DLL Earth and Life Science - Els-July 29 - August 02, 2024

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School Agusan del Sur National High School Grade Level 11

Teacher MELGEN D. DATSO Learning Area Session 4

DAILY Teaching Dates and Time July 29- August 02, 2024 Quarter First
11-RIZAL 7:35-8:25 AM (MTWTHF)
11-AMETHYST 8:25-9:15 AM (MTWTHF)
11-PALMA Session 1 9:30-10:20 AM (MTWTHF) Session 2 Session 3
11-TOPAZ 1:00-1:50 PM (MTTHF)/ 1:50-2:40PM (W)
11-GARNET 2:40-3:30 PM (MTTHF)/ 3:30-4:20 (W)


A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of…
 the formation of the universe and the solar system

B. Performance Standards
The learners should be able to…
 (ELS) Conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic/hydrometeorological hazards that your community may experience.
Inform the students on the subject’s Describe the characteristics of
Track and measure students’ prior Describe the characteristics of
C. Learning Competencies/ competencies and assessment, Earth that are necessary to
knowledge in /Earth and Life Earth that are necessary to
Objectives school policies, and classroom support life. (S11ES-Ia-b-3)
Science. support life (S11ES-Ia-b-3)
Orientation on ELS
competencies and assessment, Diagnostic Test in Earth and Characteristics of Earth that Characteristics of Earth that are
School Policies, and Classroom Life Science are Necessary to Support Life Necessary to Support Life
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
None None none None
2. Learner’s Materials
None None none None
3. Textbook pages None None none None
4. Additional Materials None None none None
B. Other Learning  Alvarez, L. (2021). ADM: Characteristics of Earth that are
Necessary to Support Life. First Edition. DepEd Region IV-A
 STEM B School-based Contextualized Modules 2020. Incomparable
Earth: A habitable planet with four subsystems and rock-forming
The teacher asks the students with
the following questions:

1. What function does the

Activity 1: Four pictures one atmosphere play in
word sustaining life on Earth?
A. Reviewing previous 2. How do living things
The teacher will now introduce the
lesson or presenting new
topic covered in Earth and Life Science
The teacher will ask the students obtain energy?
lesson to guess the four-letter word, 3. How does temperature
along with their corresponding affect a planet's ability to
opinion about the word. support life?

Answer: “L I F E”

B. Establishing a purpose The students will write down what they The teacher gives instructions to The teacher will let the students The students will play "Pinoy
for the lesson know about earth and life science, students on Earth and Life write on the board about the Henyo,".
what they want to know, and what they Science Diagnostic Test. biological factors that sustain life
expect from me as their subject on Earth. – Mechanics:
teacher. 1. Every group should have two
representatives. one as the
guesser and the other one who is
only allowed to respond to the
guesser’s question with a yes, no
or maybe.
2. Time limit is 2 minutes; the timer
starts at once when the word is
3. 5 seconds shall be added as
penalty to the one responding
other answers than yes, maybe or
4. The timer stops when the group
guesses the answer. Penalties
shall be added to the end time.
The computed end time will be the
final result.
5. The group with the shortest time
The teacher randomly selects The students will discuss and
C. Presenting examples/ students to discuss their share their ideas about the
instances of the new
lesson expectations for the subject and to words that they wrote on the
the teacher. board.
The teacher presents/discusses the
following to the students:
1. Subject The teacher conducts the test by
D. Discussing new overview/competencies distributing the test papers to the The teacher discusses the The teacher now outlines the
concepts and practicing and assessments (DO 8, s. students. Students answer the characteristics of Earth that are Earth's characteristics that are
new skills #1 2015) test silently during the specified necessary to support life. required for life to exist.
2. Rules and policies in the time.
school and classroom
3. Grading system
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

Students will answer activity 1 on

Students answer activity on
the contextualized module
F. Developing mastery contextualized module page 5
entitled "Checking for a Sign of
entitled Crash Landing on Where?
(Checking and discussion follow.)
Students share ideas on the
importance of biological factors
G. Finding practical such as temperature, water,
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living atmosphere, energy and
nutrients in supporting life on
Students share their The teacher gives a modified
understanding to the class about TRUE or FALSE assessment.
the characteristics of Earth that Students determine the statement
support life using if it is correct or not. If incorrect,
H. Making generalization students point out or give the
and abstractions about the
lesson 3-2-1 Reflect. correct statement/s.
 3 facts learned
 2 conclusions/inferences
1 question in mind
I. Evaluating learning The students are allowed for a brief Students check their answers. Students will make a reflection
based on the context below:

SpaceX founder and CEO Elon

Musk is among many companies
and of countries who is
planning to establish a civilization
on planet Mars, if given the
chance to be part of the mission to
question and answer portion. They Teacher determines the level of Draw a concept map showing
be the first human on Mars will you
can ask about the teacher or the students understanding on ELS the characteristics of the earth
consider spending the rest of your
subject topics based on students’ scores. that support life.
life in the planet? If yes,
what will be your plans to establish
a civilization on the planet? If no,
what are your reasons to

Write your reflection in 3-4

J. Additional activities for
application or remediation


A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

Subject Teacher



MT-II, Subject Group Head

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