Midterm Test of Translation 2017 A

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Ais’s Class of Translation


1. In common communication, there are three terms of transferring message of one
language to another language that are used improperly resulting an confusion of
translation concept. Those terms are translation, interpretation, and transformation.
Explain each of them in details!

2. Different experts in translation propose different definitions. The definitions reflect the
experts’ points of view on the nature of translation. To acquire translation skill, one must
know at least………………….languages which are used in the process of transferring the
message from ………………….. into …………………….

3. A good translation does not like translation. It flows naturally as if it is originally written
in the target language. The grammar and vocabulary used in the translation are
………….. and …………………….

4. The most important thing to be remembered by the translator is the meaning. Meaning
should be given priority since the main purpose of translation is to convey the content of
………………… in the SL into the TL.

5. There are three important elements in translation. They are replacement or reproduction,
equivalence, and text or written message. What does the equivalence mean?

6. The most significant matter of correct translation is about the consistence or closest
natural equivalence of the message transferred from SL into TL. What does the natural
equivalence of the message mean?

7. A good translation should be a dynamic translation. Dynamic translation should consist

of five elements. Mention the five elements, please!

8. Translation procedures are used as a technical guide in translating phrase to phrase or

sentence to sentence. They are (1) structural procedure, (2) semantic procedure, (3)
technical procedure, and (4) organizational procedure. Explain each of them clearly!

9. There are two major strategies in translation. They are product-related strategies and
process-related strategies. Explain each of them in details!

10. Newmark (1988) mentions eight methods of translation. They are (1) word-for-word
translation, (2) literal translation, (3) faithful translation, (4) semantic translation, (5)
adaptation, (6) free translation, (7) idiomatic translation, and (8) communicative
translation. Explain each of them clearly!

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