PIL - Tort

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A Tott a vil
ko Salmond

Conmon aotion Pau inigualale

breach of
damage Qrd cohuich Anot ercuivoly
he bneach 0f a freot a ohe
Con tact

ohlgaton. A toset t wnong gauhot

meatly equikabie epulatHon. wen
wh e
a pewon' pnopeuy fasein tosut
if &
Include faeien element
hee fane jen element mee
mean o
taut wo Commied by
Cfhixen of oher county of choite of (aus

sue ih eftnen of counhy.

a pey on
Coromitted. e plafn t Ples a
wually COt damig amgyas
defrolant but a quetion anie.

peuoon ln
bound by las
rein couinbyotll Sucha peuon
lo u'in.0 hee kindo of toecte
fare tasuts.
A who an Cornrt a

Comitted A IS a fanelen ta

Ih Ia The law of tot e not Coliped as ca

ond purdthmt

Same hus i raan Cout hans fo appo

bcok of Praith Case

Gmong he Drelion people.


Hrehr vauos ejls and the ong amaunt of

me ,ich falen

In Irdta , psineiales of lau of fat hoae nof deu elopr

mch ao Law of falo. nds ts abo anon
heson Capes aNd lous cu efeed fo

Tes he Contept of foyen faut in relik

yne lame fooling as tat hat of
on tue
Law of
o fah,
A foseian taut n be dened ao chen a fout oich

COmmillkd abrad pouon and bendare wo Cause

foren tout.
se ae of teo kinole

) Taut of Reatty aut Comm'Hecl

againt a peopoy &situakd in afonepu Canby
louet of Urealty. In
ft an Ammovable propeuty, whth mean
affkced propety
tat such
Suah propeuty ts fred at me paco and Can no
move rom P pouikon.
Grde e Laus OP oe, no actt) Can ate
ha Case

proputy 's Commtcd and

sult ed Heyecheal

As ses ident
dent of Pnglond we v rda on a Buslnets
of Pnglond
n India he Comnilh a fau of
Tutp Qnd

Houph tot bas been
On B' houso Nere

(OmHed Aut Chcp P boen Cornm Hed oçasra mn


Qnc uoh coDe

not maintaiable

In the Caoe of Ruilan Qou wh Afhtca Cogon Us Cornponb

de (1953)

Buutth awln and plain

1f He a Qutt of tras pas Gyan aelerdant

Dnnovable propeg ina

bloyut a Quit agetrut

e 9uit of plaint
Can nof be
Faneirn cout/ lard
Qortess and hnefao He
held geuity.
() Pesysoral Tats ! 1n ooren Cohen eves e

fs an unta ofe aot (ommitted cyotr} a peson or

moyable tout knoon

personal unke faut of ealky

Rasanc Sech pewon's 9ait t not reeced hy
heus tau moYoble prapeuty and yne ko dy
pessaa Lart applled. Gnd

to thened peuon,

A(a be,ibent of SDatn). ft on a bp do witzenlord ore

got hit phone selen by B Here Qince e phore a
aut wf fau th e
pewor tect unde tareen taxt Gnd
aQceDled by Ne Cout and B8 cot
be hold icble

But all Suit (nder pe0 out an not be accephed

ne ow nd rere fane ony felfiment of
(eteuh CondiLtou peuorad tout
(chch has been omed cabroag! Can be aOcepled

en beon ommted
fled hotd be
been Commiled (n He counhy
ohere e Caoe feled.
Seeh wong has been Comrted.
The fRut ondfHon wdeh ha o be fl Allee in a Case
pesoral fot o be
Commited be kne dteferdant aatrt be body
ath ts
hao been commiHed.

Commec ofent H bocty and he

Dakon . Tf a teut
fol dama. he couut wpu Bee
Ple a clatm
Aeled to ho Cocut of
lut an be
wa omu'ted

qn ackinab le

hen te ut wfu be rege tea.

The plata? bao Ped a Salt qgainst ne dekrdont ds
govenn of gamca betause e delendant bod
abely nucored koo N deterdant Confened trat he

Hhet 1hee ecn an act ws not aoMana ble in Jarnaa e

plere cohn the act wao Commi ted hs

aceped ond huo cleferdant Cecs no hea 1ible

anongfal y chtened n anolnn County and he

Coud not hne Coe n hur coet because of
Over n Hhat Qruaton (fe
paubd being Canhy becae
ase n be he Coumt of A County
he ac was not eotonable ny on procecnal

n ase o Cay v. franc Time and Co- (is2) ne60

he proconaHon op letan of Mscat h

de lerdont had aeze d he goots whdcla euo selzed berng

Carsued on Buiheh Dhip ad hes h the
by e plainHf, held hat

nake ho odeferdunt tbte beawe. h e Couny. ehere

t ad been lor eh an act was n
mane Tmpaukant sule undes Stach eA Afrat uen
he Cause o acton toca! Mofee Hen
f not of a tocal

The deerdan wao e Aouer nan of mairona and

he had locked e
H a alowed ord clenferdant
neld tcble

In Bous Ve chanth (969) 2 Al. Ce (Ogs

e. he
must be etorable h dor COunes
he act
whone he faut woo Commitd and e Cowt
ountby feled.
deferdant Ao6 hto
He neglupent euwinp of te
acafdent because of
Men wene buitth esiclent Qnd
deferdant Bon op
Malte' ao peu He
he ae l'alent

Malta. damgo foe e pat

ausanded and Compenk to
(OSS Setfed
callousno fot helevaat
held t th But
oem nouide
to aoe D
allo e
y be loinf The
fresposs Act dame Unden
oanb anlaw der
Such been Aay
Sueh fo Al, ons led. Bith
wt uoich oould acoOmdHhe
a moveble Hen lo ornni
moable pelea
pnops rattn in entance
an ted o be
4. Qult
becaeo pnopeus Puch fn aus
COoe and eed
the n to
e a does hi ehe
is Hrat Case appy
ff not (ua eled as
acttonsle an Couniy tacfas
omount pen
B ifuotennotbe ko fE Shocud n
not COunby ofoence Consi'dwatenact
he law
does be
Clalm n an tn Couut of (use e

ofence Can ro aetonable

y cany Beuen anc
D ) underto
pad ThieTheories appied
Yo Unden e Compuborg
Belabn oYhsheamen
Q an Ih
The (e he.
hone maintenabje pen hm
o moni
nopet lea
loct been of
Laus toesn e
delei Qenicant on
do Caoe
of Cout
e pilot
Socias Conmissi head. Tou ond
obs broqet
Yeul'Eralthim The
ence weo oheh
ohCch revel
enu'onnt eantcal Nn Halley
of an egabn was 'n
hud Com (Ie6Q/2pe:(93
heay puoQctnableclat bnagerequnedbelgin

nelatot plot and ywater

as law
) Leo fouet Savigrt
Pon deleguent act
tiakPliy rden
Cuumial laus elho
fundomental Asuiniples of
founded tn aum
COuhby of e
chou d be
plcarnt featue of He laus
) lex (oc Coumtrs sfens
kant, oH e pedvae renatnas
Con Hed
faMHous aet hoas been
Nen lex Reas Cocf
cesche appuer
entady fact of
ivespecle ofof ue

element g- Phillips Vi Pyre

o MaHHut.
3) The Proper laus Theay: we Can at
of a ot
aclopt Hhe propeu la
(ddh on palcy grourde seem
(eoot choase e law
han e most renPcant conn ectern wpn Hhe

clah of fat ond crcumanes tn e poutHeala

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