Ncm107-Prelims (Lec)
Ncm107-Prelims (Lec)
Ncm107-Prelims (Lec)
▪ Use of nursing process, nursing theory, and Quality & Safety Education for
Nurses (QSEN)
NCM107 PRELIMS Lecture Notes
*Maternal and child health care have both legal and ethical considerations and
responsibilities over and above those in other areas of practice because of the role
of 98 the fetus and child
A. Family Structures
Family: a householder and one or more other people living in the same
household who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption
two or more people who live in the same household, share a common
emotional bond, and perform certain interrelated social tasks (Allender,
– Family of Orientation: born into
– Family of Procreation: established
Childfree or Childless
Extended (multigenerational)
B. Family Functions and Roles
Wage earner, financial manager, problem solver, decision maker, nurturer,
health manager, environmentalist, culture bearer, gatekeeper
C. Family Tasks
Physical maintenance
Socialization of family members
Allocation of resources
Maintenance of order
Division of labor
Reproduction, recruitment, and release of family members
Placement of members into the larger society
maintenance of motivation and morale
wa nako kasabot
D. Sexual Health
Sexuality is a multidimensional phenomenon that includes feelings, attitudes, and
actions. It has both biologic and cultural diversity components. It encompasses and
gives direction to a person’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual responses
throughout life. Sexuality has always been a part of human life, but only in the past
few decades has it been studied scientifically. One common finding of researchers
has been that feelings and attitudes about sex vary widely across cultures and
individuals. Although the sexual experience is unique to each individual, sexual
physiology (how the body responds to sexual arousal) has common features
Human Sexuality
Major Components: biological sex, sexual orientation, sexual attitude,
values, sexual preference/gender ???
Sexual Response Cycle
*Republic Act 10354 or the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law of
2012 (RH Law) is a national policy that mandates the Philippine government to
comprehensively address the needs of Filipino citizens when it comes to responsible
parenthood and reproductive health
*Families exist within communities; assessment of the community and the family’s
place in the community yields important information on family functioning and
*A family is a group of people who share a common emotional bond and perform
certain interrelated social tasks
*Because families work as a unit, the unmet needs of any member can spread to
become the unmet needs of all family members
*Common types of families include nuclear, extended, single-parent, blended,
cohabitation, LGBT, foster, and adopted families
NCM107 PRELIMS Lecture Notes
I. Reproductive Development
Gonad: body organ that produces cells necessary for reproduction
Female: ovaries → oocytes (cells that become eggs)
Male: testicles/testes → spermatocytes (cells that become sperm)
Muscular development, physical growth, increase in sebaceous gland
secretions that cause acne
Adrenal cortex and (male) testes or (female) ovaries
Triggered at puberty by FSH
Development of uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, breast, typical fat
distribution, hair patterns
*adrenarche: onset of adrenal androgen production
*thelarche: development of breasts (usually 1-2 years after menstruation)
*pubarche: development of pubic hair
*menarche: first menstruation
*precocious puberty: early puberty
– Uterus: isthmus – short segment between body and cervix usually cut
during cesarean
– Vagina
– Breasts
Purpose is to bring an ovum to maturity and renew uterine tissue bed
Average length: 28 days; normal range 23-35 days
Average menstrual flow (menses): 4-6 days; normal range 2-9 days
NCM107 PRELIMS Lecture Notes