Dot Net 1

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Dot net 1

1. Framework.
• Framework is a collection of reusable classes which represent software code
and design that can be recycled for various application domains.
• Framework is an essential component of windows operating system, which
helps in creating applications by integrating different programming languages
such as c# VB, J# & visual C++.
• A framework can be a collection of libraries and technologies consist of man
reusable classes and line of code.
• Net framework is a way that helps one to build software economically.
• Net framework provides a bridge to make sure the interoperability between
applications which are created using various languages such as C#, Visual Basic

Q2.Objectives of.Net framework:

1. Net introduced a unified programming Environment: All Net enabled languages
compiles to "Microsoft intermediate language" before being assembled into
platform-specific machine code.
2. .Net committed developers to object oriented technologies: Net implements
object oriented programming paradigm; everything in .Net is contained in an object.
3. Net simplified windows programming: With Net, APIs are replaced with hierarchy
of object providing access to many commonly needed windows features.
4. Net provides Security: By using Net one can limit malicious programs from doing
their damage.
5. Net enhanced web-based development: Until Net many web-based development
was done using scripting languages, but .Net enables the power of compiled, desktop
development to the internet.

Q3. .NET Framework Architecture

1. Net Compatible Languages:
• .Net has come up with various programming languages which help to
integrate the application designed in different technologies.
• It intended to develop the application in different languages and integrates
them together.
• Different Compatible Languages such as VB.NET, C#.NET, Jscript.NET, Visual
C++, NET are available.
2. Common Language Specification:(CLS)
• Microsoft .Net design set of rules that have to be followed by every language.
For programming languages to communicate effectively it is necessary that
every language should adhere to the Common Language specification (CLS).
• CLS defines a minimum set of features that a language must implement before
it is considered to be .Net compliant.
• For example: When there is an establishment of SQL server Connection, user
need to use SQL connection class and should name space as
3. Common Type System:(CTS)
• It specifies how types are declared, used and managed in the runtime.
• It is runtimes support for cross-language integration.
• CTS is also called as super set of CLS.
• Multiple Programming Languages are supported on a single CLR and have the
ability to reuse the FCL, it is necessary that type of each programming
language must be compatible.
• This Binary compatibility between languages type is called as Common Type
System (CTS).
• .Net Framework Common Type System (CTS) defines the entire core data
types and data mechanism used in .Net programs.
• It consists of all numeric, string and Boolean value types, it also defines the
object, core data storage unit in .Net
• CTS divides data object into two general categories of type:
(a) Value Types
(b) Reference Types
4.NET Framework Class Library (FCL):
• NET intended to design RAD (Rapid Application Development), it concentrate
more on to the business requirement rather than common functionality.
• Common functionalities like sort data, searching data, string manipulation,
data functions, database connectivity etc. are pre-defined in .NET framework.
• In this FCL Layer, all .NET class libraries are maintained and can used by user
to create the application.
• Examples of class libraries such as System. Object, System.IO, System.XML,
ADO.NET classes etc.
5.Common Language Runtime (CLR):
• CLR is the execution engine of Net and also called as the heart of NET
• It takes the responsibility for execution of NET Application, Memory
Management, Garbage Collection, Thread Management.
• It provide execution environment to .Net Program
• Out of the compiled .Net program is not an executable file but it is a Microsoft
Intermediate Language (MSIL) which is low level set of instruction understand
by CLR.
• CLR has responsibility to translate this Intermediate code (MSIL) into
executable code. This translation is done by JIT (Just In-Time Compilers).

Q4. JIT Compilers

• Compiled program in .NET is a code called as Microsoft Intermediate Language
(MSIL, which is a Low Level set of instruction understood by CLR.
• This MSIL is not an executable file hence it is necessary to turned MSIL into an
executable code called as Native Code or machine code using JIT (Just In-Time)
• JIT Compilers converts MSIL into native code that it can execute on the target
Operating System.
• This native code understands by operating system and further executes by it.
The full MSIL code was not translate into native code, JIT compiler converts
MSIL code into native code on demand basis as each part of the program is
• JIT Compiler dynamically compiles code that is optimized for the target

Q5 Event Driven Programming

• The concept of an Event Driven Programming is simply that enables you to
write code that executes in response to events generated by specific actions.
• Events are the actions that objects can generate.
• Objects (i.e. users) generate or initiate some events in the program.
• Event driven programming fosters the dynamic interaction between users and
• User interact with the controls on form, as per the actions taken by user some
of code is executed in order to response those actions.
• -User actions cause's events such as Click Event, Load Event, Double-Click
Event, Key Press Even, Mouse Move Event and many more.
Q6List Mouse Events
1. MouseDown: It occurs when a mouse button is pressed.
2. MouseEnter: It occurs when the mouse pointer enters the control.
3. MouseHover: It occurs when the mouse pointer hovers over the control.
4. MouseLeave: It occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control.
5. MouseMove: It occurs when the mouse pointer moves over the control.
6. MouseUp: It occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and the
mouse button is released.
• It has the following properties:
1. Buttons: Indicates the mouse button pressed.
2. Clicks: Indicates the number of clicks.
3. Delta: Indicates the number of detents the mouse wheel rotated.
4. X: Indicates the x-coordinate of mouse click.
5. Y: Indicates the y-coordinate of mouse click

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