Issue 1
Issue 1
Issue 1
undermining the fundamental human right to food security. For example, this problem takes
many forms, from acute hunger problems to ongoing malnutrition affecting the most vulnerable
populations, including children, the elderly, and households. Lack of proper nourishment is a
physical health problem and hinders cognitive development, educational advancements, and
general social prosperity. This problem has many causes, including economic inequality, climate,
chaos-related farming problems, poor logistics, and wars between countries. Comprehensive
empowerment projects. Nevertheless, food insecurity typically impacts the least fortunate groups
more than others, widening already noticeable gaps among different societies. Therefore, food
shortage can be addressed by giving out some meals and creating sustainable solutions that help
Feeding America Organization remains among the strongest in fighting hunger in the
United States. This nonprofit organization collaborates with regional organizations, donors,
volunteers, and activists and runs a countrywide network of food banks (Feeding America, n.d.).
The Feeding America network collaborates to provide communities with the food and resources
they see as essential for their well-being via local meal programs, pantries, and food banks. Their
work entails responding to situations where people are having trouble accessing food and
tackling the underlying factors contributing to food insufficiency. Although it provides more than
3 billion meals annually, Feeding America has gone beyond this to incorporate programs and
partnerships that aim at education, advocacy, and policymaking that tackle the underlying causes
of hunger. This organization has won people’s trust and support through its transparent and
efficient operational model, channeling resources needed most in societies suffering from hunger.
Business, P. K., CNN. (2022). Hunger in America could get worse as supply chains tighten.