Caput Succedaneum
Caput Succedaneum
Caput Succedaneum
Defn: It is the swelling or edema that affects a newborn’s scalp
(periosteum)that commonly occurs from pressure on the head of the
baby while moving through the birth canal during a prolonged or
difficult vaginal delivery.
• The baby’s head might have a cone shaped appearance.
• There’s a 2-33% chance of a baby having this type of edema.
Risk Factors
• Most common in per vaginal deliveries than Caesarean Section.
• Assisted delivery that requires use of instruments such as vacuum
extraction and use of forceps.
• Fetal Macrosomia,
• Long difficult delivery.
• Malpresentation for a prolonged time before delivery,
Features of Caput Succedaneum
Typically affects the back of an infants head so one may notice :
• Darker colours or bruising on the swollen area.
• Puffiness and swelling that feels soft.
• Swelling that extends down mostly on both sides of the head.