Chapt1 5PhilLit
Chapt1 5PhilLit
Chapt1 5PhilLit
Literature deals with the ideas, thoughts, and emotions of Why We Need to Study Philippine
man, literature can be said to be the story of man. Man’s Literature?
loves, griefs, thoughts, dreams,
and aspirations coached in beautiful language are literature. We study literature so that we can better appreciate our
literary heritage. We cannot appreciate something that we
In order to know the history of a nation’s spirit, one must do not understand. Through a study of our literature, we can
read its literature. Hence it is that to understand the real trace the rich heritage of ideas handed down to us from our
spirit of a nation, one must "trace the little rills as they course forefathers. Then we can understand ourselves better and
along down the ages, broadening and take pride in being Filipinos.
deepening into the great ocean of thought
which men of the present source are presently Like other races of the world, we need to understand that we
exploring. have a great and noble tradition, which can serve as the
means to assimilate other cultures. Through such a study, we
Brother Azurin said that "literature will realize our literary limitations are conditioned by
expresses the feelings of people toward society, certain historical factors, and we can take steps to overcome
the government, his surroundings, his them.
fellowmen, and his divine creator."
Module: Philippine Literature
Examples are memoranda, news reports, speeches, d. Legends: These are fictitious narratives,
which were created for the sake of a need, a utility. usually about origins.
Example: The Bikol Legend by Pio Duran
CREATIVE LITERATURE – appeals to aesthetics as shown
in the styles of writing by authors, poets, novelists, and e. Fables: These are also fictitious, and they
playwrights. Style expressed in the form of writing which deal with animals and inanimate things who
might coincide with the known characteristics of genre speak and act like people, and their purpose
is to enlighten the minds of children to events
General Types of Literature that can mold their ways and attitudes.
Prose consists of those written within the common flow of f. Anecdotes: These are merely products of the
conversation in sentences and paragraphs, while poetry writer’s imagination, and their main aim is to
refers to those expressions in verse, with measure and bring lessons to the reader.
rhyme, line and stanza and has a more melodious tone. Example: "THE MOTH AND THE LAMP"
Module: Philippine Literature
lyre, but now it applies to any type of poetry that that express praise, gratitude, and
expresses the emotions and feelings of the poet. supplication to God or a higher power.
Example: Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa
They are usually short, simple, and easy to (Love for the Native Land) by Andres
understand. Bonifacio
f. Awit (Song): These have measures of twelve
a. Folksongs (Awiting Bayan): These are short poems syllables (dodecasyllabic) and are slowly
intended to be sung. The common theme is love, despair, sung to the accompaniment of a guitar or
grief, doubt, joy, hope, and sorrow. banduria.
Example: CHIT-CHIRIT-CHIT Example: Florante at Laura by Franciso
b. Sonnets: This is a lyric poem of 14 lines g. Corridos (Kuridos): These have measures of eight
dealing with an emotion, a feeling, or an idea. syllables (octosyllabic) and are recited to a martial
These are two types: the Italian and the Example: IBONG ADARNA
Example: Santang Buds by Alfonso P. B. Dramatic Poetry is a form of poetry that emphasizes
Santos dramatic elements, such as dialogue, monologue, and
conflict, to tell a story or express a
c. Elegy: This is a lyric poem that expresses particular emotion. It is often associated with theater and is
feelings of grief and melancholy and whose intended to be performed in front of
theme is death. an audience.
Ricaredo Demetillo a. Comedy: The word comedy comes from the Greek
term "komos," meaning festivity or revelry. This form
d. Ode: This is a poem of noble feelings is usually light and written with the purpose of
expressed with dignity, with no definite amusement, and it usually has a happy ending.
number of syllables or definite number of b. Melodrama: This is usually used in musical
lines in a stanza. plays with the opera. Today, this is related to
Example: To the Philippine Youth by Dr. tragedy just as a farce is to comedy. It arouses
Jose Rizal immediate and intense emotion and is usually sad,
but there is a happy ending for the principal
e. Psalms (Dalit): These are hymns or prayers character.
Module: Philippine Literature
II. Chapter 3: The Spanish Period (1565- 1898) A. SPANISH INFLUENCES ON PHILIPPINE
Historical Background Due to the long period of colonization of the Philippines by
It is an accepted belief that the Spanish colonization of the the Spaniards, they have exerted a strong influence on our
Philippines started in 1565 during the time of Miguel Lopez literature.
de Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-general in the
Philippines. Literature started to flourish during his time. 1. The first Filipino alphabet called Baybayin was
This spurt continued unabated until the Cavite Revolt in replaced by the Roman alphabet.
1872. 2. The teaching of the Christian Doctrine became the
basis of religious practices.
The Spaniards colonized the Philippines for more 3. The Spanish language which became the literary
than three centuries. language during this time lent many of its words to
our language.
During these times, many changes occurred in the lives of 4. European legends and traditions brought here
Filipinos. They embraced the Catholic religion, changed their became assimilated in our corridos, and moromoros.
names, and were baptized. songs,
5. Ancient literature was collected and translated to
Their lifestyles changed too. They built houses mad of stones Tagalog and other dialects.
and bricks, used beautiful furniture like the piano and used 6. Many grammar books were printed in Filipino, like
kitchen utensils. Carriages, trains and boats were used as Tagalog, Ilocano and Visayan
means of travel. held fiestas to honor the saints, the pope and 7. Our periodicals during these times gained a
the governors. They had cockfights, horse races and the religious tone.
theater as means of recreation.
Nuestra Señora del Rosario Ang Mga Dalit kay Maria (Psalms for Mary)
The second book printed in the Philippines A collection of songs praising the Virgin
was written by Fr. Blancas de San Jose in 1602, Mary. Fr. Mariano Sevilla, a Filipino priest,
and printed at the UST Printing Press with the wrote this in 1865 and it was popular
help of Juan de Vera, a Chinese mestizo. It especially during the Maytime "Flores de
contains the biographies of saints, novenas, Mayo" festival.
and questions and answers on religion.
Ang awit ay may labindalawang
pantig (syllables) mabagal ang paraan
ng pagbigkas o ang himig ay tinatawag
na andante.
ADDITIONAL NOTES: words and sentences. These types are typically made
from metal or wood.
Xylography is the art of engraving on wood or the
process of making prints from wood engravings. Type Casting:
The term comes from the Greek words "xylo" (wood) The process of creating these individual pieces
and "graphy" (writing or engraving). involves casting them from a mold, which can be done
using various materials, including lead, tin, and
• Wood Engraving: Xylography involves carving antimony.
an image or text into the surface of a wooden
block. Composition:
• The raised areas of the wood are inked, and Arranging the Type: Types are arranged in a
the image is then pressed onto paper or fabric, composing stick to form lines of text. The types are
producing a print. placed in a frame or chase, with each letter and
character positioned to form the desired text.
o Xylography is one of the oldest forms of
printmaking and was widely used before the
Spacing material, known as "leading," is used
invention of movable type for printing books, between lines of type to ensure proper alignment and
illustrations, and artworks. readability.
Creation of Type:
Individual Letters: Movable type printing involves
creating individual letters, numbers, and symbols
(types) that can be arranged and rearranged to form
Module: Philippine Literature
CHAPTER 4: The Period of Enlightenment (1872-1898) 3. To restore Filipino representation in the Spanish
Historical Background 4. To Filipinize the parishes.
After 300 years of passivity under Spanish rule, the Filipino 5. To give the Filipinos freedom of speech, of the
spirit reawakened when the 3 priests Gomez, Burgos and press, assembly and for redress of grievances.
Zamora were guillotined without sufficient evidence of guilt.
B. Highlights of the Propaganda Movement
This occurred on the 17th of February. This was buttressed
There were three principal leaders of the Propaganda
with the spirit of liberalism when the Philippines opened its movement. They were Jose P. Rizal, Marcelo H. del
doors to world trade and with the coming of a liberal leader Pilar and Graciano Lopez Jaena.
in the person of Governor Carlos Maria de la Torre.
The Spaniards were unable to suppress the tide of rebellion
among the Filipinos.
The once religious spirit transformed itself into one of Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonzo y Realonda was
nationalism and the Filipinos demanded changes in the born on June 19, 1861 at Calamba, Laguna. His first
government and in the church. teacher was his mother, Teodora Alonozo.
The NOLI gave Philippine literature the 5. FILIPINAS DENTRO DE CIEN AÑOS (The
immortal characters Maria Clara, Juan Philippines within a Century).
Crisostomo Ibarra, Elias, Sisa, Pilosofong An essay predicting the increasing
Tasio, Doña Victorina, Kapitana Maria, influence of the US in the Philippines and
Basilio and Crispin, Rizal had a powerful the decreasing interest of Europe here.
pen in the delineation of these characters.
Rizal predicted that if there is any other
2. EU FILIBUSTERISMO. This is a sequel to colonizer of the Philippines in the future, it
While the NOLI exposed the evils in would be the US.
society, the FILI exposed those in the
government and in the church. 6. A LA JUVENTUD FILIPINA (To the
Filipino Youth). A poem Rizal dedicated to
However, the NOLI has been dubbed the the Filipino youth studying at UST.
novel of society while that of FILI is that
of politics.
Module: Philippine Literature
Passion Book wherein they made fun of the now Marcelo H. del Pilar High School and
priests. above all, his patriotism and bravery will
remain alive in our memories.
They also made the DASALAN AT TOCSOHAN
and KAIINGAT KAYO taken from the word Writings of Marcelo H. del Pilar
IGAT, a kind of snake fish caught in politics.
Upon his arrival in Spain, he replaced Country). Translated from the Spanish
Graciano Lopez Jaena AMOR PATRIA of Rizal, published on
August 20, 1882, in Diariong Tagalog.
2. KAIINGAT KAYO (Be Careful). A
a paper which became the vehicle thru humorous and sarcastic dig in answer
which reforms in the government could be to Fr. Jose Rodriquez in the novel NOLI
worked out. of Rizal, published in Barcelona in 1888.
He used Dolores Manapat as pen-name
This did not last long for he got sick and here.
even to reach Hong Kong from where he
could arouse his countrymen. 3. DASALAN AT TOCSOHAN (Prayers and
Jokes). Similar to a cathecism but
He died of tuberculosis in Spain but before sarcastically done against the parish
he died, he asked his companions to tell his priests, published in Barcelona in 1888.
wife and children that he was sorry he wasn't Because of this, del Pilar was called
able to bid them goodbye; to tell others about "filibuster." Done in admirable tone of
the fate of our countrymen and to continue supplication and excellent use of
helping the country. Tagalog.
Plaridel has truly earned a niche in the history 4. ANG CADAQUILAAN NG DIOS (God's
of our nation. Goodness). Published in Barcelona, it was
also like a cathecism sarcastically
Even today, countless streets have been aimed against the parish priests but
named after him. The former Kingwa has been also contains a philosophy of the power
named Plaridel, the Malolos High School is
Module: Philippine Literature
Because of this, Jaena successfully showed the friars in the Philippines. He exposed how
Spaniards and the people of the world how a some of the friars were greedy, ambitious
newspaperman can introduce changes in law and and immoral.
reforms towards a better life and progress.
3. LA HIJA DEL FRAILE (The Child of the Friar) and
Jaena, although he didn't become a professor, was EVERYTING IS HAMBUG (Everything is mere
also a teacher in a sense to his friends and relatives in show). Here Jaena explains the tragedy of
the Philippines. marrying a Spaniard.
Like Antonio Maria Regidor, Tomas G. del Rosario 4. SA MGA PILIPINO...1891... A speech which
and Felipe Calderon, he stood for the separation of aimed to improve the condition of the Filipinos to
church and state for free education, better become free and progressive.
government and schools, freedom of worship and
for an independent and free university. 5. TALUMPATING PAGUNITΑ KAY KOLUMBUS
(An Oration to Commemorate Columbus). A
He sided with Rizal in the controversy between Rizal speech he delivered in Madrid on the 39th
and del Pilar over who should head the Association anniversary of the discovery of America
Hispano de Filipinas in Madrid. He returned to the
Philippines to ask for donations to continue a new 6. EN HONOR DEL PRESIDENTE MORAYTA DE LA
government called El Latigo Nacional or Pambansang ASSOCIACION HISPANO FILIPIΝΟ 1884. Here
Latigo. He sold the rights of La Solidaridad ot del Pilar he praised Gen. Morayta for his equal treatment
who had become a lawyer and had brought in money of the Filipinos.
from his sojourn in Spain.
Graciano Lopez Jaena died in a charity hospital in RESURRECCION HIDALGO. A sincere expression
Barcelona on January 20, 1896, eleven months of praise for the paintings of Hidalgo on the
before his best friend Rizal was shot at the Luneta condition of the Filipinos under the Spaniards.
on December 30, 1896.
A. The Works of Graciano Lopez Jaena MALOLOS (Love for Spain or To the Youth of
1. ANG FRAY BOTOD (Friar Botod). One of Malolos). The theme is about how girls were
his works written in Jaro, Iloilo in 1876, six taught Spanish in schools and whose teachers
years after the Cavite Revolt attacking the were the governors-general of the place.
Module: Philippine Literature
He also wrote about how the Filipinos were He also joined the Confraternity of Masons and the
oppressed by the foreigners and of the problems Asociacion Hispano-Pilipino in order to further the aims of
of his countrymen. writings were the Movement.
1. MGA ALAMAT NG BULACAN (Legend of Bulacan). He was the first Filipino writer who escaped censorship of
Contains legends, and folklores of his native town. the press during the last day of the Spanish colonization.
2. PAGPUGOT KAY LONGINOS (The Beheading of The following were a few of his wrtings:
Longinos). A play shown at the plaza of Malolos, 1. NINAY. The first social novel in Spanish by a
Bulacan. Filipino.
3. SOBRE FILIPINOS (About the Filipinos) 2. A MI MADRE (To My Mother). Shows the
importance of a mother especially in the home.
in Indo-China) 3. SAMPAGUITA (Sampaguitas Y POESIAS VARIAS
and Varied Poems). collection of his poems.
Because of this, not a few of the Filipinos Andres Bonifacio came from a poor family and it is
affiliated with the La Liga Filipina (a civic said that what he learned he got from the school of
organization suspected of being experience.
revolutionary and which triggered Rizal's
banishment to Dapitan). He was a voracious reader and among those he loved
to read which aroused his revolutionary spirit were
Like Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, the NOLI and the FILI of Rizal.
Apolinario Mabini, Jose Palma, and Pio
Valenzuela decided that there was no He joined the La Liga Filipina founded by Rizal in
other way except to revolt. 1892. He established the Katipunan which triggered
the spirit of freedom especially when Rizal was
The gist of literature contained mostly banished to Dapitan, Mindanao.
accusations against the government and
was meant to arouse the people to unite Bonifacio is better known as the great
and to prepare for independence. Revolutionary rather than a writer but he also wrote
things which paved the way for the revolution and
which also became part of our literature.
Module: Philippine Literature
was his masterpiece and his aim here NEWSPAPERS DURING THE REVOLUTION
was to propagate the spirit of In the effort of the Revolutionists to spread to the
nationalism. world their longings for their country, many
2. EL DESAROLLO Y CAIDA DE LA newspapers were put up during the Revolutionary
REPUBLICA (The Rise and Fall of the period. They were:
Philippine Republic) 1. HERALDO DE LA REVOLUCION. Printed
3. SA BAYANG PILIPINO (To the Filipino the decrees of the Revolutiary Government,
Nation) news and works in Tagalog that aroused
4. PAHAYAG (News) nationalism.
2. LA INDEPENDENCIA (Independence).
Edited by Antonio Luna and whose aim was
OTHER REVOLUTIONISTS for Philippine Independence.
JOSE PALMA Republic). 1898. Established by Pedro
Jose Palma became popular because of his Himno Paterno in
Nacional Filipino (The Philippine National 4. LA LIBERTAD (Liberty). Edited by
Anthem) which was set to music by Julian Felipe. Clemente Zulueta.
CHAPTER 5 The American Regime (1898-1941) 2. EL GRITO DEL PUEBLO (The Call of the Nation).
1900. Established by Pascual Poblete in
Historical Background
The Filipino Revolutionists won against the 3. EL RENACIMIENTO (The Rebirth). Founded by
Spaniards who colonized us for more than 300 years. Rafael Palma in 1901.
Our flag was hoisted on June 12, 1898 as a symbol of
our independence. Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was elected There were also plays written then but after the first and
the first President of the Philippine Republic but this second presentations, the Americans put a stop to this
was short-lived. because of the consistent theme of nationalism. Included
here were the following:
The Fil.-American was resulted in the defeat of Gen.
Miguel Malvar in 1903. 1. KAHAPON, NGAYON AT BUKAS (Yesterday,
Today and Tomorrow). Written by Aurelio
The peace movements started as early as 1900. Many Tolentino depicting the suppression done
Filipinos started writing again and the nationalism of by the Americans and their plan to colonize
the people remained undaunted. the Philippines.
Filipino writers went into all forms of literature like 2. ΤΑΝΙKALANG GINTO of Juan Abad.
news, reporting, poetry, stories, plays, essays, and 3. MALAYA by Tomas Remigio.
novels. Their writings clearly depicted their love of 4. WALANG SUGAT by Severino Reyes.
country and their longings for independence.
A. Characteristics of Literature during This Period
The active arousal in the field of literature started to
be felt in the following newspapers. Three groups of writers contributed to Philippine Literature
during this period.
1. EL NUEVO DIA (The New Day). Established by
Sergio Osmeña in 1900. The American censors During the first year of the American period, the
twice banned this and threatened Osmeña with languages used in writing were Spanish and Tagalog and
banishment because of his nationalistic the dialects of the different regions, but Spanish and
writings. Tagalog predominated.
Module: Philippine Literature
In 1910, a new group started to write in English. Hence, FERNANDO MA. GUERRERO
Spanish, Tagalog, the Vernaculars and finally, English, were It is believed that Fernando Ma. Guerrero shared with
the mediums used in literature during these times. Apostol the reign in the balagtasan in Spanish during
their time.
While the three groups were one in their ideas and spirit,
they differed in their methods of reporting. He also dedicated a poem to Rizal but he collected
the best of his poems in a book called CRISALIDAS,
The writers in Spanish were wont to write on nationalism meaning, a kind of black, wooly caterpillar.
like honoring Rizal and other heroes.
Here are a few stanzas of his call to Rizal which he
The writers in Tagalog continued in their lamentations on wrote on June 19, 1901 to commemorate Rizal's
the conditions of the country and their attempts to arouse birthday.
love for one's native tongue. The writers in English imitated
the themes and methods of the Americans. JESUS BALMORI
Jesus Balmori is well-known for his pen name
Literature in Spanish of Batikuling. He and He and Manuel Bernabe
participated in a debate on the topic
The inspiration of our Filipino writers in Spanish was Remembrance and Forgetfulness), He was
Rizal not only because of his being a national leader but elected Poet Laureate Manuel Bernabe.
also because of his novels NOLI and FILI.
These two novels contained the best qualities of a novel ever A lyric poet and the fierceness of his nationalist spirit
written, in English or in Filipino. was unchanged in any topic he wrote.
Julian Cruz Balmaceda classified three kinds Here are the autobiographies of some of the writers
of Tagalog poets: They were: mentioned:
Tagalog writers. BANAAG AT SIKAT was his He considers NENA AT NENENG his masterpiece.
Visayan Literature
The following are the top men in Visayan literature:
1. The Period of Re-orientation: 1898-1910 They had to learn that sentence constructions;
2. The Period of Imitation: 1910-1925 sounds and speech in English were not the same as in
3. The Period of Self-Discovery: 1925-1941 the vernacular.
From the American forces were recruited the first (a) El Renacimiento: founded in Manila by Rafael
teachers of English. Palma in 1901.
By 1908, the primary and intermediate grades were (b) Philippines Free Press: established in Manila in
using English. It was also about this time when UP, 1905 by R. McCullough Dick and D. Theo Rogers.
the forerunner in the use of English in higher POETRY
education, was founded.
In 1907, Justo Juliano's SURSUM CORDA which
Writers of this period were still adjusting to the appeared in the Renacimiento was the first work to
newfound freedom after the paralyzing effect of be published in English.
repression of thought and speech under the Spanish
Module: Philippine Literature
By 1919, the UP-College Folio published the literary Their essays were truly scholarly characterized by sobriety,
compositions of the first Filipino writers in English. They substance and structure. They excelled in the serious essay,
were the pioneers in short story writing. especially the editorial type.
They were then groping their way into imitating American The next group of writers introduced the informal essay,
and British models which resulted in a stilted, artificial criticism and the journalistic column.
and unnatural style, lacking vitality and spontaneity.
They spiced their work with humor, wit and satire. These
Their models included Longfellow and Hawthorne, Emerson group included:
and Thoreau, Wordsworth and Tennyson, Thackeray and • Ignacio Manlapaz
Macaulay, Longfellow, Allan Poe, Irving and other American • Godefredo Rivera
writers of the Romantic School. • Federico Mangahas
• Francisco B. Icasiano
Writers of this folio (They pioneered in English poetry). • Salvador P. Lopez
• Jose Lansang
• Fernando Maramag (the best
• Amando G. Dayrit.
editorial writer of this period)
• Juan F. Salazar
• Jose M. Hernandez
• Vicente del Fierro
• Francisco M. Africa
• Victoriano Yamzon
Module: Philippine Literature
• Probably because of the
incentives provided by Essays during this period improved with the years in quality
publications like: and quantity, in content, subject and style.
• the Philippine Free Press,
• The Graphic, Essayists like Carlos P. Romulo became even more eminent
• The Philippine Magazine editorial writers.
• college publications like the UP
Literary Apprentice, poetry and The notable writers of essays during this period were:
the short story flourished during a. Political, social reflective essays
these times.
Through their newspaper columns the following
became very popular:
Other writers during this time include: Osmundo Sta. • Federico Mangahas
Romana, Arturo Rotor, Paz Latorena's Sunset, and Jose • Salvador P. Lopez
Garcia Villa's Mir- 30 in-isa. • Pura S. Castrence
• Vicente Albano Pacis
• Ariston Estrada
From 1930 to 1940, the Golden Era of Filipino writing in • Jose A. Lansang.
English saw the short story writers "who have arrived, like: b. Critical essays were espoused by:
• Jose Lansang's The Broken o Salvador P. Lopez, I.V.
Parasol, o Mallari, Ignacio Manlapaz
• Sinai C. Hamada's Talanata's Wife, o Jose Garcia Villa
• Fausto Dugenio's Wanderlust o Arturo B. Rotor
• Amando G. Dayrit's His Gift and o Leopoldo Y. Yabes.
• Amador T. Daugio's The Woman • An example of this is Maximo V. Soliven's THEY
Who Looked Out of the Window. CALLED IT BROTHERHOOD.
Module: Philippine Literature