Pram IAS: Sectional Test Series
Pram IAS: Sectional Test Series
Pram IAS: Sectional Test Series
Sectional Test Series
1-6 (English)
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Lokayuktas Act do not empower the Lokayukta to She authenticates a Bill in the absence of the
conduct inquiry and investigations on the Chief Speaker, sends and receives messages on behalf
Minister. of the House, receives notices, petitions,
documents and papers addressed to or intended
4. B. 1 only for the House.
Zero FIR:
When a police station receives a complaint 8. C. 1 and 3 only
regarding an alleged offence that has been The Vishaka guidelines, which were legally
committed in the jurisdiction of another police binding, defined sexual harassment and imposed
station, it registers an FIR, and then transfers it to three key obligations on the institutions –
the concerned police station for further prohibition, prevention and redress. The Supreme
investigation. This is called a Zero FIR. Court directed that they should establish a
Since the FIR is registered outside the jurisdiction Complaints Committee, which would look into the
of the assigned police station, no serial number is matters of sexual harassment of women at the
assigned to it and instead it is assigned a number workplace. The 2013 Act broadened the Vishaka
“0”. Such FIR is registered, irrespective of the area Guidelines
where the offence has been committed. After the
police station registers a Zero FIR, it transfers it to 9. A. 91st Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003
the jurisdictional police station, where the offence The 93rd Constitutional Amendment allows the
has occurred. government to make special provisions for
"advancement of any socially and educationally
5. B. 2 and 3 only backward classes of citizens", including their
A Constitution Amendment Bill, under Article 368, admission in aided or unaided private educational
can be introduced in either House of the institutions. The Ninety-fifth Amendment of
Parliament. the Constitution of India, officially known as The
Constitution (Ninety-fifth Amendment) Act, 2009,
6. C. 1 and 3 only extended the period of reservation of seats for
Electoral College: the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and
The representatives of the States and of the representation of the Anglo-Indians in the Lok
Union Territories in the Rajya Sabha are Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies for
elected by the method of indirect election. another ten years, i.e. up to 26 January 2020.
The representatives of each State and two
Union territories are elected by the elected 10. E. All are correct.
members of the Legislative Assembly of that
State and by the members of the Electoral 11. D. Encourage the Start-ups to develop products
College for that Union Territory, in accordance to take care of the elderly
with the system of proportional representation The SAGE (Senior care Ageing Growth Engine)
by means of the single transferable vote. Initiative is a one-stop portal to encourage the
Start-ups to develop products to take care of the
7. A. 1 and 3 only elderly. Examples: Diagnostic kits, personalized
Each House of the Parliament has its separate wheelchairs, financial services for the elderly etc.
Secretariat, which functions under the direction
and control of its Presiding Officer. Thus, the Lok 12. C. Isaac Newton
Sabha Secretariat functions under the ultimate The Silver Economy refers to the system of
guidance and control of the Speaker, Lok Sabha. In production, distribution and consumption of the
the discharge of his Constitutional and statutory goods and services, aimed at utilising the
responsibilities, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha is purchasing potential of the ageing population, as
assisted by the Secretary-General, Lok Sabha, well as satisfying their consumption requirements,
(appointed by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, and living essentials and healthcare needs.
whose pay scale, position and status etc., are Examples:
equivalent to that of the highest ranking official in Health Care Sector: Higher focus on the senior
the Government of India, i.e., the Cabinet citizens will lead to: (a) Improve health care
Secretary). infrastructure; and (b) Creation of more jobs as
doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc.
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Financial Sector: Development of the financial Yellow Revolution: Oilseeds
institutions to cater to banking, insurance and Purple Revolution: Aromatic crops, such as
pension. For example, dedicated Microfinance Lavender
institutions (MFIs) to provide small value loans Golden Revolution: Horticultural products
to the senior citizens. Rainbow Revolution: All round development
Hospitality, Travel and Tourism: Development of the agricultural sector
of religious tourism circuits for the senior
citizens would provide fillip to the hospitality 16. C. 1 and 3 only
industry and benefit the local economy. The Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) is
IT Sector: Development of technological tools, implementing the Central Sector Scheme,
such as home automation, smart watches, SVAMITVA, with the aim to provide the ‘Record of
telemedicine, database management (The Rights’ to the village household owners,
Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission), home possessing houses in the inhabited areas in the
delivery of medicines etc. villages.
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Family Pension: Death of the Subscriber 50% of
the pension to the spouse.
Contribution by the Subscriber: Depends upon the
age of entry.
Concerned Ministry: Labour and Employment.
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dry deciduous forests and moist peninsular Sal The reef building corals are found within the 21°C
forests. isotherm, Temperature below 18°C causes their
Corals form in calm and well-lit waters, and so they
are not near the mouths of the rivers.
Individual coral organisms are, however, found in
some cold, high latitudes waters as well (Norway and
Cape Verde Island, and off New Zealand and Japan)
Causes of Coral Bleaching:
Increase in sea water temperature, particularly
when associated with elevated levels of solar
irradiance (e.g., ultraviolet radiation).
Change in sea water chemistry (e.g., due to ocean
acidification or pollution).
Chemicals in sun-screens and other personal care
products can accumulate in the areas with
significant marine tourism and recreational use by
the humans and can promote viral infections in
hard corals that lead to bleaching.
Increment in the levels of sediment in the sea
water or a coral’s exposure to sodium cyanide (a
chemical used in the capture of the coral reef
Mining and burning coal pollute the atmosphere
26. D. It has thick rock cover
and cause global warming. Increased carbon
The Indian Neutrino Observatory:
pollution in our atmosphere traps heat, which
It is a proposed Particle Physics Research Mega
causes the temperature to rise on the Earth.
Deep water trawling, which involves dragging
The objective of the Project is to study neutrinos
fishing net along the sea bottom.
in a 1,200-metre-deep cave.
Billions of bits of plastic waste are entangled in
The Project is proposed to be set up at
the corals and the sickening reef.
Pottipuram village, in Theni district, in Tamil
28. B. Japan
The proposed site in Theni district was identified
The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) is an
because the rock burden of over 1 km in all
economic co-operation agreement between the
directions shields the detector from other
governments of India, Japan and multiple African
cosmic rays.
Since neutrinos can easily pass through anything,
they will reach the detector, while other 29. A. 1 only
particles will be filtered out by the rocks in the The Golan Heights is a disputed area between
mountains. Israel and Syria.
The geographical location is also peculiar, as all
the existing neutrino detectors (in other
countries) are at latitudes larger than 35 degrees
North or South.
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The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are the two the 'Ashtadiggaja'. He had mastery over two
regions, which combinedly form the territory of languages, Telugu and Sanskrit. Krishnadeva Raya
Palestine. was an accomplished poet and writer. He
The West Bank is named so, because it is located authored ‘Amuktamalyada,’ which is considered
on the west bank of the Jordan River. It is inland as one of the fi ve top Telugu epics. Krishnadeva
and not located on the Mediterranean Sea. The Raya had a great interest in art and construction
Gaza Strip is a region located on the work. He is credited with the construction of
Mediterranean Sea, and surrounded by Egypt and Nagalpur city. The Portuguese traveller Domingo
Israel. Paes visited Vijayanagara during his reign. Babur
had mentioned Krishnadeva Raya as the most
powerful among all the rulers of India in his
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Asia. He had given his services to Prince Dara one for civil (Sadar Diwani Adalat) and one for
Shukoh as a cannoneer. Later, he opted the criminal (Sadar Nizamat Adalat) cases.
medical profession. Manucci is famous for his Judicial powers of the Zamindars were
work “Storia do Magor”. abolished.
Hastings abolished the system of Dastaks, which
34. A. Mirabai were misused by the Company officials and the
‘Rag-Govind’ was written by Mirabai. traders earlier.
Mirabai was the only daughter of Ratan Singh Private trade by the Company officials was
Rathore of Merta. She was born in a royal family restricted.
of Kudaki village of Merta, Rajasthan. Mira was
married to Bhojraj, the eldest son of the famous 37. A. Savitribai Phule
ruler of Udaipur Rana Sanga. But King Bhojraj died Savitribai Phule was a trailblazer in providing
after few years. After the death of her husband, education for the girls and for the ostracized
Mirabai spent her whole life worshipping Lord portions of the society.
Krishna. She was the contemporary of Tulsidas She became the first female teacher in India and
(1532-1623 AD), Guru Nanak (1469-1539 AD) and opened a school for girls with her husband,
Chaitanya (1486-1534 AD) but Ramkrishna (1836- Jyotirao Phule.
1886 AD) was not contemporary of her. Savitribai and Jyotirao established an education
society that opened more schools for girls and
35. B. Akbar women from all classes, in the surrounding
English East India Company was formed in the villages.
year 1600. Elizabeth was the Empress of England The oppressed classes were forbidden from
and Akbar was emperor of India at that time. drinking water from the common village well.
Jyotirao and Savitribai dug a well in their own
36. B. 1 and 3 only backyard for them to drink water from.
Warren Hastings was the first Governor of the She went on to establish a shelter for the
Presidency of Fort William (Bengal) in 1772 and destitute women and played a crucial role in
the first Governor-General of Bengal in 1774, till grooming Jyotirao Phule’s pioneering institution,
he resigned in 1785. However, the first Governor- Satyasodhak Samaj (1873) that fought for the
General of India was Lord William Bentinck and equality of all classes.
the first Governor-General of independent India Her life is heralded as a beacon of women’s rights
was Lord Mountbatten. During his term, the First in India. She is often referred to as the ‘Mother of
Anglo-Maratha War- (1775–1782), (The Treaty of Indian Feminism’.
Salbai) In 1873, Savitribai started the practice of
and the Second Anglo-Mysore War were fought. Satyasodhak marriage, where couples took an
Other wars included the Rohilla War of 1774. oath of education and equality.
The Regulating Act of 1773 and the Pitt’s India During the bubonic plague of Maharashtra in
Act of 1784 were passed during his term. 1897, she opened a clinic for plague victims in
He supported Sir William Jones in the Hadapsar (Poona).
formation of the Asiatic Society of Bengal in
1785. 38. B. 1 and 3 only
His Important Works: He was the President (not the founder) of Hindu
He abolished the Dual System that had been Mahasabha from 1937 to 1943.
established by Robert Clive. In the Dual System,
the company had the Diwani rights (rights to 39. C. Lord William Bentinck
collect revenue) and the Nizam or the Indian Lord William Bentinck took charge of Governor-
chiefs had the administrative authority. General in July, 1828. He made effective eff orts to
For revenue collection, a Board of Revenue was abolish Sati system, infanticide and established
set up at Calcutta. Unreasonable fines were peace in the country by ending the social evils.
done away with and restrictions were placed on According to the wishes of the ‘Court of Directors,’
the raising of rent. he adopted the policy of neutrality towards the
Civil and criminal courts were established. Two Indian States. The chaos took such an ugly turn in
appellate courts were established at Calcutta, Jaipur that there was an attack on British
residents. But Lord Bentinck did not accept to
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interfere in that. Like this, he did not accept to Maharashtra, India. He was born in Pune. His
interfere in Jodhpur, Bundi, Kota and Bhopal original surname was Shidhaye. At the age of 25,
because of certain reasons. Excluding this policy, Deshmukh started writing articles aimed at social
he annexed Mysore in 1831, state of Kurg and reform in Maharashtra in the weekly ’Prabhakar’
Kachar in 1834 in his state because there was too under the name ’Lokahitvadi.’ He became the
much chaos in those states. member of Council of Governor General in 1880.
He appeared in the court of Delhi wearing hand-
40. A. Lord Dalhousie woven Khadi clothes, as a supporter of the
The development of the railway line in India was National self-reliance.
an effective decision made by British Governor-
General Lord Dalhousie. The first railway line was 46. C. G. K. Gokhale
laid down from Mumbai to Thane in 1853 during Servants of India Society was founded by Gopal
the period of Lord Dalhousie. The main objective Krishna Gokhale in 1905 to unite and train Indians
of the development of railways in India was to of different ethnicity and religion in welfare work.
carry raw materials from internal parts of the It was the first secular organization to devote
country to the ports and carry army to remote itself to the unprivileged rural and tribal peoples.
areas, to crush the revolts.
47. C. Radha Kant Dev
41. B. Barrackpore Radhakanta Deb was the first president of the
Soldiers denied to use a cartridge of animal fat in British Indian Association. Gazulu Lakshminarasu
Barrackpore 29 March, 1857 and Mangal Pandey Chetty was the founder of Madras Native
murdered his adjutant. British dissolved 34th N.I. Association. M. Veeraraghavchariar, G.
Regiment and punished the culprits Subramania Iyer and P. Anand Charly founded
Madras Mahajana Sabha is 1884. Surendranath
42. D. Sanyasi revolt Banerjee founded Indian Association in 1876.
Composer of ‘Vande Mataram’ Bankim Chandra
Chatterjee mentioned Sanyasi Revolt in his novel 48. D. Amritsar Session, 1919
“Anand Math.” The peasants, landlords and The last session of Indian National Congress
artificer all were ruined due to the establishment attended by Bal Gangadhar Tilak was Amritsar
of the British Government and their new Session,1919. He had mellowed sufficiently to
economic policy. The gruesome famine occurred oppose Gandhi’s policy of boycotting the elections
in 1770. Sanyasis were humiliated by ban over to the legislative councils established as part of
pilgrimage. Sanyasis had a tradition to protest the reforms that followed from the Montagu-
against unjust, and they began a strong revolt Chelmsford Report to Parliament in 1918. Instead,
against British rule. They fought against British Tilak advised the delegates to follow his policy of
soldiers bravely. Warren Hastings had suppressed ‘responsive cooperation’ in carrying out the
the uprising after a long campaign. reforms, which introduced a certain degree of
Indian participation in regional Government. He
43. C. Kerala died on 1st August, 1920.
Moplah revolt occurred in the Malabar region of
Kerala in 1921. Most of the local tenants were 49. A. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Muslims while landlords were Hindu. The The first two decades of INC is described in history
movement was against the exploitations of as a moderate era. Among some of the prominent
landlords. moderate leaders were Dadabhai Naoroji,
Surendra Nath Banerjee, Mahadev Govind
44. B. Jawaharlal Nehru Ranade, Feroz Shah Mehta, Gopal Krishna Gokhale
‘Qaumi Awaz’ newspaper was started by and Anand Mohan Bose. They had a sense of
Jawaharlal Nehru and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai in 1945 confidence in British justice and their generosity.
from Lucknow. Its publication was stopped in Their aim was not aggressive nationalism for
1997. attaining independence. Leaders like Bal
Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra
45. D. Gopal Hari Deshmukh Pal, raised extremist ideology. B.G. Tilak accused
Gopal Hari Deshmukh (1823–1892) was a social moderates of believing in constitutional method
reformer and intellectual thinker from
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and favouring the policy of protest, prayer, and associated with Ayodhya. The earliest important
petition. teachings of Jainism are attributed to
Parshvanatha, the twenty-third Tirthankara, who
50. A. Anushilan Samiti hailed from Banaras, abandoned royal life and
Barindra Ghosh was a younger brother of Sri became an ascetic. Vardhamana Mahavira was his
Aurobindo Ghosh. Barindra was influenced by spiritual successor, who was the real founder of
Aurobindo and joined revolutionary movement. In Jainism.
the year 1905, he wrote an article in a book
‘’Bhawani Mandir’’ about the detailed description 57. B. Jagat Narain Mulla
for the formation of a centre for organizing The Kakori Revolution (also called, the Kakori
revolutionary works and is credited for spreading Conspiracy or Kakori train robbery or Kakori Case)
revolutionary ideas in Bengal along with was a train robbery that took place in Kakori, near
Bhupendra Nath Dutt. Their activities led to the Lucknow, on 9 August, 1925 during the Indian
formation of Anushilan Samiti, a revolutionary Independence Movement against the British
organization. Indian Government. The Court appointed Jagat
Narayan Mulla as a public prosecutor.
51. B. 2 and 3 only
Maasir-i-Alamgiri was a court history of the next 5 58. B. Surya Sen
decades of Aurangzeb rule. It was written by Saqi Chittagong armoury raid was an attempt to raid
Mustad Khan. the armoury of the police and auxiliary forces at
Chittagong in Bengal. It was organised by Surya
52. C. Sutkagendor Sen who was also famous by the name of ‘’Master
Da’’ The Indian Republican Army (IRA) was
established by Surya Sen in Bengal and on 18th
April, 1930, the plan was put into implementation
by the members of IRA namely Ganesh Ghosh,
Lokenath, Nirmal Sen, Ambika Chakrobarty,
Naresh Roy, Kalpana Dutt, Anand Gupta, Tegrabal
etc. including Surya Sen. Struggle took place on
22nd April, 1930 between members of
Government forces and members of IRA in which
80 soldiers and 12 revolutionaries were killed. On
16 February, 1933, Surya Sen was arrested and
put to legal proceedings and ultimately hanged on
12th January, 1934.
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60. D. 1919
The Montagu-Chelmsford Reform was introduced 66. A. Maximum at the poles.
by the British Government in India to introduce
self-governing institutions gradually to India. In 67. B. Depends on its length
this ‘Dyarchy in the Provinces’ was introduced. The time period of a pendulum depends on its
Reserved subjects like Finance, Law and order, length.
Army, Police, etc. Transferred subjects like Public
health, educations, agriculture, Local Self- 68. D. Surface tension of oil is less than water
Government, etc. The reserved subjects were kept Oil spreads on water surface because the surface
with the Governor. While transferred subjects are tension of oil is less than water. Therefore, when
kept with selected member of executive councils. oil is poured over water, the greater value of
surface tension of water pulls oil in all directions,
61. D. Pressure – Dyne and as such it spreads on the water.
Pascal is the unit of pressure or stress in the
International System of Units (SI). Dyne is the unit 69. D. Surface tension of fluid is more than that of
of force in CGS system. Clearly, option (d) is not water
correctly matched. In a capillary tube, liquid rises in proportion with
its surface tension. The liquid which has more
62. C. Tacheometer – Pressure difference surface tension would gain more height.
A tacheometer is a type of theodolite used for
rapid measurements and determines, 70. A. Due to decrease in air pressure
electronically or electrooptically, the distance to The fountain pen leak at high altitudes. It is
target and is highly automated in its operations. because of low air pressure. The ink inside the
The remaining pairs are correctly matched. fountain pen has high pressure compared to the
Pyrometer is a device used for measuring low atmospheric pressure outside at high altitude,
relatively high temperature, such as is so ink flows out of the pen
encountered in furnaces. Anemometer is a device
used for measuring wind speed. An ammeter is a 71. D. Density
measuring instrument used to measure electric Density of an object depends on its mass and
current in a circuit. Electric current is measured in volume.
ampere (A).
72. C. The wavelength of light is very small.
63. B. The same amount of work with lesser force Due to its very small wavelength, the light appears
A simple machine helps a person in doing the to travel in a straight line.
same amount of work with less force. Few
examples of simple machines are pulley, lever, 73. D. Wavelength and velocity
wheel, screw etc. When light travels from one medium to another,
the frequency of the light does not change, while
64. A. Newton its velocity, wavelength and refractive index of the
For every action, there is an equal and opposite medium are changed.
reaction is known as Newton's third law of
motion. The statement means that in every 74. B. Dust particles
interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the Sunlight is the mixture of different colours. When
two interacting objects. The size of the force on it passes through the atmosphere it is scattered by
the first object equals the size of the force on the the air molecules, particles of dust and other
second object. The direction of the force on the subtle materials which are present in the
first object is opposite to the direction of the force pathway.
on the second object.
75. C. Silver
65. C. Move along with the spaceship at the same Electrical conductivity is a measure of the amount
speed of electric current which a material can carry. The
If an apple is released from an orbiting spaceship, most electrically conductive element is silver
it will move along with the spaceship at the same followed by copper, aluminium and iron.
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76. B. Silicon happened at a Union Carbide subsidiary pesticide
In solid state electronics, either pure silicon or plant in Bhopal, India. On the night of 2- 3
germanium may be used as the intrinsic December 1984, the plant released 42 tonnes of
semiconductor which forms the starting point for toxic methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, exposing more
fabrication. Each has four valence electrons but than 500,000 people to toxic gases.
germanium at a given temperature has more free
electrons and higher conductivity. Silicon is by far 83. A. Liquid
the more widely used semiconductor for Oxygen and other gases found in the gas cylinders
electronics because it can be used at much higher are in a gaseous state while in domestic LPG
temperatures than germanium. cylinders, gas is found in the liquid state so
pressure gauge cannot represent the quantity of
77. D. Sand gas in LPG cylinders. That is why the pressure
Carbon is capable of forming many allotropes due gauge is not given in the domestic LPG cylinders
to its valency. The well-known forms of Carbon
included Diamond and Graphite. Coal is a 84. D. Fructose
sedimentary organic rock that contains a lot of The main components of honey are fructose -
Carbon (between about 40% to 90% carbon by 38.2%, glucose - 31.3%, sucrose - 1.3%, maltose -
weight). Sand is a naturally occurring granular 7.1% and water - 17.2%. Fructose or fruit sugar is
material composed of finely divided rock and a simple ketonic monosaccharide found in many
mineral particles. It does not contain Carbon plants.
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Maurice Wilkins were awarded the 1962 Nobel executed in Delhi in 1675 on the orders of the
Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.
discoveries concerning the "molecular structure of
nucleic acids and its significance for information 95. C. 365
transfer in living material". Now these 365 treatments will also be covered
under Ayushman Bharat. Bone marrow transplant
91. D. Bharuch and cochlear implant surgery have also been
'Urja Pravah' reached Kochi on April 22, 2022 and included in the new package. After the addition of
will be under Coast Guard District Headquarters - new processes, now the total number of
4 (Mahe and Kerala) Operational Command. The processes in this scheme has increased to 1949.
Urja Pravaha has a draft of 1.85 meters and is Under this scheme, differential pricing based on
36.96 meters long. It is designed for cargo aviation type of city and level of care has been introduced.
fuel, ship fuel and freshwater, with a capacity
range of 10 tonnes, 50 tonnes and 40 tonnes 96. B. Uttarakhand
respectively. The new ship will help augment the Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami
operations of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) by met PM Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister
providing logistical support to Coast Guard ships. Amit Shah at Parliament House, New Delhi on 5
April 2022. During this, the CM requested the
92. A. Dwayne Bravo Home Minister to cooperate with the Center in
With the wicket of Deepak Hooda of Lucknow, implementing 'Him Prahari Yojana' in the districts
Dwayne Bravo (CSK) became the highest IPL of international borders. There is a plan to stop
wicket-taker with 171 wickets. Bravo achieved this migration in the border districts of Uttarakhand
feat in 150 innings of 153 matches. Earlier this i.e. districts like Uttarkashi, Chamoli, Pithoragarh
record was in the name of Lasith Malinga (MI), along the international borders and to settle the
who took 170 wickets in 122 matches. Amit Indian population there according to the security
Mishra is at number three, whose name is 166 of the country. Due to this, the burden of
wickets. expenditure of about 5.45 crore rupees will be
incurred on the government.
93. A. Odisha
The SFDR booster technology was successfully 97. B. Hardik Pandya
test-fired by the Defense Research and Gujarat Titans captain Hardik Pandya hit the only
Development Organization (DRDO) on April 8, six during his unbeaten 50 off 42 balls in the
2022 at the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at match against Sunrisers. He has reached the figure
Chandipur off the Odisha coast. It is a missile of 100 sixes by playing 1046 balls. Hardik has
propulsion technology jointly developed by India broken the record of the current Delhi team
and Russia. SFDR technology is a missile captain Rishabh Pant, who completed his 100 IPL
propulsion system, based on the concept of sixes in 1224 balls. However, the fastest 100- sixer
'ramjet engine' principle. DRDO first started SFDR in IPL history is Andre Russell, who achieved the
development in 2017 and conducted successful feat in 657 balls. He is followed by Chris Gayle
trials in 2018 and 2019 also. who took 943 balls to reach this point.
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99. A. Wu Yajun It is the 321st butterfly species found in Tamil
According to this list, there are currently 124 Self- Nadu out of 1,500 species in India. The presence
Made Women Billionaires in the world. Beijing's of palmking was first recorded in South India in
Wu Yajun (real estate firm 'Longfour') has topped 1891 by the British scientist HS Ferguson. More
the list with an estimated net worth of $17 billion. than a century later, it was seen again in the year
Among Indian women, Falguni Nair, CEO and 2007. Palmking belongs to the genus Nymphalidae
founder of Nykaa, has been named in the top 10 and obtains food from plants of palm, coconut
richest women list with a net worth of $7.6 billion. and calamus varieties. The presence of palmking
Two-thirds of the women on the list are from has been recorded in the forests of Arippa,
China, followed by women from the US and the Shendurni, Periyar Tiger Reserves south of the
UK. Western Ghats in India.
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has district been ranked first in the country by countries in an "overall ranking". The United
getting 73 marks on the index of health and States (USA) tops the ranking with 4,935
nutrition. scientists. Harvard University has 576 scientists in
the top 2% of the world, the most from any other
108. B. London institution. Stanford University with 377 scientists
It was organized between 7 to 9 November 2022. is second and Oxford University with 252
The theme of World Travel Market 2022 is 'The scientists is third.
future of travel starts now'. India also participated
in the event to showcase itself as a preferred 113. C. Bhopal
destination for tourism. The contribution of the Union Home Minister Amit Shah has released
travel and tourism sector to India's GDP during the India's first Hindi version of MBBS course books in
year 2019 stood at 5.19%. The Indian tourism Bhopal in the presence of Madhya Pradesh Chief
sector provides employment opportunities to Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and State Medical
about 80 million people. Education Minister Vishwas Kailash Sarang. The
objective behind this is to make education easier
for students studying in non-English medium
109. B. Services schools. The name of the project to translate
On the last day of the National Games, Services MBBS books into Hindi is Mandar. The meaning of
put up a stellar performance, bagging a total of Mandar is that the way nectar came out from the
128 medals, including 61 gold, and finished on churning of the ocean with the help of Mandar
top. Maharashtra came second with 39 gold and Parvat (a mountain located in Banka, Bihar), in the
Haryana came third with 38. The 36th National same way English books have been translated into
Games concluded on 12 October with a grand Hindi.
ceremony in Surat, Gujarat. Vice President
Jagdeep Dhankhar, presiding over the function, in 114. B. Dakar
his address said that the day is not far when India India's Minister of State for External Affairs V.
will host the Olympics. The Indian Olympic Muraleedharan participated in the important
Association also discussed the possibilities of Goa event for policy discussions on Africa. This is the
hosting the 37th edition. first time that India participated in the event at
the ministerial level. He also addressed the forum
110. B. Sajan Bhanwala on the topic 'Global Crises and Sovereignty in
India's Greco-Roman wrestler Sajan Bhanwala has Africa'.
won a historic bronze medal in the 77 kg category.
Sajan got the better of Ukraine's Dmytro Vasetsky. 115. A. Seema Dhundia and Annie Abraham
The match ended at 10-10 but Bhanwala was This is the first time that a woman Inspector
declared the winner as he won the last point General will head the Rapid Action Force (RAF)
and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF).
111. A. Fiji Seema Dhundia, Inspector General of the Central
This conference will be organized between 15-17 Reserve Police Force of Bihar sector, and IG Annie
February 2023. This is the first time that this Abraham will be posted as the head of the Rapid
conference is being organized in a Pacific country. Action Force (RAF). The Central Reserve Police
Hindi language is very popular in many countries Force (CRPF) was the first Central Armed Police
including Fiji, New Zealand, Singapore, Mauritius. Force to induct women into combat in 1986.
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar along with
Minister of State for External Affairs V 116. D. Eliud Kipchoge
Muraleedharan and Fiji's Permanent Secretary of Kenya's Eliud Kipchoge, regarded as the greatest
the Ministry of Education and Arts Anjila Jokhan marathoner in the world, broke his own world
launched the logo and website of World Hindi Day record by 30 seconds at the Berlin Marathon.
Kipchoge has won the Berlin Marathon for the
112. B. 21 fourth time. He also equaled Haile Gebrselassie's
India has secured a position in the top 2% of the record of winning the title four times.
world with 52 Indian scientists. All of them in India
are doing research on high level energy particles 117. B. 78,220
in physics. The list lists scientists from 216
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The Guinness World Records certificate states,
"Most people waving flags program completed by 121. D. Ganges
Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Culture, The Ganges is a lifeline to millions of people who
Government of India to celebrate Amrit Mahotsav live in its basin and depend on it for their daily
of Independence at Jagdishpur (Bhojpur) on 23rd needs. It has been important historically, with
April, 2022. A world record was created when many former provincial or imperial capitals such
78,220 people simultaneously waved the tricolor as Pataliputra, Kannauj,
for 5 minutes at a time from 2.06 hrs to 02.11 hrs Kara, Munger, Kashi, Patna, Hajipur, Delhi, Bhagal
at Dalour Maidan. The world record for waving pur,Murshidabad, Baharampur Kampilya,
the flag together before Bihar was in the name of and Kolkata located on its banks or the banks of
Pakistan. On March 1, 2014, on the occasion of tributaries and connected waterways.
Punjab Youth Festival, 56618 flags were waved
simultaneously at Lahore National Hockey 122. B. Son
Stadium in Punjab province of Pakistan, which The Son River is a seasonal river in India's central
became a world record. region. It begins near Amarkantak Hill in Madhya
Pradesh's Annupur district and ends near Patna,
118. B. Hrithik Anand Bihar, where it merges with the Ganges river.
The Indian badminton team won the gold by
defeating Japan 3-1 in the final of the mixed team 123. E. Gaya & Aurangabad.
event. In the mixed team event of badminton, North Bihar districts are vulnerable to at least five
Hrithik Anand, resident of Hajipur (Vaishali major flood-causing rivers during monsoon –
district), played an important role in getting India Mahananda River, Koshi River, Bagmati River ,
gold medal with his brilliant performance and Burhi Gandak River and Gandak – which originate
brought laurels to the whole country including in Nepal. Some south Bihar districts have also
Bihar. Hrithik Anand has bagged the country's first become vulnerable to floods from Son, Punpun
gold medal in the team event of the 24th Summer and Phalgu rivers.
Deaf Badminton Tournament held in Brazil.
124. A. Son and Gandak river
119. A. Supaul The modern city of Patna is mainly on the
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar recently inspected southern bank of the river Ganges. The city also
this physical modeling center under construction straddles the rivers Sone, Gandak and Punpun.
under Bihar Kosi Basin Development Project in
Virpur of Supaul district. The construction work
will be completed by December 2022. With the
start of the Physical Modeling Centre, the
necessary studies related to rivers for flood
management and irrigation schemes will be
completed in a less time. Now there will be no
need to go to Pune for this. Studying the hydraulic
properties of rivers here will benefit Bihar as well 125. B. Rohtas
as other states. The karail-kewal soil is clayey in texture and
alkaline in nature. It is of Brown and Yellow in
120. D. Nalanda colour. It is abundantly found in the districts of
On the occasion of foundation day (14 April 2022) Rohtas, Gaya, Aurangabad, Jahandabad, Munger
of Vardhman Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS), and Bhagalpur. It it suitable for Rice, wheat,
Pawapuri, Bihar Health Minister Mangal Pandey Linseed, Pulses and gram.
announced renaming of VIMS as Bhagwan
Mahaveer Medical College and Hospital. During
the Jan Samvad Yatra, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar
had announced the name of Pawapuri Medical
College after Bhagwan Mahaveer Sansthan two
days ago. Mangal Pandey said that Pavapuri is the
nirvana land of Lord Mahavir, the 24th Tirthankara
of Jainism.
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Vajji - North of Ganga in the division of Tirhut was
the state of the Vajjis. It included eight clans, the
most powerful being the Lichchhavis (Capital –
Vaishali), Videhans (Capital – Mithila), Jnatrikas
(based in Kundapura). Mahavira belonged to the
Jnatrikas clan. The Vajjis were defeated by
126. B. Marigold
Bihar state bird is house sparrow. Bihar state tree
is peepal tree. Bihar Day is celebrated on 22
127. C. Rajgir
Saptadhara, Brahmakund, Suryakund,
Makhdumkund, Nanakkund, Gomukhkund etc. are
located in Rajgir. Kakolat Falls is located in the city
of Nawada. The specialty of these water bodies is
that their temperature remains the same 131. A. Sardar Nityanand
throughout the year and minerals are also found Sardar Nityanand had served with the Azad Hind
in them. Fauj, as chief trainer and an 18 person cadre.
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Anugrah Narayan Sinha, known as Bihar Vibhuti,
was an Indian nationalist statesman, participant in 142. A. 49.
Champaran Satyagraha, Gandhian & one of the Average = *97 × (97 + 1)+ ÷ 2 ÷ 97 = 49
architects of modern Bihar, who was the first
Deputy Chief Minister and the Finance Minister of 143. B. 6
the Indian state of Bihar. Jayaprakash Narayan,
popularly referred to as JP or Lok Nayak, was an 144. B. 1.53%
Indian independence activist, theorist, socialist
and political leader. He is remembered for leading 145. C. 1 hr 15 min
the mid-1970s opposition against Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi, for whose overthrow he had called 146. D. 100m
for a "total revolution".
147. A. 24
136. A. South west monsoon
Bihar gets more than 85% of its annual rainfall in 148. D. 285
the southwest monsoon season. The annual
rainfall has a significant decreasing trend in 149. C. 68%
Katihar, Purnia, Siwan, Gopalganj, Bhojpur and
Sitamarhi districts. A significant increasing trend 150. C. 8
for the number of rainy days in southwest
monsoon in East Champaran, Madhubani,
Muzaffarpur, Supaul, Arariya, Katihar and Gaya
districts are seen.
139. B. Ang
Manjusha, also known as scroll painting, basically
originated in the Ang Region (modern day
Bhagalpur) and is based on the story of Bihula-
Bishari. Some have also traced back its origin to
the Sindhu Ghati Civilization. Around Bhagalpur
and other parts of Bihar, this form of painting is
significant during Bishari Puja.
141. A. 40, 48
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Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha / ,mob-7250110904/05,7783879015
assistant was Khwaja Shah Mansoor. Under this system,
the average produce of different crops, as well as the 20. A. Vande Matram
average prices prevailing over the last ten years, was Lala Lajpat Rai launched an Urdu daily ‘Vande Matram’
calculated. One-third of the average produce was state and an English weekly ‘The People’ from Lahore. He
Share (Maal), rest two-third share was left to the earlier published ‘Young India’ in the United States of
cultivators (Kharaj). America
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
incident is known as Kakori Conspiracy. Twenty-nine the legislature of a state and parliament have the power
revolutionaries were arrested in which Ram Prasad to make laws.
Bismil, Asfaqullah, Roshan Singh and Rajendra Lahiri
were hanged while Azad escaped. Azad was the only 32. C. The Chapter on Directive Principles of State
member of HRA who was never arrested by the British Policy, Fundamental Rights, and Fundamental
Government. Duties
The main objective of the Constitution is to secure
25. A. Revolutionary association of Indians with justice, social, economic, political, liberty of thought,
headquarters at San Francisco expression, belief, faith, worship, equality of status and
Founded on 21 April 1913 ‘Ghadar Party’ was a opportunity, to all its citizens. The advancement of the
revolutionary association of Indians with headquarters at people should not be a barrier to the advancement of
San Francisco. It was started with the purpose to free the nation, so the promotion of fraternity is also aimed
India from British rule. This party was established by the in the Constitution. The ideals and objectives outlined by
Indians residing in Canada and America. the Preamble are included in the chapter related to
Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and
26. E. None Fundamental Duties
During the World War-I, Raja Mahendra Pratap
established the first provisional Government of India at 33. B. Habeas Corpus
Kabul in Afghanistan in 1915. In this Government Raja Writ of Habeas Corpus is regarded as the greatest
himself became President, and his associate Maulavi safeguard of liberty of a person. It calls upon the person
Barkatullah worked as Prime Minister. Germany and who has detained another to produce the latter before
Russia gave recognition to this Government. the court, to let the court know on what ground he has
been confined and to set him free if there is no legal
27. B. 1905 justification for the imprisonment.
Lord Curzon announced the partition of Bengal on July
20, 1905. As a result, Swadeshi Movement was 34. A. President
announced in Townhall, Kolkata on August 7, 1905, and The joint sitting of the House of the People and the
‘Boycott Proposal’ was passed. The boycott of British Council of States can be summoned by the President in
goods was adopted as a national policy in this meeting. certain cases prescribed in Article 108 of the
28. C. Mountbatten Plan
As per the Mountbatten Plan (June 3, 1947), British 35. C. One of the senior most members of the newly
Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act on July elected Lok Sabha.
18, 1947. In this Act, India and Pakistan were decided as As soon as the new Government is formed, the
two dominion States with effect from 15 August, 1947. legislative section of parliament prepares a list of the
senior most Lok Sabha members. This list is then
29. B. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan submitted to the Minister of Parliamentary affairs for the
In the Delhi Session of I.N.C. on June 14-15, 1947, Khan appointment of protem Speaker. Thereafter, the
Abdul Gaffar Khan (Seemant Gandhi) voted against the minister submits a note to the President seeking his
partition of India. approval to the appointment of the protem Speaker.
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
jurisdiction of Supreme Court as enumerated in Article
131 of the Indian Constitution
41. B. Manipur
The Tropic of Cancer passes through 8 Indian states
namely Mizoram, Tripura, West Bengal, Jharkhand,
Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Manipur lies north of the Tropic of Cancer.
45. A. Canaries
42. D. Jhansi
East-West Corridor connects Silchar to Porbandar and
the North-South Corridor links Srinagar to Kanyakumari.
They cross each other at Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh). That is
why Jhansi is considered as the junction of North-South
and East-West Corridors.
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
(USA) into British Columbia (Canada) in the north. In the year 1600 AD, British physician William Gilbert
Chinook is a hot wind that blows in winter and therefore invented the first electroscope with a pivoted needle
raises the temperature within a short time. The increase called versorium.
in temperature results in the melting of snow, making The electroscope detects the charge based on the
pasture land available for grazing of animals. Coulomb electrostatic force which causes the motion of
the test charge.
47. B. Cuba An electroscope can be regarded as a crude voltmeter as
Cuba is known as the sugar bowl of the world because the electric charge of an object is equal to its
sugarcane is the major produce of Cuba which is used in capacitance.
the processing of sugar.
52. B. Psychrometer
48. C. Copper A psychrometer measures the relative humidity by taking
Japan is almost self-reliant in terms of copper. Japan both a wet-bulb and a dry-bulb temperature reading.
produces more copper than it consumes whereas, it is A dry-bulb thermometer is used to measure the
not self-reliant in Bauxite, Iron ore and mineral oil. temperature by being exposed to the air while a wet-
bulb thermometer measures temperature by having the
49. D. Soyabean bulb dipped in a liquid.
On the basis of seasons, crops in India are mainly divided With those two values known, the other properties of
in 3 types. the air, including its moisture content, can be
(i) Kharif – Rice, Jowar, Maize, Cotton, Soyabean, determined by computation or by reading a
Groundnut, Millet, Ragi, Bajra, Jute etc. psychrometric chart.
(ii) Rabi - Wheat, Peas, Pulses, Mustard etc. The psychrometer was invented by Ernst Ferdinand
(iii) Zaid - Muskmelon, Watermellon, cucumber, August.
Bitter gourd, Sunflower etc.
53. D. Amount of Substance – Kilogram
50. B. Krishna River Electric Current is measured in Ampere.
Nagarjuna Sagar multi-purpose project is established at The pressure is measured in Bar, Pascal, Atm, etc.
Krishna River. It was completed in 1967. It is located at Temperature is measured in different units like Rankine,
the border of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit.
irrigation facility has been made available to Nalgonda, The amount of substance is measured in Mole.
Prakasham, Khammam and Guntur districts through this
project. The height of Nagarjuna Sagar dam is 124 metre. 54. E. All are correct.
Reservoirs of Nagarjuna Sagar dam have the capacity of Paramagnetism is a form of magnetism whereby some
water storage up to 11472 million cubic metre. As per materials are weakly attracted by an externally applied
the project, a 1550 m long masonry dam has been magnetic field, and form internal, induced magnetic
constructed. From this project irrigation facility is fields in the direction of the applied magnetic field.
available for 8.67 lakh Hectares area of land in Andhra Those materials that show such behaviour are
Pradesh and 210 Mega watt electricity is produced. The paramagnetic in nature.
project extends over Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Paramagnetic materials have a permanent dipole
moment or permanent magnetic moment.
However, if we remove the applied field the materials
tend to lose their magnetism. This is because thermal
motion randomizes the spin orientations of the
The attractive force of paramagnetic materials can only
be measured with sensitive instruments.
Examples of paramagnetic materials are Cesium,
Aluminum, Gold, Copper, Tungsten, Lithium,
Magnesium, Sodium, etc.
59. C. Gamma waves 66. E. B,C and D are not correctly matched.
Vinegar - Acetic Acid
60. A. Isobar Sour milk (Curd) - Lactic Acid
Atoms of different elements with different atomic Orange - Citric Acid
numbers, which have the same mass number, are known Lemon - Citric Acid
as isobars. Hence, option (A) is correct. Example: Tamarind - Tartaric Acid
Calcium, atomic number 20, and Argon, atomic number Ant Sting - Methanoic Acid
18, has the same mass number 40. Tomato - Oxalic Acid
Isotopes are members of a family of an element that all Nettle Sting - Methanoic Acid
have the same number of protons but different numbers
of neutrons. 67. C. Polyester – Electrical Insulation
Isotones are atoms that have the same neutron number Polymers - Uses
but different proton number. Teflon – Non-Stick Kitchenware
Isomers are compounds that contain exactly the same Bakelite – Electrical Insulation
number of atoms, i.e., they have exactly the same Polyester – Fibre Ropes
empirical formula, but differ from each other by the way Melamine – Crockery
in which the atoms are arranged.
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
68. C. Sodium Hypochlorite 4. Sucrose (disaccharide)
In several places migrant workers travelling to their 5. Lactose (disaccharide)
home states, or their belongings, were sprayed with 6. Cellulose (polysaccharide)
“Sodium Hypochlorite” solution, apparently to sanitize 7. Chitin (polysaccharide)
them. 8. Starch
9. Xylose
69. B. Iodine 10. Maltose
Iodine is essential for the formation of thyroid
hormones. 76. B. Phloem
Thyroid hormone synthesis requires oxidation of dietary Phloem is tissue in plants that conduct foods made in the
iodine, followed by the iodination of tyrosine to leaves to all other parts of the plant.
monoand di-iodotyrosine. Phloem is composed of various specialized cells called
sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibers, and phloem
70. D. Soap parenchyma cells.
Soaps are mixtures of sodium or potassium salts of fatty The primary phloem is formed by the apical meristems of
acids which can be derived from oils or fats by reacting root and shoot tips.
them with an alkali (such as sodium or potassium
hydroxide) at 80°–100 °C and this process is known as 77. E. All are plant hormones.
saponification. The plant hormones are generally classified into five
groups which are–
71. B. Herbarium Abscisic acid
The herbarium is a storehouse of collected plant Auxins
specimens that are dried, pressed, and preserved on Cytokinins
sheets. Ethylene
These sheets are arranged according to a universally Gibberellins
accepted system of classification. These specimens,
along with their descriptions on herbarium sheets, 78. B. Robert Hooke
become a storehouse or repository for future use. In 1665, Robert Hooke discovered cells. Hence, option
The herbarium sheets also carry a label providing (B) is correct.
information about date and place of collection, English, He remarked that it looked strangely similar to cellular or
local and botanical names, family, collector’s name, etc. small rooms which monks inhabited, thus deriving the
Herbaria also serves as quick referral systems in name cell.
taxonomical studies. However, what Hooke actually saw was the dead cell
walls of plant cells (cork) as it appeared under the
72. E. All are correctly matched. microscope.
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
Rickets is a skeletal disorder that’s caused by a lack of chairmanship to India and India will officially assume the
Vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. These nutrients are chairmanship from 1st January, 2023.
important for the development of strong, healthy bones. What is Wassenaar Arrangement?
People with rickets may have weak and soft bones, About:
stunted growth, and, in severe cases, skeletal o The Wassenaar Arrangement is a voluntary export
deformities. control regime. The Arrangement, formally
established in July 1996, has 42 members who
81. B. Anushka Sharma exchange information on transfers of conventional
The manufacturer and designer of causal and athletic weapons and dual-use goods and technologies.
footwear, Puma has roped in Bollywood actor and Dual-use refers to the ability of a good or
entrepreneur Anushka Sharma as its brand ambassador. technology to be used for multiple purposes -
The association is intended to “accelerate Puma's strong usually peaceful and military.
commitment towards women consumer segment”. o Wassenaar Arrangement’s Secretariat is in Vienna,
82. B. Government Employees Members:
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the o It has 42 member states comprising mostly NATO
Karmayogi Prarambh Module, an online orientation (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and EU states.
course prepared for government employees. He also Participating States are required to report their
launched the programme of providing appointment arms transfers and transfers/denials of certain
letters to more than 71,000 youth, under the Pradhan dual-use goods and technologies to destinations
Mantri Rozgar Mela. outside the Arrangement on a six-monthly basis.
o India became a member of the Arrangement in
83. A. IIT Kanpur 2017.
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur. Objectives:
Kanpur, IIT Kanpur is ready with an artificial heart that o The group works by regularly exchanging
would be of great help to people with acute cardiac information in respect of technology, both
problems. IIT Kanpur Director, Abhay Karandikar, said conventional and nuclear-capable, that is sold to,
that the trial on animals would begin next year. He said, or denied to countries outside the grouping.
"Now heart transplant will be easy. o This is done through maintenance and updating of
detailed lists of chemicals, technologies, processes
84. C. Kannada and products that are considered militarily
85. A. Hyderabad o It aims at controlling the movement of technology,
Goldsikka with technology support from Hyderabad- material or components to countries or entities
based startup, Opencube Technologies has launched its which undermine international security and
first Gold ATM at Begumpet and described it India’s first stability.
Gold ATM and world’s first Real Time Gold ATM. This
ATM can dispense gold coins in different denominations 88. B. Rajendra Pawar
ranging from 0.5 gm to 100 grams. The company plans to The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce &
launch three machines in the Hyderabad at the airport, Industry (FICCI), felicitated Rajendra Singh Pawar,
old city and propose to launch them in Karimnagar and Chairman & Founder, NIIT with ‘Lifetime Achievement
Warangal also. Taruj said plans were being drawn to Award 2022’ at the 8th FICCI Higher Education
launch 3,000 machines all over India in coming two Excellence Awards ceremony. The award recognises
years. Pawar for his immense contribution and exemplary work
in the field of education as well as creating the IT
86. B. Assam Training industry.
As the growth in the tourism sector is vital for socio- The selection of Award was done by a high-level jury
economic development in a state, the Assam State panel, Chaired by Dr R. A. Mashelkar, Indian National
Cabinet led by CM Himanta Biswa Sarma approved the Research Professor and Chancellor, Institute of Chemical
proposal for grant of industrial status to the tourism Technology, Mumbai and former Director General of
sector in the state. CSIR.
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
IPEF has four pillars in all namely trade, supply chain, tax Indonesia CORPAT
and anti-corruption and clean energy. Thailand Indo-Thai CORPAT
90. C. Badminton
Indian shuttler Anish Thoppani clinched a silver medal in France Varuna
the under-15 category at the Badminton Asia Junior Oman Nassem-al-Bahr
Championships in Nonthaburi, Thailand. Singapore SIMBEX
91. A. Judo
Bilateral Exercise Conducted By Indian Air Force:
Shushila Devi Likmabam got a silver in the women’s judo
Partner Exercise Name
48kg final, giving India its seventh medal of the
Commonwealth Games 2022. Shushila had defeated Nation
Harriet Bonface in the quarterfinal, and notched up a France GARUDA
second win by beating Priscilla Morand of Mauritius in Oman Eastern Bridge
the semis to assure herself a medal. Sushila was in for a Russia AVIANDRA
gold finish but came up short against South Africa’s Singapore Joint Training Exercise
Michaela Whitebooi in the final.
92. B. Indonesia UAE DESERT EAGLE
Bilateral Exercise Conducted By Indian Army: UK INDRADHANUSH
Partner Nation Exercise Name USA RED FLAG
China Hand in Hand
Nepal Surya Kiran 93. B. Gujarat
Bangladesh Sampriti Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) is
organising a three-day event namely “Indian Urban
Sri Lanka Mitra Shakti
Housing Conclave-2022” (IUHC2022) from 19-21 October
Myanmar IMBAX 2022 at Shastri Maidan, Rajkot, Gujarat.
Maldives Ekuverian
USA Yudh Abhyas 94. C. Saturn
USA Vajra Prahar NASA’s Dragonfly rotorcraft is scheduled to reach the
Selk Crater region on Saturn’s moon Titan in the year
Indonesia Garuda Shakti
Thailand Maitree
Malaysia Harimau Shakti 95. D. Unmukt Chand
Vietnam VINBAX
Russia Indra 96. A. Hindi
Lazare Eloundou Assomo, the Director of the World
Mongolia Nomadic Elephant, Khan
Heritage Center has informed the Permanent Delegation
Quest of India to UNESCO (Paris), that UNESCO will publish the
Singapore Bold Kurukshetra Hindi description of the World Heritage Sites of India on
Singapore Agni Warrior the WHC website. The Permanent Delegation of India to
Seychelles LAMITIYE UNESCO (Paris) organized a virtual festival on World
Hindi Day on January 10, 2022.
Oman AL NAGAH 97. C. Third
UK AJEYA WARRIOR In this state, which produced 166.3 lakh tonnes of
France Shakti vegetables three years ago, the production reached
Australia Austra Hind 179.5 lakh tonnes in the last financial year. The area
under cultivation also increased from 8.57 lakh hectare
Kyrgyzstan Khanjar
to 9.15 lakh hectare. But still the condition of Bihar in the
Japan Dharma Guardian country remains the same. Bihar has been at number
three in the country in vegetable production since years.
Bilateral Exercise Conducted By Indian Navy: UP and West Bengal, which contribute up to 15% of the
Partner Nation Exercise Name entire production, are at number one and second place.
Australia Ausindex Potato is the largest produced vegetables in Bihar. Onion
Sri Lanka SLINEX production has also increased rapidly due to higher
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
rates. Patna, Nalanda and Samastipur districts have the Jan Suraj and its thinking. This padyatra will last from 8
highest contribution in terms of potato cultivation. These months to a year. PK said that before the padyatra, his
three districts account for 29% of the total potato goal would be to meet people who are socially and
production in the state. politically connected in Bihar, to understand them and
make them stand on a single platform. About 17,500
98. B. Amit Shah people have been identified.
The 165th victory anniversary of Veer Kunwar Singh, the
frontline warrior of the 1857 freedom struggle in the 103. D. Dutch (Netherlands)
country, was celebrated on 23rd April 2022. Brahmanand The Supreme Court, while rejecting the petition filed by
Singh, the descendant of Veer Kunwar Singh, was Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage
honored on the platform from which Union Home (INTACH) regarding the non-demolition of the building,
Minister Amit Shah set a world record for hoisting the said that this building cannot be called historical. It was a
tricolor flag at Dulour, Jagdishpur. warehouse, which has no legacy. INTACH, in its petition,
had said that the building was built by Dutch traders in
99. C. Police Action 1824, which was used to store opium and gunpowder.
According to the data released by the Police After independence, the Bihar government was using it
Headquarters, a special drive is on to arrest the accused as a collectorate. But due to the dilapidated building, in
in serious criminal cases. 5769 accused were arrested by 2019 it was decided to demolish it and build a new
Vajra in March 2022 under the special campaign 'Prahar' building for the collectorate.
being run against such criminals. The maximum number
of 1786 criminals have been arrested in Patna district. 104. B. AtmaNirbhar Bharat
While Muzaffarpur and Saran are in second and third The fourth one is - ‘Productivity Enhancement &
place respectively. 1072 criminals were arrested in Investment, Sunrise Opportunities, Energy Transition,
attempt to murder case, 511 in murder case, 332 in and Climate Action’. It lays a parallel track of (1) a
cases registered under SCST Act and 227 in cases related blueprint for the Amrit Kaal, which is futuristic and
to assault on police. Apart from this, 3627 criminals have inclusive. This will directly benefit our youth, women,
been arrested in other criminal cases. farmers, the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes.
And (2) big public investment for modern infrastructure,
100. D. Bihar State Bridge Construction Corporation readying for India at 100.
Pankaj Kumar Pal, Chairman, Bridge Construction 105. B. March 2023
Corporation, received this award from Union Minister ECLGS has provided much-needed additional credit to
Hardeep Singh Puri in Delhi. Pankaj Pal said that Bihar more than 130 lakh MSMEs. This has helped them
has received this award on the occasion of the 52nd mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic. The
foundation day of Housing and Urban Development hospitality and related services, especially those by
Corporation Ltd (HUDCO). The corporation has so far micro and small enterprises, are yet to regain their pre-
constructed more than 1300 bridges. In collaboration pandemic level of business. Considering these aspects,
with HUDCO, a double-decker elevated corridor is being the ECLGS will be extended up to March 2023 and its
constructed at Ashok Rajpath (Patna). Rs 422 crore is guarantee cover will be expanded by ₹ 50,000 crore to
being spent on this 2.2 km long corridor. Out of this, loan total cover of ₹ 5 lakh crore, with the additional amount
of Rs 370 crores is coming from HUDCO. A proposal has being earmarked exclusively for the hospitality and
been made to connect Rajgir with a four-lane road. Loan related enterprises.
will be taken from HUDCO in this project of Rs 180
crores. 106. A. Bharati Das
Bharati Das, a 1988 batch Indian Civil Accounts Service
101. B. Mauritius officer, is the 27th Controller General of Accounts (CGA)
This has been done to express gratitude for India's in the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, who is
support for the Metro Express project. the principal advisor to the Government of India on
accounting matters. In February 2022, the Center had
102. C. Prashant Kishor given the charge to Sonali Singh, Additional Controller
Election strategist Prashant Kishor (PK) undertook a General of Accounts, after the retirement of Deepak Das,
3,000 KM padyatra. It started from Gandhi Ashram in Controller General of Accounts, Department of
West Champaran. He announced this in a press Expenditure, Ministry of Finance.
conference held in a hall of Gyan Bhawan in Patna on 5th
May 2022. During the padyatra, he reached village-city 107. C. Conservative Party
and street of Bihar. He told people about the concept of
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
He was sworn in by British King Charles III on 25 October 113. C. It is a persistent fall in the general price level of
2022. Former PM Boris Johnson announced his goods and services
resignation in July, after which Liz Truss became the Inflation denotes rise in general price level in an
country's PM, but she also resigned in view of the economy. Deflation is just opposite of inflation which
country's economic condition. Rishi Sunak is the denotes fall in general price level of goods and services
Conservative Party MP for Richmond (York) since 2015. in an economy
He was born in Southampton to parents of Punjabi
Indian origin. His family moved to Britain from East Africa 114. D. fish production
in the 1960s. He was sworn in as an MP in the House of Blue revolution is related to the fish production
Commons on the Bhagavad Gita. (Pisciculture). National Fisheries Development Board
(NFDB) was established with the aim of promoting this
108. B. Qatar revolution by the Government of India as an
India has qualified. India and Saudi Arabia have sought to autonomous organization on September 9, 2006. Its
host the 2027 edition of the Asia Cup to be held under headquarter is in Hyderabad.
the auspices of the Asian Football Federation (AFC).
Defending champion Qatar was keen to host the 2027 115. D. Narasimham Committee
AFC Asian Cup, but has been declared as the host for the Two expert Committees were set up in 1990s under the
2023 edition. AFC was established on May 8, 1954. Its Chairmanship of M. Narasimham (an ex-RBI Governor)
headquarter is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. which are widely credited for spearheading the financial
sector reform in India. The first Narasimham Committee
109. A. China (Committee on the Financial System - CFS) was
Connected to Wentian as the 2nd laboratory module for constituted in 1991 and the second one (Committee on
the Mengtian or Celestial Dream Station collectively Banking Sector Reforms) was appointed in 1997. These
known as the 'Tiangong' or 'Celestial Palace'. Mengtian two committees submitted their reports in 1991 and
will help with science experiments with zero gravity. It 1998 respectively. The Narasimham Committee I for
has airlocks for exposure to the vacuum of space, and Financial Sector Reforms had suggested reduction in
small robotic arms for additional payloads. Statutory Liquidity Ratio and Cash Reserve Ratio. The
Committee was of the view that the reduction of the
110. B. 8 US dollars prompted portion of banks’ resources through the SLR
Twitter's new boss Elon Musk has made a new and CRR would, in any case, enlarge the abilities of banks
announcement for the Blue Badge (Blue Tick) Twitter to dispense credit to priority sectors
account, which states that the Blue Badge Twitter
account will now have to be charged $8 per month. He 116. B. Liberalization of economy
said that he wanted to make the social media network Liberalization of the economy is a method adopted for
less dependent on advertisements, which is why this economic reform. It has no social concerns, while the
decision has been taken. Billionaire Musk bought Twitter remaining three options are considered as measures of
for $44 billion. Since this acquisition, he has started reducing inequality.
taking new and wonderful decisions. Earlier, he had
ousted some of Twitter's top executives from Twitter. 117. A. 1 only
Devaluation of currency means reduction in the value of
111. C. 35.8% currency vis-a-vis major internationally traded
In 2020-21, the Per Capita NSDP in the state was ₹ currencies. A key effect of devaluation is that it makes
31,017 after increasing marginally (1.3%) from ₹ 30,621 the domestic currency cheaper relative to other
in 2019-20. In 2020-21, Bihar and Tamil Nadu were the currencies. There are two implications of a devaluation.
only states to record an increase in Per Capita NSDP in First, devaluation makes the country's exports relatively
India. less expensive and improves the competitiveness of
domestic exports in foreign markets. Second,
112. D. 115 Lakh tonnes devaluation makes foreign products relatively more
Bihar’s total milk output stood at 115.01 lakh tonnes in expensive for domestic consumers, thus discouraging
2020-21. The performance of Poultry Sector in the state imports. This may help to increase the country's exports
has been commendable. The total egg production and decrease imports, and may therefore help to
increased from 111.17 crores in 2016-17 to 301.32 improve the trade balance. However, it will not
crores in 2020-21, registering an annual growth rate of necessarily improve trade balance as essential imports
32.4%. (e.g. crude oil) can be expensive. Hence, only statement
1 is correct.
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
matter and neutral reaction. This type of soil is found in
North-Western Chamaparan district.
2. Terai Soil: It is grey to yellow in colour and neutral to
moderately acidic in reaction. The soil of Terai is more
fertile than upland terai. This is types of soil is found in
the northern part of Bihar near by the border of Nepal
and foothill of Himalaya.
3. Gangetic Alluvium Soil: This soil is generally fertile in
Bihar plain but to regular tillage without application of
manure have costs low organic content. It is mostly
loamy with varying thickness. It is thinner towards south
and thicker towards north.
Soils of Southern Plain
This type of soil is found between North Ganga plain and
Southern plateau and it formed due to the alluvium
deposited by Sone, Punpun, and Falgu Rivers. 134. B. Nagi Nakti
1. Karail-Kewal Soil: It is heavy clay soil (alkaline feature) Nagi Bird Sanctuary is located in Jhajha Jamui district of
which is characterised by wet paddy lands or dhandhar. south Bihar, near the Jharkhand border. It was declared
It is found in Rohtas to Gaya, Aurangabad, Jahanabad, a bird sanctuary on 25 February 1984 as per Section 18
Munger and Bhagalpur. It is best suited for rice and rabi of the Wildlife Act, 1972. The final notification under
crops like wheat, linseed, pulses and gram. Section 26A of the act was issued on 4 September 2009.
2. Tal Soil: It is found in backwater belt of Ganga which is major birds: Indian Courser, Indian Sandgrouse, Yellow-
spread from Buxar to Banka district. The colour of the wattled Lapwing and Indian Robin.
soil varies from light grey to dark grey and in texture
from medium to heavy soil. Rabi or spring crops like 135. A. Kaimur Wildlife Sanctuary
wheat, khesari, gram, peas, masoor, and lentsil are
National Park/ Wildlife District
harvested after water dries up and their yield is quite
Valmiki National Park West Champaran
3. Balthar Soil: It is less fertile and has less water
Valmiki Vanya Prani
absorption capacity. Maize, jowar, bajra, and gram are West Champaran
chief crops. It is found in Kaimur plateau to Rajmahal
Bhimbandh Sanctuary Munger
hills in narrow belt.
Soils of Southern Plateau Pant Vanya Prani
There are two types of soil found in southern plateau of
Bihar. Kaimur Sanctuary Kaimur
1. Red and Yellow Soil: These soils are formed from the Udaypur Vanya Prani
West Champaran
disintegration of igneous and metamorphosed rocks. Sanctuary
They are less fertile and thus suitable for coarse crops Nagi Dam Bird
and pulses. It is found in Banka, Gaya, Aurangabad, Sanctuary
Jamui and Munger. Vikramshila Gangetic
2. Red Sandy Soil: This soil has higher percentage of sand Dolphin Sanctuary
that makes it less fertile and suitable for bajra and jowar Kanwar Jheel Bird
crops. Sanctuary
Baralia Jheel Salim Ali
131. E. Nalanda University & Maha bodhi Temple Jubba Sahni Bird Vaishali
132. E. All are folk dances of Bihar. Kusheshwar Asthan
Bird Sanctuary
133. B. Sikkim
Bihar is bordered by Nepal in north, and the Indian states 136. A. Rohtas
of Uttar Pradesh in west, Jharkhand in south, and West
Bengal in east.
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
Water Temple is situated in Pawapuri (also known as
Apapapuri which means a town without sins), in the
Indian state of Bihar.
141. D. 90
143. D. 4 days
144. C. 5600
137. E. All are found in the extent of Archean rocks
145. C. 3,00,000
138. E.
Palaeolithic sites have been discovered in Munger and 146. B. Rs. 8000
Mesolithic sites have been discovered from Hazaribagh, 147. B. 1100
Ranchi, Singhbhum and Santhal Pargana (all in
Jharkhand). 148. B. Rs. 18432
Pram IAS ,3RD Floor, cheap and Best super mart,near V mart, boring road chauraha /
Test-9 (Full length test-3) Solution English
1. A. Part XI and Chapter I 6. B. Its chairman and members are appointed by
Part XI of the Indian Constitution deals with the the President.
relation between Union and states. Chapter 1 of Part The Constitution makes a provision for the
XI is about distribution of legislative power between establishment of a Joint State Public Service
Union and states whereas chapter 2 deals with Commission(JSPSC) for two or more states. While
administrative relations between them. Part XII deals the UPSC and the SPSC are created directly by the
with Finance, Property, Contract and Suit. Constitution, a JSPSC can be created by an act of
Parliament on the request of the state
2. C. Article 312 legislatures concerned. Thus, a JSPSC is a
Article 312 of the Indian Constitution provides for “All statutory and not a constitutional body. The two
India Services.” If the Council of States had declared states of Punjab and Haryana had a JSPSC for a
by resolution supported by not less than two-third of short period, after the creation of Haryana out of
the members present and voting that it is necessary Punjab in 1966.
or expedient in the National interest for the creation The chairman and members of a JSPSC are
of one or more “All India services,” Parliament may appointed by the President.
by law provide for one or more All India Services. o They hold office for a term of six years or until
they attain the age of 62 years, whichever is
3. B. A Sovereign Democratic Republic earlier.
Constitution of India came into force on 26th January o They can be suspended or removed by the
1950. The exact Constitutional status on 26-1-1950 president.
was ‘A SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.’ The o They can also resign from their offices at any
word Socialist, secular and integrity were added by time by submitting their resignation letters to
the 42nd Amendment act, 1976. the president.
o The number of members of a JSPSC and their
4. E. 1, 2, 3 and 4 conditions of service are determined by the
Eighth Schedule: Originally, it had 14 languages but President.
presently there are 22 languages. A JSPSC presents its annual performance report
They are: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri (Dongri), to each of the concerned state governors. Each
Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Mathili governor places the report before the state
(Maithili), Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, legislature.
Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi,Tamil, Telugu
and Urdu. 7. C. 3 only
Sindhi was added by the 21st Amendment Act of The Constitution does not specify the official
1967; language of different states. In this regard, it makes
Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali were added by the the following provisions:
71st Amendment Act of 1992; and The legislature of a state may adopt any one or more
Bodo, Dongri, Maithili and Santhali were added of the languages in use in the state or Hindi as the
by the 92nd Amendment Act of 2003. Oriya was official language of that state. Until that is done,
renamed as ‘Odia’ by the 96th Amendment Act of English is to continue as official language of that
2011. state. Hence statements 1 and 2 are not correct.
Hence option (E) is the correct answer.
8. C. 2 only
5. A. Lokpal can suo-moto proceed against any The Table of Precedence is related to the rank and
public servant. order of the officials of the Union and State
Lokpal cannot suo-moto proceed against any public Governments.
servant. Attorney General of India along with Cabinet
Secretary and Lieutenant Governors within their
respective Union Territories are ranked at 11th Hence option (b) is the correct answer.
position, whereas, Cabinet Ministers of the Union
along with the Chief Ministers of States within their 11. D. Railway Sleepers
respective States, Vice Chairperson NITI Aayog, The wood of the sal tree is very hard, heavy, strong
Former Prime Ministers and Leaders of Opposition in and brown coloured. The wood is resinous and
Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha are ranked at 7th. Hence durable, that is why it is used in making of railway
statement 2 is not correct. sleepers. In Malaya, ships are made up of sal wood.
19. D. Onion
21. B. Svamitva scheme
Pink Revolution is associated with Onion. Other
SVAMITVA (Survey of Villages and Mapping with
important Revolutions are as follows –
Improvised Technology in Village Areas)
Black Revolution - Petroleum.
scheme is a Central Sector Scheme of MoPR.
Red Revolution - Tomato and Meat
It aims to provide a ‘Record of Rights (RoR)’ to
Blue Revolution - Fisheries
household owners in rural areas and issue Property
Yellow Revolution – Oilseed Cards.
RoR is a legal document that gives details about the
land and who owns it.
The Scheme has been approved for five years- 2020-
Objectives of SVAMITVA scheme
Create accurate land records for rural planning
and reduce property-related disputes.
Bring financial stability in rural India by enabling
use of property as a financial asset for taking
loans etc.
Support preparation of Gram Panchayat
Development Plan using GIS maps.
20. D. Wheat
In the above options, wheat is Rabi crop and rest all 22. C. 2 and 3 only
are Kharif crops. The Code on Social Security 2020 recognizes gig
workers as a new occupational category. It defines
gig workers as those who perform or participate in
work arrangements and earn from such activities
outside the traditional employer-employee
relationship. Therefore, India's labour laws have not
defined gig
workers. So, Statement 1 is not correct.
29. D. Nashik
A rubber-tyred metro is a form of rapid transit system
that uses a mix of road and rail technology. In this,
the vehicles have wheels with rubber tyres like a bus,
but using a set of two parallel concrete or corrugated
steel rollways, each with the width of a tyre. Nashik's
districts. Chauth and sardeshmukhi were
collected not on his swarajya but on an undefined
belt of land which was legally part of the Mughal
empire or the Deccan states. Chauth was one-
fourth of the land revenue paid to the Marathas
so as not be subjected to Maratha raids.
Sardeshmukhi was an additional levy of 10 per
cent on those lands of Maharashtra over which
the Marathas claimed hereditary rights, but
which formed part of the Mughal empire.
Military Administration: Ordinary soldiers were
paid in cash, but the big chiefs and military
commanders were paid through the grant of
35. B. Challenger
revenues of saranjam or mokasa (jagirs/land
The Mariana trench or Challenger trench is located in
grants). All ministers, except the nyayadhish and
the Pacific Ocean, east of the Mariana Islands in the
the Pandit Rao had to participate in war.
shape of an crescent. It has the deepest part of the
Earth's Oceans known as Challenger-Deep, named
39. C. Pandurang Sadashiv Khankhoje
after the British exploration vessel HMS challenger-II.
40. B. British Indian Association of Calcutta
The Madras Native Association was established
in 1852 as a platform for educated Indians to
protest against any injustice on the part of the
British. It was the first Indian political
organization in the Madras Presidency.
It was set up as a branch of the British Indian
Association of Calcutta. The Madras Association
also sent a petition to the Parliament on the eve
of the passing of the Charter Act of 1853
making demands similar to that of the British
36. B. Jivatram Bhagwandas Kripalani
Indian Association and the Bombay Association
right from its inception was worked by some
37. C. Ulgulan Revolt
officials, possessed very little vitality, had hardly
Birsa Munda's (Bhagwan Birsa Munda or Dharti
any hold upon the public mind and languished
Aaba) birth anniversary(15 Nov) is observed as into obscurity after 1857.
Janjatiya Gaurav Divas. He was born in Munda
The British Indian Association of Calcutta was
tribe of Chotanagpur Plateau (Jharkhand).
formed in 1851 through the merger of the
Contributions: Landholders’ Society and the Bengal British
o He fought against exploitation of local tribes by India Society.
British and Zamindars, called as Dikus.
Other important political association in Madras
o He started Birsait sect to end religious
was the Madras Mahajan Sabha founded in
conversions and mobilised tribal community
1884 by M.Viraraghavachari, B. Subramaniya
against British, called 'Munda Rebellion’.
Aiyer and P. Anandacharlu.
o He started a movement called 'Ulgulan', or 'The
Great Tumult' against exploitation of tribals by
41. A. 1 and 2 only
local authorities.
The treaty of Amritsar did not have any provision
o The movement resulted in Chhotanagpur
regarding the British resident at the royal court of
Tenancy Act of 1908, recognising tribal
Punjab. The treaty of Lahore (1846) signed after the
Khuntkatti rights and banned beth begari.
first Anglo- Sikh War (1845-46), provided for the
stationing of a British resident at Lahore. The state of
38. B. land grants
Punjab was annexed by Lord Dalhousie in 1849 after
Shivaji’s Administration:
the Second Anglo- Sikh War (1848-49) and the
Revenue Administration: Assessment of land eleven-year-old Maharaja, Daleep Singh was
revenue was based on measurement. The kathi pensioned off to England. Hence statement 3 is not
of Ambar was adopted as the measuring rod. The correct.
Swarajya was divided into a number of revenue
divisions, called prants consisting of two or more
42. B. 2 only territories it had taken from the other. Hence
According to Dr. R.C Mazumdar, it was never an all- statement 1 is not correct.
India character but was localized, restricted, and Third Anglo Mysore War (1790-92)
poorly organised. The area affected was Punjab, the With the support of the Marathas and the Nizam,
United Provinces, Rohilkhand, Oudh, the territory the English attacked Seringapatam. Tipu offered
between the Narmada and the Chambal, and the serious opposition, but the odds were against
Western parts of Bengal and Bihar on the North-East. him. Consequently, he had to pay heavily under
Sindh was quite, and Rajputana was loyal. Under Dost the Treaty of Seringapatam.
Mohammad, Afghanistan was friendly to the British. The war ended after the 1792 Siege of
He refrained from assisting rebels. Hence statement 3 Seringapatam and the signing of the Treaty of
is not correct. Seringapatam, under this treaty, nearly half of
At Bareilly, Khan Bahadur, a descendant of the the Mysorean territory was taken over by the
former ruler of Rohilkhand, was placed in victors. Baramahal, Dindigul and Malabar went to
command. Not enthusiastic about the pension being the English, while the Marathas got the regions
granted by the British, he organized an army of surrounding the Tungabhadra and its tributaries
40,000 soldiers and offered stiff resistance to the and the Nizam acquired the areas from the
British. Hence statement 1 is not correct. Krishna to beyond the Pennar. Hence statement
3 is not correct.
43. C. It proposed to give Indian session judges the
power to try European offenders in small towns. 46. B. 2 and 4 only
The Ilbert Bill was proposed in 1883 by the British It asked the government of India to assume
Government headed by Lord Ripon. C.P Ilbert, the responsibility for the education of the masses, thus
law member in his council, introduced in February repudiating the ‘downward filtration theory’, at least
1883 what is known as the infamous Ilbert Bill. The on paper. Hence statement 1 is not correct.
bill sought to abolish “judicial disqualification based The Wood's Despatch emphasized the importance of
on race distinctions”. It proposed to give Indian teaching English while also emphasizing the
district magistrates and session judges the power to importance of teaching Indian languages. It
try European offenders in the mofussil (small towns), recommended that school education should be
as they already did in the presidency towns. imparted in vernacular language. Hence statement 3
However, the bill was met with opposition from the is not correct.
European community. In January 1884 Ripon
ultimately succumbed to the pressure and withdrew 47. C. 2 only
the bill, substituting it with a milder compromise Raja Rammohun Roy started India’s first Persian
formula, which somehow sought to preserve the newspaper the Mirat-ul-Akhbar. An erudite
principle by adding a provision of trial by a mixed jury Persian scholar and a tenacious social reformer,
in such cases involving European offenders. It he believed in ‘searching for the truth through
became clear to the nationalists that justice and fair the light of the discussion. The newspaper was
play could not be expected where the interests of the first published on 12 April 1822. It was published
European community were involved. The Ilbert Bill every week on Fridays. Hence pair 1 is not
controversy proved an eye-opener to the Indian correctly matched.
intelligentsia. It became clear to them that justice Qaumi Awaz is an Urdu-language newspaper and
and fair play could not be expected where the is the sister publication of National Herald, both
interests of the European community were involved. of which were started by Jawahar Lal Nehru.
Hence pair 3 is not correctly matched.
44. B. An arrangement between the village artisans
and the village community for services under 48. A. 1 only
Maratha rule. George Yule was the first non-Indian President of the
Indian National Congress. He presided over the
45. B. 2 only Allahabad session of 1888. Alfred Webb presided
Haider Ali died of cancer on December 7, 1782. His over the Madras session of 1894. Hence statement 2
son, Tipu Sultan, carried on the war for one year is not correct.
without any positive outcome. Fed up with an
inconclusive war, both English and Tipu Sultan opted 49. A. 3 only
for peace, negotiating the Treaty of Mangalore The Calcutta session of 1886 was presided over by
(March, 1784) under which each party gave back the Dadabhai Naoroji. In this session, the Indian
Association merged with the Indian National
Congress. ( The Indian National Association was 58. D. Kalidasa
founded by Surendranath Banerjee and Anand
Mohan Bose in 1876.). Hence pair 1 is not correctly 59. C. Alauddin Khalji
matched. Mohammad-Bin Tughluq (1325-51 C.E.) is considered
The Calcutta session, 1896 of INC was held under the an illfated idealist was owing to his ambitious
presidentship of Rahimtullah Sayani. In this session, schemes and novel experiments which ended in
Vande Mataram was sung for the first time by miserable failures because they were all far ahead of
Rabindranath Tagore. Hence pair 2 is not correctly their time. In order to overcome financial difficulties,
matched. Muhammad-Bin Tughluq increased the land revenue
to half the produce on the farmers of Doab (land
50. E. All are correct. between Ganges and Yamuna rivers) but Demand
was based on expected production while Alauddin
51. A. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Khalji had fixed the land revenue on the half of the
produce of the land-based on measurement.
52. C. Jamnalal Bajaj
60. D. Sher Shah
53. C. Kushinagar Sadak-e-Azam also known as the Grand Trunk Road,
Mahatma Buddha delivered his first sermon at the is one of Asia's oldest and longest major roads. The
site of Deer Park at Sarnath. Later he moved towards road was built by Shershah Suri from Sonargaon
Kosala, Kapilavastu, Vaishali and Rajgriha to (Bengal) to Lahore (Pakistan).
propagate the teachings of Buddhism. The king of
Kosala Prasenjit with his entire family adopted 61. B. Jai Singh
discipleship of Buddha. During his campaign, he Aurangazeb sent Raja Jai Singh of Amber to fight
reached ‘Pava’, the capital of Mallas. At Pava, Buddha against Shivaji. He made elaborated preparations and
stayed in the mango grove of Chund, the blacksmith. succeeded in besieging the Purandar Fort where
There Chund provided him a large amount of Shivaji lodged his family and treasure. Shivaji opened
Sukaramaddava, which resulted in sickness with the negotiations with Jai Singh and the Treaty of
flow of blood and violent deadly pains, but Buddha Purandar was signed in 1665.
reached Kushinara (Capital of Republic of Malla).
Here he abandoned his body in 483 BC at the age of 62. C. Jahangir
80 years. It is also known as Mahaparinirvan. In 1605, Portuguese introduced tobacco in India.
Soon it became popular among the common man.
54. D. Ardh-Magadhi The Mughal emperor Jahangir noticed the harmful
All the initial religious Jain literature has been written effect of tobacco and issued an order to ban it in
in the specific branch of Prakrit language. Its twelve 1617 AD.
Angas are in ‘Ardha-Magadhi.’ These holy books were
finally compiled in the sixth century A.D. at Vallabhi 63. B. Vidyadhar
near Gujarat. Today the Jain literature has been The Chandela dynasty is famous in Indian history for
translated into almost every language. the King Vidyadhar, who repulsed the attacks of
Mahmud Ghaznavi during 1019-20 A.D. From the
55. A. Ramanujacharya ninth century to the 13th century, the Chandelas
Visistadvaita is one of the main branches of Vedanta. ruled over Central India. Their first capital city was
It is a Sanskrit term which means "non-dualism with Khajuraho, which was later shifted to Mahoba.
differentiation". Vaishnavite Saint Ramanujacharya
(C.1017- 1137) is widely credited with spreading the 64. B. Firuz Shah Tughluq
philosophy of Vishishtadvaitavad. Firuz Shah Tughluq built 300 new cities. Fatehabad,
Hisar, Firozpur, Hisar and Jaunpur was established by
56. D. Surasena the sultan of Delhi Firuz Shah Tughluq in 1359 and
named in the memory of his cousin Muhammad-Bin-
57. D. Pulakeshin II Tughluq whose name was Jauna Khan. Firuz Shah
Emperor Harsha’s southward march was stopped on Tughluq appointed Malik Sarwar, a eunuch who was
the Narmada river by Pulakeshin II, a Chalukyan ruler notorious for having been the lover of Firuz Shah
who defeated Harsha. This incident is mentioned in Tughluq’s daughter, as the governor of the region.
Aihole inscription of Pulakeshin II and description of The Sultanate was in disarray because of factional
Hiuen Tsang. fighting for power and Malik Sarwar declared
independence. He and his adopted son Mubarak
Shah founded the Sharqi dynasty (dynasty of the becomes zero at very low temperatures. These are
East). Jaunpur was independent for 85 years. But in called superconductors and this property is called
1479 A.D., Bahlul Lodi defeated its last emperor superconductivity.
Hussain Shah and was able to reconquer Jaunpur in
1479. 72. D. Mass
The product of the mass of an object and its velocity
65. B. Gulbarga is called the momentum of that object. Momentum =
Bahmani empire was founded by Alauddin Hasan Mass × Velocity
Bahman Shah (Zafar Khan) who was also known as This is a vector quantity. Its SI unit is Kgm/s .
Hasan Gangu in 1347. He declared Gulbarga as the
capital of his empire and named as Ahsanabad. He 73. E. A, B and C
divided his empire into four regions Gulbarga, Sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate and silica are
Daulatabad, Berar and Bidar. Gulbarga was the most used to make soda lime glass. This glass is used in
significant district of the state. He annexed southern tube lights, bottles, laboratory equipment and
Hindu rulers and started a new system of providing utensils of daily use. Flint glasses are used in cameras,
powers and Jagirs to his followers. He abolished Jizya telescope lenses and electric bulbs.
on the Hindus.
74. D. Sodium carbonate - Leblanc Process
66. C. Walther Flemming Earlier Sodium carbonate was obtained by Le-Blanc
Mitosis in animal cells was discovered by Walther process method. Ammonia is produced by the Haber
Flemming. method. Steel is manufactured by Bessemer method
and sulfuric acid is manufactured by contact method.
67. C. Diopter
The unit of power of a lens is diopter. The power of a 75. C. Copper
lens is equal to the inverse of the focal length of that Dieback disease in lemon is caused by deficiency of
lens. The ability of the lens to bend the incident light copper. Little leaf disease in lemon is also caused by
is called the power of the lens. The greater the deficiency of copper. Little leaf disease in mango and
divergence of light by a lens, the greater the power of brinjal is caused by deficiency of zinc. In gooseberry
that lens. and mango, internal necrosis disease occurs due to
deficiency of boron.
68. B. 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2 /Kg2
If two bodies whose masses are m1 and m2 76. B. Agrostology
respectively, are situated at a distance of r meters, The study and rearing of grass is called agrostology.
then the gravitational force between them is F = The study of flowers is called anthology. The study of
Gm1m2 /r2 Here G is a constant. Its value is 6.67 × 10- bryophyta is called bryology.
Nm2 /Kg2 .
77. A. Lamarck
69. C. Pascal’s law Lamarck presented his theory in a book called
According to Pascal’s law (a) If the gravitational effect Philosophic Zoologique Lamarck presented his theory
is considered to be negligible, then at equilibrium the regarding organic evolution.
pressure is the same at every point in the fluid. (b)
The force acting on a part of a liquid enclosed in a 78. C. Calcium carbonate
vessel is transmitted by the fluid in equal magnitude CaCo3 is the chemical structure of Calcium carbonate
in all directions . Pressure is a scalar quantity. Its SI pearls. It is used in the form of cosmetics and gems.
unit is N/m2 or Pascal.
79. E.
70. A. Sound wave Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.
Mechanical waves are those waves which require a Metals are elements that lose electrons to form
medium to transmit. Like sound wave , water wave positive ions. A metal atom usually has one , two or
etc. Such waves are electromagnetic waves, which do three electrons in its outermost shell . Metals are
not require any medium for transmission, like light shiny and can be polished.
wave, radio wave, etc.
80. E.
71. A. Camerlingh Onnes The mass of the neutron is almost equal to the mass
Superconductivity was discovered by Camerlingh of the proton.
Onnes. The electrical resistance of some materials Mass of neutron = 1.67 × 10-27 kg
Mass of proton = 1.67 × 10-27 kg
Neutron is a neutral particle. It was discovered by 87. D. Butane
James Chadwick in 1932. Proton is a positively The percentage composition of propane and butane
charged particle. in an LPG gas mixture ranges from 100% - 20%
propane and 80% butane.
81. A. Voltmeter
Voltmeter is an instrument to measure the difference 88. D. A and C
in potential between two points. Wattmeter is an A and C are correct. Oxidation is the loss of electrons
instrument to measure electric power. Viscometer is and thus forms a positive species or if the starting
an instrument used to measure the viscosity of a reactant is neutral, it forms a neutral species. The
substance. Tachometer is an instrument used to reduction is the opposite of oxidation as it is the gain
measure the speed of an aircraft. of electrons.
Ionisation is the process by which atom or a molecule
82. C. Growth of yeast cells gains or loses an electron and obtains a negative or a
Yeast cells are microorganisms which are responsible positive charge.
for catalyzing certain types of chemical reactions. The Dissociation is a process of breaking a single
yeast cells grow and respire which then releases compound into two or more different products.
carbon dioxide (CO2). Fermentation is the process by Rusting of iron- Rusting is a redox process therefore it
which sugar molecules are converted into ethanol is an example of oxidation as well as reduction.
and carbon dioxide in the presence of yeast as
enzymes. 89. C. Xerophytes
Nerium is a xerophytic plant and has sunken stomata
83. C. candles to reduce the rate of transpiration, confined to
Constituents Uses lower epidermis. An epiphyte is an organism that
of Petroleum grows on the surface of a plant and derives its
Petroleum Gas Fuel for home and moisture and nutrients from the air, rain, water or
in liquid industry from debris accumulating around it. Aquatic plants
form(LPG) are plants that have adapted to living in aquatic
Petrol Motor fuel, aviation fuel, environments. They are also referred to as
solvent for dry cleaning hydrophytes or macrophytes to distinguish them
Kerosene Fuel for stoves, lamps and from algae and other microphytes. Mesophytes are
for jet aircrafts terrestrial plants which are neither adapted to
Diesel Fuel for heavy motor particularly dry nor particularly wet environments.
vehicles, electric
Lubricating oil lubrication
Paraffin wax Ointments, candles,
Vaseline etc.
Bitumen Paints, road surfacing