M Prakash Institute STD IX-2Yrs Chemistry
M Prakash Institute STD IX-2Yrs Chemistry
M Prakash Institute STD IX-2Yrs Chemistry
Reactions with:
9 Oxygen Ionic Covalent Non-
Metal oxides metal oxides
10 Hydrogen Ionic Covalent
hydrides compounds
11 Water Oxides and No
hydroxides reaction
12 Acids Salt and hydrogen No reaction
13 Bases Only amphoteric only few of
metals react them react
14 Nature of oxides Basic Acidic
*Amphoteric : Species having capacity to react both as a base and
as an acid.
Compounds are also pure substances that are composed of two or
more different elements in a fixed proprtion by mass.
The properties of compounds are different than the properties of
the constituent elements.
(1) Iron (Fe) is attracted by magnet. Sulphur (S) dissovles in car-
bon disulphide (CS2 ).
But the compound formed of Iron and Sulphur FeS (Iron sulfide)
is neither attracted to magnet nor dissolves in CS2 .
(2) Hydrogen burns with an explosion, Oxygen supports combus-
tion, but H2 O neither burns nor supports combustion. On the
contrary it extinguishes fire.
Why does this happen?
The chemical properties of elements are due to the specific num-
ber of electrons and its distribution in the electronic shells of the
atoms. When a compound is formed, atoms either lose or gain or
share electrons. As they do not retain their original atomic struc-
ture,their original properties also are lost. They gain new properties
in alignment with their new atomic and molecular structure.
A compound has fixed physical and chemical properties like molec-
ular weight, reactivites with other compounds. The elements form-
ing the compounds may be separated etc.
There are mainly two types of compounds -
1) Inorganic compounds: The compounds obtained from non
living sources such as rocks and minerals are called as inorganic
compounds. These compounds may contain any existing elements
of nature in varied compositions and bonding pattern.
2) Organic Compounds: These are the compounds principally
found in living organisms. They essentially have carbon as one of
their constituent elements. Some typical other elements found in
organic compounds as H, S, N, O, Cl, Br, I etc. These days many
artificial organic compounds are also obtained.
Some specific properties shown by substances:
(1) Allotropy: Existence of an element into two or more different
structural forms (due to the arrangement of particles in their crys-
tal lattice) which are similar in their chemical properties but differ
in physical properties.
e.g. carbon exists in two allotropic forms:
a. Crystalline form: diamond and graphite.
b. Amorphous or microcrystalline form: coal, charcoal,lamp black.
Differences between diamond and graphite
S.N. Diamond Graphite
1. hardest natural substance Soft
2. Transparent Dark, grayish colored
crystalline solid
3. Density 3.51 gm/ml Density 2.266 gm/ml
4. Bad conductor Good conductor
of electricity of electricity
5. Chemically inert Chemically
more reactive
6. Leaves no mark on paper Leaves a black mark
on paper
7. Three dimensional Two dimensional
polygonal structure sheet structure
8. M. P. 4200K (pressure dependent) M. P. 3800K
(pressure dependent)
Q 1. Classify the following:
(i) elements as metals, non metals and metalloids: aluminium, oxy-
gen, silicon, nitrogen, bromine, mercury, zinc, iron, arsenic, anti-
mony,sulphur, tellurium.
(ii) compounds as deliquescent,hygroscopic and efflorescent. Fer-
rous sulphate ; Magnesium chloride; Sodium carbonate ; Sodium
hydroxide, Sodium sulphate ; Anhydrous copper sulphate, quick
lime ;Potash alum; anhydrous sodium carbonate.
Q 2. Differentiate between (Give 3 points of distinction each)
(i) Metals and non metals
(ii) Diamond and graphite
Q 3. Distinguish between elasticity and plasticity .
Q 4. Distinguish between isotopes and allotropes. Apart from car-
bon, find two other elements that exist in allotropic forms. Write
their names and allotropic forms.
Q 5. “The properties of compounds are different than the proper-
ties of constituent elements”. Explain with examples.
Q 6. Give the exceptions to the following statements:
(i) Metals are solids at room temperature.
(ii) Non metals are bad conductors of heat and electricity.
(iii) Non metals are non-lustrous
Q 7. What happens when:
(i) A spoon made of Gallium is dipped in a cup of hot tea.
(ii) A reactive metal is reacted with an acid.