Updated 02 2020 Master Plan PDF
Updated 02 2020 Master Plan PDF
Updated 02 2020 Master Plan PDF
Our Vision is
to know God, know who we are in Him and make Him known.
“The great commission to “make disciples” it not only for church leaders, but is a command for all Christians. It
was the last command of Christ to all of us. Do I have a strategy of discipleship for my own life? If not, am I willing
to put one in place?” -Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism
Relevance Community’s Master Plan of Discipleship was developed by
Kaci Carter and Chelsea Figert using material from
Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman and videos from the C.S.
Lewis Institute. The intention for this program is to promote and engage in
discipleship at Relevance Community and provide a useful resource with
sessions that include a video, scripture, and challenges to discuss within
discipleship relationships.
Session # Topic for the Week Unpack these Bible verses and discuss
how they connect to the corresponding week’s
Session 1 SELECTION Luke 6:12-16; Mark 3:13-19; John 6:60-71; John 1:29-51
What was Jesus’ purpose in selecting a few disciples,
rather than focusing on reaching the masses?
Session 3 CONSECRATION Matthew 5:1-12; Luke 6:27-49; Luke 14:25-35; Matthew 7:16-17
How do these verses teach you to live an obedient life to actively follow
Session 4 IMPARTATION John 20:19-23; John 16:33; Matthew 11:28; John 17:6-26;
Matthew 16:19
Jesus lived an intentional life knowing what needed to be done on the
cross. Jesus intentionally prepared His disciples for everything God would
use them for. In reading these verses, what observations can you make
about what Jesus “imparted” to His disciples? (And this is just the tip of
the iceberg!)
Session 6 DELEGATION Matthew 4:19; John 4:1-2; Mark 6:7-13; Matthew 10; Luke 9:1-6
What is the significance of Jesus’ choice to delegate authority and
ministry to His disciples? What does it look like for you to do the same?
Click on the link to watch the video -> Master Plan of Discipleship - Selection - 18 Minutes
1. View Video
2. Make a list of possible associations you might have with a potential, new, or
immature Christian who might be someone you could disciple.
3. Ask God to lead you to at least one person with whom you can work and lead to a
life of discipleship.
4. List some things you want to see accomplished in this person’s life.
Pray and keep your eyes open for someone at work, at school, in your family,
in your neighborhood to who the Lord is leading you.
Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert E. Coleman
Click on the link to watch the video -> Master Plan of Discipleship - Association - 17 Minutes
1. View Video
2. Make initial contact with the person or persons with whom you have been led to
Create a relationship with a few. Disciple where it is natural and normal. Eat together, retreat together,
study together, and pray together.
Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert E. Coleman
Click on the link to watch the video -> Master Plan of Discipleship - Consecration - 16 Minutes
1. View Video
2. Describe Jesus’ commitment to the will of God for each scripture reference:
a. John 4:34
b. John 5:30
c. John 15:10
d. Luke 22:42
4. Rate yourself and have your disciple rate themselves on the following commands:
a. John 5:39
b. Luke 18:1
c. Matthew 4:19
Click on the link to watch the video -> Master Plan of Discipleship - Impartation - 26 Minutes
1. View Video
2. In looking at your life, if you are aware of any area which has not been yielded to
Christ, surrender that area of your life now.
The superhuman work to which we are called demands supernatural help. The disciples, through
confessions of their pride in surrender of themselves to Christ, had to come by faith into a new and fresh
experience of the Spirit’s infilling.
Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert E. Coleman
1. View Video
2. Plan specifically how you are going to help teach your disciple to learn the
a. To pray
b. To study the Bible effectively
c. To share their testimony with others
d. To win over temptation
e. To repent when they sin.
5. Help your disciple identify family/friends to who they can share Christ.
Emulate the plan of Jesus by being willing to demonstrate with your lives what we want others to learn.
(Prayer, scripture, witnessing, care for others)
Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert E. Coleman
Click on the link to watch the video -> Master Plan of Discipleship - Delegation - 17 Minutes
1. View Video
3. Assist your disciple as they witness to a lost person for whom they have been
praying (neighbor, friend, and co-worker).
Click on the link to watch the video -> Master Plan of Discipleship - Supervision - 19 Minutes
1. View Video
2. Have a planned report/review session after sending your disciple out to do some
piece of Christian work. ( Delegated in week 3)
Make a point of touching base often to those you disciple. Give them feedback and affirmation. Frequent
times of review. Share something fresh the Lord has shown you.
Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert E. Coleman
Click on the link to watch the video -> Master Plan of Discipleship - Reproduction - 28 Minutes
1. View Video
Any branch that lived on the vine had to produce to survive for that was its intended nature.
Are those who have followed us to Christ now leading others to Him
and teaching them to make disciples?