Shukla 2020
Shukla 2020
Shukla 2020
13.1 Introduction
Digital systems are demanding low-loss processing circuits in today’s time. Among
arithmetic processing circuits, multipliers are considered as the performance defining
component. Here, in this paper, an Array multiplier circuit is designed for the
multiplication of two 4-bit binary numbers.
Initially, AOI logic was mainly used to design any digital circuit. Here, AOI stands
for AND, OR and Inverter gates. So, earlier basic logic gates were the fundamental
design entities for any digital design. These gates generally tend to cause power loss/
heat loss due to information loss during the execution of any signal processing step.
Low-loss digital circuits are designed using reversible logic technique. Reversible
logic aims to design any digital design with Reversible logic design units. This design
approach is extensively applicable in the areas of Low Power CMOS Design, Nano
Technology, Optical Computing, etc.
Earlier, in the year 1961, R. Landauer has proposed that k.T. ln 2 joules of energy
is dissipated per lost bit, for every step of operation [1]. Further, after some time, in
the year 1965, famous scientist G. E. Moore has given the law for increase in the den-
sity of design entities on unit chip area [2]. This increase in the component density is
observed as two folds in approximately two years time.
Moreover, both these concepts lead to the many fold increase in the quantity of
heat dissipation from given chip area for considered time span. Further, in the year
1973, it was proposed by C. H. Bennett that ideally lossless digital circuits may be
designed using reversible logic technology [3].
Based on this concept of reversible design approach, various researchers have
already proposed and applied different reversible design units for the designing of
numerous combinational and sequential digital circuits [48]. Multiplier circuits are
very vital component of any processing circuit. Here, a novel approach is proposed to
Smart Healthcare for Disease Diagnosis and Prevention r 2020 Elsevier Inc.
DOI: All rights reserved. 115
116 Smart Healthcare for Disease Diagnosis and Prevention
design 4-bit array multiplier using available reversible logic gates of different sizes. This
design is further simulated and synthesized on ModelSim software and Xilinx tool.
This design is also compared with earlier reversible designs of array multiplier circuits
in terms of selected performance parameters. After comparison, it is inferred that the
proposed design is most optimized approach.
This paper is basically structured in six sections. Sections 13.1 and 13.2 presents
introduction of the work proposed in this paper and array multiplier design basics
respectively. After that, reversible logic basic concepts and proposed design for array
multiplier circuit using reversible approach are discussed in Sections 13.3 and 13.4
respectively. Result of proposed design is described in Section 13.5 along with the
analysis. The paper is concluded in Section 13.6 at the end.
P=A; 4
S=A0 . B"C"D;
P=A; 6
S=(A"D"B). (A"D"C) "(A"D);
These gates are generally utilized in different combinations to design the aimed
digital circuit using reversible approach.
It is clearly visible from comparison chart shown in Fig. 13.6, that our proposed design
provides most optimized approach for 4-bit array multiplier design using reversible design
units. Here, ModelSim tool is used for simulation of the circuit along with Xilinx Spartan
3E with Device XC3S500E with 200 MHz frequency for synthesis. Simulated waveform
and synthesized circuit for proposed design are shown in Figs. 13.7 and 13.8 respectively.
122 Smart Healthcare for Disease Diagnosis and Prevention
13.6 Conclusion
Multiplier circuits are among the most vital component of any digital processing sys-
tem. Here, in this paper, a 4-bit array multiplier circuit design is proposed utilizing
available reversible design units. This design utilizes a total of 20 reversible logic gates
with 25 garbage output signals and 120 quantum cost. Moreover, proposed design is
also compared with the existing designs in terms of selected parameters and concluded
as the most optimized design. Simulated output waveform and synthesized circuit for
proposed design are also presented here. This design may be further applied to pro-
duce other low power digital designs.
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Design of array multiplier circuit using reversible logic approach with optimized performance parameters 123