Personalizing Access
Personalizing Access
Personalizing Access
When working in Access or another Microsoft Office application, it is useful to personalize your copy of the
software. Personalizing your software helps credit you as the creator of the Access database or other Office
GET READY. LAUNCH Access if it is not already running.
1. Click the File tab.
2. Click the Options button to display the Access Options dialog box.
Take Note Throughout this lesson you will see information that appears in black text within brackets, such as [Press
Enter], or [your e-mail address]. The information contained in the brackets is intended to be directions for you rather
than something you actually type word-for-word. It will instruct you to perform an action or substitute text. Do not
type the actual text that appears within brackets.
3. In the Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office section of the dialog box, key [your name] in the User
name box and key [your initials] in the Initials box.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Now that you have decided what fields to use in a database table containing information about
runners in an annual 5K road race, you need to determine what data type should be used for each
USE the document you used in the previous project.
1. Beneath the name of each possible field name for the table about runners in the annual 5K road race,
key the data type that would be used with a short explanation of why you chose that type.
2. SAVE the document as data_type and then CLOSE the fi le.
LEAVE Access open for the next project.