Pharmacy Practice Introduction - 043442
Pharmacy Practice Introduction - 043442
Pharmacy Practice Introduction - 043442
Chapter 1
Course outline
1. Introduction
2. The pharmacist as a health care professional
3. The Community Pharmacy
4. Hospital Pharmacy
5. Other areas of Pharmacy practice
6. Pharmacy health education
• Over the past four or five decades, there has been a trend for pharmacy
Moved away from its original focus on medicine supply towards a more
inclusive focus on patient care
oMoved from a compounder and supplier of pharmaceutical products
towards that of a provider of services and information
Introduction …
• Increasingly, the pharmacist’s task is to ensure that
oA patient’s drug therapy is appropriately indicated,
oThe most effective, the safest possible, and convenient for the patient
Introduction …
• The practice of pharmaceutical care is new
Pharmacists may not adequately document, monitor and review the care
oHowever, accepting such responsibility is essential to the practice of
pharmaceutical care
What is pharmaceutical care?
• Pharmaceutical care is a patient-centered practice in which the practitioner
assumes responsibility for a patient's drug-related needs and is held
accountable for this commitment
o Pharmaceutical care practitioners accept responsibility for optimizing all of a patient's drug therapy,
to achieve better patient outcomes and to improve the quality of each patient's life
o This occurs with the patient's cooperation and in coordination with the
patient's other health care providers
Pharmaceutical care…
• The practitioner uses a rational decision-making process called the
Pharmacotherapy Workup to
Pharmaceutical care…
• Assess to determine if the following drug-related needs are being met:
• The medication is appropriate …… Unnecessary drug therapy or needs
additional drug therapy?
oThere is a clinical indication for each medication being taken
oAll of the patient's medical conditions that can benefit from drug therapy
have been identified
Pharmaceutical care…
oThe most effective drug product is being used
oThe dosage of the medication is sufficient to achieve the goals of therapy
Pharmaceutical care…
• If all of these criteria are met, then the patient's drug-related needs
are also being met at this time, and no drug therapy problems exist
Pharmaceutical care…
• When the practitioner's assessment reveals that the above criteria are not
met, a DTP exists
Pharmaceutical care…
• Therefore, pharmaceutical care is a professional practice that has evolved from
many years of research and development in the profession of pharmacy
Pharmaceutical care…
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Pharmaceutical care…
• The need for this practitioner results from
oMultiple practitioners writing prescriptions for a single patient, often
without coordination and communication;
Pharmaceutical care…
• An increase in the complexity of drug therapy;
Pharmaceutical care…
• It is expected that the practitioner who will practice pharmaceutical care as a
primary role and full-time career is the pharmacist
The Language of Practice
• The ability to use precise language appropriately in practice will directly reflect
upon your level of competency and confidence
• Terms such as assessment, care plan, and follow-up evaluation are used by all
healthcare practitioners in the same way
The Language of Practice…
• Since the practitioner focuses his/her attention on the patient's
drug-related needs, it is necessary to introduce terminology not
currently used in medicine and nursing
oThis includes drug therapy problem, medication experience, and
drug-related needs to name just a few
The Practitioner and the Patient Form a Practice
• Pharmaceutical care practice includes a qualified practitioner, a
patient in need, and the work that occurs between them
oAll of the work focuses on the patient
oAlthough you will collaborate with the patient's other providers and
care-givers to ensure that he/she receives coordinated care in an
efficient manner, your responsibility is to the patient
The Practitioner and the Patient Form a Practice…
Your primary and unique responsibility on the healthcare team is to
manage all of the patient's pharmacotherapy
Prescription medications, OTC products, herbal remedies, nutritional
supplements, traditional medicines, and any other products the patient
may take for therapeutic purposes
o To treat medical conditions, to prevent illnesses, and to improve the
patient's QoL
Pharmacotherapy Workup
A structured, rational thought process for making clinical decisions
The systematic thought process
Pharmacotherapy Workup…
• This unique knowledge base is focused on pharmacology, pharmacotherapy,
and pharmaceutical care practice
Pharmacotherapy Workup…
• The Pharmacotherapy Workup
o Is a logical thought process that guides work and decisions as the clinician
assesses the patient's drug-related needs and identifies DTP
o Also organizes the interventions that need to be made on the patient's behalf
The Pharmacotherapy Workup…
Helps to fulfill the practitioner's primary responsibility to determine if a
patient's drug therapy is appropriately indicated, effective, and safe and to
determine if the patient is being compliant
Requirements for the Pharmaceutical Care Practitioner
Seven star Pharmacist…
• Caregiver: Pharmacists provide caring services
oThey must view their practice as integrated and continuous with
those of the healthcare system and other health professionals
oServices must be of the highest quality
Seven star Pharmacist…
• Decision-maker:
The appropriate, efficacious, safe and cost-effective use of resources
should be the foundation of the pharmacist’s work
At the local and national levels, pharmacists play a role in setting
medicines policy
o Achieving this goal requires the ability to evaluate, synthesize data and
information and decide upon the most appropriate course of action
Seven star Pharmacist…
• Communicator:
oThe pharmacist is in an ideal position to provide a link between prescriber
and patient, and to communicate information on health and medicines to
the public
Seven star Pharmacist…
• Manager
Pharmacists must be able to manage resources (human, physical and
financial) and information effectively
o They must also be comfortable being managed by others, whether by an
employer or the manager/leader of a healthcare team
Seven star Pharmacist…
• Life-long learner
It is impossible to acquire in pharmacy school all the knowledge and experience needed
to pursue a life-long career as a pharmacist
The concepts, principles and commitment to life-long learning must begin while
attending pharmacy school and must be supported throughout the pharmacist’s career
Pharmacists should learn how to keep their knowledge and skills up to date
Seven star Pharmacist…
• Teacher
The pharmacist has a responsibility to assist with the education and
training of future generations of pharmacists and the public
Seven star Pharmacist…
Leader: The pharmacist is obligated to assume a leadership position in the
overall welfare of the patient and the community
o In multidisciplinary (e.g., team) caring situations
o In areas where other healthcare providers are in short supply or non-existent
Leadership involves compassion and empathy as well as vision and the ability
to make decisions, communicate, and manage effectively
Seven star Pharmacist…
• Researcher
The pharmacist must be able to use the evidence base (e.g., scientific,
pharmacy practice, health system) effectively in order to advise on the
rational use of medicines in the healthcare team
Seven star Pharmacist…
As a researcher, the pharmacist is able to increase the accessibility of
unbiased health and medicines-related information to the public
and other healthcare professionals
Pharmacy practice changes
• Thus, the knowledge base of pharmacy graduates is changing
oAs the graduates move into practice, so pharmacy practice itself
will change, to reflect the new knowledge base
Pharmacy practice changes…
• To contribute effectively to the new patient-centered
pharmaceutical practice, . . . .
Pharmacy practice changes…
• In developing and industrialized countries alike, efforts to provide healthcare
like pharmaceutical care are facing new challenges
Pharmacy practice changes…
• Challenges (2)
oShortage of human resources in the healthcare sector,
oThe huge burden of disease, and
oThe changing social, technological, economic and political environment
which most countries face
Major concerns
1. Access to medicines of assured quality remains a major concern
One-third of the world’s population do not yet have regular access to
essential medicines
Major concerns …
2. The logistical aspects of distribution represents another
Often seen as the pharmacist’s traditional role, especially in
health institutions
Major concerns…
• Therefore, a statement on ensuring the quality and safety of
medicinal products was jointly signed by FIP and the IFPMA in 2000
Its common goal is to protect the well-being of patients in all parts of the
world by ensuring that all medicinal products are of good quality and
proven safety and efficacy
Major concerns…
3. Another major challenge is ensuring that medicines are used
• This requires
• Patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs
• In doses that meet their own individual requirements for an
adequate period of time, and at the lowest cost to them and their
Major concerns…
• However, rational use of medicines remains the exception
rather than the rule
Major concerns…
4. The increase in the global spread of antimicrobial resistance is also a major
public health problem
Who should collaborate?
• In 2000, the FIP Council adopted a statement declaring
Who should collaborate? (2)
Key components for accessible, sustainable, affordable and equitable health
care system ensuring the efficacy, safety and quality of medicines are ……
oPublic health interventions, pharmaceutical care, rational medicine use
and effective medicines supply management
It is clear that pharmacy has an important role to play in the health
sector reform process
Who should collaborate?(3)
• To do so, however, the role of the pharmacist needs to be redefined and
Pharmacists have the potential to improve therapeutic outcomes
and patients’ QoL within available resources
oMust position themselves at the forefront of the healthcare system
The movement towards pharmaceutical care is a critical factor in
this process
Pharmacists also have a vital contribution to patient care through managing drug
therapy and concurrent non-prescription or alternative therapies
Who should collaborate? (4)
• Thus, over the past 40 years, the pharmacist’s role has expanded
from that of compounder and dispenser to one of “drug therapy
Who should collaborate? (5)
• Therefore, the scope of pharmacy practice now includes
oPatient-centered care with all the cognitive functions of counseling,
oProviding drug information and monitoring drug therapy,
oTechnical aspects of pharm’cal services. . . . . MSM
Who should collaborate? (6)
• The new approach has been given the name pharmaceutical care
o“Pharmaceutical care is the responsible provision of drug therapy for
the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve a patient’s
QoL” (Hepler and Strand, 1990)
• In adopting this definition in 1998, the FIP added one significant amendment:
“achieving definite outcomes that improve or maintain a patient’s QoL”.
Pharmacist as a Healthcare Professional
Chapter 2
Learning objectives
By the end of this session, students will be able to:-
• Understand roles of pharmacists in healthcare
Overview: What is health?
Health is a broad concept and it is the most important human resource
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity” . . . . (WHO, 1946)
What is health? (2)
Over years, WHO has revised its definition
• “Health is the extent to which an individual or group is able, on the one hand, to
realize aspirations and satisfy needs; and, on the other hand, to change or cope with
the environment
• Health is, therefore, seen as a resource for everyday life, not an object of
living; it is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources,
as well as physical capacities.” (WHO, 1984)
What is health? (3)
There is no single definition that unifies the perceptions about health
Roles of pharmacists in healthcare
Medicinal therapy is the most frequently used form of treatment
intervention in any health practice setting
Its use has grown dramatically as
• The population has aged,
• The prevalence of chronic disease has increased,
• New infectious diseases have emerged
• The range of effective medications has broadened
• “Life-style medicines” – treatments for ailments like baldness, dry skin,
wrinkles or erectile dysfunction– are being marketed
Roles of pharmacists (2)
Increasingly medicines can be purchased in new settings, and are
handled by non-pharmacists
• Compounding has been largely replaced by the commercial manufacture of
nearly all formulations
• They can also be obtained by mail order or over the internet, they are sold by
medical practitioners and dispensed by computerized dispensing machines
Roles of pharmacists (3)
Under these circumstances it is pertinent to ask the following questions:
• Do we still need pharmacists?
• What is the value of pharmacy services?
• At one time, the acts of deciding on drug therapy and implementing it were
relatively simple, safe and inexpensive
Roles of pharmacists (4)
The physician prescribed and the pharmacist dispensed. . . . (Traditional
• Substantial evidences showed that this traditional method is no longer
appropriate to ensure
• Safety, effectiveness and adherence to drug therapy
Roles of pharmacists (5)
In developed countries, 4%–10% of all hospital inpatients experience an
adverse drug reaction
• Mainly due to the use of multiple drug therapy, especially in the elderly and
patients with chronic diseases
• ADR is the 4th–6th leading cause of death and is estimated to cost up to $130
billion per year in USA
• In the UK it accounted for £466 million in 2004
Roles of pharmacists (6)
In 1998, FIP published a statement of Professional Standards on
Medication Errors
• The statement makes recommendations to improve safety in the
• Manufacturing,
• Ordering,
• Labeling,
• Dispensing,
• Administration, and
• Use of medicines
Roles of pharmacists (7)
Pharmacists are well positioned to assume responsibility for the
management of drug therapy
• Because of their
• Extensive academic background
• Traditional role in preparing and providing medicines and informing
patients about their use
Evolution of professional pharmacy practice
Evidence shows that people have been treating themselves with
medicinal substances for as long as the species Homo sapiens has been in
Evolution of pharmacy practice (2)
The roots of pharmacy are first established in the ancient Sumerians
(modern day Iraq) from about 4000 B.C.
• The practitioners typically combined the roles of priests,
pharmacists/herbalists and physicians
• Although their approach was not necessarily scientific as in modern terms,
there is little doubt of its utility to their communities
Evolution of pharmacy practice (3)
Similar progress took place in other parts of Asia and Africa at and after
that time
• E.g., the early Aryans invaded Northern India in around 1500 BC and
Ayurveda (literally, the science of life) initially stemmed from that period
Evolution of pharmacy practice (4)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
• Has a similarly important heritage
Evolution of pharmacy practice (5)
Early European thinking about the causes of health and ill-health
was linked to that of ancient Egypt about 5,000 years ago
Evolution of pharmacy practice (6)
But by the 6th century BC, Hippocratic Corpus treatises marked the beginnings
of a rational, evidence based, approach
• This continued on into Roman medicine and to the work of Galen (the first
century philosopher and physician)
• Galen was the first to clearly define a drug as a substance that acts
on or in the body to bring about a functional change
Evolution of pharmacy practice (7)
Thereafter, Arabian powers (early Islamic period) played a significant role
in preserving and further developing Galenical principles and medicines
• E.g., The word alcohol is of Arabic origin, and probably originally meant
‘the essence’ or spirit in the sense of an active ingredient
Evolution of pharmacy practice (8)
A key point to stress is that the existence of pharmacy as a discrete
occupational and professional entity has always been linked to
• The regulation of medicines supply and use
• The maintenance of defined standards of practice
• A core element of the contribution of modern pharmacists, like that of
their medieval predecessors, relates to risk limitation
Evolution of pharmacy practice (9)
12th – 18th centuries
• Development of the work of monasteries as proto-hospitals and
dispensaries alongside in countries like Spain and Netherlands
Evolution of pharmacy practice (10)
12th- 18th Centuries (2)
• Germany and Hungary had relatively sophisticated regulations governing
the role of the apothecary by around the 1500s
Evolution of pharmacy practice (12)
19th Century
• Progress relevant to the ongoing evolution of medicines, pharmacy and
pharmacy practice have made
• The further introduction of laws and regulations relevant to medicines
supply and drug quality
Evolution of pharmacy practice (14)
20th century (2)
• Emergence and expansion of the modern pharmaceutical industry
Evolution of pharmacy practice (15)
20th century (3)
• Clinical pharmacy became the foundation for the development of
pharmaceutical care
• Clinical pharmacy started to play a role in community pharmacies in
Scandinavia and the Netherlands in the early1980s
Evolution of pharmacy practice (16)
Evolution of pharmacy practice (17)
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice
Pharmaceutical care
• A ground-breaking concept in the practice of pharmacy which emerged in the
• It stipulates that all practitioners should assume responsibility for the
outcomes of drug therapy in their patients
Evidence-based pharmacy
• In an increasingly complex healthcare environment,
• it has become difficult to compare the effectiveness of different
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. .
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. . .
Chronic patient care – HIV/AIDS
• Throughout history, the world has never faced a health challenge like
the HIV/AIDS pandemic
• Adherence to chronic HIV/AIDS care and treatment is one of the key areas
where pharmacists need to be involved
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. .
• Providing an advice on self-medication is one of the responsibilities of
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. . .
Pharmacies are open all day, are convenient for most people to get to and
there is no need for an appointment to see the pharmacist
All this makes pharmacies the natural first port of call for help with common
Pharmacists have the expertise to advise both on the choice of medicines and
their safe and effective use
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. . .
QA of pharmaceutical care services
• Quality assurance
• is set of activities that are carried out to monitor and improve
performance so that the health care provided is as effective and as safe
as possible”
(Quality Assurance Project, 1993)
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. .
Quality assurance can also be defined as
• “All activities that contribute to defining, designing, assessing,
monitoring, and improving the quality of healthcare”
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. .
The Quality Assurance Project of USA lists four core principles which
have emerged to guide quality assurance in health care:
1. Focus on the client (patient)
2. Focus on systems and processes
3. Focus on measurement
4. Focus on teamwork
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. . .
• A structured process for the monitoring and detection of adverse drug
reactions (ADRs) in a given context
• adverse effects may not always be readily identified and so are not
monitored systematically
New Dimensions of Pharmacy Practice. . .
Medicine-related problems, once detected,
• need to be assessed, analyzed, followed up and communicated to the focal
The Pharmacy Practice Activity Classification
A. Ensuring appropriate therapy and outcomes
• Ensuring appropriate pharmacotherapy
• Ensuring patient’s understanding/adherence to his or her treatment plan
• Monitoring and reporting outcomes
The Pharmacy Practice Activity Classification (2)
C. Health promotion and disease prevention
• Delivering clinical preventive services
• Surveillance and reporting of public health issues
• Promoting safe medication use in society
Pharmacy Prct …
The role of the pharmacist takes different forms in various parts of
the world
The pharmacist’s involvement with pharmaceuticals can be in
• Research and development,
Pharmacy Prct …
Pharmacists practice in a wide variety of settings:-
• Community pharmacy (in retail and other healthcare settings),
• Hospital pharmacy (in all types of hospital from small local hospitals to
large teaching hospitals),
• Pharmaceutical industry
• In academia
• In health service administration, in research, in international health and
in nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Levels of practice
Pharmacy practice takes place at different levels
Levels of practice . . .
Activities at individual patient level
• Comprise all aspects of providing and managing a patient’s drug
• Pharmaceutical care, including clinical pharmacy services
Levels of practice . . .
At the level of supply management
• In community and hospital pharmacy such as manufacture,
compounding, procurement and distribution of medicines
Levels of practice and decision-making. . .
At the system level
• (e.g., at national, federal, state or district level)
• Activities:
• Planning, management, legislation, regulation and policy
• Development of standards of practice and mandates for pharmacy
• Development of national medicines policies
Levels of practice and decision-making. . .
Community and population level
• Health Information, education and communication to promote public
• Provision of medicines information,
• Research,
• Dissemination of new information,
• Education and training of staff, consumer groups, community-based
organizations and health system researchers
What is Profession?
The word “profession” means “to testify on behalf of ” or “to stand for”
Members of a profession profess their fundamental commitment to serving
• Professionals promise to provide their clients with knowledge and
solve a specific range of human problems
Attributes of Profession
A profession involves specialized, intellectual learning
• Used to render a particular service either by
• Guiding or advising others, or Practicing an art
Attributes ….
Honesty and integrity
Respect for others
Professional presence
Dedication and commitment to excellence
In terms of . . .
• Knowledge and skills
• Desire to learn
• Dependability
• Punctuality
Professionalism: On Your Rotations
Dress professionally
• First impression is visual
• White coat
• ID card/badge
• Groomed fingernails
• No fake nails allowed at medical center
• Avoid inappropriate “skin” showing
• Avoid strong perfumes, lotions, cologne
• Avoid sandals
Professionalism: On Your Rotations
Attitudes & Behaviors
• Positive attitude
• Respectful
• Address all medical professionals (attendees, preceptors, etc) and
patients, by their title
• Dr….
• Mr., Mrs., Miss,. Ms.
Professionalism: On Your Rotations
Use title unless told otherwise
• Everyone “doctor”
• Even if okay to use first name, use Dr. _____ in front of patients
Prepare in advance
• Know rotation topic
• Review therapeutics, pharmacology, etc. texts
Pharmacist representative
• No guessing in patient care
Professionalism: On Your Rotations (5)
“Be” the Pharmacist
• Maintain this mindset
• Have a sense of ownership
Professionalism: On Your Rotations
Be punctual
Be a good listener (active listening)
Take responsibility for your work & actions
• Accountability
Take initiative
Be the professional learner
Pearls for your Rotations (2)
Useful Drug Information Resources
• Pocket References
Professionalism: With Healthcare Teams
Keep the goal in mind
• Patient care & optimal therapeutic outcomes
Professionalism: With Healthcare Teams (2)
Be respectful
• Know your patient’s issues
• Know their labs, vitals, meds, etc
Be resourceful
• If don’t know, look it up, and get RIGHT BACK to them
• Have a sense of “ownership” for your team and patients
Professionalism: With Healthcare Teams (3)
You are the drug expert
• Be certain of your answers
• Team player
• Proactively identify medication-related ways you can contribute
• Pharmacokinetics
• ADRs
• Drug monitoring (efficacy and toxicity)
• Renal and hepatic impairment dosing
• Interview patients on medications taken before hospitalization
• Example: unusual bruising/bleeding arthritis patient
Professionalism: With Your Patients
• Respect • Active listening
• Compassion • Remembering
• Concern for privacy • Patient’s perspective
• Empathy • Understanding
• Do not provide • Helpful
Professionalism: With Your Peers
• Be supportive
• Help problem solve
• Bounce ideas off of each other
• Share experiences
Professionalism: With the Community
Community service
• Volunteering (serving and helping others)
• Free Clinic Attending
• Brown bags: churches, civics groups
• Health Education events
• BP and DM screenings, influenza vaccines, etc
• Help local health care organizations
• “Be” the pharmacist