Master Estimate Spreadsheet
Master Estimate Spreadsheet
Master Estimate Spreadsheet
NOTICE! Read This First and Prefill the information in the Data Field Green Boxes per the instructions below!
Compliance and the correct use of this spreadsheet saves YOU time and makes a more accurate estimate!
Project Title:
DATA FIELD Input info in darker cells, will carry thru summary; Use drop-down selections
Estimate (Today's) Date = 1-Jun-20 20.0% = Engr Contingency No Have Net Cost Est?
Constr Start Date = 1-Aug-20 5.743% = % Escl to Midpoint 12.0% = Net Cost % Default
Constr Compl Date = 30-Jun-23 14-Jan-22 = Duration Midpoint 34.9 = Sch Constr Dur Mo
Project Location = NY 12 = Active Constr in Mo 20% = Sub's OH&P
Project Type = Building 8% = Extra Work Public Adv = Contract Type
Escalation % per Yr = 3.50% 10,000 = Project Unit of Measure (GSF, camera count, etc)
LD Proj Mgr: Project ID #: Predominant Work Hours: (specify)
D-B Mgr:
Lead Eng/Arch: Department: TB&T NTP, BO Dates and Duration:
Contract No: Cost Center #:
Stage / % Compl: Internal Order #: Prepared by InHouse/Consultant:
Bid Date: WBS Element:
* Note: Lighter Cells that are the in Data Field have formula's that should not be erased. Darker Cells require manual input
The person doing the estimate must always input data into green cells, indicated like this:
* Note: Always click in the cell that contains a dropdown list. Again, don't delete or overwrite formulas, ever.
When adding space to an estimate, ALWAYS copy the line above and insert it as many times as you need.
Copy the cells from the full row or column, not just the area you need. There are hidden cells and formats in the cells,
plus the ranges need to be included in added area. NEVER insert blank cells!
Clearly identify items which are Classified versus Unclassified in the detail of the estimate.
The Estimators will assist with sorting these items on the summary sheet.
While this file calculates Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build at the same time, there are many other cost influences and
changes that need to be considered for a correct budget. Do NOT issue the summaries as comparisons between the
contract types without review and verification from the Estimating Unit and the Design-Build team leadership.
NJ NY BOTH Building Non-Building
Ver 1.1 5-May-20
Yes No
Public Adv
Work Order
Net Cost Conv
08/20 35
06/23 08/20 to 06/23, 35 mo
Design-Build Estimate format
Definitions of Estimate Markups and Scope Intent
A General Conditions
General Conditions (or Provisions) are in essence similar to Design-Build in that they cover all the resources, tools,
and equipment needed to build a project, but not directly related to the physical construction activities, that a
Design-Builder is entitled to be compensated for. As Design-Builders take on more responsibility for designing,
managing and building the work, it is sometimes useful to consider breaking out certain elements - if not in the
estimate, then certainly in the schedule of values as it is developed. Design and Preconstruction services are
highlighted in lines Q.2, Q.3 and Q.4. Other activities that may be beneficial to break out of the General Provisions as
the schedule of values is developed for pricing include mobilization payments (typically 1-3% depending on the
nature of the project), specific project insurances, costs of co-located office spaces, partnering/collaboration
workshops including Value Engineering, Design-Builder QA/QC activities, A/EoR construction administration
activities, and production of O&M/Record Information. This will give the PA transparency of cost, ability to control
payments, and reassurance that adequate resources have been allocated to these important activities that might
not be ordinarily required for Design-Bid-Build projects
N Construction Allowances
Risk Assessment and allocation is a key part of any Design-Build contract. Project contingencies shall be held for
specific risks and unknowns. Where the Design-Builder is responsible for the design, management and
implementation of these risk items and the PA wishes to be transparent about the pricing and payment of such,
allowances shall be included within the direct costs to reflect these items. Examples might include removal of
hazardous materials where quantities are unknown, quantities and pricing of work generally defined late in design
such as door hardware, or pricing of FFE items where final product selections/quantites are not known due to Line
Department or technological change. Allowances shall be allocated against specific work items and estimated with
stated assumptions and, as direct cost, which are marked up by the Design-Builder on the summary sheet.
Design Contingencies are downside risk allowances that intend to compensate for several different types of changes
in the project. These changes can include, but are not limited to, (1) changes in scope of the project that are
determined by various needs (including Line Department requests, changes in building codes and engineering
practices), (2) changing conditions under which the project will be executed, and public needs; (3) changes in existing
site or structure conditions, including those which may have not been fully resolved at earlier stages of design; (4)
changes in economic conditions as well as construction marketplace activity; and (5) possible errors that may be
disclosed during early design and estimating efforts. For Design-Build contracts, the policies established by the Chief
Estimator in the Estimating Manual shall be utilized. However, at the request of the Line Department, the percent of
contingency may be adjusted by unanimous decision of a committee to review the project. This committee will
consist of a representative of the LD, the Chief of Design, the Chief Estimator, and the Project EOP or Design-Build
Manager, or their designees.
A/E services are intended to include all of the costs to perform a design for the project. In this case, "Preliminary" is
intended to include only such services that would complete the design to Schematic Design, or Phase 1 in PA
terminology. (This may be further redefined on a contractual basis.) The intent of this step allows the Line
Department or other Agency-level decision makers to have severability in the progress of a project. The scope of
these services should be established by the PA and verified during the procurement process with RFP responses.
Note that costs incurred by the Port Authority are not included in this category; these are part of TPC and are not
included in the estimate.
Q.3 D-B Preconstruction Services
Services that are generally reserved for the contractor or builder which do not require specific construction activity.
These services could include estimating, scheduling, constructability, site logistics, market research, MWSBE
outreach, and any other non-physical, non-design work required for a project. This work may be concurrent with
preliminary design as well as later design; the limits to this work are defined by fixed deliverables as well as schedule
The customary PA fund for work identified as Extra Work. This corresponds to industry standard terminology for a
Construction Contingency and be itemized/configured to provide for funds for unknowns and for risk items that are
outside of the Design-Builder's control. This value should be estimated as an allowance and be inclusive of markup
for the D-B Contractor.
S.4 Other
The estimate summary must include additional costs here in order to reflect contract requirements. These "Other"
costs could include (but are not limited to) bonus clauses, risk premiums, payments to utility or other firms, permits
at various government levels, and the like. Always be clear in the description of what these costs are and include on
a seperate tab the calculation basis for these costs. Add lines as appropriate.
This is the cost for performance bonds that guarantee completion by the D-B Contractor. It also includes the cost of
subrogated performance bonds from subcontractors that are intended to protect the D-B Contractor in the event of
subcontractor default. It is customary industry practice to include this second-tier bonding in contracts (sometimes
referred to Subguard Insurance) in order for the D-B Contractor to minimize his own risk.
General notes:
The estimate intends to capture Direct Construction Cost (DCC), Design-Build Engineer's Estimate (DBEE), and Total
Design-Build Cost (TDBC). It does NOT intend to capture Total Project Cost (TPC) which has costs that may include
the following:
PA Engineering Costs
PA Supervision and Administration Costs
Cost of Financing
Project Contingency
Internal PA Permitting via QAD
Other permitting, EIS or ULURP costs
Land/property/rights acquisitions
FF&E and rolling stock
These costs must be reviewed and included as part of the Total Project Cost.
s case, "Preliminary" is
or Phase 1 in PA
lows the Line
roject. The scope of
with RFP responses.
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search, MWSBE
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ables as well as schedule
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Cost (TCC)" on
Page 10
Engineering Department
Engineer's Estimate Summary DRAFT
Project Title: 0
Proj Mgr/ext: 0 Project ID #: 0 Work Hours: (specify)
Lead Eng/Arch: 0 Cont/Proc Code: Public Adv Construction Start-Finish-Duration: 08/20 to 06/23, 35 mo
Contract No: 0 Cost Center #: 0 Estimate Issue Date: 1-Jun-20
Stage / % Compl: 0 Internal Order #: 0 Prepared by InHouse/Consultant: 0
Bid Date: 30-Dec-1899 WBS Element: 0 Estimate Revision #/ By:
Item Descriptions Dollars Comments
1 General Conditions $222,000 13.2 = % of EE
2 Maintenance of Traffic $261,954
3 Civil $12,011
4 Structural $4,528
5 Architectural $2,645
6 Mechanical $4,590
7 Plumbing $4,615
8 Fire Protection $2,456
9 Electrical $14,194
10 Electronics $130,967
11 Environmental $277,251
12 Geotechnical $131,521
13 Traffic (permanent construction only) $131,798
14 Escalation @ 3.5 %/year $68,949 Calculated from estimate date to midpoint of construction
15 Sub-Total $1,269,479
16 GC Overhead & Profit 10% $126,948
17 Engineering Contingency 20% $279,285 Rounded EE Use: Net Cost %
18 Engineer's Estimate (EE) Sub-Total $1,675,712 $1,676,000 12.00%
19 Classified 0.0%
20 Unclassified (Lump Sum) $1,676,000
21 Net Cost Work $201,085
22 Gen Contractor Markup on Net Cost Work $0 based on = 15.0% <- Markup Not Req'd / PA Policy
23 Payments to Contractors (Items 18, 21, 22) $1,877,085 SAP Total $167.60
24 Extra Work 8% $134,100 $2,011,185 ^^ EE $ per Unit ^^
25 Performance Bond (1% of Rounded EE) $16,760 $47,962
26 Total Construction Cost (TCC) $2,027,945 ^^ EE Avg $/Mo ^^
Engineering Department
Design-Build Engineer's Estimate Summary DRAFT
Project Title: 0
LD Proj Manager: 0 Project ID #: 0 Predominant Work Hours: (specify)
D-B Manager: 0 Contract/Proc
Lead Eng/Arch: 0 Format: ERROR-STOP NTP, BO Dates and Duration: 08/20 to 06/23, 35 mo
Contract No: 0 Cost Center #: 0 Estimate Issue Date: 1-Jun-20
Stage / % Compl: 0 Internal Order #: 0 Prepared by InHouse/Consultant: 0
Bid Date: 30-Dec-1899 WBS Element: 0 Estimate Revision #/ By:
Item Descriptions Total Dollars Comments
A General Conditions $222,000 15.93 = % of DCC
B MOT / Maintenance of Traffic $261,954
C Civil $12,011
D Structural $4,528
E Architectural $2,645
F Mechanical $4,590
G Plumbing $4,615
H Fire Protection $2,456
I Electrical $14,194
J Electronics $130,967
K Environmental $277,251
L Geotechnical $131,521
M Traffic (permanent construction only) $131,798
N Construction Allowances $124,104 Refer to detailed list/tab
O Escalation @ 3.5 %/year 5.74% $68,949 Calculated from estimate date to midpoint of construction
P Sub-Total: Direct Construction Cost (DCC) $1,393,583
Q.1 D-B Design Contingency 10.00% $139,358
Q.2 D-B A/E Services, Preliminary 2.50% $34,840
Q.3 D-B Preconstruction Services 0.50% $6,968 Ref % Type Marked Up DBEE
Q.4 D-B A/E Services, Final 6.50% $99,641 0% Classified
Q.5 D-B Contractor Overhead 5.00% $83,719 100% Unclassified $1,926,000
Q.6 D-B Contractor Profit 10.00% $167,439 $192.60 = DBEE Cost/Unit
R Total: Design Build Engineer's Estimate (DBEE) $1,926,000 $161,000 = DBEE Avg $/Mo
S.1 PA Allow Net Cost Work $231,120
S.2 PA Allow Markup on NC Work 15.50% $0 <- Markup Not Required Based on PA Policy
S.3 PA Allow Extra Work 8.00% $154,100
S.4 Other (specify here) $0
T Sub-Total: Design Builder Construction Cost $2,311,220 GASB 49 Value for MBD = $83,300
This Engineer's Estimate Summary can be downloaded from EOL - http://eol/home/EngineeringTools/Estimating/tabid/85/Default.aspx Ver 1.1
Refer to the "INSTRUCTIONS and DATA" tab of this file for an explanation of auto calculations and content, and "DB Definitions" tab for meaning and inclusion.
GASB 49 value is an internal estimate of asbestos abatement costs, disposal of hazardous materials, and composite of all markups.
This estimate is not to be disseminated outside of the Port Authority or consultants invoved in this specific project.
Concurrence: Concurrence:
Project Manager Date Design-Build Manager Date SAP Requisition #
Prepared by: Port Authority of NY & NJ -- Engineering Department Proj. Mgr.:
Charge No.: Net Cost Summary Estimate Stage:
Contract No.: 0 Prepared Date:
Checked By:
Project Title: 0
Item Description Quantity Unit Price Total Remarks
File: 820068902.xlsx
19 $ -
20 $ -
21 $ -
22 $ -
23 $ -
24 $ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
Total not including Overhead & Profit $ 110,100
File: 820068902.xlsx
Gen Contractor Markup Determination for Net Cost
10,000,000 20,000,000 0 1 0
20,000,000 999,999,999,999 0 0 0
Test Indicator = 0
File: 820068902.xlsx
File: 820068902.xlsx
Prepared by: Port Authority of NY & NJ -- Engineering Department Proj. Mgr.:
Charge No.: General Conditions Summary Estimate Stage:
Contract No.: 0 Date:
Title: 0
Item Description Quantity Unit Price Total Remarks
File: 820068902.xlsx
Verify not double-counted on summary.
File: 820068902.xlsx
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 19
Note: Equipment cost is included under Material column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 20
ed/unclassified on summary.
Page 21
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 22
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 23
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 24
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 25
Fire Protection
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 26
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 27
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 28
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 29
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 30
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
Page 31
Constr Allowances
Note: Equipment cost is included under Labor column when a separate column for equipment is not used.
Note: When adding new rows, make sure to copy one of the already formulated rows to ensure formulas are active in the new rows you have created
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