used in plur., but
TrrVH gaudhuma, as, i, am (fr. go-dhuma), on theTarka-bhasha. — Gaurikdnta-sarvabhauma, according to some in Rig-veda IV. 9, 4, the nom.
coming from wheat, made of it. ax, m., N. of a commentary called Ananda-laharl- sing, gnds occurs ; the word seems to be derived

tarl. — Gaurl-guru, us, m. the father of Gaurl, an from^'iia rather than fromjan, and to mean originally
TWJ gaudhumra, a various reading for epithet of the Himalaya. — Gauri-ja, as, m. an ' a wise female.' In the Nighantavas it is enumerated
gauktma, q. v. epithet of Karttikeya ; (am), n. talc. — Gaurttidtha,
among the synonyms of vad, ' the voice.' By Yaska
in Nirukta III. 21. it is said to be derived from
n. a kind of fragrant plant. — G rant h{-p kola, as, q. v.) ; inarticulately pronounced, ilurred, uttered with
tjitin, * to approach/ and to mean ' a female or m., N. of several plants, = Feronia Elephantum, =» the omission of a letter ortyllable. — Grastdsta (°£a-
woman' in general), Ved. a semi-divine or super- kapittha; another plant, Vanguiera Spinosa, = ?Hrt- as°), as, d, am, commenced and ended as an eclipse ;
human female, a kind of goddess or female genius ; (am), n. the setting of the sun or moon while
a woman. — Gnd-vat, an, atl, at, Ved. (Say.) ac-
dana ; another plant, =s"dkurunda. — Granthi-
bandhana, am, n. tying a knot ; a ligament ; tying ff rah. •• Grastodaya fta-uf), as, m. the rising
companied bywomen or wives. According to some together the garments of the bride and bridegroom of the sun or moon while eclipsed.
the neut. maybe gnd-tas; but Say. in Rig-veda II. at the marriage ceremony. — Granlh i-bn rh In, i, m., Grasti, is, f. the act of swallowing or devouring.
I, 5, considers gndi-as a nom. pi., and interprets it to N. of a plant, = granthi-parna, — Granthi-bheda, Grasya, as, d, am, to be swallowed, eaten or seized.
mean 'words of praise.' •—Gnds-pati, is, m., Ved. as, m. a purse-cutter, cut-purse ; [cf. granthi-Sdhe- Grdsa, as, m. a mouthful or a quantity of anything
the husband of divine wives, or of a divine wife ; equivalent to a mouthful, a lump of rice &c. of the
daka.~\ — Granthi-mat, an, ati, at, tied, bound ;
(perhaps gnat is here a shortened genitive.) — Gnds- knotty, bulbous; (an), m. the plant Heliotropium
size of a peacock's egg ; food, nourishment ; the
patni, (. a divine wife, the wife of a deity ; (S5y.) Indicum;[cf.os</w-8<Mn/ia>i.]— Granthlmat-ji/ml:', erosion, the morsel bitten ; the quantity eclipsed ;
a kind of female genius protecting women ; (perhaps as, m. the plant Artocarpus Lacucba (laliiu'ii). the act of swallowing; the swallowing of the sun
Unit is here the nominative in apposition to patni, — Grantlti-mula, am, n. gzi\ic,=gririjana; (a), and moon (by Rahu), an eclipse ; slurring, uttering
i. e. a divine female who is a wife.) f. a kind of Durva grass, =niala-durva. — Granthi- with the omission of a letter or syllable, a fault in
jjm i. grath or granth, cl. 9. and I. P. motaka, as, m. a cut-purse, thief. the pronunciation of the gutturals ; (in geom.) a
s. gmthnati, granthati, jagrantha; pi. Granthika, as, m. an astrologer (one who under- piece cut out by the intersection of two circles.
stands the joints or divisions of time, of the year, &c. ; — Grdsa-dalya, am, n. any extraneous substance
granthitum; A. grathnite, granthate, agran- cf. kdla-granthi, * a year'), a fortune-teller ; a N. lodged in the throat. — GrdsdMhddana (°sa-af),
assumed by Nakula, the fourth son of Pandu, when am, n. bare subsistence, food and clothing.
thishta; cl. I. P. A. also grathati, grathate; to
he became master of the horse to king Virata ; a Grdst-kri, cl. 8. P. A. -karoti, -kurute, -kartum,
fasten, tie or string together; to wind round; to kind of disease of the outer ear ; (am), n. (according
arrange, connect in a regular series ; to string words to swallow, devour.
to some) m., N. of the plant Capparis Aphylla ; the
together, compose, write (as a literary work) ; to set JJ J grah or grabh (the latter being the
or strew with : Caus. P. granthayati and grdtha- root of long pepper ; (am), n., N. of a plant, =
granthi-parna; a kind of resin, bdellium; [cf. xv more ancient form used especially in the
yati, -yitum; [cf. Lat. glut-en)}. Rig-veda), cl. 9. P. A. grihndti, grihnite (Ved.
Grathana, am, n. coagulation, thickening, be- Granthita, as, a, am, strung, tied. gribhnali, -nite) ; Impf. I st sing, agrihndm (irreg.
coming obstructed or clogged with knotty lumps ;
Grdnthin, I, irii, i, one who reads books, bookish, iigri/iiiam), 2nd sing. Impv. P. grihdna (Ved.
(a), f. tying, binding, stringing together.
guggulu..'}teamed ; relating or belonging to a book, gribhndna and grihndna, other forms grilindhi and
Grathita,, as, a, am, strung, tied, bound, con- one who possesses many books. grihnlhi, Jrd sing, grihmtdt), jagrdha (Ved. Perf.
nected, tied together or in order, wound, arranged, Granthila, as, a, am, knotted, knotty ; (as), m., jagrabha, 1st p\.jagribhma),jagrihe (Ved. Jrd pi.
classed, collected ; set with, strewn with ; artificially N. of several plants and roots, = Flacourtia Sapida ; jagribhre), gralushyatl, -te, agrahit, agrahifhtu
composed or put together (as the plot of a play) ;
another plant, Capparis Aphylla ; also •= tanduliya- (Ved. Aor. 1st sing, agrabham, 3rd sing, agrabhit,
difficult to be unravelled, having knots, knotty, formed
into lumps, coagulated, thickened, clogged ; hardened ; s"dka = hitavali =pinddltt = vi-kantaka; also = £o- 3rd pi. ngribhran, agribhishata ; also 1st sing.
raka, a kind of perfume ; (a), f., N. of several plants, ajagrabham), grahitam, to seize, take, receive,
hurt, injured ; seized, taken possession of; overcome ;
= ganda-durvd, mdld-durvd, bhadra-mustd ; accept, take by the hand, adopt, catch, grasp, Apld,
(am), n. a tumor with hard lumps or knots. (am), n. the root of long pepper ; green or undried lay hold of (e. g. paksham grah, to take a side, Bopt
Grathna, as or am, m. or n. (?), a bunch, a tuft ; ginger, = drdraka. — Granthi-hara, as, m. a coun- a party ; pdnim grah, to take by the hand infthe
(perhaps for grantha.)
business).sel or, a minister (one who unravels the knots of marriage ceremony, hence to many) ; to seize, arrf st,
Grantha, as, m. tying, binding, stringing together stop ; to take captive, take prisoner, capture, im-
(literally or metaphorically) ; an artificial arrangement Granthika, am, n. the root of long pepper, = prison ;to take possession of, gain over, captivate ;
of words, a verse, composition, treatise, literary pro- to seize, overpower (especially said of diseases and
duction, abook or composition in prose or verse, granthika. demons and the punishments of Varuna) ; to seize,
a section ; the book or sacred scriptures of the S'ikhs JJ3J 2. grath or granth, cl. i. A. gra- eclipse (the sun and moon being supposed by the
containing short moral poems by Nanak Shah and \ thate and granthate, to be crooked (literally Hindus to be seized by Rahu) ; to abstract, take
or metaphorically), to be wicked ; to curve, bend or
others ; a metre of thirty-two syllables ; wealth, make crooked. away (by robbery) ; to lay the hand on, gain, win,
property ; [cf. uttara-grantha, nir-gr°, shad-gr°.] obtain, receive, accept ; to conceive ; to acquire by
— Grantha-karana, am, n. composing books or Grathin, I, inl, i, false ; (Say.) talkative, stringing purchase (with inst. of the price) ; to choose ; to
treatises, composition. — Grantha-kartri, td, or (too many) words together. take up (as a fluid with any small vessel), to draw
grantha-kdra, as, m. a book-maker, the author of 2 . granthi, is, m. crookedness, distortion ; falsehood. water ; to catch, intercept ; pluck, pick, gather ; to
a book or treatise. — Grantha-kuti or grantha-kiiti, collect a store of anything ; to use, put on (as clothes
f. a library ; an office, a study. — Grantha-krit, t, *<C^J graps. See glaps. &c.); to assume (as a shape); to place upon;
m. the writer of a book, author or composer of a See grah. withdraw, draw back ; to include ; to take on one's
treatise. — Grantha-vistara, as, m. a multitude of self, undertake, undergo, begin ; to receive hospitably
scientific treatises. — Grantha-vistara, as, m. dif- jljj i. gras, cl. i. P. A. grasati, -te,ja- (as a guest) ; to take back (as a divorced wife) ; to take
fuseness of style, voluminousness. — Grantha-sandhi, ^^ grdsa, jagrase, grasiehyati, -te, agraslt, into the mouth, mention, name [cf. nama-grahana,
is, m. a section or chapter of a work. agrasishta, grasitum, to seize with the mouth, take ndma-grdham, &c.] ; to perceive with the organs of
Granthana, am, d, n. f. stringing, tying or con- into the mouth, swallow, devour, eat, consume ; to sense, observe, recognize ; to receive into the mind,
necting together either as a chaplet or a book, ar- swallow up, cause to disappear ; to seize ; to eclipse ; apprehend,understand,learn; to accept, admit, approve;
ranging, composing. to swallow or mouth or slur over words, pronounce to obey, follow ; to take for, consider as ; to take in
I. granthi, is, m. a knot, a tie, the knot of a cord indistinctly : Caus. P. grdaayati, -yitum, to cause to a particular sense or meaning: Pass, grihyate, 1st
&c., a knot, bunch or protuberance of any kind swallow, cause to devour ; to consume, swallow, eat :
Put. grahitd and grdhitd, and Fut. grahishyat'i and
(especially if produced by tying several things to- Desid. jigrasishate, -ti : Intens. jdgrasyate, ja- grdhifhyale, Aor. Jrd sing, agralii, 3rd du. agra-
gether), aknot tied in the end of a garment for grasti; [cf. Lat. gra-men; Germ, gras, grasen; tiixlidtam and agrdhishdtdm : Caus. P. graha-
keeping money &c. ; the joint or knot of a reed or Eng. grass; Gr. -ypatvai.} yati, -yitum, ajigrahat, to cause to take or seize
cane &c., a joint or articulation of the body ; a com- 2. gras, as, as, as, (at the end of compounds) seizing or lay hold of; to give away a girl (ace.) in marriage
plaint, knotting, i. e. swelling and hardening of the with the mouth, devouring, swallowing (e. g. piiida- to any one (ace. ) ; to cause any one to be captured ;
vessels as in varicocele; a knot tied closely and gras, devouring a mouthful ; see Gram. 164. 6). to cause to take away ; to make one take, to deliver
therefore difficult to be undone ; N. of several plants Grasana, am, n. swallowing, eating ; taking, seiz- over to ; (with dsanam and ace.) to cause to take a
and bulbous roots, = granthi-parna, hitdvali, bha- ing ; a kind of partial eclipse of the sun or moon. teat, to bid any one sit down by the side of; to
dra-miistd, ptndalu ; [cf. udara-g°, katti^g", Grasamdna, as, d, am, swallowing, devouring ; make any one choose ; to cause a person to undertake
receiving, listening to anything eagerly. or be occupied with (inst.) ; to make a person leam,
kdla-g°, Sec,'] — Granthi- fdhedaka, as, m. a purse-
cutter, a cut-purse, pickpocket ; [cf. granthi-bheda.] Grasiehtha, as, a, am, Ved. swallowing most, to teach, make any one acquainted or familiar with
— Granthi-tva, am, n. state of becoming knotty ; devouring very much; (Sty.-bhakxhayitrl-tama.) (two ace.) ; to become familiar with : Desid. jighri-
hardening. — Granthi-dnla, as, m. a kind of per- Grasishnu, us, us, u, accustomed to swallow or kshati, -te, to be about to seize or take; to be
fume, =,furaka ; (a), (., N. of a kind of bulbous devour or seize.
about to take away ; to desire to take, to wish to
root. — Granthi-dund, (., N. of a plant, = mald- Graeta, as, a, am, swallowed, eaten ; taken, perceive (with the organs of sense), to strive to
durtd. — Gniiiflii-iinllrii, as, m. a kind of perfume, seized ; involved in, affected by ; possessed by (e. g. apprehend or recognize : Intens. jarigrihyate, jd-
= {oraka. — Granthirparna, as, m. a kind of per- graha-grasta, seized or possessed by a demon; gradhi (Gram. 711): [cf. Zend gerep, geurv;
fume, **doraka; (a), f. a kind of plant, =jatuka ; daridrya-yrasta, poverty-stricken); seized (as the Goth, greipa; Germ, greife; Lith. grlbju, pa-
(i), f. a kind of Durva grass, = ganda-durvd ; (am), I sun or moon by Rahu) ; eclipsed (e. g. Jtdltu-grasla,
grfiyit; Slav. graUjH; Hib. grabaim, ' I devour,

into nine classes, according to the number of the planets, in the comp. iaii-gralta-aamagama, conjunction
stop, interrupt, disturb ;' gtbhaim, ' I take, receive,
conceive ;' Gr. •ypfyos, •ypfiros : cf. also Lat. gero ; cf. piitand) ; any state of mind which proceeds from graha. of the moon with asterisms or planets. — Grahd-
Pol. garnia^.] magical influences and takes possession of the whole dhdra (°ha-adh°), as, m. the polar star as the fixed
Grih, griha, &c. See s. v. at p. 295. man ; a crocodile, a shark ; a house (= griha, in a-gra- centre of the planets. — Grahddhlna (°ha-adh°), at,
Grihita, as, d, am, grasped, taken, seized, caught, ha,khara-g°, gralta-druma,graha-pati); anything d, am, subject to planetary influence. — Grahamaya
held, laid hold of; obtained, acquired, gained ; robbed ; seized, spoil, booty, prey ; as much as can be taken (°ha-dm°), as, m. epilepsy, convulsions, demoniacal
received, accepted, conceived ; collected ; agreed, pro- with a ladle, spoon &c. out of a larger vessel, a ladle- possession, which is supposed to cause the complaint.
mised ; perceived, known, understood, ascertained, ful, spoonful, &c. ; any ladle or vessel employed for — Grahdrdma-kutuhalaorkara>ia-kutuhala,am,
learnt, &c. ; [cf. grah above.] — Grihita-khadga- taking up a portion of fluid out of a larger vessel, n., N. of an astronomical work by Bhaskara. — Gra-
t'arman, a, d, a, grasping sword and shield. (especially applied to the vessels used for taking up hdluiidana (°ha-dl°), am, n. pouncing on prey,
•• Grihita-garbhd, f. one who has conceived an the Soma ; cf. soma-graha) ; the middle of a bow seizing and tearing it to pieces. — Grahdvamardana
embryo, a pregnant woman. — Grihiia-detas, ds, ds, or that part which is grasped when the bow is used ; (°ha-av°), am, n. friction of the planets, opposition ;
as, one whose mind or heart is captivated. — Gri- grasp, seizing, laying hold of, the drawing up or [cf. graha-mardana.] — GrahdiSm (°ha-ds°), i, m.
hita-did, k, k, k, running away, flying; flown, taking up of water &c. [cf. nira-graha] ; seizure the plant Echites Scholaris ; [cf. graha-ndia^] — Gra-
escaped, retreated. — Grihita-deha, as, d, am, in- in general (e. g. anga-graha, spasm of the limbs), hds"raya (°ha-d3°), as, m. the polar star ; [cf. gra-
carnate. — Grihita-ndman, d, d, a, one who has seizure of the sun or moon, eclipse ; a movable point hddhdra.] — Grahakvaya (°ha-dh°), as, m., N. of
received a name (e. g. su-yrihita-ndman, one who in the heavens ; stealing, robbing ; taking, receiving,
a plant ; [cf. bhutdnTcus'a.] — Grahetfa (°ha-ts"), as,
has received a good name, one named in accordance reception, receipt ; keeping back, obstructing ; men- m. the chief of the planets, the sun.
with the ordinances). — Grihita-vldya, as, d, am, tion, nomination ; apprehension, perception, intelli- Grahaka, as, m. a prisoner ; [cf. grdhaka.]
one who has acquired knowledge, versed in science, gence, understanding; an organ or instrument of Grahana, as, d, am, seizing, holding ; (am), n.
learned, studied. — Grihita-vetana, as, d, am, one apprehension (of which according to the Upanishads the hand ; an organ of sense ; a prisoner, captive ;
who has received his wages, paid, remunerated. there are eight, viz. Prana, Va<5, Jihva, Cakshus, mentioning, naming, mention, a word mentioned
Srotra, Manas, Hastau, and Tva<!) ; insisting upon, (e. g. vadana-grahana, the word vadana) ; seizing,
— Grihita-s'ara-kdrmuka, as, d, am, handling
arrows and bows. — Grihila-sardvapa, as, d, am, tenacity, perseverance, purpose, design, favour, pa- holding, taking, catching, seizure ; taking by the hand,
taking a bow. — Grihita-hridaya, as, d, am, one tronage ;a N. of the fourth or fifth book of the marrying ; receiving, acceptance ; taking captive, cap-
whose heart is taken possession of or captivated; S'atapatha-Brahmana ; [cf. guda-graha, 3lro-gr°, tivating, overpowering, imprisonment ; seizure of the
sun or moon, eclipse ; gaining, obtaining, purchasing ;
captivating the heart. — • Grihitdmisha, (Ota-dm°), hanu-gr°, hrid-gr°.] — Graha-kallola, as, m. the
wave (or enemy?) of the planets, an epithet of choosing ; taking or drawing up ; attraction ; putting
as, d, am, seizing pTey. — Grihitdrtha (°ta-ar°),
OS, d, am, comprehending the sense or meaning. Rahu. — Graha-gana, as, m. the whole number of on ; containing, enclosing ; undertaking, undergoing ;
— Grihitdstra (°ta-as°), as, a, am, one who has planets taken collectively. — Graha-gatiita, am, n. service ; mentioning with praise, respect ; perceiving,
taken up arms. =ganita, the astronomical part of a Jyotih-sastra. understanding, comprehension, the taking or receiv-
Grihitaitja, as, d, am (an incorrect form for — Graha-dintaka, as, m. an astrologer. — Graha- ing of instruction, or the acquirement of any science ;
grahitavya), to be seized or taken ; to be under- td, f. or graha-tva, am, n. state of being a planet. acceptation, meaning; assent, agreement; inviting,
stood, meant.
— Graha-das'a, f. the aspect of the planets. -• Graha- calling, addressing ; the taking up of sound, echo ;
Grihitin, i, ini, i, seizing, one who has grasped. dmma, as, m. the creeper Gymnema Sylvestre, = .<a- an organ of sense; [cf. kara-grahai)a, keiia-g^,
Cjljihitri, td, tri, tri (incorrect for grahitri), ka-vriksha ; [cf. griha-druma.] — Graha-nayaka, garbha-g°, takshur-g , ndma-g\ pdni-g°, punar-
seiflg, grasping, disposed to seize or take. as, m. the leader of the planets ; the planet Saturn ; 9°.] — Grahananta (°na-an°), am, n. close of study,
tjrihitvd, ind. having taken. the sun. — Graha-nds'a or graha-nddana, as, m., acquirement of science &c. — Grahandntika (°na-
Qrihu, us, m., Ved. one who receives alms, N. of the plant Alstonia Scholaris, commonly dhd- an°), am, a. termination of holy study.
a beggar. tina. — Graha-nigraha, au, m. du. favour and Grahanaka, am, n. containing, involving.
Grihnat, an, ad, at, taking, seizing, accepting. punishment. — Graha-nemi, is, m. the moon. Grahant, is or i, f. an imaginary organ supposed
2. grihya, as, d, am (for I . grihya see s. v. at — Graha-pati, is, m. the chief of the planets, the to lie between the stomach and the intestines ; the
p. 296), to be taken or received ; to be seized, to sun ; the plant Calotropis Gigantea [cf. arka], = small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal
be observed, perceptible, perceivable ; to be ac- griha-pati."Graha-pidana, am, n. or graha- where the bile assists digestion and from which vital
knowledged or admitted ; to be adopted as faith or pidd, i. the pain or oppression caused by a planet ; the warmth is diffused ; diarrhoea, dysentery. — Grahani-
belief, to be trusted, to be relied on, to be honoured ; obscurity caused by Rahu, an eclipse ; the influence of dosha, as, m. a morbid affection of the Graham,
taking the side of, adopting or choosing as best (e. g. an unpropitious planet. — Graha-pusha, as, m. the diarrhoea. — Grahani-pradosha, as, m. a morbid
Arjuna-grihya, taking the side or adhering to the sun (cherishing the planets with his light). — Graha- affection of the Graham. — Gralianl-rnj, k, f. or
party of Arjuna) ; dependant, subservient ; (as), m. pujd, (. worship of the sun and other planets. grahani-roga, as, m. a morbid affection of the
the anus. — Graha-bhakti, is, f. distribution among the GrahanI, diarrhoea. — Grahanirogin,i,ini,i, affected
3. grihya, irreg. ind. part, having taken, carrying planets, division of countries &c. with respect to with diarrhcea. — Grahanl-hara, am, n. cloves,
ong, together with, with. the presiding planets ; title of the sixteenth chapter GraTiamya, as, d, am, acceptable, to be taken or
Grabha, as, m., Ved. the taking possession of;
one who lays hold of (?).
one ^i
in Varaha-mihira's Brihat-sarnhita. — Graha-bhiti- received or understood. — Grahayiya-td, f. or gra-
jit, t, m., N. of a perfume (' conquering the fear haniya-tva, am, n. acceptableness.
Grabhana, am, n. seizing, that by which anything of the demons'). — Graha-bhojana, as, m. a horse. lord Grahayayya,
of a house, q. another v. form for grihaydyya,
is seized (?). — Grabhana-vat, an, ati, at, Ved. — Graha-maya, as, i, am, consisting of planets.
anything furnished with a handle. — Graha-mardana, am, n. friction or opposition receiving, Grahaydlu, q. v. us, us, u, for grlhaydlu, taking,
Grabhitri, td, tri, tri, Ved. one who seizes ; [cf. between the planets. — Graha-yajila or graha-
grahitri.] ydga, as, m. worship or sacrifice offered to the Grahi, at the end of a compound inphale-grahi,q.v.
Graha, as, d, am, seizing, laying hold of, holding ; planets. -• Grahayajna-tattva, am, n. title of a ledging.
taking, collecting, gathering; (a«), m. one who part of the Smriti-tattva. — Graha-yuti, is, m. con- Grahila, as, d, am, taking, accepting, acknow-
seizes ; the power that seizes and obscures the sun junction ofthe planets. — Graha-ytiddha, am, n. Grahishnu, at the end of a compound in^Aato-
and moon and causes eclipses, especially Rahu or the strife or opposition of the planets ; title of the
grahishnu, q. v.
ascending node ; a planet (as seizing or influencing seventeenth Adhyaya of Varaha-mihira's Brihat- Grahitavya, as, d, am, to be taken or received,
the destinies of men in a supernatural manner ; samhitS. — Graha-rdja, as, m. the king of the acceptable, to be accepted ; to be taken up or drawn
sometimes five planets are enumerated, viz. Mars, planets ; the sun ; the moon ; the planet Jupiter or (as a fluid)-; to be apprehended or perceived, to be
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn ; sometimes its regent. — Graha-ldghava, am, n. title of an learned or acquired ; (am), n. the being obliged to
seven, i. e. the preceding with Rahu and Ketu or astronomical work of the sixteenth century. — Graha- take or receive.
the ascending and descending nodes; sometimes farsha, as, m. a planetary year ; title of the nine- Grahitri, td, tri, tri, a taker, seizer, accepter,
nine, i. e. the sun and moon together with the teenth Adhyaya of Varaha-mihira's Brihat-sanihitS, receiver, purchaser ; perceiver, perceiving, observant ;
preceding : the planets are either auspicious, dubha- which describes the good or evil fortune belonging taking, disposed to take; [cf. pdni-grahitri and
grahds, sad-grahds ; or inauspicious, krura-grahds, to certain days, months or years ruled over by par- grilatrij]
pdpa-grahdn; in the system of the Jainas the planets ticular planets. — Graha-mpra, as, m. an astrologer. Grahya, as, d, am, Ved. belonging to or fit for
constitute one of the five classes of the Jyotishka) ; — Graha-mmarda, as, m. friction of the planets, a Graha.
the place of a planet in the fixed zodiac, a N. for the opposition, = graha-mardana. — Graha-idnti, is, Grdbha, as, m., Ved. one who seizes, what is
number nine ; N. of certain evil demons or spirits (. propitiation of the planets by sacrifices &c. — Graha- seized ; grasp, seizure.
who seize or exercise a bad influence on the body and triiiyatalca, am, n. triangular position of the planets Graha, as, i, am, seizing, holding, catching,
mind of man, (they cause insanity &c. ; the Hindus with reference to each other ; title of the twentieth taking, receiving, acceptance (e. g. riktha-grdha,
consider that it falls within the province of medical Adhyaya in Varaha-mihira's Brihat-sarnhita, treating receiving inherited property ; yoshid-grdha, taking
science to expel these demons ; those which especially also of many other positions of the planets. •- Graha-
seize children and cause convulsions &c. are divided iamdgama, as, m. conjunction of the planets ; also a wife) ; [cf. karna-grdha, gila-g°, dhanur-g°,
pdni-g°, pdrshni-g°, &c.] ; (as), m. a rapacious
f*h^ gramyadharmin.
animal living in fresh or sea water; a crocodile, a n. one of the four books into which the SSma-veda scales in music. — Grama^tata, am, n. a hundred
shark, a serpent; (according to some the Gangetic when arranged for chanting is distributed. •• Grdma- villages, a province. — Gramas'ates'a (°ta-ija), as,
alligator or Lacerta Gangetica, according to others go<hih,-dhuk, m. the herdsman of a village. — Grdma- m. or grdmas'atddhipati (°ta-adh°), is, m. or grd-
the water elephant or hippopotamus) ; any large ghdta, as, m. plundering a village. — Grdma-ghdtin, mafotddhyaksha (°ta-adh°), as, m. the governor
fish or marine animal ; (i), f. a female crocodile ; I, inl, i, devastating or plundering a village. — Grdma- of a province. — Grdma-sankara, as, m. the com-
(as), m. a prisoner; seizure, grasping, laying hold of; ghoshin, I, inl, i, Ved. sounding among men or mon sewer or drain of a village. — Grdma-saitgha,
morbid affection, disease ; beginning, undertaking ; armies, as a drum. — Grdmait-gamin, I, inl, i, who as, m. a village corporation, a municipality. — Grdma-
mentioning ; [cf. ndma-yraha; cf. also asad-grdha or what goes to a village. — Grdma-i'aryd, f. the sin/ta, as, m. a dog. — Grdma-sukha, am, n. the
and svayam-grdhaJ] — Grd/ta-rat, an, all, at, customs of social life, social intercourse. — Grdma- pleasure of a villager; [cf.grdmya-sukha.] — Grdma-
containing or abounding with alligators &c. faitya, ax, m. the sacred tree of a village. — Grdma- stha, as, a, am, being or residing in a village, be-
Grdhaka, as, ikd, am, receiving, accepting, one ja, as, d, am, village-bom, village-produced ; rustic, longing to a village, rustic, &c. ; (on), m. a village.
who takes or seizes ; a purchaser, buyer ; containing, village, grown in cultivated ground. — Grdmaja- — Grdma-hdsaka, as, m. a sister's husband. — Grd-
enclosing ; perceiving, observing ; taking away, per- nishpdvl, (. a kind of pulse. — Grdma-jdta, as, d, mdfdra (°ma-d<?), as, m. village observances, cus-
suading; (as), m. a police-officer, a constable, a am, rustic, village-bom, produced in a village, grown toms, &c. — Grdmddhdna fma-ddh"), am, n. hunt-
in cultivated ground. — Grdma-jdla, am, n. a num- ing; a village (?). — Grdmddhikrita (°ma-adh°),as,
bailiff; a hawk, a falcon [cf. Gr. ypvfy ; Germ.r/rfi/1]; ber of villages, a district. — Grdmajdlin, I, m. the
a kind of vegetable, =sitdrara; N. of an attendant orgrdmddhipati(°ma-adh°),ig,<xgrdniddhyaksha
of Siva. . governor of a province. — Grama-jit, t, t, t, Ved. (°ma-adh°), as, or grdmdd/iikdrin (°ma-adh°),
Graham, ind. part, taking, seizing, mentioning, conquering or gaining villages ; conquering troops ; I, m. superintendent or chief of a village. — Grd-
(often at the end of compounds, e. g. jha-grdham, (S5y.) either conquering villages or dispersing mul- mdnta (°ma-an°), as, m. the border of a village ;
taking alive ; cf. also ndma-grdham.) titudes. —Grdmana, as, t, am, coming from a space near a village ; (e), ind. in the neighbourhood
Grdhi, is, (., Ved. a female spirit of evil, seizing Gr5ma-nl. •• Grdma-nl, Is, is, i (for grdma-nl), the of a village. — Grdmdntara (°ma-an°), am, n.
men and causing death and disease, (Sleep is described leader or chief of a village or community, the lord another village. — Grdmdnlika, am, n. the neigh-
bourhood of a village. — Grdmdntlya, as, a, am,
as her son) ; deprivation of sensation, a swoon, faint- of the manor, the squire, the leader of a troop or
situated in the neighbourhood of a village ; (am), n.
ing fit. — Grdhi-pkala, am, n. the tree Feronia army; a chief, a superintendent ; best, pre-eminent,
Elephantum ; [cf. kapittha.] excellent; one who only thinks of enjoyment (?), space near a village. — Grdme-vdsa, as, m. a village
Grdkita, as, d, am, made to take or seize. the village barber (as the chief person of a village) ; abode ; a villager ; [cf. grdma-vdsa.] — Grdme-
Grdhin, I, inl, i, seizing, taking, holding, laying a groom (?) ; N. of a Gandharva chief; N. of one of vdsin, t, inl, i, living in a village, tame ; (inas) ,
hold of; catching, engaged in catching; picking, the attendants of Siva ; N. of certain beings who m. pi. the villagers. — Grdmes"a (°ma-?s'a), as, m.
gathering; containing, holding; drawing, attracting, together with the Rishis, Gandharvas, Apsarasas, the head man of a village. — Grdmeivara (°ma-is°),
fascinating, alluring ; gaining, obtaining, acquiring ; NSgas, Yatu-dhSnas, and Bslakhilyas are by some as, m. the head man or ruler over a village ; the lord
choosing ; searching through, scrutinizing ; perceiv- supposed to be attendant upon the Sun ; N. of a of the manor or squire. — Grdmopddhydya (°ma-
ing, observing ; accepting, taking to heart ; astringent; place ; (U), f. a female peasant or villager ; a whore, up°), as, m. the village priest.
obstructing, binding, constipating ; (I), m. the plant a harlot ; the Indigo plant. — Grdmanl-tva, am, n. Grdmaka, as, m. a village &c., see grama; the
Feronia Elephantum [cf. kapittha] ; (in?), f. a small the position or condition of a chief or leader of a collective department or range of celestial pleasures ;
N. of a town.
kind of YavaSa; a kind of Hedysamm, = kshudra- village. — Grdmanithya, am, n. the station of the
durdlabhd, tdmra-wiuld. chief of a village or community. — Grdmanl-putra,

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