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1. With neat block diagram, explain the PCM communication system.

2. Derive an expression for the signal to quantization noise ratio of a PCM system.

3. With a neat block diagram, explain the delta modulation and demodulation also
discuss the types ofquantization errors occurring in it.
4. The pulse rate in a DM system is 56,000 per second. The input signal is 5cos (2π1000t)
+ 2cos(2π1000t) volts, with t in seconds. Find the minimum value of step-size required.
5. Draw the electrical representations of the following binary data using: 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
A. On-off signaling.
B. RZ signaling.
C. NRZ signaling.


1. Discuss about the Nyquist’s criterion for distortion less base band binary transmission.
2. What is Inter symbol interference? Explain the Nyquist’s criterion for distortion less base
band binary transmission

3. Define matched filter, Properties of matched filter and what is the output of matched filter
as rectangular pulse as input.
4. Explain briefly about baseband M array PAM transmission.
5. What is a raised cosine spectrum? Explain its significance.
6. Explain the concepts of Duo binary & modified duo binary signaling schemes with neat


1. Explain the methods to find basis function in Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure.

2. Explain the methods to find basis function in Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure.
with example.
3. Derive the response of bank correlators to noisy input.
4. Define the coherent detection of signals in noise. And explain the maximum likelihood
1. Discuss about the bit error probability and power spectra of BPSK signal.
2. Discuss about the bit error probability and power spectra of QPSK signal.
3. Discuss about the bit error probability and power spectra of BFSK signal.
4. Derive the power spectral density BPSK technique
5. Derive the power spectral density of QPSK technique
6. Derive the power spectral density of BFSK technique.
7. Compare the digital modulation schemes in terms of power and bandwidth requirements.

1. Consider a (6, 3) linear block code whose generator matrix is:

1 1 0 1 0 0
G= 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 1
(i) Determine if the code is a Hamming code. Find the parity check matrix H of the code
in systematicform. (ii) Find the encoding table for the linear block code. (iii) What is the
minimum distance dmin of the code? How many errors can the code detect? How many
errors can the code correct? (iv) Find the decoding table for the linear block code.
2. A convolutional encoder has single shift register with two stages three modulo-2
adders and an output multiplexer. The following generator sequences are combined by
the multiplexer to produce the encoded output.
g1 = (1,0,1); g2 = (1,1,0); g3 = (1,1,1)
(i) Draw the block diagram of the encoder
(ii) For the message sequence (10011), determine the encoded sequence.

3. A. linear (n, k) block code has a generator matrix:

G= 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0
Find all its code words.
B. Explain the properties of a cyclic code.

4 .Explain Viterbi decoding with a suitable example.

5. Explain the Syndrome decoding with an example

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