Reviewer Ge 2 Prefinal and Finals
Reviewer Ge 2 Prefinal and Finals
Reviewer Ge 2 Prefinal and Finals
With this arrangement, every municipal At the passing of time, the Filipinos caciques
resident was given his choice of the land for intermarried with Spaniards. This gave such
cultivation, free from tax. class as mestizo cast which exists to this day.
Large tracts of uncultivated lands not Through this enviable position, the cabezas the
circumscribe within a given municipality were gobernadorcillos gained more and more stature
granted by the Spanish monarch to deserving or prestige with the Spanish civil and
Spaniards. This kind of ownership became ecclesiastical authorities, and the common
known as the encomienda. people.
The encomienda system in the Spanish colonies In time, the caciques were given the prerogative
began as a result of a Royal Order promulgated of collecting taxes as well.
in December of 1503.
This act vested in them great power. Certainly,
By virtue of this Royal Order, encomiendas were this did not help to endear them to the ordinary
granted to favor Spanish officials and clerics people.
who were entrusted the responsibility to look
after the spiritual and temporal developments
of the natives in a colonized territory. Caciquism as an institution became deeply
rooted in Philippine soil. This paved the way to
many present- day agrarian problems and The Maura Law, named after its author Spanish
unrests. Minister of Colonies Don Antonio Maura, was
promulgated. The law instituted major reforms
As the cacique system grew, it also became
in local administration in the Philippines,
more oppressive.
including a complete reorganization of the local
This brought about colonial uprisings during the government structure and granting Filipinos the
19th century, which tended to occur in the power to elect their local leaders.
areas with much agricultural activity such as
Other strategies of dispossessing peasants of
Central Luzon.
their landholdings were:
Agrarian-related problems were the only source
1. Outright purchase at a low price for real
of major conflicts during this time. Land was in
estates ( realanga) by a Spaniards or a cacique,
the entire archipelago.
form a badly-in-need peasants.
The major sources of conflict and rebellion were
2. Mortgage system (pacto de retroventa); this
really the harsh Spanish impositions, such as:
is equivalent of today's mortgage system
tributo, polo, encomienda, etc.
During the 19th century, several developments
The mortgage system
occurred that solidified the land tenure system,
and aroused antagonism over its injustices and The mortgage system is equivalent of today's
inequalities. mortgage system (sangla), where a landowner
who was loaned a peasant some money
Since the Spaniards did not levy a land tax or a
becomes this peasant landlord.
head tax (cedula), and few records of land-
ownership were kept, the Spaniards This happened simply because the system
government issued two Royal Decrees: decreto required the land to be collateral. While
realanga (1880) and the Maura Law (1894) peasant had not paid back his loan, he paid the
landlord rent for the use of his land.
These decrees ordered the caciques and
natives, to secure legal title for their lands or Another source of land-related conflict by the
suffer forfeiture. late 19th century was the " friar lands". Many
farmers questioned the amount of land in grant
The Filipino peasants, either ignorant of the
given by the Spanish crown to the religious
processes of the law or of the Spanish-written
orders (i.e. Augustinians, Dominicans,
instructions, were just slow to respond. The
Franciscans, and Recollect Orders). Tanants
landowners (caciques) were quick to react. They
( inquilinos) paid tax termed as "canon" to the
did not only register their own landholdings but
also took advantage of the ignorance of the
peasents, by claiming peasant lands adjacent to LAND OWNERSHIP IN THE PHILIPPINES UNDER
their own holdings. THE AMERICANS
The Royal Decree of 1895 (Maura Law) deprived - The very reason of the social unrest of
many Filipino peasants of their own lands filipinos.
through scheming and treacherous ways of
both Spaniards and caciques.
- Poor farmers were asked to pay taxes for the these lands were sold to Americans and Filipino
land they were living in businessmen.
- Tenancy was practiced during this time -Besides those, this land reform lacked support
mechanisms, wherein if a farmer receives a
land, he only receives a land and nothing more.
Land Policies were proposed to distribute
-Because of that, many Filipinos were forced to
ownership among the Filipinos. These policies
settle back to tenancy. Filipino hacienderos buy
the lands and some forcefully take over lands of
1. Philippine Bill of 1902 tenants who cannot pay their taxes and debts.
- provided regulations on the disposal of public -Due to this, the number of tenants increased
lands resulting to peasant uprisings:
Agrarian reform is also a government strategy Second, the Court of Agricultural Relations was
aimed at transferring land ownership from created in 1955 purposely to improve tenancy
affluent landowners to landless farmers or security and resolve land disputes. Third,the
farmworkers. establishment of the Agricultural Tenancy
Commission to administer created by tenancy.
By donating land to individuals who farm it, the
idea is to increase agricultural output, eliminate Fourth, the creation-of Agricultural Credit and
poverty, and promote social justice. After the Cooperative Financing Administration (ACCFA)
war, rehabilitation and reconstruction centered mainly to provide warehouse facilities and assist
on finding answers to past difficulties. President farmers in marketing products.
Roxas' government enacted Republic Act No.
Lastly, the administration lead establishment of
Agricultural Banks to provide easier terms in
which established a 70-30 sharing agreement applying for a lot and other farm lands.
between tenant and landlord, lowering the
interest rate on landowners' loans to renters to
6% or less.
The government also attempted to redistribute IT IS THE POLICY OF THE STATE:
hacienda lands, falling prey to the woes of
1.To establish owner-cultivator ship and the
similar attempts since no support was given to
economic family- size farm as the basis of
small farmers who were given lands Under the
Philippine agriculture and, as a consequence,
term of President Elpidio Quirino, the Land
divert landlord capital in agriculture to
Settlement Development Corporation
Industrial development:
(LASEDECO) was established to accelerate and
expand the resettlement program. 2. To achieve a dignified existence for the small
farmers free from pernicious institutional
restraints and practices:
This agency later became the National create a truly viable social and structure in
Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration
agriculture conducive to greater productivity
and higher farm incomes;
4. To apply all labor laws equally and without productivity, provide employment to more
discrimination in both industrial and agricultural agricultural workers, and put an end to conflicts
wage earners; regarding land ownership.
- Republic Act No. 6389, (Code of • Also, livelihood and agro-industrial projects
Agrarian Reform) and RA No. 6390 of promoted and program of support services
1971 -- Created the Department of were intensified to help farmer beneficiaries
Agrarian Reform and the Agrarian become productive and transform them into
Reform Special Account Fund. It entrepreneurs
strengthen the position of farmers and
• This administration received much support
expanded the scope of agrarian reform.
and active involvement in program
- Presidential Decree No. 2, September
implementation from key stakeholders such as
26, 1972 -- Declared the country under
people’s organization, farmer’s association,
land reform program. It enjoined all
NGO’s and from prominent landowners
agencies and offices of the government
to extend full cooperation and
assistance to the DAR. It also activated •Despite the Agrarian Reform Fund (ARF), this
the Agrarian Reform Coordinating administration experienced a major budgetary
Council. shortfall due to low remittances from the Asset
- Presidential Decree No. 27, October 21, Privatization Trust and the Presidential
1972 -- Restricted land reform scope to Commission on Good Government.
tenanted rice and corn lands and set
the retention limit at 7 hectares. • This administration also experienced constant
changes in DAR leadership. This led to lack of
Corazon C. Aquino (1986-1992) continuity of priority, programs and projects.
• The Constitution ratified by the Filipino people Allegation on lack of political wills leadership
during the administration of President Corazon and genuine commitment to implement the
C. Aquino provides under Section 21 under program. Critics say that the President could
Article II that “The State shall promote have implemented a genuine agrarian reform
comprehensive rural development and agrarian program because of her revolutionary powers
reform.” after People Power I.
•Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL), On July 22, 1987, Aquino issued Presidential
was passed to promote social justice and Proclamation 131 and Executive Order 229,
industrialization. Although it was still a product which outlined her land reform program
On June 10, 1988, former President Corazon C. law is still the one being implemented at
Aquino signed into law Republic Act No. 6657 or present.
otherwise known as the Comprehensive
Executive Order No. 405, June 14, 1990
Agrarian Reform Law (CARL). The law became
effective on June 15, 1988. – Vested in the Land Bank of the Philippines the
responsibility to determine land valuation and
compensation for all lands covered by CARP.
Executive Order No. 129-A, July 26, Japanese Occupation - “The era of Hukbalahap"
1987 Philippine Republic - "The new Republic"
– streamlined and expanded the power and WHAT ISCARP/CARPER?
operations of the DAR.
Republic Act No. 6657, June 10, 1988 PROGRAM
-(Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law) – An act It is a social justice Government program
which became effective June 15, 1988 and initiative that aims to grant landless farmers
instituted a comprehensive agrarian reform and farm workers ownership of agriculture.
program to promote social justice and
industrialization providing the mechanism for its Its objectives are to equalize the income and
implementation and for other purposes. This opportunities of landowners, enable
beneficiaries to own their land in an equitable However, After 27 years of land reform and Two
manner, increase agricultural productivity, hire Aquino administrations. 500,000 of lands
more agricultural employees, and end disputes remain undistributed.
over ownership of land.
Presidential Decree No. 2, September New measure and legislation were introduced
26, 1972 to make the taxation system appear more
equitable during the Commonwealth. Income by the Spanish government, which had
tax rates were increased in 1936, adding a control over the islands for more than three
surtax rate on individual net incomes in excess centuries. The most prominent features of
10,000 pesos. Income tax rate of corporation the central or insular revenue system that
were also increased. has historical implications include Tributo,
Sanctorum, Donativo, Caja de Comunidad,
In 1937, the cedula tax was abolished, which and Servicio personal or polo y servicios.
appeared to be a progressive move; but in
The imposition of these taxes and other
1940, a residence tax was imposed on every
forms of economic abuses by the Spanish
citizen aged 18 years old and on every
government led to several revolts and
resistance from the Filipino people. These
In 1939, the Commonwealth government revolts caught the attention of the Spanish
drafted the National Internal Revenue Code, government, which eventually led to a tax
introducing major changes in the new tax reform in 1884. The reform was introduced
to make the tax system more efficient and
system, as follows;
fair. This tax reform was provided by the
The normal tax of three percent and the Royal Decree of March 6, 1884. However, it
surtax on income was replaced by a was not enough to address the economic
single tax at a progressive rate. abuses of the Spanish government, and it
Personal exemptions were reduced. failed to prevent the Philippine Revolution in
Corporation income tax was slightly 1896.
increased by introducing taxes on Overall, the forms of taxes obligatory by the
inherited estates or gifts in the name of Spanish government on the Filipinos and
dead persons. the revolts that were carried out against
The cumulative sales tax was replaced them and other forms of economic abuses
by a single turnover tax of 10% on are significant factors in the Philippine
luxuries. struggle for independence. The resistance
Taxes on liquors, cigarettes, forestry from the Filipino people eventually forced
products, and mining were increased. the Spanish government to introduce tax
Dividends were made taxable. reforms, but it was not enough to address
the root cause of the problem.
PHILIPPINES Taxes during the Spanish period was
REVOLTS AGAINST THE compulsory. All the Spanish Colonies in
TRIBUTE America and the Philippines were required
THE TAX REFORM OF 1884 to pay taxes for two reasons.