Electricity Revenue Manual (Volume-II)

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Important Circulars Issued

on Revenue Matters
from time to time
Regulation No. 5 of 2004
Section 50 of the Electricity Act, 2003 requires the State Commissions to specify an Electricity Supply Code to provide
for the following:
(i) Recovery of electricity charges,
(ii) Intervals for billing of electricity charges,
(iii) Disconnection of supply for non-payment thereof,
(iv) Restoration of supply of electricity ,
(v) Tampering, distress or damage to electrical plant, electric lines or meter,
(vi) Entry of Licensee’s officials for disconnecting supply and removing the meter, and
(vii) Entry for replacing, altering or maintaining of electric lines, or electric plant or meter.
The Commission published a draft Regulation on 18-12-2003 inviting comments / suggestions. A press release
was also issued on 20-12-2003 inviting comments and suggestions from interested persons. Three Licensees have
offered their comments and suggestions. The Commission considered the same and made suitable changes in the draft
Regulation wherever necessary.
In this Exercise of the powers conferred by clause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 181 read with section 50 of the
Electricity Act 2003 (36 of 2003) and all powers enabling it in that behalf, the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory
Commission hereby makes the following Regulation, namely :-
1. Short title, Commencement and interpretation :
i) This Regulation may be called the Andhra pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Electricity Supply
Code) Regulation 2004.
ii) This Regulation shall be applicable to all Distribution Licensees in their respective licensed areas, in the State
of Andhra Pradesh.
iii) This Regulation shall come into force 3 months after the date of its publication in the Andhra Pradesh
2. Definitions :- In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires :-
a) “Act” means the Electricity Act, 2003
b) “Commission” means the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatary Commission.
c) “Consumption charges” means charges payable for the consumption of electrical energy in Kwhrs multiplied by
appropriate tariff rates and also includes Demand/Fixed charges, Fuel Surcharge Adjustment (FSA) and customer
charges etc., wherever applicable.
d) “high tension (HT) consumer” means consumer who is supplied electricity at a voltage higher than 440 volts.
e) “HT rates” means the consumption charges payable by HT consumers.
f) “low tension (LT) consumer” means a consumer who is supplied electricity at a Voltage upto 440 volts.
g) “LT rates” means the consumption charges payable by LT consumers.
h) “month” means the calender month. The period of about 30 days between the two consecutive meter reading
shall also be regarded as a month for purpose of billing;
i) “premises’’ includes any land, building or structure.
j) All other expressions used herein but not specifically defined herein but defined in the Act shall have the
meaning assigned to them in the Act. The other expression used herein but not specifically defined in this
regulation or in the Act but defind in the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Reform Act, 1998 shall have the meaning
assigned to them under the said Act, provided that such definitions in the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Reform

Act, 1998 are not inconsistent with the provision of the Electricity Act, 2003.
3. Recovery of Electricity Charges from consumers
3.1 The distribution licence shall cover the electricity charges for the electricity supplied to the consumer as per the tariff
determined by he Commission from time to time in accordance with the provisions of Electricity Act 2003;
Provided that where there are more than one Licensee in the same distribution area the Licensees may
be allowed by the Commission to recover the charges at such tariffs as the licensee may consider appropriate subject
to the maximum ceiling of tariff fixed by the Commission.
3.2 Unless other wise specified, all HT and LT rates refer to one point of supply and eash separate establishment will be
given separate point of supply.
3.3 The consumer shall pay to the distribution licensee within the time specified for the purpose under clause 4 every
month/billing period at the appropriate office of the distribution licensee or any other place allowed by the distribution
licensee, charges for the electrical energy supplied to the consumer during the preceding billing period at the tariff in
force from time to time.
3.4 The consumer shall pay, in addition to the charges fixed in the Tariff determined by the Commission, all surcharges,
additional charges if any other charges payable relating to the supply of energy to the consumer as per the tariff
conditions in force from time to time. The consumer shall also pay all the amounts chargeable by the Government by
way of tax/duty etc. to the appropriate authority as specified by the Government.
3.5 When supply to a new consumer is commenced in the middle of a billing period, the demand charges, or any other
similar fixed charges shall be levied pro rata for the number of days for which supply is given during the billing period.
In the case of energy, prorate minium charges or the charges at appropriate tariff for the energy actually consumed,
whichever is higher shall be payable by the consumer.
4. Electricity Bills
4.1 Intervals of Electricity Bills
4.1.1 Bills shall be issued at a periodicity of not more than 2 months in respect of domestic, commercial , agricultural
services (metered cases) and general purpose consumers. Flat rate agricultural consumers shall be provided with pass
books and electricity charges shall be collected monthly on prorata basis in respect of annual flat rate tariff fixed for
this category. In respect of all other categories of consumers, the bills shall be issued monthly.
4.1.2 The consumers shall be informed in advance of the periodicity of billing for his service (monthly or bimonthly), date
in the calender month when his meter will be read, bill date in the calender month and due date for payment in the
calender month. It shall be obligatory on the part of Licensee to read meter of a service on prescribed date. But in
unforeseen circumstances, the licensee may record the meter reading two days before or after the prescribed date.
The bill date shall be date of meter reading for spot billing system and in other cases it shall be within one
week from the date of the meter reading. The bill shall be served to a consumer immediately after the meter reading
incase of spot billing system and in other cases within a period of one week from the bill date.
The licensee shall obtain the acknowledgment of the consumer or some other inmate of the premises
after issue of the bill and the authorized meter reader shall also enter the meter reading and the date of reading in the
passbook / or meter card provided to the consumer.
4.1.3 Bill shall be sent to the consumers, other than HT category, either by post or by hand delivery and incase of HT
consumers, either by certificate of posting or by hand delivery. The fact of dispatch of bills to the consumers of a
particular area will be displayed by appropriate notice on the notice board of the Licensee’s Revenue office of the area
concerned. Loss in transit of the bill if sent by post shall not be the responsibility of the licensee. However in case of
hand delivery, proof of service of the bill shall be maintained at the Consumers Revenuw Office of the Licensee. It shall
be the responsbility of the Licensee to ensure prompt delivery of bills to the consumer. However, if the consumer does
not receive the bill within 14 days from the date of meter reading, he should approach the Revenue Office concerned to
obtains a duplicate copy of the bill.
4.1.4 The Licensee shall issue the first bill for all services energised during a billing cycle, before end of next billing cycle.
Incase, the consumer does not receive the first bill before and next billing cycle from date of energizing the connection
he may report to the designed Officer of the Licensee who shall arrange for issue of the bill within next 14 days.
4.1.5 Changes of occupancy/vacancy of premises
i) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the connection to get a special reading done by the licensee
at the time of change of occupancy or on the premises falling vacant.
ii) The owner/user of the connection may request in writing to the licensee for special reading at least 15
days in advance of the said vacancy of the premsis by the existing user or change of the occupancy, as the
case may be.
iii) The Licensee shall arrange a special reading to be done and deliver the final bills including all arrears till
the date of billing, at least 7days before the vacancy of the premises. The final bill shall also include payment

for the period between the date of special reading and date of vacancy of premises on prorata basis.
iv) Once the final bill is raised, the licensee shall not have any right to recover any charge(s), other than those
in the final bill, for any period prior to the date of such bill.
v) The licensee may charge reasonable fee for the above service.
4.2 The following information shall be included on the body of the bill
a) Bill Number
b) Consumer No., name and address
c) Name of Sub-division / Section.
d) i) Type of supply (i.e. single-phase, three-phase, LT or HT)
ii) Contracted load/Connected load
e) Category of consumer (i.e. domestic, commercial etc.)
f) Status of meter (OK/defective/missing/door Lock/ etc.)
g) Meter No. - Incase replacement of energy meter is involved during the billing period, the meters numbers
of old and the new meters, date of replacement, final reading of old meter and initial reading of new meter
at the time of replacing the meter shall also be indicated on the bill.
h) Billing period (dates to be mentioned)
i) Initial meter reading of the billing period/cycle with date.
j) Final meter reading of the billing period/cycle with date.
k) Multiplying Factor of the meter.
l) Number of units consumed during the billing period
m) Date of the bill and due date of payment
n) Billing details :- The details for the current month demand and arrears shall be furnished in the bills.
1) Energy / Monthly Minimum Charges
2) Fixed Charges.
3) Capacitor Surcharges
4) Customer Charges
5) Electricity Duty
6) Fuel cost adjustment charges
7) Surcharge for low power factor.
8) Additional charges for belated payment
9) Interest on installments due
10) Total current month demand
11) Arrears - i) Preceding financial year ii) Current financial year
12) Others
13) Total amount due
14) Adjustment
15) Net Amount
o) Mode of payment
p) Designation and address of authorities with whom complaints or grievances can be lodged and address and
telephone numbers of the Forum and the Vidyut Ombudsman constituted under section 42 of the Act.
q) In case of cheques and bank drafts, the receiving authority in whose favour the amount should be drawn.
r) Telephone No. of Customer Service center and Revenue Unit.
s) Address / Details of concerned local collection centres and Electricity Revenue Offices of licensee with working
hours where payment of Electricity Bill shall be made.
Details of cost of serve for the category, cross-subsidy and Government subsidy per unit, slab-wise and information
from (p) to (s) may be printed on the reverse of the bill.
4.3 Payment of Electricity Bill
4.3.1 The payment of bill shall normally be made at the specified local collection center of the Licensee on any working day

during prescribed hours, or through any other facility like e-seva, banks, post offices, internet etc., as may be provided
by the licensee.
4.3.2 The Licensee may however, specify any collection centres for making payment for a group of consumers in addition to
the concerned Revenue Office of the Licensee, where arrangement shall be made by licensee to accept payment of
bills both by cash and DD/Cheque.
4.3.3 If due date/disconnection date for default indicated in the bill for payment of the amount is a Sunday or a Public
Holiday, the succeeding working day shall be treated as the due date/disconnection date for default.
4.3.4 The consumer shall present his bill at the time of payment without which payment will not be normally accepted.
However if the consumer is unable to present his bill due to non-receipt of the same and if the consumer applies for
duplicate bill at the concerned Electricity Revenue Office to enable him to make payment of his electricity bill, the
Licensee shall arrange to accept payment of bill duly issuing duplicate bill on the spot. In other cases, if the consumer
applies for a duplicate bill it shall be supplied within 3days of receipt of application in writing in the office of issue.
Non-receipt of the bill shall not entitle the consumer to delay the payment beyond the due date.
4.3.5 The billed amount shall be paid by the consumer as under :
i) Upto Rs. 5,000/- by cash.
Provided that the licensee may accept higher amounts up to the limit(s) specified by him in rural areas, wherever
the availability of banking facilities is considered to be inadequate.
ii) Above Rs. 5,000/- by Cheque/Banker’s Cheque/DD payable at local branch of any Scheduled bank as indicated
on the Electricity Bill.
iii) Any consumer, if he so desires where the amount is less than Rs. 5,000/- can also pay the same by way of Crossed
Cheque/Banker’s Cheque/DD payable at local branch of any Scheduled Bank as indicated on the Electricity Bill
iv) Where specifically allowed by the Licensee, the amount can also be paid by credit cards, Internet payment and
through “E-seva” centres.
4.3.6 The Licensee shall Issue a receipt to the consumer for the payment of electricity bill made by way of cash or DD /
Banker’s Cheque drawn on any scheduled bank. Incase of payment made by way of personal cheque, the licensee shall
issue an acknowledgment to the consumer for the receipt of cheque. Bank certificate that money is transferred to
licensee’s amount is sufficient proof of payment.
4.3.7 All consumers shall pay the Current Consumption charges within 15 days from the date of the bill and licensee shall
ensure distribution of Electricity Bills to the consumers not less than 10 days before the due date for payment.
4.3.8 In case a cheque given by the consumer is not honored and payment is not made action may be initiated by the
Licensee for disconnection, treating it as a case of non-payment as detailed in clause 4.8. The licensee may not accept
payment through cheques from such consumer for a period of one year form the billing month for which the cheque
given by the consumer has bounced. For that particular one year, the consumer may be required to pay his bill in cash/
by DD only. This shall be without prejudice to other rights of the Licensee to proceed against the consumer for
dishonor of the cheque.
4.3.9 Advance payment of anticipated bills by consumer :- The consumer shall have the facility to make advance payments
towards the Consumption charges and require the Licensee to adjust the amount against bills that may be raised by the
Licensee from time to time. Such advance payments don’t attract any interest.
4.4 Additional charges for belated payment of bills :-
Incase the consumers do not pay the bills by the due date mentioned in the bills additional charges for delayed
payment of bills shall apply as per tariff orders issued form time to time.
4.5 Adjustment of amount paid :-
The amount paid by the consumer shall first be adjusted as per the priorities stated hereunder
a) Arrears as on 31st March of previous financial year.
b) Arrears accured from 1st April of the current financial year till the date of bill.
c) Current month Consumption charges
4.6 Installment facility :- Licensee may grant at its discretion, the facility of payment of arrears bills by Installments.
4.6.1 Grant of installments facility shall not affect the liability of the consumer to pay additional charges for
delayed payment as per tariff notifications issued form time to time, till full clearance of arrears. Apart
from the additional charges leviable for belated payment, such consumer shall be required to pay the
interest charges at 24% per annum on the amount outstanding out of the charges allowed to be paid on
4.6.2 The Licensee shall designate and notify the authorities who may grant installment facilities for LT and
HT Services from time to time.

4.7 Erroneous / Disputed Bills
4.7.1 The consumer shall make the full payment of the electricity bill amount.
Provided that the supply of electricity shall not be cut off if such consumer deposits, under protest -
a) an amount equal to the sum claimed from him, or
b) the electricity charges due from for each month calculated on the basis of average of amounts for electricity
paid by him during the preceding six months, whichever is less, pending disposal of any dispute raised by
the consumer on the bills.
4.7.2 The Licensee shall normally resolve the billing disputes as per the standards of performance notified by the
Commission under sections 57(1) of the Act, failing which the consumer shall be entitled for compensation
as prescribed by the Commission under section 57(2) of the Act, without prejudice to his right to seek relief
through the Forum for redressal of grievances of consumers under section 42(5) of the Act.
4.7.3 On examination of the complaint, if Licensee finds the bill to be erroneous, a revised bill shall be given to
the consumer indicating a revised due date of payment, which should be fixed not earlier than seven days
from the date of delivery of the revised bill to the consumer. If the consumer has paid any excess amount, it
shall be refunded by way of adjustment in the subsequent bills. The licensee shall pay to the consumer
interest charges at 24% per annum on the excess amount outstanding on amount of such wrong billing.
4.7.4 If the Licensee finds the bill to be correct, the consumer shall be intimated accordingly and notified to pay
the amount with additional charges for belated payment from the due date.
4.8 Disconnection of Service
4.8.1 Disconnection due to non-payment : - Where a consumer neglects to pay any consumption charge for
electricity or any other sum due from him to a Licensee, by the due date mentioned in the bill, in respect of
supply of energy to him or in respect of supply, transmission or distribution or wheeling of electricity to him
the licensee may, after giving not less than fifteen (15) clear days notice in writing to such person and
without prejudice to his rights to recover such charge or other sum by suit, cut off supply of electricity and
for that purpose disconnect any electric supply line or other works being the property of such licensee or the
generating company through which electricity may have been supplied transmitted or wheeled and may
discontinue the supply until such charge or other sum, together with any expenses incurred by him in cutting
off and reconnecting the supply, are paid, but no longer.
4.8.2 Notwithstanding anything in any other law for the time being in force no sum due from any consumer, under
this section shall be recoverable after a period of two years from the date when such sum became first due
unless such sum has been shown continuously as recoverable as arrears of charges for electricity supplied
and the licensee shall not cut off the supply of the electricity.
4.8.3 In case of continued default in payment of electricity charges and any sum due to licensee by any other
consumer, the Lincesee shall be entitled to terminate the agreement executed by the consumer as per the
terms and conditions of supply of the Licensee as approved by the Commission.
5. Restoration of supply of electricity
If any service is disconnected on account of non-payment of electricity charges or any other charges due to
licensee, the consumer has to pay the charges for reconnection. The licensee shall restore the electrical supply in not
more than four working hours after production of the proof of payment of charges by consumer in towns and cities and
within 12 working hours after production of proof of payment of charges by consumer in rural areas. However restoration
of power supply will be attend to only between 8 AM to 6 PM except in case of supply of electricity for essential
services like water supply, hospitals etc., and other important government services. Such requests of consumers
seeking reconnection after 6PM, shall be attended the following day before 12 noon.
6. Right of licensee to enter consumer premises and to remove fittings or other apparatus of licensee.
6.1 A Licensee or any other person duly authorised by him may, at any time, and on informing the occupier of his
intention, enter any premises or land, under, over, along. across, in or upon which the electric supply - lines or
other works have been lawfully placed by him for the purpose of -
a) inspecting, testing, repairing or altering the electric supply-lines, meters, fittings, works and apparatus for the
supply of electricity belonging to the licensee, or
b) ascertaining the amount of electricity supplied or the electrical quantity contained in the supply, or
c) removing any electric supply-lines, meters, fittings, works or apparatus belonging to the licensee where a
supply of electricity is no longer required, or the licensee is authorised to take away and cut off such supply.
6.2 A licensee or any person authorised as aforesaid may also, in pursuance of a special order in this behalf made by
an Executive Magistrate and after giving not less than twenty-four hour notice in writing to the occupier enter.
a) any premises or land referred to in clause (5) any of the purpose mentioned therein, or

b) any premises to which electricity is to be supplies by him, for the purpose of examining and testing the
electric wires fittings, works and apparatus for the use of electricity belonging to the consumer.
6.3 Where a consumer refuses to allow a licensee or any person authorised as afore said to enter his premises or land
in pursuance of the provisions of clause 6.1 or 6.2, refuses to allow him to perform any act which he is authorised
by those clauses to perform, or fails to give reasonable facilities, the Licensee may after expiry of twenty-four
hours form the service of a notice in writing on the consumer, disconnect the supply to the consumer till such
refusal or failure continues, but no longer.
7. Tampering, distress or damage to electrical plant, lines or meter.
7.1 If the equipment i.e. electrical plant, line or meter etc. of the licensee placed in the consumer premises is found
tampered, distressed/damaged, the licensee shall entitled to recover the expenses incurred for restoration of such
plant, line, meter etc., without prejudice to his right to take action under appropriate provisions of the Act,
including disconnection of supply under section 56 of the Act for non-payment of the cost for replacement/
7.2 Where ever un-authorised use of electricity is involved, the provision of section 126 shall apply and where theft
of electricity is involved, the provisions of Section 135 shall apply.
7.3 Where un-authorised use of electricity is detected and a final order is issued by the assessing officer, the consumer
shall be entitled to file an appeal to the appellate authority under section 127 of the Act.
8. Service of notice
8.1 Any order/notice to the consumer by the licensee including the notice under section 56 of the Electricity Act,
2003 shall be deemed to be duly served by the licensee if it is :
a) Sent by registered post under certificate of posting, by courier, or other similar means, or
b) Delivered by hand to the person residing at the address notified to the licensee by the consumer, or
c) Affixed at conspicuous part of such premises in case there is no person, to whom the same can with
reasonable diligence, be delivered.
8.2 Documents or notices so posted under clause 8.1(a) above, shall be presumed to have been duly received by the
consumer on the date on which he could be reasonably expected to receive the same.
9. Meter Card / Pass Books :-
A meter reading card / Pass book shall be maintained by the licensee at consumer premises in appropriate form
and all periodical reading taken for billing purposes, all check readings and meter changes should be recorded on the
meter card / pass book.
The consumer shall ensure safe custody of such pass book / meter card and keep it in an easily accessible place
for recording the meter readings and meter change particulars etc.
10. Interpretation : -
This Regulation shall be read and construed in all respects as being subject to the provisions of the Electricity Act 2003
and Andhra Pradesh Electricity Reform Act 1998, the provisions of any other law relating to supply of electricity for the
time being in force and nothing herein above contained in this Regulation shall abridge or prejudice the rights of the
Licensee and the consumer under any Central or State Act or rules made thereunder.
11. Savings:
Nothing Contained in this Regulations shall affect the right and privileges of the consumer under any other law for the
time being in force, including the Consumer Protection Act 1986 (68 of 1986).
12. Powers to remove difficulties :-
If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of this Regulation, the Commission may by general or
special order, direct the Distribution Licensee, the Forum and the Ombudsman to take suitable action, not being
inconsistent with the Electricity Act, 2003, which appears to the Commission to be necessary or expendient for the
purpose of removing difficulties.
13. Power to amend :-
The Commission may, at any time vary, alter modify or amend any provision of the Regulation.


A.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission

No. 96 HYDERABAD, MONDAY, MAY 17, 2004.

Regulation No. 6 of 2004



Section 47 of the Electricity Act 2003, deals with the power of the Licensee to require security from consumers
towards amounts due to him in respect of the electricity supplied or towards the cost of providing any electric line/ electric
plant or electric meter for supply of electricity pursuant to Section 43 of the Act. The section also provides that the Licensee’s
is entitled to refuse to give supply or provide the line / plant / meter to the applicant as long as the applicant fails to give such
security and where the security already given becomes invalid or insufficient. The Licensee can discontinue the supply of
electricity if the consumer fails to provide reasonable security within 30days after the service of a notice to this effect by the
Licensee for the payment of all monies which may become due to the Licensee in respect of supplying electricity, etc., The Act
has made an express provision for payment of interest on the security amount at bank rate or a higher rate as may be specified
by the concerned State Commission. The Licensee is not entitled to require security from a person receiving supply through a
pre-payment meter.

A draft Regulation consistent with the above provisions of the Act was published in the A.P. Gazette on 10-12-03 inviting
comments/ suggestions from interested parties. A press release was also issued on the same day about the publication of the
draft Regulation inviting suggestion / comments from interested parties by 31-12-03.

Some of the salient features of the draft Regulations are :

Payment of Security Deposit by way of cash /DD for the energy supplied / to be supplied.
Security Deposit amount shall be two months charges in case of monthly billing and 3 months charges for bi-
monthly billing.
Annual review will be done and additional Security Deposit will be demanded in case of short fall. Refund will
be made in case of excess.
Initial Security Deposit is specified in terms of flat rate per KW/KVA/HP for the sake of simplicity in the interest
of consumers.
The Licensee has to pay interest at Bank Rate (RBI rate) and penal interest at twice this rate for delay in making
annual adjustment in bills.
Licensee can refuse/ disconnect supply for non-payment of Security Deposit.

Security for providing electric line / plant / meter
The commission has examined the comments and suggestions received and made suitable changes in the draft Regulation,
wherever necessary.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 181 read with sub-section (1) and (4) of section 47 of the Electricity
Act 2003 (36 of 2003) and all powers enabling it in that behalf, the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory
Commission hereby makes the following Regulation, dealing with the Security Deposit to be provided by the
Consumer and matters incidental and ancillary there to :-
1. Short title, commencement and interpretation :
i. This Regulation may be called the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Security Deposit)
Regulation, 2004.
ii. This Regulation shall be applicable to all Distribution Lincesees in their respective licensed areas, in the state
iii. This Regulation shall come into force 3 months after the date of its publication in the Andhra Pradesh
2. Definitions :-
In this regulation, unless the context otherwise requires :-
a) “Act” means the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003)
b) “Commission” means the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission.
c) “Consumption charges” means for the consumption of electrical energy in Kwhrs multiplied by
appropriate tariff rates and also includes Demand/Fixed charges, Fuel Surcharge Adjustment (FSA) and customer
charges etc., wherever applicable.
d) “high tension (HT) consumer” means consumer who is supplied electricity at a voltage higher than 440 volts.
e) “low tension (LT) consumer” means a consumer who is supplied electricity at a Voltage upto 440 volts.
f) “month” means the calender month. The period about 30 days between the two consecutive meter reading shall
also be regarded as a month for purpose of billing;
g) “State” means the State of Andhra Pradesh.
h) Words and expressions used and not defined in this regulation but defined in the Act shall have the meanings as
assigned to them in the Act.
3. Power to Require Security :-
1) The distribution licensee may require from any person, who requires a supply of electricity to his premises in
pursuance of section 43 of the Act, to give security as provided in clause 4 herein, for the payment of all monies,
which may become due to the licensee.
a) In respect of the electricity supplied to such person; and / or
b) where any electric line or electrical plant or electric meter is to be provided for supplying electricity to such
person, in respect of the provision of such line or plant or meter.
2) If such person fails to give such security under sub-clause (1), the Distribution Licensee may refuse to give the
supply of electricity or to provide the line or plant or meter for the period during which the failure continues.
4. Security deposit for the electricity supplied/ to be supplied :
1) The LT consumers shall at all times so maintain with the licensee an amount equivalent to consumption charges
(i.e. demand/fixed charges and energy charges etc., as applicable) of three months wherever bi-monthly billing is
in vogue and two months” charges in the case of monthly billing cycle as security during the period the Agreement
for supply of energy to such LT consumers is in force:
Provided that as and when the bi-monthly cycle is replaced with monthly billing cycle, the licensee shall
refund the excess amount, if any, over the two months charges by adjustment against the then outstanding dues to
the Licensee or any amount becoming due to the Licensee immediately thereafter.
2) The HT consumers shall at all times maintain with the licensee an amount equivalent to consumption charges (i.e.
demanded charges and energy charges etc., as applicable) of 2 months as security during the period the Agreement

for supply of energy to such HT consumers is in force.
3) If any person requiring supply under LT or HT is prepared to take the supply through a pre-payment meter, the
distribution licensee shall not be entitled to collect the security deposit from such person.
Provided that in the case of existing consumers (LT or HT) who opt for the supply through pre-payment
meter, the Licensee shall refund the amount of the security deposit of such consumer lying with the licensee by
adjustment of the then outstanding dues to the Licensee or any amount becoming due to the Licensee immediately
4) The initial security deposit payable at the time of releasing the supply shall be at flat rates mentioned in clause 5
5) The amount payable towards security shall be in the form of a cash/demand draft (DD) drawn in favour of the
5. Initial Security Deposit
i) The applicants for electricity shall pay initial security deposit towards the electricity to be supplied to them at the
flat rates given-hereunder:
Amount of Initial Security Deposit
LT Category Services for bi-monthly billing for monthly billing
i) For Domestic Purpose up to 250 watts of Rs. 100 Rs. 80
contracted load
ii) For Domestic Purpose above 250 Watts Rs. 300 per KW or Rs. 200 per KW or
contracted load part thereof. part thereof.
iii) For industrial purpose, including cottage Not applicable Rs. 500 per HP or
industries part thereof of
contracted load
iv) For Non-Domestic /Street lights / General Rs. 1200 per KW or Rs. 800 per KW or
purpose part there of part thereof of
of contracted load. contracted load.
v) For Agriculture Category purpose Rs 60 per HP or part Rs. 40 per HP or part
thereof of contracted thereof of contracted
load. load.
HT Category Services
vi) HT Categories - I and I(B) Not applicable Rs. 500 per kVA per
shift on contracted
vii) For all other HT Categories Not applicable Rs. 1000 per kVA on
contracted demand

ii) In the case of consumers who are sanctioned additional demand, the additional security deposit shall be calculated
for the additional demand as if it is a new service.
iii) If the applicant does not make payment of Initial Security Deposit in terms of this clause, the Licensee can refuse
to release supply.
iv) The initial security deposit shall be appropriately adjusted after the expiry of two months, or 3 months as the case
may be, in accordance with sub-clause (1) or (2) of clause 4 above.
6. Review and payment of Additional Security Deposit for the electricity supplied :
1) General Review
Subject to the billing period of three months or two months as specified in Clauses 4, the adequacy of the amount
of security deposit in respect of consumers shall be reviewed by the licensee generally once in every year

(preferably after the revision of tariff for the respective year) based on the average consumption for the period
representing 12 (twelve) months from April to March of the previous year.
2) Demand notice for Additional Security Deposit
a) Based on review as per sub-clause (1) above, demand for shortfall or refund of excess will be made by the
Provided, however, that if the security deposit payable by the consumer is short by or in excess of not
more than 10% of the existing security deposit, no demand for shortfall will be made for payment of Additional
Security Deposit and the consumer shall not be entitled to demand the refund of the excess.
b) If the existing Security Deposit of a consumer is found to be in excess by more than 10% of the required
security deposit, refund of the excess security deposit shall be made by the Licensee by adjustment of the
then oustanding dues from the consumer to the Licensee or any amount becoming due from the consumer to
the Licensee immediately thereafter.
c) Where the consumer is required to pay “Additional Security Deposit, the Licensee shall issue to the consumer
a 30 days advance notice specifying the amount payable with supporting calculations
3) Surcharge for belated payment of additional security deposit
a) The consumers shall pay the additional security deposit within thirty days from the date of service of the
demand notice issued by the licensee.
b) If there is any delay in payment, the consumer shall pay surcharge thereon at 18% per annum or at such rates
as may be fixed by the Commission from time to time, without prejudice to the Licensee’s right to disconnect
supply of electricity, as per this Regulation.
4) Disconnection for non-payment of security deposit for the electricity supplied.
In the case where Additional Security Deposit is demanded by the Licensee in terms of clause 6, and the
consumer does not make payment, the supply to the consumer shall be liable for disconnection, without any
further notice.
7. Interest on Security Deposit payable by the Licensee :
1) The licensee shall pay interest on security deposit of a consumer, at the Bank Rate notified by Reserve Bank of
India provided that the Commission may specify a higher rate of interest from time to time by notification in
Official Gazette.
2) The interest accruing to the credit of the consumer shall be adjusted annually against the amounts outstanding
from the consumer to the Licensee as on 1st May of every year and the amounts becoming due from the consumer
to the Licensee immediately thereafter.
3) The Licensee shall duly show the amounts becoming due to the consumer towards interest on the security deposit
in the bills raised on the consumer.
4) The Licensee shall pay interest at twice the rate specified under sub-clause (1) above for the delay in making
the adjustments for interest on security deposit.
8. Special Provision for Seasonal industries :
1) In the case of industries declared by a general or special order of Commission as seasonal the adequacy of the
security deposit shall be reviewed based on the consumption during the seasonal period of the preceding year and
such additional security deposit as required, may be demanded by the Licensee by duly giving thirty (30) days
notice before the commencement of seasonal period.
2) It shall be ensured that by the commencement of seasonal period, the security deposit equivalent to 2(two)
months’ charges during season is available for the seasonal supply.
3) At the end of the season, a review of Security Deposit shall be made again with reference to the consumption
during off-season period of the preceding year and the security deposit in excess of two months’ “off-season”
consumption charges shall be refunded by adjustment against the amounts outstanding from the consumer to the
Licensee and the amounts becoming due from the consumer to the Licensee immediately thereafter.
9. Refund of Security Deposit :
Where an agreement for supply of electricity is terminated as per the Terms and Conditions of supply, the
Licensee shall be required to refund the security deposit if any, after making adjustments for the amounts outstanding
from the consumer to the Licensee, within one month of the effective date of termination of the agreement.

Provided that if such refund is delayed beyond the period of one month as specified above, the Licensee shall pay
interest on such deposit at twice the rate applicable on such effective date of termination of the agreement :
10. Security for the electric line or electrical plant or electric meter :
1) After receipt of requisition for supply of electricity from any person pursuant to section 43 of the Act, the
Distribution Licensee shall take neccesary steps to provide supply as per the time limits specified in the Regulation
under section 57 of the Act.
2) The amounts to be paid for providing of electric line or electric plant or electric meter as the case may be, for
supply of electricity to the person requisitioning supply, shall be estimated by the licensee and communicated
to such person.
3) On receipt of intimation from Licensee, the person requisitioning supply shall give security by cash or Demand
Draft to the licensee, equivalent to the amount required under sub-caluse(2) above.
4) The Licensee shall pay interest on the security amount at the Bank Rate notified by Reserve Bank of India or
such higher rate as may be fixed by the Commission from time to time.
5) After furnishing of the security by the person requisitioning supply, the Distribution Licensee shall take up the
work and take necessary steps for supply of electricity within the time limits specified in the Regulation notified
under section 57 of the Act.
6) If the person requisitioning supply fails to give such security as mentioned in sub-clause (2), the Distribution
Licensee shall not be required to take up the work of providing electric line or electric plant or electric meter, as
the case may be, in respect supply of electricity to such person.
7) If the security given has become invalid or insufficient, the Distribution Licensee may, by notice, require the
person requisitioning supply, within 30days after service of the notice, to revalidate, or make good the shortfall
in security in respect of provision of such line or plant or meter.
8) The Distribution Licensee shall maintain a record of expenditure incurred for providing of electric line or
electric plant or electric meter for supply of electricity to such a person.
9) After execution of the work of electric plant or electric line or electric meter for extension of supply, the Distribution
Licensee shall be entitled to demand from the person requisitioning the supply the amount reasonably incurred
by him in respect of providing the electric line or electric plant or electric meter for supply electricity to such
person as per the Regulation notified by the Commission under section 46 of the Act and adjust the security
deposit lying with Licensee with interest accrued thereon for the amount due to Licensee. In the event the
Security amount with interrest accurued thereon is in excess of the amount to be adjusted by the Licensee, the
Licensee shall refund the excess amount by adjustment in the amount which will become due to the Licensee
from the consumer immediately thereafter for supply of electricity or for any other services.
11. Power to remove difficulties :
1) In case of any difficulty in giving effect to any of the provisions of this Regulation, the Commission may do or
undertake things, or by general or special order, direct the Licensee to take suitable action, not being inconsistent
with the provisions of Electricity Act 2003, which appears to the commission to be necessary or expedient for
the purpose of removing the difficulty.
2) The Licensee may make an application to the commission and seek suitable orders to remove any difficulties
that may arise in implementation of this Regulation.
12. Issue of orders and practice directions :
Subject to the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 and this Regulation, the Commission may, from time to
time, issue orders and practice directions with regard to the implementation of this Regulation and procedure to be
followed for such implementation and matters incidental or ancillary thereto.
13. Power to amend :
The Commission may, at any time add vary, alter, modify or amend any provisions of this Regulation.


Secretary (FAC)

Corporate Office :: Visakhapatnam

Memo No. CGM (Expr)/GM (R)/SAO (R)/F-35 (Agreements)/D.No. 311 /07 Dt. 31.03.07

Sub: APEPDCL – Establishment of “Rajiv EPDCL Centres” for registration of CSC & ECC complaints and
CC bills collection in every section office of all circles in APEPDCL – Instructions issued - Reg.

It has been decided by the Management to establish “Rajiv EPDCL Centres” in each and every section
office for registering the CSC & ECC complaints and CC bills collection in all the circles in APEPDCL.

The following guidelines are issued for establishing the “Rajiv EPDCL Centres”:

1. To entrust the said work to the private local persons who come forward to take up the work as per the
Terms and Conditions of EPDCL.
2. Preference may be given to the existing RSDP/RIV collection centres which are nearby section office and
shift them to the section office premises.
3. The Rajiv EPDCL Center shall attend registration of ECC complaints, CSC complaints and CC bills collec-
tion from the consumers.
4. Computerized acknowledgements to be given for all transactions.
5. ECC complaints to be forwarded to the concerned Call centre on hourly basis.
6. CSC applications received up to 05:00 p.m. daily are to be handed over to the concerned call centre / Asst.
Engineer/Operation along with documents and soft copies on the same day between 06:00 p.m. to 07:00
7. The required capacity computers with operators and adequate furniture are to be procured by the benefi-
8. The Rajiv EPDCL Center shall work all the 365 days without any holiday. The timings for working of the
call center is 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. The beneficiary has to give holidays to their staff and comply all the
statutory provisions under various Acts and the APEPDCL do not bear any responsibility.
9. Sufficient number of operators are to be engaged in the call center with out causing inconvenience to
10. Uniform as approved by EPDCL is to be provided to the operators by the beneficiary.
11. Broadband facility will be provided by APEPDCL.
12. APEPDCL will provide accommodation and Electricity at each section office at free of cost.
13. EPDCL will provide software and is to be followed and should not be changed under any circumstances.
14. Software maintenance will be done by EPDCL.
15. The required stationery will be provided by EPDCL.
16. The entire amount of CC Bills collected is to be remitted in to Bank / ERO daily as per the instructions of
Asst. Accounts Officer/ERO.
17. All the day transactions by the end of the day shall be submitted through electronic process duly contacting

concerned unit of the APEPDCL, if required, failing which a penalty of Rs. 10/- per transaction per day will
be levied.
18. Rs. 2/- per transaction including all charges and taxes for collection of CC Bills will be paid by EPDCL.
19. Rs. 2/- (including all charges and taxes) will be paid for each CSC application registered.
20. No charges will be paid for fuse off call complaints i.e., ECC. But computerized acknowledgement to be
21. Bank guarantee equal to two days maximum collection of each section shall be collected initially and
reviewed every month for a period of 3 months and any additional Bank Guarantee required shall be
collected. In the event of failure to submit additional Bank guarantee as required by EPDCL, the agree-
ment is liable for termination.
22. The following additional services are to be attended on production of demand notice by the consumers

a. Theft of Energy / Malpractice amounts.

b. Additional Consumption Deposit amounts.
c. Shifting Charges.
d. Burnt Meter cost.
e. Installment amount of CC charges.
f. Revised CC charges Bills etc.

A draft agreement is also herewith enclosed.

All Superintending Engineers/Operation and Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle are requested to fol-
low the above instructions scrupulously and report compliance.

Encl: As above Chief General Manager (Expr) - I/c

All Superintending Engineers/Operation/
All Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle
All Divisional Engineers/Operation
All Asst. Divisional Engineers/Operation
All Assistant Engineers/Operation
All Assistant Accounts Officers/ERO

Copy to Chief General Manager (O&CS)/APEPDCL/Visakhapatnam

Copy to General Manager (IT)/APEPDCL/Visakhapatnam

Copy to General Manager (CSC)/APEPDCL/Visakhapatnam

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No.CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/F-35/D.No. 141/07 Dt. 20.02.07
Sub : EPDCL - LT Revenue - CC Charges collections by RIV (Times) / RIV
(BEL) Operators - Accounting of Collections - Guidelines - Reg.
Of late it is observed that the instructions/guidelines issued from time to time on accounting of RIV
(Times)/RIV (BEL) Collections are not followed in some EROs and still acepting the hard copies from the RIV
Operators and posting them in the consumer ledgers resulting in misappropriation of Company Funds by some of
the RIV Operators.
To have better understanding of the system, the modus operandi of the RIV (TIMES)/RIV (BEL)
Collections and the guidelines for accounting are reiterated hereunder.
Modus Operandi :
Rajiv kiosks will be always connected online with RAJIV data center and hence all the bill payment data
and status are real time updated in to the RAJIV’s System.
RAJIV Data center website address is www. rajivonline.com and User ID and Password have been
provided to each ERO and Circle Office to access various reports online and for downloading the data.
The MIS reports date wise, service-wise transaction-wise, amount wise and Kiosks-wise can be
downloaded using the User ID and Password.
Each of the RAJIV kiosk operators will open a savings bank account in their name in SBI branch. In
cases where no SBI branch is available in their Location, the operator will open a Savings account in
Post Office.
Post office will credit day’s collection within 24 hours of receipt of funds to RAJIV Internet account in
Hyderabad. Thus collections at all the centers will, ultimately got collected at SBI, Hyderabad from
where day’s collection will get credited to EPDCL Account.
Each of the operator will deposit a minimum of one day’s amount transacted in their center as security
deposit. This deposit will not have the facility of withdrawals.
For every transaction completed at the center, the equivalent amount of transaction will correspondingly
get reduced in the security deposit amount. This is a continuous process and the deduction takes place up
to a level 90% of value of the deposit. When this level is reached the operator cannot make further
transactions as the access to the portal applications gets cut off. The operator will then have to top the
deposit to continue transactions.
All the centers will credit a day’s collection in RAJIV Internet village account opened at SBI Hyderabad
. This is an internet banking account where all transfers/credits to any account happens online. Times
administrator at the center will be closely monitoring the internet account and at the end of the day, based
on the transaction statement displaying the consoliated amounts collected on behalf of each of the
service channel partner will be credited to the respective accounts online.
EPDCL will have have to furnish the name of the SBI Bank branch with core banking facility, Bank code
number and EPDCL Account number to the Times authorities to transfer the amount to the EPDCL
account. For this purpose a bank account with core banking facility is to be opened in the name of each
Superintending Engineer/Operation circle to credit the collections made by each operator into the said
Action to be taken in Circle Office :
Review of amounts collected by the RIV Operators and amount credited to the Superintending Engineer’s
Bank Account shall be done regularly by the AO (Rev)/SAO by down loading the data.
Monthly abstracts showing day-wise, ERO-wise of transactions during the month has to be downloaded
from the Rajiv internet web site by the Circle Office on 1st of every succeeding month and reconciliation
shall be done with Service-wise and RIV center-wise figures downloaded by EROs and amount that have
been credited to the Superintending Engineer’s Bank Account.
The Accounts officer (Revenue) is responsible for reconciliation of the amounts posted by EROs in
consumer ledgers with that of the amounts credited to the Superintending Engineer’s Bank Account
For the amounts credited in the respective Superintending Engineer/Operation Account and for the transfer
of funds to the EPDCL Headquarters account the following journal entries shall be passed in the Circle
office Accounts and the Accounts Officer (Revenue) has to co-ordinate this task.
For the amounts credited to the Superintending Engineer/Operation Bank towards collections made on
behalf of EROs
24.3_Collection Bank Account Dr.

37.100 Inter Unit Account of ERO-I
37.100 Inter Unit Account of ERO-II
For Transfer of funds by the Bank to the EPDCL, Headquarters Account
24.511 Transfer to Headquarters Account Dr.
24.3_Collection Bank Account
On the 1st of every month TCA shall be communicated to the concerned EROs for the amounts credited to
Superintending Engineer’s Bank Account to regularize the credits Posted in consumer ledger.
No transaction shall be recorded in ERO/Cash Book.
Bank reconciliation is to be done every month for the above receipt account at circle and furnish Form-
10A along with Bank Reconciliation statement to Corporate Office.
The Senior Accounts Officer and Accounts Officer (Revenue) of the circle are responsible for the entire
Note : If the Bank account is in the name of the AAO/ERO and amounts collected are credited to the bank
account of AAO/ERO in such case the above entries are not required. In such case, daily collections are
to be recorded on the receipts side of the cash book and as and when the remittances are made to the
EPDCL a/c by RIV authorities the same shall be recorded on the credit side of the cash book.
Action to the taken in ERO :
The Service wise, date wise and RIV center wise collections shall be downloaded from the Rajivonline
web site on daily basis by the concerned UDC/SIRC by using the User ID and Password provided to ERO
and the same shall be communicated to the concerned Private Accounting agencies for posting in the
consumer ledgers.
No Hard copies shall be accepted from the RIV operators and every credit shall be posted in the consumer
ledger based on the service wise collections downloaded from the Rajivonline website only:
Date wise and RIV centre wise abstract shall be prepared and reconciled with the amounts posted in the
consumer ledger every month by the concerned UDC/SIRC
The Circle Office will issue TCA for the amounts collected on behalf of ERO and Credited to the
Superintending Engineer/Operation account and the ERO has to Account for the TCA through the following
journal entry :
37.100 Inter Unit Account Dr.
23.101 Sundry Debtors for sale of power Cat - I
23.102 Sundry Debtors for sale of power Cat - II and so on for CC and ED for each category.
Without TCA from Circle Office no entry shall be made in ERO
Reconciliation of collections downloaded from the Rajiv Online website with the TCA received from
Circle office shall be done at the end of the month and any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of
the SAO/AO(Rev) for taking corrective steps.
The concerned JAO is responsible to supervise the entire process of accounting and ensure that the above
procedure is followed scrupulously by the concerned staff.
The SIRC and the AAO/ERO has to conduct surprise inspections of the RIV centers periodically to ensure
the following points.
1. That the RIV operator is using the software supplied by the RAJIV ONLINE for generation of
2. That the RIV operator is doing online collections
3. That the Operator is having sufficient credit balance in his account with the concerned bank to
continue his collections.
The AAO/ERO shall ensure that the instructions are followed scrupulously by all the staff in ERO.
Chief General Manger (Expr.)-I/c.

All Assistant Account Officers/ERO & JAOs Sub-ERO
All Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle
Copy to all Divisional Engineers/Operation
Copy to all Superintending Engineer/Operation

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No.CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/F-35/D.No. 141(A)/07 Dt. 20.02.07
Sub : EPDCL - LT Revenue - CC Charges collections by RSDP Operators -
Accounting of RSDP Collections - Guidelines - Reg.
Of late it is observed that the instructions/guidelines issued from time to time on accounting of RSDP
Collections are not followed in some EROs and still accepting the hard copies from the RSDP Operators and
posting them in the consumer ledgers resulting in misappropriation of Company Funds by some of the RSDP
To have better understanding of the system, the modus operandi of the RSDP Collections and the guidelines
for accounting are reiterated hereunder.
Modus Operandi :
AP online has provided the software for enabling the electricity bill collections through RSDP.
AP online web site address is www.aponline.gov.in and User ID and Password have been provided to
each EROs and Circle Offices for downloading the data.
The UTI Bank is authorized by Government of A.P (IT&C department) to handle these collected amounts
to enable quick and online transfer of funds from operator to the department.
The UTI Bank web site address is www. utibank.com and User ID and password have been provided to
each circle office.
The billing data as entered by each kiosk operator is being captured in AP online website on a daily basis
by means of synchronization process between RSDP operator and the AP Online site through internet.
At the end of the day the operator synchronizes the collection details with AP Online server everyday.
If the operator does not synchronize in any day he cannot function on the next day, as software gets
locked up.
The operator collects the bills, upto the amount deposited in UTI Bank.
Date-wise, RDSP Operator -wise and Service wise amount collected can be viewed and data can be
down loaded from the APONLINE web site by using the User ID and password provided to each ERO.
Accounting by UTI Bank : This colletions data is inturn downloaded by the Bank to post the necessary
accounting entries in the account of operator and circle offices.
For the purpose of accounting the collection made by the RSDP operators, UTI Bank has opened a
notional account in the name of each Superintending Engineer/Operation circle to credit the collections
made by each operator into the said account.
Based on the collection data available in the AP Online website, the data is sorted operator wise and ERO
wise for posting necessary debits in the operator account and credit the respective SE/Operation account
in a uniform pattern of ERO Wise credit.
Every credit into the SE/Operation is amply supported by the detailed break up of collection made on
behalf of each ERO. Thus enabling a logical sequence in accounting of information.
MIS showing service wise transactions and monthly abstracts showing day-wise, ERO-wise No. of
transactions and amounts will be provided for the transactions that have been accounted by the UTI Bank
during the month. The circle Offices can view the entire data of the month from APONLINE site for the
purpose of reconciliation and updation of records.
At the end of the day the credit balance in the circle office accounts are transferred to DISCOM account.
Internet Banking facility has been extended to all the Circle offices for the purpose of Downloading and
viewing of Statement of Accounts for this purpose Internet Banking User ID and Password have been
provided by the bank to the circle offices.
Action to be taken in Circle Offices :
Review of amounts collected by the RSDP Operators and amount credited by UTI Bank shall be done
regularly by the AO(Rev)/SAO by downloading the data.
Monthly abstracts showing day-wise, ERO-wise, No. of transactions and amounts that have been
accounted by the UTI Bank during the month has to be downloaded from APONLINE site by the Circle
Office on 1st of every succeeding month and reconciliation shall be done with Service-wise and RSDP-
wise figures downloaded by EROs
The Accounts officer (Revenue) is responsible for reconciliation of the amounts posted by EROs in
consumer ledgers with that of the amounts credited by the UTI Bank.

For the amounts credited in the respective Superintending Engineer/Operation Account by the UTI Bank
and for the transfer of funds to the EPDCL Headquarters account the following journal entries shall be
passed in the Circle Office Accounts and the Accounts Officer (Revenue) has to co-ordinate this task.
For the amounts credited by the UTI Bank towards collections made on behalf of EROs
24.311 Collection Bank Account (UTI Bank) Dr.
37.100 Inter Unit Account of ERO-I
37.100 Inter Unit Account of ERO-II
For Transfer of funds by the UTI Bank to the EPDCL Headquarters Account.
24.511 Transfer to Headquarters Account Dr.
24.311 Collection Bank Account (UTI Bank)
On the 1st of every month TCA shall be communicated to the concerned EROs for the amounts credited
by the UTI Bank to regularise the credits posted in consumer ledger.
Bank reconciliation is to be done every month for the above receipt account at circle and furnish Form-
10A along with Bank Reconciliation statement to Corporate Office.
The Senior Accounts Officer and Accounts Officer (Revenue) of the circle are responsible
for the entire task.
Action to be taken in ERO:
The Service wise, date wise and RSDP center wise collections shall be downloaded from the APONLINE
web site on daily basis by the concerned UDC/SIRC by using the User ID and Password provided to ERO
and the same shall be communicated to the concerned Private Accounting agencies for posting in the
consumer ledgers.
No Hard copies shall be accepted from the RSDP operators and every credit shall be posted in the consumer
ledger based on the service wise collections downloaded from the APONLINE website only:
Date wise and RSDP wise abstract shall be prepared and reconciled with the amounts posted in the
consumer ledger every month by the concerned UDC/SIRC
The Circle Office will issue TCA for the amounts collected on behalf of ERO and Credited to the
Superinteding Engineer/Operation account maintained at UTI Bank, Hyderabad and the ERO has to Account
for the TCA through the following journal entry :
37.100 Inter Unit Account Dr.
23.101 Sundry Debtors for sale of power Cat - I
23.102 Sundry Debtors for sale of power Cat - II and so on for CC and ED for each category.
Without TCA from Circle Office no entry shall be made in ERO
Reconciliation of collections downloaded from the APONLINE website with the TCA received from
Circle office shall be done at the end of the month and any discrepancy shall be brought to the notice of
the SAO/AO(Rev) for taking corrective steps.
The Concerned JAO is responsible to supervise the entire process of accounting and ensure that the
above procedure is followed scrupulously by the concerned staff.
The SIRC and the AAO/ERO has to conduct surprise inspections of the RSDP centers periodically to
ensure the following points.
1. That the RSDP operator is using the software supplied by the APONLINE for generation of
2. That the RSDP operator has synchronized the collections made upto the previous day with the
APONLINE server.
3. That the Operator is having sufficient credit balance in his account with the UTI Bank to
continue his collections.
The AAO/ERO shall ensure that the instructions are followed scrupulously by all the staff in ERO.

Chief General Manger (Expr.)-I/c.

All Assistant Account Officers/ERO & JAOs Sub-ERO
All Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle
Copy to all Divisional Engineers/Operation
Copy to all Superintending Engineer/Operation


Circular Memo. No. CGM/Comml./APEPDCL/VSP/ADE/C/F:GC-28/D.No. 260/07, dated 17.02.2007

Sub : APEPDCL/VSP Corporate office -Commericial - Termination of LT/ HT Agreement on account

of disconnection - Dismantlement of service line after termination of agreement - Instructions -
Issued - Reg
It is observed that some of the field officers are seeking for restoration of supply to agreement
terminated services on the consumer represenatations since for those services the service lines, materials, meter
cut out etc. are not dismantled even after termination of agreement.
Further, it is noticed that some of the field officers are claiming minimum charges from the consumers
every month even after termination of agreement.
In view of the above, the field officers are not following the Clause and 5.9.6 General
Terms and Conditions of Supply as approved by Hon’ble APERC scrupulously.
As per Clause of General Terms and Condition of Supply as approved by the Hon’ble
APERC, which effect from 10th January 2006, specifies the procedure for termination of LT / HT Agreement
on account of disconnection as follows. (only the relevant provisions are ectracted here under).
(1) Where any consumer, whose supply is disconnected for non-payment of any amount due to the
Company on any account, fails to pay such dues and regularise his account within three months
from the date of disconnection, the Company shall after completion of 3 months period, issue one
month notice for termination of the LT or HT Agreement.
(2) If the consumer still fails to regularise the account, the Company shall terminate the Agreement
with effect from the date of expiry of the said one month notice.
(3) Where the company, fails to issue notice or terminate the Agreement as prescribed above, the
consumer shall not be liable to pay the minimum charges for the period beyond 4 months from the
date of disconnection and the Agreement shall be deemed to have been terminated at the end of 4
months period from the date of disconnection.
As per Clause 5.9.6 (Dismantlement of Service Line after termination of Agreement) of General
Terms and Conditions of Supply as a prroved by the Hon’ble APERC, which effect from 10 th January 2006 is
extracted here under.
(1) On the termination of the LT/HT Agreement, the Company is entitled dismantle the Service Lines
and remove the materials, meter cut out etc.
(2) After termination of the Agreement, the consumer shall be trated as a fresh applicant for the
purpose of giving supply to the same premises when applied for by him provided there are no dues
against the previous service connection.
The Superintending Engineers/Operation, Divisional Engineers/Operation & Assistant Divisional
Engineers/Operation are requested to follow the clause and 5.9.6 of GTCS scrupuloulsy.
Any deviation in following the above instructions will be viewed seriously and necessary disciplinary
action will be taken against the concerned who is responsible for the lapses.
The receipt of this memo may please be acknowledged.
Chief General Manager
APEPDCL:: Visakhapatnam.
To All Superintending Engineers/Operation
To All Divisional Engineers/Operation
To All Assistant Divisional Engineers/Operation
Copy to The Chief General Manager/O&CS/APEPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy to The Chief General Manager/Expenditure/APEPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy to All Senior Accounts Officer/Circle Office/
Copy submitted The Director/Projects/APEPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy submitted The Director/Operation/AEPEPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy submitted The Director/Finance/APEPDCL/Visakapatnam.

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No.CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/F-109/D.No. 2232/06 Dt. 19.12.2006

Sub : APEPDCL - LT Revenue - Average billing during meter defective period - Reg.

It has been observed during inspection of EROs that average billing is not properly done during the
meter defective period resulting loss of revenue to the company.

All the superintending Engineers/Operation, Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle and Divisional
Engineers/Operation are requested to issue suitable instructions to all the concerned Officers to follow the clause to of General Terms & Conditions of supply (reproduced below) when the meter is found to be
defective and ensure that the correct average is billed.

Clause to of General Terms & Conditions of Supply : When a meter is found to be defective during meter reading or on inspection or otherwise, the following
guidelines shall be followed for computation of the assessed units. The number of units to be billed during the period in which the meter ceased to function or became
defective, shall be determined by taking the average of the electricity supplied during the preceding
three billing cycles to the billing cycle in which the said meter ceased to function or became defective
provided that the condition with regard to use of electricity during the said three billing cycles were
not different from those which prevailed during the period in which the Meter ceased to function or
became defective. If the conditions with regard to use of electricity during the periods as mentioned above were different,
assessment shall be made on the basis of any 3(three) consecutive billing cycles during the preceding
12 Months when the conditions of working were not different. Where it is not possible to select any 3 (three) consecutive billing cycle consumption as indicated in
clause or above, or if there is no meter installed, the number of units shall be assessed
on the basis of the following Assessment Rules.
Total kWh consumed in the Month
“Load utilisation factor” = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Connected load in kW* Total hours consumed in the month)
“Load Utilisation Factor” means the product of Load Factor and Demand Factor.
Where Load Factor = Average Load / Maximum Demand
Demand Factor = Maximum Demand/Connected Load
Average load = Total kWh consumed in the Month/
Cosumed in Total hours consumed in the Month

Industrial Consumer shall be given due consideration for the production figures and conditions of
working in the period under question.

Chief General Manager (Expr) - I/c

All Superintending Engineers/ Operation, All Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle
All Divisional Engineers/Operation, All Assistant Account Officers / ERO
Copy to the General Manager(IT)/APEPDCL/ Visakhapatnam
Copy to the Assistant Account Officer (HTB)/ APEPDCL/ Visakhapatnam
Copy to the Assistant Divisional Engineer (Graphics)/ Operation Circle/ Rajahmundry
Copy to the Chief General Manager (O & CS)/APEPDCL/ Visakhapatnam

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No.CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/F-85/D.No. 971/06 Dt. 31.08.2006
Sub : EPDCL - LT Revenue - Billing of Door Locked Cases - Certain Instructions issued - Reg.
Of late it is observed that huge number of door locked exceptionals are appearing in the billing exceptionals
and no action appears to have been taken to obtain the reading from the Door Locked Services. The following
instructions are issued for proper billing of Door Locked services.
During the first visit of door locked service a slip should be pasted on the door indicating that the
meter reader has visited the services for reading and found door lock duly indicating the date and
time of his next visit for the meter reading.
Consumers may also be informed to furnish their meter reading to the call centre through Telephone
or through SMS to the AEs concerned duly furnishing the phone Nos/ Cell phone numbers of
The Door Locked Services shall be visited 2 to 3 times during the billing cycle for taking the
Efforts shall be made to get the reading from the door locked services by visiting during early
hours in the morning or late hours in the evening.
The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously.

Chief General Manager (Expr.) - I/c

All Assistant Engineers/ Operation/
All Assistant Divisional Engineers/ Operation
All Assistant Accounts Officers/EROs/
Copy to all Divisional Engineers/Operations/
Copy to all Superintending Engineers/ Operation Circle/
Copy to all Senior Accounts Officer/ Operation Circle/


Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No.CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/F-9/D.No. 1099/05 Dt. 11.11.2005
Sub : EPDCL - APERC Directives for the year 2005-06, Directive No.7 - Energy meter fixed at LV
side of the DTR feeding LT Cat. III loads, Billing instruction - Reg.
Ref : Directive No. 7 of 2004-05 APERC carried forward 2005-06
During the review meeting of the APERC at Corporate Office/Visakhapatnam on 07.10.2005, the
Commission has directed that if the energy meters are fixed at LV side of the DTR, feeding LT cat-III loads,
the energy in excess of 3% of consumption is to be added to account for the DTR looses while billing as per
Directive No.7 of APERC.
Hence, all the Superintending Engineers/Operation are requested to implement the Directive and
compliance reported.
Chief General Manager (Expt.)- I/c

All the Superintending Engineers /Operation/
Copy to all the Senior Accounts Officers / Operations For neccessary action
Copy to all the Assistant Accounts Officers / ERO }
Copy to the Accounts Officer /IT Wing / Visakhapatnam For neccessary action
Copy to the Accounts Officer/ IT Wing / Rajahmundry }
Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.

Memo No.CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/F-9/D.No. 355/06 Dt. 26.04.2006

Sub : EPDCL - LT Revenue - Taking of KWH, KVAH & KVARH readings wherever demand side
meters are fixed against LT Cat. III A services - Levy of surcharge for low powerfactor - Reg.
Ref : Tariff Order 2006-07


As per para (5) of part (D) of Tariff order for the year 2006-2007, “The LT Category III (A) consumers
who are provided with metering capable of measuring active and reactive power under the orders of the
commission, shall be required to pay low power factor surcharge as per the rates applicable for HT Consumers
for the power factor obtaining during the month subject to the ceiling of the level of capacitor surcharge
i.e. 25% of the bill amount.”
Hence all Assistant Divisional Engineers/Operation are requested to furnish all the three readings i.e.
KWH, KVAH, KVARH wherever demand side metering is provided to LT cat. III (A) consumers to enable
EROs to issue correct CC bills and avoid loss of Revenue to the Company.
All Assistant Accounts Officers/ERO are requested to ensure that the surcharge is levied as per Para
(5) of part (D) of Tariff Order 2006-07, if the power factor falls below 0.90 during any months as detailed

Sl. No. Power Factor Range Surcharge

1 Below 0.90 & up to 0.85 1% of CC Charges bill of that month for every 0.01 fall in
power factor from 0.90
1.5% of CC Charges bill of that month for every 0.01 fall in
2 Below 0.85 & up to 0.80
power factor from 0.85
2% of CC Charges bill of that month for every 0.01 fall in
3 Below 0.80 & up to 0.75 power factor from 0.80
3% of CC Charges bill of that month for every 0.01 fall in
4 Below 0.75 power factor from 0.75

Chief General Manger (Expr.) - I/C

All the Assistant Divisional Engineers/Operation
All the Assistant Accounts Officers/ERO

Copy to all Divisional Engineers/ Operation

Copy to all Superintending Engineers/Operation
Copy to all Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle
Copy to the Assistant Divisional Engineer/Graphics/Rajahmundry
Copy to the Assistant Accounts Officer (Billing)/IT Center/Corporate Office/VSP

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.

Memo No.Director (Finance) / APEPDCL / Peshi / D.No. 153/05, dated 06.08.2005

Sub : Internal Checks in EROs Instructions issued

The Statutory Auditors during their Audit of Account of 2004-05 have made adverse comments on few
revenue deposit irregularities. Keeping this in mind, the management hereby instructs all the staff members
working in EROs and officers in supervisory levels to follow the instructions issued from time to time
Revenue Booklet of 1999 for EROs is a document, which stipulates the duties and responsibilities of
various staff members in the ERO. Which stipulates that all the employees working in ERO has to do certain
percentage checks, which are mandatory. Further, the company issued a Booklet vide E.O.O. (CGM/HRD)
Ms. No. 183, dtd. 01.11.2003 on Duties & Responsibilities of Officers APEPDCL, which is meant for all
officers at supervisory levels.

In ERO Anakapalli one instance of fraud was noticed and the UDC (working as Revenue Cashier) and
SIRC who were involved in this incident was suspended immediately. The investigation is in progress.
From the above, it is observed that the officers and staff who have to do the percentage checks as per
the Revenue Booklet have not followed. This is a serious lapse and the management is very much concerned
in this regard. Had such percentage checks were exercised the fraud would not have took place.

EPDCL has purchased hand held “Receipt Machines” for issuing receipts and recording the transaction
which are operational in Visakhapatnam circle. Soon other Circles will also be covered. The machine will
automatically generate the BCRC and the same can be down loaded to the systems in ERO, which would
eliminate the possibility of doing above frauds in future.
The management of EPDCL, once again reiterates that any lapses in implementing the Percantage
checks and supervisory checks will be viewed very seriously and disciplinary action will be initiated against
the concerned officials.

A Check list model on percentage checks is enclosed for ready reference.

Director (Finance)
APEPDCL :: Visakhapatnam

All the Assistant Accounts Officers / EROs/ APEPDCL
All the Accounts Officers / (Revenue) / APEPDCL
All the Senior Accounts Officers / Operation / APEPDCL
The General Manager / Revenue / Corporate Office / APEPDCL
The Chief General Manager (Exp.) / Corporate Office / APEPDCL

Copy to
All the Divisional Engineers / Operation / APEPDCL
All the Superintending Engineers / Operation / APEPDCL
Director / Operation / EPDCL

Particulars of Function & Total No. Of No. Of Coverage Remarks of
S.No Designation Services
Extent of Coverage Services (%) [(5)/(4)] review
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Increase / Decrease in Revenue
1 per each Unit Category-wise with
reference to Previous two billing
Each Section-wise review
monthly J.A.O
All Sections where variation is A.A.O
above + / - 10% with reference to
last month
One Section in a month where A.O (Rev)
variation is more than +/- 10%
One Section in Six months where S.A.O
variation is more than + / - 10%
Increase / Decrease in units per
2 service per month category wise

Each Section-wise review J.A.O

All Sections where variation is A.A.O
above + / - 10% with reference to
last month
One Section in a month where A.O (Rev)
variation is more than +/- 10%
One Section in Six months where S.A.O
variation is more than + / - 10%
Checking of abnormally high
3 consumption bills
100% each month LDC/RC
50% each month UDC/SIRC
All the bills above Rs. 5000/- J.A.O
All the bills above Rs. 10,000/- A.A.O
At random during Inspection A.O (Rev)
At random during Inspection S.A.O
Checking of abnormally low
4 consumption bills
100% each month LDC/RC
100% each month UDC/SIRC
25% of all the bills J.A.O
Ensure review A.A.O
At random during Inspection A.O (Rev)
At random during Inspection S.A.O
Ensuring of billing for new
5 services released within last 2
100% each month LDC/RC
20%each month UDC/SIRC
5% each section J.A.O
Check one section in a month A.A.O
Check one section a month A.O (Rev)
Check one section in a quater S.A.O

Particulars of Function & Total No. Of No. Of Coverage Remarks of
S.No Designation Services
Extent of Coverage Services (%) [(5)/(4)] review
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ensuring Billing of Units of Removed
6 Meter, due to Meter changes
100% each month LDC/RC
25% each month UDC/SIRC
10% for each Private Accounting J.A.O
2% for each Private Accounting A.A.O
Test Check 5 cases in a month of A.O (Rev)
different Private Accounting
5 cases in a quarter of different
Private Accounting Agencies S.A.O

7 Checking of Bills/ BBA

100% each month LDC/RC
Minimum 5 cases in each PAA for
each status of meter upto Rs UDC/SIRC
Minimum 5 cases in each PAA in J.A.O
each status upto Rs. 3,000/-
Minimum 5 cases in each PAA in
each status between Rs. 3000/- to A.A.O
Rs. 10,000/-
Minimum 2 cases in each PAA in A.O (Rev)
each status above Rs. 10,000/-
Test check 10 cases in each ERO
in each quarter. S.A.O

8 Levy of Additional charge for late

payment (monthly)
100% LDC/RC
10 services in each PAA for each UDC/SIRC
status of meter
5 services in each PAA for each J.A.O
2 services for each status in each A.A.O
1 service for each status in each A.O (Rev)
At random during Inspections S.A.O
9 Levy of Default Fee
100% each month LDC/RC
100% each month UDC/SIRC
5% each PAA J.A.O
2 services for each status in each AAO
1 service for each status in each
PAA A.O (Rev)
At random during Inspection SAO
10 Ensuring of monthly Opening
Balance of each Section by each
Private Accounting Agencies with
Closing Balance of Last month.
100% each month LDC/RC
Ledger of one clerk in each PAA
monthly UDC/SIRC

Particulars of Function & Total No. Of No. Of Coverage Remarks of
S.No Designation Services
Extent of Coverage Services (%) [(5)/(4)] review
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
One ledger in his jurisdiction J.A.O
One ledger of one section per A.A.O
One ledger per Private
Accounting Agencies in a quarter A.O (Rev)
for each ERO
One ledger per each PAA in 6 S.A.O
11 Credit Reconciliation
100% each month LDC/RC
100% each month UDC/SIRC
Ledger of one section in a month J.A.O
Entire ERO A.A.O
All EROs in one quarter A.O (Rev)
All EROs in a year S.A.O
Review of Negative Balance
12 services
100% each month LDC/RC
All cases above Rs. 500/- UDC/SIRC
All cases above Rs. 1000/- J.A.O
All cases above Rs. 3000/- A.A.O
All cases above Rs. 5000/- A.O (Rev)
Check one ERO in quarter S.A.O
(a) Sending D-list to Section
13 Officers by due date
100% each month UDC/SIRC
Test check one section J.A.O
To review cases of delay monthly A.A.O
Review once in a quarter A.O (Rev)
Review once in six months S.A.O
(b) Review of Operation D-Lists :
100% each month LDC/RC
100% each month UDC/SIRC
5% each month J.A.O
To review cases of delay monthly A.A.O
Review once in a month all EROs A.O (Rev)
Review once in a quarter S.A.O
High Value
100% each month UDC/SIRC
100% each month J.A.O
5% each month A.A.O
To review cases of delay monthly A.O (Rev)
Review all EROs once in a qurater S.A.O
Issue of D-Lists for dishonoured
14 Cheques service
100% each month J.A.O
To review 100% each month A.A.O
To review once 2 months A.O (Rev)
To review once in a quarter S.A.O

Particulars of Function & Total No. Of No. Of Coverage Remarks of
S.No Designation Services
Extent of Coverage Services (%) [(5)/(4)] review
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
15 Issue of Notices as per BP. MS.
No. 151
100% each month LDC/RC
Review 100% each month UDC/SIRC
To ensure Implementation J.A.O
100% in High Value services A.A.O
Ensure Implementation A.O (Rev)
One ERO in six months S.A.O
16 (a) Theft of energy cases, entering
in the register
100% each month UDC/SIRC
100% each month J.A.O
Ensure and review every month A.A.O
Check one ERO in a month A.O (Rev)
Check one ERO in a quarter S.A.O
(b) Theft of energy cases Issue of
Notices for Non-receipt payments
100% each month UDC/SIRC
Ensure Implementation J.A.O
Check the issue of notice & A.A.O
monthly review
Check one ERO in a month A.O (Rev)
Check one ERO in a quarter S.A.O
(c) Theft of energy cases
Reconciliation between Field &
ERO (Note : Divisional Engineer
to ensure during Co-ordination
Monthly A.A.O
To ensure reconciliation A.O (Rev)
Check all EROs once in 6 months S.A.O
Review of Readings received but
17 Master not available
100%each month LDC/RC
To ensure entry in Master in 30 UDC/SIRC
To ensure implementation J.A.O
TO solve in Co-ordination A.A.O
Review one ERO in a month A.O (Rev)
Check one ERO in a quarter S.A.O
18 Bank reconciliation
100% each month J.A.O
Ensure prompt reconciliation A.A.O
Check 2 EROs in a month A.O (Rev)
One ERO in six months S.A.O
Annual reconciliation of services
19 between field & ERO
100% LDC/RC
100% new services relased during
the year UDC/SIRC
25% J.A.O
Test check 10 cases in each section A.A.O
Check 5 cases in each ERO A.O (Rev)
Check 50 cases in one year S.A.O
20 Review of pending court cases

Particulars of Function & Total No. Of No. Of Coverage Remarks of
S.No Designation Services
Extent of Coverage Services (%) [(5)/(4)] review
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
100% J.A.O
100% A.A.O
100% all EROs A.O (Rev)
Once in a quarter one ERO S.A.O
Issue of ACD Notices (a) Bi-
21 Monthly
100% LDC/RC
Check accuracy 10% in each
category UDC/SIRC
Ensure implementation J.A.O
Check implementation A.A.O
Ensure implementation all EROs A.O (Rev)
Review all EROs every year S.A.O
(b) High Value services
Check accuracy 10% in each J.A.O
Ensure implementation A.A.O
Check implementation A.O (Rev)
Ensure implementation all EROs S.A.O
RC’s Monthly Performance w.r.t
22 his Collections Per day PRs &
100% review & report to A.A.O UDC/SIRC
- J.A.O
Monthly review and intimate to
Review once in a quarter all A.O (Rev)
EROs and receipt to S.E
One ERO in six months S.A.O
Suprise Checks of RC’s Camps
23 (Monthly)
6 RCs camps in outside counters UDC/SIRC
3 RCs camps in outside counters A.A.O
One outside counter for each A.O (Rev)
One outside counter in the circle S.A.O
each quarter
RC’s Remittences and Cash
24 reconciliation with P.Rs &
B.C.R.Cs/ R.C.R.Cs (Monthly)
100% J.A.O
Ensure 100% remittences A.A.O
Check one RC per ERO each A.O (Rev)
Check two RCs in one ERO in a S.A.O
25 Instalment Register (Monthly)
100% J.A.O
Check one LDC’s work A.A.O
Check one LDC’s work in each A.O (Rev)
ERO in a quarter
Check 3 LDC’s work in six S.A.O

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No.CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-9/D.No. 618/05 Dt. 28.06.2005

Sub : EPDCL - MRBs Review - Identification of shortfalls - Reg

Of late, it is observed that the revenue shortfalls being detected is far low. This construes that there is
no proper analysis and reviews as prescribed.
Therefore, the following instructions are further issued for strict adherence.
Review of low consumption cases (also high consumption cases)
Review of MRBs
Review on fixing appropriate category
Adoption of correct Tariff rates.
Review on meter changes / billing of units in old and new meters correctly
Review on category changes and proportionate billing
Review on transfer to high value services - Correct billing for bimonthly and monthly for those
services with reference to units in both the areas
Review on software parameters and confirmation of billing on several components prescribed.
Levy of additional charges, penal charges, penal interest in required cases.
Collection of RC fee in required cases.
Billing of new services - Adoption of billing with reference to actual consumption.
Load verification and appropriate charges as per load.
ED, FSA, Capacitor surcharge, lighting load surcharge, low power factor surcharge, multiply
ing, factor, shortfall in average, shortfall due to line losses.
Annual verification of services whether load and category changes got identified causing
Street light billing for average, where no meters
Water works services billing for average, where no meters.
AMG Review
Special Guarantee review
Cat. IIIB billing - Ensure the service under SSI unit only
Agl. services identification under “0” billing and billing groups
Any other item resulting in revenue demand to be taken care.

It is thought the AAOs will streamline the review in the above lines and the shortfalls can
be identified accordingly.

The receipt of this memo shall be acknowledged.

Chief General Manger (Expr.)

All the Assistant Accounts Officers/EROs/
Copy to all the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles/
Copy to all the Superintending Engineers/ Operation/
Copy Submitted to CMD’s Peshi/EPDCL/ Visakhapatnam
} Communicate copies to AEs / ADEs & DEs

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.

Fax Memo No.CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F- /D.No. 396/05 Dt. 19.04.2005

Sub : EPDCL - Consumer complaints - Abnornmal delay - Instruction Issued - Reg

Ref : 1) Regulation No. 7 of 2004, Licensee’s Standards of Performance

2) Chairperson Endt. No. CGRF/D.No. 35/05 dated 28.03.2005

It has come to the notice of the undersigned that there are abnormal delays in resolving consumer
complaints of Revenue items in EROs. For instnce, in ERO/East/West/Visakhapatnam there was delay ranging
from 1 to 5 months in resolving the consumer complaints and the same was pointed out by Chairperson
(Consumer Greviances Redressal Forum)/ Visakhapatnam.

In this connection, the time limit and penalties for delays of ERO related items stipulated in Regulation
No. 7 of 2004 are reiterated hereunder :

Schedule of Resolving time of Consumer Greviances

Compensation payable in case of violation of
SI. Compensation payable to Compensation payable to
Service Area Standard
No. individual consumer if individual consumer if
the event affects single the event affects more
consumer than one consumer
1 Title transfer of owner- Within 7 days along with
Rs. 50 for each day of Not applicable
ship necessary documents default
2 Change of category and prescribed fee, if any
3 Resolution of complaints on consumer’s bill
a. if no additional informa- Within 24 working hours
tion is required of receipt of Complaint Rs. 25 for each day of
default Not applicable
b. if additional information Within 7 working days of
is required receipt of Complaint

To ensure the fulfillment, the above regulations the present casual way of doing the things from
Section Office level to ERO should be totally avioded.

The concept of Consumer servicing has to inculcated in all levels in the working force.

Thus the working system in the offices has to be streamlined in the way the consumer will not
come up claiming the delays under different parts of the management.
Therefore, the following working instructions are issued for strict adherence to settle the consumer
complaints in time.
1) A separate Register of “consumer complaints and redressal” should be maintained by Assistant
Accounts Officer/ERO.
2) Date of Receipt, details of complaint, due date and date of resolving should be indicated.
3) The complaint should be sent to case worker within 2 hours and obtain his dated initial.

4) The Assistant Accounts officer should review the receipts and disposals everyday and maintain the
register by himself.
5) Responsbility should be fixed with the concerned staff member or officer proving the delay on their
6) A fortnightly report shall be expedited to Divisional Engineer and Senior Account Officer on every
2nd and 16th
7) If the delay occurs with the spot billing agency or PAA or any other agency should be indentified
and proved on record with specific mention.
8) A letter in Telugu may be addressed to the consumer with a copy to AE/Consumer service Center.
9) Every care must be taken by all the above Officers in line with the Regulation No. 7 of 2004 issued
by APERC under the provisions of Electricity Act, 2003.
Compliance report on the above may be furnished by 25th of this month.
The receipt of this memo shall be acknowledged.
Cheif General Manger (Expr.)
All the Assistant Accounts Officrs / EROs
All the Divisional Engineers/ Operation / - DEs will communicate copies to all ADEs and AEs
without fail and obtain dated acknowledgement and
maintain separate file.
All the Superintending Engineers/ Operation/
Copy to the General Manager(CSC)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy submitted to Director (Finance)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy submitted to Director (Operation)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy submitted to Director (Projects)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy submitted to DE (T)/CMD’s Peshi/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam


Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No.CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/F-35/D.No. 157/05 Dt. 23.02.2005
Sub : EPDCL - Rural e-Seva collections at Rural areas - Certain guidelines and instructions -Issued - Reg
Ref : 1) MOU Dt. 29.11.2004
2) Do letter from R.P. Shinde Director e-seva Lr.No. 1209/03 Dt. 31.12.2004
3) Do letter from R.P. Shinde Director e-seva Lr.No. 1209/03 Dt. 20.1.2005
4) Endt. No. CGM (Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/F-35/D.No. 128/05 Dt. 23.02.2005
Necessary guidlines and clarifications received from Director, e-Seva from time to time vide
references cited with regard to Rural e-Seva collcetion is tabulated and the same is herewith communicated.
The senior Accounts Officers, Operation Circles are requested to follow the guidelines/clarifica
tions and take necessary action accordingly.
The ERO wise meetings may be conducted and analyte the above guidlines/ clarifications and
compliance report
Chief General Manger (Expr.)
Encl :- 1) Structure of Rural e-Seva
2) Model working instructions
3) Copy of fax no : 1209/OSD(OLPT) dt. 10.2.2005
All the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle/ }They are requested to provide the said copies to DEs & AAO’s
Copy to all the Assistant Accounts Officers/ EROs & Copy to all the Divisional Engineers/Operation/



Rural e-seva center makes collection work on OFF LINE mode

UTI Bank A/c (at Hyderabad)
RURAL E-SEVA CENTER (Rajiv Internet Program - RSDP)
Ref. MOU dated 29.11.2004
Provides MIS date wise, ERO wise, Circle wise
in the Discom Online a/c at district level (Circle)
Syncronizes the collection details with AP Online Server at the end
of everyday at IT Department, Hyderabad (DO Lr.No. 1209 dt 31.12.04 Discom server at District Level
from Director, e-Seva, Hyderabad.

AP Online Server (at IT Department, Hyderabad)

SAOs can download or view the date wise, ERO
wise collections and drill down the collection
particulars to each consumer level (EROs)
On receipt, transmits the collection particulars of previous day to

UTI Bank Ltd. at Hyderabad. e-Seva Kiosks Operator

UTI Bank Ltd (Hyderabad)

Rural e-seva Would provide soft copy of the

transactions to the concerned ERO by the
Transfers Electronically to Circle Account and designated Kiosk Operator on the indicated dates
inturn to Discom Account for maxium 4 times in a month

UTI Bank at District UTI Bank at Discom

Headquarters (I.e Circles Headquarters (I.e Circles

Transfers to APTransco No Lien A/c at

SBH, Hyd.
1. The MOU for collection CC bills in Rural areas through e-Seva centers was concluded on 29.11.2004
and the copies of the same are communicated to the circles for implementation.
2. The collections shall be made through Rural e-Seva in selective centers enlisted by the Director e-
Seva for which a security deposit of Rs. 7 Crs have been provided for 4 DISCOMS
3. E-Seva shall provide the connectivity between circles data center located at District Head Quarters
and the data center of AP Online in the State Head Quarter using suitable connectivity
4. APEPDCL will maintain the up to date data base of each circle in the District so that e-Seva shall
access the data base to provide the services.
5. The Rural e-Seva has to update all the pending transaction with in 2 working days of occurrence
through electronic process duly contacting concerned unit of the EPDCL if required Failing which a
penalty of Rs. 100 per transaction shall be payable by the Rural e-Seva.
6. As regards the remittance of collections, e-Seva shall ensure that in each district AP Online remits the
collections of the center to the Superintending Engineer of respective circle among with MIS reports.
For cash and Credit card collections the AP Online will remit on the second working day through the
consolidated cheque to the concerned SEs. For DDs and Cheques the e-Seva shall remit after realization
of the amount on the 7th of collection through the consoildated cheque.
1. AP Online is providing the software for enabling the services.
2. This service works on the OFF LINE mode.
3. Limited tables of the data (consumers details) reside in the local machine.
4. The consumers data of a district is taken for the 1st time in a CD and loaded in AP Online server in
5. As Rural e-Seva operator collects the bills, he fetches the consumer details form his local machine
and feeds the bill amount i.e. indicated in the bill brought by the consumer.
6. At end of day the operator synchronizes the collection details with AP Online server everyday.
7. AP Online has provided a software utility to the Discom server at the District level which downloads
the collection particulars of the day (or so far occured) and up dates Discom’s server by click of a
button by DBA.
8. If operator does not synchoronize in any day he cannot function on the next day, as software gets
locked up.
9. EVeryday morning AP Online server transmit the collection particulars of previous day (the
synchronized data by Rural e-Seva operators) to UTI Bank Ltd.
10. The UTI Bank LTd. on every working day by 11 AM sends Bankers Cheques (DDs) by courier to
each of the SEs along with MIS of previous days (which modified as elcetronic couriers)
11. The operator collects the bills up to the deposited amount in UTI Bank.
12. Though operator works in OFF Line mode the software keeps track of the collections and deposit
available at every moment and if deposit falls down to thershold point, software doesnot permit him
to collect any more.
This process works on OFF Line mode and synchronizes at end of the day with AP ONLINE server
which in turn updates the Discom servers on every working day.
Clarification dt. 20.01.05 issued by Director e-Seva and the same was communicated to the field.
1. Prepation of D-List at ERO Level :
In order to enable EROs prepare D-list as per the specific dates indicated by the concerned
SEs e-seva woulde provide soft copy of the transactions took place till the cut off date, to the concerned
ERO. The soft copy will be handed over to the ERO by the designated kiosk operator on the indicated
dates for maximum 4 times in a month.
2. Money transfer to respective DISCOMS:
a. UTI Opened notional accounts District wise and DISCOM wise to all Circles and

b. The revenues collected are electronically transferred to the respective circle and in
turn to DISCOM accounts.
c. Every day from 4 DISCOM accounts of UTI, the collected revenues will be transferred
to TRANSCO’s no liean account in SBH separately
d. UTI provides MIS date wise, ERO Wise, Circle wise in the DISCOM Online account.
e. Similarly in a Circle’s Online account the concerned SAO can download or view the
date wise, ERO wise collections and drill down to the collction particulars to each
consumer level.
3. Publicity :
E-Seva through AP Online and UTI make efforts to publisice to accept only the authorized
receipts and not to accept manual receipts.
4. Designating Nodel Kisok Operators :
The list of designated Kiosk operators to hand over the floppies on the indicated dates is
herewith attached.


Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/ /D.No. 4/04 Dt. 04.01.2005
Sub : EPDCL - Chief General Manager (Expr.) - Review of D’List Collection - certain Instructions -
Issued - Reg.

During the review of D-list it is seen that certain entries as “No meter/No consumer & No service”
are noted in returned D’list. This is viewed with serious concern by the management. It requires to ascertain details
over the above cases.
Item 1 : No meter/No consumer/No service cases :
Action : 1) Physical inspection of the premises to be conducted by AE/ADE concerned
2) Factual statement should be obtained from the neighbours, police and revenue departments as the
case may be. Thus their whereabouts and property particulars should be ascetained. As such their
other running services any where shall be disconnected and RR Act to be implemented.
Item No. 2 : Service under disconnection for more than 3 months.
Action : 1) Other running services should be disconnected.
2) SD to be adjusted.
3) Meter to be removed.
4) Services to be dismantled as per BP Ms.No. 151
Item No. 3 : Dismantled services (NB Services)
Action : 1) Other running services shall be disconnected.
2) Destrain notices to be served.
3) RR Act to be implemented.
Properties to be attached.
Action : The AEs and ADEs concerned shall complete the above action by 10.01.2005 positively and put up the
details for my review between 10.01.2005 to 15.01.2005
Action : The AAOs/ EROs have to monitor the matter with all AEs and ADEs. They have furnished the list of those
services as per returned D’list and other records before 06.01.2005 to the undersigned.
The receipt of this memo may be acknowledged.

Chief General Manger (Expr.)

To :
All the AEs and ADEs/ Operation/ } Divisional Engineers will Communicate
All the Assistant Accounts Officers/ EROs/

Copy to all the Divisional Engineers/Operation

Copy to all the Superintending Engineers/Operation

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. CMD/EPDCL/CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/ /D.No. 54/05 Dt. 24.01.2005
Sub : EPDCL - Name Title Transfer of Service - Instructions - Reg

It is observed that different procedures are followed in different circles in respect of name transfers
of services. To have uniformity the following instructions are issued.
Officers competenet to approve Name Transfers
Cat. I & II Asst Divisional Engineer/Operation
Other LT Categories (other than Cat I. & II) Divisional Engineer/ Operation
HT Services Superintending Engineer/Operation

Whenever a requistition is received from the Customer Service Center/Applicant, the concerned
Officer authorized to approve name transfer shall address the concerned ERO and get the following details.

1) Name of the Consumer i.e in whose name the above service stands.
2) Adequacy of Security Deposit
3) Whether any arrears are oustanding against the above service.

After getting the above data form ERO, the conecerned Officer shall verify the details of Transfer
and get him self sastified that the documents produced by the transferer and the owner of the Service as per
ERO records are one and the same.
The authorized Officer shall approve name transfer after varifying the Sale-deed the details of
transferer, the adequacy of Security Deposit and ensuring no arrears are oustanding against the service.
If there is any change in the name of the transfer as per ERO records the Officer shall have the
details any other transction i.e. between the service connection owner and the transferer .
After ensuring all the aove, the name transfer/title transfer can be approved and informed to the
concerned ERO Unit. The entire above work shall be processed only at the Sub-Division Office/Division
Office/ Central Office and the Section Officer should not be burdened with the above work.
After approval of the name transfer copies may be marked to the concerned Section Officers
and ERO to effect necessary changes in Service Connection registers besides to the Transferee.

Chairman & Managing Director
APEPDCL : Visakhapatnam

All the Superintending Engineers/Operation/EPDCL } They are requested to circulate the above instrictions
All the Divisional Engineers/Operation/EPDCL to all AAOs/ADEs and AEs

Copy to Chief General Manager (O&CS)/EPDCL/Visakahapatnam

Copy to Chief General Manager (Comml. & RAC)/EPDCL/Visakahapatnam
Copy to Chief General Manager (Expr)/EPDCL/Visakahapatnam
Copy to Director (Finance)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy to Director (Operation)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy to Director (Projects)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. CMD/EPDCL/CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/D.No. 997/04 Dt. 23.12.2004
Sub : APEPDCL - Review meeting by CMD with all DEs/Operation on 22-12-2004 - Effective operation
of D-list - Instructions issued - Reg


A Review meeting was conducted with all Divisional Engineers/Operation by the under signed on
22-12-2004 with regard to effective operation of D-list and improving Revenue collections. The following points
have been discussed for strict implementation.
Issue of D-List :
Ensure the D-list is issued correctly after taking the all payments i.e RC collections, E-seva Collections and
Banks collections as on date of issue of D-list.
Ensure the D-Lists are issued in time on due dates.
The D-list is to be issued Distribution wise/DTR wise in the following proforma by the PAA/ERO

Proforma for Issue of D-List.

Sl. SC. Name and Category Amount due Disconnection

Payment Particulars Particulars
No No address of the (with 6 months
consumer break up) BCRC/ Date Amount Date of Reading
PR.No. discon-
nection at

Necessary instructions should be issued to the concerned AAO/ERO to issue the D’List in the above
proforma only
Operation D’List

- Ensure the Dlist is collected by the lineman from section office on the same day as received from ERO
- Ensure that the operated D List is returned by the lineman in due date with his signature.
- The disconnection of service is confirmed only when the details of date of disconnection, type of
disconnection and reading particulars are funrnushed in the D List by the concerned.
Verification of returned operated D’list

- On the return of operated D List the following checkings are to be done by the concerned Officers (AE/
- Checking whether the operated D’list is returned with meter reading and date against all the
disconnected services.
- Checking whether the D list returned in time.

- Field verification is ot be done for disconnected services to esnure veracity of reports.

Action Plan :
- Section level meetings should be conducted with all O&M staff by DE/Operation for effective operation

of D list at least once in a month.
- The Clear instructions in TELUGU should be given to all O & M staff and AE/ADE for strict
implemenatation of D-list Operation. The instructions will be in writing in the form of a circular.
Procedure for Issue and operation of D-list.

Dates on issue of D’lists by ERO

Monthly Services - 27th
Bi-monthly A1/B1 Sub group services - 13th
Bi-Monthly A2/B2 Sub group services - 23rd

Officers responsible for Operation of D’list.

O &M Staff - Up to Rs. 1000/-
AE/Operation - Rs. 1001/- to 5000/-
ADE/Operation - Rs. 5001/- to 10000/-
DE/Operation - Rs. 10001/- to 20000/-
SE/Operation - above Rs. 20000/-
Time allowed for Operation of D’list.
Monthly services - 3 days
Bi-monthly services - 7 days
Feed back report to corporate Office
The feeb back report in the following proforma shall be furnished by the Divisional Engineer/Operation to
the corporate office by 5th of every month scrupulosly.
Sl. Nam No. of SC’s No. of SC’s No. of SC’s No. of SC’s Balance No. of staff No. of staff Nature of
No. e of appeared in for which Discon- for which SC’s for who have on whom action taken
the D’list payments nected date of which not fol- action taken
sec- received disconnect D’list not lowed
tion icon and operated instructions
not fur-
SC’s Amo SC’s Amo SC’s Amo SC’s Amo
unt unt unt unt

The Divisional Engineer’s Operation are instructed to follow the above instructions to improve the
collections nd reach 100% collection duly operating the D’lists effectively.

G. Sai Prasad
Chairman and Managing Director
APEPDCL, Visakhapatnam.
All Divisional Engineers/ Operation.
Copy to All Superintending Engineers/Operation
Copy to All ADEs/ Operation
Copy to All AAOs/EROs
Copy to Directors (Operation)/Corporate Office
Copy to Chief General Manager (O&CS) for follow up action

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/F.I./D.No. 916/04 Dt. 02.12.2004
Sub : EPDCL - Conversion of Bimonthly services to monthly billing whose monthly consumption is
above 500 units, per month in respect of Cat - I and 400 units, inrespect of Cat -II - Reg
Ref : Lr. No. FA&CCA (R&E)/Accounts Officer (Revenue)(R)/LT/JAO-IV/922/97,Dt. 15.12.97
As per the instructions vide reference cited, Bi-monthly services shall be converted to monthly
billing whose monthly consumption exceeds as below and review to be taken up half yearly.
a) Cat I - Monthly consumption is above 500 units
b) Cat II - Monthly comsumption is above 400 units
c) Cat VII - Consumption is above 575 units
All the AAOs/ERO are therefore instructed to review the Bi-monthly Services and deserving
services are to be brought to monthly billing with immediate effect and report compliance.

Chief General Manger (Expr.)

All the Assistant Accounts Officers/ERO
Copy to all Accounts Officers /Revenue /Operation circle/ } For neccessary action
Copy to Senior Accounts Officers/Operation circle } For neccessary action
Copy to Superintending Engineers/Operation circle } For neccessary action


Corporate Office : Visakhapatanam.
Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 342/03 Dt. 03.05.2003.
Sub : EPDCL - Levy of 25% capacitor surcharge - certain instructions issued
It is informed that, one month notice has to be served to all LT Category IIIA consumers to install
capacitors/rectify the defec tive capacitors. 25% surcharge is leviable only after the completion of the notice
period, if not the capacitors are installed by these consumers. In respect of Category III A (optional) services low
power factor surcharge is leviable as in the case of HT Services.
These instructions are to be followed scrupulously.

Chief General Manager (Expr.)

All the Assistant Accounts Officers/EROs
All the Assistant Engineers/Operation/
All the Assistant Divisional Engineers/Operation
All the Divisional Engineers/Operation
All the Superintending Engineers/Operation
All the Internal Audit Officers/Operation

Copy to Chief Engineer/Operation/Srikakulam/Rajahmundry

Copy to Chief General Manager (Operation)/EPDCL/Corporate Office/VSP

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Confl : Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 876/03 Dt. 24.11.2003

Sub : EPDCL - Short Billing at EROs - Non-adoption of Tariff Rules - Special Review - Disciplinary
action - Reg
During my review and as per several IRs, it is clearly observed that Assistant Accounts Officer/EROs
are not adopting the Tariff rules correctly from time to time, thereby short billing is noticed in several EROs in several
a) The surcharge reduced from 0.07 to 0.041 ps for Agl and Cat I services and 0.055 ps for all other categories “per
rupee per day earlier” was not restored back to 0.07ps per day per rupee from 01.04.2002 as per Tariff rules.
b) Surcharge on opening balance is not being levied for total days as required.
c) Surcharge for the “day of collection” after 14th day of CC bill is not taken into count for levy of surcharge.
d) Cat III B is exclusively designed for SSI unit but this condition is not being followed. The SSI certificates are not
available in EROs and not known whether these services are SSI unit or not.
e) Surcharge for low power factor and non-installation of capacitor is not being levied as required after observing
the procedures.
f) Lighting load of above 5% of CMD to be charged at LT Cat II highest rate is not being done.
g) Minimum 5 HP billing for industrial services is not being followed
h) For horticulture services, metered Tariff of agricultural category is to be applied whereas, flat rate is reported to
have been applied in some arears.
i) For cat. VI services i.e PWS of Minor and Major panchyats are to be billed at metered agricultural Tariff i.e. upto
2500 units p.a. at 20 ps per unit and above 2500 units p.a. at 50 ps per unit.
j) For poultry farms where there are birds upto 1000 No.s and having certificate from APSM and PDS should be
billed in Cat. IV. If there is no such certificate this should be categorised under Cat. III A, and also above 1000
birds should be billed under Cat. III A
k) Up to date loads of streetlights are not collected and billed.
It is painful to state that during this one year about 1 crore rupees of shortfalls were noticed on account of
wrong billing on the above issues in several EROs which is quite untollerable. Time and again this matter has been dealt
with in series of instances but found no confirmation so far and no circle could authoritatively tell that the billing is in
terms of Tariff rules.
It is therefore constrianed to place on record that Senior Accounts Officers and Accounts Officers (Revenue)
will conduct total Tariff check (All categories) of Tariff application and allied charges with EROs, by bifurcating the
EROs within themselves. A special program may be taken up in this regard along with the PAAs at EROs. They should
complete this work before 15.12.2003 and submit thier report in the format enclosed herewith. No exemption over this
issue on a later date.
Whether Tariff rates and conditions
Sl.No. ERO Category No. of SCs correctly applied
2002-03 2003-04
1 2 3 4 5 6

Shortfall detected with reasons

No. of Period Amount Bill in which
Name of the PAA
7 8 9 10 11

The receipt of this memo should be acknowledged.

Chief General Manger (Expr.)

Sri .........................................................
Senior Accounts Officer/Operation Circle.
Sri ..........................................................
Accounts Officer /Operation Circle.
Copy to all Assistant Accounts Officers/EROs } Copies may be provided
Copy to all Private Accounting Agencies/ } by circles
Copy to all Internal Audit Officers/Chartered Accountant/Operation Circles
Copy to all Superintending Engineers/Operation/
Copy to the General Manager (IT)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam.
Copy submitted to Director (Finance)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy submitted to Director (Operation)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy submitted to Peshi of CMD/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam


Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/R-5/D.No. 797/04 Dt. 2.11.2004
Sub : EPDCL - Revenue leakages and review of MRBs -Revenue wing -monthly target of SF Rs. 1.00
lakh per ERO - Fixed - Instructions - Issued - Reg.
Ref : 1) Circular Memo No. GM (Audit)/EPDCL/ VSP/D.No. 628/02 dt. 30.11.02 (surcharge on NB
2) Lr. No. CGM (Expr)/GM (R)/SAO (R)/ AAO (R)/F-20/D.NO 588/04 Dt. 28.08.04 (FSA 2003-
3) Memo No. CGM (Expr)/GM (R)/SAO (R)/ AAO (R)/F-3/D.NO 675/04 Dt. 25.09.2004 (levy
of addl. charge)
4) Memo No. No. CGM (Expr)/GM (R)/SAO (R)/ AAO (R)/F-20/D.NO 786/04 Dt. 1.11.04
(FSA 5/04 to 8/04)
1) The point of revenue lekages is a serious concern and to be arrested forthwith
2) This is possible only when brisk reviews are conducted at every level as a continuous process.
3) The revenue leakeages can be identified.
a) by means of units unbilled
b) due to in correct adoption of rates and different surcharges etc.,
c) electric billing
4) APEPDCL desired a conscious watch by all concerned in this regard.
5) As such a target of Rs. 1 lakh pm is fixed to each ERO from 11/04 onwards.
Attention is drawn to the above references where billing reviews, levy of surcharges and application tariff
rates correctly were insisted already & pursued.
6) Therefore all AAOs and staff of EROs are requested to
a) to conduct brisk review of MRBs other allied items
b) to conduct percentage checks as per revenue booklet.
c) to check software of their PAAs to 100%
d) other measures required.
The monthly return already prescribed may also be submitted to appraise the position to the CMD
Chief General Manager (Expr.)
All the Assistant Accounts Officer / EROs
Copy to all the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles/ } for strict follow up action
Copy to all the Accounts Officers (Revenue)/Operation Circles/

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.

Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/F-111/D.No. 774/04 Dt. 27.10.04

Sub : EPDCL - Provinding of subsidy to single bulb domestic consumers having connected load up to
250 w and consuming up to 15 units per month - Reg.
Ref : 1) Lr.No. CE/RAC & Reforms/APTransco/Single Bulb/D.No. 460/04 dt.28.09.04
2) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/F-111/D.No. 696/04 Dt. 30.9.04
3) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/F-111/D.No. 722/04 Dt. 08.10.04
4) Lr.No. SE/O/VSP/SAO/AO (R)/D.No. 1581/04 dated 8.10.2004

With reference to letter 4th cited, it is to inform that necessary guidlines on eligibility of consumers for
subsidy, billing and accounting have already been issued in the reference 2nd and 3rd cited.
However the following clarificarion is issued.
Consumers eligible for Rs. 10/- subsidy per month are .................

Domestic consumers having connected load up to 250 watts, consuming 15 units per month duly paying
monthly minium of Rs. 25/- per month under 0-50 slab.

Sl.No. Ponts Clarifications

1. For “O” units Eligible for subsidy
2. For DL cases Eligible for subsidy “later to billing for DL under normal rules” and
after confirmation of actuall CC per month”
3. For MS cases Eligible for subsidy subject to average consumption within 15 units per

Chief General Manager (Expr.)

The Senior Accounts Officer/ Operation Circle/Visakhapatnam

Copy to all the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles For neccessary action
Copy to all the Superintending Engineers/Operation }

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.

U.O. Note General Manger (IT)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam

Sub : EPDCL - IT Centre -Billing of Cat. III B services in services in IT center - Outputs generated by
the system for the month of September’ 04 - Certain clariffications-sought for by GM (IT) - Reg.
Ref : GM (IT) letter dated NIL.
The following issue in respect of Cat. III b services billing is approved by CMD
Sl.No Points raised by GM (IT) Clarification
1 Adoption of PF whether it is 0.85 or As per clause (6) of tariff order FY 2004-05 the power factor
0.90 of the consumer’s installation shall not be less than 0.90
2. Whether PF is to be rounded off to As per clause (6) of tariff order FY 2004-05, the power factor
two decimals or turncate to two shall be calculated up to two decimal places (i.e. truncate to
decimals two decimals)
3. On what are the components, the PF Low power factor surcharge shall be calculated on Energy
surcharge is to be calculated. charges and demand charges, including excess demand charges
- Clause No. 6
4. Computing the light - fan As per Tariff, LT cat. III under note III reproduced.
consumption If the actual connected load for lighting purpose exceeds the
prescribed limit of 5%, the energy recorded prorata to the
lighting load shall be billed at the LT CAT - II highest slab rate
(Entire lighting load and not merely excess over 5%)
As per this, the lighting load should be specified for the Cat. III
B sevices in the agreement test report as well as in the master
data, otherwise there is a chance to leakage of revenue.
Ex. a) If insustrial load - 125 HP
Lighting load - 8 HP
Total - 133 HP
% of lighting load on total load is - 6.10%
b) Total units - 4874
Prorata lighting units 4874x8/133 = 297 units
In view of the actual connected load for lighting purpose exceeds
the prescribed limit of 5% all the units i.e. 297 computed for
lighting consumption shall be billed at the LT Cat. II highest
slab rate.
5 a) Whether the late payment sur- Surcharge shall not be levied on surcharge levied. The late
charge shall be calculated on the payment surcharge shall not be calculated on ED and surcharge
compunds including ED and Sur- already levied.
charge previously levied
b) Whether the interest on ED shall As per rules in vogue, the interest on ED shall be leviable in case
be calculated of dealayed payment @24% p.a.
Cheif General Manger (Expr.)

U.O. Note CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/F-14/D.No. 771/04 Dt. 27.10.04

The General Mange (IT)/EPDCL/Visakhapatnam
Copy to All SAOs
Copy to AAOs

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/F-26/D.No. 623/04 Dt. 13.09.04
Sub : EPDCL - Charter of points to be taken care for improvement of revenue collections - Enclosed -
Ref : 1) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 427/03 Dt. 04.06.2003
2) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 485/03 Dt. 21.06.2003
3) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 590/03 Dt. 11.08.2003
4) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 700/03 Dt. 22.09.2003
5) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 728/03 Dt. 10.10.2003
6) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 745/03 Dt. 17.10.2003
7) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 8236/03 Dt. 22.09.2003
8) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 546/04 Dt. 17.08.2004
9) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 558/04 Dt. 20.08.2004
10) Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/F-26/D.No. 570/04 Dt. 24.08.2004

In view of bitter experience in fag end of August’04 to meet the targeted collections, a charter of points to be
taken care for improvement of revenue collections (copy enclosed) are shown in the Annexure.
The Senior Accounts Officers/Divisional Engineers/Assistant Accounts Officers/ADEs/AEs are requested
to implement the measures and ensure collections as per targets.

Chief General Manager (Expr.)

Encl. As above
All the Senior Accounts Officers/ Operation Circles - coommunicate copies to DEs, AAOs,ADEs, AEs
Copy to all Superintending Engineers/Operation - For necessary action (Encl: As above)

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Certain points to be taken care for improvement of Revenue collections

1. As per all CMD’s decision the high revenue yielded services should be identified and disconnected in the first and second
week. Necessay instructions already communicated by the CGM/Expenditure.

2. Officers responsible for review and operation of range wise D’list.

Rs. 0-1,000/- - AE/Operation

Rs.1,001/- to 5,000/- - ADE/Operation

Rs. 5,001/- to 20,000/- - DE/Operation

Rs. above 20,000/- - SE/Operation

3. As per tariff order and ERC regulation one week is extended totaling to 15 days duration from the due date of bill for issue
of D’list. In this way the following will be the pattern.

A1 sub-group Due date for issue of D’lists is 11th of next month

A2 sub-group Due date for issue of D’lists is 21th of next month

4. Action to be taken against the disconnected services.

a) Issue of one month notices against services disconnected for more than 3 months.

b) Disconnection of other live services.

c) Dismantling of services after completion of one month notice period.

d) Adjustment of SD amount against Dismantling services and RR Act implementation

e) Inspection of disconnected services.

5. Issue, Operation, return and review of D-list.

6. Review of installments and issue of special D-List and Operation.

7. Not to collect part payments on any bill without orders of compentent authority (Also refer Directive No. 10 of 2004-05)

8. RCs collection tour program should be reviewed and coverage to be given to all distributions with fixd dates.

9. RCs fixed colletion program should be given wide publicity in the Distributions.

10. In many cases RCs are being returned to the Head quaters after the collection work only in the Forenoon.

11. RCs have to work full time in collection centers.

12. The collection of arrears for special drives (additional collection centers) are to be indentified well in advance and wide
publicity and propaganda should be made in distribution atleast one or two days in advance.

13. Local cable and other facilities should be utilized by AEs during the period of D-list operation.

14. TE/MP and ACD payments - Strict review

15. Court cases - Filling counters and EPs wherever necessary.

16. Timely remittances.

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. GM(IT)/AAO(CAT)/F /D.No. 2736/04, Dated 08.06.2004

Sub : CAT Information - Review of LT Category III B Services - General Instructions - Issued.
On review of the LT Category III B Services data received from EROs the following points are noticed
Master File :
1. All fields in Master file are not being filed in
2. The Contracted Demand is furnished in various units (visibly) in HP/KW
3. The lighting load is not furnished
4. In case of change in MF for KWH, KVAH readings is not being furnished
5. It is not ensured as to whether the service is certified as Small Scale Industrial unit by the concerned
6. It is also not clearly indicated when the service is transferred to Category III A in case of deration of load
and HT in case of enhance of load exceeding 150 HP

Transaction File

1. All fields in Transaction file are not being filled in

2. Meter status is not properly furnished
3. Billed units field is not properly filled in
4. Recorded MD (RECMD) is not furnished
5. Billed MD (BLDMD) is not furnished properly
6. KVAH Meter readings are not furnished
7. Elecy. Duty is being billed on BIlled units
8. Arrears column is not properly filled in
9. CB column is not properly filled in

In view of the above the following instrucions are issued.

1. AAOs/ERO should ensure that all coulmns both in Master and Trasaction files are properly filled in with
correct and relevant data. No column should be left blank.
2. As per the Tariff Order Demand charges are to be levid on KVA and hence the Contracted Demand should be
Furnished in KVA only.
3. As per Tariff Order Maximum Connected load under this category should not exceed 150 HP including
incidental lighting load of not more than 5% of the total connected load. If actual connected load for
lighting purpose exceeds the prescribed limit of 5% the energy recorded pro rate to the ligting load should
have to be billied at highest slab rate of LT category II. Hence furnished of connected load and lighting load
for this category is a mandatory.
4. In case of change in MF of the service of transfer of service either to LT cal III A or HT based on load
changes should invariably be informed in the data for accurate review by higher authories.
5. The Optinal tariff under LT Category III B is applicable only to small Scale Industrial Units which have been
licensed by Insustries department as bonafide Small Scale Industries and given registration number under SSI
registration scheme with connected loads 75 HP and up to 150 HP and who wish to avail the supply at Low
Tension govering certain conditions. Hence it should be ensured that the services under category III B are
bonafied Small Scale Units.

6. Meter status is to be furnished correctly for effective review. In some EROs Meter status 04 (Meter changed)
for UDC services which is not correct.
7. Most of the EROs have not furnished the recorded maximum demad (RECMD) which plays vital role in
determination of Billed MD which is the basis for Demand charges and Billed units. As per Tariff Order Billed
MD shall be either Maximum Demand recorded or 80% of the Contracted Demand which ever is higher. More
over energy charges will have to be billed on the basis of the actual energy consumption or 50units per KVA of
Billing Demand which ever is higher. Hence recorded MD should be furnished invaribly and ensured that
Energy charges and Demand charges are properly billed.
8. It may also ensured that in case the Recorded MD exceeds the Contracted Demand such excees Demand shall
have to be billed at the Demand charges prescribed under HT category I and excees demand charges raised
should be shown in a separate coulmn prescribed (EDCHAR).
9. Most of the EROs have not furnished the KVAH reading which requires for calculation of Power factor. In case
the Power Factor falls below 0.90 during any month the consumer shall have to pay Surcharge as per Tariff
Order (PF surcharge is to be levied on Energy and Demand charges including excess Demand Charges.) Hence
it should be ensured KVAH readings are properly furnished. The PF shall be taken up to 2(Two) decimal place
only 2nd decimal place should be taken as it is without rounding based on the 3rd decimal place.
10. It is also observed that Electy. duty is being calculated on Billed units instead of Recorded units which it is not
correct. Since Two Part Tariff is being observed in case of LT Category III B services, the Elecy. duty is to be
levied on recorded units only but not on billed units which may be followed serupuloulsy.
11. Certain EROs. in Eluru circle are not levying Enery charges during period of the services under dis-connection
which is not correct. In case of sevice is under disconnection, 80% of the Contracted Demand shall be the
Billed MD and Demand charges are to be levied on that Billed MD. Minimum Billed units shall have to be
calculated based on Billed MD @50 units per KVA anf energy charges are to be levied for such minimum units
as per Tariff Order.
12. As per the condition 5 for Lt Category III B in Tariff Order for the year 2003-04, the metering will be on HT
side of Dist. Transformer with TVR Meter toghether with MD indicator and as per 22.1.2 of Terms and
Conditions of Suplly for any valid reason the service is relased without HT TVR meter, LT TVR meter shall be
installed. In such case the MD and quantity of electricity consumed in any month on HT side will be computed
by adding 3% extra on account of transformation losses to the quantity as register by the LT TVR Meter during
the month. In the event of even LT TVR Meter not having been installed for any reason or one already installed
have gone out of order 60% of the total connected load or 80% of the contracted demand which ever is higher
shall be taken as recorded maximum demand. The above procedure may be observed for arriving at the Recorded
The above may be followed Scrupuloulsy and compliance reported. Receipt of the memo may be acknowledged.


Chief General Manger (Expr.)

Copy to all SAOs/Operation Circles for information and necessary action
Copy to all SEs/Operation for information and necessary action.
Copy to all DEs/Operation for information with a request to provide HT TVR Meter for all LT Category III B Services
if not provided already
Copy to SAO/REV/Corporate Office / Visakhapatnam - for further pursuance
Copy to submitted to Director (Finance)/APEPDCL/Visakhaptnam
Forwarded by Order
General Manger (IT)

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.

Confidential Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/ /D.No.582/03 Dt. 06-08-03

Sub : EPDCL - EROs - Cash management - Certain important instructions issued - Reg


In spite of repeated written and verbal instrcutions, it is observed that certain Assistant Accounts Officer/EROs
are lagging behind in taking proper care with regard to cash management. The matter is highly regretted.
All the Assistant Accounts Officers/ERO are requested to follow the following points without fail and ensure
the correct cash management.
1. Duplicate keys of cash chest are to be dposited in the banks immediately wherever not done so far and to be
renewed once in an year.
2. RCs/First collection account should be rendered to EROs by 21st of every month and should be 100%
checked by the SIRC. So also, the final collection account will be furnished by end of the month which will
also be checked by SIRC and the collections thus to be confirmed.
3. There is instance that the ERO/Cash at the month end is being utilized for salaries on the first of next
month by crediting their salaries cheque to the ERO receipt a/c. This is quiet irregular and to be stopped
forthwith. In such case, AAOs are liable for disciplinary action.
4. SIRCs posts should not be kept vacant and to be filled up from among their staff in ERO. Date wise and
Bill wise checks are to be done by SIRC without fail per each RC/PCA. Any lapse in this regard on any reason is
not acceptable and action will be taken against the Assistant Accounts Officer concerned.
The Credit figure of SIRC+ERO conter + cheques and DDs + any out source collections should be reviewed
and got tallied with cash book figure and the Private Accounting Agency figure in traingular check and
certified by the SIRC, Junior Accounts Officer (Cash) and Assistant Accounts Officer concerned.
5. The no. of Journal Entries approved service wise, amount wise should be confirmed at the month end by the
Assistant Accounts Officer with regard to their adoption in consumer ledger by the Private Accounting
Agency. The Jounrnal Entries in the docket and the Journal Entries Register shoul be specified and attested
by the Assistant Accounts Officer service wise.
6. Cheque collection boxes should be affixed in safety place in the ERO enabling the consumers to drop their
cheques and DDs therein. The cash book and chitta book must be maintained daily under the attestation of
the JAO/AAO. The receipt side entries in the cash book and chitta book is invariably to be checked by
Junior Accounts Officer. The JAO/Cash shall certify the monthly total of the cash book for receipts side and
for total closure of the cash book. The Assistant Accounts Officer/ERO has to 100% check the remittances
day wise in the cash book and in the chitta. The cash and cheque balances for the cash book should be
tallied with the chitta on each day. The source of receipts of cash should be enmarked in the cash book.
7. The Assistant Accounts Officer shall ensure the daily remittances of cash by all RCs, ERO counter, other out source
collections, cheques and DDs received in ERO. etc into the correct receipt account and also pursue with the
banks for transfer of those funds to Headquaters bank account in multuplies of above one thousand. It is noticed
with displeasure that sufficient attention is not being paid by Assistant Accounts Officers in transferring the funds to
Headquarters account in reasonalbe time. Any lapse in this regard with the AAOs will be viewed very seriously.
8. Reconciliation of security deposits is found to be a long pending subject in EROs. This creates an undue happening,
leading for action againest the Assistant Accounts Officers and the concerned staff. The AAOs will chalk-out action
paln to reconclie service wise security deposit to link up with service connection register as per the DDs received
and remit. To this extent, the service connection register and the SDs register may be up dated before 31.08.2003.
The compliance report is to be furnished to Corporate Office by 05.09.2003 and review will be taken up by the
undersigned, ERO wise in the second week of September, 2003 on all these points.

9. The closing balances between financial ledger and consumer ledger should be got tallied every month and certificate
to be affixed by the Assistant Accounts Officers under intimation to the undersigned.
10. The new services irrespective of the groups should be billed for each month minimum either through Private Accounting
Agencies or manually in the same month and ensure no postponement of revenues. The ungroup services fallen in
the month may be transferred to the next month to concerned group by generalising the demand and collections.
11. Surcharge for Agl.services is to be derived on monthly basis irrespective of the payment made or not. It is reported
that the ARR particulars are not furnished by some of the EROs leading for serious comment. This should be done
immediately. The monthly retuns are badly delayed. This should be ensured for timely submission.
12. The Superintending Engineers were asked to provide computers, printers and UPS to all EROs and this was
already explained in the recent workshop. The Assistant Accounts Officers may pursue this matter and get the
computers immediately.
13. There are lot of CAT errors creating heavy confusion in the data. The PAAs may be strictly instructed and monitored
for correct information lest action may be taken against them for their lapses including serving notices for termination
of agreement.
14. One more important subject is FSA. Instruction were already issued to tally the issue of FSA with refernce to the
units sold and furnish a statement comprehensively. The report should receive within one week without fail
15. Specific instructios were given with regard to withdrawal of wrong billing and adopt BP 151. Any deviation in this
regard will entail disciplinary action against the Assistant Accounts Officers.
16. The Section Officer of the ERO shall be monitored for effective operation of D’list submission of monthly returns,etc.,
17. Many EROs are seen very dirty and there is no minimum cleanlines and toilet facility even for women employee.
18. Bundles of waste and rough papers are seen rolling in the corridors and in some corners of the EROs. Circular was
issued to all Superintending Enginners to dispose all waster papers. The Assistant Accounts Officers will pursue the
matter with circle office and see that the waste papers are disposed off. Also the Assistant Accounts Officers will
organize “clean and green” with due co-operation of all employees and any voluntary organisations and ensure the
offices are kept up in a clean and harmonious atmosphere for effective functioning
The receipt of this memo shall be acknowledged

Chief General Manager (Expr.)

All the Assistant Accounts Officers/ERO/Operation - (By Name)

Copy to all the Superintending Engineers/operation Circles/ -

Copy to all the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles/
Copy to all the Divisional Engineers/Operation

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.

Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AO(R)/D.No. 579/03 Dt. 5-08-03

Sub : EPDCL - Issue of CC bills as per Code of Practice - Implementation of APERC Directive -
Working Instructions Issued - Reg
Ref : 1. Lr.No. APERC/Secretary/DD/(CA)/F2/D.no.1316 dated 19.05.2003
2. Director (F)/EPDCL Memo No. VSP/Peshi/ D.No. 114/03 dated 29.05.2003
3. Circular Memo No. CGM (Expr.)/EPDCL/SAO(R)/AAO (R)/ D.No. 549 dated
4. Memo Memo No. CGM (Expr.)/EPDCL/SAO(R)/AAO (R)/ D.No. 551 dated

In the reference first cited, APERC has directed to implement continuation billing of CC bills as per
code of Practice. In the reference second cited, instructions were issued accordingly. In the reference third cited,
certain working instructions were also issued tentatively. In order to ensure sufficient quality of work, meeting
with all SAOs. AOs (Revenue), AAOs and all PAAs have been conducted on 22.07.2003 at Visakhapatnam and
on 25.07.2003 at Rajahmundry covering all circles. During the said meetings, demonstration has been done and
workshop conducted circle wise.
Several suggestions were made by the participants and certain doubts were focused during the said meeting.
After careful examination of the total issue, it is decided to implement continuous billing from 09/2003 CC
(08+09/2003) as under Code of Pratice. The detailed working instructions are given in Aneexure I & II for strict
adherence by all Superintending Engineers Operation/EPDCL.
The sketch for work plan is also enclosed herewith.

Y/N The Superintending Engineers may make any minor changes taking their field conditions into consideration
without hindarance to the main object and the same has to be informed to the company.
The receipt of this circular may be acknowledged.

Cheif General Manager (Expr.)

Encl : Annexure I & II

All the Superintending Engineers/Operation Circles
All the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles
All the Private Accounting Agencies } By Name

Copy to :
All the Accounts Officers (Revenue)/Operation Circles
All the Assistant Accounts Officers/EROs
All the Divisional Engineers/Operation }
By Name through SE/O

Copy to the Chief Engineer/Operation/Srikakulam / Rajahmundry

Copy submitted to all the Directors/EPDCL
Copy submitted to CMD’s Peshi/EPDCL

The services in each group in the bi-monthly system shall be divided into two sub-group namely
a. Billing Program will be started from 4th to 11th for A1 sub-group
b. Billing Program will be started from 14th to 21st for A2 sub-group
c. The date of issue of CC bill is criteria for payment of that CC bill within 14 days without additional
charges and 7 days thereafter with additional charges.
d. The cushion allowed in between two sub-groups is meant for adjustment of billing program as per
e. The debit and credit balances of the consumers will be reckoned by taking all credits as on last day of
the earlier month. Accordingly, the hand-held machines are uploaded and billing process is started as
per above schedule.
PRs and BBAs will be generated by the PAAS on 12th and 13th for A1 sub-group and on 22nd and 23rd
for A2 sub-group.
Final BBA, exceptionals and demand analysis will be generated on 28th of same of same month.
PRs : Existing system will be followed. However, action willl be taken to maintan unifromity in due course.
a) Frst collection for A1 sub-group will be done from 14th to 23rd Similarly, collection for A2 sub-group
will be done from 24th to end of the month.
b) Additional charges for belated paymenet of bills :
i) The CC bills shall be paid by the consumers within the due date mentioned in the bill, i.e. 14 days form
date of the bill.
ii) If payment is made after due date, the consumers are liable to pay belated payment charges on the bill
amount at the rate of 0.07 Ps. per rupee per day of delay calculated from due date mentioned in the bill
upto the date of payment.
iii) If the CC bills amount is not paid within 7 days from the due date the power supply is liable for
Ex : CC bill issued on 5th of the month
Due date for payment of bill without additional charges is 18th of the month.
Due date for payment of the bill with additional charges is 25th of the month (14+7 days).
Thereafter liable for disconnection.
iv) For reconnection of power supply after disconnection, the consumer has to pay reconnection fees plus
belated payment charges calculated as above.
Second Collection program from 1st to 13th of succeeding month, as well as for D’listed distribution
will be cattered for collection.
Collection will be made through out the month irrespective of the group and sub-group services.
From the above collection program, the BCRC should be sent to PAAs daily through EROs

D’List for A1 Group will be issued by 2nd of subsequent month i.e. after expiry of 21 days from the
date of issue of the bill to the last consumers in the A1 group
Similarly, the D’list for A2 sub-group will be issued by 12th of succeding month.
D’list of each sub-group shall be operated and returned to the ERO within 3 days as usual and the
present system holds goods.


a) For A1 sub-group agricultural consumers demand may be raised don 11ht of each month (No. CC bills)
b) Since collection program for the billing on 11th of the month is provided to all consumers, the Agricutural
consumers are also covered. Therefore surcharge can be determined for 14 days duration from billing date
i.e. 11th of that month.
c) Similaraly, for Agricultural consumers in A2 sub-group, the demand may be reaised on 21st and 14 days for
collection is allowed for levy of surcharge duly providing collection agency with the 14 days on par with the
other consumers.
a. Raising of Revenur demand :
whole the two sub-groups billing demand will be accounted for in the same consumption billing month.
b. Collection :
The collections made in the same month will be accounted for in that partcular month only.
c. In starting month of revised system (09/2003 CC) there will be collection for two months demand pertaining
to earlier billing for 07+08/2003 CC and for latest sub-group for 08+09/2003 CC. Therefore, the
Superintending Engineers and Divisional Engineers shall organize collection staff additionally by drafting
extra personal from other wings on one time basis.
1. Bill issue date and time as well as due date of payment and disconnection shall be shown in the spot bill.
2. Spot billing shall be done for 60 days CC as per scheduled dates for each distribution as well as the
collection program will be made accordingly.
3. Spot billing staff will be shuffled to other area/section/sub-division once in six months.
4. Spot billing staff will maintain a reading register every month with Service No, Final reading, Units and
amount billed and status of services.
5. Private collection agents from out source may also be utilized in rural areas as per requirement.
6. LOC for spot billing remuneration bills shall be applied and paid along with salary bills.
7. The private accounting agencies shall furnish every month the yearly breakup of arrears for preceding five
years along with relevant collections.
8. Providing of collection facility on 14th day and 21st day per each sub-group at particular distribution or
Mandal Headquarters found feasible to other neighbouring distrubutions may be settled by AAO/ERO within
the available collection staff.
9. If certain consumers are prepared to pay the CC bills in anticipation of PRs and BBA, those payments can be
accepted basing on the bills produced by the consumers. The neighbouring RC can accept these payments
irrespective of the groups by using separate PR and BCRC for accounting purpose.
10. In view of representation form PAAs, the daily progress of spot billing in rural areas will be reported to Section
Office once in two days without fail.

11. Meter observation should also be noted in the Section Office Register by the spot billing clerk once in two days
without fail as and when he retun to Section Office, from rural Distribution point as of item 10 above.
12. Field mothly returns to EROs should be rendered as usual.
13. Meter change particulars should be made available in the consumers premises and alreday there are instructions
to this extent.
14. The Continuation Billing System shall be implemented in all circles with effect from 09/2003 CC without fail
i.e. 08+09/2003 CC.
15. The present package with the PAAs may be suitably amended to suit Continous Billing System.
16. A sketch of the work plan is appened herewith for easy follow up and implemantation
17. MRBs are to be certainly written up by the spot billing agency at the time of seeing the meter.
18. The billing month is the accounting month. Therefore, all monthly returns and data information will fall under
this system only. There may be short fall of collections against CMD in a particular month, which substitutes by
collection of arrears in first two weeks of that month.
19. The targets fixed for EROs in the earlier system basing on the demand of a particular month to be collected in
the subsequent month can be re-appropriated in the present system taking into consideration of the fact that
demand month and collection month is one and the same in the revised system.
20. The C.C Bill format is prescribed under code of practice and to be implemented in the revised system of billing
now enforced (format enclosed).

Chief General Manager (Expr.)s


Points raised by AAO/DE/SAO

1. Re-schedule of due dates of monthly returns and avoiding dealy in submission - clarified to follow present
2. Availabilty of merter change particulars at consumer premises - Yes - Instructions issued.
3. CC Bills are to be accepted as per Bill in Towns - Yes - Payment can be accepted
4. Providing of rout rider to bring the BCRCs etc., to PAA - PAA has to make the facility.
5. Transformer wise code Nos and Billing - SE/DE have to take action
6. Providing of final BBA at the month end - Yes - Instrucions issued.
7. Common Bill format - Yes - instructions Issued.
8. Co-operation among the EROs and PAAs - This should be ensured form all corners by mutual discussion
9. Adjustment of collection and billing dates if of Holidays are occured - Present System may be followed.
10. Requirment of leave reserve R.Cs. - Local arranagement may be made.
11. Different D’lists for Agl. & By-Monthly & Monthly - Not issued at a time. These are periodically issued to
12. Arrears Break-up for last 5 years - Yes - to be given by PAA’s
13. Daily progress of Billing in Rural - Yes - Instruction issued.




Generation of BBA & Collection Program for Raising of Demand & Collections &
Billing Schedule Issue of D’ List Operation of D’List
Exceptionals Rural Areas Accounting Accounting

Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub-group Sub- Sub-group Sub- Sub- Sub-
group group group A1 group A2 group A1 group A2 group group

A1 group A2 A1 group A2 group A1 group A2

A1 A2 A1 A2

4th to 14th to 12th to 22nd & 14th to 24th to 2nd of 12th of 3 days for each sub- Same Month Same Month
11th 21st 13th 23rd 23rd month end next next group
month month

28th : Final BBA & Collection In town :-

Collections will be made
Exceptional and
through out the month
Demand Analysis irrespective of group /
sub-group services
4. The following information shall be included on the body of the bill.
a) Bill Number
b) Consumer No. Name and address.
c) Name of Sub-division/Section.
d) i) Type of supply (i.e. single phase, three phase LT or HT)
ii) Contracted load/Connected load
e) Category of consumer (i.e. domestic, commercial etc.)
f) Status of meter (ok/defective/missing/Door Lock etc.,)
g) Meter replacement of energy meter involved during billing period, the Meter Nos of old & new Meters, date
of replacement, final reading of old meter and initial reading of new meter at the time of replacing the meter
shall indicated on the Bill.
h) Billing period (dates to be mentioned)
i) Initial meter reading of the billing period/cycle with date
j) Final meter reading of the billing period/cycle with date.
k) Multiplying Factor of the Meter.
l) Number of units consumed during the billing period
m) Date of the bill/due date of payment and disconnection
n) Billing details : The details for the current month demand and arrears shall be furnished in the bills
1) Energy / Monthly Minimum Charges. 9) Interest on Installments
2) Fixed charges 10) Total current month demand
3) Capacitor Surcharge 11) Arrears
4) Customer Charges 12) Others
5) Electricity Duty 13) Total Amount
6) Fuel cost adjustment charges 14) Adjustment
7) Surcharge for low power factor 15) Net amount
8) Addl. Charges for belated payment
o) Mode of payment
p) Designation and address of authorities with whom complaints or grievances shall be lodged.
q) Incase of cheques and bank drafts, the receiving authority in whose favour the amount should be drawn.
r) Telphone No. of Revenue Unit.
s) Address/ Details of connected local collection centers & EROs of licensee with working hours where
payment of Electricity Bills will be made.
Information from (p) to (s) may be printed on the reverse of the Bill. Incase of the bills for category I, II and
VII the data on fixed charges, Capacitor Surcharge and Surcharge for low power factor will not be shown for
the present.

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.

Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 234/03 Dt. 27.03.2003.

Sub : EPDCL -EROs confimation of DCB- Certain instructions issued - Reg.

Ref : 1. Memo No. CGM(Expr)/GM(R)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 229/03 Dt. 22.03.2003


Further to the instructions issued, the following procedure may be adopted to confirm the DCB
in each month by the EROs.
1. Debits : The debits should be checked including the debit Journal Entries and the figure to be
2. Credits : The credits should be reconciled and got tallied as under .
a. the check figure from SIRC,
b. The check figure from PAA
c. The chek figure from cash book.
Thus three figures should be got tallied and thus the correct figure has to be recorded.
3. Journal Entries : The Journal Entries of all types should be totalled and got confirmed.

The Assistant Accounts Officer and Junior Accounts Officers are instructed to check and confirm the debits,
credits and Journal entries are confirmed as above shall only be taken to consumer ledger and other accounting parts.
There should not be any deviation between figures adopted in consumer ledger etc and the figures arrived at
item 1,2, and 3.
The process of action should be followed by the AAOs/ERO without fail and the register may be maintained for
this purpose with them.

Thus it will ensure with the figures confirmed by the Assistant Accounts Officer are only taken to ledger and
other records.

The receipt of this memo shall be acknowledged

Chief General Manager (Expr.)

Assistant Account Officers
Through Senior Accounts Officers

Copy to Senior Accounts Officers

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. CGM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 204/03 Dt. 15.03.2003.

Sub : EPDCL -EROs/SIRC and other Staff - Failure in discharging duties - Reg.


Instanaces have come to notice that the SIRCs are not checking the daily PRs, BCRCs, PCBs and
remittances of revenue cashiers allotted to them. Consequently defalcation of departmental revenues at certain places
are being taking place.

This is a gross failure on the part of the SIRC s and they are liable for deterrnet action
Further the concerned Billing Superintendents and JAOs are also found not doing the work of tallying the
uncollected PRs and cancelling those PRs. The instructions issued from time to time for SIRCs, Billing Superintendents
and JAOs for effective checks of RCs performance with regard to revenues are not being followed in true spirit and thus
causing loss of revenues.
Therefore, it is once again reiterated that any lapse on the part of the SIRC and the Billing Supeintendent/
JAOs in ERO in checking the financial accounts of Revenue cashiers will be dealt with very seriously. The Assistant
Accounts Officer/EROs are hereby directed to ensure the functions of SIRCs and others in EROs with regard to
financial matters discharged promptly, lest necessary action may immediately be taken.

The Assistant Accounts Officers shall confirm the position every day and at the month end, as to whether
the revenues are safeguarded properly.

Chief General Manager (Expr.)


All the Assistant Account Officers/EROs

All the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circle/EPDCL
Copy to GM/IT/

Copy to AO’s

Corporate Office : Visakhapatnam.
Memo No. GM(Expr)/SAO(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 193/03 Dt. 10.03.2003.

Sub : EPDCL - Billing of Cat. III B Services under LT - Reg.

Ref : 1) Tariff Order for 2002-03 - Communicated in D.No. 1063, Dt. 7.5.2002
2) Lr.No. GM(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 56/03, Dt. 21.1.03

As per the tariff order for 2002-03 communicated in D.No,. 1063 dt. 7.5.02, the following conditions are
to be observed in categorization of LT cat IIIB and in preparation of bills.
At Field side :
1. The Maximum connected load under this catagory shall not exceed 150 HP including incidental lighting load of
not more than 5% of the total connected load.
2. The consumer should erect own dist. Transformer and structure intially along with necessary switch gear.
3. The metering will be on HT side of the Dist. Transformer with a Trivector meter together with MD indicator
4. The industry shall have been licensed by the industries department as bonafide Small Scale Industries and
given registration number under SSI registration scheme.
In Billing Side :
1. Recorded demand exceeds the contracted demand, such excess demand shall be billed at the demand charges
prescribed under HT cat. I
2. The contracted load shall be as specified in the agreement as per sanction accorded for the service.
3. The low power factor surcharge is applicable as in the case of HT consumers.
4. CMC shall be as applicable for HT consumers.
5. The lighting load exceeds the prescribed limit of 5%. The energy recorded prorata to the lighting load shall be
billed at the LT Cat. II highest slab rate.
The senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles are requested to review all the Cat. III B services and confirm
the above conditions are complied for all LT cat. III B Services and furnish the document evidence for the above to this
office for further review, in the format enclosed herewith.

Matter most urgent.

Chief General Manger (Expr.)

Encl : As above

All the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles/EPDCL
Copy to All The Superintending Engineers/Operation Circles/EPDCL.

Top Priority
Memo No. CMD)/EPDCL/GM(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 151 /03Dt. 24.02.03
Sub: EPDCL Withdrawal of Demand - Unspecificed field reports - Imperfect checks by EROs -
Certain Guidelines issued - Reg.
Ref: 1) B.P.M.S.No. 151 Dt.25-08-93
2) Memo No.F.A&CCA/LT/Rev/Ao(R)/LT/JAO/IV/2689/97 Dt. 11-04-1997
3) Item No. 150 of delegation of Powers with regard to approval of Journal Entries.
4) Minutes of 12-02-01 of C.M.D EPDCL - Para - IV
5) Memo No. ED(Finance)/EPDCL/VSP/D.No. 070/02. Dl. 21.11.02.
6) Memo No: ED(Finance)/EPDCL/VSP/D.No. 086/02. Dl. 16.12.02.
7) Minutes of 13-12-02 of CMD / EPDCL - vide peshi Memo D.No.954 Dl.23-12-02.
8) CMD/EPDCL/VSP/D.No. 779/02: Dt. 28.12.02
9) This Office Letter No. GM (R)/AAO (R)/D.No. 42/03. Dl. 18.1.03.

1. It is observed that withdrawals on account of wrong reading mistakes by Private Accounting Agencies have
gone up abnormally to a tune of Rs. 13.3. crores besides withdrawals under the provisions of
B.P.MS.No.151 for Rs. 7.92 crores from April 02 to January’03. This is a matter of very serious con
II. A detailed review of Journal Entries has been conducted for all EROs in the Discom from 5/2/03 to
6/2/03 and 14/2/03. During the course of review, the facts have come out that, the field section officers
have not taken required Care and measures while proposing withdrawals to EROs. So also the Assistant
Accounts Officers/ERO have not properly checked the field proposals while admitting Journal Entries.
III. It is clearly proved that field officers and Assistant Accounts Officers are miserably failed to follow the
instructions issued from time to time to propose and approve Journal Entries vide references 1 to 9 cited
IV. The Supervisory heads i.e. the Divisional Engineers, Senior Accounts Officers and Superintending
Engineers have also not paid any attention in this vital subject where considerable amounts have been
withdrawn without any code and conduct except a motive to reduce the demand on flimsy grounds.
V. The Chairman & Managing Director/EPDCL has viewed the position with utmost displeasure and con
strained to initiate disciplinary action on all concerned.
VI. In order to envisage a constructive policy for withdrawals and ensure to protect the revenues, the following
specific guidelines are issued for strict implementation. ‘
VII. Any lapse on the part of the field officers and the .Assistant Accounts Officers/EROs will lead certainly
to take deterrent action in this regard, without any exception.
1. The field section officer will compulsorily inspect the premises of the consumer towhom the withdrawal is pro
2. He shall furnish the -
1. Date of Inspection
2. Check Reading
3. Meter Number
4. Meter Condition
5. Category of Service and load particulars.
3. Incase of Meter changed
a) The earlier and new meter numbers with FR and initial reading and check reading are to be furnished.
b) Meter changed slip also to be furnished
c) Fact of Devoluting the Meter or sending to MRT.
d) The meters removed along with other materials under BPMS.No.151 Dt.25-08-93 whether devoluted

to stores or handed over to MRT for the all cases up to date and service wise Devolution No /T. Note
No. shall be furnished by field section officers to respective DEs/SEs before 15-03-03 with a copy to
Assistant Accounts Officer/ERO. This should also be followed in all future cases.
4. Incase, of supply being not used or adjustment of Door locks a specific reason for not using supply and the
period of door locks with reasons shall be furnished
5. Incase of sick meters - MRT test results shall be furnished indicating the % losses with specific MRT test result
6 In no case, the demand for the earlier years shall be allowed. If there is any such rare case the approval of
Superintending Engineer shall be obtained.
7 The withdrawal proposals followed with the above details shall be got counter signed by the Assistant Divisional
Engineer upto Rs. 5,000/- and Divisional Engineer for Rs. 5.000/- to Rs. 50.000'- and above the Superintending
Engineer, The field section officer shall have to ensure this in all required cases, while furnishing to EROs.
8. It is but natural, whenever the errors in the readings are taken place, those will be enlisted in the exceptional
reports of that month. Therefore the action taken then and there by the field section officer and Assistant Accounts
Officer shall also be indicated in the proposal and the note for withdrawal. However, Wrong Reading/PAA mis
takes shall be disposed in the same month without requiring Journal Entries.
9. A detailed office note is to be approved by the Assistant Accounts Officer in each case of withdrawal. The units
whether debited or credited are also to be taken into account.
10. Any chargeability to prior period account numbers is to be ensured.
11. The section officer himself has to take reading Check Reading for monthly services & certify.
12. The proposal of field section officer shall be in a specific letter form containing dated stamped signature.
I3 The other components of the bill like ED, ED interest, Additional Charges, FSA etc.are to be taken care in each
lX. The spot billing staff and departmental staff shall be dealt by the field officers in a suitable manner explain
ing the seriousness over the subject and any recurrence of wrong readings will lead for disciplinary action
even at initial level without any excuse. PAAs shall also be mobilized accordingly and action including termina-
tion of Agreement may be taken if required.
X The exeptionals should be attended to on top priority.
XI The cases where meters are changed, those should be brought to records in the .same month. Any delay
will be treated as lapse on the part of the field section officer and Assistant Accounts Officer and details to be
made available in the note at ERO.
XII All wings connected to the consumer service shall be made alert by verbal and written instructions and they
should be activised.
XIII. The field section officers, Assistant Divisional Engineers and Assistant Accounts Officer ERO will take the
matter very seriously and ensure implementation of the above instructions scrupulously.
XIV The Assistant Accounts Officers / ERO are also instructed to have a close check of wirhdrawals with reference to
the guidelines issued as above.
XV All Accounts Officers (Revenue)/Senior Accounts Officers and Divisional Engineers/Superintending Engineers
are directed to conduct frequent checks on field reports and withdrawals and confirm the correctness.
The receipt of this memo shall be acknowledged.

General Manager (Revenue)

All Assistant Accounts Officers/ERO
All Assistant Engineers/Adl. Asst. Engineers/Operation.
Copy to All Asst. Divisional Engineers/Operations
Copy to All Divisional Engineers/Operations
Copy to All Senior Accounts Officers/Operation/EPDCL
Copy to All Superintending Engineers/Operation/EPDCL
Copy to The Chief Enginner/Operation/Visakhapatnam, Srikakulam & Rajahmundry
Copy to Director (Operations)/EPDCL
Copy to Director (Projects)/EPDCL
Copy to Director (Commercial)/EPDCL
Copy to CMD’s Table (Peshi)

.Memo No: CMD/EPDCL/VSP/GM(R)/AAO(R)/D.No. 54/03. Dt. 21.01.2003.
Sub: APEPDCL - Revenue Improvement - Demand Against Back Billing - Certain
Instructions Issued.
Ref : 1) Memo No. CMD/EPDCL/VSP/Peshi/D.No. 947, Dt. 17.12.02.
2) CMD /EPDCL/VSP/DE/T/Peshi/D.No. 01/03. Dt. 9.1.03.
3) CMD /EPDCL/VSP/DE /T/ Peshi/D.No. 33/03. Dt. 21.1.03.
In the references cited, certain instructions were issued to review MRBs and to raise demand
against back billing cases, wherever necessary.
Further to the above, all the Senior Accounts Officers are instructed to follow the following
a) The consumers should be served with notice, to pay the amount within 14 days from the date
of notice, where back billing is done with details of period, units and short fall amount to be
paid etc.
b) Such amounts should not be included in the CC Bills.
c) However demand may be raised only in accounts on completion of the notice period.
d) After 14 days, special D-list should be issued and pursued for disconnection.
e) Prior period account numbers may be operated, wherever necessary, while accounting the
debits and credits.
f) All other instructions issued in the references will hold good.
The receipt of this memo shall be acknowledged.

General Manager (Revenue)/EPDCL,

All the Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Cicles,EPDCL
All the Superintendenting Engineers/Operation Circles/EPDCL
All the Divisional Engineers/Operation/ EPDCL
All the Assistant Accounts Officers ERO/ EPDCL
Copy to Director (Operations),EPDCL, Visakhapatnam
Copy to Director (Finance),EPDCL,Visakhapatnam
Copy to DE/T/CMDs Peshi

N. Kantheswara Rao,
General Manager (Revenue)
D.O. Note No: GM(IA)AAO(R)/D.No, 52/03. Dt 21.01.03
Dear Sri
Sub: Bank Reconciliation - Board Excess - Non-Transfer of Funds - Reg
Ref: Lr No. AO/IA/VSP/JAO/D.No. 127/02, Dt. 2.12.02.
I. Instances have come to the notice of the undersigned that, huge amounts are pending clearance under Board
excess, since years together in receipts accounts of various EROs and Divisions. The Board excess repre
sents the amounts remitted to the credit of the bank account but not credited to our account which ulti
mately results in short transfer of amount, and wrong exhibition of funds position besides loss of interest to
II. It has also come to notice that, the amounts remitted into the Banks are not being transferred to the head
quarters in regular intervals and huge balances are left untransfered.As per the arrangements made by the
AP TRANSCO/APEPDCL with the bank authorities, the amounts in excess of Rs. 1000/- are to be transferred
by the bank in multiples of Rs. 1000/-. But these instructions are not followed and the same was not taken up
with the Bank authorities by the concerned unit officers to get the amounts transferred as per the agreement.
Hence all the unit officers concerned are requested to attend the above remarks & report compliance by 31.1.03.
Yours Sincerely,
N. Kantheswara Rao

Sri A. Venakteswara Rao, Senior Accounts Officer, Operation Circle, Srikakulam.
Sri K. Surya Bhaskar Rao, Senior accounts Officer, Operation Circle, Vizianagaram.
Sri K. Nagachandram, Senior Accounts Officer, Operation Circle, Visakhapamam.
Sri Balaji, Senior Accounts Officer, Operation Circle, Rajahmundry.
Sri P. Simhadri Kumar, Senior Accounts Officer, Operation Circle, Eluru.
Copy to All the Divisional Engineers, Operation
Copy to All the Assistant Accounts Officers, ERO.
Copy to SAO (Accounts), Corporate Office, EPDCL, Visakhapatnam. ) for further followup please.
Copy to GM (Costing)EPDCL/Visakhapatnam.)

Circular Memo.No. GM(Audit)/EPDCL/VSP/D.No.628 /2002, Dated: 30-11-2002.
Sub:- APEPDCL- Operation Circles - Reconnection of Bill stopped services - collection of arrears
and surcharge - Certain instructions - issued.
It is observed that while issuing reconnection orders for the bill stopped services the A.A.O’s / ERO/ are
not collecting the surcharge as per rules and not following the standards in vogue for bringing the bill stopped
services into live for billing.
The following instructions are issued for strict adherence of A.A.O’s and field Officers.
1) Asst.Accounts Officer’s should not issue R.C. Orders without report from the field officers seeking for
reconnection of bill stopped services at the request of the consumer.
a. A.D.E. concerned will issue field report in- respect of L.T. Domestic and Non-domestic services etc.,
b. D.E. concerned will issue field report in respect of L.T. Industrial Services.
c. S.E. concerned will issue instructions in respect of HT Services under subject.
2) The Asst. Accounts Officer/ EROs should raise demand for the period the billing was stopped on the
service. He will collect the outstanding arrears as on the date of billing stopped plus the demand raised
for the portion of billing stopped period.
3) He will take care of the units billed previously and any progressive-consumption is traced.
4) If the S.D. adjusted earlier, the same has to be collected at the revised rates.
5) Surcharge : Surcharge is collect for whole the arrears including the short fall for billing stop period.
6) a. Restoring the service back to billing is a matter of consideration Hence, no exemption for collec
tion of surcharge for belated payment against the short fall raised for billing stopped period also
b. However, surcharge is exempted for specific periods concessioned by A.P.Transco.
The Sr. Accounts Officers and Accounts Officer (Revenue) Operation circles will have through
watch in these cases and ensure no loss of Revenue to Discom either in CC or in surcharge.

The Receipt of the Memo. may be acknowledged.

Chairman & Mangaing Director

APEPDCL/Corporate office/Visakhapatnam
The Asst. Accounts Officers/Operation Circles in APEPDCL
The Accounts Officers (Rev.)/Operation Circles in APEPDCL
The Sr. Accounts Officers/Operation Circles in APEPDCL

Copy to All Divisional Engineers/ Operation Division in APEPDCL

Copy to All Superintending Engineers/Operation Circles in APEPDCL
Copy to CE/Operation/Srikakulam
Copy to CE/Operation/Rajahmundry
Copy to AAO/Rev/ Corporate office.


Memo..No.CMD/VSP/Peshi/D.No. 913\/2002. dated 14 -11-2002,
Sub:- A.P.E.P.D.C.L. -Inspection of disconnected services - action as per
B.P.M.S. NO.151, dated 25.8.93.and realisation of arrears - Reg,
Ref : 1. D.O. Lr.No. CMD/178/02 dated 5-10-02
2. D.O. Lr.No. Dy. CCA/Rev/Ao/R/JAO II/D.No. 457/02, dated 11-11-02


A copy of D.O. letter cited under reference is enclosed herewith. In this connection. instructions have
been issued several times for removal of meters and dismantlement of services as per B.P.Ms.No. 151, dated/25-08-93
for the services.under disconnection for more than 3 months duly giving one month notice.
A statement showing the Circle-wise, category-wise disconnected services position to the end of 31-10-2002 is
enclosed. All the Superintending Engineers / Operation / A.P.E.P.D.CL. arc instructed to arrange for verification of
services covered therein and take immediate action for dismantlment of services. As per the rules in force the
monthly minimum charges are to be billed till the agreement is terminated and service is dismantled. It was brought to
the notice of the undersigned that for Cat-III, Cat-V and HT services the bills were stopped without terminating the
agreements and dismantling the services which is gross violation of the existing rules. As such all the Senior Accounts
Officers are instructed to arrange to issue the bills for all such bill stopped services with retrospective effect including
surcharge on or before 30-11-2002 and include the same in the monthly revenue demand. For Cat-III, Cat-V and
HT services, if the agreements arc not terminated, one month notice may be issued now and if the consumer fails to
take rcconnection within one month,the service may be dismantled duly termination the agreemnet and the bills may
be stopped after termination of the agreement and dismantling the service and arrears may be collected by implement-
ing RR Act. For the other category of services where termination of agreement is not required, if the service is not
dismantled, but bill stopped, bills may be issued now with retrospective effect for monthly minimum charges including
surcharge and the same may be included in the current month demand.
All the Senior Account Officers /Operation Circles/ APEPDCL are instructed to take action before 29-11-2002
and submit compliance report to Corporte Office by 30-11-2002 along with the ERO-wise, Category Wise Additional
demand raised.
The receipt of the memo shall be acknowledged.

Chairman Managing Director

APEPDCL, Visakhapatnam

All Senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles/APEPDCL (By name)
All Superintending Engineers/Operation/APEPDCL (By name)

Copy :
The Director / Operation/APEPDCL
The Director/Projects/APEPDCL
The Executive Director/Finance/APEPDCL
The Chief Engineer/Operation/Srikakulam & Rajahmundry
The Chief General Manager/O&M/APEPDCL

(Regd. No. 01-34117) VISAKHAPATNAM
CORPORATE OFFICE : D.No. 30-14-9, Sai Sakthi Shavan,
Opp. Saraswathl Park, Dabagardens, Visakhapatnam - 530 020.

Memo.No. FA&CCA/SAO ( R&A) /AAO(R) /JAO(R) /D .NO. 72 /02, Dt. 31-1-2002,

Subs : Revenue Matters - Non furnishing of Meter Change Slips to EROs by Section Officers -
Instructions -Issued.
Ref :- 1. Memo.No. FA&CCA/I/T(Rev.) /A0(R) /LT/JAO.IV/ D.No. 2689/97, Dated: 11-4-97.

1) During the Audit of Accounts of EROs in Operation Circle/ Rajahmandry and Eluru by Accounts
Officer/Internal Audit/Rajahmundry it is pointedout that the Section Officers are not sending Meter
Change Slips to EROs, which is a primary Record to upto date the Consumer Master in Computer and
to issue Bill for Correct consumption
2) Hence, the attention of all Superintending Engineers is invited to the reference cited, wherein instruc
tions were issued that wherever a meter of a particular service is changed, Meter Change Slip has to
be sent to E.R.O. invariably by the Section Officer to issue Correct Bill for the consumption recorded
up to Final reading by removed Meter plus the Consumption recorded by New Meter fixed.
3) Hence all Superintending Engineers/Operation Circles and Divisional Engineers/Operation Divisions
are requested to issue necessary instructions to all concerned and see that Meter change slips are
furnished to EROs by Section Officers along with Monthly Return-of Meter changes immediately to
effect correct billing and to avoid short billing.
4) Receipt of the Memo may be acknowledged.

Financial Adviser & Chief

Controller of Accounts/EPDCL/VSP.

All Superintending Engineers/Operation Circles &
All Divisional Engineers / Operation Divisions in A.P.E.P.D.C.Ltd.,
Copy to Accounts Officer/lnternal Audit/Visakhapatnam & Rajahmundry,
Copy to Superintending Engineer/Tech. to Managing Director,
Copy to Stock File
Forward by order

Sr. Account Officer (Rev.)

Corporate Office - Visakhapatnam
Memo No. CGM(Expr.) / GM(R) / SAO (R) / AO (R) / D.No. 410/05 Dt. 26/04/05
Sub : EPDCL - collections by Rajiv Internet Village by RSDP-Rural E-seva - Accounting procedure - certain
guidlines issued - Reg.
Ref : Letter No. Nill of Manager, UTI Bank, Hyderabad.
The accounting system for collections made by Rajiv Interner Villages i.e Rural e-Seva, AP Online being
followed by the UTI bank, Hyderabad received under reference is here with enclosed for streamlining the
accounting system at circles and EROs.
As per the above, the following is the system being followed by the UTI Bank.
Individual RSDP Collection Centers

Collection Collection Collection Collection Collection

Centers Centers Centers Centers Centers

Synchoronisation process between RSDP Operator and

the AP Online through internet
Download the data from AP Online by UTI, Hyd.
Individual Circle Receipt A/cs.
UTI Bank opened National A/c at UTI, Hyd. in the
name of each district SE and credited the collections
made by each e-seva operator into the Circle account.

SE/SKL a/c at SE/VZM a/c SE/VSP a/c at SE/RJY a/c at SE/ELR a/c at
UTI, Hyd at UTI, Hyd UTI, Hyd UTI, Hyd UTI, Hyd

In turn the Amounts transferred to Discom Corporate

A/c from individual circles account
Separate Discom Corporate A/c at UTI Hyderabad

Finally, the amount transferred daily to the No. lein a/c of APTransco with SBH,Hyderabad
In view of the above, the following guidlines are issued for implemenatation at Circle Offices.
1) Cash Book : Cash Book shall be maintained at circle office for RSDP collectin (Rural e-seva online collections) in veiw
of total RSDP collections of the circles are credited to Circle A/c at UTI Bank, Hyderabad.
2) Receipt and Remittance of cash : Collection statements downloaded from Interenet for receipt side of cash book &
bank statements by UTI Bank, Hyderabad for remittance side of the cash book may be treated as a vouchers. As such
receipt and remittances should be conformed daily.
3. Reconciliation : At the month end, reconciliation shall be done between day wise collection statements received to
Corporate Office from UTI Bank, Hyderabad and with that of collection statements of EROs downloaded and credited to
4. TCA to EROs and regularising the payments : Every month the above transaction shall be journlised at Circle and
a TCA ERO wise shall be prepared and furnished to concerned EROs for regularising the credits posted to consumer in
5. Bank Reconciliation at Circle : Bank Reconciliation is to be done every month for the above receipt account at circle
and furnish Form 10A along with Bank reconciliation statement to corporate office.s

6. Reconciliation and confirmation at Corporate Office : In Corporate Office, Bank reconciliation shall be done
aginest the DISCOM Corporate Account with UTI bank, Hyderabad.
7. Every care must be taken for safety of cash, accounting and crediting to consumers accounts.
Note : EROs will receive consumer wise payment particulars daily through internet from UTI Bank , Hyderabad Besides
getting the same concerned Kiosk Operators as per their schedule.
Chief General Manager (Expr.)
To All senior Accounts Officers/Operation Circles
Copy to Pay Officer/Corporate Officer. - for necessary actio at Co. Office Accounting.
Copy to all AAOs/EROs

Eastern Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Ltd.,

Corporate Office, Dabagardens, Visakhapatnam - 530 020.

Memo No. FA&CCA/EPDCL/VSP/Rev/D.No. 1432 /2001 Dt. 07-12-2001

Sub : Services under disconnection for more than three months - Implementation of BPMS No. 151 Dt.
25-08-93. - Instructions Reiterated.
Ref : BPMS No. 151 dt 25-08-93


As per BPMS No. 151 dt 25-08-93 read with instructions issued there on for all disconnected services one
month notice for termination of agreement should be issued immediately after expiry of three months from the
date of disconnection.
If the consumers fail to respond after one month period the agreements should be terminated with out
prejudice to the rights and obligations incurred on accrued prior to such termination and then the remove meters,
including idle lines, metering equipment if any and devolute to stores and stop further billing duly withdrawing
demand accrued beyond four months from the date of disconnection.
For H.T. Services and special guarantee cases under L.T., termination of agreement may be done individu-
ally. In respect of others, proposal under termination of agreement format designed may be got generated by the
PAAs immediately after expiry of one month notice period and send the list in duplicate to concerned AE/AAE
for getting it approved by Divl. Engineer (Opn.) to remove the meters or dismantle service lines etc.,
The AE/AAE (Opn.) on receipt of the list in duplicate, return one copy to ERO duly noting the removed
meter particulars on which AAO/ERO will stop billing and regulate the dues upto four months from the date of
disconnection and adjust the consumption deposit if not already done and realize the dues including amounts due
for balance period of agreement if any under the provision of R.R.Act.,
Here the important point to be noted is that the agreements can terminated during subsistence of agreement
period but the minimum charges / special guarantee for balance period of agreement should be worked-out and
realized along with arrears liquidated damages under the provisions of R.R.Act.
The above instructions may be communicated to all staff and acknowledgments obtained and they may be
instructed to follow scrupulously with out any deviation.
The receipt of the memo should be acknowledged.

All Superintendent Engineers (Opn)
All Senior Accounts Officers (Opn.) By Order
All Divisonal Engineers (Opn.)
All Asst . Accounts Officers /EROs Senior Accounts Officer (Rev)


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