depends on three factors: the capital will create difficulty in managing other important
resource, The physical resource and the thrust areas. HR outsourcing (also known as
human resource” -(Peter.F.Ducker) HRO) is the process of sub-contracting human
The role of HR is going through the resources functions to an external supplier.
Transition phase and has changed itself from
typical Traditional nonproductive area of operations
to contributing and value adding core area towards HR Outsourcing is a process in which the
strategic Business Goals. HR outsourcing can be human resource activities of an organization are
mainly classified into two categories. Transaction outsourced so as to focus on the organization`s
and administration outsourcing services and core competencies. Often HR functions are
consultancy outsourcing services. HR transaction complex and time consuming that it will create
outsourcing services include monthly requirements difficulty in managing other important thrust areas.
such as, payroll processing. HR consultancy By HR outsourcing, this problem can be avoided
services are some of the other services that can be which will enhance effectiveness by focusing on
outsourced to India. Though organizations what the organization is best at. It will also improve
outsource transaction management and HR the flexibility of the organization to the rapidly
consultancy services to India, many organizations changing business needs. Usually businesses that
still take care of strategic and policy functions within outsource HR are typically small to midsize firms
their organization. with number of employees ranging from 25 to
HR Outsourcing is a process in which the 1500.
human resource activities of an organization are
outsourced so as to focus on the
organization`s core competencies. Often HR
demand for reduced costs for HR services.
Reduced cost
Increased efficiency
Access to improved HR IT systems
Improved management information (including human capital metrics)
Access to HR expertise not available internally
Increased flexibility and speed of response
Philosophical reasons (for example the organisation is outsourcing a number of its support
functions, of which HR is just one part)
Reduced risk
To free HR resources to operate more strategically.
1.2 What Hr Functions Can Be Outsourced?
If a company chooses to partially outsource HR, the company shares responsibilities with
the vendor, sharing information and control over the functions. If the company decides to
completely outsource, the vendor takes on all HR responsibilities. The owner or HR manager
in the original company takes on a new role, liaison with the vendor, focusing only on HR in
order to manage the vendor-company relationship. Whether partially or completely
outsourcing, companies frequently outsource the following HR functions:
Background Screening
Payroll Services
Risk Management
Temporary Staffing
Employee Assistance/Counseling
Health Care Benefits
Retirement Planning
Performance Management
Drug Screening
HR Outsourcing – Need
Many factors will contribute to any organization’s decision to outsource its HR functions.
vi. Ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory and best practice requirements, and
3. Total HR Outsourcing
Type # 1. Application Service Provider:
large organisations, including application vendors like PeopleSoft, Oracle, etc. which have
developed application packages (PeopleSoft HRMS, Oracle HRMS), for supporting human
They install, customise and provide support for running these applications. The major
disadvantage with ASP is the costs associated with application software. Secondly, the
The major difference between BPO and ASP is that in BPO, the client is in direct contact
with the employees through call centres or support centres. MNCs generally opt for BPO as
they operate in many countries and employ a large number of people. While certain firms
wish to retain the power to control human resources, others hand over the power to the
service providers.
Type # 3. Total HR Outsourcing:
In this type of outsourcing, the entire HR function is run by the service provider. There is no
specific HR department in the organisation. The client organisation only has senior HR
professionals who are also HR- strategists. A host of non-strategic functions and employee
Accordingly, the following processes can be adopted for outsourcing a few of the HR
Recruitment and selection are the human resource services through which knowledge
carriers from outside are brought into a company. External market gets its supply of human
resources or knowledge carriers mainly from three sources, viz., the households, academic
institutes, and industries. All those people who look for jobs are available in different types of
markets. Prospective employees search for jobs using varieties of means and media.
2. Developmental Services:
market developed knowledge. Since there are many other organizations who are
organization can enhance the capability of its employees by giving them exposure to those
practices of other companies. Further, there are economy of scale in acquisition and
And, some organizations, e.g., academic institutes, professional manpower training institutes
3. Performance Management:
Performance information or data at total organization and at group or department level are
mostly explicit knowledge intensive and their measurements are less controversial though
there can be a few areas which are tacit and personalized knowledge intensive.
Compensation is an important part of the human resource services which ensures supply of
adequately skilled manpower to the company and to its various positions. Unless the
compensation for various positions are adequate to remunerate the qualification and
experience that is required for the job, it may fail to attract the right people for those positions
Rewards and incentives are used to encourage employees to go beyond their call of duty. A
good reward system not only attracts the right kind of employees into the organization but
also encourages them to work in such a way that organizational capabilities are maintained.
A reward that is well linked with the achievement of objective outcome is a powerful
motivating force for employees to work hard and show the desired behaviour.
Consultancy is a fast growing service business in many countries including India. There are
a number of reasons why this business has been growing so fast. Firstly, many big multi-
required and the manpower available both in terms of number and quality in different
departments. This happens because organizational processes have inertia and are often
Apart from outsourcing of selective parts of human resource management services, another
another Company B to manage its entire department or division. Company B will bring its
own employees in Company A premise and supervise them while they are working there.
1. Risk reduction and transfer (employment legislation is becoming ever more complex and
7. Remove pressure to recruit, manage and motivate a diverse in- house HR team
11. Reduce costs to superior provider performance and provider’s lower cost structure
12. Gain market access and business opportunities through the provider’s network
14. Expand sales and production capacity during periods when revenue expansion could not
be financed
15. Accelerate expansion by tapping into the provider’s developed capacity, processes and
17. Reduce investment in assets and fee up these resource for other purposes
23. Obtain expertise, skills, technologies that would not otherwise be available
24. Enhance effectiveness by focusing on what you do best transform the organization
25. Increase product and services value, customer satisfaction and share-holders value
26. Increase flexibility to meet changing business condition, demand for product and
— witness the state of Florida’s recent $280 million, seven-year deal to outsource its human-
resources functions to a company that will take over such tasks as benefits and payroll