Hsslive Xi F-3223 English Literature

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Reg. No. : ......................................

F-3223 Name : ...........................................



Part – III Time : 2½ Hours

ENGLISH LITERATURE Cool-off time : 15 Minutes
Maximum : 80 Scores

General Instructions to Candidates :

 There is a ‘Cool-off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time.
 Use the ‘Cool-off time’ to get familiar with questions and to plan your answers.
 Read questions carefully before answering.
 Certain sections of questions have choice. Follow the choice regulations.

Questions 1 to 5 : Answer any four of the following questions. Each carries

1 score. (4  1 = 4)

1. Tales from Shakespeare was written by _________ and _________.

2. Who is known as the National Bard of Scotland ?

3. Who is India’s first Nobel Laureate ?

4. Who is the author of Apple Picking, Home Burial and Birches ?

5. Name the author of the poem ‘Oppression’.

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Questions 6 to 9. Answer any three of the following questions. Each carries

4 scores. (3  4 = 12)

6. Tyger tyger burning bright

In the forests of the night

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry ?

(a) What does the speaker mean by fearful symmetry ? What is the figure of speech
used here ?

(b) Whose hands framed the tyger ? What is the other animal created by the same
hands mentioned in the poem ?

7. And I can listen to thee yet

Can lie upon the plain

And listen, till I do beget

That golden time again

(a) Identify the poem and the genre in which it belongs.

(b) Which is the golden time referred to in these lines ? Why does he call it golden
time ?

8. They said no word to the landlord,

they drank his ale instead,

But they gagged his daughter and

bound her to

the foot of her narrow bed

(a) Who is the lady mentioned in these lines ?

(b) Identify the person who send these men mentioned in these lines.

(c) Why did they come ?

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9. If I look

at the crystal moon, at the red branch

of the slow autumn at my window if I touch

near the fire

the impalpable ash or the wrinkled body of the log.

(a) Identify the poem

(b) Who is the poet speaking to ?

(c) What are the tangible objects referred to in these lines ?

Questions 10 to 15 : Answer any five of the following questions. Each carries

4 scores. (5  4 = 20)

10. How did the narrator earn his living in the story ‘A Man’ ? Why did the narrator have
food only in the evening ?

11. Why is Deoli important for the narrator ?

12. What is an elegy ? How does the poet establish the elegiac nature of the poem ‘Elegy
for Jane’ ?

13. In Red Red Rose how does the poet express that he is an eternal lover ?

14. What are the physical features of Blue before which the narrator feels smell ?

15. Attempt a character sketch of Philip in the one act play ‘The Boy Comes Home’.

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Questions 16 to 20 : Answer any four of the following in about 80 words. Each

carries 5 scores. (4  5 = 20)
16. How did Zapoikin become popular at a young age ?

17. What was special about Miss Leslie’s appearance on that morning ?

18. Attempt a character sketch of Rosemary Fell in the story ‘A Cup of Tea’.

19. Write on the significance of the title ‘A Canary for One’.

20. What prompts Gardiner to heap praise on the bus conductor ?

Questions 21 to 25 : Answer any three of the following in about 150 words.

Each carries 8 scores. (3  8 = 24)
21. Write an essay on the small boy’s adventurous trip to meet Lincoln and his encounter
with the President elect.
[Hints : Share their desire to meet Lincoln Leave home – face difficulty – crowded
city – Meet President]

22. Attempt a critical appreciation of the memoir ‘Last Day at School’.

[Hints : Teacher student relation – parent’s expectations – love – respect – emotions]

23. Write an essay on the crucial roles that literature plays in shaping the world.
[Hints : Binds humans – part of life – enhance intellect – imagination – help to face
harsh realities]

24. Comment on the changes on the life of a woman as compared with the colour of her
[Hints : Stages on woman’s life – colours representing each stage]

25. Prepare an essay on the poem ‘My Last Duchess’ as a dramatic monologue.
[Hints : Define dramatic monologue – characters – narration – physical setting]

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