DSP Algorithms and Architecture
DSP Algorithms and Architecture
DSP Algorithms and Architecture
1) (a) Introduction to the Digital Signal Processing Kit (DSK) and the
Code Composer Studio (CCS).
(b) Sine Wave Generation Using Eight points with DIP Switch
(c) Generation of sinusoid and Plotting with CCS (sine8_buf).
2) (a) Basic Input and Output Using Polling (loop_poll).
(b) Basic Input and Output Using Interrupts (loop_intr).
(c) Sine Wave Generation Using sin() Function, Reconstruction,
Aliasing, and the Properties of the AIC 23 Codec.
3) Plot the DFT of the sequence given in experiment #5.
4) Design an FIR filter for the specifications given in experiment # 7.
5) Design and IIR filter for the specifications given in experiment # 10.
Presentation Outline
Advantages of DSP,
Discrete-Fourier Transform:
Greater Accuracy
Ease of data storage
Implementation of sophisticated algorithms.
Flexibility in configuration
Applicability of VLF signals
Time Sharing
Bandwidth Limited by Sampling rate
Power Consumption
System Complexity
Applications of DSP
Telecommunication:- Echo cancellation in telephone network,
Telephone dialling applications, modems, line repeaters, channel
multiplexing, data encryption, video conferencing, cell phone and Fax.
Consumer Electronics:- Digital Audio/TV, Electronic music
synthesizer, educational toys, FM stereo control Digital Filter.
Instrumentation and control:- PLL, function generators servo control,
Robot control, process control.
Image processing:- Image compression, enhancement, Image analysis
and recognition.
Speech processing:- Speech analysis methods are used in automatic
speech recognition, speaker verification and speaker identification.
Medical Image Processing
Military: Reader Signal processing, sonar signal processing navigation,
secure communications.
Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT):
DTFT is used for converting a signal from time domain to frequency domain.
Magnitude and Phase of DFT
Magnitude Spectrum
Phase Spectrum
Q. Compute the 4 point DFT of signal
Q. Compute the 4 point DFT of signal
Second Method
For k=0, X(k)=undefined so put k=0 in (1)
Q. Compute N point DFT of the signal
Q. Compute 8 point DFT X(k) of Signal
Q. Compute 8 point DFT of following signal and also
sketch its magnitude and phase spectrum.
Fig.3 a) magnitude spectrum b) phase spectrum
Second Method
Q. Determine the N-point DFT of following sequence
of length L for N ≥ L
Q. Find N point DFT of following
Put n = 2m
Q. Determine N point DFT of the sequence
n = -1, 0, 1
Where k = 0, 1,… ,N – 1
Q. Compute N point IDFT of
Q. Find the 4 point inverse DFT of
Q. Compute 4 point DFT of following function.
Q. Obtain 4 point DFT of unit impulse signal
DFT as Linear Transformation (Matrix formulation)
k n=0 1 2 3
Using property of periodically
Other notation as
1) Periodicity
2) Linearity
3) Circular convolution
4) Time reversal
7) Complex conjugate
8) Parseval’s theorem
9) Symmetry property
1) Periodicity Property:
Second Method
Using IDFT
2) Linearity:-
DFT of
3) Circular convolution: The multiplication of 2 DFTs is equivalent to the
circular convolution of their sequences in time domain.
Where m,n,l are integers
We have not considered the second summation of (B) because this summation
in terms of l and now this term is absent in (c).
4) Time reversal of a sequence
If sequence is circular folded, its DFT is also circularly folded.
Second Method
Put m = N – n
[Limits of m; n = 0, m = N; n = N-1, m = 1
5) Circular time shift of a sequence
Shifting sequence in time domain by l samples is equivalent to multiplying
sequence in frequency domain by
Second Method
Proof IDFT
7) Complex Conjugate property
Circular correlation In general, for complex valued sequences
x(n) and y(n), if
Case I When x(n) is real, that is, then its N point DFT is
Exchange X by n
Use of DFT in linear filtering
In time domain
Here, N = 8
Q. The first 5 DFT points of real and even sequence x(n) of length 8
are given below. Determine remaining three points X(k) = {5,1,0,2,3}
Put m = 1 in (1)
= 1 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 10
b) Graphical Method
C) Matrix Method
Q. Find the circular convolution of following two sequences
m = 0, 1, 2…. N – 1
Q. Find circular convolution of following two sequences
Sol. 1st step is padding with zeroes to make length of both sequences same
Q. Find linear convolution using circular convolution
Linear convolution
Linear Convolution
Circular convolution
Q. Find circular convolution.
Q. Find circular convolution using linear convolution.
Linear Filtering of Long Data Sequences
When sequences of data are exceptionally very large and operation of linear
filter to be done, large memory is required to store sequence. Thus, input
sequence must be segmented to fixed size blocks prior to processing. Since
filtering is linear blocks can be processed one at a time and then output blocks
are fitted to form the overall output signal sequence.
Divide given input sequence into sub-sequences of length L. y(n) length will be
Linear convolution using circular convolution
a) Divide given input sequence into subsequences of length L.
b) Add M-1 zeroes so that data sequence of length L+M-1 is formed. Each input
section overlaps the preceding section by M-1 samples. To begin the
processing the first M -1 samples of the first section are set to zero.
c) The h(n) in length is increased by padding L-1 zeroes so length become
In this method we are saving previous bits. Let h = 3
Q. Solve using overlap save method
Sol. Here M = 3, Divide x(n) into segments of equal length L ≥ M and then
append M - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2 zeroes
Output Signal
discard M – 1 bit.
Verification: linear convolution of given seq.
Ques. Find the linear convolution of
Output signal
Fig.: Linear Filtering by overlap save map M = 3
Length of y(n) in linear filtering will be L+M+1 so pad M-1 zeros in x(n) and pad
L-1 zeros in h(n)
Length of h(n) = 3, pad M – 1 = zeroes let L = 6 so pad M-1 zeros in x(n)
Ques. Compute linear convolution of
Let L=6 so pad M-1=2 zeros in x(n) and pad L-1 =5 zeros in h(n)
1) Calculate linear and circular convolution of
x(n) = {1 2 3 4} and h(n) = {1 2 1 1}.
6) The first five points of 8 point DFT are (1, 1+j, -j, 2-j, j)
find remaining points.