Welfare For All, Equal Distribution of Profi Ts Core of Cooperation Sector: Amit Shah

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Rising Kashmir Business Srinagar, Wednesday 27 November 2024

Welfare for all, equal distribution Union MoS Jadhav visits Ayush Pavilion at
43rd India International Trade Fair
of profits core of cooperation New Delhi, Nov 26: Union Minister

sector: Amit Shah

of State (Independent Charge), Min-
istry of Ayush, Prataprao Jadhav
on Tuesday visited the Ayush Pavil-
ion at the 43rd India International
Trade Fair (IITF) at the Bharat
New Delhi, Nov 26: Coop- facilitate the operations of Mandapam Complex at Pragati
eration from all, welfare for State and Central Co-oper- Maidan in New Delhi.
all, and equitable profit ative Banks and to promote According to an official press re-
distribution are three key the development of coop- lease, the Pavilion, themed 'Ayush
principles that should un- erative credit. ke sath swasth Bharat, Viksit Bharat',
derpin the cooperative sec- During his address, Shah showcases India's rich heritage of
tor. Without these, achiev- expressed concern over a traditional health and wellness sys-
ing the intended goals would decline in the cooperative tems while highlighting the Minis-
be difficult, Home Minister spirit in some PACS and try's latest initiatives and innova-
Amit Shah said during the cooperative banks. tions.
diamond jubilee celebration "This is a matter of con- During his visit, Jadhav inter-
of the National Federation cern. The value of coopera- acted with exhibitors and partici- onstrations, expert consultations, tiatives like the Ayush Visa, Ayush
of State Co-operative Banks tion must be reinforced. All pants, appreciating their efforts in and recipe exhibitions highlight the Aahar, and interactive learning
Ltd (NAFSCOB). issues in a village should promoting Ayush systems of medicine efficacy of Ayush-based nutrition activities underscore India's leader-
Primary Agricultural all PACS. The software op- These societies occupy a concern PACS, those at the and lifestyle solutions. He emphasized in achieving a healthy lifestyle. ship in sustainable wellness prac-
Credit Societies (PACS) erates in the language of pivotal position in the co- district level should be ad- the importance of integrating tra- Other highlights of the Ayush Pa- tices," he remarked.During his
form the foundation of state the respective state and is operative credit structure, dressed by district coop- ditional knowledge with modern vilion included a specially designed visit, Jadhav interacted with ex-
and district cooperative available in eight languag- forming its foundation. They erative banks, and simi- innovations to achieve holistic well- 'Snakes & Ladders' game educating hibitors and participants, appreciat-
banks, emphasised Home es," Shah said. act as the final link between larly, state cooperative ness and sustainable healthcare. children about balanced diets and ing their efforts in promoting Ayush
Minister Shah, who also He further explained that ultimate borrowers and banks should focus on state- "Among the key attractions at the Ayurveda-inspired healthy habits, systems of medicine and lifestyle
oversees the Ministry of PACS are now connected higher fi nancing institu- level problems," he said. pavilion were the 'Ayush Visa' ex- Yoga Demonstrations organized by solutions. He emphasized the im-
Cooperation. with district and state co- tions, such as Scheduled "Cooperation from all, hibits, a landmark initiative aimed the Morarji Desai National Institute portance of integrating traditional
Shah stated that unless operative banks, as well as Commercial Banks, the welfare for all, and equi- at attracting global stakeholders to of Yoga (MDNIY), yoga therapy ses- knowledge with modern innovations
PACS are computerised and the National Bank for Ag- Reserve Bank of India (RBI), table profit distribution are India's thriving health and wellness sions and workplace yoga demonstra- to achieve holistic wellness and sus-
made administratively ef- riculture and Rural Devel- and NABARD. three essential practices sector. Recently notified by the Min- tions, traditional health consultations tainable healthcare.
ficient, district and state opment (NABARD). NAFSCOB maintains data that must guide the coop- istry of Home Affairs, the Ayush and interactive kiosks such as The Pavilion continues to attract
cooperative banks cannot PACS serve as the grass- on district and state coop- erative sector. Without these, Visa facilitates international med- Prakriti Parikshan and Mizaj Parik- a diverse audience, offering visitors
function effectively. roots arms of the short-term erative banks and PACS, achieving the envisioned ical tourism for treatments under shan. an immersive experience into the
"If district and state coop- cooperative credit structure. which form the basis for goals is not possible," he Ayush systems, positioning India The Union MoS lauded the Pavilion's world of Ayush and reinforcing its
erative banks are to remain They interact directly with agricultural sector fi nanc- reiterated. as a global hub for wellness tourism," efforts in highlighting key initia- significance as a cornerstone of In-
robust, we must ensure PACS rural agricultural borrow- ing. Shah also underscored the the release said. tives towards innovative health and dia's healthcare vision.
are strengthened. After ers, providing loans, col- The National Federation importance of transpar- The pavilion also featured 'Ayush wellness approaches. The IITF, taking place from No-
establishing the Ministry lecting repayments, and of State Co-operative Banks ency, describing it as the Aahar', an initiative showcasing "The Ayush Pavilion at IITF reflects vember 14-27, continues to celebrate
of Cooperation, the govern- handling distribution and Ltd. (NAFSCOB) was estab- most critical aspect of the innovative dietary practices rooted our commitment to promoting ho- India's diverse culture, trade and
ment computerised almost marketing activities. lished on May 19, 1964, to cooperative sector. (ANI) in traditional knowledge. Live dem- listic health solutions globally. Ini- innovation. (ANI)

Indian stock markets steady Paytm launches UPI

after two-day rally Lite auto top-up for recurring
New Delhi, Nov 26: Indian stock can happen only when indicators of daily payments under Rs 500
indices closed largely steady on an earnings revival emerge, which
Tuesday, breaking the uptrend ob-
served over the past two sessions.
is still some time away," he added.
Shrikant Chouhan, Head of Eq-
with no PIN
The recent rally, excluding today's uity Research at Kotak Securities, New Delhi, Nov 26: One 97
session, helped recover some of the observed that while the intraday Communications Limited
recent losses, with indices gaining market texture is bullish, activity (OCL), which owns the brand
nearly 4 per cent over the past two may remain limited in the near term Paytm, has introduced auto-
days. due to temporary overbought condi- matic top-up for Paytm UPI
The Sensex closed at 80,004.06 tions. Lite, the company informed
points, down 105.79 points or 0.13 Meanwhile, foreign portfolio inves- the exchange in a fi ling.
per cent, while the Nifty settled at tors (FPIs) are poised to end Novem- As per the company, this
24,194.50 points, down 27.40 points ber as net sellers in Indian stock feature allows users to auto- ment download feature, en-
or 0.11 per cent. markets for the second consecutive matically recharge their UPI abling users to view and down-
However, the Sensex remains ap- month, following a four-month buy- Lite balance when it falls below load detailed records of all UPI
proximately 6,000 points below its ing streak until September. a set limit, ensuring seamless transactions, including those
all-time high of 85,978 points. Recent According to data from the Na- small-value transactions with- made via Paytm UPI Lite. This
bearish trends have been attributed tional Securities Depository Lim- out the need for a PIN. Payments enhancement supports effec-
to fund outflows, lower-than-expect- ited (NSDL), FPIs have sold stocks of up to Rs 500 can be made per tive expense monitoring and
ed Q2 earnings by India Inc., and worth Rs 25,460 crore in November transaction, with a daily lim- spending management.
persistently high inflation. so far, though the pace of outflows it of Rs 2000, making it ideal The Paytm UPI Lite auto top-
The latest market rally is unlike- has slowed in recent days. for recurring daily payments. up feature is live on Yes Bank
ly to sustain due to earnings concerns, Looking ahead to December, the The company said "Paytm and Axis Bank handles for
which pose significant headwinds, Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) bi- UPI Lite streamlines daily select users, and will soon be
according to VK Vijayakumar, Chief monthly Monetary Policy Commit- transactions--such as purchas- expanded to all users and re-
Investment Strategist at Geojit Fi- tee (MPC) meeting will be closely ing groceries, paying for trans- maining partnered banks.
nancial Services. monitored for fresh cues. Persistent portation, managing subscrip- "The introduction of auto-
"The impact of short-covering and food infl ation continues to delay tions, or settling small bills--by matic top-up in Paytm UPI Lite
the positive sentimental effect of potential rate cuts by the central eliminating the need for a PIN. makes everyday payments
the Maharashtra election results bank. It helps maintain clutter-free faster and more seamless, cov-
will be temporary. Too much should Additionally, GDP data for the bank statements, as routine ering everything from daily
not be read into the FIIs turning big July-September quarter, due at 4 pm payments are processed chai and food to auto, metro,
buyers yesterday, as this was due to on November 29, will be a key focus. through an on-device wallet and bus rides. It helps keep the
MSCI rebalancing with higher weight- The Indian economy grew by 6.7 per without directly accessing the main bank statement clutter-
age to HDFC Bank," Vijayakumar cent in the April-June quarter, fall- main bank account". free, ensuring small, frequent
said. ing short of the RBI's 7.1 per cent Additionally, the company transactions don't overwhelm
"A sustained rally in the market forecast. (ANI) has also introduced a UPI state- it. ANI

J&K Agro Industries Development Corporation Ltd. Gole Pully, OFFICE OF THE HEADMASTER GOVT. BOYS HIGH SCHOOL LAWAYPORA
E-mail Id – [email protected] Subject: Engagement/Hiring of Helpers/AAYAs under support at Pre-Primary (ECCE) for the year 2024-25-regarding and continuance of existing AAYAs.
E NIT No. 41 of 2024-25 JK Agro Reference: Directorate of Samagra Shiksha, J&K's Order No. 07 of CHIRAG-2023 dated 09-01-2023 issued under endorsement No. Edu/PD/SmS/ECCE/ AAYA/4517-41/2024-25
NO: -Agro/DM/PSJ/5080-83
For and on behalf of J&K Agro Industries Development Corporation Limited, bids are invited from Registered Contractors having valid li-
DATED:-25.11.2024 NOTICE
Applications on plain paper are invited for engagement / hiring of Helpers / AAYAs under Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) in various schools of this Zone, details
whereof are given al the end of this communication. Applicalions with documentary proof in each case viz Gender, Domicile of the particular area where the school is located. BPL category
cense/ Registration for Procurement of equipments for packaging unit (seed grader & fine cleaner and Vertical Bucket Elevator) on rate contract. The certificate, fitness certificate, qualification certificate, certificate regarding Para 2 of section -C etc (issued by the competent authority) should reach office of the undersigned on or before
last date for applying for the tender online is 04.12.2024. For detailed info kindly visit the website www.jktenders.gov.in. 30/11/2024
Divisional Manager (P&S)J. The deployment of Helper / AAYA shall be purely terminus and shall start from the dale (hey are engaged / hired and shall conclude with the end of academic session it can be extended subject
Member Secretary, to me performance and the approval of funds from the Ministry of Education, Government of India in the particular component. Affidavit from 1" Class Magistrate shall have to be produced by
J&K Agro Ind. Dev. Corpn.Ltd. the candidate at the time of joining for not claiming for permanent absorption at any stage.
DIPK-NB-2530-24 Talab Tillo, Jammu All decisions of the funding agency (Samagra Shiksha, J&K under the aegis of School Education Department) shall be implemented in this regard.
i)Only female candidate can apply.
ii)The applicant must be domicile of the ward where approved school is located.
iii)Applicant must be belonging to BPL (8elow Poverty Line) category.
Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir iv)The candidate must be physically/mentally fit to carry out her job.
Directorate of Hospitality and Protocol J&K Directorate of Hospitality and Protocol J&K C.QUALIFICATION / PREFERENCE:
Minimum Qualification of a Helper I AAYA: 8th Class passed. In case there is no eligible candidate available in Ward, the candidate with lesser qualification shall be considered.
Gupkar Road, Sonwar Gupkar Road, Sonwar Srinagar Preference shall be given to candidates from BPL Category in below mentioned order of priority:
Srinagar Tele-0194-2500088-2500623, Canal Road, Jammu 0191-2501409-10 Tele-0194-2500088-2500623, Canal Road, Jammu 0191-2501409-10
(email [email protected]) (email [email protected]) ii)Divorced
CORRIGENDUM CORRIGENDUM iv)Any candidate among poorest of the poor in the ward
Last date for submission End Date for (EOI) Empanel- Last date for submission End Date for (EOI) Empanel- The age of a candidate must be between 18-45 years as on 1st of January of the deployment year.
ment of Hotels for Boarding and Lodging Services at ment of Hotels for Boarding and Lodging Services at Rs. 5,000/- (Five thousand only) per month, which may vary as per the approval m (he subsequent year in PAB of Samagra Shiksha)
Jammu issued vide this office EOI Reference No. DHP/ Kashmir issued vide this office EOI Reference No. DHP/ F.TOTAL NON-AVAILABILITY OF ELIGIBLE CANDIDATE:
In case of total non-availability of the candidate, as mentioned under C & O sections above, the candidate from'the Municipal Committee (concerned) will be considered / engaged
Acctts-2024/e-Tender/3306 dated 14-11-2024 is Acctts-2024/e-Tender/3307 dated 14-11-2024 is '
hereby extended upto 02-12-2024 and last date for hereby extended upto 02-12-2024 and last date for In case of tie-up of the selection of candidates for Helper, the preference shall be given to the elder candidate (i.e. Candidate with
more age shall be considered).
receiving hard copy (Original Demand Draft as cost receiving hard copy (Original Demand Draft as cost The name of the selected AAYA / Helper shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the school/Municipal Ward/ZEO office 7 days before
the commencement of the academic session.
of Tender Document and EMD in shape of CDR shall of Tender Document and EMD in shape of CDR shall H. APPEAL:
 If anybody feels aggrieved with selection of Helper / AAYA, an appeal shall be referred to the Chief Education Officer, Srinagar within period of 15 days from selection. 2nd Appeal, if any. may
be now 02-12-2024 and the Earnest Money Deposit be now 02-12-2024 and the Earnest Money Deposit be filed before the Director, School Education. Kashmir. •
(CDR) shall be read Rs.50,000/= (Rupees Fifty thousand (CDR) shall be read Rs.50,000/= (Rupees Fifty thousand  In case of any misconduct, misbehaviour and poor performance while discharging duly by a Helper I AAYA, as noticed/reported. the concerned Head of Institution (HOI) shall have the right to
terminate the services of Helper I AAYA in consultation with the Municipal Ward with due adherence to lhe prescribed procedures, as the case may be. The replacement shall be made within 7
only) instead of Rs.30,000/=(Rupees Thirty thousand only) instead of Rs.30,000/=(Rupees Thirty thousand days.
only) The Bidders who have already submitted the only) The Bidders who have already submitted the The Helpers / AAYAs for pre-primary sections of Govt, Schools shall have to perform below mentioned suggestive tasks.
CDR for Rs. 30 000/= shall revise the CDR and submit CDR for Rs.30,000/= shall revise the CDR and submit a) Escorting the children at their arrival, departure, between activities (for example while moving to outdoor areas, play ground and toilet etc).
b)Maintaining the hygiene of the children—Toileting, hand washing, cleanliness of children etc.
in this office accordingly before cut date. in this office accordingly before cut date. c)Helping the teacher In preparing class for activities, like setting up material, making arrangements for day to day activities.
d) Assisting the children In taking food under lhe supervision of teacher, under PM POSHAN (MDM),
NO: DH&P/Acctts-2024/NIT (EOI)-JMU/3418-20 Sd/- NO: DH&P/Acctts-2024/NIT(EOI)-KMR/3408-11 Sd/- e) Any other assignment given by HOI for proper care of children.
Dated: -23-11-2024 Ashwani Kumar Khajuria (JKAS) Dated: -23-11-2024 Ashwani Kumar Khajuria (JKAS)
No: BHS/LP/1044-1046 Sd/-
Director Director
Dated: 26/11/2024 Headmaster
DIPK-8603-24 Hospitality and Protocol J&K DIPK-8569-24 Hospitality and Protocol J&K
DIPK-8670-24 BHS Lawaypora

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