DCL Kenya County Trainings - Train The Trainer
DCL Kenya County Trainings - Train The Trainer
DCL Kenya County Trainings - Train The Trainer
Design Challenges
The Tech Interactive
San Jose, California, USA
Your Friends at The Tech
Rely on your mentor teacher first, but for further or future support you
can email us at [email protected].
The Tech’s Trusted Educators & Staff
● What other academic skills would students need to solve these problems?
● How could we shift the prompts to help students apply other desired skills?
Train the Trainer Timeline
This week: receive an email with instructions for access to online course
By Friday 16th August: complete the online course
End of August: receive information about the schools you will be training
End of September: all teachers will need to complete the online course
October: attend a second training with sample lessons
End of December: complete in-person training with assigned teachers
(This may need to be completed by the end of October, depending of TSC
rules in your sub county)
Design Challenge Learning Course
This “bundle” is made up of mini courses
1. You will be enrolled using the email
you confirmed at check-in today
2. Watch out for an email notifying you
that you have been enrolled
3. Go to courses.thetech.org to log in
Online Learning Portal
Course 1:
Design Challenge
Learning Basics
of Innovators
Innovation Design Process
Invite students to collect and items for your classroom supply of materials. When
organizing and sourcing materials it often helps to divide them into categories.
Tip: Use alternatives to tape and glue that facilitate reusability of materials and
promote rapid prototyping and iteration. (e.g., rubber bands, binder clips, string, etc.)
Sourcing Materials
Where might your learners find materials to use in their
Define Your
Frame the Challenge
Design a device that can help people Lucy likes to take walks in the outdoors,
avoid falling when walking on uneven but the ground can be uneven and she
surfaces. sometimes has trouble steadying
herself. She also likes to keep a hand
free for taking pictures. Help Lucy by
designing a device that will reduce the
risk of falling when walking on varied
Frame the Challenge
Occupational Mechanical
Therapist Engineer
Design Problem:
• Criteria (desired features):
The clear statement that tells what we need to
○ the must-do’s
○ whatever we need to be successful
• Constraints (limitations):
○ Real world limits
Remember: older students ○ Usually budget and schedule,
can be an active part of sometimes size/weight
defining criteria and
Design Problem
Design Problem:
• Criteria (desired features):
Design a device that can reach and grab an
○ What must it do or have to be
considered successful?
• Constraints (limitations):
○ What will limits students as they
○ What must the design NOT do?
What criteria and constraints would you
want to consider for this problem?
Grabbing an Object
Design Problem:
• Criteria (desired features):
Design a device that can reach and grab an
○ Must be able to reach object 1m away
○ Must be able to hold object while lifting
it off of the table
○ Must be able to replace the object
Set up your testing area: safely on the table
○ Find 3 objects to move with your ○ Only the device may touch the object
○ Measure a 1 meter area to reach • Constraints (limitations):
across ○ Use only materials available
○ Spend no more than 10 minutes
Review: Framing the Challenge
Goals: Strategies include:
• Activate prior ❏ Video
knowledge ❏ Story/Scenario
• Connect to participant ❏ Guiding Question
interests ❏ Discussion
• Build engagement
A relative cannot reach the tallest shelf and wants
to be more independent.
Let’s Summarize
How can we help our learners to be brave and share their
Imagine, Create,
Test and Reflect
Share Your
Key Strategies
❏ Everyone shares with at least one other team
❏ Collaboration and inspirations are recognized
❏ Appreciations for team members
❏ Focus on process rather than the design itself
❏ Presenting for outside stakeholders/peers (when possible)
❏ Community feedback
❏ Feedback from user testing
Tech Tip: Sharing Solutions
Share Solutions
● Tell us about your design.
● What changes did you make as you were building?
● What would you try next?
Give Feedback:
● I liked that the design____________.
● I wonder what would happen if____________.
Peer protocols for handling Feedback
Presenting Team Observing Team
Feedback Turn your back to Discuss with each other about the
(2 min warm feedback, 2 min cool other team presentation
feedback) Listen and take notes
Try t
Empathetic his
Collaborative self.
Mindsets Self-Reflection - Samples
Look for growth over time and self-awareness. If you have good rapport with learners, have
them share with the group or discuss their thoughts in small groups or individually.
Description of
the design they
(Middle school student work in an afterschool program)
Let’s Summarize
How can we support learners to share when their designs
aren’t working?
A task that…
• demonstrates what students have learned
• practices real world career skills
• has meaning to the audience it’s designed for
For example:
A new invention needs to have a patent application that
would require a detailed report of the design’s specifications
and functions.
Features of Authentic Assessment
Present a
real-world design Require a realistic
scenario. professional task.
● Testing methods
Science ● Phenomena
ensuring reliability of testing
● Collaboration
Social Emotional ● Empathy
considering the needs of the user
Real World Connections
How can we connect this challenge to the real world?
● What problems is this challenge similar to?
● What other situations might we be building to keep
someone safe and comfortable?
● What materials might we need for that kind of structure?
● What professionals would be involved in a real world
version of this challenge?
Call Them Engineers!
Engineers, it is time to
• Build STEM identity share your design with the
• Add context to the scenario group.