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Moving Averages and Smoothing Methods

TABLE P-13 Southdown Revenues, 1986–1999


Year 1 2 3 4

1986 77.4 88.8 92.1 79.8

1987 77.5 89.1 92.4 80.1
1988 74.7 185.2 162.4 178.1
1989 129.1 158.4 160.6 138.7
1990 127.2 149.8 151.7 132.9
1991 103.0 136.8 141.3 123.5
1992 107.3 136.1 138.6 123.7
1993 106.1 144.4 156.1 138.2
1994 111.8 149.8 158.5 141.8
1995 119.1 158.0 170.4 151.8
1996 127.4 178.2 189.3 169.5
1997 151.4 187.2 199.2 181.4
1998 224.9 317.7 341.4 300.7
1999 244.9 333.4 370.0 326.7

Source: The Value Line Investment Survey (New York: Value Line,
1990, 1993, 1996, 1999).

13. Southdown, Inc., the nation’s third largest cement producer, is pushing ahead
with a waste fuel burning program. The cost for Southdown will total about
$37 million. For this reason, it is extremely important for the company to have an
accurate forecast of revenues for the first quarter of 2000. The data are presented
in Table P-13.
a. Use exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of .4 and an initial value
of 77.4 to forecast the quarterly revenues for the first quarter of 2000.
b. Now use a smoothing constant of .6 and an initial value of 77.4 to forecast the
quarterly revenues for the first quarter of 2000.
c. Which smoothing constant provides the better forecast?
d. Refer to part c. Examine the residual autocorrelations. Are you happy with sim-
ple exponential smoothing for this example? Explain.
14. The Triton Energy Corporation explores for and produces oil and gas. Company
president Gail Freeman wants to have her company’s analyst forecast the com-
pany’s sales per share for 2000. This will be an important forecast, since Triton’s
restructuring plans have hit a snag. The data are presented in Table P-14.
Determine the best forecasting method and forecast sales per share for 2000.
15. The Consolidated Edison Company sells electricity (82% of revenues), gas (13%),
and steam (5%) in New York City and Westchester County. Bart Thomas, company
forecaster, is assigned the task of forecasting the company’s quarterly revenues for
the rest of 2002 and all of 2003. He collects the data shown in Table P-15.
Determine the best forecasting technique and forecast quarterly revenue for
the rest of 2002 and all of 2003.
16. A job-shop manufacturer that specializes in replacement parts has no forecasting
system in place and manufactures products based on last month’s sales. Twenty-
four months of sales data are available and are given in Table P-16.

Moving Averages and Smoothing Methods

TABLE P-14 Triton Sales per Share, 1974–1999

Year Sales per Share Year Sales per Share

1974 .93 1987 5.33

1975 1.35 1988 8.12
1976 1.48 1989 10.65
1977 2.36 1990 12.06
1978 2.45 1991 11.63
1979 2.52 1992 6.58
1980 2.81 1993 2.96
1981 3.82 1994 1.58
1982 5.54 1995 2.99
1983 7.16 1996 3.69
1984 1.93 1997 3.98
1985 5.17 1998 4.39
1986 7.72 1999 6.85

Source: The Value Line Investment Survey (New York: Value Line,
1990, 1993, 1996, 1999)

TABLE P-15 Quarterly Revenues for Consolidated Edison

($ millions), 1985–June 2002

Year Mar. 31 Jun. 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31

1985 1,441 1,209 1,526 1,321

1986 1,414 1,187 1,411 1,185
1987 1,284 1,125 1,493 1,192
1988 1,327 1,102 1,469 1,213
1989 1,387 1,218 1,575 1,371
1990 1,494 1,263 1,613 1,369
1991 1,479 1,330 1,720 1,344
1992 1,456 1,280 1,717 1,480
1993 1,586 1,396 1,800 1,483
1994 1,697 1,392 1,822 1,461
1995 1,669 1,460 1,880 1,528
1996 1,867 1,540 1,920 1,632
1997 1,886 1,504 2,011 1,720
1998 1,853 1,561 2,062 1,617
1999 1,777 1,479 2,346 1,889
2000 2,318 2,042 2,821 2,250
2001 2,886 2,112 2,693 1,943
2002 2,099 1,900 — —

Source: The Value Line Investment Survey (New York: Value Line, 1990, 1993,
1996, 1999, 2001).

a. Plot the sales data as a time series. Are the data seasonal?
Hint: For monthly data, the seasonal period is s = 12. Is there a pattern (e.g.,
summer sales relatively low, fall sales relatively high) that tends to repeat
itself every 12 months?

Moving Averages and Smoothing Methods


Month Sales Month Sales

January 2005 430 January 2006 442

February 420 February 449
March 436 March 458
April 452 April 472
May 477 May 463
June 420 June 431
July 398 July 400
August 501 August 487
September 514 September 503
October 532 October 503
November 512 November 548
December 410 December 432

b. Use a naive model to generate monthly sales forecasts (e.g., the February
2005 forecast is given by the January 2005 value, and so forth). Compute the
c. Use simple exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of .5 and an initial
smoothed value of 430 to generate sales forecasts for each month. Compute the
d. Do you think either of the models in parts b and c is likely to generate accurate
forecasts for future monthly sales? Explain.
e. Use Minitab and Winters’ multiplicative smoothing method with smoothing con-
stants a = b = g = .5 to generate a forecast for January 2007. Save the residuals.
f. Refer to part e. Compare the MAPE for Winters’ method from the computer
printout with the MAPEs in parts b and c. Which of the three forecasting proce-
dures do you prefer?
g. Refer to part e. Compute the autocorrelations (for six lags) for the residuals
from Winters’ multiplicative procedure. Do the residual autocorrelations sug-
gest that Winters’ procedure works well for these data? Explain.
17. Consider the gasoline purchases for the Spokane Transit Authority given in Table
2. In Example 3, a five-week moving average is used to smooth the data and gener-
ate forecasts.
a. Use Minitab to smooth the Spokane Transit Authority data using a four-week
moving average. Which moving average length, four weeks or five weeks,
appears to represent the data better? Explain.
b. Use Minitab to smooth the Spokane Transit Authority data using simple expo-
nential smoothing. Compare your results with those in part a. Which procedure,
four-week moving average or simple exponential smoothing, do you prefer for
these data? Explain.
18. Table P-18 contains the number of severe earthquakes (those with a Richter scale
magnitude of 7 and above) per year for the years 1900–1999.
a. Use Minitab to smooth the earthquake data with moving averages of orders
k = 5, 10, and 15. Describe the nature of the smoothing as the order of the mov-
ing average increases. Do you think there might be a cycle in these data? If so,
provide an estimate of the length (in years) of the cycle.


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