Pts Bahasa Inggris Kls X RPL, Xi & Xii BM
Pts Bahasa Inggris Kls X RPL, Xi & Xii BM
Pts Bahasa Inggris Kls X RPL, Xi & Xii BM
Situation: Mia will invite her close friend, Julia to her b. introduction
Wedding Day. c. asking opinion
Mia: “Hi, Julia. How is it going?” d. giving opinion
Julia: “I’m good. And how about you? e. offering
Mia: “I’m fantastic Julia. Do you know? This Saturday
will be my Wedding Day.”
4. What is the dress code of Mia’s wedding?
Julia: “Are you serious? What a good news, Mia.
a. Formal.
b. Casual.
Mia: “Thanks Julia. I would like to invite you to my c. Business.
moment. Will you come?” d. Princess.
Julia: “Of course my dear. I’ll be there. So tell me, where e. Fairy tale.
and when?”
Mia: “It will be on Ocean Park Avenue, at 9 a.m. 5. Rosa: “You look unhealthy, boy.”
Saturday morning.” Sandy: “Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.”
Julia: “Okay. I won’t come late.” Rosa: “You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will
Mia: “Thanks Julia. You are the best.” accompany you.”
Julia: “What is the costume?” Sandy: “Ok.”
Mia: “That’s up to you. Make yourself pretty!” The underlined words show….
Julia: “Alright. Do you mind if I’ll bring something a. agreement
special for you?” b. disagreement
Mia: “Oh…. It will be great.” c. suggestions
Julia: “Oke. See you soon.” d. offer
Mia: “Oke. Don’t be late!” e. opinion
Julia: “Yups. I won’t be late.”
1. When will Mia get married? Read the following dialogue to answer the question
a. Friday number for 6 to 10.
b. Saturday Lockwood middle School
c. Sunday
d. Monday 307 Main Street
e. Thursday Lockwood, NJ 51686
2. Julia must come at…. if she doesn’t want to be late…. December 10, 2008
a. 9 a.m
b. 10 a.m Mrs. Jody Coling
c. 9 p.m President
d. 10 p.m Lockwood Health Association
e. 11 a.m 23 Main Street
Lockwood, NJ
3. ‘Will you come?’
The above expression is included into the expression Dear Mrs. Coling,
of…. My name is Susan Harris and I am writing on behalf of
a. invitation student at Lockwood Middle School.
A significant amount of the student at the school have e. Thursday.
been working on a project which relates to the
unemployment problem within the youth demographic of
Lockwood. You are invited to attend a presentation that Pete: “Would you like dinner with me tonight?”
will be held within the media room of the school where a Kate: “Thank you. I’d love to.”
variety of proposals that will demonstrate the ability of
the community to develop employment opportunities for 11. From the dialogue above we conclude that….
the youth within the community. a. Kate declines the invitation.
At the presentation, there will be several student b. Pete wants to have dinner.
receiving awards which will recognized them within the c. Kate loves Pete.
community from the mayor. Refreshments will also be d. Pete invites Kate to have dinner together.
available at the presentation. e. Pete make a date with Kate.
As one of the prominent figures in the community, we
12. What the Underline sentence express?
would be honored by your attendance. Our special
a. Accepting invitation.
presentation will be held at our school auditorium on b. Refusing help.
16th of January. Please reply by Monday 9th of January c. Greeting.
to confirm your attendance to the function. d. Canceling invitation.
We look forward to seeing you there. e. Agreeing an appointment.
Read carefully and choose the best answer between a, d. Could you take some pictures of me
b, c, d, or e! e. Would I take some pictures of you