Inspection Report Activity

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Inspection Report

To: Helen Zwicki, Project Manager

From: [Your Name], Team Lead
Date: [Insert Date]
Subject: Inspection Report for Containers 41 to 60

This report outlines the inspection results for containers 41 through 60, prepared for shipment to Disney
World in Bay Lake, Florida. Each container's contents were verified for completeness and readiness for

Inspection Results:

 Containers 41-47: Contents are complete and ready for shipping.

 Container 48: Missing seven bolts (size CMC-9-03). Recommend verifying with the fabrication
floor and replenishing before shipment.
 Containers 49-54: Contents are complete and ready for shipping.
 Container 55: Missing a specialized spanner (Husky Brand #17-34-SP3). It is likely on the
fabrication floor. Recommend retrieving the tool and placing it in the container before sealing.
 Containers 56-60: Contents are complete and ready for shipping.


1. Retrieve the missing bolts (CMC-9-03) for Container 48.

2. Confirm the location of the specialized spanner (Husky Brand #17-34-SP3) and ensure it is
included in Container 55.

Next Steps:
Please address the noted discrepancies and confirm when the missing items have been resolved. I will
proceed with the inspection of the next set of containers once the adjustments are completed.

[Your Name]
Team Lead, Canada Motion Cinema
Inspection Report
Fecha: 20 de noviembre de 2024
Hora: 10:00 AM
Lugar: Sitio de Construcción, Proyecto ABC
Inspector: Juan Pérez
Elementos inspeccionados:
1. Equipo de protección personal (EPP)

 Cascos en buen estado.

 Chalecos reflectantes disponibles para todos.
 Arnés de seguridad faltante en el segundo piso.
2. Señalización de seguridad

 Señales de advertencia visibles.

 Línea de vida no instalada en la zona de trabajo en altura.
3. Condiciones del sitio

 Área de almacenamiento obstruida.

 Caminos de acceso despejados.

Observaciones adicionales:
 El arnés de seguridad debe reponerse antes del 25 de noviembre.
 Las líneas de vida deben instalarse antes de iniciar actividades en altura.

Firma del inspector: Juan Pérez

Ejemplo de Incident Report (Informe de Incidente):

Incident Report
Fecha: 19 de noviembre de 2024
Hora: 3:45 PM
Lugar: Planta de Producción, Línea 2
Reportado por: Ana Gómez

Descripción del incidente:

Un trabajador, Carlos Rodríguez, resbaló en el área de la línea de producción debido a un derrame de
aceite no identificado. Como resultado, sufrió una torcedura en el tobillo izquierdo.

Personas involucradas:
1. Carlos Rodríguez (afectado).
2. Ana Gómez (testigo).

Acciones inmediatas tomadas:

1. Carlos fue trasladado a la enfermería para recibir atención médica.
2. El derrame fue limpiado inmediatamente por el personal de limpieza.

Causas probables:
 Falta de limpieza inmediata en el área.
 No se colocó una señal de advertencia sobre el piso resbaloso.

1. Capacitar al personal sobre el protocolo para limpiar derrames.
2. Colocar señales de advertencia en áreas resbalosas inmediatamente.

Firma del supervisor: Ana Gómez

Sample Student Incident Report

Accident Report

United Water
103 Wilson Avenue
Manalapan Township NJ 07726

From: Jim Mastrokalos

To: All employees of United Water

Date: January 18, 2018

On January 17, 2018 at 7:05 a.m., the morning crew was doing their rounds when they heard a
noise coming out of the water treatment plant’s decommissioned outflow pipe. When they
arrived at the site, they discovered there was someone in the pipe and called 911. The county
police dispatcher notified the fire department, paramedics, and confined space rescue units.

Ken Genieczko, assistant fire chief and incident commander and his crew, along with the
confined space rescue unit used cameras to find the victim. They began by disassembling the 20-
inch overflow pipe one piece at a time until they found the victim 10-feet down at the bottom of
the pipe.

The victim, employee John Andrews, was alert and talking with the rescue crew. Genieczko
explained to Andrews how to put on the harness so they could pull him from the pipe.

He was extracted at 10:58 am and the paramedics took over and transported Andrews to Johnson
Medical Center in New Brunswick. At this time Andrews is stable but has suffered a head injury.

Rich Henning will be reviewing the security cameras to get the facts on this incident.

My concerns and recommendations for the staff here at United Water are

1. Why was there not a lock on holding tank lid?

2. Why was Andrews in the pipe in the first place?
3. All staff will participate in a mandatory safety training session.
4. Evaluations of this incident will be discussed at a staff meeting after all surveillance
videos have been reviewed.

Thank you all for your continued hard work. Please put your and your co-workers’ safety first.



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