File 6645d60da5c20
File 6645d60da5c20
File 6645d60da5c20
Well-implemented safety measures keep employees safe and also protect industrial equipment. It is the
responsibility and duty of employers to protect their employees and keep them safe.
A safe work environment is essential for both employees and employers alike. It is the right of all employees to
have safety in the workplace.
It is not possible to measure the effects of human casualties. They can have grave consequences for
employees and their families and friends as well.
This is why workplace safety and health measures are necessary. They are essential for the well-being of
employers and employees alike. The feeling of assurance that one has, knowing that he will return safely from
work, is more significant than anything else.
Every business has safety risks that could impact employees if not managed efficiently. These types
of safety risks fall under the term occupational safety.
Occupational safety deals with all aspects of physical, mental and social health and safety in a
workplace. It is the umbrella for company’s efforts to prevent injuries and hazards in all work
Every industry presents various kinds of safety hazards to its employees. The spectrum of possible
occupational safety risks ranges from severe and immediate physical dangers to milder hazards. The more
immediate cases can be fires, explosions, chemical hazards or other such dangers that present an immediate
threat to an employee’s life. Milder hazards include challenges in ergonomics, workloads, mental capacity and
general well-being of employees. The latter kinds of risks often take place in an office environment. However,
whatever business you are in, there is always the possibility of an accident happening to someone.
Benefits of a Safe and Healthy Work Environment --\--- Work-related injuries, illnesses and
deaths are costly to everyone. A safe and healthy work environment pays, in more ways than one.
For Workers -- Work injuries and illnesses can affect every aspect of life for workers and their families.
Pain and suffering, \\ Loss of income and financial well-being, \\ Stress on relationships,
Loss of job or career, \\ Health-care costs beyond what is covered by insurance.
Workers may also suffer from low self-esteem, loss of independence, mental health problems, other medical
problems, and damaged relationships.
For Employers A safe and healthy workplace not only protects workers from injury and illness, it can
also lower injury/illness costs, reduce absenteeism and turnover, increase productivity and quality, and raise
employee morale. In other words, safety is good for business. Plus, protecting workers is the right thing to do.
Workplaces with successful safety and health management systems reduce injury and illness costs 20-40%,
according to OSHA.. For a small business, one injury can mean financial disaster. Costs to a business
include: 1. Production losses 2. Wages for work not performed 3. Increased workers' compensation
insurance costs 4. Damage to equipment or machinery 5. Hiring and/or training new employees 6.
Decline in product quality and worker morale 7. Decline in worker morale 8.High turnover and lost work time
The cost of workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths is much greater than the cost of workers' compensation
insurance alone. Insurance is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these costs.
Safety Pays for Everyone
The cost of injury prevention is far less than the cost of an injury. A safe and healthy workplace attracts and
retains quality employees. It's an asset to a community, operates more efficiently and enjoys a healthy bottom
line. The business and the workers thrive in a safe, healthy, respectful and caring environment.
1.3 Ways to Create a Safe Working Environment. . 1;.Being Aware and Identifying workplace
Hazards --- This is the first step to create a safe working environment. Employers need to identify workplace
hazards and safety issues first. Then they must take measures to address them accordingly. Workplace safety
hazards can include mechanical issues, dangerous chemicals, hazardous electrical equipment, etc. \\
Mechanical problems can occur at any time while operating machinery in the workplace. Also, working
with heavy equipment is very risky and can cause accidents. \\\ If employees need to work with
chemicals, they have to be very cautious. Dangerous chemicals can burn or poison employees.
Inhaling or ingesting them can even cause death.
Also, working with electronic equipment can have risks as well. Faulty electrical equipment can electrocute
employees, causing severe problems.
Employees should be aware of the types of equipment and know the hazards in their workplace. This enables
them to stay clear of such dangers and unfortunate situations. Also, employers should train employees in the
proper operation of machinery and equipment.
2.Implementing Workplace Safety Programs--\--The first step in building a safety program is to get
all employees to commit to workplace safety. One way to do this is to include workplace safety in the company’s
mission statement. It should be the duty of every employee to carry out the safety policies.
Employers should investigate all accidents in the workplace. They should encourage employees to follow all
safety procedures. \\ Moreover, employers should clearly state the hazards of not following them in
writing. This reduces the chances of mistakes.
3.Providing Proper Safety Training to Employees. --- Training is an important part of every
company’s safety program to protect employees from accidents. Research shows that new employees have a
higher risk of workplace accidents. It is the lack of knowledge of workplace hazards and proper work techniques
that cause this greater risk.
Employers should provide employees with the necessary training to reduce workplace accidents. Employees
should operate all equipment and machinery safely and adequately.
For instance, employers should adequately teach the operation of heavy machinery to employees. Only trained
or certified employees should operate such types of equipment. This is why it is essential to provide safety
training to employees by experts.
4.Using Protective Safety Equipment --\--The usage of equipment worn to minimize exposure to
hazards that cause workplace injuries is significant. Not doing so can cause injury or even death.
Employees may have to work with chemicals, machines, electronics, and other potential work hazards.
Employers must provide such employees with personal protective equipment (P.P.E.).
P.P.E. should be safely designed, constructed, and fit comfortably. Examples of P.P.E. are gloves, protective
eyewear, clothing, earplugs, hard hats, etc.
5.Reporting Unsafe Working Conditions ---\-- Employees must inform any safety hazards or work
risks to the management. Employers are legally obligated to ensure safe working environments for their
employees. They must end workplace safety hazards and promote safety in the workplace.
6.Practicing Correct Posture ---\--- Bad posture is one of the main reasons for back pain. It is imperative
to practice good and correct posture to reduce the risk of getting hurt.
For example, if you have to sit for long hours, use specially designed chairs. Also, always sit upright.
7. Reducing Workplace Stress --\-- Workplace stress can cause many health problems like anxiety,
depression, etc. \ Job insecurity, workplace bullying, high workload, etc., cause workplace stress.
Learn how to combat workplace stress and avoid its adverse effects. Workplace stress can have drastic effects
on workplace productivity and employee health.
8. Promoting Regular Breaks ---\-- Employers should encourage employees to take regular breaks.
Taking frequent breaks will prevent tiredness and fatigue. This will further prevent injuries or illnesses. Breaks
help employees stay fresh and focused.
9. Staying Sober and Alert --\-- One of the major reasons for workplace fatalities is substance
abuse. Substance abuse causes around 40% of all industrial workplace fatalities.
Individuals under the influence of alcohol or drugs are less alert. Their decision-making ability, coordination,
concentration, and motor control get compromised. This creates risks for workplace injury and fatalities.
10. Easy Access to Exits in Case of Emergencies --\-- If there is an emergency, it is important to
have easy access to emergency exits. Easy access to emergency exits will reduce injuries and casualties.
Also, it is important to have quick ways to shut down equipment in case of emergencies.
11.Using Mechanical Aids --\-- An industrial job may need employees to work with heavy equipment.
There are many injury risks involved in trying to lift and move heavy objects. Employees can use a conveyor
belt, forklift, or wheelbarrow instead of lifting manually.
OSHA Norms
As per ‘the occupational safety, health and working conditions code, 2020’ Govt. of India:
(i) Every employer shall,— (a) ensure that workplace is free from hazards which cause or are likely to
cause injury or occupational disease to the employees;
(b) comply with the occupational safety and health standards declared under section 18 or the rules,
regulations, bye-laws or orders made under this Code;
(c) provide such annual health examination or test free of costs to such employees of such age or such class
of employees of establishments or such class of establishments, as may be prescribed by the appropriate
(d) provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without
risk to the health of the employees;
(e) ensure the disposal of hazardous and toxic waste including disposal of e-waste;
(f) issue a letter of appointment to every employee on his appointment in the establishment, with such
information and in such form as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government and where an employee
has not been issued such appointment letter on or before the commencement of this Code, he shall, within
three months of such commencement, be issued such appointment letter;
(g) ensure that no charge is levied on any employee, in respect of anything done or provided for maintenance
of safety and health at workplace including conduct of medical examination and investigation for the purpose
of detecting occupational diseases;
(h) relating to factory, mine, dock work, building or other construction work or plantation, ensure and be
responsible for the safety and health of employees, workers and other persons who are on the work premises
of the employer, with or without his knowledge, as the case may be.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (1), the duties of an employer shall
particularly in respect of factory, mines, dock, building or other construction work or plantation include—
(a) the provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work in the workplace that are safe and without
risk to health;
(b) the arrangements in the workplace for ensuring safety and absence of risk to health in connection with
the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
(c) the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as are necessary to ensure the
health and safety of all employees at work;
(d) the maintenance of all places of work in the workplace in a condition that is safe and without risk to health
and the provision and maintenance of such means of access to, and egress from, such places as are safe
and without such risk;
(e) the provision, maintenance or monitoring of such working environment in the workplace for the
employees that is safe, without risk to health as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work.
Every employee at workplace shall,— (a) take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of
other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at the workplace; with the safety and
(c) co-operate with the employer in meeting the statutory obligations of the employer under this Code;
(d) if any situation which is unsafe or unhealthy comes to his attention, as soon as practicable, report such
situation to his employer or to the health and safety representative and in case of mine, agent or manager
referred to in section 67, safety officers or an official for his workplace or section thereof, as the case may
be, who shall report it to the employer in the manner as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government;
(e) not wilfully interfere with or misuse or neglect any appliance, convenience or other thing provided at
workplace for the purpose of securing the health, safety and welfare of workers;
(f) not do, wilfully and without reasonable cause, anything, likely to endanger himself or others; and
(g) perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government.
(1) Every employee in an establishment shall have the right to obtain from the employer information relating
to employee's health and safety at work and represent to the employer directly or through a member of the
Safety Committee as constituted under section 22, if constituted by the employer for such purpose, regarding
inadequate provision for protection of his safety or health in connection with the work activity in the workplace,
and if not satisfied, to the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.
(2) Where the employee referred to in sub-section (1) in any workplace has reasonable apprehension that
there is a likelihood of imminent serious personal injury or death or imminent danger to health, he may bring
the same to the notice of his employer directly or through a member of the Safety Committee referred to in
sub-section (1) and simultaneously bring the same to the notice of the Inspector-cum-Facilitator.
(3) The employer or any employee referred to in sub-section (1) shall take immediate remedial action if he
is satisfied about the existence of such imminent danger and send a report forthwith of the action taken to the
Inspector-cum-Facilitator in such manner as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government.
(4) If the employer referred to in sub-section (3) is not satisfied about the existence of any imminent danger
as apprehended by his employees, he shall, nevertheless, refer the matter forthwith to the Inspector-cum-
Facilitator whose decision on the question of the existence of such imminent danger shall be final.
(1) The employer shall be responsible to maintain in his establishment such health, safety and working
conditions for the employees as may be prescribed by the Central Government.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the power conferred under sub-section (1), the Central Government
may prescribe for providing all or any of the following matters in the establishment or class of establishments,
namely:— (i) cleanliness and hygiene;
(iii) environment free from dust, noxious gas, fumes and other impurities;
(iv) adequate standard of humidification, artificially increasing the humidity of the air, ventilation and cooling
of the air in work rooms;
(vi) adequate standards to prevent overcrowding and to provide sufficient space to employees or other
persons, as the case may be, employed therein;
(viii) sufficient arrangement for latrine and urinal accommodation to male, female and transgender employee
separately and maintaining hygiene therein;
(x) any other arrangement which the Central Government considers appropriate.
A hazard is anything that can possibly cause danger or harm to equipment , personnel . property . or the
environment . It is a circumstance that has the potential , under the right conditions , to become a loss . Risk
involves the probability that an incident will occur or the chance of occurrence . The higher the risk ( including
probability and cost of loss ) , the more important it becomes to find and mitigate the hazard .
An " accident " is a dynamic occurrence caused by the activation of a hazard and consists of a number of
interrelated events resulting in a loss . It can cause the injury or death of individuals as well as property
damage to equipment and hardware . A related term that is sometimes used to refer to accidents but is
actually a different kind of event is an incident . An " incident " is also an unplanned event but may or may not
have an adverse effect . An incident may simply be an occurrence with no losses . These are sometimes
referred to as " near misses .
System safety can be defined as an optimum degree of safety , established within the constraints of
operational effectiveness , time , and cost achievable throughout all phases of the system life cycle " . The
system - safety concept deals with the before - the - fact identification of hazards as opposed to the after - the
fact approach used for years .
System Life Cycle --\--The system life cycle consists of six phases : concept , definition , development
, production . deployment , and disposition . At the end of each phase , a safety review is conducted . A
decision is then made whether to continue the project or place it on hold , pending further examination .
During the concept phase , historical data and technical forecasts are developed as a base for a system
hazard analysis . A Preliminary Hazard Analysis ( PHA ) is conducted during this phase . At the gross level ,
a Risk Analysis ( RA ) is performed to ascertain the need for hazard control and to develop system - safety
criteria . Safety management will be doing the initial work on the System Safety Program Plan ( SSPP ) .
Three basic questions must be answered by the time the concept phase is completed :
Have the hazards associated with the design concept been discovered and evaluated to establish hazard
controls ? . ---\-- Have risk analyses been initiated to establish the means for hazard control ? ---\--- Are
initial safety design requirements established for the concept so that the next phase of system definition can
be initiated ? " --\-- ranie : Safety System Cycle
The definition phase is used to verify the preliminary design and product engineering . Reports presented
at design review meetings typically discuss the technological risks , costs , human engineering , operational
and maintenance suitability , and safety aspects . In addition subsystems . assemblies , and subassemblies
of the system are defined at this time . The PHA is updated and a Subsystem Hazard Analysis ( SSHA ) is
initiated so it can later be integrated into the System Hazard Analysis ( SHA ) . Safety analysis techniques are
used during this phase to identify safety equipment , specification of safety design requirements , initial devel-
opment of safety test plans and requirements , and prototype testing to verify the type of design selected .
Environmental impact , integrated logistics support , producible engineering , and operational use studies
are done during the development phase . The SSHA and safety design criteria are also completed during this
phase . Interfaces with other engineering disciplines within the organization are fostered . Using the data
collected , a go / no - go decision can be made before production begins .--\-- The production phase of the
system life cycle involves close monitoring by the safety department . In addition , the quality - control
department becomes important because of its focus on inspection and testing of the new product . Training
begins during this phase . Updating of the analyses started during the definition and development phases
continues . Finally , all the information collected during this phase is compiled into the System Safety
Engineering Report ( SSER ) . The SSER identifies and documents the hazards of the final product or system
. --\--When the system becomes operational , it is in the deployment phase . Data continues to be collected
and training is conducted . If any problems occur , individuals responsible for system safety must be available
to follow up and decide on possible solutions . The system safety group in the organization also reviews any
design changes made on the system or product.
A sixth phase of the system life cycle , the disposition or termination phase , is the time that a product or
system is removed from service . In certain cases , the removal of a product may in itself create a hazardous
situation . A good example is asbestos removal from a building or light transformer replacement due to PCBs
Safety professionals monitor these situations so both the worker and the public are protected .
Malasky defines " system safety management " as " that element of program management which ensures
the accomplishment of the system safety tasks , including identification of system safety requirements ;
planning , organizing , and controlling those efforts which are directed toward achieving the safety goals ;
coordinating with other ( system ) program elements , and analyzing , reviewing , and evaluating the program
to ensure effective and timely realization of the system safety objectives
Elements of a System - Safety Program Plan ( SSPP ) --\- 1.System safety program Plan ( SSPP ) must
specify the four elements of an effective system safety program : 2. A planned approach for task
accomplishment . 3.Qualified people to accomplish the tasks .4. Authority to implement the tasks through all
levels of management 5. Appropriate resources for manning and funding to ensure that tasks are completed
. To accomplish these objectives , the SSPP should describe : 1.The safety organization 2 . System
safety program milestones .3. General system safety requirements and criteria ..4.Hazard analysis
techniques and formats . 5.System safety data .6. Safety verification.7. Audit programs.8. Training
requirements.9. Mishap and hazardous malfunction analysis and reporting .10. System safety interfaces .
Tools and Techniques --\- In item four of the SSPP , a company must identify the types of techniques
used in analyzing and evaluating system hazards . The following section will discuss some of the tools
commonly used by the safety practitioner .
Preliminary Hazard Analysis A PHA is the initial effort in identifying hazards which singly or in combination
could cause an accident or undesired event . PHA is a system - safety analysis tool used to identify hazard
sources , conditions , and potential accidents ( Roland and Moriarty . 1990 ) . At the same time , PHA
establishes the initial design and procedural safety requirements to eliminate or control these identified
harardous conditions . A PILA is performed in the early stages of the conceptual cycle of system
development . It can be performed by engineers , contractors , production line supervisors , or safety
professionals . Management must always first look at any risk involved in the operation of the system.
After identifying hazards and their resultant adverse effects , the analyst will rate cach according to the
Hazard Classification class , which could be one of four categories : • Class 1 Catastrophic : A condition ( s )
that will cause equipment loss and / or death or multiple injuries to personnel --\- Class II Critical : A
condition ( s ) that will cause severe injury to personnel and major damage to equipment , or will result in a
hazard requiring immediate corrective action --\-- Class III Marginal : A condition ( s ) that may cause minor
injury to personnel and minor damage to equipment --\-- Class IV Negligible : A condition ( s ) that will not
result in injury to personnel , and will not result in any equipment damage . --\-- Roland and Moriarty ( 1990 )
show how to develop a Hazard Assessment Matrix to determine a Hazard Risk Index using frequency of
occurrence and hazard category.
Hazard Analysis Techniques --The role of the safety professional is to anticipate , identify , and evaluate
hazards ; give advice on the avoidance , elimination , or control of hazards ; and attain a state for which the
risks are judged to be acceptable . To achieve this , they adopt a system - safety concept that includes :
01. an understanding of the hazard --2. An understand of the risk.--\ 3 An understand of unwanted
releases of energy and unwanted releases of hazards materials being the causal factors for hazard related
incidents , and --04. • a knowledge of the principles and techniques used to control hazards and reduce their
associated risks to an acceptable level ( Manuele , 1993 ) .
A hazard analysis is used to identify any dangers that might be present in a proposed operation , the types
and degrees of accidents that might result from the hazards , and the measures that can be taken to avoid or
minimize accidents or their consequences ( Hammer , 1989 ) . The SHA is primarily performed during the
definition and development phases of the system life cycle ( Roland and Moriarty , 1990 ) . However , it
should be continuously implemented throughout the life cycle of a system , project , program , and activity to
identify and control hazards . The purpose of performing an analysis during the early stages of the life cycle is
to reduce costs . If the analysis is done after the system is in operation , the system may need to be
redesigned and consequently withdrawn from service . In addition , if the system is close to the end of its life
cycle , it might not be cost - effective to change it ( Brauer , 1990 ) . --\-
A hazard analysis should contain the following information : Descriptive information ---System mode
---\--Subsystem mode of subsystem of hazard origin -\---Hazard description --\-- Hazard effects --\--Likelihood
or relative likelihood of each hazard ……-\-Causation events of each hazard --\-- Identification of events
precisely as to subsystem mode , system mode , and environmental constraints.--\- • Subsystem interface
problems of special significance --/-- Identification of subsystem involved -Identification of system and
subsystem modes -System risk evaluation -Severity listing of each hazard -Likelihood of each hazard -.--\--
• Risk summary -Listing risks of each hazard and for the system as a function of system modes --\---A
logical evaluation of acceptability of system risk.s--\\-- Recommendations as to system risk control .
Technic of Operations Review ( TOR ) In 1987 , D. A. Weaver developed the Technic of Operations
Review ( TOR ) ( Ferry , 1988 ) . It was designed to uncover management oversights and omissions instead
of hardware or operator problems . The four steps of a TOR analysis are state , trace , eliminate , and seek .
. During the state portion of the analysis , detailed information about the hazard is gathered . If the hazard
is discovered as the result of an accident , a summary of the mishap report is reviewed . The trace portion
uses a sheet displaying possible operational errors under eight categories : • Training includes all errors
related to inadequate preparation of the employee . • Responsibility considers errors in the organizational
requirements which may have contributed to the hazard . Decision and direction looks at the lack of or
inadequacy in the decision - making process which causes errors in the performance of the product or
employee . Supervision refers to errors due to problems with the direction of employee work . Work
groups problems can be traced to the interpersonal relationships within the group . Control deals with
errors related to inadequate safety precautions Personal traits can be traced to the individual's personality
and how it affects the individual's job performance . Management can be traced to poor managerial control
. These factors are then discussed by the group . Those found to have contributed to the accident can
be further broken down until all the causative factors have been identified . \\ When the trace portion of
the analysis is finished , the " eliminate " step begins . Sometimes the trace step can identify a large number
of contributing factors , a number often overwhelming to the group evaluating the hazard . Therefore , the
eliminate step is used to discuss each contributing factor and evaluate its merit to the process . \\ The
final step , " seek , " looks for possible actions that need to be taken to correct the problem These solutions
should then be implemented .
SAFETY MANAGEMENT FUNCTION Safety , like many other management activities , consists
of planning , organizing , controlling . directing , and possibly staffing . ( 1 ) Planning " A job well planned
is a job well done . " " A job well planned is a job half finished . " These axioms have been repeated for
decades , and they hold some truth . A well - planned operation involves a series of deliberate steps . First ,
the safety practitioner must forecast the needs of the safety department for the coming year . This involves
reviewing the records of successes and failures as well as all the resources used in the past . It also means
anticipating the obstacles that may be encountered during the coming planning period . This forecasting of
coming needs or predicting when they will occur is a result of looking at the past and studying the future . .
.\\ Once forecasts are made , the practitioner must anticipate resources needed to meet those needs
and make requests accordingly . This is part of a proactive as opposed to a reactive approach to safety . The
practitioner does not wait for incidents to occur , but rather anticipates and plans to deal with problems
beforehand . ( 2 ) Organizing Unlike most management activities , safety usually operates from a purely
staff position . The implications of this pervade safety and affect the way it operates in the organization . To
understand the management of safety , an understanding of line and staff positions is essential . \\
Line positions are charged with carrying out the major function or functions of the organization . First - line
supervisors , plant managers , and even company presidents are considered line officers within an
organization . Staff positions , on the other hand , are charged with supporting or helping the line positions .
Typically , staff positions have no real authority over line activities : staff members only assist and advise the
line officers . \\ Safety managers , safety engineers , safety professionals , and safety technicians are
nearly always considered staff personnel and nearly always operate from a staff position . A safety manager's
job is to monitor safety , compare what they find against existing standards , and advise line management as
to any corrective actions that need to be taken from a safety standpoint . \\ All members of the
organization must buy into safety to establish a safety culture . This only happens with support and continual
input from top management . The safety professional acts as a resource or guide in helping the team
establish itself . Management of safety becomes a responsibility of the leader of the work group and the
individual members . ( 3 ) Controlling Controlling occurs through a number of sub - functions . It involves
looking at what is happening in the organization by monitoring or comparing the results of the observations to
established standards , and taking appropriate corrective actions . This occurs through inspections . audits ,
records reviews , interviews with employees and supervisors , and a careful watch on what is happening in
the organization . The results of monitoring are compared to results from previous years , existing safety
regulations , and published or internally developed standards . Any deficiencies are noted and plans are
made for correction . Before drastic changes occur . management approval and support are sought . \\
The safety practitioner soon learns requests for change typically cost money , time , or other resources . In
addition , these requests are competing with those from production , marketing , and other branches of the
organization whose managers believe they can best utilize the company's resources . The management team
will consider the safety request , weigh it against those from the rest of the organization , and respond
accordingly . Management support for safety is a result of its perception of how well safety supports the
organization . \\ Allegedly , the major tool used by professionals to monitor the state of safety in the
organization has been the audit . Audit is a term loosely used by professional and semi - professional safety
practitioners . It can mean anything from a cursory inspection of hand tools by shop personnel to a complete
review of the safety program by the safety staff and numerous collaborating personnel . In reality , the audit is
a tool that permits the assignment of a quantitative or numerical value to some aspect of the safety program .
It is used to determine where that program is relative to where it ought to be . ( 4 ) Directing The safety
practitioner does not actively direct or lead in the organization , unless he has a staff or allocated resources .
This job belongs primarily to line management . Ideally , the safety practitioner is given adequate resources ,
including a safety budget , to help line management accomplish its objectives . A typical safety budget would
be 2 to 3 percent of sales volume . Safety personnel operating from a staff position will only be successful
with support , including financial support , from line management. ( 5 ) Staffing Staffing is an issue
organizations should embrace . The opportunity to hire productive , creative people is also conducive to the
growth and advancement of the whole organization . In addition , the safety practitioner should be aware the
process contains pitfalls . If a job requires strength and endurance , the safety practitioner should ensure the
company has a clear , written job description . Applicants are only hired contingent on their ability to meet all
predetermined physical requirements . A careful review of all affirmative action regulations is necessary to
ensure company screening procedures are in compliance with the acts . ( 6 ) Communications The
ability to communicate effectively is critical to the success of safety practitioners . They must be able to speak
in terms that management understands . This requires knowledge of accounting , economics , and modern
production and quality theory . Strong human relations skills and related language ability are important to any
successful safety effort . The safety practitioner will be working with top management and frontline workers .
An effective safety professional needs to have the personality and ability to relate to both groups . \\ The
typical safety practitioner spends significant time in front of groups , often in training activities . Public
speaking skills can be useful in these situations . Thoughts need to be well organized and the presentation
should always be polished . This requires preparation and practice . Safety professionals who are not
properly prepared in public speaking may join professional groups or may take courses to help them prepare
. ( 7 ) Evaluation of the System Since the safety practitioner is operating from a staff position , any
success is a result of his ability to enlist the support of line personnel . This comes about as a result of being
well integrated into the organizational structure and culture , and is also a result of being able to enlist the
support and cooperation of the line managers . Obviously , to accomplish this , two things are needed . First ,
top management must have already endorsed safety as being important to the organization , and it must
have already given safety an appropriate level of support . This occurs because management perceives that
safety is a worthwhile and contributing entity within the organization and that its activities are cost - effective .
. \\ Support comes not only in terms of resources , but also in terms of commitment to holding all members
of the management team responsible and accountable for safety within their own operations . Each and every
manager is responsible , not just for production , but for safe production . \\ Second , the safety manager
must be perceived as an integral part of the management team . Line managers can call on the safety
manager for advice and help in making their own operations safer . The safety manager's guidance will help
them to create and maintain a safe workplace for their employees . Line managers can make proposals and
compete for the safety staff's time and budget to help them ; but , ultimately , the responsibility and
accountability for safety rest on their shoulders.
2. Environmental exposure. The employee can be anywhere in relation to the hazard. Environmental hazards
could affect one employee or everyone within a facility.
The first step in the process is to identify hazardous conditions, unsafe behaviors, and system weaknesses
that might result in accidents. The safety inspection process and observation are two effective hazard
identification tools.
Step 2: Analyzing Hazards -- Once hazards are identified, we need to analyze them. To make sure the
analysis process is successful, it's important to assume all hazards can be prevented, eliminated, reduced, or
controlled. The Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is an excellent tool for analyzing the hazards inherent in specific
Step 3: Controlling Hazards -- Once hazards are identified, it's important analyze and control them using a
systematic strategy. It's important to assume that all hazards can be prevented, eliminated, reduced, or
controlled. A systematic strategy, called the "Hierarchy of Controls," is an effective approach for keeping the
workplace safe and protecting workers.
Identifying Hazards -- To help identify hazards, we can group them into three categories:
1. Physical hazards: This first category includes: materials, tools, equipment, machinery, and the physical
environment. Each of these represent hazardous physical conditions. It may seem counterintuitive, but
physical hazards actually account for the fewest number of workplace accidents.
Physical Hazards:
Materials: Hazardous materials include hazardous:
Liquid and solid chemicals such as acids, bases, solvents, explosives, etc.
Solids like metal, wood, plastics.
Gases like hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc.
Tools,Equipment and Machinery:This area includes machinery and tools used to produce or process goods.
Examples include:
Equipment may not be properly guarded or maintained.
Tools may be defective or not used for the intended purpose.
Environment: This area includes facility design, hazardous atmospheres, temperature, noise, factors
that cause stress and contribute to an unsafe environment.
Examples include:
Areas in workplace may be too hot, cold, dusty, dirty, messy, wet, etc.
The facility may be too noisy, or contain dangerous gases, vapors, liquids, or fumes.
Facility and workstation design may not suitable.
The workplace psychosocial climate may be causing stress, hurry, or illness.
2. Behavioral hazards: This second category describes unsafe employee behaviors and practices in the
workplace. Unsafe behaviors and practices account for most workplace accidents.
Behavioral Hazards:
Personal actions and performance: This area includes unsafe employee behaviors at all levels in the
organization. Examples include:
Employees may be taking short cuts, not using personal protective equipment, and otherwise ignoring safety
rules. --\\-- Employees may not be using tools, equipment, machinery, or vehicles properly.
Supervisors may be telling their employees to take shortcuts to ensure the work schedule is met.
Managers may act in a coercive manner towards their supervisors.
3. Systemic hazards: The last category includes weaknesses in the safety management system structure,
design, and performance. System weaknesses contribute to the unique hazardous physical conditions and
unsafe personal behaviors and are ultimately responsible for most injuries and illnesses in the workplace.
Systemic Hazards:
System structure, design, and performance: Every company has, to some degree, a safety and health
management system (SHMS). System weaknesses represent the root causes of accidents.
A safety manager, officer, or coordinator has not been hired.
A functioning safety committee does not exist.
Written preventive/corrective maintenance programs are not developed.
Employees have not been trained on their safety responsibilities.
Two common methods are used to identify hazards in the workplace: safety inspections and observations.
Both of these methods should be accomplished regularly. The frequency of inspections and observations
should be based on the nature of the hazards in the workplace.
1. Safety Inspection
To identify hazards in the workplace, the most common strategy is the walk-around inspection. Here are some
important points about safety inspections:
Most companies conduct safety inspections in compliance with OSHA rule requirements. Safety
inspections may be effective, but only if the people conducting the inspection are properly educated and
trained in hazard identification and control concepts and principles specific to the company. In high hazard
industries which see change on a daily basis, it takes more than an occasional inspection to keep the
workplace safe from hazards.
In world-class safety cultures, supervisors as well as all employees, inspect their areas of responsibility
as often as the hazards of the materials, equipment, tools, environment, and tasks demand.
Employees should inspect the materials, equipment, and tools they use, and their immediate workstation
for hazardous conditions at the start of each workday. They should inspect equipment such as forklifts,
trucks, and other vehicles before using them at the start of each shift. Again, it's better to inspect closely and
2. Observation -- To overcome the weakness inherent in the safety inspection process, a safety
observation program is used because it focuses primarily on employee behaviors, not physical hazards. The
Safety Observation Program can help prevent injuries and illnesses by observing employees on the job.
There are two types of observation programs: formal and informal:
(a) Formal observation programs include written plans that detail the observation process, participant
responsibilities, tracking, reporting, and results.
(b) Informal observation programs do not include written plans. Usually safety committees and supervisors
conduct random walk-around observations, and use the information to correct unsafe behaviors, as well as
physical hazards.
A trained team of observers will make observations of employees at work more effective and consistent.
The observations should note the date and time, location, employee being observed, and results of the
Observers have the following responsibilities:
attend observation program training;
participate in targeted observations as assigned;
partner with other observers to share experience and findings;
coach new observers when they conduct initial observations;
complete the required number of observations;
observes employees performing various jobs;
coach and correct unsafe behaviors on the spot;
provide specific positive feedback on behaviors to employees working safely; and
review observation results to recommend program improvements and to plan future observations.
Behaviors to observe include:
PPE – Is the worker properly using PPE?
Respiratory Protection – Is the worker properly using respirators as required?
Ladder Safety – Is the worker using ladders safely using three-point control procedure?
Forklift Operation – Is the worker correctly using forklift and other powered industrial trucks (PITs)?
Scaffolding – Is the scaffold properly installed and is the worker working safely on the scaffold?
Housekeeping – Is the worker keeping the workstation clean and not creating trip hazards?
Proper Tool for the Job – Is the worker using a tool that is proper for the job and using the tool safely?
Ergonomics – Is the worker using proper postures, lifting techniques, and positioning, and is the workstation
properly designed for the job?
Improper LO/TO – Is the worker working on a hazardous energy source following proper LO/TO procedures?
Other/Comments – Is the worker generally behaving in a safe manner (not hurried, or engaged in
Step 2: Analyzing Hazards and Exposure
The process of analysis can be defined as "A systematic examination and evaluation of data or information,
by breaking it into its component parts to uncover their interrelationships." In the workplace, the process of
analysis breaks down job procedures, incidents, and accidents to determine component parts and causes.
Two common methods are used to analyze hazards and exposure: The Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and
incident/accident investigation.
Pressure Hazards
Pressure hazards exist within pressure systems due to the stored energy of the compressed gas and the
chemical nature of that gas.
Measurement of pressure hazards
Several methods of detecting pressure hazards:
Sounds can be used to signal a pressurized gas leak. Gas discharge may be indicated by a whistling
Workers should not use fingers to probe for gas leaks. Cloth streamers may be tied to the gas vessel to
indicate leaks.
Soap solutions may be smeared over the vessel surface so that bubbles are formed when gas escapes.
A stream of bubbles indicates gas release.
Scents may be added to gases that do not naturally have an odor—such as natural gas.
Leak detectors that measure pressure, current flow, or radioactivity may be useful for some types of
Corrosion may be the long-term effect of escaping gases.
Common causes of gas leaks:
Contamination by dirt can prevent the proper closing of gas valves, threads, gaskets, and other closures.
Over-pressurization can overstress the gas vessel.
The container closure may distort and separate from gaskets, leading to cracking.
Excessive temperatures applied to dissimilar metals that are joined may cause unequal thermal
expansion, loosening the metal-to-metal joint.
Materials may crack because of excessive cold.
Operator errors may lead to hazardous gas release.
Reduction of Pressure Hazards
Pressurized vessels should be stored in locations away from cold or heat sources, including the sun.
Cryogenic compounds may boil and burst the container when not kept at the proper temperatures.
Hoses should be firmly clamped at the ends when pressurized whipping action of pressurized flexible
hoses can be dangerous.
Gas compression can occur in sealed containers exposed to heat.
Aerosol cans may explode violently when exposed to heat.
Pressure should be released before working on equipment check gauges before any work begins.
Water hammer is a shock effect caused by liquid flow suddenly stopping & produces loud noises. The
momentum of the liquid is conducted back upstream in a shock wave and may damage pipe fittings & valves
in a shock wave, and may damage pipe fittings & valves. Reduction of this hazard involves using air
chambers in the system and avoiding the use of quick-closing valves.
Fire Hazards
Fire hazards are workplace hazards that involve the presence of flame or the risk of an uncontrolled fire and
thereby endanger life.
Fire hazards include:
Live flames \\ Sparks \\ Hot objects \ Flammable chemicals
Chemicals that can aggravate a fire.
Another category of fire hazard are situations and events that impede fire protection and prevention methods.
This can include impediments to firefighting, compromised built-in fire safety systems, and situations that
restrict the escape of people from an affected building or area in the event of a fire.
OSHA requires workers to train all employees to recognize fire hazards, use fire extinguishing equipment
and systems in a safe and effective manner, and how to evacuate safely in the event that a fire cannot be
Every workplace that has potential fire hazards must be equipped with a sufficient number of conveniently
located and easily accessible fire exits.
The following fire hazards are found in various workplaces:
Open flames used in various applications (such as welding)
Electric wires, higher loads, loose connections, and old electrical equipment
All cooking and heat generating appliances
Smoking and the use of personal lighters or matches
Improper or unauthorized storage of flammable and hazardous materials and chemicals
Insufficient capacity and numbers of emergency exits and stairs
Hindrance to sight or reach firefighting equipment, markings, and alarm systems
Insufficient numbers and types of fire extinguishers
Absence of fire detection and alarm system
Violation of building and fire codes
Electrical Hazards
An Electrical Hazard can be defined as a serious workplace hazard that exposes workers to burns
electrocution, shock, arc flash / arc blast, fire, or explosions.
Common electrical hazards in the workplace and electrical safety tips to mitigate these risks are:
1. Overhead Power Lines
Overhead powered and energized electrical lines have high voltages which can cause major burns and
electrocution to workers. A minimum distance of 10 feet from overhead power lines and nearby equipmen
should be maintained. Site surveys should be conducted to ensure that nothing is stored under overhead
power lines. Also, safety barriers and signs must be installed to warn nearby non-electrical workers of the
hazards present in the area.
2. Damaged Tools and Equipment
Exposure to damaged electrical tools and equipment can be very dangerous. Anything should not be fixed
unless anyone is qualified to do so. Cracks, cuts, or abrasions on cables, wires, and cords should be thoroughly
checked. In case of any defects, that should be repaired or replaced. Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO
procedures should be performed at all times before commencing electrical maintenance and repairs. LOTO
procedures are there to protect all workers on a worksite.
3. Inadequate Wiring and Overloaded Circuits
Using wires of inappropriate size for the current can cause overheating and fires to occur. The correct wire
suitable for the operation and the electrical load to work on should be used. The correct extension cord
designed for heavy-duty use should be used. Also, an outlet should not be overloaded and proper circuit
breakers should be used. Regular fire risk assessments should be perform to identify areas at risk of bad
wiring and circuits.
4. Wet Conditions
Electrical equipment should never be operated in wet locations. Water greatly increases the risk of
electrocution especially if the equipment has damaged insulation.
5. Exposed Electrical Parts
Examples of exposed electrical parts include temporary lighting, open power distribution units, and detached
insulation parts on electrical cords. These hazards can cause potential shocks and burns. These items
should be secured with proper guarding mechanisms and exposed parts should be checked to be repaired
6. Improper Grounding
The most common OSHA electrical violation is the improper grounding of equipment. Proper grounding can
eliminate unwanted voltage and reduce the risk of electrocution. The metallic ground pin should never be
removed as it is responsible for returning unwanted voltage to the ground.
7. Damaged Insulation
Defective or inadequate insulation is a hazard. One should be aware of damaged insulation and report it
immediately. All power sources should be turned off before replacing damaged insulation and attempt should
never be made to cover them with electrical tape.
Causes of Electrical Hazards:
Faulty or damage wiring or equipment.
Loose connections.
Use of poor quality fittings.
Lack of earthing/bonding and grounding.
Use of overrated fuse or jumper.
Working on live equipment.
Overloading of power sockets and equipment.
Poor housekeeping.
Handling of electrical equipment with an incompetent person and lack of training awareness.
Lack of safe working procedure and communication.
Failure to use appropriate PPE and use.
Lack of warning signs.
Electrical Safety Control Measures:
A competent and experienced person shall be allowed to do electrical jobs.
Don’t work on live equipment, isolation and multi lock system shall be followed.
Don’t hang cloth or any material on electrical equipment.
Handling of electrical equipment or switchgear shall not be done with wet hand or body.
Electrical switches or access to them shall not block by any material.
Use appropriate PPE while working on electrical equipment.
Mechanical Hazard Mechanical hazards are those associated with power-driven machines,
whether automated or manually operated.
In an industry, people interact with machines that are designed to drill, cut, shear, punch, etc. If appropriate
safeguards are not in place or if workers fail to follow safety precautions, these machines can apply the same
procedures to humans which can cause major human injuries. Also machines can cause damage to the
property and machines can also harm the environment.
Common Mechanical Injuries
Fracture: Machines used to deform engineering materials in a variety of ways can also cause broken
bones. Fracture is the medical term for a broken bone. It can be classified as simple, compound or complete
Puncturing/Stabbing: Puncturing results when an object penetrates straight into the body and pulls
straight out, creating a wound in the shape of the penetrating object.
Straining and spraining: A strain results when muscles are overstretched or torn. Strains and sprains
can cause swelling and intense pain.
Friction and abrasion: A section of the skin being rub away by the machine.
Entrapment: Being caught in a moving part of a machine or equipment or plant.
Crushing: Injury occurs when body part is caught between two hard surfaces. that progressively move
together, thereby crushing anything between them. It is mostly painful, and difficult to heal.
Shearing: Injury occurs mechanical force that acts on an area of skin in a direction parallel to the body's
surface. It depends on the pressure exerted.
High pressure injection: This is an injury caused by high-pressure injection of oil, grease, diesel fuel,
gasoline, solvents, water, or even air, into the body.
Cutting and Tearing: A cut occurs when a body part comes in contact with a sharp edge. The seriousness
of cutting or tearing depends on how much damage is done to the skin, veins, arteries, muscles, and even
Mechanical Hazards occur majorly in three area: 1. The point of operation: Point where work is performed on the
material, such as cutting, shaping, boring, etc. 2. Power transmission apparatus: Components of the
mechanical system that transmit energy to the part of the machine performing the work. Example, flywheels, pulleys,
belts, connecting rods, couplings, cams, spindles, chains, cranks, gears, etc.
3.Machine moving parts: Parts of the machine that move while the machine is working. These may include
reciprocating, rotating, and transverse moving parts, as well as feed mechanisms and auxiliary parts of the
1. Fixed guards: Fixed guard is a permanent part of the machine. It is not dependent upon moving parts
to function. It may be constructed of sheet metal, screen, wire cloth, bars, plastic, or any other material that
is substantial enough to withstand whatever impact it may receive and to endure prolonged use.
2. Interlocked guards: Shut down the machine when the guard is not securely in place or is disengaged.
The main advantage of this type of guard is that it allows safe access to the machine.
3. Adjustable guards: Provide a barrier against a variety of different hazards associated with different
production operations. They have the advantage of flexibility. However, they are not dependable barrier as
other guards, and they require frequent maintenance and careful adjustment.
4. Self adjusting guard: The openings of these barriers are determined by the movement of the stock. As
the operator moves the stock into the danger area, the guard is pushed away, providing an opening which is
only large enough to admit the stock. After the stock is removed, the guard returns to the rest position. This
guard protects the operator by placing a barrier between the danger area and the operator.
Safeguarding helps manage hazards associated with the use of machinery and equipment, but the need for
safe work procedure must not be left out. The safe work procedures covers:
Control the temperature: Control the temperature using engineering solutions e.g;
change the processes \\ use fans or air conditioning \\ use physical barriers that reduce exposure to
radiant heat
Provide mechanical aids: Provide mechanical aids where possible to reduce the work rate.
allowing employees to enter only when the temperature is below a set level or at cooler times of the day.
issuing permits to work that specify how long employees should work in situations where there is a risk.
Prevent dehydration: Working in a hot environment causes sweating which helps keep people cool but
means losing vital water that must be replaced. Provide cool water in the workplace and encourage workers
to drink it frequently in small amounts before, during (this is not possible in some situations eg respiratory
protective equipment use or asbestos removal) and after working.
Provide personal protective equipment: Specialised personal protective clothing is available which
incorporates, for example, personal cooling systems or breathable fabrics. This may help protect workers in
certain hot environments. Protective clothing or respiratory protective equipment is often provided to protect
from a hazard at work, e.g; asbestos. This type of equipment, while protecting the employee from this hazard
may expose the employee to heat stress.
Training: Provide training for workers, especially new and young employees telling them about the risks
of heat stress associated with their work, what symptoms to look out for, safe working practices and
emergency procedures.
Acclimatisation: Allow workers to acclimatise to their environment and identify which workers are
acclimatised/assessed as fit to work in hot conditions.
Identify who is at risk: Identify employees who are more susceptible to heat stress either because of an
illness/condition or medication that may encourage the early onset of heat stress, e.g; those with heart
conditions. Advice may be needed from an occupational health professional or medical practitioner.
Monitor health: Monitor the health of workers at risk and then seek advice from occupational health
professionals with a good working knowledge of the risks associated with working in heat stress situations.
1. Air-purifying respirators can remove contaminants in the air that we breathe by filtering out
particulates (e.g., dusts, metal fumes, mists, etc.). Other APRs purify air by adsorbing gases or vapors on a
sorbent (adsorbing material) in a cartridge or cannister. They are tight-fitting and are available in several
mouth bit respirator (fits in the mouth and comes with a nose clip to hold nostrils closed - o for escape purposes
quarter-mask (covering the nose and mouth),
half-face mask (covering the face from the nose to below the chin), or
full facepiece (covering the face from above the eyes to below the chin). Respirators with a full-face piece
also protect the eyes from exposure to irritating chemicals. Examples of air-purifying respirators (APRs)
particulate respirators (previously called dust, fume, and mist respirators or masks),
chemical cartridge respirators that can have a combination of chemical cartridges, along with a dust prefilter:
this combination provides protection against different kinds of contaminants in the air
gas masks (contain more adsorbent than cartridge-type respirators and can provide a higher level of
protection than chemical cartridge respirators)
powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs).
2. Supplied-air respirators (SARs) supply clean air from a compressed air tank or through an airline. This
air is not from the work room area. The air supplied in tanks or from compressors must meet certain standards
for purity and moisture content. Supplied-air respirators may have either tight-fitting or loose-fitting respiratory
inlets. Respirators with tight-fitting respiratory inlets have half or full facepieces. Types with loose fitting
respiratory inlets can be hoods or helmets that cover the head and neck, or loose-fitting facepieces with rubber
or fabric side shields. These are supplied with air through airlines. Examples of supplied-air respirators
(SARs) include:
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA),
airline supplied-air respirators,
protective suits that totally encapsulate the wearer's body and incorporate a life- support system.
3. There are some combinations of airline respirators and SCBAs that allow workers to work for extended
periods in oxygen-deficient areas or where there are airborne toxic contaminants. The auxiliary or backup
SCBA source allows the worker to escape with an emergency source of air if the airline source fails.
4. There are also combination air-purifying and atmosphere supplying respirators. These will offer worker
protection if the supplied-air system fails, if the appropriate air-purifier units are selected. These cannot be
used in oxygen-deficient areas or where the air concentration of a contaminant exceeds the IDLH level (i.e.,
immediately dangerous to life or health). Since filters capture particles, caution must be exercised to always
check that these filters are not clogged as it makes it harder for air to pass through and increase the likelihood
of contaminated air entering the mask. Cartridges can also become "full" or saturated. It will stop working and
"breakthrough" will occur - this term means that the gases or vapors will leak through the cartridge. Both
cartridges and filters must be replaced on a regular basis by using the manufacturer's recommendations
(usually determined by using warning properties or end-of- service indicators).
Ergonomics .. Ergonomics is the science of designing work tasks to fit the worker, keeping in mind the
capabilities and limitations of the human body.
Jobs and tasks that are frustrating, uncomfortable, or inefficient are typically not ergonomically correct.
An effective ergonomic improvement process seeks to identify and eliminate any deterrent to maximum work
capacity, and limit worker fatigue and discomfort while improving process efficiency and productivity.
Ergonomic problems result in productivity, efficiency, quality, and safety problems. Ergonomic improvements
result in productivity, quality, and safety improvements.
Ergonomics safety ensures that the products, methods, and environment that a worker uses are appropriate
to fit the worker’s job requirements and personal capabilities.
The GOAL of ergonomics is to prevent worker fatigue and discomfort that can lead to potential MSDs, and
to make the company more competitive and successful in reaching its goals.
Good Ergonomics = Good Economics
Proper ergonomics contribute to well-being, efficiency, and long-term health.
The principles of ergonomics apply to four primary scenarios in the workplace:
1. Objects workers use: Make sure the tools or equipment workers use are easy to handle and allow natural
movement. Tools and equipment should feel like an extension of the body. They should be easy to grip, of
manageable size and weight and in good working order.
2. Work Processes: This addresses any work situation where an employee must perform a series of tasks,
often repeatedly. Assembly line work is a classic example. Everything that the worker needs should be close
and easy to reach. The movements required to complete the task should be natural and efficient. The
necessary equipment should move freely without causing undue strain.
3. Work Spaces or Environments: Here we are concerned with how a person sits, stands, or moves at
work. Some examples to consider in an office environment include: The desks should be arranged to
encourage good posture. Workers who have to talk on the phone and type at the same time have headsets
so they don’t have to cradle a phone between their ear and shoulder. Desk should be at the right height .
4. How workers move objects: Teach workers the proper way to lift, pull, and push objects. This is a
very simple fix, and yet injuries from poor lifting, pushing, and pulling technique continue to top the charts
when it comes to the causes of workplace injuries.
Importance of Ergonomics
a) Increases productivity
Best ergonomic solution enhances the productivity
Ergonomic reduces the unwanted tension, awkward position of the body.
Ergonomic is focused in making the work your easier and comfortable, this thereby reduces any kind of
stress, risk and enhances the satisfaction and productivity.
b) Reduces the cost
Ergonomics can be considered as the one-time investment
As ergonomics is focused about marinating the better health of the worker it can further reduce the cost of
compensation that would be made by the injured or unhealthy staffs.
It also reduces the indirect and the opportunity cost that could have incurred due to injury.
c) Improves the quality of the work
Improved ergonomics favors the favorable environment where the workers can work efficiently.
As the ergonomics improves, level of satisfaction in the quality of the work increases.
d) Others
Helps to reduce the absenteeism due to more comfort, safety and healthy working environment
Assurance to the worker as their workplace is safer (acts as the motivation)
More focus on the working environment and worker’s health makes them feel valued and boost of moral.
Benefits of Ergonomics
Here are some of the most notable benefits of ergonomic safety in the workplace:
Lower injury rates and MSD incidences.
Reduction in human costs associated with MSDs.
Reduction in company direct and indirect costs associated with MSDs.
Improved worker safety.
Increased worker comfort.
Reduced worker fatigue.
Increased productivity from making jobs easier and more comfortable for workers.
Improved product quality. Studies have shown a corresponding relationship between good ergonomics and
improved product quality. On the other hand, poor ergonomics leads to frustrated and fatigued workers that
don’t do their best work.
Reduced absences because workers will be less likely to take time off to recover from muscle soreness,
fatigue, and MSD-related problems.
Reduced turnover as workers are more likely to find an ergonomically designed job more satisfying and
within their physical capacity.
Prevention is a shared responsibility. When workers see that the company is serious about eliminating
ergonomic risk factors in the workplace, improved worker morale will result and workers will be more likely
to address the MSD risk factors under their control.
Ergonomics plays an important role in building a culture of safety, health, and wellness.
Here are some general ergonomic safety tips to help prevent the most prevalent ergonomic hazards:
1. Workstation improvements.
Redesign workstations to eliminate awkward postures.
Provide adjustable equipment that can be used by workers to allow neutral postures.
Maintain good body posture.
2. When transporting and handling
Be knowledgeable about body limitations.
Provide carts for transporting materials to eliminate lifting.
Require all loads to be labeled with their weight.
When lifting, keep your back straight and lift with your legs.
Assign two or more staff to lift heavy objects depending on weight.
Lift slowly and carefully.
Don’t twist or turn your spine while carrying the load.
Use shoulder pads to cushion loads carried on the shoulder.
Use knee pads for kneeling tasks.
Store materials at waist height to minimize reaching.
Design containers with handles for easy gripping.
3. Staff scheduling and training
Rotate workers among different tasks to avoid repetitive motions.
Improve the work schedule to minimize excessive overtime that causes fatigue.
Increase staff to reduce individual workloads.
Provide sufficient employee breaks.
Adequate recovery time can reduce fatigue.
Provide workers with training on ergonomics policies and procedures.
4. General housekeeping
Follow good housekeeping practices.
Keep floors free of obstruction.
Use tools in good condition that fits the hand.
Properly maintain power tools to reduce exposure to vibration.
Use gloves to protect against vibration and rough surfaces.
Always practice proper machine handling.
Ergonomics Principles There are 10 fundamental principles of ergonomics which are: