XI CH - 18 Body Fluids and Circulation

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Body Fluids and Circulation

1. Which of the following use water from their (B) Only II is false
environment as circulating fluid - (C) Only I is correct
(A) Sponges (D) All are false
(B) Coelenterates 6. Match List I with List II and select the
(C) a and b correct option.
(D) Fishes List I List II
(Plasma (Functions)
Blood-Plasma and Formed protein)
Elements I. Fibrinogen A. Defence
2. Blood, a special type of connective tissue mechanism
(A) Consists of a fluid matrix (Plasma) II Globulins B. Osmotic balance
(B) Has formed elements .
(C) Is the most commonly used body fluid by Ill Albumins C. Coagulation of
most of the higher organisms . blood
(D) All
3. Plasma is a straw coloured, viscous fluid (A) I-C, II -A, III- B
constituting nearly ____ % of blood – (B) I-A, II - C, III- B
(A) 55 (b) 45 (C) I-C, II - B, III -A
(C) 90 (D) 10 (D) l-B, II-A, III-C
4. The amount of water present in blood 7. Formed elements of blood include –
plasma is – (A) RBC, WBC and blood platelets
(A) 99% (B) 90-92% (B) All solutes present in blood
(C) 10% (D) 55% (C) Proteins present in blood
5. I. Proteins contribute 6 - 8% of the blood (D) All minerals (elements)
plasma 8. Which of the following statements is false?
II. Plasma contains very high amount of (A) Erythrocytes/RSC are the least
minerals abundant of all the cells in blood.
Ill. Plasma without the clotting factors is (B) The number of RBCs in adult man
called serum per mm3 of blood is 5 million to
5.5. million.
IV Glucose, amino acids, lipids, etc., are also
(C) RSC are formed in the red bone
present in the plasma as they are always in marrow in the adults.
transit in the body. (D) RBCs are enucleate in most of the
Of the above statements – mammals.
(A) All are correct

9. Life span of human RBC is – V. Lymphocytes E. 60 - 65

(A) 120 hours (B) 120 month (A) I - E, II - D, III - C, IV -A, V - B
(C) 120 days (D) 102 days (B) I -A, II - B, III - C, IV - E, V - D
10. What is the amount of (C) I - E, II - D, III - C. IV - B, V –A
haemoglobin present in 100 ml (D I - B, II - D, III -A, IV - C, V –A
blood of human blood? 15. Match the following –
(A) 45g (B) 18-20g Column I Column II
(C) 12-16g (D) 10 -12g I. Basophils A. Phagocytes
11. Mammalian RBCs are in shape- II. Neutrophils B. Secrete histamine,
(A) Oval (B) Biconvex serotonin ,
(C) biconcave (D) Sickle like heparin and
12. All of the following statement are correct involved in
about WBCs except – inflammatory
(A) They are nucleate and least response
constancy in shape Ill. Monocytes C. Resist infections
(B) They are lesser in number (6000 – and are also
8000 per mm3 blood) involved in allergic
(C) They are generally short lived reaction
(D) They help in blood clotting IV. Eosinophils D. Immunity
13. All of the following are granulocytes V. Lymphocytes
except- (A) I - B, II and III -A, IV - C, V - D
(A) Neutrophils (B) I - B, II and III - C, IV -A, V - D
(B) Eosinophils (C) I - C, II and III -A, IV - B, V - D
(C) Basophils only · (D) I - D, II and III -C, IV -A, V – B
(D) Lymphocytes and monocytes 16. Megakaryocytes produce-
14. Match list I with list II correctly – (A) Leucocytes
List I List II (B) Lymphocytes
(Types of (Their% (of (C) Bone cells
leucocytes/ total WBC) (D) Blood platelets (thrombocytes)
WBCs) 17. Which of the following is cell fragments?
I. Neutrophils A. 20 - 25· (A) Leucocytes
II. Basophils B. 2-3 (B) RBCs
Ill. Monocytes C. 6-8 (C) Blood platelets
IV. Eosinophils D. 0.5 - 1 (D) None

18. 1 mm3 blood has how many blood and reason is correct explanation of
platelets? assertion.
(A) 150000 - 350000 B) Both assertion and reason are true
(B) 1.5 million to 3.5 million and reason is not correct
(C) 1500-3000 explanation of assertion.
(D) 10 to 15 lacs C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
19. During blood clotting, platelets release – D) Both assertion and reason are false.
(A) Thrombin Blood Groups
(B) Fibrinogen
(C) Prothrombin 22. ABO blood grouping is based on the

(D) Thrombokinase and other blood clotting presence or absence of surface antigens

factor (A) 2 (B) 3

20. Find the correct descending order of (C) 6 (D) 12

percentage proportion of leucocytes in human 23. Fill up gaps given below in the table-

blood. Blood Antigens Antibody in Donor

(A) Neutrophils → Basophils → group on RBCs Plasma groups

Lymphocytes → Acidophils (Eosinophils) A A Amit- B A,O

→ Monocytes B B Anti-A B,O
(B) Neutrophils → Monocytes AB AB ___II____ A,B,ABO
→Lymphocytes→ Acidophils → O __I_ ____III____ ___IV____
(C) Neutrophils →Lymphocytes→ I II III IV
Monocytes → Acidophils → (a) Nil Nil Nil O
Basophils (b) Nil Nil Anti-A,B AB
(D) Neutrophils → Acidophils → (c) Nil Anti- Nil O
Basophils → Lymphocytes → A,B
Monocytes (d) Nil Nil Anti-A,B O
21. Assertion – A physician might order a 24. Which of the following blood groups is
white cell count for a patient with symptoms universal donor and universal acceptors
of an infection. respectively?
Reason- An increase in the number of white (A) AB, O (B) O, AB
blood cells (leukocytes) may indicate that the (C) AB, A (D) A, AB
person is combating an infection.
A) Both assertion and reason are true

25. Which of the following representations is (A) AB Rh- (B) AB Rh+

correct about blood groups and donor (C) O Rh- (D) O Rh+
compatibility? 32. Which of the following is expected if
husband is Rh+ and wife is Rh-?
(A) No problem with 1st pregnancy
(B) Problem would be expected with
26. Rh factor is concerned with blood future pregnancies
grouping. It derives its name from- (C) Both
(A) Man (B) Chimpanzee (D) No problem could be expected in
(C) Monkey (D) Rat any pregnancy
27. Rh factor is responsible for- 33. Which of the following statements is
(A) Sickle cell anemia correct?
(B) Erythroblastosis foetalis (A) Rh compatibility must be tested
(C) AIDS before pregnancy establishment
(D) Turner syndrome and blood transfusion
28. In developing foetus, erythroblastosis (B) Rh antibodies can cross placenta
foetalis is caused by- (C) At the time of 1st delivery some of
(A) Haemolysis Rh+ RB Cs from the baby (Rh+)
(B) Clumping of RBCs mix the mother's blood (Rh-) due to
(C) Failure of blood clotting tear in placenta mother's blood for
(D) Phagocytosis by WBC. Rh- antibodies
29. In erythroblastosis foetalis, which of the (D)All
following factors passes through placenta into
Coagulation of Blood
foetus -
(A) Rh antigens (B) Rh antibodies 34. What is the correct order of these events?
(C) Agglutinins (D) ABO antibodies 1. Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
30. A doctor suggested to a couple not to have 2. Clot retraction and leakage of serum
more than one child because of – 3. Thromboplastin formation
(A) Rh+ male and Rh- female 4. Conversion of prothrombin to
(B) Rh- male and Rh+ female thrombin
(C) Rh- male and Rh- female (A) 3,2,1, 4
(D) Rh+ male and Rh+ female (B) 3,4,1,2
31. In case of emergency which blood group (C) 3,4,2,1
could be safely transfused? (D) 4,1,3,2

35. Which of the following statement are

correct? (C)
I. Ca+2 is necessary for blood coagulation
II. Coagulation in blood vessel is prevented
during normal condition by heparin
Ill. Clotting of blood involves changes of
fibrinogen to fibrin by thrombin
IV Blood clotting involves cascading process
involving a number of factors present in the (D)
active form always

(A) I, Ill, IV
(B) II, IV
(C) I, II, Ill
(D) Ill, IV
Lymph (Tissue fluid)
36. Which of the following pathways is correct
for blood clotting 37. Which of following statements is wrong
(A) about lymph.
I. Lymph is colourful as it has haemoglobin
but no RSC
II. The fluid present in lymphatic system is
called lymph
III. It contains specialized lymphocytes which
are responsible for immunity of the body
(B) IV. Lymph is an important carrier for
nutrients and hormones
V. Fats are absorbed through lymph in the
lacteals present in the intestinal villi
(A) Only I
(B) III and IV
(C) II and III
(D) Only IV

38. Which of the following statements is

correct? 41. In an open circulatory system -
I. Lymphatic system collects tissue (A) There is no heart
fluid/interstitial fluid and drains it back to the (B) There is no need of blood vessels
major veins (C) There is no distinction between
II. Interstitial fluid (tissue fluid) and lymph blood and tissue fluid
have almost similar composition (D) There are no open spaces or
Ill. Lymph and interstitial fluid have no larger sinuses in the body
proteins and RBC
IV. Exchange of nutrients and gases, etc. 42. Advantages of closed circulatory system
between the blood and cells always occurs over open circulatory system includes which
through tissue flu id of the following?
V. Interstitial fluid has the same mineral (A) Closed system can direct blood to
distribution as that in plasma specific tissues
VI. Lymph can be defined as blood minus RSC (B) Exchange occurs more rapidly
but has specialized lymphocytes (C) Close circulatory system can
(A) All (B) Only III and IV support higher levels of metabolic
(C) V and VI (D) I, III, V activity

Circulatory Pathways (D)All

39. Open circulatory system is found in – 43. Which of the following statements is wrong
(A)Arthropods and molluscs about the closed circulatory system?
(B)Annelids and Chordates (A) Blood remains within blood
(C) Annelids and arthropods vessels and never comes in direct
(D) Fishes and molluscs contact with the body cells
(B) In it flow of fluid can be more
40. Closed circulatory system is found in – precisely regulated
(A) Arthropod and chordates (C) There is no blood capillary
(B) Molluscs and chordates (D) Blood flow is more rapid due to
(C)Amphibians and molluscs higher pressure
(D) Annelids and chordates

44. Following are figures of hearts in different Human Circulatory System

47. Which of the following statements is not
(A) Heart is ectodermal in origin
(B) In human beings heart is situated
A= Auricle
in the thoracic cavity, in between
V = Ventricle
the two lungs slightly lifted to the
Identify with their characteristic hearts –
(a) Fishes Reptiles All reptiles Birds, (C) Human heart has the size of a
Mammals clenched fist.
(b) Fishes Birds Reptiles, Mammal
(D) Double wall membranous bag
(pericardium) with pericardia! fluid
(c) Fishes Amphibia Reptiles Crocodiles,
ns Birds,
protects heart
Mammals 48. Which of the following is correct about
(d) Fishes Crocodiles Amphibia Birds, human heart?
ns, Mammals
(A) The volume of both atria> the
volume of both ventricles
45. In fishes the blood circulation is
(B) The volume of both ventricle> the
represented as -
volume of both atria
(C) The volume of both atria= the
volume of both ventricles
(D) Ventricles are upper chambers and

The above flow of blood indicates it is a - atria are lower chambers in our

(A) Double circulation heart

(B) Single circulation 49. Bicuspid valve I mitral valve is found

(C) Incomplete single circulation between -

(D) Incomplete double circulation (A) Left atrium and left ventricle

46. Incomplete double circulation is found in (B) Right atrium and right ventricle

which of the following animals? (C) Right atrium and left ventricle

(A) Birds (D) Left atrium and right ventricle

(B) Mammals
(C) Birds and Mammals
(D)Amphibians and Reptiles

50. Tricuspid valve is present between the- D. Pulmonary s. bring deoxygenated

(A) Two atria vein blood from upper
(B) Two ventricles part of body to
(C) Left atrium and left ventricle right atrium
(D) Right atrium and right ventricle
51. Chordae tendinae are found in - (A) A - q, B - s, C - r, D - p
(A) Joints (b) A - s, B - p, C - q, D - r
(B) Atria of heart (c) A- s, B - r, C - p, D - q
(C) Ventricles of heart (d) A - s, B - p, C - r, D – q
(D) Ventricles of brain 55. Origin of heart beat and its conduction is
52. Ventricles are thick-walled as compared to represented by -
atrium because - (A) SA-node → Purkinje fibres →
(A) It is to receive blood from atria AV-node→ Bundle of His
(B) It is present on the posterior side (B) AV-node→ Bundle of His→ SA-
(C) It is to pump blood node→ Purkinje fibres
(D) None (C) Purkinje fibres→ AV-node→ SA-
53. Which of the following has thickest wall? node→ Bundle of His
(A) Left auricle (D) SA-node→ AV-node→ Bundle of
(B) Left ventricle His→ Purkinje fibres
(C) Right auricle
(D) Right ventricle 56. 'Heart of heart' is -
54. Match the following. (a) SA-node
Column I Column II (b)AV-node
A. Superior p. carries (c) Bundle of His
vena cava deoxygenated (d) Purkinje fibres
blood to lungs 57. SA node is located in –
B. Inferior q. carries oxygenated (A) Upper lateral wall of left atrium
vena cava blood from lungs (B) Lower lateral wall of left atrium
C. Pulmonary r. brings (C) Lower lateral wall of right atrium
artery deoxygenated (D) Upper lateral wall of right atrium
blood from lower
part of body to
right atrium

58. SA node is called pace maker of the heart. 64. Atria-ventricular node (AVN) is situated in
Why? (A) Lower left corner of left auricle,
(A) It can change contractile activity generated close to AV-septum
by AV node (B) Lower left corner of right auricle,
(B) It delays the transmission of impulse close to AV-septum
between the atria and ventricles (C) Upper left corner of right auricle,
(C) It gets stimulated when it receives neural close to AV-septum
signal (D) Upper left corner of left auricle,
(D) It initiates and maintains the rhythmic close to AV-septum
contractile activity of heart 65. Purkinje fibres are present in -
59. Sino-atrial node (SAN) can generate (A) Left auricle
impulses - (B) Right auricle
(A)JO - 75 min-1 (C) Ventricular myocardium
(B) 50 - 55 min-1 (D) SAN
(C) 35 - 40 min-1 66. The chordae tendinae-
(D) 100-150 min-1 (A) Close the AV-valves
60. The impulse of heart beat originate from - (B) Prevent the AV-valves flaps from
(A) SAN (C)AVN everting
(C) Vagus nerve (D) Cardiac nerve (C) Open semilunar valves
61. Rate of heart is determined by- (D) Are present in auricles
(A) SAN 67. Which of the following correctly traces the
(B)AVN electrical impulses that trigger each heart beat
(C) Purkinje fibres (A) Pacemaker → AV node→ Atria→
(D) Bundle of His Ventricles
62. Bundle of His is a group of- (B) Pacemaker →Atria→ AV node→
(A) Ganglia Ventricles
(B) Nerve fibres (C) AV node →Pacemaker→ Auricles
(C) Muscular fibres →Ventricles
(D) Connective tissue (D) Ventricle→ pacemaker→ AV
63. Bundle of His I AV-bundle found in - node→ Auricle
(A) Right auricle
(B) Left auricle
(C) Bone
(D) lnterventricular septum

68. An atrioventricular valve prevents Cardiac Cycle

the back flow or leakage of blood from -
71. The duration of cardiac cycle in a normal
(A) The right ventricle into the right
man is -
(A) 0.8 seconds
(B) The left atrium into the left
(B) 80 seconds
(C) 60 seconds
(C) The aorta into the left ventricle
(D) 72 seconds
(D) The pulmonary vein into the right
72. During systole of heart -
(A) Only atria contract
69. How many double circulations are
(B) only ventricles contract
normally completed by the human heart in
(C) Auricles and ventricles contract
one minute?
(A) 8 (B) 16
(D) Auricles and ventricles contract
(C) 36 (D) 72
70. Assertion- If you trace the path of a
73. During ventricular systole –
molecule of carbon dioxide that starts in an
(A) Oxygenated blood is pumped into
arteriole in the right thumb and leaves the
the aorta and deoxygenated blood
body in exhaled air, the minimum number of
is pumped into the pulmonary
capillary beds the molecule encountered is 2.
Reason- The molecule of carbon dioxide would
(B) Oxygenated blood is pumped into
need to enter a capillary bed in the thumb
the pulmonary artery and
before returning to the right atrium and
deoxygenated blood is pumped into
ventricle, then travel to the lung and enter a
the artery
capillary from which it would diffuse into an
(C) Oxygenated blood is pumped into
alveolus and be available to be exhaled
aorta and deoxygenated blood is
A) Both assertion and reason are true
pumped into pulmonary vein
and reason is correct explanation of
(D) Oxygenated blood is pumped into
pulmonary vein and deoxygenated
B) Both assertion and reason are true
blood is pumped into pulmonary
and reason is not correct
explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
D) Both assertion and reason are false.

74. Contraction of right ventricle pumps blood 78. The accompanying diagram shows three
into- stages in the cardiac cycle-
(A) Dorsal aorta
(B) Pulmonary vein
(C) Coronary artery
(D) Pulmonary artery
75. When ventricular systole occurs –
(A) Auricular diastole coincides Which of the following sequence is correct?
(B) Tricuspid and bicuspid valves (A) 2,3, 1 (B)1,2, 3
close (C) 2, 1, 3 (D) 3,1, 2
(C) Semilunar valves guarding 79. Cardiac output is determined by -
pulmonary artery and aorta are (A) Heart rate (B) Stroke volume
forced to open (C) Blood flow (D) Both a and b
(D)All 80. The amount of blood to be pumped out by
76. During cardiac cycle about % of each ventricle/minute is-
ventricular filling occurs prior to atrial (A) Stroke volume
contraction. _____ % ventricular filling occurs (B) Cardiac output
due to atrial contraction - (C) Tidal volume
(A) 50, 50 (B) 70, 30 (D) Residual volume
(C) 30, 70 (D) 10, 90 81. During cardiac cycle each ventricle pumps
77. Which of the following events do not occur out about 70 ml of blood which is called -
during joint diastole? (A) Stroke volume
I. All 4 chambers of heart are in relaxed state (B) Cardiac output
II. Tricuspid and bicuspid valves open (C) Tidal volume
III. Action potential is conducted from SAN to (D) Residual volume
AVN 82. A red blood cell, entering the right side of
IV. Blood from the pulmonary veins and vena the heart passes by or through the following
cava flows into the left and right ventricles structures –
respectively through the left and right atria 1. Atrioventricular valves
V. The Semilunar valves are closed 2. Semi-lunar valves
(A) Only V 3. Right atrium
(B) Only III 4. Right ventricle
(C) Only IV 5. SAN
(D) Only I and II

(A) 2→3→1→4→5 (D) It is clinically non-significant

(B) 3→1→5→2→4 87. Assertion - The AV node delay the
(C) 3→5→1→2→4 electrical impulse moving from the SA node
(D) 5→3→1→4→2 and the atria to the ventricles.
83. Cardiac output is – Reason- The delay allows the atria to empty
(A) Stroke volume (SV) x Heart rate (HR)= 5L/ completely, filling ventricles fully before they
min contract.
(B) SV x HR= 500 ml A) Both assertion and reason are true
(C) SV x HR= 72 ml/min and reason is correct explanation of
(D) SV x HR= 70 ml/min assertion.
84. Which of the following statement is not B) Both assertion and reason are true
true? and reason is not correct
(A) Cardiac output of an athlete is explanation of assertion.
much higher than that of an C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
ordinary man D) Both assertion and reason are false.
(B) In each minute a single cardiac 88. Assertion - After exercising regularly for
cycle is performed several months, our resting heart rate
(C) Cardiac sounds are of clinical decreases, but our cardiac output at rest is
diagnostic significances unchanged.
(D) Cardiac cycle includes Auricular Reason- The heart, like any other muscle,
systole, ventricular systole and becomes stronger through regular exercise.
joint diastole/complete diastole The stronger heart would have a lesser stroke
85. First cardiac sound (lub) is associated volume, which would allow for the decrease in
with - heart rate.
(A) Closure of tricuspid and bicuspid valves A) Both assertion and reason are true
(B) Opening of tricuspid and bicuspid valves and reason is correct explanation of
(C) Closure of semilunar valves assertion.
(D) Opening of semi lunar valves B) Both assertion and reason are true
86. Which of the following statement is wrong and reason is not correct explanation
for second cardiac sound? of assertion.
(A) It is heard as dup C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(B) It is produced due to closure of D) Both assertion and reason are false.
semilunar valves
(C) It is clinically significant

Electrocardiograph(ECG) 93. T wave on an ECG represents –

(A) Depolarization of ventricles
89. Electrocardiogram is a measure of-
(B) Repolarization of ventricle
(A) Heart rate
(C) Repolarization of atria
(B) Ventricular contraction
(D) Depolarization of atria
(C) Volume of blood pumped
94. The below figure is the diagrammatic
(D) Electrical activity of heart
representation of standard ECG.
90. Which of the following is a false
(A) ECG is of a great clinical
(B) Electrocardiograph is the recording
of electrical changes during the Column I Column II
cardiac cycle A. P- wave I. Ventricular
(C) To obtain a standard ECG, a depolarization followed
patient is connected to the machine by ventricular
with 3 electrical electrodes (one to contraction
each wrist and to the left ankle) B. QRS II. Atrial depolarization
(D) Normal activities of the heart are Complex followed by systole of
regulated intrinsically both atria
91. P-wave represents - C. T- wave III. Ventricular
(A) Depolarization of ventricles repolarization followed
(B) Repolarization of ventricle by ventricular
(C) Repolarization of atria relaxation
(D) Depolarization of atria
92. QRS complex represents the - (A) A-I, B-II, C-III
(A) Depolarization of ventricles (B)A-III, B -II, C - I
(B) Repolarization of ventricles (C) A-II, B – I. C - III
(C) Repolarization of atria (D) A-II, B-III, C – I
(D) Depolarization of atria

95. Match the Column I with Column II -

Column I Column II

A. Counting I. A detailed
the evaluation
number of of the
QRS heart
complex function
in a given
B. Potential II. Determinat
97. Which of the following options represent
generated ion of heart correct systemic circulation in human being-
by the beat
recovery of
from the
tion state
C. Multiple III. T-wave
leads are
to the
98. Note the following blood vessels -
A B C D E A. Arteriole
B. Capillary
C. Aorta
B V IV I III II D. Muscular artery
E. Vein
F. Venule
D V IV I III I Choose the correct path that lists the blood
vessels in. order, blood passes through them
as it leaves the heart, travels
Double Circulation
to tissue and returns to heart -
96. Which of the following options represents (A) C, D, B, A, E, F
the pulmonary circulation in human being – (B) C, D, A, B, F, E
(C) D, C, A, B, E, F

(D) D, C, B, A, E, F

99. Identify X, Y and Z? circulation -

(A) Liver, intestine
(B) Pancreas, intestine
(C) Intestine, liver
(D) Hepatic artery, hepatic vein
104. A special coronary system of blood
(a) Vein Artery Capillary vessels present in our body exclusively for the
circulation of blood to and from the-
(b) Capilla Artery Vein
(A) Corneocytes
(B) Cornea
(c) Artery Capillary Vein (C) Cori cycle

(d) Vein Capillary Artery (D) Heart/Cardiac musculature

105. Assertion- The heart of a normally
100. Systemic circulation -
developing human fetus has a hole between
(A) Provides nutrient, O2 and other
the left and right atria. In some cases, this
essential substances to the tissues
hole does not close completely before birth. If
(B) Takes CO2 and other harmful
the hole weren’t surgically corrected, the O2
substances away for elimination
content would be abnormally low.
(C) Both a and b
Reason- In this case, some oxygen depleted
(D) Carries blood from heart to lungs
blood returned to the right atrium from the
101. The blood circulation which starts and
systemic circuit would mix with the oxygen
ends into capillaries is -
rich blood in the left atrium.
(A) Portal circulation
A) Both assertion and reason are true and
(B) Renal circulation
reason is
(C) Hepatic circulation
correct explanation of assertion.
(D) Lymphatic circulation
B) Both assertion and reason are true and
102. Vascular connection between the
reason is not
digestive tracts and liver is called -
correct explanation of assertion.
(A) Hepatic circulation
C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(B) Hepatic portal system
D) Both assertion and reason are false.
(C) Both a and b
106. Assertion – There is low velocity of blood
(D) Hepatic sinusoid
flow in the capillaries.
103. The hepatic portal vein carries blood
Reason – There is large total cross-sectional
from to the ____ before it is delivered to the
area of the capillaries.

A) Both assertion and reason are true and of action potential

reason is (C) Both
correct explanation of assertion. (D) Increasing adrenal medulla hormones
B) Both assertion and reason are true and secretion
reason is not 111. Heart beat increases -
correct explanation of assertion. (A) On stimulation of sympathetic
C) Assertion is true but reason is false. nerves
D) Both assertion and reason are false. (B) On stimulation of vagus nerve
(para sympathetic nerve)

Regulation of Cardiac Activity (C) By adrenaline secreted by adrenal

107. Cardiac centre lies in - medulla
(A) Medulla oblongata \ (D) Both a and c
(B) Pons
(C) Cerebrum Disorders of Circulatory System
(D) Epithalamus 112. In adult, normal blood pressure is -
108. Cardiac centre can moderate. the cardiac (A) 80/120 mmHg
functions through - (B) 100/80 mmHg
(A) Somatic neural system (C) 120/80 mmHg
(B) Parasympathetic nervous system only (D) 100/ 120 mmHg
(C)Autonomic nervous system (ANS) 113. Normal BP= 120 I 80 mmHg in an adult.
(D) Sympathetic nervous system only In this measurement 120 mmHg is the ____
109. Neural signal through the sympathetic pressure and 80 mmHg is _______ pressure-
nerve (part of ANS) increases cardiac output (A) Diastolic, systolic
because of- (B) Systolic, diastolic
(A) Increasing the rate of heart beat (C) Pulse, diastolic
(B) Increasing the strength of (D) Pulse, systolic
ventricular contraction 114. Which one indicates B.P or
(C) Both a and b hypertension?
(D) Increasing the stimulation of vagus (A) 120/ 80 mmHg
nerve (B) 80/120 mmHg
110. Parasympathetic neural signal decreases (C) 140/90 mmHg or higher
cardiac put by - (D) 40/60 mm Hg
(A) Decreasing the rate of heart beat
(B) Decreasing the speed conduction

Column I Column II (B) SCIO

A Heart failure I. Heart muscle is (C) Blue baby
. suddenly (D) Heart arrest

damaged by an 117. Assertion – Nitroglycerin relieve chest

inadequate blood pain caused by narrowing of the cardiac

supply arteries.

B Cardiac II. Chest pain due to Reason – The chest pain results from

. arrest inadequate 0 2 inadequate blood flow in coronary arteries.

reaching the Vasodilation promoted by nitric oxide from

heart muscles nitroglycerin increases blood flow, providing

the heart muscle with additional oxygen and
C Heart Attack III Atherosclerosis
thus relieving the pain.
. .
A) Both assertion and reason are true and
D Coronary IV Heart not
reason is correct explanation of assertion.
. Artery pumping blood
B) Both assertion and reason are true and
disease (CAD) effectively enough
reason is not correct explanation of assertion.
to meet the needs
C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
of the body
D) Both assertion and reason are false.
E Angina V. Heart stops
. pectoris beating
Double Circulation
115. Match the Column I with Column II -
A B C D E 118. Which of the following blood vessels
(a) IV V III III II possess semilunar valves?
(a) Vena cava and aorta
(c) IV V III II III (b)Aorta and pulmonary artery
(d) V IV I III I (c) Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein

(d) Pulmonary vein and vena cava

116. It is often referred as atherosclerosis,
affects the blood vessels that supply blood to
the heart muscles. It is caused by deposition
of Ca, fat, cholesterol and fibrous tissues
making the lumen of arteries narrow –
The above facts are related to-

119. 120.

The above figure is the systematic plant of

blood circulation in human. Identify to A to F.
What is the nature of blood passing through
blood vessels (A, B, C and D)?
a Lung Body Pulmo Pulmo Dorsa Vena
s parts nary nary l aorta cava A B C D
vein artery
(a) Deoxyg Oxygen Deoxyg Oxygen
b Lung Body Pulmo Pulmo Dorsa Vena
s parts nary nary l aorta cava
enated ated enated ated
artery vein
(b) Deoxyg Deoxyg Oxygen Oxygen
C Lung Body Pulmo Pulmo Vena Dorsal
enated enated ated ated
s parts nary nary cava aorta
artery vein
(c) Oxygen Oxygen Deoxyg Deoxyg
d Body Lungs Pulmo Pulmo Vena Dorsal ated ated enated enated
parts nary nary cava aorta
artery vein (d) Oxygen Deoxyg Oxygen Deoxyg
ated enated ated enated

Body Fluids and Circulation

Q 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans C D A B B A A A C C
Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans C D D C A D C A D C
Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans A A D B C C B A B A
Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans C C D B C A A A A D
Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans C D C C B D A B A D
Q 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans C C B C D A D D A A
Q 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans A C D B C B B A D A
Q 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Ans A C A D D B B C D B
Q 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Ans A D A B A D A C D B
Q 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Ans D A B C D C D B A C
Q 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Ans A B C D A A A C C C
Q 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Ans D C B C A A A B B A

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