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Volume 9 - Issue 28 / April 2020 211

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.28.04.24

Effects of e-Assessment Tools in academic achievement and motivation

towards learning among pre service kindergarten teachers in Turaif
Efectos de las herramientas de evaluación electrónica en el rendimiento académico y la motivación
hacia el aprendizaje entre los maestros de jardín de infantes en Turaif

Received: February 3, 2020 Accepted: March 21, 2020

Written by:
Rabab Abdallah Elawady Abdou94

Abstract Resumen

The objective of the current research is to El objetivo de la investigación actual es medir el

measure the impact of e-Assessment Tools used impacto de las herramientas de evaluación
in the Blackboard system in academic electrónica utilizadas en el sistema Blackboard en
achievement and motivation towards learning el rendimiento académico y la motivación hacia el
among pre service kindergarten female teachers aprendizaje entre las maestras de preescolar en
in Turaif. To achieve this objective, the Turaif. Para lograr este objetivo, el investigador
researcher used the descriptive approach which utilizó el enfoque descriptivo que es adecuado para
is suitable for measuring this objective, where an medir este objetivo, donde se diseñó un
electronic questionnaire was designed using cuestionario electrónico utilizando formularios de
Google forms for easy access to the largest Google para facilitar el acceso al mayor número de
number of pre service kindergarten female maestras de preescolar en Turaif para responder las
teachers in Turaif to answer the questionnaire preguntas del cuestionario. El cuestionario
questions. The questionnaire consisted of three constaba de tres ejes, a saber, el uso del sistema
axes, namely the use of the Blackboard system in Blackboard en la promoción del rendimiento
promotion of academic achievement. académico.
The axis of obstacles to the use of the Blackboard El eje de los obstáculos para el uso del sistema
system, and the third axis deal with motivation of Blackboard, y el tercer eje se ocupan de la
students towards learning using the Blackboard motivación de los estudiantes para aprender a usar
system. The sample of the research consisted of el sistema Blackboard. La muestra de la
(407) pre service kindergarten female teachers, investigación consistió en (407) maestras de
Turaif, of different study levels and scientific and prejardín de infantes, Turaif, de diferentes niveles
literary disciplines, where the study results de estudio y disciplinas científicas y literarias,
showed the effectiveness of the Blackboard donde los resultados del estudio mostraron la
system in the academic achievement and efectividad del sistema Blackboard en el logro
motivation towards learning among students. académico y la motivación hacia el aprendizaje
entre los estudiantes.
Keywords: Blackboard, e-Assessment Tools,
Motivation towards Learning. Palabras clave: Pizarra, herramientas de
evaluación electronica, Motivación hacia el


In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, e-learning has objectives of education, which is a means to
become a happening event in most educational improve the output of education for the content
establishments, whether private or governmental. of teaching and e-learning - skills, experiences,
It is a digital tool to achieve the desired tools, etc., which the student should have to

Northern Border University Collage of Science and Arts in Turaif Kindergarten Department.

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Elawady Abdou, R. / Volume 9 - Issue 28: 211-224 / April, 2020 212

achieve the e-learning objective, namely learning its concept in civil society and public education
(Al-Atribi, 2015). institutions. (Ahmed I. A., 2016).

Therefore, we find that e-learning has become an • An overview of the focus and importance
urgent need, especially in this era of of the research proposal
communication and information. It is necessary
to employ modern teaching methods in The electronic assessment is an important
educational establishments and others, through application of e-learning technology, which
which the digital divide between countries can be highlights its importance in the educational
narrowed. Moreover, it is no longer acceptable process, helping the teaching staff to assess the
for universities to be limited to traditional performance of learner with new and fast
learning, in which the role of the student or methods and tools that ensure both teacher and
recipient is limited by participation principle that student credibility of appreciation.
is based solely on the teacher's effort. However,
it is also necessary to plan the use of integrated Because the electronic assessment is
and direct learning in the educational process characterized by multiple characteristics
because of its great impact on improving the compared to the traditional assessment, it
level of education. (Abu Shanab, Emad Ahmed achieves the concept of comprehensive
and Harb, Yusri, Abu Al-Basal, , 2011). assessment, which traditional education systems
limited by specific time and place is unable to
The Blackboard system is one of the most provide. as well as it provides an opportunity for
powerful e-learning management systems rather the learner to develop the skills of social
than other systems. This system offers a variety communication, criticism and thinking about
of educational opportunities by breaking all the what is provided to them, as well as developing
barriers and obstacles facing educational skills to use and employ technology and
institutions and learners. It has also helped many continuous self-learning skills.
educational institutions to spread education
strongly through the Internet, where it is flexible E-Assessment Tools can be identified using the
and scalable. (Mansour, 2015). Blackboard system as defined by (Tabbakh,
2014) as follows:
Several studies have confirmed the effectiveness
of Blackboard in education, including Annette • Electronic tests: A teaching member can use
(Al-Plasi, 2016), (Ahmed, 2016), (Abd al-Karim, multiple questions to test his students, such
Rashid bin Hussein, and Ruwais, Azizah bint as: right and wrong, pairing, multiple choice,
Saad., 2015), (Al-Mutairi, 2015), (Al-Sadhan, essay questions, etc. The teaching member
2015), (Abd al-Karim, 2015). Studies also show can also create a question bank and use it in
that 90% of universities in the United States use its courses. The advantages of these tests are
the Blackboard system in education (Jones, that they are electronically corrected and that
2005), which allows students and teaching staff their results are also electronically published
access to an electronic version of courses promptly.
registered to them on the academic system, • Assessed forums: an asynchronous
through which teaching member can interact communication tool that allows students
with Students, through a set of tools. Including enrolled in the course to hold discussions on
but not limited to designing and making available course topics. A teaching member can assess
tests and assignments electronically, creating student participation according to specific
forums and blogs for students, raising and criteria and receive feedback from students.
organizing content, controlling student • Assignments: are activities carried out by
availability, and reporting on active and content- students at a specific time and with defined
driven students. Blackboard system offers a specifications, corrected after grading, and
range of services including: virtual classroom students receive feedback.
system, SMS system, e-Assessment Tools • Questionnaires and Polls: A referendum to
(Salloum, 2011). obtain responses from students about a
particular question, for the purpose of
The 12th Scientific Conference on Information surveying or gathering information on a
Systems and Computer Technology (2012) held particular topic and reviewing its results.
in Cairo from 15/5 to 18/5/2012 and the Second • Blogs: Students are allowed to create blogs,
International Conference on e-Learning and post some of topics and information related
Distance Education (2013) held in Riyadh from to the course and assess these participations.
11/3 to 14/3/2013, have recommended on
spreading the culture of e-learning and enhancing

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Volume 9 - Issue 28 / April 2020 213

• Electronic follow-up to students through the (Blackboard system) in the development of

Grade Center (selecting activity options electronic design skills and the survival of
assessed in the Grade Center). learning impact among students of the Faculty of
Computer and information systems in the Islamic
In light of the above, it is important to employ the University in Madinah. This study found that
e-Assessment Tools using the blackboard system there is a statistically significant difference
in universities. This research was carried out in between the performance of the control and
order to find out the impact of such tools on experimental group for the benefit of research,
academic achievement and motivation towards which confirms the existence of a statistically
learning from the perspective of female students significant impact in the application of e-learning
of the Faculty of Science and Arts in Turaif. in increasing the students' achievement of skill
cognitive aspects and increasing motivation for
Identifying the research proposal problem achievement. As the study of ( Walid Saud Al-
and importance Amri, Akram Mahmoud Al-Awad, 2016) , which
aims to identify the extent of using Blackboard
Saudi universities, including the Northern system by teaching members at University of
Borders University, seek to develop the Hail, the study found that the estimates of the
educational system, provide motivation and teaching members of extent of using Blackboard
enhancement of teaching and learning processes, system was high. The results showed that there
and keep abreast of developments of e-learning were no significant differences in the teaching
in different countries of the world because of its members' estimates of the level of their use of the
many advantages and an effective role in Blackboard system due to both the college
overcoming the problems of traditional variable and academic level.
education. Therefore, the university has signed a
cooperation agreement with ITS in order to The study of (Hussein, 2015) aimed at
develop the educational process, provide an identifying the degree of student achievement in
effective and supportive teaching environment Shari'a specialization in curriculum and teaching
and transform courses from their traditional copy methods towards the process of e-learning and
into electronic one. The most important of these distance education, and the two systems (study
systems is the use of e-Assessment Tools through and blackboard) used in the field of e-learning
Blackboard Collaboration, where the and distance education at Imam Muhammad ibn
introduction of such systems is not sufficient to Saud Islamic University.
know their effectiveness and ensure their impact
on the performance of university students. The Study community may be from all students of the
researcher noted the views of some female course in the second semester 1432/1433 H, (372
students between endorsing the use of students), and the first semester 1433/1434 H
Blackboard system or the preference of some of (474 students). The study sample has consisted of
its tools rather than others, hence the importance (115) male and female students, on which the
of studying the impact of the use of e-Assessment measurement is distributed. The results showed
Tools on achievement and motivation towards the average achievement of academic
learning among students. To find out the achievement at general average of (84.06) -
advantages, disadvantages and suggestions for (77.54) for male students and (90.59) for female
improvement of tools used from the point of view students -, and that the differences between the
of the female students themselves. academic achievement levels among students in
the study sample were slight and ineffective. The
Research objectives Al-Plasi's study also aimed at finding positive
attitudes among teaching members at University
This study aims to investigate the impact of e- of Hail towards the learning management system
Assessment Tools using the Blackboard system - Blackboard, where the study sample showed the
in academic achievement and motivation towards need for more training on the use of the learning
learning among pre service kindergarten female management system - Blackboard, and there
teachers in Turaif. were no differences in attitudes towards the use
of Blackboard management system among
Literature Review teaching members in gender (male/ female) and
in the nature of their work in Colleges, both
There are many studies that dealt with theoretical and practical.
Blackboard system, including the study of Abdul
Wahab (2016) aimed at measuring the The study of (Al-Sadhan, 2015) aimed at
effectiveness of cooperative e-learning based on revealing the attitudes of students and teaching
the use of e-learning management system members at the Faculty of Computer and

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Information at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Also, the study of (Attallah, 2016), which aimed
Islamic University towards using the blackboard to identify the attitudes of students and teaching
management system in teaching and learning. members at Mansoura University towards
The results of this study showed that there is a electronic assessment and obstacles of its
positive attitude towards students to use the application. This study also found a positive
system, as well as the attitudes of teaching attitude among students at Mansoura University
members came positive and concluded a set of towards electronic assessment, and there were no
recommendations, the most important of which: significant differences due to gender and level,
Providing continuous and intensive training for on the measurement of attitude towards
students and teaching staff on the use of electronic assessment. The study of (Mezher,
Blackboard system. 2016) aimed at developing a vision for the
electronic assessment of university performance
The objective of (Shoaib, 2014) study was to based on the use of ICT, in the light of the
identify the impact of a proposed gradual systems approach to assess performance at Naif
program to equip the teaching staff at the Arab University for Security Sciences. This
University of Hail with the skills of creating study recommended the need to use the method
electronic tests in the Blackboard Learning of systems as a method of thinking and
Management System, and found that there is a methodology in the study of the relationship
statistically significant difference between the between elements and variables of the system,
average scores of the sample members in the and the study concluded the scientific
achievement test in favor for the post- foundations on which the model was built.
application, due to its impact on the proposed
gradual program. There is a statistically The study of (Tabbakh, 2014) aimed to identify
significant difference between the average scores the impact of different social networking patterns
of the sample members in the prior and post in the virtual training environments based on
applications on the practical performance card of participatory learning strategy on the
electronic test creating skills in favor for the post development of e-learning skills of postgraduate
application, due to its impact on the proposed students. This study found that there is a
gradual program. statistically significant difference between
experimental group scores due to interaction
The study by (Hugue, 2010), which aims to between virtual training environments in social
assess the discussion boards in the Blackboard networking patterns and participative learning
Learning Management System as a collaborative pattern in the post-test of achievement tests and
learning tool, found the effectiveness of the the skill performance note for the group that is
Blackboard e-learning management system in taught in the personal networking pattern in the
promoting learning among students. The results development of electronic assessment skills.
demonstrated the role of discussions and forums
in promoting collaborative learning, partnerships This study seeks to give answers to the
among students and providing feedbacks to following questions
information through mutual interaction within
discussion boards. 1. hat are the advantages of e-Assessment
Tools used in the Blackboard learning
(Al-Janzouri, 2017) study aimed to identify the management system from the perspective of
attitudes of teaching members at Jouf University pre service kindergarten female teachers in
towards the use of e-Assessment Tools, using the Turaif?
Blackboard system in the educational process. 2. What are the disadvantages of the e-
The study sample has consisted of (86) members Assessment Tools used in the Blackboard
of the teaching staff at Jouf University. The learning management system from the
research results have indicated positive attitudes perspective of pre service kindergarten
among teaching members at Jouf University to female teachers in Turaif?
employ e-Assessment Tools using the 3. What are the most effective assessment tools
Blackboard system in the educational process, in learning from the perspective of female
and the sample showed the desire and need for students?
further training in the use and employment of e- 4. Are there any statistically significant
Assessment Tools using Blackboard, and the differences between the responses of pre
search results showed the absence of differences service kindergarten female teachers ,
in attitudes towards the use of e-Assessment towards the e-Assessment Tools used in the
Tools, using the Blackboard system in the Blackboard system due to the
educational process among teaching members in (specialization) variable?
variables (type/ degree/ specialization).

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Volume 9 - Issue 28 / April 2020 215

Study hypotheses: Assessment Tools using the Blackboard

and their opinions about the impact of
• H1. There is a statistically significant these tools on academic achievement
difference at (0.05) level between and their motivation towards learning
frequencies and percentages of the responses from their perspective, according to the
of students on the measurement of 5-point Likert measurement (Strongly
employing the e-Assessment Tools using the Agree - Agree - Not sure - Disagree -
Blackboard system as a whole and at each Strongly disagree).
dimension. 6. Apply the questionnaire to the study sample
• H2. There are statistically significant using Google forms
differences between the average scores of 7. Calculate the study results and use the
pre service kindergarten female teachers in appropriate statistical methods.
Turaif, on the measurement of employing
the e-Assessment Tools using the Tools
Blackboard system with its dimensions (the
use of the Blackboard system in the e-Assessment Tools Validity Content:
promotion of academic achievement,
obstacles to the use of the Blackboard In order to ascertain the content validity, the
system, student motivation towards using measurement (employing e-Assessment Tools
the Blackboard system) due to specialization using the Blackboard system) was presented in
variable. its preliminary form to a number of teaching
members in the field of curriculum, teaching
Design of Research Proposal (Stages of methods and learning technology. In order to
Research Implementation) identify their views on the measurement in terms
of the language accuracy of the measurement
1. Review the researches and studies related to vocabulary, the content integrity, the relevance
the current field of research, in order to and adequacy of the words included in each
benefit from them in preparation and design dimension. To achieve the objective for which it
of research tools. was set, the appropriate assessment of each
2. Collect important data and information from statement, the accuracy of the wording and
the research community, which helps to presentation of each statement, where the
extract the types of e-Assessment Tools used researcher made the amendments referred to the
in courses in all disciplines. wording of some of terms, and thus has been
3. Build search tools and prepare their forms in subject to the content validity.
4. Make use of the opinions of a group of Internal consistency. To calculate the validity of
arbitrators by presenting the questionnaire the internal consistency, the measurement
items to them to judge the phrases in terms (employing e-Assessment Tools using the
of rephrasing and modifying some of the Blackboard system) was applied to a survey
phrases to become clearer, until it reaches sample of (20) students. After monitoring the
the final form. results, they were statistically treated, and
5. Build and design the research tools and their Pearson correlation coefficient was computed
final forms, which is an electronic between (the axes and the total score) of the
questionnaire and divided into axes: measurements. They all were a function at the
level of (0.01) indicating the internal consistency
• First axis relates to general information of measurement terms and allowing the
that is useful for research. researcher to use it in its current research. Table
• Second axis concerns the female (1) shows this consistency.
students' attitude towards using the e-

Table 1.
Correlation coefficients for measurement axes of employing e-Assessment Tools using the Blackboard system

Axes Correlation Coefficient

Using Blackboard system in promotion of academic achievement **0.852
Obstacles to the use of the Blackboard system **0.843
Motivation of students towards using the Blackboard system **0.823
** at level (0.01)

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Reliability: Cronbach and Half-Split method, showing in

table (2).
The researcher calculated the reliability
coefficients of parameters using the Alpha

Table 2.
Fixed coefficients for the measurement axes of employing e-Assessment Tools using the Blackboard system

Number of
Measurement Axes Alpha Spearman Guttmann
coefficient coefficient coefficient
Using Blackboard system in
23 **0.769 **0.727 **0.726
promotion of academic achievement
Obstacles to the use of the Blackboard
15 **0.774 **0.734 **0.736
Motivation of students towards using
9 **0.704 **0.724 **0.722
the Blackboard system
Total Measurement 47 ***0.743 **0.7407 **0.7406

It is clear from Table (2) that the fixed parameter Pearson correlation coefficient, Alpha Cronbach
values (Alpha and Half-Split including Spearman and Half-Split for validity and reliability
coefficient and Guttmann coefficient) for calculation, and t-test to calculate differences
dimensions and measurements (as a whole) are between averages for study variables.
function at the level of (0.01) confirming the
measurement reliability and its validity for First: Sample Description
application in the current research.
The study sample consisted of (407) female
Result students of the Faculty of Science and Arts in
Turaif from different levels of study. The
After statistical data collection and unloading, selection was random so that the sample included
statistical processing was carried out using the the literary and scientific specializations. The
statistical package for social sciences (SPSS21), following is a comprehensive description of the
calculation of number and percentages, relative randomly selected research sample:
weight, arithmetic mean, standard deviations,

Table 3.
Distribution of the research sample according to specialization (N = 407)

Statement Category Number %

Scientific 211 51.84
Specialization Literary 196 48.16
Total 407 100

Third: The results of the sample frequencies

in the light of responses to the employment of To check the validity of this hypothesis, the
e-Assessment Tools using the Blackboard researcher calculated the frequencies and
system percentages of the responses of female students
on the measurement of employing e-Assessment
First Hypothesis: There is a statistically Tools using the Blackboard system as a whole
significant difference at (0.05) level between and at each dimension, as followed:
frequencies and percentages of the responses of
female students on the measurement of Axis 1: Using the Blackboard system in
employing e-Assessment Tools using the promotion of academic achievement.
Blackboard system as a whole and at each

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Volume 9 - Issue 28 / April 2020 217

Table 3.
Frequency, percentage and value of Chi-square and its statistical significance relating to the use of Blackboard system
in the promotion of academic achievement

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The results of the previous table indicate that the evaluation is characterized by multiple
value of Chi-square reached its statistically characteristics compared to the traditional
significance for all the indicators of the "use of evaluation, it achieves the concept of
Blackboard system in the promotion of academic comprehensive evaluation, which limited
achievement". The arithmetic average values of traditional education systems are unable to
the indicators ranged between (3.71) to (4.34) provide in specific time and place. It also
with a relative weight ranging from (74.25) to provides an opportunity for the learner to develop
(86.78) in favor of strongly agree and agree. It is the skills of social communication, criticism, and
emphasized that the research sample represented thinking about what is provided to them. In
by students from different levels of scientific and addition, it develops the skills of technology use
literary specialization felt the importance of and employment and continuous self-learning
employing electronic evaluation tools using skills.
Blackboard system. Because the electronic
The second domain: obstacles to using
Blackboard system.

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Volume 9 - Issue 28 / April 2020 219

Table 5.
Frequency and percentages and the value of Chi-square and its statistical significance regarding to the obstacles to
the use of Blackboard system.

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The results of the previous table indicate that the continuously by the professor of the course,
value of Chi-square reached its statistically Internet interruption during tests, the difficulty of
significance for all the indicators of the " using the Blackboard system and its many icons,
obstacles to using Blackboard system ". The Lack of students training to use Blackboard
arithmetic average values of the indicators inside the college, evaluation criteria for exams
ranged between (2.74) to (4.02) with a relative and assignments are unclear. it takes time to
weight ranging from (54.84) to (80.39) in favor upload assignments; Blackboard does not
of strongly agree and agree except some negative provide all the services I need. Which confirms
phrases as: My lack of experience in computer the response to them by (disagree) and this
use hinders my use of the system, personal confirms that the application of the Blackboard
computer is not available, delaying my duties, the system has no obstacles, although there are some
weakness of the faculty members' skills in using negligible obstacles.
Blackboard, failure to follow-up the Blackboard
Third domain: Students' motivation towards
using the Blackboard system.

Table 6.
Frequency and percentage and the value of Chi-square and its statistical significance regarding to the motivation of
students towards the use of the Blackboard system.

The results of the previous table indicate that the university professor and students, which
value of Chi-square reached its statistically confirms the response to them by (disagree). The
significance for all the indicators of the " researcher believes that motivation for
Students' motivation towards using the achievement is one of the most important aspects
Blackboard system ". The arithmetic average in the system of humanitarian motives, and its
values of the indicators ranged between (3.05) to role appears in the scope of education through its
(4.21) with a relative weight ranging from role in the occurrence of learning. as it helps
(60.93) to (84.28) in favor of strongly agree and students to focus attention and reduce the feeling
agree except some negative phrases as: 43- I of tiredness, which ultimately achieve higher
believe that using Blackboard has an extra level of achievement of academic excellence
burden on me, I believe that the use of the through desire for good performance and
Blackboard system reduces interaction between achievement of success. Which is a subjective

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Volume 9 - Issue 28 / April 2020 221

goal that activates and directs behavior, it is an ability and effort exerted. so it increases the
important component of success as well. It is also efforts to achieve the goals, increase the initiative
linked positively to independence and self- activity and perseverance , identify the outcomes
confidence as well as internal processes that enhancing learning, motivates the human to do a
guide the behavior of the individual and provide certain behavior, and that the best level of
him with the necessary energy to strive and excel motivation to achieve positive results is the
in the study, and obtains the highest levels of middle, and the high level leads to increased
education and the various tasks based on the anxiety and tension.

Domains (as a whole):

Table 7.
Frequency and percentage and value of Chi-square and its statistical significance regarding to the domains using
electronic evaluation tools using the Blackboard system (as a whole)

The results of the previous table indicate that the students on the scale of employing electronic
value of Chi-square reached its statistically evaluation tools using the Blackboard system as
significance for all the indicators of the " using a whole and in each dimension.
electronic evaluation tools using the Blackboard
system (as a whole)". The arithmetic average The second hypothesis: There are statistically
values of the indicators ranged between (3.23) to significant differences between the average
(4.08) with a relative weight ranging from scores of pre service kindergarten female
(64.52) to (81.62) in favor of "I agree" regarding teachers in Turaif at the level of employing
to the first and third domains and "I disagree" electronic evaluation tools using the Blackboard
regarding to the domain of "Obstacles to using system with its dimensions (The use of
Blackboard system", which confirms the Blackboard system in the promotion of academic
overcoming of many of the obstacles that prevent achievement, Obstacles to using Blackboard
the use of the Blackboard system. system and The motivation of students towards
the use of the Blackboard system) according to
Discussion the specialization variable.

In the light of the above, the researcher can To verify the validity of this hypothesis, the
accept the first hypothesis of the research researcher used "t test" to determine the
hypotheses, which states: There is a statistically significance of the differences, and the following
significant difference at (0.05) between the table shows this.
frequency and percentages of the responses of the

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Table 8.
Significance of the differences between the average scores of female students of the Faculty of Science and Arts in
Turaif on the scale of employing electronic evaluation tools using the Black system in its dimensions according to the
specialization variable.

Arithmetic Standard Degree of (T) Significance

Dimension Type N
average deviation freedom value level

Scientific 211 90.54 15.63

The use of
system in the
405 4.985 Significant
promotion of Literary 196 97.51 12.24

Obstacles to Scientific 211 48.64 13.21

using non-
405 0.52
Blackboard Literary 196 47.97 12.76 significant
Scientific 211 32.7 6.01
The motivation
of students
towards the
405 3.03
use of the Literary 196 34.44 5.55 Significant

Scientific 211 171.88 24.24

(as a whole)
Literary 196 179.93 22.37 405 3.47 Significant

It is clear from the previous table: Turaif on the domain of obstacles to using
the Blackboard system according to the
1. There is a statistically significant difference variable specialization, because there are no
between the average scores of pre service obstacles that prevent it.
kindergarten female teachers in Turaif on 3. The existence of a statistically significant
the domain of using Blackboard system in difference between the average scores of pre
the promotion of academic achievement service kindergarten female teachers in
according to the variable specialization. Turaif on the domain of the motivation of
2. There is no statistically significant students towards the use of the Blackboard
difference between the average scores of pre system according to the variable
service kindergarten female teachers at specialization - for the benefit of literary.

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Volume 9 - Issue 28 / April 2020 223

Figure 1.
Average scores of pre service kindergarten female teachers in Turaif on the scale of the using of lectronic evaluation
tools using the Blackboard system dimensions according to the variable specialization.

In light of the above, the researcher can There should be periodic training sessions for
accept the second hypothesis of the faculty members and students on the optimal use
research hypotheses, which states: There of the Blackboard e-learning system.
are statistically significant differences
between the average scores of pre service Acknowledgement
kindergarten female teachers in Turaif on
the scale of using the electronic evaluation The Authors Gratefully Acknowledge The
tools using the Blackboard system in its Approval And The Support Of Research Study
dimensions (use of Blackboard system in By The Grant , From The Deanship Of Scientific
the promotion of academic achievement, Research At Northern Border University.
Obstacles to using Blackboard system, the
students' motivation to use the Blackboard References
system) according to the specialization
variable - in favor of literary. Statistical Walid Saud Al-Amri, Akram Mahmoud Al-
analyzes were conducted using the Awad. (2016). The use of blackboard system at
statistical program SPSS XXI. Hail University from the point of view of faculty
members. Irbid , jordon : Yarmouk University.
Conclusion and Recommendations Abd al-Karim, R. b. (2015). The effectiveness of
teaching an introduction of course in learning
Blackboard system offers a variety of and teaching in the light of the principles of
educational opportunities by breaking all the social construction theory using the Blackboard
barriers and obstacles facing educational system in the achievement of the students of.
institutions and learners. It has also helped many University of Shakra: Journal of the University
educational institutions to spread education of Shakra.
strongly through the Internet, where it is flexible Abd al-Karim, Rashid bin Hussein, and Ruwais,
and scalable. It is recommended that there should Azizah bint Saad. (2015). The effectiveness of
be diversity in electronic evaluation methods teaching an introduction of course in learning
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