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tice ofthe Pr. Chief Commision of Income Tax, “Andhta Pradesh & Telangana, Hyderabad, SP aaitiars, awe Ray 10 Flo, acome Tax Towers, ‘wath am, tee! AC Gund, Hyerabod ~ $00 004, 2RATel No 40 ~ 23425474, OH Fox 040-23241427 FNoPr CCI NieTEsD0aT-22 Dae: SNRAOET To All the Heads of Departments/Heads of Oexs of Andhra Pradesh & Telengans Region. 8 sore UT a TT STE, ET ko, BTL sin, Sub: Relsstion of Rule 80-A for payment of provisional Fuily Penson on deth cof Goverment Servant during service res. ‘CBDT, New Deis loter in FN A-38015/1472021-AdLIX dated 08 08/202. Kindly refer fo the above. 2. ‘Kindly find enclosed herewith sbove referred leer, resived from CBDT, New Deli, vide its eter in F. No, A3BOIS/14/2021-AdIX dated 0082021, forwarded the copy of DO. ese of the Secretary, Deparment of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, Mins of Personna, Public Grievance & Pensions enclosing their OM dated 29.07.2020 and 03.06.2021, regarding elastin of Rule B0-A for ‘payment of provisional Family Pension on death ofa Government Servant during Serce. 3. Vide above refered leer, it was dete to issue suitable insttons to the concerned officers, scl comply with eforstidruesinsrutions for promt payment of provisional family person and provisional gratuity to the nomineeamily members, Simultaneously also 0 process regular pesion maybe complete on highest prot o ensure Fist payment by the Eank within month of receipt of the lim for fily pension, 4 Inthisconeaton, DCTT(HQXAdmn} Of. PLCCIT, AP & TS, Hyderabad is being appined 8 the Noel Offer. ‘Yours ft, 5 ii, (B. SRINIVASA RAO) 43 Commissioner of Icom Tex, (OSD) (Hard), Ole PrCCET, ARTS, Hycersbod. Enel a aboveBY SPEED POST (MOST IMMEDIATE y ‘Government of India By omit s/f (Central Board of Direct Tax) exert ea SNE, No. a s8015/1472021-A0. 0 Js i Room No. 14, Sth Floor, “Jeevan Vinar Building, ‘Sangad Marg, New Delhi-1 10001 Dated, the 5" August. 2021 To {Al Principal Chief Commissioners of income Tax. {A Directors General of Income Tax (Investigation) bec - Relaxation of Rule 80-A for payment of provisional Family Pension on death of a Government Servant during service- regarding, Sirtadam, | am directed to forward herewith a copy of 0.0. letter No 1/11/2021- Pensioners’ Welfare. Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pensions enclosing their O.M. dated 29.07.2020 and 03.06.2021 on the above mentionee subject for necessary action and strict compliance. Yous ty Gut Enos: As above acta pmo oo Under Serta tite Got et a a swt Tele fax No. 23741823 oo E-mail: guha
[email protected]
Do1peses2e a te) 3 | YG 8 ae wet ve ta we on Hs hed te ea " ee Sener von reas ens ag fre aon Indevar Pandey, |AS- : a GOVERNVENT OF tu Ea a en Se en oat DON (ima PePW ee 1 ie, 20 dense Sv [Modan , Sole bread-winners ofthe family, The untimely death ofthe emaployeesiottzes has lef the fam |As you ee aware, quite a few Goverment employeesoticers have lost ther lives in bm recent surge ef the Covid-19 gender, [n many cases, the deceased employeevotfices: were devastted and als in urgent need of funds in the midst of the pandemic, tis, therefore, incu! fn the Goverment to ensue that the family pension and other entitlements in respect of deceased employees are released fo ther families expeitiusly. 2. Ondeath ofa Governhent employee during service, in all eases, family pensions pay @50% of the last pay for a period of first 10 yeurs and @ 30% of the ast pay thercafer. take sms time et nvelsesrefeence to PAQ and TPAD, To dea! wih at tuto. Rule oe dstenfh) fone ate proces ofan fy eon ania treme og ean ‘Not the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 provies for peyment of provisional fi pension and provisional death gratuity, pending issue ofthe Pension Payment Onde, 5, Department of Pension & PW has issued instructions vide OM No, 1/11/2020-P&:PW ‘ated 29th July, 2020 for sanction of provisional family pension by the Head of Office imme ‘on receipt of & claim for family pension along vith death certifieate fom the eligible fa ‘member, without waiting for forwarding ofthe family pension case o Pay Accounts Oe. 480-4 also provides for payment of provisional death gratuity by the Head of Office, once the fa i, pension/death gratuity case has been forwarded to the PAO. jefe/9I My Deparment as opts isrtons to al MnstienDeprmens ie € x Zoot. 9 it(2021-PRPW (E dated 3rd June, 2021 (opy enclosed for expeditions isouse Qtr, iG ofthe entitments of the family on death of Government servant, including the detiled proce | would request you to issue suitable instructions to the concemed officers in ress rules/nerutions for prompt payment of provisional family pension and provisional ¢ aes " i MeitcOoenant lain the attached and subordinate offices, to strictly comply with wa ‘erauity tothe nomincestaily members. Simultaneously, the process to authorize regula Fe pension may be competed on highest priority to ensue fist payment by the Book within ‘month of the receipt ofthe claim for family pension6. Twouldalso request you to apps nodal officer, not below the rank of Diretor/Deputy ‘Secretary inthe Ministry/Department aswell asin the Attached/Subordinate OFees, who would ‘coordinate withthe family members ofthe deceased Government emplayee to extend assistance in paperwatk and facilitate expeditious dsbutsement ofthe entitlements. Deals of nodal officer may ‘ye prominently displayed on the website of Ministies/Departmentsatached and subordinate fies Witte Pagans Yours sincere ol: a above 3fert Lindevar Pandeysnot ef wag ch Una ROR cfr, ae Frere ae ter rer tara ate tare area For are teeter, chs ae wer ‘ars wr, § Feet 10003, ‘feet 3 9, 2022 erie a firre-Payment of family pension, death ratty and other diet to the family on death of a Government servant during Service ~ Regarding “The undersigned is drt to say that dhe Covd-19 pandemic has claimed lives of several Government employees during the reent surge. In many ees, the deceased employees were the sole read-snners of thee family andthe easualtis have left families devastated and in an urgent noe fo funds foe Hveibood Irs, therefore, incumbent onthe Government oensurs thatthe funy pension and other entitlements in respect ofthe deceased employees are released to thei fami expeditiously 2. The completion of the proces fr sanction of family pension and its disbursement through the Bank may fake some time, av it involves reference to PAO and CPAO. To deal with such situations, Rule 80-A ofthe CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 provides for payment of provisional family ‘ension and ako provisional death sratity, pending ise ofthe Pension Payment Order (PPO). 3. Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare has issued insivctions vide OM No, {V1 1/2020-P8PW (E) dated 25t July, 2020 for sanction of provisional family penson by the Head ‘oF Office immediately on receipt af ciaim fr family pension and deth certificate Tom the eligible family member, without wating fo forwarding of he faily pension case to Pay & Accounts Ofce (PAO), Rule S0-A provides for payment of provisional death graity by he Head of Oe once the Family pension death rarity eas ha been forwarded te the PAO, 4. In view of the above, all Miisries"Departments and their attached and subordinate oces ‘are requested to silly comply withthe rlesinsructions as brought eu above ard to ensure that ‘iyient of provisional family pension is commenced bythe Head of Office immediately on receipt ‘ofthe claim (ith death cerGeae) from the eligible family member and paymet of provisional ‘death gratuity is made to the nominesanily members immediately ner forwarding the cae othe PAO. 5. Simultaneously, the ation may be taken on priority bass for disbursement of regular fimily pension through the Bank and for payment of other entitlements of the family on death of the Govemment servant [t-may be ensured that dhe PPO for family pension is istued_and dshursement of regular family pension is commen i no later than ane month of the recep of the claim for family pension, 6. For fitting expeditious disbursement of all the entitlements of the family on death of Goverment servant, fo Separate notes one in respect ofthe employes under Old Pension Scheme and the other in respect ofthe employees under National Pension System ~ ae also enclosed as ‘Annexure- and Annenutell, respectively.7. All Ministres/Departments and their attached and subordinate offices will submit a monthly statement on $* of every mouth to the Secretary ofthe Administrative Department in the following format: ame ‘E] Dae on which] Date on which | Date on which | Reasons for the Designation of| provisional | PPO wasissued | other delays, if any, Government | family pension entitlements | and remedial servant died | and provisional ‘were pal adion taken to since 1.1.2020 | gratuity were avoid delays in sanctioned . ure = [ = 8. A consolidated statement in respect of the MinistryDepartment and ts attached and subordinate offices may’ be sent by each Ministry’Department to this Department by 10th of each ‘month. giora xi@a) URE ROR & goatee ‘eawrs 24644632 10 Soortares of All Minitev Departments ‘Chairman, Railway Board, Secretary Dio Post, SeretaryTeleom, Secretary, Ministry of Defence Secretary, Department of Financial Services (0 Controller Gearl of Accounts ‘ja Compiroler and Avditor Genera of India (CMDs of Al Public SectorPension Disbursing Bankssure ENTITL MILY ON DEATH OF A GOVERNMENT SERY, 6 SERVICE (1) Eotitlements of family on death of a Government servant under Old Penson Scheme A. Family Pension Amount : 50% of lust pay fora period of 10 years fom the date following the date of death Thereafter @ 30% of last pay. (Eahanced family pension 50% of pay is payable for 10 yers im al cases without reference to the length of service of he daceased employee, as er amended Rule $43)) ‘Bigblity of family members: : Family pension will be psi to members of fami he following onder ‘SL gible family member Conon oF ebiiy No, | Spouse ofthe deceased Government servant For liar remaniage [2 Inthe absence of spouse, unmaried dependant son Till (attaining the aze of or unmarried dependant® daughter below the age of | years or (i) mariage oF (i) | | svar. Sart eaming livelihood, fs hid shall He elige fst, Ousens) wil | whicheves 'e cai gible only after elder child becomes inhib J fin the absence of (1) and (2) above, dependan™™ | For life or wil as ainiig child sulfring fom 2 mental or physical disability ivelhood. | F/I the absence of (), 2) and 3) above, dependant™ | Tll-()maniage) re-arage | Uunmarsiedwidowedidvrced daughter (without age | or (i) stats caming limit) (Eldest daughter shall be eligible rs) Tivetinood, “whichece i8 = cate [3 [i We absence of CD, @, G) and) above |For He or WIT wart earning ependen® parents (Moiber fs) livelihood [in the absence of (1), 2), @), Gand GY above | Fr ite oF til” saris earning ependent™* sibling Sufeing trom a mental or | livelihood {_Lptrsicataisanity "A child (other than a child suing fom a mental or physical disability) and parents shall be eligible, if tir income from otbersoures is ess than the minimum family pension (eRe. 9000/= pm, pls deanes rele thereon ‘7A child or sibling suffering from a mental or physical disability shall be eligible if their overall income fom other sources is 18s than the ented family pension admissibe on death of Goverment servant plus dearnes eli thereon, Documents required tobe submited by the claimant for family pension: () App cation in Form 14, (i) a copy of death crite, (i) proof of relationship, (i) proof of date of bit, (x) copy of Fst page of the Pass Book, (i copy of PAN car, (vi) Specimen signature and (vi) PP size PhotographsBy HOO: ‘+ Sanction provisional family pension to eligible faily member immediately on receipt of claim, without wating for forwarding of case to PAO or authorisation by PAO, (Department of Pension ‘& Pensioners’ Welfare's OM No. 1/1/2020-PAPW (E) dated 25th July, 2020) ‘+ Separately, proces the eas fr family pension and death gratuity in Ghavihya and forward the ‘ase to PAG in Form 18 along with otter documents for further procesing/athorisation, (Re 50) + Government dues such as HBA, cence fer ee re to be recovered from death gratuity. Death Gratuity: [Length of qualifying service [Rateofdeath gratuity =| ()tessthan year *i times of emoluments [One yearor more burles than S yeas sof emoluments (Gi) S years or more but es than I years [12 tines of emofuments (Coo 1 yeas or more but less han 20 years Ones of emoluments) (0920 years or more [alrof emoluments for every lompletedsi-montly period of fuaifying service subjetto 3 faxinum of 3 imes of emoluments, t Maximum amount of death gratuity : Rs. 20 ak, igi: + Geanity i tobe pid to the family member(sperson(s in whose favour a ral nomination cists I there are more than one nominee, amount of grat hal be shared by all nominees ‘a5 specified inthe nomination, ‘+ Ia nominee has pe-decesed the Goverment servant, then the gratis be pid tothe altemate nominees), iFany, mentioned in the nomination frm, ‘+ Ifthere is no nomination oF the nomination made doesnot subsist, the amount of gratuity is to be equally shared among spose, sn(),unmarted daughte() and widowed daughter) ‘+ tfnone ofthese family members i avalable the amount of gratuity i tobe equally divided among other family members, ie, father mother, mamied daughters, brcthers below (8 yess, unmaried/widowed ster and children of pre-deeased son, ‘+ Succession eertieate isnot tobe asked fr unless there i no vid nomination and also one ofthe family members mentioned above i valle, Docu ined to te aim (0 Applicaton in Form 12, {Gp Death certtcat, (i) copy of PAN card, (ieapy af st page of bank pas book and (v) proof of relationship. Action By HOO: ‘+ rocest the ease for death grant (long with family pension) in Bhavishya and forward the fase lo PAO in Form 18 along wi ther document fo futher processng/uhrisstion ‘+ Sanction provisional death gratuity in accordance with Rule 80-A, afer forwarding the case woPAO. Cash equivalent of feave salary (Leave Encashment [As pet Rule 39-4 of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972, cash equivalent of leave salary for stmed leave not exceeding 300 days is payable to the Tamil. IF the cared leave in the credit ofthe deceased ‘Goverment servant i ess than 300 days, lf pay eave is encased othe extent the cared leave i short of 300 days Eligibility : One ofthe avilable Family members inthis onder > Spouse, cles surviving 302, eldest surviving unmarried daughter, eldest surviving widowed daughter, fsthermother, eldest Surviving mated daughter, eldest surviving brother below the age o eighteen years, eldest surviving ‘untaried sister eldest surviving widowed sister, eles child of the eldest predeceased Son Leave encashment is processed/snctioned by HOO on recip of death cries without seeking any aplication fr this purpose. D, Central Government Emplovees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) [Amount : In aition to the amount standing inthe Savings Fund of CGEGIS, an amount of Rs 1.20.00, Rs, 60,000 and Rs. 30000 is paid 10 the family of the deceased employe belonging t0 Group A, Group B and Group C, respectively Bi family members “© CGEGIS amount is payable to family member(person(s) in whose favour a valid nomination + Inthe absence of nomination, the amount i paid tthe family members eligi as pe he eles ppicable for payment of death arty +The cltim for CGEGIS is processdsunctioned on recip of death certificate without seeking any application for this purpose , Gonoral Provident Fund (GPF) ‘© Onrcespt of the death certificate, the balance inthe GPF account ofthe deceased Government i sanctiged to the family member(s) person(s) in whose favour a valid nomination exis. Inthe absence ofa nomination, GPF balance is paid to the family members eligible as er GPF Rules. “+ As per the Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme under Rule 33-B ofthe GPF Rules, in adon the GPF lanes, an addtional sous! equal to the average balane inthe GPF account during the 3 years immediately preceding the death af the Goverment is aso pai, subject to the conditions tht the balance at the ert didnot, at ay time during the thee yeas preceding the ‘month of deth all below the limits mentioned in Rule 33-8, ‘+ Theaddtinal amount tobe pai sal not exceed Rs, 6,000. “+The claims for GPEIDLIS are to be prcestedSanctined by the offee on rset of death cette,o Annexure Entdements of family on death of a Government servant under National Pension ‘Sustem who had opted for benefits ander Old Pension Scheme or i ‘option was ex the defaule option ie O1d Pension Seheme amily Pension : Some asunder Old Pension Scheme, In addition, employee's contributions and reams thereon in the NPS pension Corpus shal also be pad tothe famaly member. HOO wall srt process to sation fanily pension and ‘Simultaneously close PRAN under NPS and Government contribution (and retums thereon) ‘would be tansfered nto the Goverment acount Remaining amount would be ped in mp sum fo the atinseo eal heirs per PFRDA regulation. Death Gratuity: Same ss under Old Pension Scheme ‘Cash eauivalent of tave salary (Leave Encashment): Same as under Old Pension Sehiemne Contsal Government Emplovees Group Insura Same a5 under Od Pension Scheme i Jamily andeath sf Guverament steven wader Nationa Penson, © hon ly opted for benefits under NPS hased on accumula sonpus ot “ {sd for Old Pension Scheme or in whose case defauit opt Pension Scheme but there fs no famlly member e fail pension under (01d Pension Scheme ‘ees based on NPS Corpus: Concerned offic woul take ation to close FRAN under NPS ofthe deceased Goverment servant and grant beneis of lump sum (maximum 20% of| ‘sccumulted pension wealth) and anmity fom the remaining pension west tothe eligible family member ffom annuity service provider registered with PFRDA, in accordance with PERDA (Exits nd Withdawas under NPS) Regulations, 2015 Death Gratuity : Same as under Olé Peasion Scheme Cash equivalent of eave salary (Leave Encashment): Same as under Old Pension Scheme (Central Government Emplovess Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) : Same asunder (Old Penson SchemeNo, 111/2020-P&PW (E) ‘Government of India “Ministry of Personnel, PG. & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 23 Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, ‘Khan Market, New Delhi ‘Dated 29° July, 2020, ‘OFFICE MEMORANDUM ‘Sub: Relaxation of Rule 80-A for payment of provisional Family Pension en death of & Government Servant during service. “The undersigned is directed to say that in cordance with Rule 80-A of the CCS (Pension) Rules 1972, on death ofa Governinent servant during service, Head of ie shall Sarton and draw provisional family pension and death gratuity ia favour o® claimant or ‘Saimania, ater the family pension case including Form 18 and other documents refered o fn Rule 80, has been forwarded by the Head of Office tothe Pay & Accounts Dffice has boon brousht fo the note of this Deparment thatthe process of forwarding the Fay pemion cos 10 Pay & Accounts Office along with requisite documents itself takes a long ime Ts also understood that, ia large aumiber of eases, provisional family pension and {ity are nor being sanctioned on death of a Goverment servant. The delay alization Ptamly pension an patty results in hardship to the family of the deceased Government 2 The maar as beam exasined in t's Depart. i aseordance with dake $4.14) rine CCS (Pension) Roles, on death of Gaversment servant during series, th family of a (desemsed Government Servent becomes entitled 10 family pension even in cases where a {fovemment servant dies before completion of one year of continuoys service, provided the ‘Sccemod government servant concerned, immediately prior to his! her appointment to the Secs of post was. examined by propriate medical authority and desired fit by that Stoel Thus family pension is payable to the family of deceased Goverament servant Teapeatve of the length of serve ofthe Government servant before his death. Therefore, ‘rrlfeation ofthe ent service isnot relevant for determining the amount of fily pension ‘The amount of death gratuity, however, depends on the length of qualifying sevice of the scetsl Government servant Any Government dues in respect ofthe deeeased Government Servant ae also required to be recovered fom the amount of death gat 3, Keeping in view the position mentioned in para 2 above and in ordet to avuid aay hardship t the family ofthe deceased Government Servant, it has been decide to relax the provisions of rule 8O-A ofthe CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 to the exten that if a cai for Family pension in Form 14 along with death cerifiate and bank account deals of the Clnimant has been feeived and the Head of Office is sisted about the benafde ofthat ‘aim, he shal snetion provisional fry pension immediately. The Head of Office shall not Sai for forwarding ofthe family pension case Gncluding Form-I4, Form18 and other TRievant documents mentioned i Rule 80) 9 Pay & Accounts Office before sanctioning the provisional faily pension, 4. The amount of provisional family pension shall not exceed the maximum family pension as admissible under Rule 54 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972, 5, In Cental Armed Police Forces related cases, where deuth of an employee occurs, initatly provisional family pension ray be sanctioned without waiting fr the inal Operation Casualty Report6. The Pay & Accounts Offic shall release the provisional family pension on the basis of sanction oder issued by the Head of Office without insisting or any other documents including service book. The provisional family pension shall be paid inthe same manner as Pay and Allowances of the establishment are pa 7. A format for sanctioning the provisional family pension by the Head of Department i enclosed. 8. There will be no change in regard to the provisions for sanction of provisional gratuity under Rule 80-A. Action fr sanction of death gratuity under rule O-A may be taken by the Head of Office ater forwarding Form-18 and other relevant documents Pay & Accounts (ie. In ease the amount of provisional family pension is Ise found to be inexcess ofthe final family pension, the sme may be adjusted from the amount of death gritty, filing whic, it may be recovered in instalments from the family pension payable in fate, 9. The payment of provisional family pension sanctioned as per Para } above may Inaly continue fo a period of six months from the date, following the dat of death of ‘employee. The period of such provisional fly pension sanctioned may be futher extended, for not more than six months at atime, on the advice of Pay & Accounts Office and wit the approval of Head of Department (HOD). 10. The provisional family pension may continue to be paid for wo months succeeding the month in which the Pension Payment Order fr final family pension i sed by the Pay & Accounts Office, keeping in view the time likely to be taken by Central Pension ‘Accounting Office (PAO) and Cental Pension Processing Cente (CPPC) for Frocessing the te3se, While authesizing final family pansion afer sosiot of complete fanly pension ea he Pay & Accom oes saline the date fom while lily pension autorized he Pension Payment Order isto be paid bythe Pension Disbursing Authority. Accordingly he Dice of Pay & Account may record @ note im the Pension Payment Onder, es mentioned ‘below, while authorizing the final family pension: “Provisional family pension has bew/sall be pad forthe period from @ns ~ plus Dearness Relie. The payment of final family pension may be commenced by the bank We. 11. The Administasive Divisions ofall Ministries/Depertment and atachel/subordinate ices are requested 1 bring these instructions to the ntice ofall concerned for sompliance. Gil (Sarjoy Shankar) Under Secretary to the Government of tndia Th 24654632 The issues withthe approval of Competent Authority 1. All Ministis!Depanmens ofthe Government of Inia 2-040 the Comptroller & Auditor Genera of India 3.40 the Controller General of Accounts, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi 4. Pensioner Associations as pr lst maintained inthe Departinent 5.AllOMice/Desks 6. NIC for Uploading the Otice Memorandum onthe websiteNo. Goverament of india Ministry of Department Oi Dated the To ShriSimt/Kumai (Name and address ofelaimant) Subject - Grant of provisional amily pension, SifMadam Tam directed to say that Shri/Smt/Kimar. (Name and designation) died on as Der service record you ae eligible fo receive family pension, 2. In accordance with Rule 80-4 ofthe Central Civil Services (Pension) Rus, 1972 read With the O.M. No, 1/11/2020-P&PW (E) dated 29" uly, 2020 of Department of Pension & Pensioners” Welle, sanction of the competent authority is hereby accorded fr payment of ay anus of Re F inmnih as rosistonal Tanuly pension commencing from, (Date following the date of death of Government servant) + "The amount of provisional pension shall be 100% of family pension a assessed based on the pay onthe dae of death of Govemment servant. 3, The payment of provisional fimily pension sanctioned as pec Para 3 ofthe OM No 111 12020-P&PW dated 29° July 2020 may nitally continue fo a period of six mont fom the date, following the date of death of employee, The petiod of such provisional family Pension sanctioned may be rer extended, for not more than sb months aa ime, on the advice of Pay & Accounts fice and withthe approval of Head of Department (HOD), 4. _1€ the amount of provisional family pension is found to be in excess ofthe fina family Pension, ishall be recovered fiom gratuity instalments fom the family pension payable in foe Yours fitfly, Head o* Department Copy for information tothe Pay and Accounts Officer
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