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Learning to Zoom: a Saliency-Based Sampling

Layer for Neural Networks

Adrià Recasens∗1 , Petr Kellnhofer∗1 , Simon Stent2 , Wojciech Matusik1 , and

Antonio Torralba1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA 02139, USA

arXiv:1809.03355v1 [cs.CV] 10 Sep 2018

Toyota Research Institute, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA
[email protected]

Abstract. We introduce a saliency-based distortion layer for convolu-

tional neural networks that helps to improve the spatial sampling of
input data for a given task. Our differentiable layer can be added as a
preprocessing block to existing task networks and trained altogether in
an end-to-end fashion. The effect of the layer is to efficiently estimate
how to sample from the original data in order to boost task performance.
For example, for an image classification task in which the original data
might range in size up to several megapixels, but where the desired input
images to the task network are much smaller, our layer learns how best to
sample from the underlying high resolution data in a manner which pre-
serves task-relevant information better than uniform downsampling. This
has the effect of creating distorted, caricature-like intermediate images,
in which idiosyncratic elements of the image that improve task perfor-
mance are zoomed and exaggerated. Unlike alternative approaches such
as spatial transformer networks, our proposed layer is inspired by image
saliency, computed efficiently from uniformly downsampled data, and de-
grades gracefully to a uniform sampling strategy under uncertainty. We
apply our layer to improve existing networks for the tasks of human gaze
estimation and fine-grained object classification. Code for our method is
available in: http://github.com/recasens/Saliency-Sampler.

Keywords: Task saliency, image sampling, attention, spatial transformer,

convolutional neural networks, deep learning

1 Introduction

Many modern neural network models used in computer vision have input size
constraints [1,2,3,4]. These constraints exist for various reasons. By restricting
the input resolution, one can control the time and computation required during
both training and testing, and benefit from efficient batch training on GPU.
On certain datasets, limiting the input feature dimensionality can also empiri-
cally increase performance by improving training sample coverage over the input
2 A. Recasens∗ , P. Kellnhofer∗ , S.Stent, W. Matusik and A.Torralba

I. Typical approach
High resolution Low resolution
original image input image Task output,
Task network e.g.
- gaze vector
- object class
- attribute class

II. Saliency sampler approach

Saliency net Grid generator

Task output,
- gaze vector
- object class
- attribute class
Task network

Fig. 1. Outline of our proposed saliency-based sampling layer. Numerous tasks

in computer vision are solved by a task network (shown in green), operating on an
image Il which has been downsampled (for performance reasons) from a much larger
original image I. For such tasks, where I is available but unused, we show that using
a saliency sampler to downsample the image (rather than uniform downsampling)
can lead to significant improvement in the task network performance for an identical
architecture, as well as beating alternative sampling approaches such as bounding box
proposals or spatial transformer networks. Our sampler is differentiable and can be
trained end-to-end. The effect of the sampler is to discover and zoom in on (or sample
more densely) those regions which are particularly informative to the task. In the case
of gaze estimation, as seen here, the sampler locates the eyes as task-salient regions
(S) and enlarges them in the resampled image (J).

When the target input size is smaller than the images in the original dataset,
the standard approach is to uniformly downsample the input images. Perhaps the
best-known example is the commonly used 224 × 224 pixel input when training
classifiers on the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge [5], despite
the presence of a range of image sizes – up to several megapixels – within the
original dataset.
While uniform downsampling is simple and effective in many situations, it
can be lossy for tasks which require information from different spatial resolutions
and locations. In such cases, sampling the salient regions at the necessary (and
possibly diverse) scales and locations is essential. Humans perform such tasks
by saccading their gaze in order to gather the necessary information with a mix-
Learning to Zoom: a Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks 3

ture of high-acuity foveal vision and coarser peripheral vision. Attempts have also
been made to endow machines with similar forms of sampling behavior. One pop-
ular example from traditional computer vision is SIFT [6], in which keypoints are
localised within space and image scale before feature extraction. More recently,
region proposal networks have been used widely in object detection [7]. Mim-
icking the human vision system more closely, mechanisms for task-dependent
sequential attention are being developed to allow numerous scene regions to be
processed in high resolution (see e.g. [8,9,10]). However, these approaches sur-
render some of the processing speed that makes machine vision attractive, and
add complexity for proposal generation and evaluating task completion.
In this work we introduce a saliency-based sampling layer: a simple plug-in
module that can be appended to the start of any input-constrained network and
used to improve downsampling in a task-specific manner. As shown in Fig. 1,
given a target image input size, our saliency sampler learns to allocate pixels
in that target to regions in the underlying image which are found to be partic-
ularly important for the task at hand. In doing so, the layer warps the input
image, creating a deformed version in which task-relevant parts of the image are
emphasized and irrelevant parts are suppressed, similar to how a caricature of a
face tries to magnify those parts of a person’s identity which make them stand
out from the average.
Our layer consists of a saliency map estimator connected to a sampler which
varies sampling density for image regions depending on their relative saliency
values. Since the layer is designed to be fully differentiable, it can be inserted
before any conventional network and trained end-to-end. Unlike sequential at-
tention models [9,10,11,12], the computation is performed in a single pass of the
saliency sampler at constant computational cost.
We apply our approach to tasks where the discovery of small objects or fine-
grained details is important (see Fig. 2), and consistently find that adding our
layer results in performance improvements over baseline networks.

2 Related Work

We divide the related work into three main categories: attention mechanisms,
saliency-based methods, and adaptive image sampling methods.

Attention mechanisms: Attention has been extensively used to improve the per-
formance of CNNs. Jaderberg et al. [13] introduced the Spatial Transformer
Network (STN), a layer that estimates a parametrized transformation from an
input image in an effort to undo nuisance image variation (such as from object
pose in the task of rigid object classification) and thereby improve model gen-
eralization. In their work, the authors proposed three types of transformation
that could be learned: affine, projective and thin plate spline (TPS). Although
our method also applies a transformation to the input image, our application is
quite different: we do not attempt to undo variation such as local translation
or rotation; rather we try to vary the resolution dynamically to favor regions
4 A. Recasens∗ , P. Kellnhofer∗ , S.Stent, W. Matusik and A.Torralba

Original Image Saliency Map Distortion Grid Sampled Image

(a) Gaze estimation

(b) Fine-grained

(c) Fine-grained

Fig. 2. Examples of resampled input images for various tasks using our pro-
posed saliency sampler. Our module is able to discover saliency according to the
task: for gaze estimation in (a), the sampler learns to zoom in on the subject’s eyes
to allow for higher precision gaze estimation; for fine-grained classification in (b), the
sampler zooms in important parts of the bird’s anatomy while cropping out much of
the empty image; in (c), when no clear salient area is detected, the sampler defaults to
a near-uniform sampling.

of the input image which are more task salient. While our method could be
encapsulated within the TPS approach of [13], we implicitly prevent extreme
transformations and fold-overs, which can easily occur for a TPS-based spatial
transformer (and which also makes direct estimation of a non-parametrized sam-
pling map intractable). We believe that this helps to prevent dramatic failures
and therefore helps to make the module easier to learn.
Deformable convolutional networks (DCNs), introduced by Dai et al. [14], fol-
low a similar motivation to STNs. They show that convolutional layers can learn
to dynamically adjust their receptive fields to adapt to the input features and im-
prove invariance to nuisance factors. Their proposal involves the replacement of
any standard convolutional layer in a CNN with a deformable layer which learns
to estimate offsets to the standard kernel sampling locations, conditioned on the
input. We note four main differences with our work. First, while their method
Learning to Zoom: a Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks 5

samples from the same low-resolution input as the original CNN architecture,
our saliency sampler is designed to sample from any available resolution, allowing
it to take advantage of higher resolution data when available. Second, our ap-
proach estimates the sample field through saliency maps which have been shown
to emerge naturally when training fully convolutional neural networks [15]. We
found that estimating local spatial offsets directly, as in a DCN, is much harder.
Third, our method can be applied to existing trained networks without mod-
ification, while DCNs require changing network configurations by swapping in
the deformable convolutions. Finally, our approach produces human readable
outputs in the form of the saliency map and the deformed image which allow
for easy visual inspection and debugging. We note that our proposed saliency
sampler and DCNs are not mutually exclusive: our saliency sampler is designed
to sample efficiently across scale space and could potentially make use of de-
formable convolutional layers to help model local geometric variations. In the
same spirit as deformable networks, Li et al. [16] propose an encoder-decoder
structure to use non-squared convolutions. As in [13], they predict directly a
parametrization of these transformations instead of using a saliency map.
Attending to multiple objects recursively has also been previously explored.
Eslami et al. [11] proposed a method to iteratively attend to multiple objects in
an image. In the same direction, [12] introduced a method for fine-grained classi-
fication which recursively locates an object in a low-resolution image followed by
cropping from a high-resolution image. More recently, [17] expanded this idea
to multiple attention locations in the image, instead of a single one. Finally,
[18] describe a method where multiple crops are proposed and then filtered by
a CNN. We note that these methods are designed specifically for classification
and are not as general as our proposed sampling layer.

Saliency-based methods: CNNs have been shown to naturally direct attention to

task-salient regions of the input data. Zhou et al. [15] found that CNNs use a
restricted portion of the image to inform their decision in a classification task.
They proposed the use of Class Activation Maps (CAM) as a mechanism for
localizing objects in images without explicit location feedback during training.
Rosenfeld et al. [19] proposed an iterative method to crop the relevant regions of
the image for fine-grained classification. They generate a CAM to highlight the
regions most used by the network to make the final decision. These regions are
used to crop a part of the image and generate a new CAM, which then highlights
the regions of the image used by the network to inform the final prediction. As
presented in [15], the CAM requires the use of a particular fully convolutional ar-
chitecture. To overcome this limitation, [20] introduces a gradient-based method
to generate CAMs. Their method can be used to understand a wide variety of
networks. In our work, we take advantage of the ability of CNNs to naturally
localise task-salient regions, by encouraging the network to attend more to those

Adaptive image sampling methods: Another possible approach to our problem is

to pre-design certain feature detectors in a multi-scale strategy. This approach
6 A. Recasens∗ , P. Kellnhofer∗ , S.Stent, W. Matusik and A.Torralba

is usually taken when solving a particular problem where the features to use are
very clear for humans. For instance, to solve the problem of gaze-tracking on a
mobile device display, Khosla et al. [21] proposed the iTracker method, a gaze
estimation system based on RGB images. Their system uses the image from the
device’s front-facing camera, and extracts high resolution crops of both eyes and
face using separate detectors. Another example along this line was presented by
Wang et al. [22], who generate the features of the input image at different scales
to then select the best features and produce the final output.
Adaptive image sampling is also used for image retargeting in computer
graphics [23]. Unlike in our case where the sampled image only serves as an
intermediate representation for solving another problem, the goal of retargeting
is to deform an image to fit a new shape and preserve content important for
human observer as well as avoid visible deformations. Similarly to our concept,
this can be driven by saliency [24] and formulated as an energy minimization
[25] or Finite Element Method [26] problem.

3 Saliency Sampler
Let I be a high-resolution image of an arbitrary size and let Il be a low-resolution
image bounded by size M × N pixels suitable for a task network ft (Fig. 1).
Typically, CNNs rescale the input image I to Il without exploiting the relative
importance of I’s pixels. However, if our task requires information from a certain
image region more than others, it may be advantageous to sample this region
more densely. The saliency sampler executes this by first analyzing Il before
sampling areas of I proportionally to their perceived importance. In doing so, the
model can capture some of the benefit of increased resolution without significant
additional computational burden or risk of overfitting.
The sampling process can be divided into two stages. In the first stage, a
CNN is used to produce a saliency map. This map is task specific, since different
tasks may require focus on different image regions. In the second stage, the most
important image regions are sampled according to the saliency map.

3.1 Saliency Network

The saliency network fs produces a saliency map S from the low resolution
image: S = fs (Il ). The choice of network for this stage is flexible and may
be changed depending on the task. For all choices of fs , we apply a softmax
operation in the final layer to normalize the output map.

3.2 Sampling Approach

Next, a sampler g takes as input the saliency map S along with the full resolution
image I and computes J = g(I, S) – that is, an image with the same dimensions
as Il , that has been sampled from I such that highly weighted areas in S are
represented by a larger image extent (see Fig. 3). In this section, we will discuss
Learning to Zoom: a Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks 7

Input image coordinates Saliency map S Sampled image coordinates u, v

Input high-resolution image I Saliency attraction effect Sampled image J = g(I,S)

Fig. 3. Saliency Sampler. The saliency map S (center, top) describes saliency as a
mass attracting neighboring pixels (arrows). Each pixel (red square) of the output low-
resolution image J samples from a location (cyan square) in the input high-resolution
image I which is offset by this attraction (yellow arrow) as defined by the Saliency Sam-
pler g(I, S). This distorts the coordinate system of the image and magnifies important
regions which get sampled more often than others.

the possible forms that g can take, and which one is more suitable for CNNs. In
all cases, we compute a mapping between the sampled image and the original
image and then use the grid sampler introduced in [13]. This mapping can be
written in the standard form as two functions u(x, y) and v(x, y) such that
J(x, y) = I(u(x, y), v(x, y)).
The main goal for the design of u and v is to map pixels proportionally to the
normalized weight assigned to them by the saliency map. Assuming that u(x, y),
v(x, y), x and y range from 0 to 1, an exact approximation to this problem would
be to find u and v such that:

Z u(x,y) Z v(x,y)
S(x0 , y 0 )dx0 dy 0 = xy (1)
0 0

However, finding u and v is equivalent to finding the change of variables that

transforms the distribution set by S(x, y) to a uniform distribution. This problem
has been extensively explored and the usual solutions are computationally very
costly [27]. For this reason, we need to take an alternative approach that is
suitable for use in CNNs.
Our approach is inspired by the idea that each pixel (x0 , y 0 ) is pulling other
pixels with a force S(x0 , y 0 ) (see Fig. 3). If we add a distance kernel k((x, y), (x0 , y 0 )),
8 A. Recasens∗ , P. Kellnhofer∗ , S.Stent, W. Matusik and A.Torralba

this can be described as:

S(x0 , y 0 )k((x, y), (x0 , y 0 ))x0
x ,y 0
u(x, y) = P (2)
x0 ,y 0 S(x0 , y 0 )k((x, y), (x0 , y 0 ))
S(x0 , y 0 )k((x, y), (x0 , y 0 ))y 0
x ,y 0
v(x, y) = P (3)
x0 ,y 0 S(x0 , y 0 )k((x, y), (x0 , y 0 ))

This formulation holds certain desirable properties for our functions u and
v, notably:
Sampled areas: Areas of higher saliency are sampled more densely, since
those pixels with higher saliency mass will attract other pixels to them. Note
that kernel k can act as a regularizer to avoid corner cases where all the pixels
converge to the same value. In all our experiments, we use a Gaussian kernel
with σ set to one third of the width of the saliency map, which we found to work
well in various settings.
Convolutional form: This formulation allows us to compute u and v with
simple convolutions, which is key for the efficiency of the full system. This layer
can be easily added in a standard CNN and preserve differentiability needed for
training by backpropagation.
Note that the formulation in Eq. 2 and Eq. 3 has an undesirable bias to
sample towards the image center. We avoid this effect by padding the saliency
map with its border values.

3.3 Training with the Saliency Sampler

The saliency sampler can be plugged into any convolutional neural network ft
where more informative subsampling of a higher resolution input is desired.
Since the module is end-to-end differentiable, we can train the full pipeline with
standard optimization techniques. Our complete pipeline consists of four steps
(see Fig. 1):

1. We obtain a low resolution version Il of the image I.

2. This image is used by the saliency network fs to compute a saliency map S =
fs (Il ), where task-relevant areas of the image are assigned higher weights.
3. We use the deterministic grid sampler g to sample the high resolution image
I according to the saliency map, obtaining the resampled image J = g(I, S)
which has the same resolution as Il .
4. The original task network ft is used to compute our final output y = f (J).

Both fs and ft have learnable parameters and so can be trained jointly for a
particular task. We found helpful to blur the resampled input image of the task
network for some epochs at the beginning of the training procedure. It forces
the saliency sampler to zoom deeper into the image in order to further magnify
small details otherwise destroyed by the consequent blur. This is beneficial even
for the final performance of the model with the blur removed.
Learning to Zoom: a Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks 9

Low Resolution Saliency Map Grid Sampled Image Low Resolution Saliency Map Grid Sampled Image

Fig. 4. Visualization of sampler behavior for iTracker gaze-tracking task.

We show the low-resolution input image Il , the saliency map S estimated by fs , the
sampling grid g, and the resampled image J. Note that the saliency network naturally
discovers the eyes to be the most informative regions in the image to infer subject gaze,
but also learns to preserve the approximate position of the head in the image, which
is a further useful cue for estimating gaze position on a mobile device.

4 Experiments
In this section we apply the saliency sampler to two important problems in
computer vision: gaze-tracking and fine-grained object recognition. In each case,
we examine the benefit of augmenting standard methods on commonly used
datasets with our sampling module. We also compare against the closest com-
parable methods. As an architecture for the saliency network fs , in all the tasks
we use ablations of ResNet-18 [4] pretrained on the ImageNet Dataset [28] and
one final 1 × 1 convolutional layer to reduce the dimensionality of the saliency
map S. We found this network to work particularly well for classification and
regression problems.

4.1 Gaze Tracking

Gaze tracking systems typically focus, for obvious reasons, on the eyes. Most of
the state-of-the-art methods for gaze tracking rely on eye detection, with eye
patches provided to the model at the highest possible resolution. However, in
this experiment we show how with fewer inputs we are able to achieve similar
performance to more complex engineered systems that aim to only solve the gaze-
tracking task. We benchmark our model against the iTracker dataset [21], and
show how their original model can be simplified by using the saliency sampler.
As the task network ft we use a standard AlexNet [1] with the final layer
changed to regress two outputs and a sigmoid function as the final activation.
10 A. Recasens∗ , P. Kellnhofer∗ , S.Stent, W. Matusik and A.Torralba

Model iPad (cm) iPhone (cm)

iTracker 3.31 2.04
Plain AlexNet (AN) 5.44 2.63
AN + Deformable Convolutions 5.21 2.62
AN + STN 4.33 2.25
AN + STN TPS 4.44 2.39
AN + Grid Estimator 3.91 2.20
AN + Saliency Sampler (ours) 3.29 2.03
Table 1. Performance comparison on GazeCapture dataset. The table reports
distance errors in cm for our models and benchmarks on the GazeCapture dataset.

We choose AlexNet in order to be directly comparable to the iTracker system of

[21], which is one of the state-of-the-art models for gaze tracking. The model has
four inputs: two crops for both eyes, one crop for the face and a coarse encoding
for the location of the face in the image. As saliency network fS we use the initial
10 layers of ResNet-18. We aim to prove that our simple saliency sampler can
allow a normal network to deal with the complexity of the four-input iTracker
model by just magnifying the correct parts of a single input image.
We compare our model to various competitive baselines. First, we replace
the top three convolutional layers of an AlexNet network (pretrained in the
ImageNet dataset [1]) with three deformable convolution layers [14] (Deformable
Convolutions). Second, we test the Spatial Transformer Network baseline [13]
with the affine parametrization (STN) and TPS parametrization (STN TPS). As
a localization network, we use a network similar to fs for fairness. Third, we
modify the network fs to directly estimate the sampling grid functions u and
v without the saliency map (Grid Estimator). We also compare against the
system in [21], which was engineered specifically for the task (iTracker). As
an error metric, we take the average distance error of the predicted to ground
truth gaze location in the screen space of the iPhone/iPad devices on which the
dataset was captured.
In Table 1, we present the performance of our model and baselines. Our model
achieves a performance similar to iTracker, which enjoys the advantage of four
different inputs with 224×224 pixels for each, while our system compresses all the
information into a single image of 227 × 227 pixels. Our approach also improves
performance over the Deformable Convolutions, both of the STN variants and
the Grid Estimator by a difference ranging from 0.62 to 1.92 cm for iPad and
0.17cm to 0.59 cm for iPhone. The STNs as well as the Deformable Convolutions
have a hard time finding a transformation useful for the task, while the grid
estimator is not able to find the functions u and v directly without the aid of a
saliency map. The intermediate outputs of our method are shown in Fig. 4.

4.2 Fine-Grained Classification

Fine-grained classification problems pose a very particular challenge: the infor-
mation to distinguish between two classes is usually hidden in a very small part
Learning to Zoom: a Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks 11

Input Image Saliency Map Transformation Sampled Image Input Image Saliency Map Transformation Sampled Image

Fig. 5. Visualization of sampler behavior for iNat fine-grained classification

task. Similarly to Fig. 4, the saliency network naturally discovers and zooms in on the
most informative regions in the image, which tend to correspond to object parts.

of the image, sometimes unresolvable at low resolution. In this scenario, the

saliency sampler can play an important role: magnify the important parts of
the image to preserve as many of their pixels as possible and to help the final
decision network. In this experiment, we study the problem using the iNaturalist
dataset that contains 5,089 animal species [29]. Our evaluation was performed
using the validation set, since the test set is private and reserved for a challenge.
In this experiment, we used the ResNet-101 [4] model pretrained on the
ImageNet dataset [28] for the task network ft as it has shown a very good
performance in image classification. We used an input resolution of 227 × 227 for
both the task and saliency networks, ft and fs . As saliency network fS we use
the initial 14 layers of ResNet-18, although the performance for other saliency
networks can be found in Tbl. 3.
As baselines for this task, we used the same methods as before, again with
ResNet-101 as the base model. For the deformable convolutional network, we
made the network modifications according to instructions in the original pa-
per [14]. We also tested both the affine and the TPS version of STN (STN Affine
and STN TPS) along with the direct grid estimator. Identically to our method,
these baselines were allowed access to the original 800×800 pixel images in train-
ing time. In test time, the method had access to a center crop of 512×512 pixels.
The localization networks were similar to fs for fairness. To test whether a high-
resolution input alone could improve the performance of the baseline Resnet-101
network, we also provided crops from the maximum activated regions for the
ResNet-101 227 network, using the Class Activation Map method of [15] (CAM).
We selected the class with the largest maximal activation, and computed the
bounding box as in the original paper. We then cropped this region from the
12 A. Recasens∗ , P. Kellnhofer∗ , S.Stent, W. Matusik and A.Torralba

Model Top-1(%) [diff] Top-5(%) [diff]

ResNet-101 227 (RN) 60 [-] 83 [-]

RN + STN Affine 60 [0] 83 [0]
RN + Grid Estimator 61 [1] 83 [0]
RN + Deformable Convolutions 61 [1] 83 [0]
RN + STN TPS 62 [2] 84 [1]
RN + CAM [15] 62 [2] 84 [1]
RN + Saliency Sampler (ours) 65 [5] 86 [3]
Table 2. iNaturalist fine-grained classification results: top-1 and top-5 accuracy
comparison on the validation set of the iNaturalist Challenge 2017 dataset.

original input image and rescaled it to 227 × 227 resolution. These crops were
used as inputs for the ResNet-101 227 × 227 network for the final classification.
Table 2 shows the classification accuracy for the various models compared.
Our model is able to significantly outperform the ResNet-101 baseline by 5% and
3% for top-1 and top-5 accuracies respectively. The performance of the CAM-
based method is closer to our method which is expected as it benefits from the
same idea of emphasizing image details. However, our method still performs
several points better, perhaps because of its greater flexibility to focus on local
image regions non-uniformly and selectively zoom-in on certain features more
than others. It also has a major benefit of being able to zoom in on an arbitrary
number of non-collocated image locations, whereas doing so with crops involves
determining the number of crops beforehand or having a proposal mechanism.
The performance of the spatial transformers, the grid estimator and the de-
formable convolutions are similar or slightly better than the ResNet-101 baseline.
Like our method, those methods benefit from the ability to focus attention on a
particular region of the image. However, the affine version of the spatial trans-
formers applies a uniform deformation across the whole image, which may not
be particularly well suited to the task, while the more flexible TPS version and
the grid estimator, which in theory could more closely mimic the sampling intro-
duced by our method, were found to be harder to optimize and were consistently
found to perform worse. Finally, the deformable convolutions method does not
have access to the full resolution image and uses a complex parametrization
which makes its training very unstable. In contrast, our method benefits from
the fact that neural networks have a natural ability to predict salient image
elements [30] and thus the optimization may be significantly easier.
To justify our claim that the saliency sampler can benefit different task net-
work architectures, we repeat our experiment using a Inception V3 architecture
[31]. The original performance is already very high (64% and 86% for top-1 and
top-5) as it uses higher resolution (299) and a deeper network, but our sampler
still results in a performance of 66% in top-1 and 87% in top-5.
Saliency network importance: In Tbl. 3, we retrained ResNet-101 with
different depths of saliency network fs . We used different ablations of ResNet-18
with 6, 10 or 14 layers (which corresponds to adding one block at a time to build
Learning to Zoom: a Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks 13

None (no fs ) 6-layer 10-layer 14-layer

Top-1(%) 60 62 64 65
Top-5(%) 83 84 85 86
Table 3. Saliency network ablation: we measure the effect of different depths of
saliency network fs on the iNaturalist fine-grained classification task.

Input Image Saliency Map Transformation Sampled Image Input Image Saliency Map Transformation Sampled Image

Fig. 6. Visualization of sampler behavior for the CUB-200 dataset: We show

the sampled images for a ResNet-50 trained with the saliency sampler in the CUB-200
dataset. The saliency amplifies relevant image regions such as the bird’s head.

ResNet-18) for the experiment. The performance of the overall network increases
with the complexity of the saliency model but with diminishing returns.

4.3 CUB-200
To further prove that our model is useful across different datasets, we evaluated
it in the CUB-200 dataset [32] (Tbl. 4). Although the CUB-200 is also a fine-
grained recognition dataset, it is significantly smaller and the images are better
framed around subjects than in the iNaturalist dataset (see Fig. 6).
We used ResNet-50 as our task network and the initial 14 layers of ResNet-
18 as our saliency network. By adding our sampling layer we achieve a 2.9%
accuracy boost, which is less than the boost in iNaturalist, perhaps because
objects of interest are more tightly cropped in CUB-200. Compared to DT-RAM
[33], one of the top performing models in CUB-200, our approach outperforms
the comparable 224 × 224 version of RN-50 DT-RAM by 1.7%, using a simpler
model. Our method is not as accurate as the 448 × 448 resolution version of DT-
RAM, but the latter uses approximately 2 passes through a RN-50 on average
and a larger input size leading to a higher computational cost.

5 Discussion
Adding our saliency sampler is most beneficial for image tasks where the impor-
tant features are small and sparse, or appear across multiple image scales. The
deformation introduced in the vicinity of the magnified regions could potentially
discourage the network from strong deformations if another point of interest
14 A. Recasens∗ , P. Kellnhofer∗ , S.Stent, W. Matusik and A.Torralba


Res. (px) 227 227 224 448
Top-1(%) 81.6 84.5 82.8 86.0
Table 4. Performance improvements from the addition of our sampling layer on the
CUB-200 dataset [32]. Res. (px) refers to the input image resolution to the model.

would be affected. This could be harmful for tasks such as text recognition. In
practice, we observed that the learning process is able to deal with such situations
well as it was capable of magnifying both collocated eyes without hindering the
gaze prediction performance. That is particularly interesting as this task requires
preservation of geometric information in the image. The method proved to be eas-
ier to train than other approaches which modify spatial sampling, such as Spatial
Transformer Networks [13] or Deformable Convolutional Networks [14]. These
methods ofter performed closer to the baseline as they failed to find suitable
parameters for their sampling strategy. The non-uniform approach to the mag-
nification introduced by our saliency map also enables variability of zoom over
the spatial domain. This together with the end-to-end optimization results in a
performance benefit over uniformly magnified area-of-interest crops as observed
in our fine-grained classification task. Unlike in the case of the iTracker [21], we
do not require prior knowledge about the relevant image features in the task.

6 Conclusion

We have presented the saliency sampler – a novel layer for CNNs that can adapt
the image sampling strategy to improve task performance while preserving mem-
ory allocation and computational efficiency for a given image processing task.
We have shown our technique’s effectiveness in locating and focusing on im-
age features important for the tasks of gaze tracking and fine-grained object
recognition. The method is simple to integrate into existing models and can
be efficiently trained in an end-to-end fashion. Unlike some of the other image
transformation techniques, our method is not restricted to a predefined number
or size of important regions and it can redistribute sampling density across the
entire image domain. At the same time, the parametrization of our technique by
a single scalar attention map makes it robust against irrecoverable image degra-
dation due to fold-overs or singularities. This leads to a superior performance in
problems that require the recovery of small image features such as eyes or subtle
differences between related animal species.

Acknowledgment: This research was funded by Toyota Research Institute.

We acknowledge NVIDIA Corporation for hardware donations.
Learning to Zoom: a Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks 15

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