(Doc - II.C.6.23) - ANAIS 23
(Doc - II.C.6.23) - ANAIS 23
(Doc - II.C.6.23) - ANAIS 23
Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the levels of Results: The sample was closed with 10 pregnant adolescents.
depression and interdependence in caregivers of patients with Three categories emerged from the analysis: (1) emotional mean-
chronic heart failure and to examine the relationship of the patient’s ings of the non-use the access to health service as a listening space:
depression level with caregiver depression and co-dependence scores. affective obstacles and social shame; (2) the relationship of com-
Methods: The sample of the research, which is descriptive and plicity with the maternal figure in “competition” with a possible
relationship seeking, consists of 219 volunteer patients with chronic broad psychological relationship with the clinical team; (3) recur-
heart failure and caregivers who meet the research criteria. The data rence of teenage pregnancy in the family as a possible obstacle.
were collected using Personal Information Form, Beck Depression Conclusions: The finding so far that the adolescent’s personal
Scale and Co-Dependency Assessment Tool, and were evaluated with reference is reported as the mother figure is also accentuated
descriptive statistical analyzes, Kolmogorow-Smirnov, student-t, one- because the affective relationship with the doctor figure is more
way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and Mann Whitney U Test. fragile. The bond of adolescents is established with the health
Results: The average age of caregivers was 47.36 12.46 and 60.3% institution and not with the reference health team.
were women. The average age of the patients is 60.70 16.30 and There is a mismatch between the psychic maturation, still evolving,
57.1% are male. Depression was found in 85.8% of patients accord- to the adult identity and the demands of social roles of the pregnant
ing to the Beck depression scale score. The presence of depression in teenager already demanded as an adult. The teenager captures it,
the patient and the total depression score of the caregiver (p <0.001), and the medical consultation becomes an act that occurs by inertial
total co-dependency score (p <0.001), self-value (p = 0.001), medical force. There is a perception of access to the health service and not
problem (p <0.001) and self neglect (p = 0.005) subscale scores were access to the doctor as someone qualified for the adolescent to talk
higher than those who did not have depression. Co-dependence and about relevant personal matters.
depression scores are related in caregivers (r=0.367).
Disclosure of Interest: None Declared
Conclusions: There was a positive and significant correlation
between the depression levels of the patients and caregivers and the
codependence levels of the caregivers, and according to the presence of
depression, the mean scores of co-dependence in the caregiver differ. EPP0816
Disclosure of Interest: None Declared Are We Adequately Assessing Delirium? An Analysis
Of Liaison Psychiatry Referrals
EPP0815 E. Tripp*, M. Aremu Falade, M. Alves, M. Davies, J. H. Tan and
L. Premalatha
Psychological meanings of access to guidance on family
Croydon Liaison Psychiatry, Croydon University Hospital, London,
relationships in prenatal consultations of a public United Kingdom
primary health care service in the context of the *Corresponding author.
COVID-19 pandemic: a clinical-qualitative study on doi:
reports of pregnant adolescents in Brazil
*Corresponding author. hospitalised patients, particularly in those over the age of sixty five
doi: (NICE. Delirium: prevention, diagnosis and management. 2010).
Objectives: Our aim is to identify which investigations and cogni-
Introduction: In prenatal clinical consultations, what do adoles- tive assessments are completed prior to a referral to the liaison
cents talk about, in addition to physical and affective conditions and psychiatry services in patients with symptoms of delirium.
acquiring information about the general state of the evolution of Methods: Referrals (N = 6012) to the liaison psychiatry team at
pregnancy? The symbolic psychological elements that emerge dur- Croydon University Hospital made between April and September
ing consultations are important for the handling of family guide-