Applicable to five (5) WTG locations: WK41, WK17, WK42, WK52 and WK44.
SCOPE Welded connections and hot spots located in the atmospheric section of the WTG
foundation above the main access platform level up to the WTG tower interface.
OTHER COMMENTS Ensure best possible visibility and lighting conditions during inspection.
o Detailed evaluation of the structural integrity of the foundations.
o Inspection of critical areas with high probability of crack occurrence or suspicious areas of damage of the
steel structure.
o Determination of current and potential fatigue damage in terms of cracks and any other detectable
o Identification of localised fatigue damage.
WIK-CIV-D-O-CIJV-2001_rev6_DD General_notes
WIK-CIV-D-A-CIJV-2060_rev5_DD TP Type1
WIK-CIV-D-K-CIJV-2061_rev6_DD TP Sections and Details Part 1
WIK-CIV-D-K-CIJV-2062_rev4_DD TP Sections and Details Part 2
WIK-CIV-D-A-CIJV-2090_rev2_DD TP door
WIK-CIV-N-NAVA-0009 Rev09 Blasting & Coating Specification
WIK-CIV-N-NAVA-0087 Rev01 Maintenance Coating Scheme Specification Proposal
WIK-CIV-M_BLADT-7416 Rev 5 coating manual
WIK-OM-T-IB-1042 Rev 0 WTG Foundations – Unscheduled Structural Inspections - May 2018
The CONTRACTOR is asked to perform a detailed inspection of the structural elements and connections
located above the main access platform at +11.20 m MSL level up to the WTG tower interface at +18.2 m MSL.
The CONTRACTOR is required to provide a reliable non-destructive testing technique to evaluate the presence
of fatigue cracks at certain weld locations. The selection of the methodology to be employed shall be assessed
in a case-by-case basis by the CONTRACTOR. One or more of the following crack detection test methods can be
employed by the CONTRACTOR:
- Radiography test (X- or gamma ray): RT.
- Ultrasonic test: UT.
- Magnetic particle test: MPI.
- Eddy current detection test: ECD.
- Alternate Current Field Measurement: ACFM.
Note welds shall be at a minimum ECD and UT tested. The following criteria shall be borne in mind when
selecting the testing method:
1. Cleaning requirements of the surface of application are minimised.
2. Provision of results in a straightforward manner, avoiding time consuming techniques.
3. Can be applied through paint coating without requiring the removal of the coating layers in the area
of application.
The following standards and guidelines shall be as minimum observed for the works specified in this task card:
- DIN EN ISO 23279:2016 - Ultrasonic testing. Characterization of indications in welds
- DIN EN ISO 11666:2010 - Ultrasonic Testing. Acceptance Levels
- DIN EN ISO 12084:2001 - Eddy current testing. General principles and Guidelines
- DIN EN ISO 17638:2016 - Non-destructive Testing of Welds. Magnetic Particle Testing
- DIN EN ISO 23278:2015 - MPI of welds. Acceptance Levels
- DIN EN ISO 9934-1:2016 - Magnetic Particle Testing. General Principles
It shall be noted that the COMPANY’s preference is to employ non-intrusive testing techniques that do not
cause significant impacts to the structure, and portable techniques that are simple to deploy in the offshore
environment. This means that magnetic particle testing and radiography testing shall not be the first option
due to need to remove the paint coating and the associated logistics requirements. The aforementioned two
techniques shall be employed only if required based on engineering judgement for enhancing the crack
detection process. In any case, the CONTRACTOR shall provide justification of the techniques employed to
ensure that reliable and accurate results are obtained. If any intrusive technique is employed, the
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the assessed surface is returned to its previous status. The use of any intrusive
technique should be subject to COMPANY’s approval prior to implementation. This may include but not be
limited to the re-application of the paint coating system as per the corresponding paint coating procedure.
On each jacket foundation structure, all checks and identification of anomalies shall be referenced according
to the below reference system: height and cardinal points. Inspection of any specific weld/hot spot shall be
referenced according to the ID of the weld/hot spot as per design basis.
Ref 3
Ref 4 (boat
Ref 2 landing)
Ref 1
Cardinal points are located clockwise from the southern jacket leg.
The fatigue prone areas to be covered by this inspection are detailed in WIK-OM-T-IB-1042 Rev 0 WTG
Foundations – Unscheduled Structural Inspections - May 2018. The base case number of welds/hot spots to
undergo non-destructive testing is variable from location to location.
Should any defect be found in the mentioned areas, this should be notified to IBROD at the earliest
opportunity and await further instructions. Extension of the areas to be inspected may be agreed between
the parties as a result of any defect observed on site.
The inspection of the selected areas shall include but not be limited to the following checks:
- Existence and length of surface cracks.
- Depth of surface cracks.
- Detection of far-embedded surface cracks.
The CONTRACTOR is responsible of inspecting a sufficient length and area of the corresponding weld or hot
spot in order to adequately assess potential fatigue damage. As a minimum, the CONTRACTOR is requested to
inspect with NDT a covering area of 1.5 times the thickness of the weld associated to the hotspot being
In all cases, the welds and hot spots shall be cleaned and the surface prepared as required per the
requirements of the NDT method employed. The CONTRACTOR is the end responsible for ensuring that fatigue
damage in the highlighted areas is adequately captured during the assessment.
All areas to be inspected according to this task are located above MAP level. It is the CONTRACTOR’s
responsibility to provide the adequate means to reach each area of inspection to perform the required checks.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure the proper condition of the platforms, railings and access systems at all times
during this task and at the time of leaving the foundation location.
The CONTRACTOR is required to follow the codification requirements set out in WIK-IB-OMM-6187 Rev 1 CN
WTG FOU – Inspection and Object Table.
The CONTRACTOR is requested to provide upon completion of the activity and as per the conditions set out in
the contract, a report summarising the main findings from the detailed NDT inspection at the welded
connections. The report shall include all the required checks, measurements and tests. Checklists, photographs
and details of the exact location assessed taken shall be included. Visual documentation such as photographs
should be clear and well-focused and should have a tape measure visible in the photo (if possible) if this
enhances easier interpretation of the anomalies detected.
The report shall include details of the methodology employed. The report will be complemented with
recommendations for any remedial and/or mitigation measure required.
In addition to the aforementioned reporting requirements, the CONTRACTOR is required to provide a summary
table similar to the one below outlining the following information at each of the inspected welds per WTG
Link to
Weld / Leg Defects? Description of Sketch of defect location
Pictures NDT
HS ID Ref. (Yes/No) defect and geometry
Inspection reports and results shall be suitable for submission to BSH or appointed certification body as part of
the annual status review in order to prove the integrity and technical condition of the offshore structures.
All observations shall be reported to the O&M engineering team of the COMPANY.