Time : 3Hours I · Class : 12th IM. M.: 75 Instructions : (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) Ther-e are two sections in question paper Section-A and Section-B. (iii) In Section-A Q.Nos. I to 4 are objective type which contain fill in the blanks, multiple choice, one word/sentence and match the column. Each question carries 5marks. (w) In Section - B there are Q. Nos. 5to 20 and Internal options are given in each question. (v) Q.Nos.5to 8.are very short answer type questions. Each question carries 2marks. Write answer of these questions approximately i� 30 words each.. . (\'i) Q.Nos. . . 9 to 12 3:re short . answer � type questions. Each carries 3 marks. Write answer of these . . . questions . approximately in 75 words only. (vii) Q.Nos. 13to 17 are long answer type questions. Each question carries 4 marks. Write answe·r- of these questi�ns approximately in 120 words only. (viii) Q.Nos. ts·to 20 are Jong answer type questions. Each question carries. ·5 marks. Write answer of these questions approximately in 150 words. (ix) Start answering the objective type question_ from first page of the answer sheet http://www.n1pboardonline.con1 (x) Draw �eat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. SECTION-A(Objective type questions) Q.l Fill in the blanks : 5 .(i) Food reaches tq stomach from oesophagus by ____ -movement. (iI) Rate of transpiration is measured by _____ (iiJ) ____ discovered photoperiodism. . . (iv) Lichen is an example of _____ ( v) Population _____ with t ime and place. Q2 . Choose the correct options : 5 (1) The water potential and osmotic potential of pure water are (a) 100 and zero (b) Zero and zero (c) lOOand 100 (d)Zero and 100 (2) Purkinje fibres are present in- (a)Brain (b)Blood (c) Lungs (d) Heart (3) The honnone which is responsible for senescence (a)Abscisic aci.d (b)Auxin (c) Gibberellins (d) Cytokinin (4) Pyramid of energy is always- (a) Straight (b) Inverted (c) First straigh� then inverted (d)Oval
(5) A sexually trans,;i:iitted _disease is
(a)AIDS (b) Haemophilia (c)Asthma . (d) Myasthaenia gravis Q3. Write· the answers iri one word/sentence 5 (1) . -� chiefcomponent of ch�orophyll. (2) is the smallest bone of the human body. (3) Name a partial root parasite plant. (4) Write botanical name of maize. (5) . Define zero population growth. . Q.4 Match the columns: 5 (a)PAN (1) Blood clotting (b) Vrtamin K (2) Growth Honnone (c)Acromegaly (3) Secondary pollutant (d) Decomposers (4) Antigenn substance (e) Interferons .(5)AIDS ( 6)Actinomycetes (?)Antigen . SECTION - B (Very s�ort answer type questions) Q.5 Write two differences between inspiration a!!d exP.iration. 2 (Or) How does muscular. fatigue oc.cur? Q.6 What is endospe�? 2 (Or) Wdte definition ofAsexual reproduction. Q.7 \1/hat is Placenta? 2 (Or) What is Test Tube Baby? Q. 8 Write any two differences between food chain and food web. 2 (Or) What is Biological Oxygen Demand? (Short Answer Type Questions) Q.9 Define the following (i) Guttation (it) Plasmolysis (fu) Diffusion Pressure Deficit ( DPD) (Or) · Write one physiological role of each of the following elements in . plants: ' (i) Phosphorus (n) Potassium (fu) Calciwn Q.10 Name. any three photosynthesis . pigm�nts. 3 (Or) Write any three differences between fermentation and anaerobic ·· respiration. Q.11 Define the following 3 (i) Population density (u) Sex ratio (ili) Death rate (Or) Describe briefly the three steps of Pranayam. Q.12 Write ... any three significance of Tissue Culture. 3 (Or) Write any three applications of biotechnology in agriculture. (Long answer type questions) Q.13 Draw well labelled diagram ofL.S. of Human Kidney. 4 (Or) Draw the well labelled diagram of internal structure of Human Heart. Q.14 Write short note on the following : 4 (i) Bile (u) Dental formula (Or) Describe brief"Jy any four moveable joints with examples. "Q.15 Write four differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis. 4 (Or) Write any four physiological functions of Gibberellins_. · Q.16 Explain nitrogen cycle with the help of labelled diagram. 4 (Or) What is noise pollution? �rite sources and harmful effect of noise pollution. Q.17 Explain any four reasons of intoxicant addiction in youths. 4 (Or) Describe about any two biofuel producing plants. (Long answer type questions) Q.18 Draw a line diagram to show: the Kreb cycle and calculate the number of ATP. 5 (Or) Explain any five factors influencing photosynthesis. Q.19 Describe the structure and function of Adrenal gland. 5 (Or) Explain the mechanism of absorption of food. Q20 Explain the importance of f9rest. Describe the broad .outline of forest . conservation. 5 (Or) Describe any five stages of Hydrosere.