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Trees in urban areas currently store carbon, which can be emitted back to the atmosphere
after tree death, and sequester carbon as they grow. Given the growing expanse of urban
areas, trees within these areas have the potential to store and annually sequester substantial
amounts of carbon. Carbon stores in tree biomass are distributed in different proportions
throughout the tree in the stump, trunk (bark and debarked log), crown and roots and they
differ for softwood and hardwood species. India's estimated carbon storage potential varies
from 5 to 400 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, located mainly in geological formations such
as coal fields, oil and gas fields, sedimentary basins and saline aquifers.

Teak has the highest capacity for carbon sequestration among trees in India. This is the
finding of a study conducted by the Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) to
prepare a hierarchy of local trees in India that can reduce the carbon dioxide content of the
atmosphere. A mature tree can absorbs carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 pounds per year.Trees
act as carbon sinks, alleviating the greenhouse effect. On average, one acre of new forest can
sequester about 2.5 tons of carbon annually. Young trees absorb CO2 at a rate of 13 pounds
per tree each year. A typical tree can absorb around 21 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2)
per year, however it is only achieved when the tree is fully grown – the saplings will absorb
less than this. Over a lifetime of 100 years, one tree could absorb around a tone of CO2.
Urban green spaces, particularly trees, have great potential to sequester carbon from the
atmosphere and mitigate the impacts of climate change in cities. Large university campuses
offer prominent space where such green spaces can be developed in order to offset the
increasing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as other benefits (Richa Sharma et al., 2020).
The above- and below-ground biomasses were estimated using the non-destructive sampling
method. Individual trees on the campus were measured for their height and diameter at breast
height (DBH), and estimates of carbon storage were performed using allometric equations.

Carbon dioxide is a dominant greenhouse gas. Increased atmosphericCO2 is attributable

mostly to fossil fuel combustion (about 80–85%) and deforestation worldwide (Schneider,
1989; Hamburg et al., 1997). Atmospheric carbon is estimated to be increasing by
approximately 2600 million metrictons annually (Sedjo, 1989). In addition, human influences
on forests (e.g. management) can further affect CO2 source/sink dynamics of forests through
such factors as fossil fuel emissions and harvesting/utilization of biomass. However,
increasing the number of trees might potentially slow the accumulation of atmosphericcarbon
(e.g. Moulton and Richards, 1990). Urban areas in the lower 48 United States have doubled
in area between 1969 and 1994, and currently occupy 3.5% of the land base with an average
tree cover of 27.1% (Dwyer et al., 2000; Nowak et al., 2001b). Though urban areas continue
to expand, and urban forests play a significant role in environmental quality and human
health, relatively little is known about this resource. As urban forests both sequester CO2,
and affect the emission of CO2 from urban areas, urban forests can play a critical role in
helping combat increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

CO2 plays a major role in absorbing outgoing terrestrial radiation, contributing

approximately half of the total greenhouse effect (Ciborowski, 1989; Rodhe, 1990). Raising
concern about the greenhouse effect has provoked interest in the potential for urban open
green space to help reduce the level of the atmosphere CO2. They reduce atmospheric carbon
indirectly, through sequestration (Hyun-Kil Jo, and E. Gregory Mc Pherson, 1994).
Terrestrial carbon sequestration is fundamental to the global carbon cycle and is being
utilized to counter the increase in anthropogenic CO2 emissions and to sequester carbon in
the soil. However, these approaches restore the C in the soil only for a short span of time
(Rajendrian et. Al, 2012).

Biomass is a measure of biological matter, customarily expressed in weight. Tree biomass

may be that of a single individual or all individuals occupying a unit of area. Since trees have
a substantial moisture content, weights may be either with (i.e., green) or without (i.e., oven-
dry) moisture. The biomass of trees is often subdivided into above- and below-ground
components with further subdivisions of each. For example, above-ground biomass includes
foliage, branches, stem, and bark. Plantation is granted as the most efficient and biggest
terrestrial carbon sequestration method. Out of the five most important terrestrial carbon
sequestration system (above ground biomass, below ground biomass, litter, wood debris, and
soil organic carbon), the above and below ground biomass are the top two in the pool.
Biomass of trees develops when plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the
presence of sunlight and convert them into starch in their tissues. Several studies have
revealed that the carbon content in these tissues is half their biomass. So, with their growth
and development, trees go on sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere and store in their tissues
as carbohydrates. This continues until the death of the tree. The rate of carbon sequestration
is however maximum during the early stages of growth in trees when trees try to produce
more and more amount of food to grow, meet the energy required by them and to stabilize in
their respective environmental conditions. After the death and decay of the trees, the carbon
is again returned back to the atmosphere so as to complete the carbon cycle (Chandan Sahu, 2020).

Trees in urban area, Trees Outside of Forest (TOF) or trees in peri-urban area also store and
sequester carbon as biomass from the atmospheric carbon dioxide during the process of
photosynthesis and 50% of trees standing biomass is considered as carbon. Moreover, as
carbon has been introduced as a commodity in the world of climate change, measurement of
carbon stock and carbon sequestration has already occupied its position and market and
biomass estimation has gained massive momentum (Tamal Majumdar, 2018). As tree
biomass is an important parameter for carbon cycle, attempts were made to measure the tree
biomass, carbon storage and carbon sequestration of all trees (≥ 10 cm GBH) in a study area.
Indirect or nondestructive method for biomass estimation was used as it is based on equations
using measurable parameters with girth, height and density (Thiru Selvan, 2018). The
use of girth at breast height alone for above ground biomass estimation is common to many
studies that showed that diameter at breast height (DBH) is one of the universally accepted
predictor because it shows a high correlation with all tree biomass components and easy to
obtain accurately from field though it is time consuming and costly method in comparison to
satellite image or GIS.


 Amelioration of urban climate extremes

 Mitigation of urban heat islands
 Store and sequester carbon
 Reduce noise pollution
 Improve air quality
 Reduce consumption of electricity for heating and cooling
 Aesthetic contribution, scenic beauty, visual amenity
 Improve property value
 Improve general livability and quality of urban life
 Contribute to human health and relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety levels (Sankara


1. To compare the total carbon stock content in 7 different urban areas.

2. To estimate the total biomass content in different urban area.
3. To understand the importance of the carbon sequestration and the biomass with
different number of species in each area, and to compare the carbon stock content and
biomass in different areas of Pondicherry.




In this modern and developing world carbon management is a serious concern with respect to
urban environment. India is urbanizing at a brisk pace and the distance between villages and
towns/cites is shrinking. At the moment big cities are over burdened with population pressure
resulting into imbalance in the urban ecosystem. The carbon stock refers to the amount of
carbon stored in urban area with presence of a number of trees and in the forest it is in the
form of biomass, soil, deadwood and litter. More the carbon stock, higher would be the
forest's capacity to absorb and sequester carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas in
the atmosphere, through photosynthesis. Trees in urban areas play a vital role in maintaining
the ecological balance of crowded and polluted environment. Forest stands typically have
about twice the tree density as urban areas, and about half the average carbon density per unit
of tree cover (urban=9.25 kgC/ha cover versus forest=5.3 kgC/ha cover), individual urban
trees, on average, contain approximately four times more carbon than individual trees in

Biomass is defined here as the total amount of live organic matter and inert organic matter
(IOM) aboveground and belowground expressed in tonnes of dry matter per unit area
(individual plant, hectare, region or country). Typically, the terms of measurement are density
of biomass expressed as mass per unit area, e.g. tonnes per hectare. The total biomass for a
region or a country is obtained by upscaling or aggregation of the density of the biomass at
the minimum area measured.

Thus the aim of this study is to know the importance of the presence and rate of the carbon
stock and biomass available in the different lands of urban areas.

KEYWORDS: carbon stock assessment, biomass, urban areas, CO2 sequestration content.

Carbon sequestration potential of urban trees.

In this study they discuss about the carbon sequestration (CO2) might get changed or
affected due to the climate changes (Prachi Ugle, 2010). Carbon sequestration is a
phenomenon for the storage of CO2 or other forms of carbon to mitigate global warming,
through biological, chemical or physical processes; CO2 is captured from the atmosphere due
to the change of climate and global warming. Carbon sequestration potential includes
aggregating the value of carbon present in each tree was carried out. Trees are considered to
be major capital assets in cities they provide shade, filter air pollutants and absorb greenhouse
gases. Urban trees are the effort to build the native biodiversity and generate ecosystem
services such as carbon sequestration within the urban landscape. Assessment of carbon
sequestration of urban trees is carried out through biomass estimation and quantification.
Trees are identified to species level, and their diameter at breast height (DBH) and height are
recorded using ground measurements. From this the carbon content in each area of urban
trees could be calculated and their biomass also could be estimated. So, in this study they
highlight the role of urban tree cover in carbon sequestration and emphasize the need for
greater attention to be paid to the selection of trees in cities. And selection of appropriate mix
of trees also supports the biodiversity and maximizes environmental services.

Carbon sequestration potential of trees- a case study of Sampalpur town in Eastern

In this case study they reveal and focus about the estimation of above ground and below
ground biomass of locally available trees in polluted and non- polluted areas of
Sambalpur town located in Western flanks of Odisha State in Eastern India. Carbon
Sequestration varies among a different class of species and the girth at breast height (GBH)
of trees (Chandan Sahu, 2020) Biomass accumulation increases with the age of the plant
till it attains death. Above and below ground biomass of plants sequester a major amount of
terrestrial carbon in them (Sanjat Kumar Sahu, 2020).Therefore, estimation of growth
rate and CO2 removal efficiency of the plants can provide an insight into the ambient air
quality of an urban area. Thus, in this study they focus about the annual carbon sequestration
potential of trees to assess the contribution of plants in scrubbing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere in an urban area (i.e., Sambalpur town in Eastern India). And in the result the
study showed that in general, trees with thick GBH are good CO2 sequesters. Further, the rate
of carbon sequestration was more during the early stages of a plant development as evidenced
by GBH. Species such as Ficus benghalensis (3355.065 kg C/tree/yr) and Ficus religiosa
(1645.335 kg C/tree/yr) showed higher carbon sequestration while, Thevetia peruviana
(35.777 kg C/tree/yr), Ziziphus jujuba (36.178 kg C/tree/yr) and Bombax ceiba (44.410 kg
C/tree/yr) showed lower carbon sequestration potential. Hence, this case study reveals that,
trees with higher carbon sequestration potentials may be integrated schematically in the urban
areas for removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Carbon sequestration potential of trees planted along roadside: a case study from
Bhopal city.

In this case study they have discussed one such example from Indian Institute of Forest
Management, Bhopal campus where the amount of carbon stored, and carbon dioxide
sequestered by the trees along roadside has been estimated. Importance Value Index was
calculated separately for each species. Biomass and carbon stock of woody vegetation was
assessed using a nondestructive method. Leucaena leucocephala, Schleichera oleosa,
Dalbergia paniculata, Acacia catechu and Ficus religiosa recorded high biomass carbon
content (Dharmendra Dugaya,2020). Species-wise calculated average CO2 equivalent in
the sample observed increasing trend with the increase in girth class from 20cm to 60cm but
showing reduced trend in trees with girth class above 60 cm. The probable reason for
reducing trend could be the variation in wood density of species towards the lower value of
high girth size species such as Bombax ceiba, Samanea saman, Holoptelea integrifolia,
Dalbergia paniculata, Lagerstroemia parviflora and Ficus religiosa. The analysis can be
useful for selection of tree species with high wood density for planting in urban areas of
central India to adequately mitigate pollution, especially the vehicular pollution. The
incorporation of the same in the management plan of the urban green spaces would benefit
the optimum utilization of carbon sequestration potential. Thus, in this study they reveal that
selection of native tree species with high biomass and high efficiency of carbon fixation
which is highly recommended in plantation programs along roadsides and institutional areas.

Biomass and carbon stock assessment of woody vegetation in Pondicherry University

In this article they discuss about the carbon stock and biomass estimation which was
assessed in Pondicherry university campus. During the study period, total of 139 species
and 19527 (66 stems/ha) stems of the diameter threshold ≥ 10 cm GBH were recorded in the
University campus (SM. Sundarapandian, 2014) Basal area of the adult tree species
values are also recorded. So the dominant tree species is Acacia auriculiformis and its
aboveground biomass is 1114 Mg and belowground biomass is 200 Mg. Above ground
biomass of adult trees in the campus was 4438 Mg, whereas belowground biomass was 753
Mg.( K. Subashree,2014). Total carbon stock inclusive of both aboveground and
belowground of all adult trees in the University campus was 2590.48 Mg (8.7 Mg C/ha) and
the highest carbon stock value was observed in Acacia auriculiformis. Total carbon stock of
juvenile population in the campus was 1.02 Mg. Acacia auriculiformis contributes 69% in
both biomass and carbon stock of total juvenile population. The total Carbon stock in both
aboveground and belowground of adult tree biomass in the university campus was 2590.482
Mg. Thus as a result, this study reveals that the university campus is rich in tree species
diversity with a great carbon stocking potential similar to those of natural tropical dry forests.

Carbon storage in trees by urban and peri-urban forests of Agartala, Tripura.

In this research article they discuss the Quantification of total carbon sequestration by
urban trees and their estimation level of above and below ground tree biomass and
carbon content by using the allometric equation. (Tamal Majumdar and Thiru Selvan,

families. All trees with Girth at Breast Height (GBH) ⩾10cm were measured in 444 surveyed
2018). In the study area, there are totally 3470 trees of 111 species, 92 genera and in 45

plots of equal size (20×20m). so the basal area, biomass and their carbon content are also
recorded. Out of total recorded 1613.04 Mg biomass, Above Ground biomass was 1153.05
Mg, Below Ground Biomass was 287.03 Mg and Litter Biomass 172.95 Mg. In the study
area, biomass ranged from 0.0012 Mg/ha to 27.41 Mg/ha and carbon stock from 0.0006
Mg/ha to 13.70 Mg/ha. Collectively, top four species (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Mangifera
indica, Ficus benghalensis and Gmelina arborea) with 33.17% individuals contributed
60.13% of total biomass. The rate of CO2 fixation per tree was found highest in Alstonia
scholaris followed by Albizia saman. Thus, this paper shows the process of biomass, carbon
and carbon sequestration measurement through the use of allometric equations using tree
measurements. Urban trees are most susceptible for urbanization as they are the first victims
for widening of roads, construction of buildings. So, urban trees in carbon storage and carbon
sequestration though the quantity of urban trees is limited as compared to natural forest.
Hence, this article reveals that Urban trees selected with in AMC area for biomass and carbon
content estimation will help for future research purposes as well as town and country
Assessment of carbon sequestration potential of tree species in Amity University, Noida.
In this research article the study reveals the sustainability initiative to inventory of tree
species on the campus and to assess their total carbon sequestration potential (CSP) and
to estimate above- and below-ground biomasses using non-destructive sampling method
(Richa Sharma, 2020). This university spreads over 60 acres with dense tree plantations
in and around the campus. A total of 45 different tree species on the campus with the total
CSP equivalent to approximately 139.86 tons. Individual trees on the campus were measured
for their height and diameter at breast height (DBH), and estimates of carbon storage were
performed using allometric equations. Totally there are 1997 trees. AGB and BGB were also
estimated using the non-destructive method. The ratio of native to non-native species on the
campus is approximately 1:1. This study illuminate the value of urban trees, not only as
ornamental and aesthetic plantations but also in mitigating the impacts of climate change at a
local level. Hence, in this study article it reveals that Ficus benjamina was the predominant
species on the campus with CSP equivalent to 30.53 tons, followed by Alstonia scholaris
with carbon storage of 16.38 tons and ratio of native to exotic species is 22:23 or almost 1:1.
Thus, this article discuss that role of urban forests or urban green spaces, not only as
ornamental and aesthetic plantations but also in mitigating the impacts of climate change at a
local level.

Estimation of urban tree biomass in Pachaiyappa college, Chennai.

In this article the study reveals the estimation of dry biomass in trees. Totally, two
hectares are taken to study about the estimation of tree biomass. Trees with diameter at breast
height (dbh) ≥5 cm were measured. In the plot of study, a linear log-transformed region-
specific regression equation was used to estimate above ground biomass (AGB) of trees.
Totally there are 74 species spread in 63 genera and 31 families from a two hectare plot.
Collectively, 552 trees were inventoried for study area (M. Udayakumar, 2015). Basal
area (BA) of tree stand is 56.13 m2. However, tree density recorded in this study is lesser
than in urban forests of three USA cities. More than 70% of recorded trees were ≥ 15 cm dbh,
this value is greater than those of Nowak, Dorney et al. and Nowak they reported 39%, 33%
and 23% of urban trees with ≥15 cm dbh respectively from Oakland (California), Shorewood
(Wisconsin), and three USA cities. However, mean carbon stored in an individual tree in
study area (238.88 kg). The differences in abundance of various tree diameter classes in
urban forests have contributed to changes in mean tree biomass. In this study the carbon
storage is 65.93 Mg is greater than those of urban forests in India. compared to urban forests
of some USA cities trees of CMC are less potent in terms of CO2 absorption, O2 production,
C sequestration, and stem diameter growth yr-1. This, study estimates 263.72 Mg tree dry
biomass from two hectares. Hence, this article reveals that initial step towards the
understanding of ecosystem services and roles of urban forests in Chennai metropolitan city
Sequestered standing carbon stock in selective tree species grown in University Campus
of Aurangabad, Maharastra.
This article reveals about the study of total amount of carbon sequestered in trees in the
campus Dr. B. A.M. University, Aurangabad. The tree height and girth is taken into
consideration for the measurement of biomass and carbon content. To measure the height of
the tree theoretical model is used and concept is for actual measurement of 20 different
tree species having diameter > 10 cm (Dr.Balbhim Laxman Chavan, 2010). In this study
the university campus has the total no.of tree species is 20 and the mean organic carbon
values of the trees are studied with a comparison. Above Ground Carbon (AGC), Below
Ground Carbon (BGC) and Mean Organic Carbon (MOC) in Ficus religiosa is 4.27, 0.641
and 4.91 t/tree respectively. And they are by the different tree species like Ficus bengalensis,
Mangifera indica, Delonix regia , Butea monosperma , Peltaforum pterocarpum ,
Azadirachta indica, Pongamia pinnata and Hyophorbe amercaulismort respectively having a
different carbon content and biomass. Other than this, remaining trees are having carbon
content below 1.5 t/tree. The average standing stock of organic carbon in 20 well grown trees
in Dr. B. A. M. University campus is about 1.65 t/tree. Hence, this study says about using the
non-destructive method it is helpful to estimate the Organic Carbon Stock (OCS) present in
Aurangabad city and other cities.

Estimation of carbon storage in tree growth of St.Marys college campus, Thoothukudi.

In this article paper the study reveals about the comparison of two different species
showing the highest and lowest carbon content with biomass when compared to the
other trees. In St. Mary’s College campus, Thoothukudi there are many number of different
species are present, and here in this study they says about the carbon sequestration of
different species with their estimated biomass and dry weight using the non-destructive
method (G. Flora, 2018). There are totally 41 species of trees in the campus and each
one of them are measured and their values are noted. Diameter and height of the trees are
measured using the non-destructive method in each different areas. From this study site they
compares the two different species (i.e Azadirachta indica and Murraya koenigii).
Comparing these two species the Azadirachta indica showed sequestered 686454.5 lbs which
is compared to other trees species. And it is because of due to high DBH and height of the
tree. At the same time AGB 430422.02 lbs, dry weight 374467.2 lbs and carbon 187233.6 lbs
which is highest in the Azadirachta indica. But in Murraya koenigii it showed the lowest
sequestration (CO2 1006.61) because of the lowest DBH. So this study emphasize that the
urban trees are young the standing carbon stock is not substantial, however, the growth of the
trees represents a potential increase in biomass and hence carbon sequestration is dependent
on the growth rate.
Carbon sequestration in Bio-edaphic ecosystem of national highways, Guwahati.
In this research article they study about the sequestration of CO2 through bio-edaphic
factors, such as trees and soil (A.Bhattacharya, 2020). This study aims to analyze the
interdependencies of the bio-edaphic ecosystem during carbon sequestration on a national
highway. India is sequestrating enhanced carbon emitted (1,68,550 tones/year) by vehicular
traffic following urban population expansion and mitigation besides being a sink for
greenhouse gases and contributes to reducing the carbon footprint. To quantify the tree
carbon stock, soil physicochemical properties, soil nutrients, bulk density, organic carbon,
and soil carbon stock, trees with diameters at breast height (dbh) ≥ 2 cm and soil samples
from different depths were taken from six areas spread over 36 plots of equal size (2 × 10 m)
arranged in a zig-zag manner. The study parameters were compared with different areas. So,
it was found that the tree and soil carbon stock, along with soil nutrients, were greater in the
Garchuk-Lokhra area. soil carbon stock and the above and below-ground biomass of trees
(AGB, r = 0.865; BGB, r = 0.847), which indicated the co-dependencies of the bio-edaphic
ecosystem in accumulating carbon. Peltophorum ferrugineum is recommended for plantations
along the national highway for green belt expansion, because this species has the greatest
carbon storage potential. Hence in this study they conclude that role of the bio-edaphic
ecosystem in carbon sequestration, the ecological approach to mitigating transport pollution
and other local challenges by implementing carbon sequestration by establishing roadside
plantations in other parts of Assam.
Estimation of carbon storage in tree growth of Solapur University Campus,
This study reveals about the estimation of tree biomass and carbon storage and
sequestration in the Solapur University. In this study there are totally 30 species including
1230 individuals of trees. Solapur University is located on a plateau that supports dry
grassland biodiversity (Gavali, R. S, 2016). The campus lies between North latitudes
and 17°43’ and 17°44’ and East longitudes 75°50’ and 75°05’with the total area of Vidhya
Vihar campus being 38.5 acres. It is on the northern side of the city, towards west of the
national highway NH-65. The maximum temperature ranges from 45°C during summer
months of March-May and the minimum temperature is 10°C during the winter months of
November-January. Quadrant method was used for all the species. To estimate biomass of
different trees, non-destructive method was used. The biomass of trees was estimated on the
basis of DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) and tree height. Comparison between the saplings
of various species is illustrated. To estimate the carbon stock in the tree growth, non-
destructive and allometric method was used. After measuring all the diameter of the several
trees as a result it is found that the maximum carbon storage was found in the Azardirichta
indica for both the above and below components. Polyalthia longifolia showed potential for
the sequestration of carbon. Tamarindus indica has highest wood density (900.2 kg/m3 )
among the trees species. Thus, this study concludes that older have higher carbon content
than younger trees and however, saplings have more capacity of absorbing carbon than old
trees as they are growing and require more carbon to grow. Moreover, old trees are the
reservoirs of carbon. Hence, plantation programme of Solapur University strives to achieve
zero carbon emission and to reduce carbon footprint.
Assessment of biomass and carbon sequestration potential of standing Pongamia
pinnata in Andhra Pradesh, Vishakapatnam.
In this study they reveals the total amount of carbon sequestered by pongamia pinnata
in the study site. In Andhra university the study was selected in the vishakapatnam city with
the objectives of quantifying the total carbon sequestration by Pongamia piñata. So,
Stratified random sampling was used for assessing biomass in two site and about 230
P.pinnata trees were taken (Annissa Muhammed Ahmedin, 2013). Using Non-destructive
allometric models the biomass was calculated. The biomass carbon content was taken as 55%
of the tree biomass. Soil samples were taken from soil profile up to 40 cm depth for deep
soils and up to bedrock for shallow soils at an interval of 10 and 20 cm for top and sub-soil
respectively.Walkley‐Black Wet Oxidation method was applied for measuring soil organic
carbon. Total biomass was higher in Site-2 than in Site-1. The amount of sequestered organic
carbon in the aboveground, belowground, and litter biomass was 5.93 tC, 1.17 tC, and 0.89
tC in Site 1 and 19.93 tC, 3.99 tC, and 2.99 tC. Regarding to the mean carbon sequestration
rate of the aboveground biomass, Site-2 sequestered more organic carbon (53.85tC/ha) than
Site-1 (17.45 tC/ha). Considering both Sites, the belowground biomass mean C-Stock per tree
was 0.023 tC. The estimated average C-Stock of P. pinnata was 23.52 tC ha-1. The average
number of P. pinnata counted per quadrate was 3.29 in Site-1 and 3.19 in Site-2. The
respective mean biomass stored per quadrate was found to be 0.42t and 1.32t in Site-1 and in
Site-2, respectively. The total biomass in above-ground, below-ground and litters of both
sites was found to be 46.92 t, 9.38 t and 7.04 t, respectively. Thus the study concludes that the
carbon content was more higher in site 2 area than compared to site 1.
Comparative status of CO2 sequestration in Albizia lebbeck and Delonix regia.
In this review article they say about the status of carbon sequestration by comparison of
the two species, Albizia lebbeck and Delonix regia are compared with each other and the
carbon content and biomass are estimated to find out the status of the CO2 sequestration
whether the carbon content present in which species among the Albizia lebbeck and Delonix
regia. Biomass production in different forms plays important role in carbon sequestration in
trees. In the present investigation aboveground and belowground carbon sequestration
potential of Albizia lebbeck from nine sectors of Aurangabad city was measured. The
standing aboveground biomass and belowground biomass of Albizia lebbeck were 53.73 tha-1
and 13.97 tha-1 respectively, while total standing biomass of Albizia lebbeck in 2847 hectares
area was 67.70 tha-1. The standing aboveground biomass and belowground biomass of
Delonix regia were 30.25tha-1 and 07.86tha-1 respectively, while total standing biomass of
Delonix regia in 2847 hectares area was 38.11tha-1. The average carbon sequestration and
carbon dioxide of Albizia lebbeck intake is 33.85tha-1 and 124.23 tCO2 in Aurangabad.
Thus, in this review article they conclude that Albizia lebbeck has the highest carbon
sequestered percentage at sector 7th (20%) and lowest at sector 1st (1%), while, in Delonix
regia the highestsector is7th (20%) and lowest in sector 1st (2%). Thus, comparing the both
species it focuses that standing biomass was higher in Albizia lebbeck was 67.70tCha-1,
while in Delonix regia it is lower as 38.11tCha-1. And the cumulative carbon sequestration
and carbon dioxide of Albizia lebbeck intake is 33.85tCha-1 and 124.23 tCO2, while in
Delonix regia intake was 19.06tCha-1. CO2 also higher in the Albizia lebbeck as compared to
Delonix regia.
Carbon sequestration potential and status of Peltophorum pterocarpum (D.C). K.Heyne.
In this research paper it reveals about that how much of carbon content being sequestered and
how much biomass was estimated in the species of Peltophorum pterocarpum. And for this study
area about 9sectors are took as a site in Aurangabad city and measured (Chavan B L and Rasal G B, 2012). The study is located in the state of Maharashtra, in India. Aurangabad is located at the
latitude 19° 53’47”N and longitude 75° 23’54” E. The average day temperature ranges from 27.7° C
to 38° C while it falls from 26.9° C to 20.°C during night. The average annual rainfall in Aurangabad
city and adjoining area is 725.8 mm. total land portion underforest cover is about 557 km2 which is
only 7.6% area of total land area in Aurangabad. The total 28.47 area of Aurangabad city is
selected for the carbon sequestration study. The total 2847 hectares of study area from Aurangabad
was selected for the carbon sequestration study. The samples were collected from Peltophorum
pterocarpum tree from each sampling plot from the study region. . The height of Peltophorum
pterocarpum tree were measured by Theodolite instrument follower the procedure given (Chavan and
Rasal, 2010; 2011). The tree diameter was measured at breast height (DBH) by using diameter
measure tape. After the measurement and estimation it was noted that Total standing biomass of
Peltophorum pterocarpum in 2847 hectares of Aurangabad are 79.29tha-1. sequestered carbon stalk in
aboveground and belowground standing biomass of Peltophorum pterocarpum were 45.17 tha-1 and
11.74 t.ha-1 respectively, while total sequestered carbon of Peltophorum pterocarpum in 2847
hectares area were 56.92 tha-1 . The average carbon sequestration and carbon dioxide of Peltophorum
pterocarpum intake is 39.65 tha-1 and 149.50 tCO2 in Aurangabad. Totally in 9 sectors the species
was measured and estimated so that hence in this research paper the study concludes that e highest
carbon sequestered percentage in Peltophorum pterocarpum at sector 7th it is 20% and lowest at
sector 1st it is 1%, while in sector 7th (19%), sector 8th (15%), sector 4th and 9th (10% each), sector
5th (9%), in sectors 2nd and 3rd (8% each). Hence in different sites the estimation and carbon content
may vary in this species.
Live tree biomass, carbon variation along at altitudinal gradients in moist temperate valley
slopes of the Garhwal Himalayas.
In this journal article the study reveals about the relationships between diversity, biomass and
C stocks at varied altitudes can have crucial implications for the management and conservation
of C sinks (Sumeet Gairola, C. M. Sharma 2011). The carbon (C) stored in the living biomass
of trees is typically the largest C pool of the forest ecosystem which is directly impacted by
deforestation and degradation. This study was done in moist temperate Mandal-Chopta forest of
Chamoli District, Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India and the following objectives are: to assess
live tree biomass and C stocks along an altitudinal gradient; to assess relationship of live tree C
density (TCD) with altitude, species richness, diversity and density, and to compare values of live tree
biomass and C density of the present study with the earlier reported values in forests of other parts of
Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand and India. So, after the measurement and estimation it was found that
the total live tree biomass density (TBD) varied from 215.5 to 468.2 Mg ha−1 and TCD varied from
107.8 to 234.1 Mg C ha−1. The average values of TBD and TCD for the study area were 356.8 ± 83.0
Mg ha−1 and 178.4 ± 41.5 Mg C ha−1 respectively. Comparative assessment of the data suggests that
these values are similar to the earlier recorded values of C and biomass density for other forests of
Garhwal Himalaya and Uttarakhand, but are higher than those reported from most of the other parts of
the country. The stem density showed positive correlation with species richness (0.852) and diversity
(0.749). No correlation between TCD and diversity was observed. However, statistically significant
positive correlation of TCD with altitude (0.579) was observed, which could be attributed to
dominance of large conifers and hardwoods at higher altitudes compared to lower altitudes.
Carbon sequestration: method to conserve environment- a case study of Mandvi Tehsil,
Kachchh district, Gujarat.
In this present paper the study focus about the assessment of the carbon sequestration of sacred
plants at the selected sites of Mandvi tehsil of Kachchh district, Gujarat (Chudasama Nilesh , Dhruv
Goswami 2019). Estimation of carbon sequestration in trees is necessary to mitigate the impact
of climate change. Carbon sequestration is the process of removing carbon from the atmosphere and
depositing it in reservoirs. Basically, it is the process of capturing of carbon dioxide and storing it to
mitigate global warming and climate change. Carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystem is referred
as the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere by photosynthesis. Carbon sequestration is a
mechanism for the removal of carbon from the atmosphere by storing it in the biosphere (Chavan And
Rasal 2012). A sink is the activity which removes Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) from atmosphere. The
sacred groves are traditionally conserved areas under the name of certain deity. Therefore, estimation
of carbon sequestration potential of such virgin forest patches will be of great help to understand the
natural rate of carbon sequestration. Therefore, the sacred groves may have high carbon sequestration
potential. The present study deals with the measuring the carbon sequestration of selected sites of
sacred trees. The methodology includes Counting Method of Sacred trees, Method for Biomass,
measuring the height, G.B.H. Method, Total Biomass (AGB+BGB=TGB), and method of carbon
sequestration. Hence as a result this study reveals that Tamrindus indicus L. (58.39 tones) has a
greatest potential to store carbon where as Manilkara hexandra Roxb. (37.28 tones) has least potential
of carbon sequestration of selected sites of Study area. Total AGB of Selected study sites were
1,20,370.41 tonnes and BGB were 18055.53 tonnes. The total Carbon Sequestration of all individuals
of all tree species were 175.47 tonnes. The above data clearly indicates, that the Sacred plants of
Sacred Groves have great potential of Carbon Sequestration.
Biomass and carbon sequestration potential of Oxytenanthera abyssinica in Ethiopia.
In this research article mainly the study reveals about the Oxytenanthera abyssinica species
were the amount of Biomass and carbon sequestration present in the area of homestead
agroforestry system of Tselemti district of Northern Ethiopia. This species is called as Savannah
bamboo it is stout, vigorous, evergreen bamboo that forms dense clumps of 20 - 100 canes. The
species sometimes forms immense, impenetrable thickets that can spread over several square
kilometers. The plant is commonly harvested from the wild for its canes. It is sometimes also
cultivated, especially for its seed, in the highlands of Tanzania (Girmay Darcha, 2015). The study
area, Serako, is located within 130 05’N latitude and 380 08’ E longitude. Site was selected
purposively based on the availability of domesticated O. abyssinica in their homesteads. The
dominant Combretum-Terminalia vegetation species are Cordia africana, Croton macrostachys,
Acacia senegal, Boswellia papyrifera, Anogeisus leiocarpus, Tamarinudus indica, Euphorbia
tirucalli, Faidherbia albida and Erythrina abyssica as farm woodlots, scattered on farm, road sides,
farm boundaries. Allometric equations were then developed relating to leaf, branch and culm biomass
with breast height diameter (DBH) and Age as independent variables. To evaluate the effect of Age
and DBH on total biomass of O. abyssinica, 9 different treatments with three replications were used.
In total, 27 culms were randomly selected for biomass and carbon stock determination based on the
developed allometric equation. Samples were then collected from three levels of age, i.e. less than one
year, one to three years and greater than three years at three DBH levels of 2.55 – 3.18 cm, 3.19 –
3.82 cm and 3.83 – 4.46 cm. Carbon fraction of O. abyssinica was determined using destructive
ashing method by taking sample specimens both from the above ground and below ground biomass.
Hence, this study reveals allometric model for estimating the woody biomass of O. abyssinica. Above
ground, below ground and total carbon stock of culms were significantly higher in the one to three
and greater than three years compared to less than one year old age of O. abyssinica.
Total sequestered carbon stock of Mangifera indica.
In this study it reveals about the total amount of carbon sequestered in the Mangifera indica
species and biomass also estimated. Carbon sequestration by green plants is a suitable way to reduce
atmospheric CO2 (Balbhim Chavan, 2012). Biomass production in different forms plays
important role in carbon sequestration in trees. These carbon pools are composed of live and dead
above and below ground biomass, and wood products with long and short life and potential uses.
Above-ground biomass, below-ground biomass, dead wood, litter, and soil organic matter are the
major carbon pools in any ecosystem. Trees play an important role in the reduction of carbon dioxide
from atmosphere by carbon sequestration. Active absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere through the
process of photosynthesis and its subsequent storage in different plant parts in the form of biomass in
growing trees is the carbon storage (Baes et. al. 1977 and Chavan et. al. 2010). In this study the
objective is to estimate sequestered carbon of Mangifera indica from Aurangabad. Mangifera indica
belongs to Anacardiaceae family. Most of the fruit trees belonging to this family that are commonly
known as mango trees and belong to the species Mangifera indica (diameter to 100cm). The wild
Mangifera species are generally edible but have lower quality fruits. The mango tree have adapted
throughout the tropics and subtropics. After, measurement and estimation of this species the study
concludes that Total standing biomass of Mangifera indica in 2847 hectares of Aurangabad are
104.41tha-1. The sequestered carbon stalk in aboveground and belowground standing biomass of
Mangifera indica are 44.73 tha-1 and 11.63 tha-1. The allometric regression equations indicate high
correlation and accurate relationship between aboveground biomass as a function of both variables
DBH and height in the Mangifera indica in the study area.
Analysis of carbon sequestration by dominant trees in urban areas of Thane city.
This study reveals the estimation of the total carbon sequestered by urban trees in Thane city
(India). The total tree biomass, total stored carbon, and CO2 removed by urban trees was determined
by with allometric model/volume equations and compared (Aasawari A. Tak, 2020). The trees
act as major CO2 sink, which captures carbon from the atmosphere, and acts as sink, stores the same
in the form of fixed biomass during the growth process. Therefore, growing trees in urban areas can
be a potential contributor in reducing the concentration of CO2 in atmosphere by its accumulation in
the form of biomass. As trees grow and their biomass increases, they absorb carbon from the
atmosphere and store in the plant tissues (Matthews et al., 2000) resulting in growth of different part.
This study will be helpful in improving the air quality in the region to utilise tolerant plant species for
carbon assessment. It will be helpful in reforestation in urban areas. This study was done in Thane city
is located in Maharashtra state and is a part of the Mumbai metropolitan region. The maximum
temperature ranges from 35 to 40°C during summer and the minimum temperature is between 25°C to
35°C during the winter months of November–January. For above ground estimation the random
sampling method was used. In the study area there are totally 238 trees of 29 species recorded in
random sample plots and It was observed that the most dominant species were Avicennia marina
(24.8%) followed by Mangifera indica (9.7%), Acacia nilotica (8.8%), Senna siamea (8%) and Ficus
reliogosa (5.5%). Hence, as a result it is observed that Azardirachta indica tree act as the best carbon-
absorbing agent in the current study area. This data will be helpful to evaluate the role of urban trees
in reducing CO2 and helps in accessing sample-based carbon storage, and estimation for other cities
or forest covers by using non-destructive method.
An overview of carbon sequestration in green roofs of urban areas.
In this review paper the study reveals about the evaluation of the direct and indirect impact of
the green roof on carbon-emission reduction in urban areas and analysis of the carbon
sequestration of the green roofs (Muhammad Shafique, 2020). A green roof is a layer of
vegetation planted over a waterproofing system that is installed on top of a flat or slightly–sloped
roof. Green roofs are also known as vegetative or eco–roofs. In urban areas, one way of mitigating the
adverse effects of air pollution is the sustainable rooftop practice known as green roofs. In this review
it focus on green roofs can help and reduce carbon emissions in direct and indirect method of urban
areas. The direct impact of green roofs on carbon sequestration involves vegetation and soil media,
which can capture and store air pollutants on a building scale. The indirect impact includes the long-
term green roof effect, which can include reducing building energy consumption, leading to a
reduction in fossil fuel consumption. Hence, in this review it concludes that It was found that
vegetation and soil properties are the key factors affecting the performance of building energy
consumption reduction and CO2 sequestration.
 extensive review of the carbon sequestration of the green roof.
 evaluation of the direct and indirect impact of the green roof on carbon-emission reduction in
urban areas.
 Analysis of carbon sequestration assessment of green roof.

Carbon sequestration of 4 urban parks in Rome.

This review reveals and highlights about the study of CO2 sequestration of 4 urban parks, their
correlation with leaf area index (LAI) and their economic values. Urban parks form the largest
proportion of public green spaces contributing to both physical and mental well-being of people living
in urban areas. CO2 sequestration capability of the vegetation developing in parks of four historical
residences (Villa Pamphjli, Villa Ada Savoia, Villa Borghese and Villa Torlonia) in Rome and its
economic value were analyzed (LorettaGratani, 2016). Villa Pamphjli and Villa Ada Savoia
having a larger vegetation extension (165.04 ha and 134.33 ha, respectively), also had a larger total
yearly CO2 sequestration. Villa Borghese and Villa Torlonia which has a lower vegetation extension.
Hence, this paper conclude that the calculated carbon sequestration for the four parks (3197 MgCO2
ha−1 year−1), corresponding to 3.6% of the total greenhouse gas emissions of Rome, resulted in an
annual economic value of $ 23537 /ha.
 CO2 sequestration was correlated with leaf area index (LAI).
 Woods and tree lined avenues showed the highest CO2 sequestration.
 The CO2 sequestration economic value for the four parks was $ 23,537/ha.

The study was conducted in Pondicherry location and the area surrounds upto 19.54 km² and
coordinates to 11°55′N 79°49′E. The study was conducted in 7 different land of urban areas in
Pondicherry and located on southeast coast of india.This study was conducted in different urban areas
of Pondicherry. In different sites the study was occurred.
SITE1- Lawspet, airport road.
SITE 2- white town ( Bharathi park)
3- white town areas (saint louis street, French colony, Rue suffren street etc..)
SITE 4- kurinji nagar
SITE 5- kurinji nagar (DR.APJ abdul kalam planetarium centre)
SITE 6- ashok nagar (near water tank)
SITE 7- orleanpet, maraimalai adigal salai (Botanical garden)
The site 1 is at airport road (11° 58' 7" North, 79° 48' 36" East) and site 2 is at white town
inside the bharathi park (11.9331 latitude and 79.834 longitude) is located at india country in
the parks place category of white town with GPS coordinates of 11°55’ 59.5164’’N and
79°50’ 3.29’’ E. site 3 is the areas of the white town with different streets like saint louis
street, French colony, Rue suffren street, etc.. it is located near the rock beach of mahatma
Gandhi statue. 4th site was located at kurinji nagar near temple the trees are measured for the
study, this site has the coordinates of 11.9310°N 79.7852°E. 5th site was the kurinji nagar at
the planetarium science centre the study was observed. In 6th site, ashok nagar near the water
tank the study was observed and its coordination is 11.95593955, 79.8143829 and the area
plots about 1095.35. Sq.m. And the last site is botanical garden which is in orleanpet
( maraimalai adigal salai) located close to the puducherry old bus stand and about 250meters
and 6kms from the puducherry airport. This garden contains sprawling 22 acres garden house
containing more than 1500 species of plants.
 And in this study we analyse and compare the carbon sequestration and estimation of biomass
in different urban areas of Pondicherry. So that different number of species are present in
different areas, so their biomass and carbon stock may also differ in different areas. In each
sites the number of species may differ and by measuring the girth at breast height (DBH) was
done in each areas. During measurement of the trees the RANDOM SAMPLING method was
done in each site.
 During the field work the climate type was winter and it was done in the month of March and
April. The climate was too hot in Pondicherry. In Puducherry, the average high-temperature
in April is relatively the same as in March - a still hot 34°C (93.2°F). The average low-
temperature, in Puducherry, is 26°C (78.8°F). And in rainfall it is 13mm (0.51") – Aprilof
precipitation is typically accumulated. During the entire year, Puducherry aggregates up to
1240mm (48.82") of precipitation.
 The trees were measured in the field work was measured with a tape and done in random
sampling by counting of each trees in each site. Most of the trees are >10 to 20. And some of
the trees are greater than <200. In each site totally 20 to 30 trees are measured. They are
measured at the girth of breast height.


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