Reinforcement Learning (RL) : Agent
Reinforcement Learning (RL) : Agent
Reinforcement Learning (RL) : Agent
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a machine learning paradigm where an agent learns to make
decisions by interacting with its environment. The agent receives feedback in the form of
rewards or punishments and aims to learn a strategy (policy) that maximizes the cumulative
reward over time.
1. Agent
○ The entity that learns and makes decisions. It interacts with the environment and
selects actions based on its policy.
2. Environment
○ The external system with which the agent interacts. It provides feedback to the
agent based on its actions.
3. State
○The set of possible moves or decisions that the agent can take in a given state.
Actions affect the subsequent state of the environment.
5. Reward
○ A numerical signal provided by the environment after the agent takes an action in
a certain state. It indicates the desirability of the action.
6. Policy
○ The strategy or set of rules that the agent uses to determine its actions in
different states. The goal is to learn an optimal policy that maximizes expected
cumulative rewards.
7. Value Function
1. Observation
○ The agent updates its policy or value function based on the observed reward.
5. Iteration
○ Steps 1–4 are repeated iteratively to refine the agent's strategy over time.
1. Complex Decision-Making
○ Allows agents to adapt and make decisions in environments that change over
3. Learning from Interaction
○ Focuses on optimizing rewards over time, essential for applications like financial
trading or resource allocation.
7. Adaptive Systems
○ Used for tasks like object manipulation, navigation, and adaptation to various
10. Exploration and Exploitation Trade-off
○ Suitable for applications like autonomous vehicles and real-time strategy games
where decisions must be made quickly based on the current state.
● Q-learning
● Deep Q Network (DQN)
● Policy Gradient Methods
● Actor-Critic Methods
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is designed to tackle scenarios where an agent needs to develop
a strategy or policy for decision-making through continuous interaction with an environment. The
necessity of RL arises in the following situations:
1. Complex Decision-Making
● RL is ideal for problems requiring decisions over a series of actions across time.
● Examples: Game playing, robotics, and autonomous systems.
2. Dynamic Environments
● In environments where conditions evolve over time, RL enables agents to adapt and
update their strategies dynamically.
● Example: Stock market trading, where conditions change rapidly.
4. Sequential Decision-Making
● RL handles situations where the agent has limited or incomplete information about the
state of the environment, adapting to uncertainty.
● Example: Autonomous vehicles navigating in foggy conditions.
● RL focuses on optimizing cumulative rewards over time rather than immediate gains,
making it ideal for scenarios with delayed outcomes.
● Examples: Financial trading, resource allocation.
7. Adaptive Systems
● RL enables systems to learn and improve performance autonomously without explicit
programming, ensuring adaptability.
● Examples: Adaptive control systems, AI-driven personal assistants.
8. Game Playing
● RL has been a cornerstone in creating agents capable of learning optimal strategies for
games through repeated simulations.
● Examples: AlphaGo, AI agents in video games.
● RL allows robots and control systems to learn and adjust to various operational
environments, enabling autonomy.
● Examples: Robotic arms for object manipulation, drones for delivery tasks.
Reinforcement Learning offers a robust framework for addressing dynamic, uncertain, and
sequential decision-making problems. It empowers agents to learn from experience and
optimize long-term objectives, making it particularly effective for applications where traditional
methods like rule-based systems or supervised learning fall short. RL's adaptability and focus
on optimizing cumulative rewards have made it a transformative tool across various domains,
from gaming and robotics to finance and autonomous systems.
Supervised vs unsupervised vs reinforcement
Challenge Limited ability to Can discover structures but Can handle sequential tasks but
with Lack of handle unlabeled data lacks explicit guidance for requires careful
Labels or missing labels. learning specific tasks. exploration-exploitation balancing.
● Description: The agent constructs an internal model of the environment and uses it to
simulate future states and outcomes. This model aids in decision-making and planning.
● Example Algorithms: Dyna-Q.
● Use Case: Applications where environmental dynamics can be explicitly modeled, such
as robotics or physics-based simulations.
● Description: The agent learns directly from interactions without building an explicit
model of the environment.
● Categories:
○ Value-Based RL (e.g., Q-learning).
○ Policy-Based RL (e.g., Policy Gradient methods).
● Use Case: Tasks with complex or unknown dynamics, such as game playing or
autonomous navigation.
● Description: The agent learns a value function to estimate the expected cumulative
reward for states or actions. It chooses actions based on maximizing these values.
● Example Algorithms: Q-learning, Deep Q Network (DQN).
● Use Case: Situations where evaluating state-action pairs is crucial, such as resource
● Description: Directly learns a policy (mapping from states to actions) without relying on
value function estimation.
● Example Algorithms: REINFORCE, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO).
● Use Case: Continuous action spaces or tasks requiring stochastic policies, like robotic
9. Exploration-Exploitation Strategies
● Description: Infers the underlying reward function by observing expert behavior. The
agent imitates and generalizes expert strategies.
● Use Case: Autonomous systems requiring human-like behavior, such as healthcare
robots or autonomous driving.
Reinforcement learning consists of fundamental components that guide the interaction between
the agent and its environment. These elements are key to understanding how the RL process
unfolds. Below is an overview of these elements:
1. Agent
● Definition: The entity that learns and takes actions to achieve a goal.
● Role:
○ Observes the current state of the environment.
○ Executes actions based on a policy.
○ Adjusts its policy based on received feedback (rewards or penalties).
2. Environment
3. State (S)
4. Action (A)
● Definition: A choice made by the agent that affects the state of the environment.
● Role:
○ Determines the agent's interaction with the environment.
○ Each state has an associated set of possible actions.
5. Policy (π)
6. Reward (R)
● Definition: A scalar feedback signal from the environment indicating the desirability of
an action taken in a specific state.
● Role:
○ Provides motivation for the agent.
○ Helps the agent learn which actions lead to desirable outcomes.
7. Trajectory or Episode
● Definition: A sequence of states, actions, and rewards from the start to the end of an
interaction (or until a terminal state is reached).
● Role: Represents a complete experience that the agent can use for learning.
8. Value Function (V or Q)
● Definition:
○ State Value (V): Expected cumulative reward for being in a state and following a
policy thereafter.
○ Action Value (Q): Expected cumulative reward for taking an action in a state and
following a policy thereafter.
● Role: Helps the agent evaluate and compare the desirability of states or actions.
● Exploration:
○ Trying new actions to gather information about their rewards.
○ Crucial for discovering the optimal strategy.
● Exploitation:
○ Using the current policy to maximize immediate rewards.
● Role: Balancing these two is critical to effective learning.
● Definition: A value between 0 and 1 that determines the importance of future rewards
relative to immediate rewards.
● Role:
○ Higher values emphasize long-term rewards.
○ Lower values prioritize immediate rewards.
● Policy Evaluation:
○ Estimating the value of states or state-action pairs under the current policy.
● Policy Improvement:
○ Updating the policy to maximize rewards, often by favoring actions with higher
estimated values.
● Role: These iterative processes are key to finding the optimal policy.
Interaction Dynamics in RL
This continuous loop enables the agent to learn and adapt over time, ultimately aiming to
maximize cumulative rewards.
Markov’s Decision Process (MDP) and Key Concepts
A Markov Decision Process (MDP) provides a formal framework for modeling decision-making
problems where outcomes are partly random and partly under the control of an agent. It's used
to describe the decision-making process in environments where the future depends only on the
present state (Markov property) and not on the history of states. MDPs are used in
reinforcement learning to model problems that involve sequential decision-making.
1. Markov Property
● Definition: The Markov property states that the future state of a system depends only on
the current state and not on the sequence of events that preceded it. This property
implies that the system’s dynamics are memoryless.
● Mathematical Expression: P(St+1∣St,St−1,…,S1)=P(St+1∣St)P(S_{t+1} | S_t, S_{t-1},
\dots, S_1) = P(S_{t+1} | S_t) Where StS_t represents the state at time tt, and
St+1S_{t+1} represents the state at time t+1t+1.
● Definition: A Markov Reward Process (MRP) is a Markov chain extended with rewards.
In an MRP, each state transition has a reward associated with it.
● Components of MRP:
1. States (S): A set of states the agent can be in.
2. Transition Probabilities (P): The probability of transitioning from one state to
3. Rewards (R): A reward signal received after transitioning to a new state.
4. Discount Factor (γ): A factor that represents the importance of future rewards
relative to current rewards.
● Goal: The agent aims to maximize the expected cumulative reward over time.
5. Return (G)
● Definition: The return is the total accumulated reward that an agent receives, starting
from a specific time step tt. It is used to evaluate the long-term reward associated with a
sequence of actions.
● Mathematical Expression: Gt=Rt+1+γRt+2+γ2Rt+3+…G_t = R_{t+1} + \gamma
R_{t+2} + \gamma^2 R_{t+3} + \dots Where GtG_t represents the return at time tt, RR
represents the rewards, and γ\gamma is the discount factor.
6. Policy (π)
● Definition: A policy is a strategy or rule that defines the agent's behavior. It is a mapping
from states to actions, specifying which action the agent will take in each state.
● Types of Policies:
1. Deterministic Policy: A policy where the agent always chooses the same action
for a given state.
2. Stochastic Policy: A policy where the agent selects actions probabilistically.
7. Value Functions (V and Q)
8. Bellman Equation
● Definition: The Bellman equation expresses the relationship between the value of a
state and the values of its successor states. It provides a recursive decomposition of the
value function, allowing us to compute the optimal policy.
● Bellman Equation for State Value Function (V): Vπ(s)=Ea[Rt+1+γVπ(St+1)]V^\pi(s) =
\mathbb{E}_a\left[ R_{t+1} + \gamma V^\pi(S_{t+1}) \right] Where Vπ(s)V^\pi(s) is the
value of state ss under policy π\pi, Rt+1R_{t+1} is the reward received after taking action
aa in state ss, and St+1S_{t+1} is the resulting next state.
● Bellman Equation for Action Value Function (Q):
Qπ(s,a)=E[Rt+1+γEa[Qπ(St+1,At+1)]]Q^\pi(s, a) = \mathbb{E}\left[ R_{t+1} + \gamma
\mathbb{E}_a[Q^\pi(S_{t+1}, A_{t+1})] \right] Where Qπ(s,a)Q^\pi(s, a) is the action
value function. This equation expresses the expected return for taking action aa in state
● MDP: Framework for decision-making where outcomes depend on both the current state
and actions taken.
● Return: The cumulative future reward the agent seeks to maximize.
● Policy: A strategy that defines how the agent behaves.
● Value Function: Estimates the expected cumulative reward from a given state (or
state-action pair).
● Bellman Equation: A recursive formula that links the value of a state (or action) to the
values of subsequent states, enabling dynamic programming solutions.
These elements collectively define how agents make decisions and learn from interactions with
an environment in a Markovian setting.
Q-Learning: A Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Q-learning is a model-free reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm used to find the optimal
action-selection policy in a given finite Markov Decision Process (MDP). It is a value-based
approach, where the agent learns the value of state-action pairs without requiring knowledge of
the environment’s dynamics. Q-learning was introduced by Christopher Watkins in 1989 and
remains foundational in reinforcement learning.
The Q-value, or action-value function, denoted as Q(s,a)Q(s, a), represents the expected
cumulative reward of taking action aa in state ss and following a certain policy thereafter. The
Q-value is the sum of the immediate reward and the discounted expected future rewards.
Mathematically, it is defined as:
The core of Q-learning is its update rule, which iteratively updates the Q-values based on
observed rewards and the maximum expected future rewards. The update rule is:
● α\alpha is the learning rate, controlling the weight given to new information.
This rule allows the agent to adjust its Q-values based on its experience, converging towards
the optimal action-value function.
● With probability 1−ϵ1 - \epsilon, the agent chooses the action with the highest Q-value
● With probability ϵ\epsilon, the agent randomly selects an action (exploration).
1. Initialization:
○Take the chosen action, observe the resulting reward R(s,a)R(s, a), and the next
state s′s'.
○ Update the Q-value for the state-action pair (s,a)(s, a) using the Q-learning
update rule.
4. Repeat:
Advantages of Q-Learning
● Model-Free:
Q-learning does not require a model of the environment's dynamics, making it suitable
for situations where the agent has little or no knowledge about the environment.
● Off-Policy Learning:
Q-learning is off-policy, meaning it can learn from experiences generated by a different
policy than the one being followed, providing flexibility and robustness, especially in
dynamic environments.
● Convergence Guarantee:
Under certain conditions (e.g., sufficient exploration, a decaying learning rate),
Q-learning is guaranteed to converge to the optimal Q-values, ultimately finding the
optimal policy.
Limitations of Q-Learning
● Exploration Challenges:
Balancing exploration and exploitation can be difficult. If the exploration rate is too low,
the agent may prematurely converge to a suboptimal policy. On the other hand,
excessive exploration may hinder learning efficiency.
● Continuous Spaces:
Q-learning is designed for discrete action spaces. While techniques like function
approximation or Deep Q-Learning (DQN) address continuous spaces, Q-learning in
its basic form does not naturally scale to environments with continuous actions or large
state spaces.
Extensions of Q-Learning
● Double Q-Learning:
Double Q-learning addresses the overestimation bias in Q-value updates by using two
separate Q-value estimators. This helps in more accurate value estimation.
● Prioritized Experience Replay:
This enhancement involves replaying experiences that lead to larger updates, improving
the learning efficiency of Q-learning.
In Q-learning, several key terms and concepts are fundamental to understanding the algorithm
and its dynamics. Below are some of the most important terms associated with Q-learning:
The Q-value, denoted as Q(s,a)Q(s, a), represents the expected cumulative reward of taking
action aa in state ss and then following a certain policy. It is updated iteratively during the
learning process and guides the agent in deciding which action to take at each state.
A state-action pair refers to a specific combination of a state ss and an action aa, written as
(s,a)(s, a). Q-values are assigned to these pairs and used to make decisions regarding which
action to choose in a given state.
● Exploration involves trying new actions to discover potentially better long-term rewards.
● Exploitation involves selecting actions based on the current highest Q-value,
maximizing short-term reward.
Strategies like epsilon-greedy are used to balance these two approaches, ensuring the agent
doesn't get stuck in suboptimal behaviors.
The learning rate, denoted by α\alpha, determines how much new information is incorporated
when updating Q-values. It controls the extent to which the observed reward and estimated
future rewards influence the update of the Q-value for a given state-action pair. A higher
learning rate makes the agent adapt faster, while a lower one makes updates slower but more
5. Discount Factor (γ\gamma)
The discount factor, γ\gamma, defines how much future rewards are valued compared to
immediate rewards. A discount factor close to 1 prioritizes long-term rewards, while a factor
close to 0 makes the agent focus more on immediate rewards. It influences the convergence of
Q-values and the agent's decision-making process.
6. Greedy Policy
A greedy policy always selects the action with the highest Q-value for a given state. This
strategy maximizes immediate reward by exploiting the current knowledge of the environment
and is considered an exploitation approach.
7. Epsilon-Greedy Policy
The epsilon-greedy policy is a strategy where the agent selects the greedy action (highest
Q-value) with probability 1−ϵ1 - \epsilon and explores (randomly chooses an action) with
probability ϵ\epsilon. The parameter ϵ\epsilon controls the degree of exploration, and it often
decays over time to allow the agent to focus more on exploitation as it learns.
8. Optimal Policy
The optimal policy is the strategy that maximizes the expected cumulative reward over time.
Q-learning aims to find this policy by iteratively updating Q-values based on the agent’s
experiences, eventually converging to the best action-selection rule.
9. Off-Policy Learning
Off-policy learning refers to a type of learning where the agent can learn from experiences
generated by a different policy than the one being followed. Q-learning is off-policy, meaning it
can improve its Q-values and policy even if the actions taken are not strictly according to the
current policy.
11. Convergence
Convergence is the process by which the Q-values stabilize as the agent learns. Over time,
Q-learning converges to the optimal Q-values, which represent the expected cumulative
rewards for each state-action pair. Convergence ensures the agent has learned the best
possible policy for the environment.
This equation serves as the foundation for updating Q-values iteratively, driving the learning
process in Q-learning.
A trajectory (or episode) is the sequence of states, actions, and rewards that the agent
experiences as it interacts with the environment. An episode typically starts in an initial state
and ends in a terminal state. Each step in the trajectory provides valuable learning signals for
the agent.
Policy improvement refers to the process of adjusting the policy to improve expected rewards.
In Q-learning, this improvement is implicitly achieved through the update rule, where actions
with higher Q-values are favored, gradually leading to an optimal policy.
Understanding these terms is critical to mastering Q-learning. They form the foundation for how
agents interact with their environments, update their knowledge, and converge towards optimal
decision-making strategies in reinforcement learning scenarios. Each term plays a role in the
agent’s learning process, from selecting actions to balancing exploration and exploitation.
Q-Table in Reinforcement Learning
Components of a Q-Table
1. States (Rows):
○ Each row in the Q-table represents a specific state the agent can be in within the
environment. States are usually discretized or encoded in a manner that allows
easy representation within the table.
2. Actions (Columns):
○ Each column in the Q-table corresponds to a specific action that the agent can
take from a given state. Similar to states, actions are discretized or encoded so
they can fit into the table structure.
3. Q-Values (Entries):
○ The entries within the Q-table represent the Q-values associated with each
state-action pair. The Q-value indicates the expected cumulative reward the
agent would receive if it takes the specific action from the given state and follows
the optimal policy thereafter. These values guide the agent in its decision-making,
helping it choose the best actions.
● Initial Q-Values: At the start of the learning process, the Q-table is usually initialized
with arbitrary values. Common practices include:
○ Zero initialization: Setting all Q-values to zero, which means the agent initially
believes that no action in any state has any value.
○ Random initialization: Assigning small random values to each entry.
● α\alpha: Learning rate (determines how much new information affects the Q-value).
● Rt+1R_{t+1}: Immediate reward after taking action ata_t in state sts_t.
● γ\gamma: Discount factor (represents the importance of future rewards).
● maxa′Q(st+1,a′)\max_{a'} Q(s_{t+1}, a'): Maximum Q-value for the next state
st+1s_{t+1} (future expected rewards).
This formula updates the Q-value of the state-action pair (st,at)(s_t, a_t) based on the
immediate reward and the maximum future reward, weighted by the learning rate and discount
● Decision Making: During the agent's interaction with the environment, the Q-table helps
the agent choose the best possible action. In each state, the agent selects the action
with the highest Q-value.
a∗=argmaxaQ(s,a)a^* = \arg\max_a Q(s, a)
● Learning: Over time, as the agent explores the environment and receives rewards, it
updates the Q-values. With more iterations, the Q-table converges toward optimal
Q-values, and the agent's decision-making becomes more efficient and aligned with
maximizing cumulative rewards.
A Q-table is a simple but powerful tool in Q-learning, representing the expected rewards for
each state-action pair. It helps the agent make optimal decisions by continuously updating
Q-values based on new experiences. While highly effective in environments with small state and
action spaces, Q-tables become impractical for more complex scenarios, requiring more
advanced techniques like function approximation to scale effectively.
The Q-function is particularly important in algorithms like Q-learning, where the goal is to learn
the optimal action-value function that leads to the optimal policy.
Types of Q-Functions
The state-action value function, denoted as Q(s,a)Q(s, a), represents the expected
cumulative reward of taking action aa in state ss, and then following a specific policy thereafter.
It is a function that provides a value for each state-action pair, which guides the agent in its
The Q-value is updated iteratively based on the observed rewards and the maximum expected
future rewards, which is the essence of algorithms like Q-learning.
● Decision Making: The Q-function is used to evaluate which action to take in a given
state. The higher the Q-value for a particular state-action pair, the better the action is
considered in terms of long-term cumulative reward.
● Optimal Policy: The optimal policy can be derived from the Q-function by always
selecting the action with the highest Q-value in each state. The optimal Q-function
Q∗(s,a)Q^*(s, a) satisfies the Bellman optimality equation:
Where s′s' is the state resulting from taking action aa in state ss.
Q-Function in Q-Learning
In Q-learning, the Q-function is learned through the following iterative update rule:
● α\alpha is the learning rate, controlling how much the Q-value is updated,
● Rt+1R_{t+1} is the immediate reward after taking action ata_t in state sts_t,
● γ\gamma is the discount factor,
● maxa′Q(st+1,a′)\max_{a'} Q(s_{t+1}, a') is the maximum Q-value for the next state
st+1s_{t+1}, representing the expected future rewards.
The agent iterates through this process, gradually improving its Q-values, leading it to converge
toward the optimal Q-values.
● Q-function (or action-value function) provides the expected cumulative reward for
taking a particular action in a given state and following a policy thereafter.
● The Q-value helps the agent decide which action to take by associating a value with
each state-action pair.
● In Q-learning, the Q-function is updated iteratively based on observed rewards and the
Bellman equation, which guides the agent toward an optimal policy.
Q-Learning Algorithm
Q-learning is a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm used to find the optimal policy
for a given Markov Decision Process (MDP). It enables an agent to learn the best actions to
take by interacting with an environment and updating a Q-table based on received rewards.
Below is a detailed explanation of the Q-learning algorithm and its steps.
1. Q-Table Initialization:
○ Create a Q-table where the rows represent states and the columns represent
actions. Each entry in the Q-table, Q(s,a)Q(s, a)Q(s,a), is initially set to arbitrary
values (commonly zero).
Algorithm Steps:
1. Initialize Parameters:
○ Set the following parameters:
■ Learning rate (α\alphaα): Determines how much new information should
influence the Q-value updates.
■ Discount factor (γ\gammaγ): Controls the importance of future rewards
relative to immediate rewards.
■ Exploration rate (ϵ\epsilonϵ): Governs the balance between exploration
(trying random actions) and exploitation (choosing the best-known
■ Define the state space and action space of the environment.
2. Exploration-Exploitation:
○ At each time step, decide whether to explore or exploit using an epsilon-greedy
■ With probability ϵ\epsilonϵ, explore by choosing a random action
■ With probability 1−ϵ1 - \epsilon1−ϵ, exploit by selecting the action with
the highest Q-value for the current state (exploitation).
3. Take Action and Observe Reward:
○ Execute the selected action in the environment.
○ Observe:
■ The immediate reward RsaR_s^aRsa(reward for taking action aaa in
state sss).
■ The next state s′s's′ the agent transitions to after taking action aaa.
4. Q-Value Update:
○ Use the Q-learning update rule to adjust the Q-value of the current state-action
pair (s,a)(s, a)(s,a):
5. Q(s,a)←Q(s,a)+α[Rsa+γmaxa′Q(s′,a′)−Q(s,a)]Q(s, a) \leftarrow Q(s, a) + \alpha \left[
R_s^a + \gamma \max_{a'} Q(s', a') - Q(s, a)
○ α\alphaα is the learning rate.
○ RsaR_s^aRsais the immediate reward after taking action aaa in state sss.
○ γ\gammaγ is the discount factor.
○ maxa′Q(s′,a′)\max_{a'} Q(s', a')maxa′Q(s′,a′) is the maximum Q-value for the
next state s′s's′ (estimates future reward).
6. Update Current State:
○ Set the current state sss to the next state s′s's′.
7. Repeat:
○ Repeat steps 2-5 for a predefined number of episodes or until convergence
(i.e., Q-values stabilize).
● Initial Exploration: During the initial episodes, the agent will explore the environment
more frequently, updating the Q-table with new information.
● Shift Toward Exploitation: As the agent learns and the Q-table values stabilize, the
exploration probability (ϵ\epsilonϵ) typically decreases, meaning the agent exploits its
learned knowledge by choosing the action with the highest Q-value more often.
The Q-values converge to the optimal values, representing the expected cumulative rewards for
each state-action pair, which leads to the discovery of the optimal policy.
Final Policy Extraction:
Once the Q-table has been learned, the optimal policy can be derived by selecting the action
with the highest Q-value for each state:
● Large State/Action Spaces: The Q-table becomes impractical for environments with
large or continuous state-action spaces. In such cases, function approximation (e.g.,
Deep Q-Networks (DQN)) can be used to approximate the Q-values instead of storing
them explicitly.
● Exploration-Exploitation Balance: The choice of how ϵ\epsilonϵ decays and the
learning rate (α\alphaα) affects the efficiency of learning and convergence.