in a sense, the Nazi-Soviet Pact was a brilliant move on Stalin's part, since
it gave him an opportunity to drastically improve his country's strategic
position along its western border, without getting involved in a larger
conflict. While Hitler's Blitzkrieg flattened Poland, Soviet troops took
possession of the eastern half of that unlucky country, which Germany
and the U.S.S.R. shortly agreed to share. Then, in October of 1939, the
U.S.S.R. "convinced" the Baltic States--Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia,
independent since the Revolution--to allow Soviet garrisons to come
within their borders. This paved the way for these states' outright
annexation to the U.S.S.R. the following year. The Soviets applied similar
pressure to Finland, which had been a Grand Duchy under the rule of the
Tsars; but the Finns resisted, however, and in November of '39 Stalin
ordered an invasion. He expected a quick, easy war, but amid wintry
conditions the Red Army (which had, after all, seen its generals purged
only a few years before) suffered a series of setbacks. Not until spring of
the following year did the Finns capitulate.
By that time, Hitler's armies were racing across France, winning
astonishing victories and forcing the French from the war after just a few
months of battle. Although the British still remained autonomous on their
sea-fenced isle, Nazi Germany stood as the unquestionable master of
continental Europe. This left Hitler free to turn on Stalin without fear of
attack from the west. But for the next year, while the Nazi leader prepared
to launch "Operation Barbarossa" against Russia, Stalin did little to
prepare for invasion. Indeed, from the beginning of the Nazi-Soviet pact,
the Soviet dictator behaved curiously--he went out of his way to help his
new ally, purifying his propaganda of all anti- Fascist rhetoric, eagerly
supplying the Germans with raw materials, and even going so far as to
return German Communists who had sought sanctuary in the Soviet
Union. (These luckless men and women went straight to concentration
camps.) All through the spring of 1941, as his subordinates reported that
German troops were gathering on the Polish borders, Stalin seems to have
convinced himself that these measures did not prefigure war. One might
offer a number of reasons for this: Stalin's own anti-Semitism might have
made him sympathetic to the Nazis; perhaps he felt an affinity for Hitler
as a fellow dictator; he might have seen the stridently anti-bourgeois
Nazis as being closer to Marxism than the decadent capitalist Allies. But
the simplest explanation is that Stalin, who did not desire war (indeed, he
feared it) was indulging in wishful thinking--wishful thinking that no one, in
the fear-laced atmosphere of the Soviet Union, dared to question.
But Stalin's leadership was not enough to save his country. Soviet forces
had not been mobilized in June of 1941, their equipment was outdated,
and their leadership, after the purges, was utterly lacking in experience.
By autumn of 1941, they had fallen back all along the vast 2,000-mile
front. The Ukraine was in German hands, as was Crimea and the Baltic
States; German troops were besieging Leningrad (St. Petersburg had
undergone a second renaming after becoming Petrograd during WWI) and
Sebastopol. Moscow itself was threatened, and only saved by the onset of
winter, when a Red Army counterattack finally halted the German
advance. In these months, Stalin began to panic: acting through Lavrenti
Beria, one of his chief advisors, he made contact with the Nazis and
offered vast territorial concessions in return for peace. The offer was
rejected, however, and the war went on. Stalin contemplated fleeing
Summer of 1942 marked the low-point for the beleaguered Soviets and
their new allies, the British and the Americans, who had been brought into
the war after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December of 1941.
While the Germans and Japanese advanced in North Africa and the Pacific,
Hitler launched a new offensive into the Caucasus, seeking to capture the
oil fields around Baku. Stalin's armies were driven back again, all the way
to the city of Tsaritsyn, now renamed Stalingrad, where he had
commanded the Red Army during the civil war. But there the tide turned.
In a momentous battle, lasting from August 1942 to February of 1943, the
Germans suffered a terrible defeat; the Soviets trapped the German
troops within the ruins of Stalingrad and annihilated them. Stalin had
found a great general in George Zhukov, and now that the military muscle
of the United States had joined the war, Germany and Japan were
gradually forced to retreat. The Red Army drove the Nazi armies back, out
of Russia, and then penetrated into Germany itself, while the Allies
invaded France in 1944 and drove eastward. Hitler, his power undone,
committed suicide April 31, 1945, effectively ending the fighting in
Europe. Four months later, the United States detonated two atomic bombs
in Japan, leading to the Japanese surrender and the end of World War II.
Throughout his meetings with the two western leaders, President Franklin
Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Stalin pushed for
military and economic assistance for the Soviet Union while demanding
that they recognize Soviet dominance of Eastern and Central Europe. At
the Tehran Conference in 1943, and again at Yalta in February of 1945, he
pushed them to allow what amounted to a "Soviet bloc" extending from
the Baltic States across Poland and into Germany, and then down through
Southern Europe into Yugoslavia.
Stalin had begun this Soviet-ization with the murder of 15,000 Polish army
officers in the Katyn Forest in April 1940, and while the German invasion
had interrupted the effort, he was eager to clamp down again. Roosevelt
and Churchill, unwilling to antagonize their ally, essentially gave in to his
demands--although given the circumstances, they had little choice.
(Neither knew that Stalin's spies were at work in the United States, and
had already sent information on the atomic bomb project back to Russia,
where Soviet scientists were hard at work on their own nuclear weapon.)
Churchill appreciated the sacrifices the Russians had made during the
war, and wanted to be conciliatory toward them, and Roosevelt seems to
have decided that he could "manage" Stalin. But the West would soon
have cause to regret these attitudes.
At the close of the Second World War, the Soviet people, who had borne
so many burdens during the conflict, now harbored the hope that their
lives would improve. To Stalin's mind, of course, such thinking presented a
danger: if people began to long for something better, they might rebel.
Thus he now began a drive to maintain control at all costs. His inner circle
was shaken up: Lavrenti Beria remained in power as head of the secret
police, but Molotov began to fade into the background, and Georgi
Malenkov, who had enjoyed Stalin's trust since the beginning of the war,
was replaced by Andrei Hanoi, who led a renewed ideological offensive.
Soldiers who had seen too much of the prosperous West were interned in
camps to keep them from "infecting" the population with subversive
ideas; there was a new purge of the military, in which even the great
Zhukov was reduced a minor provincial command; and a new cultural
offensive was launched against newspapers and other literature
considered threatening to the regime. The Western Allies, now Soviet
enemies in the fight for global influence, came under heavy attack in the
press, where Stalinist writers invented imagined atrocities and attributed
them to the Americans and the British. Meanwhile, "Praising American
Democracy" received listing in secret police handbooks as grounds for
The post-war conflict with the West came as no surprise to Stalin. In part,
it constituted a continuation of the Marxist dream of world revolution, a
dream revived by a series of Communist uprisings from Greece to China in
the late 1940s. In part, it was a reassertion of Russian nationalism that
went back to the Tsars. But most importantly, the Cold War that emerged
as the Soviets moved to expand their sphere of influence at the expense
of the West was a reflection of what may have been the most important
aspect of Stalin's peculiar personality: his unlimited will to power. He had
vanquished Trotsky and Zinoviev, Bukharin and Kamenev, and even the
German Reich; the United States was simply the latest in a long line of
rivals with whom he had jockeyed for supremacy.
(His two sons were disappointments: Vasily, the younger, was a dissolute
disgrace; Yakov had died, disowned by his father, as a German prisoner of
war.) Stalin now took an obsessive interest in films, which he watched
constantly. He became devoted to pseudo-scientific theories as well,
although this was not a new attachment--Marxist claptrap had long
dominated true science in the Soviet Union, especially in the biological
sciences. He also continued in his constant political plottings, and, as
always, saw enemies everywhere.
In 1950, Mao and Stalin signed a Sino-Soviet friendship treaty, although
the two dictators were wary of one another. In March of that year, the
Stalinist leader of North Korea, Kim Il Sung, came to Moscow. He left
bearing one of Stalin's last poisonous presents to the world--permission to
invade the American-backed South Korea. When the Korean War
threatened to spread, however, Stalin never considered involvement--
indeed, during his last years he blanketed the West with propaganda for
peace. And the propaganda was not wholly ill received: despite all his
crimes, the Soviet Union still possessed admirers in Europe and America- -
a remarkable testament to the seductive lure of Marxism.
Conditions were favourable for the growth of the small party, and
Hitler was sufficiently astute to take full advantage of them.
When he joined the party, he found it ineffective, committed to a
program of nationalist and socialist ideas but uncertain of its
aims and divided in its leadership. He accepted its program but
regarded it as a means to an end. His propaganda and his
personal ambition caused friction with the other leaders of the
party. Hitler countered their attempts to curb him by threatening
resignation, and because the future of the party depended on his
power to organize publicity and to acquire funds, his opponents
relented. In July 1921 he became their leader with almost
unlimited powers. From the first he set out to create a mass
movement, whose mystique and power would be sufficient to
bind its members in loyalty to him. He engaged in unrelenting
propaganda through the party newspaper, the Völkischer
Beobachter (“Popular Observer,” acquired in 1920), and through
meetings whose audiences soon grew from a handful to
thousands. With his charismatic personality
and dynamic leadership, he attracted a devoted cadre of Nazi
leaders, men whose names today live in infamy—Johann Dietrich
Eckart (who acted as a mentor for Hitler), Alfred
Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, Hermann Göring, and Julius Streicher.
The climax of this rapid growth of the Nazi Party in Bavaria came
in an attempt to seize power in the Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch of
November 1923, when Hitler and General Erich Ludendorff tried
to take advantage of the prevailing confusion and opposition to
the Weimar Republic to force the leaders of the Bavarian
government and the local army commander to proclaim a
national revolution.
In the melee that resulted, the police and the army fired at the
advancing marchers, killing a few of them. Hitler was injured,
and four policemen were killed. Placed on trial for treason, he
characteristically took advantage of the immense publicity
afforded to him. He also drew a vital lesson from the Putsch—
that the movement must achieve power by legal means. He was
sentenced to prison for five years but served only nine months,
and those in relative comfort at Landsberg castle. Hitler used the
time to dictate the first volume of Mein Kampf, his political
autobiography as well as a compendium of his multitudinous
Hitler’s personal life had grown more relaxed and stable with the
added comfort that accompanied political success. After his
release from prison, he often went to live on the Obersalzberg,
near Berchtesgaden. His income at this time was derived from
party funds and from writing for nationalist newspapers. He was
largely indifferent to clothes and food but did not eat meat and
gave up drinking beer (and all other alcohols). His rather
irregular working schedule prevailed. He usually rose late,
sometimes dawdled at his desk, and retired late at night.
At Berchtesgaden, his half sister Angela Raubal and her two
daughters accompanied him. Hitler became devoted to one of
them, Geli, and it seems that his possessive jealousy drove her
to suicide in September 1931. For weeks Hitler was inconsolable.
Some time later Eva Braun, a shop assistant from Munich,
became his mistress. Hitler rarely allowed her to appear in
public with him. He would not consider marriage on the grounds
that it would hamper his career. Braun was a simple young
woman with few intellectual gifts. Her great virtue in Hitler’s
eyes was her unquestioning loyalty, and in recognition of this he
legally married her at the end of his life.
Once in power, Hitler established an absolute dictatorship. He
secured the president’s assent for new elections. The Reichstag
fire, on the night of February 27, 1933 (apparently the work of a
Dutch Communist, Marinus van der Lubbe), provided an excuse
for a decree overriding all guarantees of freedom and for an
intensified campaign of violence. In these conditions, when the
elections were held (March 5), the Nazis polled 43.9 percent of
the votes. On March 21 the Reichstag assembled in the Potsdam
Garrison Church to demonstrate the unity of National
Socialism with the old conservative Germany, represented
by Hindenburg.
Two days later the Enabling Bill, giving full powers to Hitler, was
passed in the Reichstag by the combined votes of Nazi,
Nationalist, and Centre party deputies (March 23, 1933). Less
than three months later all non-Nazi parties, organizations, and
labor unions ceased to exist. The disappearance of the Catholic
Centre Party was followed by a German Concordat with the
Vatican in July.
Hitler had no desire to spark a radical revolution. Conservative
“ideas” were still necessary if he was to succeed to the
presidency and retain the support of the army; moreover, he did
not intend to expropriate the leaders of industry, provided they
served the interests of the Nazi state. Ernst Röhm, however, was
a protagonist of the “continuing revolution”; he was also, as head
of the SA, distrusted by the army. Hitler tried first to secure
Röhm’s support for his policies by persuasion. Hermann
Göring and Heinrich Himmler were eager to remove Röhm, but
Hitler hesitated until the last moment. finally, on June 29, 1934,
he reached his decision. On the “Night of the Long Knives,”
Röhm and his lieutenant Edmund Heines were executed without
trial, along with Gregor Strasser, Kurt von Schleicher, and
The army leaders, satisfied at seeing the SA broken up, approved
Hitler’s actions. When Hindenburg died on August 2, the army
leaders, together with Papen, assented to the merging of the
chancellorship and the presidency—with which went the
supreme command of the armed forces of the Reich. Now officers
and men took an oath of allegiance to Hitler personally.
Economic recovery and a fast reduction
in unemployment (coincident with world recovery, but for which
Hitler took credit) made the regime increasingly popular, and a
combination of success and police terror brought the support of
90 percent of the voters in a plebiscite.
Hitler devoted little attention to the organization and running of
the domestic affairs of the Nazi state. Responsible for the broad
lines of policy, as well as for the system of terror that upheld the
state, he left detailed administration to his subordinates. Each of
these exercised arbitrary power in his own sphere; but by
deliberately creating offices and organizations with overlapping
authority, Hitler effectively prevented any one of these particular
realms from ever becoming sufficiently strong to challenge his
own absolute authority.
Foreign policy claimed his greater interest. As he had made clear
in Mein Kampf, the reunion of the German peoples was his
overriding ambition. Beyond that, the natural field of expansion
lay eastward, in Poland, the Ukraine, and the U.S.S.R.—
expansion that would necessarily involve renewal of Germany’s
historic conflict with the Slavic peoples, who would
be subordinate in the new order to the Teutonic master race. He
saw fascist Italy as his natural ally in this crusade. Britain was a
possible ally, provided that it would abandon its traditional policy
of maintaining the balance of power in Europe and limit itself to
its interests overseas. In the west France remained the natural
enemy of Germany and must, therefore, be cowed or subdued to
make expansion eastward possible.
Before such expansion was possible, it was necessary to remove
the restrictions placed on Germany at the end of World War I by
the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler used all the arts of propaganda to
allay the suspicions of the other powers. He posed as the
champion of Europe against the scourge of Bolshevism and
insisted that he was a man of peace who wished only to remove
the inequalities of the Versailles Treaty. He withdrew from
the Disarmament Conference and from the League of
Nations (October 1933), and he signed a nonaggression treaty
with Poland (January 1934).
Every repudiation of the treaty was followed by an offer to
negotiate a fresh agreement and insistence on the limited nature
of Germany’s ambitions. Only once did the Nazis overreach
themselves: when Austrian Nazis, with the connivance of German
organizations, murdered Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria
and attempted a revolt (July 1934). The attempt failed, and Hitler
disclaimed all responsibility. In January 1935 a plebiscite in
the Saarland, with a more than 90 percent majority, returned
that territory to Germany. In March of the same year, Hitler
introduced conscription.
Although this action provoked protests from Britain, France, and
Italy, the opposition was restrained, and Hitler’s
peace diplomacy was sufficiently successful to persuade the
British to negotiate a naval treaty (June 1935) recognizing
Germany’s right to a considerable navy. His greatest stroke came
in March 1936, when he used the excuse of a pact between
France and the Soviet Union to march into the
demilitarized Rhineland—a decision that he took against the
advice of many generals. Meanwhile the alliance with
Italy, foreseen in Mein Kampf, rapidly became a reality as a
result of the sanctions imposed by Britain and France against
Italy during the Ethiopian war. In October 1936, a Rome–
Berlin axis was proclaimed by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini;
shortly afterward came the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan; and
a year later all three countries joined in a pact. Although on
paper France had a number of allies in Europe, while Germany
had none, Hitler’s Third Reich had become the principal
European power.
In November 1937, at a secret meeting of his military leaders,
Hitler outlined his plans for future conquest (beginning
with Austria and Czechoslovakia). In January 1938
he dispensed with the services of those who were not
wholehearted in their acceptance of Nazi dynamism—Hjalmar
Schacht, who was concerned with the German economy; Werner
von Fritsch, a representative of the caution of professional
soldiers; and Konstantin von Neurath, Hindenburg’s appointment
at the foreign office. In February Hitler invited the
Austrian chancellor, Kurt von Schuschnigg,
to Berchtesgaden and forced him to sign an agreement including
Austrian Nazis within the Vienna government. When
Schuschnigg attempted to resist, announcing a plebiscite about
Austrian independence, Hitler immediately ordered the invasion
of Austria by German troops. The enthusiastic reception that
Hitler received convinced him to settle the future of Austria by
outright annexation (Anschluss). He returned in triumph to
Vienna, the scene of his youthful humiliations and hardships. No
resistance was encountered from Britain and France. Hitler had
taken special care to secure the support of Italy; as this was
forthcoming he proclaimed his undying gratitude to Mussolini.
In spite of his assurances that Anschluss would not affect
Germany’s relations with Czechoslovakia, Hitler proceeded at
once with his plans against that country. Konrad Henlein, leader
of the German minority in Czechoslovakia, was instructed to
agitate for impossible demands on the part of
the Sudetenland Germans, thereby enabling Hitler to move
ahead on the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia. Britain’s
and France’s willingness to accept the cession of the
Sudetenland areas to Germany presented Hitler with the choice
between substantial gains by peaceful agreement or by a
spectacular war against Czechoslovakia. The intervention by
Mussolini and British prime minister Neville Chamberlain appear
to have been decisive. Hitler accepted the Munich Agreement on
September 30.
He also declared that these were his last territorial demands in
Germany’s war strategy was assumed by Hitler from the first.
When the successful campaign against Poland failed to produce
the desired peace accord with Britain, he ordered the army to
prepare for an immediate offensive in the west.
Bad weather made some of his reluctant generals postpone the
western offensive. This in turn led to two major changes in
planning. The first was Hitler’s order to forestall an eventual
British presence in Norway by occupying
that country and Denmark in April 1940. Hitler took a close
personal interest in this daring operation. From this time onward
his intervention in the detail of military operations grew steadily
The second was Hitler’s important adoption of General Erich von
Manstein’s plan for an attack through the Ardennes (which
began May 10) instead of farther north. This was a brilliant and
startling success. The German armies reached the Channel ports
(which they had been unable to reach during World War I) in 10
days. Holland surrendered after 4 days and Belgium after 16
days. Hitler held back General Gerd von Rundstedt’s tanks south
of Dunkirk, thus enabling the British to evacuate most of their
army, but the western campaign as a whole was amazingly
successful. On June 10 Italy entered the war on the side of
Germany. On June 22 Hitler signed a triumphant armistice with
the French on the site of the Armistice of 1918.
Hitler hoped that the British would negotiate an armistice. When
this did not happen, he proceeded to plan the invasion of Britain,
together with the elimination of British air power. At the same
time preparations were begun for the invasion of the Soviet
Union, which in Hitler’s view was Britain’s last hope for
a bulwark against German control of the continent. Then
Mussolini invaded Greece, where the failures of the Italian
armies made it necessary for German forces to come to their aid
in the Balkans and North Africa. Hitler’s plans were further
disrupted by a coup d’état in Yugoslavia in March 1941,
overthrowing the government that had made an agreement with
Germany. Hitler immediately ordered his armies to subdue
Yugoslavia. The campaigns in the Mediterranean theatre,
although successful, were limited, compared to the invasion
of Russia. Hitler would spare few forces from Operation
Barbarossa, the planned invasion of the Soviet Union.
The attack against the U.S.S.R. was launched on June 22, 1941.
The German army advanced swiftly into the Soviet
Union, corralling almost three million Russian prisoners, but it
failed to destroy its Russian opponent. Hitler became
overbearing in his relations with his generals. He disagreed with
them about the object of the main attack, and he wasted time
and strength by failing to concentrate on a single objective. In
December 1941, a few miles before Moscow, a Russian
counteroffensive finally made it clear that Hitler’s hopes of a
single campaign could not be realized.
On December 7, the next day, the Japanese attacked U.S. forces
at Pearl Harbor. Hitler’s alliance with Japan forced him to
declare war on the United States. From this moment on his
entire strategy changed. He hoped and tried (like
his idol Frederick II the Great) to break what he deemed was the
unnatural coalition of his opponents by forcing one or the other
of them to make peace. (In the end, the “unnatural” coalition
between Stalin and Winston Churchill and Franklin D.
Roosevelt did break up, but too late for Hitler.) He also ordered
the reorganization of the German economy on a full wartime
Meanwhile, Himmler prepared the ground for a “new order”
in Europe. From 1933 to 1939 and in some instances even during
the first years of the war, Hitler’s purpose was to expel
the Jews from the Greater German Reich. In 1941 this policy
changed from expulsion to extermination. The concentration
camps created under the Nazi regime were thereby expanded to
include extermination camps, such as Auschwitz, and mobile
extermination squads, the Einsatzgruppen. Although Catholics,
Poles, homosexuals, Roma (Gypsies), and the handicapped were
targeted for persecution, if not outright extermination, the Jews
of Germany, Poland, and the Soviet Union were by far the most
numerous among the victims; in German-occupied Europe some
six million Jews were killed during the war. The sufferings of
other peoples were only less when measured in their numbers
At the end of 1942, defeat at El-Alamein and at Stalingrad and
the American landing in French North Africa brought the turning
point in the war, and Hitler’s character and way of life began to
change. Directing operations from his headquarters in the east,
he refused to visit bombed cities or to allow some withdrawals,
and he became increasingly dependent on his physician, Theodor
Morell, and on the large amounts and varieties of medicines he
ingested. Yet Hitler had not lost the power to react vigorously in
the face of misfortune. After the arrest of Mussolini in July 1943
and the Italian armistice, he not only directed the occupation of
all important positions held by the Italian army but also ordered
the rescue of Mussolini, with the intention that he should head a
new fascist government. On the eastern front, however, there
was less and less possibility of holding up the advance. Relations
with his army commanders grew strained, the more so with the
growing importance given to the SS (Schutzstaffel) divisions.
Meanwhile, the general failure of the U-boat campaign and the
bombing of Germany made chances of German victory very
Desperate officers and anti-Nazi civilians became ready to
remove Hitler and negotiate a peace. Several attempts on
Hitler’s life were planned in 1943–44; the most nearly successful
was made on July 20, 1944, when Colonel Claus von
Stauffenberg exploded a bomb at a conference being held at
Hitler’s headquarters in East Prussia. But Hitler escaped with
superficial injuries, and, with few exceptions, those implicated in
the plot were executed. The reduction of the army’s
independence was now made complete; National Socialist
political officers were appointed to all military headquarters.
Thereafter, Hitler was increasingly ill; but he did not relax or lose
control, and he continued to exercise an almost hypnotic power
over his close subordinates, none of whom wielded any
independent authority. The Allied invasion of Normandy (June 6,
1944) marked the beginning of the end. Within a few months,
eight European capitals
(Rome, Paris, Brussels, Bucharest, Sofia, Athens, Belgrade, Helsi
nki) were liberated by the Allies or surrendered to them. In
December 1944 Hitler moved his headquarters to the west to
direct an offensive in the Ardennes aimed at splitting the
American and the British armies. When this failed, his hopes for
victory became ever more visionary, based on the use of
new weapons (German rockets had been fired on London since
June 1944) or on the breakup of the Allied Powers.
After January 1945 Hitler never left the Chancellery in Berlin or
its bunker, abandoning a plan to lead a final resistance in the
south as the Soviet forces closed in on Berlin. In a state of
extreme nervous exhaustion, he at last accepted the inevitability
of defeat and thereupon prepared to take his own life, leaving to
its fate the country over which he had taken absolute command.
Before this, two further acts remained. At midnight on April 28–
29 he married Eva Braun. Immediately afterward he dictated his
political testament, justifying his career and appointing
Admiral Karl Dönitz as head of the state and Joseph
Goebbels as chancellor.
On April 30 he said farewell to Goebbels and the few others
remaining, then retired to his suite and shot himself. His wife
took poison. In accordance with his instructions, their bodies
were burned.
Hitler’s success was due to the susceptibility of postwar
Germany to his unique talents as a national leader. His rise to
power was not inevitable; yet there was no one who equalled his
ability to exploit and shape events to his own ends. The power
that he wielded was unprecedented, both in its scope and in the
technical resources at its command. His ideas and purposes were
accepted in whole or in part by millions of people, especially in
Germany but also elsewhere. By the time he was defeated, he
had destroyed most of what was left of old Europe, while the
German people had to face what they would later call “Year
Zero,” 1945.
Geli Raubal, the daughter of Leo Raubal and Angela Raubal, was born in Linz on 4th June,
1908. When Adolf Hitler rented a house in Obersalzberg he asked his half-sister, Angela
Raubal, now a widow, to be his housekeeper. She agreed and in August 1928 brought Geli
with her to stay with Hitler. The 39 year-old Hitler soon fell in love with her and became her
constant companion at meetings, restaurants, conferences and on walks in the mountains.
In 1929 Hitler took an apartment in Munich's Prinzregentenstrasse and the Raubal family
moved in with him. (1)
Geli became a close friend of Henriette Hoffmann, the young daughter of Heinrich
Hoffmann, Hitler's official photographer. Hitler told Otto Wagener: "I can sit next to young
women who leave me completely cold. I feel nothing, or they actually irritate me. But a girl
like the little Hoffmann or Geli (Raubal) - with them I become cheerful and bright, and if I
have listened for an hour to their perhaps silly chatter - or I have only to sit next to them -
then I am free of all weariness and listlessness I can go back to work refreshed." (2)
Hitler once commented: "A girl of eighteen to twenty is as malleable as wax. It should be
possible for a man, whoever the chosen woman may be, to stamp his own imprint on her.
That's all the woman asks for." Joachim Fest, the author of Hitler (1973), wrote that Hitler
became obsessed with Geli: "The affection Hitler felt for this pretty, superficial niece soon
developed into a passionate relationship hopelessly burdened by his intolerance, his
romantic ideal of womanhood and avuncular scruples." (3)
Patrick Hitler, the son of Adolf's brother, Alois Hitler, met her during this period: "Geli looks
more like a child than a girl. You couldn't call her pretty exactly, but she had great natural
charm. She usually went without a hat and wore very plain clothes, pleated skirts and white
blouses. No jewellery except a gold swastika given to her by Uncle Adolf, whom she called
Uncle Alf." (4)
Hitler became infatuated with Geli Raubal and rumours soon spread that he was having an
affair with his young niece. Hitler told Heinrich Hoffman: "You know, Hoffmann, I'm so
concerned about Geli's future that I feel I have to watch over her. I love Geli and could
marry her. Good! But you know what my viewpoint is. I want to remain single. So I retain
the right to exert an influence on her circle of friends until such a time as she finds the right
man. What Geli sees as compulsion is simply prudence. I want to stop her from falling into
the hands of someone unsuitable." (5)
Adolf Hitler also took her with him to meetings. Baldur von Schirach commented: "The girl
at Hitler's side was of medium size, well developed, had dark, rather wavy hair, and lively
brown eyes. A flush of embarrassment reddened the round face as she entered the room
with him, and sensed the surprise caused by his appearance. I too stared at her for a long
time, not because she was pretty to look at but because it was simply astonishing to see a
young girl at Hitler's side when he appeared at a large gathering of people. He chatted
animatedly to her, patted her hand and scarcely paused long enough for her to say
anything. Punctually at eleven o'clock he stood up to leave the party with Geli, who had
gradually become more animated. I had the impression Geli would have liked to stay
longer." (6)
The couple lived together for over two years. The relationship with Geli was stormy and
they began to accuse each other of being unfaithful. Geli was particularly concerned
about Eva Braun, a seventeen-year-old girl who Hitler took for rides in his Mercedes
car. Henriette Hoffman knew Eva, who worked in her father's studio. She recalled that "Eva
had pale blonde hair, cut short, blue eyes, and, although she had been educated in a
Catholic convent, she had learnt feminine wiles - a certain look, and swaying hips when she
walked, which made men turn their heads." According to his biographer, Ian Kershaw, "for
the first time in his life (if we leave out his mother out of consideration) he became
emotionally dependent on a woman." (7)
Ernst Hanfstaengel, who had a close relationship with Hitler at the time suggested that Geli
was willing "to submit to his peculiar tastes" and was the "one woman in his life who went
some way towards curing his impotence and half making a man out of him." He went on to
say "that the services she was prepared to render had the effect of making him behave like
a man in love... he hovered at her elbow with a moon-calf look in his eyes in a very plausible
imitation of adolescent infatuation." (8)
Anni Winter, Hitler's housekeeper, claimed: "Geli loved Hitler. She was always running after
him. Naturally, she wanted to be become Frau Hitler... He was highly eligible... but she
flirted with everybody; she was not a serious girl." Emil Maurice commented: "He liked to
show her off everywhere; he was proud of being seen in the company of such an attractive
girl. He was convinced that in this way he impressed his comrades in the party, whose
wives or girlfriends nearly all looked like washerwomen." (9)
Baldur von Schirach wrote in his autobiography: "He (Hitler) followed her into millinery
shops and watched patiently while she tried on all the hats and then decided on a beret. He
sniffed at the sophisticated French perfumes she enquired about in a shop on the
Theatinerstrasse, and if she didn't find what she wanted in a shop, he trotted after her...
like a patient lamb. She exercised the sweet tyranny of youth, and he liked it, he was more
cheerful, happier person." (10)
Geli Raubal, the daughter of Leo Raubal and Angela Raubal, was born in Linz on 4th June,
1908. When Adolf Hitler rented a house in Obersalzberg he asked his half-sister, Angela
Raubal, now a widow, to be his housekeeper. She agreed and in August 1928 brought Geli
with her to stay with Hitler. The 39 year-old Hitler soon fell in love with her and became her
constant companion at meetings, restaurants, conferences and on walks in the mountains.
In 1929 Hitler took an apartment in Munich's Prinzregentenstrasse and the Raubal family
moved in with him. (1)
Geli became a close friend of Henriette Hoffmann, the young daughter of Heinrich
Hoffmann, Hitler's official photographer. Hitler told Otto Wagener: "I can sit next to young
women who leave me completely cold. I feel nothing, or they actually irritate me. But a girl
like the little Hoffmann or Geli (Raubal) - with them I become cheerful and bright, and if I
have listened for an hour to their perhaps silly chatter - or I have only to sit next to them -
then I am free of all weariness and listlessness I can go back to work refreshed." (2)
Hitler once commented: "A girl of eighteen to twenty is as malleable as wax. It should be
possible for a man, whoever the chosen woman may be, to stamp his own imprint on her.
That's all the woman asks for." Joachim Fest, the author of Hitler (1973), wrote that Hitler
became obsessed with Geli: "The affection Hitler felt for this pretty, superficial niece soon
developed into a passionate relationship hopelessly burdened by his intolerance, his
romantic ideal of womanhood and avuncular scruples." (3)
Patrick Hitler, the son of Adolf's brother, Alois Hitler, met her during this period: "Geli looks
more like a child than a girl. You couldn't call her pretty exactly, but she had great natural
charm. She usually went without a hat and wore very plain clothes, pleated skirts and white
blouses. No jewellery except a gold swastika given to her by Uncle Adolf, whom she called
Uncle Alf." (4)
Hitler became infatuated with Geli Raubal and rumours soon spread that he was having an
affair with his young niece. Hitler told Heinrich Hoffman: "You know, Hoffmann, I'm so
concerned about Geli's future that I feel I have to watch over her. I love Geli and could
marry her. Good! But you know what my viewpoint is. I want to remain single. So I retain
the right to exert an influence on her circle of friends until such a time as she finds the right
man. What Geli sees as compulsion is simply prudence. I want to stop her from falling into
the hands of someone unsuitable." (5)
Adolf Hitler also took her with him to meetings. Baldur von Schirach commented: "The girl
at Hitler's side was of medium size, well developed, had dark, rather wavy hair, and lively
brown eyes. A flush of embarrassment reddened the round face as she entered the room
with him, and sensed the surprise caused by his appearance. I too stared at her for a long
time, not because she was pretty to look at but because it was simply astonishing to see a
young girl at Hitler's side when he appeared at a large gathering of people. He chatted
animatedly to her, patted her hand and scarcely paused long enough for her to say
anything. Punctually at eleven o'clock he stood up to leave the party with Geli, who had
gradually become more animated. I had the impression Geli would have liked to stay
longer." (6)
The couple lived together for over two years. The relationship with Geli was stormy and
they began to accuse each other of being unfaithful. Geli was particularly concerned
about Eva Braun, a seventeen-year-old girl who Hitler took for rides in his Mercedes
car. Henriette Hoffman knew Eva, who worked in her father's studio. She recalled that "Eva
had pale blonde hair, cut short, blue eyes, and, although she had been educated in a
Catholic convent, she had learnt feminine wiles - a certain look, and swaying hips when she
walked, which made men turn their heads." According to his biographer, Ian Kershaw, "for
the first time in his life (if we leave out his mother out of consideration) he became
emotionally dependent on a woman." (7)
Ernst Hanfstaengel, who had a close relationship with Hitler at the time suggested that Geli
was willing "to submit to his peculiar tastes" and was the "one woman in his life who went
some way towards curing his impotence and half making a man out of him." He went on to
say "that the services she was prepared to render had the effect of making him behave like
a man in love... he hovered at her elbow with a moon-calf look in his eyes in a very plausible
imitation of adolescent infatuation." (8)
Anni Winter, Hitler's housekeeper, claimed: "Geli loved Hitler. She was always running after
him. Naturally, she wanted to be become Frau Hitler... He was highly eligible... but she
flirted with everybody; she was not a serious girl." Emil Maurice commented: "He liked to
show her off everywhere; he was proud of being seen in the company of such an attractive
girl. He was convinced that in this way he impressed his comrades in the party, whose
wives or girlfriends nearly all looked like washerwomen." (9)
Baldur von Schirach wrote in his autobiography: "He (Hitler) followed her into millinery
shops and watched patiently while she tried on all the hats and then decided on a beret. He
sniffed at the sophisticated French perfumes she enquired about in a shop on the
Theatinerstrasse, and if she didn't find what she wanted in a shop, he trotted after her...
like a patient lamb. She exercised the sweet tyranny of youth, and he liked it, he was more
cheerful, happier person." (10)
Geli Raubal
Adolf Hitler continued to live with Geli Raubal. However, Geli's friend, Henriette Hoffmann,
claims that Geli grew more and more indifferent to him while he grew more and more
passionate about her. Geli began seeing other men. Wilhelm Stocker, an SA officer, was
often on guard duty outside Hitler's Munich flat, later told the author of Eva and
Adolf (1974): "Many times when Hitler was away for several days at a political rally or
tending to party matters in Berlin or elsewhere, Geli would associate with other men. I liked
the girl myself so I never told anyone what she did or where she went on these free nights.
Hitler would have been furious if he had known that she was out with such men as a violin
player from Augsburg or a ski instructor from Innsbruck." (11)
During a period of freedom in 1909, he fell in love with 16-year-
old Rachele Guidi, the younger of the two daughters of his
father’s widowed mistress; she went to live with him in a damp,
cramped apartment in Forlì and later married him. Soon after the
marriage, Mussolini was imprisoned for the fifth time; but by
then Comrade Mussolini had become recognized as one of the
most gifted and dangerous of Italy’s younger socialists. After
writing in a wide variety of socialist papers, he founded a
newspaper of his own, La Lotta di Classe (“The Class Struggle”).
So successful was this paper that in 1912 he was appointed
editor of the official Socialist newspaper, Avanti! (“Forward!”),
whose circulation he soon doubled; and as its antimilitarist,
antinationalist, and anti-imperialist editor, he thunderously
opposed Italy’s intervention in World War I.
Soon, however, he changed his mind about intervention. Swayed
by Karl Marx’s aphorism that social revolution usually follows
war and persuaded that “the defeat of France would be a
deathblow to liberty in Europe,” he began writing articles and
making speeches as violently in favour of war as those in which
he previously had condemned it. He resigned from Avanti! and
was expelled from the Socialist Party. Financed by the French
government and Italian industrialists, both of whom favoured
war against Austria, he assumed the editorship of Il Popolo
d’Italia (“The People of Italy”), in which he unequivocally stated
his new philosophy: “From today onward we are all Italians and
nothing but Italians. Now that steel has met steel, one single cry
comes from our hearts—Viva l’Italia! [Long live Italy!]” It was the
birth cry of fascism. Mussolini went to fight in the war.
As dictator, Mussolini preached about the importance of the family and liked to
portray his own family as a model fascist household. But in truth, he had little time
for his children and could number his lovers by the hundred. Rachele knew about her
husband’s many indiscretions. In an interview with Life magazine in February 1966,
Rachele said, ‘My husband had a fascination for women. They all wanted him.
Sometimes he showed me their letters – from women who wanted to sleep with him
or have a baby with him. It always made me laugh.’
A beautiful companion
In his latter years, while running the Salo Republic, Mussolini had his
mistress, Clara Petacci (pictured), a woman two years younger than his eldest
daughter, set up home nearby – much to Rachele Mussolini’s disgust. Wife and
mistress frequently argued while Mussolini, the diminished dictator, cowered.
After Stalin became the leader of the Soviet Union, he eliminated any person
who could be a potential threat and used numerous unorthodox methods to
suppress his opponents. Stalin‘s jealousy and insecurity grew vastly, he
saw Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) as a potential threat and ordered his exile in
1929 and his assassination in 1940.
From 1924 to 1953 he was a dictator of the Soviet Union, became a purger
of his own party as he instituted the “Great Purge” where over a million
were imprisoned and at least 700,000 executed. He purged more than
40,000 Red Army Officers, some were active participants of the 1917
Bolshevik Revolution and heroes of the Russian Civil War. No member of
Soviet society was left untouched by these purges, which brought down
countless numbers of diplomats, writers, scientists, industrial managers,
scholars, and officials of the Comintern.
The Revolutionary intellectual Nikolai Bukharin (1888-1938) once stated:
Stalin is a Genghis Khan, an unscrupulous intriguer, who sacrifices everythi
ng else to preserve power.
Stalin encountered series of identity crisis throughout his life probably due
to insecurities that vastly affected him. In his young days he adopted the
name Koba (a Georgian fictional hero) then Stalin (man of
steel), Thavarish Stalin (Comrade Stalin), Vileki Stalin (Great
Stalin), Nash Vilekei Voshd (Our Great Leader) and finally Otsa
Narodov (Father of the Nation). He was troubled by his Georgian heritage
while ruling the Russian masses. He spoke Russian with a thick notable
accent. Even his short stature (165 cm) was compensated for by wearing
built-up shoes.
His defensive high self-esteem created a new cult in the Soviet Union.
Stalin‘s picture replaced the God‘s image, he became a Demigod and
launched anti-religious campaign against the Russian Orthodox Church. His
image appeared in many portraits, posters, statues, films, plays, songs, and
―Art had to glorify the revolution. Since Stalin was the embodiment of the
revolution, his posters, portraits, busts and statues appeared everywhere.
Five cities were named after him, as well as parks, factories, railways and
canals. The constitution, passed at the height of the show trials in December
1936, was called Stalin‟s Constitution. In his final days, sensing that the end
was imminent, he began self-deification. In July 1951 – between purges –
he commissioned a statue of himself from 33 tonnes of bronze‖. 4
Adolf Hitler suffered from manic- depressive syndrome.
During the depressive stage, Hitler was despairing, indecisive, isolated, and
unable to care for himself, to concentrate and to remember. He was hesitant,
confused, despondent and apathetic, and had a phobic dread of horses,
water and the moon. He washed his hands constantly because of his
obsessive fear of germs. He had a phobic aversion of and paranoid delusions
about Jews as contaminants, and compulsively tried to cleanse the world
of them.
During the manic stage, he was egotistical, arrogant, grandiose, loquacious,
aggressive, and irritable. He had grandiose Aryan delusions of omnipotence,
invincibility and infallibility, violent mood swings, rages, racing thoughts and
pressured speech. He was ruthless, willful, indifferent to the feelings of
others, intolerant of criticism, and had a need to dominate others. His
overwhelming emotional force and persuasiveness, both symptoms related to
mania, were instrumental in ―convincing millions of his countrymen with his
grandiose and paranoid delusions.
Benito Mussolini‘s (1883-1945) father Alessandro (1854-1910), was a
socialist journalist and blacksmith, and his mother Rosa Maltoni (1858-
1905) was a schoolteacher. The family was poor, they lived in two crowded
rooms on the second floor of a small ruined building. As a child, Mussolini was
disobedient, unmanageable, and aggressive, a bully at school and moody at
home. He was expelled from grammar and high school for assaulting pupils
with his penknife but he was intelligent and able to pass his final
examinations without any difficulty. He obtained a teaching diploma, realized
he was unsuited for such work and at 19, left Italy for Switzerland, jumping
from job to job. He was a gifted orator who read many books on political
philosophy by Immanuel Kant, Benedict de Spinoza, Friedrich Nietzsche,
Georg Wilhelm Hegel, Karl Kautsky, and Georges Sorel. He impressed his
companions as a potential revolutionary leader with an uncommon
personality but was arrested several times. He returned to Italy in 1904,
keeping busy with trade-union work, journalism, and extreme politics, which
led to arrest and imprisonment.
During a period of freedom in 1909, he fell in love with the 16-year-old
Rachele Guidi, the younger of the two daughters of his father‘s widowed
mistress. She went to live with him in a damp, cramped apartment in Forlì
and later married him.
Emmanuel III invited him to become Chancellor. His shrewd calculations and
astute opportunism had helped him to achieve his goal at 39 years of age.
Italy‘s fragile democratic system was abolished in favour of a one-party
state. Opposition parties, trade unions, and the free press were outlawed.
Free speech was crushed. A basic slogan proclaimed that Mussolini was
always right (Italian: ―Il Duce ha sempre ragione‖). ―Duce‖ is an Italian
title, derived from the Latin word dux “leader”. Yet, he was hailed by public
figures worldwide as a genius and a superman. His achievements were
considered little less than miraculous. He had carried out his social reforms
and public works without losing the support of the industrialists and
landowners; he had even succeeded in coming to terms with the papacy.
Mussolini might have remained a hero until his death had not his
callous xenophobia and arrogance, his misapprehension of Italy‘s
fundamental necessities and his dreams of empire, led him to seek foreign
conquests in Ethiopia and Somalia.
Both Hitler and Mussolini were gigantic egomaniacs who passionately
believed themselves to have been sent by Providence to fulfill important
roles in world history. They had no regard for human life and no remorse in
sacrificing the lives of millions to fulfill their megalomaniacal obsessions.
There were, of course, many differences between the two dictators. For one
thing, Mussolini was very much a ladies’ man who cheated on his wife on
numerous occasions. Hitler, on the other hand, was too fanatically devoted to
his own mission as leader of the National Socialist revolution to develop any
acceptable emotional life. Mussolini was less ideologically driven than Hitler.
Despite his background as a socialist, Mussolini was less radical than Hitler.
Fascism as it developed under “Il Duce” was generally a reactionary ideology
used by conservative forces to counter the growing threat of anarchism and
communism. National Socialism, on the other hand, envisaged a complete
transformation of society along racial lines. This reflected Hitler’s
monomaniacal obsession with race, an obsession not shared by Mussolini.