NIT Meghalaya Prerequisites For Fluid Mechanics

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Course No Course Name L-T-P-Credits

MA 410 Fluid Mechanics 3-0-0: 0

Prerequisite: NIL

Course The objective of the course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of

Objectives: fluid mechanics, properties of fluids and their kinematic and dynamic
behavior through various laws of fluids like continuity, Euler’s, Bernoulli’s
equation, and momentum equation. Also introduces the concept of flow
patterns and viscous flow through ducts and their corresponding problems.

Course After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Outcomes: 1. Understand the concept of fluid, its properties, types of fluid and
forces acting on fluid elements.
2. Apply Lagrangian and Eulerian methods for describing fluid
3. Use the concept of stream and potential functions to describe a flow
4. Analyse stresses in fluid motion and relation between stress and
rate of strain.
5. Derive the fundamental equations of fluid dynamics.
6. Know the basic concept of boundary layer flow.


Module Contents Hours

I Introduction: 6
Concept of fluid; difference between solids, liquids and gases;
concept of continuum; density, specific volume, specific weight,
specific gravity, viscosity, vapour pressure, compressibility, bulk
modulus, surface tension and capillarity; shear stress, Newtonian
and non-Newtonian fluids.

II Fluid Statics: 3
Forces on fluid elements, Pascal’s law, pressure distribution in static
fluid, hydrostatic forces on plane surfaces.

III Fluid Kinematics: 9

Description of flow fields, steady and unsteady flows, uniform and
non-uniform flows, laminar and turbulent flows; Lagrangian and
Eulerian methods of description; stream lines, streak lines and path
lines; velocity, acceleration and circulation; stream function,
velocity potential and vorticity.
IV Fluid Dynamics: 8
Equation of continuity, Euler’s equation of motion, Bernoulli’s
equation, momentum equation, integrals of Euler's equations of

V Viscous Flows: 10
Viscous Flows: Stress analysis in fluid motion, relations between
stress and rate of strain, Couette flow, Hagen-Poiseuille flow,
Navier-Stokes equations, diffusion of vorticity, dissipation of
energy, steady motion of a viscous fluid between two parallel plates,
steady flow through cylindrical pipes, Reynold’s number, Concept
of boundary layer.

Essential Readings:

1. F. M. White, “Fluid Mechanics”, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, 8th edition, 2015.
2. F. Chorlton, “Textbook of Fluid Dynamics”, CBS Publisher, 2004.
Supplementary Readings:

1. L. M. Milne-Thomson, “Theoretical Hydrodynamics”, Dover Publications, 2011.

2. S. K. Som, G. Biswas and S. Chakraborty, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid
Machines”, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, 3rd edition, 2017.
3. G. K. Batchelor, “An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics”, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

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