Ucsp Q1 Mod2&3

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ACTIVITY 1: #LearningStationActivity
Station 1 Station 2 Station 3
The study of what makes us Sociology is a social Politics and power are
human is known as science that studies studied from a domestic,
anthropology. society as well as human international, and
Anthropologists use a wide behavior and comparative viewpoint
approach called holism to interactions. Race, in political science.
understand the many socioeconomic class, Understanding political
distinct facets of the human crime and law, poverty, concepts, ideologies,
experience. They use education, and more institutions, policies,
archaeology to go back theoretical, larger processes, and behavior,
hundreds or thousands of themes such as the as well as groups,
years to see how human influence of dramatic classes, government,
cultures lived and what was change on entire diplomacy, law, strategy,
important to them. societies are all possible and war, is required.
1. Culture is LEARNED
2. Culture is SOCIAL
3. Culture is VARIETY
4. Culture is SHARED
5. Culture is GRATIFYING
6. Culture is CONTINUOUS
7. Culture is TRANSMITTED

1.Companionship or association with one’s peers is a long-term and cooperative
social group whose members have created ordered patterns of relationships via
interactions with one another. Yet, from time to time, we see changes in our
cultural way of life, as we become more restricted and conditional, with values,
norms, or social practices linked with a specific field activity or societal trait; by
modifying the culture of materialism.

2. A culture is a collection of a group’s beliefs and customs, while

society is a collection of people who share those ideas and
behaviors. Without the other, neither society nor culture could
3.Culture is what sets one group or society apart from another. A culture is a
collection of a group’s beliefs and customs, while society is a collection of people
who share those ideas and behaviors. Without the other, neither society nor
culture could exist.

4. No, society cannot exist without culture. A culture is an accumulation of

thoughts, practices, and norms, and behaviors that the society practices and
implements in their everyday life.

5. Culture is social, Culture varies from society to society, Culture is shared,

Culture is learned, Culture is transmitted among members of society, Culture is
continuous and cumulative, Culture is gratifying and idealistic.

6. Culture has substantial social and economic benefits in addition to its

intrinsic value. Culture improves our quality of life and raises general wellbeing for
both individuals and communities through improving learning and health,
increasing tolerance, and providing opportunities to connect together with

7. Well, Gandhi wasn't on board with that. His quote "an eye for an eye makes
the whole world blind" is saying that if we keep punishing those we deem cruel,
then we're no better than the bad guys ourselves.

ACTIVITY 5: #illustrativecollagecrafting
THEME: : “Our Culture: Then and Now” Guide
A. What composes our culture? Complete the statement. Culture and
society as a complex whole means it encompasses the beliefs, practices,
values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge, and everything that
a person learns and shares as a member of society.

B. Can you say that changes exist in our society’s culture? How did you
say so? You can cite examples or situations.
Yes, their so much changes right now happening in our society like how people
communicate now using gadgets not like before and when it comes in law’s, rights
and freedom, ideas, economy, economic system, condition and so on.


ACTIVITY 6: #Let’sSumUp!
3 Thoughts I have learned
I thought it gets back to systems theory.
I thought Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics uses
multidisciplinal insights from anthropology, political science, and
sociology to develop student awareness of cultural, social, and
political dynamics and sensitivity to cultural diversity.
2 Things I want to remember
That understanding culture helps you understand different cultures not just
Filipino cultures but also other cultures. And understanding politics to helps you
know one of the basic rights you have. It also tells you on what is happening on
our government.

1 Question I have in mind

What are norms and why are they important?


I, EJ L. Vasquez, firmly swear that I will respect any society’s tradition or belief.
My gratitude for my nation, my culture, and the magnificent ideas that bind us
together will never fade. I recognize and appreciate the amazing links and
relationships that we all share for the enjoyment and growth of each other.

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