Geurs 2010
Geurs 2010
Geurs 2010
in Implant Site
Nicolaas C. Geurs, DDS, MS, Philip J. Vassilopoulos, DDS,
Michael S. Reddy, DMD, DMSc*
Soft-tissue Regeneration Prosthesis Implant therapy
Department of Periodontology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1530 Third Avenue South, SDB 412,
Birmingham, AL 35294-0007, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Adhesion of this connective tissue to the implant tissue zone.17 In a human histologic and scan-
will prevent the apical movement of the epithelium. ning electron microscope (SEM) evaluation of
As the maturity of the connective tissue increases soft tissue surrounding 2-piece implants with
around the implant it will limit the epithelial apical laser microgrooved channels, fibers were found
migration.6,7 Berglundh and colleagues1 hypothe- in close contact with the microgrooves and
sized that contact with the titanium oxide layer were oriented perpendicular to the implant
would prevent epithelial downgrowth. The implant surface, showing more similarities to natural
surface characteristics can also influence apical dentition.8 The fibroblast-rich layer adjacent to
migration of epithelium.8 The epithelial attachment the titanium surface has an important role in
can be observed after 1 to 2 weeks of healing, and the maintenance of a proper seal between the
a mature barrier epithelium occurs after 6 to 8 oral environment and the peri-implant tissue.18
weeks of healing.3 The ability of biomaterials to The quality of the mucosal barrier depends on
promote epithelial wound healing and to establish the material of the surface. In an animal experi-
a junctional epithelium is an important aspect of ment, mucosal healing with a zone of connective
the success of dental implant bone site prepara- tissue attachment was observed around titanium
tion. The protection of the connective tissue and and ceramic abutments but not around gold
osseous tissue surrounding the implant by alloys.19
providing this barrier is crucial for the maintenance Collagen type V, which has a higher collagenase
of peri-implant structures and the stability of the stability, was localized in higher amounts in the
implant system. Poor gingival health and chronic lamina propria of the peri-implant gingival tissues,
inflammation will compromise this process. as compared to natural teeth. This anatomic differ-
The apical portion of the junctional epithelium is ence may be responsible for the defense of peri-
separated from the alveolar crest by a zone of implant keratinized gingival connective tissues to
connective tissue.9 This is where the similarities bacterial penetration.20
between the natural tooth and the implant soft
tissues end. During healing, the adhesion of the
fibrin clot results in the formation of granulation THE VASCULAR SUPPLY OF THE
tissue. Collagen fibers of the mucosa are orga- PERI-IMPLANT MUCOSA
nized after 4 to 6 weeks of healing.3 The connec-
tive tissue is void of fibroblast and vascular The main vascular supply for the gingiva is derived
structures and rich in fibers. It resembles scar from the supraperiosteal blood vessels and the
tissue and is an important part of the seal that anastomosis with the vessels from the periodontal
forms around the implant surface to exclude the ligament and alveolar bone. The vascular supply of
oral environment.2,10–12 the peri-implant mucosa is almost solely supplied
The dentogingival fibers around a natural tooth by the supraperiosteal blood vessels. An osseoin-
insert into cementum and bone and are firmly tegrated implant does not have a periodontal liga-
attached. These fibers serve as a barrier of epithe- ment, and therefore the blood supply is markedly
lial downgrowth and are important for the seal different from the situation around a tooth. During
function of the gingiva.11 The dental implant the osseogenesis phase, bone surrounding the
surface does not contain a layer of cementum, implant undergoes osseoconduction, de novo
therefore the fibers do not insert into the titanium bone, and remodeling resulting in osseointegra-
surface of the implant. Collagen fibers surrounding tion. The bone surrounding an implant has
the dental implant surface form a cuff. The increased density and is void of vessels.21,22
connective tissue adhesion at the implant has When a thin layer of bone is present surrounding
less mechanical resistance than that of natural an implant, infraosseous vessels diminish or
teeth.12,13 disappear. Remodeling following extraction could
Surface characteristics of the implant influence result in diminished dimensions of the remaining
the orientation of the fibers, which are mostly bone.23 When implants are placed in close prox-
parallel to the implant surface when the implant imity to a natural tooth or to another implant, the
surface is smooth.1,6,14 Surface roughness dimensions of the osseous tissue bone are
provides for different stimulation, allowing reduced and the vascular supply compromised.
connective tissue to be embedded into the The lack of anastamosis reduces the blood supply
surface. When implants are loaded, the orienta- to the peri-implant connective tissue.2,10–12 Under-
tion of these fibers is more traverse.15,16 The standing the differences in the vascular supply and
orientation of the collagen fibers is more perpen- the importance of angiogenesis and the vascular
dicular to the surface in implants with a rough- supply to wound healing are important for the
ened surface interface in the soft connective design of surgical techniques.
Soft-Tissue Regeneration and Development 389
implant without additional challenges.37 The Some implants have a roughness that extends to
dimensions of the biologic width around an implant the collar of the implant. This roughness provides
are implant-system specific. In an animal model, better support of the implant but could also
implants of different configurations were placed in enhance biofilm formation.52 Surface tension on
varying locations in relation to the crest of the the implant surface can also enhance the forma-
bone. The biologic width dimension for 1-piece tion and attachment of a biofilm.53 Some implant
implants, with the rough/smooth border located designs use a beveled collar or even a horizontal
at the bone crest level, were smaller compared part of the implant platform for the soft-tissue
with 2-piece implants with a microgap located at attachment. The dimensions of the attachment
or below the crest of the bone. Biologic width are similar, but the height of soft tissue coronal
dimensions are more similar to natural teeth around to the crest of bone can be reduced.54 This
1-piece nonsubmerged implants compared with concept has been shown to reduce the amount
2-piece nonsubmerged or 2-piece submerged of crestal bone loss.55,56 Implant surfaces that
implants. The location of the microgap has an influ- facilitate the attachment of the soft tissues can
ence on bone maintenance and soft-tissue attach- also result in more stability of the soft-tissue
ment. When the microgap is placed below the zone around an implant.8
crest, remodeling of the bone results in bone loss Schwarz and colleagues17 evaluated histologic
apical to the crest. The connective tissue attach- sections of a healed implant with high hydrophilicity
ment is on the implant surface and bone is never and a microtopography. They concluded that soft-
found coronal to the microgap. Bone was not found tissue integration is enhanced on surfaces with
on a machined surface but always on the rough- increased surface tension.
ened surface. The size of the microgap did not influ- Implants with microgrooved laser etched collars
ence the amount of bone loss. The micromobility of resulted in less crestal bone loss compared with
the abutment connection also resulted in greater control implants without the microgrooves. The
amounts of bone remodeling.39,45 When the micro- use of tissue-engineered collars with microgroov-
gap is placed below the crest, greater amounts of ing seems to promote bone and soft-tissue attach-
inflammation were present surrounding the neck ment along the collar and facilitate development of
of the implant, resulting in greater bone loss.46,47 a biologic width, and seems not to lead to an
With submerged implants, early spontaneous increase in biofilm on the implant surfaces.57,58
exposure results in crestal bone loss.48 Small
exposures not exposing the full cover screw are OSSEOUS SUPPORT FOR SOFT TISSUES
associated with greater amounts of bone loss.49
When spontaneous exposure occurs, it is recom- Thus far, this article has emphasized soft-tissue
mended to expose the implant completely.50 attachment to the implant surface and stabilizing
The issue of bone healing and maintenance of the implant by protecting the bone. However,
around the cervical portion is an area of debate. the reverse relationship is also true. The lack of
Many factors are discussed as having an influence proper bone volume surrounding a dental implant
on bone stability. During the surgical procedure, will result in the loss of peri-implant bone and the
trauma may occur and result in loss of the crestal loss of soft-tissue height or recession around
bone during healing. It is important to follow a dental implant. This outcome is important in
proper surgical protocols to minimize trauma or planning for an implant. It is important to under-
overheating. The flap design may also be influen- stand the importance of site development
tial on the amount of initial bone loss. In an animal because of the support that hard tissue gives to
experiment, less bone loss was found using a flap- soft tissue. Bone support is important for the pres-
less approach after 3 months of healing.51 The ence of a papilla around an implant restoration.
implant surface characteristics are also important.
Bone loss around implants when the junction THE PAPILLA AROUND IMPLANT
between a smooth and roughened surface was RESTORATIONS
placed apical to the crest of bone occurred to
the level of the roughened surface.39,45 The interdental papilla is an important aspect of
Most of the literature regarding biologic width the esthetic appearance of a smile. The lack of the
around dental implants concerns implants with dental papilla results in a dark triangle that will
a machined portion of the implant that has been make the esthetics less desirable. The presence
the designated area of soft-tissue attachment. of the papilla between natural teeth is dependent
This situation was established at the time of on the presence of 2 adjacent teeth, a contact
implant placement or at the time of the second- point, and supporting bone. If the crest of the
stage surgery followed by bone remodeling. bone is within 5 mm of the contact point, the full
Soft-Tissue Regeneration and Development 391
presence of a papilla is predictable. If the distance dentures and fixed partial-denture reconstruction
increases, the likelihood of the papilla being cases. These findings differed from the previous
present decreases.59 A similar relationship has ones; in this study 24% of sites lacked keratinized
been reported around dental implants. The impor- mucosa, 13% of sites had less than 2 mm of ker-
tant measurement is the level of the bone on the atinized mucosa, and 61% of sites exhibited
proximal surface of the adjacent tooth. On restora- mobility of soft-tissue margins around the
tions with papillae, the average distance to the implants. The author concluded that there was
crest of bone is slightly reduced compared with no effect on the mobility of the marginal peri-
that of natural teeth.60–66 The attachment on the implant soft tissue and the absence of keratinized
adjacent tooth provides for the support of the mucosa had no impact. Hence, the health of peri-
papilla.61 The situation between dental implants implant tissues, as determined by bleeding on
is different. The interimplant is supported by 2 probing, shows that a lack of keratinized mucosa
implant surfaces. As discussed earlier, the soft does not clearly indicate inevitable recession.
tissue lacks the insertion of fibers. There is poten- Clinically, implant insertion within the keratinized
tial for overlapping crestal resorption if the mucosa is preferred. The level of oral hygiene and
implants are placed too close together. Implants inflammation rather than keratinized mucosa is the
placed closer than 3 mm to each other exhibit predominant determinant of soft-tissue health
greater amounts of bone loss.44 The height of the around an implant.
interimplant papilla is limited and, in general, no
greater than 3 mm from the underlying bone.62,63
The Partially Edentulous Patient
In the esthetic areas, the results may be improved
by avoiding 2 dental implants adjacent to each In implant dentistry, esthetics are a significant
other or choosing implants of a smaller diameter consideration for the dentate population. The
to ensure a minimum of 3 mm between the gingival scaffold frames the shape of the implant
implants.63 In areas of limited space, small-diam- restoration and is important for simulation of the
eter implants could be considered. The smaller natural dentition.69
diameter leaves a greater space for soft tissues The treatment planning of edentulous spaces in
and provides a created osseous base for the the esthetic zone presents surgical and restorative
support of soft tissues around an implant.64 challenges. Soft-tissue examination before
implant procedures is of great importance in deter-
mining the predictability of a treatment approach.
Kopp and Belser70 proposed a series of objective
criteria relating to dental esthetics. The evaluation
The Edentulous Patient
of a tooth-bound edentulous site should include
In fully edentulous patients, soft-tissue evaluation periodontal examination and probing, ridge
should include a soft-tissue–specific clinical exami- mapping, bone sounding, and gingival biotype.
nation to assess the condition of soft tissue and to When a tooth needs to be extracted and is to be
investigate the presence of keratinized mucosa.65 replaced by a dental implant, the implant site soft-
The conflicting evidence on the necessity of ker- tissue evaluation begins with the clinical examina-
atinized and attached mucosa surrounding dental tion of periodontal status of the specific tooth and
implants for optimal outcomes must be addressed the adjacent teeth. Periodontal probing will deter-
before proceeding with soft-tissue evaluation. In mine the periodontal attachment levels of these
an animal study, the lack of keratinized peri- teeth and will identify any existing pathology.
implant mucosa and accumulated plaque resulted Probing should be complemented by periapical
in soft-tissue recession.66 In a human study, 58 radiographs that reveal the interproximal bone
patients received 307 implants for a full-arch, fixed levels of the adjacent teeth.
mandibular prosthesis.67 A lack of peri-implant The attachment levels of the adjacent teeth are
keratinized mucosa was associated with buccal the predetermining factor for the level of interprox-
soft-tissue recession as well as lingual plaque imal bone and soft-tissue height. For an edentu-
accumulation and bleeding. There was no correla- lous site, the assessment may require ridge
tion of the buccal plaque accumulation and mapping.71 Mapping entails a series of soft-tissue
bleeding with the subjects who had peri-implant thickness buccal and lingual measurements of the
keratinized mucosa. area. The clinician can then transfer these
In another human study, Wennström and measurements onto a cast by taking an impres-
colleagues68 evaluated the influence of the width sion of this area, pouring a diagnostic cast,
of keratinized mucosa on the maintenance of sectioning the cast through the proposed implant
peri-implant soft-tissue health in complete site, and transferring the soft-tissue thickness
392 Geurs et al
around the alveolar crest. Information related to fenestrations and dehiscence. Moreover, a thin
the soft-tissue profile, the underlying bone biotype is susceptible to soft-tissue recession
morphology, and bone dimensions is readily avail- after surgical procedures. Conversely, a thick
able in the cast and could be of use for the clinician gingival biotype has a low-scalloped thick soft
when determining the need for bone grafting or tissue, square teeth, and small gingival embrasure
even additional soft-tissue grafting of the implant spaces, and long contact surfaces positioned at
site. Although cone beam computed tomography the middle third of the teeth. This biotype is more
may provide more accurate and detailed informa- resistant to recession after surgical manipulation
tion about implant sites, bone mapping of a single- of soft tissue.72–75
tooth edentulous area is a quick and inexpensive Immediate implant placement in a thin-tissue
method of assessing bone and soft-tissue volume. biotype is associated with high risk of experiencing
Bone sounding is a technique-sensitive proce- soft-tissue recession, as opposed to patients with
dure that detects the height of bone at the cervical a thick-tissue biotype.
region of a hopeless tooth. The accuracy and
successful outcome in using this technique is
based on a clinician’s experience and accurate DIAGNOSIS AND CLASSIFICATION
measurements of anatomic variations such as
A series of classification systems has been devel-
tooth crown morphology and thickness of the alve-
oped to address soft- and hard-tissue deformities
olar crest. Bone sounding is best used to examine
of edentulous ridges before implant surgery.
soft tissue around a tooth that will be extracted
These classifications provide the clinician with
and immediately replaced by an implant.
specific guidelines to proceed in assembling an
The soft-tissue examination should include the
appropriate treatment plan. The classification of
assessment of the gingival biotype of the implant
sites may be helpful in forecasting the outcome
site and adjacent teeth. This type of evaluation is
of bone and soft-tissue grafting procedures to
particularly useful in immediate implant situations.
achieve successful function and esthetics.
Thin and thick biotypes are characteristically
Seibert76 proposed the following classification
different (Fig. 1). A thin gingival biotype is charac-
for edentulous ridge soft-tissue defects:
terized by high-scalloped thin soft tissue, slender
teeth, and long interproximal gingival embrasure 1. Class I: soft-tissue deformity of the edentulous
spaces with small contact points located at the ridge in a buccolingual dimension
incisal third of the teeth. There is a strong correla- 2. Class II: soft-tissue deformity of the edentulous
tion of thin biotype with the presence of bone ridge in an apicocoronal dimension
Fig. 1. (A) Thin scalloped periodontal biotype. (B) Thick flat periodontal biotype.
Soft-Tissue Regeneration and Development 393
3. Class III: soft-tissue deformity of the edentulous The 3-mm space is needed on the pros-
ridge in both dimensions. thetic abutment for formation of biologic
Palacci and Nowzari77 developed a classification An ideal emergence profile of implant resto-
system combining soft- and hard-tissue defects. rations needs room for a smooth transition
Greater challenges for reconstruction of the under- from the circular implant platform to the
lying hard tissue supporting the soft tissue exist for triangular or square abutment and crown
defects that have a vertical component. There is room available for placement of
Jemt61 conducted a retrospective study in 21 restorative margins below marginal soft
patients with 25 single-implant crowns. He evalu- tissue
ated the papillary height of soft tissue between The possibility of peri-implant marginal soft-
single-implant crowns and teeth and created an tissue recession is more likely as the patient
index for assessment of soft-tissue contours ages
around implants. 2. Buccolingually, the implant is placed so that
The Jemt index comprises 5 different scores: the outer aspect of its platform is 1 mm
1. Index score 0: absence of papilla palatal from the anticipated facial margins of
2. Index score 1: less than half of the papilla the restoration. Some clinicians use a 2-mm
present placement rule from the facial cortical plate
3. Index score 2: more than half of the papilla in anticipation of the 1.4-mm lateral bone
present but not reaching the contact point loss as a guideline.79 Kan and Rungcharas-
between the implant crown and the adjacent saeng80 recommended that the buccolingual
tooth placement be 1 mm palatal in relation to
4. Index score 3: the papilla fills the entire embra- facial emergence profiles of the adjacent
sure space teeth, and not less than 1 mm because of
5. Index score 4: the papilla is enlarged and over- the risk of losing the facial bone and soft
fills the interproximal space. tissue
3. The implant platform is located on the same
Esthetic compromises occur when the papilla axis with the gingival zenith and 3 mm lower
does not completely fill the interproximal space than the free soft-tissue margin. Magne and
under the contact point, resulting in the display Belser81 suggested that the gingival zenith is
of a black triangle. This condition is consistent distal to the long axis of maxillary anterior teeth.
with Jemt index 0 to 2 and is difficult to correct. Although Rufenacht82 noted that the gingival
zenith of lateral incisors is in the same line as
their long axis, and that only central and lateral
incisors have the gingival zenith on the distal
Implant Placement third of the tooth (Fig. 3).
Optimal implant position should consider the three-
dimensional placement of implants that respects IMPLANT SPACING
established biologic and prosthetic principles
related to implant restoration. The relationship Spacing requirements between tooth and implant,
between the bone and the implant determines the as well as spacing between implants, were devel-
dental implant soft-tissue contours, including inter- oped to preserve the bone and overlying soft-
proximal papilla. The relationship defines the tissue support of the implant and crown.
esthetic appearance of the final implant prosthesis. The minimum recommended distance between
A successful outcome is maintained for a period of a tooth and an implant is 1.5 mm, based on a study
time because it preserves the original soft-tissue by Esposito and colleagues.83 The study indicated
morphology and features. a strong correlation between bone loss of adjacent
Specific placement guidelines have been devel- teeth and horizontal distance of the implant fixture
oped to accomplish soft-tissue stability around to the tooth. The greatest amount of bone loss was
dental implants. These guidelines are applicable noted at the lateral incisor position. Although all
when bone is sufficient and of good quality: the implant fixtures were 4.1 mm in diameter, and
bone loss increased as the distance was decreased,
1. The apicocoronal placement of the dental only 17% of bone loss variation was attributed to this
implant platform should be positioned 3 mm reduced distance. It seems that other intra- and
below the facial marginal tissue (Fig. 2).78 The interindividual parameters played a role.
3-mm rule was created for the following The minimum recommended interimplant
reasons: distance is 3 mm in a 2-stage implant protocol.
394 Geurs et al
Fig. 2. Fig. 2. (A) Gingival height around #9 prior to extraction. (B) #9 extracted and an implant and bone graft
placed; tip of probe placed on top of platform of implant. (C) Sub-epithelial connective tissue graft harvested
from the palate. (D) CT graft placed in a pouch on the palatal and facial aspect. (E) CT graft covers the implant
and graft. (F) Soft tissue healing at 2 weeks. (G) Soft tissue healing after 2 months.
Tarnow and colleagues44 conducted a retrospec- implants within a distance of less than 3 mm.
tive radiographic study in 36 patients who had 2 When implants were within 3 mm of each other,
adjacent implants placed. The author found that they developed 1.04 mm of interproximal bone
lateral bone loss at the implant-abutment interface loss compared with 0.45 mm of bone loss for the
was 1.34 to 1.4 mm. This finding had an effect on implants placed with more than 3 mm distance
the height of bone and papilla support between between them.
Soft-Tissue Regeneration and Development 395
Fig. 3. The location of the gingival zenith. + Indicates the location of the gingival zenith located distal to the
long axis of the maxillary incisors.
Based on the potential for interproximal bone loss results,85–93 dental implant therapy can be compli-
on adjacent implants, Grunder and colleagues79 cated by numerous developmental, traumatic, or
proposed buccal augmentation of the site in situa- anatomic factors such as a thin gingival biotype
tions with less than 3 mm of bone interproximally. in association with a high smile line, leading to
They proposed that the bone thickness should be esthetic shortcomings in the anterior maxilla.
augmented to at least 2 mm, and ideally 4 mm, to Therefore, various soft-tissue augmentation tech-
maintain the soft-tissue height facially and inter- niques have been advocated to provide better
proximally. The investigators suggested that the esthetic outcomes.86,87 These studies have
additional bone can support and maintain the proposed procedures used to treat dehiscence
interproximal papilla. defects, achieve primary soft-tissue closure over
The three-dimensional implant placement guide- single implants immediately placed into maxillary
lines and spacing requirements may lead to the use extraction sockets (with or without guided bone
of small-diameter implants in the esthetic zone that regeneration), and improve soft-tissue healing.
allow bone preservation between implants as well
as between implant and tooth. The narrow diameter SURGICAL TECHNIQUES FOR
implants may provide more bone support in all AUGMENTATION
dimensions for development of the soft-tissue Pedicle Grafts
form that simulates the natural dentition.64
Pedicle full- or split-thickness palatal flaps for
SURGICAL AUGMENTATION OF SOFT TISSUE primary coverage of implants placed after extrac-
AROUND DENTAL IMPLANTS tion and treatment of maxillary peri-implant
defects have been described in numerous reports
Peri-implant soft-tissue management can be re- in the literature.
garded as a category of mucogingival procedures Nemcovsky and colleagues88 described
analogous to reconstructive procedures around a rotated split palatal flap (RSPF) technique for
teeth including root coverage, papilla reconstruc- soft-tissue primary coverage over extraction sites
tion, ridge augmentation, and ridge preservation. with immediate implant placement. This technique
These soft-tissue augmentation procedures can was used only if palatal mucosal thickness ex-
be accomplished at the time of extraction before ceeded 4 mm. The surgical procedure consisted
implant placement, at implant placement, at the of a full-thickness mucoperiosteal palatal flap
time the implant is uncovered, or even after that was raised, extending at least 1 tooth mesially
the completed restoration has been placed.84 and distally from the tooth to be extracted. A
Although the ability to permanently replace minimal buccal flap, including only interdental
single or multiple missing teeth with osseointe- papillae and marginal gingiva, exposing the bone
grated dental implants has been thoroughly re- crest, was also reflected. The tooth was carefully
ported in the literature, with consistent long-term extracted and the implant was placed slightly
396 Geurs et al
palatal and off center. The palatal flap was split a subepithelial connective tissue flap was
into deep and superficial layers. A second incision, removed, the palatal wound at the donor site could
involving only the deeper flap, further discon- be totally closed and sutured.
nected these 2 flaps. The deeper flap was thus Goldstein and colleagues87 described the
transformed into a pediculated flap, becoming palatal advanced flap technique for single-
mobile and easily rotated. The RSPF was tucked implant and multiple-implant cases, with the
and sutured under the minimally reflected buccal same efficiency and with highly predictable
flap, covering the implant site. The superficial layer results. First, the mesiodistal, and especially
of the palatal flap was then repositioned and the labiopalatal, aspects of the gap were
sutured. Consequently, complete primary soft- measured. Then, the outline of an L-shaped
tissue closure over the implant site was achieved. flap with parallel incisions was marked. The
This technique is sometimes used to change the flap was planned so that the long leg of the L
gingival thickness in an edentulous space (Fig. 4). was toward the distal and the short leg was
One year later, Nemcovsky and colleagues89 perpendicular to the extraction site. The
proposed the use of full-thickness rotated distance between the parallel incisions had to
palatal flap (RPF) only when palatal gingival be equal to the mesiodistal size of the extraction
thickness measures 5 mm or less at the time site. A triangular area was marked coronal to
of immediate implant placement after extraction the incisions, in the inner part of the L-shaped
of maxillary anterior and premolar teeth. In this flap. The base of the triangle was on the short
case, a sharp, deep, internal-beveled incision leg of the L, and its apex was pointed distally
delineating a pediculated full-thickness palatal along the long leg. This arrangement was the
flap was made. The extension was planned to key part of this technique, and careful planning
enable full coverage of the alveolus and overlap- was required so that the base of the triangle
ping of the buccal crestal bone, usually extend- was equal in size to the labiopalatal dimension
ing 1 or 2 proximal teeth on both sides. The of the gap area. The dimensions of the triangle
pediculated flap was then carefully elevated area determined the amount of coronal
from the underlying bone, starting from the advancement of the flap. At this stage, the trian-
side away from the tooth. An oblique proximal gular area was de-epithelialized, and the
incision and periosteal fenestration facilitated L-shaped area was dissected, performing
rotation of the pediculated flap, which was wider a split-thickness dissection. The flap was
than 5 mm. Buccal margins of the RPF were de- advanced in a coronal position and sutured
epithelialized. The pediculated flap was then with 6-0 or 5-0 sutures. Thus, complete and pre-
rotated with the use of atraumatic surgical cise coverage of the implant area was achieved
pliers, tucked, and sutured under the reflected without any tension. A denuded area was left on
minimal buccal flap. Further sutures secured the apical side of the flap.
the RPF in the palatal tissues. The donor palatal
site, which was left exposed, healed by
Free Gingival Grafts
secondary intention.
Conversely, the palatal subepithelial connective Free gingival grafts have been used to correct
tissue flap method to cover maxillary defects was or limit the potential for soft-tissue complications
promoted by Khoury and Happe.90 According to around endosseous implant permucosal abut-
this technique, a palatal paramarginal incision ments. The rationale for free gingival grafting is
was made from the molar region to the defect to largely to prevent peri-implantitis and its associ-
be covered. The length of the incision depended ated bone loss by increasing the amount of ker-
on the size of the defect. Dissection of the muco- atinized mucosa adjacent to the implant
periosteal flap and the underlying preparation of abutment.91 This approach is believed to have
a subepithelial connective tissue flap to a depth 2 potential benefits. First, keratinized tissue is
of 5 to 8 mm were then performed. A sharp incision believed to form a more stable seal on a smooth
of the subepithelial tissue was made parallel to the titanium or zirconium abutment, limiting the
first incision in the same manner to harvest potential for biofilm migration down to the
a connective tissue graft, but leaving it attached implant interface. Second, keratinized tissue is
in the anterior region. The subepithelial connective generally firmer and less subject to abrasion
tissue flap was elevated and rotated to cover the from tooth brushing and other oral hygiene
defect or reconstruct soft tissue. Because the practices, allowing the patient to be more
donor site is situated in a well-vascularized area vigorous with oral hygiene. The firmer kerati-
(palatal artery), heavy bleeding can occur and nized tissue may therefore protect the implants
may require cauterization. Because only and improve their prognosis by decreasing
Soft-Tissue Regeneration and Development 397
Fig. 4. (A) An edentulous space with loss in vertical dimension. (B) Occlusal view indicating the loss in bucco-
lingual dimensions. This is a Siebert class III ridge deformity. (C) The ridge was expanded and the implant placed.
(D) A rotated split palatal graft was prepared and rolled over the implant site. (E) Suturing of the site. (F) Healing
after 6 months. (G) The occlusal view of the healing after 6 months. (H) The gingival zenith at time of abutment
potential discomfort and inflammation that could mandible before implant placement in an effort to
occur from vigorous oral hygiene at a mucosal improve the long-term prognosis.92 To a lesser
implant interface. extent, free gingival grafts have been used in
In fully edentulous implant reconstructions, ves- immediate implant placement. A graft is obtained
tibuloplasty and free gingival tissue grafting tech- with a biopsy punch from the palate, and then it
niques have been used to obtain attached is used to cover the exposed surface of the implant
keratinized tissue in the anterior edentulous without repositioning the mucoperiosteal flap.
398 Geurs et al
Fig. 5. (A) The patient presents with external resorption on the maxillary left central incisor (tooth #9), with the
gingival margin located slightly more incisal than the adjacent central incisor (tooth #8). (B) The resorption was
located on the palatal surface of the tooth and, after extraction with a periotome technique, the facial plate of
bone was intact. (C) An occlusal view indicating limited or no loss of adjacent soft-tissue support. (D) Insertion of
a provisional restoration made at the same clinical crown height of the natural tooth indicating the immediate
loss of soft-tissue support without the gingival fiber support provided by the extracted tooth. (E) Final implant-
supported crown with a compromised esthetic result due to the loss of soft vertical margin height after
augmentation sites, there seems to be a predict- indication for the soft-tissue allograft in these
able improvement in the esthetics in anterior applications is containment of the graft to allow
areas. Acellular dermal grafting has also been for organization of the blood clot, the dermal allo-
used as a form of barrier membrane for guided graft may also serve to augment the thickness of
tissue regeneration. Although the primary the mucosa in the area of the implant.102,103
400 Geurs et al
biotype in the region. Because of these limitations, in re-establishing papillae at implant sites, the
there are frequent situations in which implants are papillary soft-tissue grafting is much less compli-
placed in areas of minimal interproximal soft tissue cated to achieve when attempted before the resto-
that can result in dark triangles between crowns ration of the implant with a crown.
and crown margins that become supragingival.
Both of these can lead to a poor esthetic outcome
Provisional Restorations
that is often disappointing for the patient and the
practitioner. Several procedures have been The selection of the type of provisional restoration
described to improve the interproximal papillae can significantly influence esthetics during the
contour around implants. Grunder105 described period of implant integration and soft-tissue
the inlay graft technique to create papillae between healing.108 A restoration that preserves or helps to
teeth. Azzi and colleagues106 outlined a technique regenerate interdental papillae will enhance the
of tunneling/pouching and the use of submerged final esthetic result of the soft tissue (Fig. 7).
connective tissue grafts. This technique allows for The importance of establishing proper contours in
the thickening of the existing gingiva but is also the provisional restoration should be part of the
potentially useful for reconstructing interdental treatment plan for any esthetic implant case. A
papillae around implant-supported restorations. provisional restoration was used immediately after
Reddy107 described a tunneling connective tissue extraction to preserve the interdental papillae.
grafting technique with access through a vertical Whenever possible, a fixed restoration should be
incision in the vestibule that allowed for vertical considered as a good alternative to removable
augmentation of the papillae with minimal interrup- provisional restorations. The contour of the soft
tion to the blood supply in the region. Although tissue is largely dictated by the crown contact
these techniques collectively have been successful points and emergence profile during healing.
Fig. 7. (A) Atraumatic extraction of a fractured tooth. (B) Immediate implant placement with a surgical guide. (C)
Provisional restoration to establish soft-tissue contour and esthetics without functional loading. (D) Initial heal-
ing response of the soft tissue after 1 week. (E) Healing response to provisional soft-tissue support after 1 month.
(F) Two months after immediate implant placement and establishment of gingival contours relative to anterior
402 Geurs et al
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hard and soft tissue needs to be made with the implants. J Periodontol 2005;76(1):83–9.
biology of the final restoration in mind. 16. Traini T, Pecora G, Iezzi G, et al. Preferred collagen
fiber orientation human peri-implant bone after
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