Geography - Form 4 Pre Mock-1
Geography - Form 4 Pre Mock-1
Geography - Form 4 Pre Mock-1
SECTION A (16 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
a) For each of the item (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and
write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet or booklets (s) provided.
i. The land use management process which is used to change unproductive area to be
productive is termed as;
a) Settlement d) Transhumance
b) Afforestation e) Crop rotation
c) Land reclamation
iii. State the temperature of on upland with 2500m if it is 25°C at the sea level.
a) 20°C d) 10°C
b) 12°C e) 15°C
c) 18°C
iv. As a geography expert chosen to clarify the structure of the earth based on the
existing layer found between15-48 KM above sea level, what layer will you
explain about?
a) Atmosphere.
b) Stratosphere.
c) Bar sphere.
d) Core.
e) Troposphere.
v. The map study involves the study of essentials of map where direction is
among them, what will be the cardinal points.
a) East, South, South South east, North
c) North, South, east, west
e) South, east, NNE, SW
vi. The forces for the landforms involve both the Internal forces and External forces, what
is the common terminology used to determine the internal forces?
a) Diastrophisms
b) Radial movements
c) Endogenic
d) Epeirogenic
e) Tectonic forces
vii. Farmers at Duma Village invited farm extension officer to give them knowledge on
the kind of good soil for growing maize plant. One of the knowledge he provided was
about rocks permeability. Assume you are the one invited, what would you tell the
farmers about permeability of rock?
a) The ability of the rock to hold water.
b) The ability of the rock to allow water to pass through.
c) The rate at which water enter the rock.
d) The ability of the rock to allow water to enter within it.
e) The ability of rock to resist on the tectonic force.
(viii) Which of the following is not a feature produced in the old stage of the river?
a) Delta. e) Ox-bow lake
b) Meanders.
c) Levees.
d) Rapids
(ix). Many researchers in the world have a tendency of using existing statistics of
something or data to determine the level of worth. Which of research is this?
a) Applied research.
b) Basic research.
c) Analytical research.
d) Evaluative research.
e) Fundamental research.
(x) Mr. Yassin was making a geographical survey in different parts of Tanzania
landforms; He was very much interested in a large-lying area of land that was surrounded
by higher grounds. Choose the landform which Mr. Yassin was interested in.
a) Mountain.
b) Basin.
c) Valley.
d) Hill.
e) Plain.
b) Match the description Forces for the Land formation in LIST A with their landforms
concept in LIST B by writing a letter of the corresponding response beside the item
number in the answer booklets provided.
i. A state where an area experience Earth’s vibration. A. Endogenic.
ii. The Forces that operates within (inside) the earth’s crust. B. Exfoliation.
iii. Formed when a piece of the crustal rocks is subjected to C. Fold mountains.
compressional forces.
D. Granular disintegration
iv. The Fold is formed when one limb is pushed over another.
E. Dyke
v. It is a wall-like feature formed when a mass of magma
F. Earth quakes
cuts across the bedding planes of the rock.
G. Mass wasting
vi. Occurs when there is expansion of rocks during the day
H. Over thrust Fold
and contraction of rocks during the night to repeat
temperature changes.
SECTION B (54 marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
3. Careful study the map Extract of Mbeya (sheet 244/4) and answer the questions that
(a) Convert a scale of a map to Kilometers as a statement.
(b) Explain two Landforms found on the Map given.
(c) Calculate the length of a road from grid reference number 420130 to grid reference
number 500153.
(d) Calculate the area of Mbeya Forest reserve in Kilometers.
(e) State the bearing direction of Iganzo Grid reference number 513193 from Ivumwe
Grid reference number 535133.
4. Most of the Researchers prefer to make a direct contact to the area concern.
a) Which method is used to collect data by the researchers as their common method?
b) Outline the two kinds or parts of the named method.
c) Mention three advantages and three disadvantages out of these, select two and
explain briefly how it is an advantageous or disadvantageous.
5. Surveying involves different methods depending on the nature of an area. It also involves
errors during and after survey.
a) Mention common methods used in land survey.
b) What are the causes of errors during chain survey?
c) What do you mean by the term obstacle in survey?
d) What are the suggested methods or techniques which can be used to overcome
during survey?
SECTION C (30 Marks)
Answer two questions in this section
9. ‘’Population distribution is always un-even distributed “What do you think could be the
physical or natural reasons behind? Give six reasons.
10. “To most of us to make a tour is wastage of time “As an appointed expert create awareness
to the people with six points.
a) Why are the most deserts found in the western part of the Continents in the world and
as well in African Continents?
b) State the mechanisms adopted by vegetation to adapt to the desert condition (Five