Key Concepts of Computer Studies

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Ora na) Topic A: Computer generations. (Ck play onthe folowing audio player to iste lng a you read his seaton Basic Terms jeune ~ alco device that conto thew of ecto in 2 cen Timlsconeh pits odipyeen nape oes ciee il Transistor ~an cleevoicsomponta at canbe wed ata plier oa a srk Is edo cont the flow of elect in radio, teevsos compte. sly sid file thn sonia many its. eit elemens fe. ane itor, did esters). Merpreceor an ler empnet dons inert it tt on & ‘nw omg cel proenig mit (CPU) and ter sated eis CPC entra proce at) fen ered tein oeienfa arr ew re eres lero se (CPUs put afainopoenn Mucins apege owl roping agg opie oa ctesten cfnm diin ones nde) hat te xen ed ed trl lngngy or siete wed ithe maine agg hat coped eae at [ADD, SUB, DIV. in plow ofember OF Arita nega (A me cope i tt ed wih esi a rennet chino mle ee cope hey ik le ee Fist Generation of Computers Cassteation of generations of computers [mrs emesin | Geese [Ea brdae sem ro esse ‘The main characteris of first generation of computers 1840-19503) + Mee cannes he “ + opie age -ieaae + overcome nt of elit a met oat + Syeda ies ey gin i ng ap pt daiepe ha paper +e ESTA, UNIVAC. BM 58,7 + omit wats 10 ecu he compe ol been 112 Second Got ration of Computers, ‘Te main characterstics of second generation of computers (19508-8605) + Moin een comport rane 2 + Naser tegcic re and spp tk + Mogrnming ngage ~ amen agsge ine (ncompcinon with fn peta emt) + Spent —ipreremet fd dl tin com) Inept devise puch ad ati pe Third Generation of Computers ‘The main characteristics of third generation of computes (18605-18708) + Main ceri compet epted ci C3) &% + Pop annige~bigh eve! lagge FORTRAN, BASIC a COBOL, C0) + acu deve mgt pe kebou moun pes bel Fourth Generation of Computers ‘The main characteristics of fourth generation of computers (1970s-present) (WLS ad isopocene sleepin big + VLSt-tomaeds of ssn on sage moi, =) © RAM (momaccos memory) ~aiye of i org ere eme wen “svt ht ep storer fog dt (lie te comet vt ‘when the cone ited of. © ROM (enon manor) aye dat tnge a a in compet pense eres deta and poze | (sono comes ae ined eve wen the Bs sot ued of ES + Propamming ngage ~highlecellngege (Python, C2, fv raSep Pat, Koti eh Ani of ido ow geraton guages + Sizes: cheaper ad re flit hn hed genetics comptes + Spe inproremet of ped ann. an ili Gn ception with hid retin compute) + Tape xp devies—teybond iting devices pti + Netra ponp of te oar computer yen inked + Examples IBMPC, STAR 100, APPLE I Apple wach 26. Filth Generation of Computers ‘The main characteristics of th generation of computes (the present and erature Paral procesng mathe ce = ‘He fot seeenon oagu) + apr oupe device —ephoard, oat me, aca (ronan) sche pen sesh pi comes + Erumple~ eps, top, able, smanptones, The computer — this amazing technology went from a government/business-only technology to being everywhere stom people's homes. work places, to people's pockets in less than 100

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