Fortinet CLI Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet
Fortinet CLI Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet
Fortinet CLI Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet
diagnose test application wad 2 Show total memory usage. get router info ospf neighbor Show OSPF neighbors for IPv4 and IPv6.
get router info6 ospf neighbor
diagnose test application wad Restart all WAD processes.
get router info ospf database Show OSPF database in brief.
diagnose wad debug display pid Start real-time debugging of the traffic
get router info bfd neighbor Show BFD neighbors for IPv4 and IPv6.
processed by WAD daemon. get router info6 bfd neighbor
diagnose wad filter <filter>
diagnose wad filter list diagnose test application bfd 1 Show BFD statistics.
diagnose wad debug enable level diagnose test application bfd 2
<level> diagnose test application bfd 3
diagnose wad debug enable diagnose debug application bfdd Start real-time BFD debugging .
category <category> <debug level>
diagnose debug enable diagnose debug enable
diagnose wad filter <filter> Set the filter for the WAD debugs. get router info bgp summary Show BGP summary for IPv4 and IPv6.
diagnose wad filter list Show all the filters that have been set for get router info6 bgp summary
debugging. get router info bgp neighbors Show BGP peer and the advertised and
get router info6 bgp neighbors received routes from the BGP peer.
diagnose wad filter clear Clear the WAD filter settings.
get router info bgp neighbors l Substitute <x.x.x.x> with IPv4
diagnose wad debug enable level Set the verbosity level of the debugs. <x.x.x.x> advertised-routes
<level> address of the peer.
get router info6 bgp neighbors
l Substitute <x:x::x:x/m> with IPv6
diagnose wad debug enable Set the traffic category. <x:x::x:x/m> advertised-
category <category> routes address of the peer.
diagnose wad debug display pid Show the WAS worker PID in debugs that get router info bgp neighbors
enable <x.x.x.x> received-routes
handle the session request.
get router info6 bgp neighbors
diagnose debug enable Start printing debugs in the console. <x:x::x:x/m> received-routes
get router info bgp neighbors
CPU profiling <x.x.x.x> routes
get router info6 bgp neighbors
<x:x::x:x/m> routes
Command Description
diagnose ip router bgp all Start real-time BGP debugging.
diagnose sys profile cpumask Set the CPU core to profile. enable
diagnose ip router bgp level
diagnose sys profile start Start CPU profiling and wait for one to two info
minutes to stop. diagnose debug enable
diagnose sys profile stop Stop CPU profiling. execute router clear bgp {all | Execute a hard reset based on the
diagnose sys profile module Show the applied kernel modules. as <ASN> | ip x.x.x.x | ipv6 specified parameters:
y:y:y:y:y:y:y:y} l all: all BGP peers
diagnose sys profile show Show the CPU profiling result for the
detail respective core. las <ASN>: BGP peers specified by
diagnose sys profile show order AS number
l ip x.x.x.x: BGP peer specified by
Managed FortiAPs
Command Description
diagnose switch-controller Show managed FortiSwitch MAC address Command Description
switch-info mac-table list. diagnose wireless-controller Show information about the FortiAP
diagnose switch-controller Show managed FortiSwitch port statistics. wlac -c wtp devices.
switch-info port-stats diagnose wireless-controller
diagnose switch-controller Show managed FortiSwitch trunk wlac -d wtp
switch-info trunk status information. diagnose wireless-controller Show information about the wireless
wlac -c sta clients connected to the FortiAP devices.
diagnose switch-controller Show MCLAG related information from
switch-info mclag diagnose wireless-controller
wlac -d sta