Infantile Esotropia
Infantile Esotropia
Infantile Esotropia
13 Infantile esotropia
Lorraine Cassidy, Jugnoo S Rahi
_ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ Question
Infantile esotropia is the term used to describe a large In children with infantile esotropia does early alignment (six
angle comitant convergent squint with an onset between months or under), compared with alignment at two years,
three and six months of age, commonly associated with result in better binocular single vision, better cosmesis and
hypermetropia, cross fixation, inferior oblique overaction, better long-term alignment?
dissociated vertical deviation, latent nystagmus and
asymmetry of monocular OKN.'i2 It has a prevalence of 1%
and accounts for up to 54%of all esotropias in industrialised The evidence
c~untries.~-~ ~___ ~~~~
Once refractive errors and amblyopia have been treated, We found no randomised controlled trials that address
the main goal of surgical treatment of infantile esotropia is to this question. The Early Surgery for Congenital Esotropia
achieve some degree of binocular single vision (BSV). To Trial (ESCET) is an United States National Institute of
obtain full, normal BSV is rare:* and subnormal or gross Health funded multi-centre, randomised prospective study,
stereopsis is generally considered an acceptable re~ult.'~'~ which is currently underway and results are anticipated in
Gross stereopsis is reported to be achievable in up to 50%of 2004.22123This trial will compare the outcome of children
cases. '-I4 operated on between the ages of 1 1 to 18 weeks with those
Cosmesis is also an important outcome, as squint can operated on between the ages of 28 to 32 weeks. The
have psychosocial implications for the affected child and primary outcome is stereoacuity, and secondary outcomes
parents,I5 particularly if it remains uncorrected into are motor alignment, fusion, dissociated deviations and
adulthood.16 re-operations.
Von Noorden et a/.'7 have proposed the following
taxonomy: Comment
0 "subnormal binocular vision" being the optimal result Observational clinical and laboratory studies suggest that
0 "microtropia" being a desirable result accurate alignment before the age of two years may be more
0 a "residual small angle eso/exotropia" as a cosmetically beneficial than later surgery in terms of achieving
acceptable result b i n ~ c u l a r i t y .In~ ~a ~retrospective
~~~ study of 40 children
0 a large angle eso/exotropia as a cosmetically unacceptable with infantile esotropia, all of whom had surgery aged
result. 22 months or less and achieved alignment at a mean of
2 4 months (range 7 to 48 months), R o ~ reported e ~ ~
that 22.5% achieved binocular vision and 60% achieved a
The issues small angle (<20 prism dioptres) esotropia postoperatively.
Currently two major issues in the management of Nevertheless, surgical alignment after the age of two years
infantile esotropia are the optimal timing for surgical does not preclude the attainment of subnormal binocular
correctionla and the emerging use of botulinum toxin A vision or microtropia.26
(BTXA) as an adjunct or alternative to surgical It has been demonstrated that normal infants show an
alignment. abrupt onset of stereopsis in the time period of three to five
Over the past two decades, injection of botulinum months of age.27As this would require motor alignment, it is
toxin has become established as an important adjunct to increasingly argued that children with infantile esotropia should
surgery and as the primary treatment for some types of undergo surgery as soon as possible. However, observational
squints. It has recently been increasingly used in young data regarding the additional benefits of very early treatment
children. 19-21 in the first year of life are In an
Evidence-based Ophthalmology
28. Zak TA, Morin D. Early surgery for infantile esotropia: results 32. Helveston EM, Neely DF, Stidham DB, Wallace DK, Plager DA, Spru.
and influence of age upon results. Can J Ophthalmol 1982;17: Results of early alignment of congenital esotropia. Ophthalmology
21 3-1 8. l999;106: 1716-26.
29. Clarke WN. Very early v. early or late surgery for infantile esotropia. 33. McNeer KW, Tucker M, Spencer RF. Management of essential
Can J Ophthalmol1995;30:240-1. infantile esotropia with botulinum toxin A: review and
30. Nixon RB, Helveston EM, Miller K, Archer SM, Ellis FD. Incidence of recommendations. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus2000;3763-7.
strabismus in neonates. A m / Ophthalmol1985;100:798-801. 34. Teiedor J, Rodriguez JM. Early retreatment of infantile esotropia:
3 1. Ing MR. Outcome of surgical alignment before six months of age for comparison of reoperation and botulinum toxin. 5r J Ophthalmol
congenital esotropia. Ophthalmology1995;102:2041-5. I 999;a3:783-7.