Thermodynamics and Its Applications: Jefferson W. Tester Michael Modell
Thermodynamics and Its Applications: Jefferson W. Tester Michael Modell
Thermodynamics and Its Applications: Jefferson W. Tester Michael Modell
I Jefferson W. Tester I Mich ael Mod ell
Th erm od yn am ics
an d Its Ap pli cat ion s
3rd Edition
Prentice Hall Internat ional Serles
In the Physical and Chemic al
Enginee ring Sdence s
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Upper Saddle River. NJ 07 458
Thermodynamics and Its Applications
3rd Edition
Jefferson W. Tester
Michael Model/
Chemical Engineering Department
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
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ISBN 0-13-915356-X
vi Contents
Authors' Note. Robert C. Reid was a co-author of the first and second editions of
Themwdynamics a.nd Its Applications. His contributions to this book and to the field of
thermodynamics in general are widely known and respected. Even though Bob Reid is
not listed formally as an author of this edition, his impact on us and on the contents of
the third edition has been significant and is deeply appreciated.
General approach. For over 50 years, the M.I.T. Chemical Engineering Department has
offered a one-semester, graduate-level subject in classical thermodynamics. Traditionally,
this course has been applications oriented, with one of its primary objectives to develop
problem solving skills in applying fundamentals to applications in new and sometimes
unusual situations. About half of our classroom contact hours are now devoted to discussing
approaches to solving problems. Today, there is an increasing need for practicing chemical
engineers to connect traditional macroscopic and empirically-based property models to their
roots at the molecular-level where intermolecular interactions responsible for deviations
from ideal behavior are characterized in detail. Consequently, since the last edition was
published in 1983, we have expanded our core graduate curriculum in thermodynamics to
formally link molecular effects to constitutive property models using the principles of
statistical mechanics. The text material required to achieve these enhancements evolved
over time, leading to a plan for a comprehensive revision. In designing our approach, we
wanted to preserve the integrity of the theoretical and conceptual treatment of classical
thermodynamics contained in the earlier editions while introducing a molecular-level
perspective on a comparably rigorous basis. To do so, we restructured the second edition
somewhat, and added substantial new material. The third edition now is intended for a
two-semester subject in graduate-level chemical thermodynamics.
About this editWn. Those familiar with the first and second editions of ThemwdyrnJmics
and Its Applications, will see that we have retained many features including the postulatory
approach, the challenging homework problems, and the trealrnent of external fields and
surfuces. Enhancements in the third edition include six new chapters that provide; (1) in-depth
coverage of constitutive property models for non-ideal fluids, including a statistical mechanics
basis, a discussion of van der Waals and McMillan-Mayer theories, treatments of local
composition concepts and electrolyte solutions, and coverage of volumetric equations of state
and activity coefficient models fot non-electrolyte mixtures; (2) a unified development of
combined phase and chemical equilibria using a vectorized framework; and (3) a new section
on availability/exergy analysis of power cycles and other processes involving heat-to-work
conversions. The book now has 19 chapters and has been divided into: Part I, Fund.ameotal
Principles; Part IL Thermodynamic Properties; and Part ill, Applications.
While the subject matter has been updated to include the latest constitutive property
models that practicing chemical engineers and chemists employ, we have tried to keep the
coverage sufficiently general to be of lasting value both as a textbook and as a professional
reference. Example problems illustrate important concepts and problem solution methods.
xii Preface
Part I provides the theoretical basis of classical thermodynamics. Chapters 1-6 cover the
same topics as before, including the 1st and 2nd Laws, the Fundamental Equation, Legendre
transfonnations, and general equilibrium criteria. Several enhancements were added as well,
specifically more example problems, new homework problems, and revisions in notation
and coverage to provide better compatibility with the traditional undergraduate chemical
engineering textbooks in thermodynamics. Major changes were made in Chapter 5 to
incorporate the use of enhanced graphics into the fonnal treatment of the Fundamental
Equation to illustrate the geometric features of the USV Gibbs surface. In addition, Chapter
5 now contains a better derivation of Legendre transformations, and descriptions of other
mathematical methods for manipulating thermodynamic properties and their derivatives.
Chapter 7 covers only stability criteria, with stability applications moved to Chapter 15.
Part II contains an extensive description of how thermodynamic properties are correlated,
modeled, manipulated, and esti.mat.ed. Both macroscopic empirically-based and molecuJar-
level approaches are discussed in-depth for pure components and mixtures. Formal treat-
ments of fugacity and fugacity coefficients and activity and activity coefficients are related
to appropriate PVIN equations of state and tiGEX models. Chapter 8 on pure materials and
Chapter 9 on miXtures have been extensively revised. Completely new chapters include:
Chapter 10 on modeling properties using statistical mechanics; Chapter 11 on non-elec-
trolyte solution models; Chapter 12 on electrolyte models; and Chapter l3 on physical
property estimation.
In Part Ill, applications of classical thermodynamics are~ in detail Chapter 14 on
practical heat engines and power cycles is new, emphasizing the use of availability andexergy
concepts for assessing performance. Chapter 15 on phase equilibria and stability applications
combines appropriate material from Chapters 9 and 10 of the second edition. Chapter 16 covers
chemical equilibria with several enhancements. Chapter 17 is new, treating combined phase
and chemical equilibria problems using a robust vectoriz.ed approach that is completely general.
Chapter 18 covers the material on electromagnetic and other potential fields that was in Chapter
12 of the second edition. Major changes were introduced in Chapter 18 to the section on
electromagnetic fields to fix some earlier problems. Chapter 19 on surface thermodynamics is
essentially the same as Chapter 13 of the second edition.
In a typical two-semester subject sequence, all of Part I (Chapters 1-7) and Chapters 8,
9, 14, 15, 16,and 17 of Partsllandillarenormallycovered in the first semester, emphasizing
the fundamentaJs of classical thermodynamics and their primary applications to chemical
engineering, particularly to phase and chemical equilibria. In the second semester, emphasis
is placed on property models and specialized applications to external field effects and
surfaces, with Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, and 19 covered. To obtain a betterunderstanding
of how molecular-level effects lead to non-ideal behavior, macroscopicconstirutive property
models are connected to molecular theory in Chapters l l and 12, using the concepts of
statistical mechanics developed in Chapter 10. For further information please consult our
web page at
Jefferson Tester
Michael Modell
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments and Credits The revisions necessary to complete this edition were
done by one of us (JWT) over the past four years. Recognizing that it is absolutely
impossible to thank all contributors for their support and suggestions and at the risk of
offending someone we inadvertently omit, I would like to extend special thanks to
several individuals who had major impact on the contents of the third edition.
Professor Kenneth Jolls of Iowa State provided major enhancements with his
numerous suggestions and contributions to Part r of the book. Of particular significance
were his graphical representations of the Fundamental Equation. Professors Kenneth
Smith and William Deen and Howard Herzog at MIT, Professors Dudley Herschbach
at Harvard and Keith Johnston at the University of Texas provided important suggestions
to the sections on departure functions and constitutive equations of state. Several other
colleagues including Doros Theodorou (University of Patras), Jonathan Harris (MIT),
Thanassis Panagiotopoulos (Cornell), Pablo Debenedetti (Princeton), William Peters
(MIT), and James Ely (Colorado School of Mines) provided substantive input to Chapter
10 on statistical thermodynamics. In addition, important course content discussions and
numerous homework problems were contributed by Professor Daniel Blankschtein of
MIT. Professors Greg Rutledge of MIT and Doros Theodorou also provided homework
problems. Contributions from Professors Erdogan Kiran (University of Maine), Steven
Penoncello (University of Idaho), and Edith Sevick (University of Colorado), and from
Raymond Thorpe, Keith Gubbins, Peter Harriott, Brad Anton, and Michael Duncan
(Cornell) are appreciated. Ronald Rosensweig's review of electromagnetic field effects
made an important contribution to Chapter 18. I am especially grateful for the stimulating
discussions on polymer thermodynamics provided by Professors Edward Merrill and
Robert Cohen of MIT, by Andrew Zydney of the University of Delaware and by
Ferdinand Rodriguez and Claude Cohen of Cornell.
Eliz.abeth Drake, Bill Peters, and other colleagues at the MIT Energy Lab unselfishly
provided me with the time needed to complete the revision. In addition, during the final
stages, while I was on sabbatical from MIT, colleagues at Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Cornell University and the University of Colorado afforded me welcome
sanctuary and encouragement. I would also like to acknowledge Professor Robert
Brown, MIT's current Dean of Engineering and former Department Head of Chemical
Engineering, and Professor David Litster, Vice-President for Research at MIT, for their
encouragement and support of this project.
I want to acknowledge the major effort expended by Susan Robson designing and
electronically typesetting tbe manuscript. Without her creative efforts and hard work,
we would not have been able to produce such a profes'sional document. Special thanks
also go to Michael Kutney for his conscientious assistance in proofreading and preparing
the figures for this edition, and to Tetsuo Maejima for his original artwork, which was
electronically transferred from the earlier editions. Bonnie Caputo and Anne Carbone
also provided valuable support in preparing early drafts and in the implementation of
the Beta-test program.
Over the years, many students assisted us in developing problems and in proofreading
and preparing charts and tables of data and parts of the appendix. For the third edition
specifically, I am especially grateful to A. Cano-Ruiz, M. DiPippo, J. DiNaro,
xiv Preface
Jefferson W. Tester
an electrolyte ij
Total number of ions produced
rr Cumulative product
Subscripts Superscripts
Special Notation